#but i can always daydream and imagine different scenarios
animeyanderelover · 6 hours
Hi hope it’s not too late to request from yandere Noragami separate hcs please! For 
Yandere Yato , Hiyuri , Yukino , Daikoku , Kofuku , Kazuma , Bishamon , Rabo, Nora and maybe Tenjin please(if that’s to many Yato , Hiyuri , Yukino , Daikoku are fine 💗) if possible can reader be female if not I’m fine with gn 💗
I left out Tenjin in here because unless platonic, I can't see myself writing for him.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, stalking, clinginess, manipulation, blackmailing, guilt-tripping, gaslighting, controlling behavior, violence, isolation, abduction, death
Noragami Hc's
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🪙​Yato certainly enjoys indulging in his fantasies at times. So far those fantasies have always been centered around his dream of finally becoming the popular and beloved god he has been working to become yet more recently his imagination has shifted. There is a new focus whenever he allows his mind to conjure up his dream scenarios and in every single one of them, there is you. Whether you are the one cheering him on in his fantasies or are the one showering him in your love and affection, there is no dream anymore where Yato doesn't find images of you popping up. Despite those tendencies of his to indulge in his daydreams, Yato is painfully aware of the stark difference between him and that you don't even know about his existence. As a god he has always been forgotten and despite his optimistic and hardworking demeanor, for the first time he finds himself openly experiencing anxiety about the fact that you are unaware of the fact that he exists.
🪙​Cue for constant stalking and a newfound pushiness he exhibits. Yukine thinks of it as frankly embarrassing when he has to tag along when Yato follows you around whenever he doesn't have a job to fulfill but there is no stopping Yato once he has made up his mind. You receive his business card as he encourages you that he will do whatever job you need him to do and that you should definitely call him when anything comes up, although chances are that you will subconsciously forget him as soon as he is gone and have cramped his card in your wallet. Yato knows that best so he makes it a point to bump into you as often as possible and act as if it is but a pleasant coincidence. The enthusiasm of his is truly unmatched whenever you give him a call as he all but grabs Yukine and drags him to the destination where you are waiting for him, no matter the time. Behind his smiles and hard work is the hidden desperation for him to become a conscious memory of yours though as he dreads to be forgotten and to be stored in the back of your mind.
🪙​All the awareness of his sad fate as a forgotten god doesn't help the jealousy he feels though whenever there is someone else you are currently with. His childish impulse has often gotten him that close to do something extremely petty if it wouldn't have been for Yukine or Hiyori stopping him, leaving him to sit there with a pout on his face. It may seem pretty immature but the anxiety definitely rises whenever he sees just how forgettable he is to you and if he has by that point already your number, whether you remember giving it to him or not, he suddenly bombards you with messages and tweets. Perhaps this is why he is the biggest attention seeker the moment the both of you spend time together and he is actually a conscious part on your mind. Then there is really no stopping his pettiness as he becomes the biggest annoyance for whoever threatens to make you forget about him. He has spilled ice cream, drinks and other stuff on people before to embarrass them and perhaps the only good part about people forgetting him is that by the next day they don't even remember his cheeky face anymore. Let's not forget how he whines you your ears full as he drags you away either.
🪙​The former god of calamity has been trying to hold back from cutting down people as if it were a simple game even if he has little tolerance for people he views as either weak-minded or as bad people. Most of the time he just messes with people as he takes advantage of the fact that humans forget about his face quickly to satisfy his often childish anger. He has a unique way of determinating which people he tolerates around you or not and if they are in either a category where he deems them as weak or bad influence, Yato will see it through to cut their ties with you. As much as he knows that he has obstacles in his way in regards of his obsession to you, he still believes that a god can't do wrong and will at the very least justify some of his actions with this mindset. As much as he respects you after all, you are still only human whilst he is a god and it is the job of a god to protect their subject. Although to him you are more than a mere follower. You are someone he wants to protect because you are very dear to him.
🪙​He has neither the capacity nor the willpower to pull an abduction through. There is no place where he could keep you in and partially he knows that he wouldn't be really capable to provide for you as good as he would like. He's working to attain more publicity and a bigger shrine though and one of his new goals is to achieve all of those things so that one day you can move in with him and he can provide you with the needed space and other things so that you can live a good life. Until then he has to content himself with your own home though and it isn't like he doesn't enjoy it. Through countless times of stalking he has found out where you live pretty quickly and he often peeks through the windows to catch a look inside, especially into your own room. Yato is often trying to convince you to let him inside your house as he wants to take a better look, reinforcing the pushy personality of his as he is begging you. Once you have given in to that wish, the begging doesn't stop though as he now wants to spend regularly time in your home and even pops up in front of your door.
🪙​Most notable about Yato is his outstanding clinginess and need for attention. All of his whining and pouting is always expressed in a way that will not scare you but deep down he is constantly anxious and afraid. You never know how hurtful it is when he pops up and you need a couple of seconds before you remember who he is, only reinforcing his awareness of his lonely fate. Chances are that sometimes he might do something very risky or extreme in hopes that such an intense experience will stick with you better than something else. He also leaves a lot of gifts such as drawings from you or a piece of clothing he has tailored you himself. it is partially flattering yet also partially disturbing since some of the drawings capture moments of you that happened in real life and that he just happened to witness as he was once again stalking you in that moment. He is highly affectionate with you and definitely very giddy if you return his affection in any way, shape or form, especially though if you also prepare something for him which shows him that you thought of him even in his absence.
Iki Hiyori
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🩷​Hiyori is a very sweet and selfless girl, although in regards to her own obsession she still tends to be rather naive as the bigger picture of the somewhat disturbing infatuation with you is something that rarely crosses her mind. If it does, it is rather briefly before she turns her attention elsewhere. She goes out of her way a lot to help and assist you in whatever way she can though and similar to Yato she will do it no matter at what time you ask her. It could be the middle of the night and she'd help in whatever way she can. Hiyori has always been an individual who is willing to help after all, even if it comes with the neglect of her own health and safety in certain situations so she is on a rather selfless side in comparison to a vast amount of other Yandere. She has a frighteningly good memory in regards to you as well as she pays very close attention to every word that leaves your lips and even if you only remember something very briefly, she won't forget about it.
🩷​Still though, Hiyori's world is rather different from the world that you perceive. As a half-ayakashi who has already gotten greatly involved with the affairs of gods, especially since she is friends with Yukina and Yato, Hiyori is rather protective at times. So whilsz it certainly will be uncommon, it isn't impossible for her soul to leave her body at times to trail behind you and protect you if she should be informed that there is potential danger that may even end up involving you. She wants to protect you herself but knows that she isn't as strong as some of her other friends are which is why she will let others allow her to help as she is not selfish in the regard that she thinks that she is the only one who can protect you. Mostly of good nature, she can't fully deny that sometimes she is tempted to use her half-ayakashi form even if there is no threat she knows if simply because Hiyori is a rather clingy person herself, though with overall more self-restraint than Yato.
🩷​Not one to subdue her own emotions which means that she will be open when she feels jealous, Hiyori isn't anywhere near petty or possessive level. Her darling's happiness is something the girl highly values and even if she will be exposed to jealousy, she can hold herself back. Her reaction does depend on the relationship though. If she is your girlfriend, she has given you her trust which means that she won't doubt your loyalty whilst also making sure that she will clarify it to the other person that you two are a couple and, if necessary, put a foot down if they do not learn their place. If you two aren't official, she will be a tad bit depressed if she notices that there is someone you are interested in before getting fired up by Yato and Yukine and deciding that she will have to try harder herself. Yato's childishness tends to be a bad influence though as she has sometimes, but only sometimes, caught herself hiding when she sees someone she has felt jealous of before abruptly deciding to follow them for a bit and to spy a bit on them.
🩷​She has a fixation on martial arts as she idolises the martial artist Touno and likes to copy his attacks and in her half-ayakashi form her agility, speed and strength increases. It is not like Hiyori is a damsel in distress by any means, especially since she is very brave and fully ready to throw herself in danger if it means protecting someone she loves a lot. On the other hand she is also a very kind-hearted individual who wouldn't hurt people just like that though. Whilst she is not overly fond of it, she does tend to blackmail people if they have gone too far as her combined skills of stalking someone with her soul or even her abilities to read memories are something very suited to uncover some embarrassing secrets or moments others do not want to be published. Whilst she refuses to let Yukine or Yato interfere when it comes to dealing with normal people, when it comes to threats such as other gods or ayakashi she won't reject their help.
🩷​Even if her infatuation keeps her from acknowledging the somewhat more questionable aspects of her love, Hiyori wouldn't consider doing anything remotely close to an abduction. Despite some of her actions such as stalking you or others in her half-ayakashi form, she values mutual consent in a relationship. Whilst she does dream about living together with you once both of you are older and can finance your own house, she won't force the scenario upon you. What she does though is romanticising it to you though as she does indulge in her own dreams too, especially if both of you wind up as a couple somewhere along the lines. If there is one glaring flaw involving Hiyori's infatuation it is perhaps her tendency to see everything through rose-tinted glasses as anything involving romance and you is something she immediately finds herself gushing about as she tends to neglect to see stuff through a more realistic perspective which makes it all the more heart-breaking for her if reality should come to crash down on her.
🩷​As weird as it is, Hiyori probably grows more used to stalking you in her half-ayakashi form as time passes by. Whilst she still possesses enough respect and responsibility to leave when she realises that you are currently sleeping, undressing or taking a shower, she does find herself growing fond to watch you in your daily life. Occasionally she even finds herself forgetting the time as she starts daydreaming whilst she watches and follows you until she either has to return to her real body or until she realises that she should now give you your privacy. Yato is terribly pushy as he wants to get to know you whilst Yukine takes delight in the fact that it is so frighteningly easy to fluster Hiyori when he teases her about you. Without a doubt she will eventually introduce you to the duo as both of them are dear friends to her, although she knows that you'll forget about them pretty quickly. Given her air-headed attitude, it is quite easy for you to never suspect that she may be up to some questionable stuff when her physical body isn't with you.
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🟧​Yukine is someone who is easily led by his emotions which does nothing but add unnecessary force to an obsession that already threatens to overwhelm him at times. Everything just crashes down on him and he is left dealing with the consequences as he tries his best to not get blighted again as his feelings threaten to get out of hand. It is a rather delicate situation that only serves a growing resentment he holds against you as he doesn't know against whom else he is supposed to turn his feelings. A part of him doesn't want to be attached to someone who could easily be his downfall yet another part of him is extremely possessive and holds too tightly for him to ever hope to forget about you and to let you be. That is how he extends his frustration and bitter outbursts against even those who just happen to be around you, jealous that they get to spend time with you whilst he doesn't before he instantly has to snap out of it before dwelling too strongly on his emotions.
🟧​Even whilst he maintains a rather tsunderish attitude at times, Yukine is very protective of you. He likes sneaking away from Yato when the man doesn't need him and usually finds himself spending his free time stalking you and trailing right behind you which is extremely easy as people quickly forget about him. His thoughts during such time perfectly encapsulate his conflicted feelings. In one moment he is silently seething and cursing you as he blames you for everything you are putting him through and in the next moment he finds himself begrudgingly admitting that you are rather cute when you smile or when you space out. Considering his rather brash and impulsive side, it isn't often pleasant to spend time with him as he will often lash out as soon as he is agitated which happens very often as his emotions are already far more intense than what he is used to and trying to deal with them gives him a splitting headache. He barely understands himself what is going on.
🟧​Resentment and bitterness he thought he has gotten over crawls back and clings to him like a slimy monster. Why can they spend time with you whilst he is constantly being forgotten and overlooked? Such thoughts constantly fill his head when he happens to stalk you when you are with friends as his hands bawl into fists in a desperate attempt to hold back his seething jealousy. Quite often he turns sharply around and walks away before he snaps as he spends a good time calming himself down afterwards. Through such continuous experiences he learns that he is more comfortable simply observing you when you are alone as his existence then doesn't get poisoned by any jealousy and anger. He'll wind up hurting you though if you two spend time together as everything just bursts out then in the form of rude and hurtful words as he storms away and wishes you bitterly to have fun with the people who really mean something to you. Yukine doesn't want you to witness the wet shimmer in his eyes.
🟧​Sometimes in the heat of his impulsive thoughts thoughts about simply killing someone have crossed his mind. Yukine has never acted on such thoughts though as he would not only harm himself but also Yato and by extension Hiyori. He defends you against ayakashi that should try to feed from your negative feelings and against other things that your eyes can't perceive but against humans he has to hold back. His possessive and jealous attributes have led to violent thoughts against people that do not deserve it and admidst all of the chaos going on inside of him, at the very least Yukine is able to acknowledge that some people do not deserve the dark ire he occasionally can't hide. When his protective side emerges though in the face of a person who makes you uncomfortable or threatens you, he still struggles to hold back. He might push them harshly away from you before running away with you or he might do something else such as throwing whatever is in his vicinity at them, whatever his impulsiveness leads him to basically.
