theworstcreature · 1 year
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dessarious · 3 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt98
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Damian sat back to back with Luka in a lesser traveled area of the park. He was drawing in his sketchbook while the other boy seemed to be strumming his guitar absentmindedly. It was strange being in such an unstructured school, not to mention having teachers who offered advice rather than criticism. He hadn’t liked it at first but it was growing on him. Not having to spend his time in a classroom with people who needed far less advanced curriculum made his life less monotonous. He was actually starting to enjoy himself until he spotted some of his former classmates standing off to the side, whispering and pointing at them.
“If you have something to say, say it. Otherwise go disturb someone else.” His words caused the group to jump and Luka stopped playing. They all just stood there looking sheepish and Damian took the moment to identify them. Luka’s sister was there, looking ridiculous trying to hide behind her much smaller girlfriend. The idiot blogger’s boyfriend was next to them looking anywhere but at him and Luka. Finally came the small girl with dreadlocks and her boyfriend. They all looked insanely uncomfortable.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” Luka’s calm demeanor seemed to release some of the tension. His sister even managed a small smile.
“Are you really a Wayne?” The blogger’s boyfriend seemed shocked the words came out of his mouth. Damian let out an annoyed scoff.
“Now you decided to confirm things? Where was this attitude when that liar was wrapping you all around her finger?” They all flinched and Luka elbowed him in the small of his back. He scowled at his boyfriend. These idiots were ruining the little time they got alone together and he seemed fine with it.
“What do you need Jules?” Luka zeroed in on his sister, ignoring the others. Apparently he was annoyed at the interruption. The girl mumbled something but it was her girlfriend that actually spoke.
“We saw an article about Marinette getting hurt. Is she alright?” He hadn’t even realized his father released a press statement yet, let alone that it made it to Paris, though he probably should have expected it once the decision was made. He shared a look with Luka before responding.
“If you want to know you should ask her. I’m not about to give out personal information to anyone, let alone any of you.” They flinched again and Damian fought not to roll his eyes. He couldn’t figure out what Marinette ever saw in these people.
“The number we have for her isn’t in service and we didn’t think we’d be welcome at the bakery.” That was possibly the first intelligent thing he’d heard out of them. Just imagining Sabine’s reaction to any of her daughter’s former classmates entering her business caused a feral grin.
“And what do you care if she is alright or not? Last time you saw her you were perfectly happy to see her injured, emotionally if not physically.” None of those present were actually at the assault but they all had aimed comments at Marinette that were meant to wound.
“We thought she was bullying Lila.” The girl with dreads decided to throw out that nonsense. Before he could answer such stupidity Luka broke in.
“Someone else’s bad behavior doesn’t excuse yours even if that had been true. I personally am at a loss to understand how any of you could ever believe Mari would bully anyone. It is a ridiculous thought.” Damian eyed his boyfriend warily. He’d never heard a tone anywhere near that cold come from him before. While he didn’t want that sound aimed at him, he was rather impressed.
“You didn’t see any of the stunts she pulled with Adrien.” Luka’s sister finally figured out how to be audible, he gave her a disappointed frown.
“Stunts that you all were encouraging her to do. Many of them you were a part of. I wonder how many wouldn’t have happened without all of your interference. Do you really think she would have gone after Lila for no reason with all of you against her?” They were all shuffling nervously and refusing to make eye contact again. “I think you all need to find out why you let yourselves be deceived so easily before you talk to Mari. That way any apologies may actually be sincere rather than just an effort to ease your own guilt.”
As they scampered away Damian could only smile fondly at the other boy. Luka didn’t put people in their place very often but it was always effective. He was staring after his sister and Damian could see the worry in his posture. He reached out to lace their fingers together.
“She’ll come around, it will just take time. None of them are ready to admit how wrong they were.” Luka leaned into him and while Damian couldn’t help scanning the area to make sure no one was watching, he didn’t feel the need to pull away. He never thought he’d be so comfortable showing affection in public, but Luka seemed to have a habit of making the impossible happen.
“I should have been more present. If I had paid more attention to Jules maybe I could have stopped her from being pulled in in the first place. At the very least I could have been there more for Mari. She’s always hidden her pain too well.”
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3mmafr0st · 3 years
Remember Me Part 3
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Bucky Barnes x Reader Summary: Y/N has escaped, but where does she go from here?  Word Count: 1.5k (Sorry this ones a little short)
Warnings: Homelessness, a striking lack of Bucky, but soon my friends, soon, ANGST, reader not understanding computers very well A/N: Im apologizing for the lack of smut in this part, but I really like following the canon
I was woken up abruptly by a quick jab to the ribs, quickly waking up and going into action. I grabbed the object and twisted it away.
“Hey, I’m not looking for a fight here, just wanted to make sure that you didn’t overdose on whatever you were on last night.” I looked up to see the older man that had talked to me the night before. He was in his forties and dirty looking, but had kind eyes, shielded by a pair of small glasses. “Can’t have the cops pokin’ around here, bad for everyone.” I got up from the wet grass, wiping myself off from anything that may have gotten on me. 
“For the record, I wasn’t high.”
“Could have fooled me.” I shook my head, rolling my eyes. He couldn’t have understood the intensity of the situation that I was in. Hydra was probably after me, and I had no idea where to go or what to do about it.
I couldn’t help but think about Bucky, what happened to him and where he was right now. He had to have gotten out, right? He was a better agent than I was, simply in physicality. He had the capability to escape, we would find each other. But how had they found us out? There must have been some sort of suspicion, something that tipped the higher ups off about what we were going to do. How could I have been so careless to allow someone to find out the plan. But that was the past now, I had to focus on what happens next. 
“Where’s the closest library?”
I walked down the sidewalk toward the library, trying my best to blend in, looking inconspicuous against the crowd. I was lucky enough that the closest library was only two blocks away, I was already a little tired from last night with everything that happened. 
I looked to my left, and sure enough, there was a quaint little library that looked cozy. I shook the handle and pushed at the door, thankful that it was open earlier than most places. 
The walls were covered in children’s drawings. I knew I shouldn’t be wasting time, but the entire thing was so uncanny, so unabashedly civilian, something I hadn’t experienced in who knows how long.  At the small front desk sat a woman, maybe in her thirties with a small name tag.
“Hello miss, anything I could help you with today?” She smiled sweetly at me, welcoming me into the library. 
“Actually, do you guys have computers that the public can use?”
“Yes, they’re right over in the corner.”
“Thank you, also, do you happen to have some paper and something to write with?” She turned around, picking some paper and a pen up and handing it to me. I returned her smile and headed over to the out of date computers sitting at the back of the room. 
