#btw the bisexual in this scenario is ME
nenasspot · 10 months
my jelly pop noot noot gunwook header having a subtle bi flag coloring thanks to the font color the fansite used... good stuff
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fallenangels1987 · 7 months
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catwoman: lonely city issue #2 (cliff chiang) // may i have this dancer? (paul tobin)
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As a multi-shipping bisexual person who has been crying tears of joy for the past two episodes over the bi-buck story arc - I need you all to know that the weirder you guys are about it (and let's be real right now, you guys are being INCREDIBLY weird about it), the more uncomfortable I, an actual real life queer person, get with Buddie.
I genuinely love Buddie, one of my all time favorite fics across any fandom is "My Fingerprints Smeared on Your Heart", but I'm very hesitant to believe it will ever happen. So when ABC brings in Tommy and starts a VERY WELL WRITTEN and BEAUTIFUL queer story that UPLIFTS MY HEART and then I go into fan spaces to see people trashing on BuckTommy, or screaming "no Buck thats the wrong guy", or wanting the relationship to end with Buck cheating (which is incredibly biphobic btw) with Eddie, or implying/hoping that Tommy is an abuser that Buck can be saved from by Eddie, or any of the countless other scenarios that turn Buck's happily-and-safely-exploring-his-sexuality arc into small-or-traumatic plot point for the purpose of making Buddie canon it makes me feel deeply uncomfortable with Buddie and my fellow 911 fans. And that makes me sad, because I love fan spaces and I love interacting with people who like the same things as me!
Also, please learn the difference between queerbaiting and queer coding.
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vashhanamichi · 3 months
And what are you up to with that wonderful work titled Venus as a Boy? AND The Partisan - I am super intrigued about that one.
Hello darling thank you for answering the meme btw, I need to head to your blog and demand my snippets soon... So Venus as a Boy is Voldemort and Bellatrix in a Voldemort Wins scenario playing with one bisexual fawn Harry Potter who is flustered and angry and horny about his new evil Daddy and Mommy. It's not incest but they wish it were. Here it is:
“Does he love you?” She asks. Dawn colours the room in gentle mauve, lilac, silver. The french windows are open and the curtains billow in the breeze. Beyond, her sister’s gardens, and further away the boy’s own alcove, the enchanted and delicate prison in which he spends his sainthood, a melancholic bird, for he too was meant for greater planes. That her Lord’s arrow has crippled Harry Potter beyond repair, that this languid doe won’t ever run free again, fills her with breathless pleasure.
Voldemort’s triumph is careless, elegant. As if his expanding empire, the death of Dumbledore, and the capture of the Chosen One are expected notes in a familiar piece, hit, one by one, by a competent pianist.
“He loves me,” and his voice is tender. Between them she’s the greatest sadist. She’s wet again. “...and he thinks he can change me.” Voldemort adds. Bellatrix laughs, giddy with the thought, and feels, such is the strange coil of her nature, a sudden affection for Harry, for faring so well at a victim’s trade.
“Oh, he’s perfect.” She says. “Poor thing. I almost feel sorry.”
“Almost.” Voldemort agrees.
As for The Partisan...well. Omega Harry, Alpha Ron and Beta Hermione are Horcrux hunting. Say Ron never left. Say he stayed and matured, carrying the locket around his neck. Say he changed...
My saviour, Harry thought, my balm. Even delirious as he was then he knew himself to be of a baser realm than his two best friends. Inside, the growing hollowness, and if Voldemort wouldn’t fill it then Ron must, Ron whose scent had matured, changed in the eleven months they had wasted hunting for the Horcruxes, a reek of old wine and clear water on stone. For all his arousal and the whorish creature it turned him into, Harry couldn’t detach himself wholly from shame, from guilt; half-naked, legs spread around Ron’s waist and hips swaying, a constant friction against that which could tame, fulfill and damn him, he still repeated:
“Please. Ah, please, please, don’t look. I’m sorry, I’m sorry...”
“I won’t look,” Ron promised, in the steady, adult voice he had grown into the last few weeks, “I won’t look.” Harry felt those words against his hair, against his ear. Ron’s arms were stronger than his had ever been and held him so firmly that soon his struggle ceased. Under him, he noticed, the Alpha was hard. “I’ll take care of you,” Ron continued, carressing his hair, and in the dark he sounded like someone else. In its peak the fever lulled Harry in and out of that room, between Ron and Voldemort’s voyeristic presence. “Be good for me now.” The Alpha commanded.
“Thank you.” Harry moaned. “Thank you. Oh, Tom. I’ll be good, I promise.”
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lol-jackles · 6 months
I can't help thinking the best and easiest way for JA's company to make a hit production is to buy any original script abt two men in love (non-SPN), no matter how flimsy the story is, make JP & JA the leads, give JP executive freedom, throw in a bunch of jealous scenes where JA's character is possessive of JP's character (grabbing JP protectively & putting his hands in JP's hair etc; all the stuff JA added to Dean) & make JA lose the douchy long hair & give him sth close to S7 Dean's hair (the longest it ever got while staying Deanish).
J2's unparalleled chemistry will elevate the script. JP's excellent eye as producer will keep the company safe from its own incompetence & could even snag an excellent script in the first place.