🟧​He has no such place where he could keep you and even if he had, he doubts that he would want to torture you with the constant presence of Yato. Whilst he has fully grown into his role as Yato's shinki and has forged a strong bond with him, he knows firsthand just how much he can be. He feels undoubtedly most comfortable if he can just spend time with you himself, especially if there are no triggers that could possibly elicit any negative reactions out of him. Whether you two spend time at your home or go outside, he is fine with it as long as he has your attention on him. That is at least until someone has to interfere and instantly sour his mood. Given his reckless decisions though that blind his sight so that he can't comprehend possible consequences for his actions, it is highly likely that in the heat of the moment he might lock you away somewhere though if there is any immediate danger he hasn't expected. He usually lets you out of the place he locked you away as soon as he has calmed down and the danger is gone.
🟧​Yukine normally doesn't like showing any weakness in front of you but his trauma and his last moments of his human life have led him to fear the darkness and even if he tries to hide that when with you, it is obvious even to you. He doesn't reject your reassurance and comfort in such moments though when he finds himself in a rather raw situation where his most vulnerable fears are exposed as he doesn't have the willpower to do so in such a situation. On the one hand Yukine tries to act like a protector of yours yet on the other hand there are still a lot of things in this world he does not understand about the world of yours anymore as his own death tore him away from it which is why he needs a certain guidance from you. He isn't fond of it as it makes him feel immature and like a child but he grows less irritated about it with time as he eventually reluctantly accepts that he needs the knowledge and experience that you have about the human world to not embarrass himself a second time.
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⚔️Bishamon is fiercely protective of her darling, especially since they are only a human. As a goddess her task is to fulfill the wishes of those who pray to her but surprisingly even if you shouldn’t be someone who believes in her, she dedicates herself to protect you and watch after you. Yet it is the fact that she is a respected goddess that cuts the time she has significantly as she has many other tasks to look after. She has a large group of shinki loyally working for her though and it is quite likely that a lot of them will gladly assist Bishamon in her festering affection for you and volunteer to look after you. Obviously there are shiki like Kazuma who are even despite their loyalty to the goddess realistic enough to point out the many obstacles of her love for you as well as the obsession itself that the woman is developing for you. Bishamon’s own awareness is a half-half situation in itself as she has already lived for over a thousand years and for that is cognizant of her duties and her position yet is partially overwhelmed as she ventures into romantic feelings for the first time.
⚔️There is something exciting and alluring about her new feelings for you and even despite her own better judgement occasionally she can’t help but indulge in her feelings by seeking you out. She is no stranger to loss as the past has robbed her of a great amount of her shinki when she was blighted and that experience of grief and desperation not only elicits a rather protective but also possessive side out of her. She, a goddess, may commit a downright blasphemous act yet she won’t allow you to choose someone else as your lover. If you are still single she will see it through that there will be no one you can choose and if you should already have a partner she will be thrown into the depths of sorrow for a certain time before rising once again to scheme how to tear you and them apart. It is a highly selfish plan and the dwelling guilt is a sign that a part of her is aware of that yet Bishamon wants you to be protected. A job that a mere human is ill-equipped for, no matter how good they may treat you.
⚔️There is no such thing as jealousy as there is an underlying possessiveness with the goddess of war. She thinks poorly of those who just flirt with others as she views it as a rather distasteful action to do and she feels the same for those who seem to have too much time to try their luck with you. As beautiful as she is, Bishamonten has a fierce and dominating presence that would easily make someone a couple of heads taller than her shut up swiftly if she were to ever reveal herself. If she would have it her way, she may be tempted to simply intimidate such people as this is what she has always done as an ancient goddess yet she holds herself back, additionally a few of her closest shinki do the same. Those who do treat you well and give you happiness are the ones she respects and yet envies at the same time as she desires to give you the same joy they give you. Even then she still views them as ultimately unfitting to fulfill their role as your partner as they could never provide the protection and safety that she could give you.
⚔️Kindhearted to those she has taken under her wings and to those who have earned her respect, Bishamon may initially not fit her title as a goddess of war. Yet it is this fierce sense of attachment and protection for those she holds dear to her heart that makes her ferocious in times where a battle should arise and she needs to protect. This is after all a woman who has been holding a grudge against Yato for eons and has been hunting him down because she blamed him for the death of her shiki. Her wrath is only fitting of her title as the loss of so many of her shiki has already forced her through the experience of loss she refuses to endure again. Whilst she does restrain herself whilst dealing with mortals who are unaware of her existence, she believes in punishment so that someone learns what it means to harm you. Strict and unforgiving, she has little to no problem to cut off connections between you and someone else if she deems them as a threat.
⚔️As a famed goddess with a huge amount of followers in the human world, Bishamon is faring very well. She has shinki and she has her own shrine where she lives with all of the souls that she has taken in. Technically speaking, she has the space as well as the means for an abduction. What is holding her back is the shred of awareness and guilt embedded deeply within her. The reality of the situation is too grave for her to completely ignore after all. You are human and you do not deserve to get involved in her life to the extent that she wants you to be involved. There are so many dangers involved after all and even if she is confident in her abilities to guard and protect you, she knows that it would be perhaps best for you to never let you be exposed to them in the first place. If there should be an event where she should snap for whatever reason though, not even Kazuma would be able to hold her back as she would take you to her temple and keep you confined, although she will eventually calm down and discuss the future with you now that you know of her.
⚔️Probably because her obsession is something she has never experienced before does Bishamon initially choose to hold back with her feelings. She provides protection and safety but she appears every bit as tough and fierce as you always imagined the goddess of war to be. It induces intimidation and slight anxiety within you when you are around her as you feel too nervous to even talk to her. Things eventually figure themselves out as she slowly lets her walls down around you. Bishamon knows that she shouldn’t keep you permanently within her shrine even if the darkest part of her wishes for nothing less so even if she should have abducted you before, she will let you go after a while. You are under strict surveillance from that day on though as you now know about her existence as well as everything else that involved her world. She’s somewhat controlling as she has to find the balance between her duties and you which requires you to follow a few rules she gives to you.
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🌸​Kazuma as a shinki that could potentially blight his master if he were to commit any sins should be in a similar position to Yukine but perhaps the centuries of experience he has combined with his composed attitude have taught him how he can avoid inflicting any harm on Bishamon. The solution is really quite simple. By suppressing his own emotions, he avoids the feelings of guilt he would under normal circumstances experience and via that he not only doesn't feel like he is committing a sin but can also continue with his obsession instead of stopping it. Kazuma makes himself quite familiar with his obsession so that he can work everything out beforehand to not let his emotions get the better of him which also means that he will do some extensive research on you as you are the trigger to his obsession. He makes himself familar with everything that triggers his feelings and analyses how to avoid said triggers and only after he has done all of that will he approach you.
🌸​To your occasional dismay Kazuma's special situation does force him unfortunately to be more strict with you at times as he has to find ways around triggers. Whilst his self-control is not that fragile and he can definitely endure some triggers such as jealousy, he knows that there is a limit to it all as he can't let anything blight him or his master. More than often he resorts to subtle manipulation instead of acting as a rigid dictator though as he wouldn't want to appear as unlikeable in your eyes. Since he is a very strategic and analytical individual, his skills in regards of influencing and manipulating you are frighteningly good as he can wipe up a plan pretty quickly as soon as he has a certain amount of information. Those tendencies to always have a rough idea of where you are and what you are doing are not only because he simply desires to control you though but it also helps him vastly if there are any reports of danger near you as it enables him to act swiftly in such situations.
🌸​Jealousy is a categorised trigger of his but only if it goes on for too long and goes too far. Kazuma is by no means a very insecure individual, at least not in such a way that he would think of it as a sin to even be near you. Being in control means after all to be confident and this is a motto that he goes by even in regards to his obsession. There is no need to fall victim to petty jealousy. As long as someone doesn't test him, there is no need to interfere but it is going to be thoroughly unpleasant if someone does pick a fight with him or gets on his nerves. He's not like Yukine who lashes out and spews harsh words. Instead his voice is calm and steady and his gaze rather cold when he eventually speaks up. Because he remains in control, he is usually the one who quickly dominates the situation as he can and will point out quickly every little flaw he can deduce from someone's appearance or behavior without any shame. It normally ends in a short and brutal battle of words which he always wins before he calmly walks away with you.
🌸​There are criteria needed for Kazuma to make such a rather heavy decision but theoretically he is capable as well as prepared to end the life of someone if they pose a significant threat to you. It is certainly an event that can haunt him though, although that rather depends on your reaction to their death as he will only feel that way if you would be struck by grief and despair. Emotions are pushed away though as he approaches everything with a rather logical mindset that is set on protecting someone he loves and cherishes. He has already slayed shiki of Bishamon when she was blighted to save her life as he deemed it ultimately as a tragic but right thing to do and this applies exactly to your situation. If there is no turning back and nothing else he can think of, Kazuma will see it through to end someone's life and if it can't be avoided he will even be the one who will murder them himself. Typical for a schemer and analyst of his though, there is always a plan and a plan b he works out beforehand.
🌸​His home is Bishamon's shrine and whilst he has learned to live with his obsession, he knows that not everyone would feel that way about it if they would fully realise how deep the hole of his feelings really goes. I can see him teleporting you to Bishamon's shrine in a case of emergency where your life is in danger and no ordinary force on earth would be able to help you. The procedure that follows is rather similar to the one of Bishamon. He will properly explain everything to you by revealing the truth to you and he will let you go back to your own world after everything has been sorted through. Afterwards he will see it through though that he keeps a closer eye on you after everything has been told to you to see how you are dealing with the news. Whilst he is never one to think of himself as superior, if a situation arrives that is out of what you are used to he expects you to head his warnings and his advice as he sees it as logical that you would listen to him who actually has experience and is overall centuries more familiar with the problem than you are.
🌸​As a very tidily and punctual individual, Kazuma will never miss a meeting with you nor will he ever look messy as his appearance is always clean and neat. In fact he is the one texting you if you are a few minutes late, worried if something has happened to you. If you ever do let him inside your house, be prepared that he is probably going to start tidying things up as soon as something is too messy for his taste. There is a whole file on his phone that only includes pictures of you, whether they are solely of you or are cropped pictures where he cut everyone else out until only you were visible. Whilst he wouldn't openly admit it, Kazuma enjoys it when you rely on him for certain things as it fills him with pride so sometimes he finds himself purposely searching for situations where you will have to seek him out more simply to experience that feeling again. As someone who plans behind the scenes, you probably never suspect that he is the one at fault when some people suddenly disappear from your life or when relationships crumble he deems as toxic for you.
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💓​Behind the appearance of an air-headed dunce, one should not underestimate Kofuku's insight. She is very aware of every event going on outside, whether it is of good or bad nature and knows about all the threats and risks that exist. So you'd judge poorly if you were to assume that she is oblivious to her obsession for you. In fact she is very lucid of it all, although I do admit that with the bubbly and lovingly behavior she exhibits around you one would be rightfully fooled to think that she remains in the dark about what is a glaringly clear infatuation. It is just part of her nature to treat the people she is close to very lovingly and she is just extra clingy with you. As bad as those feelings should be, they are also rather exciting and she loves the rush and the thrill when she is with you and witnesses all of your cute expressions and habits. As an unnamed god, she doesn't have exceptionally much to do anyways so she may as well spend a large portion of her time with the person that she clearly adores.
💓​Misfortune follows wherever she goes though which puts Kofuku's obsession into a very special position. Daikoku often reminds her of the fate that she brings to everyone she spends time with and the goddess knows about that better than anyone else. She should stay away from you for your own good yet this is a hard task as she finds herself dwelling in sorrow and boredeom when she isn't with you. There is no real way to protect oneself against the poor luck she always brings with her and whilst she tries to help where she can and attempts to save what there is to save, she only makes everything worse somehow. Still, she tries to brighten up your day as good as she can even if she is the cause of all of your current predicaments. It is quite the blatant act though as she hides her true identity from you and that she is the one who makes everything worse in your life whilst simultanously cheering you up as good as she can. She is good though as her personality does cheer you up which somehow leads you into thinking that she is currently the only good thing in your life.
💓​Whilst Kofuku is to a certain degree an attention seeker, she isn't like Yato who is constantly jealous when you pay attention to someone else. Whilst she is as a god of poverty wildly scorned amongst other gods, she isn't as petty as Yato. She actually encourages you to go out and see your friends when she realises that you are in a bad mood because of your pitiful situation she has caused due to her strange powers. A part of her actually wants to meet your friends herself but she is reminded from Daikoku that she would only end up dragging them into a similar situation as yours if she would spend too much time with them which is why she limits her interactions with people you care about as if repenting somehow for being unable to do the same with you. Do not let yourself get fooled though as she has a mischievous vein in her body and might mess with someone if they end up seriously fueling her jealousy, even if it ends up bringing them a lod of misfortune.
