#and owen and beru
lukeleiahan · 2 years
Watched OWK and now I can't help but think about an AU where Obi-Wan does kill Vader after their last duell.
It's the hardest decision he's ever had to make.
Vader says that he killed Anakin, and Obi-Wan...
Obi-Wan believes him.
Maybe it's just that he needs to believe it, maybe it's just selfishness, but he does believe it.
And if Anakin is dead, truly dead, then Vader is nothing but an enemy.
Obi-Wan never wanted to be soldier, but the Clone Wars made a very good one out of him. He knows what to do with enemies.
Especially enemies that threaten two most important children just by existing.
It's just one swipe with his lightsaber, targeted to the neck. Vader doesn't even scream.
(Obi-Wan will wonder, for the rest of his days. Was this Vader, in his last moments, or was that Anakin, granting Obi-Wan peace? Would there have been a way to save him after all? It eats him, quietly, sometimes. But he is a soldier. And soldiers kill their enemies.)
He wants to bury him. It's Anakin's body as well, after all. But then he feels Luke's terror, and that's that.
After, he goes back. Anakin hated Tatooine, never ever wanted to return there. It would be cruel to bury him there. And no civilized world would want Vader. So he buries him there, on that small moon, under rocks. He doesn't mark the place.
He returns Lola to Leia, tells Bail of the Path, and then goes back to Tatooine. He meets Luke. He finds Qui-Gon. It's enough.
He thinks of telling Bail and Breha, of telling Owen and Beru. Of telling them what happened to Anakin. Of telling them Vader's dead. But what would that accomplish? It's over. It doesn't matter who Vader's first victim was. And so he doesn't.
Nine years later, he does not die aboard the Death Star. He guides the twins to safety. He holds them both as they grieve their families.
And once the battle is over, he sits them down.
"Let me tell you a story." He says.
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tyquu · 1 month
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How 2 avoid telling ur kid his dad was a wizard
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padmesgreene · 2 years
uncle owen: luke is in danger
aunt beru:
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ms-musers · 2 years
Owen: we can’t mansplain, manipulate, or malewife our way out of this.
Beru *cocks gun*: manslaughter it is
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lenoreamidala · 2 years
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hidden, safe, the children must be kept.
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archerygun · 2 months
It’s always so heartbreaking to me that every time we see Owen display how he really feels about Luke in canon (the books, and Kenobi) Luke is never there to hear it.
When Owen faces down the inquisitor and declares that Luke IS his son, Luke is already way out of earshot (even though I do sort of consider the Kenobi show non-canon). When Owen talks to Beru after the argument with Luke on the day they die, telling her he feels bad about having to squash Luke’s dreams and wanting to find some way to make it up to him, he never hears it.
Owen’s relationship with Luke WAS complex, and it was rocky sometimes. I’ve always read this as Owen having difficulty being emotionally open, at least as far as the ANH novel and Kenobi show have shown. Owen loves Luke DEEPLY, right to his core. But he doesn’t know how to put that into words. He’s an awkward man! He’s been raised on nightmare hell planet where becoming too attached to someone might end up in them being killed or sold into slavery and you being miserable! Look at what happened to both of his mothers!
When someone you love dies, you look at all their actions with a new light and deeper introspection. Can you imagine the absolute world-shattering thoughts Luke must have had after Owen and Beru died?
Realising he was more deeply loved than he could have ever realised, even if Owen had a harder time showing it.
And Owen’s parental anxiety is shown in Kenobi! Owen Lars, one of the most dedicated fathers in the galaxy, probably died wondering if his son would ever know how much he really loved him.
Owen probably died with so, so many regrets. Owen probably died wondering if he deserved to raise Luke (which he DID) and if he had done enough to prepare his son for the world (HE DID).
Owen Lars has always been a heartbreaking character for me.
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devondeal · 1 year
Let's talk about this meme
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Obviously it's highlighting both extremes of emotional reactions. Rey and Finn as the melodramatic end and Luke as the "dull" end.
But I really hate the latter. I often see discussion on how Luke doesn't have a strong reaction to the murder of Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen.
I severely disagree. I have always found this scene to be heartwrenching because Luke is in so much shock and grief, he is unable to fully process his loss because of how horrific and sudden it was.
