#and they still felt the need to act like that on their own blog anyway
spearxwind · 1 year
Every so often I remember that one user that i blocked for a reason i dont QUITE remember but im pretty sure was because they were being rude and abrasive to me on my own blog and then they took to making posts about how "someone they really looked up to blocked them for no reason" i wonder what became of them
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 3 months
Crinkled Polaroids
Ex-boyfriend!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
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Hi my lovelies, Lia here and I'd just like to say that this took so long and so much effort, I really poured my heart out on this one and I hope it goes well. Recently my biggest heartbreaks are the "What ifs", what if you two worked it out? Would things be different? Would Simon have the life you've dreamed for the both of you and the one he's been deprived of?
You might be asking me "Lia, what's up with all the angsty content recently, aren't you a fluff dedicated blog?" Well I feel ill, I just got off an extremely busy week and most of my drafts have been never ending angst because I lost ideas of a domestic fam with Simon but I still need to get something out for you guys okay? A random bedtime scenario written down at 3am and for the rest of my midnights during a photoshoot and exam week, what could go wrong?
I'm still waiting on what my beloved @connorsui's review has to say 👀
Disclaimers/Warnings: This is not proofread, also ANGST.
My CoD Masterlist
Taglist: @wishesforyou @puff0o0 @simping4konig @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @thesnowurzikdjinn @09maruchan @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @fawnchives @connorsui @capuccino192 @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb @celestialhole @the-second-sage @starryylies @everlastingmoonlightsworld @keiva1000
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A relationship with Simon Riley going south, at first it started great as most relationships do with several minor bumps due to his past but no big deal right?
But Simon distances himself, more than what's healthy and yes, you do give him his space but there's only little time until closing and distancing off for a while could turn into something like neglect.
Little things like "I love you"s, "thank you"s and every verbal affirmation that you used to think you could cling onto was now non-existent, it hurts but isn't as hurtful when he refuses to touch you.
Back hugs you give would only give you a cold shrug in return, kisses you left were on cold chapped lips that remain still. At this point, you were better off loving someone dead.. then again, aren't you already doing so?
The life you've imagined for the both of you cease to fade in your head as the true reality of the man you love sets in, that dumb idea your younger self who had rose tinted glasses had to actually settle down with someone in such a short period of time of a few years.
You felt so unappreciated, it seemed like no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get him to see you. You felt cheated of the relationship you were supposed to have with him when you see others with the one you love and how he acts around everyone except you. You felt like nothing but a chore to him, an occasional fuck who cleans his home.
Then again, this is a broken man, you felt entitled to ask such a thing of him when he himself is also just healing from what his past had caused.
In Simon's eyes, he was doing you a favor, fucked up in his part thinking hurting you is the best way to save you from himself. It worked, that's what he wanted.. right?
So you leave, it was best for the both of you anyway right? Simon deserves someone who could actually make him happy and you deserve to feel loved in a relationship. Simon's life was a mess, truly, but he didn't realize how much more of a mess it was without you.
Coming home to an empty shell of a house, nothing to look forward to. He found himself almost on the brink of insanity, moving things all over his own home as if you were still there.
Always finding himself staring at that one wornout and creased polaroid of you and him, you were a silly one huh? A hobby of yours that left so much proof of your existence.
Begging him to be in a picture, bribing him with a kiss. Slightly smudged and distorted but still legible pen ink at the back as he flips the flimsy piece of thick, shiny paper.
Keep him safe for me, Ghost.
- Your favorite girl <3
You always thought of him as Simon and Ghost as just an alter ego, a mask that he needs to wear in order to stomach the violence that comes with his occupation.
You were the only one who can differentiate these two people. Tears started to form in his eyes but he blinks it away and shoves the polaroid back in his wallet.
He only started noticing changes when Johnny points out that he's become stone cold, a lot more silent, though he was known to be a ghost.. a shadow.. it wasn't like him to not even try to light up his mood with his dark jokes.
Everytime Simon thinks he gets over the pain, there's always one thing in that stupid house that reminded him of you. You weren't there but it sure felt like that you haunted every corner of the house and his mind.
Whether that'd be something you gifted him or an item of yours left behind, especially when the two of you shared moments with those items, oftentimes Simon tries to relive those, preserve his fading memory of your face.
This is what happens when the decisions you make have consequences on the one that your world revolves around.
A few years down this lane, nothing has changed for Simon, at some part of this never ending low point in his life he was under substance abuse.. alcohol to be specific, since to him it was easier. In concern of his captain, he did get help for it to which had progress.
Ghost kept it together, "today was a day to celebrate Gaz" he thought, blowing out the nicotinic smoke and flicking the ash off his cigarette after.. he knew Ghost's thing was more of a "let's drink and play pool in a pub" rather than a sit-down dinner kind of guy but Kyle insisted.
He thought about how awkward it was, although Ghost felt like he knew Kyle's family just from the lovesick fool himself who would never shut up, always finding a way to talk about his wife and their two kids.
After another puff, he throws the cigarette butt on the pavement and grinds the sole of his shoe over it, the soft hiss for the cigarette evoking, proving it was put out.
Simon walked a few blocks till stopping at the Sergeant's described location, his footsteps made smooth, satisfying taps on the wood floorboards of the porch and he knocks.
Price took liberty of being the one to open the door for Simon because the family was busy, Simon walked through the front door with ease, seeing Johnny somewhat interacting with a kid.
He was welcomed by the a cozy looking space, it was homey and clearly occupied, the shoes lined up on the shoe rack next to the door from the largest pair to the tiniest which was such a far contrast from his empty gloomy apartment.
The kid caught glimpse of Simon, they run up to him and take his hand to guide him into the living room as of to welcome him before bringing back their attention to Johnny and somewhat messing with his stubby mohawk.
The lieutenant observed his surroundings, the little toys and picture frames hung around the house, for a moment his heart drops to his stomach, he blinks thinking he must've been imagining things. Simon walked closer to it, he wasn't imagining it.. that was you, in a wedding dress, in the photo with Kyle.
You looked glowing.. as if you've never looked better in your life, that heart stopping smile on your face, the flowery bouquet on your hands. The green of stems highlight the precious metal band on your finger. Of all the people, places and time, why here? Why now? Why Kyle..?
For a few seconds, just a few when Simon thought his nerves and gut settled, he heard the sweetest voice that was all he knew.
He forgot what it sounded like, the effect it had on him, all too overwhelming for a man who tried desperately to run away from the consequences of his actions. I guess that saying that once you don't hear someone's voice as frequently, you start to forget what they sound like.
For once, the ringing in his ear is gone. Just your voice, all he needed, he closed his eyes for a few soaking in the fact that you're here. For a moment he forgets to take into account that you weren't his. You and Simon make eye contact, the smile on your face drops as soon as you realize who is in your home.. who your husband invited..
Dinner came around, you tried your best to stomach the food you made, every swallow was a challenge. You spent most of your time staring at the food below you, afraid to even spare a glance at Simon. He was as uneasy as you were, telling the group he had to go to the bathroom as an excuse to explore what you now view as your home. The place you built your family together with your husband.
Simon uses the stealth he was known for to sneak in all the rooms, starting with the closest, the kitchen. The pictures on the fridge were enough to catch his attention, polaroids were something he was all too familiar with. Photos of the kids littered on the cold metal box with magnets others were of you and Kyle.
Everywhere he glances was proof of the life you built, the life you could've had together if he hadn't taken you for granted. Simon returned to the table a few minutes later, you easily notice the sudden drop of his mood to solemn.
Constantly closing his eyes, the lieutenant's head was spinning, taking in the fact that Garrick was able to settle down with you in those few years, the same amount of time you'd been together and you both were never close to achieving what you had now.
The night ended with the mens' satisfied stomachs while you and Kyle play-fight about who gets to do the dishes. As all of them were about to leave, you gathered what little guts you had to at least try to talk to Simon as he's the last one out the door, away from the ears of your husband who's currently doing the dishes because the last thing you'd want is to ruin their friendship.
"Goodbye Si.."
Simon never thought he'd hear that nickname out of your lips ever again, he stopped, his feet felt like they were sinking on the ground. Before he knew it, Simon was back on your porch, squeezing you so tight. You tried to pull away but he only held tighter, head rested on your shoulder.
"One last, lovie.. please.." you sigh, your arms wrapping around him, you tried your best to sooth him as your palm runs up and down his back. You felt the sleeve of your shirt getting damp, Simon didn't cry often, but this was different. It wasn't silent at all like you were used to, he was straight up sobbing.
Simon pulled back slowly, you saw his puffed up and flushed face against his pale skin. You felt bad for Simon however what happened is what happened and you were content where you were no matter how much pain the past brings you.
Simon knows you're happy, he sees it, he cups your cheek with his hand. He was about to lean in and kiss your forehead like he always used to but he stops himself.
He wanted to be selfish, he wanted you again but he can't do that to Kyle and he knows this would only upset you so just like before, with a heavy heart he leaves.
Simon will forever let that sink into his heart, the only one he's ever love will forever be engrained in his mind. You will always be his favorite girl..
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d34dlysinner · 5 months
hello, I hope you're well, I really loved your writing, but as I'm still not sure about certain blogs, I apologize if you don't write or I'm asking in the wrong way. Anyway, I would like to know what the kings' reaction would be to seeing MC sleeping on the couch after a heated argument? Feel free if you want to decline the request, and I apologize if there are any errors in English, thank you ✨
No worries, I do write 😭
I just take my time answering asks at the moment.
Your English is good btw! Thanks for liking my content!!
Satan and argument is probably the worst you'll experience. He wouldn't lay hands on you. He never would want to think of laying hands on you, but there will be screaming and running off to cool off. If he's very angry he'll take some time to cool off. It can even take a few days. Sometimes he would hear advice of others which can help him cool down. He at the end couldn't be very angry with you specifically. And after thinking how cute, and at the same time hot, you were he just needed to see you.
He returns to see you sleeping on the couch. He did sense that you were angry and he knew its because of the amount of time he took while cooling down, not even because of the argument anymore.
He likes it when your angry in general. Even now when it's directed at him. He doesn't feel the same anger anymore and just wanted to take you in his arms at that moment.
He joins you on the couch and shakes you awake. When you complained to him he just had to take a chance and ask.
"You want to vent your anger in a different way?"
You knew exactly what he was asking for and knew exactly that you being angry was arousing him too much.
But you felt some relief that he wasn't angry at you anymore as the problem of before was long forgotten.
Mammon would look at your tiny form on the couch. Asking himself why you would lie there of all places. It's very rare to fight with Mammon and when you do you both usually fix the problem and argument before sleeping.
The arguments most of the time would be you both disagreeing on something. Where you were more heated about the argument than he was. He had this demeanor where it seemed as if he wasn't taking you serious which makes things worse at times.
Seeing you sleep on the couch kind of was like a reality check for him. He would sigh before taking you to the bedroom so you can sleep on a actual comfortable bed instead of a couch.
In the morning he would apologise for acting nonchalantly about the problem and he'll cuddle a lot with you.
Leviathan would be by his own to cool himself after the argument. After a while of thinking he would walk around to search for where you were staying only to see you on the couch.
An argument with him could get very heated. It would be both of you trying to prove a point without seeing the other person's point of view. Or it would be something where you're very emotional and you both need some time to cool off because you don't want it to turn into a "screaming match".
After thinking about how wrong you were or how annoying you were Leviathan still had to admit that he should've listened to your reasoning before cutting you off multiple times.
When he saw you on the couch he sighed and woke you up so you both can try and listen to each other. After the talk he would embrace you and allows you to sleep peacefully in his bed coffin.
Beelzebub would look at you sleeping on fhe couch with a look of amusement pasted on his face.
An argument with him can start with just the way he says stuff. He can be nice, but he also can be very rude if he wants to. Normally he would do it in a joking matter, but at times he does forget to use a filter when he's being serious. He would either apologise later on or brush it off. At times he's happy that you don't take all his words to heart. He doesn't mean to scare you away after all.
When he returns to see you on the couch, still angry with him, he just snickered and joined you on the couch. He would hug you closely and kiss your forehead before apologising for his words.
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sundrop-writes · 5 months
The Perfect Brat
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Dom!Elle Greenaway x Dom!Fem!Reader x Sub!Spencer Reid
Spencer acts up. You and Elle put him in his place. It’s an unconventional relationship, but it works so well.
Dom!Elle Greenaway x Dom!Fem!Reader x Sub!Spencer Reid. Co-Workers with Benefits. Smut/PWP. 