I turned the old thing on, a sound a little bit like music coming out of the speakers as it booted up. It was then that I remembered that although I’ve shoved a flash drive in one of these and let things happen until it said “COMPLETE,” I wasn’t too familiar with computers .  Sure I had wanted to work with those beautiful machines, simply being left alone with one for an hour with a manual and figuring out all of it’s secrets. I had no idea what in me was pushing me so much towards them, but it was there.
Once the machine turned on, I looked at the display. Luckily, it wasn’t too difficult to figure out, there were only two little icons on the screen, and the one that looked like a little trash can was probably not what I wanted. The other was a little colorful circle called “Chrome.” Personally, I didn't see what was chrome about it but I clicked it, and a screen popped up. The word “Google'' was written across the middle of the screen along with a small bar with a picture of a magnifying glass at the left side. 
It took me a minute, but I figured out what I needed to do. The first thing that I could think of to search for was Bucky. I typed his name into the search bar and pressed enter, and tons of results flooded the screen.
The problem was that I didn’t know any of the concrete facts about him. I knew that his name was Bucky, and how he was sweet and funny even though we’ve both been through so much, but I didn’t know his last name, or when he was born, or even how old he was. 
There was a little tab called images that made the most sense to me. If I could find a picture of him in the pool of “Bucky”s that existed in the world, I could find out who he was, and then hopefully, figure out who I was from there. There were many pictures, at first it was overwhelming, but as I scrolled slightly, I found it, found him. 
He looked younger, more innocent, with a short haircut and a blue leather jacket that made me swoon a little bit. He looked different, but I couldn’t mistake those beautiful blue eyes. I clicked on the picture, which led me to a sight called Wikipedia, with his photo in the corner. 
“James Buchanan Barnes, born on March 10th, 1917, was a member of the Howling commandos and best friend to Steve Rogers (Captain America).”
I continued reading, writing down the important bits , how he was tested on by HYDRA way back in 1943, and how he was supposedly killed after falling from a train. But he couldn’t have died, I didn’t know him back then, I knew him now. 
The name Steve Rogers continuously popped up, so I clicked on it, and was flooded with even more information. Once I had everything I had to know written down after the rabbit hole I had been down, I turned to the librarian to ask her one last question.
“Do you think you could give me directions to Avengers Tower?”
I would have preferred to take a cab but I couldn't without money, so walking 20 blocks was my only option. The tower was huge, and I found it much too easy to walk right in. There were people walking and sitting at tables in the lobby, working at filling out paperwork. I went up to the desk, not allowing them to get a word in before I could say what I needed to. 
“I need to speak with Steve Rogers.”
“Ma’am, if you just give us a moment, we can help you.”
“No, you don’t understand, everyone here is in danger, Bucky is in danger.” A man in the back stood up, walking towards me to get a better look at me. His hair was graying and his glasses filled up most of his face. He looked pale, as if he had just seen a ghost. 
“Get this shit away from me! I told you, I need to talk to Steve Rogers, he’s the only one who will understand.”
“Y/N, I know you don’t remember but we need to do some tests.”
“Please, just get me in touch with him!”
The lab, I’ll admit, was friendlier than most that I had been in. The room was filled with computers and scientific equipment that I really wanted to go and play with for some Rita’s on. There were nodes stuck to my forehead that were oddly gentle, but I still didn’t like the feeling.There was a small TV connected to the ceiling showing the news. A woman’s voice was heard over the mess that was being filmed. 
“In breaking news today, wanted fugitive from S.H.I.E.L.D., Captain America, has been spotted in Washington D.C. battling with a masked stranger in the middle of the highway. “
I  looked to the screen and immediately recognized him, It was Bucky, my Bucky, fighting it out with Steve Rogers. He had taken off his goggles, the two of them fighting with an intensity that I had never seen before. The only person that could match Bucky in a fight like that was me, so this was damn impressive. 
“There! There he is, you need to get me to Washington D.C!”
“Y/N, you need to calm down, we need to help you first.” A second man began to get near me, pulling the leg of my pants up, exposing the metallic nature of my left leg. I panicked and kicked the man away, sending him across the room. 
“I don’t need help, I need to get to Washington D.C., and how the hell do you know my name?” I pushed the man off of me and got up, trying to get out of the lab. I had almost made it out of the door when I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I immediately felt woozy, falling back into the chair closest to me.
“It’s gonna be ok, Stats, I’m gonna take care of you,” The graying man from earlier said, helping me back into the lab chair from earlier with music less resistance than before. My vision got spotty, as his wistful, almost bittersweet facial expression was the last thing I saw before total blackness.
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Bnha Au How does everyone costume work with their quirks and is Chloe in a sense the todoroki of your au?
Chloe is like... Todoroki but with Bakugo and Regina George’s personality. Yes.
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Okay let’s go one by one-
Marinette: Though it looks mostly skin tight, her suit is mostly armor to better protect herself. The black forearm gloves are there to spread and sorta soothe whatever pain she receives from overuse of her power. Like tougher Compression sleeves. However her fingers are open because to amplify something’s growth she needs to touch it. She’s got knee pads as well.
 Adrien: Mostly tough body armor, the bottom of his shoes have an iron layer to it to toughen his kicks and his gloves have claws to them because he’s a very physical fighter and because he is usually fighting without his quirk the entire time, he needs to be able to hold his own. His butterfly visor is there to protect his eyes and is made of a very strong material that his stuck to his face via some pretty nifty techniques.
Alya: Alya’s belt has miniature routers connected to it for more energy and power to use. However that’s about it on technical terms as she went for more flare then actual usage. Her shoes are tough though and can help her drop from some significant heights.
Nino: Nino has bottles of his sweat and soap substance on his belt but also in his water tank backpack. He can extract it at any time if he needs it but mostly he relies on his own normal producing sweat. His gloves are thin, meaning the soapy mixture can go through it without needing to take them off. He’s got some knee pads as well.
Chloe: Her palms her gloveless so she can venom people. Like Marinette her sleeves/bracers are meant to squeeze and compress her arms to help her muscles and blood flow as her body reacts in pain and numbness when she overuses Venom. She’s also got an optional visor to protect her from dust getting in her eyes.
Sabrina: Her face is protected by a large visor. Her jacket is made to protect her body and is very breathable. It doesn’t get hot too wear but keeps her from getting too cold. Underneath that is her suit that squeezes on her neck and arms a little to relax her blood pressure/flow. She’s got two gauntlets with with Tonfa/baton like attachments for bashing and breaking but also wrist protection and to release any pent of energy she’s got. Her helmet also helps protect her ears from the sounds of any explosions or just ear drum rupturing sounds.
