#also how do you initiate boop using a side blog
foo1ishheart554 · 2 months
come on f1 moots let me boop you!!!!!!!!!!
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steddiehickeys · 2 years
crushing on / dating eddie munson hcs <333
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requested by: @tomz17-blog
pairing: gender neutral reader x eddie munson
warnings: eddie munson being adorable, mentions of weed, steve harrington
a/n: this man has us all wrapped around his mf finger and i am not complaining. so here’s some things i think would happen w u and eds <3 also just pretend eddie has been part of this group the entire time lol
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*
before dating / crushing on each other :
alwaysssss finding ways to compare hand sizes
“you have baby hands, y/n. come here, i’ll show you” as he’s holding his hand up to you
literally is constantly asleep on you. whether it’s his head on your shoulder during a movie or his head in your lap while you two smoke
says you playing with his hair while he’s high is the best thing ever and it puts him to sleep in 5 minutes
i feel like he’s a touchy person in general; but since he likes you, it’s amplified. he always needs to be in contact with you someway
you being way too intimidated by his outgoing and enthusiastic personality to ever say how you feel about him
you don’t have to when he asks you if you’d wanna go see a movie with him
“yeah of course, eddie! we always go out though, why do you look so weird about it?”
“i was thinking this one could be…a date?”
you could fall to your knees right then and there but instead you just blush a shit ton and nod your head
“i’ll pick you up at 7:30, sweetheart.” he smirks at you showing off his dimple and walks away
when you guys are dating :
this man never stops kissing you
always grabbing your face and kissing the top of your head and all over your cheeks bc he loves you so much
same as before, his favorite place to fall asleep is somewhere on you. preferably your lap
sprays your body spray on his wrists so he can smell you throughout the day <333
gives you your own guitar pick necklace with “E + your initial” on it
tries to teach you how to play DND, gets frustrated, gives up eventually
it’s okay bc you’re fine with sitting there during hellfire watching your cute boyfriend
gives you free weed. duh
always makes sure “i love you” is the last thing he says to you for the night
even if you guys are having a sleepover
dustin teasing you guys for how close you guys constantly are
“are you guys worried that if you’re not like within 4 feet of each other the earth will implode?”
you ofc tease him back
“turn around…look at what you seeeeee”
he walks away so fast after that
always boops ur nose bc he likes how you scrunch your face when he does it
this man is TICKLISH
if you so much as graze your fingers over his abdomen he will start writhing around and cackling like a mad man trying to grab your hands
likes to pretend like he’s not but sometimes you’ll taze him in his side in the middle of a sentence and he’s basically falling over
he likes to wear your clothes; he just loves being engulfed in your smell
steve being so mad that eddie somehow got someone before he did
“what can i say, harrington? the munson charm is a real thing im telling ya.”
he’s just such a goofball i literally love him sm
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yuumas-kappa-army · 3 years
Since it’s their birthday here are some of my Headcannons for Dex and Daina! I will add more if I think of any.
I have more for Dex than Daina but here we go.
- Dex smells like a mixture of midroased coffee and pine nuts (Lupin himself said this one).
-Dex loves space. Anything to do with the stars and moon fascinate him. He gets excited if he hears there’s gonna be a meteor shower or form of eclipse.
- Daina on the other hand is more fascinated by weather.
- Dex’s favorite cake flavor is lemon.
- Dex is bisexual (also confirmed by Lupin)
- his favorite color is yellow.
- He Can come off as intimidating and cold at first glance but I swear he’s just a shy boy with a resting b1tch face.
- Dex Does not know how to talk to people. Unless you initiate a conversation with him he probably won’t talk with you unless he gets to know you really well. Then a whole another side of him opens up. He’ll be playful, and if he REALLY trusts trusts you, maybe even quote memes from time to time.
- He is very loyal. Like the most loyal person you’ll ever meet. If you befriend him he’ll be by your side unless you betray him or discard him.
- Dex is extremely protective. If someone hurt a person he cares about he is fwacking SCARY. He normally hates confrontation, but in these cases he will not hesitate to fight them. He would probably put the person in the hospital no lie, by the time he was done. (Depending on the seriousness of said situation).
- Speaking of this Dex also has abandonment issues. He struggles with it a lot. He’s so used to always being “the second choice” for say, or being left behind or left out.
- Dex is very proud of Daina but often feels overshadowed by her. He doesn’t let that get in the way of the fact he loves her though.
- (also should throw this out there for this blog but I see Dex and Daina as siblings, however you see them though is fine, just my HC)
- Dex prefers coffee over tea. He loves Starbucks. Anything caramel.
- Dex’s favorite restaurant is Chipotle. If Chipotle is not an option then anywhere he can get a steak or nice burger.
- he hates Subway. Just thinks it’s gross.
- Diana’s favorite is anything Chinese or Japanese cuisine.
