#because he and missy were there at the same time it fucked up the timeline so when he regenerated into missy
sarah-dipitous · 9 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 243
The Witch’s Familiar
It was both a mistake and a wonderful decision to move my Sherlock viewing. It was completely necessary, but it did fuck up the schedule quite a bit (so did forgetting that I don’t have to watch Supernatural on federal holidays. I never said this was an easy schedule to follow. Because I’m still kind of ridiculously behind on Doctor Who from imdb forgetting like five whole episodes. It’s fine though because i gave myself a LOT of time off at the holidays and I can just plop an episode or two on those days)
“The Witch’s Familiar”
Plot Description: The Doctor is trapped and alone on the terrifying planet Skaro
One thing I forgot from last episode, I know I’m now in uncharted DW territory for me because the Doctor has his stupid sonic sunglasses or whatever now. And I remember a friend of mine telling me that has happened when I first fell off and thinking that was the dumbest sounding thing I’d ever heard. This was, of course, before Season 4 of Sherlock aired (THANKS MOFFAT)
Oh thank god Missy’s back IMMEDIATELY this episode. I do not know what I would do if I had to actually mourn the temporary loss of my two bad bitch milfs for longer than 24 hours. Clara is also back
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Why did they do this to poor Clara? This is the least flattering angle I’ve ever seen for her. She’s absolutely gorgeous, but why would they do this?
Do I wish Missy and Clara could talk about anything other than the Doctor? Oh my god yes. I understand they’re trying to find him and all (and he thinks he’s going to die) but literally every conversation they have is about him. The talks they DO have are fun and interesting but I’d love some expansion. It’s not every day you get a team up of the Doctor’s companion and one of his greatest foes
Why is the Doctor sitting in Davros’s chair/like…lower half of his body?? Hang on why isn’t the Doctor back in Davros’s past like he was at the end of last episode. STEVEN! You have some explaining to do. Or is that HOW he gets to the past? He steals that and has a bunch of Daleks nearly exterminate him
Dalek sewers are SLIGHTLY ALIVE?! No because…I love that she gets to just be unrepentantly evil. Absolutely amoral. She just pushed Clara down into the sewer to gauge how far down it went
Skaro is horrifying….why is the Dalek word for sewer and graveyard the same, STEVEN? Make that make sense
Here’s the thing I like even less than the sonic sunglasses…at least the sunglasses were a step even further back from a weapon…why’s the Doctor holding an actual weapon, STEVEN?
Missy telling Clara to get in the Dalek…outer shell…ominous. Makes me wonder if they’re going to close that circuit of how we first met Clara or if whatever the fuck happened at the end of season 7 negated that, started a whole new timeline
Ooooooo, it’s been a moment since the Doctor’s been tempted to commit genocide. Allegedly, pulling on one or more of these cables would kill Davros, which would in turn kill every Dalek on Skaro. Do I believe it? I dunno, but the Doctor is at least interested
THAT’s more like it. He came here because Davros is sick and he asked. Because on a good day, he’s not some time lord who ran away, he’s the Doctor (I’ll admit, those were some good lines, Steven)
I’m not mad at Missy but omg I’m about to fucking sob at the Dalek outer shell closing up around Clara and hearing her words in the Dalek voice. I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it.
It’s terrible to hear “exterminate” come out when Clara is compelled to say three word she said she’d never say to anyone ever again. I know Missy couldn’t have had that context, and she’s having fun experimenting with what this Dalek armor actually does but GOD…
I’m trying so hard to not trust this very emotional scene from Davros. It’s BARELY working. Not knowing exactly what happened on that field or how he got there in the first place as a child IS muddying the waters
I did not expect to get worked up over Davros asking the Doctor if he did the right thing, if he was a good man. What the hell
I BET this nice moment gets ruined when the Doctor takes him outside
Of COURSE it was too good to be truuuue. I don’t know why the Doctor would give up ANY REGENERATION ENERGY TO DAVROS. Now, it’s being sapped out of him
Thank god Missy can be brutal and use weapons. Not that it has seemed to make much of a difference, but I suppose it could be worse??? I don’t know how. The Daleks have been made more powerful through gaining that regeneration energy
Of COURSE the Doctor already knew what Davros’s plan was….SOMEHOW. And how to combat it…SOMEHOW. (The Daleks in the sewer/graveyard also gained the regeneration energy and are now seeping into the walls of the city)
Omg…Clara is trying SO HARD to tell him it’s her and Missy’s trying equally as hard to deceive the Doctor
I don’t know how she’ll get out of that, but I know Missy will
Oh finally. We’re back to the end of last episode. He DID save Davros as a child.
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lesbiten · 2 years
crazy to me that even in s8 all missy wants is to be friends w the doctor again even when shes killing the earth its all just a twisted plan for him to like her again......the way she even offers to go to gallifrey with him knowing full well shes lying about knowing where it is.......literally anything just to be with him
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Doctor Who, but chronologically 7
1599! And we’re off to meet Shakespeare. David Tennant’s Doctor is back and having a fucking blast, but we get a new companion yet again - this time we get Martha!
Martha is great, but it’s particularly fun trying to work out the order of these Doctors and companions. In the first episode, Donna says to him at one point “Listen, mate, I don’t know what sort of kids you’ve been travelling with, but you’re not telling me to shut up.” It’s hard to work out how that comment might apply to Martha. What IS clear, though, is that it definitely refers to Amy - last episode in Venice, the Doctor literally yelled at her that he was the Doctor and she was to just do as she was told, and she promptly did with no further complaints. So, I have deduced that Matt Smith and Amy must come before David Tennant and Donna in the timeline! After all, it would be appalling character work from a writer if it were the other way around. Especially since Rory literally praises the Doctor for doing it.
But Martha is absolutely fucking wonderful, apparently on her first adventure in the TARDIS. She’s delighted to be travelling, same as the Doctor. She asks great questions, too - since she’s black, will she need to be careful in case she gets sold into slavery? The answer is a resounding no, and the Doctor encourages her to take up as much space as possible, and be resolutely herself. So she does! She unapologetically tells everyone she’s a doctor and does whatever she wants. It’s great. She also makes very good plot-relevant connections, and William Shakespeare falls in love with her, which is absolutely fair because aside from being fantastic she is also wearing the hell out of those jeans and I am bisexual and weak.
No new plot arc type stuff, really, but for a couple of minor things. The Doctor repeatedly references someone called Rose, saying she’d know what to do, and her name makes him keep fighting. Also we finish with Queen Lizzie One declaring the Doctor to be her nemesis, except he hasn’t met her yet (strong River vibes), and for the second episode, the TARDIS gets shot with an arrow. 
Let’s revisit the list!
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just... disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? NEW INFO: Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding.)
Amy is maybe dead
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why
What has happened to all these companions and where are the new ones coming from?
There’s an immortal Viking girl now
Who/what is the Half-Faced Man that the Doctor talked about?
Why, when the Doctor saw the ship’s computer set to the Promised Land, did he say “Oh not again”?
What’s With The Silence?
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
Who is Rose and why is she not here?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
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krabstick32 · 4 years
Hii!! I don't know how much characters you do write in one scenario/hc but maybe can I have giyuu, sanemi and uzui reacting to a foreigner reader? (since in their timeline Japan started to open up to the world I think) how would their reactions be to their different features ♡♡♡
Home Is Where You Are (Headcanon: Giyuu!Sanemi!Tengen x Foreigner!Reader)
Pairing: Giyuu, Sanemi, Uzui (x Foreigner!Reader) Synopsis: Headcanon/scenario for our boys meeting a foreign civilian reader uwu
Tags/warnings: There are brief mentions of stalkers/kidnappers (i swear it’s not what it sounds like, but I’ll put it here just in case), cursing (bc of Sanemi), and poly relationships (bc of Tengen and his wives!!), but apart from that, I don't think there are any.
a/n: waaa thank you so much for requesting anon!! I decided to do all of them and i had fun! but I'm sorry if they’re a bit OOC :(( i got too used to just writing giyuu but I hope I was able to give Sanemi and Tengen some justice :((
anyway, please enjoy <33
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Giyuu Tomioka
You two meet at a bustling city (kind of like the one where tanjiro meets muzan). You’re there for business, him on a mission.
He wouldn’t notice that you look different at first—he’s too focused on trailing the demon following you, that he didn’t even realize how creepy he’d look to you
Would definitely be mistaken as a stalker or kidnapper by you
don't get me wrong!! he isn’t, but we all know babie is terrible at communicating uwu
The whole night, he’d be trailing you, and to be quite honest, you’re getting really nervous from him following you
You tried losing him in a series of crowds and ducked behind an alleyway to hide. To your relief, he isn’t there when you take a precautionary look back
When you breath out a sigh, there’s a lone figure hidden in the shadows and for a moment you think it's your kidnapper
Oh how wrong you were.
“Look, can you stop following me? If you don’t, I’m reporting you to the police! You’ll regret i—“
“Regret what, missy?” The thing—it’s definitely not human—saunters closer, cornering you in between the walls before you’re hit with the foulest stench of rotten blood mixed with ash and acid when it breaths over your neck. “Having you as my late night meal? You look absolutely exquisite! Different, but… you would probably taste divine with having some foreign blood.”
All you can do is whimper silently as this thing drags a sharp fingernail over the delicate skin of your neck, its finger wrapping around a tad too tight
“Ah, what a delicacy!” It giggles. “Rather than regret, I think I’ll quite enjoy having you as my late. Night. Snack.”
With how frozen your body was, you couldn’t even shut your eyes as the thing moved to bite your flesh off, but a flash of blue made your world crawl in slow motion as your kidnapper (now savior) kicks the thing an impressive distance away before moving to stand in front of you.
The man mutters a quiet “dont look” and you do as told, looking away as you hear the sound of sword slicing through flesh.
When you look back, he’s sheathing his sword and there was no trace of your assailant save for the faint trace of ash and the clothes on the ground
“Are you alright?” He asks, turning to you. “I lost sight of you and that’s probably how it nearly got you. I’m sorry.”
“What just—what was I, who are you…that?” You stutter out, but he seems to understand what you’re asking.
“It was a demon, and I’m a demon hunter. It’s been targeting you and I was following it to take it down.” Normally, you’d call him a lunatic—because who in their right mind would believe in demons?—but the clothes on the floor, the ash in the air, and the thing, the demon that was about to kill you a few moments ago were proof enough.
“Oh. Oh, A… a demon—and a demon hunter. Was… was that why you were following me? Oh my god… I… I thought you were going to kidnap me!” You laugh, a touch too hysterically—the adrenaline was still pumping through your veins and it was making you feel loopy and lightheaded. “But no, I—I’m fine and It’s not your fault. Thank you. For saving me.”
You introduce yourself, and that’s when he really notices that you’re a foreigner because that’s the only time he was able to look at your face and your name sounds really… different. Pretty, but different.
“Are you a foreigner?” Ah, ever so blunt and straight to the point, our giyuu
“No!” You gasp, your tone light and joking, with a faint hint of sarcasm. He looked too cute not to tease. “What possibly gave it away? But jokes aside, yes, I am. I’m settling down here permanently for business.”
He nods a little embarassed, and you two stare at each other for a moment before looking away immediately because both of you think the other is too pretty. Giyuu thinks you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen.
Anyway, he’ll escort you back to your temporary lodging (in fear of another demon, and in hopes to spend a little more time with you), and once you’re safe through the gates, you’ll offer to take him out to grab lunch the next day as a ‘thank you’ meal...maybe as a date—haha…just kidding!!… unless…?
Yeah, it was a date uwu
Now, you two would often take walks in the park after a date (or maybe the walk is already your date), and he would always, without fail, escort you back to your home like a gentleman
walks in the park is now one of your go-to for dates and taking you home after is now a habit
Moving on!!
You want to get to know him, and he wants to get to know you too, but he’s not very good with talking
So when initiating conversation, his questions are short, but are filled with genuine curiosity and you answer back in kind, with your own questions in hand.
Kind of like your own version of 20 questions
Would listen very intently when you talk about your home country, and makes sure he remembers every little thing
Also!! He loves your voice
He especially likes the way you say his name
There’s just that something about your accent that makes him feel all warm and fuzzy, and calmer than lull, his eleventh form—he could just listen to you all day
If you like to sing, he would fall in love all over again when he hears you sing in your language
He treasures the time he spends with you, and adores the time he catches you singing, may it be when you two are just spending time together, or you just doing your thing, babie is happy and filled with love and affection™
Sometimes when he has trouble falling asleep (which is often), just lay down with him and sing him a lullaby from your country and poof, he is out like a light.
The way you sing the words are just so nice and soothing and enchanting, and he loves it—loves you—so much, even if he can’t understand the words.
IN CONCLUSION: he wouldn’t notice that you look different at first (i mean lets face it, his coworkers’ physical features were much different compared to you) but once he does, I don’t think he’d care very much. He loves you for you, and if you’re someone who was born in a different country, it wouldn’t matter because he would still love you and protect you with all his heart.
He still thinks you’re the most beautiful girl he’s seen and to this day, he thinks that out of all the men you could have chosen, he is forever lucky that you fell in love with him. Regardless, he thanks the gods everyday that he has you by his side and does his best to make you feel loved and happy.
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
You two would meet in a bakery
Sanemi just came from a mission around the city, and he’s looking for a treat when he enters a newly opened bakery. It seemed to be good, he’s seen a lot of people come in and leave with bags full of pastries.
Sanemi is slightly freaking out when they don’t have ohagi
“What do you mean you don’t have Ohagi? It’s a goddamn staple in bakeries!”
Even if his words have a bit of a bite to them, he surprisingly doesn’t make much of a scene, but his ohagi-less tirade is ended when you, the owner of the bakery come by to save your employee
“What’s Ohaki?” You ask, genuine curiosity coloring your voice and your accent.
Did you just?? mispronounce it and didn’t know what it was?? Sanemi is about to give you a piece of his ohagi-less mind, but he pauses, processing how pretty you were in a second before he blushes and lets out a frustrated grumble.
You thought he turned red because of anger, but really he was just flustered uwu
Of course, He would freak, but it’s not as bad as what the others would think. Though he would still proceed take up your time proclaiming the good news of ohagi
You didn’t seem to mind though, in fact you even look more and more interested as he goes on about how good it tastes
“That sounds really good actually,” You hum, trying to imagine how amazing the texture and flavor would go over with your tastebuds.
“Of course it’s fucking good.”
An idea pure as gold, strikes you as you energetically lean back forward and flash him a smile. “Then, you’d have to take me sometime to try it!”
Poor baby is too caught up with his love for ohagi that he immediately agrees and doesn’t even realize that this was a date
“Ha?! What’d you say, lady? Fine! Meet me here tomorrow and I’m taking you out to taste the best ohagi you will EVER have!”
You two meet up at the same time at the same bakery, your face flushed, and Sanemi none the wiser that this was in fact, a date.
He realizes though once he sees you arrive with your face flushed a little red and your clothes a little nicer than what he saw you wear the day before.
In my mind’s eye, he is a tsundere and he will always be a tsundere
So he blushes too, but hides it and says it's because he wants to eat the damn ohagi already!
You end up liking ohagi, and oop Sanemi ends up liking you
The bakery is pretty much your usual meet-up place
Asks about your culture and stuff and buys you some thoughtful gifts that would remind you of your home country, or cute local knick knacks that he thinks you might enjoy
But would definitely pretend that that wasn’t his intention
“Ugh, I accidentally got this, and I would never use something like this so. You have it. Fuckin’ throw it, burn it, use it or whatever, hell, I don’t really care.”
But he does, and you both know it.
Even if his reasoning barely makes any sense (c’mon, how can you accidentally buy something you know you won’t use??), you’re still really thankful when he hands you his “accidental” present for the day and you would show him this really pretty smile. Your eyes are glowing, and your hair is like a halo around your face and—
Sanemi thinks you look like an angel
Once, Sanemi said that you look really really pretty. He was embarrassed, but when he sees your blush darken and smile widen, he decides that it’s worth it and casually tells you every time you meet
When he sees you using his gift, he’d try so hard to hide the wide smile on his face
You get him some stuff too, some little trinkets that remind you of him. Sometimes if you come across ohagi in your many travels, you’ll buy him every flavor and taste it with him once you two meet up.
Down the line, you’d also consider adding Traditional Confectioneries to your menu and bring him in to critique them.
“So? How does that one taste?” A bead of sweat trails down your temple, as you anxiously waited for his feedback. You breathe out a sigh of relief though when his eyes open and his head bobs in affirmation.
“Eh. Texture-wise you nearly got the hang of it. Taste wise? A little too sweet.”
You nod and rush to make some corrections into your little notebook of recipes and make a new batch for him to try. You knew you were close, and damn it all if you weren’t going to perfect this today.
“How about now?” You push him a tray of the new batch, hoping that this would be it.
“Not bad.” Is all he says, and in the Sanemi language you’ve gotten used to these past few months, that means that it was one of the best things he’s ever tasted, and would be the highest form of praise you were ever going to get from him.
You show him a smile that makes his heart beat faster, and move to grab your notebook to write down the final recipe.
Needless to say, the customers—foreign and local alike—love the traditional sweets. Particularly the ohagi—they say it’s the best they’ve ever tasted. You had Sanemi’s high taste to thank for that uwu
He likes to pretend that he’s not soft for you.
But once you two have been together for a while, he’d show you more of his vulnerable side
Sometimes, he’d even braid or play with your unique and pretty hair, just like how he used to do with his younger siblings.
When you cook your favorite dish back in your homeland, he gets pretty addicted to it too (a pretty high bar if you ask me). It is now his second favorite food, and he learns to make it so he could surprise you!!
And while Ohagi may be Sanemi’s number one, when you’re around, you take first place.
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Tengen Uzui
He’d be very flamboyant about it
I don't think there any other way for him to approach it really
But i think he’d be taken with you once he sees you
He sees you in the city and doesn’t hesitate to walk up to you and strike a conversation
He immediately notices that you’re not from around here from your looks and your accent just pretty much confirmed it 
You’re just very flamboyant—we’re not just talking about physical appearances here, but there’s just something different about you and the way you carry yourself, that just catches his eye and attention 
But he thinks it just adds your charm and would be very sweet about it!!!
He was so caught up in talking to you that you two don't notice the time pass and now its night
Even if he should really be getting ready to patrol for demons, he offers to take you back home but you decline
“Hey, it's getting late and it’s dangerous to walk alone at night. I can walk you home if you’d like.” Tengen says as he looks at you after noticing how dark it’s gotten.
