#and that the only reason she hasn't killed him is because he's her brother
sulky-cabbage · 2 days
I was wondering About the reason gege chose to make megumi trapped inside of sukuna, and got some ideas...
don't take this super seriously it's just for fun & sorry if my English sucks.
So I'm assuming sukuna has megumi's memories from when he was possessing his body, so he thinks megumi was abandoned by his parents (because that's what megumi thinks), and knows that gojo took him in and is almost a parental figure...
He said this while in Megumi's body btw.
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(He killed ate his brother in the womb, and possibly killed his mother too? We need that backstory ASAP)
you could say he was born cursed, he killed those closest to him just by being born.
He could gain respect and devotion, and fear, and all that because of his strength, but not true love.
we know yoruzu loved him, but he didn't reciprocate nor did he take her seriously, because he doesn't see her as an equal, she doesn't get him, he doesn't connect with her.
She's like all the other people that love him and revere him for his power.
(*cough* like Uraume *cough*)
because those below him don't understand.
He can't find love beacuse he can't find an equal.
he's one of a kind.
(Reminds me of that video of the last kauai bird singing to a female that will never respond because he's the last of his kind, it's actually so sad..)
So he reincarnated as a curse!!
and kashimo called him out on this, why did you come back?? didn't you die?? Are you perhaps looking for something??
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And him saying love is worthless right after killing gojo too, like... this was his chance to find love but it didn't work out 😢
If he truly didn't care about it then what is this???
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He incarnated in the same era that satoru was born, what are the odds??
He was ruminating yorozu's words in his head every time he sees gojo, he can't help but think of love when he sees him, because he's the strongest person he fought, the closest to actually reach him.
But when even gojo couldn't keep up, he gave up for real, All this talk about not needing love, he's saying this because love is the thing he can't have, so he's like fuck love who needs it? its worthless i have everything I need.
He doesn't want to feel helpless, he's like: who said I even wanted love in the first place?? Baka!! (Tsunkuna is very real)
Doesn't mean he's gonna just forget about gojo though, what he felt during the fight with gojo was incomparable with anything he ever felt.
And I would say he needed to lose gojo to realize this..
Like... what is this...Sukuna???
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He hasn't been the same since he killed Gojo I'M TELLING YOU!!
He's starting to question himself after centuries!!
What changed?? Huh Sukuna????
So...back to megumi
When gojo hugged him in the fight, we were wondering if he's hugging megumi or sukuna..
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I think the point is that HE'S HUGGING THEM BOTH!!!
(He's also doing it to avoid getting cut off by sukuna, pun intended)
Gojo hugging Sukuna is the equivalent of hugging a cat that keeps scratching you lol.
And when sukuna did the same and bypassed gojo's infinity [which only sukuna managed to do by the way] the result was gojo's death, like?? Sukuna really be killing everything he touches huh... this and his poor baby brother.
We know one of Satoru's main goals is that he doesn't want anyone to feel lonely..
And he felt like he faild to do that!! He couldn't keep up, once sukuna reached him and bypassed his infinity he immediately died.
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I guess the parallelism between sukuna and megumi is being symbolized by megumi looking all depressed and lonely inside of sukuna, they're the same, and satoru tried to save both.
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The fact that megumi's name means blessing, and he's inside sukuna the king of curses...
I guess it was implied megumi was a blessing to gojo in that scene when he found him.
And he asked him to become stronger to keep up with him..
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And he did!! But as a vessel of sukuna..
Gege what does that mean..
is Love the strongest curse? Or is it a blessing?👀
Gege Are you even doing this on purpose??
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meggtheegg · 7 months
FNAF Movie Theory...
I'm pretty sure there's still one major plot twist in the universe of the movie that's been set up for a sequel but hasn't actually happened yet. Heavy spoilers under the cut:
After watching the movie in theaters and then revisiting a few scenes on Peacock, I'm still kind of convinced that Mike Schmidt is Michael Afton.
Here's my reasoning. A lot of the characters spend time acting like they know something the audience/other characters don't, and those things are...mostly resolved. But some of them just...kind of aren't.
The main thing that sticks out to me is William's whole storyline. Starting with the scene where he offers Mike the job, his behavior is almost explained by the movie's logic. He sees Mike's name, seems...kind of deeply upset, looks at him very closely, stands to get coffee, and has a moment of visible internal conflict. Then he instantly offers him the Freddy's job. The way the movie frames this, it seems to be saying that he recognized the name of one of his victims, realized this was the kid's brother, and decided to kill him right then and there. Which is passable as an explanation, but it has a lot of holes, if you look deeper.
Why would William so instantly recognize a fairly common last name as the brother of some kid he killed that wasn't even anywhere near Freddy's? Why did he kidnap/kill Garrett in the first place, in some random forest in Nebraska? Why did he see the name on the file, then immediately stop and examine Mike's face so closely, when Mike's memories/dreams pretty clearly show that they never saw each others' faces when Garrett was taken? Why did he send Vanessa to "keep Mike in the dark" if he purposely gave him the job to get him killed? Why not have the animatronics kill him right away? He didn't know that Mike was searching for the man who took his brother, and while he could have maybe guessed he was still actively haunted by what happened based on Mike beating up a guy that he thought was kidnapping someone, it still feels like a weird choice to go and hire him, then just have him do the job with no issue for a few days.
As for Vanessa, we see that she's been cleaning up William's messes for years. Why is Mike the one she changes her mind and stands up to her father for? There's no implied romance between the two and no particularly meaningful connection beyond them both having family issues. I guess she cares about Abby because she's a kid, but kids getting hurt clearly never stopped her from helping her father before.
And, on a more meta level, this is Scott and his storytelling style we're talking about. The man puts plot twists inside of plot twists and everything always ties back into the Aftons, somehow.
So, here's my theory: I think that Mike is William's kid, but Mike's mom left Afton when he was young and remarried the man that Mike thinks is his father.
It seems convoluted and maybe cliche, but if it's true, then suddenly there's an answer to all of those questions. "Michael Schmidt" isn't exactly an eye-catching name, unless you had a kid named Michael and your ex-wife married a guy with the last name Schmidt. Garrett's kidnapping, then, becomes an act of intentional, petty revenge rather than an extremely random coincidence. Giving Mike the job and sending in Vanessa suddenly becomes about piecing together how much he knows and figuring out if he's worth trying to reconnect with or is just a threat that needs to be killed. (It feels worth noting that William is as far as I can remember the only person to call him Michael in the whole film. He also very pointedly never says "Schmidt" until he's decided to kill Mike and suddenly announces his full name out loud. If he went by Michael as a little kid, that is what William would default to calling him, but if he took the new husband's last name, that would be like like salt in the wound that he wouldn't want to voice. By finally saying it out loud, it feels like he's making the decision to fully separate himself from Mike.)
As for Vanessa, if Mike is her brother, it makes sense that he would be the person she'd turn against William to save. It would be weird for her not to tell him, but she could also be trying to protect him, in some way. There's never any mention of her mother, and it seems like it's just been her and William for a long time. Also, ending the movie with her in a coma feels like a strange narrative choice, but it makes sense if she knows information that's purposely being kept hidden for the sequel.
Of course, it could just be that the movie has kind of messy writing and I'm trying to fix it because I want there to be a deeper reason for it. Maybe there is no Michael Afton in the movies, or maybe he's off chilling and doing his own thing somewhere and we'll see him in the sequel. Only time will tell.
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strrwbrrryjam · 5 months
i honestly think people would like mary more if they just, for a second, thought about the reason behind her actions and not take their actions at face value and immediately assume the worst
because of course, mary would go to arthur for help, her younger brother is with a dangerous cult who plan to kill themselves "for chelonia" and arthur is the most capable man she knows to be able to save jamie from such a horrible fate, i mean, her dads an abusive alcoholic, her husbands dead and her mothers dead too, it's clear (to me) that she lives a very isolated life, likely due to her father, so she goes to the man she knows can save her younger brother.
because of course, she gets upset when you reject her, as that means that jamie would die and she'd not only lose her younger brother but likely the only person who loves (and she loves back) unconditionally.
she isn't being "manipulative" she's fucking scared! and angry! and she has every right to be.
because of course, she doesn't want to join arthurs gang, a gang where she would absolutely be mistreated by the members in the gang, by dutch, who would see her as a threat to arthurs loyalty, by susan, who thinks that mary acts above her station, by john, who would likely hold a grudge against mary from remembering how arthur was when she broke their engagement, by micah, who is so vile n misogynistic to all the women in the gang.
because of course she wouldn't want to be in a gang where her life is in danger constantly, hers moreso seeing as annabelle died by colm's hand, a rival gang, bessie died through sickness, eliza died from a burglary, all three of the old guards have lost a partner.
because of course, she wants arthur to run away with her, to a life of safety and love, so arthur could live without the threat of death, whether by shootouts, ransoms, or hangings, without the need to ruin the lives of other people so that the van der linde gang could survive.
because of course, she tells arthur that "he'll never change" because he doesn't. he starts the game being in the van der linde gang, and he ends the game dying in the van der linde gang, he is and was always loyal to the van der linde gang and repeatedly made the conscious decision to choose the van der linde gang over her every single time. she shouldn't have to waste her life waiting on a man who will never choose her, will never be as loyal to her.
and sure, to us, we have watched him change over the course of the game, but mary hasn't. mary wasn't there to watch him change, and considering the fact that she has known her longer than us, i'll believe her when she says he hasn't changed.
mary isn't evil, she isn't manipulative, she isn't a bitch, she's in love with a man who constantly chooses a life where he is under constant risk of death, over her and a life that allows arthur to be the good man she wholeheartedly believes he is.
i'm not telling you to like her, you don't have to, but I'm telling you to not assume the worst of her and criticise her for simply being flawed.
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explicit-tae · 2 years
Cruel Intentions (Part 1)
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Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Finale | Cruel Intentions: Organized Crime | Overthinking (Drabble) | Reward (Drabble)
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader (Italics meaning past events)
Genre: smut, Mafia!Jungkook
Warning: (eventual) smut, yandere themes, mentions and display of death, blood,
Word Count: 8,335
Description: You adored your eldest brother - you truly did. Before his addiction got the best of him, he was amazing at caring for you and your other siblings. Now, however, it was your turn to care for him without the help of your siblings who long abandoned him, advising you to do the same. Once your brother manages to get himself imprisoned, you realize just how much trouble he got himself into. Once your family is threatened, you offer to pay off the debts your brother owes with the one thing any powerful man couldn't resist - your virginity.
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"Are you aware of the father...?" The woman asks when she brings a fresh cup of water to you, her eyes scanning your bump. She watches you drink the water hastily, droplets dripping down the corner of your mouth and down your chin. She leans back into her chair, tilting her head and waiting for a response.
"T-Thank you." you murmur to her, your left hand caressing your bump. "I must keep going-"
The woman halts you from standing up. She gives a head shake and sits you back down. "You've been traveling by foot this entire time?" she asks, your disheveled appearance already giving her the answer she needed. "Where are you headed to?"
You open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Because, to answer your question, you don't know. You had nowhere to go, no one to fall upon. You had siblings, yes, but that would be putting their lives at risk - the lives of their children at risk, as well. That was something you couldn't bring yourself to do.
"I cannot allow you to leave in this state." the woman is stern, her grey hair poking out beneath the scarf she wore upon her head. "Especially when you're expecting a child."
You shake your head. "I-I have to go. I can't stay in one place for too long." you try to explain, but the woman wouldn't listen.
"I found you asleep in the middle of the field, utterly exhausted. My son helped bring you here. You were beyond dehydration. I don't know your situation, nor do you have to explain to me. But as a woman who has nothing but her own child, I cannot allow you to set off on your own." the woman stands. "I'll be making dinner soon. Down the hall to the right is a guest bathroom, you can use that to clean yourself up."
And you do, running yourself a hot shower. You were unsure how you made it along the country side. You didn't have a cellphone any longer - you destroyed that long ago. You also didn't have a map, and even if you did you weren't sure if you knew how to decipher it. It's been months since you managed to escape him, but doing so hasn't been easy. You walk for days on end sometimes, only stopping to sleep wherever you are deemed safe. You didn't have a destination - but knew wherever would be better than with him.
You haven't had a proper shower in months. You ran out of money long ago, having slept in cheap motel rooms that offered shitty breakfast - something that could satiate you and your growing belly. You never stayed in the same place for too long, understanding the fact that they were looking for you - to either bring you back to him or kill you out of revenge. Either or, you were a walking target - one of the reasons you had no desire to stay with the woman and her unknown son.
But you couldn't leave - she wouldn't allow it. Not when you woke up early in the morning to already find the woman cooking breakfast. Not when she gave you clean clothes and medicine for the cold you had. Not when she fed you delicious food and offered old baby clothes that once belonged to her so - that she washed freshly the day of. She offered different remidies to make the pregnancy go smooth, each remedy being the perfect batch.
You hadn't met her son until a week later, him strolling through the door with a confused look on his face upon seeing his mother and you cooking around the kitchen. You waddled around, your stomach in the way and your kicking baby far too energetic.
"This is my son, Soobin." the woman introduces her son with gleaming eyes - he was her pride and joy.
Said man offers you a kind smile that makes your heart melt. He didn't say much, but the act of kindness he displayed was one you hadn't witnessed in years. Men didn't act like Soobin unless they wanted something from you. But Soobin didn't desire anything - from you at least. He was kind and gentle, assisting you in whatever he could. Pulling out your chair, getting anything that was out of your reach - he even massged your feet because they were swollen.
Over the months of your stay, you understood now that it was long term. The woman - whose name was Byeol. She kept everything she had for Soobin when he was a baby. She dusted and cleaned off the old crib, washing the sheets and allowing you to set up a small nursery in your bedroom. She had many stuffed bears and toys, even a rocking chair that creaked when you rocked back and forth.
It brought you to tears knowing that she assisted you without understanding your situation. How someone could be so affectioate without desiring anything in return.
Byeol insisted on making memories - she had scrap books piling up of Soobin. She took many pictures of you - you cooking, washing dishes, rocking back and forth in the rocking chair, everything she could of your growing bump. She insisted it was the memories you needed to look back upon.
"Have you decided on a name?" Soobin asks you one day. Byeol had gone down for a nap and you and Soobin opted to sitting on the porch, the sun shining but the weather was just right. "I know you don't want to go to the city for whatever reason but..." Soobin leans back and glances your way. You never told him why you were afraid to go to the city and thankfully, he never forced it out of you. "...we can find out the gender."
The gender of your child was something you always thought about. You wanted a girl - someone whose hair you can do. Dress up in cute clothing - Byeol had many netural clothing that once belong to Soobin, and after a few years you ould eventually find yourself a job once you deemed it safe enough to do so.
The act of having a boy terrified you, to say the least. You couldn't imagine raising a man - you didn't know how to. One thing you did know was that you'd be damned if you allowed your son to act the way his creator did. You wouldn't call him a father - you had no desire allowing him the knowledge of your pregnancy prior to your escape. What he didn't know wouldn't put your child at risk.
"I think it's best if it's a surprise." you tell Soobin, your hand resting on your belly. Your child must've been asleep, they weren't moving or kicking at the moment.
"I know someone. A friend." Soobin's eyes widen. "They could offer you an ultrasound right from home!"
You laugh. "That's a lot of equipment to bring into the household." you say, but the act now gets to you. You have never seen your child via ultrasound. You have been present before for your sisters ultrasounds and seeing them. Even hearing the heartbeat was emotional for you and you were nothing but the aunt.
You cave into Soobin's request and a few days later you are watching the moniter closly as the woman shows you your child. Byeol has a soft smile on her lips and Soobin is utterly confused. "How do you know that's the foot?" he asks, his eyes seeing nothing but black and white blobs on the screen.
"With years of schooling and medical practice." she says. "Do you want to know the gender?"
You bite your lip, eyes wandering around to see Byeol and Soobin. Soobin gives you a thumbs up while Byeol grins. The decision was yours and you find yourself nodding.
The woman hums and her eyes scan the screen. "It's a boy!" she cheers, as does Soobin and Byeol, but your smile flutters and the corner of your eyes swell with tears.
You had 4 older siblings, you being the youngest of 5. Growing up you were closest to your eldest two siblings, Yechan (your first born sister) and Hyun-woo (your first born brother). You recalled the many times they'd taken you to and from school, brought you with them on errands and even took you to the park when they weren't busy. You would often get confused with being Yechan's daughter due to the age difference.
Se-hun (your second eldest brother) and Ye-Rim (your second eldest sister) was a different story. You often argued with Ye-Rim over petty drama which resulted in you two fighting. Se-hun ignored your presence most times, you being nothing but a younger sister who annoyed him every now and then.
Yet and still, they were your siblings and you loved them. Now being 22, your and Ye-Rim's relationship was better. She no longer considered you a burden of a sister and you enjoyed your nieces presence. You visited Se-hun often now that he was married with 4 kids - something you were shocked to think back to. But, he wasn't alone in children when Yechan had the same amount.
You strove to be the perfect aunt, buying whatever gifts you could for 9 children, trying to take them out of your siblings hands for a bit but you were just one person, afterall.
Your siblings were all doing great for themselves - all except Hyun-woo. When you were a child, Hyun-woo was hard working. He worked every night until late and every morning made sure you all had breakfast on the table to eat. The man you witnessed now was not the man of your childhood - there seemed to be no life behind his eyes. He appeared a mess, oftentimes. His hair was greasy and his teeth had a dull grey color. He wasn't old in the slightest but appeared to be as though he aged like milk.
