#brunch haven
beingjellybeans · 8 months
Brunch Bureau: A Delightful Brunch Haven for Titas... and more!
Titas of Manila, let me introduce you to the newest hidden gem in the heart of Makati—Brunch Bureau! Nestled discreetly on the second floor of the Proscenium 1 Office Building in Rockwell Center, this cozy cafe is destined to be your go-to spot for a leisurely and delectable brunch experience with your beloved amigas. A Peek into Paradise: Ambiance and Vibe Brunch Bureau welcomes you with an…
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bethelctpride · 4 months
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Sky Casper Entertainment x The Place 2 Be: The ultimate Valentine's Day weekend drag brunch party!
The Place 2 Be: 388 Elm Street, New Haven Connecticut
*Brunch, lunch, and dinner options will be available
Bring a physical pic of your ex for 1/2 OFF BOTTOMLESS DRINKS (Mimosas, Bellinis, or Sangrias) - we'll fill the other half of that broken heart!
*Doors at 3, show at 4 // Doors at 6, show at 7. Tickets online available as single or whole table.
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lattenha · 9 months
y(ours) — P1HARMONY!hyung line
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wherein the members have become acquainted with your personal belongings. ft. non-idol!p1h hyung line x gn!reader. fluff.
a/n: it’s like almost 3am as i’m posting this while also recovering from a cold. enjoy <3
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your shirt.
during the walk to your apartment an abrupt downpour of rain came crashing down on keeho, catching him by surprise. when he reached your unit and knocked on the door, you crooned at the unfortunate state that your boyfriend was in. soaking wet, cold, and shivering. you urged him to take a warm shower and tossed his clothes into the dryer for the time being.
the cycle was still ongoing when keeho hollered from the bathroom that he was finished. with no other option you opted to give him one of your oversized shirts you use to sleep in and a pair of sweatpants that originally belonged to him. how you managed to steal that is beyond his acknowledgment.
when he finally dried himself off and slipped into the articles of clothing you lent him, he bunched the material of your shirt and brought it close to his nose to sniff at it. you always had a nice scent that was a mix of vanilla with a hint of minty freshness. is this how other couple’s feel when they use their partner’s clothings?
keeho stepped into the kitchen where you finished plating both of your guys’ food.
“you look really cute!” you chirped, and he pulled you in for a warm hug.
“you smell really good…” he mumbled into your hair to which you laughed and turned the compliment back to him. commenting on how much you liked the cologne he wears occasionally.
by the time that keeho’s clothes finished drying right after cleaning up the table from dinner, he refused to give back your shirt and declared he would “live in it” until your smell wore off. you weren’t one to oppose, secretly finding it adorable that your boyfriend reminded you quite literally of yourself whenever you’d rummage through his closet for a hoodie or two to melt in.
your tote bag.
more often than not— actually, scratch that. theo always makes you carry his belongings in your tote bag wherever you guys go. sure, you’ve gotten used to it but sometimes you sneak in a little sarcastic eye roll when he asks you to “hold onto his things” (not without giving you a guilty smile of course).
the beach? he’ll find a way to stuff his towel in with yours, only contributing more to the bulkiness of your bag.
the mall? his wallet, lip balm (that he actually stole from you), sunglasses, and other personal trinkets get mixed with yours.
when it’s too hot out? his jacket will find its way into the safe haven of your tote bag.
in the end, you don’t mind carrying his things in addition to your stuff; it’s the least you can do as his partner without making a big fuss over something that isn’t trivial. besides, theo’s a great help when he notices that he may have overloaded your bag with his possessions, and is more than willing to take it off your shoulders to let it dangle on his own.
“it’s only fair that i do this, too.” he once said, as the two of you walked hand-in-hand together, enjoying a brief stroll in the park after getting brunch with a couple of other friends. you giggled, surveying the way he so naturally held onto the straps of your tote bag with his free hand.
little did he know that you were planning on buying one of his own, although, he might just end up leaving that at home and still relying on you as his carrier.
your jewelry.
jiung is a big fan of your accessories and constantly finds himself digging through your jewelry dish and organizers for some bling to spice up his outfit.
this new habit of his happened one day when he noticed the vintage vivienne westwood necklace looped around your neck. the signature pendant caught his eye, he was quick to compliment the piece of jewelry and said that it looked “really nice.” there was some kind of hinting notion in his voice that egged you on. with a knowing grin, you let jiung have a go at trying it on to see how it looked on him. needless to say, you’re pretty sure he’s worn that very necklace more than you have.
and that’s how his obsession with your collection of silver and gold pieces spurred.
over time, you began to collect more jewelry. purely for you and jiung to share— but mainly for your boyfriend. whenever you’d do your daily online window shopping or in-person window shopping, you would always have jiung’s taste in the front of your mind when considering what to buy next. a lot of what he liked overlapped with you, so things worked out perfectly with every new purchase.
when you came home sporting a pair of earrings he’s never seen you wear before today, jiung rushed to your side to examine it.
“actually, i got one for you too.” you said, revealing his own set. not missing the twinkle in his eyes and big smile.
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0097linersb · 10 months
Meddle About Pt.2 (Last)
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Pairings: Haechan x Reader / Jeno x Reader (Briefly Mentioned)
Genre: Smut
Summary:  Mark doesn’t think you or Haechan would have a problem with killing each other, not even bat an eye at it in fact. 
Word count: 11.2k ish
A/N: I love y´all sorry this took so long. ALSO! FOLLOW ME ON MY NEW TWITTER @wooyodefender we can chat there
Part 1
“I don´t get it, you guys already fucked so why isn´t the bet ove-” 
“We didn´t fuck,” You and Haechan corrected a confused Jisung at the same time, except the two of you had very different tones when delivering the message.  
“Are you just letting anyone watch now because I´m intere-” 
“I´m begging you to not finish that sentence,” Jeno interrupted Jaemin, rubbing his face harshly out of stress. You gently touched Jeno´s hands so he would stop stretching his skin, looking out for any future wrinkles on that pretty face. 
The chaotic scene definitely didn´t match your current environment - which consisted of a breakfast place, one of those where the cooks look like they haven´t showered in weeks, piles of waffles, bacon and the shittiest coffee you have ever tasted filling the tables.  The restaurant was full of families with loud annoying kids running around - Maybe Donghyuck could go play with them. It was hell, but hey, that was hangover brunch. 
Maybe it was the universe´s way of punishing you for allowing whatever happened with Donghyuck to... well, happen.  
“I´m just glad the two of you are finally getting along,” Mark tried changing the subject, smiling at his best friends who for the first time looked like they weren´t going to punch each other at any given moment.  
“We are absolutely not,” But you were more than happy to burst his bubble. “In fact, I have never been more disgusted by Donghyuck before.” 
“That´s not what you sa-” 
You interrupted Haechan with a fake smile, using your best customer service voice to not upset Mark so early in the morning as you stabbed your pancakes, “You can shut the fuck up now, thank you.” 
“So, he slept over and no sex?” Chenle teasingly pushed his friend as he laughed in his face. “You really have no game - ” 
“Speaking of which: Mark, please control your bitch, she made me sleep on the couch without a pillow or a blanket.”  
“I should have kicked you out to sleep on the street, you fucking -” 
“Ok, enough! It´s only Monday and I´m still too hungover to deal with you two,” Mark rolled his eyes, rubbing circles into his temples.  
“So, when are you fucking?” Jisung asked, returning to the original topic where his single neuron was still parked at. 
You groaned and buried your face in Jeno´s shoulder, the man gently patting your head to calm you down, “Can we all please stop reminding me of that?” 
“Probably this Saturday or the next,” Haechan ignored you. 
“Do we have it freaking scheduled? Ew.” 
“Why? Did you want me sooner?” The man teased you, an annoying fake pout on his face. “Awn, someone´s eager.” 
Jeno had to physically hold you back from smacking Haechan down after his comment, “I would rather bungee jump without the -” 
“What a cliché, Y/N. You can do better than that-” 
“Let´s not speak on the subject until then,” Mark cut you off, his tone was strict and final. 
Somehow, as if it was even possible, Haechan managed to become even more insufferable after the recent events. Firstly, because now that he knew you were slightly attracted to him – and also knew you were not happy about it - the man had massive leverage on your fights. Secondly, as previously stated, the thought of finding Haechan even remotely alluring had you wanting to take a nap on the highway during rush hour every time you caught yourself even considering his appearance, causing your stress levels to be significantly higher ever since. Lastly, if there is one thing Haechan has always been, is cocky, and now... Oh, now he was just unstoppable, and you hated yourself for thinking it was kind of hot.  
Kind of. 
But as equally annoying. 
Now, you caught yourself staring at the man, lost in thought, more often than you´d like to admit, and he managed to catch you every-single-fucking-time, sending you an annoying wink like he was hot shit.  
Which maybe he was. 
You didn´t understand how he could accept being into you so easily when you wanted to throw up at the thought that maybe you were excited that he was going to fuck you some time soon. Before everything that went down, the two of you would just simply offend each other to your hearts 'desires, but now there was a sudden shift in your dynamic as he started hitting on you nonstop, which somehow managed to annoy you more than when he would call you the most degrading offensive things he could think of - which he could probably be arrested for if anyone from outside your group heard a minute of your conversations.  
“You do know you´re going to die alone and miserable, right?” You asked him Thursday night, after only an hour and a half around him, figuring that was your time-around-Haechan limit.  
“I don´t think I will,” He smiled at you, a condescending tone to his voice as he leaned back against his seat. 
“Oh, I can assure you. No one can put up with you for long enough.” 
“Everyone puts up with me just fine. Have you ever considered maybe you´re the problem?”  
“As if- ” 
“It´s ok baby, I´ll fix your attitude when I fu-” 
“Can you two shut the fuck up and just never talk again?” Mark looked stressed as he reminded you and Haechan that you were not alone at the restaurant table. “I swear to God I´m going to start leaving one of you out from each group hang out.” 
“It would be the best thing you have ever done,” You assured Mark. 
“C´mon, I´d miss you,” Haechan sent you a flying kiss. “You´re nice to look at.” 
“I will stab you in the eyes to assure you never look at me aga-” 
“If any of you say another world I´ll drag you outside by the ear.” 
You did shut up after that because you honestly felt kind of bad for Mark, he genuinely loved the two of you and you´ve been making his life hell by not getting along. At the same time, it´s not like you haven´t tried! When you first met Haechan, after only 5 minutes with him, you were already sure you disliked the man; but you made an effort for Mark, you spent weeks trying to make yourself grow any positive feelings towards Haechan, or just anything that didn´t involve strong wishes of strangling him, but the man never returned any of your efforts, always wanting to hog Mark all to himself and bad mouth you to the man,  so you gave up - 
Donghyuck had really nice fucking hands. 
Which you unfortunately noticed as he places more meat on the grill occupying the center of the table between your friends after Mark made the two of you change seats so you´d sit far away from each other. His fingers were just somehow very delicate and clean but manly at the same time, he had big hands and veins appearing through his skin, his long fingers adorned by rings – Did he always wear rings? Because they were surely doing something to you.   
And with that thought process, you were suddenly reminded those fingers had been inside of you and you had to cross your legs to contain the very sudden and very fast pulsing that started between them. You let your forehead meet the table in a very loud thud as you groaned in frustration. Every day that passed made you despite Haechan a little bit more.  
When the weekend did come, your group´s chaotic schedule didn´t allow you a time window to complete the second part of the bet, although you did meet. It was a common friend´s birthday, a small get-together at his place to celebrate another year and even though there were suggestions that you could finish the bet that night, you were absolutely not about to get fucked on Doyoung´s bed. Also, Haechan had some things to do and had texted the group chat he would be late to the party – Chenle had informed you Haechan had a date and you prayed to all gods out there that he would bring the girl along so he would leave you alone for once.  
When he did show up though, he was in fact, unaccompanied. But the main point was that Lee Donghyuck, had dyed his hair a light shade of brown that had you wanting to swallow down your own fist.  Ok, maybe you could fuck on Doyoung´s bed after all. 
But Haechan´s leather jacket and rings stayed on during sex. 
Fuck, maybe you just needed to get laid, it has been a while. Would Jeno mind taking whatever you had a step further? 
“Hello friends,” Haechan greeted his friends before turning to you. “Hello stalker.” 
“What? Why stalker?” 
“I don´t know, the way you´re looking at me seems pretty obsessive,” He shrugged as he jumped over the couch to take a seat in front of you, who was sitting on the floor. 
“You´re delusional.” 
“It´s ok,” He assured you, accepting a drink from Doyoung who was walking around welcoming and giving everyone attention like a good host. “I like them crazy.” 
“Because that´s the only crowd you can pull.” 
“Let´s remember who was begging me just a week ago,” He winked at you before taking a sip from his glass, you along with all the boys around gagging at his comment. 
“I thought we were forbidden from talking about the subject,” Jaemin informed. 
“I did my best,” Mark sighed. “I give up on these two, just kill each other for all I care.” 
Haechan and you managed to prove once again Mark´s repulsive argument that the two of you were basically the same person when you replied by asking at the exact same time, “Who would you rather survived?” 
“Right now? I hope none of you.” 
“Cold,” You pouted at Mark before turning to the other man. “C´mon, Donghyuck and I are besties, soon he will even give me his computer and his most precious hoodie. If that isn´t friendship I don´t know what is.” 
“You really think you´ll win, huh?” At least Haechan looked amused.  
“I don´t know, did you get your date there today?” 
“What date?” 
“Chenle said you were on a date.” 
“He told me he had a date,” Chenle corrected. 
“You mean I hanged out with a friend so she could dye my hair?” 
“Same thing,” Chenle shrugged. “Didn´t you already fuck her before?” 
“Yeah, but that doesn´t make it a date. We were at her hair salon – Wait,” Haechan stopped mid-sentence to look at you. “Awn, are you jealous?” 
“Donghyuck, I´ll put this the nicest way that I can so Mark doesn't have a nervous breakdown: Why the hell would I be jealous?” 
“I don´t know, there´s really no reason for it. If you want me just say so and I´m all yours-” 
“Ok, I can´t take this anymore. I know Mark asked us to not talk about it and I was very happy to oblige but I have some matters to discuss,” You interrupted Haechan. 
“Yeah, whatever,” Mark rolled his eyes and shrugged. “Go for it, see if I care.” 
“Let´s make a rule that when we reach the 4 minutes mark and Donghyuck has already lost, we have to stop everything immediately.” 
“We can´t do that,” Jeno carefully informed you, already prepared for the murderous glare you sent his way. 
“And why not?” 
“Since we couldn´t bet on the same thing you two, we bet on how long Haechan would take,” Jaemin explained.  
Oh, right. You remember very clearly betting on 6 hours because it was simply not going to happen. Jaemin, who went for the 12 minutes mark went as far as asking you to have at least some faith on his friend.  
You could argue that now that you and Donghyuck had some form of sexual encounter, he already knew your body a bit better and that was kind of cheating, but then you reminded yourself that none of the guys knew what actually happened that night after the club and you´d rather leave it that way, so you simply sighed in defeat. It´s not like Haechan did much besides literally putting is fingers inside of you, so you guessed that didn´t really count either. 
“Cheer up, princess. You´re about to have the time of your life,” Haechan smirked at you and you answered him by chugging your drink in misery. 
For the rest of the night, you tried avoiding Donghyuck like the plague because if you thought about how his rings would feel around your neck one more time, you would be forced to punch the guy and cause a scene – You liked Doyoung enough to not do that on his birthday. It wasn´t a full-out house party, but there were enough people around to make it possible to stay far away from Haechan, at least for a while, until he decided he didn´t want to let you have a peaceful night after all. 
And so you drank. 
“Daydreaming about me?” He sat next to you on the couch. Jeno had left you alone for a single second to grab more beer for fuck´s sake. 
“You wish.” 
“I do, in fact.” 
“Can´t you find literally any other girl to torment?” 
“But it´s so fun annoying you, though,” He smiled. “You look hot when you´re mad.” 
“Take your degradation kink elsewhere, thank you very much.” 
“Will do, wanna come with?” 
