#also I'm a Ghost girl first I think people tend to forget that
ghouljams · 29 days
Just know that if you stop writing König, I will still talk about and request Liebling 🫡 she is my heart and soul, I devote my life to getting a monster dick to woo her with. König who? He’s undeserving of her.
I'm not going to stop writing for any of the aus I have for him! I love his darlings and I love the stories I've crafted, I think the character I have built from the ground up for that man is good and all in all I like writing my aus for him when I have the inspiration for them. He's not leaving the blog any time soon. That said I have so much König in my fic backlog that even if I did stop writing for him I still have so much König on this blog.
My main grievance with König is the way he is ravenously consumed by his fanbase. (And this doesn't go for all his fans, it's just a pattern of behavior I haven't noticed from any of the asks and comments I get that I don't get about the other boys)(Also also, sorry to use your ask as a jumping off point to rant a little)
I cannot post a oneshot drabble about König without getting a flood of "Part 2?" "Need a part 2" "More please" "begging for me" or really aggressive asks that usually are nothing more than "More (au) König when" or really specific König fic requests when... this isn't really a requests blog.
Which is really frustrating! I get "part two?" comments on fics within my master lists for König that have follow up parts! And I don't mean to come off as rude or entitled, I appreciate every comment and like and reblog, I appreciate enthusiasm, but it is a consistent and demanding issue. I have 400 asks in my inbox and I would say at least half of them involve König in some way. It has actively discouraged my desire to write for him because it feels like the only thing people want with him is porn (and really specific porn at that) when I am first and foremost a romance author.
There's also the like... he's only popular because of tiktok. I'm just going to say it. He isn't in the games, he doesn't have a character outside the short backstory and voice lines. König is, at his worst, a fandom generated OC. I will admit straight out, as someone who studies these characters, König is basically a blank slate with a little bit of backstory and people treat him like he's this huge important character. And the environment that I find being fostered by König stans can tend towards hyper-sexual, demanding, consumptive engagement that has little to do with the source material.
I'm not a König hater, I like the way I've characterized him and I like the design of him, but I don't engage with much König content anymore. And it's not a kink thing, it's not the way he's characterized, it's not even that I can't find anything good. It is very specifically the way that his fans act on posts and act towards me that leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth.
Again it's not every fan, I get a really positive respectful asks and comments that involve König, and I don't want to discourage anyone from requesting more of him or asking questions about his aus. It is simply a trend of behavior that I have not noticed from other boys' fans. I think if we could all take a step back and recognize when we're treating authors like content machines rather than people, it would go a lot further towards keeping the fandom environment stable and thriving.
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foxydude · 9 months
So, the SADDEST thing happened. I finally found a ST rp forum, wanted to do a nasty Billy and *sob* found out that Steve's player is focused on Steddie. That's not a bad thing actually (I also think that Steddie is a cute ship, even if I'm much more a Harringrove shipper myself) but what I don't like in fandoms (and that does concern every fandom I've been in since I began hanging on the internet) is that shippers tend to be focused on monogamy (aka ideal love ?). So, there are a lot of jealousy problems. So, I don't know if I want to stay on that forum but I wanted to share the story I've written for Billy-boy as it was the first time I wrote in english for a rp forum and I'm quite happy with the story I created for him. And I'm so DESESPERATE for some quality Harringrove roleplaying. I'm so glad, though, that there are so many great things on tumblr. ----------------------------------------------
He should be happy that the grin that shows on his face is still the same, never fully reaching his eyes, as cold and sharp as the deep sea next to which he has grown. At least, the grin allows an external eye to look away  from the bruise, tainted with a murky shade of yellow, he  has on the jaw. 
Great, does Billy Hargrove think, before he puts out the end of his cigarette in an old can of beer that he shoves under his bed (because Neil hates his smoking habit. Just like Neil seems to hate everything about him, actually).
When you get into a fight, no matter who your opponent is, you are still the one to decide how the story will be told. Will you be the sore loser or the troubling adversary who refused to back down, even at the most decisive moment ?
Billy has always made sure everybody knows the answer to that question, despite the bruises that often show on his face. But first of all, he had to be assured that himself wouldn’t be ashamed of these marks : he made them the proof of his pride, the testimony of his fighting spirit.
His grin grows wider, showing the white glistening of his teeth. He likes the way he looks, his blond curls reminding him of something that has trouble to take shape. Sometimes, Billy can still hear the remnants of a laugh, a charming, feminine trill that had stayed with him for the last ten years.
« Baby, don’t forget to wash the sand off your feet before you get in the car. »
It’s only a memory, but it’s actually the sweetest he has in stock, the only one he can remember perfectly because he kept playing it in his head for all these years. Even if Billy forgot how to play nice with other people (who was that kid who used to be friendly toward others, anyway ? Just a ghost from his past), something in him prevented him from erasing this memory from his thoughts. 
But it’s easier to act as if it never existed, as if his life began the day his mother disappeared. Easier, also, to act like he is the thoughest guy around, the rudest douchebag who has ever walked on earth. And, man, these things were way easier to manage when he still lived in Cali, even if he already had to babysit the gremlin Neil told him to call sister. Sadly enough, Billy has lived too long on his own to remember what the concept of family could mean.
In Cali, at least, he had friends. Not real ones, of course. But they were fun to mess with, and, sure, the girls were easy when you knew how to handle them. And there was sun, a briliant, devoring sun that kissed his skin all summer and made it look like gold until fall arrived.
In comparison with Cali, Hawkins is just another shity town, a dumpster full of dickheads and stupid cows. How do you want to rule when the only people available are the dullest ones, their faces grey with the lack of sun ? Every time he encounters them, Billy wants to scream because everything in their attitude is so fucking boring. Actually, they should be grateful he showed up around : they could use the entertainment he’s willing to provide them for free.
But it wasn’t always like this.
The corners of his mouth twitch slightly, his smirk threatening to break.
You know it wasn’t always so easy to feel self-confident, do you ? 
The question he asks himself brings a bittersweet shadow in his blue eyes.
If he hadn’t gone that far that night, maybe he would still be living in Cali. At least, if he had the courtesy to be wasted, Neil wouldn’t have reacted so harshly. If the memory of the beach is his most precious one, what happened this dreadful night is the worst one he has. Bill can still feel the taste of his own blood in his mouth, mixed with the tears he has shed when Neil had shoved his face against the wall. Max had been woken up by the sound of Neil beating him up and he couldn’t meet her gaze. Because he was weak, dirty, because he was messy. 
“You’re no son of mine.” said the bastard, his mouth hard 
It still stings.
He takes another cigarette out of his pack, lits it.
Don’t linger on that, you have better things to do, does Billy tell to himself, because if he doesn’t get ready to party, no one will come to look after him anyway
And the smile is back, that smile that could make everythings melt to the ground.
Let’s make tonight better than yesterday.
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cipheramnesia · 2 years
Hey! I've been following you for a while now, and just wanna say I love your blog!
You talked about horror movie recs and I was hoping you could help me out. I wouldn't call myself a horror movie fan (and maybe that's because I'm scared of most kinds of horror) but I do really enjoy certain kinds of it. I haven't been able to clearly identify what kind of horror I like and what I don't, but I am making an attempt.
I know for sure that I don't like anything with ghosts and/or satan/satanic imagery (I'm catholic). I dont mind other supernatural stuff, I'm cool with vampires and zombies and even monsters I guess. A few horror movies that I've seen that I enjoyed are Apostle, You're Next, The Guest (I know it's not horror but it's shot like one. I love that thrill horror movies give, but not the... underlying scariness, if that makes sense). I can't think of anything else right now. I like movies that have happy endings. I want the movie to offer me the thrills of being scared but not leave me scared or depressed after the movie is over.
I'm also triggered by animal torture/deaths. But I can handle a pretty good amount of violence and gore. I hope this is helpful and you can give me a few recs. I'm sorry if this is presumptuous but I remember reading somewhere on your blog that you'd give horror movie recs, so feel free to ignore this ask if I am. Thanks again and I hope you have a lovely day!
First caveat is you should check doesthedogdie.com on me, because I know I tend to forget details in some of these. I also tend to avoid angel/demon content so lucky for you there. My general principle is that if I'm looking for something new, angels/demons ain't it.
Based on what you listed, I think the subgenres of revenge, survival, and cults are some good places to start.
If you liked You're Next and The Guest, I also think you'll like Agression Scale and The Ranger. Both are similar kind of "struggle to survive with cathartic triumph" style of movies. Agression Scale in particular has a really good vibe, although there is a spider death in it. Hush is also another good one in that genre. The cat doesn't die just fyi.
Not the same thing but there's also Seance by the same writer of You're Next and The Guest, and it has a similar kind of "you think this is one thing but it's not" feeling.
In terms of movies with a cult vibe (non satanic), The Void and The Endless are pretty good picks. I'm not the hugest fan, but The Void at least has some amazing practical gore and a lot of people love it (I think the writing is weak). The Endless is less effects heavy but better writing imho. Caveat, I think both have outcomes which are positive but they're dark and your mileage may vary. These are both by the same guys who went on to make Psycho Goreman, which is a lot of fun and not like anything you liked but it is a raucous good time, especially with friends.
I had a really good time with Two Heads Creek, a fun ozspoiltation cannibal movie. It's off the beaten path but silly and gory. Shadow in The Cloud also fits the bill of roller coaster kinda thrills with a solid happy ending. I've watched it four times and still love it. Dance of the Dead is this little zombie flick that feels like a John Hughes movie for better or worse. Or if you want something really weird there's Night of the Creeps which is zombies but their heads are full of alien worms. Kinda like Slither but a bit less slick. No pun intended. If you're looking for something more unusual in the zombie genre, The Girl With All The Gifts is awesome. It's again kinda dark but I think positive in the end.
I have a whole bunch of stuff in my horror movies tag but hopefully these will keep you busy. Also, I'm emphasizing the doesthedogdie.com site again because I do not 100% remember wrt to animal death for a lot of these.
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I'm glad you agree with Dani having wind powers. I have been thinking about the other halfa's and their powers and why they have them. Vlad is fire, which is volatile and hurts others but it can also keep people warm (perhaps there is hope for him in another universe) and is something often used in human invention and Vlad is very smart. Danny is his opposite, Ice. Unlike fire, ice could be used to subdue his enemies without hurting them (1/2)
(2/2) However Ice is also be sharp and dangerous (he can be mean sometimes) and it is cold, which could maybe represent how alone he feels. It could also be tied into his love for space as space is cold. If Jazz was a ghost, I think she would have water powers, since it's like a melted version of her brothers ice (lol). She is cool and collected and prefers to talk things out and understand rather than fight. She can also be rather overbearing sometimes, like an ocean. Sorry if this is long.
~ ~ ~
it’s interesting to think what the various halfa’s elements would be. makes me think of the into the spiderverse au. i like the idea that jazz would be water. it suits her. cool and collected, even sometimes associated with healing. but equally capable of devastation if used for violence. since psychology is her thing, i’d also draw a comparison to that. it’s used to help and heal, but when used by people like spectra it can be the most damaging attack possible. it can destroy people on a level deeper than physical. i’d likewise suggest that jazz would be the one to figure out bloodbending as a concept for this world, but would proceed to avoid using it. if she ever has a dark dan version of herself, i could see Black Jasmine being far more terrifying than him. when jazz goes bad, she’d go really bad
though in terms of what would push her to that point, it think it’d probably be more difficult and less difficult than what happened to danny. she is all about control and discipline. she’d use denial and psychology to manage for as long as possible. that is if it’s something that no one could have predicted or stopped. an accident. but if say it was a failure on the school or societies part... if say a case of bullying landed danny trapped in a locker during a ghost attack, unable to escape, and he died because of an attack that she was involved in. if he died with her not even aware that he was feet from her and in danger...
well i could see her losing herself in her guilt and anger at the world. he could have been saved. if he wasn’t being bullied, if the teachers had done something, if the ghost hadn’t attacked, if she had known he was there. like i said dark jazz is scary.
that aside, i also want all potential halfas to have elements associated with them now. we’re all pretty much agreed that tucker is electric type, due to his love of technology, but also his impulsiveness. electricity can do a lot of damage when not controlled properly and we’ve seen tucker on more than one occasion struggle with control. he’s overconfident and surprisingly reckless at times. when he’s in his element he’s fantastic but he’s been known to abuse power when he has it. i think that would be his main conflict as tucker ghouly, controlling his powers and using them responsibly.
sam would be representative of the element wood. which is associated with flexibility, durability, and strong emotions. because she’s our resident plant girl. she is willful and passionate but also stubborn and demanding. she demands the most of herself but also others, she wants everyone to thrive but sometimes forgets what’s best for her isn’t what’s best for other. her conflict might end up being empathy, because while she has it in spades, she doesn’t always know how to use it, if that makes sense. she tends to take things as a personal attack on her and her veiws when people disagree with her, which can be pretty dangerous, especially when people absolutely have reasons for their own opinions. she needs to learn to listen to others, if she’s going to be a proper hero
that would leave the final element, metal to val. metal is the most stubborn and inflexible of the elements. she’s strong and disciplined, unyielding in her attacks and views. but as we know that’s for better or worse. she really difficult to convince she’s wrong. she’d probably end up being one of the strongest out of them, she’d figure out the most ways to use her powers and how to shape metal to her advantage. i’m actually struck by the fun idea of val using her metal powers to make jewelry and running a small business selling it. this val would still manage to create a body armor and probably be better at maintaining anonymity with her ghost activity. though i also see her as overworking herself. she tries to do everything and ends up failing classes, alienating her friends, and too exhausted to think straight..she became a ghost before she was friends with danny, so i like the idea of them ending up friends, probably during the flour baby episode, and danny being the one to finally convince her to chill out and manage her health better. full human danny, is still all about helping people and is probably more stable and viably smart when he has time to do his homework. he’d probably offer to help her study and manage her business when too busy, and just having someone to lean on means everything to val.
