#and terry was introduced to fill in
I love how inclusivity is handled in The Dragon Prince, here's why.
In most shows, as much as it bothers me to admit so, some people are right, inclusivity does feel forced sometimes. But it's not the characters' fault, it's not because of them being part of the lgbtq+ community, or being disabled, or being POC, or being strong women who do not conform to patriarchal standards.
It's not that.
It's that the show they are part of is a straight, white, abled parade - and notice, most of said shows won't even pass the Bechdel test.
So yes, in a show written by and aimed to straight, white, abled people, even I, a gay, non-binary, chronically ill person feel weird seeing charcters that are there just for the sake of inclusivity, albeit 'inorganic'.
In a show with the premise of "straight, white, abled men are the indiscussed MCs", seeing that one side-character that stands out and is often ridiculed and/or reduced to a single trait of their 'personality', such as 'the gay one', 'the asian one', 'the disabled one' (etc) is upsetting and feels uncomfortable as hell.
But TDP is different.
They immediately introduced powerful women, people of color, characters that are openly part of the lgbtq+ community, disabled characters etc. And not one of them per 'category', no. For the lgbtq+ community we have Amaya, Janai, Runaan, Ethari, Terry, Kazi. For the disabled community, we have Amaya again, Villads, and even a disabled wolf Ava. For the POC community, we have literally half of the cast, starting from King Harrow, then Ezran, every sunfire elf, Terry as well, etc. Same goes for women, who take up on roles that are rarely considered 'for women', like Opeli being the main member of the High Council, Amaya being the General, Rayla being the main Dragon Guard, Claudia being one of the main antagonists, etc.
Both main and side-characters are part of the communities, everything is so much more organic, enjoyable, thrilling.
We do not come in 'minor quantity'.
We are everywhere, among others, living our lives, doing our best, existing, thriving, proud. It's not just one or two of us among thousands. Surprise, 'categories' can mix! Just like I, a real human being, can be gay, enby as well as chronically ill, we can have characters like that as well! Amaya being lesbian and disabled, Terry being black and trans, Janai being black and lesbian, etc. And, another surprise, 'categories' don't define us. We don't 'shove it' in anyone's face like they say we do, we're just being us and cishets are upset because we don't conform to their sick standards.
Inclusivity is organic in TDP because nobody in that universe questions anyone else's color, gender, orientation, etc. And it's organic because we didn't have to wait half a season to see a black character, or a disabled character, or a gay character.
The key to inclusivity is to realise that we aren't just 'bonuses'. Fill shows and comics with lgbtq+, POC, disabled, and female characters. Not just one every 15, 20 characters. Everywhere.
We are everywhere! We are proud! We deserve to be seen! We deserve to be depicted as the normal people we are, without diminishing our traits but without making them our whole personality either. Treat us like human beings, be considerate like you should be with everyone on the planet of course, but treat us like humans.
Antagonising people who are 'different' (in the mind of straight, white, abled people) will not suppress us. We will keep insisting until you hear us. It's literally one of the main messages, one of the main teachings of TDP and it's so damn important.
Every single person on Earth should watch it. Every single kid should be introduced to TDP at an early age. Every old bigot should watch it, as well. Everybody. Even if it's considered a y7 (y10 for s4 and s5 apparently) show, everyone, no matter their age, should give it a try and watch it thoroughly.
Lots of love to the creators and everyone, literelly everyone involved in the production of one the best, most entertaining, most exciting, most formative shows ever. Please, keep it up! And thank you so much!
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Texas wants its students to be stupid. It wants its students not questioning anything they're told.
You see, books are dangerous. They introduce readers to new ideas. They make them question what those in authortity say. And what's really absolutely terrifying is that no one can predict how a reader will interpret a book.
A person might fill a library with books about how good children must never ever wonder if politicians are right...and the readers might take away the realization that politicians must have something to hide if they can't handle new ideas.
People were stupid, sometimes. They thought the Library was a dangerous place because of all the magical books, which was true enough, but what made it really one of the most dangerous places there could ever be was the simple fact that it was a library.
-- Guards! Guards! By Terry Pratchett
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oceanic-sunsets · 7 months
Mike Wheeler and Will Byers, Character Arcs explained by the Duffers and Letting Characters surprise you
I’ve been so excited to write this analysis because I love talking about character’s arcs, development, and storytelling in general. For this particular analysis, I’m going to focus mostly on Mike, the Wheelers, and Will, but I’ll touch on a few other important characters too to draw parallels/give examples. 
Once again, I’ll remind you that I believe Mike is gay, so my analysis will touch a lot on the subject. 
Now let’s get into it:) 
I’m going to start this off with a few notes from the Duffer’s Masterclass, lesson 7: Character Development. They tell us their creative process, how they come up with characters, what defines them, and later on, what their main arc will be. 
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So as we can see, some names were changed, Will was Tommy and Mike was Joel. Something that stands out is that Mike, since he was named Joel, has always been intended to be Will’s best friend, the closest one of his friends. 
Now, for Sheriff’s daughter, the Duffers mention how she didn’t make the cut, and this is only me assuming, but it sounds like the role Max would later on have: she’s the new girl who two of the main kids are interested on. 
Next we are shown the following characters’ descriptions: 
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The Duffers then explain how a lot of it “mostly stuck”, how some stuff didn’t make it into the show, and then we have characters whose name changed but their purpose stayed the same, or those who got some traits swapped up with a different character. For example, how the “Billy Flanagan” role was first represented by Steve back in S1, and later on by Billy, even with the same name. 
I’ll talk about a few characters, their old traits vs what I think (based on the show) they ended up changing. 
Karen Wheeler: She's first described as a great, overprotective mom, who suffocates Mike and tries to protect him from the evil around him. She hides from his husband. Projects happiness but actually very sad inside. This obviously didn’t stick. This sounds an awful lot like Joyce, word for word. See, instead: Julie Conley. We’ll get to that in a bit.
Ted Wheeler: Suburban, always busy with work, never around and not close to his son.  This is still pretty spot on. Ted Wheeler was always meant to be exactly who he is. But wait, could there be more to it?
Mike Wheeler: --introduce him with DnD-- shy, birthmark on his face and neck, which he is bullied for. No confidence outside his friend group. Ultimately coming of age, falls in love with El.  Mike’s connection with DnD and being bullied stayed. The rest, however? it all changed. Notice how Karen used to have a role more similar to what ended up becoming Joyce. Now, look at Mike’s first description. Sounds familiar, right? That’s because it basically describes our Will: shy, with an overprotective mom, no confidence outside his friend group and with the ultimately coming of age. Falls in love with El Mike. I’ll get back to Will in a bit, for now, let’s go back to Mike. The Duffers also mention how his character completely changed and it was influenced by Finn Wolfhard’s performance: the Mike we know isn’t shy, quite the opposite! he’s brave and fills up the group leader’s role. 
What does this mean? It means his character arc can’t stay the same, because his fundamental traits, those that define him as a character and give him a drive, also changed. See one of Will Byer’s previous descriptions: More normal. Rings any bell?:) 
Lucas Conley: Nerd, dungeon master, dresses in black, glasses, LOTR and other fantasy books, videogames, unkempt. As the Duffers say themselves: this is nothing like our Lucas Sinclair. Instead, it sounds more like…
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You guessed it, Mike! With his Hellfire t-shirt, long hair, more edgy look and interest in videogames and fantasy. This is not the only reason why I think Mike ended up filling this character’s role. Just wait until you read the next ones.
Terry Conley: Lucas' dad, disappointed in his son, makes him shave his head and hair, abusive with his mother. Very obviously not our Lucas’ dad. Instead, it’s a mix of both Ted (disappointed) AND Lonnie (disappointed and also abusive). Why do I include Ted, when you could arguably say he’s not disappointed, just never there emotionally? Because of the hair thing and his wife’s description. By saying he makes his son shave his head and hair, it’s implied that it’s because it’s long/not “normal”, or “adequate” enough. Ted Wheeler is an absent father, but he also represents conformity and traditional values: he would not support his son’s hairstyle choices. 
Julie Conley: Lucas's mom, very sweet, doesn't stand up for Lucas, should leave dad but doesn't. Again, not our Lucas’s mom. This is word for word the Karen Wheeler we know: sweet but doesn’t really stand up for her kids. Should leave Ted (see: the almost-cheating plot and their unhappy marriage), but doesn’t. 
This is the family that’s meant to represent normalcy, conformity and traditional values, but they happen to have a rebellious son. THIS is the role that the Wheelers ended up filling, you see it very clearly from the very start with Nancy, a little bit with Mike (who then retreats, trying to fill his expected role) and we start seeing a glimpse of rebellious Mike again in s4. 
Will Byers: Mike’s best friend, more normal, more shy, goes missing, killed by an entity.  He doesn’t have much of a description, but besides going missing, two traits stay: Mike’s best friend, and shy. As I mentioned when I talked about Mike, since his traits changed, so did his character arc. He’s still the shy, missing kid that drives the show, defined partly by this experience and the events that revolve about it. We just have to add the missing pieces to it: (see: Mike Wheeler’s original description) lacks confidence outside of friendgroup. Overprotective mother. Tied with DnD. Bullied. Ultimately coming of age. Falls in love with El Mike. 
Need more convincing, more proof? Let’s take a look at this section of the show’s bible. 
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Now again, with my notes. The yellow highlighter represents what is true to Will’s character, and the blue one represents Mike (yeah, I know, I know). 
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“He’s never had a first kiss, much less a girlfriend. [...] he will discover a courage he didn’t know he had. By the end, he will even kiss a girl.” This was meant to be Mike’s original character arc. You COULD argue that it’s only about season 1, but even then, it is not true to the events of the show. Mike’s s1 story was NEVER about his insecurities with girls, not having a girlfriend, and finding courage. The entirety of Mike’s actions in s1 (and therefore, his arc) are driven by Will’s disappearance and the goal of FINDING him. It’s NEVER, not even once, not even when other characters try to convince him of it, getting a girlfriend and kissing a girl, despite having kissed El by the end of s1. 
Instead, whose plot is intrinsically TIED with romance and a confirmed coming-of-age story about finding courage within yourself? 
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Yeah:) And you KNOW what’s the logical conclusion the Duffers have written for this particular arc? “By the end, he will even kiss a girl boy.” That’s the resolution to this kind of arc. NOT rejection. It is a pretty clear example of “Taking a character from point A to point B”. 
The Duffers say: “you can’t give everyone an amazing, big arc. [...] We gave Mike the biggest arc in terms of him coming of age” and then explain how IMPORTANT it is to not try to explain everything all at once, instead, drop hints so you're telling the audience, "this is an important part of this character and we're going to continue to explore it, but we're just getting started you can't just include it all, reveal it all too soon”. You can’t make it too complex from the very beginning either, instead, simplify and slow down.