💓​Her sweet appearance aside, she isn't shy to threaten and intimidate others when it involves people she holds dear to her own heart. Gods usually avoid her due to her abilities to cause misfortune and she and Daikoku, a begrudging accomplice in this all who tries to save what he can save, can defend you against other things such as ayakashi by themselves. In regards to humans though, Kofuku doesn't find herself needing to use any violence. As lonely as her abilities have made her, she uses them when she needs someone to stay away from you and all she really has to do is spend a bit of time with the person before catastrophe after catastrophe strikes their life. It is then that she deems that she has hung around them enough and just leaves them in the dust whilst they are too busy being a danger to you as they struggle with debt and the loss of their job. She does all of that fully aware that the repercussion will end like that but she does it with a sweet smile on her face nevertheless.
💓​Honestly, Kofuku's entire life has always been siginificantly defined and reduced as everyone has avoided her due to her strong misfortune and that misfortune brings you into a very peculiar spot as well. With the amount of time she spends with you it is highly likely that you will lose your job as well as your house and it is then that you wind up working in her shop as well as living together with Daikoku and her. Deep down Kofuku has always known that if she wouldn't stop herself, it would end that way yet she couldn't help herself. She feels partially still quite jolly now that the both of you can live together as she gets to spend even more time with you but there will always be her guilt that will dull that joy of hers and that leads her to be even more sweet to you as if trying to make all the suffering you had to go through up to you. The most sinister and worst part of all is that you are genuinely stuck now because even if you were to try to rebuild your life from scratch, as long as Kofuku is around you your situation will always end the same way.
💓​Kofuku often drags you outside or just takes you in general with her so that you don't end up dwelling too long on your own life that has been turned upside down. She likes to have fun and is an adventutous spirit after all and she wants you to participate in the joy that she feels. As she gets easily bored when she is stuck inside the shop for too long without doing anything even remotely interesting, she always finds herself giddy to leave with you. A lot of dates she has planned probably failed due to her bad luck so she finds herself often organising everything herself in places where she can't bring misfortune to other people or where the chances of bad accidents will be lowered and won't be too severe. Daikoku often helps her with her plans. She already likes giving people close to her nicknames and you have a whole bunch of cute and silly nicknames she likes to call you by. As soon as you have moved in with Daikoku and her, she is basically already acting like you two are married as she feeds you, holds your hands and sometimes even ends up sleeping in the same bed as you.
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🪭​Daikoku may intimidate people on first impression as he appears to be a rather unsmiling individual but he cares very deeply for the people who are important to him. Similar to his master Kofuku, Daikoku is on a lucid spectrum concerning his obsession. Differently from the god of poverty though, he restrains himself far more than Kofuku and chooses to stay away from you even if it hurts his feelings. As a shinki the risk is always to accidentally blight his master which is why he chooses to suppress his emotions in order to not sin and accidentally blight his master but that path is a double-edged sword. Whilst he does avoid a good portion of guilt and shame as he feels less like a creep by staying away from you, negative emotions still fester within him. Mainly a silent longing that he refuses to act upon. Partially he wishes that he could just push you away when you are around but he never has the heart to do so as he instead just treats you with kindness and attentiveness.
🪭​Kofuku is unironically the one who kindles his feelings as she is suprisingly supportive of his feelings despite knowing that you are a human. It is no surprise that she finds out about you as Daikoku has been her shinki and companion for centuries and both of them have a strong bond. In her mind Daikoku deserves happiness, especially after they had to let Daigo go. She supports his love as she encourages him to visit you or even seeks you out herself so that you can visit the shop both of them are working in so that he can spend more time with you. He's a very protective and caring individual who has zero tolerance for anyone who is trying to mess with you and in public he usually can't help himself but always take a protective step in front of you as soon as anyone faces you, even if they are friends. It's somewhat of a bad habit of his that he can't seem to shake off. At one point he eventually gives up trying to act like he doesn't care that much about you as you always manage to break all of the fragile walls he has tried to build and instead is open about his affection.
🪭​Jealousy and protectiveness are two things closely intertwined in Daikoku's soul which means that envy rarely comes without his instincts to protect and defend. You would know best that he always is a tad bit wary around people he doesn't know yet, even if they should be close friends and family of yours. Upon first meeting someone, he is always inspecting them and observing their interactions with you closely and it usually needs a bit of time before he loosens up around them when he decides that they are no threat to you, though he is still fully committed to kick their ass if they should mess up. He's definitely a tad bit more aggressive when he gets jealous though and that only aids his intimidation skills. Daikoku will be more scary when he glares at someone with a clearly agitated expression and he hates people who have the audacity to just flirt with you. He's not shying away from grabbing such people by the collar and jerking them away from you or really going for a kick that sends them tumbling down, although he does restrain himself in public space.
🪭​Whilst certainly not one to mess around due to his protective nature, Daikoku has more shame about killing than other shinki like Kazuma. There are certain actions he is willing to take in order to keep other people who are dangerous to you away and that without any overwhelming guilt. He threatens them, he intimidates them and he is also ready to get more aggressive if it comes down to it but death is a step too far for him to just comfortably do. Kofuku as a wing woman is willing to offer her own help if it comes down to it and the bad luck she brings with her requires no fists or weapons to drag someone down if she just spends enough time around a person. Daikoku often refrains from informing her though as he doesn't want to get his master involved in his own problems, especially since he knows that Kofuku would be a bit too willing to lend her help to assist him in his love life. If it comes down to it though, he has the capabilities to murder someone without blighting his master as he would see it then as a last and unavoidable resort.
🪭​He would never abduct his darling but since he is the shinki of Kofuku who is going to meet you sooner or later, the question is rather if her exceptionally bad misfortune will lead you into a tricky situation. Daikoku knows best that his master has no control over the misfortune she brings to others and he knows that she is scorned and avoided by even other gods as a result of her unique powers so he would never blame her. That doesn't help you though the moment you get affected by Kofuku's abilities and your life suddenly takes a turn for the significantly worse. Even Kofuku will feel guilty though as she apologises to Daikoku and you, although you obviously will not know why she is apologising. Considering that though, you may as well end up in the same situation where you would end up if you were to be Kofuku's darling. Living together with them and working in their shop. Daikoku would be extra attentive after all the drama you had to endure because he got you involved with their life and even Kofuku would be very affectionate and doting to you.
🪭​As a shinki, Daikoku is even through his doubts a rather stable person. He's most likely a tad bit too harsh on himself at times, especially if your life did end up badly because of his involvement in his life. Sharing a home with Kofuku and him though makes you unironically realise how much house husband material this man has. He ends up doing pretty much all the chores for you, especially the first few weeks after you have moved in and are still in the process of digesting everything. He does the laundry for you, he cleans the rooms for you and he cooks your favorite meals for you all in attempts to cheer you up and give you the time you need to process everything. Kofuku is more mindful too, although she still hasn't given up on making the two of you a couple now that you live together with them anyways. Yato constantly tries to tease you to get to Daikoku as he knows how protective the man is and in a way he gets what he wants when he gets a kick delivered to his ribs whilst Daikoku warns him with a pissed expression to keep his hands away from you.
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🐦‍⬛​Rabo is a character shrouded in darkness and mystery who has accepted that he is a God of Calamity unlike Yato who is actively trying to change his fate. Perhaps it is this acceptance that leads him to never question his feelings for you. Even if he would practice some self-reflection, the end result would remain the same. He doesn't care. He doesn't care if his feelings scare you nor does he scare who he has to kill in order to keep you. He is acting on his selfish and possessive desires freely as he has no morals nor anything else that could hold him back from committing all of the atrocities that he does to ensure that no one else will find you so that he may keep you forever. Why should he care in the first place? You are completely right by labeling him as a cruel and cold person. He has always killed, no matter what species his victims belonged to so killing people you love is no different than what he has been doing already since eons. So stop whimpering and get used to it.
🐦‍⬛​His possessive character aside, Rabo is a very cautious and observing individual who likes to inspect and gauge your reactions and your gestures in order to get a better grip of your personality. The careful nature he mostly reveals when he is fighting enemies to determine their abilities and their strength even shows itself in regards to his obsession, although it is less because Rabo sees you as someone who might physically best him. Partially it is because after so many eons of fighting, this has simply become a habit of his. On the other hand it is a conscious decision he makes as an obsession is something he doesn't know how to deal with. Those feelings are new and foreign and the lack of experience he has makes him a tad bit unsure. He only knows how to fight, to kill and to bring suffering to others but not how to love and care for someone and even if his facial expression doesn't give it away, there is a slimy unease resting in the pit of his stomach as the normal solutions he has been using for ages do not solve the problem.
🐦‍⬛​Jealousy is yet another emotion the God of Calamity can add to the list of new sensations and feelings he has never experienced before he found you. Although jealousy is probably one of the most unpleasant sensations for him. He feels threatened but not in the way he is used to. He doesn't fear for his life nor does he have to fear for your life as he could simply murder anyone who would even think about taking your life or stealing you physically away from him. There is another fear, one he can't grasp nor explain and it only further feeds into the growing agitation. He doesn't understand why he feels threatened when you smile whilst thinking about someone else or when you express your grief as you miss the people he has either slaughtered or stolen you away from. There is a strange pull in his chest as he wonders why you keep thinking about them even now when he is with you and why you never give him the same amount of attention or thoughts you give to those puny mortals.
🐦‍⬛​Death is as natural to Rabo as breathing is to you. It is the one thing he was created for after all, to wreck everything and everyone that crosses paths with him. it is his fate as a God of Calamity and he has resigned himself to his task. Killing has always been the sole solution and task for him which is why you have any right to fret for anyone as soon as you have encountered the grim fate of becoming the victim of his obsession. Even if murdering family or friends of yours is not part of his job, a personal grudge is reason enough for him to stain his sword in blood. It annoys him when you lament about the people you aren't able to return to anymore and it agitates him when he is standing right in front of you but your mind is elsewhere as you indulge in thoughts about others. If he were to serve you all of their corpses, would he be able to remove them permanently from your mind? If your mind were to be empty if you have no one to think about anymore, would he be able to claim your every thought like you have claimed his? There is only one way to find out...
🐦‍⬛​You are definitely getting taken but it is not an immediate abduction. Mainly because whilst Rabo doesn't care about the trauma and suffering he will put you through by satisfying his own obsession, he sems to care at least enough to inform himself of your needs and the basic care that a human requires. You get by that everything you need to fulfill the minimum that you require to look after yourself when you eventually get kidnapped by him but the life you lead is nothing overly grand. You have everything that he deems as necessary and you won't get more either as Rabo has never grown up with the concept of spoiling others. The only solace you have, if you can even call it one, is that he leads the same lifestyle as you. He gets by with the bare minimum. Your life is after the abduction pretty involved with his own as he spends a lot of time with you. You take all your meals together with him, do the chores around the place whilst he is watching you and are even forced to sleep in the same room as him.
🐦‍⬛​Rabo is an incredibly tactiturn god and silence quickly becomes your most loyal companion when he is around you. It isn't the relaxing kind of silence though but the heavy and awkward one that has your heart constantly on edge. He has a prominent habit of just staring at you and following your every movement as he prefers having you within his sight, perhaps a sign of his controlling nature as he wants to always be informed of what you are doing. You don't think that he knows what private space is as it happens that you turn around and find him standing eerily close to you and it always gives you a heart attack, especially because those bright yellow eyes always look at you as if they are about to plunge into the deepest and darkest parts of your mind and soul. Honestly, Rabo doesn't fully know what he is supposed to do now that you are stuck with him. His heart still desires something but he struggles to understand what it is that he wants from you now. He'll figure it out though.
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⚪​Nora knows neither good nor evil which leads to her having no comparison that could help her to properly determine how exactly she should think about her growing feelings for you and what would be the proper way to handle her obsession. She simply was never taught and as that is the case, she has no reason to even pretend to care or to hold back which ultimately leads her into openly deciding to pursue you and act according to her desires. She enjoys being your personal shadow, the one that follows you around wherever you go whilst neither you nor anyone else around you notices her. It is rather amusing, especially since she likes messing around as she takes advantage of her abilities. It is entertaining to see you growing slowly more paranoid as you hear her voice whispering behind you, feel her tapping your shoulder or realise that things disappear only to appear elsewhere all whilst not being able to see her. You are after all only human and you will never be more.
⚪​Nora is quite manipulative and her clear enjoyment in tormenting and frightening you indicates that she has a sadistic vein in her too as she likes torturing you psychologically. She eventually does reveal herself to you but then she doesn't tell you the truth about everything you do not know as she instead decides to make things more interesting. She presents herself as someone you can talk to and trust as you have so far not told anyone about the strange things that have been happening around you and in the few cases that you have, no one has believed you. Sick of realising that everyone would probably think that you have lost it, you have instead decided to keep everything to yourself so the relief to know that there is someone who doesn't judge you and actually seems to believe you soothes your soul. You poor thing remain unaware that Nora wants you to feel comforted with her and wants you to trust her. She probably ends up manipulating you into isolating yourself from family and friends until she is the only one who you have.