The Wincest and J2 shippers plus every viewer hungry for man-on-man romantic scenes will bring in enough money & drool to rake in a very neat profit.
It'll have lasting cultural value because the Wincest & J2 shippers will fill all SM with gifs & fan vids from the movie as if it's from Sam & Dean's lives, and man-on-man viewers will do the same in non-SPN circles.
End it tragically & get the usual crowd braying abt bury ur gays, keeping it in everyone's minds nevertheless. Or end it happily & have all the viewers salivating & rewatching for J2 (SPN crowd) or for two hot dudes kissing or more (non-SPN crowd who do this anyway with man-on-man scenes; I dislike calling it gay scenes because men who sleep with men can be bisexual, and gays have been famously hypocritically biphobic to bisexuals like me).
Anyway what do you think? Would it really succeed or am I just a simpleton who would die to watch Sam and Dean kiss but has no understanding of what movies need to succeed? Love your blog btw.
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I'm posting your idea in full because it's a giant prompt for J2/Sam&Dean fanfic writers.
Your ideas had me thinking of a Good Omen reboot with Jared and Jensen playing Azri and Crowely. The scenarios you presented can all take place at different points in the past, making the series more of an anthology. In 10 years, J2 will be in their 50s, the same age David Tennant and Michael Sheen are currently. If J2 are game, it could work! One of the reasons why Loki is one of the better Disney+ series is audience like the chemistry between Tom Hiddleson and Owen Wilson. Going by the conventions, the chemistry between Jared and Jensen is still going strong.
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7x04 - Buddie is all over this episode and not because we finally got Bi!Buck confirmation
Alright, we got some fanfuckingtastic food this episode and while I'm still celebrating over here in the corner for Bi!Buck becoming canon and how important that is not only for bisexual representation in mainstream media but also for his character, I have to talk about Buddie. (I am not diminishing this great moment for Buck, I promise)
Don't get me wrong. I like Tommy and I'm excited to see how this all pans out and to explore this journey with Buck. Not to mention the whole "Maybe you're more of a Team Jacob kind of guy" from Sal to Tommy back in 2x09, I'm glad to see it come full circle like this because they could have chosen someone else for Buck. Plus he and Buck do have chemistry.
But I have to be honest, my personal opinion is that Tommy is another case of this. Here's a whole list of why:
Another Name Ending with "ee" Sound: Edd-ie -> Tomm-y
Army connection: Both were in the army; both are connected to helicopters (and we know how important the helicopter symbolism is for Buddie)
Dressing Alike: Tommy and Eddie are dressing alike (when Eddie picks him up)
Looking alike: In certain lighting (like outside Buck's apartment door), Tommy has a similar look to Eddie
Immediate Side-eye: Buck had a similar reaction to Tommy and Eddie's friendship that he had to Eddie when the latter first joined the 118
Working Out: We even go back to the working out scenario (callback to 2x01) but this time, Eddie isn't working out, he's talking to Tommy on his phone, it's Ravi around this time not Chim, and Buck is once again trying to get Eddie's attention, but this time not competitively; if this were strictly about Buck's attraction to Tommy and trying to get his attention, Buck wouldn't have gone to this trouble; if Buck wanted to get Eddie's attention platonically because of his platonic jealousy, the basketball game was a better route than lifting weights (which is why they have the basketball delivered at the end of that scene)
Tsunami Callback: Tommy helped the 118 with flying the helicopter into a hurricane to land on the capsized cruise ship to rescue Bathena; it's not as overt and may be unintentional on the writers' part (who are we kidding? we KNOW these writers) but it calls back the tsunami arc for me from season 3, with Buck's and Eddie's separate involvement due to Buck's situation, this time they're together but Tommy isn't part of the 118 anymore
The Kitchen: Buck and Tommy in the kitchen - Buck opens a beer but doesn't drink it, Tommy declines one - we know open beer bottles/having a beer is also an important symbol for Buddie - this felt very much like a callback to 3x09 where Buck was getting that close to Eddie, this time Tommy was the one to get closer to Buck - and it also brings to mind 4x12 where Taylor was talking to Buck and Eddie about the treasure hunt, where Taylor told Buck she loved him in season 5 - the kitchen is not only important for Buddie but also for Buck's most important relationships (Eddie, Christopher (from the season 6 dinner), Maddie, Albert, Chim, etc)
Asking Parallel: Buck reveals Eddie has been asking him to play basketball but he always turns him down, now he asked Tommy & Tommy is going; Buck "asks out" Tommy and offers to buy him a beer, not once but twice Tommy turns him down until the kiss happens; Buck asks Eddie back in 7x01 to go go-karting & Eddie turns him down, saying he has a date as does Christopher
More of the Taylor/Eddie parallel: Ashley C, a dental hygienist, (think "always smiling"/teeth, Taylor on camera) tells Buddie "I love dalmatians" (something we know Taylor referred to Buck as) and Ashley A (a flight attendant btw, a subtle reference to the helicopter thing) says "I feel so lightheaded, I'm having palpitations". Two different Ashleys but it's no coincidence that Ashley "A" is the one to give the Eddie reference (we all know he had that situation going on back in season 5)
Buck keeps mentioning the Tommy/Eddie connection: "You and Tommy have a lot of things in common" - he mentions it twice, once to Eddie and then once to Tommy later in the kitchen
