#Venus opposed Saturn
elminx · 7 months
If this week feels like too much, know that you are right on time.
Today, Mars in Libra squares off with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. Tomorrow, Pluto stations direct and Venus in Virgo opposes retrograde Saturn in Pisces. Mars enters Scorpio on Thursday and then immediately trines Saturn as well. Then, on Saturday, we have our solar eclipse in Libra.
That's a lot and none of it is what we like to call the fun times. It's all endings and hard work. It's holding on to things past their time and KNOWING that you are grasping at straws but still being unable to let go. It has big-time breakup weather written all over it with the lunar nodes and Pluto in play while both Venus and Mars are in aspect to Saturn.
The best you should expect to be able to do this week is to put one foot in front of the other. If you can't even do that, it's okay. The days leading up to ANY new moon are a time for sacred rest, and this is not any old new moon.
Do what you can do and cut yourself some slack for what is outside of your control this week.
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achillea-astro · 2 years
Astro Notes #1 🌤
🌤The house the lord of the sign your Chiron is in is in what part of life your trauma originated in, while the house Chiron itself is in is where the effects of the trauma show up. Example 1st House Chiron in Aries, where Mars is placed in the 3rd House. The trauma originated from siblings, extended family (aunts, etc), elementary school, or your childhood neighbourhood, and it affected your identity, sense of self, or your physical body. (the signs of each would give a better picture of how exactly the traumatic incidents went down. like id imagine with aries involved there might be something about embracing the native’s individuality, and with mars in the 3rd it might be form fighting with siblings)
🌤 The Moon in a harsh aspect with the Saturn could be at risk for developing body image issues, especially when the Sun is connected somehow is involved somehow (by connections to the Sun’s domicile lord, connections with the Sun as a domicile lord, or by aspects to the Sun).
🌤 Aries Venus have senses of style people love I keep seeing, and to me it’s because the Aries adds its bold individuality to Venus’s sense of beauty, making looks that are incredibly unique and hard to miss. It reminds me of the whole “you’re the most beautiful when you’re being yourself/confident in being yourself”
🌤 Speaking of Aries Venus, Venus doesn’t really like being in signs ruled by Mars (Scorpio and Aries) but I feel like Mars and Venus have a very delicate relationship. Venus in either of those signs can bring an extra spice that has a lot of positive outcomes, but the nature of Mars is volatile so if Mars is badly situated it’s contact with Venus can be catastrophic. But when Mars is positively situated it balances and energizes Venus instead of destroying her. Those two together are a sort of high-risk, high-reward deal.
🌤 The negative significations of Scorpio placements always seem to be related to situations with the native’s mother..?? I just keep seeing it pop up.
🌤 Mutable signs can be late bloomers in a lot of things because they can’t decide what to focus on. Fixed signs want to maintain what they got, Cardinal signs are good at starting, but Mutable signs are in this fluxuation of starting, stopping, changing. That can be hard to stick with anything long enough to build skills. Cardinal signs are also guilty of this because they’re good at starting but not maintaining, but sometimes a Mutable sign won’t even start, they’ll just observe and ponder. Cardinal signs at least try it out first.
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hellofanappetite · 1 year
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“Lunar Eclipses are about relationships and polarities. With the Taurus-Scorpio axis involved, this Lunar Eclipse presses us to look more closely at our needs, lacks, and wants concerning the balance between Taurus-ruled and Scorpio-ruled areas of life.” —cafeastro
Taurus: earthy, practical, peace-loving
☾ ♉︎: finding emotional fulfillment through the simple, tangible things in life
Scorpio: emotional, transformative, crisis-oriented
☉ ♏︎: paying attention to complexities, intangibles, & mysteries
The Taurus eclipse is conjunct Uranus & the north node—this means that freedom of expression is the end goal!
This eclipse is conjunct (working together) with Uranus—so freedom, awakening, and revolution hold weight during this time. Uranus manifests in experiences of sudden change—at once liberating and disturbing, jolting and electrifying.
