#There are only two more of these posts (this year) for bookclub! ):
trigunbookclub · 8 months
#TrigunBookclub Week 14: Trimax Vol. 12
PLEASE NOTE: There seems to be a glitch where some posts (not all, but some) with images aren't showing up in the tags or even on dashboards, even if you can still view them on someone's blog. So if you're noticing an absence of usual interaction on your bookclub post/s, that's probably why! It seems that some folks just aren't showing up no matter what they try, but waiting a day or two and remaking the post seems to help. Now...
We'll be reading Trigun Maximum Vol. 12 between the dates of September 4th - September 10th. Feel free to keep chatting about previous volumes, just don’t post spoilers from future ones! As always, here's the schedule, ask tag, and general info if you need them :D
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domfock · 8 months
Ayo, Bookclub, I am back with another information clarification post.
Today we're gonna talk about Chronica, Domina, and Plants in the universe, as well as looking at the timeline. A lot of this information is already given to us in Vol 12, and the rest will not really be any spoilers but serve to give everything mentioned later more weight.
Right off the bat, Chronica and Domina are both Independent Plants. They're now born with neural blockers that contains their powers and prevents them from fusing. It seems to be common place for Independent Plants to serve upon Earth vessels, which gives us insight that Independent Plants are not only trusted, but also admired and respected in these military positions, as we see the Captain always refer to Chronica for her analysis and expertise.
And about Earth. Information was obviously lost over time, so it is easy to imagine the people on planet No Man's Land just assumed Earth was gone, or simply didn't bother hope for anything beyond surviving to the next day. With Earth dying, they sent out fleets to colony other planets, not knowing if they would ever make it possible for finding each other again. All that mattered was that humanity had to survive.
In time, they managed to develop a better and more sustainable form of energy, both to preserve Earth and Plants, and this allowed humanity to also develop warp drives to easily travel the stars, finally making the dream of connecting all of humanity across the stars.
Also, with a quick look at the timespan and year we have, we can use the dates offered in the notes about Tesla to nail down a time period. Tesla was born May 3rd, 2405. She survived for seven month and a half months, making that some time in January, 2406.
An unspecified amount of time passed before Vash and Knives were born, but let's go with a year or so for simplicity, which is then in 2407. Add then the one year plus a few extra months for the time they grew up on the ship, making it 2408. Now we add the 150 or so years, making it 2558, give or take the about three years of the entire story, putting us at 2561 as the current year of the story.
Chronica than states that it's been over two centuries since they started colonizing the universe, setting the year for when the SEEDs ships left Earth at around 2361, give or take a couple of decades or so. Meaning the colony fleets flew through space for like fifty or so years, at least the one Rem and the crew was on.
There's an unknown amount of human colonies out in the universe, most likely doing better than our main planet, since they managed to land on suitable planets and didn't crash and lose all their tech and information like No Man's Land did because of Knives.
It seems the tech and understanding surrounding Plants was not fully understood by the time the colony fleets were sent out, making Independents an unknown whenever they would eventually happen to each fleet and/or colony. With all these unrestrained Independents Plants across the universe, it is no surprise that Chronica speaks about having faced similar situations.
From what Chronica states, non-neurally blocked Independent Plants have for the most part turned violent and dangerous, as well. Might be caused by the access to near-unlimited power, even if the Plant situations could look a lot better on other Planets. They could've been treated like subjects, like Tesla, and grown their hate this way.
This also suggest how much of an anomaly Vash is, having been raised like a normal child, with love and care, growing into a reasonable man. It is possibly other Independents out there shared a good childhood too, which is why Chronica says most unrestrained Indepedents are violent, but not all.
It's also worth noting, that despite Independents having neural blockers to prevent them from fusing, they can still be forcibly assimilated against their will through direct contact, as we saw happening to Domina. Another person in Knives' long list of victims whose autonomy was taken away and body invaded by him, because he cares so much about other Plants and totally not acting out of his own hate and fear.
I hope this cleared some stuff up for everyone. I for one absolutely love thinking about what the rest of the world could look like, considering the scope of the world.
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Alecto the Ninth News
Part Two
If you haven't read part one, click here. If you are looking for part three, click here.
Another bunch of screenshots and links after the cut
If you enjoy this post please reblog so more people can see it!
Source: The Portalist Interview
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• wonder who all this could reference...let's see: Gideon, Harrow, Ianthe, John, Judith, Coronabeth, Pyrrah, Aiglamene, and Sarpedon are who I can think of that match this in the literal sense of not being dead[well...] at the end of Nona. But if we start including souls we've seen in the river and deaths we've only heard about or were in any way ambiguous....it gets more interesting. I'd imagine the BOE who were on the Ninth will continue to be involved like AIM and Pash. I'd assume Paul will be a major player despite not technically appearing in two books and maybe Juno Zeta and Kiki?
Source: The Library Journal
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• this kind of ties into the above but also ties into the harrowing of hell/what's wrong with the river plot line. I'm still saying John did something to damn the river and feeds off the energy of all the ghosts of the past 10,000 years being unable to cross to the beyond. I'd also venture that it has something to do with needing to restore the soulnof Earth as the rightful power/God of their universe. But eh. Maybe that's too simple. Again, all just speculation on my part.
Source: In the Margin
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• This whole interview is great but this part about tragic figures in the locked tomb stuck out to me. It definitely seems like the third temptation will be a subject for Alecto and yet again heading into the Catholic allegories. Obviously referencing to the third temptation of Christ.
For the third and final temptation in Matthew (presented as the second temptation of the three in Luke) the devil takes Jesus to a high place, which Matthew explicitly identifies as a very high mountain[or a tower], where all the kingdoms of the world can be seen. The spot pointed out by tradition as the summit from which Satan offered to Jesus dominion over all earthly kingdoms. The temptation to assume leadership over the kingdoms of man. The kingdoms Jesus would inherit through Satan are obtained through love of power and political oppression. Barrett characterizes this "the old but ever new temptation to do evil that good may come; to justify the illegitimacy of the means by the greatness of the end." [From Wikipedia]
Basically the temptation to overthrow God.
Source: In the Margin
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• A return to Canaan House and its mysteries. Is this in regards to the devils and the tower, Abigail and her theory about the secret private chambers of the Emperor, Palamades being systematically lied to about the ages and psychometric signatures in Canaan House or Harrow and her secret door theory? Or something else entirely...but I'm glad that we may get another glimpse into Canaan House.
Source: Nerd Daily Aug. 2020 interview
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• Now this interview is pre-Nona as its own book, but I can't think of any 2 characters that interact in Harrow that would have had a moment that fits this in Nona. Brutal sincerity? It feels like it has to involve Harrow, John, Ianthe or Gideon in some way.
Source: The Nerd Daily 2020
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• Again on the theme of love which relates to Nona, but TazMuir has said in other interviews to expect that theme to continue onto Alecto.
Also don't expect everyone to get what's coming to them which doesn't shock me.
Source: LA Book Review
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• Pre-Nona interview. But talking about Gideon and Harrow’s relationship dynamic changing as their standing changes. Obviously we're going to see some fallout/paradigm shifts with Gideon being the heir aparent of God and Harrow basically becoming a heretic of sorts.
Source: The Library Journal
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• Broad strokes here about character growth and a painful but begrudging happiness that some characters will find. But there is a chance at happiness. So that's something a lot of haven't been counting on.
Source: Vox Bookclub Podcast transcript
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• while this is a reference to Harrow the Ninth it does mention to look out for more biblical allusion in Alecto. Now, I'm pretty sure this is pre-Nona announcement and obviously we got all the John biblical references but from the other interviews we've been talking about we know there is so harrowing of hell and temptation of christ in our future. Maybe someone more upon Bible study can chime in with other Biblical passages or stories that may come into play that fit the same theme?
Source: The Coode Street Podcast
• Paraphrasing but On episode 598 of the Coode Street podcast, Tamsyn Muir said that Alecto the Ninth was completed but hadn't been edited yet and that she doubted it would be out by the end of 2023 as it was a "chonky boy" or a "chungus" (her words). That podcast was released in December, so I'm assuming recorded in November or earlier.
Seems to me like any listed dates right now are probably placeholders until Tor announces an official release date.
PHEW! That was a lot so far. To be honest there are some other podcast interviews I know I've listened to in the past but haven't had time to revisit for this project so I may be missing some things.
We have one more roundup of interview screenshots to go, but it will have to be its own post. And the theme of part 3 of ATN news is: CW: Ianthe Tridentarius. Yep. There are so many mentions referring to Ianthe in Alecto that they will be their own post. [Yikes]
Click here to see part 3 of this post
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wanderingandfound · 25 days
Me making something not about me about me in an incredibly annoying and self-centered way.
My bookclub is reading Αce by Αngela Chen and I'm so nervous to read it. The person who pitched it did so as "I try to make everyone to read this book to get them to consider IDing as ace" and sure enough over the past few weeks my two friends in this book club who didn't ID as ace before have sent messages in the Discord saying this book has made them reconsider.
If I wanted to pretend I wasn't being reactive I could try comparing it to people talking about getting songs stuck in your head being a symptom of autism (or was it ADHD?). But the truth is what I'm overly sensitive about is the sentiment I've seen here on Tumblr a few times that if you were really allo (-romantic or -sexual) you would have had romantic/sexual relationships by the time you're an adult. That saying you've been busy with school or whatever is just an excuse, because plenty of really busy people find time for relationships like this.
And like, I'm sorry, I've got some major issues! With executive dysfunction, with trust, with health, and with energy. If I was dating someone I wouldn't even have a place to take them back to. I am 28 and all I've ever done is kiss one (1) person on one (1) day and like, this is a sore spot for me! I want more! But like, even though I know people value me as a friend, I am still incredibly slow at making friends and haven't done so since I left school. And I don't know in the same, bone-deep, inherent way that people could value me as a romantic and sexual partner (and for me those two things are one in the same and I can't extricate them to have a romantic relationship with someone not into me sexually, or have a sexual relationship with someone who isn't interested in romance) due to my trust and body image issues and lack of practice (I was such a sobbing mess my junior or senior year of high school when I actually let myself believe and accept that the people who had been my friends for years were actually my friends, and not only did that strengthen my friendship with them but it allowed me to be more open and trusting in college and on Tumblr).