Word Count: 2,900
Criminal Minds Masterlist | AO3 Link
THIS IS A RE-POST. This is a fic from my old blog (a blog that was shadowbanned, forcing me to move). This fic is not stolen, it is completely mine, and I am just re-posting it to help people find my new blog, and to make my masterlist complete when I post new fics for this fandom.
Detailed warnings and author’s notes below the cut.
Warnings: this is primarily a smut fic; reader uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina; this could be read with or without considering the major canon events; dom/sub dynamics - Dom!Elle, Dom!Reader, Sub!Spencer (he is definitely more of a brat in this and I had so much fun writing it); implications of an ongoing poly relationship between the three of them; punishment and reward (Spencer is punished for being mouthy/talking back); size difference kink/reverse size kink (the reader loves how skinny and easy to toss around Spencer is); Spencer is spanked, Spencer is gagged with his own tie (the tie is also used like a leash on him); general rough play; Spencer calls the reader ‘Miss’; undertones of humiliation kink, mentions of subspace, mentions of pain kink, Spencer is called a whore, a slut a stupid brat;degradation kink (towards Spencer); mentions of paddling; mentions of jealousy; bondage - Spencer has his hands tied behind his back; Spencer wears a cockring; orgasm restriction (toward Spencer); Spencer is forced to watch while Elle fucks the reader with a strap-on (the reader is a bottom between Elle and the reader, but she still is 100% a dom in this); as mentioned - strap-on sex (Elle fucks the reader with a strap-on); crying kink (Spencer is pretty when he cries); mentions of pegging (from Elle toward Spencer); hair pulling (reader receiving); Elle is called 'Mistress’; the reader and Elle could both be considered mean in this. I hope that’s everything and I haven’t missed anything important.
A/N: the inspiration behind this is actually so funny. I was working on the second part of Lessons For A Genius and I literally thought to myself 'Spencer is too nice in this. he’s too well behaved’ - and then I started thinking about a fic where Spencer is a bratty sub and gets punished, and then in that scenario, Elle suddenly appeared in my head (I guess because Elle has such dom energy and she’s always bossing Spencer around in the show, this is just too real, they have so much chemistry) - and next thing I know I was opening another tab to write this because I couldn’t help myself. So I hope you guys enjoy it!! I would love to write more fics where Spencer is a bratty sub in the future. I just love writing sub!Spencer in general. (some people have asked me to write dom!Spencer and I am warming up to it very, very slowly.) anyway, please enjoy!
You were in the room for less than thirty seconds when Spencer’s pants were down. 
Usually, something like this occurred out of pure lust or need. Spencer was a very needy boy. It was rare that you felt this much annoyance building up inside of you. It was rare that you tore off his clothes out of anger. 
But he had mouthed off to you in front of the local cops, whining that you ‘weren’t his mother’ when you asked him how many cups of coffee he’d had that day and advised him to drink some water. It had been a sassy comeback that had several of the men in the room laughing, and at the time, Spencer had been grinning into that ill-advised seventh cup of coffee, thinking that you couldn’t see him. 
It was something that got a warm rage simmering inside of you. 
Generally, he had been the biggest kind of brat all day. He had been mouthing off, even going so far as to talk back to Hotch when given orders. And you weren’t taking too kindly to it. 
He had to know who was in charge. He had to know that you wouldn’t stand for him being a mouthy brat. 
The door to the hotel room had barely closed behind you before you had his belt undone, the heft of the leather causing the fabric of his slacks to drop to his ankles. This left him entirely exposed from the waist down, feeling a rush of vulnerability, knowing he was in trouble. His stomach clenched in anticipation. You weren’t entirely surprised to find that he wasn’t wearing underwear. He had been acting out all day because he was feeling needy, apparently. 
Before he could speak, only uttering out a few half hearted protests, you shoved him hard. He was so skinny, so easy to push around, it was almost laughable. You pushed him until you had him exactly where you wanted him - bent over the dresser in the middle of the room. It was a chest of drawers with an attached vanity mirror, forcing him to bend over it and brace his hands on the surface so he could look at himself in the mirror. 
So he could stare himself down and face all of his beautiful shame as you tore him apart. 
“Look, Miss, please-” He stuttered out. 
Clearly he was still trying to come back from this, still trying to grovel, trying to apologize. 
But it was too late for that. You had decided that during the car ride back. 
“Shut up.” You told him gruffly. 
You reached around his body to his front and grabbed his tie, slipping it slightly loose before you brought it partway up his head. He was confused by this, until you slipped the loop into his mouth, effectively gagging him. You then spun it so the length of the tie was at the back of his head. You tightened it harshly then, causing him to moan as the fabric scuffed sorely against the sides of his mouth. 
But that wasn’t all. 
You yanked back on the length of the tie as though it were a leash, pulling his tall body into a tense arch, forcing him to be exactly where you wanted him to be. He moaned deeply as a wave of pleasurable pain shot through his body, his back cracking slightly as you forced him into such an uncomfortable position. Your other hand was on his lower back, keeping his hips pinned against the edge of the dresser as you forced his neck back as far as it would go. 
His muscles quivered and tears easily came to his eyes. His cock throbbed harshly with all of it. He always needed to be put in his place. He needed his head to be emptied as the control was taken away from him - as he was owned wholly, his body and mind no longer his own. 
When you were sure that he would stay like this, the subspace setting in and making him slightly more compliant, you moved the hand on his lower back. This forced him to hold the position on his own, his legs becoming shaky - but he didn’t move to make himself more comfortable, which did cause you to grin. 
Then, you hauled your hand back, delivering a harsh spank across his bare ass cheek. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You bit out harshly. “I know I did not train you to be such a fucking brat.” 
You delivered another spank, his soft skin already turning red from your hits. Your palm was stinging slightly, but you didn’t care. It gave you a certain thrill, and it was worth teaching him a lesson if his ass was sore tomorrow and he remembered this. Usually not being able to sit right did help him remember to behave. 
All Spencer could do was moan in response, being very effectively gagged by his own tie. His cock was angry and hard, trapped between his pelvis and the edge of the dresser as you punished him. 
“You’re just a needy little whore, aren’t you?” 
You barked, pulling his neck back even harder. This caused him to whine out in pain, such a beautiful sound that had you dizzy with pleasure as your ego swelled. You pulled him closer to you and placed your lips close to his ear, hissing the next words near his cheek with malice. 
“What’s wrong? The needy slut doesn’t get enough attention?” 
“Come on, Y/N, take it easy on him,” Elle chuckled from the corner, taking a sip of her drink. 
She had ridden with Morgan, so she had made it to the room an easy five minutes before you and Reid had. And thus far, she had been heavily enjoying the show that the two of you were putting on. But she did think you were being a bit too rough considering that Reid was a bit lippy on a good day. 
“Oh, I need to take it easy?” You chuckled sarcastically, looking over your shoulder at her. 
You tossed your hold on the tie, letting Spencer’s body relax forward slightly while you assessed Elle. He let out a whimper of relief, but didn’t make any further noise to draw attention to himself - not wanting the two of you to gang up on him and make his punishment even worse. (The two of you were devious minds, and when you worked together, it was a beautiful kind of destruction.) 
Sitting there, Elle was smug as ever, staring you and Spencer down with a clear heat in her eyes. 
“Last time you paddled him, he couldn’t walk for a week.” You added on, bringing up the memory to try and prove your point. 
“He was flirting with that waitress, he deserved it.” Elle said, speaking as though it was the obvious thing in the world. 
Generally speaking, you weren’t even sure if Spencer knew how to flirt. You thought that for the most part he just didn’t know when other people were flirting with him and didn’t know when to deflect it to stop it from pissing you and Elle off. But you had enjoyed it too much to argue with Elle about it - his bright red ass and awkward gait for the week following that paddling had just been too good. 
You used the tie-leash and a tight hold on one of his hips to spin Spencer around, tossing him onto one of the double beds in the room. He landed roughly on his stomach with a light bounce. He let out a jagged moan as his exposed cock scraped against the cheap hotel bedspread. But - true to form, trying to prove that he was a good boy, he did nothing more than lay there, staying perfectly still where you had put him. 
Elle grinned at him before she looked back to you. 
“So, what do you think we should do with him?” You asked, putting a hand on Spencer’s shoulder to flip him over onto his back, presenting him to her like a filthy prize. 
Spencer whimpered quietly and blinked up at you and Elle with big, wet eyes, clearly thinking that the puppy dog look could get him some sympathy. But there was no chance of mercy. He had already made his bed, and he was going to get fucked in it.
“I have a few ideas.” Elle chuckled. 
That was how Spencer ended up in his current position. 
He was sitting in the chair that Elle had previously been sitting in, stripped completely naked. A light sheen of sweat had formed over his skin, causing his hair to stick to his forehead in that beautifully desperate way. His hands were tied behind his back with his own belt, and a cockring was secured around the base of his needy, throbbing cock. 
There was no possible way for him to get relief. Even if he became so desperate as to hump the furniture, all that he would get was a fruitless, horrible dry orgasm. The cockring so tight around him definitely assured that. And with his hands tied behind his back, he couldn’t take it off. Especially not with the way the two of you were keeping a watchful eye on him. 
You and Elle certainly weren’t going to let him get away with anything. 
He certainly wasn’t going to get out of your line of sight. That was the whole point. 
The bulk of his punishment was to watch. 
To watch you and Elle and not be allowed to touch his needy, throbbing cock. To have a feast of sights before him, but be stuck, not allowed to cum. Not even allowed to feel the slightest bit of relief against his pathetic dick until you or Elle decided that he’d had enough. 
“Please.” Spencer begged hopelessly. 
His hips arched up into the air slightly, humping into nothing, fruitlessly seeking contact. His cock dribbled out precum, almost as if the pretty pink cockhead was weeping out in protest, trying to show his deep, unsatisfied need. 
“Please!” He bawled. “I’ll be a good boy! I promise!” 
His voice was so beautifully wrecked. It sent a wave of pleasurable tingles right through you. 
“Did you hear that?” Elle chuckled behind you. “He promises.” She cooed these words mockingly. 
Both of you knew that it wasn’t a promise he could keep for too long. 
Elle huffed out a devilish laugh as she raked the sharpness of her nails across your back. She sounded just as amused as you were watching Spencer’s pathetic attempts to get back on both your good sides. 
“I fucking doubt it.” You grunted back breathlessly. 
“If he wasn’t so pathetic, I might take pity on him.” Elle said, her voice taking on that mean edge that she knew Spencer loved. 
He moaned at the words, his hips flexing up once again. Unlike when he played poker, during sex, he always gave away all his cards, always showed what pleased him most and what his weakest spots were. It was one of the reasons you loved taking him apart so much. One of the reasons you loved owning him. 
“If you were a ‘good boy’, you’d shut up and watch me fuck your precious Miss without complaining,” Elle said, continuing to mock him, fucking her hips harder into you to drive home her point. 
She had you in the middle of the bed, perfectly on display for Spencer - on your hands and knees, completely stripped naked. The two of you were a perfect visual tease for him - with Elle in her bright red lacy bra, a commanding presence behind you with her thick seven inch strap-on buried in your wet, wanting pussy. You were absolutely enjoying yourself as she fucked in and out of you with an intense roughness. 
Most of the time, the two of you teamed up as a wicked force against Spencer - and combined, you were a deadly sinful team. But when the two of you took the time to enjoy pleasuring each other, it was a rough, chaotic slice of heaven. Like lighting clashing against itself in the best way. 
When you did let her fuck you, you weren’t whiny or submissive to her wills. You took it well, never begged for it. And she understood you and what you needed - the feeling of a thick cock splitting you open, that rough touch that Spencer never gave you because he was so subservient to your will. You loved the fact that she didn’t treat you like a glass doll. 
“Please!” Spencer tried again, going directly against Elle’s order to sit there and shut up. 
You weren’t sure if it was him playing up again or if he actually thought he could talk his way out of this somehow. 
“Please, let me touch you! Let me help you cum! Let me service you, Miss! I’ll be so good!” Spencer begged, his words dissolving into sobs as the desperation heightening within him. 
“What? You think you’re allowed to touch this pussy? You think you should be allowed?” Elle growled, fucking into you so hard that it caused a wet smacking to resonate through the room - something that made Spencer want you even more. 
You laughed in response to Spencer’s whiny antics, and the incredible fake cock plunging into you from behind - a sound that dissolved into a loud moan when Elle reached around and rubbed your clit, clearly wanting even more from you. 
