#The final fisty
madamephantom · 13 days
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A battle for the ages
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enbyshads · 10 months
some of favorite chaos sonic quotes:
"au-contraire, blue hair"
"what's the matter? stage fright? don't worry, the show's almost over and you've had a good run but it's time to take your final bow."
"missed me, missed me, now here comes my fisty!"
"he can taste his impending defeat which I'm guessing tastes like concrete!"
"face it, you'll never beat me. you're too slow" (this one is probably my favorite bc his voice sounds kinda creepy here and i love it)
"i gotta hand it to you, you don't just lose, you lose epically!"
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bltzgore · 1 month
TW: lovecraftian deities, broken bone, tiny whumpee
Alright! I've got something. Whumpee, a human, accidentially begins tredding in territory they don't understand in the realms of lovecraftian gods. Whumper and caretaker are such entities, and we go from there:
The astral plane is not one ever meant to fall into human eyes, but it wasn't exactly whumpee's choice, now was it? Whumper had simply reached through the rift and snatched them like a ripe fruit. Now whumpee found whumper looking at them with dangerous interest. Whumpee wasn't sure what non-dangerous interest looked like on the "face" of something like that.
Whumper looked down, studying the thing in their hand, "Well well, you are certainly something different, I'll give caretaker that."
Whumpee struggled, clawing at whumper's fingers, kicking, they would have tried biting if they thought it would do anything. "Let go of me!"
Whumper just laughed, "You're a fisty little insect. We'll see if you can make such an annoyance of yourself when you don't have any working limbs." Without further notice they grabbed whumpee's arm with two of the fingers on their free hand and began both lift them up by it and crush.
Whumpee shrieked, their arm seeming to give no real resistance to the deity, crunching. The added pressure of whumpee's body weight jammed tears through their eyes as the pain fell hammering down through the rest of their body. It stunned them, but only for a moment before spurring them to reach with the other arm, scrambling for somewhere to grab and distribute the weight.
Whumper watched them thrash for a moment, then gave something that probably was their interperatation of grinning. Well as close as the mandibles, eyes, and tendrils would allow them to get anyway. "If you really want me to let go I suppose I could oblidge you."
And just like that the strain left, but not the agony, with a sqeak of shock whumpee was falling. The terror spread through their chest like ice water, and they screamed the only name that came to mind, "Caretaker!"
Whumpee never hit the ground. Something enveloped their back, and slowed their fall gently enough to even avoid whiplash. As caretaker had learned by now, humans were such fragile things.
Whumper grinned, "Ah, I see you've finally managed to join us."
Caretaker gave whumpee a glance, then closed their hand slightly and straighed up, "It would not be wise to break my favorite toy."
Whumper shook their head, "Aw, we were just playing."
Caretaker bared their teeth, or what passed for teeth, "Well you play too rough. Apologize. And if you ever go near them again," In one stride caretaker was eye to eye with whumper, "I'm going to teach you the meaning of my name."
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railraptor · 8 months
Another nobody?? FINALLY!!
More fisty cuffs!
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voidsentprinces · 2 years
Zenos is a relic of a Final Fantasy XIV that we were okay with being one note. Gaius with his “land of creeping medacity”, Lahabrea with his whole speech about snuffing out our light, Thordan with his melodramatic god complex and challenging us to fisty cuffs because he thinks he is so much stronger than us. After all of those, we began to get villains of depth and complexity, it began with Nidhogg and the Warriors of Darkness. Nidhogg’s vengeance is not black and white, Ishgard killed his sister, broke a treaty, and Nidhogg was right to seek recompense for it. But vengeance consumed Nidhogg and he was blinded by his hatred, a hatred that festered into madness. The narrative, at least post Heavensward, is that the sins of the father should be carried on to their sons. Those who did the crime should be held accountable but force descendents to suffer for their parent’s faults is unfair and uncalled for. Especially since the sons themselves were working to bring to light their fathers’ wrongs. But Nidhogg was ready to kill his own in the path of vengeance and needed to be put down for peace and healing to begin.
Estinien too was hell bent on vengeance but unlike Nidhogg it hadn’t fully consumed him and for his blood lust for killing dragons, he became apart of THE dragon he swore the slay. Literally becoming the thing he hated most and after freeing him from the bondage of vengeance. He grows as a person and seeks not just peace within himself but peace with the dragons willing to seek peace. His narrow view brought from wearing his dragoon helm is broadened by the sacrifices of Ysayle and Haurchefant. He sees how the Warrior of Light deals our own vengeance over Haurchefant’s death and learns from the experience. And becomes better because of it.
The Warriors of Darkness appear as those desperate souls trying to save their world at the cost of ours. Only to discover their own vengeance is ill funded by the very beings responsible and given a chance to use their own bodies to save their world, they take it.
Ilberd’s vengeance has descended into madness as well. Just like Nidhogg, he is consumed by his hatred becoming so insense as to announce that the Ala Mhigan refugees are not even worthy of Ala Mhigo any more. He makes forces a war but it isn’t his avatar of vengeance Shinryu that liberates Ala Mhigo. Its the very people his vengeance had blinded him to. It was the efforts of Ala Mhigan Refugees, the Alliance he despised with the backing of the Monetarists he hated, and the good souls of the world, he himself betrayed and scattered to the wind. But we understood where Ilberd came from and saw how a man with nothing left to lose could bet it all and cause the destruction of innocence.
Then we go into Stormblood and the narrative fumbles with the same eloquence. Both Fordola and Yotsuyu feel like their stories could of been handled better and from what I hear, the Endwalker Job Quests actually finally do Fordola justice but Yotsuyu is still a small blight upon the Post-Stormblood narrative. Zenos himself there is a barrier to entry. He is there because someone was like, “Oh shit, what are you doing ready to liberate Ala Mhigo? Go fuck off to Doma for 2/3 of the expansion and don’t come back until you’re done.” Then he shows up in Yanxia as an “Remember what you are fighting against! The might of Garlemald is unfeeling, unyielding, and monstrous.” before fucking off. We get back to Ala Mhigo and its practically a cake walk. Zenos continues to do nothing but push Fordola to his role of pushing the narrative forward and being a reason to fight beyond just Ala Mhigan liberation and then he’s just done for two 1/2 more patches.
