neuroticboyfriend · 8 months
not that people who've been to the ward are immune from being pro-psych, but if you've never been to a psych ward*, i sincerely don't want to hear about how psychiatry/psychology is good because you've had such a good experience with X provider, or X medication saved your life. *i also don't want to hear about how the forced treatment was what you needed or how the ward you went to let you have your cellphone etc. etc. i genuinely do not want to hear it.
like. the first hospitalization traumatized me so bad, i became dangerously delusional, was re-hospitalized, and sent to state. when they transferred me, i was strapped down into a gurney at all points on my body, *head and neck included*, and loaded onto an ambulance. my parents lost most of their parental rights; i was a ward of the state and had near zero rights. when i got there, they made me choose if, "if necessary," if i wanted to be wrangled down and forcibly injected with a sedative... or wrangled down and locked in a padded room all by myself (but at least i had a choice, right?). i signed consents and paperwork that i did not fucking understand. then i was told i'd be locked inside for 2 straight weeks (which yes, they followed through with). the psych ward was remote, nothing but barbed fences and trees around us. cant even see the sun through the heavily tinted windows. that was the *start* of the stay. i'm sure you can imagine nothing good came after.
so like. if you walk out of a place like that thinking it was good for you, then i can only imagine how traumatized you are and i hope you heal someday. but if you've never faced the destruction of your autonomy like that and go around being like "oh this is good actually" then shut the ever living fuck up.
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yellowyarn · 6 months
Sometimes i wonder what the people at the psychiatric hospital did with the cords from my pants. i wonder what they do with all the tings they take from us. do they just get thrown away like they are nothing? i cried over losing the cords from my favorite frog pajamas i wonder if the nurses knew i would cry about that.
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radfeminismes · 5 months
Psychologists when they see an autistic boy: Quick, we need to get him a diagnosis!!!
Psychologists when they see an autistic girl: Okay, she doesn't make eye contact and clearly has sensory issues, that clearly indicates being a rude bitch! Not an autistic trait at all.
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cyberabbit · 1 year
“growing up an undiagnosed autistic / adhd child—“
trust me, you would never have had your needs met even with a diagnosis. you would have been met with violence, loss of autonomy, forced institutionalisation, infantalised beyond belief, medicated to your eyeballs with potions and pills to keep you quiet.
there is never any good or safe point to be diagnosed because they are horseshit diagnoses aimed at pathologising those who are unable to produce to the unrealistic requirements of a capitalist society. they are diagnoses of violence. adhd meds are literal poison and will sap your joy in return for ability to read mediocre books and do spreadsheets. therapists and psychs will provide nothing but gaslighting rhetoric.
none of this is good. liberation over all.
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lesbian-archives · 2 years
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pg 24, from Radical Feminist Therapy: Working in the Context of Violence by Bonnie Burstow, 1992
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joy-haver · 2 years
On Science, Denialism, and Community
These content warnings apply to 1 specific section, which is marked.
Cw colonialism, white supremacy, ableism, racism, eugenics.
✨✨✨information and trust ✨✨✨
I keep seeing people, who all have otherwise very thought out belief systems, saying things like “trust science” and “we wouldn’t have all these problems if people had better critical thinking skills” and “people just need to listen to the research.”
If you agree with one of those statements, I want you to really think it through for a minute.
Do you make all of your decisions based on research? Do you get all of your information from peer reviewed journals? If so, what are your standards for what you consider good research? Do you rerun all the numbers to make sure they didn’t make any mistakes? Do you check all the citations that the article your reading relies on and make sure that each of those is up to your standards? What about the citations of those articles? How do you know that the numbers they have you are true? How do you know the peer reviewers weren’t paid by the same company, or the same industry? How do you know for sure that there aren’t 100 studies that say the exact opposite thing that never saw the light of day because no one would publish them?
And like, of course you don’t do those things. You can’t answer all those questions. It’s literally impossible to always act on the best information available and always check everything. At some point, you are relying on trust. It’s just a question of how much trust, and who you are trusting.
