#and Reach For the Spoon
thatsbelievable · 8 months
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illufinch · 1 year
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canisalbus · 6 months
Are you even brave enough to go back to Machete's canon story and make him a miserable man again after of this. After knowing what could have been. After letting him know that love is as real as the cold marble of the temples he bruised his knees praying on day after day. And that unlike his god, it answers. And that it's out there, warm as the morning sun, shining through the iron bars of his prison, waiting for him.
Would you turn your back to heaven and put back your crown of thorns if salvation was so close you could feel it like ichor in your mouth. Would you.
Lord help me I think one of those writer anons is in my inbox again.
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august-beee · 1 year
Genuine question and I would love any input but specifically the input of disabled people. Would it help or make any impact if I wore a mask in public again? I genuinely want to help anyone I can.
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makkapakka-212 · 7 months
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episode 3, 6 & 7
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moghedien · 3 months
"Women who could channel were dangerous animals rather than people."
honestly cracking up laughing at this thought from Egeanin because like, famous last words for someone about to get Wondergirled
like she is so deep in her Seanchan indoctrination even like up to the moment that she met Elayne and Nynaeve, and they really just broke her by being nice to her and treating her like a person, all while openly claiming to be Aes Sedai
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anonprotagging · 4 months
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xmcu-fietro · 1 year
people with chronic fatigue—how do you manage the fatigue when you have a lot of things to do?
my doctor thinks I may have fibromyalgia but she’s been overall pretty unhelpful/dismissive, and I need a few tips for figuring out how to conserve/boost energy as I finish the semester and prepare for a busy summer. Caffeine doesn't help me because of my ADHD, and sleep rarely helps.
Specifically, is there anything that helps energy while standing up? I don’t have any issues with walking, but when my fatigue/muscle and joint pain/muscle tension flares a lot it makes standing up pretty exhausting, so outside of making myself go to classes when I can I pretty much stay in bed or on the couch as much as possible, but that’s not good for my grades or my mental health.
Any help is appreciated!
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screwpinecaprice · 2 years
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Baby?    Baby!
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ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
Why Athy's coronation is a bigger deal than it seems
Or me overthinking WMMAP's worldbuilding
The narrative of Athy's coronation is so interesting to me. Perhaps it wasn't completely intended by Spoon, but its implications for the world of WMMAP are more than impressive.
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What got me thinking about this is that, in real life, the heir to the throne is not "crowned" as crown prince, they are the person expected to succeed since birth. That would be Athy as Claude's only child, so why would she need a coronation? Apart from securing the position that people have been trying to steal from her since she was born. Well, if we look at how royal succession works in real life, until the 20th century crown princesses weren't considered heirs. Being the rulers of their nation by their own right was just not allowed.
They were more often than not the spouse of a crown prince, but even crown princesses by birth wouldn't inherit the throne in a male dominated succession. Which seems to be exactly Obelia's case, despite how its first ruler was a queen, Queen Ambrose, as stated in the novel by Athy. Some interesting events must have happened between Obelia's foundation and the present day for that to change.
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We see some subtle signs of this in the manhwa. All the royal portraits only depict male rulers, and Athy mentions how immortal names were only granted by the emperor to his heir, the empress' son, that's why Claude received such a name (meaning "limping"). We aren't told that giving immortal names to the emperor's daughter was outright forbidden, but it's certainly unusual, as -apart from Ambrose- Athy is the only member of Obelia's royal family that we know has a name evocative of immortality. The named emperors, Anastasius, Aevum, Aeternitas, Caelum, were all males.
This makes Diana naming her daughter "Athanasia" incredibly daring. She wasn't the emperor, who has the right to choose an heir, she wasn't even Claude's wife, and yet Diana was the one who gave Athy her name.
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So, following Obelia's succession and history, it looks like Athy was never expected to actually rule the empire or exert authority. Sure, she would be the empress, but she wouldn't be looked as an equal to her male predecessors. In the novel, both local and foreign nobles were very invested in who Athy was going to marry, saying that she needed to have a strong and capable husband, like Arlanta's prince Dice, since as a princess she was delicate and weak. Others (Roger) argued that she must marry an obelian nobleman, to maintain the power within the country. This was followed by a hilarious scene of Athy breaking the cutlery and shutting their mouths.
This kind of worldbuilding also explains why Roger was so focused on Ijekiel marrying Jennette, he wanted him or their future son to be emperor. As we see in the novel's LP side story, they never wanted Jennette to seize the throne, and she never got a coronation or the title of heir. The same could be said for the manhwa, Anastasius and Aeternitas wanted to use her as a puppet, not make her an empress, and in that way legitimize their accession to the throne.
