#bcuz my life is a joke
While this is absolutely not the case and also really stupid, it would still be funny if, since we haven't actually heard Sir Pentious' voice yet, he wasn't actually being voiced by Alex Brightman and they were just having Brightman cover for the big surprise that Pentious is still being voiced by Stamper, with Stamper being the only pilot VA to return. Again, absolutely not the case, but man it would be so fuckin funny-
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child-ofdust · 29 days
i used to be sad over the fact everyone could draw fanart & enjoy it but all i ever enjoyed was my ocs and little else And then i got into jojo bizzare adventure
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tasteofyourblood · 11 months
fucking embarrassing how much of an impact Some Guy's hair has on me
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1roentgen · 1 year
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matoitech · 2 years
gay n bi men dont tend to rly talk abt this stuff  alot bcuz we know it wont go anywhere, the normal ppl who care r going to be conscious of it and act like normal fucking people and the ppl who dont just ignore it or may just say they care soo much and totally support us and dont want us to deal w these things!! while their actions def dont come off that way at all. esp when ppl just do not care enough to say anything bcuz we r just not worth saying anything or they r scared of being made fun of or harassed for saying they dont think like some homophobic joke is funny. but anyway it does wear on u its why a lot of us stay pretty far out of anything ‘fandom’ adjacent and just hang out w each other and other normal ppl on the sidelines lol. bunch of dudes in a circle passing images of galolio promare to each other and saying dont look outside man its weird as fuck out there
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loverofhimbos · 2 years
why is all (at least all that i’ve seen besides the dad in Luca which WHOOOOOO i LOVE HIM…anyway) why is all the media disability ‘rep’ about the physical disabilities that occur due to some tragic accident or are strictly limited to a person who uses a wheelchair?not to say that representing those types of disabilities aren’t good, but have about congenial disabilities-the ones that people are born with?? what about the people who are born with deformed hands and feet or even (especially) the ones who are born without a limb at all?? i want to see that shit immensely bad please and thank you
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mintaikcorpse · 3 months
Why Blitzø Likes Stolas
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I've made jokes about Blitzø liking Stolas bcuz his type is tall, rich, powerful demons with musical talent, and that's probably kinda true, but I wanna talk about the real reasons Blitzø likes Stolas. Tldr at the end.
I think one of the major reasons Blitzø likes Stolas is how kind, sincere, and affectionate he is. Stolas is always making sure he is okay and is very passionate about litterally everything he does (dramatic little bitch, lol). And while he's ignorant ("my impish little plaything"???), he does mean well. Taking Octavia to Looloo Land to make her feel better, Going full demon mode to save IMP, his attentiveness to Blitzø during his mental breakdown in Seeing Stars, him absolutely adoring Octavia, him helping Ozzie when he gained no real benefit, etc, etc.
Also, expanding more on the affectionate part, Blitzø is shown to not get much affection or love in his life at all. His family situation was a giant mess (his dad literally sold him for 5 bucks and a condom Jesus Christ-), and Stolas is a very loving and affectionate person. Obviously, this is shown with Blitzø, but also with Octavia ('my precious little starfire', always staying patient with Via, even if he can be a bit dismissive, going full demon mode when Blitzø said he lost Via), and even his plants (he raised the flesh-eating plant since he was a kid, he pets the plant, on his insta he called a puprle rose "a handsome little rose"). And yeah, he's going to be affectione with Via, that's his daughter, but in Hell, (or maybe just from Blitzø's perspective, it'a hard to tell honestly) that's shown to be a rarity. So obviously, he's going to admire that about him.
And also, compare that to Blitzø's life. His dad saw him as less than, something happened that made his sister hate him, his mom seemed to be a good parent, but she's dead, his best friend and former crush hated his guts for 15 years, his daughter does care about him but she also mostly just shows anger and annoyance with him, and even Moxxie, who'd I'd argue is his best friend, gets annoyed with him constantly (I would too tbh but this isn't about that). Stolas just being his loving and affectionate self and being so happy to see him and always being so sweet to Blitzø is like a breath of fresh air to him.
Another thing is that Stolas shows clear interest in the things he likes. Take horses as example, bcuz we all know Blitzø is obsessed with them. Most of the time, his friends are pretty passive about it, but Stolas actually indulges him. Some of this is from their instas, but Stolas got him a horse Hoodie, he draws horses with him, and Stolas even got inspired to draw because of Blitzø.
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(Also, plz note that in another post he commented that it smells like Stolas, and I want everyone to appreciate how happy he looks in this photo while smelling it again)
Blitzø probably admires Stolas's theatrics as well because despite growing up in a Circus where you were supposed to be dramatic and showy, he was still always taught to ignore or hide his true emotions (Cash ignoring that he didn't want to go to the Goetia Palace because "MONEY"). And while Stolas was raised the same way, he still wears his heart and emotions on his sleeve and is always showing them, whether it be positive or negative
And we all know thst Blitzø has major self hatred issues, but Stolas was genuinely interested in Blitzø as a person. Laughing at his jokes, asking how his day went, and with all of this, you can't help but wonder if Blitzø was figuring out that he did too. I think that's why he was so heartbroken about Ozzie's. Because to him, Stolas hiding his face was just proof that Stolas didn't care. That he was just a little plaything. But, Blitzø liked that Stolas liked him for who he was, and that he didn't have to pretend to be someone different.
Yes, ik Blitzø wasn't here for some of them, and he thinks that Stolas is just faking all of this. BUT, Blitzø can notice things subconsciously, and the stuff that Blitzø wasn't there for was to talk about Stolas's character as well. That's why I wanted to talk about this, to talk about what Blitzø sees in Stolas and his character.
Feel free to add anything if you want! I'd love to hear your guy's opinions, takes, and thoughts on the ship. I'm probably gonna a make a post on why Stolas likes Blitzø at some point, lol
Tldr; Blitzø likes Stolas because he's kind, sincere, loving, affectionate, passionate, caring, dramatic, and likes Blitzø for who he is.
