#Team Harmony {Sibling Interaction}
zuko-always-lies · 7 days
Suyin Beifong is such a weird character narratively
In many ways, she's the weirdest character in ATLA or LoK in her place in the story, considering her actions and beliefs. Let's just walk through everything.
Suyin got herself involved in criminal activities and street gangs as a kid and helped rob stuff. Then she scarred Lin when Lin tried to arrest her for that. And the fallout from that is implied to have led to Toph retiring.
After that, Suyin was sent to live with her (extremely wealthy) grandparents. After a while, she left them and began traveling the world and trying out various things, including being part of a traveling circus, living in a sandbender commune, and joining the crew of a pirate ship. Note that pirates rob and kill people. Note also that Suyin seems to have felt just about zero remorse for any of the above, and expected and demanded that Lin forgive her for everything without getting an apology.
Eventually, Suyin had had enough of all the traveling and robbing and killing and circus performing, so she used her vast, vast family wealth and bought a plot of land to build her own city on.
Zaofu seems to be essentially a Beifong family dictatorship defined by Suyin's ideological beliefs. As far as I can tell, the guiding principles of the city are "progress," "modernity," harmony, order, and control. After all, as Suyin says "Thanks to Aiwei, there are no secrets in our city," and she evidentially likes that a lot. The degree to which Suyin values absolute control over her city can also be seen in how incredibly outraged she gets when Kuvira, Baatar Jr., and some other citizens decide to leave on their own initiative. Her anger at Aiwei's betrayal ("I want you to hunt down Aiwei and bring him back to me") also fits the same pattern. Interestingly, Kuvira always claims to have gotten 90% of her fascist ideology from Suyin and Zaofu, and I actually think she was telling the truth, that Zaofu was a city organized on proto-fascist principles and Kuvira merely applied its principles to the wider Earth Kingdom.
Now perhaps we should turn to Suyin's relationship with Kuvira, which always seems very odd to me. Suyin took Kuvira in when Kuvira was a young child and trained her and claims "Kuvira was like a daughter to me." Yet Suyin never seems to really treat Kuvira like a daughter when the two interact on screen, nor do Suyin's children seem to see Kuvira as a sister. Notably, when Suyin introduces her family to Korra, she doesn't include Kuvira, nor is Kuvira invited to the dinners with Team Avatar. It's all very weird.
Anyways, Korra first arrives at Zaofu, Suyin seems to expect her, the Avatar, to stay in Zaofu relatively permanently to personally tutor Opal in airbending. The idea that Korra has other important responsibilities which don't involve personally serving Suyin's interests doesn't seem to cross Suyin's mind. We also find that Suyin is sheltering Varrick and Zhu Li, awful, highly amoral criminals, from justice since they're useful. On the plus side, Suyin is willing to personally teach Korra and even Bolin metalbending. She even eventually offers an apology to Lin for her behavior when younger, an something which helps reconciles the siblings. Suyin even allows Opal to leave for the Northern Air Temple.
Then the Red Lotus attacks, Suyin helps drive them off, etc. Everyone realizes that the Red Lotus had inside help, Suyin uses Aiwei the lie detector to search for the traitor, it turns out Aiwei was the traitor, he flees, Suyin is suitably outraged, and so on. Then we get to something "interesting": Korra wants Team Avatar to go after Aiwei, Lin (correctly) points out that this is way too dangerous, and then Suyin lies to and deceives Lin to make her think Suyin agrees with her and go bed, before personally sending Team Avatar after Aiwei anyways, something which goes very poorly. Suyin and Lin have barely reconciled, and practically first thing Suyin does is lie to and manipulate her sister. And yeah, Lin is pretty pissed that Suyin "stabbed her in the back" next time they talk, but essentially the entire thing blows over with zero consequences for Suyin.
The next thing that Suyin really does in the narrative is lead Zaofu's security forces to help Korra, Team Avatar, Lin, and Tonraq take on the Red Lotus and rescue the airbenders. This is objectively a good thing, but it's also interesting, considering what we later learn about Suyin's isolationist beliefs. However, it's worth pointing out that Suyin had several personal motives for her actions here: Her daughter Opal is one of the airbending hostages, Lin her sister is evidentially going to be involved, and the Red Lotus had the temerity to attack Zaofu and Suyin is probably pretty pissed about that. Without these "ulterior" motives, I doubt Suyin would have been willing to get involved. Then Suyin helps everyone else defeat the Red Lotus, but doesn't really do anything too interesting as part of that. Cut to Book 4.
What Suyin mostly does through Book 4 is oppose Kuvira, but we still get some interesting material as part of that. We learn that Suyin was asked to help stabilize the Earth Kingdom between books, but she refused. Considering how the children she raised ended up handling things, it's very likely that Suyin would have ended up becoming a (bigger) fascist dictator, so Suyin's refusal is also probably a good thing, even though refusing to provide aid to a country in anarchy probably isn't the best thing.
Kuvira and Baatar Jr. disagree about this, and they leave for Ba Sing Se with "Varrick, my security force, and a few of Zaofu's wealthiest citizens." Suyin is so outraged she responds by declaring them (or at least Kuvira) exiles, forever banished from Zaofu. We also see the start of a couple tendencies which will reoccur in the season. These are Suyin blaming Kuvira for Baatar Jr.'s bad actions and Zaofu's citizens being pretty OK with Kuvira and her actions, while only the Beifong family hates her.
Next time we see Suyin, it's at Prince Wu's "coronation." Normally Suyin would absolutely despise a royal idiot like Wu, but she hates Kuvira so much that she's willing to join the other world leaders in imposing him on the Earth Kingdom (as a useful lackey?). After that doesn't work out, Suyin tries to convince Kuvira to step down, something which goes poorly.
A couple episodes later, Kuvira shows up with an army and demands Suyin surrender Zaofu, something that Suyin understandably is pissed about. Mutual recriminations result, Suyin again blames Kuvira for all the actions of her fascist dictator son, and so on. Korra tries to continue negotiations, but Suyin has already left to try to assassinate Kuvira in her sleep. That's maybe a reasonable reaction to what Kuvira is doing, but it's an odd way to treat someone who is "like a daughter" to you. There's also evidence that Suyin doesn't really get that people are legitimately loyal to Kuvira and legitimately believe in her ideology, or that Baatar Jr. agrees with Kuvira, is equally complicit in her policies, and would continue leading the Earth Empire in its conquests if she died. Anyways, Suyin's attempt fails, she ends up captured, and ultimately she's forced to watch Zaofu's citizenry bow to Kuvira and cheer her. Although there was still coercion involved, the fact that only the Beifong family refused to bow is still evidence that the "Metal Clan's" general population has a reasonably positive view of Kuvira and her ideology and the only reason the Beifongs don't is because they have a personal vendetta against her. After all, Kuvira's ideology derives from Zaofu.
After that, Suyin doesn't do too much, narratively. She escapes with her family from Kuvira and Baatar Jr.'s prison for them and she opposes Kuvira's attempt to conquer Republic City. Again, that's objectively a good thing, but Suyin opposing it also makes perfect sense given the depth of her vendetta against Kuvira. The only interesting thing is that Suyin instantly forgives her fascist dictator son and doesn't hold him the least bit accountable for his actions, while continuing to hate Kuvira after she apologizes. Again, more evidence that Suyin does not, in fact, view Kuvira as a part of the family.
Overall, Suyin is narratively very weird. Based on all that I've discussed above, it's clear that she's very much not a good person, nor is she particularly likeable. She basically runs a mini-fascist dictatorship, after all. Yet Suyin not only gets a massive amount of narrative attention (it seems like some of the writers really liked the idea of her and her family), but is always an ally of the protagonists and is never held truly accountable for her actions. Considering who she is as a person and her backstory, having her be an antagonist or villain would in many ways make more sense, but that's not the route they went.
TLoK was really into giving its antagonists half-assed redemption/quasi-redemption arcs (Tarrlok, Desna and Eska, Varrick, Zhu Li, Tahno, Zaheer, Hiroshi Sato, Baatar Jr., Kuvira), but Suyin doesn't really fit into this paradigm, since she was never an antagonist in the first place. The only characters across ATLA and TLoK who really remind me of her, in terms of being bad people who are never really called out by the narrative, are King Bumi, Varrick and Zhu Li, and Iroh.
Of these, King Bumi is a complete dick, but he's a much more minor character than Suyin and gets away with a lot due to being a "comedy" character.
Varrick is an absolutely awful person, but the narrative lets him avoid consequences for that since he's likeable and funny. Zhu Li really just tags along with his narrative.
Iroh is morally grey at best in the present and morally black in the past, but again the narrative avoids calling him out about it since he's funny and likeable and nice to the most audience sympathetic character, Zuko. The narrative even starts painting him as perfect and a saint after a certain point, something which continued in TLoK.
Suyin isn't like any of them. She's not a comedy character. She's not funny or likeable. And it's not like the narrative paints her as perfect, like it does for Iroh. She sometimes suffers the consequences of her actions, and I think she's supposed to come off as significantly flawed. On the other hand, the narrative never really calls out Suyin for any of her terrible behavior, bad actions, or general bullshit. She's never held truly accountable in any way for anything. It's all very odd.
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shadowsight-aster · 7 months
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"it's two in one, you and me. don't ever let go of what's beloved."
hey freakazoids it's rainy back at it again here with q!mikuduo, those silly socket birds i was originally just going to redo my q!wilbur cos on roblox avatar creator but then i thought i might as well make him a purgatory design!!! and then i looked at my jaiden cos and i was like: hmmmm idea! and now here we are mikuduo live in my brain rent free forever they may have like 3 documented interactions but actually they're family and whenever wilbur came back, jaiden picked him up and jostled him all over the place (source: trust e) they're siblings. they're cousins. they're best friends who watch the other's kid (i crave wilbur-bobby interactions. bobby would convince him into doing finger painting and then jaiden and roier walk in an hour later and see them just. covered head to toe in paint.)
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wilbur's actually there in purgatory (cause i said so) and he sits in the trees around bolas rojas' camp, quietly humming between the moments of chaos jaiden will find him and just sit underneath, singing with him until the others come back she eventually made him a rudimentary guitar. probably stole bits of charlie to hold it together lmao their battle technique is just as harmonious as well: while jaiden runs in for close-quarter combat with her katana, wilbur will shoot bolts from his crossbow to better herd and stun their prey (albeit rare, because wilbur, even in this hellscape, holds onto his pacifism to keep himself sane) wilbur offers jaiden flowers to put in her mask to mask the smell of death when she goes out--her favorites are alliums and poppies wilbur will also go out with cellbit to get news from roier, and to pass on his messages to her he cooks her potatoes after...the incident btw "I ATE IT ITS GONE ITS. GONE." and they made each other new aroace bracelets after wilbur realized he left his back at phil's house and jaiden lost hers in the commotion of the first day--it led to a full scale bracelet-making session with the whole team
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player-1 · 5 months
Nexolord & co. shenanigans (Nexomon 1)
It's honestly been a long time coming, though mostly for the nostalgia and hype for Nexomon 3, but I figured I would look back in the story for any context clues to Nexolord/Metta's personality and abilities mentioned from his siblings, Overseers, or anyone unlucky enough to get on his bad side. Obviously it's going to be a massive list (with some spoilers for to Micromon and Extinction), but here goes!
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First off, there's no real timeline on how long Metta's been Nexolord or when he started his Omnicron revival plan into action, but I'll put in a generous estimate of 2-3 years before the main story since he already put way too much fear into people's hearts to go against his authority until MC went ham on his master plan. Same goes for him commissioning MC's parents to build the resurrection machine and revive Omnicron for real.
