#blades of light and shadow chapter 15
sulanisun · 5 months
they really put their whole bladussy into today's chapter
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mychoombatheroomba · 3 months
Thank God, You're Finally Home
Between the Bones (Leon x GN! Reader) - Chapter 15
Leon faces the end of his assessments, and then the two of you face whatever is between the two of you.
(Cross-posted from Ao3)
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“How are you feeling, rookie?” 
Leon was, despite his aching head, his bruising jaw, the freshly sutured wound in his arm and the exhaustion from a long day and interrupted sleep, in a good mood. How could he not be, after the conversation the two of you had just had? Whatever came next for you, at least you were talking again. At least he got to see you smile. Not much could kill the high that had put him in. Not much, but hearing Major Krauser’s raspy voice sure threatened violence against that happiness.
“I feel like I was woken up with tear gas,” Leon answered, not caring if the Major would think the response too sharp. 
“Upset about that, are you?” Krauser sounded amused as he stepped up to where Leon sat at the edge of the bed. “And here I thought you could handle anything I threw at you.” 
Leon’s brow slid down, the easy expression he’d been wearing becoming something more determined. “I can.” 
“Really? Because no one else had to be carried out of there tonight.”
That fact set stones in Leon’s gut. He’d been so caught up in the pain and panic - and then elation - he’d almost missed the sinking feeling that he had, in the Major’s eyes, made a mistake. 
“What did I tell you about being a hero?”
Leon tensed, his brow twitching. Might as well get right to the point, if this was going where he thought it was. “So did I fail, then?” 
Krauser looked at him, inhaling slow. “Well, that depends. You think you can fight with that arm?” 
Eyes widening, Leon looked up, and any doubts, any worries he had were gone. “I’ve had worse,” he said, and Krauser chuckled. 
He almost looked proud.
“Well alright then, rookie. Get some rest. Report as usual for First Call.” 
And Leon was there, his arm bandaged and his body aching, but standing at attention for those first morning drills. His squad mates had eyed him as he filed in, and in the quiet moments as they waited for Major Krauser to arrive, it was Williams that spoke up at last. “Hell of a night, huh?” 
The laughter that followed was hushed and dry. The sort that was brought about by enduring a shared hardship.
 Leon couldn’t help but smile as Alenko nudged him with a grin. “Good to see you made it, Kennedy.” 
Leon just shrugged. “Wouldn’t miss it.” 
By the time Krauser arrived, Leon’s squad, though tired, though beaten down, was ready. They all stood tall, their jaws set firmly as the Major passed them each a practice knife, the silver blades dull in the dim light of the morning. Combat drills weren’t usually run so early, but Leon knew not to expect Krauser to adhere to a schedule. So, he braced himself, taking some deep breaths as he looked for the appearance you’d told him you would be making. 
Instead, the Major found another way to surprise them. 
“Hold onto those today,” Krauser instructed, pointing to the knife that he’d just handed to Shinoda. The Major was grinning, because of course he fucking was. “Be ready to use them. Now, get your gear.” 
Leon realized then that you’d perhaps only told him half of the final test. He’d assumed a fight with you meant what it usually did: you working your way down the line in the training yard, later in the day. Instead, he learned very quickly that day that Krauser had something else in mind. 
It wasn’t long into the forced march that he saw you - or what he came to realize was you. He hadn’t been sure at first; all he’d seen was the shape of a person moving through the trees. Then, like a shadow, you’d emerged, and there was steel flashing at the throat of the recruit that had fallen behind the rest. 
It was over in a few seconds, and your opponent barely had time to pull his knife from its sheath. Then, he was forced down onto the dirt path, his arm held down and your blade at the back of his neck. 
Leon and the rest of his unit went for their own knives, until Krauser’s voice halted them. “No, no. This isn’t your fight,” he hissed, and everyone stilled. “Don’t worry, the Sergeant has plenty of time. You’ll all get a chance to play.” Leon was suddenly aware of his heart beating more heavily as you stood, helping your defeated opponent up as you did. The intensity he’d come to know from you was back, a suit of armor that kept you well-protected as you moved off the path and into the trees once more. Armor that he saw a chink in when you met his eyes briefly, and he saw a challenge sparkling there in the low light. Then you were gone, and the game truly began. 
And a brutal game it was. 
You didn’t play fair - and Krauser likely had instructed you to do just that. There were nine more recruits to fight through, and it soon became clear that you were taking your time, choosing moments when they wouldn’t expect it. You went after one during the morning exercises, attacking when the recruit was doing push-ups. Leon managed to shout his comrade a warning, letting him get up in time to mount a defense. In the end, though, it didn’t matter. 
Shinoda’s fight came at breakfast, right as he set his food down. The violence earned shouts from the other recruits watching, a savage chorus cheering on the combat. Shinoda was able to use the tables to his advantage, and after a few minutes of cat and mouse play, he managed to land slashes on your arm and leg. 
You still ended the fight as the victor, though, with a slash across the belly. 
“You two train together,” Williams pulled Leon aside, as the group was headed to the firing range. Paranoia had everyone in a stranglehold, and they were all dealing with it in their own way. Williams, it seemed, wanted to plan ahead. “Anything to watch out for? Weaknesses?” 
Leon wasn’t sure how to answer. He knew you better than they did, true, but pointing out your weaknesses felt like a betrayal. Even if you were, in essence, picking them off one by one. But then, would it even matter if they knew? Would they be able to adjust in time to beat you? 
Luckily, Alenko was there to return the favor from the night before and saved Leon from answering. “If you don’t know by now, then you haven’t been paying attention,” he said. 
Alenko must have been paying attention, though, because when you rushed him only moments later, he held his own well enough. At least, he did, until you pulled another blade into the fight - one concealed at the small of your back, beneath your shirt. 
Then, even Leon who had fought you more than anyone else on base felt nervous. You’d never used two knives before, not that he’d seen. Still, as he watched your exchange with Alenko, he realized that you must have been practicing as much with your own squad. You danced with the twin fangs well, and secured another victory in doing so. When you locked your blade against Alenko’s throat, your eyes found Leon’s, and any frustrations he might have had about this new development melted away. 
He’d asked you not to go easy on him, after all. 
So Leon awaited his turn, keeping his guard up with the rest of his squad as the day went by. Some of them came close, but none of them managed to score a victory against you. Not when you had the element of surprise and were armed just as they were. He watched each fight - not quite the easy affairs they once were, but still incredible to behold. At least, as far as Leon was concerned, they were incredible. Steel was an art with you - a song that only you knew the steps to. 
Still, he didn’t let his focus waver. He had to get through this and then, perhaps, he could entertain those thoughts. 
If you were willing. 
Instead of thinking of how beautiful you looked with those weapons, Leon focused on how you were just a touch slower to act with your off-hand, when you had two knives out. How you would sometimes go for the binds he knew you favored, only to reconsider and go for an attack at the last minute. 
Williams was the ninth fight, and she nearly had you. As strong as she was, and with her reach, she was able to cage your weapon against your leg, and nearly ran you through with a stab. Then, your other hand went for your second knife, and you spun to the side. The dulled blade met her neck, and then only Leon remained. 
“Of course Kennedy gets saved for last,” Williams grumbled, not happy with losing. 
Leon wasn’t sure what it meant that everyone had lost so far, but he did his best not to let it affect him. Krauser had trained them well. You had given him the tools he needed to win. All he needed to do was keep alert and apply what he’d learned. 
He kept an eye out through his drills and hand-to-hand sparring and everything in between. The tension dragged just long enough for the anxiety to begin to creep in, with Leon watching for you around every corner. He knew how to stay alert. How to move carefully and watch closely. How to react quickly, if he needed to. He knew that was likely all that saved him, when the time came. 
He was sparring with Alenko when you made your move. He almost didn’t realize you were approaching - Alenko’s eyes widening, and the sound of quick footsteps were the only warning he got. 
He got his block up just in time to fend off the stab you brought down on him, and staved off another as you brought your blade down and around, switching hands. It led to the two of you being locked together for a moment, his hands closed around either of your wrists and your eyes fixed on each other. Leon saw that flare of life in your eyes, the same way you’d looked the night you kissed him, and it sent electricity through him. 
You brought your leg up, kicking him away. Leon took the opportunity to draw his own blade, nostrils flaring as he bent his knees. Raised his guard. 
Something unspoken passed between the two of you - warm and charged - and then you were both rushing forward. 
Leon couldn’t even say what happened in those first few seconds. All he knew was that you moved, and he moved with you, a series of attacks, blocks and ripostes that he got through purely on instinct. His body remembered where to go, what to do, your lessons and Krauser’s ingrained in his bones. He felt your knife brush against his forearm as you twisted it. He felt his own blade do the same when you didn’t get out of the way fast enough. 
When the two of you separated, you were both breathing heavy, neither one of you down for the count. 
And you were almost smiling. 
 “Not going to use both?” Leon asked, pointing at your waist where he knew the second knife was hidden. It was a risk, but you weren’t as used to fighting with the two blades, he’d seen it. Maybe, if you took the bait, you would trip up. Make a mistake. Then he might be able to win.
Or, he’d get cut to theoretical ribbons. 
Either way, he was about to find out because you took the bait. You didn’t give him a response as you pulled your second knife out - you only looked at him with a raised brow and a tilted head. He knew that look, now. It was the expression you took on when you were sure you were going to win. Your funeral. 
Leon found some pride in the fact that, even as you rushed him with two blades, he wasn’t panicked as he used to be. Even with an injured arm, he held his ground. 
His squad mates cheered him on as he traded slashes and stabs with you, but it was all just noise to him. All he could really hear was the sound of the knives parting air, and the sharp exhales you both gave as you attacked and defended. The hiss of pain he made as your knife slashed against his bandages on a failed evasion. God, you were fast. You hardly gave him a moment to breathe, and with two weapons, Leon was on the defensive. He would go for an attack on your arm, and you would counter cut to his arm with your right hand, your other going for his belly. He would dodge a stab to his stomach only to have to block a slash at his throat. 
His mind rushed as he tried to think of a way to get you to trip up. 
He slashed at a diagonal, high to low. Your blades chased his arm as you retreated, then turned towards his midsection. Back arching away to avoid the attack, Leon pressed forward, going for your left shoulder. A feint, one that you raised a block for. The redirected attack was caught, wrist against wrist. 
You made a mistake, then. 
You went for the disarm on instinct, and Leon saw the split second as you changed your mind, deciding that you could end the fight then and there. It was all the time he needed, and he let the knife in his hand fall. 
His left hand was there to catch it, to slash at the arm attacking him and then go for your stomach. You grunted as the first attack landed, the second missing by a hair’s breadth. More cheers, but Leon only heard one thing; the voice in his own mind. 
The knives in your hands flipped, and then you were holding them in a reverse grip. The same way Krauser preferred. 
You were going to end the fight, Leon could see it in your eyes. 
You moved first, attacking high and low. Shoulder, knee - Leon blocked both with wide eyes. Tried to slash down at you but had to move his hand out of the way of your counter cut. 
A flash of steel as you went for his throat. 
Another as he leaned away, and your second knife hooked at the back of his ankle. 
He was falling, then, and his free arm couldn’t stop both the blades you followed him down with. 
But he could raise his own knife in time. 
You settled on top of him, the points of both of your blades finding his throat . . .
. . . and your eyes went wide as you realized you’d been met with steel in your chest. 
You both would have died together, if it were a real fight. One more slow than the other, perhaps, but you’d still assured each other’s end. 
A draw. The closest anyone today had come to winning against you. 
And as Leon looked up at you, his heart nearly burst, because you were smiling at him with so much pride. He couldn’t help but smile back, and the world around the two of you ceased to be. It was no more than a second, but it would stay with Leon for much longer; the image of you above him, eyes sparkling, the sun above you outlining you in gold. You looked from his eyes to his lips and back again, and he swore that you decided something then and there. 
Then, the moment ended. You stood, placing both of your knives in one hand and reaching the other down. When you helped him up, Leon felt like he was floating rather than standing. 
In the end, only five of ten were deemed ready to move up to the next level of training. A woman named Lawson, who you’d exchanged maybe five words with and Shinoda, who you’d fought the day Krauser had pitted you against two at the same time. Williams and Alenko had passed, too, and you weren’t surprised by the news. Both were good soldiers, and they’d earned their new place in your squad. 
The fifth - the only one you’d truly cared about - was making his way to you now, his eyes somehow bright even after everything he’d endured in the last few hours. But then, he was one of the strongest people you knew. Of course he could make it through these tests and still have it in him to smile when he saw you. 
“Still managed to get another surprise in there, after all,” he said, and the good humor in his voice set you at ease. 
“And you handled it. Told you, you’re getting good at this.” 
“Guess I am,” Leon nodded, before his eyes took on a more serious light. “You still want to have that talk?” 
You expected dread at the mention of it, but instead you just nodded, a sense of inevitability washing over you. After all, you’d had days to reconcile what it was you were feeling. It was time to stop hiding from it. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, looking to the open window of the officer’s barracks and then back. This wasn’t the sort of conversation you wanted to have in earshot of Krauser or anyone else. Especially Krauser. “Let’s walk.” 
And so the two of you set out across the base, tracing a little ways away from the walls. The first few minutes were spent in a comfortable silence, one that you didn’t mind. It was a little reprieve for both of you from the day’s events, a moment to just take in the sounds of evening crickets and the way the sky was getting ready to put on its evening show. 
Calm could only last for so long, though. The two of you understood that better than anyone. And after everything either of you had survived, you didn’t want this to be the thing that finally made you run for your life. So, you waited until you reached the spot you’d been searching for - that little corner behind the mess hall where the cameras were blind and the shadows were long. Leon didn’t question as you led him there, or as you went and leaned against the wall. He settled in beside you, not too close, but not too far. Just within reach.
“Quiet spot,” he observed. 
“That’s the idea,” you nodded. Then, you took a breath and went on. “You said we should just talk about what we’re feeling next time - be flat out.” It was now or never. And you wouldn’t forgive yourself if you let it slip into the latter. “I’m ready to have that talk, if you are.” 
Leon looked over at you, and the hope behind his baby blues was too damn much. “Yeah,” he nodded, “I’m ready.” 
And there was the open ocean, uncharted and unyielding, stretching out before you. Waiting for you to take the plunge. 
Well, fuck it. 
“We’re training to fight things that take people and turn them into something else. Take their souls.” You hated that your voice already started to strain, but you went on. “If it doesn’t happen to us, then there’s a million other things that could go wrong. Us focusing on each other could make us slip up. And when we’re done here, we probably won’t even be put on the same missions half the time. It’s a bad idea. Us being together.” There was some bitter humor in your tone as all of those hard truths were given voice and form. Humor, because there was still one thing that overshadowed them. “And the worst part is that I know all of that . . .”
You didn’t give yourself a chance to second guess.
“. . . and it doesn’t make me want it any less.” 
Leon turned towards you fully, and his gaze drew you in. Unavoidable. Inescapable. You were sure that, in that moment, no one could have looked away from him. Not when he looked so beautifully and unexpectedly elated. You wished you could keep the world from taking that joy from him. 
“You mean that?” 
“I do.”
Then, he blinked and laughed a little. “You’re kind of a tease, you know that?” 
You grinned. “Trust me, pretty boy, you haven’t seen anything yet.” 
“Will I?” He didn’t miss a beat, and you were a little pleased with him catching you off guard like that. 
“That depends,” you countered, turning to face him more fully. You wanted an equal playing field. “Your turn. What are you feeling?” 
Leon didn’t take long to answer. “I think that you know already . . .” you had to give him that much, “. . . but honestly, I think you’ve been the best thing about this place.” 
That admission was almost enough to knock you off your damn feet. A little humor was your only defense. “Pretty sad fucking state of affairs for the base, then.” 
“I’m serious.” He moved a little closer. “Having you has made this all easier. And I meant what I said.” The pink blush dusting his cheeks and ears betrayed his nerves, but he was pushing through it anyway, holding your gaze and speaking in a hushed tone. “You didn’t push things too far.” He looked down at your lips. 
“How far is ‘too far’, then?” you asked, and you almost couldn’t hear your own voice over the pounding in your ears as you leaned in. It was Leon’s last chance to back out. To take the sensible path. Your last chance, too. 
“If we ever get there, I’ll let you know.” 
You’d known it was going to end this way. Still, when the two of you met in the middle, lips crashing together, you felt like you’d been thrown from the top of a building without a parachute. 
All you could do was fall. 
And you fell into the movements of his mouth against yours all too easily, less desperate than the last time. That had been all adrenaline and desire. This, you could tell, was something else. You could feel it in the way his arms moved around you, holding you so gently. So reverently. A hand came up to your jaw, and you responded in kind by putting a hand at his back, feeling the muscles that he had earned through so much pain and perseverance. You pulled him into you, taking care this time to memorize how his body felt against yours - to marvel at how right it felt, despite the distant warnings of your mind. 
Warnings that grew more and more distant as the kiss went on, silenced by a greater desire. A will to get it right, this time. A second chance at a first, you thought, as you wove your other hand into his hair. He groaned a little at the touch, and you couldn’t say what possessed you to slip your tongue between his lips. All you knew was that he didn’t pull away. He met you in equal measure, breathing heavy against you. 
So warm. 
So real. 
The steadiness of it began to turn into something else. Liquid fire, melting away at your belly. You went on kissing him, almost to spite your worries. To fly in the face of the nerves that had choked you day after day. 
Each moment was a risk, but you couldn’t care less. Not when it was Leon in your arms and on your lips. 
It didn’t seem like he cared much, either. 
