#also she obviously found the p*rn but
nonasemporium · 3 months
in another life homeschooled by a cult that didn't even want her gideon somehow got access to tumblr and she saw those posts and she saw the posts about dying for love and she felt something emotionally she felt too vulnerable to put into words
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v3nusxsky · 11 months
Hey!! I have a Lady Lesso request ❤️
Female reader and Lady Lesso have an exclusive D/s relationship. Reader is her submissive, not her gf and etc
Reader has feelings for her, but doesn’t talk about it cuz she’s too afraid to lose what she already has with Lesso
But something happened with reader (you choose, it can be the death of a family member/friend, depression etc), Lady Lesso notices there’s something wrong with reader and confortes her and makes reader feel cared for and better
Basically a mix between smut (BDSM obviously), angst and fluff LMAO
Also, if you’re willing to can you make it LONG? I really love your writing ❤️
Complicated| mixed
*Authors note~ gosh my requests are really clocking up rn so I'm doing my best to get through them guys! I'm so sorry it's taken so long really the next few months are hella hectic for me. Kinda changed it slightly to g!p but you could imagine it as an enchanted strap*
Trigger warnings~ dom/sub non romantic, g!p lesso 🤭 r has depression triggered by family abuse as a kid sh daddy leo praise degradation punishments, free use r somnophillia mentioned voice kink, bondage
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
Bumping into Leonora at the cafe was the most unexpected yet magical thing you have ever experienced in this dull life. Something about the woman had you captivated, and no it wasn't just her extraordinary success in the legal word. Safe to say you caught her attention too, that's how she ended up slipping you her business card with two words scrawled beautifully across it, "call me" you weren't going to do it, after all it could've been a joke or perhaps you had imagined it all but the card sat in your wallet like a glowing reminder. She'd instructed you to call her and life seemed to push you towards doing so which is how you found yourself entering this agreement.
One small call ended up with you signing a contract with all the contents of being her submissive. Life had to be messing with you now, but then again it was about time you got something good in your life right? Leonora made it very clear that you could end the contract at any point like she could, strictly sex and nothing else but after care would always be given. She asked for details on your limits and hard nos she instructed you to choose a safe word and ensured you would want for nothing as her submissive and all you had to do was be at her beck and call. Easy right?
It was for the first six months, in those months you looked forward to the calls and texts from your dominant. Most of the time she sent a driver to come and bring you to her office, on the rare occasion you were called to her mansion where she would already be waiting in her play room, selecting out the toys she wished to use. Most of your punishments were carried out here as it was more of a practical clean up. You quickly learned that once after care was complete you were sent on your way, marked, sore and left with the beautiful memories of your time with her.
Some of your favourite encounters with her was the very very rare occasion you passed out in her bed and woke up to her girthy dick sheathed into your soaking cunt. Cock warming her until she was ready to use you again. Truly you were nothing more than her pretty little whore to use whenever she saw fit and that was something you'd began to like probably more than you should. Like wouldn't be the correct wording of course, you found yourself catching feelings for the red head but out of fear of losing the daddy dominant submissive relationship you have you decided it would be best to keep quiet. After all having her like this was better than not ever having her again. The idea of losing Leonora made your heart clench painfully.
You were a fairly good submissive really, only earning a few punishments here and there when you saw how stressed she was knowing it would help her relax, her favourite form of punishment was to edge you while you sat pretty of her dick warning it up for her to roughly fuck your throat until your make up trailed down your cheeks leaving you a needy mess in which she may even throw you over her lap and spank your pretty ass till it's all red. And yet you took it al like the good girl you are for her.
Leonora didn't truly realise her own feelings for you until she called for you and you never came. The disappointment and worry sat in her stomach like a rock leaving her more agitated as the hours trickled on. How could you not answer when she had summons you to! That went against the rules and the contract. You'd never broken a rule like this since the beginning, sure you could be a brat sometimes, but nothing unmanageable, truly you loved being her good girl so none of this made any form of sense to her now. Immediately, her mind jumped to the worst conclusions and that's where she decided being the head of her own firm got her privileges of her own, so she picked up what she needed and immediately set out to find you, first stop your apartment.
Leonora is a creature of habit, so it's to no ones surprise that she's had the same driver for years so he was absolutely use to ignoring what happened in the back of the car. Despite that he couldn't ignore the worried state of the normally stoic woman. "Ma'am? Are you alright?" He tentatively wondered out loud but was quickly met with the slamming of the divider in a response. Clearly Leonora wasn't in the mood for talking.
The car hardly came to a stop before the angry redhead was out and racing to the doors to find you. She wasn't exactly expecting to see your apartment absolutely trashed to high hell, which seemed very unlike what she had imagined, not only that there was shards of glass and some held a dried crimson tint. Immediately she began to panic and call for you, your submissive title, your name and even a love or darling may have slipped from her lips.
Finding you was the worst moment in her entire existence. Laid on your bed your arm littered in fresh bleeding cuts as you drifted in and out of consciousness. You skin seemed paler than before your hair knotted and tangled, the baggy shirt seemingly falling off your frame. How on earth could she have missed this?!
"Y/n?, my love please wake up darling" she demanded coming to apply pressure to the self inflicted wounds, wincing at your blood now staining her hands. "Let me go" you weakly mumbled trying to turn away from her. "No! Y/n ad your daddy I won't let you go! You're mine!" She all but snarled using her playing voice which seemed to trigger an innate response in your mind. "Leonora" you gasped in shock trying to rush to sit up, eyes darting around your depression room, "It's normally tidy I swear! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry daddy give me five minutes and I'll be ready for you!" You mumbled trying to stand up despite the wave of dizziness and her hands applying pressure to the wounds. "We aren't going to play right now darling, sit."
You sat back down, her tone leaving no room for arguments but her eyes somehow seeming softer than you've ever seen before. "Now, while I clean and bandage these, darling I demand you tell me what's been going on." You did as you were told of course, starting from the very beginning of your rough childhood and right up to the present day where you explained you'd been triggered off by a family visit, one of which they took great pride of telling you how worthless and unlovable you are. Hell one of your brothers even told you, "to earn money you may as well stand on the corner of the street, don't forget a bag over your face though otherwise no one will wanna touch you." You remember how they made you feel like you don't fit in there, like no matter how hard you try you just don't belong in their fancy world.
Leonora made sure you lived comfortably as per the contact so to hear such horrid words about the clothes and things she brought you just to see a small smile on her submissive before railing you into next week hurt. Leonora finished her work, satisfied they were properly taken care of before somehow producing the contract from her blazer pocket. "You see this darling?" She asked gaining your attention before tearing it apart. "Gone. No rules to stop me saying this. I love you Y/n truly I think I always have since that day in the cafe, I just wasn't ready to admit that I loved someone so beautiful. I'm setting you free Y/n to follow your heart, but never forget how I will always love you darling."
She loved you? Crazy. Insane. Unrealistic. But true. And by the way you slammed your lips onto her own she could tell that you love her too. So there was no need for contracts of deals when you both held love for each other. She could dote on you, spoil you, cuddle you and make love to you. You'd never feel this level of pain again, not on her watch. Your happiness will always come first. And she silently promised herself that she'd never leave you this long to check on you. Pulling away from your lips she moved to kiss each area of your bandaged arm, "you my darling girl, are so loved and worthy and I never want to see you hurting. Next time you come to daddy okay? I can help you my sweet girl."
It would take some time to navigate this new dimension to your relationship but none either one of you'd ever regret. Leonora was happy to take on you as her lover and her submissive and you soon found out you liked every side of the red head. The daddy dominant, the gentle lover and most of all your kickass lawyer of a soulmate. Life would finally look up for you and you couldn't wait.
Word count~ 1759
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desidarling123 · 10 months
SAB Scene Breakdown: Inej's Hallucination
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OK, so I had actually been meaning to write and publish some meta on this particular scene (and just tons of SAB S2 meta, in general) in the weeks after the second season of the show came out. But life has been crazy recently, so I truly never found the time.
However, I reblogged a certain gifset a few days/weeks ago, slapped some tags on it, and realized there might indeed be some interest in some more #detailed thoughts.
The analysis that follows is at a pretty minute level of detail (and all of course based on MY views) so... take that with a grain of salt.
Also - fair warning - it's long as hell 😂 but entertaining, I hope!
I find this whole sequence in general super fascinating - it's one of my favorite scenes in the second season, and one that's also arguably subject to the absolute worst takes in fandom (iykyk... and if you don't, well, you're about to find out.)
So, let's get into it:
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We start off strong with a very specific choice, made early on: it's not Inej seducing Kaz; rather, it's Kaz who's drawing Inej into this vision.
I get a bit more into the broader implications of that a bit later, but it's definitely important that it's done this way, rather than the other way around.
