erabu-san · 16 days
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I enjoyed every second of this quest
[This art has platonic intention. Thank you for not tag ship!]
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yeonban · 9 months
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HEIZOU'S BIRTHDAY GIFTS! (We're pretending I answered on time)
@destinywoven asked: It took a little detective work of his own to discover when Heizou’s birthday fell. Perhaps he would have told Cyno if he’d asked, but that would have ruined the fun. And the surprise.
By pulling more than his fair share of very difficult strings that involved weeks of negotiations, bartering and a little bit of intimidation, Cyno has managed to secure something special; a Matra-approved detective licence. Though he would have to liaise with the Matra (something Cyno would, naturally, see to personally), with this licence in hand, Heizou would be free to conduct and pursue cases in Sumeru whenever he saw fit. This, of course, included permanent access to accommodation whenever he visited the nation, all expenses covered by the General Mahamatra himself.
All that’s left is to deliver the somewhat ambitious gift.
Nervousness is not an emotion Cyno experiences frequently, but he feels the stirrings of it now as he stands stiffly at the edge of the dock overlooking the newly arrived ship from Inazuma, his gift hidden away in an envelope behind his back. For a brief moment, Cyno contemplates stuffing the envelope back into his satchel and pretending nothing had happened. What if it’s too much? Too presumptuous? Is he overstepping a line that should not be crossed? All those questions and more swirl inside his head, but are soon silenced as he spots Heizou jogging down the gangplank.
Just the sight of him is enough to quell the restless storm within him; he’ll follow through with his plan, no matter the consequences. His decision made, Cyno relaxes his shoulders, lips curling into a small smile as he takes a short step towards his partner. 
“ Aboat time you washed into shore, ” He delivers the poor pun (he’s saving his best for later) with a straight face, drawing his arm from behind his back to hold out the envelope to Heizou. “ For you. Happy birthday. ”
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The journey from Inazuma to Sumeru remains surreal to someone as unused to the sight of the ocean entirely encompassing his surroundings as Heizou is even after the dozenth time partaking in it - the endless blue offering him a sense of peace (there are no constraints in the middle of nowhere, no fatal dangers, no murderous creatures, no whimsical lightning strikes to be cautious of) but there is also far too much idle time on his hands to spend within the confines of his mind, faced with naught but the low murmur of the passing waves and the widespread freedom to think of anything and everything without worry of interruption.
Typically, the silence aids in Heizou's endeavors of planning the key points of his trip or cracking ancient yet unsolved cases as a side hobby, but today the silence feels beyond lonely, suffocating rather, as though the detective has found himself underneath the waves rather than above them. It's a common occurrence for his mood to drop as soon as his birthday rolls around, particularly so when he cannot find relief in hiding behind orchestrated distractions to pass the time until his birthday is no more, and a part of him wonders whether it'd have been for the better to schedule this trip for another time, or whether it'd have been simpler on him to extend an offer to someone to join him on the trip.
A hollow laugh escapes at the idea, one hand reaching to touch the stanchion while the redhead gazes towards the horizon. Neither could've worked, for Sara has granted him time off with his special day in mind (an awfully sensible thing of her to do, and frankly Heizou isn't sure how to feel about it) and there isn't anyone he wishes to bother with a request as inane as "spend some time with me" when everyone he knows is leading busy lives that could do without his extra interference. Kazuha isn't there anyway, and Shinobu is busy with interviews... nevermind his family. When was the last time he has even seen any of them, other than his cousin? When was the last time they had even cared to spend his birthday with him, or to gift him anything that wasn't meant for his future as the dojo's owner?
A fleeting pang of his heart ensues at the rather pathetic realization (there is no one else he can deem a friend in the land he's lived all his life, nor do his blood ties care about his existence beyond their own reputation), but an abrupt & rough inhale of air followed by a longwinded exhale (a tested & tried method) breaks the detective out of the depressive slope he may have otherwise found himself sliding down on, and Heizou attempts to refocus his attention onto something better suited for his precious time than brooding. That isn't like him, after all (he never allows it to be).
Although with far more effort than usually required, the hours-long voyage ends without a hitch. Little progress has been made in any of the cases he's tried to piece together along the way, and his mental state hasn't quite recovered from what it has been like ever since the day has started, but resiliently as ever, Heizou finds himself determined to banish the lows and concentrate on the highs as the brief turbulence heralds the ship's arrival in Sumeru. The fact alone seems to brighten the detective's spirits by a smidgen, both as a promise to soon meet with his dear friend, and as a welcoming of distractions sure to come in the shape of the city's hustle and bustle.
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Perhaps the sudden wave of excitement at the prospect is what brings some spring to Heizou's steps, but he grows slightly more energized than he'd been until that point, vibrantly making his way onto the docks. It certainly helps that an overly familiar head of white hair also pops into view as soon as he glances in Sumeru's direction, and Heizou cannot help the fond chuckle that escapes him at both at the sight itself and at the very much expected pun that greets him. He's heard better ones before, but Cyno's expressionless way of uttering every joke never fails to bring a smile onto his face, nor does the other's mere presence ever fail to uplift his mood.
It's such a simple thing, and yet Heizou already feels much better than he has all day. ❛ I was wondering what joke you'd be starting today off with. If only my friends from back home knew I have the privilege of hearing puns like these every time I visit Sumeru, they'd be envious for shore. ❜ A warmer smile stretches on his features after replying in kind (a habit he may well fall into in Inazuma too if left unchecked) and for a moment Heizou contemplates opening his mouth again, to either talk about his trip or to inquire about where his accommodations are this time around, or perhaps even to invite Cyno for lunch.
However, the unexpected birthday wish that leaves Cyno's mouth next knocks the air out of Heizou's lungs, his cheerful persona breaking apart for a fleeting moment while his smile subconsciously wavers and his eyes widen in response. There are many emotions swirling through him all at once (shock, confusion, disbelief), plenty of which must have made their way onto the surface as well, and even though verdants manage to glance down at the gift and understand that he isn't imagining it, the redhead remains at a loss (for words, and for what to think of any of this). ❛ ......You... ❜ -knew? ❛ I... ❜ -don't believe I've ever told you when my birthday is.
The lack of cohesion in any of his attempts to speak prompts Heizou to not speak at all, the temporary silence growing fairly awkward while he works on gluing himself back together into a more presentable self. It's with great effort that he manages to smile brightly again (although this time around it tethers on the falser side than the genuine one he'd worn before), brushing off his initial reaction to the gift as simply being shocked by the surprise rather than owning a deep distaste for his birthday & a heavy unfamiliarity to being thought of in such a manner.
How is he meant to readily accept this as reality when no one else has ever put nearly as much effort into celebrating his birthday in all the years he can remember? ❛ You sure know how to leave a man speechless, Cyno. ❜ A laugh, practiced enough to not sound as broken as he feels, and Heizou gracefully extends a hand to welcome and accept the gift. ❛ Do you mind if I open it now, or should I leave it for later? ❜ His tone is upbeat, a stark contrast to the brief accident from moments prior.
Ever so slowly, curiosity peeks its way onto the fray, driving the detective to want to know what gift the other could've spent his resources on with him in mind - though truth be told, Heizou considers himself unable to be disappointed even if nothing but a single coupon lies inside the envelope (the thought alone... the endeavor of finding out when his birthday is in spite of his never mentioning it... the act of gifting him something, anything - that is more than enough for him to forever be grateful to Cyno for).
Heizou's gaze is attentive to every detail on Cyno's face as he waits for an affirmation or a denial to his subtle request (not wishing to impose - especially not now after forcing his friend to watch the sorry sight that constituted his initial reaction to a gift even existing in the first place) and only once he receives the okay for it does he deftly open the envelope, eyes carefully reading the words written on the license he finds inside.
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For a second time, Heizou's eyes widen as he forgos the act of breathing entirely, certain that he must be reading something wrong, or failing to pick up on something between the lines. More conscientiously than before, he blinks and rereads it from the top to the bottom, diligently making sure not to gloss over a single word - and yet the result is the same as it had been the first time. The "detective license" words seem to stare back at him alongside the nation the license has been issued by & for, and this is one of the few times in his life that Heizou can attest to an out of body sensation (the first one ever when the occasion that prompted it is happy rather than tragic). "Shikanoin Heizou"... a detective license meant for him, in a nation that he has done little to deserve something this grand? Not to mention how hard it is to obtain one even after proving one's worth---
Inhaling just enough air to keep his body from ceasing to function, Heizou's gaze lifts to stare into Cyno's eyes in a silent query, a plea to tell him now if he's misunderstanding something or interpreting this poorly, but no such negative answer comes, and the reality of it all suddenly hits Heizou akin to a wave hitting a capsizing ship in a stormy night. But this is no stormy night, it's the brightest day he can recall on ever having; and this is no drowning feeling as much as it is the feeling of finally breathing again after having previously been submerged. He opens his mouth to say something - a thank you to express his gratitude, a question from the myriad that are circling in his mind, an anything that might escape him in reply really, but a salty taste finds itself on his tongue, and only after glancing down at the odd drop of water on the license does Heizou realize he's crying.
A low gasp accompanies his realization and the redhead has half a mind to wipe his tears on the back of his hand and try to regain his composure before thanking & reassuring Cyno that these are happy tears rather than sad ones, but instead he glances at his friend again, and the worried expression he's met with only warms his heart further, softening and making it beat even faster than before (to think that Cyno is worrying about him now... even though he's been nothing but a rude mess in the face of a heartfelt gift the other must've been through hellish trials to obtain... it feels almost wrong of him to be as happy about it as he is).
Perhaps he should follow his usual, trusty logic, but the overflow of emotions has even Teyvat's best detective beat - and Heizou can't stop himself from almost jumping into Cyno's arms, tightly embracing him in an attempt to convey how he feels in a way that words could never manage. ❛ Thank you, Cyno... really... I love it. ❜ Is all he manages to shakily let out against Cyno's skin amid the tears (and he'll have to apologize for those too, once he'll catch his breath) but the soft giggle that follows and the grip he has on the other (which spares not even the air that could've separated their bodies) speak enough about Heizou's mood on their own that they'll hopefully ease the anxious tension his friend must feel by even a bit.
The port is generally busy enough to not warrant just anyone a glance, but this particular sight might be an exception to the unspoken rule - after all, when would anyone ever be able to say they've seen someone (a foreigner, no less) happily embracing the General Mahamatra himself, and being met with no punishment for it, ever again? For once, though, Heizou doesn't care to pay potential bystanders any mind, instead focusing every bit of his attention onto the calming scent of Cyno's hair and the coming to terms he has to do with his newfound circumstances.
❛ You really outdid yourself... ❜ A soft whisper, only for the two of them to hear, much like the rest of Heizou's words. ❛ How did you know it's my birthday today...? And how- how did you manage to issue a detective license for me? I know what I went through to get one back in Inazuma, and that's the place I was born... so I know it couldn't have been easy for you to obtain it... ❜ An acknowledgement Cyno most definitely deserves for everything he's done, and although Heizou has managed to somewhat comprehend this situation, he still cannot believe anyone would go this far for him (of their own volition too).
And for his birthday no less, the one day that has given him more anxiety over the years than even the worst of the cases he's worked on. What a deeply ironic thing, to watch the day he's disliked the most now prove to also be his happiest... His heart steadily tempers as he slightly shifts his head to rest his cheek on Cyno's shoulder, making no move to put distance between them (though allowing Cyno to easily do so if desired), and Heizou glances up at the other with a small, authentic smile, awaiting an answer while remaining partly deep in his own thoughts.
Come to think of it... this is the first honest gift he's received that has even a smidgen to do with his own interests rather than the giver's... isn't it?
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#muse: shikanoin heizou.#destinywoven#* shikanoin heizou. / ic.#THYME I AM EATING MY FIST AS WE SPEAK I CANNOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT BELIEVE EITHER OF THEM#Cyno is The sweetest person in the whole universe. no ifs no buts he's THE!!!!!!!!!!! person ever#Him being anxious about whether to give Heizou the gift or not bc he might be overstepping his boundaries if he does...#ONLY FOR HEIZOU TO HAVE THE WORST FIRST REACTION EVER TOO FHSUDSFFJSF Heizou: so shocked that he got to the shadow realm#No bc this took him SO by surprise HE'S NEVER BEEN IN A SITUATION EVEN REMOTELY SIMILAR TO THIS ONE#The sheer shock that Cyno knows when his bday is... the fact that he prepared a GIFT for him on top of it... /when Heizou didn't prompt it/#Shikanoin ''I know other than a genius detective; everyone sees me as a burden'' Heizou: .exe has stopped working.#Also me realizing midway thru that most of his gifts were either not related to him at all (aka his family imposing their wills on him)#or gotten through dishonest means which soured everything (aka his former friend stealing things to gift them to him as kids)...#most of his bday gifts whenever Shinobu or Kazuha were around for his bday were probably meals or new cases they heard about too...#(WHICH HE DOES LOVE but they're not exactly palpable things and they knew about his bday /from/ him so to him they might've felt obligated)#hence Cyno breaking the door and coming in w a DETECTIVE LICENSE made every braincell in Heizou's body stop for maintenance#Sorry to Cyno I bet he must've expected an Entirely different reaction and yet here he is with a sobbing Heizou in his arms ADGHASDSADHSA#THAT SAID HE DEFINITELY ACHIEVED HIS GOAL OF MAKING HEIZOU HAPPY!!!!!!!! Heizou's first /actually/ happy birthday ever I'm going to CRY#He was satisfied w just spending his bday w Cyno bc he's always in a good mood around him but he got So Much More than that...#How are they such an effortlessly perfect match mY HEART...........
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atskiruma · 1 year
the maid cafe at the school festival
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expl: you offered to volunteer at the maid cafe being held in room 3-2 when you realized they needed more employees, you and your friend were having a great time until someone you knew walked in with their friends
a/n: i'm now going to begin taking requests for the polls that are found at the bottom of these ff's, feel free to send them in and i'll include them in this ff once i receive 3!
requests for polls
second person writing no pronouns used
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"I'm really sorry to ask you this, but could you two come to help us out? We really need the added assistance and few people are willing to do it..." The committee president said, looking feverishly ill from the amount of stress they were taking on at the school festival.
Before you could pipe up your opinion, your friend had already beat you to it and was offering to help out class 3-2 with their festival project.
You sighed, knowing this would be either embarrassing or publicly humiliating. Your friend got up and began following the committee president, which you did seconds later after you recollected your thoughts.
They took you into the classroom of 3-2, which was decorated with streamers at the front doors and tables set up like a cafe. You know what they were doing beforehand since it seemed to be the talk of the school for a short while. The people already working at cleaning the tables smiled at you and your friend, happy that at least someone had come.
"Here, you'll be wearing this for the time you're here, you can wear it over your clothes or you can wear the full outfit in the back." One of the workers said, it looked like she was holding the whole place together.
Your friend grabbed your hand and let out a quick, "Let's go," before walking into the closet area of the classroom. They began putting on the outfit they preferred, and you did the same, knowing you'd be here for a while just from how much they were beaming at the opportunity given to them.
In reality, it didn't go half as bad as you thought, you were having a lot of fun! And it seemed like the customers coming in were having fun too. The food was really good and the drinks were pretty easy to learn.
You heard the door open again and turned around to greet whoever came in, seeing as you were closest to it.
"Hey, come on in, how many will you be having to-"
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Tighnari looked shocked when he saw it was you working here, and more shocked when he saw what you were wearing. You two knew each other from working well in science class as partners. The crush you had on him was a bit big, which was why you were so embarrassed for him to see you like this.
Your friend turned the corner and put a hand on your shoulder, smiling at the 3 boys who had walked in. "Hey, you guys! Come on over, I've got a table over here that's free." Leading them to the table closer to the windows in the back. You watched them walk away and tried to cool your face from the redness it got at that moment.
You weren't the one who was serving them, your friend did it for you. All you did was watch from the distance here and there to see what they were doing. What you didn't notice was Tighnari kept sending glances at you the whole time.
Cyno also seemed to notice this and nudged Aether next to him. The two boys looked as Tighnari took a sip of his drink but also glanced towards your back at the front of the room.
When your friend returned with the food, Cyno spoke, "Could you get that person to come over here real quick?" Tighnari lowered his eyebrows at his friend in an irritated matter. Your friend looked where Cyno was pointing and smiled, nodding and telling them they'd be right back.
When you finally walked up to them, Tighnari avoided your eyes while Cyno smiled brightly up at you.
"My friend here was wondering if he could get your number?" Cyno said while pointing toward the embarrassed green-haired boy. Tighnari looked up at you, silent, and you smiled while taking the napkin on their table and writing down your number.
Aether looked shocked, Cyno smirked, and Tighnari blushed even more when you handed it to him and walked off.
Both boys patted him on the back when they left, and a 20-dollar tip with your name on it was left on the table in Tighnari's handwriting.
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The only reason that Xiao came in the first place was that Aether suggested the idea, Ganyu wanted to come along, and Venti practically dragged him from his spot in the tofu booth.
That was when the person to greet them was none other than you, Xiao's crush for the 3 years they'd attended high school. His face was flat and empty when he saw you, masking the absolute embarrassment in him when you saw he came to a place like this.
Venti chatted you up the whole time you served their table, and Xiao sat closest to the window and said nothing while he stared outside of it. Ganyu was a sweetheart and asked if there were any vegan meals being served in the nicest manner possible. Aether was also very nice and asked if the chefs could make something last minute for his sister before they left.
But Xiao? Quiet as a mouse, you even looked over at him every time they called you over to their table. Sometimes, they didn't even call you over to order, they just wanted to chat with you.
It worried you a little bit, you knew that he was normally quiet, but he seemed even more on edge today. It changed when you walked over again on your own will seeing as you had nobody else to serve for a bit.
"Xiao? Are you alright?" You asked with a worried expression on your face. The sound of your voice calling his name caused him to nearly shoot out of his chair. Venti, Ganyu, and Aether also looked toward their flustered friend. All the poor boy could do was nod and keep looking out the window, his face beginning to match the half-eaten caramel apple on Venti's plate.
"He's just shy, right Xiao!" Venti said while patting him on the back obnoxiously. It was like you were staring at a statue with how stiff he was in his chair. And it continued to be that way the whole time they stayed.
Feeling awful for him, when the other 3 were busy talking to another worker there, you snuck around and placed a small plate of almond tofu in front of him. His eyes immediately shot to where your arms were placed on either side of him while you reached over behind him.
"Sorry that you're feeling this way Xiao," You said while patting him on the back a bit. His face darkened in blush, but a small smile was evident while you walked away to keep doing your work.
When you returned to the empty table, unable to send them off because it got so busy, you saw the empty tofu plate and a 5-dollar bill with Xiao's number underneath it.
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Heizou was more interested in staying where the puzzle-themed booths took place, but with how persistent his friends were he finally agreed and came along for the ride.
His shock was not as exaggerated as the other boys were, he was happier to see a familiar face in a place like this. Now, Heizou was definitely a little surprised to see you working here out of all the fun booths and cafes surrounding the school, but he wasn't one to judge.
It wasn't until you were the one to be serving them, did he finally put more attention onto you. It wasn't like he didn't know who you were, his crush on you lingered for a while now ever since the two of you partnered up for math this year.
It just seemed like seeing you in such an outfit made him pay even more attention to you, so much that he didn't even listen to what his friends had to say because he was so busy staring at you across the room.
You had a lot of people's attention that was for sure, practically being handed tips left and right as you walked by the tables you previously served. His jealousy boiled a bit in his stomach, but he tried to ignore that feeling and keep enjoying the time spent with his friends.