“Oh, I appreciate the offer, but it’s alright!” You say, touched that he’s worried after meeting you so soon. “It’s just nearby, really and I can handle myself, don’t worry.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, i’ll be fine. Thank you for worrying though.” Tengen stays quiet for a moment until he looks back up to you and speaks. “How about…we meet each other tomorrow? Tomorrow, same time, same place—Just so I know you got home safe.”
You giggle, a little flustered as a light blush dusts your cheeks. “Oh, so like a date?”
“Yeah, like a date.” He flashes you a handsome smile that makes you feel giddy down to your toes.
“Okay. I’ll see you then.”
A few moments after you leave, Tengen’s jaunty walk down the park is interrupted when his crow swoops down to his shoulder and cries out in distress
“Demon is close by! Targets young girls walking alone!”
A chill runs down his spine. His head is running through all the horrible scenarios of you dead on the ground as he runs after the direction you left, hoping that you’re okay and you’re not a target.
He arrives just in time to see you brace yourself from the demon. His blade runs through the neck and he rushes to help you up from the floor after making sure the demon is dead
“Are you hurt? Gods, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know there was a demon around.”
“Oh, so that was a demon?” You seem fine, but Tengen could feel the guilt gnawing at him. For a moment, he forgot that demons existed and was able to forget how dangerous his job was. The least he could do was let you know.
“Yes, it was a demon and I’m a demon hunter. It’s my job to kill demons that hurt innocent humans.” He looks at the ground, but his train of thought is interrupted when he feels a hand on his arm. 
“Hey, look at me. I’m fine, you were just in time.”
“...I’m walking you home.” You don’t argue this time, choosing to thank him and hide your shaking hands. He notices though, and gently grabs one, letting you to lead the way.
You arrive home safe and in one piece when one of you speaks up again
“Hey, about tomorrow, it’s alright if you don’t want to go anymore. I understan—“
“Hush. I’m going, and no demon can stop me.”
“Okay.” The two of you smile at each other, and Tengen feels the warmth from your hand seep into his skin.
When you’re almost through your door, you turn around with determination in your eyes, and ask him to lean down a little.
You still have to go on your tiptoes to reach him, but the look of confusion on his face melts into surprise as you press a chaste kiss on his cheek.
“I um… I’ll see you tomorrow?” A bright blush coats your cheeks as you look up at him from your eyelashes.
“Okay, take care.”
“You too. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Tengen notes that your face was burning as you nod and rush to your opened door, throwing him a wave before you shut the door.
As you two date, he’d ask you a lot of questions, ask you for stories, and even asks you to teach him some stuff from your country—cooking, traditions… how one goes about courting, the whole shebang
You find it flamboyant of him that he wants to know you more
You tell him as such and he laughs when he realizes that he’s rubbing off on you
He’s also very protective of you (and his wives uwu)
Don’t get me wrong, he respects you and doesn’t think you’re helpless, but he worries, especially after what happened in your first meeting
If he hasn’t convinced you to live with him (and his wives uwu) yet, he would deck your house out in wisteria charms to ward off them demons.
He’d also tell you to carry a wisteria charm at all times, especially if he’s not around
If he already has his three lovely wives, they would immediately love you and you four would sometimes play dress up. They’d hand you some of their kimonos and you’d give them some of your dresses and you all have fun—Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru would also love playing with your hair and makeup!! Tengen would join in too at times~
If tengen is still single when he meets you, then only the two of you would be the one doing dress up (you cannot convince me that tengen would not play with your hair or makeup)
you’d look very flamboyant either way though and even without the makeup or the fancy dress, Tengen would still find you flamboyantly gorgeous
(Again) if he’s already married with his three wives, he would love seeing the three of you bond with each other
(You and his wives love each other too, so you five are just one big lump of happiness and affection)
Like aaaa his heart feels full when he sees all the women he loves in his life getting along and caring for each other!!
He treats you all equally and showers all of you with his love and attention
Tengen will forever be glad that he met you, and got to you before the demon could, because you added so much love and happiness into his life
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A/N: ngl, this was a nightmare to format u—u hope it’s not too difficult to read though!!
this is also the first time i did a headcanon so i hope i did good!! if you have some feedback or got a request, feel free to message me or send me an ask uwu thank you for reading <33
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seanfalco · 3 years
Morning Affection | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’verse
an oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco & @super-unpredictable98
Word Count: 3.3k Warnings: Language, Smut (you know, the usual) a/n: Just an early morning shag session.  You know how we do.
[ masterlist ]
It wasn’t long before Win had fallen asleep while listening to Hamilton, the alcohol and their extracurricular activities from earlier having completely wiped her out. Curled up on the bed, she sought the closest warm body as she slept to snuggle up to. Win’s Nathan, however, listened riveted as Lyddie softly sang along to the music and explained the plot to him, answering his questions as he played with her hair, twisting one of the long strands between his fingers.
"So a lot of people have theories about why Eliza gasps at the end..." Lydia started. "Some people think she's dying and seeing her husband, some people think she sees the audience and realizes his story has been told... sorry, I'm rambling again." Lydia noticed Nathan's slightly confused look and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for doing this for me."
"I like t'hear yeh talk about stuff you're interested in," he admitted, grinning softly at her.
"That's cute... but you must be getting tired, it's like four in the morning," she laughed, and looked over her shoulder.  Win and the other Nathan were snuggled up.  "Do you wanna..."
At her words a yawn cracked Nathan's jaw and he stifled it with his fist.  "Yeah, c'mere," he said as he settled down in the bed, holding his arms open to her.
Lydia sighed as she found a comfortable position in his embrace.  She was too exhilarated to fall asleep at first, but she felt great.  "I love you," she whispered, somewhat hoping he wouldn't hear it.
For a moment Nathan froze.  Had he heard her correctly?  Swallowing, he tightened his arms around her, pressing his face into her hair.
“I... I love yeh too,” he murmured softly, finding that he meant it.
Lydia bit her lip not to make a sound, but her eyes filled with tears.  Happy tears this time. 
She was finally able to fall asleep.
It was early, by the weak sunlight that filtered through the blinds, and Win groaned as she stirred, her head suddenly throbbing painfully and she let out a choked sob, squeezing her eyes shut tighter.
"Good mornin', love," Lyddie's Nathan was up.  "Oh, I have somethin' for ya, don't move."  He kissed Win's forehead and left for the kitchen, coming back as quickly as he could with a glass of water and a couple of pills.  "For your head."
"Oh, thank you," she murmured, gratefully taking the glass and popping the pills in her mouth before tipping them back.  "Ohhh, I shouldn't have drank so much last night," she muttered, pressing the heels of her hands to her eyes.  "I feel like such an idiot," she grumbled.
"You're not an idiot, you should've seen me in New York.  One night I went into this Irish pub... Jesus," Nathan laughed.  "Besides, it was pretty entertainin' when Lyddie was on stage and you asked her t'flash us..."
Win chuckled, though it only made her head hurt worse.  "Oh yeah, she turned so red, it was adorable," Win murmured, leaning against Nathan as she glanced over at Lydia, sleeping soundly in her Nathan's arms, glad that they seemed to have mended the rift from last night.
"Are you hungry?" Nathan draped his arms around her.  "I could make somethin' if y'want."
The thought of eating made Win's stomach turn, but she figured she should probably put something in there.  It might help.  "You're sweet," she murmured softly, pressing her face to his chest.  "Maybe some toast or something?" she murmured.
"Sure, how'd y'know toast is my specialty?" Nathan joked, taking Win's hand as they both left the room.
Win giggled softly as she followed Nathan to the kitchen.  "Oh really? Lucky me, then," she murmured, a warm feeling twisting in her heart.
"I thought you said toast was your specialty," she teased as the two slices popped up completely black and charred.
"Well, this is the toaster's fault!  It wasn't me," Nathan pretended to be scandalized as he put two other slices of bread in. "I'm the best toast maker in Europe!"
"Uh huh, blame the toaster, so convenient," Win teased further, pushing herself up to sit on the counter as she watched Lyddie's Nathan toss the ruined slices into the bin.
"Are you sayin' that I'm a bad chef, missy?" Lyddie's Nathan leaned over the counter to stare Win in the eye.  "Cause I don't think y'have much room t'talk here..."
Win gasped dramatically, fighting back a smile, which would completely ruin her fake indignation.  "As if you've ever tried my food before!"
"I don't have to! Your Nathan and I have the same taste buds, I trust his judgment..." Lyddie's Nathan taunted. "Only Lydia can stomach your food."
Win scoffed, crossing her arms petulantly over her chest. "What, y'scared? Just because my Nathan says somethin' doesn't mean you hafta agree with him," she exclaimed, half playfully. "At least Lyddie loves me..." she grumbled.
"I'm just sayin' the taste can't be much better than the smell..." Lyddie's Nathan shrugged with a shit-eating grin. "I love you too, darlin', but I'm not lookin' t'get food poisoning," it wasn't until the words were out of his mouth that he noticed what he just said.
Win’s grin faltered. Had she heard that correctly? “Did you just...?” she whispered, feeling a shiver run through her.
"Yeah," Lyddie's Nathan took Win's hand, hoping he didn't sound stupid. "I love you."
Win’s eyes widened as looked up at the Nathan before her and she gave his hand a tentative squeeze. “I love you too,” she whispered, biting her lip to keep it from trembling softly.
"Thank God, that could've been awkward," Lyddie's Nathan found himself repeating the words he said the first time he confessed his love to someone. His fingers danced around Win's cheek as he kissed her gently.
Win reached for Lyddie’s Nathan’s shirt, pulling him closer, between her legs as she kissed him back just as gently, though with a fervor behind it, just barely restrained.
"Hmmm," Lyddie's Nathan turned off the toaster without breaking the kiss, while instinctively pulling Win closer with his hand on the small of her back.
“I think I’d rather have you than that toast,” Win murmured between kisses, her eyes flicking up to Lyddie’s Nathan’s before her lips trailed to his neck.
"Oh," Lyddie's Nathan shuddered under Win's touch, his cock responding immediately. "Yeah, I'm probably better at shaggin' than makin' toast."
Win laughed. “Is that so? Does that mean you’re the best lover in all of Europe too, then?” she teased, throwing his own words back at him as she palmed his erection through his underwear.
"No... that means I'm the best lover in all the universe," Lyddie's Nathan quickly shed his shirt with a soft moan as he felt Win's hand on him.
"Mmm, lucky me," Win purred, kissing down his chest, letting her teeth graze his skin as her mouth found his nipple, circling it slowly with her tongue as she massaged his clothed erection.
"Jesus..." Lyddie's Nathan gasped, that's a spot he has never been touched before, and he was confused by how much he liked it. "Oh, I wanna shag your brains out," he groaned.
Win's breath hitched at his words, arousal pooling between her thighs as she lifted her face to smirk up at him. "D'you like that, Natty?" she asked coyly, switching to his other side, giving him a light nip as he pulled her hips closer to the edge.
"Yeah!" Lyddie's Nathan moaned, by now he was rock hard. "Let's get you out o'this, shall we?" he pulled Win's shirt (his shirt?) over her head, exposing her bare chest.
"Oh!" Win gasped as the cold hair hit her bare skin. "I don't think you need these either," she mused, easing his underwear down as well, wetting her lips.
"No, we don't..." Lyddie's Nathan murmured, letting his underwear slide down his legs, leaning in to take Win's nipple between his lips  and she moaned as she arched against Nathan's mouth, stroking his cock while her other hand buried in his curls.
"Oh, baby, so wet..." Lyddie's Nathan mumbled as his fingers explored between Win's legs. "Y'wanna shag on the couch or here?" he waggled his brows suggestively.
"I want you right here," Win gasped, "I want you t'fuck me right here Nathan. Oh, please take care of me," she whimpered as his fingers teased her.
"I love t'see you like this," Lyddie's Nathan kissed Win's neck hungrily, while thrusting slowly into her, savoring the moment. "Is this what you want?"
“Yes,” Win moaned, dropped her free hand to the counter behind her to stabilize herself as Lyddie’s Nathan filled her. “Yes, I want you so bad. Tell me how much you want me,” she begged, wrapping her legs around his waist.’
"I want you so much, baby, I want every last bit," Lyddie's Nathan moved vigorously, as his lips desperately searched for Win's, his hand idly kneading her breasts.
“Oh f-fuck, Nathan! You can have me. You can have all of it!” Win cried, desperately holding on as he fucked her harder, her hand slipping down to the back of his neck to pull him closer, their breaths mingling as she kissed him sloppily, her hips meeting each of his rough thrusts, pushing him deeper. “I’m close!” she murmured breathlessly between kisses, her eyes finding his, wanting to watch him as she came.
"Mine, you're mine, Winnie..." Lyddie's Nathan murmured in between kisses, his thrusts getting more erratic as he watched Win carefully, wanting to see her pleasure. "Come for me, baby, be a good girl."
"You should know, I'm never a good girl--" Win purred, gasping at a particularly hard thrust, her mouth falling open. "--but for you I-I will be," she cried, throwing her head back as she came, holding onto him desperately.
Win's words made Lyddie's Nathan smirk. "Yes you will, baby," he held tightly to her as re released, breathing heavily against her skin. "Jesus... You're so... amazing."
Win pulled Lyddie's Nathan to her, burying her face in the crook of his neck. "Oh, I love you," she panted. "I love you, Natty," she repeated, not wanting to pull away.
"I love you too, darlin' so much," Lyddie's Nathan nuzzled Win's hair, leaving kisses all over her neck and her shoulder. "D'you still want your toast? It's ready," he chuckled.
Win chuckled, reaching for the toast. "I definitely worked up an appetite.
Lydia heard voices coming from the other side of the room and her eyes fought to stay closed, until she finally managed to wake up, or almost.  "Hey," she yawned shifting in Win's Nathan's arms, pressing her lips on his shoulder, his words from the night before still in her head.
"Hmm?" Win's Nathan hummed without opening his eyes, blindly pressing his lips to whatever skin he could find.
"Good morning, Nats," she purred running her fingers through his messy curls, watching the gentle movement of his chest. "How did you sleep?"
"Fantastic," he murmured, moaning softly as he stretched. "You?"
"Me too," Lydia smiled, the other side of the bed was empty. She wondered where the others were, but then she smelled burnt toast and huffed a laugh. "I was dreaming about you."
"Bout me?" Win's Nathan asked, his lips twitching into a grin as he opened his eyes, taking in the sight of Lydia in his arms. "What sort o' dreams?" he wondered, noticing as well that it was just the two of them. "Knowin' you they were probably pretty dirty, huh?" he teased.
"Nathan!" Lydia giggled, hiding her blushing face in the crook of his neck. "If you really wanna know, there were dirty parts, but also romantic parts," she sighed. 
Win's Nathan's smiled against the top of Lyddie's head, stroking his fingers through her hair. "Oh, even better!" he exclaimed with a laugh. "I'm not so good at th'romance part, so I'm sure dream me was a lot better," he mused. 
"That's not true, you just have your own way to be romantic and... I happen to like that way." Lydia murmured softly. "I have a thing for guys who are obnoxious, cocky, kinda gross sometimes... you're just my type."
Nathan huffed a laugh, a strong wave of fondness overtaking him at Lydia's words. "I guess I'm really lucky then to have found two girls that seem t'like that about me," he murmured, watching her face carefully. 
Lydia nodded trailing kisses all over his neck. "You really are. And we were lucky to find the perfect twat that checks all of our boxes. My father would be so proud..." she mocked. 
Nathan moaned softly as her lips brushed against his skin and he grimaced as he felt his cock twitch in his briefs. This is a sweet moment, y'twat, don't go and get horny now, he told himself, though it didn't really help any.
"Y-yeah, we're all lucky," he breathed, snorting softly. "I'm pretty sure no fathers would be proud t'have me for a son-in-law though. Win's made that clear enough." What are you doin' bringing that up for?  Especially when you're gettin' turned on? Nathan thought with a grimace.  Though maybe that'll help calm y'down...
"Mine would, he's a lot like you actually, he's so funny and..." Lydia stopped talking as she felt Nathan's bulge against her thigh.  She looked up at him with a smirk. "Did I do something, Natty?" 
Win’s Nathan cleared his throat awkwardly. “It’s just... y’know, mornin’ wood, that’s all. Plus... your lips felt—“ he cut off to clear his throat again when his cock twitched against her leg. 
"You like my lips, huh..." Lydia whispered, kissing the tender spot where his neck connects with his jaw. Usually her partners are always the ones teasing her, it wasn't often she had the chance to tease someone.
“Yeah, they’re nice, v-very nice,” Win’s Nathan breathed, “if y’keep that up, I’m gunna have a full on boner, darlin’,” he pointed out, though his hand slid down her waist to her ass, pulling her closer to his hips. 
"You say that like it's a bad thing," Lydia's kisses moved to his chest while her hand snaked down his body, resting dangerously on his thigh. "Maybe I want you to." 
“Ohhhh Lollipop, it would definitely not be a bad thing,” Win’s Nathan murmured, giving her bum a firm squeeze. “I just didn’t wanna ruin a perfectly romantic moment with my cock havin’ a mind of it’s own, but if that’s what y’want...” he trailed off grinding slightly against her thigh. 
“What's more romantic than a morning shag?" Lydia chuckled softly, rolling on top of Win's Nathan and letting her hair brush lightly against his skin. "You didn't ruin anything, usually I'm the one horny at inappropriate times." 
“Just one more thing t’love about yeh,” he mused, Nathan’s hands sliding under Lydia’s shirt, well... technically it was one of his... or his clone’s... he supposed it didn’t really matter much as they pretty much shared their wardrobes anymore. “D’you know how hot it is t’see you wearin’ our shirts?” he asked, pushing it up to bare her breasts. 
"Is it? That's good to know... Cause I love to wear them," Lydia leaned in to capture Nathan's lips, while her hand palmed his clothed boner. "I wanna do with you what we were doing in my dream..." 
“Ohhh,” Win’s Nathan shuddered at her touch, “and what pray tell, exactly were we doin’, hmm? I’m very interested,” he murmured, as he kissed her back eagerly. 
"I was riding you," Lydia ran her hands over his arms, rolling her hips teasingly against his cock. "I haven't done that in so long... I miss it." 
Nathan's eyes widened. "Please ride me, Lyddie baby, I wanna see those lovely tits of yours bouncing up and down as you bounce on my cock," he groaned, running his hands up her thighs.
