#arabella jacks
simpleellegance · 1 year
The First Drop of Rain
Hi, this is my fanfiction called First Drop of Rain, its a twilight fanfic but i changed quite a few things. I give cannon the old yeller treatment if you know what I mean... anyway this is the prolouge and the first chapter, as of this moment (6/9/23) I have written 58 chapters and 158,515 words. Chapter 58 will be going up on 6/11/23 on the three sites I already post this fanfiction on. that would be Wattpad, Fanfiction.Net, and ao3. It is located on those sites under the name “The First Drop of Rain” and my username is the same there as it is here. SimpleEllegance (yes that is elegance with two L’s)
This is certainly not my first fanfic and it certainly won’t be my last. I plan on eventually posting all of the fanfiction on here but as of right now it is just these two chapters. (because 58 chapters is a lot for one weekend if we are being honest.) If this piques your interest just know that the writing only gets better because I wrote these two chapters over three years ago and never edited them.
Not to toot my own horn, but *toot toot* my main character, Arabella, grows as a person in the actual story. In the beginning she holds some similarities to Bella because they were childhood friends and had similar families. By chapter four I begin to show you the numerous ways she is different from Bella.
Read to find out more ;)
ps the pov changes to first person after the prologue.
In a basket, naked, wrapped in a blanket, peaceful and soundless with a small pink note and a white rose lying beside her, a newborn baby sleeps unaware that she lies on the doorstep of the local precinct. Her name is Arabella Viviana and she was about to change someone's life.
When Arabella was found, the rain had dampened her skin and the chill of the night had made her nose icy cold. Officer Swan picked up the basket and stared in shock. It was his first week back after his own daughter had been born, and here lay a child no older than her, abandoned on the step of the Forks police department. Officer Swan brought the small child inside, and looked at Officer Jacks, both men completely flabbergasted at the idea of the tiny child lying in the basket.
Officer Derek Jacks and his wife Gwen took the small girl in, seeing as Gwen could not have children herself. That little girl was showered in love and raised alongside Officer Charlie Swan's daughter Isabella. The girls became fast friends, and once they began school, also played with a reservation boy named Jacob. The three children were as thick as thieves always wandering the woods behind Isabella's house, playing in the tide pools of LaPush, and even playing hide and seek in the police station after school on Friday's when Gwen Jacks needed a babysitter while she worked a late shift at the diner and Renee Swan needed to go to the grocery.
Isabella was always so clumsy, tripping over her own feet, and Jake was always there trying to make sure she was okay. Little Arabella however was interested in the hiding, running, or spying she could do during their fun little games. She wasn't much of a klutz, but she did have her moments. When those moments happened were they drastic. Like falling from the tree she had climbed high into just to find out how high she could go. These three friends spent every waking moment they could laughing and playing, entire photo albums were made by Gwen Jacks and given to Isabella' and Jacob's mothers.
When Charlie and Renee divorced later, Isabella moved away, and Arabella only saw Jake on the days when Charlie, Derek, and Jake's dad Billy got together to watch the game. Jake however, did not hold the love for the little redhead Arabella as he did for the beautiful brunette Isabella.
In the years to come after Gwen Jacks was killed in a car accident, Jake and Arabella got close, bonding over the loss of both their mothers.
"I know it's hard." He said softly into her hair as she wept, her head laying against his shoulder. Her shoulders were shaking so hard he could barely hold onto her.
"She's gone." Her voice was ragged as she pulled away and began to wipe her face. "She's gone Jake and I'll never have her back."
"Ara... I..." Never had Jacob Black been at a loss for words.
"I know." She sniffled, leaning against him; they both sat on the wooden floor in Arabella's house. Through the archway into the dimly lit dining room around the table sat Billy Black, Charlie Swan, and Derek Jacks. They all wore varying shades of black suits, Derek holding a glass filled with scotch, Billy a beer, and Charlie the keys. Slowly Ara began to drift, playing with a loose thread in her black dress. When she woke again, she found that Charlie was covering her and Jake with a blanket.
"Sorry Ara... go back to sleep hon." He crouched down and sighed. "I'm gonna walk your dad up to his bed, and then I'm taking Billy home."
"What about Jake?" Ara asked, feeling his soft breath making his chest rise and fall.
"It looks like being here is what he needs most. His sisters are taking care of a couple things anyways." Charlie patted her shoulder and stood again, wheeling a drunk Billy from the room.
That was two years ago. Ever since that night, Arabella's life has not been the same.
Chapter One
"Arabella Jacks?"
"Present!" I raised my hand and straightened my binder. I heard the door click open, and as my gaze drifted upward to the visitor, I opened my notebook and grabbed my pencil.