For Overseers, I would assume that ex-Nexolord Remus originally had Hilda, Khan, and Jack until Metta took the title (and adding five more to spread out his influence). But it's also funny to assume that Metta indirectly assigned his siblings/Champions to a certain Overseer that either complement or conflict their personalities...You know, for shits and giggles. -Fenrir/Fona -> Ivan & Ira (Fiery spirit and moderately irrational) -Nadine/Ventra -> Remus (Unstoppable force vs. Immovable object) -Merida/Arqua -> Hendrick (90% charm and 10% backstabber) -Zetta/Luxa -> Spencer (Snotty rich kid with inflated ego) -Ulrich/Grunda -> Jack (Reliable leader but goes against authority to protect his people (Mostly connected to Netherworld Ulrich)) Nexolord/Metta -> Glacia (Cold-blooded tactician with an extreme ego trip) -Deena/Nara -> Khan ("Subtly" associating the family traitor as a wild savage who only cares about the world and harmony over complete authority...Harsh, even for a kids game)
Metta's childhood in the Frozen Tundra was already going to be shrouded in mystery from the get-go (and obviously exclude flashbacks in-game to avoid spoiling his identity), but he left a pretty deep impact on the three people he interacted with in the past (Glacia, Juliet, and Malk). -First, Juliet's a fangirl for him, so much so that she'll completely ignore his plan to destroy humanity if it meant getting a sliver of attention from him or one-up Glacia as Overseer. She also believes that he's a vampire (either when they were kids or into adulthood) and regularly reads cheesy YA vampire novels that she "accidentally" leaves on her kitchen table for someone to notice. -Glacia is 110% loyal to Metta and will gladly brag to anyone she meets on how she's the most "true and loyal Overseer" there is. Also, she's the only Overseer who's aware that the Champions are Omnicron's children (minus Remus figuring it out through context clues), so she somehow earned Metta's trust to learn that fact as well (though whether she knew Metta's true form too is up for debate). -Finally Malk "I taught [the Nexolord] everything I know" Micromon is either the best/worst person to be Metta's tutor (re: legit father-figure) to make him become the little tyrant he is now. Whether it's to fuel Metta's already-burning hatred for humans (being a sentient AI that destroyed Project Pixekai in revenge of the programmers who created him), teaching him useful skills to gain control over others as a leader (master manipulator, master technician, and more!), or giving Metta the emotional support he never had from his siblings or dad (headcanons galore!). Also love the little gimmick that Malk's name isn't shown to the MC since he doesn't properly introduce himself to them; only Metta calls him by name once when they're the only ones in a room or during Malk's last hurrah speech before MC fights Omnicron and disappearing for good. Also, Malk mentions meeting a younger Nexolord/Metta sometime after busting out of Pixekai and adjusting to human life, so he might've tried disguising himself long before they teamed up. Now I want to know if Metta first learned that Malk wasn't human or vice versa, but I would love to know what babey Nexolord looked like before he went anime villain mode. :)
Metta definitely was the one who gave his siblings their fake Champion names, mostly on the joke of Fona/Fenrir being Metta's guard-dog for a good chunk of the story (even accompanying him to Grunda's grave and keep a eye on Overseer Jack for the excavation). Besides that, it makes sense for Metta to have every opportunity to make a jab at his siblings and put them in their place in the current hierarchy. -Fenrir: Marsh/Fen-dweller, Norse mythos wolf that would bring disaster during Ragnarok and was bound by a chain shaped like a silk ribbon. [Similar motif to Nexomon Fenrir to have giant prison cuffs on his wrists and collar-like design on his shirt.] -Nadine: Hope (French), messenger/admonitory or showerer of blessings (Arabic), "the courage of a bear" (Russian) [Latter fits cause of her assigned Overseer being Remus and her tendency to put combat first over talking.] -Merida: Pearl (Mairead, Celtic), "one who achieved a high place of honor" (Latin), "a chaste girl" or "like a mother" (Persian) [Persian seems more ironic since Merida's nice when she gets attention but throws a major hissy fit if embarrassed or mocked.] -Zetta: Inquiry or quest (Greek ztsis), "a person that is intellectually curious and has a thirst for knowledge" [Mostly ironic since Zetta's dumb as a brick and has a love for shiny things.] -Ulrich: Noble or regal ruler, noble/rich heritage (Old German) [Grunda never had the chance to get a Champion name (until Netherworld), but it's interesting how his Nightmare makes him the ruler/guardian of Solus Desert and protects his people from the big bad Nexolord Remus...At least he got his priorities straight?] -Deena: Valley, church leader, spear ruler (Hebrew/Old English/Old German); "compromising, passive, and more likely to stay in the background rather than front and center" (myfirstname.rocks) [Even if she was a major part of Ulzar's fame, Deena keeps herself as inconspicuous as possible to ensure the MC's success too. Definitely didn't want to be caught up in the family drama again, you know? :)]
It is somewhat confirmed in the Netherworld end-story that Nexonium/Nexomite is more commonly found in the literal afterlife than in the normal world (and stupidly expensive too), and it also has the ability to incapacitate any Nexomon in its vicinity (when powered by a NexoCore) or keep a Nightmare running without a Warden to guard it. So who's to say that Metta used Nexonium to create the Nexocore, easily violating Ziegler's rule of keeping the dead dead and creating a power source that won't get traced back to him (you know, since he commissioned MC's parents to make it?). And it also shows that Metta had Nexonium stowed away in his old house, most likely studying its components in there or in the bunker.
And last but not least, it's not exactly confirmed if Metta actually sacrificed himself to revive Omnicron like the rest of Champions; he doesn't have a personal Nightmare like the other four (+Grunda/Ulrich), and you only get to find Metta's true form after the Netherworld story (ie. Killing Omnicron for real, dooming the current Nexomon species to extinction, and making a bridge between the Netherworld and real world to finish loose ends). Speaking of bridge, it's also confirmed in Extinction that just after MC destroyed Omnicron's soul, Venefelis was unleashed with the single goal to kill Hilda; unintentionally serving as the bridge for the Nexomon War and the future to come in Nexomon: Extinction. ...Also the MC (The Ghost of Nexomon Past) gets Metta's jacket and was buried in it pre-Extinction, so I'm betting the madlad did the blanket dog trick and it somehow worked against the MC and Nara. I mean, Metta's about the size of a bowling ball (five-pin/duckpin maybe?) so he might've had a chance to pull it off when MC was distracted by Omnicron and he just assumed the guy was gone for good.
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Anywho, that's all I have for now, hope you enjoyed!
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os2-warp · 6 days
06-05-2024 - Sachi and Eichi, my Hanazuki FCs
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Hi guys these are my Hanazuki FCs have had them and been drawing them for a while just not much actually presentable and I am kind of scared to post about fan-characters publicly in any capacity (< Has trauma* from being on the bad side of dA as a kid). The first pic is their day-to-day regular outfit and the second is a random example of clothes they would wear on stage. But I hope you like... A bit of a lot so I'm putting their info under the cut. Also, yes, if you like them enough to, you have my full permission to draw them, as long as you tag me in it so I can see :3c
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*Not actual trauma, I am solely exaggerating for comedic effect
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These two are Eichi and Sachi and they are relatively popular new wave/synthpop idols. Actually they are not twins or siblings but they both used to be one moonflower. After some kind of event they absolutely refuse to speak about (and get angry when asked) they split into two. There's a ton of weird rumors going around about them both because of this and of how reclusive they are outside of on stage. They both share memories up to when they split and they can communicate telepathically (Nobody except them knows this though).
Their moon: A popular rich-people-touristy-destination place even before they were born. Their moon's dark side is much larger than it's light side and there's a lot of "nightlife"y places on their moon, like clubs, casinos, motels, etc. Also a bunch of metro stations and stuff like that. There's not a lot of other moonflowers that live on their moon though it's mainly just tourist traps and typical big city stuff. They live in a big fancy mansion and travel with a motorcycle that can like fly and stuff. The majority of the treasure trees they have grown are purple and light blue/teal.
Their little critters: Based off Siamese cats, two of each colour. They help them when they make music by doing things like using their tails as a metronome and meowing in harmony to help them keep the tone of their singing and stuff... and they can even play instruments on stage but that is a team effort. Usually though they just act like normal Siamese cats being very affectionate and playful and vocal and stuff.
Personality: They are egotistical dickbags suffering from a massive case of chuunibyou (in the "delusions of grandeur and being more unique than everyone else" way not the "thinking they have magical powers" way). They aren't very rude outwardly but they just give off an air like they definitely think you're lower than them when you speak to them and it kind of pisses you off after a while. When they talk to people outside of during public appearances (which is very rare) they like to tell random lies to people and tease/provoke them and play borderline rude pranks just for the fun of it, they are mainly apathetic about most people and just see others as fun things to play around with moreso than actual living beings. They are almost completely incapable of seeing others as equals. And they call others "plebians" a lot. Living in near complete isolation with nobody except them and their little critters to interact with (outside of onstage and during interviews and stuff) they are very socially stunted and a bit loopy. People think the way they act during public appearances is just some kind of play they put on for the audience but no they are actually like that. They say stuff like "Being an idol is a public service, so make sure to thank us properly, 'k?". They like computers (I think all pooters in the Lunaverse are like big boxy CRTs and big heavy towers, and only big fancy rich people have them) and old games and modular synths and whatever the Lunaverse equivalent of the 1980s is. Both of them are massive nerds who like dumb nerd shit. And they get really defensive about said dumb nerd shit. Also are both extremely into "kitsch" aesthetics. They like to put on a big show on stage/in public and be kind of corny. They would never admit it but they wish they had friends other than each other. They get reformed/become a bit nicer later on. Which I don't feel like writing it all down even though I have ideas both because I feel it may be a bit " Cringe " and this post is already horribly long, maybe in a future post if people are interested, idk, how long are people's attention spans nowadays, has anyone even actually read this far... but I digress.... But basically they meet the gang and take a liking to specifically Kiyoshi, they are really really nice and sweet to Kiyoshi and call him "Little Prince" always instead of his actual name and treat him almost like one would treat a pet, but to everyone else they are as written above. And they're just kind of assholes in a subtle way, and they tell so many lies, enough to make Maroshi dislike them. Kiyoshi notices this, doesn't like it, tells them as much, somehow bribes them to get them to be nicer to everyone, "If you are nice to my friends for two weeks straight I will [give you something], [go back to your moon and play with you exclusively for a while], [etc]". And they do it just to get whatever Kiyoshi is offering them. But then after the two weeks are up they actually genuinely really take a liking to everyone, of course they are still really narcissistic, and still slip up with lying sometimes, and aren't good with discerning boundaries and what is considered nice and what is rude, but they are mostly nice now, and genuinely enjoy spending time with everyone now.
Also as a reward for reading thus far here is a reward for you, two random fun facts: Sachi likes being called "onee-chan" and Eichi stomps his feet when he's mad. If you read this long leave a comment please!!! Thank you
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solarisgod · 2 months
i'd love to read more about micah's dante break character! 👀
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Before we touch upon Dante Break, going over the details of Micah's arts career, xyr arts career started in 2010 after xe graduated with Arts Bachelor from the four year Performing and Visual Arts program at the USC School of Dramatic Arts.
With xyr second eldest siblings, Valentine Everlove, Micah initially took in theatre and played a large amount of leading and supporting roles in various drama productions until 2013, xe expanded xyr career into film and television. Xe often saw acting was restrictive as it's generally held with high expectations by both the audience and production teams. In 2015, wanting to have a media that Micah could have most creativity liberty while being unbounded to restrictions and expectations, xe produced a series called Beyond the Unknown, playing its unreliable narrating and morally ambiguous protagonist, Dante Break. Beyond the Unknown became popular over time, expanding upon five seasons before it completed the storyline in 2018.