Win's Nathan's excitement made Lydia even hotter, her own Nathan has been very scared to let her ride him ever since... The Incident. "Yeah? I bet you love the view, don't you, Natty?" Lydia slowly pulled his underwear down, leaning in to lick his tip. 
"Ohhhhh, yeah baby, you have such lovely tits," Win's Nathan exclaimed, his words melting as he felt her tongue. "Jesus, your mouth--" he gasped, his head falling back against the pillow behind him. 
Intoxicated by his praise, Lydia took his cock in her mouth with one fluid motion, humming as she moved her head up and down. "You like that, baby?"
"Holy-- yes!" he yelped, watching open mouthed as Lydia's head bobbed up and down, her tongue gliding over his throbbing cock. 
Lydia let him slide out of her mouth slowly. "As much as I wanna taste you..." she got up to her knees, positioning herself on top of him. "I want you to fill me up." 
"God, yes, I wanna feel how tight yeh are," Win's Nathan exclaimed, grabbing hold of her hips as he thrust up into her. "Ohhh, yeah, that's the ticket baby." 
Lydia was a bit nervous, to say the least, as she took him in, but she was also enjoying it, picking up speed as her confidence grew. "Oh, Nats, that feels so good!" 
Win's Nathan bit his lip as as he watched Lydia bounce on top of him, riding him with abandon and he couldn't help but buck up into her enthusiastically, watching her tits as they jiggled and bounced hypnotically. He always liked it best when Win would get on top, it only made sense that he'd like it just as much with his other girlfriend. Plus the fact that Lyddie didn't get to do it often only made him feel more special. 
"Talk dirty to me, Nathan," Lydia begged, one hand on his shoulder and the other preventing her hair from falling on her face. She didn't even remember why she was so scared, only how much she missed it. 
“Oh yes, you dirty little thing, fuck, y’feel so good on my cock, so tight and wet baby, you’re so fuckin’ hot, love,” be babbled, breathing heavily as he guided her hips. “Tell me how much y’like it. I wanna hear you moan, Lollipop!” 
"I fucking love it!" Lydia moaned, hoping to not disturb the others outside, but unable to keep quiet as she felt her pleasure growing steady. "You feel so good inside me, Nathan, I need you so bad." 
“That’s right baby, I want yeh t’be loud! You’re so sexy when you’re loud!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, already close, holding back to make sure Lydia came first. He was a gentleman, after all. 
"Fuck, Natty! You make me feel so good, are you close? I wanna come with you," Lydia cried pressing her forehead to his. "I want you to fill me up as I come for you." 
"Yeah I'm close, been holding back for you baby," he exclaimed. "I'll paint your insides white Lollipop, I'll fill yeh up," he groaned, letting himself come as he pulled her down to his chest so he could kiss her. 
Lydia came loudly, never taking her eyes from Win's Nathan. "Yes! Oh please, please..." she whimpered before collapsing on top of him. "Oh my God, I love you." 
"I love yeh, too," Win's Nathan murmured in awe as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "How'd I get so fuckin' lucky?" he whispered, barely loud enough for her to hear. 
"I'm the lucky one..." Lydia looked up to kiss Win's Nathan's cheek. "I lost a Nathan once, now I have two, and Win! Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure this is real."
"Yeah well, you deserve it, Lyddie," he sighed, completely content, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"I'm starving," Lydia didn't wanna let go, but her stomach was rumbling angrily. "Come on, I'll make you something." She took Win's Nathan's hand on her way to the kitchen. "Hey, guys, how's it going?"
Win looked up as Lyddie and her Nathan entered the room and she couldn't help but smile, pressing her cheek to Lyddie's Nathan's shoulder. "It's going good," she murmured. "How about you two?"
"Yeah..." Lydia took a deep breath on her way to the fridge, looking back at Win's Nathan over her shoulder. "Everything's great."
Taglist: @magic-multicolored-miracle @midnightseance @messengeronthemoon @the-freckled-luba @firstpersonnarrator @nightingale-rose @salvador-daley @forenschik @a-ghoulish-tale @love-is-dirty-baby
24 notes · View notes
hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Professor (Javier x Reader) {MTMF} [Smut]
Title: professor Rating: Explicit  Length: 4000 Warnings: Smut (praise kink, roleplay, fingering, unprotect sex, pregnant sex, on a desk) Notes: You can find the Maybe Today, Maybe Forever Timeline here. Set late January 1997.  Summary: Javier and Reader spice things up. 
Taglist:  @grapemama​  @seawhisperer​ @huliabitch​@pedropascalito​ @rogrsnbarnes​@thewallpapergoesorido​ @twomoonstwosuns​ @gooddaykate​@livasaurasrex​ @ham4arrow​ @hiscyarika​ @plexflexico​ @readsalot73​ @hdlynn​@lokiaddicted​ @randomness501​ @fioccodineveautunnale @roxypeanut @just-add-butter@snivellusim @amarvelousmandalorian​​ @lukesrighthand @historynerd04@mrsparknuts​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​
(gif stolen from @coredrive​ I do believe)
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You glanced at your wrist, frowning when you realized that another fifteen minutes had slipped by and Javier still wasn’t there. You sighed, shifting in your seat. They were uncomfortable on a good day. 
“How far along are you?” Asked the mother beside you — Chelly, you think. 
“Almost four months.” You answered, instinctively resting your hand on your stomach. 
“You’re Javier’s…?” 
“Yes, I’m Javier’s…” You countered, leaving the same pregnant pause after his name. The women at Josie’s dance class were notoriously nosey. Chelly was newer, but she had been quickly inducted into the ‘catch the hot dad’ club.
“I rarely see the two of you apart.”
“He has work.” You answered crisply, glancing at your watch again. 
“Oh, that’s right!” Chelly said far too cheerily. “He’s a Professor now, isn’t he? I’m sure he has all the co-eds swooning over him.”
“Jealous you can’t swoon over him?” You accused, glaring at Chelly. 
She was entirely undeterred, “I just know I’d be at his office all the time if he were my… whatever you call him.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m sorry you don’t trust your—” You glanced at her left hand. “Husband.” 
Chelly huffed.
“What? You’re the one going on and on about someone else’s partner. Maybe your husband should be worried about what you’re up to.” You rarely engaged with the mothers at dance — but you were pregnant and more than a little pissed off now.
“I’m married, not dead. I’m perfectly capable of looking at a man and appreciating that he’s good looking and charming.” She smirked. “But you wouldn’t understand that, would you?”
Your lips parted to shoot back something equally as scathing, but you spotted a frazzled looking Javier walking through the front door of the dance studio. You caught his gaze and smiled when he smiled back. 
“Hey, baby.” Javier drawled out as he settled into the seat beside you, arm curling around your shoulders as he pressed a kiss to your temple. “I’m sorry. Traffic was a nightmare.” He gave your shoulder three short squeezes, before sweeping his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t miss her, did I?”
You rested your hand on his knee and shook your head, “She goes on in a few.” 
“It’s good to see you again, Javier.” Chelly remarked as she leaned forward to look around you. “I hear you’re teaching now. How exciting!” 
Javier’s brows furrowed as he glanced around you, “Uh, yeah. If grading papers can be considered exciting.” 
“Your students are so lucky.” She continued, her brand of enthusiasm making you consider murder. They were all so fucking shamless. “If you were my professor back when I was in college, I would’ve always been in your office.” Chelly smirked. “Do you give extra credit?” 
“Only if the situation calls for it.” Javier answered, entirely unphased by the insinuation Chelly had just doled out. “I’ve got a couple students that are balancing a career on top of education, so I’m a little more lenient with them.” 
You turned to look at Javier, watching as he loosened his tie. He caught your gaze, arching a curious brow as you subtly tilted your head towards Chelly. With a wiggle of your brows, he caught on to what you were indicating. This mother was just like the rest of the women who — for some reason — couldn’t get enough of Javi. Would they feel the same way if they knew he hogged the covers? Frequently forgot to put the seat down? Slowly drove you crazy?
You loved him, but he was not the man they put him on the pedestal as. It had to be because he was so effortlessly devoted to both you and Josie. He was aloof to their flirting and that only made them try harder. 
Javier leaned close to press a quick kiss to your lips, resting his hand on your swollen belly. “How have my three favorite girls been today?” He questioned, smiling warmly at you. 
“Josie and I drove around to look at townhomes.” You told him, chewing on your bottom lip. “We ended up finding a gorgeous little three-bedroom craftsman in Coconut Grove.” 
“I hadn’t taken you for Grovites.” Chelly interjected and Javier glared at her. “What? It’s very bohemian.”
You sighed heavily, “Anyways. It has a better backyard than the townhomes.” 
“Wanna set up an appointment to look at it?”
“I wrote the relator’s information down.” You told him with a grin, resting your hand over his on your stomach. “Josie saw an iguana and decided that’s where we have to live.” 
He chuckled, “Of course she did.”
The teacher pulled everyone’s attention to the front of the studio, dimming the lights as the little girls and boys came out to perform the dance they had been working on for weeks. Josie was such a good little ballerina. You were impressed with how dedicated she was to practicing at home — you had never been that dedicated to anything when you were little. Then again, you had a feeling that Javier’s constant praise was a big motivator. Josie was bound and determined to make him proud. 
And given the grin on his face, she had succeeded. 
After the recital, everyone made their way into another room where drinks and snacks and been set up. Josie was running around playing make-believe with some of her classmates while you and Javier made small talk with the other parents. 
“What was Chelly up to?” Javier questioned as he took a sip of lemonade, arching a brow over the rim of the plastic cup as he looked at you. 
“For someone who had half of Colombia’s finest eating out of the palm of your hand…” You laughed and shook your head at just how offended he looked by that statement. “Javi, you rambled about being lenient to working students, when Chelly was referencing the kind of extra credit you earn from a—” You lowered your voice, slipping your hand into his as you stepped into his side. “—blowjob.” 
“For fuck’s sake.” Javier worked his jaw. “What kind of man do these women take me for?”
You shrugged a shoulder, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I don’t get it.” 
“You’re pregnant!” 
“Better reason to find yourself a hot co-ed?” You suggested with a roll of your eyes. Sliding your fingers through Javier’s where they were interlaced, you turned to look at him. “Speaking of office hours… do you have any tomorrow?”
Javier pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek as he met your eyes. “Are your grades slipping?”
You smirked and nodded your head, “It’s just been so hard.” 
“I can only imagine,” He rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand. “I’m sure I could come up with extra credit for you.”
“I’m sure you’ll rise to the occasion.” You retorted, sweeping your tongue along your bottom lip, catching Javier’s attention. “I’m serious.”
“I was hoping you were.” He said lowly, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “One to three.”
You nodded your head, “I’ll see you then, Professor.” You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, before you caught sight of one of the mothers veering towards you. “Missy incoming.”
“It is just so good to see you!” She said, mooning over Javier before glancing at you. “Both of you.” Missy clasped her hands together. “I hear congratulations are in order.”
You rested your hand against your stomach. “Josie is very excited about being a big sister.”
Missy seemed confused momentarily, “Oh. Right! Yes.”
Javier frowned, “What were you congratulating us for?”
“I heard you got married.”
You laughed. “No.”
“This is just our birth dates.” Javier explained, gesturing to the ring he wore. “Christmas gift.”
Missy’s hands went to her hips, “That’s… modern.” 
“It’s to deter women who can’t seem to catch the hint.” You said bluntly. 
“Marriage would certainly handle that.”
Javier curled his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side. “So does having two children. Excuse me.” He looked to you then, “You ready to find Josie and go home?”
“I’d love that.” You could feel your pulse drumming in your ears with your annoyance. “I’m so fucking tired of these women.” You muttered as Javier guided you away from Missy.
“I thought you were going to start swinging.” Javier chuckled, petting his hand over your hair before pressing a kiss to your temple. “Ice cream?”
“Hell yes.” 
Despite the cool weather that had swept through Florida you still opted for a sundress, smartly paired with a sweater and your knee-length jacket. It was one of the few dresses you had kept from when you were pregnant with Josie, handmade by the woman down the hall that ended up watching her when you went back to work. Back in Colombia you rarely had an excuse to wear a nice dress — if you were at work you were dressing to conceal your pregnancy as best as possible, clinging to your professional wear until you had to buy new clothes from catalogues and hope that they were safely delivered to the embassy. 
It was far from ideal.
But now you were able to truly enjoy your pregnancy. A nice sundress seemed like the perfect thing to wear to visit Javier at the university. 
You made your way across the campus to Javier’s office-quad. The halls were quiet save for the murmured voices from behind closed doors as lectures took place. You glanced at your watch, it was just after one. And just as Javi had promised you — the other professors weren’t in their offices. 
Sweeping your fingers through your hair, you drew in a deep breath before you approached his office door and knocked three times. You could hear the shuffle of paper, the creak of his chair as he got up. Your heart skipped a beat as he pulled the door open. Okay, maybe you got why everyone was trying to chase him down for themselves. 
He hated suits, but he looked hot as fuck in one. And those glasses… why had he hid them from you for so long? 
“Hi.” You breathed out, scraping your teeth over your bottom lip as you looked up at him. “I was hoping I might talk to you about getting my grades up... Professor.” 
Javier smirked at you, opening his door a little wider. “I’m certain we can figure out some way to help you excel in my class.” He drawled out. 
You brushed past him closer than necessary, grinning when you caught his sharp inhale. This was something you had only ever discussed from the comfort of your bed. It was risky, but everything about your relationship had been filled with risk. 
He moved to lean against his desk, hands curled around the edge as he stared at you. “Why do you think you’ve been struggling in class?” Javier gestured to the seat in front of him.
You peeled off your coat as you sat down slowly, your hand resting on your stomach as you stared at him. “I think some of the material is just hard to understand.” You answered, wetting your lips as you met his gaze. “But I’m willing to do anything to bring my grade up, Professor.” 
Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.” He swallowed thickly as he rubbed at the back of his neck. “Holy shit.”
“Breaking character already?” You teased, your eyes flickering to the notable bulge in his trousers. “We don’t have to do this, Javi.” 
“I want to.” He assured you quickly, following your line of sight downwards. “How are your oral skills?”
Your cheeks flushed red and you started laughing. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” You covered your face, descending into a fit of giggles. “Do people really say this shit? I can’t.” 
“C’mere.” Javier held his hand out and you took it, letting him pull you towards him. “I don’t really want to pretend you’re my student.” He said softly, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip as he met your gaze. “I don’t want to pretend with you.” 
“Me neither.” You whispered, your fingers curling around the side of his neck as you leaned in to kiss him. You let the kiss linger, before you pulled back just enough to speak. “But I’m not leaving until you fuck me.” 
Javier groaned and kissed you again, his mouth slanting over yours as his hand creeped up your thigh, sliding beneath the hem of your skirt. You smirked against his lips as you waited for him to discover that you had opted to go without one very crucial garment. “Baby.” 
“I came here with one mission.” You grinned, bumping your nose against his. “Surprise.” 
“I love you.” Javier kissed you again as his fingers trailed over the bar skin of your hip, before he dipped his hand down between your thighs. 
You moaned softly against his mouth as he stroked his fingers between your slick folds. It wasn’t nearly enough stimulation, but you were so sensitive — every nerve in your body seemingly focused on the desire that made you throb. Your tongue darted out over his bottom lip, seeking entrance as his lips parted. 
Javier’s fingers twisted in your hair, cradling the back of your head as he kissed you back with the same desperate need you offered. He pressed a single finger into you, your inner walls clenching around the intrusion. 
“Fuck.” You swore, gasping for a breath as he pressed a second finger into you. He drew them out of you slowly, his thumb brushing over your clit. “Javi.” You practically wined, grabbing at his shoulders for support. 
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” He questioned. Javier still had his fingers tangled in your hair, holding you so he could stare into your eyes as he worked his fingers in and out of you. “Come on, baby… I asked you a question.” 
“Yes!” You bit out as he started circling your clit, the rough sweep of his thumb making your desire spike. “I’m… fuck… Javier, please.” You curled your fingers around the back of his neck, nails biting into his skin as you clung to him. Your legs nearly gave out on you as your release overtook you, your inner walls clenching around his fingers as he kept working his fingers into you. 
“That’s a good girl,” Javier murmured, pushing your hair away from your face as he pressed a row of kisses along your jaw. He kept a tight grip on your hip to hold you steady as he drew his fingers away from you. You felt heat rise in your cheeks as you watched him bring them to his lips, licking away your arousal that clung to them.
“Javi.” You breathed out, grabbing at his hand and bringing it to your own mouth. You wrapped your lips around his fingers, swirling your tongue around them. You released your grasp on his shoulder, reaching down to palm him through his trousers. 
“Fuck.” He grunted, swatting your hand away as he stood up. You shuffled back, eyes on his. “Hop up here.” Javier told you, patting the spot where he had been sitting.
You carefully perched yourself on the edge of your desk, biting down on your bottom lip as you lifted your dress up, revealing your thighs as you settled backwards. As much as you’d prefer it if he would just bend you over his desk and have his way with you — your stomach posed a slight challenge. 
Javier unbuckled his trousers, slighting the belt out of the loops and letting it drop to the ground. His trousers went next, zipped drawn down and the fabric shoved down his hips. “I have no fucking clue how I’m going to meet with students.” He gestured to you. “This is all I’m going to see.”
“Good.” You whispered, spreading your legs apart wider for him. “Tell me I’m a good girl again.” 
His brows shot upwards, “You like that?”
“I’ve always enjoyed it.” 
“Huh.” Javier pursed his lips as he rested his hands atop your thighs, fingers spanning out over your skin. 
“I don’t exactly advertise it.” You told him, holding his gaze as you reached down to stroke your fingers between your sensitive folds. “Don’t make me wait, Javi. We don’t have a lot of time.” 
“I’m a fucking lucky man.” Javier said lowly as he loosened his tie. He started to take his glasses off but you stopped him. 
“I want them on.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Suit yourself.” Javier freed his cock from his boxers, giving himself a sure stroke before he stepped towards you. 
You bit down on your bottom lip, willing yourself not to be too loud as he pressed into you. He started with just the tip of him, pressing in and then dragging himself through your folds. “Tease.” You hooked your leg around his hip, trying to draw him closer. 
“Be a good girl for me,” Javier tried, though the tone he used made you stifle a giggle. “Fuck off.” 
“Just fuck me, Javi.” You rolled your hips, groaning as he pressed forward — filling you in one swift movement. “Oh, fuck.” 