Alix: Sleek, and very aerodynamic suit so she can optimize her speed and get faster without being slowed down. Her helmet keeps her face safe from air hitting her face and stinging her eyes plus dust, and her shoes are very tough, though it also has a strong traction to it. Underneath it there is a layer of armor as she is known for skidding around and bumping into things which could damage her body severely if she’s going at a very high speed and she crashes. Her suit also contains well padded pockets where she normally keeps her pocket watch, which she uses to keep track of her time limit.
Rose: Her suit is very limited, as her quirk requires her skin to be very exposed so she can produce more of her perfume from her glands. She wears a pair of safety goggles in case of eye damage and carries around a gas mask, and a few bottles of perfume on her belt in case she wants a more precise attack or she has a teammate.
Second row:
Ivan: His suit is meant to give him an armor but also mean for be very flexible and stretchy for when he shifts into bull Minotaur form. His sleeves are armored so he can bash through cement.
Mylene: Also meant to be very stretchy and flexible for when her form changes as well. There’s elements of her hair in the suit that will change with her as she shifts (like Mirio) so it doesn’t lose its form when she changes to her smaller self. She’s also got knee pads and tough boots to keep her safe.
Max: His suit has basic body armor, he doesn’t plan to be out in the battle field twenty fore seven, however he’s got many pockets to hold things that have planned notebooks of strategy and potential plans in them.
Kim: His suit helps regulate his body temperature and his made to protect him from damage. His body produces the wax made to be his wings also like a sort of sweat that is the strongest on his back, so like Nino, his suit is very thin there so he can produce his wax wings without making holes or having to take it off. His visor is made to protect his vision from dust but also his own hot wax.
Nathaniel: His armor is meant to support him in case of further damages. His hands produce a special kind of ink that he can use to bring his drawings to life so he wears no gloves. However his sleeves, like many other of his classmates, squeeze and compress around his wrists to prevent potential aching issues or arthritis. He contains special packs of his ink that he can use to spill and create mass productions of his creations.
Juleka: Her cape is wide and tough, and connects to her wrists but continues to extend out. The purpose being to act like a wing suit similar to some sky divers. Her feet are clawed and slightly morphed so she wears toeless and heel-less sort of socks? Boots? And while it was pulled down in the image, Juleka also wears a mouth mask with a fang like design on her face that keeps her lungs safe from breathing anything bad in while also giving her the ability to amplify her voice to great distances or volume. She will most likely improve the mask later to be good at air regulation so she will be safer around Rose’s perfume.
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littlebitoffanfic · 5 years
Playing The Part
Fandom: The Hills Have Eyes Characters: Lizard, others mentioned Relationship: Lizard/reader Request: Hm, maybe following the typical she was kept from one of their wrecks, and being trapped. Maybe she had some sort of skill that provided something to the village, or she was one of the few to have a successful delivery and was kept alive? I'm not sure. Yes, but like full textbook Stockholm Syndrome. He would kill her if she weren't needed and convenient to him, and she starts to cling to his rare moments of tenderness thinking he loves her maybe? A.N: im have some ideas for a part two as well.
 You couldn’t pinpoint the moment that you fell completely into the role you were playing. You couldn’t tell when your feelings went from pretend to real or when you genuinely started to believe that you really wanted this life. That you really wanted him. In that start, it was a game of survival. You played your part well, so well that even you began to believe it. You couldn’t remember much between standing at the gas station talking to the old owner to waking up in a dark room, your ankle tied to the bed.
---------------- flashback ----------------------
You were awaken by a pain in your head. The world around you felt like it was spinning and, for a moment, you thought you were just waking up from a bad night of drinking. But nothing felt the same. The bed was uncomfortable, the smell unpleasant and your skin felt grotty and dirty. Lulling your head to the side, you blinked, trying to focus your eyes. The room you were in was dull, with only the tattered old bed with no bedding on it which your ankles were bound to, a dresser unit and closet in the corner. You had little time to take in your surroundings as you heard heavy footsteps coming from the other side of the door. It swung open to reveal a large man who you later found out was called Pluto, followed by a skinner, smaller man, Lizard. Both were deformed, making you wince a little when you first saw them. Lizard stood at the door, waiting impatiently as Pluto unbound your legs. “C’mon.” Lizard snarled at Pluto, who huffed, pulling you to your feet and pushing you out of the room. You stumbled, barely able to comprehend what had happened as you were roughly guided through the hallway and down some stairs. At the bottom was a young looking girl, Ruby, watching you with wide eyes. Lizard pushed you down the last few steps, making you nearly fall into her. Pluto, protecting her, grabbed your arm and hauled you into the living area, where you met Jupiter. “First things first, we will kill you if you don’t do as we say, so don’t think of runnin’ or trying to fight us.” Jupitar grumbled as he, like the other two, towered over you. Nodding your head, you confirmed that you wouldn’t rebel. “Good. Look, we aint gonna hurt you if you’re useful.” Jupiter sat down on the edge of a chair, watching you carefully. Both Pluto and Lizard stood behind you, in an intimidating fashion. “How, how can I be useful?” you asked, your throat so dry that you had to start again. “Heard you’re good with cars. Got limited transport out here so we gotta keep on top of the cars we have. But the new ones are provin’ harder for us to fix. Plus, some medical knowledge would certainly be handy.” His eyes darted to Pluto, who you had noticed had a nasty infection in his eyes with a lot of puss. You assumed by the way his face and skull looked that he was deformed, but seemed to have a bit more swelling than normal. “How do…” you trailed off as you suddenly remembered the gas station owner. You had spoken to him for a bit and you told him about your medical background as well as your interest in cars. You had laughed with him, making a remark that a body is just a machine and can be fixed most of the time. Somehow, he was part of this. Somehow, he had told them about you and, somehow, that had kept you alive. “The human body is just like a car. It can be fixed if you know what you’re doing.” You nod to yourself, suddenly understanding exactly why you were here. Why you hadn’t been slaughtered. A voice whispered in the back of your mind. ‘play the part’. Keep yourself alive, play the role they want you to for now.
