#but sometimes I'd like to think outside the box a bit
metalhoops · 1 year
Does the Steddie fandom know about the horror-themed revamp of the song Jessie’s girl, ‘Jessie’s Girl 2′ by the Rock / Metal band Coheed and Cambria featuring the actual Rick Springfield? Because I’d like to call it to everyone's collective attention. This is the type of song I’d imagine a rockstar Eddie dedicating to Steve.
Exhibit A: These Lyrics 
It sure seems strange he put up no fight When she broke his heart that fateful night Jessie played sincere, he sure seemed cool What I hadn't known was I was his fool We're married now, house, job, three kids Dreaming of what life could have been Stranded on the if's and maybe's Had I left that monster in the 80's
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seat-safety-switch · 2 months
Are you now, or have you ever, been a member of the American Horticultural Society? If you answered in the affirmative to this question, there are several detectives down at the station who would like to talk with you about your activities over the last few weeks. Don't worry, I'm no snitch: I just want my shitboxes back.
Gardeners are nothing if not resourceful. If you go into a good-sized suburban backyard garden, you'll see trash cans getting used to protect plants. Old lawnmower-struck hose irrigating tender veggies. And CD-ROMs dangling everywhere, to alternatingly antagonize and beguile the crows into not eating all the cucumbers this year. I admire this kind of waste-not-have-not mentality, but sometimes it goes a little bit too far.
A couple months ago, there were some rumblings about "guerrilla gardeners." These rogue seedsfolx would roam the countryside, eyes peeled for opportunity to plant a garden on land they don't own. Upon finding old abandoned lots, sun-bleached traffic islands, and unattended flower beds, they would strike, stuffing innocent lands with their ovules. Soon, a gorgeous garden of hardy plants would be in that place. Pissed off the bylaw officers, who now had to deal with the beauteous, chaotic bounty of nature, rather than dead, brown grass when it came time to mow. I thought this was pretty funny, until it happened to me.
Do you know why they tell you not to leave your dog inside a car? Because it gets really hot inside a car. Sun goes into the windows, but the heat can't escape. We call this a "greenhouse effect." Do you know what else has a greenhouse effect? Fucking greenhouses do. One morning, I came out to my yard full of several dozen non-operable, shit-box automobiles to find that someone had jimmied the locks on each and every one of them. On the seats? Plants. Some were exotic hothouse varieties. Some were simply pretty flowers. And they were all growing strong, fed by the sunlight through the greasy windows, the controlled drip of rainwater through the rust holes in the roof, the iron-rich powder on the seats, and the humid rainforest atmosphere of my cars' interior. What was this town coming to?
I cleared this out, of course, placing the plants gently outside, where they belonged. Soon, even more exotic varietals of botanist-lust found their way into the cars to replace them. If I turned my back for a weekend, I'd be chopping a strange kind of vine that even Wikipedia says "I dunno" about. The local bylaw officer noticed, too, while trying to do one of her routine sweeps to see if she could get me on a technicality. Seeing the work of the guerrilla gardeners enraged her so much that I don't think she even noticed I started parking the Viscount in the neighbour's swimming pool to keep the interior safe from all but water lilies.
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llolianarchives · 9 months
The Prefect and The Draconia
A short overview of the Ramshackle prefect and their strange (but kind) horned fellow friend: as seen through the eyes of outsiders.
(A/N: #Malleyuu notes with an OC but feel free to project. We're all delulu here ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ )
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His Henchman is crazy.
Or at least, that's what Grim thinks when he's woken up at sunrise to Yue's bizarre ramblings. Something about the time being 1 AM, then fireflies at night, and a tall, horned figure – is what he takes from their babble amidst his own groans and pleas to return to sleep. He'd think them delirious from slumber, mumbling about another dream, if it weren't for the way Yue's eyes sparkled with genuine interest. Grim yields, in the end, for one of the many things he's learned about his reliable servant is that they can be awfully enthusiastic when it comes to this world's curiosities.
“He told me to call him whatever I want,” Yue continues, ruffling Grim's fur dry with a clean rag. Before he could insert magnificent ideas of his own, they beat him to it with a soft smile on their lips.
“I'm thinking of naming him Nyx: the personification of the night. What do you think?”
“What? Because he only shows up at night?” Like some wacky cryptid.
He hears his henchman forgo the brush, letting it clatter loudly against the table.
“Hm... Nyx, huh...” Grim falls into thought, testing the name on his tongue like premium quality tuna. He doesn't even notice how Yue ties the striped ribbon around his neck. Triumphant, he turns to them with a grin.
“That's not half-bad, Henchman! It's cool and mysterious. Not as cool and mysterious as me, of course, but I'd say it's a close second!”
“Naturally. I wouldn't dare bestow a name mightier than the Great Grim's.”
Despite the stream of praise his henchman delivers (which he pleasantly basks in), Yue eventually derails, returning to speak of the horned man yet again. What Grim's superior brain gathers is this: One, this Nyx guy is super weird. Two, Yue's interest has been piqued like no other before.
He'll demand some omurice as payment for his counsel later on.
. . .
Malleus has made a friend.
The news was dropped onto Lilia's lap rather unceremoniously when one night, the Young Lord—having just returned from another evening excursion, went to sit with him in the Diasomnia lounge. This time, however, the quaintest of smiles adorned his face... It was an unusual sight but certainly not unwelcome. And much like any doting parent, his curiosity led him to ask.
Malleus had replied with a question of his own.
"Lilia, do you know of the Prefect that resides in Ramshackle Dorm?"
"Yue? Why yes, of course. I've spoken to them once or twice. They made quite a show during the Ceremony."
Yue— Lilia soon comes to learn— is completely unaware of Malleus's identity as a prince and a figure of authority, of power. As such, they bear no fear for him, even going so far as to bestow him a pet name, of all things.
(“Nyx? As in the night spirit? How fitting.")
Thus began the pattern of Lilia covering for Malleus's nighttime absence, not daring to ask nor scold when the prince would return in strange and stranger states.
When he would return to the dormitory partially caked with dirt and mud (a consequence of helping the prefect with their little garden of life.) Or when he would return with a box of homemade cake, a pretty stone from their walks, a drawing of him supposedly made by the prefect's beast, and with inquiries of the complexities of human nature.
Sometimes, Lilia can't help but feel a bit guilty, constantly boring witness to Silver and Sebek's searches into the night.
Yet that sliver of guilt fades, in the end, when Malleus smiles more often than before, when he approaches Lilia in the winter with the request of delivering a Holiday Card.
As he watches the magicless human rush into their abode, card in hand, ghosts and Grim awaiting their entrance...
he has never felt prouder and more grateful for fate.
. . .
From a distance, Vil watches.
He watches as the feared Briar Prince lets a small, feeble human talk his ear off, calm and unresisting, a hand on his chin as he ponders along Yue's barrage of words. He gives the prefect full reign of the conversation. He lets himself be taken away by their stories and details. He lets them speak, which they do.
Just after the horrors, highs, lows, and thrills of the VDC, the two chat as if nothing even happened. The onslaught of it all feels like a fever dream to Vil. First, the mental toll of overblotting, then their loss to RSA's nursery rhyme performance, and now the shocking reveal of Yue (innocent, bold, mundane little Yue) and Malleus Draconia's relationship.
He isn't even sure what to make of it. They're clearly friends, yet Vil can't bring himself to chalk it up to just that. His years and years of showbiz cinema has taught him the ins and outs of body language. He watches. He sees:
There's the smiles on both their faces; cheeks raised taut, dimples carved with genuine laughter. There's that glimmer in Yue's eyes and the odd tenderness of Malleus's own, both gazes locked onto one another with an undisturbed focus. There's the fact that Yue had given him an invitation to the VDC, or that Malleus had fixed the stage partially to show off to the magicless human, or that their hands are currently mere centimeters away from each other.
In the end, Vil averts his gaze, weariness crashing into him all at once and he feels a pair of hands grasp onto his shoulders, keeping him standing. Rook smiles, gentle, knowing, annoying. Vil resigns to his whims and lets his Huntsman guide him back to the Pomefiore Dorm, the chatter of Yue and Malleus and everyone else fading away.
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gavidaily · 8 months
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Hello! Here's the full La Vanguardia interview in English translated by yours truly 💖 enjoy!
Pablo Páez Gavira, Gavi (19 years, Los Palacios y Vilafranca, Sevilla) is an one of a kind player. On the pitch, mixes a delicate technique with an overwhelming will, a mix that is rare between midfielders: he is either head or lungs, but rarely both. Outside the field, he is a stranger. Out of shyness, he would rather be sure of himself before letting people know him. The club sees him as ready. Now, Gavi gives his first long interview to La Vanguardia. His first answers are short, but soon he gets comfortable and with more confidence, he gets more open. It's hard not to like him, he sounds genuine in a world of mechanized words: pure and unfiltered, like the way he plays. 
COLORS "Being of Barça is something that comes from watching the best squad in history, Xavi's, Iniesta..." _______
I: More than 100 matches for Barça and you have given a few interviews. Don't you like it?  G: I'm shy, and I'd rather focus on football, but I'm working on it, since I have to do it. 
I: Are you aware of all the surrounding buzz?  G: A little bit, yes. I noticed on the streets and Instagram, but I try to get away from it.
I: What do you like most to hear about yourself?  G: That I'm a shy boy, but a good person with everyone. This is how I want to be known.
I: Whenever you score a goal, you kiss the Barça badge. You are from a town in Sevilla, how come you became such a big culé? G: From seeing the best team in history, the Barça of Xavi, Iniesta and others. Since then I have been and always will be of Barça.
THE WILL "Sometimes I watch the match replay and think 'Why did I do that?'" _______
I: You arrived at Barça very young, at 11 years-old. Were you scared of the change? G: Yes, a lot. I remember that a couple months before the move I told my parents I didn't want to come, that I was scared of what could happen. Today I thank my parents, they were the first to notice that I should be here. 
I: What were you scared of? G: Of everything, La Masia... I was very little and didn't want to leave my hometown, leave my friends behind. It meant changing my whole life.
I: And La Masia became like home for you... G: Yes, I spent my whole childhood here, almost sinceAs long as I've known myself, it is everything to me. 
I: Your first six months here were hard because of FIFA's ban on Barça. Gavi, with 11 years and unable to play, it's hard to imagine. A lion in a cage. G: I couldn't bear not to play, for me it's like breathing. So I deal it with how I could have. I decided to play in the football league my school had.
I: Your team was lucky, you must have won everything. G: I scored four or five goals on each match. We won everything but the day we played in the league. 
GETTING BETTER "I am enjoying this season best. We are doing things better." _______
I: What happened? G: I played my first match for Barça, I couldn't go. My schoolmates still pick on me because of that.
I: In your first year in Barcelona you lived with your parents. G: Yes, in Balmes street, but at the end of the year I told them they could leave me, that I wanted to live in La Masia.
I: Which were your favorite players? G: Iniesta the most, but Isco and Veratti too.
I: The most technical. You can shoot with both legs, did you learn it or is it natural for you? G: It's something that has happened since I was a kid. I actually say that inside the box I shoot best with the left leg, I can define better with it, it's more natural. 
I: Let's be clear: you are an interior. G: I have always been. Left interior. 
I: Now you are playing more in that position.  G: Xavi knows where I'm more comfortable, but he has a lot of trust in me and in each match he decides where I should be and I try my best for the coach. To give everything.
"Ansu will come back, I know it." _______
Gavi has simple habits. His life revolves around football and even during his free time he watches the matches on the television with his friends, most of them from his time in La Masia. "I'm a football nerd, I watch a lot of matches with my friends at home, Premier League above all. I like some clubs more than others. I follow Manchester City and now especially Brighton, because they are good and Ansu Fati plays there", says the midfielder, who misses his ex-teammate and hopes to see him back in the blaugrana locker room after the one year of loan to the english club. "I believe in Ansu. I believe he will get his confidence back and I wish he comes back. We have been friends since we met in La Masia and I wish him the best always'.