⚪​She is rather displeased when you try to maintain relationships with others or when someone else attempts to take her plaything away from her. It is likely that she only shows herself to you when the both of you are alone. There are many masters she serves which does keep her busy at times but when she has tie, she winds up stalking you and following you around throughout your entire day. Nora knows what you do in your daily life and she uses that information against you whenever you two spend time together in subtle ways that will not have you think that she is stalking you but rather make you feel like she just understands you better than anyone else. Normally she winds up manipulating you into cutting ties with the people she doesn't want anywhere near you but if that doesn't work she decides that she has to hurt you by influencing the other person until they end up pushing you away which only reinforces her words to you that no one will believe you and stay with you. Only she is there for you.
⚪​The shinki isn't someone who would take things into her own hands but she will definitely use whatever she has to kill people when she starts seeing them as too pesky. Depending on how much fun she has with her victims, the time until death can vary greatly. Sometimes she torments her victims for weeks on end by being even more extreme than she is with you. It is always so pathetic to see a human going crazy and turn constantly around, paranoid that there will be someone behind them. She never lifts a finger to do anything but she doesn't have to do so as she has caused some humans to commit suicide as a result of the induced fear and paranoia. Other times she may get bored midway and decide to end things on her own instead of entertaining the person any longer. In that case she may use her Ayakashi manipulation to control masked ayakashi and order them to attack the person and to end their life for her so that she can pick up the broken pieces of your heart later on when you find out about their death.
⚪​She has no interest to put in all of the work to abduct you only to be left to care for you then. Nora is very much comfortable with the way things are shaping themselves right now. She already has you depending on her very often as she is the only person who hasn't betrayed you or died on you yet which makes you quite desperate to keep her by your side. There is rarely a rejection from her side though when you invite her over to your own home where she makes herself comfortable for the time being. She doesn't plan to settle down anytime soon either. There are a lot of things and plans she has to do and fulfill so she values her freedom to wander around without having to look out for you all the time which would be the case if she were to abduct you. She expects you to look out for yourself whilst she is gone without seeking out anyone else in her absence as she wants your dependency on her to stay. Just wait in your home for her until she is done with whatever she has to do.
⚪​Nora sees friendship, family bonds and every other form of love as a game where you pretend to be someone that you are not and that partially implies for all of this too. To her, this is a game where she pretends to be someone you can trust and rely on when in reality everything is a lie. She just waits for the right time to shatter your last hopes and your naive belief but until that moment happens, she will continue being what you think she is. There are times where she messes with you though simply because she thinks that it is funny to see you getting all anxious and frightened when she is gone for longer periods or times or when she gives you the cold shoulder because she wants you to grovel to her like a pathetic worm. Physically she will never harm you but emotionally it is a free game for her where she breaks and molds you constantly to her current liking yet you do not realise it or decide to ignore it. What a pitiful, dumb thing you are.
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summersreality · 1 month
Rating manifestation methods that I’ve tried
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Law of assumption - ★★★★★
Explanation: Law of assumption isn’t only a method of manifesting, it’s a universal law. You’re always using it wether it’s to your benefit or not. Although I count is as a manifestation method when I actively utilize it to get what I want.
Rating: I live and die for law of assumption. It literally cannot fail me, and it’s always there. If I do something wrong then I just do it again, and I can still succeed. Fail proof, powerful and infinite.
Music manifestation - ★★★★☆
Explanation: Using songs, lyrics and playlists to manifest a certain scenario, vibe or self concept.
Rating: Very motivating and fun to do. I get to listen to music and at the same time visualize desired scenarios I’m a maladaptive daydreamer so that’s my speciality.
Eavesdrop method - ★★★★★
Explanation: Scripting or visualizing what you want people to say about you, as if you’re eavesdropping on a conversation that someone has about you.
Rating: Again, this is very fun. It also teaches me to flip around how I think about how people talk about me. It’s also extremely satisfying to actually hear people say it in the 3D! Nothing better than when imagination becomes reality 😋
“Everyone is me pushed out”-method - ★★★★★
Explanation: Maybe this has a different name, but it’s basically that everyone views me like I view myself.
Rating: I’ve had problems with being perceived, I’ve been scared that people will think I’m embarrassing and ugly. But now I’ve learnt that I can just put myself on the pedestal and view myself as my ideal self, because I control my reality and everyone in it. People can only see me how I allow them to see me.
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rivatar · 2 months
Can I make a request for dilf!JakexFemale! Omatikaya!reader?
While Neytiri is out hunting with the kids, jake makes his way to readers hut. And let’s just say reader is shorter than Neytiri so size kinkkkk🤭
Guilty Pleasure
Pairing: Dilf!Jake!Sully x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Warnings/content: SMUT, jake cheating(sorry Neytiri), size kink, stalking/obsessing, some roughness/power over reader, oral/face sitting (Jake being a pussy eating king), p in v, cream pie, dirty talk, a sprinkle of angst at the end
W/c: 3.2k (holy shit-)
A/n: thank you for this request anon!!💖 I am a SUCKERRRR for dilf Jake! I got a lil carried away heheh but I hope y’all enjoy this! Comments, likes, and reblogs are SO appreciated! Muah 😘
“We will see you later, ma’Jake,” Neytiri sweetly said while motioning for the kids to go out of the hut, holding up the flap of fabric for them to walk by. Neteyam and Lo’ak went first, throwing a hand up and bidding a short “Bye, dad,” with their bows in hand.
“Come with us daddd!” Tuk whined and ran up and clung to his side. He chuckled at her.
“I’d love to, kiddo, but I gotta take care of something. Ya know, all my boring adult responsibilities,” He smiled gently.
She frowned up at him but had no choice but to accept he wasn’t coming.
“Bring me back a big ‘angtsìk(hammerhead titanothere)!” He joked while bending over and ruffling her short braids in an attempt to cheer her up. She giggled at his absurd request and ran off to catch up with Lo’ak and Neteyam.
Kiri came moping out and rolling her eyes like usual, she was not excited that she was being forced to go hunt with them. It just wasn’t her thing. She gave Jake a quick “Bye” and walked out without looking at him.
“I love you too!” He laughed, “You’ll do great!” He cupped his mouth and shouted to her. She looked over her shoulder and couldn’t suppress her small little grin of amusement. She pretty much always blatantly disrespected him but he loved her to death.
Neytiri smiled one last time at him before ducking under the flap, following her kids to go off to their hunt.
Jake’s smile faded from his face once they were out of sight.
He had a lovely wife and an amazing family—everything he could ever want and dream for. But unfortunately for him, his heart yearned for someone else. Someone who occupied his thoughts day-in and day-out, consuming his entire being.
He started to resent you for how bad he wanted you. But how could he blame you? You’ve done nothing. Nothing but just be utterly and effortlessly perfect. He felt like you casted a spell on him, damning him to be desperate for you. You were quite the sight to see; young and beautiful in all your glory. He could worship your body all day— the stunning curves of your hips and the rounding of your breasts. You were short in stature, not tawtute short but very much on the short side for a na’vi girl. But that just made Jake be drawn to you even more. During his endless daydreams involving you, he would have some particular thoughts of you. Images flooded his mind of getting to manhandle you around. He was bulkier than the average na’vi due to the combination of his human DNA, so he had no doubt in his mind he could toss you around effortlessly in several different positions. He also inevitably thought about how much tighter your smaller pussy probably was. And fuck, it wasn’t just your stunning appearance— it was also the way you were so damn sweet and compassionate to others. You never did anything wrong, it was like you really were perfect.
He longed to touch you and pleasure you, he would die a happy man if he could just watch you cum for him. It wasn’t even that he wanted the pleasure for himself, more than anything he wanted to pleasure you. So many scenarios have ran through his mind of imagining how your pretty face would scrunch up as an orgasm wracked through your petite body. He felt like he was loosing his mind, he hasn’t had this many vulgar, horny thoughts constantly since he was probably 17. It was like you made him young again. He wanted to show you how good he could make you feel. After all, he was experienced. Whether it was keeping Neytiri’s needs satisfied or previous lessons from his sexual partners back on earth, he’s learned a thing or two over time. He wondered if you’ve let any of the omatikaya boys fuck you. He hoped not, but he was sure they were all throwing themselves at your feet. I mean who the hell wouldn’t?
Jake had been stalking you for quite some time now. He pretty much had your daily schedule memorized and he’s even learned all your little mannerisms. Like how you looked down at the ground when you laughed, or how you quietly hummed to yourself when you were weaving. Sometimes throughout the day you would make eye contact when passing by each other. He noticed you would give him a little smile. It was like you knew you were torturing him.
But watching you from a distance and stalking you wasn’t cutting the mustard anymore for him. Sure, it satisfied the itch at first but it left him only wanting more. And stroking his cock to you felt good, but not as good as your soft, dainty hand would feel doing it.
He knew Neytiri was taking the kids hunting today to let them practice. And at this time of day, you were usually in your hut. He decided there wouldn’t be a more perfect time than now to approach you. He couldn’t let this keep eating him alive, he had to do something about it. So, he gathered up the courage to start his way over to you.
You were in your hut, cooling off a little. It was a hot, sunny day in Pandora and you always take a midday break around this time. Right before you were going to sit down, you seen a figure in your peripheral vision. It was… Jake?
“Jake.. I-I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” you stuttered and shifted to face him respectfully, caught off guard by your leader entering your hut. “Is something wrong?”
He stood confidently, almost like he owned the place— I mean he was the Olo’eyktan. Which was why you felt concerned and surprised to see him, surely it must be something important if he took the time to come here.
He surveyed you as you stuttered and slightly fidgeted with a hint of amusement in his eyes. His piercing gaze burned right through you, making you feel small and embarrassed. But he was the one coming into your home, so why were your cheeks heating up in embarrassment?
He finally broke the silence and breathed out a sigh. “Yeah, I’m afraid something is wrong,” he spoke with that low, sultry voice of his and once again burned holes into you with his eyes. He took slow steps towards you, casually.
Your heart dropped to your stomach and the blood left your face. “W-What is it? I’m sorry if I’ve done something wrong, sir-“
“Don’t play dumb and innocent. You know exactly what it is.” He cut you off sharply.
You were taken aback, eyes widening in offense. “Excuse me?” You scoffed.
He kept inching closer and closer to you and you backed up in return, scowling at him. But unfortunately you backed up against the wall, having no more room to back up.
He was eyeing you down fiercely, power and authority exuding from his aura. But you weren’t a pushover, and you gave it your best effort at holding his eyes and not cowering.
He swiftly grabbed your wrist and shoved your hand on his hard erection covered by his loincloth. You gasped, once more taken aback.
“Understand?” He quipped.
You snatched your hand back and hissed at him. You were unable to form any words, so shocked at this predicament. Your scowl deepened and your breathing picked up, feeling the intensity in the atmosphere.
He let out a single chuckle of disbelief and shook his head.
“You do this to me. It’s your fault” he snapped, “You’ve been torturing me night and day and you know it” he accused with his pointer finger in your face.
Your mouth dropped a little, eyebrows scrunched in anger. “What?? I’ve done nothing! You’re fucking crazy!”
“You are such a little brat. Sounds like you need that attitude fucked out of you,”
You couldn’t help the coil that twisted in your stomach to his words. The obscenity of them made your body react with a mind of its own. Slick trickled out of your hole, making a little wet patch in your cloth.
His nose twitched and he grinned menacingly at your new smell of arousal. “Is that right? The lil’ slut needs her pussy stuffed with cock?”
Your cheeks heated up, making a purplish color on your face. You were losing this battle quickly. You blamed your body for betraying you so shamefully.
“Fuck you!” You finally said. It was your last attempt at trying to get the upper hand.
“Yeah,” he laughed, “That’s the plan.”
You scoffed again, still trying to make it seem like he was crazy and you didn’t want this. But in reality, you don’t think anything has ever piqued your interest more.
He put his fingers inside the band of your loincloth, tickling the soft area below your belly. Your heart thudded hard inside your chest and more waves of arousal coursed through you.
He slowly and lightly teased the area, making your breath hitch slightly.
“Not stopping me, I see,” he quietly mocked.
Your let your eyes fall to his chest which was right in front of you. You didn’t want to see the smug grin on his face.
“Now what if I touch your little pussy? Is she gonna blow your cover?” He taunted some more. You swallowed roughly as his fingers traced further and further down into your cloth until he got to your soaked cunt.
He ran a finger up your slit, eyes dilating as he basked in the incredible feeling of your slick pussy. Your legs parted on their own, giving him easier access and you whined softly, leaning your head back against the wall.
“Fuck…” he breathed out, seemingly losing his control.
Your half lidded eyes met his again as he ran his fingers through your folds. You knew you were at the point of no return.
“Please..” you mewled quietly.
Trying to regain control of the situation, he straightened up and cleared his throat, still continuing his touching. “Oh so the brat has manners now?”
“Mhmm” you hummed shamelessly, pride be damned.
He licked his lips and looked down at your pretty lips, just waiting to be kissed. But he had other things in mind.
He yanked down your loincloth and it fell to your ankles then you kicked it aside. Then suddenly he knelt down and hitched one of your legs over his muscular shoulder, much to your surprise. You gasped hard at the first stroke of his tongue on your pussy lips.