Beyond the Unknown was a story that Micah had since xe was fourteen years old, fascinated with the worlds of science fiction, supernatural, and especially metafiction; Dante Break being Micah's most comfort and all favourite original character. Beyond the Unknown was about the multiverse that was falling apart from Nihils, an ancient race of eldritch beings from the Void that consumed those in their ways after breaking free from the Cosmic Order's weakening grasp. The audience plays an essential role with Dante taking them as a character, calling them the Outlooker and itself the Outsider, and they undergo a series of adventures across different areas of time and space, playing diverse themes and genres. The audience learns in the fourth season that the entire multiverse dies when the story of Beyond the Unknown concludes, making them the ultimate cause of the universal death due to them initiating and ending the existence of this universe and its story. Although Beyond the Unknown then had an interactive sequel film, Beyond the Unknown: Against the Void, where Dante Break managed to give the Audience a chance to save the universe, having one of the three endings depending on the choices that the Audience make:
The Good Ending ( everyone lives while the multiverse returns to cosmic harmony ), the Neutral Ending ( certain or every important characters dies but the multiverse can still exist, entering the state of " rebirth " ), and the Bad Ending ( everyone and everything and everywhere dies, only leaving you alive in the void forever ).
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Dante Break is the childling of L'appel du Vide and Mise en Abyme, the personified Time and Space, but Dante's existence corrupted and created disturbance in the Cosmic Order, becoming an eldritch entity of time loops and liminal spaces, chaos and entropy, black holes and dark matters, the unreality itself ( being the unending cycle of creation and destruction, life and death, the Cosmos without beginning or end ). Dante Break is its mortal name as its divine name was Khaoboros, the Devourer of Chaos. Essentially, Dante is known to be God's worst nightmare and mistake.
Dante Break with its source was inspired by several medias that its creator and actor, Micah Xenowake, highly enjoyed, such as: Alan Wake, House of Leaves, and the Truman Show. In regards to existing characters, Micah took inspirations for Dante from Mephistopheles of Faust, Jack from English folklore, Atlas from Greek mythology, and several others. Beyond the Unknown explored the themes of breaking free from fate, gaining control in the narrative, and the inevitable act of loving the self and others despite it all. Micah wanted to have the protagonist who could be carelessly aware of the ultimate fate, but eventually breaking their own cycle of nihilism, they chose to do something about it rather than letting this awareness fester. Dante Break was seen to be coded with Dissociative Identity Disorder from its erratic behaviours and personality while people speculated Micah had DID, as given the interviews and behind the scenes xe's part of, although while xe never made any comments on this speculation about Dante and xemself, xe's more than content about people making headcanons on Dante's DID coded nature.
Dante Break is amoral and curious to the fault, constantly travelling between time, space, and even the universes. Despite its general associations with chaos and nihility, Dante exists as a neutral being that never takes any sides, rather is it only ever carving its own path to anything and everything that most interests and benefits it, as well as it is a cosmic outsider to discern real faults in established systems and be the force of bringing awareness to choices and their impacts. Dante excels in the arts of sorcery and trickery, engaging in them for its own curiosities and delights. Dante initially didn't care about the multiverse's approach to death, its nihilism and skepticism being the highlights of its character, but across the Beyond the Unknown storyline, with the Audience, it learnt to recognize the forms and functions of Love before it could comprehend its existence, hence, Dante was able to continue the timeline by making a grand choice that could lead the Audience to save the multiverse once and for all.
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okimnerdy · 6 months
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Summary: Months after escaping a battle with Lord Garmadon, the team must navigate what it means to be chosen by Wu while balancing the growing bonds between each other. They all have their parts to play, but what if there's someone who needs more guidance?
Enter Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon. Can the team help him or will he be another to forced to follow a legacy?
Project Masterlist
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Chapter 1: Prophecies
It had been four months since the ninja returned topside after Garmadon disappeared; and the siblings had officially moved into the monastery, leaving under the guise of leaving for school. The first few weeks found them still sleeping in the same room or found Nya tucked away in Kai’s bed. It took a week or three before they felt comfortable at the monastery and slept separately.
Wu knew this was happening and he felt an ache in his old heart every time he watched the siblings interact. He longed for the early days of him and his brother - his best friend - to return but that was no longer possible. Sadly, those days were lost to time.
The memories echoed through the halls as he wandered through the monastery; looking for his students as he could hear them but not see them.
Passing Nya in the kitchen, he found her tuning an old police scanner from a secondhand shop in the nearby city - Chimera's Cove. It was a half day trip from the monastery by train, but Nya never minded as the boys would be busy with training. Of course, Kai worried but after her first few solo trips he let up. 
She had been tuning it to only pick up chatter from all over Ninjago pertaining to any Garmadon sighting but it only picked up stuff about petty thefts and missing people. 
He gave her a pat on shoulder as he passed, returning her smile as she looked over, continuing on his way and ended up in the courtyard. The voices of the boys were louder here and were accompanied by a few sound effects. Turning to the living room, he shook his head and opened the door. 
The boys were relaxing instead of adhering to their normal training schedule. Pizza boxes and soda cans littered the floor as Jay and Cole played a video game, yelling at the screen. Zane was reading on the couch with Kai sketching away in a journal. They had obviously been training earlier in the day, given their state of dress and the weapons resting on the floor.
Wu walked over to the outlet, yanking the chord out with his bo-staff. The two boys cried out in upset as the others looked up from their tasks. Kai and Zane sat at attention while their teammates sunk down in defeat.
“Just because Lord Garmadon escaped and has been missing all these months, it does not mean he will not return one day for the Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu,” he said with tiredness laced in his voice.
“But there have been no reports of Garmadon lately,” Zane replied. “If anything, this is the most peaceful time we find ourselves in.”
“Yeah. What’s the point of training if there’s nothing to train for?” Jay sighed.
“Never put off until tomorrow what could be done today.” Kai looked confused with a raise of his brow as Cole rolled his eyes at the advice. “You four are only at the start of your abilities. The Tornado of Creation can only be done when the four of you are on the same wavelength and working in harmony.” He looked over them. “This lack of training has broken down the bonds you created on that first mission.”
Cole let out a sigh and reached for a slice of pizza, but was denied by a swipe of Wu’s bo staff.
“There are many secrets to unlock within your elemental gifts. In order to reach your full potential, you must continue your training.  The Golden Weapons are merely a key that none of you have learned to wield properly.”
“Do not worry, Master Wu,” Zane assured. “We will be ready when Lord Garmadon returns.”
Nya flung open the door as he finished his sentence. They looked at her with shock as she caught her breath.
“Lord Garmadon sighting. In Jamanakai Village,” she gasped as the boys scrambled for their weapons. “Okay. We need walkie talkies or something because I always forget how big this place is.”
“Perhaps that could be something you create,” Zane suggested as he moved to pass her. “You are quite talented at creating such devices, probably better than Jay. His devices usually explode after a few minutes.” He heard said boy call out in offense as she laughed. “We shall be back.”
The ninja rushed out of the room and down to the stables. Nya shook her head as they disappeared down the mountain steps. Wu placed himself next to her, listening to her deep sigh.
“I know you wish that you could help them, but sometimes a mission requires a ninja and not a tinkerer,” he said.
“So what mission would require someone like me?” She made herself seem small, hugging herself as they spotted the dragons taking off. 
“I do not know, but we shall find out in due time.”
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Kai sat silent on his dragon as Jay flew in circles around them.
“I sense that something is troubling you, my friend,” Zane said as he pulled up next to him. “May I ask about what it could be?”
“Well, you’re not wrong,” Kai sighed as he leaned back on Flame. “Wu said something about us reaching our full potential, something about the weapons only being a key to it. Is he right?”
“I think he’s onto something,” Jay’s voice said from above. The boy was flying upside down, and worrying Zane. “I mean, we haven’t really used the weapons since getting them. He’ll barely let us use them during training. How are we supposed to know if we can’t even wield them?”
“Perhaps that is something for us to discover,” Zane replied. “Now, please place your dragon upright. Kai has yet to make better saddles for tricks such as those.”
Jay made a face at Zane and flew in front of them as Cole yelled from below. 
“Is anyone else a bit excited to battle Lord Garmadon? We didn’t get to fight him last time, and I want to show him what four years of training can do.” His dragon, Rocky, gave a small roar to emphasize his rider's excitement.
“Four years and you couldn’t even beat me on night one?” Kai laughed.
“Hey! Before you, I was the last one to show up. Jay and Zane were here before me.”
“By like a few months!” Jay interjected. “Zane was here for, like, two years before us.”
“To be fair, Kai did hold his own against us for merely a day of training.” Zane said as he studied Kai for a moment before scanning the other two. “Especially since he is the smallest of our group.”
“Coming after my height now, huh?” The group chuckled as the dragons began their descent. “Besides, it wasn’t only one day of training. Ignacia has a stop for traveling security and a military camp nearby. They taught basic fighting for self defense. Nya and I took classes when we were younger.”
“Your village sounds quite fascinating,” Zane hummed as their dragons landed just outside Jamanakai Village. "Perhaps we should spend more time the next we visit."
"And have my old babysitters tell embarrassing stories? Pass."
The boys dismount and adjust their face guards as they head in. There’s a distinct lack of screaming and panicking as they walk through. Zane approaches a market stall to ask about the situation. She points to the town square.
With their weapons in hand, they entered the square to find a young boy being cornered by people in the town. The boy was probably no older than nine or ten, given his height. He wore a black hoodie with a ribcage printed on the front and a dark gray blazer. To Kai, he almost looked scared as the adults continued yelling at him. His nearly purple eyes were filled with panic and fear, but his face was steady.
“Alright people, back it up!” Cole yelled. “We got this handled. Please continue your day.”
The crowd dispersed as Zane and Jay went to pick the boy up. They carried him to the edge of town and tied his hands together. Cole and Kai stayed behind to figure out why this kid caused such a scene.
“That’s Lloyd Garmadon,” the village chief informed them. “Everytime he arrives, people worry that Garmadon is bound to follow.”
“I wasn’t even aware that Garmadon had kids,” Cole admitted. “Why is he here?”
“Probably escaped from Darkley’s again. We usually get a few of those kids a week, but he’s the only one who’s stuck around for longer. The people have grown paranoid, so we called for help to send him back.”
“Thank you for your time. We’ll handle it from here.” Cole turned to Kai. “I’m going to go see if there’s a place they can stash the kid until someone from Darkley’s can get here.”
The two thanked the village chief for their time as Kai went to see where the other’s took the kid.
“But I didn’t do anything wrong!” The boy shouted as he approached. 
“Well, you did enough to make them grow paranoid,” Kai said. “Our friend is going to see if someone can stash you until someone from your school can come pick you up.”
“You know who he is?” Jay asked.
“That’s Garmadon’s kid.” The blue and white ninjas looked taken aback. “Right?”
"I just want to go home!" The kid tried to escape the bindings, thrashing around to loosen the ropes and failing.
"Right now, your home is your boarding school," Cole said as he arrived. "Someone should be here by the end of the day, but the kid will need to be locked up until they get here. The book shop owner volunteered to house him until Darkely’s staff gets here.”
“Sounds like a plan, but should we be here until they arrive?” Zane asks.
“He’s one kid. I’m sure the librarian can handle one kid for an hour.”
With a shrug and a look exchanged, the ninja led Lloyd to the book shop. The owner had him sit behind the counter, his bindings tied to a curtain rod as the ninja left.
Kai lingered for a moment. He looked at the kid as he sighed in defeat as the kid sunk in on himself before catching up with the others.
The group paused to feed their dragons before moving to return to the monastery. Kai went to pull a snack from his satchel when a scroll fell out.
“Whatcha got there?” Cole asked as Kai stared at the scroll.
“I don’t know, but I know it’s not mine.” Kai lifted the bag off the saddle and found Wu’s symbol on the flap.
“You must have grabbed Master Wu’s bag in the rush when we left,” Zane guessed as his teammate unrolled the scroll. “What does it say?”
“I don’t know. This isn’t a language I can recognize.”
Zane walked over with Jay to study the scroll’s writing.