I: You dominate both legs, you are good in duels, with the head... Is there anything you see a margin for improvement? G: Taking last year as reference, I have been better on pausing the plays and not making as many fouls with divided balls.
I: Is that a personal work or from Xavi? G: Xavi tries to improve me, we talk a lot.
I: Are you not scared of getting hurt with those divided balls?  G: Sometimes I watch the match replay, I see something I did and think "Sh*t, why did I do that?. But my mother suffers more than me, she always tells me not to get in fights and it scares her a lot. But at the end of the day, it's football.
I: Do you consider yourself a harsh player? G: I consider myself a fighter, until the end, and I won't lose that.
I: Last year, from Madrid, rumors started that said you were an overly harsh player. Did it reach you? Were you annoyed?  G: I was aware, but I was relaxed. Xavi helped me and it didn't matter what some people said.
PROGRESS "I have more breaks, fewer fouls and this year I want to score ten goals" _______
I: It's an unquestionable truth that you don't like losing... G: I have improved compared to the lower categories, any coach could tell you.
I: But what did you do? Being a sore loser it's not that bad. G: Let's say I didn't take well and my teammates paid for it during the training sessions. It used to drive me crazy, I didn't know how to lose.
I: What would you do for Barça? G: Everything. I would do everything, whatever it is.
I: During the summer, with the new signings, they said you were going to be left out of the eleven starters... and now, you’re untouchable. G: I have a lot of trust in me, that's what matters to me. And if Xavi wants to talk to me and help me to improve, I thank him. The coach was one of the best players in my position. 
I: You are 19 and you already are a reference for players that come from La Masia, like Lamine Yamal...
G: I didn't imagine that when I was little, but yes. I try to calm them down, and get them excited. I had Busi, Jordi... I know it is very important to have that support. 
LOCKEROOM "I admire Frenkie. When they said he could leave in the summer, I was screwed and I told him that." _______
I: Which player do you praise for his professionalism in the actual squad? G: Frenkie, Frenkie. 
I: Do you miss him? G: F*ck, a lot, just like Pedri.
I: Well, De Jong was on the market two summers ago... G: At that moment I was screwed, I didn't want him to leave, and I told him that. Thankfully, he didn't leave, and he's still with us. 
I: Are you enjoying playing? That's important.  G: I'm enjoying it a lot more during this season. We're doing things better.
I: With the Joãos the chemistry has been instantly. G: They are very good and have settled in fast. João Félix it's on my side and I can work with him more, but I look for them both. Without them we would not have been able to make some progress this season.
 I: How do you see Madrid? Stronger? G: They have significant casualties, but they are a winning team.
I: Last year you won the League and this year you are finally required to play a good role in the Champions League. G: We have to get as far as possible, we're Barça, like the coach says. Winning with Barça is one of my dreams, one of the biggest, it's what all culés want. 
I: The match against Porto is a key match during the group stage. Do you overthink about the matches beforehand?  G: Yes, even more important ones. I think about how it's going to go and I usually imagine scoring a goal. Thoughts…
I: How many goals do you think you will score this season? G: I said to Iván de la Peña, my representative, that I'll score ten, I already did two.
I: Outside the box the shot doesn't prove much. G: I have to see it very clearly, it is still difficult for me, I have to dare.
I: Do you see yourself playing for Barça your whole life? That's almost impossible these days. G: I wish it could be like that, I wouldn't be happier anywhere else. 
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slashers-and-rats · 9 months
Do you think... You could do headcanons for the slashers X a mute/nonverbal reader? Like just how they'd react to that & how they'd adjust to alternate forms of communication and stuff like that (Which slashers are up to you, but if Brahms and the Sinclairs were there I'd start squealing and giggling fr)
rat chat: i will provide but i don’t like bo so I’m leaving him out he’s a BITCH
Slashers with a Non-Verbal GN!Reader
featured slashers: brahms heelshire, vincent sinclair, lester sinclair
Brahms Heelshire :
i think brahms would be a little perplexed at first, especially since you’d start out as the house nanny. one of the rules is to talk to the doll, but you find ways around it. you hum along to music when you feel up for it, and usually leave little letters near the doll. sometimes, during lesson time, you even throw in a little bit about sign language, and pretend to teach the doll new words.
when you first meet brahms outside of the walls, he’s quick to show off the things you taught him while he was watching you. he’s kept all your letters, tucking them away in his pockets so he can carry them around with him, and he poorly mimics the few signs you’ve been showing off. it’s a bit heart warming, despite the odd situation you’re in.
once you two have really settled in with each other, he gets into more of a groove with things. he finds he likes the silence. it’s not like you’re not around, you still amuse him in other ways. he likes that he gets to be the chatty one. he practices reading aloud with you, and you show him how to sign some simple sentences, and you continue writing him little letters that he collects. he even finds an old music box to stick them all inside. he keeps them very safe. they remind him of you.
i don’t really think it would effect him all that much. as long as you give him love and affection in your own ways, he’d be so happy. i think his favourite thing would be making you make other noises. y’know, not words. like he’ll sneak up on you and scare you, and hear you yelp, and he’ll snicker to himself. or when you two are alone, and you make a cute noise, he melts a bit. it’s the little things for him.
Vincent Sinclair :
in my head, vincent is selectively mute, so he’s pretty much immediately on board with you being non-verbal. there’s no questions, there’s no needing to get used to it, you two are just two quiet people. he finds it comforting, if anything, since he’s able to so easily relate to you.
you guys pass notes to each other like you’re exchanging secret messages. it’s especially amusing when you’re around the other brothers, and you’ll slide vincent a note, making the other brothers upset they don’t get to know what you guys are talking about. vincent always keeps these very private. communicating with you is a privilege, not a right, and if you choose to be selective about who you talk to, he is not going to let someone else change that.
you guys learn sign language together. bo never saw the use in teaching vincent, and his mum had tried but he stopped practicing when she had passed. so, he was very rusty, and you had similar experiences. you had tried to learn, but never found much use since the people around you didn’t know anyways. so, when you two met, it became a small hobby between the two of you. you explored the town, found a library with some books on asl, and pretty quickly you two were practicing in his little workshop whenever you had a chance.
i think a lot of your comfort with each other comes from the fact that you guys don’t need words to communicate. you can tell without needing to be told when either of you are upset or frustrated, and it’s easy to see when you’re happy. vincent has memorized all the little details of your expressions to know exactly how you’re feeling, even if you’re not open about it. it’s harder for you, since he wears the mask, but you’ve learned his body posture is a pretty big give away on how he’s feeling. you two just know each other really well.
Lester Sinclair :
lester is pretty used to the idea of people being non-verbal cuz of his brother, so it doesn’t take him as much time as others to get used to it, but there are still some bumps. i think, since he’s such a funny little dude, he finds your silence kinda hard to judge sometimes. he’ll tell a joke, or tell a silly story, and you’ll just crack a smile. he never truly knows what you’re thinking, since you never tell him, and so it takes him awhile to get used to being comfortable with just not always knowing.
i think he’d be someone who immediately does everything he can to be better about it tho. deep down, he really cares. he cares about his family, he cares about the town, he cares about you- he puts as much effort into those things as possible. so, he’ll put in the effort to learn ASL behind your back, and surprise you with it on a date or something.
he likes talking to you, and getting good at knowing what you’d say if you did speak. his favourite joke is to make up a conversation between you both and play both parts, and whenever he says something in your voice, he waits for you to nod or shake your head so he knows if he’s right in his assumption. he’s usually pretty accurate tho, since he watches you a lot.
he really does watch you A LOT. since you guys can’t have conversations about your interests, he just finds other ways to figure it out. while you’re reading, he’ll peek over your shoulder. he’s always a page behind tho, but he still gets an understanding of what you like. when you’re riding with him in his truck, he lets you pick the music, and notes down every song you repeat. when you guys are eating, he watches your face to see what you like and don’t like. he just likes learning about you, even if it isn’t as easy as learning about others.
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vhstown · 8 months
writing neutral readers; a guide
(neutral = unspecified gender, race, appearance, etc.)
hi hi here's vee, the one of (hopefully) many neutral fic writers for atsv, showing YOU how to write a neutral reader for your character x reader fic!!!!
this is mainly about romantic x reader fics!!
lil disclaimer: you don't have to write neutral readers if you don't want to! this is just for people who do and might want some advice :) all of these are what works for me — there are plenty of ways to write a neutral reader!
contents page for your sanity:
avoiding white-coding
being gender-neutral
re-direction / re-phrasing
my general thoughts and opinions
before we get started: why are neutral readers great?
inclusivity! a lot of the times it can be hard to find a fic right for you especially if they tend to be for a certain demographic
forces you to think outside of the box — you can't rely on describing the reader, so you have to describe character interactions more creatively (as you'll see me try to do a lot in this post 😭)
helps with immersion! a lot of the time overly-descriptive reader inserts can make it hard to... actually insert yourself into them
your fics can reach a lot more people if they're neutral (though this is just an added bonus lol)
some colour-coding for your wellbeing: blue = general advice + examples, pink = my personal input
1. avoiding white-coding
this is a big point i'd like to address first because it doesn't get talked about enough! and all of this is in reference to a post i saw like a week ago lmao
i haven't seen this term being used a lot but the general idea is when a piece of writing is catered towards a white reader (usually implied through description)
this is usually done unintentionally but avoiding white coding is an important part of writing totally neutrally!
general things to avoid
describing physical attributes such as hair + skin tone
for example describing hair as silky/smooth implies that it is straight + excludes the majority of other hair types / styles etc
also things like running your fingers through your hair can be impractical w certain hairstyles
i tend to just avoid hair in general ? if you want you can focus on other gestures (hand holding, cupping readers face or sumn)
or just reverse the roles entirely and have reader do the comforting gestures to the canon character
skin tone is definitely more subtle however it can be implied especially through things like blushing
people with darker skin tones DO blush, but it generally tends to be less visible or not at all
instead i tend to describe the feeling rather than the outward changes (face getting warm, getting flustered, heart rate increasing, sweating, stuttering etc)
2. being gender-neutral
okay this admittedly can be difficult to write sometimes
the general rule for a gender neutral reader is to avoid referring to the reader as male or female AND any physical description specific to a certain sex
gendered terms
some people like to use they/them when reader is referred to by other characters
instead of boyfriend/girlfriend you can use partner
i personally don't do these things as you'll see in my next point about re-direction!
there are PLENTY of gender neutral pet names in english
for languages like spanish which have masc and fem versions of words i tend to use nouns (usually non-living or abstract) which have a set gender (such as my heart, my love, etc — one of my favourites is cariño (darling) because it doesn't change based on gender)
though again i rarely write terms of endearment in other languages so i suggest you do your research!
physical terms (sfw only)
also for body inclusivity
again this mainly to try and avoid implying fem!reader but also body types just a tiny little bit
i tend to avoid mentioning body shape but if i do then i use something vague like "shape of your body" rather than "curves" or anything specific
you can just write down the body part without describing it physically (chest, waist thighs, etc)
eyelashes are ... unisex! no way!
you might want to avoid makeup but this is just a *general* suggestion
i tend to NOT describing clothing choices unless it's relevant to the premise of the fic — usually vague references like your school uniform, pajamas, shoes, favourite shirt, etc
you can also cheat this if reader is wearing the other character's clothes 😭 next point re-direction WOOO
3. re-direction / re-phrasing
(a personal choice of mine + totally optional)
re-direction is when you change the focus of a sentence in order to get rid of any words descriptions that may take away from the neutrality of the reader (as you see me talking about in the little pink text everywhere or in the little suggestions in blue)
Re-direction can be used for anything! I think there's a book that exists that uses no words with the letter e and a book that uses no pronouns at all (but don't ask me what they are because I have no clue)
It's not particularly easy or straightforward all the time and you might have to change more than one sentence but re-phrasing your writing can be a good challenge! (if you choose to do so)
for me i tend to re-direct to avoid using any sort of third person pronouns (he/she/they etc) or gendered terms and to avoid using insert tags like y/n
example on pronouns & gendered terms
for pronouns i usually change "he/she/they" to "you" or a noun
"She's not welcome here" could become "Your friend isn't welcome here"
Or the sentence may change entirely to convey the same meaning. The woman turned to you, speaking one simple command: "Get out."
