#bella withers
rumaskift · 8 months
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Here's my Ebon Ward Sweetstone arc fanart (2021), this isn't even all of it, good lord
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bellasbarginart · 2 years
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CW: GORE, FNAF, and just general creepiness.
Full art below! 🐻🍀
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I FINALLY GOT THIS DONE! And just in time for October. :3 🎃
All of you wanted him, here he is, withered Aran Ryan! I think this came out pretty good! I really had fun with it.
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my second and third most are george and tinza
I have more for George than you this is a W
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theamericanpin-up · 10 months
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Ted Withers - "Minerva - Goddess of Wisdom" - August 1960 MCMLX Bella Romana in The Artist's Sketch Pad Calendar Illustration - Brown & Bigelow Calendar Co.
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sprout-fics · 1 year
dragon price is good, love that shit mmm mm mmm
but listen
Dragon Valeria
I’m literally going feral just thinking about it. Talk about one to spoil you, ravage you, cover you in jewels and silks and the blood of anyone who tries to take you from her. Tattoos that glimmer like scales—fuck I have to stop talking now or I’ll write a novel in your inbox but FUCK I’m normal about her (I am vibrating at a frequency only dogs can perceive)
“I burned a kingdom for you today.” She purrs, the skimmering scales along her shoulders flickering in the hazy orange glow of the lantern light. Her hands plant on either side of you, the lower half of her bare, pressed against yours draped in gauzy, shimmering fabric pilfered from the farthest of lands. The mere weight of her draws a deep, wanting hum inside you, like raising water from a boundless well filled to the brim with your adoration for her.
Her words should scare you, should send you curling into yourself as a terrified, frightened thing. A poor maiden helpless against the dragon that brought you here, snatched you from your pitiful life within a dying kingdom. You had been that maiden once, had cowered and been frightened and had watched her with a wary gaze. Yet the dragoness atop you now had earned your trust slowly, had brought you gifts, trophies, had provided for you in a way that made you offer yourself to her in turn.
The depths of her love used to terrify you, her promises to set the world ablaze for you if you commanded her so, to level kingdoms, to slaughter kings and princes and seat you upon their scarlet stained thrones. Yet now the declaration of her carnage sends an illicit thrill through you, has you drag her up and into you. Her lips taste like brimstone, like smoke and promises of destruction. The addiction of her violence drives a coiling warmth rushing to your core- warmed only by the fire on her breath.
“Bella.” She breathes against your lips, and her clawed hand smoothes along your calf, traces your supple flesh annointed with holy oils offered by priests to her in pleas for mercy. “So pretty, bonita.”
The gauzy, shimmering fabric of your dress is pushed up over the curve of your thigh, bunched around your hip and she huffs a laugh at the scar that’s planted there, her own mark breathed into your skin with fire- an ever present reminder that you belong to her.
Never once did you think it would be so, never thought that your emaciated, withering form dressed in rags would sit upon her throne not as a prize but as her queen. 
You spread your legs for her eagerly when her hand dips under the edge of your gown, and Valeria purrs when she finds you already wet to her touch. 
“Needy, mi vida?” She asks, voice low and sliding like silk against the back of your thoughts. 
“Always.” You tell her breathlessly, and when her thumb presses down with the barest hint of pressure on your clit you buck your hips automatically. Valeria drinks down the little whimper that escapes you, laughs as you press your hips up into her palm. 
“Need something?” She asks teasingly and you groan, feel frustration and desire meld with the unfurling warmth inside you. 
“Stop teasing.” You whine, but Valeria withdraws her hand completely you reach for her, eyes lidded and lips parted with an apology. “No, no sorry, wait, Valeria please-”
“That’s my girl.” She husks, and you gasp in surprise as her hips roll down onto yours, offering you a tantalizing kiss of friction that has you arching up from the gold-threaded cushions under you both. “All you had to do was ask, querida.” You know. You know you can ask for anything and she’ll give it to you. Clothes, jewels, treasures, castles, kingdoms, souls- Valeria will plant her offerings at the altar of you and then rise to take your divine blessing. You bestow it upon her in the form of shuddering gasps and bitten pleas, of libations she gathers on her tongue, of the devoted oaths you echo down to her reminding you’re hers, hers, hers….
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 month
Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Part 9)
Jacob Black x Vampire!Swan Reader
This has been in my drafts for over 2 years 😂Proceed with caution, steamy make out session and some blood drinking.
Series Masterlist
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It has been ten minutes…maybe more since Y/N was taken into the Cullen’s meeting room. It’s been radio silence, since Bella and Edward came back from their honeymoon. When Y/N does emerge, Jacob knows immediately, something is very wrong.
“Jacob,” she reaches a hand toward him. “Come with me?”
Jake moves to stand, twining their fingers and allowing the vampire to lead him out the front door, down to his bike. He leans against it, expectantly. “You gonna tell me what the hell’s going on?”
“Bella’s pregnant.”
“With what exactly?” Jacob grimaces.
“Carlisle isn’t sure, they’re…we’re trying to figure it out.”
“So make them take it out of her, he’s a doctor.”
“Jake,” Y/N shakes her head, “she doesn’t want it out.”
“It’s her choice and I won’t take it from her.” She knows what it feels like.
“This is different.” This is fucked.
“She thinks Carlisle can turn her at the last minute.” Y/N fidgets with his fingers as she speaks.
“Can he?” The wolf clears his throat.
“It’s possible.”
“But not probable.”
“Baby,” Y/N frowns, “I don’t want to fight. I need you to help me, help her.”
Jacob sighs, “what can I do?”
Charlie is not so easily swayed, he knows Y/N knows something. He watches his eldest daughter intently at breakfast.
Bella is sick with some kind of bug, currently recovering at a luxury facility in Sweden. Or so the story goes.
The sheriff eyes his oldest daughter over the morning paper.
Y/N catches him, meeting his eye with an awkward smile as she forces a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.
“When did we start lying to each other, kid?” Charlie asks.
“When it became necessary to keep you safe. I think it’s the same on your end.”
Charlie is taken aback by this. It’s the most honest answer he’s got from her in months. “If you’re in some kind of trouble, or Bella is-”
“It’s not the kind of trouble you can help me with.”
“Wish you’d at least talk to me about it.”
“I wish I could, Dad.” Y/N admits.
“But you can’t. For the sake of my safety?” He knows this game.
“All of ours.”
Charlie sighs. “Do you know anything else about Bella? How she’s doing?”
“I know she’s alright.” For now. “That’s all I know.”
Days pass in a blur, Bella withering away as her belly grows.
“How’s dad?” She asks Y/N, curling both legs up under her, on the couch.
Y/N tosses her a blanket. “He’s alright. He misses you though.” She can’t imagine what he’ll be like when they actually…leave.
Bella nods. “How are you?”
“I’m ok.” Y/N lifts a shoulder. She has to be. “The baby could be here anytime now, I need to hunt so I’ll be gone for the day.”
“That’s fine.” Bella’s teeth chatter, she is so cold.
“I’ll leave Jacob with you, he can be your personal hot box.”
“N-no.” Bella forces out, “you don’t have to.”
“I’m not letting you suffer anymore than you already are, Bella.” Y/N mutters, bitterly.
Jacob is leaning against the doorframe, with his arms crossed, waiting for his queue.
Y/N makes her way over to him, feeling his arms encircle her waist, crushing her to him. She nuzzles into the crook of his neck. “Will you stay with her?”
“Yeah,” his words are lost in her hair.
She presses a kiss to his jugular.
“I would let you.” Jacob whispers, “if you want to try, so you don’t have to leave her like this.”
Y/N pulls back, searching his eyes. “No, Jake.” It’s come up before. Bite me.
“I’m not affected by your venom unless I’m already injured.”
“It’s no different than you drinking from an animal. I heal fast, it won’t be an issue.”
Y/N opens her mouth to protest.
“I can feel you,” Jacob reminds her. “There’s nothing to feel bad or guilty about. I want you to.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N doesn’t want to further complicate their relationship.
He nods, “come on.” They find an unoccupied room in the Cullen’s home. Jacob flops down on their cream colored sofa, patting his lap.
Y/N eyes him, warily. Climbing to sit over top his thighs, facing him.
Jacob brushes Y/N’s hair over her shoulders and out of the way. Kissing her lips, her forehead, her nose, “bite me.”
She finds a spot on the side of his neck, peppering his beautiful skin with her kisses, breaking it with her teeth.
Jacob groans, turning his head to give her better access.
Y/N whimpers as his blood fills her mouth, trickling down to ease the burning in her throat.
“You’re ok.” He swallows and she feels it against her tongue. “I love you.”
Fuck. Y/N rolls her hips against his. “I love you.”
“I know,” he guides her back to the opening on his neck. His heart beats faster at the pull of her sucking swallows, he hopes she never stops. Jacob sighs contently as she takes her fill of him on the Cullen’s sitting room couch.
Her lips are on his, the moment she’s finished. His bitter blood in her mouth, it’s not as good as the animals she’s accustomed to feeding from. The only thing making the taste bearable is the knowledge that it’s his. Jacob’s blood fueling her, filling her. Belonging to him so wholly.
Jacob tastes the blood and kisses her anyway. The wound on his neck has already begun to heal, he pulls her closer. He never wants her to drink from anything but him again.
Perhaps it’s the imprint, or the reincarnation, maybe it’s just love. Whatever the culprit may be, they are in it now, too deep to ever surface.
Only one thing could steal them from revelry now. The sound of Bella’s tortured screams. The baby is coming.
Part 10
Series Taglist: @vxidnik @remembered-license @itscheybaby @cole22ann @the-tryhard-twihard @zheezs14 @adaydreamaway08 @xcastawayherosx @moneteguiza @stinkii-boii @theatrechic26 @sylum @irrelevant-86
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thebardisabird · 9 months
Mafia Kara would protect his s/o with his life! If anyone so much lays a finger on them, it’s on!
And the best part? He does it with finesse. So smooth with it most people don't even see the threat he truly is coming. He's not a tactician the way Choromatsu is, nor is he abrasive and headstrong like The Don (Oso), but he plays to his strengths of having a silver tongue and knowing exactly how to throw people off enough to get the upper hand. No one ever suspects his showboat-y persona has far more depth than what he gives them. For example...
You're minding your business at your workplace, taking care of the tasks assigned to you and thinking your day as normal as it comes. You take care of your customers, who thank you and move about their day when you've done all you can do for them.
Except one. One asshole who eyes you in the establishment, as he's done a number of times before. He strikes up a conversation with you, compliments you, very overtly flirts with you. You try to stick to your usual routine: stay polite and professionally aloof. Only this time - this time he grabs your wrist, asking where you're going when you try to excuse yourself to assist other patrons. He insists on getting your number, "C'mon, what's one date huh? I'm a lot of fun y'know!" before winking and dragging your toward him. The discomfort is visible on your face, and you move to take your wrist back, but his grip is nearly suffocating. You toy with the idea of smacking him off of you, but before you can even lay that to execution, he screams in sheer agony.
You blink, confused at first, but looking up gives you the answer you're looking for: the creep's opposite wrist is being bent back at a painfully awkward angle, the muscle and bone almost threatening to pop in the grasp of the man behind him. Dressing in a finely tailored black Italian cut suit with a royal blue button down to compliment it was your beloved. Second son to the Matsuno mafia family, Karamatsu. He yanks the guy away from you in one strong tug, whirling him around with his arm pressed behind his back to face the door of your establishment.