“I believe this symbol means ‘prophecy,’” He said, pointing to a word in the top corner. “I believe this is old Ninjargon. Luckily, I can understand a bit of it.” The boys looked at each other confused before Cole shrugged. “‘One day, the Green Ninja will rise from the shadows and take up their destiny to defeat the Dark Lord.’ Fascinating.”
“Defeat the Dark Lord?” Jay repeated. “Like defeat Lord Garmadon?” Zane merely nodded. “Do you think this Green Ninja could be one of us?”
“If it is to be any of us, it is unclear at the current moment. Though if it is to be any one of us, maybe it is me?” Zane hummed in thought. “Or perhaps Kai?”
“Me?” Kai questioned.
“I do not see why not. The three of us have trained together for several years with no hint of becoming something more, and then you arrived out of nowhere and fought a form of Garmadon to save your sister.”
Kai sat in silence to think before Cole took the scroll from him and placed it back in the bag.
“Let’s remember that the four of us are meant to be a team, not some guy and his backup dancers,” Cole said as he mounted his dragon. “We were probably never meant to see that thing.” He shook his head before considering the thought. “You know, we’re already falling behind in training. What do you say to a little competition to see who’s worthy of that ‘Green Ninja’ title?”
He took off into the sky with Jay and Zane following after, but Kai took another moment. He wondered if it was truly possible that he was the ninja of prophecy before taking off after them.
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The boys returned to the monastery, finding Nya training in the courtyard. Kai watched as his sister maneuvered through the obstacle course before getting distracted by their arrival. It wasn’t too hard of a fall, but enough for him to turn on “big-brother” mode.
“You good?” He asked as he helped her up. She nodded. “Beat your record?”
“No, but I’m close to beating yours.” She playfully punched his shoulder. “So, how’d it go at Jamanakai Village? False alarm?”
“Yeah, but not the kind we expected.”
“Did you know that Garmadon has a kid?” Jay yelled from across the way. The others were getting into their kendo suits as the siblings spoke.
“Wasn’t he in the Underworld for, like, a long time? How old’s the kid?”
“No older than nine or ten, I think. He’s pretty young.” The siblings thought for a moment before shuddering at the thought. “Anyway, we’re gonna need the course for a bit. Mind sitting out?”
“No problem, I got some things I need to get sorted. Gimme a holler if you guys need anything.” They all nodded. “Great. I’ll see you boys in about an hour.”
“Thanks sis! Oh wait!” She turned back to him and was given a satchel. “Could you give this to Master Wu? He left it at the stables again.” She nodded and went inside as Kai turned to the others as the door closed behind her. “So, two out of three?”
“Okay!” Kai stood at the ready as Jay dropped his mask. Cole walked between them, mimicking a referee. “Let’s have a good and clean training session. No timeouts. No forfeits. No escaping over the wall.” He gave Jay the eye, receiving a shrug from the other. “Fighters at the ready?” Kai held the sword across his arm as Jay spun his nunchucks around. Cole stepped back and took a seat next to Zane. “Begin!”
The two fighters begin to circle each other, waiting for the first move.
Jay struck first, launching himself towards Kai, but was easily dodged. He’s knocked to his feet as the sword passed overhead. He tried to wrap the nunchucks around Kai’s leg, but was thwarted as he flipped away. Channeling his energy through his weapon, Jay attempted to shoot lightning but only managed to shock himself and give Kai a momentary advantage.
“Who do you think will win this?” Cole asked.
“Both of our teammates are evenly matched in terms of drive and strength, but their training levels are far apart,” Zane admitted as they backed away from a slice of fire. “Kai seems more calculated while Jay is more of a strike first fighter.” The two flinched as Jay was knocked down again. “Though, I guess it could be anyone’s fight.” Jay took another hit. “Like I said, I guess.”
Another loud thud sounded through the courtyard as Jay fell again, losing grip on his weapon. Kai cheered in his victory before helping Jay up.
“Good try, bud,” Kai assured. Zane provided an ice block from his weapon for his teammate as they took their places. Cole stood with his scythe as a guard while Zane dropped into a defensive stance. “Rules remain the same, just try not to break the ground this time.” Kai smirked at this teammate’s glare as he sat next to Jay. “Begin!”
Zane struck first, using his shuriken to freeze Cole in place before launching another attack. It was easily deflected by the scythe before Cole was freed. In an essentially weapon versus no weapon battle, Zane was not making this easy. His thin form allowed him to move with grace and ease as Cole tried to strike at him.
“How’s your head?” Kai asked as Jay nursed the several bumps on his head.
“Better than I thought they’d be,” he admitted. “No blood at least.” He looked at the fight. “I think Zane might take this one.”
“I don’t know. I think Cole’s just buying time.” Kai studied the scythe-wielder as he blocked another ice attack. “Zane’s weapon takes so much from him, but the scythe is an extension of Cole. Zane’s gotta get tired eventually.”
“If I know Zane, we’ll be here a while.” A loud thud brought their attention to the fight. Zane was pinned to the ground with the blade of the scythe. “Or maybe we won’t? How did that happen? What’d we miss?”
“Just Zane wiping out on his own ice,” Cole chuckled as he helped up his friend. “Oh, how I wish I had a camera.”
Jay gave the boy a pat on the back as Kai suited up again. The two readied themselves again. Kai balanced his blade on his arm as Cole swung the scythe across his shoulders. Each of them stared down at their opponent as Jay reiterated the rules and gave them the green.
Kai made the first strike, unleashing a swipe of fire from the sword that Cole broke with his own swing. They circled each other for a moment before Kai made another strike and was blocked by the blade of the scythe. Cole pushed him back, gaining the upper hand and spinning his weapon in an attempt to intimidate.
He watched as Kai’s eyes stayed trained on the blade as he drew up and struck down, shaking the courtyard. The action cracked a few of the cobblestone tiles and violently shook the monastery. Kai fell to the ground after losing his balance, effectively taking him out of the game.
The others cheered for Cole’s victory as Kai stood up with anger building in his veins. In order to disperse this emotion, he swung out his arm. Forgetting he held the Sword of Fire, the blade released another swipe of fire that engulfed the deck of the monastery in flames. The sword itself began to glow brighter as Kai’s anger grew. It only dissipated when it became too hot to hold. As it fell to the ground, more flames were released and lit the monastery even further.
Wu ran out at his students’ exclaims, finding the flames growing higher. He grabbed the Shurikens of Ice from Zane and activated them, putting out the flames. The extinguished flames left a layer of snow in the courtyard, four ashamed students, and one angry master. Nya came running out as soon as the flames died down, almost slipping on the snow.
“What were you thinking?” Wu exclaimed, anger growing with each word. “You all know that the Elemental Weapons respond to your emotions.” He turned and helped Nya steady herself before she went to check on her brother. “Kai, your sister was inside. What could have possessed you to lash out so drastically?”
“We were trying to see who the Green Ninja is,” Jay said without thinking, earning a gut punch from Cole. “What was that for?”
“Where did you hear about that?”
“I grabbed your satchel by accident when we left earlier,” Kai admitted, refusing to pick up the sword, “and I found the scroll when I was looking for Flame’s snack."
“None of you should have seen that.” Wu gripped his staff and looked to the ground.
“Master Wu,” Kai started, “is it true that it’s possibly one of us?”
Wu glanced over the kids in his care. The five of them looked at him with confusion and curiosity.
“It will be none of you if you don’t unlock your full potential.”
“Was that not what happened with Kai’s sword?” Zane asked. “It shone brighter than any other time it was used. Is this what you mean by unlocking the Golden Weapons?"
“As I have said before, you are all at the beginning of your journey. Unlocking your weapons is merely a moment at the start. If this possibility of a prophecy is what it takes for you to train, then so be it. However, none of you are anywhere near the level to be the ninja of legend.” He called over his shoulder as he left. “Clean up the snow and come eat, but no elemental abilities!”
Nya rolled her eyes with a sign, shrugging and turning to follow Wu inside. The boys let out a groan as they disappeared from sight. 
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Kai approached Nya’s room after dinner. He found her sitting in the center of the bed, bits and bobs of wires scattered around her as she worked away at an old phone. He wasn’t a huge fan of technology, but she convinced him that a phone would help them down the road.
"Any success?” He asked, walking in without permission.
“Any chance of you ever knocking before walking in?” She threw a pillow at him and shook her head when he caught it.
“Never had to before.” He sat on the edge. “You figure out how they work yet?”
“Not yet, but from what I understand, they need some kind of network or chip to function. That costs money we currently don’t have enough of, so I’ll work with Jay on these and see if we can whip up a network of sorts.” Nya started to clean up the pieces and put them in a shoebox. “Now. Did you come here to talk or just to bug me?” He looked down to the floor, trying to find something to say. “Is it about what happened in the village?”
“Something just doesn’t feel right. I mean, Lloyd’s just a kid. He shouldn’t have escaped his school so easily.” He sighed and fell back on her bed. “Did we make the right call leaving him there?”
“I’m sure he’s already back at his school, all safe and sound.”
After escaping the bookshop, Lloyd needed to get as far away from Darkley’s vicinity if he wanted to find his dad. It took a bit of sneaking and hiding, but he managed to board a train heading to the coast. 
He must have fallen asleep because he was shocked awake when the train hit the last stop. Looking out of the window, Lloyd didn’t expect to see snow. He wrapped his hoodie tighter around himself as he hopped  out of the car and into the snow.
If he could remember correctly, he was at the Glacier Barrens - somewhere on the coast of Ninjago. Not the ideal place he wanted, but it was an okay distance. Wandering into the snow, he looked for a place to take shelter for the night.
His foot hit something made of metal at the base of a mountain. Wiping away from the snow, he found a door cracked open and entered inside. The place was dark and cold, but not as cold as the Barrens. Ice covered the walls and floor and made up the columns as well.
“You are out of your mind to venture so far from home, little one.” A voice echoed through the cave, scaring the boy. “Though you must be so desperate to seek out the Hypnobrai’s Prison.”
Two red eyes stared out from the darkness before a large shape emerged. The shape was a creature Lloyd only he read about in history books - a Serpentine. The figure was half man, half-snake as where his legs would be, trailed a long snake tail. The human half had dark skin and deep teal hair bedazzled with gold jewels and cuffs. They towered over Lloyd as they leaned over the child. His eyes were pure red.
“How is it a prison? The door was open.” Lloyd asked.
“Eh–what?” The creature looked at the ajar door in shock and confusion. “I’m not going to entertain the possibilities that statement brings.” He cleared his throat and returned his gaze to Lloyd. “Now, look into my eyes and I can give you whatever your heart desires. I just need to borrow you in exchange.”
Lloyd quickly shut his eyes and turned his head away. The creature looked into the ice behind him and went slack upon meeting his own line of sight. The boy turned back and waved a hand in front of him. It took a second for him to realize what had happened.
“I think you’ll find that I control you from now on,” Lloyd began to chuckle, channeling his inner dark lord.
He may be far from where he should be, but with his own snake army, he can go anywhere.
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The next day, as the boys continued their training, Nya took a train to Chimera’s Cove, the next town over, to visit the scrap shop again. After talking to Jay, the phone system they were creating needed a few more bits before they could take it for a test run. Honestly, she was excited to work on it and kill more time while the others trained.
Screaming came from outside the shop and caught her attention, making her put down what she had already collected to see what was wrong. She felt her heart jump as a vehicle sped past her and the voice of a young boy laughing with glee rang in her ears.
“Excuse me!” Nya caught the attention of someone running by. “What’s going on?”
“The Serpentine are back!” The person pointed in the direction the vehicle went. “They’re being led by someone claiming to be the son of Lord Garmadon.” They looked around. “You should get inside and hide. I don’t know what else they’re going to do.”
Nya stood back in thought as the person ran away.