- Dex loves a lot of Nintendo games like Mario and Smash, he also loves Pokémon. He also loves fandom ones like Undertale and Five Nights at Freddy’s. Meanwhile Daina enjoys simulation games like Sims, Stardew Vally, and Animal Crossing.
- Dex and Daina both play Animal Crossing together religiously. Like a daily thing. When the ACNH update dropped early Dex nearly fainted from excitement.
- Speaking of Animal Crossing, Daina has a beautiful 5 star island while Dex has like a 2 Star with items everywhere because he doesn’t have the inventory space yet. He will get there though and is determined.
- they are both closeted furrys. You can’t change my mind. Not to like the extreme where they would want a full blown fur suit but very subtle with their cute ears and tails.
- Dex actually does have sharp canine teeth on the top. Two lil cute fangs that show most when he’s laughing or scheming.
- Daina is dating Ruby in my HCs. They are so wholesome to me.
- Dex and Daina have a “friend squad” they hang out with, if you will. Piko, Flower, and VY2 Yuuma often hang out with them. Along with Ruby too.
-Dex’s best friends are Yohioloid and Kaito
- Dex is a very good cook while Daina is a “throw it in the microwave and call it a meal” kind of person.
- Dex literally has to force her to eat some days because she forgets.
- nothing pisses Dex off more nowadays than beef jerky prices.
- If Dex sees a dog every fiber of his being screams to pet it IMMEDIATELY.
- Dex is allergic to cats. He’s a dog person anyways.
- Daina is indifferent. She loves all animals. Anything she can “boop”.
- the weakest part of Dex as a performer is his choreography. He can’t dance to save his life. He makes up for it with his voice. He just doesn’t have good coordination.
- Daina on the other hand is the full package, being very skilled in dance and of course singing.
- Dex hates Fukase. They just don’t vibe well and clash.
- both Dex and Daina are terrified of spiders. Understandable.
- Dex is tall, about 6’1. Lanky boi
- He gives the best hugs. If you are lucky enough to receive a hug from him get ready to melt. His arms can reach all the way around you and he holds you just tight enough to make you feel his emotion. AHHH
- Daina isn’t one for physical affection. Unless she knows you really well.
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lgbtqlegends · 3 years
I am a huge fan of your blog! Do you have any headcanons about Sara being playful and silly around Ava? Like what types of things she does, and how Ava responds? Sara seems to like to play around, but had to grow up fast as the Gambit sank. Also, while Ava can be serious, I feel like there a times that she encourages this type of behavior, because she knows that Sara deals with a lot, and that the silly behavior is a direct result of her girlfriend feeling safe and secure. Thank you!
aww thanks! thank you for the ask n hope you enjoy!
-sara is dEf super playful n silly around ava. like,, she def does love to play around but once the gambit sank and everything that happened after she didn't really have room in her life to be silly because she had to fight to stay alive, and then she had to fight her demons. so once she gets close to ava and lets her guard down around her, her playful side comes out a lot
-she definitely like,,, boops ava's nose a lot, just because she can and because she wants to. ava usually just smiles at her n occasionally rolls her eyes, but it's all in good fun
-sara also a lot of times will randomly just climb up/jump up onto ava. like,, they'll be standing around together or walking around the ship together n sara does a little "sneak attack" n just jumps into ava's arms or like,, onto her back for a piggyback ride. sara only does it when they're not in the middle of anything important, so ava usually ends up carrying her around (whether piggyback ride or just plain carrying her depends on how sara jumped up)
-sara also def initiates a bunch of sword fights with random objects. like,,, they'll be wrapping presents for christmas or smth and sara grabs a roll of wrapping paper and bonks ava on the head and then says liek,, "en garde" or smth and then they forget all about wrapping presents and instead have a sword fight
-a lot of times those sword fights will end in both of them rolling around on the floor in the middle of a tickle war, because ava knows that sara is v ticklish and she uses it to her advantage to get sara to laugh n smile even more than she already had been during the sword fight
-she also prob sometimes puts on music and then pulls ava to dance with her and maybe they're a little tipsy, maybe they're not, but either way they're twirling each other around their quarters, or around the rec room, or wherever and they both just,, stop worrying about everything for a little while
-sara probably does a lot of playful n silly things with ava, bc she can and bc she trusts her and is comfortable enough to let her guard down around ava, so she just,,, allows herself to let go of everything else n just,, be playful for a while
-n ava can def be serious sometimes but like,, as long as they're not on a mission, ava pretty much always encourages sara to be playful n silly bc she knows all the shit sara deals with n she knows she only gets to see this side of sara bc sara trusts her so completely n feels safe n secure enough to let her guard down, so there's never really a time when ava like,, doesn't encourage the playfulness (bc the only time she ever would is when they're on a mission and sara isn't really liek,,, playful in that sense when they're on missions)
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okimargarvez · 4 years
Original title: Task force.
Prompt: during the Doyle case, FBI Director calls five teams to catch him.
Warning: A.U., what if for S6, character’s death, crossover.