♈︎ Aries rising (Taurus 2nd house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your values/resources/personal possessions/self-esteem
♉︎ Taurus rising (Taurus 1st house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to yourself/appearance/mannerisms/image
♊︎ Gemini rising (Taurus 12th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your sacrifices/seclusion/mysticism/hidden matters
♋︎ Cancer rising (Taurus 11th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your friendships/clubs/society/groups/local politics/astrology
♌︎ Leo rising (Taurus 10th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your career/goals/ambitions/public life
♍︎ Virgo rising (Taurus 9th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your long-distance travels/foreign interests/higher education/religion
♎︎ Libra rising (Taurus 8th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your shared finances or resources/intimacy/transformation
♏︎ Scorpio rising (Taurus 7th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your close relationships/agreements/contracts/open enemies
♐︎ Sagittarius rising (Taurus 6th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your work/health/fitness/daily routine
♑︎ Capricorn rising (Taurus 5th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your artistry/music taste/children (could be inner child)/creativity/crushes
♒︎ Aquarius rising (Taurus 4th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your home life/family/past/history/mother figures
♓︎ Pisces rising (Taurus 3rd house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your neighborhood/close friends/location/insight
Note: The eclipse is also opposing Mercury (communication) & Venus (values)
There’s a challenge with how we communicate along with our values
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I have the squares with Venus, Saturn opposition with Mars and Uranus
ahhh ok
moon square venus / moon oppose saturn - blockages around expressing emotions.
moon oppose saturn could show how an authority figure could have told you to stop being too emotional so you learned to hold them in to seem more mature. with mars and uranus also opposing the moon their could have been instability, uncertainty, constant change and erratic moon swings coming from the mother and/or living arrangements.
Connecting these altogether show an individual who is not secure in their living situation let alone emotions, so at some point they must reckon with the subconscious (moon) and come to terms with the erratic ever so changing emotions (uranus) they deal with.
moon oppose uranus shows an individual who has to get up and go no matter what day or time it is. you might be impulsive (mars) with your decisions because your emotions are not stable (uranus/saturn). you didnt get enough affection (venus) growing up so this caused you to be either codependent (moon/venus) and/or over independent (moon/mars oppose) in your decision making.
to balance out these emotions you should pay attention to how the environment makes you feel, because you might have to leave hometown or wherever it is you call home to really balance out the mind and emotions.
on the bright side these placements moon square venus & moon oppose mars&uranus are good sources of creative potential.
youre ideas could be out of this world but you get them from the inside of your core when you allow yourself to connect to source (universe/cosmic energy - uranus) and allow your bold nature to sometimes take impulse (mars) to creative something beautiful and authentic to your essence (venus).
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bitesize-astrology · 2 years
The Mind Alive
Sunday - August 28, 2022
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It's been my practice to encourage you to take it a bit "easy" after a New or Full Moon. I see it as beneficial to give that potent energy some time to settle. So a day where the Sun is at 5° Venus, a Mercury/Gemini ruled degree, sitting down with your favorite book or magazine seems appropriate.
This is an excellent day for feeding the mind and adding some new knowledge. But not just any knowledge, but self-knowledge. What did yesterday's New Moon show you about yourself? How can you "educate" yourself more about yourself? Would a book about courage or self-reliance help? Maybe an article about managing your feelings, or protecting your emotional space. Or would a biography about somehow who refused to live in contradiction to his/her heart be what you need?
As you dive into what the 4° Virgo New Moon revealed to you, don't make the mistake of comparing your life or your circumstances to others. There is an opposition between Venus in Leo and Saturn in Aquarius at 20°, and that could have you getting stuck in blame, shame and recrimination. This is a day for observation, not condemnation.
So grab a good book, and feed not simply your mind, but your heart and emotions. Because the mind needs your heart and emotions just as much as your heart and emotions need your mind.
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thefirebull · 1 year
When I tell you that I was out of spoons BEFORE my partner went into the ER a week and a half ago, and then I found and spent an extra resource of spoons that I did not know that I had which means that I now have to replenish my spoons AND somehow hope that I can reload the extra secret resource spoons, you might start to understand what it's like to be a Taurus.
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cloutchaserkineme · 2 months
palakol grades and lawyers
March 11, 2024, Monday, 8:29 PM while my mom sleeps a head cold and sore throat off in the other room
Hey so uhm. I flubbed hard on an earlier conversation with two lawyers and got laughed at (though I know they meant well, they -
(5 minute cutoff pomodoro ass)
-they were doing it to rib a freshie tadpole into the world of Law but ohhhmygosh did it feel like hell to be put on the spot and miss an Intelligence check in the lobby of that hotel) so I excused myself from tonight's class, which was starting on the chapter on Obligations. Judging from the chatter in the GC, the discussion went by incredibly fast, which means that I have to gallop and not trot in order to keep up for our next class this Friday.
However, I had no bullet in this gunfight, so to speak, because of the work thing. The work thing that I got ribbed by the lawyers for- because while I am studying to be included in their profession, I am already a card-carrying member of yet another subset of Humanities Work in our little group of islands.
