#also adoptive parents are just as awesome too!
kathaynesart · 5 months
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I'm sick as a dog, but at least it gave me the time to stay home and finish this update! This special though is definitely going to be lasting through into the new year, but I figure I would rather take the time to see it to completion rather than try to stuff it into some arbitrary date. It was so fun finally getting to do Casey Sr and Raph though. I wanted to give these two some time to shine since we see so little of them in Replica.
I will admit... I've never been a big fan of the dumpster baby scenario for Casey Jr. It's not a bad scenario at all! Plenty of amazing stories have used it and it certainly embraces the "found family" theme of TMNT. It just always seemed a little unrealistic given the harsh state of the world (or at least as unrealistic as you can get in a story about brain aliens and mutant turtles haha). It's certainly an easier and simpler setup (removes the dad out of the picture for sure) but I wonder sometimes if this choice of origin story gets picked a lot simply because it's difficult to envision Cassandra going through pregnancy and typical motherhood willingly. However, if that's the core reason, I feel as if that does her character a great disservice!
After re-watching a few episodes with her, it's shocking the amount of depth of character Cassandra has (even compared to some in the main cast). I love her because while she's a passionate woman who makes mistakes, she's also extremely introspective and sensitive (something we see a great deal in the Brownie episode).
While I have never been a mother myself, a good number of my closest friends have been. Some of whom I could have NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS seen becoming mothers. Yet those people end up becoming some of the most amazing moms I've ever seen. Being a mom changes you, both physically and mentally in a way that I think gets glossed over in general storytelling. While I can't necessarily show that change much in Replica, I can at least give a nod to the fact that Cassandra, for all her flaws, is an amazing woman who I think would be an awesome mom! Thank you as always for your support!
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alyakthedorklord · 11 months
Au where the Drake’s don’t die (they’re just bad parents) and as Tim gets older they start spending a SLIGHT bit more time with him to train him to take over Drake industries. They start trying to set up a marriage to a daughter of a good family for Tim, but he’s dating Bernard, who is not only a man but from a “subpar family.” They demand he break it off.
Tim refuses to break up with his boyfriend, threatens causing a huge scandal and making out with Bernard in public if they engage him to anyone.
Jack and Janet threaten to disown him, bc they think Tim’s been living the soft cushy house (manor) life hidden away from the world on thier money this whole time, so they’re all, “You’ll come crawling back, you need us and our money, this will teach you a lesson.”
Tim, who has been practically independent since he was four, has extensive robin training, access to zetatubes, powerful friends (and enemies) in every major city across the world, at least eight fully stocked safehouses in Upper Gotham alone, a personal bank account under his own name with combined Drake and Wayne allowance, at this point is only in Drake manor when his parents are here (a week with an important gala every four months maybe) and has LITERALLY had a discussion with Bruce about a custody battle due to negligence so he can call himself a Wayne on paper not even a week before, just laughs.
“This is Gotham. I’ll get Bruce Wayne to adopt me.”
That makes them mad. His parents show him the disowning paperwork and kick him out. Tim doesn’t even run to Wayne Manor, he meanders over while tapping at his phone.
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Bruce already had the paperwork ready. The Drakes don’t know what’s happening before it’s too late. Tim is a Wayne. They try to challenge it but they relinquished all rights and Tim has receipts of parental neglect and also he already has a room at the manor.
Tim takes over as Wayne Industries CEO (the sooner the funnier) and immediately starts being awesome at it, smug ass grin in every photo, the other Waynes cackling in the background as the Drakes seethe and thier stocks plummet. The next gala they go to, Bruce makes absolutely sure to turn to Tim and go, “So son, when is your boyfriend coming over for dinner?”
Bernard comes back from a family camping trip to find out his boyfriend started an upper crust civil war for the right to date him. And also he’s invited to Wayne Manor. Wtf Tim.
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suzukiblu · 4 months
Hey kids, I've got some more "Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good!" behind this here read-more. You know, if that's a thing you're into. 👀
“I don’t know what names are good,” Superboy says finally, his voice stiff. “Or sound good. I never even heard music before Kid Flash was–I just don’t know what sounds are good. Or whatever.” 
“It doesn’t matter if it’s ‘good’,” Billy says, wondering why Superboy cares so much about his name “sounding” good and also why Cadmus is apparently the worst. They never even played music for him? What, at all? He makes an immediate mental note to figure out how to set up the wireless speakers Batman had delivered and, like, Spotify or something. “You just have to like it.” 
“Oh,” Superboy says, just barely frowning again. “Are you . . . sure?” 
“Yeah,” Billy says firmly. “I’m definitely sure.” 
“Oh,” Superboy says again, then looks down at his feet. Billy feels bad for him and is going to set up like, a million different playlists the first chance he gets. Just like a lot of different stuff, so Superboy can figure out what he likes.
“Do you still want suggestions?” he asks. “I promise I won’t pick anything that sounds bad.” 
“. . . fine,” Superboy says, still looking at his feet. It’s not a resounding “yes” or anything, but it’s no a “no”, Billy’s pretty sure, and he does want to help Superboy pick a good name, so . . . it’s probably okay to try again, he thinks. 
“Okay,” he says, trying to think of something really good and not just random stuff this time. Like–names are important, and Superboy obviously cares about what other people are gonna think of what he picks, so . . . 
Superboy keeps not looking at him. Billy tries not to worry about it. Maybe Superboy just doesn’t like looking at people at all. He didn’t make eye contact with Kid Flash’s parents while they were here either, and barely even with Kid Flash. Which makes sense, he guesses, because why would someone used to telepathic communication really feel a need to look at anyone’s face? Superboy probably doesn’t have the . . . instinct, or whatever. 
Well, it’s fine if he doesn’t, Billy figures. Either he’ll learn it or he’ll just not like it either way, and neither of those options are a big deal or anything. The name thing and coming up with rules and stuff and helping Superboy feel comfortable are way more important right now. 
"Um . . . actually, my mom's name was Marilyn," Billy suggests a little shyly as an old idea occurs to him. It’s been a while since he really thought about it, honestly, but . . . "So you could be 'Lynn', maybe? If that's not too weird? I used to think that if I ever had a kid I'd name them after my mom, 'cuz my dad's name was Clarence and that's pretty old-fashioned, though I guess if you were a girl you could've just been 'Claire', so . . . well, maybe Clarence could be your middle name, actually? If you like it, I mean." 
Superboy . . . pauses. Frowns at the floor. 
"Why would you name me that?" he asks skeptically. "You might have an actual kid someday and want to use it for them." 
"I have an actual kid right now," Billy says reasonably. "Why wouldn't I use it for you?" 
Superboy sits very, very still, and doesn't say anything. Billy starts worrying that maybe that was weird or too much and maybe he's already the worst dad ever and maybe now Superboy thinks he's weird and too much and the worst dad ever and is just gonna get up and go straight back to Kid Flash's house and never even talk to him again or–
"I count as an actual kid to you?" Superboy asks, his voice completely neutral. 
Oh, Billy realizes. 
Man, he's dumb sometimes. 
"Yeah," he says firmly. "You definitely count." 
". . . okay," Superboy says, looking at the wall. "'Lynn' works." 
"Awesome," Billy says, smiling at him as wide as he thinks he can get away with. He doesn't want to look fake or like he's trying too hard or to be overwhelming or anything like that. He just wants to make it obvious that he's happy right now. "Nice to meet you, Lynn Clarence Batson." 
"Nice to meet you too," Superboy says–Lynn says–glancing sidelong at him just a little bit hesitantly. "Um . . . Dad." 
Billy grins. 
Okay. Not the worst dad ever after all, then.
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barblaz-arts · 2 months
So like what if Wenclair and Chaggie met each other, what would be their reactions?
Wednesday would probably think Charlie's a little lame at first, but just like Enid did, she would eventually grow on her. She loves getting on Vaggie's nerves. Hard asses that forbid her from doing any mischief are the best victims. Wednesday actually likes them but will never admit it and cringes whenever they do something that remind her too much of her parents.
Enid thinks Chaggie is the most adorable couple ever and has expressed sentiments like "I ship you guys so much" and "Definitely my OTP!" that confuses both Charlie and Vaggie but, like, endearingly. I also like the idea of Enid probably having a lil baby gay crush on Vaggie.
Charlie thinks Enid is absolutely adorable, even if the kid tried to get her into whatever kpop is. Wednesday scares Charlie a little bit, but that's ok Addamses are always welcome in Hell. She also thinks that Wednesday's talent with music is awesome.
Enid reminds Vaggie so much of Charlie that she's tempted to adopt her, especially when she found out about the kind of parents Enid has. Vaggie is already kind of dreading the day Wednesday officially ends up in hell. She has no idea how Wednesday still has weapons no matter how many she has confiscated.