He grabbed at your hips, holding you steady as he started to move. A pen rolled off his desk behind your head and you didn’t even care what else he lost in the effort. Your hands gripped at his where they rested at your hips. 
“Feel so fucking good.” Javier managed, nearly pulling free of you entirely before he was slamming back home. Your bottom lip was going to be swollen by the time you were done with it, biting at it in an attempt to keep from crying out as he kept driving into that sweet spot within you.
“So do you.” You hissed out. “Just like that. Fuck.” 
Javier gripped at your hip tightly, holding you steady as he kept slamming into you. You curled your hand around the back of his neck, lifting up off the desk to kiss him. Your mouth slanted over his, your moans caught against his lips. The slight change of angle had you tensing, your release overtaking you as you started to clench around him. 
His grip tightened on your hip, clinging to you as he followed you over the proverbial cliff. His hips pressed into your, grinding against you as he came apart within you. You let yourself sink back against the desk, knocking papers off as you did. 
“Fuck.” He swore, rolling his hips twice more before he pulled out of you. Javier swallowed thickly as he looked down, “You are… damn.”
You moaned softly, pushing your hair off your clammy cheeks. “Holy shit.”
Javier leaned down to press a kiss to the top of your thigh, his breath hot against your skin. “Didn’t know I could possibly love you anymore than I already did.”
You laughed and teased him lightly. “I do love how you get after you come.” 
He rolled his eyes. “I was having a moment.”
You gave him a look. “So was I.” You nudged his shoulder with your foot. “My underwear are in my left coat pocket.”
You smirked. “As much fun as it sounds to walk around campus sans-panties after this…” You gestured downwards. “I am not in college anymore.”
Javier narrowed his eyes. 
“You’re not allowed to be jealous, Javi.” You quipped as he slid your underwear up your thighs. You scooted off the desk, laying your dress back down. “That was fun.” You told him, pressing a quick kiss to his lips as you helped him tuck himself back into his boxers and slacks. 
“I can’t believe we finally did it.” He brushed his fingers over your cheek, kissing you again. “You were such a good girl.” 
“I’m a sucker for your praise.” You whispered, tilting your chin up as you looked up at him as you straightened his tie. “I love you.” 
“I lov—” A knock interrupted him. “Shit.” 
You quickly sat back down in the chair across from his desk, watching as Javier quickly picked up the paper and pens that had been scattered across the floor. He cleared his throat — not inconspicuously at all. “Come in.”
The door opened slowly, “I’m so sorry for interrupting Professor Peña.” The young woman’s eyes flickered towards you. “It’s good to see you again.” She was the same student that had been there the day you came to tell Javier that you were pregnant. “Congratulations.” 
“Thank you.” You smiled, rubbing your thumb over your bottom lip. You’d certainly done a number on it. 
“It’s fine Monica. What is it?”
“I can come back.” The blush on her cheeks and her inability to look Javier in the eye made you suspect that it was plainly obvious as to what she’d just walked in on. 
“What did you need?” Javier questioned with a slight edge to his voice. 
“I was hoping you might look over the report I’m working on. You mentioned you’d be willing to make sure we were on the right track and… I can drop it off later.” 
You cleared your throat, “I can check it over for you.” You offered, holding your hand out. “He usually farms things off to me anyways.” 
Monica smiled and passed the paper to you. “Thank you. I don’t know if he tells you how much he talks about you in class, but… we all think you’re a badass.” 
With a laugh you smiled at her. “If you ask the DEA, I didn’t do jackshit in Colombia, but I’m glad Javier’s keeping my efforts alive.” You looked towards him, your eyes shining with adoration for him. You weren’t the least bit surprised that he talked about you. Even when you weren’t with him, he had always been one of the few people on your side of the ring. 
“When the timing is better, do you think we could get coffee… or tea.” Monica smiled hopefully at you. “I don’t really know what I want to do after college, but I do want to pursue law enforcement in some capacity.” 
“Of course.” You leaned forward and grabbed a piece of paper off Javier’s desk, jotting your number down. “Give me a call this weekend and we can set it up.” 
“Thank you.” Monica looked between the two of you, before she excused herself. 
“She definitely knows what we were just doing, doesn’t she?” Javier questioned, folding his arms across his chest and leaning against the edge of the desk beside you. 
You nodded your head with a laugh. “Oh, without a doubt.” You grinned at him. “You talk about me?”
“All the time. I’m surprised they’re not bored as shit.” He clicked his tongue against his teeth. “Think Connie would mind watching Josie a little longer today?”
Javier rubbed at the back of his neck. “You want to come to my lecture at five?”
“I’d love to.” You grinned at him as you stood up. “You call her and I’m going to go clean up.” 
He caught your arm, shaking his head slowly. “Don’t.”
You smirked, “You are such a jackass.” You slowly draped your arms over his chest, leaning up to kiss him.” 
“And you love me for it.” Javier drawled out, letting his hand slip beneath your dress so he could grab your ass. “Please?” 
“I don’t know…” You said coyly. 
“I thought you were a good girl.” 
“Don’t wear it out.” You shot back, bumping your nose against his. “Fine.” 
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Too Young to Fall in Love Chapter 50 (Dirt!Nikki x Reader)
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Title: Too Young to Fall in Love 50
Summary: Nikki Sixx was a hard partying musician on the strip. He never expected to fall in love with anyone, until a girl knocked on his dressing room door looking for a ride home and took his breath away. Just like everything else Nikki did; the drugs, the money, the music; Nikki went hard with love. (Y/n) Bass never expected the bassist of Motley Crue to be the one to shake her calm and calculated life up. She had a plan. Graduate school, become an epic producer, and watch from behind the scenes as her brother’s band rose to fame. Nikki and (Y/n) were perfect for each other, too bad her brother, Tommy, didn’t think so.
Series warnings:  Smut (18+ Please), drug use, language, referenced miscarriage, drug overdose, mentioned attempted suicide, out of character moments for everyone in the band, the timeline might be a little screwy but it’s fanfiction! I know nothing of music production and my medical knowledge is really screwy, so it won’t be accurate.
Nikki and (Y/n) had come back home a few weeks later. Ziggy and Jett happy to have their mommy and daddy back home. With a smile Nikki had let (Y/n) sleep in while he wanted to surprise her with breakfast in bed.
Ziggy and Jett followed him downstairs, ready to catch anything that he might have dropped. He was going into the study tomorrow, so today was all about editing photos and spending time with his favorite model. He heard (Y/n) waking up as he started to get things finished up.
“Tada!” he smiled and placed the tray on her lap, “breakfast in bed.” Ziggy barked, like he was telling him good job. Nikki carried it upstairs to where (Y/n) was sitting up, looking around.
“Nikki? What’s all this?” She asked, watching him.
“A very special breakfast for my very hot and sexy wife,” he smiled. “I am never going to get tired of saying that.” he chuckled as he kissed her.
“I’m not feeling very hot and sexy this morning.” She laughed, kissing him. “Thank you though. It all smells so good.”
“I can make you some soup later?” he looked at her and placed his hand on her forehead. “I hope it’s nothing serious.” he kissed her and smiled. “I’m just editing our photos today. Some of them are really beautiful.” he caressed her cheek. “But I don’t think all of them need to be seen by others, do you?”
“Well, it depends. Do you want everyone to see that photo of you naked on the beach with just your bass covering you?” (Y/n) laughed. “Or do you want them to see me spread out on the bed, completely naked?” She winked at him.
“See me with the bass is very artistic,” he smiled. “But you on the bed…. That’s material for me on tour.” he winked. (Y/n) smiled and kissed him.
“I think you have a lot of photos like that.” She took a bite of her food. “God Nikki, this is so good! Guess you don’t need me to cook for you anymore, do you?”
“We can take turns,” he smiled and stole a bite. “Ok, I need to head to the dark room. “If you need me just call through the intercom ok?”
“Okay honey. I can’t wait to see them.” She smiled at him. He gave her one more kiss before going to the dark room. All the honeymoon and wedding photos were there, as well as the night at Disneyland.
As he developed the pictures from Disneyland he looked at the pictures of the fireworks. He raised his eyebrow and chuckled. She was there the night they went just before the wedding. He shook his head and finished developing the pictures before hearing the phone ringing in the house.
“Hello?” (Y/n) answered as she got the phone.
“Hey girl!” Vanessa’s voice came through the phone. “Need a girls day you in? Vince is driving me crazy!”  
“What’s he doing?” (Y/n) laughed. “Yeah, a girls day sounds like fun. Just you and me or do you want me to invite Athena?”
“He’s basically driving me nuts about this kid that keeps growing,” Vanessa sighed and, “I can’t fit into any wedding dresses and I’m freaking out and he’s freaking out and I just need a day.”  
“Okay, okay. I’ll be there. Just give me a few minutes to get ready.” She smiled when she saw Nikki come in. “Want the husband to deal with the fiance?”
“Please!” Vanessa begged.
Nikki tilted his head at his wife and raised his eyebrow, “everything ok?”
“Okay Nessa, I’ll be over soon.” (Y/n) hung up. “Vanessa said Vince is driving her nuts, she’s mad she can’t fit into wedding dressing being pregnant, and she wants a girls day. And she wants you to deal with Vince.” She wrapped her arms around Nikki. “Sorry babe. I thought today would be a day for the two of us.” She rested her head on his chest. Her eyes were a little heavy.
“Go have fun with your friend,” Nikki smiled. “I’ll talk to Vince and make sure he stops being an ass.” Nikki kissed her and smiled. “We can head over there together and then go our separate ways for a bit. Then we can all just have a nice couples dinner once everyone is nice and calm.”  
“I love you.” (Y/n) whispered, kissing him. “Let me go get ready.”
Nikki put ziggy and jett in their favorite room in the house and waited for (Y/n) by the door. He looked down at his ring and smiled. It felt good to have it there and he loved being with her. (Y/n) came out a bit later, wearing that old Aerosmith shirt and a pair of leggings.
“Ready?” She asked, getting her purse.
“Tease,” he whispered in her ear before kissing her neck.
“Me? A tease? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She giggled.
“Yeah, yeah,” Nikki said as he put on his sunglasses as they got in the car and drove off to Vince’s.
“Babe, you’re not that big!” They heard Vince say as they got to the door.
“But I’m big?” Vanessa asked. (Y/n) looked over at Nikki, wondering what they had gotten themselves into. (Y/n) rang the doorbell and waited a moment for Vanessa or Vince to answer the door.
“Thank fucking god!” Vanessa smiled as she looked at (Y/n). “Mr. big shot here, apparently thinks me being the size of a house boat is perfectly fine to walk down the aisle!”
“You’re beautiful baby!” Vince called back to her. “No matter what!”
"I'm fat and you know it!" Vanessa growled. "I can't believe I let you get me pregnant! I can't even fit into a wedding dress and it feels like I have two of them in here!"
“Nessa...are you having twins?” (Y/n) asked softly. “And you look beautiful in wedding dresses sweetie.”
"I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow but I swear it feels like there are two in there!" She sighed and rubbed hey back.
Nikki looked to Vince, "what the hell did you say to her man?"
“I just suggested if she was that worried about fitting into the dress, we could just have a little ceremony to get the license, or we could push it back until after the baby comes.” Vince shrugged. “I didn’t mean anything bad. I just didn’t want her to stress herself out.”
"Dude, that's actually not a bad idea," Nikki looked at (Y/n). "Ness, a ceremony for the license is nice. You don't have to worry about family and stress and…" Vanessa turned and glared at him.
“Oh no.” (Y/n) whispered. “Hey Nessa, why don’t we go do something?” She really didn’t want to watch her best friend scream at her husband.
"Yes that sounds like fun," she looked at (Y/n). Nikki looked at his wife and brought her close.
"I think Vince and I are going to surprise her. We're going to get everyone together and get them hitched. They can always have a party later. Just talk to her?" Nikki smiled.
“I will.” (Y/n) kissed him. “Call me if you need anything, okay?”
Once the girls left Nikki looked too Vince, "are you guys having twins?"
“I think so man.” Vince said. “And I’m so excited, but…” He sighed. “I keep seeing Skylar in that hospital bed. What...what if I lose my babies?”
"I don't think your the only one freaking out," Nikki have him a part on his shoulder. "Besides at least your junk is working. I think mine is defective."
“What if it isn’t you?” Vince asked. “I heard Tommy and Pamela say that it took them awhile. What if it’s the Bass genes?”
"If it is, then at least we have Ziggy and Jett," Nikki smiled. "There is always adoption to man. I was abandoned my my mom. I know what it's like to not feel wanted and...I think (Y/n) and I can do it."
“You really want kids?” Vince asked.
"With (Y/n)? Yeah," Nikki smiled.
“You’ll be great. I mean, you raised Tommy!” Vince laughed. “So, what are we going to do about Vanessa?”
"Well, (Y/n) is going to take her dress shopping. We are going to call Mick and Tommy and get you married my man."
“I hope she’s okay with this,” Vince sighed. “I don’t want to lose her man.”
"I'm sure her hormones will kick in and she'll be crying her eyes out at how sweet everything is," Nikki says as they went to pick up Mick and Tommy.
“What if we just went with a simple, white sundress?” (Y/n) asked. “There’s some really cute ones.”
"It is very pretty," Vanessa smiled.
“You know, Vince just wants to be married to you. And we could have the big ceremony later, so your little peanut could be there too.” (Y/n) smiled sweetly at her. “All these years I’ve known him, I’ve never seen him this way over a woman before.”
"I know," Vanessa sighed. "I just feel like I'm not good enough."
“Sweetheart, remember when I said that I didn’t think I was good enough for Nikki?” (Y/n) said softly.
"Yeah," Vanessa sighed.
“It’s the same thing. But look at us now. Almost twenty years later, we’re finally married with a house and two fur babies.” She smiled at Vanessa. “And it might not have happened if it weren’t for you meddling kids!”
“Hey, all us meddling kids are older than you missy!” Vanessa laughed.
“So, what do you say we get you and Vince hitched and worry about the big ceremony later?” (Y/n) smiled at her. “Because you two need a few months of being married before my little niece of nephew comes along.” She sighed a little as they looked for the perfect dress.
"It's going to happen hun," Vanessa smiled, "You just have to relax and not worry so much."
“We go at it all the time and it hasn’t happened yet. I just...maybe it’s me.” She shrugged. “Oh, Nessa, look at this one.” She held up a beautiful white maternity dress. “Will you try it on?”
"Ok," Vanessa took the dress and walked into the fitting room to try it on. (Y/n) waited for Vanessa to come out and smiled when she saw you.
“You look stunning!” (Y/n) said happily. “Just beautiful! Vince isn’t gonna be able to keep his hands off of you.”
"Yeah, I don't think that's a problem," Vanessa chuckled, "I do like it."
“Let’s get it. My treat.” (Y/n) smiled. “We can get you some flowers and I’ll get a bakery cake to celebrate?”
"Ok, do you think Vince is getting everything ready?" She whispered.
"Wait… You had the certificate for weeks?" Nikki looked at Vince. "That's smart man."
“I just wanted to be ready in case she decided she wanted to get married on a whim.” Vince shrugged. “Hey Tommy, how are you doing over there?”
“I think I’m allergic,” He sneezed loudly. “To these fucking flowers.”
"Yeah well they're Nessa's favorite so tough it out," Mick said as he started stringing the lights. "Who you getting to officiate this thing?"
“Calling one of my buddies I met at the hospital.” Vince said. “He’s a minister.”
"Well, all we need is the cake I think," Nikki says as Tommy finished setting up his DJ equipment. "Naked pictures for fun?" He looked at Tommy.
“I bet sis is gonna get the cake while they’re out.” Tommy said. “What naked pictures are you talking about?”
"Not sure, maybe one of all for of us with some wedding themed shit," Nikki laughed.
“Dude, no one wants to see you naked.” Tommy laughed.
“Your sister does.” Nikki said with a smirk on his face.
"Dude, come on!" Tommy sighed and shook his head. The minister, a man named Ryan, showed up as they got the backyard ready. Soon, (Y/n) and Vanessa were pulling up. Vanessa ran upstairs to put her dress on. (Y/n) carried in the cake and set it on the island, as well as some beverages. She was about to head upstairs to change into her dress when Nikki pulled her off to the side.
“Hey sweet girl,” Nikki kissed her, “I missed you.”
“Babe, you just saw me a few hours ago.” (Y/n) laughed. “I gotta get into my dress.”
“We could have a nice quickie before the ceremony,” Nikki kissed her neck.
“If you play your cards right.” (Y/n) winked. She gave him a kiss before heading upstairs to change.
“Guys, Vanessa’s only going to have one person standing with her.” Vince said.
“Relax, I called Athena. She’s coming.” Mick said.
“Oh? You have her on speed dial?” Vince asked with a laugh. Mick glared at the singer.
“Guys, those are my sisters come on!” Tommy rubbed his face before he turned to Vince, “Pam’s coming too… who’s walking Nessa down the aisle?”
“Me.” Nikki said, coming out to the backyard. “I got her.” He glanced up at the window where the girls were changing.
“You look beautiful!” Athena said as she came in with her brush and makeup. “Do you want a full glam or simple?”
“Let’s keep it simple,” Vanessa sighed. “I don’t want to have to chizzle my face to get it off,” she laughed.
“I like this dress you picked out Nessa.” (Y/n) said, turning in her purple dress. “Are you excited?”
“Nervous?” she sighed, “I have a feeling he’s going to take one look and bolt out the backyard.”
“Are you sure you two aren’t really related?” Athena asked, looking from (Y/n) to Vanessa.
“We might as well be,” Vanessa smiled, “Maybe we were separated at birth.”
“I’m sure Tommy would love having three sister.” (Y/n) laughed. “Vince keeps teasing messing with him by telling him that you and Mick are hooking up.”
“Oh that is so much fun,” Athena laughed. “But honestly Mick isn’t my type.”
“We know that, but it’s fun to mess with Tommy.” Vanessa laughed.
“Okay girls, are we ready?” (Y/n) asked.
“Now or never,” Vanessa said as she looked to her friends.
Vanessa reached the bottom of the stairs and noticed Nikki waiting for her, “What are you doing?”
"I'm here to escort you down the aisle." Nikki smiled at her. He glanced over at (y/n) and his smiled brightened.
“Thanks Sixx,” Vanessa gave him a teary smile and kissed his cheek. “Let’s get on with the show!”
“You look gorgeous Ness,” Nikki smiled at her as he led her to the french doors leading to the ceremony. “His jaw is going to drop.”  (Y/n) and Athena headed out and soon, Nikki was bringing her towards them. Vince couldn’t help but stare, his mouth opening as he watched her.