"Sorry to interrupt." The principal had stepped into the room. With him were three strikingly beautiful students. "We've got some new students this quarter. Please make them feel welcome." He smiled and then handed Mrs.Cloud a file of papers.
"Very well. Go ahead and find seats." Mrs.Cloud smiled kindly to the three new students. "Class, this is Rosalie Hale, Emmett Cullen, and Edward Cullen."
My eyes followed in order of their stance, ending with the one named Edward- and instantly I was stuck with a flabbergasted feeling.
He's so just asjdfklsjheoaha. Sweet baby Jesus.
"Now I will have you three books in just a moment. As for the rest of the class, please begin your essays of Shakespeare's 'Midsummer's Night Dream' . I expect the rough draft by the end of the hour." Mrs.Cloud continued, and the new kids moved forward and took seats across the room.
I placed my pencil slowly on the paper, and watched the bronze haired boy as he took his seat beside me. "Hello." I whispered, flashing a small smile. "My name's Arabella."
"Edward." He whispered back, keeping his eyes to the desk.
What a nice name. Very prince-like.
"Well Edward, would you like to borrow my book? I've already finished the essay." When he shook his head I just sighed lightly and began scribbling the Cinquain poem for extra credit. "Well if you need it... it's here." I mumbled lightly, doubting he could even hear me.
You're just annoying him. Chill out.
After the poem was finished, I had drawn a scene at the bottom depicting Lysander's betrayal to Hermia. When the hour was finally over, I stood, walking over to the three new kids, and smiling. "Hi. I've already introduced myself to Edward, but I just wanted to say hi to you two, my names Arabella, if you guys need anything just ask! I'm happy to help, and I wanted to be the first to officially welcome you to Forks High! You're going to enjoy the next four years in these halls... well I hope." I quickly, and quite literally, bit my tongue to stop myself from the rambling I had already begun down.
Wow I'm so stupid. I thought, they probably already heard all of this and now I'm just that weird girl who said something. Stupid. I sighed and looked at them with a smile.
"Well thank you Arabella." The other boy said with a smile. "I'm Emmett, and this is Rose."
"Oh I love the picture!" Rose said as her eyes found my open notebook.
"Thanks... I'm kinda big into English, so I like to do the extra credit work. Mrs.Cloud always posts what the extra credit requirements are in the corner of the white board." I smiled as I then ripped the page along its perforated edge, saving myself from any annoying paper poop, and dropping it into my hour's homework bin.
"That's awesome." Rose smiled, then grabbed Emmett and Edward's arms. "We've got to get to our next class, but I hope we'll get to talk later!"
"Absolutely!" I felt like duh an idiot, they were welcoming but probably because they had to be. I walked from the room with my hair creating a red tinted veil between my face and the hallway. Slowly I pushed it back and walked to my locker, jiggling the lock aggravatingly until I heard a voice behind me.
"Do you need help with that?" I spun around and saw a girl with a brunette pixie cut and an awkward blonde boy.
"Oh! Uhh yeah thanks." I stepped back awkwardly and told her my combination, with a few quick spins and a sure pull she popped it open. "It must have been caught."
"Must have." She said with a grin before side stepping two lockers and jiggling it open. I rifled through my locker looking for my science book aggravatingly, eventually sliding my foot onto the bottom and hoisting myself up to look in the top of my locker. My eye caught it and I reached forward, losing my grip and falling backwards, fear raked through my body until my back crashed into a cold hand, my own hands still reaching out for the locker like I was mid fall.
"Be careful." The awkward blonde boy said with a clenched jaw.
"Oh. Thanks." I said sheepishly, righting myself and turning to look at both the students beside me. "I'm Arabella by the way. I don't think we've met."
"Oh! I'm Alice and this is Jasper!" The brunette with the great fashion sense hopped forward. "It's nice to meet you Arabella." She grinned an amazingly bright smile and grabbed Jasper's hand.
"It's nice to meet you!" I clutched my book to my chest and twitched my fingers reflexively around the softened edges of my journal that I both wrote and drew all over in. "Um, welcome to Forks High!" I took a quick guess that they were new, because I had personally met every person in the school. It was the perks of having a father on the police force and a dog on the K-9 unit.
"Oh thank you!" Alice said happily, and pulled herself close to Jasper, wrapping her arm around his and holding onto his bicep. "We have to get class but I hope to see you again!" She pulled Jasper away and I felt so embarrassed and ashamed, knowing I had probably annoyed them, but then an overwhelming feeling of confidence washed over me, but drowned just as quickly as it came. Quickly I rushed to my class, falling into my seat and seeing no sign of the new kids. I sighed inwardly and opened my science book, the notes from the previous day fluttering down along with the pages of the book. I eyed my red pen and began to doodle along the edges, just tiny doodles, nothing all too large, just something to fill the empty margins.