It might have been seconds or hours by the time you separated. Either way, you were both panting when you got the chance to really breathe, your lips swollen and shining in the low light. “Too far?” you asked, grinning like a fox because you already knew his answer. 
“God, no,” Leon shook his head, laughing.
Your hand traveled from Leon’s hair to his face, in a more tender gesture than you perhaps intended. Still, you couldn’t deny that something in your heart stirred as he leaned into the touch. 
And the smile he gave you . . . it was enough to split the world in two.
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A/N: The final (for now) Dawid Podsiadło song rec is the "Little Stranger", I had that on repeat while I was writing these last few chapters.
Broken record here, but seriously, thank you all so much for reading! It means the world to me! Stay happy and healthy, and I'll see you in the next chapter!
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outtoshatter · 4 months
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This week's author spotlight is: the wonderful @raisesomehale! So many delightful fics to choose from!!
Beyond the Canyon Nook | T | 7k tags: spark Stiles, magical realism, found family Summary: Stiles has retrieved countless children from the shadows.
But Eli is the first child Stiles has found alone.
All I Want for Christmas, is You | E | 6k tags: post-canon, pack feels, Christmas fluff Summary: The sight of him is like whiplash.
Stiles and Derek have managed to keep up a reasonably active text-ship for the last few years (heavily due to Stiles’ undying persistence on the matter) but Derek’s recent inclination to jump around between continents paired with Stiles’ grueling school schedule has resulted in them not having been in the same room since Stiles left for Brown the summer after he graduated.
He’s broader. Taller. Hair buzzed short like it hasn’t been since he was a sophomore in high school, a scar nicked into the corner of his left eyebrow that Derek remembers hearing the story about (a frisky leprechaun with a bad sense of humor and a hard-on for blades.)
And when Stiles’ eyes catch sight of Derek across the room, his grin glitches into shock and he lets go of the door.
Which must be safety-weighted, considering the force with which it slams backwards against Scott.
Club Serenade | T | 822 tags: DJ Stiles, Bartender Derek, sexual tension Summary: Stiles, popular DJ at the Hale's club The Wolf Den, catches the attention of the bartender and part owner, Derek.
Serenading ensues.
Multi-Chaptered Fics:
Define "Dating" | T | 7k | 6 chapters tags: 5+1 things, oblivious Stiles, didn't know they were dating Summary: “You and Derek text each other memes?” she sounds both surprised and delighted - but more surprised.
“Well,” Stiles says, “I send memes. Derek sent me a picture of a newspaper comic strip, once.”
Lydia says, “Oh my god.”
- OR the 5 times people point out that Stiles might be dating Derek + the 1 time Derek tells Stiles they're dating himself.
Bite the Moonlight & Bleed Gold | E | 87k | 18 chapters tags: magical creatures, BAMF Derek, Creature Stiles, angst, mutual pining Summary: Seven years after being tricked and imprisoned by the Argents, Derek Hale finds himself off the blistering coasts of Antarctica aboard the Argentum Domina, an illegal prison ship out of which the Argents operate their behemoth, underground poaching empire. Bitter and packless, Derek spends his days working off his servitude by poaching creatures for Gerard to sell on the Black Magic Market, no future or end in sight. Until, Allison Argent brings him a capture case with a reward price so ludicrous that he has no choice but to accept.
The only problem is, the target creature shouldn't even exist.
Derek is flung fast into the deep webbings of a bigger mystery than he could have ever imagined. And discovers that, like this enchanting creature, not everything is as it seems.
Bonus wip:
light a spark | T | 37k | 9/15 chapters so far! tags: canon divergence, fluff and humor, energy bond Summary: “It’s not” - Derek cuts off as quickly as he starts, teeth gritting with frustration - “It’s not like the others it’s… There’s a reason I came to your house last.”
Stiles’ eyebrows raise. This is hands down the weirdest Derek has ever acted around him, and it’s making him curious. 
“And that reason being…?” He rolls the sleeves of his flannel up to his elbows and leans against his desk to start untying his shoes.
“I need” - Derek grits through clenched teeth - “Your help.”
Stiles just blinks at him, shoes in his hands. “That was excruciating to witness, just so you know.”
Go check out raisesomehale's AO3 page and don't forget to mind the tags, leave a kudos and maybe even a comment!
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oftenwantedafton · 4 months
Vent - Steve Raglan/William Afton/Springtrap x Female Reader
Chapters 14-17
Rating - Explicit
Warning for sexual content
Also available on AO3 Chapter 14 | 15 | 16 | 17
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Chapter 14 ~ enough ~
William Afton strides into Parts and Service as if nothing untoward has transpired; as if he hasn’t just had his conscience fighting to break free—not gone after all then, a sliver of his humanity still intact, the least human part the most humane, how ironic—his glasses still tucked into his shirt pocket, that shirt now damp with perspiration between his shoulder blades, beneath his arms, the carefully coiffed hair disturbed, wet tendrils tracking across his forehead. He finds you seated at the desk once more, looking a little overwhelmed, but he thinks not by the task you were given; rather, that damned animal trying to expose him, that would be the last time he let him loose, he could not be trusted, attempting to divulge his real identity; and what then, so soon after opening and already nearly revealed, what was the point of waiting so long to play the game once again only to have the pieces dashed from the board now?
“Steve?” You question him, bringing the man back from the brink of his spiraling thoughts.
Yes, Steve. That’s the role he’s playing now. Not the other. Not yet. He drags a hand through his disheveled hair, taking a deep breath to steady himself.
“Are you okay? You look…”
“Mishap in the kitchen,” he says dismissively. “How are you progressing?” He nods towards the computer screen.
“I’ve finished the first track. See what you think of this.” You play a sample for him and he calms further, coming back to himself.
“Well done. You’ll continue with the remainder of the tracks for the rest of the animatronics then.” He hesitates. He’s neglected to close the door behind himself. He reaches out to touch your face, knuckles brushing against one cheek. His eyes fixate on your mouth. “Open,” he commands. There’s no way to explain this if anyone walks in. Maybe he likes the thrill of discovery more than he’d previously thought. You obey, lips parting, tongue slightly extended. He slides his index and middle fingers into the warm, moist space, stopping well short of testing your gag reflex, just letting you get used to the feel of being invaded. “Suck,” he commands, his eyes going a shade darker as his pupils dilate with desire. His breath is a harsh rasp as he watches your lips close around the pair of digits, enjoying the feel of the gentle suction as he’s trapped between the roof of your mouth and your tongue. He wishes you could see yourself the way he sees you at that moment. “Enough.” It’s not, not nearly, but he isn’t going to push too far this early on.
Chapter 15 ~ ink and paper ~
You’re not sure how you feel about your second day on the job as it draws to a close.
On the one hand, you’d enjoyed the actual work you’d done, undeniably proud of how well you’d performed. The time had absolutely flown by. That certainly never happened working retail.
On the other, you’re not sure what to make of the strange encounter with the yellow rabbit, or your new boss’s erratic behavior. You sit on the bottom step leading to the stage, doodling on a page in your sketchbook while you wait for the owner to finish closing the restaurant for the night, the last employees departing. Steve glances at the illustration as he flips the switches for the lights, his fingers freezing before he completes the row. You’ve been drawing without really thinking, your hands recreating the memory of the yellow rabbit from earlier: tall and ragged, shadowed eyes and twin rows of teeth set in decaying gums where the fabric of the jaw has worn away.
You hastily close the sketchbook and rise, shoving it into your backpack, then follow the older man to his car. It’s slightly warmer tonight, a teasing preview of the forthcoming spring. You sit in the vehicle and wait for Raglan to start it, glancing over when he doesn’t.
His head is tipped back against the padded cradle of the headrest. The exhaustion is finally showing, revealed now that the second part of his work day is concluded. His face turns and he looks at you silently. There is a raw ache to his eyes tonight that transcends just being tired. He’s hungry for you.
”Let me see the book you were drawing in earlier.”
You lean forward, unzipping your book bag and handing the requested item to him. You have many drawings there: things you sketch when you’re bored in class, during lunch, after school. Several months’ worth of creations, some real, some imaginary. “You draw well,” he murmurs, flipping through the pages. He pauses when he reaches the latest illustration, the mascot’s haunted features stark against the white background. “Tell me about this one.”
You hesitate. You don’t want to betray the yellow rabbit. You wonder again about his warning. “I don’t know. It’s nothing. Just something I dreamt up.”
”Nothing, you say? This is what you dream about at night?”
You shrug, watching him shut the book. You reach for it but he lifts it away from you, making your arm stretch, your body leaning against his. “You want it?”
You let your hand drop, your fingers closing over his shirt sleeve. He’s not talking about the sketchbook, and you both know it. “Yes, I want it,” you whisper, granting him permission he doesn’t need. You know he’ll take what he wants when he’s ready. A few more heartbeats and the book tumbles from his fingers, already forgotten as his body lunges towards you, his mouth covering yours. You realize you’ve been craving this all day. Only your second time and already you’re addicted to the feel of those ravenous lips. Something flares to life in your core, warm and aching.
You try and fail to put these feelings into words in your journal later on, scribbling out each attempt, the memory of his hot tongue against yours stilling the ink’s trek across the page.
Chapter 16 ~ strawberry ~
Back in the workroom two weeks later, you’re being taught how to swap out a faulty circuit. Steve’s demonstrating the correct order to sift through the complex layers of steel and wires. You want to pay attention, but you can’t help but let your gaze wander to the older man’s features instead, watching his jaw work the gum he’s chewing.
He smirks, apparently well aware of what’s going on in his peripheral vision. “You’re not paying attention.”
“No, I am. I’m sorry.”
“Repeat the last three steps.”
You inhale deeply. “Okay, so I’m lifting this component—”
“Wrong. Try again.”
“I start from this end—”
“Stop. I can see we’re not going to make any progress here if we don’t tend to…other things first.”
Your eyes dart to the door.
“It’s locked,” he says.
So he’d planned for this, then.
Raglan removes his glasses and sets them on the desk. His hand rests on the nape of your neck as he pulls your face toward his, capturing your lips. You taste the artificial strawberry flavor of the gum, accepting it when he pushes it into your mouth, chewing briefly before allowing him to collect it back again. He draws back to study your features, blowing a modest bubble and snapping it. He grins and your insides flutter. His hand slides down slowly, kneading your breast through the layers of your bra and tshirt. This was something new; he’s never touched you there before. Your nipple hardens. He abandons it, now thumbing open the fly of your pants and jerking the zipper down. Another lurch in your center. This was new, too.
“Do you ever touch yourself?”
Your pussy throbs in reply. “A little, sometimes,” you admit. You’d never had much interest in anything sexual until lately; ever since you’d started your ‘lessons’ with the older man. You return home after work each night wet and warm between your legs after your employer’s heated kisses, craving things you’ve never known.
“What do you think about when you do?”
“Ummmmm…” The sound drags out as his fingers stroke you through the crotch of your panties. It feels so much better than when you do it yourself. “Kissing you.”
He hums, enjoying your response. “Hmmm, really? What else?”
“What? I don’t know, I just…I…” You’re incoherent when he shoves his hand beneath the waistband and snakes down through your lips.
“You’re so wet already. I think you’re ready for another lesson sooner than I’d anticipated. But not just yet.” He draws small circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves and you gasp at the sensation, cheeks flushing at his words and the response your body is giving to him.
”Do you ever…do you think about me?”
”Oh yes.” His index finger pushes gently inside your entrance to the first knuckle. “I think about that sweet mouth of yours and I stroke my cock.” Your hips arch, driving the digit in a little further. “You like that, don’t you?” You’re not sure if he means the invasion into your sex or the dirty talk. Maybe both. You definitely like both. His calloused thumb swipes your clit and you gasp. “Stand up.”
The owner withdraws his hand and you comply, easing off of the swivel chair. He kneels, pulling off your sneakers and tugging your pants and underwear down, just one brisk shove and you’re bare all the way to your ankles. He tells you to sit and he finishes removing the clothing from your lower extremities.
“Open your legs.”
You hesitate, suddenly uncertain, watching the steady mastication of the man on his knees in front of you. He rests a palm on one thigh, stroking your skin gently. “You’re going to enjoy this, I promise you.”
You chew your bottom lip, slowly parting your legs.
“Scoot closer to the edge and lean back. That’s it, I’ve got you.” His hands brace your thighs as he looks at your sex and you feel yourself blushing again. “Fucking gorgeous.” He licks a stripe across your pink flesh and you moan, the sound stifled by the hand he clamps over your mouth. “Not too loud,” he cautions. You nod against his fingers and the hand relaxes. Another swipe of his tongue. You whimper this time. You’d never really allowed yourself to fantasize about something like this, but of course you should have known someone so orally fixated would love eating pussy. You wonder if you’ll taste like strawberries now or if the gum will taste like you, and then your thoughts dissipate when he begins working on your clit in earnest, the time for teasing long past, sucking and flicking his tongue over it.
There’s a feeling building inside of you, a coiling tension of pressure that needs release. “Steve, wait, it’s…I’m…” You fumble for an explanation and his hand clamps around your lips again right before your body explodes in his mouth, quaking violently against him. You cry out against the barrier of his fingers.
“You’re so delicious. So sweet,” he murmurs, kissing his way back up to your panting mouth, offering you a sample.
The gum tastes like you.
Chapter 17 ~ mentor ~
The man using the alias Steve Raglan crumples his napkin and tosses it onto the plate in front of him, collecting yours when you nod that you’re finished eating and sets the pair to one side for the diner’s server to take. He points at the textbook sitting on the padded bench beside you. “Time for Calculus.”
“I don’t see why it matters if I bring my grade up when I’m already passing. A B minus is good enough,” you protest.
“You shouldn’t settle for that. You can push yourself to do better. And it will look more favorable when you apply to college.”
“If I go.”
“When,” he corrects.
The mentoring is something that the pizzeria owner had gravitated towards unexpectedly. Maybe it’s penance for neglecting his own children’s academic pursuits. Maybe it’s an apology given in advance for what he’s planning for you tonight.
He watches you scowl but acquiesce, opening the book.
The waitress appears to collect the tableware. “You’re such a good dad, helping her with her homework,” she gushes, taking a moment to balance the soiled plates and empty cups. “I’ll be right back with that dessert,” she promises before she walks away.
The former career counselor’s eyes meet yours. “Do you think she’d have a heart attack if I leaned over and French kissed you right now?”
“Steve! You’re evil. Why didn’t you say anything?” You hiss, sounding scandalized.
“Why didn’t you?” He smirks at your silence.
Dessert arrives shortly after he’s begun guiding you through your first equation. Bitter black coffee compliments the layers of whipped cream and sliced strawberries and dense cake. He’s gotten one plate to share, holding out a forkful for you to consume even though you have your own silverware. He watches your lips part to accept the offering, your cheeks staining red.
He can’t resist dragging you against him when you reach the exit a half hour later, kissing you wet and sloppy right there in front of the waitstaff, simply because he can, because you’re his, because he wants.
Raglan pulls off the road seemingly at random, threading the sedan through a row of trees. He shuts off the engine and listens to your breathing, already detecting an elevated rhythm. He sees you fidget and squirm in your seat and he lets the anticipation build a little longer before he finally relents, surrendering to his own desires.
“Are you ready for your second lesson?” There’s nothing of the concerned mentor in his tone now; no trace of teasing humor. He wants your mouth on him and tonight he’s going to have it; going to teach you everything you need to know about sucking cock.
He waits for you to nod and he reaches for the fly of his pants. Your breathing quickens, a panicked deer in headlights kind of look on your features.
“You’re ready for this,” he says, attempting to reassure you. In truth he doesn’t really care if you are or not. The darker side of him will not be denied this evening.
The older man notices your eyes focused on the dashboard. The button is unfastened and the zipper’s metal teeth parted. He tugs the lever on the side of his seat so it reclines slightly, affording you more room. “Look at me,” he commands. Your eyes meet his. “Let me have a taste of that mouth.” You lean towards him. He thrusts his tongue between your lips, lapping furiously, letting a trail of saliva stretch between your mouths. His erection strains against his underwear. “See what you do to me?” He pants, grabbing one of your hands and pressing it against his crotch, trapping your fingers there. “Why don’t you take a taste?” Steve releases your hand and shoves the waistband of his briefs down.
He watches you shift, bending over, feeling your warm breath against his heated flesh. “Go ahead. I know how much you want it. I bet that cunt of yours is absolutely drenched right now.” A tentative lick across the head. A gentle kiss. It feels good but it’s not what he needs. “Take it in your mouth. Like we’ve been practicing with my fingers.” Your mouth closes over the head. “Further down. Relax, it’ll go easier.” Lips and tongue slide along the shaft in small increments. “You can do better than that.” He threads a hand through your hair, palm shoving slightly against your occipital skull, meeting some resistance. “I know there’s a lot there to take in. Imagine how good it’s going to feel when I fuck that into you one day. How deep I’m going to be able to reach.” He pushes again, firmer, more insistent this time. He knows your nostrils are flaring for oxygen even though he can’t see your face. He feels you gag but he doesn’t let you find reprieve yet. “Suck that cock.”
Suction and a flood of wetness surrounds him, thick saliva cascading down when he finally lets you up, gasping for air. He counts to sixty and then knots his fingers in your hair again. He doesn’t have to push as hard this time. Your mouth slides down and he sets a rhythm, hips lifting gently to meet your mouth. “Better. I knew you’d be a natural at this. You take to everything so quickly.” He allows another brief respite and then he repeats the process, fucking your mouth more roughly now, straining your gag reflex. The head of his cock batters the back of your throat. He groans, praising you again. “You’re doing so well. You deserve a reward, I think. Would you like me to eat you out after?” Some moans around his shaft, the words unintelligible. “Don’t talk with your mouth full, darling.”