Eddie asking Buck to watch Christopher: While Eddie hasn't asked Tommy to watch Christopher because he usually is out with him, it's mentioned that Christopher has met Tommy and approves; Eddie then asks Buck to watch Christopher after mentioning he's already asked Marisol twice to watch him twice that week - not only does this dialogue put Marisol and Buck on the same level for Eddie in who he trusts but also, in an episode where tons of paralleling is going on, relationship wise in the dialogue (they could have not had Eddie mention that when asking Buck or just say Marisol was busy or something else)
The Chim Factor: once again, Chim is being involved (as is Madd-ie who has also been a parallel for Eddie before) - from 2x01 to now, he's always had a front seat to the Buddie show, no coincidence that he was brought to the basketball game by Buck or that he ends up being there to look over Eddie once he's hurt
The Bachelor Nod: the Bachelor named Joey and the male host that both Maddie and Josh are falling all over themselves to talk to is Jesse (ties into the two Ashleys, the two Sarahs) - I've never watched The Bachelor so I have no idea if Jesse and Joey are actually real (I'm assuming maybe due to the credits) but interesting that out of all the guys they could have chosen be a guest to do this spot, they have another J name, again in an episode where we're getting a name two different ways not once but twice and again, the parallels
Season 5 ATC callback: I also find it interesting that Joey approaches Chim and has his hand on Chim's shoulder the same way we saw Eddie do with Buck back in season 5 when they were treating someone on the ground, at the Air traffic tower, after Ashley A pinned her wings onto Joey
Conchata connection: This character feels like a connection to Eddie not just due to the mention of Mexico but also that "Conchata" comes crashing into the scene; feels/appears like one thing at first but then we find out differently and the real Conchata has been there all along, just waiting to be found - could this be foreshadowing? or a callback to how Eddie first came into the 118 and it looked like there was going to be a rivalry but it turned into something else?
"Seriously cool": Not only is Christopher impressed with Tommy, but Buck obviously is, too. We all remember only too well who else Buck found to be this level of cool and going on and on to Maddie about (hello 2x01 my old friend)
Getting attention: Buck admits he was trying to get Eddie's attention (but not to Eddie); Buck admits to Tommy that he was working hard to get his attention
The Ashleys: Ashley A is from Corona, CA (both Buck and Eddie now live in CA as does Taylor) while Ashley C is from Florida (Buck is from PA I think and Taylor I forget where but Midwest I think? I can't remember for her, please feel free to correct me in the comments, Eddie is from Texas)
"It's only been two weeks": Buck mentions this more than once, that Tommy and Eddie are best buddies after only two weeks - subtle inference back to season 2 where Buck met Eddie and within an episode they had become best buddies and again, the weights scene
Buck's Reaction Compared to Maddie's: while Maddie tells Buck to stop acting like the 14 year old girl she was, her reaction was different though the motivating factor was similar - both Sarah B & Sarah S were blonde, Maddie dyed her hair & wanted to change her name to fit in with them because she was jealous and missed her best friend - Buck (yes, I know he's an adult but he did admit he was acting similarly to Maddie), the only way he tries to fit in is with basketball, before that, it's all about getting the attention of both Eddie and Tommy (and by them showing us the Eddie phone and weights scene plus the basketball package (after he's turned Eddie down so many times) they're subtly letting us know that this isn't just about Tommy)
"Evan": the only other two men (from the 118) to call Buck Evan are Chim and Eddie (I don't think Bobby has before, but I could be wrong) = not a coincidence that now Tommy is (and frequently) and again, also no coincidence that Chim has a front seat to this (when Chim has also been paralleled with Buck like last season & Maddie has been paralleled with Eddie before)
Basketball Game Apparel: Chim is wearing his LAFD hoodie while Tommy is wearing a grey hoodie tank; Buck and Eddie are wearing tank tops (different cuts but both dark colors); as we all already know, TV and this show will use costuming to show when two people are on the same page, doing the same thing, or there's something going on for those two characters that is trying to be conveyed to the audience without being overt. I mean, hello:
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(regardless of how these relationships turned out in these series, you get my point)
Considering Eddie and Buck aren't on the same page right now (Eddie has no idea about Buck's jealousy until Buck does what he does at the game), and while they might be playing the same game, it's against each other, so that only leaves one thing:
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So there is a lot of connection between Tommy and Eddie:
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(and some serious callbacks to Taylor - I mean, look at that above, TV at the end of the unit #)
We even see Tommy and Eddie keeping an even pace as they're walking away from Buck.
Plus, we also got more callbacks to season 3, for Eddie (which connects back to that 3x09 kitchen scene again because of the context of that conversation between Buck and Eddie): "Tommy's friends with the promoter so we got ringside seats. I felt like I was the one throwing the punches."
But here is where it gets even more interesting:
Tommy is also paralleling Buck.