“Are you serious right now?” 
“C´mon. We don´t have to fuck, you´ve been staring at my thighs the whole night, you could just ride them-” 
“Oh my god, leave me alone.” 
“Well, let me tell you something,” He informed before turning his body in your direction so that he could lower his voice, suddenly deep against your ear. “I appreciate your act, it´s cute, really. But there´s no one looking. If we go somewhere, we can come back, and no one would know a thing. You could stop pretending you haven´t been clenching at the thought of my fingers the whole week and I could do all the fun things I´ve been thinking about-” 
You could sense his smirk at the way your body violently twitched. It was only once, but it was one time too many.  
“Oh. Wanna know what things?” He teased. 
You could just stand up and leave. But you didn´t really want to? 
 So you simply crossed your legs and took a deep breath to try and sort your mind out. 
His chuckle hit the sensitive skin on your neck, “I´ll take that as a yes.” 
And then his palm found your thigh once again, holding it from the inside like it was his, “I know we can´t actually fuck, but I think there are things that can be even more fun, don´t you? You know what I can´t stop thinking about ever since I´ve seen your pretty little pussy? How much I want to eat you out. You sound so good, I´d love nothing more than have you sitting on my face for hours-” 
You took another shaky breath, nails digging deep into your own right thigh, “Donghyuck.” 
“I will go to the kitchen get another drink and you will let me.” 
He laughed once again but retrieved his hand from your body, “You know where to find me.” 
And unfortunately, you did, because later, after a few more drinks and 1 very frustrating hour of trying to focus on anything else other than your panties sticking to your skin, you found yourself grabbing Donghyuck´s arm to get his attention while he talked to some guys you didn´t know. 
“Yes, princess?” 
You ignored the pet name and everyone´s eyes on you for your own sake, “Can you please follow me?” 
His cocky smile had you immediately regretting your impulsive choices, “Always.” 
You groaned but accepted when he grabbed your hand and motioned for you to lead the way, which you did, practically running up the stairs so none of your friends would see you before getting the two of you inside a bathroom and locking the door.  
“What do you want?” He amusedly raised his eyebrow at you, his body leaning against the bathroom sink now that you were alone and the music wasn´t so loud. 
“Don´t pretend to be dense,” You called him out before pulling him down by his shirt so you could smash your lips together.  
He smirked into the kiss before getting into it, wasting no time pressing you against the bathroom door as his tongue entered your mouth to match your desperation. When his hands found your hips to pull you closer, a moan escaped your lips and he groaned, his grip on you tightening enough to bruise your skin. 
Your hands in turn found their way around his neck, pulling harshly on his hair so he would get the message and just do something before you regretted bringing him here. You didn´t need foreplay this time, you already had hours of your very creative mind flashing images and trying to drive you crazy, all you needed was someone´s fingers inside of you  – And maybe they had to be Haechan´s. 
Thankfully, Donghyuck somehow got the message and pulled your thighs up around his waist, so he could carry you over to the sink as you two practically devoured each other, like air wasn´t something necessary for human survival, but his lips sure were. You used your legs wrapped around him to grind his crotch against yours and he groaned at you, “Don´t play dirty.” 
“Then do something.” 
“What do you want?” 
“You know what I want.” 
“Do I?” He played dumb, suddenly stepping away from you like that was just perfect timing to be a fucking little tease. “I can go grab you a drink if that´s what you mean-” 
“Good luck with that boner out there.” 
“Yeah, gonna find someone I can actually fuck.” 
“Oh my god, just fucking finger me please,” You groaned in surrender, letting your head hit the mirror behind you in frustration. 
The biggest smirk filled his face as he closed the distance between you in satisfaction once again, eyes shining in victory, “That´s what I like to hear. Good girl.” 
“Don´t be condescending.” 
“C´mon, I know you like it,” He teased before his lips met yours once again. 
He bit your bottom lip to be annoying before licking inside your mouth so you would let him do his thing – And since you had already thrown your dignity out the window an hour ago on Doyoung´s very elegant couch, you just let him. The man must have gathered how desperate you were from the way you were kissing him back, because he simply found your panties under your skirt and slid them right off with no ceremony, before his palms were pulling your thighs open and he found his place in between them. 
“Hand,” He ordered. 
For once, his voice didn´t sound like he was teasing you or playing around. It was just a plain order looming over you and you liked it, being able to forget who you were and who was standing in between your legs, your hand raising in front of him without even knowing what for. You watched in shock as he took two of his rings out and put them on your finger, before moving to the next one. 
“Leave them on,” You quietly pleaded, kind of ashamed of yourself for liking the idea and not believing you actually said that out loud. It just escaped.  
He smiled at your tone, “I´d love to, but these would really hurt.” 
“It´s ok, I´ll leave the ones on the other hand,” Haechan assured as he finished putting all his rings on you and his mouth met yours once again. 
You always kind of expected that for a kiss to be good and effective, it needed to have a build-up, to start slow and make its way up – But Donghyuck had a way of reminding whoever he was kissing of how needy he made them in just a few seconds. His mouth was working so good against yours that it was almost a pity that you had to break the kiss to gasp as you felt two of his fingers gathering slick around your slit and when he felt like his fingers were lubricated enough, he slowly pushed them inside of you, you had to close your eyes and let your head meet the mirror again to process the feelings. 
You see? He didn´t even have to do much and you were already so worked up, clenching around his fingers and hands holding harshly onto the sink. You were honestly scared of the power Donghyuck had over you and what he would do if he ever found it out.  
When you opened your eyes, Haechan was watching your face attentively before moving his fingers slowly. He looked so fucking good with his new hair and dark eyes that even this rhythm to get you used to being filled got you biting on your bottom lip to keep your whines inside.  
He noticed that and smirked, “C´mere,” 
And so you complied, lips chasing his until your tongues met once again. 
You had a theory that it´s not that Donghyuck was good in bed, you were just really horny. Your thought process made a lot of sense considering he never actually did anything to you besides looking hot while you actually did all the job – But you could throw your whole theory in the trash next to the sink once Haechan sped up his fingers. 
You bit his lip to keep yourself grounded at the fact that the man in between your legs actually knew what he was doing and did it really well. 
And you meant well enough that if he fucked anything like he fingered you, you were kind of screwed (at least when it came to the bet). 
“It´s loud outside, don´t worry,” He smiled once you let go of his lip, noticing you were having a hard time keeping yourself together  - and you really tried pretending he didn´t have the perfect rhythm, that his fingers weren´t hitting all the perfect spots, that his kisses down your neck as you caught your breath weren´t doing wonders for you, but it was a really hard task considering he was in fact making you feel all sorts of new things in this short amount of time. 
When Haechan felt like you still weren´t letting yourself go, he bit harshly on the side of your neck and you couldn´t force inside the gasp that left your mouth. 
“You know I won´t let you cum until I´m satisfied, stop being stubborn.” 
“M-maybe you´re just not doing a-ah- good job.” 
“Oh, sorry. My bad,” He apologized, but the smirk on his face, once he stood straight, didn´t match his tone nor his words. Suddenly his thumb was on your clit, drawing circles as he pumped his two other fingers inside and you almost came undone at the way he cockily winked at you when a loud moan escaped your lips.  
“Oh, fuck-” 
“Yeah, that´s more like it.” 
“Just shut u-up,” You groaned as your nails found his shoulder, digging into his skin to try and keep yourself grounded as he sped up. You honestly didn´t feel like you would last very long under his ministrations and that just wouldn´t do.  
“Want me to stop?” 
“God- No!” 
“Awn, look who´s finally not being a bitch.” 
“Donghyuck, I swear to god-” 
“What? What will you do, huh? Cum around my fingers? Threatening. Maybe next time do it on my tongue.” 
You really didn´t need the imagery right now.  
You closed your eyes and your forehead met his chest as you felt your high approaching, trying to conjure all your willpower to not cum and give Donghyuck the satisfaction of doing it so fast, but it was no use. Haechan had some kind of magic fingers and when his free hand found your neck and you could feel the cool rings pressed against your skin, along with his lips brushing against your open ones that just couldn´t keep quiet, you were done for. 
Your whole body trembled as your cursed during the longest and hardest orgasm of your life, breaths mixed together. 
Once you regained your sanity, you just had to suck Haechan off in return after that. 
 It was good manners after all. 
You would be indeed lying if you said the bathroom incident didn´t occur more than once. Thankfully, you only allowed it to happen 3 times other than that one – 3 was a good number, you could forgive yourself for slipping 3 times. You could even argue that since he had already fingered you once, if he did it once or twenty times, it was the same thing, so it was not like it was going to impact on the bet.  
Yeah, you knew it was bullshit but who cares. 
The first time it happened, just like at the party, you were drunk. It was during trivia night, Donghyuck´s team was winning, and you were very unhappy about it. It´s not your fault that Mark was stupid and ended up on your team! By the time you got to the final questions, you were practically raging and somehow managed to beat them after getting 4 questions right in a row (once you got Mark distracted with something on your phone). After managing to rub your win in Haechan´s face in every way known to mankind, he got annoyed enough to drag you to the bar´s bathroom and “get you to shut up” as he so kindly put it. 
The second time you couldn´t use alcohol as an excuse, although you could say you were high on the adrenaline of playing ranked matches online. It happened when you and Donghyuck were playing Valorant and after you cursed at him for the 30th time about sucking over the call, he finally snapped and told you to come say it to his face – Which you did, because he really did suck. What happened once you were in his house, in his room, was completely unexpected. No one could have guessed he would end up fingering you as you played another ranked match on your account, right? 
The third time would have looked strangely like a 90´s parent trap kind of movie if you weren´t genuinely annoyed by the situation. You had invited Mark to watch the new horror movie at the cinema, Mark had agreed. Donghyuck had also invited Mark to watch the new horror movie at the cinema, Mark had agreed. Mark had also thought it was a good idea to not show up and not let either of you know about the other, resulting in a very angry surprise meeting at the movie theater´s door. 
“I´ll just sit very far from you,” Haechan had groaned. 
“Don´t be ridiculous,” You rolled your eyes, grabbing his arm and practically dragging him to your seats. 
“Awn, you´re scared. Aren´t you?” He teased once you were sitting down, finally processing why you weren´t putting the many rows of distance between you two yourself. 
“Yeah, very much. Now be quiet.” 
“I will have to inform you I am scared too.” 
“Oh, that´s just great. Do you even have anything to offer in life at this point?” 
It was kind of expected that he would finger you during the movie after that. 
“And who the fuck is that?” Donghyuck asked dumbfounded after you appeared in front of him, arm laced with another man´s. He earned an elbow on the ribs by Jaemin for his comment. 
You rolled your eyes and apologized to your date before turning back to the very rude person in front of you once San reassured everything was ok, “Donghyuck, I know you were raised by animals or something, but here in the city we normally greet people when we see them.” 
Haechan´s reaction must have been genuine shock because he was quick to apologize and give his hand out for San to shake as he introduced himself, even if he didn´t look anywhere close to happy.  
“Oh, so this is San,” Donghyuck raised his eyebrows in entertainment.  
Your date gave you the cutest smile once he heard those words, “You talked about me?” 
You were not about to let Haechan ruin this for you and tell San that all you said about the man was that he didn´t fuck you and that was the exact moment that resulted in the stupid bet that will end up with the man in front of you fucking you instead – So you simply smiled at San, “Of course.” 
“I didn´t know we could bring dates,” Donghyuck sent you a pointed look. 
“You´re supposed to bring dates to these kinds of things, Hyuck. I´m sorry you couldn´t find anyone to put up with you.” 
“Did your boytoy bring anyone?” He raised an eyebrow at you. 
Both you and San gave him a confused look, not sure who he was talking about. Jaemin rolled his eyes and grabbed his arm to drag him away but he didn´t budge. 
“Jeno,” Donghyuck clarified.  
Oh, you see what he was doing. 
And you were not about to give him the satisfaction. 
“Jeno brought Karina,” You informed calmly, not playing his game. “As expected.” 
“I see,” Haechan nodded before turning to your date. “Good luck filling the position then.” 
You couldn´t even say you were surprised, of course he couldn´t let you have anything. 
“Enjoy the party, Donghyuck,” You rolled your eyes before dragging San as far as possible. 
“Well, that was something,” Your date tried to break the ice when he saw you breathing out in annoyance. 
“I´m so sorry,” You sighed, calling over the waiter with the champagne tray. “Donghyuck´s insufferable.”  
“Well, now I have to step up my game to fit the boytoy job description,” He smiled at you, getting two glasses from the tray and handing one to you.  
“I´m sorry about that too,” You smiled in gratitude over the rim of the glass.  
“It´s ok, it´s a position I´m more than happy to fill. Specially if it will make your friend even more jealous.” 
“Oh, don´t worry. It´s not like that, I can assure you. He simply has something against my happiness, which is ok, because I also have something against his.” 
“Yeah, I don´t think we´re close enough for me to comment on that so cheers,” He laughed, raising his glass in your direction. 
You clinked glasses and laughed too; you loved a self-aware king.  
Turns out San was a really great guy and you were happy you had invited him to be your plus one to this fancy party thing. He complimented your dress and makeup every hour, he got you new drinks whenever the ice on the ones you were holding started melting too much, he got along with your friends, he looked absolutely stunning and most importantly, he kept you entertained. He also didn´t back down whenever you were at the table with the whole group and Haechan tried teasing him, politely putting the man back in his place – which really, was more attractive than anything.  
“Things going well, huh?” Jeno asked as you two met at the bar. San was in the middle of an excited discussion about music with Jisung, so you offered to get the drinks this time. 
“Very, actually.” 
“Think things are finally going to escalate tonight or are we thinking boyfriend?” The man teased. See? He could tease you just fine because you knew he actually cared.  
“We still haven´t even kissed, so I don´t really think I´m about to get railed,” You laughed, lowering your voice a bit so the bartender and people around wouldn´t hear your vulgar words as you waited for the drinks.  
“Well, you can always call Haechan over to complete the bet.” 
“I´m not that desperate.” 
“By the way he looks like he´s going to murder San anytime, I think he is. Always knew all this tension between you two had to be something more.” 
“Yeah, I wouldn´t dwell too much on it. Sometimes people just don´t like each other, Donghyuck´s just bothered he´s not the center of attention tonight.” 
“He´s bothered he´s not the center of your attention.” 
“Guess I´ve spoiled him too much, huh? How´s Karina, anyway?” 
“Still working on wooing her.” 
“You wooed her the first time you talked to her, Jeno. Don´t worry, she wouldn´t be here if it wasn´t the case.” 
“Well, since it didn´t work on you my game has been a little off balanced.”  
You laughed at his teasing but didn´t have time to reply as the bartender came back with your two drinks and Jeno´s. The two of you thanked the man and made your way back to the table and Jeno was right, Haechan did look like he wanted to murder San. Once his staring was getting too much, you kicked him under the table and he simply gave you an annoyed look before turning his attention back to your date, who was oblivious to the stares. Or at least pretended to be. 
Tired of Donghyuck´s attitude, you asked San if he wanted to dance and he was more than excited to stand up and offer you his hand like a real gentleman, before leading the way to the dancefloor. Sadly for you, the fancy ballroom didn´t offer any ass shaking music, but San being the dancer he was, had no trouble leading you in his arms. 
“I do have to say things are spinning a bit,” You laughed, commenting on your many drinks. 
“Yeah, I think that last Whiskey was a bit too much. Are there really that many chandeliers or am I seeing things doubled?” 
“I think both.” 
As expected, San didn´t rail you that night. But he did kiss you goodnight once he dropped you off at home and your heart was happy enough with that.  
Haechan also ignored you the week following the gala, you even tried sending him an invitation on Valorant when you saw he was online on Saturday but he never answered, same when you sent him a slightly offensive meme on Whatsapp, expecting him to offend you back.  
Well, guess you were living the dream.  
When the next weekend came around with no acknowledgment from Haechan, you figured he finally had enough of you and was over with your little frenemies routine, meaning the bet was also over. You were fine with that. What you weren´t fine with was with the fact that he got you used to having the best fucking orgasms of your life and now you were left high and dry.  