As each class passed my fear of embarrassment ebbed away slowly and I found myself entering the lunch room with hope to offer them a seat at my lunch table, maybe I could introduce Alice and Jasper to Emmett, Rosalie, and Edward. Excitedly I entered the line to the salad bar, smiling at the lunch lady who was refilling the sunflower seeds. "Looks delicious today." I grinned, holding the foam plate in my hand gingerly.
"Yeah. Whatever." She rolled her eyes and walked away, Carol was always such a bitch.
After I got my small salad as my stomach rumbled, I sat down at an empty table. My friend Gaia slammed her food down and flopped into the seat beside me. "Carol is a bitch." She said as she ripped open the top of her orange juice.
"Yeah. Fuck Carol." I laughed, nibbling on my lettuce apprehensively.
"She told me I wasn't allowed to have tomato soup!" Gaia slammed her hand on the table. "I HAD TO GET CHICKEN NOODLE!"
"Uhmm... Gi, you're allergic to tomatoes... and you threw up your own blood last time you had it." I put my fork down after eating only half the lettuce leaf.
"That's besides the point! She could have let me eat it and enjoy the rest of what my life has. If it was my time to go then it was my time to go!" Gaia burst out in a fit of laughter, holding her stomach as she did so.
"You're such a loser Gaia." I chuckled, shaking my head. Taking a sip of water I glanced around. "Have you seen the new kids?"
"Oh yeah! That Alice Cullen girl and Jasper Hale are in my second class." She said, slurping a noodle up in her mouth quickly. When I heard their names I felt instantly stupid. It wasn't some huge coincidence that they all started the same day, a Wednesday no less, they must all already know each other. "Oh there they are now." She mumbled, a bit of broth rolling down her chin and making me feel sick. I spun around and saw all five of them enter the cafeteria and look over the land. Catching Alice's eye, I beckoned her over.
"Hey come sit with us!" I spoke happily, waving them over and pushing my salad away, ignoring the growling and emptiness in my stomach.
Sure enough Alice began to drag them over, and they all took seats around the table, each one varying levels of mystery. "Arabella- right?" Emmet said with a dashing smile.
"Oh! Yeah! You can call me Ari though, everyone does. And this is Gaia, but everyone just calls her Gi." I sipped the drink in front of me and smiled.
"I really love your name." Rosalie said, pushing her blonde locks aside and whispering something that sounded just as a buzz of noise to Emmett beside her.
Her name is so much prettier. Mine isn’t even super original.
"Oh! Thank you." I spoke awkwardly and capped the drink. "So What brings y'all to the cloudiest and rainiest place in America?" Very few people actually ever moved here, they only ever moved away. I studied each of them. They all were so flawless, each looked at the room like they had nothing left to see, but everything to experience.
It was Edward who spoke up, his eyes had been flicking between Gaia and I before they settled on me. "Our adoptive father is the newest family doctor at the hospital."
Damn what a gene pool- wish I could relate.
"That's awesome, my dad is a police officer in town, and Gaia's mom is the fire chief." I turned to look at Gaia, who was shoveling chicken and noodles into her mouth.
"Yeah!" She swallowed hard and smiled, putting her spork down and picking up her stuff. "Hey, Ari, I gotta go. Yearbook emergency. I guess all of the senior quotes re-arranged themselves and every time they fix it and save it, it defaults back into the page with the wrong quotes."
"Oh my god!" I sat up a little, staring at her. One of the last things the yearbook needed was a mob of angry seniors.
"Yeah- Uhmm just stop by after school, I still need those drawings too by the way. That way we can make sure it stays formatted properly." She smiled apologetically as she threw the bag over her shoulder and pulled out her phone. "It was nice to meet you- I'll be in touch with all of you soon." She ran off, emptying her tray and throwing it to the cart where the dirty ones were placed.
"She'll be in touch with us?" Emmett said with a laugh, looking at me for answers.
"Yeah, Gi is a one woman power house. We're freshman and she's already the student council president, editor and chief of the yearbook and the school news, and teaches the fire safety classes at the elementary once a week." I laughed, pulling my red hair around to one shoulder. "She means she's going to talk to each of you for a 'get to know me' in the newsletter, and so she can possibly recommend extra curricula around the school."
I bet they would all get the best ones. I just get the "keep being you" bullshit.
"That's really cool." Emmet responded with a smile. "What-" he was cut off by the sound of Edward coughing. Edward mumbled something quickly under his breath and Emmet seemed to almost have understood.
"What?" I asked, now genuinely curious.
"What is something you would recommend around here?" He said happily.