until of course, plasimius kills jack fenton, and danny goes down the path of seeking vengeance and fighting ghosts. i actually don’t thing they’d know each others hunter identities at first, so they’d initially be fighting for real. danny is almost as stubborn as val. (ice is also inflexable until given the time to melt. and cold and harsh and deadly when angry). i see the green hunter being the most dangerous thing val has faced so far because danny is unrelenting. once she figures out who she’s fighting (i see her giving fenton a necklace of a star when he’s human and hunter losing the necklace during a fight and val discovering it and initially thinking it was stolen but figuring out the truth throughout the episode) fighting someone innocent, who’s justified, but still wrong, she’d be forced to learn to be more flexible and understanding, just to convince danny to stop. because let’s be real, she agrees with danny. plasmius killed his father, if she were in his shoes, he’d do the same thing, but she needs him to understand that she’s not the bad guy. not all ghosts are bad.
she’d also need to learn to be more flexible just to fight vlad/plasmius. because he is manipulative and her straight foward way of thinking and fighting would get her in trouble with him. i could see him framing her for a lot. he’d also be hanging around danny as vlad and manipulating danny that way. she’d essentially be fighting 2 different people who turn out to be the same person. vlad, the billionaire friend of the fentons who’s inserting himself into the grieving family’s lives and encouraging danny to fight vigilante justice. and plasmiaus the op ghost who literally murders people who get in his way. vlad would absolutely do everything he can to keep up the facade of innocent human. leaving all the damage to his ghost half. and val would struggle to prove that he’s evil.
that was a bit of a tangent, anyway. all of the halfa’s having elements associated with them and eventually having an ultimate team up in a universe that brings them together to fight something or another. a team up of the elements. vlad being there and joining the team up as still a villain who the team is suspicious of, but who they need to win. perhaps pariah dark escapes again but this time the mech isn’t available. and danny isn’t strong enough to face him alone. so parallel dimension team up. actually maybe not main danny’s universe. maybe it’s one of the other universes that can’t manage pariah dark on their own. possibly val’s again? if jack’s dead they don’t have a mech. might even be able to incorporate maddie inventing parallel-dimensional summoning in her attempts to bring jack back. bonus points if it’s vlad who’s funding this, knowing full well anyone summon would be unstable and turn to goo soon after arriving.
can you tell i love the into the dannyverse au? this was fun - Hestia
@nastyburger @guardianrex @five-rivers @ibelieveinahappilyeverafter @enigmaris
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avid-adoxography · 2 years
So uuuuh, love triangle with Kardok uh? Tell us more about it 👀
Oh! Sure thing anon, but first a little disclaimer: I'm gonna base the answer on snips and bits from notes of my very old and in dire need of an update MediEvil fic, so take it as it is for now aight? Also put your seatbelts on and hold on tight, this is gonna be a bumpy ride yeee-haw! kdhdh
* Edit: I had to put it under another cut because it got longer than expected and again I don't wanna monopolize the dashboard with my posts
Basically my ME!Sona [redacted] and Oliver used to be a thing back in the days. They were so in love and they were the embodiment of happiness as a couple, despite her family disapproving of their relationship because of him (unwillingly) working for Zarok, their "lack of perspectives in life" given that both want to be artists (a painter and a bard respectively) and some fantasy racism just because, until one day Oliver just disappears. First it's days, then weeks and then months pass without her having a way to reach him if not through letters. Their correspondence, however, is short-lived because they suddenly break-up (through some very, maybe too much?, carefully planned and indisputable reasons they must go separate ways), just before my Sona could tell him she's pregnant. The news are so devastating for her, having lost the only good thing that happened to her, that she has a miscarriage and, unable to cope with the loss, she locks herself into her room and lets herself wither away.
And here is where the Cult makes its official apparition; posing as a holy institution, they convince her parents to entrust them with their daughter, assuring them that she will receive not only a flawless education but room and board without them having to fork out a shilling. And so she's taken into their custody, in a secret temple hidden away from the outside world (although is easy to find if you know where to look, hint hint) where she discovers the truth of her very being and her powers within.
In the meantime Oliver is being kept prisoner in the depths of Zarok's lair, subjected to the worst experiments by the latter to create an army of Fazgûls (he's the Adam of the situation let's say, with him being the first Fazgûl ever created and all). Long story short he kinda loses his mind here also because of his drug addition (he poisons himself to forget what Zarok forces him to do, mostly when it involves killing people) and so even when the sorcerer let's him go he's in such a dire mental state that he basically can't do anything but crawl to bed and fall into a coma, a dreamless sleep populated only by the ghost of his lost love. And regret. Lots of it.
Cut to some(?) years later, and my Sona returns to Peregrine Shire, her hometown, which she will destroy overnight when she unintentionally transforms into her true form. Zarok notices the huge beast wrecking havoc in the distance and goes "Damn girl, I could use that for war!" and orders his goons to go fetch her. Oliver is among them and realizes™ they're heading where my Sona lives, so in a moment of found lucidity he sprints into action trying to take her to safety (hint hint he can't, or at least not in the way he's thinking of).
Long story short, she gets taken to Zarok's lair but she escapes thanks to Oliver, Lord Kardok is put to the chase and manages to make her crash from the skies into the Silver Woods (rip Ghost Ship, ye shall be missed). She transforms back before he can see her and connect the dots, but she's injured and she's once again in one of those situations that threaten to break that already fragile thread that holds her sanity together (having burned her hometown to the ground and probably her parents too so she's left with nothing to turn back to. AGAIN.) so she kinda just, wait for him to finish her off. But he doesn't and actually decides to pick her up and bring her home with him. To tend to her wounds and interrogate her about the beast since she was the only person around to witness it fall ofc, no other reason at all! (<- is lying, also I remember it was a very good, almost touching passage in my fic so here's that too but details djdh)
Long story short, he takes an interest in her, she reciprocates, Oliver goes through an existential crisis when he sees them together but he's fine (spoiler alert he's not or rather he's very conflicted and it will show, and tbh my Sona still feels something for him but she can't forget what ""his"" letter put her through), then Lord Kardok and my Sona get married, but then the war happens and then she's pregnant again (of a child of dubious paternity but shhhh you didn't hear it from me 🤫) but then he dies and then the Cult claims her and then a century passes and Zarok returns... It's all quite a mess ngl jdhhc
So yeah, that's about that I guess, hope this helps and thank you so so much anon for actually forcing me to sit down, look through my MediEvil stuff and out together somewhat of a decent answer... That also works a reminder myself of all the blood and tears and sweat I've put to come up with all this succulent lore™ djdhhdh
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makeste · 4 years
this is pretty random and you don't need to answer it, haha, but could you share your personal hcs regarding platonic todobaku with me??? 🥺🥺🥺 i'm in need, LOL, and your takes on characterization and relationships on bnha are always so spot on, so... i hope you're having a good day/night!!!!!!!💖💖💖
thank you so much! sorry it took a while to gather all of these; my TodoBaku headcanons weren’t as immediately forthcoming as my general Baku headcanons were. but here goes. the first half of these ended up being more just my general thoughts about their relationship than actual headcanons, but I eventually steered myself back on track.
first of all, this is important to note: when Katsuki says in ch. 241 that “there’s no correlation between time spent [together] and friendship”, it’s not purely out of denial. this is something he genuinely believes, having learned it the hard way growing up. for someone who seemingly led a pretty charmed life for most of his childhood, Katsuki hasn’t actually had a particularly sunshiny experience when it comes to his friendships. all of his closest childhood friends eventually left him (Tsubasa), turned on him (Deku -- from his perspective lol. obviously this wasn’t actually the case at all, but it’s how he interpreted it, and it definitely had a big impact on him emotionally), or abandoned him (that long-fingered kid, who notably fled and never looked back when the sludge monster tried to eat Katsuki back in chapter one. like, thanks for nothing, my dude).
so it’s not surprising that all of these experiences would have a profound impact on Katsuki’s ability to trust other people and accept them as real, genuine friends. in its own way his childhood was almost as isolating as Deku and Shouto’s. it’s only since coming to U.A. that he’s started to make real friends again for the first time since kindergarten. and even then, in the case of Kirishima and Kaminari and Sero, even though I think he does consider them friends, he still isn’t very open with them. because he’s learned the hard way that that can lead to hurt, and I think he’s very hesitant to ever let himself be vulnerable to that again.
but having said all that, Shouto is still absolutely correct when he says that they’re friends. and the thing is Katsuki knows it too, but he’s just reluctant to admit it. partly because the part of his brain that processes everything as rivalry isn’t sure whether Being Friends With Shouto = Losing To Shouto (IS THIS A TRAP??), and partly because of everything else I just explained above. even though by this point he knows Shouto pretty well, well enough to be reasonably sure he’s not just gonna be another fakeass groupie who turns tail at the first sign of trouble, there’s still a part of him that’s hesitant to admit that connection is there, because doing so opens him up to potentially being hurt again at some point. goddammit. why is this shit so complicated.
meanwhile on Shouto’s side of things, this poor lil bubba never had any friends growing up to begin with, so he’s not nearly as paranoid or prickly as Katsuki is. instead, he’s still discovering for himself just what friendship is all about. the interesting thing about Shouto is that since he never had any childhood friendships, in a way, the friendships that he’s making now at U.A. are his childhood friendships. and so they tend to be straightforward and uncomplicated in much the same way that very young children’s friendships are uncomplicated. “I like this person; I am going to make them my friend.” boom. done. friendship is mad easy yo.
and he does like Katsuki! sure, his personality is a bit unconventional, but there’s a lot to admire about him even so, and they actually have a lot in common! they’re both rather introverted. they’re both very serious, and I think this is something that Shouto particularly appreciates, because jokes and idioms and playful insincerity sometimes fly over his head just because he doesn’t have a lot of experience dealing with other people. but Katsuki NEVER jokes around, and he is never insincere. he says what he means, with the exception of insults, which are 90% more bark than bite. and so once Shouto figured that out, it became very easy to figure out how to interact with him. aside from that, they’re both close with Shouto’s Other Best Friend Midoriya, they both have incendiary quirks, and they both tend towards the quiet side (yes, even Katsuki) with the occasional burst of hotheadedness (maybe a bit more than “occasional” when it comes to Katsuki’s end).
and like I said, there’s a lot that Shouto admires about Katsuki as well. he really respects how determined Katsuki is, because he himself lacked any sort of clear goals for quite a while growing up. all he knew was that he didn’t want to end up being like his dad. but Katsuki is someone who has always known what he wants, and he goes after it with a singlemindedness that Shouto is almost envious of. he’s also very intelligent and quick-thinking, and Shouto knows he can rely on him in a tight spot. he’s also honest, and surprisingly principled, and while he’s definitely not the nicest guy around, I think Shouto can recognize to some degree those same types of walls that he once spent so much time building up around himself. and so he knows that to a certain extent, Katsuki’s hostility is just a front. and I think he’s both intrigued by that, and drawn to it. because every so often when Katsuki’s guard does drop and his better self briefly shines through, Shouto can see that he’s someone worth getting to know.
anyways, but enough of my rambling about their relationship, and on to the actual headcanons. first of all, I firmly believe in my heart of hearts that at some point during all of those mentally and physically taxing weekends spent training for their provisional exam, they have each fallen asleep on the other’s shoulder during the ride home. Katsuki was actually the first to do it, and it was only for a couple of minutes, but when he woke up he was absolutely mortified. but much to his relief, Shouto never said another word about it. (and if Shouto still remembers the warm, cozy feeling in his chest during those few brief minutes when Katsuki was dead to the world, with his face smoothed out and completely trusting and his breathing strangely in rhythm with the movement of the car, and if doing so brings him a sense of calm that’s hard to describe, well then, that’s no one’s business but his own.)
anyway, so because life is Just Like That, eventually of course the reverse happened. and with anyone else, Katsuki would have violently shoved them aside without a second thought, and he was almost gonna do the same here, but then he remembered he owed him (because he really did keep his mouth shut about the earlier incident, thank fuck), and so he didn’t. for almost two whole minutes, anyway. whatever. that’s more than generous, really. meanwhile no one else knows about this except for Aizawa, who was chaperoning them that day, and took mild notice at first on account of it being unusual behavior on Katsuki’s part, but then immediately forgot about it afterwards. he was proud of them both for upping their napping game, though. he respects naps.
both Shouto and Katsuki were actually scared shitless during the test of courage at the forest training camp, and if Katsuki hadn’t been kidnapped and everything had instead gone on as normal, they would have both had trouble getting to sleep that night. Katsuki actually can’t stand scary movies or ghost stories (fyi this is canon according to the third light novel, and EXCUSE HIM FOR HAVING A HEALTHY RESPECT FOR THE SUPERNATURAL. you wanna go and get your own dumb ass cursed or dragged to hell or whatever, BE HIS GUEST). whereas Shouto has next to no experience with them and doesn’t really see what’s so scary about ghosts because GHOSTS AREN’T REAL DUH, but even he feels a little unsettled when an undead swamp girl suddenly rises from the depths and crabwalks towards them in the middle of the woods.
Katsuki has on rare occasions been so drained by provisional lessons that he goes into autopilot and forgets to pretend not to be friends with Shouto, which can result in them having completely normal conversations for minutes at a time before he eventually regains enough of his senses to realize he’s fraternizing with the enemy. this is how Shouto learned about things like Katsuki’s favorite foods, and his love of hiking. the latter is actually one subject that Katsuki can go on and on about if you get him started, and Shouto very much enjoys hearing about it and never tries to stop him.
by contrast, Katsuki never intentionally seeks to gain any new knowledge about Shouto because he feels like he already knows way more than he ever wanted to. however, this doesn’t stop him from absorbing knowledge against his will by simple osmosis, and then discovering to his dismay that he’s retained the information afterward. this is why he also knows Shouto’s favorite food in return (although to be fair, I think everyone in Japan knows Shouto’s favorite food), as well as other tidbits like the fact that he likes strawberry-flavored things (because he always gets the same brand of strawberry milk from the vending machine during their lunch breaks). he hates himself a little for both noticing and remembering these stupid little details, and would rather be kidnapped again than ever admit to Shouto that he does.