It's also, very notably, an inverse of this scene from a few episodes earlier:
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What's unique about that previous scene is that in that moment, he's deliberately pushing her away (for reasons, mind you, that she's not entirely privy to, but definitely hurt her regardless - even if she pretends not to care about it to his face later on).
This is different. Instead of pushing her away, he is asking her to stay.
The choice of words is specific too: the word 'disappear' most obviously references her status as his spider. But it might also be an apt description of her own personal trappings, of 'disappearing' when in the throes of trauma-induced pressure.
Some atmospheric details I love:
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Their IRL confrontation was in his office-cum-bedroom (👀shutup), a tiny, crammed space that matched the tension of that scene. This is the opposite of that - the room has a more open layout, imbuing the whole sequence with a more relaxed vibe. We can even see his cane chilling on the table behind him, just in reaching distance.
The DeKappel painting which they jointly stole in the books (and presumably on the show as well) is behind them.
Fire burning as a symbol for latent passion is not exactly groundbreaking imagery, but don't fix what ain't broke, amirite? :P
Malina, very notably, gets the same fire imagery treatment in their own love scene as well:
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Will it show up again in a future season for kanej? Between that and, well, the recurring church imagery, we're in for a tossup, folks
But anyways. Back to the scene at hand.
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You'll notice Inej goes back to a formal stance, hands behind her back, like she's preparing for a debrief or for an assignment. It's for a few seconds, if that, but it shows that she's grasping at some semblance of normalcy in this decidedly not-normal vision.
That facade lasts for all of, two seconds, tops, when he does this:
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It's sexy! It's intimate! There's knives involved!
Okay, but seriously, for the sake of time I actually will not get into a deeper discussion of the ~implications~ because I'm sure it's been done a zilllion times before and it's also fairly obvious lol
Now, the one thing I *do* want to pivot to here is that by this point, both Inej and the audience understand that there is something very subtly yet fundamentally different about hallucination!Kaz.
But what is it?
Speaking on this scene, Freddy Carter had a quote (that I cannot be arsed to find rn) where he basically said that he deferred to Amita when playing hallucination!Kaz because "she (Amita) knows better (than I do) what it is that Inej likes about Kaz"
And what is it, exactly, that she likes about him? The next few gifs tell all, using actions rather than words.
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This is her reaction to him pulling her knives from her. And what I find so interesting is that she is so (rightfully) startled....
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But that is absolutely NOT the expression on his face at all.
In fact, he's remarkably self-assured.
And THAT, I think, is the crux of 'what it is she likes about him', as Frreddy said.
She likes his decisiveness, the single-minded precision with which he operates.
She's seen him apply it to every last scheme, every seemingly-hopeless situation... to damn near everything in the world, really, but her.
But here, in the depths of her hallucination, he does.
There are none of his usual hangups, none of their typically frustrating back-and-forths.
No. Here, he doesn't hesitate. He wants her, and he makes it known.
Striking, sexy stuff, to say least.
Let's go on:
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Nothing to add here except that I'm obsessed with the way their heads turn at the same time here.
It's funny, because for all their personal hang-ups when it comes to physical intimacy, these two are SURPRISINGLY physically attuned to each other.
Goes to show, really, how much both of their problems are in their heads (obviously) -- and how, when they're actually ready to heal, relying on their intuition may be a better approach than getting too cerebral about it.
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Again, Kaz does not break eye contact with her here, and it's such a contrast to what he might have instead done if this were happening in real life - in fact, does happen, in real life, though I'd argue that isn't exactly his fault.
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I love that we get a moment where Inej looks down and sees his hand hovering near her waist, just so that it's made explicitly clear what he's asking for and what the ~implications~ are.
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And then, she says yes! Enthusiastically, I might add.
Not but seriously the sheer want, the little touch of eagerness on her face kills me here. She's never had this experience before - has only ever known men violating her in the most horrible way possible - and yet this tiny little thing, of Kaz asking her for consent, means so much.
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Oh my God Kaz is so sexy here sorry no words anyway carrying on.
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Now even after she said yes you can see this sudden little beat of hesitation on her face, like she's maybe not sure what's going to happen or if Kaz is going to do what she asked. For her it's a moment of incredible vulnerability, even though Kaz is the one sort of making the advances on her - because this one time, she actually gets to say yes.
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I think that shot of his arm going around her waist is so gorgeous and so sensual - but as we pan up we can see that maybe all isn't well.
Now, Amita also really does a fantastic job at portraying the turbulence of Inej's emotions -- she goes from clearly wanting it and saying 'yes', to visibly panicking once he acts on it. We see her shift around in his grip and even swallow nervously, blink-blink-blinking herself back into the moment.
Her response is reminiscent of this passage from the books:
But what might have happened if he'd spoken that night? If he had willingly offered her some part of his heart? What if he had come to her, laid his gloves aside, drawn her to him, kissed her mouth? Would she have pulled him closer, kissed him back? Could she have been herself in such a moment, or would she have broken apart and vanished, a doll in his arms, a girl who could never quite be whole?
You can see the very beginning of that sort of panic start to set in, here. This is completely uncharted territory for Inej - her own desire, the shame and baggage that comes with it, is all getting uncovered for the first time in what is arguably the 'safest' way possible - within the confines of her own mind - and yet, she's still panicking.
More on that in a bit. Let's keep going.
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Anyways well Freddy's got a huge hand sorry anyway 
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I love the way she closes her eyes here. And you can see again it's not without effort - like there's still conflict within her, you can see all of those different emotions warring within her - but she is trying to let herself have this moment. She's trying to take comfort in this touch that she so desperately wants and yet hasn't had any sort of good connotations with in recent history. 
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She also opens her eyes just as he starts to lean in and I think that was a great, deliberate choice on Amita and Freddy's part.
It's that precise moment, really, when it becomes super super clear to her what's about to happen.
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No notes, I just really love this forehead lean, it's that little bit of tenderness and intimacy that she's been subconsciously craving.
 Again, it's fascinating to me that we can see all of Inej's nervous tics coming into play here, but for hallucination!Kaz there's absolutely no hesitation at any point whatsoever.
It looks like, for all intents and purposes, he is going to kiss her.
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And then at the very very last second you see him move back, ever-so-slightly --
and then she moves all the way back and delivers her line:
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Ouch. Like a punch to the gut. True, but still ouch.
Now one could probably ask, in hypotheticals: why didn't he actually kiss her at this moment? And the answer to that simply is: this is her hallucination, you know? Even though she's not conscious of it (she's dying lol), she's the one with all the power, here.
And truthfully, whether she knows it or not, nothing is going to happen in her hallucination if she doesn't want it to.
But wait, you might say. Doesn't she want to kiss Kaz?
Like that original excerpt from the book indicates, it's complicated. Everything pertaining to desire generally will be, for her.
Not that her subconscious doesn't put up a good ol' fight. Hallucination!Kaz, you have to remember, isn't so much Kaz as he is a very precise amalgamation of her own memories and desires.
And boy, does he make a good argument:
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The word want, again, spoken so directly here - it's that sort of straightforward speech that neither party is actually really capable of (at this point) in their arcs, not when it comes to each other.
Again, Kaz is behaving perfectly in the prescribed character of his hallucination persona - direct, confident, not rattled in the slightest.
It's interesting also that he doesn't say: this is real. He isn't able to lie to her in her own fantasy, but he does instead tell her exactly what she wants to hear, which is arguably even more dangerous.
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And what I feel so terrible about is you can see this tiny little spark this little bit of hope on her face that she has.
She wants to believe this so so badly. She wants it, damn it!
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So this time, she actually moves closer, crosses that distance between them. 
You can't see it super well in this gif, but you can see a little tiny muscle twitch in her jaw, a nervous swallow as she's bracing for him to kiss her the second time. And once again, Kaz isn't hesitating, there isn't any note of that discordant thing that they have in real life from his end.
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Now another thing that drives me crazy is people claiming that they did kiss in the scene like bro. Bro. Freddy and Amita did not shoot this scene at no less three separate angles for you to tell us that they kissed!! They didn't kiss, they make it incredibly obvious that they did not kiss, and if you're the one person on planet Earth whose definition of a kiss is front lips brushing for .0000000002 seconds then I'm sorry, you belong to a different category, okay?
And again, that was on purpose! It totally would have defeated the purpose of this particular sequence if they had (and would've given detractors of this scene a real leg to stand on - again, more on that at the very end.)
But as it stands, they don't kiss, and that's also kind of critically why this isn't just a sexy scene to watch back.
AND THEN (I'm out of allowed images HAHA) she pulls away. And she says the words that end it all - This isn't real. This is the poison.