"Oh my friend Jake and I always go to Lapush beach and surf, Jake lives on the reservation." I explained excitedly. "It's honestly one of-"
I was cut off when Jessica walked over. "I'm sorry, is she bothering you?" Shrinking down I just desperately wanted to disappear. "Sorry she's such a spaz."
"What?" Edward looked up suddenly, his eyes fierce. Tears welled in my eyes and I cast them downward.
She's right. I'm awful. I'm too weird. Why do I even try?
"Yeah she totally is depressed for attention." She snorted and moved closer to Edward. "You could do better."
What is she even talking about? I'm just trying to be friendly. I just want to be nice. What have I ever done to her?
"Leave." Rosalie said with a growl. "Now." Emmet grabbed her arm and whispered into her hair as I hid behind mine.
I wasn't sure what happened next but Jessica was gone and Edward was sighing. "Don't listen to her. She's more insecure than you could imagine."
"No, it's fine. I'm fine." I lied. I felt like I had been broken in half, but I pulled the tears back and blinked them away, looking up and pushing my hair behind my ear, grabbing my drink quickly and taking a large swig. "Nothing I haven't heard from Jessica." I shrugged and began fiddling with the edges of my jacket. "She's usually way meaner honestly." I mumbled, hoping they wouldn't hear me.
"She's just jealous." Jasper spoke up, giving a quick, quirky smile. He had the faintest of accents that reminded me of an old Western movie.
I snorted and crossed my arms. "I highly doubt that. She's got Mike fawning over her like crazy." With a quick motion I plucked a single cucumber slice from my plate and took a small bite. My stomach rumbled quietly and Rosalie looked up.
"I'm so sorry if we are keeping you from eating!" She pushed my plate towards me slowly but I pushed back reluctantly.
"I'm not hungry." I smiled.
I'm starving.
The lunch period went on, eventually ending with me getting to know the family in front of me better. On my way to my next class Edward caught up to me. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Yeah I'm good, why wouldn't I be?"
"Just what Jessica said back there. It was just..." he sighed heavily. "You're not a spaz." He added humor to the words, but there was something deeper. Almost like he knew every word from Jessica's mouth affected me.
"Well thanks." I laughed, flipping my hair behind me as it tickled my face. His eye caught something, drifting to my upper arm.
Oh my god he's noticing I'm a peasant and not worth standing near him. Shit. Act normal!
"What's that scar from?" He pointed to the jagged and thick scar just above my elbow.
"Oh I fell out of the big tree by the police station when I was little, and broke my arm really badly." I laughed and smiled with triumph. "But I climbed it again a few days after I got my cast and succeeded. I could see half the town from where I got. It was amazing, I was higher than you could imagine."
"Haha, I bet your mom wasn't too happy about that." He joked as we pushed our way around the corner.
Oh fuckery of the highest. When did that happen... wait.... shit.... Bella was gone already. Shit.
"Um, actually my mom had already died. Car accident." Casting my eyes downward I chewed my lip nervously.
"Oh, I... I'm so sorry for your loss."
"It's fine, it was a long time ago and I had Jake... the same car accident killed his mom too." I held my books tighter, feeling that pit in my stomach filled with sorrow. "Let's change the subject. It's getting too sad." A smile popped forward onto my face.
I'll be damned if I cry in front of him.
"Oh okay!" Edward laughed at this point. "Wait, what's your next class?" He said as he neared a door.
"This one. American history isn't my favorite, I like the world better but I just have to wait I guess." I said with a shrug.
"American history is a lot more detailed than you would think. You just have to look past the common core stuff." He said as he held open the door for me.
Such a gentleman, why can't they all be made like this.
"Well thank you." I ducked under his arm, not like it took much ducking, being short has its perks. Once in the room I turned to look at him. "I'll warn you right now, don't sit next to Collin. He's gonna cheat off you even if you get worse grades than him. Chronic cheater that man."
In more ways than one.... assbut.
"Noted." Edward chuckled.  He walked over  to the teacher, and I slid into my seat in the back of the room. Pulling out my notebook I began drawing distractedly. I looked up when movement caught my eye. The empty seat next to me had been filled by Edward. There was only one empty seat in this class, I realized, and it was the one next to mine. "Well I'm not next to Collin." Edward joked and thumbed through his history book.
There is a god.
"We're covering Spanish influenza and its effect on America right now." I smiled, opening my own book. "Chapter seven."
"Oh... really?" He asked, surprised.
"Yeah, Mr.Hughs is huge into the economic facts of history." I said with a smile and laugh.
Eww that laugh was awful. Like Satan himself just crawled out my throat. Shook.
"Well then." He laughed and opened his book to the page, pulling out his paper and pen and began writing. His writing was the actual embodiment of beauty. I looked at my own chicken scratch and crinkle my nose.