Genre: action, family, angst, romantic.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Phil Brooks, Kevin Lynch, Sam Cooper, Mick Rawson, Gina La Salle, Beth Griffith, Jonathan Simms, Jack Garrett, Clara Seger, Russ Montgomery, Matthew Simmons, Mae Jarvis, Mary Meadows, Owen Quinn, Jack Flicker, O.C.
Pairings: Garvez (Penelope x Kevin, Luke x O. C.), Hotchniss, Katt (slight), demily (slight), Mick x Gina, O.C. x O.C.).
Note: oneshot 74 in Garvez collection.
Legend: 💏 😘😈🔦🎲 🕶️🎈⚰️.
Song: La differenza tra me e te, Tiziano Ferro
Task force - Masterlist
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See the notes for more informations.
And if... my life occasionally wiped out... the uselessness of these insecurities... I wouldn't tell you...
She is not openly crying, but she is so close. -It cannot be true. I can’t believe. I don’t want to believe it.- she shakes her head, while her friend increases the grip on her hand, even though he is no less upset. -Why shouldn't she have told us?- Morgan would like to console her, but he can't. He's too busy cursing himself for not seeing the signs first.
-That's exactly the point, Penelope.- the older man explains to calm down her. -We are her family. And remember what Doyle's goals is?- awareness makes its way into her chest as she nods.
-We have to find her.- she looks above all at Hotch, who seems strange, different. But it will all be in her head, she sees things that are not there, perhaps she dreams of them as well. And it would also be easy to believe it, if she didn’t have certain marks, signs on her body, which persist in not wanting to go away. But this story is not in the least important now that they have lost Emily.
The last piece of the puzzle, the discovery of Lauren Reynolds' identity, also reaches the other teams, which for the occasion gathered in their initial formations. In the IRT, Clara is definitely the most upset. They worked together for years, she considers her as one of her best friends and she cannot understand how she could have been so blind, and above all why she didn't trust her. Once, perhaps for too many glasses of wine, she had told her they were like sisters. Jack tries to convince her that it wasn't her fault, almost unnecessarily.
Mick, who has notoriously always had a soft crush on Prentiss, lets out his anger by punching things. Gina tries to calm him down and finds no other way than to hug him. It is the first time it has happened in years and years of working together. Both remain puzzled by the sensations they feel, but don’t have time to deepen them.
In the remaining teams, it is those who have collaborated with her for a few days, since they are part of the same group, to be confused and most affected by the story. Someone even makes a joke, citing the film with Juila Roberts, but is soon sedated.
Four days have passed since that night and Luke was no longer able to even approach her. He saw her in passing, during some general meeting, but she avoided his gaze and vanished instantly. Phil snatched the truth from him, almost choking on his beer, but not the details. He gave him a pat so hard that he almost broke a bone. But he couldn't help it. This coldness on his part mortally wounds him, but he expected it. But when Vladimir tells them the latest discovery, Luke instantly senses the effect this thing will have on her and abandons the discussion before it's over. Dalia stares at Phil, convinced (rightly) that he knows what's wrong with Luke. Claudia manages to calm her down; she is the only one with this magical power.
Luke practically runs to her office, but freezes, recognizing the male tone and the nuances of anger in his voice. -But I know why you're doing it.- an evil, really bad laugh, thanks to which he would have already gained a punch, if only he had this guy in front of him. -You fucked with that man of the fugitive team, that seems to have come out of a Mexican comic book.- he doesn’t even feel particularly offended to be defined through a stereotype, indeed, he is almost happy, because he captures the only positive side of the thing: what there is among them it is so evident that even this jerk has got there. -What is his last name? Alvarez?- a crooked grimace paints the lips of the Latin hearing his surname wrong. He looks around, but no one is coming, so he keeps eavesdropping.
-It's Alvez, and whit whom I fucked or not, is no longer your business!- a noise, like something being pushed. He hopes that it was she who did it and not the other, because if he only dares to touch her hair... -We are not together or am I wrong?- his heart jumps for joy, considering that in a bizarre way she is defending him, and also... Them.
A snap, compatible with a slap. It takes him a while to understand that probably he has beat one hand against the other. -No, you're right.- another laugh that is half a sob. -Luckily I didn’t buy that ring.- Luke's eyes widen dramatically.
-What?- Penelope's upset cry is reflected in his stomach.
A series of sighs. An exasperating pause, before Kevin continues. -I wanted to make peace with you, take you out to dinner and ask you to marry me.- was he really ready to take that step? Was he really that close to losing everything? But inside he feels that she wouldn't have said yes anyway. -So, there would be no more breaks. It was fun, when we were younger…- he continues to explain, then he laughs again. -What a jerk I was.- at least he was able to say one right thing.
-Maybe it was fun for you, but certainly not for me!- he instantly recognizes the shades of pain in her voice. Somehow, for some strange, arcane reason, she really loves him. Not enough, or she wouldn't have ended up in his bed. And this is not a male chauvinist thought but a simple observation.