The premise of the hallucination is completely shattered, and she looks so heartbroken, but she's finally able to articulate what she's really known this whole time, and that is that nothing she's seeing is real. It is a lie being fed to her by her poison-addled brain as her body slowly succumbs and dies (dark).
But you know, she does get out of it through sheer willpower, and we love her for that - but oh man but what cost?
This particular sequence is definitely a catalyst for her changed behavior going forward. I do actually wish it had been a little better handled in the show (as in, better supported by dialogue in scenes before and after this one) but regardless - this scene is a Big Tipping Point and starts what is essentially a pseudo-regression arc for Inej (paraphrasing Amita directly, bc that's truly the most apt description of Inej's behavior for the rest of the season.)
It's really bad timing, unfortunately, because it happens just as Kaz is starting to open up like never before. He's starting to see the world in a completely different light while she's doing the exact opposite -- she is shutting down her own dreams and desires when it comes to him, because she's come to the conclusion that it's simply not going to happen.
And you know what, she's not entirely wrong for that assumption, but I do have beef with some of the particulars of how it was executed in the show. But that's a discussion for another day.
Now, onto a brief rant that I alluded to at the very start of this post - my single biggest grievance with fandom is that someone on the internet decided that this scene somehow ‘erased’ Inej’s trauma, when in fact that exact trauma is what underpins the whole damn thing.
The fact that this scene more or less parallels the passage from the books beat for beat, shows, in my opinion, that book fans who make these claims of 'erasure' must have deliberately chosen to ignore this passage from the books, or never even read it in the first place.
Because frankly? Once you take that passage into consideration, the intent of this sequence couldn't have been more obvious!
Just to underscore my point, I want to ask anyone who's reading this to please compare and contrast Inej’s hallucination with Matthias’ dream. If the intent, as many so often like to claim, was simply to make this moment in Inej’s mind a sexy, titillating scene, well then, it would have been shot a lot more closely to the way Matthias’ dream was shot: there's no lack of kissing and even implied penetration (!) which is crazy, because of course, Matthias and Nina have gotten nowhere near that in real life.
There's a sexual aspect to her dream, for sure, but it's not a stereotypically-passionate 'sex dream' so much as it is a thinly-veiled reading into her own desires and the inner turmoil that comes with it.
There's also a very subtle undercurrent here that I picked up on and explore in my ongoing fic , which is that Kaz, in these fantasies, is really always the one taking the lead, so to speak. Inej is not pulling him close or asking to kiss him - and we see that even when she consents to the act, she looks like she's bracing herself for it, rather than excited that it'll happen.
That is fueled no doubt by 1) her realizing it isn't real but also 2) the fact that she is still very much in the middle of her own trauma (having been freed like what? mere days ago? if that?)
Any concept of her own independent desire is still saddled with IMMENSE baggage - and this sequence showcases it perfectly.
I think after the fact, she's consciously aware of 1) but not yet aware of 2) which is beating around in her subconscious and is probably gonna cause her WAYY more problems going forward lol
TLDR; Inej doesn't know it just yet, but she's got loads of her own issues to work through, and until she does, she's going to be stuck in this weird purgatory of being a voyeur to/of her own desires.
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reineyday · 5 months
i’m back to say that magnificent was so so so good!! i love the uta mihawk interactions and how mihawk wants to protect her. i think my favorite part though was when mihawk was talking to shanks all nervous about whether he could call uta his daughter, but shanks answers with an “of course.”
this fic made me wonder why mihawk would do if he was present during the one piece film red… would he come along with the red crew, or would he already be there like the others (luffy, law, etc)?
awh 💖💖 thank u for your continued support! it means a lot :') and im happy you enjoyed the fic haha 🥰
UH, long answer short: i kind of have headcanons that position him before, during, and after the movie hahaha. sorry this reply turned out longer than i expected but my brain's got a mihawk & uta agenda goin' on rn. 😂 thanks again for the ask! ➡️
i actually have a bit of a draft going of mihawk seeing the "shanks destroys elegia" headline, seeing what's up, and finding uta, which i started before i wrote up magnificent lol. that's kinda where i picture him--doing something before everything happens, bc his curiosity makes him wonder why shanks would do smthg so uncharacteristic.
i recognize that's kind of a cop-out answer tho LOL so in regards to the movie itself in the canon(ish) timeline, i imagine he'd probably be there beforehand like luffy etc. he'd be there bc buggy and his crew got tickets and he was somehow dragged there against his will (similar to how law says he's chaperoning bepo but a lot more antagonistic about it aha), probably bc croc decides it might be beneficial to go, for whatever reason. probably scoping the crowd. (pls imagine the cross guild at uta's concert garnering Looks and standing out very obviously, but no one wants to say anything about it LOL even if the crowd is very anti-pirate. like, the strawhats and soen charlottes were there so. why not some ex-warlords?)
when there, he'd be like, "hey wait isn't that shanks's kid? didn't he say she left to sing? huh." and then maybe possibly even dial shanks on his baby den den about it bc if he's the type to bring luffy's poster all the way to an island, he'd probably try to ring up shanks. then he wouldn't be able to connect and clock that something is Up bc he knows shanks is just kinda hanging on his ship rn, on his way out from wano. i dont think he'd be with shanks along with his crew, and i dont think he'd bother going after the fact to help if he wasn't there to start with, which is why i think he'd already be there for separate reasons. ;P
anyways, i also have the start of an idea where the movie happens but uta survives, and shanks, stressed, is like, "hey, y'know what, everything's ramping up and everyone's trying to kill uta and she's still recovering from this wakeshroom shit so she'd probably be safer on land but the marines will be looking for all my known close associates... i'm gonna drop her off with mihawk. he trained those two other kids and the misanthropic fucker (affectionate) has probably found a new island by now anyways, since he isn't a warlord anymore. it should be fine. he'll say yes."
he sets out with his crew to follow mihawk's vivre card. benn and yasopp get the news coo and start laughing about something but they don't tell him, and whatever, he's going to see mihawk soon. he's definitely being led to land, which makes him feel vindicated, until it becomes more and more clear that the structure standing out on the shore is a huge big top tent, and there's an unfortunately very familiar flag flying, and shanks is like, "oh god, don't tell me," and then promptly has to dodge a flying fist and yelling about how he isn't welcome here and what the fuck is mihawk doing with buggy???? and benn and yasopp, having seen the cross guild poster in the news and hidden it from shanks, are laughing so hard at him while he deals with this momentary crisis where two completely different parts of his life have seem to connected without his knowing about it.
(buggy is happy to see uta bc for all that they fight shanks and buggy did make some sort of effort with their brotherhood every now and then so he knows uta and she calls him "uncle bugs"!; mihawk ofc says "yes" to taking care of her bc he feels qualified to handle young adults now lol (he says this with an air of gravitas that is hilarious when considering how he interacts with zoro and perona, which is stoically and poorly); uta makes fun of her dad relentlessly for not having made any moves on the guy he's been in a situationship with since she was a literal child; and croc comes home from a meeting to find international pop sensation uta (that the news said tried to take over the world during her concert or something???) reclined on their couch drinking tea. wild day for everyone.)
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wodania · 1 year
honestly no i don’t think it’s weird at all to be upset about the exclusion of satin in the show.. if anything though as a gay guy im pretty glad they didn’t have him if loras is any indicator.. imagine them with a fairly effeminate gay coded character? no thanks 🫣
Loras was a sign of the end times 😭 I think I’ve made a joke before that if JonCon had been included he probably would’ve been written like one of those modern family dads and I feel more and more right each passing day.
Gonna rant a little (a whole shit ton like it’s really long I’m so sorry I got carried away) about gender and sexuality in ASOIAF/GoT here because I’m a lesbian and obsessed with analyzing these things :
tldr; D&D set up gender roles/rules where there weren’t previously any, and removed and added character traits as they saw fit (especially looking at feminine = gay and masculine = straight). If a character did not fit their perceived mould, such as Qarl the Maid, Jon Connington, and Satin, and could not be altered to fit that perceived mould, they were cut entirely. They also, in a possible attempt to be more relatable to a gay audience, introduced systematic religious homophobia where it was not previously, brutalizing their gay character. They wrote them as stereotypes and ignored them if they could not possible be shaped into one of their stereotypes.