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
the tea on self love⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍵
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the most important relationship that you're ever going to have during your lifetime is the relationship with yourself. its the longest relationship that you'll ever be in, therefore its crucial to make this relationship flourish.
first understand ; love is unconditional. theres no such thing as conditional love, if its conditional then it is NOT love. that means regardless of past mistakes, your love for yourself is still there and its still strong. the love for yourself is the only love that will always be there. because people change and they come and go, but you're with yourself ALL hours of the day, and forEVER.
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because people change, you cannot rely on the love of others all of the time. the love that u feel for urself shouldn't decrease just because your surrounded by individuals who love you a lot. if anything ur self love should grow, but never shrink.
its easy to grow dependent on the love from others, your friends, family, partner.. but the truth of the matter is, if ur self love isnt solid and grounded then when that person inevitably changes or grows or leaves ur life, then you perception of self love will crumble.
practicing self love ; start asking yourself "how i feel today" or "what do i need/want today" be more conscious of urself and ur feelings, just as you would if u were being thoughtful and considerate to a friend or partner that you loved.
do not EVER speak badly about yourself. even in a "joking" manner. bcuz guess what, ur brain can't tell the difference between when ur joking and when ur being serious. your words have power!! the same love and support that u provide to ur friends when they've made a mistake is the same, if not more, support and love that u should give urself when u make mistakes.
often times we beat ourselves up over mistakes that we make but thats not healthy at ALL. make ur mind a peaceful, beautiful, and safe place to be, where u can cultivate ideas and growth. instead of a place where ur walking on eggshells all of the time bcuz ur scared of imperfection.
make a promise to yourself that regardless of how u feel or what happened in ur life, that you won't talk badly about yourself. only tell yourself good things!!
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be conscious of how you treat urself ; are you considerate enough of ur own health or well being? if the answer is no, then what are you even doing? treat urself with tender love and care. if you feel tired, sleep. if you feel hungry, eat. if you long for something, give it to yourself. dont deny yourself anything and please please look after yourself.
ways to show yourself love depending on ur love language ; if u dont know ur love language, take this quiz ✨ and find out.
if ur love language is physical touch...
try yoga
take a bubble bath
buy a weighted blanket or one of those pregnancy pillows
if ur love language is receiving gifts...
go on solo trips
investing in yourself
buying gifts for urself when u go out
if ur love language is words of affirmation...
practice gratitude
practice saying ur affirmations out loud to urself
give yourself compliments
if ur love language is acts of service...
practicing self care
meal prepping meals that u know u love to eat
clean and organize ur space
if ur love language is quality time...
go for a relaxing walk
start journalling
try meditation
have some quiet time and replenish yourself, take a long nap, do whatever u need to do to show yourself that YOU LOVE YOU, bcuz u should 🫶🏽
the mindset of someone who loves themselves ;
"im going to give my body the best that i can possibly manage"
"my body is a temple, so im going to treat it as such"
"im going to be conscious of what i say and think to myself about myself, and only feed myself good thoughts"
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prettymita · 11 months
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KIM GUN-WOO - 6/10 on the jealousy scale
♡ gun-woo trusts you sooo much
♡ he knows you'd never cheat on him, so whenever you're talking to another guy, he wouldn't think much of it. he would keep an eye on you, though.
♡ it only really affects him if you start flirting with another guy. he thinks you're wayyy too good for him, even if that's not true. (no, bcuz this man only has eyes for you. he thinks you're the most beautiful girl in the universe) so when you start spending more time with another man and prioritizing them over him, he would get so sad :(
♡ poor baby wouldn't even tell you. he would try to act fine and tell himself that he was just being stupid and overthinking, he'd probably blame himself for it 😭
♡ when you start to notice how he seemed down, he would finally open up and admit that he was jealous. he's so cute i can't
♡ even if gunwoo isn't very extroverted or talkative, he's actually good at communicating his feelings with you. when he's jealous of a guy you're talking to, he would shyly pull you aside and have a conversation with you about how he felt about you hanging out with another man. "hey, can we talk?"
♡ and when you reassure him that he has nothing to worry about and shower him in kisses, he's a timid, smiling mess.
♡ he's so babygirl omlll
♡ when it comes to possessiveness, it's leaning towards less possessive. sure, if a guy is making you laugh and all, gun-woo will join the conversation, linger his hand on your back or waist innocently and pretend nothing is wrong. but he isn't too over the top, there is a healthy amount of possessiveness.
♡ he doesn't care what you wear, you are your own person, and he knows and respects that. so if you catch the gazes of men, it doesn't make him jealous. i mean, you were so beautiful, how could they not stare, right? besides, he could fight if he needed to. (he will subtly glare at a guy if their gaze gets too explorative, though. not even glare, to be honest. its more of a disappointed look LMAO)
♡ if a guy is making you uncomfortable, that's a different case.
♡ he would notice and act immediately. gunwoo doesn't like to resort to violence, even if he is mad. he would gently pull you away from the person and step in front of you, politely (but sternly) telling the guy that you weren't interested. he wouldn't pick a fight, unless the opponent swings first. even so, he'd stick to defending only, not throwing any life-threatening punches. cause damn, he is strong asf. you're kind of glad he is so non-violent and gentle bcuz if he wasn't, he might've killed someone already.
HONG WOO-JIN - 8/10 on the jealousy scale
♡ woojin does trust you, but the twisted knot in his stomach can overtake his sense of rationality sometimes
♡ he is very clingy. so if he sees you talking with another guy, he will try to join the conversation because he doesn't want to feel left out.
♡ if he's jealous, he'll often wrap an arm around your waist or sling it over your shoulder, or making it very obvious that the two of you are dating. "Oh, how's my precious girlfriend doing?" and then pecks you on the lips. its a little embarrassing sometimes but its woo-jin so its okay
♡ its funny because sometimes he completely ignores the guy's existence and continues to talk to you until you glare at him for being rude
♡ if you ignore woo-jin and continue to focus on the other guy, he will do anything to get your attention. and i mean anything. he will start telling the most unfunny jokes, physically get on the table and do something goofy to make you laugh. this man cannot be stopped.