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hazelnut-u-out · 2 months
Rick and Morty does an awesome job at highlighting generational trauma cycles. The fact that Beth adopted Rick’s parenting style and approach to marriage (and even IDOLIZED him/the abuse) without realizing that her biggest character flaws come directly from him is super interesting.
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I honestly think splitting her into two different versions of herself— one who chooses to be more like her mother and one more like her father; one who stays and one who leaves— was a good choice. As someone who relates a lot to sentiments like ‘my parent idolizes their parents/I’m angry with my parents for what their parents did to them/when I’m angry with my mother, but then I remember she’s just a girl’, the Beths are a powerful representation of not only what I see in myself, but also an experience of motherhood I have little insight into on my own.
With all of their parallels, I like to think Beth has moments where she— like her father— says to herself, ‘Holy shit… I’m a terrible mother.’
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I’ve never thought about it before, but Beth truly resents feeling ‘trapped’ in motherhood. She views it as something Jerry did to her instead of something she also partook in. I’m not saying that Jerry didn’t do that intentionally, but I am saying that Beth made choices there, too, and it’s unfair of her to hold contempt for her children (mainly Morty) because of that.
It makes me wonder what her relationship with Diane was like. Diane might have felt like Rick trapped her into motherhood and then took a backseat, too. Did Diane resent Beth for taking away what her life could’ve been? Did Diane blame Beth for her decision to be a mother?
On the other side of the coin, we have Morty. He’s like his dad in a lot of innocent ways, but that concept terrifies him because he’s seen the malice behind that harmless facade.
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Part of him hates his mom for never wanting him— for never caring for him or protecting him— but that’s a part of himself he buries. He knows, at the end of the day, his mom is just a girl who desperately wanted her dad to love her.
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‘I love Daddy!’
People talk about how much Morty is like Jerry all the time, but I’ve NEVER seen a post about how similar he is to Beth. (Please tag me if you have, so I can hype it up!) He spends all day everyday cripplingly aware of just how little his parents want him. He feels their rejection and neglect. He buries those feelings to protect them; or maybe because he’s so aware of their disdain for him that he believes they just might discard him if he’s too much work.
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…Sound familiar?
Sometimes I wonder how much of Morty’s efforts to protect Beth from Rick’s actions and people pleasing to make Beth and Rick’s relationship just a bit easier comes from a certain relatedness he feels to his mother’s experience of rejection/abandonment.
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‘Rick, I can handle it if you go, but you’ll break Mom’s heart, and I won’t forgive you for that.’
He loves who some may consider unlovable.
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But, holy shit, is that kid angry.
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Angry at people he can’t justify holding accountable because… Fuck, they’ve been through a lot, too, haven’t they? How could he possibly justify hating someone he could so easily become?
I can only hope we get some more of Rick’s relationship with his parents. I’m dying to know about it.
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So... @muffinlance wrote a really awesome story. I read a post from a point in time, though I truly do not remember when since it seems like I've been working on this project forever, saying that she gives blanket permission for people to print and bind the story into a book (I think there was an also addendum saying that they do not give permission to be sold, since selling fic is illegal). This fic has had total control over my whole brain since it was sent to me (@creatorofthemind I believe it was you, so thank you forever for tuning me into it) back during the days of like chapter six or seven.
So here I am now, sharing this amazing journey of my first ever bookbinding adventure. Further reading below.
So to give you an idea of what's going on, this is a fanfiction about Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender) (animated show version, the LA show did not exist yet and we do not speak of the movie) being adopted by Hakoda, Father of Katara and Zuko. (This might have also been what kicked off the Give Zuko A Parent craze, but don't fact check me.)
Overall, the characters from the show stick very well to the cannon versions, but where MuffinLance really shines is in the rich backstories and fleshed out feeling of all the non cannon elements. Especially the background characters. I would argue that the writing in this peice of fanwork could easily rival the cannon show at many points of comparison.
Now that you have context, we can get into the actual process.
To start, I used this guide to figure out where to even begin, and fount the included resource list to also be quite helpful. I cannot for the LIFE OF ME figure out where I found the template I used for the front matter and such, but it must be somewhere and I will link to it when I inevitably come across it again.
Then I began to typeset. This step took... a long time. I worked in chunks from about September of 2022 to late March of 2024. I would get a big section done, sometimes even the entire thing, but then find I hated the way I had done it and give up for months at a time. Such is the life of ADHD and flitting interest in projects I suppose.
And then finally, step one was done, and I was left with pages on a word document that look like this. (And do please let me know if you want the link to the document. It was so much work, and I would love to not be the only one to use it.)
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Next step was printing out this beast. Ended up being about eight pages of front matter, and about 630 pages of body text.
That I printed wrong.
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Before finally getting it right. And then not getting a picture of it, because I finished at 4 am and had work at 7, and am also an idiot.
Then I simply stitched along, putting everything together into a beautiful text block.
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And came up with a design for the cover.
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Yes the glue did end up lumpy. Ignore it.
Yes I did have to sketch out the design onto a scraped page several times before I figured out what I was doing. Ignore that too.
The cover design does wrap around the entire cover. No I did not get a picture before I glued the thing down. See again: I'm an idiot. And just... massively impatient.
Finally, we get to the stage of gluing. Behold, my bookpress.
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Of course, topped with Madam MuffinLances own actual professional-people book, Fox's Tounge and Kirin's Bone. It is Excelent. Here is the LINK so you can go and support this amazing author with the real-monies as well as the internet-kudos.
Then, once everything is glued together, one must give the book its "gilt" edges.
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aerynwrites · 4 months
If you would be open to it, I’d love to ask for your HCs on: (* * spoiler-ish ahead * *) what if reader/tav went with Halsin at the end of Act III to establish a sanctuary for the refugees/take care of the children? Little snippets of life sort of things for how you think it would be between the two of them without the pressures of saving the whole world. I love your perspectives and writing !! Definitely would be awesome to read your take on that sorta thing
I as going to have this up sooner but tumblr apparently hates me and deleted the post on two different occasions when I was working on it lmao. so sorry for the delay, but I hope you enjoy!
Halsin and Reader after The game
Okay so
I feel like a lot of their first few months would be focusing on rebuilding efforts.
bc personally - I know Halsin in game says that he is going back to Thaniel's realm. But I love the idea of him actually returning to Moonrise/the old shadow lands and rebuilding the area there to truly give the refugees a place to call home.
so lots of rebuilding, coordinating relief efforts, etc.
I also feel like you would convince Halsin rebuild the little house that you all found Oliver in for a house of your own away from the hustle and bustle of things.
and after just a few short months it seems like its done.
sure there will always be things to do and fix and rebuild, but everyone had a roof over their head and full bellies and safety!
something none of you have had in a while.
Halsin relishes in it. you thought he was a bright light in the darkness before, he's even more so now.
like a actual weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
for the first time in centuries he's able to truly take in what's in front of him, and he spends pretty much every moment of that new feeling with you.
one thing you love doing is looking at the stars, an activity Halsin also enjoys.
he loves pointing out the different constellations to you, or if he's in bear for you'll do the same for him as you lean into his furry side.
speaking of his bear form...
The refugee children fucking love that shit.
the children love Halsin in general, especially those who lost their parents and look to him as a father figure of sorts.
They practically hang off of him whenever you two venture into the more populated areas.
they always beg him to wild shape, something he hardly ever denies since he often prefers that form anyways.
And he's admitted to you on a few occasions that he loves to see them happy and laughing after all they've been through.
life would continue this way for a while, your only true responsibilities being protecting those around you.
Life is finally peaceful, quiet and you wouldn't change much.
after a few years I could see Halsin possibly bringing up the idea of children, but he would never push.
if you want children of your own biologically he would be More than happy to indulge that desire lol.
but if that's not something you envision for yourself he would be happy that way too: kids, no kids, adopting one of the children in need...Halsin is happy if you are happy.
and no matter what life throws at you, you both know you have each other from now on.
