#Thena and her curiosities
I just read the mermaid Thena / fisherman Gil one, and its was the cutest thing ever, i love them so much. So i wanted to ask you if you could do another part of that, thank you 😃🖤
"I see you, Thena."
Gil chuckled as the little bobble of blonde disappeared for a quick second before surfacing again. She glared at him.
"I'm glad you found my dock," he continued, walking to the end of it to speak with her properly. It was just approaching dawn, the sky becoming pink above them. It was technically already too late for him to be even starting his day, but he figured maybe he could take today off for himself. "I'm sorry I couldn't come see you yesterday like I promised."
Thena swam closer, her tail fins emerging from the water faintly as she let more of herself come to the surface. "I was worried the storm had sunk you."
Gil sat himself on the end of the dock, his coffee mug in hand, wearing boots and jeans and a dark t-shirt. "There's an old saying about if the sky is red at night, sailors delight. But if the sky is red in the morning, sailors take warning."
Thena looked at him curiously, tilting her head this way and that.
"Not everyone still considers it true," he shrugged, kicking his feet a little as Thena leaned her arms on the ladder just beside him. "I took a look at the sky yesterday morning and guessed that the weather would be bad."
Thena nodded slowly, thinking.
He tilted his head, trying to catch her eyes. Wow, were they ever a gorgeous green colour. "I was worried about you, too."
Thena pursed her lips at him, releasing the ladder and spinning herself in the water a little before him. "We're well accustomed to rocky waters."
Gil watched her tail cut through the water, clear as day. "I guess that makes sense. I was a little worried you wouldn't wanna see me after missing you, though."
She gave him one more scrutinising glare as she chose her words. "I...was curious."
"I have plenty I wanted to show you," Gil smiled, offering his thoughts and feelings freely to spare her the need for her caution. He picked up his feet and stood on the deck. "I packed them all on Titania as soon as I got back to shore."
"Titania," Thena tilted her head as Gil moved towards the ship of his that was bobbing gently in the calm morning tide.
"She's my pride and joy!" Gil beamed, giving the side of the boat a pat before climbing the ladder. "I'll be right back."
He knew he didn't necessarily have to tell her that, but he figured it couldn't hurt to offer every bit of assurance he could to the mythical woman waiting for him. He heard some splashing, looking over his shoulder and catching Thena splish-splashing her tail around idly as she waited for him.
She had no patience. And she was fidgety, which was oddly cute.
Gil skipped three whole rungs of the ladder on the way back, jumping down to the deck with his arms full. "I found some stuff from travelling, and some books--all sorts of human stuff."
Thena's eyes sparkled at the collection of marvels, swimming over to the dock. She looked up at Gil.
He chuckled, kneeling down and holding onto the corner post as he held out a hand. "You got it?"
Thena grabbed onto his hand with both of hers. Although, rather than let him haul her all the way onto the pier, she scrambled closer on her own until her tail was half out of the water and her arms were around his neck.
Gil didn't question it, letting her choose whatever felt safest for her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and helped pull her further onto the dock. "Is here okay?"
Thena nodded with her head tucked against his neck, letting go of him and situating her tail as needed. "Thank you."
Gil just smiled at her. If he didn't know better he would think she just liked feeling hugged, but for all he knew, she didn't even know what a hug was. He sat himself down again, pushing forward a few artifacts for her to examine. "You can take some of these with you, if you like."
Thena tilted her head this way and that at the funny objects before her. She looked at him, "truly?"
"Well, not the books, I guess," he shrugged, reaching for one and flipping it open for himself. He had been reading up on his marine biology, trying to find even remotely similar examples in other sea life to Thena. He had almost considered calling an actual marine biologist to ask a few questions, but he couldn't quite find the phrasing for their current situation.
"I suppose not," Thena murmured as she toyed with the compass he had brought for her, then the sextant. "I have a few of these. Well, Makkari does--she's a bit of a collector, of sorts."
"Your red snapper friend?" Gil asked, although Thena was far too absorbed in examining everything he'd brought her to respond. He flipped through his book, keeping an eye on what Thena liked and what she breezed over.
She was examining a gold ring, old but still in good condition.
"Cool, right?" he scooched closer to her, even letting her lean against him so she could still sit upright while both of her hands were handling his treasures. "I found it in the belly of a fish I caught. I keep anything kind of unique like that when I find it."
"Humans wear these," she murmured, holding the thing up to the sky and watching the light catch the aging but still polished surface of it. "I've seen such ornaments."
"That's a good word for them," Gil smiled at her. "There are different reasons for them. That ring in particular looks like it was probably something a man wore to identify who his family was, or maybe that he had an important job. Some are a little smaller, and you get them when you get married."
Thena raised her brows at him, "mating ornamentation?"
"I guess so," he laughed faintly. "You can wear them around your neck, too."
"Around your neck?" Thena frowned, already looking at the collar of his shirt in concern, "do you not think it might choke you?"
He supposed that would be much more of a risk underwater. He pursed his lips, "I guess it's not impossible. But it's not much of a concern to us. And if you have a shirt, you can just tuck it away."
Thena tilted her head as he tugged at his collar to demonstrate the movement of it. She nodded, "I see. Would that also be for mating purposes?"
"Not necessarily," Gil blushed. How did they get on this topic? "It can be, but it can just be something you think looks pretty, or it can be to remind you of someone, as a gift."
Thena's tail wiggled on the dock a little.
Gil noticed it, and made no effort to hide that he had noticed. But Thena was back to examining the ring in her hand. He was happy to give it to her, like he had said. But his eyes drifted to the defined line of her clavicle. There were a few of those shimmering white scales dotted around it.
"Hey," he whispered, bringing her head around to look at him again. They were practically nose to nose, but he moved his hands to her shoulders gently. "I want to show you something. Wait here?"
She nodded as he left her side slowly, letting her prop herself up again. Once he was turned, heading back to the house, he heard her murmur, "am I going to run off somewhere?"
Gil laughed to himself. She was funny, too.
She was still entertaining herself with his artifacts when he returned. She had moved onto watching the needle of his compass reorient itself again and again after being shaken vigorously. She perked up as he sat down again, "there you are."
"Sorry," he grinned as he finished tying off the knot he had been working on. "I wanted to give you something."
Thena tilted her head at him as he knelt beside her. She examined the couple of glass beads he had secured with a fine twine of seaworthy chord. He had made the little necklace with the proficiency expected of any net-crafting fisherman.
"Do you want to try it?" he asked gently. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her by reaching places he shouldn't.
She nodded up at him eagerly.
"Okay," he chuckled, holding either end of the handmade gift between his fingers. "Can you move your hair over your shoulder for me?"
Thena did so with one hand, bracing herself against his knee with the other.
Gil reached around her, careful not to make any sudden or startling movements. He secured the ends in a slip knot, able to come undone if needed but secure enough not to be an accident. He pulled it so it sat close to her skin, unlikely to float aimlessly and get caught on anything. "There!"
Thena blinked as he held out his phone. But the dark screen offered her a reflection of herself. Her hand drifted to the little chord charm, its three glass beads gleaming green like her eyes. Her mouth opened and her fangs peeked out faintly. "It's beautiful."
Gil blushed. He didn't think he would call it beautiful for any reason. It was some old salt treated twine he'd woven hastily through a few beads he'd been given after exchanging goods with an Italian fishmonger. But he knew he had seen that colour of her eyes before. "You can keep it--i-if you want."
Thena smiled up at him, her hand still trailing over it tenderly, "a gift?"
Gil nodded, slipping his phone back into his pocket and letting his fingers brush against hers on his knee, "to remind you of me."
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torukmaktoskxawng · 3 months
tsamsiyu ta'em - three stars in orion's belt
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Masterlist - part sixteen
Summary: Kayla and Spider return to Awa'atlu, and some things shift into place, right where they need to be.
Pairing: Ronal/Tonowari/Original Female Character
Tag: #tsamsiyu ta'em fic
posted on ao3
Word Count: 15k+
Overall warnings: implied sexual themes, trauma/ptsd, canon-compliant, mature language, slow burn, polyamory, found family, cool aunt agenda, rushed, time skips, fluff, angst, mentioned mcd, child endangerment, proofread by me, etc.
Taglist (bold indicates "could not tag"): @motheroffae @undeniableadrenaline @mooniequeen @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @heart-an0n @amiets2 @slutforsmut4ever @yeosxxx​ @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @sucker4angstt @inolaphoenix @ilovechickenwings @tojisleftarm @andyfromku @ivysully @lightandshadow31 @jamie-poopoo @brittney69 @avatar-lover
A/N: Please ignore all the time skips 🙏 I didn't want to write another 20k+ chapter
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A beautiful, quiet afternoon in Awa'atlu is evident all around Jake as he finds himself alone in the marui while the rest of his family is out enjoying the warm, sunny day on the reef. He was crouched and trying to remake his tomahawk that he had lost during the battle, but it was proven difficult since he didn't have the proper materials here on the island as he did back in the forest. 
His time alone is interrupted by the sound of his youngest child calling out to him from outside, "Dad! Dad!"
"Tuk?" Jake's ears perked up, immediately alarmed as he got to his feet and stepped out of the pod, "Are you alright? What's wrong, sweetheart?"
His little girl was waving him down the pathway, barely stopping to wait for him as she was eager to run away, a bright, wide smile on her face as she pointed up at the sky, "Auntie's back! Look! Auntie and Spider are back!"
With that, she races off toward the beach, no longer patient enough to wait for her father. Jake's alarmed expression takes a moment, but slowly melts as he tilts his head back to look up at the sky, the unmistakable shadow of an ikran flying overhead.
The rest of the village appears to stir with curiosity as everyone becomes aware of the new entry, heads all occasionally looking up to see if they could spot the mountain banshee for themselves. As Tuk runs down to the beach, she's yelling for the rest of her family, announcing her aunt's arrival as she goes.
Kayla circled the village a few times to ensure the Metkayina was aware of her presence so that they would make some space on the beach for her to land, only feeling comfortable once the horn to announce her arrival was blown. She couldn't see him, but Spider's face was smiling widely as he peered down at the reef village below, anxious to get down there after three, long weeks.
The uproar of the horn and the talk around the village bring Ronal and Tonowari out of their kelku to see what all the fuss is about. They catch sight of Kayla's ikran and visibly appear relieved, shoulders sagging as they share a knowing look. They turn back to their home when both of their children step outside, and Tonowari's hand heavily weighs Ao'nung's shoulder as both father and son stare at one another.
"Remember what I told you," the olo'eyktan says with a skeptical look in his eye, "Respect the boy."
Tsireya smiles brightly and dutifully nods, while Ao'nung reluctantly follows suit. His sister tugs on his arm until he's following her down toward the beach, where handfuls of the village had begun to gather to form a large circle that would act as Kayla's landing zone. 
Thena swings low, flying just above the water at Kayla's command. Tuk is jumping up and down in the sand, waving her arms at her aunt and laughing as she flags the ikran down. The ikran dips low, flying right past the Na'vi girl with the tip of its wing grazing the water surface, playfully spraying Tuk in the face. The girl squeals with delight and laughs, all the while Jake watches this cute display from a distance, his alarm melting in exchange for amusement, chuckling and fondly shaking his head at his sister's playful antics.
"Show off." He mutters to himself.
Tuk continues to giggle and anxiously waits until the banshee finally lands, both water and sand flying everywhere as the ikran comes in for a ferocious landing. Thena barely meets the sand with her talons before Tuk sprints up to her, arms out wide as Kayla is quick to jump off and break tsaheylu.
"Tuk!" Kayla exclaims as she quickly falls to her knees to catch her niece's embrace, laughing with the child as Tuk tackles her in a tight hug, wrapping her small arms around Kayla's neck, nearly sending her into the sand.
Kiri pushes her way through the growing crowd to get to the center, Lo'ak dutifully right behind her. She looked between her sister and Kayla, and then the human boy who had just stepped around the large ikran, making her smile widen with relief, "Monkey Boy!"
Lo'ak beams, quickly following his sister and they race to their friend, "Welcome back, Spider!"
Spider straightens and smiles gently at the sight of his friends running to him, "Hey, guys-- oh, shit!" 
Only for his face to drop into shock when two large, teenage Na'vi tackles his smaller body into the water behind him. The three teens laugh as they grapple and embrace each other in the shallow water, and for added measure, Lo'ak ruffles a handful of wet sand into Spider's dreads.
"Bro!" The human boy squawks. 
"That's what you get for staying away for so long," Lo'ak laughs, "What was up with that? Three weeks, cuz?"
"Hey! Did you save any of that enthusiasm for me?" Kayla calls over playfully as she stands back up, completely forgotten by Tuk who was anxious to join the Spider-hugging pile.
Kiri shoves Lo'ak down and quickly gets up before he can enact his revenge, the teenage girl bounding up and hugging her aunt's waist. Spider doesn't let Lo'ak greet Kayla and holds the Na'vi boy down so Tuk can shove wet sand into his own braided hair, leaving Lo'ak yelping and snarling at the devious pair.
Kayla laughs at the heartwarming sight, looking around and openly smiling at the growing crowd of Metkayina, most of their faces appear welcoming as they meet her gaze. She catches sight of Jake and Neytiri gently pushing through the crowd and meeting one another before walking over to join their family, which reminds Kayla to unpack a bit of her luggage from Thena's back before she can forget.
"Tuk," the girl in question looks up and skips over to her aunt when Kayla calls for her, the woman digging out a small parcel of leaves wrapped around something from one of Thena's saddle bags, "Some of your favorite sundried berries. You have my permission not to share with your dad. And... ah ha!" She fished out something that had gotten caught at the bottom of the bag. Another wrapped gift, which she carefully hands down to her youngest niece, "This is from Popiti. She said she made it just for you."
Tuk beams at the gifts, especially at the mention of her friend, before glancing up at Kayla, "Thank you, Auntie!"
Kayla smiles and moves on to the next child as the rest of the teens have now moved to stand around her, "Lo'ak, I got a new throat mic for you. Uh..." She digs around further before finding what she was looking for and handing it to her nephew, "There you are-- here's the earpiece."
"Thanks, Auntie." Lo'ak grins while taking the new communication device.
"I actually got enough for the whole family this time so we'll pass those around later," Kayla unrolls a cloth that she had tightly tied down to Thena's saddle before handing it to her older niece, "Kiri, this is your new jacket."
Kiri's eyebrows furrow before unwrapping the cloth, holding out a large, avatar-sized safari jacket, once tan but now a little worn from age and sun exposure. Kiri gently squints at the human-made item before her eyes widen with realization, glancing over at her aunt, "Was this my Ma's?"
Kayla nods with soft encouragement, "According to Norm, it was. He thought you should have it. Try it on."
Kiri did so, fitting her arms into the sleeves before wrapping the oversized jacket around her small frame like a safety blanket, taking a deep breath as she pressed her nose into the collar. Kayla smiles sweetly at the sight, "Yeah, it definitely suits you. It's warm and stylish, just like you."
Spider smiles a little and motions Kiri over, asking his friend to help him bring all of his belongings to Kayla's marui. Kiri happily accepts after she's given a moment to appreciate her gift, and with Lo'ak and Tuk's help, they get all of Kayla and Spider's supplies off of Thena's back, and the ikran huffs with appreciation.
Kayla takes a backpack from Tuk before the kids can take off to her kelku, rummaging it before she looks up at Neytiri. Both women paused as they stood in front of one another, their last known conversation playing in the back of their minds, making one another hesitant. Eventually, Kayla clears her throat and provides a gift to the Na'vi woman, holding out the shawl Mo'at made with a look of hesitance.
"Neytiri... from your sa'nok."
Neytiri's tail flicks with interest as she takes the folded-up shawl, holding it out and unraveling it. Her ears pinned back against her skull as she recognizes the fine craftsmanship as if it were her own, eyes faintly growing wet as she sucks in a sharp bit of air. She knows the meaning behind the gift, and a single tear falls down her face. Much like Kiri, Neytiri wraps the cloth around her body and takes in the item's familiar scent, feeling protected under her mother's handiwork.
Kayla averts her gaze, feeling as though she was watching Neytiri in a vulnerable moment before holding out a weapon to her brother, "Jake. I told Tarsem that you lost your tomahawk and so he made you this."
Jake's eyebrows rise in surprise, taking the new tomahawk in hand and testing the weight and craftsmanship as Kayla continues to explain, "As a sign of good faith. He wants you to know that he's leading the People by your example. You haven't been forgotten."
He tightens his jaw, internally touched by the gesture of the Omatikaya's new olo'eyktan. Lowering the tomahawk, he nods solemnly at his sister, ears sinking slightly as he hesitates, "Thanks, Kay. How... how are you?"
She fixes him a small look, apprehensive before she shrugs and looks away, "Never better."
"Everything alright back at base? What took you two so long to get back?"
Kayla's left ear flicked once before she easily answered, "We didn't want to risk the RDA following us again so we kept low until we thought it was safe enough to come back. I was going to radio you... but then I thought Spider and I could turn it into a surprise."
Jake appears satisfied with the answer, one corner of his mouth threatening to rise out of amusement. As he opens his mouth to make a no-doubt smartass remark, Kayla swiftly turns away, "I should help the kids unpack our stuff."
As she turns her back on her brother, she is suddenly tackled by another teenager, and the initial shock melts when she's met with none other than sweet Tsireya with her arms wrapped around the older woman's waist, beaming up at the avatar, "Oel ngati kameie, Makayla te Suli!"
Kayla exhaled a quiet laugh as she smiled down at the reef girl and gently squeezed her back, "Oel ngati kameie, Tsireya," briefly peering up, she noticed the boy standing behind his sister and she nodded once in greeting, "Ao'nung."
The reef boy nods back at the sound of his name, his expression impassive and reminding Kayla just how much he looks like his mother. Tsireya looks around, ignoring her brother's stare-off with Makayla as her little ears begin to fall, "Did Spider not come back with you?"
Kayla's expression melts before looking back down at the reef girl with a small smile, "He's already unpacking back at our kelku. Lo'ak and the others should be with him if you want to follow me with the rest of our things?"
"I would be happy to!" Tsireya explains while following Kayla to her ikran, the girl's sharp elbow nonchalantly meeting her brother's ribs as she passed by him.
Ao'nung coughs, "Yeah, alright."
Together, Kayla and the chief's children manage to bring the rest of hers and Spider's things to her marui, stepping inside and being met with Sully children everywhere, helping Spider unpack. Already, this pod was starting to look more like a home. Someone had actually managed to hang Kayla's "bookshelf" up, dangling it from the ceiling above and letting it hang against the wall, a few of Spider's things already nestled on it. Tsireya and Ao'nung move to help, greeting Spider and asking him questions about his travels and what he had been up to these past few weeks. If Spider was shocked by their sudden interest, he didn't show it, answering expressively, likely comfortable with their presence so long as Kayla and the Sullys were surrounding him.
Both he and Kayla were unpacked and settled back into their home in no time with the help of the children, and even though they all had to part ways to finish their chores, they promised to come back and visit before dinner to catch up and learn what has been happening in High Camp. Kayla and Spider are left in the home, tidying up before the communal dinner. Kayla takes a moment to look at the bookshelf, inspecting all the objects now placed on top to make it full and more... homey, as she had initially wanted it to look. 
Spider had placed a spare mask there, with a small photo leaning against it. Kayla didn't need to ask to know who the picture was of, observing the woman with brown hair holding a blond baby in her arms. Next to the photo were two sets of dog tags, Kayla's and Jake's that she finally decided to leave off of her person and keep on the shelf as a form of memorium, along with the pictures she once had pinned up in the shack back at High Camp, specifically the one with herself and her brothers.
Satisfied with how her new home looks, she smiles and turns to address Spider, only for her words to fall short. The teen hadn't looked up from covering an ammunition container with a woven blanket, unaware of Kayla eyeing his blond locs as they had been pulled back and held up by a hair band, in a fashion very similar to Lo'ak's and other Metkayina warriors. The band itself was brown and decorated with scattered pieces of iridescent shell. 
"That's new."
Spider looked up and met her eyes before he realized what she was talking about, smiling a little cautiously as he explained, "Tsireya made it for me."
A small twinkle forms in her eye, lips twitching with fondness, "Really?"
"Yeah, although I'm not sure Ao'nung helped her as she claims."
A small pause falls between them as Kayla's eyebrows furrow. Before Spider could even ask what was wrong, the expression melted into something more sincere, a smile replacing her once-shrouded emotion, 
 "Hm. He might've. Kinda looks like his armband. It looks good."
The mask nearly hides it, but she manages to catch a small beam of pride flash over Spider's face before it vanishes at the same time he bows his head, pretending to adjust his exo-pack. Kayla let him shy away as she was currently bombarded with her own thoughts, her smile falling once she knew Spider's back was turned. The thought of Ao'nung and Tsireya providing a gift for Spider could mean many things and Kayla didn't want to jump to any conclusions. However, the timing felt odd, especially after Norm practically had to force her to realize that Ronal and Tonowari very likely care for her more than just an ally or a member of their clan. She couldn't bring herself to say what they likely outright felt for her, but she, deep down, knew it to be true. 
It couldn't have been a coincidence that the children of the Metkayina clan leaders seemed interested in Spider and his adventures, and while Kayla was delighted that the boy was making friends, she couldn't help but feel partially responsible for it. What would happen if she didn't reciprocate any of the clan leaders' advances? Would Spider's new friends suddenly pull back from him? 
She didn't want to believe that the Na'vi could be so sinister, but that was the human in her... suspicious of everything.
Dinner rolls around and the Sullys are eager to hear about what Kayla and Spider have heard from the rest of their friends and family back in High Camp. While they try not to show it, Jake and Neytiri eye Kayla with a careful expression, as if wanting to ask her about the war but not wanting to break this moment of peace between family members, no matter how strained. Kayla uses this to her advantage, avoiding her brother and his wife for the moment so she can feel more at ease and at home after being away for longer than she intended. The children help her chest feel lighter as they eagerly share everything they had done while she was away, rambling to the point she didn't have to think about anything else other than trying to catch up with her nieces and nephew. 
That is until she felt that familiar gaze practically bleeding into her skin, that gaze she could only feel when there were two sets of eyes closely watching her every move. Looking up from where she sat, Kayla easily spotted Ronal and Tonowari down near the end of the long line of Metkayina enjoying their meals. Both the tsahik and the olo'eyktan meet her eyes without shame, blue and green meeting her yellow gaze, always outnumbering her, always successful in stealing her breath away.
She knows that she was being rude by not getting up to greet them, or for never even seeking them out the moment she returned to the village. After all, they were her hosts and her clan leaders, but there was a small bit of nerves eating away at her courage to approach them. Kayla was feeling intimidated by them, now more than ever, but for an entirely different reason compared to when she first met them. It couldn't be helped after everything Norm pointed out about their past behavior towards her, his words still itching at the back of her mind, making her irritated with her best friend despite him being oceans away. 
While she was taking Norm's words into consideration, she was also, unfortunately, still a Sully. Stubbornly shutting down any doubts or insecurities, she swiftly stood up and told her family that she would be right back before turning and walking through the crowd of Metkayina. Ronal and Tonowari's eyes never left hers as she walked toward them, but hers would occasionally dart away to avoid someone's tail, or to find a path around bodies as they knelt or crouched over their food. It was a good excuse for her to look away, unable to hold such an intense gaze. 
When she finally drew close to the leaders in question, she touched her hand to her forehead in greeting, "Ma olo'eyktan. Ma tsahik."
Ronal pointedly looks Kayla up and down before nodding back and motioning for the dreamwalker to sit down. When Kayla crouched to her level, the tsahik opened her mouth, simply stating, "We have a gift for you." 
The Metkayina woman twists to grab something settled between her and her mate, bringing it up to display in the air with both hands for Kayla, presenting a beaded top. 
Kayla's eyes widened, a small, chill of dread making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up at the thought of wearing something so exposed. That is until she got a proper look at the top in question. It was... well, more conservative than Kayla had expected upon being given a Na'vi-styled top. The pieces meant to hang around the chest area are tightly woven together without a hole in sight, covering as much as possible. The beads were of a variety of blues and greens, and the pattern swirled fittingly like water. Kayla tilted her head as she eyed the pattern, a faint memory forming in the back of her head as it reminded her of that one Starry Night painting she once saw in a museum as a child. Woven grass was braided through the beads and up into a large hoop at the top of the piece, meant to wrap around her neck, with soft, feather-like straps dangling from the sides of the top, meant to hang off her shoulders. 
Tonowari nods to the item in his wife's hands, "I had gathered the material and Ronal had woven them all together."
He then starts to form a closed-mouth smile, his expression soft and genuine, "Consider it a welcome home gift."
Kayla sits back on her heels, gaping at the clothing piece in awe and admiration. Slowly, her hands reach up to take the item, feeling the beads between her finger and thumb as she settles it in her lap. She swallows thickly as she raises her head up to the man and woman sitting in front of her, watching her expectedly. She blinks out of her daze, anxious as her stomach swirled uncomfortably, her conversation with Norm now practically trying to beat its way out of her skull with how loud the words pounded in her head, an awful reminder of what the gift was clearly meant to represent. She remembers the fears she expressed to Norm if she accepted Ronal and Tonowari, recalling her insecurities about her appearance, stature, and infertility. Despite wanting to spare the couple from that, she also didn't want to turn down their thoughtful gift.
She tries to express her gratitude in her small nod toward Ronal, "Thank you."
Ronal simply huffs, ears twitching once at Kayla's response as her large hand reaches forward and pinches the worn hem of the avatar's crop top, "Your clothes have seen better days. And as someone who wishes to be part of the People, You could use clothes made for the People."
Even though she now had a new top in her possession, Kayla didn't wear it, sticking to her old crop top. She knew wearing it would mean accepting it. It would mean something else, something she wasn't entirely ready to admit to herself or anyone.
If either Ronal or Tonowari was disappointed that she wasn't wearing their gift the next day, they didn't show it, and Kayla honestly wasn't sure if she was relieved by that or not. She tries to ignore it as Jake visits her marui to talk about certain events that unfolded with the Omatikaya while he had been away. She catches him up to speed as much as possible, her brain wracking with all the information she had been dumped with as the messenger between her brother and his old clan.
Their discussion is eventually interrupted by the sound of anxious feet kicking up sand outside, followed by shouting, "Makayla! Makayla! Look! Something's happening to Spider!"
It was like a ball of lead dropped down her stomach as panic ambushed all her senses. Before Kayla could even run out of the pod, however, three teenagers come hurtling inside, some more panicked than others. Kayla first spotted Tsireya, the reef girl's concern as clear as day on her young, sweet face. Her larger hands tugged Spider along with her, the human teenaged boy looking a bit flushed and closed-off, shoulders hunching as if he was trying to look small, or at least smaller than he already was compared to the Na'vi standing all around him.
Ao'nung was the third teenager, and he was standing directly behind his sister and Spider, towering over the pair. Despite the hard expression, his ears were flicking wildly around, almost as fast as his eyes as he looked between Spider and up at Kayla, just as concerned as Tsireya, who was now frantically turning Spider around in her grasp as he tried to yelp and swat at her. Spider clearly wasn't trying to harm her, however, as she then displayed his back to the two adults in the room, "See!"
All worry drains from Kayla as she fights to keep her expression neutral, despite the growing amusement in her chest when she notices Spider's pink and peeling skin. Not wanting to appear as though she was mocking Tsireya's panicked state with laughter, the older woman bites the inside of her cheek to keep back a smile that threatened to appear as she peers down at the child she was responsible for.