Katsuki thinks of Shouto as “Todoroki” in his head rather than “IcyHot” or “Half n’ Half”, and has to make a conscious effort to use the nicknames whenever he addresses him out loud. more and more often he finds himself forgetting to do so nowadays, much to his dismay. Shouto was pleasantly surprised the first few times it happened, but quickly stopped taking notice of it, as he’s come to realize that the way Katsuki addresses people carries very little meaning regardless, since something like 75% of his actual feelings are conveyed through his actions rather than his words.
Katsuki does wish that Shouto had had the decency to choose his surname as his hero alias rather than his given name, though. he lives in fear that one of these days he’ll be required to call him “Shouto” while on duty. number one hero or not, there’s a good chance he would resign from his internship at the Endeavor Hero Agency before he ever willingly agreed to that.
and last but not least, the number one thing that Katsuki would rather jump in a freezing lake than admit to Shouto or even himself is that he actually cares about him too. and has even mostly forgiven him for wussing out at the last minute during the sports festival. he still doesn’t fully understand why he did it, but he gets that Shouto was Going Through Some Stuff, and okay yeah, he can admit that his family situation is pretty fucked up, so whatever. there’s an uncomfortable feeling he gets whenever he’s reminded of this; sort of a weird, squirmy feeling in the pit of his stomach whenever the subject of Endeavor comes up, or whenever he sees Shouto talking to the man himself. it makes him feel restless and on edge, and he never knows what to say or do afterwards, especially if Shouto goes all quiet and sullen and reflective. he wants to scream at him, or slap him on the back of the head, or grab him by the shoulders and shake him; whatever it takes to snap him out of it and ease the tension. but he knows that’s not the right way to handle it. and more to the point, he knows that he’s not the right person to handle it. and sometimes, if he’s not quick enough to squash the feeling when he senses it coming, he wonders how Shouto would react if he ever found out what Katsuki used to be like back in elementary and middle school. and he wonders whether Shouto would still be so dead-set insistent on calling them friends. and then he does squash out the thought, as viciously as he possibly can.
anyway so that turned weirdly angsty towards the end whoops. not even sure what happened there, since this is supposed to be my cute and funny ship, while BakuDeku greedily hogs all the angst for itself! lol my bad. but don’t worry, they still love each other, and Shouto is still fond and soft and equipped with bullshit-radar, and Katsuki is still rabid and in denial and a dumbass.
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dominarayne · 4 years
The Invisible Man
Hey guys!
So I watched this movie few days ago and watched it again last night with my mom and figured share my thoughts here. Just a quick disclaimer, I don't think it's right to say my opinion on a self righteous level on this sensitive subject. I just want to touch on the few major element portrayed by the movie with a hint of personal experience.
Hope this could help you in writing about the subject but don't forget research is essentially needed. I highly recommend the movie, despite the few error in the plot it was amazing.
So... the invisible man.
Being over an abusive person takes a little longer than just leaving them. Unfortunately their traces and marks such as memories don't swish away easily. You know when a slightest bad event happens in your life and keeps you up at night, even makes you dream about it? Now imagine the sensitive subject of abuse in a relationship like this. The movie perfectly touches on the trauma afterwards but with it's own elements. Imagine an abused person which can be both Man and Woman, is finally free from all that terror and the mental tug of war but now has to deal with the ghost of their abuser that is now haunting them...
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The movie starts with the first vital step to get out of a dangerous relationship by literally getting out of it. Cecilia escapes her boyfriend's house and leaves him for good. First step is of course is to break free and overcome the fear. Surrounding yourself with loved ones and positivity, overall seeking some kind of help.
But when you are facing with a crazy guy like Adrian the story is different.
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The invisible man is the story of a girl named Cecilia, finally determined to leave her abusive boyfriend who is basically like my sister said "Tony Stark but if he was a psychopath." Shortly after she leaves him, he commits suicide out of nowhere. She thinks only his death can bring her peace because there's no reason left to be scared leaving the house or start a new life but she's definitely wrong. Adrian is not letting her go, even when he's dead.
In real life maybe the abused person is not facing crazy Adrian but reality could be cruel as him.
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From perspective of someone who has seen and somewhat experienced the abusive relationship with a friend I was blown away by the movie.
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First, the memories and reminders of what they are capable is more terrifying because anticipating for something bad to happen is basically poison, also the littlest things that are reminder of them can be poison too!
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Second is that although people are being nice (which not all of them wholeheartedly.) They don't know what you are going through. What I've learned is to be with the abused person with open ears not a fueled mouth to shoot empty mottos of something you absolutely have no idea. Sadly these days people tend to bash the abused person instead of being understanding or milk them for supposedly "tea" so they'll have something to talk about with others later. this stuff makes to to shut down or endure the living hell or worst, making their abuser's actions justified.
Which reminds me of a dialogue in the movie that boiled my blood. “My hand's shaking. You know you are the only person in the world that gets to see my hand shake? It's because I need you, Cecilia.” – Adrian.
I legit yelled "OH FUCK OFF."
This kind of fabricated sweet moments and toxic people around the abused person make them go insane! Even beguiled so the terror can start over! So that's why it's important to be there for them with no expectations for details and tales of woe.
But there's always one person that cares and that is enough.
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Third, sometimes or maybe most of the times no one believes you. I am very sorry but it's true, I have experienced it and it's cruel. But keep in mind I mentioned sometimes. when people don't believe the abused, especially after a life time of magnificent prades of happiness and prosperity, when they have put on a mask just like the abuser, believing the scenario that never existed, expecting people to be on the abused person's side without any proof is tricky. Especially these days that people need proof for everything! Rightfully so in some situations.
Say if you met someone like Adrian, Smart, handsome, charming, manipulative with a beautiful partner on his arm. It's jarring to realize what a monster he could be after the reality reveals itself. Specially when he has a partner who dances with his tunes ALL THE TIME.
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Think about it, no one believed Cecilia because first, it's crazy to believe your boyfriend has came back to haunt you, etc. And seriously can you blame them? In this kind of situation the abused person seems more unsettled than in the right state of mind so absolutely no one will ever believe such a thing.
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In the real world the abuser sets such a brilliant image of themselves that people might say "well shame on that girl/boy. People die to be with that guy/woman and they couldn't get their life together." No one will straight away believe a guy like Adrian is not a victim.
This is where I love it when I see the abused person decides to settle scors themselves. Making amends and built a new life because at the end no one can rattle you into reality like yourself.
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In the movie Cecilia finally had it enough, she decided she would no longer let him pull the strings. At the end abuser may have had the upper hand before but when a human resorts to vile actions to be in control they are the weakest. No one knows them better than abused, no one can see their deepest fears like the abused, this was the wining card for Cecilia in the movie.
In my opinion The invisible man wasn't completely a flawless movie which I'm going to talk about it in a second, but it portrayed the stages that a abused person in this case goes through amazingly. But mind you abuse has all shapes and forms so it doesn't mean this includes every aspects that are happening all around the world.
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If you have watched the movie let's talk about it. My issue with it, despite that I had a good time watching it was that Adrian, like my sister says is "if Tony Stark was a psychopath." I think it implies how much the guy is smart. So it was stupid that he didn't realize the second suit was missing. Or didn't noticed a parked car outside his house or suspicious acts of Cecilia. I mean thw guy had cameras EVERYWHERE come on!
Also she WAS one months pregnant from Adrian after he faked his own death so it wasn't hard to prove that he was the mastermind not Tom!
Or it's probably nitpicking but when Cecilia's sister died in restaurant how did the knife swang back in her hand like that? idk 😂
My friend even mentioned it was kind of weird he knew where she was going to meet her sister.
Anyway have you watched it? What was your take on the movie?
#Theinvisibleman #writing #abuse #tips #wip
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Hey! I'm the anon from slavicafire's blog asking about Yugoslav witchcraft traditions. I;m a child of recent immigrants from the ex-yugo regions and I'm trying to reconnect w/ my roots. Could you give me a very basic outline of simple traditions that might be common from the region? Hvala puno (:
Hi anon! Glad to see somebody interested in our traditions, that is always amazing. I hope this helps you.
Disclaimer, I’m not professional. This is just stuff pulled out of my own amateur research and love for balkan lore. Anybody with better understanding please pitch in.
First, to reiterate what likely everybody told you, Slavic traditions are very variable and unique, depending on which country you are looking at. While there is obviously much similar things, not all Balkan countries have same lore. So I would suggest looking up where your ancestors are from, and then digging in research ( sometimes there are differences even between like, villages in same country, which makes things both beautiful and amazing and irritating and bothersome).
Second, I am sorry to say that information can be kinda hard to come across when searching for Balkan sources. As result of most countries being ‘’still in development’’, (at least when compared to West), decades of communist regime which didn’t care much for spirituality, big influence of Christian church and being kinda small in population, there isn’t lots of people interested in such things, at least not openly. There has thankfully been revival and rise of interest in last years but ah still takes lots of work to find like minded people. You should have some luck searching through Tumblr and Reddit.
Rest of info under cut, keep on read more so we wouldn’t bother people with big wall of text.
Now, I want to say ( in case you aren’t already aware, in which case excuse me and forgive for taking up your time) that if you do research in Serbian or Croatian for veštica you will most likely come upon fantasy books, fairy tales and such. More folkloric stuff will talk about things like selling your soul to Devil, eating hearts of your family, soul leaving your body to do misdeeds and similar. Rather interesting stuff, which could be used for interesting if little dark path, but less easy to put in practice and being generally very Christian story about evil monsters ( I assume you can’t leave your body in shape of moth so you would cut up your neighbors and relatives and eat their insides but hey what do I know, that might work for you). If you are interested in hearing about that though please send me ask again!
What I assume you are looking for, and is generally much more likely to be practiced ( today too in some villages) are činjarice and vračare. These words while literally meaning something like charm-doer/maker and similar, are more like village wisewomen, cunning folk and similar, people who practiced mixture of magic, medicine, old Slavic lore and Christian beliefs, midwifery and superstitions. If you ask your parents, grandparents, relatives and similar, I’m sure they would be able to tell you of encountering or at very least hearing about at least one weird old woman who claimed to be able to read your fortune, help with fertility, protect you against evil eye… If you ever meet such old woman, remember they will most likely be very insulted if you call them witch. Some wouldn’t even call their workings magical, and many are very intensively Christian.
So, some advice which I hope will be useful. Traditionally those women (and probably some men, though I didn’t hear of it happening. Probably happened but people don’t like talking about such things because people are dumb) worked alone. I assume one witch was enough for one village. This doesn’t mean that you can’t join a coven or work with friends and learn from others, simply that solitary path is open to you and that lots of those witches worked on their own, combining superstition, tips passed to them from others and their own knowledge and thoughts. There is no hard tradition to stick to, you can freely experiment, and don’t listen to people who say you need witch’s blood or some nonsense like that. You only need your will and heart and what works for you.
Then, remember those people lived in villages and most likely worked at farm, in fields, with cattle.. They likely lived together with their families ( unless they were of course widows with no nearby relatives or spinsters). Point is, they didn’t have fancy stuff, because they had to take acre of cows and dung and carrots, so you shouldn’t feel bad about not buying athames, wands, cauldrons and such if you can’t or don’t want. You can repurpose normal ordinary stuff around you in magical tools. As Granny Weatherwax would say, witch can use kitchen knife to do magic and make a bread. Some would argue it is still good to have separate tools for magic, or regularly cleanse and charge your cutlery so energy wouldn’t get too muddled, and that is good approach too. Look what works for you. Suggestions for tools: mirrors, candles, knives, threads,stones, scissors.
If you want to get ideas for how to incorporate everyday things in your practice, look up tag cottage witchcraft, or hearth witchcraft, which is based on idea of making your home practices in magic. Remember that you don’t need to define yourself as anything but witch, or even that, if you don’t want. Think of ways how your passions and talents could be used as outlet for witchcraft. Sing your spells, paint your sigils, however you want. Balkan witches let their craft go out through ordinary stuff too.
Research herb lore! Living in villages and near woods Slavic witches always worked closely with herbs.  That seems to generally be witch thing, as herbs were for long time basis of spices and medicine. Research what herbs you can get your hands on (spices and weeds are easiest I’d say) can be used for, both magically and as teas, tinctures and similar ( remember that herbs should never be used instead of actual medication, and that you don’t need to bother with them if you don’t want to). Some starting points-generally, oak is associated with Perun, strength, protection and ancestors and was heavily respected and venerated. Walnut is associated with darkness, death, misfortune and evil witches and spirits so I’d say it would for example be good for curses. Hawthorn was used as means of protection against demonic spirits and evil creatures, especially vampires.
Research correspondences! People for example believed that certain workings should be undertaken only on certain days, such as holy days of saints, or that magic was best to be done on Friday. Water has different powers depending on day and place it was taken- frozen water or melted ice is used for spells of forgetting, but generally water is used for healing and purification, though time and place and way you collect it can charge it differently. Salt is of course as always amazing for protection and cleansing. Colours are also good start- black for death darkness misfortune, red for life and protection especially against spirits, white for purity cleansing contact with dead and positive energy and so on. Some things require really weird steps. For example to protect yourself from plague you needed to pull over yourself a shirt made by several naked old woman outside during Saturday night ( which I hope you will never need, and have serious doubts for how successful it would be)… If you are in for more ritualistic path it may work for you.
Spells, often called bajalice ( I’m not sure how to translate, except it vaguely means something like murmured song, or chant  I think) were either passed down, picked from folklore, or straight up invented. They consisted of several lines and often rhymed, in fact many of them sound like nursery rhymes. Some are full of seemingly nonsenses, others call upon saints.