I also tend to use more masc / neutral terms in casual settings like "dude" or "bro"
I also avoid the use of "partner" (though this is just nit-picky) ex. "Is this your partner?" might become "Oh, [character] talks about you all the time!" (entirely dependent on context and if you care enough lol — one of the less clear-cut redirections)
while you could obviously use they in this scenario i personally don't out of preference (to me they/them is an nb set of pronouns if the gender isn't ambiguous and blah blah blah) but it doesn't really matter
example on insert tags
"(Y/N), wait!" can become "Hey, wait!"
Or you could use "your name" rather than a placeholder. He called your name, running behind you. "Wait!"
like i mentioned before things like clothes and favourite foods all tend to revolve around the character rather than the reader. in a lot of cases writing about the foods the character likes or wearing the clothes the character owns can actually be more immersive than inserting your personal preferences into a pair of brackets (in my experience at least)
4. general thoughts and opinions
one big thing i wanted to point out is that it's actually good for your writing to "ban" yourself from using certain terms and descriptions. i find that i focus a lot more on describing events, emotions and character interactions rather than being caught up on the reader.
fem!reader and masc!reader are GREAT too! amazing beautiful wonderful keep writing those — but i think gender neutral readers help to avoid a lot of biases that might (albeit unintentionally) come with a specific gender
and being inclusive for all kinds of readers when you're writing a neutral reader is so important!
to conclude
if you exclusively write one type of reader that is absolutely fine :) write what you want and be happy doing it
neutral readers are GREAT but so difficult to write so pls don't worry if u mess up sometimes 👍
i am still figuring out ways to make my writing more inclusive and i wouldn't know without other people's input! so please feel free to drop ur personal gripes or advice
this post is subject to edits (cuz i always forget to add something and it is very ranty spammy random lol)
this post can be found in the "favourite posts" section of my navigation (pinned)!
reblogs r appreciated if u found it useful <3
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the-fiction-witch · 4 months
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Adorable
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Requested Hi! Can you do a Jack Dawkins x fem reader where the reader works at the hospital as a nurse and has always been nice to Jack. They have similar humor and she's always very helpful. One day when Jack loses a patient he goes outside to take a breather and the reader follows him and comforts him. And then maybe a few days later Jack realizes he likes her. You don't have to write it if you don't want to! Have a good day! 
I walked the hospital halls as usual busy with a list of nine hundred things to do, as I went I momentarily stopped or I'd have been knocked over. As Y/n ran across the hall carrying a box full of clattering glass bottles from the stock room, scampering on her way in her little grey nurse dress, her arms bandaged and currently she walked with a slight limp but this was fairly usual for her she was always injured in some sort of way. Her ponytail fluttered behind her as she went. 
"Sorry Doctor Dawkins!" she said as she had almost taken me out, 
"It's fine Y/n." I laughed, "What are you doing?" I asked a little worried starting to follow her,
"I've had a breakthrough!" she said as she scurried down the stairwell, 
"Ohh god- you haven't broken through the floor again have you?"
"You have so little faith in me."
"Based completely on your track record,"
"I am right four out of ten times." she corrected,
"...I'm concerned you think that's good." 
"And you're surgery survival rate is?" She smiled, 
"Hey!" I argued but ignored me, 
She reached the little old storeroom in the basement of the hospital just a door down from the morgue where she was meant to be working, but she set her box down in the chaos since this room was emptied when the hospital moved all the stock to the storeroom upstairs for better access this room very much just became a junk room to toss old broken things or fill with tasks yet to be completed. Y/n is a... I don't want to say inventor she rarely invents anything...
Tinkerer let's say, and given she was meant to work down here in the morgue with Tim she often sneaks away to work in this little store room, on experiments and tests for things that would be the hospital, the room littered with everything you could imagine bottles, bags, stands, tubes, all with the floor well mopped and fixed, the wallpaper peeling and a hole in the boards up to the ward been hastily repaired... 
Yeah, I don't know what she had been working on but whatever it was erupted out the contained and blew a hole in the floor. 
she's a bit out there but she means well.
Even if she -
"Ohh crumpets." she sighed as she fell over her own skirt and landed on the wooden floor with her knee smashing one of the bottles she had in hand as she did, 
Yeah... she can be a little clumsy, but... she's kinda funny like that, I find her sweet almost childlike. You can't get mad at a kid for trying to bury her teddy bear to make baby bears grow I feel that kinda way about her, she's just trying to help even if she's not exactly harmless. And she's a damn good nurse... when she actually remembers to do her job. 
So I... admit I cover for her sometimes, when she blew the hole up to the ward I explained it away as someone knocking over a bucket of acid that ate through the wood, not sure if someone believed me but still. 
I rushed over and helped her up, "You alright,"
"Fine, thank you," she smiled getting back to rushing around and doing various things not sure what, 
"How did you hurt your leg?"
"...I may have... tripped over a box."
"Are you ever going to get that dress hemmed?"
"Are you ever going to get a waistcoat that fits you? or are you forever going to walk around the hospital flashing your suspender clips every time you lift your arms?" 
"Touche," I sighed,
"Aww, you can say stupid stuff in two languages," 
"Fine I'll go," I laughed, "Got work I need to do anyway," I told her but I only got as far as the door, "What are you working on?"
"I thought you were leaving?"
"I was. What are you working on?" 
"an experiment."
"what sort of experiment?"
"I am trying to work on a wound cleaner."
"Right?" I nodded, "How's that going?"
"Well if I got this right it should be perfect," she said as she filled a bottle, and pulled back her bandage to reveal a cut on her arm,
"Y/n! Where did that come from!"
"...I may have been testing is kolara like oranges."
"Do they?"
"...they do not." 
"So you got attacked trying to make another animal friend?"
"At least I did better than when you try to make human friends,"
"That's just cruel." I laughed, "Don't you have enough friends with that wombat you had living in your room?"
"Mr Brick loved me very much, you're just jealous." She smiled before she poured her homemade cleaner on her arm 
Her Face! said it all.
"Did it work?" I smirked,
"....it does not..." she complained as she hopped around in pain before tripping on her skirt and landing on her butt in a pile of boxes, I laughed but went to help her and saw how much worse her wound now was, "Ohhh Bloody crumpets that hurts!"
"Uhhh what is in that?"
"witch hazel, eucalyptus oil and carbolic acid."
"C-Carbolic acid!" I yelled, "As in the stuff we use to clean the bodies!" I quickly started to clean her up before she got too bad of an acid burn, 
"I figured, the bodies are clean. don't get infected and gross so I thought it would work on alive people too."
"it might. that doesn't mean pour it on your arm and find out!"
"Well, how else am I supposed to test it?"
I sighed, "You worry me you know." I told her rebandaging her up, 
"I'm serious. You do worry me."
"I know, I'll be fine."
"Alright, I've got surgery. But be careful." I told her,
"I will I promise," she nodded,
I headed back up to the hospital and got prepped for today's surgery, Hetty brought the man in and I didn't waste time getting to work but soon enough the Prof came in drunk and full of ego he ordered me to stand aside, I didn't want to but I didn't have a choice so I handed my blade over and stepped aside. He went at it like a mad man and I tried to correct him but he made a wrong move and blood went everywhere, Immediately I pushed him aside and took over doing everything I could and working away as hard as I could to save his life and managing to get him stable but after all the blood-soaked work. Just as I finished up.
He died of shock. 
I threw my tools on the table and ran a hand through my hair, I sighed and I marched out to the steps sitting there in the sun trying to get my breath. I leant my head back and tried to get my mind steady even if it ran at a million miles an hour with a hundred different ways of catastrophe, 
I heard the door open. 
But I didn't worry about it, I just tried to hold back the tears. 
I felt Y/n wrap her arms around me, she didn't say anything she just wrapped her arms around my torso and shoulders, she pulled my head to rest on her chest, and set her chin on my hair, her hand stroked up and down my sleeve, for a moment I let the tears slip letting them fall onto her apron, there was a silence between us, the only sound the wind blustering the sheets hung outside, and the sound of horseshoes and carriage wheels on the street to the side, her arms felt warm, her dress scratchy, but I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around her tightly holding her as close to her as I possibly can, blood coating the both of us. 
We sat together for a good while before I spoke, "Thanks."
"It's okay. I can't imagine how hard this sort of thing is." she whispered, "It's not your fault-"
"Who else's is it? I'm a doctor. My job is to save people."
"But you're human." she said, "You can't blame yourself for these things." she whispered, "You did all you could and in the end that's all you can do," she said kissing the top of my head, 
"Thank you y/n. Really... Thank you." 
"You're welcome." She smiled, "Take as long as you need Jack." she said before she got up adjusted her dress she headed back inside leaving me alone. 
I headed on with my work through the halls as usual when I heard a clattering and banging making me stop looking into the storeroom, to see y/n in her usual dress bandaged up as usual having tripped her overskirt and topped a box of tools in her hand. "ohh Crumpets." 
I couldn't help but smile my cheeks flooded with blush for a moment, and as I looked at her.. I felt so homely, so cozy, so comforted, "Y/n." I rolled my eyes coming into the storeroom to help her up and brush off the dust from her, "You need to be more careful. What on earth are you up to know?"
"I think I've figured out the experiment with the acid."
"Have you. and how many burns have you gotten in your experiments?"
"... some."
"Alright, just be careful y/n."
"I will," she smiled grabbing her box and scampering away to her little experiment room, I watched her go and smiled as I watched her, I felt compelled to follow her concerned she'd do something foolish, and... partly because I just wanted her in my arms. 
Wait- I really do want her in my arms, I want to hold her close, give her kisses, tend to her insane amount of wounds, likely with some kisses, I wanted to follow her, keep her safe. For a moment I wondered why but I already knew why. I... I like her. I wanted her up in my room not just for one night but for as long as my arms can hold her. 
I heard her trip over her damn skirt again and go tumbling down the stairs so I rushed over and saw her at the bottom luckily not badly hurt, 
"Ohh Crumpets..."
"You need a hand?"
"I need a hemmed dress I think,"
"Yes you do," I laughed going down to help her up but she almost immediately lost her balance putting weight on her leg, so I rolled my eyes, "Will you let me examine you?"
"...Fine," she sighed,
"All of you?"
She glared for a moment,
"Come on, I'll take a look at you" I smiled picking her up and carrying her back up the stairs to one of the rooms so I could examine her, 
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scummy-writes · 28 days
I do this often but sorry for just. Postin a lot, and not posting fully finished smutfics lately.
I'm being more self-fulfilling with what I am writing lately, and I joke about the piss fic a lot, but it's also random ships, random fluff, this and that.
However, I am painfully aware that smut is why the majority of the followers I have follow me. I am aware that a lot of you came from vamp, from me writing Isaac and Arthur, sometimes theo, comte, etc... and now i've flipped around to writing someone who, in comparison, is a creep and not at all the character types you guys came here for- and I'm writing weird smut that isnt really super sexy? Some of it was, but then some of it was me opening up a word doc and sharing my thoughts in odd ways.
I am... having fun. On ao3 ive been going back and forth with drabbles/ideas with a new friend. Ive written out hcs that were purely just for me and realized that very bluntly and very quickly, I've shared some sfw stuff that was also bluntly shown to be just for me. And while I am not looking at it going "my writing sucks", I am looking at them and feeling a bit lonely on here at times. I often feel like I am talking to a void. I don't know how to change that outside of posting detailed smutfics that focus on things I may not want to focus on right now.
