#but it'd never happen
shecommunes-moved · 5 months
ok so i don't entirely .. subscribe or really like aerith as presented in crisis core. one of my biggest gripes is so many of aerith's defining traits are defined by zack, stripping her of her own traits she was recognized by in the first game. her ribbon? zack gave it to her. selling flowers? zack's idea. i don't like it. i also don't like how zack and aerith met. CC on several occasions felt like it was choke slamming the viewer with HEY REMEMBER THIS FROM OG? zack and aerith deserved their own meeting, just as much as cloud and aerith deserved their own meeting not tied to zack ( neverminding them bumping into each other on the street; names weren't exchanged ).
but one thing i really, really don't like and will not acknowledge on this blog as canon ( that pains me to say b/c i love to study canon ) is her sending countless letters to zack when he went missing. aerith is a fiercely independent teenager turned young woman. i don't believe for a single second she'd spend years pinning and writing a boy that, as far as she knew, just moved on from her one day. in OG she acknowledges he was a flirt and a bit of a player and had assumed that he just found another girl, as much as that broke her heart. if she thought zack replaced her with another girl, she wouldn't make desperate attempts writing him for years in hopes of a response. this perceived 'dumping' she went through devastated her, if what elmyra says is anything to go by. she didn't know zack took their relationship serious enough to actually tell his parents about her and wouldn't until several years later.
if she did write letters, they'd be kept for herself and only herself. the most i'd offer is she wrote one or two .. but aerith wouldn't relentlessly write a boy who she thinks ghosted her and replaced her. at least, i don't see her doing that. more than anything, aerith is guarded on keeping what is vulnerable to her secret and presenting a strong front in the face of it.
can we also write out cissnei telling zack that aerith is a cetra because unless she wanted zack to idfk DO SOMETHING WITH THAT INFO there is literally no reason why a girl raised and conditioned by the turks would reveal such top secret information. like.. there's no reason for zack to know, aerith would not want to tell him, and it feels like the dev's just wrote cis telling him so that he would know even if it doesn't make sense for her developed character.
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pearl-kite · 4 months
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I made a pillow!
It took four months of non-stop cross-stitching, but I finally finished a pattern I bought from @8pxl a little bit ago, and tonight in a bizarre burst of productivity I finally sewed a back to it and stuffed it into a cute little pillow! It ended up being pretty much perfectly sized for a neck pillow, but I'm a bit worried about it getting dirty that way.
I highly recommend the patterns from 8xpl's shop, there are SO many gorgeous ones to choose from. I might end up getting another one soon o3o
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buggbuzz · 11 months
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thronealigned · 9 months
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no it's fine this mind flayer is totally my friend and 100% honest with me all the time it's ok it likes me everything's so normal
#bg3 spoilers#baldurs gate 3#baldur's gate 3#i love how raphael directly calls you out on this. 'if id have known you were so gullible i wouldve tricked you into selling your soul for#a bowl of beans when we first met'#and then just keeps insulting you more if you keep insisting emp's really your ally#oc: impulse#sure this'll go in their tag#everything about impulse's Thing with the emperor is so funny to me. and then deeply fucked up if you think about it long enough. and then#really funny again if you think about it even longer#one day i'll do their 2.0 playthrough so i can fully form all my thoughts. and get better screenshots and the ceremorphosis ending#i mean there's nothing stopping me from loading an impulse 1.0 save and going ceremorphosis from there but idk it'd feel wrong#impulse has more tadpoles in their brain than synapses by act 3 and it does really fundamentally change them as a person#tfw your chaotic neutral act-first-ask-questions-never no-impulse-control 17 CHA bestie becomes one of the most detached calculating people#you've ever met. all their old casual wit and humor is still there but they think before they speak now and that really shouldnt feel as#sinister as it does. they have this look in their eye and it feels like they view everyone around them as lesser beings#not because they view other people as subhuman or worse than they are but because they view themself as something *more*#if they have any raw unfiltered emotion left you haven't seen it in weeks. there's one person(?) who gets Unrestrained Feelings privileges#and it's the fucking illithid that lives in their mind and not any of their actual non-monster normal-ish-person friends. that human#connection is fading so fast now. when did they change so much? it happened so slowly in the moment but suddenly now they seem like they#were never the person you became friends with at all#and like impulse is a pretty selfish person from the start but they *did* genuinely like and care about the rest of the party. they were#friends. and by the end of act 3 that friendship should be the deepest and most meaningful it's ever been. but. it just isn't.#so on and so forth etc etc like that. All That Bullshit makes their relationship with lae'zel so interesting (and upsetting) too#they encourage her to side against vlaakith and then they never even try to free orpheus for her and her people's sake. they never even#think about it. they never consider it as an option. they just don't care. and then they EAT HIS BRAIN.#very possibly RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER.#and she's just left adrift. a rebel with no rebellion to lead and very little hope#i'm unwell.#ok i'm done this is a silly meme post. but god i have so many thoughts i have barely been keeping contained
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bluepallilworld · 3 months
aw it's already march, may my favorite month start :D
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idliketobeatree · 4 months
good omens as a tragedy (crowley got his slutty little waist grabbed only once when he was too high off laudanum to properly notice and next off he went to superhell)
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theleafling · 7 months
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cocomuffy · 13 days
The Cookie Batter Bowl...