♡ also, he will not admit that he is jealous. even if you know he is, he wouldn't say it unless you really pry at him. "Okay, fine! I'm jealous, is that what you wanted to hear?"
♡ and then he'll sulk around like a sullen puppy lmaoo
♡ so when it comes to you wearing revealing clothing, i'm sure he loves it the most, to be honest. but he's a little cautious of you wearing it outside, he just doesn't want you to get hurt. he might've tried to get you to wear something else or bring a jacket a couple times. he isn't really fond of others seeing what's his. (!!!)
♡ he's possessive, but he doesn't like to admit it. he'd rather show it through actions, being superrr clingy
♡ if a guy's staring at you and his gaze begins to wander, woo-jin will wrap a hand around you possessively. he might even snarl at the guy.
♡ if anyone makes you uncomfortable, he makes sure to get you out of there, probably threatening the guy a little. he might shove him lightly and get a little aggressive if he's really mad. then afterward, he would make sure you're okay and shit-talk about how the guy was an absolute ass.
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godsstrongestangel · 10 months
Astro notes - 2
This post is definitely for my softies and also I'll be talking about positive side of signs I shot in my previous post
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The element of your moon sign tells how other feels when they come to you during tough times
Air moons will make u forget about ur problems and lighten up the mood also makes jokes as well they are funny and u will realise things are not that serious :)
Water moons will make u feel seen and heard they will hug u n comfort u, might even cry with u :)
Earth moons will make u feel grounded and calm u will realise things aren't that bad n they can be solved :)
Fire moons are they type to motivate you and encourage with lots of positive words, they might even start speaking some quotes or wise words to fire u up :)
Venusians suns with leo moon are great to get advices if u dont like to do the thinking part they can also save u from making stupid mistakes but dont take advice from them if u r not gonna follow through cuz some yall love askin for advices but end up doin wt u wanted in the first place 😭🤣if they find out be prepared for consequences (yes there are consequences n im not telling which one)
Capricorns moon do give this vibe of being well put together, they might not be emotionally but definitely practically so u can really learn from them when it comes to making rational decisions in life.
Libra suns are great to be weird with infact they will adapt ur personality so if u want another lil u befriend a libra sun
I heard this on a reel long time ago it said that air energy is great because it can transcend but if it is underdeveloped it can become gossipy and vain so all my fellow air placement people must develop their energy
Tips for developing air energy would be - meditating, drawing, journaling ur feelings i.e. writing them down with no filter though these habits are great for everyone but its a must for air signs if u want me to explain why u can tell me I'll do it on another post
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Dating an aquarius venus is great because they will give u space and freedom and also they wont loose interest in u unlike other venus signs who might give u space and adventure but will loose interest quickly as well (just make sure u tell ur aqua venus partner that u will be busy for this much time they r just happy with knowing u r theirs n please dont break their trust if u have agreed for monogamy although yall should communicate well with all signs)
Speaking of air venus communication is a must for all of them because speaking and talking is their main way of expressing their emotions
Aquarius venus might not be that possessive with their partners but they can be with their bestfriends
If you find a sagittarius sun who is not that famous it could be because they are not sagittarius dominant
Make out sessions with cancer suns can leave u feeling good (not so sure about sex though) good tip for anyone who might wanna burst into a hookup or smthng
Speaking of hookup ik its unrelated to astrology i think its much better to just make out or do oral/mutual masturbation bcuz sex itself is not that pleasurable,its overrated plus its dangerous on a spiritual level bcuz there is always a risk of soul tie u r not missing out if u dont do penetrating sex trust me on that
Now i mark the end pheww.. Just another day helpin yall with my wise words
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 x idol!reader
genre mostly comedy, maybe fluff ? reader is in zb1 🤝
warnings mentions of food/drinks in hao and hanbin’s
notes hi anon, thank you for requesting ! i didn’t want this to be romantic as idol life is,, something.. but still, i hope you enjoy this ! 🫶
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— zhang hao
you’re playing drinking games
and before you ask, no. it’s not actual alcohol
you mix up the most unhinged drink combinations
like soy milk + tea + mountain dew 😃
the drink literally has particles in it
you play the ‘of course’ game and it turns ugly real quick
“you know that i’m better than you at everything, right?” zhanghao says, feeling proud
“of course! zhanghao.. you know that hanbin loves me more, right?” a smirk tugging on your lips that zhanghao so desperately wanted to slap off
loses the game because of that and has to chug down every drop (he’s ok tho i think)
“you’re lucky we’re live right now.”
— sung hanbin
since he was a barista, you guys are making drinks
he teaches you some tips and tricks but it’s more complicated than you think
his drink is so much more visually pleasing than yours although you both followed the same steps 😭
like pretty gradient colors that blend well together
but it’s expected cuz he’s a professional
you do a taste test
and his drink tastes like heaven 👍
you offered yours to him and he tries it
ngl, you were nervous about his opinion
“uh, it’s definitely a new experience.”
— seok matthew
some kind of crafts live
where you both are making those bead bracelets
you make ones for eachother and also the other members !
and matthew is all like ‘oh, you’re gonna love what i made for you’
he’s so proud of his creations
and at some point he accidentally spills every bead onto the table 😭
and you both take a look at eachother like 😐
and it becomes quiet for a whole 5 minutes as he picks everything back up
after that, you both continue making bracelets for the other members 🫶
“jiwoon hyung likes this color, i know him better than you!”
— shen ricky
painting live
you guys are making paintings to hang on eachothers walls
it’s actually pretty chill with ricky 👍
but then he accidentally splattered some paint onto his designer white shirt
his honest reaction to that: ☹️
but its okay, he can just buy a new one. maybe get a car too while he’s at it
since ricky is really good at arts
you wanted to paint him smth nice too
so you just put your autograph onto the canvas
he loves it tho and keeps it in his room 😔
“i can sell this!”