Once the class was done Edward and I parted ways, eventually I had stepped into the yearbook room, smiling at Angela as she stepped from the dark room holding newly developed photos. "Hey. I heard Jessica gave you a hard time... I'm sorry... if I had been there she wouldn't have said anything."
"No it's fine Angela, you were dealing with the emergency just as much as Gaia was." I smiled and glanced at the photos. "Those are really good."
"Thanks! I can't wait to see them with your sketches formatted behind them!" She excitedly walked over to the table and began to sort them into piles of what pages and sections they belonged to. Once I found Gaia at her desk, I took in the look of it. She had a larger desk, and it was littered with pictures, and reprinted pages of the seniors and their quotes.
"I don't understand Ari." Gaia said when she saw me. "It's fixed on the computer but when I print it it's jumbled again." She rubbed her temples and started at the page.
"Use it to your advantage then."
"What an advantage. It's a mess. They are never going to let a freshman have power again, let alone me." She groaned and took a drink from a Starbucks coffee bottle.
"Here let me see." I grabbed a paper and pen, and sketched rough boxes and made squiggles where words would be. "Do this then." I slid the paper to her and she took it in.
"Oh my god. Ari, that's ingenious!" She stood quickly and scrambled over to the group who was working on the senior pages. I heard her explain it and turned around to me. "You just saved the yearbook. I'm going to put a front page dedication to you in the newspaper tomorrow. 'Hometown hero turns school savior!' Yeah that'll work." She laughed and hugged me tightly, she was half a head taller than me, but it wasn't awkward at all.
"You really don't have to." I said, smiling at her, only now could I take in the full effect of how much stress this had caused her. Her deep brown hair was pulled into a messy bun on top of her head, a pencil shoved into it, and her shrug's sleeves were shoved above her elbows, where eczema sat red and irritated and brought forth by stress. "Here's the drawings." I said as I pulled a folder filled with 205 different drawings. "I threw in a couple alternates, and you can rearrange them however you think they fit best. Oh!" I pulled out another paper filled with little boxes with intricate designs. "And for borders you can use this!" I smiled happily and zipped my bag back up.
"Thank you so much!" She handed the drawings off to Angela who smiled excitedly and started thumbing through them to figure out what would go best where. "You want to hang out after I'm finished here? Shouldn't be much longer."
"Actually Jake and I are going to LaPush to surf. The swell is supposed to be amazing." I smiled and began to pull my hair up in the bun it would remain in.
"Okay! Well you and me are on tomorrow night- I want to watch a movie and eat some popcorn!"
"Deal." I smiled and left the room, heading home on my bicycle and ditching my school clothes for my swimsuit and surf shirt, and putting jeans and a jacket over it. Leaving my stuff all over my bed I slid my phone into my pocket, grabbed my board and my bag to shove my clothes in, and off I went. I dialed my dad's number, leaving a message for him of where I was going and when I would be home. I poured food into Maddie's bowl so she could eat as soon as she got home, and I snagged some water for myself.
I was outside the moment Jake and Billy pulled up, throwing my board in the back and climbing up into the truck. "Hey loser." I said with a grin, staring at Jake. "When you gonna cut your hair? Them locks gonna be longer than mine." I said in a nasally voice, mocking one of the elderly we had ran into when we went to the movies last week.
"Ari, you're crazy." Jake said with a laugh as Billy chuckled, taking off. "Dad is going to drop us off at the Clearwater's house, he has tribe stuff to do so we are going to have to walk to the beach."
"Okay!" I said happily, looking out the window as the scene I had known and loved my entire life flew by. By the time we reached the Clearwater's we had Billy laughing so hard he could barely breathe. Lady Gaga's poker face came on, and the combination of Jake and I screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs in funny voices was too much to handle.
"Okay don't be too late kiddos." Billy said as he was helped into the house by Harry Clearwater. I stopped to wave at the ten year old Clearwater boy named Seth who was watching through the window excitedly.
"We won't, I already called my dad too." I smiled and pulled my bag on my shoulders and grabbed my board. "When are you, Charlie, and my dad getting together for game night again?"
"I'm not sure, but I hope it's soon, they just have their hands full in the sheriff's station." He called me before the door shut.
"Did you year Riley Biers got arrested for loitering?" Jake asked, looking at me with a smile, he knew I used to have a huge crush on Riley when we were younger, I had always looked up to him in awe and glory.
"Wait, he got arrested for it!?"
"Well he had a joint and a beer bottle in his hand but yeah, the initial thing was loitering." Jake laughed and I shoved him a little.
"I'll race you to the beach." I said, jumping suddenly and smiling.
