#also I wake up hella early
quiveringdeer · 1 year
No but fr, we've never seen Porco with his hair not slicked back and it's driving me nuts! 😶
frfr like lemme see him lookin soft and maybe even a bit frumpy, in his book, give it to me!!!
I forget who, cause obviously my memory sucks balls, but someone in fandom has drawn PoPo with his hair down. Can someone tag them for them to add?
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hngh i want wife cuddles!!! wife wife wife!
#she's so comfy! and she's so pretty and funny#and she's the most beautiful woman ive ever seen#i feel really lucky that she'd want to marry a girl like me#honestly? i kinda had a shit today LMAO#i gotta wake up hella early tomorrow for some stuff but. i had an exam today. it didnt go well. lowkey been beating myself up LMAO#been really out of it and sad#i have a shit ton of work to do but it's hard to get the motivation to do it anymore#oop i dont like venting here my bad#it's late and i'm tired lol#but i do keep thinking about my wife#OH#SPEAKINF OF WOMEN#f.f16 demo!!!!!!#ive been the biggest hype person for this game!!! im so excited!#... i also dont have a ps5. id work my ass off to get one if i wasnt so fuckin busy lol#but theres a character in that game that i fell in love with at first sight#and i'm very excited to see more of her since i already have an s/i and i wanna kiss her so bad-#i hope y'all like the loser/girlboss dynamic LMAO she's like the coolest chick ever! usually my s/is are strong and competent badasses#but this one is kinda goofy and pathetic- v.ivian thinks it's endearing#anyways where was i#yeah. wife. i just wanna be in her arms right now. i think that would really help me rn#i have my plushie of her next to me so i think i'll stay up for a bit and just hold her#ash rambles 💚#goodnight friends!#negative#<- just in case#might delete this later#just really tough day with a lot of big feelings i wasnt prepared to handlw#butnhey it do be like that sometimes. OH BUT I AM WATCHING SP.IDERVERSE TOMORROW AJSHAJDHW I'M SO EXCITED#i don't talk enough about how much i adore all things superheroes here huh. anyways im a huge m.arvel nerd LMAO
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quaintii · 11 months
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Across the Street
Part 1
Summary: It's been a couple weeks since a new family moved in, across the street. You go pay them a visit with an offer.
Warnings: no smut yet... just some build-up. Miguel x f!reader (I got the pic from Twitter, the @ is @kimmy_arts0912!!) also sorry that its hella long, plot ykk (pls read a/n at end!)
Part 2 <-
Part 3 <-
On a Sunday afternoon, you decided to go out with your friends at the mall. You hear a knock on front your door and open it. "Hey! I came here early again, didn't I?" Your friend said "Hey Ash! You motion your hand inside your house.
She takes a seat on the couch, smiling and giggling. "Heyy, why are you like that?" You furrow your eyebrows together with a grin on your face, giving her some juice.
You jolt as she stands up quickly and grips your shoulders.
"Did you see that guy across the street?!" She fans herself with her hand, exaggerating and giggling. You raise your eyebrows, not knowing who she's talking about. "No..., why? You like him?" You nudge her shoulder with yours in return. "A man like that.. can fuck my brains out!" She exclaims.
You quickly slap her thigh in response, getting a groan from her. "Fuck you do that for?!?" "My parents are home! You mumble. In shock, she covered her mouth with her hand. A few seconds later, you hear a ring from the front door.
You open your door to your whole friend group, the 5 of you in total. You greet them all in and spend a couple minutes inside before heading to the car altogether, carpooling.
"Hurry up!" One of your friends yell at the other one. Your eyes avert to what Ashley was talking about earlier, you see a big U-haul truck with multiple men pulling out furniture.
None seemed to be the man your friend described until you see a man from the huge window pane talking and motioning his hands where to place the furniture. Seems like your friend wasn't exaggerating at all. He wore a black button up shirt, some buttons loosened on top. Adjourned with some dark grey work pants that fit between some-what tight and loose.
What really caught your eyes were his glasses, sitting perfectly on his nose bridge. As he looked around his surroundings, he caught your gaze and gave a small grin. You snap out of it and return back to reality and enter the backseat, engine starting and loud booming music playing.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ~
You sit down with your legs crossed over the other, waiting for the waiters to take the group's orders. You rest your chin on your palm, sighing. One of your friends seem to notice.
She touches your shoulder, "Something up?" She asks. You nod your head, resting it on her shoulder. "Yeah... my parents told me I have to start paying rent to stay at the house." You let out another breathy sigh. "I mean I don't even know how I'm going to manage when I'm focusing on paying back my student debt from last year and with my one job not being enough.." You muttered softly.
Your other friends eavesdrop and reassure that it'll be fine and to not pressure yourself into becoming a total workaholic. you let out a small laugh and the waiter finally heads towards your table.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ~
The next morning you wake up with a bad hangover, only remembering your friends' went to a club and its a blur after that.
You get up and change your bed sheets and take a relaxing shower. As your in your bed with your laptop working on your AP classes, your mom barged in.
"Get your ass up and do something! I'll be making you pay rent by the end of the month!" She raised her tone at you, annoying your peace.
"Mom, I'm already busy with paying my student debt from last year with my on-going job right now!" You exclaim back. "I've applied to other places for a job, they keep rejecting me." Your mom gave you nothing but a scoff and a cold glare. "Are you positive you've looked everywhere for a job nearby?!" She stepped into your room further.
You nod your head, annoyed how she always had an attitude with you.
"Well it looks like you didn't look close enough, the new neighbor across the street is looking for a babysitter." She said while touching your posters, eyeing the window.
"How do you know?" You asked. "He posted an obvious sign outside his front yard 3 days ago." Your mom sighed. "Look.. just give that one a try or move somewhere else with your friends." She's finally out of your bubble.
You groan and place your head on your laptop as you closed it. You slip into your shoes and head downstairs and walk across the street. "Seriously, what a nagging bitch.." You mumble under your breath and ring the doorbell.
The door opens sooner than you expected, facing a tall figure towering over you. It's him.
"May I help you, Ms?" He raised his eyebrow, expecting a response from you.
Finally being infront of him hit you like a stone brick, your vocal chords thrown out the window. You clear your throat. "Good morning, I don't mean to be a bother to you but I heard you're wanting a babysitter..?"
"Oh yeah, that reminds me..are you available later in the afternoon? If not, tomorrow if you're not." He gave off a small smile. "For afternoon, yes but if you don't mind me asking what for?"
"Oh sorry," he places one of his hands on his hip, other on the back of his neck. "For an interview, just want to do a small background check, that okay with you?" He tilts his head to the slide, letting a subtle smile stretch across his lips.
You nod and shake his head, heading back home.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ~
You walk up to his door to knock and check your phone. 4:05 p.m. You avert your eyes at him as he opens the door, smiling and greeting you inside. Miguel remains standing while you take a seat. He looks at you, studying your face, your movements, and the way you sit down. Once you make yourself comfortable, he sighs, looking away.
"Can I take a look at that?" He asked and you slide the folder file his way. He nods a couple times as he flips through the papers and starts typing on his computer.
"Do you have any experience with taking care of babies?"
He asks quietly.
"Yeah, I always babysat when I was in highschool."
He nods, seeming satisfied with the answer you gave. Miguel was quiet for a few moments, his mind going over a few things. He eventually speaks, and when he does, his voice sounds almost like a whisper.
"Could I trust you with taking care of my daughter then? With her safety and everything?"
He was quiet again.
"She's... very precious to me. I don't want her to get hurt."
"Yes of course! I would gladly take great care of her for you sir." You responded politely.
"Very well then."
He remains silent, looking at you for a moment longer, thinking about what to say next. The man then nods and starts talking again.
"She's five, and her name is Gabriella. She's a little angel... and she's mine."
Miguel took a breath and sighed, rubbing his face.
"She'll be home in a couple hours; I'll be gone..she's at her mother's house right now. I was planning on telling her that she'll have a babysitter, so she'll be excited."
He starts walking but then stops again. He then looks at you again and nods, as if he was thinking of something.
"Oh, I just need to set some rules and expectations for you to stick by, if you don't mind."
Miguel waits for you to acknowledge his words.
Your face turns a soft red, "Sorry, I was just spacing out but yeah of course." You smile back.
Miguel chuckles when you say you space out, and nods to acknowledge your answer.
"That's completely fine."
"First rule; you're responsible for her safety while I'm gone. No strangers can come in and stay, no party, etc." He seems to be thinking of more rules to add, taking a moment.
"Second; be nice to her. She's young and is easily scared or sad. So be kind."
He nods as if he finished, but then goes silent again.
"Third; no boys allowed without my permission. It's a rule for everyone, honestly." You continuously agree to his terms.
Miguel nods, still looking at you. His eyes seem to take a quick glance down at your clothes, studying you once again. He seemed to stare at your body as his gaze moved across your clothes; he didn't care that he was staring at you.
"I think that's it. Any questions?" "Nope!"
"Very well." Miguel nods, as if he was satisfied with the answer you gave.
"Then you will begin your babysitting job tonight when Gabi is here..." He pulls his cell phone and looks at the time on the screen before looking back at you.
"...in 2-3 hours. She'll be excited to see you, so make sure to make her smile." Miguel smiles at you and nods once again.
Miguel's eyes go back to your body, his gaze slowly moving across your curves from top to bottom. He then looks away.
"You will also find two numbers on the fridge; mine and the number for our family doctor. They are for emergencies."
Miguel then crosses his arms.
"That's all I have to say. Gabriella will be here in two hours. She'll knock three times before entering, okay?"
"Got that," you noted mentally.
Miguel nods one more time. "Alright, I'll be gone then. Don't worry, Gabriella is very easy to take care of."
He smiles and starts walking to the front door again. Before leaving, he waits to see if you had anything to add.
"See you tomorrow then Ms." You shoot a smile at him and head to the door first, which unexpectedly you stumble over a Barbie doll car. You stop from tripping onto your knees as you feel calloused hands brush over your waist, slightly gripping onto your skin. His hands around your waist made you shiver, the small skin to skin contact emitting some heat to your core.
You regain your posture quickly, embarrassed of yourself. "I'm sorry.." You blurt out. "Its fine really, Gabi tends to leave a trail of her toys around the house", he laughs lightly. "Ah okay...see you tomorrow then Mr.." You wait for his response. "Mr. O'Hara is fine." He says before shutting the door.
a/n: srry its pretty long, you guys can tell me down in the comments if you want a part 2 or if you'd like this to be a slow burn but somewhat fast? leave any tips!! ty :3
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ennabear · 5 months
sleepy abby headcanons 🙊
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*ೃ༄ she’s a teeth grinder, according to owen. poor baby is so stressed she can’t even escape it when she’s asleep. if she has a particularly bad dream, she’ll wake up with a sore jaw.
*ೃ༄ also, she’s a sleep talker. she doesn’t usually say full words or sentences, but she’ll mumble some half-coherent words in her sleep. it’s always either something to do with her dream, or her unconsciously mumbling “love you.”
*ೃ༄ frequent nightmares. it’s always about losing you, or losing her dad. she’s no stranger to the hospital corridor.
*ೃ༄ her nightmares don’t really scare her anymore. they just bolt her awake with a gasp, the feeling lasts until she’s too sleepy to forget about it. she’s often unable to go back to sleep after them, but she feels more comfortable if you wake up and soothe her. do not ask her to talk about it or she’ll bawl her eyes out.
*ೃ༄ on a more positive note, she’s a huuuge cuddlebug. she’s about 50/50 when it comes to big spoon vs little spoon. her most favorite position is to fall asleep with her arms around your waist and her head on your tits.
*ೃ༄ if you’re a chubby girl, you’re her favorite pillow <33 she’ll take any excuse to lay her head on your tummy, thighs, or boobs. she love love loves to gently use you as a stress ball, too.
*ೃ༄ she doesn’t usually take naps because she’s not tired during midday, but if you’re napping she’ll lay with you, promising herself not to fall asleep. and 10 minutes later she’s fast asleep with her head buried in your neck because she couldn’t help herself. you were so warm and comfy and suddenly she was tired.
*ೃ༄ she’s a very strict no noise, no lights person. she doesn’t believe in background noise or night lights because they’re too distracting and she can’t sleep with them on. although, if you’re into that, she could get used to it.
*ೃ༄ i don’t think she’s a big snorer, or a mouth breather in general. she may occasionally gently snore for a few hours, but for the most part she’s just a heavy breather. she loves it when you lay your head on her chest and match her breathing, especially if she’s had a bad dream.
*ೃ༄ there’s only like one blanket that she actually uses. she prefers blankets that are big enough to fully cover her, but that won’t overheat her. sometimes she gets too hot anyways and sleeps without it.
*ೃ༄ she doesn’t really like sleeping with her hair down. it always makes her hair too messy when she wakes up, and she doesn’t wanna re-do her hair care routine, so she just opts for the braid
*ೃ༄ her alarm goes off hella early for the gym. i’m talking like 4-5am. she has two alarms though. one to wake up. and another one ten minutes later. why??? so she can stay in bed for ten minutes cuddling her girl until she leaves.
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evergreenfields · 1 month
In Another Life
Hurt, no comfort, angst, I’m ready to break my own heart.
Your flatmate is dating Soap and he’s everything you want.
Pairing: Soap x your female flatmate, one sided female reader x Soap, Captain Price x reader.
CW: MDNI! low self esteem, character death (spoiler, not explicit), catcalling, voyeurism, masturbation, PIV sex.
A/n: I hella projected lol. Reader is broken.
Soap is dating your flatmate.
Most men that your flatmate brought home were wet wipes, but this guy was some kind of special forces. His eyes were electric blue and he had the thickest eyelashes, he went by Johnny but he also went by Soap, you never learned why. You had to mentally pinch yourself while staring at him, he was everything you wanted in a partner. You hated the creamy mess in your underwear when you were in his company.
He was muscled and shaped like an upside down triangle, you had to look away when he would pop out from their room in the night. Muttering “sorry ‘scuse me” as you squeeze past the narrow corridor, ignoring the rumble of his “no no, I’m taking up all the room, lass.”
You caught his thighs and bulge in his compression shorts when he left for a run in the morning. Later, your flatmate traipsed into the kitchen muttering “I can hardly walk after last night, let alone run!”
You laugh and slap her arm playfully as you leave the room. You’re an expert at that now. That’s not to say you were never happy for her, but your phone was currently not blowing up with your latest dating app matches.
On the off chance Soap arrived when you were coming out of the shower, he only ever looked at your eyes and quickly got out of your way. He only had eyes for your flatmate. You got to your room and stood in front of the mirror and wondered what your flatmate and other women had that you didn’t.
Soap was full of energy, ready for a laugh but very protective. You would listen from your room when he dropped her off late at night after a raucous night out on the town.
“Call me tomorrow, alright?” His voice is muffled.
“I’ll be fine.”
