#Watching others play the game {Dash Com}
jksprincess10 · 1 year
Hi! I love your stories so much💜
I didn't know if you would write a cute story of pedro and an interviewer (y/n) having a flirty interview and then randomly running into each other later at like the grocery store or something?
Yesss !! Omg ! Please more sweet Pedro ideas like that !!
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CW: implied smut, heavy flirting.
In your years of working as an interviewer for a big magazine, you were never nervous meeting celebrities. Until today. You were meeting the man of the hour, Pedro Pascal. He was totally part of your fantasies every week as you sat down to watch and rewatched The Last of Us.
He had the reputation of being really nice, but what if he found you insufferable? So, you did the most to look at least your best on the outside. You were wearing a chic black jacket, a matching skirt, and a colorful blouse. You sat on the set as you were waiting to meet Pedro, fidgeting nervously with your rings.
Your boss appeared minutes later with Pedro beside him. You got up to shake the star’s hand, trying not to blush. He was wearing a loose cardigan, chic pants, a t-shirt, and his thick black frames were sitting on his nose. He held your hand a little longer as you shook it, lifting it up to look at your colorful nails.
“I love your nail color!” He exclaimed with a smile.
You already felt more at ease.
“Thank you, it’s so nice to meet you.”
You both did the presentations, before you sat down in front of each other for the interview. You went over the questions with him to make sure he was comfortable. Once you were sure everything was okay, the camera started rolling.
“We are here today with the man of the moment, the legend, Pedro Pascal.”
He blushed under the compliment.
“Oh, shush, you’re just staying that.” He laughed.
“No really, we are all obsessed with you, and there is a reason besides your dashing looks. The way you portrayed Joel is amazing. How did you get ready for this role?”
“You’re not bad yourself.” He teased, and you were probably blushing. Thankfully, the camera would focus more on Pedro. “I did have to go in mostly blind, as the producers didn’t want us to play the game. I read the script and discovered an extremely complex character. So, I did try to portray that.”
“You succeeded! With your role as Joel, you had the chance to work with Bella Ramsey, who plays a girl who eventually becomes a daughter to your character. How did your relationship with them evolved as the filming went on?”
“We did become really close. We took care of each other. I miss them every day now!”
“Bella, you better call Pedro!” You said as you pointed at the camera. “I’ll come for you!”
You both erupted in laughter.
“Maybe I shouldn’t threaten a 19 years-old.”
“Maybe not.”
“Anyways! Did you think that the series was well received by the fans of the game?”
“Yes, for the most part. I think we did our best to do justice to the source material, which is already amazing. I feel so loved.” He said as he put a hand on his heart, fake crying.
“You are, definitely!”
You asked all your questions, finishing up by asking what’s next for him.
“I… I don’t know really, I’m open to anything.”
“Hopefully we get a nice and lengthy rom-com with you.” You teased with a smile.
“Are you an actress? You’d make a good love interest.”
“I mean, I can become one for you.”
It seemed like you two were shamelessly flirting. But Pedro was like that with everyone, right? When the camera stopped rolling, you fanned your face with a hand, which made Pedro laugh.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
“Yes, I survived meeting you. But now, I need you to leave so I can breathe.” You smiled.
Pedro was a busy man, so he did have to leave shortly after. He hugged you as he said he’d see you around.
A few days later, after the interview was diffused and people were speculating on who you were, you went grocery shopping as you always did on Mondays. Your trip always finished in the pet’s aisle, where you got litter for your cat.
As you were lifting the box, familiar hands with a messy target tattoo grabbed it for you and dropped it inside your cart. You smiled as you looked up to Pedro.
“Who said I needed help?” You asked.
“Sorry, I just wanted an excuse to talk to you again.” The man shrugged. “Thanks again for the interview, it was really fun.” He took out his phone of his jeans pocket and handed it to you. “I forgot to ask for your number.”
“I thought you were flirting with me just for the camera.” You said as you typed in your phone number. “You put me in trouble with your fans.”
“I was not. Do you… want to go for coffee later, so I can make it up to you?”
“Yes. I’d love to, Pedro.” You smiled so hard, it hurt your cheeks.
“I’ll text you the deets.”
You met at a café that was opened pretty late. It was a cozy place that Pedro suggested, where you would be mostly left alone. When you went inside, you easily found him, already sitting at a small table with two mugs.
You sat in front of him with a wide smile. Your hands laid on your jeans-covered thighs, so he wouldn’t see how much you were shaking.
“Please, don’t tell me you got me 6 shots of expresso.”
His brows shot up as he looked at you with a surprised expression.
“Well, hello to you too. It’s a cafe latte. And how do you know so much about me?”
“Had to do my research before our interview.” You lied, not wanting to look a fangirl who totally had that particular tiktok edit saved in your phone. “Thanks for the coffee.”
You took a sip of the warm beverage.
“No problem. So, I’m guessing you have a cat? Or 10?”
“No, it’s for my own toilet.” You rolled your eyes with a smile, and the actor laughed with you.
The conversation flowed between you two very easily, like you were old friends meeting. You talked over coffee until very late.
“I’ll accompany you to your place, if you want.” Pedro said as you two crossed the door of the café. “New York at night can be pretty shitty.”
You surely had your fair share of experiences walking late at night and being harassed by strangers.
“I appreciate it.” You thanked him. Mentally, you were trying to remember if your apartment was messy.
He stayed with you for the subway ride and even accompanied you to your door.
“You… want to come in?” You unlocked your door with trembling hands.
“Sure.” He agreed, trying to sound as laid back as possible, like he wasn’t waiting for you to ask this exact question.
Once the door was closed behind you, you couldn’t resist but grabbing onto his t-shirt to bring him closer. Pedro smirked as he looked down at your lips, before you leaned in to kiss him.
“You made me have too much coffee, so I won’t sleep tonight. Wanna help with that?” You asked against his lips, grinning.
You walked backwards to your bedroom as you kept pulling on his shirt, not keeping your lips to yourself.
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nuctoria · 2 months
Super Mermaid Bros (Part 1)
"We're the Mario Brothers, and plumbing's our game! We're not like the others who get all the fame! When your sink's in trouble, you can call us on the double. We're faster than the others, you'll be hooked on the brothers!"
"It's a-me, Mario!" "And a-Luigi!" "Are you tired of paying a-too much on the plumbing?" "Mama mia!" "That's why the Super Mario Brothers are here! A-To save Brooklyn" "And the Queens!" "And your wallets!"
The two brothers held each other by the shoulder as they watched their commercial play on TV with big, excited and goofy grins on their faces. They let go of each other to look at one another once it ended and let out a laugh of joy. The two were in the dry land with humans and were most excited to start their own business, especially now that they had the commercial to make them more known.
"Wow, you were great!" Mario said first as he slapped his brother's cap over his eyes, causing him to lift it back up and readjust it on his head. "I was great? Are you kidding me? You were great!" Luigi countered excitedly as he playfully slapped Mario's stomach repeatedly a few times. "I'm so glad we spent all our life savings on this commercial!" Mario pointed at the TV but Luigi quickly disagreed. "It is not a commercial! It. Is. Cinema."
The two brothers continued discussing about it, also getting an enthusiastic opinion from their friend Giuseppe, who was playing an arcade game next to them. However, the joyous occasion was quickly spoiled when they heard the loud voice of their old boss, Spike. He was always one to sour their mood.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Brooklyn's favourite failures, 'the Stupid Mario Brother'!" Spike mocked the brothers as he scarfed down a slice of pizza. "Oh great, Spike's here" Luigi huffed with annoyance as he and Mario walked up to their old boss.
Mario crossed his arms and stopped right in front of Spike's seat, letting the man pointlessly mock and laugh at them. Luigi tried to stand up for them by boasting of how their mom had texted them to congratulate them but despite his excitement and Mario's embarrassment, Spike continued to laugh and even insulted the green brother, throwing a dirty tissue at him.
Mario was quick to turn deadly serious and stop the tissue from hitting Luigi, throwing it back at Spike and daring him to insult his brother again. Spike wasn't one to let this pass, no matter how small the offense was, abruptly getting up and grabbed Mario aggressively by his overalls so they can be face to face.
"Get this through your tiny brain, Mario. You're a joke. And you always will be" with that, Spike threw Mario down and tossed some cash on the table before making his way out of the pizzeria with a quiet chuckle.
"Are you insane? He's three times your size!" Luigi exclaimed worriedly as Mario got up and adjusted his cap. "Luigi, com' on! Y' know, you can't be scared all the time." Mario said nonchalantly at his brother. "You'd be surprised. Especially with what goes on in the water." Luigi countered before his phone rang.
When Luigi got a look at it and spoke with the person on the phone, he was happy to find out that it was their first client. He hugged his brother when the phone call ended and proudly announced that they were in business before they both dashed out of the pizzeria and towards their trucks.
Which would not start. Of all times too.
Mario refused to let that make him late and decided to ditch the truck all together and run to the client's house, much to Luigi's chagrin. It didn't get better when they saw the construction site but there was no way Mario would let that stop him, he had enough practice using his tail as legs and could use them as well as any human. Luigi wasn't as confident with his skills but he wasn't going to let him brother down, so on he went. He was very grateful when Mario went out of his way to make that obstacle course easier for him.
When they finally got to the house of the client they took a short break to hydrate themselves and get their energy back, can't be sluggish and tired on their first job of the day. They introduced themselves to the couple of the house and were led upstairs to where the drip was, assuring them that it would be fixed and with no mess to worry about. However, Luigi grew tense and a bit scared when he saw that the couple had a dog, Mario not being too bother by it but acknowledging its existence. The fear only grew when Luigi accidently stepped and broke the dog's fake bone by accident and angered the animal.
Thankful, the fear was gone when the two got to work, identifying the drip, locating the cause and fixing the issue in a matter of seconds. A first job complete and nicely done. Until the dog entered the room, still angry at its broken toy.
The dog pounced at the brothers and ended up crashing into the bathroom sink so hard it broke and made the connecting water pipes burst with pressure. Tiles popped out of the floor from the water coming through, then the toilet, then from behind the mirror and then the shower. The brothers tried their best to hold everything down and keep the water from flooding the room like in the shower where they trapped the dog for their safety.
Some water had drenched Luigi's lower half and he had to hurriedly remove his overalls since his tail was reattaching itself, decency be damned with the madness happening right now. Mario quickly used his wrench to stop fix the water pressure and stop the water from going everywhere before hurrying over to Luigi so they could dry him off and separate his tail again so he could put back his overalls.
The dog had used the water that flooded the shower to its advantage to float up to the top end of the shower glass and escape to attack again, only to end up flying out the small window of the bathroom. It's a good thing the brothers were quick enough to catch it using a plunger before it hit the ground and the couple noticed.