Tommy mentions being jealous of the 118 and seeing how much of a tight-knit unit they are, after he's been out of there for a while -> Buck was initially jealous of Eddie back in 2x01 because he thought he was being replaced in his 118 family (and appeared to feel the same way about Ravi until we found out differently)
Tommy appears to know exactly what Buck is talking about with dating someone he's rescued by saying "They're always so grateful"
Tommy is part of the pre-original 118 lineup (who knew Chim and Hen); Buck is part of the original 118 who obviously knows Chim and Hen
Christopher cannot stop talking about Tommy to Buck and Buck to Tommy
Eddie asks Tommy to go to basketball after Buck has turned him down several times
Tommy has become Bestie!Buck 2.0 for Eddie in Buck's absence (in Buck's eyes) though there's no reasoning for this absence outside of Eddie's new relationship & Buck's turning Eddie down for an activity (this absence is alluded to when Eddie finds out for the first time that Buck is no longer with Natalia)...well, really 3.0 because, you know...Lena (who also brought Eddie to a fight btw with "ringside" seats, who knew the organizer)
I guarantee we'll get more connections to both as this develops, but I don't think Buddie is out for the count. Especially after seeing the promo for next week's episode. Not so much because of Eddie and Marisol seeing Buck and Tommy together, but Buck's obvious tension that Tommy reacts to before Eddie even shows up, and then Buck's reaction to Eddie showing up.
To be fair, this is all new to him as he states so it makes sense that he's still figuring things out for his own journey. But, at the same time, there did not need to be this many connections that the writers purposely made to either Buck or Eddie for Tommy. That's why, as excited as I am to see how Buck/Tommy plays out, I also think it's like what Ana Flores was for Eddie (though obviously very different relationship dynamics and characters), to get Buck to open up and have this realization about himself, to explore it, and end up wherever he does. So all in all, this should be interesting, for Buck's character alone as much as for Buddie.
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Fallout4 characters with trans s/o
Swf headcanons, he/him pronouns
(Also its more about their s/o coming out to them and proces of transision)
Preston: this boi will support the hell out of you, will give you cuddles and cute complements ^^ He would borrow you one of his coats if you dont have any nice masculine outfits, but if u still like wearning feminine stuff he still sees you as pretty as ever. If somone is mean to you he wont get physical but He will let them know that they are not welcame
Nick Valentine: he understands you the most, he met some asholes that probably misgendered him and acted rude Just becasue he looks a little diffrent. But he will ban you from using drugs and smoking due to him worring about ur mental and physical health
Hancock: this guy has queer radar, he knew before he met you. Will still call you sunshine and hun but those are genderneutral so its alright. If somone is mean to you they are banned from goodneighbor, and btw they are already probably dead. Also you need a good timing to came out to him because he may be too drugged to understand (not that its compliaced, more because he doesnt even know what language you are using atm)
Catsworth- he is speedruning pronoun change, like you come out and next second he uses he/him like good robo frend he is💖 he wont ask any quesions bcs he aready knowwws😎
MacCready: imagine this scenario. You-Robert im Transgender Robert:A transformer🥺🥺🥺 You need to explain what it is, i mean he knows the idea he just never met any transgender person. I headcanon him as bisexual so theres no diffrence for him, he still loves you as much as before😊(bonus points if you have more platonic relationship with him and he will act like dad trying to teach his son some typical men-like activities for exampl how to chop Wood, how to fix a radio ect(even if you already know this stuff))
Paladyn Danse: this boi will be soo supportive^^ And super defensive if somone is mean, he wont do anything but He will intimidate them😎idk and idc what B.O.S thinks about le transgender people. Bcs Danse is in his rebel phase he doenst care either😈
Piper:our supportvite queen will go to library and try to find some books about trans people Just to impress you. If she cant find and good stuff she will Just go ask u stuff :) will bully anyone mean to u
Gage:He does not care, dont get me wrong, as long as you do your job he will respect you and think ur the coolest baddas ever. Of course He respect ur pronouns and If anyone misgender you, he will commit crimes (or snich to their boss if they are fellow raider) (if u are on testosteron he will do a tutorial how to shave)
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madsselfships · 8 months
Promo time :) ♡
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Hi! Call me maddie or mads! :) I'm a 20 year old bisexual self shipper who is probably a bit too attached to fictional characters. Oops.
I usually just ramble and gush about my f/o's, and sometimes post imagines/scenarios. I do write self insert fanfics as well but i haven't posted any yet. I'm working up to it asgsgdfgjk
Let's be moots! We can totally never shut up about our f/o's together! I interact from @maddestmads I'm also fine with sharing f/o's btw :) oh and i don't have a dni list, i just block whoever makes me uncomfortable.
Anyway, here's my list of f/o's which i am constantly updating lmao
Romantic f/o's ♡
Roxanne Wolf (Fnaf Security Breach)
Vanessa (Fnaf Security Breach)
Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Darius Deamonne (The Owl House)
Catra (Spop)
Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)
Sans (Undertale)
Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
Platonic f/o's ♡
Glamrock Chica (Fnaf Security Breach)
Montgomery Gator (Fnaf Security Breach)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House)
Amity Blight (The Owl House)
Hunter (The Owl House)
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Papyrus (Undertale)
Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel)
Parental f/o's ♡
Glamrock Freddy (Fnaf Security Breach)
Toshinori Yagi/All Might (My Hero Academia)
John Silver (Treasure Planet)
Toriel (Undertale)
Asgore (Undertale)
Lee (Twd Game)
Kenny (Twd Game)
Hank Anderson (Detroit Become Human)
Reblogs are appreciated! <3
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keefbeefy · 8 months
Oh, so you are a Lance kin?