Anyways I don't read much nonfiction but what I have read suggests that my fears about this book are unfounded. Everyone says it's a good enlightening read. And my third friend in the bookclub, who is ace, wasn't the one who pitched the book but did deeply recommend it and I trust her. She has never once suggested to me that the reason I've been single my entire life is that I'm not actually attracted to people in that way.
What I'm upset about is a few tumblr posts. Not this book. This book is probably fine.
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tokidokitokyo · 1 year
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TL;DR - Much busy, no time, some study!
March was my busiest month so far this year. Between rushing to finish work projects and getting sick, I am surprised I found time to do anything else! The reality of not having a lot of time but still wanting to fit in Japanese study is that I just have to use the time that I do have wisely.
When I worked late I had very little time to fit in Japanese study before bed, so I switched it up and did a bit of study right before work started. When I wasn't working late and had put the baby to bed I was usually exhausted, and I had to choose between watching something easy and letting my brain relax (sometimes you just need to do that!) and putting in some study time.
Life is about balance, and so is studying Japanese. You have to be consistent in your studying to make real progress, but you also have to make time for rest and self care. When I was sick I prioritized rest and myself so that I could get better, and let everything else go. When I was exhausted after work I prioritized rest and sometimes just studied for 5-10 minutes or even not at all.
The moral of this story is to take care of yourself. Studying is important for progress, but if you just don't feel like it or you need rest more than you need to drill 50 kanji, just take a break! I see people who feel guilty for taking a day or two or even a year off, but Japanese is more forgiving than that. Take some time to rest and refresh, and come back whenever you're ready!
Now, on to my study habits!
My 2023 Goals Progress
I laid out some broad goals for my Japanese study in my 2023 Japanese Language Goals post, so here I will update my progress towards these goals.
1. Read one page a day of 日本の歴史366 (にほんのれきし366) everyday in 2023.
In March, my routine schedule of reading one page (one entry) a day fell apart because of work and illness. I am still behind, but I am not (too) stressed out about it. I am back to reading one or two pages a day, and while part of me is frustrated that I am not caught up, I am trying to be calm about it and to enjoy the history readings, rather than have it be a chore I have to catch up on.
2. Finish 日本語総まとめ N3 (にほんごそうまとめ N3) workbooks.
I still haven't had as much time as I would like to go through these workbooks in detail, but I have made some time recently to work through some of them. I prefer to go through the four books I have (Vocabulary, Kanji, Grammar, Listening) at the same time, but I am trying to be satisfied with doing one "day" of one workbook at a time, since that is the best way to work it into my schedule.
3. Review and learn the first 6 levels of the 常用漢字 (じょうようかんじ), specifically the 教育漢字 (きょういくかんじ) up to grade 6.
This has definitely suffered in March, but I hope to get back into these kanji with flash cards in April.
4. Read at least one book every two months.
Do you see me laughing and crying at the same time? I did read a book club book from the Seitokai Bookclub but only because it was very short! But I read none of the books I wanted to read and hoped to have finished by April. Oh well!
5. Improve my speaking and writing by finding a tutor.
April is my month! I will find someone who will help me with speaking and writing (italki?) and I will finally achieve my writing goal in Japanese! (I hope!)
6. Study Japanese for at least 10 minutes a day.
Despite my hectic schedule, massive amounts of time dedicated to family, work, and illness, I managed to keep this going most of the time. Studying Japanese for AT LEAST 10 minutes a day has been a habit I have been keeping up since at least 2021. It also helps that I communicate with my family in Japanese daily. I spoke with someone the other day about learning Japanese, and my best advice, no matter how you choose to start learning Japanese, is to make it a habit to work on your Japanese every day. This is the one habit that all successful language students have (this one cool trick!).
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March Study Log
March's study distribution graph and percentages reflects the lack of time I had to study and the ways I tried to fit in studying anyways.
Listening - This was the biggest area of study because I was not only spending more time trying to fit in Japanese study with podcasts, but I was also watching a lot of educational shows with my son. I don't count passive listening in my study log, but I also did quite a bit of that (other TV shows that I had on whilst doing other things, or Japanese shows with English subtitles).
Vocabulary & Kanji - I usually study most of my vocabulary and kanji with reading or with renshuu flash cards, but I also learned a lot of new words through conversation and through educational children's shows this month.
Vocabulary & Kanji flash cards (renshuu.org)
言葉で遊ぼう (Japanese wordle)
Speaking & Reading - I had to basically cut out reading for the month of March, except for the page-a-day history book (日本の歴史366) and the Seitokai Bookclub manga that I read. I still have 3 books I'd like to finish!
とつくにの少女 - manga, read in March
Writing & Grammar - These subjects really suffered. I prefer to spend a bit more time learning grammar, and writing really fell by the wayside as soon as I got busy. There's always April, though!
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Going Forward in March
Work through 総まとめ workbooks more often, broken up into smaller chunks
Work more on 漢字 and specifically focus on the 教育漢字
Read 満月珈琲店の星詠み to the halfway point
Find a new study method to try out!
I try to make my goals reasonable, but it always seems like there is something that comes along and forces me to reduce them even more ^^;; I guess this month's lesson is to be flexible, take care of yourself, and stay 元気! I hope that everyone fulfills their study goals in April!
毎月、達成可能な目標を作ろうとしても、毎月、なんかあって、また目標を減らさないといけません。仕方ないね… 今月の一言は:頭が柔らかくして、自分を大事にして、そして元気でね!4月にみんなの日本語の夢が叶えるように!
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Happy Sunday!
Stopping by to say “Hi”. How was your week? It is sunny there? I wish you many sunny days. It is still grey here, ugh - January can be so brutal. It is snowing right now. Light fluffy snowflakes.
I saw your post the other day of the Brian and Justin drawings. So soft. 16 years ago - wow! Have you always drawn? How did you get started? Did you take lessons/school? How did you get here? So so talented. Cheers to that!
It was so interesting when you were describing the best art supplies (pencils/paper) to me. I use to think I wanted to randomly meet you at an art event. Now I think an art store would also be fun.
Update on my 1D Big Bang edit. It’s coming along nicely - Harry’s ear looks good. Louie’s ear looks like I stuck a cabbage on the side of his head - oh my! Every time I look at it I laugh. Needless to say that ear is a work in progress. 
I often wondered if you knew what my first art request was. I love that for us. It still makes me smile when I think about it. A definite memory maker.
I’m going to miss your Harry Birthday post. Heading south (sun) for a couple weeks. I will be off line for a bit. Looking forward to seeing it when I return.
Your blue sweater looks very cozy. How long did that take to make? I'm also wearing sweaters these days. Well usually a sweater and a sweater for my sweater (my workplace is cold).
Were you able to do some gardening at your sisters? How did it go? No gardening here. Skiing, skating and tobogganing are more likely.
I'm planning some kind of February/March "My Policeman" bookclub thing for us. Are you in? (I'm using the word thing because I'm not sure where I'm going with this. I'm counting on our creative abilities to come up with some"thing".)
Until we message again.
Take Care.
Hello my lovely nonnie,
thank you for stopping by and saying hi. It is so lovely, your messages always make me smile. To cite one unnamed band: You and me got a whole lot of history :)
It is grey here as well. Winter came back, it is snowing and the sun is hiding so no gardening or preparing the garden for spring. We are expecting this weather to be continued at least a week or two. 
I would love to go buy art supplies with you or go to some art event together it would be great. I kind of miss someone I could talk about these things irl. It would be so nice. 
I am happy your 1D Big Band artwork is going well. I am so curious about  Louis’ ear now :D. What is yout technique? I also have a work in progress - Harry drawing. I hope I will have time this week to finish it already. I guess I will be able to finish another one in time for his birthday so you will have some surprise after your vacation :). 
I I've always loved to draw and I liked art and crafting in general. But drawing has always been just my hobby. I did not take drawing classes or something like that. (But I have many books about drawing.) I took only the art classes that were part of our general education in school. But I have been drawing since quite a young age. I remember my first fanart of Ralph Fiennes and Titanic, oh my goodness :D. And what about you? When did you start with your art journey?
I am so happy I am not the only one who wears sweater for their sweater :D. The new one is very cozy. It was meant to be for my sister but as I was knitting at home I tried it on myself and whoops it is mine because it is too big for her :). She will get the next one. It depends on many things but this one took me like a week (I did not knit on it at least 2 or 3 days of the week though), the previous one took 5 days. But both of them are knitted on quite a big needles. I would say week or two is an average time for me to knit a sweater. (But I would also say I am fairly fast knitter.)
I am in for that My Policeman bookclub. It is a great idea :). Let's do it
I really hope you will have wonderful time filled with sun, joy, and rest. You deserve it.
I will miss you and your beautiful creations (but I am looking forward to talking to you when you are back).
Take care and enjoy your vacation.