But the damage was done and they couldn't do much else before the clients walked in their bathroom to find it in shambles, with their beloved dog being pulled out of their toilet by a plunger in Mario's hands and completely drenched to top it all off.
Not exactly a good day.
Had to rush some parts since I didn't want to describe each scene of the movie which everyone has watched and since it's in the dry land I can't put too many changes in it but I tried my best. The next part will be fully different however.
@istadris @itsavee4117 @billinshoes @vulpixfairy1985 @keakruiser @elitadream
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 2 years
Guilty Pleasures
A/N: During an impromptu chat session in the @spnfanficpond's discord server, we decided to play a sprint game with a prompt! @princessmisery666 provided the prompt, and we all wrote a little something for it. When everyone else mentioned they were writing Dean, my contrary brain decided to write Sam.
Prompt: Guilty pleasures - so there is a song called No One Else In The Room by Jessie Reyez, I've started writing something for it for another fandom but it got me wondering. When no one else is in the room what songs/movies/tv shows do they boys watch/listen to that they'd never admit to anyone else. How do they react when they get caught?
Summary: Sam's not usually guilty about the things he likes, but there are still a couple of things...
Pairing: None.
Warnings: No beta reader on this, and it was literally written in 30 minutes with only a couple of cosmetic changes made after that. It's rough.
Word count: 314 words
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Sam hasn’t spent much of his life worried about being embarrassed about what music he likes to listen to or what shows he likes to watch. He spent so many of his younger years defiantly liking things that his dad or his brother specifically wouldn’t like, simply because they didn’t them, that being anything other than defiantly secure in his interests was simply against the grain. Not that he told them why he really went after what Dean called “butt rock” or what Dad had called “rom-com crap”. No, Sam always had a good reason prepared for why whatever he was enjoying was worthwhile.
“It’s educational, Dean. Serial killers are like monsters, so learning how they hunt can only help us figure out what we hunt.”
“Studies have shown that listening to classical music while studying can increase the amount of information your brain can absorb, Dad. If I want to pass, I need all the help I can get!”
More recently, it had been, “Girls take Art History, Dean.” Oh, and also, “Lucifer is possessing Vince Vincente, so this is research!”
This, however, was beyond even his own ability to justify.
That was why he was holed up in his room in the bunker, door closed and locked (even though Dean and Cas were helping Claire with a hunt two states over), headphones on his head, and the volume still kept almost too low for him to even hear. As he watched Applejack and Rainbow Dash prance across his laptop screen, he brought the bacon double cheeseburger to his mouth and took a huge bite. He savored the cheesy, bacony goodness while glancing gleefully at the raisin custard pie (the only pie Dean had ever pushed away from himself in disgust) he would eventually devour for dessert.
Sam didn’t let himself indulge in things often, but when he did, he went all in.
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(Tags below the cut)
Ye olde forever tags list: @datfandombitch @manawhaat @sammit-janet @littlegreenplasticsoldier @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @iwantthedean @growningupgeek @feelmyroarrrr @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @chelsea072498 @helvonasche @rizlowwritessortof @wheresthekillswitch @sandlee44 @icequeen1371 @tistai @pie-and-pudding @thelittleredwhocould @supernaturallymarvellous @ellen-reincarnated1967 @notnaturalanahi @salt-n-burn-em-all @fumar-et-flores @chalicia @smalltowndivaj @littlefreakingfangirl @straightestgay-voice @percywinchester27 @vanessa-monique-blog @lynn1712 @gallxntdean @antares1980 @hunterpuff @beffyblueeyes-blog @sammiesamness @cassieraider @emoryhemsworth @speakinvain @andkatiethings @latetothewinchesterparty @winchesterprincessbride @drakelover78 @calaofnoldor @idreamofplaid @akshi8278 @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
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nedlittle · 2 years
Fandoms: Riverdale, Dark (Netflix show), and Person of Interest for the ask game...? I've only watched 'Dark', but know the other two through friends. Not sure if you have experienced any of them already, but I hope whatever you are going through/feeling calms down soon, and best wishes ^^
okay person of interest has not seeped onto my dashboard so i cannot infer a single thing about it and i know that the first season of dark has a similar premise to the first season of str*nger th*ngs of Kid Goes Missing For Spooky but it's german and presumably not Unbearable and that is all i can tell you because it occasionally makes an appearance on my dash but not enough to guess at more of the plot. RIVERDALE on the other hand
even if i watched every single episode of riverdale i do not think i would be able to summarize its overarching plots and themes, or even describe its Essence™ without being wrong. i'm obsessed with its origin story. birthed solely out of gay spite like aphrodite from sea foam. the first season it's pretty normal ish and is just grimdark archie the second season there's a serial killer the third season there's a weird thing with knock-off d&d and i think that's the one where chad michael murray runs a cult??? i cannot tell you how many seasons there are or which season we are on but i can tell you that i saw a video of archie & friends undo brainwashing and start a union by singing bread and roses??? it sounds like it should be fake and yet i typed 'riverdale bread and roses' into the search bar on youtube dot com because i could not believe it was a real thing And Yet I bore witness to riverdale bread and roses with my own two human eyes. there's a subplot where archie gets attacked by a bear and then is set to the LEOPOLD AND LOEB DETENTION CENTRE bc the showrunner wrote a not officially sanctioned play where archie riverdale dates actual historical murder gay nathan leopold (!!!!???) apparently cheryl is a witch now like they've gone full supernatural and there was a paradox episode where it's revealed that jughead is somehow Powering The Entire Universe through storytelling and there are multiple versions of the characters that somehow bleed into the core universe? frankly that's a really fun and interesting way to play with both genre and its source material i firmly believe that the endgame is a) angels in america b) gay archie confirmed also they keep doing musical episodes even though they're Not Good which i think is hysterical that they just keep happening. i watched a video breaking down the musical episodes and like they are largely sonic nightmares and the songs are shoehorned in AND YET they keep happening. they've done carrie (CARRIE!! what 17 year old kid who watches the cw knows the extremely infamous and short-lived musical disaster that is carrie the musical! that was 100% just for the writers + theatre freaks), heathers, hedwig, next to normal, and AMERICAN PSYCHO (again WHOMST is this for!!!!!! i'm delighted) i genuinely want them to try and do great comet. unironically please mangle my favourite musical. gay kevin can play anatole bc he's the only one with the range. i want to watch cole sprouse to carry the weight of dust and ashes on his back while wearing his stupid little jester cap. sidenote i'm shocked that they didn't do west side story considering there ARE teen gangs!!!
also veronica sings daddy lessons at some point.
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lesellieknope · 2 years
the dash is dry af so lets play a game, tag 5 of your mutuals and an animal you associate with them for no reason whatsover.
whoever is tagged is requested to continue the game by tagging 5 other mutuals!!
i love the collective hive mind that is tumblr dot com this is an absolutely batshit yet cute prompt
@mikeyybrown: affectionately you're like a little yappy yorkshire terrier. cute to look at, can provide and receive love and affection at times but will also cause beef for the fun of it when bored.
@dansteban: loch ness monster
@formulaonedirection: by request, a honey badger. does this make you daniel?
@bruvcedes: again, affectionately, but to me you are like. a pygmy goat. small and cute but easily startled.
@babygirlkostas: hear me out. you're an owl. pretty chill for the majority of the time, wise and watching what's going on. on occasion though you'll want to fly off, either to spawn evil annie and catch your prey, or to hide from evil ice cream man.
im doing six cos i don't make the rules and i can't not. @estebanbicon ur a giraffe cos you're a giant.
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spoilertv · 24 days
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americassteestore · 1 year
Americastee - Penn state bookstore apparel 2023 rose bowl game champions shirt
Buy this shirt:  https://americastee.com/product/penn-state-bookstore-apparel-2023-rose-bowl-game-champions-shirt/
Even if you’ve never been a fan of the Penn state bookstore apparel 2023 rose bowl game champions shirt moreover I will buy this peculiarly schmaltzy genre that is the Christmas film, this is 2022—meaning that, after almost three years of uncertainty, existential dread, and political chaos, watching one of the best Christmas movies of all time while downing a vat of mulled wine might just be the best way to get into the festive spirit. Of course, you should start with the real classics, like the ’50s Hollywood adaptation of A Christmas Carol as well as It’s a Wonderful Life—but there are also a number of more contemporary releases to work your way through, from the Kristen Stewart-led charmer Happiest Season to Emilia Clarke’s rom-com with a twist, Last Christmas.
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’Tis the Penn state bookstore apparel 2023 rose bowl game champions shirt moreover I will buy this season… for bratty onscreen kids to slam doors, throw tantrums ,and demand expensive presents from their exhausted parents. Ahead of Christmas Day, we present the most annoying children from our favorite festive films, ranked from mildly grating to genuinely infuriating. The giggly daughters of Jude Law’s dashing book editor Graham, as played by Miffy Englefield and Emma Pritchard, throw a spanner in the works in Nancy Meyers’s classic rom-com when their calls to their father are seen by his one-night stand, Amanda (Cameron Diaz), who assumes they are other romantic rivals. When she finally meets them, they’re cute enough, but also bicker about who has more marshmallows in their hot chocolate, force their father to do his Mr, Napkin Head routine, mock Amanda’s milk moustache, and then make her crawl into their tent in her stilettos. As first meetings go, it’s pretty demanding.
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Home:  https://americastee.com/
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pokemon-go-kids · 3 years
“I sense our sister being stupid...”
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“How do you just develop that 7th sense, is it like a experience thing or were you born with it?”
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“I get a feeling, and right now its a headache.”
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chibigaia-art · 2 years
jsyk u can get the sam and max dos game real easy on gog dash games dot com for free thats how i did it (But You Probably Already Knew Yet I Make Sure Cuz I Like That Game Really Much Even Though Its P Much UnBeatable Without A Guide) also i adore your art so Godspeed. Power. Peace. Thanks. Love. Positivity.
OH you mean Hit the Road? The friend that got me Save the World said it goes on discount for cents during some steam sales, so I'll probably wait until then to get it, mostly because!! I already have a few other games another kind friend got me for my bday (currently going through papers please and having a great time) and fjssshs there's so much stuff I want to do and so little spare time,,
Anyway, there's a ton of content for Sam and Max so even if im not playing the games myself, I have stuff to look up!!! For now I binged the TV series and read some of the comics + I almost finished watching the walkthrough for the VR game :] I also watched some of the interactions in the poker night at the inventory games
(also also ty <3)
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maseshine · 3 years
Oii! Você poderia fazer a fic da música "You Belong With Me" com o Ben? :)
Right for you, Ben Chilwell
Prompt: You being his best friend and at karaoke singing "You Belong With Me" to him indirectly.