"Non non, speaking to my angel that way is reprehensible."
His tone is playful, almost like he's joking with the guy, but the press of cold, solid steel into his back is anything but. Karamatsu leans in, bachelor-esque bravado hardening into a deadpan stare straight ahead over his opposite's shoulder, ice crawling into his vocal chords. He speaks only loud enough for the man to hear him, "You'd bode well to never come back here...or the three in this chamber will go directly into your spine, capisce?"
The man takes off running, terrified of how easily his life just hung on the balance. As soon as he's gone, you're met with a look of pure adoration from Karamatsu, having done a complete 180 knowing that you're safe now. His hands cup your cheeks, his lips press a kiss to your forehead. "Light of my life, how happy I am to see your brilliance once more!"
You giggle at his poetic greeting, "Hi my love, you're back sooner than you said. Would you like some espresso?"
He takes a seat nearby at an empty table, "Ah, my darling, I couldn't spare another moment without your presence. If I'm gone from you too long, surely I would wither away, cara mia." You set down a cup of espresso for him, along with some sugar and cream (he takes his on the sweeter side, a characteristic his brothers poke fun at him for) along with a few biscotti. Leaning on your hand you smile softly at him, "Don't be silly Kara, you'd be just fine without me."
He feigns an offended gasp, palm flat to his chest, "Bella! What man could possibly live without his heart?"
The laughter between you both is ripe with shared affection.
You leave him shortly after to continue your business while he sips his espresso. The cheer in his expression fades into something pensive and steely. Mid-sip he thinks of who of his brothers he should speak to first about the man who so disrespectfully put his hands on you this afternoon. He'd pay for treating you with disgrace - and Karamatsu would make sure he collects.
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spideyanakin · 2 years
10 Things I Hate about you - Chapter 1
Eddie Munson x Harrington!reader
Synopsis - A new rule strikes the Harrington household: if Steve wishes to date ever again, his sister needs to find a boyfriend first. As Steve becomes desperate and thinks of everything in his power to set her up, only one guy comes to mind that will take up a challenge such as that: Eddie Munson.
warnings - Season 1 Steve 👎 , and frog dissecting
word count - 8.2k
proof read by the amazing @inknopewetrust
series masterlist 🌻
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the playlist
Author's note - this takes place before the events of season 1, and instead of it happening in November 1983, I changed it to be around April 1984 :)
"Steve, what is this?" Your father slammed a piece of paper on the empty space next to Steve's breakfast. You leaned over to snoop at what was printed on the page. As if second nature to the black ink, you flinched when the line of D's and C's on his report card became clear. Your father’s hand splayed on the paper, your eyes followed the hand only to see his angry face.
"Dad, I swear I can explain! This new teacher has been giving us hell!"
"In every class?"
"No, but–" You watched him fumble with his words as you continued sipping on your orange juice. A loose strand of Steve's hair had fallen onto his forehead as he made frantic movements with his hands in a poor attempt to save himself.
"You're telling me that all of your teachers are being extra mean lately?” His face challenged Steve with narrow eyes. Like a magician pulling a rabbit out of a top hat, he pulled out another paper— your report card. 
“Explain this then.” 
A neat line of A's mixed in with two stray B's had been stuffed in Steve's face. 
He looked in between the paper and you, and then gazed back up to your father. The overbearing, middle-aged man cleared his throat before reading a teacher’s note on Steve’s card.
"Mrs. Jinkles says: Steve is a peculiar student. Although his grades were acceptable last semester, I can see his attention slipping away. Chats too often in class, homework is handed in late…” He peeked up from the sheet back at Steve whose face was sullen. “Shall I continue?"
"No." Steve closed his eyes with a huff, opening them again to meet yours. "She's been distracting me with her loud music and protests and things!"
"That's a lie! Dad, you know that's a lie! He's always with his girlfriends! Bella is what? Your third girlfriend this month!?" You defended yourself in a valiant effort. Steve couldn’t just throw you under some bus to be run over because his personal life was impacting his academic one. 
"I just broke up with her,” he replied with the hope it still saved his ass from ruin.
"Then why are you putting the blame on me for your bad grades!?"
"Because you are distracting me!" Steve maintained.
"We both know that's not true!" You protested as you looked at your father whose mouth was opened to speak, but was quickly cut off by Steve's own defense. Your father fixed his glasses at the bridge of his nose and sighed as he watched the two of you bicker, waiting patiently for his turn.
"What are you jealous of me or something? Because you can't get a boyfriend?" 
"Have you seen the unwashed miscreants that go to our school?" You snorted. "Plus, high school relationships are… weird. I don't know how you can date someone and know it's never going to last."
"You're just jealous because you're mean to everyone and can't keep any friends." 
"Steve!" Your mother interrupted him from the other side of the table. She had been watching the morning unravel like a thread from a wool sweater. Each defense, each lie, building the spool left to wither on the floor. 
At her interjection, you watched your father's eyes light up with an idea, his eyes quickly fixing themselves back on Steve’s as the report card stayed glued between his fingertips. 
"Ok!” He nearly shouted from the noise. “Stop it, you two, now! New rule: Steve isn't allowed to date until you do." He pointed to you and a loud laugh escaped your lips. 
‘This was his punishment?’ You thought to yourself. How pathetic. 
"BUT SHE'S NEVER GOING TO FIND A BOYFRIEND BEFORE THE END OF HIGH SCHOOL!" Steve wailed as his hand met the table and shook the glasses–its contents swooshing like the sea. 
"Oh,” your father chuckled, “I really like this." He nodded in self-approval. "We can sleep in peace knowing you'll both pass Junior year and then graduate with no distractions." His angry face had turned into a content one. He dropped the two report cards on the sideboard behind the dining table before sitting and pouring himself a cup of coffee. 
"But that's not fair!" Steve started whining which made you grin and stick your tongue out to him as you grabbed the maple syrup bottle and poured some on your pancakes.
"When your sister dates, I'll trust you to date again."
"No buts! It will teach you a lesson," he said pointedly. 
"I hate it here" Steve groaned, throwing his head back, and sighing in desperation. "Mom,” he tried one last path, “you can't let this happen!"
"I'm sure you'll survive without girls for a year and a half." She didn't look up from the apple she was cutting. "I'm sure it will do you some good."
The clock struck 8:30 slower than Steve would have liked, and he found his head hurting earlier in the day than he wished. As he waited for you, he turned up the volume, his car radio already playing Africa by Toto. He closed his eyes, trying to get the distant chatter and morals about how that was a 'good lesson' for him to learn and girls were 'not the only thing he should care about' away from his thoughts. About a minute later, you stuffed yourself and your bag in Steve's passenger seat with a sigh as the peaceful music started to dance across your mind. 
"Could you at least change?" Of course Steve had to start speaking again. As if his whining over breakfast hadn't been enough.
"Why? You don't support women's rights?" You looked down at your shirt. You were wearing a tight white shirt that showed off your shapes with red hand prints painted over your boobs, and one hand print on the side of your ribs. It was controversial, it was risky. However, it was completely and utterly you. "You don't think women should speak up?"
"I do, but It's weird enough I'm driving you to school. I don't need you to be dressed like… this," He looked at you up and down. "At least close your sweater until we get there?"
"Deal with it."
"God!” He griped. “I can't wait for your car to get repaired." 
"Can you shut up, please?" You closed your eyes. "I'm trying to enjoy this music. I don't own this tape."
"Yeah, that's because you spend all your money on that devil worshiping crap that makes my ears bleed." 
"Don't you insult my music taste," you hit him with the sleeve of your sweater, which caused Steve to instantly hit you back with the back of his hand. 
"Hey!" You slapped his shoulder. 
"You hey!" He slapped your shoulder back. 
You slapped his arm as a reply and he did the same, an endless slap fight like the multiple ones you had as kids starting. You continued bickering, in an attempt to win you tried to kick him but your leg was stuck in between the side of the car and your bag. So instead, you slithered a hand into his perfect hair and shook it all up.
"NO! Y/N NOT THE HAIR! Please!" He yelled. Hands flying to stop the way your arms and shoulders came down. When he was satisfied that he was safe, he reached up for the rear mirror. "You really had to?" 
"Yeah, you deserved it. Now start the car or we're going to be late for school." 
"Oh, and I wonder who's fault that is?"
"Please tell mom and dad you've got a boyfriend or something."
"No." You slammed your locker in front of his face and shouldered your bag.
"Please?" He begged again, following as you started walking towards class. 
"Why do you want another girlfriend so badly?" You wondered aloud as you removed the tape of Kill ‘Em All from your walkman; pocketting it to replace it with Master of Reality.
"Because this time I really really like her! I want to make a move but you didn’t help me at all, and now they’re just being assholes about the grades!”
"They're not being mean," you shook your head, laughing to yourself. "Have you seen your grades? I get where they come from."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You don't know how hard it is to be paired with her and not being able to actually ask her out, or just hold her hand and kiss her. First period was hell. I absolutely need you to get a boyfriend."
"Mm-mm, nope." You shook your head no. "I told you, dating in high school is stupid." You pressed the on button and Steve could faintly hear the start of Children of the Grave playing. He watched as you placed your headphones over your ears, clearly wanting out of the conversation.
He made a frantic move to step in front of you. Blocking your path forward, you stopped because his puppy-dog eyes hounded you. "Please?" His hands came together as if he was praying. You barely heard the word, but you could clearly read his lips.
"No!" You said it a bit too loud over your music. Steve's face changed to a look of defeat, and then, he gave you the finger.
"I hate you." You barely heard the words but could clearly make them out again.
"Love you too!" You pouted and made a heart with your hands, grinning as you watched him roll his eyes and drop his hands in defeat. "Bye," you almost screamed before disappearing into another hallway but held it back in a small victory.
You tossed your bag over your chair and melted in your seat the second you walked into the classroom. You felt a hand reaching up next to you and before you could even register the intruder, your headphones fell from your head and onto your shoulders. 
You turned your head to meet Barb’s figure in the seat beside yours. She had a concerned look in her eyes–which she always had but that early in the morning? Something had come up before the bell had even rung. "What's the fuss? I've been seeing you bicker with Steve all morning,” she asked you honestly.
Barb was a good person, a good soul. Sharing with her the quarrel between Steve and yourself wasn’t going to spread a million rumors of some stupid family fued or that you were ‘morally or ethically against high school romance.’
You took a second to breathe, the faint intro of Sweet Leaf coming from the headphones now resting on your shoulders. Had your music really been that loud before? The music came to an abrupt end when you flipped the switch, placing the walkman into a firm grip, and setting it into your bag.
"Steve's mad because our dad made a ‘new rule.’ He's not allowed to date until I do," you wiggled your eyebrows and watched as Barb gave you a silent laugh. The crinkles around her eyes proved that amusement had reached her. 
"Oh my god,” Barb drawled, “no way," she whispered as she watched Mrs. Jinkles put her glasses back on to stand up to close the classroom door. 
"Yeah, Steve is bribing me to get a boyfriend." You chuckled and she snorted at the thought. 
"I don't think I've ever seen him single ever since he walked into Hawkins High."
"Me neither. Apparently he really likes this one girl and wants to date her. That's why he's trying to convince me to get someone." You tucked a strand of hair away from your face as you fished for your book and slammed it a bit too harshly on the table. "Tough luck."
"I'll do the dishes for two months."
"Still no."
"Ok, seven!"
"Steve,” you sighed heavily, “what is going to make that little head of yours understand that I don't want a boyfriend."