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pod-together · 2 years
Day 9 Reveals!
the mantis stalks the cicada, juniors' edition [text, audio]  (陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù) written by frostferox, performed by dreamhazer Summary: Wei-qianbei and Hanguang-jun are clearly in love. So what’s stopping them from pairing up? A post-canon romp where the juniors are convinced that, if they had only a little more prodding, Wei-qianbei and Hanguang-jun would be happy together. The Revenge’s Got Talent  (Our Flag Means Death (TV)) written by Sweven, performed by hiddendruid Summary: The crew of the Revenge is putting on a talent show! Everyone has been invited to show off their skills, and the judges are definitely, absolutely fair. On Golden Scales and Why Hoards Matter, Chapter 2  (Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types) written by Elle_dubs, performed by Hangebokhan Summary: Tell me it's love (tell me it's real) [text, audio]  (Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types) written by OfTheDirewolves, performed by kittona Summary: Anakin Skywalker loves his life, he really does. He has two amazing kids, a job that he loves and fantastic friends. He just wishes he had a partner to share that with. Alarum  (Lego Ninjago) written by kingtysonsworld, performed by Eventua11y Summary: Or: Jay jumped before Cole could forfeit. Journey  (Original Work) written by Hagar, performed by MsTiggy Summary: Humanity accidentally created psychics. 50 years into the future, former army EMT Alma María Gutiérrez is studying to become a pair-bonded partner to one. This is her story. Once There Was, Once There Wasn't  (Fairy Tales & Related Fandoms) created by AirgiodSLV, CompassRose, Elle_dubs, Ellejabell, epaulettes, kitkat50311, mahons-ondine, minnabird, and sisi_rambles Summary: "Welcome to your story. I’m your host, the Witch. Who would you like to play as?" "Wait, what?" "Don’t mind the King. He’s easily confused, poor soul. You can pick whichever path intrigues you." "I’m lost." "No, dear, you’re cursed. By me." An emphatically queer tapestry of magic, mystery, and mayhem. We've Got Symphonies Still Left Inside Us  (B.I.Shadow, Johnny's Entertainment, SixTONES (Band), Johnny's Jr.) written by Dokuhan, performed by rhythmia Summary: September 29, 2011. In which one Kochi Yugo thinks about his place and future in the entertainment industry, before realizing his concerns lie elsewhere. Sometimes the only thing you can do is reach out and hope for the best. Where the River Ran  (Friends at the Table (Podcast)) written by Shadaras, performed by ffg_podfics Summary: A Sangfielle folktale, first set down on paper by a long-ago Cleaver.  “Help us,” the people of Riverrun begged. “Our river has turned into a monster, and we do not wish to leave our lands.” Fields of Green  (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling) written by poppetawoppet, performed by Matriaya Summary: So I had the idea of the second time Neville held the sword of Gryffindor, and this was born. The Defenseman’s Guide to Romantic Relationships  (Men's Hockey RPF) written by heartequals, performed by Beryllinthranox Summary: “It’s like a book club,” said Dougie. “A bookclub between you and me. You read the romance novel and we can discuss how it applies to your life. Since I don’t really know how to help you otherwise. I’m not great at relationship advice, man!” or: Dougie’s got a new team, a new house, and a Newark Public Library card. He’s going to have a great time in New Jersey. The Ineffable Colors  (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, A Stitch in Time - Andrew J. Robinson) created by BardicRaven and RisalSoran Summary: Color, like Truth, sometimes does not come in forms that are easily discernable to the everyday senses. Sometimes, you need to reach out for them with more.
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I posted 3,075 times in 2022
That's 3,075 more posts than 2021!
371 posts created (12%)
2,704 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,950 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#dracula daily - 323 posts
#fanart - 146 posts
#october 3 - 124 posts
#september 30 - 80 posts
#october 1 - 78 posts
#september 17 - 73 posts
#november 6 - 71 posts
#september 21 - 67 posts
#😂 - 65 posts
#september 29 - 63 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#well.. full disclosure. my brain sees 'kukri' and thinks 'schnappie das kleine krokodil' but there is no reasonal explanation for that leap
My Top Posts in 2022:
“You can't spoiler an old book”
I'm really quite done with the argument that you can't spoil a 150 year old book.
This came out of the Dracula Daily questionnaire:
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Almost half of the bookclub doesn't know anything about the story.
I know dracula daily is only two more days, but if we're gonna do this thing more often I would really like this argument out of the window, for all of our enjoyment and inclusion.
And if you're confused, please use this rule of thumb: if even one person tells you it's a spoiler, it is a spoiler. Add a tag that says "dracula spoilers" and you're good :)
✨People do not magically know every old story✨
648 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
I made a Dracula Daily questionnaire! To see how you're all experiencing this internet phenomenon. It is a bit long, I think, but it might be fun as well.
Please reblog this so it also reaches people who don't look in the tags as much. I want as many responses as I can, of course.
728 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
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Arthur today
804 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
Quincey's riding his childhood horse in the thickest fog he ever encountered, when a figure appears in the near distance. Quincey tips his hat as he slows down to stop in front of her.
'Why, if it isn't that lovely Miss Lucy. Say, little girl, won't you just hitch up alongside of me, and let us go down the long road together, driving in double harness?'
867 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Dracula: “Hey everybody, today Mina scared me for the second time this week, so I’m starting a kickstarter to kill her. The benefits of killing her would be: I would get scared way less.”
3,106 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cerealandchoccymilk · 11 months
Trigun Bookclub: Trigun Vol.1, Chapter #05
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CW: Some of my analysis in this post handles the topic of death and suicide (there will be a warning around that portion). There are also more spoilers than usual. Stay safe!
I’m doing a deep-read of the Japanese original print (reread) and Overhaul 1.0 (first read) side-by-side, and writing down everything I notice from small details, version differences, translation differences, etc.
As always, here are the silly silly non-analysis panels:
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And the rest is under the cut >:)
[link for if the images aren’t in horizontal rows]
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Milly and Meryl (especially Milly goddamn) rolling nat 20's on their perception checks. It really is scary how good their sixth sense is.
In the previous chapter, Vash asked for (and for a while was using) a 3rd class seat, but it looks like he asked for a grade-up or something to accomodate for Kaito.
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A sort-of mistranslation - Kaito means that Vash talks as if he were someone from the Big Fall (because in that time period, there's no way any human from then would be alive), so it should be more like "You talk as if you were actually at the Big Fall, over a hundred years ago." The existing phrasing could also mean that, but this would make it less ambiguous. Also, I would replace his "I/my" statements with "we/our," since it's not specified and he assumes Vash is just a human that's talking weirdly.
This line is really interesting to me from a rereading standpoint. At this point, Vash's origins and age are still a mystery, and this is the first hint at it. Vash's expression makes me think that maybe he was reminded that no one other than him (+Knives+the people at the Home ship) is from that time period. To the overwhelming majority of people, No Man's Land is their only home; this life is all they know.
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Don't have much to say about this one that's not in the image. Vash's pussy is out again. Excellent (horrible) form. Kaito is either a bit worried about how hard he fell, or he doesn't give a shit and is just nervous/cautious about the mission.
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I love how over-the-top neon is. Smoking a firework!! Damn!!
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A decent amount of lines from Neon and the BL gang (I'm going to call them that exclusively) are in katakana English.
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I like how he says "maggots" in place of the...rude 3rd person pronoun (??)(that sounds kinda stupid in english lmao) Neon says something more like "It's about time that boy set everything up!!" referring to the small bombs he was putting in the vents.
His pose here reminds me of kabuki. I'm not sure about details, since I don't know much about kabuki... But it looks like a stereotypical kabuki pose. Another over-the-top point for Neon.
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In Japanese, the first line has "reeking of manure" describing the wagons. For the "Big Man" in Japanese, the kanji for the sandsteamer (砂蒸気, usually ruby-ed サンドスチーム/sandsteamer) with the ruby note saying Big Man (ビッグ・マン). Also, the guy mentions that the chasing them off is part of the fee they paid.
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More over-the-top-ness from Neon. In the Japanese version, the first line looks a lot like one of those super long German words to me lol (究極華麗弩級盗賊). The portion saying "The Bad Lads Gang!" in Japanese is pretty much just "Hhhhhheaaaddd!!!!" (as in leader).
The introduction for Neon actually has play on words/kanji. The word 降臨 (kōrin) is originally for Christ's coming or descent, usually used for any arrival of someone "godly" (fyi Japanese has a much more casual sense of godliness than in English). What it says here, though, is 光臨, which replaces the first hald with the character for "light" (also kō). How bright can this guy get!?
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Did Kaito nicely go through the trouble of moving Vash onto the bed before venting? how... that's a grown man...
And here is Rem's first appearance!! Just now realized that her name is probably based off of REM sleep (the stage of sleep associated with dreaming). The two are wearing similar (but not the same) clothes, with Rem wearing a tucked t-shirt and jeans, and Vash wearing an untucked button-up and jeans. I'm not smart enough for this but there's gotta be something to analyze here along with the fact that Vash is an adult (the dream isn't entirely based on memory)... Also, this is the first time we see Vash in a casual outfit.
This may very well be me reading into things too much, but it stuck out to me that Rem is barefoot while Vash has sneakers on. I had two speculations about this. One is that Rem has been at that picnic for longer than Vash, and Vash just got (appeared...?) there. I'm not sure about Western picnic customs/etiquette, but in Japan, you always take your shoes off when sitting down on the tarp. Rem is the one that set the picnic up, but Vash hasn't had the chance to even take his shoes off. this sounds kinda stupid now that im typing it out. idek (throws computer out of window) [death/sui cw] The other, more messed up one is that it symbolizes Rem's death. This one is definitely more overanalysis-y!! It reminded me of what Reigen did during the final arc of MP100...iykyk. During the Great Fall, Rem willingly stayed on the ship to save humanity, sacrificing herself. I'll spare the details, but in Japanese culture, people often take their shoes off before committing suicide. It's a frequently used symbol in art that handles the topic. Rem being barefoot may be symbolizing her resolve at the time of her death, of being prepared to die if it means she can save one more person. [/cw]
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This line of Vash's is also interesting. Is he viewing "people" from an outsider's perspective, as an independent Plant? Or is including himself in that, questioning the meaning of his own current life in the desert planet, too?
In Japanese. way he responded to Rem's giggling looked a bit childish to me, like he reverted a bit back to his childhood, or he's just being a more relaxed around Rem. mom........
