#and im like ‘wow u got what combo’
azaarchiive · 7 months
holiday girlfriend; semi eita
chapter three;
- not so surprise visit
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in your bed laid you, heavily pregnant and extremely tired. having little to energy due to the little life-sucker that resided in your belly.
you were scrolling mindlessly on your phone, trying to find anything to keep you entertained but paused when you saw him again.
pictures of him smoking, drinking with multiple girls on his lap. each picture contained him kissing a different girl with various poses.
to say you were jealous was an understatement.
the father to your child is out partying and fucking other girls, travailing around the world smoking, vaping, drinking and probably snoring whilst you stayed on maternity leave waddling around with little to no help.
your friends were around but you could hardly call them that, you never really sought out to make friends around your area since people in (country) could be quite mean.
however, now you are definitely regretting it.
you slammed your phone down beside you, groaning into your hands before resting the beside you as well.
you found the strength to slowly lift yourself up, making your way to the fridge to grab yourself a nice snack to help you wallow in your misery.
pickles, peanut butter, cottage cheese with m&ms on top.
as you can tell, pregnancy cravings his you differently.
your phone started ringing, an unknown number presenting itself in your phone.
you decided to ignore it, assuming it was those scammers that hit you up ever so often.
however, the same number called again,
and again
and again.
annoyed, you decided that you have ti actually socialise with with random person.
“what?” you said, picking up the phone despite every fibre of your being arguing against it.
“still have that same attitude i see.” the unknown voice said, chuckling slightly.
“who the fuck are you?” you asked, you could tell that this was someone from japan from both the number and the accent, but you only know one person from there and that person would never hit you up again.
“it’s me y/n, eita.” as soon as he said that, you hung up the phone. you had no energy to deal with his bullshit and frankly wanted to live peaceful.
but he clearly had the energy as he called you again, talk about obsessed.
you rolled your eyes, knowing that if you didn’t pick up now that he would keep calling until he finally got to you. you knew how relentless and annoying he was.
“semi i don’t want to deal with you, i am 6 months pregnant, tired, alone and eating pickles with peanut butter and m&ms with a side of cottage cheese.” you said, tears brimming your eyes as you realised what your life has truly come to.
“wow, interesting combo but i don’t judge. i just wanted to talk.” semi sighed.
“well we are fucking talking now, so you can kindly leave.” you rolled your eyes.
“no like, about everything. how we ended, the baby, life, everything.” semi explained.
“well what if i don’t want to talk?” you asked sassily, semi didn’t deserve your kindness, you and him both knew that.
“that would be a shame since i’m standing right in front of your door.” semi chuckled.
you stood there in shock, how unbelievably could someone be?
“well- too bad! i moved far far away and you can never see me or your child again. goodbye, i hope you die.” you huffed.
“y/n i can hear you from out here, just let me in please.” semi pleaded.
“no! i mean, im not there so how can u let you in?” you argued.
“y/n, please. i know i don’t deserve to even be anywhere near you but just hear me out. if not for you, then for our child.” semi sighed.
y/n paused, semi did have a point. who is she to shut him out from his own child? although he was more than a dick, that dick was what caused a new life to be growing in your stomach.
she quietly ended the call and shuffled to the door, opening it to see the man in question standing outside awkwardly.
“long time no see?” semi said.
you rolled your eyes and started closing the door on him.
“wait wait! sorry, i know it was corny i just didn’t know what to say!” semi stopped to door with his foot.
you opened the door again, a small smile slowly making its way into your face before you wiped it off as quickly as it came. you could t let yourself fall back into his arms just because he seemed to care about you all of a sudden.
“come in, and no corny movie lines or you will be kicked out effective immediately” you warned.
a warm smile came onto semi’s face as nodded quickly, making his way into your house.
“god give me strength” you muttered.
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“so why have you suddenly decided to care about us?” you asked, putting your hand on your belly and rubbing it protectively.
‘cute’ semi thought to himself, feeling a small pink dust find its way into his face.
“well after talking with my therapist- ok it’s not that funny” semi rolled his eyes at your silent giggles.
“i’m sorry! i just find it funny that out of the both of us, you were the one to actually get therapy.” you laughed.
“i had this therapist way before i met you, don’t worry you aren’t that special.” semi rolled his eyes.
“excuse me?” your laughter completely stopped, eyes piercing straight through his relaxed figure, challenging him directly.
“n-nothing!” semi choked out, fear swallowing him whole.
“but anyways, he helped me realise that, i had a duty as a father -regardless of how i feel- to provide and support for not only you, but my child. i’m sorry, for being a coward and running when things got serious. i have no excuse but i can definitely say that i have payed the price for leaving the both of you.” semi said, he held eye contact the whole time, letting you know how serious he was about his apology.
“i appreciate it, i’m assuming that this is leading for you wanting to be apart of your child’s life?” you raised an eyebrow.
“of course, i’ll pay for all the expense and, i want you to move to japan with me.” semi proposed which made you choke on your spit.
was he insane? you spoke the language sure but not as well as you would have liked to. you had your whole life and job here, moving to a whole new country pregnant will definitely be a hard task.
“i know what you’re thinking, but think about it. i would be able to support you better, i already have a room prepared for you and i can help you get a job post maternity. you work in promotion right? i know people that could get you a job in that sector.” semi explained.
you couldn’t lie, seeing him so dedicated to taking care of you and the child was very attractive.
‘don’t let the pregnancy hormones full you y/n!’ you said to yourself.
“i know it’s a lot, i’m still staying here for a few more days so you have time to think about it. i promise you y/n, im am more serious than ever about this.” semi took a hold of your hand, giving you those damn puppy eyes he always did when he wanted to get his way.
“i’ll take my leave now, seriously think about it.” were semi’s final words before departing.
“god i asked for strength and instead you brought in a semi eita? thank a lot”
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pinkpicket · 2 years
What is the best and worst quality of your future spouse? A TAROT READING
Okay uglies im back with another reading. Hope u enjoy.
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Pile 1
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Best quality: constantly on the road traveling so ver adventurous and spontaneous. Like u know how some people never settle somewhere? Ya they're that it's like they left their hometown and ever since they never stopped. Tbh im getting vibes of being on tour like someone sorta famous ( idk if u know the song ride by lana del rey but it beautifully captures the life of ur future spouse but in a more negative light so no worries the song doesn't exactly show how they feel emotionally) so verrry wild and untamable
Worst quality: someone overly emotional that tend to ignore all the red flags just for the sake of love so very naive. It could also mean not being emotionally stable like overly emotional but also not emotionally available. It's a very weird combo.
Pile 2
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Best quality: they're very happy with what they have, it might not be the best possible and most beautiful thing in the world but they're very happy with it. So it's like whatever or whoever im stuck with im very happy with even tho others might not seem it as worthy. They truly seem like someone that's very grateful for everything they have I actually can hear them say " so what if u r not the most beautiful person to them? So what if we're not filthy rich or extra fucking happy?? I love you that's all that matters. Our thing might be little and forgetful to others but to me it's all i ever wanted. You're all i ever wanted and I don't care if there's better people out there bc at the end of the day you are all i want" wow okay listen I'll be honest with you, out of all the piles only urs is true love. Unconditional love. That's one fucking loyal spouse let me tell you. And they'll be very fucking proud of the way u r and won't ask you to change a thing about urself bc what u r is already perfect to them. Truly beautiful.
Worst quality: honestly their wosrst quality is not something they can ever control it's like life loves to fuck with this person and that's actually the reason they learned to appreciate and love little things. They weren't just born grateful no they learned to be grateful. So it's almost like life ever game them the chance to ever truly bloom to their full potential almost like setback after setback. They were never given once in a lifetime chance. They're also kinda shy which makes sense for someone that's not used to be in the light or the centre of attention. Honestly this makes me so sad bc none of this was ever their fault, they were a victim of circumstance.
You really got the longest reading lmaooo.
Pile 3
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Ohhh lot's of air energy.
Best quality: they're veryyy humble and down to earth. U would never see them bragging even they are the most successful person. Truly a rare quality to have nowadays.
Worst quality: ok shit um soo... they might not always have the best intentions like they do certain good deeds just to get something in return. They're not exactly the knight with the shining armor that does everything to save the princess just out of the goodness of his heart, rather im-going-to-save-the-princess-bc-the-king-wil-give-me-something-in-return type of knight.
Pile 4
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Best quality: they're the winner lmaoo and everyone is either jealous of them or they wanna be them. They're constantly celebrated for their achievements and they know their fucking worth too. They're proud of themselves.
Worst quality: oohhh we got the master planner. See now that can be a good thing but in this case it's not. U might be wondering why? Well... they don't care they'll play dirty if it means for them to win. They would sit their asses down and have a whole plan to ruin someone's life just so they can celebrate another win for 5 min. Very dangerous so don't fuvk with them unless u wanna get fucked over.
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DILF LINO HOLY SHIT YES PLEASE I AM BEING ON MY KNEES ….. 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️THE LINO BIAS + DILF FETISHIST IN ME IS DYING INSIDE…………………………………………………………..
imagine dilf next door!lino. he is a single dad with 3 cats and 1 child. he recently divorced his ex-wife because she cheated on him and was unhealthily self-absorbed to the point of narcissism. he was blind to fall in love with her and bear her toxicity. he was blind to the red flags she exhibited over the years. the final blow was when he found out she’s secretly been cheating on him with a man named seungmin. he fought extensively for custody of his child and his cats and he gratefully won. he never wants his little girl or his beloved kittens growing up with that wretched woman.
he settles in the spacious condo across from you because he wants lots of room for his cats and his child to roam freely. it all started with a small introduction.
“oh hi! I’m minho. and this is my little daughter minha and my three kitties, sooni, doongi, and dori. im glad to be a new neighbor and hope to get to know my neighbors more sometime!”
his smile is heartwarming and his presence exudes love and warmth. a handsome, wholesome father who wants the best life for his child and his pets. 🥺you’re usually quite busy with work and volunteering. and sometimes when minho’s door is open, his cats like to run out to u to see who’s outside. and he has to pull them back inside. one evening u come home from work and this starts happening.