"Spider, I told you to put on sunscreen."
"I did!" He exclaimed defiantly, his face flushed with pink underneath his mask, likely out of shame and embarrassment then a small sunburn. 
"And did you reapply any as needed? That stuff only lasts a few hours, you know."
He pointedly avoided Kayla's gaze, still indignant and refusing to reply, keeping his back to her as Kayla hummed, now letting a smirk grace her face, "That's what I thought. You might be fine now, but if you don't start properly treating your skin at a young age, you'll just run into problems when you're older, like skin cancer."
Jake was just as easily entertained by the concerned reef children and Spider's embarrassment, standing off to the side as his tail flicked behind him with interest. He glances between Kayla and Spider, one corner of his lips twitching as his eyes stare fondly and, dare I say, proudly at his sister. 
Kayla didn't appear to notice Jake as she reached for the tube of sunscreen that now made its home on her kelku's shelf, "Come on. You promised Max."
Spider kept his head lowered, ashamed even as he grumbled a small form of agreement and took the sunscreen from her. This teenager was actually full-blown pouting at Kayla, and it made Jake chuckle in amusement, finally speaking up to reassure the boy, "Don't worry about it, Spider. As humans, Sullys tend to burn way worse than that, so we didn't get much sun as kids. We were pretty pale. One look at Kayla and people used to ask if she was a vampire."
Kayla's brows furrowed as she glanced back at her brother, "Shut up, Jake."
"What's a vampire?" Spider asked curiously, trying to mask his shock toward Jake as he tried to wrap his head around the fact that the older man had just categorized Spider under the Sully family. 
"Don't listen to him," Kayla immediately replied as Jake was opening his mouth. One more lighthearted glare from her and the older brother immediately closed his mouth once more, still grinning even as Kayla nodded to Spider and his two shadows, "Now you kids get outta here."
"But," Ao'nung's ears lower, "What about Spider--"
"It's called a sunburn, Ao'nung," Kayla smiles reassuringly, "Humans get them when they're out in the sun too long. It's normal, don't worry."
"I wasn't."
"Mm hm," she smirks, unconvinced as she nods to the open doorway, "Go on. 'Git."
Jake snorts fondly at Kayla's choice of human words as the three teens leave the marui once more. Both older Sully siblings fall into silence as they watch the children leave, Jake's amusement falling into something more thoughtful as he struggles to find the right words, "The kid looks good. You did good."
"I didn't do anything." Kayla brushes his comment off, moving back to the mat she had been previously kneeling on.
"No, I mean... you did right by him. You fought for him when no one else did. He's a good kid," Jake tried expressing how proud he was of his sister without using those exact words, knowing she wouldn't accept them, least of all from him. They sit across from each other, a small lit fire between them as Jake's voice lowers, "He's lucky to have you as his mom."
Her eyes quickly glance up at him and immediately narrow, "I'm not--"
"Kayla, come on. He relies on you. He looks up to you. I know that look better than most. He's trying very hard to live up to you... and part of me thinks he got that from watching Neteyam and Lo'ak."
Slowly, her defensive stance melts as her words soften, "Jake. Hey, stop. Don't do that."
He wasn't sure what she was implying until he realized his vision was blurry, obstructing her face from what was only a few feet from him. Jake immediately blinked and cleared his throat, his voice still tight, "We talked. Me and Lo'ak."
"That's good."
"Yeah... I just wish I had done it sooner. If I did, maybe Neteyam--"
"Don't," She could do nothing else but shake her head at him, "We all carry some form of regret. Just focus on now."
That night, she found herself adding yet another bead to her songcord, only this time, she successfully weaves it into the growing waytelem all by herself. It was a bead she had seen Spider wear in his hair before but had recently replaced with yet another shell both Tsireya and Tuk had been finding for him. Kayla wouldn't think Spider would notice if he was missing a bead, but she still kept her newfound piece for her songcord a secret, immediately tucking it away once she was finished applying it just as Spider was returning home for the night. He looked exhausted, spending most of the day with Tsireya and Kiri as the two girls appeared adamant about teaching him the ways of the Metkayina. Rotxo had eventually joined them and then what was once a lesson had quickly grown into a game. 
Kiri and Spider decided to try to teach the two reef children a human game they had learned from Jake when they were little, and so Spider quickly found himself on Rotxo's shoulders while Tsireya was on Kiri's. They must have played 'Chicken Fight' for hours, both Tsireya and Rotxo enticed by the simple game of trying to wrestle their competitor into the water, despite being confused about what exactly a chicken was. Neither Kiri nor Spider could answer. They didn't know either. 
Since Spider was smaller, he couldn't imagine lifting either of the Metkayina teenagers, but he'd already had practice with Kiri, so he had managed to hold her up on his shoulders for a round or two, but it still had his back feeling sore by the time he walked home. His hand was crossing over his chest and rubbing the opposite shoulder as he walked into the kelku, met with Kayla working on something in her hands before she tucked it away in her pocket, her hands now focused on cooking some fish over the hearth's fire.
"Hey," she smiled when she looked up to greet him, "How was your day?"
"Good. Tired," he responds shortly, sitting down across from her as he looks into the smoldering fire. A sheepish expression flashes over his face for a moment as he lets his thoughts get the better of him, speaking quietly in case he shouldn't be asking, "So... what am I supposed to call you?"
Her brows furrow in confusion, shadows from the fire dancing over her face, "Huh?"
"It's just that..." he ducks his head, "You don't want me calling you Kayla forever, right?"
Realization dawns on her face when she finally deduces what he is trying to say, her surprise melting into contempt as she replies, "You're not supposed to call me anything other than what you're comfortable with."
He peers up at her with a soft frown, "Again, you're being too understanding. You're not helping my case in believing I could kill in front of you and you wouldn't bat an eye."
"Smartass," she laughed, eliciting a smile to form on Spider's face at the sound. Kayla's nose scrunched up as she smiled back, "You can just call me Kayla if you want. It'll be all up to you for once."
It might not have been the answer he was expecting, but it was one he greatly appreciated and thought long and hard on. 
Spider thought about Kayla's response as he and the Sully children were listening in on Jake, Neytiri, and Kayla as they argued one afternoon in hushed voices in the security of the Sully marui. Apparently, Kayla had done Neytiri wrong by bringing Spider back to Awa'atlu, and while she had kept her mouth closed about her distaste, it all came to a head when Spider had taken Tuk for a small swim without her consent. 
It was his fault, and while Spider had initially tried to take the blame, Kayla had shot him down and told the kids to go look for Tsireya for the evening and let the adults talk alone. Obviously, the children weren't about to do that and snuck around behind the marui to snoop on their parents' conversation, ducking their heads to peer underneath the wall so they could see the three adults.
"What if she got hurt? What could he possibly do to help her?" Neytiri had hissed to both her husband and his sister, Spider's guardian, "I do not want my baby to be by herself, let alone left with him."
"Spider's responsible," Kayla defended her charge with her arms crossed and glare pinpointed at her sister-in-law, "And yes, he should've asked, but that doesn't mean he's a bad kid, Neytiri. Kids forget things. It happens."
"And when children die, does it just 'happen?'" Neytiri snipes back, clear grief and anger mixing her pools of yellow eyes. 
"It does when someone holds a knife to their throat," Kayla hisses, quick as lightning with her reply as her tail flicks sporadically behind her, "As you likely knew when you did so to Spider."
Kiri's hand snakes up and grips tightly onto Spider's shoulder, both of them doing their best to keep their breathing slow and quiet so the adults they were eavesdropping on wouldn't hear them. Lo'ak makes a point to keep a hand over Tuk's mouth from off to the side of them. Spider swallows thickly as Kayla's retort bounces around in his head, the memory of Neytiri putting him in harm's way still always lingering whenever he looks at her, his hand unconsciously rising to trace the scar on his chest. The way Kiri was gripping his shoulder, he knew she was thinking the same thing. 
"Enough," Jake alleviates as gently as possible, a permanent dent in his forehead from his eyebrows wrinkling with concern and desperation about the well-being of his family members. He glances between his wife and his sister before settling on Neytiri, "Spider isn't a danger to anyone, baby. You know this. He grew up with our children."
"You have never, not once, disagreed with me about the boy until now," Neytiri sneered back, betrayal evident in her eyes as she glanced between Jake and Kayla, "Until she decided to keep him like some pet and bring him around our children."
"Spider is not a pet," Jake retorts softly, his eyes unable to meet hers as her words only made his guilt stronger in his gut, regretting all those years he should've fought for an innocent child.
"And he's not her son," Neytiri growled lowly, "She's not his mother."
Spider watches Kayla's expression fall along with her ears and tail, the sight alone causing an unexpecting wave of rage to wash through him. He barely even thinks, a split-second decision made as he pulls out of Kiri's grip and stomps out of hiding, reentering the marui and pointing an accusing finger right up at Neytiri, venom in his voice as he was quick to defend Kayla, "Then by your logic, Kiri isn't your daughter."
The room falls into intense silence as all three adults zone in on Spider, all of them surprised by his reappearance, their ears falling with shame as all of the children come out of hiding, revealing they had heard everything just by looks alone. Neytiri felt as though she was between a rock and a hard place as she stared into each of her children's disappointed eyes before landing back on Spider, who didn't appear to be done with her,
"If Kiri was born a human, would you have loved her?" The question stuns Neytiri into silence, though she subtly glances at her eldest daughter as Spider continues, "Because that was always your excuse to avoid me. Because I was human. The thing is, I don't think you wouldn't love Kiri any less if she was human. She was born of Dr. Augustine, someone you loved very much."
The name makes Jake wince and Kiri's ears lower, her eyes wet and internally pleading with Neytiri as she stares up at her adoptive mother. Kayla felt as though she couldn't breathe, staring down at the boy she took in with disbelief, unable to blink in case he suddenly disappeared. She was surprised by his quick words in defense of her, unable to stop this small wave of pride desperately wanting to display on her face.
Spider shakes his head as he continues, defeat in his voice after finally accepting the truth for the first time ever in his life, "But if she were human? It wouldn't have mattered. Because you don't actually hate all humans. You just hate me... because of the man who helped create me."
Neytiri's expression settles back into someone filled with anger and takes one step toward him, but only gets one step before Kayla suddenly stands in front of Spider, blocking her path. Both women stare one another dead in the eyes with a deep snarl escaping both of their lips, ready for blood if need be and visibly making Jake and the children uneasy. Spider felt his body move before his mind could catch up, and without a thought, he stepped forward and stood close to Kayla's side, half covered by her body as if hiding from Neytiri.
Kayla's eyes didn't even blink as she glared at her sister-in-law, her voice deep and grinding like gravel, "If you know what's best for you, you'll leave him alone. You will never hurt Spider again."
Jake would've been impressed by the deep, protective growl his sister lets out if it wasn't for the fact that it was directed at his mate. In other words, the sound intimidated him and he genuinely worried for Neytiri if she didn't back down. He noticed his own kids flinch as well, and a faint memory of them reacting poorly to Neytiri's ferociousness against Quaritch only made him want to defuse the situation even more. He understands that Kayla was just protecting Spider, much like how he knew Neytiri would protect her own children, but he didn't want this ending with the two women he valued most in life to continue being at each other's throats. 
Spider looked up at Jake, and whatever expression he saw on the older man's face made him understand what he was thinking. Wordlessly, Spider reached his hand up and gently settled it on Kayla's arm. Jake felt the tension in his own shoulders melt as Kayla's posture began to relax, her tail still flicking irritably, but she had stopped baring her fangs and now only looked at Neytiri with disappointment instead of pure hatred.
"What you went through-- what the Sky People put you through, I understand," she starts out, "I understand why you're hostile to humans. But loss and pain don't excuse the neglect and pure hatred directed toward an innocent child. Spider didn't kill your sister or your father. He didn't destroy your home. Your hostility is directed at the wrong person and he doesn't deserve it."
Neytiri scoffed with sharp fangs, her words not as heated but also still hurting Spider like the knife that was once cut along his chest, "He spared the life of the man who destroyed my home, who killed my father and was behind the death of my son--"
"You were the one who told me Eywa only protects the balance of life," Kayla raised her chin, "You said it yourself. A son for a son. Quaritch already paid for Neteyam's death, even if he didn't die in return. Quaritch will get what's coming to him, in time, but it won't be by harming Spider."
Neytiri stares at Kayla for a good long while, her hatred slowly sinking back down beneath her skin as defeat and grief replace it once more. She takes one look back down at Spider and scoffs, but more quietly than before. Eventually, she turns and looks away, ending the conversation with her back toward them as her mind runs rampant with conflicting thoughts.
Tsireya noticed the obvious tension among the Sully family immediately. It wasn't hard, really, but one morning, they seemed happy and content, but then the next, they were clearly avoiding one another, or at least the adults were. The chief's daughter noticed the distaste that appeared to stick permanently on Neytiri's face as she followed Ronal out into the water astride a pair of ilu. Tsireya didn't dare try and calm whatever storm was brewing in Neytiri's mind that day, knowing that her mother would quickly straighten it out.
So, Tsireya decides to calm whatever storm was in Kayla's head, since the other Sully female appeared to be just as irritated with something that likely involved Neytiri since they were both being kept far away from each other, by Jake and the children. Tsireya finds Kayla and politely asks if she could accompany her to the crafting pods today. Kayla followed the young reef girl without question and together they walked toward the huts where Kayla had first officially met Tsireya. 
Tsireya didn't waste any time once they arrived. Taking Kayla's hand, she lures the older woman around the large circle of Metkayina who were crafting various different items and stops her in front of one particular Na'vi she had been dying to introduce Kayla to, "Makayla, this is Rutxa. They are our very best weaver, in both crafting and story-telling."
Ruxta looked up at the mention of their name and sharp blue eyes immediately landed on Kayla. Standing to full height, they stood over Kayla by about an inch, clearly more built around the shoulders and legs. Their crafting which Tsireya swears by is obviously shown in their clothes, wearing a beautiful, sharp lapis blue top that wraps around their neck, chest, and back, woven through a cummerbund similar to any Metkayina warrior. The cummerbund was strapped over only one shoulder and decorated with both shells and akula teeth. Rutxa's loincloth was a lighter, aqua color, made of dried seaweed, and decorated with a very long and impressive songcord. Tattoos peek out of Ruxta's clothing and wrap around their shoulders and back, a smaller one inked around their left eye, accentuating their lagoon blue skin. 
"Ah, so I finally get to meet the famous dreamwalker everyone is talking about." Ruxta's smile is wide and cat-like, which automatically sets off something in the back of Kayla's mind.
"Everyone?" Kayla asked, slightly suspicious.
"Don't listen to them, Makayla," Tsireya tugged Kayla's hand so the older woman would look down at her, the reef girl's smile was playful, "Rutxa tends to fabricate a lot of stories."
Ruxta flashes a knowing look down at Tsireya, a look only an adult could possess when talking to someone younger, "Child, if I recall, you used to eat up my stories when you had yet to learn how to speak."
Kayla had never seen Tsireya this giddy before, giggling to herself with a small, amused roll of her eyes in Rutxa's direction before the reef girl tugged Kayla's hand until she was kneeling down between herself and the Metkayina weaver. The three of them crouching together in a small circle, they get to work as Rutxa shows Kayla the best weaving techniques, a feat that the avatar woman had yet to master. Tsireya smiles and watches as Kayla is suddenly dragged into a discussion about the best ways to weave a story as her hands move to bead together a lovely top without having to think about it much, Ruxta easily gets the proper responses from the dreamwalker and even a few stories of her own from her homeworld that intrigued the weaver.
Tsireya took a look outside to determine the time of day before she had to regrettably part ways to find Lo'ak and Spider for their lessons. The reef girl stands and respectfully bows her hand to both Kayla and Ruxta with a sweet smile before exchanging pleasantries and leaving the pod, waving over her shoulder at the pair before disappearing.
Kayla smiled while watching her go before lowering her gaze to continue her work, only to realize a separate gaze was now carefully watching her. She glanced up and noticed Rutxa had not returned to their work and was comfortable just staring at Kayla with a knowing expression. Once they realized Kayla had noticed them, Rutxa flicks their eyes over to the entrance of the pod that Tsireya had just exited through,
"She adores you."
Kayla looks back down at her work, smiling to herself, "I adore her. She's a very sweet and kind person."
"She speaks very highly of you, as does her sa'sem."
The mention of Ronal and Tonowari forces Kayla's hands to pause around the top she had successfully made. It was too small for her, but Rutxa insisted on starting small, so perhaps it could be gifted to a child of the village... if they would want something made by Kayla. The brief distraction doesn't last long as the thought of the clan leaders drives Kayla's ears to flick with interest, even as her eyes downcast, "Their respect is misplaced."
"Is it?" Rutxa hummed while leaning back on the balls of their feet, watching Kayla's expression carefully, "They are grateful to you. We all are. After all, you did save our tsahik's life."
Both her ears and her tail perk up in attention, her eyes slowly following as her brows furrow in confusion, "What?"
"She claimed that you saved her against the Sky People at Three Brothers Rock. You took down another demon and their ikran without even thinking before you flew away."
Kayla's tail leisurely sways as she ponders this, thinking back to that battle, to all the times she had killed a Sky Person or a Recom. She remembered Thena had feasted on one's head when they crashed in the sky, and then there was one shooting into the water... was that the moment Rutxa spoke of? Did Kayla save Ronal's life? She couldn't recall if she saw the tsahik at that moment, everything going so fast and Kayla barely had time to react or else she might've found herself getting hurt or worse. It was difficult to remember any particular point she might have seen either Ronal or Tonowari during the battle, that is before they saved her from drowning and then brought her to Neteyam...
She stops that thought process before it could even begin, sucking in a quiet, sharp breath when another takes over. Was it possible that Ronal and Tonowari were only treating her differently like Rutxa claims? Because she saved Ronal's life? Because they were grateful? Most of the things the clan leaders said or did that made Kayla question their motives only happened after the battle. It couldn't have been a coincidence... could it? Maybe they didn't care for her like Norm and even Spider claimed... so then why didn't she feel relieved? Why did the bottom of her stomach feel like lead?
She swallowed thickly, her jaw visibly clenching as she stared down at the newly woven top, "The praise should go to my brother as Toruk Makto."
Ruxta snorts through their nose, the sound bouncing through Kayla's ears, "Believe me, the whole village is aware of the demanded respect between Toruk Makto and his sister."
"I doubt it," Kayla muttered, "When I hear the village whisper about us, they call us Vrrtep Mesmuk."
"Ah, yes," they hum thoughtfully, "I can understand how that would be seen as an insult. And perhaps it was at the start, but not for some time. After we fought the Sky People with you and your brother by our side, many Metkayina now use your title as a sign of respect. We are honored to have fought beside Vrrtep Mesmuk, and we hope to spread stories of you and your brother to other clans as well. Your brother is Toruk Makto after all, and the story of Toruk Makto is meant to bring all Na'vi together in times of war or sorrow."
Kayla wasn't entirely convinced by this change in behavior, but it was a comforting thought to think, if only for a moment, that the Metkayina were starting to grow and respect her family for who they were and not just what they represented. At the very least... Rutxa didn't seem like the type of person who cared whether or not she was some sort of demon possessing a deformed body, 
"I'm almost afraid to ask what kind of stories you plan on sharing."
Ruxta puffs out their chest, voice playful, "I will have you know I am an excellent storyteller. I was already weaving the tale of a dreamwalker who flew back to our village after a large, victorious battle with a demon child in her arms."
The smile that once threatened to make an appearance falls as Kayla is quick to defend the demon child in question, "That child's name is Spider."
Rutxa catches the tone of her voice and eyes her carefully, "That is an odd name for a child."
She wasn't expecting that response, and it surprised a small laugh out of her, "It's not a conventional name among my kind either, but it's the one he chose and the only name I need to know."
A small wave of understanding flows between the pair, a recognition of respect shining in Rutxa's eyes as they smirk gently, "From what I hear about the Sky People, they are not very understanding of culture outside of their own. I am pleased to see that not all Sky People are like that."
"No," she agreed with a warm smile, "Not all."
Despite coming to many revelations, only to be riddled with just as many questions, Kayla still found time to be with Ronal and Tonowari, just the three of them. Even though every bone in her body told her to refuse and avoid their presence, she found that her feet were still walking in the direction that Tonowari had instructed her to meet them after their evening meal.
She tried to come up with excuses in her head as to why they wanted her to join them at night. Perhaps it was under the guise that all three of them had been extremely busy ever since Kayla and Spider returned, but that still didn't make her feel better, knowing that to want to spend time with her meant that they cared for her in some way shape, or form. And even though she logically didn't want that... she couldn't ignore certain other parts of her that were seemingly devoid of logic. Parts of her wanted to believe that they wanted her around for something besides gratitude, besides wanting to keep an eye on her or wanting her to do her part and not be useless to their village.
She finds them standing along the beach where they told her to meet them, their toes dipped into the bioluminescent sand, creating a rippling galaxy beneath their very feet. Kayla can't help but think of the Milky Way, a long line of clustered stars lining the island where the sand meets the ocean. Ronal and Tonowari stood at the center of the cluster of stars, immovable planets that demand others to revolve around them, and in a way, Kayla found herself doing just that, moving toward them like an unforeseen gravity pulling her in. 
Tonowari was watching her approach while Ronal was looking up at the sky, watching that familiar, beautiful gas giant with the large crater glaring down at them. Kayla was now standing close enough where she could count the tattoos on both of their faces, so she stopped, deciding that this would have to be close enough, a few feet away, just out of arm's reach. It was for the better.
Tonowari watched as Kayla peered up into the sky, watching the same gas giant as Ronal before the chief spoke up, "It is Naranawm. 'Great Eye.'"
Kayla hummed in understanding, "My people call it Polyphemus, named after a cyclops."
Both pairs of Metkayina eyes are now trained on her, Kayla's ears tucking close to her head out of embarrassment while she shyly explains herself, "It's uh... it's a mythological creature from my homeworld. The Cyclops is a man-eating giant with only one eye at the center of its face." 
"That is barbaric." Ronal simply states with a scrunched nose.
A breath of a laugh escapes Kayla, "And yet, you guys have man-eating creatures here that are considered the stuff of nightmares where I'm from. Polyphemus was one of the pretty popular in one or two stories. His father was the god of the sea-- or something like that."
"God of the sea?" Tonowari tilts his head with interest.
Kayla nods, deciding that it would be inappropriate to share how she imagined Poseidon to look like Tonowari if such a benevolent god existed, "Yeah. Um... depending on what part of Earth you lived on, your faith in certain deities varies. Polyphemus stems from Greek mythology and the Greeks believed in multiple gods, Poseidon being one of them. He was the god of the sea."
"What deity did your part of the world believe in?"
"One god, like Eywa..." Kayla shivered at distant memories of religious trauma, "Only the Great Mother tends to sound kinder."
Another night, another moment of silent contempt between them. Kayla walked away from that night feeling both lighter and full of anxiety. She almost wanted to demand exactly what Ronal and Tonowari wanted from her, but at the same, they appeared content with the way things are right now, and maybe that was enough for her, too. Then again, she was confusing and frustrating herself with trying to figure out the clan leaders' motives. Wanting to try and distract herself from her rampaging thoughts, she decides to keep herself busy.
By the end of the week, Kayla finds herself barely resting apart from at night. She found time with Ronal by helping her gather any healing or cooking ingredients from high up in the trees where the tsahik would have normally struggled to grab herself. Other times, she was helping Ao'nung and Tonowari hunt and fish. When she wasn't doing that, she was helping both the tsahik and the olo'eyktan with weaving fishing nets, descaling their catches, or carving out a new canoe. Tasks like this usually left a healthy sheen of sweat on her skin, and whether she realized it or not, Ronal and Tonowari's eyes lingered on her even longer during these moments. Kayla would've thought her body was heating up under their gaze if it wasn't for the fact her body was already warm from a hard day's work.
While it's not much of a chore, Kayla still finds herself busy in Tsireya's presence, the reef girl always constantly dragging her around for certain things, like deep diving with Lo'ak or hunting for the most perfect shells with Tuk and Kiri. Sometimes, it was to even help her teach Spider the way of water. While he couldn't learn very much without the use of a kuru, Tsireya still thought it would be important for him to learn how to hold his breath as long as a Metkayina, in case of emergencies where he might lose his mask and didn't have a spare. Kayla strongly agreed with this sentiment and was honestly touched by Tsireya's thoughtfulness. 
Spider was a little amused and even bravely teased Tsireya, asking her if she was worried about him, to which she smiled and lightheartedly smacked him upside the head, driving Kayla into small, fond fits of laughter.
When she wasn't busy with all of those things, she found herself in the presence of at least half a dozen children, children who were eager to learn common English.
She wasn't sure how she got pulled into being a teacher, but once Jake caught wind of it, he was also supportive of the idea. Both he and Kayla silently agree that, after what the children had all been through as of late, it might be important for them to know certain Earth customs, writing, and language. While the Sully children are already bilingual -multilingual now that they have the Metkayina's sign language and tulkun speak under their belt- they do not know how to write the language of the Sky People and the reef children who befriended them even less so. The Sully children, Spider, Ao'nung, Tsireya, and Rotxo had all come to a silent agreement that they wanted Kayla to teach them, and while she wasn't sure why, she didn't want to disappoint them.
Spider found himself being her assistant since he already knew how to read and write, giving helpful advice and even translating some of the things Kayla said as some of the information was hard to initially grasp in fluent Na'vi. The Sully children were able to understand, but when it came to the reef children, let's just say they were grateful Spider was better at speaking Na'vi than Kayla.
While she suspected who taught Spider how to read and write, she didn't want to ask, knowing it was likely a touchy subject to him. She discovers fairly quickly that there's still one too many things the teenager refuses to talk about, and while she was fine with that and respected his boundaries, there were times when her curiosity nearly got the best of her. Nearly.
There are times when she remembers how much this kid has gone through in his short sixteen years of life, it makes her head spin. Other times, she remembers that he's still just a kid, like one particular afternoon as Kayla and Spider were outside of their marui and making their first fishnet together. 
He looks up at his name, surprised when he realizes who it was that called to him. Ronal was staring expectedly at him, and behind her was Tonowari, a tall and strong pillar of strength, holding a familiar weapon in his hand that looked far too small for the olo'eyktan. However, it was the perfect size for Spider.
The teenager finds himself standing to his full height and hesitantly stepping toward the clan leaders, his eyes widening at the sight of a beautifully made bow, already strung and adorning lovely feathers and leather grip, "Is that...?"
Tonowari smiles solemnly, bending down to Spider's height and passing the bow along to him, "For you. We hope it is to your liking."
Kayla felt the soft hint of a smile beginning to form on her lips as she watched Spider take the long bow from Tonowari as if it were a precious child or an injured animal. Spider's hands immediately moved to test the strength of the weapon, fingers gliding across the fine craftsmanship before his eyes peered up at the Metkayina clan leaders, unable to stop the doubt and suspicion in his gaze, 
"You made this for me?"
Ronal's expression remains neutral, calculating, ever the one to point out the obvious, "You needed one."
And Tonowari is always the one to soften her bold statements, "We wanted to make it right and to your size."
"So we had Neytiri help us," Ronal finished.