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Ok okokok. In Japanese, she (more literally) says "All I can muster/the best I can do is ask my heart [the destination] (read: what I can do)." This may be a translation correction but I honestly was not thinking about that at all during the annotation lol. I'm too sleepy to actually talk about the importance of this line and the way it's phrased. but you get it. you get it.........
Silly Vash face for the first time in a while!! Vash's reaction upon waking gives me the impression that this is the first time (in a long while, at least) that he's dreamed about Rem...? he looks so cute..........................help...................
And that’s it for Chapter #05! As always, the Japanese annotations are in the reblogs.
i know i'm getting very behind. theres absolutely no way im going to complete all this in real time with the book club. and all this stuff about rem is not helping. send help
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toh-tagteam-au · 3 years
Frequently Asked Questions
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*This post will be updated and subject to change if the need arises*
Questions begin below the cut:
Technical, Non-Universe Questions:
What do you use to draw?
Firealpaca and my Wacom tablet! Here’s a post that includes more specific specs. 
Can I make fanart/recolor panels/write fanfic/make an au based on yours/etc?
Yes! Just credit me accordingly. Same goes for using my art as pfps, but just make sure that if it’s one of the recolors that someone has submitted as fan art that you ask them permission as well. (Also send me the stuff you make I WANNA SEE IT)
Meta Questions:
Will [insert event/spoiler/anything to do with Flapjack, Vee, Camila, Luz’s Palisman, the Collector, etc] happen in the comic? 
You’ll have to wait and see! Tag Team is an ongoing comic as much as it is an AU, so I won’t be skipping forward to show specific moments that will appear in future comic updates like other AUs out there. 
Can we suggest events and situations for the comic?
Tentative/flexible no. I already have most of it scripted out, so most “can this happen?” requests will not be honored. Small things like non-plot details or events/situations that happen before the events of canon (check out the pre-comic timeline here) might slide, but don’t get your hopes up.
Will Lumity happen?
Yes! It’ll take a while, but yes.
Will Hunter be shipped with anyone?
Sort of! Tag Team Hunter is aromantic, but he will go through a sort of pseudo-romance arc with someone to showcase that aro aspect. There isn’t an endgame romantic ship for him.
Story Questions:
How did Luz get to the demon realm, and how did Belos find her?
Luz slips into the demon realm at age 7 by falling into a lake near her house that was infused with titan’s blood. She ends up in a forest near the Emperor’s castle and is found by Hunter who secretly sneaks her food. She’s eventually found by coven scouts, mistaken for an escaped basilisk, and brought to Belos. (Post with more elaboration here).
Why does Belos take Luz in?
(This answer has changed with the revelations of Hollow Mind and King’s Tide)
Belos takes Luz in because 1) she’s human and he wants to “keep her safe” from the demon realm, and 2) as a sort of experiment to see if he could replicate the relationship he had with his brother through Hunter and Luz. It initially starts with the intention of making it so Hunter would be less likely to betray him (encouraging them to be codependent, making it so Luz has to be watched over since shes “defenseless”, etc), but it eventually evolves into Belos heavily projecting onto Luz because of their similarities. He gets creepily emotionally attached to what Luz represents.
What is Hunter’s reaction to having a new sibling?
He HATES it at first. He doesn’t like dragging around a terribly-behaved, fragile human that keeps getting into trouble. In the timeline, it takes around a year for them to stop bickering and start getting along. (More elaboration here).
Why keep Luz’s humanity a secret? Who knows?
(This answer has changed with the revelations of Hollow Mind and King’s Tide)
It’s a manipulation tactic on Belos’s part to make Luz wary of witches and demons - he is the one to insist on how important it is that it’s kept secret, because “who knows what a witch will do when they find out you’re a defenseless human. They’ll rip you apart. You’re not like them. I’m the only one you can trust because I know who you really are and I’m kind to you,” etc.
No one knows but Belos, Hunter, and (unknowingly to the others) Kikimora through her snooping.
What’s the deal with the Guildersnake?
Luz’s Guildersnake, also known as Backup, was a gift from Eberwolf early on in Luz’s stay in the castle. (Elaboration here).
What is the Azura Incident?
The Azura Incident was an Azura bookclub meeting gone wrong, resulting in a month-long shipping war within the coven where the two sides were fighting over who Azura should be in a relationship with. There was a real threat that the Emperor could be overthrown in the chaos. Luz led one faction with Hunter as her second-in-command. Steve “led” the other faction with Lilith as the real mastermind. The chronological tag is HERE. The short fanfic of the incident is HERE.
Why doesn’t Luz have a staff?
(This answer has changed with the revelations of Hollow Mind and King’s Tide)
To encourage Luz and Hunter’s codependency, and also the “us/them” mentality between humans and Witches that Belos is trying to foster in Luz (which… doesn’t really work). Hunter is responsible for Luz’s wellbeing, and since she can’t do magic or any way to defend herself (that Belos knows of), he has to stay by her side pretty much all the time. Hunter lets her borrow the staff outside the castle sometimes, though, and they of course have the glyphs.
Why does Warden Wrath call Luz “sir”?
Luz and Hunter are difficult to tell apart while fully masked, at least until they start speaking, so everyone calls them both “sir” out of convenience! Luz is pretty gender-nonconforming in canon, so she’s fine with it.
Does Luz remember how to speak Spanish/has Luz taught Hunter any Spanish?
Yes to both! Luz is still fluent, although it’s difficult to stay in practice since no one in the Boiling Isles can speak it. She has taught some to Hunter, but he doesn’t know much. He picks up certain phrases that he mutters to himself, though. (Elaboration here, here and here).
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trigunbookclub · 8 months
TrigunBookclub Afterparty!
Hello there! As bookclub winds down to a close, there a few things to announce:
Bookclub Afterparty!
Bookclub may officially be over, but the Trimax brainrot continues! There are some bonus comics, the Multiple Bullets anthology (with all its great and terrible stories), and some folks have fallen behind, have essays left to write, or have things they wanted to create or share and haven't had a chance. I myself fell behind since life has been a bit hellish on my end, I'm two volumes behind--and I don't seem to bethe only one in that position!
So, I want to invite people to keep using and watching the tag until the end of October! Discuss, share theories, thoughts, art, shout-out posts and ideas that you love, just have fun! You can discuss the entire series and all related materials--hell, you can even do a read/reread it if you want to. Whatever goes, so long as it follows the guidelines.
Bookclub 2.0!
I've been talking with the @trigun-manga-overhaul team, who we all know has the best Trigun manga translation out there--but it's about to get better with Overhaul 2.0! When it drops probably next year, it will be at the pace of a chapter a week, and I plan to run the bookclub during that time to celebrate! This gives much more time for discussion, comparing, analyzing, and keeping up with posts. Since it will be a longer reading time and it's round two, spoilers will be allowed, though I will ask that they be tagged.
I also highly encourage everyone to feel free to use the tag when the hardcovers from Dark Horse are released to celebrate and discuss!
Bookclub Archive!
Since social media has a tendency to be ephemeral at best, the lovely @versaphile has taken it upon themselves to archive the bookclub posts of everyone who gives permission for them to do so! This way you can binge meta and posts and find everything much more easily. You can find the archive here, and see an example of archived posts here. If you're interested in or okay with being included in the project, please contact @trigunreferencelibrary!
Bookclub Stickers!
Multiple people have talked about wanting a badge of honor for participating in/keeping up with bookclub, and I think that might be a bit tricky... but how about some stickers? I figure that this way, the shipping is affordable even for international folks since I've seen a good amount of people around the world participating and lurking! I'm going to try and find printing for as affordably as I can (if anyone out there knows any good distributors for smaller batch sticker orders, please shoot me a DM!), and it won't be something to profit off of--just in memory of a great time! The only thing is I have two options, and I don't know if either of them are even what folks want. So...
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And that's all that I can think of for now! I'm a bit exhausted and run ragged at the moment, so feel free to ask for any clarification on anything. When I started this project, I honestly didn't think I'd get many if any people following through--I know people lose their focus easily (myself included). But instead it turned into a huge celebration of a beautiful manga that is finally getting the attention it deserves after kind of getting buried by time. I've met some absolutely amazing and brilliant people throughout this event, and I just want to say thank you to every single person who made a post, supported others, and/or just lurked. You guys are fantastic and made this an amazing experience.
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desertsfic · 3 years
so sorry if this is not the place to ask but do u have any good bro fic reccs. going through the main tag hurts too much lmao
haha it's okay anon! lucky for you i do keep a file called my (well slightly now) "comprehensive fic rec list," which i will only include the most bro-centric of! since that is what we are looking for here.
you'll have to forgive age, and potential old ships, because i am a homestuck fossil, and have the tastes to match. anyway, this is from my section called "the redemption narrative":
dualshock desertbloom - geometrician (this is an obvious one, i love this fic so much i bound it into a book, and it is incredibly important to me)
sun’s angle - dellaluce (orphan account now, but i'm glad i kept the url. this fic is so old it like, came out while things were still updating. old but always worth it)
Hexadyne Meetings - Saesama (not just bro-centric but i remember loving this a lot)
Flop, Flutter - cthchewy (big nasty soulless bro yikes sorry)
Second Best - NoBrandHero (aspirations, what we all wish we could do when writing a davesprite fic)
The Estrangement Thing - NoBrandHero (there’s a theme here listen to me don’t be doubtful it’s worth the trouble. some brojohn i guess but that's not the important part and you don't need to read the first fic - i didn't lol)
cold front off the pacific - drow_sy (i actually read this bc futuregeometries bookmarked it. hurts but like, for fun u know)
Lazarus to Judas - RadioMoth (wow! yikes!)
insect clockwork - SORD (aka, if it was written pre-2013, i’ve read it)
Flashing Lights and Raisins - RadioMoth (the strider manpain tag exists for a reason)
Hide - Plajus (old, but in that fun post-sburb au kind of way)
Blackout - lantadyme
Linger - eddi (this one hasn't updated in two years but my miniature bro server was reading it like we were in a bookclub when it was updating. we love gross shit it's just the way)
signs at sundown - geometrician (i'm incredibly bias and if you click links in fics you've probably read this before but you should read it again because it's important to me, and because it stings a little, but in a good way)
A lot of them are more bro-and-dave centric but it's kinda hard to get one without the other so i hope you forgive me!
