#auto astral
falangesdovento · 2 months
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dantenyhpmir · 1 year
Originally I thought this would be my Tabaxi character Juno’s, attitude but as we played the game more it changed to be much more driven and .... Australian funny enough. Completely different energy but it was fun to make this in prep for the campaign
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crystalsenergy · 2 years
𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘰 𝘢𝘴 𝘥𝘪𝘯â𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘥𝘦 𝘗𝘭𝘶𝘵ã𝘰 - inveja, ciúmes, raivas
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entendendo as dinâmicas inconscientes de Plutão (para evitar ser uma pessoa tóxica, invejosa, destrutiva)
observação importante: são apenas possibilidades. trazendo esse post para lembrar que todos os posicionamentos têm seus lados mais ruins. é possível que você conheça pessoas e olhando para os significados dos posicionamentos, pense: "o mapa dela não bate, ela não é isso e aquilo positivo que dizem". bom, pode ser que isso ocorra porque na realidade ela está manifestando o pior lado daquele posicionamento. isso porque depende de cada um a manifestação disso e também a mudança, a evolução. tudo depende de nós.
Plutão na casa 1: inveja da autoestima alheia, problemas com aceitar ver os outros ganhando e realizando suas ambições e projetos. não conseguir desejar o melhor para as outras pessoas em termos de alcance de metas. inveja das realizações pessoais dos outros. problemas em desejar que alguém vença, querer sempre ganhar.
Plutão na casa 2: inveja da estabilidade alheia, sentimentos de comparação da sua vida $ e material com a do outro, irritabilidade com os valores e com a moral alheia, inveja das condições financeiras alheias.
Plutão na casa 3: inveja da inteligência alheia, comparação da sua capacidade de aprender com a do outro, raiva, aversão a pessoas inteligentes. inveja dos conhecimentos que uma pessoa tem, inveja das habilidades de uma pessoa.
Plutão na casa 4: inveja do crescimento emocional alheio, das raízes que a pessoa possui, de suas origens, dos vínculos familiares, irritabilidade diante da intimidade e conexão emocional em relações alheias, incômodo ao ver uma família unida, projeção de si mesmo em questões familiares alheias. inveja da casa alheia (no sentido mais concreto ou abstrato - o lar emocional de alguém).
Plutão na casa 5: inveja do sucesso alheio, comparações, projeção do seu ego no outro, sentimento de inferioridade. inveja da expressão alheia, das habilidades artísticas, inveja da autoconfiança de alguém. problemas com felicidade, o que pode se manifestar de diversas problemas, como por exemplo uma dificuldade de estar perto de crianças e de pessoas leves. não conseguir relaxar e aproveitar a vida pois tem problemas com isso e, no fim, sente "raiva" de quem se permite ser feliz. não consegue ficar feliz vendo os outros sendo elogiados, pois vive se comparando. não conseguir ser leal por não confiar em ninguém.
Plutão na casa 6: incômodo em relação à organização alheia, inveja da rotina do outro, da forma do outro lidar com problemas, dos cuidados do outro consigo mesmo, incômodo em relação à saúde do outro. é aquela pessoa que se vê como a pobre coitada porque não consegue parar de ter problemas de saúde ou problemas de desorganização, mas não é isso isoladamente: ela vê pessoas saudáveis e as inveja, não deseja o bem para elas. tem inveja da habilidade do outro de ajudar o próximo.
Plutão na casa 7: inveja dos relacionamentos alheios, inveja do que aparenta ter harmonia, por não conseguir o mesmo em sua vida. projeção das suas relações (especialmente as amorosas) nos outros. incômodo em relação a parcerias dos outros: casamento, negócios. inveja da capacidade do outro de ser harmônico e evitar brigas.
Plutão na casa 8: inveja dos vínculos profundos que os outros possuem, inveja da intimidade alheia, inveja do poder conquistado por alguém, incômodo em relação a abertura espiritual alheia, projeção em relação as situações profundas de vida do outro. inveja da capacidade de regeneração e "renascimento" da outra pessoa. inveja da riqueza espiritual do outro, da consciência espiritual desta pessoa.
Plutão na casa 9: inveja do otimismo alheio, incômodos com visões muito abertas e diversas sobre as coisas, dificuldade em aceitar que as coisas vão dar certo em sua própria vida, e como consequência ter alguma repulsa em relação a otimismo (exatamente porque não consegue aceitar que a sua vida pode dar certo). inveja da coragem alheia. medo de conhecimentos profundos, apesar de que neles reside o que você pode precisar para crescer e se tornar alguém menos regido negativamente pelo seu inconsciente (medos, traumas, sentimentos ruins).
Plutão na casa 10: inveja da posição social alheia, inveja das habilidades de crescimento profissional de alguém. inveja da felicidade profissional do outro, inveja da notoriedade de alguém. aversão ao prestígio, popularidade alheia. incômodo em relação a estrutura que o outro construiu pada si. não conseguir lidar com a autoconfiança de uma pessoa em relação ao que ela quer ser (carreira, caminho na vida, missão). inveja da reputação alheia. incômodo em relação a uma boa relação de alguém com seus pais e figuras de autoridade.
Plutão na casa 11: inveja em relação a capacidade de uma pessoa fazer amizades. inveja das suas próprias amizades. não conseguir se misturar com os outros por ter um problema com socializar sem se perder no meio disso (tendendo a se tornar dependente ou muito fixo/a em somente aquele grupo). invejar quem possui tal capacidade de se misturar sem se perder no meio disso. não conseguir se envolver em causas sociais e ter uma certa aversão a quem faz isso. não se permitir sonhar, invejar os sonhadores.
Plutão na casa 12: inveja da empatia alheia, da capacidade alheia de se doar incondicionalmente por alguém. incômodos em relação a quem demonstra compreensão e compaixão ao outro, relutância em aceitar altruísmo e sacrifícios que vê alguém fazendo pelos outros, pois pode ter extrema dificuldade em fazer isso. não compreender essa faceta do outro (empatia, entrega, sacrifício, amor, compaixão) com facilidade pois não consegue fazer isso com facilidade. resta amor interior, para que possa amar o próximo. inveja da consciência evolutiva de alguém. projetar no outro seus problemas de ordem mais interna.
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bestadhesives · 3 months
Resibond Auto 4010: Top Silicone Sealant for Cars
Explore the best automotive silicone sealant – Resibond Auto 4010 by Astral Adhesives. Perfect for glass, aluminum, and painted surfaces. Trusted nationwide by manufacturers.
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luxenvulpies · 5 months
[Missing-Link] CBT1 Info
Since the closed beta began, there has been a lot of activity with testers posting images, videos, and details (and some streaming). I've compiled some for easier browsing:
Character customization
Body types A and B
Character creation
Earring (whose?)
Some customization
Maku's drip
More drip
FFXIV Black Mage but green
FFXVI Jill Warrick
Purchasable outfits named after Final Fantasy jobs (each cost 2k jewels you know the ones)
Equipment menu
Vertical and horizontal resolution with seamless transition
Dive to the Heart tutorial (stained glass may be a spoiler)
More Dive to the Heart
Meeting other players in the hub area
Timed battles (apparently may not be all fights)
Timed battle footage (not enough info on who or what is the opponent)
Buzz Lightyear and Sulley piece usage
Charged attacks
Ranged Keyblade
Grand Chests that contains a piece
GPS and walking on buildings with no care in the world
Losing all health & reviving
Raid battle completion
Raid battle completion screens
Piece enhancement screens :worry:
Donald piece screen (JP)
Prince Phillip piece screen (JP)
Mickey piece screen (JP)
Sora piece screen (JP)
Defeating area bosses grant coins to exchange for accessories. Accessories are enhanced with a chance of failure. Using enhancement records will increase stats.
Auto gameplay result screen (JP): AP gained, defeated enemies, times activated(?), recovery spots used, treasure chests obtained, pieces obtained
Elemental wheel (no, this was not stolen from another game, so stop that nonsense)
Winnie the Pooh
Some pull rates (subject to change!)
2 banners
Sora, Riku, Kairi Pieces
Story (spoilers!!)
JP intro (not sure if the English version is dubbed No dub, yet anyway)
Scala ad Caelum logo appearing (not really a spoiler)
Posting any text here will spoil it - just click the link
Scala ad Caelum logo
Beta data size (~1.9GB)
Guide Moogle (Cute, kupo!)
Astral Plane battle music
AimmsBear's experience thread
Key_Cast's thread on game mechanics and some lore
Summary of Nomura's visit to the Artnia Cafe in Japan with reports from those who attended (via lottery)
Streamers/Video Archives
[leeadamsmusic3630] Multiple videos with specific features
[Dive Hearts] Game records/growth log, UI editor
Our Stuff
Post on spreadsheets with data from the closed beta
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kolaepup · 2 months
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Astral Skull Wolf Adopt!
Edit: sold/closed
starry night bonehead <3 this monster floof is looking for a home!
Starting bid: $1
Auto buy: $150
Comes with HD NSFW and SFW versions
Payment thru paypal and others
payment plans ok, just message me your plan first!!
Auction ends 24hrs after last bid or AB
TO BID: pls send me a message with your bid or reply in comments! thank you
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jq37 · 3 months
The Report Card – Fantasy High Junior Year Ep 3 Fast Times at Fantasy High
Welcome back to Fantasy High! It’s a very exciting episode because something that we rarely see in this show about high schoolers studying at an adventuring academy is happening: The Bad Kids are actually going to class. 
But first, they have to get to school. Riz, unsurprisingly, arrives first. On a big old 30 Investigation roll (+11 to a 19), overnight he did a deep dive into what everyone needs to do to get into a good college. Fig is actually doing great. If she would just go to her classes, she’d be fine. Kristen on the other hand is in serious trouble seeing as allowing your god to die is pretty much an auto-fail for a cleric. Fabian and Gorgug are both solid students with good extracurriculars. Their main hurdle is going to be the MCAT–the Multiclass Achievement Test. In order to multiclass, you need to get permission from your current advisor and pass the test. Then you can take 3/4 of each track for a 150% course load. And then, of course, he and Adaine are the party nerds so they’re doing great. They could maybe add some extracurriculars but they’re model students. 
RIz also has done some research about possible college options: Astral State University (where they visited in the one shot), CUS Dabus (in the City of Doors), Bastion City University (who are doing big, world changing stuff), the Society of Shadows (the rogues only group that forces you to leave your life and friends behind that Penny Luckstone refused to join in The Seven), and–most hilarious but also saddest–Lord Salazar Edge's College of Lone Adventurers (which we learn in the AP was a Murph pitch, lol). 
Back at Mordred, Adaine is doing her best to get her less studious friends up and ready for school, going as far as casting Friends on them to get them in the car. Fig willingly fails and Kristen–who really wants to be convinced–sets the DC at 10 and gives Adaine the Help action. Before they get to the car, Lydia (Ragh’s awesome mom) slaps a toxic looking blue energy drink from Kristen’s hands and gives them all full trash bags full of food for lunch (she’s used to feeding half-orc athlete Barb Ragh, not three spellcasters).