Kazuha even asked him if he was alright at one point, seeing his friend look a little irritated in a direction he couldn't quite catch. But Heizou just shook it off as he was a little weirded out being there. Which was a lie, he liked how lively it was and how kind the workers were.
Heizou finally reached his breaking point when he saw someone try and flirt with you while you served another table. He got up from his seat and excused himself from his friends with a smile. Walking over to you with an irritated look on his face and standing behind you with his arms crossed.
The person flirting with you seemed to stop talking, and you smiled in a confusing manner before turning around and seeing Heizou really close to you.
"Oh! Heizou! What's the matter?" You said with a tilt of your head at his appearance. His eyes were still glaring at the person in front of you two, but a couple seconds later he looked down at you with the softest gaze and smile.
"I'm alright, I was wondering if you could come back over to our table for a bit." His words made you smile at him, lightly patting his bulging muscular shoulders that were tense from the other person's move on you.
"You could have just waved me over! Come on, let's go." Smiling at him before turning to walk back to Kazuha and the others. He gave the person one last nasty look before he turned to you with a kind gaze and followed you.
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Alhaitham was not shocked, nor surprised to see you here. He was more interested in just sitting down to chat up a conversation than anything else. Kaveh suggested they get a bite to eat, and this was the closest thing to them.
Alhaitham knew you, sure, but he wasn't in the same grade as you, being in the grade above and only really seeing you when you'd be walking around the school with your friend or attending school events like this one.
That's why he was so interested in finally getting a chance to speak to you more. Seeing as the crush he held for a while that was only flamed with short glances in the hallway and mentions of your name could finally ignite more.
And ignite it did, you were really nice to them the whole time and even helped the 2 boys navigate the slightly confusing menu that the committee leader put together. You asked if they had allergies if they preferred different seating since the sun was blaring a little bit into the room, etc.
Kaveh even noticed that his friend seemed to smile more when you came around to ask how everything was. A smirk led onto his face when he realized it was good bait to tease Alhaitham. Saying something embarrassing in order to brighten up his face and get him blushing just as you were rounding the corner to check on them again.
"How is- Oh my! Alhaitham are you okay? You don't have a cold do you?" You said before instinctively reaching down to press a hand to his forehead. The small action blew up his face in a stream of red while Kaveh nearly fell out of his chair laughing.
"I'm fine, really," Alhaitham spoke with a smaller voice than his usual confident one. Kaveh continued to laugh at his friend who almost never lost his cool while you kept asking if he needed anything to help.
"Please let me know if there's anything I can get you." Your worried tone made it even worse for him, the poor boy was shifting in his seat from how embarrassed he was.
When you finally walked away, the glare that sent Kaveh's way from Alhaitham was the icing on the cake. The blonde kept mocking his friends' small tone when replying to you. At one point, you even walked by to serve another table and placed a glass of water next to him. Which he couldn't even smile to appreciate before his eyes caught Kaveh's cheeky ones.
A note was left before they left, from Alhaitham, apologizing for the events that happened, along with two 20-dollar bills. You smiled looking down at the note and folded it to save in your pocket for later. Why had you never paid more attention to him before?
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heizlut · 3 months
Jealousy pt 2 😍 (I love ur writing sm omgz..) (have a good day/night)
i’m sooo sorry i’m just now getting to this. this request and the others before this one were made when i was getting my life together after my breakup but i’m here now! thank you so much, i’m so happy you love my writing❤️❤️ since you didn’t specify specific characters, this one will be with cyno, wanderer, ayato, and heizou☺️ (i never write for them and they need to be shown some love)
cw: none!
tags: multiple chars x reader (separate), lowkey yandere!ayato, fem!reader
read part 1 here!
m!list here
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You and Cyno had been together for so long now. It had started when you were introduced through Tighnari, who had taken you on as his newest assistant after hearing about how you made the top of your class in the same darshan Tighnari graduated from a few of years prior. Tighnari would go on and on about how much easier his research has been since you became his assistant until Cyno had enough and demanded to meet you. Cyno hates to admit it, but it was practically love at first sight. Not only were you a strong fighter with good instincts when you needed to be, you were also whole-heartedly passionate for what you held interest in.
Cyno had asked you and Tighnari to take a break from research to join him for TCG night at the tavern, to which you both agreed. Once arriving to the tavern, you three take your usual table and get set up for the match. Drinks were ordered to the table and the heated match began. When it came to playing TCG with Cyno, the matches either ended swiftly or he would purposefully draw them out just to win in the end. Somehow, over the course of the match, you and Tighnari ended up helping each other here and there with, whispering in each other's ears about strategies for your next moves.
Cyno watched the two of you, not particularly enjoying how physically close you two were getting as you both snickered and whispered to each other. He did his best to keep his cool until Tighnari's fingers grazed yours as he turned your deck towards him to guide you on your next move. You paid no mind to it, but Cyno could feel the possessed spirit within him practically clawing its way out of his body, looking for a fight. Tighnari was the first to notice the subtle flashes of purple light that began to linger around Cyno's body, a clear sign that the spirit was trying to take over, "Um, Cyno?"
Tighnari's concerned tone made you look up from your cards to see the sight before you. Your smile slips into one of concern and you get up from the table and move towards Cyno's spot, "How about we take a break and get some fresh air? Just you and me..." Cyno's red eyes seem to flash as they meet yours, but all he does is nod. You give an apologetic smile to Tighnari who just nods in understanding. You and Cyno step outside into the sticky, hot night. You reach up with both hands, placing them lightly on his tanned cheeks, "Cyno, love... Tell me what's wrong?"
The sweet, soft sound of your voice, your gentle touch, and the way you were looking at him with such love and concern put the possessed spirit to rest. He looks into your eyes and sighs, not one to admit his emotions let alone jealousy, "I don't want to talk about it at the moment." His tone monotone as usual, but the look in his eyes held a hint of longing, "As much as I hate to say this, let's forget about the match and go home...please." You kiss the tip of his nose, making his cheeks go a light shade of red, "Alright. Let's gather our things and say goodbye to our friend."
Ever since Wanderer regained his memories, Nahida had asked you to keep an eye on him. You two hardly got along until one night, months ago, he kissed you. He likes to say it was a temporary moment of weakness, but you knew better. Ever since then, you two have been almost inseparable as you helped him with Akademiya projects or wandered through Sumeru.
On this particular afternoon, you had resigned yourself to the House of Daena with a male student you couldn't remember the name of for the life of you. He approached you knowing that you always helped Wanderer get the best grades on his project and promised to pay you handsomely if you could help him as well. You shrugged and agreed, not denying the chance to earn such a nice amount of mora.
Wanderer was pissed when he couldn't find you until he entered the House Of Daena. He felt ready to explode when he saw you sitting so close to that random guy, seemingly laughing at something he had said while you reached over (a little too close in Wanderer's opinion), making a correction on the guy's paper. You look up with surprise which turns to the cutest smile when you see Wanderer approach the table, completely unaware of just how pissed off he was. The foul look on Wanderer's face didn't go unnoticed by the guy you were working with who now had a subtle smirk on his face.
Wanderer's eyebrows furrow as he clenches his fist, "I suggest you wipe that stupid smirk off your face and walk away now while you still can." You blink once in confusion. Your eyes flitting between the guy and your boyfriend, "What are you going on about now?" Wanderer's frustrated gaze falls to you, his demeanor almost cracks when he sees how cute and oblivious you look. Then his gaze returns to the guy who hasn't made a single move to leave, "I gave you a warning already. Don't make me repeat myself or you won't have legs to walk away with."
The guy puts his hands up defensively and takes his stuff, only leaving half the amount he had promised to pay you as he walks away grumbling to himself. You look up at Wanderer, your initial shock morphing into quiet laughter that you tried so hard to hold in. He plops himself into the seat next to you, shooting you a glare, "What's so funny?" The childlike angry pout on his face made it hard to contain your laughter, "Are you jealous right now?" Wanderer looks like you just said the greatest insult, but the redness of his cheeks give away how embarrassed he is, "Yeah, right. As if I'd be jealous of a weak nobody." You lean in and press a kiss to his cheek, which makes him blush up to his ears, "Whatever you say~"
You were so precious to Ayato. He simply cannot imagine his life without you. You were smart, strong, and so sweet; he couldn't ever get enough of you. It wasn't really a secret how close Ayato kept you. Honestly he was a bit too obsessed with you, but that's part of what made you fall for him in the first place. Wherever he was, you were too. Except for today.
Today you had spent most of your day with Aether helping him with a commission he had insisted he needed your guidance on. Of course, you had asked Ayato from permission first. That's just how your relationship was and you didn't mind it one bit. Ayato was a bit wary of sending you off without him being by your side, but Aether insisted he would keep you safe and he knew you were capable of handling yourself. So, begrudgingly, Ayato agreed but made you promise to be back before nightfall, dragging you in for an over the top kiss to your lips.
Hours had gone by and Ayato felt he was about to go insane without you by his side. He gets up from his desk and begins pacing the estate, bringing on questioning looks from the guards and groundskeepers. It's not long until he hears one of the guards by the main gate give his greeting. It takes Ayato so much restraint to keep himself from practically storming over to you and taking you into his arms. Aether was still with you, and Ayato had an image to upkeep. What he didn't expect to see was Aether holding you as if you were his bride as he entered the grounds. "What is the meaning of this?", Ayato demands as he quickly approaches the two of you.
You stir in Aether's arms, turning your head to give Ayato a tired smile before your eyes close once again. Ayato is absolutely furious as he practically rips you out of Aether's arms, making you let out a sleepy groan, "You have three seconds to explain why you have brought her home in such a state, in your arms no less." You nuzzle into Ayato's chest and Aether releases a breath, "We got dragged into a fight with some Kairagi." If Ayato hadn't been holding you tightly in his arms, he would have drawn his sword to Aether's throat. Sensing the immense anger, Aether raises his hands defensively, "Don't worry, she doesn't have a single scratch on her. I think she just passed out from exhaustion."
Ayato looks down at your beautiful sleeping face, then glares up at Aether, "Do you mean to tell me you checked her body for scratches? I've heard enough. Please exit quickly before I do something I may come to regret." Aether looks sincerely apologetic as he leaves the estate and Ayato carries you to your shared bedroom. Once he lays you on the bed, he gets in and immediately holds you as if you were going to disappear right in front of his eyes. Ayato nuzzles into your hair, breathing in your scent, speaking softly so as to not wake you, "I will not allow any man to touch you nor allow you to leave my presence ever again."
Everyone knew you were Detective Heizou's girlfriend. He would never shut up about you, going on and on about how you're almost just as bright as he is when it comes to solving cases. It also takes a lot for him to feel jealousy with the big ego he has. How could anyone be better than him? That would be absurd and simply out of the question. But one person seems to put him on edge despite both of you being so close to him: Kazuha.
There was something about Kazuha's easy-going and free-spirited nature that made Heizou want to pay close attention to the way you and him acted while in each other's presence. It wasn't that he didn't trust you or Kazuha, he just had this unfamiliar feeling that bubbled up inside of him whenever he would see you laugh together or be near each other. The night stars were shining brightly as the three of you laid on an empty cliff, away from the main city of Inazuma. You were laying between both boys as you admired the twinkling stars. You and Kazuha were going on and on about the constellations, recalling the mythology behind them with such passion and romanticism. You and Kazuha were very similar in that aspect. Everything to you both had a sense of romance to it which Heizou normally found endearing, but not in this moment.
Kazuha was telling you the story behind Orion's constellation as you listened with great intrigue. Heizou was growing jealous of the conversation and the way you kept looking from Kazuha and back up to the stars. Heizou wanted you to do that for him. You were his girlfriend for fucks sake, not Kazuha's. So he makes a quick decision, grabbing your hand to get your attention, effectively cutting Kazuha off from his story-telling by butting in, "I know of an even better story." You and Kazuha look to Heizou, confused but interested. Heizou clears his throat and begins telling a tale of a god who gave up his power for a human girl he had fallen for just so that he could be with her. When he finishes, you and Kazuha share a look and you speak up first, "Did you just make that up?"
Heizou's face heats up and he frowns, looking away from you both which makes you laugh, "Why are you pouting? It was a cute story, love." Kazuha tries his best not to laugh which only makes Heizou more annoyed, "Why is it that you can romance my girlfriend but I can't?" Now both you and Kazuha begin to laugh, not at Heizou, but of the absurdity of his statement. Now furious with jealousy, Heizou moves to get up from his spot, but you grab hold of his hand, giving him a silly smile, "You don't need to 'romance' me with silly stories, I much prefer your ramblings when you're going on about a case." Heizou's expression relaxes, but still huffs out a breath, "Then quit getting all gooey with him over those balls of gas in the sky." Kazuha finds this to be the perfect opportunity to crack a joke, "Would you prefer we discuss other types of balls instead?" This makes Heizou's demeanor crack completely as laughter from all three of you fills the night air.
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a/n: writing this made me realize i actually love writing for ayato! he gives serious yandere vibes but in the best way. i hope you liked this anon❤️
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fufuheheii · 2 years
Cyno’s Ultimate Guide to Wooing You (tips from Tighnari)
Edit: Cyno x female!reader
You and Cyno have been friends for a very long time.
That’s why the boy never expected that he would develop feelings out of nowhere, especially not right when you smash an  Ajilenakh nut with his pole arm in anger.
He could have sworn his heart went doki doki along with the broken nut.
“You have got to be kidding me,” was all Tighnari could say when Cyno approached him on the very same day with the biggest blush ever.
“She was glowing Tighnari,” Cyno furrowed his eyebrows as he looked off into the distance. “The Love Archon have placed a curse on me-“ “there is no love archon you lummox.”
After a long ass debate and Cyno listing down pros and cons of liking you, the fennec boy decided this topic went on long enough and decided to just throw some suggestions.
“Why not just ask her out on a date? Woo her with something. If I recall, Y/N said she liked charcoal cake.”
And that’s how The Guide to Wooing You (Ft. Tighnari) book was created.
First Operation: date
Now, you and Cyno have been friends for a very long time, meaning you’ve done much activities together.
When Cyno asked you out, you took it as an average hangout and the day turned into a whole TCG war. 
Cyno has no idea how you guys ended up in Port Ormos, both of your decks out with his strongest cards in his hand. People surround you two, all in awe at the amazing strategic display in front of them. No, to say he is confused is an understatement.
“Wait Y/N-“ “No I’m not falling for that again Cyno.” “No, we weren't supposed to be playing.” “Wow I can’t believe you just threw that card out, how am I supposed to win that?” “Wait that was unintentional-“
He never got to confess. But at least he won the game.
Second Operation: food
On the day he was free he barged into the Sumeru tavern, causing a few scholar to run out screaming as he approached the counter with menacing aura. 
“One charcoal cake. Do you have a pink ribbon? Wrap it with a pink ribbon. Maybe add a heart on the cake if possible. Write the name ‘Y/N’ on it. I expect no word comes out about me here.”
When you see it, you roar with laughter. “Bruh, this is the funniest thing you pulled so far!”
Tighnari gets no sleep that night as Cyno comes into his room and murmurs by himself in the corner, confused as to what exactly is he doing wrong.
Third Operation: physical contact
Cyno wipes his hand on his shorts for the 15th time as he awaits for you at Gandarvha Ville. Today was the day of his next operation: hand holding.
Cyno wasn’t the type to force any physical contact, unless it’s to punish all evil wrongdoing. But today he was going to go the opposite way. 
He will brush his hand against yours, and if you don’t move away he will then proceed to look into your eyes as a sign of love affirmation. You will be struck by his determination and then he will move to intertwine his fingers with yours. And then he will confess. 
“Hey Cyno! You’re here early,” you appear in your goddess glory, your smile so dazzling the Mahamatra has to block it out with his hand. 
“What a sight to behold.” “Did you say something?”
When you two walked together, people were clearing the path. You figured it was because of Cyno’s title, but in reality it was because of his red shot eyes that was glaring at your hand. 
Above you both is Tighnari using his binoculars to watch you both. He mutters curses specially at the Matra, and Cyno could’ve sworn he felt chills go down his spine for no reason. 
Do it now you imbecile! Touch her hand! What in the archons are you doing? 
Cyno’s heart was thumping so fast he thought you could hear it. He swallowed as he stared at your hand, the delicate fingers that was tempting him to lic-hold it. 
“Cyno?” He snapped his attention to your worried face. He inhaled when you step so close to him that your faces were mere inches away. 
Tighnari gasped. Are you guys kissing? Why the hell are you guys kissing first?
“Are you okay? You look really stressed,” Your eyebrows furrow together, your cheeks pouting out so slightly. 
Your magnificent breath tickled his face, your doe eyes peering into his wide dilated ones. He could smell the faint chicken wings you ate earlier on your body. He could see your collar bones just saying hello to him. Your hair tickle his face as well as his bangs to yours. He looks back up to your eyes and he finally utters his response.
“Stressed? More like I’m a damsel in distress.”
Tighnari to this day doesn’t know how that was a joke to Cyno.
Operation four: Just confess
“Now we all know you have this natural instinct of throwing in a stupid joke out of nowhere,” Tighnari covers Cyno’s mouth before he could retort. “Now imagine I am Y/N. Show me how you’re going to confess to me.”
“No what the f-” “Do you really want to ruin the biggest operation with another joke?” “…”
Cyno sighs and the two boys sit facing each other. Tighnari crosses his arms and mimics your voice in a ridiculously high tone, “Hey Cyno! What’s up?” 
“Hey Y/N, um…there’s something I’ve always wanted to tell you,” Cyno inhales, trying to pretend the boy in front of him was his favorite girl. He smiles when his decent looking friend’s face morphs into your beautiful features. “We’ve been friends for so long and I know it’s definitely hard to believe but…I really like you. To me, you’re the most beautiful star in the desert night, the star that guides me to my destination. Will you be mine?”
“Wow Cyno I’m so happy!” Tighnari sings happily with a horrifying giggle. “See, that wasn’t so bad-”
 A big thud silences them all.
The two boys slowly look to the side in horror as both you and Collei stand at the doorway stunned. Collie’s basket is on the floor, and an apple rolls to Cynos’ foot. 
“I always knew master and Cyno had something!” Collei runs out the door, covering her face in glee as her OTP has finally come true.
Cyno’s face pales as you blink at him and then at Tighnari and then back to him. Then you turn away quickly before they can hear you snort with laughter. 
General Mahamatra and General Watchleader weren’t seen for a few days, but there were rumors circulating that the WatchLeader was trying to kill the Mahamatra. 
Final operation: Cyno
“Just be yourself Cyno,” Tigh’s words repeat in the boy’s mind. “What do you think will get your feelings across as Cyno? Think about it, and then face Y/N when you’re ready.”
Truth to be told, Cyno has never been open about his own feelings to anyone before. Sure, he told his best (and only) friend that he likes you, sure he beat up sinners to express his irritation of them forcing him out into the desert for three days just to bring them back, but it’s different with you. 
He enjoyed all the times he’s had with you, all the moments where you and him argued about who won, the moments where you fed him food when he was loaded with work, the moments when you smiled at him when he would come to see you...he treasured every single second.
He was scared that if you did not return his feelings, your friendship would be broken. You meant that much to him.
But he knew if this one-sided feeling went on much longer he will go crazy and full of hope. He can decide how to proceed with his feelings once he gets an answer from you.
You finally appear. You look around the rather grassy area, before looking up at the night sky full of stars.
Cyno watches with adoration as your eyes light up at the sky. It must be the same look he has when he’s with you. 
He silently approaches you with a familiar book in his hand, and you finally see him.
He hands you the book and you blink at it curiously before you open the book and read the contents.