Both Kayla and Spider visibly stiffen at this bit of information, both adult and teenager frowning with even more suspicion than before, much to the clan leaders' internal distress since that was not their intent. Ronal, despite her audaciousness, wasn't trying to upset either of them and hoped that she didn't say anything wrong. The tsahik was constantly at war in her mind, reminding herself to stay open-minded about other sawtute if she wanted Kayla and Spider to be a part of her family's lives, but it was difficult to keep her mind open when the dead image of Ro'a and her baby was stitched permanently in her memory. 
Despite her conflicted emotions, she didn't want Spider or even Kayla to believe she was disgusted by them. Quite the opposite. In fact, whenever she looked at them, she would sometimes forget they were both human. It was easier to forget when Kayla possessed the body of a Na'vi, but with Spider, he held himself like one, despite being cursed in the body he was born in. Ronal couldn't fault a child for that, least of all Spider. Nevertheless, Ronal was tsahik, and her expertise lies with Eywa. Even if Ronal had some doubt about Kayla and the child she was responsible for, which she no longer possessed, Eywa clearly saw something in them that she didn't yet. 
Spider's next words were more of a statement than a question, "She helped you."
"Yes," Ronal nodded, trying to calm whatever doubt was clearly evident in the child's eyes, "She is an expert at archery. A skilled warrior. We thought she could help us make this for you."
"Yeah..."  He stares down at his new bow, though his mind is far away, back over the ocean and somewhere in the forest. He was thinking about all the times he was a kid, practicing his archery skills, away from prying eyes, wanting to be the best... wanting to be like Neytiri. Back then, he really thought she would accept him if he strived to be like her. After some time, as he grew up, he started to realize that she would never accept him, but that didn't stop him from being very skilled with a bow. He was easily the most skilled with it out of every human currently living on Pandora, and while he no longer strived to impress Neytiri, he had taken the bow as his own, not wanting his true talent to go to waste. 
He thought he had lost that talent when he lost his bow, and he even voiced how much he missed it when Kayla had brought him to speak to the clan leaders all those weeks ago. As he inspected the one now secured in his hands, he couldn't help but feel touched that Ronal and Tonowari remembered something he said once in passing. 
Instead of voicing his thoughts, Spider looked up at Ronal and Tonowari, gratitude evident in his smile, "Irayo. This... this is amazing. I appreciate it." 
Regardless of how she felt toward Neytiri, Kayla also felt herself smiling in gratitude, making sure to look directly at both Ronal and Tonowari so they knew it, too. 
One must enjoy the little things in life.
Kayla remembers that phrase from somewhere back on Earth, and it sticks to the front of her mind as she's teaching her nieces, nephews, and their friends how to spell their names in the English alphabet. A task she once found tedious when she was a child was now a bright and shining moment she could witness in other children. 
Although if she were to voice how much she regretted not enjoying how to spell her own name as a kid, Jake would've reminded her that her teacher was awful and the bastard forced her to use her right hand to spell her name even when she was more comfortable using her left. Her learning experiences were vastly different from what Lo'ak, Kiri, Tuk, and their friends were used to, and Kayla wanted to keep it that way.
She tries to enjoy the little things in life, like the way Ronal looks while watching her teach. The tsahik was standing just outside the entryway of Kayla's pod, silent to not interrupt, only to observe. Kayla didn't want to believe Ronal was chaperoning her but was just curious as to what all the fuss was about.
Kayla wasn't far off. Ronal has been subjected to Tsireya's ramblings every evening, gushing over how fun it is to learn a new language. Ao'nung isn't as expressive, and yet, he still keeps disappearing to Kayla's kelku with the rest of the children when it's time to learn. Even Tonowari has gone to see what's so interesting about Kayla's lessons, and when he came back the night before, he expressed how intriguing it was and urged Ronal to see for herself.
She had failed to see what her mate found intriguing about these lessons. All Kayla did was have the children repeat everything she said and then ask them to write her lessons down to prove that they had been paying attention. However, the mood shifts when Kayla goes to each child and helps them spell out each of their own, personal names, using a tawtute device she calls a datapad. Everyone appeared excited to use what they learned to see their own name on a screen, and while Ronal didn't understand why, she didn't verbally complain. Regardless of how she felt, it clearly made Makayla happy, her lips almost permanently smiling as she watched every child's reaction when they spelled their name right. 
Once Kayla dismissed the kids for the day to do their afternoon chores, it left her and Ronal alone in her marui, and before Kayla could ask what the other woman was thinking, she already had a question in mind, "Why teach them?"
Kayla tilts her head, curious, "What do you mean?"
"Why do they need to write stories and history when we already express our stories and history through our songcords?"
"It's... it's a little different," she found herself sputtering for the best way to explain, ears darkening a shade as she tried to find her words, "I mean-- well, I guess for Sky People, writing our names is like having a songcord. Every person's handwriting is unique. It's personal. It's their identity."
While Ronal stands there, unconvinced, Kayla is still smiling and hellbent on showing the other woman what she means, "Here, just-- Let me show you." 
She presents the datapad, and Ronal frowns at the sight of the alien device. Kayla writes something on the screen and beams when showing it to her, "This is what my name looks like written in English."
Not that Ronal could read exactly what was written on the screen, but the thought of Makayla's name scrawled in soft swirls and sharp edges intrigued her. Ronal stared at the screen, tilting her head with interest. The image was long, the shapes toward the end growing smaller as if Kayla realized she was running out of space. 
Kayla smiled when she recognized the interest floating in Ronal's eyes, "Can I write your name?"
The tsahik nods once and Kayla turns the datapad back on herself as her finger presses down and erases her name, scrawling down another image -another name- and flipping it back over to show to Ronal. Again, the Na'vi woman couldn't read it, but since she knew it was meant to be her name, she understood why it felt so meaningful to Kayla that she wanted to teach the children how to do the same. Ronal could finally see the appeal, especially since it was Kayla's hand that wrote out Ronal's name. It gave the name a whole new meaning to the tsahik to have it be written by the other woman's finger. 
"Just yesterday, Lo'ak asked me to show him how to spell and write Neteyam's name so he could carve it into a bracelet he intends to make," the mood shifts to something dire and sad, Kayla's smile less bright than before as she quietly explained, "That's why I wanted the other kids to learn. It's just nice to have your own identity written out like this. Where I'm from, people often get tattoos of their loved ones' names when they die."
That image wasn't as impossible to imagine as others. Perhaps it was because she had tattoos of her own, but Ronal could understand why the Sky People would ink their skin with the names of their lost loved ones. It was different compared to why the Metkayina bore tattoos, but it was just as important nevertheless. 
She studied Kayla's face carefully, wondering what she would look like if she bore Metkayina tattoos-- or wore her hair the way Metkayina women would. The thought brings the tsahik to study Kayla's hair, her mouth, once again, saying the first thing that comes to mind without really even thinking about it, 
"Your braids need to be redone."
"Yeah?" Kayla's sad spell is broken as she reaches up to feel the top of her head, feeling the roots that have grown out, unbraided compared to the rest of her locks. A sheepish smile falls across her lips, "I guess it's been a while."
A split-second decision was made as Ronal moved away to kneel down near the entrance of the marui, waving her hand at the space in front of her, "Come. Sit."
Kayla exhales a quiet huff, lips quirked out of amusement as she sets her datapad down and moves to join Ronal, sitting cross-legged in front of the Na'vi woman and dutifully staying still as she feels larger fingers begin unraveling all of her old, unkempt braids. Ronal's hands were rough and straightforward, making Kayla bite her tongue to refrain from yelping out of pain. Ronal only tsked at her when she noticed Kayla's hands gripping onto her own knees to restrain herself, berating the avatar woman for not keeping up with treating her hair properly. Had she done so, this wouldn't be an issue. Kayla had to scoff at the irony of that, and had she been able to see behind her head, she would've caught Ronal smiling. 
Ronal undoes the braids and removes all the beads hidden within. Without a proper comb or a way to soften Kayla's hair, Ronal used her tsahik knife, whittled to a pointed tip and protected by the shell adornment she often kept around her neck. She uses the pointed tip as a comb pick, unknotting the roughest spots in Kayla's long hair, being careful around her ears and kuru. 
The sight of the tswin braid entices Ronal, hands pausing around the base of Kayla's skull, fingers still threaded in the other woman's hair. Ronal eyes the large, singular braid for a long moment before continuing her work, but any time her fingers gently graze the sensitive appendage, she revels the sight of Kayla's skin rising in small, soft bumps. 
Kayla did her best to stay still, keeping her back ramrod straight in an attempt to restrain the shiver she felt going up her spine each time Ronal's fingers passed over her kuru. Kayla wasn't an idiot. She knows how sensitive that spot is for all Na'vi and how important it is for their way of life. Still, she hadn't initially thought about it when Ronal instructed her to sit down as she did her hair. Had she thought it through, Kayla might not have agreed, knowing how... serene and intimate it would feel to have the other woman redo her hair, to trust her to be careful around a very sensitive spot. 
It appears Eywa intends to torture Kayla to no end today as a shadow looms over the entry of her kelku. Tonowari peers inside, stopping by in search of his mate once he had noticed all the children have left their lessons, and evidently found something better. He found Kayla as she sat perfectly still, cross-legged, with his mate kneeling behind her, Ronal hovering over the back of her head as the tsahik focused on braiding groups of her hair, one small lock at a time.
As the olo'eyktan stepped into the pod, Kayla realized just how much space he took up in her small home. To Spider, this place was like a studio apartment. For Tonowari, it was more like a walk-in closet. 
"Perhaps I can be of help?" Tonowari offered brazenly.
Ronal huffs out through her nose, amused, "It would certainly get the job done faster."
Kayla hummed a tiny laugh, caught in the middle of the pair's playful banter, quite literally as Tonowari took a knee in front of her, leaning down awfully close to her as his hands reached for one side of Kayla's head. She sucks in a sharp, silent breath as she stays still for the clan leaders, Tonowari's hands easily the same size as her whole skull. As if knowing the intimidating size difference, Tonowari was careful with his large hands as he gently pulled and weaved the locks of her hair into small and tight braids. Using the beads Ronal initially took out of Kayla's hair, they return the small adornments to their rightful place, settling more comfortably in the woven locks that put Kayla's human hair to shame.
When Kayla was alone with Ronal, it was easy to hide how flustered she felt since she was facing away from the other woman, able to hide her face. Now, she was forced to notice the heat of both Ronal's and Tonowari's bodies, radiating on her back and her front, essentially trapping her as they silently worked on her hair as a team. She envied their teamwork but was enraptured by it at the same time, something warm in her belly making itself known as the thought of them working together to help her came to mind.
"Thank you." 
Her voice felt so small in such a quiet, peaceful moment, unsure of where that gentle tone came from. She cleared her throat out of embarrassment while Tonowari pinned her down with a sweet, gentle smile,
"It is our pleasure."
She doesn't miss the heaviness of those words, whilst simultaneously feeling both of their breaths and bodies so close to hers as they braid her hair. Kayla could feel Ronal's knees pressed against her lower back while one of Tonowari's knees was pressed up against the outside of her thigh. Kayla has to purposely keep her tail wrapped around her own arm in fear that the appendage will betray her and reach out to them. To try and break the silence that lingered far past comfort, she opens her mouth and says the first thing that comes to mind,
"The last time my hair was braided was by Kiri and Tuk. They were trying to teach me how to properly do it myself while also sharing... a very detailed story of how their parents first mated." She snorts sharply.
Ronal hummed quietly to acknowledge her small story, the tsahik's breath gently ghosting small wisps of Kayla's hair as she spoke, "You sound as though the topic made you uncomfortable."
Kayla's nose scrunches up, "I don't know anyone who would want to hear about their brother's nocturnal activities."
"But the topic itself?"
'Ah, Hell,' was the first thought that came to mind when she realized the type of topic she roped herself into, a topic she would rather share with almost anyone except the two large Na'vi practically trapping her between their bodies, "Sky People don't really talk so casually about that sort of thing."
Tonowari's eyes briefly glance down at her before returning to her hair, "Really?"
"I mean, the ones I hang out with are not as private. Soldiers are often crude that way, but back home it's considered too... gaudy? It's mostly talked about behind closed doors or with people you can trust, but not flat-out strangers. Unless that excites them, I guess. I don't know, everyone's different. But society as a whole back on Earth doesn't like talking about it in public."
Ronal's eyes meet her husband's for a long while, both of their hands simultaneously pausing in Kayla's hair, making her ears straighten in alertness. She was starting to wonder if she had said something wrong before Ronal's hands began to move once more, in sync with her own response, "The Na'vi believe that it is our sworn duty to share and teach just like everything else. We do not shy away from such discussions because we want our children to learn how to be careful and well-informed early on. To give them such responsibility at a young age tends to make them blossom into more mature, respectful adults."
"Huh," Kayla exclaims, mostly to herself, "That explains why Tuk didn't seem shy at all when she talked about it. Any child her age back on Earth would've been mortified."
Tonowari chuckled, finishing one braid before moving on to another clump of her hair, "The more you speak, the more you make sense to us, Makayla te Suli."
"... That sounds like it had two different meanings."
The olo'eyktan makes a deep noise in the back of his throat, eyes meeting Ronal's over the top of Kayla's head, "When you speak about how children are brought up among the Sky People, the more I understand why you do not react the way normal Na'vi do when presented with songcord beads, clothes, and other gifts."
She tries to smile hopefully, but her eyebrows scrunch together with uncertainty, "Is that... a bad thing?"
"No," he shakes his head with a fond, reassuring smile, "It just means we need to be more blunt."
Her stomach flips as though she is freediving from her ikran, her tail briefly twitching in her lap to show off her anxiety before she manages to pull it back under control. She swallowed thickly when her throat suddenly felt dry, her eyes darting away from Tonowari's before they could express something they shouldn't.
Ronal's voice was closer than before, the hairs on the back of Kayla's neck standing up when she felt the other woman breathe directly into her ear, "Do you wish to muntxa si, Makayla?"
She wanted to shy away from Ronal, to raise her shoulder up and pull her head down when the tsahik's close proximity proved to be too much for her nerves to handle. Both clan leaders have completely stopped braiding and have pulled their hands out of her hair, but didn't return their touch to themselves. Instead, their fingers lingered on Kayla, either brushing lightly over her shoulders and knees, places that they deemed respectful enough not to scare her away. When Kayla tries to take a deep breath in, she is suddenly aware of their scents, mixed together as one, invading her nose. She decided that she needed to breathe less, or else she'd go dizzy.
"I'm sorry, I don't remember what that means." Yes, she does, but she thought it almost sounded like a dream. She needed to outright hear it.
Ronal's amusement was evident in her voice even though Kayla couldn't see her, "Do you wish to mate?"
Her tongue felt heavy in her mouth even as she managed to pull through a proper response without giving too much of her inner thoughts away, "I don't think that's on the table for me anytime soon. Or ever."
"Why would it?"
"It could be. If you feel the same for us as we do for you."
"... What?" Kayla now looks directly over her shoulder, regretting it when her nose gently brushed against Ronal's, not realizing just how close the other woman sat behind her. Ronal's hairless brow rises expectedly, eyes shining with mirth and a certain youth Kayla has never seen in her before. For a moment, it reminded her of a giddy Tsireya.
Tonowari was not so easily forgotten either, one of his hands absently brushing some of the new braids over Kayla's shoulder, lingering at the juncture of her neck, causing more goosebumps to rise in his wake as she did her best not to shiver. 
It felt as though her mind was running through a hundred thoughts per minute, that fatal organ in her chest betraying any sort of logical thinking trying to make its way into her brain. While Kayla may have looked composed -and a little surprised- on the outside, the inside was riddled with inner turmoil, parts of her body trying to fight for dominance in a nauseating dance. Parts of her blew up like fireworks, overjoyed and celebratory, while the rest of her was filled with anxiety, doubt, and the most unimaginable fear. She wanted to dispute Ronal's words; wanting to refuse and say she did not feel the same, no matter how painful it would be to lie. In her head, Kayla knew it would be for the best. She couldn't be involved with them-- involved in their beautiful lives and slice of paradise, no matter how badly she wanted to.
She wished she could bolt, but realized that these clan leaders were smart, purposely keeping her hostage under their undivided attention to her hair braids and beads, trapping her here underneath their eyes and their words.
"You must have noticed our attempt to court you," Tonowari stated with a knowing expression.
She thinly smiled before it quickly faded, as well as her eagerness to refuse them, "I have, but... I didn't want to assume. You told me to not come off as useless when we first met, so I just... I've just been trying my best to help you both out any way I can so that I'm doing my part for the village. I guess I assumed that you've had me helping you so you could keep an eye on me. "
Tonowari winced, regretting the words he spoke when they first met, knowing that it likely played into why Kayla wasn't as open to his and Ronal's courting, "You are vital to our village now, Makayla. You help this clan flourish and thrive through your kindness and determination. These are traits we admire about you, and it's why we always seek out your company. Not because we think you are useless and need a helping hand." 
"But... I am not Metkayina. I am not even Omatikaya. You can deny it all you want, but I'm still one of the Sky People, a dreamwalker," she scoffs with a small look of disdain as she stares off to the side, "No one in their right mind would want to start a family with a demon."
Tonowari tilts his head, "Are you saying Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite is not of sound mind?"
"That's different," Kayla waves him off, "Jake is different. Jake fully completed his Iknimaya. He passed through the Eye of Eywa and returned, born again in his Na'vi body. He... He can't even be considered a dreamwalker anymore. He buried his demon body a long time ago. I'm not like Jake. I'm still tied to my demon form and my old way of life, a life I don't plan on trying to forget as easily as my brother. My people hate your people."
She then looks back over her shoulder at Ronal, "Up until recently, you hated my people."
"I still do," Ronal corrects, immediately softening her words when she notices shame flash over Kayla's eyes, "But I don't look at you and see the Sky People. I look at you and see Makayla te Suli tsmuke te Toruk Makto. You fought beside us to protect our children. You saved my life. You learned our ways. Your nephew lies with our ancestors. In the Eye of Eywa, you are now Her daughter, even if you still walk Her breast in a demon body."
Kayla's denial was stubborn and eager as she vehemently shook her head with defiance, "My demon body is why you shouldn't choose me as your mate, among so many other things. Unless you're ready to understand my way of life, I don't want to burden you with it. Try to remember that I can't always be here. I'll have to leave sometimes, and it could be weeks on end. It would be difficult being with me." 
Her head movement stops the moment a hand the size of her skull gently rises and slips into place, resting on the side of her head. Kayla's eyes widened as Tonowari softly moved her head so that her gaze landed on his, silencing all of her rambling thoughts as she got lost in the blue oceans of his eyes. While he wasn't smiling, he was being genuine, showing his sincerity by speaking as clearly as he possibly could, his booming voice rattling in her head, "The best things in life are usually difficult, but that's why they are so rewarding."
Both of Ronal's hands move to rest on both of Kayla's shoulders now that the avatar's breath is taken away, unable to respond, "If you do not wish for us to pursue you, just say the word, and we'll stop."
That was surprising to Kayla and it got her voice to return, ears moving in all directions out of shock, "Really?"
"Yes," Tonowari assured with a stiff nod, "We would never force you to mate with us, knowing that once you do, it would be for life. But do not try to stop us if you're worried that we would only See a part of you, not all of you. We want to know you better, to understand the world you come from and how you came to be the woman you are today. We have discussed this in detail, and we agree that you are worth many obstacles that will no doubt be in our way."
At the mention of obstacles, a thought crossed her mind, "And that includes Spider, right?"
"Of course it does." He says this confidently, without hesitation.
"Does it?" Her own doubt is replaced with a small barrier of protection, eager to shield the child in her care as she finds herself sternly looking between the two clan leaders, "Because I don't want you to pretend and treat him normally if all you're going to see is a demon child. If you only pretend to See him just to be with me, then I can't accept this. He's my responsibility, and I intend on always putting the kid first from now on."
"We know..." Kayla's spine stiffened, not because of Ronal's words, but because of the tsahik's hand slowly running a soft, barely-there line down her back with the very tips of her fingers, "And we admire you for that. We want Spider in our lives as well."
Tonowari nods in agreement, "The boy is loyal to those who choose to love him and not to those who are simply related to him. He earns his respect and his place here in our village. He is also a child who deserves a family to properly care for him. The Na'vi don't believe in letting children fend for themselves. Even when they have no one left to care for them, the village as a whole makes sure that the child grows up loved. Spider should have been properly adopted by members of the Omatikaya clan ages ago."
"No kidding," Kayla muttered under her breath, a pang of anger beating in her chest, directed at everyone who wronged such a spirited, kind child. 
But just like that, those thoughts went away, expunged from her mind at the faint touch of Ronal's hand moving down Kayla's arm. Kayla's fingers twitched with anticipation, but she didn't dare move even as Ronal's fingers slowly entwined with hers. Ronal's fingers move with precision and determination, hooking her smallest finger with Kayla's pinky, the strange extra finger that once disgusted her. Kayla tried to stay perfectly still while the tsahik's voice was still rough in her ear, "If you feel the same for us as we do for you, then say you will perform tsaheylu with us instead of trying to spare us from something you think is not worth fighting for. If you want to say no, then do so for the right reasons."
Kayla sucks in a sharp breath of air before shakily exhaling it out, trying to calm her racing heart. While their reassurances were nice to hear, there was still a sliver of doubt wedged in the back of her mind, smaller than before but still loud, not wanting to be ignored. It reminded her of all her insecurities and hardships that she still needed to work through, and despite Ronal and Tonowari's words, her doubt tried to beat her down and say that they would never be with her every step of the way. Deep down, she will never be one of them, so even if they stayed by her side... it won't be for long because, in the end, everyone always leaves her. 
At the same time, her heart was screaming at her to say yes; to agree to everything they were saying because it's obviously all that she wants and more. A family. She never thought she'd gain such a thing by agreeing to learn the ways of the Na'vi. Then again... she didn't think she'd gain anything when she started learning the ways of the Na'vi, and yet here she was, owing it all to her new way of life for what the Metkayina clan leaders were offering her. 
In the end, the Na'vi are precisely why she gave her answer as she took a deep breath, "I feel the same. I do. I feel the same for both of you... but I'm not ready. I want to do this right. I want to take this slow. I know I'm asking a lot... with the war coming and your baby on the way. But I want to officially become true Na'vi before anything else. I still haven't completed my Iknimaya. Every person is born twice, right? I have yet to be born a second time; to earn my place among the People forever. Tradition states that only then will I be able to choose a mate, right? You want to learn my ways, but I also want to learn yours. I want to do this right. Let me do this right." 
They sat and listened to her, and in the end, wide smiles graced both of their faces. Neither of them appeared disappointed by Kayla's answer. In fact, they almost looked proud of her decision, the expressions on both of their faces would've easily made her knees weak had she been standing.
Ronal's hand squeezes hers, "We accept your terms, Makayla."
"Nothing would make us happier," Tonowari's hand moves, Kayla's ear flicking in the direction of the hand in question but otherwise doesn't acknowledge it. His hand slides off the side of her face, and while her skin now feels cool from where he once was, his fingers trail down the side of her neck and down her shoulder before gently grasping her arm, where his palm immediately warms up her skin once more. Kayla watched his face carefully, noting the way his eyes seemed to scan over her figure, causing a pleasant shiver to run up her spine, her heart giving no indication of slowing down. Finally, Tonowari's deep ocean eyes find her honey-colored ones, and she felt as though she was being sucked into the void as those same eyes started to inch closer and closer.
"May I?"
The breath he lets out with his question brushes over Kayla's chin, her mouth parting slightly as she tries to gain more air to slow her heart rate down. She didn't mean for her eyelashes to flutter, but she definitely caught Tonowari shamelessly watching the act and decided she wasn't ashamed either. She nods once, unable to form a word as he leans closer until she knows that the air she's breathing is his as well. Instinctively, she closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable.
Her left ear twitched when Tonowari leaned into the side of her face with his, gently rubbing them together as he loudly inhaled a slow, long strain of air through his nose. Kayla opened her eyes, frowning out of curiosity. At first, she thought he was leaning in to kiss her, but it wasn't until Ronal had moved her newly braided hair off her shoulder and started to do the same to the right side of her face that something in her brain finally clicked. 
Her nose was bombarded with a mixture of smells now beginning to seep into her skin-- their scents, blended together and with hers, as the way it should be. Kayla felt dizzy, as though their scenting had some sort of drugging effect, but in a desirable way that made her feel high, proud to be branded by these two beautiful Na'vi.
She almost lost her resolve then and there, wanting to forget what she said about waiting, but she managed to push through. Always resilient, but no longer when it came to her future mated pair.
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Jake: Don't judge my parenting until you become a parent yourself.
Kayla, about to adopt Spider, Ao'nung, Tsireya, and their unborn sibling: 'Aight. Bet.
185 notes · View notes
fanficapologist · 8 months
Of Dragons and Maelstroms
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Themes and Warnings: slow burn, enemies to lovers, blood, violence, explicit language, sexual violence, period-typical misogyny, sexual themes, smut, tension, marriage, jealousy, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, attempted sexual assault, breastfeeding, major character death, divergent timelines
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood/Game of Thrones characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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Chapter Thirty-Four
For twelve long days, Maera retreated into a self-imposed silence. She fulfilled her duties diligently but spoke little to anyone, choosing to spend most of her time in her chambers. The King and Queen, both recovering from their injuries, remained secluded in their respective chambers. Maera relied on her trusted confidants, Thena and Ser Arryk, to keep her informed about the court's whispering. Through Thena's reports, she learned that rumors were circulating among the courtiers. Some believed that the King and Queen had fallen gravely ill, a disease that would further destabilize the realm, and allow Princess Rhaenyra to take her place on the Iron Throne. Others speculated that the royal couple was using this time to strengthen their bond, causing Maera to roll her eyes. The courtiers clearly did not know the royal couple well if that was the assumption made.
In an attempt to not go mad in her solitude, Maera's primary focus during those days was on Queen Helaena's three children. Each day spent in their presence was a gift from the Gods, and a welcome distraction from Maera’s impending destruction at the hands of the King. Accompanied by the nursery maids, Maera would take them daily to the Godswood and allow the children to play and explore whilst she sat underneath one of the trees. Maelor continued to toddle around quite happily but the twins seemed discontent. As she watched over them, Jaehaera approached Maera, curiosity gleaming in her violet eyes.
"Why haven't we seen our mother in a while?” The young princess asked Maera, who granted the little girl a sad smile. She studied Jaehaera, taking in her gown of crimson and black, and silver locks that framed her cherubic face.
"Your mother has important matters to attend to, which is why I am blessed to spend this time with you all, Princess,” Maera assured the girl in an attempt to distract her from the situation at hand.
Jaehaerys had also been listening from a few feet away, brows furrowing in confusion at her comment. It seemed they remained unconvinced, but they did not ask any further questions, continuing to play together.
Amid her interactions with the children, Maera continued to visit Helaena, checking on her well-being. The Queen's injuries, while still visible, were gradually healing, and her spirit was recovering too. One day, as Maera tenderly bathed her friend's face, wiping away any remnants of dried blood, she gently broached the subject of the children.
"Would you like to see them, my Queen? It may lift your spirits to have them around you."
However, the Queen hesitated, her concern evident as she replied, "I fear my injuries would frighten them."
Maera continued to tenderly cleanse Helaena's face, her gaze filled with sympathy. She couldn't help but admire the Queen's strength as she said, "You are such a good mother to those children, Helaena."
