#The Police forever
wclassicradio · 26 days
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sassydistresseddamsel · 3 months
Let me handcuff you cause you guilty of staring ⌛️💕
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electoons · 3 months
I love the college of winterhold. everyone there is casually deranged and there's like an alarming number of students and staff who threaten you immediately when they meet you. it's always one of the first questlines I do. which makes it even funnier when you get made the arch-mage of the college. I'm level 12 and got through this questline knowing exactly 3 spells. what do you mean you want me to lead the college. this school CANNOT be an accredited institution
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lunacias · 4 months
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these are the silt verses, and I name our disciples thus
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fosliie · 1 year
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The best friends, the pals, the rotten soldiers, the sweet cheese, the good-time boys
Just finished watching the gameplay of the 1st telltale game of theirs! Took quite a bit but was worth itttt, here’s some doodles while watching through it
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smoosie · 6 months
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Cosmic Bond
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progressivemillennial · 7 months
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vanalex · 2 months
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
i will be totally honest with y’all i can’t see Hobie (ATSV) in a romantic relationship ever. like, i can’t see him seeing anybody ever as “the one” or even having multiple partners or anything. I can barely see him having friends outside of the ones he already has. I can somewhat see the “are we dating or are we not dating” thing being something he gets involved in, but not really. i think a lot of people either don’t know or just forget that he’s probably homeless and that his world is shit rn and that stuff he needs isn’t easy to come by 😭😭 and a lot of homeless people just don’t have time/energy for shit like romantic relationships and the stuff he’s doing canonically because they’re so focused on trying to survive. That’s why when I make posts about him casually flirting or whatever it’s never serious, it never goes anywhere, because honestly! Between music shows, trying to find your next meal, fighting the power, trying to find a shelter for the night, helping other homeless people and others in need as both a civilian and Spider-Man, dealing with dimensional threats, trying to find a place to get clean, i just don’t think Hobie has time to even consider it. Sure, maybe there are facilities in the HQ to make it easier, but after that stunt, i think he’d avoid using them as much as possible. do you see what i mean??
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toddfrom · 4 months
Drawfee posted some words regarding the upcoming PCRF stream on saturday (which everyone should be at!)
TLDR they want to reaffirm that while antisemitism is never allowed in their community, they believe that advocacy for Palestine is not hate speech and will not be censoring pro-Palestine speech in their chat during the stream.
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Transcript under cut
[Image ID: two instagram post screenshots from @drawfee. Both are black text on a white background with the drawfee logo in the bottom right. The first image reads:
Our PCRF charity stream is this Saturday! While we are looking forward to a fun and entertaining few hours of drawing and fundraising, we also recognize that by choosing this particular cause to get involved in, we are stepping into topics that are significantly more sensitive than the content you are used to on our channel. We've listened to the concerns from the community and want to ensure we're setting the right expectations.
Our primary goal with this stream is to provide aid to Palestinians facing a dire humanitarian crisis. We will be encouraging our audience to both donate to the PCRF and to urge their elected representatives to back a ceasefire. We believe that rallying our wonderful community towards tangible actions is the best use of our platform in this instance.
We hold a strict policy against antisemitism and hate speech across all our streams, and this event will be no exception.
Our moderators will be vigilant in maintaining a respectful and safe environment for everyone.
(The second image reads:)
We recognize that some phrases and slogans associated with Palestinian liberation can be controversial within our diverse community. While there are varied interpretations and feelings towards these expressions, we do not view them as inherently antisemitic. We do not believe it is our place to police the language that Palestinians use to advocate for their own freedom and safety, so we will not censor pro-Palestinian speech in chat during the stream. We recognize that this stance will not please everyone in our community, but ultimately it is what best reflects our values. If you have reservations about our decision on this matter, we respectfully suggest that this particular stream might not be for you.
Choosing to do this stream meant accepting the risk of causing division within our community and potentially losing followers, but the chance to make a real difference for those in need far outweighs any drawbacks.
Thank you to our wonderful community for predominantly being supportive of our decision to do this and for being caring compassionate people. Your encouragement reinforces our decision. Looking forward to Saturday!
End ID.]
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fosliie · 1 year
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Late night in the office cracking a tough case
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gaycrittercentral · 2 years
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Mr. Sandmax…Sam me a Max………..
I got knocked over by so many waves today it was awesome :D at least I’m not max sized, they probably would’ve just swept me away…
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lilacandladybugs · 1 year
why is it that the police can recover anything digital that you've ever deleted but word crashes once and your whole lifes work is gone forever
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aleeyenn · 9 months
Fireafy shower thoughts that I realized for this story I'm trying to write #1
I remembered that Firey gave / built Leafy an whole ass ferris wheel for her twice
Now of course, the ferris wheel would lead to the downfall of the two, but ya know, for just for a friend... that seems like a big ass gift and work for just a pal Like Firey doesn't do anything similarly big to any for his other close friends
YES OH MY GOD I THINK ABOUT THIS SO MUCH… and the end part about how firey doesn’t do stuff like that for his other friends… have you ever thought about who his actual friends are? just think about it… everyone he associated with in bfdi were almost just acquaintances… he was super focused on challenges and usually worked more independently when he had the chance He didn’t really make time for friends and stuff.. he had minor friendships with certain people but he mainly stuck to his objective of winning dream island whereas leafy liked to work with people during challenges that didn’t require teamwork (like ice cube and sometimes bubble) or random people she would help during challenges) if you think about it hard enough… leafy was fireys only true friend (at least in bfdi)!!! she was the only one to establish a friendship with firey and it seemed like firey needed that push to see someone as a real friend instead of a fellow competitor (or enemy LOL). she was the only one he ever really stood up for he really really saw her as a friend he has never done any of that for anyone else before either (at least up until then) and he also changed his challenge strategy of independence with her at least a couple times… he stuck with her through the challenge in bfdi 20 (for as long as he could…) and occasionally stuck with her through bfdi 23. firey also really passionately defended her and demanded for her to be back when she died and announcer told him that he sold the recovery centers. and yeah of course the ferris wheel GAH but you already mentioned that! and of course firey saving leafy from her punishment of what they thought would be permanent death even tho they were punishing her for something she did mainly to firey … but to wrap up my point! firey has never expressed compassion the same way he has for leafy with anyone else. she was his only true friend in bfdi she was like the only one he ever really had to consider a friend for that whole season of competition … of course there’s much more to discuss for later seasons but i’ve been typing for like over 30 minutes now so i’m gonna quit HAHAHA SORRYYY there are so many words i am really enthusiatic about them
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You have a sacred fucking right to be unpalatable.