Warning: Disappointment, Sadness
Words: 1811
Notes: I was really excited to write this one. It's one of my favorite prompts and I already had it written, I don't know if that's how you imagined it, but I hope you like it a lot because I loved it so much🤍
Author's Note: I know a lot of people write with the use of quotes, but I'm used to using the dash, so I hope it's not a problem.
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Being in love with your best friend is one of life's biggest clichés.  And sometimes it really hurt to see him and his "perfect girlfriend".
You sure as hell wouldn't have gone to karaoke if you knew she'd be there too.  Ben was perceptive in hiding it from you.  Really insightful.
You tried to keep your attention on Mason's out-of-tune presentation, but his eyes always seemed to betray you when they landed on the couple sitting across from you.
━ If you keep looking at them like that they'll think you're a maniac.  ━ Christian said giving his shoulder a little push.
━ I don't know what you're talking about.  ━ You changed the conversation.
━ And Mason can sing well.  ━ The brunette joked.  ━ We already know of his crush on Chilly, only he doesn't seem to notice it.
━ Or he knows and just doesn't talk about it because he doesn't feel the same way about me. ━  His voice came out dismayed, and Christian looked at her sympathetically.
━ If he doesn't notice, maybe he's not right for you, Y/N.
You didn't say anything else, Christian's words running through your head.  Maybe he was right.  She and Ben had been best friends for years, but maybe they couldn't be more than that.
━ Our next singer is Y/N  Y/L/N.  ━ You looked at the stage with surprise, you didn't put her name in the performance list.
His eyes fell on Mason who smiled innocently.  Motherfucker.  The boys made noise encouraging you to go on stage.  You took a deep breath before getting up from the table.
Your hands shook a little as you took the presenter's microphone.  His eyes scanned the available songs, stopping at one that fit his situation perfectly.  His ears picked up the beginning of the melody.
You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset
She's going off about something that you said
'Cause she doesn't get your mood like I do
━ Babe... baby!  Come on, please calm down and listen to me!  ━ You heard Ben plead in the next room, your phone pressed firmly to his ear as he tried to reason with his current girlfriend.  All you knew was that he had shown his sincere side - apparently, not everyone knew he didn't have a filter.
But you knew the athlete more than anyone else, and he might need to stop and pull himself together occasionally, but it all came from his heart.
You were brought back to reality when you heard Ben grunt, dropping the phone against the table and running a hand through his hair.  You looked at him with sad eyes, reaching out and placing your hand over his so gently.
━ Want to talk about it, Chill?  ━ You asked him, watching as the corner of his lips twitched into a small smile with the nickname you gave him.
━ I don't believe you can save me from this situation, Y/N.  ━ Ben manages to say, clearing his throat to help transition into a new conversation.
You didn't want to push it any further - knowing that if Ben was comfortable enough, he would talk to you.  Hell, he told you everything.  Maybe it was because the two of you grew up together, so he had to hit puberty much faster.
Ben got undeniably hot fast, all the girls at his old high school noticed that.  You were about to ask him if he'd like to watch a movie, but his ringing phone interrupted, making you keep your mouth shut for now.
Ben suddenly straightened before grabbing the screen, a hopeful look flashing in his eyes as his girlfriend's name was projected in capital letters and a series of heart emojis.  You rolled your eyes with a small smile and gestured for him to take the call, swallowing your pride seconds after he left the room.  You left the house not long afterward, knowing you probably won't see your childhood friend for at least another week.
Walk in the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?
You kicked a few pebbles off the path as you walked, with Ben by your side.  It felt strange for the two of you to be together – but a strangely comfortable stranger, as if life was supposed to be like that.
He was trying to chat a little about the weather, which quickly turned into a funny story of how he fell face first in the rain during last Friday's football game.
Her eyes were mesmerized by him as he threw his head back in laughter, his hands maneuvering in strange ways as he portrayed how the event actually happened.  You returned his laugh as you placed your hand on his bicep to steady yourself, little snorts following after.
━ I can't believe you still do that. ━  Ben said, his hand briefly resting on top of hers to hold her against him.  You raised your eyebrows in sync with the corners of your mouth, your laugh dwindling to a small laugh.
━ Do what?  You'll have to elaborate, Chilly.  ━ With his free hand, Ben lightly tapped the tip of his nose while smiling at his nonchalance.
━ That cute snort you make when you laugh too much.  I hadn't heard this since we saw Madders get stuck in the invisible wall of tape.
The memory provoked her to put her hand to her forehead as she chuckled her iconic laugh once more, remembering poor James' shocked expression as he recovered from the seemingly transparent 'door' and the few seconds that followed where he was frozen trying to understand what had just happened.
━ This is definitely the sound of joy.  ━ Ben said as he looked at you, just for you to poke him playfully.
Oh, I remember you driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry
The end of the week approached faster than expected, especially since you spent most of your time pretending you didn't get Ben's text messages.
You needed time to pull yourself together and organize your priorities, and having him suddenly want you back in his life was an unexpected twist.  You've always had a stupid crush on Ben, but unlike the vast majority of girls who did, yours started when you were both young ━ when you had just gotten rid of the braces, and he had already started playing for a football team for the first time.
It was Friday night, and you had just curled up under the sheets, trying to get comfortable as an oncoming storm began to form outside.  Your phone was constantly indicating that you had a new message, but it was just Ben asking if you were going to the football game tonight.  Like the other messages, you ignored it and continued your favorite show on Netflix.
It was midnight when your phone woke you, realizing that you must have accidentally fallen asleep.  You could barely hear the phone ring due to the weight of the rain outside, but you answered anyway, surprised to hear a familiar, desperate voice on the other end of the line.
━ Y/N… I'm down here… me, something happened.  I didn't know where to go... I just drove, and I ended up here... something in me, I needed to see you.  Let me in, please.
He looked distressed, perhaps because he was crying.  You went down to the front door and opened it carefully, suddenly coming face to face with a saturated Ben Chilwell.  You reached out and dragged him inside, your eyes scanning his wet, shivering body.
━ Ben... you're freezing, you're going to get sick.  ━ You exclaimed as softly as you could,  not letting go of his hand, as you led him to your room.
You gestured for him to stay put before grabbing a clean towel from the bathroom, running back and closing the door before wrapping it around your shoulders.  You sat on the edge of the bed as he stood in front of you, seeming to have something to say, but couldn't think of how to start the conversation.
━ Why are you here?  ━ You finally said after a long period of silence, Ben's eyes strayed to the ground.  He cleared his throat a few times before realizing he was just whispering.
━ I saw Charlie with one of the Aston Villa players.  She was on top of him.  I... I asked her what the hell was going on, she basically said I wasn't good enough. Do you believe that? ━ He said exasperated, his hands pulling at her wet hair as it stuck to her forehead.
You closed your eyes for a moment as you took in this information, able to feel Ben's pain from where she sat.  But it wasn't a new pain, it was like it was the kind that was finally released after being repressed for too long.  As if it knew it was coming and would hold out until the dreaded day.
You pursed your lips and rose from the bed, standing right in front of him before taking his wrists and pulling them down between the two of you, your thumbs gently stroking the skin of his knuckles.
━ But why are you here?  At home?  You could have gone to Mase or called Madders.  ━ You muttered, hoping his tone of voice would calm you down.
Those eyes you fell in love with as a teenager were looking at you, taking in your details, your passion, your heart.  They were kind, just like you always knew he was.
━ Something attracted me to you, as if I was destined to be here. Do you know?  ━ He spoke so low you could barely hear him, but you could hear him clearly.
Were you obsessing over him by running out of words, confused as to what he was trying to say – was it a confession of love or some pity plea because you were the only one who cared?  You nodded your head to understand what he was saying, feeling your own radiance toward him for a long time.
A week later, he had returned to his girlfriend.
Standing by and waiting at your backdoor
All this time, how could you not know, baby?
You belong with me
You belong with me
His eyes traveled to the table where all his friends were sitting, everyone paying attention to his presentation.  Except Ben and his girlfriend.  A pang of pain whistled through her heart.  At Christian's words coming back to her mind.
If he doesn't notice, maybe he's not right for you Y/N.
Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me
Maybe Ben didn't belong to you.  Not how you wanted it.
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Christmas with the Karasuno Boys (HC’s)!!
Part 1: Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, & Ennoshita
Part 2 (Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kinoshita, & Narita) here!!
A/n: Tumblr said my word count was too much so I’m splitting this bad boi up into two parts :p Enjoy!!
A huge romantic during Christmas, 10/10 quality cliche times spent together
You wanna go ice skating? Hell yeah sweetheart, he will make it the most beautifully romantic thing you’ve ever seen
Like straight out of a holiday postcard type beat
Istg the rink he takes you to looks like a more heartwarming version of Rockefeller Center
He’s a big keeper of tradition when it comes to making plans, but doesn’t mind a bit of nonsense fun when everything falls into place
Which is why you love to bring the team along on adventures because they make everything all the more entertaining
At first he’s confused like ??? You don’t have to do that just if they’ve been pestering you about it
But then he realizes you care as much about them as he does (hint: a hell of a lot) and they’re thus invited along for some stuff
Of course y’all also get some quality time together on dates with just you both
Anyways you and Daichi have talked a lot about traveling and how he was really interested in seeing new places
So as his gift you got him a carved map with a roll of red string and thumbtacks, so that he could plan out all the places he wanted to visit
You know how when Kiyoko found the “Fly” banner for Karasuno and all the boys cried?
Like that but with lots more hugging and laughing
“You know you’re gonna have to help with mapping this out, right?”
“Is that an invitation I hear?”
“Oh, that’s a promise”
Please I love him; he is so damn sly and sassy I will die with this headcanon
I swear on everything that Christmas with him is equivalent to a Hallmark movie
It smells like joy and warmth wherever he is, and this season only amplifies it
He is such a cheeseball without even having to try
But it’s in the really endearing and heart-melting way,,, just MMM PERFECT
He’ll take you on a walk through those neighborhoods with those crazy light decorations in the front yard and buy you hot chocolate
If he sees a group of little kids gaping at all the lights, he’ll leave them starry-eyed with stories of magic, reindeer, Santa and so-forth
“You know, I’ve heard that Rudolph’s nose is supposed to be brighter than the world’s most powerful Christmas light”
Good heavens, children absolutely adore this man
Anyways he’ll make it a little game as y’all walk around this beautifully lit neighborhood, both of you with a different assortment of bingo squares printed on paper
First one to bingo chooses a movie to watch after getting back to Suga’s house
Will wrap a big fluffy blanket around you both and pull you into his chest while watching the movie
For his gift, you got a star named after him
It’s because y’all alway go stargazing for dates every month, just to sit out, talk and cuddle
Suga gave you the SOFTEST look after opening your gift and this cute little card you made 🥺
“Lets go try to find my new favorite star”
“Right now? Koushi it’s 11:30 pm”
“Just for ten minutes, and then I’ll get you home”
So y’all spend the rest of Christmas Eve on his roof, sipping warm tea and attempting to locate Star Suga
Cuddle bear alert ‼️‼️
It’s basically hibernation time for him, because he’s not the biggest fan of cold
That’s alright with you though 😌 more coziness for you
Lots of quality moments indoors means more creative dates
A whole day devoted to chill present wrapping? Hell fuckin’ yeah
Nice music, pretty wrapping paper, shiny bows, maybe a little Christmas rom-com playing in the back — the whole shebang
You find out pretty quickly that despite how it sounds, it’s actually quite a satisfying and enjoyable pastime
Practically had to drag him out of your living room to secretly wrap his own gift
As much as he’s the king of timidity and soft™, he can be very playfully stubborn when he’s comfortable, hence why he was such an ass to get out of the room
I have no doubt that Asahi would melt for the most adorable, cheesy shit
So you not only bought him some really reliable headbands for volleyball use, but you also made a little coupon booklet
He can basically cash in paper promises for certain things, like getting to choose the next date idea, picking a movie to watch without any objection, having you make his favorite food, etc.