Science denialism is one thing that can happen when that trust is broken. And, as I’ll describe bellow, that trust will be broken for anyone whose paying attention
✨✨✨Science as an institution ✨✨✨
I think it’s important to remember that the vast majority of what this society has called “science” over the years had been little more than propaganda pieces to justify colonialism, eugenics, and white supremacy. Anyone whose ever worked with data can show you how to manipulate it. But you don’t even need to manipulate it on purpose to do bad science. Hell, for most of the research that happens in this country, the grant selection process manipulates the data on its own. You can make science justify almost anything. The scientific method is okay as a framework, but it is not perfect. And the institutions that exist around it are very good at using the imperfections of the method to create their own propaganda. And they have a nice little shield of science to hide it behind.
But really, take a look around you. The scientific method has brought us many good results, but the idea of science has also justified the worlds worst atrocities. All social harms that exist today exist, in part, becuase they were given scientific justifications. Because at the end of the day, science will tell you whatever you want it to. Information that pushes back may come into existence sometimes, but it will be ignored unless it can be used to someone’s advantage.
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Even so called “good science” that genuinely is an attempt at finding truth and understanding reality is not morally neutral. Every advancement has its uses. Advancements in plastics might mean more plastic is made. Advancements in mathematics means more bombs. Advancements in psychology are used to propagandize you. Advancements in medicine are used to create more effective eugenics. Sure, sometimes advancements may help you a little. But the always help power maintain itself more. And sure, sometime s good science that isn’t useful to the system slips thru the cracks, but they will find a way to reincorporate it into the matchine.
And if that’s what the good science does, what about the bad science?
The sterilization and murder of disabled people, of black people, of immigrants, of indigenous people STILL happens in the name of science, separating indigenous people from thier families was done in the name of science. All of the fatshaming that we’ve propagated around the globe has been done in the name of science, and that has a death toll too. Capitalism is justified in the name of science. Incarceration is justified in the name of science. State power is justified in the name of science. Colonizing countries, destroying indigenous food ways, forcing people into sweatshops is done in the name of science.
The murder machine that is the USA relies on science, The propaganda machine that keeps people believing in it relies on science.
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And if you’ve ever tried to talk someone out of a belief that’s based in bad science, even committed and nuanced researchers, even using good data, most of them won’t change their minds. How could they? Because what’s the alternative? Aren’t the only two options to be committed to science or to deny it entirely?
✨✨✨Denial ✨✨✨
I think the reason we see so much total science denialism is because people start down the right track. They start to realize that a lot of what they were taught in the name of science is bullshit, and they are correct. You see this a lot with disabled people. Someone will realize, thru personal experiences, that doctors don’t know shit and are making most of it up as they go, and that even the research they do have is usually misguided or flat out wrong. And then they’ll say fuck it, I guess everything they say is a lie. And that’s where you get science denialism.
The problem doesn’t start with the denialists. It starts with the institution. And the more you tell people to just “trust the institution”, the more they will understand that you have no idea what you are talking about. You will push them further into their belief, because you are denying the existence of the very real problems they are pointing out.
But you know who is willing to listen? You know who is willing to understand them, and to teach them even more things that are “wrong”? The climate change deniers. The antivaxers. The TERFs. They are willing to soothe the part of someone that feels hurt, and betrayed, and lied to. They are willing to take that anger and give it a direction. They are willing to say “your right, and I’m sorry. Here’s what we can do about it”.
The only reason I didn’t go down that same path of denial is because I have a lot of free time to find and read academic studies, and I have enough training to understand most of what I read, or at least to know how to find information to understand. And also because I have a lovely community around me. But most people can’t do the research I’ve done, and even if they could, they wouldn’t have the time, and even if they did, no one person can be fully informed on every topic. And they shouldn’t have to be. But we literally cannot trust a single one of these institutions. Science has just as much blood on its hands as the church, and it’s trying it’s best to outpace it. Science is made of lies and propaganda. Can you really fault people for overcorrecting and going full denialist?
