ijichi-nijika · 8 months
hi someone remind me to actually add new stuff to this instead of not doing that for months
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musicismymoirail · 6 months
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I woke up today with an urge to doodle and a bigger urge to doodle X.O. Clearly, the only option for xer band's photoshoot was the paint one. Did it feel thematically appropriate for a band called Minimalism Is Dead? Sure. Did X.O. pick it solely because xe thought xer friends could use some silly fun? Absolutely~~~ Oh, I so wanna doodle the whole band spattered in paint, maybe in January after the holidays. c: <3
Also, go play @infamous-if ! It's very fun and the second half of Chapter 2 is dropping soon too. ✨
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Lochley: this is normal?
Sheridan: well, it’s always a little daunting on your first day. I mean, on my first day, Garibaldi was a conspiracy theorist in medlab who hated me on-sight, nobody knew where G’kar was, nobody knew more about the Vorlon ambassador than they did when he arrived, and my current wife was in a cocoon.
Lochley: what about the Centauri ambassador?
Sheridan: oh, you just get used to Londo.
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timsstims · 4 months
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[ ♪ ] On My Own / Three Days Grace
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junkzsillystuff · 3 months
hi this is party quill
scr ooll for photo
party quill
it/they (preferably it)
it has a floating party cone for a head w whiskers, rest of its body is cat like but unnaturally large. its got spikes on its back that pop up like that spike animal I can’t think of the name of. party quill has an extremely low chance of spawning in during someone’s birthday, like very low UNLESS you were alone, completely alone. If you don’t deserve to be alone OR Party quills thinks you can move on from past actions/addictions/etc; it will spawn. Party quills tail can light up like a lighter, they MUST light your candles. You cannot force party quill to do this.
When meeting party quill, you will be given a cake that says “X.O : Happy Birthday”, if you get scared, party quill will shrink. Candle lighting is important, Party quill gives you two wishes, which will only come true if you promise something. (Ex. I promise to never smoke again.) These promises must be lifelong and deep, breaking these promises will lead to a painful death. Do not attempt to go around these promises, you will die regardless. Those who follow the rules and oblige their promises live long happy lives. If you attempt to harm party quill during lighting your candles will go out. If you attempt to do it beforehand (out of malice, not fear. had it been fear party quill would attempt to look more “catlike”.)
Partyquill appears frequently to adults and older teens, however when appearing to kids, the process is different. A boombox will appear, playing this in the background: https://youtu.be/zPGf4liO-KQ?si=voazl6cEHNS6jGQH
It will bring decorations and properly celebrate with the child, most of these children happen to be those in abusive circumstances. Party quill celebrates with the child and gives them the life they deserve.
Not much else is known about Party quill, aside from some older reddit posts describing meeting the creature. This phenomenon would later be reported and investigated by a small youtuber made big which would lead to a documentary.
R / H.A.V.E Y.O.U S.E.E.N T.H.I.S C.A.T (?)
When I was 4 or 5, I remember seeing this….strange being. At first, I assumed maybe it couldve just been an imaginary friend I had or something I dreamed about….
Seeing an image of this creature jolted a memory in me. It was my senior year of highschool, and I had been utterly depressed. I’d been drinking, my mother had died a year later and my father had threw me out. I…
I made a small drawing of wjat I remember this critter looking like—is this accurate to anyone else?
this is exactly what it looked like! thank you @Toyzfordasoul92!!!!!
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femmefae2005 · 1 month
idk if i've ever talked about this on here (since i know my loyal 50 followers care So much) but i used to be DEEP in the Lana Del Rey Unreleased Music lore..... anyone else here regularly spend 8+ hours reading the Song Lore thread on lanaboards?? does anyone remember TOSTB (toasty-b) when they convinced their followers that there was a Lizzy Grant era song about to leak called Nonny Peeka Monger..... which in retrospect is an obvious lie but I did still show up at school the next day and immediately gossip abt it w/ my one lanapilled friend.... does anyone remember DOIJROIJ or the gunshot in the leaked V2 of Live Or Die being a trader's mark or the Who Is K? debacle.... i feel like I could write a whole unauthorized book about mz grant from like 2005-2014 when she stopped being interesting to me
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thenerdsofcolor · 1 year
Anna Cathcart is Ready for the Spotlight in 'X.O. Kitty'
Anna Cathcart is Ready for the Spotlight in 'X.O. Kitty' #XOKitty #AnnaCathcart #TeamKitty #TeamYuri #TeamDae #TeamMinHo
Anna Cathcart didn’t expect her character Kitty in Netflix’s To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before to explode the way it did. She had played the charismatic matchmaker for three films and it looks like Netflix couldn’t get enough of Kitty. Now Cathcart returns as the title character on her own series, X.O. Kitty.  Since the events of To All The Boys trilogy, Kitty has been yearning for the love of…
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freshthoughts2020 · 1 year
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dippedanddripped · 1 year
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Hennessy X.O x Kim Jones
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sporkberries · 11 months
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The overwhelming urge to bite your X.O.