Back at the monastery, Wu was meditating in his room as the ninja trained outside. He sat and studied the smoke as it rose and fell from the incense. His eyes widened as the white smoke turned black, whirling around in distress. Wu quickly stood and grabbed his staff to run out to his students.
“The Serpentine are back! Quickly, you must leave for Chimera’s Cove,” he yelled as his student’s turned to him confused.
“The Serpentine?” Jay asked. “Like the serpentine of Ninjago history? I thought they were a myth.”
“They are as real as you and me, and they are wreaking havoc on Chimera’s Cove. Who knows where they’ll be next?”
“How do you know that they’re really back, Master Wu?” Zane asked, setting down his training sword.
“The spirit smoke does not lie! Something has released this ancient evil!”
“Chimera’s Cove?” Kai said, finally realizing what Wu said as he began to shake as he removed his kendo helmet and grabbed his Sword. “Nya went down there this morning. She might still be down there.” He ran out of the front gate and down to the dragons. 
Jay was the first to follow Kai down to the dragons, throwing his own training gear to the ground with the promise to clean later. The remaining members followed soon after and met up at the dragon stables, suited up and ready to go.
“Be careful! The Serpentine are a particularly angry species, especially after their imprisonment,” Wu called out as they launched out of the gates.
The group landed just outside of Chimera’s Cove, hearing the screaming from the town. They pass some of the screaming people and step into the small town square. Nya runs out of her hiding spot and to the group. Kai pulls her into a hug as the others look over the square.
“Fill us in,” Kai said as he released her. “What’s going on?”
“Okay. Number one, the Serpentine real and real big. Taller than the average guy but with a snake tail about the same length. They’ve been hypnotizing anyone they come across,” she said, not really believing what she was saying. “Number two, they’re being led by a kid.”
“Kid? Black sweater, nasally voice?” She nods. “That's Lloyd.”
“How’d he get out?” Cole asks, pulling down his mask in frustration. “Who tied him up at the bookshop?” Zane raised his hand. “How tight did you tie the knot?”
“Not too tight as he kept complaining that it hurt.” Cole slapped himself on the forehead. “Was that not an appropriate accommodation?”
“Let’s worry about that later,” Jay interrupted as people and Serpentine began surrounding them. The humans’ eyes were enlarged as red swirls moved around in their pupils. “We have another small issue to deal with.”
Kai pushed Nya back to the shops as they pulled up their face guards again. Jay began swinging his weapon and readied an attack before Zane stopped him.
“Careful. You may harm the people.” Jay tucked his weapon away. “Instead of fighting, I suggest we retreat and come up with a plan.” Nya waved at them from a shop. "I believe Nya has the perfect place.”
The boys ran into the tech shop before Nya turned the lock and led them to the back of the shop. From their position, Cole could see a back exit and it seemed to be locked. They were okay for now.
“Anything else you want to tell us?” Cole asked, adjusting his Scythe back into its harness.
“Those snakes have tails like a rattlesnake,” she said. “Everytime they rattle, don’t look them in the eyes. It’s how they get you.”
“Well, what are we supposed to do then?” Jay sighed. “We can’t use our weapons because we may hurt the people, and now we can’t fight with our eyes open. I don’t think there was a training course for this.”
“From what I’ve observed, all you need to do is target the one with the staff. He’s in charge. Get the staff, get the anti-venom that’s in it. After that, we need to find a way to disperse it and save everyone.”
“What do you say guys, truce?” Kai stuck out his hand. “Take a moment to work as a team and make Master Wu proud?”
“Now you’re talking,” Cole said as everyone placed their hand on top.
“And Nya, you can be an honorary Ninja.” She couldn’t see it, but she knew Kai was smirking under that cloth.
“Gee, thanks. On that note, you can have an honorary brain cell when we get back to the monastery.” She looked at the front door, face scrunched with worry as the crowd began to disperse. “Back door’s your best bet to get ahead of the crowd.”
“Thanks.” Kai patted down her hair as the rest of the group went to the door. “Try to get outside the limits. I’ll give you a ride back, okay?” She swatted his hand away but nodded. “Be safe.”
Outside, the scene wasn’t any better.
The vehicle holding Lloyd and his accomplice sped by again. Cole turned to his team, nodding as he lifted the Scythe before striking the ground. A small mound of earth sprouted in front, abruptly stopping the vehicle with a loud crash.
“Was that the right thing to do? I mean, there is a kid in the car,” Kai asked.
“To be fair, I was hoping to just make a speed bump,” Cole admitted as they ran to the crash.
A tall man, dressed in plain clothes, stumbled out of the cab with the kid under one arm and a long, golden staff in the other. The man stared at the four boys approaching him as he set Lloyd down.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” The man smiled. “Ninjas? In this day and age? Fascinating. I guess that old man from my childhood is still around.”
“I take it that you’re the leader of this whole plot?” Cole raised a brow in question. “A Serpentine? Aren't they supposed to be snake-like?” The man smirked as his figure began to shift. His legs melted into one as his pants shredded as a long, teal snake tail replaced the bottom half. 
“You just had to ask,” Jay sighed as they dropped into a fight position.
“Slithraa, we need to retreat!” Lloyd called out, placing a hand on his head. The man turned around and nodded, calling for his army to fall back.
“Oh no you don’t!” Cole launched after him, swinging his Scythe before it was blocked by the golden staff. Other snakes launched into the fray and attacked the remaining ninjas as Cole and Slithraa exchanged blows. “Remember, listen for the rattle!”
The ninja nodded and continued their fight. Kai used the fire from the Sword to push back some of the Serpentine while Zane froze many in place. Jay fought against those who tried to interfere with Cole’s battle.
Kai was nearly tackled by a snake before it was knocked in the head. Looking behind him, he spotted Nya with her trusty rope dart attacking her own hoard of snakes.
“How many times do we have to go through this Nya?” Kai exclaimed. “I said get out of the city!”
“Please, you guys would be so lost without me.” She knocked down another snake. “Cole needs cover, and I have a plan to get the anti-venom over the whole town.”
“Care to–” He knocked down another. “Care to share!”
“The fountain in town square! Use the Sword to make steam after the anti-venom gets put in, it’ll travel fast.”
“I may have not finished school," he kicked a snake away from her "but I don't think that's how steam works."
“I don't think so either, but Jay’s been introducing me to different movies, so if it works in that, it doesn’t hurt to try.”
“Those are movies, Nya! Stuff like that doesn’t work in real life!”
“Yeah, well, neither do snake people rising from mythology. So, I guess we both stand corrected.” She took the break in the wave to catch her breath.  “Just try it. I don’t see you coming up with other solutions.”
The boy had to bite his tongue and refrain from speaking, knowing that she had a point. Instead, he shoved her away and blocked another attack. Pushing her towards the fountain, he turned to help the others.
Cole managed to land a hard blow against Slithraa’s head, making him drop the staff in response. Beginning to make off with the staff, he was stopped by another Serpentine - one smaller than the one he had been fighting. It gripped tight to his arms and forced him to lock eyes. He began to feel his mind go foggy as his grip loosened on the staff.
The Serpentine lurched out of sight and down to the ground. Cole blinked his eyes back into focus, finding Kai pinning the snake down with his foot.
“You good?” Cole nodded. “Good. Get the staff to Nya at the fountain, she has an idea.”
Running off, Cole passed by Jay and Zane fending off their own wave of snakes. Arriving at the fountain, he spotted Nya working on the water pump. The fountain was off and waiting for activation.
“I believe you have something for me.” Cole chuckled and threw the staff next to her. She popped off the top of the staff and revealed a container of blue liquid as the other three arrived. Dumping in a bit of the liquid, they waited for it to start. “Kai, now!”
Her brother lit the blade and plunged it into the fountain. The water quickly heated and began to create steam on the surface.
“It’s not dispersing! What now?” Jay’s voice was slightly panicking.
“Don’t look at me. I’m not someone who can become a living windstorm.” Nya rolled her eyes as Jay gave her a sheepish smile. “Kai, keep the heat coming.”
Jay and Zane stepped back and used Spinjitzu to lead the steam around the town square as Cole took post to protect the siblings. Nya capped the bottle and put the staff back together as Kai removed his sword to lead them out of town and to the dragons. 
“I tried to find Lloyd or any snake, but I’m afraid they have escaped,” Zane explained as he spun into view. Jay appeared soon after.
“That’s the least of our worries right now.” Cole shook his head as he spoke, spotting a few more hypnotized people. “We still have a few people the steam didn’t reach, is there any anti-venom left?” 
“Yeah, if anyone would stay behind so that I can get a ride back, I can take care of the people,” Nya explained. Jay quickly volunteered, much to Kai’s annoyance. “Thanks Jay. It shouldn’t take too long.” She took the container out again and gave the staff to Kai. “We should be back before sunset. Relax.”
Begrudgingly, Kai mounted his dragon and took off with Cole and Zane. Nya turned to Jay, shaking the small container. 
“Come on. The faster we work, the faster we get home,” she said.
“I don’t know. I might do a little sightseeing,” he replied as they began to walk, “I hear they have a pretty good scrap yard. I mean, not as good as the one back home.”
"Ninjago City has some good ones?"
"Sure,” he chuckled. “Ninjago City."
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Zane couldn’t help but wonder if Kai’s mood was growing heavier by the second. The boy had yet to move from his perch on the monastery roof since Jay and Nya returned.
“Kai?” He called up, earning a grunt of acknowledgement. “Dinner is just about ready, please come down.” His friend didn’t move. “Kai?”
“What? Sorry,” Kai apologized. “Just lost in my thoughts.”
The young firemaster maneuvered down to the cobblestone, climbing down the tree branches and pillars.
“May I ask about what you are thinking? I think it would be better to communicate your feelings rather than bottle them up.” Kai looked up at him. “Well?”
“Something just doesn’t add up about this whole situation. Lloyd said he just wanted to go home yesterday when we had him on the edge of Jamanakai Village, so why does he look like he’s in charge of the Serpentine we encountered?”
“Perhaps he found his calling as the son of evil, and now he is trying to lead them as his father would.”
“Then why would he claim that he did nothing wrong? Lloyd doesn’t even seem like he has an evil bone in his body. He’s a kid, for crying out loud. With how he was acting, I doubt that the evil apple landed anywhere near the tree.”
“I’m afraid that you have lost me. When did we begin discussing fruit?” Kai merely shook his head with a laugh and led Zane inside with a pat on the back. “Was that another joke?”
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saymynamekrp · 8 months
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General Information
Say My Name is an twenty-one (21)+ general non-au roleplay based on mewe with a "nightclub" theme, posing itself as a "getaway" and "escape" from the everyday life and burdens of idolhood. All muns and muses must be at least twenty-one (21)+ years old internationally. 
We accept all Asian face claims even if they are not active within the Korean entertainment industry. However, we do not allow any youtubers, Instagram models, influencers, those involved in scandals/controversies, married idols, or those that have asked to not be roleplayed. Please feel free to reach out for further clarification as needed. 
Do not participate in any god-modding, metagaming, third-wall breaking, or mixture of IC / OOC interactions in public settings or group chats. OOC drama will not be tolerated. If you feel someone has participated in one of the above, or has made you feel uncomfortable, please reach out to the admin via dm or tumblr or report the incident using our report form. We wish to create a harmonious and safe environment for all.
Character changes are only allowed one (1) week after you’ve joined the roleplay. You must reach out to admin via tumblr or DMs on mewe to request a change. You must wait three (3) weeks between changes.
Activity Requirements
Activity Checks will be held twice (2) a month. The first activity check will take place between the 1st of the month to the 15th of the month. The second activity check will take place between the 16th of the month to the 30th/31st of the month. 
The activity requirements are as follows:  ❏ At least 1 timeline post (profile, tracker, aesthetic OR nsfw posts do not count!) ❏ At least 3 comments on others’ posts.  ❏ Always make sure you are up-to-date with your followers list!