I was accompanying an anonymous person whom I interviewed, who was a victim of a Big Bad Evil Thing in A Specific Department, to give her statement to these lawyers. I went there as a friend, and for quiet moral support, because they were there for her side of things, which I already knew and had exclusively reported on already.
I was not media, I was friend-typing-on-phone. And when the recording was off, and they were just thirty year olds talking about Big Serious Adult Things such as formally telling someone to Swiper, No Swiping (other people's professional licenses) through legal action, did I tell him that I was the one who wrote the article that got them to be aware that there was another victim of the Big Bad Evil Thing in A Specific Department, and that there may be many, many others who were just unwilling to speak up because we're all shy types and anti-boat rockers, living together on an island as we were. I was trying to say that he wouldn't have noticed her plight had I not done my job and gave a platform for her to voice out her issues.
This guy immediately goes, "you media people are always looking for a scoop", as if he didn't arrange that entire meeting to get an additional lawsuit. Babes, we are BOTH always looking to offer something to the God of labor that governs our work. This is natural. I am nosy by default and you were born argumentative- we are shaped by what we want to be defined as, within the limitations of our skills you twit.
Never mind that, though I was politely trying to assert that I was there as a friend and he was there to politely tell her that he was going to defend her to the end, we were both there for her.
All of this shit, the drudge, the long hours of typing work and recording conversations, and the way we both went out of our way to talk to the person about how she wants to proceed with doing something we think is right, and how we could help her (and hopefully by proxy others like her) to Eradicate that Big Bad Evil Thing in A Specific Department- it is in service to the God of Love and Kindness, who is right now wearing the skin of both our labor professions.
He might've felt put on the spot and ambushed by a writer, and I might (still feel) very insecure and proven ignorant by a lawyer, but we're both working towards that same goal.
I feel so stupid, fresh, and idiotic, but it all went away when I saw my friend walk out of that hotel lobby confident and with a pep in her step, her belief in a world that has people willing to help someone in need to do the right thing refreshed anew.
It feels better than any recit high, honestly.
(30) 9:22 pm, same shit different crash
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amfetuum9mobile3 · 2 months
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u know a bitch has the least productive manic episode cuz she been sleeping for 6 hours in total for the past 4 days, called sick from work, got 2 new tattoos and an eyebrow piercing... i woke up yesterdat and drank like 6 beers + a bottle of champagne and ended up passing out in a kids playground while its 2 degrees outside
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elle555 · 4 months
Astro notes💌
Venus-uranus people can have the majority of their relationships online and lots of online friends but they are pretty fast on the internet when it comes to finding a companion or lover
underdeveloped Pisces moons can be very manipulative , aloof , co-dependent and flaky
Sagittarius 10H/MC-Jupiter people can travel alot and make lots of money from traveling
Mercury-Chiron especially if (opposed, squared) can be very vulnerable and think everything is their fault , they also may be afraid to speak out or share their opinions because of either being misunderstood or judged
Libra moons are always the ones too start a relationship with anyone no matter who , what , when , where
Mercury-Neptune people daydream alot and often in their own lil bubble
12H mercury people don’t talk much or get personal unless they actually know you or can trust you
Virgo/Cap 1H/Saturn-asc people can be very obsessed or anxious over how they look or come off they feel like something is always with how they look maybe
Virgo Venus are all about routine and having a plan
Sun-Pluto people can very easily annoyed or bothered by other peoples presence
Air and water in big 3 can make someone very emotionally attached and vulnerable with people in some cases
12H stellium people could get easily drained from doing anything
You know those people who can’t make up their mind when driving and they go super slow but then speed but then slow down yea that person definitely has a air or water 3H
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elminx · 2 years
Energy Update: New moon 04 Virgo
Here where I live in Southern New England, there is a long line of severe storms blowing through our area this afternoon. We've already experienced the trifecta of extreme rain, hail, and wind damage and we are on storm No 2 of the day which is supposed to last until around 8pm (it's 3ish now). The sky just dropped so much water on our parched land that it just ran off and downhill.
This is a normal occurrence in my life now, but it also makes me think of the Virgo new moon. Thunderstorms, or supercells as I often hear them called in meteorological circles, are just extreme moments of weather instability coming to a head all at once. This new moon is going to be an extreme moment of astrological instability all coming to a head at once.