“Just call me when you wake up. You look like you need a lie in tomorrow. I’ll bring you breakfast.”
Tomorrow morning comes and Soap is early with a bag of food from a brunch spot nearby, he even brought you a coffee too. You thank him too much, maybe it wasn’t the coffee you were thanking him for.
Your flatmate and Soap came home late one night absolutely drunk out of their minds, they wobbled through the front door trying to dance to a song playing on his phone. They see you and it’s like they have heart eyes.
“Y/n, it’s y/n, THE GOAT!” Your roommate yells.
“The GOAT!” Soap hollers.
They both flop into the sofa either side of you. They’re too drunk to notice your teary eyes. You pushed the soggy tissue into your sleeve.
A dance tune starts up and before you can even recognise it, Soap bounces up with hands held out towards you both.
Your roommate grabs one hand.
You’re next.
You take Soap’s hand and you arc off the sofa, he’s strong.
You’re pressed up against his side. He’s hard, large and warm, you try not to enjoy the bodily contact as you all boogie to the song. You start to smile until you remember he isn’t yours.
“It’s only 2 days but I’m so excited,” she talks about her friend’s wedding in the south of France, “I’m wearing this dress” she flicks through her phone gallery “and Johnny is going to wear a kilt!” Muscled calves, big smile and rugged hands clasped at his front, Johnny looked like a million bucks.
“I love it, you’ll match!” You managed to squeeze out. You imagine the memories they’ll make and photos they’ll take. That night you have a 2nd date, you are excited by the fact he has asked you out again. It filled you with something resembling happiness.
You are meant to meet at a station out of town but you couldn’t find him at the small station and the path towards the car park was unlit and dodgy. When your date found you, he was annoyed that he had to pay for parking. He kept throwing red flags at you.
But still you slept with him because you wanted to feel touched and desired. You regretted it and then you had to take the train home later that night because he “had an early start to work tomorrow.” You wrapped your jacket around yourself to keep out some of the cold, trying not to be annoyed that he didn’t even attempt to make you orgasm or show any aftercare. You delete his number from your phone.
Later that weekend, the duo arrived home.
“We bought you back some chocolate!” Your flatmate says, Johnny swings his bag off his back, he passes it to you with 2 hands like it's a bar of gold. It could have been, with the way you looked at it.
“Aww guys you didn’t have to.” Your mouth is dry.
“Johnny found it, I didn’t know you were a sea salt and caramel fan!”
You put the chocolate in a drawer because you didn’t want to get used to tastes you couldn’t indulge in.
“He’s a prick, forget about him.” Your flatmate says pointedly about a new guy you were dating.
“Oi who’s a prick?” Soap walks into the kitchen, taking your flatmate’s waist in his hand.
“No one-” you turn away.
“A fuck boy that y/n isn’t seeing any more.” Your flat mate sounds proud by what wasn’t her decision.
“He isn’t a fuck boy.” You know you’ll regret clarifying the point, “we didn’t fuck, so he’s not. He’s just a prick.” You and the conversation. Soap whistles.
Later that night when you’re washing the dishes, Soap approaches you.
“Listen, forget about that guy,” he says low, you’d follow that voice anywhere.
“Thanks.” You squeak quietly.
“You will find what you're looking for, keep pushing and you’ll look back on this shite with a smile, maybe a misty eye, ey?” He bends forward to catch your eyes as you were trying to avoid them.
He smiles, you smile. He leaves, you remain.
The suds disappear and you turn off the tap, left in silence.
That night, they have muted sex, you hear their attempts at muffling moans and stifling strained grunts. You hear the bed frame squeak on the last hardest thrusts, then silence for a while. You imagine they feel warm, tingly and flushed, chests heaving. Eventually you hear footsteps come and go from the bathroom, the toilet flush going and the door shuts again. You wait for your heart rate to stabilise and your heart ache to subside.
“We’re going to the pub, wanna join us? Johnny’s friends are going to be there.” Your flatmate asks you.
You wonder if they’re as hot, funny and protective. You tell yourself you’re just going along for a chat, but part of you hopes it leads to something more; you put the hopeless in hopeless romantic. Put yourself out there, that’s what everyone says.
You wear a nice outfit that makes you feel pretty, your confidence isn’t abundant but you’re feeling yourself.
You arrive at the pub, you meet them, you chat, you drink, you leave.
Nothing about the evening was bad, his team were really nice, all huge and charming in their own ways. Their Captain was a greyhound with an intense gaze that seemed to follow you. Gaz’s girlfriend arrived and you thought you heard some rumblings about Ghost being pushed to date.
The Captain was receptive to you, leaning in to listen, you thought you saw him glance at your lips and legs. He helped you off the tall stool you were sitting on, taking you by your waist to help you down. You know not to push, men hated when women pushed. Well, they hated when you pushed. And you didn’t want to make anything awkward between you and your flatmate. So you left without asking for his phone number or a date, but he hugged you tightly and held your gaze for longer than you thought usual.
When all three of you got home, your flatmate shouted at the top of her lungs “you and the Captain huh?! Practically undressing each other with your eyes!” You laugh and immediately feel your ears going red. You were stoked that someone else noticed because you thought it was all in your head, as it usually was.
You didn’t notice Soap put a hand out to stop her.
“Babe. Babe-” he says “don’t go there.”
Your heart tightens. Your flatmate puts her hands on her hips, confused and a little offended as if to say ‘I know what I saw.’
“It ain’t like that, the Captain is… Price is… Look, he’s married to the job.” Brows knitted, the jovial spirit replaced with seriousness, “we don’t sit around and talk about it but he ain’t the type to mess around.”
You play it off “we were just talking, it’s not a big deal.”
It hurts when Soap says “good, because he’s a lifer.”
You close the door to your bedroom and mull Soap’s words in your tormented mind. The fuzziness you felt replaced by emptiness.
Part of you willed it to be wrong, that you were the woman to pull the Captain out of his self fulfilling and self imposed prophecy. You almost laughed at your audacity.
“I can’t even get a text back, why would he be interested?” You stare at the ceiling, the alcohol left your system and the room was uncomfortably still.
“You like tha’, lass?” you hear Soap rasp, you’re not sure if he’s taking her from behind or if he’s on top of her. The faint slaps, skin on skin, indicate it’s either doggy or the standing position your flatmate had once whispered about. The loud moans indicate it’s good.
You don’t breathe. You just listen.
“Oh god, Johnny please!” Your flatmate whines, the force of his thrusts evident in her stuttering voice.
You close your eyes and see yourself with Soap under you, knees folded under his bulging arms, hips pistoning into you with ferocious need. You argue with yourself but then you quickly surrender and slip your hand into your knickers. You draw tight circles on your clit while your eyes burn with tears unfallen. Undiluted shame and need fills you. You breathe sharply through your nose and then hold your breath, staying as quiet as possible. Both of your hearts raced, thumping against your ribs.
“Tha’s it,” you hear his muffled voice grunt. You imagine his massive hand grasping your breast, your hand follows. Their bed frame groans but yours is silent. Your flatmate’s voice gets higher in pitch and she comes loudly, he grunts, swears, the mattress squeaks. You push two fingers into yourself and quickly find your spongy spot, electricity rolls through you.
You come undone shakily and silently, tears springing immediately from your eyes as you ride the wave of your orgasm. Your hand clasps across your mouth as you try to stem the noise of your sobs. You feel disgusted and disgusting. You wipe your eyes with your sleeves. You check your phone, no text from him. You manage to fall into a restless sleep.
One night, you and your flatmate encountered an asshole at the station.
“Nice bit of skirt, that.” He leers at your flatmate.
“Fuck off, you prick!” You shout back without breaking stride, not caring he was bigger than you. This confidence was new to you. Or was it anger?
When you arrived at the music venue, your flatmate told Soap what happened, you couldn’t hear them as the music was loud and you were at the bar. You could see the look of concern and regret on his face. He stormed over to you and he pulled you into a bear hug.
“Thanks for taking care of her,” he says to your temple. He releases you but keeps his arm around your shoulder as you wait at the bar, his weight is comforting and protective. He then helps you carry the drinks over.
He adds “I’m sorry Gaz and Cap couldn’t make it, paperwork.” You’d heard that one before but this time you gave yourself the benefit of believing it.
During the gig was a slow acoustic song that hit a little too close to home so you snuck out to the toilet to wait it out.
But you could still hear the music as you leaned against the stall and picked at your nails, doing breathing exercises you’d read about, through your tears.
You began to feel like the only man in your life. You even treated yourself to a massage because the touch deprivation reached a fever pitch.
You scroll through the website trying to find an available masseuse. Their headshots were small but you were on the lookout for a man with a thick neck and prominent traps, you knew the silhouette you were looking for. Your masseuse didn’t have a Mohawk but he was close enough that when you closed your eyes, his hands, his pressure and weight became Johnny’s.
You were invited again to a party with the squad, moods were good but there were hints of them being away for an extended mission. While you heeded what Soap said about Price, you wanted to know it from the horse's mouth. You bantered with the Captain, and he bantered back, at first. It turned to flirting and you playfully slapped his bicep, joking that you could drink him under the table, knowing well enough that you couldn’t. You ignored the looks from Gaz and Ghost - it’s like they knew something you didn’t. And they did.
You found yourself outside with Price. He’d asked only you to come outside, you felt giddy at the prospect of him wanting to be alone with you. He was smoking a cigar, you stared at the lit end, hoping it revealed some kind of secret you could finally be privy to.
It was cold outside, bitterly cold.
“You’re a lovely girl, y/n, you’re smart, pretty, ballsy,” he says, almost to himself. You’re immediately familiar with the tone. What came next would hurt. Your breathing quickens and there’s a pit in your stomach.
“I’m not in a place where I can give you what you want, what you deserve, darlin’.”
The alcohol seemed to dissipate from your system. Rejection was one hell of a way to sober up. You look down at your shoes and chew your lip to stop it from trembling.
You knew better than to beg, to make compromises, to ask for a chance. Nothing would convince him. Maybe another woman could. But not me. So you turned to humour because it was safer than being vulnerable.
With wet eyes and a wobbly voice that you couldn’t hide, you say “so you think I’m pretty?”
He hits you with a look that you’ll never forget.
“In another life-“ he quietly began.
You cut him off, agreeing, “in another life.”
You both went indoors and you summoned a smile from the deepest recesses of your being. You left early that night.
It was with bated breath that you left your room ready for your date. You were in a beautiful outfit that did wonders for your confidence. You spun around a few times in the mirror.
Johnny was at the foot of the stairs and he looked at you with his big blue eyes, you’re sure you saw his pupils grow. Your phone buzzed but you ignored it because you enjoyed being under his gaze.
“Look at you! He’s a lucky lad!”
“Wait, let me see!” Your flatmate's voice came from the kitchen.
Your phone buzzed again. You pull it out to see a stream of texts from your date.
“Oh you look gorgeous, girl!” You barely hear your flatmate. Blood rushes to your ears.
You read out the text message.
“Sorry can’t make it, hungover lol.” You sound distant, as if it wasn’t related to you.
“Fucking prick.” Soap says with no hesitation.
“Y/n…. Babe.” Your flatmate pulls you into a hug but you’re limp and embarrassed.
“Fuck it, I’m going out anyway!” You exclaim, pretending to be okay you practically rush out of the door.
The door shuts behind you. You want to cry but you squeeze your eyes shut and start to walk towards the station. You don’t last long, your vision is wet and nose runny. You end up at a riverside cafe, watching the world go by without you. What a shitty year, you tell yourself.
You hear a hushed conversation a week before Soap is due to leave for a few weeks. You kept your headphones on and nodded at them when you walked past, giving them privacy.
You wish you could be in someone’s inner circle, but instead you were grateful you could float around theirs. You put a mental reminder in to take your flatmate to dinner while Soap was away and to keep her from watching the news.
“Turn it down!” You yell at your flatmate while you go to answer the door, the radio is on blast while you both cook.
Through the peephole you see the unmistakable beard of Captain Price.
“Oh John, hi!” You can’t hide that you’re happy to see him. But then you notice his grave expression.
“Hi love, sorry to come by unannounced,” he’s standing straighter and his smile doesn’t reach his eyes. “Is your flatmate around?”
“Yeh, come in.” Your stomach drops. You didn’t need to call out, your flatmate is already by the door.
“No,” she recognises the look.
“I’m so sorry, love.” Price says quietly.
“Oh god no!” She cries out and sobs, her entire body shakes.
You put your arms around her but your eyes are on Price, wet and unflinching, waiting for the confirmation of the news.
His blue eyes are overcast and tired, he nods and looks down.
“We’ll have to take you onto base if you wish to go through matters,” Price says quietly. You helped your flatmate get her coat on, understanding that you couldn’t go with her.
Price dropped her home later that night, you plated up some food for her but she couldn’t eat. You hugged each other on the sofa until one of you fell asleep first.
It felt like Soap would be bursting through the door with his infectious energy at any moment, but the silence was deafening.
You weren’t invited to the funeral as it was behind closed doors. You didn’t know what to do with yourself, you went from crying to intense panic attacks to bouts of guilt. You missed him, you missed his presence. You thought about the way his eyes would light up when you suggested shots at the pub, how he’d walked you both home and how safe you felt. Sure he wasn’t holding your hand but for a moment, you felt wanted, taken care of and significant. You felt terrible for mourning someone else’s partner so deeply and intimately.
Price came by a few times in the next few months, sometimes you were home, sometimes you weren’t. When your flatmate finally came out of her room, her eyes red and complexion weak, she would walk around the house like an apparition.
“I can’t do this without him!” She would plead, “I miss him so much.” You rubbed her back, silently wiping your tears, telling her you were sorry, over and over.
“John came by today, he sends his best.” She says.
“Bless him,” you say quietly, trying not to read too much into it, because all the meaning you longed for wouldn’t come.
“You never told me what happened with you both that night.” She asks, brows knitted in concern for you while her heart was shattered.
“Soap was right about him.” You said, “and that’s okay.” You breathed, hoping the more you said it the more you would believe it.
‘What cannot be said will be wept’ you read the quote over and over, you’d seen it online and it immediately brought Price into your mind.
His visits became less frequent, but he came by again to check in with your flatmate. He looked like he was carrying the world on his shoulders and you wanted nothing more than to pull him into an embrace and comfort him.
“Come in, she just got in the shower, want a tea while you wait?”
It had been 6 months since the news.
“How are you holding up?” Price asked.
“M’okay, trying to be there for her as best I can.”
“I know it isn’t easy for you either.” He said, “you’re doing good by her, you’re a good friend.”
Guilt and shame rushes through your system, you didn’t feel like a good friend.
“He was so good to her-” you start to sob, hands across your mouth, willing it to stay inside so you never have to confront how you really felt about him.