“You were right Sixx, his jaw did drop,” Vanessa chuckled as she smiled at Vince. Making their way down, Nikki handed Vanessa off to Vince and stood by him as the ceremony began. Ryan did the ceremony, the vows were exchanged, and so were I Do’s. (Y/n) wiped her eyes as she watched her best friend getting married.
“Are you okay?” Athena whispered.
“It’s so beautiful.” She told her, tears filling her eyes again.
Nikki looked over at (Y/n) and smiled at her. Once Vince and Vanessa kissed it was time to party. Nikki walked up to his wife and kissed her deeply.
“What was that for?” (Y/n) asked with a laugh.
“Just because,” he looked around. “Ok guys time for pictures so gather round!” Everyone posed for pictures while Nikki snapped them. (Y/n) smiled at her husband as she watched him. She loved watching him doing the things he loved. She loved seeing him so happy. “Perfect and one of the happy couple!” he yelled out as Vince stood By Vanessa with his hands on her rounding belly.
“God I love you.” Vince whispered in her ear. “I’m so happy we did this. All of this.” He rubbed her belly as something kicked.
“Yeah, whatever we have in there has been doing that all day,” she smiled. “Ok I need food and cake!” she called out. Everyone started to head inside. Nikki snagged (Y/n), keeping her outside with him. She looked up into his eyes.
“Nikki, when we get home, we need to try again.” She whispered to him.
“We can try right now,” he muttered as he kissed her, “I’m sure we can find a nice spot somewhere.”
“I think they would notice if we disappeared.” She laughed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again.
“We can make it quick,” He kissed along her jaw and down her neck. “No matter what happens sweet girl, I am going to worship this body forever.” He continued to suck on the pulse on her neck as his hands found their way under her skirt.  
“Nikki.” She moaned softly.
“You two are not making a baby out in my backyard.” Vanessa teased. “Get in here and have some cake.” (Y/n) blushed.
“You got me in trouble Mr. Sixx.” (y/n) laughed. “Might have to punish you later.” She made her way in. Nikki groaned, her words making everything rush south.
“Is that a promise?” he muttered against her skin as he helped her straighten her dress.
“You know it.” She winked at him before they headed inside to have cake and food with their friends. Nikki kept a hand on her thigh the entire time. Slowly rubbing, waiting to go home and get her to bed.
A Few Months Later
He was working with a new band thanks to the new Label that (Y/n) was setting up. With his notebook in hand he looked over at his open journal and thought about (Y/n)’s tattoo the wilting flower with the banner that said “Life is Beautiful”. It was faded compared to how it looked in ‘87, but it was still there on her ribs for him to see.
Holding his base he began to play a tune as words came pouring out.
‘You can't quit until you try
You can't live until you die
You can't learn to tell the truth until you learn to lie
Can't breathe until you choke
You gotta laugh when you're the joke
There's nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive
Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful
Will you swear on your life
That no one will cry at my funeral?’
He looked over the words and smiled.
Nikki came home after a small session in the studio. He couldn’t be more proud of her as they worked together with new bands. He also loved that his photography was getting noticed. Some of them of (Y/n) and the dogs, other very artistic and dark.  He came in the door and saw (Y/n) pacing, biting her nails.
“Nikki?” She said, noticing him and looking up. “When did you get here?”
“I just got home,” he put down his case and walked towards her, “are you ok? What’s wrong?”
“I...I just found something out. I don’t know how you’re going to react though.” She bit her lip. He thought it was because she was nervous, but she was trying not to smile and laugh.
“(Y/n)? What happened? Are you sick?” He tried to look her in the eye but she kept pacing nervously.
“Here.” She said, handing him a box. “See for yourself.” Nikki took the lid off the box. Inside, was a pregnancy test.
Nikki looked at it before he looked up at (Y/n), a huge smile forming on his face, “Is this what I think it means?”
“Yes.” (Y/n) said, a huge smile on her face. “Yes it is.”
“We’re… we’re having a baby?” he held her in his arms and spun her around.
“We’re going to be parents.” She told him, kissing him.
“Oh man, we… we need to go to the doctor and then we can tell people and oh my god!” he kissed her deeply before going to his knees and kissing her abdomen.
“Relax honey. We have time.” (Y/n) laughed, playing with his hair. She smiled down at him. “Everyone’s going to be so excited for us.”
“I am so happy!” he got up and kissed her again before lifting her up and taking her to the room. (Y/n) held on to him, a smile on her face. Laying her gently he began to peel off her clothes peppering her with kisses along her exposed skin. “I can’t wait until this belly is nice and round,” he muttered against her skin as he kissed her abdomen.
“Does someone have a pregnancy kink?” (Y/n) teased. “It’s gonna be a bit before I start showing babe.”
“Yeah, but I know you are going to look gorgeous,” he muttered before nestling himself between her legs and licking a long stripe along her folds.
“Nikki.” She gasped, arching her back. “Fuck.”
Nikki moaned against her skin as he let his fingers sink into her. He curled them slowly and gently teasing her. He smirked as she bucked against him, he loved making her squirm with his touch.
“Come here daddy.” She moaned. She blushed when she realized what she said and looked down at him.
“Ooooo,” he kissed his way up to her and kissed her. “Daddy huh?” he smirked.
“I can’t believe I just said that.” (Y/n) laughed. She looked up at him. “What’s that look for? Do you like it when I call you daddy?”
Nikki let out an almost animalistic purr as he rubbed against her, “What do you think sweet girl?”
“Daddy.” She moaned. “Fuck me.”
Nikki chuckled as he pushed into her and moaned, “you feel so good.” he purred in her ear as he bottomed out, his hips flush with hers. He began moving his hips, thrusting into her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, moaning and arching her back.
“We’re going to have a baby.” She whispered. “Fuck!” She clawed at his back.
“Cum for me sweet girl,” he muttered as he kissed her lips thrusting faster into her. The sounds of skin slapping echoing around the room as their moans and grunts filled the house.
“F-fuck!” She cried out as she came. “Nikki!”
“Shit,” he threw his head back as he lifted her hips off the bed for a deeper angle. His thumb pressing circles on her clit as he continued to pump into her. “Love the sounds you make. Love the way you feel.”
“Love you.” She breathed, holding on to him as he continued to hit those spots over and over again. She kissed him deeply, her lips parting and allowing him to control to kiss.
“You feel so good sweet girl,” he let out a low grunt, “can feel you cum over and over again all night and I will just love it.”  he continued to press circles along her clit smiling as her face contorted in pleasure. “Love the faces you make.” he picked up the pace thrusting deeper and faster into her, “love you.” She rested her forehead against his, letting him take her deep.
“Nikki, yesssss!” She called out. “I...I…” She came again, knowing that he was going to keep doing this all night.
“F-f-fuck,” he moaned as he captured her lips with his spilling into her. All the while still playing with her clit. She came one more time before they collapsed onto the bed, panting.
“Could almost get pregnant this way.” She laughed. “Oh wait.” She looked over at him and smiled.
“Come here sweet girl,” he pulled her close and kissed her. “You give me a few minutes and we can try for twins,” he teased.
“Do I look like Vanessa.” She laughed, snuggling into his chest. “I’m so happy.”
Nikki chuckled and kissed the top of her head, “I’m happy too.” She laced her fingers with his.
“Remember in therapy, when I said that I was scared you’d leave me if I couldn’t have kids?” (Y/n) whispered.
“And remember when I said that could never happen because we can have other options, and we also have two very furry kids,” he caressed her cheek.
“I know. I just...I feel a lot better now.” She whispered, her eyes falling closed.
“I’m glad sweet girl,” he murmured as he drifted to sleep.
“Thank you guys for coming.” (Y/n) said, hugging Vince and Vanessa. “How are the babies treating you?”
“Keeping us up at all hours of the night and being cute as ever,” Vanessa said as she and vince carried the twins inside in their car seats.
“Hi there sweeties!” (Y/n) smiled. “They’re so cute!”
“You say that now,” Vince said. “Wait until one of them spits up on your favorite shirt,” he teased. (Y/n) just smiled. Vince and Vanessa headed into the living room where everyone else was hanging out, snacking on the food that they had provided.
“So, I bet you’re wondering why we asked you here.” (Y/n) said after a little while.
"You were lonely?" Mick too a bite of food.
"Wow you're hilarious." Nikki grumbled.
"No. We wanted to let you know that Brandon, Dylan, Dean, Samantha, and all the others will soon be having a new cousin to play with." (Y/n) put a hand on her stomach.
Vanessa squealed as she rushed up and hugged (Y/n). "I knew it would happen you just had to relax. Oh my God this is awesome!"
"We're having a baby!" (Y/n) said excited. Jett and Ziggy barked excitedly.
"I'm going to be an uncle," Tommy have them a smile. (Y/n) hugged her brother tightly. Hugs were passed around and a baby shower was already in the works.
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo​ @dekahg​ @marvel-af-imagines​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @nanie5​ @imboredsueme​ @gemini0410​ @aiaranradnay​ @babypink224221​ @mogarukes​ @xxwarhawk​ @sandlee44​ @shatteredabby​ @caswinchester2000​ @supernaturalwincestsblog​ @lauravic​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​ @teller258316​ @horrorpxnk​ @tommyleeownsme​ @marvelismylifffe​
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Nikki Sixx Tags: @daisystuffsstuff​ @unknownoblivion​ @deakysblueoutfit​ @fandomshit6000​ @sixx-mckagan​
Too Young to Fall in Love Tags: @kingbouji3​ @leximus98​ @thekidbakerinthetardis​ @crystalbaby12​ @shawnsstxtches​ @knockemdeadgirl​ @deansgirl1993 @haileynicoleseavey17​
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grassangel · 4 years
initial reactions to Spyfall part 1
Not so much my yeah, eh, hmm, nah format, more an actual live blog
With bonus squee at the end because of that reveal at the end
Really doubling down on the Resolution location typesetting. The typography is better this time around though, and I like the minus tracking. Gives it a bit more flavour and doesn’t make it so painfully obvious that it’s copying CA:CW and Killing Eve. (But more appropriate here than Resolution! This story is a spy story!)
Yaz isn't going to make it back. Not with the way she keeps saying she'll be back. Calling it that she doesn’t make the end of the series
Love they're actually packing their stuff though
Thirteen says she had an upgrade! 
Also love the UNIT/Torchwood mention. Don’t care if they still exist or not but I do care they are at least mentioned 
Also hurrah, serious mentions of the Doctor not always being a woman (especially, reflecting post-episode, the one made by O)
What happened to Yaz when she got transported by those beings of light? Nothing good I think
This whole VOR is a FB/Amazon stand in would've been a great story in 2018. Just a bit slow on the uptake Chibs, not extrapolating enough and not being speculative enough in your sci-fi series. 
Red (or perhaps magenta) lining in Thirteen’s formal coat! 💕
Yeah! The Doctor playing Snap
Whittaker's profile when she's talking to Lenny Henry's character in the sunlight is BEAUTIFUL
Ryan screaming, fave. He’s the best character for reacting like that and I love him for it. More people should love him for being the companion that screams in this team. 
FINALLY we get to see a working Chameleon circuit AND it’s the Master’s TARDIS
Dhawan’s Master seems like a mix of manic Simm and Ainley at most playful with his TCE and it’s exciting
Unsure when in timeline, but he still thinks these aliens won't turn on him (which Missy seemed to have learned never works out) so I have to laugh a little at him
Awww, Terrence Dicks memorial. I hope the next episode has one too
The sort of rephrased 'without hope, without witness, without reward' in the preview is interesting
Also really struck by how, after TDF, I was imagining the reunion between the Doctor and the Master as one between Ruth Wilson as the Doctor and Riz Ahmed as the Master on a battle field, both in suits and here we are, under three years later with Jodie Whittaker and Sacha Dawan in tuxes. Yeah sure, Dhawan isn’t my top choices of Hannah John Kamen or Riz Ahmed, but he’s awfully close. (And he isn’t Blake Ritson or Colin Morgan, who I can now say were my fears for white dudes who might play the Master.)
I am, of course, SQUEEING so much over Thirteen getting a Master of her own to play with. Even if it isn’t Missy and it once again looks heterosexual. But like... Dhawan!Master’s acknowledged that the Doctor has previously been a man, and depending on whether he’s after Missy, we might get a line that he was a woman previously too. So there’s definitely genderfuckery going on, never mind the fact Dhawan!Master likely flirted with that previous incarnation of the Doctor as well.
Anyway things that make me think he’s post-Missy (even if I would’ve liked to see a Master making a go of being their version of good) rather than an interstitial one between Simm and Missy or from the previous regeneration cycle that we haven’t met before
The Simm mania and Ainley playfulness. The Simm mania in particular isn’t really a thing that pops up in classic Who. (Yeah, Ainley and Roberts are dramatic fucks, but not manic the same way Simm is.)
The long con that is more associated with Jacobi and Simm (War Master/Saxon/Razor)
The whole set up - on Earth, aligning with aliens who'll inevitably betray him - very classic, very their flirting. So much so that I’ve been saying that the Master has been putting on an anniversary party for the Doctor
Doesn't demonstrate that he's aware he'll be betrayed, but does make a point of getting the fam on his side - making tea for Graham and offering him info about the Doctor, flirting with the pretty girl one. Very Delgado, very Gomez
He loves the Doctor so much. Like yeah, that's the natural state of the Master in the presence of the Doctor, but he is definitely more on the sweet side than the annoyed side. Also a very modern Who characterisation of the character, but then apparently all the showrunners have shipped it and I’m glad they do.
There's deep lore about how other universes don't have Time Lords. I don't know how the Unbound series fits into that aside from being DWEU version of Marvel's what if universes, but I’m expressing my doubt here that Chibnall would wade that far into the lore on the main show.
Anyway points 1-5 are all very on the nose, very "I'm the evil step-mother", that it all could very easily be an act in the Doctor's favour and this Master is just a lovesick fool who misses the Doctor and wants them back
I did hear the rumours about the Master before the series started that I dismissed, but I did note that someone resembling Dhawan seemed to be hidden/in the background in a few shots which might mean he’s a recurring character. Which obviously I’m very excited about.
Things that make me think twice that this is our Master after Missy
'Heart' not 'hearts'
The Master isn't good at running? The one who ran with the Doctor through fields of red grass? Who the Doctor told to run on Skaro, fully knowing she'd be able to escape?
There was the tagging of Rufus Hound which does make me suspect maybe not the Master but another Time Lord BUT there are yet more rumours circulating that make me look askance at this theory too
Overall though... fun episode, gotta needle Chibs a little for not being a great speculative writer, but otherwise it’s looking hopeful. He split up the team, gave them different jobs to do, got them back together and then split them up again. That’s how you handle large TARDIS teams! And of course I love this new Master and hope to see plenty more flirting between him and the Doctor. I’m already writing fic
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themadvigilantist · 5 years
things about time lords that was new to me and/or i forgot about that i’m now going to consider canon for basically every time lord in a fight:
Time Lords' physical forms are only fragments of much vaster multi-dimensional ones existing in a realm invisible to humans; this aspect is able to create coincidences around a Time Lord. (and everyone is so surprised by how strong they are. gallifreyans are (possibly) stronger than the hulk and captain marvel full force. k bye)
While the human eye was just a dish of light-sensitive cells, leaving the brain to do all of the processing, the Time Lord retina was capable of thinking on its own. As a result, on Gallifrey, the retina replaced fingers as the main method of communicating with machines. (a brain for the skull and a brain for each eye and just holy shit. they can feel people with their eyesssssss.) Gallifreyan eyes were better at seeing in general, as well as in the dark, as they could gather and enhance available light. They could notice incredible amount of detail from distances of at least one hundred yards away, as well as people that were well beyond the human line of sight. Gallifreyans had incredibly precise control of their eyes (which explains a shit ton on why the doctor’s eyes just get bigger when they can’t find a companion and have to resort to yelling their name. it’s like that meme about yelling something to get them to respond but extreme sports edition. like extreme marco polo or waldo like holy shit).
Gallifreyans could survive some falls which would shatter the bones of humans.
If pushed from a height into a liquid, a Time Lord body was capable of protecting them, sealing up the lungs to conserve air for a short period (see Hell Bent and 12′s constant diving)
Gallifreyans could survive extreme cold, due to having a "souped-up metabolism"; they could even withstand exposure to a vacuum for a few minutes with the only consequence being blindness rather than death. They could also survive extreme heat. They could even survive the subzero temperatures and extremely low pressure of vacuum for around six minutes, and survive electric shocks that would be fatal to humans. 
Röntgen radiation affected Gallifreyans so minimally that Gallifreyan children were routinely given radioactive toys in the nursery. They could, at will, absorb very high doses of Röntgen radiation, transform it into a form harmless to humans, and expel it from their bodies. Radiation of other kinds could be fatal, but even then a Gallifreyan could handle much higher doses than a normal human could, and could hold out much longer than even most terrestrial life-forms, although a unique form of radiation around the Lakertyan System was only fatal to Time Lords while being harmless to humans.
Gallifreyans needed less sleep than humans, and could make do with as little as an hour.
A Gallifreyan who was severely injured without actually needing to regenerate to heal the damage would generally slip into a healing coma, and devote all his or her energy to healing the injury. While in the coma, they would appear to be dead.
Time Lords also seem to have an increased resilience to higher frequencies of sound.
Gallifreyans could be disabled by a blow to the left shoulder, which possessed a vulnerable nerve cluster.
Gallifreyans were capable of resisting attempts to disintegrate their bodies, despite being shown capable of disintegrating other organisms.
Early Gallifreyans deliberately infected themselves with the Yssgaroth taint to give themselves a biological advantage.
Time Lords occasionally displayed, or referred to, the ability to fly. (cough cough mary poppins, saxon, missy, that time lord messenger, tenth doctor when he got back to normal and cradled the master and cried after lucy shot him cough cough)
Even without regeneration, Gallifreyans had considerable lifespans. Within one regeneration, Gallifreyans could live for hundreds of years, yet look much younger than a human of equivalent age. (which means the curator in the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who is 500 yrs old in that face so like imagine young tom baker but with just the short curly cut like wow)
Physical stress could cause Gallifreyans to age.
the Time Destructor may have contributed to ageing
Gallifreyan children grew at about the same rate as humans of the same age. After this point, ageing would slow, with the Gallifreyan looking like a teenager for decades. ( @girl-in-the-tardis @gallifreylegacy so basically those kids end up being like twilight minus the disco ball vampirism when they graduate college and get the highest occupation of their job. like they could be considered both the youngest president but also the oldest being visually a teenager but actually 90 yrs old. like No. 5 from Umbrella Academy)
90 is teens, 750 is middle-aged and senility age when one time lord gets over 12,000 years old (depending on the regeneration i guess???)