"Oh you're on!" Suddenly we were in a full out run, laughing and screaming.
I won. I got to the beach three paces ahead of Jake, both of us panting, we crashed onto the ground and began to pull off our outer clothes, the swimsuits underneath. "Hey how about next week we do a bit of cliff jumping?" I asked with a smile, Jake and I had a strange relationship, we were like brother and sister, but we also were best friends. He and I constantly challenged and pushed each other.
"Sure!" He said, jumping up and grabbing both our boards. I was busy shoving our clothes into my bag, so Jake carried them to the edge of the water. "Ready!?"
"HELL YEAH!" I went running and grabbed the leash at the end of my board, putting it around my ankle and into the water we went. It was bone chilling cold, but I didn't care, the further in we went the more my board would float and hold me from the churning icy waters. Soon Jake and I were catching waves left and right, whooping and making jokes.
"CAN'T READ MY- CAN'T READ MY- P-P-POKER FACE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and laughed as I went down the wave. Suddenly I got caught in a rogue wave and all I had to do was scream for Jake before I was under the water, my lungs burnt, I felt my board swing up and hit my back, and the next thing I knew the water was red, my leg stung and my vision was fading.
any updates to this fic on THIS WEBSITE (not the ones it is actively updated on) will be posted on my blog under “The First Drop of Rain” page. You can find that page as the source for this post.
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i-bet-on-winning-cats · 2 months
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Click for better resolution!^^
i used to be so obsessed with these books in quarantine. I really wish they were written better
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zenzeroruletheworld · 3 months
Jack: where i come from there's a say
Jack: "Love is just around the corner"
Arabella: aw Jack, that's swee-
Jack: I come from a neighborhood with a lot of prostitutes
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The Barnacle Crew
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I’ve attempted to design them all separately a couple times before starting with Jack but then I just couldn’t continue with the rest of them. So I thought I’d try it again but all at the same time.
I’ll probably color them on another day
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kcrev · 8 months
👶🏻 + jack & mick²
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name: arabella lily ackerman
birthday: treze de março
personality headcanon: bella é tranquila e meticulosa em suas palavras e ações. tem uma personalidade pacífica e apaziguadora, é muito curiosa sobre o mundo e bem diplomática e meticulosa. é tão competitiva quanto qualquer um de sua família, porém é mais estrategista do que o restante dos ackerman, que muitas vezes perdem para ela por se distraírem do jogo enquanto discutem para saber quem está indo melhor.
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it: sua primeira palavra foi o nome do irmão, nick, com um ano e um mês. michaela passou um mês tentando convencer todos que ela a tinha chamado, mas não havia como duvidar se a bebê apontava para o irmão e o chamava.
did they get in trouble in school: não. arabella sempre foi quieta no ambiente escolar, costumava se sentar em uma das cadeiras da frente e dificilmente se metia em problemas.
which parent were they more attached to: bella é a menininha do pai, com toda certeza. durante sua infância, bastava um olhar pidão seu que jack já fazia qualquer coisa que ela quisesse.
what was their favorite toy: um elefante de pelúcia que ganhou da tia clarissa quando tinha dois anos.
did they cry a lot as a baby: não, sempre foi muito tranquila.
movie they watched over and over: michaela sempre gostou de introduzir aspectos da cultura colombiana na vida dos filhos. decidiu assistir encanto com os dois e, apesar de nicholas não ter dado muita bola para o filme, bella ficou absolutamente fissurada por ele.
what was their favorite subject in school: as aulas preferidas de bella eram as de idiomas, seja inglês, espanhol ou francês.
were they social growing up or quiet: arabella sempre foi mais quieta e com tom de voz baixo, mas entre seus amigos adora conversar tanto quanto qualquer um. assim como o irmão, bella se solta muito mais quando está com seus amigos e com sua família.
which parent do they take after: depois de nicholas ser uma cópia fiel de jack, michaela esperou que a filha nascesse um pouco mais parecida com ela. entretanto, arabella tem traços tão semelhantes aos do pai quanto seu próprio irmão.
what do they grow up to be: bella sempre teve muita dúvida sobre o que seria quando crescesse. passou pela fase de querer ser bailarina, depois quis ser astronauta. durante o ensino médio, cogitou ser veterinária após resgatar um cachorro que encontrou na rua durante o verão. no entanto, ver animais doentes foi o que lhe impediu de ir para a veterinária. quando estava decidindo no que iria se especializar, já na universidade, uma conversa com sua irmã mais velha de consideração, harper westbrook, fez com que mudasse seus planos e decidisse seguir a mesma carreira que ela: a medicina. após longos anos de formação, tornou-se cirurgiã pediátrica.