Jawbone loads them in the car and, on the way to school, they hear the song of the summer which is this emo anthem. When they meet Riz, he’s super excited to see everyone and show them their dossiers. He even made one for Adaine just for fun even though she doesn’t need any help and she loves it. What she (and Riz) don’t love however is Fig’s new school plan which, as we learned last week, is to enroll in something other than bard classes and then go to her bard classes (since a part of her isn’t going because she has chronic Stick-It-To-The-Man-Itis). Riz and Adaine try to figure out if they can gaslight Fig into going to her classes or hack the system somehow. 
Back at the Thistlespring tree, Gorgug is doing some last minute pre-school work: creating his homunculus (which is kind of like an artificer’s familiar). It’s a hastily made archaeopteryx (flying dino thing, if you know Pokemon, think Archeops) that’s light on the feathers. He accidentally names it Cloaca (a birds multipurpose excrement chute) which his parents love because it’s spreading awareness of non-traditional bodies. Then they launch into a story about mermaid reproduction that I’m not gonna get into because not even Gorgug wanted to hear it. He’s clearly anxious about his skills because he feels his parents disapprove of the bird even though they’ve never been anything other than 200% supportive of him in their lives. 
He gets a ride to school and his friends meet Cloaca, who he nicknames Chloe–the name I’ll be using even though the Bad Kids of course will exclusively call it Cloaca. Riz hands Gorgug his file which he reviews along with the letters from his parents. It’s a lot of the same info except that one of the letters is a rejection re: Multiclassing with a note to talk to his advisor (Porter, the Barb teacher who Fig hates). 
Fabian shows up, starving and shabbily dressed without Cathilda to take care of him–she’s still in Leviathan. The girls share their trash bag food with him which he wolfs down gratefully. (When he mentions his parents are away, Fig seems surprised that Gilear left. Interesting to note for future eps because that feels out of character for their relationship). Anyway, he mistakes Chloe for a piece of trash because is it really the first day of school if Fabian doesn’t insult Gorgug (accidentally this time. progress!) and then the bell rings. As it does, the Bad Kids look around and realize something strange: they’re Juniors now. That means more than half the kids here are younger than them now. They’re not the Freshmen they once were. 
The Sorc Prof (Jace Stardiamond) is filling in as VP while Gilear is away and as he makes an announcement on the intercom, Fig almost falls into an open construction pit (a SECOND construction based incident) but is saved when she’s hit with an armful of gym equipment instead. Put that on the Faeth luck swap conspiracy board. Anyway, Jace also says that Aguefort is gonna be out so they have a new Principal: Emergency Backup Interim Principal Grix. The Bad Kids have never heard of this guy before. 
In the spot where they saw Dane and Penelope campaigning to bring back Prom Court their first year, the Bad Kids now see a table for Student Gov manned by Jawbone and a minotaur student he seems to know: Mazey Phaedra–a senior and the student body prez. She’s also based on a Scottish Highland cow which isn’t important to the story but it is important to me because those cows are super cute. Riz suggests they sign up so they go talk to Mazey who seems cool: She thanks them for saving the world, she knows Ayda, and Fabian clocks later that she’s a dancer bard. All green flags. 
After indulging Fabian’s ego for a bit, the squad encourages Kristen to go for President. Before she can though, she’s beaten to the punch by a halfling student with major Tracy Flick energy who introduces herself as Kipperlily Copperkettle. Kristen immediately shoots back with, “What are you, four different dogs?” which is maybe the funniest thing a Bad Kid has ever said. The Bad Kids hate her vibes on sight but Kristen especially is full aggro. Riz notices that she’s wearing a pin of a rat’s butt being grinded between two gears and when asked about it, she says it’s Ratgrinders pin–Ratgrinders being the name of her adventuring party. They ask who else is in her party and she points out Reuben–an emo, gnomish bard who is signing autographs because he’s the one who wrote the song they were listening to on the way to school (before Kristen changed it to a health and wellness podcast). 
Kipperlily (who I’m gonna call KP) is told that she can sign up but she has to find time to campaign outside of her classes. She says that won’t be a problem because she’s already aced Junior Year and she slides over an envelope to Jawbone to prove it. Apparently, the way Rogue classes work here is that the students find clues and puzzles throughout the school left by the professor but they’ve never actually met them. If a student is able to find the Rogue professor, they automatically get an A for the year and, apparently, KP did just that. 
Paperwork in order, KP is about to leave but Fig stops her to ask what her platform is. Her answer: “Equality, equanimity, and fairness under the rules. In the past, there has been an eccentricity to the bureaucratic and administrative decisions of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy that has favored some students over others. Very nice to meet you guys.”
As she leaves, they hate her even more. 
Adaine tries out a new trick she has which allows her to see into the ethereal plane. She sees a lot of Aguefort’s wards but also the fact that the wards are porous enough to let in ghosts because one of the professors is a ghost, though they don’t know which one. She suggests to Riz that maybe the Rogue prof is a ghost. She also sees some ghost steaks in the fridge, presumably belonging to the ghost prof (btw: steak for lunch at a high school seems wild, lol). 
At this point, Fabian notices Mazey’s dancing shoes (Badidas of course) and clocks that she’s a dancer bard. He talks to her about how he’s looking to multiclass and she hooks him up with a note to give to the dance class professor (Terpsicore Skullcleaver) that says he’s a good kid. She also tells him that Jem Peppercorn (the absolute legend who stayed in the gym eating for the whole Goldenhoard fight) graduated last year and he had the party house which means there’s an opening for a new party house. And Fabian has a very big, very fancy, very empty house. Kristen does an Insight check and gets a Nat 20 to clock that yeah, there’s a little bit of a flirty vibe going on. So of course, she uses Thaumaturgy to create tremors–a move I was extremely confused about at first blush but I think she was using to give Fabian an excuse to hold her or something. Clearly, she’s a more attentive Wingwoman than she is a Saint. 
Anyway, conversation finished, they go to the Auditorium where Jace announced Principal Grix wanted to give a speech. Grix is a gold, warforged spellcaster with a ball comprising his lower half instead of legs. Apparently, he was created by Arthur Aguefort to take his place while he’s on vacay. He speaks in a stilted, robotic manner and gives a speech parallel to Aguefort’s day one speech about what an Adventurer is. But instead of the rambly, unhinged answer Aguefort gave, he simply gives the Dictionary definition: One who goes on adventures. And then he starts going off about order, bureaucracy, and rules. 
The Bad Kids are taken aback–even rules gremlin Riz.On a 27 to clock whether he’s been hacked (because she can’t believe Aguefort would make a robot that acted like this) Adaine sees Grix steepling his fingers and saying “Perfect order” which isn’t conclusive but is def troubling! They start raising their hands and asking Jace questions about if they really have to follow rules in a hard way this year–it still is Aguefort after all–but Grix cuts in and says that the backtalk he’s getting is exactly the problem. He casts Time Stop (a 9th level spell) and the entire auditorium finds themselves in the hall, in a single file line, ten minutes before class is about to begin. Not a great start to the year! And on a dirty 20, Kristen doesn’t see KP anywhere. Suspicious! 
Riz tells Fabian and Gorgug about any extra MCAT stuff they don’t already know. He also tells the group about the Frosty Folk Festival and Gorgug mentions that his parents are hosting. Fig says she wants to maybe try out some of her new songs there…once she’s written them. Fabian asks if they can take a break from hardcore Bad Kid stuff this semester and Kristen says that’s a good point because she has a campaign to focus on. Fig declares herself secret service because, of course she does. She also announces her plan to go to Bard classes…but disguised as a new persona (Tiny Emo Girlie: Wanda Childa) so she can befriend and spy on Reuben. Riz and Adaine are at the end of their collective rope. 
With his free time before the bell rings, Gorgug wants to talk to Porter to sort out the MCAT stuff. Porter lays it out for him. He thinks Gorgug has amazing, raw, natural talent and he uses his rage in a really noble way to protect his friends. But he hasn't seen him reach his full destructive potential and he’s not impressed that he defeated the Night Yorb will tools and “magic” instead of rage. He would be fine if Gorgug wanted to get some Fighter levels with Ms. Jones or something else that would dovetail nicely with Barb classes, but as of now, he hasn’t seen what he needs to see to think that Artificing classes would do anything but steal focus. Gorgug can of course quit the Barb track and move to Artificing, but Porter is not giving his approval. 
Meanwhile, Fabian is having a much less hostile meeting with Terpsicore (after an accidental detour to Adaine’s wizard class because he trusted Fig–who’s never been to bard class–to give him directions). Terps is this tiny (5 ft 3in) Half-Orc with crazy, hyper positive, aerobics grandma energy who immediately breaks down Fabian’s cool guy jock persona and gets him into a dance, jam sesh with her that moves through different styles of dance and music. I can’t do this scene justice, you have to watch it. Her “Uh-oh, uh-oh! Uh-oh, uh-oh! A challenger approaches!” tells you everything you need to know about her. 
By the end of the dance, Fabian has fully embraced his weird art kid energy and Terps has approved Fabian for multiclassing. It’s looking like all sunshine and roses for Fabian until Terps tells him that if he’s gonna make this multiclass thing work, he needs to be really serious. Lots of rest. Lots of healthy food. And no parties. Uh-oh indeed. 
Next up, we turn our attention back to Riz who’s still in the hall and tries to steal the envelope KP turned in to Jawbone to get some info about the Rogue prof. Jawbone catches him and is good natured about it but won’t let him have the envelope: not for moral reasons so much as because a good rogue has to earn it by not getting caught. 
Riz asks about KP and Jawbone says she’s a good kid but kinda Type A. He asks Riz if he’s getting some “I’m in the picture and I don’t like it” energy from her and Riz denies it. Jawbone decides to give him a little bit of a hint re: the Prof and says that KP technically didn’t find the prof. The prof found KP. But he won’t say more and he would appreciate him not saying where he got the info. The main reason he’s giving the info at all is because KP was snooping and heard him talking about Kristen’s god dying. She then asked Jawbone a bunch of questions about Kristen which he answered so he figured fair’s fair with regard to giving Riz some info about her. Riz is troubled. Jawbone tells Riz that they’re due for a heart to heart but Riz says he’s good and he’s stressed but stress is good. Yikes!
Kristen is also still in the hall and finally properly signs up for class president but, as she does, she hears some familiar voices: it’s her parents, dropping her younger brother Bucky off for his first day at Aguefort. She has serious deja vu as they’re saying the same “Don’t mix with the weirdos” stuff they said to her on her first day. Kristen fails a Wisdom save and is deeply affected by watching her parents basically bullying her younger brother who she hasn’t seen in a good bit now. The last time she had any contact with them it was just to give them her dragon gold and that was over the phone.  She sees that her not being in the household to shield her brothers from her parents has led to them having to take all that parental abuse and pressure alone. She goes over to confront them feeling hot under the collar and Riz senses a crackle of something in her aura. 
Cass chimes in, thinking she’s been summoned, and asks if it’s a good time for them to talk and Kristen snaps at her that OBVIOUSLY it’s not a good time. Kristen feels a spasm in her body and, for the first time, Cass snaps back at her: "Fine! I can make my own people to talk to!“ Deeply concerning, but we’ll come back to that. For now, we follow Kristen as she reaches her parents and brother. Bucky immediately goes in for the hug and seems very happy to see her. Her parents, not so much and the feeling is mutual. “Second time’s the charm, hopefully” they say, tacitly deeming her a failure. She pretends to be directing traffic so she can hustle them out the door ASAP and gets a Nat 20 to do so (rolling with advantage for reasons Brennan doesn’t expound on). Bucky says he wants to talk to Kristen about something but he’s late so can they meet up after class? She says sure thing and he runs off, his longsword trailing after him. 