“sorry about that! my cats can be quite flighty sometimes. they always love seeing who’s at the door” he apologizes. “and feel free to drop by for desserts if you’d like! I just made a ton brownies and cupcakes today.”
you can clearly smell brownies and muffins from a distance so you decide to come in and try some for yourself. the inside of his condo feels luxe, but home-y. well-decorated and well kept despite some yarn balls and bratz dolls sitting around. and pumpkin spice candles lit up on the dining table. as you step into the kitchen and take a bite of his mocha muffins, you let out the biggest MMM of your life. perfectly made. not too sugary but not too subdued. he thinks your reaction is adorable and he’s glad you like them.
“WOW! these are SO good! can you teach me how to make these! i wanna learn how to bake as exquisitely as you.” you suggest.
“hmm…you know, I usually keep my elixir delights a mystery…” minho discloses with a snide smirk on his face. “but I’d be more than delighted to show you. after all, you are my next door neighbor and I find you endearing to be around,” he responds.
his words shouldn’t make u this flustered but you gotta admit. he’s quite the handsome dad. his beauty is ethereal and you could easily get lost in his hypnotic eyes. his body is godly and you do the best you can not to stare at him and drool on the spot. you’d think hes unreal the moment you look at him. he has a subtle, yet deadly sex appeal.
but…….he’s also kindhearted, respectful of your boundaries, & full of love for his child and his cats. and hes got quite the sense of humor….his occasional deadpan jokes never fail to put a smile on your face. and sometimes he makes you laugh until your stomach hurts. the fact that the sweetest dad ever is also one of the finest men you’ve ever eyed is a lethal combo.
you guys decide to reconvene the next weekend and that whole day, he teaches u the intricacies behind his sugary elixir delights. over the months, the two of you bake together more and more frequently and his daughter even comments about how nice you are and how she wishes you were her mother 🥺 both you and minho get flustered by such a straightforward comment. this made u curious to know more about minho’s past but don’t wanna interfere with his privacy. you really wonder what his ex-wife did to divorce such a kind, beautiful man like him. as you two get to know each other more over time, he eventually feels comfortable opening up to you about such personal topics. and once you find out, you start tearing up and give him the biggest hug ever. you cry into his arms and he comforts you with pats on the shoulder.
“I’m so sorry you ever had to go through that. you’re such a good father in every way possible. you deserve the best love on earth. how dare she take advantage of you like this!?” you say as you continue sobbing.
“aw dont cry dear. as painful as that experience was, I’m in a much better place now and we’re doing amazing now.” minho responds with a kiss on your forehead.
it was right then and there when you felt trillions of sparks inside of you. his warm embrace coupled with that forehead kiss. these things have never happened throughout your time of getting to know him. you felt butterflies all over and you look up at him in confusion. “I-…uh…did u j-just kiss m-...me?”
“oh I hope I didn’t make you unco-“
“no you’re good! I was just taken aback by it.”
minho’s expression went from worry to ease. he pecks ur forehead again and you giggle because it makes u so giddy.
“Can I ….kiss you?” he shyly asks. he hopes he’s respecting your boundaries and doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable with such intimacy.
“awe of course! i didn’t realize you could be such a good kisser despite only kidding my forehead!”
minho grabs your lips and gives you the most electrifying, earth-shattering kiss you’ve ever had. he kisses you like there’s no tomorrow and shows you how passionate he is. and you two don’t even realize you’re making out until he pulls away. even he’s a little giddy by you.
“you are amazing. i hope you know that. and uh…i-….I hope this doesn’t sound out of pocket but…. are you willing to be my beloved girlfriend?”
you respond by kissing him again, resulting in another unintentional make out session.
the two of you burst into hysterical laughter and he apologizes to his daughter for having seen that.
“alright sweetheart it’s time for bed now. do you want me to read u a bedtime story?” minho inquires.
“YES YES OF COURSE!” minha eagerly nods. please read jack and the beanstalk to me again! and can she join pretty PLEASEEEE!?”
he looks to you to see if you’re fine with it and you also nod. both of you take turns reading each page of jack and the beanstalk until minha falls asleep and once you guys are done, he pecks her forehead. but she also looks to you and asks YOU for a kiss. and of course you decide to give her a peck as well.
minho turns off minha’s light and says good night. once her door is closed, minho holds your hand and walks you over to the living room.
“I hope I didn’t keep you around for too long. but before you head back to sleep, I just wanted to say thank you for being such a great companion to me over these past few months. i usually don’t open up about my personal life like that but I hope that through this newly established relationship, we can develop mutual love and trust for each other. i want to take things slow with you and make sure you’re comfortable with me. the love I have for you is more than anything I couldn’t possibly express verbally.”
he gives you another warm hug. you could literally fall asleep in his arms if you wanted to. he decides to walk you back home despite it being one door across from his. but of course, minho being him, he loves being a gentleman and making sure you’re safe.
over time, you feel more and more comfortable disclosing your deepest darkest secrets……including a fetish you never would’ve thought he’d be into…….👀
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Babe, I don't even know what to add to this.
This is an absolute masterpiece.
I don't know what to add to this to make it better when it's already as perfect as it is!!
Would you like a lil anon tag?
Imagine living near Lee Know with his cats!!
I just know he would be an amazing father too!!
The type to constantly give his kids amazing dishes with such nutritious food.
The type to constantly post pics on Instagram of filters with his kids & his cats.
And I just know that he would give the most amazing squishy hugs!!
Please, go more into fetishes!!
I also feel he would love to cover his hand over your mouth when he's pounding into you.
'Shhh, honey. You don't want to wake the kids' he'd whisper into your ear as his fingers are shoved down your throat.
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I mean, absolute d!lf energy right here.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
U-Ummm… Maybe Emu and Nene tickling Tsukasa and Rui…? I hope that’s not too much trouble…
Final warning
Hello! Tysm for the request, I had fun writing this ^^
Its never trouble for me to write these, so feel free to leave more reqs. if youd like! Theyre quite helpful when idk what to write about
Hope you like it :)
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Emu x Nene x Tsukasa x Rui (interpret as you wish)
Lers: Emu, Nene
Lees: Rui, Tsukasa
Warnings: Tickles!
Nene could feel her patience running very thin, and it was all thanks to the weirdo wombo combo. Rui and Tsukasa had been bickering all day over the most irrelevant and silliest things and it was driving poor Nene insane.
"Can't you two keep it down over there?!" Said Nene annoyedly. The two boys stopped their argument and looked at her for a moment, before going right back to whatever they were talking about this time. Nene sighed in defeat, those two could be quite a pain at times. Desperate times call for desperate measures, Nene thought, but she was going to need some help.
She got up from her seat and went over to where Emu was. Nene explained the situation and whispered her plan to the pink girl. Emu quickly agreed, eager to cause some mischief.
Emu then got up and charged straight towards Tsukasa, tackling him onto the bed as she yelled out 'Wondahoi!'.
"ACK-! Emu, what are you dohoHOING?!" Tsukasa couldn't help the surprised cackle that escaped him as he felt a funny feeling along his ribcage. He tried to squirm away but Emu had him pinned, and the tickling certainly wasn't helping. "Ehemu stahap thahahat!".
"Wow! Tsukasa is soo ticklish! Tickle tickle tickle~!" Emu teased as Tsukasa squealed and cackled underneath her, trying to swat her hands away from his tickle spots.
Rui couldn't help but feel amused at the scene happening next to him. But he didn't notice the pair of hands that sneaked behind him and tazed his sides.
"GyaHA-!" He quickly turned around only to be confronted by Nene, who looked like she was out for blood (in this case laughter).
"Don't think you're getting out of this" Said Nene as she descended her hands onto the purple guy's hips, squeezing and scribbling at the ticklish hipbone.
"AAAAH! WAHAHAIT! NEHEHENE! IM SAHAHARREEE!" Rui jumped like 10 feet in the air and fell back onto the bed, laughing his pretty head off.
"I bet you are now, I hope you learned your lesson" Nene kept on tormenting the tickle spot as Rui curled up into a ball and held onto her wrists weakly. On the other side, Emu decided to experiment on Tsukasa's tummy.
"Hey Tsukasa, is your tummy ticklish?" Asked the pink haired girl intrigued as she poked it repeatedly.
"AHAHA! EEP-! Y-YEHES IT'S VEHEHERY TICKLISH! NOW STAHAHAP!" Tsukasa threw his head back in laughter as she kept on poking that dreaded spot. His cheeks were super red from this embarrassing yet fun situation.
"Ohhhhh, what about here?? Pokey poke poke~" Emu teased as she started poking the troupe leader's sides up and down.
"EHEHEHE! I-IHIT TICKLES! STAHAHAHAP!" Tsukasa pointed out the obvious as he covered his flustered face with his hands. Emu kept on with her poke attack on his tummy and sides, enjoying all the fun noises the blonde was producing at each poke.
Going back to the purple guy, Nene was currently tickling all over his sides and tummy, causing Rui to cackle like a madman.
"AHAHAHAHAHA! N-NEHENE PLEHEHEASE!" Rui was such a blushy and giggly mess. The tickling caused him to lose all his strenght so he just layed there and took it like a champ.
"Please what? Please tickle you more??" Nene chuckled as Rui shook his head and squealed at the tease. She then proceeded to jam her fingers into his armpits, tormenting the sensitive skin.
"GYAHH!!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Poor Rui couldn't even talk anymore from how much it tickled, only sweet, uncontrollable laughter would pour out his lips. He just clamped his arms down and rolled around hoping to get away not really, but of course Nene wouldn't allow that.
Going back to Tsukasa, Emu had gotten the bright idea of lifting up his shirt and tickling his bare tummy, sending the blonde into hysterics.