You’re surprised to be suddenly in his embrace. John consumes you, you’re completely surrounded by him. You grip his jacket, afraid to let go. His right hand rubbed your shoulder blades and his left hand held onto your waist tightly.
“I’m sorry love,” he whispered, “and I���m sorry I wasn’t good to you.”
“You don’t have to apologise for anything John, you haven’t done anything wrong.” You sounded throaty.
“I made you believe in something I couldn’t give you.” His voice is quiet, you feel it against his chest.
“In another life,” you manage to sob his phrase back to him, he can feel you inhaling hard, trying to catch your breath.
“Another life.” He says back, kissing your head.
“Take care of yourself, John” you say with a ragged voice looking straight into his eyes. You grab your bag and push past him out of the door. You can still see his sad eyes in your mind.
Immediately you regret leaving while he was still available and present. But then you think if he wanted to say more he’d have done so. Life is choices, he made his choice. And I wasn’t one of them. Your legs take you away from him, into the bitter cold.
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silvershiningtarot · 11 months
Details About Your Life-Partner 18+
🩷These Are Details about your Partner Or Crush. However, you take it and remember this is a general reading. You are responsible for your own decision and I'm just giving you my opinion. These are all four piles about your Partners. Enjoy reading. What take resonates and leaves the rest.✨ where your Partner Originated from as Starseeds.
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Pile 1 💋
•They have their solo mission on this earth. It is Your Partner's birthright to be wealthy, famous, and have a mad abundance. They are Blue Ray Starseed or Andromedan Starseed.No longer in union with someone else. They are moving forward. They have a strong sense of humor. Probably into BDSM. Your Partner is Dominant. They are self-aware of themselves and others around them. Or they are working hard to look out for signs from their guides. They are the CEO of their company. I think they like to wear suits. Very smart. They are loyal and very honest they are. Protective, and Dominant. I heard some of y'all partners are a beast. I mean a BEAST! Not their appearance but their aura is very beast-type. Like I heard that they would be your monster. Tatted up! Some of y'all partners tatted up from head to toe. Or neck to feet. They are an old soul. Very in tune with their self. I think some of y'all partners are into Kemetic religion or interested in Kemetic. They have brown eyes or green eyes. But they are very handsome men. Or pretty boy. I think some of them are gangsters. I think they like wearing suits. Yes, your partner is a Soulmate! Ending a lot of cycles. Rebirth themselves. I heard they going through a tower moment. Their love language is Physical touch or Acts Of Service. They are wounded still I think they just got out of a bad relationship. They are a fighter. I heard they are a sucker for love. But that doesn't mean they aren't stupid. They are hella passionate. They know to rock your world upside down. They are your star-crossed lover and also they are your soul family. Or you are part of their soul tribe. They feel right now lack of energy 🔋. Cuz of this heartbreak. I heard “ I'm waking up.” They are waking up. Again, you are their romantic soulmate. Or they are looking for their soulmate. They are probably in college or going back to college. They do have a fast lifestyle. They are animated very goofy they are. They'll make you laugh. They'll make their friends laugh. Again, High-Vibe Soulmate! They are high-vibe soulmates. So they feel like something is missing their whole life. Your Partner is an old man. Not like grandpa-looking but I'm getting a sense not far apart from you. Like the mid-30s or Early 30s. That's what I'm sensing. Or some of y'all partners can be sugar daddies. They've made mistakes before in their lives. I think they regret it. They are a homebody. Very chill-back type of person. I won't go any further than this but they have Father Issues. I heard Mother issues too. But that's something about y'all life partner. Again, your partner is a Fighter. They'll chase after you if they are with you. They'll worship you. Haha 😂 Very dominant they are for real. They are a flirt and don't like drama. Very curious they are. They are a bad boy! Like to start shit. Just for the fun of it. They don't like toxic drama but healthy drama that's a little messy. That's how they are. Toxic family 👪. They have a toxic family member or siblings Or friends they consider family. (clear throat) Here's the sexual part of them. They love to caress their partner. So if you are with them. They'll slowly caress you. Some of them do ritual sex. Like they have to have sex under the moon. When the moon is out like I heard around solar eclipses. They'll do their ritual sex with you. The intense passion they are. I sense that can be a Scorpio or Virgo, or Gemini. Or Aquarius ♒. Either way, when they have sex it is very intense. Bust in their pants. Woah, well they bust quickly. Told you that passionate sex! Steamy sex, Shower Love Making, and they are great at eating pussy! Probably good with their tongue 😝. Rose petals 🌹. Very romantic they are and they have a big dick! I mean BIG DICK. That's DEVIL DICK! They got. So probably got grit dick. Woo 😯. They are transparent at times or they have people around them who are transparent like they can see through their friend's bullshit. They've been through a lot of people who gave them mixed signals and hidden feelings. I'm hearing that song by August Alsina-Never Fold.
They are showing off! They like to show off their shit. In a good way and even a bad way too. So they aren't afraid to show off their feelings to someone. I think one of their exes did that to them. Again, coming to the end of their relationship and they are accepting what happened to them. Purging out what happened to them. They are quick to call out other people's bullshit. But they are very emotionally supportive people. They hate when people cry in front of them. They are a diva too. They would want or manifest a fairytale relationship. They consider themselves a prince that's looking for their princess so they can sweep her off her feet😝. They believe in Love At First Sight. And they'll do anything to make their Princess happy. I believe they hide that part of themselves. Because they believe in fairytales or would want that. Feels that part of his feminine side has been shut down and lost. But they are a Fighter! I told you that they are a warrior. Their masculine side is well-balanced. Dealt with a lot of toxic connections in their lives. They love to give people chances. Especially, second chances. “I know what's it like to be on the other side of the road. Feeling all alone and afraid.” that's what I heard. Again, they have a lot of very revengeful enemies. But don't get twisted. Your partner is the type to cut off people quickly. Sometimes if they love their friends or family it is hard for them. I told you they would want that happy ending.
Pile 2 🙊
•They are Lightworkers or Arcturian Starseed. They are born leaders 👑 they are great manifestors. They are a God! I heard Head Master they are. Wow! Powerful partner you guys have. They are a God in human Form. They are meant to help the Earth and spread love to the world. They are highly rebellious. They don't like to be told what to do! They don't like the rules or how these laws are in the world. Okay, I got two separate things here. So both you and your partner are soulmates and both of you are starseeds. You two have a collective mission. Y'all meant to find each other in this life. Most of you and your partner are Twin Flame 🔥 and you two have a dual mission together. It is very strong and powerful. So good to y'all. They can be an earth sign: Capricorn, Virgo, or Taurus. Very perfectionists they are or they can have those signs as their moon signs. But very ambitious they are. Grounded too. I heard humble too. They have an ex-friend probably a stalker or obsessive with them. Yikes 😬. This friend of theirs is very intrusive. They are friendly. I think your partner is dorky. People consider them dorky like corny. But they don't care that's what makes them happy about themselves. Or they can be geeky too. But they are charming and love making cheesy jokes. They are a babbler. They love to communicate. They would want to debate with you, and they would want to pick your brain out. Sometimes they can be smartass. Their favorite season is summer or they probably like summer ☀️. I heard Because they wanna show off their body a lot. Haha 😂. Partner got kids or would want kids of their own. They broke up with their ex or again, and they have a baby mama. Sorry 💔. But some of y'all partners have a haircut short, short braids, waves, or they just have an extraordinary hairstyle. They are the CEO of their company and a very hard-working businessman. You'll be a workaholic wife to them. They would want a submissive woman or they are very submissive themselves. But I kinda doubt that. They would love someone that would cherish their love. You'll make a player fall in love with you. I think they are a player. They fuck around with plenty of other women. I can get a sense that some of you have a player that will fall for you. Haha 😂 they are a gangster that falls in love with a good girl. I think that is what they would want. Honestly, I feel that this friend who's obsessed with your partner it's a close friend. Partner is always horny😊. Now, your partner got a monster dick! That's mean it is big! Or they are a monster in bed. They got some sexy kinks. I heard it is extreme. I think breeding kinks is one of them. They are an ass-grabber. They love grabbing ass, not just any random ass but your ass while in bed. Lol. They like to surprise their partners in bed and they like to spit in your mouth or they would like for you to spit in their mouth. Moans turn them on. Boss Daddy, Dominant Man, and Chest Lover! So this partner loves your chest likes your boobs or they like your chest. They are very dominant. Damn! They are a Daddy! I mean Daddy! But they are also a romantic lover. When they have sex with someone they wanna have a close bond with their partners. Ball gags.👐🏾💋🌹 I think this partner likes everything. They want to be ball gags or they would want to be ball gagging someone. You are their romantic soulmates. So you are one of their romantic soulmates. They dealt with a lot of false twin flames 🔥 oh I heard that they are dealing with one right now. So they are dealing with a false twin right now. So your twin is dealing with a false twin. They are animated as hell. I don't think your life partner doesn't know how to be serious they always choking around. They would want to worship someone. But I think they are worshipping this false twin. Boo! But I think that they are such a great storyteller. 🌹✨🔥. But I feel like once they meet you, you are their beloved. Maybe, your life partner has a song called Beloved. But that's a song I've heard in my head. They get so drained it is exhausting for them.
They like to have sex in the kitchen 🍴. Yes, your life partner is a celebrity but that's for some of you. Not all of you but some of you and I'm hearing another song by this partner. This song I heard in my head. Ahhh! Yes, this is your soulmate/twin flame or whatever you wanna you make it to be that's up to you. Both of you are each other's perfect match and they are a social butterfly 👐🏾. They love to talk. I think that they are outside the box. You two have a past life connection.
Pile 3 🍪:
•That's the song I've heard from them. I sense that their star family is trying to communicate with them but they aren't paying them any attention. So If I have to guess that your partner is around the same age as you. For some of you, I sense that your partner is an Indigo Starseed, Crystal, or a Rainbow child Starseed. So I think some of the partners were born in the 1950s to ’80s but I'm getting more like 1980s. But they love helping the earth. I'm getting the page of swords for this pile. Oh yeah, they can be a Feline & Lyran Starseed. That's why I feel that some of y'all partners are older than you. Or they can be young too but very mature they are. They believe in destiny. I feel that they believe in the divine union too. So I think that you are coming in soon. I heard them say “Everything that meant to happen for a reason.” they don't like to rush anything. They don't mind being patient. They like quickies. They love to have sex on the beach and I think they enjoy the BDSM lifestyle or they would want to join the BDSM community. Hahaha 🤤🤤they would break all their rules for you. What I mean by that is they have standards and values about themself they'll break if they have some bad friend who isn't good for them. This reminds me of pile 1 so they have an ex-friend or this friend is about to be an ex. They are very intrusive. Jealous, and have stalker vibes I'm getting from that friend. Anyways, they are very handsome and they live a fast lifestyle. But your partner is a feminist or I think that they are your divine Feminine. They are friendly and communicative they are. But I think that they are true. Very feminine. But they have their masculinity. Very balanced they are or trying to be. They are a fighter as well. I think that they would want a Dommy! Meaning that they would want a dominant woman/man to dominate them. Right now I think they are feeling drained because of this close friend. Yikes 😬😬. I am sorry for them. They would want to kiss all over your body. Lol, they like to have sex a lot. I think that they'll confess their feelings for you. They like to have sex in the bathroom. Again, probably into BDSM Lifestyle. They are surrounded by energy vampires 🧛 that's not good at all with them. Very dark energies. They are entertainers in the bedroom! Ha ha but no they are entertainers. They can be a stripper or they know how to move their body. That's the song I've heard in my head. They are your High-Vibe Soulmate. Yes, your life partner is older than you. They feel that something is missing in their life. They know to break it down. Like seriously, they love having sex. Horny dog. Ritual sex, airplane sex and yes they are passionate too. So when they have sex it is with feeling. They'll give you the best of both worlds. Maybe, if you are on your period or whatever they would want to have sex under the moon. Like on a full 🌕. They are dealing with a third-party situation that isn't for them. I think sometimes your partner can be greedy. They are self-centered and very possessive over their stuff. So basically, selfish. I think that they are going through a heartbreak right now. They are a clingy lover. What I mean by clingy it can get fucking toxic with this partner. They love phone sex and they'll handcuffs on you or they would want you to use handcuffs on them.
Pile 4 🩷:
•That’s the song I've heard in my head. Okay, now I think that your partner originated from Draconian Starseed. But I don't sense anything bad about this one. They can be power-hungry. Yikes 😬that’s why I feel like it can get toxic with them. Their star Family is trying to communicate with them but it seems like they send your partner signals in their dreams. Okay, some of y'all this is your twin flame, and you and your twin have a dual mission and also an individual mission as well. So I think that some of y'all life partners are light workers and they are here to help the world evolve. They'll need to learn to adapt and also be highly intuitive. They are a soft and gentle lover because I can see them worshipping you. Put you on a high pedestal. Wow, they are a bit of a control freak. They like things their way. That isn't good at all. You two have a soul contract with each other. You two have a spiritual bond. I believe you two are a star family as well. You two have a past life connection and I think that you guys are forever connected. Maybe, some of you grow up with your life partner as children to now. I think your partner is your mentor. I also feel they love to travel or they are travelers. I think they like to drink cocktails. I think that they like to party hard. But they know how to balance their drinking. Or they can be bartenders. They are an old soul and also very charming as well. Your partner is very devoted, honest, and loyal. I feel that they don't like cheaters. I don't like to do appearances but they probably have a short haircut, braids, or bald too. Some of y'all partners aren't in a relationship anymore. So they are moving forward with their life. I heard they are looking for their Divine Counterpart. Again, destiny. Both of you are star-crossed lovers but they are trying to find you. They have their issues with their trauma they need to heal on their own. It's a lot of trauma. They crave your desire and again, horny. But I think that right now they have flings. So they are sleeping around. Having some fling-mates. They love doing some activities like sports, spas, or anything that keeps them moving. I think they like playing sports. Tennis, Basketball, baseball, or track. I feel like they dealt with someone who lied to them and they got cheated on. They've been through a lot of self-love and self-doubt. I believe your partner has a stocking fetish. They'll confess their feelings for you and I think that they'll be turned on by your moan. Fetish kinks. Woah they have a lot of kinks. They are rough! I mean rough. I don't see any gentleness. They'll push you against the wall. Holy, fucc! They are a swallower. I was right! They are rough grabbers. They like to be surprised or they would like to surprise you in the bedroom or outside. They have this raw energy. They got a lot of sexy kinks and your partner got a MONSTER 👹 DICK🍆🍆🍆. Wow, they know how to drop it low. Dang! They are dominant men and they love to bite! I mean 😏 freaky. If y'all don't mind a threesome. I can hear them say that “Would you mind a threesome?” your partner likes to be tied up and chained ⛓️ too. I think they like to be spanked too. Some of y'all partners are soft lovers. But they are dominant too. They'll grab your fave and kiss you hard. Bon appetite! Yummy 😋 they are so freak! They know how to get their hands dirty.