They also often had psychical component, a piece of paper, poppet, anything…Those were used as anchors for spell, and if you were casting for other person, closer those objects were to them spell worked better. Good luck and blessings were often in form of amulets person carried on themselves, curses often required burning object or burying it in victim’s backyard.
As with all witchcraft I’d say, sympathetic magic is one of basics. Hair, nails, blood, names, images, all those are often necesarry to work magic upon another. Be careful what is done with yours.
There is strong focus on body with Balkan witchcraft (especially hair). If you feel comfortable explore it, learn about it. Your body is wonderful and reveling in it can be very beneficial not just for magic but for your health, in flesh and mind both. Just stay away from things talking about stuff like putting menstrual blood in potions or anything unsafe. If you want to explore blood magic take care. Just cutting or pricking yourself isn’t good at all.
Look out for superstitions. Most of them contain ritualistic roots. Think and ask why they are done, and how can they be used in practice. Knock on wood for good luck or to prevent bad things, it calls out to spirits. Pinkie and index finger pointed on person is used for casting curses of evil eye variety. And so on…
You don’t have to work with dead, but as amazing zmija already mentioned, there is always something undead. Graveyard dirt is powerful. Look out for ghosts and similar creatures. If you want, try to connect to ancestors or tend to graveyards. Forty days after birth and death are when such forces are most active. Our dead are always with us, and those who have passed on often frequent and play with those who replaced them.
Treat nature well. Remember that it is full of spirits ( some of which may be similar to undead-is rusalka a water nymph or drowned girl, domovoi entirely spiritual caretaker of home or ghost of distant ancestor ). Try to connect with them, to reach out if you feel safe. Dragons, vampires, fairies ( zmey, vampies/upyrsi, vilas in english sources) were most important to Balkans, as well as creatures of wilds like snakes and wolves.
Spaces American side of tumblr would call liminal are important. Thresholds, crossroads and watermills are folklorically connected with magic a lot.
Balkan Traditional Witchcraft by Radomir Ristic  from what I heard is very good book, if little awkward to read as it is translated in English.  Journal for the Academic Study of Magic  from what I have heard has some stuff on South Slavic magic in issue 2 and parts of it are  put up online, such as  The Human Body in Southern Slavic Folk Sorcery Andrija Filipovic and Anne M. Rader.   Solvenska Mitologija ( The Slavic Mythology) by  Nenad Gajić  is great start if you want easy to understand and comprehensive list of Slavic creatures, beliefs, lore and so but I don’t know if you can find it out of Balkans. Belgrade publishing house Metaphysica also apparently has some stuff, no idea if it is good.
If you know Serbian or Croatian, I would suggest websitehttp://www.starisloveni.com/index.html, which is pagan site and also has forum (you need to be registered though).  I have also found several threads of that topic on  https://forum.krstarica.com/ and https://www.ana.rs/forum/ though they require digging, especially for good stuff. Site is also bit less modern. I have recently came upon  https://thewitchandwalnut.wordpress.com/, a Wordpress blog of Balkan witch from Canada which seems very informative. @everett-the-mage is very awesome blog with lots of content on Croatian folk magic and lovely Etsy shop and lots of recommendations for reading.
I hope this helps at least a little! Good luck with your journey!
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dp-pastandpresent · 5 years
Past and Present: Chapter 29
"ABOUT TIME! That's all you can say after putting me through all of your stupid traps?!"
Danny was furious and had every right to be. After experiencing memories of both his past and future, he wanted answers.
"Ahhh. I see you and your group found my message."
"Message? That's what you call it?"
"Something like that. You see, each time a ghost tries to enter my realm without one of my medallions, they tend to get a bit… lost. But we've had this conversation before."
"We have?" Danny asked, confusion on his face as he floated towards what passed for ground in Clockwork's hazy realm.
"Yes, when I first took you to the portal. Don't you…" Clockwork's eyes went wide again as he realized something he hadn't before.
"You don't remember your time with me, do you?"
'That explains why he was so confused during his early days out there…'
Danny stared at the ghost in front of him, anger still plain on his face.
"Not much more than the memories YOU'VE been feeding me, no."
Clockwork lurched back at this, almost as if offended by the boy's accusations.
"Huh. That's strange. I knew you'd forget a few things when you went through, but to forget even the things we had discussed so recently… well that's something even I couldn't predict."
Danny kept looking at the ghost in front of him, his green eyes glowing in frustration.
"I could care less about the things we discussed, what I want to know is WHY you kept my memories from me!"
Clockwork's frustration vanished slightly as he chuckled at this comment.
"My boy, I did not keep memories from you! I simply returned the memories you lost during resurrection."
'He truly remembers nothing about his return? The things I told him?'
"Yea, when it was most convenient for you…"
Danny was starting to soften up a bit, and he slowly lowered himself to the ground.
"When I returned them is beside the point. Shouldn't we be discussing the real reason you're here?" Clockwork asked, trying to change the subject as he glanced at the frozen girl behind him
Danny followed the ghost's gaze as his own eyes grew wider.
"Sam! What did you do! Why is she still?"
Clockwork chuckled again.
"Don't worry Daniel, she's just in Time Out. In fact, I'm surprised it didn't affect you either."
'Why didn't it affect him?'
"Time out?"
"Yes. It's something I can do when I need to stop time, allow myself to think things through. Get people out of my way for a bit."
"But somehow… I'm… immune?"
"Your powers amaze me Daniel. Every day you grow stronger, and yet every day you also grow more human. There really is no limit to what you can do. And while I pride myself on being the Master of Time, even I cannot see what you will do next."
"But you have an idea, don't you? You've had ideas since you resurrected me. You knew I'd be more than just someone to open that portal."
Danny could feel his whole suit glowing brighter with energy as he floated closer to Clockwork, almost backing him into a wall.
They both stopped and looked over to see Sam standing up, her purple eyes wide with surprise.
'How is the girl awake? I didn't even Time In yet!'
Clockwork was confused as he watched Sam approach the two of them, unsure what to think.
'Is it possible Danny's powers override my own?'
'But why would they? It's not like I'm….'
'He was awake when you clearly timed out.'
'That doesn't mean….'
'He made it through your time traps faster than expected…'
'Even as he becomes more human, his powers gain strength…'
'Could it be?'
"STOP!" he found himself yelling out loud, gaining confused looks from both Danny and Sam who had just finished embracing each other during Clockwork's inner crisis.
Clockwork shook his head, trying to get his mind clean.
"My girl… I'm sorry. I just had a moment. You scared me is all. You see, I had you frozen in time, and yet now you're awake and it was not my doing."
Sam raised an eyebrow and looked at Danny again.
"It seems your boyfriend is more powerful than I initially thought," Clockwork continued.
'We need to weaken him…'
"Who are you calling powerful? You're the one that froze me!" Sam said in frustration. "You're the one who has been controlling me the whole time I've been here. Telling me things, trying to get me on your side. Pushing me to listen to you. Well guess what! Danny's back and I'm done!"
She crossed her arms and looked back at her boyfriend, who in turn looked at the ghost before them.
"You've been controlling her too? How long? Longer than she's been here? Who else have you manipulated?" Danny's eyes grew intense with these words.
Clockwork grew young as he listened to Danny, a bit of fear once again creeping up into him, though he tried to hide it with a smile.
"Heh. Samantha? I've only done what was necessary at the time, and I've never once touched her outside my realm."
"But you've touched me. You've fed me memories, led me to believe things."
Clockwork sighed, realizing there was no avoiding that subject as it came back around.
"So all those returning memories, they were all from you?"
"You really believe that that I've been watching you that closely?"
'I have, but he doesn't need to know that.'
"My boy, I have fed you memories when you needed them most. But many memories have returned to you on your own and to my surprise."
"How can I even be sure?" Danny asked, glaring.
"You can't. But you have to trust me. I've only interfered when it was needed."
"But what about Danny's powers?"
Clockwork turned to Sam, his eyes softening a bit as he aged himself to his oldest form.
"His powers are strictly his own. They have nothing to do with anything I have done."
"But you told me…"
"What I told you was the truth. His powers, his ability to change into a human… It's all linked to your love."
'Love? That's what's making me change?' Danny found himself thinking as he listened in.
'What else has he told her? And can I believe it?'
He was unsure what to believe at this point, but he knew that there must have been some discussion in the time Sam had spent alone with Clockwork.
"Love," Danny said quietly, but not quietly enough that Sam didn't hear him.
"Danny, I…" she started.
"Love. That's what started all of this. Fifty years ago. When I went into that shop. It was love. Love that drew me in."
He looked at Sam, who had concern in her eyes as he continued to talk.
"Love made me do it. My love for Sarah… it killed me. And then…" He stopped. Something was different. Sam. She wasn't herself. At some point during his monologue she had begun to change.
"Danny, what are you talking about?" She asked, confusion growing.
Sam had been standing in front of him, but now it wasn't Sam. Or at least, it didn't look like the Sam he knew. Her hair had gotten longer, her outfit had changed to one from the fifties, even when she spoke, it sounded like…
"Danny, stop. It's me, Sam."
"No. It's not… Sarah?"
He closed his eyes, trying to make sense of what was in front of him.
'It can't be her. It's an illusion. Clockwork's realm is messing with your head. You need to stop. Breathe.'
He opened his eyes, and in front of him once more was the Sam he knew. He let out a deep sigh at this.
"Who else would I be?" she asked.
"It's just, for a moment you looked like…"
It was Clockwork who interrupted this time, another smirk on his face.
"I was afraid this would happen. Your memories. In my realm they're magnified, and with that suit they're sure to be even stronger. One little thought of the past and it becomes real."
Danny looked back at Sam, trying to focus, but Clockwork was right: she had begun to look like young Sarah again.
"And only I can see it?" he questioned.
"After all, they are your memories."
'How do I make this stop?'
Danny shut his eyes again, trying to focus on what he had been thinking before.
Finally, after what seemed like ages, he was able to put his thoughts into words.
"My love for Sarah is what killed me, but my love for Sam, it's what's making me human?"
"Remember boy. You were full ghost until you discovered her, SAVED HER. And then… you started feeling emotions. Became hungry, tired, warm even. Your eyes turned blue and your hair black. And it's only when she's in trouble that you are able to control it." Danny closed his eyes and turned his head to the ground, trying to take it all in. He wanted to believe it; after all, they had said it before. So why now was it different? Why was he having second thoughts?
'I just wish I had some say in all this. I feel like everyone else is choosing my fate for me.'
He looked up to see his 'hallucination' of Sarah once again turned back into the girl from the present.
"Danny, I know it's a lot to take in," she hesitated.
"Sam, you know I care for you… and I'd do anything for you…"
Clockwork watched as Danny wrestled with his mind, trying to make sense of the truth he had finally come to learn.
'I really thought you would have figured that out sooner.'
"You know, you could think clearer if you took off that annoying power suit. It's not helping you here anyway."
Danny had been gazing at Sam, trying to figure out his emotions, but with these words he furrowed his brow and looked at Clockwork.
"Why does it even matter?" he replied.
"That suit, it was designed to magnify your powers, correct?"
Danny nodded.
"Precisely. Well in here, things work a little differently, affect each other a little differently. And I can sense that the suit is magnifying it all. I really think you would benefit emotionally from being free of it."
'And that would help me regain a bit of control.'
As much as Danny hated to agree with Clockwork, he had to admit that the amplified nature of his surroundings was not helping him.
"This doesn't mean I trust you," he said as he turned intangible and let the suit fall off. To Clockwork's surprise, it did not fall through the floor like normal human objects: instead it landed safely.
'I need to keep a closer eye on the Fentons and their technology…'
But before Clockwork could think that through any further, he heard a gasp from the girl and looked back to Danny.
Clockwork and Sam watched as Danny's body transformed. His white hair faded to black, his green eyes turned blue. Remarkably, though, he stayed floating, the bits of ghost DNA in him keeping him safe. "Danny?" Sam asked, confused as Danny stood up.
Danny turned from Sam's confused face, to Clockwork, who looked just as confused.
"You knew that would happen if I took off the suit?" he questioned with lowered eyebrows.
'I knew it would weaken him, but make him return to human? I thought their love was stronger than that here.'
'Perfect! The opportunity to win him over! He's vulnerable, questioning his emotions.'
"If you would stop for a moment and think, maybe, just maybe you would realize that I am not completely against you!" Clockwork replied, as he returned from his thoughts with some anger showing in his voice.
'Stop. Think. Don't make him any more mad at you then he already is. Keep him vulnerable.'
Clockwork closed his eyes and took a deep breath before continuing in a calmer manner.
'Win him over Clockwork.'
"I had no way of knowing you would change back, as this isn't normal. None of this is. No one has ever seen a ghost that can change forms. In fact, when I resurrected you, I was surprised to even see you as a ghost. I expected you would be fully human."
Clockwork had never revealed this to anyone, but was beginning to realize he needed to be a little more transparent if the boy would ever do what was needed.
"Hold on!" Sam chimed in, reminding the group that she was still there. "You just said his powers were fueled by our love, but now you're saying you don't understand what's happening?"
"I always knew Daniel's destiny was connected to you, that is true. But it wasn't until I resurrected him and watched things play out that I realized his powers, the ability to change forms, must also be linked to you and how he feels about you at any given moment."
Sam and Danny exchanged glances at this, trying to decide if they could truly trust the ghost before them.
"As I said before, the moments his emotions are high – for example when are in trouble," he pointed his staff to Sam, "he is able to summon his ghostly half. But when he finds himself questioning things, or remembering his past – well that's when the human emerges."
Danny looked again to Clockwork, who had aged again as he spoke.
"So, I really have no control over which form I take?" he asked, coming a little closer to their ghostly host.
'What can I say to make him believe me?'
"Right now, that is correct," the ghost replied, looking Danny directly in the eyes and causing him to shiver. "But soon, you will gain control over both forms, even without her help."