Life also wasn´t as much fun when you didn´t have anyone to try and beat at everything.  
So with no thoughts in mind, you put on your hottest outfit for group outing that night, even going as far as putting on the skirt Haechan always teased you about because you knew he liked it too much. You kind of expected him to not show up after icing you out for weeks, but there he was when you got to Jaemin´s house and he simply treated you as if absolutely nothing had happened. 
“Awn, wore this skirt for me?” He asked as soon as you sat down next to him on the couch.  
You were so surprised at him suddenly referring to you after weeks, that your eyes were wide when you asked, “You talking to me now?” 
“I was never not talking to you.” 
“Donghyuck, of course you were.” 
“Was not.” 
“Was too.” 
“Yeah?” He entertained; his face petulant. “And since when am I supposedly ignoring you?” 
“Since the gala with San, you-” 
“Oh, I see. You want me to be jealous so you´re projecting.” 
“That´s not- What in the gaslighting?” 
“Don´t worry, princess. I wasn´t ignoring you, was just busy.” 
“I saw you online when I was playing Valorant.” 
“Yeah, I saw your invitation. But you see, you´re just really bad and I was playing with the guys from college.”  
“So you two talking again?” Jaemin interrupted. 
“See?” You told Donghyuck as you pointed to your other friend to prove your point, downing a shot of tequila as frustration started to build up on you. 
“Just shut up and drink,” He rolled his eyes against his own shot glass. 
Well, guess you could say things were normal after all. 
“So, the bet,” Jisung brought up and everyone around the table groaned. “What? It was supposed to end like weeks ago, I kind of impulsively bought tickets to a Monster Truck show counting on that money!” 
“As if you would win,” Chenle attacked. “But he´s right, we really need to get this over with.” 
“We don´t need to do anything. Very easy for you to say when you´re involved nowhere near the actual completion of the bet.” 
“I could fuck you to end this already,” Chenle shrugged.  
“We´re doing it tonight, just shut the fuck up,” Donghyuck groaned, downing another shot of tequila. Yeah, he looked even more frustrated than you. 
“And how are we going to do this when you´re not even talking to me?” 
“Are you serious right now?” He looked murderously at you bringing the topic up again and you became small under his eyes. Since he started hitting on you, Haechan had stopped actually being rude and insulting you and you kind of missed him feeding your ego. Maybe you complained enough he stopped, maybe he didn´t want to fuck you that badly anymore -  
“Wait, are you dating the girl from the salon?” You asked when the possibility crossed your mind. “Because we´re not fucking if you´re da-” 
“What?” He looked at you like you were the world´s most stupid person. “Why would I- Oh, wait, so the bet is off in case one of us starts dating?” 
“Guess you´ll have to tell your new boytoy you just lost your friends a lot of money.” 
“What? We´re not dating, we´re just – Oh, so you are jealous.” 
“I´m disappointed.” 
“At what?” You asked in disbelief, already swallowing another shot. You noticed Mark tried to say something, maybe stop the two of you from starting a fight, but you also noticed how he shut himself up before saying anything.  
“At how easy you just drop everything to get with some dude. I thought you were a worthy opponent -” 
“Donghyuck, this isn´t a game.” 
“No, this is a bet.” 
“Oh my god, just admit you have a star problem or something. Can´t handle not being the center of attention for a night? Is it too much for you? Go cry about it and leave everyone alone.” 
“Guys-” It was Jeno who tried this time but you were quick to shush him. 
“Not you acting like you didn´t came running the second I wasn´t down your neck.” 
“So you were ignoring me!” 
 "Yes I was fucking ignoring you. I don´t like you, I guessed that was established.” 
Yeah, you knew that. But it kind of stung now. 
A bit. 
“Is this some kind of foreplay?” Chenle asked. 
“Ask Y/N, I bet she´s getting off on this,” Haechan rolled his eyes, another shot finding its way down his throat.  
“Oh my god, chill. What got your panties in a twist?” You rolled your eyes too, more Tequila passing your lips because you couldn´t let Haechan drink more than you. 
“I can´t even tell if they´re really fighting or not anymore,” Mark raised his hand in defeat, a deep sigh leaving his lips.  
“You´re the one suddenly all sensitive. Homeboy didn´t fuck you good or are you just pmsing?” 
“You know what? Let´s go to the room and end this right now so I don´t have to put up with you ever again,” You half-suggested half-ordered. 
 No one said a word after that, noticing how Haechan was actually really mad. Jaemin didn´t even whine about you two using his room as you had expected he would as his friend stood up and made his way down the hall.  
“Wish me luck,” You rolled your eyes before downing another shot and following Donghyuck. 
When you got to Jaemin´s room, Haechan was already inside, so you quietly entered and closed the door behind you. You were thankful for Jaemin´s colorful lights because the blue room got you relatively calmer than you would be if you had to face the man in front of you in a normally lit room. 
“We´re not fucking until we have an adult conversation for once,” You informed, leaning your body against the door. 
“There´s nothing to talk about.” 
“Of course there is.” 
“I know we have this playing around thing but I´m really not in the mood.” 
“And I´m not in the mood to be fucked like this, so what´s wrong?” 
“Why do you need something to be wrong? It´s not like we ever treated each other well.” 
“Yeah, but you kind of did for the past weeks -” 
“Yeah, because I wanted to fuck you. Why? Did the princess fall in love?” Haechan gave you a fake pout. “I said you convinced me you were hot enough to fuck, not to date.” 
“I can assure you that´s not the case. I just don´t enjoy this whole childish act, we never liked each other but you don´t need to suddenly be a bitch about it.” 
“Guess I learned from the best.” 
“So you want to not fuck me anymore and call off the bet? Is that it?” 
“I guess. It wouldn´t really be fair now that we had someone else meddling in, would it?” 
“What the fuck are you even talking about, Donghyuck?”  
“I just wasn´t aware we were allowed to have sex with anyone else during the duration of the bet -” 
“Oh my god, you´re still talking about San – Oh. – Oh! Hold on! You´re mad because you were counting on me to be untouched and desperate or something so you could win the bet!” 
“Dear lord. I had you moaning like a whore around my fucking fingers and you think I need to count on something to get you anywhere? You really are stupid.” 
“Since you suddenly care about the integrity of this bet so much I will let you know that San hasn´t fucked me yet, so that´s all cleared. Now, if you could be a dear and go inform everyone you want to cancel everything so I can in fact go get railed by said man, I´d be really happy.” 
He answered everything you said by crossing his arms and scoffing, “As if.” 
“Oh I see how it is, wanna up the bet? See who gets me there faster? I bet my League account with all the legendary skins that San can beat you.” 
Well, that was enough to get Haechan practically throwing you against the door, a loud bang echoing through the apartment. You knew playing with his competitive nature would work. 
“Are you really that desperate for me to fuck you that you´re trying to get on my nerves?” He asked, voice more like a growl and face mere inches apart from yours. 
“You´re not the only attention whore in town,” you teased.  
“I told you all you had to do was ask, baby,” He smirked before smashing his lips into yours. 
Excited that this was finally happening and with the few shots in your system, you were more than happy to return the enthusiasm, hands now finding their familiar place in his hair as he pressed you harder against the door. As always, Haechan´s lips had you whining for more in no time, his hand expertly exploring your body as if you had no more time left in the world.  
Oh, right.  
The bet. 
“Get on the bed,” He rasped out after he felt you starting to grind against him.  
“You´re making me do all the work?” You teased, just wanting to be annoying. 
He stopped and stared you down in silence, thumb finding its way to your lips as he watched your face lost deep in thoughts, something in his eyes started to crumble down and it got your anxiety to start coming out. Not wanting to give him the time to process whatever he was trying to, your mouth engulfed his finger as you sucked on it. A smirk filled your face as you saw the way Haechan´s jaw clenched at the action, so you gently bit his thumb before letting it go. At least your distraction plan seemed to work out. 
“Honestly, fuck you,” the man sighed but his words had no bite as his lips found yours once again. You were so distracted by his tongue inside your mouth that you almost jumped when you felt him slowly slide the straps of your top down your shoulders. The sudden change of speed getting your brain to malfunction.  
Now, you were not generally sensitive around your boobs but there was just something that happened to you whenever it was Haechan touching your skin that had your back arching when his fingers accidentally brushed against your nipples when he was dragging your top down, goosebumps erupted up your body in a single second. A weak moan left your lips at the surprising feeling and the man answered it by rubbing the pad of his thumb over your right nipple, his tongue in your mouth not doing much to keep your noises inside at the way your core violently clenched around nothing.  
Donghyuck´s lips left yours to find their place on your neck, where he left wet hot kisses while you did your best to not squirm under him. The man made his way down your shoulders, to your collarbones, the top of your boobs until his soft lips found your nipples too - He looked up at you so smugly once you hissed at the sensation of his tongue circling the left one.   
You kind of found a new appreciation for his insufferable cocky face. 
“The timer,” You managed to breathe out, voice shaky.  
“Go ahead baby, I trust you with that chore.” 
An annoyed whine left your lips because honestly, you were not in the right headspace to be given any tasks - But as Donghyuck´s fingers dug into your waist to hold you still as he left marks on your boobs, you managed to get your trembling hand inside your pocket and get your phone out.  
“Don´t start it until I tell you to,” He ordered, looking up at you before dropping down to his knees and honestly, the view was enough to keep you from arguing. He could win the bet for all you cared. 
The man in front of you unbuttoned your shorts and gently pulled them down your legs, kissing up your thighs when he made his way back up. Your whole body was shivering as he approached where you were pulsing and you violently shook as he left a kiss right on your center over your lacy panties, his hot breath against your wet skin forcing a moan out of you.  
You hated that your body could simply not react normally to this man.  
Your knuckles were white from gripping your phone so tightly as he licked and kissed you slowly over your panties like he had nothing else to do for the rest of his life, it was hard keeping your moans inside and he didn´t even really touch you yet.  
“Yes?” His eyes met yours from between your legs and you seriously wanted to scream.  
“Do something, please,” Your voice sounded so broken. 
The man chuckled at the way you dropped your attitude so fast, “Well, since you asked so prettily.” 
His fingers found the seat of your underwear, dragging it to the side as his face approached your core once again, now with nothing in the way. 
“I´ve been wanting to do this for a long time.” 
“Then fucking get to it,” You whined, the back of your head hitting the door in frustration. You hadn´t completely forgotten the bet was supposed to include no foreplay, but you were so desperate to feel his mouth on you that you could make an exception.  
Another low chuckle left his mouth before he got straight into work. If you thought his fingers were magic, you didn´t even know how to begin describing his lips.  
“Oh my fucking god,” You moaned, not even sure you had said it out loud or the words were just repeating themselves over and over inside your head. 
He kissed your clit, sucked on it and his tongue lavished you and all you could do was try your best to hold your sounds in because your friends were right outside and they didn´t deserve the show. Your free hand found its place tangled in Haechan´s hair and the whimper he let out at the way you tugged on it got you almost reaching the edge. 
He fucking whimpered.  
A high whiny breathy groan. 
That man was going to be de death of you. 
You were about to stop him, push him away because you were already so close, but he could probably already guess that by the way your body was twitching and you were pulling harder on his hair, so he leaned away after a final chaste kiss to your clit. He cleaned his face with the back of his hand as he looked up at you, appreciating the view of your semi-wrecked form. 
Donghyuck on his knees was such a pretty sight.  
“Get on the bed and start the timer.” 
Your legs were wobbly but you obeyed this time, eager to finally get fucked -  
Yeah, you were excited to be fucked by Donghyuck, so what? It was about time you accepted defeat and indulged a bit in your sexual taboos - Haechan himself being most of them.  
You sat down on the edge of the bed, not trusting your voice to ask how he wanted you. Also, this was his part of the bet, he would have to work for it for all you cared. You pressed START on the timer and tossed your phone away somewhere under the pillows, watching as the man approached you.  
“It´s annoying,” He said once he stood between your legs, his hand holding your jaw to tip your head up so you were forced to look him in the eyes. 
“What is?” 
“How hot you are.” 
“The timer is running.” 
“Are you going to start dating San?” 
“Do you really wanna talk about this now? Donghyuck, why-” 
“Maybe I really was jealous.” 
“I didn´t like seeing you with him. At the time I blamed my ego or whatever, but now thinking about you with him it´s making me mad - I mean, maybe it is my ego.” 
“Are you thinking about another man when you´re supposed to be fucking me?” 
“Can you shut up for a second?” 
“Is this your idea of a confession?” 
“No, Y/N. I´m not saying I´m in love with you, I´m just saying I realized I was jealous and I´m not sure why.” 
“Ok, can you figure that out after you finish fucking me, please?” 
“Yes, actually.” 
“I´m so hard.” 
“A romantic,” You roll your eyes. 
“No, it´s just- You have a weird effect on me.” 
“I- I know. I feel it too.” 
“Nah, I´m just that good.” 
“Ok, I take it back.” 
“I´m clearly joking.” 
“You´re clearly being annoying.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Come do it.” 
And so he did. Donghyuck bent over and his lips found yours once again as he gently pushed you back down onto the mattress and climbed on top of you. You wasted no time wrapping your hands around his neck to try and pull him impossibly closer, your fingers once again tangling themselves into the hair in the back of his neck and tugging at them. The way his hips automatically rutted against yours in reaction made your vision blurry. Man was not kidding when he said he was really hard.  
“Like hair pulling, huh?” You teased once the two of you let go of each other to try and catch your breath for a second.  
“You should try and choke me a bit if you´re curious,” He winked at you playfully.  
“You for real?” You really tried teasing him, but you´re the one who ended up choking around nothing and looking at him like he hung up all of the starts in the sky himself. 
He didn´t answer you, his lips catching yours as his hands found the hem of your panties, pulling them down your legs the best he could without breaking the kiss, which was not hard considering you were eager to help.  Ha, who would have guessed. 
You felt Donghyuck fitting himself between your legs once again, his whole weight supported by his left hand as he snaked his right hand in between your bodies. You felt his fingers circling your clit and you whined, trying to push him away, “Hyuck, no. I´m already clo-” 
“Just let me stretch you out a bit,” He explained, his same finger now finding its way inside you. Now, that´s something you had already experienced a few times before, but every time Haechan had his fingers slowly pumping inside of you, it felt like the first time all over again.  
“Oh, dear lord,” You whined, trying to hold back your orgasm because that would be simply humiliating.  
“I could literally cum just because of the way you keep clenching around my finger.” 
“I´m close-”  
“I know, baby. I can feel it. But you can hold it in for me, right? I want you to cum on my cock.” 
“Fuck. Donghyuck-” 
“Yes, princess?” 
“If you don´t add another finger right now-” 
“Anything you ask,” He smiled down at you, complying with your request - which you immediately regretted because if one of his fingers was already too much, you were definitely not prepared for two. Your nails dug into the skin of his arms without you even realizing, but you needed something to ground yourself. He was fingering you so slowly and yet you wanted to scream at how good the drag along your walls felt.  
When he judged you were ready, he retracted his fingers and you breathed out in relief, finally not having to use your full mental capacity to focus on not cumming.  
“We should go on a date sometime,” He stated in a matter-of-fact tone, like you were discussing the weather on a nice little walk. 
“Lee Donghyuck, what are you-” It was hard talking when you were still trying to catch your breath.  
“Indulge me.” 
“You´re not helping yourself win the bet.” 
“I don´t give a fuck about the bet, I´m already happy proving you wrong.” 
“And how are you doing that?” You knew the answer to that question, but you wanted to hear him say it.  
“Because baby,” He paused to give you a soft kiss on the lips, " this exact moment, we´re chatting to give you a break since you can´t even handle being fucked just from my fingers inside of you.”  
Maybe you loved his voice, especially when saying lewd things.  
“You´re not so much better,” You rolled your eyes, squeezing the bulge in his pants and earning a groan in response. “Now, can you please undress?” 
“Undress? How fancy,” He laughed, but his hands were already undoing his belt. 
“Do you always talk this much during sex? Maybe we should gag you.” 
“Careful with your promises, I might come demand their fulfillment.”  