— park gunwook
workout stream
it was actually supposed to be a live for gunwook and matthew
but matthew had to do smth else
so you offered to accompany gunwook instead !
gunwook shares his workout tips and you just nod and agree
you both share your workout routines and people make articles abt them 🫢
‘zb1’s gunwook and y/n workout routine: is it effective?’
oh and you also get thirst trap edits bcuz of this
flaunting your muscles and abs and stuff idk 😭
“do you guys wanna know the secret to my godly physique?”
— kim taerae
from the content we have now..
it’s 100% a karaoke live
wbk he loves singing and he wanted to invite you to ‘taerae show #2’
has his anpanman guitar, ready at hand 🤝
you both have a blast singing and taerae becomes main rapper at some point
he’s so immersed in the ballad songs, he prolly starts crying for effects 😔
biggest hypeman
like he’s all ‘OH MY GOD WOAHHHH’
and he also harmonises w you
don’t be surprised when you get a compilation of ‘y/n and taerae: 5th gen main vocals’
“100 points?! i’m so good!”
— kim gyuvin
q&a stream
answering fan questions and basically fan service
“is a butt one or two?”
gyuvin actually thinks about it for a second and is like “oh my god.” 😭
it got too confusing though so you continued reading the comments
someone asked what he did today and he started thinking
“uh..” “sorry, i forgot.” you joke, making gyuvin stare daggers to you 🫢
he looks back to the screen
and with a wide smile he said
“i’m sorry zerose! i think we have to end the live here. thank you for watching!”
— kim jiwoong
makeup stream
where you do his makeup
and he’s giving you those eyes yk 👀
the comments are going crazy bcuz of it
and when you do his lips, he smiles and it curves so perfectly (ahdguajskshaikahdh)
you accidentally went overboard with the glitter
but jiwoong pulls off everything so it still looks amazing
everyone loves what you did and your makeup style is trending 👍
“i think some glitter got stuck in my eye.”
— han yujin
i don’t know why but you both are face painting
but instead of face painting on yourselves, you face paint eachother
“i’m gonna make you into a piece of art” he says as he paints a streak onto your face
he stops to take a step back and look at everything from a bigger picture
and bursts into laughter 😃
you’re so worried abt what he did to you
he tries to regain his composure but laughs every few seconds
“what’s wrong? what did you do?” “nothing! i made you look very.. cool.” 😁
and then you look into a mirror and you look like shrek's offspring (yes, you get turned into a meme)
“this is my best piece yet! should i leave my signature too?”
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© keiwook
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mangekyuou · 1 year
Hello there! I hope you're having a good week!
I don't know if you take asks for this (it is not written in the rules) but could I get a nsfw alphabet for Red haired Shanks?
It's okay if you don't do this type of requests!
Thank you and Bye!
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⟡    ֺ   𓂂  nsfw alphabet  ,  shanks.
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!!     cw(s)! . . .  nsfw. gn!reader. me being a shanks stan. not proofread. minors DNI.
!!     notes! . . .  i couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write for shanks. i hope i did him justice. thank you for requesting !! <33
!! i would also like to say that i don't really do nsfw alphabets, but i have made an exception for the past two bcuz i didn't state it earlier. PLUS i'm a beckman and shanks stan
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A — AFTERCARE. [ what they’re like after sex. ]
shanks is a very affectionate guy. he can’t keep his hand to himself. he becomes very clingy and cuddly after sex, good luck getting away from him, you’ll need it. when you try prior yourself out of his strong, warm embrace, he will whine and pout. he is not above laying on you to keep you still
however, he will consider moving if you suggest a shower. you’ve never seen him move so damn fast in your life. he draws a nice, hot bubbly bath for the two of you, with a nice mineral soak to help you relax. expect him to pepper your neck, shoulders, and upper back with kisses
B — BODY PART. [ their favorite body part of theirs and their partner’s. ]
shanks loves all of himself. he’s very confident in his appearance, which he loves constantly reminding you. if he had to pick a favorite, it would be his chest, a reminder of his hard work, and how far he has come from being a scrawny teen to a strong man. plus he knows he looks good
he’s an ass man. he can’t pretend he’s not. he hates to see you go, but loves to watch you leave. when you’re around, he’s always going to have a hand on your ass, plus he just can’t help himself when you walk by. he’s just gotta smack it
BUT he also has this thing for your hands. he LOVES your hands. he loves feeling your hands, no matter if they’re warm or cool, on his body. the way you hold his face in your hands, the way your fingertips graze his bare chest, the way your hand wraps around his shaft. he goes insane
C — CUM. [ anything to do with cum. ]
oh, he’s so messy. he loves painting your body in his cum. your body is the perfect canvas. he can’t get enough of the sight of you taking some onto your fingers and licking it clean off
D — DIRTY SECRET. [ self-explanatory. ]
he’d definitely love to try a threesome with benn. there is no one he trusts more than his first mate. he’s thought about it A LOT. he gets all hot and bothered just remembering his fantasies. these fantasies of his started out as a joke after seeing the two of you spar but man…it’s definitely not a joke anymore
the thought of both you and benn dominating him, makes his heart dance out of his chest. he has almost told you both this when he got so drunk he couldn’t even stand on his two feet, literally falling into benn’s lap and saying “this is how my dream started”. when you both pressed for more, he slapped his hand over his mouth
E — EXPERIENCE. [ how experience are they? do they know what they’re doing? ]
shanks has not been around the block, no. HE IS THE BLOCK. slut, if you will. he has the experience under his belt. you name it, he’s likely tried it at some point in the past. with his experience, he knows how to make you feel on top of the world in more ways than one.