Then we get the whole mystery box writing, what’s in the box? But instead its what is Elidibus and Varis going to do? Who is Solus zos Galvus really and how will he effect the plot? See how Varis reacts being pressured to take the wrong road and how it might effect the narrative!
But then as if sensing its who lackluster set up or perhaps sensing it doesn’t have the answer to it or that just a straight up war with Garlemald might be anticlimatic we are literally whisked away to a new world. With new problems, new issues. A fresh start to understand more about the universe than just what we think we know.
The narrative comes back strong in Shadowbringers. Every region reminds us of our own and is a reflection of what will happen if we do not consider the entire picture. The shadows of a once great empire in the sands reduces to its merchants and its dying. The scars of calamity on its doors steps akin to Ul’dah. The light bleached cliffs and seas of Kholusia. Manned by only the greedy Eulmoreans, the desperate poverty of its people, the weathered sailors who no longer build their ships to explore a world now blanked out, and the stout dwarves who carry on, the twisted boroughs of Rak’tika. Its civilization held together by those with hope, those who seek domination, and those bound by duty to protect knowledge now out of reach of anyone else. A realm of seclusion and suspicion. Il Mheg, a precursor to introducing us to the themes of the Ascians while also showing how the valorous past of a kingdom like Ishgard can be lost and forgot. Reduced to ruin and forgotten about. And of course, Lakeland standing as the bastion against the light and after seeing it all stagnate become active in picking up the pieces.
Emet-Selch isn’t like any other Ascian. He is willing to break bread with us. He echoes that all we’ve ever known of the Ascians is one note and invites us to learn about them after we are done with our duty. He then gives himself more depth and humanization than being beyond the legendary tyrant ruler of Garlemald or just another mustache twirling Saturday Morning Cartoon villain as he interacts with us. Shares with us the tale of Amaurot and the reveals Hydaelyn and Zodiark. After meeting us where in our domain we go to a faux depiction of his own. Walk among his people, understand their fears and the way they interacted. Even as just shades. We come to understand Emet-Selch as a villain of tragedy. A man not unlike the Warriors of Darkness. A good person who has become twisted and forced to do what he thinks is necessary. Who has convinced himself the ends justify the means. He is still apart of an organization leading planet wide genocides, over saw the subjagation of many innocences to push his goals. He is in the wrong completely, but rather than just simply being another face to punch, he is a man. Faults, crimes, and all. And when all is said and done, rather than cursing us with his final breath. He asks us to remember his people, remember that they existed, how they existed. Carry their memories with us, teach it to our own friends and companions. So that Amaurot will not die. He does not ask us to save his Empire, to spare his fellow Ascians, or makes any more excuses for what he has done. He just asks us to remember the innocents in Amaurot. Keep them close to our heart as we did any other and then sets plans into motion to give Elidibus a proper send off as well.
And so the story pushes forward, in a bit of a hastened fashion. I feel like Elidibus too is fumbled. A lot of ground and concepts to cover but not enough room to cover it in 6.1 - 6.3. But still we come to understand the Elidibus is another tragedy. A man who idealized his heroes, who once idealized us as we were before. But who can no longer remember the past, wants ruin of the present, and cares not for the future. He is blinded by his duty and his function. He is a villain to be pitied and so we are him to give him the respect of his station. And in the end, he becomes what he sought. He becomes a beacon of hope by being absorbed into the Crystal Tower. His last words are also not cursing us or spiting us. It is the memory of his friends, his comrades, and remembering the reason he was set on his duties and how much he misses his home and loved ones.
”Stay strong...keep the faith...at journey’s end we will meet again, we will. The rains have ceased...and we have been blessed with another beautiful day...but you are not here to see it.”
And so he disappears, the last of his kind. The one who had forgotten only to remember.
And then unfortunately, we have to return to Eorzea and to such villains as Fandaniel. Who for all intent and purpose is bringing about the Final Days for the lulz and to even the playing field. Zenos is there as a bouncer. Because a fragmented Ascian is not as strong as the Paragons we had been fighting. But Fandaniel is also singularly one note. He is back to the mustache twirling of the old ARR and Heavensward villain variety. Heeeeee’s COOKY! HEEEEE’S DRAMATIC! He’s WACKY! and HEEEEE’S possessing Asahi’s body so any feelings I had for Asahi are now automatically transferred to Fandaniel by LITERAL proxy. So Fandaniel goes from Wacky to ENTIRE INSUFFERABLE! What Fandaniel is Amon? Woop-dee-fucking-doo. Get this clown out of here and send his ass back to the circus he escaped from.
And while I appreciate what Endwalkers narrative was doing in moving past the need for Zenos and Fandaniel to be villains. To just pull a greater scope by giving us the Zodiark fight we thought we were getting at the end at the 1/3 mark. But then after Fandaniel is “defeated” and the Final Days is released. We are left with Zenos. The man who except for killing Varis and forcing Elidibus to us has always forced other characters to push the narrative for him. And rather than, at the climax where the story has clearly signaled its time to move on from him and Fandaniel both, we fight and defeat him in a battle that has been hyped up for 8 patches and now 1 and 1/3 of an expansion! We...let him leave. So he can...be a question mark over the narrative again and...you know...do what he’s known for an...be a flat one note villain of the past. Chewing the scenery when he shows up and wanting to fight us and...like...not else. We could get the same experience by fighting a Solo FATE boss in...any region actually. And so when he finally shows up at the last possible moment. It s not a feeling of applause but annoyance. A left over than they literally didn’t know what to do with but needed him to stick around for marketing purposes and to be coy even longer about our fight with him shows up. Does the Zenos thing but the change being he’ll do anything for us TO fight him rather than not wanting to do anything BUT fight us. Which...I guess? So we beat the Endsinger which...side tangent.