The Queen paused, her eyes distant as she reflected on her situation. Eventually, she confessed, "Aegon may be a monster, but he gave me the greatest gifts of all - my children. For that, I can't help but feel some gratitude."
Maera's brow furrowed at Helaena's words. She, too, cared deeply for the children, but she wondered if she would ever willingly trade her suffering for the role of their mother. And as for Aegon, she pondered whether the children truly comprehended the darkness that lurked within him.
With the cleansing complete, Maera carefully placed the bowl of water and cloth back on the bed side table. She then poured a cup of herbal tea, a prescribed remedy from the Maester to aid Helaena's recovery, in a blue porcelain cup.
Expressing her heartfelt sympathy, Maera commented, "I'm so sorry that I could not stop him, Helaena. I wish I had been with you that night."
The Queen sighed softly, revealing, "He hasn't returned to my chambers since..."
Maera carefully handed the cup of herbal tea to Queen Helaena, her eyes filled with concern as the conversation took a somber turn. Helaena, perceptive as ever, noticed the worry etched across Maera's face, and it prompted her to pause mid-sip. She set the cup down and fixed her gaze on Maera, her violet eyes piercing like a hawk's.
Hesitation weighed heavily in the air as Helaena ventured to ask, "What did you do?" Maera released a deep, resigned sigh, her gaze shifting to the window that framed the Queen's chambers. Outside, ominous dark clouds gathered, mirroring the turmoil within.
Turning back to her friend, Maera admitted, "Something that's bound to bring dire consequences, I’m sure."
Helaena's eyes widened in alarm at Maera's words, and she reached out desperately, clutching Maera's hand tightly. She implored, "I can endure a thousand more tortures at Aegon’s hands, but i cannot lose you, Maera, please.”
Maera couldn't bear to look at her friend any longer, the weight of guilt and regret pressing upon her. When she had lashed out at Aegon, her anger had consumed her, a blaze that had burned out of control. But now, as she reflected on her actions, those flames had dwindled to mere embers. Maera understood that, no matter how justified she felt in avenging Helaena, it was she who would ultimately bear the consequences.
Helaena's voice carried across the room, filled with deep emotion. "Maera, you're my best friend," she said, her words imbued with sincerity. "I think you are my only true friend. You have always accepted me for what I am. You have never called me crazy or stupid or dumb. You make me feel…safe."
Moved by her friend's heartfelt words, Maera returned to Helaena's side, their hands entwined once more. Her voice trembled with uncertainty as she spoke, "I don't know what's going to happen, Helaena. I don't even know who knows about what transpired." She fought to hold back tears, turning her gaze away momentarily to regain her composure before locking eyes with Helaena again. "And I don't know how to fix this mess."
Helaena's demeanor shifted suddenly, as if she'd drifted into a trance. She muttered cryptically, a slight smile on her face, "The dragon will trade a doe for a storm," leaving Maera bewildered by the strange words.
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Maera, consumed by the relentless uncertainty of her fate, began refusing meals and drinks, plagued by the fear that Aegon might resort to poison her. Her loyal maid, Thena, tried her best to reassure her. "My lady, I've been with the food every step of the way in the kitchen. There's no foul play," she said earnestly. In an attempt to coax Maera into eating, Thena even sampled the dishes herself. But even after confirming their safety, Maera could only manage a few reluctant bites.
The nights were the worst, where repeating dreams of her fate tortured her. In the throes of her nightmare, Lady Maera's breath came in ragged gasps, her heart pounding like a drum of doom. The specter of treason and execution haunted her, a dark shadow that refused to relent. As the nights wore on, her cries grew louder, a haunting chorus of anguish that reverberated through the chambers, causing Ser Arryk to have to come in and wake her, finding her in a wretched state, hair clung to her sweat-drenched brow, trembling hands grasping at the linens, seeking an escape from the horrors that plagued her mind.
On the thirteenth day of her ordeal, after another sleepless night, Maera completed her letters to her family back in Rain House. She chose not to divulge the impending doom she faced at the King's hands, unwilling to worry her loved ones. Instead, she poured her heart into the words, expressing her deep longing for them, urging them to care for one another, and to foster love, empathy, and understanding. She wanted them to know that she carried them in her thoughts every single day.
That morning, Maera extended an invitation to Thena and Ser Arryk, to join her in her chambers for a ‘last meal’. Her mother’s wise words echoed in her mind, stating “the simple act of sharing a meal holds the power to provide a modicum of comfort amidst the encroaching shadows of grief.”
Together, the trio shared breakfast in a rather solemn affair, the air heavy with a sense of melancholy that hung like a shroud. A jug of ale, dark and hearty, stood as a solitary sentinel, its presence a silent acknowledgment of the need for easing the tension that had been weighing down on her for days.
As they sat together, savoring their food, Maera couldn't help but contemplate that this might be the last time they'd share such a moment. She turned to Thena, her loyal maid, and made a solemn request, "Thena, when the news of my punishment spreads, ensure that my letters reach my family." Thena nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting her unwavering loyalty.
Maera then shifted her gaze to Ser Arryk, her trusted guard. With determination in her voice, she implored, "Ser Arryk, I want you to become the sworn protector of Helaena. Make sure the King never lays a hand on her again, even if it means facing punishment yourself." The knight, his mouth full of food, managed a resolute nod through a bite of his meal.
Thena, taking a sip of her ale, chimed in with a touch of skepticism, "But my lady, we don't know your fate yet. Why plan for it?"
Maera replied with unwavering certainty, "Thena, I beat the King to a bloody pulp. It's unlikely I'll go unpunished."
Ser Arryk, having swallowed his food, added, "And he deserved every bit of it."
Thena continued to question, "What about Prince Aemond? He was with you at the time. Surely, despite his unpredictability, he'll protest a harsh punishment for the sake of your childhood friendship."
Ser Arryk interjected, "If the Prince was determined to protect our Lady, he'd have already come to see her and assure her of her fate."
Maera couldn't help but agree, noting that the Prince had clearly not left King's Landing, as Vhagar, the mighty dragon, continued to soar above the castle, a constant presence in the city's skies. She sat in contemplative silence, her thoughts swirling like a turbulent sea. A mixture of emotions and assumptions danced in her mind. Perhaps, Maera mused, Aemond already knew her fate, but the burden of delivering such news had held him back. It was kind in one way, yet terrible in another.
Pouring herself more ale, Maera downed the goblet until it was empty, her thoughts now morphing into whether she would get to see Aemond again before her impending doom. There was so much she wanted to say to him, and Maera concluded that grudges could not be held from beyond the grave. She wanted to express her disdain for his cruel nature and how he had toyed with her since losing his eye. That his hot-tempered and unforgiving nature would be his downfall, and perhaps if he wasn’t such an arrogant arse, he would find happiness in this life.
She also wanted to tell him how not all of the memories she had of him were bad, how there were points were she admired him and treasured his company, how sometimes simply seeing his face would make her days. Maera wanted to tell him how she thought he mirrored the beauty of the Gods of Old Valyria despite his injury, how she had thoroughly enjoyed the kiss they had shared that night and how she wished that they had taken things further, so she would have known a man’s touch before her head ended up on a spike.
But most importantly, Maera wanted to impart some wisdom to him. She longed to tell him to harness his anger, to use it to protect his family, instead of letting it consume him. She wanted him to know that he didn't need to constantly prove himself to others, that he was already enough just the way he was. And deep down, she believed he should have been the one sitting on the Iron Throne, that he was a born ruler and warrior, far more suited than the foolhardy Aegon.
With resolve, Maera rose from the breakfast table, reached for one last piece of parchment, and began to scribble down everything that had been swirling in her mind. Folding it and sealing it with wax, she pressed the House Wylde sigil of the Maelstrom onto the still-wet wax. The letter was addressed to the One-Eyed Prince, and she placed it onto the growing pile of messages. One more letter for Thena to deliver.
The doors to Maera's chambers burst open, and her father, Lord Jasper, entered with an air of authority. His grey-green eyes, normally sharp and discerning, now blazed with a fury that seemed to ignite the very air around him.
Immediately, the maid and guard rose from their seats as a sign of respect for the head of House Wylde. Maera offered her father a respectful nod as he demanded, "What have you done?"
Maera sighed and glanced over at Thena, giving her a gentle nod as a signal that she could leave. Thena approached her lady and picked up the correspondence on the writing desk. However, before she could depart, Maera reached across her table and handed Thena a burgundy silk purse filled with silver coins, a token of gratitude for her unwavering loyalty during Maera's stay at the Red Keep. She clasped it into Thena’s hands, giving it a gentle squeeze before mouthing a silent, “Thank you, for everything.” The maid appeared on the verge of tears but managed to nod before turning to leave the room. Ser Arryk, ever vigilant, remained, knowing that her father's temper was likely to flare.
Maera returned to her dining table, poured ale for herself, her knight, and her father, and gestured for her father to take the goblet she offered. She then asked him, her voice tinged with concern, "What have you heard?"
Lord Jasper accepted the goblet and eagerly took a sip before he began to explain, "I heard that the Queen had been injured, from the Maester."
Maera couldn't help but roll her eyes and sarcastically mused aloud, "Oh, did Maester Orwyle say how the Queen manage to get herself hurt so badly?"
Her father paused for a moment and then continued, "But then, I heard that the King had also been injured." He looked at Maera, concern etched on his face. "I hope, for your sake, you had nothing to do with the King's injuries."
Maera merely shrugged in response, her tone casual as she asked, "What would give you that idea?"
Her father's voice grew gruffer as he replied, "I have not been invited to the last four Small Council meetings since these incidents occurred, and they went ahead without me."
With a contemplative hum, Maera swirled the ale around in her goblet before taking another sip. After a moment of silence, she finally responded, her voice tinged with resignation, "What's done is done." Lord Jasper, frustration evident, slammed his goblet onto the table in anger.
Lord Jasper couldn't contain his anger as he approached Maera, shouting, "Do you realize what you have done? What shame you have brought upon us?!" However, Ser Arryk swiftly stepped between them, hand resting on his sword's hilt, warning Lord Jasper to stay back.
Maera, defiant and fiery, shouted back at her father, "The King is probably going to execute me anyway. You should be glad; then you can be rid of your shame!" Frustration boiled within Lord Jasper, causing him to kick over one of Maera's chairs, releasing some of his pent-up anger. He began to pace the room, muttering, "Oh Gods," repeatedly.
As tension filled the room, another figure entered, the sound of armor clinking softly with each step – Ser Criston Cole, the Lord Commander, clad in his imposing metal plating. He addressed both Maera and her father with an air of calmness, his chiselled features displaying a hint of sternness. “Lord Wylde, Lady Maera. Your presence has been requested in the Throne room. By the King."
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Notes: been avoiding editing this chapter but finally got round to it! I’ve been working on the other chapters more 🤣
Tags: @marvelescvpe @grungegrrrl @shesjustanothergeek @blue-serendipity
Thank you so much for reading! Comments, feedback, likes, and reblogs are greatly appreciated 🖤
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writersuffertwice · 2 years
our secret
druig x reader
Sersi and Ikaris stood happily at the altar, gazing deeply into one another’s eyes. The town was in a frenzy around them, happily buzzing to celebrate their union. Off to the side, the rest of us were stuck watching the affair take place. 
Sersi glanced over Ikaris’ shoulder to look at us and I offered her an overly enthusiastic thumbs up. Makkari didn’t find my gesture very encouraging and kicked me with her boot. I looked at her over my shoulder and shrugged. She only rolled her eyes. 
I shifted my gaze over the other Eternals and first found Kingo who looked teary-eyed. Gilgamesh wasn’t far off from Kingo and Thena watched with a vacant but amused expression. Sprite looked like she was trying to look anywhere but directly at Sersi and Ikaris, while Ajak nodded her head toward the couple in approval. Phastos’ eyes were full of curiosity as he surveyed the people bustling around us. 
Druig was the only one who caught my wandering eyes and dropped his left eye into a quick wink. I shifted my eyes away from him immediately, quickly averting them to Sprite. Looping my arm through hers, I tried to pull her thoughts away from Ikaris and Sersi for a moment.
“You doing alright, Sprite?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” she asked bitterly. “It’s a happy occasion.”
“Right,” I muttered. “I don’t know why I asked.”
“Ignore her, she’s just moody,” Kingo whispered to me, dropping an arm over my shoulders. “The rest of us are fully capable of talking about our feelings, right?”
“Why do I feel like you’re trying to attack me?”
“Probably because he is,” Sprite chimed in, turning her attention to Kingo and I.
“Oh so I try to be supportive of you and the only thing that gets your attention is Kingo making jokes?”
“At your expense, sure,” Sprite smiled smugly. “Going to do anything to change his mind?”
I flashed my middle finger at her and Sprite returned the gesture. A smug look accompanied the gesture, taking a permanent hold of her face for the time being. 
Kingo seemed proud of himself and patted my shoulder approvingly.  He dropped his hands to join everyone in a thunderous sound of celebratory applause at the end of the ceremony. As I joined in with the applause, I matched Sprite’s less enthusiastically paced claps. She looked over at me upon noticing what I was doing and I winked at her.
“I need a drink,” she grumbled under her breath.
“Make sure it’s caffeine free!” Kingo called after her. “It’s already past your bedtime!”
I laughed at the sight of Kingo chasing after Sprite, hurling more backhanded comments at her. Sprite was more than capable of handling things on her own, especially Kingo and his teasing antics. She had a quick tongue that had the ability to catch even Kingo off his game every now and again.
“And to think, we could’ve had two things to celebrate today,” Phastos’ voice drifted through my ears as he bumped his arm with mine.
“You were going to get married? Who’s the lucky guy?”
“Oh leave her alone,” Thena added, approaching Phastos and I with Gilgamesh in tow.
“You’re supporting this?” Phastos asked.
“No,” she scoffed. “Figured that’s her choice though. Not much the rest of us can do about it, can we?”
“Why does everyone have this sudden interest in my life?” I asked, gazing around at the trio with curious eyes.
“Because we don’t want to see you die an old, lonely spinster,” Gilgamesh joked.
“Or because we have a bet--” Gilgamesh smacked Phastos’ arm, cutting off the remark Phastos was going to make.
“Is no one really gonna say it?” Thena asked, earning no response. “Fine. I’ll say it. You and Druig have been doing this same dance around each other for years.”
“Why doesn’t anyone harass Druig about any of this?” I asked, my eyes traveling through the crowd to find him.
“Over there,” Phastos turned the top of my head. “You know, not that it matters. Because you totally weren’t looking for him.”
Druig leaned against a wall, watching Makkari interact with a group of men seated across from them. There was a pile of things on the table and I knew Makkari was striking up some sort of deal with the men. I didn’t miss the one man swiping something from the table once Makkari turned her back to them, caught up in something Druig had said to her. 
“He just does that to get a rise out of you,” Gilgamesh spoke softly.
“Childish if you ask me,” Thena muttered, earning a sharp slap in the arm from Gilgamesh. “What are you getting mad at me for? Druig is the one doing it!”
“I appreciate the pep talk, guys,” I hummed, looking away from where Makkari and Druig continued to talk. “Really, but we’ve got our entire lives to figure it out. Maybe one of these days we’ll get around to it.”
Thena opened her mouth but Gilgamesh was quick to silence her. Phastos placed a comforting hand on my back, patting it softly. I offered him a small smile, a silent thank you for his support. He returned it before pulling his hand away, turning to congratulate Sersi and Ikaris.
Sersi and Ikaris were surrounded by a growing group of people who all hoped to wish them well for the remainder of their days. None of them could comprehend what a bond like this really meant, but if anyone was going to have a huge ceremony like this to celebrate their love, it was certainly the two of them. I couldn’t stop my own eyes from searching for Druig, who was lurking somewhere far away from this sea of people.
“You should talk to him,” Ajak encouraged, coming to stand on my left. “Even Sprite is sick of seeing the two of you dance around the subject.”
I followed Ajak’s nod toward Sprite in the crowd and rolled my eyes.
“Sprite is one to talk about dancing around the subject,” I retorted, receiving a middle finger from the red-headed girl across the way.
I sent her one back, running my eyes through the crowd of bodies that were dancing and celebrating. Smiles covered their faces, making Sprite’s angry expression stand out even more.
“It’s okay to do so, you know. You’re not mindless. You have hearts, wishes, desires. It’s okay to have feelings.”
“When was the last time you took that advice?”
“She’s got you there, Ajak,” a voice spoke up from behind me. A man dressed in a deep shade of purple took residence on my right side. “Why are we talking about Ajak’s love life anyway?”
“We weren’t talking about Ajak’s love life,” I countered. “Ajak and I were.”
“No,” Ajak disagreed. “You were deflecting.”
“Ah. Everyone seems to be doing that today. For a wedding, you’d think everyone would be a little more lively.”
Ajak chuckled under her breath. “Kingo, why don’t you help her loosen up. I don’t think she’s moved from this spot all night. Maybe she’ll listen to you.”
“That I can do,” the man responded, offering his hand to me. “C’mon, let’s show these people how to dance.”
“Nope, none of that,” he interrupted. “C’mon.”
He pulled me by the hand toward the group of people dancing and enjoying one another’s company. Kingo attempted to feel the beat of the song and the movement of his body led an unnatural laugh to leave my body.
“What? You don’t like this move?”
I shook my head, laughing at the way his body jerked from side to side. “What do you call that?”
“I don’t know. I’m thinking the Resistance? You know the side-to-side motion? Resisting the pull of gravity?”
“Absolutely not,” I protested with a loud laugh. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Dumbest?” Kingo fiend offense. “That’s harsh. I’ve heard Ikaris say at least fourteen things dumber than that. He’s not as smart as he thinks he is.”
“That  I can agree with,” I nodded, allowing Kingo to spin me in a circle before dipping my body dramatically.
“You know, you should really go for it with Druig.”
“Oh my God, Kingo,” I groaned. “I thought you brought me out here to dance. To loosen up?”
Kingo shrugged. “That’s why Ajak wanted you out here. I brought you out here to make Druig jealous. Haven’t you felt his eyes on you the whole time?”
“What?” I asked.
“Seriously? You don’t feel that? His eyes are like daggers,” Kingo continued, looking over my shoulder. “Oh look, here he comes.”
On cue, I felt Druig’s arm snake around my waist. “Mind if I cut in, Kingo?”
“Uh, I don’t know,” Kingo protested.” We were having some serious fun–”
“Wasn’t really a question, Kingo.”
“Uh, it’s fine,” I interrupted. “Right, Kingo?”
“Yeah,” Kingo shrugged. “You two have fun!”
As Druig steered me away from the crowd, I shot Kingo a look behind Druig’s back. Kingo mimicked my thumbs up from before and I rolled my eyes, flipping him the bird. Even though Druig didn’t look, I heard him laugh to himself, and I knew that somehow, he knew what I had done.
I expected him to stop once we found our way out of the crowd and I was surprised when we didn’t. His arm left my back as we walked up the stairs and I hated the feeling that bubbled in my stomach at the loss of contact. He rounded the corner at the top of the stairs which was very dimly lit. 
With the limited lighting, it was hard to make out the terrain in front of me and I lost my footing. Before I went crashing to the ground, I was caught by the familiar touch I was previously missing.
“Did you have fun with Kingo?”
“Did you?”
I shrugged, playing into the annoyance that was already coating his face. “A little.”
“A little?”
“Might’ve had more fun with someone else, though.”
A small smile graced Druig’s lips. “That so? Anyone specific in mind?”
I hummed, pretending to think it over. “Thought of asking Sprite. You think she’d be interested?”
“She didn’t seem to be in the best mood tonight,” Druig suggested. “So I’m not sure she’d be up for a dance.”
“And you? Are you the dancing type?”
“Not really, but for the right person I might be willing to give it a go.”
“Should I go tell Makkari her partner is waiting for her?” I asked with a raised brow.
Druig scoffed, tracing his tongue across his teeth. “So that’s what this is about. Why you haven’t looked at me all evening? You’re upset.”
“I’m not upset,” I reasoned. “I had everyone coming to talk to me about you tonight. I had to pretend like you and I haven’t been–”
“Sneaking around for months? You could’ve told them.”
“And give them the satisfaction of being right? Absolutely not.”
“So you’d rather let them annoy you instead? That makes perfect sense.”
I rolled my eyes, giving him a dumbfounded expression. “The point is, I was doing all that while you were off schmoozing Makkari.”
“Schmoozing,” Druig laughed. “That’s what I was doing? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were jealous.”
“No,” I protested. “The only jealous person here is you. What was that whole thing with Kingo about?”
“That was entirely different. He had his hands on you.”
I rolled my eyes again but before I could say anything, Druig dipped his head and pressed a tender kiss to my forehead. I smiled to myself at the gesture and tilted my head upward to meet his lips halfway.
“Oh my God,” a voice muttered, forcing Druig and I apart. Our heads spun, immediately finding the familiar face of Kingo. “Guys! You are never going to guess what I found! And more importantly, what you owe me!”
Druig groaned, dropping his head to my shoulder.
“So much for our secret,” I muttered.
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wipethetape · 1 year
maybe it wasn't bad after all
Ajak x Goddess!Reader
Request: Hi! I was wondering if you could do a one shot with reader and ajak? But it’s after the emergence stuf and she’s alive? Maybe it’s how the reader ( who’s some type of non—human creature), and ajak meet? And how ajak gets flustered easily around the reader? If you could that would be great! Thank you so much!
A/N: two things: established hela x thena relationship, hela x reader bestfriends bc they're goddesses AND IM SO SORRY THAT IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO POST IT
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Something shifted in Ajak's behavior after the whole stopping of the Emergence plan and Ikaris flying to the sun. She considered Ikaris as her closest companion, maybe not comparable to her relationship with Thena. 
She treated her as the favorite child out of everyone on their team. Ikaris leaving and choosing to protect Arishem's design left a void not only in her heart but in the purpose of her living as well. All she wanted was to stop the birth of the celestial and save the Earth even if it means disobeying Arishem, but it came with a price she cannot bear to accept: Ikaris. 
She blames herself for Ikaris' decisions. Maybe if she hadn't told him the truth and the purpose of their existence, he wouldn't have left Sersi. Maybe Sersi may have convinced Ikaris to join them in saving humanity and not go against his 'family' despite his unwavering loyalty to Arishem because his unwavering love for Sersi was more. Maybe he was still together with them, with her. 
The Eternals are not dumb to not notice how their Prime Eternal was still affected by all that happened to them. She was always level-headed, strong, and impartial as their leader. But this, with the whole Ikaris ordeal, no one exactly knows how to help her. Ajak was always there to help them deal with their issues, the mediator, their emotional and rational pillar, but who would be the pillar if she requires one?
That's why they collectively agreed to frequently visit Ajak's cabin, taking turns but always overlapping with one another. The most frequent visitors are Sersi and Sprite, who are now visiting together after their reconciliation. It is working, but it couldn't do much. It came to the point where Ajak tried to convince them to stop, but they didn't listen.
Tomorrow morning, she noticed Makkari and Kingo laughing in front of a monitor. Ajak silently walked towards them to see what they were doing. 
They were too immersed in the monitor that they didn't hear Ajak coming to them. 
"No, don't say that. It's a turn-off," Makkari signed. Kingo just smirked and sent the message he typed. 
Kingo sent the most terrible reply after what seemed to be a suggestive exchange of messages then unmatched with the person. 
"What were you doing?" Ajak asked. In a sudden moment, they exchanged glances in realization, which didn't go unnoticeable to Ajak. Is she in trouble? Yes. Was it a bad idea that she let her curiosity dominate? Without a doubt.
They made Ajak sit down, briefing her about how the internet works, then explaining what they were doing and how it works, mainly how you can find someone to talk to. Ajak is a fast learner, but they knew she wasn't interested enough to try this so they made her an account and forced her to make a match while they were there. 
Ting. Match successful.
Ajak sent "Hi" as her message. Kingo grunts and Makkari stoops down her shoulders. She's a starter, let's give her that, they think. 
You replied with a greeting, and thankfully you asked a lot of questions that kept the conversation going really interesting. The three Eternals were so invested in you.
At one point, you unknowingly asked her if she believes in God, and the two masterminds beside Ajak wanted to laugh their asses off with the question. With the way you asked, "Do you believe in God?", that's what religious emissaries spreading the word of God would say. 
I see why you said you don't believe in God.
You sent it, and it was an understatement to say Ajak was utterly confused. She's clueless about whether it's genuine, a joke, or sarcasm. She saw the typing icon, so she waited on what were you going to say. Kingo already understands the reason why you brought up this out-of-place topic. 
I don't think He could create someone as stunning as you.
Ajak felt her cheeks heating with what you said. Add that to the embarrassment she feels knowing that two of her team members were watching this whole exchange. Kingo was right, people on the internet can be really.. scary. How can you manage to be cocky in front of a monitor and say whatever you want to someone? 
Well lucky you, because that message would be the reason Ajak is always on her phone to talk to you for the whole day in the next months. 
When you finally dared to tell your best friend Hela about your chat buddy on a dating app, oh how she takes great pleasure in teasing you. It did not help that her wife Thena was in the game. 
You've been single for years now, and Hela (courtesy of her brothers Thor and Loki, but mainly the mischievous one) introduced you to a dating app. She says she wants you to get laid so you wouldn't bother the couple on holidays, again. The last time you asked to drink with them because you were lonely on holiday, they (Hela) almost kicked you out the moment you got sober after making them take care of you. 
The bad thing about divulging into this dating app was not only just letting Hela get into your mind about it, but you forgot how small Earth is. You never told the couple the identity of the person, and they didn't pry about it because they're just delighted you're finally entertaining someone. Until Thena invited you to join them on the family dinner slash reunion with the other Eternals.
You didn't want to be there, because as Thena mentioned, it's a family dinner. On holidays, where you can wander around the world or just talk 24/7 to Ajak at that time. However, thanks to those wives who have their own world and are scary when they join their forces together, you can say you just have to make bad choices sometimes. 
The dinner is hosted in Thena and Hela's house, and you were the one in charge of the decoration of the house and mostly helped in the preparation of the dinner itself. 
Everything is almost done except for the main course when someone knocks on the door. Thena fixed her apron and walked towards the door. Opening, she was greeted with smiles and hugs from every Eternal. One by one, as if by cue, they go inside after offering their greetings and small gifts to Thena. 
Something tells you to glance over the visitors, and you did. Only to see the Eternal Thena is currently hugging. 
You knew Ajak as the Prime Eternal whom Thena always seemed to cherish the most whenever she tells stories about her family. You never realized that the Ajak you were talking to online was the same Ajak that was almost killed by her favorite child and saved the Earth with the other Eternals from the emerging celestial. 
Idiot. It should have occurred to you when you thought it was too unique for a human to bear the name. 
Before removing herself from Thena's embrace, her eyes found yours. She saw you. She saw you. Not even in your best form. You're aware of how much of a mess you look having a few minutes to dress up and fix yourself. However, it was too late to retreat now. 
Makkari and Kingo noticed the subtle shock on their Prime Eternal's face. Following her vision, they finally saw the woman who was making Ajak's day filled with joy rather than sadness after the incident. 
You noticed the other pairs of eyes as well, chuckling at how the two were signing to each other about you and Ajak. You don't want to gossip, but you discovered that they refer to you as "the God". Ajak told you during one of your calls that she was forced by her friends to join the app and helped her through it, and you put the pieces together. 