He lets you disengage from his prick long enough to answer him properly. “Yes, I want you to eat my pussy,” you gasp. Your saliva coats him thoroughly, saturating the bunched briefs and staining your chin and cheeks and throat.
“Good girl. Make me cum now. And be sure to swallow all of it.” He shoves your mouth back down over his cock. There is no more restraint. His pelvis slams upward roughly, his dick fully engulfed. His head snaps back against the headrest, the muscles and tendons in his neck visibly straining, the fingers in your hair tightening. He curses when the orgasm hits hard, his hips hitting your mouth even harder as his seed spills inside. He can hear the sound of you swallowing that load, the absolute desperate gulp of it.
Your face looks positively wrecked, hair damp from saliva, lips swollen, lashes moist from tears that mark the straining you’ve endured. William smooths away the wet tresses that are mementos of the debauchery and cups your cheek in a manner that’s almost tender. “You did so well,” he praises you.
Ten minutes later he’s licking your own release from your entrance. Twenty more and you’re delivered back to your driveway.
He stays there, watching until he’s certain you’ve made it safely indoors. Such a concerned adult, as if there might be a monster waiting to snatch you in the shadows.
As if he, William Afton, isn’t that very monster.
He returns home and takes a long shower, eventually emerging and swiping at the steam clouding the medicine cabinet’s mirror.
The yellow rabbit does not appear.
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fuukonomiko · 4 months
Rejected Scenes From My Fanfic
One of my commenters requested to read my discarded chapters so I'm posting it here instead of AO3 because I don't want to confuse people. So here is one of them. I have like 15-20 pages of rejected material and I think I will put them on here for....those who are bored or intrigued.... (Official fanfic here)
Also @kaladinkholins Thank you for your support :D
The eating scene will be in another post :)
Here goes:
She stayed in her cabin. She wasn’t sure how long. All she knew was that she felt emotionally ill. The captain had been checking in on her and had left some food outside her door. She simply replied she felt unwell. 
I can’t let myself be overcome by this, she scolded herself. 
Mizu alighted from her room. It was dark. The deck was empty save for one sailor who was watching over the raven’s nest.
The moon was out, casting light upon her. The seas were calm, in much contrast to what she felt inside. The samurai stretched her limbs, stiffened as they felt from her lack of motion the day before. She can’t allow herself to slack off from her training. 
She caught a sheathed sword thrown at her. Across her was Taigen, holding the broken blade forged by Master Eiji. Before she could utter a word he was already in front of her, sword raised in offense.
“Ha!” she blocked him rapidly, kneeling on her right side to absorb the strength of the blow. She pushed back and kicked him on the stomach. Taigen retreated a few steps before striking again, swinging his sword before her which she avoided narrowly. Mizu hopped up on one of the platforms as she avoided his strikes. She masterfully evaded them while taking jabs at Taigen who had ducked it with just as much mastery.
Shadows of a majestic battle occurred on the deck of that ship. Neither one gained an advantage. Mizu climbed the mast and the poles. Taigen followed her without fail. She flipped and somersaulted her way around the ship and he swiped when he had the chance. At one point Mizu stepped on a loose plank and fell backwards. Taigen dove forward and had the broken blade across her throat.
Mizu found herself looking up at him, his breath visible as he tried to catch it. It was bone chilling cold outside and neither of them seemed to have noticed. A thin film of sweat was on his forehead. She waited for him to speak, expecting expletives, rage. Something foul and filled with hate.Taigen’s features appeared to soften as he pulled back the sword from its threatening position, casting it aside as it made a resounding clang. His hands found their way on either side of Mizu’s head.
“Claiming your honor back?” she taunted as he looked down on her, eyes taking in the curves and angles  of her face.
“Something better.” he took in a deep breath and in a heartbeat his mouth was over hers, kissing her with the utmost restraint. 
Mizu gasped when she felt his lips over hers. It was soft as she remembered, warm, tender. His fingers twined in the deep brown tresses of her hair. His body closed the distance between them and she felt the goosebumps on his skin. He pulled back slowly, the most tender of expressions on his face.
“I don’t know what you were expecting.” he spoke softly. “But I can tell this was not it.”
A confused look crossed her face. “I’m not sure….” she answered, puzzled. 
“Are you going to hit me again?” 
“Only if you’re into that…peculiarity.”
Taigen laughed out loud, releasing her face but pressing his forehead against hers. “I want you to know….that I accept you. All of you….if that’s not evident now, then I’m stating it to you.For all you are. For who you are.”Her hand found itself on his wrist. 
“You…you don’t mind that I am a woman?”
He pulled away slightly. “Should I?”
A corner of Mizu’s lip lifted. “Some men do not want to be taken down by a woman.”
“I am not just any man.” he rationalized as he pulled her into his arms. “You’re Mizu. Man. Woman. It doesn’t matter to me. All I want is you. For all you are.”
Mizu allowed him to embrace her, even relaxing her shoulders as she savored his closeness. His heart was palpitating against her, and it felt soothing. She placed her hand over it, feeling it alive and throbbing.
They were on that deck for a while, with Taigen standing up first and letting her go. “It’s getting cold.” he stated as he offered a hand. He escorted her back to her quarters where it was less chilly. Mizu gave his hand a squeeze. “Taigen…”
“I felt that.”
If he could turn red, he would have. He didn’t think Mizu would have detected the reaction she again triggered by her nearness. He was wearing his hakama, dammit! How? How could she know? Was it outlining his outfit again?
A short laugh came out of her lips as she pulled him closer. “Just so you know, those things don’t scare me.”
“I don’t think anything scares you, to be honest.”
“One thing does….that I would die before getting my revenge.”
He took a seat next to her. “I’ll make sure you don’t. Even if I have to die doing so….”“Stop offering your life for mine.”
“It’s a worthy sacrifice.”
Mizu became silent as she took in his words. “Taigen I….I can’t ….I’m not the person for you. It’s not that I feel nothing. But I don’t know if I can reciprocate what you are offering me. You…you’re offered me so much and I don’t know if I could do the same….I’m damaged goods. You need better.” She raised her gaze to meet his brown eyes. “I don’t know if I can make you happy.”
He looked at her, the tenderness not waning. He rested his cheek on the top of her head. “I don’t need you to make me happy. Just being around you does that to me. I won’t ask for anything….other than…perhaps….would you allow me to make you satisfied?”
She pulled away, eyeing him curiously. Taigen bent down to kiss her, again, this time firmer, more passionate, more tenderness. Mizu felt him pressing against her, guiding her to lay on her bed. 
He slowly backed away when she was supine, lips parted, cheeks flushed. Taigen had his hand on the belt of his robe. “May I satisfy you?”
Mizu nodded slowly. 
She reached out to him, and he took that hand, planting a kiss on her calloused palms. Her hands were not soft, not in the least. They were hardened by years of labor, gripping that smithing hammer and brandishing her sword. He rubbed his cheek against it, the rough skin signifying her strength. 
It turned him on immensely.
His lips traveled slowly on the length of her arm, going down until he reached her beautiful face. He took her lips again, kissing with fervor and allowing her to realize the urgency of his need. He found that he likes kissing her. He liked it more that she kissed him back. 
Taigen started to undo her top, almost tearing it with impatience. When he met with her bindings he undid them with care. He did not know how long she had not done this, and he didn’t want to overwhelm her with his desire, no matter how fervent it was. 
“You’re beautiful.” he murmured as her chest was exposed to him. “So, very beautiful.” 
Mizu was warm. The coolness of the air was now an afterthought. His gaze warmed her over and when he reached over to touch her body it was all she could do not to whimper. His touch was firm, his fingers tracing every line and curve he exposed as he slowly peeled off her clothing. Between her legs developed a tingling sensation that had long been dormant and she almost felt ashamed that it occurred. “I want you, Mizu. All of you.” he  bent down to kiss her neck, lips moving across her shoulders. 
“Take it all, then….” she whispered as her body moved of its own accord to follow his touch. Her hand found its way to hair, grasping its lengths as he went about trailing kisses on her skin.
Mizu let out a sound foreign to her ears as he performed a slow exploration of her body. It only seemed to entice him as she felt him nibble in places that he passed. When Taigen reached her breasts he rubbed his cheek on the turgid nipple before taking it in his mouth and sucking 
She moaned, loudly, fingers gripping the sheets of her mat. When one of his hands found the delta between her legs she just about bolted off her bed. “I suspect I found a place that you like.” he stated as his fingers felt the moisture between her thighs. He probed the warm, soft spot and the heat was more than he could bear. 
“Mizu….” his voice cracked as his digits slid to explore her. The cry she let out was music to his ears. She was tight. She was wet. She made sounds he didn’t know she was capable of. Mizu writhed beneath him and it was the most beautiful sight to behold. 
Taigen positioned himself between her strong legs, slowly guiding his rigid length into her. It was his turn to take in a sharp breath as he made entry. He cursed so uncharacteristically when he finally fitted himself. He lifted her hips, tilting them so he could reach as deep as possible.
“You feel so good, Mizu.” he cried as his member swelled inside her. He watched the pained expression on her face as he bent to kiss her again.He gripped her hips as he started to move. Forward. Back. Pushing in as far as he could and pulling out almost completely. He dipped in rapid succession, responding to the intensity of her cries. Mizu buried her fingers on the muscles of his back as she received him. She called his name out in pleasured agony. Slowly he emptied himself into her, his breath trying to  catch up. 
Taigen gently lowered himself on her, savoring her skin against his. He could feel her breath on his forehead, her long fingers resting on the small of his back. His entire body tingled with ecstasy, even as he had already climaxed. He wanted to savor every little bit of it as he closed his eyes, his hand resting on her hip. 
“Mizu.” He was panting, heart beating so fast it felt like it was going to bounce off his chest.He could hear her own heart palpitating against his cheek. 
For a good amount of time they lay there, resting against each other. Taigen was the first to lift his head, watching her afterglow. He decided he liked the way her eyes darkened with the pleasure he was able to bestow on her. Her lips looked dry and he watched her lick them quickly with her tongue. 
He rolled over to her side, relaxing his muscles. His right hand crept to take hers to give it a squeeze.
“I’m sorry.”Those were the first words out of her mouth after a long bout of silence. Taigen wasn’t sure how to take that.
“For laying with me?” he ventured curiously.
“No.” she denied with firmness. “I’...I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want.”“
You just did.” his tone was intrigued as he raise himself by an elbow/ “You know what I mean, Taigen.” she sighed. 
“I can’t…I can’t be your domesticated little housewife who waits with a warm meal and the children all washed and ready.”
His brows met. “Who said I wanted that? Did you not hear me earlier? Has the clanging of the metal of swords dulled your ears? I said just being with you is enough for me. To help you get your vengeance. Your fight is my fight. I offer you my life, to do with as you please.”
“I want you to live and be happy.”
“Then I will make an oath not to die.” he stated as his finger found its way to her belly button.
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xxnghtclls · 8 months
Chapter 16
(Chapter 15; Chapter 17)
True Form Sukuna x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Graphic Depiction Of Violence
Please see Chapter 1 for tags!
Dance With The Devil
The darkness of the night wraps around the both of you, as he carries you deeper into the woods. Step by step. It’s been a while now since he saved you from these beasts, almost feels like an eternity. You heard no sign of threat since, only the sounds of snow and twigs cracking under his weight.
It’s so cold.
The muscles of his shoulder underneath you start to relax, the longer he carries you. You notice, that never ever, his skin felt cold to you. The arm, that presses into the back of your thighs, holding you, the shoulder, that your belly is laying against and his back, that your hands are pressing into. All feel warm. However, you start to shiver, as the dampness of your clothes and the never ending snowfall presses the cold into your back. Every snowflake that blows onto you, feels like a needle and deep, in the back of your head, you wish that he would hold you closer to him.
No. I don’t.
Suddenly the blackness gets illuminated in a soft orange. In front of you, you see his tall shadow move through the snow, reflecting on the grid of the branches and the footprints he leaves behind in the soft white cotton of the snow, walking through the darkness. You feel something hot, burning, near your thigh. The sudden warmth gives you goosebumps and you push your upper body up on his shoulder blades. Turning around as much as you can, you discover, that he manifested a flame in his left hand. Not knowing if it’s supposed to warm you or light the way, you softly sigh and turn back around.
He walks and walks and walks and after a while, you notice that the snowfall slowly stops. Sukuna comes to a halt and in the reflection of the trees in front of you, you see the small flame light up and growing larger. You turn around again and in that moment he throws the flame forward, out of his hand. It lights up the ground in front of him and sets it on fire. The snow and ice is melting and sends a loud hissing sound to your ears.
The space around around the both of you grows dark again, as the flame expires. Sukuna holds you tight, before he drops you roughly on the ground in front of him. The impact stings in your cold, tired feet, while you hear him walking past you. You just stand there, eyes locked down to your feet, looking into the darkness. The sound of wood breaking and twigs crackling reaches your ears and soon a soft whoosh is audible, the ground you illuminates again.
A fireplace?
You can see more now. The ground beneath you is empty, no snow, no plants, just dirt. The fire melted it all away. It reminds you of the sight six years ago and you start to suppress the thought of being devoured by him, that‘s knocking on your mind. Slowly, you concentrate on the warmth the fire gives you, feeling warmer, as the heat of the fireplace reaches your back. Crossing your arms, you start to stroke soothingly over them, still not turning to face the man you once called King. He is silent, although you feel his stare bore into your back. The silence between you grows and grows. Each others pride fighting against each other.
And you can’t bear it.
Say something.
Your heartbeat grows louder and heavier. The familiar sound of his nails tapping impatiently against something reaches your ear and it wrecks your nerves. You sigh in annoyance. This moment of silence feels like an eternity. It’s uncomfortable, too. After everything he did, you can’t let him win this battle. You need to stand your ground.
Let him speak first.
“Your defense sucks.” he grumbles behind you. Your ears jump backwards as he starts to speak. Suddenly the dagger, that he hold in his hand this whole time, lands with a sharp sting in the ground right next to you. The impact making you jump a bit. You turn your head, just to eye him in the corner of your eyes. His muscular figure is illuminated by the fire, his gaze serious.
“Attack!” he orders, as he lowers himself into a defensive position. You eye him up and down and you can’t help to feel like he’s ridiculous. Giving him the cold shoulder, you turn forward again, ignoring him.
Stand your ground.
He chuckles and heavy footsteps start to walk up and arrive directly behind you.
“I know you want to.” he whispers in your ear, grabbing your arms. It’s sending goosebumps all over your body and you hate that he still has this impact on you. Sighing louder, you feel your anger growing again, heart in your throat.
“Do it.” he breathes, his nose and lips grazing the shell of your ear. Your blood starts to boil and you turn around, growling in anger, crouching in the process, pulling the dagger out of the ground and start to attack him. He dodges every of your tries to stab him. You tumble forward, while you aim for his stomach, chest and neck.
“More!” The way he smirks at you, while you’re trying to wound him. It makes you desperate.
Left. Right. Over. Under.
You wail in anger, while he moves so effortlessly, dancing around the sharp tip of the dagger.
“Use those claws, little kitten!” he mocks and hearing his nickname for you almost tears every last nerve you have in you. You attack and attack and attack. Putting so much anger in each blow, that you sincerely hope that you will hurt him, make him bleed. Your fierceness, however, can’t make up for the condition your body is in and you grow tired quickly. In the blink of an eye, Sukuna slips the dagger out of your hand, throwing it back into the dirt right next to you. He grabs you by the neck and yanks you towards him.
“You’re dead.” he hisses, dropping his smirk, as he pulls you closer, hovering over your face. “A dead runaway, wearing the keepsake that reminds her of her King” he continues. Your anger and the way his fingers impede the bloodflow to your brain, just like when he fucked you so good and heavy, makes your body react with arousal between your thighs.
I hate him.
You breathe heavily and angry against him, before he huffs and lets go of you. Knowing, that he can smell you, you hate how he won this fight. Not only physically, but also mentally. He drained you even further, your body now being so tired, another escape attempt isn’t even an option. You hate, how he knows it and you hate how you fell for his little trap.
“You’re still bleeding.” he says, his eyes shooting down to your cunt, before he turns around to sit on a fallen tree trunk. You pause, panting from the exertion you put your body in.
“Why are we here?” you ask, ignoring his comment. Sukuna looks at you serious.
“To remind you of your place.” he grumbles, eyeing you. You huff, feeling your abdomen stir and a cramp approaching.
“My place is not by your side.” you say, not looking at him. “You made sure of that.” you whisper, as you look back into his red orbs.
He squints his eyes and you notice his jaw clenching.
“Fool.” he growls. “You’re mine.”
“You think you own me, just because you fucked me.”
“You begged me to claim you.” he hisses.
You huff at his answer and shake your head. Turning to your right, you crouch down in front of the fire and reach out your hands to warm yourself.
“I wish it was that easy.” you whisper as you stare into the flames. “I wonder if the women housing in your perfect little shrine think the same.”
You hear him smack his lips and his breath becoming more annoyed. Your own hitches as another cramp approaches and you distort your face in agony.
“What a whore of a King.” you whisper.
His fingernails tap and scratch on the wood angrily, tearing your last nerve, making you want to say what’s been lingering on your mind.
“I hate you.” only a breath.
He shoots up from the log he’s sitting on, only to crouch down next to you.
“Oh yeah?” he grabs your chin harshly to turn your face towards him. “You know what I hate?” he hisses at you, making your heart feel like it’s going to stop. “Disrespectful little brat bitches like you. How dare you speaking to your King like that? How dare you running away in the middle of the night? How dare you to look at that insect of a man?”