There’s one that he can exchange for a full out spa day trip, because good heavens he’s a sucker for those
Massage and exfoliation and everything — it makes him feel ✨refreshed✨
He was ecstatic fam, I don’t even know what to say
Like a puppy who just got a bunch of toys and a new backyard to play
Mans cashes in one almost immediately, and at first you’re confused
Like it’s Christmas time bubs, what are we gonna be able to do when most places are closed and it’s the holidays?
Then you read the paper
“Free hug (can be used and renewed <3)”
He uses that one a lot throughout the upcoming days, to the point where he just keeps the paper on him for fun
“You realize you can just ask me silly, you don’t need to keep carrying the coupon around”
“Yeah, but it’s entertaining”
Cute little cheeky bastard
You know the 12 Days of Christmas? The song??
He gets you a small present EVERY DAY for all 12 days
Not to mention he has a big present that he saves for the actual holiday
Y’all are the type of couple to get ice cream in the middle of winter
Nishi loves his cold snacks any time of year, and you’ve thus picked up a similar taste
He will consistently pester you about what kind of present you got him
Gets pouty when you don’t tell him, but in the back of his mind he’s glad because it would ruin the surprise
Anything you get him instantly becomes his most prized gift tho
It could be a literal rock with googly eyes and he’d put it in a protective glass case for preservation
But of course you get him something better than that because he only deserves the best
He’s got this specific assortment of products to maintain his spiky hair and to make sure it’s healthy, but they’re pretty expensive to buy when he runs out
When he tore open your present’s decorative wrapping to discover a huge basket of basically every hair product he ever needed, he got wide-eyed
There was also a booklet of little notes you’d kept throughout the month that listed all the little things you noticed and adored about your precious boyfriend
He nearly CRIED reading them
“Baby, you didn’t have to do all that for me”
“You act like you don’t deserve all of it and more, Nishi”
Refuses to leave your side after that
Holding your hand, hugging you as tight as he can, etc.
He is head over heels idc idc
Another man who is obsessed with the holiday season and everything that comes with it
He is the biggest sap for this shit istg
Will spend hours trying to get you the best present of all time
And he succeeds exceptionally
Mistletoe? He’s got an ABUNDANCE on hand at any time, just to make sure he can get fair share of his kissies 🥰
His signature beanie appears in full force during winter
Sometimes you’ll pull it over his eyes before giving him a peck on the cheek and dashing off in the school halls
“I’ll see you after school, babe!”
Speech = jumbled + incomprehensible
“Uh hUh, you do that~”
He’s: adorable
I just know that he melts for really sweet and thought-out gifts
Like anything you give him he’ll adore, don’t get me wrong, but the ones done with special care and love are just his kryptonite
He brought you into a massive bear hug and spun you around when he opened a photo book of old pictures taken together, complete with lots of cute messages and anecdotes written alongside them
You and Saeko may have also gone in on another present for him without his knowledge
And on Christmas Eve, you dragged a curious Tanaka into his front yard to the sight of a shiny motorbike
It was Saeko’s old one that she’d held onto for a while, and an old schoolmate offered to fix it up nice in time for the holiday at a discount, so y’all decided to divvy up the lowered price and got it done for Ryu
Sweet boy was taken aback, with his hands clapped over his mouth and everything
Saeko patted him on the back as he stood there in shock, giving her baby brother a sweet smile
“All yours, little bro!”
Ya, Saeko fucking loves you 😌 and so does Tanaka
Overall very lovely, would cry to be loved by the Tanaka siblings
After spending past Decembers with his fellow second year classmates (namely, the very enthusiastic Noya and Tanaka), he’s grown to know quite a bit about the different holiday events that go on around town
Still, Ennoshita is a pretty simplistic guy and is content with simply spending time with you
So when you recommended going to pick a Christmas tree out for your place together, he’s totally down
As long as he gets to help decorate too ☺️
Y’all end up picking a beauty of a tree ngl
And a super stronk friend — fit for the most heavy duty of ornaments
It takes some damn work to get that bad boi inside and upright after driving back to your house
But like hell did that stop you
Now that it was all set up, sturdy, and given plenty of water, decorations were brought into the equation that same night
No rest until it’s all set up and looking mighty beautiful
Okay maybe some coffee breaks in between, but other than that the grind don’t stop ✋😤
Ennoshita is an expert at making Christmas trees look absolutely immaculate
Idk if it’s because he’s had to deal with cleaning up disorder for a while now?
Looking at you, ya second year loons
He just has the touch, fam
He’ll of course let you have input on which light colors, what type of ornaments, and so on
But honestly it’s really fun seeing him fully concentrated on making your tree the best it can be
He lets you on his shoulders to put on the tree topper 🥺
For his gift, Ennoshita really loves books, so you decided to get him 12 different (hardcover!!) stories — one for each month in a year
Along with a small sticky-note blurb on the covers of each to explain why you chose it, and to give similar title recommendations if he ends up enjoying
He was so surprised with how thoughtful and extensive it was
Loved it so much that he immediately started to read the first one, with you sat in his lap
“Chikara, you realize you’re meant to start this one in January?”
“Shh, I’m getting a head start”
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superhusbands4ever · 3 years
The Chain - Chapter 2/15
Now to check in with The Bad Batch.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Full Work | AO3 Link
Fandom: The Bad Batch (Star Wars)
Characters: Crosshair, Hunter, Howzer, Rex, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, Omega, Various Clones
Relationships: Crosshair & Howzer, Crosshair & Rex, Crosshair & The Bad Batch, Crosshair & Omega, Hunter & Rex, Hunter & Omega
Additional Tags: Crosshair Redemption, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Found Family, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Graphic Violence, Eventual Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: One year after the events of The Bad Batch, Crosshair struggles to reconcile his choice with the harsh truth of the world around him. He finds enlightenment in the most unlikely of places and realizes he may have made the wrong decision. But is it too late to do something about it?
Two years after the events of The Bad Batch, Rex reluctantly agrees to allow Hunter and his squad to help him rescue a man who's been captured by the Empire, an Imperial double agent who's cover has been blown. What Hunter thought to be a simple extraction ends up having far greater consequences for their squad than he could have ever anticipated.
At any moment the decision you make can change the course of your life forever.
- Tony Robbins
“How much longer until we’re there?”
Hunter turned from the navicomputer to look at the young girl beside him.
“We should be dropping out of hyperspace in a few minutes, so not much longer,” he said, fiddling with buttons on the computer. “You should go ahead and get your stuff ready for when we land.”
“Okay,” she smiled, bouncing on the balls of her feet excitedly. “I can’t wait to see Rex. I want to show him how much better I’ve gotten with my bow.”
Hunter smiled. “I’m sure he’s excited to see you, too. It’s been awhile.”
She nodded, skipping away to her room to gather her things.
She’d grown so much since the day the Batch met her on Kamino two and a half years ago. Sometimes Hunter wondered if maybe Omega did actually have advanced aging with how quickly she’d shot up in so short a time.
Before where the top of her head had only come up to his chest, now she was tall enough to lean her head on his shoulder when standing together (though the others teased that had more to do with his own height than Omega’s.) Her hair was longer too, down to her shoulders in a frizzy mess of blonde curls. Her face had lost some of the baby fat she’d had nearly three years ago, and she was slowly but surely looking less like the awkward child they’d saved from the Empire, and more like the young teen that she was becoming.
She’d settled into her place in their squad much more comfortably now, too. Going on supply runs and various jobs for Cid would be impossible without her — she factored into all of their plans, worked fearlessly and flawlessly with the others, and had become so proficient with her bow it made Hunter’s chest ache when he watched her.
Her confident shooting and various games on missions with Wrecker reminded him so much of their missing family member it hurt. They hadn’t seen nor heard from Crosshair at all in the two years since they’d left him on Kamino. Since he left us, he tried to remind himself. He made his choice.
Their squad worked their hardest to stay under the Empire’s radar since Tipoca City, picking and choosing jobs that weren’t too risky, that didn’t grant too much exposure. Rex was right that day on Ord Mantell — being dead in the eyes of the Empire had its advantages. Especially when that meant the leftover bounties from the Kaminoans on Omega disappeared. From what Tech could glean from Imperial channels, as far as the Empire was concerned, the sole survivor of the destruction of Tipoca City was Commander CT-9904. The longer it stayed that way the better.
They couldn’t figure out why Crosshair would protect them, would lie and tell the Empire that they had perished in the bombardment. They thought maybe it was only a matter of time before they were caught out, before Crosshair’s anger at them got the better of him and he let it slip that they were still out there somewhere in the galaxy. But as a month turned into six, six months turned to a year, and a year turned to two with no Imperial bounties on their heads, they began to accept that maybe this was Crosshair’s last gift to them. A chance to survive the Empire, at least by him not giving them away.
Hunter would be lying if he said that knowledge hadn’t given him hope. That maybe his little brother, who’d slept in his bunk during bad storms as a cadet and gave him Lula to hold when the sensory overload got too bad, was still in there somewhere. That the cold, angry, and jaded man they’d seen on Kamino wasn’t all that was left of their kih’vod.
Nowadays he wasn’t so sure. As far as they knew, Crosshair was still with the Empire. And with each day as the Empire’s list of crimes and atrocities grew, Hunter’s hope for his little brother realizing his mistake and coming home to them dwindled. Maybe Tech was right. Crosshair was severe and unyielding and nothing could change that. Crosshair had made his choice.
This… is who I am.
Maybe this was who Crosshair had been all along, much as it pained him to consider.
The navicomputer beeped and pulled him from his ruminations just as the ship shuttered, dropping out of hyperspace in the Yavin system.