He slowly smiles as a blush spread across your cheeks as you read over each operation listed down and the attempts the poor boy made to gain your affection.
“How did I miss all this?” You whisper, bringing the back of your hand to your face as your ears burn. “Cyno I...”
He places a hand on your arm and comes forward. His eyes are so full of desperation you can already hear what’s he going to say. 
“I’m not supposed to be…having these feelings as a Matra. It’ll only get in the way, but...I do have feelings for you Y/N. I enjoy my time with you, I enjoy eating with you. I enjoy fighting with you. I like you. I am in love with you. Will you be the padisarah to my Duel Soul recipe?”
A few days later rumors go around that the General Mahamatra has been stalking a certain girl and the girl is a criminal waiting to be caught in the act. 
It’s only a few days later (again) that there is confirmation that the girl is actually the General Mahamatra’s beloved girlfriend.
Omg this was so bad but so funny at the same time aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sorry if this seemed so rushed, but it came to me in the middle of the night, and I had to write it all down! Hope you guys enjoyed it! :,)
Edit: whoa thanks for the love guys! Can’t believe this got so much attention, I’m happy I managed to give some laughs!
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Hurtful to You Mid-Argument || Part 2
Request: greetings. may i requst the GEnshin bois saying something hurtful to you mid argument, gotta adds some angsttt, thank you :) Cyno, scaramouche, tighnari, and ayato Note: OH MY GOD THIS POST BLEW UP OVERNIGHT. Thank you guys for the wonderful support, it is much appreciated that I can receive so much love for my writing. Thank you so much. I feel so connected and loved by this community, please, let's all simp and cry together. Requested Tags: @aquamarine001 and @arrowximpack Content: You got into an argument with your lover until they said something hurtful to you, thus leading you to leave mid argument. This is a continuation, which will have a mix of fluff and angst, because everyone's heart needs a break. Part 1: Here
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Cyno: ╔══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╗╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝╔══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╗
You cried for a copious amount of time, so much that your eyes were swollen and red. Currently, you are staring up at the ceiling with a numbed mind. Sometimes you go back to crying and sometimes you just...stare. Everything seems so slow right now. Your pillow was wet from the splatters of tears.
However, the most notable thing was a broke hourglass on the ground. This was a gift from Cyno from one of his journeys. However, in a fit a rage, you slapped it off your nightstand, wanting this gift to get out of your sight as soon as possible.
You feel miserable. Now, for Cyno, you thought he left and just went off on his own, but in fact that was untrue. Cyno was still outside of your door, it was just you never saw him fully left. Cyno had his head and both hands pressed against your door, he stood there the whole time listening to you cry. He regretted his words greatly. He kept thinking to himself if he was just taking his anger out on you, or if your friend was truly a suspect on his list. However, none of that matters. Cyno felt he was on thin ice with you, and that you were going to break up with him. He pulled out the intelligent drug out of his possession and is tempted to drink it so just drown his sorrows. However, that was too reckless, even for him. He sighed and put the drug away. He decided, maybe we would try and apologize, what is there the more to lose at this point? He gently re-entered your home, and took a deep breathe, and slowly entered your room. "Hey.." he gently called out to you.
You jumped at his gentle voice, almost giving in to it. You turned your head to him, and gave him a side glared at him. Your back was faced to him mostly but you turned around slowly. "What do you want? Here to accuse me of murder?" "Don't say that, darling." He looked to the side and looked back at you. "Listen sweety, I am very sorry for what I said, I shouldn't have alluded that type of serious accusation towards you. I should be the first person to know you best out of anyon-" He felt a soft smack on his face.
You threw your pillow at him. "I don't care! Get out! I hate you! I always support you and you leave me for days and weeks and then come back to insult me to my face!" You began to throw another pillow at him. Cyno dodges it and walks up closer to you. "I-I'm sorry, I know what I said was seriou-"
You got up and pushed him. "Just leave! I don't ever want to see you again!" Suddenly, you were pinned down against the bed, confused you looked and saw Cyno on top of you. His torso was in between your legs, along with his hair falling down and tickling your skin.
He brings his face closer to yours and looked you into your eyes. "Do you really mean that?" He asked with a serious expression. Cyno kept a serious face but deep down, he was trying to keep back the tears welling up in his eyes. He was better at hiding it then it seems though.
You sniff and looked to the side. Cyno gently placed his forehead against yours, and started to whisper to you. "Do you truly mean that? If you want me to go, I will go and never come back, if you so wish desire."
Immediately, you gave him a look of distress, as the sound of that was so horrible and bitter to you. That look you gave him is all the answer he needs. "I see, so you don't mean it." He whispered. "Listen, I didn't mean what I said, okay? It was wrong of me to say something so morbid to you, especially how far I go to deal with these things." You looked away. He lets go of your hand and turned your face to him. "Look at me. I mean it when I say this. I was just stressed because I just haven't found any clues of this case. After I finish this case, I promised to take a break and spend time with you. I'll even meet this friend of yours. Okay?" He said gently, and attempted to kiss your irritated red eyes, which you let him. You nodded, despite you not vocalizing forgiveness, you calmed down enough to respond to him more calmly. He lets go of your hands and wrapped his arms around you, while you are still pinned down in bed. "Come, let me take care of you today...and fix this hourglass." Scaramouche: ╔═ ❀•°❀°•❀ ═╗╚═ ❀•°❀°•❀ ═╝╔═ ❀•°❀°•❀ ═╗ You were going out for a walk, this was in the afternoon where the sky was orange and pink. You were still crying, walking and stumbling. You looked up and saw a clift, a nice spot to take a breather. You went to the clift and prompted to sit down until you felt a tight grab on your arm from behind you.
"What the hell do you think you are doing?" A distressed Scaramouche yelled while yanking your arm along with you, away from the clift. "Are you seriously going to jump off a cliff because of all that??" "W-What? N-NO! I just wanted to sit and calm dow-" Whatever you said didn't matter anyways. He pulled you into a hug and hugged you very tightly. You felt him out of breath and felt his hand gently on the back of your head. You placed your hands on his chest and tried to push him away as hard as you can, but he refuse to budge.
"Scaramouche, get off of me." He refused and he showed that by pushing you against a nearby tree. Your back was to a thick tree, and now you can feel his body against you a bit more. He grabbed your hands and kissed you passionately, breathing heavily, using his body to keep you pushed against the tree. "S-Scara?" You pulled away from his sudden kiss, confused. Surprisingly, you saw a sad and regretful expression on his face. "I'm sorry, okay?" He said going back to hugging you, pressing his body against yours. Feeling your warmth. "I didn't.....I didn't meant be rude to you." He gently pulled away and had his hands, cupping your cheeks, as he is looking straight down at you with a gentle, yet troubled expression. You felt his breathe on your cheek. "I missed you...so much. The reason why I was gone was because I got lost somewhere, and I was too embarrassed to admit. I want you to see me as a strong man, a reliable man, someone who won't slip up over stupid things like this. I got lost, and I missed you, so much. All I could think of was hugging you. I don't want you to have to worry about me." He sighed. You blushed gently. "Where did you learn to communicate your feelings like this to me? You usually want me to figure it out by myself." Scaramouche sighed with embarrassment, he had a small pink hue on his cheeks. "I...I met a couple, they were very...touchy with each other, so I ended up asking them questions and how relationships are supposed to be like. Just know that I missed you, seeing that couple made me think of things I want to do with you. So....please don't leave me like that, okay?"
You were walking, zipping up your coat down Sumeru forest. You walked along the river, calming down to the night time noises homed to the peaceful forest. You continued, to walk and sat in between a large bark roots of a tree. It was a little spot to watch the water and poke at the flowers nearby. At this point, if monsters come and attack you, you'd let them. You don't care anymore. Why bother? So much for love. You sighed. Slowly a shadow emerged emitted from the moon light. You noticed the shadow at two large ears that are twitching. It was Tighnari, he slowly walked and looked down on you. In his hand was the bag you knitted him. "I finally found you." He said quietly. "If you didn't...uhm..if you didn't make that delicious dinner for me, I wouldn't have found you since you smelled like dinner.." You didn't respond. Tighnari understands your silence. He slowly walked behind you and sat down, and wrapped his arms around you, and gently pulled you in between his legs. "Tigh-"
"You can be mad at me all you like, I won't let you go, but I will say this. I truly do apologize for treating you like that. It was wrong of me to take my anger out on you like that. I should have known better that you only do things to make me happy." "..." "you can be mad at me all you like, but I am not moving, and I won't be letting you go until you come home with me. " He pulled you more closer to him, as you feel his chest on your back and his breath by your neck. You feel his tail wrapped around you, keeping you warm from the night cold. You feel his legs guarding yours. He was putting you in a box practically. He began to rub your stomach a bit. "You were waiting for me to eat, weren't you?" You sigh.
"I thought so." Tighnari pulled out a few slices of veggie pizza in a toppleware from the knitted bag you made him and placed it on your lap. "Eat." "....And this bag you made me...is very useful, thank you. I will take it with me on my future adventures." He whispered to you as you feel his ears resting on top of your head. Sooner or later, you ate, and ending up falling asleep on him. He picked you up and carried you home, as he placed you in bed and tucked you in. He climbed in bed with you and cuddled you from behind. He buried his nose into your neck, trying to fall asleep to your scent. Ayato: ┌── •✧• ──┐└── •✧• ──┘┌── •✧• ──┐
Ayato was knocking at your door. Despite his work being due at the end of tomorrow, he abandoned it momentarily to make sure things are good with you. However, no matter how much he knocked, no response. It has been days ever since, however today, he was worried and he decided to be bold and let himself in. "Darling, please. Let's talk." He spoke softly, as he walked in. However once he walked in, he saw you packing your clothes, getting ready to leave. Panic ran up his spine and he immediately rushed up to you. "Hey, Hey, hey, what's going on here, beloved?" You ignored him and continued to pack your clothes. He grabbed both of yours hands to stop you. Your hands fits perfectly in his palms. "Darling, please let's talk about this." He had a devastated expression on his face. "No, I'm done." You said and yanked your hands out of his. You closed your luggage and got up. "Huh?! Darling?" He became worried as his voice raised in panic. "I'm breaking up with you and I am leaving you. I don't see this working out. Don't come and find me, and I never want to see you again." You rushed out, racing towards the exit. Ayato yelling for your name behind you. Ayato was walking behind you, yelling your name, as you ignored him and continued. He was catching up to you quickly due to his long legs and tall stature. Ayato then finally caught up to you, and luckily with this office nearby, he yanked you in along with your luggage. "HUH?" You were confused on why it was suddenly dim and you luggage had fallen. Ayato was hugging your from behind, tightly. You feel his whole body on your back. "P-Please...don't do this to me....I don't want to lose you." "Let go of me." You said sternly attempting to pick up your luggage. Ayato kicked your luggage far from you, and hugged you tighter. Ayato's head was looking down at your shoulder, as you felt something plop on your shoulders and neck. Ayato was crying, and silently begging you to not leave him. Like a broken down child. "Please...you are all I have left." Ayato buried his head into your shoulder and slowly fell to his knees, bringing you down with him onto your knees as well. You sighed. "Ayato..." "Don't say my name, say what you have always called me." Ayato begged quietly. You sighed and complied. ".....My darling."
Hearing this calmed him down a little bit as he rested his head on your back. He was still very tightly knitted to you, but he started to calm down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you for so long. The type of work they are giving me here is quite rigorous. These documents are from an important events, so I can't ignore them." He said slowly letting go of you. You turned around to see a very stressed and distressed Ayato, with tears in his eyes and tears streaming down his face. You adjusted yourself, however, that small adjustment made Ayato grab your hands and yanked you onto his lap, as he buried his face in your neck. "I won't let you leave me!" He said thinking you were attempting to leave him again. "I-I was just adjust myself, not leaving." "Y-You're not leaving anymore?" He looked at you with devastating eyes. "No, darling. I'm...I'm sorry for trying to break up with you, I was so upset that you wouldn't give me the time of day and then when you do, you yell at me, I was just frustrated." Ayato hugged you on his lap, and had his hand on the back of your head, as if he almost dropped a glass diamond. He kept you on his lap, resting there for an hour until he fully calmed down and regain his posture. He sighed and spoke. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that, as you can see, you mean quite a lot to me, however, I do see the mistake on my part and how that can push you away from me. I have a compromise, why don't you come into my office and...rest yourself on my lap, I'll hold you as I work. Maybe you can stay long enough to fall asleep on me...." He murmured still affected by the events, but will recover eventually.
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bloodymiso · 14 days
★ pakisabi nalang sa kanya — multifandom x gn!reader
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how did they show their love for you pre-confession + how did they confess?
a/n: always wanted to do one of these posts teehee:3 | fandoms: genshin impact, stardew valley, l&co + haikyuu!! | warnings: none!
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— through letters “sometimes, love creates a poet.”
words weren’t enough to explain their love for you, but putting some action into it might help. day and night, they put their admiration for you into sweet, beautiful words they wished would help them explain what you had done to their hearts. though they knew those words could never explain even a third(1/3) of what their heart ached to say. once, twice, even thrice a week you’d arrive to school/work with a little note under your desk, locker, or even in your lunchbox. letters filled with toe-wiggling poems, songs, and beautiful paragraphs which overflowed with love in every single line started piling up in your room. they wondered what you even did to their letters, were they rotting away in the trashcan? were they turned to dust by the fire you lit in your backyard? or were they kept safely in a small box under your bed, a heart encircled on its cover? little by little, they added clues to their identity, whether it be a flower which was related to them, or a little trinket from your past encounters. one day, they handed you a letter by hand, after of course getting you on a whole treasure hunt to find out where to go. that little adventure led you to a garden. with you sweaty, stressed out, and confused, they confessed right there.
gi. KAZUHA, diluc, fischl, XINGQIU, kokomi, alhaitham(HEAR ME OUT), charlotte sdv. ELLIOT l&co. kipps(again, HEAR ME OUT) + your faves!! ♡
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— quietly “in silence, we often find the deepest connection.”
it took them a while to understand what was happening, the way their hearts beat faster at your mere presence, the way the curve on your lips seemed to infect their own, the way they always couldn’t wait for the next day purely because of you. after hours of staring at the ceiling, they came to a conclusion—it was love. that was all. you weren’t some sorcerer who snatched their heart, nor were you a weirdo who spiked their drink, you were you, and apparently, they liked that. ever since their “awakening” they started doing little things for you. whether it was returning one of your pens they saw on the floor, or refilling your water bottle whenever you were too focused on works/studies. all these little things came unnoticed by you, but they knew they were making a difference
day by day, the spark between you grew. smiles were exchanged as you made eye contact, now, they weren’t afraid to do things for you in the dark, now they could step out of the shadows, and help you as they were. their confession was abrupt, and unexpected at that. as they stood in front of your desk, they held out a singular rose.
gi. NEUVILLETTE, cyno, diluc, XIAO, sucrose, freminet, wanderer sdv. sebastian, leah, penny hq. KAGEYAMA TOBIO, kozume kenma + your faves!! ♡
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— proudly “you can’t blame gravity for falling in love.”
oh this little shit. they couldn’t get enough of you, nor could practically everyone else around them, they had no choice! always blabbing about how angelic you were, how your happiness seemed to be so..contagious. “okay so today—“ they started, before their poor friend quickly placed a hand on their somehow always open mouth. “don’t even start.” you’d think people would like to keep their crushes secret, especially to the one they admire but nope! even you knew! get ready for flirting galore. i don’t think they would even need a confession, the whole nation practically knew at this point. there were times you thought their love for you was fake, that they were just joking. i mean, they never actually confessed.
well, until now, of course. they got news to spread around town that they got a lover and that they’ve been spotted at the local cafe which may or may not have caught your attention. now, they stood there, bouquet in hand(coffee in the other) and friends all around.
“so uh, would you like to be that lover?”
gi. TARTAGLIA, KAEYA, baizhu, beidou sdv. sam(?) l&co. LOCKWOOD hq. iwaizumi haijime, OIKAWA TOORU, tanaka ryūnosuke + your faves!! ♡
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— through teasing “pride often gets in the way of love.”
oh god did you hate their ass. woke up at 5am just to be early to work/school?oops! they beat you there, now they won’t stop talking about it! they love teasing you, they just can’t stop. sometimes they wonder if the real reason theyre teasing you is to cover up what’s really under their skin, to cover up the hook you pierced through their heart. it ate them up from the inside, but no way were they gonna admit that! if someone’s gonna confess, it better be you first..
they would have confessed rather stupidly. having gone to a bar in the evening with their friends, they called your number(which they got after getting down on their knees and begging) and confessed right there, their voice slurred, it was obvious how many glasses they chugged down. the next day, they remembered absolutely nothing, it took you a few days before finally confronting them about it.
“wait what?! i confessed to you? d-do you like me back?”
gi. TARTAGLIA(again), KAEYA(again), itto, sdv. shane(ig) hq. kuroo tetsurō, TSUKISHIMA KEI, bokuto kōtarō + your faves!! ♡
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extra. through songs/music ( kazuha, itto, elliot sdv, tsukishima kei & lucy carlyle) . through food ( XIANGLING, ningguang, emily sdv + me/hj)
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ivyluvsyouu · 2 months
How are Kazuha, Xiao, Cyno, Furina and whoever else you want to add when there drunk? Like how do they act and what are they like
𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚'𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒌
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: 𝑲𝒂𝒛𝒖𝒉𝒂, 𝑿𝒊𝒂𝒐, 𝑪𝒚𝒏𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑭𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒂
𝒕𝒘: 𝒂𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒉𝒐𝒍
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I think Kazuha is very affectionate and clingy when he's drunk...
"Y/nnn..my head hurts..." He complained as he laid his head on your shoulder. You rolled your eyes and kissed his forehead. "You shouldn't have drunk so much, Kazuha..." you said softly as he nuzzled his face into your shoulder. You both were on the crux and the whole crew had drunk quite a bit, but Kazuha got a little carried away. You looked around at the crew and looked at Beidou who you had been talking to before Kazuha came over to you. "I think we should head to bed" you said to Beidou as you put your glass down and helped Kazuha into your quarters. Once you two were alone Kazuha wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face into the crook of your neck. He placed gentle kisses on your neck as he did this. "You're so beautiful..." he said slurring his words. You smiled "thank you Kazuha but I think it's time for bed" you said softly. He nodded and laid down on the bed and pulled you closer to him before falling asleep.
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Xiao doesn't drink a lot but when he does, I think he gets really sleepy and groggy....
It was your birthday, and everyone was drinking including your boyfriend Xiao, Xiao didn't drink a lot he doesn't like the feeling of being drunk it makes him feel vulnerable and especially when he's with you he doesn't want to seem weak or vulnerable, so he just avoids drinking. But tonight, he decided to have one drink and one drink led to two and then two led to three. He came up behind you and whispered in your ear "Y/n.. Can we go home?" he said sluggishly. He looked like he was about to fall over. You nodded and took his hand so he could lean on you for support. Once you got home, he changed into something to sleep in and just crashed down into bed. You had gotten some water for him and by the time you got to the bedroom he was already fast asleep.
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I think Cyno gets really clumsy when he's drunk....
You and Cyno were at Tighnari's birthday party and Cyno had quite a bit to drink, and he was all over the place. He was knocking drinks over he was stumbling everywhere he was talking really loudly but you couldn't understand what he was saying. When he saw you, his eyes lit up and he stumbled over to you. "Y/n..! Hi how are you...?" He said slurring his words. You smiled and laughed at your boyfriend's state. "I'm fine... are you okay?" you asked. He nodded quickly and raised his arms up, knocking a drink off the counter in the process. "I'm great!!" He said with a big smile on his face not even noticing he had knocked the drink over. You laughed and nodded "I think it's time for us to go home, Cyno"
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(𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏'𝒕 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒏 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒆𝒕 𝒔𝒐 𝑰 𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒊𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑰 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒓!!)
