#but the whole 'two sides of a coin' read on their relationship? I'm sorry that is just. so white
eusuchia · 5 months
can't sleep so heres my hot take on londo/g'kar: it would be way more interesting if anyone (including jms) 1. really grappled with the utterly fucked power imbalance 2. let them actually hate each other with consequence instead of softening them up into old bickering married couple
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hornystiel · 1 year
fics about bruce and harvey? 👀 i am so very intrigued, please tell me more
ok SO. (sorry i'm still excited so this can be long) i read the comics ones (while devouring the gist about them in different comics through tumblr osmosis and memes and relying on my previous dc knowledge) aand they are..very interesting. the thing about them is that they are bitter exes (who may or may not really hooked up in the past but were very close and now are definitely divorced) but who still care about each other. well bruce def still cares about harvey and two face. harvey is...reluctant (the whole thing with harvey not thinking he deserves to be saved, yes). and his dark side mostly hates both bruce and batman and doesn't trust them. which is another interesting thing about them and their 'other sides'. there are basically FOUR different relationships going. batman, two-face (harvey's criminal side and his personality), harvey and bruce. because in half the cases two face doesn't know batman's identity. and all of them have beef and tension. both the angry one and sexual. so it's really interesting how they can coexist and do shit with/to each other. one of the tags i saw was Romantic Face Punching and yeah. yeah.
ALSO there's one fic where bruce is undercover as another criminal dude named matches (i'm a bit all over the place with the comics) and basically hires himself to help harvey in his criminal activities to check on harvey from time to time. and like!! basically bruce isn't either truly himself or batman and harvey, who's instantly figured him out, is like huh. i have angst with bruce and rage with batman but he's neither rn. sure i'll bite. and they communicate by PRETENDING they don't know who they are. and two face is..mostly quieter when matches!bruce is around and harvey is like ??? and this is so good because all the layers of pretending and not being themselves is so them. and harvey doesn't use a coin when deciding things about bruce! twice! also harvey is so vulnerable when he strips for the first time in front of him help
the fic if you're interested
the other fics (i read only explicit fics sorry) were like 'ok we hook up ONCE and it's not PERSONAL' and then well :) it's angsty and too personal anyway
also this happened
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two face was like 'if harvey can't say he has a thing for choking and gay thoughts about batman i may very well do him a service while said batman tries to choke me in an alley'. harvey once he's in charge: 'god fucking dammint'. sorry i know it's evil but it was funny gdgdh
anyway i didn't read much (i was doing it at work rip) but they are so unwell and also sad drama queen puppies
i was never interested in other batman ships except for batcat so i think i've finally found my niche thank you misha collins and jackles. again. the first thing i saw with twobats where i thought 'hmm very fruity' was a cartoon with jensen voicing bruce and him and harvey being very cozy with each other <3 when they still worked together and harvey didn't know who batman was
ANYWAy thank you for coming to my insane rambling ted talk i will probably be insane about them in the foreseeable future
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burst-of-iridescent · 10 months
More than E2L -which I love- I adore ships with opposites & balance dynamics, so when I warched ATLA for the first time this summer, Zutara was sold to me in the "You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun" moment. And from that until the end it was a non-stop. It was AMAZING and reading all the Zutaras metas here in tumblr -specially your dissertation, but Zutarians as a whole are great- just make me ship then even more
So, thank you and I'm sorry for all the hate in the inbox. People should start to write about their dislikes in their own blogs and not in other's...
are you me because “you rise with the moon i rise with the sun” was also my zutara shipping turning point??? like i certainly raised my eyebrows at the pirates scene and went interesting but i didn’t think anything more of it until zuko said that line and that was it, i was onboard, seated and ready to ride the zutara train to the end of the line.
like you said, that line is really the manifestation of how beautifully contrary-yet-complimentary they are, two sides of the same coin despite all initial appearances. and the way that binary extends through both their individual arcs and that of their relationship all the way to the end where they’re no longer fighting against each other but for each other, finally reconciling both their halves to become one glorious, wonderful whole… now that’s poetry.