Elle hammered her hips against you like she hated you, fucked into your pussy with a brutal passion. She was partially trying to show Spencer what he was missing out on, a deadly ache growing in his gut when he thought about the emptiness he felt without her perfect fake cock. Because he did spend a fair amount of time fucked out and drooling on her strap when she wanted to fuck him with it - from either end. 
And she was partially trying to get you to be messier, wetter, louder, putting on more of a show for him. The more beautiful and pornographic you were, the more effective his punishment was (not that it was hard for you to become a walking sex dream, as gorgeous as you naturally were). 
Elle loved to fuck you like this - she loved having your tight pussy hugging the silicone of her cock. You were a challenge. You didn’t simply beg for her cock, your body didn’t just mold and bend to her wills because she touched you with strong hands. You always fucked your hips back into her twice as hard, and you laughed and snarled back if she called you a dirty bitch. 
It was part of the reason that the two of you so perfectly destroyed someone as needy and submissive as Spencer. Spencer, the type of person who got whiny and started acting up if he didn’t get enough attention from either of you in the run of a day. 
“I’ll be good!” Spencer whined. “Please! Please, just touch me! I promise I won’t do it again!” 
His eyes had become as wet as his cock, the tip glistening with precum as tears dripped from the corners of his eyes, his entire being reeking of desperation and uncontained lust. 
“Do you even know what you did this time, you stupid brat?” Elle prodded, her voice dark and lacking any sweetness as she spat the words across the room at him. 
Spencer let out a wounded sound that was barely recognizable - perhaps he was trying to compose himself to speak, perhaps he was truly clueless. 
He could be so mouthy sometimes, but most of the time, he didn’t even recognize his sass as a problem. 
“What makes you think you’re worthy to touch her? What makes you think that you get to touch her after being such a dumb brat all day?” Elle teased him. 
She emphasized her words by yanking back on your hair, delivering a pleasurable amount of pain that made you moan out as she continued to harshly thrust her hips into your wet cunt. 
“What makes you think that a brat like you gets to touch these perfect tits?” Elle mocked him, leaning over you to grope roughly at your swaying breasts. Of course, just to show him what he couldn’t have and heavily enjoying your body in the process. 
You chuckled at this, enjoying the way Spencer’s features twisted up in displeasure. Clearly he was whiny, wanting so badly to touch you - but he hadn’t earned it. Not tonight. 
He let out a few more tears before he spoke again. 
“I’m sorry.” He sniffled quietly. “I’m a bad boy. I’ve been bad.” 
“Why?” You heaved out, breathless from Elle’s efforts. “Why are you bad?” 
“Good boys don’t talk back.” Spencer finally admitted, his voice weak with defeat. 
“Look, the genius finally figured it out.” Elle commented, beautiful condescension dripping through her voice. 
“Good!” You huffed, fucking your hips harshly back into Elle’s cock while you locked eyes with Spencer’s wet, glassy ones. “Now keep your whiny fuckin’ mouth shut while Mistress fucks me, and maybe - fuck - and maybe I won’t keep that cockring on you all day tomorrow.” 
Spencer whined harshly at this, but didn’t protest. Elle grinned, planting a kiss on the back of your neck before she dug her nails into your hips and fucked you faster.
A/N: This is a standalone oneshot, and there will not be a sequel or a continuation of it. If you enjoyed this, please comment about the body of work that has been written. If you want to see more Spencer fics that I have written, definitely check out my Criminal Minds Masterlist, or check out my other Masterlists to see if anything catches your eye.
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tenpintsofsundrop · 9 months
The Perfect Brat
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Dom!Elle Greenaway x Dom!Fem!Reader x Sub!Spencer Reid (Smut Blurb)
Concept: Spencer acts up. You and Elle put him in his place. It's an unconventional relationship, but it works so well.
Word Count: 2,900
Criminal Minds Masterlist | AO3 Link
If you want to be notified whenever I post a new fic, make sure to follow my library blog @sundropslibrary and turn on notifications there.
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Full list of warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: this is primarily a smut fic; she reader uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina; this could be read with or without considering the major canon events; dom/sub dynamics - Dom!Elle, Dom!Reader, Sub!Spencer (he is definitely more of a brat in this and I had so much fun writing it); implications of an ongoing poly relationship between the three of them; punishment and reward (Spencer is punished for being mouthy/talking back); size difference kink/reverse size kink (the reader loves how skinny and easy to toss around Spencer is); Spencer is spanked, Spencer is gagged with his own tie (the tie is also used like a leash on him); general rough play; Spencer calls the reader 'Miss'; undertones of humiliation kink, mentions of subspace, mentions of pain kink, Spencer is called a whore, a slut a stupid brat; degradation kink (towards Spencer); mentions of paddling; mentions of jealousy; bondage - Spencer has his hands tied behind his back; Spencer wears a cockring; orgasm restriction (toward Spencer); Spencer is forced to watch while Elle fucks the reader with a strap-on (the reader is a bottom between Elle and the reader, but she still is 100% a dom in this); as mentioned - strap-on sex (Elle fucks the reader with a strap-on); crying kink (Spencer is pretty when he cries); mentions of pegging (from Elle toward Spencer); hair pulling (reader receiving); Elle is called 'Mistress'; the reader and Elle could both be considered mean in this. I hope that's everything and I haven't missed anything important.
A/N: the inspiration behind this is actually so funny. I was working on the second part of Lessons For A Genius and I literally thought to myself 'Spencer is too nice in this. he's too well behaved' - and then I started thinking about a fic where Spencer is a bratty sub and gets punished, and then in that scenario, Elle suddenly appeared in my head (I guess because Elle has such dom energy and she's always bossing Spencer around in the show, this is just too real, they have so much chemistry) - and next thing I know I was opening another tab to write this because I couldn't help myself. So I hope you guys enjoy it!! I would love to write more fics where Spencer is a bratty sub in the future. I just love writing sub!Spencer in general. (some people have asked me to write dom!Spencer and I am warming up to it very, very slowly.) anyway, please enjoy!
You were in the room for less than thirty seconds when Spencer’s pants were down. 
Usually, something like this occurred out of pure lust or need. Spencer was a very needy boy. It was rare that you felt this much annoyance building up inside of you. It was rare that you tore off his clothes out of anger. 
But he had mouthed off to you in front of the local cops, whining that you ‘weren’t his mother’ when you asked him how many cups of coffee he’d had that day and advised him to drink some water. It had been a sassy comeback that had several of the men in the room laughing, and at the time, Spencer had been grinning into that ill-advised seventh cup of coffee, thinking that you couldn’t see him. 
It was something that got a warm rage simmering inside of you. 
Generally, he had been the biggest kind of brat all day. He had been mouthing off, even going so far as to talk back to Hotch when given orders. And you weren’t taking too kindly to it. 
He had to know who was in charge. He had to know that you wouldn’t stand for him being a mouthy brat. 
The door to the hotel room had barely closed behind you before you had his belt undone, the heft of the leather causing the fabric of his slacks to drop to his ankles. This left him entirely exposed from the waist down, feeling a rush of vulnerability, knowing he was in trouble. His stomach clenched in anticipation. You weren’t entirely surprised to find that he wasn’t wearing underwear. He had been acting out all day because he was feeling needy, apparently. 
Before he could speak, only uttering out a few half hearted protests, you shoved him hard. He was so skinny, so easy to push around, it was almost laughable. You pushed him until you had him exactly where you wanted him - bent over the dresser in the middle of the room. It was a chest of drawers with an attached vanity mirror, forcing him to bend over it and brace his hands on the surface so he could look at himself in the mirror. 
So he could stare himself down and face all of his beautiful shame as you tore him apart. 
“Look, Miss, please-” He stuttered out. 
Clearly he was still trying to come back from this, still trying to grovel, trying to apologize. 
But it was too late for that. You had decided that during the car ride back. 
“Shut up.” You told him gruffly. 
You reached around his body to his front and grabbed his tie, slipping it slightly loose before you brought it partway up his head. He was confused by this, until you slipped the loop into his mouth, effectively gagging him. You then spun it so the length of the tie was at the back of his head. You tightened it harshly then, causing him to moan as the fabric scuffed sorely against the sides of his mouth. 
But that wasn’t all. 
You yanked back on the length of the tie as though it were a leash, pulling his tall body into a tense arch, forcing him to be exactly where you wanted him to be. He moaned deeply as a wave of pleasurable pain shot through his body, his back cracking slightly as you forced him into such an uncomfortable position. Your other hand was on his lower back, keeping his hips pinned against the edge of the dresser as you forced his neck back as far as it would go. 
His muscles quivered and tears easily came to his eyes. His cock throbbed harshly with all of it. He always needed to be put in his place. He needed his head to be emptied as the control was taken away from him - as he was owned wholly, his body and mind no longer his own. 
When you were sure that he would stay like this, the subspace setting in and making him slightly more compliant, you moved the hand on his lower back. This forced him to hold the position on his own, his legs becoming shaky - but he didn’t move to make himself more comfortable, which did cause you to grin. 
Then, you hauled your hand back, delivering a harsh spank across his bare ass cheek. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You bit out harshly. “I know I did not train you to be such a fucking brat.” 
You delivered another spank, his soft skin already turning red from your hits. Your palm was stinging slightly, but you didn’t care. It gave you a certain thrill, and it was worth teaching him a lesson if his ass was sore tomorrow and he remembered this. Usually not being able to sit right did help him remember to behave. 
All Spencer could do was moan in response, being very effectively gagged by his own tie. His cock was angry and hard, trapped between his pelvis and the edge of the dresser as you punished him. 
“You’re just a needy little whore, aren’t you?” 
You barked, pulling his neck back even harder. This caused him to whine out in pain, such a beautiful sound that had you dizzy with pleasure as your ego swelled. You pulled him closer to you and placed your lips close to his ear, hissing the next words near his cheek with malice. 
“What’s wrong? The needy slut doesn’t get enough attention?” 
“Come on, Y/N, take it easy on him,” Elle chuckled from the corner, taking a sip of her drink. 
She had ridden with Morgan, so she had made it to the room an easy five minutes before you and Reid had. And thus far, she had been heavily enjoying the show that the two of you were putting on. But she did think you were being a bit too rough considering that Reid was a bit lippy on a good day. 
“Oh, I need to take it easy?” You chuckled sarcastically, looking over your shoulder at her. 
You tossed your hold on the tie, letting Spencer’s body relax forward slightly while you assessed Elle. He let out a whimper of relief, but didn’t make any further noise to draw attention to himself - not wanting the two of you to gang up on him and make his punishment even worse. (The two of you were devious minds, and when you worked together, it was a beautiful kind of destruction.) 
Sitting there, Elle was smug as ever, staring you and Spencer down with a clear heat in her eyes. 
“Last time you paddled him, he couldn’t walk for a week.” You added on, bringing up the memory to try and prove your point. 
“He was flirting with that waitress, he deserved it.” Elle said, speaking as though it was the obvious thing in the world. 
Generally speaking, you weren’t even sure if Spencer knew how to flirt. You thought that for the most part he just didn’t know when other people were flirting with him and didn’t know when to deflect it to stop it from pissing you and Elle off. But you had enjoyed it too much to argue with Elle about it - his bright red ass and awkward gait for the week following that paddling had just been too good. 
You used the tie-leash and a tight hold on one of his hips to spin Spencer around, tossing him onto one of the double beds in the room. He landed roughly on his stomach with a light bounce. He let out a jagged moan as his exposed cock scraped against the cheap hotel bedspread. But - true to form, trying to prove that he was a good boy, he did nothing more than lay there, staying perfectly still where you had put him. 
Elle grinned at him before she looked back to you. 
“So, what do you think we should do with him?” You asked, putting a hand on Spencer’s shoulder to flip him over onto his back, presenting him to her like a filthy prize. 
Spencer whimpered quietly and blinked up at you and Elle with big, wet eyes, clearly thinking that the puppy dog look could get him some sympathy. But there was no chance of mercy. He had already made his bed, and he was going to get fucked in it.
“I have a few ideas.” Elle chuckled. 
That was how Spencer ended up in his current position. 
He was sitting in the chair that Elle had previously been sitting in, stripped completely naked. A light sheen of sweat had formed over his skin, causing his hair to stick to his forehead in that beautifully desperate way. His hands were tied behind his back with his own belt, and a cockring was secured around the base of his needy, throbbing cock. 
There was no possible way for him to get relief. Even if he became so desperate as to hump the furniture, all that he would get was a fruitless, horrible dry orgasm. The cockring so tight around him definitely assured that. And with his hands tied behind his back, he couldn’t take it off. Especially not with the way the two of you were keeping a watchful eye on him. 
You and Elle certainly weren’t going to let him get away with anything. 