“Oh!” You cried
You grabbed his dreads for support because your knees already felt weak. Looking down at him, the sight was purely sinful. He lapped, licked, sucked, and kissed all over your cunt, slurping up all your juices and making a complete mess on his face. He hummed and moaned on it, creating vibrations which elevated your pleasure.
He pulled back only for a second, your juices falling down his chin and painting his blue skin with white and clear shimmer. “You taste so fucking sweet, even better than I imagined,” he groaned in near disbelief. Then he continued working his mouth on your pussy.
You felt so good, feeling the most ecstasy you’ve ever felt. You’ve had a few partners and of course masturbate when needed but nothing and nobody has ever felt like this. He knew exactly where to go and how much pressure to apply and suck at.
He stuck a finger in your hole while he continued lapping on your clit. You moaned and fought to keep yourself standing up. He caught onto your struggle and swiftly moved to reposition you both. He laid himself back against the ground and had his hands hooked around you, bringing you down with him to then plop you right on his face.
Sitting on his face was much more comfortable and you tried to hold yourself up to hover some, but he grabbed your ass and pushed all your weight down on him. You switched between watching him do his thing and throwing your head back, closing your eyes and welcoming all the sensations. All his sounds were muffled but looking behind you and seeing his still rock hard erection and watching his feet curl and his legs dance around told you that he was very much enjoying himself.
You knew your orgasm was about to come. The pleasure was coming to a peak and you relaxed and let it happen. You came with a loud and drawn out moan, thighs shaking from the intensity. His humming got louder as he licked up all your essence, drawing out your high but letting off before you got overstimulated.
You rose off and scooted back a little to sit on his chest, looking down at his absolutely soaked face.
“Holy fuck,” you breathed out roughly, trying to catch your breath, “you didn’t tell me you were a pussy eating expert”
He chuckled with that deep voice of his, making your pussy flutter. “You thought the old man wouldn’t know how to eat pussy? Baby girl I am very experienced,” he winked.
You rolled your eyes at his cockiness, trying not to smile. Before letting you fully catch your breath, he sat up and effortlessly carried you with him, you were like a little rag doll in his huge, bulky arms. He hung you over one of his shoulders, ass up in the air. He smacked it and you let out a little yelp of surprise and smacked his back in return.
“You are so tiny, ya know that?”
You rolled your eyes once again. “Yes, everyone loves telling me how short I am” you complained.
“Mhmm well I think it’s hot as fuck”
He set you down on the table and you were facing him, legs spread out and pussy on full display. His eyes drank in the sight of your most intimate part, being fully captivated by you. You then took the reigns and slipped off your skimpy top, leaving him even more speechless. You smirked in satisfaction at how pussy whipped he was already.
He didn’t fail to notice your shit-eating grin and quiet laugh. “Oh yeah? You won’t be laughing much longer,” he threatened while untying the strings of his loincloth, letting it fall to the floor.
And it did in fact shut you up. He was huge. Your jaw hung low like an idiot and he laughed at you.
“You’re not that big. I’ve had bigger.” You lied, trying to sound confident.
He narrowed his eyes and felt a pang of jealousy at the thought of someone else getting to fuck you. “That so? Well then you should have no problem taking me,” he taunted.
You were nervous about how it would hurt but you put on a brave face. You spread your legs wider and gave him doe eyes as an invitation to go ahead.
His bigger body hovered over your small frame as he positioned his cock at your entrance. He teased your folds and your opening, making you buck your hips up in an effort to get him inside of you. His cockhead breached into your hole and you gasped in unison. He was so thick and girthy, the stretch against your walls was one you’ve never experienced this intensely.
He sank in deeper, thrusting a little to help break it in. You winced and moaned but stayed relaxed and let him keep going. He finally bottomed out. Then pulled back and started thrusting.
Your eyes widened and your jaw fell slack. The drag against your walls and the pressure his dick provided on your cervix made you nearly see stars, clouding your vision in a bit of a haze.
“Mmmm!! ‘s so good!” You slurred drunkenly, choking on your moans and cries.
He grunted and moaned above you, keeping a steady rhythm as his balls slapped against your ass.
“Holy shit” he gritted between his teeth, slightly baring them at you while he got caught up in the passion. He squeezed his eyes shut and his head slumped down, hanging from between his shoulders. “You’re gonna make me cum too quick” he panted.
You moaned in response, loving how you were breaking him. He cupped both your tits and gave them a squeeze, edging both of you on more.
“More!! Please!” You didn’t really know what you were asking for but he seemed to know right away.
He pulled out quickly and swiftly flipped you over, pulling you from the hips to scooch your ass up against him. He entered you again easily and plunged all the way in making you moan loudly.
“Cum on this dick, baby,” he grunted as he then started a fast and hard pace, increasing it from the previous pace.
His dick was now reaching so far up into you and satisfying all your sweet spots. He was fucking into you like a bunny in heat, hiking up one of his legs and placing his foot on the table to have a better grasp on you and a better angle to fuck you.
“Fuckkkk!” You screamed, getting your cervix pounding into over and over again. You felt your walls convulsing around him and knew you were getting close.
He pushed your head down into the table, his enormous hand pretty much engulfing the entire size of your head. Your hair fell around your face and was scattered in a complete mess.
“Shit baby, you’re close, huh?” He groaned.
“Yesss! Don’t fucking stop!” You begged and whimpered.
And then you felt your coil snap. The waves of sweet release spread throughout your whole body. Your pussy’s grip on his dick tightened, making him cum right after you.
“Nghh- gonna fill you up” he moaned while still bringing your ass back to meet his hips, slowing down and milking out both your orgasms. His hot cum spurted into your womb, filling you up just like he said.
He finally stopped his slow thrusts and pulled out gently making you whine as you felt some of his cum seep out.
He stepped back to admire his work, taking a mental screenshot of your cream pied cunt. He used his thumb to gather what had dripped and pushed it back into you.
“Your pussy looks best with my cum in it,” he admired.
You rolled over to your side, completely exhausted. You looked at him expectantly, wanting him to lay with you now.
He got your message by the look in your face. “I’m sorry baby but I gotta leave now. As much as I’d rather be stuffed inside you, I gotta get back to my place before my-“ he paused, looking physically pained, “before my family gets back home.”
Of course, you thought to yourself, how the fuck could you forget? Guiltiness flooded your heart, making it physically ache for his wife and kids. You felt terrible. You never liked a homewrecker and now you were a complete hypocrite and felt like a whore.
“Yes, o-of course… I’m sorry,” you offered weakly.
He weakly smiled as a response, pain still in his eyes as the post-nut clarity washed over him and guiltiness attacked his conscious as well.
“I’ll see you later, y/n.” And with that he left your hut.
Taglist: @neteyamssyulang @bambithewriter @professional-yapper @anemonelovesfiction @property-of-neteyam @luvv4j4ybe11 @loakstahni @fluorynn @zafrinaxyz @live-laugh-neteyam @nonamevenus @inolaphoenix @ladykat73 (if you wanna be added or removed, just lmk!)
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taeriilight · 2 years
taerii back at it again brrr
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⭒ִׄ☆﹝ manifesting an SP
sp stands for 'specific person'. it can be a partner, a friend, a neighbour, girlfriend/boyfriend etc.
- you may have checked out several posts about this topic but imma break all that info down and share how I manifested lots of people 🤭 ( new students/classmates/a k-pop band )
𖤐 creating an SP //
- have a clear picture in your mind about what you want your sp to be like; their appearance, status, age, personality, background story, how you meet them, when do you meet them, where do you meet them, your relationship with them etc.
basically mentally prepare a whole wattpad scenario of how, where and when everything takes place etc. !!
try to visualize about them whenever you're free, don't worry and KNOW that they're on their way to you <3
𖤐 self concept xx //
- I highly recommend working on your self concept because often people that manifest their sps become insecure and start questioning if their sp will like them or not !!
so you need to work on your self concept about love, accept yourself the way you are, love yourself and know you are deserving of love <3
- try to change the way you *THINK* the world views you, flip those negative thoughts around
if you're worried that your sp might not feel the same way towards you then remember that everyone is you pushed out. your sp will think of you the way you think they will, so a good self concept helps a lot !!
- if you think you're unattractive then affirm "I'm attractive and pretty in my own way and everybody loves me the way I am"
- if you think you're not good enough then affirm "I am perfect the way I am, they will change their standards to love me and I don't have to change myself because I'm amazing"
basically know that you deserve love the way you are ^^
𖤐 know that your sp is yours //
think, assume, decide and persist.
decide that your sp will appear in your life the way you want, know that it's not impossible to manifest an sp.
you can listen to subliminals, affirm, visualize etc. but know that it's not needed once you know exactly what you want <3
let the law do it's thing and ry not to stress over it, trust the process ;)
𖤐 personal success stories //
͟͞=🦷 ˚⁎⁺˳ if you think manifesting an SP is impossible, then I'm here to share how I manifested 2 SP's and a wholeass k-pop band 💀
- a few years back when I DIDN'T even know about the law of assumption, I always wondered what it would be like to have a new boy in our class; and finally have a boy bestie !! I even made up a whole backstory of where he's from, when he meets me etc.
and guess what. guess TF WHAT.
that *exact* imaginary person took admission into our school in the exact year I had imagined-
I didn't notice at first but when I found out that HE WAS LITERALLY FROM THE EXACT PLACE I IMAGINED MY SP TO BE FROM
I WAS *SHOOK* ( beyond shook 💀 )
rn we're really good friends exactly the way I had imagined 😭
time taken: around two years ( *only because I had imagined him meeting me after two years from that time* )
method: visualising ( more like daydreaming because I didn't know loa was a thing back then )
- I remember when I was a 9 year old I always imagined a band of 4 really pretty and talented girls from *another* universe and basically they could travel between different universes and shi + they had their own animated avatars/show thingy too
and after a couple of years aespa debuted 💀👍
like the members are exactly how I imagined they'd be bye
time taken: 4/5 years ( I wasn't manifesting this I just liked to make up random scenarios lmao )
- here's a *really* quick one,
one morning I got on the bus and on my way to school, I randomly thought "it would be so fun if a cute new boy took admission in our class lmao" ( I swear the thought only lasted for like 5 seconds and then I completely forgot about it ) AND DUDE WHEN I REACHED MY SCHOOL THAT VERY DAY I FOUND OUT A NEW BOY TOOK ADMISSION IN OUR CLASS-
this was very surprising because we rarely get like 1 or 2 admissions in years 💀
time taken: 30 minutes
methods: just thought of it once, listened to a subliminal the night before ( my god mode sub 😭 )
goodluck manifesting
taerii 💋
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thejacketscloset · 7 months
Avenging myself against @forestshadow-wolf this one got a little away from me I'll be honest but i like where I ended up LMAO
Soap daydreams about retiring sometimes, never honestly thinks of the idea as something that would happen for him, but he finds entertainment in the possibilities. Different lives he'd like to try leading if he was anyone else, some more absurd than others.
It started as something to keep his mind off nerves when he was deploying, something that stuck with him all through his rookie years. Then he adopted the use of his journal, and the plans got more cohesive as he jotted them down.
Each page it was something different, none of them particularly sticking with him enough to think of them for too long. The scenarios always seemed to be missing something
It doesn't quite click until after Soap meets Ghost on what was missing.
It starts off as a harmless joke in his own mind, wondering what Ghost would do if he retired. The ideas getting more and more absurd with any new thought.
Thinking of Ghost in domestic settings just seems strange, which how cold he has known the man to be he could never imagine him doing something as mundane as frying eggs for breakfast or taking his dogs out for a walk.
The betrayal in Las Almas changes his mind.
After he finally gets out of those rain filled streets and into the truck Ghost is speeding, Soap desperately needs a distraction from his shoukder bleeding out. His mind falls back into his ritual of thinking up retirement plans for everyone.
And suddenly, its not so strange to imagine Ghost living the quiet life in the countryside. He thinks of one or two dogs, despite his own personal opinions of dogs. He thinks of a small cabin-like house with big property. He thinks of a forest to take hikes in every day. He thinks of himself visiting Ghost in this life, maybe even staying the night. Then he thinks of himself making breakfast for Ghost, bringing it up to him so he can eat in bed, climbing onto the mattress beside him-
And woah. Thats a new one. Soaps brain seems to fixate on the thought, the idea of sharing a life after retirement. Soap can't escape it, and after maybe five minutes of failing to escape it, he gives up and indulges. Maybe he indulges a little too much.
"What kinda dogs would ye want L.T.?" He asks, hardly even thinking about how out of place his question might me.
He sees Ghost glance at him from where he's driving, and he has half a mind to apologize for the strange question before the other is responding.
"You're seriously asking me that after the 'half a dog' joke?" And oh Soap can practically heat the grin Ghost's wearing under his mask.
"Jus answer the question," Soap is laughing in response.
Ghost seems to genuinely consider the question for a good moment, Soap watches him the whole time.
"I'd get a Pitbull." He answers after his consideration.