-Tell me, plum sauce, have you ever loved me?- he imagines them. He sees Kevin trying to take her hand, one last desperate attempt. But he also sees her reject him, free herself. -Because I find it hard to believe, given the speed with which you threw yourself into another's arms...- in fact melancholy quickly turns into sadness.
-I didn't throw myself in anyone's arms!- she protests and Lynch can't know she's telling the truth. It was he who captured her, and it was a hard fight to win.
An ironic laugh. Luke clenches his fists, looking around again. -Want to deny? Come on, Penelope, I saw the way you look at him and how he looks at you.- his heart begins to beat wildly. -You two had sex with your eyes during the meetings, but from the way you treated him today... in my opinion he also hit the target. - how the hell did he notice? Is it so obvious? Will his friends, his team, Dalia, have noticed it too? What about her team? Morgan? All the rest of the world, including Flicker? He believed he had been clever and discreet. Before he hit the target, as Lynch called it, they had exchanged short, stealthy looks at strategic moments. But he's right, that was a kind of foreplay.
A loud noise, of something or someone who is pushed and ends up against some wall, pulling down what is hanging on it. -Stop it, Kevin, I can't stand your tone anymore!- pain and anger continually exchange roles, in her voice. -That's why I don't want to go back with you.- Luke closes his eyes, savoring the moment. -Alvez has nothing to do with it. You men must always find a lover, a scapegoat to feel you have a clear conscience, don't you?- he imagines the grimace on her mouth and feels the urge to kiss her. -I'm sorry, it won't be like that. And yes, you were right not to buy the ring, because I would never have said yes!- as he had imagined. -Now, go out, please. I want to be alone.- it spends a few frightening moments of absolute silence, before he can hear the steps of the man coming towards him. He barely hides himself just in time. He has an absolute need to see her, but he respects her will. Loving often sucks.
TAGS: @martinab26​​​​​​​  @thinitta​​​​​​​  @shyladystudentfan​​​​​​​  @pegasus-scifichick​​​​​​​ @paperwalk​​​​​​​  @inlovewithgarvaz​​​​​​​ @the-ellen-stuff​​​​​​​ @astressedwriter​​​​​​​  @symphonyashley​​​​​​​  @kofforever​​​​​​​ @myhollyhanna23​​​​​​​ @tootsienoodles​​​​​​​  @centiaaa​​​​​​​  @penelopesluke​​​​​​​ @dumbdraws​​​​​​​ @onefail-at-atime​​​​​​​ @reidskitty13​​​​​​​ @adorarapril​​​​​​​ @princesstreaclefanfic​​​​​​​ @glocknade111-blog​​​​​​​ @magiunific​​​​​​ @fallen-novak​​​​​​​ @dreatine​​​​​​​ @hopelessdayydreamer​​​​​​​ @canadianfangirl​​​​​​​ @vickyd-2012​​​​​​​ @baileysb1tch @futureperfectmedia-blog​​​​​​​ @makingmemories2019   @maguloser​​​​​​​​ @letsplayeternity​​​​​​​​ @tonysslut​​​​​​​​ @strangerthings14​​​​​​​​ @yranidro​​​​​​​​ @majo0803​​​​​​​​ @dragona56​​​​​​​​ @painterofhorizons @oh-chuck-help-me​​​​​​​​ @avengvr @dittokld @rockyroadthepastryarchy​​​ @lizboo4​​​ @boop-the-boop-barf @thepeggyofthegroup123​​ @thebroadwaybulimic​​ @purplezombi 
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bebezen · 5 years
nsfw alphabet: monsta x - i.m
(anonymous) - “Can I have an nsfw A-Z on changkyun?? Also I can’t wait for your blog to blow up and you start getting a lot of requests!!💖💖”
(thank you for the good wishes! i’m excited as well ❤️)
A - aftercare:
The time you two are finished will really shape what he does afterwards. If it’s before dark, he’d probably get up and make you both some food or jump in the shower (you’re invited to join, of course). If it happens to be late, he’d take you into his arms and refuse to let go while you two talked about anything and everything.
B - body part:
It might be an odd choice to some, but he really loves how cute your nose is. He thinks it shapes your face perfectly and deserves it’s spot as front and center. You don’t know this, but he tends to boop it while you aren’t awake.
On him, he would choose his hands. They were the part that had the capability to feel you best, to hold onto you in sweet and sensual moments. He loved to use them to make you cum just from his fingers. And, their attractiveness is a plus, too.
C - cum:
Most times he can resist cumming inside you because he wants to paint your chest or face. He loves watching it run down your body, leaving a glistening trail behind. Although, if he hadn’t seen you in a while he’d be sure to fill you up since it would give him a sense of home.
D - dirty secret:
He has a bit of a corruption kink. If you were already experienced it wouldn’t change anything, but he would still play out the fantasy in his mind. He’d love if you asked for guidance. He wants to know that he’s the only one that can turn you from innocent into a dirty slut just for him.