"GAHAHAHAHAHA! N-NO MOHOHORE!" Tsukasa's laugh had gotten pretty wheezy, it was quite funny to witness. But Nene could tell that he was reaching his limits, Rui falling not so far behind.
"Hey Emu, I think this is a good place to stop" Nene halted her fingers that were tormenting Rui's armpits, causing said boy to lay limp and quickly catch his breath as stray giggles came out of him.
"Aww...but he's so much fun to tickle~!" Emu said enthusiastically as she teasingly circled her finger around his navel. Poor Tsukasa squealed and tried sucking in his overly ticklish tummy. "You can torture him some more later, for now they both need a break".
"Okay!" Emu finally stopped her tickle attack as she got off Tsukasa. The troupe leader was still giggling like a madman at the ghost tickles. "Thahat was mehehean...!".
"Sorry if I took it too far..." Tsukasa could feel his heart shatter at the sight of Emu's saddened expression. "Well...it wasn't THAT bad".
"Does that mean I can tickle you again?!" Emu quickly went back to her overly energetic self. "Ugh...fine, but later, okay??".
"Yayyyy!" Emu cheered as she tackled him into a hug. "AHH! Y-you really need to stop doing that...".
"Now...I trust that the two of you will behave yourselves??" Nene asked, seeming like a scolding parent. Rui and Tsukasa quickly nodded their heads. Even if they had the guts to defy her, they were both completely drained out from the tickles, opting to doze off for now. Who knows what other shennanigans they'll annoy Nene with later on...
Wrote this late at night so sorry for any errors xc
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Terezi Pyrope, Roxy Lalonde
Meat, page 36
ROXY: omg terezi i didnt know u were back!
ROXY: what UP???
ROXY: o lmao that makes sense
ROXY: i thought for a minute u were appreciating my rad new look
ROXY: but i know i got a ways to go b4 i dethrone the original coolkid
ROXY: wow thx!
ROXY: lol no WAY
ROXY: terezi ur like the raddest chick i know
ROXY: um yeah i fuckin DO say so
ROXY: dont make me repeat myself
ROXY: so....
ROXY: ur here to see jade huh??
ROXY: yeaaa
ROXY: its lookin grim
ROXY: on one hand shes just layin there so theres not rly a chance of her doin anything either evil or heroic to off herself permanently
ROXY: but its also been so long its like
ROXY: is she just gonna sleep forever???
ROXY: yeah lol i feel bad crackin jokes about it but
ROXY: i think its what shed want
ROXY: us havin hope n all
ROXY: oh
ROXY: back when jade first got all effed up callie saw somethin and it made them freak out
ROXY: it took me weeks to convince them that it was safe to come home
ROXY: but now we got the opposite problem and they arent leavin the house at all
ROXY: they stay home all day with the blinds drawn paintin some weird ass shit on the walls
ROXY: its not as bad as it sounds i promise
ROXY: some of it is like
ROXY: weird and violent??
ROXY: like lotsa nasty purple blood and um
ROXY: nudity????
ROXY: yeah yikes
ROXY: but MOST of it is cute stuff like... various combos of all of us being happy and gettin married and shit
ROXY: anyway thats kept callie kinda busy
ROXY: so it was hard as hell to convince them to let me come see jade at all
ROXY: its like theyre traumatized
ROXY: and they think ill drag whatever possessed jade back into our home with me
ROXY: maybe idk
ROXY: im not gonna push them
ROXY: callies got all kinda hang ups about their existence and purpose and potential lack thereof
ROXY: when theyre ready to talk about it i want them to be able to talk about it u know?
ROXY: oh that reminds me!
ROXY: have u seen john lately?
ROXY: he went back to the medium a while ago right??
ROXY: i thought
ROXY: maybe u and he crossed paths
ROXY: oh....
ROXY: damn thats too bad
ROXY: callie n i have been worried
ROXY: kinda hoped he woulda come back
ROXY: or at least let us know what hes up to
ROXY: ugh between this and whats goin on with jade the lack of closures gonna keep me up at night
ROXY: hey its fine
ROXY: u cant fix everyones problems
ROXY: wat
ROXY: who u loudly whispering to
ROXY: ummm
ROXY: kay well i should get goin
ROXY: was nice catchin up!
ROXY: dont be a stranger alright?
ROXY: lmao ur a riot
ROXY: but u know what i mean
ROXY: 8)
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itsstraykids · 6 months
hello june!! nice to meet u too! ur name is actually so close to the name i use too lmao. hope ur doing well! u dont have to answer all the questions! just whatever u think might be relevant or helpful(that can let me know abt what u like!!) and hopefully the questions are not overwhelming! im just a tad bit nervous as its my first time participating in a secret santa event of any kind! with that said!-
when did u get into skz? and! if there was a particular moment/reason han became ur bias? (apart from him being amazing lmao)
what genre or era of hannie might be your fave, if u do have one?
do u have any beloved moments that u really like? of either han or skz?
if u could choose, would u want a gift only of han, or would you like to include other members or even the whole group as well?
do u have any favorite mvs? !! or any other content video or solo stuff?
hope u have a good day!!!! stay warm if its cold wherever u are!!
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG i was really overthinking it hahaha 😅 Don't be nervous! Though i'm a little nervous too, this is only my second time participating in a fandom secret santa. I'm sure whatever we make will turn out nice!
when did u get into skz? and! if there was a particular moment/reason han became ur bias? (apart from him being amazing lmao)
I got into stray kids shortly before Maniac comeback, originally because i was curious about Felix haha, but over time Han won me over with his talent and hilarious sense of humor. His personality is just so great, he’s super talented and silly and knowledgeable and ridiculous all at the same time. I was really blown away by his episode of the Lee Mujin show, he is such an incredible vocalist but it isn’t even his main focus in the group. And don’t get me started on his rapping! 😤 Not to mention I love his songwriting, i’m always so impressed by him. Chill, Collision, Miserable, etc. have all been songs I end up with on repeat.
what genre or era of hannie might be your fave, if u do have one?
that silent cry fancam hmm the outfits from maniac and (more recently) rockstar era were top tier. The rockstar musiccore outfit from 11/11 is legendary to me 😳 Orange-hair han also has a special place in my heart.
do u have any beloved moments that u really like? of either han or skz?
I recently re-watched skz code episodes 25/26, the christmassy ones, and han was so funny and adorable the whole time! They all were actually. It’s hilarious how they bicker with each other.
if u could choose, would u want a gift only of han, or would you like to include other members or even the whole group as well?
Hmmm I’ll leave that up to you! All combos of the members have their own charm and I love them all, but especially Hannie’s vibe with Chan or Changbin. Can you tell I’m 3racha biased
do u have any favorite mvs? !! or any other content video or solo stuff?
Ahhhh there’s too many to choose from 🥺 Chill has SUCH an amazing sophisticated vibe that I love from them. Super Board, Cheese, and Gone Days are so fun, while Venom was sick, Ex is beautiful, and hello stranger has a simple concept but it’s so gripping (i love that song)…the range is truly amazing. But I think my all time favorite is Easy. And my favorite skz content is definitely Code 😬 they’re just too funny i love them sm
Wow that was way too much info haha. Anon, who is your skz bias?? When did you join the fandom? I’m curious about you as well! Hope you had a good weekend!
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anosci · 1 year
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(136-150 albums etc that I’ve listened to this year, copied from twitter) (now with art. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11])
names and thoughts below cut
136/ Proc Fiskal - RT Hon (2023) absurdly cool hi tech sound de sign it fills a neat space where it's not "heavy" but it's not "chill" either.
137/ VA - SPC 18 (2023) absolutely insane turnout for this one! namedropping hilites: "doodack beta" BANGER. MASSIV. "a, b, or d-side?" cute :D "NO MORE SUICIDES" MASSIVELY UNDERRATED MINDBENDER. ERFBOUND. "the most average cbat in ohio" mad decent B)
138/ Dialed - Dials And Tribulations (2023) a nice chillout idm sort of flavor kinda late 00s sound somewhat? alright all around
139/ Jesper Kyd - Warhammer 40K: Darktide OST (2022) i got a comment abt JK's electostyle shining in here and… partial agree. the man loves his epic orch but when he pulls out the synths he goes hard. much love for both in "Transmission Commences". +holy shit "Disposal Unit"!
140/ Keiichi Suzuki - Mother Revisited (2021) this is a heartfelt reprise of the more human side of earthbound's soundtrack. ("mostly" because… wow there's some psychedelics here.) sadly overall not quite my cup of tea, but i cant help but admire the, well… heart.
141/ GRiZ - Rebel Era (2013) man this griz fellow makes some sexy music. finally, some funk in my wobs!
142/ Machine Girl - 13th Hour EP (2013) hmm. this doesn't quite vibe with me and i can't place why. except "Trigger Finger", which feels like an odd one out?
143/ Falcon Funk - Falcon Funk EP (2013) i am excited to announce that koan sound is not the only funky wob dude kicking ass in the early 10s. final track is a bit weak, drifting into some less funky style. feels misplaced. but the first three tracks? hell to the yeah.
144/ Pegboard Nerds - The Lost Tracks (2013) two big highlights here for me: "FrainBreeze" holy hell an absolute banger opening. i love the FUNK "Lawless" is absolutely WILD to me. im down for the hard acid throwback. but the rest? still really good actually!
145/ Stenny & Andrea - Vostok Smokescreen (2013) the synths float and the drums have a lovely texture. exactly the kind of kind-of-techno hazy-but-not-really vibes that i needed tonight.
146/ KNOWER - Let Go (2013) oh yeah, i just remembered. i really really love the stabby synthy jazzy vibe these guys pull off. i honestly thought "time travler" wouldn't hold without anonymoose's video but wow it still slaps. hot damn.
147/ Genevieve Artadi - Forever Forever (2023) honestly sounds like it could've come from cuneiform. like a particularly relaxed Thinking Plague. soft and luxurious.