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if you want more of these be sure to lmk - this is just for fun btw so don't take this too literally
do people tend to not take you seriously enough?
when someone constantly interrupts you and you have to repeat that one sentence you were saying for the 100th time
ok hear me out...you probably listen to make out monday, jonas brothers and taylor swift? maybe set it off? and ricky montgomery too?
you definitely get distracted easily when something or someone gets your attention
i bet those embarrassing memories still lurk in your brain like constantly…
do you like the smell of fresh rain? or anything that smells nostalgic to you?
i feel like you have a collection of denim ripped jeans in your closet
are you neurodivergent? and are you a fellow bisexual/biromantic i'm looking at you lance kinnies lmao
bet you like to dance, sing or hum around the house when nobody’s around heh
you either have done dancing, swimming, photography and theatre in the past? or...do you still do these hobbies?
do you fall in love quite easily and make movie like scenarios in your head?
do you tend to flirt or say cheesy pick up lines as a joke with people you know?
do you have an affinity with the ocean? sea creatures? stars?
your friends describe you as being confident, lively or perhaps talkative?
you probably say “like” or “are we there yet?” a lot lol
when was the last time you had a genuine hug from someone?
do you have certain siblings or family members you get along with well?
remember you can take that mask off and be yourself also for the love of god take a break for once
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animentality · 1 year
I have an old gay friend whose family is conservative.
He recently proclaimed that he's given up on being gay and he's straight now.
Dating some girl from some creepy church group/local cult.
Says that it's very alienating to be gay and he's lonely.
I honestly can see his future right now.
He's gonna marry the girl, have two children, and go through the motions of his life feeling guilty and ashamed and dissatisfied for reasons he refuses to explore.
Until he's 40, and has terrible relationships with his two children and wife he's grown to resent.
And then he's gonna start fucking 19 year old twinks on the side until he's found out and she divorces his ass, and those kids start feeling like they hate daddy cuz he's never cared about them or mommy.
He's gonna get excommunicated by his church and his old community. And he'll have a hard time finding long term gay partners who want anything to do with the world's most homophobic gay man.
Which was btw, probably the reason he stopped looking for gay partners, because he's a conservative and while there are gay men who are conservative hypocrites, many are not.
Anyway, maybe he'll try to reconnect with his kids out of guilt for what he's done, but they're just gonna ignore him and hate him and maybe call him homophobic slurs and see all gay people as selfish and evil, because their daddy couldn't "resist" being gay like all the good little Christian daddies.
Thereby allowing them to continue being brainwashed by their mom, who maybe gets a restraining order on his ass.
And then the whole community will see this whole thing as an example of how homosexuality ruins your life.
Completely ignoring the fact that the only reason gay men have it so hard in the world is because THEY make it hard.
But also I can't deny that this whole sad little story is only about half their fault.
The other half is his, for being unable to face the truth or seek out resources that will help him rather than hurt him.
And in this hypothetical scenario that happens a lot, cheating on your wife with 19 year old twinks is on you.
Even if societal forces compelled you to hide your attraction to men, it was still in your wheelhouse.
Besides he's a grown man.
He has access to the internet, he has a good job. He was raised upper middle class and has had opportunities his whole life.
Choosing to join a cult is weird but not unheard of. Telling yourself you're not gay anymore is a choice, even if outside forces compelled you to.
And before you get mad at me, no, he's not bisexual. He'd say he was bisexual.
He outright decide he's not "gay" anymore.
He is saying he's not attracted to men at all, and he's decided not to be.
His fate is sealed.
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trixabke · 2 years
req from: @local-problem
She/her - bisexual, Birthday: November 27, 2003, Sagittarius, Height: 1.83 m / 6 ft, Hair: light brown, curls with lots of volume and quite long, Eye color: blue-grey, Personality: ENFJ, I'm fairly athletic, doing track, volleyball and dancing. Work: I work in a bubble tea shop, give swimming lessons to small children and tutor (maths). When I have time, I like to draw and read. I love my grandma, manga, anime, sports, my friends, alpaca stuffed animals, coffee and black tea
HELLO, I RLLY HOPE U LIKE THIS! i’m assuming you meant a romantic match up! if not oops lol thank u for sending this! it rlly helped me w motivation! also sorry if this is a bit long :) SIDE NOTE ITS RLLY COOL THAT UR SO TALL
just because idk if its a touchy subject for u!)