GRRM obviously plays with gender roles and dynamics with his characters, yet D&D makes it so black and white. Gay people are all effeminate men. Hell, even Asha/Yara falls into this. She and her lover Qarl are a major fuck you to westerosi gender roles and expectations. He’s an effeminate man and she’s a masculine woman in a dominate powerful position. Yet he’s removed from the show. Absolutely no hate to queer “Yara”, but it is interesting in hindsight how that ended up working out. Had she been written differently, I’d argue that bisexuality compliments her character - if it weren’t for the history D&D has. When they do play with gender roles, it’s so tacky and one dimensional and ends with weird, nonsensical scenarios of female badassery with none of the development present in the books. Then, on the other hand, any vulnerability or deviance from societal expectations that male characters experience are wiped clean. Jon Snow is made into a generic fantasy hero type. Men who are seen as “weaker” or more “submissive” are brutalized on screen as torture p/rn, as shown with Theon Greyjoy. And men who are gay must be effeminate or promiscuous in one way or another. Loras deviated from that, so he had to be stripped of his defining traits and turned into fan service. Satin deviated from that even more, being a sex worker, and was stripped from the show entirely. Loras didn’t sleep with men enough, and the show writers wanted to change that. But Satin slept with men too much, and was in too close of proximity narratively and physically to fantasy hero Jon Snow. They wanted gay sex depicted in an easily digestible way for their perceived cishet audience, and found the idea of a boy selling his body to survive abysmal and not appropriate for such an audience, though they had no problem exploiting female prostitutes for the pleasure of the viewers . And in a weird attempt to be “relatable” to modern audiences, d&d introduced a self imposed barrier: homosexuality being illegal. Likely thinking that gay audiences would love to see their favourite gay Loras Tyrell brutalized and spat upon, D&D did exactly that, failing to realize that gay audiences would much rather see a queer character existing in a dark fantasy without their sexuality being what puts them in danger, compared to seeing something they already witness every day (religious-motivated violence and persecution) thrown into the show. Like it’s such an insult to the source material, especially considering that the 1990s book that hardly makes explicit references to the relationship of Loras and Renly does a better job at making them likeable, well developed characters than the “modern” 2010s tv drama. The flower crown, rainbow, cutesy edits dating back to the early days of Game of Thrones is a far cry from the depiction of politically savvy Renly and brutal and bloody Loras in the books. And the show just kind of encouraged that view of the two, as the cutesy gay boy fan service, hairless as a newborn baby and scared of blood. On the topic of JonCon, it would have been near impossible to introduce him and have him fit this set rule of “effeminate men = gay” and “masculine men = heterosexual”. JonCon is an intimidating, stone faced character who’s demeanour is hinted at being similar to that of Tywin fucking Lannister, as Tyrion almost accidentally refers to Jon as “father”. Aka, Jon is scary af. He’s older, grey, potentially dated the ugliest man in Essos who was also significantly older than him, and is also a father. Hardly a character that can be put into the set limiting roles of the show.
I’m honestly going to stop myself right here this is getting too long and I should just sit down and write an essay 💀 like genuinely I should write a paper
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daenystheedreamer · 11 months
I LOST THE ASK ABOUT HOW DAENYS KILLED MAEGOR but to answer your question @lexiiicon. honestly not quite sure... but heres a vague bit of some ideas :p
daenys has Visions and is currently married to this horrible probably closeted stark lord who is using her as an heir factory and also she's being psychologically terrorised by his bolton mother. she spends a worrying amount of time in the crypts... anyway she gets pregnant and has a slight mental breakdown about it. has some dragon dreams which she interprets in a way to mean ok if i kill maegor everything will be fixed. so she up and leaves winterfell by herself just walks to the red keep (on her special white horse :3) all the way from the north. no money no shoes in her nightgown.. everyone knows who she is so they just let her stay at inns and keeps and homesteads even though she's The Princess and clearly off her rocker. keep in mind she's 18 currently so really this is just her gap year hot girl summer rn. the reeds are familiar with insane quests based on magical dreams so they help her through the swamps. she nearly gets murdered/held for ransom/etc several times but miraculously(😏) makes it to the red keep wearing her bloody muddy disgusting nightgown heavily pregnant bloodshot purple eyes no chapstick dried lips all fucked up looking. and shes like Bring Me My Father and theyre like um which one... no one is letting her in so she has to go through the secret passageways and she finds her way into the throne room where maegor and viserys are fighting each other (7foot maegor and 5'6 vis to be clear). vis is having his own hot girl summer rn (having a very weird relationship with the kingsguard lord commander) and maegor found out and started homer simpson style strangling him which is what daenys walks in on. daenys and viserys team up and kill maegor with the iron throne (slay!). but now vis and daenys are covered in blood maegor dead obviously they did it. jaehaerys finds them and helps them cover up the murder essentially but more in a way where it looks like jae did it. And so christens the reign of maegor's heir lol. jae is on the throne now and he kinda sucks a lil bit and daenys is like oh fuck nothing got fixed there's just another guy on the throne. AND hes my brother who i thought i could trust. and that does wonders for her psyche. she's still got a decade of living to do, poor darling :(
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canonically47 · 2 months
It's DC day! Sending this in so you can review the ep when you are ready!
the episode premiered at midnight for me so i only now got to watch it but!!! REVIEW TIME!!!
spoilers for DCAS episode 8!!!
(but you knew that)
i’m disappointed alec didn’t show more emotion when he found out fiore was voted out. it makes sense given the note they ended on, but i miss them so, so, so much <///3
i fucking hate yul, and it’s beyond me how people actually unironically like him. he’s literally made to be disliked and you’re telling me some of yall actually like him?? his racist, homophobic & fatphobic ass???? the way he treats grett is horrible, i hope he gets what’s coming to him. loved seeing him get trampled in the challenge like i was hoping for <3
tom is definitely lying about his boyfriend. he should’ve told gabby what he told aiden, given that they’ve known each other for longer and are good friends, but he didn’t, and instead nervously laughed it off and walked away. that boy is a liar!!! (my aro hc is saving him, but canonically speaking i am not digging him rn)
gabellie stays winning!!! i am actually glad ellie got voted off and the nature in which she did! and i am also so happy gabby wants to avenge her! i really want gabby to make it far into the game, tbh i could see her as a finalist. also i’m super glad that my prediction was right - i forgot to talk about it on here but i was 99.99% sure ellie was out next
trevor PLEASE get over derek HE IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!! HE’S ALWAYS BEEN A DICK TO YOU WHY DO YOU LIKE HIM!!!! WHY ARE ALLOS LIKE THIS!!!!!!!! why can’t anyone see that the ship is not good!! derek always pulls away from trevor or disagrees with him!! he doesn’t like him!! they’ve barely had any moments that would make you root for them as a ship and trevor is clearly established to like him as fan service!!! BURN TREVEK 🔥🔥🔥 (that being said if they find a way to turn the ship around - which ik damn well they won’t because they have a knack for ruining ships, thank god gabellie is safe - maybe i will join the trevekers, but not for now)
not much to comment on this episode, it was alright just not spectacular. i still like E6 the best. now for some predictions!!!
so, ellie just got out, and gabby wants to join the villains. although hesitant at first, i think they could let her in. i’m curious how she would clash with the people from her season, especially grett - maybe her and grett will switch places as hero and villain.
the tom-jake-aiden beef continues, and i think it won’t be long before we find out tom is lying about his boyfriend...
more trevek miscommunication. obviously.
i think yul has the highest chance of being voted next on yellow team, but that would require grett finding out... everything. for the other teams, i couldn’t tell you. you know me, i obviously want jake off, but i don’t think his weird beef is quite done yet. logically though, he and tom are not looking too good on their teams - gabby could easily make tess vote with her, and aiden and tom could probably miscommunicate when voting, leading to a 2-1-1 vote against tom. i’m just here for the ride but i hope i’m right :P
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insert-neologism · 2 months
maybe by flower face - notes
Im sorry abt the blocks of text in the middle omg it was NOT supposed to be this long but im citing ppl! very exciting.
STILL WITH COLOURS but now its harder to explain bc its not pov; theyre being talked to. so im gonna just keep the original colours from the planning doc (wich is mostly who is shown rn)
jackie blue, shauna red
You cut so deep but
she cuts herself. p obvious i think. but its not only physical (more or less) but also jackies words (in the context of the whole scene)
I’ve always loved you deeper
1we know cannibalism is a sign of love (at least i think everyone whos found my edits does. idk the fanom rlly apart from tumblr). shauna has always loved jackie (even though she doesnt know it), through the years of feeling inferior to jackie (until the end). 2jackie cuts herself to give to shauna but its like more outer layer ig? anyways shauna eats like. her whole or at least not 5 cm flesh
Those voices in your hallway, if you let her in,
sort of resembles a hallway//obvsly th hallucinations started before she ate the ear but it was like the start of the hungry thing
You’ve gotta keep her
love the eye thingy omg. same as above
who’ve you been talking to
more like 'what have u done' but u get the picture
What do they want you to do?
also like. obsvious i think
Baby, I’m afraid you’ve been reckless with my heart
NOW jackie is talking. no more 3rd person narrator.
anyways yeah i dont rlly know what to explain here. she tore the last connection jackie had to their friendship and uh @amygobrrr said it better than I could rn
bc "Shauna was supposed to be the one person who truly loved her. The one person who loved Jackie, not as a soccer captain (like the team did), or as just a girl (like her boyfriend did), or as the mirage of perfect daughter (like her parents did), but loved her as her, as Jackie. Shauna's journal reveals even that to be a lie. [...]