Furina is like herself when she's drunk but 10x more talkative and energetic....
There was an event happening in Fontaine and of course that meant their archon would be there. And of course she brought her beloved s/o with her. You left her side for a moment to go off with your friends for a little while and you came back and saw your girlfriend, who was obviously very drunk showing off to her people with her power and amazing things she had done in the past. She saw you out of the corner of her eye and she turned and smiled at you. "Behold, Citizens of Fontaine my beautiful beloved s/o!!" She said drunkenly as she stumbled over to you. She gave you a big hug and kissed your cheek. "Furina.." you said sheepishly as she pulled you over to the crowd of people. She made the people of Fontaine clap for you for like five minutes straight before you whispered in her ear. "Furina, I think it's time for us to go home."
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒎 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈!! 𝑳𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆
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makelemonade · 1 year
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐞𝐧 𝐱 F!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬
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Summary: I think the title speaks for itself but basically what movie you and the Genshin men are in
Characters/Relations; Diluc, Childe, Cyno, Kazuha, Alhaitham x F!Reader
Warnings: SWEARING, LOTS OF IT, mentions of blood, rude moms, death, swords, fights, creepy men, gaslighting, guilt tripping, manipulation, tighnari is literally all the animal sidekicks in these, these are not fully sccurate to the movies more like 97% is accurate but wtv
under the cut!!
support me on kofi <3 link is on master list!
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❥Diluc: Beauty and the Beast (Live Version)
♫“𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝. 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞, 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞.”
- cmon he radiates major beast vibes
- so I had the live version in mind for this but its hardly any different from the og other than the songs and extra characters
- the casting would be
-Alice as the enchantress who cursed Diluc
-Lumière as Venti
-Cogsworth as Aether
-Mrs. Potts as Jean
-Chip as Klee
-Kaeya as Gaston
-LeFou as Rosaria
-it’s kinda like dawn winery is the ‘castle’ so imagine it as that just larger and mondstadt is the town that forgot all abt the castle in the woods
-so we all know how the story goes; The Prince aka Diluc is cursed with shit by an enchantress (Alice) for being selfish and is turned into a beast while everyone else is turned into random stuff you’d find in a home and then there’s a rose and if sm1 falls in love with Diluc before the last petal falls then everyone is set free.
-Gaston, or Kaeya in this, wants to marry Belle aka you, but you don’t like him despite how hot he is and then one day your father leaves for the market but gets lost and finds the castle, the beast captures him for staying in the dawn winery and then you switch places with him yeah yeah and fall in love
-Diluc genuinely radiates beast vibes especially given the fact how cold he is at first towards you
-like Diluc is not a nice person at all at the start. He’s rude, has no feelings, is cold hearted.
-it’s only when he realizes that the rose only has like 7 petals left he decided he needs to do something.
-but at the same time who could ever love him? He was a selfish monster.
-however when you escaped the castle and attacked by wolves, he knew leaving you out there to die was horrible so he saved you; getting hurt during it.
-you were contemplating on escaping and leaving him here to die, but you weren’t a monster like him and got him to stand up, taking him back to the castle and treating him
-from then on he was forever in your thanks
-it’s one day when he’s in bed, healing, he hears you reciting something familiar.
“Romeo and Juliet?” He asks with a scoff, turning to look at you.
“You know Shakespeare?” You ask, eyes lighting up a bit as you refused to believe someone like him actually reads.
When he nods, you scoff in shock with a laugh. “Do you like it? Do you have any favourite works?”
“None. Most of his works revolve around yucky smucky romance. I have way better books to read.”
“Oh really? Like what?”
- he has a whole fucking library in the dawn winery and when he takes you to it your shocked.
-in your town you’ve ready every single book but not one from his library.
-when he asks if you like it you scoff, claiming you “love it!”
-so he gives you the whole library.
-it’s then on all his old workers and friends notice how close you two have gotten. They’d find you reading a book to him as he’d try to sleep
-there would be snow fights out in the garden, him winning since his larger hands could make a very much larger snowball than yours
-I think we all get the point; then Gaston or Kaeya comes blah blah he dies
-the last petal falls and you’re like fuck but then you kiss him and OH EM GEE ALICE IS THERE AND TURNS HIM BACK TO A MAN
-he’s hot asf you realize with his red hair andnwjdnjwdnkwdjiwnekwke
-he’s such a good dancer even as a beast oh my god
-other than that we know the story, but you’ve changed him for the better and freed everyone of the castle and have everyone their memories back.
-most importantly, you saved him and now he could marry you.
Childe; Anastasia
“Now shoulders back and stand up tall and do not walk, but try to float!”
“I feel a little foolish am I floating?”
“Like a sinking boat.”
-He and dimitri both have red hair okay it matches
-well Dimitri had chestnut brown hair but CHESTNUT ID CLOSE TO GINGER
-totally not because snezhnaya is based off of Russia too
-idk even without his snezhnayan background or the chestnut hair he still gives me major Dimitri vibes
-so the story of Anastasia is ur a lil princess living with ur amazing family in snezhnya (russia). Childe is one of the kitchen boys and helpers, and admired Princess Y/N from afar constantly. However, one day during a ball, your castle and homeland is attacked by a wizard, killing your parents in the process. All that’s left of the Royal family is you and your grandma, Childe helping the both of you escape but is attacked in the process.
-running to a train to escape, your grandma makes it on first but you can’t catch up and grandma leaves without you blah blah she cries she misses you
-you gain a concussion or wtv and amnesia takes its place to you, now living In Liyue. after like a decade, Dimitri (Childe) and Vladmir (Pantalone) find out the grandmother is tryna find you and will reward whoever finds you. The two con men hold auditions to pretend to be princess Y/N, and then they see you, someone who looks JUST like princess Y/N and decide that you would pretend to be her.
-on the travel to paris, you get closer with Dimitri and on the travel, the wizard that called your family is trying to kill YOU so now your falling in love while someone is trying to kill you all while realizing who you are
-anyway so the casting
-dimitri as Childe obv
-Pantalone as Vladmir (his best bud)
-it makes sense because the both of them care abt money a lot so
-anyway I can just imagine you and Childe with that enemies to lovers and slow pining
-yk how he betrays the traveller in the game
-in the movie Dimitri SORTA betrays Anastasia cuz he wants the money for the reward
-but in this case, CHILDE, decides he jo longer wants the money and just wants YOU.
-Just ugh imagine you walking down the stairs in a gown and Childe can’t stop looking at you ajdnjendiejf
-like he acc has JAWS DROP
-literal drool running down his chin
-it’s not an official ballroom dance hut you two practice your dancing skills on a boat and your constantly stepping on his toes but he can’t get mad and he smiles at your giggles
-Pantalone notices and gives the idea to Childe that maybe instead of the money, he should just have you
-but Childe isn’t worthy of love, he’s a con man, and he needs the money.
-that is until he sees you walk in with that gown and LO AND BEHOLD HE IS IN LOVE LADIES
-you’re at an opera waiting for the chance to speak with ur grandmama and when Childe notices how nervous you are he just
“Everything’s gonna be fine.” He whispered, taking ahold of your fidgeting hand, his lips barely glazing over the knuckles covered by your white glove. he doesn’t make any move to let go through the whole opera.
- however once you realized he was only using you for the money, you get into a large fight with him and end up slapping him
-in the next few days once ur finally home and found your grandma, she invited Childe to table the money
“No money is worth of my love for her.”
so he doesn’t acc say that in the movie but I’m adding it here because he NEVER TOOK THE MONEY.
-a few days later at a ball in celebration for having you back,
-ur grandma tells you that Childe never took the money despite your thoughts and he realized he was speaking the truth; that at first he did this for the money, but then he wanted to do it for you.
-Childe is there and honestly I’m not even gonna explain the fight but the wizard drowns and dies yayayayyaa
-he checks to make sure you’re okay and you’re not hurt after his ass saved u from the wizard multiple times and once he realizes that you’re okay and it’s over, he just smashes his lips against yours, so happy he finally has you.
-eventually you leave with Pantalone and Childe, going to travel the world once it was realized the princess life wasn’t suit for you.
-maybe it will soon, but now, you wanted to have all the time with Childe.
Cyno; Aladdin
“𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝. 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐝. 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞?”
-no shirt,
-both have some sort of animal love (Aladdin’s monkey and how cyno is lowkey in love with tighnari ANYWAY)
-he’s a respectful man
- he may be the general mahamatra but in another life he’s Aladdin, the hot thief. Completely opposite of what he actually is (except the hot part)
-so I’ll be worried if some of y’all don’t know the movie but I’m explaining it either way
-so aladdin aka Cyno is our lil village thief and you are the princess with a overprotective father who never lets you leave the castle.
-one day Cyno is up to his thieving yet on this same day you decide to escape the castle woohoo!
“Morning ladies!”
“Getting into trouble a little early today, aren’t we Cyno?” Nilou chuckled, her and Dehya looking at Cyno with a horrible disguise on.
“It’s only trouble if you’re caught!”
ur not rlly street smart since you’ve been cooped up in the castle so you take an apple to give to a kid who was eyeing it and you don’t even realize it’s sm1 selling it
“You better have a way of paying for that.” The man said, voice rough. “No one steals from my shop.”
“I’m sorry sir I don’t have any money-“
“I’m really sorry! I had no idea! I promise I’ll go to the king and get money!” You pleaded, trying to squirm away from the seller who had a harsh grip on your wrist.
“Do you know what the penalty is for stealing?!.” He yelled, his hand on your wrist pushing it down onto a surface and his free hand pulling out his sword that somehow came out of nowhere.
Just as you were about to scream, a random young man grabbed his hand. “Thank you kind sir I’m so glad you found her!” He smiled at the man before turning to you with a glare. “I’ve been looking all over for you!”
“What are you doing?” You whispered as he slowly pushed you away.
“Play along.” He whispered back
“You know her?” The man asked, forcing the two of you to stop inching away.
Cyno frowned and turned to the man. “Sadly, yes.” He let out an exaggerated sad sigh. “She is my sister. She’s a little crazy!”
The man didn’t take his words for the truth and grabbed him by the shoulders. “She said she knew the king!”
Cyno only chuckled, pushing the man’s hands off of him. “She thinks the king is the fox.”
He pointed down to a small fox- his pet fox.
Your eyes widened, quickly catching the idea as you bowed down to his fox friend. “Oh wise king!”
The fox was confused asf but he took the pride.
-you run together and you thank him but then GUARDS CHASE CYNO AND HE GETS ARRESTED WHATTTT but with your authority as princess you command to let him go and he’s free!
-he meets jafar (casting will be seen soon) and jafar takes him to some temple claiming he’ll pay him or some shit if he goes In and takes a certain bottle or wtv
-guys I’m iffy on this part of the story so dont bully me if I’m off
-cyno tricked him and NEVER GRABBED THE BOTTLE
-it takes cyno a while to realize while trapped in the temple that the bottle is acc a wish bottle
-he just randomly rubs it and POOF genie pops out and he wishes to get out the temple yayyy
-then he wishes to become a prince for all the money and also does it because he’s like in love with you despite seeing u once but you can only marry a prince
-jafar tries to frame cyno of corrupting the king blah blah jafar is evil then there’s a fight save the day smooch yeah
-okay onto casting
-the genie as KAVEHHHH
-they’re so similar if you think about it
-abu or the monkey friend as tighnari but he’s a little fox in this
-jafar as Azar (IT RHYMES)
-okay so cyno comes on a whole ass elephant claiming to be a prince and you can’t deny that he’s a lil fine
-you somehow don’t recognize the prince is the very man who saved you
-however ever since your first interaction with cyno In thé kingdom he has NOT STOPPD THINKNG AHT YOU
-before he wished to become a prince he was telling kaveh all about you
“There’s this girl. She’s smart and fun and-“
“And pretty?”
“Beautiful! She’s got the eyes and this hair- and her smile!”
-so yeah he’s vv much in love despite a one time interaction
-but love at first sight is real to him OKAY
-so to try and marry you he wishes to be a prince yet you don’t know the prince tryna marry you that you currently dislike is the MAN WHO SAVED YOU FORM THAT STREET VENDOR
-it’s not until one day when cyno has some RANDOM MAGIC CARPET flying while he’s on your balcony and he invites to take you around the world
-however on your balcony he notices your…pet
“You have a pet….tiger?”
-you realized once you finally got a good look at him and his hat was off that it was the same man who saved you in the streets.
-this is the one of first times you actually get to be away from the castle and it’s perfect because you’re FLYING on something and because it’s with him.
-let me tell you he gets jealous easily tho
-like he HATES the fact you had other suitors eyeing you up and shit like your his but not officially smh
-so final battle everhone is captured yeah yeah and azar wants to be king but to do so you must agree to marry him and ofc ur like hell no
-the thing is jafar is now in possession of the wish thing or wtv so now kaveh our lovely genie must grant all his wishes
-he’s about to wish for you to fall in love with him but Kaveh says he can’t do that then they get into an argument yeah yeah
-it’s not until you see cyno is free and tryna save you but you need to distract azar.
-so your idiotic self decides to seduce azar.
“I never realized how…incredibly handsome you are.”
-kaveh’s jaw LITERALLY DROPPED and azar shut it for him
“Oh really? Go on.”
absolutely disgusting cuz he’s just ew
“You’re tall…dark, well dressed…”
-kaveh is like genuinely disgusted at the scene in front of him
-but then he hears a sound and turns and ITS CYNO
-he almost screamed his name but cyno had to cover his mouth
-when Kaveh tells cyno he’s under Azar’s command he tries to get the wish bottle or wtv
-so you have to keep TALKING and lil sexy moves to distract azar
-cyno was also disgusted and he hated it sm but to save you he had to deal with it
“And what about that street rat?” Azar asked with a smirk.
You smirked back, walking closer to him and wrapping your arms around his neck. “What street rat?”
-cyno knew u weren’t serious but UGH he hated this
-however azars lil evil sidekick pet or wtv sees cyno and is abt to scream but then FOX TIGHNARI TO THE RESCUE
-however he did make a nose and just when azar was turning his head, you immediately put your hand at the back, forcing him to look at you and you smashed your lips against his
-he forgot abt his whole plan for a second when he watched it all
-he lowk wished he was azar
-even tighnari stopped fighting and just stared shocked and kaveh’s jaw dropped
-once it’s over cyno uses his final wish to free kaveh and Azar takes his place and now Azar is LONG GONEEEE
-however since kaveh is no longer the genie, all of cyno’s wishes are gone and he is no longer a prince and can’t marry you
-he changes the law so you can marry cyno and he’s so happy he SPINS YOU AROUND AND KISSES YOU AJENFJEJJFS
-anyways you guys get married blah blah you’re finally free to make your own choices and both so so happy
Kazuha; Tangled.
“𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐬𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰. 𝐈𝐟 𝐬𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫, 𝐈'𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐈'𝐦 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐨.“
-cmon they’re both wanted and hot as fuck
-both have some amazing way with words
-so to explain the tangled story since I’m a lil scared some of y’all don’t know.
-if you guys have never watched tangled go watch it pls
-so for quick summary your born a princess obv but some crazy lady steals you as a baby and takes you far far away because apparently the mom ate a magic flower and the magic in the flower came to YOU
-so for the crazy lady who took you, she only did because she needs the magic to continue living
-so because you were literally 1 year old you think crazy lady is your mother as she takes you to a far far away tower and traps you there for almost 2 decades
-you’re hair is like 30 metres long somehow
-oh yeah the magic is in your hair and if you cut it the magic is gone so!!
-anyway one day ur mom is out blah blah and it’s your birthday blah blah and on your birthday there are these floating lanterns at the palace and you REALLY WANNA GO but ofc crazy mama says no
-but then some random hot guy comes through the tower window and because he’s a stranger and you’ve never seen anyone besides your mom you hit him with a pan and he goes unconscious
-he wakes up tied to a chair by YOUR HAIR.
“Uh, I’m sorry, is this hair?”
-you ask him what he wants and tbh I don’t remember the story but you make him take you to the lanterns or lights or wtv and he’s like yk what? Sure
-okay so he stole a crown from the palace
-and he found your tower to hide in it and when he went unconscious you stole the bag that had the crown
-so you say if he wants it back he has to take you and he’s like bet
-the dude can only stare as you go through a whole episode of feeling grass for the first time in your life but also regretting leaving your tower because your mom will be so mad when you get back but at the same time you’re finally free yet-
-this happens for an hour.
-eventually he has to reassure you he’ll bring you back
-uhm thing is he tried to steal the crown from you though so he was gonna send you to a tavern filled with scary men and lowk leave you there
-ofc though since you’re so cute all the scary men in the tavern start doing karaoke with you
-I got a dream she’s got a dream dududududuudd
-Kazuha grabs your hand and goes into this like hidden tunnel under the tavern and there’s like this whole fight scene thing
-you guys get trapped in a cave that’s blocked and there’s water coming in
-Kazuha CANT find a way out cuz it’s too dark
-that also glows…
-Kazuha is the definition of WTF when u just start singing a lullaby or wtv and ur hair starts GLOWING?
-nevertheless he’s able to see and he finds a way out of the cave
-however that night you didn’t know your mama was currently looking for you…
-and there were 2 people Kazuha pissed off (two random men I don’t have names) who he actually stole the crown with and then ran away from them
-you also forgot you left the crown
-in the tower
-with your mom
-she suggests revenge on Kazuha and boy did the two men smile at that
-that night Kazuha had a large gash in his palm from getting you guys out the cave and you ofc have to use your hair to heal it
“You’re being strangely cryptic as you wrap your…magic hair around my injured hand.”
He winces when you grip onto his wrist too tight snd you grimace. “Sorry! Just…don’t freak out please?”
-for you he didn’t
-once u sing ur lullaby he tries his best not to freak out he stares at his now completely healed hand with large eyes and thinks that something is gonna happen to him
-btw you’re both in a forest around a fire cuz it’s obv ur not gonna make it to the kingdom that day and have nowhere to sleep but you’re ofc gonna go tomorrow
-you guys open up to each other last night and Kazuha was shocked that he felt so relieved to open up to someone he met just 18 hours ago
-when he leaves to get firewood though…
“How did you find me?!” You ask, sputtering as your mom pulls you into a hug.
“I just listened to the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed it! We’re going home, now.” Her soft and sarcastic voice turned into a harsh one as she gripped your wrist, trying to make you follow her.
You fought back. “What? Mom, you don’t understand- I’ve been on this Incredible journey and I’ve seen and learned so much! I even met someone…” you whispered the last sentence with a smile.
She scoffed before the sarcastic voice came back. “Yes, the wanted man. I’m so proud! Now come on.” It quickly turned harsh again and she pulled your wrist but you kept your ground.
“I think…I think he likes me!”
“Likes you? Please Y/N that’s demented!”
“But mother I-“
“This is why you never should’ve left! This romance you think is not real. It proves you’re too naive for this world. You think he likes you? Look at you! He’s not even impressed.” She stood a few feet away, arms out as if she was expecting you to hug her. “Don’t be a dummy, come with mummy. Mother knows bes-“
She stares at you bewildered. “No? I see what this is now. Oh Y/N knows best! She’s so mature now! If you really believe he likes you, go ahead and give him this!” She pulls out the bag that had the crown in it.
Your eyes widened. “How did you even-?”
She holds the crown out, cutting you off. “This is why he’s here! Don’t let him deceive you, give the crown to him then you’ll see.”
“I will.”