“Just fuck me, Donghyuck.” 
“Never wanted anything more,” He smirked after he finished taking his pants off. 
He kissed you once again, but you were quick to break away, sitting up to pull at the hem of his shirt and he complied, raising his arms so you could take it off.  You pulled Haechan closer, kissing down his neck and ecstatic with the little whines he let out, especially as you started lowering the kisses to his chest. His skin felt burning hot against your lips and you wanted to stay there forever.  
It came as a surprise when he grabbed onto your waist and manhandled you, spinning you around, so you were now with your back pressed to his chest. His hand found your neck to hold your head as he chuckled darkly right against your ear, “I appreciate the attempt, but today I´m in charge.” 
You moaned as he used his knee to force your legs open, his hand leaving your throat to push your back down the mattress. You didn´t even have time to react or support yourself with your arms, your left cheek meeting the bed sheets as you felt the tip of his cock against your entrance.  
You pushed your hips back without even realizing, just wanting Donghyuck inside of you once and for all. But to no one´s surprise, it was just teasing you that he wanted. 
“You´re so fucking wet,” He marveled, rubbing his tip up and down your folds. “Just like you always are for me.” 
You wanted to retort, but you also wanted his dick inside of you – today, preferably. So you just whined impatiently and arched your hips a bit more, “Donghyuck!” 
“I want to hear the high oh mighty miss I´m-always-right begging for me to fuck her.” 
“Not good enough.” 
“Donghyuck, please fuck me. You won ok? I need you. I don´t care. Just please, fuck me,” You could seriously cry.  
Maybe you weren´t used to not getting things your way. 
“Tell me you´re mine.” 
“Am I?” 
“Yes, but I need you to know it.” 
“Fuck me well and I might be.” 
“Good answer.” 
You could tell he was smirking as he finally slid inside of you.  
“Oh god,” You moaned. You had been waiting for this for months! 
“You can call me Haechan.” 
“You´re not as funny as you think you are,” You breathed out, your hands gripping onto the bed sheets as he waited for you to adjust for a second.  
“Maybe, but I am about to give you the fuck of your life.” 
“Why are you still talki-” 
Donghyuck didn´t let you finish the sentence, his hand that was caressing your lower back now grabbed onto your waist for support as he took his dick out before pushing it back in. He took absolutely no time to find a rhythm that drove you crazy, and as expected from mister tease himself, it was a slow one, but with that, you could feel every single vein and piece of skin dragging against your walls, every single pulse and twitch of his cock. 
“Fuck,” You moaned, closing your eyes harshly to try and focus on something other than the way the man you hated was about to make you cum in approximately 20 seconds just from teasing. 
“I´ve been imagining fucking you for years,” Haechan groaned. 
“Then fucking do it properly,” You cursed between gritted teeth, sentence interrupted by a gasp when his cock hit something inside of you that had you involuntarily clenching around him.  
“You can´t take it.” 
He was probably right, but you wanted him to anyways. 
“Maybe you just can´t do it.” 
Haechan´s answer was a laugh; his movements didn’t stop as you felt something grabbing your hair and pulling you up, your back once again against his chest, “I wanted to have my fun, but I guess that´s not something you´re familiar with.” 
His movements then sped up, his right hand finding your clit and rubbing circles on it and his other hand moved to your favorite place, your neck.  
He was absolutely right. You couldn’t take it.  
You were pretty sure you were being loud, but you couldn´t even be sure because your mind was in another dimension.  
“Happy now, princess?” He groaned against your ear from the effort of how he was harshly fucking into you.  
“Yes, oh my god. Don´t stop – Ah-  I´m so close.” 
Your body was shaking at this point, you threw your right arm back to latch onto Haechan´s hair for any sense of stability as you felt everything beginning to turn white.  
“I thought you would put more of a fight,” His hand around your neck tightened. “But I love seeing you like this, so no complaints.”  
You heard his voice but his words didn´t register, leaving your mind as soon as they entered because you were so so close.  
“Tell me you´re mine.” 
“I´m yours.” 
“This pussy is mine, only mine.” 
“Only yours.” 
“Good girl.” 
Never in a million years did you think you would let Lee Donghyuck say those words to you, and never in a million years did you think those exact words would trigger the most earth-shattering orgasm of your life. 
“Oh fuck, oh my god. Hyuck”-   
He didn´t let up, fucking you all throughout as you were moaning and twitching, his fingers never losing speed against your clit, his groans from the way you kept squeezing around him were enough to almost give you another orgasm back-to-back as he let your cheek gently hit the mattress once again.  
“If you keep calling me that I might cum soon too.” 
You didn't even mind the overstimulation, your ears were still ringing, you were still gasping for air but he didn´t stop, in fact, he only begin fucking you harder. Another high started building up and you weren´t even done with the first yet.  
You barely registered when he pulled out for a second to flip you around, finding his place in between your legs once again, which you automatically wrapped around his hips as he pounded into you.  
“Fuck,” He groaned, looking into your eyes. Sweat was running down his forehead and neck and you so desperately wanted to pull him closer and lick it. “Maybe I was jealous, can´t stand the thought of someone else seeing how pretty you look like this.” 
“I want to ruin you for any other man. Fuck, you feel so good.” 
He was close too, you could feel his cock twitching inside of you and how he lost control once every few thrusts. Your nails scratched his back enough to draw blood but he seemed to enjoy it, his head dropping down your neck and a whine leaving his lips. The vibration against your skin got goosebumps erupting once again all over your body and you felt yourself at the edge again.  
You stopped caring your friends were right outside about 10 minutes ago and Donghyuck just never did - Oh, right. He probably wanted Jeno to hear it all.  
“Hyuck, ah- I´m close.” 
“Me too, baby.” 
You didn´t think it was possible for him to go any faster, but he did. Now supporting his weight on his two arms, Donghyuck drilled into you and his lips met your neck, leaving wet kisses and sucking on it to leave as many bruises as possible.  
Man really had a possession problem. 
You couldn´t take it anymore, as the man bit a particular spot on the side of your neck, you closed your eyes and let it hit you. No man had ever been able to make you cum just from penetration alone and your world was suddenly turned upside down with your second orgasm of the night. Donghyuck probably did manage to ruin you for any other man.  
Fuck him. 
With your body spasms and the way your walls started clenching when you came, Donghyuck followed right along with you. He had his eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed as moans left his pretty lips - Haechan was insufferable but he was also the hottest man in the world, you were going a bit crazy.  
You felt warmness hitting your insides as he slowly stopped his motions and started trying to catch his breath. You watched with hazy eyes as his chest stopped heaving and he opened his eyes to stare right back at you. 
“Hello beautiful,” You smiled at him, breathing somewhat closer to normal even if you were still shivering.  
“I figured it out,” He smiled back at you.  
“You´re still inside of me.” 
“And I plan on being for a long time.” 
“Is that a threat?” 
“I want you to go out with me.” 
“Awn, someone has a crush.” 
“Maybe. Let´s have a date and figure it out,” He shrugged. “Maybe we will end up killing each other, maybe we will end up boyfriend and girlfriend, maybe we will end up fucking – No, we´re definitely fucking either way-” 
“You just want to keep staring at my boobs.” 
“That too.” 
“And you´re still inside of me.” 
“You never said yes.” 
“We´ve known each other for many years, Donghyuck. What makes you think we will start liking each other now?” 
“I guess I already like you and even when hating each other we still had fun, you get me, I get you. Let´s not overcomplicate it.” 
“Ok, let´s give it a try.” 
“You just want me to fuck you again,” He joked. 
“That too,” You smiled. 
“Oh, fuck.” 
“What´s wrong?” Donghyuck asked worriedly, tightening his belt after the shower you took. 
“The timer.” 
“Oh, yeah. Was too lazy to turn it off,” He shrugged. 
“But the bet-” 
“I told you I didn´t care about the bet.” 
“That´s because I won.” 
“That´s because I let you win.” 
“So you´re just giving me your stuff like that?” 
“Nop, because many rules were broken and that makes the bet invalid.” 
“I never agreed to that.” 
“So you really want my computer? Yours is perfectly fine, I know it because I´m the one who assembled it!” 
“No, but I do want your hoodie.” 
Donghyuck stared at you in silence long enough to make you uncomfortable before shrugging, “Fine, as long as I can fuck you in it. Now go outside and tell our dear friends the bet was canceled.” 
“Shouldn´t we just lie? I kind of feel bad for Jisung.” 
“If I agree, I get to choose where to go on our first date.” 
“Let me guess, your bed?” 
“What do you take me for?” He fake gasped. 
“Do you really want me to answer that? Because then I don´t think there will be a first date.”  
“Look who´s all mouthy now, not only 15 minutes ago you were-” 
“Don´t you dare.” 
“Oh, I dare.” 
“Just give me your hoodie and shut up.” 
“You´ll go out wearing it.” 
“What- Why?” 
“I want Jeno to see it.” 
“To see that I won the bet?” 
“No, that you´re mi- You know what I mean! Must you always be so annoying?” 
“You´re the one begging me for a date.” 
“Don´t complain if I end up making you sit down and watch all of the Fast and Furious movies.”  
“That would still be more pleasant than having a conversation with you.” 
“You know what? Then I´m taking you to a fancy restaurant and forcing you to look at me all nnight.” 
“It´s a nice view,” You smiled, calling a truce for the time being.
Donghyuck accepted the white flag and smiled back.  
Maybe this could work out. 
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stone-stars · 3 months
so… i made a list of the first use of every song* in campaign 1 of naddpod, with timestamps. if you're wondering, it's 190 unique songs! * disclaimer: this list doesn't include royalty free songs, only emily's, and it's entirely possible i missed one or two.
i've put the list under the cut, separated by episode! timestamps include ads for eps 1-48, and are from the ad free version for eps 49-100.
(disclaimer that i determined the names of songs by cross-referencing what they were credited as across episodes, so some may be inaccurate. i noted those down in the list)
13 - City in the Clouds, 18:04 13 - Beverly's House, 38:15 13 - The Widow, 53:56
14 - Court of the Boy King, 18:57 14 - The Twinkling Lights of Galaderon, 1:24:27
15 - A Bastard No More, 24:29 * 15 - The Ruins of Cragwater, 2:04:02 * (note: "A Bastard No More" is called "Hardwon Takes the Wheel" after c1e70)
16 - Duergar Drudgery, 4:26 16 - Spooky Shafts, 6:23 16 - Heed the Mushroom's Call, 21:10 16 - Schubert's Song, 25:47 16 - Jolene the Green, 31:30 16 - Farewell to Fungen, 34:39 16 - The Mithril Miner's Shuffle, 38:57 16 - The Mithril's Run Dry, 52:46
17 - The Depths of the Dungeon, 1:11:14 17 - Conspiracy in the Clouds, 1:14:23
18 - The Revenant's Fate, 24:35 18 - A Fate Refused, 25:59 18 - Escape the Boy King's Brunch, 1:31:31
19 - The Purge, 12:13 19 - The Valiant Ol' Cobb, 51:37 19 - At the Last Minute, a First, 1:29:29 19 - Skybound, 1:32:28
20 - The Blows of a Friend, And Not a Foe, 1:03:09 20 - Forsaken, 1:07:20 20 - Apotheosis, 1:08:23 20 - A Haven Away From Home, 1:12:17
21 - Betrayal Below, 19:10 21 - The Gunslinger's Girl, 39:10 21 - A Sign from Melora, 1:04:57 21 - Friend Turned Foe, 1:06:02 21 - Sumpin's a Mess Out West, 1:39:31
22 - Slumber in the Stump, 45:03 22 - The Sultan of Stone, 1:41:25 22 - Block Hop, 1:42:37
23 - The Mountain Meets the Sky, 42:33 23 - Trust the Gust, 1:01:00 23 - The Titan of Air, 1:12:09
24 - Sumpin's Asunder Down Under, 37:53 24 - Baptised, 43:39 24 - Steed of the Sea, 51:12 24 - Cetacean Farewell, 1:13:37 24 - Into the Flame, 1:16:25
25 - The Golden Sword, 55:14 25 - Cured by the Light, 1:00:21 25 - Hospitably Hostile, 1:05:28 25 - Mee Maw's Burden, 1:21:18
26 - The Grand Maw Tree, 9:51 26 - Into the Fog, 55:16 26 - A Hospitable Farewell, 1:01:11 26 - Befuddled and Befogged, 1:05:19 26 - Hazy Daze, 1:09:59
27 - Snake Skirmish, 4:38 27 - Greener Shades, 1:10:49 27 - Moonshine's Stump, 1:14:50 27 - Unknown Tome, 1:27:06
28 - Balnor's Bad Dream, 28:01 28 - Blessings of the Elementals, 1:14:35 * 28 - Elemental Energy, 1:17:39 * * (note: the two songs credited here are actually "Elemental Energy" and "Calling in a Favor", so the second song may be either name)
29 - The Prodigal Sister, 58:37 29 - A Rare Appearance, 1:01:26 29 - Oh, Melora!, 1:02:53 29 - A Tale's End, 1:08:30
31 - A Giant Among Men, 17:47 31 - Back Against the Wall, 28:04
32 - Behold! Treasure, 10:31 32 - Akarot's Letter, 23:50 32 - Shock at the Dock, 37:25 32 - Invisible But Not Invincible, 43:48 32 - Escape from Smuggler's Bounty, 48:56
33 - Tonathan Tinkle, 6:51 33 - Uku's Gift, 1:20:31
34 - Frostwind, 37:04 34 - A Humble Shopkeeper, 47:08 34 - Vinril's Gems, 1:05:26
35 - Balnor the Brave, 1:08:16
37 - Descending, 20:58 37 - A Tempting Offer, 41:40 37 - Desecrated, 51:28
39 - Incriminated, 33:37
41 - Tower of the Winter Wolves, 20:35 41 - Tundra Trudge, 1:26:39 41 - Valley of the Frigid Death, 1:20:03 * * (note: this song is used in ep 38 at 53:45, but not credited)
42 - Prey Don't Stand a Prayer, 42:37 * 42 - Yanoba, 1:10:39 * (note: this song is also used in ep 38 at 1:07:13, but not credited)
45 - The Eye of Akarot, 14:33 45 - Bash at the Gash, 34:43 45 - The Bronzebeard Legacy, 45:15 45 - Kingshammer, 1:45:59 45 - A Sight For Sore Eyes, 1:49:15
46 - Fantastic & Fuddling, 40:32 * 46 - A Soft Landing, 57:53 * 46 - A Humble Farmer, 1:07:22 * 46 - The Court of the Bear Prince, 1:18:46 46 - Wooded Wonders, 1:45:23 * * (note: the four starred songs names are inconsistently used. I tried to go with the names they're most often known by across this arc and other campaigns but it changes. The big thing here is that the song at 1:07:22 is not called “A Humble Farmer” again, but when it’s used later in c1 it’s credited as “Wooded Wonders”, and then in c2/3 it’s “Fantastic & Fuddling”. However, both of those names are more consistently used for the songs I have them labeled as now. The song at 40:32 is called “Fantastic & Fuddling” throughout the Feywild arc, and the song at 1:45:23 is called “Wooded Wonders” in every campaign except HBS, where it’s “A Humble Farmer” Basically— “Fantastic & Fuddling” means the song at 40:32 and “Wooded Wonders” usually means the song at 1:45:23, but this isn’t always the case, and the song at 1:07:22 may be called either.)