Kristen is left alone with her parents and it’s a bit of a standoff. Her mom asks how she’s going and seems to genuinely want to know to some degree but it’s still mainly jabs about her lifestyle and choices and leaving the church. Her dad especially comes down hard on her for leaving Helio without a chosen one and becoming a cleric to a night goddess right before they were struck with four months of night which, admittedly, is a fair thing to have questions about. But Kristen has died and come back from the dead. If that can’t keep her down, her parents certainly can’t. She pirouettes away from the conversation and heads to class (because she may not be worried about her parents but she is worried about what Cass said to her). 
We hop over to the second nerd of the party, Adaine, who’s in wizard classes with Professor Tiberia Runestaff who Brennan says has “Evil Lucille Bluth” energy (which is different from regular Lucille Bluth how?). She’s a friend of Aguefort’s from the Mountains of Chaos and Adaine wants to impress her so so bad. 
She starts off her lesson by saying that this year is the weed out year. This is the year that separates the paltry magicians from the truly great casters. Then, she starts listing out the materials they need for this week’s castings–a list that includes TEN BARRELS OF DIAMONDS. For ONE WEEK. Adaine may come from money but she doesn’t have access to any of that money right now. She raises her hand to ask if there’s any way she could borrow some diamonds from the school or something and basically gets a harsh, “That sounds like a you problem” kind of response that she shrinks back from. Tiberia continues to list the ridiculously expensive materials needed to continue on and Adaine knows that she can’t ask Jawbone for any of this. She resolves to call Aelwyn for help during lunch. 
We then move on to a Fantasy High first: Fig going to class! Although she’s not going as herself. She’s disguised as her alter ego Wanda Childa. The professor (Lucilla Lullaby who is some kind of chill Eladrin) seems to perhaps think she recognizes her before she sits down next to Reuben. She charms him by smelling of peach schnapps and cigarettes and they have a flirty emo-off before Lucilla points out that she’s 100% not on the roster and, despite the fact that it doesn’t always seem like it, this is a school with rules. This year especially! She leaves, but as she lingers to give Reuben one last look (and sniff) she notices that he has a Ratgrinder tattoo that matches KP’s pin. 
As she exits Lucilla is making a call on her crystal and there’s a good chance it’s connected to the encounter Fig has when she gets to the hall. Jace Stardiamond is leading an eagle aarakocra Council of Chosen agent (think FBI) who is investigating truancy in the area and calls Fig by name–well by pseudonym anyway. He is incidentally also looking into the disappearance of Hilda Hilda. Sensing her chickens are finally coming home to roost, Fig gives a weak lie about not knowing how schools work and skateboards away, using Cutting Words to prevent Agent Clark’s attack of opportunity on her. He vows to find out who she is as she makes her escape. 
Proving you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it go to bard class, Fig goes outside to spy on her class through the window instead of attending because she thought Lucilla actually seemed pretty cool. She doesn’t hide well enough though and Lucilla spots her through the window. She’s shocked to see Fig for the first time in two years and welcomes her in like she’s the prodigal son. Fig asks if it would be weird for her to attend. Lucilla assures her that it’s the opposite of weird and, in fact, mandatory. 
She settles in for her first day of bard class–this semester and ever–but out of the corner of her eye, she notices a sneering Rebuen texting someone. It’s Lola Embers. Looks like they’re signed to the same label. 
Finally, we hop to Kristen who’s headed to cleric class with Professor Yolanda Badgood (a wispy air genasi). Before class even starts she tells Kristen to meet her after class. We timeskip to that meeting and, like many others in this ep, she thanks Kristen for saving the world. But she has a followup question: How did she do it when her god is dead? Kristen says she has a lot going on with her estranged parents she just saw and her scattered mind and her feeling like the stairs are disappearing behind her as she climbs. She has to update her god in the files and her address for that matter because, as we learned when she talked to her parents, all her mail is still getting sent to her old address. Her professor sincerely asks her how she’s feeling and Kristen says she’s fine but asks if there’s some kind of test she can take that will tell her what god is right for her. Her professor is like, “Didn’t you just say you had a new god???” But Kristen feels so much pressure with Cass and she mainly feels annoyed by her presence. Professor Badgood says that she’s allowed to change her god as much as she wants–she herself gave up an active relationship with a divinity so she can be kind of an interfaith minister to all her students. And she says that all faiths are trying to capture a piece of the truth–even the out there ones with evil gods and such. She recommends that Kristen spend a week earnestly trying to connect with Cass and if she still feels like she wants to split she can go from there. 
Kristen has a followup question: What do you do when your god says, "Fine, I'll- I'll make new followers"? Badgood seems taken aback, and she’s even more so when Kristen says she’s been rude to her god. Kristen asks if she should apologize and Professor Badgood gives her the most gracious version of, “Duh, obviously” a person can manage. She directs Kristen to one of the million prayer rooms in the class so she and Cass can talk. 
Kristen actually takes this seriously–or at least more seriously than she takes most things. She clears her mind and meditates until she finds herself in the forest of Sylvaire where Cassandra is crying to herself. A bright moon that would erase any shadow or doubt encroaches. When Kristen tries to touch Cass’s shoulder, the god flinches away and sobs that Craig–her only other follower–has joined the Wolfsong Revival. Tracker’s movement.   
Cass is scared. She doesn’t want to end up dead in the Astral Realm like Yes? Kristen apologizes and says that she understands that she’s getting to point where chaos isn’t cute anymore. She follows that up by saying that her top two priorities are Cass and her student president campaign however so I don’t know how committed she is to being serious. Cass isn’t either because she flat out states that she can’t rely on Kristen. She’s so so lonely and she’s confused about why things aren’t working out. They started out so big and magical and they’re still so stuck. She thought it might be because of her somehow but then she learned about the trail of abandoned gods in Kristen’s wake and realized that *she* was the connecting factor, something that Kristen cops to verbally: “It’s me,” she says. 
Cass announces that she’s getting some help and Kristen asks who. A cleric? Nope. No clerics for now. She just wanted a friend. Kristen sees her petting something invisible and asks if it’s a dog. 
“I’m more of a cat person,” Cass says as a black cat fades into view. 
“Hi Kristen,” Kalina says. 
And that’s where we end our ep!!!! The bitch is back!!!!
Honor Roll
Riz for Thinking Of All His Friends
In Sophomore Year there was a thing with Riz’s dad where it was like, sometimes you show your love through work and, viewed through that lens, Riz *really* loves his friends. I recognize that the likelihood of his meticulous plan actually working is slim to none and he’ll have to accept that even if they all stay really close friends (which they better), they’re likely on at least slightly different life paths, I do think it’s really sweet that he’s putting so much effort into making sure that ALL of his friends are successful by the metric that he’s using. Also, the “Hi Adaine :)” binder for her was so cute. I love nerd friendship. 
Fig for Hilda-Hilda-ing Too Close to the Sun
Girl the Fantasy FBI is after you!!! Just stop lying and go to class!!!!!
Random Thoughts
In the AP for this ep, Emily mentioned some cool warlock thing that might be worth taking the MCAT for and officially registering (she’s currently off the books multiclassing) but it’s never mentioned in the actual episode so I assume it got snipped away in editing. 
I really love how polite Adaine is to anyone who hasn’t earned her scorn and the little moment of her taking a reasonable amount of food from the trashbag Lydia offered her and thanking her was very endearing to me. 
Zac is very quick on his feet and Chloe is a GREAT save for Cloaca but it is ABSOLUTELY not gonna be what anyone calls that bird but me and him. 
When Jace said over the intercom that Sorc classes are just talking about how fun and easy magic is, I’m surprised Adaine have anything snarky to say about that, lol. *I* had a comment and I don’t even go to that school. 
Is anyone else getting like…Santa Clause 2 energy from the Grix situation? If that ends up being the vibe then that’s super funny because iirc Santa Clause 1 was ref’d a bunch with the oracle stuff in Freshman Year. Full circle baybee. 
KP seems like she is springing into existence to fill the voice left by Penny Luckstone getting her GED and leaving. They’re like on the exact same level of one axis of a cartesian plane but on opposite sides. Both at 100% intensity but vibes in opposite directions.  
I kinda wanna add a poll to this post that’s like, what is the crazier story? Mermaid reproduction with the Thistlesprings or snapping turtle man with gun up his secret cloaca story with Jawbone?
Honorary Honor Roll to Ally the person for the legendary 4 dogs joke. Honestly even funnier knowing that that’s the actual name of Brennan’s old PC. Burned the man to his face. Roasted him like corn. 
OK, so what are we thinking about the Ratgrinders? Is that a ref to grinding rats for XP or more how they see other people/what they’re going to do to people who get in their way? KP is obviously very rules focused but in a Lawful Annoying way. I do think it’s interesting though. Have any of you guys ever seen the Community episode where it turns out everyone at Greendale hates the gang because they have major main character syndrome and are always forcing everyone else at school to accommodate their flights of fancy (a perfectly reasonable reason to have beef with people)? I’m wondering if there’s a bit of that energy happening here. Either way, this strikes me as a party that’s interested in exploiting loopholes and such for maximum efficiency (eg: finding the rogue prof for instant straight A’s) and that’s a different kind of maverick behavior than what the Bad Kids do which is go buckwild, breaking rules if necessary, but getting real results. It’s like the BK’s are Aguefort’s perfect party and I’m suspecting the RG’s are Grix’s. Speaking of–
A FH concept I had ages ago was rival adventuring party to the main group which has like, bizarro versions of everyone. And we may be getting that! We have an emo bard to contrast Fig’s punk rocker energy. And a rules follower (derogatory) rogue to contrast Riz who is also a rules follower (blessed). Very curious to see the rest of their party! And very curious to know if they’re Bad (™) or just annoying in a high school way. Sometimes people just don’t vibe with you. 
Oh, a specific concern that I have: KP specifically asked where Kristen was able to create a god. I don’t think that’s info I want a super type A person I don’t trust to have. 
Very sweet that Jawbone’s immediate instinct when he thinks an earthquake is happening is to bodily shield Fig and Adaine, his two kind daughter-figures in the Bad Kids. 
Kristen says that Cass is a hard sell but I have to disagree. Look at this flyer. It looks convincing to me!
“I think songs can accomplish a lot, if you let yourself hear the music.” Gorgug :( He’s gonna show Porter this season. I just know it. I believe in you Spring Break! 
Love Murph throwing in the Frosty Folk thing apropos of basically nothing just to make sure they had an in-character reason to all know about that for later, just in case. Info management! Important! 
I remember Bucky being a lot younger but either I’m confusing him for one of her other two brothers or it got retconned (or Quangled lol) older to make this storyline work. Very interesting that he went in for the hug, not the other way around. Seems like at least one person missed her. With his longsword and his parents’ inclinations, it seems like he’s most likely a Helioic Paladin. I’m very interested in how they’re going to treat his relationship with Helio because even though Kristen rejected him and we’ve seen that he has some followers that range from just shitty (K’s parents) to downright culty (the Harvestmen), that doesn’t mean that all of his followers are like that and we’ve never actually seen Helio be anything but pretty chill when he’s appeared. He wants to talk to Kristen about something and my conspiracy theory brain is wondering if he was asked to be Helio’s new chosen one but he hasn’t told anyone yet. That would be very interesting and I’d like to see a storyline about the tension of K and her brother having very different relationships with the same god. The chill peace and love god might have been a great person for him to turn to in absence of his one lifeline in the house leaving. But it could also be tons of other things so we’ll see. 