Gallifreyans had all the senses possessed by humans, and to generally superior degrees. Gallifreyans also had extraordinary reflexes and precision timing, literally superhuman.
In the space of four nanoseconds, a Time Lord can move fast enough to dodge shots fired at them whilst devising a plan to escape. (so that trailer where 13 is like a speedster? fucking canon y’all)
Gallifreyans showed great hand-eye coordination and dexterity with a wide variety of tool and weapons.
Gallifreyans (in "younger" bodies) were, consequently, very physically able and highly athletic
A time lord perceived sounds from the TARDIS, while located several sections away in a larger spacecraft or planet.
Gallifreyans were capable of identification by taste. (see all of tenth doctor) The Gallifreyan sense of smell was equal to their sense of taste. They could do a chemical analysis of the air using their sense of smell. On some occasions Time Lords were also able to judge what time period and location they were in by the smell of the air. (this explains that comic where rose was possessed by the ninth doctor and she basically became the ninth doctor for that strip while also talking to him out loud as he responded in her head: basically 9 was remy the rat and rose was linguini the hair-controlled human k thanks. so that’s a thing)
Gallifreyans were better at coping with sudden changes in position than humans and were harder to disorient. 
As well as the senses shared with humans, Gallifreyans had further senses, with at least a sixth sense. Gallifreyans had time- and spatial-related senses and physical attributes; they were able to resist fields of slow time, notice distortions and jumps in time, retain perception of local time flow, including a secondary "backwards" consciousness during jumps back in time that could overwrite the one prescribed by forward time, directly perceive the interstellar motions of cosmological bodies or their inhabitants — including sensing the "shape" of the world to the extent that they were aware when trapped in pocket dimensions — and perceive all possible timelines. Due to their time sensitive nature, Gallifreyans could retain memories of negate or alternative timelines. (so basically the whole ‘i won’t remember this’ schtick from 50th was a sham. which explains why tenth doctor was looking for rose the second he heard bad wolf but he was on gallifrey and not earth. this boy was looking for the moment but like she just didn’t appear and then the button changed into a rose shaped one like wow ok bye) The form of eidetic short-term memory, able to recall every insignificant detail of even the most moments in time (holy shit there’s no way you can win an argument with them. that’s fucking sad...for any human anYWAY). on a quantum level, their brain could receive information from possible futures, possibly without even realising it consciously. (ahaha do you mean that the tenth doctor saw different futures where he saw all outcomes of doomsday which makes all those edits where he’s living life with rose and donna as his sister fucking true but it’s also true that canonically he went, ‘nah, have tentoo im gonna skidaddle’ and left THEM OKAY BYE AGAIN). Time Lords shared a special mental connection to the structure of history. The chakras of the Time Lord nervous system could detect contours in the Time Vortex and also felt an instinctive gut revulsion towards fixed points in time.
The Time Lord brain was much larger and more complex than the human brain. The size differences effectively ruled out brain transplants from a Gallifreyan to a human, having one, two or three brainstems (so basically that whole plot in Get Out would have backfired so fucking hard. now that would have been a wild movie.) Time Lords could also separate the hemispheres of their brain, allowing them to multitask easily. Records on some planets indicated isolated cerebral hemispheres as a characteristic of Time Lords. Time Lords had an additional brain lobe dedicated to mechanical and other bodily functions, freeing the other lobes for intellectual endeavours. The autonomic functions could be artificially supplanted with a special device, allowing the Gallifreyan to think with their autonomic brain.
Gallifreyans could sense the presence of others of their own species, with the sense being specific enough to allow identification of one another just by sight, regardless of potential recent regeneration. (v and vin tend to turn this off because they like being surprised. surprises are fun.)
Body temperature of Gallifreyans are fucking Arctic or near Pluto levels, hence the layered clothing in the most hottest climate possible like what the fuck. it explains so much on why tenth doctor still donned that luau necklace thing because that was just a nice warm spring to him okay. which means if they get sick, you need oven gloves and a heat resistant suit. that’s what im gonna assume. like holy shit. no wonder that ice didn’t do shit for 10 in the 42 ep. good to know
Time Lords displayed the ability of touch-enabled mental manipulation; this manifested itself in a number of different ways, including hypnosis, mind-reading, thought sharing, the ability to relieve dementia, putting others to sleep, influence on others' dreams, memory erasure and could also transfer knowledge quickly to another person by headbutting them. In addition, they were telepathically linked to one another and could join the entire Time Lord intelligence as one. They could hold telepathic conversations over distances, but this was more difficult. They could converse with each over the astral plane, although this ability required intense concentration, and an interruption might have fatal consequences for the Time Lord. Their telepathy extended to less intelligent animals. Perhaps because of this, they had an innate ability to understand any language. In ancient times, Gallifreyans who were capable of blocking out the telepathic thoughts of other Gallifreyans were called Individuals. They usually had red-gold hair and often went on to become Young Heroes. (THAT’S 👏🏾WHY 👏🏾THE 👏🏾DOCTOR 👏🏾WANTS RED 👏🏾HAIR 👏🏾👏🏾 THEY 👏🏾 WANT 👏🏾 TO 👏🏾BE 👏🏾A 👏🏾INDIVIDUAL 👏🏾👏🏾) They were highly resistant against, if not immune to, other forms of mind control. However, they were vulnerable to more powerful forms of mind control. (so basically Jessica Jones episodes 1 thru whatever episode Kilgrave doesn’t find out about Hogarth trying to inject herself with his DNA, they are immune but, episode where kilgrave injects himself with it and becomes powerful might be vulnerable to it if that same kilgrave did what cartoon kilgrave did with tony stark and used the stark tower to boost and spread his control over everyone...or you know, maybe can withstand wanda vision’s control. maybe. i have to consider pythia and the karn so, it’s a good 50 - 50 chance on kilgrave and wanda being able to mind control a time lord. like properly. so jot that down)
Gallifreyans (Time Lords) don’t have prostates.
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saltpepperbeard · 5 years
What’s the most compelling evidence that joshifer fucked
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*Rubs hands together* WELL, if you’re so inclined to ask lol, there are a few instances in particular that had everyone raising their eyebrows. And while no, there’s no 100% solid concrete evidence of them screwing around, there were some times where all of us were like “UHHH…*EYE EMOJI INTENSIFIES*” As in like, definitely not platonic, definitely not that brother/sister BS, ya feel lol.
First and foremost, Hawaii. This is one of the bigger “Joshifer definitely had sex” speculations, and yet it’s pretty much…entirely based around speculation lol. They didn’t really mention anything during promo that would point to them having sex; instead, everyone looked at their actions and the timeline of events to kind of piece things together.
And the biggest fanon theory was this: Jen had broken up with Nicholas Hoult towards the end of 2012, right when Catching Fire was filming. No one is really sure why, but I like to believe it’s because she was having some conflicting feelings going on. She had gotten very close with Josh very quick during THG filming/promotion, and he seemed to be quite smitten with her tbh. Like-
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-ALL THROUGHOUT THAT PROMOTION. He was almost like Peeta to Katniss; just absolutely lovesick, shy, and adorable. And so okay, put a recently single 20-something year old with another lovey dovey 20-something year old on Hawaii for weeks at a time…Is nOTHING REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN THERE?
Then of course, we got some rather interesting footage from Catching Fire filming to back that up…
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(there’s also one of jen blatantly grabbing josh’s ass when they’re filming the fog scene but i don’t have it in my archives and i’m sad lmao)
Sooooo yeah. Thrusting? Prodding? Spanking? Shirtless catching? LOOKS A LITTLE ;) IF YOU ASK ME.
And then after all of that filming, Jen got back together with Nick, and Josh started dating Claudia the following summer. So, what everyone likes to think happened, Josh and Jen did indeed screw around, but it ended up scaring Jen too much. Like, she didn’t want it/a relationship to tarnish their friendship, and ended up going back to someone/something else more familiar. And then since Josh was in love with her, he was left heartbroken, and had to find someone else to move on.
AGAIN, that’s all just fandom speculation lol. They never came out and said that at all. But just…things are rather convenient, the timeline matches up, and the footage of them we got for CF is just a bit too jfskdjskdsss.
THEN came the almighty and holy Cannes Film Festival in May 2014. This one was wild, because we actually got an article talking about the events that went down. The HG Cast was at an after party for Mockingjay Part One at Cannes, and Joshifer craziness ensued. According to the article, Jen gave Josh a lapdance to Work It by Missy Elliot (hence it being the fandom’s anthem lol), Josh helped Jen cure her hiccups, and then the two of them headed out hAND IN HAND INTO THE NIGHT??? LIKE JUST THE TWO OF THEM. ALONE. SEXXXX LOL. [x]
Not to mention they appeared from the same hotel the following morning-
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Soooooo yeah. Sex lmao.
And THEN LOL, came Wetten Das/Mockingjay Part One promotion. This doesn’t necessarily point to sex, but it at least points to some close proximity; kissing perhaps? At the beginning of this promotion, Josh and Jen were the only ones to contract strep throat. And like…considering I had a very acute case of strep throat when I was younger, and yet no one else in my family caught it despite being near me….HMMMMM??? CONTRACTED BY SOME SALIVA THERE, JOSH AND JEN?
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And Jen actually got questioned about it on a German talk show during promotion (Josh wasn’t there because he was too sick I think). AND HOMEGIRL NEVER DENIED IT??? SHE NEVER SAID NO LOL. SOOOOOO UH…HMMMMM X2 LMAO.
And on top of these bigger eyebrow-raising moments, Josh and Jen were reported doing a bunch of things together outside of filming. Like, it was during one of the Mockingjays, but Josh and Jen were both spotted in Louisville (Jen’s home town) over Thanksgiving. And then they were spotted at clubs and what not when they were in Hawaii. And spotted together in Atlanta a few times too.
Sooooo yeah. While they have never outright said anything, it’s pretty apparent that something had to have happened, at least once. Be it making out, having sex, or actually being in a relationship for a short period of time, SOMETHING went down between those two, man.
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prat-central · 7 years
Got a theory about the Bill being the doctors kid thing? Any reason you think that?
Okay, theory time! -cracks knuckles.-  I’ve been waiting for someone to ask me this…
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So, one: The Doctor gave her literally a WHOLE box of pictures of her mother. Where the hell did he get all of those pictures? I mean look at this: 
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This to me doesn’t look like someone who is friends with the other person and just taking pictures of their ‘bestie.’  And according to Bill her mother hated pictures of herself, (which honestly can’t be confirmed at any time, because Bill might not have gotten that info from a reliable source.) Believing that Bill’s mother did in fact hate getting her picture taken, why would she agree to take so many pictures for/with the Doctor? 
I know I hate my picture taken, and no matter what my friend said I would be like fuck you, it’s not happening, (this would not happen for me personally, I would still say fuck you,) but if you’re in love or like someone you are more likely to do the thing you hate, like feel pretty enough to take pictures of yourself. 
Two: The Doctor seems to know who Bill is before Bill really knows who the Doctor is. Why is this? Because he knew her mother, and Bill knows this…after he gives her the pictures. My basic problem with this whole thing is why didn’t Bill ever ask the Doctor about her mother? 
He never says anything to her about her mother, other than that one time they were trying to defeat the monks, and it really has nothing to do with anything. 
Yet, he knows who she is and picks her out of the crowd to ‘pick on her,’ according to Bill herself. He then offers to be her tutor thing, with literally nothing to go on. He doesn’t know how bright Bill is, he doesn’t know if she would even want to be tutored….
But maybe he does, because he knew her mother, (and it wasn’t strictly stated, but strongly implied that her mother went to that school as well, which would have been how they met obviously,) so he knows Bill would have a strong connection to the school, and whether or not she was smart enough….well, if she is his child, he would be pretty confident that she is indeed smart enough. (I’m not saying he even knows she’s his child though, he might, he might not.) 
Three: The timelines match up, Bill says the Doctor had been a professor at the school for fifty years, that is PLENTY of time for him to meet Bill’s mother, (which would have obviously been one of his students,) dated her, her to get pregnant with Bill and sadly die. 
The problem with this part is, is if the Doctor is Bill’s father and her mother died, why the hell wouldn’t the Doctor have raised Bill? Well, I have theories for that, too. 1:  He could have thought it was too dangerous, he was guarding Missy for all of that time, both him and Nardole would probably be freaked out that Missy might catch wind and do something to the child. 2: He might not know she is his child. 3: It’s pretty…against moral code to knock up a student, so, to protect his job, (which is selfish as fuck,) he might not have claimed Bill as his child, for various I need to stay here and protect the vault reasons.  (I also don’t believe Nardole would have any idea about any of this, really…no one should tell Nardole anything…ever.) 
Four: There is literally not one tiny mention of Bill’s father, not even the tiniest of mentions of her dad.  She only ever talks about her mother and the Doctor never asks about her father either. He did sort of ask about her mother in the Pilot, but you would think he would ask about her father too…like, there was nothing. So, this leads me to believe that Bill was obviously raised to know literally nothing about her dad at all, nothing. In fact, no one probably knows who it is. 
Because, if there was a man in question, it wouldn’t make sense for the Doctor to not know who it is, because Bill’s mother looked pretty young when she died, there is a very limited time space for this all to have happened, she would have had to meet the Doctor, know him for a very short time, loose touch with him, meet the man that is Bill’s father, get pregnant, and then die.  (Which is do-able, but kind of unrealistic.) 
With all those pictures, it is implied that Bill’s mother and the Doctor knew each other for a pretty long time, no one can take a whole box of pictures of a person in a day, and besides, she looks different in some of them. I know, we only saw a few, but it looks like a few of them could be from different times. ( Different times in her life. Not times like time and space, I don’t believe the Doctor traveled with Bill’s mother, I do believe she probably knew what he was though.) 
And as Bill still lives in the same town with that woman who clearly knew her mother, it is implied that her mother obviously stayed and lived there and most likely died there, so the idea of her going off and meeting some mystery man that the Doctor doesn’t/ nobody know/s is very unlikely. 
Five: Playing into this same convo from up above, and just a small thing,the woman Bill lives with, forgive me for not knowing her name or even caring, (she was useless,) She was clearly an idiot, but she was pretty quick to jump to the idea that the Doctor was being inappropriate by being Bill’s tutor. Which, I assume most people would, honestly, and it’s not much of a theory reasoning, but she could have been thinking “Oh my god, like mother like daughter,” because obviously she knew Bill’s mother and obviously she would have heard stories of a professor Bill’s mother might have been seeing at the time. Obviously, she wouldn’t realize it was all the same dude. (This one is all very loose, it’s not the most sound example, but just think about it…) 
Six: Why the hell was Bill still alive as a cyberman? 
In all normal situations, wouldn’t that have killed her? I am under the very strong impression from watching other episodes of this show that once you a cyberman, you dead. Like, you so dead…so why was she able to fight being one for so long? Why was she able to cry as one and why wasn’t she dead? 
Well, obviously, Timelords can die, and she wouldn’t be full Timelord, but her life state would be upgraded, her dna would be stronger, more able to handle stuff, like the Doctor is. 
In that alternate universe she is able to remember who she is and who the Doctor is, which also implies that her brain is slightly advanced also. 
And lastly, I know this is just a TV show, but there is such a thing called makeup, she said she had been waiting for the Doctor for ten years, yet she didn’t look a day older than when she left him….janked aging genes because she’s part Timelord? I think yes… 
Seven: Just the way the Doctor acted toward her, there was nothing to suggest romantic feeling at all, it felt very fatherly to me, like he was her mother effing Space dad! It was very different from his last companion (Clara) and that is EXTREMELY apparent. I felt at some points he was also like super excited and proud and always wanting to teach her stuff, which can be argued that he acts toward other ppl too, but it felt more parental/teachery with Bill. And also, he was perfectly fine with her calling him her dad (which he never normally is when anyone else says this,) in the episode Knock Knock, yet was offended she called him her granddad…which can be a running joke for the show, but it seems to be slightly different in this case. 
Overall, I feel like there is some very strong evidence that this could be true, I mean…it probably isn’t, and we still have one more episode of 12 and Bill, but I doubt we’ll get any answers with that one. There is also a chance that she could travel with 13, but I am again doubting it. I overall am happy not knowing, because it gives my theory fire, but I mean….it’s definitely worth knowing if I turn out to be right. I would be so happy if I was. (Still, probably not though, just a  theory for fun….maybe.) 
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yourstatusisnotquo · 7 years
Doctor who rant (it’s gonna be a bumpy ride)
(I am jet-lagged and haven’t checked this for spelling and grammar, and I can’t really be bothered to. So if you’re reading this, you’re getting it as one sum lump of rant chaos, so fair warning)
Holy shit, that was a bad episode. With a nearly insulting lack of understanding on the Master’s character. 
This is coming from someone who actually loves Missy. I have some problems with their character portrayal, but overall I enjoyed the build-up to this finale. And I love John Simm’s Master, so hearing that he would be in this finale was a huge bonus. Really, the Master is my all-time favourite tv character, so I’m pretty annoyed that they fucked this up so badly. 
From a general set-up point of view this was already a bad episode. The main plot of the finale (Hospital makes people cybermen, spaceship city, bill trapped for ten years, all of it the Master’s plan) has little to no relevance on the final episode. The Master’s part of the plan dissolves after an impressive THREE minues (not including the beginning farm scenes and flashbacks) making their contribution to the episode needless. The rest of it is a basic, standard, “Doctor gets into a situation so difficult that self-sacrifice is the only solution” set-up that we’ve seen before many times. 
Which means that the main points of the finale that made it unique (the master, the spaceship, the time differential) were of utterly no consequence. You could have made the same episode without any of those factors with hardly a change. Also, to finish off non-Master related points of stupidity:
-We just did a important-person-becomes-cyberman plot two season finales ago.
-Bill being a cyberman didn’t amount to anything? Other than to give her a way to die that made people less sad about it, and feel more like it was the right way to do things
-Was that water pilot lady really important enough in the show to play THAT much of an ending role?
-There was really no planning stage of the episode, no adventure where plans are considered (you know, the part that makes it fun)
-The space ship is never explained??? Or explored??