“Trust me, dear.” She did a quick snap. “That’s how fast he’ll leave you. I won’t say I told you so, because apparently Y/N knows best! So if he’s such a dream boat, put him too the test.”
“Mother, wait-“
“If he’s lying, don’t come crying. Your mother always knows best.” And in an instant, she’s disappeared into the night fog, and you can only stare in shock.
You overhear Kazuha coming back and you quickly hide the crown in the bag and then hide the bag behind a nearby tree
“Are you all right?” Kazuha asks, looking at your back as you were turned away from him.
You out on a fake smile, instantly turning. “Yep! Just lost in thought.”
He doesn’t suspect anhtning and nods, going on about whatever topic, and you constantly find yourself glancing back at the tree
-you both go to sleep later and he’s such a gentlemen he gets you smth comfy to put your head on and he takes a rock.
-such a gentleman ugh
-when he wakes up
-there’s a gigantic castle tanuki guard growling right above him and he realizes he’s fucked
-you wake up to screaming and somehow this TANUKI is DRAGGING Kazuha across the ground since his boot was in its foot
-you went to grab Kazuha’s hand, pulling on it and you obv win but the tanuki ends up taking Kazuha’s boot
-you tell the tanuki to sit and then call her a good girl and her baby tail starts wagging as if it’s an actual dog and Kazuha can only be like what the fuck
“You must be so tired from chasing this bad guy for days!” You say in a baby voice, scratching the Tanuki’s head and she nods.
“She’s a bad tanuki! Bad!”
“She’s just a big sweetheart!” You look at the dollar, smiling at the name. “Aren’t you Sayu?”
She, despite being a tanuki who shouldn’t understand anything, is currently nodding her head.
“Look, today is the biggest day of my life- it’s my birthday. And you can’t take Kazuha because he’s taking me to see the lights and it’s all I ever wanted to see! So, can you please not drag him to the castle and get him arrested?”
The tanuki somehow scoffed
“Just for 24 hours then you can chase each other to your hearts contents, okay?” You ask, watching as the animal and the full on adult glare at each other.
Kazuha scoffs along with the Tanuki huffing. “Fine.” He puts his hand out and Sayu hesitantly SOMEHOW shakes it, but makes no move to let go.
You walk away when you hear the kingdom bells, signalling the festival is gonna start, and when you walk away you don’t even realize or see the Tanuki punch Kazuha in the chest.
-so you’re both finally in the kingdom and of course you’re both hiding but now he feels like he kinda needs to make sure you’re okay because he was just gonna leave you there but you kinda saved him when running away from the guards
-also the tanuki is now glaring at him and watching his every move so he can’t leave you
-you also saved him when the scary men in the tavern tried to kill them but then you hit one of with your famous pan and karaoke starts
-he did originally plan to do that but after last night he lowk started liking you and realized you were too sweet and he wanted to make your special day happy
-each time you two- well three now- walk by a poster with his drawn out face, he grabs it and crumples it. Only so no one knows it’s him and because they made his nose look HIDEOUS on it
-when he crumples it he hears the tanuki/ sayu/ yell and he just throws it at her.
-then she throws it back
-you had to yell at them to stop
-so the only concern is your hair as a bunch of people step on it and it’s a VERY crowded kingdom
-he grabs handfuls of it so no one steps on it and no one gets suspicious
-town square though there’s 4 little girls who literally LIGHT UP at the sight of your hair and they braid pieces of it then braid it again so it stays short
-short is down to your feet btw
-when Kazuha looks he has to admit your really fucking pretty
-like he can stop staring and he’s finally out of it when the tanuki is SMIRKING at him and laughing her ass off
-he grabs a nearby flower and puts it right above your ear
-he’s a thief so he steals SOME snacks for you guys and he might buy a gift
-he even buys you a cloth of the kingdom symbol- a sun.
-^ keep that in mind guys
-he realizes he lowkey likes you despite knowing u for one day??
-but you’re so interesting and beautiful and he won’t say it’s love but there’s def smth he has for you
-when he’s abt to buy you guys some stuff you notice on the wall surrounding the castle there is an old painting
-it’s the queen and king and they’re holding a baby
-and it lowkey looks like you?
“It’s for the lost princess.” A little girl said, putting a flower down beside the wall and you realized there were multiple flowers everywhere.
-the eyes, the hair…everything
-she looks just like you!
-but you hear a band go by and you start following them and after Kazuha bought your shit he turns around and he’s like “where the fuck is she”
-he sees you dancing with a little boy and then you start to gather in more people to dance
-you encourage him to come dance and he says no but then Sayu pushes him
-sadly he can’t dance with you as multiple people take his arm and twirl around with him :(
-he really liked seeing you dance though
-not ballroom dancing but more of that jumpey old time dancing
-he wants to do whatever YOU want to do but you guys do have to hide a few times when guards walk by but your always giggling your asses off
-the man takes you to the public library and shows you books you’ve never read before after constantly rereading books in your tower
-the two of you end up dancing again for hours like all the way until sunset and he FINALLY gets the chance to dance with you
-he’s jumping and twirling with you and then you’re pushed together by the locals and you’re really close and he’s holding onto you and ughwkfnwkndns
-but before anything can happen someone yells “to the boats!” and you realize the sun is starting to come down, MEANING THE LANTERNS ARE COMING!!
-he literally grabbed your hand and ran you over to a boat before everyone could score one
-while he’s pushing the boat away from the dock, Sayu is on it glaring at him, as if telling him not to do anything and he only smiles
-he ends up throwing a bag of apples and she stares hesitantly at them then him
“I bought them!” He yelled, and Sayu instantly started eating the apples.
“Most of them.” He chuckled, and Sayu glared again at him again.
“Where are we going?” You asked
“It’s the best day of your life. I figured you should have the best view for the best day.” He smiled.
-he takes you all the way to a spot on the ocean near the castle that was on the edge of the cliff
-it wasn’t too near that all you could see was that but the shape was for sure visible
-he noticed you’re off again and when he asks if your okay, you admit your terrified
-you explain that you’ve been looking forward to these lights for so many years after seeing them from your tower, dreaming about what it might feel like when those lights rise in the sky, but what if it’s not everything you dreamed to be?
-he can only stare at you, reassure you that it will be amazing
”but what if it is amazing? Then what will I do?”
“You find a new dream.” He shrugs. “That’s the good part, I guess.”
-little do you know in the castle your dad is crying because he can’t see his baby and he’s so sad because he genuinely thinks your dead
-his first daughter is gone :(
-acc ur about to make out with a thief on a boat but wtv
-the king and queen are always the first to let their lanterns float, and once everyone sees the lanterns they let their own go
-you always thought it was a festival, which it was, but in reality it was a tribute to the dead princess AKA YOU but your not even dead you just don’t know
-ur a lil dumb cuz how do you think it’s normal every year on your birthday there’s these lanterns and then you see the LOST ORINCESS BABY painting which looks JUST LIKE YOU
-also keep in mind on every lantern there is a sun symbol on it
-the sun symbol is a necklace your dad also has
-I’m sorry I love the dad sm when he started crying in the movie I wanted to cry
-back to you
-you notice the light reflection in the water and when you look up, all the lanterns start to fly up all across the kingdom and far into the water
-when you saw the light you started SCRAMBLING on the boat and you almost tipped the whole boat over and were prob gonna drown again but wtv
-now comes in that song if you wanna go listen to it it’s called “I see the light” or some shit go listen to it with the video it’s so good ugh
-^ onky if you’ve never watched it or just feel like watching it again
-Kazuha looks at you, illuminated by the lanterns and how you look up at them
-you turn to look at him and he’s holding two lanterns, one for you and one for him
-he claims he got it as a gift for you and you sit back down in front of him
-you pull the bag out of NOWHERE don’t ask it’s some magic type shit, saying you should’ve given it to him before blah blah
“I should’ve given it to you before but I was just…” You paused, letting out a sigh. “I was just scared. And the thing is, I’m not scared anymore. Do you get what I mean?”
He smiles, putting his hand in the bag, but not to grab it, and instead pushes it down into your lap, showing he doesn’t want it anymore. “‘Im starting to.”
-all those days he’s chased down daydreams or living in a blur- all that time he never truly saw things the way they were
-but now you’re here, just watching the lanterns with the most beautiful eyes
-now you’re here and suddenly he knows
-if you’re here, it’s crystal clear, he’s where he’s meant to go.
-he like holds onto your hand
-it’s warm, real and bright, and everything with you is like the world has somehow shifted
-all at once, everything is different, now that the both of you see each other clearly.
-he puts a loose strand of hair behind your ear and he cups your cheek but then smth happens
-he’s about to kiss you but on the main land he notices the two men he stole the crown with
-he looks back at the bag and he takes you back to the mainland, he leaves you on the boat with the bag and claims he has something to take care of
-you just nod, believing him because you’re literally in love
-he feels so bad for lying but he just doesn’t want you to get hurt :(
-he keeps claiming he’ll be back as he walks away, and you tell yourself it’s alright
-so away from your sight he meets up with the two men and they’re GLARING at him while one is sharpening a dagger
-we’ll call him dumbo 1
-he throws the bag to them and he’s about to leave but then he doesn’t notice dumbo 2 is right behind him and he bumps into him
“Leaving again huh? Kaedehara?” Dumbo 1 chuckled, standing up from the rock he was sitting on.
He turned back to look at him. “What?”
“We heard you found something more valuable than a crown.” He said, walking towards him until they wereface to face.
“We want her instead.”
-okay back to you
-you’re starting to get worried because he’s been gone for a while
-but then you notice the shape of a man in the fog and you’re happy!’
“I was starting to think you ran off with the crown and left me!”
-however behind the one man instead came a second, and you realized that was NOT Kazuha
-panic started to settle In you
“He did.” One of the men said.
“What? No- he wouldn’t!”
“See for yourself.” The other smirked, and he pointed to the sea.
You stared confused but walked closer to the water, only to see Kazuha leaving on a boat with the bag.
“Kazuha!” You yelled, but he didn’t look back.
One of the men circled you, touching your braid. “A fair trade. A crown for the girl with the magic hair.”
You gasped
“How much do you think someone would pay to stay young and healthy forever. That’s what your hair does, correct?” The other said.
“No, no!” You started to back away, pleading the men after one of them pulled a dagger out with those large backs people usually…bag you with.
You started running, losing sight of the two, but your braid gets caught onto a branch and you struggle to let it go.
However, you hear sounds of grunts and struggles and you hear you mothers voice. “Y/N!?”
“Mother?” You ran back to the spot once your braid was free, to see the two men passed out on the ground and your mother standing beneath them.
-she starts to claim she was so worried, literally on the verge of tears
-you start crying and run into her arms and when you ask how she knew where you were she said she followed you
-she tells you to leave but you find yourself looking back at the boat Kazuha was on, trying not to cry
-you turn back ti see your mom staring at you with her arms out, and you can’t help but run into her arms and cry, claiming she was right the whole time
-however little did you know it was all fake.
-your mother originally payed the men if they could act like they were actually going to take you so she could bring you back home so she could live
-idk if I mentioned but your hair keeps her alive wtv
-Kazuha was on the boat, but he was actually tied and the two men pushed the boat to make sure it would go to the docks of the kingdom
-he wakes up when the boats hit the docks and he’s yelling out your name and doesn’t realize the current predicament
-the crown is tied to his hand
-the 2 ken wanted their revenge so they decided to put him in and the mother paid em for it
-while he’s being arrested, sayu could only watch with concern
-even while hes being arrested HES still yelling your name
-sayu looks back at the island you were both previously on and now she’s worried as fuck
-so the next day he’s in the dungeon blah blah and then the guards take him to get executed
-that same day for you, you’re back in the tower and your mom let the braids out and all the flowers too
-even the one Kazuha put in your hair
-but you don’t say anything, frowning the whole time
-the girl kinda guilt trips you, saying she tried to warn you and you’re just too naive for this selfish world and then she leaves you in your room alone
-you look at the cloth Kazuha gave you which was crumpled up in your hands and you just stare at the sun symbol on it
-you lay down onto your bed, looking at the ceiling
-but then you realize that all these years trapped in a tower, you’ve painted and drawn on every wall and ceiling of the tower
-you’ve drawn stuff you’ve never seen before but was always in the back of your head
-such as the kingdoms sun symbol
-you look back at the cliff then back at the ceiling anf sit up, trying to get a better look at it
-you have this like hallucination where every sun symbol starts to glow on the ceiling
-and then you get this vision back to the painting on the wall and realize
-your the lost princess
-okay back to Kazuha
-while the guards are walking him through the dungeons he noticed the SAME TWO MEN
-he runs from the guards and grips onto the collar of one of them, yelling and asking where the hell are you
-the one that was grabbed claimed he didn’t know and that some old lady arrested them and shit
-before he could ask the guards grab him again
-you walk out the room and ask your mom if uour thé lost princess
-she tells you don’t be ridiculous but your not having it
-but you know the truth and yell “I’m the lost princess!”
-she only stared at you with large eyes before she glared
“Everything I did was to protect you.”
You pushed her, walking down the stairs away from her. Your pushed caused her to fall into a mirror, all the pieces shattering underneath her. “For the last two decades I’ve been forced to hide away from the world, but I should’ve been hiding from you!”
“And where would you even go?!” She scoffed. “He won’t be there for you. That criminal is to be hanged for his crimes.”
Your eyes widened with a gasp, and she tries to comfort you but you grab her wrist tightly. “No. You were wrong about the world. Wrong about me! And I will NEVER let you use my hair AGAIN!”
“You want me to be the bad guy? Fine. I’ll be the bad guy.”
-right when they’re about to take Kazuha into the room where he’s gonna get hanged
-all the doors suddenly close around them
-the main guard just scoffed, banging on the door. “What’s the meaning of this!”
-the little shuttle piece on the door opened with a slide, and Kazuha’s eyes widened to see one of the men from the tavern where you sang karaoke with them
-“what’s the password?”
-“that’s not it!”
-“not even close!”
-“you have three seconds!”
-when he starts counting down he doesn’t even realize all the doors that were previously locked suddenly opened at the rest of the men from the tavern grabbed the guards holding Kazuha
-the men from the tavern are the crux ppl btw
-the main guard looks back and he’s like wtf but then BEIDOU THE OWNER IF THE TAVERN AKA BEST LADY smacks him with a frying pan and sends him to the ground unconscious
-who knew frying pans were such an efficient way to make someone go unconscious?
-more guards come running in and Beidou grabs Kazuha’s hand, rushing him out while the others distracted the guards
-once out, a horde of guards are running towards him and he’s like oh shit
-Beidou picks him up and placed him onto something, telling him instructions
“Head down, arms in, knees apart.”
He repeated her words with every motion, but then looked at her confused “knees apart?”
Beidou only smirks and he doesn’t even realize he’s on some sort of catapult until one of the larger crux members jumps down onto the other side and Kazuha goes FLYING
The guards only stare
-he ends up landing on SAYU
-somehow she can carry him?
-he literally thanked Sayu for bringing the guards and then Sayu JUMOS OFF THR DUNGEON WALLS and there’s this whole scene of a TANUKI running like a horse thays jumping off of roof tops and then Sayu brings him to your tower
-don’t ask how she knows where it is idk
-he starts calling you, yelling your name. “Y/N! Let down your hair!”
-yes they use your hair to get into the tower don’t ask
-when you don’t respond he starts climbing the walls and then he hears the window open and he’s like oh my god!!
-ur hair comes out he climbs it yeah yeah and goes I to the tower
-“Y/N! I thought I’d never see you again!” However, his words are cut short when he sees you tied up, tape over your mouth and your trying to yell something
-he stares shocked and then he feels this horrible pain and your mom STABBED HIM FROM BEHIND and he falls to the ground bleeding out yeah yeah
-you try to go towards him but your ‘mom’ is holding onto a chain forcing you to her
-yes a chain.
-don’t ask.
-she wants to take you far away so no one ever finds you again
-the tape falls off your mouth and you yell. “No! I won’t stop, and I will never stop trying to get away from you!” You panted. “But I will go with you if you let me heal him. Please?”
His eyes widened, all while groaning and trying to stop the blood. “Y/N! No!”
-she ends up agreeing and unchains you, but then chains Kazuha do he doesn’t get any ideas of following you
-you immediately ran to him, eyes widening at the blood
-I’m realizing out of all the Disney scenes I’ve wrote this is the only fight scene I’m actualky writing
“Y/N. You can’t do this.” He panted. “I can’t let you die with her.
“But if you do, then you will die.” You whispered with a frown, cupping his cheek. “Hey. It’s gonna be alright.”
“Y/N.” He whispered, his chained hand coming to cup your cheek as he leaned closer, but what you didn’t realize is that he had grabbed a broken shard from the mirror you pushed your mother into, and he reached behind and immediately cut your hair
Your mom screamed and your eyes widened, your hair colour going a tad bit darker than it used to be. The now cut hair did the same thing.
The mother was screaming and she realized that all the affects your magic had on her was starting to ware off/ she was becoming old. Her hands went pale and slender, as if she was a zombie.
And then she faded into dust.
You couldn’t care less.
“Kazuha!” You yell, shaking him as his eyes started to close. You brought his hand to your hair, reciting the lullaby but nothing happened.
“Hey.” He whispered. “You were my new dream.” He said weakly.
You chuckled sadly. “And you were mine.”
With that, he smiled, and let out a final exhale as he went limp in your arms.
-you started BALLING your eyes out right there and then; reciting the lullaby over and over again for anything , but there was never anything and he stayed dead.
-you were sobbing over him, a tear falling into his cheek.
-the tear started to glow and then his wound started to glow and he was STARTING TO HEAL?!
-the glow slowly faded and with it going away, HE CANE BACK TO LIFR WITH A LARHE ASS GASP
-ofc after dying the first thing he said is your name
“Have I ever told you I got a think for H/C?” He asked, looking at the darker colour of your previous hair shade.
You chuckled and immediately wrapped your arms around him, now sitting on his thigh.
He hugged you tight and before he knows it, your smashing your lips against his.
-okay I’m gonna be quick with this now
-so he takes you back to the castle and then guard runs into your real parents room, claiming you were found
-they instantly start RUNNING to a balcony and see you with Kazuha
-anyway there’s a reunion, hugs tears blah blah whatever would happen after 2 decades of not seeing each other.
-Kazuha onky smiled over the whole thing and then YOUR MOM PULLED HIM INTO THE HUG
-the kingdom rejoiced for their lost princess had returned and the party lasted for a week
-Kazuha hardly remmebered anything that happened
-the crux members eventually had their dreams come true and got jobs in the kingdom
-thanks to Sayu, crime disappeared overnight ad bf so did most of the apples
-at last you were home and finally had a real family and you were a princess worth waiting for
-everh now and then whenever your out Kazuha woullf take the crown off your head and hide it but you always knew and he’d place it back on your head with a giggle
-a few years later he finally placed a ring on that finger and you lived happily ever after
-he also had all charges dropped against him too so he was no longer a thief!
-off topic fun fact; Originally instead of Kazuha it was gonna be Kaeya but then I acc thought of Kaeya as thé prince from the Swan Princess so I’ll have him in another post
Alhaitham; Frozen
-so we all know frozen is focused on Elsa but for the love story we’re focusing on just you
-so for this you will choose who you want your older sister to be
-whoever has a Cryo vision or a lady u wanna choose and make them have ice powers but wtv
-so basically the story starts out with 8 year old you waking up your sister 10 year old sister
-and your bored
-she tells you to go back to sleep but then you ask if she wants to build a snowman.