When we were going through Amaurot. Was I the only one who just thought the Final Days was a natural occurence? Just something brought about by Amaurot’s hubris and unwilling to really care about other civilizations outside their city? Whose creation magic had gone so over used that the Final Days was the universe’s way of redressing the balance of nature? The Final Days being a miguffin to close out the Era of the Ancients/Gods and usher in the Era of Mortals/Man? Like after we finish with Emet-Selch. There wasn’t a question that we ourselves needed to face the Final Days. The big question mark hanging over the narrative was dealing with Zodiark and Hydaelyn. The Eldest and most powerful of Primals. A fact that put into question all of Hydaelyn’s actions and our duty as her supposed champion? Even bringing up the fact that we hadn’t gotten a collect call from Hydaelyn since...like...Heavensward? Everything else had been done through Minfilia so not technically Hydaelyn herself. And with Fandaniel on the horizon to usher in a redo the Final Days but as just another Calamity for the lulz to awaken Zodiark as probably the end goal and Zenos there to, again, act as a bouncer to level the playing field. Cause a sundered Ascian isn’t as strong as a Paragon clearly. It felt clear cut what we were going to do. But to learn someone was actually BEHIND the Final Days and we had to stop it felt very, to me at least:
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Like again I can see that the narrative needed to move beyond villains like Zenos and Fandaniel but like...the Final Days having a voice and a face to punch still felt out of left field. And it might of properly worked cause like Emet-Selch, we get to learn about Meteion. Spend time with her. They flesh her out as an old friend we didn’t know about and she’s fine. But like, something about Zenos being around kind of still drags the entire thing down. He’s the hardened piece of cereal left over before the writers pour a new bowl. No matter how much you’re enjoying the new bowl of cereal. That stale piece is still stuck to the side and you just want to take your thumb and unjam it and toss it away but the writer won’t let you yet. So we end up with Zenos eventually showing up and after the BIG CLIMATIC FIGHT! We...are railroaded into fighting Zenos for maybe 10 minutes at the very end of a narrative that had moved past him. To triumph music that feels like its trying to have a second big celebration after we just had a big celeberation so it feels forced and worn out and Waaaaaay too little too late. Right? And its not some humanized or depth delving Zenos that we’ve learned about by having flash backs in Garlemald or through books stored in the capital or whatever. Its still Zenos but Zenos with somehow less of what made him Zenos in Stormblood. He’s a lesser Zenos which is like saying, he’s a lesser brand of Miracle Whip. Like...they gave him a new uniform sure and while yes, “A TEST OF YOUR REFLEXES” is amusing. We just had our big climatic battle and now we’re fighting...one note, oh you’re still here, Zenos.
Who was made obsolete in his own expansion by the presence of there being a depth hinted at in Fordola and Yotsuyu. Like ????????????
So to round this off before tumblr eats this fucking post wasting another 45m of my life. Zenos is a relic of Final Fantasy XIV villains like Gaius, Lahabrea, and sadly Igeyohrm. Villains there to be the reason to fight a big bad at the end. A puffed up WWE Heel who suddenly finds himself in the middle of Period Piece War time Drama. Where other villains have shown up with nuance, complexity and cunning. Zenos keeps occasionally kicking down the door and asking us for a wrestling match in the ring that night. And its...bewildering.
I had a point...but I lost it half way through that last paragraph. So fuck me I guess.
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k00298453 · 3 months
Animation elective
Today we watched animations such as Rick and Morty to understand the fundamentals of a short animation. We then wrote out as many 2 lime stories as we could to come up with ideas.
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Of these ideas I settled for a spy having fisty cuffs with a Nazi officer, something like Indiana Jones. I then researched famous fight scenes such Rocky or Bruce Lee.
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I chose the ones with the least camera movements in order to easily rotoscope the scenes to make a final animation.
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emeraldelysian · 2 years
Just finished two more books😀 even tho I should have studied for my test on tuesday WELP
i would DEFINITELY recommend the spanish love deception and shatter me OUF girl— I can finally start the next book and I am not quite sure about that series, the first book was interesting, it's not so bad, so yes as of now I would recommend it, the thing is, i think all these tiktok videos (which i see on instagram because I don't have a tiktok account) about shatter me with inside jokes manipulated me into starting the series, some of the quotes peaked my interest, there must be something behind all that hype right? Kinda starting to fall in love with two characters (Aaron shjsjhld and KENJI <3) as well, the quote that has a chokehold on me, which also keeps me from quitting the series is: "Lift your hips for me, love." girl I am blushing, squealing, kicking my blanked, having a fisty fight with my pillow, HOW?!?!?
I also finished my to be read list and it's— astronomically gigantic, you wanna see it?
I grew up watching studio ghibli movies, spirited away is still my favorite🤍✨ my neighbor totoro i think was my first sg movie, i only watched it twice and that was also a very long time ago, let's watch that next? would make me feel nostalgic🥴
Loveee, I'm sorry this is so late!! How did the test go?? I'm sure you did amazing, you're so smart. Honestly, I'm so proud of you for reading so much. I got out of it when the semester started because having to go to campus every day takes a toll but you're definitely motivating me right now.
Also I totally get it with Booktok/Bookstagram!! I swear, it's always such a joy to see them pop up on when I go on social media. I swear I have such a long list going now that I have to limit myself and be like "read these twenty books first, you're becoming a hoarder." Also YES please send me your reading list, I may as well add to my list. I think I'm just gonna spend my entire Thanksgiving or winter break reading my tbr.
HELP NOT THE QUOTE PLEASE. It's literally 10 in the morning here, I cannot deal with these nsfw vibes rn but oh my g o d. Now I'm so intrigued wtf wtf ahhh. Will probably have to scream in my car in the middle of the night if the whole book be like that, I'm-
Oh my goddd yes Spirited Away is a classic for a REASON. Such a beautiful movie, I swear. Studio Ghibli movies are one of the only types of movies I could watch over and over again and never tire of. Oh my god, yesss, let's watch My Neighbor Totoro then!! Text me and let me know when you're free!! <33
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fartfisttheorc · 3 years
Extremely Valuable And Mostly Important
Extremely Valuable And Mostly Important
It’s something you need to know, the next time you cherish a moment. The idea of yours; no one else ever had… The same one going through the minds of everyone around you. The ones learned and adapted over the generations. For example; human holidays… they impart momentary lapses of memory. These occasions are sacred; they are cherished by many. To all it would seem, to each one in…
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vriska · 3 years
would anyone be inch rested in commissioning me for like, a $20 chibi... 
this game i’ve been dying to play finally came out on the switch and i rly want it bad its called fisti-fluffs and it looks so stupid and fun 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Request: Could I request kai who has no idea that reader likes him because they can hide feelings 💫perfectly💫 and it just ends sad, idk, it okie if you don't wanna write this, I is sorry it is so long
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It was always like that. Quick greetings even despite you oh so desperately wanted to extend your words into conversations... just to at least keep hearing his voice.