F — FAVORITE POSITION. [ self-explanatory. ]
he’s a sucker for you riding him. as he always does, he’ll tell the same joke of having the best view in the world. plus it gives him ample opportunity to do what he does best, flatter you. just when you think he’s said all he could say about your body, he manages to come up with something you’ve never heard before that sets your body on fire.
he also enjoys spooning. holding you close, your back pressed against his hard chest, peppering your neck and should in open-mouth kisses, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, as he slowly thrusts into you, letting you feel every inch
G — GOOFY. [ are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? ]
shanks is so unserious a lot of the time, especially in the bedroom. he’s constantly joking and teasing you between heated, desperate kisses and rough thrusts. will stop mid-stroke to make you laugh and smile because he wants to make you feel good and have fun. his jokes may not always land, but it’s funny to see him pout when you don’t even smile at his jokes. he is not above tickling you if you don’t laugh
H — HAIR. [ how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? ]
shanks has a fair amount of hair. very red, shades darker than his hair…..#5D1916…yeah. not a shaver, he does trim the best he can with his one hand. it’s definitely messy and lopsided. if it bothers you and you’re willing to help him out a little, he’ll happily oblige. and if you asked for the favor to be returned, he’s more than ready.
I — INTIMACY. [ how are they in the moment, the romantic aspect? ]
while he loves being all funny in the moment, nothing can compare to the romantic stuff. between his more humorous moments, he has his sudden bursts of being quite intimate with you. when the laughter dies down, he presses his body against yours, getting rid of any space between you. he rests his forehead against yours, letting you feel his heavy breath on your lips
J — JACK OFF. [ masturbation headcanon. ]
honestly, shanks doesn’t really jerk off as he used to. way back before, he’d usually find a partner to shack up with or take care of it himself, quick and easy. now that he has you, he’d much rather you help him. on the off-chance that you are not there, he’ll stand in the shower, letting the hot water rain down on him. he imagines your naked body in the shower with him, standing behind him, your head on his shoulder. he pictures his hand as yours, stroking him
K — KINK. [ one or more of their kinks. ]
he loves overstimulation. he can be so cruel but it burns so good. he loves seeing you writhing in pleasure, babbling on. expecting him to be teasing you here and there as he’s talking you through it. he also loves being overstimulated. he thinks you’re so mean, tears pricking his eyes. his breath hiking up as his body jolts forward as you sink back onto his cock
definitely into marking. he loves marking every part of your body, whether with hickeys or bite marks. he wears your hickeys and bite marks with the utmost pride. cover them ?? why ?? he loves showing the world he’s taken for
L — LOCATION. [ favorite places to do it. ]
he’s definitely in the comforts of the captain’s quarters kind of guy. he would prefer to have you all over the room. the bed, the floor, the wall, the chair, the dresser, the shower, you name it. if he’s feeling it, he might take you up for a quickie in a bar restroom
M — MOTIVATION. [ what turns them on, gets them going? ]
it doesn’t take much to get him in the mood. just you walking by a bit slower than usual, to make sure he’s paying attention as you swing your hips from side to side. when his eyes travel up from your ass up to your inviting eyes looking back at him, he’s ready immediately
or when you’re fighting and you’re just absolutely obliterating your opponent. when you wipe the sweat from your head with the back of your hand, your chest rising and falling from your heavy breathing, that hot smirk. you look good enough to eat, he’s happy to volunteer
N — NO. [ something they wouldn’t do, turn offs. ]
he’s saying no to anything that could hurt you. he never ever wants to be the one who hurts you. and no degradation, those words just don’t feel right leaving his mouth
O — ORAL. [ preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc. ]
what can he say, he’s a giver and you are his favorite meal. nothing gives him complete satisfaction than seeing you lose your mind because of his mouth. he’s likely making more noise than you. he is very into face-sitting and will beg you to sit on his face. no, he doesn’t need to breathe, just get up there. don’t expect to come down until you’ve came at least twice, so saddle up
as for receiving, he likes when you’re a little mean to him, teasing him a little. only giving him kitten licks until he’s practically begging you to do more. you know he’s spent when he starts his desperate string of pleases. he’s putty in your hands the second you finally indulge him and take his shaft into your mouth, that chills travel down his spine as he throws his head back babbling about nothing. how cute
P — PACE. [ are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc. ]
the pace varies really. even in one round, the pace can vary on how both of you feel. he enjoys starting off slow and sensual, moving into a slightly quicker, more passionate pace as he talks you through it with his forehead pressed against yours
Q — QUICKIE. [ their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc. ]
he’s not particularly fond of them. it doesn’t allow him to take his time and rile you up. they’re pretty much over before you get to the fun part in his opinion. if you want a quickie then he’ll definitely go for it because he’s whipped for you. he’d jump off a bridge if you asked him to
R — RISK. [ are they game to experiment, do they take the risks, etc. ]
there’s not much he likely hasn’t tried already, but if you manage to find something he hasn’t tried, he’d definitely try it out with you
S — STAMINA. [ how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last? ]
insane stamina. he can go as many rounds as you’d like him to. he loves playfully bragging about it too. he makes sure to let you have breathers in between to make sure you’re okay and if you want to continue
T — TOY. [ do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves? ]
before you, he never really owned any toys. he had used them more with previous partners but they were never his. now with you around, he finally comes around to getting some of his own to use on you. would love it if you used them on him
U — UNFAIR. [ how much they like to tease? ]
shanks loves the way your body reacts to him too much to even think about teasing you. you think you can’t wait, he most definitely can’t either. he’d much rather tease you about the noises you’re making and how pretty you sound
V — VOLUME. [ how loud they are, what sounds they make. ]
he is definitely not afraid to get a little loud. there’s no way you’ll get him to shut up. he’ll moan and groan between his hushed, desperate words. talking like he’s never going to see you again. he loves talking you through it, praising you for how good you are to him, and talking about your pretty sounds
W — WILD CARD. [ random headcanon. ]
shanks enjoys being blindfolded. there’s something so enthralling about you blindfolding him and him not knowing what you plan to do next. you’ll able to tell when he’s using his observation haki to sense you which you don’t take kindly to. every time he uses it, another orgasm you’ll deny. you’re building him up just to let him back down again repeatedly
X — X-RAY. [ what’s going on under those clothes. ]
about 6-7 inches with an above-average girth for a nice stretch. a few prominent veins on either side. there’s definitely a tattoo with a sexual meaning on his crotch that he got when he was young as a dare, that he definitely regrets. please don’t point it out or he’ll get embarrassed
Y — YEARNING. [ how high is their sex drive? ]
it has definitely gone down a lot with age. he looks back on his past wondering how anyone didn’t find him crazy annoying for being horny damn near all the time. his sex drive is about average, likely needing you about twice every week or so. it definitely does build up though. he starts having withdrawals without you because he’s so dramatic. he sighs trying to get your attention, knowing he has nothing to sigh for. when you ask him what is it, he just says ‘oh it’s nothing’….of course it’s something
Z — ZZZ. [ how quickly they fall asleep afterwards? ]
he’ll stay up for a while after, that’s when he gets all his affection and all the jokes he didn’t tell yet out. he’ll still likely fall asleep before you when he’s sure that you’re all good. the second ‘good night, baby’ leaves his lips he’s out like a light. you swear you’ve never seen him out so fast
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© MANGEKYUOU  —  do not copy, repost, or translate my works.