-sister has ice powers yayaya she can also make snow
-one day while your jumping shes making snow pillars but you go to fast and she slips on ice and accidentally uses her ice powers and hits your head
-you pass out and she’s crying calling your parents
-they take you to a small area away from the kingdom and.
-it’s mushrooms.
-you know nahida’s mushroom besties or the ones we see around sumeru thay pop up and disappear
-yeah those r the trolls from frozen
-nahida is human but she lives with them
-she tells ur dad that you need to forget your sister if you wanna live because if she hits you again you can die
-she replaces all memories of sister creating snow or ice and replaced them with natural snow and ice and the two of you together so the fun stays
-no one can know of her magic so all do the staff was reduced in the castle, the gates and windows were always closed, and Elsa has NEVER been outside since
-so basically for the next decade your sister doesn’t talk to you, and your always outside your door asking her if she wants to go in the snow and build a snowman but she tells you to go away
-however during this decade her powers got stronger
-it’s not until your 18 when your parents leave for a trip over seas
-sadly their ship goes down and they die
-your sisyer doesn’t even show up to the funeral
-so three years later your sister is finally of age to become queen and it’s coronation day!
-all the gates open and you’re finally outside
-what if you meet your future lover at the coronation?
-well one thing for sure you met someone you liked but not at coronation…
-you almost fall into a boat but someone catches you however he falls on top of you
-your both apologizing and then he finally introduced himself
“I’m prince Childe of Snezhnaya!”
-of course you bump into a prince
-even though ur a princess but wtv
-you end up running cuz you gots go to the coronation and you see him later though
-this is the first time you’ve ever actually seen your sister in the last decade and also the first time you’ve talked to her
-it’s vv awkward but you start bonding over chocolate
-eventually some random asks you to dance and he’s so bad at dancing that your sister is cackling while watching
-eventually sm1 else takes your hand and it’s Childe!! he twirls you around and shit yk the usual ballroom dancing
-okay fast forward somehow you two fell in love don’t ask
-like you do tell each other everything and he reveals he has 10 siblings and he’s the youngest
-4 sisters and 6 brothers
-he asks if you’ll marry him despite knowing each other for 5 hours and your like oh my god yes!!!!
-when you ask your sister for permission she’s like no cuz SHES SMART
-you get mad and cause a scene and you grab your hand and you pull her glove off accidentally
-she loses control and ice magic goes woosh
-fast forward she runs away
-I’m acc so tired and wanna get this post done with I’m sorry if this is rushed but it’s short cuz the main focus isn’t even supposed to be you
-your sister runs away and with her magic she causes an eternal winter IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER.
-you chase after her into the woods and little do you know after her whole “let it go” episode she created a whole castle out of ICE.
-I still wonder what she slept on.
-uhm so you leave prince Childe in charge of the king on of sumeru while you find your sister
-your horse runs away from you cuz bro knows he don’t want this bs rn
-your literally in a dress which makes this sm worse because now it’s like Snezhnaya and there’s sm it goes up to your knees
-you do find a shop though in the middle of nowhere at night and ask if they have any winter shit
-the owner points you to their collection and there’s just the stuff you need so yay!
-just when your about to buy it, someone walks in covered in snow and good lord he’s tall.
-he walks up to you and mumbled something but you can hardly hear with the mask over his face
“Huh?” You asked.
He leaned in closer, “behind you.”
You looked behind you to see carrots on the table where the owner was and quickly apologized, moving for him.
He grabbed the carrots then moved to grab a rope and pick axe.
“Where’s all this snow coming from?” The worker, Cyno, asked, looking at the man covered in snow.
“The North mountain.” He responded, placing down the stuff on the table.
“North mountain.” You whispered to yourself.
“That’ll be 40.” Cyno said.
The man scoffed. “40? No 10.”
“Apologies, but 10 is a big problem.”
“You wanna talk about problems? I sell ice for a living.” He pointed to a window and you saw a large sled with a bunch of ice on it.
You winced. “Not the best job.”
He glared at you and you shut your mouth, but only for a second until you started asking questions about the mountain and what he saw. “Did it seem magical?”
His glare stayed but he removed his mask to speak clearer. “Yes. Now back up while I deal with this crook here.”
“Crook?” Cyno repeated, standing up, and the man realized he was fucked- especially when he was thrown out of the shop.
-you ended up buying his stuff for him, and when he asked why, you told him to bring you up the North mountain
-and because you were kind enough ti buy his stuff after being thrown out, he decided to take you
-he owns a pet moose named tighnari.
-it’s funny how all the pet side kicks are named Tighnari in this post
-so while you’re on the sled thingy or whatever, he’s asking you what made the queen go all crazy
“So uh tell me. What made the queen go all ice crazy?” He asked, letting Tighnari guide the sled mobile.
You chuckled yet grimaced. “Uh..it was all my fault. I got engaged but she’d only just freak out because I met him that same day. And she said she wouldn’t bless the marriage and-“
“Wait,” he cut you off, blinking before continuing. “You got engaged to someone you just met on that day?”
“Yeah! Anyway I got mad and then she got mad and then-“
He turned his body to look at you, still confused. “Hang on! You mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you JUST met THAT DAY?”
“Yes! Pay attention. But the thing is she ALWAYS had the gloves on and I thought it was a thing about dirt!”
“Didn’t your parents ever warn you about strangers?!”
You blinked, before slowly letting out a “Yes” as you scooted away from him.
He just trolled his eyes
“But Childe is not a stranger!”
“Childe?!” He burst out laughing. “That’s an Incredulous name. If he’s not a stranger, what’s his last name?”
“….of Snezhnaya.”
He scoffed. “Favourite food?”
“….Raw fish.”
“Good lord- you’re marrying a man who eats raw fish as his favourite food? How in the world are you a princess!?”
“Best friends name?”
“HAH I KNOW THIS ONE! Scaramouche!”
“Snezhnaya’a got some weird names.” He chuckled with a shake of his head. “Eye colour?”
“Foot size?”
“Foot size doesn’t matter!”
“Have you had a meal with him yet? What if you hate the way he eats? What if you hate the way he picks his nose?”
“Picks his nose?!” You repeated, bewildered.
“And eats it.”
“Excuse me sir he is a prince!”
The man only smirked before looking away with a shrug. “All men do it.”
“Ew! Look it doesn’t matter! It’s true love.”
“Doesn’t sound like true love.” The shit eating grin on his face never left.
“What are You some sort of love expert?” You scoffed.
“No, but I have friends who are.”
“You havé friends who are love experts? I’m not buying it.” You didn’t notice the way the sled came to a stop and Tighnari was looking around frantically along with the man.
“Stop talking.”
“Nonono I’d like to meet-“ you were cut off with his hand over your mouth.
“Shh.” He stood up, holding a lantern up to get a better look around. He turned, squinting into a certain area of the woods and then wolves started to show.
“Shit.” He breathed out before immediately yelling at Tighnari to move.
“What is it?” You asked, fear speaking in you.
“Wolves.” He spoke while lighting a torch.
“What do i do?”
“Nothing.” He threw the now lit up torch at the wolves. “Just don’t get eaten.”
“But I wanna help!”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t trust your judgement.”
You let out the most exaggerated gasp. “Excuse me?”
He pushed you back a bit to kick a wolf that caught up. “Who marries a man they just met?!”
“It’s called true love!” You yelled, grabbing a random ukulele from the back of the sled and swinging it over his head to hit a wolf that jumped up.
“Woah!” He smirked, before a wolf bit onto his boot and dragged him off the sled but he quickly grabbed a rope that was tied to it.
“If i die my name is Alhaitham for my funeral!” He yelled.
You grabbed a wooden stick to light up, turning it into a torch before you lit up something random at the back of the sled. “Al, duck!”
“It’s ALHAITHAM!” He yelled, but did as you said when he saw you throw whatever the hell was in your hands that was on fire
He started to climb the rope back onto the sled. “You almost killed me!”
“But I didn’t!”
His eyes widened and you turned to see a cliff coming up.
“Jump Tighnari!”
“You don’t tell him what to do, I do!” He spoke while grabbing you, practically man handling you as he threw you onto Tighnari. Just as the cliff came up, he cut the rope connecting his moose firmed to the sled, prioritizing your safety over his as he jumped off the sled and PRAYED he would make it.
-he gripped onto the edge of the cliff, looking down to see his sweet sled on fire.
-he just bought that!
-he started to slip but you grabbed his hand and pulled him back up
-you promised you’d buy him a new one later
-you also told him you understand if he doesn’t wanna help you anymore and you started to leave
-in full honestly Alhaitham coukd care less if you died in the woods
-but you promised a new sled and if you die he won’t get it so he does follow after you
- anyway you spend the whole night tryna get through the woods and the whole time you just hoped your sister would be able to remove this eternal winter
-in the morning you start to realize how beautiful the snow and the hanging ice looks
“Who knew winter could be so beautiful?”
You and Alhaitham both looked at each other confused when you heard a new voice, and for a second then both of you thought it was Tighnari talking.
“It’s so fun! There should be some colour! Like crimson or yellow- actually yellow is just bad.” The voice became louder with each word and suddenly standing between the two of you was a talking snowman.
You screamed, immediately kicking it and it’s head flew off and landed in Alhaitham’s arms. “You’re creepy.” He said, throwing it back to you but then you threw it back to him and the continuation of it.
The body started walking towards you and you threw the head at it, sending it into the snow.
He stood up, his head upside down. “What am I looking at? Why are you hanging like bats?”
You inched your way closer to it, fixing it’s head.
“Oh thank you! Now I’m perfect.”
“Almost,” You chuckled, realizing this was a harmless snowman. You looked through Alhaitham’s bag before grabbing a carrot, making its nose.
“Okay, let’s start this thing over, hi everyone, I’m Kaveh!”
“You creep me out.” Alhaitham chuckled, kneeling down to his level.
You blinked. “Kaveh?”
“That’s right! Kaveh!”
“And you are…?”
“Who’s the funky looking donkey over there?” He turned to Tighnari and Alhaitham standing beside each other- well moose tighnari.
“That’s Tighnari!”
“And who’s the moose?”
Alhaitham glared and you burst out into laughter. “…Tighnari.”
“Got it!” He screamed when Tighnari tried to eat his carrot nose.
“Kaveh.” You called and he turned to you.
“Did S/N build you?”
“Yeah, Why?” He asked, not caring that Alhaitham pulled out his stick arm, analyzing it.
“Do you know where she is?”
“Yeah, Why?”
“Can you take us to her?”
“Yeah, Why!”
“We need her to bring back summer.” Alhaitham spoke for you, putting the arm back into Kaveh’s snow body.
Kaveh let out a squeak. “I love summer! The sun, and how hot it is!”
“Really?” Alhaitham grinned. “I guess you don’t have much experience with heat.”
“Nope! But sometimes I like to close my eyes and imagine.
Suddenly, he started singing and dancing and you and Alhaitham just stared.
“My snow up against the gorgeous sand probably getting a good old tan in SUMMERRR~~”
Alhaitham crossed his arms over his chest, smirking. “I’m gonna tell him.”
You gasped, hitting him. “Don’t you dare!”
“Somebody’s gotta tell him!”
-so he’s supposed to melt in summer and ofc Alhaitham wants to ruin his dream of summer
-back in sumeru kingdom Childe finds your horse running back but your not on it and he thinks you’re in danger
-so he sets out with his guards to find you
-anyway back to you
-Alhaitham is asking you what your gonna say to your sister and you reveal you had no idea
-kaveh goes on about how sweet your sister is and he doesn’t even realize he’s walking right into an icicle
-“oh look, I’ve been Impaled.”
-your all faced with a cliff and you try climbing it but Alhaitham Is telling you that your gonna kill yourself
-like anywhere you put your foot down he’ll say “I wouldn’t put it there!” And HE IS ALWAYS RIGHT
-then kaveh finds an ice staircase and you jump off, Alhaitham catching you in his hands
-he could only smile as you ran off
-“holy shit.” The two of you breathed out, looking at the castle
-“now THAT is ice. I think I might cry.”
-sadly Tighnari cannot climb the stairs because of his hooves
-at the door if the castle your hesitant and kaveh kept telling you to knock but your scared and he’s like “does she not know how to knock?”
-but the door opened automatically so wtv
“You probably shouldn’t come in.” You told him and he whined.
“What? Why not! It’s a palace of ice!”
“Last time I brought a guy she caused an eternal winter.”
“Good point.”
“You too, Kaveh.”
-making your way into the castle your like holy shir begause it’s all ICE but it’s so beautiful
-your lwokey slipping a lot too
-your sister comes out and is like why tf r u here
-and your just complimenting the ice castle and you apologize for everything that happened
-she tells you it’s alright and you should leave because you belong in Suneru
“Actually about that…” you trailed off, but then you heard Kaveh running in.
“Kaveh?” Your sisters eyes widened.
“We built him when we were kids, remember?” You asked.
“Yeah, I do…”
“We were so close, S/N. We can be like that again if you come back to Sumeru.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t.” She shook her head; remembering the last time you were close. “You need to leave.”
-she tells you to go enjoy the summer of sumeru while you chase after her
-plus without her the gates are open and she’s free
-you tell her Sumeru is in deep, deep, deep, deep snow
-“yeah you set off an eternal winter.”
-“I’m sure you can remove it!”
-with all the stress on her she shoots her ice and it HITS YOU
-Alhaitham overheard everything and he comes running in
-he encourages you to leave and when your like no your sister creates a whole ICE MONSTER and it grabs the two of you and sends you flying down the stairs
“It is not nice to throw people!” You yelled, forming a snowball in your hands.
“Woah woah woah!” He grabbed you. “Calm down and relax Icy pants. Leave the snow man be.”
“Alright.” You sighed and he let you go, but the moment he did you immediately threw the snowball at the large snow and ice man.
-oh no
-oh no
-oh nononono
-it’s the smallest impact but he GROWLS and starts chasing after you two
-you both end up sliding away but once your far and hes still chasing, a 200foot drop cliff pops up
-he gets rope out of now where and wraps it around your waist before tying the other side to the pickaxe and sticking it into the snow and you both jump off
-you both forgot about Kaveh but he ends up jumping off the cliff and he’s fine
-“DONT COME BACK.” IT growled and threw you guys down
-thankfully there’s like metres of snow so it was lke landing on a pillow
-Alhaitham put his hands under our arms and pulled you out of the snow and you thanked him, both of you smiling
-you asked him how his head was and he said he had a thick skull
“I don’t have a skull.” Kaveh said.
-then he asked how your hair was
-he realized it was because you were struck with your sisters magic and then you asked if it looked bad
“You hesitated.” Kaveh spoke.
“No! Y/N you need help. I’ll bring you to my friends.”
“The love experts?”
-so he acc brings you to the mushrooms you went to as a kid but you don’t know since you don’t remember
“Meet my family!” Alhaitham chuckled, walking in a field of mushrooms.
You blinked.
“He’s crazy.” Kaveh whispered, looking at how Alhaitham talked to mushrooms in the ground. “I’ll distract him while you run.”
He walks up to a mushroom and pets it. “It’s nice to meet you!” He turned and whispered ahain. “Because I love you Y/N, you NEED to run. WHY ARENT YOU RUNNING?!”
“I’m gonna go.” You said.
Alhaitham groaned. “Wait!”
However, the ground started to shake and before you know it the mushrooms are coming out the ground and becoming slightly larger and they start TALKING.
“ALHAITHAM IS HOME!” They all screamed.
-he’s asking where sm1 named nahida is while all the mushrooms start talking to him
-you just laughed, and it caught attention of all of them as they turned and blinked
-“he brought a girl!” One of them yelled before everyone repeated “A GIRL!”
-they all leaned down and someone pushed you as you rolled over all of them and they threw you into his arms
-he told you to just roll with it
-get it
-one of them is literally analyzing you and says “she’s perfect for our Alhaitham!”
-you both realized they thought you were together and the both of you start explaining that’s not how it is
-one asks you what the issue is with him
-is it the clumpy way he walks
-or the grumpy way he talks
-or the weirdly shaped boots he had?
-but you’ll never meet a fella who’s as sensitive and sweet!
-he’s a bit of a fixer upper, a bunch of flaws, and his best friends with a moose
-they tell you that you can fix him with love!
-is it the way that he runs scared?
-or how he’s socially impaired?
-or that half the time he tinkles in the wood?
-you did not need to know that.
-your only laughing while they list a bunch of reasons
-he tells them you’re engaged to some else and they don’t believe it
-one of them says “SHE HAS NO RING!”
-one of the other mushrooms are just giving you advice on love and it’s so weird but you love it
-he turns around and he literally says “woah”
-it’s not until one of the mushrooms starts to speak when you both realize what’s happening
-“do you, Y/N, take Alhaitham to be your truthfully wedded-“
“Wait what?”
“Your getting married.”
-suddenly you let out a wince and fall, your body turning as cold as ice as another strand of hair turns white
-when you fall he’s holding you in his ice and the commotion sends nahida running over
-she checks over you and says your life is in danger because there is ice in your heart
-if not removed, you’ll turn into ice.
-when Alhaitham asks if she can remove it she says no and that only an act of true love can solve it
-Alhaitham dattes crying you and he holds you while Tighnari takes him to Sumeru, saying you need to kiss Childe
-little did you know Childe is currently hunting down your sister
-she almost kills him but wtv
-someone tried to shoot her and somehow she went unconscious idk how to explain it but she wakes up back in Sumeru but she’s chained up
-like there’s protective shit over her hands so she can’t use her magic
-she’s in a dungeon in sumeru
-okay back to you guys
-omg he’s holding you while your both on tighnari who’s jumping his way to the kingdom and when Alhaitham hears you shiver he takes his hat off and puts it on you and it’s so cute
-he carries you into the castle and when your asking if he’s okay he tells you “not to worry about him”
-once the gates to the castle open he tells the workers who take you to get prince Childe and then Alhaitham walks away sad because literally did you know he was kinda sad cuz he liked you
-but your engaged so he can’t do anything
-your taken into a room with Childe and your like “kiss me”
-and he’s like “what?!”
-you explain the whole thing to him and how your sister struck you and shit and you’ll die if there is no act of true love towards you
-he carries you over to a couch by the fireplace, tryna warm you up
-“only an act of true love can save me.”
Childe’s eyes lit up. “True love’s kiss!” His hand slowly caressed your cheek then moved down to your chicken to grab it, leaning towards you.
He went in slowly, almost torturing you.
“Oh Y/N.” He smirked, “if only if there was someone out there who actually loved you.”
- he explains he’s 11th in line for the thrown of his kingdom and he wants to be king
-so he thought marrying you would make him king here
-but now that your about to die and your sister refuses to be queen
-he can now lie and say you put him in charge and he’ll be king
-The betrayal-
-he starts to take out all the fire in the room, all while degrading you and saying how pathetic it was to wanna marry him after one day
-he grabs water and takes out the fire in the room, making you go cold
-he says he’s gonna kill Elsa yeah yeah wtv
-he locks you in the room and your hair has fully turned white now and your close to dying
-Childe walks into a room, faking his sadness and saying your DEAD.
-Now that he’s in charge he says your sister committed treason and his sentence is death
-meanwhile Alhaitham is waking away but a sudden ice storm surrounds the kingdom and he’s SPRINTING BACK
-your sister managed to escape before the guards came to grab her so now it’s a whole new problem
-he unlocks the door and lights the fireplace and your yelling at him to get away because he’s MELTING
-he helps you over to the fireplace to keep you warm all while you tell him what happened
-kaveh said he won’t leave until you find another act of love
“Love is putting someone else’s needs in front of theirs instead of their own. Like how Alhaitham brought you back to Childe and left.”
-and you realized that ALHAITHAM DID DO THAY
-“your so dumb.” Kaveh said.