And so you had. You had played your part well. So well that you had somehow managed to fool even yourself. As you fought to earn trust from each of the family, you found a sense of joy when you realized it was working. Pluto and Ruby had been the easiest since you had spent the most time with them at the start. You cleaned up Plutos right eye, ridding the infection and allowing him to see slightly out of it. At first, his size and stature had intimidated you the most, but you quickly realized that he was a gentle giant, only looking out for his family. Ruby followed you wherever you went, with strict orders to report if you escaped. But you ended up watching out for her more often than not. Like when she had stumbled and nearly fell. You had managed to grab her arm, saving her. She thanked you but you waved it off, not knowing Goggle had seen the whole thing and reported back to the family that you had saved Ruby. That certainly helped your status. Lizard, on the other hand, had kept you at arms length when he wasn’t pushing you out the way. He would sneer at you, often leaving a room when you entered. You had seen his anger in full swing and tried to keep out of the way of it, but something else drew you to him. It was almost like a challenge. Like when you find a stray dog that barks and bites at you, but you could see something other than a deranged dog. That was Lizard. At least to you. you started small, with baked goods. Ones which you would give to everyone just to ease him into your new presence within the family. Then you moved on to more direct ways of helping him. When you were dropping off a new radio at Jupiter request, you found Lizard passed out on the sofa. You had slowly managed to remove his gloves from his hands. They were tattered and wore with massive holes in them. Taking them back to yours, you sew the holes shut and washed them, so they were clean. When you took them back, you didn’t both trying to put them back on. You left them on the table as well as pull the blanket over him. Lizard never acknowledged what you had done, nor did he ever. Not when you had mended his trousers or tops, or when you had managed to fix his spikes. But he did allow you to get… closer to him. He would stay in the same room as you, and even listen to your rambling while you were doing something rather than just cutting you off with a cruel “I don’t care”. That didn’t mean he had gone soft. Once, when you had been trying to figure out if a car was working again, you had turned it on and taken it for a drive to test it. And you hit spikes. Once you had managed to stop the car, the door swung open and you were hauled out by your hair. A hand wrapped around your throat and instantly began to cut off your air flow. You clawed at Lizards hand, thrashing as you tried to free yourself. In a moment of desperation, you threw your elbow back, swiftly jabbing him in the face and causing him to stumble back. Lizard, now with a bloody nose, managed to regain his footing. In three long, powerful strides, he walked up to you and slapped you across your face, so hard it caused you to fall to the ground with a cry. “Jupiter asked me to fix it. How else can I tell if its done?! You want Pluto taking it out and it exploding or some shit!” You cried out, adrenaline pumping through your body as you realized exactly what had happened. You placed a hand over your now burning cheek. Daringly, you look up at Lizard who was trying to wipe the blood away from his nose. But he wasn’t coming after you anymore, which meant he knew you weren’t trying to escape. Or, at least, had good enough reason to be in the car. “Tilt your head back.” You mumbled, stumbling to your feet as you rubbed your cheek. You were quite proud in some strange way. You had certainly gotten your own back, even if Lizard had landed the final blow. At least you weren’t bleeding. But you knew you had to make the next move. There was no point keeping any grudge or letting this carry on, especially after how far you had come. Pulling off the cardigan, you approached him like you were approaching a wolf. You kept a close eye on his movements as his attention was fully on yours. Gently, you used the cardigan sleeve to wipe away the blood from around his warped lip. He watched you like a hawk. Suddenly, he grabbed a hold of your wrist, squeezing it so tightly that you winced. “I’ll kill you if you ever try to escape.” Lizard suddenly growled but something felt… off. He had threatened you a thousand times before with real hatred in his voice. But this time, he sounded like he was trying to convince you, or maybe himself. “Im sure you will.” You nod, not daring to doubt him despite the change. “But, if Im not trying to, I’ll argue my case. In any way I can.” You look up at him, right into his piercing blue eyes. The bleeding had stopped, but you used the opportunity to be this close to him physically to speak to him. It felt a lot more intimate and maybe that would drive home what you said. “I might listen.” He partly sneered, but again, it was different. It felt almost as if it were a friendly joke as he let go of your wrist. A smile spread across your features as you laughed a little, but the adrenaline of the situation plus the blazing heat of the dessert plus your empty stomach seemed to have truly taken its effect as your giggles turned to full on laugher as you stepped back. “Yer insane.” Lizard remarked, but a small smile twitched at his lips, as if he found it endearing or something. “Look whos talking.” You giggle as you start to walk towards the car, throwing the bloodied cardigan in the open door. You didn’t see Lizard looking after you, or how his eyes travelled down your body, lingering in certain areas. But something snapped your attention in the distance. “Shit.” You mumbled, backing towards Lizard who followed your line of sight. A car was travelling down the road. “At least you have some bait.” You try to lift your uneasiness at the situation. You never got involved with kills. Never. “Get up tah Goggle. Don’t fuckin’ run. Yah hear me?!” Lizard demanded as he grabbed your arm, shaking you slightly. “Yes.” You nod, your eyes darting to the wrecked car before Lizard let you go, allowing you to run into the hills. Of course, Goggle had alerted everyone and within 3 hours, it was all over. The event did open a new level in terms of your relationship with Lizard. You quickly found that you actually preferred his company out of everyone elses. He had a dark sense of humour which only you seemed to be able to bring out. And you loved that. As you gained more trust in the village and, in turn, gained more responsibilities. Big Brain still hated you, but after some sharp looks from Big Mama (who had taken to you after she saw how much the children, Pluto and Ruby adored you), he became quieter. Of course, he would mumble to himself every time you entered the room, but you started responding as if he were speaking to you in normal conversations. “Breakfast.” He sneered one morning when you had been looking for Big Mamas brush. “Good morning.” You called, chirpily. “Do you want the curtains open?” “Weak, filthy.” His eyes followed you round the room. “How about just the back ones. so you don’t get the sun in your eyes when it hits 11.” You nod to yourself as you briskly walk across the room and pull open the curtain. “Crazy.” He sneered. “I slept well, thank you.” You smile and nod, using the time to pretending that you were having a conversation with anyone who would actually cared. But slowly, over time, you noticed he stopped with the truly nasty names. He started making demands like “open those curtains” or “I want water”. You always fulfilled the requests because, despite his nasty personality, you did feel sorry for him. He was trapped in this little room, unable to do much. “What if we painted this room?” you suddenly asked one morning, looking around at the faded wallpaper. “Don’t care.” He sneered, a little too quickly for you. “Well, how about florescent pink?” You asked, smirking at him, getting an immediate and resounding “NO!”