Then they mention how they like to take a character that's a stereotype, make the audience believe they know this character, make them believe it’s a comfortable portrayal, something they know. And then you flip it and reveal there's more to this character because no one can be so easily defined. However, just HINT it. The reveal will happen on its own, at the right time for the story.
So, based on all of this… What do I think that happened?
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I do not think they planned byler from the very start. I think they had an idea of what they wanted to do, of what message they wanted the show to send, but found out along the way a different, more natural, and groundbreaking way to accomplish that. And I think they realized as soon as early s1, when they knew they wanted it to become a several seasons show rather than a limited series. It’s no coincidence there are elements like Will’s sexuality, homophobia, and conformity present from the very beginning. But they also found a way to portray this in a subtle way so it made sense in both outcomes: if they didn’t get a s2, s1 could still stand on its own, make sense, and feel resolved enough. If they got more seasons, they had more time to hint at this story, get the greenlight, and develop it over the course of all the seasons.
I also think the characters themselves, despite being written by them, lead them to this conclusion naturally. As they say in their masterclass… 
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“You can drive and throw obstacles at them, but they can become very real, and sometimes they end up doing their own thing, surprising you”.
To finish this analysis, let’s do a little exercise. 
What is Mike’s Overall Arc, considering the following? 
His family represents conformity, an upper-middle-class household that’s apparently normal and very traditional. 
Both Nancy and Mike are meant to be the Rebellious Children in their very normal, traditional family.
Mike goes from leader to comic relief, to the Angry-closed off-messes-up character archetype. This is so evident that he even becomes unlikeable to most of the General Audience.
The Duffers remind us that hints are important and addressed later. Seemingly ‘weird’ actions and off personality have an explanation: there’s something deeper going on with Mike. You cannot address it all at once, it has to be over the course of episodes and seasons.
More advice from the writers: sometimes you plan something but end up realizing it works out better in a different way. Sometimes your own characters surprise you, and take you to the path that is more natural for them, who they are, and their story.
Mike’s character arc was never getting the girl once the Duffers really established who Mike was. 
And with that, I conclude this analysis. :) Wait for the next one! Please tell me your thoughts if you liked this and read this far. I love reading your tags and comments.
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A cult managed to access and subsequently mess around with Gothams Lazarus pit and summoned Desiree. The genie promptly broke out of whatever summoning circle she was in and started causing chaos by granting wishes.
Of course she was attracted to the Wayne manor, thinking about the tragedy that had happened to her in life. She was in luck, too! Bruce Wayne was upset. Appearently a few of his children couldn't make up to Thanksgiving dinner, one was avoiding him outright, and he made a mistake.
He told the butler, "I just wish all of my kids were here for Thanksgiving." She liked that wish and would gladly grant it.
"So you have wished it, so shall it be!"
Both the men spun around, but it was too late. Purple smoke filled the room and clouded oround them. The smoke cleared almost as quickly as it came, leaving them coughing and looking around for the mysterious woman who had seemingly vanished.
Danny jumped out of the chair he had suddenly found himself in. Huh. He didn't recognize this room, but it was decorated with stuff he liked and even stuff he knew was his. It was almost like he had decorated the room himself, but that wasn't possible. He was in Mr. Lancers math class taking a test just a minute ago! Where was he now?
Deciding to peek out his door, he was met with his clone Ellie and another girl who introduced herself as Helana Wayne. They were just just ask confused as he was, but at least Helena knew where they were.
The Wayne manor, her fathers home. Danny wasn't pleased to know he was in a billionaires mansion but decided to keep his opinion to himself until he could get himself and Ellie out of here. They didn't have to walk long until they got to a staircase where multiple boys were bickering and-was that a katana?
Appearently there was another teen named Terry here with someone named Matt and three boys seemed to be interrogating him. The guy looked ready to throw them down the stairs. Another guy, Aion was there too but he decided to casually walk down the stares while everyone was distracted.
Danny intervened and politely asked to be returned to school. He was kind of in the middle of a test and his parents were going to kill him if he flunked. This seemed to ease the tension in the room at the very least as thier storry seemed to match up with this Terry guys explanation.
Damian, a rude little gremlin who Danny wanted to punt into the sun within the first five minutes of meeting -something Terry whole heartedly agreed with- snidely said he would lead them to the door and Danny wanted to drag his heels out of spite.
This was how they learned the manor grounds were floating in a bubble in space. Damian growled something about how he was going to make someone pay but Danny was too busy freaking out about **space** to care
It eventually came out that Henena was the child of Batman and Catwoman, Danny was adopted and Dani was his clone, so after a DNA test they discovered Helena was thier full sister and the oldest of the pack.
Terry was shocked to find out he and Matt were also Bruce's bio son but was kinda wigging out about it because the implications.
Everyone here was in some form or another, a child of Bruce Wayne, many of whom were from different realities or timeliness. The real problem was that ALL of Bruce Waynes children were here. Or at least one version of them.
And it was October 4th. They were stuck here together until Thanksgiving was over. Yay.
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terrence-silver · 3 months
Oh, I so agree with you about the lack of Terry in promos being... unsatisfying. So many things they're playing with this season were set in motion by Terry. Terry mentioned Kim Sung Young first, who they now have cast. Terry wanted to go to the Sekai Taikai. Terry introduced Kim Da Eun. If they can get Kreese out of prison with a box of Jell-o, no way can they keep Terry in jail for more than three hours. If he can spin heading Dynatox into being a green philantropist, he can doctor this. If Kenny still has a major part to play, well who mentored him?
I could have understood it if they wanted to shift away from the Terry storyline and focus on what the show started as, reclaiming your life through karate. But then, it would have made much more sense to keep Kreese in prison, send Chozen and Da Eun home, and not focus so much on Tang Soo Do. But if they're setting that legacy up as the überthreat, it makes no sense for Terry not to be involved. The Sekai Taikai was his baby, moreso than Cobra Kai, even. Maybe the CK brand has been compromised, but so what? Hearsay. Simply rebrand.
Terry completely revitalised a show that had milked everything out of Johnny-Kreese there was to milk, keeps shying away from consequences with Robby and Miguel and would never give Sam and Tory the gay awakening that drives them. To dump him and keep Chozen and Da Eun around makes no damn sense!
Exactly. Precisely.
Terry Silver is the lifeblood that keeps this show running.
Because what else is there to do with this plot?
A lot of storylines got tragically milked to completion seasons ago.
And I don't think for the life of me Da Eun, who quite literally got flown into the plot during the penultimate mid-season is a strong enough character to be the end all-be all final boss villain. She doesn't have the charisma to pull what Thomas Ian Griffith pulled in TKK3. She was just introduced pretty much last minute and our attachment to her is at best nonexistent to miniscule with her only connection to anything going on in the plot at all is through Kreese, Silver and their mutual history with the sport. In the plot itself, girl even seemed like she was begrudgingly in the States in the first place and had to be talked into staying by Terry. To carry the whole endgame conclusion of this show and well over forty years of lore between the characters as the ultimate bad guy? Yeah, nope. Don't see it. There's just no development there. No meat.
As you said. It makes no damn sense.
And I will be in the minority here, which is entirely alright for me, but I really have an abject allergy for fan concoctions like brining back Julie Pierce in Season 6 or having Chozen and Da Eun have a showdown to fill in plot gaps. Shoehorning in Julie Pierce for a random, out of nowhere cameo when the one attachment she had to the plot was vaguely through a character dead for well over forty years just so she could tutor female character x and y for a short period of time is unnecessary at this late stage and I don't think Chozen and Da Eun warrant enough stakes to suddenly become mortal foes that take up space like that in the last season, but hey, that's just me; like, where are these rivalries even coming from? They met like yesterday. Do you two even know each other's full names!? Like!?
Terry Silver, John Kreese and the Sekai Tekai are sole the points of interest left.
After all, show's called Cobra Kai and they are Cobra Kai.
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lizardsfromspace · 11 months
Finished my DS9 rewatch & decided to look back on some of the missed opportunities of the series. Was DS9 perfect? Yes. I like Voyager and Enterprise but I could fill pages with missed opportunities etc, with DS9 I had to scrounge around for one list
Everything to do with how Terry Farrell's departure was handled but that's on Rick "fucking Rick Berman" Berman
The Pah-Wraiths are the least creative thing in DS9 and really the only time they fell into the pit of defanging an alien concept, by making the Prophets the Good God Aliens and the Pah-Wraiths the Evil Demon Aliens. Too much of the finale is spent on this silly plot of red-eyed, possessed Dukat in the hell caves. On the other hand the scenes where Dukat seduces the Space Pope into Satanism are fun
Tora Ziyal being this formless character bc they kept recasting her and somehow settled on "romance with Garak, who is her dad's age and, uh, y'know" as the best option for her. Why did Ziyal not have any kind of arc with Jake and Nog given they were around the same age
Jake Sisko I guess? For all that I respect why he wasn't around that much I do wish they'd included him a bit more over the years
I get why they revisited the Mirror Universe the first time but why did they do it again each season. Why were all those episodes still better than any Mirror Universe plot since
Uhhh the arc with the Orion Syndicate was kind of forgettable and it's sort of weird that the Orion Syndicate had no Orions in it
"Profit and Lace"
Uhhhhhh when they introduced the Defiant there was a Romulan onboard and she was written out bc they didn't have enough room for her and I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here but it would've been nice to have a fleshed out Romulan at some point in the 24th century shows instead of a revolving door. It's weird that Star Trek has only had a regular Romulan character for half a season of Picard and he spent the next season dead and then vanished without a trace
Will Elnor never be mentioned again or will he show up on one episode of Legacy to get Icheb'd. Which would be worse
When did this become a Picard post
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duckprintspress · 3 months
Meet Aether Beyond the Binary Contributor S. J. Ralston
We’re entering the final week of the Kickstarter campaign for Aether Beyond the Binary, an anthology of 17 aetherpunk stories starring characters outside the gender binary, and we’re still going strong! As I write this, we’re $3,700 shy of our goal – an amount we definitely can raise, but the more help we get spreading the words about this project, the more people will know it exists, and truly that’s the single biggest barrier to hitting our goals: effectively spread the words. So, if you believe in this project, whether you’re a backer or not, we’d really appreciate you taking a moment to share/reblog/retoot/reskeet our posts about it!
Thanks for all your support! Now, let’s introduce another of our contributing authors…
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About S. J.: S. J. grew up in a distinctly weird, distinctly southern hometown, then hied out West for grad school before landing in Texas, where they currently work as a planetary scientist. They’ve been writing original works and fanfiction since they could hold a pencil semi-correctly, and continue to write both whenever possible (as well as still holding a pencil only semi-correctly). In their clearly copious spare time, S. J. enjoys hiking, tabletop RPGs, jigsaw puzzles, and enthusiastically crappy sci-fi.
Link: Personal Website | Tumblr
This is S. J.’s first time writing with Duck Prints Press. You can read another example of their writing by visiting their website to check out Anglerfish, a horror sci-fi story. 