He stood and walked toward the cockpit, watching as the forest moon in front of them grew larger as they grew closer.
“Entering atmo shortly,” Tech announced, pressing buttons on the dash. “We should be landing at the base momentarily.”
“It’ll be good to see Rex again,” Echo said, stretching his arms above his head. “I wonder if he’s found any more clones since we were here last.”
“He seemed optimistic last time we talked,” Hunter agreed. “There were more clones than I expected there already a few months ago.”
“Rex is a proficient and effective leader,” Tech added as he brought the ship down through the clouds, “it is not surprising that he would have decent success on his mission.”
“I just wish we could help him more than doing the occasional supply drop,” Echo said. “It feels wrong to not be helping with the vode. To not be joining the fight.”
“Keeping off of the Empire's radar is more important right now,” Hunter reminded his brother for what felt like the hundredth time, “which we can’t do if we’re running rebel missions to help clones defect from the Empire.”
“I know, I know,” Echo grumbled, crossing his arms petulantly. He sighed. “I just…”
Hunter laid his hand on Echo’s shoulder, squeezing gently.
“I know.”
“Beginning landing sequence now,” Tech called as he flipped the landing gear.
As the ship touched down on the landing pad hidden away from the base in the trees, a loud crash came from the back racks, followed by twin groans.
Hunter squinted back at the pair. “What was that?”
“Nothing!” Omega and Wrecker both shouted back.
Omega stepped out of the hold, bow strapped to her back, fiddling with the strap of her pauldron. She saw Hunter looking at her and smiled brightly and innocently at him, moving to stand in front of Wrecker as he rushed to clean up the knocked over crates. Hunter rolled his eyes.
Soon after the five of them were offloaded and walking through the trees toward the base. It didn’t take long to reach - as they drew closer Hunter felt worry stirring in his chest at the sounds of raised voices, scraping crates, and the general sounds of chaos that, in his experience, indicated something bad was happening.
He sped up a bit, the others following behind him, and he heard them all make their own noises of concern as they drew close enough to the base for the others to hear.
A couple of Regs standing at the entrance of the hangar bay moved forward as if to stop them, but waved them through once Hunter pulled off his helmet.
“Captain’s inside,” he said, nodding to the chaotic scene behind him.
They all walked inside slowly, Omega jumping out of the way of a frantic looking nat-born woman, the upper half of her jumpsuit tied around her waist, waving a datapad threateningly and shouting at someone on top of the freighter in the middle of the room.
“What’s going on here?” Wrecker grumbled as they watched clone and nat-born alike clamber around, gathering supplies and loading them into the freighter.
Hunter’s brow quirked as he watched two men load a crate of explosives while another loaded a crate of ammunition onto the ship.
“It would appear they are prepping for an urgent mission,” Tech said, adjusting his giggles as they watched the chaos.
“We just commed Rex an hour ago and he said everything was fine,” Echo looked toward the group, concerned.
“Hello boys!”
They all turned at the sound of a familiar voice and watched Gregor walk toward them, fully armored, with a wave and a grin on his face.
“And lady,” he added once he was next to them, smiling down at Omega and offering her a high five which she accepted.
“What’s the hustle for, Gregor?”
“Bit of an emergency came up in the last hour or so,” Gregor said with a sigh, face falling into a serious expression as he looked around. “One of Rex’s main operatives sent out a distress signal. Looks like he’s been busted and needs extraction.”
“I didn’t know Rex ran stealth ops,” Hunter said, surprised.
“Oh, he doesn’t. But this one is a bit of a special case,” Gregor explained. “He’s had a man playing double agent in the Empire for about a year now. He’s the guy who’s been helping us save all these clones.”
Glancing around, Hunter couldn’t help but be impressed. He knew Rex had made it his mission to fight the Empire and save all the regs he could, but Hunter hadn’t realized just how many Rex had managed to accumulate even since they were last on base four months ago. There had to be dozens of clones just in the hangar bay. Who knew how many were in the rest of the base.
“One man helped smuggle all these clones out?” Hunter asked, surprised.
“Them and more,” Gregor nodded. “Even helped some get their chips out first.”
“And now the Empire’s figured him out.”
“Aye, vod,” Gregor sighed. “Rex wants to try and extract him as soon as we can. He’s done so much for us… we don’t leave men behind.”
Hunter nodded, very carefully ignoring the way Echo shifted at his back.
“Trooper! Make sure you load a couple emergency field kits and a med scanner into the cargo. I don’t know what sort of condition he’ll be in when we get to him.”
The group turned to watch as Rex rounded the freighter, fully kitted up in his customary 501st blue armor, helmet tucked under his arm. Captain Howzer followed close behind him, similarly decked out in full armor. Rex stood and directed a few of the troopers around before turning to the group huddled to the side of the chaos.
“Evening, Bad Batch,” he greeted as he walked closer, chuckling when Omega ran forward to wrap her arms around the man’s waist.
“Hey there, ‘Meg.”
Howzer nodded respectfully to Hunter and the others.
“What’s going on here, Rex?” Echo said as he stepped around Hunter.
“Emergency extraction,” Rex said simply, accepting the gentle kov’nyn from Echo when the man reached forward. “Bit of a sketchy situation. We need to leave as soon as possible.”
“Heard about your man,” Echo said, “how deep was he?”
“Very deep,” Rex sighed, expression pinched. “Hopefully we can get to him before, well….”
Hunter nodded as Rex trailed off. By this point, they were all familiar with the Empire’s idea of justice against those they felt had wronged them.
“We should head out,” Rex said, nodding at Howzer and Gregor. The two saluted and Gregor slid his helmet on. “It’s a couple hours to Daro and I don’t want to waste any more time.”
Hunter started. “Wait, Daro--?”
“Rex, wait!”
The group turned to watch as a rather gaunt looking clone with a handlebar moustache ran up to the three captains.
“I’d like to request permission to go on this mission, sir,” he said, snapping breathlessly to attention and saluting.
Rex looked at the other clone with concern clear on his face.
‘I don’t know, Boil. You’ve only been here a couple of days, you should be taking time to recover--”
“I understand,” the clone - Boil - said, relaxing. “But I owe it to the Commander to help him. It’s my fault he got caught in the first place.”
“No it wasn’t,” Rex argued, reaching out and clapping Boil on the shoulder. “He knew the risks and it was his decision. Besides, you have no way of knowing--”
“That signal went out within days of getting me out,” Boil said quietly. “I know how high of a risk I was, but he did it anyway. I owe this to him.”
Rex held the other man’s gaze for a long moment before sighing and turning to Howzer.
“I hate to ask,” Rex began apologetically, “I know the two of you are close, but--”
“I’ll stay here,” Howzer agreed, reaching up to pull his helmet off. “Man the fort, as it were.”
He glanced over Rex’s shoulder at Hunter and the others before turning back to the other man.
“Just…” Howzer sighed, face pinched, “bring him back safe, okay?”
“That’s the plan,” Rex assured him as the two braced arms.
He unclipped his bucket from his belt and slid it over his head.
“Sorry to dash on you like this, boys,” Rex said, turning back to Hunter and the rest of their squad. “We’ll have to catch up another time.”
“I understand,” Hunter said, reaching forward to clasp the other clone’s hand. “Good luck on your--”
“We can go too!”
Everyone in the cluster turned to look at Omega, who pushed her way forward between Hunter and Boil to stand next to Rex.
“You can?”
“We can?”
Hunter and Rex glanced at each other before Hunter turned back to Omega.
“Yeah!” Omega insisted, looking imploringly at Hunter. “We’ve been to Daro and broke out Gregor before, you know the facility. You guys are trained in special ops, and if this guy is as important as Gregor says he is then they’re going to need all the help they can get.”
Rex glanced back at Gregor who shrugged.
“Omega,” Hunter sighed, “we can’t-- they’re going into a major Imperial base. If something happens and we get caught, we’ll be in serious trouble. The Empire thinks we’re dead and we need to keep it that way. Besides, Gregor knows the inside of that base better than any of us.”
“But we can help!” Omega argued, frustration clear on her face. “Whoever The Commander is has saved so many people, if our help gives Rex a better chance at saving him, I think we should do it!”
“Omega, we can’t risk--”
“We can’t run from the Empire forever, Hunter,” Omega said softly, grabbing Hunter’s hand.
“Besides, I--” she glanced over to Rex who had yet to speak, before turning and leaning closer to Hunter.
“I have a feeling about this mission,” Omega said quietly, eyes bright as she looked at her brother. “This feels right. I think this is where we’re supposed to be. I can’t explain it, but I… I think we need to do this.”
Hunter sighed, staring down at Omega’s hand on his.
He knew logically that their safety from the Empire wasn’t meant to last. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to hide Omega and his squad from them forever. The Empire certainly wasn’t going anywhere for the foreseeable future, so running into them again was ultimately inevitable. It was hard enough keeping his squad away already, Echo arguing with him about helping Rex and the rebellion more and more as the Empire grew. Wrecker and Omega were starting to back Echo up whenever he and Hunter argued, so he knew it was only a matter of time.
He just thought they’d have more time than this. Two years was admittedly a long time to continue on without Imperial detection, but Hunter had been hopeful their peace could last a little bit longer. Omega may have been growing up quickly but she was still a kid. Kids shouldn’t need to worry about rebellions and Empires and bounties and missions and death.
Besides, this seemed like an unnecessary risk to Hunter. Whatever feeling Omega had about this mission, Hunter wasn’t getting it. It felt like a waste to risk their tentative peace and safety from the Empire on a rescue mission for some man they didn’t even know. No matter how impressive his work against the Empire was.
But as much as Omega was a bleeding heart about helping those in need, she was also stubborn as hell. A trait she shared with all the clones, really, but it had gotten worse in her time as a member of the Bad Batch.
Hunter looked back into Omega’s wide eyes and felt his resolve crumble. He sighed, glancing back to the rest of the squad. Tech and Wrecker looked impassive as they stared back at Hunter, likely waiting for him to make a decision and follow whatever option he chose. Echo was looking back at him with the same amount of hope, the same determined resolve that Omega had in her eyes and Hunter knew he was losing the battle here.
He sighed tiredly, turning back to Rex.
“Got room in that ship for five more, Captain?”
Rex was frozen in place as he stared back at Hunter. His body language gave no indication as to what he thought of this development, though the incredulous tone he’d used to question Omega indicated that this was not a turn of events he was planning, or even hoping, for. With his helmet on and staring blankly at him, Hunter had a hard time getting a read as to what the other man was thinking.
Rex’s head tilted just slightly to glance briefly at Howzer, who was standing to the side watching the exchange with a strangely intense look in his eyes.
“I don’t know if--”
“Please, Rex?” Omega said, stepping up to the older clone.