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gallickingunsteals · 4 years
Gallickingun/Lilhemmo is tracing art, reposting art and gifs, stealing ideas, and more
We’re going to start by introducing ourselves: we are a group of anonymous artists, writers, and editors that are either in @bnhabookclub​​​​ or have left it for various reasons related to the admin and creator, @gallickingun​​​​ / @lilhemmo​​​​ and the mod staff as a whole. This doesn’t mean all of her staff is bad, but they’ve strongly enabled, overlooked, and allowed Morgan to steal for too long. We’re not associated with @gallickingunexposed​​​​, but we would like to work with them if they have more they want to share. The reason we’re remaining anonymous for now is because some of us are still in Bookclub. As you’ll see below the cut, and if you go through gallickingunexposed, you’ll find that Morgan has ruthlessly degraded and talked shit about people within Bookclub as well as kicked people without saying why or telling her mod team. 
Next, we’ll explain why we’re doing this. Many people will respond with “Why not message Morgan? This isn’t right. You’re creating drama.” We’re not sorry to say this, but theft is not drama. It’s disrespectful and rude as well as illegal depending on the circumstances. Alongside this, Morgan has been contacted about these actions in the past multiple times by multiple people but continues to do it and/or insist she’s in the right. At that point, what else would you propose when handling it privately doesn’t work? 
Additionally, all creators deserve to know that someone is blatantly and consistently disrespecting their mutuals or people they follow by stealing their stuff. They all deserve to know that there is someone (Morgan) out there who might steal their work or break their posting rules as she’s done to others, as well as know if she’s already done it to them. Had this happened once or twice then we wouldn’t be posting this, but Morgan has a record of reposting art, gifs, stealing fics, ideas, and tracing art and she continues to insist that she doesn't do that.
This post is meant to give Morgan a wakeup call and inform everyone of things they are ignoring or unaware of. If you decide she is still in the right after reading this, then we hope you and her are blocked from other creators’ accounts so that you don’t get the chance to steal their work. This is not a discussion. This is a compilation of just some of the things she did.
Please keep in mind that this isn’t just about creative laws, this is also about creative decency and integrity, and the respectful treatment of creators. All of those have been continuously ignored by Morgan and other Bookclub staff after it is brought up multiple times, which proves that they are unfit to be in any position that allows them access to others’ pieces or a position that lets them dictate what people post. It also shows how little they care about creators as a whole. 
A solution: remake the Bookclub, remove Morgan from Bookclub staff at least, and possibly get new support staff (unless the current staff truly does disagree with her ways). If the other support team and members excuse her for stealing, reposting, etc., then they are just as bad, and those in support staff team shouldn’t be in there any longer. Shame on them for promoting and enabling creative theft. That is not an environment anyone should be promoting or enabling. Fair warning to anyone interested in BNHA Bookclub right now — they currently do not care about your work being stolen and the head admin herself has and still does steal from and ridicule and disrespect others even in Bookclub. The Bookclub was completely stolen (details below) and shouldn’t get the benefits and praise that come with zero credit and claiming originality.
And for Morgan, when you see this, we know you’re going to delete your theft posts so that the original artists and editors won’t see it. You’ll say you deleted it because you “know it’s wrong” and you “shouldn’t have posted it” but if that were the case, you would’ve done so the first time people have brought up you stealing, not the 2nd or 3rd or 4th — this is a trend. Delete them after you own up to it with the original posters. Let them see that you’ve done this. You can’t cover up what you’ve done by saying you didn’t do it or garner pity with a long apology. We also know that’s something you tend to do right before you repeat the same “mistakes,” feed into hate messages, and throw a pity party with your followers to feel better about your wrongdoings. An apology is the bare minimum. You should actually stop posting things that aren’t yours, stop copying ideas that aren’t yours, and stop covering up your theft. You are not the victim here!
ART (reposting and tracing)
Recently, Morgan got an ask and said she doesn't repost fanart without permission. Right before that, she had done just that with screenshots of a bunch of Bakugou art in a Google search. We felt this was still a form of reposting, but we wanted to ask the artists themselves too since Morgan didn’t. They all agreed that it’s still reposting because it shares their content where they don't allow even if it's not the HD image. She didn’t have to post the art. She could have gotten her notes without reposting art (yes, she cares about that and you can see in the link shared in the stealing ideas section of this post).
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She edited this post to crop out the art, so someone must have told her to do so. We would like to give her more credit, but the BNHA Bookclub rules are a strong indication of her beliefs: that no matter what the artists and others think, she doesn’t believe she reposted -- she doesn’t want to admit she’s wrong or facilitating reposts.
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“9. Do not repost content without credit... But we realize sometimes you’re just doing a google search and can’t find the original poster.”
The rules of the Bookclub themselves, as pictured in @rivendell101​​​′s post about Morgan stealing the Bookclub entire set up, rules, theme and concept of Bookclub from her, do not mention anything about reposting content or plagiarism or anything else that would promote protecting creators. So what?
This means you’re safe (by Bookclub standards) to repost and steal on your blog! And with that, you’re safe to do it in the server too because Bookclub staff has deemed this okay. So all of support staff are guilty of enabling and practically promoting theft.
It unfortunately gets worse from here. 
Morgan has not only reposted art, but traced art too.
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The original artist, @lem0uro​​​, doesn’t allow reposts or tracing of their work (read - one, two, three, four) (here’s the original art). They have also said that this counts as reposting because again, their work is being shared in a manner that is not on their blog or being reblogged. But Morgan wouldn’t count this as reposting. 
There is no permission like she says she would get if she reposts (but she doesn’t, remember?), neither is credit given. You have to zoom in to find the blurry watermark and hope that you got it right so you can find the original artist. 
Who, again, doesn’t allow tracing. Most, if not all, artists don’t. You can easily overlay those two images and see that it was traced, not referenced. 
GIFS (reposting)
Fandom editors typically don’t allow reposting of their work. If they do, you follow their rules for reposting (common rules are either get permission, credit them, or both). In Morgan’s case, she has reposted multiple gifs over the years, and also posted a submission of someone else’s gif — yes, that’s still reposting because she still chose to post it when she knew it wasn’t hers.
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We couldn’t find the creator of the submitted gif but if someone does, please send them this or tell them about this happening so that they can know. It’s not the person who submitted it as there are multiple reposts dating back to before Morgan’s post.
The second gif is by @slaughterofinnocence​​​ found here and it’s unclear if they allow reposts (but that doesn’t make it free real estate, Moe).
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This gif is by @sstarphase​​​ found here and they don’t allow reposts.
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Again, not Morgan’s original gif because it’s been reposted multiple times before. If you know the creator, please let them know this is happening.
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This gif is by @bellblake​​​​ found here and they don’t allow reposts.
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This gif is by @billrskarsgard​​​​ found here and it’s unclear if they allow reposts.
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We couldn’t find the original creator but if you know then please make them aware.
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We couldn’t find the original creator but if you know then please make them aware.
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We couldn’t find the original creator even with the watermark, but if you know then please make them aware.
We’re aware that some of these posts are old, but that doesn’t excuse her actions, especially since she insists that she doesn’t repost. That only shows that this isn’t a one time issue.
IDEAS (exact copy and pasting and mimicking without inspo credit)
We won’t be addressing Morgan stealing fic ideas because that has been brought up by multiple other people already including @gallickingunexposed​​​​ and @lady-bakuhoe​​​​. Keep in mind that this is a compilation of observations no matter how small.
You can read this post about Morgan stealing the entire idea of Bookclub. Are network and archive blogs and servers exclusive and original ideas? NO! But Morgan didn’t just copy the idea, she:
took credit for it
copy and pasted the rules from @southsidearchive​​​​
copied the same exact theme as ^
copied the set up of the server from ^
bonus: shit talked the admin of ^ and said she’d use them for notes and only add them to Bookclub at the very last minute
Again, you can’t take credit for a common concept like Morgan did, but you can easily give credit to where you got the idea or what you’re basing your actions off of, which Morgan didn’t do. That’s called saying who inspired you. Since Morgan and staff legitimately plagiarized the entire Bookclub setup, they didn’t just get inspiration in that case. 
Moving on, all of the people contributing this post except a few have been here since the beginning of Bookclub and have either left Bookclub or remain in it. We remember what it was like when it started up and we’ve seen the changes it has gone through. Interestingly enough, these changes were not original. 
NOTE: Because Morgan and Bookclub staff have stolen and taken credit for the entirety of southsidearchive’s set up, this is being brought up because it is no mere coincidence that they’re doing the same things again. The only difference is that they were caught sooner.
A couple of us noticed the current changes reflecting @haikyuucreations​​​‘ server only after Morgan had joined. This is a smaller instance compared to the previous, but that should mean there’s no issue with mentioning “I got this idea from them” just like @southsidearchive​​​ did with their rules and haikyuucreations did with their set up. 
There was no mention inspiration when Morgan took all of these from haikyuucreations:
QOTD (role and channel)
the same bots
a split administrative staff between the blog mods and server mods
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As you can see here, Morgan didn’t join the haikyuucreations server until July 25th, and she only waited a couple days until she started copying the way they did QOTD. Previously there was no role or a separate channel, but Morgan shamelessly used that idea and didn’t say she got inspiration or anything. Instead, she passes it off as her wanting it to be more active. The nice thing to do would be at least promote or mention the people you got your ideas from even if they aren’t original ideas. We’re sure Morgan wouldn’t want someone writing a whole fic inspired by hers without saying, or creating an entire blog and server like hers without saying.