This is the weather, we just have to exist in it. (I type as thunder rolls ominously in the background)
Our weekend players are the same old big hitters: the Sun and Moon meeting up in early Virgo square to Mars in Gemini, and Venus in Leo completing a fixed grand cross with Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, The South Node in Scorpio, and Saturn in Aquarius. Mercury, our chart ruler for this lunary event, is unaspected (unless you count a wide opposition to Jupiter) and moving through its pre-retrograde shadow.
All eyes are on Mars in Gemini. And that's fair, he's gonna get up to some shit. Like Gemini do. Though he hasn't entered his shadow yet, this new moon square is going to repeat again when the Sun in Sagittarius opposes retrograde Mercury, and a third time when the Sun in Pisces squares off with Mars in his final passthrough of the sign of the twins.
I don't consider this a bad transit - I think that each of us will have the opportunity to explore the way that we do things from a very wide lens, you'll just have to be open to letting it happen. All of the mutable signs, but maybe Gemini especially, prefer to let the path flow before them.
This is the cosmic right timing to really go down a rabbit's hole or explore in detail a topic that you've been itching to learn, or one with which you would like to deepen your studies. Mutable Mars energy always has a bit of crafter energy to it - this is the cosmic right time to start a long winding creative project. No deadlines here - just all exploration.
Start it now. Tomorrow. Under the energy of the Virgo new moon. Dedicate yourself to fucking around to find out. To not knowing or even needing to know all of the answers. Dedicate yourself to the pure bliss of doing something new.
Yes, Sun square Mars is supposed to be a hard aspect. The energy of mutable squares is (at best) a bendy structure.
Mutable signs understand that sometimes you just have to weather the storms. Our fixed square between retrograde Saturn in Aquarius and retrograde Uranus in Taurus is raging onward, but the mutable signs know how to sidestep it all and just abide. Sometimes you can't fix the world. Sometimes things break and there's no stopping it. Sometimes you just need a thing to keep you inside until the worst of it is over and you can survey the damage.
Sometimes the best thing that you can do is remember to bring your plants inside. And - if you need to - take a shower before the storms start.
Maybe you're not there yet. Maybe you're too "in it". The thing about the mutable signs is that they are as forgiving as they are flexible. Tomorrow is also a great day to take care of yourself - or your space - whatever that means for you.
That may mean just staying inside until the weather passes. Let that be okay, too.
Do you like my work?  I have a few spots open for Mercury Retrograde Transit readings available right now in my KoFi Shop. These will help you to understand specifically how this retrograde cycle will be impacting your natal birth chart. They are $20 and you will receive a 1-2 page .PDF from me. (You can always throw a coin for your local astrologer through that link too to help support my writing.)
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cupidlovesastro · 5 months
𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 #𝟏𝟎
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✠ pisces sun, moon, mercury, mars, and venus tend to avoid confrontational situations or topics. they’d rather take keep their thoughts and feelings to theirself
✠ gemini mars could laugh when they’re angry or try to not take things so seriously. they also could bring up some good arguments and points
✠ taurus moons can find comfort through their favorite smells, foods, textures, etc
✠ sun in 12th house people could try to keep their personality hidden due to trauma. it’s something you could need to heal within yourself
✠ chiron in 10th house can mean you need to heal your father wound or that you heal others father wounds
✠ mars in 6th house can mean that if you sacrificed for someone, and they were unappreciative, it makes you very angry
✠ moon conjunct neptune can mean you try to escape your emotions when they get too much. this can also mean your emotions sway you a lot, like they start to dictate your thoughts, behavior, and actions
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✠ mercury square or opposing jupiter can mean that it’s hard for you to expand your vocabulary or learn new things
✠ aquarius sun or rising could have unpredictable changes in their personality
✠ sagittarius risings could dress according to their culture or pull inspiration from a particular culture (doesn’t have to be racial)
✠ people their sun signs the same as your mercury could have a satisfying voice to you or you could listen to them talk all day
ex: if your a libra mercury, you could like listening to libra suns
✠ saturn aspecting pluto can mean that your transformations are long, difficult, and destructive
✠ virgo mercuries can sound really smart and intellectual about what they are saying, even if it’s an unserious topic
✠ rising opposing moon can mean that you have more sharp, boney, and structural features than soft feminine ones
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punksocks · 2 months
Astrology Observations: No.28
*just based on my observations, only take what resonates
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(Sorry it’s been a minute, I got my time back then I got sick- like same day! I’m good now, thank god, but it was absolutely insane and everything has been going on in the world, my God)
-If your moon opposes your ascendant you may be known for making the wrong impressions on people (especially first impressions) at some point in your life
-Not the first time I said this but I feel like Libra Asc tend to need to balance out aspects of their life more bc of their houses having the opposite signs over them.