"I told you to leave him alone." Se-hun sighed once, shaking his head. "He was far beyond himself."
"I couldn't have him around my kids." Ye-Rim snickers as she washes her dishes. "When I did he left cocaine in the bathroom."
"He's going to drag you down with him, Y/N." Yechan warned, and how right she was.
Hyun-woo didn't take long until he was arrested for petty theft. His drug addicted mind had him breaking into homes, stealing small items. Sometimes he would remain in said homes and hide to do nothing in particular. You managed to bail him out the first time, raising enough money (no thanks to your siblings) and bailing your brother out. The next month, he was back - this time off to prison.
"You should've left him there the first time." Ye-Rim told you. "So he could've thought about what he was doing with his life. Your bail money went down the drain."
Down the drain was right. You had a hefty savings - you weren't a university student. You decided that working was best after High School, but all the savings you had was poured into your brother's bail just for him to off to prison shortly after. You were stuck - working check to check. You didn't wish to live off of your older siblings - they had children and lives of their own to manage. So you decided - pay your rent to have a roof over your head or eat with no where to lay your head. You chose your rent with a little money left over for necessities. It was difficult - but you managed.
What you weren't able to manage was the two men in dark suits coming into your work place looking for Hyun-woo. You widen your eyes at them - because, for one, they knew you and your workplace but also because they were bold enough to do this in broad daylight. At you telling them that your brother was in prison, they left. You thought this would be a sigh of relief, they whoever those men were wouldnt be returning.
You were wrong.
They did return and even were kind enough to trash your house. You were home when the door was kicked in, a scream erupting through your throat. The men had destroyed everything in sight, a robotic look in their eyes and actions. Almost as if they were being compelled to do this - maybe by a higher up. Before they left, one of the three men had come forward to your weeping figure and dropped to his knees. He eyes you for a moment too long before then tells you that they would be returning a week from that moment to claim your brother's debt - a total of 64 million won.
Your heart stops at the high price. You questioned how in the world there was so much money to be loaned to someone that appeared as your brother did - grey teeth, some missing. Greasy hair was often left in a low bun and stubble on his chin and cheeks. He was an utter mess and a known addict - what else could he be? How much drugs were dealers willing to give someone with no job or money? You had kept your valuables hidden from him - he was a known thief and even you being his youngest sister didn't leave you untouched.
You worked extra hours the next day at your job - the grocery store appreciating it, they were already short staffed. Whatever you had left that wasn't broken by the men you sold - your couch, the tv in your room and livingroom (that was only half broken but pawn shops don't discriminate). You even sold jewelry, not as though you had anywhere to wear it. You were still down millions of won, the money not being realistic for you to attain in a short amount of time.
So, here you were scouring the internet for ways to attain large amounts of money, legal or illegally. You were desperate to do anything, at this point. You got your answer when you were invited - via vpn tracking, sadly - to a private event. You were skeptical, but the invite said that if you had anything valuable to sell, you could through the black market - an event that happened every few months in an underground location.
You went - your fanny pack holding a bottle of bear mace and a pocket knife and a mini taser. Your backpack holding a change of clothes for this occassion. If this was a trap, you refused to be down bad and die there. You've lived this long, far too long to die like that. At your arrival at said place, you were disappointed to see that there was no one there. You looked around the abandoned alleyway, the dark light alley lights flickering as you let out a sigh of defeat.
"Looking for something?" a voice startles you. The tall man crosses his arms behind you. He steps back, allowing you space.
"I,uh...I guess not. I'll be leaving." you take a few steps back yourself, not wanting to be too close to the man.
"Are you trying to buy or sell anything?" the man says, his eyes narrowing. He was being conspicuous without saying too much in the case that you weren't looking to do that.
"S-Sell." your lips purched.
The man nods, he turns towards a metal door. "Follow me." he tells you.
You follow behind him, your hands on your fanny pack in case you need to grab a quick weapon. As the two of you walk behind the door and down a dim lit hallway, he opens a wooden door at the end of the hall and motions for you to enter. The room was huge with loud chattering. Sea of people, all dressed far more expensive than you, holding glasses of wine and champagne. Your eyes glance to the man behind you. "What do people sell here?" you ask him, unsure if this was the correct place to do this at.
"Everything." he says. "Expensive jewlery - stolen or not. Property, businesses, foreign exchanges...sex." he shrugs. "Whatever you have to offer. State your price - start high. Someone will be bound to buy what you're selling."
You nod your head. "I-Is there a restroom?" you look around. If you were going to be selling yourself to the sea of men, you were bound to change into whatever cheap lingerie you brought in your backpack, long jacket hanging over your shoulders.
Everything was separated into categories just like the man stated. Sex was the last exchange sold and this late into the night you were nearing exhaustion. Your feet ached in the heels you wore that you took it off the second hour and slide against the floor in a sleepy haze. You were standing up right when the catergory you were waiting for was now. There was many woman, all shapes and sizes, offering sex - some in more ways the others. Their asking prices weren't the same as what you were going to be asking far, far less. Nonetheless, like the man states - start high and state your price.
You were next. The lights of the stage seemed brighter than every when you were the center of attention. The host speaks with you silently, his eyes widening at your asking price.
"64 million won." the host states into the microphone, you hear a few gasps and snickers. You gulp, taking a deep breath. You removed the long jacket, letting it fall to the floor. Your lingerie was simple, a white lace that shown more than you desired, but if you were going to sell sex you needed to ooze sex. "Tell me, why do you think you deserved 64 million won?" the host asks, trying to get you to sell what you could.
"I'm not just selling sex." you speak into the microphone, the sea of people watching you making your stomach feel uneasy. "I'm selling my virginity."
The crowd erupts in more gasps, and with that the biddin started. One man offered 64 million straight out, his old shaky voice cracking. You were disgusted, but kept your smile on your lips. Another man shouted 65, the next 70. The last was what has you yelping. "400 million won." the voice says, this time it didn't sound old or cracked out. It was young and deep - determined. "Cash."
"Sold." the host says, head shaking in disbelief at the amount of money you were about to obtain for your virginity. You gulp, your eyes watching the figure make their way to the stage. You're captivated, watching as the man - couldn't be much older than you - make his way onto the stage. Something in your gut is telling you - he was familiar to you.
He grasps your jacket and places it upon your shoulders. He pushes you gentle towards the left side of the stage and down the small stairs.
You two had a lot to talk about. For one, you couldn't believe that amount of cash the man took out of the black bag, He shows you, allowing you to see that he was serious about this. You fidget in you stance, the man intimidating you. He wasn't the one who appeared to need to buy pussy - or virginity. He was young, piercing dark eyes with the same dark hair. He had a lip ring in the corner of his lips and the smirk he gives you was enough to have you want to fuck him without the money.
"Before we...make out a contract. Why are you doing this?" the man asks you. He has taken you to his car, a black mercedes with dark tinted windows. You two sit in the back while a man drives him.
"I need the money." you admit.
"64 million won is a lot of money to need." the man chuckles a response. "College? Mortage?"
"My brother's in debt." you say. You were exhausted. You tell the stranger everything - how your brother was a drug addict who finally met his match in prison while you were left to pay for the damages. How the men destroyed your home and only allowed you a week to conjure up the debt your brother owed. You admitting to selling nearly everything you owned and now deciding the last thing you did own was your diginity and virginity.
The man remained quiet at your rambling. You remained quiet the rest of the car ride to your home. Much to your surprise, the man had given you the entire 64 million won, stating that he would be back to collect his debt you owed to him and give you the rest of the money he promised. Your eyes sparkled and you nodded with determination. You got out of his car with a short bow, vowing to be the best you could to him when he returned.
What you weren't expecting was the man to indeed return the day of the debt collecting - right on time. As you allowed the man inside your home, envelope in your hand with the amount of cash they needed, your door, once again, was kicked in. The man, along with one other, raises their guns at the men in your sitting area.
"What the hell?" one of the men hiss to the intruders, arms raised. His eyes widen in realization. "Jeon-ssi? What are you doing-"
A shot ranged out and all you could do was drop to the floor, eyes wide. The man, Jeon, shoots the man speaking, a crazed look in his eyes. The man screams at the bullet through his shoulder. A few more shots ring and you're now crying on the floor, a pool of the mens blood surrounding you. You may have fucked up and got yourself into deeper shit than you imagined.
You hear footsteps approaching, but you don't open your eyes. You never do - not until you feel fingers wrapped into your hair and yanking you upward. You hiss, eyes shooting open, the tears pooling out faster now. "P-Please..." you try to shake away from the familiarly strange hand.
The man removes his hands from your hair and steps back, head tilting at you. "Stop crying." he murmurs. "I'm not going to kill you."
You sniffle. It was hard to believe this man wasn't nefarious when he and his friend murdered the men in your home seconds ago.
"That's it." Jeon nods, a smile on his pierced lips. He reaches out to wipe a tear from your left eye. His hand then caresses your cheek. "I can't believe these cowards left you in such a compromising position."
You gulp, shaking stiffly. You couldn't move, far too afraid that he wold put a bullet through you next if you had.
"Come." Jeon says.
"W-Where are you taking me?" you cry out when you feel him grab your shoulders and bring you closer to him. "I-I don't need the money anymore, take it-"
"Hyung, please wait in the car for us." Jeon says to the man behind him, a tall man with narrowed eyes and broad shoulders. He does so, not bothering to close the door behind him. "You...fear me." Jeon says to you. "After I got you out of debt and handled the men who disrespected you."
You want to scream and cry, everything at once. You were beyond frightened and you swore if you could piss right now, you would.
You remain still when he brings himself closer to you. "Let's go home, Y/N." he tells you sternly, the look in his eyes telling you that he wasn't going to say it again.
You take a deep breath, humming softly to yourself. You were rocking back and forth with a hand rubbing your growing belly. You felt indifferent now knowing the gender of your child. You thought of the future of you and your child - how you would be cuddling her to sleep every night, breast feeding her until she was full, bathing her. Now, you were doing this to a baby boy.
In the past you wouldn't dare be disappointed in the gender of your child. However, the past you once thought you would be married first, have a dog or a cat before allowing a child into the picture. Obviously, that was not the case in your situation. You now pondered on how your child would look, if he'd look like you or the man from your past or take your features. 
Nonetheless, you couldn't dwell on the gender any longer. You will soon have a child to raise, far from the drama that came with the Jeon empire. You would be the sole influenced - along Byeol and Soobin - to this child, needing to have him be the man you wished you encoutered from his father. 
"I like the name Dal." Soobin stands in your door frame. He leans against it as he eyes you. 
"I chose Jin-Seon." you murmur to the man.
He raises a brow. "You did? When? Why didn't you say anything?" he was excited, possibly more than you now, at the fact there was going to be a baby in the home. 
"A few hours ago. That's the only boy name that stuck...with me." you stop rocking to glance towards the old crib. Soon you'll be putting your son in that crib."What if I'm a terrible mother?"
Soobin gasps at your sudden words, far taken aback by your change in demeanor. He steps inside your room to get closer to you. "Why would you say that? You'll be an amazing mother!" he assures. He kneels down so he can be face to face with you. "What's going on?"
You shake your head. You couldn't tell Soobin of your past and the worries you had to raise your son to not be like his father. Of course, he wouldn't be around you two for Jin-Seon to be a bad influence, but still, they were blood after all. You were afriad you would fail your son like you failed to help your brother.
"I know we haven't been together as friends for long, Y/N...but I know you'll be a great mother. You're already so motherly to Jin-Seon. He is in great hands." Soonbin gives you a smile that makes you want to cry - his kindness was overwhelming. "And if you need any help, Eomma and I are more than willing to. It take's a village to raise a child, Y/N, I'll never allow you to do it alone."
You were unsure how long you were kept into the room - possibly a day or two. It appeared as a guest room, everything neat and organized and not lived in. You hadn't showered yet, either, the blood of the men soaked and dried onto your skin. You were disgusted and horrified with what was bound to happen to you. This man, who you have yet to know the name of, has not returned.
Often, you lay upon the bed that you were given, hoping to sleep away the memories but they never left. You were always left with waking up every few hours in a cold sweat and a yelp, the memories of the shooting, the blood and the cold eyes of your captor.
While you lay awake, your mind drifts to the outside world. It's been days - maybe a week? has anyone tried looking for you? You haven't been to work in so long, has anyone called the police? Has your siblings been notified? The act of being labled as a missing person was what terrified you - you were missing in plain sight, unsure of when you'd see the outside world.
The door jingling makes you freeze in your spot. You lay your head against the pillow and hold your breath, not wanting to make a sound. "How long has she been here?" a voice comes, a voice of an older woman. "She's covered in blood and you left here like this? Is this how I raised you?"
The lights in the room turn on from a switch just outside the door and you hiss lowly, your eyes not seeing brightness for so long. You begin to shiver when the voices and footsteps come closer. "I didn't know what to do, Ajumma." the familiar voice of the man you called Jeon says. "You know how the Hyung's are."
His voice now was different from when you last heard of him - there's no venom laced in it, nor is it deep and threatening. It's normal, light when speaking to the older woman. You feel a hand on your shoulder and your shivering stops. Your eyes glance upwards to see them - Jeon and the older woman, hair dark but a few strands of grey caught their way out. She had wrinkles covering her forehead and low bags covering her eyes. "Let's get you up and bathed." she says.
Your eyes are low when you stand up, stomach rumbling and knees shaking. The woman turns her head to glare at Jeon. "Did you starve the poor girl?" she hisses. "Jeon Jungkook! You're just the same as your father." she looks back to you with softer eyes, "Come with me. We'll get you bathed and fed."
You follow the woman, your mind puzzling together. His name was Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.
Once the older woman took you to a large bathroom, the floor - cold against your bare feet - was marble and clean. So clean you could see your reflection against it. The shower was separate from the large tub and as you turned the water on, you marvelled at how many faucets and power jets of water sprayed out. Soon you were scrubbing your skin roughly with the vanilla scented bodywash to remove the blood stain from it, but nothing felt good enough. You still felt dirty with blood, sweat and even the tears that dried up upon your skin.
You wash your hair with the shampoo that was inside the shower, not caring if the ingredients were good for your hair or not. You didn't have time to care when you were in a foreign home with people you didn't know. You were unsure if the man was allowing you to shower simply because he wanted his payment or because he geniually cared (suddenly) for your appearance and well being.
A knock sounded on the door as soon as you turned off the shower. You watch as the door opens and the woman comes in. She smiles at you warmly and lays down a towel, a robe and under garments. "So you can get out of those old clothes. I'll make sure that boy get's you a closet full of clothes."
You nod. "Thank you." your voice was meek and quiet. She leaves the bathroom and you make your way to dry and dress yourself. You knew you couldn't hide inside of here forever, but you wanted to. You were unaware what was going to happen next with the man that was Jungkook. All you did know was that you were left terrified of him and who he was. Him killing the men in cold blood without batting an eyelash - that only told you he was one of the same of these men, just possibly more powerful.
You twist the doorknob once you are done, poking your head out. The hallway was quiet and there was no sign of the older woman. You contemplated if you should remain in the restroom or wander around. This estate was foreign to you, all you did know was that the man, Jungkook, wasn't going to allow you to leave anytime soon.
You decide to get out of the bathroom, closing the door behind you. You tiptoe down the hall, your bare feet cold against the marble floor. You wrap the robe tightly around you, trying to remember the way you came and go back to the dark room. But luck wasn't upon your side and you find yourself utterly confused as to where to go. Every door appeared the same as the next, all dark, modern and closed. You didn't have the guts to open any and see for yourself, afraid of what's behind it.
"Looking for something?"
You yelp, startled at the sudden voice. You stiffen and turn around with wide eyes.
"You must be Y/N." the man steps closer to you. He reminded you of Jungkook, the way he was attractive with a hint of intimidation. His features were symmetrical, jaw line sharp and angular. It was his eyes that attracted you to him - you were unable to look away. They were as if he was calling you towards him without saying a word. "You are as cute as the little one said you were." he coos.
The man reaches you, his hand coming out to stroke your face. "I can tell you are truly innocent as he says. Never been touched by a man. Or woman - I'm a judgment free man." His laugh captivates you. As close as he was to you now, you could see around his eyes the lightest shade of eyeshadow around them. "Tell me, are you looking for Kookie?"
You're stuck, unsure of how to respond. So you nod your head, assuming "Kookie" was "Jungkook" who you previously met. The man grasps your hand and tugs you closer to him. He interlocks your fingers and soon the two of you are walking down the hall together, hand in hand. It was as though your nervousness - even fear - had gone away. THe closeness between the two of you made your nose catch his scent - a bittersweet aroma that gave off a spicy yet fruity smell; inviting.
"People call me Himeros." the man murmurs to you, his voice in a hushed tone as if it was a secret. You gulp and nod, your little knowledge of greek mythology, you were certain he was the living embodiment of Himeros. "But my family calls me Jimin, and since you're with Kookie, you can call me Jimin, too."
You listen to him talk about random things, remaining in a comfortable silence as he guides you down another hall and soon you're in a large sitting room, surrounded by men in dark suits. 6 men stood out to you - one being Jungkook - their suits were white in contrast to the dark ones surrounding them. They all sat huddled together in a deep conversation when you arrived. They sat on a deep burgundy leather couch, a medium size glass coffee table in the middle - the colors of the room being a mixture of gold, silver and black. Your eyes trained on the men surrounding them, some staring out the large windows. It was at that moment you noticed they held guns - large rifles and a few others you know not a single idea of.