47 - Puzzled, 8:40 47 - Mysterious Yet Familiar, 1:08:07 47 - Queen Cirilla, 1:14:02 47 - Frozen in Time, 1:16:35
49 - Gnome Man's Land, 1:03:54
50 - Rolling Deep, 13:10 50 - Neath a Ceiling of Stars, 30:36 50 - Sea Beast, 53:38 50 - Great Crone of the Sea, 1:11:05
51 - Alanis, 3:34 51 - The Nannerfly Effect, 14:35 * 51 - When You Wish Upon A Stone, 20:26 51 - Only the Ocean to Console Him, 45:27 * (note: throughout the Feywild, this song is called “The Nannerfly Effect”, and then later goes on to be credited as various versions of "wish stones")
54 - The Autumn Court, 3:35
55 - The Witch's Den, 58:57
56 - An Innocent Flirtation, 48:02 56 - Goblin Dirigible, 1:04:27 56 - Crash Landing, 1:15:21
57 - Tower in the Distance, 13:18 57 - Angels and Devils, 16:58 57 - King Lestibourne, 1:02:39 57 - All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web, 1:09:20 57 - Kiss of Life, 1:45:12
58 - Flying Through the Night, 25:18 58 - Bittersweet Sixteen, 59:34 58 - A Hard Goodbye, 1:26:52
59 - Shadowfell, 2:49 59 - Into the Mist, 5:34 59 - Grimhawk, 53:33 59 - Langston, 1:05:56
60 - Deadeye, 6:30 60 - The Fat Monk, 25:13
61 - The Red Fen, 20:54 61 - The Montgomerys, 40:11 61 - Growing Pains, 1:16:21 * 61 - Gutless, 1:29:37 * (note: “Growing Pains” is credited as “Drained” here, but the name changes later and is used consistently)
63 - Montgomery Manor, 1:14:22 63 - Shadowfell Sneak, 1:17:34 63 - Two for Tea, 1:21:08
66 - Unholy Pilgrimage, 22:22
67 - Bastard's Fate, 1:22:05 67 - Bastard's Cove, 1:30:06
70 - Lucanus Aer'Tea, 1:27:08 70 - A Miracle Child, 1:44:43 70 - The Thinking Cap, 1:49:53
71 - The Whisperwood, 27:30 71 - Gladeholm, 29:41 71 - The University, 56:36 71 - Qwiksus, 1:10:04 71 - A Wizard Tournament, 1:30:24 71 - Star Spawn, 2:10:23
73 - Summoning, 11:28 73 - Secret Basement, 32:21 73 - The Objective, 1:31:50 73 - Pandemonium, 1:34:22 73 - Lilith La Trix, 1:37:55
75 - Kingsguard, 22:17 75 - Speaking Stump, 27:19 75 - Irondeep, 1:18:40 - (note: these three songs are only used in this ep in c1)
76 - The Mindflayer's Lair, 59:48 76 - The Multiverse, 1:13:57 76 - Alone, 1:19:50 76 - The Vast Expanse, 1:22:21 76 - Into the Planar Pool, 1:27:28
77 - Deal with a Devil, 21:42 * 77 - Buzzer's Cutters, 25:28 77 - The Posse, 1:07:48 77 - The Bronze Bastard, 1:35:51 * (note: this song is also frequently called “Soul Coins”)
79 - Lust, 14:52 79 - The River Styx, 24:46 79 - Fierna, 32:36 79 - A Risky Gamble, 51:42 79 - The Honey Trap, 55:40
82 - The Seventh Circle of Hell, 14:58 82 - Demigod, 28:55
83 - Ilsed's Secret, 42:05
84 - Hellfire Crown, 1:26:11 86 - Torn Apart, 46:42 * * (note: technically "Torn Apart" is a part of “Hellfire Crown” and plays in ep 84 at 1:17:32, but the two have different instrumentation and “Torn Apart” is credited as such later, so I've split them)
91 - I Just Want to Know You're Taken Care Of, 21:37 91 - The Pact, 47:25 91 - Forest, 1:07:14
92 - Enlightened, 15:26 * * (note: this song isn't credited in this ep, its first credit as "Enlightened" is in ep96 at 36:47)
95 - Hole in the Sky, 1:01:12 95 - Pure Gold, 1:34:39
96 - The Glittering Lady, 15:51
97 - Fabric of Fate, 9:44 * 97 - Selfless, 12:48 97 - A Glittering Reunion, 22:18 * (note: this song is later called "Melora's Boon" in c3)
100 (pt. 1) - The Writing on the Wall, 28:55 100 (pt. 1) - Paradise, 46:04 100 (pt. 1) - A Memory, 1:03:17 100 (pt. 2) - One Big Bed, 1:46:57
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george-weasleys-girl · 11 months
HIII i'm so excited okay so i requested this from another fic writer as well but i wanna see different takes on this:
for backstory: fred and the reader haven been in a close, loving and trusting relationship for the past months. nothing can break them apart.
the fic i'm requesting now is for fred to be at a party the reader isn't at, but seeing another person polyjuiced into them flirting with someone else to make him jealous. maybe that person is trying to break them up or just drunk idrc.
fred however knows and trusts y/n and immediately knows this isn't them !! i'd love to see your take on how he'd react, super excited to read it <33
Such a fun request! Thank you for sending it in.
Fred Weasley x fem reader
The Doppelganger
"I'm not even on call tonight," Y/N grumbled, changing out of the new dress Fred had gifted her and back into her work clothes.
"Maybe it's something really nasty," Fred suggested. "And, face it, my love, you're the best."
"Well, the best should have Saturday night off so she go to a party with her boyfriend."
"Would it help if I promise to be miserable the whole time?"
Y/N sighed and sat down next to Fred. "No. I want you to go and have fun. I'm just disappointed I can't go with you."
"I know, love," Fred wrapped his arm around her. "I am too." Then he paused, thinking. "How about we go to brunch tomorrow at that little muggle cafe you like so much?"
"Ooh! The one with the really good omelets?"
"That's the one," Fred grinned, then leaned in for a kiss. "Now, you better go before somebody does something stupid and turns the Ministry into goo."
"You say that like it's a bad thing," Y/N giggled.
Y/N had only been gone fifteen minutes, and Fred was already missing her. He wasn't kidding when he said he'd have a miserable time without her. It was a phenomenon that had only happened one other time in his life. But that was long since over, and he hadn't been interested in anyone seriously until Y/N walked into the shop almost a year ago.
She was one of the Ministry's lead magical librarians, responsible for the preservation and translation of ancient magical texts, some of which have dark magic woven within seemingly harmless phrases or paragraphs. It was her job to find those passages and nullify the magic within them. It was a dangerous and thrilling occupation, and his girlfriend was one of the best in the field. That was why she was working on a Saturday night instead of accompanying Fred to the biggest party of the year.
Fred sighed and picked up her little red dress that was still puddled on the floor and placed neatly across the bed. If she managed to get out early enough, she'd stop by home to change and then head over to join him.
Fred wasn't as miserable as he'd feared. George and his fiancé were at the party too, and they ended up pulling him out onto the dance floor with them. They were dancing like a trio of fools to Rock the Casbah when he spotted a familiar face and a brilliant smile spread across his own.
"Hey, Y/N's here. I'll be right back," he patted George on the shoulder and went to go greet his newly arrived girlfriend. However, as he got closer, he realized something was very, very wrong. This woman looked like Y/N, but she was most definitely not his girlfriend.
First off, she didn't move right. Y/N had an effortless grace about her. This woman's movements were clumsy and disjointed. Like she couldn't figure out how her arms and legs were supposed to work.
Second, instead of her new dress, she wore a shimmery, silver one similar to the 60s mod dress Y/N had worn on Halloween when they'd dressed up as Austin Powers and Vanessa Kensington.
And thirdly, the thing that put the nail in the coffin for him, some random guy had his arm around her, kissing down the length of her neck. He knew then, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that whoever this person was, she was not his beloved Y/N.
"Who the fuck is that?" A voice popped up next to him. Fred turned to find George's fiancé standing beside him on her tiptoes, with his twin right behind her. "Because that sure as hell isn't Y/N."
"No. No, it isn't," Fred muttered and started to move toward the strange woman when she turned, looked him straight in eyes, and gave him a sly, seductive grin before resuming her make-out session.
The older twin stopped dead in his tracks. He knew that grin. It wasn't Y/N's, but it was so strikingly familiar. He wracked his brain but just couldn't place it.
"Polyjuice potion most likely," George said. They'd moved to a back corner of the room away from most of the partygoers to discuss this unexpected new twist.
"Yeah, but why? And how'd she get one of Y/N's hairs?" Fred asked.
"Maybe they work together?" His twin's fiancé suggested.
"No idea," Fred focused his gaze back on the fake Y/N, who now had her tongue down the guy's throat. "But I'm gonna find out." With that, he turned and pushed his way through the crowd. If whoever this is wants to play this game, he thought. Then, let's play it.
He grabbed the guy's collar and pulled him off the fake Y/N. "That's my girlfriend you're kissing."
The poor fellow turned three shades of pale and all but ran away from the redhead towering over him. Fred watched him go and then shifted his attention to his girlfriend's doppelganger.
"You," he stared down at her. "With me. Now."
The woman smirked and followed him outside. Once they were far enough away from the crowd, Fred rounded on her. "Who the hell are you? And why are you pretending to be Y/N?"
"What do you mean, pretending?" She stepped forward, putting her hands on his chest. He swiped them away.
"I know my girlfriend, and you are not her."
"Freddie, baby," she cooed. "Why do you say such things?"
"Because Y/N wouldn't be snogging some random bloke at a party.
She shrugged. "I just had a little too much to drink. I was stressed after dealing things at the Ministry."
"So, why didn't you - " Fred's heart skipped a beat. "How did you know she's at the Ministry?"
The woman laughed. "Maybe you're the one who's had too much to drink, Honeybuns."
Fred stood frozen in place. There was only one person who'd ever called him that. "Belinda?"
She and Fred had been "fuck buddies" when he met Y/N. It was supposed to be a no-strings attatched situation. But apparently, Belinda had developed feelings for him at some point and proceeded to spend the next couple of months harrassing Y/N and trying to get him back. When nothing worked, she just dropped off the face of the earth. Fred and Y/N assumed she'd given up. Apparently, they were wrong.
Belinda rolled her eyes. "Fine," she sighed. "It's me. Aren't you the smart one? Go you."
Fred rubbed a hand over his face. "How the fuck did you even do this? How did you get one of Y/N's hairs?" A sudden chill ran down his spine. "Have you been stalking her?"
"No, not really," she replied with a flippant air. "But it's not hard to find out where she works. Your little cupcake has made quite the name for herself."
Fred's eyes blazed. "How. Did. You. Get. One. Of. Her. Hairs?" The edge in voice caused Belinda to take a couple of steps back.
"Well, if you must know," she replied, maintaining a safe distance. "A friend of mine also works at the Ministry. She swiped it from Y/N's coat while they were in the elevator together one morning."
"And tonight?" Fred took a step toward her. Belinda took another step back. "Did you have something to do with that?"
She shrugged. "My friend is such a ditz. She mixed up some paperwork..."
Fred cut her off. "So, you mean to tell me, you did all that just to come here and try to break up me and Y/N?"
By now, the Polyjuice was wearing off, and Belinda was shifting back to herself. "Did it work?" She asked. Her voice was no longer Y/N's but a high-pitched drawl that Fred had once thought cute, but now turned his stomach.
"Seriously?" He spat. "In what demented world do you think that would work?"
"Guess not. Worth a shot."
"Look," Fred sighed. "We're over. We've been over. I'm really sorry you got hurt, I never wanted that to happen. But, there's nothing that you can say or do that's ever going to make me leave Y/N. Do you understand?"
"Yeah. Whatever," she huffed. The last bit of Polyjuice faded away, leaving Belinda standing before him, an arrogant sneer plastered across her face. Fred shook his head, wondering how he was ever attracted to her. "Just stay away from me," he warned. "And stay away from Y/N. Or next time, I'll hex the fuck out of you."
Belinda laughed. "You would never."
Fred's eyes went cold, and when he spoke, his voice was like subdued thunder, ominous and threatening. "Try me."
A half hour later, Fred apparated back into his and Y/N's flat and collapsed on the sofa. After his altercation with Belinda, he didn't feel much like partying anymore.
About ten minutes later, a loud pop sounded next to him. "Hey lovey. What are you doing home so early?" Y/N's soft voice brought a smile to his face.
"Long story," Fred sat up and patted the cushion beside him. "How bad was the paperwork fucked up?"
Y/N rolled her eyes and flopped down next to him. "It was 17 levels of stupid. Maven was supposed to be on call tonight, not me. And somebody left a scroll open in the - " Y/N paused. "Wait. How did you know about the paperwork?"
Fred chuckled. "Part of my long story," he put his arm around her, pulling her closer. "I'm starving. What do you say we order in pizza, and you can tell me about your night, and I'll tell you about mine?"
Y/N smiled up at him. "Sounds perfect."
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @fredweasleyyyyy @hufflepuffie @alexistonks @anvaaryn @lastwandastan @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @smallsweetvanillabean @costheticbabe @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @charmedfandomgal @loveosewood @hanne-montana @rhunew @greenapplegrass
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
A Safe Haven
WandaNat x Fem!R
Request | Prompt | 3,060 Words
Warnings: Injured R, Descriptions of Burns/Stabbings
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Natasha and Wanda had gone out for the day, they shared a short brunch before setting off to go shop. They wanted to be prepared for your return tonight with all of your favorite things. It was your first official mission as an Avenger after Fury gave you the final go ahead, you were so excited when you left this afternoon, and they wanted to make the return just as special for you because it was only fair, as you were the only light in their lives most days.
Then they got a call, and suddenly a concerned Wanda was falling from the skies, landing back at the compound, and running in a frantic way to get to the med bay. Apparently you were waiting there, and Natasha agreed to purchase your things then meet her back there in about ten minutes, but she promised it'd be less.
"Bruce, I swear to god I will shove that needle into your jugular if you don't get the hell away from me! I can do it by my fucking self!"
Wanda wasn't really surprised to hear you screaming, you were never a fan of the clinical side of things, nor were you one for allowing others to see you in such a vulnerable state. Except for if it was with Nat or Wanda, that trust took a long time to build, so she rushed through the doors, and made a beeline for you.
Red wisps wrapped around your hand right as you managed to steal the syringe full of numbing drugs from the nervous scientist, you scowled deeply, but your body also visibly relaxed when your lovers presence became clear to you. You instantly felt safer...
"Moya lyubov, we don't stab our friends."
You growled, "He was going to do it first."
Wanda smirked at you, eyes of an intricate green never leaving yours as she nodded sideways at the sheepish man, he took her hint with a running start. The doors swinging as he left in a rush signaled to you he was gone, "What a pussy," you grumbled and Wanda snorted, "Play nice, he was trying to help."
Honestly, if you didn't see him shift into a giant green monster with your own eyes you'd never believe that Bruce Banner was the Hulk.
"He knows better Wands." She nodded with a hum to follow. "Yeah, but he also knows if he didn't try he'd have me and Nat to deal with, and I hate to break it to you, but we're scarier."
You gasped and pointed the syringe at her now, "Take it back little witch." She rolled her eyes, and literally took it back from you. "Done." She winked, you rolled your eyes, and shrieked, "Not what I meant Wands, I am way scarier!"
"Detka," she chuckled with a soft shake of her head, because as scary as you thought you looked, you truthfully didn't. With furrowed brows, a crinkled nose and an exaggerated pout, what she knew was meant to be an intimidating scowl, it only softened her heart. So, as was an inevitability she cursed at you, "You look adorable."
You gasped again, this time more loudly, and the heatless words died on your tongue as you felt a surge of pain. The adrenaline had faded.
Your body fell back against the bed, wrapped hands pawed at the sheets and tears began to stream down your face. Wanda's teasing smile fell, and for the first time since she had arrived she witnessed just how hurt you truly were.
There was ash all over your maroon suit, the flecks of charcoal white covered not only it but your face and hair. Fortunately your hands were already wrapped by someone, but the burns you had sustained were everywhere.
Where the white ash didn't reside, jagged holes in the suit took its place, showing the brunette your third degree burns. Then her eyes trailed further down your body, noticing the scrapes and bruises, and stopping in post haste on the saturated red gauze wrapped over your thigh. Her stomach flipped, seeing you in pain like this always hurt the empath just the same.
"It's okay," you whispered through gritted teeth, forcing yourself to sit back up so you could try to comfort the witch who's lip was now wobbling, but her hand softly pushed you back into the bed. "No, it really isn't."
You should honestly be fine; this was a simple recon mission, medical aid made no sense.