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st4rfruit · 14 days
for my next trick, i will explain boat boys as if youve never heard of them, but im sick and cant be botherd correcting my spelling mistakes:
boat boys forst origionated in this minhecraft server grian (their frined) amde called double life. double life is the thirud season of an on going sereies called the life series or, some poeple call it the traffic series bcuz the lifes u get go from 1-red 2-yellow green-3. anywasy so bopat boys are joel and etho(eefo). they wweere paierd in doubl;e life. on he first day they got to know eachother and they made some jokes and stuff, it was niv]ce. actuually they ar ecalled boat b hoys bcuz they went arounf the server in boats. like, on land. it was very funny. the seconf session joel made a big boat for them to live in called the "relation-shipo", (get iot, get it? nudge nudge). etho went tyo the warden and joel sount very concerned as he did so. i dont remeber much abouyt double life as ive been binging limited life for 3 months now. they died due to a trapped nether portal. the perotral had lava spilled aorunf it. it was very sad.
also inportant fact: ther forst time etho and h=joel ever in terected on the whole entire life series they were in boats. they were both riding in boats. are u joking me. THATS SO FUCKING POETOIC WTF CHBFSHVBSHJBJHVKS
onto liml li9fe. they firat saw eachorther in the forst session. etho said "oh so ur gonna make a boat with a new friend now huh?" bcuz joel and jimmy had planned to live in the water. etho was very jealous ogf this, it made me sad. then joel saw etho ina boat with a co2w and joelk saidn "CANT BELEIVE YOUVE REPLACED ME WEITH A COW EEFO!!!" and etho responded with "he keeps me company atleats" AHAHDBFBHVBHWJJVSB JKSNNOOO. anyways in session 4, etho KILLDED JOEL!?!?!?11?!?!??! it was vwery cool actually. joe, clutchedf a fall, and etho landed in huis clutch water and saidf" YOU SAVED ME. YOU SAVED ME JOEL, SO NOW I CAN KILL YOU" that was very cool of etho. even joel daid himself to etho "the fact you landed in my own water bucket trick" i thionk thats everything improtant in liml life?
then serect life. oh, secrect life. my beloved. my onbe treu savior. save me secret life, save me. so, the two sigificant events of secrect life between bgoat boys i can remeber are 1: joel and ehto hop in ab baot otghter and joel goes "we cant do tjis ehto, the fandom will go crazy" (true( then vthey go for a lottle ride untill they are fiorced to stop by a blcok in. their way and ehto goes "well tjis is where the relatiopnshoip ens" HDGBDFISBFCHBES 2: scott is talk9ng abt his task for the sessions=] which is "say i love you to three plkayers and get them to say ot back" so rheyre discussing who would say it back, andf scott goes "i love yoy " to etho and he goes "thank you?-' HAHAH ayways so one thing leadfs to another and etho is on joels front door stepo saying to joel "i loive you" and joerl responds "uhh ok eefo i know youre obbesed with me i saw u made me the thiumbnail for ur fist bvidoe but cmon ehto calm donw" and etho is sad NSJDWBHJSDCJH im sad jusbjbfdn. its alot.
and now the decked o0ut stream. (ik th9s. was before secret life SHUTUPSHGUTPU) so, jimmy askes for a kiss from joel before he does his decked oyut run. joel goes "yeah sure. on the neckk" and jim goes silent till joel goes "WAIT NO ON THE NECK- I MEANT THE CHEEK IM MEANT THE CHEEK" nd it li9ke this hwole meme for the whole event. jimmy startes sing "etho and joel, sitting in a baot" and etho goes "kissing on the neck"!!!!!GSUGDEGUSDVJ!!!!then when they are at rens ice biat thgingy joel and wehto are sitting nect to eacher in thjeor boat s and etho goes "AWH GOTTA COVER UP MY NECK " joelsays "I DONT KISS [PEOIPLES NECKS!!!" then joel scooches up to etho in his boat and joel goes "schooching up to ya etho " and etho goes "his hand slowly reaches into my hair" LIKE EHTO IS HEE WRITING A WHOLE FANFIC OKKKK ETHO I SEE YOUUU. anyways rhat was very funny.
anyways. hermitcraft. oh boy. theres a lot and i will prpbaly misss a lot too but oh well its later and im sick and tired so SUCK IT UP. ill just do dotpointrs of the things i remeber.
etho sees jols banners and really like sthem and asks j]him for trhe pattern, whoch leads to many books which may or may nboit have been signed with neck kisees.