Your nerves kick in again being surrounded by so many unfamiliar faces - all men at that. Your hands unknowingly squeezes Jimin's and he shakes his head. "It's alright. No one here will hurt you." he assures, noticing your uneasiness. "Kookie." his voice sings songs. It makes the group of men sitting stop and look towards your way, eyes scanning you up and down.
Jungkook's eyes lock with your hand in Jimin's. He leans forward, tongue in cheek.
"Don't be that way." Jimin giggles, unlocking your fingers. "She was lost so I brought her here to you. Hospitality." Jimin gentle places his hands on your shoulders, a smile on his lips as he looks towards Jungkook.
"Is this the girl?" a man asks, his voice deep - the deepest you've heard a man have.
You witness Jungkook nod, standing forward. "Y/N." he says to you, his lip curling upwards slowly.
You remain silent, unsure of what to respond with.
"Does she know your name?" a man chuckles, his laugh high-pitched as if laughing at his own (lame but truthful) joke. You wouldn't know his name if it wasn't said by the older woman. "She looks so...scared. Like a little mouse."
"I would be, as well, if I were in a room full of men in nothing but a robe." another man says, he slouches against the couch with a bored expression. "Why did you bring her here and not his room?"
Jimin scoffs. "I do the right thing and it's still wrong, right, little mouse?" Jimin shakes his head and then looks towards you. You nod slowly, unsure of what else to do. Jimin smiles in return. "Well, Kookie," he turns towards the man. "She's all yours. I have a job to do." Jimin's hand slowly pats your shoulders and then he turns around, strolling down the same hall you came from.
"Come." Jungkook says to you, strolling to you and taking your hand in his. "We'll discuss things later, Hyungs." he calls over his back as he saunters down the hall with you.
"But we weren't done-" the deep voiced man starts, but then groans when he realizes Jungkook has no intentions of turning back.
"Damn kid." another man hisses.
Jungkook and you walk for a few minutes before reaching a room. When he opens the door, you realize it isn't the same room you were held in. He gently tugs you inside and closes the door behind you. The room was fairly large in size - double than the one you had been in. You figured the lights inside the room were motion sensored because it lit upon your arrival. In the middle of the room lay a large bed - possibly king size - with an upholstered headboard. The sheets upon the bed were satin and you noticed the amount of pillows spraw upon them.
The bedroom itself was modern and minimalistic, on each side of the bed sat a nightstand. There were 2 doors opposite to one another that you assumed were closed, you assumed they were closet space. "Do you like the room?" Jungkook's voice sounds. "It's much bigger than the last. Come." Jungkook strolls ahead of you to one of the doors. He opens it wide, your eyes trail inside the large room - quite bigger than you expected.
"This is your closet. He'll have to fill it up eventually." he trails off. Your eyes dart around the room - it was bigger than your sitting room back at your apartment. The mirror facing you was large that had lights surrounding it - also sensored. The room had wall shelves that reached the ceiling and a few in-wall drawers. It was luxurious, you'd amit, but you were afraid to ask why he was doing this for someone he paid to sleep with? "Do you like purses? We could display them on the top shelf."
You nod your head, agreeing with whatever he desired so you wouldn't upset or offend him. He smiles and then motions for you to follow him again. He reaches the next door, it opens and displays a bathroom. The floors were the same marble tile as the last one. What caught your eye was the circular bathtub and the large floor length window that displayed outside the estate - a mixture of flowers and vines. The shower was to the right of the bathtub with several faucets while the double sink and vanity mirror displayed on the left.
"My closet is in here." Jungkook says. "It's smaller than yours but does the job."
A knock was what caught you two by surprise. You turn towards the bedroom door then to Jungkook. You watch as he opens it to peek out, then opens it wider once he realizes who it is. "Ah," he smiles. "Food is here. I forgot I ordered food for us."
You were marvelled at the many trays of food coming into the room, all on rolling tables. The men - this time in chef attire - roll in the tables and display it for you and Jungkook. You questioned why Jungkook ordered much food for the two of you - you noticed many amounts of meats, different side dishes and even - as displaced as it was - a few slices of pizza. The last table to be brought it were the drinks and a large bowl of ice.
"I wasn't sure what you enjoyed eating." Jungkook says with a low chuckle. "So I ordered everything I like."
Soon the two of you are eating. You sat yourself far from him, nibbling on the food slowly. Jungkook wasn't shy in his own home or in front of you. He ate as if not swallowing at all, his eyes wide with pleasure. You ate a few more wings and called it enough. You wiped your mouth with the napkin and remain silent, waiting for the man to be done.
"Are you done eating?" Jungkook asks; he realized you hadn't picked anything up in a few minutes. At your nod and releases his grip on the slice of pizza he was holding - the cheese and pepperoni oozing off of it slowly. "Are you-"
"When are you going to fuck me?" you ponder loudly, possibly coming off rude.
Jungkook is taken aback. He turns his head fully to you and raises both brows.
"I...I would rather you get it over with." you murmur. You feel uncomfrotable against his gaze.
"Get it over with?" Jungkook snickers. "I told you already you aren't going back."
You're trembling now, fear overcoming you. You didn't think he would actually keep you here for his own personal reasons. He was a powerful man - you see that now by the way he had men lining up to cater to him. Not only was he powerful and obviously wealthy, but he was attractive and surprisingly young. He has to have women lining up to even get the chance to sleep with him (with nothing in return) yet he has chosen you - someone who only truly needed him for money. 
"Why would you want to leave? I gave you shelter - better than that run down apartment you were in."
Jungkook's tone and words offended you. You didn't come from money. You weren't raised poor either, however, you were raised to work for what you needed. You afforded a well enough apartment in a decent area. You saved up your money to fully furnish your apartment with what money you did have to make it feel like a home; not only that, but you cared for your brothers addictions (unknowingly) and gave a little cash whenever your siblings were low and in need. You didn't need Jeon Jungkook to insult the way you lived.
You turned away from him, your fists clenching. It wasn't smart to talk back to him, he was a man after all and could easily overpower you if needed be. 
"Would you prefer we slept together before the ceremony?" Jungkook sighs. He scotts closer to you, placing the trays of food back upon the rolling tables. "So it'd be easier for you?"
"What ceremony?" you murmur, your head turning towards him. This wasn't making much sense to you. But, you willing to sell your virginity to any man willing to pay wouldn't make sense to anyone - and you refused to tell your siblings such when the time came.
"Our wedding, silly." Jungkook chuckles. He taps your nose as if you were a silly child. Your eyes widen at the statement and when you realize his laughter died down and his eyes narrowed - he was serious. "I told you this was our home, baby. I gave you a large closet for you to fill."
You gulp. Your head was spinning and your stomach churned. The sensation of your body in this state was nothing but uneasiness, you felt lighthead and ready to faint. You snap your body away from him. "I'm not marrying you." your words were stern - as stern as they could be while you were frightened of the man. "That was not the agreement, Jungkook. I would never agree to sell myself to marriage."
"But you are willing to sell your virginity?" Jungkook snaps. "That makes the situation better?"
"No!" you hiss back at him, voice raising. You felt horrible enough that you were willing to give up something sacred to whatever greasy man was willing. But you didn't wish to put your life or those of your family in more danger due to Hyun-woo. "I just-"
"Watch your fucking mouth, Y/N." Jungkook interrupts you with a grasp of your chin. "I got you out of that situation with those men and I managed to kill their boss that was threatening you. How could you be so selfish?" he spits.
You tear your chin from his grasp and yelp. 
"My men are at your disposal. My wealth and power is yours." Jungkook again grabs you, this time his large hands gripping your cheeks to force you to look at him. "You'll be my wife and a part of Bangtan along with my own brothers, their partners and children. I'm the only one left in the family to be wed and bear an heir."
You feel sick. You couldn't help but cry out at the thought of marrying a man and bearing his child without your consent - he didn't give you much choice. This couldn't be your life now, not with a man like this. A man you didn't know anything about and vice versa. 
"Shh, baby, don't cry." Jungkook pulls you into his chest. You didn't fight him and instead allowed yourself to cry into his chest while he caresses your back. "I know it's overwhelming, but you'll be happy with me. I promise. We can see the world, you and I!" he continues to caress you while promising you every and everything - besides your consent and freedom. "Do you like babies?" Jungkook asks suddenly, his hands stopping the patting on your back. "Maybe we can visit Hyung's home tomorrow. He has the cutest daughter! That should be able to cheer you up!"
You cry harder at the thought. 
"Is this necessary?" you ask Byeol, arms crossed. You stood outside your bedroom, facial mask below your lips. 
"Put your mask on, Y/N!" Soobin yells, his eyes wide with shock. "You can't inhale the paint! It's not good for the baby!"
You do as you're told with a roll of your eyes. You hear Byeol giggle beside you. "To him it is."
You were woken up from your afternoon nap by Soobin. He had shook you awake and insisted you leave the room so he could paint it. You were initially irritated by the sudden act, but Soobin wouldn't bulge. He was now painting the room - the wall in which all of Jin-Seon's belongings sat - determined to paint the white clouds as neat as he could. 
"I just wouldn't want to trouble him." you sigh. "And you. This is your home after all. I wouldn't want to intrude." 
Byeol gently slaps your shoulder. "You could never be an intruder, Y'N. You know this now." she shakes her head, upset at the audacity of you thinking you would ever be considered a burden here. "Soobin is just overjoyed that there's more life in the home. It's always just been the two of us."
And overjoyed Soobin was. After he spent two days painting one wall - a simple set of clouds and mountains in different shades of blue and greys, he was done and added a few finishing touches. He adds Jin-Seon's name onto the wall above the crib given to her by Byeol. He then adds a few shelves, already displaying the ultrasound picture he had framed and gifted you. Next to the ultrasound was a picture he took of you off guard - hand resting on your stomach while you munched along on a piece of cake Byeol had made. It wasn't your favorite picture of yourself, but you enjoyed the act of kindness Soobin showed. 
"I still think it's all too much for something temporary." you told Soobin, but your heart was full at the kind gesture. 
"It's never too much when it comes to Jin-Seon. I want him to feel loved." Soobin smiles at you, his eyes squinting. You feel your heart flutter at him, he was entirely too kind for his own good. "And I want you to feel welcomed here. You don't have to leave as soon as Jin-Seon is born."
You let out a sigh. Your eyes glance away from him and to the wall, trying to avoid his gaze. They were making it hard - Vyeol and Soobin - for you to ever want to leave them. Byeol was utterly kind, always making sure to cook you delicious food. She insisted you needed a strong and healthy baby. She oftened wash the sheets and your clothes, even when you insisted you could do it yourself. 
Soobin was much like his mother, always welcoming. He came home everyday with different types of snacks and treats for you to try. He would give you the company you craved after Byeol rested. He encouraged you - ensuring that you would always be in good hands with them. 
"I won't force the two of you to stay." Soobin tells you, his voice low into a whisper. "But there isn't a time limit. You can stay for as long as you need to. This is your home just as it is ours."
Your throat clenches and your heart is now beating faster. You turn to Soobin and offer a trembling smile. He frowns at you. "Y/N. What's wrong?"
You're crying. You are sure it's the hormones. You looked like a crazy fool crying at Soobin. He must feel horrible with himself and questioning what were the words to set you off. 
"You all are so kind to me." you cry, whipping the pathetic tears from your cheeks. "I don't know where I'd be without your hospitality."
Soobin releases a laugh. He brings you closer to him, in a hug. He rubs the top of your back and shakes his head. "You don't have to cry, Y/N." he ensures. "We'll always be here for you and Jin-Seon. I promise." he says. 
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Alright so here's Part 1 to Cruel Intentions. This would be a multipart series, I hope going between present to past isn't too much to understand.
Prequel | Next | Masterlist | Part 3
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animeyanderelover · 3 months
For shit and giggles what if older sister reader drink the poisonous tea meant for yui by reiji what he doesn't know is the side effects is making the person that drink it in the younger age so now reader is the same age as yui and don't have any memory of the brother she still cares about yui a lot calling her a precious friend tearing her like a sibling she never had and get angry at the sakamaki brothers when they try to manipulate her
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, clinginess, delusional behavior, paranoia, manipulation, isolation
A sip of poisonous tea
Shu Sakamaki
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🎵​The only reason why Reiji hasn't been violently assaulted by all the younger siblings after that incident is because Shu is one of the few who have held them back. He is not doing it out of brotherly love though as he himself understands the urge some of the other Sakamaki brothers feel. However, he also understands that Reiji has the best chances of finding a remedy to return you to your original form. He won't lie though, it is hard at times to control the violent urge to hurt his younger brother for what he has done. You were the only person Shu has ever felt truly peaceful with as you were the only one who he willingly told everything that was a burden on his soul. Now that you have lost all your memories though, Shu experiences true loneliness but he can't even show that as the gates to his heart completely close. When he realises that you are not able to recall anything about him, he stops trying to maybe trigger a memory of yours. Shu decides to avoid you for a while as the hollow pain in his chest only gets stronger when he watches you and that human girl together, although he still ends up torturing himself by secretly watching you from the distance.
Reiji Sakamaki
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☕​Reiji is the one who takes the hardest emotional blow because he is the one who prepared that poisonous tea to get rid of that girl that was stealing your attention. He could have never predicted that you would actually try that tea for her yet you did and now all of your memories are gone. You're gone. He wants to blame that girl and he would have almost murdered her if it wouldn't have been for Kanato having his meltdown and trying to hurt Reiji. Yet a part of him is unable to protect his own ego and pride as he realises that he is also partially responsible for it even if he tries to make Yui the sole scapegoat of this situation. To think that he would be the one to do such a thing to his own beloved sister is a burden unspeakably heavy and there is a tight knot of fear and panic in his chest that makes him feel like he is slowly dying. Unable to live with the thought that he ruined you who he has always idolised and who has always been perfect in his eyes, he completely locks himself away in his chambers and sometimes doesn't leave his room for day. His sanity is on the brink of shattering but he has to find an antidote. Otherwise he wouldn't be able to look at himself in the mirror anymore.
Ayato Sakamaki
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🥇​If it wouldn't have been for Laito stopping him from breaking Reiji's neck, he would have committed murder right then and there. How dare the bastard to poison you and take you away from him?! The only reason why he stops wanting to kill Reiji for now is that he understands that the older brother is the only one who can also create an antidote. That doesn't stop him from knocking violently on the door leading to Reiji's chambers once or twice a day and asking him pissed if he has done finally something useful, barely able to suppress the urge to just kick the door open violently. Ayato will be quite persistent with you though because he just can't accept that you have lost all of your memories. How can you forget him? You have always praised him and cheered him up and now you dare to forget him and replace him with that stupid human girl? He attempts to monopolise all of your time to separate you from Yui and try to awaken your memories by retelling you all of his achievements and showing you what he can do. His mind is just blown that you seem to have forgotten him, your favorite brother from the entire bunch... In his mind at least.
Kanato Sakamaki
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🧸​Together with Reiji he has the worst reaction to you losing all of your memories and turning to the same age as Yui. He has to be physically restrained and dragged away from Reiji as he screeches and screams promises of death to him. His mental condition has always been quite fragile but that was what you were for. You were always there to comfort him and hold tea parties with him and Kanato has always been so incredibly attached to you. Now you have forgotten him though and instead treat Yui like she is your sibling and his mentality is thoroughly shot after that incident. He in fact acts so extreme that his other brothers have to keep him away from you as he even tries to break into your bedroom. He's sure that you will remember him if he brings you to his room where the both of you have always held the tea parties and ties you to a chair to keep you from running away. Kanato has just completely lost it since you were the sole anchor who could control him enough for him to not be too crazed. But now that you have forgotten, there is no one who can protect others from Kanato as well as protect him from himself.
Laito Sakamaki
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​🎹​Laito has some rather gruesome fantasies about what he would like to do with Reiji but he keeps it all within the realm of imagination for now. He is after all quick to recognise that Reiji has the highest chances of undoing all the effects the poison had on you. He hopes that the bastard suffers as much as possible for messing up so majorly in the first place though. His inner demons are hidden pretty well though when he approaches you though as he tries to find a way to make the best of the situation. You have forgotten everything which means that as long as you are so clueless, he may as well try to gain your favor. Laito is quite good in hiding his true intentions as he tries to get you away from that little bitch you spend so much time with. To his bittersweet delight you have kept your sharp intelligence even at such a young age though so his attempts to play the good guy fail as you get even more protective of Yui as if sensing that Laito might otherwise plan something. Just because he has failed doesn't mean that he will leave you alone though. He will interfere whenever he can and squeeze himself in every moment you want to have with Yui alone. Please, don't forget him...
Subaru Sakamaki
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​⬜​Subaru is in a way in a similar situation as Shu. You were the only one he felt safe wnough around to express all of his emotions, even his vulnerability. Now that you have forgotten him though, he has no one anymore who he can tell about all of the crying sadness inside of him. So he ends up trying to push it all down but this leads to an outburst of violence and hot tears sooner or later when he is alone. He despises Reiji for having done something like this to you. He has never really liked him before to begin with but now he just really wants to rip his limbs apart from his body. He can barely hold back though with the promises of the other brothers that Reiji will find a cure to your current condition. He hates that he doesn't know how to act anymore around you because not only have you lost all your memories but you are physically younger now than even him. It just seems all so strange in his mind but the greatest suffering he receives is your new attachment to the human girl. He is always boiling when he watches how you play with her as he recalls that you used to do the same with him and eventually has to tear his gaze away from you, on the verge of another outburst.