You look at him in confusion. His grip grows tighter.
“Devoting yourself to me on your knees, begging me to claim you and then looking at this pathetic mortal bastard with those bright little eyes of yours, while sitting up there on the throne right next to your King.” he growls. “You’re pissing me off!”
You huff.
“You are no King to me.” you say in disbelief. Hearing that he thinks of you like that, doubting you like that, fuels your rage. His lip twitches, as he listens to your words.
“What would your new little fucktoy think, if she saw you getting jealous over a glance from me to a stranger, a glance filled with emotions that were reserved for you?” you spit back. “Devoting herself to you, looking at you with her bright little eyes, then seeing you come for me, after I ran away?” you talk faster, louder, as you lean in, pushing against is grip. “Knowing you saved my life from monsters in the dark? Hearing your voice echoing through the woods, as you screamed that I’m yours? All of that for just another subordina-”
“She’d be reminded of her place.” he growls back, interrupting you, as his eyes glow into yours.
Your breath hitches and you muster his face, as you didn’t expect this answer from him.
“So what was my place then, when I saw you treating her like me? Heard you treating her like me?“ your voice resigns. He pauses, his eyes drop to your lips.
You huff. “I guess, I am.” you whisper, as you yank your head out of his grip, turning your face forward again. Sukuna growls in annoyance, leans back and sits down against the log. The silence between the both of you grows back.
It’s different this time. Less… heavy.
Another cramp in your uterus reminds you of the cotton cloth that’s still in there. Ignoring Sukuna’s presence, you reach down between your thighs and pull the bloody cloth out of your cunt. Somehow, removing it gives you a feeling of relief and you throw it into the flames before you. The smell of burning blood fills the air.
It stinks.
You notice, that your thighs are all bloody, including parts of your kimono. Not having anything left you could stuff into you to prevent you from bleeding, you just leave it.
Can’t do anything about it anyway, you think to yourself, before you lay down on your right side, having Sukuna sitting against the log near your feet. The dirt is so cold in comparison to the hot fire right in front of your face. You feel tired. Breathing steadily, feeling warm and feeling like the both of you got some steam off between each other, you slowly start to relax. Knowing, that he’s watching you, you wonder, if he feels the same. The air around you doesn’t seem to tense anymore at least and as much as you hate this situation, blowing off steam dropped a weight off your heart. You continue to watch the flames dance and your mind starts to wander off.
Sukuna seems different. Emotional. You try to recollect if you ever saw him being like this, while you softly scrap the dirty ground beneath you. His wide eyes when he pinned you down, you almost saw a hint of fear in them. The way his voice must be heard miles away when he finally caught you. The way he’s so jealous, possessive and claiming.
He’s an impatient bastard and an asshole that’s full of himself, that’s what you know for sure. However, considering how he treated you today, how he saved you from these monsters and what he told you, you start to ask yourself if there’s more to him. More to his thoughts about you, his feelings.
Is he even capable of that?
You’re just another subordinate, just another one of his concubines. Well, not anymore. You’re not in the shrine anyway and you don’t know if you’re ever making it back there. There’s still the possibility that he’s going to eat you. However, why would he be so angry with you, if that was his intention? He could’ve devoured you, before carrying you into these woods for what felt to you like an eternity.
His poor back.
You can’t help, but to softly smile at your own thought. A thought that reminds you of the last time you felt truly happy. It was with him.
Or do you smile because you’re now here with him? Alone? Not in the shrine with all the others.
…all the others.
Your smiles fades. Anger still present in your heart, poking at your mind. Just like the flames in front of your face, your heart and mind dance with each other.
Dance around sanity and emotion.
Dance around repelling and forgiving.
Dance around hate and… love.
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choicesbookclub · 9 months
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Current Featured Book: Blades of Light & Shadow
Welcome to the Blades of Light & Shadow Book Club! Beginning July 29, we will replay 2 chapters a week from book 1 as we get ready for the release of book 2 this fall!
This Book Club is open to ANYONE and EVERYONE. You could be reading for the first time, second, or even a number we don't talk about. You can participate as much or as little as you want.
The replay is scheduled on Saturdays, however, to allow flexibility for people’s schedules, the replay can be done at any point in the following week. [Learn how to participate here]
Meet Our MCs:
Check out our MC / OC character page
Reading Schedule:
July 29
Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins
Chapter 2: Of Loss and Legends
August 5
Chapter 3: The City by the Sea
Chapter 4: Escape at Sea
August 12
Chapter 5: The Floating City
Chapter 6: The Cursed Isle
August 19
Chapter 7: The Deadwood
Chapter 8: A Tale of Two Princes
August 26
Chapter 9: The Queen, The Prince, and The Exile
Chapter 10: The City of Glimmering Lies
September 2
Chapter 11: What Lies Beneath
Chapter 12: The Murderous Masquerade
September 9
Chapter 13: City of Wonders
Chapter 14: City of Horrors
September 16
Chapter 15: Into the Shadow
Chapter 16: Blade of Light & Shadow
Option One: Weekend Play Only
Saturday, August 19
Chapter 7: The Deadwood
Chapter 8: A Tale of Two Princes
Sunday, August 20
Chapter 9: The Queen, The Prince, and The Exile
Chapter 10: The City of Glimmering Lies
Chapter 11: What Lies Beneath
Saturday, August 26
Chapter 12: The Murderous Masquerade
Chapter 13: City of Wonders
Sunday, August 27
Chapter 14: City of Horrors
Chapter 15: Into the Shadow
Chapter 16: Blade of Light & Shadow
Option Two: One Chapter a Day
August 19:Chapter 7: The Deadwood
August 20: Chapter 8: A Tale of Two Princes
August 21: Chapter 9: The Queen, The Prince, and The Exile
August 22: Chapter 10: The City of Glimmering Lies
August 23: Day Off (COP2) or catch up day
August 24: Chapter 11: What Lies Beneath
August 25: Chapter 12: The Murderous Masquerade
August 26: Chapter 13: City of Wonders
August 27: Chapter 14: City of Horrors
August 28: Chapter 15: Into the Shadow
August 29: Chapter 16: Blade of Light & Shadow
August 30: Day Off (COP2) or catch up day
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gaiuskamilah · 8 months
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Chapter 14: The City of Horrors, Blades of Light and Shadow book 1 / Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up), Florence + The Machine / Chapter 7: The Deadwood, Blades of Light and Shadow book 1 / Holy (Til You Let Me Go), Rina Sawayama / The Wolf and the Lamb, Aesop's Fables / The Wolf and the Lamb, Jean-Baptiste Oudry / Leviticus 1: 6-7, Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition / Agnus Dei, Francisco de Zurbarán / Ptolemaea, Ethel Cain / Chapter 15: Into the Shadow, Blades of Light and Shadow book 1 / The Silence of the Lambs (1991) dir. Jonathan Demme / Chapter 16: Blade of Light and Shadow, Blades of Light and Shadow book 1 / John 1:29, Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition
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the-unconquered-queen · 2 months
For ongoing series, they count as completed if you're up to date, but it's up to you if you want to include a series' shorts/extras (like holiday specials) or not for 'completed'. (So, for example, if you've read the one available chapter of The Deadliest Gambit, then you've "completed" The Deadliest Game, but you decide whether you consider The Nanny Affair as completed if you haven't read The Dalton Affair.)
Full list under cut because why not, but you can just vote for an approximation/your best guess if you'd rather.
(In short, spin-offs like RoE/TRR and HSS/HSS:CA are each counted as their own separate series, TRR/TRH/TRF are all counted as one series, and finally ILitW/ILB and Untameable/Unbridled are counted as the same series respectively)
Series listed in the alphabetical order of the Choices library: A (1) Across the Void, (2) Alpha, (3) America's Most Eligible, (4) A Very Scandalous Proposal;
B (5) Baby Bump, (6) Bachelorette Party, (7) Big Sky Country, (8) The Billionaire's Baby, (9) Blades of Light and Shadow, (10) Bloodbound;
C (11) Crimes of Passion, (12) The Crown & the Flame, (13) A Courtesan of Rome, (14) The Cursed Heart;
D (15) The Deadliest Game, (16) Desire & Decorum, (17) Dirty Little Secrets, (18) Distant Shores, (19) The Duchess Affair;
E (20) The Elementalists, (21) Endless Summer;
F (22) First Comes Love, (23) Foreign Affairs, (24) The Freshman;
G (25) Getaway Girls, (26) Guarded, (27) Guinevere;
H (28) The Haunting of Braidwood Manor, (29) The Heist: Monaco, (30) Hero, (31) High School Story, (32) High School Story: Class Act, (33) Home for the Holidays, (34) Hot Couture, (35) Hot Shot;
I (36) Immortal Desires, (37) It Lives;
K (38) Kindred, (39) Kiss of Death;
L (40) Laws of Attraction, (41) Lovehacks;
M (42) Most Wanted, (43) Mother of the Year, (44) Ms. Match, (45) Murder at Homecoming, (46) My Two First Loves;
N (47) The Nanny Affair, (48) Nightbound;
O (49) Open Heart;
P (50) Passport to Romance, (51) Perfect Match, (52) The Phantom Agent, (53) The Princess Swap;
Q (54) Queen B;
R (55) Red Carpet Diaries, (56) Ride-or-Die, (57) Rising Tides, (58) Roommates with Benefits, (59) The Royal Masquerade, (60) The Royal Romance, (61) Rules of Engagement;
S (62) Save the Date, (63) Ship of Dreams, (64) Shipwrecked, (65) Slow Burn, (66) Sunkissed, (67) Surrender;
U (68) The Unexpected Heiress, (69) Untameable;
V (70) Veil of Secrets, (71) Villainous Valentine;
W (72) Wake the Dead, (73) Wishful Thinking, (74) With Every Heartbeat, (75) Witness, (76) Wolf Bride
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CFWC F/AotW - Oct 15 - 21, 2023
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🦄= Bisexuality Awareness Week | 🏳️‍🌈= LGBTQIA 🎃 = Halloween
CoP M!MC and F!MC Fanart 🎨- @fairymatchmaker
Follow Your Heart (to New York) ✒️🎨| Trystan Thorne x F!MC - art by @/irdeinfierno (IG) fic: @storyofmychoices
Nope ✒️| Trystan Thorne x MC - @alj4890
Tragedy: The Origin ✒️| Trystan Thorne, Juliana Georgescu, etc. - @starsarewithinme
You're Shining (more than any star) ✒️| Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @reveluving
Fire & Water (Series) ✒️| Shreya Mistry x M!OC - @korgbelmont Part 4
Milestones ✒️| Adrian Zhou x F!MC - @cadybear420
Cas Harlow x Gabe Adalhard Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @nukritus
Immortal Desires Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈| m!cas harlow x m!gabe adalhard x nb!mc - @nukritus
Snow in Crimson, Starlight in Gold (Series) | m!cas harlow x m!gabe adalhard x nb!mc - @aria-ashryver Chapter 36: Out With the Old ✒️Ⓜ️🔥🏳️‍🌈🦄
Lucas Thomas Fanart 🎨 by @myautumnrose
When Hunters Become Prey (Series) ✒️| F!MC x you choose LI - @ladylamrian Chapter 23: The Return
Hayden Young x MC Fanart 🎨 - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Colt Kaneko Fanart 🎨 - @nukritus
Best Kept Secrets (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🔥| Liam Rys x F!OC - @ao719 Chapter 17: A Lot of Learning to Do
The Crown & The Shield (Series) ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Constantine x Jackson - @angelasscribbles Chapter 8: Healing
Forevermore (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| King Marquis (Liam) x MC - @khoicesbyk Chapter 1: The Next Chapter
Midnights Like This (Series) ✒️| Leo Rys x MC - @queenrileyrose Part 11: A Little Closer
Savage Love (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️ | Drake Walker x MC, Liam Rys x MC - @angelasscribbles Chapter 36: Lost and Found
The Stranger ✒️| Drake Walker x MC - @petiteboheme
Telekinesis and Telepathy ✒️| Everett Flynt - @asexual-hugger
WtD Drabble ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Troy Hassan x MC - @lilyoffandoms
Immortal Desires / It Lives In the Woods
Alternate Birthday ✒️🏳️‍🌈🦄 | ID OC x ILITW OC - @aallotarenunelma
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For the story ideas folder "You Drew Stars Around My Scars" have definitely caught my eye!
Also hope you are doing good, Elm!
First of all, Crys, hiiiiiii! I'm doing okay! I hope you're well! ✨ Second, I just want to thank you for asking about "You Drew Stars Around My Scars" and to apologize for the person I'm about to become.
Are you ready for it?
"You Drew Stars Around My Scars" is a The Elder Scrolls V/Baldur's Gate 3 crossover that will likely never see the light of day for several factors, such as the number of WIPs I have, my original novel, school, and, oh, the fact that I've never played BG3 My MacBook Air cannot handle those demands. DESPITE THE EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES!, I just think the game is neat and have been sucked into it in part by Astarion. Mostly Astarion . . . okay, entirely.
Background information: Ever since I started writing Keeping Count, I knew Bishop was lifted from Neverwinter Nights and that it was a D&D-based game. And I guess that's why someone mentioned Astarion as a palette cleanser to me a few months ago, shared universe and all. And my initial perception of the character was so cool that I vaguely entertained an alternative Keeping Count where Astarion shows up, seduces Leara from Bishop, and probably sexy stabs Bishop or something. And then I didn't really think about it again. For months.
Then my brain went back to it and Astarion and BG3 and I cried a bit when I realized that my laptop couldn't play the game. I'm fine. And you know what? @cosmermaid is right: Leara deserves a better companion than freaking Bishop. Also please forgive my minimal BG3/D&D knowledge, 95% of which I've absorbed since like last Monday ish.
SO! "You Drew Stars Around My Scars" features Leara getting picked up by the Mind Flayer ship post-Sovngarde and taken via dimensional travel to Faerûn where, following the crash, she joins the usual party on a quest to get rid of the parasites. This Leara is very specifically taken after the planned Chapter 15 of Keeping Count for Reasons. Can Leara use magic in Faerûn since she's not able to draw it from Aetherius? No idea. Can she Dragon Shout? Also no idea. Transdimensional magic mechanics are weird. Regardless, Leara probably mentions something about being Dragonborn and gets weird and confused looks because her definition of Dragonborn is totally different from that in the Forgotten Realms. Linearly, I have no idea what would happen, but overall, Leara and Astarion both suffer trauma from following people who hurt them and they have complicated relationships with sex. They could have what could be a very cathartic relationship. Or I think so, anyway. Also, I kinda want to know if vampires react differently to the Dragonblood.
Symbolism in the story could heavily involve stars and light. Leara means "Light of the Sea" while Astarion means "Little Star". Leara is dependent on the stars for her magic but she's lost them, while Astarion wants to walk in the light even after the parasite is gone. There's no balance and it has to be found. They're both so cold and have lived in the shadows for a long time. There are dark versions of themselves they don't want to be anymore.
There's the possibility that, given her background in the Blades and Dominion, Leara might see through Astarion's mask in Act I. But she'd end up helping Astarion (and probably not giving on that she's on to him until later) because she's a bleeding heart. Two other very important things about this underwhelming but brain-rotting story: First, Astarion wouldn't ascend. We would need a Leara Disapproves sticker because she would not be for Astarion doing that. The second thing is, well, since motherhood is an extremely important part of Leara's character, I did pick out a name for a possible child. If Leara and Astarion had a daughter, her name would be Ilmarien, derived from Quenya, Ilmarë, meaning “starlight”.
Because after all this time, Tolkien elves still make the most sense to me.
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shadowscrybe · 1 month
Rayven's Revenge- Chapter 15
Summary: Rayven is the younger sister of Rhysand in the Night Court. She was banished 64 years ago for the murder of her sister. This is the story of Rayven earning her place in Prythian and finding out what it means to be family. We all know how her story ends...but how did she get there? I don't want to forget the demon princess with bat wings. Do you?
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: canon typical violence
A/N: Oh shit! Not 3 chapters in a row whaaat thats crazy. Anyway Azriel is an asshole....but how long could we stay mad at him? Also Azriel POV chapter next? Lmk if I should make his pov the next chapter!
“Are you okay?” Azriel asked. He searched her for any injuries. 
The blood under her nails was definitely not her own. 
She waited until Devlon winked out of her eyeline to look at him. 
“I was doing just fine without you.” But that was a lie. Her muscles in her legs were giving out and she was losing her footing. 
Rahne slipped around the shadowsinger, no mingling for her today. She tried to hold her friend up before she collapsed in front of the shadowsinger. 
“He was going to kill you,” Azriel said. “You’re burned out. You do realize that? He wasn't going to just hurt you. He was going to kill you.” 
“Let's just skip to the part where you try to teach me a lesson.” She smiled sideways up to him. Exaggerating her blinking. 
Her little shadow bounced on her shoulder.
Should we kill him, too? She sent it, but it didn't make it to Rahne. 
“What the fuck?” 
Azriel’s eyebrows pinched together. 
“Rahne?” her voice was pitching higher. “Answer me.”
“She can't,” Azriel said. 
“What does that mean?”
“I told you, you're burned out.”
She watched as her shadow twisted in on herself in frustration. “That's never happened before.”
“You've never hit the bottom so fast,” he said.
“How do I fix it?”
“You ready for the lesson?” He crossed his arms over his chest. 
This is where she would usually release her shadowfire, but she would never threaten him with flame after what those demons did. So instead she stabbed him in the thigh.
He caught her wrist before she could fully plunge through, but she broke skin. 
“Tell me how I get it back.” 