Jackie is hurt, not over Jeff—though he provides her with a convenient excuse to the others—but over what Shauna being willing to sleep with him says to her about how Shauna must view their friendship. Shauna has told her that love and friendship don't matter. The romantic love Jackie knew she didn't feel for Jeff, the romantic love she believed Shauna didn't feel for her, and the platonic love she believed Shauna did; none of them mattered, none of them ever existed. [...]
Jackie is, at this point [the arguing scene], totally convinced that no scrap even of the friendship she was so desperately clinging to really exists. Everything she feels for Shauna is unrequited—everything except, of course, the anger and the hurt."¹
anyways thats why she died
While i was sleeping you slipped in and burst apart
sleeping = death. thats my humor. bursting apart references the panic yk sorta
God knows i love you so, but i won’t be your ghost
(^ thats not wjat ure hungry for is sorta love to me. idk why but i always have to think of that. one day im gonna analyse that)
ghost/hallucination idk. jackie tells her 'what? actually, you dont know. [my death] was totally ur fault'. shes not formless, passive, not just like hanging there (obviously its more shaunas pov as shes the one imagining the whole thing. so its shauna making jackie reject her again? (nvm the 'but we were just children' rn) maybe bc its because thats the most prominent memory shauna has of jackie; being rejected constantly. bc of jeff, bc of her giving her attention to other ppl, by telling her what to wear etc and therefore directly rejecting a part of shauna herself.
in her hallucinations jackie is way more like sharp and mean sorta; thats how shauna remembers her. this is how she lives on in her memory; for shauna, jackie is saying: im not yours, i never was and i never will be, even after death. even when literally nobody else can see me (REGARDING THE LYRIC. NOT THE ACTUAL TEXT i should probably say this.) doesnt matter if that is how jackie really was/felt about shauna bc thats not what it is about. not anymore, not for a long time; its about how shauna sees jackie, and herself through jackie. jackie doestn exist anymore; shes a mere mirror through which shauna sees a distorted version of herself whcih she attributes to jackie. (i feel like i should make a post abt this (esp bc you can reverse the whole thing) if somebody is rreading this (hi) pls tell me if i shouldd)
You’re the one who’s in my body ripping at the seams
(still jackie talking like vo style) I LOVE THIS its about shauna living jackies life. she lives the normal, homecoming-queen, married-her-hs-sweetheart life, not the went-to-brown life. instead of jackie - bc she 'killed' jackie (for the sake of this symbolism). thats shes in her body is a bit more extreme than that shes just living her life but like i get it? she has assumed jackies role, she literally married jackies boyfriend. shes not living a live similar to the one jackie wouldve led, but literally living her life.
but its ripping. bc shauna is not jackie (but fundamentally different.) shes not the normal housewife; if its only bc she cheats or her violent tendencies (outright murder) or her past alone. stuff thats like bigger than jackies body? idk how to say that. rabbits dont symbolize that but they remind me of like innocence almost? childlike maan idk how to say that but stuff that shauna is decidedly not; stuff that jackie probably would be. to me, it shows the difference; shaunas assumed life vs her real self. shes keeping the ceramic rabbits, shes keeping them, shes trying but shes still sb else. its not her life, it was never supposed to be
You’re the one who’s crashing on the highways in my dreams
(now shauna is talking) the bridge has aways been symbolic with dreams for me. probably bc its night there idk anyways jackie is haunting shauna, similar to a nightmare. when she turns jackies gone; it becomes abundantly clear that its not real, its a dream but shes still dead
maybe i won’t, maybe i will
yeah. maybe shell stay outside, maybe shell come inside
haven’t slept so easy since you left me in the wild
rlly love this bc technically shauna left jackie outside, in the wild. and she didnt sleep that well out there (she died). BUT i love it more to interpret this as 'jackie went outside, jackie died and left shauna alone to spiral into madness or something close to.' also shauna hasnt slept that easy after tbh
I wish i could have loved you right
bet she does wish that. bc they loved each other! they really, obviously did. but they (here shauna) didnt know how to do it right;
but i was just a child
(which makes sense consiering their circumstances etc). and they were children and like its normal to make mistakes and idk its probably not that normal to cheat on ur bff with her boyfriend but the point is children make mistakes. only normally they dont die for it. and i dont think shauna was cheating on jeff for jeff but for jackie (which is like. wildly popular thought (?)(has to be bc ive heart of it lol) so i dont think i have to explain it much) (or at all rlly) bc she wanted jackie and the only way she could have her was by getting with her boyfriend (the only person with which she was physically sort of closer than shauna). smell jackie on him and pretend its her etcetc
maybe I won’t, maybe I will
she was with jeff, she is with jeff, but in the same way jackie was and is still with her.
Run back to you
always (shows the progression, jackies always there frfr)
There’s something dark inside me and i can’t get it out
violence etc; its obviously still in her adult years
My thoughts ring in your voice now and i can’t make a sound
like i said above. shauna projects her thoughts onto jackie
You loved me holy with your cross and your disease
eating=holy??maybe. cross stands for faith; technically christian faith but it says YOUR cross and its a heart so its their faith into each other. disease bc idk made sense in my mind
Did you feel that close to god when you had me on my knees?
actually not sure abt that one; either its jackie asking: shaunas finally standing her ground, being bigger than jackie, confronting her and jackie is subdued (on her knees)
OR its shauna asking (in the context of the argument) if jackie ever felt that close to god when she idk put shauna under herself?? how do i word this (in shaunas pov) and jackie responding 'what? no'
If you don’t love me now, well then we all go down
if shauna doesnt go outside to get jackie inside then theyll succumb to cannibalism. and jackie dies (which is what happens, bc shauna does not 'love her now'
I’m your sweetest parasite, you fill me up with pesticide
shauna still loves jackie. think thats clear somewhat. (=sweet) jackie basically nests herself in shaunas brain, wont let her go (=parasite). pesticide doesnt refer as much as like. 'go away fuck u parasite' but, U GUESSED IT, the words that jackie says. bc she doestn actually say them (bc shes dead); thats shaunas doing.
bleed me Baby, gemini, hurt me til you feel all right
she bleeds. she loves her. idk what else to do. she does tell her; twist: shauna still is very much not alright
and i won’t, no, i won’t
she wont
You got into my head and now i’ll never be the same
'parasite'; as we see the violent tendencies have carried on into the adult life. also I rlly like her look here I think it rlly captures the essence of what i was trying to say
My trigger finger twitches every time i hear your name
well she does look uneasy
And maybe I won’t, maybe I will
Run back to you
literally spends the rest of the song running back to her. BUT ITS NOT RLLY HER OMG
you can find the edit here
¹whole cited post
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imkittyjustkitty · 2 years
For the st concept (the jane doe thing) it's really cool! Im invested too 😭😭 i do have a few questions:
(1) is the fic gonna be set canonwise or are u gonna do it outside of that(-canon, battle, dark stuff)? (2) And how would the characters react to the reader's existence?(i feel like they'd be bothered and surprised but "hey a headless, talking, human? Isn’t the weirdest thing we've encountered")
(3) how tall/big are they? Are they the size of a doll? (Im sorry idk what/who jane doe is 😭) (4) how old is the reader?
And for name suggestions, Hiram would fit bcs the reader borrows the head of a doll, and "hiram" is a word in filipino which quite literally means "borrow", But it would depend on if another character would be the one to give them a name.