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dogiperson · 2 months
Hello! Big fan of your art pieces. Read your latest comic about the origin of cannibal Lady Lamb and I must say, though I do not endorse literal cannibalism, much less of one's kin, that brother of hers fully deserved it, 100%. Though I do have questions as well, if you don't mind me asking.
In that comic, Lamb seemed to have been a sacrifice of a cult of some kind, which is why she got that scarring mark on her neck. When did that happen when she was a kid, and how come she didn't die at their hands? How did she escape? Was it kept hush hush?
What is Lamb's public front of business, and why the surprise when she started wearing black instead of white?
Did the police ever managed to trace the brother's death to her? What got her hunting down the rest of her siblings? Did she get her parents too, or did they die before it happened? Why did her brother got so ... interested in her like that?
May your month be kinder to you than it was before, drink plenty of water, and rest plenty.
Oh, hi! That's a lot of questions!
This is good, because I'm crazy about my AUs!
I condemn cannibalism, what is in my Au is not a call to action or some kind of fetish, it is an allegory and an interesting concept for me.
"Eat the rich" but literally. It's all just fiction, don't take it too seriously
Okay, let's move on to the questions!
How did she not die after the sacrifice? Oh, um, she kinda did... But the ritual was successful.
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And because of this she was bought by the man who became her adoptive father
He collected such children out of interest, that's why there are 13 of them
Everyone was surprised that she came in black dress because that's the color you wear to funerals lol
Her brother disappeared without any reason why he could leave on his own, she was the last one to see him and she who used to wear only white now comes dressed in black. And of course with fur on her shoulders. It looks very strange you know...
Since then she hasn't worn anything other than black btw
What got her hunting down the rest of her siblings?
After her father died (old rich bitch) his will stated that his property would only transfer if there was only one child left in the family... So let the fun begin, since they are not exactly siblings, and even didnt growing up together they had no familial relationship, just a bunch of lambs who want each other dead. They all tried to kill each other.
Did the police ever managed to trace the brother's death to her?
Of course! it's obvious I mean
Lamb is the main and only suspect in the murder... The problem is that until death is proven, her brother is considered missing and not dead, so... Because there is no body, there is no murder.
Why did her brother got so ... interested in her like that?
Want some nasty details? He was married and Lamb wasn't even 18 and she's a lesbian.
That's all! Thank you very much for being interested in my Au, I hope I was able to answer all your questions thoroughly!
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lovelybrooke · 9 months
Can I request underworld people dialogue about us?
Thank you for requesting this, I really wanted to write for some side characters.
Hypnos is more observant than people let on. Often, he hears the ramblings of Zagreus, which more often than not, is about you. At first, he's put off about it, but as he's forced to listen about you more and more, he learns to crave it. Before Hypnos fully realized your presence, he would listen intently to anything about you from Zagreus.
Hypnos dialogue is mainly takes after Zagreus, which can range from nothing to worry about, to intense obsessive ramblings.
"Hey--Hey! You're back sooner than expected! Thanatos was asking about you, no not you Zagreus, he doesn't ask about you. Anyway, maybe it would be good to stay a bit longer this time, relax a bit, you know? Don't give me that look Zag!
Thanatos in the beginning is turned off by Zagreus and his obsession with you. He views you as just another reason for why Zagreus is running away from everything. Like his brother however, his bond with you grows stronger as he's forced to remain in contact with Zagreus. His obsession is less obvious than the others, but still strange.
Thanatos's dialogue is chalked full of hidden messages and meanings, which if you don't think too hard about, is just normal Thanatos dialogue.
"You're never going to find them Zagreus. Even if you did, do you think no one else tried to get to them first? It's a foolish effort, though one I can empathize with."
Nyx wants Zagreus to find happiness, and for a while she thought his mother was the answer to all that. It wasn't until she came to understand you, that she realized his motivations were much deeper than that. Nyx has to admit that in the beginning, she was warry of you and your motives, but as she comes to understand that you only want to help Zagreus, she grows quite fond of you.
Her dialogue is not as obsessed as the others, but still points to more sinister happenings.
"My child, this devotion of yours, are you positive they are worth all this effort. I don't doubt you, nor do I doubt them and their assistance, but I wonder, perhaps there is a simpler way to go about this."
Meg is slightly disgusted by Zagreus obsession, not understanding how he could be so enamored with someone he hasn't met. She sees you as just another thing in her way, until she starts to realize it's not just Zagreus, the others, they also seem to be taken by the same devotion. Meg doesn't fully understand it, but she learns to except you. And while she'd never admit it, she also feels herself growing closer to you.
Megaera's dialogue is covered in thinly vailed insults, all of which hide a sense of insincerity in them.
"Back again, Zagreus. You know, you seemed distracted last time we fought, like your mind was somewhere else entirely. Zagreus, maybe next time you make direct contact with them, don't fight me. Or do, just makes it easier to kill you.
Achillies always took a fatherly role in Zagreus's life, and because of that he's impartial to you. It takes long for Achillies himself to fully recognize the player, but when he does, he kind of understands the Underworld Prince. Achillies fatherly instincts projects onto the player, and more often than not, he wishes you were here with him. But Achillies knows he's no longer deserving of good things.
Achillies dialogue is often filled with worry for the player. Because of this, it's kind of hard to tell when his words are directed towards the player or Zagreus.
"You've been working hard. Too hard maybe. Perhaps this is a good time to take rest. I know my words are too little effect, but I worry about you, both of you. More than you know."
Dusa loves Zagreus, and she wants him to be happy. That's why she supports him in leaving. It's why she'll also support Zagreus in his efforts to find you. You're much more elusive than they all originally thought, but Dusa will do anything she can to help. And maybe, if she just works hard enough, she'll get to meet you too, just maybe.
It's hard to understand if Dusa's dialogue is directed at you or Zagreus, since it's all so similar.
"Oh! Um--you're here...H-how are you...? Gosh, I sound like a mess, I-I just didn't expect you both to be here. I'll go now...
Orpheus spends a lot of his time reminiscing about his time with his beloved Eurydice. He wishes he could just turn back time, fix everything, but the past is the past and there is nothing more he can do. When Zagreus comes to him, waxing poetry of all his epic adventures, describing some omnipresent force helping him while doing so. For a moment, Orpheus assumes it's his godly relatives, but he quickly realizes it's more. It sends Orpheus down a rabbit hole, wanting to know more and more about this presence the son of Hades seems so involved with.
Orpheus doesn't hide his obsession well, trying to get anything about you out of Zagreus.
"My Prince, tell me again about them. I know it is out of turn for me to continue begging, but I do enjoy listening to stories of their adventures with you. If I may, how close do you believe you are to finding them?"
Eurydice values her time alone; she has to living within Asphodel. Even though, she grows to value the prince's visits, especially his appetite. Though, this doesn't mean that deep down, she misses the stories, the songs, the tales her love once sung to her. While she loves being able to do as she pleases, she secretly wishes for more. Zagreus, and by extension you, offer her that. Zagreus is how she's able to experience all you have to offer, and it's a nice change of pace from her usual routine.
Eurydice's dialogue is not that worrying compared to other characters. Like Achillies, it's a lot of worrying, so she doesn't raise any of your suspicions.
"Hey there prince! You look tired, you've been working to hard hon. Here, you should take this, don't worry about me needing anything in return, your visits are all I need."
Hades despises his son's relationship with you. He sees you as a distraction, a nuisance, and a bother. Like most things, if given the opportunity he would rip you from his son's mind without remorse. However, there is little the Underworld Lord can do regarding this matter, so he lets it be. Like a sickness, your influence on Zagreus grows and grows, and in turn does Hade's anger.
Hades cannot admit it to himself, but he feels your influence as well. He is a god, so like his brothers he feels you everywhere, and in some ways, he is scared. Scared of what could become of this, what could become of his house if they indulge in you too much. So, like any good Lord would, he plans on cutting you out the first chance he can get, less he also indulges in you.
Hades doesn't talk too much to you or about you, so it's scary when he does.
"You, boy, don't know what you're on about. You are naive, believing you will find some solace in this mysterious presence of yours. My brothers may indulge you, however I will not. This house will not be overrun with murmurs of someone who does not exist."
Chaos is the creator of all things, knower of all things. So of course, they know about you. Chaos most likely knew about you before Zagreus did. You are such a curious thing, aren't you, involving yourself in the happenings of Gods. They have to admit, you are alluring, but they wonder why you chose to busy yourself with the Son of Hades when there are many gods willing to take his position.
Chaos is another character who doesn't talk about you often, but when he does, it's cryptic.
"Son of Hades, I wonder if that companion of yours fully understands the ramifications of their presence alone. They appear and even the gods themself are wiped up into a frenzy. You are lucky, aren't you? Or is it your companion who's the lucky one. Perhaps we'll never know."
Theseus doesn't get to know much of you, since his position is mostly arbitrary in the grand scheme of things. Theseus hates this, he hates being out of the loop. He wants to know about you and why out of all the people withing the Underworld, you chose the spoiled prince to gift with your presence. It's just another thing to add to his lists of reasons to hate Zagreus.
Most dialogue directed towards you is just Theseus bragging about himself while also putting Zagreus down. So really nothing new.
"Halt there, Hellspawn! You dare approach the Champion of Elysium so casually. You may be a gifted warrior, but all of your strength is dedicated to them. I will not a spare an ounce of admiration towards you!"
Asterius shares a lot of the admiration his brother has for you. He admires the strength you've provided Zagreus, offering Asterius a good battle. A part of Asterius wonders if he would ever be graced with your presence one day. While he may now be welcomed within Elysium, he knows his past wont easily escape him. You are kind though, and he holds out hope.
Asterius is yet another character who doesn't talk about you often. When he does, it's a lot like Theseus, claiming he's undeserving.
"Well, short one, we meet again. I believe this time will play out similarly to last, now that they are with you. I wonder, would you have even been able to reach Elysium without their guidance. No matter, it's all the same."
A/n: I didn't include Patroclus because, even in my longer game, I didn't get farther into his story. I know the gist of it, but I'll wait to do him for later. To make up for it, I'll write an extra-long, separate post for him and Achillies.
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barrel-crow-n · 2 months
Obviously, we know that Inej knows Kaz best but really, even she doesn't know him - or at least, doesn't understand many parts to him.
"He just lets go" about a boy who has never let anything go. Who, since he was nine years old, has been unhealthily obsessed with Pekka and taking him down. Who was still obsessed with this revenge eight years later. Who hears his dead brother's voice in his head - cruelly egging him on on this maddened quest for vengeance. Who remembered every single last detail of the Hertzoon con; who killed eveyone involved.
People criticise this line, and rightfully because it's plain wrong, but it goes to show how isolated Kaz is and that even with the person he trusts most, he still holds many cards close to his chest. He still hasn't shed his armour completely - not even with Inej.
Inej also doesn't understand Kaz's language. She knows the signals he has established with her for moves and attacks but, funnily enough, it's only ever Matthias that truly reads Kaz (understanding his micro expressions and how he cares about Inej). She understands that she is trusted because he takes off his gloves - but even then doesn't seem to understand the extent; Kaz strips in front of her, as a show of trust - that he's willing to expose himself to her, but she doesn't understand that this is what he is trying to convey. I highly doubt this is a way of wooing Inej. At least, that that was the main reason. He was being vulnerable with her, showing his underbelly.
Kaz cannot say he cares, but he also can't seem to show it either - not in a conventional way, anyway. He carries Inej to the Ferolind despite it causing him pain, he yanks out the eye of the man who stabbed her. He says "I protect my investments." And that sounds completely dickish, but Kaz doesn't show appreciation. Ever. Inej doesn't understand that "I protect my investments" means "I want to look after you because you mean a lot to me" because that's what it means!!! In Kaz's language. "Protect" -> Look after, take care of, defend. "Investments" -> Very important to him, more valuable over time (liking her more and more as times goes on). "I protect my investments" isn't the stupid, asshole line Nina and a lot of people read it as. It's Kaz's kinda mean, not betraying how much it means to him, round about way of showing he cares. He won't say it outright because living in the Barrel has taught him that that is dangerous.
This is shown again when he says "I would come for you. And if I couldn't walk I'd crawl to you. And no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out, knives drawn, pistols blazing, because that's what we do, we never stop fighting." He can't say a simple "I care about you." but he can say all that. Why? Because he ties his care to violence. Protection. Causing harm to defend Inej. (Strooooong dog motifs for Kaz btw - the people of the Barrel were spot on with the rabid dog nickname)
And it links to how all the characters are always saying "ohh he's so mysterious, I don't know anything about him, where he came from, or what his motives are" when Kaz is literally openly saying everything.
He doesn't not speak of his trauma or his feelings! He talks about them all the time! He just isnt straightforward.
"Barrel boys don't have parents, they're born in the harbours and crawl out of the canals."
"My mother is Ketterdam, she birthed me in the harbour."
He's literally talking about being "dead" (thrown on the Reaper's Barge), how that affected him (traumatised him so bad he feels like he is no longer the same boy, that he was reborn as something else - a monster), about having to crawl out of the harbour, wet and weak from fever. He openly admits he's an orphan. He talks about it! Just in a cryptic way. A way no one understands.
It's like he's crying out, with people not far, but no one hears him. Like he's still on the Barge, making a futile attempt to cry out "I'm still alive." The Barge still has that hold on him. It's a manifestation of the trauma. It's the same way the flashbacks taking him back to that miserable night. A prison that he can't seem to ever be free from.
When he tells Inej "Tell Jesper he's missed around the Slat." he's doing it again, just more blatantly and more obvious, so that she picks up on it this time. He's showing her his language! Telling her to read into what he is saying! He's saying that he misses Jesper in his detached, cryptic way.
And this is so important with everything Kaz says. Reading between the lines - that's how you start to understand him. We get a cheat sheet by seeing his internal thoughts, but his dramatic talk is the olive branch for outsiders.
When Inej is asking him to open up, she isn't asking that he should share his problems and vulnerabilities like she believes she is saying. She's asking him to be more direct. And that's the difficult part for Kaz.
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vhagarlovebot · 1 year
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pairing: modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader.
summary: on valentine's day everything seems to have a discount for couples, so why not pretend to be one to save some money and have fun?
content warnings: fake dating trope, hurt/comfort, pining, some mildly suggestive content, confessions.
note: hello, lovely reader ! i just want to say a few things before you start reading. this was one of my first ever works here on this app but in a different blog way back when i used to write for the marauders. this was actually a request sent to me from a prompt list i can’t find anymore, and it was about sirius black. i edited it the best i could, so you’re probably still going to see some very poor grammar and it’s because i’d just started writing in english and because of that it is completely normal for me to still have problems writing in a language that isn’t mine. i really hope you enjoy! reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated.
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“YOU SHOULD COME WITH US.” your friend maris says, applying lipstick in front of her mirror.
“and be the third wheel?” you ask from your spot on her bed, flipping through the pages of a magazine. “it’s bad enough you are dating my brother.” sighing, you toss the magazine having lost all your attention. “besides, i’m sure aegon and aemond are on their way.”
at the sound of their names, cregan’s head appears in the door. “you didn’t hear?”
“what?” you roll your eyes.
“aegon has a date.” the couple says, looking at each other, and then you.
“he what? fucking traitor.” you get up, going for your phone. “didn’t even have the decency to tell me. but he’s go—aemond is calling me… i swear to the seven if he’s going to cancel our plans i’m goin’ to kill myself.”
cregan laughs, calling you a dramatic as he walks away.
“you heard?”
aemond laughs. “yea’, i played matchmaker.”
“stop being so dramatic, i’m on my way.”
“and who the fuck is his date?” you ask again.
you hear him sigh, but you really want to know who’s this girl your friend is ditching you for. “just a friend.” his answer doesn’t make you feel better at all. it’s silly but this tradition of the three of you eating junk food and watching slasher movies has been going on for three years. it all started the valentine’s day your useless ex-boyfriend dumped you and both of them cancelled their dates to stay with you. you never really thought this day would come.
“it’s okay, just one more reason to be mad about.” you collapse on the couch, going immediately for the remote to search for a movie. “you bringing the food, right?”
“about that…” you sigh, ready to be stood up. “maybe we should go out.”
“just make sure to be ready by the time i get there.”
then the call cuts out.
maris and cregan look puzzled at you, asking what’s going on without actually asking. you shrug and that is the only answer you give them, because you really don’t know what his plans are.
and not even five minutes have passed when aemond is knocking on the door.
an expression of pure terror crosses your face and before cregan opens the door, you run to maris’ bedroom.
“what’s going on?” she asks, her dress half buttoned.
“aemond said something about going out,” you explain while going through her clothes. “and m’not going out in sweatpants.”
you find a red skirt that goes with one of your tops and with a little help from your raven-haired friend you have as a roommate, ten minutes later, with an “are you done?” coming from the living room, you are ready to go to wherever your friend is taking you.
aemond is chatting with cregan, neither of them aware of your presence, so you take the time to look at him… like really look at him.
he’s wearing his leather jacket, the one he got during sixth year at boarding school and hasn't taken off since then, the same one you used to see girls wearing all around campus when he was with them. never the same girl twice. aemond is dressed entirely in black and you can see his chest peeking out from his button down.
aemond catches you staring and looks at you with a raised eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips, only to show you what’s behind his back; a bouquet of roses. it’s part of the tradition but it still makes your heart beat faster. you accept it with a smile, smelling them and leaving the bouquet on the table.
you pout, crossing your arms. “are you going to tell me what you have planned?”