He gazed into Danny's blue eyes a second longer before turning away towards his screens. Holding up his staff, he allowed the largest to come on and show the one scene he had memorized.
"That scene! I saw it in your traps, the ones from the future. Why… Now?" Danny asked, floating closer to Clockwork as he watched the ice cream event play out.
"Because that scene is the one that started all this," Sam answered, also coming forward.
'Ahh, she learned something."
"The girl is right. This is the scene that made me realize your fate. The moment I discovered you in two separate timelines and knew you must be important," Clockwork replied never taking his eyes off the screens.
"I have not been able to see every moment that has come before it until it occurred to you in real time. That has never happened before, so naturally at first I could not understand why. But as I learned after your resurrection, it is because of your powers."
"My powers?"
"Yes, boy. You see, when I brought you back, you were a full ghost. I had expected you to be human, as I had witnessed in this scene. Imagine my surprise when you weren't."
"You find a way to finally control resurrections, finally bring people back, and it's not what you expect! You couldn't just be happy it worked?" Danny asked, angrily.
Clockwork glared back at the boy, using every ounce of self control to keep himself from sending Danny flying across the room
"YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO BRING YOU BACK!" he blared, unable to keep his voice down. "I worked for eons to figure it all out. I had everything right! And now you're floating here, telling me to be happy with my mistake?"
He couldn't do it. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep himself from allowing his powers to take control. He held his staff in front of him, the orb at the top emitting a vibrant green glow.
Without another word, Danny suddenly felt himself losing control as he flew backwards across the room, landing against the wall and falling to the ground in pain, a bit of green blood trickling down his forehead.
Sam began to run to Danny but found herself unable to go far as Clockwork raised his staff in anger.
"Let him lay. Let him think. Let him realize that I am right!" the ghost yelled as Sam was forced to return to her previous spot.
Danny slowly stood up as he heard Clockwork's angry voice yelling at Sam. He could feel energy pulsing through his body as he stepped back towards the ghost. But as hard as he tried, he could not bring himself to fully return to his ghost form.
Sensing the struggle the boy was having, Clockwork let out a laugh.
"You think that one burst of anger can bring back your ghost powers? When will you learn that there is so much more to this?"
But even as he watched, Clockwork found himself regretting his recent decisions.
'Why can't you just tell the boy the truth. Let him gain control and fulfill his destiny.'
'His destiny? I still don't even fully know what that means. The book has never once said a thing about WHAT that darkness could be…'
'What if it's…?'
He couldn't finish his thoughts as he found himself pinned against the wall, green eyes glaring down at him.
"I may not have my powers, but I still have my strength! And I am done listening to you ramble about destiny. Either you tell me what's going on or I find someone who can!"
Danny had been able to take advantage of Clockwork's moment of mental confusion and had lunged forward, pinning his adversary into the corner. After a moment with no response he decided to let the ghost go and lifted himself up off the ground. As he did he felt a clunk against his chest and looked down to see the amulet still hung on his neck.
'Of course! That amulet. The dragon! But why isn't it helping me return my powers?'
Danny reached his hand to the amulet and looked at it closer, trying to see if there was anything new he could learn from it. But sadly nothing had changed since the last time he had examined it.
"This amulet. It has somehow been storing my energy, my power. Helping me gain control."
"Precisely." Clockwork said quietly as he raised himself off the ground, his emotions calming after the brief confrontation.
"And yet, it doesn't always work."
"Working is not the correct term, boy. Let's just say, it KNOWS when it's needed, just as it knew when it was needed with the girl," the ghost replied, exasperated.
"The girl?" Danny asked, looking down at it again. "The dragon?"
"What did you think? That it was just another necklace? Ha!" Clockwork allowed himself to age down at this.
"So, it's like everything else, linked to my emotions? My emotions are clearly high right now, so why isn't the stupid thing working?" Danny asked, raising it up as if to take it off.
"Danny! Stop!" Sam yelled, finding Clockwork's power over her diminished as he ran towards him.
"He… he told me once. That humans can't… survive long here. And that amulet, it may be all that's keeping you alive!"
Danny froze, unable to completely take in what she had just said.
'He told you that Sam?'
"That amulet, when it was with the girl. It represented her lost love and the painful memories it held," she continued, much to Danny and Clockwork's surprise.
"And now that you've removed it, you've rid her of that pain and linked it to us instead."
"Sam, how did you…" Danny began, then looked to Clockwork, who had resumed his normal stature, and nodded his head as if to say he was the one who told her.
"Danny. It's linked to your destiny, whatever that may be," she finished, taking another step closer to her boyfriend and holding out her hand.
At her touch Danny felt a jolt of energy once again as he watched a faint glow return to his body.
"I… I… believe you. But I still don't understand. Clearly we're meant to be together, but why can't those feelings help me control this? And what is this darkness I'm supposed to be eliminating?"
Both teens turned, almost forgetting Clockwork's presence in their moment of emotion.
"If all this mushy stuff is over, maybe you could stop and actually listen to me."
"Why would I listen to you?" Danny asked, raising his voice. "You just attacked me for speaking my mind!"
"Well if you would have listened to what I've been saying, I wouldn't have needed to do what was necessary."
'Will he EVER learn that I know best here? That I CAN HELP!?'
"Necessary? That's what you call it now? So, if I say something wrong again are you going to try putting me in time out?" Danny laughed at his own joke.
"Haha boy, you are so, so clever. Just stop for one second and let me talk." He aged himself into his eldest form and lowered himself to the ground at this, trying to come off as less menacing.
Sighing, Danny took a couple of steps forward. "You've got 5 minutes," was all Danny could say, despite his knowledge that there was no obvious way home.
"Daniel, clearly you are still learning. Let me help you regain some control. I can teach you many, many things about your destiny."
Danny looked at Clockwork as he said this, confusion again showing in his face.
"This is coming from someone who just said they didn't understand my powers."
"Well yes, but I understand ghosts, moving on, and legends. And you, son, are all three." He smirked at this, hoping to win over a bit of the boy.
Sam had stayed back but was beginning to panic now, realizing that Clockwork was trying to gain control.
"Danny, don't! Remember, your power is linked to me. I really doubt that he can help you here as much as being in the human world with me could!"
"There is always another way. Always." Clockwork smiled as Danny looked between him and Sam, trying to convince the group, and himself, that this could work.
Sam glared at Clockwork, furious that he would even suggest such a thing after specifically stating that their love was the key.
"But that scene, with the ice cream, it can't happen if you stay here!"
"But time changes, as all things change. That moment is not set in stone. And even if it is, once you master your powers, you will be free to return."
"STOP!" Danny yelled as he closed his eyes, feeling a bit of ghost energy radiate through his body as they turned back to bright green. "BOTH OF YOU STOP! You are acting like children fighting over a toy!" He said, enraged, "And I am NO ONE'S TOY!" Danny began to shiver as his eyes turned back to blue and he slowly fell towards the ground, no longer able to stay afloat. Upon reaching the ground, he continued to sink, although very, very slowly. His confused eyes darted down to his amulet, grasping at the idea that there could be even a small bit of stored energy, but instead it just clanked against his chest, almost as if it was tired. He then looked between the Sam and Clockwork, complete fear on his face.
'At last. His human side is taking over. Let the boy see that there are consequences to his actions. Don't save him… yet,' Clockwork thought as he watched Daniel sink.
"See son, this is what I could teach you. How to control your ghost powers here. After all, when you let your humanity win, you end up losing," Clockwork said, once again revealing the power-hungry nature Danny had come to know as he let himself age down.
Danny continued to look at the ghost as his body slowly sank through the floor, unable to move until finally he felt solid ground. But with that feeling came another feeling he didn't like. A feeling of helplessness that could only mean Clockwork had gained some control.
"Danny! He's been controlling me the same way he is you right now. Grabbing a mental hold and making me do what he wants. I know you can fight this, stand on the ground yourself, without his help!"
Sam stepped forward as she said this, trying to find a way to keep him from sinking through the ground without Clockwork's powers. As she did, she felt a clunk against her neck and remembered the medallion that was keeping her here. She looked down at it, grabbing it in her hands, and then to Danny, who was trying to resist Clockwork's hold, but also didn't want to sink.
"Sam, I, I…" He looked at her and watched her change once again into the Sarah he remembered. "I need his help, if I want to control this. I know it's linked to us, but right now, I need his help…"
"No you don't!" she said loudly as Danny's view of her changed back to Sam and she ran forward, pulling the medallion off her neck and holding it towards him. "You just have to trust me. Trust US. This will work out. We just need to believe that it will."
'If I give him this, he'll survive here without that jerk's help. But… what will happen to me?' She thought for a mere second before acting. Losing all the hesitation and fear from before, she threw her medallion around his neck.
Danny felt its power take hold and was able to let Clockwork's grip on him disappear. His eyes turned back to a green as he watched Sam sink through the ground, much faster than Danny had been, but not before saying her last words to him.
"I love you Danny."
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killerqueenjoy · 5 years
99 Question Tag
okay okay I know i got tagged to do this like a month ago on my main blog by @santonicababy iM SORRY LIN ILY BUT THIS WAS SO DAMN LONG
I sleep in the room where everybodies closets are and they all gotta be closed goddamn do you know how spooky it is to even have one open during the night
my parents do, but alas I don't use them in case they have silicones or sulphates in them because I got a whole lotta curls to protect
if this refers to the sheet protecting the mattress, then my answer is in because how the fuck would you be able to sleep with that moving around???
heck yeah, but for random shit
nee my parents are fancy fuckers who use the coupons on their phone (our local supermarket has a damn app skskksksk)
a bear because its one giant son of a bitch and not millions of tiny motherfuckers and also I've never been stung by a bee and intend to keep it that way because majority of my family seem to be allergic
nope! I have a couple beauty spots on my hands and face but thats kinda it
not really but if I've been told to smile then its 200% dead inside
i find many things annoying
only when i go up and down stairs, but i also try to make sure i step with each foot equally (if that makes sense) and i step on only certain colour tiles when im bored
the real question is have i ever been in the woods? both answers are no
refer to question 12
14)ummmm idk what this question is meant to be curse you Lin
nope, the idea weirds me out
none, this week and in general
one person and a long yet smol doggo size
Eddie from the Rocky Horror Picture Show has been stuck in my head for the whole week so yeah i guess that
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but yeah, anyone can wear anything they want to wear (although a suit made out of meat might not be wise)
dudeeeee scooby doo and tom and jerry are my jam I watch them on the regular (among other things)
uhhm idkkkkk I tend to repress bad movies sksksk
idk shove it in the closet ig at least it will be hidden behind my sexuality
I usually only drink before or after but ig water??? cooldrink if I'm in a restaurant
depends on the nug
How dare you assume i only have one favourite
tbh it depends cos i love pizza and pasta and stuff but then i cannot live with my granny's curries ksksmks
borhap, sing street, rhps, the natm movies, the harry potter movies, any mcu movies
ahhahahahahahha bold of you to assume anyone wants to do that
nope but I was a catrobat which is basically my preschools acrobatics team that was actually really terrible
nahh m8
this week for a transactional task at school (It was in Afrikaans and I got a C skskskks)
omg no
not old enough to drive!
my parents never have for as long as i can remember
cheese because I am actually John Deacon
school nights its 11pm otherwise i dont have one lol
we dont celebrate that here but i rly want to it seems fun!
Ram, which is really cool because im an Aries, so I'm sheep squared
English, Afrikaans (at a basic highschool level), I could speak very vERY basic isiZulu when I was younger but I'm not sure about now, I know a bit of French and Telugu, and I'm gonna start learning Hindi soon!!
i didn't play much with legos and i have no idea what the second one is rip
to an extent
I kept reading Leno as Lenin ffs
I watch them occasionally with my granny, but I don't keep up with them very well (Kasamh Se is my shit tho)
no, im afraid of falling in general tho
My dad and I bop frequently to Never Gonna Give You Up in the car, and also classic bollywood songs (we have even learnt the choreography for some)
i perform
well theres not exactly much space
not sure
most are but thats why i like them
we don't celebrate because we're not Christian (we still eat a lot and exchange presents tho), but it can get stressful if we have to visit extended family, mostly because my extended family loves to insult everything about me so thats great!
not i good sir
never had one, it doesnt appeal to me
a vet
i am a ghost
not that i remember
yes, I take a multi vitamin, a vitamin D pill because I'm vitamin D deficient, and im not sure if this is a vitamin or not but i take evening primrose oil so that im not outwardly a bitch due to pms
i wear slipper socks, because my doggo got jealous of my doggie slippers and murdered them in cold blood
i have one and rarely use it because i forget it exists
a random shirt and pants, though ive been known to kick pants off (ive been doing that since birth), occasionally i manage to get the matching pj set
ive unfortunately never been to a concert before
ive never seen any of these stores in my country
i own neither
Peanuts because thats my doggos name!
no sorry
i went to a bhangra class for about a year, and we performed for our parents at the end of that year (i was in one of the few groups that didnt have to dance in lehengas thank goodness)
probably something creative, but I don't mind as long as they're happy with what they're doing and its not harming others!
never entered one, having to spell out loud makes me anxious
i think so
i wish
my granny burns incense while I'm at school because my mom and i both get really sick when its just been lit and the smell is strong. Going to the temple is a damn nightmare because of it
no, too busy fangirling
oof a long list
Queen, Twenty One Pilots, Waterparks, Frank Iero and the Future Violents (ffs fronk stop changin the name), Panic! at the Disco...to name a few
refer to question 63
sugar cookies
i wouldn't drown, but im no professional either
im doing it right now
I've only ever been to Hindi,Tamil and Telugu weddings and lemme tell you 90% of the time bands flop at those weddings because they can't sing the classics without failing miserably, so DJs are generally better. However, in that case, if a band can perform those songs, then I'd prefer a band ig
yep, a couple of reading contests
nope, not planning on it
dont like olives rip
i can knit!