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chaisshitposts · 8 months
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𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐝 '𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
yes the challenge name is corny, I don't care 😡 anyways, the challenge that I am about to propose does include things involving the the void, however, it is not centered around the void, because we as master manifesters are able to manifest drastically outside of it. this may be for everyone, but it's not for quitters. this is a lot to read, apologies in advance, but I recommend you read this in it's entirety anyways!
For this challenge, we will be combining a variety of methods to change our realities for the better, anyone can participate at any time. This challenge has no 'finish date' like other challenges, however, we will have a check-in a week after our start date to take note of progress. I do not believe that time limits should be put on things that we desire, however, it can motivate consistency and holding ourselves responsible on our goals and accountable of our own progress.
The main goal surrounding this challenge is shifting our mindsets towards obtaining our dream lives as well as keeping a mental diet that works in our favor. What I often find with these manifestation challenges are that folks give up too early on their goals when they see no movement in regards to their /main/ goals they are constantly seeking proof from, it's important to remember that time is simply a manmade illusion and that we are all different in various ways which is a beautiful thing we must remember. And there is always movement with our manifestations, even if we can't consciously see it.
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Just like one would do when constructing a void list, create yourself a list of things you desire, as well as affirmations you want to be true. Doesn't matter how long the list is or what words you use or what language you use. Just make a list. You can include things about your dream life, dream apartment, dream financial situations, how often you enter the void, how quickly you enter the void, self-concept, mythical things, desired appearance, any kind of revision, superpowers, supernatural events, personality changes, drastic health changes etc, whatever you like. When creating your affirmations please remember to use past tense (always/used to/ have been) or present tense (right now/currently/ right this moment/ right this second/instantly/immediately). Make your affirmations/afformations/askformations as detailed and as long as you want, your subconscious always remember each and every detail. I'd also recommend throwing in some manifestation rules for yourself.
I love my body.
My skin is perfect in every way and will always remain perfect with everything I do.
I've always been pretty.
I always have hella money in my bank account.
Why am I so lucky?
Why do I always enter the void instantly after just thinking about it once?
Everytime I fall asleep, I always wake up in the void.
I am a master at lucid dreaming and can lucid dream whenever I want just by affirming for it once.
I love how long, shiny, and healthy my hair always is.
Everytime I breathe I get more and more handsome.
Why am I so good at manifesting?
Regardless of everything, I can manifest anything I want instantly after affirming for it three times and it instantly conforms in the 3D.
I have my dream bedroom right now with blue walls, hardwood floors, a wardrobe filled with clothes from my y2k pinterest board, my ideal gaming set up, and an LG touch flat screen TV.
I can shift realities as easily as I can breathe.
The more I obsess over my desires the faster they conform in the 3D.
Even if I have negative thoughts or doubts, I can still manifest anything I want instantly.
Everything works in my favor, the law is always on my side.
I already have my desires, every thought that affirms the opposite is an illusion.
Whatever I say works, all techniques and methods work instantly for me.
Doing nothing works, and doing everything works when it comes to manifesting.
Give that list a name. Any name ya want, doesn't matter. Ya could even just call it your 'Void List.' My own personal list has two names 'All That I Desire' and 'Void List'. Ya could also call it 'Dream Life,' 'I Want,' etc.
Create an affirmation that suggests you have everything on that list. Here are some examples, but do not use these to limit any other ideas you may have or what affirmations may sound most natural to you.
I have everything on [insert name list].
I manifested everything on my list instantly and easily.
I effortlessly have everything on my list.
Everytime I breathe something from my list manifests instantly.
I have my dream life.
I already have everything I want. Everything in my life is perfect.
I already have everything on [insert name list].
Regardless of everything, I have everything on [insert name list].
Isn't it wonderful?
I literally have everything on my list right now.
Everything on my list has already manifested.
My personal affirmation: Regardless of everything, I have All That I Desire.
Use Psych-K to affirm this affirmation for 10 minutes (at least), or just affirm for ten minutes without Psych-K. This can be done multiple times through each day, don't limit yourself to just a single session if you don't want to, do whatever makes you feel fulfilled. I would recommend trying to do this at least once per day.
Outside of Psych-K or your focused affirming, I want you to use this affirmation whenever you think about anything you desire, whenever you have doubts about anything, whenever you have negative thoughts, or you can just robotically affirm this throughout the entirety of your day. It's okay to have opposing thoughts, but you need to ignore them, you cannot give them anymore attention, do not entertain them, and affirm your desires. Your umbrella affirmation is your backbone, it is your guardian angel. And if you have moments when you don't think you can stop those spiraling thoughts, take your umbrella affirmation or any other affirmation that benefits you and say it aloud with authority, over and over for 2-3 minutes. You can't say something aloud while simultaneously thinking another thing. Go RIGHT for your affirmation, we don't care about the old story anymore.
The most important thing for this step is to stop yourself from thinking the opposite of what you desire, and it's okay if you have a negative thought or two, but quickly catch yourself before you can spiral or fall back into the victim mentality. Remind yourself— no matter if you have negative thoughts, you always get what you want and everything's going to be okay. It's important to be gentle with your thoughts but also assertive when learning something new.
With robotic affirming, feelings don't matter at that time, it's simply for saturation purposes and eventually the feelings will develop on their own with robotically affirming. And if you're like me, you might just wanna flood your head with robotic affirmin' so you can stop negatives and doubts or whatever from even having the chance to come to the surface. However, if needed, feel free to affirm with authority, attitude, sass, or whatever makes you feel more powerful.
The more you repeat, the more likely you will repeat the affirmation without even realizing. I often find that robotic affirming often leads me to waking up and that affirmation is the first thought I think, that's just how saturating it can be. And with robotic affirming (affirming all damn day or at least when I remember to) and a decent mental diet, manifestations will start popping up on that very same day.
TIP: Feel free to look over your list whenever you want, as many times as you want. And if you have moments where you wanna get specific, just refer to your list and affirm that particular affirmation that you want to become true.
TIP: Just woke up? Affirm. Eating? Affirm. Have break time? Affirm. Have a moment to chill? Affirm. Taking a shower? Affirm. Using the bathroom? Affirm. Doing your make-up? Affirm. Getting dressed? Affirm. Getting ready for work/school? Affirm. Watching something you're not really paying attention to on TV? Affirm. Watching YouTube videos? Affirm. Affirm. Affirm. Affirm. Affirm.
(Optional) If applicable, and if you have trouble with robotic affirming or if ya just don't feel like it, try out recording your affirmation and looping it. There are multiple applications to be used such as Self-Pause and Parrot. I often do this myself using my bluetooth earbuds with the volume at a low enough level to hear them but not loud enough to distract me from other things. And because of who I am, I will often put overhead headphones over my bluetooth headphones to listen to music or audiobooks (that's a lot, ik but its like listening to subliminals but you can change what you're watching/listening to). Or you can play the looped affirmation at a very low volume on speaker from any kind of device while going about your day. And just because you're looping your affirmation in the background, it does NOT give you permission to affirm the opposite of your desires, you need to hold yourself accountable for the thoughts you are thinking. You control your thoughts, your thoughts don't control you.
If you do all of these things, monitoring your inner thoughts, and your inner conversations, you are bound to see or feel changes around you as well as inside of you, that's the law. Things change according to our own assumptions and how strict we are with our conscious thoughts. This way, not only are you simultaneously changing your thoughts about the void, but you are also manifesting what you want to change with the void in the first place simultaneously. With this in mind, you manifest outside of the void, a lot of things on your list, and when you do consciously wake up in the void, you'll be able to manifest the rest just by saying you've got everything on your list. It's foolproof with guaranteed success as long as you continue to hold yourself accountable and remain consistent.
Addressing Some Potential Doubts About The List Method or Why This Challenge 'Might' Not Work
Some of you may be wondering, how will my subconscious know what's on my list and how will it associate everything on my list with the name of the list that I give it? The subconscious remembers everything you do, even things that you don't consciously remember. It's constantly taking notes on everything that's said which is why, precisely, it's important to watch what you're thinking as well as what you're saying aloud. You know exactly what you mean when you're referencing certain things. And think of it like this, you are already aware that the void is within us, and when you're doing this challenge, you're constantly feeding this new information into the void that's already inside of you. The only thing you need to do is correct your conscious thoughts to think in favor of your desires. Also, there are various perks that come with this challenge— you're able to manifest all types of things all at once so you don't need to limit yourself to changing one thing at a time, the affirmations and desires in your list are immediately saved into your subconscious and all you have to do is repeat the umbrella affirmation you chose, whenever you feel particularly doubtful/negative about a certain subject you can easily go back to reread what affirmations you wrote OR you can just continue robotically affirming your umbrella affirmation, and finally, you are also practicing detachment from your goals because you've pretty much wrote them down, and may have consciously forgot about them, but kept affirming that everything on your list has already manifested. And yes, you may have goals you are consistently checking for in the 3D, but with this challenge you force consistency and saturation of the mind.
TIP: if you have certain affirmations on your list that involve shifting, the void, or anything like that— i.e. "If I say an affirmation 3 times in a row it instantly manifests and conforms in the 3D." Feel free to try it out during the challenge, but do NOT, I repeat, do NOT get discouraged if it does not grant your desired results immediately. Try to be unbothered and go back to affirming your umbrella affirmation. But if you can't do that and you end up having a moment where you're sad or pissed off, give yourself a second to feel that emotion and then I want you to be stubborn and go find that affirmation you want to become true and repeat it to yourself with authority for 2-3 minutes, say it aloud or in your head, whatever makes you feel it. After that, congratulate yourself for not giving up, because who knows, maybe your manifestation did manifest in the 3D but it's a little delayed and will appear later that night or even the day after.... Don't sell yourself short. If you want something badly enough, I know you are willing to do whatever it takes to get it.
TIP: Feel free to combine this with the lullaby method, SATs, mediation and anything else you can think of.
It's okay to start this whenever you wish, but procrastination is our worst enemy, start right now. Have fun, get excited, shit's about to change in your life, I guarantee it. Make your list, choose your umbrella affirmation, affirm like a maniac, build your foundation, and make life easier on yourself. Results are guaranteed.
If you have any questions in regards to anything in this post, feel free to send in an ask, or if you want an immediate answer feel free to dm me with your questions! I will try and help the best way I can.
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drizztdohurtin · 3 months
Rolan Headcanons: marriage and domesticity
pairing: Rolan x gn!reader
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[ masterlist ] [ wip list ]
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I'm sorry if any of this feels reminiscent or repetitive of Gale's marriage and domesticity headcanons, they are very similar men, but I'm trying my best to add variety <3
I've discussed many of these with @viennacherries so I just want to throw her some credit for any of her ideas that have seeped into my brain and bled into this post <33333
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01. Marriage:
I struggled so hard when writing the pining and dating headcanons but now.... buckle in bitches (affectionate)
I want to be married to Rolan so bad dude
Rolan LOVES introducing you to people as his wife/husband/spouse once you're married - he is literally so proud to be married to you
not even because "Wow look at me I'm married to the hero of Baldur's Gate", but just because of who you are as a person and how much he loves you
in the beginning, whenever he hears you refer to him as your husband, his tail swishes happily and he starts purring without realizing it - it's very quiet, but you notice
after a few occurrences, you point it out to him one night because you find it so endearing - he lowkey freaks out he's like WAIT I DO??
If you don't want kids, he's completely fine with it bc he gets to be the cool uncle when Cal and/or Lia have kids
If you do want kids........ well, it's complicated (begging you to wait for my 'conceiving/pregnancy/fatherhood' hc posts because I will go into hella detail)
on one of the last nights of your honeymoon, you make a comment about how much you had been enjoying going to sleep and waking up next to him every day during your trip; making a little joke about how that wouldn't be the case once he returned to his work when you two got home
and even though it was only meant to tease him lightheartedly, and even though you reassured him of such once you saw his face scrunch in concern, it was the only thing he could think about for a while
upon returning from your honeymoon, he'd do his best to be there with you when you laid down for the night - and tries to be around for you more often, generally speaking
it doesn't work super well at first, but he's definitely trying
as per my dating headcanon post, he cooks dinner for you once a tenday as a little at-home date night - and once you're married he'll start doing it more often
after maybe 5 years of marriage he gets to a point where he's finishing his work early every single day, like before sundown, so he can cook for you or take you out to eat, and have enough time to cuddle up and read to you before going to sleep
Everyday Rolan thinks about how much he loves and cherishes you, how much you've sacrificed over the years, and how lucky he is to be your husband
based on how I paced the progression of the relationship in the pining/dating post, I strongly feel that Rolan really blossoms as a person and as a partner only once you've gotten married
Before you guys got married, obviously he was already in love with you, already cherished you, and was already comfortable around you, etc. etc.
but all of that gets so much more amplified once you're married
Fully Comfortable Rolan is such a treasure
after even 6 months of marriage, he's so much more confident in how he touches you and how he talks to you, or the things he does for you
Married Rolan is touchier, he jokes more, he laughs more, he infodumps more! he's unstoppable!
This complete security also means it's easier for him to be vulnerable with you, he's more likely to open up to you about things that trouble him, eventually coming to you about them before you even have a chance to ask him what was wrong
a lot of his "attitude" in the past came from insecurity, so Secure Married Rolan is no longer snarky with strangers (unless they suck), and he no longer feels like he has to prove himself to others
He's calmer, he's more patient, he's more likely to offer help to others
Married Rolan eventually takes on students, or maybe an apprentice or two, and he's so good with them
Married Rolan is Matured Rolan - in the healthiest way (good for him !!!)