I love you, freaks, but more importantly, my love is not something you are fucking dependant on for validity. I love you, weird queer people with genders that only make sense to you. I love you, binary trans people. I love you, intersex people. I love you, detransitioners and re-transitioners and people who aren't cis and/or are trans but don't bother or want to do anything about it. I love you, people whose gender is related to extreme body mods. I love you people who are neither cis nor trans. I love you people who are trans but also still cis. I love you cis people who get gender affirming/"transition" treatments. I love you he/him lesbians and she/her gay guys. Hell, if y'all out there, and you probably fucking are, I love you he/him straight women and she/her hetero men. I love you sex-repulsed people. I love you, self-identified sluts of all genders. I love you bigender and gender fluid folks. I love you closeted people and people who have never even tried to fit into the closet. I love you people who tried to hide in the closet and couldn't. I love you, people whose sexual orientations have exceptions or caveats. I love you, people whose love and/or attraction doesn't go away when their partner transitions even if that doesn't normally fit your label. I love you, ex couples who simply didn't belong together once one or both of you transitioned or changed genders. I love you queerplatonic couples and queerplatonic throuples and extended queerplatonic constellations. I love you, unlabeled folks. I love you polyam people. I love you people who are 100% gay with no exceptions ever. I love you, lifelong virgins. I love you drag artists. Everybody can just. Get fun with it. Be weird. I love you, but never forget that it doesn't matter wether or not I fucking love you. Unpalatable Queer Liberation Forever. Being unpalatable is a deeply sacred right of personhood.
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thatonebirdwrites · 1 month
Unintentional War that I didn't realize was happening
So I moved into this place about two years ago I think? Anyway, it's a poorer neighborhood with a lot of immigrants, poorer white folks, Black folks, and Hispanic folks -- basically very multicultural area. Not long after I moved in, I found my old pride flags and put one up in a window as a curtain. (I needed something for that window.) A few months after I moved in on a very snowy day, the next door neighbor to the South of me came over to offer to snowblow my driveway for twenty dollars. Now to set the stage, this guy's house looks like a literal dump. His front steps are caved in, his front door can't be opened, parts of siding is falling off, and who knows what the interior looks like. Also, I am disabled, and I only leave the house for medical appointments these days. So I get a good view of happenings in the neighborhood from my windows. So anyway, after he knocked, I came to the door in my wheelchair with a rainbow mask on and there's a pride flag in my window. He took one look at me, then at the pride flag and took several steps backward. Cursed and stalked off. I was very confused until I remembered what I was using for curtains. He never offered help again. But then signs appeared on his lawn. I didn't really notice what type of sign since I don't look his way much. Until I saw kids in his law tearing up a sign and dumping it in his trash. (How kind of them not to litter!) They timed it for when he was not home (smart kids!) So I kept a closer eye and discovered that the sign was a pro-Trump sign because he angrily put another out a week later. (Only for the kids to be at it again. Using his trash as the place to put the torn up sign.) This continued for a long time. Kids always timing it for when he's not home. It's not the same kids either. It's just whoever is passing by and sees it. Since I'm poor and can't afford real curtains (and blinds), I added another flag as curtains (demisexual). Seriously, pride flags make great curtains and are way cheaper than them where I am. Again I didn't think anything of it since for me it was just me being practical. Within a week of my new curtain-flag, he must have noticed because there was a forest of Pro-Trump signs in his yard. I was baffled by why he put out FIVE of them. Well, the kids didn't like that. So they tore them all up too. That's when I realized that maybe he thought this was some sort of war? Whoops. I had a few more pride flags given to me as gifts, and two more windows that needed curtains, so I put them up too (nonbinary and LGBTQIA flag that includes the brown and black stripes). Sure enough, pro-Trump signs appeared in his yard not long after (only for the kids passing by, timing it for again when he's gone, to tear them down). Then last week he shot off firearms in his lawn. We're in the middle of a CITY. It's illegal to shoot off firearms in city limits (If you are not at a licensed gun range). My friends urged me to call the cops on him since my house is very close to his and he could easily shoot through my window. I'm terrified of cops honestly, and I panic at phone calls. But never fear! The others who have valiantly torn down pro-Trump signs are here to save the day! They or someone like them called the cops. Now remember how I said his house looks like a dump? Cops must have brought in another agency because my younger sister sighted a condemned notice on his front door when she visited this past weekend. So for the past three days, he has torn out the rotted parts of his house. There's giant bags of trash in his yard that he puts a holey tarp over. The front part that was rotted out and literally falling apart was torn out. Quark (my cat) and I have been watching this drama from my bedroom window. The pro-trump signs in his yard got torn up again. I am thinking I should add more pride flags as curtains. What do y'all think?
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