random headcanons: sempre amou passar as tardes na floricultura com sua mãe | quando criança, era obcecada pela sua prima, sadie | fala espanhol, francês e inglês fluentemente | seu primeiro beijo foi aos dezessete anos | é apaixonada por animais, sendo elefantes seus favoritos | teve um crush em james davies durante toda sua adolescência | é alérgica a manga | ela e o irmão são muito apegados um ao outro | passava as férias na praia, aos quinze anos, quando encontrou um cachorro vagando pelas ruas. estava emagrecido e parecia doente, então bella o pegou e o levou para o veterinário. passou o restante do verão cuidando dele e, quando retornaram a bend, não teve quem a convencesse a deixá-lo com alguém. ele se tornou o cachorro da família, benji.
do they get along with their parents: até mais do que o irmão. bella nunca deu problemas para os pais, sempre foi a queridinha da família e o modelo a ser seguido.
faceclaim: emily rudd
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thegirlwiththedream · 4 months
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“ We’re free ”
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royalsimsofnevodia · 7 months
The Golden Jubilee Gala Banquet
Their Majesties The King and Queen hosted a gala banquet to celebrate The King's Golden Jubilee, held at Melrose Palace.
The gala was attended by members of the royal family, the monarchs of the neighbouring kingdoms, members of Nevodian Nobility, the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Nevodia, as well as notable members of Nevodian society.
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Members of the Royal Family arriving for the gala banquet, Their Royal Highnesses The Duchess and Duke of Pendula, Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Magnolia, and Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Princess Couple, The Duchess and Duke of Willow Creek.
They were all seen wearing The Edward I Family Honour, the men of the Royal Family were seen in ceremonial Nevodian uniforms, with the women wearing the Nevodian Royal Order. The King's children were also wearing the Star of the Order of the Cross.
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They were followed by Their Majesties King Tamar and Queen Amelie of Yazmia, and Their Majesties King Frederik and Queen Matilda of Landova, wearing their kingdom's respective orders.
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Finally, the arrival of Their Majesties King Edward and Queen Victoria.
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lovecanyon · 2 years
MAJOR dwd spoiler + a question i need answered
(to all the people that already watched the movie pls respond)
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so you know how victory is a simulation…what if jack and y/n knew each other outside of the simulation…and had a relationship in both ‘worlds’…THIS REQUEST GOT ME THINKING
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reinbewpastel · 1 year
Me when people have the audacity to ask me “Why are you so quiet all the time?” after I get stared at, ignored, or spoken over whenever I put in a relevant piece to the conversation.
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monterosa-if · 1 year
💙 and ☄️ for everyone? glad to see you’re back!
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
dr advani misses his s/o desperately when apart - depending on where they are, he would potentially beg one of his bosses at oxford to use their telephone (if the s/o had access to a telephone). failing that, he would send daily letters.
mlle brideaux misses her s/o but will put on a brave face - if you were an acquaintance of hers, you may not realise anything was wrong.
mrs griffiths misses her s/o but would like to keep busy - the house has never been so clean, the appliances have never been so well-maintained, her employer is astounded by the number of extra hours she does, her s/o will be astonished by the sheer volume of crafting projects waiting for them on their return.
if anything, mr lennox goes out on the town even more than normal - he cannot bear to be at home alone once he has grown to share it with someone.
to the untrained eye, srta navarro looks no different during the absence. but she visibly relaxes when she sees them again - it's only then that you would realise how tense she has been.
mr samson behaves similarly to mr lennox but would typically be a little more reckless - he would definitely tail more dangerous individuals to distract himself from missing his s/o.
herr weber would be almost charmingly useless without the thought of his s/o waiting at home for him. his work is a disaster, everyone has to repeat everything 6 times because he is Not paying attention. immediately relaxes when he knows his s/o is back
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
we're playing with fire here, anon, but i'll definitely answer the first half <3
dr advani: a calm, polite gentleman who is always diplomatic and who never has a bad word to say about anyone.
mlle brideaux: a frivolous hussy who uses her career to gain renown with the aim of finding a rich husband.
mrs griffiths: a callous golddigger who has driven three husbands to the grave.
mr lennox: a feckless layabout who is wasting his parents' money with no regard to the future.
srta navarro: a quiet, mouse-like servant who keeps her head down.
mr samson: an aggressive lummox who is barely suited for civilised life.
herr weber: an incompetent buffoon who seems to go through life unpunished.