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apoptoses · 25 days
Girl I know I'm a whole week late but life and several heat waves have kicked my ass recently BUT I FINALLY FINISHED IT!!! And I felt so... full afterwards?! Pierced through my psyque and left me truly gorged 🥹
It definitely felt like a spiritual, emotional, sexual sequel to that first Copley fic. A natural, inevitable outcome of that first encounter, and you absolutely get the feeling that neither of them could have escaped it, and I loved the fact that you had them both acknowledge that!
Also loved how heavy it was, in every way, almost like if heaviness in Daniel's stomach manifested itself in every action and every word spoken, with Armand trying to recapture his long lost life in Venice, of a boy that had known what true hunger was and then had had the world at his feet. I was on my knees!!! Also I might or might not have spent minutes in bed trying to figure out what swallowing a crunchy songbird whole must be like and GAGGED (and also thought about that one scene in Succession lmao you know the one).
AND this paragraph right here might now be part of my @apoptoses hall of fame? "Daniel tips his face into his hand and shudders. Armand only drank but a little from him. He’s still unnaturally cold and that’s soothing to him in a bizarre way. No other mortal he’s known would want the comfort of a monster like him. Only the boy who died half a millenia ago, the one that’s now the creature stroking his living lover’s face." BANGER OF ALL TIME!!! Where would we be without you? Hopefully we'll never have to find out xoxo DA ❤️❤️
DA 🥹🥹🥹
I had to acknowledge the Copley because like, that happened at the start of the relationship right? And this is kind of at the tail end, right before things get rough and Daniel starts taking off. So I think it's not as cuddly as my usual stuff because of that, but I don't think this level of pushing Daniel up against an edge would work if it was?
Like Armand is being a little more sadistic, a little more selfish, and even if Daniel is choosing to play into it I think somehow this is further than they usually go because Armand is desperate for something here. They're both aware things can't last forever. SAD!!!
lmao listen, technically I knew about orotlans from hannibal but it's tom and greg that are in my mind forever now thinking about them. I've read eating them described as a bizarre mix of crunching bones, bursting fat and the flavor of cognac and I really, really want Armand to convince Daniel to eat one 🤣 Because if he can't handle a bone-in chicken nugget then how is he gonna handle drinking blood!!
Gosh I think about Amadeo's attraction to the monster that his master was, and the way that's reflected in Daniel being attracted to him while he's conscious of what he is and like!! The parallels!! They're two sides of the same monster fucker coin and I think that's why he's Armand's big love!! No other vampires they know understand what it's like to live with and love the monster that eventually makes you a monster too.
ANYWAYS I'm still sorry this was kind of a feel-bad fic lmao I think maybe it's slightly less lovable than my other stuff but I'm glad you're into it!!! It was such a labor to concoct.
I do have a very very small something for mermay (featuring bianca!!) so i hope you like that too 🥹
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
has anyone asked abt batjokes for the ship game
you're the first anon! And DAMN YES
I ship it!
What made you ship it? Reading The Killing Joke at the ripe old age of eight. My mother thought comics were for kids and bought me a big ass "essential Batman stories" book, which started out with The Killing Joke and it rewired my brain I guess (my Batman experience up to that point had been random episodes of Batman Beyond).