. But he thought about it when you left, and when you returned that evening, he said one word to you. “Blue.” “Im sorry?” You ask, having been in a world of your own. “Blue. Like the sky.” He tried to spit the words at you, to make it sound like he was berating you for not listening to him. But when you looked at him, he couldn’t hold your gaze. “Do you want the ceiling done as well?” you ask, genuinely happy he seemed to be responding well to you. He barley tolerated his own family, so this was a big step. “Yeah.” He wheezed seeming a lot more relaxed from them on. OF course, when you walked up to Jupiter who was standing talking with Lizard and Goggle and asked for blue paint, you got some strange looks. “Why the fuck you want that?” Lizard snapped, obviously in the middle of a heated discussion with his father and brother. “To decorate Big Brains room. He didn’t like florescent pink so blue it is.” You tell them. Goggle cackled at the idea of painting the room pink, and you were honestly scared that he would get his hands on pink paint and do it just to piss Big Brain off. But he didn’t. Within the week, you had done the room. You never got a thanks, but Big Brain showed you he was grateful in other ways. Like not interrupting or snapping at you. Of course, once he was on your side, there was a change. And you started to be included in the killing. First, you joined Goggle as look out. And became fascinated with something you shouldn’t be. Watching Lizard as he killed. There was something so strong and primal about it that made your insides turn. He was violent and you noticed he was worse when you were around. As he was trying to prove something. Goggle told his brother about how your eyes never left him. Somehow, he fell into a pattern of coming up to you after a kill, where his hands are bloody, and touching you. Normally on the cheek and just in passing, leaving blood smeared on your face. What was worse was that you wanted more. You started to crave that touch which you knew would happened. The first few times, you and winced and rushed away to clean it off, but then you started getting to obsessed with Lizard to notice till he had left. He had just killed someone with his bare hands, in the most violent ways, but he was gentle when he touched your cheek. Almost affectionate. The touches started to send shiver through your body as you craved him more than you had ever know possible. Then, Jupiter made an announcement. On the next kill, you were to accompany Ruby down to the wreck. She would normally scout things out, running around and figuring out who had what but not getting her hands dirty. You could do that. It was late, nearly midnight, when Goggle called in a car coming along the road. It was a race to get ready before the others and meeting them at the edge of town. As you all raced to the road, Lizard had grabbed your arm. “Don’t do anythin’ stupid or get in the way.” He hissed in your ear, squeezing your arm a little too tightly, but you nodded anyway. “Good. Aint worth losing your head over ‘em.” As if to emphasize his point, Lizard pulled out the gun, letting the moonlight catch the silver before following Jupiter and Pluto while you were left to Ruby. She showed you the places to hid and sneak between as she gathers her information. “Wait here.” She whispered to you before disappearing into the hills, leaving you behind the bolder. You kept peeking out, keeping an eye on the situation. 5 males, mid 20s and they smelt stoned out of their heads. It should be pretty easy for Lizard and Pluto. Of course, Lizard got to one of the guys quickly, making him cry out of Lizard wrapped the spikes he had gathered back from the road around the mans neck. The friends when into panic and that allowed Pluto to get in and grab one, dragging him over to Lizard who dropped the body of the first. Shots filled the air as Lizard shot two in the leg for attempting to run. So one was dead, the second with Pluto and the third and fourth injured. But the fifth ? You had blinked and he was gone. Stepping out from behind the bolder, you looked around wildly. He had been near you, on the road. Where had he gone? Shit. Then your eyes caught the movement and saw the guy scramble behind the rock on the other side of the road just past the car. That didn’t worry you. What worried you was the knife in his hand. Shit, you had to follow him. That’s what you were there to do, right? You moved towards the road, your only motive to find out where the guy had gone. What if he snuck around the rock? What if he was watching for someone? Ducking behind the car, you didn’t think the other two had noticed you. You should have called out where you were going, but you wanted to please the family. Three more gunshots filled the air as Lizard headshot each of them remaining ones. If you bought home a kill, or at least kept tabs on a victim, that would certainly do you a favour. It would impress them. It would impress Lizard. Then you saw the man run to the next rock, and you panicked. He was making his way around. Taking off in a sprint, you knew if he got into the gap in the hills, it would be hell to find in the low light with only the headlights of the car to work by. No, you had to keep close to him. A hand grabbed you by the hair and hauled you backwards. You let out a screech of pain, your hands flying up to try and free yourself. “Where yah goin’?” Lizards voice hissed in your ear and you felt your blood run cold. No, no, no, this was going to earn trust, not break it. Panting slightly, you could hear the anger in his voice. And he wasn’t one you could reason with easily. “I-I was going to help you.” You stammered, tears starting to prick your eyes. “Liar.” The voice condemned your statement and then you felt a sharp pain in the back of your knees. Lizard kicked your legs, making you collapse to the floor as he let go of your hair.   A click made your heart stop as you look up. Lizard moved in front of you and stood over you, a gun pointed right at your forehead. He had stepped in front of you, blocked your view. You had to think quick. “You’ve only got one bullet left, and I’d suggest saving it for the guy hiding behind that rock.” You tried to keep your voice from shaking, but failed half was through your sentence. The barrel of the gun pressed against your forehead, the metal cold against your heated skin. “Liar.” Lizard snarled, his voice low as he glared down at you. But movement from behind him caught your attention. Glancing past him, you saw the man. Except, instead of running away, he was running toward you with a knife in his hand. Oh god. You realised that it looked like you were a victim, just like his friends. He was going to get Lizard while he was distracted with you. Oh god. You acted quick, so quick that you didn’t get a chance to think. Your instincts kicked and took over your body. With a quick slapped, you managed to knock the gun away from your head and you moved quickly upwards onto your feet. Grabbing the knife from Lizards belt, you used all the force from your quick movement to knock Lizard to the side just as the guy got within a foot of you both. Raising the knife, you brought it down and into the side of his neck. All this took place in the space of seconds as the man starts to splutter. The knife he had was dropped to the ground as he gasped for air. As if to finish the kill, you pulled the knife out of his neck and stumbled back. The full weight of what just happened hit you. You were now a killer. There was no going back. But you had killed to save Lizard. This was all just meant to be a game, an act to try survive. But then why did you feel a genuine concern for him that went beyond just feeling it, but to the point you would kill for him. Your mind raced as you forgot where you were. Until you felt a palm on your cheek. jumping, you saw Lizard standing in front of you, his eyes trained on your face while his hand moved over your right cheek. You felt his thumb brush under your eye, making you think he was just wiping away tears, but as his hand pulled back slightly, you saw blood. Some blood must had splattered on your face during the kill.   Lizard stepped closer, his other hand coming up to grasp at the back of your neck as his front pressed against you. The thumb with the blood lowered to your lips and you felt him gently brush your bottom lip as he silently commanded something of you. Opening your mouth slightly, you allowed him to push his thumb past your lips to meet your tongue. Closing your lips around his thumb, you gently sucked and licked, cleaning it. Lizards eyes never left your own, but his mouth opened slightly and something much more primal stirred in both of you. Pulling his thumb back, he ran his hand in to your hair as he grabbed a handful and crashed his lips onto your own. Rough and dominating, you allowed yourself to completely submit to him in a selfish desire for something completely fucked up and insane. You… wanted him. kissing him back, you pressed against him, raising your hands to his chest as you grabbed fistfuls of his top. A soft snarl left his throat as he pulled away from your lips, simultaneously pulled your hair to tilt your head backwards. Ducking his head, Lizard slowly licked the side of your neck, where more blood must have splattered. Looked up at the stars above, you couldn’t help the coy smile at pulled at your lips. “I don’t mind it when you pull my hair like this.” You said, playfully, like the two of you were in some nightclub or bar, not standing beside a body. A body that had been forgotten about. You felt Lizard smirk against your neck and a soft chuckle left his lip.   You didn’t know what you had gotten yourself in for, but the thrill of the moment silenced any doubts or worries you had.