E - experience:
Changkyun has a little bit of experience, but is not really a player. In some aspects, he still needs to find everything he is/isn’t comfortable with. He’s willing to receive advice and guidance if you want a change. That being said, he doesn’t need to be taught, he knows what to do.
F - favorite position:
His favorite position would be one where he can pound into you and watch you bounce on him and his cock, but also have the chance to make you work for it. So, cowgirl or doggy.
G - goofy:
He doesn’t want to make intimate moments into some kind of joke, so for the most part he would want to keep sex seperate from times when you’re being funny. However, if there’s some kind of silly accident (like banging your heads against the headboard... he’ll never learn) and you comment on it, he’ll let out a “pfft” and a quick smile before getting back into the mood.
H - hair:
For the most part he is bare, with a carefully shaped patch above his dick. He won’t ever let it get too long, but it’s also not a prickly stubble. If it bothered you, he would shave it all, no questions asked.
I - intimacy:
He tries to make something special each time you have sex, even if he’s the only one that knows it’s happened. For example, he’ll switch up his fingering technique or spank you a different number of times each time. It’s mostly subconscious, though, so if you noticed something different and questioned it, he’d have no idea what you were talking about. It’s just a little quirk that makes him feel closer to you and gives him a sense of pride, control, comfort, and freshness. He prefers silent actions over large gestures like covering the bed in rose petals or something of the sort.
J - jack off:
He does masturbate, but would much rather have you there with your body instead of his hand. However, he will jack off even if you’re readily available, basically just because he can and wants alone time occasionally, as he does in the relationship anyway. Plus, if it’s early in the relationship he’s going to be doing it a lot, because he can imagine you doing things to him and vice versa that you might not have reached as a step yet.
K - kink:
This boy has a few secrets he wants to try in mind, but the one he’s going to crave is role-play. You don’t even need to get dressed up (though the sight of you would almost make him cum without a single touch). He just wants to escape reality for a second and focus on what he can have with you.
L - location:
You two usually find yourselves in the bedroom because it’s convenient and comfortable, but if you’re getting ready for any reason in the bathroom, he’ll sneak up behind you and take you there and then. He loves the shower, too, and pushing you against the shower walls, but watching you bent over the counter in front of the mirror would be one of his favorite sights and feelings. The bathroom overall is a nice private place that he likes to be in besides just a boring bed.
M - motivation:
You. I mean, look at you. You do things to him that he’ll never admit to you. You never fail to make him flustered and turned on. He loves teasing from you and teasing you back until neither of you can take it anymore. Another good (but bad) way to get him to take you ASAP is to make him jealous on purpose, but he’ll be somewhat mad afterwards.
N - no:
Besides the obvious, he wouldn’t really like food play. Sure messy can be good for him, and both eating and sex are pleasurable in their own ways, but mixing them just makes him want to gag. And, besides, both of you are sweet enough where he’d like to lick the juices up.
O - oral:
He’s more of a giver than a receiver, if he could stay in the moment of having his mouth on you forever, he would. But he definitely knows how to get you on your knees for him anytime, and isn’t afraid to face-fuck you if you’re comfortable with it.
P - pace:
On a regular basis, he’s usually on the more fast side once you work up to it. Don’t take this as he doesn’t appreciate every second. There are times where he wants to spend his time savoring you, like after certain date nights when all he wants is for you to know how much he is in love with you.
Q - quickie:
It’s not his favorite thing in the world, but he’s rather fond of being able to have you and then leave whichever room you’re in just to act like nothing happened. They usually only occur if you’re being a tease or his schedule is booked.
R - risk:
It’s not really his thing, he values privacy in life and sex. If the door doesn’t have a lock, he doesn’t want to do it. He can’t have anyone catching you two and seeing you all hot and fucked out the way you are for only him, can he? But, whether it counts as risk or not, he is more than willing to experiment whatever either of you want with you.
S - stamina:
He never wants to get things over with, but sometimes he just can’t last as long as others, especially if he’s put it off for a while. So he might finish fast, but that just means he has more energy to take you more times after he cums.
T - toy:
He loves them on him, but hates them on you. It’ll make him a bit insecure, almost as if he’s not good enough for you, so it’ll take some convincing. He enjoys you using vibrators on him, though. If you didn’t want to, he can live without it, since he isn’t blind to the fact that you might feel the same way he does.
U - unfair:
Teasing is so fun, exciting, and enticing to him. He can last a long time doing it, too. He’d make sure you get your fill in the end, though. It just might be a while until that ends up happening.
V - volume:
He’s not too loud, but pants a little and moans. There won’t be a lot of grunts, and even less whines. He usually asks if you’re okay or enjoying what he’s doing to you, which ties into the romantic aspect of things.