But anyway, let’s talk about the Master. Both versions. 
To truly comment on how Bad this was I need to recap where both versions were left off in their respective timelines. Gomez was at a point where her Master had seemingly come to a consensus agreement to try out being good (see: the episode with the execution flashback scenes, Doctor rescue, vault opening, etc). We’ve been put through her waverings, culminating in pretty strong hints that some bit of goodness was sinking in (eg, the “why am I crying” bit). 
(Side note: the entire “Goodness Rehab” plot line was also a bit shit but hey, I was wiling to roll with it)
 So when we reach the finale, Gomez is snarky but seemingly in it for genuine reasons. Of course that could have been disproved, but that’s where were at with her when Simm’s Master comes into the picture. 
Now Simm’s role in this is where things truly nosedive. Last time we had Simm’s Master was End of Time. You know, the episode where some things came to light and a semblence of consensus was reached between him and the Doctor that ended with him stepping in front of the Doctor when Rassilon moved to kill him, so the Master was taken into the time lock instead? 
That episode. 
I’m all for the Master having convoluted plots, but THIS plot? TEN years to make this happen, all to be easily turned against him in three minutes of screen time? What was the point? Also, how did he get there?? In true details, ones that actually take into account the significance of Gallifrey. 
That aside, the episode frames it that Simm’s true plan is just to kill the Doctor. Apart from the fact that that could have been achieved in far easier ways, that has NEVER been the real intention on a past plot. The Game has always been hurt, and make a point, using other people’s lives to make that point when possible (even his own, in the end of Season 3, when the only thing left to do to truly hurt the Doctor and “win” is to take himself away from the Doctor through death). That’s one of the key things about these characters, that neither has the courage nor the true desire to kill the other. Even when they could, or should, or claim to want to, they lack the ability to end each other. That’s been commented on a few times throughout the show. At the worst of times they allow the other harm through omission of action but that’s the closest they come. 
So we are already starting on a weak point. 
Then we get a few scenes of off flirting between Masters which is all fun and well, but let’s be honest. Although the Master probably would love themselves in all sorts of ways, they would absolutely HATE their past selves. Because each represents a different method of failure; failure of individual plans and rulerships and above all, failure to truly take the Doctor (either through capture or consensus, the lines have been blurred with them there for a while now). 
So I can’t be that into Masters across regenerations getting along that well. 
Then we get one of the biggest crimes of all: This awaited multi master episode is...actually pretty boring. Having very little screen time of either Master as they mostly just...hang out, while others are preparing? Did their plans and dual presence really mean so little to the Doctor? For a Master episode, this lacked a whole lot of interaction between the Doctor and the Master(s), and relatively NO intellectual teamwork. 
So then Simm Master makes it clear that he won’t stick around, and that bothers me because in times where the Doctor’s life is at stake, the Master is nothing if not APATHETIC. Gomez Master makes a good show of wanting to stay, but then doesn’t. This type of apathy has been bothering me throughout this season but it was never a problem until the finale, when it was really inexcusable. My largest problem with the Master this series is that they seem to be simplified for public consumption, and their terrible, wonderful, vicious, epic. life-consuming dynamic with the Doctor has been made into something nearly trivial. The idea that (ideally) Gomez Master was supposed to become Good and then go have her own adventures in space and time clashes with the character’s entire basis. Gomez says at one point “my whole life doesn’t revolve around you you know” and that’s the problem with this season’s take on the Master in a nutshell, because you know what?
The Master’s life  DOES revolve around the Doctor. THAT’S THE POINT.
That has been proven through over 50 years of show, where the Master’s intentions have always been focused on the Doctor overwhelmingly. The Master himself even says so, in the 8th Doctor. That’s what makes the dynamic interesting; the over-whelming central role they play in the other’s life, despite conflict and differences. The Master’s character HAD to be killed off so often as it was because if they ever reached agreement it would be unthinkable that they would part ways. 
So moving on, we get Gomez stabbing Simm (why? why not just let him fly off?) and making it known that she’ll go help the Doctor. To which Simm throws his fit and shots Gomez, rather dying than “stand with the Doctor”. 
Firstly, standing with the Doctor has been the Master’s goal since the character’s initiation. Simm’s anger makes sense in the season 3 finale, and in End of Time, but that’s a long rant for another day, and those factors have been addressed before this finale’s episode. So his anti-Doctor sentiment to THIS extent has little basis, other than to simplify the character into an obvious ‘villain’ role. 
But worse, if there’s one thing the Master WON’T EVER DO, it’s kill himself. Wanna know how I know? Because the Doctor himself says so in season 3. Of course the Master lets himself die afterwards to make a point, but that was FAKE dying as a means to an end, dying with a pre-set plan of coming back to life shortly afterwards. The Master is nothing if not unintentionally self-defeating but he would NEVER kill himself on purpose. 
Until this episode, I guess??
Side note, Gomez being killed by Simm makes the entire plotline of Goodness Rehab pretty useless, considering her newfound sense of morality is never acted upon in a way that’s seen by anyone else other than Simm. So...why was that a thing again?
I don’t know, I could go on and on honestly, but I’ll stop there. I took a chance on this season, and it seemed promising for a while, but I’ll take this as my queue to duck out again. I am glad some people still love the show, and I hope it goes on forever really. But the Master is my all-time favorite character and at this point I think he has been simplified into something black and white, palatable for general audiences, giving them an easy villain rather than a physical representation of the Doctor’s fallibility and weaknesses.
And to be honest, I’d rather just opt out with the Master’s character alive in my mind, rather than watch that happen. 
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precise-desolation · 7 years
[[Okay, guys.  I am slowly, slowly working my way through drafts.  I’ve been mostly over on my Doctor Who blogs lately.  What with the reveal of the Thirteenth Doctor’s actress (yes, actress; I am excited) and with having finally watched Scream of the Shalka recently, I’ve kind of thrown myself headlong back into that fandom.  I haven’t consistently watched the show since sometime in undergrad.  Mostly because I didn’t get BBCA, but also because I just got so fed up with Eleven and his companions who were puzzles rather than people that I didn’t feel like making the effort to keep up anymore. 
And I am very long-winded and also a huge Whovian, so I will put the rest of my rambling under a read-more.
But my roommate and I are watching New Who (we started with Nine because he’d never seen any Doctor Who) and Twelve has given me hope.  Watching Clara change when she was with Twelve verses when she was with Eleven is like night and day.  Takes a few episodes, but it’s like “Wow, you’re actually a human being with actual flaws and strengths and feelings and not just an enigma with no personality.”  I do rather agree with the theory that Peter Capaldi came in and led a revolt and somewhere along the lines they just tied Moffat up and shoved him in a broom closet, because the writing did basically a complete 180.  It still has its issues, to be sure, but it’s amazing the differences.
I’ve also, as I said, watched Scream of the Shalka finally.  It’s part of the Doctor Who Extended Universe (or EU) and hails from the time after the movie but before New Who when BBC was almost certain they would never get the show back on air.  Their solution?  The internet.  It’s this very short six part flash animated story arc featuring a new Doctor and Master.  Of course, if you’re familiar with the movie, the Master dies at the end.  But more specifically, he falls into the Eye of Harmony, which is basically the heart of the TARDIS.  That bit is important.  And then at the very end of the movie, the Eighth Doctor receives a message about a war between the Time Lords and the Daleks and returns to Gallifrey to lend whatever aid he can.
Of course, that movie was supposed to bring the show back on air.  (I remember my dad losing it over that.  Have I mentioned I was raised by utter nerds?)  But it just kinda... didn’t.  That was the only thing Eight ever appeared in on screen until Night of the Doctor, the short prequel to the 50th anniversary special, Day of the Doctor.  A full seventeen years later.  (Although they did do another flash animated short featuring the Eighth Doctor around the same time as Scream of the Shalka.)  Now, this was back in the day before YouTube.  Yes, there was an internet before YouTube.  We had things like NewGrounds and Albino Black Sheep.  Which featured a shitton of flash animated videos.  I remember this because I am old.  But in keeping up with the tech of the day, they flash animated these arcs.  Which can make them a bit odd to watch if you aren’t used to that.
Scream of the Shalka, though...  It introduced the first Ninth Doctor and a new version of the Master.  This iteration was later replaced in the primary canon by Christopher Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor when New Who started.  There are some striking similarities in the two, but also a world of difference.  Eccleston’s Nine was very much a soldier who had seen too much of war.  That was true, too, of Shalka Nine.  However, the Shalka Doctor was much, much closer in characterization to the Classic Who Doctors.  I think the only New Who Doctor who has come even remotely close is Twelve, but even there the differences between Old and New are steep.  There’s a huge difference, too, in the characterization of the Master between Old and New Who.  Again, I’d say the closest to the Classic Who characterization is Missy.  So it probably doesn’t come as a surprise that the dynamic between Twelve and Missy is also the closest to the dynamic between the Master and Doctor of Classic Who out of all the Masters and Doctors of New Who.  But the Shalka Doctor and Master retain that very definite “best frienemies” sort of relationship.  They act like an old married couple, assuming that married couple consists of a psychopath who enjoys making the other’s day miserable in tiny, petty ways and also occasionally poisoning their food and a put-upon “responsible” partner who runs around the universe cleaning up the other’s messes.
So some of the things I’ve mentioned earlier should make it no surprise that I grew up on Classic Who reruns.  My father actually wanted to name me after one of the Fifth Doctor’s companions, that is the extent to which this has been involved in my life.  I watched primarily Four and Six growing up, but did see bits and pieces of the others.  And one thing I have always loved is the relationship between the Doctor and Master.  It’s dysfunctional as all hell and most definitely not healthy, but it’s also interesting and oddly charming.  Mostly, I think, for their snark and pettiness over ridiculous things at some times but their genuine concern for one another at others.  And they did care for one another, no matter how disturbing the manner in which that care and affection was expressed.  They had been close friends since childhood, a point which is addressed in both Classic and New Who as well as extensively explored in the EU.  Their relationship was dynamic and layered and interesting to watch unfold.
Scream of the Shalka retains that.  As I said earlier, at the end of the movie, the Master dies by way of falling into the Eye of Harmony.  The heart of the TARDIS.  The TARDIS is no ordinary ship, though.  It’s sentient.  It is essentially a living, intelligent being that grows and changes and expresses opinions and makes decisions.  It just also happens to be a bio-mechanical entity.  And it exists across all of space and time simultaneously, which is how it’s able to travel the way it does.  So basically what you have, then, is a living mobile supercomputer.  Another detail about Time Lords is that when they die, their consciousness is uploaded into a huge database, called the Matrix.  (No, I could not make that up if I tried.)  Time Lord technology.  So it stands to reason that if Time Lords can upload their consciousness into what amounts to a really advanced computer data base, then a sentient supercomputer of a species that has co-evolved with and been heavily influenced by Time Lords would be able to do the same thing.  This is why the manner of the Master’s death is significant.  He fell into the heart of the TARDIS.  His physical body would have been destroyed, as the Eye of Harmony is basically a star trapped in an endless sate of decay.  But I see no reason why his consciousness, which basically amounts to electrical impulses, couldn’t have been uploaded by the TARDIS.
So if he was destroyed, how is he present?  Well, that’s not terribly clear.  You see, all we really have, at least in a film format, of the Shalka Doctor and Master is six, fifteen minute episodes.  Not a whole lot of time for backstory.  However, two things are revealed that are extremely significant.  The first is that the Doctor is apparently not able to travel freely.  Someone - ostensibly the Gallifreyan High Counsel, since it’s not addressed whether or not Gallifrey survived the war in this timeline and the Doctor was living as a fugitive prior to the war - seems to be controlling or limiting his and his TARDIS’s ability to move within the Time Vortex, just based on his dialogue.  So he is seemingly a prisoner in his own TARDIS.  That does make the Master’s presence make more sense.  Evidently, at some point the Doctor was either so desperate for company or missed his friend so badly that he built an android fashioned after the Master.  (He appears to be a blend of Delgado and Jacobi.)  One would have to assume, then, that he was also able to download the Master’s consciousness from the TARDIS into the android.  Now, the Doctor is many things, but an idiot is not one of them.  Letting the Master back out to roam the universe, this time in a body made of circuitry rather than soft, vulnerable flesh, would be a terrible mistake.  The Doctor may be fond of the Master, perhaps even love him, but he is also aware that the Master is dangerous.  Because of this, he has fail-safes built in that don’t allow him to leave the TARDIS and that give the Doctor the ability to switch him off if need be.
And if you’re wondering, I do have good reason for thinking all of these things.  As far as the Doctor and Master’s relationship, when the Master is first introduced in Scream of the Shalka, he tells Alisha that “I pride myself that I am the dearest companion of the owner of this craft.”  Fast forward to New Who and we have a scene where Missy gifts the Twelfth Doctor a legion of cybermen so that they can conquer the universe together.  The Tenth Doctor tries to get the Master to abandon his scheming and run away with him to see the universe together.  Their close, if horrendously fucked up, relationship is a well documented fact of the Whoniverse.
And then there’s the situation with the Doctor’s ability to travel and with the Master’s reappearance as an android.  In one of the first scenes of Shalka, the Doctor is seen seemingly shouting at the sky that “I won’t do it!”  It’s worth noting that at this point he doesn’t even know what “it” is.  He basically walked out of his TARDIS, went ‘this is not the time/place I was looking for,’ and then declares he won’t do it.  “It” ends up being saving humanity.  Again.  As to the Master, given what we know of Time Lord tech, the nature of TARDISes, and the manner of his most recent death, it’s really the only logical answer.
And I don’t even remember where I was going with all of this, but it’s a quarter to 3am.  So I am going to go sleep now before I ramble for another two pages or so.]]
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juushika · 7 years
travel to first city > get out of habit of playing Zelda in sleep-deprived travel and recovery days > stall out > pick game back up same day we started playing Dark Souls III again and wow the games do not mesh > oh well > travel to other city again, can’t play Dark Souls while here > tl;dr finally beat The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
My liveblog from ~50% to the end: game events, Navi as mechanic, time travel???, so much metadata, Gerudo are the very best, cyclical narrative are fascinating and I wish I wanted to play the other games, etc.; it is very long!
me:  hello dark Link is in this one 1) this is the 1.5 things i was not really spoiled for (in context of Ocarina) 2) oh my god i have so much fanart of this scene what a well-done sequence! really subtle and eerie effects/use of reflection and clever combat and like not skillful combat at all “don’t lock on, try and sort of flail until you get around him then stab his butt wildly” but pretty and the fade-out is really effective! so much really good subtextual-to-the-point-of-not-existing narrative; fights with shadow selves are best trope?? i looked at that art again and! it v good! i remember finding this dynamic compelling even before familiar with canon in any way! but it’s not explored, just, “you could explore this yourself, if you want”
me: where is Link keep iron boots when not wear that they don’t effect his weight just curious
Missy: don’t ask they magic also it really amuses me that your biggest connection to OoT is “i have sexy pics of Link and dark Link”
me: what is the logic of traveling BACK to kid Link??? (there is no logic, i know, i know) “you picked up the sword and were too young for it so we incubated you until ready” implies that Kingdom Hearts-esque he grew up in the jar, time passed but he wasn’t there for it but then no! and he can go back! and i get it would be awful to put collectables/shortcuts and then be like ARBITRARY UNPREDICTABLE CUT-OFF POINT being able to pop back is polite; and having offered that, tying it into plot is clever but ……..how???? it work?
[future Juu: Spirit Temple is best dungeon b/c it makes the time travel mechanic part of the core gameplay, aka the dungeons; but the time travel still fails to make sense, here or there or in the ending. maybe I read too much into chrysalis imagery b/c of my KH background? but the original wording, “we put you in sacred realm until you growed up,” just conflicts hugely with everything else time travel does in this game]
Missy: in the room with the rolly boulders HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY GODDAMIT NAVI I GET WE NEED TO AVOID THE BOULDERS YOU DON’T HAVE TO YELL ABOUT THEM NONSTOP hey navi. you don’t like getting squished. i don’t like getting squished. HOW ABOUT YOU STOP SAYING HEY SO I DON’T JUST SQUISH YOU.
me: i am so 50/50 on why everyone found Navi so annoying i have this strong “it not her fault” feel “it the limit of her programing”
Missy: normally she fine but sometimes HEY HEY HEY  HEY
me: some of [the boy’s] retro game adventures in the time before waypoints are… interesting like it’s super immersive which is great more active exploration, less “mindlessly follow waypoint” but they forget that in the samey-textured-fucking-identical-rooms you just … can’t pathfind naturally i come away with this really strong sense of “oh that’s why we handhold” when actually! we could handhold less now that we can have unrecycled textures/assets and rooms that aren’t just boxes! but you still spend  the whole time (in retro games) wishing for a waypoint or a fucking HUD or anything in the world that tells you how go where [examples of retro games that fit this matrix: the original Thief series, the original Deus Ex] and i feel like Navi is that “in such a sprawling and potentially non-linear game, player needs an aid” Missy: esp when HEY WHERE DO I GO? HEY HEY LISTEN sorta useful me: yeah she's good for "how to begin next dungeon" stuff but for stuff like "what do these magic seeds do" "chickens????" she useless and then she breaks out the advice for "DID YOU KNOW BOULDER MAKE THE SQUISH" thanks navi, i had guessed
Missy: hehe yahh
me: there’s actually--and, let us still preserve my overall ehhhhhhhhh opinion of Undertale, but--there’s a great sort of hat-tip to that trope when helper NPC interrupts you while doing a puzzle so that you are forced to “fail” it (need to push three buttons; NPC: “I’ll help you with timing!!”; reminder re: timing forces you to fail timing lol) god aren’t vidya games cool they’re like 50% experience/feelings/narrative and 50% mechanics/game design it’s so interesting!!! i have feelings!!!! 