"You don't actually need one, just to tell mom and dad you have one!"
"I won't do that,” the idea of it just sounded… wrong.
"Because I don't like lying."
"That's bullshit,” he laughed in disbelief.
"I'm not going to help you. So stop asking me." You moved your hands around as you tried to mimic your frustration. "Who’s the girl you want to ask out anyway?"
"Nancy Wheeler."
"What?" You chuckled in your own incredulity. "Is this some kind of joke? You want to date my friends now?” If you could underscore the importance of my, you would have a million times over.
"Alright, well more like a… good acquaintance; a school friend! But you get my point." You crossed your arms.
"I actually think I really like her! She's super nice. We have physics together."
"Right," you rolled your eyes at him. "Look, I won't help you on this one. Maybe, just maybe, you can think about getting better grades and dad will change his mind. And Nancy Wheeler is far from your type just so you know." You noticed but Steve's face softened at your words. If she saw Steve’s grades, she’d go running for the hills.
"That's what I like about her, though. She's different from the other girls I've dated before."
"Yeah, yeah, spare me the speech Romeo. It won't work on me." You scoffed and oddly enough, lifted your head to spot what was written in bold letters on the chalkboard.
Romeo and Juliet 
"See, we even get to study forbidden love. How cute," you patted his shoulder, and he grumbled something you couldn't make out before complaining for the thousandth time today.
"I knew advanced English was a mistake." He melted in his seat as if the subject had defeated him already.
"Morning, class," Mr. Arnold cleared his throat, “now that we are fully finished with World War two poetry, I thought it was the perfect time to start on our beloved Shakespeare." He clapped his hands and asked a girl named Lisa Hemingway if she could hand out the multiple copies of Romeo and Juliet that created a tower on his desk. 
The senior girl stood up and grabbed as many copies as she could. When Mr. Arnold saw she couldn't carry them all, he assigned a red-headed Junior named Connor who sat in the front row to hand out the rest.
"I already hate this," Steve mumbled as the second the copy of the pile hit his desk. He took it, groaning as he flipped through the pages. They smelled of must and mildew; ten years of dormancy only to be opened when love was at its most shallow point.
"It's not that bad,” you told him as the next copy hit yours, “I've read it before. The story is pretty gripping."
"You've read this for fun?" He questioned as if it repulsed him.
"Yeah," and you shook it off like a piece of lint on your shoulder.
"I think I'm going to be sick."
"Consider yourselves lucky, we won't do any reading today!" Mr. Arnold stated when Lisa and Connor went back to their seats and only two books remained in the pile he had stacked earlier that morning. Two missing students. 
"Connor, I believe you're good friends with Mark?" He questioned the redhead who nodded. "Could you hand him his copy when you see him?" Mr. Arnold handed him the book, leaving only one stray to rest lonely on his desk. "Right, back to work," He sighed. 
"Today, we are mainly going to focus on learning about the man behind the book," he smiled and sat atop his desk. "Can anyone tell me what they know about Shakespeare?"
You raised your hand.
"Please lower your hand," Steve begged. "You're embarrassing me enough as it is and I don't need you rubbing it in my face that you skipped a grade." 
"I skipped a grade in elementary school, Steve" You whispered back.
"Miss Harrington?"
"I've noticed that he's always written strong female characters,” you began, against Steve’s wishes. “In Romeo and Juliet, Juliet is strong-witted and smart. She might look and be helplessly in love, but she's still intelligent and understands a lot of things women are told not to. It feels like Shakespeare understood the struggle of women, especially in works like…” You pondered, “Twelfth Night. Viola must be the strongest female character in history." 
Mr. Arnold nodded along as you continued on. "Viola is shipwrecked, and left an orphan so she disguises herself as a man to get by. It's a brilliant feminist writing for its time."
"I do agree that Shakspeare tends to write strong female characters, but you do forget that mature women tend to miss in most of his work. And when he does, he makes them mad or somehow evil."
"Yeah, you're totally right,” You agreed.“But still, he doesn't rule them out or make them faded background characters like other writers from that century–" 
The door swung open in the middle of your words. All the heads turned away from Mr. Arnold, you, or their books, and revealed the owner of the lonely book: Eddie Munson.
The hair on his head was wild, a patch on his jean jacket was two stitches from falling out. One of his shoes was completely covered in dirt and a crumpled paper sat in his ringed hand.
"What have I missed?" He grinned with perfectly white teeth; barring it for Mr. Arnold as the older man sighed at the intrusion but had learned to expect nothing less from Eddie Munson. 
"Strong female characters in Shakespeare," you spoke up before Mr. Arnold could get a word out. He had, after all, interrupted your train of thought. 
"Great!” He said at first as though it were intriguing enough for him to stay. But as he continued, his words became shells of sarcasm. “Sounds amazing, keep up the good work," he nodded before opening the classroom door and walking straight back out of it–not a minute had passed since he entered it.
"Mr. Munson!" Mr. Arnold attempted to call out, but quickly realized it was useless and crossed his arms in aggravation. "Is he even trying?" He sighed to himself, shaking his head in despair before grabbing the stray copy of Romeo and Juliet and opening it to the last page where a small description of who Shakespeare was, was written. 
You never got to pick up where you left off. 
"I need Y/n to get a boyfriend," Steve declared as he dropped his tray on the table and looked at you expectantly from across the room.
You were standing on the other side of the cafeteria behind a table. Nancy, Barbara, and another girl he didn’t know stood beside you. Your sweater was long gone and the shirt you had made was exposed. Nancy and the stranger Steve didn't recognize wore the same one while Barb was holding pamphlets next to you. A white banner in front of the table spelling 'WOMEN'S RIGHTS, WE HAVE A VOICE!’ BAKE SALE stood proudly in black and red lettering.
"Good day to you too," Carol looked around his tray before snatching his granola bar. "Ew, who even eats the nutty fudge flavor?" She scrunched her nose before throwing it back on his tray. She shouldn’t have ever tried to take it from him today.
"They were out of butter almond, sorry," he replied dryly before taking a seat and starting to pick at his food. "Anyway, my dad started this new stupid rule where I can't date another girl until Y/n finds a boyfriend," Steve looked back at you again and back at his food.
"Oh my god." 
"I know!"
"You're fucked." 
"You mean unfucked, for the rest of high school." Tommy snickered with a sly grin.
"Haha,” Steve’s face flattened, “very funny." He poked at a french fry before dropping his fork completely. "It doesn’t have to be this way! I can try to help her get a boyfriend! It’s not that hard to find a date!" 
"Good luck with that. I heard the last guy who tried to ask her out got a broken nose… bled all over the gym floor."
"God, I don't even know how we're related," Steve sighed helplessly. "My point is–” he clarified, “if I want to ask Nancy out, I need her to find someone, and quickly. My chance with Nance will go right out the window otherwise."
"You in a rush or something?"
"Do you know how hard it is to be paired up with her and not get to ask her out!? It's pure torture!" 
"Calm down Casanova," Tommy ripped the top of his milk carton. "The only way you're going to get a guy to go out with her is if you pay him," he took a sip of his drink before speaking again, "and even then, you'd have to pay him good money."
"I could do that," Steve mumbled as if the idea wasn’t screaming ‘that is a horrible idea, don’t do it!’ 
"Wait, that's actually a brilliant idea!” He settled on instead. “We just have to figure out who we're going to pay." 
"Hmm," Tommy looked around the cafeteria and for once, every male student was a fresh pick. It could be a squirly freshman or a hulking senior and either would want the money and laughs for kicks. "Sam?"
"The A.V club nerd? Do you want him to get even more bullied? She made him cry once, remember?" 
Tommy scrunched up his nose at the memory. But, the guy would admit he had an itching to see it happen again. 
"Cameron?" Carol suggested as she perked her head up at the game.
"A Jock?" Steve laughed in amusement. "She would kick him in the balls before he even could get a word out." 
"No, no,” Steve objected, “he's too… soft. She'll eat him alive."
"Yeah, but don't they listen to the same music or something?"
"No, he listens to The Clash."
"And? Isn't that what she likes?"
"No, she's more into that hard rock stuff" Steve threw his fry back into his plate. "We're never going to find anyone." 
"SHIT!" The big double doors of the cafeteria flew wide open, Eddie's voice boomed inside. He was holding what looked like one of those beakers from science class filled to the brim with a neon blue liquid. He skidded to a stop as the doors flew open, looking in the direction best suited for his escape as the bubbles began to form at the beaker's top. Steve had no idea what it was, but by the look on the face of the teacher who was running after him… it didn't look safe. 
“MR. MUNSON!” An angry, elderly voice called after him as the doors teetered on open and closed, open and closed. 
“This is my beaker, Davis!” He shouted at the teacher coming closer with every second. Eddie moved quickly, trying not to spill the liquid as his exit was drawing closer with every step. “You can’t take it away when it’s not finished!” 
“COME AND TAKE IT FROM ME THEN!” Eddie shouted back as the cafeteria watched in hilarity and ridiculousness. Eddie Munson could always cause a scene, bring a little bit of joy, and go back to being an outcast the same day. 
"Oh God,” Carol rolled her eyes, “what is he up to now?" She brought her stare back to Steve and her boyfriend. "Did you hear, they're saying he won't graduate this year?"
"Rumor has it it's because he went to jail for a month. Remember when everyone was wondering where he was?"
"I thought it was because he went off and tried to join a cult or something?" 
"Didn't people say it's because he was posing for a porn magazine?" 
"I heard he ate a live duck once"
"Everything but beak and feet."
Steve narrowed his eyes as he watched Eddie grab a cookie from your table as he passed by, muttering a thank you as he put it in his mouth and continued his run. You shouted something at him about being an asshole. Steve's gaze fixed back on Eddie as he left through the doors, the opposite side of the one he came from, beakers still in hand and the cookie already half chewed. 
Mr. Davis who was following him had his glasses crooked over his nose and the little hair he had left was flying around as he tried to catch up with the mad teen. He kept his eyes on the door as it closed behind them.
"Jesus! That guy is deranged!”
Biology wasn't Steve's favorite subject, especially when he had just eaten a full meal and they had to dissect frogs. Mina Trevor had already thrown up and was sent to the nurse, and a Junior named James fainted the second the frog was put on his table. That left the quiet Lisa, whom he had been paired with, to work alone on the repulsive task.
Even with gloves, everything was slimy and disgusting. Tommy wasn't being helpful as he did everything on purpose to mess it up, and would wiggle his dirty fingers in front of Steve's face just to get a go at him. For a second he envied you. He knew this was the type of thing you'd do with a smile on your lips, and he knew you would enjoy every second of it when it was your turn next period. 
"You're being disgusting," Carol noticed, scrunching her face as she watched her boyfriend clown around with a piece of the frog. The smell made her want to gag. Her gaze traveled to behind his shoulder, spotting Eddie Munson paired up with one of his friends at the back of the class.
He pulled a knife out from his pocket and stabbed it in the middle of the frog, his friend chuckling as he did.
"Hey,” she called out to the two boys as the thought popped into her head, “maybe we should set Munson up with your sister." Carol smirked as she watched him poke around the dead animal for a brief second before stopping. 
Both Steve and Tommy turned around to follow her gaze. All of their eyes were on Eddie as he pulled a packet of cigarettes from his pocket, using the gas tap in the middle of the table to light it up. His friend scrunched up his nose and grabbed the cigarette from his lips, putting it out on the frog.
An unintentional branding of a dead frog.