etho makes statues of jpel them pretemds oit wasnt him. joel rrqally liukes the statues and adds thjem to the front of hios nade awith his tori gate
etho so happens to be talk9inmg abt joel and joel hears him and goes "alsways talking abyt m,e eefo"
joel and etho are talki9ng and theres a camle and etho goes "joel mjust reallt like camels ciuz they goit the loonnnggg necks" and joel syags "oh for goodness sake" (ilobve when joel says oh for goodness sakes its like one of his mottos ayt tjis poibgt it so funny )
thatys all i camn remeber i migjt add mre when i thin k of it
thanks for taking the time to read this if u did (and u even could, oops) i doubt many people will make it down this far with reading it, so congrats i guess!! you get.. nothing-
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hereticdrws · 3 months
Aquarium date w mizu
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A/n: did I just narrate my visit at the aquarium and add mizu? Possibly did I use quotes from me and my sister? Also maybe anygays I hope yall enjoy ☺️🤞 should I write a real fic w this? I alr got 1 in the works cough cough baseball mizu
Warnings: NOT PROOF READ idk I don't think there r any but lemme know if there r
Loser!Mizu x (masc?) Reader I tried to make it v neutral but I kinda self projected
Enjoy 😉
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◇Def spends wayyyy to long on parking trying to find the perfect spot no matter how many times she's been
◇Tells you the scientific names of all the fish on the banners on the way in that are used to attract visitors
◇Tells you every fish related joke she knows while waiting in line to get in
◇Cannot stand up straight in the line to save her life she has to lean (but I mean who tf doesn't why tf would I stand up str8 when I can lean)
◇Tries to convince u to let her bring a fish home (you're not even allowed to)
◇Took 1000 pics of the baby penguins
◇(Also asked to take one home)
◇Does not shut up abt the smell
◇Says every cute thing in the exhibit looks like you
After walking past the toucan exhibit we make our way toward the baby monkeys per mizus request, walking hand in hand and shoulder to well head because lord knows mizu is tall as shit.
Once we arrive at the monkey exhibit for the first time since arriving mizu releases her hand from yours
"Omg babe it looks just like you!" She eagerly points out
"It does??" You raise an eyebrow at the 5'7 woman towering you, questioning her ecstatic expression
◇Tried to provoke the toucan
"OMG Y/N ITS THE BIRD FROM THE MEME" spends at least 15 minutes trying to find the meme
◇Made you carry her hoodie bc it was so humid
"Babe I told you not to bring it 🙄"
"I thought it'd be cold ☹️"
"Why are there only birds I hate birds"
"Because we're in the bird exhibit babe 😐"
◇Pouts when she can't find the animal in the exhibit
"Babe did you know poison dart frogs are poisonous?"
"Babe stop ☹️"
◇Stuck her hand in the water 'bcuz she can'
"I bet I could survive that jump"
"No tf you wouldnt?"
◇You had to pay for the slushies bc she forgot her wallet (which she definitely owns) ((she doesn't own a wallet))
"Dude there's a kid right nxt 2 u"
"Babe wtf"
"Your mouth looks like a traffic cone"
◇Constantly asked what would happen if she threw smthing at an animal
"What I'd I threw my slushie at the crocodile"
"I'll disown you"
◇Looks in disgust at all the babies and children
◇I cannot express how much she'd compare you to ever cute animal in the exhibit
◇Leans into u when she gets bored like srsly u are supporting this woman's entire body weight
◇Do not forget how CLINGY she is (totally not self projecting) she would not let go of your hand, not to mention she is constantly pressed to your side esp when walking she is js leaning into you (same 😔) she cannot walk in a straight line for the life of her
◇Mizu is either the most shameful person you've ever met or the most shameless
No inbetween
◇The facts omg So. Many. Facts it's acc insane
"Did you know the 'type of animal' is acc a direct descendant of-"
◇Has a donkey Kong lanyard u drag her around by so she doesn't wander off
"Omg that's literally us in another universe"
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(Pic credits go to yours truly 😌)
"Omg yn that's a stone fish the one from the meme 😁🫵"
"What meme?"
😨 (she only scrolls on YouTube shorts or insta reels) ((idk why she's shocked))
◇Constantly pointing out how ugly a fish is
"If it were human it could NEVER pull you"
◇Spent at least an hour in the shark exhibit telling you the scientific names of all the diff species of them and where they originated from
◇Millions of pics of them everytime a shark swam by at least 25 pics would be taken
◇Everytime you tell her to pise for a pic with one of the exhibits she either puts up a thumbs up with the dumbest smile you've ever seen or accidently flips you off then rushes over to you drowning your face in kisses and apologizing over n over
◇Sitting/leaning every chance she gets (and pulling u down w her every chance she gets) ((she is so clingy I can't express it enough))
"When do we get to go to the gift shop?" ◇She asked every 2 seconds if she's not telling you the most outrageous 'facts' she learned from who tf knows where
"That bird is big as shit 😐"
◇Tries to stand like a flamingo falls not even 2 seconds later claiming you pushed her
◇Literally RAN for the shark plushies once yall got to the gift shop
◇Could not decide which one to get so u js bought her all of them bc ur so sweet/you couldn't decide which one to get so she bought you all of them (whichever u want)
◇Got lost in the parking lot trying to find yalls car
◇Yall stopped at chic fil a on your way home
◇Once yall got home you both changed into comfy clothes and layed down and cuddled ofc yall cuddled with mizus ridiculous amount of new shark plushies
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
A/n pt2: thank you for reading I hope yall like this ☺️
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rinrinx2 · 1 year
hellooooo. i just stumbled upon your account and gosh, i love it soooo much. i love your writing and works especially the one rindou with his son <33
i was just wondering if i could request rindou with pregnant reader that is so insecure because of changes that happen to her body?? (for example she gain weight and has stretch marks). and rindou comforts and reassure her that she's the prettiest and the only girl that he loves. she often thinks that rindou will leave her bcuz she is 'not pretty and attractive' anymore. and she easily get jealous of other girls if rindou *unintentionally* looks at them when the reader and rindou are going out having their date.
i hope this isn't too hard or complicated. also i'm sorry for my bad english. i hope you have a nice day (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)❤️
Babe never apologize for your English mine is worst and I hope you enjoy this!