02. Domesticity:
Rolan takes such good care of you
Due to how he grew up, he has a lot of domestic skills that would stick with him for life
Having to take care of Cal and Lia for so long, both being much younger than him, he'd know a few level 1 healing spells, he'd know how to cook, he'd know how to mend clothing and get tough stains out of fabric
that night when you return to him after defeating the Absolute, he'd heal you as many times as you'd allow him to, even though he wasn't as skilled as a cleric
there were a few times during the events of the game when you'd come to see him and he'd notice a tear in your clothes - always insisting on sewing it back up for you
and once you're moved in together, he'd mend your clothing without even telling you - you'd just realize the hole in your favorite shirt is all patched up one day
Rolan's a good cook, and he loves to do it for you
and if you cooked for him, he'd 100% do the dishes
but he still wouldn't let you do the dishes when he cooks for you
He's always cleaning up around the tower, often without even realizing it
It's second nature for him to be tidy and whatnot, but it's also because he respects the tower so much - he wants to keep it as pristine as he can
just going around and putting things back in their spots, even something as little as putting a quill back in a drawer
After he becomes the master of the tower, he spends a lot of his free time rearranging furniture and decorations or replacing them altogether to make the tower feel more comfortable for him and his siblings
I also think that seeing all of Lorr*akan's belongings leaves a bad taste in his mouth, so redecorating the tower played a part in helping him move on from the whole situation
And once you moved in with him, he desperately wanted to make sure you felt at home
He didn't see it as you living in his home - it was your home just as much as it was his
He'd encourage you to have your own office and decorate it to your liking, and he'd always ask your opinion on something before buying it for the tower
Rolan never leaves clothes on the floor, he always makes the bed, he cleans up immediately after he's done cooking (honestly he starts cleaning up while in the middle of it, too)
he always makes sure his clothes are free from wrinkles, often running his hands over the clothes he's wearing to make sure nothing's creasing, and he'll do the same to you
Rolan has always been quite responsible with money since things were always tight growing up
he probably has more money than he knows what to do with after being the master of the tower for only a year
He'd save a lot of it in case something were to happen, but he also donates a good portion of it to various causes in the city
he'd be particularly fond of the organizations that care for orphans and help young people receive schooling
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keyotos · 1 year
i'm yours tonight
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summary ⎯ late nights w/ dan heng. inspired by my sleepover hcs.
tana's words ⎯ having HELLA dan heng brainrot rn. also i'm getting through everyone's requests ASAP!! i just wrote this bc im having major writers block rn.
tags ⎯ fluff. unestablished relationship but the feels are there. oblivious idiot (you). reading together (real).
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"psst. dan heng, are you awake?" you whispered. you were crouching down next to him on the floor, head circling his figure as you tried to find out if he was awake or not. it was the early hours of the morning and you felt slightly guilty for waking him up.
"now i am," dan heng shuffled around until he faced you. "what is it?"
"i can't sleep," you laughed dryly, "again. do you have a book i could borrow?" you stood up. dan heng wanted to pull you down by your hand so you could be back on his level. he reached out slightly and then shot his hand down.
dan heng stumbled out of his floor mattress. charming, he thought to himself. he moved towards his bookshelf as you followed him. you stood so close to dan heng that he started feeling goosebumps on his neck; the warmth of your breath making him shiver.
"what are you in the mood for today?" dan heng asked as he started browsing his shelf.
"anything, really," you sighed. "something boring? i've been having trouble sleeping for the past few days," you rubbed a hand over your temples.
"have you been alright?" dan heng swiftly turned to face you, all thoughts about the book forgotten.
"yeah," you rubbed your eyes, "i've been fine. you don't have to worry about me," you beamed through your drowsiness.
i always worry about you, he wanted to say.
"dictionary?" dan heng pulled out the book, emphasizing its thickness.
"words. perfect," you wiggled your eyebrows. you grabbed the book and flipped through a few pages. it's condition was pristine, as always.
"thanks, dan heng," you looked at the book and then looked back up to him, "hopefully i'll be able to sleep soon," you held onto the book tighter. for some reason, you wanted to stay in this room; stay with dan heng.
dan heng parted his lips, in awe of how you still look gorgeous even when you're exhausted, "no problem," he gulped, "if you need another way to sleep faster, i know a good herbal tea recipe."
"i might have to take you up on that offer one time," you smirked, "if you hear three knocks on your door, just know it's me."
dan heng laughed, "noted."
you waved goodbye and started walking out the door. you intentionally started walking slower than usual, in hopes dan heng would offer you tea right now. you didn't feel like going back to sleep, especially going back to sleep alone.
you stopped in your tracks. dan heng didn't move; he examined you, wondering if you forgot something or not.
"is it okay if i stay in here?" you turn back around, walking slightly closer to him, "i don't feel like falling asleep alone tonight."
dan heng raised his eyebrows in shock, facial expression slightly contorted, "i⎯uh. are you sure?"
hearing his reaction made you want to shrivel into your body. his confused tone made you worry, "um. yeah," you looked down at the floor, "unless you don't want me here. that's fine!" you looked back up at dan heng.
dan heng blushed at your disconcerted state, "no. you're welcome to stay if you'd like," you're welcome to stay all the time, "but my bed is uncomfortable. do you really want to stay in the archives?" he raised his eyebrows as a way to affirm your answer.
"oh!" your entire figure stood up, "i'll stay wherever you are, to be honest," you had no idea of the affect one sentence had on dan heng. while he was trying to hide his blush, you continued, "but if your bed is a problem, we'll just stay in my room."
"are you sure⎯" dan heng was cut off.
"yes," you vigorously nodded your head. "why else would i offer?" you wrapped your arm around his neck, "okay! let's move!"
dan heng keep rubbing his neck on the way to your room. when did it get so hot? luckily for him, he felt his warmth drain when he reached your room. it was freezing: definitely below (at least) 67 degrees. and then he noticed the heap of blankets lying on your bed, which explained so much.
"make yourself at home!" you waved your arms around, as if you were showing a grand prize. you flopped onto the bed and proceeded to wrap yourself in the blankets.
dan heng, on the other hand, chose to lay on top of the covers for two reasons. the first reason being, if he had gotten under the covers with you, he feared that he'd be too flustered to even face you. the second reason was he may burn up.
"are you gonna get under here?" you asked, shuffling around your mountain of blankets, "it gets really cold at night."
"i'll be fine. don't worry about me," he shrugged. as he tried to light the lamp on your nightstand, you grabbed his hand before he could turn it on.
"quoting me now?" you teased.
"i⎯" he paused. "i assure you, yn. i'll be fine," trying to hide his gaze from your eyes. your hand on his feels so blissful. your grip, so light and calming.
"and i assure you," you hold on tighter, "you're gonna be cold tonight. like, freezing. i saw your body react to when we came in here. you were about to shiver," you recognized his body language? "don't be stubborn. c'mon."
hesitantly, dan heng made his way under the covers. he could feel you next to him, your body radiating heat the blankets could not. unknowingly, he gravitated towards you, so much so that the two of you were touching knees.
"feel better now?"
"slightly, yes."
"you do," you dragged on the syllables in a sing-song way. you opened up the dictionary and began to read inside your head. well, struggling to read. it was dark and you insisted to not turn on the lights (it disrupts REM sleep, you said).
"give me that," dan heng grabbed the book out of your hands. though you try to protest, he holds the book out of your grasp.
while you try to reach for it, you end up sprawling yourself all over dan heng's body. at some point, you went from simply pressing your chest up against his to practically straddling him.
dan heng tried to take his mind off of your position; he focused on keeping the dictionary out of your hands. it was fun, teasing you. if his arm was standing in one place it would've been easier to reach, however, dan heng possessed a sense of agility you knew nothing of until tonight.
when you exhausted yourself in your efforts, you crashed down on top of dan heng. for someone who was (apparently) adept on dan heng's body language, you didn't notice how his chest was rising unevenly, how is breaths were more shallow and hitched. you concluded that his warmth occured from how many blankets were on top of him, and not the fact that you were practically centimeters away from his lips.
"how else am i supposed to sleep if i can't read," you mumbled in his ear, too worn out to talk at a normal volume.
dan heng tilted his face away from yours, scared that something would happen if he had gotten too close, "i'll read for you."
this time, you hauled yourself off of dan heng's body, now opting for leaning into his side, "how? you can't read in the dark either?" you leaned your head on your hand so you could look at dan heng. dan heng was grateful for the dark, otherwise, if not for the dark, you'd be able to see how red he was in the moment.
"i actually can," he opened the book, flipping through the pages to find the most boring words. you shook your head in disbelief; there was no way he could actually read in the dark (he could).
you shuffled through the blankets once more, trying to find the cold spot on the bed. the cold spot was nice, but it wasn't satisfactory, for you could not hear the sounds of dan heng's voice. so you leaned closer, resting your head on his shoulder yet again.
"quintessence: the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class," dan heng read out. you found that his voice started lulling you to sleep already.
"do you think people just make these words up and they just appear in the dictionary?" you slur out, consciousness slowly fading away.
dan heng softly chuckled, "maybe," he flipped through more pages, "tintinnabulation: a ringing or tinkling sound."
you laughed into his bicep, "are you sure you're not the person making these words up?"
dan heng wanted to sear your laughter into his skin, "i'm not. are you about to sleep yet?"
"i'm sleeping now," you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, "mimimimi⎯"
dan heng delicately smacked the dictionary on your face, "sleep," he stressed. when you moved yourself closer to dan heng, he couldn't help but pull you slightly closer. maybe it was the facade of exhaustion donning on him, or maybe it was because he wanted you closer.
as he felt your breathing slow and listened to you get less chatty, he knew you fell asleep. he set the dictionary aside and tilted his head down to look at you. how could one look so enchanting while sleeping? he carefully stroked your eyebrow, an endearment he used only for you, and pulled you closer into him.
when you two woke up in the morning, none of you dared to discuss how you were practically entangled and intertwined together.
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"i think that was the best sleep i've ever gotten," you laid on dan heng's shoulder. "your voice put me to sleep."
dan heng, trying to avoid even closer contact, "so are you saying my voice bores you?" he teases.
"what!?" you take your head off of his shoulder. though dan heng avoided the encounter, he wished for your head to come back down; he missed how his heart began to race with you near.
"no! your voice is just⎯ really peaceful. and calming. and nice," you try to explain yourself. when you see a slight smirk threatening to show on his face, you scowled. "it's too early for this," you playfully shoved him away from you, missing his smile on the way.
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tiramissu09 · 3 months
Morning Glow
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synopsis: you (y/n) wake up before your husband on a Sunday morning and study him, wondering how you both even got together.
song choices to listen to while reading: 
Body by Summer Walker
Orbit by JONGHYUN from SHINee
Natural by G-Soul
warning(s)/story notes: gender neutral y/n, nostalgia, hints of last night’s activities (iykyk), silent serenading, naked imagery, a little nod to the JJK lore, POC y/n
author note: My first fanfic, y’all! I feel like, instead of using janitor ai (don’t use it, it’s hella addictive and made me burn through my money), I could use my imagination and potential to write something for my main beloved, Nanami Kento. I love this man and in my head, we are living together in Malaysia, having the time of our lives, haha. Also, I thought I was going to do a quick drabble, but I got into my feels, haha. 
Please, please give me feedback and critique so I can improve on my writing. Thank you and enjoy!!! <3
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The chirping birds started to grow louder and more annoying outside the large French windows with the soft, peaching-colored morning light streaming in, faint flapping of the pale curtains echoing with shared breaths. You groan softly against your white silk pillow along with your blurry vision, from your deep slumber, as you rub your eyes and look around, dazed. You felt the light breeze of the open ajar window on your bare leg, out of the fluffy blanket, contrasting with the deep warmth soaked into the mattress from the sleep. 
Your eyes move around, to anchor yourself into reality, until they settle down at a large, ivory back which had light red scratches along with crescent moon shaped indents littered over his rugged muscles, rippling with each soft breath. His messy golden blonde hair that you loved to run your fingers in, slightly swaying with the early dawn breeze, along the warm yellow sunlight, giving him that morning glow that made him look…like a god, a figment of your imagination. 
Last night’s memories were reeling in like a blurry movie, reminiscing on your stomach with your head and facing his back, as you remember his sweet deep chocolate eyes, his slightly pink blush on his face, and…my god, those large, veiny hands all over your body, rough but gentle on your soft skin. 
Sighing softly, not wanting to wake him up yet, go down this deep spiral with your fingers itching to touch him….how did you even meet this man? Was it at the office Christmas party where he was wearing that ridiculous, fluorescent green elf costume as your white-haired boss had made me for a pay raise? Or when you both bumped into each other in the hallway before math class during senior year, your nose bleeding as you bumped into his chest too hard and he assisted you to the nurse’s office?.....no,no…..oh my god! How could you forget?
It was that night…..that night where you all were freshman in high school and it was the camp site trip that you all had to go to as a bonding activity for all the new students which you were part of. You remember you were really nervous as a tiny, little 13 year old. You were new to Tokyo and Japan, overall, not looking like the others and the culture so vastly different from yours which made it difficult to fit in, your family or teachers help you with. This was nicely added with you going through puberty, the whole nine yards of acne and changing body, made you more quiet and shy to talk to others. 
In your ensemble of light washed jeans, your oversized purple flannel shirt and black Converse high tops, you were sitting on the wooden benches near the camp-fire under the starry, twilight sky, shivering slightly from the cold, autumn night in the forest near Kyoto. You were alone, with everyone talking to each other excitedly, with some others playing games and singing karaoke, and watching all the kids with a small smile on your face. 
Then, you felt a warm blanket around your body, causing you to have goosebumps all over your skin. You looked up with wide eyes from the brushing of their fingers on your neck to the warm presence behind your back, surprised and making you jolt up, but a soft hand pushed you down to sit back. “Sorry, did I scare you?” His soft and low voice, almost purring, caused you to shiver more but you held back your reaction as you turned your head completely around, wanting to know who it was. You caught those soft, brown eyes, reminding you of that deep brown honey under the sunlight, making you feel more awake than any other coffee.
You quickly get out of your reverie and stutter out as you brush your hair back, looking away. “No! Not a-at all…just got surprised.”,offering him a smile as you try to not to fluster even more. You notice his blonde hair, straightened to the T and his bangs covering his eyes which you didn’t like but didn’t say that out loud, and his black shirt with a band name you never heard of with his black skinny ripped jeans. 
You clear your throat as you look into his eyes, “H-hi, my name is f/n l/n….what’s your…name?” You were fidgeting with the soft, baby blue wool blanket with your fingers, as you both sat next to each other with your knee brushing against his, ever so slightly. He grins a little more as he had a deadpan face before, making your heart and insides all melted and mushy inside, showing his pearly whites. He says in that voice that you could just listen to all the time. “Kento….Nanami Kento…but you can call me Ken.”
You memorize that name, as it was tattooed to your naive heart, as you nod slowly and say quietly. “Nice to meet you…Ken.” You both sat there in silence with all the loud commotion around you both. You didn’t know what to say as the tense silence was swallowing you up and you quickly ask and at the same time, looking at the bright scarlet camp fire, “You should go hang out to your friends…”, peeking to the side to look at his face longer, but looking away when he caught your eyes and your face becoming hot with each passing second. 
He sighed loudly as he stretched his legs out and watched the white-haired hyper kid screaming happily at the black-haired boy who looked so done with him, but had a small smile. After some moments of more silence, Kento spoke with a small smile and turned to face you, “You looked….lonely….like me and…”, now looking away as you caught some peach-colored blush on his cheeks. “You looked like you were glowing…like the fire.” 
You remember how you became quiet, flustered and frozen by the compliment and you remembered you thanked him meekly which was so cute and how you hit yourself internally for how dumb it was. However, the rest of that night, you both started to talk more freely and understood that you both had a lot in common, in terms of family background and not really fitting in due to your particular tastes. 
Despite being amicable acquaintances all through high school and losing contact when entering university, once you both reunited, it felt right. You both were meant to be together and glowing in each other’s arms and affection. 