Wild that Kristen has pissed off or abandoned every member of that godly family (Sol, Helio, Galicaea, and Cass). She really is the constant here. 
Ally says Kristen is wearing an Adidas tracksuit meaning that this world canonically has both Adidas and Badidas. 
It’s a funny moment when Terps is like, “Is there harm in your life? ”to Fabian when he mentions eating food out of a trash bag but like, the kid isn’t doing *great*. Def some neglect happening and he said he was wearing yesterday’s clothes and still banged up from the Night Yorb fight. If I was a teacher, I’d have questions too! 
Yolanda Badgood. Terpsichore Skullcleaver. Lucilla Lullaby. Most of these professors are named like My Little Ponies and I love it. 
When Lucilla say “Wanda” it seems like she briefly (correctly) thought it was Fig which is funny because it paints the picture that she’s been actively waiting on pins and needles for her to show up for the past two years. It’s funny because she’s not a missing person. She’s highly visible both from saving the world and being a rockstar AND both of her dads work at your school! Just get in touch! 
Really hope Adaine follows up on the Aelwyn conversation because I wanna see two kids raised in old money discuss the price of ten barrels of diamonds. 
Also lol at random things like Fabian being the FUTURE OF DANCE being pinned on Adaine’s oracle prognostications. 
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girlstuffsthings · 9 months
☆Como acordar/Entrar no Estado Vazio instantaneamente com o método das Fases ☆
Post traduzido da gringa
Oi amores, hoje resolvi fazer um Guia Baseado no Método Popular 'A Fase'. Você pode usá-lo para acordar no vazio ou afirmar enquanto estiver na FASE. Literalmente leva segundos, com base em histórias de sucesso de projeção astral, eu li. É uma técnica testada e comprovada da qual centenas de participantes participaram. E adivinha ? Dentro de 2-3 dias, todos relataram sucesso com ele. Além disso, este método pode ser facilmente praticado por pessoas com TDAH e também não exige que você medite ou afirme por muito tempo. O método das fases também pode ser usado para sonhos lúcidos e Shiftings. 
            "𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞" -  
"Técnicas indiretas são principalmente para agradecer nossa taxa de sucesso de 80% em apenas 2 dias de tentativas em seminários de três dias, mesmo em grupos de 50 pessoas ou mais. Certa vez, mais da metade do grupo teve uma experiência de FASE no segundo dia."
             ✩⋆୨♡୧⋆. ⁺ ⋆
O Método das Fase ( método original) : 
Na noite anterior, vá dormir no seu horário habitual e programe o alarme para dormir apenas 6 horas. Quando o alarme tocar, você pode ir ao banheiro, beber um copo d'água, o que quiser fazer. Tente fazer algo relaxante, leia um livro. Use o seu telefone, se você quiser. Relaxe por cerca de 10 a 15 minutos. 
Vá para a cama deitada de costas, se não conseguir dormir, pode dormir de lado. Em seguida, repita uma intenção em sua mente, por exemplo, "Vou acordar logo e entrar no vazio". Razão pela qual isso funciona, porque assim que você adormece, você está em um estado de espírito auto-hipnótico, sinalizando ao seu subconsciente o que fazer quando acordar. 
PASSO 3: AO ACORDAR, NÃO SE MOVA (você pode respirar normalmente) 
Feche os olhos imediatamente e faça uma técnica de separação. 
Vou compartilhar uma da 'Fase': 
"Observe o vazio diante de seus olhos fechados por 3 a 5 segundos. Se nada ocorrer, mude para outra técnica. Se você vir qualquer tipo de imagem, observe-a até que se torne realista. Assim que estiver, separe-se do corpo ali mesmo ou permita-se ser puxado para a imagem. Ao examinar as imagens, é importante não examinar os detalhes, para que a imagem não desapareça. Você precisará olhar através da imagem, o que a tornará mais realista." 
                ✩⋆୨♡୧⋆. ⁺ ⋆
Como entrar no estado Vazio em segundos usando o Método de Fase: 
♡ Defina seu alarme para 2,4 horas ou 6 horas à frente. Lembre-se também que esta técnica envolve o uso do sono Rem. O sono ocorre a cada 90 minutos quando estamos dormindo. Portanto, definir o alarme para 2,4 horas à frente também está ok. 
♡ Acorde e faça algo por cerca de 15 minutos, vá ao banheiro, etc. Apenas relaxe ou relaxe por esses minutos. 
♡ Volte para a cama com uma intenção. Sua intenção será para o vazio "Vou acordar logo e entrar no vazio". Tente deitar em uma posição que seja confortável para você. 
♡ Ao acordar, não se mexa. Porque esta técnica faz com que você acorde com a mente acordada e o corpo adormecido. Comece afirmando para o Estado Vazio. Imagine seu corpo entrando no vazio e continue afirmando. Isso faz com que sua consciência se desconecte naturalmente porque você está na FASE. 
Acordando no Vazio usando Fase e Comandando seu Método Subconsciente: 
♡ Defina seu alarme para 2,4 ou 6 horas à frente.
♡ Acorde e faça algo por cerca de 15 minutos, vá ao banheiro etc.  
♡ Em seguida, deite-se de costas e relaxe. Defina um comando ou intenção para o subconsciente 
Meu comando para o subconsciente "Assim que eu adormecer, acordarei consciente no vazio". 
E você acordará consciente no estado vazio! 
            ✩⋆୨♡୧⋆. ⁺ ⋆
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tmntxthings · 1 year
request: can I get a platonic Rise!Turtles(mainly Mikey cus I love that boy way too much, also can you add April if possible?) x GN/Male Reader. The prompt is that the reader is this omniscient spirit-like entity from a different dimension who likes to travel through worlds and interact with them or simply watch them from afar through astral projection and just so happened to lend into this one and had caught an interest by the Turtles(because they're the only beings so far that radiate magic energy) and decided to follow them around
In This World
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author’s note: omigosh so sorry for the wait, I rlly rlly rlly rlly hope you enjoy >.< to tumblr, u need auto save, like I was almost done (._.) three perspectives are missing, don’t do this to me AGH
warnings: platonic relationships, fluff, comfort, unedited
Leo never thought a silly game of ouija board would amount to anything other than him scaring the bejesus out of Raph and Mikey, he didn’t have any hopes to scare Don. But as fate had it, unbeknownst to them all, you were watching the game and decided to have a little fun.
Now Leo had planned on pushing the piece around the board, and acting as if a ghost had done so. But before he could apply much pressure the little glass piecing was already moving to the letter ‘y’ after he had asked “Is anyone out there?” Leo immediately suspected Donnie had went ahead and moved it so Leo shot him a glare
But Donnie was raising his eyebrows and giving him a look that said what?? “Alright wait a minute, everyone let go..” Leo said and everyone retracted their fingers from the glass piece. “Is anyone out there?” He asked again and watched in horror as the piece moved on its own. Spelling out yes.
All the brothers were up from their spots around the board, running to the edges of the room and screaming bloody murder! “A GHOST IS HAUNTING US!!!” Leo couldn’t believe it, he thought everything had a rational explanation, but he couldn’t exactly refute what his eyes were seeing.
After things settled down and more questions were asked, full blown conversations had with not a ghost they found out but you! Turns out Donnie’s whole theory about the multiverse and space time continuum was true, Leo didn’t know what that all meant but basically it meant you weren’t dead, nor a ghost, nor haunting anyone, though you admitted to them all that you found them very entertaining
Leo might’ve become a little more entertaining after that, but the coolest part was when you finally revealed your astral projection/image, the two of you got into trouble plenty of times after that, mega pranks being pulled, if Leo was ever bored out of his mind, he’d go to you with a big smirking expression on his face, “Y/n~~~~ who do you wanna prank this time???”
After finding about your existence you better bet your bottom dollar that Donnie is taking the ouija board in his lab and asking all the questions his big brain can think of, this turtle has some hard hitting inquiries too. “How is this possible?” “How does your power work?” “How many realities have you been to?” “What made you stop in this one specifically?”
Come to find out, the turtles mystic energy is off the charts after the events with the kraang. I was drawn to your power signatures but I stayed because it’s never a boring day here, you tried your best to answer all of Donnie’s questions, you found it quite endearing how curious he was, to you having become used to the traveling you didn’t think it was that special
Donnie would try conducting experiments once you revealed your astral form, though much to his dismay he found that he couldn’t exactly hook you up to a bunch of wires, they’d just fall to the ground right through you, what boggled his mind completely was when you would hand the wires back to him with a shrug, not being able to explain how you could touch things, yet things couldn’t touch you
The logic befuddled the genius turtle, but it seemed a lot of things as of late were defying logic and reason, don’t even get him started about the whole gravity situation by metro tower during the kraang invasion, some things just weren’t meant to be explained, he guessed he would have to classify it as magic: science that has yet to be understood.
“Y/n I think I’ve come up with an alternative method of experimentation,” Donnie said as soon as you floated into the lab, “but if this fails I have 36 new questions I would like to discuss.” His goggles come down looking real scientific, definitely meaning business as you held back a smile, his enthusiasm to learn knows no bounds!
Splinter was used to the crazy weirdness of the world. So he wasn’t that shocked when his sons finally introduced you to him. You reminded him so much of the Hamato Clan legacy, how they too showed up in a similar form as yours, helping Splinter and his sons when they needed it most.
He didn’t mind your presence when you came to float by his recliner in the projector room. As time passed he came to accept you just like he had with April. “Hello friend #2” he’d smile, Hello Master Splinter~ you would reply. You would indulge him as he talked about his past and adventures as Lou Jitsu.
Sometimes late at night when the brothers were all asleep, you would float back into the room to see Splinter was still awake, on those nights he would talk to you about his worries, how he didn’t think he did a good job raising his sons, how he wished he could’ve done things better, he wished he would’ve thought more about them than himself..
Well, I think they turned out to be just fine, but I think you still have time! They may be teenagers but they still look up to you greatly! Splinter would nod, it would get quiet and he’d stare off at the projection, not paying much attention to the commercials. “Yes, I think that is what I shall do.”
“Don’t tell my sons, but you are my favorite.” Splinter said sneakily as he looked over the recliner to make sure neither Red nor Orange heard. Purple would be absolutely devastated. Blue probably not so much, though Splinter loved him, all his sons. Your secret’s safe with me you promised.
Raph would be skeptical about you at first, he didn’t have a good track record with beings from other places. Especially since they had finally recovered from the kraang. But with time he came around, realizing you were different, you meant no harm to them or the rest of humanity for that matter.
Though you did like to pull pranks with Leo, which Raph was a victim of plenty a times. Poor guy actually would let a high-pitched scream every time you would pop in to hang out with him. Raph may be the biggest and strongest, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have fears. He hated scary movies and you resembled what he would call a ghost for a lack of a better term.