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in fact, my friends and i are so cool that we're in our schools knitting club (which besides myself, @grandfunnyemopainter and @imjustabruh , only has 2 other members)
lounge or study/library
i guess, its not on my goal list tho
currently in highschool, and in love with the borhap cast, sebastian stan, stephanie beatriz and band members (theres more but yeah)
nope, i have only two ways to deal, be a total pushover or a total bitch
kind of undecided, but i do want more pets
Dark Blue
my dog, shes been ignoring me for about four hours now because I stayed at school for an extra hour (for knitting club!)
@softspaceboibrian @roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg @im-inlovewithmycar do it cowards
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theticklishpear · 6 years
You always have the best advice, so query? I'm starting in on a story that's been bugging me for five years now, but I'm having a bit of trouble with it. Basically it's about a girl (young woman? 19yo) who inherits a decrepit old house from her murdered grandmother. The catch is the house is in an small college town in the rural south and it's populated solely by preternatural beings. Witches, werewolves, fae, kappa, etc. and she doesn't know. By small town I mean 40-70,000, so smallish. (A)
and the college is entirely preternatural beings as well. But MC doesn’t know anything about this because her grandmother married a human and got the hell out of dodge, basically. Anyways the house has a ghost who is not loving the roommate life, and MC just figures she’s got a small kid breaking in and tries to make friends with what is basically an angsty Victorian dude who died young and is bitter* about it and fashion. Anyways I’m struggling with the whole town bit since I grew up in a city and I only lived near a small town once while in a tiny ass college in Indiana for a year. I know I want them to be pretty set in their ways, since a lot of them are super old, and kinda racist in a ‘human?!?!!?’ type way. But beyond that I’m fairly lost? Also plot is killing me. I have a lot of subplots (tea witch? Tea witch!) but no real major plot. Super rambly sorry, but any advice you’ve got would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so like, I realize 40,000 is not what most consider a small town, but I’m basing this off the town near where I went to school. So Madison, Indiana? Which has an amazing downtown totally visit worthy. Thanks again though!!
Or…12,000 people. Where on Earth did I get 40,000??? Sorry ignore that last one. 40,000…. wow.
Thanks for the kind words! I do my best–and don’t worry about rambly. I tend to get rambly, too. Let’s see what I can jump-start for you.
I’m going to start with finding plot in your setting and how to deal with your subplot ideas first and then move on to That Small Town Feeling™ under a cut, if that’s okay.
Finding Plot
Plot is all about finding the story, and the story is sorting out what you want to talk to the audience about. If you’re just looking to show off the town and the scenarios the character has to deal with as she learns where she’s moved to, then you’re probably not looking for a huge, high-stakes, world-changing kind of story–you might be looking for smaller things to showcase the supernatural abilities and characteristics of the people around her.
It might help to think of this more in terms of shorter story arcs that overlap to create a larger picture of her life in this new, strange place. The old SyFy show Eureka is probably a good place to start looking to get a feel for the way these kinds of shorter-arcs-to-paint-a-larger-picture look.
Think about what her goals are in this new place. Why did she come? What is she trying to do? Is she trying to make new friends so she can feel more like she belongs? Is she trying to fix up the house so she can sell it? Is she looking for a job so she can actually afford to live here?
What kinds of conflicts do these goals create with the people in town? Are there folks who are actively opposed to her being in town? How do they react toward her? How do they keep standing in her way? Are there others who welcome her and go out of their way to give her opportunities, thus creating a bit of inter-town tension?
Some of the best initial conflict is going to be with the ghost in the house, obviously. So think about what his goals are and what he wants. How does he go about trying to accomplish those goals? Does he have friends that help him? This doesn’t have to be the whole story arc; at some point she’ll have to find out the nature of the town she’s arrived in, and the arc of dealing with a ghost rather than rowdy kids won’t be so important or intriguing. So how does their relationship change once she finds out his nature? Does he ever help her with anything?
What kinds of conflicts do the creatures’ natures provide for your character? Does she accept their mythic natures well? Does she take it poorly? How do these new identities change how she sees the town or how she interacts with it.
Struggling with “the story you want to tell” but not worldbuildingConcept Is Not PlotFrom Concept to PlotGetting Started with Your Story from @plotlinehotlineThe GOTE MethodHow to Transform Raw Inspiration Into a Solid Novel Plan from David Safford20 Basic Plots from @thewritershandbookNaNo Overview Week: Conflict Resources from @writeblrconnectionsBuilding Tension with the Six Key Components from @hollyhamwrites5 Moral Dilemmas That Make Characters and Stories Even Better
Handling the Ideas
For the ideas about other real Characters™ in town like your tea witch and whatnot, these are perfect characters for scenes! You can explore them through your character’s curiosity without having the weight of building an entire complex plot out for them. If, as you’re writing, they become a recurring character, then consider what they’re doing in the time they’re not “on-screen” with the main story. What are they pursuing? What are they trying to accomplish with their life? What kinds of troubles are they going through?
Not all of their story has to go on the page, but throwing in moments where a character may see them on the street exiting a store, or wearing a new pendant they were given by a partner, or cleaning up a mess made in an attempt at magic (or something) will help to give depth to the character and a feeling that the town continues to live and move and breathe while you take your audience away from them for scenes elsewhere.
If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, think about how these various smaller side characters and ideas interact with what your main character is trying to achieve. Can you build threads of other things going on that your main character only sees parts of that later become the main character’s focus once she’s started to settle in to the weirdness of the town.
If a selkie’s backyard above-ground pool springs a leak and collapses, blocking off the street out of the character’s neighborhood, you’ve not only created an obstacle toward your main character’s goals, but also provided a hook for your character to go do something with that character. Or maybe several side characters are working together toward something, and while you follow the main character’s struggle with a fae contractor’s refusal to install wrought iron railings in the antique staircase, the side characters’ plan fails and things happen in town that the main character has to handle or is impacted by later when she’s out trying to accomplish something else.
Small Town Feeling
Okay, so Madison, IN is just shy of 12,000 people, like you said. In your initial ask, though, you mention the town for your story being approximately 40-70,000 people, which is a rather large difference. So I’m not entirely sure if you mean to base your story off 12,000 or ~55,000, but I assume you’re going for kind of the smaller end of things, maybe 30-45,000.
I grew up moving every two years, and I’ve lived in two towns of the size you’re talking about, and in fact, one of those two towns is where I’m living now, so I’m fairly well equipped to talk to you about some things about towns that size. (One was ~60,000; where I live now is ~55,000 centered around a university, with a small add-on town that’s growing into this one that’s ~14,500.) My grandparents also live in a small university town that’s a little over 30,000 whom I visit on a regular basis. Unfortunately, none of these were in the south–they’ve all been in the west–so while I’ve been in the south, I’m not entirely sure how some of these things change for that locality. Obviously, these are generalizations; they can be twisted, bent, exaggerated, ignored, whatever you want to fit your story. It’s all believable here.
Everybody knows where everything is in town, and they forget that new folks don’t know that the Brass Rail restaurant used to be an old train station. This means that people always say things like, “Oh, it’s down where [a non-existent store] used to be.” And that means nothing to the new person. “Great. What’s around it now?” Or, “Have you been to that new place where the [non-existent thing] was?” …. “Maybe?? Where is it?”
There are a couple of “main drags” in town, and at least two of them involve the street names “Main” and/or “Center.” The rest are named after location-relevant historical people or places. There’s usually the commercial drag, the old downtown drag, and the university drag. (I mention this one particularly because you mentioned there’s a college in this town. There are distinctly different amenities around the university than around the rest of the town.) They vary in how nice they are and take pride in either their ability to maintain the facilities (in the commercial districts) or in how long they’ve survived in the town (in the old downtown districts).
Changes at the university are the Talk of the Town forever and people who work at the university never get to hear of anything else because everyone wants your opinion on the latest department name changes and the removal of the extremely-dangerous-but-extremely-nostalgic landmark on campus. Universities and colleges employ a lot of people, so parking hang-tags are a common sight around town, and can be a hot-ticket item for car theft. If someone new moves to town, it’s safe to assume they’re either a student, a university employee, or working at one of the packing plants (or in our case, the semi-conductor plant) in town. People will talk about those changes for years past when anyone cares.
Stores tend to be a mix of mainstream and homegrown. Where I live right now is about 50/50, but the smaller it gets, the more homegrown stores there’ll be. And a lot of those homegrown stores will have strange stock lists. You’ll get a yarn store with hardware in the corner, and an old-fashioned candy store attached to a specialty clothing boutique attached to a seasonal decorations store. It can get weird and quirky.
Going to other nearby towns/cities isn’t a big deal. Everybody has to go at some point for something, because there just isn’t a shop for everything in town. Driving an hour (probably closer in the south, tbqh; the west is very far-flung) to the next town isn’t new, and it’s not treated as anything special. You just do it.
Roads are not in great condition and they never will be. Smaller towns do not have the monetary infrastructure to be able to keep the roads nice even within town, and that means all over town, not just isolated to poorer communities within town. The main drags may have pot holes or sink holes open up that are enough to take out your car, and it may take months for the city to fix them. And even then? The fix was pouring road surfacing into the hole until it looked level, but that road surfacing isn’t concrete and it sinks and compresses over time. That pot hole will be back in a matter of days, weeks, or months if you’re lucky. It won’t be as bad, but it sure will dip your car.
The streets don’t make sense sometimes. Some sections do–some are convenient grids, particularly around the university–but some sections are weirdly meandering. Some parts of town seem to be where the state decided to dump all their one-way signs, which results in either a lot of backtracking or out-of-towners driving the wrong way. Stop signs are common. Stop lights are reserved for major drags and intersections, otherwise it’s a 4-way stop. But it does seem like the city is always evaluating whether they need a stop light–the long black wires stretched across a street to gauge how many cars drive through are very common–regardless of whether one actually gets put in. Where sections of town grew into each other wind up with really weird junctions, and sometimes they get nicknamed. “It’s in that complex of buildings down by the wiggly bit” is a legit direction to give someone. Don’t worry about your town layout being perfect. Downtowns are particularly notorious for poor layout.
Special note: My town is where the state comes to test new road layouts, interchanges, and junctions, so we have a lot of weirdness going on. When I say don’t worry about your layout, I freaking mean it. Towns are weird.
Roads are 2-lanes most of the time, by which I mean 1 lane each way. Main drags are usually 4 (2 both ways) with a middle turn lane for a total of 5. That’s it. It doesn’t usually get bigger than that, and that’s usually at the commercial drag.
Outside city limits isn’t that far away, and while it’s mostly farms and whatnot, there are reasons to head out that way. Sometimes it’s faster to go out to the back roads to get home than it is to go down the main drags.
There’s an absurd amount of pride for something trivial about the town. There’s a festival each year for something weird. There’s events around town for things that would never happen elsewhere. The farmer’s market is A Destination (it’s nothing particularly special, but folks talk about it like it is). The rotary club is a visible entity (and it’s a little weird just how visible they are).
There’s a definite culture about the town. Attire for certain events heightens or relaxes depending on not only the size of town but the location within the country. There are expectations about How Things Are Done that don’t change. Holding on to the past is how they know they’ve survived, so they cling to it. There’s a prevailing slant of political opinions and religious practice, with a small smattering of other minorities that most folk ignore. Some of those minorities are LOUD, though, and that can grate on folks. In a university town, they tend to be a bit more accepting of other ways of life and belief, but mostly because “accepting” can just be “ignoring without actively disliking.” Don’t rock the boat and we won’t rock you.
You are known. This obviously isn’t a thing isolated to small towns, but it’s noticeable. People in towns this size all mingle in the same places–everybody has habits and routines, and you become a part of that with time. You wind up with relationships with your serving staff at restaurants and you know when certain grocery store clerks have their shifts. Heck, I don’t go in to the Perkins here in town that often, but the manager knows me and comes to talk, and when I need to reserve space for our NaNo group every November, I don’t even have to say anything. When I come in in October, she just sits down at my table with her book to schedule the group in. I left a scarf there and when I came in three days later, she just handed it to me over the counter without me having to see if they’d seen it. People know you, and the world is small: They know everybody else, too.
There are a few well-known figures in town that maybe not everyone has met, but they all know who they are. The McKee family runs the pet store and plant nursery on the main drag, and they’ve been running it so long that when you say you’re a McKee, everyone asks you about the store. Gloria Howell is the best real estate agent in town and everybody got their house from her. Tom runs one of the coffee shops downtown but he’s also the in-town LGBTQIA+ front-man, so to speak. Everybody knows him and everybody’s got their opinions.
If there’s anything more specific you’re looking for advice on in regards to your town, please let me know. These are just basic generics since the question wasn’t very specific. Good luck and have fun! -Pear
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Get to know me!
I got tagged in a goshdarn thing by the awesome @thisdaywasfun ! Go give him some love! ^-^
Name: Kyle
Nickname: Grumpy (it's very ironic)
Gender: Male
Height: 5′10
Middle Name: Don't even have one... 
Average Hours Spent Sleeping: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Dogs or Cats: Cats are okay... But have you seen doggos??
Dream Trip: A sunny place but not too hot. So probably a city break into Europe somewhere! I'll be cafe hopping like a motherfucker!
Put your iTunes Spotify on shuffle. First 6 songs!                                 
Memories - Panic! At The Disco (OMF NOSTALGIA)
That Man - Caro Emerald
Carry On - Avenged Sevenfold
Filthy Rotten Scoundrel - Deaf Havana (NOSTALGIA)
Girls & Boys - Good Charlotte (Fucking hell, nostalgia trip)
Whatsername - Green Day (I am so happy with this.)
Grab the book nearest you and turn to page 23. What’s line 17?
"What happened was he caught her shoplifting deodorant. The quid pro quo they'd agreed on had been fairly straightforward and unsurprising; she gave him oral sex, he let her go." Sleeping Beauties - Stephen King + Owen King. This probably isn't the best insight into my reading... it's a horror book, I swear.