"Scary dog, aye?"
"Nah. They're all sweethearts, just need the right person to show their soft side."
Ghosts eyes seem to flick over to Soap and linger for a long moment after what he said. Soap tries not to let his mind run too wild with what Ghost could mean by that.
"And you Johnny? What would you get."
"I'm no' much of a dog person. Maybe I could be though, if a nice enough Pitbull came around."
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iamthat-iam · 4 months
hiyaa, not that anon and also im not looking to "get" a relationship or anything, but rather i just have a question about your reply to the ask
when you told the anon to be aware of her made up character being in a relationship with the made up/illusionary love interest, can i ask what you mean by being aware of it? i know that what i (character) call "thinking" or "imaginining" is actually me (THAT, self, etc) seemingly living out that life or scenario. but what i don't understand is how do we be aware of that thing or scene or life, consistently?
basically like i said, im not looking to experience a relationship like the other anon but rather i just wanna observe an illusionary life where i (THAT, self) appears as a completely different human. of course, right now it is "experienced" because i'm aware of it rn. if i weren't aware of the beautiful, rich, popular character i wish to appear as, then i wouldnt be typing this ask ofc! so i'm not asking hOw Do i GeT, HoW dO i ExpEriEnce 😭😭😭 bc i understand all that. i just don't understand how to CONSISTENTLY be aware of the character i want to.
i daydream about it often (disclaimer, ik daydreaming is a concept and its all just self being aware but i couldnt figure out a less confusing way to word it) but eventually this current character has tasks and responsibilities it needs to tend to, which kinda occupy awareness. like if im doing dishes, in that moment im not aware of the life i want to be aware of cuz im sidetracked. so how do i get to the point where i am continuously aware of what i want? i cant sit and daydream ALL day (again i just could nawt find a better way to word it LMAO) so how do i decide what i'd like to experience and STICK myself to it, being aware consistently and not getting sidetracked by the other characters life (the one whos sending this rn)
Hi! So the first point I want to make is you are already effortlessly aware of EVERYTHING, no matter what appears to be happening. When you say "I'm aware of the character doing the dishes and not my desired character" this is misidentification. No, you don't need to "daydream" all day. What you truly are doesn't need to "persist" in making anything happen. Everything is already happening in the now.
Next point I want to make is there's nothing and no one here that's experiencing an "old life." You said you understand that daydreaming/imagination is the same as experiencing it, but you're still creating a duality when you say you get "sidetracked" from "being aware of the new life" with tasks the character has to do through out the day.
No one is truly here doing anything. There's nothing for you to "do", just BE. Stop paying attention to thoughts saying "well I'm doing the dishes that means I'm not aware of my dream life" or "i need to find time to daydream otherwise i can't live my dream life"
My advice for the other anon (and "you") is to do nothing. " " Is always experiencing “ " no matter what thoughts are saying. Don't attach yourself to them.
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another-lost-mc · 10 months
(same anon who sent the last karasu ask)
i have a short scenario in mind, imagine after a big D.D.D karasu ai project which went smoothly and was successful, diavolo holds a ball celebrating the success of this project and mc surprises karasu by matching outfits with him (same colour palette and all)
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a/n: I love this so much. gimme more cutesy karasu scenarios to daydream about. or spicy ones yumyum
karasu x gn!reader | 0.5k | sfw | fluff
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I love this so much. Like, I imagine he's got some fancier suits he wears when he absolutely can't avoid these types of events, but usually he skips going to parties when he can. Things are different now because he's not just proud of his work, you're proud of him too. He wants to prove himself to your other demon friends that he's worthy of being with you. The upcoming event is a celebration that recognizes his accomplishments and the sacrifices that made it possible: spending less time with you, all those late nights at the office. The work he does is important to the Devildom. He wants to make it a more comfortable place to live so that the place he calls home can be your home too.
So, he looks through his closet and realizes that maybe it's time for something a little bit nicer. Asmo's always joked that he'd be happy to help Karasu expand his wardrobe to include more than shades of grey, and he reaches out to the Fifth Born for a little bit of advice. It has been a decade or two since he bothered getting a new suit tailored and he wants to look his best to impress you. (He would ask you for guidance, but he wants it to be a surprise.) They set up a meeting at Majolish, and Asmo spends nearly an hour taking measurements and holding up bold swatches of coloured fabric to his skin. He leaves over an hour later feeling a little frazzled but with Asmo's promise that he's going to look amazing.
(Of course, the first thing Asmo does is start designing a complimentary outfit for you that matches Karasu's new suit. He can't wait to see how stunning you both are!)
Karasu agrees to meet you at the Demon Lord's Castle the night of the party—you were a little shy with the details but hinted that you had a surprise for him. He trusts the others will escort you in his place, and he can't help but shuffle nervously while he waits. His jaw drops as soon as you step through the doors. Your outfit was made with the same exquisite fabric and deep, rich colours as his own, and it might be the loveliest thing he's seen you wear. He doesn't even have time to wonder how this happened—Asmo winks at him over your shoulder. The Fifth Born insists he must have a photo of both of you together, and he promises it's going to be the hottest photo trending on Devilgram by the end of the night.
(It is, but you're both too wrapped up in each other's company to care.)
After a long night of congratulatory speeches and dancing, he takes you back to his quiet home on the outskirts of the city. As much as he loves you in this particular outfit, he enjoys taking it off you just as much.
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elysiansparadise · 1 year
Hi! I also have a question, not astrology related.
How did you become such a good writer?
I'm looking for inspiration to put my thoughts into words. I'm socially awkward and introverted, so I'm not the best always at expressing myself.
I'd love to start by saying that I'm deeply touched that you consider me so good at writing, it is one of the compliments I am most happy to hear/read, so thank you very much. I prefer to share with you how I improved and felt confident about my writing.
🤎I wrote daily. I used to daydream about writing and not doing it actively, one day I got tired and preferred to get in front of the computer and write a bit. I made writing a habit, not just any habit, but my favorite. If I didn't feel well I would write about my own feelings, in addition to practicing writing I would vent.
🤎I worried about my surroundings. I made sure to turn off the television, put on my favorite music, wear comfortable clothes, have a comfort drink with me before getting back to writing.
🤎I made my passions the main theme of my writing. Astrology? I made notes in my notebook until I filled dozens of them. New crush? Hundreds of poems describing in a thousand different ways my feelings when looking at that person. Find out what topics you are passionate about so you can write about them.
🤎I practiced different styles. From the most technical, clean and to the point writing, to the most poetic and metaphorical that you can imagine. The trick is not to be afraid to experiment, let yourself be carried away by what you write.
🤎Reading is as important as writing. Reading can help you find out which styles you like and which you don't. I found that while I love romantic and poetic language, but when it's "too much" to such a degree that the main point vanishes, I lose interest. It also expands your vocabulary and helps you find new interests.
🤎I got rid of the idea of ​​writing for others before writing for me. Public opinion is a weight that you carry on your back that can harm your posture regarding writing all your life. Although listening to opinions is crucial to improve, you have to discern which to listen to and which to ignore. Care more about writing for you and topics you like before caring which topics other may rather.
🤎Music was my greatest company. And it still is. Random Playlist and my mind is in charge of creating interesting scenarios. Music helped me explore emotions that were foreign to me at that time.
🤎I hung out with people who were PASSIONATE about writing or watched videos of writers talking about their next novel. Passion is contagious, you know? There is nothing more empowering for our inner writer than seeing the sparkle in the eyes, the huge smile or the fire with which other people express themselves when they talk about writing. It just motivated me not to stop writing.
These are just a couple of things, I think it depends a lot on the person. I sincerely hope you find a method that allows you to put what you think into words, I'm sure that what you have to tell is interesting and valuable. All the best to you, love. 🤎
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xhoneygirlxx · 10 months
everyone always talks about best friend’s brother or brother’s best friend. we’ve heard dad’s best friend and best friend’s dad.
what about friend of a friend’s boyfriend?
hear me out, okay? you’re new in town or maybe you don’t have many friends. either way you finally find someone to befriend and you cling onto them. over time this friend introduces you to their friends, mingling you into the group that they have and even though you’re now apart of it, you’re really only close to that main person.
then they introduce you to Eddie and it’s like fireworks have gone off in your body. he’s beautiful and every fiber of your being wants him. he’s sweet, welcoming you with open arms. out of all the people you have met he’s the only one you actually had a full conversation with.
he gets your humor, he laughs at your jokes, he gets your movie references, he likes the same things as you, and he makes it a point to include you in every conversation. that night you meet him you’re a giggling blushing mess, eyes shining bright with giant hearts like a cartoon character.
then a bomb is dropped on you and it’s like your whole world is shattered. he’s in a relationship and the person he’s in a relationship with is one of the people in your new friend group. although you’re not necessarily close to this person, you wouldn’t do that to someone, break them apart for your own selfish reasons. at that point you pull back because it doesn’t feel right, almost like you’re breaking girl/boy code.
over time you observe them, how they don’t treat him right. they don’t laugh at his jokes, they don’t listen to him when he has something to say, his interests are diminished anytime it’s brought up. to them Eddie is just a cute play thing, something for them to put their arm around and show off like a giant prize, taking pictures to boast about their cute relationship goals.
it’s infuriating how someone like Eddie is with someone like that. you imagine what it would be like if he was yours, making up different scenarios in your head so you can daydream about it.
it worsens when he continues to treat you the same way he did when he met you, however everything seems more intense. the longing stares across a room anytime you’re around each other, sly touches every time he passes by you, dimpled smiles when he makes you flustered with all the pet names he gives you.
you wonder if he likes you the way you like him. if he goes home and thinks about you before he closes his eyes. if he has a song he listens to that reminds him of you. all of these questions filter through your mind after every time you see him. it’s not like you can do anything about it anyway, he’s still your friend’s friend boyfriend and you’re not about to ruin the friendships you have just made. so you’ll pine from afar, go home and listen to the playlist you’ve made and drown in your puddle of tears.
across town in his own apartment, Eddie’s doing the same thing. songs about falling in love play softly through his speakers, hazy clouds from the joint he’s smoking fill his room, and he stares up at the ceiling wishing that it was you. he wishes that he had met you first, that it was you and him and not his current situation. he’ll go to sleep again tonight dreaming about all the what ifs.
am I projecting? maybe lmao.
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mysticmellowlove · 10 months
Teen Yan x teen Fem where he just wants to be with her so so so so bad. He can’t function without her. Every since he met her in a book store a few months ago he couldn’t get enough. He has never been in love but he knows he loves her more than anything this quadrant of the universe could provide. He knew that he found his purpose in this world and it was to serve her. It was such a coincidence that on summer vacation they met at the bookstore but even more so when she said she just moved to his home state and town which was across the country from where they were for summer… it’s almost like it wasn’t real!
Little does he know that she was manifesting and creating a perfect scenario in her head of how she could meet her twinflame and it came to be! Anyway back to the point. They make it back to their hometown at different times but the whole time he was away from her after meeting he could only think of her! He didn’t have many friends or even a friend at all at school.
He was beautiful but his personality kinda put everyone on edge because he was so quiet and intimidating but in reality he was just a shy thing. Only she would know that though. She was homeschooled maybe a couple years younger than him and didn’t have anyone at all that’s why she was manifestation for wishing for her eternal love.
They meet up again to continue their friendship but he just can’t believe that’s she’s real! She’s just so perfect he couldn’t have even imagined it. She’s so beautiful. He’ll do anything for her! It’s almost like he’s a whole other person with her. He still comes off very intimidating to people but when they look at him with her he smiles and laughs and blushes. He just wants her to be with him. Eventually he confesses to her basically begging for her to give him a chance because he knows that if he isn’t with her he will never be with anyone ever. She is the one he has always needed. She will be his ruler. He tells her he’ll serve her forever, be her lover, her best friend. And she accepts because he’s all she’s ever wanted too.
Omg that was so long ik I never write but whew
You can do what you please with that. You don’t have to make it a fix if you don’t want to because the plot is pretty long like multi parts lol. I’m fine with you just reading it 😭☝️❤️
Xoxo 🍪
a/n; just a little something something. anon honestly popped off, this was delightful to read. (also this is unedited, today's been long and i wanted to start working on some of the asks)
One - His
He couldn't believe what he was looking at. Standing in the aisle before him was the most perfect looking girl he had ever seen. Everything about her seemed to draw him in, the way she seemed to block out everyone around her as she read the blurb of the book, the way the sun hit her face just right, the way that she was dressed... it was as if she was his perfect match.
Instantly he felt himself grow lightheaded as he ducked around the shelving. His hand clenched the space above his heart. After all the daydreaming and reading he had done... he found his one and only love. He had found the one he wanted to devote himself to for the rest of his life and she was right in front of him.
His eyes widened, why was he standing here like an idiot! He hadn't seen her around before, this might be his one and only chance to talk to her. If he had been in a better state of mind he would've deflated a little at the thought of her going back to her hometown but he was too wrapped up in the moment to care about the future.