(also i feel like i keep matching ppl w more mainstream characters but like, ITS RHE VIEB I GET OK???) 😭
(rom) i match you with…..
ok ok u def met when u were working
he came in w daici and kiyoko to talk abt some important stuff n when they walked in he was like “woah 😨”
thinks ur so attractive
then he orders and leaves!! yay how eventful
he always suggests to go to that boba place
are the drinks good? yes. are they as good as seeing you? no.
probably starts with very very minimal conversations, maybe MAYBE small talk or an occasional joke from him
he becomes a regular, and he most likely orders the same thing every time
one day hinata comes in w him daichi and kiyoko
turns out u tutor his little sister although he probably needs it more
and kiyoko tells hinata abt the crush she noticed suga had
later that night he was talking to (brokuto) bokuto abt it and then a lightbulb goes off
hinata is suddenly busy the day he needs to pick his sister up from tutoring and oh no hes always busy now and suga is the only one free?? oh well i guess he has to pick her up and see you
he thinks he so smart
and he is in this scenario at least
but did his set up work?? yes
when he shows up
ur like?? and he is like???
but u end up talking, n found out u have a lot in common
he finally leaves once and only once natsu is tugging and pulling at sugas sleeve with the biggest pout on her face
hinata?? busy?? again?? cant pick up sister! oh well suga has to get her now!!
this time, he left w ur number
very friends to lovers story then plays out
bookstore hangouts very often
mini little old lady clubs where u recommend stuff you found and he recommends stuff you stuff he found
then he sends you very long thought out reviews on whatever you give him
its either 1. if u guys r arguing he will just accidentally be like “because i like you” or something dumb, 2. says it in the evning when u guys r sitting outside and he thinks you look so pretty under the glow of the setting sun, he just mutters it under his breath (or so he thought)
and ur just like “what?” but yk its mutual
he def wont get into an actual relationship with you until he has properly taken you out on a date that he deems successful
a lot of picnics, maybe hiking if u want to, late night fast food runs w rlly blurry pictures
he loves how trustworthy you are
also i def think he loves ur hair
the volume n the waves is just perfection to him
suga might always seem very happy and peppy but he isnt always
he has mastered the people pleasing act of happiness
so he rlly enjoys ur strong emotional sense to be able to understand him
also likes that you’re empathetic so being vulnerable is comfortable with you
because of those he feels like he can talk to u about anything he feels like he needs to hide from others (the trustworthiness helps w this too)
(he is an infj so the balance of that relationship is rlly cool btw)
finds it so cool that you play volleyball
he’ll inv u to play w his team sometime for fun but will make sure ur not overwhelmed (because we all know that team meeting sugas gf would be..just praying for u)
he always sends u good morning and good night texts
he always brings u sweets n chocolate on ur period
brings you flowers all the time
he also will check if u need anything when hes at the grocery store
he will never forget an anniversary
overall a rlly understanding, safe, and compassionate relationship
THANK U SO MUCH FOR REQ AGAIN!! I hope u enjoyed it! I have a lot of fun writing these :) as always, if u saw any spelling errors no u didn’t! dont forget to eat and drink water!!
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bucksangel · 1 year
Not the anon who was asking the question btw but would you have a sexual or romantic relationship with the celebrities of the fictional character you find attractive? Like Sebastian stan or Chris evans. (Obviously you can’t but if you could, would you)
Because I am kind of in the same situation, I find Natasha romanoff attractive romantically and sexually, and the same for scarlett johansson, then am I not bisexual?
Does anyone have any advise or anything I can look up or read.
so, personally, i can’t see myself actually in a relationship with them (if it were possible). you know how men can have ‘man crushes’ on other men? it’s kinda the same with me, i like them in theory but in practice it’s a no.
i think a good thing to think about is if you were set in certain scenarios, really think about how you think you would feel/respond physically and emotionally. it does take a bit of real world experience (i.e. engaging with people and trying to make mental notes of how you’re feeling/responding towards certain people/genders)
what i think a big thing that a lot of people can forget is that sexuality is fluid!! and it’s okay to not use a label or know exactly how you’re feeling because with time and conscious thinking your mind and heart will tell you instinctively how you feel
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kazubnnys · 2 years
Hi! I hope you’re having a good day :) Can I request a starry night matchup please?
preferred name: Dawn
pronouns: she/they
mbti + personality: infp, i’m pretty down to earth, if not a bit emotional. I’m pretty quiet because I’m usually lost in my own head– I still think I’m a pretty good listener when it counts though. I’m usually nervous to do something new but with some encouragement then I’ll go for it.
sexuality: bisexual
love language: quality time or touch
anime/game i’m requesting for: genshin
three fun facts about myself: 
I did ballet for about four years before I decided to stop. I’m still super flexible though, but I never really had the ballerina strength that you’ll see in performances.
I love long car rides, they’re my favorite thing in the world. Just listening to some music while daydreaming and looking out the window– yes.
Art and writing is my calling. I love drawing, even if I’m not an absolute pro at it yet, and I love creative writing and creating fantasy worlds and characters.
favorite song: body and mind by girl in red
favorite color: olive green
physical appearance: I have brown hair that goes to my shoulders and I wear my rectangle glasses when I absolutely have to because I despise wearing them. I’m 5’6 and lean, sometimes I feel like my limbs are just awkwardly hanging there though. I have blue/gray eyes and I get freckles in the summer which I love.
favorite constellation: sagitta
favorite dessert/snack to munch on while on a date: strawberries with some sort of sandwich sounds nice
Thank you! I think your blog looks really pretty btw :)
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  a star falls from the sky and your pair is decided… enjoy your starry night with…
♡ yoimiya!