W - wild card:
He loves lazy morning sex. It’s something about the way the sun peeks through the blinds and gives your skin a slight glow as he feels you surround him. You’d wake up to him softly grinding against you, and if you ride him while holding him close, he wouldn’t be able to hold it in. He’d finger you to release afterwards, though. He wouldn’t want it to be fast, he needs his initial feeling in the morning to be taking in every inch of you and mentally making note of it. The perfect way to start a day.
X - x-ray:
Changkyun has about an average length and is a little more on the thicker side. He can fill you up nicely and he loves tapping it against you before he buries his dick inside you.
Y - yearning:
Changkyun might want you often, but you’d never know exactly how often cause sometimes he just doesn’t act on it. He knows pretty well how to differentiate when it’s a good time for both him and you and when it’d be better to just let the feelings he has pass. When you initiate things, it changes that story, but only slightly. He’s more likely to give in to his urges when you want him badly but not likely enough to drop everything if what he’s in the middle of is important.
Z - zzz:
Changkyun won’t necessarily be tired after you two have finished, but he wouldn’t mind falling asleep after. Only after he’d admired your resting form, though. He’d want to be the big spoon and rest his arm over yours, but he might move around slightly while he sleeps.
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izukillme-moved · 5 years
Anniversary Surprises
“Gray?” Natsu asked suddenly, raising himself up on one arm.
Gray blinked sleepily at his husband. “Yeah?”
They were lounging around in bed, since today was their anniversary and the guild had decided to grant both an off day, despite Gray and Natsu yelling that they wanted to come.
“Do you want to, uh, go out somewhere? Today?”
Gray blinked again. “…sure,” he said slowly. “We have nothing else to do - but why are you asking me now of all the times?”
“Because, well, I wanted to go at the earliest - it tends to get pretty crowded later in the day,” Natsu said frankly. “And it opens at eight-forty-five. It’s eight-twenty now, and if we leave in ten minutes we can make it there exactly at opening time.”
Gray felt himself smiling - Natsu was so goddamn cute.
“All right,” he said, tossing off the covers and jumping out of bed. “You go brush and change, and I’ll make some tea?”
Natsu grinned. “Okay.”
They’d both shovelled tea (and coffee in Gray’s case) down their throats and gotten out, and now they were walking hand in hand down the street.
Well, Natsu was walking hand-in-hand with Gray, who he had blindfolded with his precious scarf. 
“Where are we going,” Gray complained for the umpteenth time.
“Shut up and you’ll find out,” Natsu scolded. “We’re almost there anyway.”
He turned right, dragging his husband along, and suddenly stopped. Gray jerked forwards, nearly falling down, and yelled, “You idiot! What was that for?!”
Natsu winced. “Sorry. But,” he added, face breaking into a smile. “We’re here!”
And he pulled his scarf off Gray’s face with a flourish.
Gray stared in wonder at the building before them.
Magnolia City Orphanage, read the sign. Adoptions open!
“Natsu,” he said wonderingly, turning to the pink-haired man. “You - you-”
Natsu smiled shyly and rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, you’re always saying how you want two kids, and for us to be parents, and I guess I just wanted that for you? For us?” 
Gray looked at his husband, this beautiful man who’d come up with the best idea ever, and kissed him soundly on the mouth.
“Natsu, I love you,” 
The orphanage was noisy, crowded with kids, and very, very colourful.
Gray felt himself smiling widely as he stepped in.
“Good morning - wait, Natsu and Gray?!” 
Lucy, wearing the uniform of a social worker, stared at the two in utter shock.
“Lucy, you work here?” Natsu asked from his place beside Gray.
Lucy laughed, over her initial surprise, and said, “Yeah, I took it up as a part-time when I got here for funds, and I fell in love. Lisanna likes to come sometimes too, and hang around with the kids. She’s so sweet, you know?”
The men exchanged glances. 
Here we go again, Gray’s gaze seemed to say. 
Lucy noticed their expressions and burst out in giggles. “Sorry, sorry, I did it again, didn’t I? Anyway, you’re here to adopt?”
“Yeah,” Natsu said, looking at Gray.
Gray smiled and intertwined their fingers. “I’ve always wanted kids, and this genius,” he gestured playfully to Natsu with his free hand, “surprised me by bringing me here. So, yeah.”
Lucy grinned and rubbed her hands together. “Amazing! Why don’t you look around, talk to the kids, see who you really want to adopt?”
Natsu grinned. “Sounds like a plan.”
Gray began to look around when his eyes fell on a corner of the room, which seemed to be darker and gloomier than the rest of it - and he couldn’t help but draw in a sharp breath. 
A little boy with dark hair sat quietly, glaring at his flaming fist. He could have been no older than eight. A girl of around the same age, who sat a couple of feet away, watched him with hollow grey eyes.
Natsu had noticed where he was looking and gasped lightly. “They’re - Fire Wizards?”
That used to be me, Gray realised, heart twanging.
Except he’d found Fairy Tail. He’d had their rowdy cheerfulness and acceptance and kindness to save him - but these two had no one. 