Outside of Glimpses of Teal and Auburn, and outside of random drabbles/reqs/comms I make, I don't think there is going to be future fanfics I make of Isaac and Arthur. I love them, I love them a lot! But ive also explored a Lot with them. I've also written them for years. There is more I would like to write, I have random Isaac wips that I still think about very often, but other ideas hit me more. I would rather set expectations to a realistic setting, rather than make a vague promise that isn't guaranteed.
Thats been weighin on me a lot lately, especially with villains releasing. I can tell i am likely going to enjoy later routes, they're ticking off a lot of boxes on themes I like but typically don't feel safe exploring in other media, so then I know I'd be juggling three interests at once and thats very difficult for me. I really dont know how so many writers can writer for a multitude of fandoms at once, I feel like the max for me is 2, or a vague 3. (And realistically, its possible villains will just be a thing I enjoy consuming more than creating for).
I do have comms I am working on, and outside of those I do not know when I will have a normal smutfic again. I enjoy exploring other things, but again I do know that its not why a majority of you are here!! I don't say this as a "ill make one soon!" psa, but rather... I'm having fun. I'm aware its not everyones cup of tea, but its not going away anytime soon. If that's something that displeases you, I would recommend thinkin about just occasionally checkin in on my blog instead, or just asking to be on my taglist so you can just get pinged for things without having to follow me.
And, well. I am chatty. I like having distractions from irl, and sometimes I pop in here in burts of posts. I say sorry since i know the anxiety is Clear and Radiating off of those posts, and sometimes I just feel awkward about it.
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minhosbitterriver · 6 months
Hi green! Since you've left me some lovely requests, I thought I'd leave you one! I'm in love with the friends to love trope, so if you could do something like that with Felix, I'd eat it up. I'm thinking of something like the reader (gn please) has a really hard day and decides to go to Felix, but then it starts raining, so when Felix opens the door, reader is soaking wet and distressed. You can do anything from there! Again, I love your writing, so anything you come up with will be undoubtedly amazing. Hope you're doing well! <3
everything is you.
other works by green.
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pairing: felix x gender neutral reader
content warnings: hurt/comfort, mentions of parental abandonment years prior, mentions of recent death of a parent, smoking weed, daddy issues
rating: 13+
summary: through every single hardship you'd ever endured, felix always waited for you, ready to bring you into the safety of his embrace. so when you're stuck amidst the complicated emotions following your father's recent passing, the first and only person you sought for comfort was your best friend.
Echoes of the youth you’d spent in this house haunted the eerie hallways of this vacant home. Every inch of this familiar place has remained the same, though you certainly haven’t. Sitting on the front porch floor, a joint you’d just rolled burning between your fingers as you watch the rain pour outside, a vacant expression on your face as you decided on what to do. The initial plan was to walk towards your best friend’s house, which was a short walk away but the sky seemed to have other plans. And so you remained there, stuck sitting beside a box full of letters addressed to you, but that had never been sent – all written by your father. 
Too many times you had driven past him on your way to visit your best friend, making the point to keep your eyes on the road in case your father sat out front like he sometimes tended to do. The two of you had never been on good terms, especially since your mother left when you were a teenager to chase another man who’d made empty promises to her, and your father didn’t know the first thing about caring about another human being. It wasn’t a surprise to anybody when you left without a word the very minute you were old enough to do so and never returned. And yet, here you were, years since you’d gone – a box of letters he’d written to you though never sent, and you knew you didn’t have the nerve to open them alone. 
An exasperated sigh escaped your lips, pulling your phone out of the back pocket of your jeans for what was possibly the millionth time only to be met by the same symbol of no signal available for you to message Felix, the aforementioned best friend – the boy you’ve known since you could barely form a sentence due to living so close to each other. He was the kind of guy who would smile a little bit wider whenever his eyes landed on you, the one to allow you to lash out when you were angry despite how sensitive he was because he wanted you to feel better, the one to remember your birthday and plan something intimate and special even if nobody else bothered, the one to pay attention to the little things you would mention in passing and always remember – he was very much in love with you, had been for a very long time and you were well aware. But he never mentioned it directly, and you decided that you wouldn’t bring it up either because you knew that the reality of this lifetime is that you were made to destroy and hurt while he was made to heal and rebuild and you couldn’t risk having him be the next victim.
In moments like these, while alone with your thoughts that slowed down from the flower you smoked that still seemed to suffocate you all the same, you wished things were different. If only you were a stable human being, good enough for him to safely lay his head on your shoulder the way a lover would do, someone who’s sane and loving and all things good – all of which you were not – then perhaps he would be sitting beside you already, encouraging you to open the first letter while being ready to kiss your forehead at the first sign of distress. It’s selfish, and you knew, but as the screen of your useless phone remained blank you couldn’t help but wish his name would pop up. 
Your mind swirled with thoughts that made it harder to breathe with each passing second. The box of letters beside you. No signal. Felix’s smile. Childhood home. Your mother leaving. Your father’s cold demeanor. Yourself.
Not willing to wait for the rain to end, but also not wanting to dwell in here any longer, you grunted as you put out your joint and walked inside. A plastic sheet that covered one of the cushioned chairs in the living room was the only thing you took before making a b-line back outside. You lazily throw the sheet over the box, struggling only slightly to lift it before leaving the shelter from the rain, instantly drenched as the it offered no mercy. Barely able to keep your eyes open, you followed the same path you’ve walked a thousand times throughout your life, the pull of your best friend’s comfort and warmth being the true source of your rush as your pace quickened.
The neighborhood was the same, with the same married couples still residing in them – though most of their children were gone, already having moved on in their adult lives as their parents awaited for the next holiday to see them again. Everywhere you looked, a memory tied you to Felix as though his entire, beautiful being had been burned into your consciousness forever. Perhaps he had been, not that you would complain about it one bit if that were the case.
Felix’s childhood home came into view at last, and you all but sprinted clumsily with the box in your hands as your mind, body and heart yearned for his strong arms around you. Your heart was pumping blood through your veins harshly by the time you’d made it to his front door, dropping the box at your feet before banging on his wooden door. The air was having a hard time reaching your lungs and you realized that you were crying now that the rain was not hammering onto your skin – flashbacks of a similar scene played in your head, your teenage self distressed after you’d read your mother’s goodbye letter and your grief engulfed you and sent you down a spiral while the scene of your father sitting on the dinner table reading his newspaper and sipping coffee as you screamed at him to see you and your broken heart left at the departure of your mother. Your fists shaking as you gave up, falling onto your knees in despair just as the door swung open. 
A wide-eyed Felix stood before you, shocked to see you in such a state and so late at night. It only took him half a second to react as he practically threw himself onto the ground and pulled you into the safety of his embrace despite how drenched you were. A sob you hadn’t realized you’d been holding back escaped your lips, and the gravity of the fact that you were officially alone dawned on you. Your heart ached in a way you couldn’t describe and all you could truly focus on was the fresh scent of his blueberry shampoo and vanilla soap on him as you briefly realized you must’ve caught him getting out of the shower. 
“Hey, hey,” Felix attempted to pull away slightly to speak to you but you tighten your hold on his torso, not quite ready to let go yet. “I thought you wouldn’t be here until tomorrow.”
You said nothing, silently cursing yourself for being so weak – crying over a man who had never even smiled in your direction. 
“Felix, darling, what was all that noise?”
The sound of Felix’s mother’s sleepy voice caused you to jerk away from him, cheeks heating up in shame. You were on your feet in a second, bowing deeply to the kind woman who’d supported you through all of your hardships. 
“I– I’m so sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking when I came here, making all that noise. I just–”
“Nonsense,” Mrs. Lee waved you off with a concerned smile. “I’ve been telling you for years that you’re welcomed here at any time of day. Come in, darling, you’ll catch a cold. Come!”
Felix moved out of the way so that you could enter his home, pushing you away when you tried to grab a hold of the box you’d carried through the rain so that he could take care of it himself. You knew that you must’ve looked deranged, but there was no hint of judgment in their eyes as they watched you take your shoes off at the entrance. Mrs. Lee guided you into the living room by the shoulders despite the fact that you knew your way through the house like the back of your hand. The tenderness of such a simple touch made your sight blurry with tears that you refused to release this time. 
“Darling, go take a warm shower and Felix will bring you a fresh towel and some spare clothes for you to change into, deal?” Mrs. Lee raised her brows as she waited for your response, you merely nodded. “Good, have you eaten?”
“N– No.”
“I’ll heat up some leftovers from tonight’s dinner, then.”
With that, she rushed over to the kitchen. You remained in the same spot though, letting the rain drip onto the floor as your body trembled from the chill the weather outside had instilled into you. Felix gently dropped the box on the couch, paying no mind to the wet plastic sheet that was still covering its contents. 
“Y/N,” Felix said, voice low and warm. “You told me you were coming tomorrow in the afternoon. Why are you here?”
“I lied,” you sighed defeatedly. “I just didn’t want you to worry too much and I thought that I could– I thought that I would be able to go in there myself. And I really was fine, really…until I found that stupid box.”
He glanced back at the box behind him, sighing. Felix didn’t say anything, choosing instead to lead you towards the second floor and into the bathroom he typically shared with his sisters, closing the door behind you. 
While standing under the scalding hot water in the shower by yourself, you couldn’t help but scold yourself at the lack of impulse control. You could have knocked like a normal person, instead you simply decided that you would bang on his door as though your life was in danger which in turn startled everyone in the house and probably the neighbors as well. The thing that had you so upset was not something that couldn’t wait until tomorrow, it wasn’t urgent at all. It was just a dumb box filled with letters that you’d never received while your father had been alive. So dramatic, you chided. 
Just when you were about to shut the water off, you heard the bathroom door open quietly while you assumed Felix gathered your wet clothing and replaced them with fresh ones along with a towel. Once the door closed again, you drew the curtains back to be proved right. You dressed quickly, not bothering to brush your hair as you made your way back down and into the kitchen only to find that Mrs. Lee was no longer there, instead you found Felix looking for chopsticks for you to use while you ate. 
“I told my mom to head to bed,” Felix informed you without looking up, placing the chopsticks on a napkin beside your warm plate. “What’s in the box?”
Your feet felt heavy with each step you took closer to your meal – to him. You leaned your lower back against the counter, gingerly taking the plate into your hands. “My father wrote me letters. A whole lot of them. But he never sent them.” 
Felix’s eyes remained on you, taking his place right beside you, leaving only a hair’s distance in between. In order to not get distracted by this silly fact, you shoved your first bite into your mouth even though you didn’t feel particularly hungry. He didn’t seem to notice, only waiting patiently like he always did. 
“The house hasn’t changed a single bit since I left,” you swallowed, voice thick. “I could tell exactly where he spent the majority of his time– the same spot at the head of the dinner table where he left stacks upon stacks of newspapers he never did bother to throw out, the reclining chair right in front of the TV where his weight had left its mark over the years, and his room that was a complete mess of clothes and books and papers and everything he ever used was thrown onto the ground.”
Another bite. Felix still said nothing. 
“My room was left intact,” you continued. “It almost felt like time had stopped when I left, and the clock only continued when I walked in again. It was clean– my father kept his own room in chaos but cleaned my room. Not a speck of dust anywhere, and I checked.” 
A third bite and then you set the practically full plate back onto the counter, you didn’t have the appetite to finish it. Felix wordlessly cleaned the area and left your plate in the fridge. 
“I think the only thing that changed there was that all the family photos were taken down.” You pinch the bridge of your nose, squeezing your eyes shut as your breath becomes slightly shaky. “Not even put away, he just– took them and smashed them on the floor and left everything there. I can’t help but wonder just how long ago that was, and how many times he turned a blind eye to the broken glass as he stepped over them.
And then I went down to the basement, and everything was pretty much the same except for this stupid box. All of the letters with my name and address written on the envelope and I just– I lost it. I don’t know what to think anymore, of him…of anything.”