-suddenly a window bursts open and he goes to look outside when he closes it
-“man I guess Alhaitham doesn’t love you enough to leave you behind.”
-you make Kaveh help you up even though your dying
-you said you love Alhaitham and you NEED HIM TO LIVE
-so he’s pushing you all the way outside but the storm is causing the whole castle to freeze and ice isn’t good for you because then you’ll die
-meanwhile your sister is out running but the blizzard is so strong she can’t see anything
-thankfully you and Kaveh end up escaping and your running to find Alhaitham and yelling his name
-your sister runs into Childe and he lies and says your dead and she breaks down crying because she knows it’s her fault
-during all of this your hands are starting to turn into literal ice
-like it was actual ice.
-your hair is full on ice now but Alhaitham hears you and is running
-during your sisters break down the blizzard immediately ends and it’s easier for Alhaitham to find you
-he’s running all the way towards you but then you turn to see Childe with a sword about to hit your sister
-and you run in front of her right when he’s about to slash her BUT YOU TURN INTO ICE
-your dead now btw
-ice = dead
-your sister is holding you crying her eyes out
-nahida said ACT OF LOVE
-she never said true loves kiss
-love will thaw the ice and because of this the winter starts to go away like SUMMER IS BACK IN SUMERU WOOO!!
-somehow you guys end up on a boat when the winter goes away
“This has gotta be the best day of my life…and probably my last.”
-Sister gives him a little snow cloud above him so he never melts so we good
-Childe is on the boat and he’s like oh fuck
-Alhaitham MARCHES his way over but you stop him and YOU PUNCH CHILDE OFF THE BOAT WOOO
-all the ambassadors cheer you on!
-Childe gets arrested thankfully woo!!!!
-all the kings and ambassadors are leaving a few days later
-and also a few days later your running around with Alhaitham and you have a blindfold around him
-you said it was a gift
-when you removed the blindfold it’s a NEW SLED
-you did promise him a new one
“Do you like it?” You ask, fidgeting with your fingers, nervous he’d hate it.
“Like it?” He repeated with a scoff, before placing his hands on your waist and picking you up, spinning you around. “I love it! I could kiss you!”
He freezes when he realizes what he said and places you down. “I mean I’d like too, I uh- can I- can you- can we-?”
You cut him off with a kiss on the cheek and smile. “We may.” You say before he wraps his arms around you again and pressed his lips against yours, you wrapping your arms around his neck.
-no you don’t marry Alhaitham you prob will like in the next few years
-I’m too fuckinf lazy to write the second movie
-anyways hope you guys liked this!!! Next post idk who I’ll have but I did plan on having Kaeya and Ayato so
-but yeah you all live happily ever after!
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sakumz · 9 months
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. [ scaramouche x gn reader ]
a/n : retired enstars writer!? JAY KAY... tryna dig out all you genshin fans. ahem modern, school au.
" how dumb can you be? " the indigo man said as he looks up from his notebook while you erase the board.
school is over and you're on cleaning duty. the guy, you're paired up with decides not to come that day to skip out on his duty. you sigh as you recalled what happened moments before everyone left the class.
" y/n! watch me play basketball. I'm gonna beat alhaitham this time, for sure! " cyno offers as he approach your desk with tighnari and kaveh following behind him.
" nah, I doubt you would. alhaitham had a pretty early sleep last night and he even woke up minutes before his usual alarm rings! doesn't that mean he's wide awake? " kaveh questions as tighnari shakes his head at his friends.
" sorry guys, I got clean up duty. why don't yall stay back and help me, " you give them a cheeky smile to which they immediately look away from you.
" h-hey now, " you start as they slowly back away.
making a dash to the door before you can grab anyone by the arm, hearing tighnari shout a " sorry! gotta go! " well at least one person is sorry.
snapping back to reality, you're done with the board. you make eye contact with hat guy. has he been staring at you, this whole time? how embarrassing! puffing your cheeks out as you look the other way, you hear his chair being pulled away from the desk. he approached you slowly and then grab your cheeks with one hand. making you suck in a breath with how close, you two were.
" w-what? " you stammered as you look away from his piercing stare.
" you're pretty cute, yknow. "
" how shameless can you be... " you mumbled as he finally let's you go. he exits the classroom as you're left with your thoughts and the empty classroom.
was that a confession? no, he didn't say he likes or love or admires you what...
the next day and what felt like weeks, was draining on its own. scaramouche and you rarely and barely talked about what happened that day or even held a simple conversation. is he mad? embarrassed? was it a joke he pulled on you and he's far from embarrassed to even talk to you or he felt bad about it? all these questions but you won't get an answer, knowing he's a stubborn man.
currently eating lunch with the tcg gang ft. alhaitham and watching the tcg gang play tcg aka just cyno playing against tighnari, kaveh can't help but look over your furrowed expression.
" are you mad because you're not playing the card game? " he starts as the rest then looks over at you, even alhaitham put his book down to stare at you.
" what? no, continue playing. " you quickly try to shoo away all the attention, even putting your sandwich down, to make a swatting motion.
making alhaitham uncharacteristic chuckle at your action, tighnari takes little peeks at you as you all continue what you were doing before lunch ends.
" hey, if there's something up... you know you can tell me right? or the boys, aren't we your... you know, trustful buddies? minus cyno, he's not worth that title. " tighnari grabs your wrist as the three continued to walk forward to class.
" I'm fine, really ? "
" that isn't convincing. there's clearly something going on, do you hate us? is it boy prob- "
" yes, it is. now stop it, we gotta go to class! " you hope he'll stop bothering you with all those questions. but truth be told, he's invested.
passing notes to you, isn't helping you get away with your scaramouche problem. reading your paper conversation with tighnari over and over, you're surprised cyno hasn't turned behind to take a look at the exchange. only alhaitham of the group has taken notice and even started to talk in the paper.
tighnari : boy problem, who is the boy?
y/n : scaramouche...
tighnari : dam wtf!?
y/n : SHUT UP!! he said I was cute
alhaitham : wth...
tighnari : indeed wth!
y/n : you guys ain't helping... this why cyno and kaveh are better than yall.
alhaitham : do you want me to tell scaramouche, you like him back?
y/n : you better shut it or I'm burning all your books and notes! >:(
tighnari : homie, you left the poor boy hanging. he def thinks you hate him.
you crush the paper conversation note as tighnari gave you one last look before focusing on the lesson. maybe both were right...
" hey you coming? earth to y/n~ " cyno sings as he pinches one of your cheeks.
right. it's after school, and who is on duty? scaramouche! he starts doing his clean up duty with nilou. you look over to him at the board from your desk as your gang of friends stands around your desk.
" you idiots, better get out soon. can't you see it's my turn to clean? I wanna finish this as quickly as possible. " scaramouche says as the five left the classroom and started conversing outside.
" sorry, you guys can go without me. " you say as alhaitham and tighnari give each other a knowing look while cyno and kaveh side eyes the three of you.
" call me when youre home, okay sweetie? " tighanri pats your shoulder before grabbing both kaveh and cyno arms and walking away before they could ask you any questions.
" goodluck, " alhaitham bids goodbye as he walks behind them, leaving you alone.
you decide to wait at the entrance of the school, one where scaramouche will go to once he's done cleaning. it took about thirty minutes and you can see the indigo man walking towards the entrace.
" fancy seeing you here, " he greets to which you shy away from.
" need something? " he asks as he stands infront of you.
" um, last time... why did you say what you said? "
" that you're cute? "
" yeah. "
" my guardian said I should be honest with my feelings so I did. didn't expect to be avoided and ignored though, are you that stupid to not be able to interpret what I meant? " he jabs your forehead with his index, making you stumble sightly.
" hey now, if it was a confession. at least do it properly! "
" well then, I like you. go out with me, would ya? " he blushes slightly as he looks away but extends his hand forward for you to grab.
" I said it so what do you say? don't leave me hanging! "
" yeah, sure I'll go out with you. " you blush back as he goes a slight deeper hue but a smile tugs at his lips as he replays in his head, your words. all's well, ends well.
a/n : wanna explore fontaine with me? ( asia server ) I need genshin friends 😭😭
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enassbraid · 11 months
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𝟓:𝟒𝟏𝐩𝐦 - 𝐂𝐲𝐧𝐨
-> happy birthday to the best character in this damned game :,)
there’s a reallyy bad joke lurking in this…, errr not proofread i winged this bc i needed to give my #1 a bday fic (i procrastinated)
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Cyno has always made a point to attend his close friend’s gatherings.
Although, it proved to be quite difficult at times. His duties as the General Mahamatra were real workloads and could take days or even weeks to complete. If he wanted a day off, he’d have to give notice far ahead of time.
Despite of any odds stacked against him, he always finds a way to overcome them for the sake of his friends.
Of course, Cyno would never admit that. While he may give kind words here and there, he’d never admit outright that he cares deeply about those around him. But you’ll always notice it in his actions. You can notice anything in his actions, in fact.
Like right now. As he lies on his side at 11:58pm, two minutes before his birthday. Just what kind of person doesn’t stay up till midnight before their birthday?
“Cynoo….” You cooed. “Did you forget what day it was?” Cyno grumbled on his side, annoyed with the seemingly meaningless disturbance in rest.
“Friday? It’s just another day, unless you’re in Fontaine. I’m sure Fries on Friday are a favorite in that nation.” He said nonchalantly, switching from laying on his side to his back.
Much to your annoyance, his right arm extended over your frame carelessly as he stared at the ceiling. Sleep lurked in his red hues, but his facial features made it clear he was still awake and alert. You couldn’t imagine balancing rest and consciousness the way he does.
“Don’t play dumb you scholar, did you seriously forget what today is?” By this point, you were already sitting up, eyes slightly widened in disbelief. “It’s your birthday, Cyno.”
“It’s just another day. Why don’t you go back to sleep? Everyone else in Sumeru is probably dead asleep by now.” He moved his arm from your lap to your shoulder, gently pushing you down in an attempt to get you to lay back down.
“Just another day?”
You groaned in frustration at his mentality. He’ll be there for everyone else’s birthday, yet completely disregard his own.
“If a birthday is just another day, then why did you make sure everything was perfect when we were celebrating Collei’s birthday? You somehow got Alhaitham to stay the whole time!” You recalled the joy on the girl’s face when all her friends surprised her that day, all thanks to Cyno and Tighnari’s arrangements.
“That was different,” He dismissed. “She’s still a kid, a kid who’s been through a lot. And before you bring up anyone else’s birthdays- Tighnari is my best friend, you’re my lover, Kaveh is stuck with Alhaitham, and Alhaitham… he’s a hard worker.” He refuted any argument you could make next.
“So you just… don’t remember your birthday?” You asked.
“Not until someone else mentions it.” He replied.
“So when I told you to ask for a day off on June 23rd, you didn’t think anything of it?” His eyes widened slightly at the realization, the first reaction you’ve seen come from him since the conversation started.
“I thought you had something important you wanted to do today.”
“Nope,” You chuckled. “I just didn’t wanna see you working so hard on your birthday.”
He stared at you for a while, expression becoming more and more unreadable. “Come here..”
You giggled seeing him back down like that. He was stubborn, but so were you. Playful backs and forths always ended with one you pulling the other in for a hug, kiss, or in this case, cuddles.
“I can’t believe you were that far ahead of me.” He mumbled. “And here I thought there was a surprise TCG event you were taking me to.”
You held back your laughter, because that is on the to-do list for today. That and the surprise you and Tighnari have been arranging for Cyno since you got him to take today off. But he’ll find that out later.
“Happy birthday, Cyno.” You lean in to kiss him, which he happily accepted.
He may not care for his birthday like he cares for other’s, but he knows it’ll be a good one with you around.
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erabu-san · 16 days
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I enjoyed every second of this quest This art has platonic intention, please don't tag ship
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kocherry · 1 year
Blume-ing Relationship
Cyno x GN!Reader
Cyno is really becoming my favorite character so far in the Windblume Festival so I wrote this ♡ Also this is Gender-Neutral Reader insert :>
Tags: Fluff, First Meeting, Pre-Established Relationship, Mutual Crush on First Meet, Horrible Puns
< 1.5k words >
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The Windblume Festival is a season of giving gifts to your loved ones. May it be platonical, familial, or romantic anyone could receive gifts. You always have something to give for platonical and familial gifts. As for romantic... well you don't really hope to receive or give anyone this year.
Despite that you always held that tradition in giving to your Alchemy colleagues that you consider as your friends now. Speaking of them... Sucrose and Albedo are the ones you haven't given their gifts.
Luckily you spot them both but they camping outside the walls of Mondstadt near Cider Lake. They were all in a circle surrounding a campfire with a lot of travelers. It was bad timing anyway, you could see how they were all interacting like they knew each other for a long time.
As much as you wanted to give your presents, the festival won't end today. So you turn your back and as you were about to head to the city, you step on a branch snapping it in half.
"I noticed you were spying on us, who are you?"
The sudden appearance of a tan skin and medium length grey hair gentleman surprised you. His red-orange eyes pierce through your own as if he's looking at you like some sort of predator ready to pounce on his prey. He wore almost nothing but his jackal ears hood. He is on guard to every movement especially to the small boxes on your hands.
"Wait Cyno, that person is our friend." Sucrose panicked since Cyno's whole demeanor changed.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing here? Did you need something?" Albedo asked as he is surprised to have seen you this late in the city.
You didn't face Sucrose and Albedo because you were too busy admiring the features of the man in front of you. He stood a little taller and he is lean. His red orange eyes went from being stern to soft as he realizes his mistake.
"Forgive me I shouldn't have assumed that you were an enemy spying on us." Cyno scratch the back of his hood as he apologizes for his brash actions.
"I-It's okay! Really... I would have done the same and uhm are you from the Akademiya?" You ask because the silver haired man is oddly familiar especially in TCG, many from sumeru used a card of his image. So you wonder if he is the General Mahamatra that they would talk about.
"No. I am Cyno the Adventurer."
Cyno's deadpan tone made you snort, you could tell that he didn't want to be addressed by his official work title.
"Ignore him, he's just on vacation mode. To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit (Y/N)?" A gentlemen dressed in dark reen clothes with fox ears greeted you as his eyes narrowing at his companion in annoyance.
"Oh I came to give this to Albedo and Sucrose, I was about to leave when they seem busy but Cyno suddenly appeared." You held out two boxes for the two alchemist who recited their gratitude towards you.
Tighnari, the fox eared man, elbowed Cyno to at least be courteous and invite you to eat.
"Again, I apologize for..." Cyno handed you out a small bowl of what they were eating. "...Soup-rising you like that."
A collective groan could be heard from that pun. Although it made you laugh, which surprises Cyno himself and his companions.
"I don't mind because you're a DandeCyno."
You gave him a thumbs up replying him with a pun that you also thought about. Then Cyno seems to be surprised at the joke you just made. Maybe he didn't get it... "You know like a Dandelion plus Cyno's name. Him suddenly appearing like a wind in front of me!" You explained to make sure everyone got the idea of your pun.
Cyno places a hand over his mouth and lets out a hearty chuckle. There is a small dark blush on his cheeks as he turns to you with a smile. "I'm quite glad to have met someone who shares my sense of humor." He extends his hand and you happily shake it.
"To think someone actually laughed at my flower puns, I think our friendship will definitely blume during the festival." He lets out another pun in his deadpan tone which made it funnier to hear.
"I cecilia hope it would." You reply with a pun as well while winking at him.
"Oh no there's two of them..." Tighnari groans as he puts a hand on his temple.
The others well... they just look like they want to be swallowed by the ground. Only Albedo seems amused and crossed his arms raising an eyebrow towards the two of you.
"Are you going home after giving us these?" Albedo asks while holding out his gift. "Perhaps Cyno could accompany you back since it is quite dangerous to go out at night even if it's festive season." In all honesty the Chief Alchemist is amused by all of these and he wants to see where this would go.
Cyno just nodded at Albedo's suggestion, not even hesitating to oppose. Mainly because he seems to have a feeling that you two would get along. "I don't mind escorting you home (Y/N), besides I think I owe you this much for scaring you earlier." His hood covered the top half of his face as he remembers how intensely intimidating he is earlier.
You met the General Mahamatra and not the Adventurer Cyno. So he does want you to see him in a different way.
"Sure! Plus I want to get to know you more Cyno, you seem really fun to be around." In all honesty, you could handle yourself especially with a vision hanging on your belt.
But you don't mind walking in the night with a handsome fella who shares your love for humor.
Tighnari folded his arms and lets out an amused sigh, "I can't believe you set them up Albedo now we both have to endure their bad puns."
Albedo lets out a soft chuckle, "I think they're pretty funny." Most of them disagreed.
So back to the two of you who were walking towards Springvale.
Cyno notices a familiar box in your bagpack. His eyes brighten up at this and his lips quirk up a smile. "Do you play TCG?" He asks while pointing at your card deck that was seen through a small opening of your bag.
"I definitely do! My colleagues often play it during our free time. Do you want to play sometime?" You ask excitedly but then got embarassed since you don't want to ruin his plans especially when he's from Sumeru. "If you're... up to it I don't really want to intrude your vacation in Mondstadt."
"Aside from accompanying my friends here, the other reason is to commission the talented Calx to design my cardback." Cyno does share the excitement of playing TCG with you. "Having to play TCG with a newly found friend is surely enjoyable this season."
You sigh in relief upon hearing that, it looks like the feeling is mutual. "I can hardly wait for our duel Adventurer Cyno." You elbow him at the side gently then notice that you were already in Springvale. "Oh this is my house, thanks for the walk back."
"You're welcome, as much as I wanted to make a pun... I'll just give this."
In his hand there is an unfamiliar flower, not native from Mondstadt. You saw in books once, a Kalpata Lotus, being placed onto your head. Cyno smiles at you softly and takes a step back, "I figured you might like this particular flower back from my home." He definitely will have to say sorry to Tighnari later for stealing this flower.
When he puts the flower in your hair, his face is incredibly close to yours. You remain quite on the outside while your inner voice is already losing its shit. Despite being flustered, you have to give Cyno a gift back.
After all, equivalent of exchange is a rule in alchemy.
"Wait I think it's unfair that I didn't give you anything." You grabbed his hand before he could take a step back.
"You don't really have to—"
You take a step forward tiptoeing to place a soft kiss on his cheek. "See you tomorrow Cyno." You smile brightly and the blush on your cheeks spread throughout your face.
Cyno stare at you dumbfoundedly as you shut the door close. He place a hand on the spot where you kissed him. The beating of his heart began to thump louder as the smile you gave him is imbued into his mind.
A smile crept up his lips as he turns around wondering how to not make a fool of himself tomorrow.
On the other side of the closed door, you were sitting on the floor placing a hand over your chest. You couldn't believe you already kissed Cyno on the cheek when you just met him. Then again... he seems to he smiling when you did that.
The Windblume Festival is a season of giving gifts to your loved ones. May it be platonical, familial, or romantic anyone could receive gifts. You always have something to give for platonical and familial gifts. As for romantic... you hope Cyno would be the one to happily accept it someday.
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worriedvision · 1 year
Cgkxulrztjdti I just read an albedo prompted of yours and I gave me an idea. Sadly I'm not a writer so I gib this idea to you only if you like it. It's the I didn't stand a chance prompt!!!!
So reader is sad because you know they didn't really have a chance but since it's windblume how about they get closer to cyno or Tighnari maybe even Kaeya. And it just makes Albedo feel jealous but he doesn't really understand the feeling. All he knows it's just a bitter taste and it feels like his heartrate is dropping and he can't explain it but it's definitely irrigating to witness reader with another but even when Albedo tries to approach reader they avoid him because they don't want to keep holding onto that false hope of maybe he'll like me back
So the initial post was this one! Gender neutral reader, Cynos the 'love interest' here.