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looseduke · 1 year
okay insane thought about names and the feelings i have about them as a transgender blended family kid. it requires a leap of logic where the fantasy high parent couples remain dating and get married or otherwise legally bind themselves together but follow me on this for a moment. also i don’t know or care if this follows canon im just deciding it does
gilear took sandra lynn’s last name
could not afford to change it after the divorce
gilear is just one of those ppl who really likes having the same last name as his life partners, doesn’t have to be his name, he just thinks it’s nice
(sandra lynn liked her name and though she has Many Issues and might have changed her name in an attempt at normalcy gilear’s name was definitely something outlandishly stupid and he suggested it first anyway so it worked out)
do u see where im going with this
gilear seacaster.
fabian is furious but this ain’t about him
something so funny about taking your (way funnier if they don’t even get married) girlfriend’s dead husband’s last name
he keeps faeth as a middle name bc it’s still a connection to fig that he values and wants to keep
anyway. jawbone hears about all of this. absolutely loves it. thinks it’s awesome
jawbone o’shaughnessy-faeth!
yes with the apostrophe and the hyphen. yes every time.
he likes the connection to gilear and fig as much as he does the one to sandra lynn <3
when consulted fig was SUPER enthusiastic about another dad. gilear was like sigh. that might as well happen. im already being dunked upon by my mean stepson. go ahead.
okay the grand finale. the reason i even made this fucking post
adaine kills her dad, gets adopted, and starts to wonder if she should change her name
adaine makes amends with her sister, and starts to wonder if she should keep it
jawbone lets her know right away that he’ll support her decision no matter what, but it takes a long time for her to decide
it takes watching gilear and fabian bicker over their shared last name, watching fig get sappy over gilear holding onto the name faeth, watching fig and jawbone get sappy over THEIR shared last name, watching sandra lynn hide a smile whenever it comes up, watching, watching, watching
watching her sister learn and grow and love her unconditionally
she makes her decision, and when her dad brings her home from the fantasy dmv, there’s a new name on her ID
adaine abernant-o’shaughnessy-faeth. yes all three names. yes with the apostrophe. yes with the hyphens. every time
it’s for her dad, yes, for the man who gave her a home, who helped her find her strength, who is always her safe space, but it’s for more then that too
it’s for her sister, who for better or worse is in all of her earliest memories. who never underestimated her. who’s trying, every day
it’s for her sister, who called her awesome on the first day of school. who’s always there for her. who wears her heart on her sleeve and teaches adaine it’s okay to be emotional. who’s her best friend
it’s for the man who took her in when he had next to nothing to offer, who shared his extra garlic knots and vending machine snacks, who hosted his daughters strange friends night after night without question or complaint
and it’s for the elven woman sitting across from her at the dinner table, who understands her greatest fear better then anyone else and has built a life for herself despite her mistakes. who protected her on their quest. who opened her house for about 6 teenagers to live there permanently and anywhere between 3 and 10 more to hang out as much as they want
adaine abernant-o’shaughnessy-faeth, the people’s oracle <3
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thefishermansharbor · 11 months
The arcana as parents!
The arcana x GN!Reader ( Asra, Lucio, and Julian will be in part 2 )        TW: Mentions of pregnancy. 
Portia Devorak:
She wouldn’t care whether you adopted or had biological children. 
If you had the child yourselves, she’d be really supportive and gentle with you but still try to keep you entertained during your pregnancy. If she got pregnant instead, she’d want to keep working and keep exploring - only really stopping when she’s physically unable to keep up with her tasks.
If you adopted a child, she’d want to adopt a baby, since she has an attitude of ‘ try everything at least once! ‘ and she’d want to try taking care of an infant, just to see if it was as magical as people say it is.
Portia wants to name her children something meaningful. She’d definitely try and convince you to let her name the child after Mazelinka if it was a girl, and Julian if it was a boy. 
She’s definitely the fun parent. She’s willing to try anything that her child suggests - even if she knows it’s stupid. She loves getting wild with her kids, and making sure their childhood is packed with fun, albeit chaotic, memories.
However, under this, she’s a deeply kind and caring mom. She really loves her child, and is behind them in anything they do undoubtedly. She really wants them to know that she’ll support them no matter what happens and why. She wants them to follow their dreams, and live their lives to the fullest.
You’re at a festival. Specifically – a music festival. Your youngest daughter, Mariam ( named loosely after Mazelinka ) is performing for the first time. Your wife, Portia, squeezes your hand excitedly as you watch your little girl go onto the stage with her piano. 
“ THERE’S MAMA’S SUPER STAR!” She shouts from the audience, before the show can even begin. Mariam notices this, and waves excitedly before she’s ushered over to the center of the stage.
“ oh, look! She’s doing so good, she gets her talent from you. Can you believe that’s our seven year old? I was eating dirt at her age!” Portia jokes, whispering.
“ mhm.” You whisper back, watching carefully.
“ I’m so proud! She’s absolutely amazing at this. I’m so glad that milady gave me the day off for this.” She says quietly to you. She wouldn’t ever want to ruin this moment - but she can’t contain herself. She’s just overjoyed at your daughter’s performance. 
Once the performance is finished, Portia claps longest and loudest out of everyone in the audience. She practically zips through the crowd to get her daughter, giving her a tight bear hug. 
“ You’re wonderful! You’ve got such a talent, honey. Mama’s so very proud of you, and ____ is too!”
Your little girl hugs her back. “ mommy, you’re hugging me a little too tight.” Mariam admits, beaming back at Portia. After a while, Portia lets go. 
“ We should do something to celebrate your awesome skills. How about we go out for a fancy dinner now?” Portia grins. 
“Okay!”, Mariam takes her hand, grinning back. You follow behind the two of them, wondering how you got so lucky.
Muriel the outsider:
I’m sorry, but he would only have biological children if they were an accident. He’s just too anxious to deal with the fears and possible dangers that happen with pregnancy. Plus, he also doesn’t want other children to ever go through what he went through living on the streets as an orphan.
If you do get pregnant by accident, that’s fine. He’d never leave you to deal with a child by yourself, He’ll be there for you and care for you to the best of his ability ( which isn’t a lot because he’s insanely nervous. )
But if things go to plan, and you adopt a child - he doesn’t give a single damn what age or background they are. For him, it’s about making sure that no child has to go through the loneliness that he suffered from.
Doesn’t mind what they’re named. You can take the reigns with that if you’d like, but if he has to make the decision he’ll ultimately name them after something in nature. 
Due to his dangerous childhood, he is a tad overprotective and over affectionate. It’s all good intentions though, he just doesn’t ever want to see his child unhappy or suffering. That’s why he tries to prevent them from getting into any situation that could potentially be dangerous to them. 
Even if Mars would have to crash into the earth for the situation to even possibly be dangerous. He’s just taking that extra precaution! 
“ No, Ivy, don’t touch that.” He says softly, watching his toddler try grab a rose. She doesn’t register this at all, and continues to try and rip the flower out of the soil. 
He walks over, and carefully picks her up. She’s tiny compared to him - he can hold her with one arm. She squirms around, babbling and trying to get back to the plant. 
“ I know, Ivy. But roses have thorns, and they might prick your fingers.” Muriel murmurs. You come up next to him, and kiss him on the cheek, carefully taking your daughter into your arms. 
“ Have you been causing trouble today, baby?” You ask, she simply babbles and grabs onto your shirt in response. 
You then look over to Muriel, he’s silently admiring the two of you. He loves you both so very much, and there couldn’t possibly be a more comforting sight than this to him. 
“ Hi, dear.” He whispers, “How’s your day been?” 
“Not too interesting. Working as the castle Magician has been awfully boring.. I’m glad to see you guys.” 
He nods, and brings you into a hug, kissing your forehead. You would hug him back - but you’re still carefully holding onto your daughter. She’s holding loosely onto your sleeve, staring up at you with big curious eyes.
“ Isn’t she lovely?” Muriel asks, he couldn’t have possibly found a more genuine happiness. He can’t even register your response, he’s just so in awe of how content he is with his life and how there are so many wonderful people in it. He truly wouldn’t trade what he has now for the world. 
Nadia Satrinava:
Would much rather adopt as well. She finds it invigorating to know that she’s providing a home for those who need it and living up to her goal of being a selfless leader and person. 
If you were to have biological children, she’ll spoil you during your pregnancy. She’ll spoil you as if there’s no tomorrow - getting you anything and everything you might need or want. If she’s the one who gets pregnant, she’ll have Portia take over some of her duties as countess while she works towards term. She doesn’t want to overwork herself and hurt her child, but she still has lingering guilt that she isn’t working.
If you are to adopt, she would rather adopt a slightly older child. One who could walk and talk already, merely because she’s afraid that her duties as countess would prevent her from teaching her child those immaculately. 
Would want her child to have an important name that displays their personality and suits them. She’d have to meet her child first before deciding on a name, and choose one accordingly.
Is a calm parent but also a voice of authority. She’s the one who gives your child a scolding if they step too far out of line, but it’s always level headed and reasonable. She’ll be mature and never make your child upset. 
What’s the one thing she wishes to instill in your child? She wants them to have a good education. She wants them to be educated, and have good self - advocacy skills. 
“ Noam, have you been studying?” Nadia asks him quietly, sat across from him at the table. You’re sitting left of your lover, and right of your son. She skims through important documents and he doodles on his notebook, smiling.
“ Yes, mama. I got a 90% on my math quiz today.” He says proudly, smiling.
She looks up, grinning back at him. You notice how he inherited her smile, and it makes you let out a soft chuckle. 
“ Wow! I’m so proud of you, Noam. You’re an excellent boy.” She gushes, putting down what she was working on. You nod, backing up her words 100%. “ You’ve never done as well as that before, good job!” 