“It's not gone.” He squeezed her wrist until the blade fell to the dirt. “You shouldn't need magic to talk to her. You're just exhausted. Control your breathing,” he coached. “Focus on her.”
She tried blocking out the short breaths of the shadowsinger, the whistling winds off the mountains, the roaring in her head. She didn't fight his hands, still wrapped around her wrists. 
She willed the bridge between her and Rahne to appear. The shadow slowed her rolling, matching her master’s focus. The light path they’d communicate down. Neither had needed to use the mental visual in decades. It was strange to both of them. It’d been so long, they’d forgotten they ever relied on it. 
Slowly, so slowly, her little voice began to echo down to her. 
...ven, Rayven, Rayven. Her fear rushed through her weeping. 
Rayven crumpled with her shadow. So small, in her hands. A tiny wisp of smoke curling over her fingers, clutched to her chest. 
I’m sorry, she said back. 
“Rayven,” her name on his lips was soft. “Please. Can you stop being mad at me for a second and listen.”
What do you think?
Asshole, Rahne said. 
But? she pressed. 
Azriel watched their silent conversation. When Rayven groaned at the shadow he smiled. She had been talked into hearing him out. 
She let him follow her into her cottage. Inside he kept busy with heating water on her wood stove. He wasn't moving in a hurry like she usually did. He carefully poured rolling water over the leaves and handed her the first cup. 
She debated chucking it at his head, but she was exhausted and her bones were laced with ice after being in the cold for so long. 
She took the cup but did not yield a sip. He sighed, sipped his, and sat on her couch. 
“I'm sorry we lied to you,” he said finally. “You deserved to know.”
This male was so infuriating. Shielding her from information, butting into her business, playing savior, and now he had the audacity to give a humble apology. 
But she had lied and schemed just as much. 
“Me too,” she mumbled. 
“What was that?”  
She could've punched him, but his bright smile stopped her anger cold in her chest. 
She sat next to him and felt the events of the past few days set in. She traded her cup to hold Rahne in her lap. 
“I'm not staying in Velaris tonight.” She debated going to Emerie’s tent. It’d only be one more thing to explain to her tomorrow. 
He sipped from tense hands. “You can't stay here.”
Rayven leaned into the arm of the couch and tipped her head over the side. “I’m tired, Azriel. I don't want to talk anymore.”
“He was going to kill you,” he whispered. 
And the Highlord would never have punished Devlon for it. He couldn't kill the lord and get away with it either. He’d spend the rest of the decade under the Court of Nightmares, but he would've done it. For her.  
After a while she said, “I'm sorry I cut you.” 
“It could've been a lot worse.” And she knew he wasn't talking about his flesh wound.  
“I would've killed him if you hadn't shown up.” 
He set his cup on the low table at his knees. “Can you just listen?”
He took her silence as his go ahead. 
“We have been moving very precisely with the Highlord the past decade. He won't reign forever. Rhys knows that. We make one wrong move and the future we’re fighting for will never happen. We couldn't tell you about the rebel while you still wanted to come back to court. Had he not learned what we wanted him to know two things would have happened. One, he’d never believe any of my intel or trust my abilities ever again. And two, he would've found out way later than other courts and be furious. It was essential he knew only what I told him.” 
“And that was what?” 
“A lie,” he said casually. 
She shot up. “You lied to the Highlord?” 
“I lie to him all the time,” he said, like it was obvious. “I am very careful with the information I feed him. Why would I ever serve that male after what he did to you?” 
It was an effort to cool the heat rushing to her cheeks. “What didn't you tell him?”
His eyes shone with amusement. “I know where she is.” 
Something in Rayven sped up. “In Spring?”
He shook his head. “She’s not in Spring. She came through Summer.” 
“So not an abandoned rebel?” 
He waited a long moment, just smiling at her. “Your boyfriend did not know this?”
She wanted to hit him but her arms were too tired. Eris only knew what Azriel wanted him to. “You're the reason they all think she's in Spring.” 
“I was honest earlier. I was going to fill you in when we got back.” Azriel was the quietest of the bat boys, this was the longest she’d ever heard him speak without long breaks. 
“Rhys asked for you, too, you know,” he said. “He knew it was dangerous, but he did it anyway.” 
Rhys had tried to get her in the Rite with them.  Her stomach ached at her words to him. He wasn't like their father at all. If anything, she had felt more like the Highlord in the past day. 
“We found evidence of the female a few weeks ago on the shores of Summer. Cassian got her down. She did something to him when he touched her. Rhys and I were there, but she got away.”
Rayven’s chest tightened. If the boys together couldn't contain her, then she was no forgotten soldier. “Bet that stings,” she teased. 
“She took something from him,” he went on. “She didn't land a blow, but he was wrecked.”
Rayven went still. Eris’ words flashed in her mind. 
“Why tell me now? Why make me play this game?”
“I wanted to, but you were so eager to please that prick and get your place back at court. Had we told you about the rebel, could you honestly say you wouldn't have plotted around us to retrieve her?”
She chewed on her lip. She had planned to do just that, but of course they already knew her every step. Next to the Highlord she would have the platform to change things. She wanted it more than anything else. Protecting Ironcrest wasn't enough. 
“How did you know about Eris? Today wasn't what revealed me.”
“No,” he said. “I've known for a while. Rhys had his suspicions before it was confirmed. It was actually Cassian who suggested Eris. He saw your form at training about a year ago and knew only one other fire wielder with similar structure.”
“That's a great leap in your assumption to accusation. You're leaving something out.”
“I followed you a month ago,” he said sheepishly. 
“You spied on me,” she translated. 
“You were skipping training and were nowhere to be found in Ironcrest. Of course I followed you.” 
His confession moved something in her chest. “Fine, I forgive you. Can you guys quit lying to me? Can we work together now?” She wanted to sleep for the rest of her life. 
“There's more,” Azriel said. “But Rhys can tell you the rest later.”
“Can't wait,” she deadpanned. Her eyes were so heavy, she fought to hide it from Azriel. “Quit feeding lies to the Autumn spies. You don't have to tell them the truth, but do not risk Eris ever again.” 
Azriel had the decency to look sad for her. “I’m sorry for almost getting your boyfriend killed.”
“Beron wouldn't kill him.” She wished he were here with her. His promise of tomorrow couldn't come fast enough. “That's what scares me.”
“You're really not coming back to Velaris tonight?” 
“Rahne is too exhausted to winnow us and if I use my wings again I think they'll snap off.”
“I’ll carry you,” Azriel offered. 
“Not a chance.”
He held his hands up. “Fine, we can go back in the morning.” 
“We are not doing anything. You are leaving and I will go back tomorrow.”
“Not a chance.” 
“Are we going to do each other’s hair and tell bedtime stories? I’m not in the mood to play sleepover.”
“Is that what you want? I might have a story or two you'd enjoy.” He smirked. “You can tell me who braids better, me or Cassian.”
“Don't make me stab you again.” She was losing this fight and he knew it.
“Up to you, but I’m staying. I can sit outside if that makes you feel better, but I’m not leaving you alone after we pissed off Devlon. If he comes back and you're dead to the world, what do you think he’d do with that?”
Rayven shivered at the thought of his access to her unconscious body. He followed her train of thought. 
“Fine,” she said, getting up from the couch. “You don't have to stay outside.”  
She was asleep before she hit the familiar plush of her bed. 
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Choices September Challenge Masterlist
What Could Have Been (9/9) by @liaromancewriter [Day 7] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Public & Private by @liaromancewriter [Day 14] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC; Sienna Trinh x M!OC)
Sadie's Self-Care Sunday#40 by @peonyblossom [Day 6] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Predictable by @jerzwriter [Day 9] (Ethan Ramsey x F!OC; Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Her Secret Weapon by @jerzwriter [Day 18] (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Shopisticated by @liaromancewriter [Day 14] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
A Special One by @zealouscanonindeer [Day 3] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
By Chance: The Morning After by @jerzwriter [Day 7] (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Movie Night by @jerzwriter [Day 22] (Tobias Carrick x F!MC; Bryce Lahela x M!MC)
Love Bites by @liaromancewriter [Day 21] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Fairytales by @liaromancewriter [Day 22] (Sienna Trinh x M!OC)
Summer's Kiss by @peonierose [Day 3] (Bryce Lahela x F!OC)
What Could Have Been? by @zealouscanonindeer [Day 19] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
High Seas (2/2) by @jerzwriter [Day 2] (Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick)
Not Meant To Be by @zealouscanonindeer [Day 20] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
What's Cooking? by @jerzwriter [Day 16] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
A Quick Study by @jerzwriter [Day 5] (F!MC x F!OC)
Bookcase Corner by @potionsprefect [Day 19] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Know It All by @jerzwriter [Day 25] (Bryce Lahela, F!MC)
Celebrate by @jerzwriter [Day 22] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC; Tobias Carrick)
Recovery by @jerzwriter [Day 25] (Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick)
The Great Outdoors by @jerzwriter [Day 2] (Tobias Carrick x F!MC)
Produce-ing A Laugh by @jerzwriter [Day 22] (Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick)
Our Little Girl by @storyofmychoices [Day 21] (Bryce Lahela x F!MC)
It Was A Date by @liaromancewriter [Day 8] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Private Matters by @liaromancewriter [Day 14] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Taking Care Of Business by @liaromancewriter [Day 25] (Ethan Ramsey x F!MC)
Shadows of Hope by @storyofmychoices [Day 1] (Mal Volari x F!MC)
Go On, Feel It by @storyofmychoices [Day 1, Day 21] (Mal Volari x F!MC)
Her Legacy by @storyofmychoices [Day 1, Day 4, Day 7] (Mal Volari x F!MC)
The Quest For Daenarya by @storyofmychoices [Day 21, Day 30] (Mal Volari x F!MC)
Love Is Love Is Love by @storyofmychoices [Day 21] (Mal Volari x F!MC)
Smoke And Mirrors by @tessa-liam [Day 6] (Liam Rys x F!MC)
Turning The Page by @tessa-liam [Day 30] (Liam Rys x F!MC)
(Less Than) Noble Intentions: Chapter 15 by @karahalloway [Day 25] (Drake Walker x F!OC)
Marabelle by @tessa-liam [Day 4] (Liam Rys x F!OC)
Saffron Sugar, Turmeric Spice by @lizzybeth1986 [Day 14] (F!Hayden x Poly M!MC, F!Hayden x F!OC)
Harvest Moon by @lizzybeth1986 [Day 4] (M!MC x F!Hayden, Basil Park x Sloanne Washington, Kim Washington)
A Moment In Time by @jerzwriter [Day 4] (M!Trystan Thorne x F!MC)
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moominofthevalley · 6 months
Marguerite’s Halloween Bacchanalia, Part I
On Halloween Night, Trystan and Emily are invited to a spooky party.
Characters: Trystan x Emily Rose
WC: 2.3k
R: Teen | Spoilers for Book 2, Chapter 15.
A/N: I found this spoooooky prompt from @youneedsomeprompts. Fair warning: A LOT of stuff is gonna go down in both parts 😉
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“Emily, you look absolutely breathtaking.”
Trystan marveled at his partner, admiring every inch of her body. The purple gown was perfect on her, the fine fabric curving about her form gorgeously. Starry dots of white were speckled all across the gown. The metallic corset wrapped around her chest, the tiny lace details complimenting the surly detective. Emily, however, found the dress to be a bit too...galactic.
“Ugh. Why is this lace so itchy?”
“Beauty is pain, Emily. And you wear it so well.”
“Stop enjoying this.” 
“Apologizes, but I plan to enjoy looking at you in that pretty little getup every bit as much as I’ll enjoy pulling it off you,” Emily rolled her eyes, “Besides, I know how much you love watching Blades with me! You smile every time Imtura comes on screen!”
“The things I do for you,” Emily said dryly, her lips curling into an exaggerated pout. Trystan smirked, his hands resting on her waist.
Emily didn’t have the heart to tell Trystan that she never truly enjoyed watching Blades of Light and Shadow — after all, she much preferred horror and mystery. The only reason she sat with him on the couch every Friday afternoon was so she could see the childlike excitement spread across his face.
“Well, that’s because she’s fucking amazing,” Emily grinned, “she’s fucking strong! She could crush both of us if she wanted to.”
Trystan chuckled, making a point to pose dramatically in his costume. He wore a black and gold suit, intricate details of gold lining all around his outfit. The neckline revealed a small tuft of hair on his chest. Emily’s heart danced at the sight.
“Hm, now turn around. I need to zip you up,” Trystan ordered, his eyes now facing Emily's back.
“Where’d you get these costumes, anyway?”
“They’re straight from the set! I’m friends with the director, you know.”
“Perks of dating a rich idiot,” She teased, still grinning.
Trystan shook his head, smiling. Emily’s cheeks bloomed a light pink as the warmth of Trystan’s breath tickled her neck. Pressing a quick kiss on her shoulder, Trystan grabbed the zipper from the bottom of the gown and pulled it up.
“Much better,” he said, turning her around. “The party’s going to be at Marguerite’s estate in Staten Island.”
“She’s back from Drakovia?”
“Oh, yes. She’ll be in New York for a few months. She’s planning her first fashion show since...” Trystan trailed off, the memories of the last few months creeping up on him. Emily glanced at him with sorrow. A flickering memory coursed through her. Vasili’s dagger, the deafening crunch as it entered his chest; and his last words all ran through her head.
“Is Marguerite going to be okay tonight?”
“I hope so,” Trystan uttered, “but Mags is strong. I believe in her.”
They both nodded. Trystan urged a weak smile, his hands curling around Emily’s.
“Now then...are you ready to go?”
* * * *
Autumn leaves trickled down the driveway of Marguerite’s manor. A flurry of crisp colors hurried down, rain droplets staining the windows. Vines crawled up and down the extravagant walls, alongside a bunch of window boxes that were filled to the brim with colorful flowers. Orange, pink, a crisp bright red.
Emily and Trystan stood beside each other, their eyes greeting the rest of the crew. They first spotted Luke and Ruby, smiling at their Chucky and Tiffany costumes. Faux bloody stitches speckled across Luke’s face, and Ruby dawned black lipstick.
“Oh my God,” Luke gawked, staring at Emily and Trystan, “you’re Raine and Mal! But like, in their masquerade outfits!”
“Yes, we are!” Trystan beamed excitedly, pulling Emily closer to him. “And you...actually like Chucky?”
Luke squirmed a little, his face slightly red. “She likes Chucky! I do not like horror movies at all.” Ruby smiled, pressing a kiss on his cheek. “Especially ones with evil, demonic little dolls!”
“Well, you two look amazing!” Trystan said, everyone turning to Tommy. Emily’s eyes widened, baffled at the sight of her uncle in cowboy attire.
“Howdy kiddo! You look like a million bucks.”
“You’re a...cowboy?” Emily asked, watching as Tommy politely tipped his cowboy hat.
“Damn straight! I’m Quincey Morris from Dracula! You know how much I love vampires.”
Malfada laughed, patting his shoulder. Her wife followed from behind, dressed in a sparkly white flapper gown. Malfada smiled at everyone, her black top hat glistening in the night.
“It’s so nice to see you two again,” Theresa smiled, pulling Trystan and Emily into a hug. “It’s been so long, you guys should come over for dinner again sometime soon!”
“Absolutely,” Emily said, “and who are you two supposed to be?”
“Marlene Dietrich and the woman she kissed in ‘Morocco!’” Theresa said, “One of the first few lesbian kisses in Hollywood. I just had to beg Malfada to dress up with me for the party.”
The grand door swung open, and a familiar face greeted them. Standing tall and bold, Marguerite Thorne waved at her friends and family. Her blue ball gown sparkled under the moonlight.
“Happy Halloween!” She cheered, a warm smile on her lips.
With everyone stepping inside, they all gawked at the well-decorated manor before them. From above, a giant crystal chandelier lit up the room, lighting up the faces of every guest. A large table with pastries — including Trystan’s beloved belladi — was set up across the entrance. Crowds of socialites were stocked across the ballroom, all sharing different tales about themselves.
“Oh my God!" Ruby said, her arms intertwining with Luke’s. “This looks absolutely beautiful. Thank you for inviting us!”
“Of course,” Marguerite said, “Now go on! You all should go mingle! There’s lots of food and desserts for the night, so go ahead!”
Taking hold of Emily’s hand, Trystan led her towards the bar. Grabbing two glasses of champagne, the couple sat down.
“You know, we Drakovians take Halloween very seriously,” Trystan said, taking a sip. Cocking an eyebrow, Emily smirked.
“Oh, yeah? Any superstitions I should know about?”
“There are so many. For one, you must always wear a costume at night to ward off evil spirits. Tsktsktsk, let’s see...” Trystan swirled his drink, contemplating, “Always carry at least four daggers on you. And of course, there are always lots of poisonings on nights like these, but seeing as the only Thornes in here are me and Mags...it’s unlikely.”
“Hey! Last time I checked, Marguerite wasn’t wearing a costume,” Emily sniped, crossing her arms.
“Did you not see her? She’s Cinderella!”
“Oh, come on! She’s just wearing a blue dress!”
“Not just a blue dress, it’s an exact replica of the one from the movie! You, my dear, need to catch up on your Disney knowledge.”
Hearing a gasp from behind, the two of them turned around. A little stunned, Emily’s heart fluttered as the doe eyes of a woman met hers. The woman’s dark hair was braided and tied with two pink ribbons. Emily examined her cerulean dress with a white collar, immediately knowing her costume.
“Trystan Thorne! It’s been so long.”
“Aislinn! It’s good to see you!”
Trystan wrapped his arms around her, forming a hug. Pulling away, he faced his partner.