"As usual, you will be assigned to one of the precepts on one of the first meetings between the Shie Hassaikai and other minor yakusa. To get possible allies." He sighed, looking down at you coldly as you stared nonchantly back "I need you back with the money until 8 p.m. You know that I get busy."
"Yes sir." You nodded as he stormed out of the hall and entered his office, letting you deeply sigh and walk in search of one precept whose is willing to go along with you.
How could you even tell him such a thing? "Oh Overhaul, after some working alongsides the Shie Hassaikai and getting to know how passionate you are with this mafia, I couldn't help to fall in love with you, even knowing you're a fucking murderer and a sociopath".
Please... You never heard the man laughing but he surely would if you told him this... So is just the best to hide. Hide your own pain.
"Overjerk should at least have some fucking sense!" Rappa yelled as you sighed when both of you entered the Hassaikai's quarters.
"Is not like that Kendo. Overhaul is busy and couldn't just-"
"For fuck's sake (Y/n), you have the hits for Overjerk but act like a dumbass when you talk with him. And mostly important, huh, what is it?" He poked his mask before snapping hsi fingers "HE DOESN'T FUCKING CARE ABOUT ANYONE ON THIS HELLHOLE! GET A GRIP YOU IDIOT!"
You clenched your jaw at his yelling and sighed with closed eles before opening them again.
"Rappa, leave me with my problems and you deal with your own, got that?" Rapa chuffed as you rolled your eyes at his behaviour, grabbing the package and walking towards Overhaul's office.
"Simply disgusting." You stopped walking. Arching one of his eyebrows up at listening to his voice... Probably was in the room along with Chronostasis and Mimic.
Your curiosity got the best of you and instead knocking at the door and simply touching ear to the door...
"They just won't obey what I tell and do all wrong. Simply pathetic, dont they know they are stuck in here until my work is finally done? Cure the hero society for once?" His voice was calm yet carried venom besides it as you flinched at his tone of voice.
"But don't you say that they're valuable as well?" You started to sweat... maybe on what they were talking was about you...
"Please. As soon as my plan is done, I will discard them. They're nothing to me. And never will." You put your hand on your mouth to prevent a gasp to come out.
Calm down... maybe they weren't talking about you. Yeah, they were probably talking about some other person is all! You know that Overhaul isn't one that can lie and is dead pain honest. He wouldn't hide such a disgust towards you-
"Well, they did appeared when us were under Pops command. Dont have anything? Even for just a little?" Chrono said in a worry tone.
Shit, this was about you. You worked foe the hassaikai even when Kai and you were teenagers... who else would it be?
"Absolutely not. The only thing valuable is their quirk. Nothing more, nothing less."
That stung like a bitch this fucking false assho-
Breathing in deeply, preventing to any tears to come out, you clenched on the package and bursted the door open. The three man widening their eyes at your stoic as always face.
"How many times to I need to tell you that you have to knock-"
"Is already done." You threw the package at his desk as he furrowed hsi eyebrows and give it to Mimic to confer, seconds later giving a thumbs up.
"Well done." He spoke nonchantly as you clenched your hands into fists.
"Need me then send a message. I have other places I need to be." You left the room, just when you got out of the Hassaikai you let it out your tears but still with your face up.
No more pain at least.
If only you knew what they were indeed talking about.
"The hell was that?" Mimic muttered as Chrono shrugged.
"(Y/n) must have had a bad conversation with the dealer and is all moody about it."
"They arent like that." Chisaki spoke "They hide their emotions pretty well, but as a perfect sociopath I have to understand body language as well to understand the others." He spoke nonchantly, not breaking eye contact quth the package on his hands.
"Heh. Forgot that you have a crush on (Y/n) for a while." Mimic snorted as Chrono chuckled.
"For the longest time." He spoke while supporting his head on his both hands interviewed. "I have not yet understood if the interest is mutual, but I swear on my grave I will make that fisty thing mine." He smirked beneath his mask.
"So, asides from (Y/n) and the sexual tension between you two-" Mimic sighed in annoyance before soaking up again "Back to Eri-"
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manchasama · 2 years
Finally finally feeling less itchy.  Like yeah sure I am still itchy but it’s not a constant distracting sensation of aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuugh so I count that as a win.  I’m hoping it continues to decline rapidly yo.
Had dinner with the parents, twas tasty.  Thinking of trying to buy their old big TV off them, bc it is a really nice one, but depends on how much.  I need to do a bit of research on how much one like that costs and all.  But it would be boss for movie nights.
Gonna start the trail challenge tomorrow.  Shouldn’t take too long to qualify for a pin, and maybe by then I’ll be in a good rhythm to keep up the interesting Saturday walks, rather than default to the boring flat pavement ones that kill my hip.  *Fisty pump*  Gonna try!
Sleeby.  Should go to bed soon. 
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Poe Dameron / Punishment
Prompts: “Is that my shirt?” + “Of course I care.”
Summary: After returning from his mission, First Order General Poe Dameron is not pleased when he sees you wearing his shirt (FO! Poe x Reader (no Y/N)). 
Word Count: 2,301
Warnings: NSFW, Exhibitionism, smut essentially, dirty talk, some blood, probably other warnings but i don’t remember lmao, 
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"Is that my shirt?"  General Dameron's silky voice sends a shiver rolling down your spine — a statement phrased as a question. It's whispered in your ear, arm winding its way around your body as he discreetly leads you out of the cantina. His chest presses against your back, you wonder if he can feel your heart pound against his back. 
His thick fingers dig into your wrist, as you find your way through the double doors, and he leads you around the corner. Eyes avoid your figures, glued to the tables or walls, not daring to incite the General's anger at questioning his actions. Instead, you feel waves of pity wash over you because they knew — they knew you were going to be punished. 
With a flick of his wrist he has you pressed against the wall, his knee pressed against the gap between your thighs, "you didn't answer my question, soldier." He growls, the words vibrating against your chest. 
"It is, General," you say, barely above a whisper, all too aware of the dozen or so officers only around a few feet away. His features are sharper in the dim lighting of the halls this late at night - eyes seemingly dancing with amusement at your admission, theory only proven when you feel the ghost of a chuckle rumble against you. 