And for their relationships with the other characters, i think it would be cute if they were all someone protective of the reader.(But at first they are obviously freaked out.) For love interests, i think it would depend on the age of the reader. Buuut i think a found family trope would fit a little better? Steve’s the mom, of course. Nancy's the dad (who teaches reader about all kinds of stuff, and scolds anyone who is scared of/insults the reader) and el would def be really curious abt the reader, and protective, too :P overall ur idea is so cool and cute i love it
ahhhhh omg yes hi im so glad ppl r loving this like i am !!!
under cut is a bit of season four spoilers bc im discussing when it might be set ! <3
(1) i was thinking its set season four because that has the dynamics between certain characters which i like, things like steve isnt awful and we have robin & eddie etc. ive been leaning towards moving away from canon and having less of the plot with the upside down/vecna/etc. (id also be fine with season 3 just bc id love for everyone to hang out at starcourt together)
but i was also thinking it would be cool to involve reader in all the events, and reader could end up helping them. im going to this with the idea that reader doesnt stick around in the end, and hopefully finds out who they are, which now im thinking about it could in some way be via being vecna'd, i dont know the specifics on how that would work for reader but its an idea that could be cool !!
so to answer the question im happy with leaning either way, id loooove to do it with everyone all happy and everything so we get cute dynamics with everyone hanging out together, but sticking with canon for the most part could be rlly interesting so yeah !! im open to both sides atm i havent decided
(2) i feel like at first their reaction would be like 'wtf am i seeing' honestly bc yeah theyve seen alot, i think it depends on when its set, bc if its set in s4 i bet at least a few ppl would be like 'thats wild am i being vecna'd rn?' lmao. but yeah i dont think most of their worlds would be like rocked or anything bc atp theyve seen so much they cant be toO like terrified
(3) im giggling at the thought of reader being doll sized omg /pos
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
these are some photos of jane in the show (shes the blonde one just so theres no confusion lol!) she has doll-like make-up and such, and she also moves a bit robotic like a doll. i would ofc describe reader far more vaguely for appearance so everyone can read this and see themselves in it, but this is the girl who inspired this whole idea :D !!!
in ride the cyclone, jane doe is normal human sized, and her doll is normal doll sized (its a porcelain doll but like where are we gonna find a porcelain doll in hawkins lmao so thats why i went w some sort of babie or other day). in ride the cyclone its kind of just one of those things no one explicitly brings up, someone gets a lil creeped out by jane's headless doll but thats about it, so its one of those things without like a full explanation, but i think its such a cute way to give them a head.
so reader would be like normal human size and everything, and the doll head and the fact that reader might talk to the doll is something everyone is kinda just like 'ok yeah i dont have the energy to unpack whatever's happening there'. ooorrr we could always add some sort of explanation if we wanted to which i wouldnt be opposed to :DD
also above ties into that this isnt going to be 100% serious dark angst etc, ride the cyclone itself could be quite heavy if it werent for the fact that its a funky lil comedic thing as well, and i think thats a fun vibe that ill probably try to stick to a lil with this as well
(4) for age my original idea was that reader is around robin/steve/nancy/eddie/etc's age, early 20's or like 18-19, this is bc id like the dynamic between reader and other characters if reader was around this age. and also i dont want this to be like a shot-for-shot remake of when the gang found el in the woods, so making reader like dustin's age is less appealing to me.
omg i love that name idea and i loovveee how it ties back to the doll bc ik the doll wont actually talk back but i think its such a cute thing to include so i just gotta. so far ive been suggested gn variations of jane doe, but i also love this definitely putting it on the list for name options !!
and for relationships yess i agree !! i asked what people thought for romantic bc i was interested in what ppl thought but i am leaning towards stuff like yeah found family !! i cant explain why but i would loooove nancy and reader's friendship in this just soemthing abt it i love !! and omg yes ofc dad nancy and mum steve .
also i can totally see reader and el bonding over how el can relate to reader not rlly knowing anything about the world and how things work and such !!
for context, jane doe in ride the cyclone can speak and all (which i might alter a bit for reader bc depending on how long reader's been alone/in a purgatory kinda place in the upside down then they may be a bit out of practice with speaking) but doesnt actually know what most things are, bc she learnt what they were during her life, which ofc she does not remember, so yeah !
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aquagustd · 2 years
i’m so done rn 😭 hoseok and oc could’ve been it. hoseok really loved her sm that he was so serious about changing for the better and getting married. and i love how being a great parent to junho, a baby who isn’t even his, is so important to him. they were SO CLOSE to being together. ughhhhhh i want to cry, like i’m being deadass 🥲 now looking back at the chapter where junho’s birthday party occurred, i can’t imagine how much memories and awkwardness that must’ve brought to oc and hoseok…they literally were gonna marry each other!!! oc was in love with both of them, you can’t lie. it’s just the hope of jungkook coming back to her and junho, and also her love for jk obviously, that stopped her from saying yes. she wanted to. she was this close 🤏 but she was cut off from her answer and jungkook showed but and was dramatic and made a scene, per usual 🙄 i’m never gonna get over this 😭 i knew from the beginning that hoseok and oc were never gonna work out but somehow this is the most painful thing of the story to me?
and jungkook…idk where to start. so he was still in love with oc :( it must’ve been really hard for him too. idk what he had to go through while being with yang but probably some bad stuff. and of course it changed him. he let his emotions blind him with the whole situation at the wedding. he was watching hoseok and oc the whole time— ouch. and was somehow convinced that junho was oc’s and hoseok’s kid. that plus everything he’s been through in his life, really pushed him over the edge. yikes, everything he said to oc even offends me. and then he went to sora after? and we found out he’s been wanting to kiss her this whole time?!!?!!? alright, i see how it is mf 🤨 so does that mean he doesn’t really love sora like that because he was only doing it to cope with all his emotions, or did he actually start to love her later on?
and he ruined yoongi and yuri’s wedding! yoongi wasn’t supposed to see his bride yet 😒 but yuri came to comfort junho and oc either way 🫶
i know 😭😭 oc was so so close to making a family with hoseok and then all that changed when jungkook came back. like they could’ve been P E R F E C T 😭 if she said yes they would’ve been happy together till today && probably had some more babies of their own 🥺 exactly 🥺 he treated junho like his own. his fatherly instincts (if that’s a thing) just kicked in and he was there just holding junho when jk was throwing a fit 🥲🫣 that’s why his return at junho’s bday was so…weird and sad for oc !! that was gonna be her husband 😭😭 but he still showed despite it all
she did love hoseok :( she did :( a case of right person, wrong time :(
YES 🙄 he ruined their wedding ffs. but yoongi kicked him out lmfao. right ??? suddenly he wanted to kiss sora all along 🤚🏻 & they sorta grew to love each other over the years together tbh.
jungkook has been through a lot. even to get to oc that day, but he should’ve just listened for one second and stopped pointing fingers at oc.
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nverl0st · 4 days
may song recs!
i think this month has not been going well and FINALS ARE ABOUT TO HIT ME LIKE A TRUCK BUT THAT'S OKAY. I think I went from denial, anger, and bargaining, rn it's depression. but uhhhh it's fine. i'm hoping that i will find some more faith (in humanity, others, and myself soon). also i need to find some hobbies because apparently you cannot be happy if you study for 10 hours every day.
--- kimagure mercy - hachioji-p
i was listening to the milgram playlist on spotify like normal. since i'm a peasant, i don't have premium and spotify adds random songs in it. the mmj cover comes up and i think it's yuno's cover of sticky bug for some reason. i go, "damn sticky bug sounds a lot better than what i remember". i google translate the title, realize it's the famous kimagure MERCY, and then proceed to loop it for days.
the vibe is so fun! esp while watching the mv and seeing miku bounce her leg to the beat and stuff. is it a stereotypical romance break up song? yeah. if it was in english would i hate it? definitely. however, because it's vocaloid, the lyrics and beat work so much better.
personal favorite lyrics include: "'demo ne', 'datte'" (the way miku sings it is so asdifnasdifnsadfi omgggggg. she's like imitating her bf with that indifferent...? pleading? voice), "come on, you’re not into me at all / i’d say the one you like is yourself, yeah!" (STOP BEING RELATABLE), "be my boy, you baby spoiled rotten / and hug me tight!" (fuck the expression she makes in the mv is so CONFLICTED ASJDNFASUDNFASDFU), "even if I cry and beg you not to go, nothing can possibly change!" (i'm gonna leave if there are more relatable lyrics), "but I get lonely sometimes too / so come for me!" (i'm leaving), "i’m a lonely girl. Hog me all to yourself, baby" (this is getting cringe).
--- aitai-lians - deco27
ofc being the #1 deco27 hater i had to check out his new release to make fun of him. OBVIOUSLY. and then i fell in love with the 2nd half of the chorus. like wtf. “hello earthlings, Aitai-lians, we are / blackholes for hearts we carry, aliens from afar, we are”. IT'S SO GOOD, especially the "we are" syntax works so well. i think what makes this song special is the beat, which is that like club party beat. i don't know what being "green-eyed" means but i'm gonna guess it's jealously.
--- cinderella - deco27
i hate deco27. i hate deco27. WTF. this song is so catchy, and yeah it's part of the stupid mannequin album BUT. i really think that deco's in his element when he writes complex songs about love, which this is. it's just really, really catchy. for some reason, the 2nd half of the chorus (which starts out the song and IMMEDIATELY got me hooked) does not sound like it's part of this song? is there a meter change?? is that why??? the chants of "hey" in the verses is weird but... oh well. seriously, i really recommend this song, it's just really fun. on a scale from hibana (lots of emotion/soul) to vampire (no soul), i'd say it leans hibana (unlike the REST of the album).
fun fact: i checked this song out because someone on tumblr said that this could be muu's t3 cover song.