“Emily, this is Aislinn Tanaka! One of New York’s finest lawyers,” Shaking her hand, Emily shivered as their fingers touched.
“It’s so nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too! I heard about both of you in the news, actually. You took down the Heartache Killer, right?”
“Yeah, we did!” Emily and Trystan looked at each other, every confession Eleanor told them still in their heads.
“How do you two know each other?”
“Do you remember when I told you I wanted to set up that victim defense fund? After we got arrested?”
“You two got arrested?” Aislinn asked, her eyes widening.
“Ah, yes, arrested. We tried to join a sex cult but-”
“Hey!” Emily raised her voice, “It was for an undercover mission! We called the police on the cult, but Morris and Holbeck have always had it out for me, and so they fucking arrested us.”
Aislinn blinked at them, clearly leaving her with more questions than answers.
“Anyway — I discovered Aislinn and we tried setting it up, but then Drakovia happened.” Trystan sighed, his eyes heavy as he thought of the past few months. “Well, now that I’m back in New York for good, maybe we can start things up again.”
“Definitely. I still work at Ricci & Associates, so call us whenever you’re ready.”
“How is Gabe, by the way?” Trystan asked, his hands resting on Emily’s.
“Very busy, as usual. He and Quinn couldn’t make it tonight.”
“Well, tell them both I’ll be in touch! I really do want to set it up.”
Emily sat quietly, drinking the rest of her champagne. It was no secret she never really cared for small talk with strangers — even if the small talk was with very pretty lawyers. Still, all she thought about was Aislinn’s costume. A smile crept up on her, reminded of all the times she and her father spent hours watching Ghibli movies together.
“You’re dressed up as Sophie, right? From Howl’s Moving Castle?” The freckles on Aislinn’s nose crinkled, a grin spreading across her lips.
“Yes! It’s one of my favorites.” Aislinn said, her cheeks flushing a dull pink.
“I love that movie,” Emily replied, “I grew up watching Ghibli. Princess Mononoke is my favorite.”
“You guys should meet some of my other friends! They’re all chatting by the chocolate fountain,” Aislinn offered. Emily shook her head, her hands gripping her empty wine glass.
“You two go ahead,” Emily said. “I wanna get a refill first, and then I'll join you guys.”
“Sounds good,” Trystan said, pecking her forehead. Emily smiled as he and Aislinn walked off, the backs of their heads disappearing into a crowd of people. Turning to the bartender, she raised a finger.
“Horse Creek on the rocks,” she ordered. The bartender nodded, handing her another glass. Emily took a brief sniff, wincing as she prepared to take a sip of literal paint thinner. She smiled bitterly, recalling all the times she and Tommy took a shot of this atrocious drink in memory of her father.
Emily sighed as she tapped on the now-empty glass. She debated on where she could go after this — she was simply not in the mood to mingle with some rich big-wigs. She settled on finding Malfada and Uncle Tommy. Leaving the bar, Emily walked across the grand room, pushing past the bunches of guests.
Out of the corner of her eye, a figure in scarlet jumped out at her. Turning around, a familiar red-haired face cast out a devilish grin.
“Emily Rose, my darling! I thought I saw you drinking alone at the bar!”
The detective’s eyes widened as Olivia Nevrakis stretched out her arms into a hug. Pulling away, her mouth gaped. Emily examined Olivia’s eyes, displaying a hint of something beneath. Her warm and saccharine voice shook her, and it brought her back to the past few times she met her.
“Wonderful to see you, love!” Emily chirped, her cheeks turning warm, “I should’ve known you’d scope me out.”
“Well, I do have eyes everywhere.” Olivia winked, her eyes not daring to leave Emily’s.
“What are you doing here?”
“Marguerite invited me, of course. I figured it’d be the perfect time to...catch up.” Olivia sighed. “Now then, would you like to get some ‘fresh air,’ Detective?”
Emily stared at the woman in front of her. A dare played in Olivia’s eyes. It was clear she wasn’t just here to socialize. There was something to be said. Something to be told. Emily nodded as she followed Olivia into a nearby private balcony.
The detective and the noble stared up at the New York sky. Smog and little hints of stars sparkled across the night, the crescent moon standing tall. Ignoring the muted sounds of chatter from inside, Olivia turned to Emily.
“I know what happened in Drakovia.”
Emily winced. Everything that she and Trystan faced in those few months felt like a fever dream. No, not a dream — everything she witnessed in Drakovia turned into a nightmare. Vasili was a ghost constantly lurking, waiting to attack and torment her. Her hands began to tremble. Every now and then, she’d realize that those very hands were the same that killed Vasili. Worse yet, Trystan’s hands as well — and that very thought ruined her. She was the one who decided Vasili’s fate, and although Trystan shared the burden with her; Emily owned a whole layer of guilt and shame that she’d have to carry on for the rest of her life. Could she ever admit to him the culpability she struggled with? Trystan Thorne was no killer, and yet she made him one.
“I killed him,” Emily mumbled, her voice weak. Olivia set a hand on her shoulder. “Trys and I haven’t really…talked about it. But I know it fucked him up, too.”
Olivia nodded, rubbing her back. “I’m…sorry, Emily.” Her brows furrowed, “But Vasili was dangerous. You know that. He would’ve killed you and Trystan.”
Emily wiped away her tears. A lump swelled up in her throat. She swore a ghost was sitting on her shoulders, the weight and tension from her body unbearable.
“No,” she murmured, “we could’ve fucking…thrown him in jail. Did he deserve to die? To be killed by his own fucking dagger?”
“Yes,” Olivia snarled, “all that and more. I’m sorry you two had to go through that, but it absolutely had to be done.”
Emily looked at her, her body weak. She nodded, a solemn glare in her eyes.
“What are you here for? Really.”
“Niko Borodin is dead.”
* * * * A/N: Happy Halloween Eve! Part 2 will be released TOMORROW at 10 AM PST! See you all then!
Click here for the masterlist of all my fics!
tags: @choicesholidays @choicesficwriterscreations @jerzwriter @logolepzy @mooserii @starsarewithinme @shadyinternetblizzard @urcowboyboyfriend @lexicook74-blog @leahtine (let me know if anyone else would like to be added to my crimes tag!)
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bedtimegiraffe · 25 days
(Not everything is on here, but I wanted to give people some shortcuts to the main types of posts I do- all Blades of Light and Shadow, baby!)
Bad Choices/Minimum XP Run: Rainer, the destructive idiot who blundered into saving the world
Book 1, Chapter 5 and Book 2, Chapter 15: What happens if you lose the fight with the gobtars
Book 1, Chapter 9: What happens if you lose the fight with the drakna queen
Book 1, Chapter 16 and Book 2, Chapter 2: What happens if you go into the final battle badly injured (Main screenshots) (Other screenshots)
Book 2, Chapter 13: What happens if you look at the shadestalker instead of Valax
Book 2, Chapter 15: What happens if you intimidate the (pirate) ship that picks you up
Book 2, Chapter 16 and 18: What happens if Wren and Adrina see you doing a bad job
Book 2, Chapter 17: What happens if Kade is injured during the pep talk
Book 2, Chapter 18: What happens during Nia's true magic moment if Aerin doesn't come back
Book 2, Epilogue: What happens if you go into the final battle badly injured
Book 2, Epilogue: What happens if you're aggressively unsupportive of Aerin
Book 2, Epilogue: What happens if you don't recruit Isador and Nyra
Misc, Books 1 and 2: What happens if you flub your choices so badly the party has to save your ass
Misc, Books 1 and 2: What happens if you badly flub your choices and also you get sassed about it
Other Screenshots
Book 1, Chapter 7: Platonically snuggling your companions to sleep
Book 1, Chapter 16: Making out adorably after saving the world (Mal and Tyril) (Imtura and Nia)
Book 2, Chapter 6: Encountering an Aerin who wasn't imprisoned at the end of Book 1 (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Analyses/Lore Deep Dives
Nerada stones
King Arlan is a good king, but he's terrible at reading people
How tall I think everyone is based on the lore and vibes
Aerin knowing how to heal is concerning given what else we know about his background
Ventra tried to make the orcs match human values and Imtura brings them back
DnD alignments of all the LIs
Why the way the party addresses MC's trauma in Book 2 feels so unbalanced
The Temple of Light hid the cost of Light magic, probably to obscure all the sacrifices
Textually Supported Character Opinions
Nia and Aerin should have switched places in the separate realms ending
Kade and Aerin should consider kissing each other
Aerin is 100% posing in his CG so you think he looks cool
Unanswered questions from Book 2
Ranking how the LIs handle the upcoming Ash Empress battle (in terms of supporting MC)
Aerin is bewildered for most of the Ash Empress fight
Aerin was a teenager when the Dreadlord reached out and he deserves some slack for that
Tyril has a very specific reason why he scolds Nia for using Light magic outside of combat
Aerin is sassy with the team at first mostly because he feels left out
Book 2, Chapter 8: Aerin and MC having an actual conversation before he leaves
Book 2, Chapters 9-17: Highlights of new conversations if Aerin stuck around all book
Book 2, Chapter 17: Aerin and MC talk about MC's fears before the final battle
Post-Book 2: 15 snippets of all of the LIs with each other (vague sexual content)
Aerin/MC Song recs
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star-my · 7 months
Vixen ~ Two
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➼ Pairing: Jimin x OC (Shin Ara)
➼ Length: 8.4k
➼ Rating: M (minors do not interact)
➼ Content: Arranged Marriage AU, CEO AU, Mafia AU | TW: Human Trafficking (not by BTS/SKZ members); Light Violence | Bangtan and SKZ are mafia; think Kitty Gang Jimin; Jimin calls Ara 'Princess'; Smol Ara is a menace to Seokjin | SMUT: Oral (M + F receiving); Fingering; PiV; Loss of Virginity; Aftercare
➼ Thanks to @moonleeai for betaing!
➼ Taglist (Open): @bangtan-famiglia-net @kookthief @otome-wandering @sarcasticbambi
➼ Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way represents any member of BTS, SKZ, or any other K-pop group mentioned in any way beyond the face and name claims the author made for this work.
➼ Chapter 1 (13/10/23) ➼ Chapter 3 (15/10/23) ➼ Ao3 ➼ Masterlist
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Jimin knocked gently on Ara’s door. No answer sounded from within, so he poked his head in. To his surprise, his wife was nowhere to be seen. 
Frowning, he headed downstairs to ask Mrs. Lee and Jungkook if they knew where Ara was, almost walking into her.
“Princess? You’re up early.”
Her white suit was open to show her silver-gray blouse and thin gold chain jewellery that glinted in the light from the foyer chandelier.
“You look nice; where are you going all dressed up?”
“Thank you. I’m heading to the hospital to check on Appa, then to ShinCorp to talk some things over with Jin-oppa and Joon-oppa. I’ll see you at lunch. Bye, yeobo!”
With a swift kiss to his cheek, Ara headed out the door, her ponytail bouncing behind her.
Jimin let her escape with Jungkook, momentarily stalled. “Yeobo?” he mouthed, pressing his hand to his cheek.
He didn’t stop grinning all morning (at least in private).
Ara sat confidently in the seat her father normally occupied. Namjoon and Seokjin stood in front of her desk, hands clasped in front of them.
“Namjoon-oppa, you’ll take over like Abeoji wanted, and Jin-oppa, you’ll stay where you are. I will be totally uninvolved, except when I’m not, of course,” Ara winked. “Let’s try and make Appa proud so he doesn’t worry, huh? Hwaiting!”
“Hwaiting!” echoed the two men.
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Jimin entered the warehouse cautiously. A couple of lanterns in the middle provided just enough light to see who he was meeting: Vixen, head of the Stray Kids mafia that had rapidly grown over the last few years.
In the shadows behind her, he could just make out her two bodyguards, dressed all in black, just like Vixen: black combat boots with steel toes, black cargo pants, a black leather jacket with steel studs and zippers, and a black mask covering the top half of her face. The black hoodie underneath the jacket covered her head, casting shadows over her face that were only broken by her glowing gold eyes.
Jimin had to admit Vixen was a bit unnerving. Her mind games started before you even saw her face-to-face; there was the reputation of the female mafia leader who lived in the shadows, whose face no one had ever fully seen. Her gang had really exploded in the past five or six years, taking over a sizable chunk of the city with minimal bloodshed. Vixen relied heavily on secrets and manipulation, preferring nonviolent threats to force. Her reputation included being a whiz with a blade, proving she wasn’t a one-trick pony.
Vixen took a step forward, the glint of a silver-and-gold dagger strapped to her thigh catching Jimin’s eye.
“Why did you want to meet?” Jimin met her gold eyes steadily.
Vixen took another step forward. “I want to ally with Bangtan. I have a partnership with Gray…we run a bar; you may have heard of it, Blueprint?”
Jimin nodded. The Blue bars run by the Gray Family were some of the most popular in Seoul: Blue Moon, Blue Side, Blue Hour, and Blueprint. “I’m listening.”
Vixen’s signature red lips turned up in a smirk.
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Jungok stayed in the hospital for another few days while his private doctor got caught up on his issues and treatment, agreeing a longer stay would be more beneficial to his healing.
Once he was cleared to go home and rest, he was taken back to his house, refusing Ara’s offer to have him move in with her and Jimin.
Taking time out of her gallery-opening schedule, she made sure to visit him twice a week and check up on his care.
Jimin didn’t see Ara very much (though they did make time for their weekly dates), as they were both busy working on their separate projects; Jimin on opening Dionysus, the bar Bangtan and Stray Kids were officially partnering over, and Ara on opening Secret Secret, the name she’d finally settled on for her gallery.
Ara surveyed her closet as she changed from the outfit she’d worn to her date tonight to her comfy pyjamas.
She frowned. “Jimin hasn’t been paying me much attention lately.”
She opened her spacious drawers, holding up outfits and juggling accessories.
She pulled up her contacts list on her phone, selected a name, and pressed call..
“Hey, it’s me. Want to help me with something?”
Jimin leaned against his car in the parking lot outside the mall, frowning when he saw his wife laughing with another man.
Jealousy bubbled up in his chest, and he frowned harder as they briefly hugged before separating.
The man turned–it was her ex-boyfriend, Lee Minho–and winked at her cheekily before heading to his car. Jimin walked up behind Ara and put his arm around her waist firmly.
“Hello, Princess,” he purred in her ear. “What a surprise to see you here.”
Ara tensed but relaxed when she recognised his voice. “Hello, yeobo,” she said cheerily, as if she hadn’t just hugged her (ex?)boyfriend in front of his salad.
He scoffed quietly. “What are you doing here?”
“Shopping, of course! I found something I’m sure you’d love,” she winked at him adorably, an awkward one-two blink. “Oh, and I got you some chocolate. But what are you doing here?”
“I was coming to shop for your birthday present, jagiya. I suppose I can take you home.”
“How sweet of you to offer,” Ara smiled, and Jimin felt his jealousy fading.
While Ara was distracted, gathering her bags before stepping out of his car, Jimin slipped her phone out of her purse and into his pocket. Being the exemplary husband that he was, he dropped Ara off at her suite with her armload of bags before heading to his office.
The bookshelves were rather obvious, so Jimin’s father had constructed his secret lair opposite them. Jimin put his thumb on the light switch, the built-in sensor reading his print and unlocking the Genius Lab.
“Suga, are you busy?” He greeted his tech guy by his hacker name in case he was on a call with someone.
Yoongi grunted, turning in his chair to face him. Jimin tossed him Ara’s phone, Yoongi’s fingers snagging it out of the air. 
“Can you put a tracker on it, in case she’s ever caught up in this?”
“No problem.”
“...and while you’re at it, can you trace her activity for the next few days?”
Yoongi eyed him but said nothing, opting to work in silence. “There’s already a tracker in here. Must be Seokjin’s,” mused Yoongi.
Before the alliance, Jin and Suga were rival hackers-slash-frenemies. The first time the two met in person, Jimin was a little worried until they decided not to deck each other but talk shop instead. 
Yoongi fixed the phone and handed it to Jimin. “That all, Boss?”
“For now, thanks.” Jimin left and knocked on Ara’s door. “Hey, I found this in the car,” he said when she answered.
“Oh, thanks! I was wondering where I’d left it! I guess it slipped out of my purse when I grabbed the bags or something.” She shut the door, and Jimin headed to his office to plan.
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After one of Ara’s lovely meals, the couple said goodnight and headed their separate ways. Jimin lay on his divan, planning what to say tomorrow, when his phone got an alert.
Ara was talking to Minho.
Jimin scowled and tapped into the call, mid-chuckle from Minho.
“Yeah, it was pretty obvious.” Ara laughed.
“Anything to help,” said Minho smugly. “So, how does it work?”
“It fits perfectly, you smug cat-boy. Thank you for your advice.”
“I bet he’ll be shocked when he finds out, huh?”
Ara giggled. “Yeah, I can’t wait. That’ll teach him to ignore me.”
“Tell me if it works,” snickered Jimin’s rival.
Jimin ground his teeth.
“I will. He’s been off all afternoon, I should probably tell him sooner rather than later. He probably saw us.”
“Good, maybe he’ll finally realise what he could lose.”
“You’re so cynical, Lee. But yes, I am a catch for anyone.”
“Park is either blind or in denial if he’s not in love with you.”
“Thanks for humouring me today, Minho; it was fun. See you later!”
“Night, Ara.”
Jimin huffed and disconnected.
A second later, a text from his wife popped up on his screen.
SA: Can you come talk for a minute?
PJ: I’ll be right there, Princess.
Jimin yanked his robe’s belt shut, stomped into his slippers, and flounced down the hallway to his wife’s room.
She answered his irritated knock immediately. 