-On the other hand I feel like Aries asc have a very straightforward, sometimes less complicated world view bc of their houses lining up with their traditional rulers.
-Mars in determemt and fall (Libra, cancer, 12th house) really gives you a finite amount of stamina
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-I feel like cancer venus/moons tend to wax the most poetically and romantically about the nostalgia they feel. Even stronger for Venus.
-Men with cancer placements be like: I didn’t know I was manipulating you into being nice to me until it was already happening (lmao oof)
-I noticed Aries and Scorpio Sun men/masc folks can get romanticized a lot, I think this is bc their identity is ruled by mars traditionally, so they tend to be assigned more masculine traits/act their traits out in a more “traditionally” (or even just comfortably) masculine way
-Aqua Sun/asc/venus usually have some features that makes their face really stand out I noticed (unique brow/nose/head shape etc) (idk why I haven’t seen this with moons as much)
-Signs in your 8th house may come off as mysterious or hard to understand
-You may find it really easy to vibe with people that have Sun conjunct your Asc
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-I’ve noticed that a lot of Virgo mars may eat like really spicy or punishing foods (especially if the mars is in a fire house)
-Saturn aspecting your big 3 can help you age really well- depending on how well you take care of yourself (extreme example: dick van dyke, he’s almost 100 and he’s still jumping around with so much energy)
-Pisces placements can be like incredibly intelligent and yet still come off as a bit spacey (one of my favorite YouTubers used to head extra credits and he is SO SMART, like just a seriously huge capacity for knowledge but he sounds spacey when he does his chill gameplays and pieces things together unscripted lol)
-Jupiter square/opposition Sun can make you come off as overly pessimistic, it can also make you come off as optimistic at the wrong times (laughing at serious moments, etc)
-Taurus placements are so motivated by food, it’s so real (the amount of times I’ve had a Taurus sun/moon/mars not hear a word I was saying bc they were scoping out a restaurant? Countless lol)
-I notice a lot of rappers & musicians (especially the innovative ones) have major Pisces placements
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-Aries moons get emotional fulfillment by winning what they chase after (Aries in big 6 tends to make you go after things in general too imo)
-I noticed sometimes Leo moon can make you a bit self centered, like in the most literal sense, you may have trouble understanding perspectives outside of your own
-Virgos and Geminis and 3rd/6th house placements have great memory but they tend to forget certain aspects. They tend to forget or mix up details. (My ex took like 3 years to remember my middle name beyond the first initial lol god; also, I always remember zodiac signs but not birthdays lol)
-I love how Joe Pera has a cancer Mercury and his comedy is like the coziest comedy I’ve ever heard, he even got his following bc his helping people fall asleep and just talking through his chill podcast (did not expect him to have like the most fire in his chart tho?? Wouldn’t have guessed lol)- Pisces Mercury and Mercury with hard aspects to Neptune probably have a cozy affect on others when they communicate with them too
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heartlilith · 6 months
Astrology Observations
Here are some of my observations and opinions on various placements - Part 2
🔮I'm not sure if it's my Neptune or Uranus in the 1st but over the years my physical features have changed on their own... when I was a toddler I was blonde, in middle school my hair started turning red, then high school it was auburn and now it's dark brown. Same with my eyes; when I was young they were dark blue and now they're green.