You had been hoping he would be here -- it had been far too long since you had seen him last. An operation kept him away far too long, his usually clean shaven face now littered with salt and pepper curls. Far too long since he had you pressed against the fine grain of his desk, lips and teeth sucking and grazing the soft skin of your neck harshly. His fingers between your legs, and his hardness against your thigh. It's why you stole his shirt the night before he left, left crumpled on the floor along with the rest of your clothes. If you couldn't feel the flat of his tongue against your body, you could at least relish the feel of the soft cotton, in the scent that was so undeniably him. You arch into his touch, his eyes darting between your heaving chest and parted lips — yes, it had been far too long, for the both of you. 
"Stealing from your commanding officer cannot stand, sweetheart. You have to be punished," you quietly gasp, as his fingers tug at your uniform, as he leans down to press a kiss to your exposed neck, beard dragging against your sensitive skin. 
"What's the punishment?" Your head spins, as his fingers undo your belt, tugging your pants down to your ankles, his lips swallowing your gasp. 
"Baby, I already told you," you hear the click of his belt buckle, "it cannot stand, so neither can you." 
"But, the cantina—" you breath catches in your throat as he presses a kiss to it's hollow. 
"Let them hear," he purrs, smirking against your skin, "let me make an example of you to those who choose to violate the rules."  
Your clothes feel all too hot, sticking to your skin, but still, you resist as he begins to peel them off, "We can't. Not here. I can't let them see me like this," the thought of your fellow officers seeing you like this, exposed and keening for the General — you squeeze your eyes shut, stomach turning in shame, "Don't you care—" 
"Of course I care," he says, such poison from a sweet and honeyed mouth, stroking the back of his fingers down your cheek. His other hand makes quick work of your clothes, tugging them down to your knees. You shiver, wondering if it cool air of the crisp night or his heady gaze, "I care about getting you off. And I know no matter how much you deny it, you love this," he slips his a finger into your slick heat as if to prove it, hand holding your hips in place, squeezing hard to warn you to keep still, "look at how ready you are for me," another finger fills you, and you barely stop yourself from arching into his touch, "your lips say one thing, but your body is saying another, so what is the truth?" You whine as he withdraws from you, licking your essence from his fingers. 
"Sir," you pant, chest rising and falling, as his fingers draw mindless patterns across your inner thigh, pressing butterfly kisses across your collarbone, as he unbuttons your now creased uniform, exposing your chest, "please," 
"You have to tell me what you want, sweetness," he murmurs darkly, his fingers tilting your head up to force you to meet his shadowy eyes. The usual steely look remains fixed there — a hint of mischief peeking through as a grin pulled at his lips. Now you know just how much he was enjoying this, and just how willing he was to go through with it. And that only serves to make you wetter.
Your lips are a tight line, a second wind of defiance rushing through you, as you turn your head from his steady gaze. You don't need to look at him to know he raises a single eyebrow. Nor do you need to look at him to know the gears in his head are churning — calculating what exactly he needs to do to make you break. Nor do you need to look at him to know that he will probably succeed. 
It happens quickly. 
You hear the cantina doors open, the quiet conversations of two officers within earshot. Suddenly, there are hands grasping at your thigh, three fingers slipping inside your heat at once, palm of his hand rubbing against your clit. He doesn't bother to kiss you this time, letting your mouth fall open, smiling cruelly as it does, only increasing his pace when you fail to produce the noise he seeks. 
You try to bury your face in his shoulder, but he denies you this luxury. His fingers now grip your chin, forcing you to look at him as you fight the urge to ride his fingers, the unabashed reverence in his eyes only making you grow closer to the edge. A sob threatens to leave your throat, as your body shakes under his relentless pace, thick fingers stretching you open. 
"You love this, don't you?" He hisses, as you grab his fingers and stuff them into your mouth to stifle a moan, "you want your fellow officers to know just how good your Commander fucks you, don't you?" He grits his teeth when you suck on his fingers, tongue rolling across the knuckles, "why else would you wear my shirt, hm? You want them to know that I own you. You're mine." 
You finally roll your hips against his touch, riding his fingers in earnest now, squeezing your eyes shut. He pries his fingers from your mouth, "say it." He orders, rubbing at your clit, pulling you over the edge. And you oblige, moaning as you feel his cock rub against your thigh harshly, letting him and anyone else within earshot how your Commander owned you. How he had since you had first seen him. How he had when he first fucked you in his office, hand clamped over your mouth. How he had when he had when he transferred you under his direct command. 
Your walls tighten around his fingers, as he fucks you fast and hard through your orgasm, until you're shaking under his touch. He pulls his fingers from you, and you feel the press of his heavy cock against your folds. 
You pant against his neck, as he allows your arms to coil around him, tugging him impossibly closer. You find his lips in another kiss, his tongue plundering your mouth, before his teeth bore down on your lip harshly. He swallowed your cry, feeling copper drip from your bottom lip, and he grins against your skin, licking the salt of your sweat from your neck. 
"This is a punishment, baby," he says, parting your sensitive folds with his fingers, scissoring harshly against your walls, "or did you forget?" His mouth leans down to swallow one of your peaks, sucking the breath from your lungs with it, as he grinds against your inner thigh. 
He pulls his fingers from you, placing them in your mouth to muffle your cry, as he finally slips into you, "Suck," he orders, as his hips snap up into you, and you taste yourself on his fingers, "see? I always know what's best for you, sweetheart. Look at how beautiful you look, moaning around my fingers right now." 
He ruts into you for emphasis, his other hand grabbing at your hip to lift you higher against the wall, until his fingers slip from your mouth so he could hear the beautiful noises he was pulling from you, instead of feeling them around his fingers, “let them hear how good I make you feel. Let them know just who you belong to.” 
Any embarrassment or shame had slipped from your mind, not forgotten, but instead, the knowledge only added to your pleasure, knowing that come tomorrow, everyone would know that General Dameron had filled you, over and over and over again. You know everyone must hear the whine that leaves your throat when he slows, painfully so, as he stills, fully sheathed inside of you. His burning pants against your neck, leaning back to smile down at you, “Please, General,” 
“Why did you take my shirt, soldier?” your mouth falls open but no words come out, until he thrusts into you suddenly, and you feel him twitch inside you, your pussy aching and full, “answer me.” 
"I missed you," Breathless, he buries his face in your neck, nose inhaling the smell of sex that permeated from your body, "I wanted to think about you, smell you when-" your breath stutters in your chest as his fingers squeeze your thighs, making you arch against him. 
"Were you bad while I was gone, baby?" He smooths your hair down, lips grazing your forehead, "did you forget that I am the only one who can make you feel this way? That I am the only one allowed to make you feel this way? The only one allowed to see you this way?" 