All thoughts fled his mind; in front of him was a blessed sight most certainly not intended for his mortal eyes: Ara in a red lace onesie.
He swallowed and tried to refocus his thoughts. Focus, Park! Did Minho pick this out for her? They discussed her wearing it over the phone?! 
…and Jealous Jimin was back.
“Why did you want to see me?”
“You seemed off all afternoon…I wondered if something was wrong.”
“Yes, something’s wrong!” Jimin exclaimed, his eyes travelling the length of her heatedly. “You went shopping with your ex-boyfriend for that? Is he even your ex?”
Ara grinned widely. “Ah, you saw Minho and me. No, he didn’t choose this for me, I chose it myself. I did ask his opinion on a hypothetical situation or two while we were at the mall, but nothing inappropriate happened, and yes, we are definitely exes. We only had one true date, where we realised we were better off as friends. We pretended to be dating for public appearances and such, a mutually beneficial, platonic relationship to keep gold diggers and well-meaning matchmakers away. Also, I’m married to you, and I’m not a cheater. I apologise if I gave you that impression, but I have in no way, shape, or form acted in a way that would break our vows.”
Jimin sighed, knowing that Ara was right. She wouldn’t hurt him like that; she was loyal to those she cared for.
“I’m sorry. I got jealous.”
“I can see that,” she said wryly, taking his hand. “Don’t worry, yeobo, I only love you.” She looked at him from under her lashes, her eyes sparkling, yet uncertain. Attempting to stay calm and ignore the butterflies in his stomach, he replied. “I was trying to plan the perfect date tomorrow to tell you that,” he said. “I love you too.”
The uncertainty morphed into complete love as Ara tiptoed and waited for him to kiss her. It was perfect.
Their lips barely brushed, then Jimin pressed more firmly against her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to him. Ara returned the favour, prodding his lips with her tongue until he opened up for her. He obliged, gentleman that he was. His warm hand trailed from her neck to her waist, sending sparks through her nerves as he grazed her almost-naked skin. 
He nipped at her lip before pulling back a smidgen, his eyes dark and hazy. “I love you, Princess.”
The words settled in her core, warm and insistent. “I love you, too.”
His plush lips turned up before he leaned forward for another kiss.
She placed her hands on his shoulders, pushing him down to the loveseat so she could straddle him, running her fingers through his hair and her other hand down his firm chest.
Sensing her goal, Jimin leaned against the back of the seat to untie his robe and push it off impatiently. 
He leaned towards Ara’s tempting cherry lips again but she wasn’t focused on his face anymore.
“And why haven’t I seen you shirtless before?” she demanded, her fingers sliding teasingly across his rib tattoo. “You never told me you had abs!”
Jimin shrugged, focused on sneaking his finger under the strap of her onesie. “Didn’t think to tell you. Would it have made a difference?”
Ara paused, tilted her head consideringly.
“Yah! Want me for my mind, not my body!” He pretended to cover himself with his hands like a scandalized maiden. “I’m more than just a pretty face!”
Laughing, Ara collapsed into his neck, pressing kisses down it as an apology. Her warm, wet mouth continued down his chest, pausing to run her tongue over his nipple. He shivered, and felt her smirk at the information she’d just received.
She straightened again, dropping a last kiss on his mouth. By now he’d slid the straps of her onesie down her shoulders, the loss of support causing the neckline to droop and expose her breasts to him. 
Ara’s hips began moving slowly over his as he began kissing and nipping at the sensitive skin on her neck and chest. A tug, and the red lace pooled even lower at her waist. His hand was arrested from ripping it off completely as Ara clamped her hand over his, surprisingly firmly. 
He glanced up at her, taking in her loose, mussed hair, shiny red lips, and half-lidded eyes; the prettiest sight he’d ever seen. “Princess?”
She glanced down to their hands, biting her lip. “I…uh…you’re my one and only, Jimin.”
Jimin’s eyes widened. “Oh! I see…uh…do you…Should I slow down?”
“No, it’s fine. I just want it to be slow and special?” She met his eyes.
“Of course, Princess. Thank you for telling me. Is there anything else you want…?” She shook her head. “No, you’re perfect. I just thought I should tell you so you’re not surprised.”
“Right, yeah, good idea…I just thought…y’know…” “Yeah,” she giggled awkwardly, swooping in to sweetly kiss him. “Thank you for being so understanding.”
Jimin smiled widely at her. “No problem at all, jagiya.” He kissed her softly. “How about you tell me what you want me to do, eh? Do you want to keep making out or…”
“Park Jimin, we have been married four months and have kissed only a handful of times. If you stop now, I swear I’ll call Minho back!”
“No need to call your ex when your husband is right here and is more than willing to help you.”
“Good.” Ara wiggled in his lap, pointing at her bed. “What are you waiting for, then? Make me yours.”
A growl escaped his mouth as he swept her up and carried her to her bed in three large steps. He gently tossed her on the bed, crawling up her body to cage her in with his arms and knees.
Breathless, Ara stared up at him. He was so pretty and handsome at the same time. It was unfair, she decided. 
His soft, expert lips covering hers broke her from her admiring musings, a tiny noise escaping the back of her throat as his hand slid up to gently twist her nipple between his fingers. She lifted her hips so he could pull her lingerie off the final stretch, his thigh settling between her thighs. 
Only Jimin’s underwear and sweats remained, and she hooked her fingers under the elastic band of his sweats. 
He got the message, kicking them off to join the rest of their discarded clothing. He crawled up slowly between her legs, running his fingers lightly over her sensitive skin till he reached her inner thighs, diverting them to trace over her stomach and hips teasingly. 
She caught her lip between her teeth as he glanced up to check on her, the vision of her husband between her legs a sight that made her unbelievably wet. 
“This okay?” he murmured, his fingers pausing just above her heat. 
She nodded eagerly, resisting the urge to trap him between her thighs and make sure he never left her. 
The first gentle stroke of his thumb through her wetness had her gasping, nerves lighting up like she’d never felt before. 
“You’re so wet, Princess.” His awed voice was strained, his other thumb holding her open as his tongue darted out to lick his lips. 
“All for you,” she replied, hands moving to tug at her nipples.
“You smell so good. Bet you taste even better.”
She whined impatiently, and who was he to deny his wife’s wishes?
At the first pass of his tongue over her heat, they both groaned, Ara at the sensation and Jimin in ecstasy. He dove in hungrily, a man starved for his wife’s plentiful juices.
Her legs tightened around him, and her hand flew to grip his hair as he swirled his tongue just right.
He brought a finger up, gently circling her entrance, gathering her arousal and his saliva before entering her tight heat.
Her head dropped back onto the pillow, involuntarily clenching around his finger as he worked it in and out.
He groaned, sounding pained. “Can you take another, Princess?”
She gasped out an affirmative, groaning louder as a second finger joined the first.
Jimin moved them around, feeling for something.
Sparks tingled up  her spine and she gasped, “There!”
He resumed sucking at her clit as he stroked her inner walls, the pressure building higher and higher.
“Come on my face, Princess.”
With a cry, she let go, falling over the edge to pure pleasure.
When she opened her eyes, Jimin was staring at her in awe, licking his fingers clean, his pink hair mussed from her grip. “You are gorgeous, Ara.”
She smiled, pulling him in for a steamy kiss, tasting herself on him as she waited for her legs to stop shaking.
With him distracted, she flipped him, straddling his thighs, arms around his neck. “Your turn!”
“Princess, you don’t have-”
“I know, but what if I want to?” She peered up at him, fingers already working his underwear down.
She licked her hand, wrapped it around his length, and gave him a couple tentative strokes. “Tell me what you like.” She licked at the head, looking up at him for guidance.
A pained sound escaped him. “You’re doing great so far, keep doing what you’re doing. A little harder, ye-ah.”
Ara took him further in her mouth, running her tongue over the smooth skin. This would take some getting used to, but lucky for him, she was a perfectionist and willing to practice often.
Careful to keep her top lip over her teeth, she began moving up and down, attempting to take a little more each time. 
Jimin’s head was hanging back, his mouth open. “You’re doing great, Princess. Use your hand...yeah, like that.”
She coughed and pulled off him, the tip hitting the back of her throat. “Yeah, I’m going to need some practice.”
“Anytime,” he groaned, holding the base of his length firmly. “What position do you want to try?”
“Good old missionary?” she asked, settling herself.
Jimin leaned over her, grabbing a pillow and tapping her hips so she’d lift them for him to slide it under her. 
“You’re sure?” he asked her, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Yes.” Hooking her arms around his neck, she smacked a quick, reassuring peck on his lips. “I feel like you’re more nervous than me.”
“Well, it’s only the responsibility of making sure I don’t ruin this for you and us forever,” he said dramatically.
She snickered, making him pout. “You’re doing an amazing job so far, jagi. I have faith in you. Besides, even if it’s not great at first, we have a whole lifetime to practice together!”
He carefully pushed in inch by inch till he was fully seated inside her, the previous orgasm and foreplay loosening her up marvelously. There was only a slightly uncomfortable stretch that was quickly fading as he kissed and nipped up her neck.
“You can move,” she said, rocking her hips experimentally. 
He started off slow and gentle, getting into the rhythm. Ara moved her hips up to meet his, her fingers digging into his shoulders. “Harder,” she gasped.
He acquiesced, his head dropping to her chest, his lips finding her nipple and tugging. 
A particularly hard thrust had her nails dragging scratches down his back. “There, Jimin! I’m close!”
He moved his free thumb to her clit, rubbing in circles. “I’m close, too. Come, Princess. Let go, Ara.”
She loudly moaned his name, tightening around him and triggering his own orgasm.
“Princess…you are going to be the death of me.” He sank into her arms. “I love you.”
“I love you,” she replied, and kissed him softly. “Ew, we’re all sweaty.”
“Join me in the shower?” He kissed the tip of her nose.
“Of course, my prince.”
Gathering her into his arms, he swept her off to her ensuite, running the water till it was an appropriate warmth. 
Ara stepped in, and he lathered up a loofah with her body wash. They took turns washing each other, trading kisses and teasing touches besides the soap.
Once they had dried off with their fluffy towels, Jimin wrapped his robe around her, tied the belt, and picked her up.
“Where are you taking me?” she squealed as he headed for the door.
“My room. You’re sleeping in my bed tonight, Princess.”
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The air whistled in his ear as he dodged Vixen’s roundhouse kick. He attempted to punch her stomach, but she brushed his arm away with her own. She feinted a sweeping kick and followed up with a jab to his solar plexus. 
One bodyguard pointed to Vixen. “Three points.Vixen wins.”
Shaking their sweaty hands, Jimin and Vixen ended their spar. 
His opponent took a bottle of water from a second bodyguard  and handed it to him before drinking her own. “I’m planning on attacking a human trafficking ring on Friday. I could use more manpower; care to join?” “What will you do with the ring?”
“Take care of the leaders, send the rest to the cops, find good homes and resources for the victims. Don’t worry; I know what I’m doing. I’ve done this a time or two.”
Jimin considered. “I’m in. How many men do you need?”
“Six to ten should be good. I’ll have my guy send Suga the time and place.”
The door shut behind Jimin, automatically locking. Vixen turned on her heel and headed for the back room, her inner circle already gathered there.
Vixen pushed her hood back and took her gold contacts out, grimacing. 
“Okay, there’ll be us nine, plus Jimin, Jungkook, V, Jay, Kai, Taehyun, and Yeonjun. The predicted twelve traffickers will be easily taken if we have all sixteen of us.
“Chan, when you send Suga the message, can you add that I’d like Suga to be on standby online to follow the police scanners? We don’t want them there too early, and Jin will be busy with his division.”
Chan nodded. “You got it, Vix.”
“Thanks. OK, you all take the next two days off, but prepare for Friday. I’ll be on a date at L’Domino Thursday night. I don’t think we should reuse waiters, so Hyunjin, you’re up. 
“Call or text me if anything comes up or there’s a problem. I’ll see you Friday morning for a final debrief.” 
Vixen hung her jacket in her locker and folded her hoodie, placing it neatly on the top shelf beside her mask and contacts case. 
“Boss, why aren’t you hurrying like normal?” asked Felix. “Did you hurt yourself? Need Hyunjin to look at it?”
Vixen waved off his concerns. “I’m fine. Ara just texted Jiminie to pick up ice cream on the way home. He’ll need to text her a picture of the case and ask which type she wants, so I’ll have plenty of time to escape.”
“Smart,” her boys nodded.
With a wink and a nod, she headed into the small bathroom.
Five minutes later, she emerged in old sweats, a college T-shirt, and a fluffy pink jacket; her blood-red smirk had become a pink glossy smile.
“Bye, boys.”
A beep sounded from her phone.
PJ: [1 Image Attached] Vanilla, chocolate swirl, caramel crunch, blueberry, or mint choco?
SA: Caramel crunch please🥰 Get two 😉
PJ: You got it, Princess
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Friday night the members of Bangtan and TXT (Bangtan’s subunit of hoobaes) gathered in Stray Kids’ warehouse for the run-through.
Vixen sauntered in her usual outfit, but a kevlar vest bulked up her jacket. The dagger had a twin strapped by her left boot, and a pistol was fastened on her left thigh.
Her normal scarlet smile had received the expensive upgrade of fangs designed with razor-sharp edges. The better to bite you with, my dear, she smirked, remembering the first time she’d tested them out. Ah, that piece of trash had let out a most pleasing yelp when she sank her teeth into hisd forearm. Served him right; he’d attempted to choke her, besides committing many other crimes, of course.
The men introduced themselves as their callsigns, most of them meeting for the first time.
Jimin had brought JK, V, Jay, Kai, Fox, and Kang to meet Vixen and Chan, Lino, Hyune, Han, Felix, Min, Bin, and I.N. 
Chan handed earpieces out like candy, each one connected to his, Suga, and Jin’s lines. The members of Bangtan were directed by Suga and Stray Kids was guided by Chan. Jin was set to watch the police and help Chan if needed. 
The echo of doors slamming in the warehouse signalled the start of the mission as four black SUVs were filled with armoured men (and women). Tires screeched and they peeled out, ready for a hunt.
A breeze gently played with Jimin’s hair as he and Vixen carefully scouted the area ahead of their men.The soundtrack of city nightlife filled the air until Jimin broke it. 
“Do all your captains work at L’Domino?” He asked quietly.
“No; they were keeping an eye on someone for me, collecting information. It’s my chosen currency, you know.”
“It was my understanding that Min was a part of Gray.”
“He’s my spy in Gray,” Vixen returned in a monotone, peering around a shipping container’s corner.
“Do you have a spy in Bangtan?”
Even with the crescent moon’s feeble light, Jimin could tell Vixen was smirking. “What do you think?”
“Lino?” ventured Jimin.
She scoffed quietly. “You met him as your wife’s ex. No, he’s too obvious to be a spy on you.”
Up ahead, a figure of a trafficker exited from a crosspath. “Focus. Bin, two on your two o’clock.”
“Jay, one on your nine; V, one at twelve.” Suga’s voice cut through Jimin’s line. The dozen traffickers were quickly and quietly taken out by the combined gangs’ ruthless efficiency.
The shipping container’s lock was shot off. Even with the silencer on, the echo hung in the air, the humidity from the coming rainstorm accentuating every noise.
Unearthly groans sounded as the doors creaked open. Letting the people inside acclimate to the night’s dim light before barging in with bright flashlights, Vixen marshalled a few of her helpers to speak softly and convince the victims they were there to help.
The children inside still didn’t trust the men’s words, so Vixen crouched where the metal base met the damp concrete. 
Raising her hands high enough to be shown by the backlight, she spoke slowly and calmly.
“Hey, kids. My name is Vixen; I lead a mafia here in Seoul. I asked a friend of mine to help me get you guys out of here. All the bad guys out here are taken care of. The police are on their way to help you, alright? Do you have a person in charge here I can talk to and try to prove we want to help you?”
A gangly teenage boy, maybe fifteen or sixteen, Vixen guessed, raised his hand.
“If you’re mafia, aren’t you the bad guys? Why would the police come here if they’re not in on it?”
Ah, lovely, it was time to have the morals talk.
“Good question! Technically, mafia are the bad guys. In this situation, however, we are what you could call the good guys. Our mafias do not participate in human trafficking–some of our members actually arrived with us because they were trafficked themselves. We may be mafia, but we have rules, and one of ours is no human trafficking. As for answering your question about the police,” Vixen sighed, wondering how to explain dirty cops and their tenuous relationship. “We sent an anonymous tip. They’ll be here in a few minutes to make sure you get support. We’ll make sure they send you home, if you have one, or that you get a good living situation worked out.”
A tween girl nudged the boy and whispered in his ear. He straightened and looked at Vixen. “We’re trusting you,” was all he said.
She nodded solemnly. “Thank you. I will do my best not to break it. While we’re waiting for the police, how about we get your information, so we can make sure you’re taken care of?”
Jin logged the kids’ info as they gave it, creating a file for each one. Suga had taken care of identifying the three head traffickers.
By the time the police arrived, the kids were all in a huddle, wearing warm hoodies a size bigger than they needed and holding a pocketknife that Jungkook had given them once they promised not to use it unless it was an emergency.
The traffickers were left in a heap, thoroughly roughed up, courtesy of Jimin, Felix, and I.N. The three men heading up the operation mysteriously disappeared from the pile containing their underlings.
Once the red and blue lights disappeared from the maze of shipping containers, carrying the kids to the station to be processed, two shadows jumped from their vantage point.
Vixen’s fist met Jimin’s in an unspoken acknowledgement before they split, heading to their respective pieces of the night.
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Ara ducked into the closet in her dad’s office, laughing to herself. She’d been taking pictures around ShinCorp’s HQ as she explored the newly renovated and furnished office tower.