He beams at the both of you, “ do you really think so?” He asks timidly.
“Of course.” Nadia says, “ you’re my precious boy, and I’m so proud of you.” She walks over, and kisses him on the top of the head. 
“ – I tried my best.” He said proudly. 
“ That’s all I ever ask of you, hunny.” She says, running her hand through his hair and messing with it. He laughs. You smile at the two of them.
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ladykailitha · 5 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 8
And we're back! Are you guys getting my tags, the engagement dropped again. I know that in America there was the holiday but it kinda dropped off before that and I saw other blogs that didn't have their tags work at all. So let me know if you aren't seeing all my posts.
Steve talks to Keith, learns some unsettling news and Robin is awesome.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Billy Hargrove was a racist, chauvinistic asshole with a savior complex longer than his dick, but he was also one hundred times the better man than Dr. Martin Brenner. Granted Brenner was scraping the bottom of the ocean, but Steve was grateful for not having had to deal with him when he was around.
He also knew that he wasn’t going to speak to the Dominus today. He was going to speak to his second in command, Keith Prince.
He didn’t like Steve, and Steve didn’t know why. But considering that despite the last name, he looked more like a toad than a prince, Steve had a pretty good idea the dude was just jealous of Steve’s good looks.
He walked up to the coven, bare ass on display, having just shifted.
“The fuck do you want, Harrington?” Keith snarled. “And why can’t you come dressed like decent folk?”
“Because I’m a werewolf, Keith,” Steve sighed. “The fastest way for me to travel is to wolf out.”
Keith rolled his eyes. “You could always send Carol or Robin to do your dirty work. That is what keepers are for, aren’t they?”
“That’s isn’t happening in this or any life time,” Steve growled. “Not after you propositioned Robin the last time I sent her here on pack business.”
Keith just sneered. “What. Do. You. Want? I’m busy!”
Steve sighed. “Tell your Dominus that we may have the public school system to blame for the raise in hunters and to ask his thralls what they’ve heard.”
Keith scoffed. “He already knows about that shit and they don’t know nothin’.”
Steve’s spine stiffened at the tone and the fact that Billy already knew about the thing with Josh.
So either he had Lucy in his pocket, or there was a spy in his pack. Neither was an option he wanted to entertain.
Steve showed his teeth, forcing Keith to back down.
“You shouldn’t lie to an alpha, dumbass,” he snarled. “I can smell the stench of the lie coming off you like stale weed. You tell your Dominus that if he thinks he can push me around, remind him what happened to the last asshole who crossed me.”
Keith straightened up and bowed his head. “My apologies, alpha.”
Steve snapped his jaw at Keith before shifting back into a wolf. A wolf that could look Keith in the eye. He showed his teeth again and was gratified when he smelled the scent of urine wafting from the vampire.
He leapt through the door, leaving the scent of urine, lies, and fear far behind him.
Steve came back in time to see Josh off to his parents. He watched as Josh chatted happily with them over everything he did.
“…Did you know that a single werewolf could eat up to thirty pounds of meat a day? But not raw, that’s a myth...” Josh prattled on, his parents giving each other amused glances behind his back.
Steve turned to Tommy, the keeper that was hiding in the crow’s nest near the entrance.
“It sounded like he had fun,” he said, as Tommy leapt down in front him.
“Carol wanted to straight up adopt him,” Tommy said with a sneer.
“She always did have a soft spot for strays,” Steve murmured as Tommy fell instep next to him. “Especially strays that love shopping.”
Tommy nose twitched. “You went to that vampire mongrel’s again, didn’t you? I can smell him from here.”
Steve smacked Tommy’s head. “He’s not a mongrel just because he was made instead of born. Where are you kids getting these ideas? Jesus Christ.”
He snorted. “Whatever, I can still smell him.”
“I saw the mayor and visited the coven too,” Steve said dryly. “I was doing my duties as an alpha. There is something wrong in this town and I am going to figure out what.”
Tommy sniffed again. “Yeah, I get it. I don’t want Hopper back as the alpha anymore then most of this pack, so you better figure it out, before you get yourself killed.”
Steve pushed him playfully. “Shut it, Tommy!”
Tommy laughed. “I bet I can beat you to the center, no shifting.”
“You’re on!”
Steve was in his hut? Cottage? Living structure? He was never sure what to call all the little houses that was in the compound. Hell, he didn’t even like the word compound, really. It felt cult-ish. Which they weren’t.
Werewolves had tried living in towns for millennia and it never worked out well for the werewolves. They would get blamed for everything from failed crops, high infant mortality rates, and plagues.
So they started forming their own communities inside towns. Much like the Vatican and Italy.
Well whatever anyone called them, it was home.
Steve was at home, playing cards with Robin.
“So what did you think of Josh today?” he asked, drawing a card.
“I bet Tommy whined about it all the way back to the center of camp,” Robin said with a scoff.
“It’s actually fucking ridiculous how much the pack is so...so...” he threw his hands in the air frustration. “Fuck I don’t know the right word for it. But click-ee?”
“Clicky?” Robin asked. “What the hell does that mean?”
“You know, a click,” Steve said. “The jocks, the cowboys, the goths, the freaks. A click.”
“Ohhh...” she said. “A clique.”
Steve frowned. “Isn’t that what I just said?”
Robin half shrugged. “Sort of. But yeah, I’ll agree to the pack becoming more and more cliquey. It’s become very insular since...” she paused to think. “Actually I don’t when it started, but it’s recent. I just can’t tell you how recent.”
Steve hummed. “It’s becoming a problem and one I don’t know how to fix. I mean Josh and Chance here will help not only them realize that we aren’t monsters, but that regular humans aren’t monsters either.”
Robin nodded. “It’s certainly a step in the right direction. You need to get out more in the community. Do Q&As at the town hall and middle school.”
Steve scratched his cheek thoughtfully. He placed all his cards down. “Out.”
“Skunked again!” Robin shrieked. “How are you so good at this game?”
Steve just shrugged. “Why not elementary schools?” She stared at him blankly. “For the whole Q&A thing.”
“Oh, that,” she said, waving her hand. “Because despite there being an actual werewolf in the school no teacher or parent would agree to you speaking to kids that young.”
Steve sighed. She was probably right. “’K, so middle schools and town halls help with the community at large but what about the pack?”
She just shrugged. “That’s something you should really talk to your alpha female about, you know.” She scooped up the cards and began shuffling them.
Steve sighed. He did know. But he also knew that Nancy was still very much a conservative when it came to pack dynamics. She had actually turned him down twice because she felt that the alphas should be mated.
It wasn’t until Steve asked her and she couldn’t come up with a logical, non-sexist reason why that should be the case that she accepted the role.
“I love her dearly,” he said instead. “But I just kinda want to spit ball some ideas with you that I can take to her. So I don’t look stupid.”
Robin shoved his shoulder playfully. “She doesn’t think you’re stupid.”
Steve scoffed. She really, really did.
“Okay,” Robin conceded. “Maybe a little.”
“There is also the little matter of the spy,” Steve grumbled.
Robin grimaced and chewed her bottom lip. “You know it’s Tommy, right? Please tell me you know it’s Tommy.”
Steve frowned. “No. Why would it be Tommy?”
She sighed and scooted close to him. “Steve, he’s been hanging on Billy’s coattails at school. He’s always talking about how great Billy is on and off the court. Hell, if I thought Billy liked boys I wouldn’t be surprised to learn Tommy was sucking his dick.”
Steve ran his fingers through his hair. “But I need to make sure. I just can’t go accusing people without proof.”
“I don’t think you should accuse him at all.”
Steve reared back in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, dingus,” Robin said slyly. “You make sure to tell Tommy things you know you want Billy to know. Because a spy you know is better than one you don’t.”
Steve gave her a big hug. “I wish you were my alpha female.”
She hugged him back. “I know.”
“Have you thought about asking for the bite when you turn eighteen?”
She shuffled back a bit and put her hands on her knees and then nodded. “Yeah. I’ve talked to my parents about it. They’re uneasy about having a werewolf for a daughter.”
Steve sighed. “I’m sorry. Maybe the town hall meetings and the Q&As with kids will help.”
She nodded.
“Thanks, Steve.”
He kissed her cheek. “Between you and I we are going to change the world.”
She looked at him shyly. “You really think so?”
“I know so.”
Robin pushed his shoulder again. “You are such a sap.”
Steve laughed. “Yes, but you knew that.”
She looked at the scar on his neck and then reached out to touch it. “I’m sorry they did that to you.”
He shivered at her touch. “I don’t mind it.”
“I do, Steve,” she said fiercely. “They hurt you because they were afraid of you.”
He sighed. “When my parents died, the Franklins were the only ones in town willing to take me in. The only people who knew about the silver collar they made me wear was just the three of us until I turned eighteen.”
“How did no one else know?” Robin asked gently.