"But the cantina—" he thrusts into you again savagely, setting a brutal pace that made you shake underneath his touch. 
"They can all hear what they can't have, but you're mine, sweetness, and they won't forget it — and neither will you." 
His hand finds the back of your head, fisting them in your tresses and forcing you to look at where you two met, “You wanted this,” he tells you, no longer whispering, “why else would you return to the catina this late at night when you have a mission briefing in the morning, especially in my shirt, sweetheart? Can you explain that to me?” 
All words, all thoughts leave your mind and you can only think about him: his fingernails digging into your hips, his lips sucking harshly at the small of your neck, and his tongue soothing the ache. 
“I didn’t think so,” he adds, finding a new angle, 
"Don't come until I say so," he mutters in your ear, ripping a cry of protest from your throat, "not yet." He slows his thrusts, fingers cupping your chin to force you to look at him, as he draws even closer to you, your hands  "come for me." 
You fall apart at his words, crushing your lips to his, your legs wrapped around his waist. His hips don't stutter, continuing to fuck you through your orgasm. His groan vibrates against your lips as he breaks away to tell you just how fucking tight you are, how good you feel when you come around his cock. 
"General, please," but he refuses to stop, even as you tremble, trapped between the wall and his chest, "stop."
"You have one more in you, sweetheart," his teeth scraping against the side of your neck, his fingers brushing against your clit, making you jump against him, "this is my punishment, and it isn't over until I say it is. I have to make good on my promise, don't I?" He muses, as he tilts your head back against the wall, and you tighten at his words, as he reaches a particular spot with a particularly hard thrust, "fuck." 
You come apart again, fingernails digging into his back, your moans filling his ears, until he follows you in bliss. He fills you, warmth spilling inside you as he groans your name in your ear, and you nearly miss it — how your name sounds on his tongue, quietly moaning in your ear as he marks you as his own. 
He slows his thrusts, sliding you back down on completely useless feet, feeling his cum begin to drip from inside you. He adjusts your panties back into place, flinching as his fingers gather some of the dripping cum and push it back in. You stand there, boneless as he adjusts your uniform as best he can, before fixing himself. 
Your gaze drops to the floor, cheeks burning as the roaring blood in your ears slows and you hear the quiet chatter of the catina return. 
"Come on, sweetheart," he murmurs, fingers tucking your hair behind your ear, "you're coming with me tonight." 
Was that slightest amount of reverence in his voice? But as you peer up at him, you see his lips curled in a cruel smirk, his teeth baring down on his bottom lip for a moment, as his hand came up again to grasp at the back of your neck, "did you really think your punishment would be over that easily?" 
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An anagram of “Final Fantasy” is “anal fisty fan”.
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meteor752 · 3 years
Will you?
Summary: Kit and Plo has been together for five years now, they are already taking care of a padawan together, why not just take the next step? Well, you could freak out, is Kit’s only answer.
Warnings: Anxiety, and yeah that’s it lol
Pairings: Kit Fisti X Plo Koon, Luminara Unduli X Aayla Secura (background)
Word count: 1656
Notes: Me? Writing Plokit fanfiction despite the fact I have three other fic’s going on? It’s more likely than you think
Kit had never been a nervous person. He was in fact the total opposite, not to many people’s surprise.
He was charming, confident, easy-going, and relatively flirtatious. Not as bad as the resident Negotiator Obi-Wan, but still enough to make people he met swoon.
But for some reason, Plo had always made him feel different. He’d made him feel more aware of himself, of how he acted around him. Plo had always had such a calm demeanor, even when they had first met, and Kit had just been an inexperienced padawan.
It took Kit a while to figure out why he was so unsure of himself around him, why he felt that he needed to prove himself all the time when the Kel-dor was nearby. It took Aayla smacking him on the head for him to realize it.
Kit had fallen in love.
And so had Plo.
Which is where they were now, almost fifteen years after their first meeting, more than five years after they had first gotten together.
They were both lying in their shared bed, Plo sleeping without a care in the world while snuggled up to Kit’s chest, his face resting in the crook of his neck, but Kit couldn’t find rest.
He couldn’t get the words Nahdar had spoken so casually earlier in the day out of his head. It had seemed so obvious to the young Mon Calamari, and he could not help but wonder why he’d never thought of it before.
“If you love him so much, why don’t you just marry him?”
It had been more of an annoyed remark than an actual question, as it had been spoken after Kit had once again gushed about Plo to his padawan while helping him with his homework.
Kit had been left in stunned silence, which seemed to glad Nahdar as he continued writing on his holopad as if he hadn’t dropped a literal bombshell on his master.
Marry him.
Marry Plo.
The thought had managed to leave his thought just a few minutes after as Nahdar needed help with a question, but it had managed to slither back into his mind as he went to bed, cradling the Kel-Dor in his arms.
Would it be such a bad idea?
Kit couldn’t help but grin at the image of him introducing himself as Kit Koon, it made him feel all giddy and jittery inside.
Plo shifted gently in his arms, burying his face deeper into his neck and letting out a quiet groan. Kit couldn’t help but smile down at him, gently stroking his back and kiss the top of his head.
The idea of Plo as his husband was more than wonderful, it was downright brilliant, and Kit wanted that image to be real.
But the idea of actually asking him horrified Kit to his core.
*** “You’re making way too big of a deal out of this,” Aayla said for maybe the tenth time as she leaned her chin on her fist, sighing deeply, “Just kriffing ask him.”
Kit snorted, crossing his arms against his chest, “You know I asked for your help so you could give me advice, not complain the entire time.”
“You didn’t ask me!” She replied, throwing her arms in the air, “You tricked me to come here you boc'ara!”
Well, he couldn’t exactly deny that, he had told her to arrive at his quarters for a meditating session, but instead he’d pulled her in and immediately started rambling to her.
“That doesn’t matter at the moment!” He argued back, pouting slightly, “What does matter is that I need your help to pull this off!”
Aayla sighed deeply while rubbing her face, “Listen muchi, I know you want to propose in some grand way, but I also know that Plo would appreciate whatever you did, so stop making it into a big thing and just ask on your next mission or something.”
“But it’s not that easy!” Kit was well aware that he was whining, but he didn’t care, “Should I have a speech prepared? A plan for the actual wedding? A ring of some sort? Do Kel-Dors use wedding rings? What if he says no?!”