Wanda reached for a white rag from the cleaning station, she softly wiped your face clean, then she thoroughly wiped an unmarred portion of your shoulder clean. She smiled down at you, her thumb traced over your cheek and you instantly nodded. Giving her the silent permission to give you the magical shot to numb the pain, her lips touched yours just as you winced. A momentum picked up as you felt the ice rolling through your veins. Your body feeling as if you could party all night when it really belongs in the junkyard in this state.
Being the responsible party the witch pulled away, smiles pressed lightly together as she hesitates to truly part, but with immense strength she manages. "We need to fix you up now my love, let me do what needs to be done."
Wanda knew she'd have to soften your resolve some to allow her to use her powers like this.
After every mission she'd rush to either your or Natasha's side, use her powers to heal you just a bit, then she'd spend an entire day sleeping.
Then one really bad time put an end to this for a long while. When Nat was struck by a bullet, Wanda suddenly collapsed as Natasha's lungs partook in a miracle as they did the opposite.
"Y/N, don't worry," she quickly shushed you. "I'm going to make these third degree ones, and then I'll stop. I promise I'll be okay, I had Tony make these bracelets for me that help me better pull my energy. No more collapsing."
"C-careful Wan," you stuttered, the heat rolling through your body was still intense, even with the Novocain coursing through you, so you're desperate for her offered relief, but you would never allow it if you thought it would hurt her.
"I always am," she winked at you, then began to remove the rest of your suit. Her body stuttered as she really took the sight of you in.
"Why are you in this state Y/N," she wasn't accusatory, just concerned. "Where was Steve and Tony?" Your eyes widened, because the truth would only lead to the other's demise.
You'd considered lying to her, but even in your delirious state you knew better than to try. Nat probably already got the ear full from Hill, so you knew Wanda would have found out.
"They forgot I was there," you whispered the embarrassing truth so quietly, but you knew she heard it when her jaw clenched. "They triggered the bombs on the floors above me, but then after I shrieked into the coms they stopped and Tony flew up to save me."
"This isn't exactly saving," Wanda sneered. "Those idiots are in for a world of hurt."
"Wanda, it's okay." It wasn't, but you wanted to pretend like it was and she could sense that. "You're right, it's gonna be fine, just relax."
Wanda placed a chaste kiss to your lips as her forehead leaned into yours. A shaky breath fanned across your face as she began to heal you, you could smell traces of mint on your lips, and feel the love she left behind in its place. "Just focus on me sweet girl, you're ok."
"Wan, you said just the burns," you whined, and the witch kissed your protests away as her warm, glowing hands hovered over your thigh.
"Look, I'm fine moya lyubov'," she hummed, her thumb tenderly traced over the new mark on your thigh, and you sighed contentedly.
Wanda saw you shiver, she didn't want to hurt you further with the tight fitting emergency clothes you all had in the medbay for moments like these, so she slipped her own hoodie off and with her magic she made sure it fit you in an oversized manner like you preferred. All to protect your body from being seen by the team.
"Can you stand now?" You nodded, and the brunette guided you onto your feet. Natasha burst into the room just as Wanda pulled you into her, eight minutes in total. The witch was hoping for more time, but you needed to eat, and the redhead will want her time with you.
Wanda pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, "I'm so happy you're okay detka," then she left an even softer one to your lips before she was gently exchanging you for the grocery bags. She gave Natasha a quick kiss, they shared a fond smile as they watched you burrow into your other lover with a swiftness. Then Wanda was gone to the kitchen before you could blink.
Natasha didn't mind the grime transferring to her shirt, she only smiled and buried her nose in your hair, she could smell hints of your apple scented conditioner beneath the layers of smoke and ash that settled onto the strands.
Natasha's blood boiled when she looked just beyond you and saw the tattered remains of your suit behind you. Most of your burns were on your upper body so she couldn't see the improved state, but she did notice the few on your legs, and knowing they were once worse was enough to make her rather homicidal.
Tony and Steve would be smart to find a safe house, because after you fall asleep tonight there's no one left to protect the assholes.
They were careless with your life, and to your girlfriends that's an unforgivable slight.
"Thank you for coming home to us detka," the woman held back a sob as she repeated her usual mantra for when you'd return from a shield mission, but the way her arms tightened around your waist gave way to her clear fear.
"I'll always come home to you guys Natty."
"I appreciate that." Natasha gently pulled away from your embrace so that she could cup your cheek and pull you in for a kiss that she poured all of her love for you into. "We love you a lot."
"I love you guys too Natty, even more than Taylor Swift." Natasha chuckled in disbelief, "Wow, you're clearly in a state of delusion."
"Let's go get you cleaned up detka." Natasha scooped you up against your weak protests. You'd lost a decent amount of blood with the wound on your thigh, plus, no amount of magic heals the need for rest after what you've been through. So this is really the least your lover felt she could do to play her part in your care.
After taking the elevator up to your shared room the redhead set you down on the counter in your en suite, then she filled the tub with scentless bubbles and lukewarm water as to not aggravate your already overheated skin.
You watched with your lip caught between your teeth as your lover stripped down to nothing. She was always something to admire, and you'd never stop. "My eyes are up here."
"I know, I'd rather look at your boobs," you admitted without any shame causing the woman to loudly snort, "Y/N, you're injured..."
"Yes, and horny for my girlfriends always."
Natasha shook her head at your truly heatless words, "You're insatiable darling." You only smiled in response, allowing her to gently guide you into the readied tub where she just as quickly settled her body behind yours for the optimum support. "Dirty, dirty girl indeed."
You huffed, a protest of sorts, but you were too fatigued to back it up with words. The silence slowly encompassed the bathroom, sounds of water splashing into the marble all to be heard as you rearranged your body to lay face down. Natasha frowned when you shivered, she tried to offer her own body heat, but she couldn't budge on the water or else you'd be worse off.
She hummed a soft tune as she ran her fingers up and down your spine with delicate strokes. Her hand began to kneed at the unmarred skin, hopefully helping to relieve the tension that still resided in your muscles from the long day.
Her hand eventually made its way to your thigh where it methodically paused. She softly ran her thumb over your new scar, face falling further as she racked her brain for an answer that only evaded her with logical thought.
"How did you get stabbed?" You tensed as she finally verbalized it, now remembering that the empty floor you were sent to had a straggler who graciously left his blade behind in your leg. He'd totally blindsided you, swinging it at you before he escaped down the fire escape.
"The information was faulty," your scratchy voice came out sounding pitiful. "The place wasn't empty like Fury had first relayed."
Natasha hummed in understanding, she lifted your face and kissed away the tears as they fell. No more words needed to be said, she could tell it was just a fluke in intel, and it infuriated her that they'd not be more thorough for your first time up against Avenger level threats.
"Natty, I'm really cold." You shivered more noticeably this time and she took that as a sign to lift your bodies so she could run the shower. You were likely having a reaction to the loss of blood now, body struggling to regulate after all its been through in only a matter of hours.
Natasha did everything, and to her surprise you let her, you were just so tired and pliant.
She gently sat you down on the bench in your massive shower, then she moved to rid your locks of all the debris. You leaned back when she requested, her strong arm held you up with ease as the warm, once clear water turned to black as it slid down the drain. The various debris getting caught on top of the silver drain gratings, and she soon grimaced as an entire chunk of plaster thunked against the marble.
Natasha waited until the water ran clear to sit you back up. You pouted when you saw her expression, it was pained, and you felt guilty. Thoughts of how you could've prevented this plagued you, truthfully you knew it wasn't on you. Tony and Steve made a massive mistake. Fortunately for you the redhead didn't give you long to overthink before she lifted you again.
You purred when her lips pressed into your neck as she tugged you into her embrace. Fresh hot tears cascaded down your skin along with the streaming water and you held her even tighter, trying to somehow reassure her that you're still here. Natasha held you close like that for an entire minute as she sobbed.
"I'm okay Nat," you whispered reassuringly, "I'm here, I'm alive, and I'm safe with you two."
You reached down, pulling her hand back up with yours to prove your words right. You kissed her knuckles with a tenderness only reserved for your lovers. Then you flattened her hand against your chest, overlaying it with yours for optimal comfort. Nat sighed as soon as she felt the strong thrum beneath her palm.
"Thank you detka..." You kissed her cheek and she turned her head fast enough to steal a proper kiss as well. To her delight you didn't try to pull away, but instead you leaned in and allowed her to deepen it without her asking.
"I love you," you whispered as you playfully smiled against her lips, "But I'm becoming a prune, can we get this show on the road?"
Natasha chuckled, "You're lucky you're cute," shaking her head as she reached for the first of many hair products you had. She set the bottle beside you, and greedily leaned in for another kiss. "Your wish is my command detka."
After Natasha finished you up she guided you to the door with a hand on your hip, and the other on your lower back for assistance. The redhead spun you, softly pressing you into the wall so she could have her last moment of alone time with you. She raised a single hand to cup your left cheek, she ran her thumb over a scar beneath your left eye. Memories of your first ever encounter, a hectic mission, flashes through the both of your minds. You share a reminiscent smile as you kissed her palm.
"I love you too," Natasha finally verbally reciprocates your earlier sentiment. It wasn't needed, her actions alone said it, but you never failed to melt when your lovers reminded you. You whined, your usual cry for attention, and Natasha pecked your lips just before opening the door so you could get in bed and rest.
When the two of you exited the bathroom you both smiled at the sight of your lover on the bed. The scene was overwhelmingly domestic. Wanda wore an oversized shirt of yours, with a smart remote in her hand, apparently keying in your favorite movie on Hulu, and you melted.
You leaned your tired body back into the redheads who leaned against the doorframe,  eyes falling to the rest of the targeted display.
On a tray to the left of the bed was three plates full of your favorite home cooked dinner of Wanda's, and three cans of varying sodas. On the bedside table sat a burn cream, a couple extra strength Tylenol, and a glass of water.
All of that alone was enough to make you want to cry. So, when Wanda jumped up and ran to embrace the both of you the tears actually fell. Your lovers rubbed your shoulders and sides lovingly, depositing kisses wherever they could as they let you have a moment to feel it all.
In there arms was where you felt the safest, you never knew what the feeling of home was like until you met them; they were your physical embodiment of a safety net, and now, you knew you'd always have something to fall into.
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phatcatphergus · 3 months
I’ll bring the eggs and bacon!
The crows are arguing but im here vibrating in happiness since literally Fobo is becoming the literal “hide-a-way” Tubbo initially wanted and giving all the eggs a small space to feel safe and the parallels between here and BBH’s stasis pearl for all the eggs And i win these everyday
Yippee eggs and bacon for our brunch!! Now all we need is silverware and plates!!!! Everyone wear your Sunday best, I’ll make coffee and mimosas too
YES YES YES!!!!! Chay feeling safe there and making a room there and foolish feeding chunsik with zero hesitation and pepito having a room between tubbo and foolish is so AHHHHHH
Fobo is a safe haven real
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obiancadenise · 11 months
Coffee Project: Where Coffee Meets Art and Inspiration
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Infusing the passion for coffee with the aesthetics of art and design, Coffee Project offers an experience unlike any other coffee shop. The instant you walk through the door, you're whisked away to a fantastical realm where imagination and coffee meet. Coffee Project is a carefully managed setting that inspires and uplifts with its lush vegetation, rustic furniture, and charming décor.
The meticulous crafting of Coffee Project is one of its most alluring qualities. There is artwork in every corner and crevice, from the elaborate wallpaper to the captivating light fixtures. It's the kind of place where you can go for a coffee and a chat with a friend or to curl up with a good book in peace and quiet. Coffee Project has a number of different seating arrangements, from intimate nooks to lively community tables, to accommodate its customers.
The coffee is the main attraction of Coffee Project. The café takes pride in its excellent service and the delicious variety of specialty coffees it provides. Every kind of coffee drink imaginable exists, from traditional espresso-based beverages to extravagant and fanciful specialized concoctions. It's impossible to have a bad meal when you pair your coffee with one of their delicious pastries or brunch options.
Coffee Project encourages collaboration and innovation in addition to its aesthetic appeal and tasty beverages. It's a meeting place for creative types, where ideas may flourish and creativity can flourish. Coffee Project is a haven where you may escape the stresses of everyday life and find inspiration in the worlds of art and design while enjoying some of the best coffee around.
So whether you're in need of some motivation, a well brewed cup of coffee, or just a calm and relaxing place to hang out, Coffee Project Cafe is the place to go. It's not just a place to get your caffeine fix; it's an adventure that will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized from the inside out.
Facebook: Coffee Project Instagram: @coffeeprojectofficial
Disclaimer: All pictures shown are mine and self photograph
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heckyeahponyscans · 9 months
Thoughts on G5 MLP Make Your Mark Chapter 5, Episode 1: Cutie Blossom Bash
Summary: Misty's friends take her to Zephyr Heights for the Cutie Blossom Bash, a celebration for all the ponies who've gotten a cutie mark in the past year. The only one not excited about the celebration is . . . Misty.
Thoughts: Great episode, and I'm glad we get to see how the others got their cutie marks! (So Misty getting swooped into the air by magic as it happened WAS above and beyond how it normally goes.)
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It was so nice seeing Argyle again and I liked how he was lingering right next door to make sure everything went well with Sunny's lemonade stand. When the two ponies started fighting, he frowned and started to move around to the street, but Sunny defused the conflict before he got there.
My impression from the G5 movie was that Queen Haven didn't invent the "royals can fly" lie, she inherited it, and that matches up with Zipp's flashback, since I would expect a more massive reaction she was the first pegasus in living memory to (seemingly) fly.
Something interesting about G5 is that cutie marks are both super important (acting as a magical power up) and very understated. Like, I don't think the show ever turned to the audience to explain what they are, nor are there any Cutie Mark Crusaders running around . The information is introduced through context clues, especially with Misty wanting a cutie mark so badly.
(Sidenote, but in my mind cutie marks are 'natural' magic, similar to a seed sprouting, which is why they didn't disappear during the dystopian period. Dalmatians are born white and get their spots later, I imagine a cutie mark is something like that.)
It also seems to matter less what a cutie mark actually shows and waaay less job / talent related. Although even in G4 it was more like a Rorschach test than anything else. Rarity's symbol isn't a sewing needle, it's jewels; Cheerilee has flower symbols and says it symbolizes "the bright smiling faces of [her] students".
I didn't mind G4's cutie marks being job-related, I think it's fine to have a fictional utopia where everyone finds their dream job and their work is like a fun hobby instead of a tiresome chore. (Especially in kids' media.) But I do like G5's take better, where they symbolize who you are more than what you do. As Queen Haven says, it's a step towards becoming "your best, most authentic self."
Speaking of cutie marks, a butterfly is perfect for Misty because, as she realized in this episode, it symbolizes her growth and ability to change.
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As Megan said, "When you look at a caterpillar it's ugly to the eye, but remember a caterpillar becomes a butterfly." Thank you Megan.
A lot of this episode was about Misty's anxieties, which I found very relatable because I had terrible social anxiety that I didn't really get a handle on until I was in my thirties. (Don't ever stop working on yourself or feel like you are "too old" to be happier, whether you are thirteen or eighty-three.) It was great seeing Misty expressing her feelings and vulnerabilities to her friends.
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It really drove home that although Sunny is a protagonist, Misty is THE protagonist of MYM, the character who grows and changes the most.
Misty's terror and embarrassment aside, the Cutie Blossom Bash events were very, well, cute! I like that it's a communal celebration of all the ponies who got their cutie marks and the silly little flags they carry. (And I like Seashell getting even more of a spotlight, retro ponies represent!)
Overall this is one of the top episodes for me so far.
Random thoughts:
They remembered that baby Sunny didn't have rainbow in her hair . . . but forgot to scrub Mane Melody from the background of one of the shots with Argyle. Whoops!
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During the brunch with Queen Haven, it struck me that she is the first kind-hearted mother figure that Misty has ever experienced. (Well, since she was a tiny foal anyway.)