He certainly wasn't going to get out of your line of sight. That was the whole point. 
The bulk of his punishment was to watch. 
To watch you and Elle and not be allowed to touch his needy, throbbing cock. To have a feast of sights before him, but be stuck, not allowed to cum. Not even allowed to feel the slightest bit of relief against his pathetic dick until you or Elle decided that he’d had enough. 
“Please.” Spencer begged hopelessly. 
His hips arched up into the air slightly, humping into nothing, fruitlessly seeking contact. His cock dribbled out precum, almost as if the pretty pink cockhead was weeping out in protest, trying to show his deep, unsatisfied need. 
“Please!” He bawled. “I’ll be a good boy! I promise!” 
His voice was so beautifully wrecked. It sent a wave of pleasurable tingles right through you. 
“Did you hear that?” Elle chuckled behind you. “He promises.” She cooed these words mockingly. 
Both of you knew that it wasn’t a promise he could keep for too long. 
Elle huffed out a devilish laugh as she raked the sharpness of her nails across your back. She sounded just as amused as you were watching Spencer’s pathetic attempts to get back on both your good sides. 
“I fucking doubt it.” You grunted back breathlessly. 
“If he wasn’t so pathetic, I might take pity on him.” Elle said, her voice taking on that mean edge that she knew Spencer loved. 
He moaned at the words, his hips flexing up once again. Unlike when he played poker, during sex, he always gave away all his cards, always showed what pleased him most and what his weakest spots were. It was one of the reasons you loved taking him apart so much. One of the reasons you loved owning him. 
“If you were a ‘good boy’, you’d shut up and watch me fuck your precious Miss without complaining,” Elle said, continuing to mock him, fucking her hips harder into you to drive home her point. 
She had you in the middle of the bed, perfectly on display for Spencer - on your hands and knees, completely stripped naked. The two of you were a perfect visual tease for him - with Elle in her bright red lacy bra, a commanding presence behind you with her thick seven inch strap-on buried in your wet, wanting pussy. You were absolutely enjoying yourself as she fucked in and out of you with an intense roughness. 
Most of the time, the two of you teamed up as a wicked force against Spencer - and combined, you were a deadly sinful team. But when the two of you took the time to enjoy pleasuring each other, it was a rough, chaotic slice of heaven. Like lighting clashing against itself in the best way. 
When you did let her fuck you, you weren't whiny or submissive to her wills. You took it well, never begged for it. And she understood you and what you needed - the feeling of a thick cock splitting you open, that rough touch that Spencer never gave you because he was so subservient to your will. You loved the fact that she didn’t treat you like a glass doll. 
“Please!” Spencer tried again, going directly against Elle’s order to sit there and shut up. 
You weren’t sure if it was him playing up again or if he actually thought he could talk his way out of this somehow. 
“Please, let me touch you! Let me help you cum! Let me service you, Miss! I’ll be so good!” Spencer begged, his words dissolving into sobs as the desperation heightening within him. 
“What? You think you’re allowed to touch this pussy? You think you should be allowed?” Elle growled, fucking into you so hard that it caused a wet smacking to resonate through the room - something that made Spencer want you even more. 
You laughed in response to Spencer’s whiny antics, and the incredible fake cock plunging into you from behind - a sound that dissolved into a loud moan when Elle reached around and rubbed your clit, clearly wanting even more from you. 
Elle hammered her hips against you like she hated you, fucked into your pussy with a brutal passion. She was partially trying to show Spencer what he was missing out on, a deadly ache growing in his gut when he thought about the emptiness he felt without her perfect fake cock. Because he did spend a fair amount of time fucked out and drooling on her strap when she wanted to fuck him with it - from either end. 
And she was partially trying to get you to be messier, wetter, louder, putting on more of a show for him. The more beautiful and pornographic you were, the more effective his punishment was (not that it was hard for you to become a walking sex dream, as gorgeous as you naturally were). 
Elle loved to fuck you like this - she loved having your tight pussy hugging the silicone of her cock. You were a challenge. You didn’t simply beg for her cock, your body didn’t just mold and bend to her wills because she touched you with strong hands. You always fucked your hips back into her twice as hard, and you laughed and snarled back if she called you a dirty bitch. 
It was part of the reason that the two of you so perfectly destroyed someone as needy and submissive as Spencer. Spencer, the type of person who got whiny and started acting up if he didn’t get enough attention from either of you in the run of a day. 
“I’ll be good!” Spencer whined. “Please! Please, just touch me! I promise I won’t do it again!” 
His eyes had become as wet as his cock, the tip glistening with precum as tears dripped from the corners of his eyes, his entire being reeking of desperation and uncontained lust. 
“Do you even know what you did this time, you stupid brat?” Elle prodded, her voice dark and lacking any sweetness as she spat the words across the room at him. 
Spencer let out a wounded sound that was barely recognizable - perhaps he was trying to compose himself to speak, perhaps he was truly clueless. 
He could be so mouthy sometimes, but most of the time, he didn’t even recognize his sass as a problem. 
“What makes you think you’re worthy to touch her? What makes you think that you get to touch her after being such a dumb brat all day?” Elle teased him. 
She emphasized her words by yanking back on your hair, delivering a pleasurable amount of pain that made you moan out as she continued to harshly thrust her hips into your wet cunt. 
“What makes you think that a brat like you gets to touch these perfect tits?” Elle mocked him, leaning over you to grope roughly at your swaying breasts. Of course, just to show him what he couldn’t have and heavily enjoying your body in the process. 
You chuckled at this, enjoying the way Spencer’s features twisted up in displeasure. Clearly he was whiny, wanting so badly to touch you - but he hadn’t earned it. Not tonight. 
He let out a few more tears before he spoke again. 
“I’m sorry.” He sniffled quietly. “I’m a bad boy. I’ve been bad.” 
“Why?” You heaved out, breathless from Elle’s efforts. “Why are you bad?” 
“Good boys don’t talk back.” Spencer finally admitted, his voice weak with defeat. 
“Look, the genius finally figured it out.” Elle commented, beautiful condescension dripping through her voice. 
“Good!” You huffed, fucking your hips harshly back into Elle’s cock while you locked eyes with Spencer’s wet, glassy ones. “Now keep your whiny fuckin’ mouth shut while Mistress fucks me, and maybe - fuck - and maybe I won’t keep that cockring on you all day tomorrow.” 
Spencer whined harshly at this, but didn’t protest. Elle grinned, planting a kiss on the back of your neck before she dug her nails into your hips and fucked you faster.
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heywriters · 1 year
What're some things you wish you knew before getting into serious writing (i.e. things before writing a novel, editing large projects, etc.)?
This is an excellent question! I've come to terms with some things, but overall I've had a great time learning. Here are a few things that it would have really helped me to know early on.
Most writing advice doesn't need to be taken THAT seriously. While my writing has improved from listening to and applying writing advice, there was a period of time where I felt anxious over how many things I was doing "Wrong." I overcame this by realizing that not all advice was for me, but for some other writer out there. Also, the act of writing improved my writing more than reading about how to improve my writing ever could.
You're never going to be old enough to write with experience! Tongue-in-cheek, but when I learned that most of my favorite works were written by authors past their 40s, 50s, etc. I realized everything I write now will reflect my current age and inexperience. I accepted that and kept writing anyway. Can't write a masterpiece without writing a few flawed stories first!
Most people who love your story will not understand it like you do. Everyone sees something slightly different, or focuses on stuff you really don't care about. On the other hand, there will be a handful of readers who tell you what your story is actually about and those readers are so much smarter than you and they're the best people ever because they make you feel like an accidental genius.
Publishing is a crazy, competitive, hard work atmosphere. Like most creative endeavors, unfortunately, writing rarely pays the bills. It definitely hasn't paid mine. Do it at your own pace, whether that's being published, self-pub, or just writing at home for your own sanity. It's all good.
Inspiration does just go away. You plan a novel, you love the characters, you think this is going to be The One. And then next week you're over it. You still keep it, but you look back at all those plans and feel a little bad that it didn't get an ending...Actually, I'm glad I didn't know this one. I would have avoided so many projects that taught me useful things.
+ If you enjoy my blog and appreciate my advice, please visit my Ko-fi 🤗
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maxphilippa · 11 months
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Also shotout to @burgycreeper405-blog cause she helped a lot on Trophy's looks/design and generally helped a lot in developing this AU you're very cool compadre :]♡
lets start with the basics + what changes with them here!
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Trophy: Okay.
Trophy takes the role of Tissues that is, but he's somewhat similar to canon again. Back then he was a jock who was confident on himself but had his heart on the right place. He was admired and well-respected by others for how strong he was and how charming he acted as well, generally being considered a light amongst objects.
So... what went wrong? He was settled, everything was going okay and he was happy.
At one point of his life, the condition came to him. He probably always had it, but it was only at that moment where it "woke up" in a way. He started feeling constantly dizzy and tired, which led him to not be able to work out as much as he used to, constantly started fainting and was unable to do much physical activities, and due to the stress of this, and him not being able to understand what's wrong with him, he cut off ties with everyone that knew him and just... kind of disappeared of everyone's minds.
He felt like he was messing things up and that he wasn't helpful at all, and saw him as an failure. Just because of his condition. He went to many doctors to check what was going on but no one really knew either and they are still figuring things out to help him.
When he arrived to the show, he was absolutely demolished. He was known back then so like. Showing your face to the public after years of being gone was definitely something that shattered his confidence, since he wasn't the same bright and golden loving jock everyone adored, but... just a sad, sick man who can barely even exist without coughing every second or so. He's shy and delicate, and didn't want to stay on the show for too long anyway.
He does feel guilty over infecting Cobs with his condition since it has ruined his own life so like. He didn't want to ruin the life of someone else with it.
So he tends to hide from others. After he arrived to Hotel Origami properly, Paper started to look after him and Trophy started taking his medicine again. He's slowly getting better, the condition still unbearable, but there's some progress on the methods to help him out. He tries to be more social with people and that certainly did help.
Tissues wants to be a magician here. The only thing is that his magic tricks end up being dangerous/harmful for others.
He gets consumed too easily by his desire to be a great magician and make his shows, and meanwhile he has a lot of potential, he needs someone to put his feet at the ground and make him realize that MAYBE a REAL cannon isn't the greatest idea.
At the begin of S2, he acted like a somewhat sly and confident bastard, on a good way, always wanting to impress Fan with his magic tricks since nothing seemed to amaze him, and the knee slap remains since he's a bit of a jokester as well! Uses comedy and magic! But a lot more of magic.
Since Tissues wasn't exactly conscious/aware of the fact that his tricks were hurting/could hurt people, but he was pretty good with the jokes though, he kind of forgot that he had to keep his audience alive.
He almost killed Fan with a small trick and that led Fan to yell at him and say "SEE?! THIS IS WHY YOU WILL NEVER HAVE AN AUDIENCE! YOU'RE HURTING PEOPLE! TALK ABOUT BEING A MONSTER WHEN YOU DIDN'T LOOK AT YOURSELF YET! ... go away. I don't want you near right now. Please."
So that led Tissues to being self conscious and feeling like he was only capable of hurting people. So his cockyness went down and he was somewhat sad, hopeless even, as he felt like some type of awful monster thanks to what Fan said. And magic was the thing he truly adored and was good at, but needed to work on a lot more. But what was the point of doing something that brought distress to others?
He knew he was going to get eliminated anyway and he simply cooled down a lot. He felt like a failure. He thought he found something that he could actually do and enjoy, but maybe he was just... broken. Maybe he had to make commercials again and forget about his dreams. So many years passed, wanting to be recognized by others. And he did now, but not in the way he wanted to be.
Perhaps he deserves to live in the shadows...
But he managed to work those things out in the end (will later on post a drawing + text of it!)
After he arrived to Hotel Origami and properly settled down, he began to rework his tricks and jokes, so his method of doing shows is somewhat like stand up comedy but he tells a story of his life/a joke meanwhile he does the trick itself.
He's charming and sweet, always listening to suggestions and is generally a pretty kind guy. A lot of people come to see his shows even AT the island.
And... Trophy goes to support him too.
And Cheesy, too. Even though Cheesy is there to mock him, he never misses one show.
Tissues swears he heard Cheesy going "wow" once.
Cheesy is a fun case so to speak (not really). Years ago he was a pretty loving and sweet guy, and wanted to help everyone in anyway that he could. However, this made him an easy target for others, since he was naive.
He didn't have an easy life to put it shortly. He wanted to be happy the way he was, but could never really be since everyone made him a target for jokes. So Cheesy decided that if he can't make them love him, he's gotta adapt to them and make them fear him. But how? He was a lil' guy and not very... you know, intimidating.