An Interview with S. J. Ralston
How did you pick the name you create under?
It’s a line from the opening of the Aeneid that’s stuck with me ever since AP Latin in high school: “On account of the mindful wrath of cruel Juno.” It’s a synchesis, where the adjectives have been swapped from where you expect them to be; it’s Juno who is mindful and her wrath that is cruel, but rearranging them in such a way elegantly implies the relentless, vindictive onslaught that is to follow.
What do you consider to be your strengths as a creator?
Dialogue and dread.
What do the phrases “writer’s block” or “art block” mean to you?
The state of wanting to create but not having the intellectual raw materials to do it.
Are you a pantser, a planner, or a planster? What’s your process look like?
I would consider myself a plantser. Typically I start with an IDEA, writ large, center of the page. Then some key scenes will populate around it–dramatic moments, fun bits of dialogue, cool setpieces. At that point I get out my corkboard and red string and start trying to piece everything together, and if I’m lucky, the shape of the story will reveal itself to me. Sometimes it’s the classic parabola of rising and falling action, other times it’s been a ring, a tri-fold posterboard, a descending spiral, or a series of concentric circles. Then I fill in until the structure is complete and hope like hell that I can stick the landing.
What are your favorite tropes?
Found Family, Robots With Feelings, Enemies To Lovers, Destructive Romance, Kirk Summation/The Man In The Room
What are your favorite character archetypes?
Brooding Loner Secretly Just Lonely, Lying For Fun And Profit, Badass With An Obvious Dump Stat, Too Old For This Shit, Taciturn But Bizarre, Himbo
Do you like having background noise when you create? What do you listen to? Does it vary depending on the project, and if so, how?
I make a playlist for almost everything I write that’s longer than a few thousand words. Sometimes it’s for listening to while I’m creating (in that case, it has to be primarily instrumentals or I’ll get distracted), and sometimes it’s just for daydreaming to (in which case, the vibes must be correct, so I can construct AMV’s in my head).
Share five of your favorite books. (You can include why, if you want!)
Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett – Eerie, funny, and poignant in equal measure; a police procedural done right.
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke – Lush with joy, curiosity, and love, yet still remarkably dark, with an ending that will nestle in your brain forever.
Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception by Eoin Colfer – Fourth in the series and the absolute pinnacle thereof. A master-class in shit hitting the fan. 
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu – Everyone, down to the most momentary background character, behaves more like *people* than any I’ve ever read before and it’s *disastrous* and I *love* it.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson – The classic of classics. The horror of horrors. The transgenderism of it all.
What are your goals as a creator? 
(1) To write something that’s better on the second read-through than it was on the first, and (2) To write something that stays with the reader.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
When you finish a first draft and you *know* you’ve got something really good, put it down. For a month, six months, a year; until the glow fades, or you’ve fallen in love with whatever you’re writing next. Then come back and re-read that first draft. Take extensive notes, diagram the plot, profile the characters. Notice the holes, redundancies, missed opportunities, and inconsistencies. Then open up a blank document and *start over.*
S. J.’s Contribution to Aether Beyond the Binary
Title: Razzmatazz
Tags: bipoc, body horror, butch, character injury (non-graphic descriptions), classism, dehumanization, eye horror, horror, humans are the villains, mechanic, minor character death, misogyny, murder (accidental), non-binary, non-human character, past tense, sentient construct (magical), third person limited pov
The thing was damn near unrecognizable, not just as Marilyn Monroe, but as human. People had tweaked the proportions through the years—amateur artists who couldn’t put down the paintbrush. That kind of thing was bad enough on paper, but seeing it in person made Skipper’s butthole clench.
The dress and the curls were Monroe. The rest was something else.
“Shit my ass off,” Skipper said under his breath.
“Yeah,” said Charlie.
“This gets up and walks around?”
“She does.”
“Shit my ass off.”
Maybe it was a trick of the light, a too-heavy head on a too-thin neck, but the Monroe wasn’t staring across the aisle like the others. It seemed to be looking down at Skipper. It put out waves of dare-you-to-start-some-shit energy.
“Is it because they messed with the proportions?”
“Huh?” said Skipper, pulling out of the Monroe’s tractor beam.
“The reason she moves around so much. Could it be because of…” Charlie gestured to its whole body.
“Hell, maybe,” said Skipper.
The Monroe loomed like a landslide, just waiting for the rain. Skipper had a hammer on his belt. He felt like the Monroe was staring at it. If he broke the case, what then? 
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fatfables · 1 month
Shawn makes some new friends at Yale
This is a sample section from the third part of my gainer novel, Camp Shawn.
The first three parts are available to read at fatfables.com
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Shawn and Harry sat down next to Tom who introduced Shawn to a few of the others. There was a tall Dutch boy with ginger hair and a long low bell shaped belly that hung off his six foot seven frame, he was called Bart, so everyone referred to him as Simpson. There was also a guy from Toronto called ‘Big John’, a nickname that he had kept from school. You can guess why. And the only guy there who was fatter and heavier than Shawn, Terry Thompson. TT was a massive superchub, 536 lbs and eager to grow. Shawn eyed him enviously.
The barbecues had been cooking constantly for the last four hours and were still going strong. Shawn started with a few plates of cheeseburgers but soon found himself starting to become bored by the meat. He sighed heavily, when he realised why, and Harry handed him three more beers. Fortunately for Shawn the posh Yale boys had provided salads and sides. 
Shawn found the potato salad. It was made with whole baked potatoes smothered in mayonnaise, creme fraiche, and other buttery sauces that he couldn’t quite recognise. He ate four huge bowls of it. It was one of the most filling side dishes he had ever had and the calories soon started to fill out his own sides. He drank 3000 calories in beer alone and his massive belly filled with gas and started to balloon accordingly. College was starting to turn him into a big drinker and his size meant that he could drink a lot. He burped loudly after throwing the contents of one of the red party cups down his throat in one. He belly laughed and asked if they were hiding the desserts from him. Harry called another boy over and told him that it was time to empty the fridges.
The jokes continued as the beer poured and barbecue sizzled. The YGS boys started to reminisce about their success earlier that evening and took much joy in telling and retelling the story of how Dr Steve Stringer had fallen in the custard and slipped a disc. Shawn licking the custard off him was one of the funniest things any of them had ever seen. The memory of his Dad being taken away in an ambulance and the thought that he was right now laying paralysed in a hospital bed, raking up a massive bill, while he was here feasting and partying with his new fat friends filled Shawn with joy. It also enabled a new hunger to overtake him just as the deserts arrived.
Shawn, Harry, Tom, TT, Bart, and Big John went to town on the deserts. Thanks to the new Dutch Simpson they had massive amounts of Stroopwafles and Poffertjes. The deliciously gooey waffles were stuffed with a thick caramel syrup that ran down the double chins of all six boys as they raced to ram as many of them in their mouths in one go as they could. They devoured at least twenty each and devised a game of trying to say ‘poffertjes’ with the correct pronunciation while chewing on chipmunk-esque mouthfuls of cakes and cream.
“Puffedjerkges,” said Tom.
“Priflgedjes,” said Harry.
“Preodflegas,” said TT.
“Plufdgasgas,” Shawn spat loads of pastry out from between his greedy fat lips when he laughed as he tried to speak.
“Proffertjes,” said Simpson, with expert native pronunciation.
The beer and more than generous portions continued to flow. Shawn was starting to feel lightheaded just as his belly became achingly overfull. All the beer and sugar was reacting in his huge tightly packed stomach. He could hear and feel it all sloshing and gurgling about. Once or twice he did a small sick-up as the slimy digested fatty treats struggled to find anywhere else to go due to just how gloriously overfull he truly was. He felt like such a wonderful pig.
At this moment he felt someone grab his heavy arms and tie them behind his back. It was Harry. The same was done to Tom Stanton 315 lbs.
“This game is called Hog-tied.” Harry said. “The aim is to see which one of you can eat the most chocolate cheesecake in under three minutes.”
A pile of family sized cheesecakes were placed on the table in front of Shawn and Tom. Shawn’s eyes sparkled like the brightest star in the sky.
“I’m gonna kick your skinny little ass Tom-boy!”
“Good fucking luck, Big head. I’m hardly a newb at this!”
TT started the clock.
Both pigs let their heavy heads drop forward into the pies. Shawn snuffled and grunted as he took huge bites from the cake. Tom was also pigging away at a rapid rate. He used his long tongue to sweep the rich topping into his mouth before gnawing at the cookie base like a starving rat. Shawn was the first to lift his head as he finished licking his tongue around the edges of the metallic tray. His huge moon-like face was covered in cream, chocolate sauce, and syrup. It ran off his forehead into his eyes. It was up his nose and dripping into his mouth. He was clearly salivating.
The second cheesecake was placed in front of him. He dived in without a second thought. Both boys were full to the point of bursting. As Tom lifted his head his belly pushed out and the shirt he was wearing ripped wide open. Three buttons flew off across the table and 315 lbs of pure belly fat plopped out into the cooling night air. The gathering crowd cheered loudly.
Shawn lifted his head for a second time after barely thirty seconds. He tilted his head as far back as it would go causing the folds on the back of his neck to scrunch together. He stared up at the stars and groaned loudly.
“Had enough?” Harry asked.
“No fucking chance. Cake me!”
The third cheesecake was slid in front of him and he dived in face first. As he bit, licked, chewed, gulped, and swallowed, he could feel his belly straining and stretching out in front of him. His gut was so big and swollen that it took real physical effort to lean far enough forward to reach the tantalisingly tasty torta. He continued to huff and puff as he gobbled down every last inch of the third round. He lifted his head just as Tom was finishing his second cake. Of course Shawn was going to win.
There was just over one minute left as the pigs started to gorge on their third and fourth pies. Shawn’s belly was now in real pain. It was once more far too full to hold any more food but he kept eating anyway. He was such a lard balloon. It really was a glorious sight for all the other boys to see. He ate with such passion and desire and his belly was just the biggest roundest ball of fat that any of them had ever known. Shawn heard a creaking noise. At first he thought it was the bench below him but he quickly realised and ate with even greater gusto. He felt his belly grow, licked up the last of the crumbs, lifted his head and let the seams of his new YGS t-shirt, that he had only just been gifted, rip open down his left hand side. Another huge cheer rang out.
“That was the largest size we had.” Someone said.
The first to show itself was his marvellously meaty love handle. It plopped out with a thud and hung in the open air, five inches over the side of his trousers. The fat was thick and rich and lightly tanned. Next out was the huge fat roll that sat on top of it. Four inches tall and just as wide. The tight skin struggling to hold the fat in was as smooth as silk. Then came his left breast, the size of a basketball and just as round. It shone in the moonlight, a huge erect nipple on top. The t-shirt then flung open and fell down his right hand side. His bulbous balloon belly burst out, forward and free. It was magnificent. Over 76 inches in diameter standing. It must have measured well over 100 inches sitting. Glistening red stretch marks ran all around it, melting into his tan. The blubbery layer of fatty adipose covering his digestive organs must have been at least two feet deep. His fat fat face was still smothered in the creamy cake. Shawn really was the world’s most glorious looking glutton.