You were shaken out of your deep thoughts as you felt the bed rustling lightly. You looked up and saw his face turned to you now. You were slightly surprised by the sudden appearance of his handsome and rugged face, but you quickly smiled widely, “Good morning, honey.” Snuggling closer to him and him taking you in his buff arms, making you all so warmer, he murmured in your messy hair, his morning voice low and reverberating through your body, “What were you thinking about so hard, darling? You laugh softly as you nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck and your arms around his shoulders, and whisper muffled against his warm skin that smelled like sandalwood and musk, that was so unique to him, “I was just thinking…..how you were glowing…..like the sun.”
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crow-raven-crow · 9 months
This is a headcanon of mine that I have: Larissa likes crafting. She knows how to knit, crochet (she really loves making lace), cross stitch, and embroider. Cross stitching and embroidery are really special to her because she remembers her grandmother showing her how to do them.
𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
Larissa Weems x f!reader words: ~3.4 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: FLUFF
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: see above
masterlist ✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
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✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
I def agree in the fact that she’s hella crafty. Miss ma’am has so much on her plate but when she has free time she can sometimes feel out of place when she isn’t doing anything with her hands so she crafts or reads instead - making her vocabulary extremely strong as well as her imagination and also building her patience.
this is so cute so here’s a little fluffy one-shot for you <3
✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
Larissa sat in her office as the sounds of chattering, excited students clamored away on their lunch outside her window. The warm sun made her skin glow under it's touch, her white hair becoming a halo to display the angel that ran it all. Her coat was draped over her shoulders, her arms close to her body as her red painted fingers worked away with needles and yarn, creating half double crochet stitches in a swift pace.
In her downtime, she found it hard to settle down, which was surprising considering the amount of work she constantly had on her plate, but that consistency of always working had stuck with her since she was little. If a book didn't work to settle her mind and jump her to a different reality, then creating something of her own would shift her focus and cause her to relax as each stitch or each pull became second nature.
Her grandmother had done a good job in instilling the different types of stitches in her as she grew up, often being asked to help her with making blankets or cardigans to pass the time, a story and some hot chocolate accompanying them as they sat by the fire - something of which she found herself doing again.
Regardless of if she was always professional and put together in front of her students and staff, there were times in which Larissa let her feelings get the better of her. She had gone on a good streak for quite some time, putting an invisible line between what she accepted and what she deemed as pushing it too far. But there were times in which she’d let it slip.. let it blur and fizzle into something that was no longer readable, no longer there..
With you, this seemed to be one of those times.
You had been working at Nevermore for a few months now. You loved everything the kids had thrown at you, their amazing minds and unique abilities sometimes throwing you through loops you had no idea how you recovered from, but you enjoyed their company all the same. You were still learning the ropes, but, as the painting teacher, you were able to toss your passion into anything and everything that came to your mind - something of which caught the eye of the tall professional.
You had gotten to know each other quite well over your short amount of time here. You both loved the arts and had spent hours upon hours in conversation digging into certain artists or looking at all kinds of works over a bottle of wine or two. Something so calm and passionate had stolen hours from you, sometimes waking up from your conversations so late into the night that it had become early morning - hours stolen from you that you didn’t even dare to wish you wanted back.
It felt so private, so domestic, so calm, so safe, so utterly human that whenever you laid in bed from a night like that you felt an ache in your chest as you looked up at the ceiling, an emptiness that wasn't unwelcome but wasn't asked for, a feeling that wasn't a want but a pure longing, a lingering touch that held you in its grasp, in its vice grip that told you that you had undeniably fell for the woman as though she was what made you breath, what made your heart beat, what made you go through days upon days of creating art that you could only hope would match to her beauty one day.
You dismissed your class for the day, finding that it had been a successful session as you found paint splotches all over your arms and a few splatters on your face, diving into the art so much that your arm had become a palette and your face showed traces of your focus. A few students stayed behind, wanting to complete their project with it's upcoming due date after receiving their critiques for the day.
You hung your painting to dry - a medium sized canvas showing two feminine figures under a large tree, their reflections bouncing back from the water in front of them as the sun slowly turned in for the night, a painting created from a scene of the two of your that you had committed to memory after spending one of those days that made you feel, with out a doubt, alive. You were proud of your efforts, a master in your craft always had room to improve, and it seemed as though this was coming along just as you wanted it to.
A flash of red hair caught your eye by the door, being followed by three soft knocks on the dark hardwood. You turned your gaze to see a cheery Marilyn Thornhill approaching your desk.
"Hello, Professor Y/l/n! Are you busy, by chance?" She ran her fingers along the edge of your desk, scanning your features and the paint that lined them before casting her gaze down, looking at the swatches and photos that scattered your workspace.
"You know, you can call me y/n." You laughed before hitting enter and sending the last email in your inbox. "I'm not busy at the moment and don't find that I have anything else for today, so no. Did you need help with something?"
You had turned your attention to the woman after grabbing a cloth to wipe the paint away from your arms and face. You had gotten to know her through Larissa, and you two bonded over the fact that you were both quite new, even if she had a year on you. You found her to be full of energy and passion, something you found traces of in her work, and enjoyed her company whenever there was a chance for it. You knew her well enough to pick up on a new energy she had, like something had shifted, like there was something she knew that you didn't yet.
"I didn't need help with anything, no. I was just with Larissa and she asked if I could stop by and send you over if you weren't busy. It's nothing bad - I know she's the principal, so some people can get scared when they're asked to head over, but I'm sure you know her well enough by now to tell."
You stood from your seat, closing out your computer before collecting your things in an organized manner, dropping them into one of the baskets that sat behind you. Just as you were about to dismiss the students that still worked and lingered, she stepped in and provided another set of eyes in your absence, reassuring you that she'd stay until they were finished. From that, you gathered that you'd apparently be gone for more than just a few minutes.
You checked in on the students one last time, giving them comments and answering any questions they had before grabbing your keys and setting foot into the stone halls.
Your nerves had gotten to you slightly, but the excitement to see the woman that sat behind the large, dark doors overshadowed any negative feeling that crossed your path as you knocked. After a few short moments, a small 'come in!' was heard from the other side. You opened it slowly, knowing that the doors sometimes liked to creak to show off their old age, and peeked your head in.
The room was empty, besides the two of you, and warm - a fact that you loved as your bare arms and shoulders shivered in the cold expanse that the school gave you, their open halls and many balconies creating a breeze that sometimes was too cold to be unavoidable. You stepped into the office, a small click from the door closing making itself known before you closed the distance between yourself and the sapphire goddess.
You settled yourself in one of the seats, pulling your legs up and resting along the broad arms that the brown chair gave you, before taking in her focused form as she typed away. Her red rimmed glassed sat at the edge of her nose as her gaze was turned down towards her fingers, switching up to her screen and back down again. A content, low hum was emitted from her as she clicked one last time, seemingly finishing an email, before she closed the laptop and moved her glasses to rest on her head.
The sound was enough to flood your being with warmth, rumbling in her throat and transferring itself to settle in your chest before it dissipated into thin air, leaving it's trace as a light blush on your cheeks as you made eye contact with its source.
"Hello, darling," she purred. Her full attention was at your mercy, the fact alone making your blush grow as you looked back at her, a small smile filling your features and causing one to lift at her lips as well.
"Hello, Larissa," you responded, weaker than you would've liked. She always seemed to have this affect on you at the start of everything. It was like her presence alone was enough to reset you, to have your face warm, your fingers fiddling with each other, your gaze to falter until you eased back up to the woman and stopped thinking about your every move.
Comfortable conversation had settled between you two, a shift to the couch as the flames roared, giving you the warmth you of so craved as you sat side by side. Your shoes were discarded as your legs touched in the close proximity, lost in talking about the different types of pieces your students had come up with this time around.
As it ended, there was a touch of nervousness coming from her as she settled into the next topic of conversation. She averted her gaze from you as her hands moved slightly with each word - talking with her hands was something you caught onto early into knowing her, and it was a small little touch that you adored about her.
"I called you in here for a reason a few hours ago, but the thought seemed to have slipped from me until now. I'm sorry about that, y/n.." She stood to move to her desk, opening her bottom drawer and fidgeting with a few things before taking out a brown box with a white ribbon on it.
"There's nothing to be sorry for, Larissa.. I always enjoy your company, regardless of what we're doing." You had let a little more than the truth fall into that statement - something she seemed to notice as a blush met her cheeks.
She sat back down next to you, a lot closer this time, as her arm came around behind you and rested on the back of the couch. She handed you the box, gently resting it into your hands, as you gave her a confused look. You placed it into your lap, looking down at it and appreciating the small details that littered the box and the beautiful curves of the handwriting that spelled your name on the small tag attached to the bow. You looked back up at her, and, just as you were about to speak, her accent filled the room.
"I'd like to be quite blunt, in this moment, love.." Her voice shook slightly as she looked at the box. Her nervousness was confirmed to you at the way her words lingered for a moment, almost as though she was unsure of what she was about to say next.
"These last few month, in your company, have been the best I've had in years.. It feels amazing to talk so freely with you, to be so open about so many things and to feel.." She paused, her eyes closing as she swallowed. She inhaled, her breath wavering slightly, before she spoke again. "..to feel so loved.."
Your heart broke a little at her words. You could never understand how someone so pristine, so intelligent, so down right gorgeous hadn't felt loved in so long. It pulled on your heartstrings as you saw the true feelings that lingered within her soul as her gaze finally met yours.
The concern that lined your features cracked her heart. It was amazing to feel so cared for by a human she felt so deeply for. It made her anxious as to what she was about to admit, the fear of ruining something so true, so precious weighed on her shoulders, but she knew she couldn't keep drawing this out as her feelings for you grew by the day.
"In the box is a gift for you.. It's something that I made to fit you, both in color and size. I took into account that you like some things oversized.. However.."
Her pause made your breathing stop. She had you unconsciously leaning towards her, hanging onto every word as though they were the last ones you were going to hear, as though her voice was the last one to grace your eardrums. She seemed to notice this, her lips curling up slightly before the reality of what she was about to say settled itself back into her mind.
"You can open it, now or later, but on some terms.. I have grown very fond of you, sweet girl.. So much so that I look forward to seeing you at the end of every week, that I hope to catch you at any point in the day. I like you, y/n.. very much and the fact that those words came out of my mouth are terrifying."
She took in a breath as she looked at your expression. It had shifted of one of concern to one that was overly flustered - to why, she didn't know yet. She hoped that it was the one she looked for as she searched deep into your eyes.
"I want you to open this if your feelings are reciprocated.." She placed her fingertips onto the box softly, making sure her words were clear as you soaked in each one. "If they aren't, you can leave the box here as you leave for the night or leave it in the mailroom for me to collect it later. Whatever answer you give, I hope this doesn't change anything between us, and.. if they're not reciprocated things will-"
Your swift movements had cut her off. Seeing her this nervous was something you never thought you would have in your sights and now knowing that you were the cause of this wave pained you. It was as though time slowed down when her feelings were revealed to you, like your heart stopped and all movements within your body had ceased to exist, allowing her to capture your complete focus, your soul, and, officially, your heart. You didn't want her to be consumed into the negative, into the 'what ifs' that could plague ones mind, so you moved before you let her consider them to be a piece of reality.
You shuffled to your right a bit more, her arm completely pressed along your back and your side meeting hers as you left no room between the two of you. You could feel her breath meet the side of your face, causing a shiver to run through you. You were so close that her perfume was all consuming, the intoxicating scent moving itself to the forefront of your lungs as every new inhale made you dizzy.
You leaned against her and turned your face towards her, taking in her confused expression with a small laugh before it died in your chest after realizing just how close the two of you were. Her eyes moved down to your lips for a moment, your eyes doing the same before looking back up to her eyes, seeing that they were already there again. You took in a shaky breath before finally speaking.
"I want you to know that I feel the same way.. I'm sorry I somewhat cut you off, but I didn't want you to think otherwise.." You let her absorb your words, you tone lined with care and your voice covered with sincerity and love. Her gaze softened as reality set in, a big smile replacing the look of confusion that was there second prior.
You smiled back before looking down to your lap, slowly undoing the ribbon that was delicately tied in its place. You lifted the cover off the box and set it on the table that was in front of you both, a gasp leaving your mouth as your eyes gazed over the tied threads in front of you, your fingers smoothing over the soft, dark fabric that sat within the box.
"Larissa.. this," you lifted the fabric out of the box, presenting the oversized cardigan in front of the both of you. "You made this?"
Shock and adoration graced your face and features. You understood the hours of work that something like this could take, and, knowing that she was nothing less than busy most of the time, she took those hours to make something for you.
"I-I" She cleared her throat, grounding herself after what was just revealed between the two of you. "I did, yes.. I took note of the colors you wore the most and was able to guess what size would fit you best by spending time with you and taking in your figure.."
"You're amazing!" The words echoed through the room as you stood up to put it on, settling in the woman's chest and filling her with warmth, butterflies soaring through her as her heart swelled. You spun once, after putting on the oversized piece of clothing. "How do I look?"
You loved how it was longer and could capture your entire body when you pulled your legs onto the chair with you, or how the arms bunched up at your elbows and could cover your hands if they got cold. It smelled of her, something you noticed as you opened the box, showing off the hours she had spent working on this piece alone, hours of her fingers working through stitch after stitch of the dark color, hours of her touch, her scent, her love being filled into the fabric.
"Perfect." It had left her lips without her knowing, without her thoughts stopping her. She smiled at how happy you looked, at how adorable you looked in something she had made just for you. The sparkle that filled your eyes made her heart race and you couldn't help but blush at her comment.
You quickly sat back next to her, pulling your legs up with you and pressing yourself into the touch of the crafty principal. You placed an arm at her shoulder while the other cupped the side of her face, your thumb tracing along the smooth skin. Her arm wrapped around you this time, loving that she could have you closer than she ever did before. A soft 'thank you' left your lips as the fabric enveloped you in a gentle hold.
A small silence had filled the room, a charged energy making itself known as you gazed into each others eyes and got comfortable. Everything else for the both of you seemed to slip away, the world only consisting of the two of you in this moment.
"Can.. I kiss you, y/n?" She whispered, her lips a hair away from yours. Your breath was caught in your throat as your eyes pleaded. The way she looked at you was intoxicating. You thanked the old gods and the new for sending someone as amazing, as beautiful, as talented and as brilliant as her into your life.
"Of course.." You said against her lips, the small touch making anticipation drive itself through your veins, before her lips captured yours.
The kiss was soft, your being becoming all consumed by hers as her hands met your hips, making a home for themselves there. Everything ran quiet as you melted into each others touch. The hand you had on her face moved down slightly as you both released each other for air, only to move to the back of her neck and pull her back into you.