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pjo-hoo-nextgen · 6 years
The First Quest X
Andy attempted to gain some knowledge as to why Maria and Jaxon were no longer on speaking terms, but not many people knew what had happened.
“I don’t get it,” Andy huffed, resting his chin on his hand. “They always fight but this is different.”
“Wrench,” Sol held out her hand expectantly and Andy placed the tool in her grip.
“If anything they’d have fixed it by now.” He paused in thought for a moment, tapping his fingers against his chin.
“Maybe they just need time apart.” Sol suggested making an unusual attempt at conversation.
“They hardly touch one another with an eight foot pole. They have plenty of time apart.” Andy laughed. Sol hummed in reply and settled her goggles back on her face. “I mean the bickering gets old but the silence is just...uncomfortable.”
“Some people have odd ways of doing things.” The motor Sol was working on gave a small attempt to start before fizzling out. “Crap. I swore I fixed it.”
“Try jiggling the knobby thing.” Andy pointed at a protrusion on the machine.
“That’s not what it’s called,” Andy noticed the small smile on her face and couldn’t help but sit up a bit taller. She took his advice anyways and sure enough the engine gave a mighty sputter before maintaining a low hum. “Yes! Finally!”
“Great! Now you can put it on the motorized dummy track for the training arena!” Andy hopped up from the stool he’d been sitting on.
“That’s the plan.” Sol nodded, moving to turn off the device. With a satisfied nod she tugged off her goggles and gloves.
“You got a little something.” Andy gestured to his own nose indicating the spot where Sol had a fair amount of grease plastered on her face.
“Again?” With a grunt of frustration Sol used the hem of her shirt to scrub at her face. The grease only smeared further over her nose and cheeks.
“Don’t do that!” Andy laughed. “You got it everywhere!”
“Ugh! I hate my life!” Sol huffed.
“Sit down. I got this.” Andy offered her the stool. Sitting, Sol watched him curiously until he came back with a squirt bottle, a surprisingly clean rag, and a mirror. “I will be your stylist today. I was trained in the art of beauty!”
With an impish grin Andy did a clumsy spin and struck a pose, spinning the bottle on his finger as if it were a ring of car keys.
“I hate you.”
“I know.” Andy winked. “Now let the master work.”
Sol sat perfectly still as Andy worked at cleaning away the stubborn residue. She’d had experiences like this before and her skin was often left red and raw from the rough material. This time, however, it was different. Andy managed to perform the task with ease being surprisingly gentle.
“Aaaaaaand, done.” He declared. “Take a look babe.”
Andy held up the mirror for Sol to check her reflection. “Not bad Grace.”
“Clean as a whistle.” Andy nodded. “Like I said...I’m the master.”
“Of dorkiness.” Sol scoffed tossing the dirtied rag at him.
“My feelings.” Andy feigned offense. “Anyways, we have a game of capture the flag to prepare for.”
“Indeed.” Sol nodded. “I have a feeling this will be very interesting.”
— — —
Indeed it was. Maria and Jaxon were inevitably on the same team once more. Only this time, Grey was left trying to manage the forces.
Maria and Jaxon had both adopted personal agendas and didn’t bother to acknowledge the rest of their team.
“Okay, so...I’m on defense. This is cool.” Andy talked to himself as he paced beside the flag.
“What’d you expect? We got our moment of glory last time. The other kids were destined to have a shot.” Sol frowned sitting on a rock and sharpening her blade. “But the schedule goes Wednesday-Friday for Capture the Flag games. We get another shot soon enough.”
“Yeah, but I expected more entertainment.” Andy paused in his pacing to kick a rock into the trees. At first neither of them noticed it but then it became quiet clear.
There was a commotion going on at the center of the battlefield. From the sound of it nearly everyone had stopped to watch. “Okay, I know we have to guard this but-“
“Come on.” Sol was already running in the direction of the noise with Andy following hot on her heels. The two stumbled from the woods to find a very alarming sight.
“Oh my Gods they’re trying to kill each other.” Andy breathed.
Despite being on the same team Jaxon and Maria were locked in a heated duel. Maria had a score to settle and she intended on restoring some of her pride.
Sol was the first to do anything. Being small she managed to worm her way through the gathered crowd. Andy squeezed his way through with a bit more effort.
“I said go to the right.” Jaxon growled.
“What I do is not up to you.” Maria replied slashing at him with her sword. Jaxon stepped to the side and lashed out in return. Maria arched her blade behind her back ending the strike. “You made it quite clear.”
Spinning Maria slashed angrily at Jaxon’s ankles. Leaping he twisted in the air sending a blast of air far more violent than he should have. Maria was knocked to the side, she tumbled a bit, before coming to a rest.
“Jaxon what are you doing?!” Andy demanded latching onto his brother’s arm.
Maria crawled to her feet, rolledher shoulders, and gave a twirl of her sword; a challenge.
“Enough. Both of you.” Grey stepped between the two raging demigods. “Knock it off.”
“Step aside Grey.” Maria’s voice was full of authority, dripping with the power only a true leader could muster.
“Make me.” The eldest boy raised his chin in defiance.
“Sorry.” Maria gave him an apologetic look before charging at Jaxon and using her elbow to nudge Grey aside. Jaxon shoved Andy away, who stumbled back into the crowd of people.
Sol’s anger flared up and despite herself her arms ignited in bright orange fire. Jaxon made another strike but Sol deflected the blade and caught hold of the weapon. The blade sizzled before the gold began to melt.
Jaxon looked down in surprise before it dawned on him that Sol was ruining his father’s blade. He’d just gotten it back from Thia via Hermes’ messenger friends: wind nymphs. Now, Sol was melting the gold into a bubbling puddle. On instinct he reacted.
Sol was blasted back into Maria causing both girls to collapse on the ground. There was the sound of a painful snap and a cry of pain.
“What is the meaning of this?” The demand came from Chiron who had finally made his way to the commotion.
Jaxon looked with teary eyes at the ruined heirloom in his hand. He had grown up using the blade, dreamed of smiting enemies as dangerous as his father had. It was gone now. Ruined.