Below we’ll talk about the dates that Morgan and Bookclub staff copied the same bots as haikyuucreations. Public bots are not exclusive, but the idea of Bookclub is completely unoriginal since it is a carbon copy of southsidearchive and now it’s imitating haikyuucreations.
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Once again, no one owns common concepts, but we believe the timing is all too convenient for Morgan to be adding in the same bots after joining the haikyuucreations server. When we first joined Bookclub, Writer-Bot and Carl Bot weren’t there, but Morgan went ahead and added both of them in like she “just came up with it,” to quote her directly in the post linked earlier from southsidearchive.
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You can see the earliest messages from those two bots in the haikyuu server and compare it to when Writer-Bot joined Bookclub. There isn’t anything about when Carl Bot joined, but we and anyone else in the server can confirm that it wasn’t there until after Morgan joined the other server. 
Besides this, she got her character bot ideas with prompts and flirty lines from the southsidearchive server, but there was no inspo credit for that.
We will, though, reach out to the staff of haikyuucreations to see if Morgan at least asked about getting inspiration for how they run their server. If that is the case, we’ll delete everything regarding Morgan copying from them. But that’s really unlikely since she didn’t do that for southsidearchive.
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Another instance of copying without inspiration credit is Morgan copying haikyuucreations split staff setup. Since at least June, their blog and server have been split between two different teams. This third screenshot is from August 22nd after a Bookclub member spoke with Candy from the Bookclub staff. This change of Bookclub being split is a recent one, once again only coming up after Morgan has seen it work in the haikyuu server. This information was sent via DM, and Bookclub staff is continuing to avoid acknowledging that they’ve stolen ideas from other archival blogs and servers.
This is unrelated to creative theft. We want to point out another inconsistency where staff has failed to uphold their rules and protect their members, specifically about incest.
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They make it very clear that incest is not a topic allowed in the server or in fics submitted to the blog, yet they allowed this conversation about Todoroki family incest to occur. If it’s allowed in specific channels, then that should be clear in the rules but it isn’t. But that’s just what happens when you copy and paste someone else’s rules and don’t have any familiarity with them:
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According to gallickingunexposed, there was also the instance of minors getting into NSFW channels by lying to staff and by staff opening the channel up temporarily for everyone to participate in. This isn’t legal. It’s unfair. It’s disgusting. Being lied to is out of your control, but Bookclub support staff willingly opened up a NSFW channel for minors to get in. Temporary or not, that’s unacceptable.
And to discuss rule 11: Lyssa/@burnedbyshoto​​ was kicked without notice to anyone, members and mods alike, just because Morgan didn’t like her (referencing gallickingunexposed). This doesn’t mean Lyssa was innocent, but since only Morgan knew about kicking her, no one could personally take it up with her. That’s an abuse of power and a fine way for Morgan to go around her own rules. With all of that, Bookclub members are literally forced by the rules to respect staff and their decisions, breeding an unhealthy environment where no one can speak up without facing backlash in the server or in DMs -- like Morgan shit talking her own members and other bloggers. 
We compiled as much as we could, but there is definitely more that Morgan has stolen and more that her staff has enabled. We believe the best solutions include
1. Bookclub to be remade since it was completely stolen and continues to steal from others.
If someone steals a gif, art, or writing, the proper response is to delete it. It’s unlikely Bookclub staff will do that with Bookclub, so the least they could do is stop benefitting from others’ ideas. Had the Bookclub been marginally influenced by the Riverdale and Haikyuu servers and blogs then it would be different, but this is too far. There is no telling how far they’re going to go and Morgan has no limits of what else she’ll steal and defend. This also needs to happen because the rules themselves are not followed by staff. If you don’t know your own rules or you’re not going to follow them then change them. They were never your rules in the first place and the power is being abused anyway.
2. Morgan needs to leave Bookclub staff. 
She may have started it, but it was never her idea or setup in the first place. Considering she doesn’t follow the rules she copy and pasted, abuses her power, and consistently disrespects other creators either personally or by stealing from them, she doesn’t deserve to get by with another fake apology. Multiple apologies over the same thing followed by the same “mistakes” are worthless. They’re emotionally manipulative and only serve to let her get by with doing it again and get pity when she’s caught. We considered suggesting a suspension, but since Morgan has already left the server once and came back with the issues persisting and more arising, we don’t feel like this is a proper solution. She will only come back and continue to be a risk to the members of Bookclub for talking poorly about them behind their backs and for stealing from them and others. We sincerely hope that Bookclub mods are capable enough to run Bookclub without her, especially if they remake it to fit them. It’s understood that Morgan did most of the admin duties on her own and wouldn’t let mods participate despite being told or asked of, so we hope that that’s even more reason she shouldn’t be in staff.
3. Apologize to the original posters and follow their instructions.
Don’t delete the posts before they see, that’s just running away. If they tell you to credit them, do it. If they tell you to delete it, do it. But don’t delete it and brush it under the rug. And once you do apologize, don’t go back to posting and pretending everything is normal. This is a serious topic and deserves serious reflection. Every time this comes up, Morgan goes in circles victimizing herself, giving an apology, and repeating. That doesn’t work 10 times in a row.
This post will remain up until all three of these suggestions are taken. We’ll continue to help find more content that Morgan and staff have stolen, even if it means getting no sleep because this matters. As writers, artists, and editors, Bookclub staff should understand that. Morgan may not and has proven that she doesn’t care enough to change her ways, but we won’t stop until we see what we want.
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doorbloggr · 3 years
Saturday 22/5/21 - Learning When it is OK to Drop a Series
The way I consume shows and books makes it difficult to keep a constant schedule of entertainment. I am very guilty of binge watching/reading, when I start a series, I will watch up to ten episodes in one sitting well after midnight. Then i sit around for weeks at a time putting off starting the next thing, knowing it too will take all my attention for a few days.
Unfortunately this binge behaviour means that I have often been a poor judge of character when it comes to whether I should finish something. Hey I'm already 10 episodes into this show, might as well watch all 24 episodes. And that has meant I've got a number of series on my Finished Anime List that I sort of feel wasted my time.
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Higurashi is moe-horror, a very specific flavour of anime/manga where the characters and themes are cute on the surface but there is abuse, murder and monstrosities when you get even skin deep.
The true catalyst for this epiphany was an anime called Higurashi: When they Cry NEW. I followed up on it after a streamer I watch said the original series was one of their favourite anime. The show is a psychological and physical horror, and as I've discussed in previous blog posts, my domain is usually Slice of Life, so... a far cry from my comfort zone. I told the two friends I get anime reccomendations from that I was watching it and their reaction was very telling of signs I shouldve read.
The friend who suggests me Slice of Life and Isekai/Fantasy anime told me that he would never touch an anime like Higurashi with a ten foot pole. The friend who suggests me Fan Service and Horror anime told me that she tried to watch Higurashi but thought it was pretty dumb and hard to watch.
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I continued to watch the show, I was 8 episodes in, and wanted to see if it got better. At 17 episodes, I was questioning again whether I should drop it, but I was almost done, so why not just finish? I regretted that.
This post is not a recommendation against Higurashu by the way, but my opinion is, if you're ok with very visceral gore horror, heavy themes of abuse, and looping stories that only get scarier with each retelling... hey, Higurashi could be for you, but in hindsight, it wasn't for me.
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After I finished Higurashi, I caught up on Log Horizon, an anime I am very familiar with and enjoyed a lot.
After watching Higurashi I vowed to myself to only search out anime I know I'll be interested in, or take on suggestions from my friends who know what I like. Since Higurashi I haven't chosen to drop any series, but I also have only watched one Isekai and three Slice of Life's since then, and I thoroughly enjoyed all start to finish. But to safeguard myself against future bad binges, I'm gonna end this post with some advice to myself, and others, on how to ensure your media consumption is enjoyable.
1. Keep records and check for patterns
On my phone I have a Notes file detailing all the anime I've finished. I mostly do this because I have an obsession with documenting my habits and looking back, but it also helps as a way to reflect on what type on anime I have enjoyed in the past.
If you have a record of what you have watched, you can look over the list and find trends. Then you choose new series that have a lot in common with your faves.
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I have enjoyed many romance anime, and the one mecha anime I've seen, Guren Lagann, I enjoyed a lot. So when heard that Darling in the Franxx was a mecha anime with romance, I was veryyy interested.
2. Swap stories with friends
On the list I discussed above, about 80% of the anime I've watched were recommendations from friends. It's like a learning AI, but with real people. Friends give you a bunch of anime to watch and you tell them which ones you enjoyed. Then they can get back to you with anime they think you'd enjoy based on past preferences.
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Ben-to was an anime I recently watched because a friend told me it's just the type of show I'd enjoy.
My friends have gotten really good at recommending me anime that I enjoy because I've told them when I'm watching a new show and whether I like it or not. Because of my long dry spells, I dont watch a tonne, but I also give my own recommendations back and they've enjoyed my suggestions.
3. Unsure? Four episodes
Ages ago, I was watching a podcast run by 3 streamers called LewdCast and they had a segment where they had an anime bookclub; basically they'd come to each podcast having watched an anime and discuss whether they liked it or not. But having to watch an entire series per week not knowing whether you'd like it is exhausting. So their rule was to watch the first four episodes.
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Food Wars was actually a recommendation from LewdCast that I was very hooked into by Episode 4, so I watched the entire series and it is still my fave anime this year.
Episodes 1 and 2 are usually world building and introduction of themes and characters. So dismissing an anime after the first episode isn't giving it a proper chance. But after 4 episodes, the themes have been established, you're introduced to core characters, and you've been given a glimpse of what the flow or hook of the show is. You're at least partway into an arc and you understand how the show will operate overall.