✨If your Moon/Venus/Ascendent opposes or squares Saturn/Neptune/Pluto or you have Neptune/Saturn/Lilith/in the 1st house (and probably more aspects) then it will never matter how beautiful or attractive you are because you'll never view yourself that way
🔮The sign on your 5th house cusp is usually the sun/dominant sign of your favorite artist; whether that's music, art, fashion, or literature (there's other aspects that can determine this but I relate to this the most)
✨I've met a lot of Aquarius, Pisces, and Virgo placements who are vegan/vegetarian (esp sun, moon, 2nd house, 6th house, and 12th house placements)
🔮Earth dominant people find animals very therapeutic
✨OPINION: I look at Mars signs as the type of vibe people give off, of course the rising sign plays a part in this as well but once you get to know someone I believe this becomes more and more apparent (unless Mars is in their 12th house ofc)
🔮OPINION: Sagittarius/Gemini/Capricorn placements are the funniest out of the zodiac - Sagittarius because they're outrageous and dramatic, Gemini because they're quick and witty, Capricorn because they're super sarcastic and have that dry humor
✨Aquarius placements have a lot of people who love them but they feel like no one truly *gets* them... they get a bad rep for always trying to be "different" and "unique" but they feel this in the worst way which leads to them becoming very lonely
🔮It takes a lot to get Leo/Taurus/Sagittarius/Aquarius/Capricorn placements mad but once you do you're f***ked
✨Cinderella definitely had Venus in the 1st house, Saturn in her 4th house, and Jupiter in the 7th house
🔮Lilith in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 10th house attracts a lot of gossip
✨Lilith in the 1st house means you're your own worst enemy
🔮Lilith in the 4th house can indicate being a single parent
✨Lilith in the 12th house can indicate being a mistress or the male equivalent
🔮Juno through the houses can give more insight on what partner is right for you;
Juno in the 1st house; independent partner who wants to show the world they love you
Juno in the 5th house; a fun, creative and optimistic partner
Juno in the 11th house; a best friend, popular and friendly partner
Part 1
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saylessastrology · 24 days
Astrology Notes!💫💅🏾
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💫These Observations are from MY OPINION & Knowledge💫 Follow my Patreon for more💜💅🏾
Jupiter in 2nd,4th,10th - these people usually end up successful through finacial/career endevours as well as homes and physical property. usually comes into effect after your saturn returm
Aries Mars/Mars in 1st house - people with these placements express thier anger openly and loudly. Both my parents had Mars in Aries and it was a war zone when they were arguing.
Cancer Moons- This placement can create a very moody individual. While they are SUPER sweet and caring, they also have quick tempers when triggered
Aquarius Personal Planet Placements - I know aqua's get dragged for being emotionless BUT that is only on the outside! Internally, Aqua's feel EVERYTHING. They just have a very detached way of expressing thier emotions.
Grand Trines - Most people don't activily use thier GT to their benefit. Having 1 or more GT's can make the areas of your life that are connected in the GT TOO EASY. Almsot so easy that we forget to put in the extra work to get the best out of the aspect!
Chart Rulers - The rular of your chart can show how you are naturally suppose to navigate through life.
Ex: Ruler -Sun
You are meant to use your creative and expressive personality to navigate through life. When you do, you will stand out tramendously in the world and forward moving energy will be consistant.
South Node House Placement - The traits associated with the house your sn is in can show your secret traits from your past life that your can use sparingly in your current journey tword your North Node
EX: south node in 10th house/NN in 4th
You are blessed with so many benefical go getter career traits! You were the big boss in your past and shoud Incorporate these traits with your north node in the 4th house placement.
Feel like you don't have what it takes to run your own household?
Use your Multitasking, Athoritative and Business skills to care for your househouse
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1. Sun-Sun Conjunction: Shared Identity
Observation: When one person's Sun is conjunct (in the same place as) the other person's Sun, they often share similar core identities and life goals.
Explanation: This aspect can create a strong sense of understanding and identification with each other. It’s like looking into a mirror; these individuals often feel a deep connection and mutual respect.
2. Moon-Moon Harmony: Emotional Understanding
Observation: Harmonious aspects (like trines or sextiles) between two people's Moons suggest a deep emotional understanding and comfort.
Explanation: Their emotional rhythms and needs align well, making it easier for them to empathize with and nurture each other. It's akin to speaking the same emotional language.
3. Venus-Mars Aspect: Attraction Dynamics
Observation: When someone’s Venus (planet of love) forms an aspect with another person's Mars (planet of desire), it indicates a strong physical and romantic attraction.
Explanation: This aspect can spark instant chemistry, creating a dynamic and exciting interaction. The Venus person is drawn to the Mars person’s assertiveness, while the Mars person appreciates the Venus person’s aesthetic and charm.
4. Mercury Conjunct Mercury: Intellectual Bond
Observation: A conjunction between two people's Mercuries suggests a meeting of the minds.
Explanation: This aspect fosters open communication, mutual understanding, and shared interests. It’s like being on the same wavelength intellectually, making conversations flow easily and enjoyably.
5. Moon Opposite Saturn: Emotional Responsibility
Observation: When one person's Moon opposes another's Saturn, it can indicate a relationship where emotional support meets responsibility and structure.
Explanation: The Moon person provides warmth and emotional understanding, while the Saturn person offers stability and teaches valuable life lessons. However, if not balanced, it could lead to feelings of coldness or emotional distance.