“I only wore it when they were home at home,” Steve murmured. “I wasn’t forced to wear it at school. Just at home where I ‘might’ hurt them.”
“It’s still cruel.”
Steve just shrugged.
“Whatever happened to them?” she asked after a moment or two of awkward silence.
“Officially or unofficially?” Steve asked with a smirk.
“There’s an official story?” Robin said eagerly.
He laughed. “Sure is. They are currently on a business trip to...” he looked at his watch, “Tokyo, Japan.”
“What the hell?” she gasped excitedly. “What’s the real story?”
“Only Wayne and I know where their bodies are buried.”
Robin giggled and kicked her feet. “That’s amazing!”
Steve smiled at her fondly. She really was his platonic soulmate.
Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13
Tag list: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @goodolefashionedloverboi @bookbinderbitch @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @redfreckledwolf @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @just-a-tiny-void @potato-of-the-lord @goosesister @tinyplanet95 @anaibis @she-collects-smut @irregular-child
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densewentz · 9 months
hear me out, post-divorce girl!Dad Crowley
im not even kidding you guys, the best thing for Crowley after all this is just for him to be a girl Dad. Go find himself the weirdest most unhinged least likely up for adoption daughter to dump all his love onto. One who thinks snakes are awesome and who screeches happily when Crowley drives too fast and who thinks her Dad's the absolute coolest person on or off earth. She'll constantly be stealing his sunglasses or demanding her own pair so they match. No doubt she's obsessed with fungus and she probably draws the most fucked up stuff that Crowley then hangs around the flat, and she'll yell at the plants too with her hands on her hips. On nights after goofy dinners, Crowley will hoist her up on his shoulders and help her accurately place the glow-in-the-dark stars on her ceiling and softly answer every question she ever has. And it won't even phase her when sometimes her Dad is her Mom or her Parent for a while or vice versa. And she'll be ready to full on throw hands with anyone who gives her Dad sad-face. She probably ends up biting Aziraphale when he eventually staggers back into the picture, and the Angel will have to contend with the fury of a real hellion for a while before she trusts him enough to let him anywhere near Crowley. Also i think her name should be Hanna.
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karuuhnia · 3 months
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I've been a Pokémon fan since the very beginning and recently a friend asked me who my favourite character was. I couldn't answer with just one character. So instead I gave her my top 3 favourites from each generation - and then turned it into this. lol
A little bit more info under the cut if you're interested.
Please do not alter, repost/reupload or redistribute my artwork anywhere! (Reblogging is perfectly fine, of course.)
Gen 1:
Blue: The original rival, you loved to hate him. :D
Erika: I loved her design as a kid, even though I had no idea what a kimono was back then lol
Bill: No idea tbh lol. I like his hair and that he's a nerd, I guess? Honestly, Gen 1 did not have that many memorable and fleshed out characters, so I kinda struggled here.
Gen 2:
Lance: Honestly, he was my fave in Gen 1 already. I love his strength, his design, his virtuousness, his bravery, his code of honour, his everything. To me he's like a knight in shiny armour from old fairytales. lol I could spend a whole day describing all the things I love about him, but I don't wanna bore you.
Eusine: Probably a weird pick for many because he is kinda obnoxious in the game lol I've always had a soft spot for him though and I really wanted him to get Suicune in the end, after he'd changed.
Morty: I love his design and colours and that he's Eusine's bff and voice of reason.
Gen 3:
Steven: He is classy, wears a really awesome suit, has very cool Pokémon and is still a huge nerd. I love it!
Archie: (I see you, @chipsncookies) Big hunk with a big smile and a cool outfit. Beard. Not a bad guy, actually. Learns that he was wrong and does everything to make things right again. Frienemies with Maxie.
Maxie: Scrawny beanpole with a silly (but very cozy looking) outfit. Secretly a dork. Not a bad guy either. Learns from his mistakes and wants to make them right again. Frienemies with Archie.
Gen 4:
Riley: I was a huge fan of Sir Aaron in the movie and Riley is just as awesome. I love his hat too. His personality is also similar to Lance's, so that's a huge plus.
Cynthia: I really, really like her. She is so cool and strong and her theme is amazing. Just like Charizard she's become too popular and that gets a bit tiresome sometimes.
Looker: Okay, I admit, it took me a while to get used to Looker. But now I like his quirky, funny Inspector Gadget shenanigans. What changed my mind was the aftergame of XY. ;__;
Gen 5:
Ingo & Emmet: I couldn't do it. I couldn't choose who of them I like more. So they share the first place.They're a duo anyway. And absolutely inseparable. R-Right?
Elesa: I like her mainly because of the fanon that she's bffs with the subway twins. But she's also not the bitchy supermodel that I first thought she was. She's actually kind and supportive.
Alder: Funny grandpa with awful hair, but a big heart and a great theme song.
Gen 6:
Lysandre: His design always gave me Ganondorf-vibes. That's pretty much it. His goal is stupid.
Emma: Her storyline in the post-game was by far the best thing in XY. And her theme is so beautiful!
Sycamore: I still wish he had actually turned out to be evil. I still like him.
Gen 7:
Kukui: What is not to love about him? He's a hunk, he loves his wife, he takes in Lillie, he punches Pokémon with his bare hands.
Lillie: Sweet little girl who deserves all the love from her friends and her adoptive parents instead of all the shit her psycho bio mother put her through.
Burnet: She's sweet and smart and kind and I wish she had a much bigger role in the game. Her anime part was great though <3
Gen 8:
Piers, Sonia and Raihan: Honestly... These are pretty much the only characters that I remember lol Gen 8 was very underwhelming for me.
Gen 9:
Arven: Just a poor neglected boy who wants to save his sick dog. In contrast to his shitty parents he's got a big heart, is caring, nurturing and supportive.
Clavell: The twist about this character was that there was no twist. He is just a very kind grandpa who genuinely cares for the well-being of his students. I also LOVE his battle theme.
Hassel: This game really is full of wholesome boomers. Hassel's got a huge heart for art and his students and Pokémon. He's also not afraid of showing his emotions.
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slickfordain · 1 year
Your work is awesome!!
I'll read everything else rq, but first-
Hello, how was your day? How are you feeling?
If it's okay, may I share a bit of my game and ask how will characters react on it?
So uhh
I always say out loud how adorable Nahida is and how she is my "adopted child"
Also during the archon quest I was litteraly chanting "someone help, love and protect her please"
Also when I didn't get Nahida on her banner, I was like "Sages, if it was You, I'm about to destroy you"
I also always greet my team and say "bye" if I'm leaving.
I switch to every character and tell them it. Even how THEY did while I was gone
Maybe I'm going insane Idk?
If you don't want to do it, it's okay!^^
Bye-bye! And again- your work(s) are awesome! Gotta read some more
I may sound insane but I as well say “Hello / hi” to Genshin characters one time because I wanted them to feel welcomed??? I’m kind of new to this shit so I stole my friend’s phone to say hi to them 💀💀 this is such a cute request overall, Nahida is such a baby 💔💔
Also I’m doing just well hon, thank you for asking me. <3 I hope you’re feeling well yourself.
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Teyvat is protective of their creator no matter what gender they’re specified with;; however, it seems that you favor Nahida more than others— Most likely as if you made her to actually be your related child. Nahida was hesitant and shy at first, but over the time when she thought about it, she couldn’t help but feel so free and blessed with such a humble God mother/father figure like you.
You’re protective, even if it’s the traveller and Paimon… You still warned them to make sure that Nahida stays secured and safe. Everyone in different nations although takes this request far too seriously- that at this point, Nahida feels rather isolated. Though she knew you never meant any harm, how could she ever assume you would? She’s a wise sweet little girl, humble as you even, she honestly could see the connection of being your child. Literally.
But, that of course makes other children jealous… NPC children would most likely have different voice lines when it comes to Nahida too— which is basically in Sumeru city, and, I guess the Archons has to be checked 24/7 all of the sudden? Confused as you are, you weren’t displeased with it, you felt… Happy actually. Happy that people are acknowledging Nahida. (Although they’re fighting over who gets to be Nahida’s other parent)
Alhaitham especially would have some rooms prepared for Nahida, like, y’know, if she’s tired in a middle of nowhere— there’ll always be a house nearby her area, her spot. The followers of you would be cooking food nonstop for the little child, hoping that she’s willing to test their taste. After all, only she knows what you love in a guy/girl ~!
Oh oh, and since you did say you want someone to also protect Nahida during a quest— Nahida will be bawling her eyes out and ugly cry. (Pretty cry actually) People will be freaking out of why the fuck is shE EVEN CRYING— The NPCs will all baby her and, treasure hoarders? They won’t even get the chance to lay a finger on her because of the Archons killing them off. (Not like you know 😻)
Nahida would be an absolute troll however. Yes, she is sweet and always devoted to drop the entire lore to help people out— (For example she dropped the entire shit lore to Aether / Lumine) But she is heavily LOYAL to her mother/father figure.