Felix’s arms suddenly wrapped around you tightly, surprising you for a second before you returned the gesture. Your heart was beating erratically in your chest despite this not being the first time he’d hugged you, but this one felt like it did when you were a teenager. It was strong, yet gentle; protective, yet freeing. Although it’d only been a few weeks since you’d seen him, you missed him deeply. You had left town, and he remained here with his family and his happy childhood memories – though you visited often and he did as well, but still; you missed him deeply. 
“I think that your father loved you in his own twisted way,” Felix murmured in your ear at last, arms tightening around you. “He was hurting, too. And you still didn’t deserve any of the things he did and didn’t do to you, because you were hurting and you were the child. But I think he loved you.”
Tears welled up in your eyes once more, hands shaking as you gripped Felix’s blue hoodie. 
ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ☀️
The rain had stopped after a while, so you and Felix took advantage of that and sat on the roof right outside his bedroom window like you’d done a thousand times before. Overlooking the neighborhood in the dead of night as you lighted up the freshly rolled joint between your lips, inhaling the comforting flower before exhaling its smoke. The weight on your shoulders and mind was lifted as your anxiety dulled and your body relaxed. You passed the joint to Felix, who mimicked your actions. 
Your tears had long since dried, and the box had been left in the living room as you decided not to look at them tonight. Instead, you focused on the serene atmosphere that surrounded you and Felix like a warm hug. He passed the joint back to you, though you didn’t immediately bring it up to your lips again, letting it burn slightly between your thumb and index finger. Your eyes slowly found their way to Felix’s that had already been on you, analyzing you in the same way he had always done. You couldn’t tell if the glitter in his eyes were a reflection of the stars in the sky, or if they were truly his though they looked enchanting anyway. His smile widened when he noticed you meet his intense gaze and your heart burned at the sight, thinking back to your train of thought back on the front porch of your childhood home right before you’d come here. 
After all of these years, all of the tears, grief, arguments, and lashing out – he remained beside you, eyes on you as if you’d placed the sun in the sky yourself. You would never understand how he could stay by you when everyone else had left, there was nothing special about you other than your cutting tongue and vengeful heart. Though you couldn’t help but soften at the sight of him and his optimistic way of seeing the world. He was far too good, too pure for you or anyone else. And yet he sat there, subtly inching closer to you though you had still noticed. 
Lee Felix was in love with you, and had been for a long time. You were well aware, and had been for a long time. Though he never mentioned it directly and you decided that ignoring this would protect both you and him; but after all of this time, perhaps you’d maybe fallen in love with him too. It would be impossible not to let your own smile widen at the sight of his brown eyes watching you with so much genuine gentleness, to not feel your heart quicken every time he touched you, to not think of him when your bed was empty and cold, to not wish with every aching cell in your body that you were not as damaged as you were so that maybe, just maybe you would have a chance of deserving such a rare soul. 
Despite knowing all of this, you allowed him to move closer to you as the joint became smaller and smaller with each pass between the two of you. Eventually, your arms and legs were touching, and you could practically feel Felix’s erratic heartbeat. 
“What are you thinking about?” You surprised yourself by asking him, pointedly staring at the streetlamp directly in front of Felix’s house. His breath hitched slightly, though he didn’t say anything for a few moments. 
“I don’t know,” he eventually mumbled with a half-shrug. “Everything, I guess.”
“What is everything, Felix?”
His eyes met yours, wide with curiosity as he attempted to read you. Your own veins were pulsing with adrenaline from your boldness, though somehow you weren’t as mad about it as you thought you would be.
“I– I’m not sure.”
“I don’t believe you. What is everything?”
This was everything against what you’d done since you noticed his feelings for you, this was not keeping a safe distance. But you couldn’t help it, it was as though your heart had finally gained control over your brain and was pushing you to confront your own feelings for the first time in years. Because the truth is, your heart did burn for him in a way you couldn’t explain; it fluttered and skipped a beat a thousand times whenever he was around and it had been for as long as you could think back. You didn’t deserve him, but he thought the world of you – so maybe that was worth something. 
“Everything is–” Felix’s eyes searched yours, his breathing picking up slightly. “Everything is you.”
If your heart either exploded or simply stopped beating, you wouldn’t be surprised in the least. His words sent a chill down your spine, and you couldn’t stop the smile that snuck onto your face. 
“Good.” You stated, putting out what little was left of your shared joint on the roof before moving to straddle him, and you might as well have pushed him off and onto the ground before with the way the wind seemed to have been knocked out of him. His eyes were so wide, so surprised yet so excited. “To me, everything is you, too.”
His eyes scanned yours for a moment before he released an incredulous, airy chuckle. He didn’t get the chance to say anything, however, as your lips met his for the first time and the world melted away.
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word count: 3.3k ☀️ posted: 12 • 05 • 2023
💬 a note from green;
Thank you so much for the request! I truly, truly enjoyed writing this for you. I just sat here and the words just kept flowing and flowing and I just couldn't stop, so I hope you enjoy it! (Side note though: I'm sorry if this a bit darker for your taste, I read it back and was like 'yikes, didn't mean to start off like that'.)
Anyway! I appreciate your compliments, always. Your feedback is something I genuinely look forward to every time I post, and so I'm happy that we're mutuals out here supporting each other because honestly – you're a magnificent writer as well, so I can promise that every time I think of something new for you, I'll grab my phone and tell you all about it no matter where I am!
Again, I hope you enjoyed this and thank you!
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# @grandpafelixx
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jell0buss-37 · 1 year
Why not? (Peter B. Parker x reader) pt. 2
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God he is just so-
This is a slightly longer and better part! I hope you guys like this one, more fluff (platonic)
Warnings: None, slight angst if you squint
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
You can't believe how stupid Peter is sometimes.
Well, not stupid, exactly. Just stubborn. Stubborn and stupid. Two good words to describe him, especially now. Maybe you're really just panicking though, right? These are perfectly normal responses to have when your friend has been missing for what, an entire week now?
Now, sure, the guy makes it a habit to seemingly disappear from time to time, but he NEVER went without at least telling you first. You can't help how worried you are right now for him. The only reason you were so worried was because the last time he'd just left and told nobody, he had spiraled into a deep depressive state. Having just been dumped after a 3 year relationship, MJ saying that they're just better as friends, it really got to him.
His heart crushed, his inflamed ego stomped out, and his pride broken. He was a glass man, who had been mishandled and shattered. It had taken so long to pick up those pieces, bit by bit placing them together again, back into the man you cared so deeply for.
He had vowed since to tell you whenever he decided to just vanish like that again, the pained and scared look in your eyes somehow hurting him more than MJ ever had.
You had become quick friends in the workplace, not quite crossing the threshold of a bond outside of work. That is, until one of the first of many fights that Peter had to put up with. It was a rainy night, and he had had enough of the nagging of Harry in his ear, telling him he needs to get his act together eventually for MJ, who was almost impossible to please. It seemed that Harry was always quick to defend her, no matter how miniscule the fights may have been. He shakes his head, walking with his hood up into the bodega on the corner.
He opens the door, finding a familiar face to be more comforting than he'd ever admit at the time, you. You stood there, browsing through the different candy selections, wearing a pair of jeans and a loose oversized t-shirt, a pair of converse on your feet. A complete contrast to your normal work attire, he almost wouldn't have recognized you if not for the familiar glint in your eyes, that seemed to brighten at the sight of him.
"Pete! Wow, how's it going? Odd seeing you out in the wild." You tease with a smile. He feels a sudden weight off of his shoulders, his previous mood somehow leaving him just from a smile. He chuckled, walking over. "Hey, and you have room to talk. I didn't think you knew what jeans were." He nods to your comfy appearance. He liked it better, you looked… at peace.
You roll your eyes a bit, going back to looking at the candy. "I just prefer to be taken seriously at work is all. Anyway, what are you up to?" You ask, picking up a box of (favorite candy), looking up at him. You raise an eyebrow when you notice his shoulders visibly slump a bit.
"Woah, what's up man? Shoot." A phrase you two used a lot at work whenever you're working on a story together, and one of you had an idea, one of you always said shoot. It was a good way of acknowledging and accepting each other and the help that you had to offer. He laughed at this, shaking his head. It seemed he wasn't in a good place to talk about it. So you decided to go to a different place instead then.
"Alright… well, I was about to go bowling, maybe get a drink and a bite to eat. And you know, I'd HATE to bowl alone…" you trail off, hoping he'd pick up what you're laying out before him. He did, thankfully. "You know, I once won a trophy for being a bowling state champion." He grins, hooding his eyes. "Really?" You smile. "Nah. But let's go help me practice anyway." He begins walking, holding the door open for you. You set down your candy, deciding against buying it, and roll your eyes at him again.
You had of course, tied at bowling, you not expecting him to actually be good. You still joke about going easy on him while you're both eating burgers at what appeared to be both of your guys' favorite burger places. Talking about anything and everything, more so now that you're outside of work. You'd been sitting patiently listening to him finally explain his whole situation with MJ and Harry.
"And she tells me that all I do is work, and I get too tired to even talk anymore. Well, you'd be tired too if you had to do the things I have to do all the time!" He grumbles, biting into his burger. You nod along, picking a fry from his plate, having finished yours already. "You're right-" "Thank you!!" He cuts you off, taking a sip of his root beer. "Let me finish, Goofy." You smirk, "You do work a lot, almost as much as me. Hell, who knows how late you have to stay out to get those exclusive interviews with Spiderman and whatnot." You speak while pulling a straw out of your milkshake, licking it off. An action Peter stares at blankly, but ignores once you keep talking. "But didn't you say that you used to be practically in love with her in high school? Hell, you're not even gonna be going to college anymore like you'd originally planned with her. You've been working quite a lot lately, true, but don't you think she's more worried?" You point a fry at him, popping it into your mouth.
He seems to think about for a second, pondering. "You have a point." He agrees, realizing what you're getting at. "I always do." You smile smugly, winking. He finishes his burger, and you guys pay for your food. The walk back feels nice, like you both had just gotten a good breakthrough on a story, almost. Except this seemed more personal, comfier. You joke back and forth, the topic of a certain hero coming up.
"You know, you should introduce me to Spiderman sometime. He's kinda cute." The words make him freeze for a moment, but you're still walking. He catches up quickly. "WOAH, what- huh, I, uh. Woah. You think?" He pesters, making you laugh, nodding. "Are you kidding? He's a HERO. Plus, reading the interviews with him is one of my favorite parts of my days. He seems like such a good character in general. Naturally, he's just my type. And those tights-" He chokes on his own spit, sputtering at your words. He suddenly felt very warm, flattered extremely.
You smile at him, laughing as he gathered his senses. "Oh really, huh? You like the costume? You don't think it's corny?" He questions, extremely interested in your response. "Corny? More like it makes me Horny, dear God that ass-" "AHAHAHA WOW OKAY!! MOVING ON." He is entirely red now, his heart thumping so loudly in his ears now. And all you do is laugh hysterically, enjoying this response.
"Awe, what's wrong? Don't like me talking about your best friend like that?" You tease, smiling at the redness of his ears. "N-no, I mean, uh-" he coughs, regaining his composure. "It's just th-that… He'd like to hear that, every now and then. I-I mean, I guess." He smiles, almost proudly. You smile with him. "Well good. Something tells me he needs to hear it. Welp, anywho-" you step onto a step leading up to an apartment building. "This is me. I had a good time to night, I really needed it. I'm sure you did too." You smile at him.
The statement makes him realize, yeah, he did need that. Before he knows it, he's engulfing you in a quick side hug, almost awkward, but still comforting. His body warping your own from his size, you never truly noticed until now how large he is in comparison to you. "Yeah… I did. Anyway, see ya tomorrow, Stink." He flashes a smile at you before walking away.
You watch him as he goes, feeling something tugging at your chest. You look away quickly, shaking it off.