He squealed like a prize hog. Leant his head backwards and screamed at the top of his voice;
The fifth cheesecake was hastily chucked in front of him. He screamed in pain as he leant forward. The weight of his tits and fat rolls crushed down on top of his screaming stomach. He dug his tongue deep into the cake and ate and ate and ate.
Tom lifted his head from his third round just as the three minutes were up. Shawn groaned in frustration. He knew they wouldn’t let him finish the final cake. 
“Tom Stanton 315 lbs, three chocolate cheesecakes!”
 “Shawn Stringer, King of Fat Camp, four and a half chocolate cheesecakes!”
There was a large round of applause as all the YGS boys cheered and laughed.
“I once did five, ya know,” TT said to Shawn.
“Fuck you!” Said Shawn.
“Not quite,” retorted TT.
Harry put a hand on Shawn’s aching shoulder. Every cell in his body ached. He stared down at the lunar landscape that was his new friend’s belly and stroked himself.
“Now it’s time for your reward.” He smiled widely as he and a group of the boys including Tom, TT, and Simpson helped him to his feet and led him groaning back to the frat house.
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merv606 · 2 months
I just want Terry to fuck Daniel until Daniel’s hair is wet with sweat, and his knees and elbows are rubbed raw, and his chest is sucked sore, and there are bruises on his hips and his wrists, and his lips are red and swollen, and his voice is hoarse, and his thighs are shaking, and skin is sticky, and the sheets are ruined, and Terry is fucking out more cum than he is fucking in, and the noise is absolutely obscene. And still—he is not done with Daniel.
You and me both Anon. You and me both!
Now 🤔 - not sure which verse this is for but does it matter to you anon?!
At any rate, the following could fit most versions of them.
“More?” Daniel slurs out when he feels Terry’s fingers trace down over his swollen hole, warm and wet to the touch.
He knows that in a few moments it won’t be fingers gently yet insistently prodding at his entrance.
“Not again. Terry please, I can’t take any more.”
They both know that’s a lie.
So very NSFW
A dark chuckle in his ear as Terry swings a leg over, knees on either side of Daniel who is on his stomach and really, Daniel has himself to blame - lying in such a position. His boy is basically asking for it!
Terry leans over, close to his ear, as his hands trace up his sides, massaging out any knots, although his boy has been fucked quite limp, in every sense of the word.
Large hands knead his ass too, smoothing up and down, watching the ample flesh as he kneads it, fingers sinking in, before prying his cheeks open.
If Terry wasn’t already on his way to fill hardness, the sight of that used hole, once so tiny when they started, now gaping and unable to close it seems, white leaking out like a broken faucet.
“You can baby. We both know you can. We both know you will.”
His hole clenches as Terry traces its red and swollen rim, so full of lube cum spit and god knows what else.
He’s gucked open … it’s beyond obscene, and it’s one of the most beautiful things Terry has seen.
He’ll be sore tomorrow; he must be sore now, but it’s a feeling he knows his boy has come to relish in - after these sessions.
Terry will lift him to a warm bath with episome salts, make sure he takes some Advil, and then rub some cream around his ass and just inside to take away the sting of the near constant penetration. The pounding he took.
For now though, Terry has one more in him and would like to satiate that inside his boy. Again.
And he knows just the quickest way to get him to spread.
Lips to his ass and although Terry rimming him isn’t knew, he is still shy about this - Terry tasting him after he’s taken him.
As much as he protested when Terry first did this, and the few dozen times after, sure enough now he’s pressing back, back arching like he’s in fucking heat …..
White knuckles grip sheets, falling forward slightly, hands holding onto the edge of the mattress; the noise of Terry having his used over used ass.
A finger, no lube or spit needed, slides in, right into his sweet spot, a gasp, as Terry licks around it and inside as much as he can when he introduces a second finger - like a hot knife through butter they go inside, both impossibly and easily deep.
Humping the mattress, Terry’s fingers come back wet with his own come, fingering it out and shoving it back in.
He can feel it, around his fingers when Daniel’s orgasm is forced out of him, and he lets the aftershocks die down before nestling himself back between his cheeks.
A pained little whimper as Terry hold his cock in his hand, tracing the furled muscle, spreading the leaking come around his hole.
“Terry,” he whimpers out when the pressure of the blunt head against the used entrance becomes more insistent.
“Shhhh relax for me ….”
They both know this is going to happen.
“You want this, baby. You know you do. We both know how needy this ass is.”
He’s too open, clearly too eager and all to happy to spread his legs all night for the older man, even if sometimes they were opened for him, the star of his hole evidence of his eagerness to be fucked and filled with the Terry’s release.
He lost count of how many times Terry took him but he knows it was always inside that the older man spent himself. It’ll be days before it’s all out of him.
It’ll also be days before he can sit right; he can feel how sore he is already. He’s going to really feel this tomorrow but like pressing in on the bruises Terry leaves to still feel their bite, he likes this too, from time to time.
Being beyond used. He can hear that Terry is fucking more out of him than in now. Pretty sure his thighs are coated in Terry’s cum.
The groans of pleasure from the older man. Like it’s the best thing. Like it’s the first time. Like he’s as tight as he was when they started, when right now, that’s definitely not the case.
He can hear how sloppy and loose his hole is from near constant use tonight. Can feel how easily the older man moves in and out of him.
Daniel’s cock trapped between the bed and his body pressed into the mattress by Terry’s bulk on him.
“Please ….. please …… “ he’s chanting, lips wet with sweet as he drools, coming from the corners and down his chin.
Please stop. Please more.
Who knows what his boy is begging for?
It doesn’t matter. Either he’ll get what he wants or not - Terry isn’t stopping, so hopefully his precious boy is begging for the latter.
“Please what baby ….” Leaning down, lips again this ear, moving the sweat drenched hair
Hands gripping the mattress; white knuckles.
“Tell me what you want.”
“I don’t know,” he whines.
It’s too much.
It’s not enough.
He wants Terry to pull out.
He wants Terry deeper.
“Don’t worry I’ll give you what you need. I always do, don’t I?”
“You trust me don’t you baby? To know the difference?”
“I know your body better than you do, don’t I?”
“Yessss,” Daniel sobs out.
Daniel hadn’t been allowed to come as much as Terry had tonight.
Terry grinds into that bundle of nerves - and it has to be more painful that pleasure - having just come - but that just enhances the pinpricks of white hot pleasure as the cock drags over it, the thick shaft and fat head of it, when he slams into it.
Pantsing into the bed, a high keen almost, his hips fingers digging in and he doesn’t even want to know the state those are in … a canvas of fingerprints bruises in different shades of healing, all matching the older man’s fingers - for now and for always. Just Terry marking him like this.
How it was meant to be.
Terry pounding in- and fuck he is way too open for this, way too eager still. Used up now, it feels, beyond worth.
But still, Terry’s cock fills him and fills him.
“I don’t know what’s better.” The older man groans out, leaning back down, warm breath on Daniel’s ear, like the next part is some secret between the two, and not apparent to anyone how had ears. “How small and tight your hole is when we start or how it looks now, when I’m almost done with it. Fucked open wide and gaping. My cum flooding out.”
“Just like it should be, baby. You were made for this; to be fucked. Made for me to use.”
“Do you have any goddamn idea” - thrust - “how fucking gorgeous you are like this?” Thrust. “Under me?” Thrust. “Open wide for me.” Thrust. “Because I’ve spent all night playing with this greedy little ass?”
Daniel hopes Terry’s not in one of those moods where he’s going to end up with a plug up his ass Terry playing with it while Daniel begs for him to take it out. Being made to come dry.
“It’s still not enough though is it?”
“Come in me,” Daniel pleads, smushing his face in the mattress to stop any other treacherous words from coming out without his permission.
Warmth blooms through him, as Terry’s weight in his back increases, as he fucks in, shooting deep, gripping his hips to hold him in place to make sure every drop of cum is emptied out of him into the much loved, smaller body.
He winces slightly as Terry pulls out, and he knows what’s coming, as he’s rolled onto his back. His own hands go to the back of his thighs obediently, as Terry grabs his phone snapping a few pictures.
“You’re so fucking open right now, baby.”
Daniel throws a hand over his face.
“Clench for me.”
Cum, like a hot brand, oozes out in globs and he can hear the sound of the camera rattling off several photos in quick succession.
“That’s it,” Terry switches to a video as he fingers his cum back inside, to the soundtrack of wounded noises spilling out of Daniel.
“Please,” and this time, Terry knows he is truly done. Lucky for him so is Terry.
A quick kiss to his lips, and a gentle, “I love you so much, baby,” as Terry climbs off the bed.
Daniel drifts off to the sound of Terry running the bath.
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eemcintyre · 17 days
People Will Say We're in Love
TW- none
Summary- The first news story about Valerie and Terry is released, and Valerie must cope with heightened scrutiny from her family, friends, and strangers. She also learns that Terry will be hosting a cocktail party to welcome the investment group and that she needs to be there.
This part introduces one of the details in this story that I was most excited to write about 👀 (see picture below for reference)
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Sunday morning. Valerie rolled out of bed, donned a quick, casual dress and sunglasses, and ventured out for a newspaper.
Before she could even make the short walk back to her apartment, she couldn’t resist flipping through and skimming the pages. She didn’t have to look too closely- as expected, the day’s Society and Entertainment section of First Look’s newspaper was a splashy collage of color photographs from the café and blocks of accompanying copy. A shot of Valerie and Terry’s kiss took the main spot but were supplemented by photos of him pressing his lips to her hand and her swiping him across the nose with tea foam.
The headline: “Silver gets steamy over coffee with mystery woman.” The article: filled with questions and theories as to Silver’s unusual display of softness and the mystery woman’s identity.
In any other circumstances, it would be amusing to see herself in the newspaper. Valerie was pleased that, at the very least, she and Terry did photograph as a lovely couple, but she couldn’t help the prickle of dread that overshadowed this satisfaction, wondering what it might mean for her if Amanda Shotwell were to turn her keen journalistic attentions toward investigating her.
But this concern quickly became remote when Valerie arrived to work on Monday. She felt eyes boring into her everywhere she turned, accompanied by whispers.
“She’s not the type he usually goes for.”
“So that’s how she made it to the top floor so fast...”
Many coworkers, some she barely even knew, took it upon themselves to come up to her desk and pepper her with questions about the length and depth of her and Mr. Silver’s relationship and their unsolicited opinions about dipping one's pen into the company ink. A number of women that Valerie had hardly or never spoken to before gave her dirty looks and/or made snide comments to her in passing down the hallways. Blonde and model-built ex-paramours of Terry Silver who found it unbearable that they proved insignificant in comparison to the plain, comparatively classless creature before them.