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Argyle's color scheme reminds me of G3 Seaspray
When Zipp starts to tell her cutie mark story, Pipp interrupts and Zipp sarcastically mouths along to Pipp's words, great little touch
Izzy got her cutie mark "on the eves of the Translucent Moonstone Moon"
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I think I know where Gertrude, Opaline's beloved mane brush, went; Misty gave Gertrude to Pipp as a get-well present in "A Little Horse"! With all my heart, I hope Opaline doesn't seek revenge due to her big evil plans being spoiled, but rather over this hairbrush.
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Since I already had the toy of Misty I knew her mane would change color, but I figured it would be due to magic or something, not hairspray. Love the excuse Misty came up with about the magic shrub.
Opaline legit laughs behind her hoof like an anime villain, what a treasure <3
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cevansbaby-dove · 2 months
Safe Haven 7
Pairing: Cowboy!Glen Powell XOFC!Amber Dawnson
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I woke up to see Glen softly sleeping in my bed. I sit up slowly and see the sunlight through my window. I get out of bed and walk to the window and look out at the farm and see down trees and I sigh grabbing my jeans and flannel. I get dressed and Glen groans as he sits up. "What time is it?"
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"a little after six" I put my boots on then stand up. "Come on we got work to do" I walk out after I put my hair into a ponytail and I walk out of the house and look around. "well I got a lot of work"
Glen grabs his shirt and puts it on and gets his jeans on and then puts his boots on and walks outside and stand by me.
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"So about last night" I walk away. "it was a Bad idea I don't want to think about it" I shake my head as we clean up the ranch and Lauren is moving a tree brunch. "Morning you two how are you?"
i glance at glen then say. "It was rough" I get big eyes thinking back to last night.
"going to make you feel so good cowgirl"
Fuck my mind needs mind bleach after last night.
"How about you and Toby?" She and I move some horses and she says. "It was good." She looks at me and says. "what about you and..Cowboy over there?"
I look at him and then say. "Nothing happened" I look at her and she raises an eye brow. "Nothing? your neck say different"
I lightly touch my neck. 'What about my neck?" Glen walks over and says in my ear. "You need to put ice on that cowgirl"
Lauren's jaw drops and says. "Fuck no!" I roll my eyes. "what?" She drags me into the house and I pull away from her. "Lauren what's up?!" She gets a huge grin. 'You two fucked didn't you!?"
"No we.." "that hickey says other words" She folds her arms. "Come on tell me all about it" I hear Glen say. "Cowgirl I need help out here"
"I'll be right there Glen" I look back at my friend. "Well it just happened. I got scared and kissed him...Trust me it's nothing"
"It's not NOTHING! You two fucked and holy shit I am so happy you did because I am sure another girl would have if you didn't"
Glen walks in and says. "Amber come on" I look at him and say. "I said one minute"
I look back at my friend. "Ok fine yes we had sex but it's just a one time thing I promise" Glen frowns behind me and he says. "Really?"
I turn and face him. "it was a mistake Glen I'm sorry but...I can't do that to you, your a great guy and all but..I just don't think we should do that ever again"
He nods. "Right, got it" he walks out and Lauren says. "He's right..you should get ice on that" She walks out leaving me in the living room alone and questioning how I really feel about him.
Time skip:six days.
I walk down the hall and knock softly on Glen's door. He walks over and opens it and looks at me. "Hi" I look at him and say. "Can we talk?" I knew this would be a bad thing to do but I walk into his room and he shuts the door.
I turn around and Glen looks at me as I rub my arms. "I'm sorry for what I said the morning after I just...I was lost on what to feel and I honestly I should hate you....But that night made me...feel love for you"
Glen nods and sits on his bed. "You love me?" I walk to him knowing I should turn around and walk out of the room, but damn I needed him. I nod standing between his legs.
Glen stands up looking into my eyes. "Amber....I" I crash my lips on his..I knew I wasn't leaving this room not without having him use me again....
A/n: Oh we just got the love confession 🤭 Warning the next chapter will be smutty like...Dirty very very..dirty. 🥵
Tags:@angelbabyyy99 @cutedisneygrl @entertainmentgirl80 @hangmanbradshaw @jakeseresinlover
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bethelctpride · 7 months
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Join Sky Casper Entertainment for the only Reinessance drag brunch, starring the fiercest it girls in the game. Snatch up your seats while you still can.
We have limited seating, so groups of 6-10+ get discounted tickets! Email [email protected] for parties larger than 10.
Seatings: 11 am / 11:30 am & 2 pm / 2:30 pm (These are separated so that we can provide each table with the best possible service).
Showtimes: Noon & 3 pm
(Food and drinks are sold separately at the venue)
Address: 144 Temple St, New Haven, CT 06510
Get Tickets
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escapeaddict · 6 months
@lady-adventuress ok so my gift was originally going to be a multichapter fic set in an alternate universe but it wouldn't have been finished on time
anyway, here's the first chapter
Yesterday's Innovation is Tomorrow's Tradition
The kingdom of Ever After was a paradise of progress, a haven of order, a beacon of hope and a pillar of stability. The benevolent royal family ruled with strict compassion and a firm guiding hand, a stern affection behind every action taken by the Grimms over the two centuries since they rose into power.
Destiny, the capital city as of two hundred years ago, was a marvel of technology. The pristinely white palace and the pastel mansions of nobility stretched towers and spires into the sky, a bustling market district spilled chaotically across the streets like explosions of paint, and train tracks from all over the kingdom wound their way to the city. Gardens were carefully cultivated, dirigibles hung in the sky, and halls of stained glass windows and faceted chandeliers served as meeting places during the nobility’s social season.
The slums, meanwhile, were covered in soot and choked by smoke, factories chewing up workers during the day and spitting them back out to sleep in their pitiful shacks by night. To them, coal was hacking coughs and aching lungs, steam was scalding heat and dampened air, and nuts and bolts were things to be handled with care for the gain of those richer than them, lest they be forced to cover their cost from their own wages.
Here, in Destiny, the paths and futures of different, yet oddly similar girls were about to cross, some for the first time. Unbeknownst to them, they were going to implement changes to the very shape and nature of their country. Forever.
Apple White, daughter of the childless king’s only ward, led a blessed life. She woke each morning to the pleasing chimes emerging from the beaks of clockwork birds, their inner workings of springs and gears laid bare to see within their delicate wire frames. An automated table would slide smoothly into her room, halting at the end of its tracks beside her bed, bearing hot tea and warm confections. After her morning refreshments, a maid would enter with a wheeled mannequin wearing an outfit chosen in advance for the day’s events, and help the honorary princess with the tricky buckles and finicky laces of her finery after brushing her blond hair to shiny perfection.
And then, unless beholden to prior obligations, the girl was free to do as she chose.
On this particular day, as the chill of winter thawed from the air, she was called upon to meet with his majesty, King Milton, regarding the upcoming social season. She curtsied respectfully as she sashayed onto the balcony where he and her mother were waiting to speak with her over a light brunch, and awaited a spoken invitation to sit in her seat.
“Sit down, dear,” the king said, the frown lines at the corners of his lips and eyes lightening a margin. “We have matters of importance to discuss.”
“I will convey myself with the utmost dignity in front of all visiting nobility,” she assured him as she sat, anticipating a conversation regarding proper conduct.
“Do not assume to know my thoughts, child,” Milton said. “I have faith enough in your diplomacy. The matter at hand may require a differing set of skills, as you would have known had you listened to me until the completion of my statement.”
Stung, Apple dropped her eyes, but not before seeing her mother hide a crimson smirk with a tilt of her teacup.
“This year, Raven Queen is returning to Destiny at last,” the king said. “Her family has not shown its face since the imprisonment and subsequent execution of its treacherous matriarch, but the girl is sixteen as of November, and somehow has found a sponsor. She is to be presented this very year.”
Apple’s fingers twitched, and vague memories of a laughing child with inky hair and eyes so blue they were practically violet filled her mind.
“We don’t want her causing a scene,” Snow White said serenely, setting down her teacup with a clink. “And you are childhood acquaintances. It would not be remiss of you in the eyes of society to reconnect with an old, ah, ‘friend’.”
“The girl is in prime position to hurt her prospects beyond repair,” the king said. “Not to mention her chances of dragging those easily led down with her. I believe she could use a calming presence and slight monitoring to get her through the social season without mishap. Which is why you will be presented as well.”
The sun kept shining, the breeze kept blowing, the world kept turning, and Apple froze, heart like a block of ice in her chest.
“I don’t turn sixteen until May,” she said after the pause in conversation had stretched on just a little too long. “It’s not proper.”
“No one expects you to actually be married this year,” Snow said. “It is known how useful of a bargaining chip you are.”
“It is tradition for a princess to not be presented until she is eighteen,” Apple said, sudden desperation pushing her to continue the debate. “In order to ensure that a political alliance with a foreign country is not necessary before she is to be married.”
“But you have some leeway,” Milton said with warning in his voice. “As daughter of my ward, you occupy a unique position. Princess enough that any nobleman worth his gold would crave the influence of taking your hand, yet not royal enough that it would shock the senses if you were presented earlier than expected. And I do not believe our relations with our neighbors are unsteady enough to require further negotiations as of yet.”
“And if there is a courter I cannot refuse without jeopardizing the kingdom’s internal peace?” Apple asked, defeated.
“Then I suppose you will have to do your duty, my girl,” the king briefly rested his hand on Apple’s. “Do you trust me?”
“Of course,” Apple responded immediately. “Always.”
“Then believe me when I say that you are up to this task.”
Backed into a corner, all she could do was nod.
Cerise Hood dropped the last trunk onto the floor of the entrance hall with a relieved air, signaling to the footman that he could take it, too, to the carriages. As she turned away, the daughter of her employer caught her eye.
“Thank you,” Raven said. “And thank you for coming with me.”
“It’s no trouble at all,” Cerise said, adjusting the red kerchief covering her head. “I have never been to Destiny before.”
Raven grimaced, no doubt thinking of the execution of her mother, as well as the imprisonment of her double-crossing accomplice, who had been long rumored to be Cerise’s father. Or perhaps she was merely contemplating the reception she could expect to receive in the capital as the daughter of the noblewoman who had succeeded in assassinating the king’s brother.
“This trip will be fun,” Cerise said, ignoring the various elephants in the room. “And who knows? Maybe you’ll wind up getting hitched.”
Raven cringed, then blew a raspberry, causing Cerise to let out a bark of laughter.
“Raven!” the voice of the girl’s father called out.
“I have to go,” Raven said reluctantly. “It’s annoying that we can’t ride in the same carriage.”
“It is what it is,” Cerise shrugged. “Let my boss know I’ll be there in a moment.”
Inclining her head, Raven exited the country house belonging to the Queen family, leaving behind her friend, the bastard child of one of the kitchen workers.
Cerise briefly shut her eyes and took a bracing breath.
She had ensured that she would be accompanying the Queens on their trip (she would have done so anyway, for Raven’s sake) just as she had ensured she would become Raven’s maid (despite her friend’s protests), and now Giles would have further instructions awaiting her upon her arrival at Destiny. The capital was going to be a much more difficult environment in which to gather information and recruit sympathizers to the cause, and she knew she had no idea how difficult it would truly be. She just had to be ready for not being ready.
Exhaling slowly, Cerise opened her eyes and walked out into the early spring sunshine as if without a care in the world.
Raven Queen sighed, lightly brushing the skirt of her purple dress, which flared out from a low pointed waist thanks to multiple layered petticoats. Her black hair, void of the purple ribbons she was planning to weave into it for the formal occasions waiting for her later in the day, was knotted tightly at the back of her head. A lacy parasol and an equally lacy bonnet were easily accessible in preparation for a morning walk among the grounds, should the mood strike her. Forgoing footwear, she padded through the halls on stockinged feet, stone floor pleasantly warm due to a system of pipes and heated water.
The house in Destiny was both eerily familiar and comfortingly strange to Raven, who hadn’t stepped foot in it since the tender age of nine. Here, Mira Queen had planned to poison the heir to the throne. Here, she had been dragged away in chains, cursing the huntsman who’d betrayed her.
Here, Raven had seen her mother for the last time before her sentenced death.
She could still make her way to the kitchen, as it turned out, memory not failing her in that regard, but the kitchen looked all wrong compared to her recollections. The angles and the sizes of all the tables and pantries were different than she remembered, and inexplicably tears fought to leave her eyes.
“Blackbird,” the cook noticed her. “Planning on getting the worm?”
“It’s not that early, is it?” Raven asked.
“Early enough that you’re not leaving this kitchen until we get something in your stomach,” the cook said. “Breakfast isn’t for another two hours.”
And as the cook fussed over her, something in Raven unclenched, as if her bones settled into place, and she smiled, breathing in the familiar scent of spices and herbs that always pervaded the kitchen.
She was home.
Knightley adjusted his sleeves and smoothed out the lapels of his frock coat. He tucked his pocket watch into his waistcoat pocket (he was surely going to miss important information from the evening’s ball at the Beauty’s, which started in less than an hour), and he gathered himself to knock on the locked door in front of him.
A few heartbeats passed until the locking mechanism began to click.
“We’re closed,” said the man who cracked open the door, squinting at him.
“Can the musical chair change its tone,” Knightley said in a low voice, “when the tablet of granite is inscribed with a bone?”
The old carpenter peered at him a moment longer, before spitting on the cobblestones and turning around, leaving the door open. He followed him inside, shutting and locking the door behind him. Winding their way through the shop, the man led him between displays of furniture and carvings, through the back where they weaved around blocks of wood and scattered tools while sawdust kicked up by their feet swirled at their ankles, and down a trapdoor to the basement. On their way, Knightley saw a man closely resembling the carpenter, no doubt his son, carefully whittling something in his large hands, but he had not looked up as they passed. In the basement the carpenter turned to Knightley, gesturing at a pile of crates tucked in the back behind barrels and sacks of various foodstuffs.
“My granddaughter’s about your age, mister,” the old man said. “Her name is Cedar. And she’s as good as dead if you muck this up, do you understand me?”
“Yessir,” Knightley straightened his back.
“Pah,” the carpenter said disparagingly, then marched back up the stairs without a word.
Knightley rolled his eyes, but moved aside the deceptively heavy crates without comment, revealing a round door in the wall, small and low to the ground. He crawled into the passageway it concealed, wrinkling his nose as he traversed above and beneath protruding corners of pipes full of water and steam. At the end of his crawl he hit another door. He knocked with no hesitation.
This time the words were allowed to be a bit more treasonous, as they were out of the public’s earshot.
“The king who sings with pages of sky fears too much the dawn that rises with lies,” Knightley said.
The door opened.
“So nice to meet you in person, Master Knightley,” said the man known to him only as Fenris, though he recognized Duke Badwolf from prior events.
“Likewise, y- sir,” he replied, biting down the instinctive usage of ‘your grace’.
He reached into his coat and the duke tensed, hand hovering at the hilt of his dagger, but Knightley merely retrieved a collection of notes secured in a large nondescript envelope he’d tucked away in an inner pocket.
“Information on the families you requested, sir,” he said, handing it over. “The Charmings, the O’Hairs, and several others.”
The duke didn’t acknowledge his defensive reaction, simply dropping his right hand back to his side as he accepted the envelope with his left. He skimmed through its contents, then looked up at Knightley with a grin that showed far too many teeth to be anything other than predatory.
“We already have a recruiter as her maid,” Badwolf said, “but get us what you can on Raven Queen.”
Knightley took that to mean that his work was satisfactory.
Briar Beauty, who’d turned sixteen the previous August, hung on the outskirts of the party she’d helped her parents arrange, pouting at the fact that not one gentleman had asked her to be their first dance of the night. Instead two separate crowds had formed around Apple White and Raven Queen, until the former politely made her excuses and the latter was whisked off to the dance floor.
Apple was making her way across the room to Briar, no doubt to chastise her about showing such an unbecoming face in public, but Briar opted to ignore her friend until she couldn’t anymore. She shifted her gaze to Raven instead, envy spiking through her at the attention the girl was getting, when she caught sight of a flash of dark blue fabric. Briar’s stomach twisted at the color that was becoming increasingly familiar, as its wearer’s dresses varied in design instead of in shade.