You felt it a lot, you'd come to find. Any time you guys hung out, anytime there was another fight, and it of course grew the more you were with him. It was always a feeling you welcomed, rather than shied away from or shut out. Call it being oblivious, or call it being hopeful. You never really wanted to pinpoint it. The only time you'd felt yourself question it was about 3 weeks after their breakup about 2 years after that night. You had been checking up on him, and he was still sulking in bed. You were rubbing his back, telling jokes and trying to cheer him up, telling him about different things from work that you know would cheer him up, and something finally, finally, had chipped into that sad and pathetic look in his eyes, and he had finally smiled. Leaning his head on your shoulder, mumbling a thank you, constant apologies spilling from his lips. You had always shushed him when he got like this, but the weight of him on you, that warmth of his body, had caused something to flutter within your chest. It was then you started acknowledging, started allowing that feeling to take a hold of you. You didn't think it would consume you entirely, and you didn't really care then. All you cared about was that he had smiled
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Who's feeling a little foolish today?
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Well, this just started out as an attempt to decipher the brief glimpses of the Black Book we get to see in Killer Track, and it has turned into a bit of a beast.
Rather - today we will be touching on:
Miss Holloway's Deal
Time and Timelines
And what all the above tell us about the Tiny Town of Hatchetfield.
The Black Book
First, let's take a look at the book itself.
(I'd recommend clicking to zoom)
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There is a LOT of clock imagery in the book, now sure that might be just because Miss H is browsing through the Tinky section of the catalogue looking from great deals on time manipulation spells.
However - I think that's the point.
We can see that there are great volumes of chapters and content in the contents page, including information on the Lords in Black, "The Men" - who I am assuming are the Hatchetmen and information on the Black and White generally.
But what interests me most is what else is within that chunk of the book. If that is the case, and these are the pages on Tinky and time, its definitely notable that these pages also contain images of doors to the Black and White, locks and keys, and a map of Hatchetfield.
Tinky is the one making deals with humans. He's the one influencing how certain members of the town use their "gift", and he is the one who made the deal with Miss Holloway. CCRP try to unlock his powers for themselves. 
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Yes we see all five of the Lords in Black at her deal - but her deal was to do with time. And that is Tinky's realm.
Miss Holloway and the Deal
Miss Holloway is a witch. A good one most of the time, but all the same one who has made a deal with the Lords in Black and uses the Black Book.
When we see the range of her powers, they do vary, such as moving around both her own and Hannah's Nightmare Times, going full Monkey Magic and creating a doppelganger using one of her hairs, or rocking a full 80s aesthetic (yes that is a super power).
But the rest of her powers? 
She dies and comes back to life, she can bend time to take minutes from Rose's life and implant herself, and she influences others using a rhythmic tapping - like the seconds on a clock. She even had a gold puzzle box - the Bastard Box.
The deal she made was linked to time, perfect for someone so clearly outside of time. And that's seen further in the consequences of her deal. The memories of her time in someone's life, her own timeline, is set apart - removed from other people's lives. Even causing them to lose time when they try to learn about her. 
That being said - Miss Holloway doesn't realise the timelines are split. When we meet the reconstituted Wilbur Cross in Miss Holloway's Nightmare Time, he tells her:
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Miss Holloway made a deal to stop a timeline from happening. And had succeeded. 
Sometimes you have to use something bad, to do something good.
It all has a price.
I know. But I can pay it.
But then Hannah's birth shattered it again - we'll come back to that!
We can even guess where her deal happened. On the stage of the Starlight Theatre. As in Miss Holloway's Nightmare Time we are told the stage had a strange marking carved into the floor.
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Hatchetfield - Together in Electric Dreams
Following the release of Nightmare Time 2, I posted my attempt to work out the map of Hatchetfield we see in the book.
However I don't think its necessarily the map that is giving us any clues to the nature of Hatchetfield. Or why its so special.
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We learnt a lot about the history of the town in both Nightmare Times. We learnt the Hatchetmen built the town, named it, and contained the witch Willabella in the forest.
But we also hear about the Church of the Starry Children multiple times. 
In one night, every member of the Church was chopped up and the book was gone
In my Nerdy Prudes initial theories post I mentioned how the song Hatchet Town talks about how great the town used to be - sunshine and rainbows - until something happened. Then the town changed.
I think this is a hint towards what happened in 1979 - when the Hatchetmen killed all the members of the Starry Children. I think what unintentionalky followed was a town once filled with psychic energy suddenly becoming a vacuum, ready for the Lords in Black to fill the town with their energy.
I've mentioned in a previous theory before that I think the lighting strikes are important to the series. If we look back at when we see them, we see that not only do we get lighting on title cards, but when the meteor comes crashing through the sky, when anything particularly Lord in Black-y happens. And we see lighting illustrated and labeled in the Black Book.
Lightning is the Lord in Black's influencing Hatchetfield. Their energy is electric and filling the town. 
The town is literally charged.
And we see it mentioned in NMT2, when Sherman uses the spell to gain his youth back:
Frank feels the energy in the room shift, like the atoms in the air are being charged.
Electricity flies through the air.
Lightning strikes.
Its no wonder things go from 1-100 in this place. People literally willing to kill to become a festival queen. To get a doll. To get a husband...
So - what about Hannah?
In 1979 Hatchetfield became a hotspot for anyone wanting to get that Black and White psychic energy. And it doesn't escape my notice that Miss Holloway's whole vibe is the 1980s. 
The Church of the Starry Children were killed. Miss Holloway arrived and got the book. And then made a deal. A deal which would stop the timeline progressing how she could see it doing so. With a cataclysm of Lord in Black energy in Hatchetfield.
This door had opened in 1979 and she was shutting it.
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And then Hannah was born in 2005.
And Hannah was a battery of psychic energy. She can see every possibility. She can sense the electricity in the arcade machine in Yellow Jacket.
I've spoken in 2 previous theories about how I view the shattered timelines ( Part 1, Part 2). In fact I think shattered is such a perfect word.
When Hannah was born, Miss Holloway's deal wasn't enough to stop the timeline from progressing. The veil became thinner. PEIP were able to open the portal to the Black and White. Hannah was a battery the Lords in Black could use.
So to stop her brother's from destroying everything she split the timelines. Spun her web.
In those theories I mention how there are certain events or connections that happen in every timeline. Or elements that bleed from one timeline to another. Imagery replicated again and again. I've called these the golden threads, the one's pulling elements of what should be the true timeline.
So where is this all leading?
My prediction for the rest of Hatchetfield's overarching story is that we're going to see Webby trying to unspin her web in a way that means the Lords in Black can't cause harm, bring back the one true timeline.
But hey...
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deceasedream69 · 1 year
Part 2 of Maeve or...
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All I remember are little pieces.
I remember being tied next to Spencer's girlfriend. The poor lightning of the room, and the stink of it. I also remember bits of when the team came to our rescue. 
I remember Spencer speaking with our captor. I remember Maeve, a knife pointed at her throat... I remember when the unsub came up to me and press the button. I couldn't do or say anything, but I could very much see and hear everything. 
I remember the feeling of the dialudid coming through the needle and into my system. It was horrible, filling my mind with memories of my past, my mouth was dry and my head was spinning. 
But I specially remember Spencer running to untie me before saving Maeve, which honestly shocked me the most. I was specting to be left there until someone else from the team went to untie me. But it was Spencer. I could feel him hugging me while he tried to lift me so I wouldn't lay on the dirty floor. I remember feeling safe, until I couldn't remember anything else. 
- "they said she's going to be ok, but she needs to rest", Hotch gave the good news to the whole team. I wanted to go check on Maeve but at the same time I wanted to delay what I knew was coming. I still had to check on her. So I nodded after recieving the information and headed to Maeve's house. Well, I had to shower and all of that before.
When I got there it was drizzling outside, so I closed my jacket a little more before knocking. I was wondering if she was still awake, giving that it was almost midnight. But either way I know how this situations can take your sleep away and sometimes you just need company to get through it all. 
She opened the door cautiosly, and when she noticed it was me she seemed more calmed, opening the door completely she let me in. 
- "hey, just wanted to check on you and see if everything's ok. I didn't see any doctor checking on you"
- "you were busy"
I could see she was upset. 
- "are you always awake at midnight... or do you..."
- "look, Spencer. I know you're here to try and help but... I'm fine, you should go and check on her at the hospital. Did she wake up already?"
I shook my head. 
- "why are you telling me to go with someone else when I want to be here with you"
- "because I know you'd rather be there with her"
- "what?"
- "I'm not blind, Spencer. I noticed it all. Every little part. You like her, and that's ok. She's beautiful and you get to see her everyday."
- "but..."
- "it's ok. I'm happy if you're happy. Besides, how can I not be happy, I don't have a stalker anymore"
I just stood silent. How come everyone knew who I like except for me. I mean, I always felt drawn to her, to speak with her, tell her unnecesary facts and just get to be around her, mostly because she was the only one listening, but we are coworkers, it's impossible. Besides, I don't think she likes me back, maybe that's why I tried to search for someone else. 
- "I can't apologize enough for what you've been through, Maeve. I want to make it up to you, so I brought you this"
- "Spencer..."
I got out of the apartment and in again. This time holding a heavy box. Putting it on the table, I ran my forearm through the top because it was a little wet from the rain outside. 
- "A little gift so you can forgive me and enjoy the days you rest after what happened"
- "Spencer, you shouldn't have..."
I just hugged her. She was an important part of my life and I'm just so thankful for it. Specially because she didn't get mad at me. 
I said my goodnight and left the apartment. It stopped raining but the floor was wet. I liked that feeling. I was thinking about Maeve's reaction when she opened the box. It was a box full of all of her favorite books that she told me couldn't afford. It was around 10 books so it wasn't that much but I hope she liked them very much. 
I thought about going back to the hospital but it was too late already to go, so I'd check on y/n tomorrow morning. 
I woke up around 3am. I was a little confused at the beginning but then I heard the typical hospital noises. I sighed and tried to fall asleep again, but I couldn't. I had an amazing thirst, so I looked around me for some water, but nothing. I rolled my eyes. I didn't even know if I was allowed outside my room and I didn't know how to call for a nurse. 
I stood up slowly, noticing how the back of my hospital clothes were missing a big piece at the back. 
- "every movie ever warned me about this". I closed it with my hands while I walked slowly towards the door. "son of a bitch!", I screamed whispered. I didn't noticed the things connected into my arms and accidentally pulled one. Which hurted a lot and caused the liquid to start falling onto the floor. "shit shit shit, of course this happens to me", I said trying to grab the needle back to make it stop, but it didn't. 
I grabbed some buttons that were next to my bed and started to press them. Maybe this is what I should've done since the beginning. 
The nurse came rushing in and found me out of my bed, pressing the button with the needle dripping liquid on the floor. 
Of course she was very confused but after I explained what happened she angrily explained to me that I should always call the nurse or wait. So I smiled shyly and drank my water in silence. 
After she left I noticed my phone was on the nightstand right next to me. I turned it on and started to check through it. 
Thats when I noticed a few messages in Spencers chat. 
* in the chat*
- No, I died. Hell's actually pretty fun :D
But before you get all worried tomorrow, I'm not going to work tomorrow, I have this desease called "death"
- very funny
- wait, what are you doing up
- Planning on how to save you from hell
- didn't you hear the "it's actually pretty fun" part?
- fair
- you didn't answer my question
- how can you even text me from the hospital
- I have 4% of battery, so answer the question
- what are you doing up?
- was thirsty, made a mess at my room. I'm still thirsty actually, but I asked first
- you almost overdosed, it's very common, drink a lot of water
- I'm scared of the nurse
- why
- I'll tell you when you come to visit me
- who told you I'm going to go visit you?
- The fact that you went for me over Maeve
(I was so nervous to send that message but I wanted to see his reply)
- you better get some sleep
- I could say the same to you
- goodnight y/n
- no goodnight kiss? damn, goodnight Spence <3
*off chat*
I smiled and turned my phone off, I couldn't wait to see Spencer in the morning. 