Jungok was supposed to be in soon, and Ara planned to surprise him and then show him the photos she’d taken that day; she was really improving, thanks to Jungkook and Photography for Dummies.
The sound of his door opening made her peer through the crack, ready to surprise her appa…but there was a strange young man with him.
“You’ll be organising my schedule for both ShinCorp and the Gray Family’s business. You’ll have Jungjoo’s list of legitimate contacts and who I’ll be meeting with on both sides of the business. Jungjoo has agreed to be available to answer your questions if you’re unsure of my contacts’ connections. If I’m around, feel free to ask me as well. The rest of the details are in our contract. Please do your best, Secretary Kim.”
The young man bowed to her father and bent over the desk to sign his employment papers. The new angle let Ara see more of his features.
Ah, it was one of the Kim cousins– Kim Seokjin, she believed. Ara had heard of the Gray mafia of Seoul–they’d just recently opened a new bar downtown, Blue Side. So her father was the head, huh…
“My daughter, Ara, is around today. She does not know and is never to know of Gray’s connections to ShinCorp, do you understand? Generally, I allow her free reign in the building, as she is not a mess maker, but keep an eye on her if she's in the vicinity of a forbidden area or wants to enter my office when I’m in a meeting. Keep her out of sight of any of my visiting rivals and allies, except my immediate family and Jeon Jeonghwa. I want as little attention on her as possible. Her mother’s death was truly an accident, but I don’t want a second accident, planned or not. Ara is all I have left, and I will do anything to ensure she stays safe. My daughter’s safety is of the utmost importance, understand?”
“Understood, sir.” Seokjin bowed. “I will keep Miss Ara safe with my life, sir!”
“Good. You’re dismissed.” Jungok nodded approvingly at Seokjin as the man left.
A few minutes later, he called his car around to head for a meeting.
Ara snuck out of her hiding place and crept to the door. Observing the new secretary leave for a cup of coffee, she waited until he was fully gone before she snuck out of her father’s office.
Her sneaking skills had really improved over the past couple of years. Her appa was much more secretive, and in the months immediately after her mother’s death, she’d caught him breaking off a phone call about her more than once. Wanting to know what had happened to her beloved mother, she memorised all the creaks in the floors, how to wear socks and slippers to dampen her footsteps, and to remember to check where her shadow was falling while she eavesdropped.
This, however, was the first time she’d realised her father was involved in some less-than-legal proceedings.
A shrill yelp pierced Ara’s ears as Jin caught his mug, startled by her sudden movement from under his desk.
Brown coffee splashed dangerously close to the edges of the mug he clutched to his chest. “Are you Miss Ara? Aish, you almost gave me a heart attack, child!”
“I’m thirteen, not a child,” Ara rolled her eyes. “Just call me Ara. Are you the new secretary? I’ve seen you somewhere before.”
“Kim Seokjin at your service. Yes, I'm the new secretary. Your father is good friends with mine, Kim Honggil.”
“Ah, you’re one of the Kim cousins. Kim Seokjin, Kim Sihyeon, and Kim Namjoon.”
Seokjin nodded. “What’s in your hand, Miss Ara?”
She glared at him. “Ara. It’s my camera. My best friend Jungkook taught me how to take good pictures. Can I take a picture of you…oppa?”
Seokjin shook his head. “Aish, I’m going to die of a heart attack caused by this girl. Sure, you can take a picture, as long as I get a signed copy.” At her quizzical glance, he explained. “I need to have an autographed copy from when you were young and unknown, before you become some hotshot photographer and forget your first model, whom you used to call Jin-oppa.” He sighed. “Ah, the good old days…I don’t know how she forgot such a handsome face,” he mourned.
Ara giggled. “You’re ridiculous, but I like you so you can have a photo.”
Picture taken, Ara headed for the elevator and waved goodbye. “I’m just keeping you on your toes, oppa! You’ll never get old with me around!” She laughed maniacally as the door slid shut and Seokjin slumped over his desk.
“What have I gotten into?”
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“Jungkook, you know how you’re going to be my official bodyguard in a couple years, when you turn 18?”
Jungkook’s head was in Ara’s lap, her fingers combing through the soft black strands. “…yeah?”
“So then I won’t have Lee watching us all the time?”
“Yes? Where are you going with this?”
“Patience, Kookie.” Ara booped his nose, making him crinkle it at her.
“Well, then I’ll be able to sneak out with you more. I won’t have to make you sneak out to get my stuff anymore, and I can really begin my- our plans.”
“But I don’t mind it! I like it!” Jungkook protested. “It keeps you safe and under Lee’s watch, where you’re supposed to be.”
“Yeah, but it’s so boring. I don’t get to practice my black belts on anything…you can join the underground rings but I can’t, yet. Ugh, I wish you were older so I could polish the plan better.”
“Slow and steady wins the race, Ara. You’ve got two years to finish learning all that stuff you want to know, as if Namjoon-hyung and Jin-hyung won’t help.”
“Yeah, but they’ll be busy for appa, and it’s too close; he’d be suspicious, and they’ll be in trouble even if I’m not. It’s good for me to know hacking and strategy, anyway. You’ve been with me for my physical training, but I can’t lead a gang just because I have five black belts in martial arts and a gun.”
“Okay, you have a point, Bug.”
“When do I not?” she smirked saucily at him.
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Ara popped the second contact in and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Two gold eyes stared back at her. Black combat boots laced tightly; black stretchy jeans to allow for more agile movements; black kevlar weave-shirt layered under her black hoodie and leather jacket; scarlet lipstick; special-made mask seated over her face, forehead-to-nose.
The get-up was about as far as she could get from her typical glitter-and-pastel outfits. She slipped the knife Jungkook had given her to celebrate Vixen’s first outing into the holster, her pistol into her ankle holster, and her backup knives up her sleeves.
Vixen stepped out of the bathroom and Jungkook, also masked and all in black, fell in behind her. Their black motorcycles sped quietly through the night to the old warehouse. Underneath the floor was a lively auction in full swing.
Jungkook entered first and began mingling with the patrons, sussing out any members of Gray or a rival family she’d need to be aware of. Seven and a half minutes later, Vixen entered quietly, staying in the shadows at the back as she analysed the room. About half an hour later what she was here for was beginning to be auctioned off.
Making eye contact with Jungkook, she nodded at him to place an opening bid. Once a couple offers were made she also joined the bidding. She and Jungkook upped the price, creating a flurry of a bidding war, until Jungkook acquired one and she the other two. 
This was the highlight of the auction, so once they won the bids, the auction house cleared out slowly. Too many people leaving at once would be far too blatant to any prying eyes.
The auctioneer approached Vixen. “Lady Vixen, your goods await your retrieval.”
She nodded curtly, motioning him to step forward, and she followed him to the room at the back, covered with steel bars and securely locked up.
Jungkook passed her on his return from the vault, nodding subtly, his new purchase behind him.
The auctioneer unlocked the door and the armed guard retrieved Vixen’s purchases: two Korean-Australian teenage boys, handcuffed and blindfolded. “Pleasure doing business, Lady.”
She smirked slightly and inclined her head at the auctioneer. “Indeed …I hope to do further business with you.” She put a hand on each of the boys’ shoulders and turned them to face the exit. “Straight ahead, boys!”
With a jaunty wave at the remaining staff in the warehouse’s secret bunker, she headed for the exit to meet up with Jungkook.
Once they were topside, Vixen put motorcycle helmets on their heads, warning, “No funny business, or we all die.” She put the smaller one in front of her and the bigger one on the seat behind her. Revving her engine, she headed for her warehouse HQ, where Jungkook awaited.
The two boys Vixen had brought were put in a small, specially prepared room while Vixen surveilled them and Jungkook’s boy, who was in a room twin to the other.
Vixen didn’t put it past the black market guys to slip a plant in, attempting to pull the wool over her eyes since she was small, fairly new to the illegal scene, and a woman.
She flicked her knife open and cut the zipties binding their wrists tightly. Leaving them, she shut the door and joined Jungkook in the surveillance room.
The first boy pulled his blindfold off, blinking at the dim light till he could see a table, two chairs, and two sealed water bottles. Once he perceived no one else was in the room and it was (so far) harmless, he undid the second boy’s blindfold and started rubbing his wrists. 
They began to talk in whispers, but Vixen had bugged the room so she and Jungkook could hear everything plainly. They spoke in English, with an Aussie accent.
“Where are we?” Boy Two asked.
“Another holding cell, it looks like.” “I hope Innie’s okay.”
“Me too. At least we’re together,” Boy One reassured him. “I wonder why the ‘Lady’ bought us…” “She didn’t seem as bad as the others, but you remember Roxie…”
Both boys shuddered.
Boy Two continued, “Do you think the water is for us?”
“It could be a test. We should inspect it.”
Each boy grabbed a bottle, carefully holding it up to the weak lightbulb in the room.
“Let’s just share a bottle in case it’s not for us,” Boy One suggested, twisting open the cap.
“Good idea, Chris-sorry.”
“Chris”--Boy One– tasted a sip thoughtfully, then passed the bottle to the other. “It tastes okay.”
The water quickly disappeared, and the boys sat on the floor facing the door, backs to the wall.
It was the same position “Innie”--Boy Three– was in. He, too, had carefully inspected the water before drinking it, before retreating to his current position.
They had definitely communicated before, Vixen decided. If anyone was a plant, it was likely to be Innie, but he seemed a bit young to be an actor. 
She unlocked the door and Jungkook walked in. “Innie?” he tried.
The boy’s head snapped up. 
“Do you know ‘Chris?’”
Innie pursed his lips, then nodded slowly.
“Please come with me.”
Innie followed Jungkook to the door, retying his blindfold behind his head.
Jungkook frowned, then mimed a punch at Innie’s head, stopping just before he actually hit him.
Not a flinch of a reaction showed on Innie’s face.
Jungkook gently took his elbow and led him to the room next door, opening the door and spinning him in. 
Vixen, watching the cameras, saw the two scramble up to meet Innie, hugging him tightly. 
Jungkook rejoined her and they shamelessly eavesdropped as the three caught up.
“We were so worried about you!”
“You got taken together?”
“Yeah, by a woman. The man took you, right?”
“They must know each other,” nodded Chris.
“Are you okay?” asked Boy Two.
“Yeah, you?”
“We’re fine. What do you think they want?”
“I don’t know. The guy just came in and asked me if I knew you and told me to follow him. I didn’t see the woman, and the man had a mask on.”
“They’re listening to us, then,” said Chris. “Unless they asked the guard at the other place our names, but they just called us all ‘Boy’...”
The trio looked at each other. 
“Why? We don’t know anything; we were handcuffed and blindfolded most of the time,” said unnamed-Boy-Two.
Jungkook left Vixen to knock and enter the boys’ room.
“That’s the guy,” whispered Innie to his companions.
Jungkook kicked the chair from Innie’s cell over to the other two and nodded at them. “Sit, please.”
They sat down, eyeing him, and Jungkook moved to face them all.
���We were eavesdropping because we wanted to make sure none of you were plants to take down our newly-formed operation,” explained Jungkook. “What’s your name?” he asked Boy Two.
“Chris, Yongbok, and Innie?”
The boys nodded, confirming their names as Jungkook pointed at them.
“Do you remember how you got to that auction?”
Chris and Yongbok told their take on how they’d been kidnapped in Australia and became friends on the way to Korea. 
Innie was taken from his native Incheon streets and met the other two at the cells where most of the trafficked children and teens were kept. They became friends during the three weeks they were captives before they were moved to the auction warehouse the day before this one.
“No one’s looking for you back home?” Jungkook asked the Australians.
“Why?” asked Chris, while Yongbok simply shook his head.
“So you’re technically illegal immigrants,” mused Jungkook out loud, telling Vixen to contact Jin and have him finagle two new Korean IDs and an updated one for Innie.
Once that was done, Vixen joined the group in the room, smiling at the boys.
“Hello, Innie, Yongbok, Chris. I’m Lady Vixen. JK here, and I bought you from the traffickers.” She nodded at Jungkook to continue.
He inhaled deeply.
“I was a trafficked kid, too. I’m from Busan, but one day a bunch of us young street kids were grabbed and shipped up to Seoul. We were rescued by cops who were breaking up the ring, and I was adopted by one of the cops, who is friends with Vixen’s dad. I’m Vixen’s bodyguard, so we spend a lot of time together, and one day Vix hatched this scheme to help trafficked kids like me. If you want to go home or find accommodations elsewhere, that’s cool; we’ll help you as much as we can, or you can stay and help us. No pressure either way,” JK said slowly.
“Right, you spent all that money on us just to let us go home? What do we have to do first?” asked Chris sceptically.
Vixen smiled. “I know; it’s strange. But I know not all the kids get happy endings like JK did, and I don’t want that to happen to more. He’s my brother in all but blood, and I have plenty of money to spend as I please, so why not help little JKs?”
“If we don’t leave, how will we help you?”
“I’d like to analyse you separately and see what you’re best suited for. Tech, medical, espionage…” “You make it sound like a gang,” said Yongbok facetiously.
Vixen didn’t bat an eyelash. “I am starting my own mafia, if you must know.”
“Wait, jjinja?”
“Yep! There’s a difference between a mafia and a gang, you know,” Vixen explained. “Mafia are higher calibre and have more rules. They only bring out the big guns if they need them; they prefer to have boring meetings first to attempt peace or treaties before full-on bloodshed. Ideally, no one knows they’re mafia. They’re the one percent. 
“In comparison, gangs are…the middle class, at best. Gangs are always fighting for their turf, showing off their affiliations. There is a world of difference between a gang and a Family.”
The three fell silent, contemplating.
“What if I join and I want out later?” asked Innie.
“As long as you spill no secrets about us, you’re free to leave whenever. I’ll even help,” promised Vixen.
“I’m in,” they decided at last.
“Glad to have you join us!”
Jungkook left and Vixen stood up, slapping her thighs. “Okay, JK’s off to prepare your assessments for later. I have a room ready, but I’d like it if you’d shower and see my doctor to make sure you’re all in good health before you sleep.”
They agreed to her suggestion, and she led them down the hallway to a plain wooden door.
Rapping on it four times in a row, she waited till a tall, lean man with long dark hair answered.
“Hey, Doc, these are tonight’s recruits: Chris, Innie, and Yongbok. Dr. Hyunjin is my team’s doctor–he’s currently apprenticing under my father’s doctor, Dr. Lee. Are you okay with me leaving to get some breakfast for you?”
Chris nodded, and Vixen left with a smile and a look for Dr. Hyunjin.
JK found Vixen in the small kitchen, frying egg rolls. He snagged one off the plate and she smacked his hand.
“Tonight went well, Bug.” He leaned against the counter, mouth full of egg.
She turned back to the stove, rolling another layer. “Names, JK. Yeah, it did. Thank you for helping me. How were the memories?”
“Better than I’d hoped. I think it helped that I was the one in power that time, going there to help instead of as a weak little kid, y’know.” “Mmmh.” Vixen flipped the roll onto the plate and sliced it neatly. “Hyunjin’s making sure they’re all physically okay, but I’m sure we’ll need to get them a counsellor, too. Should I hire one when we make it big?” she mused.
Jungkook swallowed another slice of egg roll and contemplated as he danced away from Vixen’s spoon. “It probably wouldn’t hurt, but I don’t think you need to worry about that at the present.”
“Right. Thanks, Kook.”
The boys were in pretty good shape, all things considered, so once they said they were ready for their assessments, Jungkook set them up.
Jin made and dropped off IDs for Bang Chan, Lee Felix, and Yang Jeongin–the names the boys chose for themselves–now that they were confirmed to stay as a part of Stray Kids for the foreseeable future. 
Chan became the Head Strategist and Hacker, Felix the Head of Security (Vixen’s bodyguards and strike team), and Jeongin was appointed one of her bodyguards.
Seo Changbin was her other main bodyguard, and the pair became known as the Double IN team.
Vixen’s close friend Minho was her spy in high society since he could gather intel on the male-only parties that she couldn’t attend. 
Her second spy was a street kid Jungkook had saved in the winter and introduced to Ara. He fell for her hard and rapidly agreed to join Stray Kids as its first member, though officially he was still unaffiliated with any gang or mafia. Jisung (or, as his contacts knew him, Han), was Vixen’s Head of Espionage.
Even the best-trained forces aren’t always perfect, and Ara’s small band often needed medical attention. Namjoon was able to get Hyunjin in with the Gray Gang’s doctor as an apprentice medic; when Hyunjin wasn’t busy patching up sparring wounds, he was acting as an infiltrator for Vixen, utilizing his good looks to their best advantage. He was kept in the wings, so he wouldn’t become easily recognized.
Since Jungkook couldn’t be with Vixen all the time, he began training Felix and Jeongin as her bodyguards and fighters. Felix was promoted to chauffeur once he got his license, and Jeongin, or I.N. –his street name– became the Head of Information.
Changbin became a member of Stray Kids by following Jungkook and Vixen from an underground fight he’d spectated at. Finding them curious, he stalked them back to their HQ, where they agreed to let him join once he proved his skills in the ring. As the son of a wrestler, he was a prime candidate for bodyguarding.
Vixen’s third and final spy, Kim Seungmin, was kept under wraps from all but her inner circle. He was needed on the inside of Gray, to uncover the more mundane information Namjoon and Seokjin were usually too busy to gather for her. These eight became Vixen’s closest friends and joined Jungkook in the ranks of honorary brothers.
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A/N: Jungkook's nickname "Bug" for Ara is a shortened form of the nickname "Shutterbug" because she was always taking pictures.
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