Ever had a poem or song written about you? I don't think so... someone write me a poem and you'll be my favourite person ever
Who is your celebrity crush? Tyler Hoechlin, Chris Evans, Tom Hardy, Henry Caville, I used to have a thing for Hugh Jackman before he became a veiny cloud...
What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
I love crisp sounds like shutting certain containers and fridges. I also love the sound of certain words... Bubbly, thrust, chunk, moist. MOIST.
Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Ghosts are a difficult thing to prove... weird shit happens but it can't be proven or disproven... it just IS... but I doubt it. I'm not religious so souls and all that don't really seem legitimate for me.
Aliens are a definite yes. Come on, guys. We can't be this fucking self centred that we don't believe in life in any other part of the known (and unknown) than Earth. Like seriously.
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? I'm learning now! Three lessons in and I haven't even stalled! WOOP WOOP!
What was the last book you read? Stephen King's IT
Do you like the smell of gasoline? NOPE. The smell of coffee shops though. Yes.
What was the last movie you saw? 
CREEP 2. It was okay... I guess...
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
Broken my collar bone! I was being chased by a girl proportionally much larger than myself... I fell... she fell on top of me... *CRACK*
Do you have any obsessions right now?
Unofficial Pokémon fan-games. Give them all to me. ALL OF THEM. ALL SUGGESTIONS CONSIDERED!
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
I don't forget being hurt but I don't like making people suffer. If I can see they aren't sorry then it's BYE. Chuck them out, close the door, don't just let them keep shitting on your kitchen floor! NO NEED FOR NEGATIVITY IN LIFE.
In a relationship? 
YES! With my lovely bf Rob! We make food together and play Shovel Knight and Diablo. We also binge Ru Paul It's sooo goooood.
When I made this account?:
I think it was like 4 years ago... no idea though... time is an illusion, you fuck
Number of Followers:
As of right now I'm at 2,624!
I'm gonna tag: @flannelsnskunks, @colbycub, @flyfella, @rahmixx, @let-them-eat-cake-cake-cake-cake, @traviskduran! Anyone else can feel free to do it too! ^-^
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dearnormajean · 3 years
I rise up
dear norma jean,
I have not forgotten you, but I have let myself fall and almost forgot how to get back up. I am doing better now. It’s a process, that doesn’t come with instructions, so I will fall. I just have to remember to get back up again. Another reminder is that to ask for help, and share my vulnerabilities with those I trust, does not make me weak. Living with this on my own does.
Last Friday was my last session with my therapist before she leaves for her 3 month maternity leave (which of course could be longer depending on myriad of things). While I am so happy for her new adventure in life, I am also worried about how I will handle my mental health needs. I've spent about a week coming up with a plan. One awesome thing about anxiety is that you can think of every scenario that may ever come up. I set up some stuff in place, and I felt pretty darn proud of myself, when my therapist seemed impressed with my growth. Last time, when she went to away for her PhD, I was pretty nonchalant. I mean, I survived 35+ years without her. Yeah, surviving is what I am good at, but was I thriving? Anyway, that's where I have been. I have been reading so you don't you all worry. If I can’t read, then I know I'm in trouble. Reading gets me through a lot. It anchors my mind and soul.
I have been taking free courses in journaling, mindfulness, guided mediations, nature talks, history lectures, Black studies, support groups, book events and book clubs. I am hoping to gain resources to help me in my time away from my therapist. I want to take this time to take all that we have discusses, the resources she has given me and pair it up with creativity. I want to have purpose. I feel like most of my life I have drifted to things, or forced myself away from things that may look too flighty or even talked myself out of things because I think I will fail before I even try. In doing so, I may have missed out on my purpose. But it is never too late, and I am going to be honest with what I want for myself, and if I fail...I fail. How someone sees me is not my worth or my problem. I already have me to deal with, and that’s enough right there.
Soooooo, look what I also did! I have organized myself....and am hoping I can get into a routine. I read somewhere it takes 8 weeks to form a habit (I also could have heard myself saying to myself, and thinking it's a thing). I feel like I wait for January to get myself sorted, and when I don't I just get overwhelmed and hard on myself. I tend to not pick myself up again. It is June, the halfway mark to the year, a start of my hot girls who write and read summer.
At the top of the pile - with a salmon pinky-orange - is my writing journal. I am making it a priority to write. Whether it's poetry, personal essays, a short story, I want to make writing an important part of my life again. In my teens, I wrote every day. I have some of the stuff I wrote, but most I threw away deeming it unworthy. Fun fact about me - I liked to write creep horror stories. One of my first stories I wrote was about a hitchhiking ghost. I really wish I would have kept that. I am going to be working on poetry a lot. It's something that I thought I was horrible at, and seemed so diva-ish, I never really wanted to do it. Yet, I wrote a lot of poems, many on the fly. Hearing feedback on it, I might actually be a poet. I remember my two creative writing teachers in college, really pushed me to send my work out. I sent it to one, got a rejection, and was ready to kill that part of me. I also became so focused on finding my purpose in life, career wise, I kind of missed that this may be one part of it. I have been published in an online magazine and print, so I am not sure why my self doubt creeps in so bad. I will keep you all posted as motivation for me to keep going.
The sassy hot pink journal is actually my notebook of whatever. I am bad at remembering stuff and lists. I put it on stickies and forget where I stuck it, and have piles of paper neatly stacked so I never get to it. I try not to be on my phone, and I hate taking notes on it so this is my "remember this shit, Kris" book. Also, taking down rough notes to put in a more cohesive way later.
The longer pink notebook is my journaling - mental health/nature/faith. I am hoping to get into expressive journaling that can help me release my thoughts, and hopefully also get my creative juices flowing. I have a sketch book as well to do some drawings
The last, but definitely not the least, and the one you may be interested in is my reading journal. In there are my goals, challenges, book clubs, book events, books I come across, recommendations from others. I won't be putting reviews in there as I have this and Goodreads, but it is more my personal goals on reading. I will take some pictures to show on here, but my phone is being very dramatic about the amount of "space" I use - which I don't think is much. I forget that my mini iPad has a camera so I will take some shots with it to show you what I am doing. It's not super fancy, but I wanted to dip my toe in. I am a perfectionist. You would not think that of me, but I am. I tend to not do things because I think I will fail or I won't be good enough. I see other people with reading journals that look soooooo amazing, and then look at my washabi tape all crooked and ask why I bother. For the next twelve months I am going on a journey of self-compassion. I want to invite you on that journey with me, but no pressure if that is too much for you. One lesson I have learned from my therapist is that I may be too much for some people, and that’s okay, because for others I am enough. I will be putting up my boundaries and working on my anger that shows up as resentment and trauma.
Just to warn you about triggers...I will be discussing my anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, childhood trauma, domestic violence (as witness and survivor) and there are two more that I am not ready to be public with...yet. I will be doing some of my writing on here, especially poetry. I will try to be mindful of triggers and post warnings.
If you took the time to read to this point, thank you. You have helped me be open and honest to the world and get to an authentic self. I am broken, but I can heal and mend.
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koshertumtum · 7 years
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
Rebel Song by Sinead O'Connor
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Michelle Obama
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
4: What do you think about most? galaxies
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
"so ratchet" - Taylah
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? depends how uncomfortable i get
7: What’s your strangest talent? knowing the lyrics of all the songs to MLP s1-3
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence) nO
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? nay
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? like grade 6
11: Do you have any strange phobias? i don't think so???
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? pen?
13: What’s your religion? science
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? bike riding, walking, high as balls
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? both
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Fleetwood Mac
17: What was the last lie you told? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
18: Do you believe in karma? sort
19: What does your URL mean? means noneyadamnbusiness
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? weakness would be my anxiety, strength is probably my enthusiasm once i'm comfortable
21: Who is your celebrity crush? it's so cliche and annoying but chris pratt
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? uH yeah man all the time
23: How do you vent your anger? breathing
24: Do you have a collection of anything? i have marbles
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? aw video chatting is cute
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? yes
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? white noise, deleting cones
28: What’s your biggest “what if”? death
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? both of these are good!!!
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. my wall
31: Smell the air. What do you smell? coldness
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? :000 ????
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? west coast bc lana del ray knows what she's taking about and i don't
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? 2chainz
35: To you, what is the meaning of life? knowledge
36: Define Art. a painting, structure, sound, or other creation that expresses an artist(s) feelings or represents a time, space or location. (it can also be a lot of other things, it's very broad)
37: Do you believe in luck? not really
38: What’s the weather like right now? COLD!
39: What time is it? 9:23pm
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? naH fuck cars
41: What was the last book you read? i forget what it was called 'Sea of Love' something or other, and it was very good.
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? no
43: Do you have any nicknames? Gibby
44: What was the last film you saw? Bojack Horseman???
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? my BOWELS
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? jas
47: Do you have any obsessions right now? Rick and Morty
48: What’s your sexual orientation? bisexual
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? not really a rumour but i cackled when someone said i was into hard drugs
50: Do you believe in magic? wtf yeah
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? i try not to
52: What is your astrological sign? sagittarius !!
53: Do you save money or spend it? depends how i am
54: What’s the last thing you purchased? $20 worth of sushi for ellie and i
55: Love or lust? both
56: In a relationship? no funk u
57: How many relationships have you had? 2
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? no :-(
59: Where were you yesterday? Ellies, we set up the fish tank
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? yes, a giant unicorn head
61: Are you wearing socks right now? no
62: What’s your favourite animal? Emu
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? uhh??
64: Where is your best friend? East Brisbane
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. i don't have
66: What is your heritage? White™
((i'm australian, were basically mongrels))
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? slep
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name? Satan
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? with honesty, im the only person who's ever gotten me 'off'
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? yeah i guess so
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? i am unemployed
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. love
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? any Marina and The Diamonds
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? 1017
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? communication
77: How can I win your heart? dogs
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? yes :)
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? adopting Moe
80: What size shoes do you wear? 7 1/2
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? bye bitch
82: What is your favourite word? the
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. arteries
84: What is a saying you say a lot? morty
85: What’s the last song you listened to? Home by The Jungle Giants
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? pink
87: What is your current desktop picture? Paul Rudd in Tim and Eric's computer skit
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? Donald Trump
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? do u love me ((LMAO))
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? oh hey boys you want some tea
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? shapeshifting!!!
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? acid time at Ella's
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? Selena Gomez but i'd only sleep with her, just girl times.
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Rome
96: Do you have any relatives in jail? nA
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? Almost
98: Ever been on a plane? yee
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? penis
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winds--of--change · 7 years
Wanderer: Why?
Actor: Because people don't get out of their habitus
Wanderer: ...
Actor: You understand right, "birds with same feather flock together", that's very true, you tend attract like-minded things/people, creating a zone, your comfy place, one that is where you belong. There are different zones, all kinds of habitus, but think about it, even if you leave one and enter something new, you enter that particular new one because it conjures up something similar to the old one, "you can never get away from your habitus" and once you go somewhere else you will choose to be where familiar/or actually recreate a version of your habitus.
Wanderer: You mean, after all experiences and all changes, doing all different things or being in different places and all you actually just always live in your own habitus?
Actor: Admit it, we live off from habitual socialization, even if you travel somewhere completely far away from your own home, it doesn't mean you are now a completely new person living in a completely 'new' environment different from your old one, actually you just carry the habitus with you and make your new place similar to what you have already had. That's you, Wanderer.
Wanderer: ...
Actor: Don't you see we are different, I am an Actor, you are an Individual, if you go somewhere you bring your own identity into that place, negotiation, readjustment, but you always retain something that is yours. By contrast, Actor has no personality, simply we are just no one, we are just nothing, we are whoever we become as part of the habitus we have to enter. Don't you see, I entered that drama group then I became the mean girl like the other, now I entered Yoshinoya and I became like other Vietnamese young students who came here for language schools, I acted like one and got treated like one by the Japanese. I just take in whatever there from the habitus I enter as I enter different habitus, usually people would not enter a completely different habitus from the one they used to live in, they would be prone to go somewhere familiar no matter how different and far-away the new habitus is from the previous one, as interesting and surprisingly true as it is, you would always find something similar even if you go for the most bizarre different, because you automatically subconsciously search for the familiar. Trust me. Just like how all of my friends from MA or Undergrad, they would never become one of those workers in such a place as a fast-food chain-restaurant.
Wanderer: Yeah right. Don't you think the fact that draws you to start your life in that habitus, it's actually because there's something in you familiar to that one, your old habitus for example, or certain kind of mentality from what you used to live with, the Vietnamese habitus for example.
Actor: Yes you are right, after all I am not in the same habitus with my MA friends I guess, we are still different from each other even though we are drawn to each other into same 'habitus' called MA GPGS.
Wanderer: ...okay so what's your point of talking here lol you are not an actor a real actor like those movie stars or something because after all even you play the Actor in your life by entering somewhere something, it is still because you are drawn to it for a certain familiarity in habitus that you have lived through.
Actor: I guess I am fake actor in that sense.
Wanderer: .... That's it?! To support your argument? Man you defend your statement pretty weakly I think, already gave in?!
Actor: I just had an urge to write down something about habitus, that's why, not exactly mean to defend anything...
Wanderer: ... ...
Actor: But the fact that one who is an actor takes in colors of someone who is supposed to must act so in the habitus they enter, is precise.
Wanderer: But different from real movies, in reality actors are still those prone to enter where they are somewhat familiar with, be it subconsciously or automatically, they still 'choose' the habitus they enter. I think.
Actor: But who actually has no personality, then become actors more easily than wanderers then, because they don't have strong individuality and egos to retain what is theirs in new habitus.
Wanderer: Those who are prone to become actors are just due to the fact they are kinda weak-minded and colorless and so easy to become someone else's colors or be influenced by other minds then. Wait actually unless you act knowing very well you are acting, then you are called an actor, if not, if you just act out unconsciously due to social inducement, can you call yourself 'actor'? Or just...hmm...'follower', 'shadower'?