(i know it's cookie dough but batter bowl is alliteration)
(also sorry the drawing is bad this idea hit me like lightning)
(and here's the masterlist btw)
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moongothic · 7 months
So normally we only get fullblown, extended and dedicated flashbacks for heroic characters in One Piece, the characters who we're meant to root for. The literal only TRUE exception we've had to this rule was Big Mom's flashback. Even fucking Doflamingo's flashback was tied to Law and Rosinante's
So the fact that we haven't gotten a single fucking GLIMPSE at Crocodile's backstory is?!?
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Like sure, we haven't gotten like a Moria flashback, but you know, he literally told us all we needed to know himself, AND we got to see glimpses of him in the Wano flashbacks. Arlong didn't get a flashback of his own, but he did get to cameo in Fisher Tiger's flashback. And Rob Fucking Lucci got a flashback that was 6 whooping panels long
BUT CROCODILE?? Not only do we know almost Fuck All about his story, but also have never gotten as much as a glimpse at it? But his backstory has been HINTED and TEASED at multiple times??
Like. I am SURE the "Full Backstories for Heroes Only" rule is going to get broken again, but with Imu and Blackbeard already there just BEGGING to have their beans spilled, can we even be sure Sir Fucking Crocodile is somehow going to become A Villain So Dangerous To The Narrative that he ALSO should also recieve a Full Fucking Backstory?? For his Nefarious Schemes?? AT THIS POINT??
I think it's more likely Oda's been saving up Croc's backstory because it might just completely recontextualize his entire character
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cockbiteproductions · 11 months
you think you're free from rvb. you're immune. you were a clown in their circus for so long and you finally wiped off the makeup. the reds and the blues aren't coming back and you aren't either. but then rooster teeth says rvb is ending and you're like "oh no, but it was past time." but then they say burnie is writing it and you're like "wow just like in s15e4, I can't believe rooster teeth went to scotland and tore burnie from his photogenic island life to get him to finish it."
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and then they say the reds and the blues are back and you're stopped being able to comprehend words. and then they say it's the aftermath of ain't that a bitch and you blink and you've already rewatched the first 3 seasons. you stare at your own face in the reflection of the dark screen and you see the clown makeup has reappeared.
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booasaur · 2 months
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The aid workers Israel killed yesterday?
That charity has paused operations.
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In addition, another extremely key aid distributor is also pausing, out of fear for their workers.
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Aid ships from Cyprus are turning around.
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Israel got what it wanted.
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episims · 4 months
🚏 Foxfire Connections
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I don't have any map drawing skills whatsoever, so here's a little infographic to show just how isolated Foxfire is!
The crater where Foxfire is located is a restricted area and the town itself isn't marked on maps, but the military base and the observatory are. Officially, the only bus connection is meant for those. In practice, it's a lifeline for Foxfire locals.
Gritford is only a modest desert town too, living from the quarry industry. But it's the main settlement around these parts and the administrative center for the local government, so it provides most services and workplaces that Foxfire lacks.
Additional transport methods include school buses, taxis (you'll need to pay for the whole back-and-forth trip), and helicopters (if you have enough money, there are a few in Gritford). Private cars are banned in Foxfire Forest but the military has vehicles and even a couple airplanes.
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
it’s also baffling to me that tumblr, home of the ‘why are white men Still being cast as the doctor’ for So many years now (For you know, like over a decade.) is somehow not appalled that they hired a white dude to be the next Doctor because look okay it’s okay if it’s This white man. 
I mean, I do not consent to acknowledge that they’ve shoved him in there under any circumstance, but my Only need for the casting of the next person was that it was Not a white man, otherwise i didn’t care who it was, so when they “announced” Gatwa I was satisfied (i am hesitant to say they announced it bc it was more like a tiny footnote than an announcement, oh the disrespect) and it took a whole seven days (it was literally seven days. Yes i counted. it was easy since it was only seven days) it was ‘actually sorry no it’s this white dude we’ve already had before did we forget to mention that???’ and it’s steadily gotten worse and worse. 
That This site of all places is not up in arms about both the situation and how it specifically played out is depressing, but also massively and darkly hilarious.  
Especially since i Also remember nobody on this site thought casting Whittaker was good enough but literally going backward to a previous white man is?? This is not even a metaphor about diversity getting worse, they literally looked backwards. 
But, yeah,  tenn/ant with the ‘what the future looks like’ headline is uh... Good???? Not super worrying and ominous? 
I feel like i’ve been dumped in some weird parallel universe by reactions to all of this on here like??? the whole way this was done was appalling, the situation is appalling, but i guess the bbc/disney should get a rousing round of applause for accurately judging that nobody would care about their poor actions if the specific white guy they cast was popular enough that next to nobody would care. 
( and to the ‘it’s an anniversary ep’ thing, they legit could have just set a couple of eps in the past. i don’t mean they travel to the past. i mean just say ‘hey this ep is set during s4!’ and nobody would care. this show does weirder stuff than this every second episode. and it would still be bad, but how they did it is so much Worse.)
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sprucewoodmpreg · 2 years
i know grian wants 2 make it so every new season of the lifesmp has a new gimmick but part of me also wishes he would consider doing the 3rd life rules again. just 2 see how differently people would approach playing with those guidelines for the second time
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diver5ion · 1 year
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osaemu · 3 months
nobody asked about my love life but here it is anyways
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