“AH! Oh- it’s you!” He’d breath out in relief as you smiled sheepishly. The whole lair would know whenever you tried to hang out with Raph. Which would mostly be when he was working out or training. One time when he had finished a particular brutal workout he had been too tired to pick up the weights.
I can help, you offered and floated over to the heaviest dumbbell. You picked it up with ease and floated over to where they were stored. All the while Raph’s mouth was gaping in complete shock. “You’re really strong!!” He gushed, the only other person who could lift that besides himself was Mikey when he was using his mystic abilities.
You didn’t have the heart to explain to Raph that it all came down to mental will, which as a reality shifter you had a lot of, so it just came down to how badly you wanted to pick up the weight. He watched as you quickly cleared up the rest, Raph would definitely be asking you to workout with him!
Mikey was also afraid of you at first, but he came to trust you way more swiftly than Raph. He absolutely loved the idea of having a friend who was ready and waiting to hang out! He’d call out to you to do just about anything together. “Hey Y/n do you wanna watch me color? Look I made this for you yesterday!”
Wow Mikey, it’s gorgeous! Thank you so much you beamed as he added it to your designated pile since you didn’t have a place to put them. He would ask you if you wanted to watch him cook, or to watch videos with him, or if you wanted to go out to the surface together!
Mikey rarely wanted alone time, and if you weren’t hanging out with one of his brothers then you were there by Mikey’s side, listening to his rambling. One day he took you by surprise, turning to you, looking down as his fingers came together. “Y/n?” Yes Mike? “Do you think if I made a portal, I could reach your reality? Then maybe we could hangout.. for real?”
You listened intently, you knew of Mikey’s powerful abilities, his mystic energy was the greatest out of all his brothers. You had been drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Though that may be possible, I am perfectly happy with the way things are now… thank you for the offer though Sweet Mikey
You smiled at him as he looked up with a slight smile, sighing, “yeah you’re right things are fine this way,” he didn’t want to admit it to himself but it would probably take a lot out of him to make another portal so soon. As long as you were happy though Mikey wouldn’t do anything risky. “You just let me know if you change your mind Y/n, maybe Donnie could help too!”
Now you weren’t exactly the normal friend that April had been hoping for, but a new/astral projection/person was a friend nonetheless. During the day when the turtles were asleep you would hang out with April. She was very aware you were around during school, seeing you pull pranks inconspicuously.
Those pranks were mainly pulled on the students who gave April a hard time, aka bullies. They’d be bending down to use the water fountain and it would suddenly be spraying them in the face. You tried to keep it toned down since you didn’t want rumors of the high school being haunted spread around.
April would always shake her head saying she didn’t you to do that. But you could tell she secretly liked the thought of having a friend who wanted to stick up for her. Someone who could extract a little harmless vengeance. “Yo! Y/n you there?” April would be walking home from a long day at school and the sidewalks quieted down with little to no traffic. You would appear floating next to her, Yup! How was your day?
April rolled her eyes, like you didn’t already know every little detail. But she obliged, telling her point of view and how she was feeling, what she was looking forward to. “I’ll be heading to the boys later tonight, can you let them know for me?” You gave her a thumbs up and she waved goodbye as she entered her apartment complex.
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falangesdovento · 6 months
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aventurine-official · 1 month
Hello, Aventurine!
I believe our Team's auto-messaging system has sent you an advertisement for something that does not quite fit your tastes. For that, I apologize. The explanation is that the system had picked a mention of jazz on your page and did not recognize that you were not speaking so strongly in favour of it.
And excuse me for such a sudden personal question. How has your trip to Penacony been? I have heard some concerning rumours about some people impersonating you. Are those rumours true? There have been no official announcements from Diamond, or anyone else of higher ranks, for that matter.
I understand, if you do not wish to answer this message.
Best regards,
Pavel Zhimolostin (@ipcadteam-pavel)
Greetings, Mr. Zhimolostin,
Oh, there’s no need to fret! As I’m not particularly opposed to jazz, the advertisement seemed to be recruiting jazz players for some sort of musical group. I was only a tad confused, and it didn’t cause a particularly large incident, so there is no cause for concern.
Penacony is quite nice, actually! Very festive, very flashy… I blend right in~ The Dreamscapes really are just as beautiful as advertised, and there are more than enough thrills here to keep me busy for the remainder of my occupancy.
There was, in fact, an incident where a member of the Astral Express could not successfully be checked in to the Reverie, and so I gave them my room out of the kindness of my heart. I have a new room now, of course, and this was no bother, but I’m only informing you in case my room number details were important in tracking my location.
Impersonating me? Oh, I’d like to say it isn’t true… but such things happen. I am one of the Stonehearts, after all~ There have been incidents here in Penacony where certain Masked Fools are running around impersonating others in a flawless disguise, so I’m glad you were able to figure out that I am exactly who I say I am.
Of course I’ll reply to your message, friend! You are just as worthy of my time as anybody else, if not more.
I do hope you’re well, and do not hesitate to inform me if anything else needing my attention should arise.
Aventurine of Stratagems
(Ooc: Omg moddie I love your oc's concept so much!!!! ~ Mod Minie)
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atinytokki · 2 months
Chapter 1: SS Aurora
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07:21 Open Space Calibrated Time
They were stranded, stranded in the astral sea.
The spaceship’s auto navigational system spoke into the darkness with a request. “Would you like to set a course?”
For now, they would remain adrift.
Untethered. Directionless.
A frail wisp of steam curled upwards from the cup Seonghwa was holding. A calming tea made of rare leaves from his home planet. One that should’ve relaxed him.
It should’ve been a day like any other in between jobs, floating along in their spaceship through the open space that connected distant planets just outside the Aten-Odae Asteroid Belt. A leisurely morning when the residents of SS Aurora took their time rising from their bunks and wandering to the central area.
But this time no one had gotten more than three hours of sleep, and instead of enjoying breakfast together, they were huddled around the table under the lowlight, waiting in an anxious silence.
Because today they were only seven, with their missing leader in the clutches of the Intergalactic Trade Guild, an empire with control over the farthest reaches of the galaxy that waged war on the surrounding systems.
He was gone and for three days now they had heard nothing.
“He’s dead,” Mingi whispered, terrified of his own words as he said them, while Yunho calibrated the holoscreen to tap into the Guild’s most popular news network. “They’ve killed him already, they’d be insane not to.”
“We don’t know that,” Wooyoung scolded, ever the optimist. “Even the Guild has to follow their own rules. He’ll be on trial.”
Seonghwa met his eyes with a wavering smile that quickly died out. He had no encouragement to give when his own breathing was laboured with the stress of the situation. He was a moment away from passing out if he forgot to breathe properly.
Inhale. Exhale.
“But do you really think there’s any point in a court proceeding?” Yeosang questioned softly, picking at the food on his plate. “After what he did?”
He was referring, of course, to their Captain’s surrender. Hongjoong had insisted on being captured to allow the rest of the crew to escape the ambush three days ago with their loot and not even Yunho knew why. The credits they had been stealing at the time were not worth Hongjoong’s life.
And, loathe as Seonghwa was to admit it, Yeosang made a good point. They had more than enough evidence against him already, so why not put him to death and be done with it? It didn’t make sense for the Guild to make a judicial spectacle when the price on Hongjoong’s head had been astronomical.
Seonghwa should know, because that price had once been of great interest to him.
The sour taste of bile rose in his throat and he forced it down, focusing on the broadcast when San shushed the discussion and pointed everyone’s attention to it.
“A new case of great interest has taken over the intergalactic networks today due to the figure in custody,” the announcer was saying, his eyes practically devoid of life even as he spoke with an animated voice. “Notorious pirate Kim Hongjoong, whose full identity was revealed upon his arrest, has supposedly been a known public enemy to the Guild for fifteen years, about whom authorities have provided very little information from their investigation.”
A collective outburst of relief swept the room as it sunk in that Hongjoong was indeed alive. “See?” Wooyoung whispered encouragingly, squeezing Seonghwa’s hand from across the table.
Jongho, their mechanic, was shaking with rage. “Fifteen years— are they even hearing themselves?” He barked a mirthless laugh and scanned the room for approval. “That would mean he was branded a traitor when he was just a kid!”
Seonghwa trained his eyes on Yunho, technically their second in command, who had been quiet and singularly focused since setting up the holoscreen. “Did you know about this?” He asked him quietly, unable to keep a hint of betrayal out of his voice in his efforts to restrain the panic overwhelming him. That Hongjoong’s identity had apparently put him at risk since childhood was an unexpected blow on this morning of continuous punches to the gut.
“No,” Yunho responded solemnly, still not looking away from the screen. “But I can’t deny I had my suspicions.”
Seonghwa didn’t have time to dwell on that fact as the broadcast tuned back in.
“The proceedings today will be significant in uncovering potential rebel activities, terrorist acts, and connections to other anti-Guild factions,” the second news presenter continued with growing interest even as she read her lines from the prompting screen behind the camera. She glanced at her partner for a moment before returning to her mark. “And we’ll have all the coverage for you right here when we come back from the break.”
Frozen to his seat, Seonghwa tried and failed to wrap his head around what was going on. The botched heist and Hongjoong’s capture three days ago had already sent him reeling, and now their captain was about to be tried in possibly the most biased courtroom in the universe for all the galaxies to see. How could this be real?
How could he have let this happen?
Suddenly needing to busy his hands while the nauseatingly bright advertisements began to play, Seonghwa stood to collect plates. None were empty, most barely picked at, but he couldn’t blame anyone for their lack of appetite when he wasn’t able stomach anything at the moment either.
Alone in the galley, he wasn’t sure now which was worse; waiting to discover Hongjoong’s fate, or watching it be handed to him live.
Light hovered over him while he scrubbed with limp and useless hands. A stain of food still stuck to one of the plates despite his efforts.
When the obnoxious sounds died down, he hurried back from the galley to see the Guild’s high courtroom on the holoscreen.
It was too soon, much too soon.
“What did I miss?” He nearly choked out.
San’s hands were in his hair, tugging at unruly strands while he explained, “They’re expediting the trial process. His entire case is happening today, now.”
Seonghwa forced himself into a chair to quell his shaking legs. It was all so fast, with no chance for anyone to scheme a way out of the situation.
How would Hongjoong even formulate a defence for himself?
“This whole thing is a sham,” Mingi gritted out, getting up to pace the room angrily. “Just a media circus. They won’t even give him a chance.”
“He’ll find a way…” said Yeosang around an audible gulp, glancing at Yunho for confirmation. “Right?”
The second in command and aristocrat-turned-thief merely shook his head and sighed, jaw locked immediately after. He had known Hongjoong the longest by some slim margin, but evidently it wasn’t enough to be privy to some sort of secret emergency measures for this kind of situation.
There had never been a need to appoint an official second in command, a provisional captain of sorts. Not outside of targeted missions.
Seonghwa folded his arms across his chest to mask the way he shuddered and watched on the screen as their captain was led into the courtroom, an amphitheatre-type space with harsh lighting. The judiciary council remained shrouded by their dark robes and headpieces, a stark contrast to the spotless room and the white-clothed prisoner.
The moment he saw him, his eyes blurred with tears.