Rex shuffled under Omega’s intense gaze, a feeling Hunter was very familiar with. Finally he sighed, dropping his chin to his chest before turning back to Hunter.
“I don’t have time to argue about this— fine,” he said, ignoring Omega’s happy whoop. “But you have to do exactly as I say, okay? No matter what happens.”
If Hunter didn’t know any better he’d say the Captain sounded tense, almost nervous. Hunter nodded and heard the others agree as well.
Rex kept his gaze on Hunter for another moment before shaking his head and turning toward the freighter.
“Let’s go,” he ordered, commanding tone back as he barked orders at the men around them. “We’ve wasted enough time as it is.”
Hunter turned back and nodded at the rest of his squad, who all nodded and slipped their helmets back on their heads as they checked their gear.
“Good luck,” Hunter heard Howzer mutter to Rex, who just shook his head. Something told him they weren’t talking about the mission.
Together they followed Rex, Boil, and Gregor up the ramp of the freighter, Rex and Tech headed for the cockpit. As everyone else got strapped in and the engines on the ship started, Hunter couldn’t help but wonder if he was making the right choice.
Omega may have had a good feeling about this mission, but Hunter had a feeling this mission was going to change everything for them, and he wasn’t sure it was for the better.
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pricetagofficial · 3 years
Ghost -Part Eighteen
Warnings: Language, violence, angst, fear, panic, mentions of death
Word Count: 3K
Tag List: @kishony-the-geek @idkmanicantenglish @unknowntoanyone @subtleappreciation @catxsnow @nightwcngs @woahjaybird @screennamealreadyused @river-bottom-nightmare​ @bikoncon​ @arestorationofbalance​ 
A/N: Oops??
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The days passed slowly, but Rory was growing more comfortable in her position with the Titans. No one but Tim knew that she was Ghost, and the other four were asked to keep it on the down-low that Rory was even with them. The story that Rory and Tim gave the rest of the team was that the League of Assassins was after her, trying to get her to join so Rory ditched the hero gig and went into hiding.
That was the story that everyone was supposed to give if anyone outside the team found out that she was there, and considering that the story was mostly the truth, they weren't asking too much of their friends. It gave them plausible deniability, and Rory an out just in case it came to it.
It also helped that they were all scared of her in some shape or form. Even from her Arrowette days, Rory had a reputation of being good at what she did. She was smart, resourceful, and was skilled in multiple forms of combat. After revealing that she took down Superman in a spar twice, they seemed to tiptoe around her. Rory didn't mind it that much, she wasn't there to make friends. She was there to hide and get answers.
It had been two weeks since she arrived and the Titans often went out on patrol without her while Rory played guy-in-the-chair for them while they were out. She was smart enough that it benefitted all of them, and it gave her the chance to talk to people she enjoyed speaking with.
"So, is it just me, or are things really fucking slow lately?" Duke asked, his voice coming from the speaker to Rory's right.
She glanced between monitors while she watched Tim and the others walk around Jump City. "What, did I take all the excitement with me?" she chuckled, checking her phone.
"I don't want to jump to conclusions, but it really looks like it. Not one peep out of assassins here and a few of the rouges have been awfully quiet too. Ivy and Scarecrow were active for a couple of days but fell off our radar again. Bruce and the others are waiting on more activity from her before acting." he explained.
Rory froze at the mention of Poison Ivy. It had been a long time since she had seen the supervillain, considering that she was in Arkham until after Rory had left Gotham. She was willing to put down good money on the fact that she had a grudge against Rory still, amongst other things.
"She doesn't know that I was back in town does she?"
"Why would that be important? Is there anything we are missing?" he asked immediately.
Rory scolded herself for mentioning it. Of course, Bruce and the others were keeping tabs on Ivy considering her past with her. It was embarrassing enough the first time when she learned what had happened, but now it just hurt. That was the night she first kissed Tim and even thinking about it brought up memories that she wanted to forget.
"Rory? Is everything okay? Did Ivy do something to you that we don't know about?"
Rory snapped out of her thought and shook her head. "No, I just have a let's say colorful past with Ivy. Bruce knows about it, but I'm sure she probably wants to kick my ass for-"
She should have been watching the screens more carefully, how could Rory have been so careless about it? If she hadn't have been lost in her own world, Rory would have noticed it sooner. There was no way she could mistake what she just saw, that shade of orange was ingrained into her brain.
"Rory? You there? Why would Ivy want to kick your ass?" The tone of his voice sounded panicked, probably close to how Rory looked.
"Duke, I have to go. Call you later." she quickly hung up before pressing the coms button to link herself with Tim.
"Tim! Get out of there now and get back to the tower as soon as you can!" she cried.
Tim froze in his tracks and turned, the camera turning with his body. "What are you talking about, there is no one here?" he asked.
"There is no time to argue! You and the others need to get back here now!" she snapped slamming her hands on the table.
Now that she thought about it, the other four were quiet as well all of a sudden. Their cams seemed to be normal, but something felt off. They were all stationary for way longer than they should have been.
Rory listened as he contacted the others, only for there to be no reply. This set her on edge even more, which was not a good sign. There was no way in hell that he had found her that fast and took out the other four Titans without her or Tim noticing.
With that last thought, the realization dawned on her. It wasn't the others he was truly after, the target was Tim.
As if it was confirmation of her thoughts, Tim's camera lost signal completely and she stared at a static screen in horror. Tim was in trouble and the others were most likely unable to help him. She was the only one who could.
Without a second thought, Rory dashed to her room and pulled on her Ghost suit, and grabbed her swords and handguns. She was not about to walk into this situation unprepared. Jumping out of her window, Rory grappled across the rooftops as she chased the small red blip that was supposed to be Tim. It was still active so that meant that Tim was alive, but not for much longer if she took her time.
The names of the streets blurred as she ran across the city, the red blip getting closer and closer. She had to get there in time, to save Tim. Just because they weren't together didn't mean that he deserved to die for her mistakes.
Soon Rory was on the same rooftop, but there was no one around. The tracker was activated by organic material and was placed in Tim's arm. if Slade removed the tracker, it would have shut down. It had to still be in him and he had to be alive.
With a sound of air rushing past her, Rory jumped back and saw a white arrow there in front of her with a note attached.
If you want him back alive and unharmed, go to the old abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. You have one hour or he will die.
Below the arrow was a pigeon struggling for breath and had a large incision on its side. Taking a deep breath, Rory dug her fingers in and let out a shaky breath at what she was holding. It was the tracker from Tim's arm. She watched as it quit sending a signal and the red dot disappeared from her radar.
He must have done something to the others for them to not respond immediately, and Rory was scared to find out what it was. What were her better options, go and save Tim alone or try and find at least one of the others and risk wasting time and Tim dies as a consequence?
Rory let out a cry of rage and kicked the now dead pigeon across the rooftop, he knew just how to manipulate her into these impossible positions. She was playing his game once again, but if she could win last time then Rory can sure as hell beat him again and again until he finally quit and left those she cared about alone.
This would be the last time Slade Wilson interfered with her life, Rory was going to make sure of it.
Shoving the note in her pocket, she tried once more to reach one of the others. It took a couple of minutes but she managed to get responses from both Superboy and Magician. "Is anyone there? I need a response sooner than later." she snapped.
"I'm here sunshine, what the hell happened? I feel like I got hit by a bus and that's saying something." Superboy groaned through his com.
"One second I was keeping an eye on downtown and the next I was dragged from the roof and was knocked out. I'm guessing the same happened to the others?" Magician asked.
Rory let out a huff. "If only it were that simple, Tim's in trouble. He took the four of you out so I would be lured out into the open. Safe to say that it worked." She took a look around the city and then at her clock. She was wasting time by playing catch up, when Slade made a promise he made sure he fulfilled it, and if he said that Tim would die if she didn't show within the hour, then it was going to happen.
"What do you mean he is in trouble?! Who is this he!? Sunshine, you better start explaining fast." Superboy snapped.
"Deathstroke, he has him. He did this to drag me out of the tower. If I don't show up in the next hour, he'll kill him." she explained. "I just wanted to make sure the rest of you were okay before I left."
"Rory, that is the stupidest idea I have ever heard out of you. You really think that you will make it out of there alive?" Superboy growled before he let out a groan. Whatever it was that Slade did to him, it was still affecting his body.
"You need to get back to the tower, I'm not sure what he did to all of you but I can hear your groans of pain. Magician can check you over back at the tower. If Wonder Girl and Impulse are okay, have them on stand by in just in case I need a quick getaway."
Rory could hear Superboy start to argue her point, but then he let out another groan and there was a thud from his side of the link. Slade had to have used something on him, Superboy was their hard hitter outside of Wonder Girl and made sure that they were out for the count.
"Magician, take him back to the tower," she ordered. "I'll radio once I'm close."
There was a hum of agreement and Rory heard Magician mutter a series of spells before there was nothing.
"Who the hell put you in charge Sunshine?" Superboy asked, trying to breathe through the pain.
"I'm the only one who wasn't knocked on their ass. Besides Wonder Boy, I have years more experience than the rest of you including our fearless leader. Now shut up and get the help you need." With that, Rory signed off and took off across the city towards the address on the note.
It didn't even take her that long to find the warehouse, no more than twenty minutes. Slade had given her a full hour, so what was the catch? Was she at the right place, or was he planning something specifically for her once she arrived?
Taking a deep breath, Rory jumped down and swung through the nearest window shattering it as she landed in a roll. Bracing herself with her hand, Rory took a quick look around. The warehouse was dead silent, no sign of any living thing not even a groan from a captive Tim.
Narrowing her eyes, Rory scanned the area before she went further into the building. Whatever it was, something was messing with the video in her mask. The screen was glitching every few seconds and she couldn't get a full reading of the building.
"Of course," she muttered and removed her mask before tossing it to the floor. Slade had to have brought her to a building that knocked out her mask's sensors. It wasn't something Rory needed it was more of a precaution, but she knew that Slade probably had some dramatic reasoning for it.
Slowly she rose to her feet and walked across the flooring, she stayed silent as the night listening for a sign of anyone or anything closing in on her. Floor by floor, Rory ignored the slow-growing headache as she checked every room for something she could be missing that could give her a clue to where Tim was being held.
She could feel her body getting more and more sluggish by the minute, but brushed it off as typical exhaustion. It wasn't until she got to the ground floor that Rory figured out that Slade was holding Tim captive in the basement. Looking at her clock, she had at least half an hour to find Tim-
Rory shook her head, that couldn't have been right. Not even three minutes ago, the clock she had just under 35 minutes and now she was down to five. The lingering headache that had been growing in the back of her head suddenly became stronger and her heart rate began to pick up.
She continued to take deep breaths and hurried her way down the basement steps, halfway down she tripped over her own foot and tumbled down the rest of them. Something was very wrong, she was never this clumsy even when she was drunk Rory was not clumsy.