Imagine Dottore especially trying to talk it out with her since they did sort of have a conversation beforehand. So he thought it’s only fair he becomes her dad, by marrying you right? HAHAHA, wrong. Nahida is truly worried and overprotective of you, despite being just a kid version of her Archon self. She will lie, telling things to the Fatui doctor what you did not like.
And this has gone on for so long, it’s absolutely hilarious. Especially for Sumeru as they see this as an attempt to bring their divine being closer to them.
But the thing is, you’re not that expressive— you’re just existing and trying to live on while babying Nahida who just sobs into your affection. Girlie never got so much, so it was truly a blessing to have herself in your care.
And talking about Sages, just imagine Enjou overall having troubles with trying to get to you. All because of Sages 💀 look, if mans wanna get your forgiveness, better as well protect Nahida from the half monster hybrid looking ass hot man. Enjou is in so much misery… (Cue CPR)
Also, can we just appreciate how caring you are? No, it’s not only for Nahida you’re just caring for— it’s not even the reason she’s so loyal to you. (Well, it is but still) The true reason is, is because you keep saying “Hello” and “Bye” to them everyday, no matter how tiring it might get.
I think Diluc would especially love this since uhm, well, his dad ain’t here y’know y’know. (Or any traumatized character really)
Imagine Archon Timmie flying up to the heavens above just to replace Nahida and be your son— (Archon Timmie /srs) But then fails because Nahida is too logical and wise that his brain couldn’t take it anymore either.
Okay I’m stopping there 💀💀💀
Also have a sneak peak of my fanfic because I know some people will assume I’m not working on it 💔
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It looks shitty but whatever
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meabh-mcinness · 11 months
Hello there! I just wanted to say that ive been a fan of yours for a bit and I really really love your work. I hope you keep up the amazing feels and are doing good in general!
I would like to ask for iruma with mom!reader.
WITH RECENT EVENTS! in the manga our boy needs some proper comfort.
I want the reader to hold iruma and tell him that everyone started caring about him because of him, I wanna see along the lies of the reader telling him " they will see the human in you and they will love you for it just like you love them as the demons they are"
( i also want mama reader just going full on quiet rage on kalegos brother to the point her aura consumes the ball room and he feels like his chest to going to cave in)
But thank you for taking the time to reade this i hope that this isn't too hard for you to do and please keep being awesome!
Thank you very much! I've been doing good, though I'm tired what with starting a new job and all, and I hope you are as well!
Sorry this took so long to get out, but it's finally here! Hopefully you're OK with it, since I did take a little bit of liberties with it.
Boss B*tch
When Narnia tries to put Iruma in his place, it ends up being him who is shot down instead. By you, Iruma's parent, who is none too pleased that an overconfident mutt hurt their baby's feelings. Luckily, if there is one thing humans are good at, it's mimicking that they are much more fearsome predators than they actually are.
TW! The only thing I can think of is the reader does draw a bit of blood and grabs Narnia's hair and threatens him. I don't think there's anything else?
One minute.
You had looked away for one minute, distracted by Alice and Razzbery fighting over Amaryllis, and when you looked back your son was no longer by your side. A frown flitted over your face as you swept your eyes over the ballroom. With so many colourful outfits, it was rather easy to find the blue-haired boy in his near black suit. He was still back where you had been originally, standing by Fenrir, or Fen-chan as he insisted on being called.
Iruma appeared to be sparkling as he chattered on about something. A fond smile appeared on your face as you excused yourself from the group to wander back over to him. Logically, you knew that you had to let him go off on his own, and yet you were incredibly anxious to leave him be when surrounded by so many high-ranking demons. And evidently, as you watched Iruma's face scrunch into confusion before falling into fear as Fenrir said something in return, you had been right to feel so.
Your eyes narrowed, your smile falling as Fenrir started to crowd in Iruma's space. You were close enough now that you could hear what it was that Fenrir was saying. He seemed to be going on a rant about the possibility of humans invading the Netherworld and, from the way he phrased it, made it obvious to you that he was more than aware of their existence and seemed to have a personal vendetta against them.  And more than likely he knew about you and Iruma being humans. As much as you had liked his quips, it was obvious.
Fenrir was a danger.
And you wouldn't allow danger near your son. Not after coming so close to losing him in the heartbreaker exam. Your nerves, which had been slowly loosening since then, tightened once more and your teeth were bared before you had even thought about it. Eyes narrowed, you watched as Amaryllis pounced on Iruma from behind out of nowhere, and vaguely wondered how she had got there first, before pushing the thought away. It was obvious from the way her body was tensed, one hand raised, that she was about to attack Fenrir too, but you had got there first.
Before she could strike out, you were there, palm hitting his face, nails digging into his skin as your hand flew out. You watched as he fell to the ground, his eyes widened in shock at the force and his blood splattering out against the ground next to him. You were suddenly very happy that you had grown your nails out to try and blend in with the demons here, as he tentatively raised one of his hands to the shallow claw marks on his cheek, blood still rising to the surface.
It was rather obvious from his dropped mouth and empty eyes that he was in a state of shock, as if he really couldn't comprehend that someone, much less you, had actually struck him. From the corner of your eyes, you could also see everyone else staring at the two of you as well. Amaryllis seemed to be stuck somewhere between surprise and pride, and Iruma had forgone all composure as he stared with eyes wide and mouth open, and all the varying demons around seemed to be imitating him.
To be fair, you could kind of understand why. This was a ball where they were supposed to be celebrating the future, and now there appeared to be two individuals fighting.  One of which was a self-proclaimed third most important member of the Border Patrol, a force that most did their best not to make an enemy of. And you had sent one sprawling to the floor with one hit.
There would most likely be consequences, you knew, as more of your anger seeped out of you. Amaryllis could have got away with it easily, being a member of the 13 Crowns. But you? You were just an unknown, unranked, being. Even if you are a child of one of the three greats, you, yourself, held no real power. And you had picked a fight with a demon who was leaps and bounds more powerful than you.
A fight you were determined to win through sheer willpower alone if necessary. Losing was not an option when Iruma was involved as collateral.
"You talk of beings that don't belong so well, and yet don't seem to recognize that the only one here who is out of place is you. You are nothing more than an overconfident mutt at my feet who needs to be retaught manners," He stared up at you, eyes wide at the seeping aura of anger and danger that poured out of your every cell.
Suddenly a giant black wolf materialized above him, with three eyes, and multiple tails raised in anger. All snarling fangs and posture, and while you felt fear tear through your body, you stared up at it as if you were unimpressed, before pulling your lips back and giving a loud snarl of your own at it. You watched it pause for a second, ears flickering in its hesitancy at this tiny being in front of it, before the canine abruptly vanished again. Leaving behind Fenrir, still at your feet.
He appeared to be out of his shock and was kneeling now, likely trying to stand up while you were distracted. Well, you couldn't have that just yet. You quickly grabbed a fistful of his hair and leaned down while dragging him up so your faces were inches apart. A hiss left his mouth at the abrupt action, but he quickly shuts his mouth again at the look on your face.
His mind was racing as he tried to comprehend what exactly was happening. He knew you were a human, and humans were supposed to be weak little creatures. Easy prey that even an infant could catch, so logically you were supposed to be as well. And yet here you stood with all power reeking off of you like you were the Demon King himself. In the face of your fury, he felt a lot like some pup before the raging alpha of an enemy pack.
He could practically see it, instead of your human form, a large wolf with long flowing fur the colour of your hair, that would put his Cerberia to shame. Felt the large clawed paw on his chest with the way he struggled to breathe under the pressure, could hear the low furious growl that rumbled out of your chest, past the large fangs poised to rip him to shreds.
He felt more like he was looking at a deity of wrath than a human. He was as awed at your presence as he was fearful, as he stared up at you. 
"If I ever find you talking such drivel to my child again, I will skin you alive before ripping out your eyes, shoving them down your throat, so you can see my claws rip your carcass open while wearing your skin as a dress. Do you understand me?" you growled out at him. He nodded as best he could with your hand still clutching his hair. You leaned in more till you were right next to his ear, and whispered, "I know you know what I am, but you will cease and desist any attempts against me and mine before I show why our two worlds were really separated. After all, it was never for the benefit of human lives that demons vanished off to someplace new," before you abruptly let him go while standing up straight. He collapsed slightly, almost falling to the floor again before he caught himself with his knees. His head stayed bowed, showing his back, suitably cowed before you.
"Good boy, now go on, apologize."
Fenrir staggered to his feet before you, head still bowed. "Please forgive my rudeness, my lady. It will never happen again." He slowly turned towards where Iruma was standing, still flabbergasted at your display, before straightening up when he noticed the demon's gaze on him.  Fenrir bowed again at Iruma, "And to you too, milord. I got too carried away, and it was wrong of me. I am sorry for scaring you."