It was easy to assume Hongjoong had been locked in a holding cell for three days from his dark, unruly hair or the dull pallor of his skin but what really stood out were his eyes. They found the camera immediately and stayed there for just a second too long to be comfortable, betraying nothing about the feelings inside.
Was he afraid?
Was he angry?
“No visible injuries… that’s a good sign…” Wooyoung was muttering his observations in an effort to convince himself of his own words. As the team’s trained medic, he naturally scrutinised their leader’s physical condition first.
“Injuries we can see, anyway,” San pointed out and, despite having the same thought already himself, Seonghwa felt that much more uneasy hearing it voiced aloud. He shifted his weight from one leg to the other and kept his eyes fastened on the display.
Hongjoong was ushered into the seat of the accused and the opening remarks were in full swing without any more introduction. He seemed to be listening with a disdainful expression on his face until the head speaker addressed him directly.
“Kim Hongjoong, you stand before this council accused of piracy. How do you plead?”
Guards on either side of the defendant’s seat dragged him to his feet and it boiled Seonghwa’s blood to see his captain manhandled this way.
He shook them off in annoyance and stated his answer clearly for even the drone cameras to hear.
Seonghwa’s jaw dropped.
“No!” Yunho burst out, bringing a shaking hand to his mouth in shock. Surely they had all misheard. “Pleading guilty?”
“What else can he do?” Jongho cried with a helpless laugh that quickly became tears and trembling lips. “They’ve already decided his punishment. If they set this up to make a fool of him, he has no reason to play along.”
Wooyoung’s breath hitched in an attempt to protest, “But—”
“Yes, I took those credits,” Hongjoong was continuing to speak, and silence fell in the Aurora while he commanded the stage. “But they never belonged to the Guild in the first place. Those served by cause I donated my share to are the rightful owners. So which one of us is the real thief?”
One flickering moment of silence resounded before shouts broke out from an unseen audience on the broadcast and the holoscreen’s display quickly switched back to the newsroom where the first presenter smoothly formulated an excuse.
“Our apologies for the disruption, but it appears there have been technical difficulties—”
“Censorship,” Yunho muttered, collapsing back into his chair with a shaky sigh. “They’re afraid of what he might say.”
Though he had likely sealed his own fate, he would speak without being silenced. Glancing between Yunho and the screen, San shook his head and added, “If they think they can control him… well, then they’ve lost their minds.”
Individual access to public channels via holoscreen had been a luxury in Seonghwa’s childhood, but even having become acquainted with the intergalactic network in recent years, he had never seen anything quite like this.
There was no question what the Guild was trying to do.
This was a performance. A taunt. A message— to Hongjoong’s friends and supporters, yes, but also to anyone who might even consider questioning the total authority of their government. It was a promise they would be silenced in turn.
It was a threat.
And Seonghwa couldn’t help but feel the guilt coursing through him, because he knew deep down, no matter what the others said, that this was his fault.
3 days ago
“Seonghwa, can I talk to you for a second?”
Hearing the captain’s voice behind him, the former bounty hunter glanced up from his weapons store. “Alright,” he agreed, joining Hongjoong in the hall and signalling the armoury door to slide shut behind him. “Something I can help with?”
Hongjoong opened his mouth to respond and suddenly thought better of it, dropping his head and allowing himself another moment to think.
Seonghwa could sense an unusual level of anxiety about the upcoming job and made an attempt to relieve it. “If this is about the plan—”
“It’s not the plan,” Hongjoong cut him off tiredly and finally looked up so Seonghwa could meet his eyes. They were as warm and trusting as ever, but with that calculating shine that hinted at a sharper edge inside. “How sure are you that Yang’s word is good?”
The source of the tip that had led to this job, the crime boss known only as Yang, had multiple systems under his control and the Intergalactic Trade Guild themselves struggling to operate on Venop 4, the planet he and Seonghwa himself hailed from.
He had sent route information about a Guild cargo ship, including the name of the planet where it would be refuelling, and proposed a generous split of the payload it would be carrying should the Aurora crew succeed in robbing it; 5 million credits.
Seonghwa hadn’t intended to have any business with the notorious gangster, but a life of poverty growing up on that world left few options. As a bounty hunter, he had taken what commissions he was given and without complaint. The strength of a client’s word was rarely part of his considerations.
And so Hongjoong’s doubts, while not entirely out of place, weren’t particularly relevant.
“Does it matter?”
“He wants me dead, Seonghwa,” Hongjoong reminded him, quietly but intensely. “Enough to make multiple attempts. I mean, do you really trust him?”
“Not completely,” Seonghwa admitted, because he knew the fact was hard to ignore. He had personally been extremely fortunate that Hongjoong had overlooked this earlier. “But Yang loves money more than anything else and he knows we’re the best crew to get it for him. I don’t think he’d pass up his share of the payload just for the chance to take us out.”
Hongjoong crossed his arms and glanced out the nearest hall window, withdrawn. There was just open space all around, a dark void for them to hide in, dotted with distant star systems. He was still thinking of an excuse. “It might mean more credits for him in the long run if he does, you know.”
This was more nervous behaviour than usual from Hongjoong. If he let his guard down around anyone, it was usually Seonghwa, but after the communal planning stage, the captain typically kept any further worries to himself.
“I realise that,” Seonghwa replied with a lighthearted shrug. “I’m just hoping he hasn’t.”
There was no more time to debate the future, and Yunho was already poking his head around the corner to interrupt them, “Hyungs? Time to space jump.”
“Alright.” With a final cursory glance at Seonghwa, Hongjoong moved past him and headed towards the cockpit. “Fire up the Infinity Drive.”
Cracking a smile, Seonghwa eagerly followed after a brief stop in the armoury to collect the weapons they’d need. He took the arming of his fellow pirates very seriously.
His position on this particular job was to remain onboard the Aurora keeping watch for enemies, providing a quick getaway, and managing communications between the members and, more distantly, with Yang. This was not a task to be taken lightly, and although Seonghwa’s skills usually lay on the battlefield, his personal relationship with the gangster was of greater value today.
“How did the crossbow work for you in practice?” He asked a stoic Yeosang in the seat next to him as the pair strapped in for the space jump.
“It’s excellent,” the mercenary responded, patting the compact weapon where it hung from his belt. “But is there a way to remove the stun feature? It makes that buzzing sound and I’d like it to be quieter.”
“Yes, there’s a switch to activate silent mode,” Seonghwa described and gestured with his hands. “You’ll just have to make sure your aim is perfect because a near-hit won’t take anyone down with the energy field turned off.”
“Not a problem,” Yeosang chuckled. He hadn’t missed a shot any time in recent memory, and both of them knew it. Life as a soldier for hire on a dying planet required a great deal of precision.
“Hyung,” Mingi suddenly gasped, turning around in his seat to face Seonghwa, clearly having just remembered something. “If you use the drones for intelligence, don’t forget to turn on the stealth feature! We do not want a repeat of QD81.”
From the way Yeosang shuddered next to him, Seonghwa could tell bad things had taken place at the aforementioned incident, but it must have been a time from their history together before he knew either of them.
Mingi and Yeosang both hailed from Diistro, a world so badly scorched by its expanding sun that the atmosphere was nearly sucked away by now, the planet itself turned oblong and misshapen from the pull of gravity. They had been born in different countries, but the arbitrary lines of territory became irrelevant in the worsening climate, leaving a wild and lawless place. The pair were not the simple refugees they appeared to be in the years that followed. They did what they must to survive.
“Right, I’ll take care of it,” Seonghwa assured Mingi, patting him on the shoulder and urging him to buckle up properly. The space jump was always a jolting experience.
“Engaging Infinity Drive,” Yunho called out after the final seatbelt clicked, and everyone braced for the coming plunge through bended space-time. “Prepare for a Level 10.”
Hit with all the G-force of hurtling past systems at indescribable speeds, Seonghwa gritted his teeth until the Aurora slowed to a normal pace on arrival and his tension melted away. The entire process lasted only a few seconds.
Travelling so unnaturally fast put a great deal of pressure on the body, making the highest setting—Level 10– only for emergencies. Going a fair bit slower was much more sustainable for the Infinity Drive as well, but today it couldn’t be helped.
“Approaching Eogawa,” Hongjoong announced as he again took manual control of the spacecraft, banking slightly to the left to bring the planet in view. “Prepare for atmospheric entry.”
Being a gas giant, Eogawa was essentially nothing but atmosphere.
Tinted a soft pink hue in the light of its distant sun, the planet’s peaceful appearance was riddled with hidden dangers. Aside from the storms that raged among surface gases, Eogawa was ringed with massive, thick bands of dust and ice. A lesser pilot might run afoul of such a hazardous minefield, but Hongjoong was careful to avoid the rings and zeroed in on the area Aurora’s radar was pointing him to.
“The refuelling station,” San called out, spotting it first through wispy clouds that flew past once they entered the atmosphere and splattered rain droplets on the windows. “It’s huge.”
Seonghwa shared his astonishment when he leaned forward to catch sight of the station and noticed its size. Not merely a lone rig floating in the sky. Much bigger than expected.
Taking in the sight, Hongjoong directed the ship downwards to the lower platform that appeared to be a service entrance. “First team ready?”
Jongho, Yeosang, and San rose from their seats and filed out, weapons in tow, to their starting position for the heist. Their next task would be to steal themselves some uniforms from the locker room to disguise as robot workers.
Yunho rose to follow them out, assigned to lead their team, but Hongjoong stopped him with a hand on his shoulder and a nod to the right where their next objective lay. He would turn the Aurora eastward in search of a different station.
“When is the train coming next?” Hongjoong asked, sounding somewhat distracted while he scanned the layers upon layers of swirling clouds.
Yunho merely had to check the time to provide an answer. “Thirty seven minutes.”
Thanks to his extensive research, the pirates knew Eogawa’s fuel transportation system was fully automated and operated a levitating train which passed through the station every hour. For a ship as big as the Guild freighter they were after, it would take at least thirty minutes to refuel, likely having maintenance performed by the robotic service workers in the meantime.
This system provided both a way in and a way out with the credits.
“We’ll be on it and ready for transport,” the captain encouraged. “Be careful, the Guild ship should be docking any minute.”
“Understood,” Yunho replied with a smile, and he turned to disembark, sharing a glance with Seonghwa who patted him on the back with a measure of nervous excitement.
It was always a bit nerve wracking splitting up to do their various jobs during a heist or a boarding. Seonghwa knew the risk they were taking every time someone was sent off into hostile territory. If a member was caught, it was expected that they disavow any knowledge of the rest of the group and claim to be acting independently.
They may be pirates, but they all served a higher cause. Something a bit more substantial than mere interference in Guild activities.
“Comms operational?” Jongho’s voice crackled through the radio as soon as the Aurora had set off for the levitating train station.
“Loud and clear,” Hongjoong answered to the mechanic’s satisfaction, and soon the train station came into view. It wasn’t intended for humans, so aside from the cleaning droid bustling around, the platform was empty.
Hongjoong, Mingi, and Wooyoung would board the train to clear out a container and pick up the credits and their disguised members, much more discreet there than in the Aurora.
As he handed control of the ship over to Seonghwa, he gave the dashboard a loving pat. “Take care of things while I’m gone,” he instructed, a redundant request for the meticulous bounty hunter.
“She’s safe in my hands,” Seonghwa assured him anyway, saying his farewells and watching the door slide shut behind them.