Her friends tried their best to be supportive, but even those who thought the news was great were slightly confused due to how clear Valerie had made it in the past that she wasn’t fond of him. A couple of them just wanted to know how he was in bed, which was arguably worse than the insults of his exes. A deep red swept across Valerie’s cheeks and she recoiled at the mental image, as well as the idea that the people around her were picturing it.
“No- oh God, no!” she exclaimed instinctually, before realizing that her reaction didn’t fit the narrative. “I mean…” She tried to roll it back. “You know I don’t kiss and tell. I like to keep it classy. You’ll just have to use your imagination.” Her friend smirked. “Or don’t!”
Valerie nearly ran away, clutching the pile of binders and folders she was carrying to her chest and adjusting her glasses sliding down the sweaty bridge of her nose.
Proceedings at Dynatox had taken on a frenetic pace, as the top members of Kimura Investment Group were less than two weeks away from arrival. Final touches needed to be put on the business plan and the proposal, and hundreds of other pages of miscellaneous paperwork had to be put in order. Plus, Valerie and her fellow PR members had been working overtime trying to manage and tamp down negative news stories about the company.
And aside from the workload aspect of the upcoming arrival, the activity of the bustling employees nearly quivered with the anxious anticipation of it all, knowing how beneficial for the company it would be if they were successful- as well as how serious the consequences would be if it all fell through. Not only would Mr. Silver likely become frightful to be around for the foreseeable future, but he would certainly take out his anger on any and every one of the people he perceived as contributing to the failure. Any small mistake wouldn’t do. Basically, Valerie had much higher priorities that needed to be dealt with and she wished she could focus on, rather than having to spend time worrying about people questioning her judgment and imagining her sex life.
Then, the next morning, before Valerie could even get used to the atmosphere at work, these worries were compounded when she was awoken by a barrage of messages and phone calls that beat her alarm to the punch in terms of how early they came. Calls from various family members and friends back home that ran the gamut of emotions but could ultimately be boiled down to “what the hell is going on?”
Her sister was thrilled and unashamedly jealous; praising what she believed to be Valerie’s dedication to getting ahead: “Well, look at you living my dream. We all wish we could snag a sugar daddy like that- good for you!” Valerie’s jaw dropped. Her cousin was just morbidly curious, wanting every little detail so that he could brag to and joke with his friends. Her mother, as Valerie feared, was nearly turning herself inside out with concern- “Just how long have you been going out with him, dear? Why didn’t you tell any of us about it? What are his intentions? Your father wants to know.”
Valerie bit back a harsh laugh at her parents speaking about Silver as if he were one of the local high school athletes who was known for getting all the girls in the back of his car; like he wasn’t the CEO of a Fortune 500 company and she hadn’t also proven herself highly capable over her time in California and they were both children.
And of course, his true intentions were far more complex and rather concerning than anyone knew or needed to know.
“How did you even hear about this so fast?” Valerie inquired, ignoring her mother’s million questions for her own, realizing how suspiciously quickly the news had traveled from one end of the country to the other.
“This reporter called us asking about you and what we knew about the relationship,” her mother replied before quickly devolving into hysteria once more. “Which, of course, was nothing. Were you ever planning on telling us?”
“A reporter called you? Mom, what reporter?” Valerie’s heart began to pound, pumping blood that had gone cold with dread as she white-knuckled the phone.
“She was a very nice lady. She works for one of the big publications over there…”
“What was her name? Do you remember?”
“I think it was Miranda, maybe, or Amanda.”
Valerie dropped into the living area armchair, feeling dizzy. “Mom, what did you tell her?”
“She just wanted some basic information about us and how we felt about you two going out- oh, and to send some old pictures of you. Of course, since we had no idea any of this was going on, there wasn’t much to say. We probably sounded like idiots not knowing anything that’s going on with our own daughter…”
Valerie sought a way to end the call after that, slamming the receiver down after her mother hanged up and collapsing fully into the armchair with her head in her hands, letting out a piercing groan. Amanda already seemed disconcertingly close to uncovering some sort of unaccounted-for detail that would reveal her and Terry’s ruse, nullifying their deal and wasting all the time and energy Valerie had put into it, as well as publicly embarrassing her. Let alone what the unpredictable Silver might do to her.
Well, at her mother’s own insistence, her family didn’t really know anything of importance to give Amanda as ammunition. Valerie worked to slow her breathing once she realized she’d started to hyper-ventilate. Everything was probably fine. Sighing into her hands, she had to cut her doomed thought spiral short if she was to be on time for another gloriously invasive day of work.
Within a couple of hours at Dynatox, when Valerie was knee-deep in media release drafts and phone calls trying to tame the continuing, tense situation with the Midwest protesters, she received a call from Terry summoning her to his office.
“Ter- Mr. Silver,” she corrected herself in the interest of maintaining some façade of professionalism, glancing nervously at her coworkers, who thankfully seemed to either not notice or not care. “Can’t it wait? Now’s not a good time…”
Managing the predicament and keeping it from escalating was all the more important with Kimura’s impending arrival. And it served as a decent distraction from her host of other rapidly developing problems.
“I wasn’t asking,” he replied flatly. “I know you have a lot on your plate; I wouldn’t interrupt you if it wasn’t important.” His tone softened as he tried to pacify her.
Valerie glared in the direction of his door and rolled her eyes before sighing “I’ll be right there.”
“Thank you,” he replied, in a manner that implied she was the one being difficult.
After taking a few moments to note where she was at in each of her tasks for when she returned, Valerie made her way to his office, feeling eyes on her every step of the way. The second she shut the door behind her, she began her mentally rehearsed statement:
“Terry, if we don’t want those environmentalists in the Midwest to become a PR disaster, I really need to get back to-”
“Don’t worry about that. I just-” Terry attempted to interject and was swiftly steamrolled. Suddenly, everything that was going wrong began flooding out and Valerie couldn’t stop it.
“-Oh, and apparently over the weekend Amanda has been calling all of my relatives trying to get dirt on me! My family has been asking me a million questions and they told the press God knows what and tomorrow First Look is probably going to have a section about my high school photos from when I had braces-”
“-Valerie!” Terry strode around his desk to grab her by the shoulders. “Get ahold of yourself. It’s all being taken care of. I gave that assignment and almost everything else to Peter and his team; now all you have to worry about is Kimura and us.”
Of course, while Terry wanted to ensure that Valerie had enough time and energy to give a good girlfriend performance and focus on what had become the organization’s most important task- wooing the investors- this scheduling adjustment would also play perfectly into his larger covert op. If Valerie’s schedule was freed up to allow her more time with him, he would be able to draw her all the closer and get her more attached, more quickly.
Valerie’s face turned faintly pink, and she was obviously about to protest before the feeling of that weight being lifted off of her fully registered.
“Um... T-thank you,” she stammered, eyebrows furrowed as she was caught off-guard by his seeming generosity. “But won’t people think you’re playing favorites if you push a bunch of my work onto other people?”
“Who gives a fuck? They work for me. And after all, as far as they’re concerned, you are my favorite.” He shrugged, and Valerie wished for even an atom of his unruffled confidence. “And I wouldn’t worry about your family because they can’t tell what they don’t know, right?”
When Valerie didn’t immediately respond, his eyes narrowed. “Right?”
“I haven’t said anything to them. I wouldn’t even know what to say or where to begin,” she shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Terry was content with her answer, reminding himself that he also was keeping tabs of his own on her family and everything they were saying to the press in case he needed to step in. His entire plan wasn’t going to fall apart just because some senile or fame-seeking relative couldn’t keep their big mouth shut. He had the situation covered from all angles.
“As for Ms. Shotwell, try to take it as the sick sort of compliment it is. She knows you’ll get people reading. People are buying what we’re selling. Just keep playing it cool and remember that, at the end of the day, her livelihood relies on us. We’re the ones in control here. Now, will you please sit down?”
Valerie descended gingerly into the chair across from him at his desk, temporarily placated. 
“I did say that I had something important to discuss with you. As you know, Kimura’s people arrive in less than two weeks, and we want to show ‘em that we’re the people to be in business with, but also nothing too crazy. Upscale, but minimalist. Remind them of home; really schmooze them. Show them a good time but that we’ll use their money wisely."
Valerie nodded and he continued. “I imagine you’ve heard that we’re planning a little cocktail party and dinner for the weekend they get here?”
“Yes,” she replied, thinking to herself that the gathering would be anything but ‘little,’ or ‘nothing too crazy,’ as it was to be about 40 people plus service aboard a yacht with a grand view of the coast.
“You’ll be there to help charm them as the CEO’s gorgeous and refined beloved.”
Gorgeous. Valerie shifted her jaw thoughtfully.
“Of course, we’ll need to downplay the fact that you’re with the company, let alone on the top floor- gotta appeal to their values. And we don’t want to show too much affection, but I don’t imagine you’ll mind that,” he joked. “Devoted but stable; practical. And don’t wear anything too sexy or over-the-top.” This last rule was as much for Terry as it was for the sake of appealing to Kimura. The idea of anyone but him looking at or thinking of Valerie in a desirous way made his blood pressure spike.
“Should I be writing this down?” Valerie asked sarcastically, crossing her arms and legs.
“I can write a checklist if you don’t think you can handle it…” She scowled at him. “You just make it so easy to tease you,” he explained, feigning innocence. “But that’s all for now. I’d like us to meet for lunch next Wednesday to nail down any final details.”
“Works for me.”
“See you around the office,” he said playfully as she got up to leave, and she bade him farewell with a wince and a faux-enthusiastic wave of her fingers. He responded with a wave and a smile in full force that she would have loved to smack off. 
The rest of the week quickly came and went, and before Valerie knew it, she was standing in front of her mirror again, pondering another high-end outfit while she waited for Milos to buzz the apartment door.
The tea-length, strappy black dress, accompanied by a matching headband and the confidence she’d started to build after the successful café outing, helped Valerie to feel sophisticated and assured for what otherwise was the “couple’s” first truly high-stakes event.
A lot hinged on the Kimura businessmen’s impressions of Dynatox, particularly their impressions of its CEO. And even though she didn’t love feeling like a mere accessory to Terry and his carefully crafted image, as police sirens blared nearby, her eventual reward and the possibility of being able to move out of her tiny, slightly sketchy apartment helped. Plus, a free drink or two was never a turn-off.
The now-familiar sound of the door buzzer brought Valerie back to attention. “I’ll be right down,” she called over the speaker, surprised when Terry’s voice sounded on the line instead of Milos’.
“Hold on, I’m coming up.”
Valerie glanced at the wall clock, wondering what possibly couldn’t be discussed in the car, but shrugged it off, unchaining the door. It was his party, if he wanted to be fashionably late to meet a clientele that typically valued being on time. Nothing in she and Terry’s agreement said the deal with Kimura had to be successful.