148/ Fantastic Plastic Machine - Scale (2013) man. there's a lot here but i'm struggling to mesh with it. this feels like FPM wanted a piece of that fidget electro swingy houseish action and then… produced something thatd steamroll a 1998 set, but in 2013… bluh :\
149/ Flume - Arrived Anxious, Left Bored (2023) massive and l u s h . this is a funny spot where i just had a good time so idk what to add lol. its good!
150/ Flare - DOTS (2013) man, ken ishii always hits just right for me. lots of raw synth stuff but with just enough of a liquid bed to sit comfortably. feels like a really great combo of "old vibes" and new.
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borealopelta · 4 years
its been like a year since i've had a real proper crush on anyone and its a wild ride fam
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kiss4kazu · 4 years
ooh! can i request something spicy?? maybe headcanons of claude, dimitri, and felix’s kinks?
spicy hcs | dimitri, felix, claude
this is combo between just kink hcs and also how first times being freaky w these three go hahhahahahhahah screams. this is not safe for kiddos so proceed with caution folks 
felix <3 
whew, okay. sweats. um 
so the first time u and felix do the do was definitely not planned. things tend to escalate a lot with felix when it comes to intimacy. pecks goodnight lead up to make out sessions and all of a sudden his hand is down your pants and you’re honestly not complaining. 
felix is definitely more of a giver than a receiver, not because he liked giving, but because he liked being in control. he liked seeing you writhe beneath him and all that jazz. 
he’d definitely deny you from reaching your high multiple times, partially to draw out the activity since you tend to come quite quickly beneath his touch but also because hearing you whine his name helplessly was a really big fucking turn on and he always swelled with pride knowing he was the only person who can turn you into a sobbing mess. 
felix has 2 moods. his soft and pliant types of fucking, and his arrogant, i’m big bad felix fraldarius and my cock is 30inches long type of fucking. he knows hes hot, he knows he has a pretty dick, might as well utilize it.
he hates praise when it’s ingenuine, for things intangible that he hadn’t earned himself. when it’s people praising him for his title or the power of a fraldarius battalion. 
but praise when it comes from you? when it’s you letting him know just how amazing he feels inside of you, how with every thrust of his hips your brain short-circuits and your eyes water with unspilled tears? when it’s you not being able to even form coherent words anymore because felix fraldarius is throbbing inside of you... yeah, that kind of praise. it does wonders for him and his dick. 
he’s also into hair-pulling
and overstimulation
hes also rly rly easily jealous like if someone else was making eyes with you or perhaps you were giggling a little too loudly with some handsome noble he’d just yank you away and march u up the stairs to his dormitory before kissing you hard 
he’s the type to make u beg and be rly possessive he’d just fuck you so ruthlessly hair stuck to his skin, panting “you’re mine. mine. say it” and u would just cry bc why tf he so sexy hello-
as mentioned in my kissing post, felix sucks the life out of you when he kisses you so it’s only logical that he fucks the life out of you too.  
im kidding ofc!! not rly
although he’s on the giving end of things, it’s still completely self-indulgent, felix gets off just knowing he’s getting you off because he’s a sexy narcissist like that. 
but on some days, he really really wanted you to know he cared a lot about you. 
felix isn’t the best with words, but he was really good with his tongue, so things usually worked out okay. he’d kiss you, everywhere. every inch of you, leaving hickeys in even the most visible places because who fucking cares. you were his, he needed you to know that. he needed everyone to know that. 
he can be sensitive sometimes too, make love, if you will. 
he has to be rly emotional tho, so it’s probably after something eventful happens in his life. like when the kingdom takes back fhirdiad, or wins the war. or when he’s sleepy and tired and wakes up hard and is just too lazy to put on his big bad scary persona. 
sleepy felix is submissive felix, aka my favorite felix. sleepy horny felix is all whiny and blushy and just wanted to come and he absolutely despised himself for it
you were well aware of how much he hated himself for being soft and needy, but that made teasing him all the more fun.
so yes, some nights felix would fuck you brainless and soak in the sound of your voice crying out his name helplessly. but on other nights, felix would lay down, his hair splayed against the pillow, your fingers twirling his locks and tugging gently as your other hand jerked him off, lips pressed against his as you breathed in his whines and grunts.
hearing him whine was a really rare sight, but it did slip out occasionally, when you squeezed the base of his member unexpectedly or when you took him deep into your throat and swallowed around him. felix really likes fucking your mouth. 
yeah felix is an emotionally constipated sex god 
claude ! 
whew lord. 
ok so claude, my sweet, cheeky, little shit <3 
the first time probs wasnt even intentional with him either he was just teasing you a little too much and things got a bit carried away but it’s a great time nonetheless
doing the do with claude is probably a rollercoaster ride, he would literally never shut up and would just say the most stupid things and you’d hate yourself for still being so desperate for his touch because somehow in between his terrible jokes and merciless teasing he whispered complete filth into your ears.
he’s a master of dirty talk, chuckling against the shell of your ear at the sound of you choking out a sob at his words, tugging at your earlobe just to spur you on even further. 
“don’t tell me you’re clocking out already?” you’d just glare at him in frustration despite your flushed cheeks and he’d kiss you on the tip of your nose and laugh in amusement at your misery 
he’ll literally do everything but fuck you, covering every inch of your skin in love bites, especially your chest. he’d literally eat you out or suck you off until you were dizzy but if you want him inside of you, he’d definitely make you beg. 
if you ever tried to get smart with him… um, he’d uh .. p-punish you 
not like in a pain kink type of way he’d just pull out right before you could nut and would laugh maniacally in your face afterwards because that’s what you get for being a smart ass ! denying u from coming is basically how he punishes u so its a pretty long night but claude’s really really good with his tongue so you’re guaranteed to come like 3 times at minimum anyways
he’d devour you, all smirks and with eyes filled with mirth and he wouldn’t give in until you were absolutely wrecked under him. 
he’s very um… dominant, i would say
but not an aggressive dom, definitely a playful dom who enjoys edging and teasing a bit too much 
he’s also pretty experimental, i can see claude as a bit of an exhibitionist also, he’d probably fuck you in the cathedral just for shits and giggles 
but he is human and despite how much of  a little shit claude is he’s just as wrecked as you he’s just much better at hiding it 
he’d probs quit the teasing once he himself can’t handle it anymore
and wow uh thats when claude gets all sensual 
when claude’s kind of in overdrive and completely uncoordinated just messily thrusting over and over again to finally get you both to that place thats when he becomes all romantic and lovey 
would compliment you to no amounts end, call you all sorts of pet names like honey, sweetheart, baby, etc. 
his messy curls would stick to his skin, his forehead pressed firmly against yours, verdant eyes blown wide maintaining eye contact with you just for that extra level of intimacy because watching you when you’re like this really drives him over the edge. 
he’d pant against your lips, kiss you roughly and somehow find it in himself to even let out an amused laugh because he’s having sex and that’s kind of funny for some reason
claude’s pull-out game probably a1 but idk he’s possessive in less conventional ways so i feel like he’d  get off to the thought of releasing inside you and watching him drip down your thighs bc yea
claude is also the king of aftercare let it be known
he’d have so much energy after sex for some reason like he’d just hop right up clean your bodies, fetch you tea if you wanted some and curl up with you resting on his chest, running his fingers over the skin of your arms tenderly and smiling softly to himself when exhaustion takes over you and you slip into a warm slumber against his chest. 
i love him bye
ok so dimi is a busy busy boy and even when he does have free time he’s never entirely there his mind is always kind of somewhere else u know 
he’s always struggled w getting a proper night's rest and always overworks himself into hysteria
so, as his lovely s/o, you presume a nice session to destress will help loosen those knots in his muscles and all that chaos whirring around in his mind
you were thinking a nice trip to the sauna or something
but dimi had other ideas 
 he’d just look at you and his gaze would darken all of a sudden and with just a glance at him you already feel the wind being knocked out of you 
it would be rly sudden, like dimitri’s just rly needy all of a sudden and he’s taking whatever you’ll give rly he has so much pent up stress and needs some form of release and he’s so so emotional and touchy and won’t stop kissing you with so much fervor and desperation
dimi is 1000% a lovemaker im sorry u cannot convince me otherwise. unless he is feral. if he is feral then understandable have a good day. 
he’s all about pampering and kissing every inch of you and asks every five minutes is this okay? are you comfortable? does that hurt? are you sure? because he’s terrible with fragile things and if he ever hurt you he’d never forgive himself poor baby
part of you just wants to grab his face and say !!! im fine !!! you big idiot !! but you just pull him to your chest and nuzzle your face into his neck and breathe him in deeply, kissing his jaw gently before reassuring him i’m fine dimi, stop worrying 
he’d calm down instantly and focus back on the task at hand, pleasuring the love of his life hehe
BODY WORSHIPPING non stop praises just kissing everywhere his lips come across you’d love it but hate it at the same time bc part of you just wants him in u already and the other half of u is just so so enamoured by him and feels so warm and loved and appreciated
he’s more of a giver than a receiver as well though for opposite reasons compared to felix, he worries about your comfort so much to the extent where it distracts him from his own pleasure, and it isn’t until he’s inside of you that he remembers and is like oh wow fuck and yea things dont usually last very long for him since he always neglects his own pleasure in favor of yours. he gets so focused on making u feel good because he loves you so much and he needs you to know that so yeah he doesn’t remember to even touch himself lmao 
you’d probably come like twice before dimi even whips his schlong out 
at the peak of his pleasure tho dimi gets kinda rough ngl. he’s a person whos very emotionally driven so when everything gets to be a bit too much he’s just slamming into you with so much force your skin stings, grip so tight on your hips there’s sure to be bruises in the morning but despite how rough he is his eyes are nothing but gentle and so so loving 
probably says something like oh seiros when he’s about to come LMAOOO 
dimi is also a king with aftercare but he’d probably knock out like a log afterwards and it’d be like the best sleep he’d get tbh all warm and satiated and just content
dimi sex god 
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jrueships · 2 years
Luka (Keldon’s bf Luka not Luka Luka 💀) changed his Insta pfp to the Joker and reposted a video of the Jake paul fight to his story….. this is absolutely the worst day of my life 😭 KELDON GET YOUR MAN I DONT LIKE THE WAY HES ACTING 😭
Okay so.. keldons birthday AND the day luka got waived bcus the nba hates gay people.. keldons getting interviewed on his bday. Love that 4 him! Keldon love!