Suddenly it was very quiet onboard, and put off by the silence, Seonghwa powered up the engines again and directed the Aurora to the waiting point, behind both stations in the direction the train was sure to come when the heist was finished.
Staying with the getaway vehicle made for a bit of a boring job, so for the next half hour there was nothing much to do but fiddle with his weapons and watch the sun set from gold into soft violet.
He listened in on the comms chatter as the teams informed each other of their progress; Yunho’s team securing disguises and Hongjoong’s team successfully entering a train compartment.
And then, fifteen minutes before the train would arrive, the moment he was least looking forward to arrived in the form of a call from Yang.
Schooling his expression into something vaguely neutral and unbothered, he accepted it and watched the hologram materialise on the dashboard.
The crime lord was evidently seated in his sunroom, snacking on a homemade flatbread that made Seonghwa’s stomach grumble just by looking at it. As glad as he was to be offworld, he had missed the tastes of home.
“Mr. Park, do you have a status update for me?” Yang asked him with a monotone voice, brushing crumbs from his shirt in boredom.
“Everything is proceeding on schedule,” Seonghwa answered, slightly reserved, knowing Hongjoong would prefer he keep the details private. “I’ll let you know when we have a count of the credits and—”
“We found the credits,” San’s voice interrupted through the comms, unaware of Seonghwa’s ongoing conversation. “Five million, it’s all here. We’ve been unloading one case at a time, there’s just two left.”
“Ah,” Yang chuckled, overhearing him. “How efficient, just as expected.”
Seonghwa resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the crime lord’s empty flattery. “Before I go, I thought I’d ask,” he regained control of the conversation while subtly muting the comm radio in the middle of Hongjoong’s response to San. “Where do you suggest we rendezvous?”
Yang glanced to the side, probably out his highland window at the marshes below. It was the time of year when Venop 4 enjoyed a brief reprieve from the rainy season and Seonghwa could practically smell it through the holoscreen.
“Surely it isn’t too much trouble for you to bring the money here?” The crime lord posed the question innocently, but his hard gaze was a clear indication of his thoughts on the matter.
“If I recall correctly, we agreed on a rendezvous, not a delivery,” Seonghwa answered him politely but with enough insistence of his own to carry the point across. “Perhaps with one of your currently deployed ships?”
Yang stared back for a moment, but his little blue hologram didn’t intimidate Seonghwa in the slightest. The boss had much less power in this form than he had last time Seonghwa had seen him, at his compound. Even if he was standing there now, there was something about the freedom of becoming a pirate that made him feel indestructible, like everyone else would simply bounce off his invisible shield.
“Halfway then,” Yang relented, flashing a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “My ship Nexus is in the orbit of Sarkei. You can dock there and split the payload.”
“I’ll inform you when we’ve left Eogawa,” Seonghwa promised, satisfied with the answer, and moved to end the call. “Until then—”
“And Seonghwa?” Yang interrupted him, and it gave him pause to hear his given name spoken so easily by the criminal overlord. While it didn’t come as a surprise, it put him on edge knowing Yang had much more information than he was comfortable with. He chuckled like he knew something Seonghwa didn’t, “I look forward to working with you again.”
The bounty hunter didn’t plan to. He could get his intelligence on Guild operations elsewhere.
He was lost in thought for a while after ending the call with no further response, until something in the distance caught his eye. It was the levitating train, moving toward the Aurora quickly. A hatch was open in the top of one of the compartments, and Mingi halfway out of it, yelling something into the wind that Seonghwa couldn’t hear.
Jolting upright, he positioned the ship above the train and lowered the ramp from the undercarriage. He had completely forgotten to unmute the comms.
“Load up and go back!” Mingi was saying, bringing a couple of cases of money with him as he climbed up into the suspended Aurora and ran to the cockpit. “We have to go back, hyung!”
“Why?” Seonghwa watched with growing dread as the others quickly began loading the ship. “What’s going on?”
Yunho dropped a case in the cargo area and joined him at the controls while Mingi ran back to fetch another. He was visibly angry, face red and breath heavy, though at what Seonghwa couldn’t be sure until he opened his mouth.
“He stayed— the idiot!— he got out of the compartment and went back into the refuelling station just as the train took off,” Yunho panted with the effort of the words, clearly in disbelief himself.
“Who?” Seonghwa breathed the question out, strangled by it. 
Yunho finally looked him in the eyes.
Cursing softly, Seonghwa set the Aurora to autopilot, precariously hovering above the moving train, and joined the others in moving the last few cases to their cargo hold.
The next train station was on the horizon when Seonghwa reached down for another case to pass along and was met with San emerging from inside the compartment instead. His instructions were curt, “We’re loaded, turn around.”
Seonghwa helped him into the ship and retracted the ramp, hurrying to the cockpit before being stopped by Yeosang. “Wait!” The mercenary insisted on it and wrapped a hand around Seonghwa’s arm. “The drone. Send in the drone first.”
He was right to be cautious, Seonghwa came to realise when he piloted the drone into the refuelling station from the safety of the cockpit a few minutes later. Guild officials had emerged from the freighter they just robbed and someone was watching them from the secrecy of a connecting hall.
Seonghwa could tell who it was the moment he saw the back of his head.
Lips pursed with worry, he navigated the drone closer. “Let me turn on comms and ask what he’s doing—”
“He already switched off his channel,” Wooyoung broke in before Seonghwa wasted time trying.
“But you can try to patch through to the drone,” Mingi reminded them both, reaching over to turn off the stealth feature he had insisted upon earlier. “There, now the speakers.”
“Hongjoong?” Seonghwa called immediately when it was clear the audio was stable. “Hongjoong, answer me.”
The captain turning his head toward the screen was confirmation he had heard him. “You all need to get out of here,” he said under his breath, returning his gaze to the platform. Clearly he knew something they didn’t. “This is an ambush, Yang must have tipped them off.”
Seonghwa’s stomach dropped.
He should’ve known. Yang would never let such a good chance pass him by, even if he had to work with the Guild for compensation. Even if it meant fewer credits. All his teasing had been meant to distract, and it had succeeded easily.
Hongjoong was hurriedly giving out last minute instructions, “Cut off contact and don’t bring him anything, just get the money to Aten-Odae. The Manager will know what to do. I’m counting on you.”
“Why can’t you come with us?” San protested, unable to keep his voice quiet in his distress. “What are you doing in the station? We could be picking you up right now. There’s still time!”
Hongjoong’s eyes fluttered shut with a sigh. “Check your radar,” he murmured, regret in his voice. “There are ten Guild dreadnoughts with hwacha missiles trained on the Aurora right now. We are out of time. You need to leave while I call them off.”
And when Yeosang pulled up the screen, Seonghwa had to catch his breath. Hongjoong was right. Exactly ten of the Guild’s most heavily weaponised spacecraft were advancing on their position silently and undetected until now. It was horrifying.
Wooyoung’s voice stuck in his throat wetly as he fought back tears, begging him, “Please don’t do this, hyung, we can figure out another way, there has to be something—”
“There isn’t another way, Woo.” From the way Hongjoong spoke, it sounded like it was breaking his heart, too. “I wish there was but… I know I have to do this. Don’t come back here, understand? I won’t let them take you.”
And Seonghwa knew he was right, even as he sat frozen in shock and let Jongho and Mingi argue with the increasingly unresponsive captain while he advanced through the hallway toward the Guild officers.
They’d been tricked and there was nothing else but to retreat.
Seonghwa didn’t realise there were tears streaming down his cheeks until he had already said in a haze, “Don’t go. Don’t.”
It was selfish and he should follow orders and be strong for the others but he couldn’t do it. If Hongjoong stayed behind, there was no way out for him. “I won’t forgive you,” he sobbed.
Hongjoong couldn’t see him but he knew.
“Hey, don’t cry. It’ll be alright,” he comforted softly, taking slow steps backwards away from the drone until a doorway separated them.
His hand hovered over the sensor. “I’m sorry.”
And then he hit the switch and the door slid shut, cutting him off from view.
The feed was blank without a subject in view and Yunho took the controls and directed the drone back out of the station, bringing it aboard the Aurora then suddenly tossing it to the floor in a burst of anger and dropping into his seat wordlessly.
For a moment it was still and silent, and then Wooyoung began to sniffle. Seonghwa reached out to comfort him, but it felt like he was underwater.
The world was moving in slow motion and he was drowning in his own despair. A distant beeping surfaced and he noticed the display, bright red with warning symbols and a repeating alert message.
Enemy ships approaching.
Spurred into action, he sent the Aurora upwards, up through waning sunbeams to the higher layer of clouds and then the next layer and then the next.
“You can’t be serious,” Mingi laughed emptily, glancing in disbelief between Seonghwa and the rest of the team. “We’re leaving him?”
Yeosang’s head was in his hands. “They’ve locked targets on us. There’s no choice.”
“Why didn’t he just call it off before we loaded the ship?” San was bargaining with hypotheticals. “We could’ve used that time. We all could’ve escaped together.”
And of course there was no point now in wondering. They might never know.
Rosy pink rays faded to dusk and seven pirates strapped into their seats and shot up past the highest layer of clouds only to be immediately faced with the enemy dreadnoughts.
Silent and hulking, they simply watched the Aurora fly past them, making no move to shoot the smaller ship down.
Wooyoung dried his eyes and craned his neck to look up at the menacing dreadnoughts through the front window. “They’re just… letting us go.”
“Hongjoong hyung. He turned himself in,” Jongho said mournfully and then braced himself for the space jump as soon as they were clear.
Seonghwa’s tears soaked into his collar. 
The stars raced by like a stain on the black canvas and they left their captain behind.
18:47 Open Space Calibrated Time
Seonghwa’s light dozing was interrupted by the holoscreen broadcast. After a back and forth of testimonies and cross-examinations by the most incompetent legal representatives the Guild had to offer, a verdict had been reached.
San and Yeosang were called back in to the living area to watch from their various restless activities around the ship.
The head speaker removed her headdress and spoke, unveiled at last, to the accused.
“The council has deliberated at great length to determine an appropriate finding and will vote next on a punishment suitable for the nature of these crimes.” Her beady eyes looked up from the floating wall of text behind the camera she was no doubt reading from and in the direction of the seat of the accused, remorseless. “However, regarding today’s business, it is the decision of this council that on all counts of piracy, assault, corruption, illegal possession of firearms, possession of stolen property, fraudulent or unauthorised access to Intergalactic Trade Guild networks, conspiracy, theft of an Intergalactic Trade Guild spacecraft, and false personation, Kim Hongjoong is found guilty and sentenced to death.”
It was like his throat closed and then was forcefully reopened again as Seonghwa vomited and then blacked out. When he came to, San was rubbing his back. Every eye on him was ringed with red.
He had been expecting it, but the verdict stung like acid in his face.
The broadcast was off now and he hadn’t even been able to see Hongjoong’s face again.
Was he afraid now?
Mingi looked around and finally asked, voice hollow, “What do we do?”
“The Manager told us to split up and lay low,” Yunho scoffed. He was scary like this, stern and sarcastic and so far away from himself.
Hongjoong was their glue. Without him there to hold them together, surely they’d drift off, each going his own way with a heart full of regret and a useless supply of credits in his pocket.