Some people will tell you, "Oh this show is a slow burn, but it gets really good deep into the first season", but the truth is, if you're hating it or not hooked after 4 episodes, it's probably not worth it. If a friend I know tells me, "trust me, you'll enjoy this", then I will probably stick with a show I'm on the fence with more then 4 episodes. But if you sought out a show on your own and you don't know if you'd like it, give it four episodes. If you don't wanna finish it after that, drop it.
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theobligatedklutz · 4 years
Would you write more book club + sunset curve hcs please
Part 2 to @lyra-pador 's post with my addition (thank you for letting me use your brain child)
One book club meeting, Margie asks Luke if he takes requests and he gets so excited, he starts hopping around like a puppy because they actually like our music ("they don't count, they're adults" "shuddup Alex, Margie doesn't like anything but she likes our music!"). "Yes! Yes! We take requests." "Do you know Brandy?" And of course he does, they do, they are not neadrathals. And so they play the tune and at the chorus, every one sings along and Luke has never been happier.
It's Alex's birthday when Carolyn shows up at a book club meeting, unexpected. She never ever shows up for two consecutive meetings like this and everyone is curious as to why until she hands Alex a book wrapped in red ribbon and ruffles his hair and tells him "happy birthday, 'lex." Alex just about dies right then and there. Because his parents didn't remember or didn't care, the only people who knew about it were Luke and Reggie, yet here is Carolyn wishing him a happy birthday and he starts crying. Carolyn isn't expecting it because the next moment, she has her arms full of tall blonde BABIE.
Linda nearly sprints to the nearby bakery to get Alex a cake. And yells at the boys to tell her when they're all born because this can't happen again, she can't buy a store-bought cake again.
Jill has this warm checkered red flannel that she wears around the house on cold days and Reggie takes his chance one day when it's sitting, undisturbed, on the arms of the sofa in Jill's living room. He puts it on and when Jill finally notices after their weekend dinner together, she smiles and pretends not to. It's when Reggie is about to leave that he realizes he still has it on and he apologizes to Jill and tries to take it off. "Keep it." She tells him and kisses his forehead for the first time. And he hasn't been kissed on the forehead for such a long time that he almost doesn't understand it. "Thanks..." he almost utters the word 'mom' but hesitates. He wishes now that he said it then.
When Linda finds out about Luke being a runaway (from Mr. Jenkins, the gossip) and Alex and Reggie spending most of their time out of home, she starts bringing ziplock bags to every bookclub meeting, telling the boys to take whatever they want from the snack table. The snack table is no longer the snack table when the rest of the members find out (they all start bringing in lasagnas, casserole, pot pies, beef roast (you name it!) for the boys to take with them; "don't worry about returning the dishes, hon.").
Reggie finds out one of the bookclub ladies, a nice 40-something year old named Enid, is learning the bass and he takes it upon himself to give her lessons. She tries to pay him for his services but he refuses, he tells her the only currency he'll take is sunset curve propaganda; "just tell your friends about us, we're sunset curve!" Enid forces her 13-year-old her to make flyers for the band, spreading them around the block, around town and yelling "they're sunset curve, tell your friends!"
Luke sometimes asks Mr. Jenkins how his mom and dad are doing and Mr. J always puts a hand to his shoulder and tells him "they really want you home." Of course, Luke never listens.
Alex gathers the stack of LGBTQ+ novels he's gathered up in the garage (because he can't take them home) to return to Carolyn. She doesn't take them, tells him to keep them. "...I..I can't. They are cluttering up the garage and I can't take them home..." A look of rage, then sadness passes across Carolyn's face before she tells him she understands. "My house is always open to you. You know that, right?" And that night, Alex dreams about having Carolyn as his mother, never a cold touch, never the unacceptance, and a library filled with books about queer love stories... he smiles in his sleep.
With the argument with his mom and his haste to get away, Luke forgets to take his lucky blue rabbit's foot with him the night he runs away from home. Emily knows Luke doesn't go anywhere without it because she gave it to him, she remembers how quickly he became attached to it and how "mom, I've gotten every gig since I started taking it with me everywhere." She gives it to Mr. Jenkins to give back to Luke. Unbeknownst to everyone, it's Luke's last meeting with the bookclub when Mr. Jenkins hands him the rabbit's foot. Luke gets all glassy-eyed, thanks Mr. J quietly before retreating to a corner and fiddling with the thing. "It really is lucky." Because they book the Orpheum that week.
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savagetrickster · 4 years
Perhaps You.
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anime |  character: bnha | todoroki shouto
words: 3,098
prompt/crossed out: “Forehead Kisses”
Themes/Warnings: mildly angsty and pinning with happy ending
Inspiration/Song: a playlist of Korean OSTs from various dramas
Special thanks: @shoutodoki​ (her dm on discord was spammed by me and i still feel bad about it) and @prismaroyal​ for helping me when I was struggling with writer’s block for this fic! <3 I love you guys so much! 
Beta-readers: @prismaroyal​, @pixxiesdust​,@hawks-senseis​, @todoscript​ and @shoutodoki​  YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!! <3
A/n: so this is the continuation to ‘Cause I’m a Fool that I promised! sorry I took so long; work has been keeping me so busy and tired that I can doze off right in front of the laptop every night! I could only work on this during the weekends hence the long delay! 
Tags: at the bottom of this post <3
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|  previous  (to ’Cause I’m a Fool)
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The setting sun on the horizon waned in the gathering darkness of the approaching night. Long shadows in its orange rays were all over Neverland, between rides, and across the emptying paths. 
The cable cars descending down to the main entrance of Neverland were fairly quiet and rather empty, now that most of its visitors had their fill of thrill and fun in the theme park.
Her eyes left the cable car station before them and darted over to her right.
Momo felt her heart flutter for the umpteenth time today.
Beneath his tousled hair that somehow still looked so flattering on him even after all the rides, she couldn’t help noticing how the soft orange glow of the setting sun accentuated his chiseled side profile that ran from his forehead to his prominent and angular chin.
Today at Neverland wasn’t counted as a date, but it was enough.
During the sleepover with the girls at her manor a few weeks ago, it took the mentions of graduation to make her realize her feelings for him.
Over the years, her admiration towards Todoroki Shouto wasn’t as simple anymore, and the thought of parting ways after graduation rattled her. 
Even with the girls’ reassurance that she had the highest chance with him, that didn’t mean she was brave enough to say it as it is to him. 
A smile softened Momo’s face as her gaze dropped to her curling hand, recalling with a bubbling gleefulness of how he held her hand through the haunted house earlier.
That was probably nothing more than trying not to lose each other in the dark, but the possibility of him feeling the same way about her made the hopeful anticipation inside inevitable.
“That was fun, Todoroki-kun.” Above her pinkish cheeks, her eyes danced as she returned her attention to the man beside her. “Thanks for coming with me.”
Shouto’s eyes reluctantly left the quiet chatroom that seemed to mock him through his phone screen. A subtle yet intense gloom followed him as he raised his head to meet her eyes.
The edges of his lips lifted for a smile, though his heavy heart ached with the clingy thought of the aloofness that lingered from your birthday wish for him from four years ago. 
How it remained so, even at the end of today, was like an amplifying backdrop reminding him of the gaping distance between you and him.
His hand joined his other in his pockets to put his phone away.
“No problem, Yaoyorozu, thanks for inviting me.” 
The smile on his face wavered slightly but held on as he tried to brush off the provoking reminder which refused to budge.
“We should definitely come here again.” 
We? Momo inhaled sharply. Her heart sped.
“I’m sure the others would enjoy this as much as we did.”
Her shoulders sank along with her heart.
The long shadow of the cable car station falling over them made Shouto turn his head back to the front to see a staff gesturing urgently at them to an idling gondola.
His hand flew to Momo. “C’mon,Yaoyorozu.” 
Surprise snapped her gaze to his grip around her wrist.
Her legs fell in pace behind him as Shouto tugged her along with him in a hasty stride toward the waiting gondola.
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A day’s worth of tiredness had caught up with you after spending the entire day with veins full of adrenaline in Neverland.
Everything seemed to be lulling you to sleep.
The gentle vibration running through the idling cable car under you two.
The warmth of Shinsou’s shoulder pressing against your cheek.
The cool breeze occasionally sifting through the opened door beside Shinsou. 
The gentle heat of the evening sun beating on your back through the glass walls of the cable car.
Your half-lidded eyes stared drowsily at the empty seat across you and Shinsou. 
“Hey, Hitoshi.”
“....Hmm?” You felt his shoulder rumble against your leaning head.
“Tell me if your shoulder gets tired, okay?” You stifled a yawn. “...I’ll move away.” 
“It’s fine, just sleep if you want to.” Shinsou's gaze on you softened. “I’ll wake you when we reach the bottom.” 
He couldn’t help the tender curl the sleepiness in your voice carved on his lips.
An abrupt shift of weight in the cable car jostled your half-lidded eyes to open fully, in time to watch a couple settle down on the empty seat across, and feel a pair of lips pressing a brief kiss on your forehead.
But all that you could think about was the familiar pair of heterochromic eyes. Staring back at you, wide and stunned.
You blinked. And blinked. And blinked. 
Under interlacing red and white tresses, the startlingly pretty irises of stormy gray and frosty turquoise set on a handsome face....only one person you knew had such—
Your head jolted off Shinsou’s shoulder. 
All traces of drowsiness lingering heavily in your body was shaken off with a sense of panic rushing through you. This time, you were fully awake. 
You could hear your heart pounding in your ears.
Despite the time that had passed, your feelings for him still remained strong. 
But it did not mean you wanted to see him.
Not yet. And definitely not now.
You weren’t ready — ready for what? You didn’t know, but after years and years away from him, he was a stranger.
A stranger you knew too much about. One that you’ve been wanting to be around but not at all at the same time.
You could feel Shinsou’s questioning gaze on you while your eyes held the stare across you. Like a deer caught in the headlights, you were frozen, not knowing what to do next.