As long as we treat it as tho the problem is the denialists, we’ll just be creating the circumstances for more denialism.
✨✨✨ Community ✨✨✨
Remember what I said about trust? About how, at some point, you have to trust someone. Well, here’s the good news. You can actively choose who that will be. This is called community building.
For this to work, you have to be committed to reality. You can’t believe that things just happen, you have to understand that everything is causal, and you have to understand the causes of everything. You must be committed to making your worldview as consistent as possible, and you must be willing to foster that in other people.
Now, it’s not easy. And to do a good job of it, you have to have already interrogated a lot of your beliefs. You have to have a strong system of values and standards that you hold yourself and others to.
But if you have that, you can start to build communities of people you trust. You can split up some of the labor of coming up with ideas and unlearning, and then you can share it with each other. Now, you still have to be critical, even (especially) of the people you trust. You still have to put in work. But doing it as a community means that you won’t have to do so much work. You can share the load of unlearning and relearning. And you can use some of the information science gave you, but you have to verify it, and really think it through.
And when someone comes to you and tells you something, listen to the truth of it. Even if they are lying to you, listen for how they got to the point where they feel that they need to. Even if they are factually wrong, listen for the truth of the experiences that made them believe that. And comfort that part of them. Affirm their pain, affirm their mistrust, and don’t be angry with them. Instead, point them down a path that’s more grounded in reality, and introduce them to community.
✨✨✨closing statement✨✨✨
So many anarchists and likeminded folks realize that we must destroy institutions of power, and that the only way to do that is through community building. Science, heck, even Knowledge itself, is an institution. And of all the institutions we need to destroy and remake, it’s one of the most important. Because the institutions that we can’t live without, the ones that provide the most important services, are the institutions we must replace first. Our systems for food, housing, socializing, conflict resolution, and of course, our systems for making meaning, all need to be replaced before the old ones can be destroyed.
Revolution is not the act of chopping down the Great Tree of Power. Revolution is the act of growing a forest around it, choking it to death by removing its access to light and nutrients, until it is nothing but rot to feed our soil.
[Edit: I want to say that i don’t think I did a perfect job writhing this, and I am very very thankful for any critiques. I think I make have expressed myself only about 65% of how I would like to. I appreciate any add-ins or critiques or thoughts about it]
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Hey hey! So I’m supposed to be taking a break (you saw how that went), but I wanted to ask for a bit of help. For my English final, I’m writing a research paper on psychiatry. It’s an exploratory essay with the question “how should psychiatric diagnosis be revised and utilized to best support patients?”
I’ve seen a lot of criticism on modern psychiatry here and would REALLY appreciate it if you could provide any sources on it! Especially if they’re reviewed/offer solutions.
If you have anything on the more positive side, I’d also love to see that!
My paper is mostly focused on the categorization and treatment of trauma disorders, and diagnosis more broadly.
Thank you all!
Note that I’m intentionally excluding all neurodevelopmental disorders apart from stating that they are not mental disorders and shouldn’t be under the jurisdiction of the APA.
Oh! And any resources on schizotaxia and the disorders it specifically relates to would be AMAZING!
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estradiolivia · 1 year
just a reminder why Brasil is the basedest country
I thought this was a thing everywhere??? and then I googled it and it's only here. damn
more people should know about desinstitutionalization
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cerebraldischarge · 1 year
They all say, "be your own savior",
then crucify you if you try.