A sense of aching familiarity, an understanding of the loss and grief these children carried in their hearts pulled at Gray’s chest painfully.
He knew, instantly, that he had to help. 
He had to save them like Fairy Tail had saved him. 
“Let’s go meet them,” he said decisively, and strode towards the children, Natsu in tow. 
When Gray reached the corner, he crouched down and offered a kind smile. 
“Hey,” he rasped. “How’s it going?”
The girl glared fiercely at him. Beside her, the boy forced the flame to dissipate, eyes wide and fearful.
“None of your business,” she spat. “Just leave us alone.”
“What’s your name?” Natsu probed gently. “And is that your twin brother? Both of you are definitely going to be quite the pair of lookers when you grow up,” he added, smiling. 
“Alicia.” she said through gritted teeth. “That’s Alex. And we don’t want to talk to you.”
“I take it you’re mad at something? Or someone?” Natsu added. 
The girl pursed her little mouth. “I said, it’s none of your business. Alex and I are perfectly fine, we don’t need some random strangers coming in and - and trying to separate us! Just go away! Find some other kids to bother!”
“Separate you?” Gray asked, perplexed. 
“Yeah,” the boy - Alex - spoke for the first time. “They never want both of us, just Ali. And I’m not letting my sister leave me,” he added, scooting closer to Alicia and grabbing her arm. She pulled him close, and the two sat in a sort of awkward side-hug, identically defiant glares burning holes in Gray and Natsu’s foreheads. 
“Alex is different. So just let me take care of him.” Alicia said curtly.
“Different… you mean that he can do Magic, right?” Natsu pressed.
“How did you know?” asked Alex quietly, grey eyes dull.
“We saw your fist, earlier,” Gray said kindly. “Fire Magic.”
“I know I’m a freak,” Alex spoke with a trembling voice. 
"A freak?” When Natsu spoke, his voice was dangerously angry. “You’re about as far as possible from that. Watch me, okay?” His voice softened at the last few words, and he opened his fist to reveal a dazzling flame.  
The twins, now hooked, stared in awe. 
“You - you’re like Alex?” Alicia asked in wonder.
“Yeah!” Natsu answered enthusiastically.
“What - what about him?” She pointed to Gray, who smiled and willed a few ice cubes to appear on the ground in front of them.
“That’s so cool!” Alex yelled, crawling forwards to examine the ice further.
Alicia still had her arms crossed over her chest, though.
“Hey, look, I - I know what it’s like to lose someone who’s the closest thing to a sibling you’ve ever had.” Gray spoke haltingly, but earnestly. Honesty was the best, and only, way to gain a broken child’s trust - shouldn’t he know? “I’d  - we’d - never tear you guys apart.”
“Why should I believe you?” Alicia asked stubbornly. “Why should I believe that you won’t? There were people like you too. But they only wanted Alex. Are you going to take him away from me?”
Her eyes had filled with tears, but she held them back by sheer strength of will.
Gray and Natsu exchanged glances, and in those glances were everything they needed to say to each other. 
This is it. 
“Well, yeah.” Natsu said with a small smile. “But, we’re also going to take you away.” He leaned in to boop her nose.
Alicia’s eyes went wide. “What… do you…” she said faintly.
“Well,” and Natsu grinned widely. “If you both want to… we’d like to adopt you guys. What do you say to having your new dads be Natsu and Gray Dragneel-Fullbuster?”
Alex smiled then, and it was a beautiful smile that lit up his eyes. “That sounds… really amazing.”
“You’re… going to adopt us?” Alicia asked, hope and wonder filling her face and voice. “Together?”
Gray grinned. “We wouldn’t have it any other way.”
For @oceanwaves-blog
Dear Oceane, I’m sorry I’m such a lazy asshole and did this after… three years? I love you!! 
@fuckyeahgratsu @ftlgbtales 
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glitterbark · 7 years
You've opened the gates... Now tell us about FGO and Garnet & Pals
Omfg... ok, for any confused, I’m in love with Fate Grand Order and, when this was found out on a side-blog, I was asked if my Master has a personality. 
And you know me, of course she does. (Here are the posts for clarity.)
So the one’s I’ve mentioned are Robin Hood, Nero, Mozart, Medea, and Mash, but let’s elaborate on Mash.
Above all else, Garnet would admire Mash. She is a being devoted wholeheartedly to protection, and furthermore, to Garnet’s own protection. This is something that has never happened before in Garnet’s entire life. She’s the one who’s supposed to protect her family, after all. She’s a piece meant to sacrifice, she’s a book that’s meant to be opened and then put back on the shelf when it’s done. Any care any consideration her older siblings showed her was simply the manifestation of their desire to keep things “neat” - for example, what kind of respectable person just drops there books anywhere they please when they’re finished consulting them? Any gentleness she was afforded was due to what she could offer, not who she was beside her designation as a repository of knowledge.
But Mash is different. Mash calls her ‘senpai’ not because of her “greater skill”, but because she sees something human inside of her. And Mash protects her so fervently because that is her duty as an underclassman.