“nope, let’s go.” aemond grabs your arm, dragging you out of there.
“no, seriously, he’s kidnapping me and you’re not doing anything.” you protest, looking back at your brother who just laughs, waving you goodbye. “i’m telling mom and dad!”
the door closes behind you and you let him walk you out of the building.
“aaand?” you ask once more, walking down the street, your arm around his.
you see couples everywhere, a few of them with flowers and balloons, holding hands, radiating love. and a part of you wishes for something like that. maybe not the balloons and a lot less cheesy, but the commitment, the tender love, someone with whom you can share your thoughts with, your nights, your future. you want to feel the passion, the need to have someone kissing every part of you, worshiping your body, sleepless night with bodies intertwined. you don’t want a one-night thing; you want it all.
“there’s a restaurant with discount for couples and is giving dessert for free.” his lilac eye looks straight into yours, a lopsided smile on his face. “and i was thinking about eating there, then bring dessert home and watch texas chain saw massacre on your couch.”
“that sounds like a great idea.” you smile, walking beside him a little more excited than before.
“you know we’ll have to pretend to be a couple, right?” he stops walking.
you roll your eyes. “know your limits.”
“i’m serious!”
“i know you've been dying to kiss me since forever, but that’s only going to happen in your dreams.”
he brings a hand to his chest, feigning sadness. “you are cruel.”
you slap his arm, pushing him aside. “fine, but keep your hands to yourself. i’m not one of your groupies.”
“you could be.”
“in your dreams.” he just laughs, walking by your side.
neither of you spoke again, but every time his arm grazed against yours a cold shiver ran down your spine. and that is something you haven’t felt since seventh year, when you walked in on aemond having sex with a girl and couldn’t look him in the eyes for weeks. you weren’t exactly quiet, dropping the books was what gave you away, and the girl was focused on something else, that being her body being pushed against the bed, so the only one who saw you was him. you’d think he would stop, maybe feel embarrassed, right? that is not aemond targaryen. he just kept doing it, eye focused on yours, on the way you held your breath when he moved his pelvis a certain way making her cry out. you were frozen in place, your eyes going from the spot where their bodies met to his eyes, and it was only when he moaned something that sounded a lot like your name, you got out of there.
you couldn’t look at him, opting instead on avoiding him and all the questions from your friends. eventually, what you saw was left in the past, even though he tried to talk about it you didn’t give him the chance. you couldn’t. even if a part of you wanted to know what he was going to say, even if you spent the rest of the year dreaming about it, wishing to be one of those girls. even if you still want to be one of those girls.
“oh gods.” you say, stopping in front of a sushi restaurant full of valentine’s day decorations.
the host greets you and aemond immediately gets into character, hand going to your lower back, right where your top meets the skirt, leaving a few centimeters of bare skin. your whole body reacts at that and it’s like touching the sun.
the whole place is full of heart-shaped balloons hanging from the ceiling, the tables have red tablecloths with red roses in vases, and each one of them is named after a romcom.
“your table.” the host smiles, stepping aside.
“no strings attached? really?” you could cry at how cheesy, awkward and stupid everything is.
“i wanted that one with matthew mcconaughey because it is your favorite, love. but it was already taken.” he seems genuinely sad and you smile, fixing the collar of his button down.
“it’s okay, aem.” you kiss his cheek. “thank you.” you give the man standing in front of you a smile and sit in the booth. it’s discrete and you are grateful for that, not wanting to pretend the whole time you are going to be there, afraid of arousing suspicion.
“your waiter is going to be here any minute. if you’ll excuse me.” the host walks away and you can finally breathe normally.
aemond sits beside you and when you make eye contact, it’s impossible not to laugh.
“i can’t believe we are doing this.” you hide behind your hands, making him laugh even more.
“i knew you’ll like it.” aemond winks at you. “no, but really, i can’t believe how they do this.”
“and how people like it.” you pretend to throw up, and he laughs again. “but at the same time it’s kind of cute?”
“are you serious?”
“it’s cute to see couples enjoying this day, going to restaurants like this and enjoy each other’s company.” you shrug, playing with the rose petals, avoiding eye contact.
“you want that?” he asks, moving closer, creating a bubble around the two of you.
“yeah.” this time you look up, meeting his eye looking intently at you. “i’ve wanted it for a long time, but i think i’m not made for that.”
aemond must see the sadness on your face, because he places his hand on top of yours. you smile, feeling the sudden urgency to run your fingers through his hair.
“i know the right guy for you is out there, maybe you just need to pay more attention.”
“you think so?” you lean towards him, whispering.
“maybe what you’re looking for is… right in front of you.”
you smell the cigarettes and peppermint on his breath and are almost able to see and count all the freckles on his face, you just need to move a little closer to know if his lips are as soft as they seem.
“aemond targaryen?”
a third voice startles both of you, and just like that the moment has passed.
a blonde girl stands in front of the table and by the pad and pencil in her hands you know she’s the waiter. she has green eyes and a bright smile addressed to aemond.
“do you—you known each other?” you ask when a minute has passed and none of them has said a word.
“um, yeah.” aemond moves away from you, hands resting on his thighs.
“i think the word known falls short.” the girl giggles and you want to throw up.
“i thought you were off tonight.” it’s like you are invisible for him right now.
in any other circumstance you wouldn’t care, but not today. not right now, not after what almost happened a moment ago, because you’re a hundred percent sure that if this girl hadn’t shown up you two would be doing a totally different thing.
“i didn’t know you were in a relationship.” her green eyes look at you. “i mean, if i’d known i wouldn’t have gone to your apartment yesterday.” there’s poison in her words, she’s doing it on purpose to hurt you, and succeeding.
you chuckle, closing your eyes. why does it hurt?
aemond says something and you immediately let your guard down, allowing you to believe, and wish, and dream about things that most likely aren’t going to happen. ever.
you thought the little crush you used to have on your brother’s best friend had vanished, but one night with him was enough to know that aemond targaryen still has power over you. that’s why you are never alone with him; you don’t trust yourself.
you never made a big deal about it until that incident in seventh year. that was the moment everything changed. but you were able to get over it, or so you thought.
“it’s okay.” you smile, trying not to look at aemond at all. “we’re just pretending, aemond wanted to get the discount.”
she giggles again. “couples only, sorry.” she doesn’t look sorry at all. “i’ll give you time to look at the menu.” with a flirty little smile, she disappears.
“why did you do that?” aemond asks, touching your arm for a second before you move away. you don’t want him to think something’s wrong, but it’s a little hard for you to pretend you’re not hurt.
“did what?” you play dumb, pretending to look at the menu.
“why did you tell her we’re not together?”
you frown. “’cause we’re not? and you had sex with her yesterday, if we’re going to pretend at least let me have some dignity.”
“you are getting it all wrong.” he huffs, running his hands through his hair. “if you let me explain—”
“you have nothing to explain, aemond.” you say, looking at him and trying to swallow the urge to scream. “i know how you are, we’re friends, remember?”
“you know what? i think i would rather order something from mcdonald’s and call it a night.” smiling, you touch his hand trying to make it look like everything’s okay and you don’t want to jump in front of the blonde girl and scratch her face. “you are more than welcome to join.”
you don’t give him time to say something else, standing and walking out of the restaurant in less than a minute. not bothering to look back to know if he’s following, all you want to do is choke on ice cream and watch a movie, the thing you should be doing tonight in the first place.
the night is cold, but it helps to clear your mind.
you’re not even a block away, when his voice makes you stop in your tracks. “i like you.”
you’re surprised by his confession, even a little flame of hope taking place in your heart.
“tonight was supposed to be fun.” aemond sighs, and you know he’s scratching his neck, something he usually does when he’s nervous. “but i messed everything up.”
you stopped breathing after his first confession, but you still can’t turn around because you’re a coward, not sure what to do with a confession you have been dying to hear for so many years.
“i didn’t have sex with her.” you hear his footsteps and, in a second, he’s in front of you, his fingers lifting your chin up, lilac eye locked fixed on your face. “and haven’t had any in a very long time.”
“what?” you can’t hide the surprise in your voice.
he chuckles. “i know i haven’t been good at showing it, but i’ve had a crush on you since forever.”
“stop messing with me, aemond.” you don’t want to believe him, you really want to walk past him and forget this night happened at all. but the part inside of you that still wants this to be real, won’t let you.
“m’not!” both his hands are now on each side of your face, the only thing you can see is his good eye, his lips, the longing on his face. “i’ve wanted to tell you for a very long time… seventh year, to be exact.”
your eyes open a lot more at that. “are you—”
“yes.” he chuckles, his cheeks a soft pink. “it was stupid, but i thought you would take the hint. after all, i moaned your name on purpose.”
“shut up!” your face is burning, you don’t even need a mirror to know you’re blushing hard. “you were having sex with another girl, aemond.”
“but i was thinking of you.”
“that does not make me feel better, y’know.” you step away from him, taking some distance.
“i know, i’m an idiot.”
you silently agree, not jnderstand anything, tonight has been a blurry, a lot of things happening in so little time. old feelings resurfacing, jealousy, heartbreak, happiness.
“but i like you too, idiot.”
his face lights up. “i knew.”
“you—what?” you frown, heart about to get out of your chest.
“i had a feeling.” he shrugs, slowly getting closer to you again, making sure you are not running away this time.
“are you serious?”
“i think i just buried ‘em because was sure nothing was ever going to happen. you were, well, you. and i was not willing to suffer because of those feelings.” your arms wrap around his shoulders, fingers interlocking in his soft hair.
“i always thought you deserved much better. and i was a total coward, too afraid of not being what you expected.” he smiles, his hands going to your waist and caressing your soft and delicate skin, still burning for his touch. “and i kept denying it and denying it. denying that my heart beats faster every time you walk into a room, that i want to kiss you every time you laugh, every time you make fun of cregan, or cry watching animal planet, or talk about what you like and don’t like. that the only thing i’ve wanted for years has been to hold you in my arms and touch every part of your body, to make you feel what i feel. to show you what love really means, to show you things you haven’t experienced before. and just… to be by your side.”
all you feel is him, his calloused hands creating patterns on your bare skin, his peppermint breath, his warm, rich, woody scent engulfing you. and for the first time in years, you let those feelings rise to the surface. you let yourself burn for aemond targaryen.
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dianawinchester03 · 2 months
Season 1, Episode 2 -Wendigo
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
Making their way just outside of Grand Junction. Sam and Dean are in the Impala. Dean driving of course. They're heading over to Blackwater Ridge, Colorado.
Y/N is following behind the boys in her bike, Dean glances in the rear view mirror, checking in on her every so often, rock music blasting from Baby's deck, while his brother is asleep in the passenger seat.
Sam jumps awake, gasping for air. Seemingly from a nightmare. This startles Dean a bit. All week his brother has been jumpy since Jessica's death. He has also noticed that Y/N seems a bit jumpy too but not as much as Sam. His girlfriend did just die the same way their mother did so it's only fair.
Sam's rubbing his eyes "You okay?" Dean asks him. He breaths in deeply. "Yeah I'm fine" he lies terribly. "Another nightmare?" Dean asks his brother knowingly. Clearing his throat, Sam doesn't answer. "You wanna drive for a while?" Dean instead asks, leaving Sam amused looking at his older brother in disbelief.
"Dean, your whole life, you never once asked me that" Sam says matter of factly. Dean rolls his eyes. "Just thought you might want to. Never mind" He says sounding kinda offended.
"Look man. You're worried about me. I see the way you and Y/N look at me when you think I'm not looking, I get it. And thank you but I'm perfectly okay" Sam fails to assure Dean. "Uh huh" Dean hums, not convinced because he knows his little brother.
Sighing, Sam grabs the map asking where they are. Dean tells him they're just outside of Grand Junction. Sam says they shouldn't have left Stanford so soon but Dean reminds him that they stayed for a week. Dug around looking for what killed his girlfriend but came up empty.
"If you wanna find the thing that killed Jessica..." Dean starts "...we gotta find dad first" Sam finishes. "Dad disappearing and this thing showing up again after 20 years...it's no coincidence. Dad will have answers. He'll know what to do" Dean says.
A thought runs through Sam's head, Dean notices the look on his brothers face. "What?" He asks. "I just....I think I know who we can call to help us find dad. Or at least find the thing that killed Jess" Sam says giving his brother a knowing look. Dean catches on "Absolutely not!" He instantly says.
"Come on Dean. It's her father. They've been talking more and more since she's been with us. They seem to be getting along just fine" Sam tries to reason but Dean shakes his head.
"That's a conversation we need to have with Y/N and you already know what the answer will be" Dean defends. "She left for a reason and we need to respect that. Going behind her back would be a clear violation of her privacy and I certainly do not wanna face her wrath" Dean concludes. That girl can be vicious when necessary.
Sam smiles slightly at Deans need to defend Y/N. Dropping it he sighs mumbling, "You're right, if she decides to ask for his help we won't deny it though." Sam says. "Fat chance" Dean says snorting. Going back to the previous subject while looking at the map.
"It's weird, man. These coordinates dad left us, this Blackwater Ridge" Sam says. "Yeah what about it?" Dean asks. "There's nothing there. It's just woods." Sam explains putting the map down. "Why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere?" Sam questions his fathers order as per usual and Dean just looks at his brother and continues driving, Glancing back outside at Y/N momentarily.
The Impala and Harley approaches a large black and white sign saying "Welcome to Lost Creek Colorado. National Forest"
After coming up short on the hunt for the monster that killed Jessica, I really considered calling my father for help with Jess' killer and the search for John. He too hasn't heard from him in a while.
Part of me knows he'll come without hesitation but I also know that eventually when we do clash heads and argue. He'll throw the fact that I called him for help after I left back in my face. To boast his ego and bruise mine. I went against it with my better instincts and stuck by the boys side after Sam's tragic loss.
My head hurts just thinking about it, I can already feel the splitting migraine forming in my forehead. I really need to get some proper sleep.
The boys and I are now at the Ranger Station on the Lost Creek Trail in Colorado. "So Blackwater Ridge is a pretty remote. It's cut off by these cannons here" Sam explains to us, leaning on the table with the 3D model of the caves.
"Rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place." He further elaborates. But me and Dean are too intrigued by the gigantic bear in the picture across the room. "Dude check out the size of this frigging bear" Dean says impressed while I nod.
I look over at Sam with a goofy grin on my face. Pointing to the bear with my thumb. His head pans over to us with a 'really?' look on his face. I just shrug. He walks over to me and Dean, his arms crossed over his chest. "And a dozen or more grizzlies in the areas" Sam says.
"Jesus, ain't no nature hike. That's for sure" I say in disbelief. "You kids aren't planning to go out near Blackwater Ridge by any chance?" The Ranger behind us who let us into the station inquires. "Oh no sir. We're environmental study majors are UC Boulder. Just working on a paper" I pull the first lie that came to my head out.
Sam and Dean nod agreeing. "Recycle man" Dean says enthusiastically, pumping his fist in the air chuckling as Sam and I smile and nod. "Bull" the ranger calls my lie out. The boys and I now have a panicked look on our faces. "You're friends with that Haley girl right?" The ranger says, pointing his coffee mug our way thinking he's spot on and we just go along with it.
"Yes. Yes we are...Ranger Wilkinson" Dean says, the three of us walking towards the ranger. "Well I will tell you exactly what I told her" The Ranger says. "Her brother filled out a back country permit. Saying he wouldn't be back from Blackwater until the 24th. So it's not exactly a missing persons, now, is it?" Ranger Wilkinson states matter of factly, shrugging.
Dean shakes his head, agreeing with the Ranger. "Tell that girl to quit worrying. I'm sure her brothers just fine" The Ranger concludes. "We will sir" I say, nodding. Dean smirks saying "That Haley girls quite a pistol huh"
"That's putting it mildly" the sheriff says nonchalantly. "Actually. You know what would help us if I could how her a copy of that back country permit. You know, so she could see her brothers return date" Dean persuades the Ranger into giving us a copy of the permit.
Dean chuckles mischievously while we walk out of the station, I have an inkling why Dean wanted that girls address. "What are you cruising for a hookup or something?" Sam asks his brother, annoyed. "What do you mean?" Dean follows up his question with a question.
"The coordinates point to Blackwater Ridge. What are we waiting for?. Let's just go find Dad." Sam says obviously. "I mean, why even talk to this girl?" Sam says, still annoyed. "It wouldn't kill to look Sammy, maybe we should know what we're waking into before we actually walk into it" I defend. Dean shakes his head and we look at Sam like 'what the hell is wrong with you man?'
"What?" Sam asks, still annoyed "Since when are you all 'shoot first, ask questions later' anyways?" I ask Sam, crossing my arms over my chest. "Since now" he says bluntly. "Oh really?" Dean says looking slightly proud but I sigh shaking my head at him and Dean just shrugs.
We park across of Haley girls house, pulling Quinn in besides Baby. Walking up to the door, I know three times and a very attractive girl opens the door eying us suspiciously. "You must be Haley Collins. I'm Dean, this is Sam and y/n" Dean introduces us. "We're rangers with the Park Service. Ranger Wilkinson sent us over. We wanted to ask you some questions about your brother Tommy" I say to her, hoping she'll let us in.