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A reporter asked smthin abt keldons bday, nice small talk, happy keldon, love wins
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BUT THEN someone asks how keldon feels about luka getting waived ... and you can just See in keldons face how he Really feels about it.
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But he's a professional and doesn't wanna start anything so he basically said like 'things just didn't work out.. y'know?' he just really wants to move on from discussing the topic
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BUT THEY KEEP ASKING!! because they did their research and SAW how close luka and keldon were and keldons just 💧💧💧 'yknow, yknow, yknow' a keldon classic fill in phrase go to.
Reporter: asks another luka question*
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😐. his voice is naturally kinda shakey but you can really hear it kinda tremble, & it's like.. keldon.... you can just say you're sad to see him go... reporters are saying like 'you spent some time in the gleague together' and he's like 'haha yeah... we grew up with each others....' AND ITS LIKE.... KELDONN :-((((.....
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reporter: do you feel like this shows how cold business can be sometimes ?
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Keldon: haHah well- uh- i mean, I dunno- business is business, yknow ?
Like i Get It, you don't wanna start something ESPECIALLY with the media who take the tiniest statements and snowball them into drama (so kinda what im doin LOL bUT IM DOIN IT FOR PURELY MY OWN ANALYSIS, NOT TO RUIN OR GAIN REP) , but you shouldn't be afraid to express your feelings either !!!!! Like that's one of the things i kinda worry about keldon becoming a bigger front figure for spurs. Like YES i love him getting more attention BUT ITS LIKE... he's becoming the comical, happy go-lucky rep n that's CUTE but like... keldon.. u don't Have to be happy or funny all the time... im not saying what he presents isn't real, but he Is a pretty big showoff. Likes impressing people and keeping them happy.. i dunno.. i just want him to know he can be sad sometimes!!!! It's okay!!!!
AND THEN THE WHOLE LUKA THING... OKAY.. SO... instagram luka is. Wow. Okay.
The joker pfp change??!?? OMG... THANK U FOR TELLING ME. i don't really keep up with others social media unless i remember to check in every now n then out of curiosity, so i take ANY media updates from anyone i can Get. thank u and also ARRRGH for this info bcus... it's only adding more ideas into my head that i Do Not like....
So the joker pfp. From the newer movie joker😭😭 YIKES. Men really love turning to that for feelings ... so he in his feelings... the Jake Paul fight... im not even gonna Speak on that BUT BASICALLY... bruh turning to weird shit out of personal feelins. he wylin and keldon isn't getting him. He wylin BECAUSE keldon isn't getting him.
He just posted some will smith thing ( which is like. Don't even get me started on will idek WHATS goin on with him... ) and the video was basically will saying smthin about the road to success being a journey you have to go on alone?? And people won't believe you can do it? IDK i have bad memory but it was basically some lone wolf anguish and it's like.... yikes..
SO WHAT I MEAN IS... u got professionalism keldon and isolation luka which is Not a good combo... but an even worse cause and effect.
You got keldon in an interview trying to smile his way through tough questions about his (boy)friend getting waived and then his (boy)friend jokerfies himself and becomes obsessed with the idea of clawing your way upstream with the entire world turning against you . Like. Yikes. Yikes yikes. YKNOW cus it's not like deebos trade then kyle answering interviews with 'my friends upset so im upset.' you get... 'business is business... yknow ? '
and its not like luka got Traded, he got straight Cut. Not even trade material. while he doesn't get the inhumane feeling of only being a pawn in a giant trade game, he gets no feelings at all. Not from his team and not from keldon, not in public , anyways. And it's Understandable . But it Hurts. Because it's understandable .
#NAMEAN ????#WHAT I MEAN IS.... LIKE.#the idea of luka getting cut and then watching his friend have to act like hes not that affected when he Is#because he doesnt wanna disrupt or cause anything#it hurts#he cant say any feel bad stuff about his Friend and that makes Sense#but i think what luka feels anyways is that even tho it made sense to keep feelings out of sports .. it doesnt mean it didnt hurt#its like that little kinda self centered part of you that wants someone to just. stick up for you even tho u know u might be in the wrong#u just want someone in ur corner#and to have keldon.. a guy known for being in EVERYONES corner and talking and laughing and being Everyones Corner..#suddenly just. Not be in it anymore.. when you want him the most.. it kinda hurts.#so yeah... literally keldon COME get your MANS#he is ACTIN UP !!!! thinkin aint nobody got him and hes gotta be in this shit by himself#when he literally doesnt have to#like he believes in getting up and doing better hes not rlly crushed by defeat he still has Drive#but he just doesnt think anyone else believes in him now and hes added that to his motivation#some ppl always have a bulldog mentality but that doesnt mean that they dont want love!!!!#IDK IM A LITTLE WORRIED...#keldons follower mentality is so obvious....#ANYWAYS YEA THANKS FOR THIS ASK IVE BEEN WANTING TO TALK ABOUT THIS FOR A WHILE#ITS BEEN BUGGIN ME... WORRYIN ME... I DONT LIKE THIS CHANGE ???? I JUST WANT THEM TO BE BOYFRIENDS AGAIN!!!#TELL ME UR THOUGHTS!!!!!@#keldon#keldon/luka#ted asks#to think this all became big bcus a stupid joker pfp change... shoutout to one of the biggest red flags of all humanity#da jokah babay
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muwur · 4 years
snapchat headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for using snapchat w ur boi toi ft. the pretty setter squad
❧ gn reader
✎ 3.1k words
a/n: kinda a combo of how they use sc and the kinds of snaps they send you! along w wat u send them, and uh... dating stuf n shenanigans? texting/snapping habits? my fantasies? IDEK ANYMORE EOFHEFJ
this was born from the recesses of my mind , which desired nothing mor than snapchats from suga , us sending cute selfies , others bein dumb n chaotic , no context videos , n him snapping me photos of some mangoes on sale he said he’ll buy for me DXX it’s too late for me now
doing research on hq bois and surfing thru sc features (im just now realizing theres quite a bit?? im hoping i address most of them at some point lolol) instead of real life tings aHHhhhHAHA
requests: open! will be working on a suga one i got, dw, requester!
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✧ sends good morning and good night snaps
✧ so he’s rlly good at keeping streaks, probs has the longest ones (one of them being y’alls streak)
✧ posts tidbits of volleyball practice on his story every once in a while
✧ snaps you pics of his sleeping teammates when they’re coming back to school after a long day of matches , adding a single ‘❤️’ as a caption
✧ he will also create colorful masterpieces on all of them
✧ gives daichi a santa beard, tanaka a squiggly stache (i imagine it to look like spongebob n patrick’s seaweed ones now that were mEN), n kageyama sum angry brows,,, wait he already has them lolol u good der kags
✧ posts a picture of you when you’re hanging out, captioning it: “🥰“
✧ has conversations with you purely via snaps
✧ ranges from casual chats and checking up on u to crackwhoring ( ** indicates the photo, while the “” quotes indicate the caption, all snaps are italicized, otherwise its regular dialogue)
✧ suga: *peace sign* “hey sweetheart, how r u?”
✧ you: *pics of homework* “ahh, drowning in school ;-; i cant wait for this week to be over fghjkl”
✧ suga: *close up with :o on his face* “let’s study together tmrw!”
✧ or
✧ suga: *complete darkness* “its 3 am n i cant sleep”
✧ you: *the top half of your head, laying on a pillow* “ ;( aw babe. do u want me to send something to help u sleep?”
✧ suga: *still in darkness* “y u still up?? go sleep. n 🥺 yes pls”
✧ you: *snaps pics of feet* “that’ll be 50 bucks, pay up” 
✧ suga: *darkness remains* “can we make a trade instead? i promise to make it worth ;)”
✧ ok now u BOTH cant sleep (im sry my crackheading be acting up around 2am eeryday, i stan a mischievous suga--)
✧ video chats (in the darkness lol) instead until you both pass out (im not in luv u r 😭)
✧ super down to take filtered selfies w you
✧ does all the silly ones with you (things like ’angry face’ or the frog one)
✧ but also rlly digs lookin cute with you using some heart crowns, y’all an aesthetic (n crakhead) duo fosho
✧ def subscribes to life hacks and tries them out himself, has a 50% success rate
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✧ doesn’t rlly use snapchat too much
✧ but when he does
✧ will either send you a picture to indicate he’s at volleyball practice (wow wat a sexi lookin gym floor)
✧ or some random picture of whatever he’s doing at the moment (*drinking milk*)
✧ this is mostly in order to save streaks
✧ he’s so bad at streaks
✧ “why does it matter?? what’s the point of sending just black screens or whatever’s in front of you at the moment??”