What are your favorite things about the ship? I reckon I'm going to go on a bit of a tangent here. Sorry Anon I don't suppose this was the answer you were hoping for, but I am unable to contain myself :> So being that this is my first DC ship (and it might even be my first ship PERIOD), I'm more of a "I nostalgically ship it from afar" than an active, fanfiction-reader/writer kind of fan, but surely my enjoyment has always been rooted in the fact that it's a villain/hero situation where they're two sides of the same coin, at the point where they can't exist without one another. I ship Batman with 50% of his rogue gallery tbh, and unless it's just 'cause it looks hot, it tends to be about how Bruce tries to see the human side of these people (sometimes because he's known them since before they were rogues), how he extends a helping hand when he can, how he refuses to kill them because there has to be a way to rehabilitate them (and sometimes there is, and it's just the tragic nature of these stories which prevents the "rogues" from getting their own form of happy ending). This happens with the Joker too, and the most memorable occasion in which this happens is after Joker tortured and crippled Barbara (someone Bruce is supposed to love and care for), beside what he also does to Jim Gordon (also someone Bruce is supposed to be friends with). Joker himself tells Batman more or less "I hurt a defenseless girl, I terrorized an old man, what are you waiting for just beat the shit out of me" to which BRUCE SAYS NO. He says no because "you're just like me except you had one bad day too many, and I know you can get better, and I want to help you". We all know how The Killing Joke ends, with the proverbial joke and them laughing like maniacs about it (I have the panels always around so yall can experience them with me)
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And the image of them laughing together is forever seared into my brain, especially because even if this guy did whatever the hell he did (and will keep doing it), Bruce replied with empathy and compassion. A monster, the irredeemable one who's never going to stop before anything because he's not even human, at this point he's the embodiment of everything wrong there can be in a person - he just got smothered with compassion and it almost worked. The "joke" (two madmen escape the loony bin, etc) is Joker's way to say "I'm sorry I really want to take your hand but I can't, I just can't do it", and Bruce understands this and for a brief moment of six panels it's just two friends laughing together. And that part of me which will always see itself in the ugly, irredeemable, rejected monster was and will always be so profoundly fulfilled by this.
Of course I am also not immune to the whole "you need me, you love me and you can't live without me" thing to which Batman reacts by kicking and screaming that it's not true, but which is indeed true and in every story in which Joker actually dies, Bruce cannot for the love of him cope one single day without him. This post puts it briefly but beautifully, go give it a look if you're rabid a fan of the dynamic such as I am.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Liking this ship (and Joker in general) is unpopular in and of itself lol, but I guess I can say that my unpopular preference is that as much as I ship them, I don't see sex involved in any part of their relationship which is more based off of beating the shit out of each other (or laughing about a dumbass joke in a stormy night in an abandoned amusement park), and being unable to let the other go when the chance presents itself. I see sex as essentially unnecessary in their dynamic, but it's also true that I don't really peruse Batjokes content beside the occasional fanart, so the sex part might have just not clicked with me yet.
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mamajake · 1 year
ships: (I'm unoriginal) SONAZE !
Whoo okay, I know I said two cents but I'm gonna give you a dollar. Only because this ship makes 100% cents (I'm sorry lmao)
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Abcense is to love what wind is to fire, it extinguishes the small and kindles the great
Sonic, in almost every sense, makes Blaze burn Brighter. Whether it is wind fueling the flames, or the beauty of Sonic (and his friends) helping her control the emeralds and become Burning Blaze.
After her first transformation, I always imagine Blaze looking at herself in awe, with Sonic gazing at her and reminiscing about the first time he transformed. I'm in love with their kinship.
Sonic has done nothing but raise her up, teaching her to trust. No matter how many times she fought back, he was still there with a smile, wanting to help.
Even when they actually fought, I like to think that Sonic only fought back in the same way that he fought Chaos. He opened her heart.
Unwanted Contact
Blaze, being a person of solitude, strikes me as a person that doesn't care much for touch. She'll happily give a hand shake as thanks or a hug just for Cream and Marine, but she keeps to herself mainly.
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Now she is almost always seen holding hands with sonic and I'm all for it. It's affirmation of the trust they share.
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With all their hand holding and trust, it makes this panel more impactful for me. I don't think she would lean in that close to anybody, but it just shows how comfortable she is with Sonic. (Also look at that lil blush!)
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This final scene in Sonic Rush lives rent free in my head. The fact that Sonic clings on with his other hand shocks me. He knows what's at stake if they don't seperate, and yet he still holds on. Sonic doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve, but he definitely shows it through his actions. He doesn't want her to leave.
The Tragedy
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Ah yes, the nitty gritty, the stuff that makes it canon for me.
The two are different sides of the same coin. Guardians with amazing abilities who kick ass and take names. The difference? Sonic is free, he's not duty bound. Blaze doesn't live a bad life, but I'd bet it's not the one she wants. There's an envy she has for the blue dude.