The wearer being Faybelle Thorn, daughter of the diplomat from Faerie, land of heathens, where they decried the progress of coal and steam. She danced in the arms of a young gentleman, footsteps light with a nimble grace, and sported a smug smile on her pointy face.
Briar’s mother had been kidnapped by Faerie in her youth, when the seas between the two kingdoms were still tumultuous.
In fact, the mastermind behind the ransom plot was none other than Faybelle’s very own mother.
Briar failed to notice Apple gliding into place at her side until the princess murmured in her ear for her to breathe and relax.
“I don’t understand how you get along with her,” Briar said, not taking her eyes off the infuriating girl. “You’re polar opposites.”
“We have an understanding,” Apple corrected. “We share similar ideals in many ways, but we are not friends, I can assure you of that. So stop glaring.”
“I’m not jealous of her,” Briar grumbled. “And I’m offended that you’d even insinuate such a thing.”
She shot the girl another dirty look.
“For heaven’s sake,” Apple said, “your families aren’t even feuding, so drop the vendetta.”
Just then, Faybelle caught Briar’s eye and winked, the smug vixen.
Cheeks burning, Briar jerked her head to the side, on time to see a flustered Darling Charming, who had been among those presented in the morning, arrive noticeably late.
An earl, who had previously vied for Apple’s attention, made his way over to the stunningly pretty girl, and Apple scowled.
“You have more than enough potential suitors, honey,” Briar said. “That one’s no big loss at his age. And you accuse me of being jealous.”
Apple appeared to be struggling with what to say, a confused furrow to her brow, and in the end she simply settled on a long drawn-out sigh.
“Please excuse me,” she said, sidestepping her hypocrisy completely, “I should reacquaint myself with Raven, it’s been several years since we last spoke.”
“Fine,” Briar said with a joking bitterness. “Enjoy debuting without your best friend by your side, ingrate.”
She flashed Apple a grin as she swept away in a faux-offended cloud of pink fabric.
Apple, after getting waylaid by Daring Charming, who, at nearly seventeen, was free to enjoy himself during the season with no marital pressure placed upon him, managed to make her way to Raven’s vicinity before the girl was yanked away into another dance. Raven spotted her and paled to a gaunt gray, knuckles whitening as she gripped the fabric of her skirt tightly.
“Raven!” Apple smiled. “It has been ever so long. I must say that it is wonderful to see you again.”
“It is?” Raven said, visibly startled by Apple’s welcoming attitude, but at least she unclenched her fists.
“Of course,” said Duchess Swan, a daughter of minor nobility, as she sidled up to them mid-waltz. “You’re really refreshing our memory as to why loyalty to the king pays off. Why, it’s as if you had left Destiny only yesterday.”
Apple opened her mouth to chastise her, but the graceful girl had already glided away, twirling in the arms of her dance partner.
Several seconds of silence strung along.
“Please excuse her,” Apple said. “She doesn’t speak for us all.”
“Doesn’t she?” Raven asked, eyeing the waltzing pairs subtly stealing looks at the two girls.
“Well, I, for one, am honestly pleased to see you,” Apple said. “Shall we?”
She indicated the refreshment tables with a lazy wave, in the hopes that food and drink would lower the other’s guard.
“Very well,” Raven said cautiously, starting towards the wine glasses.
They arrived by them in utter silence.
Well, that just wouldn’t do.
“Taking the bull by the horns,” Apple said. “I’m afraid I can no longer predict your reactions to mentions of delicate topics, and one is hanging over us quite obviously.”
Raven said nothing.
“I wish I knew you as well as I used to,” Apple whispered, her mother berating her in her mind for the truth in her words. “I’ve missed you, you know.”
“My bluntness hasn’t changed,” Raven finally said, picking up a flute of champagne with her thumb and middle finger with a carelessness contradicted by her trembling hands. “So I’ll state this question simply. Do you want to reconnect even though my mother killed your, well, basically, great uncle, and tried to do the same to your mother?”
Taking the bull by the horns indeed.
“Raven, you were nine,” Apple said, dismayed. “No one, and I mean no one, should ever think you’re guilty because of blood relation.”
“I know that, don’t worry,” Raven smiled faintly, the rippling surface of the burgundy liquid in her glass smoothing. “I just wanted to get that out of the way, because you’d be shocked at how many people disagree.”
“Do you,” Apple’s voice was small. “Do you resent me for your mother’s fate?”
She hadn’t meant to ask that.
“You’re no more at fault for that than I am for the assassination attempts,” Raven touched her fingertips to Apple’s wrist. “I never once blamed you, not in all my years of isolation in the countryside.”
Apple’s lips parted, and she completely forgot her betters’ instructions not to get emotionally invested in their relationship.
“Can we start over?” she blurted out.
“And pretend we never stole oranges from the cook?” Raven asked. “Forget that we dropped a bucket of snow on Dexter Charming, or that we muddied our clothes countless times running outside in the rain?”
Her tone was melancholy as she recalled those events that had seemed so joyful when they occurred.
“Not as a blank slate,” Apple said, fumbling for the right words. “More as a renewal of our bond, a shared goal of making new memories without the past weighing them down. Like you said, I want to reconnect ‘even though’.”
Raven looked away for a moment, contemplatively quiet. She then turned to gaze decisively into Apple’s eyes, which betrayed unintentional sincerity. 
“I would be honored to get to know you again,” Raven said.
Cerise, devoid of her eye-catching kerchief and with soot smudging her distinctive lock of white hair, crouched on the spindly limbs of a pomegranate tree on the edge of the Beauty estate. The threadbare branches didn’t provide much cover, but as long as her movements remained slow and steady, the night and her drab garments would be all the concealment she needed.
There was just one snag in this planned rendezvous. A man was wandering ever closer to her in his meandering path across the gardens, clearly enjoying his peaceful solitude. He soon paused to contemplate the starry sky only a few feet from Cerise’s hiding spot.
The moonlight reflected off the colorless locks in his otherwise dark brown hair as he lingered, and Cerise was giving herself a moment to lament her failed mission when he spoke.
“Hello, Redcap.”
“Fenris,” she breathed.
Damn it all, of all the rotten luck, a nobleman was her contact in the city.
How was she supposed to discreetly interact with him as a maid?
“Status?” he inquired.
“Secure,” she said, brain in turmoil.
“And that of your target?”
“My friend, you mean,” she corrected instinctively.
“Redcap,” he growled.
“Uncompromised as of yet, sir,” Cerise muttered. “I’ll have a clearer picture after tonight’s events.”
“Good,” Fenris said. “I expect a report on the corvid’s account of the evening by tomorrow night.”
“Understood,” she said. “Further instructions?”
“Pending,” he said. “But nudge her away from the fruit, they seemed to be getting along earlier, and if she befriends her we might just lose our greatest potential asset to the serpent and her gilded tongue.”
One second she was listening attentively to Apple’s tales of misadventures with Briar, the next Raven’s childhood friend stood stiff and mute, face blank but for that hated artificial smile Raven remembered from before.
Which meant that one specific person was nearby.
She reluctantly pivoted and came face-to-face with the heir to the throne.
“Raven, darling,” Snow White beamed. “It’s delightful to have a representative of the Queen family at our dear social season once more. Your presence has been sorely missed since your father’s unfortunate vanishing act.”
“It’s a pleasure to be here,” Raven said, shoving down the anger curling in her gut.
“Tell me, my dear,” Snow said with a flash of her pearly teeth. “What prompted this return?”
“Well, Lady Charming was kind enough to recall my similarity in age to her own children,” Raven said. “She reached out about sponsoring me.”
Snow’s eyes were quite cold in contrast to the warmth of her curved lips.
“I was under the impression that you were the one to reach out initially,” she said. “It was quite generous of Lady Charming to risk her reputation in such a way. With her scant schedule, I can understand how she had the presence of mind to write to you before me, but it’s a shame that I hadn’t realized that she was your only option, not your first choice. Your return could have been facilitated as a symbol of peace between our families had I only thought things through. And I could have spared other sponsors from the controversy.”
“Queenie is handling any backlash just fine,” Raven said without blinking, as if she called marchionesses by their first name on a regular basis.
“Marvelous,” Snow said. “I do hope it remains that way.”
“I believe in her ability to handle surprise obstacles,” Raven said.
“Such confidence in your sponsor is commendable,” Snow said. “But do not let it blind you. Reality is often harsh.”
“I suppose that’s true,” Raven sipped her drink. “But one does not need the support of another to stand up for oneself.”
“Then I’ll leave you in your own capable hands,” Snow said. “I have so much catching up to do with Queenie, I haven’t checked in on her family in far too long.”
Raven watched as the woman walked away and mentally apologized to the Charmings for loosing the heir apparent on them, no matter how unintentionally.
Darling thanked the Redford boy for the dance, and he bowed gallantly over her hand, pressing his lips to the back of her wrist. She took short, quick steps beneath the voluminous skirt of her gown, which translated into a flowing movement to onlookers, and went in search of water for her dry mouth, only to stop in her tracks.
Her twin brother was engaged in conversation with Snow White, and it was not going well.
“I suppose I always thought she was intriguing,” Dexter looked like he’d rather be anywhere else.
“I can’t help but notice you’re not one of the ones asking her to dance,” Snow said. “Nervous?”
“I don’t really know her,” Dexter, bless him, looked legitimately confused. “Why would I?”
“Status,” Snow shrugged. “Scandal. Romance. There must be a reason Queenie’s sticking her neck out for an outcast.”
Dexter’s eyes darted around nervously, then landed on his sister, wordlessly begging for help.
“Dex!” Darling rushed forward to clutch his sleeve, ending up between him and Snow. “I didn’t get to talk to you today!”
She pouted up at him.
“Maybe you should get better at keeping track of time,” he said, but softened the statement with a grin.
Snow cleared her throat.
“Oh my,” Darling said, letting go of Dexter’s arm. “I didn’t notice you, I apologize.”
Snow gave herself a lightning quick once over as if to double-check that her opulent jewelry and blinding white gown remained intact, and Darling resisted the urge to grin.
“I do hope I wasn’t interrupting anything important,” she continued.
“Important?” Snow gave a tinkling laugh. “Not at all! I was merely saying my hellos to your brother.”
“It’s sweet of you to try and assuage my worries,” Darling said. “But I know the wellbeing of those around you is one of your top priorities, and I am deeply sorry for interrupting the way I did.
“I do care very much,” Snow said. “For those dear to me.”
Darling dropped the pretense of misunderstanding the badly hidden insults.
“Then I wouldn’t dream of keeping you from them,” she said, gesturing away from herself.
Snow narrowed her eyes, but gave her a tight smile.
“I do hope to speak to you soon, Darling,” she said in lieu of a farewell.
The siblings watched her retreating form until she was out of earshot.
“Did you have to antagonize her?” Dexter asked.
“Did she have to imply that you were worth less to her than the dirt on her soles?” Darling shot back.
“I don’t even know what she was trying to get from me,” Dexter said, wisely not pursuing that argument.
“An admission that it was your idea to have Mom sponsor Raven,” she said.
“But it wasn’t,” he said. “It would take a lot of subtle manipulation to convince Mom to do anything we thought up.”
And, oh, didn’t Darling know that all too well.
Having snuck out to the garden the night of the ball for some air, as she was wont to do after a night of overzealous wine-drinking, Briar had found that someone had been in the tree she liked to perch on. Said someone had been none too gentle, as could be seen by the snapped twigs and crushed leaves, not to mention they had left a muddy footprint on the bark. Oh, they had been relatively subtle signs, but Briar knew that tree like the palm of her hand, with all its little scars and blemishes. And she wanted answers.
Or maybe she was bored and nursing a slight headache, but that was beside the point.
Her money would have been on Darling, if not for the fact that the girl’s mother had kept an eagle eye on her daughter from the moment they stepped into the foyer, and for the fact that she’d eliminated invited guests from her list of suspects.
“Only Badwolf was in that area,” the nervous footman she’d questioned told her. “And he never even touched any tree.”
Needless to say, the trail more or less ended there.
Briar sighed despondently, hunched up in her vantage point that doubled as the scene of the crime, when her eye caught on a scrap of fabric caught on a branch, edges ragged and obviously torn.
Assessing the cloth with practiced expertise, Briar was pretty sure it originated in the Darkwood.
The Queens had sent spies to last night’s ball.
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bam-stroker · 3 months
I think if Sun met a drag queen they would 1) unlock a completely new level in their own gender and 2) fully be convinced they just met an IRL princess
I was going to have this in the tags, but damn it, I just really would love if the diner became a safe haven for queer people. Like, the diner ends up becoming a place where all the local drag queens end up going after shows. And every time they all come in, Sun is gushing over their costumes
And all the queens are giving them tips on how to be campy femme, and they lend Sun outfits so Sun can dress up like a full on pie or some shit
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And meanwhile some drag kings will occasionally stop by and Moon will just stare at them with big old eyes
Rest Stop drag brunch is gonna have to happen some day ♪(´▽`)
Or at the very least drag bingo
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victoriaa-sanchez · 11 months
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Photo taken during brunch. I love my ladies. @adaline-stanton, @elyse-wingard
Shout out to @haven-foxx for being also one of my ladies I adore.
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elianajof · 7 months
Roundtable presentation: Fire Island (2022)
“Fire Island” (2022) is a romantic comedy that takes a classic twist on Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice.” The plot synopsis is a group of friends take a summer vacation to Fire Island which is a historically safe space for queer people, specifically queer men. The two leads, played by Bowen Yang and Joel Kim Booster, are mirrors of Jane and Elizabeth Bennett, both having love stories that develop during their vacation. Searchlight Pictures characterizes the film as “an unapologetic, modern day rom-com showcasing a diverse, multicultural examination of queerness and romance.” 
Most of the principal characters of the movie are non-white – Bowen Yang is Chinese-American and Joem Kim Booster was born in South Korea. There are a few more actors of East Asian descent, a Latino actor, and a Black actor all in the two central friend groups of the movie. The film does not touch on the racial or ethnic identity of any of these characters but works their identities into the struggles that they face. You may have seen in the trailer that Yang’s character is called “Jackie Chan” at the glamorous New York City brunch spot where he and Booster’s character meet. These slight digs are the only mentions of them being “othered” because all of these characters are coming together at a safe haven for queer people. Instead of focusing on the intense tragedies that people of color or queer people experience, the film focuses on their smaller day-to-day problems like microaggressions, social status, anxiety, and relationships. 
The film presents characters with more approachable and recognizable ethnic backgrounds for global audiences as showing diversity without showing racism or xenophobia – since the film is pretty light-hearted they do not get into those deep problems. Instead, the film focuses more on class (in the trailer they reference this a bit but it is much more explored in the actual film). This exploration of class difference is a reference to the original Pride and Prejudice text. I felt like they could have done more with this and dived deeper into these types of “safe-haven” towns that are being overrun by the wealthy but it is evident that they attempted to make the film palatable to all audiences. 
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The first way the film did not stick to regular standards is pretty obvious: a romcom centering two gay Asian men. There are really no women in this “rom-com” besides their “aunt” who acts like the maternal figure to the main friend group. Secondly, the film explores mental health issues and issues that are distinct to the queer community. Thirdly, the film is R-rated and definitely not meant as a “family” rom-com. I think this was smart because it is so often that with queer movies they choose to “tone it down” or to make it more palatable/appropriate for all audiences. In “Fire Island,” written by Joel Kim Booster, he writes a script that feels authentic to his friends and community. 
While “Fire Island” is definitely a diverse and unique take on a classic story, one could argue that despite its perceived diversity, basing the story on the white heteronormative story of Pride and Prejudice takes away from some of that power. Instead of creating a unique story, they repurposed an old tale and attempted to recapture that idea of romance and class struggle but through a queer lens. Some critics may find that this is annoying, that instead of Booster just creating his own story, he repurposed Jane Austen. Personally, I don’t have a problem with it but I also know that this is a common trend in some recent media. “Hamilton,” for example, was another repurposing of a white story with BIPOC actors. Some people find these things troubling because it glorifies the BIPOC erasure that was actually happening at the time, but some people find it empowering to repurpose those types of stories for new representation. 
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