"Yeah…" Steve's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "How did we not think of this at lunch!?"
"Because he's a mad man!? Steve, you're not serious?" Tommy turned back around to face his girlfriend and best friend.
"He's the only guy on the list she won't scare off! Have you seen him? He's the perfect candidate."
"Plus!” He added. “He definitely listens to the same music as her, and reads the same nerd shit.”
"I wouldn't do it,” Tommy tried to argue, “she's still your sister, Steve. Eddie's just… trouble." The expression on his face quickly changed with his thoughts. "Although, I would love to see the freak try to seduce your sister," he smirked.
"How funny would that be?" Carol slapped her hand on the table. "And he's totally broke. He will gladly take your money." 
Steve's eyes sparkled with mischief as he turned back around to take another look at Eddie Munson pulling another cigarette out of the carton.
"I think we found our guy."
The next morning, Steve opened his sock drawer to find as much of his leftover cash as he could to invest in his little plan. With the box of stray coins and the savings he kept hidden behind a pair of blue striped socks, he found about a hundred dollars. It was a bonus that Tommy and Carol had promised to chime in when they chose Eddie as the candidate–or victim… he wasn’t sure if you’d eviscerate the metalhead or not.
Steve grabbed his wallet and pulled a twenty from it. In addition to the ten bucks he already had in his pockets, that would be enough to convince Eddie, pay him, and still have spare money for lunch. 
"Why are you smiling?" You wondered as you watched your brother make his way down the stairs; a pair of white high top Nikes in his hand and his blue sports bag hanging on his left shoulder.
"Nothing,” he grinned like a madman, “I just realized my time as a ‘Handsome Bachelor’ might actually be nice." He kept smiling before sitting down on the last step and lacing up his shoes. 
"That's the spirit" Your dad mumbled from behind his morning paper.
"You're acting suspicious. Mom, don't you think he's being suspicious?" You turned your head to her to get the reassurance that his demeanor was off and you weren’t losing it. 
"Let your brother be," she fixed a strand of hair. "Honey, can you pass me the coffee pot, please?"
"Of course," your father passed the pot towards her while you eyed Steve, an apprehensive eyebrow raised. 
When Steve gave you an innocent shrug back, you placed two fingers in a peace sign to your eyes and then switched to pointing to him before taking your seat at the breakfast table. The words of ‘I’m watching you’ silently said. 
The only benefit to this breakfast was that it was more peaceful than the previous one.
"Thank you for being dressed appropriately today," Steve mumbled as you buckled your seat belt a half hour later. Breakfast settling in your stomachs, school was the only thing that could distract you from the curiosity-biting enigma that was Steve Harrington, your dutiful, stupid brother. 
"Right… because sports class is more important than women's rights."
"Yeah, it totally is, and it’s gym, not sports class," He mumbled as he started the car. "Also you've read the book right? Romeo and Julie" Steve narrowed his eyes as he watched the road. 
"Right, yeah, what happens in the chapters we were supposed to read?"
"You haven't read it? Steve, have you seen your grades?" You gawked at him with baffled eyes. 
"Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he brushed it off, “just tell me what happened?"
"Firstly, they’re not chapters, they’re acts and scenes,” you lamented, “and if you would have even taken the time to open the book, you would have seen that we only had two scenes to read which equals to barely ten pages."
"Good for you,” he replied blandly. “So, what happened?"
"Street fight between the Montagues and Capulets,” he would just badger you with questions the entire way anyway, so you faulted and told him what happened.
"The what- what?" He stopped the car at a stop sign. 
"Oh fuck off."
"What do you mean ‘fuck off!?’ I'm asking for your help!"
"And I'm telling you: read. the. book. I'm not your tutor."
"But you've already read it! So, I don't need to! We can just unite our Harrington brains."
"I'm not helping you,” you shook your head.
"You're being really mean lately, you know that?" He argued because he didn’t get his way. 
"I thought I was always mean,” you tipped your head to the side, “that's why I can't get any friends, remember?"
"Yeah, but you're being even more mean. You won't help me!" The ride to school gladly came to an end as he finished his sentence. You opened the door, your bag already over your shoulder.
"I'll see you later," you slammed the door of his car shut and started to walk away.
"Hey! What did I do!?" He shouted out of his car's open window, but you flipped him the finger instead. Steve looked at you as you disappeared into the crowd with a confused look on his face. 
"Crazy," he muttered as he thought back to the way your face fell and your words became dry before you slammed the door in his face. He grabbed his bag, confusion riddled over his features as he made his way to the football field.
He eyed the crowd of students that sat on the bleachers. The entire junior class sat in the middle and a few seniors who had a free period were scattered at the opposite ends, chatting away and finishing up the last touches of their homework.
You sat in a middle row, eyes glued as you listened to the teacher. Steve knew you had seen him, he also knew that you knew he was watching you. You had that determined look in your eyes every time the two of you got into arguments. That look where you had to win. That you wouldn't let him talk to you again until he made a move.
But of course, Steve knew he had done nothing wrong.
His eyes landed on Carol and Tommy who were sitting at the end of the front row. Carol was sipping on a cup of coffee she had gotten from the machine in the school hallway next to the teacher's lounge. The disgusting watered-down taste made a shiver run through Steve just thinking about it.
"Alright class," the teacher blew his whistle, indicating to Steve and the other stray students who were still standing to take their seats on the bleachers.
"I want you to split into your groups,” everyone knew where they were assigned. “We're starting soccer with group two. So group one and three, do whatever you want as long as you're back by 10:30." He blew his whistle again and the whole mass of students started moving around the bleachers.
"So, how much did you manage to collect for ‘mission boyfriend?’"
"A few bills," Steve nodded. "I think it should be enough."
"We collected a 20 for you if that's any help," Carol fished through her bag before handing it to Steve. "Here."
"Thank you very much," he looked at it proudly before adding it to the 30 he already had. 
"When are you going to talk to him?" 
"Not today. She's in a very bad mood. She went all crazy on me this morning," Steve looked at you from his spot in the bleachers. He watched as you redid your shoe laces and grabbed the soccer ball Tina threw your way.
"I thought you were in a rush to ask Nancy out?"
"I am,” he nodded, “but I also don't want the plan to fail"
"Well, she looks fine now," Tommy looked at you. You had just kicked the football in James’ face–your poor classmate was rubbing his head and the teacher had called to you both. Your voice faintly climbed their way, hearing you say something about it being an ‘accident.’ They watched as James walked away from the field because the teacher sent him to the nurse's office.
Steve contemplated his options. You did look a bit calmer, but he recalled the way you flipped on him. "Yeah,” he breathed out. "I'll do it today."
"You could do it now."
"Mhm,” Carol hummed, crossing her leg over the other and leaning on the level behind her. “He's in Ms. O'Donnell's class, right? She's called in sick today which means they have nothing to do all morning." Carol looked up to a group of seniors beside them on the bleachers. Their math notebooks scattered across the step they were using and they were arguing over an answer. "Hey!" She called, their heads turned to face her. "Is Eddie Munson in your class?"
"Yeah," one of them chuckled at the mention of his name.
"Perfect," she turned back to Steve. "He must be on school grounds then!"
"Fantastic!" Steve stood up, wiping the back of his jeans with his hands before grabbing his gray sweater and slipping it on. 
"Try the drama room first. I'm sure he's setting up his next sacrifice," Tommy laughed.
"Don't let him scare you," Carol giggled.
"Very funny."
It would be a lie to say that Steve's heart didn't race at the idea of finding Eddie sacrificing a rabbit in the middle of the drama classroom. His hand toying with the end of his sleeve as he walked across the empty hallways. 
He passed by the coffee machine in front of the teacher's lounge, hearing chatter from behind the wooden door. The sudden reminder that he was in school and not in the horror film he was creating in his mind brought him back to reality. He shook his head, reminding himself it was just silly high school jokes. Eddie wasn't a cult leader; he probably hadn't even gone to jail for 2 months or had never even done a quarter of what people gave him credit for. 
So, he took a deep breath and arrived in front of the drama room. Peaking through the window, bright, colorful banners were hung on the walls. Papers and posters of plays taped everywhere and he could see a glimpse of the big CATS poster that terrified him: yellow eyes with silhouettes dancing staring into the room. Steve's hand found the courage to rest itself on the handle, he took another breath. 'This was school. Teachers are around. They would notice if something weird was happening in there.' With that thought, he swung the door open.
To his surprise he didn't find the room lit only by candles with Eddie dancing around in a circle and chanting words in a language he didn’t know. There wasn't a rabbit in the middle of the wooden floor, or circles drawn using the poor animal's blood. No dusty books of spells resting beside the non-existent circle or placed in Eddie's hands.
The reality was that a table had been pulled from the back corner where all the props were stuffed in the theatre’s off season. Eddie presided at the head of the table on a large black throne; ornate and gaudy. He recognised it being used in the latest school production of Camelot. Steve had no idea what the play had been about, but he remembered seeing it on stage.
Sitting to his left was a boy he recognized from biology. On the table was a large board that looked exactly like a board game–but Steve couldn't tell what it was. ‘Definitely not Monopoly,’ he thought to himself. 
Figurines in different sizes and various shaped dice were scattered in the middle. Steve never had seen a game with that many dice and definitely hadn't seen that many different shapes–only the average four sided one. The ones like you and Steve would lose as children which resulted in you now only using the same pair for every game. 
The two boys were looking at papers that were scattered between them with pencils in their hands. At the center of the table, a big glass jar that looked right out of a fantasy film was filled with the blue liquid Eddie had stolen from the chemistry classroom a day prior; a big dragon figurine of matching color sitting on the lid.
Steve might have stayed frozen a bit too long because he could start feeling their stares.
"Can we help you?" The boy next to Eddie wondered as Steve’s frozen figure interrupted their work. 
"I um-" Steve blinked the shock out of his eyes. "I wanted to talk to Munson, actually"
Both boys blinked in a similar fashion and a short laugh escaped Eddie's lips.
"How do you even know my name, Harrington?"
"Everyone knows your name," he replied like it was obvious. Like Eddie couldn't do everything he did, or have all of these rumors dancing around him like flies and that people wouldn't know who he was. "I want to ask you something." 
"Shoot," Steve had gained Eddie's curiosity. 
"I want you to ask my sister out." 
"Excuse me?" Eddie blinked in disbelief. Of all the things Steve Harrington could have said, that was not something Eddie had ever thought to think. 
"I will pay you."
"Jesus, Harrington, what kind of fucked up household do you live in?" He turned to his friend whose eyes were wide open upon hearing the request.
"No, please just listen to me," Steve took a step closer. "Our parents made up this new stupid rule where I can't date until she does. And trust me, no one would be brave enough to date her, unless they're getting paid or-" He paused mid-sentence.
"Or they're me?" Eddie took the words out of his mouth, punctuating his sentence with a smile.
"Yes! Exactly! So, what do you say?"
"Is she pretty?"
"What?" Steve surely had seen Eddie steal a cookie from your table not a day before. 
"Your sister,” Eddie reiterated, “you can't just expect me to have low standards."
"Yeah, she's pretty?” Steve felt awkward saying that. “I don't know, man! That's my sister."
"Wait, what's her first name?" Eddie's friend asked.
"Oooh yeah, yeah she's really pretty" he nodded and turned his attention back to Eddie. "Y/n? You know, sits next to him in English, protested for women's rights at lunch yesterday? Broke Jeff's nose? You said she was hot once?"