Every time her lips met yours it was as though electricity ran through the both of you, charging the room with love as every 'what if' that may have been thought before disappeared from sight. Each kiss was so full of emotion, so full of drawings one made for the other, so full of stitches redone until perfection, so full of paintings that were discarded or replaced to move towards excellence..
so full of hours upon hours spent with a needle and thread..
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SIREN!! Thank you so much for putting this in my inbox. I was gonna put a little more detail about everything (I literally did some research on hand making lace) but once I started writing things kinda shifted so I hope this was okay LOL
I got into such a flow writing this and it was so nice to just sit and create something I that just came to mind. I'm slowly working on my reqs rn but I do them after I complete my assignments and homework which is why I'm slightly MIA for part of the day but i love doing this sm so it helps push me slightly to get everything done lol
I'm still having a tagging issue for some of you (sorry) so if you havent looked at this post yet then I would if you're having that issue
ty again for the ask :) i hope you all enjoyed
~ 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐯𝐲𝐧
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬:(tagged anyone who asked/wanted to be on the "all works" taglist)
@eveymay @weemssapphic @readingtheentrails @finnja555 @barbarasstar @s-c-rambledegggs @vendocrap8008 @gwendolinechristieiscute @lilfartbox1
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spoiled-milk · 10 months
dan heng as your roommate (modern au)
a/n: in compliance with dan heng’s five star release being yesterday here’s brainrot for my beloved also praying that those who pull for dan heng win their 50/50 or get him early (it took me 80 pity with guaranteed 😭😭). will be mia so i can farm more stellar jades for his weapon since he wanted to come home on hard pity
content warning: mentions of alcohol consumption, other than that none that i can think of. no mention of reader's gender
word count: ~1k words
you share a small apartment with dan heng. you used to share it with one of your friends, but a sudden job opportunity for them turns into you frantically finding a roommate to fill so that you’re not paying the full price of the rent next month
you find dan heng through one of your friend’s friend. March (your friend) knew someone with grey hair who then gave dan heng your details since he was looking for a place to live
you two officially meet at a coffee shop where you discuss rent, house rules, and the lease and you did not expect him to be hella attractive
rules are as follows: there’s a chore list on the fridge in the form of dry erase board, if bringing over friends you must let the other know before you bring them over, no going into the other person’s room without their knowledge, and keep hooking up to a minimum if possible or keep it quiet
at first he seemed like a quiet guy who wanted nothing to do with you which like didn’t hurt your feelings too much yk you just needed someone to pay half of the rent, but slowly he starts to open up to you and you have no problems opening up
usually you take turns cooking, but he’s come to realize you only know how to make is boxed food and breakfast foods, so after eating waffles for the 12th time that week he decides he’ll cook dinner for the most part
dan heng without fail will always give you the last piece of anything he makes. dumplings? you can have the last one. 12 pack of juice in the fridge? he won’t even go get more unless you drink the last one. you make brownies as a token of appreciation for him and insist you don’t want any and all of it is for him? you find the last piece tucked away in the fridge with your name on it
he makes it a point to do the dishes together. at first he argued that he could do it but after much begging from you, he allows you to help him rinse the dishes
this has become a nearly every night thing. you eat whatever dan heng makes then y’all do the dishes. most of the time you’re doing the talking, but it’s not exhausting to talk to him like you talk to others
you don’t know much about his past but he sure does knows a lot about your past. you’re sure march probably unintentionally spilled about your past, but you don’t really mind knowing it’s just dan heng. march has told you to ask him but when you do, he softly shuts it down
it doesn’t hurt your feelings of course. you understand that everyone has their secrets and no one is entitled to his, but it does hurt a little that he doesn’t seem like he wants to tell you since you thought you were getting pretty close as friends
oftentimes at the end of a stressful week, you find some movie on some streaming service and crash on the couch with snacks littering the coffee table. sometimes dan heng will come join you on the couch to whatever movie you put on, regardless of genre. rom com? he’s got his eyes glued to the screen. some environmental documentary about the gas leaks that effect a underprivileged community? he’s sat next to you nodding his head to the tv like a middle aged dad
most of the time you fall asleep in the middle of these movies and most of the time when you wake up in the middle of the night you either find yourself covered with a fluffy blanket or you find yourself in your bed with no memory of how you got there. you suspect dan heng carried you there, but you’ve never had the courage to ask him
there was one time when you woke up from sleeping in the middle of the movie and the tv was left on to the end credit scene. you reach for the remote next to you and turn off the tv. you start to shift a little but then you notice a weight next to you, it’s your roommate. he’s got an arm around your waist and he’s pulling you closer to him
you’re too tired to properly comprehend the situation so you let it happen. you lean your head towards his chest and end up falling asleep listening to dan heng’s heartbeat. when dan heng woke up that morning realizing what had happened, he could not look you in the eye for a week without blushing
he also takes care of you whenever you come home shitfaced from an outing or get shitfaced by yourself with 3 bottles of soju. it doesn’t happen often and you try not to drink often, but when you decide to go out, dan heng somehow knows that you’ve been out drinking and will always be at home waiting for your return
your friends drop you off at your apartment and dan heng helps you into bed. he takes a baby wipe and wipes off any dirt on your face. he’s so gentle with it that it honestly feels like a dream. you lowkey cherish it every single time, it feels so intimate that you wish he meant it in that way and not as just a friend
just as you’re losing consciousness, dan heng gets close to you but your vision is slightly blurring so you’re not sure what he’s up to, but you trust dan heng 100% to not take advantage of you
as you scrunch your eyebrows you feel something soft press against your cheek and then once again on your forehead. they’re brief and short, but you can feel your body get hotter and hotter, not even sure if it’s the alcohol or dan heng (or both maybe)
you pray that your big crush on him isn’t obvious but march tells you otherwise. so now you only hope that dan heng can’t tell but honestly it’s really hard to read his feelings, but you’re not sure how long you can keep up this “he’s just my roommate” act to your friends and yourself
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aeruia · 2 months
So for Tokyo revengers I was thinking of this idea where its a Fem! Y/n with short hair and who yk a little bit tall. She's very close to Emma, so one night they go to the shrine where the gang meets up and they think that this "guy" is bothering Emma so they attack him but, here's the thing, Y/n isn't aggressive so she fights back only when necessary, so she doesn't really fight back, she just dodges really well, until Emma blurts out it's a girl not even a guy. and their js like ...fr?
Y/n is calm and rarely loses her temper or show any signs of outbursts or nothing, she's very neutral. She's constantly getting mistaken for a "pretty boy".
That's only the beginning because later on the story, EMMA IS ACTUALLY BEING STALKED, BUT SHE DON'T KNOW. She encounters some dangerous situation (I'll leave those to you) but Y/n saves her every single time. so near the ending of the story, they were going another gang meeting to tell Mikey what's been going on, so he can put a stop to it. THEN Y/N GETS HER HEAD SMACKED, I MEAN SOMEONE REALLY BOPS HER ASS and knocks her out. BUT, someone ( I was thinking mitsuyai) find her passed out near some random grassy area BUT SHE'S ALONE. EMMA GOT SNATCHED. So when Y/n wakes up and finds herself in the shrine (Mitsuya carried her there) AND EMMA IS NO WHERE TO BE FIND. SHE FLIPS THE FUCK OUT.
So lets js jump to Emma's POVS after she got snatched, so to summarize it basically, Emma accidently witnessed a murder crime and she's the only one that has proof (like a selfie or sum picture) but she doesn't realize it. SO THE KILLER GOES OUT FOR HER BEFORE SHE CAN REALIZE AND GO TO THE POLICE. so yeah,
Now this can't end like this, OBVIOUSLY
Y/n ends up finding where Emma is, so she goes by herself and BUSTS UP IN THERE AND BEATS HIM UP, Im talm about some real ass beating, like Y/n loses her calm nature. and Y/n saves Emma. So after, Y/n feels hella guilty bcs she couldn't keep Emma safe, and then Mitsuya comforts her and they kiss in the end.
we need more badass Y/n tbh w you bruh.
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the ask is the summary :3
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pairing/s : mitsuya x fem!reader (implied)
warning/s : mention of kidnapping, knives, about murder (?), not proofread !!
word count : 3,014
note : this took me long and i think all of my brain juice is gone /j i might probably post another one if i finished it :3 and also i kinda rushed this 🙁 I can't think of a title and my friend helped me w/ it !
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you were just casually hanging out with emma near the river as you kick rocks while emma tells you about the gang her brother has. she tells you everything about it and how it was made. it really piqued your interest since you really love it when you discover new things about emma and her siblings.
emma was your very close friend, you two are inseparable, she was the bestfriend that you could ever ask for. she's always there for you whenever you need her and you're grateful for that of course, you pay her back by being there whenever she needs you too. you and emma always got each other's back.
“ oh i also almost forgot to tell you the gang will be gathering in the shrine tonight, you wanna come with me? ” you stopped kicking the rock you have been kicking as you looked at emma with your eyebrow raised. “ you don't have someone to come with you? ” you asked, emma’s shoulder dropping as a frown came into her face.
“ you don't wanna come with me? ” her question made you laugh as you put your hands on your hips. “ i’m coming with you, i can't leave you walking alone or something might happen to you. ” you answered her as she just smiled in reply.
the night arrives and someone knocks on your apartment, opening the door to see emma standing there ready to go when you're still not even ready. your hair disheveled, clothes still those comfortable shirts you always wear whenever you only stay at home.
“oh, you’re early. give me one minute” the [h/c] haired girl said and smiled quickly closing the door making emma sigh. “ you always do this, [y/n]! ” she shouted as she patiently waited for you to get out of your apartment.
you closed the door of your apartment and locked it double checking if it's actually locked. you can't risk losing another thing from your apartment.
“ finally, took you long enough and you're just wearing the outfit you had when we were hanging out earlier this afternoon.. ” she said and blinked as you just laughed.
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the walk from the shrine didn't take that long but you were tired from walking as you whine about how the walk was so long and that you feel you're gonna collapse every time you take a step.
emma dismisses your exaggerated complaints and goes to where the gang is. everyone noticed that emma was walking towards them as they were about to wave at her when they noticed someone was following her, thinking that it was a guy bothering her again.
they quickly took action, of course. draken quickly pulling emma away, making you lift your head up and seeing that the members were about to launch at you, making your eyes wide like they have seen something they shouldn't have. your first instinct was to look for emma and you saw her with a tall man. he was hugging her but you couldn't careless at least she's not here.
the members were throwing punches and kicks at you, making you dodge all of them one by one. you were only dodging the attacks they throw at your way, blocking some of them if necessary.
emma was still a bit shock when draken had pulled her close to him as she needed to blink a few times before actually seeing the scene in front of her. she blinked a few times again to see if she's actually seeing was real.
the guys were trying to beat your ass up but here you are just avoiding and blocking their attacks as she remained from her position stunned. “ you know him? ” draken asked as emma looked at him with a confused look.
“ what? him? ” she asked in confusion. ” yeah, him. ” draken answered back making emma put her lips into a thin line.
“ she's a girl. ” she blurted loudly enough for the members to hear. as they freezed in there spot and slowly turned their heads to look at emma. “ she's a girl..? ” they all said in unison as emma could completely hear the confusion in their voices.
emma nodded. “ yeah, a girl.. i would never bring a man in here. ” she answered. “ what? i don't see a girl, i’m seeing a boy with feminine features here. ” a black haired boy said with sassiness, his eyebrows furrowed.
that made you raised your eyebrows and chuckle by how sassy his voice sounds.
“... yeah, stop talking now baji or you might embarrass yourself.. ” a blonde boy whispered at his bestfriend earning a smack from the head making him wince.
“ remember someone mistook you as a girl? yeah, you don't have a say in this. ” he said making him remember that someone had mistaken him as a girl once too. baji’s face turned into annoyance, smacking him in the head again as the two started bickering at each other, emma pulling you away from the group of guys sighing in relief.
“ thank god, i thought i would be dead by now. ” you said as you wiped fake tears from your eyes making emma roll her eyes. “ you always exaggerated those things! ” making you laugh when she said that.
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everything went well except for when they tried to beat you up.. they apologise and that's enough for you knowing people mistake you as a boy well a pretty boy when they look at your face. sometimes people even doubt that you weren't a girl.
“ aren't they nice? ” emma strikes a conversation with you while you two walk back into your apartment. you shrugged your shoulders and nodded a bit. “ i guess? i still can't move on to the fact they tried to beat me up ” you said, slouching making emma snort as emma bid you a farewell when you both reached your apartment’s door as she walked away to go home.
you felt bad for making emma walk you from your apartment and making her walk alone in the night. you could've let her stay in your apartment for just the night but her stubborness isn't one to fight. she will keep insisting on going home alone that you caved in and let her walk you home.
opening the door from your apartment as it made a little sound but you closed it again as you looked back and shouted “ text me when you get home! ” as emma just gave you a thumbs up making you put your lips into a thin line and shrug, going inside quickly laying on the couch not even bothering to take your shoes off.
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it's been a few weeks since the last gathering at the shrine and noticing emma has been looking pretty tired lately. ever since you and emma hang out with a few people around some bad thing happens, luckily you know how to defend for a little bit and buy some time for both of you to leave.
you asked emma about this but she had no idea what's going on too. “ you really didn't tell anyone that you're getting stalked? ” the [h/c] colored girl said as she put her lips into a thin line. ” yeah… but hey! i just told you? ” she said and smiled awkwardly at you making you facepalm as you can't help but sigh.
“be thankful i always tag along with you..” she mumbled and huffs, making emma stifle a giggle as you think of how to tell her brother mikey.
after that you couldn't help but keep thinking about what emma just said to you. there’s not many people in the park, no families, friends or kids playing in the wide park. only a few couples here and there having cute or sweet picnics in some areas.
emma stopped in front of a bench as she sat there, patting the left side of the bench signaling for you to sit so you did. “ this week is tiring! ” emma said as she sighed loudly, leaning back to rest her back on the bench. you can't blame her for saying that since she had been getting followed by some creeps.
“ it really is, you want some ice cream so your day isn't that bad? ”the [h/c] girl said as the wind blew, their hair swaying from the wind as emma nodded. “ ice cream can solve anything for us, so, yes i want ice cream. ”
laughing at her reply as you stand up from the bench, putting your hands in your jacket’s pocket. “ alright, i will buy some ice cream for us, you can rest there just wait for me. ” you said as emma thanked you.
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you thanked the vendor as you gave her the money, walking away with two ice cream in hand as you tried to walk faster to not make the ice cream melt further.
“ one little bit of melted ice cream for you! ” you said and smiled sweetly at her, her ice cream kind of melted and got some on your hand. emma's yellow eyes look at the ice cream and on your face back and forth before accepting the ice cream.