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- song playing currently!
╰┈➤ ❝ [ meteor shower by : cavetown ] ❞ 
» i don't know why but this pair comforts me a lot. like, i feel as though it'd be the "talks a lot" and "listens" dynamic?? » so much comfort. yoimiya will literally always make sure to spend time with you. she's always taking you from place to place, fawning over you, and making sure that you're having the time of your life. » she'd literally always encourage you, making sure you know just how special you are- and unknowingly you'd probably reassure her too, just through the smallest of your actions! » she just seems like someone who would give a lot of love out to her partner. like, if there's something you enjoy she's making sure she does it with you. no matter whether she herself is a big fan of it, you like it? cool, she likes it now too. buuuut, she will make sure you do things she enjoys as well! (which means more time spent with her :) )
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as for your date scenario. . .
so, you've been in art block for quite some time now and it's not exactly a fun feeling. you're listening to yoimiya tell you about her day, but she realizes that something might be upsetting her precious partner!!
so, she puts it all on pause to make sure you're alright, asking you about what it is that's bothering you...encouraging you to open up to her about what it is that's giving you a problem (which is, your art block)
she hears you out then thinks for a little, eventually grinning like an idiot. you're curious now. she shares the plan she's cooked up which is....
a firework spectacle!
she claims that she's going to put on a firework show just for you since fireworks usually calm her, she thinks perhaps it can work for you too! giving you some inspiration to cure your art block!
you agree, because why not. and it's really cute. she takes a little to prep and you set up your supplies atop a hill, ready to gain some inspo and yeah :)
so essentially, a firework spectacle by yoimiya for you :)
(with lots of hugs and little kisses)
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this makes me feel so warm for no apparent reason...i hope you're having a good day/night and tysm for requesting!!
and tsym, sorry this took so long T^T
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raidenssblog · 2 years
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Raidens Rules
I will update this btw
/\^._.^/\ DNI IF YOUR/\^._.^/\
Homophobic, transphobic ect.
fat/skinny phobic
Incest lovers.
Hating for literally no good reason.
Zoophile or you wish to harm animals irl in any way
People who wish to get/give rape.
/\^._.^/\ I will do /\^._.^/\
Aged up characters/characters that are of age Smuts (17 is the legal age here) but I will only do 18+
Fluff, angst or slight smut
X male reader and gn reader and maybe fem readers. But I'll do a different version to some things:) just depends on how I feel
Most kinks. Knife play, breath play, food play, mlm, bondage, marking, blood, impact ect
Gore and bloody stuff ect canablism detailed wounds.
Death related things such as murder
Sensitive topics like trauma, self harm in any way shape or form, PTSD ect unless I don't have much knowledge on the topic.
Obsessive (i forgot the name)
Trans!reader - Female→male male →female
Poly relationships
age gaps, not gross ones tho like 19 and 49
Note if you do request something I'm not familiar with I'll ether skip it or leave it untill I have knowledge of it !!PLEASE DONT TAKE OFFENCE!!
/\^._.^/\ I will not do /\^._.^/\
Rape/non con
Minors or underaged smut
Vore kinks ect vomit, piss/human fecis. I'm sorry I get all grossed out.
/\^._.^/\What I write for /\^._.^/\
Demon Slayer
My hero academia
Attack on Titan
Jujutsu Kristen
the legends of korra
/\^._.^/\what in going to write for in the future/\^._.^/\
The maze runner
Harry potter
saiki k
/\^._.^/\ extra /\^._.^/\
Please don't rush me I'm not a quick writer but I'll try to get better
Don't come at me for the stuff people request. If you will please leave my page.
My spelling is not the best right now and I DO make ALOT of Grammer mistakes so please be warned.
I may not be the best at keeping to short stories and will rear off track.
I don't really write for the timeline in kny (or other animes) so AGAIN please don't come at me for that. I get random scenarios pop up in my head and I just...write😅😅
I will also use you instead or your sometimes by accident please forgive me about that..I type really fast and don't reread my writing.
/ \^._.^/\ about me /\^._.^/\
My name is Raiden. Ray for short.
I'm apart of the LGBTQIA+ community as a bisexual and i go by all pronouns.
I might mainly write for kny (demon slayer) but I might write for more. I haven't really watched many other animes. Sorry
I'm an Australian, aboriginal even tho I'm more on the white side of skin colour. I'm also part Scottish and Irish.
Um I think that's it?? If you want to ask questions (not weird ones obvi) than go for it
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st311ar · 1 month
(shy anon)
(should I reveal myself?)
the jaw dropping Farben tiktok?? elaborate pls?? anyways it's 2 am and I'll probably sleep soon but pls drop ur morro hcs so I can get some fanfic material to post on ao3 soon
First off thats the edit ^ ...the backshot........has me dead Second off, excuse the wait because this took awhile- - i am an absolute blasian morro STAN (i mean the second you look at his hair as dreads everything clicks...I think)
Bisexual he/they morro stan also
also he's a twink too
If you want angst, The entire cursed realm is enslaved by the preeminent, so he's built like a twink because of the lack of food.