The time has flown by fast. Everyone is currently enjoying their booze before retiring for the night, except for Sersi who went first to bed after tasting the alcohol from Asgard, with Sprite and Phastos following moments after. Only the three of you, Ajak and Thena, were not drinking—though Thena took some when she was trying to stop her wife from drinking more. Ajak, being the mother figure that she is, you assume, chooses to be sober to take care of the remaining Eternals. You? You feel drunk with her presence alone.
It was a challenge to maintain your interest to have a chat and listen to the other Eternals. You weren't rude enough to ignore their questions, but the only times you opened your mouth were to respond to their inquiries and feed yourself. You don't know what they're talking about because you were too occupied being mindful with the Prime Eternal by your side, not wanting to look more foolish in her presence.
Whenever she needed something, whether the condiments or to taste the food placed on the other side of the table, you were fast to move even before she spoke about it. You find charm in watching her being flustered and trying hard to hide her emotions by avoiding your eyes whenever your fingers graze on each other.
"Wrong. It is my Makkari." Druig glances at Makkari sweetly, to which she reciprocates and smiles. 
It seems that Druig and Hela were bantering about their partners. Hela is already conceited, which gets worse with a combination of a topic about her wife or her reign and journey as the queen, and liquor from Asgard.
"Morons. It is Thena, my beloved, who was worshipped as a goddess by the midgardians, befitting as her wife is the queen of Asgard." 
"I have to throw up," you seriously said, earning a glare from Hela. 
"Me too." Thena butted. 
Both of you stood up but went in different directions. Thena went straight to the kitchen, still pretending to throw up about Hela's comment which gained laughs from everyone, while you went outside the porch to breathe. 
You didn't know that Ajak plans to follow you shortly after. When she made her way to the porch, you noticed her and rubbed the chair beside you of dust knowing that it was clean. She sat on it while looking at how you seemingly shine so brightly, complementing the night sky. 
After a few minutes that seemed long to you, you heard her speak. 
"So do you always say those," she pauses, contemplating if she should continue, "things when you talk to other people?" She starts the conversation, ending her question with a tone stronger than she intended to. You were confused for a second about what she was referring to, then you realized it was your messages with her. You believe you simply misheard the jealousy and insecurity in her voice. 
You shook your head. "I learned from the Avengers. The phrases. Really a bunch. My first and last time using it. It just slipped my mind that humans like those phrases, and I tried." You explained while trying to check her reaction.
You don't want Ajak to think you are a flirt. Sure, being a goddess entails experience, but you were not an expert on it in contrast to your Goddess of Death friend. You innocently thought she was a human from your first interaction, so you tried to apply what you've learned from humans during your stay here. 
Silence enveloped the two of you. It is totally fine with you since you can admire the woman beside you whose eyes wander at the now appearing stars in peace. 
"Your voice is more enticing than in phone calls."
"Only my voice?" 
Ajak raises her eyebrows in shock and embarrassment. How she wants to melt in your gaze while she listens to your voice. 
"You're ravishing," she replies, her voice a bit wavering. 
The silence once again made its presence known around the porch. Both have no intention of wanting it to leave, yet they want to hear each other's voice even if the words don't make sense. 
"That Arishem should have a little credit for creating a beauty like you," you complimented. "Probably the best," you whisper. 
And that's where Ajak lost it. The composure she's been trying to maintain the moment she set foot in the house and saw you in the kitchen cooking. The moment your eyes met in shock and joy when both realized your unconventional first meeting. The glances you steal at each other at the table when one thought the other wasn't looking. 
She kept on looking everywhere except your eyes. The floor, the walls, and the whole night sky became her best friends. 
You simply smiled at how adorable her reaction is. You thought it would be the other way around, aware of your tendency to develop a whole personality to cover your nervousness. 
"Would you go with me, Miss Prime Eternal?" 
"To where?" 
"To get married." 
That gains her full attention to you. She heartily laughs. 
You add, "For a walk. And other things," pausing, "More like exploring each other's universe and be a part of it." 
She finally stared right into your eyes lovingly. 
"Haven't you already?" She inquires, a tiny smirk forming on her lips. 
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intothemultifandom · 2 years
– 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐑 || 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐠
SUMMARY: The gift of foresight had served you well, until it doesn't. Rescuing you from an unpleasant vision, your love knows exactly what to do to bring you back to the present.  PAIRINGS: Druig x Eternals!Female!Reader TAGS/WARNINGS: romance; angst
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Since you could remember, you existed for one reason and one reason only:
It had been one of your earliest thoughts when you first woke in The Domo, second only to the name Arishem–celestial supreme–had bestowed unto you:
"I am [Y/N]," you tested aloud, awed by the smooth tone of your voice.
Across from you, a large figure entered your line of sight and as you raised your head to consider the new-comer, you were taken aback once you saw who it was.
Out of all the males you’d awoken with, the stranger was perhaps the youngest of them all.
He was tall, nearly a head taller than you, and while your uniform was dappered in metallic [favourite colour] with [complimentary colour] accents, his uniform consisted of blacks and reds. 
The colours he wore were a stark contrast to his skin, pale as though kissed my moonlight and complimentary all the same against the sharp lines and contours of his face. 
"[Y/N], is it?" An equally low voice greeted in turn, a mischievous glint taking root in piercing blue eyes.
The young man had drawn close the moment he started speaking, your tongue growing laden as he paused in front of you. "Beautiful name for an equally beautiful girl."
If you were genetically engineered not to get sick, it certainly did not feel like it.
In his presence, it felt as though your breath had got caught in your chest and in spite of the regulated air pressure circulating through the ship, you couldn’t help but feel the air around you both had become almost electric. Dizzying in an almost familiar sort of way. 
"–My name is Druig," the young man said, grasping your hand in his.
Smoothly, he pressed his mouth against your pulse, lips curled into a small, disarmingly warm, smile as he lifted his head.
"It's so lovely to meet you."
––The third and most encompassing thought you had on The Domo the day, was of him.
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In addition to celestial energy and your natural athleticism, the gift of precognition was perhaps your greatest asset in battle, one that often put you on par with Makkari.
Where she could outmanoeuvre herself out of any situation with her speed, your foresight gave the team the upper-hand to strike Deviant nests before the creatures would even decide to attack first.
Ironically, it seemed that for all you could see the future, seIdom could you recall the past. 
You could not remember whether or not you had kin waiting for you back at Olympia, or if there was a special someone waiting for your return.
Instead, where you imagined the comforting embrace of a mother you had come to picture Ajak, with her kind eyes, soft touch and motherly affection. She had guided you many times, had offered you redolent views and insights so you could learn to understand the world around you. 
When you thought of the proud smiles of the great Gilgamesh and mighty Thena after an intense training session, you thought of how mortals considered the kin before them and found yourself honored you had your very own Uncle and Aunt to learn from. 
And when you thought of the rest–of Sersi and Ikaris, side-by-side and in their own little world; of Sprite and Kingo, often causing mischief amongst the mortals; and Phastos and Makkari, always sating their burning curiosity–you thought of how too few mortals could say they had this many siblings, and how colorless your mission would've been without them. 
Of course, at the centre of what was slowly becoming your universe, was Druig.
From the very first time you had met, there was something about the brooding-Eternal that endeared him to you, and supposedly, you to him.
After your initial introduction he had become a constant presence in your life, always seeking you out in the quiet corners of The Domo, to moments of reprieve between battle and chaos. Teasing. Touching. Always falling back into orbit as though you were twin stars, destined to gravitate towards the other. 
Beneath changing skies and through the rise and fall of multiple civilisations, falling in love with him felt like the most natural thing in the world. 
In fact at times, it almost felt as though in some past life, you’d already loved him befor–
The sky was red, your skin feverish. Still, you tugged at him him, mapping each crevice and plane you’d explored many times before as he did the same. 
Desperation made your touch ardent, made his lips linger on the crown of your head even when the contact burned. 
“I’ll find you again, [Y/N]” he’d said fiercely, teeth red as blood dribbled down to his chin.
“I’ll find you,” he said more quietly, almost to himself as he settled around you. Your final refuge. 
The ground shook again. The dirt splintered with a boom. 
Distantly, you thought of Makkari–of how she’d always been quiet–and hoped that she’d manage to outrun it all before you peered up. 
Sprite had stopped screaming; Sersi had only started.
The end of the world grew too loud, the chaos turned to white noise but oddly enough you could still hear him. 
Maybe it was because he was right in front of you, or maybe it’s because you’d always been attuned to his frequency, but as you zeroed in on his laboured breathing, you couldn’t help but rasp: 
"And I, yo–
–Beautiful, beautiful, [Y/N], you’re missing the festivities,” his ochre voice said, breaking you out of your reverie as a maelstrom of emotions flooded you.
Maybe I’m ill, you thought, reeling.
Druig had come up behind you, wrapping broad arms around your frame as he nuzzled his face into the curve of your neck.
You could practically feel his sly smile against your skin. 
His touch burned. 
“Do we bore you that much that you’d rather return to your paints than me, oh great [pseudonym]?"
Shaking yourself from your daze, you lifted your gaze to meet his, swallowing the unease that had lodged itself at the base of your throat with a small smile. 
“You could never bore me,” you said immediately, forcefully rolling your eyes as to quell whatever thundered in your chest. 
What you had seen, it couldn’t have been the future. 
Half-heartedly, you placed the paint brush you’d been holding back with the rest, turning fully to fold yourself properly into his embrace. 
Druig, ever attentive, must’ve felt the tension in your frame and sensed the trouble plaguing your mind because gently, he pressed his lips to your head.
It was his way of grounding you, you knew, his way of comforting you when words failed him.
“I know,” he hummed after a moment, brushing his fingers along the curve of your back. 
His touch, this time, tingled pleasantly. 
“Let’s get back to the others then, shall we?” he continued, unwinding his arms as to hold out a hand.
You knew he wanted to ask what had happened, knew he wanted you to lay your burdens bare before him.
But Druig was Druig, and while he was often snarky, he was not unkind.
This was not the first time you had seen something unpleasant, something horrifying.
You would talk, later, when the festivities had ended and you could confess what you’d seen between fine sheets and in the comfort of your room.
But for now, all you wanted to do was forget what you’d seen. And because Druig loved you, he’d make it happen. 
“Kingo’s promised a woman you’ll sculpt a statue in her like,” he baited, almost slyly. It was a no-doubt way to do exactly as you wanted. 
Fondness swelled in your chest at his meddling and at him, and laughing, you slotted your hand within his. 
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On papyrus paper the size of a crate of wine, you had painted a red sky. A burning field. Two people, lost in the flames, at the very centre of it all.
And further, 
                             further in the back–
                                                   a hand emerging from the Earth.
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Forged in Love
Hephaestus x Aphrodite!reader
Page break credits @firefly-graphics
Master list
Merry Christmas!
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Part 4
taglist: @streets-in-paradise @floraroselaughter
taglist open :)
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You and Athena dispersed with everyone back to the main decorated room.“Okay, what’s up?”  Athena asked you.
“What do you mean?”  You responded.
“I saw you looking at Hephaestus”  
“I looked at him like everyone did when he walked up, what is your point?”
“Oh please, I have known you too long for that.  That wasn’t a ‘I’m a gossip whore, what more drama can this guy bring?’ that was a ‘I am interested in this guy’ look”.  Your cheeks grew red.
“No it wasn’t, I don’t know him and I barely saw him, he covered himself up so even if I wanted to see him, not that I do, it wouldn’t matter anyway because he left.”  You responded defensively.
“He left the room, but not the party.”  You could tell she was trying to bait you and you wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.
“Oh, I didn’t even notice.”  You tried to sound casual even though it was the truth.
“I have met him, you know.”  She told you.  This got your attention.
“What? How have you never told me?” 
“I didn’t say anything because it wasn’t relevant and you are always telling me how much you don’t like to gossip.”  She gave you a pointed look.  You rolled your eyes because she was right.
“Okay,  but at least tell me why the rumors depict him as a gruesome figure, when I couldn’t see any.  I am no trying to gossip, just set the record straight.”  You took a sip from your glass.  She gave you a look that said, I don’t believe you for a second.
“He doesn’t meet the Olympic standard of beauty and if you want to know why, you will have to see for yourself.”
“I only would care out of professional curiosity.”  You told her.
“Sure.”  She took a sip and looked around.  “Oh, I need to say hello to Hecate, so while I do that you go find your mystery man.”
“He is not my mystery man, ‘Thena.  And even so, he isn’t here.”
“Sure he is, he is right out there on the balcony.”  You followed where she motioned and sure enough, there he was, a cloaked figure that you could barely make out.
“How did you even see him?  I barely see him and I am looking for him.”  You looked at her amazed.
“I see things many don’t.”  She responded.  And that was the truth, which made sense given she was the goddess of strategic warfare and wisdom.  “Now, I must go save Hecate from Apollo, she is much too nice to save herself.”  With that she grabbed your glass from your hands and nudged you towards the balcony.
You walked slowly, trying to think of something to say.  Usually you didn’t have to start conversations as gods tripped over themselves to win your attention but you knew he was no ordinary god. 
“Well, here goes nothing”  You thought to yourself, and stepped into the night air.
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     The figure didn't move so you cleared your throat.  He turned slightly, acknowledging your presence.
“Not one for parties?”  You asked as lightly as you could.  You cringed thinking duh, he never comes to any.  You stayed slightly behind him, and far enough way to seem like less of a threat.
“No.”  He finally responded.  The voice was deep, gruff, and sexier than you expected.
“Honestly, me either.”  You told him honestly.
He half turned, and you saw his hair peek out of his hood.  You wanted to look but did your best to not stare so you looked out at the beautiful night sky.  Nyx really outdid herself, even for a party.
He breathed a short laugh.  “I seriously doubt that.”  
“Why do you doubt it?”  You half turned to him.
“Because you are the goddess of love and beauty, isn’t your whole thing being admired?”  It was the most he had said to you yet.  But it wasn’t accusatory, merely an observation
“Maybe once upon a time, eons ago.  But there is more to me than meets the eye, and I think we should judge others based on their actions and personalities, and not based on rumors or looks.”  You now looked at him pointedly.  He faced you but you couldn’t see his face given the night and he was in a shadow so any light coming from inside did not shine on him.
“If only everyone thought that.” You weren’t sure if he meant that for you or not so you changed the subject.
“Sounds like you know who I am then.”  You continued.
“Who doesn’t? Just because I don’t know everyone in that room doesn’t mean I don’t know of them.”   He placed his hand in view on the ledge.
“I suppose that is fair.  I guess we are on the same page, then.  I only know rumors of you, and you only know the same of me.”  You took the slightest step closer.  He didn’t miss it and stiffened but didn’t move.
“I suppose.  Although my rumors are worse.”
“I don’t know, you just told me you thought I was self obsessed, selfish, and shallow.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“But you thought it.”
“True.”  You laughed and the tension eased slightly.  
“I appreciate your honesty.  It is hard to come by.”
“Lying isn’t productive or helpful.”
“I agree.”  You told him.  He sighed.
“Am I bothering you?”  A pause.
“Then I am flattered.  Again, since what I know of you is speculation, I would think that I am one of the few who at the least, you don’t hate.”
“What makes you think I don’t hate you?”  You detected humor in his deep voice.
“Are you making jokes now?”
“I suppose I am.”
“Then I am even more flattered.  But what else would you expect from a shallow goddess?”  You said with humor.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”  You asked curiously.
“For taking a few moments without trying to discover my secrets.  By now someone would have mentioned my appearance.”  You could hear the hurt and vulnerability in his voice.
“I will be honest with you Hephaestus,”  You began softly.  “I am curious about the rumors and your cloak only adds to your mystery, but looks aren’t everything.”  He couldn’t see your face, but you hoped he heard the smile in your voice.
“Hmm, of all the gods, it is not from your lips I would have expected to hear the statement.”
“I wonder who you would expect to hear it from?”  You gently probed.
“Athena.  Or Artemis, one of the abstinent gods.”  He responded quickly.
“Athena is my closest friend.” You offered, “She is very wise, but that is unsurprising.”
“She is also kind when she wants to be.  She talks about you.”  He offered.
“Oh really?  No wonder you had the idea of me you did.”  You nervously chuckled.
“On the contrary, she had nothing but kind words for her friend.  She thinks highly of you and she is wise, so there might be something to it.”  You swore you saw a smile.
“I have to say, if I didn’t know better I would think you were smitten with her.”  You teased.  This was the wrong thing to say you quickly discovered.  He tensed and took a step further into the shadows.
“No.  She is nothing more than someone I have talked to on no more than a few occasions.  I don’t bother with those kinds of feelings.”
“I can’t help but wonder why you wouldn’t consider her a friend if you have talked on more than one occasion.  Especially since you both have decided romance is a waste of time.”  You wanted to be kind, but the way he said the comment irked you.
“Not to offend the goddess of romance, but yes, it is a waste of time.”  He said sarcastically.  He clearly could care less if he offended you.  This gave you the courage to say,
“I’ll have you know that she doesn’t think it is waste, but something unimportant to herself.  She has never once made me feel that my purpose is unimportant.  In fact, she can see the beauty in many things including love, and since she is wise maybe there is something to that opinion, as you say.”  You let out a sharp breath.
Calmly he stated, “She is wise, but in my experience loving someone never ends well.”  You had heard some of his history so you wanted to be careful.
“No, it doesn’t always end well, but does that mean it wasn’t worth it?”  You could tell he was thinking.
“In my experience, yes, it is better to not get hurt.”
“Being alone can also hurt, so is there really winning that?”  You quietly asked.
“It hurts less.”  He stated.
“I am sorry.  No one deserves to feel alone.  Even if they are alone.”
“You are not at all what I expected.”  You could tell he was looking at you and you badly wanted to see his face.
“And neither are you.  But you have an unfair advantage.”
“And what advantage is that?” He asked unbelievingly.
“You get to see my face, but I do not get to see yours.”  You tried to sound more bold than you felt.  He seemed to bristle.
“And you never will.”  He said darkly.
“Why not?”  You wouldn’t back down now.
“Not all rumors are false.”  He stated.
“Not all rumors are true.”  You countered.  He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face.
“This one is true.”
“Which one is true?”  You wanted him to be clear.
“The one where I am a hideous beast.”  He said it in such a way that made you think he had heard it many times from others and himself.  And it broke your heart.
“Do I get to decide for myself if that is true, or do I just have to believe the rumor?”  You asked softly, moving towards him slightly.  He didn’t move away and you considered that a small win.
“You really want to see?”  He asked softly.
“I do.”  You answered kindly.
“I guess it wouldn’t change anything if you were as repulsed as everyone else.”  He said so in such a vulnerable brokenness you wanted to cry for him.  You didn’t say anything, just let him continue to make his decision.  After a pause,
“Hephaestus, you have a choice here.  I won’t pressure you, but know I do want to see you, not for fuel to gossip about, but because I am genuinely curious about you now.  But you have no reason to trust me and I understand that so if you want me to walk away, I will.”  He took a deep breath and stepped close to you out of the shadows.  He slowly pulled his hood back and you saw his face for the first time and your breath hitched.  Not because he repulsed you but the opposite.  He was beautiful.  Your first glimpse of him earlier was correct.  He had a chiseled jaw, intense stare, hardened features, and his eyes seemed like they bore into your soul.  The only difference was that he had stubble on his face, like he didn’t care how he appeared, except it only added to his appeal.  Your mouth opened slightly.
“I told you.”  He muttered.  Before he could back away you took a step closer.
“No, not at all.  The opposite.  I am trying to understand why you hide your face at all.  I see no imperfections.”
“You flatter.”
“I don’t flatter, I am to be flattered, remember?”  Any humor vanished quickly given the moment.  And how close he was, yet he moved impossibly closer. He was so close you could feel his breath.  He pulled some of his hair away to show a scar above his eye.  You couldn’t help but reach up and touch it.  This caused him to close his eyes.
“This is a scar, not a grotesque imperfection.  This is not something to cause such a horrid rumor.”  You said so softly you didn’t know if you said it out loud or not.  You must have because he opened his eyes and continued his intense stare.  You weren’t sure if he knew how to do anything less intense.  He reached down to put his hand on your cheek causing your eyes to flutter, but you kept eye contact. He had a way about him that you couldn’t look away, not because it was like a train wreck, but because he commanded that respect.  You didn’t think he even knew it.
“Maybe, but you missed the most obvious part.”  You frowned, not understanding.  He backed away and you missed his warmth.  He then showed you his arm.  Or rather, where an arm would be.  In its place was a metallic arm that radiated power, and it ended at his shoulder.  You stared in awe.
“Did you make it?”  You asked.
“It’s beautiful.  The craftsmanship is divine.”
“Glad you like it,”  He said, a little confused and amused.
“Someday you will have to tell me the story.”  You didn’t push for it now, knowing this had to be more than he was ready for, but thankful he complied with your probing.
“Hmm someday.”  He said distractedly, still gazing.
You slowly reached for him.
“Can you feel this?”  You questioned, lightly putting your hand on his ‘arm’.
“Yes.”  He closed his eyes.  His arm was cool, as metal would be on a cold night but it didn’t bother you.
“Fascinating.  You truly are talented to be able to create such a masterpiece.”
“You don’t have to say things you think I want to hear.”  His eyes were once again peering into your soul.
“I thought we were always being honest?”  You countered.  “I know what beauty is, remember.”
He smirked.
“I suppose you would.”  You smiled at him but shivered, as the air was getting much cooler.  You took your hand away and wrapped it around yourself, frustrated for the lack of contact with this mysterious man.
“You’re cold.”  It was a statement, and he took his cloak off and wrapped it around you.  It was warm, and smelled like fire metal, and something so manly, so lovely, so divine; so like him.  You liked it.
“Thank you.”  You said sincerely.  “You must spend a lot of time in your forges, your cloak smells of fire and metal.”  You smiled jovially.  His smile lessened.
“I am sorry, I wasn't thinking.”  He made a move to take it but you sheltered it from his grasp.
“It was not an insult, and you are not taking away my warmth.”  He chuckled,
“I am sorry my lady, I meant no harm.”
“Good, otherwise I would have to leave for such insolence”  You mocked, throwing your nose in the air.
“My apologies, please don’t leave.”  And you knew he meant it.
“Why would I, when I am sincerely enjoying getting to know you?”  You answered seriously.
He made a move to put his arm on yours but stopped.
“Why do you hesitate?” You asked.
“My presence, my touch, is not usually wanted, I am not used to such warmth.”
“Well…get used to it.” You answered by looking him straight on.  He smiled for real, and you could tell this genuinely meant something to him.
“Aphrodite, there you are!”  Zeus interrupted.  “I see you have met Hephaestus,  He doesn’t like these things but I made him promise to stay for awhile, I am glad you trapped him into staying haha!”  he clearly was enjoying the ambrosia a bit too much.
“Yes, my lord, I have kept him here longer than I am sure he wanted to stay.” You said mostly looking at Hephaestus.  He just kept looking at you, no expression to be found so you didn’t know what he was feeling.
“Well, come join the party!  Have you said hello to Ares?” He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed at what he thought was clever. Ever full of tact.
“I will, my lord, in a moment.”  
“No now, we must enjoy the evening otherwise Demeter might not like it.”  He said half bitterly.  You knew he wanted everyone to enjoy the night that he put on to snub her, and you just weren’t in the mood but meekly nodded.  He nodded satisfactorily, and walked back inside.
“I guess I have to go.”  You told Hephaestus.
“So it seems.” His voice never revealed how he felt and you wished you could read him better.
“I suppose I will see you at the next gathering?”  You asked more hopeful than you meant to betray.
“I suppose you will.”  He said.
“Until the next time then”  You said, turning to go inside.
He grabbed your hand and kissed it, causing your stomach to flip.  You didn’t trust your voice to respond to such tenderness ironically, but halfway back towards the room you thought to say,
“You lied, by the way.”
“I did?”  He questioned.
“You said this rumor was true. It is not”  You smiled and turned to go back inside.  You missed the heartfelt smile he wouldn’t be dropping any time soon.
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warrentrash · 3 years
cherry blossom
druig x eternal!reader (F)
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summary: after hundreds of years you finally get the chance to tell Druig the most important three words everyone longs to hear.
a/n: y’all better take this character off me rn. asks are open for druig!! not edited!!
‘Are you sure this is where we’ll find y/n?’ Sprite asked Sersi, who was looking down at the messy scribble of directions she wrote on an old receipt— directions that came from the old lady from the small corner shop in the tiny town where you last told Ajak you were. The old lady knew not of where you lived, but of where someone could live without being disturbed. 
So they listened to her directions and the nine of them all struggled to file out of the small shop in an organised matter before they set off to look for you on foot. Sersi and Thena led the way, whilst Makkari argued with Phastos and Druig about using her powers to find you quicker. 
‘You’re gonna scare her if you just show up out of the blue!’ Phastos said and shook his head in disbelief. 
Makkari rolled her eyes and signed, ‘now you’re being ridiculous. She loves me!’
‘She did. We don’t know how she’s gonna react when she sees us,’ Druig said and shoved his hands deeper into the pockets of his leather jacket. ‘It’s better if you just stay here.’
‘You just wanna be the first one she sees,’ Phastos said and scoffed, earning a roll of the eyes from Druig. 
The group walked through the narrow streets of the small town, receiving strange stares from the locals, which was mostly made up of old people. The horribly paved road quickly degraded into dirt and cobble and ran through the avenue of tall trees that stood against the harsh sun, opening their arms and welcoming them into the countryside. They wasted no time in accepting the offer, letting their heavy footsteps march them to whatever lied at the end of the road. 
That’s how they ended up out the front of your old cottage, staring at it in reverence. The personality of it was simple, yet bold with seafoam blue accents, complemented by the abundance of pink that covered the entire property. 
Ikarus bent at the waist and scooped up a handful of pink petals from the dirt. He held them up and let them fall through his calloused fingers, his eyes of curiosity watching each individual petal as it fluttered to the ground with the grace of a diligent ballerina. 
‘I’m positive this is where she’ll be,’ Ikarus answered for Sprite as he straightened up. The others, who had fallen far behind on the man-made dirt road, finally caught up to the three and came to a sudden stop, all in awe at the sight before them. 
‘Karun, are you getting this?’
‘I am! Such a beautiful sight!’
For Druig, it was like a slap across the face. 
You laughed and wrapped the soft blanket around your shoulders, thanking Kingo several times over as you rubbed the fabric between your fingers, quickly deciding the blanket of captured clouds was never to leave your side. 
It was your official, non-official, birthday, AKA the date Sprite had allocated you, and you were drowning in love and gifts from your family. You had already been gifted jewels and items that you knew would one day become prized artefacts if they ever slipped through your fingers and landed in the hands of the advanced human civilization. But there was one person left to give their gift— Druig. 
‘Okay, last but not least, Druig,’ Ajak said and placed her hands on the Eternals shoulders. ‘It’s time for you to give y/n, her gift.’
He turned and gestured to the small covered item on the table in the corner, something that you had never even paid any attention to. Ajak grabbed it quickly, yet carefully, before gently placing it in Druigs hands as he quietly thanked her. 
‘Let’s see what his so-called present is,’ Kingo muttered and looked down at you before realising it was you he had spoken to. He winced as you elbowed his side with a smile on your face, your stare still on Druig, who approached you carefully, his eyes trained on the present in his hands. 
He nodded his head at you, a silent way of telling you to hold your hands out. 