Grey knelt beside Sol and Maria. “Are you two alright?”
“Ugh, yeah.” Maria mumbled rubbing her head. She glanced over at Sol only to find the young girl crying and nursing her very broken wrist. “Oh Gods.”
She wasn’t the only one to notice the injury. Grey’s eyes widened and he moved to help her. Andy flew into a rage. He tackled his brother to the ground despite his smaller stature and let his fists fly.
“What is wrong with you? Huh?” His fists stung painfully. “You can’t hurt people like that!”
“Stop!” Jaxon held his arms up to protect his face. “Andy, stop!”
The younger boy was thrown off with a buck of Jaxon’s hips. Jaxon wrapped his arms around Andy holding him still.
“Get off of me!” Andy yelled, squirming violently.
The commotion ended only when each of the demigods was dragged to the infirmary.
— — —
“I have no idea what’s gotten into all of you but you need to figure it out.” Jason stood with his arms crossed looking at each of the kids who sat nursing injuries. Grey was the only one completely unscathed.
“You cannot go around trying to kill each other! That’s not okay!” Annabeth who had also been selected to give the lecture pinched the bridge of her nose.
“I didn’t do anything.” Andy protested.
“You pummeled your brother.” Jason glowered. Andy opened his mouth to reply but Jason held up a hand. “Andy Clay Grace, do not argue.”
“So what’s the punishment?” Grey asked glumly.
“You’re all staying here until you sort it out. No leaving or going home.” Jason determined.
“That’s not fair!” Maria cried.
“Some of you can go home, Grey, Sol. You are both allowed to leave.” Neither of them made a move. “Or you can stay here if you wish.”
“Figure it out.” Annabeth shrugged. “It’s that simple. There’s no unity in anything if infighting this bad exists.”
— — —
And so they were left there to solve their problems. Maria selected her own little corner of the infirmary and claimed it her own. Jaxon did the same.
“Let me see it.” Grey knelt in front of the bed Sol sat on and gently took her bandaged wrist. “It should heal relatively well, maybe a bit of physical therapy will be needed, and no forge for some time.”
“Your dad said all of that already.” Sol mumbled. Sniffling she wiped her nose on her sleeve.
“Well, I learned from the best.” Grey stood and ruffled her hair. “I’ll be back. I’m going to get cleaned up.”
“Was it wrong to punch him?” Sol startled at Andy’s remark. He’d been so quiet she had hardly noticed him there.
“Yeah.” Sol nodded. Andy’s head was bowed and his bottom lip began to tremble.
“I just got mad. I didn’t mean to hurt him that bad but-I don’t like him when he’s like this.” Andy hardly cried and so Sol was left with a brief moment of surprise. She wasn’t sure what to do. She’d never been the best at comforting someone.
“Hey, don’t cry.” Sol gave a light punch to his arm with her good hand. “People mess up.”
“Yeah, but a good brother doesn’t punch his sibling.” Andy sniffled.
“A good brother also doesn’t push his sibling.” Sol slung her arm around Andy’s shoulders. He didn’t say anything else after resting his head on her shoulder. She let him cry and pretended not to notice for his sake.
— — —
Jaxon sat staring at the deformed blade. He couldn’t believe it. He wanted to cry. With an angered grunt he chucked it across the room where it clattered to the floor. “Stupid.”
Maria glanced in his direction and felt a tiny amount of sympathy for him. She did know how much the weapon meant to him. “Your dad won’t be mad you know.”
“Yeah right.” Jaxon huffed.
“He’s not that big of an ass.” Maria noted dryly. The conversation ended quickly and the infirmary was bathed in a permanent silence. Slowly the demigods began to drift off to sleep and the silence would remain until the morning.
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dessarious · 4 years
Broken Harmony Pt77
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
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Damian stood against the wall watching Adrien’s bodyguard. He had no idea the man had said to his soulmate but Ladybug seemed to think he wasn’t a problem. He wasn’t restrained and she seemed to think having him in the same room as Adrien wouldn’t cause issues. So of the two people who shouldn’t have any idea what was going on and they absolutely shouldn’t trust, one was now guarding one of their prisoners and the other might end up fighting with them. He was getting a migraine.
Red Hood stood next to him still refusing to let Adrien out of his sight for fear of Chloe’s retribution. He still didn’t understand why his brother’s were so afraid of the girl but it did provide entertainment. Ladybug had gone to check in with Red Robin and Oracle and while Damian didn’t like having her out of his sight he was more concerned about Adrien having an ally.
Ladybug poked her head in and smiled at the giant in the corner. Damian was a little shocked when the man smiled back at her since it was the most expression he’d seen. Adrien seemed to think her smile was aimed at him and gave a idiotic grin that Damian wanted to slap off his face. Perhaps not the healthiest reaction but his need to keep the former hero away from his soulmate got stronger by the day. His instincts were almost screaming at him. When he saw the uneasy expression on her face he knew she could feel it too. Then she looked at him and her entire expression changed. His breath caught at the look but he didn’t understand why.
“Robin I need to speak with you.” When he glanced at the bodyguard she just gave him a reassuring smile. He just huffed out a breath in annoyance and followed her into the hallway.
“Is there something about him you know that we don’t?” He couldn’t help the annoyance in his tone. The longer they were holed up in this house the more stressed he seemed to get, and he wasn’t the only one.
“Yes, but that’s not what I need to talk to you about.” He just frowned down at her and she had the audacity to giggle at him. “You know what happened to Tim?”
“Of course. Did you figure out the exact cause.” She looked hesitant and uncertain.
“Yes and no. I’m fairly certain it has something to do with the experiments M. Agreste has been doing to create more Miraculous. I think it’s affecting you as well.” He let out an indignant huff but she continued. “Your mood and song have been getting darker the longer we’re here but the second we leave the grounds it’s like a cloud has lifted. It’s not just you either. We need to find a way to either stop the effects or cleanse the house.”
“And how exactly would we do that?”
“Tikki has a few ideas…” She suddenly refused to meet his eyes and he saw a blush creeping onto her face. What could the Kwami have said to her? “But I think I want to consult with Gen and see if she has any suggestions. I would think with the Kwami of Creation, Destruction, and Renewal we would be able to fix the problem.” He opened his mouth once again to ask what exactly Tikki had suggested but was interrupted by Chloe, Kagami, and Gen walking towards them. His soulmate’s smile held a touch of relief that just made him more confused.
“Are we interrupting something?” Gen was looking between them as if seeing something no one else could. Given the little he knew about her it wouldn’t surprise him if she was.
“No. Is everything okay with you two?” Chloe and Kagami shared a look and Damian had to fight back a small smile. They may not be able to hear each other but it looked like they could already communicate without words.