The echo of Terry’s heavy footsteps could be heard coming down the hall and she turned to face the doorway. He had already begun speaking as soon as he crossed the threshold, before even looking to see if she was there.
“This won’t take long…” Once his gaze locked in on her outfit, he froze, seeming momentarily lost for words, which was a first in Valerie’s experience. Of course, it didn’t last longer than about a second. All the same, her confidence faltered under his ever-critical eye.
“Well, don’t you look…”
“-Save it, Terry! I don’t need this right now…” Valerie snapped, bracing for another thinly veiled insult or backhanded compliment. He shot her a wilting look.
“…I was going to say that you look nice.”
“Oh.” Valerie glanced down at the floor and shuffled her feet, guilt twinging in her stomach. The range of emotions that this man could exhibit himself and elicit in her within a matter of minutes could make her head spin.
“I’m going to have to send Joan a very extravagant Christmas gift.”
“You look nice too,” she chirped, taking note of his double-breasted blazer, loafers, and crisp dress shirt. Although she immediately regretted her awkward response, not quite sure how to respond to a sincere compliment from him, he visibly preened at her praise, smoothing a hand over his slicked-back hair.
“So, what do you need before we go?” She clasped her hands together expectantly. 
“Ah, yes. Well, every outfit needs a finishing touch, right?” Terry rummaged inside his blazer pockets, removing a pair of small, flat red boxes.
Valerie gasped upon reading the word “Cartier” that was embossed on the center of each lid in elegantly rounded gold lettering. He opened one of the boxes and held it up at her eye level.
“Matching Cartier love bracelets. People will eat it up,” he grinned, studying her reaction. “Well, go on, take it. This one’s yours.” She wordlessly, slowly reached into the box to handle the bracelet with delicate fingers, observing the way the gold band glinted in the setting sun that sliced into the room.
“How does it go on?” she spoke finally, puzzled when she could find no clasp or latch. Terry removed a small velvet pouch from the box, revealing a tiny gold screwdriver within. “It screws on and off. It’s meant to be worn all the time.”
Valerie wrinkled her nose, her wonder quickly turning to disgust. “Why don’t you just handcuff us together?” she said dryly.
“Tempting. I like the way you think.”
“I just don’t like feeling like an object; like you’re marking your territory or something.”
“I was thinking more ‘touching gesture of commitment and devotion,’ but I can work with that, too,” he shrugged, biting back a laugh when she was clearly unamused by him returning the sarcasm.
They sat next to each other at the kitchen counter, starting the putting-on process with Valerie’s already unboxed bracelet.
“Alright, give me your hand,” Terry requested gently, pulling Valerie’s arm toward him and to the counter’s surface. He noted that her wrist was so thin his grip could more than reach around it, and once he got her bracelet unscrewed and slipped it on, how accurately he’d guessed the size.
“It’s a perfect fit,” he breathed, chuckling faintly as she watched him. He swore he almost saw a flicker of recognition in her eyes, like she’d discovered his obsessive game and true, cruel intentions, but it swiftly vanished as she tried to get used to the feeling of the cool metal bobbing against her skin.
“My turn,” he sighed, shifting in his chair as he extended his wrist and the tool to Valerie. Always wary of other people touching him, his attention was completely honed in on her work. Her hands shook as she attempted to twist the tiny screws in the band around his thick, surprisingly soft and warm wrist.
Valerie interrupted her handiwork with a glare up at him, snapping “Stop staring at me! You’re making me nervous!” But it only made him laugh. And to her annoyance, she was unable to stop herself from laughing too. Eventually, though not without some impatient remarks from Terry, she was able to secure the bracelet around his wrist.
“Now we’re ready to go,” he said, toying with her hand in his, allowing the both of them to studying the sight of their matching accessories before he abruptly rose from his chair, pocketing the screwdriver and heading for the door, leaving Valerie scrambling for her purse.
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karatekels · 10 months
I saw your writing recently, and I must say, I love,love love it! Do you think you could write something about kk3 Terry? The reader maybe training along with Daniel during that time. Him not being able to say no to keep the act up and genuinely training her on the side, a contrary to Daniel's 'classes'. Maybe they've been a little flirty here and there but as soon as she found out Terry's plans, she's been rather cold. She gets a little too 'friendly' with Daniel and Terry snaps with the immediate need to claim her *spicy spicy* , dragging her to his home that night to make her his! The little virgin gal...
I'm sorry I went on forever there, but my brain conjures up scenarios 100 miles a minute for this guy! Thank you in advance🤍🤭
I’m happy to give it a try, anon – this will be my first KK3 Terry request (though I do have an ongoing fic on AO3 with him right now!) This should be in 2 parts, so enjoy! (Part 2 | Oops, I lied. Part 3)
This now has a sequel that starts here!
Silver Seduction - Part 1
“Trust me, Y/N. Mr. Silver offered to train me, and since Mr. Miyagi won’t, I’ve got to take him up on it! I can’t let those guys knock me around, and if you’re going to be hanging out with me too, I need to be able to keep you safe!” Daniel LaRusso explained, walking with you through L.A. to a karate dojo. You had only known the boy for a week or so now, but he seemed to have latched onto you with the attentiveness of a puppy and a strong sense of chivalry.
Danny was a sweet boy, just shy of eighteen, but was entirely too sweet, not to mention young, for you. You had been introduced by your little sister, Jessica Andrews, who was planning on leaving L.A. to reunite with her on-again, off-again boyfriend, just as you had arrived to visit your aunt. You were on summer break from university and having just turned 21, were looking forward to a bit of independence in a city as big and important as L.A.
Before leaving, Jessica had filled you in on what had been going on with Daniel. A karate champion from last year’s All-Valley, Daniel had had several unpleasant run-ins with bullies trying to threaten him into competing in the tournament again, and was currently having a strained relationship with his mentor Mr. Miyagi, who he was living with for the summer. Your heart went out to him, imagining he must be quite lonely without any family or friends his own age to confide in, and you agreed to keep an eye on him while you were in L.A., as you didn’t have any friends here either.
“Settle down, Danny – no one has attacked me yet!” you point out, laughing good-naturedly at his enthusiasm for playing the knight in shining armour.
“And I won’t let it come to that,” he promised sagely, and you bite back a smile at his serious tone. “Okay, here we are!” he announced, pointing to the entrance with a grand gesture.
“Cobra Kai karate?” you say incredulously, reading the name above the door. “Isn’t this the place where the last bullies came from?” you ask, trying to keep things light, but unsure if the boy had thought things through.
“Yeah, but that was under the old sensei, Sensei Kreese! Mr. Silver said that he had died, and he’s done nothing but help me so far. He seems like a really nice, hard-working guy, and he doesn’t have any students right now since he’s fixing up the place.” Daniel explains. “Now come on, I don’t want Mr. Miyagi to find out we were here.”
Danny leads you into the dojo, and you walk in quietly to see a man training on his own. He moved through a series of punches and kicks; his kicks were especially amazing, especially for such a tall guy! After a moment or two, he bowed to his reflection in the mirror and turned to face the two of you, trotting over to greet you both. Uh-oh, busted.
“Hey hey, Danny!” he welcomes Daniel warmly, seeming excited, and you take a moment to look at him more closely. He was an incredibly handsome man, probably in his late-twenties or early-thirties, with long black hair tied back in a tight ponytail, stunning blue eyes, and a friendly smile. He seemed to be looking you over as well, his eyes twinkling as he takes you in. Maybe accompanying Daniel on his karate quest had been a good idea after all?
“Hi, Mr. Silver. Listen, I thought about your offer, and-”
“Now Danny, where are your manners? Don’t you think you’d better introduce me to your lovely friend here?” he interrupts. “C’mon, am I gonna need to teach you how to be a gentleman and karate?”
“Oh, uh, sorry, Mr. Silver, of course. This is Y/N Andrews, she’s visiting for the summer. Y/N, this is Terry Silver – he’s going to train me in a different kind of karate.”
Mr. Silver turns to you, bowing, and you blush lightly. “Y/N,” he repeats, savouring your name, “great to meet you.” He hasn’t turned any lights on in the dojo, and the light from the windows is fairly dim, which must explain why his eyes look like they’re glinting.
“Likewise, Mr. Silver,” you reply, smiling shyly. He looks like he’s about to say something else to you, but Danny cuts in.
“So yeah, Mr. Silver, if it’s not too much trouble, I’d like to take you up on your offer. Just short term, I mean…”
“Trouble? Are you kidding? It would be an honour!” He responds to Daniel with enthusiasm that seems genuine, but you think you may have seen a flash of annoyance on his face as he turned from you to the boy.
“How does Mr. Miyagi feel about it?”
Daniel hesitates. “Mr. Miyagi, he uhh… he doesn’t know about it.”
You give the two of them some space, stepping away to take a closer look at the dojo as the matter didn’t concern you. You had never been in a karate dojo before, but it felt a little familiar. You had taken gymnastics classes for years, while your sister had taken up rock-climbing, and you imagine that this was where the feeling of familiarity stemmed from. Based on the moves you’d just seen from Mr. Silver, karate sure looked like a lot fun. Maybe he could teach you too, you thought, half-serious.
“It’s not much yet,” Mr. Silver says, and you jump, not having heard him approach. He puts a hand on your shoulder to steady you, giving you an apologetic smile. “But it will be when I’m through with it!”
“I’m sure it’ll be great, Mr. Silver! Danny says you’ve been working really hard to fix it up,” you encourage. He smiles at you, taking a couple of steps closer and bending down to speak in your ear.
“Hey, c’mon, you’re not some kid I’m teaching. You can call me Terry when it’s just us!” he whispers conspiratorially. You find yourself smiling, pleased that he sees you on more equal footing with himself.
“Okay, Terry,” you emphasize, and he gives you a pleased smile. “Where’s Daniel?” He gestures down the hall to a closed door.
“Changing; I had a spare gi in the closet. He wants me to train him, and we’re not gonna waste any time!” he declares. You find it sweet of him to take Danny under his wing so immediately. “What are you doing with that kid, anyway? You his babysitter or something?”
“No, nothing like that,” you laugh. “My sister introduced me to him before she went back home, said he’s been dealing with some kids harassing him. I don’t really know anyone here, and he’s a nice kid, so I thought I’d keep an eye on him.”
“Hey, you know me now, so you can hang out with someone your own size!” he jokes, clearly referencing Daniel’s short stature. You take a step back, making a show of looking up at him to emphasize your height difference, and he laughs. “Well, someone who’s also an adult, then,” Terry concedes, smirking slightly and looking over your shoulder.
“I’m basically an adult!” you hear a voice from behind you, and turn to see Danny standing there, having changed into the uniform for training.
“Danny! Wow, you look great,” you say, gesturing to his gi. You hope you haven’t embarrassed him with your conversation. How long had he been standing there listening, anyway?