Biting your lip in excitement, you did as you were instructed to and held your hands out, accepting the gift. Druigs hands sat in yours before he parted them and let the gift sit in your two open palms. He reached up and gently tugged the small cloth off of it and stood back, his hands folded in front of him as ten pairs of eyes stared at the present in confusion, trying to figure it out. 
‘What is it exactly?’ Sprite asked as she leaned across the benchtop to get a closer look. 
‘Whatever it is, it’s dying,’ Kingo said and gently ran his finger across along the tallest branch. He snapped his hand back into his chest when you sent him a stern glare. 
You hated the fact that you couldn’t understand what it was- it was a plant, sure, you knew that, but what kind? You stared at the pink glazed pot that is sat in, racking your mind for any significance, and you were just about to swallow your pride and embarrass yourself by asking him what it was when suddenly it struck you. 
‘A Cherry Blossom tree,’ you said and looked up at the others as a laugh slipped past your lips. ‘It’s a Cherry Blossom tree. I was obsessed with them when we went and saw them all those years ago in the Himalayas. Druig, how did you remember?’ She asked him, astonished that he would retain such a small detail from centuries ago. 
‘Wow, Druig! That is so thoughtful,’ Sersi commented, a little surprised that he could be so benevolent considering he gifted her a single hug for her birthday— although it was a big deal, they all knew that was the most they were ever going to get out of him, or so they thought. ‘How did you remember?’ 
He gave a small shrug as the smirk on his face grew, his eyes boring into your own, turning your cheeks as pink as your tree was expected to bloom. ‘I remember the important things, Sersi,’ he said, causing you to look down at your plant bashfully. 
That was the same day you realised your feelings for the Eternal. It wasn’t sudden, but it was instead the slow realisation of everything between you two; the small glances, the constant brushing of the hands, a quip and subtle compliment here and there, the constant teasing and “harmless” flirting.  
Unfortunately, it was also the same day your family and your whole world fell apart.  
The cherry blossom trees were flowering, spreading their petals of light across the large yard that was boxed in by a mature, faded, white picket fence, separated by two large green doors under a white pointed archway. 
Tucked between the hundreds of cherry blossom trees stood your small cottage, the one you had lived in for hundreds of years. Your curtains were open, revealing the contents of your home to your un-invited guests, but you were nowhere to be seen inside. 
Sersi was the one to take the brave steps forward. She pushed open the two doors and poked her head into the yard, worried you were going to turn your back on them and send them away in an instant. Once again, you were nowhere to be seen. 
She led the way to the side gate, along the petal covered path and between the cleared garden beds of disrupted soil. Garden tools sat abandoned alongside the basket of recently picked vegetables. Sersi came to a halt and looked over her shoulder at everyone, wondering if they could all hear the same noise she could. 
Ikarus and Kingo stepped around Sersi and led everyone toward the sound that was travelling from the backyard. The scene playing out was a lot for the eight Eternals, and Karun, to take in. 
There you were, hunched over a small hole in the Earth, a shovel within your grasp as you flung dirt over your shoulder, adding onto the growing pile. Several panels of your fence had been crushed and snapped, garden beds and bushes had been destroyed to the point there was evidently nothing to salvage. Less than six feet away was a large Deviant with two heads and spikes running along its spine. Its two tails still remained twitching, not because it was alive, but because of the knife piercing through the top of its head. 
Sersi took one step toward you before she was stopped by Thena grabbing her wrist. All eyes travelled to Druig, who gently pushed past Karun and moved toward you carefully. 
You sighed and dropped your shovel, wiping the dirt from your face and putting your other hand on your hip. You could feel his presence by your side, something that had become foreign to you. Staring down at the lumpy blanket next to the pit, you sniffled deeply to suppress your tears. 
‘It killed my dog,’ you muttered, not having the courage to look into the eyes that you fell in love with all those years ago— the eyes that plague your dreams. 
‘I’m sorry, y/n…’ Druig said, causing your heart to ache at the sound of his voice. 
You finally built up the courage to look at him. Tears welled in your eyes as he turned to face you slowly, a downcast on his features as he dug around his jacket pocket. The love that was born long before your time and had lived for millions of years with the Celestials remained evident as looked up and let his eyes meet yours. They crinkled in the corner as his lips pulled back into a small smile.  
He held a small photo out for you to take, and you did. Your mouth parted in shock as you stared at yourself in black and white. The image of your metaphorical younger self smiled at you. The photo was worn down on the edges and was beginning to bleed due to its age, but it wasn’t damaged. It was love. Love that fought against the erosion of time and the temptation of others. 
‘Druig,’ you mutter, stunned to silence as he gently took the picture back. He stared down at it with a smile before looking back up at you. 
‘You know that saying, you don’t know what you have until it’s gone?’ Druig asked you, chuckling when you nodded. ‘All I’ve done for the past several hundred years is live in regret, y/n. I should have never left you. The only thing that I understood about any of it was that we would meet again. And, well, I wasn’t sure about my feelings back then, but seeing this-’ He gestured about to the gathering of pink tree’s that guarded your backyard, ‘- seeing you… I love you, y/n.’
The deepest sigh of relief that escaped through your worried expression caused Druig to laugh, but it was silenced by the immediate presence of your lips on his and your arms wrapping around the back of his neck. Drugs lips tugged upwards into a wide smile as you pulled away from one another and rested your foreheads together. 
‘I love you too,’ you whispered through your quiet laughter. 
It was no shock to the other Eternals that there were reciprocated feelings, but several mouths dropped open in surprise at the sudden witness of an intimate moment between two of the most reserved people they had ever met. It was a beautiful moment between two souls, and to be a spectator to it finally collide and bloom was a dearly bestowed upon gift. 
‘Yes, I am getting all the angles, Sir!’
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softquietsteadylove · 11 months
Fo the mermaid au!
Thena asking gil how human reproduction works. Now that she knows what "the thing" in his pants is for, she wants to know what exactly is between her legs and why it feels so funny.
Gil groaned, turning over in bed--trying to turn over.
He blinked, finding a curtain of blonde hair around him as he stared up at the light of his life. He sighed, "yes, Angelfish?"
"I need to ask you something."
Light of his life, he reminded himself; he rubbed his eyes, "can it not wait until morning?"
"No," she whispered, still perched over him like a predator waiting to pounce. She waited until he was done rubbing his eyes to ask, "how does human reproduction work?"
She winced, his sudden outburst and the volume of it hurting her much more delicate senses.
"Sorry, sorry," he rushed, holding his hands over her ears and then her cheeks. She frowned at him, "I'm sorry, Thena. I just...didn't expect that."
"Well?" she implored, looking at him with those eyes. He had never really gotten to see them like this, but they had a faint, almost gentle glow to them in the dark.
He sighed again; it wasn't as if this was out of nowhere. But had he been doing his very best to avoid it for as long as possible?--yes. "What makes you ask that, sweetheart?"
Thena didn't move off of him, but did lean back from all fours to sitting on him. "I...was thinking."
Gil's hair stood on end.
"Of," she looked down at his chest, her finger moving through his chest hair idly. "When we were on the couch."
Gil blushed, but did his best not to rush, nor discourage her. He nodded, "okay."
"I have never taken a mate," she admitted quietly. She had said so before, but a veneer of vulnerability came with this statement, as well as what followed, "but I find myself...curious."
"Right," Gil sighed, looking up at his ceiling for a second, trying to think of how to approach the delicate subject.
"I know how it works for mers," Thena pressed on, leaning closer to his face again. "I have asked, I know what happens when one takes a mate, especially for reproductive purposes. But I have to imagine it's very different for humans."
"Very different," Gil murmured, mostly as he tried to think of how to retain his dignity and also answer her question honestly.
Like Thena said, she was a grown woman, and she wasn't so naive about mating and its many forms. She knew approximately how it worked. And as embarrassed as he was, he had no desire to lie to her or tell her some bullshit birds and the bees nonsense.
He adjusted himself on the bed, wrapping his arms around her. He could tell she had been asleep in the tub because her skin was cooler to the touch than normal. Sometimes it did make him wonder how she managed to get out of water so silently, though.
"So, the, uh," Gil blushed, grateful for the dark and the angle they were in allowing him to avoid her eyes. "The part of me-"
"The penis?"
"That," he sighed. It was better than 'dick'., he supposed. "It becomes engorged with blood. That's what makes it hard."
"And this happens during arousal," Thena continued. If anything, how straightforward she was did actually help to lessen the embarrassment of things. It did quite the opposite of set the mood, currently.
"Usually," Gil added. "Sometimes it happens with a surplus of testosterone. So, like, when I wake up from sleeping, sometimes..."
Thena nodded, connecting the metaphorical dots. She looked down at him again, "does this happen after every sleep?"
"No, not every sleep." Thank the seven seas for that one. "Just sometimes. Sometimes it just gets stimulated from light touches and it reacts. It's kind of...delicate."
"I see." And she had seen--she did see.
Gil shifted under her, trying to keep his mind out of the gutter and on the task at hand. "When the act of intercourse ends and the male reaches climax, he...ejaculates."
Thena tilted her head a few times, which was actually quite familiar and comforting in the moment. "The white stuff-"
"The white stuff," Gil confirmed, unwilling to let her go further with that statement. "For procreation it's done, um, in the-"
"Birth canal."
"Yep, yeah, yes," he confirmed multiple times, pushing all other thoughts from his head but the words themselves. He looked at her again, still charmed by the faint glow of green standing out in the faint moonlight. He put his hand to her cheek, "anything else, Angelfish?"
Gil's eyes strained in the low light as colour rose in her cheeks. She looked down at his bare chest again, and then the blanket which separated his skin from hers. She was wearing his shirt, at least; that was the rule. If she was wearing her legs, a shirt was required.
"I feel," she started and paused still, shifting her weight on top of him. Her knees squeezed against his ribs faintly.
Gil's heart picked up speed.
He swallowed, trying to keep his eyes on hers, and on what she was saying, and not on the beautiful body seated on top of him. He nodded, "o-okay. What feels, uh...different?"
Thena wasn't really that shy when it came to most things. She didn't have the same sense of shame about bodies and their functions that humans did. Seeing her sheepish or embarrassed usually indicated something more personal to her.
Thena gulped as well, holding his eyes as her hips pressed into his, "h-here."
Gil held in a groan as she grinded against him through the blanket. "W-What feels different there, Angelfish?"
She looked away from him again, but her hips didn't stop. She braced herself with her hands again, nails digging into the bed on either side of him. "I don't know. But it feels...urgent."
Gil gulped. He had been thinking about this since that day on the couch. He had thought about it in passing before, of course, but always scolded himself. He had no business impressing anything onto Thena if she didn't bring it up on her own.
He didn't even know she had a...a functioning...well, clearly she did.
Gil let out a moan as Thena continued to move above him, both of them seeking friction against what separated them. He gripped her hips, "Cuddlefish, slow down."
"But," she whimpered, biting her lip but obeying. She looked down at him, "I want-"
Gil gripped her hips in his hands, under the shirt. He gulped as a certain scent reached his nose. He looked up at her, "Thena, do you want this?"
She nodded, diving down to kiss him. She pressed her hips against his again, gasping as the shape of him became more clear through the blanket. "Yes!"
Gil groaned, all but humping her through his blanket like a teenager dry rubbing for the first time. But it felt damn good for something so simple. And everything with Thena felt good.
Thena pulled his shirt off over her head, "my skin burns."
Under any other circumstance, he would be alarmed. But he knew exactly what he meant, this time. "It's okay."
Thena kissed him deeper, her tongue looking for more. Her tongue was a little more pointed and a little longer than his, actually. Now that he could feel it so acutely, that was to say.
Gil sighed as he felt her breasts press against his chest. The more their hips moved, the more ruffled it became. He groaned into her mouth as her breasts met his bare chest.
"Gil," she whimpered at the new sensation. She ran her fingers through his hair, kissing him feverishly. "What is that?"
"Here," he grunted, pulling her other hand off his neck and guiding it to her breast for her. "Touch that."
Thena whined as she did. "W-What-"
"Good?" he whispered in the dark, unable to see anything but the vague shape of her as they moved so closely entwined.
"Gil," she whined louder, moving against him more urgently. "Something--I-I want-"
Gil gripped her buttocks - surprisingly plump and also firm - in his hands, driving them together more firmly.
Gil groaned as she writhed against him, coming from the sheer friction and stimulation. He wasn't quite there but goddamn did he feel good. He gasped for breath, as did Thena. She almost sounded a little wheezy, but he was pretty sure breathing hard with only her lungs made her miss her gills. "Angelfish?"
"Hm?" she purred, her face pressed into his chest.
"You good?" he whispered, pulling her off of the blanket on top of him and rolling them over. He manoeuvred the blanket around her completely limp weight beside him until she was also tucked in. "Thena?"
"Hm," she responded again, blinking those eyes at him. It was incredible to think that he would be able to tell if she was looking at him or not, even in the darkest dark.
"Angelfish, how do you feel?" he asked softly, looking for any signs of distress, or being overwhelmed, overstimulated. This was just as important a first as any of her other firsts as a human.
Thena shimmied over to him, kissing him languidly under the blanket. She really could purr, and it reverberated through him gently as their lips met. "That was nice."
He looked at her again, "nice?"
"Nice," she conceded, shrugging one of her shoulders. Some of her scales were popping up on her shoulders, and he was delighted to think that her concentration in the midst of things had...slipped.
Her finger traced around his nipple, which she had just discovered did actually have a purpose.
"I could...continue."
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alohastyles-x · 2 years
𝑳𝒐𝒚𝒂𝒍 𝒕𝒐 𝑴𝒆 - 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞
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Loyal to Me, an Eternals fan fiction written by Alohastyles-x.
Summary: You were Arishem's new creation, and he sent you to the Eternals to help aide them in your mission. However, as you begin to learn how to control your powers, you began to feel like a burden to the rest of the eternals... except Druig. He was the only one to understand you.
Notes: Druig x Fem!reader // I got inspired by this tiktok so go check it out! <3
Story Warnings: violence, language, smut (18+ but I'm not responsible for your internet consumption either), mentions of depression, suicide, anxiety, descriptions of blood, violence, gore.
Druig Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist |
Wattpad // Part One Below // Part Two // Part Three // Part Four // Part Five //
Loyal to Me, an Eternals Fanfiction written by Alohastyles-x
No warnings for this part :)
Word count: 1.8k
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Year: 400 CE
The moon creeped higher into the night sky, and shouts of celebration could be heard from a tiny village in India. They were celebrating the union of Sersi and Ikaris, two of the fellow eternals residing in their village to protect them from the deviants. Phastos and Makkari were on the dancefloor, dancing with Thena and Gilgamesh. Druig and Kingo were scarfing down food as if it was their last meal, and Sprite and Ajak sat at a table, watching the commotion. Sersi and Ikaris were making their rounds, thanking everyone for coming and joining them tonight. It was a beautiful sight, everyone had a smile plastered on their face.
Amid the dancing and the celebration, Ajak felt a sharp pain in her chest- a sign that Arishem wanted to speak. She stood, motioning to Sprite that she would be just a minute.
She headed to a quiet place just outside the village and sat, clearing her mind by taking several deep breaths before she was transported to Arishem.
“Ajak. I have brought you here to let you know that I am bringing you a new eternal when the next sun rises fully in the sky.” Arishem’s voice boomed, echoing off the vast nothingness.
“A new eternal?” Ajak was confused… this wasn’t part of the original plan. She didn’t want to question the celestial too much, but curiosity was nagging to get the best of her.
“Yes. I’ve decided to try out a new creation.”
Ajak nodded, not wanting to push her luck by asking anymore questions. Anticipation and anxiety began swelling inside of her.
“What is her purpose in the overall plan?”
“The same as yours. She will aide you in preparing for the emergence,” Arishem explained.
“Anything else I need to know?” Ajak asked.
“This Eternal… be attentive of her. Unlike the rest of you, she could adapt and change as she grows, including her powers. She can make or break the entire mission. You must make sure she stays on the right path… or you will have to answer to me.”
Ajak nodded, before closing her eyes and being transported back to her quiet spot in the mountains. When she returned to the celebrations, Sprite watched her closely and intently, waiting to figure out what Arishem had said to her. Ajak didn’t notice Sprite follow her into the mountains, especially since she was back to the table before Ajak returned.
“So… what was that about?” Sprite finally gave in and asked once she realized Ajak was going to keep quiet.
“I want to tell everyone at once. When the party dies down, we will meet.” Ajak responded, looking around the room for her Eternals. They were all almost exactly where they were when she left. She smiled, feeling the anticipation of a new family member bubbling up inside of her.
Shortly after the celebration, all ten eternals gathered in the mountains near the spot Ajak sat earlier. She had asked them all to meet her there earlier and stood waiting for them to hike up the small mountain.
“So, Ajak, what did you need to talk to us about?” Ikaris ask, reaching for Sersi’s hand and giving it a small squeeze.
“Yes, and please tell us why we could not have met closer to the village,” Phastos asked, sighing as he sat on a nearby rock. If there was one thing he hated, it was hiking for no reason- and even then, it would have to be a good reason.
“Thank you all for meeting me here. Earlier tonight, I spoke with Arishem. He called while we were celebrating,” Ajak paused, reading everyone’s faces to gauge their reaction.
“And?” Druig asked, impatient with his leader.
“We have a new Eternal joining us tomorrow.”
An unbridled gasp left everyone’s lips, as shock overcame them.
“A… new Eternal?” Sersi asked, a little taken aback.
“Yes. Supposedly, Arishem created something new he wants to try out. That was all he told me. She will be arriving tomorrow around midday. I’m not sure how, or where. I just know when.” Ajak finished explaining.
They all looked amongst each other, taking in this new information. Druig took this opportunity to look into their minds, curious as to what they were thinking. They were all wondering the same thing: what was new about her? He decided to be the one to speak up.
“This doesn’t sound good Ajak. We know nothin’ about this new Eternal. What if they disrupt everything we have created?”
“Druig has a point. This seems reckless of Arishem,” Kingo said, looking to Sprite for support. She nodded her head, silently agreeing with them.
“We’ll just have to deal with that when the time comes. There is no turning back from this. We will accept this new Eternal with open arms and help her adjust and grow into her power. She will be a part of this family, just as you all have with each other.” Ajak said sternly, before dismissing herself back to her hut.
“I’m a little excited,” Makkari signed, trying to lighten the mood. When Druig dipped into her mind, he realized she was the most excited out of anyone in the group. It made his skin crawl.
“It would be fun to meet someone new like us,” Sersi added, smiling at Makkari.
“If she causes trouble, we always have Thena,” Gilgamesh chuckled, wrapping his arms around the beautiful Thena who stood next to him, who smiled and nodded.
“I still think is ridiculous,” Druig said, annoyed that his fellow Eternals were warming up to the idea.
“Druig, is there anything you’re ever actually excited for?” Phastos asked, purposely trying to annoy him.
“Food. That’s it,” he answered, before walking back to his hut.
The rest of the Eternals discussed the possibilities of this new Eternal and all her glory, recognizing at the very least that she must be important for Arishem to have created her, as they headed back to the village.
Druig had been alone back in his tent for a solid half hour before he saw the flap draw back and a short Makkari stood in the entryway.
“Hello Makkari,” he gave her a soft smile. Out of all his fellow Eternals, Makkari was his favorite. She was kind and gentle, always ready to back him up… until tonight.
“Why are you upset about this?” Makkari signed, looking at his face for answers.
If he was honest, he wasn’t entirely sure. Something about this new Eternal gave him anxiety. His senses were now hyper aware, picking up on people’s thoughts unprecedented. When he was stable, he could control whose mind he read and whose he didn’t. But when he was stressed, anxious, or mad, he lost that control. It annoyed him, which, ironically, just made it worse.
“Just a bad feelin’,” he signed back, before sitting on the edge of his bed.
“What kind of bad feeling?” Makkari asked, moving to sit next to him.
“I just feel like somethin’ is about to go disastrously wrong.”
They were quiet for a few minutes as they both took in what he just said. Makkari didn’t have any comforting words, so instead she placed her hand on his shoulder, bringing her forehead to meet his. Their bond was special, strictly platonic, but full of passion and emotions, nonetheless. Delicate, yet solid and firm. They understood each other without words, and they always had each other’s back. The other Eternals were surprised they were not together romantically because of this- but it just never felt right for them.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be a’right”, Druig signed, sensing Makkari was growing tired. She gave him a soft smile, before returning to her hut.
Druig laid his head down, dreadful for the morning light to come.
** the next day **
The feeling of serenity and peacefulness flooded your body, as Arishem brought you to life. The sensation was strong as you began to feel every fiber of your being be shaken awake with the jolts of electricity. The blood began to rush through your body, creating a ringing in your ears. The feeling was euphoric, as life itself pumped through your veins. When you fluttered your eyes open, you saw Arishem and the infinite cosmos behind him. Behind you was a tiny blue and green orb, with white swirls dancing on its surface.
“Y/N. You are being sent down to Earth to join your fellow Eternals. Look for Ajak- she is your leader. She will have the information you need.” Arishem ordered, as his hand curled underneath you. Within an instant you were hurled down to the planet Earth, the wind rushing all around you. Fire begins to build around you, as you broke into Earth’s atmosphere.
Before you even understood what was happening, you met the earth with an intense thud powerful enough to render you unconscious.
Makkari felt the vibrations coming from the mountains and ran to see what it was. Expecting a deviant, she was surprised to see a crater where your bruised body laid, your legs bent in an unsettling way. Her stomach churned, seeing you in the state you were in. Why would Arishem take so little care of how you got here? She wondered, before running off to find Ajak.
“The new Eternal is here… but she is in bad condition,” Makkari signed once she found Ajak.
“What do you mean?” Ajak asked. They began to head up the mountain pass, the rest of the Eternals following closely behind.
Makkari never answered Ajak. She wasn’t sure she could even accurately express the state you were in, second guessing what she saw.
When they reached the crater, Ajak gasped.
“Oh my,” she said as she slipped into the crater to your body. She began to run her hands over your injuries, trying to heal you before you woke up.
The rest of the Eternals stood at the top of the crater, giving Ajak her space.
“Why is she so beaten up?” Kingo asked, his voice breaking ever so slightly.
“It looks like this is where she landed. If she’s so important, you’d think Arishem would have had her descend slowly, and not hurl her down here,” Sprite spoke up, already beginning to question your existence. Sersi looked at her sternly.
Druig’s jaw clenched as he watched Ajak closely. She was already working her way up to the scratches and burns on your face. He felt the anger rising in him already, thinking of how Arishem cared so little for his own creations.
“Gilgamesh, can you carry her to the village and lay her down in the temple? She can stay there while we prepare a hut for her. I think she’ll be out for a while longer; the burns will take a while to finish healing, but they should be good on their own to continue.” Ajak said.
“Sure thing, Ajak.” Gilgamesh responded, jumping down into the crater. He carefully picked your body up, making sure to give your head support so you didn’t have a sore neck from the hike back.
“Now we just have to wait for her to wake and let us know who she is.”
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Part Two
Tag List: @theyear1980 @tendertalesmain <3
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fanficapologist · 8 months
Of Dragons and Maelstroms
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Themes and Warnings: slow burn, enemies to lovers, blood, violence, explicit language, sexual violence, period-typical misogyny, sexual themes, smut, tension, marriage, jealousy, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, attempted sexual assault, breastfeeding, major character death, divergent timelines
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood/Game of Thrones characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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Chapter Thirty-Eight
Maera woke the next morning, her mind swirling with a mix of emotions and memories. As her eyes slowly adjusted to the soft, early dawn light filtering into her chamber, she couldn't help but wonder if the passionate encounter with Aemond the previous night had all been a dream.
Lying in her bed, she took in the familiar details of her room. The fire in the hearth had dwindled to a few glowing embers, the once-filled goblet of Dornish wine on her table was now empty, and there lay her torn nightgown on the floor. Moving her thighs, she could feel the slick that painted across them from the intense wave of pleasure Aemond had given her with his fingers on her clit, a vivid reminder that the night's events were indeed real.
A soft, contented smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she shook her head in disbelief. It hadn't been a dream. The memory of their fiery encounter and the intensity of their connection had left an indelible mark on her, one she couldn't deny, even if she tried.
Maera's maid, Thena, entered her chamber to perform her usual morning rituals of dressing and preparing her Lady for the day. However, Maera was unusually quiet, the memory from the previous night replaying over and over again in her head, causing jolts of excitement to run through her. But then, Maera's mind raced with questions and doubts.
Aemond had had her crumbling with the mere stroke of his fingers, a powerful skill to have over somebody and a way to get what you wanted in a very persuasive manner. Yet Maera did not possess a skill like this. Yes, she was diplomatic in debate and had managed to get her own way in several occasions with numerous members of court. She was also skilled with the sword and knew how to physically hold her own in a fight. But this was different, and Maera had no idea what she was doing. As pleasurable as the experience had been, she needed to level the playing field. Another battle of power dynamics.
Once her maid had finished and Maera was ready, she made her way to Queen Helaena's chambers, where her duties awaited. As she assisted the Queen in donning a splendid gown of olive green, Maera's thoughts continued to churn, even as the pair sat together at the breakfast table to eat. There was an array of dishes that spanned from sweet to savory and the chamber was bathed in soft morning light, casting a warm and inviting glow upon the spread.
Helaena struck up a conversation with Maera regarding the recent sightings of the blue dragon Ēbrion made by the children on their recent trip to the Godswood, and how happy it had made little Jaehaerys to see the beast up close as he flew overhead. Maera smiled politely to her friend, nodding as she heard the words pass Helaena’s mouth, but unfortunately she could not absorb them properly. Her attention wandered back to Aemond over and over again, as she picked at her food absentmindedly.
Suddenly, she was then brought back to the present by Helaena's gentle voice as she remarked, “I said that you seem rather distracted today, Maera.”
Maera offered an apologetic smile to Helaena and said, "I beg your pardon, Your Grace. I've just had a lot on my mind, given recent events."
Helaena, her curiosity piqued, inquired, "Did you manage to speak with my brother about your betrothal to him?"
A subtle smile played at the corners of Maera's lips before she replied, "Yes, we... talked things over."
Helaena couldn't help but tease, "Ah, it seems you both have reached an amicable agreement about your future."
If only she knew the details, Maera thought, the smile still painted on her face. She turned to face Helaena in her chair, a blush spread across her face as the encounter with the Prince played again in her mind. "I must confess, Your Grace, I now have fewer reservations about my betrothal to him."
Helaena smiled warmly. "I'm glad to hear that," she replied. The Queen then wrinkled her nose as if disgusted and looked around the table before her gaze landed on a bowl of boiled eggs. Helaena then looked around the room and kindly asked one of the maids to remove it, stating the smell of them was overpowering. Odd, Maera thought, but then the conversation changed, distracted her from Helaena’s behaviour.
As they finished their breakfast and the bowl of eggs were removed, the Queen suggested, "Shall we accompany each other to the library? It seems the rain is too relentless to go outside today." She explained her intentions, "I'd like to find some embroidery books for myself and the Targaryen lineage book for the twins. They've been showing interest in the history of the Targaryen Kings lately."
Of course, the library. Surely there would be some information there that she could use in her marriage to the one-eyed Prince. Maera readily agreed, helping Helaena out of her chair as they linked arms, strolling down the corridor of the Red Keep to reach their desired destination for the day.