Eight months
Rindou x fem!reader
Warnings: pregnancy, body image
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When you had told people you were pregnant in your first trimester you were met with comments of how the further your pregnancy progressed the more you would glow. How having another life forming inside you would cause you outer appearance to become more radiant.
Goddess like was the term majority used.
But now you were currently 8 months pregnancy and all you wished is that you could tell these things that they should not have been selling you fake fantasies.
As now you stood infront of you full body mirror in nothing but your underwear. Taking in your body, looking at every stretch, scar and discolored body part.
'I'm so hideous' your mind kept on repeating.
As you criticized yourself over and over, as the woman your eyes saw in the mirror was not the one you were 8 months ago. It was no wonder that when you went out with Rindou that he would look at other women. They weren't as massive as you, they weren't covered in stretch marks, their ankles weren't swollen and they didn't waddle when they walked.
You couldn't stand the sight before you, it was just a reminder of how much your body was unrecognizable to you, and you were sure Rindou felt them same. If you found out that Rindou was seeing another woman behind your back you wouldn't be surprised; any man would choose be with anyone over a woman the size of watermelon.
You were so deep in your dark thoughts of self loathing as you quietly spoke to yourself that you hadn't heard you husband walk into your bedroom.
"You whispering spells there to yourself" Rindou joked hearing as you were muttering to yourself.
The comment Rindou made was light hearted and by the laughter when he finished spoke you knew he was only joking but your mind told you that he wished for you to cast a spell to make you appear better.
Silenced over came the bedroom as your mind delved deeper into your hateful thoughts, until Rindou spoke again.
"You shouldn't be standing in front of the mirror like that"
"Why because I'm hideous, I know Rindou you don't have to tell me" you snapped back finally having enough of your mental warfare that you were not good enough.
"No, because the window is open and others can see you" Rindou replied back with shocked expression and a worried tone.
"Oh because you're embarrassed to have people see me like this, well so am I !"
"No, because other men could see you and you're my wife and I'd rip their eyes out if they ever had the honour to see you that bare" Rindou said still in the same panicking tone.
Your eyes still locked onto your body, as you felt the tears fork on your lashlin from anger.
Rindou remained still on his spot, worried over your erratic reaction to his words. He understood that pregnant women had severe mood swings but he had never seen you so upset.
"What's going on (Y/N)?" Rindou asked as be walked over to where you stood gently wrapping his arms around your waist till his hand rested on your globe of your tummy.
"I'm hideous Rindou, I'm so big and ugly. Its no wonder you look at other girls when we go out, I look like a pregnant ogore. I'm like shrek if he was pregnant" you said tearfully feeling as liquid ran down your cheeks with each word.
Rindou's heart ached at your words he hadn't known that you felt so deeply about your body and he felt even worst for not noticing this.
"Hey don't say that it's not true"
"It is" you said crying harder.
Rindou looked at the reflection of your body in the mirror, taking in every stretch mark, scar and discolouration on your body. How the curves of your body were much more softer and plumber, how you body flowed like a winding river, like a Goddess.
"(Y/N) your body is beautiful" Rindou said as he continued to stare at your reflection.
"You're only saying that to make me feel better" you babbled out through sobs.
"I'm not just saying it to make you feel better. Your body is truly beautiful. Your body is like a temple and it's devoted slave. Not only is your body keeping you alive but our child, everything your body is doing now it to make sure that our baby is safe and healthy and that beautiful and what makes it even more beautiful is that you're still able to do everything you did when you weren't carrying this growing life"
"Those stretch marks show how our child has been growing, and your swollen ankles how strenuous you have been. This beautiful bump I'm touching is where out baby is, and it's in you. You don't understand how it feel to know that the woman I love is carrying our baby, that her body is carrying so much joy awaiting the world" Rindou said as he began to caress your bump, while the tears on your cheeks began to dry.
"(Y/N) I can't explain it but your body is just as beautiful as it was when you weren't pregnant. You know my words are true because we've been doing it every night thrice when you aren't tired" Rindou said with a chuckle, as heat rose to your cheeks at his remark.
"And about me looking at other women (Y/N)" Rindou said as he let go of your waist to quickly walk over to his bedside table dresser reaching into one of the draws.
"I'm not looking at the women (Y/N)" Rindou said as he walked back over to holding a box in his hand.
"Here" Rindou said placing the box in your hand as you opened it to reveal a beautiful gold bracelet, with yours and Rindou's initial engraved into it.
"I'm never looking at the women, I'm looking at their jewelry so that I can get you something similar" Rindou admitted as he scratched the back of his head.
"I didn't want you to know because I want you to think that I have a sense of style" he said rolling his eyes, while yours became bigger with admiration.
You looked at Rindou, with the biggest smile on your face.
"I never doubted you for a moment Rin" you said as you wrapped arms around his shoulder giving embracing him in a hug.
"Weren't you now just mad at me" Rindou replied.
"Shh don't ruin the moment"
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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boo-gutzz · 4 days
you have such a solid interpretation of flower husbands and it makes me so happy bcuz i constantly see horrible takes abt their dynamic😭
Thank u so much I'm glad my takes r seen as accurate lmao!!
Yk, a thing that often bothers me in the whole "is Scott toxic" debate is that like. Idk how to describe it but a lot of the time people forget that if Jimmy had felt bothered by the jokes and whatnot he would've Said So. Like hes a silly guy for sure but like. He can v much bring up if smth bothers him. He can be v vocal about that. This fandom will like be so good at remembering single lines of off-hand comments somebody made 3 years ago but when it comes to recognising 3rd life Jimmy as a character who can stand up for his beliefs and himself suddenly everybody has amnesia
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