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Athy actually being considered the heir to the throne by her own merits and later crowned as such is pretty extraordinary for a world like Obelia's. Other series have coronation ceremonies for princes and princesses, so maybe Spoon thought it was a real thing, but both analyzed from a real life point of view and from within the narrative, it's an amazing achievement. Claude is obviously not someone that cares for Obelia's traditions, the nobles rescenting him for his origins, so it's even possible that the ceremony was the first of its kind.
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Since Athy is Claude's only child, the reader would expect her to be the next ruler by default, but Obelia doesn't seem like a particularly equal society when it comes to both class and gender. This is even more apparent with the misogynistic treatment she received in the novel, or how a noble tried to belittle her in the manhwa. Even more polite nobles mentioned they thought of Athy as little more than "a cute little princess" before she became the emperor's proxy. So it was natural that, with Anastasius suddenly coming back to life, a good portion of the traditional noble faction would back him, despite being an overthrown tyrant.
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In summary, Athy being crowned as heir is an extraordinary accomplishment in itself, breaking Obelia's tradition of perhaps centuries. I would dare to say, maybe an unprecedented event since Queen Ambrose's rule. And as the final chapter states, she would become an empress adored by the people and who would live on in history.
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phcking-detective · 1 year
Nines: Gavin told me to make myself at home so I rearranged his silverware into more logical drawers 🥰
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vaxxildamn · 3 months
very happy Matt decided to clarify his stance on the genocide of the Palestinian people rn. Pretty unhappy with the way he worded it, who he centered in his video, and disappointed to see the responses to it on Twitter.
kinda scared to even post about it bc CR fans can get so defensive about their favorite white people that they can often leave little room for criticism or nuance. but man I have thoughts.
#lemme just say. if you have a public platform that has set a precedent for philanthropic work. messages of positivity and love.#and have called attention to various political and social conflicts *in stream*. & whose employees and cast members are vocal#on socials about political topics#then it is NOT unreasonable for fans to expect them to address one of the deadliest orchestrated conflicts in recent history#a literal genocide is happening. thanks in part to the US.#it is good that they donated as a company and as individuals. so good!#but to everyone saying that publicizing good deeds like donations is virtue signaling or demanding CR cast to show their support is#or that activism shouldnt be all about what you post bc then it becomes performative#are kinda missing the point. and theyre not listening to palestinians at all#a huge issue with this conflict & the way its being received in the western world - ESPECIALLY the US bc of its partnership w israel -#is the sheer amount of disgusting minsinformation and propaganda convincing ppl this genocide is either not that bad or that its necessary#everyday citizens CANNOT change foreign policy. we cant do anything!#so what have Palestinians been asking us to do?? SPREAD AWARENESS ON SOCIAL MEDIA. MAKE PEOPLE AWARE. UPLIFT PALESTINIAN VOICES. SHARE LINKS#SHOW PPL THE TRUTH.#and yes its hard! its difficult to watch what theyre going thru. but we HAVE to.#i didnt rlly like matts statement. he said he didnt have the spoons to engage in the discourse. which i get. god i get it.#but ive also seen many many creators/influencers who are also disabled or whose families are directly involved gather their spoons to help#and no one was asking CR to harm themselves in the name of helping palestine. we only wanted them to spread awareness#bc the comments on their tweet about finally donating were full of mostly white centrist takes not able to see any benefit to donating or#addressing the issue at all. which is EXACTLY why CR should addresss it. bc they can reach so many who dont understand#but theyd been radio silent for almost 5 months. i didnt like that he didnt really apologize. i didnt like that he centered himself#i didnt like his lowkey flippant language either. saying all that.. ridiculousness in regards to a genocide not well worded.#but i dont feel right holding that against him. should he have thought it through better? sure but i get it#& unfortunately his parting message left a bad taste in my mouth - one of positivity & self care & hugging each other#nice important words but it didnt feel like he was talking about ppl who are affected by this conflict. but rather ppl who are watching#it just felt like a very white thing to say in response to this. we are not burdened and easily victimized bc of it#we are responsible. and so we must center palestinians.#if i were him i wldnt have gone in detail about how hard the palestinian genocide is for me to watch.#but thats just me#*CORRECTION: radio silent for almost 4 months
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meownotgood · 9 months
my brain rewarded me for working hard, last night I had a dream about aki sex ❤️
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jrueships · 3 months
Kawhi+paul georp
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cotarded · 6 months
you know i sometimes wish i lived in yalls worlds where „noone is talking about *insert a war/crisis/tragedy” like do yall just not read news be honest. and if you mean your friends then just start the conversations yourself i promise you its more rewarding than writing pissy posts and getting back pats for being more enlightened than the blind masses or whatever the fuck
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satancopilotsmytardis · 2 months
Hmm I think organizing by kinks would be great, or maybe based on when/where the fics take place primarily…? Like PLF, Kamino, fantasy, ect
Also interesting, hmm.
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