✧ can’t keep a consistent streak for more than 3 days and also doesn’t care (until hinata challenges him to see who can have the longer one)
✧ when you send him videos of him playing, he really focuses on them to try to improve his technique. asks you to send those vids to him (assuming u saved them, which u did)
✧ but when you look over his shoulder when he’s watching a video and give him some compliment (“i recorded at the perfect moment! that was a really good set, kageyama!”), he gets a bit flustered
✧ gets even more flustered but pretty happy whenever you post videos on your story showing karasuno winning some points with captions like:
✧ “footage of the legendary quick >.>” or “karasuno crows flyin high!” or “these bois make my heart 😭 im so proud”
✧ you WILL catch him off guard in photos, using filters that surrounds his head w/ emojis like 🥺💖🥰💘
✧ you also put these on your story (to his dismay)
✧ ppl comment on these mor than anything else (n for those who dont rlly kno kageyama, theyre kinda surprised to him like this)
✧ hinata snickers “hey kageyama you look pretty good here--”
✧ takes some selfies with you, mostly cuz you want them
✧ saves them after u send them over (n secretly cherishes them)
✧ occasionally watches his subscriptions, they’ll usually involve sports, mostly volleyball (who woulda guessed)
✧ you use his bitmoji to test out random facial expressions you would never see him wear
✧ you: “can you smile and wink like this? act like you’re the obnoxious charming guy in a shojo.”
✧ will actually attempt, but it looks so bad that you die inside and he never wants to try again cuz of ur laughing outburst (you: “😭😭 bb im sorry i couldnt help it”)
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✧ literally sends you anything and everything
✧ morning bathroom selfie to show off how good his hair came out that day, saying:
✧ “he has risen”
✧ or “i woke up like this”
✧ and my favorite, “you’re lucky you get this content for frEE”
✧ selfies with iwa, who just looks annoyed and exasperated at the camera
✧ sends you pics of his lunch and snacks (“bet u wish u had milk bread too”)
✧ always packs extra milk bread so he could convince you to stay at his practice after school--
✧ will either use the filters that make him kayooottt (cute)
✧ loves the ones named ‘hearts,’ ‘soft,’ ‘peach,’ ‘butterfly cheeks,’ vsco filters LOL, etc
✧ uses ‘big mouth’ when he feelin a bit sASSY; also loves to use this one when he rants, it channels his inner valley girl
✧ sometimes he’ll be snacking or drinking something while he does so (“hey guys today im gonna eat these milk buns from my favorite bakery and this bomb orange juice and complain about this little kid who talked smack to me earlier and almost made me cry--”)
✧ takes cute selfies with you, is an aesthetic selfie king, puts them on his story to show off he’s hangin with you
✧ but on your story you only post the ones he looks bad in LOL
✧ has separate stories for his every need, some r private (and lucky you, ur included in all of them)
✧ titles them ‘mean things iwa said to me today,’ ‘ranting hotbox + mukbangs,’ ‘a day in the life of oikawa,’ ‘volleyball 🏐,’ ‘unpopular opinions,’ etc. 
✧ fitting room photoshoots lol
✧ “y/n, what do you think of this??” “and this?” “oOH WHAT ABOUT THIS??”
✧ ends up calling you through video chat so you can live critique his choices
✧ “oikawa, please no, i can’t be seen with you in public if you wear those--”
✧ also changes his bitmoji’s outfits from time to time, hopes you’ll notice, but you don’t LOL (oikawa: ;((((((( )
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✧ uses sc usually just to reply to messages ppl send him
✧ indifferent about streaks, but keeps a few with ppl he’s closer to
✧ mindlessly plays the snapchat games with you, finds some of them kinda cute
✧ you both made his bitmoji for him, dressing his up in the orange cat suit
✧ you also helped make kuroo’s and put his in the black cat suit to match--
✧ snaps you every time he gets a new game, starts playing it, and once he finishes
✧ started to post some gameplays and reviews on his sc story (might as well add them to sc since he was already on other social platforms), and ended up amassing a large following
✧ follows the tech and gaming stories on sc
✧ as well as the ones with cute animals--
✧ open to selfies with you, usually wears a calm expression and holds up a peace sign
✧ even occasionally sticks his tongue out
✧ his story is occasionally heavily bombarded with candids of him w/ pretty sc filters, all taken by you
✧ but of all the filters, you love using the clout glasses on him
✧ especially when he’s just minding his own business
✧ “kenma, in his tru habitat” when hes cocooned in a blanket
✧ “kenma, on his way to steal yo manz” while on his way to the bathroom
✧ “kenma, next iron chef. watch out gordon” as he’s cooking instant ramen
✧ “kenma” n das it
✧ but he thinks it meme-y so he lets you do whatever you want, kinda digs it
✧ you end up dedicating your snap story to memes of kenma and the nekoma volleyball team. ppl are in it for the shits n giggles n hot bois
✧ you later discover someone else did the same thing with their volleyball team filled with hot bois from shiratorizawa, and you befriend tendou and share funni internet tings
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✧ 99% of his photos include either you or bokuto or both
✧ bokuto spams akaashi’s story and contact list with selfies and videos of himself using weird filters, often gets you to join him
✧ has several streaks, but will send something with more substance than a black screen or his bedroom window
✧ will usually involve smthng that just happened to him or smthing he saw, like:
✧ “a kind older lady offered me some apples in return for helping her”
✧ “how do i break the news to bokuto that the yaikniku place he’s been wanting to go to for the past week ,,, is closed today”
✧ o n let’s not leave out:
✧ “is it possible to conjure a ghost using a wooden spatula, ketchup, and a chalk drawn hexagram? bokuto’s been paranoid ever since he tried last night and i dont know what to tell him. seriously, help”
✧ looks through stories occasionally, comments whenever bokuto makes questionable decisions
✧ also comments on whatever you’ve posted. his words range from “you’re cute” to “why,” depending on the content
✧ ppl know when y’all are hanging out cuz he’ll post smthing to indicate he’s with you, usually it’s some candid and you’re not paying attention
✧ appreciation posts for you as well! esp if you got him something, like onigiri or his fav, Nanohana no Karashiae , for lunch! (akaashi: *snaps a pic of his food* “thank you y/n for feeding me”)
✧ prefers video calling over texting/snapping whenever possible tho
✧ occasionally reminisces thru his sc memories
✧ enjoys the flashback feature and will send them to you and bokuto (cuz they’re about y’all anyway lolol)
✧ also has secretly saved a bunch of selfies of himself, consists of him trying out a lot of the filters (he feelin himself)
✧ you, one day, looking thru his phone and discovering them: “akaashi, you’re so pretty wtf”
✧ akaashi: “...”
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✧ sends you selfies of him before practice
✧ during breaks
✧ and after practice, usually makes a comment about how it went for him that day like:
✧  “i hit a decent toss today and futakuchi actually complimented me!”
✧ that, or:
✧ “i got yelled at 17 times today 😢😩”
✧ has quite a few streaks, his longest ones being with you and hinata
✧ def uses filters
✧ tries out every funny one he finds and sends you videos
✧ “look y/n im an aaaaAALlliiEEENnnNNN oo oo hoo hhhooOOh”
✧ “now im a chicky nuggy!!” (chicken nugget)
✧ also enjoys the doodle feature
✧ but he uses the filter with the clout glasses unironically--
✧ usually when smth good happens to him and he feels happy and/or cool about it
✧ “just beat the boss in this game on my 69th try B)”
✧ “kogane, that’s--”
✧ plays sc games with you and thinks bitmojis r cool
✧ kinda sad he cant find a hair option that matches him tho lolol rip
✧ you: “you hair’s just,,, unique,,,”
✧ subscribed to anything sports and fitness, as well as pop culture so he can stay in the loop
✧ also watches everyone else’s stories, pointing out whenever he sees smthing cool and/or interesting
✧ “woahh, karasuno’s at nationals right now! i wish we could’ve won, but next year for sure!!”
✧ you encourage him at all his games, hyping him up irl and online
✧ “koganegawa: best setter 😍!!”
✧ luckily you didnt record the parts he completely messed up LOL
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✧ before going out with you, snaps you a pic of his casual outfit like:
✧ semi: “does this look ok”
✧ you: “babe you look great, tendou was just messing with you”
✧ will make unwanted appearances on tendou’s snap and complains to you about them
✧ “i didnt consent to being part of his meme page” and
✧ “okay, but he didn’t only have to share all the moments i messed up--”
✧ also indifferent about streaks but will do them
✧ sometimes sends snaps/streaks indicating he’s practicing his music
✧ when you see these you usually ask him to send you vids or if you can come over n watch
✧ initially is a bit shy about it but he loves what he does and you and knows you’re genuinely interested and supportive so he agrees
✧ secretly rlly enjoys having you as his personal audience
✧ lowkey into asmr, like the soap cutting shit as well as chewing crunchy things
✧ also watches food porn and clips of mukbangs, then can’t resist going on youtube and watching the whole thing
✧  “y/n, can we try this, it looks so good--”
✧ will also often watch oikawa’s stories, especially his ‘ranting hotbox + mukbangs,’ and makes comments about him being an idiot
✧  “this kid he’s talking about is a savage”
✧ but admits they’re quite entertaining
✧ just looks serious in all the selfies you take with him
✧ you: “can you look like you’re enjoying yourself?”
✧ semi: “i look cooler like this tho”
✧ sc memories filled with shenanigans from you and the volleyball team, doodles, and mirror selfies with him experimenting diff looks (you: “tendou, you got him way too concerned about this”)
✧ also enjoys showing off he’s with you, taking a short video of you when you hang out
✧ you: “semi, i look bad right now”
✧ semi: “but you can never look bad”
✧ you: “🥺 bb”
✧ viewers: “aw”
✧ shiratorizawa: “can he be this nice with us LOL”
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✧ his main mode of communication with you is mostly through the regular messaging app, so he doesn’t use sc too much
✧ also doesn’t care for streaks and is bad at keeping them
✧ will answer to you or his senpais rather soon tho
✧ but lets all his other notifications pile up a bit before finally going thru them
✧ goes through the snaps he receives really fast, spending like 2 seconds each to look at them cuz aint nobody got time for dat
✧ doesn’t even rlly open goshiki’s LOL
✧ you have fun using filters on him and taking videos while he’s just doing his own thing peacefully like studying
✧ it takes him a second to notice and when he finally looks up, he just gives you an exasperated look
✧ cue you cracking up with laughter bc the filter finally shows up on his face
✧ his eyes and mouth are now on mike wazowski
✧ that, or his face becomes so disturbingly moRPhed like an alien
✧ caption: “ken-chan, my future medical man 😍”
✧ “y/n, please, this is like the 7th time in the last 20 minutes--”
✧ finally convinced him to take a study break and hang out with you
✧ which usually consists of snacking and light banter while you lay your head on his lap
✧ and scrolling through snapchat stories and showing him what everyone else is up to and cool things you’re subscribed to
✧ “loooook, dr. miami’s doing another butt job! is this the line of work you’re studying so hard for?”