But he was completely done at one point. Completely frustrated with life that is. He felt ashamed and completely shut down the kind persona he once was. Started to put his anger on working out, training and that. Relies on some unhealthy habits such as smoking too for stress.
He got into numerous fights and that roughed him up a bit. He's always alert and doesn't want anyone to look at him with pity. Cheesy's pretty strong too, being able to kick Trophy without much stress as well.
Even other jocks fear him too.
He's constantly focused on being the best and being respected in a way, sure, he's not loved, but people definitely fear him.
However... he does feel pretty lonely at times. He does want a friend. But Cheesy doesn't know how to have or make friends in a good way. Heck! Even the other jocks he befriended were still assholes to him! So you can imagine how awkward it is for him.
Test Tube was... someone that he actually wanted to befriend. But she was not interesed on the slightest, which is fair, she has never been the type to *do friendships in the middle of the show*, but that still felt unfair for Cheesy. But perhaps it was also for the fact that Test Tube was actually just... chill with him as she said "sorry, mate, i'm not really interesed, good luck tho".
And when he found out about the Hello Kitty doll... well. He did what others did to him.
If they don't want to be your friend, force them.
But the difference is that he was... actually not that shocked with being kicked out. Just angry with himself in a way and got that out on Box.
So that results in him being kicked out by Test Tube herself.
Once he settles down in Hotel Origami, his life does take a whole ass spin.
He's still a jock but. He found himself caring for Trophy and his condition slowly, even if he tosses the subject away and says that he's just frustrated because he can't sleep well at night thanks to his roomate. He acts kind of like a dick, and is almost always alone, since no one really hangs out with him out of fear or frustration. Paper and him do argue a lot in the beggining since Cheesy is careless.
But... as time passes by, and the closer he starts getting to Trophy and Tissues, the softer he gets. And he *fucking hates it*, he doesn't want to go back to who he was, everyone will make fun of him again, he thinks. He's always there with/for them, mocking them, but still there. He doesn't have to be. But he adapted the mentality of "I'm the only one who can make fun of these two idiots", since he gets protective with them as well.
He starts to become more chill as time passes by, his relationship with Tissues and Trophy still being uncertain, but they did "turn him into the softest bitch he knows".
He started to hang out calmly with the other residents. Actually made some... connections not based on fear but genuine enjoyment. His relationship with Paper got better as he helps with the Hotel. Started getting the help he needed.
Instead of photography, his hobby would be painting landscapes and or animals based on photos he takes.
And even other objects sometimes but... He's too ashamed to admit that golden and teal are colors that he uses too much.
He sucks at jokes but he's great at pick up lines.
Have extra art of these three:
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not too fond of gay people /j
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r0-boat · 6 months
Random Emmet hcs
Just a collection of random thoughts I had about him every once when I had various thoughts about him. Or things I've changed my mind about when I made posts like this similar in the past. Anyways enjoy! ( I miss writing Submas :( )
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Sfw below cut for length
Follow me on this blog for multifandom writing content (mostly Pokemon)
He's very competitive when it comes to anything with competition although he's very good at Pokemon battles, because to him winning a battle not only means better in skill and raising your Pokemon but also a bigger Bond with trainer and companion he is actually happy when he loses because it still means he has a lot to learn and grow which he is always happy to know more, and he gets to see a happy trainer and happy Pokemon celebrate their victory is there a greater reward than that? But for some reason video games he becomes a sore loser no yelling no Tantrums just silent anger stowing in his Petty thoughts he'll never act out.
He was lying on his living room floor with a blanket topped over him in a T-shirt and sweatpants when he was sick because, for some reason, the floor felt better than his own bed.
Hangs up memes around the office or sends his friends semi cursed images / memes for no reason with little too no explanation. And has a whole folder in his phone just for joltik/other bug pokemon image memes, just in case he needs to react to anything he can't put into words.
I still think he likes to play scary games but his favorite ones are the ones he gets to play with his friends and laugh at their deaths. Skyla and Emmet give each other Petty nicknames and fight with each other on the regular especially over text online and in games. They fight like siblings which is funny because image is actually really close with his brother and doesn't understand why a lot of people aren't packed with their siblings. Sometimes, your sibling's actions can get on your nerves, but their family are sometimes the only ones who can understand you.
He takes self degradation even if they're jokes very seriously.
If Emmet could he would be a full-time joltik breeder I mean don't get me wrong he probably has dozens of them but I mean those breeders that have cool morphs of like certain lizards, snake and insects. Because I refuse to believe in the world of Pokémon that they are no Pokemon that are the same species but with different patterns/ fur or scale color/ breeds etc. He tried to do it himself, but he was stopped by a certain someone
Emmet cannot have TikTok downloaded as much as he loves the app; he will spend hours and hours on it and flood his poor brother and Friends with 99+ notifications. One of the depot agent managers runs the official TikTok account, and before they post anything, both brothers have to check for inappropriate content.
Emmet is either very photogenic or takes very cursed blurry photos there is no between. They'll either be a photo that looks almost professionally done with perfect lighting with his loose tie and shirt half buttoned while another one will have the lighting making it look like his eyes are glowing while the entire photo is dark with his hand coming down on the camera with a caption that says "POV: you're a bug Pokemon"
Still trying to win Nimbasa's hottest Bachelor after his brother who had one the last 3 years in a row😔
Genshin player/bias
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bentosandbox · 1 year
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Lappy fancam animatic blogging/production notes
now that wolfgirlyaoi is out on global its rambling time about my powerpoint presentation
Originally I wanted to do an (Tex & Lapp) animatic with the boss theme (broken wall/Signore dei Lupi .mp3) ever since the event dropped but I thought 1) by the time I finished anything someone else would have probably already done it first (lol, lmao even) 2) I remembered the song exists and how much i looped it then while listening to the group's new album drop and thought the lyrics fit Lapp a little too well and also doesn't end abruptly like the boss theme + was shorter so yea
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initial stickman storyboard where i put down the lyrics with event dialogue/happenings that i felt would fit nicely together > hastily scribble the images that form in my head
storyboards were basically what i wanted to see (same rule as my comics) lol especially if they weren't shown in the event CGs, eg. there's a CG of the truck crashing into the courtroom so I didn't do that but they didn't mention her physical acting in that scene + the song I used has a bow/salute at that exact part in their live choreo with the very similar line so I wanted to do a homage even though-
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-I was like it's going to be such a pain to figure out an economical hand twirl and bow but I have to do this I need to transplant the image in my brain onto the screen because official media did not do a—
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Honestly still don't know if its a common phrase and action combo because I was having so much trouble finding external references that wasn't just scrubbing the live video over and over anyway
part of the storyboards were 'recycled' from comic drafts I did (of the chocolate scene because ofc) when the event was running on CN
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Originally I wanted to draw Lapp feeding Texas for The Girlyaoi Funny but I wanted to reference the plaque you get which is a Creation of Adam reference right but I also saw people saying it's referencing the scene from Silence of the Lambs lol so...peel the layers to your liking!!
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(The chocolate flavour choice was from asking my Columbian friends what the worst chocolate flavour they ever tried which was white coconut)
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my sorry attempt at colour keys > final spreadsheet to keep track of progress and paste all the dialogue i put in
Art Direction
A bunch of shots/colour schemes are references to Måneskin's stuff or other media tehepero I'll just put a few here
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At first I was going to limit red/blue to tex/lapp respectively but since Omertosa is blue I just did away with that rule and lapp gets to have both (and more!) these two colours have pretty obvious emotional readings I think but also
red = self blue = society Siracusa or: red = yaoi & blue = yuri
for the others:
Purple = Alberto/Saluzzo, its not orange like the fruit he keeps holding because see below; I needed the colour for something else LOL Also the Saluzzos are iirc nobility or whatever and they have purple hints in their clothes so I think it was a good fit anyway
Yellow/Orange = Its supposed to be representing the last word in the story which apparently, yostar went with 'Savagery' which is Correct I guess but (laments again about how nuance is lost in localisation because imo savagery has a more derogatory kind of connotation while I think 蛮荒 in context of the story also has a 'nature/untouched by civilisation' side to it) which is why Texas setting the house on fire was not (entirely) red but orange (and it complements the blues both visually and thematically) and it's yellow at the end when they're frolicking(?) in the wilderness lol
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(these colour rules don't apply to the penglog shot and technically a few frames like the shot with shocked penance, the one right after and 'im just lappy' because...i forgor my own rules lol)
The greens/teals were just a reference to the shades in the 3DPV I think
The silhouette/general style was inspired from the 3D teaser thing they had at the beginning of the 3.5 anniversary stream and the card suits that I..forgot to move to the other layers which is why only the green one had them (supposed to be 1 per set 💀)
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The clash bit is basically the same as the event CG but with a flipped camera/POV sorry for world's worst screenshot lmao. Couldn't imagine the poses in my head so I ended up posing 3d models in CSP pretty good posing practice
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These shots got rendered extra because..they were the first frames I started on and I was still figuring out how much to simplify lol
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I also posed the chairs shot for some inexplicable reason��my file was lagging so bad
Headcanon part (kind of)
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The childhood flashback scene is probably the part I took the most liberties (headcanon) on since it's not explicitly canon like the rest...the sequence/how I connected the scenes itself to fabricate a timeline of her childhood was kind of inspired by some weibo post musing about how (iirc) texas's sweet tooth maybe came from when she was being fostered at casa Saluzzo and Lapp treating her like a pet essentially and giving her a lot of treats since...you know what happened to her actual pet hehe except maybe texas offered her a stick first and then Lappy just reciprocated endlessly because its one of the few 'acts' she knew that wasn't violence haha yeah this section was basically a stealth doujin sorry
It's mentioned that she was brought up as the ideal Siracusan or whatever and she does the cute doodle in the 3DPV so I thought she probably had the Forced Music Lessons as a kid (The music sheets are Bella Ciao and of course)
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The bow choreo was the one thing i really wanted to animate but the music sheet segment (based on that one split second shot above) ended up being my favourite part even though compositing the motion was a mini hell on it's own (ended up compiling a long png to scroll by with the red doodles layered over)
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Other things
I will never live down my (self-imposed) shame of misspelling the title (I fixed the title on youtube but its why the ending shot in the upload says ZittE e Buoni instead of ZittI e Buoni) don't rush your fancam in 10 days 😔
I didn't look through the entirety of the EN loc but Idk why they had Lappy say 'Then go.' to Texas when it's supposed to be more like 'Let's go.' as in, 'let's go together' as opposed to 'alright off you go to the greyhall alone' lmfao also her saying goodbye forever padre when addio is right there
I don't think I'm insane enough to do another ppt soon but man this pair really makes the 'imagines a whole music video while listening to music' part of my brain go wheee like first it was Starset's Manifest then Signore de Lupi then this and while working on this one i was thinking how Måneskin's Torna A Casa would be another good track
ok ty for reading #GIRLYAOIREAL
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mariajmajesty · 1 year
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THIS IS THEM. Jimin and JK like to tease each other. They like to go formal because it makes them laugh for some personal reason I guess. They like to be silly and have inside jokes and use baby tones for each other. They are handsy and okay with invading each other personal space and boundaries. This is who they were since they were what?..19? This is what their relationship always has been since day one and they still hang out, supporting each other, hype each other and hug as they always did yet with each new interaction 80% of this fandom act surprised as if they don't know what teasing or a hug looks like and just discoverd how they are with each other. Armys can bully James Cordon for days but have no issue with the amount of hate two of their own members recieve for years which is very interesting and sad.
They are perfectly okay with JK lending his voice to help Yoongi in his work, it's lovely if Tae mentioning JK in every army update, when Jimin hugs Hobi it's so cute and sweet and warm..but all hell break loose if Jimin hugs JK right after or if JK promoting a song he's in from Jimin's album at night because he felt like it. The first hug was fine and loving, the second one? fan service and evil!!  suddenly everyone acts as if they are concern for personal space and don't know what basic human interactions looks like and their eyes are blindfolded "what is a hug"... but only with them. Only with them.  There's a demand to see jikook out and about 24/7 with constant updates to prove they are close but only them have to show it. the rest are assumed to live in each other pockets without any need of a proof for weeks and months. The question "why Jikook don't seem as close as they used to" have been circling the fandom since 2018 every 2 months and..I don't know how people don't feel stupid asking it. really.