"Let me see some ID" she says plainly and Dean pulls his fake Ranger badge out and shows it to her. Looking it over, she hesitantly opens the screen door that was separating us and let's us in. She notices my Harley parked across the road.
"That yours?" She asks Dean. "Mine actually" I interject waving. "Nice bike" she smiles at me, I nod accepting the compliment. "Nice car too" She says eyeing Dean up and down. As Dean walks in he mouths "Oh my..." to me and Sam gawking Haley. I roll my eyes. I was checking her out too but Dean is not subtle whatsoever.
"So if Tommy's not due back for a while. How do you know something's wrong?" Sam asks Haley as we walk in. Haley walks out from the kitchen with a bowl in her hand, resting it on the table preparing for dinner "He checks in everyday by cell. He emails photos, stupid little videos. But we haven't heard anything in over three days now" She explains while mixing the bowl of food.
"Well maybe he can't get cell reception" Sam reasons plainly. "He's got a satellite phone too" Haley tells us. "Could he forget to check in?" Dean asks. "He wouldn't do that" Haley's other brother, Ben, speaks up before going back to eating his food. "Our parents are gone. It's just my two brothers and me. We all keep pretty close tabs on each other" Haley describes her home situation to us. Hmmm. Sounds familiar.
Sam clamps his hands in a gun formation, pointing to Haley's computer "Can I see the pictures he sent you?" He asks "Yeah sure". Haley then walks over to the computer, us following behind.
"That's Tommy" She goes into photos and shows us a picture of her brother, flipping through a couple. She lands on a video of Tommy. She starts the video for us to watch.
"Hey Haley. Day six. We're still out near Blackwater Ridge. We're fine. Keeping safe. So don't worry okay? Talk to you tomorrow"
I could've swore I saw shadow moves for a split second in the background of the video right before it ends. I look at Sam, seeing a skeptical look on his face. Maybe he noticed it too. The video ends with Tommy reassuring his sister he's fine.
"Well, we'll find your brother. We're heading out to Blackwater Ridge, first thing" Dean says smiling at Haley. "Then maybe I'll see you there" Haley says and me and the boys share a look.
"Look, I can't sit around here anymore, so I hired a guide. I'm heading out in the morning and I'm gonna find Tommy myself" She's determined alright. "I think I know how you feel" Dean relates to Haley's pending desire to protect her brother. His eyes trailing her up and down with admiration.
I feel a burn in my chest from seeing the way he looks at her but I ignore it.
"Hey, you mind forwarding these to me?" I change the subject.
After leaving Haley's house, the boys and I decided we needed a beer before we go hiking so we stopped at a local dive bar. At a booth, me and Dean are sitting next to each other and Sam is sitting across from up
"So" Sam starts. "Blackwater Ridge doesn't get a lot of traffic. Local campers mostly. But still, this past April, two hikers went missing there and they were never found" Sam explains, opening a case file handing it to me.
"Any before that?" Dean asks me, leaning in closer to look at the files. "Yeah. In 1982, eight different people all vanished the same year. Authorities said it was a grizzly attack" Sam continues, pulling out the newspaper clip from the file, showing it to us.
I pull his laptop out of his bag and log into my email to review the video of Tommy that Haley was showing us.
"And again in 1959 and again before that in 1936. Every 23 years. Just like clockwork." Dean takes the newspaper from him as Sam rambles on.
"Okay fellas, watch this. Here's the clincher" I say turning the laptop for them to see. "I told Haley to send me that video of Tommy to my email. Check this out"
I show them three frames of the video where the shadow appears and disappears. "Do it again" Dean orders. Per his request, I show them again. "That's three frames. It's a fraction of a second. Whatever that this is, it can move" I explain, showing them the three frames over and over.
Dean nudges Sam's chest over the table. "Told you something weird going on" He retorts to his brother. Sam huffs saying "Yeah, I got one more thing. In '59, one camper survived the supposed grizzly attack. Just a kid. Barely crawled out of the woods alive" Sam explains and my heart grieves for the poor kid. Dealt a tough hand, damn.
"Is there a name?" I ask, looking at the file.
Using the public records we found an address for the survivor. It wasn't too far from the bar actually.
"Look Rangers, I don't know why you're asking me about this. It's public record. I was a kid. My parents got mauled by a- " Mr. Shaw, the kid who survived the attack in '59. Now in his 50's. He starts to go over the events before Sam cuts him off.
"Grizzly? That's what attacked them?" Sam asks as if he already knew the answer. Shaw hesitates, taking a long drag from his cigarette. He turns around nodding. "The other people that went missing that year...those bear attacks too?" Dean queries as steps forward.
"What about all the people that went missing this year?? Same thing?" I ask, stepping forward, pressing on Deans question. The cigarette still in Shaws mouth, he doesn't answer "If we knew what we were dealing with, we might be able to stop it" Dean says trying to sway Shaw into talking.
"I seriously doubt that" Shaw says, doubting us. "Anyways, I don't see what difference it would make. You wouldn't believe me. Nobody ever did." Shaw continues somberly, sitting on his couch. All I see is a broken old man who witnessed something so young, he couldn't understand what it was.
"Mr Shaw...." Sam steps forward, taking a seat next to Shaw "...what did you see?" He asks, flashing him his classic puppy dog eyes that could sway anyone. "Nothing. It moved too fast to see. It hid too well. I heard it though. A roar. Like, no man or animal I ever heard" Shaw breathes pausing with each sentence
"Did it come at night sir?" I ask Shaw gently, taking a seat next to Sam. "Outside your tent?" I add and he looks up. "It got inside our cabin" He says. "I was sleeping infront of the fireplace when it came in. It didn't smash a window or break the door....it unlocked it. Do you know of a bear that could do something like that?" He asks the last part rhetorically. "I didn't even wake up until I heard my parents screaming"
"It killed them?" I ask. "Dragged them off into the night. Why it left me alive.....been asking myself that ever since" He says, shaking his head sorrowfully. "Did leave me this though" Pulling down his shirt by the collar, he shows us an old scar, like claw marks on his left shoulder.
Me and Sam pull back a bit after seeing it, shocked by the amount of damage. "There's something evil in those woods. It was some sort of a demon" Shaw says.
"Spirits and demons don't have to unlock doors if they want inside. They just go through the wall" Dean says as we're walking out of Shaws house and towards our vehicles. "So it's probably something else, something corporeal" Sam says and Dean looks at him like 'huh?'.
" 'Corporeal'. Excuse me professor" I snort. "Shut up" He says. "So what do you guys think?" Sam asks the both of us. "The claws, the speed that it moves...could be a Skinwalker" Dean spitballs. "Maybe a black dog?" I add.
"Whatever we're talking about, we're talking about a creature and it's corporeal. Which means we can kill it" Dean mocks Sam's words earlier and he rolls his eyes.
We head over to Baby, digging through trunk. I hear something move behind me. Dean heard it too. Turning around we saw nothing so just shrugged in unison. Sam walks back and helps us fix the weapons. "We cannot let that Haley girl go out there" Sam says leaning down
"Oh yeah? What are we gonna tell her? She can't go because of a big scary monster?" Dean puts sarcastically, loading a gun handing it to me. "Yeah" Sam says and we look at him shocked. "Her brothers missing Sam. She's not just gonna sit this out. If we go with her, we can protect her and keep our eyes peeled for our fuzzy predator friend" I try to reason with him but he just narrows his eyes at Metz
"So finding dads not enough?" He says annoyed, turning to Dean and slamming down the Impalas trunk to close it. "Now we gotta babysit too?" He scoffs and I'm taken back by his attitude, so is Dean. "What?" He asks us again, still annoying. I just scoff shaking my head and walk back to Quinn so we can head back to the motel. "Nothing" Dean cuts the conversation, dashing the duffel bag in Sam's chest.
The next morning we head up to the woods. I left my bike back at the motel, partially to save gas but also because I didn't feel like driving her through the woods and then having to clean her after. I'll just pick her back up after the hunt is over.
Approaching our destination we see Haley, her other brother Ben and a man we don't recognize, an automatic gun in his hand, with them. This should be interesting. Dean parks his car along the path and we jump out. I throw my duffel bag over my shoulder.
My weapons are on my person but Dean has the appetite of a near-labour pregnant woman. So I made sure to pack snacks for all of us.
"You guys got room for three more?" Dean says as we jump out of the car and Haley seems surprised. "Wait, you wanna come with us?" She asks shocked. "Who're these guys?" The man with the gun asks. "Apparently, this is all the Park Service could muster up for the search and rescue" She says sarcastically, turning back to us.
"You're rangers?" The man asks, his eyes trailing over me, not convinced but I keep a confident look on my face. "That's right sir" I say confidently. "And you're hiking out in biker boots and jeans?" Haley asks, looking at our attire judgmentally.
I feel sorta underdressed now, me and Dean look down at our clothes while Sam walks forward. "Well, sweetheart I don't do shorts" he says cockily and I snicker. We walk past the group.
"Oh, you think this is funny?" The man says annoyed as we walk by. "It's dangerous backcountry out there. Her brother might be hurt" he continues. "Believe me sir, I know how dangerous it can be. We just wanna help her find her brother, that's all" I say and we all begin walking.
Couple hours in walking through the woods, I decide to make conversation with the group. "So Roy, you said you did a little hunting" I ask the man who had the gun earlier, who later introduced himself as Roy. "Yeah, more than a little" he says cockily. "Uh-huh" I respond unimpressed.
"What kinda furry critters do you hunt?" I ask. "Mostly bucks, sometimes bears" He says nonchalantly. "Tell me, Bambi and Yogi ever hunt you back?" Dean asks sarcastically and Roy grabs me suddenly, pulling me back. Dean goes to step in but I put my hand up stopping him. Indicating I'm fine and he holts in place
"Watcha doing Roy?" I ask him calmly, face to face with him. He bends down, taking up a stick and runs it into the ground sharply. A bear trap clamps up and he looks back up at me smirking. "You should watch where you're stepping lady-ranger" he says. I purse my lips and smile ironically. "It was a bear trap" I say turning back to the group and then I continue walking as they follow.
"You didn't pack any provisions. She's carrying a duffel bag" Haley points out talking to Dean. "You're not rangers, so who the hell are you people?" She says hastily, grabbing Dean by his arm and turning him around. Me and Sam look at him, facially asking him if he's gonna give her the talk, and he nods. We walk past him.
"Sam and I are brothers. Y/N's our best friend. And we're looking for our father. He might be here, we don't know" He vaguely puts it. "I just figured that you and me, we're on the same boat"
"Why didn't you just tell me that from the start?" Haley calms down. "Well I'm telling you now" He says shrugging. "Besides, that's probably the most honest I've ever been with a woman...ever. So we okay?" He adds and I roll my eyes. "Yeah. Okay" Haley hesitates but decides to trust him
"And what do you mean we didn't pack provisions?" I say smiling, pulling a bag of m&ms out of my bag handing it to Dean who looks excited like a child. He takes it, opens it and walks away eating it. Haley shakes her head smiling.
Later we're walking up a path. "This is it. Blackwater Ridge" Roy says. "What coordinates are we at?" Sam asks and Roy pulls out a GPS. "Thirty five at minus one eleven." Roy says. I walk up closer to Sam and Dean follows behind.
"You hear that?" Dean asks us. I nod and Sam says "Yeah. Not even crickets". "I'm gonna go take a look around" Roy says. "You shouldn't go off by yourself" I warn him. "That's sweet, cutie. Don't worry about me" He says cockily. I see Dean shift in his feet and his face tenses, glaring at Roy as he walks past us.
"Alright everybody stays together. Let's go" Dean orders.
"Haley! Over here!" We hear Roy yell from a little distance. We all run towards his voice and stumble upon a ransacked campsite. Blood on the tent. "Oh my god!" Haley exclaims. "Looks like a grizzly" Roy says. We investigate the site, claw marks on the tents.
Haley starts yelling her brothers name but Sam runs over, shushing her. She questions him why and he says. "Something might still be out there". We hear Dean calling for us and we follow his voice. We find him kneeling near a track of drag marks that randomly stop.
"The bodies were dragged from the campsite" Dean says quietly. "But here, the tracks just vanish. It's weird" he says getting back up looking around. "I'll tell you what...it's no Skinwalker or Black Dog" I tell them, headed back to the group.
Haley picks up a phone on the ground covered in blood. Dean walks closer to her. "Hey, he could still be alive" He tries to reassure him. We hear what sounds like a man screaming "HELLPPPP!" Alerting us all, we look towards the direction it was coming from. We all drop all our bags and burst into the direction where the man was screaming.
Weapons in hand, the screaming stops and no one is around. "It seemed like it was coming from around here, didnt it?" Haley asks the group. We all look around cautiously, now on edge. Something about that scream. It seemed weird. It didn't sound human.
"Everybody back to camp" Sam ordered and we all followed him back to where we dropped our stuff only to find its gone. "Our packs" Haley says. "So much for my GPS and satellite phone" Roy mutters, looking at the empty ground where our stuff was. Oh shit. I think I know what we're dealing with.
"What the hell is going on?" Haley asks, now frustrated. "It's smart. It wants to cut us off so we can't call for help" Sam explains but Roy butts in "You mean someone, some nut job out there, just stole all our gear" Roy says.
"I need to speak with you two, in private" I say when walk over to Sam and Dean. We go a little distance out of earshot. "Okay, let me see your dad's journal" I say and John gives me John's journal. I open it and flip to the page where I knew I saw a creature called a "Wendigo". It's profile almost exactly like what we could be dealing with.
"Alright, check this out fellas" I give them the book with the drawing of a Wendigo, showing it to them. "Oh come on" Dean scoffs, not believing it. "Wendigos are in the Minnesota woods or northern Michigan. I've never even heard of one this far west" he says but Sam agrees with me.
"No she's got a point, think about it Dean. The claws, the way it can mimic a human voice..." Sam defends me. "Great. Well then this is useless" Dean says, holding up his gun. I hand him back his dad's journal. I sigh, walking back to the campsite, "We gotta get these people to safety" Sam tells us.
"Alright, listen up. It's time to go. Things have gotten more complicated" Sam orders. "What?" Haley asks but Roy, once again, butts in. "Kid don't worry, whatever's out there. I think we can handle it"
"It's not me I'm worried about, if you shoot this thing you're just gonna make it mad. We have to leave. Now." Sam says, getting agitated at Roy's failure to comply. "One, you're talking nonsense. Two, you're in no position to give anybody orders" Roy retorts.
"Relax!" "Chill out!" Me and Dean bark at Roy simultaneously. "We never should've let you come out here in the first place alright. I'm trying to protect you" Sam argues back. "You? Protect me?!" Roy says in disbelief. "I was hunting these woods when your mommy was still kissing you goodnight" He gets up in Sam's face.
"Oh yeah? It's a damn near perfect hunter. It's smarter than you. And it's gonna hunt you down unless you get your stupid sorry ass outta here" Sam says and Roy just laughs in his face thumping his chest. "You know you're crazy right" Roy says laughing in his face.
Sam snaps "Yeah!? You ever hunt a Wen-" before he could finish his sentence, me and Dean push him back from Roy before he could say anything else. "Chill out!" Dean calms his brother down. I've had enough, I turn to Roy gritting my teeth.
"You know you're a measly cocky old son of a bitch!" I yell in his face. He smirks at me and Dean pulls me back before I could put my hands on him and Haley yells. "Guys! Stop. Everybody just stop!" We all simmer down a bit.
"Look. Tommy might still be alive. And I'm not leaving here without him." She says determinate. Dean looks at us before saying "It's getting late. This thing is a good hunter in the day...but an unbelievable one at night. We'll never beat it. Not in the dark" He walks past Haley "We need to settle in and protect ourselves" and she asks "How?"
The sun has set. We gave the group the talk about monsters and explained the Wendigo situation. Now Dean and I are drawing Anasazi symbols for protection on the ground.
"One more that that's...?" Haley asks me while I'm drawing the symbol. "Anasazi symbols.. it's for protection. The Wendigo can't cross over them" I explain and Roy being the jackass he is just laughs. "Nobody like a skeptic Roy" I narrow my eyes at him, getting up from the ground.
Me and Dean go over to Sam sitting on a log. "You wanna tell us what's going on in that freaky head of yours?" He asks his little brother. "Guys-" Sam starts but I cut him off. "No, you're not fine" I cross my arms over my chest. "You're like a powder keg man, it's not like you. I'm supposed to be the belligerent one, remember?" Dean adds.
"Dads not here" Sam says almost disappointed. "I mean that much we know for sure right. He would've left us a message, a sigh. Right?"
"Yeah you're probably right" Dean agrees and I nod. "To tell you the truth, I don't think Dads ever been to Lost Creek" Dean says honestly. "Then let's get these people back to town and let's hit the road. Go find dad. I mean why are we still here?" Sam says agitated, throwing a stick on the ground angrily.
Dean gets up and sits in-front of Sam, next to y/n. "This is why" he places his hand on his father journal. Pointing at it while he talks. "This book. This is Dads single most valuable possession. Everything he knows about every evil thing is in here. And he's passed it onto us. I think he wants to pick up where he left off." Dean lectures. "You know, saving people, hunting things. The family business"
Sam shakes his head. "Im sorry Dean but It makes no sense. Why doesn't he just call us? Why doesn't he tell us what he wants? Tell us where he is?" I interject. "I don't know. But the way I see it...Dads given us a job to do and I intend to do it" Dean says.