The library in the Red Keep was a sanctuary of knowledge, a treasure trove of wisdom and history. Its grandeur spoke of the importance of the written word in the realm. The room itself was expansive, with towering shelves that seemed to reach toward the heavens. The shelves, crafted from polished mahogany, bore the weight of countless tomes and manuscripts, their spines lined in rows like silent sentinels.
The air was heavy with the scent of ancient parchment and leather bindings, a fragrance that whispered of the ages. In the corners of the library, grand tapestries depicting scenes of knowledge and learning hung with regal dignity. The room's vaulted ceiling, adorned with intricate carvings, seemed to echo with the voices of the countless minds whose works were housed within.
Maester Orwyle rose from his seat and greeted the women as they entered the library, before sitting back down, his attention returning quickly to the scrolls he was working on. Helaena made her way to the left, ber silver-white hair cascading like a waterfall, framing a face marked by delicate features and captivating violet eyes that held a spark of intellectual curiosity.
The Queen selected three books before settling herself at a quiet table, engrossed in her chosen reading material, muttering to herself, while Maera smiled at her friend's dedication. She could see from a distance that the books Helaena had picked contained illustrations of dragonflies and spiders. The queen's nimble fingers occasionally traced the words or illustrations about how to action these patterns through embroidery.
Satisfied that the Queen was comfortable, Maera made her way to the right of the room in her own quest for knowledge. After passing several bookshelves, she managed to find a section suitable for the children. As she perused the books, she eventually stumbled upon one with a bright red leather cover, titled 'Fire and Blood: Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros’, exactly the sort of book that would satiate the twins interest in royal history. Maera made her way back to where Helaena was seated, and placed the crimson book beside her, ready to take back to the Queen’s chambers.
Her next task was to locate a book on marital advice that would describe to her any wifely duties she could perform in order to keep her husband in line. Maera made her way to the left side of the library and began pulling several books from the shelf, starting with a copy of the Holy Text, the Seven-Pointed Star. While it contained chapters about the duties of a wife from the perspectives of the Father, Mother, and Maiden, it failed to provide the practical guidance she sought.
Maera considered that perhaps she needed a book that wasn't steeped in tales of women's roles and societal expectations, nor bound by religious doctrine. She sought concrete knowledge, grounded in science and medicine.
Peeking her head around the corner of a shelf, she politely inquired of the Maester, "Excuse me, Maester. Could you please direct me to the medical scrolls?"
The Maester, still immersed in his work, turned his attention to her and replied, "Certainly, Lady Maera. They are located high up on the shelves at the far end of the library, to the right ." He began to rise from his seat, but Maera halted him with a polite gesture.
"Please, do not let me disturb your important work, Maester Orwyle," she insisted. "Is there a ladder nearby that I could use?"
The Maester nodded, answering, "Of course, my Lady. There are some steps already in that section of the hall." With that, Maera made her way to the far ends of the library to retrieve the ladder, placing it against the tall mahogany shelf she intended to explore. As she ascended the steps cautiously, mindful of her trailing skirts, she began to search through the collections of scrolls and books, determined to find something that would provide the answers she sought.
In her quest for knowledge, Maera pulled out a couple of scrolls. One blue tome stood out, focusing on childbirth and the techniques for safely delivering a baby. Maera considered it briefly, but the gruesome details and painful memories it invoked made her shudder. She couldn't help but picture an uncertain future in the childbed, much like her mother's tragic demise when trying to bring her last child into the world. With a heavy heart, she reluctantly returned the book to its shelf among the others.
Another scroll detailed the intricacies of the female anatomy, while the one on the shelf below delved into the male counterpart. Though they were informative, they failed to provide her with the specific insights she was seeking.
With so many brothers growing up, Maera possessed a good understanding of male anatomy regarding what each organ was purposed for when it came to reproduction. As her older siblings matured into men, they would often boast to each other about their escapades with maids and wenches, and later, about their experiences with their wives.
She recalled a time back at Rain House all those months ago, when her elder brother Luthor had developed an obsessive infatuation with a whore at one of the brothels in Rainwood, causing Maera to put her head in her hands out of shame every time it was brought up during their sparring matches.
“You are cunt-struck, brother, nothing more,” Faran would say shaking his head before lunging forward and disarming him.
The sound of steel hitting the ground echoed through the yard as Luthor looked into the sky as if an angel was appearing before him. “ I am not surprised you do not understand, Faran, given your lack of experience. It is bewitching. She has been indulging me with this tongue trick that I cannot get out of-”
“Oh for the love of the Gods, Luthor! I do not wish to hear such things from your disgusting mouth,” Maera cried, shoving Luthor forward until he landed in the dirt with the thud, causing Faran to clutch his sides in laughter.
In hindsight, as much as it disgusted her hearing her brothers’ tales of a sexual nature, how she wished now she had paid more attention. Perhaps if she did, instead of listening to the advice of Septa Mathilde, which was to “lie there and wait for your husband to sow his seed,”, she would not be at such a disadvantage when it came to her relations with Aemond.
“A fine choice to come to the library on such a rainy day,” a voice echoed from the bottom of the ladder, drawing Maera's attention. She peered down to see a pair of sharp blue eyes staring up at her. The Lord had dark brown hair, a cascade of tight curls, framed a face marked by an air of enigmatic authority. In his right hand was a cane, a striking accessory inset with a golden firefly, to aid in his mobility as his right foot was badly curved inward and downward, effecting how he moved about the Keep.
"Lord Strong," she acknowledged with a respectful nod. His presence in the library puzzled her, but she descended from the ladder gracefully, offering a formal greeting.
Lord Larys initiated the conversation by expressing his belated congratulations on her betrothal to Prince Aemond. Maera gave him a polite nod, her curiosity piqued by the Master of Whispers' unexpected and sudden interest in her.
The lord continued, his tone somber, "It seems we are in need of good news, given the unfortunate incidents that have occurred within the Keep as of late."
Maera, her patience waning, inquired, "What do you mean, Lord Larys?"
He replied with a faint smile, "I only meant, Lady Maera, that injuries have become somewhat frequent. Mostly attributed to the state of our stone paths in the castle corridors, I hear.” Larys paused, a contemplative look on his face, yet Maera could tell that his eyes held a gaze that seemed to harbor secrets, a testament to the depth of his intellect. Lord Strong continued, “The stonemasons have much work ahead. I am, of course, relieved to see King Aegon and Queen Helaena recovering from their own respective injuries."
Maera found the conversation veering in an unexpected direction. "I see," she responded diplomatically, though a sense of unease gnawed at her. She then decided to postpone her book search for now; her instincts warned her not to trust the Master of Whispers. She wanted to make her way back toward the Queen, gesturing for Lord Larys to accompany her through the labyrinthine corridors of bookshelves.
As they walked, Lord Larys continued his monologue, much to Maera's growing annoyance. He began by asserting, "With the kingdom's current instability due to the war with Princess Rhaenyra, Westeros desperately requires a strong and reliable King." Maera nodded, her jaw tensed, her patience wearing thin as she assumed he would eventually reach his point.
Lord Larys carried on, stating, "Perception is everything, Lady Maera. It has the power to make or break someone." Maera glanced at him, her eyes meeting his, unable to decipher his expression. The lord added, "For instance, a simple fall would be a more acceptable reason for the King's injuries than being attacked by say, a mere Lady-in-waiting. Or perhaps, by altering the courts perception of a knight claiming unsavoury accusations towards a noblewoman, thus saving her tarnished reputation?”
Maera quickly grasped Lord Larys' intentions. It seemed he had two options in mind: either he intended to threaten Maera, exposing the truth about her role in Aegon's injuries to the court. Or he wanted to make her aware that he was solely responsible for her betrothal and the clearing of her name from the vicious rumors of Ser Penrose, somehow making her indebted to him. She found his tactics clever, almost admirable, but Maera was not one to be ordered around or blackmailed by yet another Lord in King's Landing.
With a sly smile, as they neared the library entrance, she played along, commenting, "The Crown is fortunate to have such a valuable ally in you, my Lord."
Lord Larys graciously acknowledged her compliment, adding, "And you, Lady Maera, are soon to become a part of that Crown, whom I serve with the utmost loyalty." He continued, "It's essential for a new Princess of the realm to forge such alliances as she comes into power. The royal court can be a treacherous place to navigate."
Maera bit the inside of her cheek as they approached the front of the library, where Helaena remained seated, deeply immersed in her books. She turned to Lord Larys and forced a smile, saying, "I've appreciated your company, Lord Larys. But now, duty calls, and I must attend to my Queen."
Lord Larys inclined his head in a respectful nod, offering a final piece of advice, "Do consider my words, Lady Maera. Within a political marriage, even to someone you know well, it can be a precarious position to find one’s self in, without the appropriate alliances."
Maintaining her composure, though it was challenging, Maera thanked the Master of Whispers for his counsel before making her way back to Helaena's side. A frown painted Maera’s face following the encounter, as Helaena looked up from her desk and asked her if she found anything. Maera stated, "I found a book for the twins, but nothing for myself. I've recently finished 'The Loves of Queen Nymeria' and would like another book that is similar."
Helaena cocked her head, her eyes thoughtful before raising her eyebrows as if she understood what Maera had been searching for. With a gentle smile, the Queen revealed, "If you are looking for books for… educating women, I doubt you will find one that hasn't been censored by the Citadel."
Maera groaned in frustration, but then Helaena smiled and pointed to a giant tapestry of the Maiden on the left side of the hall, near the doors. She said, "But over there, you might find something. That tapestry hides more than it shows."
Curiosity ignited by the Queen, Maera made her way over to the tapestry covered wall.
It was a work of art that spoke of devotion, beauty, and purity, its dimensions grand and its details exquisite. The Maiden, depicted with flowing golden hair and an expression of serene grace, stood amidst a verdant field of daisies. Her gown, woven from threads of silver and blue, seemed to shimmer in the soft light that filtered through the library's windows.
Surrounding her were symbols of her virtue and compassion. Doves of purest white fluttered around her, their wings outstretched in flight. A gentle stream meandered through the scene, its waters crystal clear and reflective of the world's harmony. Her presence in the library seemed to watch over the seekers of knowledge, offering a silent benediction to those who delved into the realm's histories and mysteries.
As she stood there admiring the artistry, Helaena joined her, saying, "It truly is a masterpiece, isn't it?"
Maera nodded, her eyes still fixed on the tapestry. "Indeed, my Queen, it's exquisite."
Maera examined the shelves on either side of the material, tracing the book spines with her finger as she read the titles, but alas neither shelf contained what she was looking for. As she was about to give up, she glanced once again at the tapestry and then saw something out of place. In the bottom left corner, woven into the material, were three deep red peonies, a stark contrast to the delicate field of white daisies that graced the rest of the masterpiece. Staring at the red flowers, she noticed that the bottom left corner where they were located was also not secured to the stone wall and could easily be moved.
Maera cautiously knelt down and pushed the fabric aside, revealing a hole in the stone wall, filled with a collection of old scrolls and books. Curiously, Maera flicked inconspicuously through them, and Helaena leaned in to see what they contained. The books contained information on marital duties and sexual acts, some with detailed descriptions, others with illustrations of men and women in impressive sexual positions.
Surprised, Maera, shut one of the books, face painted red with embarrassment as she turned to Helaena, her eyes widening. "Your Grace, I had no idea such a collection existed."
Helaena giggled, her cheeks slightly flushed. "It's a well-guarded secret, Maera. The books were first hidden here by Queen Alysanne, many generations ago. Royal women over the years have added to it, but it's not public knowledge. I have found some of the information here to be helpful, even with Aegon."
Maera nodded in understanding, her curiosity still piqued. She reached into the hidden stash of scrolls and pulled out a few more, passing them to Helaena. Then, something else caught her eye; a relatively new book, not as dusty as the rest. Its cover was decorated with a magnificent swirl of gold and turquoise. Maera carefully examined it and read the title page aloud in a hushed voice, "A Caution for Young Girls," written by a distant great-aunt of hers, Lady Coryanne Wylde. She beamed with surprise and delight as the book was known to be banned from multiple libraries, deemed too inappropriate for young impressionable noblewomen.
Slipping the tomes and scrolls underneath their arms, Helaena and Maera made their way back to the orignal reading table, stacking the books a top one another, hiding the ones that were considered ghastly underneath the embroidery and history books. As they left the library, some of the guards offered to carry the items, to which the women politely declined. They couldn't help but snicker as they made their way down the corridor, and Maera hoped that her distant relative could provide her with some answers as to how to win over her husband-to-be.
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Notes: oh yeah, this story has a plot doesn’t it 🤣 best add some in before we return to our smutfest
Tags: @blue-serendipity @marvelescvpe @grungegrrrl @shesjustanothergeek
Thank you so much for reading! Comments, feedback, likes, and reblogs are greatly appreciated 🖤
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farfromharry · 3 years
Heyyy, could you do a one shot of Druig being jealous because Eros is flirting with reader please? :)
Summary: druig is bothered by how much eros is flirting with his girlfriend
druig x eternal!reader
w/c 548
None of you yet understood where this mysterious man had come from. He’d suddenly appeared, somehow having teleported in front of you, interrupting the talk about your plans for finding some way to communicate with the others. You and Thena had been generous enough to offer him help to figure out how to get to where he’d meant to go, or at the least get him back home, hence why there was so many books on teleportation scattered around you.
Druig as usual though was keeping his distance, a distaste for the man quickly growing inside of him as he watched him speak.
There’d been a moment where Thena had come to check on him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder that was very uncharacteristic of her, but she was learning.
“I don’t like him,” he mumbled, grumpily. Thena rolled her eyes but chuckled at his attitude nonetheless as she watched the same thing he was watching. Ever since Eros had magically appeared on the ship with the three of you, he hadn’t left your side, even when it was Thena talking, tossing you winks and smiles that had a rage burning in Druig’s gut.
“Only because he’s flirting with your girlfriend. You’re jealous Druig.” He knew the woman was right, he was. He should be the only person talking with you the way that stranger was, and he hated that he had to witness someone else try to make you swoon like he did.
He huffed at Thena’s words. “‘M not jealous.”
She hummed unconvinced, strolling away and inserting herself into your conversation, being welcomed with open arms by the obvious magical playboy.
It felt like hours passed by since he’d made his shocking entrance, every second growing more and more painful as he listened to him spilling compliments towards you like they were oxygen.
Druig’s eyes never left your figure, waiting for his perfect opportunity to swoop in and steal his girl back from Eros’ flirty demeanor. And that opportunity came when you glanced over your shoulder, eyes pleading with him to come and save you from the cocky man.
His heart swelled at the feeling of being wanted by you, nearly bouncing in his step as he headed your way, immediately pulling you back into his chest the second he was close enough to reach out for you.
“Hi, my love.” You smiled at the feeling of his lips finding your head, letting all the tension Eros had brought to your body seep away as you melted against your boyfriend’s chest. “Having any luck?”
The brunette’s intense gaze was still on you from over the top of the book he was “reading.” Both of you could feel it, but neither of you really cared enough to acknowledge it, not when you had each other to acknowledge instead. “No, not really.”
A small grin grew on your lover’s face, piquing your curiosity as to what was so funny. But he wasn’t really giving you the chance to figure it out, slipping his hands into yours and starting to tug you in the direction of anywhere but the room you were currently in; a quick glare thrown Eros’ way. “Maybe you should take a break then. I’m sure we could find something to clear your head.”
druig taglist → @spideyspeaches
831 notes · View notes
moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Among Monsters and Men
Thena x reader
prompt: anonymous: “Hey could I request a fluff one shot with thena x reader where reader is a vampire? Who even helps out too with the eternals And like since thena isnt the type to usually fall in love, she happens meets reader, who's lived for centuries just like her but obviously not as long as her, but is a immortal vampire and she falls in love and reader meets her through sersi who didn't even know she was a vampire 😆 and reader flirts with thena a lot too? And thena is surprised at first but eventually flirts back? And eventually, through some flirting and after finding out what reader is along w reader finding out who they are, thena longs for something more and reader ends up asking her out? And thena admits her feelings/attraction and so does reader Hope that's okay! (Sorry this is long)”
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You’d been working at the Natural History Museum of London for some time now, the perfect place for you to put down your roots. Dark rooms all day, gloomy more often than not outside, surrounded by artifacts you’d seen created hundreds of years ago, only you couldn’t say that.
The life of a vampire was not so simple, but it was quite interesting. Your lifespan granted you the ability to gain knowledge others could only dream of. Enemies, too, but you’d been hidden for a long, long time, deciding to keep your eye on a “Dane Whitman,” relative to the old Black Knight. Not a threat as of yet, just a curiosity.
But along the way you met your coworker, Sersi, who was a delight to be around. And she seemed pretty normal up until the earthquake. You hadn’t fret much, only helped young ones away from danger, but you were the only one in the room to see Sersi work her magic, and her eyes widened when she knew you saw.
“Who are you?” You pulled her aside, getting close to her face and waiting for her to deny it all.
“What do you mean, y/n? Sersi? Your coworker?” She furrowed her brows and backed up, a bit scared of what you’d do with the information you’d gathered.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Sersi, I know what I saw and I’ve seen more than you think in this lifetime.” You pointed to her, nearly cornering her in the hall, but backing up and acting normal when visitors walked by.
“Y/N, what do you mean by that?” She whispered and you smirked, flashing your fangs real quick and giving her quite the shock. “A vampire? Are you trying to tell me you’re a vampire?!” Sersi whisper-yelled.
“A secret for a secret, let it out.” You crossed your arms and awaited her response, causing her to finally break and let you know.
“I’m from another planet, I’ve lived here for about seven thousand years.” Sersi explained to you, surprising you with what she had to say. You don’t meet many immortals these days, especially not in London. “My powers come from a divine being, a Celestial who sent me here. I can change things from one form to another. Hence why the rock turned to dust. But Dane doesn’t know, so don’t say anything to him.” She requested and you nodded.
“Does anyone else know?” You asked her, curious as to how deep her cover really was. You really wanted to know what she had been doing throughout her life. A mission, but what else? Where was she before London?
“Sprite, but only because she’s just like me.” She admitted and your jaw dropped.
“Sprite is seven thousand years old? That’s rough.” You bared your teeth out of pity and stuff your hands in your suit pockets. “Well, what now? Seems we have a lot in common, huh?” You chuckled and Sersi agreed.
“It feels nice to be able to tell someone else that,” she ran her fingers through her hair to scratch her scalp, “Dane, Sprite, and I are going out tonight, you’re welcome to come with us.” You smiled at the offer, revealing your fangs once again.
“I’d love to, text me the address when you can. And good luck explaining the fossil situation to the boss.” You waved goodbye and went back to your office to get away from everything for a while. It was there you could truly work in the dark, a perfect workspace for yourself.
Later on, you’d get a little more active than you expected for the night upon a monster attack that prompted you to join Sersi’s ranks. “Come on, Sers! I’m a vampire, I’m immortal, I’m nearly invincible, I have powers. I can help!” You reasoned with her after fending off the beast without a single scratch.
“I can’t ask you to join this fight, it’s not your duty.” She tried to push the idea, but you persisted.
“Wait—you’re a vampire?” Dane cut in real quick.
“Come on, man, catch up.” Sprite scoffed and you continued with Sersi.
“You aren’t asking me, I’m offering you. I’ve lived centuries without any purpose, this would be perfect for me. And you could use the help.” You explained and Sersi turned to her ex-lover, who shrugged at the idea, neither here nor there. “I’m here for you guys.”
“Fine, we could use some help.” Sersi caved and Sprite actually high-fived you out of joy. “But we’re still going to need more help. The Deviants were supposed to be extinguished from this world, we need to see Ajak.”
It took a while to really get the ball rolling on this mission, and unfortunately, you’d had to get involved in some “family drama.” You tried your best to show your support, but there was only so much you could do for these people. Carrying on, you found yourself in Australia before a beautiful, beautiful woman. Blonde hair, striking eyes, naturally pursed lips, she was completely captivating and slightly mad. With some effort, the Eternal, Gilgamesh, had cooled her down enough for introductions.
“You’re new here, I see,” Thena raised a hand for a handshake, but you gladly took it and gave her a kiss on her knuckles, a politeness you’d picked up from your many years, “I’m Thena.” She smiled at your gesture.
“It’s nice to meet you, m’lady.” You greeted her and admired her facial expressions, grateful to have witnessed them with your own eyes. “I’m y/n, and might I just say? You are stunning.”
“Y/N, if you’re a vampire, how are you okay in this light?” Kingo called you out before everyone and Thena learned of your being and was a bit enticed.
“I get special sunblock from Scotland!” You announced and a few of them managed to giggle.
“A vampire?” Thena asked and you nodded a confirmation. “Well, let’s get you inside, poor thing.” She escorted you inside and the others exchanged glances, wondering if she’d already taken a liking to you.
“Looks like someone has a crush.” Kingo commented and followed inside. A few hours passed that weren’t so dramatic, you sat beside Thena and exchanged your stories, hers of war and the monsters you’d just met, along with tales of the family you had and hadn’t met and what they were like back when she knew them. Your stories were about how you became a vampire, what you did to accommodate for the changing times, why you decided to join society, and why you were also in hiding.
“So there’s a man hunting for vampires at the moment?” Thena wanted to get her story straight. “Do you know any others like yourself.”
“I haven’t crossed paths with another vampire on years, but word does spread. There’s a character at my work that might be connected, so I’m keeping close to make sure I don’t get stabbed in the back by a wooden stake.” You laughed at the morbid joke, as did she. “So, tell me of your powers. They looked quite interesting.” You tossed a bit of food in your mouth. “Gilgamesh, you are an amazing cook. Thank you.���
“You’re welcome! I wish you guys were as nice as the vampire.” He told the rest of the Eternals and mostly got enjoyment from the comment.
“Yes, my powers. I can create weapons, nearly unbreakable. They’re an extension of myself, as well.” She explained vaguely and you were just fascinated by it. “So, can you turn into a bat?” She asked and everyone went silent, along with the clattering if dishes, eager to learn the truth they were hesitant to ask. You awkwardly looked around the room and looked back to her, patiently waiting with her cheek leaned against her hand.
“…Yes.” You timidly answered and everyone began yelling over each other.
“I wanna see!” Sprite shouted.
“Yeah, what are you waiting for?” Kingo asked, extending his arm with a mug held at the end.
“I’d love to see that.” Sersi added with a smirk.
“I would, too.” Ikaris agreed.
“Please? A gift to your host?” Gilgamesh requested and you looked back at Thena, who’s smirk pushed you to a:
“Fineee.” You wiped your mouth with a napkin and got out of your seat, pushing your chair in before you took a deep breath and made the seamless transformation, earning a chorus of cheers, whistles, and clapping. A fair trade for the lovely meal you’d been served and the chance to impress a quite beautiful woman. You quickly changed back and fixed your messy hair at once. “Happy?”
“Oh, so very happy.” Thena reached for your arm and rubbed it up and down as you sat back in your seat. It’d been so long since you felt a connection to someone. Not since you’d become undead.
“I’m glad.” You replied and exchanged sweet glances for a few moments too long, admiring each other’s looks and company. It’d been a long, long time since she’d met anyone new, especially one that she was comfortable around. But when her mind began to wander, she realized that a relationship wouldn’t be so bad, and one with an immortal being? It was almost meant to be at that point. Almost like you were equals from different sides of the tracks.
The mission carried on and you and Thena continued your flirting with one another, making the Eternals happy for you both. Sersi had known you a long time and never saw you smile the way you did with her. And Gilgamesh knew that Thena was lonely, despite his companionship over the years. It was a tragedy when he passed, but fortunately for Thena, you were there for her in every sense of the phrase. As his funeral commenced, you rested your hand on her shoulder and felt her grasp it with her own as she stared at the blaze reflecting in your eyes.
“This isn’t hurting you, is it?” Thena worriedly asked about the bright light before the two of you.
“I can take it.” You gently told her and let her lean on you as the flames continued to live, slightly sizzling your exposed skin. But you’d be okay, you’d be okay for her.
This mission continued on and you became her shoulder to lean on, her support through this hard, changing times. But you were infatuated with the woman, you’d do whatever it was that she needed. You’d figure out a way to keep her grounded, you’d hold her as she cried, you’d stand beside her as she fought. And you fought until the world nearly ended.
“Y/N, are you alright?” She rushed to you once the madness was over and you held her in your arms.
“I’m okay, I’m okay.” You exhaled a sigh of relief. “Are you?”
“I’m alright.” Thena felt your hand reach for her cheek and opened her eyes, looking right at you.
“Thena, now that the weight of the world is no longer on our shoulders, I’ve something to ask you.” You told her and she smiled with tears in her eyes.
“Just do it, please.” She accepted and you brought your lips against hers, knowing the Eternals were positively shocked behind you, only because they thought you two were just going to flirt to no end. “Y/N?”
“Yes?” You asked her after parting.
“Come with me aboard our ship. I think there’s something going on between Druig and Makkari, I’ll only be a third wheel.” She chuckled with you and you nodded. “And I don’t want to live without you.”
“You had me at ‘come with me.’” You kissed her once more and dragged your hand down her shoulder and arm until it met her soft hand and entwined with it. You two finished your display of affection and walked back to the group hand in hand, ready to face the galaxy together.
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @brutal-out-here // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @resplendentlady // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @dindjarinsspouse // @werewolf-himbo // @lost-fantasy // @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom // @summersimmerus // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @augustvandyne // @buckyeojin // @the-did-i-ask // @glxwingrxse // @scarthefangirl //
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arthenaa · 2 years
ETERNALS | Thena x gender neutral reader
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SUMMARY: A hunting ceremony is set in motion as a gift of appreciation for the Eternals after saving your kingdom from the deviants. You can't help but be enthralled by a certain Goddess of War. Thena makes sure to let you know she feels the same.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: i just thought of this and i have absolutely no idea what im doing. enjoy.
CONTENT: hunting, thena being badass, gender neutral, that one thena cutting up silk scene in the trailer, just fluff basically, drukkari being cute
“Thank you for your help. We are forever in your debt.”
The King shakes Ajak’s hand as the Prime Eternal smiles at the gesture. Thena stands from afar, leaning against a pillar as she watches Ajak continue to exchange pleasantries with royals. They had moved to another community to offer their services with the purpose of Arishem in mind. This one was already a large kingdom developing. Ajak had plans on making their community thrive better. 
Gilgamesh silently makes his way beside Thena as he examines the architecture of the palace. “Seems grander and more advanced than Babylon.”
Thena nods in agreement. “Quieter people too. Wonder what made Ajak choose this place.”
The pair sits in comfortable silence as they continue to watch Ajak, Sersi, and Ikaris converse with the humans while Sprite, Kingo and Phastos talk amongst themselves on the other side of the room. Thena looks around, looking for two missing Eternals. “Where’s Druig and Makk--” 
Just as Thena mentions the pair, Makkari zooms her way inside, excitement and glee plastered against her face. Druig follows shortly after as the speedster makes her way over to Thena and Gilgamesh. The Olympian warrior tilts her head in curiosity. “What do we have here?”
Thena brings out a golden cup from the bag. Druig smiles as he watches Makkari sign at Thena. “Found it in the markets. There’s a lot of stuff down there!” 
Thena chuckles before placing it back in the bag. The warrior signs back. “Just make sure you didn’t steal those.”
Makkari rolls her eyes before running off to Kingo to flex her new found treasures. Druig settles beside the pair. “Y’know that will get her in trouble someday.” Gilgamesh says as he looks at Druig. The mind reader purses his lips before moving close to pat the Babylon hero quite harshly on the back.