“Thanks, Y/N!” he says, beaming at you. He was so sweet and innocent, and it was so easy to make him happy. “Are you gonna stay and watch me train?” he asks hopefully, and you can tell he’s eager to show off. You look over at Terry.
“I’d love to, if it’s okay with Te- with Mr. Silver, of course,” you say, winking at him. He grins, giving you a once over, and you blush. “I mean, I’d love to learn a few moves myself. Oh, I know!” you exclaim, hopping up and down in your excitement. “You guys can use me to practice on!” Daniel balks at the idea immediately, but Terry considers you with a thoughtful expression.
“I don’t wanna hit you, Y/N!” Daniel protests, but you shake your head.
“No, nothing like that. But if Mr. Silver is going to show you how to flip someone or sweep their leg or something, you can practice on me! That way he can make sure you’re doing it properly. I won’t get hurt, I’ve done gymnastics for years and I know how to land safely! Please let me help?” you ask, looking at them both hopefully.
“I don’t know…” Danny hesitates, still seeming uncomfortable with the idea, so you turn to Terry, knowing that if you can convince him Daniel will have to go along with it.
“Oh, come on! I let you and Danny practice tossing me around, and I pick up a few moves in the process! It’s a win-win! Please?” you ask, eyes bright. You had told Jess that you would keep an eye on Danny, especially with the bullies that had been bothering the two of them lately, and this would give you a great opportunity. Plus, you really wanted to spend some more time with Terry. You’d had fun talking with him today, and he was more than easy on the eyes. Terry eyes you, sizing you up and clearly contemplating something.
“Alright, alright!” he gives in, raising his hands up and grinning. “I guess I could use the help. But you’re both gonna have to listen to me, alright?”
You and Danny both nod, excited to watch Daniel train and to learn from Mr. Silver – Terry – yourself.
You landed on the floor on your back as your legs were kicked out from under you, hitting the ground the way Terry taught you, and giggled breathlessly. That was fun!
“You like that, huh?” he asks, grinning down at you. You take his offered hand and hop to your feet, smiling back. You had had a great time, watching Terry put Daniel through the paces – you tried to follow along with the kata as best you could, trying to copy them but not wanting to take Terry’s attention away from Danny. He’s the one that really need to be trained, after all.
“See, Danny? I’m totally fine!” you point out to him, and he folds his arms and rolls his eyes, but gives you a smile.
“Fine, I guess it’s okay,” he concedes, and you and Terry share an amused look.
“I think that’s enough for today,” Terry says. “Why don’t you go get changed, Mr. LaRusso, and I’ll walk Y/N through another couple moves so that she can practice with you tomorrow?” Danny nods, heading back down the hall to get changed. Terry turns back to you, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
“You’re a pretty fast learner, Y/N,” he compliments. “I saw you trying to follow us through the kata, and you’re not bad. I bet I could really teach you a lot if I didn’t have to focus on the Karate Kid,” he says, pointing back to where Daniel was with his thumb. You blush at the praise.
“Thank you, Mr. Si- Terry,” you correct yourself, and he smiles wolfishly. “But Daniel only has a few days to train, so he should of course take priority.”
“So I’ll train you separately!” he proclaims, and you go to protest, but he cuts you off. “I was gonna have to train Danny without you anyways, to go over the stuff that you can’t help with, and he can’t train all day; he’ll wear himself out!”
“Won’t you wear yourself out, training both of us all the time?” you point out, raising an eyebrow at him.
“It takes a lot more than that to tire me out,” he says, winking at you, and you bite the inside of your cheek to keep you from smiling. Still, you hesitate, not wanting to take up too much of his time.
“The response you’re looking for is ‘Yes, Sir’,” he offers teasingly, quoting himself from an earlier conversation with Daniel, but his eyes are intense. You bite your bottom lip, and see that his eyes track the movement.
“Yes, Sir!” you concede, giving him a mocking salute. Terry beams at you.
And so it went. Terry would spend the next few days alternating between teaching you and Daniel together, going through the kata and using you to demonstrate moves, and then teaching you separately, Daniel visiting the dojo in the early afternoon and you coming by in the evening.
You were on your way to the dojo now for your evening class, and took the time during the walk over to think about all that had happened in the past week. You were definitely sore, and had more than your share of bruises, but from the way Daniel had been limping around (trying his best to hide it), you can tell that Terry was training him way harder.
Still, the training had been worth it – not only were you learning to be a decent fighter, and helping Daniel to improve, but getting to spend time with Terry, especially during your 1-on-1 sessions, was really fun. You had been getting more comfortable with one another, and had definitely been flirting throughout your private training with him. Did he get a little closer to you when correcting your form than he would need to, and did his touches linger as he adjusted your hips, adjusting your stance to land a proper punch? Most definitely, but you couldn’t find it in you to mind. Terry seemed genuinely pleased by your progress, and you loved the charming smile he gave you when you perfected a move. And yesterday, when you walked into the dojo, he had presented you with a beautiful flower, saying that he’d seen it on his drive over earlier that day and that he couldn’t resist picking it for you. You had accepted the gift, smiling shyly, and had reached up, pulling him down into a hug so you could place a quick kiss on his cheek.
He was just so wonderful, and you could definitely feel yourself falling for him. You were very inexperienced when it came to dating, having only had a couple of relationships in high school, and had been too focused on studying in college to waste your time with boys. But if Terry decided to ask you for a date, you knew you would be helpless to resist him.
Smiling at the thought, you turned the corner to the Cobra Kai dojo, but were startled out of your daydreaming by the sound of a panicked scream and laughter. The door banged open, and you quickly dashed into the bushes outside to hide. Daniel came running out, clutching his stomach, and you could see blood on his shirt and that he looked absolutely terrified. What on earth was going on?
You heard the door open again, and heard bare feet hitting the pavement at a run.
“Get back in there, LaRusso,” demanded a young boy in a white Cobra Kai gi.
“Leave me alone, Barnes! I’m not fighting anymore!” Still, he turned to face the boy as he said this, assuming a defensive stance and trying not to let the pain on his face. Barnes? Wasn’t that one of the kids that had been harassing him and Jessica? What was he doing here?
“Hey, we ain’t done with you yet!” yelled the boy, taking a threatening step towards Daniel.
“But he is now done with you.”
Mr. Miyagi stepped in between the boys, appearing from nowhere. Where had he come from? Had he seen you? You tried not to panic, pushing yourself further against the outer wall of the dojo to stay hidden.
“Was I talking to you, old man?” Barnes sneered dismissively.
Quick as a flash, Mr. Miyagi had picked up the boy and thrown him clean through the dojo door.
“You stay here, Daniel-san.” He ordered, walking in after the boy. Daniel hesitates, eyes wide, but after a moment or two sneaks in after him. You hear a scream, and the lights in the dojo go out. Turning, you try to see what’s going on through the window. Where was Terry? Was he alright? But you can’t see anything through the closed curtains, and can only hear the sound of fighting. Just how many of them were there? You couldn’t bear the thought of Mr. Miyagi going up against more than one person. You knew he was a good fighter, but he was so small.
Suddenly, you hear the now-familiar sound of Terry’s voice, but he doesn’t sound quite right. He sounds mean.
“You think this is the end of it, old man? I’m going to open Cobra Kai dojos all over this valley!” you hear him scream. Terry was fighting Mr. Miyagi?
“Hell, I might even teach for free! From now on when people say karate around here, all they’ll mean is Cobra Kai karate – John Kreese’s karate! You won’t even be a memory!” Kreese? Hadn’t Daniel said he died? What the hell was going on.
You hear Daniel’s voice, close to the entrance. “Yes he will! You won’t!” he cries passionately, and the door opens again, and you see Danny and Mr. Miyagi step out onto the street once more, both thankfully looking unharmed. As the door swings shut, you hear the sound of men laughing evilly, like hyenas, and it sends a chill up your spine.
“Now will you train me?” Danny asks desperately.
“Hai,” the man agrees, nodding sagely, and the two of them head down the street back home. But Daniel suddenly stops in his tracks, looking horrified.
“We gotta tell Y/N to stay away from them! She’s probably on her way for her lesson!” he exclaims, taking off down the road. Mr. Miyagi walks quickly after him, and you feel your heart warmed at the thought that they were looking out for you. But you were an adult, and you didn’t need others to take care of you, at least, not without you getting a word in first.
Steeling yourself, you take a deep breath and walk into the dojo. Immediately, you take in the mess of broken glass and paint, and are immediately relieved that Danny and Mr. Miyagi appeared to walk out unharmed. Stepping quietly into the dojo, you see the younger boy, Mike Barnes, on the ground, looking bewildered with his head in his hands. Terry – covered in paint, for some reason – is talking in a low, angry voice, to a shorter yet still very intimidating-looking man, who you recognized from signs in the dojo as John Kreese. So, not dead then, you realize, and your heart immediately clenches at the realization that Terry had been in on it from the beginning. How could you have been so stupid?
“Terry?” you call out to him, hating how your voice comes out weak and shaky, but your anger has caught you so off-guard it isn’t able to burst out of you quite yet. Barnes jumps to his feet and immediately takes a fighting stance, but Terry waves him off with a hand. The three of them move to approach you, with Terry in the centre, eyes wild with excitement.
“Hey hey, beautiful!” he greets boisterously, clapping his hands. You’d think he’d be a bit less exuberant, covered in paint and having had his ass kicked by a man twice his age and half his size. He lopes over to you, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you over to the others, and you’re in such shock by his lack of awareness that you let him.
“Johnny, this is Y/N! Ain’t she something?” he asks, standing behind you with his hands on your shoulders and looking to Kreese for approval. The older man looks you up and down, and you feel dirty.
“When you told me to enjoy myself in Tahiti, Terry, I felt bad enjoying the company of those women you’d provided. It would’ve cleared my conscience to know you had found yourself a girl stateside!” Kreese joked, leering at you. The pair share a laugh that sounds more than a little cruel, and you feel yourself start to tear up. But the feeling of devastation is quickly overwhelmed by your anger.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” you yell at him, wrenching yourself out of his grip. “What did you do to Danny?” he crosses his arms, looking down on you like he’s disappointed that you’re even asking, and shakes his head.
“Don’t worry about it, baby girl,” he croons, reaching for you, but you swat his hand away, and a flash of anger crosses his face. “That little prick ruined the name of this dojo, my dojo, and I needed to teach him a lesson!”
“What are you talking about? I saw him come out of here bloody and hurt! He’s just a kid!” you exclaim, and he laughs under his breath, smirking. Who was this guy, and where the hell had the sweet, kind Terry you’d gotten to know gone? “You… you lied to me.” You hear your voice shaking, and you’re close to tears. You hate how weak you must look in front of these men, these monsters, who would jump a kid just for winning a karate tournament.
“Hey, I didn’t lie to you,” Terry says smoothly, and you try to interrupt him, but he continues. “I lied to him, and you just happened to be there.”