Aayla let out an airy laugh at the last words, “Please, from what Shaak has told me he’s rambling about you as much as you are about him, there’s not a chance he’d say no.”
“But what if?!” Kit shot to his feet as he shouted, “What if he thinks it’s too early?! What if he doesn’t want to risk it?! What if he finds it weird and wants to break things off?!” Kit had begun pacing the room as he rambled up all the what if’s he could think of.
“Kit,” Aayla said, her voice still calm as she stood up and stopped his pacing by putting her hands on his shoulders, rubbing them slightly, “Calm the kriff down. Plo loves you very much, and you love him. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“There’s always something to worry about,” He muttered. Especially around Plo. Kit had always wanted everything to be perfect when it came to him, despite the Kel-Dors insistence that it really was not necessary, he was already perfect.
“How would you do it?” He asked, glancing up at his friend, “If you were to propose to Luminara, how would you do it?”
Aayla snorted, “I’d just ask her, maybe after some mission or something, simple as that. But we’ve been together for less than a year, so maybe we will wait for a little with that,” Despite her words, Kit could see Aayla smirk slightly at the idea of being married to Luminara.
“You make it sound way too easy,” He groaned, rubbing the palms of his hands over his eyes.
“Because it is that easy,” She said, her voice more comforting than before, as she rubbed his shoulder, “Let’s just make a plan, that does not involve you freaking out, okay?”
And so they did.
Kit and Plo were planned on going on a mission together just a week after, and Aayla saw that as a perfect opportunity to ask when they were finished and alone.
She’d helped him prepare a speech, though made sure it was his own words, and even helped him with buying a ring.
That did not make him any less nervous when Plo and him were back in their quarters after the mission, Plo speaking fondly of one of his clones, which normally Kit would have loved to hear about but he just couldn’t focus.
“Plo,” He finally said, realizing first after that’d he’d interrupted him, “Sorry, I-”
“It’s alright,” He said, and despite the fact that most of his face was covered Kit could see the concern on his face.
It became silent after that. Not awkward, it was never awkward when it came to them, but it was as close as they’d ever come to it.
“Plo I-”
Both the Jedi chuckled as they spoke at the same time, and Kit started fidgeting lightly with his fingers. The small box with the ring felt heavy in his pocket.
“You first,” Plo said.
Well, it’s now or never.
“Plo,” He started, looking up at the Kel-Dor with nervous eyes, “I love you,” He started, and he could see a slight confusion pass over Plo’s features.
“Yes, I know that Kitty, you tell me every day and I love you too, but this is something else,” His voice was stable like it always was, but he could detect the question in his tone nonetheless.
“I know,” Kit said, a smile tugging at his lips,” I love you more than you could imagine Plo, and ever since I met you I knew that I would break the Jedi code a thousand times over if it meant being with you.”
“But being around you makes me more nervous than I let on, Plo. You’re just too perfect, and in your presence, I feel less than, in a way,” Kit could see how Plo wanted to argue, but he held up his hand to stop him, “Let me finish. I may feel more anxious about myself, but I also feel better and more confident, kind of. I know it sounds, weird, but this whole thing is kinda, weird, so I guess it fits.”
Kit chuckled,” What I’m trying to say, is that you make me stronger. You gave me something to truly fight for in this war, and I know that I make you stronger as well. And I don’t want to lose that feeling. Ever.”
Plo grabbed a hold of his hand and stroked it tenderly with his claws as he leaned his forehead against Kit’s, embracing his force signature against the Nautolan’s. It was warm, soft, comforting.
Kit reached into his pocket with his free hand and grabbed a hold of the small box with the ring. It was a Nautolan ring, designed to look as if seaweed ensnared the green gem in its middle.
He took the box out of his pocket and his it behind the palm of his hand, as he looked up at Plo.
“Plo, will you mar-“
“Kitty, will you m-“
Kit took a step back, stunned at the sight of a box that Plo held up, similar to his own. Inside there was a dark golden ring with a light red gem placed. At a closer inspection, he could see that there was an engraving in the ring the looked a lot like the patterns on Plo’s mask.
Kit looked up from the box to Plo, and he could both see and sense that he was just as stunned as he himself was.
After a beat of silence, before a snort escaped Kit’s mouth.
“I take that as a yes?” He said, snickering lightly while taking the ring from Plo’s hand, replacing it with the one in his hand.
“You’re a dork, Kitty,” Plo replied, slipping the golden ring onto his finger, before placing the Silver seaweed one onto his own.
Kit grinned widely, wrapping his arms around his now Fiancé’s shoulders, nuzzling his nose into his neck while engulfing him with love through their bond. Plo wrapped his own arms around Kit, embracing him tightly while whispering declarations of love into his ear.
Really, what had Kit been worried about?
If you’re wondering about Plo’s perspective throughout all of this, it was basically that he saw a ring one day and was just like “Might as well propose.”
Aayla will be real smug when Kit returns with an engagement ring of his own on his finger.
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characternerdocs · 3 years
♫ for Rox
♫ Mini Playlist for Pyrox "Rox" Lapelli |||@icybreaths ♫
"The Judge" - Twenty-One Pilots
But I'm not good with directions/And I hide behind my mouth/I'm a pro at imperfections/And I'm best friends with my doubt
"The Boy In The Bubble" - Alec Benjamin
Punch my face/Do it 'cause I like the pain/Every time you curse my name
He threw a quick left hook/And it broke my nose/I had thick red blood running down my clothes/And a sick sick look 'cause I like it though
Well there's no excuse for the things he did/But there's a lot at home that he's dealing with/Because he's dad's been drunk since he was a kid
(Rox is both the bully and 'boy in the bubble' in my mind. Rox legit picks fights to see if they can get beaten to death.... so...)
"Dread In My Heart" - Mother Mother
Oh, I wonder what it's like to/Be the type who doesn't burn,/Yeah the kind who fights the good fight/Not the kind you find/Fisti-fucking-cuffing in the dirt.