In addition, you must select from one of the following: ❏ 2 additional comments ❏ Hosted a game, hyperbeam, or group activity ❏ Posted a plot call  ❏ Reached out to 2 new members via dm ❏ Participation in a prompt, AU, or event hosted by the admins ❏ At least 1 public or private thread reply
If you miss an activity check or appear inactive, the admin will reach out to you. You will have 24 hours to respond before you are removed from the roleplay for inactivity. 
For the best experience, try to reach out to everyone and make new friends. Try to respond to everyone’s comments and DMs. Tagging in posts is a good idea since MeWe can be fickle with notifications! It is recommended you go beyond the AC checks and comment on posts when you can to enhance connectivity with others. We cannot emphasize this enough that we are a community and must ensure that everyone feels included and welcomed!
There is a two (2) week dating ban for new arrivals. We would like to give everyone the opportunity to get to know one another. Please do not face-chase for the sole purpose of wanting your muse to date a specific muse. 
Roleplaying is a hobby. Many of us attend school, care for a family or hold a job. You may take a hiatus for up to two(2) weeks at a time. If a longer hiatus is needed, please reach out to admins in order to communicate this need. Before taking a hiatus, please inform admin of your hiatus start date and end date so we can mark you down accordingly and refrain from including your muse in any ongoing Activity Checks.
Application Process
We accept tumblr, aff, and mewe as a form of communication. We would like to be able to get in contact with you if we run into any issues during your stay here at Say My Name.
You are allowed up to two (2) muses when applying. If you choose to take on two muses, we do ask that you maintain consistent activity and meet the activity requirements on both accounts. The admin team may ask for you to reevaluate your ability to hold more than one muse if you are unable to maintain activity in accordance with our requirements. You cannot roleplay two members of the same group, nor siblings/family members.
Say My Name accepts move-in couples upon application. In order to guarantee spots for your boo and you, please make sure to reference one another in your application.
Reservations last for forty-eight (48) hours. If you choose to reserve anonymously, please make sure to provide a unique password so we know it’s you when you apply! 
Once Accepted
Once accepted, you have forty-eight (48) hours to add the admin account on mewe. To make things faster, you may add the admin when you apply.
After you’ve been accepted, please accept all seven (7) group invites. The NSFW group is optional. 
Please wait to post on your timeline or add friends until you have been announced in the Arrivals group!
Once you’ve been announced, you must make a feed post within 48 hours. Remember to emoji your own posts, it’s easier for others to react.
While not mandatory, it is recommended you post a plot call in the Plot Calls group. This is one of the easiest ways to start making connections and writing with other members of the community! We also encourage you to react to as many plot calls as you possibly can to keep your interactions fresh and ongoing.
It is recommended you put your muse’s basic info on their profile (stage name, age, group, relationship status & sexual orientation) to help everyone that may not know your muse well.
Once you’ve read all the rules and feel like our community is right for you, please go ahead and fill out the application.
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theorangerangers · 2 years
Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch ask meme
What if skull just didn’t realize he was mentoring a team of rangers?
The power rangers are kinda unavoidable living in California so skull didn’t mind when there was a music themed one active in his city. In fact he was happy with it since he was taking a break from being on tour as a concert pianist to spend more time with spike and teaching lessons on the side.
His first student was the classic kid who had been forced into lessons by his parents and knew the traditional training path and would probably drop it the second he could. They wore a red hoody everywhere. More than a few times he’s reassured him that there’s nothing wrong with doubting yourself as long as it doesn’t stop you from being who you want to be. He had to learn it the hard way himself after all.
The second two were siblings as different as night and day with black and white clothes to match he’s had to stop their fighting more than once and not only with each other but others as well. He’s a bit concerned when he notices they were always a bit banged up but chalked it up to the generally rough way they interacted with each other even while getting along. It reminded him of how his mother described growing up with 4 brothers. He and the duo shuttered at the thought of having more than one sibling.
A girl in blue and a boy in yellow had apparently been recommended to him by back and white’s mother the girl was a beginner while the boy was boarding on prodigy though he was a bit of a drama king and skull wouldn’t have been shocked if the girl had only started lessons to make heart eyes at the boy since she seemed more invested in the cello. It reminded him of when he used to do all kinds of ridiculous things to get Billy’s attention and gave her some advise from what he learned from that.
At one point due to some family problems he needed a babysitter and hired a girl who for some reason had the oddest grudge match with his students for a while though after some talking it out all of them seemed to calm down and even invited her into their group
He was proud when they all ended up formed a band and writing a song together and of course he never really did put 2 and 2 together until the harmony rangers used the same song as their final bast against the enemy but skull decided if they asked he would say he knew all along
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elysiankrp · 7 months
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#ELYSIAN. is a small literate mewe based krp community dedicated to maintaining a peaceful environment for muns & claims alike. with an admin team of one, elysian is determined to deliver community events and engagement that will help us prosper and aspire to bring us closer as a community with a common interest in krp.
001. all muns and claims must be 19+ to join. elysian can and may contain explicit materials that are not meant for the eyes of little ones. you are responsible for curating your own experience inregards to being exposed to explicit content. 
002. we accept all asian faceclaims even if they are inactive in the korean entertainment industry. we do not, however, accept influencers, social media personas, claims with a controversial history, married claims or claims who have expressed a desire to not be represented by others in the rp community. 
for any clarifications, please feel free to reach out.
003. we do not tolerate any god-modding, metagaming, bubble rp, third-wall breaking, or mixture of ic / ooc interactions in public settings or group chats. ooc drama will not be tolerated. if you feel someone has participated in one of the above, or has made you feel uncomfortable, please reach out to the admin via dms or tumblr. we wish to create a harmonious and safe environment for all.
[ amendment 003 ] elysian will not tolerate the use of derogatory words in both the main, nsfw chat, and timeline. any use of derogatory language should remain private in dms or threads. excessive cussing in the main chat will not be tolerated.
004. all members are allowed to apply for up to two ( 2 ) claims upon joining the rp. you cannot, however, apply for claims within the same group or siblings/relatives to your primary claim. we would like to encourage members to spread out and provide as much availability to those who may be interested in the same claims.
005. elysian accepts all move-in couples. please specify your partner's claim within your application.
006. elysian allows for "in-game" marriages and engagements. however, there is a dating ban of two weeks before claims can enter a relationship. this is to prevent facechasing and allow people to get to know one another in the community.
[ amendment 006 ] elysian has an age gap ban of eight ( 8 ) years. muses with an eight year gap CANNOT enter or engage in a romantic or sexual relationship. in addition, muses born 95' and before, CANNOT enter or engage in a romantic or sexual relationship with muses born 02' and after. elysian accepts muses from the age of nineteen ( 19 ) and onwards. in order to protect our underage muses and for the comfort of our community, this amendment will be instated.
007. elysian does not expect members to follow the schedules of their claims or to keep up with it. we understand that adhering to a claim's schedule can restrict the ability to interact and engage with others. we do ask, however, that you portray your claim with accuracy. we understand that the presenting persona we are privy to is only one layer of a claim. we ask you to embellish and explore respectfully.
001. in order to join, you must fill out an application asking for the basic information of your desired claim and a primary form of contact for admin purposes. if your are applying for a secondary claim, please inform us of your primary claim so we can keep track. 
002. applicants will have forty-eight ( 48 ) hours to create their account and follow admin upon their acceptance being announced. failure to do so without any prior contact to convey any troubles will result in your removal. you will then have to submit another application.
003. applicants looking to reserve a claim should preview the masterlist beforehand to guarantee the availability of your desired claim. reservations last up to forty-eight ( 48 ) hours before being released once more.
001. after you’ve been accepted, please accept all eight ( 8 ) group invites. the nsfw group is optional. 
002. please wait to post on your timeline or add friends until you have been announced in the arrivals group! in order to be announced in arrivals, you will be sent a direct message from admin themselves, asking you to complete a set of requirements involving your mewe account.
003. once you’ve been announced, you must make a feed post within 48 hours. remember to emoji your own posts, it’s easier for others to react.
004. while not mandatory, it is recommended you post a plot call in the plot calls group. this is one of the easiest ways to start making connections and writing with other members of the community! we also encourage you to react to as many plot calls as you possibly can to keep your interactions fresh and ongoing.
005. it is recommended you put your muse’s basic info on their profile (stage name, age, group, relationship status & sexual orientation) to help everyone that may not know your muse well.
once you’ve read all the rules and feel like our community is right for you, please go ahead and fill out the application.
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rankvisionusa · 10 months
Welcome to The Happy Trunk: Quality Blogs on Child Care
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Parenthood is a remarkable journey filled with laughter, learning, and love. At The Happy Trunk, we understand the joys and responsibilities that come with nurturing young minds. Our platform is dedicated to providing you with quality blogs on child care, offering a wealth of knowledge to help you navigate the various stages of parenting. Whether you're a new parent or a seasoned pro, our collection of articles covers a wide range of topics, ensuring that you have access to the best blogs and guides around kids' care and overall parenthood.
Welcome to The Happy Trunk: Where Learning and Joy Unite
WELCOME TO THE HAPPY TRUNK Quality blogs on Child Care Read the best blogs and guides around kids care and overall parenthood
The Happy Trunk is your one-stop destination for valuable insights into child care and parenting. Our dedicated team of experts, parents, and caregivers collaborates to bring you a diverse range of articles that address every aspect of raising children. From infancy to adolescence, we've got you covered.
Nurturing the Young Minds: Child Care Tips and Tricks
Parenthood is a beautiful journey of nurturing and guiding young minds. In this section, best blogs and guides we delve into effective child care techniques that promote healthy growth and development.
The Power of Play: Fueling Your Child's Imagination
Play is more than just fun; it's a crucial element of childhood development. Engaging in imaginative play helps children enhance their cognitive, emotional, and social skills. Encourage creative playtime activities to foster your child's imagination.
Nutritious Bites for Tiny Tummies
Proper nutrition is the cornerstone of a child's well-being. Learn about age-appropriate foods, meal planning, and tips to encourage healthy eating habits. Remember, a balanced diet fuels your child's growth and energy.
Bedtime Made Blissful: The Art of Establishing a Bedtime Routine
A peaceful bedtime routine sets the stage for restful sleep. Discover strategies to create a soothing pre-sleep ritual that calms your child's mind and prepares them for a good night's rest.
Expert Advice: Blogs for Every Parent's Need
Parenting is a shared experience, and at The Happy Trunk, we're here to support you every step of the way. Our expertly curated blogs offer guidance on a wide range of parenting topics.
Navigating the Toddler Years: Tips for Taming Tantrums
Toddlers are known for their tantrums, but understanding their triggers and employing positive discipline techniques can help you manage challenging behaviors with patience and empathy.
The Digital Dilemma: Raising Tech-Savvy and Responsible Kids
In today's digital age, balancing screen time and real-world interactions is crucial. Explore strategies to promote healthy technology usage and ensure your child's digital well-being.
Sibling Harmony Fostering Loving Sibling Relationships
Siblings share a unique bond that comes with its fair share of squabbles and camaraderie. Learn how to nurture loving sibling relationships through effective communication and conflict resolution The Happy Trunk.
FAQ's: Your Parenting Queries Answered
How can I establish a successful morning routine for my child?
A successful morning routine begins with preparation the night before. Lay out clothes, pack lunches, and set expectations for the morning. Stick to a consistent schedule to help your child start the day on a positive note.
What are some strategies for dealing with picky eaters?
Patience is key when dealing with picky eaters. Offer a variety of nutritious foods, involve them in meal preparation, and make mealtimes enjoyable. Avoid power struggles and encourage a positive attitude towards trying new foods.
How can I encourage my child to read more?
Create a reading-friendly environment at home with a variety of age-appropriate books. Set aside dedicated reading time, lead by example, and engage in discussions about the stories to cultivate a love for reading.