He coughed into his hand and walked out from behind the aisle. However, before he could walk casually over to her he found that she was right before him! He jumped a little, his face heating up as she smiled at him.
"Hey, I saw you looking at the sci-fi section. Do you have any recommendations?" He couldn't help the dopey look that crossed his face. This was going to be the start of something beautiful.
Two - Hers
A grin crossed her face as she looked in the direction of her kitchen. Her parents were out tonight and she had invited him over. All that work she had done before summer break had paid off. She had seen it in a dream, there was a person out there that was made for her. Someone who understood her like no one else would. Someone who knew just how to make her laugh, a real friend... someone who knew what it was like to be on the outside.
She could hear him bustling around in there, putting his cup in the sink. She had seen how he looked at her, that unbridled adoration. That was how she knew it had worked.
"Hey, thanks for inviting me over." Of course it couldn't last forever, he had to go away soon but she had a feeling that they would be seeing each other again.
"No worries, I'm glad you decided to hang out." He grinned at her, sitting down next to her on the couch as the final scene of the movie they were watching played out. He was so close, she could feel the warmth of his thigh on her own. His 'sneaky' glances, his attentiveness, the way he seemed to hold himself around her... as if he wanted to give her the whole entire world. Finally, she felt special.
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thotsforvillainrights · 7 months
Thank you for the meals 💕
Can request a situation where reader wants a kiss from Hari but is too shy to say it, but he catches on and starts being a teased
(Oh Hari content for the heart, thank you. Be forewarned! Not exactly smut, but it gets a little suggestive toward the end!)
~Pretty Please?~
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Fourteen...fourteen times within the hour and he still hasn't noticed a single thing. You've darted your eyes at him fourteen times while he sits on the warm grass, tinkering with the fence nails, paint, and wood. Some drunk idiot that should've never been behind the wheel of a vehicle slammed into your fence about a week ago. The asshole left a pretty big hole and the two of you have been focused on fixing bit by bit as the days followed. Luckily the guy apologized and footed the bill at the very least!
Right now you were supposed to be making sure the nails were separated from the screws in your bucket, but instead you could only focus on him. Focus on the side of his face, his jawline, his lips...You really wanted that kiss right now but couldn't bring yourself to ask him for it. He was just so focused on the task at hand in the moment, he hadn't even stopped to notice you staring at him a few times. A thin veil of sweat covered his forehead, his brows furrowed as he continued mixing the paint in front of him. You're always like this most of the time. Hari was the bolder one out of the two of you. It wasn't an easy task to find it in yourself to initiate but you think of him often. You're always letting your daydreams take over when your thoughts start to wander toward the more heated scenarios. Thankfully he always seems to finally notice you and start his process of teasing.
This time was no different.
He finally looked over at the right moment and caught you staring dead at his lips. He chuckled and slowed his stirring to speak to you. He cleared his throat first and you quickly looked away from him. You hadn't noticed the way he scooted closer to you, and began to lean over you as you'd suddenly become extremely interested the nail/screw sorting. Hari chuckled at you. "Oh, I see you've gotten pretty far along in your task eh?" He joked with you when he saw how little you'd done before now. He knew you were busy looking at him, and he'd certainly use that to his advantage when teasing. "You feel that?" He suddenly asked and you stopped to look up at him in confusion. "Feel what?" You ask and he smiles widely. "That heat. It's getting really hot out here right?" He followed before suddenly taking his sweat stained white T off. You couldn't help but to become a bit flustered. You gripped his arm and whisper/shouted at him. "Hari what are you doing? There's a huge gap in the fence and people might see us!"
"See what? Did you assume something was going to happen just from me taking my shirt off Y/N? Wow, your mind must be in the gutter right now." He chuckled as he gently placed a hand on your knee. You scoffed and looked away when he started trailing it up your thigh, gripping at your leg for a second. "Hey...why don't we go inside for a quick break, hmm?"~
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
congrats on reaching 300 followers!!! may i request for hetalia? (i’m not sure on the maximum amount of characters allowed so i’ll make a list, you can skip anyone you don’t want to write for) how would scotland, wales, spain, portugal, france and northern ireland deal with an s/o who’s always lost in their thoughts? like they’re always imagining up complex storylines with their own characters, impossible scenarios, procrastinating, giving themselves unnecessary anxiety, and it’s turned to maladaptive daydreaming at this point. they know this, and they say they’re trying to change, but deep down they really don’t want to because reality hurts, and they’d rather be lost in their own little world instead. am i self-inserting too much? probably-
✿ 𝙞’𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙬𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 ✿
characters: francis (france), allistor (scotland), dylan (wales), antonio (spain) and siamas (northern ireland) x nb!reader
warnings: hints of maladaptive daydreaming, disassociation, insomnia, existential crisis, comfort, fluff, light angst
notes: phew it has been so long since i had last watched hetalia so i had to watch a lot of vids, comps and read the fandom articles to remind myself of them lmao. with that the characters also might come off OOC
hetalia fandom r u still alive????? if so then yall better prepare bc once my inbox gets flooded with hetalia reqs im gonna terrorize yall🕴🕴
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francis is a romantic through and through and due to that he daydreams as well. whether it be romantic dates or acts you and him could do together, recreating gentle scenes from his favorite romance novels, plan out your date and anniversaries - francis is a romantic soul and he feels your daydreaming problem to a certain degree.
whenever he notices you suddenly go quiet, eyes hazy and unfocused, staring at something while fiddling with the strands of your hair, nails, the strings of your hoodie or anything you can get your hands on, the man would let out a sigh and sit behind you. pulling your body close to himself and slowly rocking you both back and forth gently - waiting patiently for you to come back to the real world.
but sometimes francis just can’t help but get a little bit selfish. wanting your attention only on himself but he knows it’s wrong.
so that’s why, when you stepped into your shared home with the blond after another draining day at work, he had already prepared a tea party setup with your favorite novel’s theme, dressed up as your favorite character with a charming smile and gentle eyes. candles lit, the freshly baked goods’ scent wafting through the air enough to make you drool alongside a hot, steaming marble pot filled with a chamomile tea.
“mon amour, would you care for a tea with me?”
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before you two started dating, allistor thought of your stimming and daydreaming moments as something familiar to his brother, arthur.
perhaps you saw something that the normal people couldn’t see and interact with them like his little brother, so the redhead didn’t ask anything of it nor did he thought it’s anything problematic. however he got smacked in the face by how deeply your maladaptive daydreaming problems run when after your date at the cafe together, you almost got hit by a car when crossing the street with unfocused eyes and slow, dragged steps.
since then, allistor took it upon himself to study and research more about the differences of daydreaming and maladaptive ones, what causes them to happen, the reason for one to end up having such an odd yet harsh behavior.
whenever you would end up stimming with your headphones plugged in, mindlessly and robotically going through your work with an eerie silence - the man would observe you for a while, trying to decipher if you’re slipping a bit too deep into the dreams before walking over to you and gently tapping on your shoulder.
when your lovely eyes would lock with his own bright blue ones he would give you a smile and reach out a hand. a silent invitation for a slow dance with him - a formerly talked upon agreement that you two made to help you reground again after another slip.
“dalrin’ would you care to share your dreams with me?”
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dylan loves fantasy creatures and stories like his brothers and due to that the blond daydreams quite often as well. about the different mythical creatures, their origins, territory, how they would live and interact with one another - all sorts of things.
he tends to stim a lot without even noticing as well so dylan would be the best person to share your struggles of maladaptive daydreaming. not to mention the short man always carries around a big sponge or those cute, character shaped stress balls.
the first time when he found you completely unresponsive laying on your bed with your headphones in, dylan immediately knew what was going on. so he silently slipped into the bed next to you, held your hand in his own and rubbed slow circles into the flesh until you came back again.
since then you both had made a promise to each other to try and get better. slowly but surely working on your behaviors, problems and sudden slips. and it’s safe to say that you both had gotten better.
“cupcake! if you slip down the rabbit hole again then take my hand and drag me down with you! ‘cuz i don’t ever want to be without you.”
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antonio is a bright and optimistic young man, however sometimes he comes off as blunt and insensitive due to him not fully being able to read the situation at hand.
perhaps it’s due to his inability to read the room that he was able to snap you out of your slip so easily and effectively when you two first met. a simple pat to your shoulder and voice asking you “what are you doing sitting around without doing anything for?” definitely stopped your daydreaming.
after you had said your answer to him in an unsure voice, the bright smile wearing man simple smiled even brighter and asked you if you wanted to be friends.
and since then antonio and you two became friends. meeting up in small shops, restaurants, gardens, everywhere anywhere all at once until one day after almost 2 years of friendship the young man asked you if you would like to take your relationship a step further.
whenever he finds you stimming with your fingers while gazing at someplace far away, he just can’t help but get a bit sad. you wanted to be someplace that’s not here and antonio didn’t want you to go somewhere where he can’t be with you.
so he would always rubs simple shapes into your hand or shoulder, giving you an unusually melancholic smile with his pinky raised.
“pinky promise to always come back from your wonderland to me?”
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siamas is a loud and chatty fellow - the perfect human representation of a golden retriever if only he had blond hair instead of red.
it was all thanks to his bright personality that you have been getting better and better at regrounding yourself back again when alone.
when siamas first saw your behavior with his own eyes he immediately knew what it was. so the redhead calmly walked over to your sitting form on the couch, kneeling before you and started to plant butterfly kisses on your cheeks. trailing them slowly over your acnes/moles/freckles until you snapped back and let out a giggle at his sweet antics.
he always has a lot of different toys, chibis and cute little bracelets connected to his keychain so whenever you two are going out kn a walk or a date, when he feels your hand become loose in his own he would proudly pull out his keychain and put one of the toys into your hand. gently squeezing yours - which is holding the toy - in his own, giving you a smile and a proud kiss to your forehead when you ground yourself back.
“welcome back honey. so what do you think of getting for dinner today?”
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Idk about your intentions, and feel free to ignore me if I’m wrong, but Mikey sounds like a maladaptive daydreamer lol.
Just some background, maladaptive daydreamers use these huge fictional worlds called paracosms to escape reality. Some people do it because of anxiety or stress, but some do it as like a coping mechanism (which is how I’d see Mikey doing it based on your dissociation post) People with maladaptive daydreaming can stim while doing it, like rocking back and forth, pacing, etc, but some can master the art of being able to sit still and just daydream whenever. There’s almost an addictive aspect to it, and a lot of daydreamers have to take adhd or anxiety meds to shake it
Would Mikey stim at first but learn to stay still after Splinter lectured him too many times? Would his paracosm be the book that he’s writing about killing splinter? Idk feel free to look at this like I’m crazy but this subject is very close to my heart as I’m a daydreamer myself.
OK SO like. I don't know. and I don't know if Mikey has maladaptive daydreaming for a specific reason.
That being that I'm basing him on myself. I spent a lot (AND I DO MEAN A LOT) of my time in my head as a kid. I don't really know what a paracosm is so I'm not sure if I was exploring within them. but there are huge chunks of my childhood i really only remember via the emotional exploration I was doing inside these fictional worlds. Like most of puberty for me was just imagining gay fictional gods and forbidden love and abuse and violence and at all that. and it's hard for me to tell if that was a bad thing because it's linked to a very integral part of my personality- that being the desire to tell and experience stories.
I was always dragging around paper and pencils to draw these imagined worlds. But i was also often just sitting with my eyes closed (or sometimes opened, but closed if I wanted to really focus)
if I was painfully bored, or very anxious (which happened often, basically any time i was outside the house or not watching tv or playing a game) I would do this. If I was stuck in a car or a room while my siblings were fighting violently, I would force myself to try to only think about my characters. If the talk radio host was getting on my nerves I would try to drown him out by thinking about my characters going through their worlds and getting in fights and having sex and all that stuff.
this got even better (or worse, considering how you think of it) once I got earbuds/headphones and access to my cousins old ipod. I was finally able to fully block out the world and only, ONLY ever think of my stories. just how I'd always wanted.
and sure, I was always kind of spacey, but even when I wasn't thinking of stories and art I was bad at paying attention the way adults liked. I think adults liked me more when I was just sitting there thinking anyway, instead of being hyper and then having an emotional breakdown when i realize they thought I was annoying.
There was a particularly vibrant time for daydreaming around puberty where i had dozens if not around a hundred different intricate stories that I started to overlap, just because. And I'd go through them over and over, adding or changing little things, making up reasons that the characters would all end up living in the same bunker or fighting the same enemy. making up reasons for the god of war and his little lamb prince to be torn apart. making up reasons for them to attack each other. then forcing them back together through all the trauma.
and recalling these spaces makes me kind of shiver because they're almost like real memories to me. I remember thinking of these scenarios more than I remember my real life around 11-12 years old. And i think that's largely because after I got my blackbelt at around 11 years old, my parents let me quit karate, and didn't force me to do any more sports or anything. So for the most part I legit never left the house. My entire life was in these stories and in my art.
