#as the meme goes
starryoak · 5 months
I have to say, as someone who generally identifies as an atheist, the only even remotely plausible afterlife system, imo, is completely random reincarnation; reincarnation just makes sense if there’s anything to consciousness but random electrical signals, (the plausibility of that put aside for the moment) but the idea of karma is just cope, let’s be real here. There’s just no evidence, and in fact, significant evidence to the contrary considering how many different ethical systems there have been across time and cultures, that morality is anything other than something humans just made up because it’s advantageous not to kill each other. I mean, I still believe in following it because there’s no reason not to, but the evidence is firmly against the universe having any sense of fundamental morality.
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blueeyesking · 4 months
You're all freaks and perverts.
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itsjustadiversion · 2 years
ok so i have a lot of thoughts about how the pirate war with england/civilization in black sails is flint’s war and none of it would have happened without him and where other characters stand relative to actually bringing the war about/committing to it. but that's a wholeass essay, so this post is just touching on some of my thoughts after having just rewatched the first episode of the fourth season.
so, firstly: it struck me how much it feels like people are trying to take flint’s war away from him/take credit for it in this episode? flint and billy’s whole argument in miranda's house is about flint’s desire to control the battle plan versus billy's determination to take the lead (and point out that while flint is an asset he's not essential to the story/coming fight anymore in billy's view). while billy is right to claim some authority for how he’s shaped what’s currently happening on nassau, and tbh, he’s probably the pirate* most committed to the war aside from flint, he would never have been able to bring everything about on his own. hell, he probably would never have thought about the war the way he does now if not for flint (see: flint's speech to billy about how civilization is coming and means to exterminate them in season one). it's obvious from early on how much billy internalized flint's worldview, esp post his encounter with the Scarborough's captain in season two. but that just underscores how billy is adopting the war from flint; he never would have initiated it/gotten to this point without flint.
then there's the scene with madi and silver in bed, and madi’s line about how if she were a “no good pirate” she’d follow silver. i think she’s justified in thinking like that bc so far what does she know of flint? everything she knows of him is filtered through silver’s worries and paranoia. meanwhile silver she sees caring about his men and the people around him—and she’s right, he is a good leader! but he’s definitively not the man to lead this war (as she’ll find out much too late). i mean this is going into a whole other post about how silver is flint’s foil, the man with no past versus the man whose every action is defined by his, but at the end of the day it helps show that silver could never fight and win this war! he just doesn’t have the motivation/drive for it; he’s too pragmatic to find reason to fight a seemingly hopeless war, and he definitely never would have started one. there is one man who spent the past three seasons battling all odds and losing everything to get everyone to this point, and it wasn’t silver (though he was along for most of the ride, sometimes to his chagrin). at the end of the day, this is very much flint’s war.
that’s not to say no one else has vested interest in the war or that no one else believes in it, but that it simply couldn’t have happened without flint. so it’s interesting seeing how willing characters are in this episode to kind of take it away from him? hand it to silver or claim it as their own. but at the same time, it also makes a strange sort of sense. because i know how this is going to end, and that’s with the war being stolen from flint by the person everyone was trying to hand it to. so flint begins to take backseat in his own war right as it's actually coming to fruition to foreshadow how it will end. and it’s funny bc i think the first time i watched season four it felt to me like flint was fading out of the spotlight, and now as i rewatch i can kind of make sense of why. the writers are hinting at it right from the start. in a show where control of the narrative is so important, the tragedy here is that this war that flint fought so hard to bring about, of which he was the author and protagonist, is not his any longer.
*i specify pirate bc madi is otherwise i think most invested in the fight and her motivations are very clear. but, on the other hand, she might never have gotten involved in the fight if flint hadn’t arrived on her shore. and re: the other pirates, i think it’s pretty clear vane was the only one who had his own personal reasons/principles for getting involved. everyone else kind of got dragged into it (or, in the case of blackbeard and jack to some extent, continued to fight in someone else’s memory). they likely never would have launched a war on their own, and i don’t think even vane would’ve thought of it w/out flint. flint is the catalyst here, and (not to sound too much like silver in season three lol) he really did kind of will the war into existence.
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dragoonwys · 3 months
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Many times I feel like the sad fish you 'buy for a child because its low maintenance', stop doing that
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figureofdismay · 2 months
the thing is I associate the "honey" nickname with Gillovny for some reason -- i think it was a regularly fanoned thing circa 2016? or something?? -- instead of Mulder and Scully so while I do like it in MSR fic, it often starts a little voice in my head asking if it's a gillovny fandom reference or say 'but that's mulder not dd.'
(arguably he was a strong influence on mulder so maybe i shouldn't even question.... but still. it's a tiny irrational distraction thing.)
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leafkidsblog · 9 months
blocked blocked blocked none of you are free of sin
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0xochitlsketches0 · 3 months
Remember folks, it’s not about what you can do for your cult leader, it’s about what your cult leader can do for you (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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tshortik · 2 months
Turn on "prevent third-party sharing" in your settings!
Go into your settings, click on your blog name, scroll down and enable "prevent third-party sharing". I'm gonna be honest, I question how much/if this even prevents any AI bullshit, but do it just in case anyway.
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Edit: On Mobile it's the Settings Gear, Visibility, Prevent third-party sharing.
You have to turn that on for all your blogs separately.
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yourmomsahira · 2 months
Aftercare is so sexy.
Aftercare is so sexy.
Aftercare is so sexy.
Aftercare is so sexy.
Aftercare is so sexy.
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winterthebeau · 7 months
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this pic goes hard, feel free to screenshit 👍
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dapper-lil-arts · 3 months
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Stay winning <3
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n0bluev · 25 days
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Satoru booped Suguru and isnt letting him boop back (insufferable evil brat : [infinity mode])
Bonus: Catoru
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layalu · 7 months
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If i had a nickel for every time there was a sad bisexual lowkey (or highkey) explosive whiteboy human wizard etc etc
The similarities are v superficial but it's still funny to me xdd
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ghostbsuter · 7 months
"Hey constantine, who's that?" Someone asks and Connie looks down at Danny, blue eyes staring back at him.
"My coworker."
"He's my dad."
Who knew John Constantine would gain a ward, one being such a little mischievous bastard with bright eyes and good heart.
He certainly didn't.
Nor did he expect the stabby Robin to get into a heated argument with his ward, gesturing to his form next to Batman and spit venom.
"But‐ Damian! Look at him! I can fix him!" Danny argues back and Robin, so done with this, rips his mask off and—
They have the same face.
Connie looks at Batman, nervous what the reveal will change.
("I don't care if you can 'fix' him, danyal! Return to Father, to me!")
Batman stares back.
("Connie is dad shaped! I chose him myself, damian! Leave me and my choice alone!")
The day will only get longer, it seems.
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strawb3rrymilkrat · 9 days
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POV: Neil 2 seconds after finding out about Grayson
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skullfacedfruitcakee · 2 months
Dealer: j got this new strain 💯 it’s called, “thanergy link to your daughters longsword” 😳🔥 gonna be blitzed off your titz
Me: whatever man I don’t feel shit
5 minutes later: dude I swear I saw some bitch in a hazmat suit at the bottom of that glass coffin
My girl Harrow, pacing: the eggs you gave me all died and you lied to me
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