6. Sun Square Pluto: Transformative Challenges
Observation: A square between one person's Sun and another's Pluto often brings intense, transformative challenges to the relationship.
Explanation: This aspect can create power struggles or deep psychological confrontations. However, if navigated wisely, it can lead to profound personal growth and transformation for both individuals.
7. Jupiter Trine Venus: Shared Joy and Growth
Observation: A trine between one person’s Jupiter and another’s Venus indicates a joyful, growth-oriented relationship.
Explanation: There's an abundance of warmth, generosity, and shared values. This aspect enhances mutual appreciation and can bring luck and prosperity to the relationship.
8. Saturn Sextile Pluto: Building Together
Observation: When one person's Saturn forms a sextile with another's Pluto, it suggests the ability to build something enduring together.
Explanation: This aspect offers a blend of discipline (Saturn) and transformation (Pluto), enabling the couple to work through obstacles and effect substantial changes together. It’s about resilience and mutual empowerment.
9. Uranus Opposite Venus: Unpredictable Attractions
Observation: An opposition between one person's Uranus and another's Venus can create an unpredictable, electric attraction.
Explanation: This aspect can bring excitement and spontaneity but also instability to the relationship. The Uranus person shakes up the Venus person’s concept of love and beauty, while the Venus person may seek more stability and commitment.
10. Neptune Trine Mars: Inspired Actions
Observation: A trine between one person’s Neptune and another’s Mars indicates a relationship where dreams inspire action.
Explanation: The Mars person’s drive and ambition are creatively inspired by the Neptune person's ideals and imagination. Together, they can turn visions into reality, combining passion with compassion.
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citieskyes · 9 months
astro observations 🌌
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🃏 VENUS ruled 11th house can favour and prefer their friendships over their romantic relationships.
🃏 PISCES mercuries always have their head in the clouds. A lot of them fantasise or daydream to pass the time. I find that they also have a hard time making eye contact when speaking. They’re always looking around the room, spaced out.
🃏 THOSE with mutable signs in their midheaven may go through different careers in their lifetime. They have a hard time sticking to one job as they require flexibility and stimulation. Therefore, they may job hop a lot.
🃏 MOON opposing Venus can say the wrong things in social situations. You may come off as odd or cold to others despite that not being your intention. Because of this, your struggle to express your actual feelings leads to a mistaken perception of your true character.
🃏 SATURN in the third house may point to getting your drivers license late or at least later than your peers. This is because Saturn rules restrictions and the third house represents transportation.
🃏 SUN in the 12th house may point to an absent father, whether emotionally or physically. The 12th represents faraway lands and hidden enemies. I’ve met many people with this placement who all share this trait.
🃏 MOON in the third house may have a special bond with their siblings. They may be overprotective over them.
🃏 I HAVE noticed that Gemini mars are prone to experimenting in their relationships, and they tend to not view relationships in a heteronormative lens. Therefore, they may have multiple partners or be involved in entanglements.
🃏 FIXED risings (Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo) take love and hate to the extreme. When they love someone, they can obsess, and when they hate someone… well. This could also be due to the fact they all have a fixed descendant, which can rule over how you can act in your romantic relationships and vice versa.