Iruma started to move his hands slightly, to wave away the apology, but one quick shake of your head had him lowering them again. "It's - It's alright..." Iruma said, still startled and somewhat lost at what was going on. 
Fenrir raised up from his bow to Iruma, and turned back towards you, lowering his head towards you once again, "If you'll excuse me, my lady, I think I'll go wash my face." He stayed still until you nodded your head, before he turned away and walked off, presumably towards where the washrooms were. Your eyes stayed narrowed on his form until he disappeared from your view by the surrounding crowd. And really, when had it gotten that big? 
Shaking your head mentally, you did your best to ignore the crowd as you turned your attention to Iruma. He still looked as shocked as before as you made your way over to him. He straightened once more, though he fidgeted a little bit under the intensity of your look. Likely misreading your determination as anger at him. 
Squishing his cheeks in between your hands as you finally made your way to him, you turned his head this way and that, before looking him up and down. Satisfied with your inspection but not still high on nerves, you asked him if he was OK. He gave the best nod he could with his head still stuck in your hands, and you quickly let him go. Seeing a look in his eyes though kept you from fully believing him. 
Had you scared him? You generally presented a very calm parental relationship with him. Trying your hardest to never give in to a temper and always think things through calmly when dealing with anything with or near him. You would hate to find out that the one time you let anger consume you had changed his perception of you. 
Hearing two shouts of Iruma’s name, you turned towards where two individuals were forcing their way through the dispersing crowd, dragging you out of your thoughts. Now that the show was clearly over, the other occupants were going back to their original groupings, still chattering about what had happened but no longer as interested in watching you. 
Focusing back in, you found the two individuals were Amerie and Alice. Both talked over the other as they tried to find out what happened and if everyone was OK. Waving off their concerns, you simply commented that a dog had to be retrained and that it had been handled before grinning at their flabbergasted looks. 
Glancing over towards Iruma you noticed he seemed to slowly withdraw into himself. His eyes clouded over as whatever he was thinking slowly consumed his mind. Thinking quickly, you gestured over to where a few tables were and suggested that you took a quick break after all the excitement. Amerie and Alice had clearly come to the same conclusion as you, as they quickly nodded and surrounded Iruma as if trying to hide him from view as you led the small group over. Amaryllis declined the offer, saying she still had some socializing of her own to do, before veering off away from. Judging from her determined walk, she was likely on her way to visit the misbehaving dog from earlier.
With Iruma and you settled at a table hidden to the sidelines, you couldn't help the fond smile that crosses your face as both Amerie and Alice fawned over Iruma. Both clearly expressed worry over how he felt about what had just happened, but were not certain about what to do to make it better. When Iruma shooed them away to have fun and that he simply wanted to have a moment alone, your smile dipped into a frown. Due to the way he was raised, Iruma always jumped at the chance to have others around him. Constantly craving their affection and company. To push others away after something like that clearly said something was wrong. And you had a good feeling what it was.
You were going to kill Fenrir the next chance you got.
You gave the two demons across from you a nod and put a hand on Iruma's shoulder gently. "Don't worry, I have him. Go have fun and make connections. We'll join in again later."
They both hesitated, clearly still uncertain about leaving him, before nodding in acquisition. With a few last words, they left to socialize with the others, and you watched them go before turning back to Iruma.
"How about we get out of here briefly," you suggested with a wink at him.
His eyes widened at your words, staring at you with a dropped jaw, "But we promised Opera-"
"We promised not to leave the Deviculum, and we're not." You nodded to the large curtains strewn along the walls. "I noticed them earlier, but didn't think we would need them. Every one of the curtains leads to a balcony. We'll be out of prying eyes, and you get a space to breathe, while still technically staying within bounds."
He blinked owlishly at you before tilting his head in thought. It was quite obvious there were two sides warring in him, but yours must have won out when he nodded and moved to get up. He followed obediently behind you as you led him to the closest window. Giving a quick look around to make sure no one was looking your way, you lifted the curtain a bit and gestured to him to go through. Technically speaking, you didn't actually know if you were allowed out here.
Iruma didn't need to know that. 
Moving to go behind the curtain yourself, you gave one more cursory glance before following him outside. The second you were outside, you couldn't help but take a deep breath of the cool air. You hadn't even realized how stuffy the room was until you made it out into an open area and were enjoying the light breeze blowing through. Opening the eyes you hadn't even realized you had closed, you made your way to where Iruma was leaning against the railing, still looking as downcast as before.
"Will you tell me what's on your mind?"
"I'm just thinking. About what Fenrir-san said. That humans didn't belong here. It made me wonder if I don't belong and-"
At Iruma's clearly lost face, as he suddenly stopped talking, you amended what you thought earlier. You weren't going to kill Fenrir. You were going to absolutely slaughter him.
"Iruma, honey, you, if anyone, belong here the most." He gave you a look, which you returned, before breaking into a small smile. "I'm being serious here. Yes, we're humans, but so what? We might be an invasive species by many people's standards, and it's true they can do a lot of harm."
You gave him an encouraging smile before continuing, "Sometimes those invasive species can do a lot of good too. You've already taken Babyls by storm. Done things that others thought were impossible, and they were good things. You brought together the misfit class, took back the Royal One classroom, and created things no one else has seen here. It was all you that did that." Seeing him open his mouth, likely in protest, you ploughed right on. "And before you argue, yes, I know you had help. But do you think Rome was built by a single person? Or that it was the Emperor alone who ruled Japan? They all had help, and they did great things with that help, as you will do too." You paused for a moment to take a breath before you went on a rant. "Look, what I'm getting at is that both here, and in the human world, there will always be people who hate you for things out of your control. You know what we do to those people, though?"
He shook his head, confusion clearly written on his face. You gave him a sharp tooth grin in response to his look, "We steam roll right over them and prove them wrong. Fenrir said humans don't belong. Prove him wrong by not just surviving, but thriving here. Keep working your way through those ranks until you feel good enough to look him in his face, smile and say 'You're wrong, I do belong here' before walking away from him. Some call it spite, I call it a purpose. Either way, it works." You carefully grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eyes through his mask, "I know it's harder to do than say, but always remember that I along with Sullivan, Opera and all the others will always be here for you. Whenever you stumble or fall, we will pick you back up till you can walk on your own again. OK?"
He gave you a bright but watery smile and nodded.
"OK. Now let's get back in there and show them just how much we belong here." Iruma nodded again before rushing to give you a tight hug, burrowing his face into your chest. You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed tightly before letting him go and gently ushering him towards the door again.
"Alright, let's do this."
Unbeknown to you, there was a new faction formed that day. Demons naturally flocked to those that held power, and someone who could take down another demon so effortlessly and without magic meant they were extremely powerful.
‘If Sullivan was still insistent on not taking the throne, then perhaps his child could take it in his place,’ they thought.
You had quite a few words for them when you found out. Especially when you found out it was Fenrir who was spearheading it. 
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hello there I've got a fluff request because i don't fell like making myself sad today (yay) anyways can i request Stu x Billy x child reader (platonic for obvious reasons). Okay so Stu and Billy kill one of their classmate (as a student should) and then they find the classmate's little sister/brother. Naturally they where gonna kill the sibling but they just ended up feeling bad for the child and they adopt the sibling :D
This is such a cute idea, I had this idea on one of my slashers finding child reader but I thought it was too unrealistic so I scratched it but I like this!
I realised I made it too short
(Reader is gender neutral hope you don't mind and about 5-7)
Billy and Stu x Child! Reader
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"Who is this?" A deep raspy voice called out through the house phone.
"Who are you?" Your sister replied.
"First tell me who are you."
"Uh, cindy, who are you?"
"Do you like scary movies?"
You were upstairs drawing. Your sister was always out or away from you which made you alone most of the time, you don't know about your parents since you were about 2-3 which probably messed up your elder sister, she used to be very attentive but when it was around your 5th birthday she became distant. luckily she always left you food and things to entertain yourself with but you just wished you could have someone here with you.
Slowly drifting away a sudden scream awoke you from your almost slumber. Curiosity and thinking about the safety of your sister taking over you, you quietly walk downstairs and see your sister crying with an old house phone in her hand and her boyfriend in your backyard brutally beaten up. You started crying when a black robed man with a ghostly screaming face mask sliced your sister's boyfriend and just when you yelled for your sister to come to you another ghostface came up behind her and stabbed her in the back.
"RUN Y/N!" she heavily cried out.
Crying and panicking you ran to your room, you don't know why you just did. It was already too late anyways they were inside your room.
They looked at you. You were curled up in a ball with tears streaming down your chubby/thin face. You weren't even screaming or wailing you were just sniffling and pouting keeping your mouth letting out any sound. This for some reason made their heart break and when they looked around your room all they saw were pictures of you and your sister. No sign parents at all. This made them even more sympathetic as both their parents are mostly absent as well.