--- help me, erinnnnnnnn! - COOL&CREATE
this song is SO FUN. it's long as fuck but it's still engaging and fun to listen to. i found it bc of a muu and haruka edit at like 12 am and it was stuck in my head all nice. i really love the vocaloid cover for pjsk too, the tuning is just so FUNN!!!! i too want to shout and dance when i hear it.
--- another day of sun - la la land
do i know what la la land is? no, not really. my friend remixed this song for her physics final which is how this person who knows nothing about pop culture found out about this song. no but it's so fun and sweet?? the instrumental break is so whimsical and i love the brass instruments.
--- 折风渡夜 - (i seriously can never find the chinese composers)
gives of 科目三 vibes. maybe i'm racist. actually.. it might be the bass/percussion rhythm. no but wtf chinese opera + cpop is such a good combination. always, traditional musical styles + modern pop always works so well. i don't know why the youtube remix is in vietnamese but that's okay bc that remix SLAPS. idk the lyrics but i cried to this. the way the singer sings just sounds like she's longing for something, and idk man. ESPECIALLY that bridge in the youtube remix. it starts so quiet and in this hushed tone... and that BASS. wtf!!!
--- alter ego/silence - caramel column
seriously, awesome game. the reviews on the app store scared me on how overwhelmingly positive they were, but i can't say that they're wrong. it's kind of cathartic, clicking on speech bubbles for 10+ minutes that call you lonely and depressed. es is a really great character, and honestly a good reflection of ourselves.
about the music.... it's so contemporary! they really represented the calming yet brooding atmosphere of the game with just two tracks. but seriously, crazy meter changes (or wack-ass rubato), long pauses, weird ass accidentals, lots of jumps. yet, it really works out and never fails to calm me down.
honorable mentions: all of haruka's songs. seriously love this man's va.
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lovebunni05 · 5 months
Saw a post on r/conspiracytheories where a man is talking abt a p*rn star called Mila Solana and basically OPs "theory" is that she's a deepfake and that the face is not hers and he was almost acting like he'd been personally lied to saying things like "I knew she was too pretty to do p*rn" "better get used to jacking it to ai generated faces ig" in a whole FOURTEEN part post about how upset and freaked out he was that shes not real like??? When have men ever cared that the woman in p*rn are real people with feelings and emotion? Men love to play the victim and this single ai generated face made him feel like he needed to whine to a bunch of people on Reddit saying "this is our future 😤, can't masturbate to real women anymore 🥺🥺🥺" like I said men don't care Abt stuff like this until they can use it to victimize and benefit themselves also she IS still a real person he's literally just mad that her face is fake like calm the fuck down dude no one gives a fuck that the person u found on PH isn't using a real face.
Also I looked her up just because I was curious and yeah it's obviously a fake face idk why he's so shocked like maybe at first glance you wouldn't realize it but its pretty clearly fake??? Anyways rant over.
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
Ryen the way I can't pick a favorite scene!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I love that they're flirting in public (lol) and I knewwwww Jimin & Tae would do smth but for them to give them that little time together 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I'm so glad it's them of all people who found out 🥹
Sometimes I totally forgot that the whole thing between them has been going on for a year and I honestly want to know their daily lives at this point 😭😭 i wanna see them as much as i can alright 😭😭 even tho it's only: yoongi buys OC coffee. OC drops by the studio and call him to find her in the alley right next to studio to give him lunch and a kiss. I just want them to be happy forever 😭😭😭😭
Anyway, another fav scene nomination is obviously Dom & Shiv 🫶🏻 i can just imagine Shiv being interested in her (who isnt 😭) and Dom notices in ONE glance but she finds amusement in it so she just keeps on intimidating him just to see if he'll eventually break looool
And why did you ask if we want a continuation, who whould say no??? (I will hunt down anyone who does)
OH and also... starbucks korea is going to release this and i want to cry https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSjLleL1Sh/?igshid=MjljNjAzYmU=
STARRYYY on another episode of ryen answers commentary weeks late bc she finally has both the time and energy dslkfjklsd but thank you so much for all of this and for reading!
vmin are just... the gd best here. istg i love them and will protect them with everything i have! i'm very happy they are the ones that know about the whole situation, too. and that they're respecting it. as far as yoongi and reader flirting in public... A MESSSS LMAOOO i can't believe them rn.
also, i know! it's been so long (granted, there was a 3 month timeskip all the way in house party) and yet we still don't know a lot about everyone. like yes, we know a good amount, but what does everyone's day to day look like? what are the little things they're doing or are there gonna be tiny moments that yoongi and reader get together? who knows!
the dom and shiv moment came out so naturally so i'm really happy y'all enjoyed the interaction! i didn't have anything planned but it came out right around the time we were all talking about them, so it was p cool. and dom sounds like the type to do what you said sdfkjs i'm gonna yell!! also.... THIS MUG IS SO FCKING CUTE I WANT ITTT
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4dtk · 3 years
Mark lee cheating sex
have you ever watched japanese p*rn and the people in there are just oblivious to these two characters fucking. yeah. just imagine that. also don’t cheat y’all, obviously. i don’t condone it, talk it out with your s/o! (i say this but i gotta admit this is so indulgent im sorry this was so hot to write 😭)
warnings: CHEATING/INFIDELITY, blowjob, facial, deep-throating, clit stimulation, sorta exhibitionism, doggy standing up, creampie/breeding
taglist: @goingbananasoverpotassium
mark hisses both in pain and panic when you push him against the door, body and hair fresh from a shower — the situation which is inches away from your boyfriend who was eating his lunch outside. the television luckily drowns out the sounds of your hands unbuckling his belt, but you’re sure your airhead of an boyfriend would be oblivious to any of the things happening in the room.
just for caution though, you’d keep your voice down.
“(y-y/n)… he’s still outside,” you giggle into his underwear, cock painfully hard despite all of his refuses to your advances. you know it in the way he looked at you, from being your roommate to nice gestures for you. he’d provide notes for when you were sick, he’d converse with your boyfriend whenever he was over, but he also couldn’t help but fuck his fist whenever you’d sashay around the shared dorm room in booty shorts and the thinnest camisole.
“calm down, mark. he assumes i’m taking a shower. which i did, only to find you waiting innocently in my room.” you hold back a gasp when you take his dick out, painfully hard and leaking with pre-cum that with one squeeze, he’s already moaning out loud. the wooden doors aren’t exactly soundproof either — only to an extent — you found this out when you’ve heard him say your name as he jerks himself off.
“who’s the one making noises now?” you spare him no mercy, immediately taking him into your warm mouth. the gesture makes him melt against the door, poorly held up by the doorknob and his feet on the carpeted floor. in one go, your nose nudges against his skin, his cock hitting the back of your throat. “you’re so fucking hard, aren’t ya? were you hoping for this to happen any time soon?”
mark can hardly answer, though, biting the skin of his thumb as you start to bob your head. you tease him by swirling your tongue over his tip and length, making the lewd noises become more prominent. the way mark looks down at you with furrowed eyebrows and soft whimpers leaving his mouth does things to you, but the taste of him is even better. you can’t deny the wetness pooling in your panties, until its interrupted by your boyfriend talking through the door.
“hey, mark, is my girlfriend done showering?”
he looks down to you, panicking. you nod towards the door in a way to tell him “answer him”, a hand reaching down to your centre to play with your clit.
“a-ah, yeah! i don’t think so, just came in here to give her a new towel — said she didn’t want to bother you or somethin’.” mark manages to get out just as you continue your assault, making the sloppiest noises that he was sure you were going to get caught.
“aw shame, could’ve seen her naked. well, i guess that just happens when you’re too invested in soccer!” your boyfriend’s clueless to how your knees burn against the floor, taking mark deep into your mouth.
“hh- y-yeah, totally, dude!” the other shouts out an obnoxious thanks! before going right back into the living room and the smile on your face makes mark’s stomach turn, both in good and bad ways. “y-you… haah… (y/n), we can’t do this—!” mark’s cut off by his own moans when you increase your pace, compensating for your mouth and reaching for the parts where you couldn’t cover.
your hands and mouth is all he ever imagined, sucking and stroking him to the point of not even being able to talk. that makes two, when you choke yourself on his length repeatedly until you’re babbling nonsense. “i- i’m gonna-“ mark announces, but you’re ready for his cum anyways, spilling his seed all over your face while his thighs shiver under your touch. he’s making the cutest noises, whimpering out your name with such lilts you want to suck him off for life. your mouth is connected to his length with strings of your saliva mixed with his cum, finally coming off of him with a lick of your lips.
standing up, mark assumes it’s the last of it, and while he’s disappointed, he’s also glad. that is, until you brush your fingers over your cunt, dripping, to show him.