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neuroticboyfriend · 8 months
why do you hate psychology /gen
The reasons are the mostly the same to why I hate psychiatry:
lack of autonomy for patients, general power imbalance between patient and provider
separation of the mind from the body
excessive focus on the individual to the point of blaming them
neglect of material/sociopolitical conditions
pathologization + stigmatization of human functioning/suffering and marginalized peoples existence (ex: turning things like gayness and an enslaved person's drive to be free into a disorder)
the subjectivity of diagnostic categories and how they're heavily biased to the view point of abled people
structurally works to control and oppress people under the guise of "helping them," works in tandem with the carceral system to insitutionalize and imprison people
relies on the belief that a provider can know a patients needs and wants better than the patient themself
the development of these practices have been founded on egregious human rights violations that continue to this day
none of these things are like a "bad apple" situation, none of it is a side effect. it's inherently built into psychiatry and psychology. it can't be reformed. similar situation to the police and criminal justice system. it requires abolishing, and any needed services it did provide need to be provided under a liberatory framework.
also if anyone is reading this and about to tack on with how their psych provider was wonderful actually blah blah blah consider: you are the exception, not the rule, and you likely have that due to some kind of privilege. you are not the focus here. be quiet, please. also that provider is still operating under an oppressive framework, and you have no idea how they've treated other clients.
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yellowyarn · 4 months
i have this fear that a nurse is going to come into my room with a flash light and shine it in my face while i sleep. i am afraid that if i close my door i will be yelled at. i am afraid that i will hear a knock from a nurse on the other side of the bathroom door when I shower. sometimes i think i hear somone (a nurse) knocking, footsteps, the click of a flashlight, or somone unlocking my door and i freeze with fear waiting for them to appear and that ill be back there.
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fagcrisis · 3 months
Can I ask as someone else with a personality disorder what helped u get better at like relationships and life and stuff?
did you mean to send this one to me? i havent talked about having a pd in years because i dont think its a correct or actionable diagnosis for me. ive also gotten into antipsychology and personality disorders are simply like, not fucking real in that sense
ive recently been suggested the diagnosis for cptsd which i can make my peace with because its something that is workable its a condition that can improve. my number one pd tip is to stop thinking that its an immutable part of your personality because it isnt, your behaviour and thought patterns r the result of shit thats happened to you and they can change. it takes years but they can. i dont know if this is helpful, but what ive been doing is what i recently discovered is called urge surfing, and its a technique for suicidal urges but u can use it for when u randomly wanna tell a cherished friend that their minor transgression made u hate them. anyway the main point is to just let urself feel it, think about why it might be happening, think about its details and let the peak pass without taking action. this SUCKS and its HARD. in any case, i wish you luck
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katal0gue · 5 months
i have a question: is it more mind-body dualist to study the mind, as in psychology, the way we do with the body, as in biology, or is it more mind-body dualist to insist the mind could not be studied the way the body could? I saw someone who is antipsychology say that one of the things they hate is "the separation of the mind and the body" which they were charging psychology with encouraging, but to me the idea that you can study biology (I have this on my mind because my other friend who is antipsychiatry works as a biologist) but not psychology seems to be implying there's something special about the mind thats separate from the body and cannot be studied, and to me that sounds way more like mind-body dualism.
I'm sorry if this sounds like a weird question from me, i probably would have had an answer for it at some point but i dont now
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cyberabbit · 10 months
Do you ever think about how autistic people pushed for us just to be called autistic, but alistics/medicalists/Autism Moms/psych industry insisted their disgust at us had to include Disorder.
I don’t have ASD. I’m autistic. And we need to destroy the pathologisation & medicalisation of autism.
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joy-haver · 2 years
A few years ago I had a therapist who was a DBT specialist.
I hadnt heard of that so I asked if it was related to Hegelian or Marxist dialectics because I’d been reading up on that. And she straight up just said something to the effect of “I don’t know much about dialectics, I just specialize in it”
Literally wtf
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winglesshopeful · 3 months
vaguely aggrivating, following someone who's advocating for a movement that, while agreeing with aspects of it, leaves you with questions and concerns, so you ask about it, making clear that you agree with many concepts stated, but also that you don't understand other concepts but want to, and instead of explaining their movement or even mentioning resources to look for, they just kinda. dodge my questions while making it out like im just some kind of idiot who "doesnt get it" and in a later post, tries to make me out to be downplaying suffering by asking genuine questions.
this is about antipsychology. terfs keep your grubby fucking mitts off my post.
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