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musicismymoirail · 1 year
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Played @infamous-if because I just can’t resist music drama, especially duet ex-best friend drama?!? Like! Sign me right the fuck up with that shit! Los Campesinos! is my favorite band, do you have any idea how many songs I can just binge for inspiration? So many! :D
The demo is an absolute delight, I highkey recommend it. All the characters are so charming and it gave me a lot of nostalgia for back when I rped on forums, especially the tour ones. x) <3 It’s a nice vibe to revisit. I can’t wait for more and to make more little angsty singers on the course to ruin their lives~~
But for now, I just have X.O. Kiss. Because I’ve been sitting on that name forever and it’s about time I used it~ I’m still not entirely sold on a band name yet, but maybe The Blue Mondays?? Vonnegut references, ftw?
And here’s some random little tadbits about X.O. because why not?
»» X.O. Kiss is very much xer birth name, suck it haters. I haven’t fully decided on what the initials stand for, mainly because I’m waiting for more parent info. The idea is X.O. parents were ...ah, artsy free-spirits who enjoyed mind-altering substances prior to xer birth, and maybe trip a bit hard with the sky telling them they were destined to birth a beautiful soul named  ✨ Xanadu Opaline ✨  Now. In the nine months between that and actually birthing X.O., did they have a change of heart? Not sure yet. They def kept the XO initials tho. 
»» Said parents stopped the artsy free-spirit thing a few years later anyways. I imagine they’re corporate shills now. If they ended up sticking with Xanadu Opaline, they def gave X.O. a list of new names at like age eight like ‘we fucked up. pick something better. :)’ and X.O. kept Xanadu Out Of Spite.
»» Story says East Coast?? So? Can be from Boston (or the South Shore at least, Quincy? Maybe)???  While xe does love performing, Big Stadiums and Excessive Fame isn’t really xer end goal. But! God, xe would kill a man to perform at Fenway just once. 😍 
»» Just once though, any more is overkill.
»» X.O. is ...honestly weirdly competent? Xe puts out an remarkably cute and airheaded persona when on stage and I imagine when people meet xem off-stage for the first time, they’re super taken back by the monotone and unimpressed little chain-smoker who actually Knows Xer Shit. “It is what it is” is like xer eternal mantra. Not apathetic, just very pragmatic? Orion and xem probably get along decently well (chain-smoking aside).
»» X.O. listened to Heart Swells 100-1 / I Just Sighed. I Just Sighed, Just So You Know arguably too much after the break with Seven. Like they’re both still in xer Yearly Top Ten, near the top. It’s a cacophonic bop, don’t judge xem.
‘Just let me be the one that Keeps track of the moles on your back I just sighed, the universe replied "Let this pass you by" 🎶 
»» Oh! I forgot about A Slow, Slow Death! 😭 😭 😭  Oh god, just imagining like Rowan, Iris or Devyn stopping by xer apartment and hearing A Slow, Slow Death playing and them just dead-stopping like ‘oh no, it’s a Bad Day. o__o;;’ 
You on a lilo Are an island of the Pacific And then me, me, I am face down In a puddle on the High Street I got your initials inside a heart tattoo We two in vermillion, we two a lovers' coup
»» X.O. just tends to eat down all xer emotions. Singing is like xer one outlet, so it’s sing or let everything bottle up until it all comes out in a violent torrent of tears and screaming for last all of ten minutes before xe goes back to default settings. So, xe sings.
»» X.O. loves duets and loves singing with other people. It’s a trip and seriously one of xer favorite things. Like, it’s how xe Always pictured xer imaginary band, even in the days before Seven. So having their fans and then rest of the band basically be like ‘okay buuuuuuuuut’ before Logically Rejecting that part of xem? X.O. still hasn’t entirely forgiven anyone involved. Not the fans for suggesting, not the rest of the band for listening, not Seven for leaving and not xemself for ...every other minor and major detail really. It’s not unforgivable, of course, but xe takes rejection a lot harder than xe outwardly projects. So it lingers, underneath everything, like the mildest cold. Always there in just so slightly dampen xer days.
»» “It is what it is.” Xe just sighs.
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Ivanova: yes, he’s my commanding officer. yes, I’d follow him into battle with no hesitation.
Ivanova: that doesn’t change the fact that he’s annoying and I’d punch him at the first opportunity.
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timsstims · 4 months
:jeffghandithinking: can I get a Tomura board ft. curry perhaps,, (is cringe) (dies) -🪳
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[ ♪ ] Animal Attraction / She Wants Revenge
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squee333 · 2 months
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z0mb133 x.O raWWr~!!!! c:
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I haven't been drawing again... so i drew my zombie oc over this photo just make something silly ^_^
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tainted-sweet-meats · 6 months
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2009-2024 and on ward.. my sona has grown with me : ) mmmm muh baby art such a blast from the past. Not much was saved after a few pc crashes : ) but I dug up what I could. still insanely happy I have a vent piece I made back as a teen from when my sona was first coined X.o I do remember the issue now as to why I drew it too but that was over a decade ago.. yeeeouch but live and let live.
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