Yeah i mean he's like a beanpole if you take in the fact he's also pretty tall
He is a BRAT. like a BIG one. He has (by andrew) been described as whiney, and i feel like that makes for some funny scenarios and some sweet ones when he's being clingy
Positive emotions = He gets cold, Negative emotions = they get hot
bros like a fan when you cuddle. Portable refrigerator when you feel like it. Cools the one half of the pillow.
He loves shrimp. And shrimp pastas
If you have sound sensitivity and he gets loud they'll try to cover your ears
They like to use his cape to keep you warm or cold in any given situation. he'll be like "well then make me angry if your so cold!" but then the cape is literally boiling sooooo (cape on minifigs btw)
(yes please do i think i've caught you red handed following me [scheming fingers] but you can also sneak into my DMs i don't really care tbh. Depends how quickly i respond if I'm on my computer or not)
Sorry hc's were short i didn't wanna make you wait :<
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Should i make this long or short?
I request for a matchup for bsd(bubgo stary dogs.) and genshin, please.
Name: Rieh.
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: i.. Honestly don't know, straight? Lesbian? Bisexual-? Ig bisexual, but more on girls.
Zodiac+mbti: pisces and intj
Appearance:hair: medium brown withstreaks of blonde.
eyes: brown.
height: 4'11
Glasses, yes(they're pink btw)
I usually wear like some bunny headband..? Like the one that stretches but on the neck.. Like a choker..??? I also wear headphones went i go out.
Personality: mood swings, whole..some..?(sometimes), childish(sometimes), rude/blunt(mostly)
Likes+dislikes:likes: candy. Fun stuff. (WHAT DO I LIKEE) uhm.. Myself 😃.
Dislikes: dust, stickiness, dirt.
Hobbies: playing genshin with that one song on repeat(like all day-), playing prosekai, practising chess, playing badminton, doing embroidery while watching sxf(spy x family) and kcc(komi can't communicate), sleeping, like literally. Thinking of scenarios or dramas that i could write or make, listening to music, eavesdropping(shh).
Any extra infromation: (finally the part where i can freely say stuff-) im kinda a self-centered girl who loves (mostly) for drama and twists and the fun in life and is kinda careless who doesn't even know what her sexuality. I want people to think im cute so i can have privilage to like ask my classmate for candy or sum shi, thats why i wear a bunny choker-like thingy around my neck. I am.. Very clumsy, even just covering a marker, i can get myself injured and have my finger bleeding. I sometimes just carry my plush anywhere i go. I pretend im like talking to someone all the time in my head. Also when i say 'music' i dont mean like gmfu, or simon says and shi like that, like i lit meant songs like, tondemo wonderz, or theme of niccori, or maybe sweety glitch from prosekai, haha.. I also play those songs like on full volume to make sure everyone around me will be reminded that im the youngest in sophomore year and think I'm cute. I also sometimes think like im in the spotlight, like im in some kind of show, and is the protagonist of the story, is that weird? I sometimes get to impress people with 'magic' and when someone asks me something... I just answer 'magic'. Would knowing my favourite characters in other fandoms work..? My fav character in kny(demon slayer) is Mitsuri and Muichiro, in prosekai probably Emu and Kanade, and like in kcc, in my head, i act like like naruse(how was his name spelt? I dont remember.) my favourite character in kcc is probably najimi and kaede, in oshi no ko probably ruby. ALSO DONT GUESS THAT MY FAVOURITE COLOUR IS PINK WHEN ITS ACTUALLY CERULEAN BLUE-!
Did that 'extra information' help? Anyways thanks for listening, cant wait to see what matchup i got!!
(lit just asked this to you in like midnight.)
Hi Rieh! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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You and Akiko are a powerful and, at times, scary couple. Between your mood swings and her…medical inclinations, a lot people are timid when approaching you.
That’s not to say you won’t make friends though. The rest of the Armed Detective Agency love you and think you balance out Akiko’s intense nature well.
I can see Akiko as someone who is surprisingly into wholesome anime like Spy x Family. She thinks it’s sweet and it’s a nice break from her usual day to day. She especially likes Yor though she’s not sure why…
Due to her medical training, she’s a very neat and tidy person so no need to worry about dust, dirt, or stickiness around home. She’s not fond of them either so the house will always be tidy and clean.
Definitely thinks your cute. She can handle a lot so your mood swings won’t affect her a whole lot. She’s got the training to know how to help your mood swings be a bit more manageable so if you want some tips and tricks, she’s more than happy to help.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Oh, Lisa thinks you’re just the cutest! Sure, she calls everyone cute but she thinks you’re especially adorable.
Don’t think you’re going to be able to easily manipulate her though. She’s seen some things in her time and knows what she’s doing. She won’t be mad that you’re trying to manipulate her but she will suggest you redirect and manipulate people into returning their books on time.
Enjoys taking naps with you. Lisa is already a pretty laid-back person but with you around in the library, the chances of Jean finding her asleep among the books with you next to her definitely increases.
Dust is to a certain extent unavoidable in the library but Lisa’s more than willing to join you in tidying the place up a bit. She’s been meaning to for a while, this is just the push she needed.
Please embroider things for her. Her clothes, her hat, her lunch bag. Anything and everything you want to embroider, she won’t way no to. It’s a little reminder of you when she’s away for a while.
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