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moontheoretist · 2 years
There is one thing that bothers me with Armando Salazar “naming” Jack:
POTC wiki says that the novels in which Jack commanders the Barnacle and has adventures with Arabella Smith, Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III, Tumen, Jean Magliore and Constance Magliore happens around 1706. Which means it happens 2 years before Jack defeats El Matador Del Mar - Armando Salazar by making him sail into the Devil’s Triangle. The issue with that conclusion is that if we take those two at face value, it creates a continuity error with naming as Jack is already referred to as Jack Sparrow in the first novel, not only by himself in the interlude, but also by other characters, which if we took Salazar’s naming as canon, would mean that the characters must have met Jack after he was already a Pirate Lord... which makes no sense, because then Arabella would know he was a pirate, unless we assume that nobody knew who exactly defeated the Spanish Pirate Hunter, only knowing that he was defeated. Which then works with the whole Fitzwilliam shit going on in those novels, but is still kinda fishy when it comes to timeline, which I will describe below.
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The issue being again that he is referred to as Sparrow not only by the narrator, but by himself and other characters multiple times when he was not yet named. Which means that if we want to treat the novels as canon, we cannot take the fact that Armando named Jack “the Sparrow” at face value, because it then fucks up the whole timeline of his life. I could at best assume that defeating Armando gave Jack’s new name value and power on top of making him a Pirate Lord of the Caribbean, but Armando could not have named him unless we assumed that novels happened after he became the Pirate Lord, in those brief 2 year gap between him defeating the Salazar and “having to abandon pirate life and start working for Beckett” which would make no sense if he was already a pirate at the time as in the novels Jack stresses a lot how much he hates pirates, and he doesn’t consider himself a pirate despite doing pirate things like looking for treasures and having adventures and fighting other pirates.
[Novels “The Coming Storm” (1) and “The Siren Song” (2) were published a month before the Dead’s Man Chest was released. “The Pirate Chase” (3) and “The Sword of Cortez” (4) as well as “The Age of Bronze” (5) were published just after the movie. Which means that Armando Salazar “naming Jack” was a retcon of the novels.]
Another issue is that it is stated somewhere that Jack ran away from home when he was 12, because he hated being a pirate (and because his grandmama was abusive and nearly killed him again) and that information also kind of suits the whole setting of the novels, so they could as well happen when he was just 12 if narration of the first novel specifically didn’t state that Jack, Arabella and Fitzwilliam were a few years older than Tumen and Jean, who were described as being at most 13 the oldest, which then makes the rest of them 15-18yo.
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So, we can either have the fifth movie random lore gotcha with Armando naming Jack “the Sparrow” as canon, or we can have novels as canon, but we cannot have both, because novels were written so much longer before 5th movie and set in a moment in time so inconvenient that treating both as canon will inevitably confuse the whole timeline. I dunno how you, but I think it is easier to erase one random fact from a movie made pretty long after the novels, than rewrite the novels to have no usage of word “sparrow” in it.
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zenzeroruletheworld · 5 months
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This took a while bc I got banned from generating more than one at a time and it took several tries each to get ones that are close enough.
I want them soooo bad tho 😭
I’ll draw actual designs eventually, I just wanted to get the idea across.
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Also that program is hellbent on not generating ponytails no matter what I describe them as so go off I guess lol
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kcrev · 3 months
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– a peek into the ackerman's future.
with jack, michaela, nicholas, arabella & josephine ackerman
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thegirlwiththedream · 1 month
POV : Nobleman still miss his friends but have guilty
I just want to bully Fitzy 😇
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royalsimsofnevodia · 8 months
Introducing The Royal Family of Nevodia
The Royal Family currently comprises of The King and Queen, their three children, their three children-in-law, and their seven grandchildren.
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His Majesty King Edward with his wife Her Majesty Queen Victoria.
King Edward has had a long and successful reign as monarch, raising his children to be the future of the monarchy. He married Lady Victoria Williams shortly after ascending as King and they have had many happy years together.
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The Children of The King and Queen of Nevodia. (L-R) HRH The Princess Lilah, The Duchess of Pendula, HRH The Crown Princess Adelaide, The Duchess of Willow Creek, HRH The Prince Arthur, The Duke of Magnolia.
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The Crown Princess Family, Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess Adelaide, The Duchess of Willow Creek, her husband His Royal Highness Adam, Duke Consort of Willow Creek, and their children Their Royal Highnesses Prince William, Prince Thomas and Princess Eliana of Willow Creek.
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The Magnolia Family; His Royal Highness The Prince Arthur, The Duke of Magnolia, his wife Her Royal Highness Arabella, The Duchess Consort of Magnolia, and their children Their Highnesses Princess Sophia, Princess Evangeline and Prince Adrian of Magnolia.
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The Pendula Family; Her Royal Highness The Princess Lilah, The Duchess of Pendula, her husband His Royal Highness Jack, Duke Consort of Pendula, and their son His Highness Prince Leopold (“Leo”) of Pendula.
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