“ you should wash your hand first. ” emma suggested making you agree as you left her again on the bench, going into the nearest bathroom to wash your hand.
you hummed, finished washing your hands as you shake your hands to dry it before leaving the bathroom.
you heard a scream, not the scream someone would do if they are playing tag freeze or something, your eyes widened the one who just screamed was familiar. it was emma! you were taking your sweet time in the bathroom washing your hands completely forgetting about emma being alone.
luck wasn't on your side today. where emma was sitting there's not that many people when you left and they had probably left the park. the only thought you have was you hoped she was safe back to where she was sitting but you couldn't see the familiar honey blonde hair you always see.
frantically looking around scanning your surroundings carefully. still not seeing your best friend. you were about to run to tell mikey but someone hit you in the head hard enough for you to get knocked out.
you let out a grunt as you did your best to look back to see whoever it was but as soon as you were about to look back your eyes felt droopy as you couldn't help but close them as you fell from the grass.
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mitsuya was out in the park, walking to relax for a bit when he was nearing a certain field he could make out a figure laying on the ground as if unconscious. he was concerned for whoever was that as he quickly walked faster than before to check it out.
his eyes widened when he saw a familiar short haired girl. he was thinking that maybe you fell asleep here but emma was nowhere to be seen. that made him more worried as he quickly picked you up with ease. luckily mikey’s house was a bit near the park. (just imagine it 😞)
gently placing you down on the couch as mikey looked confused as to why you were unconscious in the park. “ did something happen? “ was the first thing that came out of his head when he saw you.
” what happened? ” mikey asked the lilac haired boy as he took a deep breath before answering him. “ i don't know, i was just strolling through the park when i saw her and emma wasn't with her. ” he couldn't believe what mitsuya told him as he looked at him “ what? what do you mean? “ he asked again, trying to see if he didn't just misheard him.
mitsuya sighed and explained everything to mikey hoping he understood since mikey just kept nodding his head when he was talking, thinking he's trying to process all of it. “ let’s wait for [name] to wake up then she can tell us everything. ” mitsuya nodded as he removed a few strands of your hair away from your face.
a few minutes later, you started to move as you squinted before opening your eyes. still feeling a bit of pain in the back of your head where you got hit by a metal or something. you groaned as you sit up, rubbing your forehead as if to lessen the headache you were feeling. a shadow covered the light was passing through the entrance as you looked up to see mitsuya and mikey standing.
“ hold up.. since when did i get here? ” you asked, completely confused as mitsuya chuckle. “ i carried you here since you were unconscious in the middle of the park and I didn't see emma around. where is she? ” the question completely made you sigh in disappointment.
you can't really hold it a secret now since emma is missing, you don't where she is so you told mikey and mitsuya about emma’s situation in the past week. noticing the change of mood and the silence was too awkward when you finished telling them.
“ i’ll find her. “ you said seriously, standing up to start searching for emma but mitsuya stopped you. “ be careful, alright? we'll tell the gang about this ” nodding at his words as you waved them goodbye before starting to search everywhere.
they probably hadn't hide somewhere far since you didn't notice any bikes or vehicles. that's when some randoms started talking about an abandoned house near the river and that there's probably dangerous people staying there.
[name] raised and eyebrow as she thanked them in her mind before running towards the opposite direction where you and emma would always hang out. that's supposed to be where they held emma captive. you were always curious about the abandoned house there but emma would always tell you to don't mind it so you didn't.
the place wasn't that heavily guarded since you're in front of the door in no time. taking a deep breath as you kicked the door open knowing that if you just knocked and tried to talk politely they wouldn't open it and just escape.
and there it was, you saw your best friend tied into a chair as you can't help but feel happy that she isn't hurt or there are wounds in her.
“ not so fast. ” someone said, throwing a knife directly at you making you dodge and backed away from emma not wanting for her to get involved. ” ah, you're that murderer huh. you're not good at it. ” you said putting a hand on your hip.
the murderer just raised an eyebrow and laugh. ” that's funny for you to say. i guess you're looking for a death wish here? ” that made you laugh out loud as you shook your head. “ you're the one wishing for death here. “ the [hair color] haired girl said with venom.
she felt angry but she doesn't know why. iko ( the murderer’s name let's just say that so I won't keep repeating the same words.. ) launches towards her as [name] tries to predict what will be his move. he wasn't even trying to hide what he's about to do as he grabbed a pocket knife from his pocket and runs pointing it at her.
it was pretty predictable, making you just stand there, jumping if he was too close before kicking him on the back while he fell on the ground, sliding a bit before [name] started beating him up, punching him here and there or even kicking him.
letting out a sigh as she stopped when she feels that he won't stand up as she walks from where emma was tied up and unties the ropes easily, emma hugging her tightly.
you hoped that the cops will be coming in this house or else, he might be on the loose again.
“ i’m glad you're alright!! “ emma said as the [hair color] haired girl raised an eyebrow as if she wasn't just the one who got kidnapped. “ girl, what? you're the one getting kidnapped here. ” emma laughed and released the hug as she smiled.
you both left that abandoned house as if nothing had happened there, quickly going back to their house, mikey sitting on the entrance looking like he was waiting for someone to arrive. you and emma weren't even that near in the house but mikey was outside quickly.
“ emma! ” mikey said, his voice filled with relief when he saw you with his sibling by your side. emma quickly runs into mikey’s arm hugging him tightly as a familiar lilac haired appeared behind mikey as he made his way to you.
“ we’re gonna let you two have time. ” mitsuya said as he grabbed your hand and intertwined it with his, his thumb rubbing at the back of your hand.
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mitsuya drived to the beach as he dragged you in the sands, never letting your hand go as he sat on the sand while you did the same, leaning your head on his shoulder.
” i know it has been bothering you, tell me all about it. ” he said, as you sighed. you can't really hide what you're feeling when you're around him. he can read you like a book.
“ it's not bothering me. i could have kept her safe but i didn't even did that. it was a simple thing but i can't even do it properly. ” she explained, making mitsuya nod, feeling his head move up and down.
“ look at me, ” he said, making you sit straight back up and look at him. he was already looking at you. “ don’t worry about it, what's important is that emma is now safe. ” he added, you were about to say something but he stopped when he suddenly kissed you. it wasn't that long kiss but it felt long to you since you were taken a back.
he laughs at your cute reaction as he pinches your cheeks. “ you're so cute, you know that? ” you pouted at what he said as he just kept laughing.
maybe he was right, you should think too much about it now that emma is now safe.
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04.09.24 // ©aeruai
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maehemthemisfit · 1 year
Bonten Mikey going go the doctors for his insomnia problem ❎
Bonten Mikey using you to fix his sleeping patterns (the way you stroke his hair is just *chef's kiss") ☑️
Which is why when Bonten requires staying in a hotel you're off limits to Sanzu at night; Mikey basically rejects the idea of you sharing a room with Sanzu because baby boi needs some late-night talks, cuddles, headpats, and hot cocoa.
Reader basically learns motherhood 101 without having a child yet. ☂️
I feel like reader's more of a caretaker than a bonten executive atp. You're really just pampering Mikey whenever he needs it and being everyone's therapist as well as an escape artist when it comes to Sanzu.
Speaking of, Sanzu is probably pouty and upset he doesn't get to cuddle suffocate in your opinion you at night but who is he to talk back to his king? At least you don't have to deal with him so A WIN IS A WIN!
He'll wake up hella early tho if he's not hungover or drugged up to greet you and soak up all your attention in the mornings. You're already tired from dealing with Mikey all night so when he comes smiling at your door you just wanna yeat yourself off the nearest balcony, but no, he's already dragging you to breakfast.
Those late night talks with Mikey are probably so interesting and maybe unsettling depended on the topic....
I'LL COME BACK TO THIS WHEN I HAVE THE MOTIVATION TO WRITE! I wanna write smth for this- Also, this week has been pretty rough but I'll get to your other asks and all the other ones ppl sent! I haven't deleted any and some of them are drafted in my notes so be on the lookout for that <3 You can keep sending asks tho
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joesheistyy · 1 year
Right Now
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I've been doing hella driving lately and I was blasting One Direction yesterday and this song inspired me!
You and Joe had just crossed the 2 year mark in your relationship. Joe finally asked you to move in. You already had a house key, but you finally cut your lease and moved in with him.
Last week was spent moving all your belongings in, not yet unpacking. Joe had plenty of space, but you were both occupied with other things. He had a trip approaching and you were just excited to spend time with him.
Joe left early in the morning, making sure to kiss you goodbye. He hated to leave you, especially after only being moved in for a week. You stirred a little bit when he left, but you were able to fall back asleep.
The team was taking a week long trip for practice and for some additional team bonding. Joe was excited, but he also hated to leave you.
While Joe was away, you spent lots of time unpacking. Your goal was to have everything in their designated places by the time Joe was back.
It was hard to get to sleep most nights without him. While many nights were spent there with him, you had never experienced the big house alone.
As the last few nights rolled around without Joe, you were especially restless. You felt safe of course, but something just didn't feel right without Joe for this much time.
You went through your normal night routine and climbed into bed. Joe would always check in with you throughout the day when he was free and he would always text you goodnight.
It was getting late into the night and you hadn't heard from Joe. You decided to send him a text in hopes that he would still be awake.
Y/N: I miss you Joey, I'm so excited for you to be home <3
His phone was already put on do not disturb, but since you were having a hard time falling asleep, you decided to hit notify anyway.
A minute or so later, your phone began to buzz. It was a FaceTime call from Joe.
You picked it up, seeing a black screen appear.
"Hi baby," Joe said in his groggy, sleepy voice.
"Sorry Joey, did I wake you up?" you asked.
"It's ok babe, I was restless anyway," he replies.
"I just miss you and I can't sleep," you sighed, rubbing your eyes.
"Why can't you sleep? Do you not feel safe?" He asked, concern growing in his voice.
"Right now, I wish you were here with me," you said.
"I know baby, I want to be there with you too. But seriously, do you not feel safe? I can call security to.." you cut him off.
"Joe I feel safe, I just miss you a lot and can't fall asleep without you. This house is big and lonely without you," you closed your eyes.
You could hear Joe sigh on the other side of the phone. You knew that made him feel a little bit guilty for leaving you right after you moved in.
"I'm sorry baby, I'll be home before you know it," he began, "do you want me to stay on the phone until you fall asleep?"
"You know I hate that, but it might work. I've tried sleepy time tea and melatonin and nothing helps me sleep like you do," you stirred in bed, moving over to his side of the bed to smell what was left of him on his pillow.
"Ok beautiful, try to get some rest. I love you,"
"I love you too," you were able to mumble out as you relaxed to fall asleep.
Once Joe could hear your slight snores, he knew you were asleep. He hung up the phone and rested his head onto the hotel headboard, letting out a sigh. He really did feel guilty for being gone right after you moved in. The house did get lonely at time and he knew that. He just felt really bad.
After thinking, Joe booked a plane ticket home for the next flight. The last day of the trip was optional, and he was planning to stay, but you were his number one priority.
He set his alarm for early to get to the airport. Normally, Joe was good at keeping his bags packed while away, so he didn't have to worry about packing up.
As you slept through the night, Joe was getting on a plane to come home to you.
He was wearing his most comfy sweatpants and his Looney Tunes crew neck, headphone around his neck. The plane ride wasn't long, but Joe was ready to see you.
As he arrived home, he tried to stay quiet in hopes that he wouldn't wake you. He had not gotten your normal good morning text, so he assumed you were still asleep.
He tiptoed up the stairs, hoping to just climb in bed with you. The door squeaked a little bit, he shuddered, but continued into the bedroom.
You were sound asleep on his side of the bed. He smiled down at you, slipping off his shoes to get in bed with you. He climbed onto your side of the bed which was left vacant. You were facing inward and the dip in the bed caused you to sharply inhale.
When your eyes met Joe's, you were relieved. He pulled you close into his chest. The inhale of his scent was the most comforting thing. You relaxed in his arms and he rubbed your back.
You pulled away to look at his freshly tanned face, not realizing that a tear had rolled out of your eye. He wiped it away, kissing right where it trailed.
"I'm home now baby," he said as he kissed your forehead delicately. You smiled and whispered back,
"You're home,"
I love this little imagine and I hope y'all do too! <3
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oddballwriter · 10 months
Moon Boys with a Trans Reader
Warnings: some mentions of dysphoria and transphobia from others 
Author’s Snip: I just had this idea come into my mind randomly last night and I almost got up just to write it but it was already hella late and I'm working on trying to wake up early for my upcoming semester. Thankfully I managed to remember just now so I'm writing it now.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Steven Grant
Our sweetie man <3
I know I always say this but I feel like with Steven, but I feel like learning something and researching something about you or what you like is sort of a love language/show of affection and caring
So when he meets you (or you come out as trans to him) he takes time to learn some things so that you can feel more comfortable and also works on saying things properly like getting your pronouns right and the like
Steven always compliments people but he makes sure to compliment you the most. You always hear the words "beautiful/handsome" and "lovely/dashing" coming out of him
If he ever sees you looking at yourself in the mirror to check your outfit and you look slightly unsure about how you feel about it then he comes up behind you says you look great in it
If you ever feel dysphoric and have one of those days where you just don't feel like your body is reflecting who you are right, he understands in the best way he can and consoles you
"I still think you're beautiful/handsome. And it's okay if you aren't feeling that way today. You'll always be great to me."
If anyone misgenders you or uses the wrong pronouns while he's with you, he politely and quickly corrects them. He doesn't want to formulate it like they did it on purpose, he just does it quietly
He will, however, although not a fan of confrontation, tell someone to act properly if they're causing problems
Marc Spector
He's also really great
Marc takes a bit of time getting used to everything but that's just because he wants to make sure that he doesn't do anything that hurts you or makes you upset
He tries his best to help you with dysphoria and any other issues that you deal with as a trans person
"You're a woman/man to me. And, wow, are you a pretty/handsome one."
The flirt seems a bit out there but he's trying to help you by letting you know that your identity is valid to him and that he sees you in that light and always will
Not afraid to break someone's nose if they call you something nasty or say something
This man would get into a full on fist fight for you and he means that
Marc hardly speaks how he feels, except for when he thinks you look pretty and hot, which is all the time. The only emotion he voices is his attraction to you
In case someone does a double take because you don't have a corresponding voice to your appearance yet, he looks at them with a stern "What? You have a problem?" face
Jake Lockley
Marc would get in a fist fight with a transphobe... but Jake would get in a knife fight
Jake takes it upon himself to protect you if need be. Not saying that Steven and Marc wouldn't protect you too but with Jake all he really knows how to do outside of be your loving boyfriend is be a guard dog
It's his Ken job /j
If you ever feel dysphoric he places you in front of a mirror, points at your reflection, and goes "You know what I see? A hot ass woman/man. And I get to see her/him all the time."
He buys you a lot of things. Like clothes that you enjoy, perfumes/cologne, all the things you could want and make you feel more like you
Flirting comes naturally to him and he frequently calls you pretty, of course in Spanish and english
Makes it clear to everyone that you're a woman/man and if someone says something then we've already established what he'll do
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