That expression above kills me every time because that is the face of innocence stolen. This is when Luke realizes what the Empire truly is which is why instead of taking the space to grieve, he immediately wants to avenge his aunt and uncle by becoming a Jedi and joining the Rebellion.
Luke may be a softy and his anger may not be obvious like it was in Anakin but nonetheless, when he tells Obi Wan he wants to become a Jedi, he has fury inside him. No matter how softly he says it.
(I imagine that's why Yoda was concerned in ep 5, while anger can be productive when processed, it can become all consuming when left untended)
On a personal note, I've always related to Luke's way of showing the negative spectrum of emotions. They may be subdued but it doesn't mean the pain, sadness, anger, etc. are any less and it's always made me feel seen. Which is why I will never accept Luke slander saying that he's unemotional and out of touch.
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twinterrors29 · 5 months
the specific Naboo religious sect that Padme belonged to believed very strongly in reincarnation
so the first time Darth Vader is introduced to Princess Leia of Alderaan once her father finally relents and allows her to take over his position in the Senate, when he takes note of her resemblance and looks up her birth date, his first thought is not "Padme's daughter survived"
it's "Padme reincarnated as the Princess of Alderaan"
he finds this conclusion fitting, and of course immediately pledges his loyalty to her
Leia doesn't know what this menace to society's deal is, and honestly doesn't care, and decides to use this to her advantage by telling her father
Bail, of course, is biting his nails thinking that Vader has figured them out, but thankfully no
this is about the time that Sabe and her fellow handmaidens show up, so Vader introduces them to Leia and they all naturally reach the same conclusion
when Ben distantly senses the disturbance in the Force and drags the whole Lars family off to come investigate, Darth "Anakin Is Dead" Vader takes one look at young Luke and doesn't even try to ask about his birth date (or, conveniently, his last name) before assigning him as "Anakin Skywalker Reincarnated"
Ben, hidden in the next room with Bail, is face-palming as hard as possible to try to distract himself from that particular shit show
and now that 'Padme' and 'Anakin' are in the same room, Vader of course tries to ship them, with Sabe's passive support
Bail, sweating: maybe,,, we should not encourage that,,,
Vader: Why.
Bail, full of hypocritical shit: uh,,, he's not suitable, for the future Queen of Alderaan
which only serves to offend Vader, because what, Baby Me isn't good enough for Baby My Wife now?
so Bail throws in a faked relationship with a certain spice freighter captain he hired on the spot to fill the role of his daughter's secret boyfriend
before Vader can get upset about Baby Padme dating someone who isn't Baby Anakin, Sabe eyeballs this dude with no official birth records and asks, what DID happen to Kenobi? or maybe that Captain Rex fellow from the war?
causing Bail to nearly stroke out, as he KNOWS that neither of those men are even dead, and in fact one of them is choking on his spit in the other room as he listens in!
(this fake-dating effort additionally backfires, not that anyone realizes it yet, because both twins start actually dating this scruffy-looking nerf-herder)
of course Vader immediately questions why Sabe suggested that Captain Solo might be Kenobi, and got hit with Sabe's "well, Skywalker was always psychosexually fixate on Kenobi, and all of us knew he was the hot one even if Padme settled for Skywalker"
Vader: ...What. Was that thing you said. About Skywalker.
Sabe: yeah, Skywalker literally couldn't shut up about the guy, even while he was having sex with his wife, luckily she was into that if you know what I mean
Vader: ...
Vader: no, that is the perfectly normal level of interest to have in Kenobi
Sabe, remembering the way Darksiders always seemed to fixate on Kenobi: ...uh-huh, riiiight
Vader decides he's Not Dealing With That, and pours that energy into his fixation on Finding Kenobi in order to kill him about it
Ben, one too-thin wall away, is seriously considering letting that happen so he doesn't have to hear any more of this
but, of course, eventually Sidious notices Vader's interest in the young Senator Organa
and Sheev Palpatine was, interestingly enough, from the same sect as Padme
which means that he quickly puts together what Vader has concluded about Leia as a reincarnation of Padme Amidala
but unlike Sabe (and Vader, who has seriously deluded himself), he is keenly aware that Anakin Skywalker can't have actually reincarnated into that farm boy who's spending all his time with the Senator now
so he's able to (correctly, for once) conclude that Luke must be Anakin and Padme's kid, who somehow survived all these years
and since the child survived...
well, he starts to eye Sabe a little more closely, and wonder how he can fit this into his plans for the galaxy...