Stuck between giving a mere smile and a verbal acknowledgement, you watch the stunned opened expression close like a book on his face, unreadable despite the slight clench between his brows.
Shouto’s lips were set in a hard line. 
He couldn’t quite tell what the ambiguous twinge in his chest was for. Was it discomfort because meeting you like this was too sudden?
But the provoking bitter undertone in the ridge inside told him there was another reason which wasn’t as simple. 
That it had a lot to do with the intimate kiss he witnessed planted on your forehead by— 
Shouto swiveled his eyes to your right, to the man who had fallen past his notice the moment he saw you. 
—Shinsou...? His eyes widened the second time.
“Eh Shinsou-san?” He was apparently not the only one who just realized who sat across them. 
His gaze made his way over to Momo, not noticing the cloud that fell over your face as your gaze left Momo and fell onto her slender wrist in his hand.
The small jerk of the whirring gondola drew your quiet eyes away to watch it glide out of the station.
You didn’t see the pensive heterochromic eyes which had left the idle chatters between Momo and Shinsou behind to return to you. 
Especially the wistfulness in them, as you tried to think of...well, nothing.
Nothing about hands.
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The ascension to the top from the main entrance with Shinsou earlier in the day was a swift five minutes, but somehow the way back down felt like time was crawling.
You felt yourself deflating from within as you became overly self-conscious of yourself. 
You knew enough about Yaoyorozu Momo to recognize her right away, albeit meeting her for the first time.
You’ve seen how well she worked with Shouto in the event broadcasts from U.A. High and how the rumored relationship between Shouto and her arose from then. 
Being a young model popular enough to be featured in magazines, this speculated connection between the two garnered support, running incessantly in the background no matter how much Momo denied in her interviews on the pages. 
And now that you were seeing them with your own eyes, from the flustered way Momo denied Shinsou’s question with a blushing shy gaze on Shouto, you were almost convinced they were all true.
The bitterness, no matter how much you wanted it to stop, kept antagonizing you with its nasty voice. 
That she was everything you were not, and seemed to complement Shouto in every way possible. 
Along with the natural charisma she radiated in their descending gondola, it was hard to miss how picture perfect they looked sitting side by side.
Of how fitting it was for someone handsome like Shouto to end up with a woman elegantly beautiful like Momo.  
Similar to Shouto, you’d recall reading in the magazines that she came from an esteemed hero wealthy family and was enrolled into U.A. High because of her powerful quirk.
Not only was she beautiful, the amicable mature way she carried herself, and the bright, bubbly way she introduced herself to you made you like her instantly.
Like moths to a flame, you found yourself growing fond of her. 
However, you just couldn’t fathom why his eyes never left you when Momo was right there being possibly the more captivating person in the gondola to gaze upon, besides himself.
You just couldn’t bring yourself to meet them. Your heart that was sinking with your self-esteem just wouldn’t let you. 
It was easy to avoid his eyes with Momo drawing most of your attention, but you could feel his gaze on you and at times see his eyes on you from your peripheral vision.
Even without fully glancing at him, words brimming and threatening to spill behind his quiet, pinning demeanor was almost tangible enough to make your skin prickle.  
The same urge resonated in you. Too much to say but not knowing how. Too much nostalgia that it hurt so much.
You missed him.
Loving Todoroki Shouto and everything he was, you could not forget him and your feelings for him no matter how hard you tried in the past tiring years, with so much aching pain in your heart. 
Worrying for him.
Crying for him.
Waiting for him, when all signs told you to just stop. 
But now that you’d seen him the way he was now, you knew you probably should. 
You could feel something different about him. The frost he used to radiate was no longer there, and part of you wondered whether it had something to do with the woman beside him.
The intense sense of forlorn filling you that came with it made sitting in their presence unbearable. So when the gondola finally jerked to a stop, an inevitable heavy sigh of relief left you silently.
The door slid open behind Momo and the moment Shinsou moved, you did as well. You rose to your feet with jittery flutters in your guts, eager to get out the stifling seat across him.
The crippling weight of your doubts made it hard to breathe and you desperately needed to get away before the tears threatening to escape you showed.
You bid them goodbye the moment you could leave.
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Shouto’s eyes stayed on your stiff back. His eyes were soft and wavering uncertainly as he watched you with uneasiness pounding in his heart.
The sight of the growing distance between your walking figure and him tugged an unexplainable fear palpable enough to make him ache with a bitter yearning.
So strong that it hurt. 
The same dark, sinking feeling invoked by the quiet chatroom in his phone reminded him once again.
—that he couldn’t lose you. Not again.
A steel glint of determination sharpened the look in his gaze.
— And definitely not now when you were right here, before his very eyes.
“Thanks for the treat, Yaoyorozu.” Shouto threw a curt smile at Momo who blinked back in hasty surprise, and another at Shinsou. 
“I’ll see you guys in school.”
Not another word, he left two puzzled faces staring after him as he ran after you. His jaw was clenched to his gritted teeth as his long legs quickly covered the distance you left behind.
His hand flew out to catch your arm. 
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Your eyes sprang wide at the voice and the large, warm hand halting your tracks by your wrist.
Even though this voice was no longer round and boyish, you knew who it belonged to. 
 "Can we talk?"  His voice was low with a husky undertone to its depth.
You spun around with a snappy sigh.
Still accustomed to his old height, you found yourself staring at a sculpted chest clad in a stretched v-neck shirt instead when you turned. 
Your eyes darted up.
"Oh, so now you wanna talk after ignoring me for four years?"
Now you weren’t just sad.
"Look Shou— Todoroki-san,” An icy hand closed around his heart at how you corrected yourself, “you don’t have to force it. I'm totally okay with this." 
The storm of emotions within you simmered over the years was rearing its ugly, bitter head — anger, frustration, melancholy...
At your misfortune for bumping into him today.
At him.
And mostly, at yourself. 
You hate the way they gripped you. The last thing you wanted to do was to lash out at him like that, but your mouth just wouldn’t stop. 
"I'm really sorry if I was such an annoying inconvenience back then, being so nosy about your problems. I get it, I thought so too.”
Words were tumbling one after another, churned out of you by the pent-up emotions. 
"I can see you're happier now and have such a wonderful girl who obviously loves you.” 
You didn’t see the way his eyes wavered in bewilderment at you. “I'm happy for you, really."
The tears you’d been trying to hide which were pouring out of your eyes didn’t let you.
You stared up at Shouto through a shimmering lens of tears and blinked them away.
Shouto’s mouth opened, then closed as he watched tears roll down your cheeks, stunned. 
“Let’s just pretend today didn’t happen, okay?” 
Your voice shook as you lowered your tearful gaze. You couldn’t bear to look at him anymore. 
“...let’s just forget about this,” Your lips trembled as you sensed more than saw him tense. “All of this.” 
You should have known from day one that Todoroki Shouto was from an entirely different world.
He was the elite while you were meant to blend into the background.
He was powerful, gifted with remarkable quirks while you were powerless with none.
You were a fool.
A fool for waiting.
A fool for hoping.
A fool for pinning after a man who was out of your league.
But you were done being one.
You could almost feel your own heart breaking as you turned away from him.
Enough was enough. 
“...Farewell, Todoroki-san.”
Incredulity in Shouto’s eyes followed you. He could not believe what he just heard. 
His hand snapped around your wrist and the last thing he saw was the surprise amidst your tears before he hugged your trembling form to him.
It happened too fast, too sudden.
You only realized he was holding you when he spoke. 
“I don’t know what you are rambling on about,” The warmth of his chest rumbled against your cheek as you released a shaky breath. 
“...but it’s clear that you have absolutely no idea that I can’t be any happier without you.”
Your eyes sprang wide with shock. You tried to process his words drowning in the deafening pounding of your heart you could hear in your ears. 
“Hold on,” You flinched away, ripping yourself out of his arms as if he had scalded you.
This time, it was your turn to look at him in bewilderment. 
“Wait wait wait, wha-what did you say?”
A brief pause of silence ensued in your question as you raised a hand to wipe your tears away.
The broad shoulders looming over you were lined with stiffness and so was the look on his face. He looked like he was mulling hard over something.
A shuddering sigh escaping Shouto broke his silence. 
“In these few years, what does it mean when I can’t get you out of my mind?” 
A flicker of conflict flashed across his eyes as he raked through his hair, the red and white tresses overlapping in the trail behind his hand. 
“I haven’t figured it out,” You felt your breath catch in your throat at the intensity of the piercing gleam in his prodding eyes.
“...but I know you are important. Way too important for me to forget.” 
Your heart raced as you watched him lower his gaze solemnly to the ground.
“It’s just that...I’m a coward when it comes to you so I’m sorry I made you feel like you’re not.”
His jaw was set in a clench. 
“Simply put, I was—” Shouto paused, his fingers slipped free of his hair which fell back over his eyes in a tousled flattering mess. “Nevermind what I was.”
His voice was quieter now as he raised his eyes to you. “I just don’t want to lose you again.” —and for once today, you could actually read him. 
The pain in his eyes wasn’t the one you’d seen growing up beside him. It did not have an icy edge like back then. 
Instead, the pain in the depth of his eyes was soft and had a remorseful tug of longingness. 
And the fact that this look was zeroed on you, you found it hard to breathe in the wistful ache that held you, resonating along with the one you could practically feel radiating from him.
You don’t know what came over you— 
—but the tangible air of something powerful between you two made you utter his name, carried over to him in a voice barely over a whisper.
You weren’t sure who went over to who, but all you noticed was how he was towering over you now. 
Close enough for you to see a breathtaking softness amongst the colors of his eyes. 
Close enough to see his eyelashes lower with his gaze as he drew his head close to yours. 
There was a hesitant linger of his intense eyes on your lips you didn’t miss before he pressed his lips between your eyebrows.
“I’m never letting you go again.” His lips whispered against your forehead.
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