"That's her?" Eddie's face lit up, a large smirk rising on his lips. "How much?" he crossed his arm over his chest. "And I hope it's good money Harrington because it better be worth a broken nose."
"Ten bucks a date." Eddie looked at him blankly.
"Doesn't cover the stitches if she punches my nose and has those pretty rings of hers on."
"Fine. Fifteen. Take it or leave it, trailer park."
"Well, let's think about this,” Eddie leaned back on his throne, “we go to the movies, that's what? Ten bucks? We get popcorn that's um, fifteen. She's going to want coke too right? I assume. So, that's twenty." He looked to his friend for confirmation, "and then well, I would have to drive her, and filling up the tank costs money. So… we're looking at a good fifty bucks a date." 
"That much?" Steve winced. He could already see himself only having the Kudos bar that was probably already half smashed by the weight of his books for lunch, or that Carol had most probably already stolen.
"Yeah," Eddie had a fake sorry look on his face. "You must understand… I'm putting my life on the line for you here."
"Would you do it for less?" Steve turned to Eddie's friend who's eyes widened even more.
"Nah, man. I wouldn't even do it for a hundred." That made Steve's shoulder slump a little more than they already were. He took a second to look at Eddie who was giving him a ‘fifty or nothing' look.
Steve quickly weighed his odds at finding another guy. No one would bite the bait he was dangling, but Eddie Munson had. 
"Alright," Steve got his wallet from his back pocket and started fumbling with the bills, handing everything he had over to Eddie.
"Damn Harrington, you must be really desperate," he chuckled as he counted the money. "When do you want me to ask her out?"
"Desperate and in a rush? Fabulous combination." 
"She finishes soccer at 10:30. You think you could meet her at the bleachers?" Eddie thought for a second, pretending like he was going through all the important things he had to do this morning before answering.
"Yeah, I think I can make it."
10:20 - Steve was head deep into the first page of Romeo and Juliet. His butt started hurting from sitting so long on the hard wood of the bleachers, and his stomach was already growling from knowing it won't have much for lunch. And as if his day couldn't get worse, Carol had found the Kudos bar in the bottom of his bag and claimed it as her own; wrapper already in the trash and bar in her stomach. 
"Do you know what Maidenheads mean?" Steve pointed to a word on the page, leaning in towards Tommy. "I'm sure I've seen that word somewhere," he mumbled. "Maybe on one of Y/n's tapes"
Tommy squinted his eyes as he read through the sentence, "are you sure this is even English?"
"Hey, Steve," Carol interrupted, Steve's gaze lifted from the book to meet hers. "Look," she nodded her head up towards the top corner of the bleachers with a smirk on her lips. Steve turned around to look at what was so interesting, and he wasn't disappointed. 
Eddie was smoking in the back corner. His back leaning against the corner wall and his legs laid out on the step. His jacket was balled up next to his black lunch box on the step just below. He was looking at the field, probably trying to spot you.
"You should be happy. He's taking this seriously." 
"Yeah," Steve looked at his watch before closing his book and putting it in his bag. 
"Still can't believe he took fifty bucks from you just for the first date," Tommy snickered as he tossed his cigarette between the openings of the steps. "You're going to be so broke by the end of the month."
"Shut up," Steve whined. The money talk reminded him of the page he kept in his school assigned daily planner. He grabbed it with his pencil case and opened it to the page in question. "How much did I spend on that movie yesterday?" 
"Three dollars"
April 11 - Lunch $7, family video $3.
April 12 - Eddie $50.
He closed his book and neatly placed the little blue elastic around it and stuffed it back in his bag. 
The teacher's whistle made Steve's heart race and his palms started to sweat. Anxiety munching at his stomach as he wondered if Eddie would make him spending fifty dollars worth it, or if the poor guy would have to spend the evening in the emergency room. At least he would have the money to cover it. 
He looked at his watch and then back at the field. You were walking towards your bag; hair moving up and down as you climbed up the steps of the bleachers. From behind your shoulder, he could see Eddie putting out a cigarette and grabbing his jacket.
You were already making your way down and your feet were back on the grass when Eddie caught up to you.
"Hey, sweetheart, how you doin’?"
"Sweating like a pig actually and you?" You turned your head to meet Eddie's surprised eyes. Wiping the sweat off your forehead with your forearm as you gave him a tight-lipped smile. 
"Now that's a way to get a guy's attention," he cheered back.
"My mission in life," you sighed, taking a sip from your water bottle. "You're that guy from The Hideout aren't you?" You narrowed your eyes as you scanned his face. "The one who stole a cookie from us at lunch yesterday.” You knew he was a senior. You hadn't seen him much around school, but you knew you recognized the crazy hair and big brown eyes from somewhere.
"Ah, now I'm very sorry about that. Here wait," he raised his finger, "I'm sure I can compensate for the loss" You watched with a raised eyebrow as he fished for something in his back pocket, his hand coming back up with the cash Steve had handed him. "Ah-ha! Here–take, um, how about twenty?"
You eyed the twenty in his hand and then back up to his eyes. You raised an eyebrow, but he seemed dead serious and determined to give it to you. 
"I don't want your money," you shook your head and pushed his hand away.
"Alright then,” he shrugged and pocketed the money. "If I heard you correctly, you go to The Hideout?" He seemed surprised because he never noticed you there before. And if he could admit it, he surely would have recalled seeing you there. 
"I very much do, yes."
That was the first time you surprised Eddie. 
"You're from that band–um Corroded Coffin? Lead, right? Electric guitar?"
Second time you surprised Eddie.
"What do you want?" You continued before he could neither confirm nor deny, taking the burgundy sweater from your bag as you waited for him to continue.
"Do you want to go out? On a date?"
"I’m busy."
"Great then! Pick you up at five on Thursday?" 
"Oh right, yeah. Totally," you shouldered your bag again and started walking towards the school building.
"Well, you never know. The night might take you places you've never been before," he had that smug smirk you wanted to punch off every boy's face. 
"Yeah, right, like the seven-eleven by Mirkwood?" 
"Mirkwood?" the question barely left his lips that you started speaking again.
"Do you even know my name, screw boy?"
"I know a lot more than you think."
"Doubtful. Very, very, doubtful," you gave him a tight smile before speeding up your walk and leaving him again.
Eddie's gaze flew up to Steve and Tommy who were watching the scene, half hidden and perched up on the bleachers.
"You're so screwed man!" Tommy giggled as he watched the look of defeat on Steve's face and Eddie's apologetic eyes. "So, so screwed." 
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summynatsuy · 3 months
The Sims 4 Twilight Vampire Legacy Challenge
"I'd never given much though to how I would die. But dying in place of someone I love, seems like a good way to go. I can't bring myself to regret the decisions that brought me face to face with death."
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Welcome to my Sims 4 Legacy Challenge based around the Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer. This challenge has eight generations and requires the vampires DLC pack. Twilight is my favorite movie, and the Sims 4 is my favorite game so naturally I decided to combine the two.
Each generation is inspired by each member of the Cullen family, this does not mean that each heir has to be named after this character, resemble this character in any way or be the same gender as this character--it is just the name of the generation. I hope you have fun trying out this challenge, and make sure to check out my other challenges such as; The Sims 4 Occult Matchmaking Legacy Challenge and The Sims 4 Shoujo Romance Anime Legacy Challenge featured on my tumblr or on my tiktok @ bbgsim.
The founding sim must start as a teen and must be human
Each heir must complete their aspiration
Each heir must reach max level of their career
Each heir that is a vampire must reach the highest vampire rank
All heirs must have golden/yellow eyes
Members of the family including heirs are allowed to move out of the founders house
Each heir is given 3 traits assigned to them, any other traits chosen after these 3 is up to the player. If there is any trait or career you do not have because of a certain DLC pack you can replace it.
No money cheats, no skill cheats and no promotion cheats allowed
Generation 1: Bella Swan
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Traits: Romantic, foodie and bookworm
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: Chef
Max level cooking skill
Max level writing skill
Max level vampire lore skill
Max level parenting skill
Live in either Forgotten Hollow or Moonwood Mill
Become best friends with a werewolf sim
Meet and date a vampire sim with the gloomy trait in high school
Marry them after graduating and have one vampire child before being turned into a vampire
Earn the Cast Hallucination vampire ability
Stay a young adult
Generation 2: Edward Cullen
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Traits: Music lover, good and gloomy
Aspiration: Good Vampire
Career: Education
Max level piano skill
Max level vampire lore skill
Max level logic skill
Max level charisma skill
Gain the Manners and Empathy character value traits
Earn the Day Phobia and Withered Stomach vampire weaknesses
Earn the Detect Personality vampire ability
Never drink blood from another sim
Maintain an A grade throughout high school and attend college
Meet and date a human sim in high school, but break up and then get back together after graduating then get married
Have a vampire heir
Stay a young adult
Generation 3: Alice Cullen
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Traits: Vegetarian, loves outdoors and creative
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Career: Paranormal Investigator
Max medium skill
Max fitness skill
Max vampire lore skill
Max charisma skill
Max painting skill
Gain the Conflict Resolution character value trait
Earn the Day Phobia and Withered Stomach vampire weaknesses
Never drink blood from another sim
Meet and date a vampire sim that is a lower vampire rank in high school
Marry them after aging up to a young adult
Have a vampire heir
Stay a young adult
Generation 4: Jasper Hale
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Traits: Rancher, erratic and adventerous
Aspiration: Championship Rider
Career: Detective
Max fitness skill
Max vampire lore skill
Max logic skill
Gain the Emotional Control character value trait
Earn the Day Phobia, Withered Stomach and Sloppy Drinker vampire weaknesses
Earn the Influence Emotions vampire ability
Drink blood from human sims during high school but after graduating never drink blood from another sim
Have three enemies that are werewolves
Become best friends with a sim (can be either a vampire or human sim) that has the good trait during childhood
Date this sim during high school and if they are a human sim, turn them into a vampire
Marry this sim after graduating
Own a horse
Have a vampire heir
Stay a young adult
Generation 5: Rosalie Hale
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Traits: Mean, perfectionist and family oriented
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Career: Actor
Max charisma skill
Max parenting skill
Max vampire lore
Max acting skill
Earn the Day Phobia and Withered Stomach vampire weaknesses
Earn the Vampire Charm vampire ability
Never drink blood from another sim
Join the cheerleading squad
Date a sim with the evil trait but then break up with them in high school
Meet and date a vampire sim in high school that has max fitness level and the loyal trait
Marry this sim after aging up to a young adult
Have one vampire heir
Adopt 2 children (does not have to be a vampire sim but it is recommended)
Stay a young adult
Generation 6: Emmett Cullen
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Traits: Active, bro and goofball
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Career: Athlete
Max fitness skill
Max vampire lore skill
Max charisma skill
Max comedy skill
Earn the Day Phobia and Withered Stomach vampire weaknesses
Earn the Vampiric Strength vampire ability
Gain the Conflict Resolution and Empathy character value traits
Never drink blood from another sim
Join the football team
Have atleast 3 good friends in high school
Stay single until graduating high school
Have under a C grade in high school
Meet a vampire young adult sim with the flirty trait and date them and then marry them
Fight three other vampire sims
Have a vampire heir
Stay a young adult
Generation 7: Esme Cullen
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Traits: Loyal, insider and proper
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Unemployed
Max parenting skill
Max vampire lore skill
Max flower arranging skill
Max singing skill
Earn the Day Phobia and Withered Stomach vampire weaknesses
Gain the Manners and Responsibility character value traits
Never drink blood from another sim
Join the chess club
Become good friends with 2 werewolves
Meet and date a vampire sim with the family oriented trait and an A grade in high school
Elope with this sim immediately after graduating high school
Have a vampire heir
Age up and stay as an adult
Generation 8: Carlisle Cullen
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Traits: Cheerful, overachiever and genius
Aspiration: Vampire Family
Career: Medicine
Max logic skill
Max vampire lore skill
Max parenting skill
Max charisma skill
Max writing skill
Earn the Day Phobia and Withered Stomach vampire weaknesses
Earn the Vampire Creation and Tamed Thirst vampire abilities
Gain the Empathy, Manners and Responsibility character value traits
Never drink blood from another sim
Maintain an A grade in high school and attend college
Meet and date a human sim in high school that dies after graduating
Invite the sim's ghost to the household and bring them back to life
Turn this sim into a vampire
Marry this sim
Have a pristine reputation
Have a vampire heir
Age up and stay an adult
I may update this Legacy Challenge in the near future and add some more generations. If you do decide to do this tag me on the posts I wanna see!