"Dean. No. We gotta find Dad. I gotta find Jessica's killer.....it's the only thing I can think about" Sam says shaking his head, tears welling up in his eyes and my heart yearns for him. "Alright Sam, we'll find them, I promise" I say gently, placing my hand on his shoulder.
"Listen to me. You've gotta prepare yourself. I mean, this search could take a while. And all that anger...you can't keep it burning over the long haul. It's gonna kill you" Dean advises his younger brother. "You gotta have patience man" I add.
"How do you guys do it? How does dad do it?" He asks us. Dean looks over to Haley and Ben. Well, for one, them. I figure our family's so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. Makes things a little more bareable" Dean says. "I'll tell you what helps me" I say, taking my hand off his shoulder. "Killing as many evil sons of bitches i possibly can" I say and Dean smirks at me. "Damn straight" he says, nudging my shoulder with his.
"Help meeee!!" Screams a voice in the distance. We all get up, cocking our guns. "Please!!!" It yells again. "Helllpppp!!" It sounds more strained this time. "It's trying to draw us out. Just stay cool. Stay put" Dean warns the group.
"Inside the magic circle" Roy says in a mocking tone. "Shut it Roy" I huff. "Help!!!" It screams again. "Help me!!! Plea-AHHHH" it cuts off and we hear a roar before it starts screaming. "Okay that's no grizzly" Roy says, now on board. "Ya think" I snap at him.
Haley reassures her little brother he'll be alright but they're scared, which is valid. We hear a growling behind us and a shadow moves. Haley screams at this.
"It's here" I say. Roy tries shooting. We hear it scream. "I hit it" He says, thinking he killed it, he runs out the circle. "Roy no! Roy!" I yell after him but he doesn't listen. "Stay here!" Dean tells Haley and Ben. Me and the boys run behind Roy. But he's nowhere to be found.
It's sunrise and we're all sitting by the abandoned campsite. Dean is checking out the claw marks left behind by the Wendigo on the trees. "I don't...I mean these types of things. They aren't supposed to be real" Haley says, skeptical.
"I wish I could tell you different" Dean says walking over and sitting next to me. "How do we know it's not out there watching us?" Haley asks. "We don't. But we're safe for now" I say honestly. "How do you guys know about this stuff?" She asks us. "Kinda runs in the family" Dean says.
"Hey, so we've got half a chance in the daylight" Sam says, walking back to the campsite. "And I for one...wanna kill this evil son of a bitch" He says. Me and Dean nod smirking. "Well hell you know we're in"
We go through John's journal and explain what a Wendigo is.
"Wendigo is a Cree Indian word. It means 'evil that devours' " Sam reads from the journal. "They're also hundreds of years old and each one was once a man. Sometimes an Indian, other times a frontiersman, or a miner, or a hunter." Dean continues.
"How does a man turn into one of these things?" Haley asks. "During some harsh winter, a guy finds himself starving, cut off from supplies or help. He becomes a cannibal to survive, eating other members of his tribe or camp" I explain. "Like the Donner Party" Haley's brother says.
"Cultures all over the world believe that eating human flesh gives a person certain abilities: speed, strength, immortality.." Sam adds. "If you eat enough of it, over years you become this less than human thing. You're always hungry" I say.
"So if that's true, how can Tommy still be alive?" Haley asks. The boys and I share a worried look. Dean says "You're not gonna like it". "Tell me" Haley insists. "More than anything, a Wendigo knows how to last longe winters without food. It hibernates for years at a time. When it's awake, it keeps its victims alive...it stores them. So it can feed whenever it wants" Dean explains.
"Look hon, if your brother's alive, it's keeping him somewhere dark, hidden and safe. And we gotta track it back there" I say. "And then how do we stop it?" She asks. "Well, guns are useless. So are knives" Dean says. "Basically.." I say, holding up a liquor bottle, lighter and a cloth. "...we gotta torch the sucker" I say, handing the Molotov cocktail over to Dean.
We make our way through the woods with Dean leading the way. "Dean. Y/N" Sam calls us, looking up at the claw marks on the trees. "What is it?" I ask. We look around at the marks on the trees. They're too...perfect. Somethings not right.
"You know, I was thinking that those claw prints, so clear and distinct...they were almost too easy to follow" Sam says superstitiously. All of a sudden we hear growling, the bushes rustle around us. And then Haley screams, what looks like a body falls on the ground next to her. Roy's body.
Sam goes to check on her. Dean and I rush over to Roy's body to check if he's somewhat alive. "Dean, his necks broken" I say and the growling won't stop. "Okay run run run! Go go go!" We all run always from the area, deeper into the woods. Ben trips and falls so Sam and I run back to help him up. "It's okay kid, I got you" He help him up and then run to catch up with Haley and Dean.
We hear Haley scream again. "Haley!!" Her brother yells. Sam finds the my lighter that I gave Dean on the ground, showing it to me "DEAN!!!!" I yell.
Hours again of walking, no sign of Dean or Haley. I'm worried something happened to Dean...and Haley obviously. "So it keeps its victims alive, why would it kill Roy" Ben asks us.
"Honestly, I think cuz Roy shot at it. He pissed it off" Sam said. "They went this way" Ben said suddenly. "How do you know?" I ask approaching him and he hand me an M&M. I chuckle a bit and show Sam. Dean, you slimy motherfucker. He smiles a bit, sighing relieved, "It's better then breadcrumbs" I say throwing the candy aside and we all follow the trail.
The candy trail led to a tunnel opening labeled 'Warning! Danger! Do Not Enter! Extremely Toxic Material!'
Sam, Ben and I enter it, flashing our lights along the tunnel. We hear the growling again, Sam and I pull Ben to the side. We see the Wendigo walking out through the tunnel, Ben whimpers terrified and I place my hand over his mouth shushing him.
We walk deeper into the tunnel side by side. Not realizing we stepped on a wooden opening, it creaks a bit before caving in and the three of us all through into a pit. Ben jumps back into my arms after seeing the skulls of....well....the Wendigos menu. "It's okay, it's okay" I comfort him, calming him down.
We look over to see Dean and Haley tied to the wall. Sam and I instantly rush over to Dean instantly while Ben runs over to Haley. "Dean?? Hey Dean wake up" I say shaking him. "Come on Dean" Sam shakes his brother. And he grunts, cringing in pain.
"You okay?" I place my hands on his face, gently shaking him again. "Yeah" he forces out, still in pain.  "Haley. Haley. Wake up. Wake up" Ben calls out shaking his sister to wake up. I pull out my butterfly knife in my combat boots, cutting Dean down while Sam supports his weight. "Gotcha" Sam says, helping Dean down.
I place one of Deans arm around my shoulder and Sam takes his other, holding him up. "I thought it killed you" Sam said as we rest Dean down, still grunting in pain. "Are you sure you're alright charming??" I ask him, my heart hurting to see him in pain. "Yeah princess I'm fine. Where is it?" He asks about the Wendigo. "It's gone for now" Sam says.
We didn't notice until Haley went into a corner and started sobbing. Then we see, Tommy in a dark corner tied up just like Dean and Haley were. "Tommy....Tommy" Haley sobs. She puts her hands on his face and he gasps for air surprising us all. "Cut him down" She says. She holds him up supporting his weight and I flip my butterfly knife open, rushing over to cut him down.
The three siblings share a tearful reconciliation. "Check it out" Dean says smirking, holding up three flare guns. "Those'll work." Sam and I say in unison smiling a bit as Dean twirls one of guns in his fingers.
We all make our way through the tunnel. Haley and Ben holding up a weak Tommy. The flare guns in our possession. The Wendigo growls, the sound coming nearer and nearer. The boys and I cock our guns at the direction of the growls. "Looks like someone's home for supper" Dean says. "We'll never outrun it." Haley says. The boys and I look at each other, a silent conversation with our eyes.
"You fellas thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask them. "Yeah I think so" Sam says and Dean nods. "Alright listen to me. Stay with Sam and Y/N, they're gonna get you out of here" Dean orders them. "No I'm coming with you" I insist. "Over my dead body. Stay with Sam" He instructs me and I narrow my eyes at him.
"Order me like that again and I'll kill you before the Wendigo does us. Now can it and move your butt" I stand my ground. He smirks at me, obliging.
"What're you gonna do?" Haley asks Dean and he winks at her. I feel a thump in my chest but I ignore it.
Dean's POV
(A/N: just giving a tiny insight of Deans mind😉)
"No I'm coming with you" Y/N insists. "Over my dead body. Stay with Sam" I instruct her, praying she'll listen for once but she just narrows her eyes at me and I internally sigh. This woman will be the death of me one day I swear.
"Order me like that again and I'll kill you before the Wendigo does us. Now can it and move your butt" She whisper yells at me in a commanding tone, standing her ground. God she's so hot when she's all business no play. Wait. What? Not the time Dean!
Smirking I oblige. "What're you gonna do?" Haley asks. I turn to her and wink attempting to reassure her. Me and Y/N split from the group to lure the Wendigo out.
"It's chow time, you freaky bastard!!" I yell. "Yeah that's right! Bring it on baby! I taste good!!" Y/N yells as we go deeper into the tunnel. Oh I bet she does. Stop it Dean!
We move along the path and I yell. "Hey! Hey, you want some white meat bitch!"
"I'm right here sexy! Come and get me!! You know you want me!!" Y/N yells.
Third Person POV
Meanwhile Y/N and Dean are baiting the Wendigo. Sam, Haley, Ben and Tommy hear the growling. Realizing they need to make use of their time and get out, Sam tells Haley "Get them out of here"
"Sam, no" She goes to protest but he cuts her off. "Go. Go!" He commands them and they hesitantly go. Sam moves towards the growling, hiding behind a wall. "Come on...come on." He whispers thinking the Wendigo is on the opposite side, only to hear footsteps next to him.
He turns his head and the Wendigo roars in his face. He fires his flare gun at him, missing, hitting the wall. He runs towards the direction the group headed. Haley hears the shot fired and yells "Sam!!!"
"Come on. Hurry. Hurry! Hurry! Let's go!" He rushes them to get out but the Wendigo gains on them. It ends up cornering them. "No! Damn it! Get behind me" Sam uses his body as a human shield to protect them.
The Wendigo approaches them, an animalistic roar leaving his inhumane mouth. "Hey!" Dean and Y/N appear behind it. Both firing at it. It screams in agony before bursting into flames infront of all their eyes. Dropping dead on the floor.
"Not bad huh" Dean says cockily, making Sam and Haley smile.
Back at the Ranger Station, paramedics and deputies are outside, paramedics loading Tommy up. While Ben gets questioned by the cops. Y/N and Sam next to him. "So the bear came back again after you yelled at it?" Ranger Wilkinson asked. Using the mental script Y/N told him to say to the cops.
"That's when it circled the campsite. The grizzly must've weighed 800-900 pounds" Ben says fluidly. "We'll go after it at first light" The cop half promises. Y/N looks over to see Dean and Haley walking together besides the cars. They're out of earshot so she can't hear their conversation.
"So really, I don't know how to thank you" Haley says to Dean. He gives her his classic shit eating grin and Haley scoffs. "Must you cheapen the moment" she says. "Yeah" Dean says smiling, giving her a flirtatious look.
Looking at the body language, Y/N assumed Dean made a pass at Haley and just turned back. The smile Dean gave Haley made her melt a bit but it wasn't directed to her.
Ben, Sam and Y/N walk over to them after the cops are done with their questions. Haley leans over and kisses Dean on his cheek. Y/N turns her head away trying not to look. She felt her stomach flip but doing what her stubborn ass always does. She ignored it.
"I hope you find your father" Haley says sincerely. She turns and wraps her arm around the back of Bens neck from the side. "Thanks Sam. Thanks Y/N" she says gratefully and they nod.
The trio lean against the hood of the Impala, looking on as the load up onto the ambulance. "Man I hate camping" Y/N grumbles. "Me too" Sam seconds. "Damn straight" Dean also agrees. Dean turns to his brother and best friend. "You guys know we're gonna find Dad right?"
"Yeah, I know" Sam says not convinced. Y/N just nods, frowning a bit. "But in the meantime....I'm driving" Sam says smirking. Y/N snickers at Deans hesitant face looking down at his keys. He throws it up in the air for Sam to catch but Y/N jumps up catching it.
"Hey!" Sam exclaims amused. Dangling the keys in the air, Y/N says. "It's my shift boys, you can take over when we get back to the motel and I get my bike Sammy" She winks at them, strutting over to the drivers seat. Dean laughs hysterically at this, partially due to Sam's face.
He looks like a 5 year old who just got his candy stolen. Dean doesn't mind her driving his car though. She thought him and Sam how to drive Quinn after her dad thought her how to. The trio get into Baby, Dean sitting shotgun and Sam taking the backseat, pouting. Y/N starts Baby's engine, revving it, she looks over at Dean smirking and he winks at her. Putting the car in gear and they're off.
Authors Note:
Hi hello! So I forgot to mention that Y/N's mom and dad were childhood friends. I added it to the prologue. You can reread it, it's in the flashback of her leaving and going off on her own. Please excuse my lack of planning, I'm fairly new to this and just learning as I go.
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sokkastyles · 8 months
When people are like "all Azula wanted was love!"
...and to subjugate the Earth Kingdom. She also very much wanted that.
I'm seeing so many posts about her dream in that Spirit Temple preview that ignore that in her dream, she's being praised not just by the people she wants praise from, but specifically she is being praised for conquering ba sing se by Iroh, becoming fire lord by Ursa, and killing the Avatar by Zuko.
In real life, the reason why she doesn't get that praise is not because these people hate her unfairly, it's because those are actions she does not deserve praise for.
Like, so many people are missing the point, which is that Azula still thinks that if only she were successful and powerful, everyone would love her. She thinks that her mother would love her if she were fire lord, when in reality, her mother already loves her, but tried to teach her kindness, lessons which Azula rejected. She thinks that Iroh would love her if she conquered Ba Sing Se and Zuko would love her if she killed the Avatar, when in reality, they had to stop her from doing those things.
Instead of realizing that she needs to change her values, Azula blames the people around her for not aligning with those values. If only THEY would change, not her.
I think it's interesting that of the group in her dream, Ozai is the only one saying things he would actually say in reality, exclaiming "my favorite child!" but of course the reality is that he is imprisoned and that his favoritism is empty and abusive.
It kinda makes me wonder why, in this fantasy, she doesn't imagine her father telling her he loves her, instead of "my favorite child"? I feel like the reason is because even in a fantasy she can't admit to herself that her father never really loved her, that he was abusive and that the things he made her do and want were wrong. So instead, she imagines a scenario where everyone else is wrong and she gets praised for being the daughter Ozai made her into.
And she can continue going on being the favorite. One of the most interesting things about the dream is Zuko's lack of a scar, but that also highlights the wrongness of everything. Zuko sitting next to Ozai, scarless and placid while Ozai calls Azula his favorite child is perverse for one because it's wrong for a parent to talk about their children in front of each other that way, but most importantly, Zuko's scarring was caused by Ozai's favoritism. As I said in that other post, there is no world where Azula gets to be the favorite where Zuko isn't hurt, because in the golden child / scapegoat dynamic, the golden child cannot exist without the scapegoat. The reality is also that Ozai roped Azula into his abuse of Zuko as part of making her the favorite. The reality is that Azula cheered when she saw her brother burned, because it meant she was still the favorite.
Azula imagining her brother without a scar might be a manifestation of caring for him deep down, but it's really a manifestation of the things she's still in denial about, and one of those things is that Ozai used his favoritism of her to justify hurting her brother. She might, somewhere in her subconscious, feel guilty for the part she played, for cheering when he was scarred, but she hasn't yet reached the point where she can actually admit that what happened was wrong, and that's still an issue.
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iheartpeppino · 2 months
Here's what I think the Pizza Tower cast thinks of Maurice Spaghetti...
Peppino: The poor guy can't stand Maurice. He's one of the biggest reasons Peppino doesn't come home for Christmas anymore. After putting up with his abuse for years, Peppino is just... tired of Maurice. He's tired of arguing. He just says, "I know," to every horrible thing his brother says about him. And the worst part is, Maurice seems to invite himself into Peppino's life whenever he least expects or wants it. This is because Maurice is such an asshole he literally has no friends and relies on Peppino for company.
Gustavo: He also can't stand Maurice. He HATES him, actually. Gustavo really cares about Peppino, so the fact his own brother treats him like shit infuriates him. He has threatened to kill Maurice before (remember Gustavo's catchphrase?), so Maurice is (rightfully) afraid of Gustavo.
Brick: Our rat buddy can smell a bad egg a mile away. He does NOT like Maurice and will hiss at him whenever he appears. Maurice claims that Brick is "the second-biggest rat [he's] ever seen", so he's... a little unnerved by the sight of him.
Mr. Stick: He hasn't met Maurice yet, but I guarantee you if he DID, he'd try to scam him out of a lot of money and would likely succeed. Cue Maurice crashing with Peppino until he can get his house back. Peppino is miserable and not amused by any of this.
Pepperman: Met Maurice during filming of The Noise's "Swap Mode" movie. Pepperman thinks Maurice is really unpleasant to deal with due to his negative attitude and close-minded outlook. Even a pseudo-intellectual like Pepperman runs circles around Maurice intellectually, which the pepper is happy to do, much to Maurice's frustration.