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cupidjyu · 2 years
kiss me under the mistletoe pt 2
(98 line) what happens when there’s a mistletoe above the both of you
genre: fluff, kissing, teasing, flustered ppl notes: if you haven’t noticed, sunwoo’s always the culprit of putting the mistletoe up DLFJLDS anyways, i hope you enjoy! word count: 1.2k
“hey, look what i found.”
you moved away from decorating the christmas cookies to see what your boyfriend was up to. he looked so cute like this, in a warm sweater and his hair slightly messy from rummaging through the box of decorations. he looked so cute that you couldn’t help but reach up to leave a peck on his cheek.
he chuckled at that, leaning into your touch slightly.
then, he moved his hand to show you something in his hand. it was a mistletoe.
a mistletoe.
you stared at it for a few seconds before looking back up at him. he had a blank look in his eyes, and his lips pulled up into a simple smile. you glanced back down at the mistletoe and you could feel your cheeks start to burn.
he let out a confused noise.
“why’re you shy?” he pinched your cheek.
you glared at him with a growing blush. “you don’t know what that indicates?”
“no?” he stared at you with wide eyes. like a cat.
you sighed, kind of expecting it. the world was too fast sometimes. you stepped closer and leaned up so that you were near his ear. then, you whispered your answer into it, explaining what a mistletoe means. then, you watched as he slightly jerked away after.
you couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh. he was blushing too. of course. 
he stayed frozen for a bit until he decided to speak again.
“well in that case-” he brought his hand up so that it shadowed over the two of you.
you giggled, slapping him lightly before grabbing his sweater by the collar, and bringing him into a kiss. he let out a slight mmph but his hands still snaked around your waist, bringing you closer to him.
when he pulled away, slightly out of breath, he immediately broke out into a smile, "i wish i'd known earlier. i found this about a week ago, honestly."
you gasped, excitedly reaching into the very heavy box. you pulled something out and turned in the direction of your boyfriend. 
“kevin, look!” he looked up, his eyes widening at the sight of the object. “i found a mistletoe!”
you were currently looking through decorations and it was your first time ever finding one. you excitedly jumped. you always liked the stories you heard about mistletoes.
“oh?” he walked over to you with a sly look, as if he was planning something. “you know what that means?”
you stared at him blankly, trying to figure out what he meant. he only smiled like a mischievous cat, waiting for you to realize. and then you did. he wanted to kiss you.
“wait-” you backed away. “no, no wait- i didn’t mean it like-”
“are you sure?”
you started running when you noticed him coming closer to you, his lips pouted cutely as if asking for a kiss. you ran and ran across the whole place, from the kitchen to the living room and finally to the bedroom. 
just as you were about to close the door to lock him outside, he appeared quickly before you. he brought his arms out and pulled you into a hug, keeping you from moving or running away anymore. you let out a small squeak, squirming around as you felt your cheeks flush.
“please,” you looked away, feeling incredibly flustered.
one hand moved down from your waist to where your hand was holding the mistletoe. with a shy smile, you watched as he brought the mistletoe over both of your heads.
“pucker up,” he teased. and then he pulled you into a kiss, his arms wrapping around you again. you felt butterflies explode in your stomach.
“y/n? can you come here?”
you looked up from the cheesy christmas movie playing on the TV. you took the remote and paused it, walking over to where chanhee was. he already was smiling and you had no idea what it was about.
“i think sunwoo put this here…” he pointed up to where the mistletoe was hanging above the both of you. you were silent as you stared at it, wondering when it ever appeared. then, you were startled by a giggle coming out of chanhee. kind of uncharacteristic.
“hm?” you looked at him confused. you thought for a second. maybe he was asking when it was put up. “oh yeah, wait, it’s cause he came over to drop off some cookies. i think that’s when he put it.”
there was no answer. you stared at him, perplexed. it looked like he was waiting for something. but what?
he was simply standing there, watching you with expectant eyes. you stared back, question marks going off in your head. but then it hit you.
“wait…” you gasped, your hand flying to your mouth. “do you want to-”
he nodded, interrupting your words. his mouth grew into a cute smile and you could tell that he was slightly flustered, judging from his rosy cheeks.
“you really-” you were baffled. it wasn’t usually chanhee who asked for these things or initiated them.
he nodded again.
you were speechless.
“well,” he giggled. “what’re you waiting for?”
“oh right-”
and you stepped forward and kissed his cheek first. then, you cupped his face softly and brought him against your lips. he let out a delighted sound as he kissed back. you couldn’t help but laugh endearingly.
"chanhee, you've changed. you don't usually ask first."
"it's because i adore you!"
“guess what?”
you finished pouring in the flour for the christmas cookies you were making. you really hoped they would turn out good.
“i have something,” he sang. you could see in the corner of your eye, him doing a little dance with his hands behind his back to hide the object.
a flash of fear immediately rushed through you. usually, when your boyfriend finds something, it’s either very odd, random, or downright terrifying. you were scared it might be another chucky doll.
you picked up the mixing spoon and put your other hand on your hip, eyeing him suspiciously. 
“please don’t tell me it’s-”
he nodded, his eyes sparkling and his lips growing into the cutest smile, making you falter.
“yes it is.”
you sighed, pouting. “no, changmin please.”
he pouted back. when you looked at him, you couldn’t help but melt. so, you stepped forward and cupped his cheek with your free hand, caressing it with an endearing smile.
“why’re you so against it?” he whispered, his tone still lighthearted.
you glared playfully, “the chucky doll does not fit the christmas aesthetic, my love.”
he was speechless. then, he immediately shook his head no in a panic, his hair swishing along with it. 
“wha- no, i swear it’s not that!” 
he pulled his hands out from his back and there was a mistletoe held in his hands. you stared at it, feeling embarrassment start to rush through you.
“oh.” you bluntly said.
“yes, oh.” he teased, leaning closer with a mischievous glint in his eye. “you really thought it was my chucky doll?”
“shut up,” you shoved him lightly, your ears red.
“no,” he stubbornly replied. he held the mistletoe up for a split second before setting it aside to pull you into a soft kiss. christmas music played in the background as you both swayed side to side. after a bit, you lost control in your hand and you dropped the mixing spoon, making a loud clang on the floor. the both of you jumped away in surprise.
"hold it properly won't you?" he huffed. "it interrupted our kiss."
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myloveforhergoeson · 18 days
✨ - How does your character navigate social cliques or groups in school? Are they part of a specific crowd or more of a lone wolf?
for roxy, especially after the whole thing with brand new day went down. tho feel free to answer for the others :)
ughhh oh my god brand new day... essay incoming that is mostly just me rambling about things i have thought much about but have never put into words
as per usual, i have lots to say about this one. shockingly, i didn't give roxy too much social backstory outside of high school just because i didn't want to get over caught in explaining like. her whole life story? she's not anti-social obviously, but mag and dani really were her only good friends. while roxy had many acquaintances, like cait in the Minnesota chapter!, she didn't really have anyone besides BND she'd hang out with on the reg. this kind of forced her into the social outside i guess? but only because she was bunched in with the other school musicians not because she was bitchy or anything lol. she never really made her personal life a priority unless it was music related, so mag and dani were really all she needed!
i think i briefly mention it in one of the chapters but jo and camille are really her first pair of good, close female friends
as for clique navigation, i'd imagine she wasn't too good at learning the ropes at first, especially if other kids were already shoving her into the musician box before she was able to pinpoint them as a jock or stoner or whatever but overall didn't really affect her. she was more the flying under the radar type. of course this changes when she meets btr later on but that's how i imagine school was for her the first year :)
i'm not sure she'd place herself in any category, that's not super punk yk, but she definitely wasn't a lone wolf. she was more reliant on making connections in the local music community so BND could play gigs and stuff. if that meant she got super buddy buddy with a kid that had a basement for them to play a show in, that's what she'd do, but it was mostly just community connections for her.
if i went to school with her i'd definitely peg her into the musician + artsy type groups. hanging out with mag and dani would also swerve her into the smoker category lol. i tried to include that in the story when she grabs a lighter on the way out the door when she and james go to the show in duluth but got lazy and only had them have the conversation about it in my head. sorry! she used to be a social smoker just as a byproduct of being in the punk community... never her own cigarettes but if someone offered her a hit she wouldn't say no. she used to think it was really cool. girl! stop that! they're so bad for you! we see a bit of this in the rockstar au lol
after the band break up, she was def going lone wolf mode in hopes of protecting herself from ever being played again. not that she was intentionally going out of her way to avoid other people, but she wasn't attempting to form lasting connections outside of sitting next to someone in class or meeting anyone outside of class like she would mag and dani. btr are really the first friends she'd made since the split.
as for the guys idkkkk they all give such jock energy its hard for me to imagine them in any other category. hate to do that to them but really that's just how they present themselves both in public and private. they all seem like social butterflies, even if sometimes they get a bit awkward in certain instances, but they're hard not to like. they're not rude, they're super cute, they play a big time sport, they always help out their friends... who wouldn't like them!
(mag if they went to school together... but that's a conversation for another time...)
tysm for the ask you know how i love to talk and talk and talk <3 what do you think about our oc miss octavia or katie !! i know they're younger, but still. middle school age is like prime time to be clique navigating lol
find an emoji and ask away!
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redux-sikfox · 6 days
Dunno how to start this post off, so I guess Happy Pride Month! And this post is just like... About me? No rhyme or reason or explanations. Just talking to myself really.
Guess I can start off saying I'm AFAB and have been attracted to men for most of my life. Started off in high school, not knowing why I was intimidating and not being the target of people's affection outside of friendship. To thinking relationships were a lot of hard work, but was still kinda sad not ever being included. Or not really having a connection with my friends because everyone was dating someone so I didn't have that core experience that people could talk about and share stories with.
Graduated and started working, and found that people actually found me attractive. School just wasn't a good space for that kind of thing for me because I was a quiet weeb who liked to ignore everyone and listen to music, and also had no sense in fashion. Now I'm testing out new fashion (as much as I can with a dress-code at work) and seeing what I like.
Then, slowly realizing that I was ace because a lot of the guys who were interested in me kinda just wanted to hook up, and I wasn't down with that. Which got me called 'she's secretly a man' by a lot of guys at work. Then I got confused about being Ace for awhile because I like to write smut a lot, though I tend to write mostly MLM. So then I worried if I was fetishizing gay men. So I toned it down a lot. Around this time, "Fetishizing" was huge and everyone was pointing fingers for dumb reasons, so I shoved that part of me down except for in certain groups where I felt like I was safe.
Two jobs later and I hear about people becoming trans more often. Never thought it would be me, though I've hated my body since I was 16. I just didn't connect the dots that there were people out there who hated their bodies/gender just like me who could do something about it. But surgeries scare me so I figured, I'm not trans. Trans are for people who can get those surgeries, and medication, and who look like the gender they want to be. But I still wasn't happy being me. So I figured I was agender or non-binary.
Nowadays, I know that that's not how it works. And you can still be trans without getting any of that stuff. And me being attracted to men? Turns out, I'm just attracted to masculine people. Men, women, in between. And that attraction made me want to be masc too. Found that out sometime last year into this one. I'm in my 30s now.
Straight logic says that I'm still a woman because my body hasn't changed and I'm still attracted to men. But pride logic states that I am whatever I wanna be; to be comfortable in my own skin, and I think I'd rather listen to that than be forced into a box. Labels can be confusing. So just be what you want to be. You don't have to prepare a speech. You don't have to justify anything. And things will change as you grow. You could be one thing one year, and something completely different in the next.
So in the end, I guess those guys at work were right. I am a man. And being attracted to other men/masculine people, I would have never dated any of those bumpkin fucks. And I still write my MLM smut. Though I am trying to branch out a bit. Not because I'm worried about what other people think anymore, but because I'm learning new things and testing what I like.
Still very ace right now. And that's okay. My writing lets me live through whatever I think I want without the commitment or ordeal of being with someone. But that may change in the future too. I won't know til it happens. There's literally no rush. I might go back to being non-binary one day, who's to say? No one knows. Not even me. I like being a safe space for people, and I've had thoughts about that. If I commit to being a guy, will that scare certain people away that would have felt more comfortable with me if I was a woman or neutral?