me: Bongo Bongo actually fav boss so far WITH savestates without, probably hell but with, save stating becomes another mechanic, another move to time, like saving after stunning second hand so i can make sure eye of truth + counter eye + dmg, and then reset to save state if i miss one of those steps which happens a lot pacing great with savestates, very tense without, probably just ragey
Missy: yes and yes
[future Juu: this became a consistent theme. I started using save states to avoid the constant walking back each time I returned to the game, but they universally made combat feel more strategic and dependent on my actions, and less flaily and dependent on ehhh controls]
me: hello yes the Gerudo are extremely interesting is very Amazons
Missy: yes except Ganondork
me: like in any single-sex society, even those created by feminists (Joanna Russ, Nicola Griffith) i want more interrogation of sex=gender, how gender binary works when part of the binary is super unrepresented, characters forgoing binary entirely, etc. esp. interesting here b/c they 1) do have very rare males 2) have contact with non-Gerudo men, so they’re exposed to a gender binary, but how does that impact their culture “occasionally a man and then he becomes king of everything” is super icky for obvious reasons but i wonder what the on-the-ground view of that is, like, they have their own leadership roles, 100 years is a long time to be periodically self-sustaining, does the average citizen even care is it a figurehead monarchy “they just wear the pretty crown and look important; meanwhile, we rule ourselves” system fucked up every cycle that Ganandorf shows up to be ~evil~
me: obviously they do enough breeding outside their race to sustain it, but their culture is actually pretty self-contained/even xenophobic, so how does culture sharing work, how does race work???? Gerudo have distinct skin tone, but are breeding with whiter people presumably a lot, what does mixed race look like??? or b/c ~magic~ is that not a thing, are the daughters all just Gerudo wiki says we unno if they have contact with bio fathers, is there any cultural sharing??? what does Gerudo family unit look like; j/k it’s a “a lesbian and her extended lesbian family”
Missy: Keep in mind Historically speaking *every* Gerudo male in known history is Ganondork Following every game And every timeline So the king of everything may not be so much icky political as Gerudo + triforce of power = Ganon king of Gerudo/evil = harbinger of end of world and Hyrule reset
me: so, Dark Souls-like, we’re sort of stuck in a timeline/event loop, looking at same sort of events in different times/iterations (maybe it’s a reverse Jesus, like, they had this prophecy indefinitely but it didn’t effect daily life, but when it’s realized via Ganon we begin a sort of cycle of the game series) Missy: Most interesting bits there are the Twilight Princess stuff Where the n64 Link is a shade waiting for end of world to pass on his knowledge before disappearing Because yeah--Ganon loop seems like public Gerudo knowledge But Link loop is less talked about. The hero of time is just the legend
me: i’m sort of mad that aesthetic/the plot is just hero’s journey/here have the same narrative 2023842 times makes me not want to play others while iterated narrative is such a great trope and does make me want to care
Missy: Zelda future is open world The narrative is apparently partially taking back seat So the future lore from Twilight Princess would be tasty for you (esp. since Hyrule is bigger and more history has been written) But then the open world of BotW is a different allure. You write your own story etc
me: but open world just so ……………tired the dumb shit one can do in BotW is interesting, i just i like, you know, a narrative or sense of purpose
me: i finish Ocarina i have questions so Zelda sends him back to original time, everyone happy in future, life beautiful, sages together & everyone seems to know what’s occurred or at least that evil gone now child Link shows up at temple, Navi is like bye bitch, child Link goes to see child Zelda does he tell her to not fuck up > Ganondorf doesn’t come to power in new alternate timeline???? b/c either she’s like, hey, i know you want to be an adult now, but time to be a child and live through the reign of terror until future you saves shit, OR they’re alternate timelining it and everything sages etc did won’t really exist, so why so long an epilogue focused on them either way the time travel still doesn’t make sense since all the sword does is pop Link in chrysalis until old enough to use it??????/ Missy: Ocarina -> timeline split the adult saved timeline is the one that leads to Wind Waker, i think tl;dr Link saves world and then goes poof oops
me: “Regardless, Ocarina of Time has always been one of the centerpoint games in the chronology, with the events at the end of the game, where Zelda sends Link back to his youth, splitting the timeline.” (source) okay okay that’s a thing
Missy: yeah so Twilight Princess is the other branch
me: Zelda: still fucking things up sorta gj Zelda she is the center of everything isn’t she, i guess, like, thus the title
Missy: yes she is Ganon-Link-Zelda triforce
me: “When the official timeline was revealed in Hyrule Historia, the placement of Ocarina of Time in the series was revealed to be of even greater value, as the events of the game actually split the series’s timeline into three branches.” (ibid.)
Missy: oh yeah third branch we fucked up branch as in you lose to Ganondork and then.. snes game?
me: god i love iterated narratives it really is a pity i don’t care about the worldbuilding (except lesbians obvs.) and also characters and also aesthetic and also hero’s journey and also gameplay “Link is sent back to his childhood, leaving this branch without a Hero, as told in the prologue to The Wind Waker. Ganondorf eventually overcomes the Sages’ seal and attempts to take over Hyrule, but with no Hero to face the evil,” GJ ZELDA JEEZE like tbf, Link telling Zelda > child timeline is also Link’s fault and Link failing to defeat Ganon > grimdark timeline is also him so he is central, triforce, etcetc but Zelda is actually interesting and Link is mostly fridge horror so, shrug that said, it some good fridge horror i propose alternate timeline for another fanfic i never gon’ write child Link almost warns Zelda, goes, wait, what about timeline shit, nvm, decides to just wait it out seven years of increasing darkness watching bad shit pile up actually seeing it from the ground instead of in summary, it worse than he thought, “i done fucked up”
Missy: do a triforce swap Ganon comes out with wisdom Zelda has power Link still courage
me: Ganon wisdom = grimest dark b/c he would be smart enough to succeed wisdom is power really, it’s more effective longterm than brute force then Hyrule rip
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theskyexists · 4 years
watchin Death in Heaven finally
Missy is just such an evil bastard to Osgood in this
fuckin hell
didn’t they have a camera on missy in the hold lol. yup they did but none of them - INCLUDING THE FUCKIN DOCTOR - kept an eye on her. like. jfc. just left Osgood, somebody who’d thoroughly impressed him, with the Master in the same room who was restrained with only HANDCUFFS
the Doctor really is an idiot
I’m really surprised at the choice of leaving people’s faces intact for these cybermen (and later with Bill) - i found the Cybermen so scary as a kid because they cut your brain out while you were still alive and made the rest into goop. which made it genuinely impossible to return to anything resembling a human or individual
but it works for this emotional exchange. (and danny does look appropriately fucked up). this is touching - her trying to save him from his emotion
oh damn Missy is so FERAL in this lol - went up and down his timeline to see all the destruction he’s caused, capture all the minds of dead humanity, funnel money into research to convert the dead (which - she definitely changed history there what with converting the dead being standard practice in the cyberwars in s12). admits to setting him up with his closest friend just to show him how destructive the relationship could get with a companion - comparing his desire to help others with being a dog on a leash hmmm. the master puts in so much drama and work and flair and time into their plans it really does look like a fuckin courting process. and the Doctor is just like - fuckin hell why.
she doesnt take dying seriously at all
and then kills Kate the Brigadier’s daughter. Moffat knows how to say: EVIL. she’s EVIL. she’ll kill your faves left and right for fun no remorse
did the Doctor try to save Kate at all lol
oh lol the Doctor is right about pain but Danny just K.O.’d this dude lololol u deserved that Doc. there’s so much going on here. ‘he needs to know’ - yeah. ‘just do as you’re told’
ok i love this mercy kill danny/clara thing
‘armies are for people who think they’re right’ - ‘give a good man fire power and he’ll never run out of people to kill’ I LOVE THIS
‘i don’t want an army’ - (because of the above!!!)
‘why are you doing this?!?!?!’ capaldi is brilliant
she’s got him where she wants him - she wants him to realise they’re not so different - in other words - if he takes the army and starts killing - he does as she does - but if not ‘what’s the matter mr president, don’t you trust yourself?’ which means he knows he could do it and thats enough already
moffat sure did some great stuff with the Doctor and Danny
god i love his writing for Twelve SO MUCH. ‘im an idiot, with a box and a screwdriver, just passing through, helping out, learning’
INCREDIBLE! what a way of putting it - what a way formulating it - of articulating it. reinforcing the one truth of the character. i love this so much more than the ‘never be cruel never be cowardly’ bullshit. (though i do like how Thirteen fails those ideals - because it becomes so clear how they are ideals)
I have NO clue how it relates to Eleven and his literal ‘when a good man goes to war’ - i guess it’s - he never runs out of firepower on Trenzalore? and the war keeps killing. it’s backwards storytelling yes?
he doesn’t have armies, he has friends and love....
The Doctor’s not a hero. but he makes other people heroes....and i do like how the writing always casts doubt on whether that’s a good thing - especially with Clara and Danny. but the conclusion generally seems to be: yes. but for that to happen the Doctor must give up the decision to his human friends. his betters. (Thirteen completely, just COMPLETELY flipped on this....and it has the most terrible consequences - but chibs seems not to be too interested in exploring that - very different themes he’s interested in). The Master created an impossible choice but the Doctor found the third way - through their companions. Thirteen can never find a third way - because she never looks to her companions.
and the narrative eventually redeems the SOLDIER. the dead will save the living. there is decency in sacrifice for protection. not the orders of a general or a lunatic. i just realised that Gallifrey has fallen to a general (the Doctor) and a lunatic (the Master). 
the Brigadier was the other Soldier that saved the person he loved (because the Doctor wasn’t like hey maybe i should pick Kate up on the way down lol. and he got to kill the Master. wait how the fuck did she get back in s9. did she just SHOW UP?
Ok so i did almost cry about Danny choosing to let this kid live over him
Missy just shows up in season 9. is there any fucking explanation lol. Does Clara not confront Missy with the fact that she got fuckin vaporised by a cyberman???????
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n3kk1tty · 6 years
Late night roleplaying
A little explanation before jumping into the story:
(The god of insanity or “the fox” if you wanna call her that. Is from the same series as the employer and actually they both have a mutual friendship between each other.)
The colorful man had been quite pissed at his friend after finding out she had a "daughter" in a realm he had been recently working in and didn't tell him. Not only that she hadn't been the best of mothers seeing as how she only watched over her child never really interacting so this may have prompted him to quickly stab his friend in the gut before taking her on a forced trip to meet her daughter. "Come on fruit loops did you really have to shank me! I was in the middle of drinking tea" ""Kitsune what you did was terrible! This poor girl is having a rough time and I can't believe she has to deal with thinking she's actually the daughter of that spider when we both know she isn't."' The colorful man still continued to drag the whiny god as she complained about her tea being ruined and on how she wasn't sure she would be a great parent, even saying she didn't want her daughter to shank her to.
The damned ingrate— I mean Valora was sitting in a tree, staring off into the distance. She had been enlightened ever since the bloodweb within her had awoken. So much knowledge was filling within her mind that she couldn’t handle it. Half the time she ignored it or saved it in order to blackmail or just have it for safekeeping. Her hair gracefully flowed within the wind, like water. It was as if she had immediately changed when she became the bloodweb. Her normal white dress turned red, a black tattoo of an unknown shape appeared on her chest, she started to wear black gloves and now she had the ability to spawn sharp and red spider-legs on her back like the entity himself. Valora was singing to herself, a beautiful tune. “When god is gone and the devil takes hold...who’ll have mercy on my soul...o’ Death....” Was all that she sang over and over. Her throat was getting sore from singing but she didn’t care. She couldn’t keep her focus on anything but the distance now, wondering what else could be there.
The woman smiled fondly as she heard the song her daughter was singing. Oh she wished she could have the courage to tell the younger female that she was her daughter not the stupid spiders but the god was scared. She never felt this attached to anyone before and watching her little girl from a distance was the best she could do. Though now a very angry short and slightly chubby colorful man was dragging her by her hair towards her daughter and no matter how much she tried to struggle it was pointless. Oh how the timeline had gone in a path she did not want to take out of fear. ""Oh hush it Kitsune! You are going to meet your daughter face to face and stop hiding in her goddamn shadow. Shooting people when they pick on your daughter and watching from the shadows is not a mother but you are one so start acting like it!"" The woman huffed. "That kid deserved it. In all fairness." ""God damn it Kitsune the kid was 5."" "He's still alive isn't he." The man looked at her. "Yay but he's missing a foot."
Valora instantly stopped her singing and turned around, her fight or flight response kicking in. She was extremely confused as to who that woman was and why she was here. She had never seen them before so either she was foreign, new survivor, or killer. She prayed it wasn’t the last option. Obviously she had no idea what to say considering they were already bickering with each other. Somehow that woman looked slightly familiar. “Colorful man, who is she?” Valora shouted to them while climbing down with ease. Luckily she had a knife sheathed on her thigh if necessary, and had her spiderlegs as well. But those were put away for now.
The pair stopped fighting automatically and turned to look at the girl. The colorful man smiled cheerfully at the girl. "Well hello Valora!  It's nice to see you today I actually have someone that you may be interested to meet." With that said the employer quickly shoved the god of insanity towards her daughter. Though the god kinda froze for a minute just staring down at the girl.
Valora walked carefully towards the woman, keeping one of her hands close to her thigh. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you mystery woman.” She said softly while looking at her up and down. This entire scenario seemed too fishy. Her glare soon went over to colorful man, a confused expression on her face. “Might I ask for your name and why you’re here?” She asked, crossing her arms.
The woman chuckled heart warming at the girls actions." I see your reaching for that knife you always keep strapped to your thigh. Clever girl I would expect nothing less from one of my offspring." The colorful man looked at the girl before stating. "" Well first off Valora I'll ask you a question. Do you believe the entity is your father?"" At the saying of the spiders name the female tsked in annoyance
“No, not really. I’m not grey or black, I don’t act anything like now, and he’s way too tall.” She said to him, crossing her arms tightly. Valora was now a little confused, and wanted to exactly know what was going on. “I’m sorry— but why are you asking me?” Her tone was sort of demanding and irritated. Now that right there was similar to the entity but let’s keep quiet about that.
The fox tsked again she hated that people said her child was that spiders child. It's not like she hated him personally she hated that her child wasn't claimed to be hers but his. So naturally she couldn't control her tongue. "That's probably because that insect isn't her fucking parent I am  but no he got the god damn credit. He didn't even know she existed, god I'd like to shoot him just once, just to get my rage out." The colorful man turned to the woman. ""Kitsune! Don't curse infront of your own child, that's bad parenting! I know your they call you the god of insanity but could you try to keep your outbursts in check."" The colorful man turned back to Valora."" Well, this woman is commonly referred to as The god of insanity though she actually is the god of time and the mind. Though her real name is Kitsune.""
“You think cursing in front of me is bad? You should see what I do in my spare time. I lit spider-douche on fire by throwing a bag of blush at him. And you missy...” She pointed at Kitsune and eyed her, “I’d believe that you’re my mother. But how can you prove it?” She asked hesitantly, taking one step back to relax her stance. Valora wasn’t risking any of her chances on this and wanted to be sure about everything. No matter what it took.
The fox demon smiled. "First of all I should high five you for calling him spider-douche, and two don't call me missy tea cup I'm your mother and I single handedly created you out of MY power, DNA, and the only thing I used from that man was the little ounce of spider DNA that was mixed in with power in the original blood web. Also Spider douche can't predict the future/ play around with time like a hackey sack, read minds and tack them over, oh and not to mention he doesn't have infinite knowledge about everything not just his world. You got that all from me you got the spider parts when I used his power as a base structure. Though I do regret it since I didn't realize at the time it had his DNA in it." The colorful man just sat back quietly watching the events unfold. Normally Kitsune would have either shot the person or drove them insane because they pissed her off. Though Kitsune didn't seem mad at Valora at all more mad at the fact she messed up and now her daughter had the spiders DNA in her.
Valora just scoffed and looked at her, “You’re the one who left for let’s see...” she paused sarcastically and spoke again, “19 years! Because you couldn’t handle the responsibility of a child. So I got put in the mortal realm with an abusive family and the bloodweb locked within my. So yeah, I have the right to call you missy.” Now she was just plain mad, and was ready to stab someone. Not the colorful man though because she actually likes him. The anger was enough to writhe her bloodlust, her spiderlegs slowly beginning form on her back. Slowly...but surely.
The fox demon smirked slightly her top hat finally waking up in time for the show. "Sorry darling but I never left you. I hid in your shadows because I was to afraid I would have a break down and hurt you, and I never truly understood my feelings cause I have never felt the need to protect someone so much in my trillions of years living. When you were smaller you would notice me a lot in your shadows and run to me and cling to me. I would pick off any bullies of yours one by one if they hurt you. I mean I shot a five year old in the foot once because he picked on you. I remember the days I would just sit there as you forced me to play with you. Though eventually those days ended when you grew older and stopped noticing me in your shadows. Then after that you eventually forgot I ever even existed, I would try to get your attention but it never worked, so I eventually just gave up trying." The woman looked away a face of sadness on her face which then turned to a murderous rage." And TRUST ME, I hated those 'parents' you had growing up. There was many times I tried to poison them or kill them but I realized if I did the cops would blame the murders on you. So like a  terrible mother I let them continue you to hurt you though not without consequences. I haunted their dreams and minds. Sometimes even making them hurt themselves when they were out in public hoping someone would put them in a mental asylum." The colorful man noticed the foxes deteriorating mental state before giving a signal to her hate that it may be time to keep a check on her stability at the moment. " I know you must hate me and that's probably why I stayed in the shadows for so long, but I'm here now and I will just have to accept how you feel."
She looked at her, with hate filled eyes for a moment before her spider legs retreated, and her glare returned back to normal. “Well...I’ve changed. And you should too. Things are run differently here and talking back to someone like that could get you killed. I stabbed someone and got beaten with a bat that was covered in nails. I threatened the entity with fire and he threatened me with fire. So tell me, why do you still attempt to try and bond with me when you know...never mind. I’m going to go do something. Don’t follow me.” Valora scoffed and walked off, opening the door to another building.
The colorful man remembered he did not tell Kitsune about the entity threatening her daughter or the fact she was hit with a baseball bat with nails. ""Kitsune no! Don't you dare! You can't just go around killing people in this world."" The god looked at him pure bloodlust in her eyes and insanity swirling. "Oh, and what's gonna stop me. That spider thinks he can threaten my daughter and live without consequences well guess what this is not how this mother rolls the dice. And I'm gonna hunt down who hurt my daughter with a bat and shove a GOD DAMN PISTOL UP THERE ASS UNTIL THERE TASTING LEAD! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA" The woman had lost, her sanity tipped, it took a lot of strength for the woman to keep her sanity in check for a whole conversation like that without breaking out into laughter and scaring people or even talking to her living hat . The colorful man just wished the girl could see how much her mother has changed for her, done for her or is trying to do for her. He didn't think Kitsune leaving her daughter with human parents was wrong seeing as how the woman can barely keep herself stable and back then she probably would have killed her own offspring along time ago. He just hoped that the spider and meg could defend themselves from a pissed off fox demon ready to here some people scream.
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