Is it normal for my child to have nighttime fears?
Nighttime fears are a common part of childhood. Provide comfort and reassurance, establish a calming bedtime routine, and use nightlights if needed. Open communication and a sense of security can help alleviate nighttime anxieties.
What's the best approach to limit screen time for my child?
Setting clear and reasonable screen time limits is essential. Create a daily schedule that includes designated screen time, along with other activities like outdoor play, hobbies, and family bonding. Be consistent and lead by example.
How do I handle my child's emotional outbursts in public?
Handling emotional outbursts in public requires understanding and patience. Find a quiet and private space, offer comfort and validation, and use calming techniques such as deep breathing or distraction to help your child regain composure.
Welcome to The Happy Trunk, your trusted source for quality blogs on child care and parenting. We're dedicated to providing you with the best blogs and guides around kids' care and overall parenthood. From expert advice to heartwarming stories, our platform is designed to support and inspire you on your parenting journey. Join our community of parents committed to nurturing young minds and creating lasting memories. Embrace the joys and challenges of parenthood with confidence, and remember, you're never alone on this incredible adventure.
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magiclcss · 1 year
Qᴜɪᴄᴋ ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ ᴏꜰ ʜᴀʀᴜ'ꜱ ᴅᴀɴɢᴀɴʀᴏɴᴘᴀ ᴠᴇʀꜱᴇ ( THH, V3, and anime ):
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◜name: Haruto “Haru” Ryugazaki ◜birthday: May 30th (Gemini) ◜height: 177 cm (5'10") ◜weight: 77 kg (170 lbs) ◜class: Hopes Peak Academy’s 78th class ( THH ), and 79th class ( Killing Harmony ) ◜talent: Super High School Level / Ultimate Track Star ( Former if going by the anime ) ◜job: Works in the 13th division of Future Foundation along side Aoi Asahina ( Anime; Future Arc ) ◜moral alignment: Neutral Good ◜status: Alive
ᴍᴏʀᴇ ꜰᴀᴄᴛꜱ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʜᴀʀᴜ:
Things to know about Haru’s verse: Haru has the talent of SHSL / Ultimate Trackstar. This is something that will not change. Due to the fact of him being Kaede’s younger brother, I don’t know how to implement him in SDr2. Therefore, I won’t write him in the second game. Just know that he was a member of the future foundation in the outside world while his sister was in the Neo World Program. Haru’s age range is seventeen to nineteen, or twenty years old if I’m writing her in the Future Arc of the Danganronpa anime. Haru, is on team hope, in the Future Arc and doesn’t agree with The 2nd Division and the 6th Division’s simple plan of exterminate all Remnants of Despair and anyone that assist them. Nor does he agree with the 1st Division and 10th Division’s favor in removing the source of despair that exist in human nature. This belief was heavily influenced by the fact that his own sister was a Remnant of Despair herself. In regards to Danganronpa v3: both him and Kaede are active participants in the Killing Game. So the only time their verses intertwine is during the events of Killing Harmony and their Non-Despair AU’s
Non-Despair AU: A non-despair verse, where the tragedy never happened, and Haru simply attends and enjoys life at Hope’s Peak Academy as the Ultimate Trackstar.
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc: Haru, much like the main cast of the 78th class, lived in the Academy happily, spending his happy times together for around one year until The Tragedy occurred. Once the tragedy occurred, the True Ultimate Despair took away his school memories so he could participate in the Killing School Life with the others. While Haru manages to keep a cheerful disposition, you could see visible distraught and fear on his face when Monokuma gave another incentive to the students: The students' most embarrassing and the deepest secrets. Managing to be close friends with Yasuhiro Hagakure, he was an active voice in the 3rd murder trial. Actively helping to clear his friend’s name until Hagakure was no longer the prime suspect. Despite voting for Makoto in the chapter 5 trial, Haru couldn’t wrap his head around Makoto committing a murder. With the killing game finally over and Junko gone, Haru and the remaining survivors were finally free to leave the school, getting rescued by the Future Foundation soon after.
Danganronpa v3: Killing Harmony: Much like the others, Haru is a completely different person then he is in the show. In the killing game show, Haru is a energetic person who’s quickly able to make friends with nearly anyone he interacts with and is a borderline himbo. In the outside world, Haru is cynical, malicious, and reckless person who doesn’t really care for anyone else that aren’t his two sisters and niece. His main purpose for entering the game was to win by any means necessary. Now, this part is a bit tricky. In the outside world, Haru and Kaede are truly siblings. However, due to their first memory via the Flashback Light, they were made to believe that they were twins. While in reality, Haru is younger by a year. Haru���s motive video would’ve included his older sister, Asami as well as his niece. Along with Shuichi, Maki, Himiko, and his sister, hhe resolve himself to go out into the outside world and see the truth for himself.
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak High School ( Future Arc ): Haru is distant relative of FSHL Blacksmith, Sounosuke Izayoi. After the events of THH, Haru, along with the remaining survivors of the first Killing Game became members of the Future Foundation. Upon hearing that Makoto was charged with the crime of treason for protecting the Remnants of Despair, he felt a wave of relief wash over him that he could’ve cried right then and there. Not only grateful that he was willing to save his sister, but the other Remnant of Despairs as well. Forced to participate in the Final Killing Game by Monokuma, he was fitted with bangle that would put him to sleep at a fixed time. His forbidden action forbade him from smiling until the Killing Game was over. After the fall of the Future foundation, Haru helped with the rebuilding of Hopes Peak before he decided to continue his track training. Every once in a while, he’ll head over to Jabberwock Island to visit his sister.
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lamby-lamb · 2 years
hey Lamby so I was curious since you stated you don't see the people at CCRP as friends (which is understandable considering your previous interactions with them) who do you see as friends? Other than your siblings and Harmony of course. -Rosa
Perky and I are... Teamates. I don't really know. I used to think PEIP was our friends but after they teamed up with CCRP... I'm not sure
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
“I sense our sister being stupid...”
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“How do you just develop that 7th sense, is it like a experience thing or were you born with it?”
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“I get a feeling, and right now its a headache.”
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peach-astrology · 4 years
Neptune in the houses.
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Neptune in the first house:
1)Charisma even with the wrong facial features,which blooms especially brightly in the photo.This is the position of the planet had Marilyn Monroe.
2)Falling in love with an unattainable object – a movie actor,a singer,an inaccessible beauty,for example,the one in the mirror:)
3)They have a certain taste that they design on clothing and the interior of the house.I often meet such people with blue or green eyes.
4)They are very friendly and compassionate.They can be the people to talk to and cry to.
5)With bad aspects,a person may have mental illness.
Neptune in the second house:
1)They are prone to reckless spending,they can spend their entire salary on a certain thing that they literally "fell in love"with.
2)With a strong position of the planet and the absence of negative aspects,the native can really achieve success and earn good money in art,chemistry and medicine.
3)Big money can come to them in an unusual or unexpected way.And also mysteriously disappear...
4)When Neptune is affected,people can feel a lot of guilt,even where they were not at fault.
5)I really recommend keeping a money-book.This way your money will be under your guidance.There is no other way to work out this position of the planet.
Neptune in the third house:
1)It is most convenient for such people to learn through pictures and examples from life.They may not count well in their minds,for example.(But you still need to look at Mercury)
2)They can be good writers,bloggers,or singers.
3)Because of problems in the parent family,such a person often lives with one of the relatives.
4)When the planet is hit,a person can be absent-minded,do poorly in school,be very shy and have bad relationships with siblings.
5)With a strong Neptune,a person can be a good teacher(he feels other people when talking)
Neptune in the fourth house:
1)A person has problems with one of the parents who may have liked alcohol or illegal substances.Or he died early.Often,such people may still have a parent who is ill with something,who needed a lot of care.
2)Their parents may have been of different nationalities.Their house often had guests.
3)With bad aspects,a person could run away from home or leave it at an early age.
4)They relax through privacy.During this time,you can draw,meditate,or watch a movie.
5)This position of Neptune is good for social workers who are able to realize their talents for the common good,preferably within a large organization that will give them a lot of clients,colleagues and suitable motivation for their work.
Neptune in the fifth house:
1)Low self-esteem or,conversely,skillful psychological manipulation of others.
2)If the position of the planet is not worked out,a person can turn his head from the beloved.He can idealize his image,add too much romance.
3)By nature,human is a very gentle,kind and merciful person.He has charisma and sex appeal.
4)They could be very troubled children.
5)Pregnant women with this situation should be VERY careful to monitor their health.
Neptune in the sixth house:
1)They may have unusual allergies or just a large number.
2)Their health can directly depend on the cleanliness of the house and their food.
3)They should not rely on others.Not everyone works honestly and correctly.Also PLEASE respect yourself and don't help everyone.
4)The best solution for a native is to work from home or to reach the level of a manager yourself,when you don't have to spend time on routine duties.And in order to build a successful business relationship,it is important to give up the use of alcohol and psychotropic drugs,because such a person gets used to them instantly.
5)With a weak Mars in the natal chart,there is idleness and a desire to frequently change the place of residence.
Neptune in the seventh house:
1)With a harmonious Neptune in the 7th house,the native radiates the energy of love and subconsciously waits for acceptance and sympathy when getting married,moving to a new job and entering a University.
2)When the planet is affected,idealistic expectations turn into broken dreams:it is difficult to join the team,do not accept it as it is,you have to sacrifice your interests.
3)Their partner may suffer from some kind of mental disorder and the person will help to cure it.
4)Such people need to learn to read their feelings and be able to make final decisions.
5)When choosing a job,a person should carefully study the personality of the manager,so as not to experience emotional abuse.
Neptune in the eighth house:
1)You have a very active imagination and a powerful imagination.You may have an interest in the supernatural,psychic phenomena,or the occult.You may have strange fantasies,vague fears of ghosts and death,so it is best not to engage in such things until you are firmly on your feet in the material world.
2)Prone to seeing strange dreams and nightmares.Often suffers from insomnia,may end up in a dream or under anesthesia.
3)Must keep track of the family's finances,their partner may have spent too much money.
4)Their relatives have occult abilities(maybe a human too).
5)Neptune is the most passive planet and sexually it leads to deep and Platonic love.Sex and bodily pleasures are not in the first place for him,the main thing is emotions and tenderness.
Neptune in the ninth house:
1)The karmic task is not to allow yourself to become a "stranger among your own",forgetting about the roots and national traditions,maintaining a balance between the desire for reform and respect for history.
2)He is actively interested in educational programs and social reforms.He likes to study and shows the ability to learn foreign languages,and strives to help people deprived of their freedom.
3)The defeat of the planet creates a danger of ignoring professional training and determines difficulties in communicating with relatives of a partner.
4)Very often such people are very demanding in love.
5)The advice is to deal with your thoughts and ideas.You can't combine incompatible things.Spend more time meditating and being alone to make important decisions.
Neptune in the tenth house:
1)Their work must be creative for career growth.
2)The weak position of the planet provokes intrigues and intrigues of colleagues and strained relations with the boss,and in a strong position,the sharpened intuition of the native will help to get away with it.
3)If their work is normal,they can modify it.For example,such a teacher can teach in an unusual way,and simply differ from others.
4)In a good position a person can give good advice.
5)Your father was a unique person, different from other people, or unpredictable in dealing with you. Perhaps his views were unstable or he was too headstrong, but in any case, he created his own unique life. You may have been separated from it, either literally or figuratively. By interacting with it, you have learned the need to stand firmly on your own two feet, not depend on anyone, and this imprint has formed one of the basic attitudes to life that you will follow as an adult.
Neptune in the eleventh house: 
1)In love,an incorrigible romantic.
2)When Neptune is stricken,it has unreliable friends.They should choose their environment carefully even at work.
3)Even the owner of Neptune in the 11th house often has low self-esteem,is shy to show their talents,hides in the shadow of others.Having a fine mental organization,it is vital for him to learn to punch his way with his elbows,so as not to be trampled by the crowd.