✧ “no, it’s really not”
✧ is actually very soft with you and likes having the photos and vids for memories
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✧ sends you snaps where his brother looks bad, captioning it:
✧ “this is evidence that im the hotter twin”
✧ likewise, osamu sends you snaps where atsumu looks even worse
✧ like, the mans passed out, looking rekt and open mouthed, drool seeping into his pillow
✧ osamu: “u still have time to break up with him”
✧ also lucky for you, atsumu also loves to take unflattering photos of you and send them to you randomly at like 2 am
✧ you: “nani tf when did you even take this??”
✧ usually posts a snap while he’s out somewhere like at a match, the gym, outside on a run, a party, or just hanging out with you or his frens
✧ however, makes sure you look good if you show up on his story cuz he wants to show you off
✧ doesn’t really care for streaks, but has a lott
✧ but also has a tON of unopened snaps
✧ is the type to send just a black screen n call it a day, or maybe spice it up by sending a pic of the sexi gym floor (a comeback) w his shoe in the corner
✧ will, however, consistently respond to you and kinda looks forward to ur snaps (secretly hopes you show ur face)
✧ but when you dont:
*in class*
✧ atsumu: *a smirk on his face* “your content’s kinda dry today” 
✧ you: *your sexi desk* “my nudez ain’t free, i demand compensation”
✧ atsumu: *grasped his chin in thought, but angled the cam up bc he needa hide his phone in class lolol* “what if i... take you out on a romantic excursion”
✧ you: * your face but with ‘sausage’ filter* “🥵🥵🥵🥵 yessir, what u want”
✧ rlly only wants to have pics of your face wat a closeted sOFTIE
✧ likes to have content on his flashbacks
✧ usually has other social media sources to keep up to date with things
✧ actually rlly digs using sc filters, mostly ones that’ll make him look like a queen
✧ captions a selfie of you two like: “me >>>>>>> y/n”
✧ but nearly everyone who comments on it is like: “i think you flipped the sign, bro 🤥”
✧ judges ppl who are into soap cutting asmr (you will never hear the end of it if you also like it)
a/n: sc kinda dying for me, my use went from suga to an atsumu to like nearly nonexistent LOL
also o gawd i already have ideas here n there for a pt 2 so stay tuned fjxnwfesd hope it takes me less long cuz this one took me fkin foreva LOL
idk y i made semi like mukbangs but i feel like he’d be rlly into them--
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bluebeetle · 2 years
Idk man i just feel so ignored on here. I hate that i feel jealous of other dc users on here its so lame but its like... Idk its frustrating to see ppl get 1000s of notes for the stuff u want to talk about... Or have other ppl be the reason ur post even gets notes so every reblog feels like confirmation that no one cares about what u have to say... And its so fucking lame
Almost no one cares about my opinions or ideas... My art fucking sucks... No one cares about my writing...
Its rly hard bc in real life ppl were always like wow ur such a good writer/artist even now ...and its like im rly not as shown by the fact no one ever cares. One of my coworkers asked me if i ever thought of doing commissions and i didnt have the heart to tell him i have and no one who i dont draw for already was interested
I never get asks or messages rly from ppl who arent close friends unless its bc i did or got something wrong or its about that fucking headspace post. And i get sometimes im slow to reply but like... Adhd chronic fatigue combo yknow.
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omg....farmer ghost psychic vampires????? that sounds sooo coool! you have such great ideas....i love their designs if you ever feel like sharing more info on them pleading emoji but if not thats cool....wow
; v ; t-thank u xoxoxoxoxo ...... i will o e day definetly, I care abt them a lot.... actually, tho it isnt exactly what u asked abt, i thought id combo this w an another ask partially iv got earlier that I'm waiting to draw for, which asked me about my favourite ocs (and why) and even tho u asked just abt the vamps, im just... wholly gonna infodump on u ny faves....... mwssy explanation but lol im djdkdkdkwks I THOUGHT ID SHARE. I am hyperfocusing on slasher & horror stuff at the moment so i havent had much time to think abt these critters, but one day.
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N1 baby rn is Sirppi (he/they/she) they're just created during a part of my life with so much hope and love. They are an adventurer, traveler, a map maker & philosopher, a studier of the human condition etc etc... but also deal w major social anxiety and they struggle to open their mouth to speak. They're just endlessly drawn to the ocean, to sail and go. They also have a big dog called Cupid :) they are like a ghibli inspired themes collection and i LOVE THEM.
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Beau (she/her), idk just my hottest character, shes pretty well rounded and barely has any story bc shes like content which, doesnt make for a lot of atorytelling but shes like my dream cottagecore autor wife w ducks and dogs
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Angel Lust (she/they) just horny. Is. Exists in a state of thirst. Born from the fact that I find horny people the most endearing folks on this earth, theyre cute.
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Atlas (she/they), Dalla (she/they) and Jalopeura (they/them) idk some of my alien characters i still have a lor of fondness dor and should redesign
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Attilio (he/him), Behemmon (they/them) and Monarda (they/them) idk bonus points to my warm palette kids. Attilio is stupid and Behemmon and Monarda r soft souls.
Anyways again sorry for completely derailibc.... ill technically b posting abt them in the future i think im hardcore stuxl on the slasher fandom bc a)there is so much to explore b) the community is so nice but i do have my own projects w long histories and i apprechiatw any bit of interest it rly warms m hwary :'))) 💖💖💞💕💟💖
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rosyfingereddawnn · 3 years
(any band is fine but im most familiar with loop zoop, queen, pink floyd, & the beatles)
im 5'7, pretty scrawny, Super pale, wear glasses & have blue/grey eyes & wavy/curly brown hair that rn looks kinda like george harrison's in '76. i love glam rock/metal aesthetics & wearing really outlandish clothes & dangly clip on earrings
im a virgo & INFP (i think). i like music ofc (ive played trombone for 10+ years so im especially familiar with bass parts, and i make music mashups sometimes too) i also like old movies and animals/nature :)
irl im pretty quiet until im comfortable with people & my love languages are p much just that one post about neurodivergent love languages (if u kno u kno). im usually pretty honest/straightforward/blunt & appreciate when other people are too, since im not always good at figuring out what people really mean otherwise. i get overwhelmed/burnt out a lot, so if i were actually involved in the whole rockstar partying lifestyle i'd probably need to take breaks from it occasionally
(also im a gay trans man if that affects anything lol)
hey erin!! hope you’re well :)
for led zeppelin:
i ship you with jimmy page :)
i think that he does REALLY appreciate the sick fashion sense because he’s got kinda the same outlandish style and oh my god you can share CLOTHES. also he appreciates the bluntness and honestly he appreciates the big of sensitivity of the infp, because he can be the same way (i have the stories…) and he can appreciate the love for nature and old movies. you two would have movie night whenever you could, and of course jam sessions :)
for queen:
i ship you with brian may :)
i think the virgo and cancer would be a good match because from what i can tell, the trust and communication would be off the charts, and i think the honesty of the both of you would really help that!! he also ADORES your love of nature and movies, and honestly you two would be like. animal rescuers i can see it now. just like with philomena right now!
for pink floyd:
i ship you with rick wright!!
this might seem like an odd combo, but i feel like the bit of leo in rick would like. balance well with virgo? he would take the edge off of your serious nature and you would ground him a bit, but also… he’s pretty quiet as well, so you two would have very sweet soft moments :) also the Absolute Musical Mastery going on here. hoo.
for the beatles:
i ship you with george harrison!!!
oh my god okay. okay. right off the bat the shared interest in nature and old movies jumps out at me, it’s the absolute Sweetest thing ever. also, he’s got a pretty dry sense of humour and i think it would compliment yours, which is. actually lovely. and also he’s just so compassionate and cares lots about his friends and family and Wow the love languages would totally make the two of you so content.
thanks so much!!
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springtidesnowfall · 3 years
hey <33 how are u!! sorry for just absolutely vanishing for a couple days ive been. so tired. but i have notifs on for u so id see ur blog and go '! friend :)' so thats ur nice fact of the day!! its currently 12:34 in the midnight and im so so tired but ive had SUCH bad insomnia recently lmao rip me!! my manager/friend(frienager?) and i went to the farmers market this morning <3 very nice. bonded over binding fucking up our ribs lol (oh!! update on applying for that position: my friend got shift lead but my other manager is putting me in charge of a bunch of random projects lmao. feels a little like "dont worry we still love you!!" from someone who obviously has a favorite child but !! still excited and happy for my friend for getting the position!! its very funny)
wow thats a big ole. brick o text. sorry fksnfj ive had a weird day and my filters are <3 gone <3 yeehaw
i hope ur days have been going okay recently!! physically im laying in bed but emotionally I'm making cookies for u 💖💗♥️💕💓 whats ur favorite kind of cookie??
-painting anon (also hi my names jupiter u can call me jupe !! ive changed it since the good ole hangouts days lmao and just barely started using it offline >:3)
hi hi welcome back i missed you !! im doing alright, about to get swept up in wedding stuff again . i hope youve been good ^-^ and dw about it just . take care of yourself :) also haha hour in front of me sux 2 suck whfds im really sorry about the insomnia though , if its any consolation i am . in the same boat sleep is an elusive one . the farmers market genuinely sounds so nice i hope you had a good time !!! also congrats to ur friend !! admittedly that doessounds alittle amusing ajfsdjf i dont mind the wall of text at all !! my favourite type of cookies are probably white chocalate chip + macadamia nut (costco packs my beloved) theyre just a very good combo <3 jupiter is a super dope name !!