But they hadn’t done so. No one had wandered off yet, ejecting themselves from the Aurora and wishing the rest good luck and goodbye. Even now they huddled together, waiting for something. A sign.
Seonghwa trembled in the cold of realisation washing over him. There was nowhere else to turn. The floor underneath him began to feel firm and he grounded himself in it. He clutched the blanket around his shoulders closer.
More than ever before he pined for Hongjoong’s help, for his guidance.
“I don’t think we have a choice,” Seonghwa finally said, shaking his head with some sort of resolution.
He raised his head to see all the others looking at him.
They knew what needed to be done, but no one was ready to speak the words aloud. No one except Seonghwa.
“We break him out. We have to do it ourselves.”
He watched them realise, one by one, that it was up to them now. That they could not go on as a team without their captain. He had brought them together only to abandon them, but he would not be allowed to give his life for theirs so easily.
Jongho nodded and got to his feet, ready to contribute however he could. “All we can hope for now is that his execution is scheduled far in advance.”
Seonghwa did not care what it took. They had to get to Hongjoong first, even if they burned up on entry.
They could not escape the pull of his gravity.
A/N: Welcome to my submission for 8 Makes 1 Family Fest Round 2, 2024 version (shh it's not technically revealed yet there so don't tell lol), based on a lovely prompt that grabbed me immediately and is responsible for probably a good chunk of this story's appeal! It will be multi-chaptered and I'll do my best to portray the slice-of-life (the theme of this round) and not go too heavy on the plot but uhh no promises lol. Also if you happen to be a fan of Andor, the randomly insanely good Disney+ Star Wars show (if not, watch it) I think you will also like this! I took some inspiration from it so, while I did make this AU myself, there are things in common.
Thanks for reading and let me know what you thought!! <3
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aquato-family-circus · 10 months
What do you think it's like in the real world when someone is astral projecting or being astral projected into? Like, when Raz went into Hollis' mind during the casino mission, would Hollis have looked different to the other people near her, and what would someone have seen if they looked at Raz while he was doing that? Would they be in a trance or something?
My impression is that for the person being astral projected into trance out and just kinda stop doing stuff, which feels most likely since multiple characters both stay put and you can see their eyes zone out when the door hits (boyd, ford, helmut!nick, bob, ect ect)
it could be they go into a kind of auto pilot blackout mode where they keep doing basic moving around, but less likely imo since I feel like people staying still is important for the mechanic in a narrative sense of "not ending up a football field away from where you started"
as for the astral projector themself they're Absolutely just standing there, better find a place someone won't pick up your body and leave idiot. Raz has his goggles on and glowing if you found him but take the goggles off and his eyes are distant and dont look at you, definitely also trancelike
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frasier-crane-style · 7 months
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is a blockbuster so uncreative that it has two separate skybeams in it
Actually, what it really reminds me of is The Forbidden Kingdom, you remember, that movie where Jackie Chan and Jet Li finally teamed up, only it was all focused on some douchey kid? This is the same thing--the Autobots and Maximals finally team up!--only it's all about some douche. Because representation.
I'm serious. The Maximals are barely in this movie. The Autobots aren't in it much more. But we get a lot of this random dude, whose sole characterization is that he's from Brooklyn. Brooklyn! He's from Brooklyn, you guys!
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Could it be? Are these characters in... GASP... Brooklyn?
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There's also this chick, who delivers each line like she just bit into a sandwich. It makes you miss the days of Michael Bay. Sure, the actresses he cast couldn't act either, but at least they weren't 5/10. Let's admit it--the CGI model is hotter.
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The plot makes no sense and is cobbled together from older blockbusters, which slightly made sense. Unicron--you know, Galactus for robots?--eats the Maximals' homeworld. He's trying to get today's MacGuffin, the Transwarp Key, which the Maximals hide on Earth in prehistoric times. Earth: The Transformers' junk drawer. Is there a single fucking widget those damn bots own that they haven't stashed here?
Now, Unicron wants the Transwarp Key because it will allow him to travel to other planets and eat them. The Autobots want it because it will let them go home to Cybertron (this movie is in continuity with Bumblebee, when they all left Cybertron).
This compels a few questions. How did Unicron get to the Maximals' planet if he can't already travel through space? Why can't the Autobots just return to Cybertron the same way they got to Earth? The movie says that Unicron is 'trapped in another galaxy,' presumably since the Maximals left, which I think the movie says happened a couple millennia ago. This seems like a short amount of time to devour every world in a galaxy, since Unicron says that he's starving--maybe he can only get around at sublight speeds? In which case you have to wonder why he can't travel FTL, but his minions can easily make it to Earth. Shouldn't Unicron be able to travel in the same manner his minions do?
Anyway, you know what all this means. Our heroes have to find two halves of the plot coupon*. The bad guys get the plot coupons instead and use it to summon up the worse guys with a portal, allowing for an endless stream of faceless CGI hordes. Rhinox has no lines.
*("This is some Indiana Jones shit," our Brooklyn protagonist from Brooklyn helpfully notes, since the movie is desperately trying to do MCU style meta humor--lots of characters talking about how silly it is that they are interacting with giant space robots)
The movie even rips off the scene from The Avengers where Loki astrally projected to talk to Thanos. Same exact visuals and everything.
Also, it's Representation now, so the first twenty minutes are about how our protagonists are oppressed by jerky white people who do evil, oppressive things like refuse them medical treatment unless they pay their hospital bills and not give them jobs because their references are bad. Which makes it unintentionally hilarious that Brooklyn guy is the first minority lead in a Transformers movie and the first protagonist to meet his Autobot buddy by grand theft auto instead of buying a car. Brooklyn!
The movie also really wants you to know that just because the Maximals came to Earth in prehistoric times, doesn't mean they created the Nazca Lines or anything. Which, bizarrely, is done by the archaeologist lady saying they must've created the Nazca Lines and Optimus Primal saying that humans did it. So... I guess she's racist for assuming Indigenous people couldn't create the Nazca Lines? It's one of those daft moments meant only to do numbers on Twitter.
Oh, and GI Joe shows up at the end. It's supposed to be one of those 'Samuel L. Jackson meets Tony Stark' moments, but that Snake Eyes movie flopped (and the movie is set in the 90s for no reason, so anyone they get would be retirement age if they did a movie in the present day), so they just give Brooklyn guy a business card that says GI Joe on it. That's the big surprise cameo. A business card.
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autumnslance · 2 years
You know it’s weird that they handwave language barriers to the Echo being able to auto translate most languages but I often wonder how those without the Echo are able to get past those barriers in relatively short amounts of time
Doylist reasoning is it's a game and the characters have to communicate. But this being Final Fantasy XIV, they've added a few Watsonian reasons as well. Rather unsurprisingly, actually, given how much they detail the eras of the setting, and the writers and translators are all word nerds themselves dealing with the difficulties of localization.
The second lorebook goes into language and literacy in decent detail. I'll transcribe below page 24 of Encyclopaedia Eorzea II. @mirkemenagerie also has a in depth post on language, accents, and literacy here where they transcribe far more lore sources and details on languages, communication, and the Echo.
The game occasionally does make mention of language barriers; Alisaie snarking about not speaking fluent Hingan comes to mind (though wouldn't surprise me if the twins picked up quite a bit of the language, especially with as much time as they spent in Kugane and Doma). No one but Krile and WoL understood the Ancient Meracydians during the Warring Triad story.
But mostly they go with the idea of a common trade language folks speak--or they're handwaving the non-Echo characters picking up and speaking the local languages, like the aforementioned Doman adventures, especially considering the Scions would have exposure to and willing tutors in Eastern languages well before StB. That's a possibility.
Whenever we eventually get to the western continent that's analogous to the Americas, we'll likely have few communication issues there either, but it'll be explained as there's already trade and interaction with that continent and its peoples; the Mamool Ja are from there, as is Blue Magic. Merlwyb's famous for charting a swift route there and back. And Allag's dialects even stretched that far, giving a common root for some things. So there's basis for the common trade language to exist even in those distant lands.
Similar with Meracydia; the influence of the dragons and Allag might make communication even in the modern era easier.
Many 13th denizens have been back and forth to the Source, some of them bonded even to certain people. While there are plenty of voidsent we can't communicate with in any way, there are some chatty ones who do know how to speak to denizens of the Source.
What it comes down to once again is the imperialism of Allag, mixed with the roaming and stubborn tendencies of Eorzea's Hyurs (as in many fantasy settings, making theirs the "common tongue" though at least the FFXIV writers seem to have given thought as to the whys and hows), and the canny trade ability of Eorzean Lalafells.
The Common Tongue Being home to myriad races and cultures, it is not surprising that Hydaelyn is also home to many and more unique tongues. On the Three Great Continents alone, scholars have identified ten score unique languages, and believe yet others may exist in the land's less-traveled corners. The most widely used is Eorzean by far, but how, exactly, did this phenomenon come to pass?
The Life and Death of a Language Most languages spoken today, including Eorzean, can be traced back to an Allagan dialect that dominated the Third Astral Era--a dialect believed by Allagan scholars to have originated with the ancient Hyuran tribes of Aldenard. Both the empire's size and longevity saw the imperial tongue spread wide from Aldenard to Othard, and even to the western continent, over time rendering most other languages in the occupied territories obsolete. However, the coming of the Fourth Umbral Era severed the bonds that held the empire together, forcing large populations into relative isolation. With no simple means of communication over great distances, the Allagan dialect shattered, each shard experiencing an independent evolution which, over hundreds of generations, saw the rise of countless new languages.
By the Fifth Astral Era and the resurgence of civilization, there existed so many unique languages that the abundance gave rise to a new social class of translators and interpreters. Difficulty of communication between cities and nations often resulted in heightened political tensions, and it fell to translators to facilitate communication between the parties. It goes without saying that this skill eventually saw the members of the class wielding dangerously significant monetary and political clout.
A Triumphant Return It was not until the Sixth Astral Era when a dialect resembling modern Eorzean returned to Aldenard to take root, brought back by the very Hyuran tribes from which the dialect had first descended. Despite the Elezen having arrived in the land first, the choice to limit their sphere of influence to the Black Shroud prevented their language from spreading beyond the great holt. The Hyur, however, came in waves, settling every corner of Aldenard (including the Black Shroud), and it was only a matter of time before Hyuran converse had permeated the realm. Yet, while the Hyur have always been known for their adaptability, for reasons unknown they proved adamant in their unwillingness to succumb to the prevailing Elezen tongue.
Though the Elezen fought to preserve their language against the vulgar tide, the plight was doomed with the arrival of Lalafellin traders from the southern seas. The Lalafells, more interested in coin than pride, quickly recognized there was profit to be had in learning the language of the Hyur. When the Miqo'te tribes followed suit, it was thus the Hyuran dialect became what we now know as Eorzean.
Having secured a strong foothold in Eorzea, the Lalafellin traders set their sights on Ilsabard and beyond, taking with them the simple, yet expressive Hyuran dialect that had seen their coffers full to bursting with gil, adding terms they thought necessary for haggling. It was through the efforts of these entrepreneurs that the language slowly spread, taking hold as the accepted parlance for negotiation. Now, it is not uncommon to see merchants from as far as Hingashi and Radz-at-Han handling their transactions in common Eorzean traders' cant.
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