And I can't seem to change my attitude but I can change my shirt/'Cause you know how actually, at times, that can be a good start,/But not today,
(Rox actually does change their shirt when they leave Beeyel finally. Rox goes from wearing a red 'no' sign on it, to a design with a broken heart. It an XL bandage Heather put over the two half of the heart, as she was putting sticker on everybody one day, and ran out before she could get to Rox. SO bandage is basically a sticker)
"Shatter Me" - Lindsey Stirling ft Lzzy Hale
Somebody shine a light/I'm frozen by the fear in me/Somebody make me feel alive/And shatter me
If I break the glass, then I'll have to fly/There's no one to catch me if I take a dive/I'm scared of changing, the days stay the same/The world is spinning but only in gray
I Am Not Nothing - Beth Crowley
I was trapped under your thump/Believing when you called it love
And thought it might be hard to begin again/I'll write myself a brand new story with a happy end
You always said that I was weak/But the bravest thing I did was leave
(This is linked to when Rox become close to Heath and Logan, and they start seeing themself as their new friends do, instead of how their father and mother do)
Thanks for the ask @icybreaths, I hope you enjoy some of the Rox tones
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wonderwomanfantasy · 5 years
Alphas wanted (Omega’s need not apply)
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Sorry, this is so long!
-so Bakugou Katsuki
-an Alpha’s Alpha
-Bakugou never liked cry babies or week omegas
-most Alphas felt an urge to protect the weeker Omegas but Bakugou was just annoyed by them
-even the more fisty omegas are still to needy and annoying for his tastes
-so he started looking into Beta mates 
-that doesn’t go so well either
-look I know it’s petty but he absolutely hates the way beta’s smell
-he can’t fucking stand the way they all smell the same, like nothing, it drives him up a fucking wall
-so that leaves only one option: Alphas
-now Alpha x Alpha relationships aren’t unheard of but are like slightly taboo 
-But Bakugou doesn’t give a shit if he can find an Alpha mate he is going to love the shit out of you 
-Speaking of Alphas
-you also annoy the shit out of Bakugou 
-he has a list of the things you do that piss him off
- number one on the list you smell so good.
- all the omega come flocking to you because you smell like a fucking bakery and sunshine and it annoys him
-number two you are strong. Not as strong as him but you can kick some serious ass 
-he gets this weird warm feeling in his chest whenever he sees you fight
-the worst thing is Bakugou knows he doesn’t hate you, he actually has a big crush on you and that pisses you don’t seem to like him back. 
-you had your pick of Omegas you were strong, kind, and cute as fuck who wouldn’t want you?
-One night he heard you and Todoroki talking about Omegas 
-he overhears you say that you aren’t all that interested in Omegas and would rather have an Alpha mate 
-Todoroki is a little weirded out but Bakugou is ecstatic and hatches a plan to start courting you.
-it starts the next day when he asks you to come spar with him 
-you agree at once and tell him you are going to kick his ass and Bakugou realizes this is going to be more difficult than he first thought
-When courting an Omega you just have to show how strong you are and how well you can provide for them and they are smitten 
-but you just see it as a challenge
- stupid Alpha can’t you tell he is flirting 
-you cannot tell Bakugou is flirting  
-Bakugou kicks the shit out of you so you get all moody and then he gets upset because that isn’t what he wanted 
-you vow to beat him next time and leave
-Bakugou keeps courting you even if it’s not always successful 
-never successful more like 
-you forgot your umbrella on a rainy day? guess he has to share one with you dumbass how romantic 
- you tell him you don’t need him patronizing you
- but you walk with him to school anyway 
- you’re so close to him and your scent is so strong it might just stick to his clothes
-he hopes it does
-you notice Bakugou’s nose twitching erratically 
-your scent must be bothering him
-you pull out a scent blocking collar and offer to put it on for him
-G O D  D A M N  I T 
-he tells you he doesn’t care but you know he does so you move to put the collar on and he snaps at you not to do it
-your inner Alpha wants to snap back and tell him to fuck right off
-but you just drop it 
-you also realize that this must mean he’s enjoying your scent 
-that fact sends a shiver through your body
-you start noticing when he does typical courting things 
-like he’ll buy your food for you and your inner alpha sees it as an insult but you think he’s doing it out of kindness, 
-maybe, honestly, you have no idea what goes on inside Bakugou’s head
-fast forward a month or two and Balugou is at his wit's end
-he has done everything in his power to flirt with you and at times it looked like you were flirting back 
-Like you would compliment him all the time 
-Or somehow accidentally scent something and leave it where you knew he would find it
-that couldn’t be a coincidence, right?
-you both had been dancing around each other for it to be a coincidence. 
-but what now?
-with an Omega, he would probably just offer to mate at this point 
-but if he has learned anything these past few weeks it’s that you do not operate on Omega rules 
-so he decides to just keep on doing what he’s doing and hope you make the next move
-the thought of courting someone forever should have annoyed him but he doesn’t mind as long as it’s you 
-one day he is looking for you so he could surprise you with some candy 
-he knows you don’t like to be “pampered like some in heat Omega,” as you put it but you deserved to be spoiled so he was going to do it anyway 
-he sees you and he also sees the bitch hanging off your arms. 
-it’s an omega he can smell that right away. 
-she’s nuzzling you thanking you for saving her from.. something BAkugou doesn’t know and he doesn’t care. 
-Bakugou s not happy, and you don’t look happy either. 
-much like Bakugou Omegas tended to annoy you 
-you had seen the girl trip and caught her before she could fall 
-that was it 
-but she was acting as if you had saved her from a burning building or something
-now the Omega was using that as an excuse to rub against you
-her overly sweet scent getting stuck to your skin
-then you heard the growling 
-both of you turned and saw a furious Bakugou Katsuki glaring at you
-you weren’t sure what Bakugou thought about you, sometimes it looked like he liked you flirt with you even. other times it seemed like he viewed you as a rival
-it was scary seeing a pissed off alpha marching towards you. 
-the omega squeaked and held you close like a human shield 
-this only served to piss Bakugou off more 
-”Get your hands off of them”
-instantly you try to move away from the omega but she just isn’t getting the hint and is still clinging to you
- “Alpha help he’s scaring me! Make him go away.” she whined 
-like, bitch, he’s scaring you too
-”I should scare you I don’t want you touching my alpha” he snapped
-both of you where shooked.
-he growls again and the omega finally let go of you and scampered away.
-Bakugou looked accomplished as he watched the omega leave
- “Your alpha?”
-”Yeah Mine. and I don’t appreciate random omega’s touching what's mine”
-you decide to just sorta accepted it  
-so now you have a boyfriend
-and Bakugou has his Alpha
-a win-win 
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