There was only one door at the bottom of the steps, Rory's vision blurred as she tried over and over to reach the handle only for her hand to phase through it. Quickly she got angrier and angrier, why couldn't she just grab the fucking handle?!
She was covered in a thin layer of sweat now, and it seemed that her suit was choking her. Tugging at her collar, Rory finally managed to get a hold of the handle and pushed it open. The only thing was, there wasn't a basement on the other side.
In fact, it was daylight where she was now. Turning back to find the door, Rory saw that it was gone, and left in its wake was a familiar collapsed building. Rory swallowed the lump forming in her throat, she knew exactly where she was.
Rory was back in Star City the day that Slade killed her parents. Deep down Rory knew that they were not good people, but the version of her parents she knew could not be tainted by the knowledge that they were assassins, no different than she was anymore.
Hearing a cry behind her, Rory turned on her heel only to be met with a younger version of herself sobbing over the lifeless forms of her parents. Only this time, there was no Oliver and Dinah there to comfort her. Instead, they were dead next to Michael and Clara Sonnet with Roy at their feet.
Seeing them like that broke something in Rory, she let out a choked gasp as she pushed her younger self out of the way and tried to shake Oli, Roy, and Dinah awake.
"Please, Oli come on! Please! You promised you wouldn't leave me! I can't lose you too!" she sobbed before trying to shake Roy awake.
"This is all your fault." a voice spoke from behind her.
Rory snarled, ready to maim whoever it was that said that only to see that it was her younger self there staring at her with innocent eyes.
"Their deaths are on your hands, just like theirs are." Little Rory pointed behind the older one once more.
Taking a shaky breath, Rory slowly turned on her heel and the sight she saw was devastating. Instead of a crumpled building now, Rory was in Gotham again. There sprawled across the steps of Wayne Manor were the lifeless figures of Alfred, Cass, Duke, and Damian. '
"No no no no no!" she cried diving for them, trying to feel for a pulse. Her eyes met the lifeless gaze of Damian and she grew hysterical. He was so young, he didn't deserve this fate!
Her headache began to grow worse, and before her eyes Rory watched the scene morph into the Batcave. Across the floor of the cave were the last residents of Wayne Manor. Dick, Barbara, Stephanie, Jason, and Bruce were lying dead on the floor with gold daggers sticking out of their chest and a single feather resting on the keyboard of the bat computer.
She couldn't stand this any longer, Rory gripped her hair as she fell to her knees. It was becoming too much, every single one of them died because of her. Her body began to shake from the sobs she was trying to hide, even though she was the only one there.
A hand fell on her shoulder and Rory jumped to see Jesse's animated corpse staring down at her. Letting out a scream, Rory dove backward and away from her dead friend. This had to be a trick, Jesse was dead. She was there when they buried his body in Star City in the Queen family mortuary. That was the last time she ever saw him.
A long skinny finger reached out and pointed at her as Rory laid there in fear. "You did this to me, it's all your fault Twinkle Toes. You're a plague, a curse on those around you," he grumbled, Rory watched in horror as his hair fell out and his face became more sullen and maggots crawled out of the holes that once held his eyes.
Rory was close to vomiting at the sight, her heart rate was erratic and she was barely able to keep herself up. Her throat was sore as if she had been screaming and her hands and hair hurt like she had been pulling it this entire time.
"It's your fault Tim was taken and it's your fault that he died."
Those words struck fear in her heart. Her eyes went wide as everything faded away leaving just herself and a lone figure out in the distance, a figure she knew by heart. Rory ran as fast as her feet could carry her, she stumbled every few steps trying to get to him but it seemed that every step she got closer he would get farther away.
After what seemed like hours, Rory reached his body and rolled him onto his back. Tim Drake laid dead in front of her with a hole through his chest. Rory choked back a sob, Tim was dead and she wasn't there to stop it. She cupped his face letting the tears fall freely from her eyes as she begged and pleaded for him to wake up. This was the last thing Rory wanted, everything she did was to keep him safe, and here she was crying over his dead body.
"Tim, I'm so sorry." she sobbed. "I wasn't good enough..."
Pulling his upper body into her arms, Rory cradled his lifeless form burying her face into his shoulder as she held his body with a grip that could rival death.
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glittrkink · 3 years
*He sees you as he leaves the arena, his hockey bag hanging off his shoulder. You look incredible and he knows he'd get upset at himself tonight if he doesn't say anything* "Hey beautiful, I haven't seen you around here before. How's it going?"
- Reiner, Number 7 On the Varsity Blue Hockey Team
if you don’t want me to spam your dash with this character anon pls block the tag ‘maia loves hockey player reiner <3’
also do not mind me turning this into a whole ass fic i’ve been thinking about it all day and it makes me really happy ok mind your business
sorry to the mod who has to read all this nonsense you can skip straight to the end that’s where the dialogue continues lmao
my friends and i were looking for a way to spend our friday night that was outside of our usual plans of getting drunk and watching shitty rom coms. and after a tiring discussion of hitting up bars and clubs we ended up deciding do something more lowkey, and stop by the ice haus. one of my friends claimed to know that everyone on the hockey team was hot as fuck, and the rest of the group wanted to investigate and see if this was true...
we arrived pretty late into the game, but we were still able to grab seats in the first row of bleachers, giving us a good view of the ice. we missed the entire first period and came in right before the beginning of the second, just in time to watch the players file onto the ice. my entire friend group was gawking at the fit brunette with strands of his dark hair clinging to his forehead framing his emerald eyes. i had to admit he was pretty hot, but i had my eyes on someone else. the blonde with the most beautiful hazel eyes i have ever seen, concentrated into a scowl as he stood on the ice. i pointed him out to my friends and said “oh i know his dick is big” we all giggled like a bunch of school girls, catching the attention of some of his teammates who waved at us but he didn’t notice.
i wasted no time to look him up in the roster, quickly scanning the printed faces until i found his with his position, name, and number printed next to it- defenseman, reiner braun, #7. i spent the rest of the game eyeing him carefully, watching as he shoved his opponents into the wall of the rink. he was a beast when it came to boarding. god he was violent. he was doing everything you’re not supposed to do with your stick, slashing, spearing, hooking- you name it. he spent a lot of time in the penalty box, glaring at the people who played in front of him, his jaw tense from biting down on his mouth guard. “he looks like he beats the pussy up” my friend said to me, and i couldn’t help but laugh and think about how she was probably right... and how i would love to find out for sure... and in all this i couldn’t help but wonder if he had a sweet side to him. wondering if maybe he could be more gentle than he let on...
the game came to an eventful end- going into overtime, ending with none other than lucky #7 scoring the winning goal. when the cheering died down and the crowd started to disperse, my friends and i filed out of the ice haus. we stood in the parking lot chatting about the game and how everyone on the team, was in fact hot. we eventually split up and headed to our respective cars. and it wasn’t until i stopped to grab my keys out of my bag that i noticed someone was standing behind me, i turned around to see that it was none other than reiner braun. he was out of his gear and despite not wearing his pads i was shocked by how broad his shoulders were and how big his chest was. his blonde hair was short and shaggy, messy with sweat. needless to say- he was extremely sexy and i was swooning. and when he opened his mouth to speak i was almost too busy staring at his tits that i almost missed what he said. his voice was surprisingly smooth, not at all rough like i had imagined. his voice was sweet when it landed on my ear, and when he called me beautiful i looked over my shoulder to make sure he was talking to me. first of all i didn’t think he was single, i figured as hot as he was he probably had a girlfriend. and even if he didn’t- i didn’t think i was his type. when i realized he was talking to me it took me a second to respond. god i wish i wasn’t so awkward, i prayed he didn’t notice me nervously fumbling with my keys in my hand when i replied and said- “beautiful? well you’re not that bad looking yourself. at least when you’re not scowling on the ice. i’m doing pretty well i actually really enjoyed the game! how are you? you must be tired!”
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scriptaed · 4 years
his side, her side | 9:23 A.M.
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genre: angst/fluff/implied smut; (bold = genre for this particular drabble)
pairing: reader x jungkook;
length: 1.8k;
synopsis: a collective snapshots in time shared between two, whose fates were undeniably intertwined and futures would never come to be.
a/n: this is not a chronological series; more so, his side her side is a collection of drabbles in which each drabble helps paint the overall picture. each drabble can be read separately without having read the others. // alternatively: his side, her side pt. 7;
her side; 
Jungkook [9:23 A.M.] Happy Birthday!!
You can still recall every fluctuation in the mayhem that he always brought along, particularly on that very hour of your day. A beacon of light had peeked through your curtains and perfectly struck your already-squinting eyes, but it isn’t the sun that has your heart racing like the end of a marathon that marks the start of your special day—rather, it’s the aftermath of its gentle shake that engraves this particular moment amongst the myriad of otherwise mundane, forgetful birthday mornings. 
It’s an overly cliche scene straight out of those young adult rom-coms you used to roll your eyes at, yet even you couldn’t remain immune to the flutters of your stomach and the drums of your chest when you awaken to the sight of his name first thing in the morning. You won’t admit it now, but the undeniable stretch of your grin upon reading his message is enough proof to your prideful self that he still manages to evoke an emotional response from you—even after all this time. 
A relieved sigh escapes your restricted chest as you prop yourself against the bed frame and dally with the unexpected task at hand. Flipping your phone from palm to palm, you mull over just how blindsided you had been to this incoming text. You had been arranging dinner plans for a girl’s night out in preparation for the one day you get to celebrate your ever-so-slow descent into adulthood and eventual retirement that you hadn’t even paused to anticipate this year’s annual texts from colleagues and classmates you had not heard from since… your last birthday; and even though Jungkook doesn’t exactly fall into that category, for you two had really only connected half a year ago, he was the last person you would have expected to be reminded of today. 
Come to think of it, it’s been a while since your mind had stumbled upon the ephemeral memories shared with him, a while since you caught him staring at you in the corner of your eyes, a while since you fidgeted with your hand and contemplated your choices of fight or flight. Ever since your project had ended and your excuses to strike a conversation with your partner dwindled to zero, you had convinced yourself that fate had finally given up on you and is now punishing you for leaving the myriad of granted opportunities to wilt; because you still bumped into him at work from time to time—but after that particular night of a gut-wrenching revelation, your ultimate decision to cut your ties came abruptly. 
It was no easy feat, that’s for sure. After having reality slammed before your eyes and accepting that maybe this red string that tied you to him is nothing but a silly fantasy, you had to somehow train yourself to forget everything you’ve come to know in the span of a month. You avoided him at work and on the walk home, you adjusted your daily routine to ensure your paths never crossed with his, you even archived his messages that you once found yourself daydreaming over the endless possibilities now burnt to ashes, until slowly but not certainly, he had become an afterthought.