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bellasbarginart · 2 years
*posts this and runs off*
0 notes
Love Song for a Vampire Pt.26
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader Warnings:  Words: 1920  Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33  Part 34  Part 35  Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39
Carlisle couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Edward smiling, his shoulders relaxed like some great weight had been lifted from him. When gold, immortal eyes meet one another, that smile waned.
Hopping from her seat, she goes to him. “Did you. . .”
And Rosalie, despite many complaints made about the wolves, leaned an ear in interest. Her gaze pretends to be busy with inspecting her claw-like nails.
Slowly he nods, that smile of his returning. “I stopped her.” Then to the rest of his family “We’re going to try and see how things work between us. I’m. . . Excited.” When was the last time Edward had experienced such a thrilling sensation that didn’t correlate with bloodlust. Nothing genuine like he felt when he though about a future with (y/n). If things worked out. . . They could protect each other through thick and thin. He wouldn’t have to worry as much about a mate being killed easily. Were his vampiric strength proved to fail him one day it would not be the end. He would have a proper partner capable of protecting the other.
Her son was so happy, how could Esme not feel some sort of joy at his beaming face. Fingers brushing against her neck anxiously, she shoots her eyes to Carlisle who stared at Edward. This change in girlfriends would prove to be dangerous when the Volturi found out. Ultimately they would. They were running on borrowed time now.
Baring her teeth at Edward, Rosalie hissed and pounced onto her feet. “You idiot!”
”Come on, Rose.” Emmett pleads with her, his hand bravely positioned on her back in a reminder to have some restrain. “This is good for him. At least (y/n) is already a part of our supernatural shit. She’s made to survive in it.”
In return Emmett receives a withering glare from her. “Has it really come down to choosing between a dog and a human?”
Before tempers could really boil over, that familiar wave of calm envelopes the group. Power emanated from Jasper who was their personal soothing balm. Grudgingly, Rosalie steps down and retrieves her seat next to here mate but her grimace remained.
Edward focuses on Carlisle who had yet to say anything as the patriarch of the coven. “Not only will the Volturi be furious that you and Bella went back on your word, but they will also want to do something about the wolves. They will come after us.”
”I know.” He knew what he would be doing once Edward made his decision. The consequences that would follow them. But there was the witch now who promised to help them. Her wards could guard against not just other vampires, but creatures like those of Xiomara. Evita had called it a Lechuza. A common enough monster from her region of the world.
Esme wasn’t so sure about the young girl’s powers. “She’s just so young. . . So many people are putting faith in her hands. Evita is nice enough, but she’s still a stranger to us.”
Shaking her head in disagreement, Alice says so assuredly “I can feel her power. See her future through it. She’s capable of such a feat.”
“I didn’t come to this decision so easily. I know what lays ahead of us. And I’m sorry. Sorry for everything I have put everyone through because of my selfishness.”
Standing quietly atop of the staircase, Carmen and Eleazar drop in on the family discussion.
“We really have to help them now.” Eleazar quietly tells his mate, burned gold glanced down the steps to the voices drifting from the sitting room. “Carlisle is right about the Volturi coming and borrowed time. Especially when they learn about (y/n) being a wolf.”
Carmen nods. “One little witch will not be enough. The problem will be the trio. If they don’t agree to helping the Cullens and if we do, then it will be a crime against our coven. They might kick us out.”
They meander back to the guest room in the Cullen house with Carmen plopping down on the foot of the bed. Her face, normally beautiful and smooth, was crinkled in deep concern as her hands clasp one another.
Puffing out an exhale, Eleazar looked around the immaculately decorated room. Soft gray walls that held up paintings from the many places they had been to. He could guess the country from the brush strokes and work of color.
“Well, guess we’re going to have to convince the other then.”
Scoffing at her husband’s conclusion, Carmen thinks of Irina. “You really think she’d willingly fight alongside the creatures that killed her intended mate? No. Never.”
Turning slyly to her,, Eleazar smiles with an idea on his mind. “Not unless she actually gets to know one.”
Credulously, Carmen squints at him. “You’re not thinking of bringing one back to Alaska are you?”
“Not just any wolf. (Y/n).”
Carmen laughed. “(Y/n)? Oh, yes then we’ll have Tanya hating them as well. You know how much she desires Edward to be her’s.”
“Not if she gets to know her. Tanya is more reasonable then Irina. She’s rational. And once she understands imprinting, I think Tanya will finally be able to move on.” Reasoned Eleazar. “She’ll see the good in (y/n) as will Kate. Irina is more willing to listen to those two opposed to us. They’ve been together longer and have more sway.”
Worryingly chewing on her bottom lip, she still didn’t quite like the idea he was proposing. Things could go wrong. This would be a great risk to take. “I don’t know, Eleazar. . .”
“It’s the best way for them to agree in protecting Forks with the Cullens. She’s the best representative for them.”
After yesterday, you hadn’t been anticipating getting a call from Edward so soon. Your morning had barely started when you heard the musical chiming of your phone. Things have happened so fast that you were sure you would never get enough time to really process it. You and Edward were essentially now dating. While there had been no date yet, you would take your time. Edward was still attached to Bella in some ways, how could he not be after spending so much time with her and risking his life several times for her. Surprisingly you weren't even the least bit jealous of this. Talking to Bella yourself had eased whatever jealousy had been brewing inside of you. Bella was older than you by a year but seemed even less sure about her life than you were. So many uncertainties that the vampire world made even worse.
What he told you over the phone did make the swollen balloon of excitement in your chest shrivel. Edward would be going back to Alaska to drop off Carmen and Eleazar; possibly staying over night. That changed when he prompted "Come with us."
You want to say yes right away. Even if it meant your first time alone with Edward in a strange vampire coven's house. Having some insight on the coven via the couple you just met, you knew there were three others. One of them who was not too keen on wolves. Red flags sprung up everywhere. The wolf in you simply desired to be near Edward though.
"I know it's last minute." Edward sheepishly admits. "But Carmen and Eleazar really want you to come with us. So the others can meet you first hand."
Glancing at your bedroom door like you could sense someone listening on the other side, you shift your cellphone to your other ear. "I would love to, but I highly doubt my parents will let me go.”
”I understand.” He says but you catch voices in the background.
Edward pauses then the voices changes to the feminine one of Carmen. “Hello, (y/n).” Her voice is chipper and friendly.
Impossible not to smile from her voice, you greet her. “It’s too bad you guys aren’t staying longer.”
“Yes, we must get going before our coven sisters act hastily. That is why I commandeered Edward’s phone. I think if you tell your alpha what is going on and all of us have a quick meeting with your parents, they will understand the urgent need of your presence.
Pursing your lips, you immediately say “I don’t want them to know about this world. Or the danger I face because of the pack.”
In a more stern tone, Carmen counters with “If Irina gets the idea in her to tell the Volturi, they will find out the hard way about how close our worlds really are.”
You didn’t want that outcome either. Pulse quickening, you mull your mind for what to do. What else was there to do except to agree. She was right. Eventually they would discover the horrors you dealt with.
When you call Sam, he picks up after the second dial tone and you hurriedly explain to him what Carmen said. He didn’t like the idea of you going by yourself with Edward as your only ally. Easier to discuss this in person, you run all the way to Sam’s with a rushed goodbye to your bewildered mom. Soon enough she would understand your flustered appearance.
Edward and the Denali couple were already waiting in his backyard, seated at a wooden table that sported chipped white paint. Evita and Sam were sitting on the opposite side.
“A protective charm wouldn’t be too hard to make.” Evita was in the middle of explaining. She turns to Sam. “I can have it done within the hour.”
Sam prepares a reply but spots you slowly walking closer. “Do you want to go, (y/n)?”
The three vampires whip themselves around effortlessly. “Yes. Yes I want to go.” Being with Edward would be an extra perk, but if you play your cards right to avoid conflict, this could be a successful meeting. Carmen and Eleazar had faith in your personality to win over the other three in their clan.
“You understand my reservations.” Sam carefully says.
You nod. “Yes. If you think you need to come with me then I won’t be opposed to it.” Though some part in you told you that Sam’s presence might make things worse. He was intimidating at first glance, being pure muscle that could kill a strong being like a vampire.
From the wavering glances you caught among the vampires, you knew they were thinking the same. You had muscles as well, your upper arms firm and thighs that could break open a watermelon, you were no where near the stature that Sam had.
He runs a thumb over his bottom lip, hard black eyes flicking away. “We will have to tell your parents the reason of your absence.”
Swallowing back the hard lump that was blocking your throat, you stiffly tilt your head to forward. “I. . . I know.”
“I’m sorry, (y/n).” Edward says catching you off guard. “It must be unpleasant to bring them into our mess.”
You smile softly. “They already have some idea of what our world is like. I just never wanted them to know how often I encounter danger.”
“I’ll talk to them.” Sam gets up. “Maybe when they find out about Evita’s spells they’ll be put more at ease.”
Sam could try but once your parents discovered more about your world, the more danger they will be in. The Volturi didn’t take too kindly on humans having any information on vampires.
The sooner Evita put up her wards, the better.
TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch , @dangerouslittlefairy , @burn-crash-rqmance , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd, @godinho11 , @arin-swear-rose , @alexizodd , @melaninsugarbaby , @lyeatoalinatoheaven  , @ronwownsme , @itsmytimetoodream , @afro-hispwriter , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles , @nightly-polaris , @corrodedcoffins-slut , @ellesalazar , @itgetzweird08 , @crybabyatthediscooffandoms , @sassyandclassyx , @scarlet2007 , @theroyalbrownbarbie , @jennyamanda8 , @stevenandmarcslove , @biancaindaeyo , @loversjoy , @turningtoclown , @vixorell , @xxthackerybinxxx , @daredevilonmyheels , @dumbbitch-juice , @southern-bell-give-hell , @nat-the-gemini , @imdoingathingmom​
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theamericanpin-up · 8 months
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Ted Withers - "Pax, The Goddess of Peace" - October 1960 MCMLX Bella Roma in The Artist's Sketch Pad Calendar Illustration - Brown & Bigelow Calendar Illustration - American Pin-up Calendar Collection - A copy of the final calendar by Withers, and a copy of the original painting.
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secondratefiction · 2 years
A part 2 to the Carlisle head cannon please, on the proposal and turning you.
Sorry this took me so long to get to. Holiday are fun... and by fun I mean utterly exhausting.