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saturnian-venus · 2 years
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astro notes pt. iv [beauty & fashion edition]
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♤ most people with upturned catlike eyes have mars aspecting their ascendant ex: megan fox (mars conjunction ascendant) cardi b (mars square ascendant) jordin sparks (mars semi-square ascendant)
♤ ladies with jupiter aspecting their ascendant & taurus/libra inner placements are blessed with an alluring hourglass/opposing triangles figure ex: amber rose (jupiter trine ascendant + libra sun) christina hendricks (jupiter sextile ascendant + taurus sun) peggy lee (jupiter semi-sextile ascendant + taurus venus + libra mars)
♤ simple soft glam makeup look lovers probably have venus in earth signs aspecting the ascendant ex: jamie chung (taurus venus + venus trine ascendant) charlize theron (virgo venus + venus conjunction ascendant) sza (capricorn venus + venus semi-sextile ascendant)
♤ aphrodite (1388) aspecting venus can make you look very photogenic ex: cindy crawford (venus conjunct aphrodite) noah mills (venus conjunct aphrodite) naomi campbell (venus trine aphrodite)
♤ every moon in aries/1st house went through a red hair phase ex: janet jackson (aries moon) rosé (aries moon) gloria estefan (moon in the 1st house)
♤ an aspect that can contribute to having fairy/elf like features is a hard aspect between neptune and the asendant ex: sylvie testud (neptune square ascendant) rami malek (neptune opposite ascendant) kate bosworth (neptune inconjunction ascendant)
♤ females with a gorgeous tringale/pear shaped bodies usually have pluto aspecting their asendant & leo/sagittarius inner placements ex: beyoncé (pluto conjunction ascendant + leo mars) christina aguilera (pluto trine ascendant + sagittarius sun + sagittarius venus), rihanna (pluto inconjunction ascendant + sagittarius mars)
♤ people who have deep attractive voices oftentimes have mercury-pluto aspects ex: mark strong (mercury conjunction pluto) laurence fishburne (mercury semi-square pluto) alan rickman (mercury inconjunction pluto) or pluto in the 3rd house ex: martin luther king, emma stone & laura prepon
♤ having neptune aspecting the ascendant can give you downturned doelike eyes ex: paul mccartney (neptune conjunction ascendant) sylvester stallone (neptune square ascendant) grimes (neptune semi-square ascendant)
♤ celebrities known for their famous hairstyles tend to have fire venus combined with moon-venus aspects ex: audrey hepburn (aries venus + moon semi-square venus) whitney houston (leo venus + moon trine venus) farrah fawcett (sagittarius venus + moon opposite venus)
♤ hard sun-uranus aspects can cause asymmetrical face ex: ryan gosling (sun conjunction uranus) paris hilton (sun square uranus) angelina jolie (sun sesqui-quadrate uranus)
♤ people who have their sun/moon aspecting lilith have dark intense attractiveness ex: taissa farmiga (sun trine lilith) ben barnes (moon trine lilith) mia wasikowska (moon square lilith)
♤ the looking bizarre but in a sexy way aspect got to be uranus harsly aspecting the sun ex: anya taylor joy (sun square uranus) benedict cumberbatch (sun square uranus) gemma ward (sun semi-square uranus)
♤ saturn aspecting the asendant & aries/capricorn inner placements can give the individual model qualities ex: miranda kerr (saturn square ascendant + aries sun) gigi hadid (saturn semi-square ascendant + aries venus) vanessa paradis (saturn inconjunction ascendant + capricorn sun)
♤ most of bold heavy makeup lovers have fire venus in the 1st/10th house ex: dua lipa (leo venus in the 10th house) chungha (aries venus in the 10th house) katy perry (sagittarius venus in the 1st house)
♤ psyche (16) aspecting the sun people have an astonishing beauty ex: diane kruger (sun conjunct psyche) monica bellucci (sun trine psyche) aishwarya rai (sun semi-sextile psyche)
♤ famous for their iconic curly hair they got earth moons with sun/uranus aspects ex: andie macdowell (taurus moon + sun square uranus) corbin bleu (virgo moon + sun sextile uranus) keri russell (capricorn moon + sun inconjunction uranus)
♤ having cosmetic surgery to enhance what they got aspect is sun/asendant/midheaven semi-square venus ex: lana del rey (sun semi-square venus) hailey baldwin (asendant semi-square venus) jennifer lawrence (midheaven semi-square venus)
♤ narcissus (37117) conjunct/trine/sextile sun folks are in love with their reflection spends a lot of time in front the mirror and take mirror selfies
♤ big fans of bodycon clothings mostly have venus in a fire house ex: selena quintanilla (venus in the 1st house) famous for her signature looks with bodycon jumpsuits, khloe kardashian (venus in the 5th house) loves bodycon skirts/pants, kim kardashian (venus in the 9th house) most of her wardrobe consist of bodycon dresses
♤ most people with round captivating eyes have moon aspecting their ascendant ex: zooey deschanel (moon conjunction ascendant) dakota fanning (moon square ascendant) marion cotillard (moon semi-square ascendant)
♤ women with a graceful rectangle/banana shaped bodies could have mercury aspecting the ascendant & virgo/aquarius inner placements ex: charlotte rampling (mercury conjunction ascendant + aquarius sun + aquarius venus) zendaya (mercury trine ascendant + virgo sun) mitski (mercury sextile ascendant + virgo venus)
♤ the majority of people born with red hair have got aries/taurus in their big 6 with sun/mars aspects ex: jessica chestian (aries sun + aries venus + sun semi sextile mars) domhnall gleeson (taurus sun + taurus moon + taurus mars + sun conjunct mars) toby stephens (taurus sun + aries venus + sun sesqui-quadrate mars)
♤ water signs individuals like to put on blue eye contact lenses
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