The shorter one slowly walked towards you and lifted its hand, out of instinct you covered your face and closed your eyes but then you felt a hand petting your head and you felt your body being raised off the ground. You were cradled in the arms of a ghostface and the taller one pinching your cheek lightly.
"can we keep them?"
"how do we look after a child?"
"we'll just figure it out!"
The shorter ghostface was about to decline (he was just in denial that he actually wanted a kid) when you hugged into his arm and let out a little soft whine. And then he started thinking. 'what if you go to an orphanage and the kids there mistreat you? Or worse you get adopted by an abusive family that will take advantage of your cute innocent self!' now he had to really take you in.
You heard some discussion about taking you in before drifting off to sleep. There are two ways they can 'adopt' you. Legally be your guardian or basically kidnapping you.
Let's say the first one because I have no idea how adopting works.
The first few days and weeks were awesome. You got everything you wanted, you were always sitting in the cart while stu ran around the store and Billy actually picking out groceries but also joining in the fun. You three may or may not have been kicked out a few times. They were extremely attentive except for when they have to go to school and you did too but after the school hours you were having continous sleep overs and hang outs and you were either in Billy's or stu's house. You have bullies? Now you don't they'll never speak to you ever again. Some immature grown ass person messed hurt you? They're seen hung upside down with a body bag on a tree.
Being with them means getting used to horror movies, if you already like them then bam you have their hearts on your hands and if you don't then you still have their hearts on your hands. A day is never dull with them. And just wait until Tatum and Sidney sees you. You don't have two but four parents! They may be high-schoolers but they do have a soft spot for a cute little child like you. Your days are now the most chaotic and fun there will be, your life's amazing and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
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Err on The Side of Awesome
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(Not my gif)
Kol Mikaelson's Daughter Headcanons
Requested by: @katherinereilly19
Here lies my Masterlist
You were adopted by Kol and Davina Claire-Mikaelson at age six from a Catholic orphanage run by nuns who all thought you were some sort of demon child.
See, like your adopted father, you were a witch and had come into your power rather early. Davina had been sensing some odd power flares in the area and, when she and Kol had gone to investigate, there you were - a sweet, little bundle of mischief with more power than you knew what to do with.
To say that you had Kol wrapped around your little finger from the first second he saw you would be no exaggeration. Seriously. 
Kol had never thought himself fit to be a husband, let alone a parent. It still baffles him some days that Davina agreed to marry him - most days in fact - it just seemed too good to be true. They traveled the world for a while and then… Well, Davina, she…
She said she wanted kids.
She didn't say that she used to want kids or that she would have wanted them had she married someone else. Davina said she wanted to be a mom. With him. She said she wanted to have a kid with him and she wanted Kol to be that kid's dad.
At first, he almost thought it was a joke. Who in their right mind would trust him with a child? But no, Davina was serious. 
And it terrified him.
Kol is well aware of just how miserably his parents screwed up their job and he's pretty sure he couldn't do any worse but that doesn't mean he'd do well.
But the guy took just one look at you and he knew without a doubt that there was no alternative realm, no obscure future, and no minuscule probability in which he could cause you any harm.
For the first little while, you were convinced (thanks to the nuns) that you would have to be an absolute angel of a child in order to be wanted by your new parents. You helped clean things, refrain from using your magic, made your bed, brushed your teeth, and never asked for anything.
Three months in, you dropped a plate and broke down crying, begging Mr. and Mrs. Claire-Mikaelson (because you wouldn't dare call them mom and dad) not to send you back.
What began as your average Tuesday afternoon turned into a deeply formative experience when Kol sat you on his knee, looked you in the eyes, and said:
"Y/N, darling, I want you to listen to me very closely, alright? There is absolutely nothing on this earth you can do or say that will make your mother and I love you any less. There is no such thing as good enough - there is no bar you have to meet - only what you are. Now, a plate is infinitely replaceable, but you are our daughter and I will love you until the end of time. That makes you infinitely more valuable than a plate. Okay?"
"O-okay… dad?"
That was a day you never forgot as you grew older. 
Speaking of growing, no matter how old you get, Kol can and will pick you up by the ankle and hold you upside down. It never gets old.
Also, piggy-back rides.
You did go through a phase where you were convinced there was a monster in your closet.
"Dad! There's a monster in my closet and it wants to eat my toes!"
"Really? Well, I must applaud the audacity."
There were quite a few nights you spent cuddled up between them as Davina braided your hair and Kol told you a story until you fell asleep. 
Kol always refers to you and Davina as "his girls".
He's always willing to play with you, whether it be a game of tag or a complex drama plot with your dolls. (His personal favorite was when you decided to reenact the French Revolution in Barbie form.)
Daddy-Daughter Days are 100% a thing. The two of you are huge movie and arcade goers. Not to mention huge fantasy nerds. From Deltora Quest to Harry Potter to the freaking Wheel of Time - your fascination with the fantastical never fades as you grow. You never thought yourself too old to be read to at night, so Kol never stopped the tradition.
You're a little (a lot) spoiled. But not in a bad way. You're not ungrateful but let's just say you have quite a few pets.
Auntie Bex is always more than willing to babysit when your parents want some time to themselves. You remind her of Kol when he was a kid and she adores that.
Play-Dates with your cousin Hope mean quite a few headaches for your uncles Klaus and Elijah. Aunt Hayley thinks you're absolutely hilarious while Aunt Cami is convinced you're like 4 different varieties of insane. She might have a point there.
When you're old enough to be in school, you can always count on your parents to help you with your homework. You never would have made it through middle or high school without your dad, Kol is insanely good at math and chemistry. However, when it comes to anything to do with history or government, he passes the torch to Davina because even though he lived through it, he literally never paid enough attention to remember anything.
Parent-Teacher conferences are always interesting. 
"Y/N is so intelligent. Truly a joy to have in class."
"Is she now?"
Neither of them buys it for a second. You have a mischievous streak a mile long, the teacher just doesn't know that you're the one putting tacks on her chair. Kol is honestly proud and Davina may try to be the voice of reason but she can't help laughing at just how alike father and daughter turned out to be.
Now, if Hope is "miraculously well adjusted" then you're probably something like a thirty-year-old in an eight-year-old body. You're like the most chill child perhaps ever. However, just like your father, your maturity level varies with the situation.
For example, Klaus once decided it would be a good idea to whip out the "You're not even a real Mikaelson" card at a family reunion. It wasn't long before Davina had thrown Klaus into a wall and Kol and Marcel were at each other's throats. 
You honestly weren't even bothered. You knew your parents loved you and that was enough so you simply said:
"I'm sorry you feel that way."
And went back to eating your dinosaur chicken nuggets.
Marcel - apparently still a little touchy on that subject - was the last to sit down again. Little did he know just how proficient you had become with teleporting objects. Naturally, you were smirking when the whoopie cushion did its noble work.
Kol is terrified that he'll lose touch with you as you grow older.
This fear never comes to fruition.
The trust between you and your parents is something every other child ever would envy. They trust your judgment and, in turn, you trust the very few restrictions they put in place for you. It's crazy because they honestly never get mad. Like ever.
However, their disappointment is the worst thing you'll ever endure. 
 They told you not to go out one night because an old enemy of Klaus' was wandering around town. You went out anyway and you were attacked. Now, you were powerful enough to fight off your assailant and kill him, but you didn't come out of that fight unscathed. You had to limp home and tell your dad what had happened. 
"Are you mad at me?"
"No. I've done much worse in my life, for much dumber reasons. To be mad at you would make me a hypocrite. I just know you're better than this - Y/N, you've shown me that you're better than this. I'm not angry with you. I'm just extraordinarily disappointed."
It happens only once and never again.
Growing up with those two for parents ensured that you quickly mastered your magic and became one of the most powerful and skilled witches of all time. But don't think for a second that you would ever be used. They would never allow that to happen.
As you reach middle and high school, a rumor begins going around that your dad is a vampire. You just snort really loud and make no further comment. It leaves everyone wondering.
First boyfriend?
Heaven help the poor sod. 
"If you ever lay your hands on my daughter against her will, you will find that you no longer have hands. I will use the bones of them to fashion myself a new pen, with which I shall write your death certificate. Do I make myself clear?"
Once you're old enough, the basement becomes something of a witchy lab space.
Explosions are… frequent.
*Coughing* "Thank goodness your mother wasn't home for that one."
"Think again, Mikaelson."
"Oh shi-"
"Uh… Hi mom!"
You're probably the healthiest Mikaelson.
When the time comes for you to graduate, it's a hard dose of reality for Kol. He understands he has to let you live your life and he would never dream of taking that away as it was taken from him, but it's just hard.
You'll never stop being his little girl.
Special thanks to: @her-violent-delights
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