You’re shocked at how cold and callous he’s being, your mouth falling open, and he comes towards you once more. You feel yourself shrink back in fear.
“Come on, doll. This doesn’t have to get in the way of you and me,” he croons, reaching towards your face. Without thinking, you reel back and punch him in the face, causing him to stumble back, more from the surprise than the force.
“Don’t you ever come near me again, do you hear me? I’m fucking done with you!”
Kreese looks shocked, but doesn’t make a move towards you, standing his ground with his arms crossed and surveying the situation, but Barnes comes towards you again, fists clenched. Terry, one hand clutching his bleeding nose, reaches out with the other to stop the boy.
“Leave it,” is all he says, and Barnes obeys like a well-trained dog. You back out of the dojo, staring at Terry through your tears, and as soon as your back hits the door you turn, running off into the night.
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zappedbyzabka · 10 months
Have you talked about Kreese inviting Silver to visit Cobra Kai before the events in TTK? Silver getting to meet a freshly 18 Johnny would be fun?
I think I have, but I sure will again.
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It’s very unlikely that they wouldn’t have met before CK when Kreese was gushing to Silver about him. I usually picture him just dragging Johnny along to Silver’s place and introducing them privately, but I could totally see Kreese inviting him to the dojo so he could show Johnny off.
Johnny ends up on a much different path. Silver stops Kreese from choking him, secretly worried that his captain would accidentally break that pretty neck.
He understands Kreese’ liking to see the boy covered in blood or crying; he looks extra pretty when doing so, and Silver has pushed him to his very limits before and came out of it even prouder of Johnny—but death is a little too harsh a punishment for a single loss.
He and John have always kept each other in line—and the opposite.
Johnny seemed ashamed of himself, even under all that defensiveness; clutching his second place trophy and glassy-eyed, he was barely able to look at his friends but still brazen enough to keep his head held high and look him and Kreese in the eyes. Silver’s always enjoyed his stupid, stupid bravery.
It being abo would make it so much better too. Two big, bad alphas constantly by this lithe little omega’s side, scaring off all the guys who might’ve approached him. Maybe just to make it even more toxic, Johnny assumes that since no alphas or betas are approaching him that he’s a bad omega—and Silver is right there to assure him that he’s beautiful, a muse—and drag him deeper into their all encompassing grasp.
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He’d move out of his parents house so much quicker and live with Terry in that big mansion, where he has a big wardrobe of all the clothes Terry bought him and a whole room (that he doesn’t use because he always ends up sneaking into Terry’s bed—much to his delight) decorated in all his favorite things. He takes baths with Terry in that big tub constantly; he almost never gets a private bath or shower unless he demands it.
Of course he gets knocked up. How couldn’t he?
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(GOOOOOOD this looks like Billy with his shorter styled hair. (eg, Greg Tolan) Now, whether that was Terry's or Johnny’s plan, who knows? Johnny is always afraid of abandonment or worse, and thought that their very own baby would keep Terry well truly chained to him. He stopped taking his birth control and wrapped his legs and arms tight around Terry the next few times he filled him up, worried that somehow Terry would know of his plan, see the excitement in his eyes.
Or maybe Terry did it on purpose, pressing in the deepest he could one of the many, many times he had Johnny trembling on his cock, pretty hole well and truly reamed around that knot as Terry spilled inside. He knew the day that he met Johnny that he had to be his forever; something that he’s never going to be willing to give up.
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If it were Kreese’ choice, he would have had Johnny dressed in pretty things and round with his or Terry’s child a long time ago. The boy had far too many suiters going after him.
And hey, In a different version, he had his way. (Though he’s the type of dick to take off the condom without asking, he’s lucky Johnny had already been clamping his legs tight around them so they really couldn’t pull out in time and laid face down ass up after getting filled to make sure it took.)
(Anywho: picture this last gif as Johnny smug as hell looking at Silver and Kreese because they can’t ever leave, and don’t want to.)
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murphyoftheendless · 5 months
So me and @ofclownsandcorvids are planning to do a podcast!
The twist? It would be an in-character podcast!
We have some pairings that would be the main focal point of this podcast. Each pairings have their own lore, but ultimately it's these characters just chatting, laughing and bantering! It's very drama filled with a lot of improv, storytelling and plots. These plots and backstories are written and created by us!
Ineffable Husbands
Dreamling (Hob Gadling x Dream)
DreamingStar (Dream x Lucifer)
And any other pairings we can think of!
We are thinking of releasing an episode a week. We are still considering whether or not people should vote on the pairing they wish to tune into.
Episodes would probably be released on Spotify or any other software we can find that allows remote podcasting.
Ultimately, we don't really mind if this becomes popular or not. It's simply for fun and we love storytelling and drama filled lore.
We're thinking, once we've released an episode or two of each pairing, people could have the chance to vote on the pairing they would like to hear more from, do a fun little Q&A with the characters, we might take to live streaming one day when we're in close proximity to one another but that's more of a future thing. Unless there some way to do a live recording thing. Maybe insta or tiktok??
Any suggestions and ideas are welcome in the comments!
We would obviously start by introducing it as ourselves, but maybe we could let you all choose the first pairing to kick it off!
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terabyteturtle · 7 months
Fighter #06 - Kirby
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- Little Mac introduced him to Naruto and now he's a big fan of it. His favorite character is Kakashi Hatake.
- Kirby loves to cosplay! He often makes cosplays of the other fighters. It's not in a creepy way, it's just that he admires them and their unique abilities. Getting a wig is easy enough, since all he has to do is inhale them, but the clothes can be difficult because Kirby's body is so round. Cosplay Pikachu often helps him out and gives him tips.
- He likes painting rocks in his free time. To help earn funds for the mansion, he'll go back to Dreamland and sell them to the locals.
- He's a master of croquet, but somehow terrible at golf. If that wasn't bad enough, he only gets worse when playing Wii Golf.
- Cloud and Link are his idols. He'll hang out with them every chance he gets.
- Kirby's Ultra Sword is the biggest sword in Smash. Unfortunately, this has caused Sephiroth to hate him.
- Kirby is always the first fighter to greet new additions to the roster. No matter who they are or where they came from, he's always super excited to meet them.
- Despite his spherical stature, he's an amazing ballerina. He has a tutu that's pink, just like him.
- Kirby is one of the backup dancers for the Squid Sisters.
- He's a firm believer in giving second chances. He doesn't give a flying flea that the villains tried to kill him, everyone deserves a fresh start in his eyes.
- He loves to read fantasy novels. In his room, there's a giant bookshelf filled with tales about fairies, dragons, unicorns, and other mythological creatures. Speaking of which, he loves reading about Greek and Norse mythology. He finds it really interesting.
- Kirby can inflate anything in three seconds. If the Smash Bros are at the beach and the beach ball is going flat, he can refill it in no time. That being said, if the beach balls are forgotten, Kirby will NOT allow anyone to use him instead. That's just disrespectful.
- Terry introduced him to Earth music and now he can't stop listening to it. He loves k-pop and 80s music the most. His playlist is forty hours long and it keeps growing longer. Kirby wants to expand his horizons as much as possible, so he'll gladly take song recommendations, no matter what genre it is. In fact, that's how he figured out that he was a big Mastodon fan.
- He's really good at Just Dance.
- Kirby is a sweetheart, but his monstrous appetite can be really tough to deal with. Combined with the appetites of Pac-Man, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Wario, King K. Rool, and King Dedede, it's a complete nightmare for whoever's making food that day. These devious fighters need to have at least three servings for breakfast, lunch, AND dinner.
- One time, the roster held a potluck to celebrate the fact that they were all still alive, and the hungry seven were allowed to have four servings instead of their usual three, which was a big mistake. The only thing left over was a single piece of chicken, and the following day, the seven of them fought over who would get to eat it. First, they argued with each other, then it became an all-out brawl. Of course, Kirby ended up winning. To commemorate his victory, he made himself a trophy out of cardboard, gold star stickers, and dried macaroni that he keeps in a display case in his room.
- He really wants to join in on the Mario Kart races, but keeps getting rejected because Warp Stars are too overpowered, apparently.
- Kazuya really hates him, but poor Kirby doesn't understand why. After Kazuya tried to kill him, Kirby picked some purple flowers and gave them to him as a peace offering. The grumpy devil man thought they were poisonous and crushed them underfoot. Poor Kirby was heartbroken, but he understood that Kazuya didn't have much plant knowledge. He seemed to hate him even more after Kirby showed him his copy ability. Legend has it that Kirby is still trying to win him over to this day.
- His favorite dessert is strawberry cheesecake and you can't convince me otherwise.
- Ever since Ken told Kirby about going to Disneyland with his family, it's become Kirby's dream vacation. He's currently saving up for a trip with the entire roster. His main goal is to meet Mickey Mouse.
- Over the winter, Kirby taught Pichu how to ice skate. Sephiroth was proud to see his son learning new things.
- Kirby and Samus enjoy eating spicy stuff together. Though he usually ends up with fire breath, he always has a good time.
- He brews the best tea in the world. If a fighter is feeling sick, he has tons of herbal tea recipes to help with whatever ailment they have.
- When it's rainy outside, he and the Pokemon will go out and jump in puddles.
- He has the biggest sweet tooth, but can't stand orange or lime sherbet. He doesn't know what it is, there's just something about it that he doesn't like.
- He loves scavenger hunts! During holidays, he always sets up themed scavenger hunts for the fighters to enjoy.
- He's one of the only fighters who have seen Meta Knight without his mask (the other is King Dedede). Being the kind friend he is, Kirby's never told anyone what he looks like.
- Kirby's usually opposed to stealing, but once in a while, he just likes taking Mario's hat. It's super comfortable, and it gives him an excuse to hang out with Cappy more.
- He and Jigglypuff are two peas in a pod. They're almost always together. 
- When Jigglypuff has a bad fur day, Kirby is there in a flash with two combs and some hairspray. He doesn't really know what he's doing, but he tries his best to help her out.
- Kirby, Jigglypuff, and Little Mac have weekly binge-watching sessions. It all started when Little Mac had Kirby watch every episode of Naruto with him. After they finished, Jigglypuff later joined them and they ended up watching the entirety of Sailor Moon. Now, the three of them plan on tackling One Piece.
- He plays co-op games with Fox all the time.
- Link once took Kirby to Hyrule and introduced him to the Gerudo. Long story short, they're the only two voe allowed to enter Gerudo Town.
- Kirby is the type to snack on ice chips.
- This pink ball of destruction is incapable of getting brain freeze.
- His favorite Song from the Smash soundtrack is Green Greens from Melee. He loves Green Greens as it is, but this version makes him feel like he's on a quest.
Note: Next week, there will be not one, not two, but three sets of headcanons for your viewing pleasure. Stay tuned for the mercenary space fox, everyone's favorite supercharged rodent, and the lean, green fighting machine.
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