The Vigilante: Met Maurice during filming of The Noise's "Swap Mode" movie. He does NOT like him. He actually feels bad for Peppino; it must truly suck to have such an immoral piece of cow dung for a family member. Apparently the guy conned his own granny out of thousands of dollars! The Vigilante keeps a very close eye on Maurice the whole time they're around each other. Maurice feels his sins crawling on his back the whole time.
The Noise: He's generally neutral towards Maurice. He thinks all the mean things Maurice says about Peppino are funny. It's when Maurice starts spouting racist rhetoric he's like, "DUDE" and rendered completely speechless because... well, he's never heard Peppino talk like that, so where'd his fucking brother get it from!? Anyway... The Noise only hangs around Maurice if he needs him for something, like annoying Peppino. Maurice has tried befriending The Noise, inviting him to hang out, but The Noise isn't interested in being friends with a racist prick. He does, however, want to remain on Maurice's good side in case he needs him, so he just makes up excuses about being too busy.
Noisette: Noisette is not the kind of person who hates people easily. She tries to see the good in everyone. However, she sees no good in Maurice. She hates him, openly, and without regret. She hates the mean things he says about Peppino. All the bigoted, ignorant blather he spews. How he once assaulted an innocent laundromat worker and called her a bitch just because she told him he couldn't pay to do laundry using nickels. Noisette growls like a rabid dog whenever Maurice is around. Maurice is (rightfully) terrified of Noisette...
Fake Peppino: Our favorite frog man met Maurice during filming The Noise's "Swap Mode" movie... he doesn't like him at all. Maurice is loud, mean, and generally unpleasant. When they were filming Swap Mode's Fake Peppino boss fight, Fake Peppino actually tried to kill Maurice. The Noise had to step in and scare Fake Peppino off. Fake Peppino had to pretend he was simply getting a little too into his role instead of trying to actively hunt down Maurice. Playing dumb. Playing pretend... and sneaking a hiss or growl in Maurice's direction when no one else is looking. Maurice is absolutely terrified.
Pizzahead: Met Maurice during the "Swap Mode" movie. Holy mozzarella sticks, this schmuck is Peppino's brother!? And he... bullies Peppino? WHAT THE FUCK, THAT'S HIS JOB!! Pizzahead acts polite and even friendly towards Maurice at first, but as soon as they're alone together, he very calmly threatens Maurice's life, telling him to leave Peppino alone or else, all with a big, unnerving smile on his face. Maurice practically pisses himself in fear as he's forced to agree... for now...
Pillar John: Met Maurice during filming of "Swap Mode". Decided he absolutely did not like him, judging him for every hateful word that came out of his mouth. Fortunately, Maurice is so terrified of Pillar John's sheer size and strength, he doesn't pull his usual bullshit with the big guy.
Gerome: Met Maurice during filming of "Swap Mode". Gerome doesn't like Maurice at all, but he's not too bothered by his presence. In fact, he completely manages to ignore him. Maurice is insulted, but he's not about to talk shit about Pillar John's brother...
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prismatoxic · 2 months
chilchuck tierlist of babysitting fentripp, people who he absolutely knows he can count to not kill his child and people who he knows will end up doing something wrong (even if by accident)
the original post about my chilaios fankid, fentripp, for anyone who didn't see it
anyone who isn't here hasn't offered or chilchuck hasn't considered. however i can be persuaded to add more entries with compelling arguments for them
Kabru - follows the rules to the letter. will have fen fed, bathed, taught, played with, and asleep by all the exact right times. if anything diverges from the plan, it's because fen is a goblin, not because kabru did anything wrong. fen likes when kabru reads to him, he does funny voices.
Senshi - follows his own ideas of what's best, but shockingly good at it nonetheless. very careful, and considerate, and makes sure he knows where fen is at all times. fen likes him a lot and they always have a really good time together.
Meijack - doesn't want kids of her own, but is pretty good with them anyway, and she's extremely protective of her little brother. knows exactly what chilchuck expects, and also has a pretty good sense of what he'd approve of when instructions are unclear. strikes a perfect balance of making fen have so much fun that he doesn't realize no mischief is actually being caused.
Laios - tends to stray off the beaten path a little, but will always defer to his husband so he's never gonna get too wild with it. he also loves fen more than life itself and won't intentionally put him in any manner of harm's way, no matter what. maybe doesn't count as a babysitter since he's literally fen's other dad, but as far as chilchuck is concerned, anyone outside of himself is a risk if he's not also there, so.
Falin - fen is obsessed with her, and the feeling is more or less mutual. she loves him so, so much. but... she's also maybe not chilchuck's ideal as far as babysitting goes, because she's extremely susceptible to the puppy eyes. can drop down to d tier for a few weeks if fen manages to lead her on some batshit adventure, but generally speaking, chilchuck trusts her.
Yaad - similar to kabru in his ability to follow chilchuck's guidelines to a T, and fen does seem to like him, but he's not always fully prepared for what caring for a young child entails. still, he's a decent enough choice, if he's available.
Dandan - weirdly good at this. chilchuck left the guild to him for a reason--dandan's got a good head on his shoulders, something that's only become more true over time--but "babysitting" wasn't a skill chilchuck anticipated him having. he might shirk responsibility from time to time, but in a "alright, you can stay up an extra hour" way, not a neglectful way.
Marcille - fen is safe with her, and she'll do her best (and so very badly wants to be the best aunt ever), but she tends to overthink things and can get distracted easily. also, the older he gets, the angrier fen gets if she mentions magic, because he thinks elves are abusing the spirits. (she tries to default to gnome magic around him but he still side-eyes her for a while. don't worry, they bond properly when he's more self-sufficient.)
Namari - a little nervous about caring for a kid by herself, but she's actually really fond of fen. she does most things right, and chilchuck's not necessarily ideologically opposed to her teaching his son dwarfish swear words, but she's more interested in having fun than being a guardian so she's not the perfect choice.
Flertom - perfectly decent, most of the time. loves getting to care for a child (desperately wants her own someday). can get a little sidetracked playing pretend-mom, though, and doesn't always have the best ideas for what to do, which doesn't always end well.
Puckpatti - way too scatterbrained for this job, and also way too eager to goof off in whatever way fen indicates he thinks would be fun. she's alright with her sisters since they tend to override her poor decisions and keep her on track, but by herself, she's a last resort.
Izutsumi - basically an older sister to fen, but this is rarely a good thing. he loves her and they have great fun together, but leaving them alone is a recipe for disaster, and even kabru's had to step in and shut the idea down officially. "don't put me in a position where i have to explain how a cat and a toddler burned down an entire castle wing."
Shuro - not good with kids. actively kind of scared of this one in particular. will agree if asked, but that's because he's bad at saying no, and chilchuck doesn't intend to ask. (and laios needs to stop thinking it'll work out for anyone.)
Mickbell (& Kuro) - only offered to be a nuisance, or at least that's what chilchuck assumes. kuro might be able to handle it on his own in a pinch, maybe, but there's no point trying to peel him and mickbell apart when there are so many better options.
Mithrun - with kabru? passable. by himself? absolutely the fuck not.
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strrwbrrryjam · 2 months
its funny that i write a post about respecting the female characters of rdr2 then i get recommended a post talking about getting a 'bad feeling' about mary taking advantage of arthur, the exact thing i was talking about
dude she asks you because it's a VIDEOGAME and you're the PROTAGONIST and she's an important character of the PROTAGONISTS PAST that gives him DEPTH - who else is she going to ask, uncle? she's a part of ARTHURS past
and then you're talking about her having some moral high ground when she does? i love arthur so much, but even i can't deny that between the two of them he has no moral high ground, he's an outlaw, a murderer who regularly steals from and beats and kills innocent people, while mary is a society woman
she isn't taking advantage of arthur at all, she comes to arthur for a variety of reasons, one of them being she's a widowed woman with a gambling drunk of a father, a dead mother, a dead husband and her younger brother leaving to join a cult, living in 1899 where women had limited rights and opportunities, especially in matters of finance and property ownership, her options for independence and support were severely contained and another because arthur is actually capable enough to save her brother from a dangerous cult that is planning to kill themselves, to wrangle up her drunk and likely abusive father, to rescue her mothers broach from a moving carriage.
and again, it bears repeating, that this is a videogame and her missions are OPTIONAL
of course, she's going to get mad when you tell her no because you are not only letting her dead mother's broach be sold but also signing her brother's DEATH WARRANT
she is incredibly grateful each time, thanking him profusely for saving her younger brother, she clearly still misses him, still loves him and still very much longs for a relationship with him despite their troubled past and arthur's outlaw status. her saying arthur will never change is more of a way to remind herself that their relationship would not work out, because arthur is still incredibly loyal to the gang that he prioritised over her during their relationship. even when mary asks, no, practically begs for arthur to run away with her from the law, from the gang, from everything, and arthur so clearly wants to, he still prioritised money and the gang over her, when mary doesn't need money, all she wants is arthur.
in the second mission, mary says "if i was fair to you, and a good person, i would have sold you out a long time ago," this is not only acknowledging her own flaws in this relationship, that she hasn't always treated arthur fairly, she's still incredibly loyal to him, as arthur is a wanted man, with a large bounty on his head, she could have him hanged if she truly was unfair to him, but she doesn't. the love she still has for him is still so strong. and arthur even admits to her being right about this.
despite the fact that mary still loves arthur and that the connection they share is still so strong, mary decides to choose herself and gives arthur the engagement ring she had kept in good condition for so long. she's constantly faced with the reality that arthur will never choose her over a life where death is around every corner. she learns that waiting for arthur is futile and damaging to her emotional health, so in the end, she chooses herself. she chooses to stop waiting and sends back the engagement ring (that she's kept for years, in good condition, that she could have sold because it's clear her family is struggling) and sends it back to arthur, a symbol of a relationship that will never find fulfilment. she prioritizes herself, even though it means letting go of the man she loves so dearly.
even though it's incredibly heartbreaking to her, given that she mentions when she's with arthur, the world feels right, she chooses self-respect and empowerment instead. despite the love she still holds for arthur, she decides to value herself and makes a choice that honours her own well-being. highlighting the strength and resilience she has gained throughout the story.
mary is an important character that adds to the depth and richness of the story and to arthur's character. her complexity mirrors arthurs, where she grapples with her own struggles and desires. she is not as one-dimensional as you portray her. dismissing her and portraying her in such a negative light does nothing but show how misogynistic you truly are.
also, the members of the gang don't like her for a variety of reasons, susan suffers from a bad case of internalised misogyny and believes that mary has ideas above her station, dutch sees mary as a threat to arthurs loyalty, only wanting arthur to be loyal to him, john, marybeths and tilly's perception of mary is heavily influenced by the emotional turmoil arthur suffers after interacting with her, because he still deeply loves her and yet the two of them cannot be together due to his loyalty to the gang. it's important to remember that out of all the gang members, abigail thinks fondly of her.
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
Happy Holidays!! Could you write something for Fullmetal Alchemist please? If not then whatever you would like to continue works! Thanks in advance and I look forward to reading all of the prompts!!
a continuation of 1 2
There is a sea of irritated blonde cadets glaring at the guard in front of the gates, who for some reason seems nervous about them, as if he hasn't had to deal with arrogant new recruits who haven't even broken in their boots before. Havoc gives them all another once over, but their age means they really can't be anything else.
"If you don't get let us past, I'm going to get you demoted," the tallest blonde there says viciously. All of them look so alike that he almost things that they're related, all blonde and blue eyed and irritated.
That's. Quite a threat from some newbie nobody. Except the guard still looks nervous and isn't telling them to fuck off.
"Russel, please," sighs another, who on second glance is the only one of them without blue eyes. He's never seen anyone who had gold eyes before. "Brother should be here soon and he can sort this out."
"Sort what out?" scoffs the lone woman among them. The silver studs all up her ears aren't at all regulation and she's going to want to take them off before her commanding officer yanks them out. "As if our uniform shouldn't be enough to identify us-"
"Because we've never duplicated a uniform before," a boy who looks to be on the younger end of the group mutters.
"Shut up Khayal," they all chorus, except for the golden eyed man who just sighs.
"You should just take the exam so you have a stupid watch of your own to flash around," the woman complains.
The man rolls his golden eyes. "Why, so I can have the same rank I have now and can be mobilized without Brother's permission? He'd kill me. And then whoever was stupid enough to let me take the test."
A watch - same rank - is this guy saying he's a major? That can't be right. He tried to get a clear looks at any of their jackets, but their clustered together and mostly facing away from him.
"I have them!"
They all turn to see a mousy brown haired woman with thick glasses running towards them.
She stumbles as she makes it over and the shortest one steadies her. She flashes him a smile, "Thanks Fletcher," before shoving a bunch of papers at the guard. "Here, here are the authorization papers, although copies really should have been sent ahead of us-"
"What are you guys doing? I though you were going to get a head start on setting up the office."
Havoc was so focused on watching the unfolding drama that he hasn't noticed anyone approaching. He does a double take, not sure what he's seeing at first.
He has gold hair and eyes and a similar enough face structure that he has to related to the other golden eyed man. His hair is up in a long golden ponytail and there's a silver watch at his hip.
Havoc has a clear view of his jacket.
This kid is a colonel.
That means he can only be one person.
"I don't want to hear it, Ed," the woman says irritably. "Show the nice man your watch so we can actually get started. The first thing I'm going to do is call Central and tell them how much they fucked up."
"Nag, nag, nag Winry. If any of you bothered to carry identification, this wouldn't happen," Colonel Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist says, but dutifully takes the silver state alchemist's watch out of his pocket. The guard seems more relieved than any of them to wave them through.
"I said that I didn't want to hear it, Edward," Winry says sweetly in a way that has Russel and Fletcher hanging back several steps and Khayal grinning.
The sound of their bickering take a while to fade, which he thinks says more about their volume than their speed.
It turns our their new neighbors might not be as boring as they first thought.
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carlyraejepsans · 5 months
Yknow, despite how it is impossible by all Ingame options, I wonder how a neutral route with *ONLY* Sans (and Asgore ig) killed would look? Would he count enough as a boss monster (NOT a Boss Monster) to push it from a Queen Toriel ending to an Empress Undyne ending? How would Alphys react (She lost one of her closest friends, but she still has MTT and Undyne around.)? How would Papyrus react (Would he go full angst mode and try close away his heart? Would he become even more of a people pleaser, trying to make sure he doesn't repeat whatever mistake he made with you again? Would he go into denial mode, trying to find Flowey to set things right with him either finding him or not based on what Frisk choses after the FloweyX fight? So many choises), especially with how he seems to Know Something he doesn't let on. I'd imagine that (provided it's a Queen Toriel Ending) Undyne wouldn't be thar affected, sad that Papyrus lost a brother rather than sad that Sans died (she never is close with Sans. She doesn't hate him, but she doesn't know him as more than "Papyrus weird brother" and "My sentry that works the ABSOLUTE bare minimum needed"). I don't think mettaton would appear or be affected, leaving the call pretty limited. So we have Papyrus and Maybe Undyne, with Papyrus probably being... kinda miffed that everything is going along the same, as if Everything hasn't changed. Bonus points if it's Post Dates, leaving a pretty aimless Undyne moving into Sans room, trying to fill a void that she never can. It isn't some threat she can suplex or teach to cook, it's the world being unfair.
(This also would give a pretty Unique Undyne state, being halfway between her "I don't like that you had to kill Asgore, but it's what you had to do" mindset and her more common "You betrayed me in such a soul crushing way it'll affect how I love forever" mindset in most Neutral Endings. I can imagine her actually trying to rationalise it, because the human only killed Asgore (sucks but she Gets It), and... Sans. The easiest enemy, one too weak to make it into the guard, and almost too weak to be a Sentry (Sans would have no reason to reveal Blasters, and his magic would barely scratch the TRUE HERO of the Underground when Karma is factored in. All she would see is surprisingly complex patterns that don't deal even a tenth of her hp). So surely, they had a reason, right? Why else would they do it?)
Forgive any bad writing it's literally 2 AM rn where I am
can't not confess I've thought about it too, but it IS really hard to extend as a concept because there's just... really no way for sans to die outside of the NM run. and I don't mean logistically, i mean character-wise he is so defined by his survival. by his Being There as everything falls apart. the final girl last man standing in the story. so the whole concept immediately falls apart.
undyne wouldn't personally grieve him, seeing as they didn't really know each other, but she WOULD still feel his death on her conscience as she does with every other monster killed in neutral runs. plus, there's her friendship with papyrus to emotionally aggravate things.
papyrus would definitely go into denial. he would be annoyed about him vanishing all of a sudden, then it'd turn to worry, then as his worries become more and more plausible, he'd shut out all rational thought about the subject and pretend everything is alright. i like the idea of him reaching out to flowey, but he'd try to explain his plan while also comtradicting himself all the time in order to never say outloud "sans is dead. we need to fix this"
betrayed undyne... yeah this is where it falls apart again, since you'd have to reason why sans would die (or even instigate a fight at all) in the final corridor during what has so far been a flawless pacifist run.
buuut pushing past the visceral resistance to the concept. i can easily see a scene where the betrayal pushes her to lose it and seek revenge like it does in normal neutral runs, and her looking to papyrus for training help/human destroying plans. and just... meeting a Wall of denial. that would be a harrowing talk. something people don't mention enough is that papyrus sees himself as sans' caretaker as much if not even more than sans does towards him. a world where sans is dead is a world where he failed his brother. it would devastate him. so he clings to anything not to think about it/delude himself. and here comes undyne ready to shatter that fragile hope. it would be a horrible moment between them
but yeah. everything aside, sans would straight up just not die lol.
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