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 month
Woke up to Owen Lars thoughts. Specifically re: C-3PO.
Our guy Owen has avoided owning a droid for 20+ years because they remind him of Shmi. He’s had to deal with the Jawas the whole time and knows it would go a hell of a lot better with a translator, but every time he thinks about getting a protocol droid he thinks about Shmi. About how she doted on that insufferably annoying droid because it was her last connection to her son. And he decides he can go another year relying on gestures and paying more than the parts he’s getting are worth.
But now he only has Luke’s help for one more harvest and he’s not getting any younger - his joints ache more and more with each sandstorm - and he decides it’s time to face his ghosts. He can’t avoid reminders of the past forever. He sends Luke for some droids.
And the boy comes back with C3P0
The droid doesn’t look the same - he’s been treated to some upgrades over the years and some fancy gold plating they couldn’t have afforded to give him - but he gives his designation and it’s not just a similar robotic voice dragging up memories that both haunt Owen and remind him of better times. But it’s him, without a doubt. C-3PO human cyborg relations. Shmi’s most prized possession. Returned back to her home and final resting place, back to the last piece of her son.
To Luke.
And when the stormtroopers break down the door and pour in, he has a moment of pure relief that Luke isn’t home. That this time it won’t be a Skywalker’s body found broken in the desert.
He should have known. An R2 unit had rolled up and interrupted Shmi’s humble funeral and Anakin had swept away to whatever dangers waited for him in the stars. He’d brought the two droids with him and the Lars were left to mourn and heal and carry on under the harsh suns. They looked after themselves and weathered the heat and the sand like everything else that was born, and fated to die, in the desert.
But not Luke. Luke wasn’t born on Tatooine, even though the boy has the desert in his blood. Owen sees the same relief written in Beru’s eyes as he takes her hand. Luke isn’t going to die here.
He has the stars in his blood too.
Owen just hopes the boy will meet a better end than his father. That his story won’t end so soon.
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thornescratch · 2 years
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Beru Whitesun: Baddest bitch in the entire galaxy and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
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Star wars suns are so beautiful
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months
Did Luke tell leia how they are the first free burn on there father side of the family
i want to say yes but at the same time, it's luke. he absolutely forgets to tell her until someone runs up to Leia near-praying calling her huttslayer and he ends up mentioning it in his huge explanation of why she's now the coolest person on tatooine
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mootxa · 1 year
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Those dinluke fanfics when they get married of convenience and then ho back to the farm be like
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jaigeye · 1 year
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"Tell him, he knows everything he needs to know and feels everything he needs to feel. And when the day comes, and those two pull together, he will be an unstoppable force for good. Tell him… I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong."
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simpleslugs · 7 months
It drives me crazy when people claim that Luke's compassion comes from Padme. I love her, but she didn't raise him. She had less of an affect on his morals than Anakin did. Luke's compassion doesn't come from his uncle Owen either. It comes from his aunt Beru. The woman who took in a child at great personal risk and helped turn him into one of the galaxy's kindest. Beru made Luke compassionate: She made him care. Padme may have given birth to Luke, but Beru raised him. She was an incredible mother figure and shouldn't be discounted because she isn't blood related to him.
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obiwanscommunicator · 2 years
I would like to thank the Kenobi writers for acknowledging that not only Anakin but Padme, Bail, Breha, Owen, and Beru are the parents of the sunshine twins
This kind of reads like a joke but I'm serious. It would have been really easy to lean into the drama of only Anakin or the angst of Anakin and Padme but they really honored the risks the Organa and the Lars families took and the love they showed. They acknowledged the importance and value of adoptive families. They showed the parents being incredible parents in how they're raising these kids.
I mean the series opened establishing the twins as truly belonging to their respective families and then the series stuck with it.
It's really important and I'm really glad that the writers chose to go that route
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