Albedo couldn't help but feel relieved to see the traveler walking down the steps to sit with him while he waited for Klee to wake up, hoping to figure out the best way to act on his interpreted feelings. He felt so comforted by them, and it felt right.
The traveler looks at the paper that had the illustration on it, and Paimon looks over their shoulder to see.
"Oh, Klee must have a very...hmm..." The traveler hums out, unsure how they felt about the picture.
"Oh, Paimon thinks Klee thinks of you like a sibling!" Paimon cheers, Klee waking up at the voice.
"No, the travelers like my parent. Like big brother Albedo!" Klee cheers, a silence afterwards.
Albedo felt embarrassed because it implies the traveler was in a partnership with him, a thing he thought he very much hopes for. The traveler felt uncomfortable, because the picture implied Klee expected the traveler to be with Albedo, and they knew once the whole thing with their sibling got resolved it would only be a matter of time until they left Teyvat. Even if they stayed in Teyvat, being stuck to Mondstadt most of the time just didn't feel right.
"Paimons hungry! Let's eat!" Paimon fills the silence, everyone relieved for different reasons.
The next week was when the traveler knocked on your door, realising you hadn't been seen by anyone. Hoping to check on your welfare, they wait patiently.
When you open the door, the traveler shakes their head.
"Have you been keeping yourself in there all this time?" They tut.
"I'd rather not be reminded of..." You cut yourself off, knowing better than to ruin the mood by talking about your unrequited love and how you had been eating binge foods and crying as you tried to think up new TCG strategies.
"...Come with me." They state, not giving you an option. "You're obsessed with that card game, I have a friend that you may get along with."
"Ooooh, Cyno? Paimon totally agreed, Cynos good with the game but bad with his jokes!" Paimon states, you finally deciding to grab your latest creation before following the traveler.
To your surprise, you actually get on very well with Cyno. The first round you played was a round consisting of you slamming the cards down without realising it, and Cyno matching your energy.
"How is the Stormblume festival?" Cyno states, you looking up as you process the terrible joke. "Something unfortunate must have happened. You're playing like you're angry."
"Angry isn't the word I would use...I guess I'm just lonely." You shrug, deciding against ranting about your lovelife.
"Well, how about we play a couple more rounds? If we get on, I can tell you more about myself and you can return the favour." Cyno suggests, you nodding.
You land up talking casually to each other each round, growing more comfortable with each other. Before you knew it, you were walking with Cyno, feeling the same first impression you had with Albedo where you knew you were in love. Cyno must have felt the same way, as he asked you on a first date after being told you both had to leave since it was closing time for the Cat's Tail.
Tighnari was standing next to Albedo, focusing on the crafting bench before his ears pick up on something.
"...Did you just whimper?" Tighnari asks, caught off-guard by the sound Albedo let out.
"No I didn't." He protests a little too quickly, Tighnari raising his brow to express he didn't buy the lie. Tighnari looks over, seeing Cyno with you, and he tilts his head.
"Are you interested in Cyno?" Tighnari asks, Albedo shaking his head.
"I don't understand what I am feeling." Albedo simply states. "I thought I knew my feelings, but now? I'm not so sure."
"I'm sure you can dig in deep and find out what you're feeling." Tighnari brushes off, turning back to the crafting bench. "Just make sure you think before you act."
Albedo tried to approach you a few times in the times he spotted you. When you weren't working on a case, you were spotted with Cyno. He had no idea why he felt this strange feeling about you, the yearning.
When the first attempt doesn't work, he decides to approach the traveler to explain his feelings for them. They lightly reject him, explaining they couldn't keep a relationship up with their current circumstances regarding their sibling, and Albedo feels surprised. He expected to feel hurt by this rejection, but he didn't feel anything of the sort.
"Albedo, are you okay?" Paimon yells, Albedo nodding.
"I..Traveler, what does love feel like? Or Jealousy? Or Yearning?" He lists off, the traveler clearing their throat.
"That's not a question I expected." The traveler eases out. "Feelings are complex, Albedo. People experience them in different ways, and some people...don't."
"Oh, I see..." Albedo trails off, looking at you who was now holding hands with Cyno as you take a walk.
"Was that a whimper?" Paimon gasps, Albedo realising he let out that sound again. The traveler looks in the same direction as Albedo, and they realise you were the source.
"...What happened with you two in the Library?" The traveler asks, Albedo thinking to himself.
"I told them about my feelings for you, and they didn't take it well." Albedo thinks out loud. "Now I'm not so sure my feelings are romantic. They may be only friendly."
The last day Cyno was in Mondstadt, you accompany him to the gates with his colleagues and Albedo.
"I'll write to you." You smile, Cyno nodding before he plants a kiss on your lips. You can't help but steal a second one, hearing a variety of noises.
An 'aww' from Collei, a groan from Tighnari, and a whimper from Albedo.
"Be sure to visit." Cyno states at the same time you do, both of you nodding before he finally takes his leave. After they disappear from your line of sight, you turn to return home only to feel Albedo grasp your wrist.
"May I have a moment?" Albedo asks. "I...wanted to ask you about your relationship with Cyno."
"Well, you saw." You state.
"I did, however...Are you both sure you can maintain this long distance?" Albedo asks, you narrowing your eyes at him.
"My relationship is none of your business." You begin, hand on your hip.
"Why are you trying to ask me about him? Did your confession to the traveler go wrong?" You ask, Albedo rubbing his neck as he decides to try something.
"It was rejected, but it clarified that I don't feel that way about them..." Albedo states, clearing his throat before looking directly at you. "I think I have these feelings for you instead."
"I've moved on, Albedo. If your feelings were true, you need to do the same." You tut, walking away from Albedo as he experiences the pain of unrequited love by himself.
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charlotte-official · 8 months
The Steambird - A Recap Spanning Roughly 10 Days!
Kaeya is still stuck on the mountain freezing to death with lisa. But hey, at least now diluc finally got to dragonspine after like.. two weeks. They are now finally descending down the mountain. Kaeya is still freezing to death.
Alas! Winery Owner Finally Manages to Make it up the Mountain to Save his Adopted Brother!
Kaeya Alberich, the Knights of Favonius’ Cavalry Captain, being still stuck on Dragonspine with Lisa Minci ultimately freezing to death with his Knights of Favonius colleague, is finally getting down the mountain!
Diluc Ragvindr finally made it up to rescue the two KoF members. He is now descending down the mountain with his adoptive brother in arms and the librarian trailing behind him as they rush towards the camp near the base of the mountain.
Kaeya, however, appears to be in quite the serious condition.
Will Kaeya pass from hypothermia? Or will Ragvindr and Minci be able to rescue the Cavalry Captain?
Everybody here at the Steambird waits in anticipation of the results. We hope Kaeya will make it out alive!!
Diluc still hates the fatui and continues to squabble with UTA.
Esteemed Dawn Winery Owner.. Continues to Squabble with Fatui Harbinger Clone as Would a Cranky Old Married Couple.
That’s it. That’s the story.
Kaveh gets confronted on having not taken care of himself as of late and anons scold him and attempt to make him take care of himself more
He is currently opting to hide out in a ruin for the next century like how madame faruzan accidentally got stuck in a ruin for 100 years.
Anon threatens to call his friends TIghnari- a forest ranger, Cyno- the general Mahamatra, and Scribe Alhaitham. (which I continue to believe is entangled in some affair with the architect!)
Famed Ksharewar Architect Accused of not Taking Care of Himself.. and Being in a Relationship with the Former Acting Grand Sage of the Akedemiya?!
Kaveh, a famous architect from the Darshan of Ksharewar, was called out by an anonymous user for having not properly cared for himself!
In an ask, an anon questions him with a truth or dare question.. but regardless skips all casualties and asks a question anyway. Specifically asking how many hours the Architect has slept this week.
Kaveh reluctantly answers by counting off of his fingers.. and ending up with less than even a whole hand with fingers up.(Meaning that he’s slept for less that five hours.)
The anon then gives him a dare: go to sleep.
Kaveh instantly denies his lack of sleep and argues against the not so accusation, protesting that he for one has no eye bags and is perfectly sane and has projects to finish nonetheless.
The anon threatens to call the former Acting Grand Sage, Alhaitham, to which Kaveh is flabbergasted and demands to ask why Alhaitham of all peo
Nobody seems to believe that one though.
After some back and forth and a few threats of calling the Architects friends(the General Mahamatra, Forest Ranger Tighnari, and of course, the Former Acting Grand Sage/Akedemiya’s scribe, Alhaitham), Kaveh admits that if he must go into hiding, he says he’s thinking of going to go hide out in a ruin for the next century.
(much like how Madame Faruzan, Senior in Haravatat was stuck in a ruin for a century solving puzzles.)
Madame Faruzan pops in to ask what’s going on and Kaveh asks her to help him out.
..nevermind the anons wasted no time telling her his lack of self care.
Arataki Itto, leader of the Arataki gang, is once again scolded by his colleagues, Kuki Shinobu, the deputy leader, and Takuya the blue oni, the.. Uh.. other member. This time being for having a poster of his face plastered on a billboard in Ritou. Which, without a permit, is pretty illegal. So Kuki Shinobu tries to reprimand Itto by telling him to go take it down, but he denies saying it was his pet bull, Ushi, who put up the poster. Takuya ended up taking it down anyway.
Arataki Gang Leader Illegally Decorates Ritou Billboard.. What? What do you Mean it was his Cow?
Arataki Itto, leader of the Arataki Gang, was questioned by Arataki Gang deputy, Kuki Shinobu, of why there was a poster on a billboard in Ritou with a scrawl of Itto’s face posted illegally.
Friends of Arataki Itto, both Takuya the Blue Oni and Kuki Shinobu, question why the seemingly self portrait is up on the billboard without a permit.
Itto pops into the discussion and when the two demand for answers, he frantically blames it on Ushi. Which, despite the headline, is actually a bull.
That’s right. Arataki Itto blamed an illegal act of posting something on a billboard without a permit on the poor bull as tall as his knee.
Naturally Takuya and Kuki Shinobu did not believe his protests.
Itto flees the scene and Takuya chases after Itto.
Takuya later caves and takes the poster down himself.
Hat Guy of Vahumana learns to break out of his shell and befriends a child named Malak and now they have matching hats! How cute.
Hat Guy Softens Up for the like.. Third Time in Genshin-Official History
There’s not a lot to cover, but essentially, a small child who lives in the Birmastan steals Hat Guys hat and after returns it. The two then become friends of sort and after a recommendation from Lesser Lord Kusanali, Hat Guy takes the child, then revealed to be named Malak, to the Grand Bazaar.
Malak now has a hat.
The two now match.
Isn’t that cute?
Bennett, an adventurer notorious for being incredibly unlucky, lost his boots. Chief Alchemist Albedo and popular bartender Diona of the Cat’s Tail report that they saw them at the gates of the city.
Unlucky Adventurer Somehow Loses His Boots. Like, the Ones he was Probably Wearing. How Does That Happen?
Bennett, an adventurer from Mondstadt notorious for being incredibly unlucky but nonetheless cheerful and pleasant overall, lost his boots.
When? A few days ago. How? No idea. Where? Dunno. Where were they(the boots) found? Well, Bartender Diona, while apparently gathering dandelions near the city gate to make her next big concoction, spotted the boots near the city gates.
Albedo also says he saw the boots by the city gates.
How did the boots even get there in the first place?
I suppose only Celestia has the answer to that one..
Nameless bard confesses to having placed flowers around the City of Mondstadt. While it did look nice temporarily, it wasn't very great to clean up afterward. Diona expressed her displeasure at having to clean up after her boss, Margaret, owner of the Cat’s Tail, made her clean it up. She reluctantly forgave the bard anyway and moved on with her day.
Ghost from Mondstadt Revolution Confesses to Placing Flowers Around Mond City. Here’s the Aftereffects.
Nameless Bard, a ghost from the Mondstadt revolution who is notorious for belting out sick comebacks, admitted to encouraging the children of Mondstadt to go spreading flowers all over the City.
He did this after another very alive bard, Venti, came out to make sure nobody assumed he encouraged the children of this.
Adventurer Bennett was rather surprised that people were unhappy about the array of flowers all around the city and thought to himself that the flowers had looked nice.
Sister Barbara of the Mondstadt Cathedral and popular idol didn’t really mind the flowers and laughed it off.
Diona of the Cats Tail on the other hand was rather upset because apparently owner of the cats tail, Margaret, had made her clean up the flowers around the tavern.
She shortly after waves it off though.
Arataki Itto tries to eat Sangonomiya Kokomi, the Divine Priestess or Watatsumi Island’s fish friends. Much to her horror.
Gang Leader Itto Eats Fish. Watatsumi Island Head Priestess is Appalled.
Sangonomiya Kokomi, the head priestess of Watatsumi Island, had quipped about how cute and fascinating fish are.
Arataki Itto, leader of the Arataki Gang.. being Arataki Itto, leader of the Arataki Gang, said and I quote, “Fish, Nomnomnomnomnomnomnom”
Sangonomiya Kokomi was appalled and cried out for him to stop since she sees the fish like her children. She said, “fish are friends, not food.”
Zhongli from Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, agrees with the Divine Priestess, saying that fish are not food.
Arataki Itto, for once, makes a good argument and gives the example that a dish such as Squirrel Fish exists and that fish are indeed food.
Zhongli starts talking about fish texture and Itto becomes utterly confused.
To this day, he still remains confused.
Chief Alchemist Albedo officially sets out for Sumeru and unexpectedly, Bartender Diona tags along.
Mondstadt Chief Alchemist Officially Sets out for Sumeru.. And Takes a Cat With Him.
Albedo, Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius, officially sets on a journey for Sumeru.
Probably for Nilou, esteemed dancer from Zubayr Theater,’s picnic.
This picnic was announced about a month ago and people from Fontaine to Mondstadt will be attending. It seems like quite the event.
While Albedo announces he’ll be going, Bartender Diona from the Cats Tail, practically clings onto his leg, demanding to come with him.
She apparently is sick of her job and wants to get out of Mondstadt.
Albedo let’s her come with him, and the next morning they set out for Liyue, a pit stop they will stop at before heading into Sumeru.
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scaredpigeons · 1 year
Reincarnation Theory; an attempted breakdown on Alhaitham and Kavehs relationship that will never come to fruition because Hoyoverse are cowards— by Pidge.
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When I finally got my hands on Alhaitham, I was ecstatic. Not only because damn, I finally get to play as this hunky, genius know-it-all pretty boy who would surely never give me the time of day if we were in the same room, but because attaining his character in game gave me first class tickets to learning more about him.
Up until his release as a playable character, we didn’t really know much about Alhaitham. He seemed cocky and aloof, sure of himself and had the knowledge to back up those attributes. It was honestly a little frustrating to see a character who acted so much like one you’d want to hate, but you simply just…. Couldn’t. Because seriously…? He’s not wrong. Dig a little deeper, and a lot of players found his actions and personality type to be extremely autism coded, and honestly refreshing for a lot of neurodivergent players like myself, so used to never seeing “undesirable” personality traits in characters who are designed with the intention for you to love them.
Working on building up Alhaitham to be my main Dps was entertaining, and in doing so I ventured more into the desert, learning more and more about the mysterious King Deshret and his seemingly abandoned society.
The symbolism found within ruins and relics had me jumping to conclusions so quickly. Rushing to message my best friend and fellow genshin impact enthusiast, Kier, to tell them of my theory.
Alhaitham has to be a reincarnation of king deshret! There’s so much symbolic mirroring in his design, his constellation, everything! Even if he isn’t, he has to have something to do with this ancient society, I mean c’mon, look at him.
And Kier, ever the seemingly nihilistic critical thinker brushed me off.
I’ve not payed much attention to the desert lore so far, they’d said. It’s sort of boring and white washed, and I’m focusing on the archon quest line right now. But whatever you say, kiddo.
Of course being in the throes of a questline involving the dendro archon herself, and the questionable nature of the beloved scaramouche becoming a playable character, (I could write a whole essay on the problems of that story’s narrative alone, but I shall save that for another day) was enough to distract me from this thought process, but then he arrived.
Alhaitham’s story quest caused every cyno x haitham shipper to do a collective and dramatic record scratch, because who was this stunning blond bombshell and why is he so hot despite nagging at our boy?
Kaveh stole my heart immediately. One look at that little open back panel on his shirt and I was done for. And as the drip marketing started, and the leaks were sucked up the fans straws like a sugary drink on a hot summers day, I went digging.
Alhaitham has multiple voice lines dedicated to his flamboyant roommate, and several that mention him in passing. They have matching animations for when they are standing idle in game. Their signature dishes mimic foods from each others referenced cultures, even items within their Teapot gift sets are representative of each other in some way. For a game that so seemingly discourages relationships between adult playable characters (in favour of keeping an open ended relationship with the beloved traveller of course,) these two are seemingly more connected to each other than any two characters we’ve seen before.
So with my theory that Alhaitham is a reincarnation of King Deshret, that would make Kaveh the goddess of flowers, yeah?
That was my initial thought too, until I looked deeper and found the mirrors.
Mirror symbolism is extremely important to Alhaithams character. He is literally named after a prolific contributor to our understanding of vision, optics and light— Al-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham, born around a thousand years ago in present day Iraq. Alhaithams elemental skill and burst involve mirrors of dendro energy, which fly off and bounce off of each other when his burst is activated, much alike to how light bounces off a mirror.
Alhaithams character story lines mention that despite their seemingly tedious relationship, he really respects Kaveh and his intellect. Kaveh helps Alhaitham to look outside of his comfort zone, and Alhaitham helps keep Kaveh’s feet on the ground. He says they are excellent mirrors of one another, and takes their relationship as an opportunity to observe and learn things that he never might have without him.
Here’s where my blatant romanticism comes out to play. What if Kaveh is not the goddess of flowers, but the reincarnation of King Deshret himself? What if the two deities wanted to be reincarnated as perfect mirrors of one another, while still retaining qualities the other loved so dearly?
KD was very clearly an architect himself, the ruins and buildings of the desert are no small feat, which is what drew me to the idea that perhaps Kaveh is the king. Kaveh is an extremely skilled architect, literally known as the ‘light’ of his darshan. KD naturally would retain that love and devotion for aesthetics in design. But he loved the goddess of flowers, so why not reincarnate as someone she might love? Someone thoughtful and emotional, someone who cares, someone beautiful and full of life.
The goddess of flowers loved KD as well, for his undying will in his search for truth, for his strength, intelligence and ability to lead. Hell, she sacrificed herself just so he could get closer to his goal. But of course, she’d not be able to be rid of some of that care-free nature, that free will that lead her followers to love her so, hence her reincarnation into someone that Deshret would have loved, a person who dedicates their entire being to the truth, to the pursuit of knowledge, even if that means seeming self absorbed in the eyes of others (when in reality he’s only going to put effort into what is interesting to him, such is his own use of that free will.)
The GoF still roams the sands for her love, even though she’s not a fan of the sands that destroyed her in the first place, (Alhaithams ascension materials are found deep within desert caverns, “*tsk* there’s sand in my shoes”
And the mourning king still searches for his flowers that represent the love he lost so long ago. (KAVEHS ASCENSION MATS ARE MOURNING FLOWERS????)
Of course, this theory may change and grow as we learn more about Kaveh, as at the time i am writing this, he is still locked away in Hoyo’s basement. But rest assured, as soon as i get my hands on him i will take another deep dive into the lore behind these two morons, and we can further discover how connected they really are.
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