(Pt 1)
It didn't take you long to notice some of the quirks about Carlisle and his family...
Somethings you'd already picked up on: the strange coloration of the whole family, the fact he was practically freezing to the touch, the ever changing eye color, and the perpetual absence on sunny days.
You'd kept that to yourself though. Carlisle was a good man, and an even better doctor, that was all that mattered
But now that you were spending even more time with him outside of work... somethings you just couldn't help but notice: the fact he moved too fast to explain sometimes, the strange way he spoke on occasion - mostly, it was the odd terms of endearment that stood out to you, like deoring or sweeting
It was all strange, but he always had a way of deflecting and changing the subject whenever you asked about something
Fortunately, Carlisle had managed to keep you out of most of the vampire related drama.
At least until after Bella and Edward's wedding.
'My family and I are actually vampires and you're sister is pregnant with what we hope is a baby but could potentially be and uncontrollable abomination of a monster' was not the conversation Carlisle had wanted to have with you. But here you were...
You weren't sure who you were more upset with at the time:
Carlisle for essentially lying to you for months
Or your sister for knowingly getting wrapped up in all of this
Bella was actively withering away in front of you though, so it wasn't exactly like you had time to dwell on the very valid reasons you had for being mad at them currently.
And surprisingly, as traumatic as it might be, watching your sister's almost die in the most violent child birth you were likely to ever witness, was a good way to put things in perspective.
Also, considering the literal wolves at the door, you were probably functioning off pure adrenalin and survival instincts at this point
After the metaphorical dust settles, you swear you're going to skin Sam Uley alive if he ever threatens your family like that again.
Between the worry that Bella might not wake up and the new baby, your anger at Carlisle starts to feel a little bit trivial.
Not to mention that he's the only thing right now that makes you feel like you're not completely losing your mind.
Eventually Bella does wake up, new born transformation complete, and between her crash course in vegetarian vampirism 101 and Rosalie finally getting to feed her baby fever, you and Carlisle finally have a chance to talk and work things out.
Life mostly goes back to normal after, that things start settling back down, and you especially are reveling in your new roll as Auntie
At least until someone else comes around to rock the boat.
Well, more like capsize the whole thing entirely. Someone once close to the family when to the Volturi claiming they'd created a child vampire - an act that would damn the whole family
You know things are serious, but it really struck you when the Cullens start gathering witnesses. Alice and Jasper left, and Carlisle asked you to stay away from the house as more and more vampires start showing up.
What you weren't prepared for is Bella showing up one day with three go-bags for you, Jacob, and Renesmee, swearing you to secrecy about the whole thing and making you promise to look after her daughter if things end badly.
The day before this whole thing was supposed to boil over, Carlisle came to see you. He didn't let go of you the entire time he was there... but it was what he said just before he had to leave that really struck you and brought you to tears - "If we somehow survive this, I'm going to marry you."
The man practically flew to your front door once they were sure the Volturi were gone and everyone was safe.
The next day you were ring shopping.
Nurse Doris is high-key suspicious that you were getting married to Dr. Cullen less than six months after your sister also married into the family. The word 'gold-digger' is used once. The word 'jealous' is used liberally in rebuttal.
By multiply people.
After that, there is a serious discussion about turning you. Carlisle is under no delusions of it flat-out not being an option, but it is a very final decision. If and when it happens, it's going to be on your terms.
You decide to wait a couple years, until it's time for the family to move again, enjoy your time with your family while you have it, before you have to worry about secrets and restrictions and holding yourself back.
Collectively, you all decide on Canada for your next home. But Carlisle suprises you at the airport.
You say goodbye to Charlie and your mom and bonus dad at the security check, you're mom's crying, you're crying, the men are just barely holding it together, and you know if you hug your dad again in that moment, he's gonna start crying.
You do it anyway, and he does.
After that though, you don't join Bella, Edward, Jake and Nes at the terminal. Carlisle steers you to a different gate entirely.
A 'belated wedding present' he calls it.
You're not entirely sure what you were expecting, but a whole private island was not it.
The transformation was a bit of a blur, and honestly not something you were every going to really want to remember anyway.
But the two weeks the two of you spent on the island, you were more than happy to have carved into you memory for the rest of forever.
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
could u do dating bella swan as a werewolf!fem!reader?<33 loved your galadriel headcanons
𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑊𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑜𝑙𝑓:
Pairing: Bella Swan x fem!werewolf!reader
Warnings: a bit angsty
Notes: tysm for the request your so sweet! Sorry this took a little while to get out btw. Requests are open and feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
- Coco ❤️
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You were Jacobs cousin but spent most of your time with him and Billy rather than your family.
You had seen/met Bella once or twice but you were very little and don't remember much
But you have met Charlie Swan, he always seemed like a nice man and often invited you and your family over to watch a baseball game.
When news of the infamous Bellas moving to Forks you were relatively unfazed.
But Jacob was chomping at the bit to get to know her.
You met her the same time jacob did and it was hard to watch the two interact, but she seemed sweet(and very pretty).
Unlike your cousin you actually attended Forks high-school, it was closer to home.
You noticed Bella was a bit shy and socially awkward so you invited her into your friend group and hit it off well.
And when she started taking a interest in a certain blood sucking freak you were sure to steer her in the right direction.
And she listened to your advice
For three days.
She had said some bs about how you wouldn't be able to change her mind about seeing him so it's not worth the fight. And you gave up because you rlly wanted things to work between the two of you.
And you didn't really mind, I mean yes it was dangerous but Bella could take care of herself[and the fact that you had a real big crush on her]. You didn't mind that is until she started ditching you.
"Oh sorry y/n I can't tonight... I'm going to the movies with Edward"
Or "I promised Edward I'd study with him, can't jacob help you?"
It hurt you to say the least and Bella was so blinded by her crush for Edward she didnt even notice.
By Bellas birthday your relationship had practically withered away but you still got her a present. A handmade booksleeve in her favorite colour.
And then...the accident happened. The Cullens left Forks abruptly leaving a heartbroken Bella and a confused town.
You didn't really know what happened but according to Billy, nothing good.
And as selfish as it sounds you were glad you got to get back in touch with her.
You helped her get over her stupid breakup, reminding her that Edward didn't deserve her whatsoever.
You comforted her and let her cry in your arms
You made sure she ate well and got enough sleep
And you even made a bonfire with Jacob and your friends to burn all of Bellas photos, clothing and memories of Edward.
Things were going great until you started distancing yourself.
Making up illnesses and just flat our ignoring her seemed better than the truth, I mean you just couldn't tell her.
She thought that you were ignoring her because of how she treated you before. She felt like a jerk.
So of course when she shows up to Jacobs and demands to see you, things don't go swimmingly.
She finds out and she's...honestly not as shocked as she should have been
" look Bella I understand if you don't wanna talk to me anymore, I'm surprised you can even look at me-"
"Y/n I've already been through the whole my friend is a mythical creature thing. Besides who will I complain about the rain to?"
And then she realized she really did eff up pretty badly with you when she was dating Edward and it wasn't ok.
You were studying- or at least trying to study when you were interrupted by bella throwing rocks at your window.
You looked down onto the yard where she was standing and holding up a sign that read "I KNOW I SHOULD HAVE SAID THIS SOONER BUT WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME? p.s im sorry for being a jerk :(" And a bouquet of your favorite flowers to top it off.
You excitedly nodded and quickly got ready for a impromptu date.
You guys went to a drive in movie, sat in the back of her truck and kissed under the stars~
Ok but Bella would be really good with dates
Like hiking to some obscure spot just cuz there's pretty flowers? It's a no brainer for her
You help her cook for her dad and Charlie loves you like a seccond daughter
You read and stargaze together on her roof
You make picture albums with the camera her dad got her for her birthday.
And she constantly finds she keeps "misplacing" her sweaters and flannels
You guys are really the power couple of Forks no matter what the creepy homophobic old guys say🏋‍♂️
Your families already get along great with each other so there's really no fuss when it comes to that.
Jacob is a little miffed that you "stole" Bella from him but she reassures him that he'd never stand a chance.
You get engaged 2 years after high-school, which seems pretty early but you know you'll never ever find someone as great as bells in Forks
The wedding is small but that's the way you both wanted it
It's in her backyard, in the forest and the reception is at her house.
Ok I lokey hate her wedding dress(no shade if you like it tho!) So let's say she wore this one, it's close enough but much better(in my opinion)!
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And ofc u wear whatever u want!
Bella lokey loves wolf version of you, I mean the piggyback rides are insane.
And your just so fluffy, great cuddle material.
You guys have a quiet simple life but it's never boring.
If you decide to have children I'm thanking the God's it won't be named Renesme.
You guys love to cook together and try new recipes
She eventually gets used to the rain and gloom of Forks. It seems to be growing on her tbh
Sometimes you'll be sitting on your bed watching a old movie and both of you will just sit and laugh about what life would gave been like if Edward had stayed in Forks.
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
↱ shadowed hearts ↰
➘ summary : when Edward left Bella she was heartbroken, luckily the volturi came just in time
➘ a/n : I hope you enjoy this request @volturifangirl ooh and this is a bit different from my usual fics which are x reader stories
➘ volturi x bella , aro x bella x caius x marcus
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The quiet town of Forks seemed to hold its breath as the rain fell in a gentle, rhythmic cadence. The gloomy skies matched the atmosphere within Bella Swan's heart. Her world had been turned upside down, and the pain of loss clung to her like a suffocating fog.
Edward Cullen, the love of her life, had left. The haunting memory of his departure lingered in every corner of her mind, a wound that refused to heal. The void he had left was like a black hole, pulling her deeper into a realm of shadows.
Days turned into weeks, and Bella's once vibrant spirit seemed to wither away. Her room became a sanctuary of solitude, where darkness and silence embraced her like old friends. The laughter and warmth that had once filled her life felt like distant echoes, mocking her from a place she could no longer reach.
The depressive state she fell into was like a relentless storm, battering her emotions until she was left gasping for air. Time lost its meaning as she drifted through her days, each one a monotonous haze of numbness. The simplest tasks felt like insurmountable mountains, and even the sunlight that filtered through the curtains held no appeal.
Charlie, her father, was at a loss. The lines of worry etched onto his face spoke volumes about his concern for his daughter. He watched helplessly as Bella retreated further into herself, struggling to find a way to breach the walls she had built around her heart.
In the quiet moments of the night, Bella would lie in bed, staring at the ceiling as her thoughts spiraled into darkness. Memories of Edward's departure replayed like a broken record, each word and gesture etched into her consciousness. She would reach for the phone, her fingers hovering over his number, only to pull back, the weight of reality crushing her hopes.
Friends tried to reach out, but Bella's isolation was a fortress she couldn't escape. The world outside felt distant and uninviting, a place where she no longer belonged. The shadows that had enveloped her were unyielding, leaving her trapped in a cycle of despair.
As the days turned into months, Bella's depressive state showed no signs of lifting. The pain of loss had become a part of her, an uninvited guest that had made itself at home within her heart. The people around her whispered their concerns, wishing for the vibrant, determined Bella they had known to resurface from the depths of her sorrow.
Little did they know that within the labyrinth of her emotions, Bella was grappling with a battle she felt ill-equipped to fight. The love she had once known had become a source of pain, a reminder of the happiness that had slipped through her fingers. And as the rain continued to fall, a relentless backdrop to her anguish, Bella Swan remained trapped in a world of shadows, struggling to find a way back to the light.