Actor: Yeah but you could one day 'snap' out of it and leave the habitus, so does it just mean the actor was just so into the play he forgot himself an actor and instead, he played himself as if he was one of the 'real' habitus resident? Because seriously, I knew in the beginning what I was aware, I already got...hmm 'an opinion' but somehow along the line, I just went with the flow acting the way I did, forgetting my beginning standpoint. That means a real actor, not fake one no?
Wanderer: I mean, in reality everyone, no matter what idea they have from the beginning before entering a habitus, I think along the way they always get influenced somehow and really 'become' part of the habitus somehow, after all that is what socialization is all about, and you can never get away from socialization as a human being for we are all born from it, into it, and 'for' it. Think about it, and take the movie 'Closer' as example, when she is Alice, she really 'is' Alice no? Only till she gets OUT of the habitus does she go back to Jane Johns again? Before that she stays true to herself as an 'Alice'.
Actor: Depending on the level of how much we are "aware" of what we act I guess, that it measures what degree to which we involve ourselves to the new habitus. But as said, in reality we would be prone to the familiar habitus, not a completely distinguished one from what we usually have... ... Man so that is true, as my advisor who is Professor in Sociology said, 'you could never get away from your habitus', never. Just like how Murakami once said you could never get away from yourself. I could never get away from my 'Vietnamese-ness' then also the theories on 'actor' would be very questionable then, who proposed it again, I think George Simmel on 'four types of characters' the wanderer, actor, player and whatever yeah? In society there is in fact no actor then, people act for certain extent yet, not to a completely different thing from they used to be. In 'Breakfast at Tiffany's Holly Golightly would not weep in devastation for Fred, her brother because as a 'Holly Golightly' presumably she would not know anyone who is Fred, a brother from the army for it then means it is connected to her old identity yeah? As she received the letter of Fred's death from her old husband with whom she married as ... damn what was her name again before she left the husband to New York City and built herself as a 'Holly Golightly' T_T
Wanderer: Man if this continues on, I feel like my mind is gonna blown up lol can we go back to finish 'Ghost Protocol' T_T and then start making schedule for next week, and you need start working on your RA tasks asap, replying to your professor's email too...
Actor: Damn don't get me thinking about it now >_
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makeste · 4 years
Who is the bitch in the first year hero courses most down for murder, do you think? Surprisingly, despite being the only one to actually MAKE death threats, I'm mot sure Bakugou is all that high up there? When you've got Todo freezing people from the inside out, Mushroom Girl choking people, Honenuki drowning people and dropping industrial chimneys on them etc etc... What would your rankings be?
what better way to spend a Sunday evening than by ranking all of U.A.’s first-year students by murder.
disclaimer: I am doing this for fun and this entire post is ridiculous so please do not take it too seriously. also just a heads up, this post contains some recent manga spoilers as well as a couple of spoilers for Heroes Rising. now then, let’s quantify these bloodthirsty little savages.
okay so despite being entirely too plus ultra for their own good, approximately 99% of these kids would never dream of doing any kind of permanent harm to another living being. so I’m just listing the first thirty in no particular order, and then we’ll get to ranking the top ten.
despite having that brief moment in chapter 167 where virtually everyone thought he was a serial killer, Aoyama is actually a good boy. a bit stalkerish, maybe.
Mina did dream up that one attack where Ochako floats her up in the air so that she can rain acid down on people, which is slightly homicidal. but she’s not a killer. honestly if she was we’d all be dead already. see: thicc Girl Noumu.
if Tsuyu had ever killed someone she would have already told everyone all about it because she is open about these things so safe to say she is not a killer.
all Ochako wants to do is help and support people. she can be pretty hardcore from time to time but my baby girl would never. not to say that villain wouldn’t be a good look on her. I still get a shiver up my spine remembering that one time Toga turned into her and demonstrated exactly how deadly her quirk could be.
nah. the worst thing Ojiro has ever done was throwing his empty plain yogurt cup into the wrong recycling bin by accident, and he felt terrible about it afterward.
real talk, Kaminari could very easily kill a ton of people with his quirk if he actually tried. but he hasn’t, because he is only two and is too busy learning his shapes and colors and leaving his lego duplo blocks all over the carpet for other people to trip on.
do I even have to justify this at all. duh Kirishima doesn’t murder people sorry to anyone who came into this post all excited to read a big paragraph going off about Kiri’s raw bloodlust. I don’t know what you expected.
Kouda is probably deadlier than everyone thinks. imagine him commanding, say, a mob of giant hornets to swarm and kill someone. it’s a good thing he wouldn’t actually hurt a fly.
I sat here for a while thinking about what I could say about Satou. but just. can you picture him killing a guy? nah, me neither.
one of the things I like about Shouji is that he looks older than he is, and kind of creepy, what with the masked face and the freaky tentacle arms and all the like. and so he very likely experienced some of that good old fashioned quirk racism growing up, and people were afraid of him and/or thought he would become a villain. but instead he decided to become a hero. and I think that says so much about Shouji’s character. it reminds me a lot of Shinsou; his desire to become a hero was so strong that he overcame prejudice and circumstances which could just have easily have led to him becoming a villain (and in fact, it’s not all that different from some of the actual villain backstories). anyway so yeah no murder for him.
I think she would consider killing anyone who ever hurt Momo or Kami, but aside from that NO because she is a good pure girl who loves music and rocking out and putting smiles on people’s faces.
poor Sero is so not-murdery that when he does get pitted against someone with more murdery energy such as Todoroki, he basically gets immediately overwhelmed and everyone is just kind of wincing and then timidly applauding him and saying “good try.” that’s Sero’s life. he would just sit there and get murdered rather than going in for the kill. he’s a good bro.
needs several restraining orders filed against him, but wouldn’t actually kill someone.
well one time she did explode a grenade in Aizawa’s face. but no.
now we have come to the 1-B kids. I will give brief descriptions in case you, like me, sometimes have trouble remembering their names. so, Awase! the welding, Momo-rescuing one. he is not murdery.
the rotating limbs one. one of the least murdery kids in the fairly murderous 1-B on account of his quirk is just too ridiculous. sorry Sen.
the Tokoyami one. more likely to bore you to tears talking about death than actually kill someone. which is too bad because he honestly would make a pretty bitching assassin.
would say she’s probably in the top fifteen. god I love her quirk so much. just want her to slap some bitches to death. but she probably wouldn’t.
the growly monster one. he does get some bonus points for tending to lose control once he goes full beastmode and werewolfs out. and he is fairly deadly.
the roly poly double smashy one. it’s actually only a matter of time before Shouda kills someone, most likely. his quirk is way too dangerous, and the thing is, it’s probably hard for him to tell how dangerous a particular impact is going to be beforehand. one of these days it’s gonna be way stronger than he intends and somebody’s neck is gonna get snapped.
never forget that time Pony stabbed Ojiro and Shouji like a dozen times and everybody was just cool with it.
the air platform one. he did try to suffocate Kouda that one time.
only if he’s fighting Shouto. or teamed up with Shouto. then all bets are off as to whether or not he’s going to drill his superheated steel fist right through somebody’s face.
the severed limbs one. she just has kind of a murdery vibe to her. stalking everyone with her various body parts. yuuugh. I bet if she did kill someone nobody would ever be able to prove it was her.
the speech bubble head one. is going to destroy so much public and private property once he’s set loose on the streets. but no deaths.
the glue one. and nah, Bondo is cool.
the Ant-Man one. doesn’t strike me as particularly murderous, I even went and reread her part of the joint training arc to confirm it. she’s fine.
the kung fu dragon one. not especially murdery. overall probably one of the least bloodthirsty in class 1-B in fact.
the vines one. she’s extremely murdery. I can’t be the only one who thinks that, can I? Shiozaki scares the shit out of me. if I were Kaminari I would have nightmares about her.
would murder every single member of class 1-A if he could. would be the criminal in a Detective Conan two-parter. would give a long monologue about always being the side character and never in the starring role until one day he finally couldn’t take it anymore and snapped. why does his hero costume make it look as though he’s going to steal a bunch of famous jewels out from under everyone’s noses. nah but I’m just kidding and Monoma would never actually kill someone. but one day he’s probably going to be framed for murder by a villain and Kendou and Shinsou will have to team up to defend him and catch the real culprit.
10. Yanagi
the creepy pale ghost-girl-looking one. contrary to what you are probably all thinking, her high ranking isn’t just because of her general horror film vibe, but also because she attempted to bludgeon Mina to death during the joint battle arc. but also yes it is because of her general horror film vibe.
9. Kamakiri
the stabby one. he’s up here because I’m pretty sure he tried to kill Jirou that one time. like what was he even gonna do if Bakugou hadn’t stepped in. though to be fair I don’t think he actually had his knives out at the time so maybe he was just gonna elbow her in the face or something idk.
8. Bakugou
I agree with you that Bakugou is much more bark than bite, anon. and not only is he remarkably careful and precise with his quirk and good at avoiding any collateral damage (and even better IMO ever since his supplementary training), I think that due to his various struggles with being perceived as a villain and also trying to find his own understanding of what being a hero means, he’s probably more self-aware than most of the other kids at this point when it comes to matters of “is this morally okay.” so in spite of his generally violent demeanor, I very much doubt he ever would or could actually kill someone. but he’s in the top ten because his high shounen protagonist levels do place him in the “would potentially go apeshit if and when something happened to someone he cares about” category, though. and also because he and Deku did basically attempt to disintegrate Nine, and then when Nine just dropped off the face of the earth afterwards, no one even bothered to wonder what had happened to him. which leads me to wonder if Deku and Katsuki straight up assume they did in fact kill him and just dgaf.
7. Deku
see above re: Nine. and also he may have to kill AFO one day. so while he probably wouldn’t be happy about it, I think he could still potentially do it. and also because he absolutely does lose his gotdamn mind every time someone hurts one of his friends, and especially Kacchan, and I could picture him just snapping if something really awful ever actually did happen. I don’t think it would in canon because it’s just way too dark, but I don’t think it’d be out of character if he did.
6. Iida
literally tracked down the villain who attacked his brother with the full intent of personally killing said villain once he got his hands on him. true, Shouto and Deku talked him out of it in the end, but still. that was some real motherfucking killing intent. also I will never forget the image of this kid sitting his ass down in middle of the woods and mutilating his own goddamn body without any anesthesia. listen, everyone. just please, for your own safety, do not fuck with Iida.
5. Shouto
and now we reach the top five. listen, feel free to disagree, but I stand firm in my belief that out of all the non-traitor and non-demon-possessed children in class 1-A, Todoroki Shouto is absolutely the most likely to straight up just kill a bitch one day. this boy froze a man from the inside out until a tower of fucking ice was jutting out of his fucking throat, and was all “go ahead and hibernate for a while” like excuse me, THE FUCK. and the thing is, this wasn’t just a one-time occurrence either; he literally pulls this kind of shit ALL THE TIME. froze an entire fucking building with his classmates in it and was all “feel free to bring it on but fighting without the soles of your feet will be painful.” heh. what the fuck. and do you all remember when he fought Sero and was in a bad mood so he iced half the fucking stadium. nearly killed a few people right then and there. “I got carried away.” whaaaaaaat. and I could go on and on; he nearly burned poor Shindou alive, and basically the entirety of chapter 205 could have been submitted as evidence in a court of law had that training battle against Tetsutetsu gone only slightly differently. basically Shouto is an entirely too realistic portrayal of a very sweet but marginally unstable boy with a completely broken power and a shitload of unresolved personal trauma which he is still working through.
4. Honenuki
somehow more murdery than Todoroki “HIBERNATE!!” Shouto. this is entirely because of chapter 205, formerly the most murdery chapter of the entire series, and dethroned only by the recent chapter 266 for obvious reasons. anyway so during the joint training battle, Honenuki bludgeoned Todoroki in the back of the head and would probably have let his unconscious body slump into the softened ground to drown had Iida not saved him. he then proceeded to drop a water tower on top of the both of them. a whole-ass water tower. this was a fucking training exercise. and Honenuki was the only one who kept his calm throughout the entirely of said exercise. and he was praised for his calm murdering skills afterward. because he was fucking awesome tbh. anyway but the point is this is supposed to be a hero school not an assassin school but I’m not really sure anymore you guys.
3. Tokoyami
my man would have straight up killed Moonfish in that forest and sure did try his best. he’s got the same issue as Todoroki in that his quirk is as powerful as it is unstable. and while he himself is not murdery, when Dark Shadow loses control, though… hooooh boy. I was gonna add something about him also interning under Takami “literally stabbed my friend in the neck for the greater good” Keigo, but I think that makes them both come off as more sinister than they actually are. I do think a big part of Tokoyami’s story is him overcoming his inner darkness and wresting control of it and mastering it, so I don’t think it’s very likely that he actually will kill someone in the story. but he’s got a murdery side, no two ways about it.
2. Toadette
straight up filled Tokoyami’s windpipe with mushrooms during a training exercise. he uses that to breathe, fyi. she then offered him a lozenge afterward. do not fuck with Toadette. do not. just don’t.
1. Hagakure
last but not least! Hagakure “hasn’t killed anyone officially but is also definitely the traitor” Tooru! y’all know how it is! I’m committed to this theory! I’d even be willing to put money on a reveal scene where she does just straight up kill someone, and that’s our cliffhanger establishing that the traitor is none other than! and this is coming up sooner than you might think too, guys. Horikoshi brought up the traitor again relatively recently during the Christmas Eve chapter, and that kind of foreshadowing isn’t for nothing. anyways I’m here for it though so bring on that body count you funky little turncoat.
so there you have it. my not-that-definitive definitive ranking of classes 1-A and 1-B by murderous inclination. there’s really not that much rhyme or reason to it tbh but this was fun, thank you anon!
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