“Mind your own business Gil.” Druig mumbles before catching up to Makkari. Thena lets out a soft laugh as Gilgamesh grumbles, annoyed. She pats her companion on the shoulder before stepping forward, away from the pillar.
“Where are you going?” He calls out. Thena only waves her hand as she leaves the room. Gilgamesh sighs before joining Kingo and the others. 
It’s been a few minutes since Thena had wandered off to explore. Her hands had begin to crave the familiar heaviness of her weapons. The itch to fight. Hunting deviants would be the solution but that would be quite careless considering they had just fought quite a lot awhile ago. The Olympian comes across a room filled with silks hanging on the ceiling. She steps foot inside the room, hand brushing across the soft fabric before walking to the center. 
Fighting has been the only thing Thena has ever known. It’s part of her being. Being known as one of Olympia’s strongest warriors, the art of war is something she has mastered and perfected. The use of weapons and precise movements to create powerful attacks. It was something that she excelled at. 
Cosmic energy flows through her veins as she summons a halberd within her hand. She twirls the weapon in her hands before letting out a long breath. She closes her eyes then begins to move.
Like an innate feeling, her body moves gracefully as she allows the halberd to twirl on her fingertips. Silk fabric falls gently on the floor as she continues to move with precision. Her footsteps continuous and elegant as she allows the blade to make swift cuts against the fabric. She finishes with her arm going down to her hip, forming a slashing movement, her halberd posed behind her figure. She grips it tightly within her palm before opening her eyes. The fabric gently falls around her making her more ethereal than she already was.
Sensing an intruder, she tilts her head to the left. “I know you’re there.”
A gasp can be heard then silence. After a few seconds, a human emerges behind the curtain of silks, a sheepish smile plastered on their face.
“What’s a royal like you lurking behind silk curtains?” Thena adjusts the weapon in her hands. You could only stare at her in awe, enthralled by her performance that you were so blessed to have seen.
She saved you during the attack. Strong hands grabbed your waist, pulling you to safety. You watched from the sidelines at how magnificent she slew the beast. You were already enthralled. 
“How’d you know?” You asked. Thena examines her weapon on her hands before allowing it to vanish into thin air. Thena was a warrior that had the experience of slaying beasts and was a cosmic being designed for war, her heightened senses are enough to detect if there was a presence in the room.
“That you’re a royal or that I found you without looking?” Thena replies as she steps closer to you, patting your head. Heat spreads through your cheeks. She chuckles softly at your reaction before walking past you. Thena stops just at the doorway, flashing you a beautiful smile. 
“I’ll see you around, Your Grace.”
“I declare a hunting competition be done in honor of these valiant and brave warriors!” The King declares as he raises his cup to the air. You watched your people shout in excitement and joy and couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. Your father, the Duke, smiles at your reaction. “Take this as an opportunity as well to dedicate your hunt for a lucky person. Whether it be for courtship, a gift of thanks or companionship. For now enjoy this feast I have prepared for you all!”
The rest of the room raise their cups in the air. You could feel the giddiness and excitement in the air as people begin to plan on what to capture for the hunt. Unbeknownst to you, a certain Goddess of War watches you with careful eyes, sipping on her wine. Phastos senses the intensity of Thena’s stare. “You’re gonna burn a hole on that royal’s face.”
Thena glances at Phastos before putting her cup down. “I’m going to join the hunt.”
“What?!” Kingo intercepts Phastos from replying as he leans forward on the table. Thena looks at the Eternal sitting in front of her, unamused. Phastos rolls his eyes. 
“It’s a hunt dedicated for us and you’re going to join it?” Phastos raises his eyebrow.
“That’s like gifting yourself at your own birthday party.” Kingo scoffs. Thena could only look at both of them before taking a sip of wine from her cup. “But why? I thought these human traditions bore you?”
Thena sighs, feeling herself already full. “I have my reasons.” She stands up from her spot and walks out of the banquet hall, not before making eye contact with you. 
“Thena! You haven’t finished your--” The door makes a loud bang before Kingo sighs. Phastos can only let out a chuckle before drinking more of his beverage. You could only watch with curiosity, unable to ignore the burning gaze of the warrior directed at you when the banquet had begun. You were excited for what the hunting ceremony might entail.
“Surprising enough, you’re the last one I’d expect to be joining human affairs.” Ajak chuckles as she watches Thena prepare her blades. Her halberd shifting to a sword, knife, then a shield. “You’ve always been the one most admired by humans yet you distance yourself from them.”
“Not in the mood for a lecture right now, Ajak.” Thena mumbles as she twirls her weapon within her palm. Ajak can only smile as she watches Thena adjusting herself to her battle stance.
“I hear a certain Duke’s child has been following you around recently.” Ajak nonchalantly says as she walks around Thena like a lion stalking its prey. Thena glances at her. 
Ajak shurgs “Nothing. I was just interested in hearing such a humor.”
Thena stops from twirling her blades before looking behind Ajak’s figure to sense a familiar presence. She smiles softly before looking at Ajak who only gives her a pat on the shoulder.
Ajak smiles. “Make sure to win the hunt, Thena.”
“Your Grace, your father would be very disappointed to hear about you lurking around the warrior again.” Your maid, Mary whines, desperate to keep you still.
You’ve been lurking around the training grounds for a few days now after hearing that Thena herself had agreed to join the hunt. You were excited to see how your savior had been doing to prepare for the ceremony. You pace back and forth against the stone floor, unable to keep yourself from staying still.
“Your robes, Your Grace!” Mary grabs your arms, trying her best to fix your garments. “Please the hunt will start in a few minutes and you’re already looking like a mess.”
“Oh, please! Lighten up Mary.” You roll your eyes. “I doubt they’d notice a wrinkle on my garments with you keeping it pristine every few seconds.”
“Your Grace I---”
“You.” A familiar voice fills your ears like music floating in the air. You turn around to see the goddess herself. “Again.”
“We have to stop meeting like this, my lady.” You smile. “With me lurking around and you... using your impressive tracking skills.”
“You think I’m a dog?” Thena playfully accuses before softly laughing. You wished there was something that helped you capture that moment so you could repeat it again and again. 
“I was merely joking.” You chuckle before stepping forward and leaning close to grab her hand. “Best of luck to you, my lady.”
You press a soft kiss on the back of her hand. Thena’s breath hitches, her heart skipping a beat.
The warrior can only smile as she pulls her hand softly from yours. “You can call me Thena.”
The hunting competition has now begun and some of the contestants had brought wonderful offerings. There were only a few left who hadn’t came back. Including Thena.
You wait in anticipation of what she might bring to the table. The Eternals can only wait with curiosity, interested as to what made their dear Thena suddenly invested in human traditions. 
“Where is she?” You mumble as try to look around for the certain silver haired woman. A collective gasp is heard from afar. Your eyes look for what caused such a response. Then you see it. 
Thena herself carrying an animal twice as big as any of the others have captured with ease. Druig laughs at the scene before him, Makkari, Sersi, Sprite and Ikaris with amused faces, Ajak smiling, Phastos and Kingo with their jaws dropping and Gilgamesh snorting. You however had a surprised look on your face, standing as she dropped the offering in front of you. 
“There.” Thena smiles before looking up at you. “Did I win?”
The King stands up with joy. “The warrior wins the hunt!”
You stare at Thena in awe as the contestants pat her on the back. “I’m not done yet.” Thena continues, causing the crowd to look at her with interest.
“You said I could dedicate this hunt for someone with a reason right?” Thena looks at the King who blinks in confusion before slowly nodding. The goddess walks up the steps to your seat and you could only freeze as she stops in front of you. “Courtship. For you.”
Your face heats up as you hear her intentions for joining the hunt. Your heart hammering against your chest. “Y-y-you---”
“Me?” Thena smiles cheekily. “Well? Your response?”
You were speechless, unable to think straight. You wanted to say yes but your mouth was unable to move. You only did what you had to do. You grabbed Thena’s face in your hands, pulling her in a kiss as the crowd erupts into cheers. The warrior smiles against your lips before pulling you close.
“To Thena and Y/N!” Someone had shouted. The both of you pull away, foreheads against one another, basking in one another’s love.
Hello people. I’m craving for Thena fluff and just thought of this while showering. I love her sm pls. hope you enjoyed. ALSO ty for the love on my first post. <333 ily all
- artem
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keoghanscherry · 2 years
pairing: druig x y/n warnings: mentions of violence summary: you're new to the group of eternals, a being that couldn't describe her own powers. over the centuries, ikaris blamed all the failures on you and your arrival, his anger getting the best of himself. you were too scared to tell someone until druig invades your mind and takes care of it.
Soft fingertips caressed the blue and purple marks that covered the length of your arms. Small points turned into bigger ovals, flinching in pain as your digits found the newest one. You couldn't tell when it all started when the first time occurred that he raised his hand against you while arguing - must have been decades ago.
Pulling the soft fabric of the pastel orange colored tunic back down, you covered the evidence for abuse - covering up the sadistic thoughts of him before Ajak would be able to see and inspect. As the Prime Eternal, she had to know about any dismissive behavior between her family but it wasn't as easy as said. Going out in front of the eyes of ten staring Eternals, waiting for you to spill out the accusation. But who would believe those words? They've spent the past thousand years together, fighting and finding solutions side by side while you crossed their paths a hundred ones ago.
Arishem found you in the Forge, an unfinished Eternal with the potential to destroy the world one day. But the cosmic energy floating through your body sparked the Judge's curiosity about the potential. Sending you to earth after informing Ajak about your arrival, you were thrown into a pool of different personalities. Thinkers and Fighters paired up together while you could be counted to both.
Between the days of learning how to communicate with the human beings in Babylonia, Ikaris started to believe that you were the reason behind most of the failures the team had to accept. Phastos' incredible inventions failed badly, killing people more and more with the lack of experience they had. Druig slowly started to questions the intentions of the Eternals - knowing that he was strong enough to stop any ongoing war, he was never allowed to save lives. Having to watch through the small golden sparkle in his beautiful blue eyes how innocents were slaughtered.
You were in the middle of the chaos, an Eternal that wasn't blessed with her powers; like Ajak could always take the pain away from her beloved. While you watched when a fight occurred, hands formed into fists and small crackling sounds from the tips. A sound that the thunders made when the dark clouds covered the sky; much more frightened than the weather change. A glance at the small oval mirror placed on the beautiful ornaments-covered table, an unsatisfied sigh left your mouth. Over the past years, your smile had dropped from cheerful to barely reaching your eyes. Skin turned pale from the anxiety floating through your veins. A friend you made along the way; one that wouldn't leave your side, no matter how much you begged to be alone.
Brushing your hair off your shoulders, inspecting your appearance once again. Marks all perfectly hidden underneath the comfortable fabric before leaving your chambers. Ajak wanted to meet all of the Eternals in the common room of their ship. Half of the group travelled around the world, erasing the Deviants from the earth. You wanted to fight alongside the glorious warriors like Thena and Gilgamesh but she insisted, you would stay with them until anyone was able to figure out the true form of your powers. Strolling through the Domo, hands neatly folded behind your back; a shiver running down your spine when footsteps approached from behind. A situation, you were used to - being followed by Ikaris when his anger got the best of him. The others were his family, he wouldn’t dare himself to hurt any of them - Sersi would be disappointed if she would find out about this hidden kind of behaviour inside of her lover. But you? You meant nothing to him. An intruder that tried to destroy the beloved family - which wasn‘t even close to the truth.
Head hanging low, you carefully walked further down the halls, eyes facing the ground and preparing for a slap. But the gentle touch at your lower back took you by surprise. Fingertips laid perfectly in the curve as your head snapped up. Thor ocean blue eyes stared at you, trying to read your facial expression. Thick eyebrows furrowed together in concentration, the small golden glimmer in his eyes making you laugh quietly.
„ I stopped counting how many times you tried to get inside of my head and failed, Druig.“ A gentle but amused smile on your lips, his full ones curled upwards to an one sided smirk. The Master of Mind Control didn’t need much words to express his emotions, the slight curve of his mouth being enough for you to know he was satisfied. Alleviated by the fact that your beautiful face wasn’t covered in fear and angst anymore.
Staying in this position, your eyes traveled across his facial features. The furrowed eyebrows returned to a rather comfortable setting, the small wrinkles on his forehead disappeared. Ocean blue orbs rounded up with long black lashes, a part of Druig that dazzled you - no matter how many times you looked into the beautiful and calming colour of his eyes, you found yourself lost in them. Like a solution was settled deep down in his orbs, one that could keep Ikaris far away from you and prevent more harm to your fragile figure. After all you were an Eternal like all of them, your body was meant to regenerate but under the enormous strength in his touch, you felt the bones slowly breaking.
The change of your facial features caused Druig to take a closer look at you. Fingertips tapped the curve of your back through the thin orange fabric - a try to regain your attention from whatever horrible thing bothered your mind. He was able to get into the heads of other present Eternals if they were wounded or vulnerable. Blinded by their emotions, he could turn the entire ship into slavery. But he wouldn’t. After all, the Domo was filled with people that he cared about, beings that have been together for the past thousands of years. A family.
Narrowed eyes, the ocean like coloured changed to the beautiful golden shimmer again. His mind travelled through yours, living in the violent memories with Ikaris. Pictures of his hands wrapped tightly around your throat, holding your almost lifeless body further upwards in the air. A wicked smirk plastered over the fighters lips while your fingers clawed at his strong grip. An explanation for the day you wore that thick scarf over the colourful tunic - hiding the evidence once again from your fellow Eternals. Hearing the sound of his shaky breaths in your head made you realise that Druig entered your mind; without permission. Lunging forward with both of your hands, you pushed the man away with all your power. Small golden streams erupted out of your fingertips, sending a faint wave of electricity through his body. The shock was clearly visible in his usual emotionless demeanour, eyebrows raised at the exposed secret.
„Druig please.“ You ran towards him, tears starting to form in your eyes. As you tried to touch his shoulders, the telepathic took a step back and out of your reach. Lips turned into a frown at his sudden retreat, a small whimper mixed with the emotional pain of being pushed away leaving your mouth.
„You can‘t tell anyone about it. He will hunt me, hurt me even more.“ You pleaded, hands folded together but Druig returned to his usual behaviour. Arms behind his back, digits neatly folded as his blue orbs lingered on your begging figure. He didn’t move a muscle while returning to his former path towards the meeting room in the middle of the Domo. Ajak must be waiting for those two, impatiently listening to Phastos‘ new inventions for humanity. Leaning against the cold wall, you closed your eyes for a moment - trying to bring your mind back together and calm your nerves. With a couple of steady breaths, the hope of not being exposed by Druig,for keeping such things a secret, the last thing that held you on your foot.
When you entered the room, Ajak let out a relieved sigh, spreading her arms out for a hug. Surrounded by the other nine beings, the table in the middle showed a huge map of the world. Red points flashed on specific continents, some of them bigger than the rest. Guiding you over to the group with an extended arm, she took her place between them.
" Earth is almost free from the dangerous creatures. Those red points are the last habitats. Thena, you will lead one group while Ikaris will bring the others to the destination points. " Ajak instructed, her head darting from the Goddess of War to her strongest fighter. Earning a satisfied nod from Thena, the excitement of another battle running through her veins. " This time, I want Y/N to join Ikaris' team. Learn how to use your abilities in the dunes. There are no human beings that could get hurt. You need to find out what your speciality is. " Her voice was gentle, a wide smile on her lips and the glance of her softened eyes. You stiffened at her instructions, gaze drifting over to Ikaris who didn't seem very pleased with the choice. A sigh left your lips. After all, Ajak was the Prime Eternal, whatever she instructed you to do - you had to do it. For the greater good and the loyalty towards Arishem.
" She's not going with him. " Druig stated from his seat further away. Legs extended and one folded over the other, he threw one of the cashew nuts into his mouth. Eyes clearly not focused on the gathered group as the small aluminium can in one of his large hands seemed more interesting than their reactions.
" I don't think there's a reason to not trust Ikaris with her. He's strong and can protect her when the situation occurs. " Ajak explained, disbelief written over her soft features as she stepped closer to the telepathic. Raising his eyebrows with a deep chuckle at the leader's words, he turned around, his shoes hitting the tiles of the floor.
" Oh Ikaris. " He spoke up, raising from his seated position. Slowly strolling over to the taller man dressed in his blue attire. Lips curved in a sarcastic one-sided smile as Druig stopped right in front of Ikaris. The can still tightly in his hands as another nut disappeared in his mouth.
" She's not safe with you. You would never protect Y/N, right? " Druig chuckled. He knew that he couldn't blurt out the facts behind his words, you would hate him for centuries for breaking the silent vow he made. But raising the anger inside of Ikaris until the situation collapsed and he would admit the violent crimes to your body, wasn't something he promised not to do.
The group around them settled in uncomfortable silence. All eyes lingered on the males staring at each other until Ikaris let out a disgusted laugh.
" I don't know what you're talking about. " Crossing his arms over his chest, his orbs searched for your help. Trying to convince you to shut down Druig before he would spill the little secret you had. With a nervous and quiet laugh, your sweaty hands rubbed over your clothed upper arms as you turned away from the situation. Ikaris' eyes stayed on your back, you could feel the anger that radiated of his body without even looking at him.
" Oh you don't? Are you sure? " Druig taunted in an amused tone. Lips still curved into the one-sided smirk, his ocean blue orbs never left the face of Ikaris. If he wanted to, he could bother him long enough to break through the barricade and search his mind - but the telepathic wanted the man to admit it himself.
" Stop this right now, Druig. This is nonsense. " Ikaris waved him off, trying to push past the smaller man.
" Why don't you make me, huh? " Druig turned around, following Ikaris' figure with his gaze. He couldn't let him get away with hurting an innocent soul without a reason. Destroying the pure innocence inside of her and turning her body into a fragile piece of blue and purple marks. Ikaris looked over his shoulder, an eyebrow arched at the smirking male.
" Why don't you just go ahead and hit me? " Druig extended his arms, leaving the path open for further movements. Ikaris' hands turned into fists, determined to punch the smirk off of his face. Icy blue orbs travelled over the anger filled figure in front of him, taking in how his behaviour changed after challenging him.
" Hit me like you hit her. " The words blurted out of his mouth without overthinking what he confessed to the staring eight pairs of eyes. A loud gasp left your lips at the sentence, hiding your face immediately in your sweaty hands. Scared that your friends wouldn't believe you - your family. Ajak's face was covered in shock and disbelief, slowly walking towards the fighting two man. Ikaris and Druig never got along for more than a few days, battling with their arrogance and the eager need to convince the others of their plans.
" What did you do? " The Prime Eternal whispered, taking her place in front of the blue dressed male. Eyes filled with hurt, lips turned downwards into a frown. Ajak didn't want to believe that she was blind enough to not realise what happened behind closed doors. How you changed over the past years and your beautiful and loud laugh disappeared.
" He hit her. " Druig confessed, turned away from Ikaris and looking at your frightened figure. Standing on the other side of the room, your back turned to the Eternals around you, quiet sobs coming from your mouth. Buried deep inside of your hands, you were ashamed of how this turned out.
" Multiple times over the past centuries. " His voice came closer, the soft sound mixed with his Irish accent. Large hands travelled over your shoulder, squeezing them in a comforting manner before landing on your waist. Turning you around carefully, Druig's arms placed around your upper body, pressing you into his black with red decorated attire. Warmth mixed with the closeness to him helped you to calm down, droplets rolling down your cheeks.
" She's covered in marks. Arms, legs, neck. " Placing his chin on your head, he whispered sweet nothing while explaining the situation further to the group. None of them spoke, listening closely to what happened behind their backs but also in front of their eyes.
" Y/N was scared that no one would believe her because Ikaris is such a strong part of this family. So she hid it, for centuries. " Ajak listened closely, tears forming in her eyes at the blind trust she put into Ikaris. Wanting to send them together on a mission, the thoughts of what could have happened to you torturing her mind. Shaking her head frequently at the newly found information, her gaze drifted over the shocked faces of the group.
" I can't find any words to say to you. " Her eyes stared off into the thin air around the Domo. She couldn't dare herself to look into those orbs of a traitor - a violent Eternal that let out his anger on another innocent one.
Druig's hands wandered around your body, carefully picking you up bridal style. With a reassuring nod from the Prime Eternal, he carried you out of the room - away from the conversation and fight that was about to erupt. Nuzzling your face in the fabric of his attire, you felt safe for the first time since entering the Domo.
" He will never lay a finger on you again. I promise, Y/N. " He whispered, his gaze focused on the halls in front of him. A promise made for centuries, one that he would never break.
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redheadspark · 2 years
you don't have anyone to go to prom with, so i volunteer, but we end up ditching early, instead driving around town, stopping for some cheap burgers and incredible sights with Druig (solo)
CUTE! I love this one, thanks @ftrmrs-barry-keoghan
Starry Night Shakes
Summary: Your Senior Prom doesn't go as planned, but that doesn't stop you and your childhood best friend from having a great night together
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Warnings: Fluff
"Come on, don't you wanna go to your prom? Your senior prom?"
"Yeah I do, but not alone,"
You were sitting across from Druig, your childhood best friend and fellow Senior. Your senior prom was around the corner, the entire school was buzzing for weeks and weeks on end on who's going with who. Sure, it would be exciting to go to the prom since it was your last year in high school, but it also meant that you were going to have to clean yourself up, get into a dress.
But most importantly, getting a date.
The friend group you were in were all paired off already. Sersi had her perfect boyfriend Ikaris, Phastos had his boyfriend Ben, Kingo asked out a cheerleader, Gilgamesh and Thena were going as friends, and Makkari was asked by one of the football players. Sprite wasn't allowed to go since she was a freshman, and Ajak was already in college, volunteering to be the Designated Driver if it was needed.
It left you and Druig without dates, which made Druig bring up the topic during your weekly coffee meet up. You two would meet on Sundays, every week right at noon, to study and vent to one another. You've had this tradition since your freshman year, and you never one missed a coffee date unless it was a dire emergency.
Now, with Prom two weeks away, Druig was making you think about it as you took a long drink from your hot coffee.
"You couldn't find a date?" Druig asked in genuine curiosity. You shrugged and shook your head.
"Nope, and there's not one decent to go with anyways. Most of the guys who are left are too.....weird,"
Druig chuckled as you raised an eyebrow at him, "What about you? No girls you wanna ask?"
"Not one girl has been worthy of my time," He hummed, you giggling as he say it playfully.
"Too bad Makkari was taken already," You teased, though Druig glared at you.
"She and I are friends, remember?" He reminded you, you chuckled and he paused. His eyes were drilling into your as you were fiddling with your napkin, not paying attention to him as he spoke again, "Wanna go together?"
Together? You and Druig?
You never thought of that one before. It was a simple suggestion, but it more than that with how you paused and looked up at him. You've known Druig since you were 6 years old, the pair of your becoming friends in Kindergarten. You two stayed tight ever since, always seeking out each other in times of need and in times of happiness. The friend group you were in grew because of the pair of you: You bringing Thena, Ajak, and Kingo to meet Druig. Druig brought Makkari and Phastos with him.
Druig was your best friend, he knew everything about you and how you ticked. He picked you up after shitty dates and bad breakups, driving you around town in his car and letting you vent until the wee hours of the morning. He came to your grandmothers funeral since he knew it was going to be hard for you. Druig was your anchor and better half.
Maybe prom with him was not a bad idea at all.
"You wanna go with me?" You asked, almost in disbelief. Druig softly smiled and nodded slowly.
"It'll be fun together. Plus, we can go and make up of the popular kids," He reasoned, you grinning as he chuckled. You did think of it being fun with Druig, he was never one to take anything like prom seriously. He too was a loner like you, preferring to reading books or listening to his rock music than going to pep rally's or football games. So to hear he wanted to go to prom, and with you, it shocked you. But then again...
"Why not?" You replied in a shrug, thinking that you saw a flicker of light go across his eyes from your accepting his offer.
"This is an amazing burger,"
Druig smirked at you as you took another big bite from your burger, almost moaning from the taste hitting your tongue and sighing in relief. You were starving, and the dress you were in was not helping either. Who knew if the others were still dancing away at the GYM and having the best night. Good for them. But for your and Druig, it was the opposite
Prom was a bust.
The entire group pooled their money together to rent a limo, meeting at Phastos's house for pictures. You played along with getting a dress, going shopping with Makkari, Sersi, Ajak and Thena the day after Druig asked you to prom. The girls gave you playful looks, but they were harmless as you explained that you were only going as friends.
Sure, Makkari signed to you, sticking her tongue at you.
You opted for a dark blue dress with silver shoes, your hair in loose curls and around your shoulders. Seris helped with your hair as Thena did your make-up the girls getting together at Seri's house to get dolled up. Once you were ready, you met at Phastos's house and with the guys. They each looked handsome, dressed in tuxes with tie colors to match their date.
Your eyes went to Druig, seeing him in a black dress shirt and pants with a thin dark blue tie and a black tuxedo jacket. His hair was combed over, styled with a hint of gel, and he looked clean shaven. You couldn't lie, he looked very handsome. And the way he looked at you, he might of thought you looked good too.
Once you piled into the limo and made it to the school GYM, the group was excited and ready for a fun night. It was only yourself and Druig that seemed somewhat amused by it, but you two played along just fine.
Yet when you went into the GYM, neither of you lasted more than 30 minutes.
Druig called Ajak and asked her to pick the pair of you up, Druig taking your hand and you two snuck out to the back to find Ajak. The others were dancing away, not bothering to see that you two were escaping the prom. Ajak gave you two a knowing look as you got into the car.
"You got bored that quick?" She asked, the pair of you giggling.
She took you back to Druig's house, dropping you off with a wave of her hand as Druig got the keys to his car. He then drove you both around town, already talking about the prom and what was ridiculous about it. You both were roaring in laughter at some of the things you saw in the GYM, at certain popular couples that looked like pornstars, and at the teachers who were chaperones.
Finally, Druig took you to In-N-Out, seeing the tall tell signs of you being hungry.
Now it was nearly 11:30 at night, the pair of your sitting on the hood of his car, with two fries, two chocolate milkshakes and double double burgers between you. Your hair was up in a loose bun, you no longer wanting to maintain it, and you switched your heels for flats. Druig dropped his tuxedo jacket, shirt and tie at his house, staying in a black shirt and pants with his boots and throwing on his infamous leather jacket.
"This is better," He hummed to you as he ate some fries, "Better than the salads they were going to serve,"
"I blame the cheerleaders and their skinny bodies," You grumbled, Druig laughing from your remark. You took another bite from your burger, feeling a gust of wind come through fast and hard. It made your shiver, still wearing your dress and not bothering to change out of it yet. Druig saw you shiver, then shrugged off his jacket.
"Here," he said, placing it over your shoulders before you could protest. You felt the warm hit your skin, the small musky scent of his cologne or maybe it aftershave, and the softness of the leather against your arms and neck.
Slowly and with a hint of shyness, you looked over at Druig, watching him in his thin shirt and his soft smile on your face.
"Thank you," You hummed to him, you voice sounding light and almost shy. Druig grinned as you placed your head on his shoulder, his arm around your waist while you finished your meal together.
You never thought your prom was going to end up with your best friend, sitting on the hood of his car and eating burgers in your dress. But you'd rather have this than be in a sweaty gym. You'd rather be here with Druig, your better half, and feeling that fluttering under your skin from wearing his jacket.
This was better, much better.
The End.
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