The rain had become a constant companion to Bella Swan, its melancholic rhythm echoing the ache within her heart. The world outside had lost its vibrancy, and the walls of her room felt like a cocoon of isolation. But fate had other plans, ones that would shatter the fragile equilibrium she had found within her depression.
One evening, as the rain fell in a soft cascade, a knock on the door interrupted the silence that had come to define Bella's life. Her father's voice carried a hint of surprise as he called out, "Bella, there are visitors for you."
The curiosity that had long lain dormant within Bella stirred as she shuffled toward the front door. Her heart skipped a beat as she came face-to-face with a group of figures who seemed both ethereal and imposing. The Volturi – Aro, Caius, and Marcus – stood before her, their crimson eyes locking onto hers with a mixture of curiosity and scrutiny.
"Bella Swan," Aro's voice was smooth, his smile unsettlingly charming. "We've heard you possess certain knowledge that is of great interest to us."
Bella's mind raced as she processed their words. The secret she had guarded so fiercely – the knowledge that the Cullens were vampires – was suddenly laid bare before the very beings she had only heard whispers about.
"I..." Bella stammered, her gaze shifting between the Volturi kings. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Caius's expression was stern, his eyes penetrating. "We have ways of knowing the truth, Bella. It's in your best interest to cooperate."
Marcus's gaze held a hint of sympathy, as if he understood the weight of Bella's predicament. "We cannot allow humans to be privy to our existence. It disrupts the delicate balance we maintain."
Fear tightened its grip around Bella's heart as the reality of her situation sunk in. Her connection to the Cullens, her knowledge of their secret, had led her down a path she could never have foreseen.
Aro's smile widened, his interest piqued. "You see, Bella, we have options. We could erase your memories, but that would leave you in a state of confusion. Or, you could become one of us – a vampire."
The words hung in the air like a weighty promise, a choice that Bella had never thought she would face. The idea of becoming a vampire was both terrifying and intriguing, a way to escape the mundanity of her human life, but also a leap into a world of darkness and uncertainty.
Bella's mind raced as she tried to make sense of the choices before her. Her gaze shifted from Aro to Caius to Marcus, each one bearing a unique aura of power and mystery.
"I need time to think," she finally whispered, her voice shaky but determined.
Aro's smile was enigmatic, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Of course, my dear. Take all the time you need."
As the Volturi kings turned to leave, Bella was left with a choice that would redefine her existence. The secret she had kept was no longer her burden alone, and the path she would choose would shape her destiny in ways she could never have imagined.
Once outside Bella's home, the Volturi trio found themselves enveloped by the misty rain, each step accompanied by a sense of intrigue. Aro's fingers danced along his chin, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. Caius maintained his stoic facade, his thoughts unreadable, while Marcus's gaze held a knowing glint.
As they walked through the damp streets of Forks, the events of the evening hung in the air like a delicate thread waiting to be woven into destiny. It was Marcus who eventually broke the silence, his voice carrying a quiet contemplation.
"Aro, Caius, have you considered the possibility?" he began, his tone soft but deliberate.
Aro turned his attention to Marcus, his expression one of curiosity. "The possibility of her becoming one of us?"
Caius's gaze sharpened, his interest piqued. "Or are you referring to something else?"
Marcus's lips quirked into a knowing smile, his eyes glinting with a mixture of amusement and wisdom. "Bella Swan is not just any human. She is our mate."
Aro's eyes widened in realization, his lips parting as he considered Marcus's words. "Ah, the threads of fate have woven an intricate tapestry indeed."
Caius's brows furrowed, a hint of skepticism in his voice. "Are you suggesting that her connection to us goes beyond the mere fact that she knows our secret?"
Marcus nodded, his gaze steady. "Our bond is more profound, more fundamental. She is meant to be with us, and we with her."
Aro's excitement was palpable, his smile growing with each passing second. "Her choice, whether to become one of us or to join us in another way, could reshape our existence."
Caius's stern expression softened as he considered the gravity of the situation. "And what if she chooses to become a vampire? Our world could be forever altered."
Marcus's voice was steady, his eyes carrying the weight of his insight. "Our world is ever-changing, my brothers. Bella Swan's presence has stirred a shift within us, one that we cannot ignore."
As they continued their walk through the rain-soaked streets, the magnitude of their discovery settled upon the Volturi kings. Bella Swan, a human who had stumbled upon their world, held the potential to reshape their destiny. The choice she made – to embrace the immortal life or to forge a connection with them in a different way – would echo through the corridors of time.
The threads of fate had indeed woven a complex tapestry, one that bound their destinies together in ways they could not yet comprehend. And as the rain continued to fall, Aro, Caius, and Marcus found themselves on the cusp of a transformation, guided by the choices that lay ahead and the profound connection they shared with a mortal who had unknowingly stepped into their world.
The days that followed the Volturi's initial visit were filled with anticipation and uncertainty for Bella Swan. She had been presented with a choice that would forever alter her existence – to become a vampire and join the Volturi or to remain human and leave behind the life she had known. The weight of her decision pressed upon her heart, but there was a certain sense of inevitability that guided her thoughts.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across Bella's room, she knew that the time had come. The decision had been made, and she was ready to embrace the unknown.
The sound of footsteps echoed through the silence, and Bella turned to find the Volturi kings standing at her doorway once more. Aro's smile was warm, Caius's expression held a mixture of solemnity and approval, and Marcus's gaze was steady, carrying the weight of the journey that lay ahead.
"Bella Swan," Aro began, his voice gentle yet resolute. "Are you prepared to embark on a new chapter of your life?"
Bella's breath quivered as she nodded, her heart pounding within her chest. "Yes, I've made my decision."
Caius's voice carried a hint of gravitas, his words laden with the importance of the moment. "Then, my dear, welcome to a world beyond human understanding."
Marcus stepped forward, his presence a calming force as he regarded Bella with a kind smile. "You are not alone in this journey. We shall stand beside you."
The night air was cool and still as Bella stepped out of her home, the moon casting a silvery glow upon the scene. It was a moment of finality, of leaving behind the life she had known and embracing the promise of the future. With the Volturi kings by her side, she felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation, a sense that she was stepping into a world that held infinite possibilities.
Aro's hand extended towards Bella, an invitation and a promise all at once. "Come, my dear. Your transformation awaits, and a new dawn is about to break."
Bella's heart raced as she reached out and placed her hand in Aro's, her gaze never wavering. The connection between them felt profound, as if the bond they shared transcended the limitations of time and space.
As the Volturi kings surrounded her, Bella felt a sense of unity, a shared purpose that bound them together. With a single nod from Aro, they turned and began to walk, each step taking them further away from the life Bella had known.
The journey that lay ahead was shrouded in mystery, a path filled with challenges and discoveries. But as Bella Swan left behind the town of Forks and the memories of her human life, she did so with a heart full of hope, knowing that she was no longer alone – she was now part of a world that defied conventions, a world that held the potential for a future beyond her wildest dreams.
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Can you write a oneshot were Bellas sister is kidnapped and bitten by Victoria during Eclipse and when the Volturi come to talk to Victoria Alec sees Bellas sister almost done woth her transformation so he takes her. Alec keeps her close to him as he teaches her about being a vampire, claiming her as his mate.
The Second Daughter
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The mountain top was cold and the only when you woke up. To be fair, it was cold when you fell asleep too. Fatigue clouding your mind, wanting to slip back into your unconscious state to preserve your body heat.
You stumbled out of the tent when you heard voices arguing outside. You then felt a frozen hand around your neck, a bundle of red hair filled your peripheral vision.
"I don't think Bella would want her dear little sister hurt, Edward. I wouldn't mind killing her, she smells almost as appealing as Bella."
Edward didn't move or make a sound. Edward didn't care if you got hurt in place of Bella. Bella also stood still. She didn't know what to do. That hesitation costed you your life.
Her fangs sunk into your skin. Draining you of blood and filling you with her burning venom. You screamed as the fire coursed through your veins and tears fell down your face.
"No!" Bella shrieked and she remembered the story she heard from the Pack elders. She grabbed a jagged stone from the ground and sliced her arm, drawing Victoria's attention away from you.
The blood trickling down Bella's forearm distracted Victoria enough for Edward to get his hands around her and pull until her body dropped to the ground with a heavy thud. As he took a lighter out and dropped it on her, Bella raced to your side as you thrashed on the ground.
"Edward, Edward, you have to help her please."
Edward looked sadly as her as he said, "I'm sorry Bella, but the venom has spread to far." He stood still for a moment, "The Volturi are coming, we should meet them in the clearing." He lifted up your body as Bella climbed on his back.
The fight in the clearing was almost over when you arrived. The Cullen family giving you a sad look as a cry was heard from Jacob. The Pack carried him away before the Volturi guards arrived, under Carlisle's instruction.
As soon as the Cullen's came into their view, Alec locked eyes on your withering body. He felt the connection instantly and turned his head to meet his sister's gaze and silently communicate with her.
The guards stopped in front of the Cullens and heard their tale of the incident. Edward's eyes shifted from Alec and Jane.
"And the girl?" Alec inquired, looking at you.
Bella looked panicked, "She's my sister."
Carlisle quickly jumped in, "Be assured, she will join us. We will teach her everything."
"She's his mate." Edward said, grimacing.
Alec nodded once in confirmation, "Yes and she will come with us. We should wait this process out at your dwelling as to not frighten her when she wakes."
The Cullens could not disagree, especially not when Alec wasn't really asking. With the situation dealt with, Alec carried you in his arms toward the Cullen's house where the first day was spent watching the venom torture you until your body finally stilled as dusk. The following two days were spent waiting for your eyes to open and shine a vibrant red.
When your eyes did open, memories of Victoria's attack flashed in your mind and you sat up with an unnecessary gasp.
Your sense were overloaded as you heard and smelled everything around you. You were about to panic as you looked around the room full of the Cullens when your eyes landed on him. Bella told you about the Volturi, but she never mentioned how breathtaking he was. Alec Volturi.
The connection between you two calmed you down enough for you to be told what had happened by Carlisle, but your eyes never left him.
"Wait, I'm leaving?" That part caught your attention. "I can't just leave! I have a life here."
Esme looked at you sadly and held your hand, "I'm sorry sweetie, I really am, but the life you knew died when you did."
You felt like crying, tears would normally be stinging your eyes now, but they were dry. All of it made you sad, confused, and angry. You gripped the couch seat you were now sitting on so hard it tore until you had a handful of cushion and fabric in your fist.
"I'm sorry, I didn't-" You began to apologize, opening your hand and dropping the remains like it was made of fire.
"We know sweetie."
"You'll live with us." His voice nearly took you out and you met his gaze.
Alec was conscious of everyone looking at the two of you and he did was still technically on the job, so the smile he wanted to give you never reached his lips. "Based on how you're reacting to your transformation, I believe you know Tesora."
You were confused by the name but still nodded in understanding. You were like Bella and Edward, Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett. You understood perfectly.
"This is a lot, but I understand."
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note: So I don't think that the Volturi came to Forks during eclipse to talk to Victoria, I really think they came to see if things would go south and if it did then they would have then they would have killed the newborns and maybe the Cullens bc Aro clearly wanted to possess Alice and Edward. I also don't think that vampires claim their mate. It is sort of just like a soulmate link, they just know (correct me if im wrong pls!) Also, the title is based off the second son trope and how they usually end up sacrificed or looked over because of their older brother. Also if you see typos and don't tell me then you're homophobic
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