I have a lot of thoughts about these types of things. But I think it's important to prioritize yourself first before others. Because if they don't think I'm good enough, they can always find others that meet that criteria. I think I'm good enough, and I have a lot of friends who think the same. I'm like a special interest only few people have, ya know? And I think a lot of people fall under that. You won't be palatable for everyone, and that's okay.
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Can you do a story where Erik and his girlfriend just move in and have a sexy nosy neighbor.Also hey I hope you’re having a wonderful day or night whenever you get this
Sugar Neighbors
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Though "Pretty Boy" Amor was accustomed to working long and exhausting hours as a full-time hospital nurse, he was burning out.
"I'm too pretty to be in this hospital. I need an OnlyFans." He'd tell himself this every day but still show up to work. "Yes, yes, I'm here," is what he'd mutter when they called on him first thing to do something. He was grumpy and snappy, but they couldn't say he didn't show up and handle his responsibilities. He had a crush on one person... a girl named Dasia. Every day, she'd keep him sane and convince him not to quit.
In the meantime, he'd hassle the agency nurses to pass the time. They were coming in, so he wanted to know their pay, other jobs, side hustles, and what they be doing on shift. Who do you like? Who here do you not like? Who are you dating? Are you married? Where do you live? Do you have kids?
Sometimes, it came off as obnoxious and sometimes flirting. Amor was just nosey, and he liked to gossip even if it was small.
"I got something," Dasia teased, leaning against him. He was 5'11 and she was a flat 5'5. He put an arm around her. "You know the rules," she looked up. She wanted to trade tea.
"My neighbor got evicted," Amor blurted. "A few weeks ago."
"And you're just telling me?"
"Pay up."
"Okay well, Dr. Garrett is sleeping with his nurse."
"I'd be more surprised if he wasn't. That's all?"
"Wait, I do have one more.. Olivia's pregnant."
"Damn, that fetus getting deleted illegal or not."
"What you got?"
"My new neighbors just moved in yesterday. Both of them are fine as hell. I went outside when I saw that U-Haul and baby, their stuff ain't cheap. Shorty had that human hair, too?"
"What you know about human hair?"
"You'd be surprised what I know. She was bad and the nigga's chain was real."
"Make you wanna pull em both... Have some sugar parents."
Amor's eyes went large as he considered it. "I think you might have done something... I could work them a bit. What I got to lose? The rent is too high."
"You are not really gonna do this..."
"Watch me."
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Erik was surrounded by boxes that he had to unpack. His camcorder was on, and Gianna was out visiting her granny when there was a knock on the door. He paused the camera, thinking it could be the landlord, but when he checked the peephole, it was a different nigga. He walked away and resumed, but before he could get recording, the nigga knocked again. So, Erik decided to put the nigga on camera.
"What you want? Talk fast."
"Hey," Amor greeted, a store bought sweet potato pie in hand. "Just a lil welcome. I'm right here," he nodded toward his own door. "Name's Amor."
"Thanks.. I'm Erik." He took the pie quickly but carefully.
"Let me know if you need anything."
"Good looking out."
Something told Erik something funny was going on, but Erik closed the door and got back to it.
Moving to a North Carolina was a temporary thing. Both Erik and his live-in girlfriend, Gianna, would only be there for a year or two until her estranged and dying grandmother bit the dust. Since her aunts and mother went no-contact, Gianna's granny had no one. Gianna didn't know the old bitty, so she wasn't emotionally attached. She was just nice and a saint to use her money to pay for memory care. In the meantime, both she and Erik were full-time YouTubers.
This was how Erik first realized Amor was a flirt. Gianna saw the neighbor in their video. All their followers saw Amor in the video. Amor was trade realness, but anyone with eyes could see that he was looking at Erik like a piece of meat. They warned Gianna to keep an eye out for Selener. They warned Erik to pay closer attention. But all in all... they ran up the views.
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Amor found his neighbors socials easily. He figured if the nigga was talking to a camera, he had to be a YouTuber, and he was absolutely right. He did his digging and saw what was being said about the encounter. He was a hot topic in their video comment section, so he had an idea. After work, he knocked on their door.
This time, when Erik opened the door, there was no camera.
"Ay come in. I wanna talk to you."
Amor was hesitant, but he could handle himself.
"This my girlfriend, Gianna."
"Hey Gianna," Amor centered in on her. Her brow rose.
"What are you... gay, straight..." Erik asked.
Amor smirked, stepping close and closing the gap between him and Erik. They were about the same height. "Want me to show you," Amor teased. Erik's arm came up to keep him back.
"Chill. I wanna talk to you about an opportunity. We make videos on YouTube, and we wondered if you wanna be a regular cameo?"
"You want me on your channel?" Amor pretended to be oblivious, but it was the idea he also wanted to bring up. He'd planned to come clean about his attempts at seducing them, but now, he figured it would be more interesting if he didn't.
"We'll cut you in."
"Aight. Yeah, I'm in. What should I do?"
"Just... Be yourself," Gianna pointed.
Amor almost laughed. He considered himself a straight man, he definitely wasn't being himself.
So it went on. Amor knocked on their door and continued to flirt with both Gianna and Erik with a camera in his face. He even participated in harmless pranks they planned and played on each other. They paid him his cut and he reported to Dasia everything that occurred in trade for more secrets and gossip. He still worked at the hospital, just less hours. He still noticed who was early and who was late, who lied on what they did, and which nurses were secretly having sex. He and Dasia were the eyes and ears of the hospital and suddenly he was spending less time with her. It was the only drawback. He didn't miss the hospital, he missed Dasia.
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"He's a little weird, but he's harmless."
Erik was trying to comfort Gianna.
She was hesitating about the continued involvement of Amor in their videos. She felt like he was getting a lot of the attention because he was very attractive and charming. Too charming. Aside from that, he was bordering on aggressive. The flirting was funny when he hit on Erik, but at the same time, something didn't seem so innocent. He was blatantly serious. He was really saying these crude and sensual things, really casually touching them. She didn't typically let other men touch her in the way Amor was touching her. Erik didn't typically let it happen even after she expressed being weirded out. He'd even smacked her ass in the cheating prank and kissed her cheek. The viewers ate it up, but she felt weird!
Erik understood it all, but again, "He is harmless... and look at the dollar. It's worth it. If you could get through a slight discomfort, we'll be good."
Gianna went to visit her grandma a couple days later. She ran into Amor on her way back. He was holding the elevator for her.
"Neighbor," he nodded.
She was cordial, but she could feel the energy of lust surrounding her. He didn't look at her, but he oozed sex. He struck her as a glorified perverted playboy. Her skin began to tingle from that point whenever he was near. She couldn't quite put her finger on the discomfort.
They continued making videos and paying him. Then something different happened. He came to her privately and proposed a video idea. A prank on Erik where he's lying in their bed instead of Gianna.
"He might hurt you," Gianna warned. That was the LEAST that would happen.
Amor waved it off, seeming unconcerned. "I'm tougher than I look and the views would be good."
Gianna considered it. Amor was right about the views and part of Gianna wanted to call Erik's bluff since he seemed to be so damn fine with everything that she'd been saying was an issue. He wouldn't get it until a line was crossed with him.
So, she agreed and put Amor in their bed in her bonnet and robe one evening. He looked just like her as a lump laying there. The camera was hidden, and so was she. She watched from the closet as Erik entered the bedroom, talking to what he assumed was her.
He sat on the bed and kept talking. She'd have to edit out a good 10 minutes of footage from that alone. Finally, he uncovered the lump and jumped, slamming Amor with a pillow.
Amor didn't break character.
"Erik, I knew you'd be back. Gianna went out. She should be back in the next fifteen minutes, but until then," he stroked Erik's forearm seductively.
Erik was frozen trying to determine what he was going to do. Gianna was ready to jump out of the closet should he throw a punch. But something interesting and unexpected happened. Erik sat back down on the bed. Gianna was surprised and suddenly watching much more closely.
"Why are you in our bed?"
"She said I could."
"But why are you here?"
"Why do you think? She mentioned you wanted a threesome. She said you might get mad at first and wonder why me and not another woman. I assured her that I could do anything a woman could do and more for you both." Amor chuckled evilly. "You don't even know the shit I could do to y'all."
Gianna was blown away that Erik was even listening to this bullshit. She'd never!
"Shit like what," Erik questioned.
"You got a couple minutes? I could give you a glimpse of the feeling."
Gianna's eyes went wide.
"Hurry up," Erik gestured to his own lap, watching Amor lean over and touch his stomach.
Gianna couldn't take it anymore. She burst from the closet and called Erik every foul name she could think of in that moment.
Both he and Amor began to laugh. That's when Erik pointed to a separate camera that had been set up in the room way before.
"Got ya."
So Gianna had been genuinely pranked by Erik and Amor was part of it. She was even more frustrated now. She knew what she had to do. She let things cool down and waited for the opportune moment to enlist Amor like she thought she'd done before. This time, she was initiating. Her idea was for Erik to catch the two of them fooling around in bed. She was a little anxious considering Amor already couldn't keep his hands to himself, but they went through with it.
As she expected, even with the cameras on, he was trying to feel her up under the covers. She had to keep stopping his wandering arms. Maybe watching this footage back would show Erik what she saw. Maybe he'd be a little more wary about this man who made her feel uneasy in her body. Again, he was very attractive and aggressive about his interest. He kept touching her, and it didn't feel bad at all. Erik had to hurry.
"Where is he," she worried aloud.
"He'll be here," Amor smirked, sliding a hand between her thighs. She was wearing leggings, but still. "Why do I make you so nervous," he asked. "Relax. It's your world."
Gianna sighed, waiting for the scene to start. Amor held her chin.
"Don't be nervous. I don't bite, unless you want me to." He leaned in and nibbled her finger. "What? You want me to, you just don't know it yet."
She was seconds from jumping up when Erik walked in, instant confusion on his face. This time, he didn't stop. He jumped across the room onto the bed in his shoes and almost hit her trying to beat the hell out of Amor.
Amor wasn't lying about defending himself. He held Erik off long enough to say it was a prank and to watch the footage back. He left instantly and after reviewing the footage, Erik was even more pissed.
That was the straw that made him say "No more Amor. Amor is done!"
Gianna, of course, had to say, "I told you."
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"So that's my gossip," Amor finally finished recounting to Dasia all that had occurred. "I'm back to being full-time." He sighed, upset that his side gig had tanked.
"I still can't believe you tried to seduce them both. You knew that wouldn't end well."
"Yeah, yeah. Well. At least I'm here before your very eyes as I was before. You're welcome."
"You missed me," Dasia grinned.
Amor shook his head no, pride not allowing those words to come forward. "You owe me something juicy. Make it good, or I'm a be pissed because I gave you a damn good one."
"Ok, how about we do it like this since you're so stubborn. I have some tea that you know, you just don't think you know."
"Something else," Amor frowned, uninterested. Dasia chuckled.
"You're gonna wanna hear this one. Tea is, you've been so busy flirting with your neighbors and playing sitcom that you forgot to do what you've been working up the courage to for the last few months. You need to ask me out before Allen from Maternity asks me."
"The fuck, who said I wanted to ask you out?" Amor smiled, bumping her gently.
The cat had long been out of the bag. Dasia had been waiting and sticking to him, but Amor was taking entirely too long to say something about his feelings.
Lunch was coming up in a few minutes. He pointed his head toward the cafeteria direction, and Dasia bit the inside of her lip, nodding with a roll of her eyes. He was so shy when it really mattered.
"You owe me a cut of that YouTube money," she teased as they walked down the hall together.
"Did you flirt with another man for weeks to earn this money? No."
"I gave you the idea," she bickered back, playfully.
"You have no evidence."
"I don't have to eat lunch with an extortionist," she turned.
He quickly stopped her and guided her back forward. "I'll buy your lunch."
"A start," she smirked. "Maybe if I flirt with YOU hard enough. I'll get it all."
The End
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