It's pathetic and people need to be honest with themselves and admit that the reason jikook and only jikook are annoying them or give them doubts when the rest can go in hiding or hug or straight up insult one another and still be called besties or lovers is because they don't like what their gut feeling is telling them about jikook or they were never into them in the first place. Which is fine! but at the very least stop lying or spread hate or complain to people who do like them. I personally dislike insecure jikookers because for some reason they refuse to leave something they claim to not believe in anymore and come to seek answers from others and it's useless and to me it says that despite what they claim, something still keeps them around and they need to ask themselves what it is (and no, it's not so they could be exposed to different opinions) so instead of just spamming me or others with anon asks just..leave or act like a mature grown up and keep this space normal? I see no reason to stay here if you no longer like what you see or just to complain to others who don't think the same, it's weird. I don't know jikook in real life so I have no idea if what I believe in is real or not, but I don't go to other blogs with my doubts and hateful narratives or start a debate over things non of us know as facts. We are all on the same boat. Antis and other shippers are not objective and it's tragic to see them reacting this badly to something as sweet as what we saw yesterday.
Anyway, jikook are good. I wish people would respect them more and not lie about them but I know it won't happen because ....homophobia exists.
The fandom needs to grow up..or get a life and experience some meaningful relationships
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campoverlook-if · 2 months
Progress Update #4// 4/3/24
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Hey everyone, just wanted to update you all on the story.
I've started a new process for the past few days where I write for two hours and then take fifteen-thirty minute breaks in between. I'm still blanking on what to write for a section sometimes, but I'm really trying not to have grayed out choices again. That was NOT fun.
Still, the writing process shouldn't be forced, but sometimes you just really need to kick your own ass and grab that text file by the ears. Plus, this is the most productive I've felt since getting my wisdom teeth removed.
In celebration of this new bout of inspiration, here's a sneak peek of an upcoming scene you may encounter in the update.
Alright, that's it. This girl can't just bully you away because she doesn't like you. You hadn't even done anything when she first started acting nasty towards you. Yes, you may have walked away in the middle of a conversation, but she had been so…aggressive. You weren't just going to stand there and take it, and you definitely weren't going to start now. So, you take a step closer to Claire, giving her a leveled glare of your own. "Last time I checked, this table doesn't belong to you." Tension quickly fills the air around the two of you. Claire doesn't respond to your retort, but she doesn't need to. Her body language gives you all the information you need to know.
Ooooh boi, what the hell did you do to make Claire this mad at you. And on the first day? Tragic.
Along with that we'll be getting into a few things before finally ending episode 1:
Reworked the gender system of the counselors. Now you can choose from the beginning how you want them to be.
Added the choice to be non-binary (a new batch of campers, hooyay!). Also need to add onto scenes with Asher, Claire, and Lucas.
Meeting the final two counselors (Ruby and Silas).
An added scene with E for returning MCs during your walk to the mess hall.
Going through orientation, including a fun scavenger hunt (Uncle Robert said it would be fun, don't believe him).
A small scene with your new roommates in your cabins.
I'm so excited just thinking about it, and I'm the one writing the dang story.
If you hadn't seen it yet, I answered an ask a little bit ago about doing visuals for the blog. I'm not the best at visual media (that's more my mother's thing) but I can use a character maker like a mf if I have too.
It was kinda nice, a little limiting, but it was surprisingly helpful for me to have it. I've thought about how these characters look for so long it's strange to suddenly see them brought to life in any type of way except text. The character bios have been updated with these pictures now.
So, I wrote this update yeaterday and was planning for it to just post through queue like I normally do, but the situation has changed. The demo will be updated again, however the stopping point is literally the same. The only major changes are the gender system, adding being non-binary, and having everything on one file (pray for me). The stopping point is still the same.
All in all the word count is now at this point: 57k (W/O Code), 14K (average). Not a huge jump average wise, but I'm happy anyway.
Link to demo here.
That's all I wanted to talk about for now, if you run into any bugs just let me know and I'll fix it lickity split.
See you all on the next update!
P.S. - I love it when new people follow and only like the posts of certain counselors. I know who you're into now ;).
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aubreysheadspace · 11 months
HIII omg i just found out abt ur blog and youre the first ever person i interact with HA. its also my first time requesting so if anythings out of order feel free to ignore /gen !!!!! i was thinking about a rq that includes SUNNY (platonic) with a reader that basically adopted him /hj and acts up and behaves like his parent/guardian, like tbh a real parental figure to look up to!!! reader is kinda older too!1 i just love sunny sm hes my boy
hi hii!! welcome to the blog anon, and welcome to tumblr !!! this request is so cute waa!!! sunny definitely needs to be taken care of, hope u enjoy!
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as much as he doesn’t realize it, SUNNY needs someone to take care of him. he has his mom, sure, but she’s been so busy lately, his father left him, and his sister..
anyway, so when you come into the picture, SUNNY appreciates your attempts of taking care of him, but declines at first.
it reminds him of all the times he falls back to his friend group before, when he was (still is actually) the baby of the group. it made him feel so much guilt that he just felt like a burden to you
however, don’t give up, SUNNY will eventually give in to your parental caretaking. the cloud of guilt still lingers around him, but just let him know you want to take care of him.
you remind him of HERO, and you even earn a 'Wow…' from him. he likes to watch you cook and asks if he could wash the dishes for you, or at least do something to repay you
don’t baby him TOO much, he might get a bit annoyed. he’s thankful, yeah, but he’s not a baby that’s incapable of doing anything. it frustrates him if you won’t let him do anything on his own
i think he’d probably want to cook with you and not just wash dishes. what if one day you’re not there to take care of him? he’s gotta prepare his own food then. turn the cooking experience into a bonding experience!
he’d try to help with laundry if you do that as well, but probably does NOT know how to fold his clothes properly. ..teach him that too please. in fact, just teach him basic needs at this point. he’s trying his best at least.
no no, he definitely hasn’t called you [parent name of your choice] once or twice no no no, not at all! he totally didn’t embarrass himself and apologize quietly, nuh uh!
in short, SUNNY is thankful you’re taking care of him when the only parent in his life currently is mostly busy and unavailable. he likes the delicious food you make for him and looks forward to it every time he smells something good from the kitchen
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Liam Evans Main Story: Chapter 12
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
read this before interacting with my posts
When I returned to Crown’s castle, I didn't feel like going to my room, so I headed for the pavilion in the garden.
I looked at the bundle of letters Marie gave me earlier in the day.
If I read through those letters, I might be able to grasp the cause of what was haunting Liam’s heart.
(But… I feel like I’m prying too much into Liam’s past without his permission.)
Liam: Found you, Kate.
Kate: WAH! Liam!
Liam: Ahaha! You look so shocked. I was looking for you because I have something to tell you.
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Liam: I’m fully recovered!
Kate: Oh, really!?
Liam: Mm, really. Want to check by touching me anywhere you like?
I touched Liam’s cheek.
Liam: My injuries are healed, right? It’s all thanks to your help. Thank you, Kate.
Kate: I’m glad you're recovering well. Ah, and please never do that to yourself again.
Liam: Okaaayy.
Liam: — Anyway, what are those letters? By any chance, are they love letters addressed to you?
Kate: These letters were left behind by Jacob for Marie…
Liam: Jacob?
Kate: I’m so sorry if I’m overstepping boundaries—
I tried to apologise, but Liam put his index finger over my lips to stop me.
Liam: No need to apologise. I’m fine with it if it’s you.
Kate: … Huh?
Liam: On the day that article was published, you must’ve been so curious, and yet you still said “this isn’t the right time to ask”.
Liam: And you must've been very hesitant about whether to read these letters.
Liam: You being alone here is enough to prove that… am I right?
Kate: … Liam.
Liam: Besides, I want to read them too. Jacob was… someone precious to me.
Liam said with a smile and sat down next to me with movement as smooth as a cat’s.
Liam: Wow, this is a lot of letters. … Is this the first one?
This was the first letter Jacob wrote to Marie, it was written on his first day of work as a butler for the Evans family—
“Dear Marie, my fiancée who lives so far away from me.”
“Hey, how have you been? I'm working as a butler for the Evans family starting today. They own a major confectionery production company.”
“How laughable that I became a butler. The household consists of a husband and wife, and they have a son named Liam.”
“Honestly, I’m not very good with children. He’s a friendly boy, so we’re getting along well. It's miraculous.”
“Well then, I’ll write to you again another time. Take care and don't catch a cold, Marie.”
Kate: Fufu, seems like you’ve been a friendly person ever since you were a child. I can imagine it.
Liam: I still remember that time very well. I desperately wanted to get along with him, so I kept trying to talk to him…
The second and third letters were all about Liam and Jacob’s happy moments together.
They had snacks in the middle of the night, and spent sleepless nights reading stories together.
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Liam: … I miss those times. I was so happy to have an older brother figure because I was an only child.
However, approximately half a year later, their peaceful days started to grow dark.
“Liam hasn't been very lively lately. He used to be so smiley, but recently he's been smiling a lot less.”
“I don't know what caused this change. Therefore, I took him to a theatre to cheer him up.”
“I felt relieved to see that he appeared to be enjoying himself. I guess even children have their own troubles, don’t they?”
(The next letter…)
“Liam came home with wounds on his cheek and arm. But when I asked about them, he only told me that he fell down.”
“That's a common occurrence for children, right? Let me know what you think, Marie.”
(... He was injured? How about the next one…)
“... Hey, Marie. Liam has been acting strange lately.”
“The moment I take my eyes off him, he gets severely injured in the most bizarre ways possible.”
“Sometimes, his behaviour shocks the people around him and he even damages the place.”
“Both the master of the house and the madam are bewildered by Liam’s wild behaviour.”
Kate: …
I looked up at Liam upon seeing the unsettling nature of the letter, and he signalled with his eyes that he didn't mind me reading on.
(... This is the last letter. In this letter, Jacob wrote—)
“Liam has been smiling a lot lately. But… his smile is different from the one I saw back when we first met.”
“A child’s smile — should be flawless. His smile was so adult-like… I thought it was strange.”
“Liam has… “something”.”
“I don’t know what that “something” is.”
“I wonder if there’s anything I can do for Liam. … I want this child to have his innocent smile back.”
That was the end of the final letter.
After that letter, that fire broke out and killed everyone in the Evans family. All except Liam.
I had so many questions that I found myself at a loss for words.
Kate: Liam, this is…
Liam: It’s nothing special.
Liam: The Evans family established their company and made it successful in just one generation. As their only son, I was the heir to the company.
Liam: Simply put, it was inevitable that I would take over the company. Therefore, I had to receive a special kind of education known as “kingcraft”. It was definitely more rigorous than normal studies.
Liam: That’s probably why I looked depressed to Jacob.
Liam: But that’s a common thing, right?
Kate: Common…?
Liam: Parents have high expectations of their children.
(... I guess so?)
Kate: … Then, what about the behaviour that shocked the people around you and got you severely injured?
Liam: I was having episodes. You witnessed one yourself that night, didn't you?
== Flashback Start ==
Liam: Fufu… fine, you just want to get rid of me, right?
Liam: Then let’s try to kill one another, starting now! … Haha, I wonder if you two can even kill me…?
== Flashback End ==
(The look in Liam’s eyes was so dark back then… it was almost as if he were a completely different person.)
Liam: The curse itself is inborn, but it appears at a different stage in each individual.
— Liam said that his curse first started appearing when he was five years old.
It was when he accidentally stepped onto the railway tracks and was nearly run over by an incoming train.
At that point of time, Liam didn't know about curses, so he was confused at first.
Liam: When the curse shows itself, people around the cursed person won’t know of its existence until something big happens.
Kate: The only difference between people with the same curse is their special “ability” that's unique to each person, am I right?
Liam: Mm, correct. However, on top of having my special ability, I started having episodes.
Liam’s rose coloured eyes had a far away look.
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Liam: … It always rains in my heart right before I have an episode.
Kate: Rain?
Liam: It starts raining without any forewarning, neither can I voluntarily stop it.
Liam: And when that happens… I also hear a voice coming from somewhere.
Liam: I always end up listening to everything that voice says. By the time I snap back to my senses, I’ve already done something horribly wrong.
Kate: … What do you mean?
Liam: Things like destroying the seats at a banquet, or jumping from places where one wrong move would kill me.
Liam: Haha… when I come to my senses, I’ll remember everything I did. I’m pretty nasty, right?
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Liam: My parents and Jacob couldn't figure out what triggered my episodes, so they were constantly worried about me.
The article by The Shadow wrote that the fire was started on purpose by Liam, who was nine years old at the time.
I remembered Liam’s lonely smile as he said “all of it is true”.