“We’re good. Though Kagami still thinks you’re insane for trusting her.” Gen let out a snort of laughter at Chloe’s words while Kagami gave them both a flat look before turning to Ladybug.
“I do not pretend to understand any of this and I doubt I’ll ever understand your reasoning. Still if you wish to give me the opportunity to destroy the man who managed to take my free will along with that of so many others, I’m not going to say no.” Ladybug laughed. Really laughed at least until it hurt her ribs. Damian had a strong urge to hug Kagami for making his soulmate happy thought he’d never actually do so.
“Well then, welcome to the team.” She held out a hand which Kagami accepted. Before they let go Ladybug’s expression shifted to one of confusion. Damian watched in horror and confusion as her transformation dropped and she, Kagami, and Chloe all clutched their heads in pain. The other girls seemed to recover quickly but Marinette went pale and collapsed. Damian barely caught her before she hit the ground and cradled her to his chest.
“Gen what’s going on?” He realized too late that she might find his tone offensive but she was already focused on Marinette’s unconscious form. Nixx came out of nowhere to land on her chest. The Kwami appeared to be pulsing light and there was a slight hum coming from them. Tikki had taken up residence on his shoulder and was oddly quiet.
“I’m not entirely sure…” She looked at the other girls, squinting at the area around them if he had to guess, before cursing. “Oh that’s just great. I spent a millennia trying to fix this soulmate bond and she did it without even trying.”  Chloe and Kagami were just staring at each other with wonder on their faces and Damian realized that whatever had just happened, it seemed that those two could now hear each other’s songs.
“But what about Marinette? What’s wrong with her.” Gen blinked at him before shaking her head as if to clear it. She walked over and put a hand over his soulmate’s eyes. She also started humming in the same pitch coming from Nixx. She slowly removed her hand before looking up at him.
“There’s nothing wrong with her. She’s worn out. I’m not sure what she did but it drained all her energy. Nixx will stay with her to keep her asleep and speed her recovery. Tikki do you know what just happened?” The Kwami shook her head, eyes wide.
“I just felt a surge of power. The same as when she healed Red Robin. It seems to be something that comes from within her rather than from me.” Gen gave a thoughtful hum while staring down at the girl in his arms.
“For such a little thing she sure makes huge ripples. You two need to stay together. And I don’t mean near each other. You need to be in physical contact at all times until we figure out what’s going on.” She was staring straight at him and the look in her eyes worried him.
“I don’t understand.” Those words felt like they were ripped out of him. He hated not knowing things but admitting that he didn’t know was a sign of weakness he never allowed himself. Gen sighed and looked frustrated, though it didn’t seem directed at him.
“I’m not entirely sure I do either. All I know is that you ground each other. This place is wreaking havoc with everyone and I think her powers are trying to compensate to balance the evil radiating from the house.”
“She wanted to ask your advice about how to fix that. She said she thinks it’s because of the experiments Gabriel was doing.” Gen shook her head but seemed deep in thought.
“I don’t think it’s just that. The Agreste family and by extension the house seem to carry ill fortune with them. By adding first a damaged Miraculous and then the Black Cat which carries the essence of bad luck… I think those experiments are the least of our worries.”
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Tag list for Broken Harmony
Thanks for all the positive responses! Here’s the tag list I’ve go so far. If I missed anyone let me know.
@crazylittlemunchkin @iggy-of-fans @captainmac6 @shizukiryuu @origami-dreams @yamadochie @drama-queen-supreme @miraculousbelladonna @mjisntme @zebrabaker @driftingmoonlitpetals @slytherinhquinn @politelyvicious @mystery-5-5 @constancetruggle @synnesstra @im-here-for-the-content @slytherinsheashire  @myriad-of-passionate-pettiness @cyborgcandy @rhub4rb @satans-favorite-homo @beautym3 @ayuchan07 @zalladane @moonlitarchangels @mooshoon @mindfulmagics @saphiraazure2708 @chrismarium @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @tog84 @littleredrobinhoodlum @cupcakeandkisses @kiara-rose-blackthorn @graduatedmelon @lunar-wolf-warrior @tbehartoo @zoerayne2426 @ellerahs @heaven428 @my-name-is-michell @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @myownworldstayout @alexzandria-747 @k-rena-k @vivilakitty @redscarlet95 @un1cornf1ghter @bookreader20003 @nataladriana9 @resignedcatservant @blue-peach14 @royalchaoticfangirl @melicmusicmagic @dani-ari @captain-rice @magic-miraculous @valeks-princess @fiendsangelical @chloe-bourgeois-is-big-gay @ladylb @vixen-uchiha @spicybelladonna @asteriodd @thatrandomfandomsgirl @laurakinneylance @casual-darkness @sam-spectra @romanoff-queen @ki117h3dr4g0n @thequietestlilbucket @silvergold-swirl @bigcheeseyboi @alexresides @grandmaveitch @bluefiredemon @emjrabbitwolf @brinxiethebear @xxmadamjinxx @shadowberrybinch @tinybrie @t-nikki10 @yuuki-uzumaki @kurogaya913 @roseinbloom02 @7-sage-7 @northernbluetongue @violatiger8 @schrodingers25 @sassy-spocko @lysslovsanime @jessigurl-design @danielslilangel @creator-josie @skystarssun @kuhakuanon @tritaledkitsune @interobanginyourmom @kandi-pie @eliza-bich @asianfrustration13 @two-faced-biatch @goggles-mcgee @thepeacetea @scribblinggraveyard @someonelogical @crazyrandomrebel @felicityroth @miraculousl4dybug @vgirl-10123 @sinfulfoxbeast @tricethecharm @winter-gardenflower @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @rydellakurancarson @chaosace @simplysslytherin @roseunivers999 @reaperfeels @huntressofthenight0516 @etheralentity @poshplumcot @meanids @minty-goose @elspethshadow @thecatnipmademedoit​ @heredemaquam​ @mariae2900​ @dudet​ @littleblue5mcdork​ @motherly-type​ @bookishfangirl7​ @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @welcometopradasa​ @paradoxal-occurance​ @bamagirl513​ @beaversuenightly​ @doggiediva13 @zerotosiki @lordsmeldingtonthethird @maynora @decidedly-froggy @clumsy-owl-4178 @goawayi-mreading @bee-wrecker @panda3506 @thequestionablyhuman @legendaryneckjudgestudent @cassiejaydee @the-alice-of-hearts @actual-disaster-human @chocolatecatstheron @lady13bug @fandoms-run-my-life @kakashixobito @queenmj10 @girlcat817 @enchanted-nerd @wolf-for-life @corabeth11 @multplelifes
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