4)You can read people's feelings,but you can't distinguish between friend and foe.Paradox.
5)You are the friendliest of all houses!
Neptune in the twelfth house:
1)Such people often hide their feelings and attachments.
2)Like the sixth house you need to value yourself and your time and not help everyone.
3)There are a lot of talents not only in creativity,but also in other areas of life.
4)They literally feel the money,intuition saves them from bad deals.
5)They like not to respond to messages for a long time,not because of resentment,but simply because they are resting or sleeping ahaha.
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masterwords · 3 years
OR. Clooney is getting old! So Derek gets a rescue puppy to keep him company and help him feel young again. And Jack wants to take the new puppy and Clooney for a walk. So Aaron watches Derek take Jack and the dogs for a walk and his heart just *melts* because Derek is such a perfect heartbreaker of a man and he is SO GOOD with Aaron’s son and animals and everybody he meets. And Aaron falls in love all over again.
It's a shorty! For once! Thank you for this precious idea! <3
The sun is dipping low on the horizon, singing its golden lullaby over the evergreens. Jack's laughter echoes through the trees, over the hills in perfect harmony. Aaron sits with his feet in the water, toes wiggling in the murky riverbed, kicking up small, slick rocks and disturbing crawdads. He's watching Jack and Derek run through the knee deep current, enough to knock Jack over in places but not enough to do any harm. He falls and he pushes himself under the current like a fish, pretends to be a salmon swimming upstream and sputters when he comes up for air. Beside them is Clooney, old and stately, coaxing his new puppy friend into the water. With some trepidation, the puppy that Jack is tentatively calling Falcon even after protests from both Derek and Aaron, dips a paw into the freezing water. Clooney wags his tail, dipping it into the water every third or fourth spin and lets out a soft bark. Encouragement. Falcon takes another step, awkward paws, too big still for his body, slipping on the algae covered rocks. Aaron watches the interaction closely, the way Falcon is learning to trust Clooney, the way Clooney is welcoming his new friend into the fold. A few feet away Derek is spinning Jack through the water by his arms, kicking up a tidal wave with his toes high enough to send droplets like a spray of bullets to the shore, right into Aaron's face. He wipes them out of his eyelashes absentmindedly, smiling.
The work day had been hard. He'd made several mistakes, been reprimanded, upset his team with new assignments. That he is sitting here now, nudging rocks with his toes, reshaping the current momentarily, watching his family welcome a new member is a gift not lost on him. Jack squeals with delight as Derek tosses him high in the air and Clooney turns his nose up, barks a few times, an old man warning Derek to be careful with his precious charge. He's reminded of Nana and the Darling children, the way Clooney focuses on Jack, protects him. Falcon's tail moves rapidly over the water, swishing to and fro and the higher Derek throws Jack, the further into the water he comes until both dogs are barking at Derek – one like a warning parent, the other a jealous sibling. Derek laughs and Jack hollers, throwing his arms wide like he might just take to the wind and soar away. Aaron doesn't worry, even for a second, that anything bad might happen. He trusts Derek with everything precious to him in the universe. In that moment, Jack high in the air, the setting sun singing her glory behind him, Aaron feels peaceful. Content.
The work day had been hard, and the next would follow suit, but that doesn't mean the rest of his life has to be. He's slowly realizing and understanding this phenomenon. Aaron, with the current rushing around his ankles, knows that he is living proof of grace and redemption.
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laora-inn · 4 years
Supernatural - 15x17. On Chuck, Cas, and love. Chuck’s true weakness
As all my SPN metas, it’s Destiel positive and happy end positive, don’t like - don’t read.
15x17 gave us a lot about Chuck and Amara relationship. Now I should tell, that inside the story they are not mirrors for some other SPN characters. SPN characters are supposed to be mirrors for them.
Or that’s how it was planned by Chuck.
From the start Chuck wasn’t whole. That’s where his disappointment in angels and humans comes from. That’s why, though he needs fans, the same time he despises them and can’t see the truth, which is obvious for them (i. e. for Becky).  Chuck doesn’t kill his fans. He just sends them away, ‘cause they are "annoying” and have their own demands. He prefers to ignore that. Just like channel execs preferred to ignore us when it came to Cas and DeanCas. 
Chuck sends his angelic fans away the same he did with Becky in 15x04, with the same words actually. “I didn’t kill him (Becky’s husband). He’s just far away”. Chuck ruins their lives with ignoring them - but also he ruins lives of those who he is interested in. Lucifer was his most beloved son - and Chuck gave him the Mark of Cain, which corrupted him... though Chuck’s main purpose there was to seal Amara, of course. 
That’s how his disappointment began. He sealed the part of himself and became BROKEN. Broke himself, actually.  In 15x17 Chuck says he was obsessed by fractals, repetitions of one form on different levels, and that’s true: in Sam and Dean’s story he just tries to repeat his and Amara’s one - maybe, to understand something. To fix himself. Not to be haunted of his own failures. That’s his self-therapy - but it didn’t work even a little for ages... until he saw something true. Until the story of Team Free Will began and his puppets suddenly weren’t puppets anymore. 
Why? I think we all Destihellers had known, but in 15x17 we got a serious confirmation.  These Sam and Dean are so special because of this Cas, because of his total and absolute disobedience. According to Chuck, that’s the only real difference between their story and the others’ ones. 
The reason of that is obvious - love. Cas’s perfect angelic devotion, but not to God. Here I wrote about Adam and Seraphina and the sacred oath reason - in connection to Cas.  Chuck doesn’t understand Cas’s (and love - the synonyms here) importance for his story. For him Cas “is something that always goes wrong” (Dean’s words from 15x03, fascinating *sarcasm*). Here in the end there are some thoughts about Cas’s being the greatest trickster of the show.
There are lots of Sams, Deans, Cases. But there is one Amara. In 15x17 she said her return because of the Winchesters was a part of Chuck’s plan - except her feelings for Dean, as Chuck confirmed. I suppose we can believe him - he chose these Sam and Dean to return Amara, to deal with her. Thanks to them he finally found the will to face her - not to make it looks like one sibling’s death/sealing is the logical reason for another one to live long and happy life (like for Dean in 5x22, after Sam’s sacrifice). Chuck used the story to heal his trauma - but he ignored Lucifer’s trauma, his desperate want to be loved, and the Winchesters’ story continued. Now I think that it was a part of Chuck’s plan - he liked these boytoys so much. And with considering them boytoys, his trauma wasn’t healed.  ‘Cause it wasn’t Amara who caused it. It was always Chuck himself.  In 15x04 he said that he hates himself. I have no doubts about it, but all he’s doing was making it even worse. Hurting others means deepening your wounds. To find the way you should stop. Just stop. And enjoy the moment, maybe - like Amara in 15x17 advised. 
But Chuck didn’t listen to her. Enjoyment means love, and he can’t love. Only manipulate. 
Unlike Chuck, Amara found her harmony. I assume that’s because she found love in herself, not outside. The love outside can’t be appreciated if your heart is closed, like Chuck’s. Well, Amara’s heart is open, and that makes her vulnerable I guess.  In the beginning of 15x17 Amara was reading “Norwegian wood”. I’ve also read this book and think that the main message here is: the real is always better than some dreams about. Just like Amara said to Dean about Mary in 15x15... though Dean seemed not to understand her.  Betraying Amara for Dean means betraying himself and letting Chuck, the vengeful father, who is ready to sacrifice his children in a heartbeat, win. Betraying her means Dean becomes Chuck’s mirror. He gives up his family not for his own freedom, but for Chuck’s.  ALL THIS STORY WAS CREATED BECAUSE CHUCK WANTED TO HAVE HIS FREE WILL. And he can’t. 
I assume somewhere in 15x04 he thought Amara’s consumption was the only way to become whole, to find free will, to feel joy, not disappointment. To be happy. 
In 6x20 we saw Cas’s praying to Chuck while sitting on a bench, with some flowers near. We know that was the moment when Chuck could stop Cas, prevent all this Leviathan story... unless he WANTED it. In 15x04 he said that he loved monsters, Leviathans especially. And by that time he certainly wanted Cas dead (as well as the channel execs, I suppose). 
In 15x17 we see Amara praying to Chuck while sitting on a bench, with a flower in her hands. She wants a balance with him. He wants her dead - not literally though. 
Did Chuck know that in 15x17 Amara would trap him? I think yes. He wanted that specifically.
Did he know that Sam would be alive by the end of 15x17? I think no. He was disappointed again, he WASN’T HAPPY even after Amara’s disappearance.  
Why wasn’t he? The Empty gave us a clue while making a deal with Cas: to be happy you must let yourself be happy. And that’s impossible without love, understanding, and TRANSFORMATION.
Yet Chuck didn’t understand that AGAIN. He said “kill each other, don’t kill each other - I don’t care” to boys only because he succeeded in killing Amara as a personality finally. So he didn’t need Sam and Dean as “mirrors” of his own toxic relationship with his sibling anymore.
But we - now we understand. Chuck revealed the secret himself when told about this Cas’s uniqueness.
To be whole doesn’t mean to manipulate and to devour, in fact these are the opposites. Maybe Sam, Dean and Cas ARE broken, but not as much as Chuck himself. Maybe they are broken only because of him and his trauma, his awful relationship with Amara. Maybe, unlike him, they found the real way to healing.  
Maybe their “cracks” are not like his. Maybe these “cracks” are the free will itself, the things that can change the convo, and they are also something Chuck doesn’t know about -  ‘cause he doesn’t understand them. 
He doesn’t truly understand love. 
The way Cas supports Sam while looking the way to save Jack. The things he says during Sam and Dean’s fight - small things, not important at first sight. They weren’t scripted by Chuck I think: Dean, don’t. Sam, why not? All these looks - from Sam to Cas before confronting Dean. From Cas to Sam and Dean. From Dean to Cas - Dean was looking at Cas several times while listening to Sam, for support or confirmation.
Cas couldn’t fight Dean there, he was so unsure. He didn’t even agree to buy Sam some time if Dean comes back earlier than Sam. But he supported Sam in his fight, said to him not to surrender, said, that Sam’s internal compass was functioning perfectly. That’s moral support only, but it could change things.
Dean also saw support in Cas, but Cas had doubts, he ASKED Sam, why not, and Dean just HAD TO listen. 
As a result they confirmed themselves as Team Free Will. All the three of them - they could escape the next Chuck’s trap.    Still I assume the crucial party in that belongs to Cas. He is something that always isn’t in the plan, something unpredictable.  Notice - when Sam, Jack and Dean deal with Amara, there is no Cas with them. But in the end of 15x17 it’s Cas who asks Chuck about Amara, and that wasn’t the part of his plan. I suppose this question was the reason of Chuck’s getting angry so much that he revealed the secret about this Cas as a kind of offence. Like it’s bad - to be unpredictable. To be a trickster.  To be real.
Chuck’s words about this Cas’s uniqueness influence Cas for sure. After them he looked at Dean TWICE (what for?!), and I think that’s possible that his latter question “What do you mean?” refers to these Chuck’s words especially. Cas was just lost in his thoughts when he heard them. Only when Chuck told about Jack’s death, Cas was brought back to reality. Coincidence? Hell no. 
Now Cas understood something thanks to Chuck, and that will play in 15x18 for sure. 
Also, in 15x17 we didn’t see any Cas+Empty interaction. Only Sam+Empty - but THIS IS CAS’S HELP TO SAM THAT MADE IT POSSIBLE.
So maybe Chuck knew about Sam coming to Death library. But did he know about Sam’s getting God Death book? We’ll wait and see. To conclude: Chuck can’t control love ‘cause he doesn’t understand it, doesn’t feel it. And that's the true weakness that will end him.  Chuck’s true weakness is revealed: he isn’t in love. With anything. 
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