(Could it be…)
Kate: … Were you having an episode when that fire broke out at the Evans family’s mansion?
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Liam: …
Liam: Yes, I was.
Liam: That fire broke out because of my episode—
Liam: The Evans family hosted a party at the mansion that day, and the fire happened after all the guests had left.
Liam: I had an episode and went wild, so I accidentally set the curtains on fire with the fire from the fireplace…
Liam: By the time I came to my senses, it was already too late. The fire had engulfed the entire mansion.
Liam: I was panicking as I stared at the roaring flames, and that was when Jacob came running towards me and shielding me—
== Flashback Start ==
Liam: Jacob…! Don’t save me, save yourself…!
Liam: … Just leave me here, Jacob! I was the one who started this, so… run!
Jacob: … *cough* Young master. Stop resisting. What if… you get… burnt to death too…
Liam: Jacob, stop! Hurry… you have to escape… or you’ll die, Jacob…!
Jacob: … Listen… carefully. You… you aren't to blame… for this.
Liam: … What?
Jacob: You… definitely have “something”. But even so… you’re not… evil.
Liam: No! All of this, everything… I…
Jacob: *cough*... ugh. If you still… believe that you are…
Jacob: Then… please survive, young master. For me.
Liam: … Survive?
Jacob: Please… live…, young master. Promise… me…
Jacob: To have been… able to… protect you…
Jacob: … I’m gla—...
Jacob: …
Liam: Help…! Someone, anyone, please help…!
== Flashback End ==
Liam: Jacob stopped moving, the fire was extinguished, and I was the sole survivor.
Kate: …
(... I don’t have anything to say.)
(Because it’s obvious that no matter what I say, nothing can comfort him.)
(But I have to say something. Anything…)
Liam: … Hey, Kate.
Kate: …?
Liam: Am I really “not evil”?
Liam: I didn't choose to be born with a curse. Some people say that curses are like a disease.
Liam: … But I disagree. They’re not something that's easily forgivable. Moreover…
Liam: As of now, it's been defined that only people with cat curses experience episodes.
Liam: However, those deceased people with cat curses… did they also experience episodes?
Liam: There aren't many records and documents about curses. Most of them aren't very accurate either.
Liam: If my episodes are independent of my curse, then…
Liam: … Maybe I’m the cause?
(That means Liam’s episodes may not be linked to his curse—)
Liam: But what’s the point of talking about “maybe”, right?
Liam: That’s why Roger is working so hard to figure this out.
Liam smiled lightheartedly, as if to dispel the dark atmosphere.
His rose coloured hair swayed in the gentle night breeze.
Liam: … Kate, there has never been a single day wherein I don’t remember what I’ve done.
Liam: That's why I’m still here… alive.
Liam: Jacob told me to “survive”, so this life is important.
(Liam is being honest with me about his feelings, and this isn't a matter that's easy to talk about.)
(But what is this… uncomfortable feeling?)
Drops of black ink fell onto my heart, gradually spreading and corroding.
Kate: Um, Liam.
Liam: Mm, what is it?
Kate: What you just said about… living because your life is precious… are you being serious about it?
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violation72089 · 7 months
i made this literally to soften the blow of this season’s last episode. it’s literally a “thank u” to the entire Lokius fandom for making this season so good for me. y’all are both FUNNY and hashtag RELATABLE here on tumblr, and many of you are super talented as well!!
if you like this story, please re-blog OvO if not, PLEASE KEEP SCROLLING and don’t be mean >:c i’m not here for the “tHaT’s iMpOsSiBle iN tHe TVA” WHO CARES. JUST LET THEM BE HAPPY.
A Bond at the Center of Time
Loki finally had his throne. For his entire life, he had coveted this power that he now held so delicately in his hands.
All at once, Loki felt differently than he’d expected. He knew by now that this wasn’t the power he thought he wanted. Now, sitting at this throne of time, he began to consider how much he had changed.
In the past, Loki was a destroyer. He was easy to blame and easy to hate. Even arriving at the TVA, he had his walls built high and was ready to stand tall to defend himself.
But with one conversation, Loki had quickly realized that his past aggression was all an act.
As he considered that fateful encounter, Loki’s heart sank.
His right-hand man. The person he trusted.
Loki looked down, taking in the sight of Yggdrasil. He had certainly aligned the multiverse as it needed to be, but he knew in his heart there was some things still left unsaid.
He stood up, still conscious of his magic to stabilize Yggdrasil. Simultaneously, his slender hand reached for a particular branch in the timeline.
It glowed, and moments passed while Loki seemed to be looking for something.
His eyes closed, and his head dipped down once he finally felt the energy he needed.
Slowly, he sent a rush of his own energy through the timeline. It was definitely the right one. The link clicked.
If he wanted to, Mobius could respond.
“W-what?” Mobius was saying. “What’s going on?”
Loki could only chuckle, small tears forming in his eyes at the sound of his voice.
He was still alive.
“Mobius.” Loki choked back tears.
“Loki? I— hang on! Just hang on.”
Mobius seemed to be getting away from something, and now quickly headed to somewhere with less noise.
“Loki?” Mobius said breathlessly, “Is that really you?”
“Mobius!” Loki exclaimed. “It’s me.”
“It really is you.” His voice was full of wonder. “How are you even talking to me right now?”
Loki wiped his tears away. “I-uh… I’m a God. I guess I have my ways.”
Mobius laughed. “Still the man of mischief! Wow! How are things going up there in the treehouse?”
Loki laughed now, glad to hear his bad jokes again. “I was hoping you’d come here and see it.”
“Now, look,” Mobius protested, “I personally think risking to get my skin peeled off once was enough. As much as I’d love to, I think I’ll pass.”
“I’m sure there’s a way,” Loki assured him. “Let’s ask O.B.”
As time passed, Mobius worked alongside O.B. to create a way to safely visit Loki. After many long hours spent in Repairs & Advancement, they finally invented a type of time box that could travel through multiverse branches. Even with only one coat of paint, the mechanism would surely get the job done.
Mobius was all suited up, moving around impatiently in his bulky attire. He waited for O.B.’s signal, running the plan through his head one last time.
“Alright,” O.B. chirped, “it’s ready to go. All you have to do is think about where it really is that you want to be.”
After a few clicked computer buttons, Mobius braced himself and thought of Loki. The interrogations, the outings, the pies, the talks…
Before he knew it, he was gone.
Mobius woke almost instantly, seeing that he was standing inside in a glowing green box. It was much like the orange time boxes in the TVA— but, this time, this box was meant to protect.
Mobius looked up, seeing Loki from outside the square. He had a fixed smile on his face from his spot on the throne.
“I guess it worked,” Mobius said awkwardly, chuckling.
Loki stood up. His cape trailed behind him as he entered the green box with ease.
They held eye contact, slowly walking toward each other.
“It’s safe in here, you know.” Loki gestures to the radiation suit. “You won’t be needing this.”
“Ah, I guess not.”
They were silent as Mobius stepped out of the giant protective suit. To his pleasant surprise, this green space was just as safe as Loki had said.
When Mobius finished, he stood in his brown suit with his hands folded in front of him. He looked at Loki expectantly, watching him come closer.
“Um…” Loki started, finding his words. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Mobius answered, obviously confused. “What made you want to bring me all the way here?”
Loki lifted his hands carefully, slowly placing them on Mobius’ arms.
The God looked down. As much as he had done to save the multiverse, this somehow seemed like the hardest thing he’d ever had to do.
“Mobius,” Loki said finally. “I’ve had a lot of time to think. I’ve sorted through our memories, reliving all our old experiences. To me, I feel a lot was left unsaid.”
“You think?” Mobius quipped, smiling.
Loki exhaled a small laugh, meeting his eyes.
“When I met you, I wouldn’t shake your hand,” Loki began. “You prodded my brain like any other criminal. You even went so far to throw me into a time cell.”
Mobius knitted his eyebrows. “Hey, I thought we made it past all that.”
“It is in the past,” Loki agreed. “But I’m not finished just yet.”
Mobius opened his mouth to reply, but shut it again.
“I came back to the TVA and you didn’t know who I am,” he continued. “But… I never forgot who you were. You helped me fix my time slipping, and since that day I felt things start to change.”
Loki paused. The two of them kept looking at each other.
“There was something I wanted to say then,” he continued, “do you remember?”
“If you didn’t make it back?” Mobius laughed nervously. “We see how that ended though, didn’t we?”
“For sure,” Loki nodded, looking away once more.
This was it.
“What is it?” Mobius’ voice was a whisper now.
Loki cautiously glanced back up at him. The tug came again at Loki’s chest, and this time he knew what it was.
“I love you.” Loki paused. “That’s what I wanted to say.”
Mobius’ eyes grew wide. Then, he smiled.
The two of them naturally closed the distance between them. Mobius started to grab Loki’s cape, but the God took his hands gently instead.
“I love you, too,” Mobius answered, looking down at their hands intertwined between them. “Wow, I… who would’ve guessed? You almost wish this had better timing, though, don’t you?”
Loki laughed softly, small tears of joy forming again in his eyes. His hands grabbed Mobius’ face, and he pulled him in for a kiss.
This surprised Mobius, but his eyes fluttered closed. He kissed Loki back, moving delicately against his lips. His hands found their way to Loki’s sides that he always loved to touch.
When the kiss ended, they both caught their breaths. The kiss had been tender and slow, but all the emotion they’d built up for an immeasurable amount of time had finally sparked and started to burn.
Now, they couldn’t let each other go. They held each other, feeling like everything finally made sense.
“What now?” Mobius asked, leaning against Loki.
“The same thing, I’m afraid,” Loki answered sadly. “I have to focus constantly on preserving this tree.”
Mobius frowned.
“It’s harder to do when you’re here, but… I still can.” Loki kissed Mobius’ forehead. “What do you say you come up here to see me sometimes?”
“An occasional trip out to the cosmos? I’m in,” Mobius said. “I admit, with this now I’m sure you won’t be able to keep me away.”
“Not a chance I’d ever try.”
Mobius and Loki backed away, looking each other now with a sense of knowing.
“Let some time pass, and come back to me soon. I’ll miss you,” Loki said softly, just before exiting the time cell.
Mobius looked down, holding back his tears. “I’ll miss you too.”
In an instant, Mobius was safely returned to the correct moment on his timeline. His life looked the same— his same suburban house and unkept lawn. Even so, he knew nothing would feel the same to him ever again. Not after today.
Loki felt the same way, now sitting on his throne with a smile on his face. He realized now there was nothing wrong with wanting something.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
Death by Exposure
Written for the Phic Phight Prompts: At first Danny had been worried sick that Wes had figured out that he was Phantom, but when no one believed him it had sort of become funny. Still, after the anti-ecto act, and the GIW, and his own parents very public very violently vitriolic screeds against ghosts, Danny had to wonder what he'd ever done to Wes that the guy would risk exposing Danny to all that. (from @hpwotters-blog, or at least I think that's you're tumblr.), and Wes Weston wakes up to find an injured Phantom on the fire escape. (from @half-deadmagicperson)
Other prompts that will be included in later chapters but aren't in this one:
With how much time he spends on basketball and his delusional conspiracy theories, no one would ever suspect that Wes Weston has another secret hobby… (from @kadziduo)
And Wes has been spending more and more time around Fenton and Co. lately - hey! he’s only trying to get some much-needed evidence against them, not trying to get all buddy-buddy with them. And anyway, they’re an entirely annoying bunch, so he wholeheartedly blames them for the fact that he’s currently being monologued at by the ghost holding him hostage. (from @a-closet-emo)
Chapter 2: Exposome
AO3 Link
[Warnings for: violence, blood (ectoplasm) and injury, and guns]
Much to Danny's relief, everything continued on more or less as normal. His classmates didn't shoot ecto-blasts him while he walked down the halls, the G.I.W. didn't raid his house to abduct him for experimentation, and no matter what had been said at that presentation, the school's generally positive opinion of Phantom had remained intact, just like Sam had said it would.
The only thing that really changed was that most of the student body started wearing Fenton Wrist Rays to school. Some of the girls customized them by painting them with nail polish or gluing rhinestones to them. One girl even soldered tiny loops onto hers so she could attach charms to it. They were an accessory more than a weapon, now, and Danny found his worry subsiding.
Another thing that didn't change was Wes Weston. "I'm telling you people! Look at this!" He held up a picture of Danny with photoshopped white hair and green eyes. "Tell me he doesn't look like Phantom! You can't!"
"Yeah, and I bet if you photoshopped white hair on a picture of yourself, you'd look like Phantom too," one of the cheerleaders heckled.