I really only stopped doing this once I got sent off to high school at around 13-14 and was basically FORCED to participate in the real world more.
but I did that all on purpose. i was bored, and i hated other kids because they never clicked with me. and it never seemed to interrupt my life in a way that my parents noticed or cared about. in fact it was the only thing that kept me from being actively suicidal for a while there!
so like. i don't know man. i don't know.
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sentientgopro · 3 months
Coming up on 3 months since cracking. It's still, like, a week away, but honestly, close enough and I wanna write this post now. Not much is gonna change in that time anyway.
The main thing I wanna note is like, the SIGNIFICANT mental changes. There is a name. I have never uttered that name out loud. Noone knows the name IRL. Noone has used that name for me online. Nothing.
...But If I, just quickly, imagine someone calling my name, or getting my attention, that's the name they're saying. If I quickly imagine someone referring to me in third person, I'm she.
And I think of these same things with my current name and it just doesn't quite feel right, or the same anymore.
People always talk about the infamous "I'm a girl" dreams. and I've started getting, like, 3 a week? Or atleast 3 where I'm, to some extent, trans. Like, even if I wasn't quite a girl yet, I had a dream that included picking up an estrogen prescription.
And all this, after 3 months, while deep closeted and unable to do anything about transitioning.
And, for my own sanity, I've had to find things to appreciate during this time. I can't spend the next year and a half avoiding acknowledging myself and what I look like. So I've atleast started to appreciate the little things. If I look closely at my eyes and ignore the rest of my face, I feel happy. idk, there's just something about my eyes in isolation that feel different to the rest of my face somehow, idk what it is but they feel more feminine, if that makes any sense.
And then there's my hair. Look, I have really short hair. Pretty average hair length for a guy. But my parents have been incredibly militant with keeping my hair very short for, well, as long as I can remember, until recently when my Dad abruptly asked if I wanted to grow it out (unbelievably convenient, he's transphobic and hss no idea about me. We take those I guess?)
But now, even the slightest bit longer hair feels great to me. Those little bits that grow down infront of your ears? Love it. Never had that be that long before. My hair ain't much, but its alot to me. And its only gonna get longer and longer, better and better.
And, look, this one sounds weird, but thighs. The way the fat squishes and flattens out when I sit down. I am a very skinny person, to the extent that my thighs are probably the fattest part of me relative to the body part. They aren't that thick, but relative to the rest of my body, it's enough to make me really happy. One time I was reading something about a lil deep-closet trick of wearing a long shirt and a shorter/ rolled up hoodie, and I kinda like it. Doing that, while sat down causing my thighs to squish slightly just looks so right.
(I was strongly debating whether to actually include this section. I doubt this would ever be the case, but just in case, don't be weird about it?)
I'm not gonna keep commenting on dysphoria increasing. I've kinda figured that's just par for the course. My general mood has decreased, I just don't feel good, but I'm not actually in that bad of a place mentally. I'm feeling optimistic, a solution to my problems is out there and I am gonna make it. It's already been a quarter of a year since cracking, that's no small amount of time relative to how long I have to wait. No matter how much I feel like shit about not being able to transition yet, it's better than when I didn't know what the problem was and thought I would just find myself ending it at some point. Now I know that isn't happening.
With each day, each little daydream, every time I imagine a scenario where I'm me, I get closer to actually being me. Physical is just a wait, but mental is a gradual process that is already well underway.
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Maso ever since I’ve read your stories and as a spooky person myself I’ve always thought what would sex be like with vampire Matt! 🤔😈
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Okay, okay, okay…*whispers* breathe, Maso, bReAtHe!
See, spooky sibling nonny, vampire!Matt is a concept that lives in my head rent-free. I think of it more than I should and constantly catch myself daydreaming about random scenarios with this handsome vamp at least once a week. So let’s delve deeper into this delicious experience, shall we?
For a man who’s nearly 3.000 years old, Matt is quite ahead of his time when it comes to the sheets department. A vampire/human orgy is merely a Friday tea party to him, and sex toys quickly become quite boring once you’re three millennia's worth of age. At this point, he has seen - and engaged in - a little bit of everything: sex with women, men, both at the same time, virgins, orgies, he drank from every fountain and delighted himself in every.single.water he could find. And although Matt is a very skilled lover, he grows bored very easily. A hot body, a beautiful face, and mind-blowing sex will make his eyes roll in boredom after the second encounter. So you see, spooky nonny, it is not easy to keep this vampire around! Unless of course, you have what Matt calls the “BBF”, or the “boner-bringing factor”, which is your mind.
From his throne, Matt stared intently at you “Trapping a lover with your bedroom skills is easy, and quite frankly, predictable. After I’ve fucked you in every single position I can imagine - and mind you, I know endless of them - what else will you bring to the table that will make me lust over you? Because I’ve seen everything, haven’t I?! After I’ve bent you in 678 different ways and used you for two nights in a row, why would I still desire you? See, the itch is gone. The novelty factor is also gone, and a car can only hold its new scent for so long” Matt grabbed a blonde woman from the crowd and pulled her down to sit on his lap. He pushes her golden hair to the side and lays a soft kiss on her pulse point, without taking his gaze away from you. “Tell me, little dove, how high are you willing to fly to please me?”
*Maso’s whispers in the background of the club* Weirdo 🙄
Okay, so back to the “BBF” thing, Matt is a man who gets turned on by looks first and then will continue to be turned on by your mind. In his nature, he’s a predator, but no predator enjoys the hunt when the prey is casually offering themselves to the predator. It’s for one, not fun, and secondly boring. And we all know Matt’s second most hated word is “boredom”.
He wants to feel the thrill of the hunt, it makes him feel almost alive again. The chase, the back and forth, bringing into submission a significantly challenging prey makes their blood taste as sweet as condensed milk on Matt’s tongue. And once you successfully turned him into a sweet tooth, he becomes this irrational sex creature, that’s driven by his constant need to get his fix.
And that’s how we arrive here, at the core of you ask, spooky nonny. Matt’s performance in the sheets department. Now, needless to say, you successfully managed to not only capture the California vampire king’s attention BUT also manage to keep his interest high - very high may I add -, and this is both your paradise and hell inside one ancient vampire. Because Matt’s love language is physical affection-
“Wait a minute” Matt pushes the blonde girl away from his lap and onto the floor, “Who said anything about love? The question was about sex, not love. Why are you bringing subjects of the heart into this?! I don’t need to love to fuck, nor do I need to fuck to love. So let’s keep the focus on the fucking, ok?”
“Whatever you say, your Highness” *flips the bird behind his back*.
Right, so sex, we all know that Matt-
“Hold that thought” Matt jumped down from his throne to the floor, “You’re starting to bore me, let me do the talking”. He began to pace around the dance floor like a philosopher in Ancient Greece, head tilted back and looking up at the ceiling as his index finger tapped against his chin.
“Sex” Matt began “Intercourse, copulation, mating, coitus…well, fucking. It’s the most beautiful, powerful, fun, relieving activity The Almighty has ever come up with. If you stop to think about it, sex is the only thing the little fucker from upstairs hasn’t taken away from us vampires” Matt chuckled before he continued “When I was human, I loved to spend a lovely summer day at the beach, I loved drinking coffee, I loved eating meat…but of course all of that was taken from me the day God didn’t hear my prayers and I was turned into a vampire. So the only concrete thing I could still enjoy as a vampire from my human life was fucking, can anyone blame me when the first thing I did as a vampire was set up an orgy inside a convent and had the sassy milf who entitled herself as the ‘mother superior’ sucking my cock the whole night through?!” Matt stopped pacing for a moment and briefly mumbled “She was pretty hot, too bad she’s dead now. Ugh, what a shame” He shrugged and started pacing back and forth across the dance floor once more.
“Anyway, sex with me is otherworldly! Transcendental, intimate in ways you’ve never experienced before, intense, will probably make you cry and unable to walk straight for two weeks, deep enough to reach your soul, addicting as fuck, deliciously sinful. You can ask anyone in this room, they’ll all tell you the same”, Matt chuckled.
“Although I must say, not everyone can handle a night with me. They usually can’t last half of the night. Just because it is too much, too personal, too spiritual if you will. An unexplainable out-of-body experience. Like fucking a demon in your dreams” Matt stepped closer to your chair.
He places both hands on the armrest and as he leans forward toward your lips he whispers “You seem interested enough, little dove. Do you want me to fuck you? Wanna know what it feels like to have a vampire cock inside of you? Yeah?” Matt chuckled “Then come, dovey. My room’s upstairs”.
Tags: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @melissahausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @adamjf , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @moxkindagirl , @sunshinevirus , @im-just-a-mississippi-girl , @ripleyswhore , @tahiri-veyla
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Do you guys know that thing about creative writers with ideas (plot bunnies) and how they always seem to multiply one after the other? That's me with Twisted Wonderland AUs. I can't help it! The series just reminds me of all the stories I loved as a kid, with characters that had depth and / or developed or we got to learn more about--even if it was stupid little things they do in their everyday life! I've grown to appreciate it in ways I never imagined I could any form of media. ;;v;;
To be honest...this game has given me the creativity to consistently create and build upon ideas, and the support you all have given me has meant so much. I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me for so long, and for sending me all the ideas or scenarios you all have been daydreaming of. ;;v;;
So I wanted to give a bit of an update on a few things I'm going to do with the blog:
1) Create a rules page. I've gone far too long without updating my original set, and I feel it's long overdue 😂 Plus, it'll help me keep track of certain things!
2) Go back through and update the links on the Masterlists with posts I may have missed. I didn't realize that some things I was referencing in some of my latest posts (aka the grape incident in the monster!AU) were missing, so I'm gonna comb through my posts and make sure I label and organize them easier for you guys to find (and for me to refresh myself on what I write)!
3) Answering asks (of course). Things are a little slow going and my muse has been getting finicky with me, but I will make sure I get to everyone's asks! Some I may answer because they're quick and easy, others...I may end up getting an idea for something more expansive, so that'll take a bit longer. 😅
And finally, 4) Introducing a(nother) AU:
Twisted Wonderland!Mermaid AU!!!
Honestly, this started because I got inspired by the artwork by this artist here where they drew the characters based on Floyd's nicknames for them, and it started as a Marine Biologist AU where Yuu is a marine biologist and taking care of the mermaid bois (all 22 boys + one fire-breathing cat) buuuuuut...at the moment, Yuu getting shipwrecked and living on the island with the mermaid boys wouldn't leave me alone. 😂
As well as an idea where Yuu is a full-blooded Kaiju/born a Kaiju and has Land Before Time like adventures because I got emotional at baby Littlefoot hatching, but who's counting the ideas? Certainly not me!
Anyway, I wanted to share a snippet of the prologue I have written that's currently under construction, so the final product may differ. I'm honestly really excited about this AU too, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do~ ;;v;;
Snippet under a read-more because this post is going to be long anyway 😂 Enjoy!
Oh, and if I need to tag it a certain way for future posts, please let me know and I'll be sure to add them!
If anyone were to ask Yuu what they were going to be doing over the summer, they likely would have told them: catch up on their reading, or playing video games, or any number of different things they had planned. Even just relaxing at home or on the beach would have been an enticing offer.
A scuba diving trip was not something they expected to get dragged into.
“First time diving?”
“Was it that obvious?” Yuu asked, one hand gripping the bar on the seat next to them until their knuckles were white while the other kept hold of the oxygen tank sitting in front of their flippered feet.
“Yeah…kinda obvious for a first timer,” the instructor said with a chuckle, the man giving them a reassuring pat. “It can be a bit nerve-wracking for new divers, but you’ll be fine. You’re one of the contest winners, right?”
“I put my name in as a joke, I didn’t think I’d actually win!” Peering over the edge of the railings, Yuu couldn’t make out anything in the dark water. “I…thought we were going to dive near the shallows closer to land. What are we doing so far out?” they asked, swearing they saw a big shadow pass by…only to realize it was the ship’s frame reflecting on the water.
“I know we’re a lot further out than we normally would for first time divers, but we had problems with our normal ship and the only one that was available was this ship a couple of marine biologists were using.”
“…why didn’t you just cancel and set it for another day?”
“Try telling that to my bosses,” the man muttered under his breath before the smile was back on his face. “Anyway, I think this will be a fun change to the program! These biologists are actually working to explore the reactions of marine life to musical instruments, and we’ll get to see it firsthand ourselves!”
Before Yuu could respond, the ship came to a stop and the driver said, “We’re here! You folks ready to go diving while we get set up? There’s a coral reef not far below us, so you’ll have plenty of time to sightsee.”
“Yup! Okay, so let’s go over the basics again, and I’ll make sure your gear is on properly.”
Yuu listened nervously as the instructor walked through each procedure and rule of diving, the wetsuit sticking tightly to their body as the tank weighed heavily on their back. This was not how they imagined their first time scuba diving would be—they could barely even make out the shore from a wave in the distance. Finally—with mask secured and breathing apparatus in—the instructor gave them a reassuring nod…before falling backwards into the water with a  ‘sploosh!’. For a brief moment they froze, but the motion of the ship and the weight on their back knocked them off balance and forced them backwards.
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