Yet here he is, just as you’re about to forget him, like an old habit that trickles its way back into your daily routine, you find yourself smiling at the thought of him once again… and after all that has come to light? To be the first person to send you birthday wishes? You can’t help but snort at yourself and him, shaking your head at the naive skips of your heart and the audacity of a man who just doesn’t understand the repercussions of his alluring charm. 
Because even if you could no longer feel the same way about him like you did in a fleeting fragment of the past, you would never be able to deny this attractive force of his. He’s different from the others. He’s quiet, aloof, and intimidating, but his reputation can’t hold a candle to the real Jungkook you know. He’s more than the apathetic look he wears more often than not and he’s gentler than the devilish smirk that he adorns when he had witnessed something less than worthy of an arduous, feigned laugh, because the crinkle of his nose when you finally manage to crack a toothy grin on that face is worth every bit of intimidation. 
He doesn’t give a shit about what others thought of him because he sticks to his virtues and he treats every guy and gal—lame or popular, average or gorgeous—equally. He says he doesn’t give a shit about the opinions of others’, but he takes careful consideration into the delicate response of those affected by his actions. He does what he does because he believes in doing the right thing and not because he wants those extra points that has you believing in chivalry again. 
And all of that still holds true, that is, if the motives you suspect behind his text proves false. 
It’s a good thing your birthday came well after you had mostly gotten over whatever thing you had for him—otherwise, you’re sure things would have gone awfully awry today had you not been. You would have been clinging onto that last bit of hope and wondering what it means for him to have remembered your birthday and even go through the effort of sending you a message after all this time apart, but now, knowing what you know about him, you hold your head high with a smile hiding more than he could have ever had. 
Two can play at this game. 
You [10:12 A.M.] Thanks!! 😊
And for once, it really doesn’t mean anything more than that. 
his side; 
Notification [9:18 A.M.] Y/N’s birthday is today! 
Jungkook had just finished downing his first bottle of today’s many, hoping that his favorite drink, also known as water, would be enough to dilute the distasteful coffee he had willingly subjected himself to soon, when his phone vibrates against the kitchen island. The boy had leaned over the counter and grabbed ahold of his phone fully expecting to internally roll his eyes at social media and its pesky birthday reminders of people he doesn’t know well enough to just casually drop a wish for, but the familiar name that pops onto his screen freezes him in his tracks. 
It doesn’t occur to Jungkook how long it’s been since Y/N’s name had taken residence at the top of his notifications. A crooked grin cracks his precedent frown as he recalls the persistent messages Y/N had once bombarded him with in their time together. He can still remember the click of his tongue as he indulged in his cathartic workouts only to be disturbed by the seemingly endless stream of texts and reminders of work. Who would’ve known those memories would be revisited with a tender fondness that has even Jungkook dumbfounded? 
It isn’t like he totally forgot about Y/N. After all, out of everyone he’s met at work, she’s been the most peculiar one by far. Although their time was short, the fidgety hands, wavering eyes, and curt responses intertwined with the most giggly of laughs, she always kept him on the edge of his seat, wondering just what was going on in that mind of her’s—particularly when he came into work that one day and nothing was ever the same. 
Because some days he would spot her from the top of the stairs and try to greet her from afar only to watch her pivot on the balls of her feet and shuffle in the opposite direction. Sometimes he would bump into her on the way to their cubicles in the morning only to find himself searching for the girl in the following days turned into weeks and months, even. At times, he would even lock eyes with the girl across the hall, waiting for a response and wondering if he had mistaken himself when she passed by without a single greeting. 
Sometimes he felt like a ghost, not to the colleagues, not to the world, but to her. He couldn’t quite put the unsettling drop in his chest into words—because it isn’t exactly disappointment nor dejection. It was almost as if she had awoken one day, swept by the winds and the mystical moon, and for whatever reason, decided to sink a ship that had long set sail. 
But as Jungkook has come to learn, time flies by quickly, even for a man like himself; because whatever he was feeling, the heightened consideration catered toward her, the amusement he found in whatever she had in the works, the profuse feeling that something was fueling the two and something was inevitably bound to manifest, and the crash of confusion when it all came to an abrupt stop, had faded with each passing week. 
Still, even the sight of her name brings a grin to his lips. 
Seeing as how Y/N had shot him a birthday wish last time—and being the first and few ones to remember, at that—Jungkook figures it would be rude of him to swipe the notification into the abyss, even if the two had an unexplained, rocky interlude up to this point. 
Draft [9:22 A.M.] Happy Birthday
Jungkook cocks his head at the blunt message. Short and to the point, it’s a message he would have sent any other colleague… but seeing the fond birthday wish and gratitude the two had shared just a scroll above his drafts, he finds himself scratching at the task before him. 
“Jungkook?” a familiar voice calls from outside his apartment door. “Are you in there? You ready?”
“What? Oh, shit,” he curses when he notices the time on his phone. “Yeah, give me one second!”
You [9:23 A.M.] Happy Birthday!!
The phone is tossed to the side as Jungkook dashes to open the door to a girl who stands before him with a pout and crossed arms. Peering down at his partner, the chuckle that leaves his lips depart along with the thought of what he had left behind. 
“Don’t tell me you forgot about our coffee date,” she mutters. 
“And what if I did?” he laughs, freezing when he locks the door behind him. “Oh, shit.”
“What? Did you forget something?”
“Oh, uh,” he pauses, contemplating, “it’s nothing. Let’s go.”
He may have forgotten his phone, he may have forgotten having sent a message to someone he no longer held any ties to, but when he returns to the apartment and checks to see a heart next to his message and a reply right under, he would never forget the thought that crosses him in that very moment. 
It doesn’t mean anything more than that, right?
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luckyricochet · 3 years
I want you to answer A-Z on the fandom asks so I can peer into your psyche 👀
Wow I love you. This actually took around three hours since I wanted to think about the answers. See them under the cut!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
From Hanyou no Yashahime — Sesshomaru and Rin
From The Mandalorian — The Mandomera’s been creeping up a little bit. 
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Honestly can’t think of one. I’m very set in my ships. 
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
From Naruto — SasuSaku. Sasuke was cute as a kid so I get Sakura having a crush on him then, but I think she would have gotten over it when he became a homicidal clown who abandoned the village and tried to kill her and her teammates multiple times.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
From Harry Potter — Ron x Hermione. I’ve always thought their personalities didn’t match and not in the good “opposites attract” kind of way.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I only know how to write angst, drama, and introspective musings so no. 
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Over fifteen years in the Harry Potter fandom, but I’ve had to separate that from JKR herself in the recent years. 
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
“Have I ever had an OTP”? *laughs from shipping hell* 
From The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare — Nat and Kit were my first OTP. Read this book in fifth grade and was immediately loved them. Boy literally risks banishment from the colony to help prove she’s not a witch. 
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I love visual media, so TV, anime, and film
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
I’m not going to let tumblr dot com put me off of a particular show/book/etc. itself, but it has definitely made me think less of certain types of fans who are in a fandom. 
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
The...period drama fandom? More widely, the history fandom. They both create some of the most beautiful edits celebrating history and I love it. 
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
 From Avatar: The Last Airbender — It’s gotta be Prince Zuko
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
From Harry Potter — I think Ginny is a Mary Sue but I loved when she stood up for herself in Half-Blood Prince when Ron was trying to slut-shame her. 
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
From Parks and Recreation — Leslie Knope. Unending positive affirmations, thoughtfulness, and support!
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
I don’t really have a main fandom but I haven’t mentioned Free! yet so let’s go with it for this one. 
1. Less Nitori because I can’t stand him.
2. More female characters! I get half the appeal is the boys, but I’d love to see a girls swim team in some capacity. 
3. More Haru and his family dynamics! Doesn’t have to be a ton, but I want to know what his relationship with his parents like, especially as an adult.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Salt and the Sea - The Lumineers. “From the destruction, out of the flame. You need a villain, give me a name.” Such an Odesta song. (Finnick x Annie from the Hunger Games)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
For The Mandalorian — A historical AU set in early 1900s New York City where Mando’s just some government agent sent to “report” on slum conditions to satisfy some housing law. He goes meaning to write up a generic report but then finds the orphaned Baby Yoda abandoned in one of the tenements. Shocked by the conditions of the slums, Mando goes from being an apathetic, middling-level bureaucrat to being an anonymous investigative journalist reporting on the corruption in the government that allows for the city’s most vulnerable citizens to live in squalor, leading the government on a search to find who within their ranks is exposing them. 
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Sherlock, because it just took so long for the third series to come out. I had moved on to other fandoms by the time it did. Still have fond memories of when I was active in it, though. 
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
From Lord of the Rings — Aragorn and Legolas. This is played up a lot more in the films but I love it. 
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
For Lord of the Rings — Boromir definitely taught Faramir swordplay when they were little kids since their father didn’t want to. 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
From Hanyou no Yashahime — Rin made the first move. Sesshomaru would be way too clueless to even know how to go about it. 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
From Pirates of the Caribbean — James Norrington: Commodore in the Royal Navy during the 18th century, must I explain any further? Cool, calm, and collected on the job while looking v good while he does it but a nervous wreck in front of the woman he fancies. Tell me that’s not straight out of Austen.
From Star Wars (OT) — Luke Skywalker: An unapologetically good person in a crapsack world, doing his best to bring light into the world. A classic hero archetype who grows out of his naïveté to become a cunning—but still benevolent—Jedi. 
From Prince of Tennis — Yukimura Seiichi: His duality is *chef’s kiss*. Super scary and in charge on the court, gentle sweet boy who loves art and culture off the court. He struggled for so long but was able to overcome it all through his hard work and willpower.
Bonus favorite, because I couldn’t resist...
From Band of Brothers — Doc Roe: He’s doing the MOST for his guys but he really just needs a hug. Plus he’s got the accent.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
From Little Women — Jo March, especially as portrayed by Saoirse Ronan in the 2019 adaptation. Writer, holds grudges, opinionated, stubborn, eschewed “girliness” in her youth but is more open to it and romanticism as an adult. 
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
I’ve gotten to the point where even the hint of a love triangle tests my patience.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
It’s about the yearning: Longing Look
Also will definitely always ship the Brooding Boy and the Gentle Girl
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Anything in the MCU or general superhero content.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
I love fandom so much. I’m sort of facetious about being obsessed with people who aren’t real on my other social media accounts, but in all seriousness, being able to escape the real world to get excited over characters and relationships that face their own struggles, triumphs, and emotions is such a gift. So often they speak so powerfully on the human experience—How can you read, or watch, any of Tolkien’s work and not be moved by what he has to say about humanity and the power of good? Even if the stories are fictional, the messages they impart about life aren’t, which is what I love so much about them.
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