It’s her duty as a servant.
So, we’ve got two things here. A.) Garnet’s never been considered a valuable Master candidate by her family, so Mash treating her with such worth because of what little value she has is almost unbelievable to her. And B.) Mash doesn’t call her senpai because of her value as a Master, but because of her value as a human being, something which her family never once considered. So saying that Garnet is a bit flustered around Mash is an understatement - everything Mash is, it’s something Garnet has never experienced before. Everything Mash tries to protect is something that Garnet has wanted someone to protect all along, and meeting Mash is like... a dream come true.
Garnet’s pretty emotionally stunted, so this doesn’t really come across that well in the beginning, but she forms an immediately very strong emotional attachment to Mash. Mash is always spared her (admittedly somewhat sharp) tongue, and she’ll give anyone who tries to bully her pure, sweet Shielder a total tongue lashing. It’s fair to say that Mash’s existence helps Garnet shine as a person, because she would have been much more withdrawn initially without Mash to inspire her protective instincts. In gratitude for being treated like a person, Garnet wants to help Mash save the world - because she wants Mash to see the world for itself.
She can’t see something that’s been irreparably broken, and without a doubt, Garnet believes that Mash should be allowed to wander freely under the open sky.
Garnet’s also a bit insecure in dealing with Mash, though, because... she’s basically an encyclopedia. She’s been trained to have knowledge about an incredibly broad range of topics so nothing she deals with totally surprises her, and yet Mash totally surprises her at every turn. She can’t predict her! She can’t even understand her, really, so she frequently has to go back to her room and SCREAM INTO HER PILLOW BECAUSE UGH;;;?? MASH??? HOW DO YOU??? KNOW HOW TO DO THIS TO HER...??
(if you’re getting the sense that garnet may be a bit Gay for mash you are Not Wrong)
In short, Mash is a being that wishes to be considered human, and Garnet is a being who’s humanity has been stripped away from her. Being protected by Mash is a complete affirmation of everything Garnet has ever wanted, and so Mash starts quickly seeing Garnet’s pleasant side (though Garnet often is very flustered by her.) Garnet takes on a ‘big sis’ role with her a lot, answering her questions and teaching her the rules for many games. As more servants are summoned to Chaldea, more and more join in on these events... and through Garnet, Mash finds herself getting involved in loud, rowdy nights with friends.
Speaking of games, Cu Chulainn would definitely treat interactions with Garnet like they’re a game. They kind of are! Even when she’s being very serious, she treats existence rather like it’s a “game-board”, always figuring out what she can and can’t afford to lose. Normally, he’d have trouble getting along with the kind of person who’s willing to sacrifice “what’s fun” for “victory”, but Garnet also has a very well developed sense of justice. She wasn’t allowed to express it with her family, but she fervently believes in doing what’s right, even if you have to dirty yourself in the process. So while they’d disagree on tactics, Cu Chulainn would have a great deal of sympathy for a person who wanted justice and a fair fight and was forced to accept the mindset of “achieve personal victory at any cost”. He can tell from how she plays board games that what she wants is challenge, and that’s how she expresses her desire to go all-out. 
He’d really love to see her stop being so practical for a change, but she’s a bit of a tough nut to crack.
It takes some time for Garnet to warm up to Cu Chulainn. When she’s still in her “beep-boop i can’t show emotion” phase (before interacting with everyone really gets through to her) he is constantly pushing her to just - REACT. DO SOMETHING INTERESTING. UGH. (He’s also a bit internally annoyed that him flirting with her does NOTHING but Mash can get her to blush. How dare!) But Cu is one of the first servants that gets summoned, so he has a long time to work on That Case.
Once Garnet starts opening up, she treats him to the full brunt of her verbal wit, and he loves it. Sometimes, Cu disobeys Garnet’s orders, making her feel... Not Great as a master, but she can’t be too mad, because they’re always things she wishes she could have done but feels like she couldn’t. In the end, they get along well, though people might not always tell that from a glance. Lancer Cu is pretty emotionally involved in Mash and Garnet’s dynamic. He thinks it’s really good for them.
So I don’t actually have Gil, but if I did, Gilgamesh and Garnet kind of want to strangle each other. Initially, she sees him as the embodiment of everything she hates about her family - namely, how they made her feel - and having rejected all of their ideals quite violently, she rejects Gilgamesh violently as well. She refuses to praise him, refuses to attend to him, and at one point dumps wine on this fucker’s head without even flinching. He gets back at her, she gets back at him, and they are literal actual children involved in an actual prank war.
There’s probably some part of him that admires how someone so mediocre has risen far above anything her family could ever dreamed of her, and there’s also a part of him that sees her as something that could be collected, rather like one may collect a rare book. Upon making this comment, she punches him.and then spits on his shoes.
cu chulainn is actually crying with laughter in the background.
if there is anyone specific you wish me to talk about or elaborate more on please say so.
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