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autisticlalna · 3 years
ty for all the explanations!! i love learning abt stuff thru infodumps and youre so good at explaining events and stuff clearly in a way i understand, so this is just. the peak experience. and youre interested in So Much Cool Stuff!! this is such a neat intro to blaseball, it legit seems so fun
bruuuuh i adore the MaX skin so much!!!! its so pretty!!!!! the flannel is done so well, and the lil rip on the knee!! oh xes so charming. the colors are so good, i adore xem. and a whole removable jacket, im :o thats so cool!!! u are so talented in so many ways!! the wyatts should play mc together, it's what they deserve
esp for MaX bc theyre a Digital Ghost???? thats so good!!!! that is fantastic vibes omg!! xes so cool, oh my gosh. xes goals. glitchy nd nb characters are. such a culmination of vibes. i would pat xir floofy hair if xe were cool with it, xe seems so so rad, and ivy too!!! oh gosh all the wyatts are just the coolest people ever!! i am adoring their hat n sunglasses combo oooo! they r all so fantastic. do all the wyatts hang out even tho theyre on different teams? wyatt club sounds like such a good time, all the wyatts seem so neat
booo the coin!! is there extra power that comes from being The Official god of blaseball? bc four gods would seem to imply equal power levels except if coin wants to be the only god. which, rude. monitor and original wyatt both seem lovely
oh wow thats a lot of games! thats a cool season championship system. yall may not have won rankings but you did win MaX, so. whos the real bottom of the league here. is there a meaning to mild v wild, as well? like one is junior league and one is major? or theyre just split into two groups just bc?
and is. is there additional lore for unintentional necromancy? that sounds like like a safe and totally unconcerning thing. /hj and, hehehe, crow weather is whenever philza minecraft comes to watch a game n brings his chat
the peanut is so rude w the tacos pitchers tho, ffhgs, like jeez. did not expect shelled players to be such a concern
but yeah glad that one thursday was not, like, Everything sgfdggs, especially with That tales. that woulda been a whole lot for one day! v glad MaX and Ivy r both good, tho, that is an understandable problem for all the wyatt club
im glad my explanations make sense hgxlkdhgkldhf i just kinda. Go. i love saying words about things i love and blaseball sure is a thing that i love
this one is going under a cut bc i talk a Lot
TYVM AAAAA i love making minecraft skins,,, i have like. a whole bunch i should show off sometime. but i can never find a good way to get images of em fhgklshf but theyre very relaxing for me to make and hey if i ever need a skin for something i have, like, 50 of em fghklhgk
MAX IS THE COOLEST i got to kinda help w xer concept bc ! the garages on the discord do like, Lore Jams where we all band together and discuss concepts for the newest character and MaX’s was my first time participating and p much everything i suggested got incorporated??? which was super cool????? and there was a lot of us building off of each other and so many cool ideas and aaAAAA once MaX’s wiki page is done im deffo gonna share it here bc. its so good. theres a blaseball wiki (technically 2 but the fandom dot com one is defunct bc fandom dot com sucks) but some of the Garages are a bit out of date or dont have info up yet HOWEVER, MAX’S PAGE HAS ART I DREW, SO MY MAX DESIGN IS AS CLOSE TO CANON AS BLASEBALL GETS, WHICH IS??? OMG???????
MaX and Ivy kinda sorta hang out! MaX is uh. currently stuck in another dimension (there’s a gameplay mechanic called Elsewhere where if a player is on base they can get swept to Elsewhere and are out of play until they return. MaX got that mod and so has just been Gone ahfkxjdlhfj xe’s fine. there’s a waffle house) and xem meeting Ivy face-to-face is kinda risky bc of them potentially annihilating each other BUT that doesnt mean they cant be pen pals! so theyre pen pals. and ignoring the whole echoed-out-of-existence thing, the wyatts do all vibe together. which i would love to doodle if i didnt have to doodle 13 entire characters. but i very much like to think that theyre all friends and that none of them are actually Permanently Gone and Everything Is Fine and they like, talk about pokemon or share funny stories from their teams
so theres like, diff tiers of god i suppose? the Peanut & the Coin have more direct control over events, like they actively influence things that happen on the site, reward or rebuke the player base, and are generally in-canon responsible for things happening. the Monitor just kinda vibes, but also works under the Coin currently (and also the Coin fucked off and left the Monitor in charge, who is now very overworked and out of their depth) the Microphone has very little influence asides from a) twitter (bc. he has an official twitter he talks on. theres a couple canon in-character accounts run by the devs! altho the Microphone account has been inactive since he got sabotaged / the Re-Masoning happened) and b) speaking through Receivers, which are certain characters (like NaN!) who got a modification from the Microphone and can hear him in-canon. this is indicated in-game by the Receiver’s pregame rituals being messages from the Microphone, w the last update being “Have hope” ;w;
the league’s split up Just Because i think? it was smth that happened before i joined, it used to have a totally different division setup and then that got rearranged into mild v wild. i do not understand it very well beyond “cross-league play between wild and mild is very rare unless you make it to the playoffs” dhflkdhd i guess its like. OH okay so each sub-division (high vs low) can end up w different champions that then go to the playoffs to find out who’s the Best In The League? like uhh Wild High had the Tokyo Lift (edit: HADES TIGERS, FUCK Tokyo Lift got wildcarded in) and Wild Low had the Unlimited Tacos make it to the playoffs, and the Philadelphia Pies were the Mild High champs and the Canada Moist Talkers were Mild Low (and also won the championship overall! gg MTs, i was rooting hard for the Tacos tho)
BOY HOWDY, THE NECROMANCY. so. necromancy is actually a huge thing in blaseball lore. back at the end of season 1, Jaylen Hotdogfingers of the Seattle Garages was the first player to got incinerated after everyone voted to open the forbidden book, which did a LOT of things but mainly a) killed Jaylen b) added a weather type, Solar Eclipse, that players could get incinerated during c) fucked up the Moab Desert and turned it into a eldritch location so the Moab Sunbeams became the Hellmouth Sunbeams and d) was one of the reasons we ended up pissing off the Peanut
the Garages were DEVASTATED at losing Jaylen. she was our best pitcher! and her replacement, Mike Townsend, is. a disappointment. or, was, it was kinda a meme but now he’s better known as a credit to the team! there is a series of songs about him. because the Garages fans have a band called The Garages and they make very catchy songs about blaseball. here’s an album of songs about mike townsend and his character development
several seasons later, there was a vote option where if your team won the vote, the #14th ranked player on the idol leaderboard (which is like. popularity? you can choose a fav player.) would get recruited to your team. one of the teams, i dont remember which rn but it might’ve been the Baltimore Crabs messing around? found out that you can idolize dead players as long as you had access to their player page. cue a league-wide effort to get Jaylen to slot 14.
and this is like, one of the major turning points of blaseball. like, this happened after the Wyatt Masoning, but this is THE moment of blaseball imho. because it worked, and we got Jaylen back. Jaylen is, effectively, undead!
...except it turns out it comes with a price. Jaylen started having a unique Thing where, whenever she was up to pitch, she had a chance to hit a player with a ball and they got a new modifier, Unstable. no one knew what it meant until it finally activated-- anyone who’s in Solar Eclipse weather that’s Unstable just fuckin. goes up in flames. like the amount of incinerations SKYROCKETED. turns out Jaylen’s in Debt as a result of being necromancied, and shes gonna just keep getting players killed unless something is done
enter the Microphone. somehow, the Microphone strikes a deal and changes Jaylen’s debt-- now whenever Jaylen beans someone with a pitch, they’d get a modifier (Flickering) that made them more susceptible to switching teams in Feedback weather. which is far less lethal, thank FUCK, if still kinda a Mess bc it meant team rosters were all over the place. after that, the Microphone pulled some more strings and changed Jaylen’s debt AGAIN to something that activated in Reverb weather, which made it more likely for players to do their turn twice i think?
at this point in time, Jaylen’s debt is totally gone, although she’s been benched because of ending up with ultra-Flickering during the bossfight against the Peanut (she worked together with the Microphone, who gave her ultra-Flickering so she could hop between teams constantly and sabotage the Peanut’s team and it uh. didnt go away afterwards.) and when she finally flickered back over to the Garages we made the choice to bench her so she’d stay
...the thing is, uh. the fanbase has not learned from what happened to Jaylen. specifically the part where Jaylen killed a lot of people. there’s a player, Chorby Soul, who as part of a funny joke by the devs totally breaks the UI and also died like forever ago? and a small portion of the Garages fanbase won the raffle on MINISCULE odds to resurrect them. most of the Garages are not happy about this. there’s a chance that it Won’t end in murder bc each Debt variation Jaylen went through gave a different modifier, but its still not great, yknow?
...........and then, at the exact same voting results, a different team chose to necromancy another player, York Silk, who was a fan-favourite that’d gotten incinerated the same season
so there are uh. two players with the potential power to Kill loose in mild league rn
also, as a fun fact, MaX being able to echo modifiers means that, if circumstances line up, xe might echo Debt! :D WHICH IS. NOT GOOD. WE DO NOT WANT THIS
however there’s another fun thing which is that resurrected players also get the Returned modification, which at the end of a season has a chance to return them to the afterlife. this led to something hilarious recently where Sutton Picklestein got resurrected during an election and then INSTANTLY DIED AGAIN because Returned went off. he was alive again for, like, 9 seconds i think. it was beautiful
but yeah the necromancy / Jaylen plotline is kinda. was kinda one of the Main Plot Arcs of blaseball before finally getting resolved? and then whoops we now have TWO resurrected players this go around. AND this is happening at the same time as the Wyatt Re-Masoning. AND blaseball has gone on siesta for 2 weeks so everyone can take a break after. That. so, boy howdy,
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