“look at how wet you got me, markie…” you pout, pressing your body against his that he has no choice but to put his hands on your waist. he likes it more than he admits. “are you gonna make me feel good, baby?”
mark splutters, looking for words, but you take matters into your own hands when you brush the tip of his cunt against your pelvis. it soon finds your clit, and the way his cock twitches in your hand is so adorable that you only grind your bud down against him even more. “you want this pussy, hm? want to fuck my tight, little cunt?”
the male only flushes red in your words, but like always, his dick reacts to your words heavily. his eyes roll back once you turn around and flash your butt at him, teasing his tip around your hole. and then it never stops, the whites of his eyes are all knows when you finally insert it into your needy hole.
your walls are so fucking warm, closing in on him that he has to refrain from cumming. your juices are enough lube, and even if his mind tells him ‘no’, he only sinks deeper and deeper into your pussy. your name is falling from his lips like a prayer when he bottoms out, stilling himself as he looks to you for approval. with an intoxicated smile, you look back at him. “fuck me, mark. fuck me better than your fleshlight. make me your fucking cocksleeve.”
mark loses control, then. your words of confirmation are all he needs before he pulls out and thrusts right back to the hilt. he holds you close to his front, hips rutting into you in order to feel your walls hugging his cock and your sloppy hole taking his length so well. “f-fuck, fuck, s’good, you feel so good, baby.”
you laugh breathlessly, “do i, now? y-you’re gonna have to fuck me good whenever he comes over, hm, markie?” mark is too lost in pleasure to answer you, pounding into your back that his balls slap so hard against your ass and the arousal from your sex coat his dick more and more. he only comes to his senses when he hears your voice call out to your boyfriend.
“w-wait, (y/n)-“
“shut up and keep fucking me.”
“yes, babe? what is it?” you have to stop yourself from rolling your eyes, but soon that facade is masked by your sweet smile. mark holds his breath behind the door, but he realises your claims might very well be true because your boyfriend isn’t questioning why you keep moving back and forth behind the door.
“c-could you be a good boy and get another towel for me?” you’re doing everything in your right mind not to show how good mark’s cock is impaling you, but even so, you can’t help the soft moans leaving your mouth. the racing of your heart, mark’s frustrated grunts, it points to how much you actually like the secrecy of everything.
“sure thing, babe. you doin’ okay?” and while a normal person would’ve picked up how mark was in the room with a naked girl, an attached one at that, your boyfriend could only ask stupid questions. “you seem kinda pale, and you’re sweating. let me-“
when he pushes, you do too, knuckles white curled around the door, “i’m fine, honey. j-just get me that towel.”
long gone over your cunt, mark finally groans out when the door slams close, pelvis meeting your ass rougher and faster. it’s like he’s exasperated at the way you lead people on, at how you smile so sweetly and tempt others behind their back. mark’s the first and only victim, and while he chastises himself for going against his own morals, all he can think about is the squelch and slick that reverberates throughout the room.
“gotta cum soon, baby. cum in me- mmh- before he comes back.”
“i-in you?!” maybe then he’d be able to finally mark you, even when you were in a relationship. mark knows it’s wrong, mark knows it’s disgusting, and yet the idea of filling you up (where he was sure you and your boyfriend hadn’t fucked yet) before he did sends a surge of excitement.
that flips a switch, and soon the male doesn’t care about getting caught for a second, he doesn’t give thought to the groans leaving his lips, never stopping his thrusts even when you clench around him. skillfully, he guides a hand towards your clit, shadowing you with his hand on yours to add on to the pleasure and you loudly moan out.
“m-mark- fucking hell, oh my god! gimme all your cum, please-” you’re sobbing out, body held up by the other until his hips stutter in you.
“i’m cumming-“ his cum leaks into you, ropes and ropes of his hot seed filling you to the brim to the point where there’s a wet pop! as he removes his cock. you mewl out at the sensation, mixture of yours and his cum splattering all over the floor that gets mark into a daze. so this is what cumming inside meant…
“babe? i’ve got your towel!” the daze puts ideas of seeing your hole leaking his seed, of you begging for more until all you could taste was cum, into his head, body moving on its own accord and mark snaps his fucking hips into you, brushing against your sweet spot all in one go. in a burst a sensitivity, you scream out, “f-fuck! mark!” and there’s no way that your boyfriend doesn’t hear it.
“that’s it, that’s my girl,” and while it only brings rage from the other side of the door, you can’t help but giggle profusely at this newly awakened mark, who’s desperate to get you as his and your wet, weeping pussy around his cock all year round.
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mego42 · 3 years
Is it just me or do you think some people are overexaggerating the wire scene? Is it that deep...?
lol well tl;dr yes to both questions. i do think people are being a ott about it (and by people i mean me), but i also do think it was a p deep scene.
i mean, okay, think about it. you’ve got:
the siLenCe. i know a lot of people aren’t feeling the trajectory of the score and the soundtrack but personally i L O V E it and think they’re wielding their musical choices (or in this case lack thereof) with next level aplomb.
in this instance, the choice to strip this scene of a sound bed has the same effect as the choice in 209 where it really drives home how stark and loaded the moment is and how stripped and exposed both of them are
it(’s) also (one of several things that) draws a subtle line to 209 which like, makes me feEL stuFF about how that frames their former intimacy and where they’re at now and how horribly wrong it’s all gone compared to what it could’ve been
interestingly enough, i think drawing that line also underscores how not about sex th 405 scene is in a similar way to how not about sex the 209 scene was (which is bonkers consider the 209 scene was like, you know, the literal prelude to sex)
idk (to me) the 209 kiss was MUCH more about intimacy and vulnerability and the inherent tragedy of what could’ve been between them without all of the bullshit and I think this scene hits a lot of those same beats but in the inverse.
while i don’t think it’s sexual, the 405 wire scene is unarguably intimate simply due to how incredibly exposed and vulnerable they both are here
the fact that rio came to silently confront beth speaks volumes to how exposed he’s feeling with this investigation. he found a tracker on his car, his circle of trust has been breached, he has to go to beth and (wordlessly) ASK HER if it’s her vs his usual MO of presenting himself as the guy with all the cards, who knows all the secrets, often times lording over Beth how much he knows that she doesn’t
and while Beth is obviously exposed in the literal sense of her stripping down, she’s also extremely vulnerable because she IS the one behind the tracker and she has no way of knowing whether or not he knows that, only knows that he clearly suspects
(but at the same time, this is i think one of the first situations we’ve ever seen them in where she holds more cards than rio? because he doesn’t know what’s going on, this time he’s the one lacking information and it’s information that beth has and at this point in her relationship, she knows him p well too, enough to know how he reacts to things and how to play him bc she’s successfully done it twice now this season)
so what does she do? she does what she does best, tips her chin up and leans in 
(and personally i think that says a lot about her fear in that moment being of the situation vs of rio as a person which is a nuance that’s really important to me that i can’t totally articulate rn but it has something to do with the situation being something she’s an active participant in)
i am also absolutely out of my mind rabid over how like, grim and resigned rio was throughout the whole 405 scene and we have arrived at another 209 parallel of what could have been vs what is
in 405 rio’s grappling with the fact that he’s let beth in far enough that she’s in the position to betray him on a very serious level and even worse, that he’s given her every reason to do so time after time and i think he’s got some pretty severe regrets over that and how much it didn’t have to be this way (both the fact that it’s come to this and that it could’ve been something so much more)
and that makes me go a touch funny about the knees because the inherent tragedy of 209 is both of them having this moment of realization that oh shit is this something they could be? bc i don’t think either one of them had any clue they other had that kind of softness inside them in regards to the other
i don’t know where i was going with that
something about them both being dumb and fucking it up
yeah, so, i completely forgot what the point i set out to make was because i got entirely sidetracked thinking about the juxtaposition of 209 and 405 and made this gifset instead
idk what to tell you my dudes, i’m a horrible person to send this stuff to unless you’re trying to buy a ticket to the circus
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marcsalmonds · 2 years
You gotta nip that shit in the bud who cares of your sister is only 8! I was talking to a friend yesterday whose kid is in kindergarten and he was telling me his kid comes home sometimes with strange notions about the founding fathers and shit and has to keep an eye on it.
Im trying but she is literally obsessed with h*rry p*tter rn and when that started I had a chat with my mum about not facilitating that and the reasons. Obviously I wasn't listened to because we're fucking here now. but also I think its fair to not comprehend the symbolism of your country's flag when you're from a shitty colonialist country and you're a child. I do try but at the end of the day I'm not raising her and I'm limited to what I can do for a number of reasons. I try to provide an alternative perspective when the opportunity arrises
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