"You know, there's a really easy way to prove if he's Phantom or not," an upperclassman pointed out, holding up his wrist to show off the silver bracelet there in demonstration. "These ray things don't hurt humans, right? If you really wanna prove he's Phantom, you can just give him a little zap, and see what happens."
Wes looked at the upperclassman, mouth agape in horror. "I'm not gonna shoot him!" he said, aghast at the very idea. Wes didn't even wear his wrist ray to school, and tended to scoff at the assertion that ghosts were all that dangerous at all. "I wanna prove he's Phantom not put him in the hospital."
"Uh-huh, sure." The junior scoffed and shook his head. "Sounds to me like you just don't want us all to see how wrong actually you are."
"Harmless or not, you know we're not allowed to shoot those things at each other," Sam interrupted harshly. "Unless you want detention, I suggest you put a sock in it. Come on Danny."
He followed her to their usual lunch table with Tucker right behind him. 
"I guess you guys were right about Wes not wanting to hurt me," Danny noted as they took their seats. "He may be an asshole, but it's nice to know he has some standards." Just as Danny was about to take a bite of his sandwich he felt his ghost sense go off and his breath misted in front of him. He put his food down with a deep, deep sigh. "I gotta ghost. If I'm not back by the time class starts, take notes for me, okay?"
"You got it, dude," Tucker said. "Do what you gotta do."
Danny sprinted to the bathroom to transform and then took off to deal with Cujo, who'd apparently decided to terrorize a pick-up game of catch on the football field by chasing the ball and tackling the players. Thankfully, Danny would definitely be able to take care of it before Valerie caught wind, but it gave him a bit of a scare when he got there and saw that one of players had activated their wrist ray and was trying to shoot Cujo.
"Stop that! Don't hurt him!" Danny shouted, firing a warning shot in front of the guy's feet to make him back off. "He's just trying to play with you. He doesn't know any better. Cujo! Come!" Cujo turned to look at Danny and happily trotted over to him, tongue lolling. "Good boy." Danny knelt to scratch Cujo behind the ears.
The little dog hadn't even gotten too excited and grown to the size of a shed, and yet these kids had tried to shoot him anyway. Thank the Ancients that they respected Phantom enough to stop when he told them to.
"Is he... friendly?" asked the guy who'd shot at Cujo, cautiously deactivating his wrist ray.
"Oh yeah," Danny assured. "And he's actually well-trained, too, but if he gets over-excited, well, he becomes a bigger problem. He's still friendly, but he's just a dog, and he doesn't know his own strength sometimes."
"Can I pet him?"
"Sure," Danny said. "He won't mind." The student let Cujo sniff his hand before stroking the dog's head.
"Ha," he was clearly amazed that he was able to do something like this at all, and his mouth fell open in awe. "Woah, he feels so weird, like if water could hold a shape."
"You mean like ice?" scoffed one of the other guys he'd been playing catch with.
"No, man! I can't describe it. You gotta feel it for yourself."
Skeptically, the other guy came closer and did the same as the first, cautiously stroking the dog's fur. Cujo rolled over to let them pet his belly, basking in the attention. "Oh, wow that does feel weird."
"I know, right?!"
"Sorry to cut this short, but I really need to get Cujo out of here before Valerie finds him, because she kind of blames him for ruining her life."
"Why's that?"
"Because he kind of accidentally ruined her life," Danny answered with a shrug scooping the dog up. Cujo wriggled for a moment, getting comfortable in Danny's arms before popping his head up, excited for the flight. The nearby students all said goodbye to both Phantom and Cujo. The two who'd been brave enough to pet him thanked Phantom for that opportunity.
Flying home with the ghost dog in his arms to usher him through the Fenton Portal, Danny grinned with relief, and hope. It seemed like the students of Casper High were more inclined to trust Phantom over the government. Maybe he could even convince them that what they were learning about ghosts was wrong, that ghosts could think and feel just like humans did.
After sneakily dropping Cujo off in the Ghost Zone, Danny flew back to school, but a newspaper vending machine stopped him in his tracks. The front page headline read "Phantom menace poisoning the minds of our schoolchildren!" It was an article about how Phantom was supposedly brainwashing the local youth into liking and trusting him. It warned parents to remind their children that all ghosts were evil, and dangerous, even if they appeared to act otherwise.
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Danny flew the rest of the way back invisibly.
All Danny's hopes were dashed in short order as the situation grew steadily worse. The school installed ghost detector alarms that would wail anytime Danny got within six feet of them in his human form, which of course had Wes chomping at the bit to scream, "Fenton is Phantom! He keeps setting off the ghost detectors! If that's not proof, I don't know what is!"
"Danny got ecto-contaminated from one of our parents experiments a while ago," Jazz said calmly as she passed them in the hall. "If he was a ghost he would activate them from much further away."
"Yeah, what she said," Danny agreed. That, at least, was true. When he turned into Phantom, any ghost detector within thirty feet of him went off. His human form suppressed his ecto-signature enough to sow doubt in Wes' theory.
Danny's parents started giving speeches in the park about "ghost safety" that basically consisted of them spewing vitriolic ghost hate for an hour straight, and teaching ordinary people how to kill ghosts. They made Danny come to their first speech. When it was over he locked himself in his room until the morning, skipping dinner because he felt too nauseated to eat anything. 
Eventually, the propaganda started to work, and even some people at school started to believe that ghosts were evil. There were still others who disagreed, some because they wanted to believe in their ghostly hero and others simply to spite their parents, as teenagers were wont to do.
The worst was when the government gave approval for the G.I.W. to start doing anti-ghost patrols in Amity Park. Danny tried to go out as Phantom less, by the Ancients he tried, but despite their improved training, the G.I.W. just couldn't hold up to certain stronger ghosts, and they weren't immune to overshadowing either. Besides that, Danny had to protect the ghosts too.
It was one thing to let the G.I.W. chase them off, but they tried to capture ghosts for experimentation as much as possible, which Danny couldn't let fly. He wasn't about to let even his worst enemies go through anything like that. Then there were the ghosts that specifically targeted Danny, like Skulker, and forced him to transform and fight, disregarding the danger to both of them. Taking all that into consideration, try though he did, Danny actually ended up as Phantom even more often than before.
With so much more being piled onto his plate, Wes' continued campaign to expose Danny's secret stopped being funny again, and became annoying, and eventually, Danny was forced to wonder why. Why was Wes still so determined to expose him?
Surely he wasn't completely blind to everything going on. He had to know that there were laws in place that stripped Danny of all his rights as a human being, just because he had ectoplasm in him. He must have heard about all the vile things Danny's own parents said about Phantom during their "ghost safety" speeches. And there was absolutely no way the G.I.W. patrols could've escaped Wes' notice.
So why? What had Danny ever done to Wes that he would risk exposing—no, that he would do everything in his power to expose Danny to all of that? Sure, Danny had messed with him a little, had teased him, but so what? He'd never done anything to Wes that put him at risk of being dissected. What had Danny done to deserve all this?
Danny had feared Wes once, then laughed at him, then vaguely disliked him, but now Danny had grown to actually hate the guy. He resented Wes for continuing his potentially deadly efforts against Danny as the stakes rose ever higher.
Then the unthinkable happened. The G.I.W caught up to Phantom, shot him out of the sky. Danny took two shots to the back, one to the side, and one to the leg before was able to give them the slip by turning intangible and traveling underground.
It was spring break. Sam's family had dragged her into some fancy retreat that they wouldn't let her worm her way out of. Jazz was touring out-of-state colleges with their mom, and they wouldn't be back until the following afternoon. Tucker had gone to his family reunion. Danny had assured them that he would be okay. He'd promised he'd be careful.
And now he was bleeding out. Ectoplasm and flecks of blood soaked his jumpsuit, and he was sure he'd broken several bones when he'd fallen out of the sky and hit the ground hard. He couldn't go home, not in this condition. The house's ghost defenses would finish him off in an instant. He could go to his friend's places, but there would be no one there to help him, and he couldn't properly treat the wounds on his back by himself. He needed help. He needed someone who knew, who wouldn't hand him over to his parents or the Guys in White.
And he needed them fast because he could tell he was about to pass out, and he couldn't risk someone finding him unconscious and calling the G.I.W. on him. There was only one option available to him. Reluctantly, he flew west, huge drips of ectoplasm falling rapidly from his open wounds, splattering on the street below. The ecto-blasts had singed his skin too badly, preventing him from healing as fast as he normally did. The edges of his vision started to blacken as he flew sluggishly, awkwardly through the air, barely avoiding another anti-ghost patrol.
Finally, he reached his destination.
His only chance.
He landed heavily on the fire escape with a loud clang. The second his feet hit the metal, his knees buckled and he blacked out momentarily, unable to go any further. So there he was, helpless and injured, outside the bedroom window of none other than Wes fucking Weston, desperately hoping he hadn't just made a huge mistake.
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tiger-moran · 14 hours
Please shut up about how we have to separate asexual and aromantic, please shut up about how they're 'totally separate identities that need to be acknowledged as separate and need separate representation!'
For SOME people they're separate, SOME. Not all. Some people are both and they are separate for them. Some people are one and not the other. Those are all great and valid ways to experience attraction (or its lack) and yes absolutely we need more representation for all aspec identities! But not everyone fits under those! Nor are we going to see ourselves represented in characters where the identities are clearly separated.
But this is the constant message that I'm seeing, that they're separate, that they have to be treated as separate, that they basically don't overlap even for people who are both, and also that not only the attraction but the experiences we have because of those identities don't even have any real overlap or similarities, and I'm sick to death of it. I'm sick of practically every single 'aspec positivity' blog or post making it sound as if I HAVE to separate them when I can't. I'm sick of it being made out I'm 'using labels wrong' or that I'm 'experiencing attraction wrong'. I never see any real acknowledgement of people who are both and can't separate them, I never see any acknowledgement any more of people who are asexual meaning both because the SAM does not apply to us and also we don't see why asexual unlike pretty much every other orientation HAS to be assumed to be neatly and clearly split and actually some of us are pretty resentful both that a split has basically been forced on every aspec person now and also that if ever we try to assert that we're asexual meaning both our aromanticism gets erased and we're just assumed to be alloromantic or we get treated like 'fake aromantics' who aren't really aromantic at all and only actually care about our lack of sexual attraction (and I do wonder if a similar thing happens to those who also don't use the SAM but call themselves just aromantic). Even that aroace flag which I don't even like anyway but that was supposed to sort of represent people like me who can't separate our asexuality from our aromanticism still gets used by people who insist basically I've got to see asexual and aromantic as separate identities. I've had to block so many blogs for doing this (because actually, I hate confrontation, I hate arguing, I don't want to confront people over this so I'd rather just block them so I don't have to see it any more) - because they keep posting content, even so called 'positivity', that is basically just erasing and excluding people like me from what are meant to be my own communities and they really do just make me feel like shit over something I've never felt like shit about ever before until this insistence on using the SAM and neatly and clearly splitting up the identities started to happen. (And yes I'm also sick of this overall sense that people are trying to shove everyone in the queer community into all these totally separate boxes and act like there's no overlap between the identities and/or the experiences of any of them. I still think this insistence on a neat and precise ace/aro split is symptomatic of a wider issue.)
I'm not even saying that asexuality and aromanticism can never possibly be experienced separately or never have separate experiences or issues sometimes even for people like me, but there is just no point where my asexuality clearly and neatly splits from my aromanticism, there is no clear divide between my lack of sexual attraction and lack of romantic attraction. But it's like... just fuck everyone who's both asexual and aromantic and can't neatly separate them I guess. That's the message I've been getting for many years now (and it gets even worse every time Pride Month comes around).
I'm sorry for sounding angry about this and repeating myself about this too but the reality of this is it's shoved people like me out, it's left us nowhere we feel like we belong. And sorry too but I was IDing as asexual meaning both before a lot of the people doing this, insisting they have to be viewed as separate, were probably even born, so I am pretty annoyed that it got to this stage when basically everyone started acting like we're not allowed to do that and that you have to use these neatly split terms instead. (Also this is in addition to there being rather too much actual genuine negativity - not simply repulsion towards the idea of having sex themselves but actual real negativity - towards not just sex but people who have sex coming from some asexual people, which is both unpleasant and also alienating to a lot of aspecs, or the proliferation of ideas like 'aces love cuddling' which are treated like the singular asexual experience when they also don't apply to many of us. Plus the general ignoring of/erasure of older asexual people as well. A lot of the time it does feel too like the aspec community or communities forgets anyone over the age of about 25 or so even exists in them.)
I'm just so tired of this.
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