Blaze sees her pyrokenesis as a curse, Sonic sees his as a gift, something that grants him freedom. Sonic lives life to his fullest, while Blaze has a whole ass kingdom to run.
I wholeheartedly believe that there's feelings for each other in canon, but what makes it work is the wall between them. They can't stay together, it wouldn't work for multie reasons. Blaze can't abandon her kingdom, Sonic wouldn't want to rule, and oh yeah, the likelihood of dimensional demolition.
Sonic isn't a character who should be in a relationship, it's not his style. If he were in a relationship, it would have to be with someone who allows him his freedom, and could keep up with him. In fact, it's why I ship Sonadow (ooh just wait until I start talking about that).
Shadow and Blaze are people who would keep up with him and keep to themselves at the same time. However, as I said, the wall between Sonic and Blaze is what makes the feelings real for me. It keeps the characters in their lines without changing things.
Suggested reading
Sonaze is my life blood and every few months I'll browse for a big ol' chunky fic to binge through. Sadly there isn't a whole lot of Sonaze around, so for everybody, I'm gonna post some suggestions.
By yours truly, unshameful plug ;)
Don't leave me alone
By @marinaiguess
Need to want
By The Maxx
Winds to my flame
By Crimsonmoon3540
Never Alone - The 100 Sonic & Blaze Story
By WolfChalk
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apollo41writes · 2 years
Goodnight prompt 47/∞
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human Ship: RK900/Gavin Reed AUs/Tropes: Soulmates AU, Forgot first meeting Prompt: What happens if your soulmate is deaf and can't hear your first words? Do you even have a soulmark?
Extra details: I literally had this idea at 4 in the morning, but I have been wondering for hours about what would happen in a universe where soulmates have soulmarks with the first words you soulmate tells you.
Like, would they have soulmarks of the first words someone sign at them instead? Or would they feel pressured by society to learn at least a few words to say when they meet someone for the first time so that they recognize their soulmates by their soulmates mark alone?
It's one of those interesting concepts that I would very much like to see explored.
Anyway, back to the actual prompt. So, the one detail I wanted for the soulmarks in this AU is that not only you have a soulmark with the first words your soulmates tells you, but the words are kind of like a very old and faded tattoo until you actually hear them, and then they turn vibrant (sometimes even colorful).
I just like the idea that RK900 was activated as soon as Markus does his big speech at the end of the good endings, and tries to destroy the deviants leaders. But despite him being stronger than all of the other, he's overwhelmed just because he's one against multiple androids at the same time.
So, right before they make him a deviant as well, he gets injuries so bad that his hearing processor or whatever doesn't work anymore. And fixing it is kind of hard, like, maybe since he's a prototype that part need to be made specifically for him.
But the newly deviant RK900 doesn't really mind being deaf. He can comunicate with people just fine even without being able to hear them.
Which is also how RK900 doesn't realize when he first meets Gavin. Maybe Connor brings RK900 to work with him one day just so that he can see how working at the precinct looks like because RK900 isn't sure just yet what he wants to do now that he's free to choose.
And Gavin, thinking RK900 is Connor, pushes him when walking by, not even really paying attention or saying anything since he's rushing to go on a call or something.
Here is where I kind of stopped with this idea. Because maybe RK900 mumbles automatically "I'm sorry" or maybe even an insult. And Gavin is too focused on his own shit (or maybe RK900 whispers it too quietly) that he doesn't even actually hear them in an active way.
But once he gets back home and undresses to go into the shower, he sees his soulmark in all kind of shade of blues and grey and OH FUCK, he met his soulmate... And he doesn't even remember who the fuck said the words.
Like I said, this is kind of where I stopped because there are so many options of things that could happen! I haven't even decided if RK900 has words or not, if maybe they appear when he becomes deviant or if they still stay muted even after Gavin says them to him because he knows Gavin said them (he can reads his lips), but he hasn't actually heard them. Or maybe he doesn't have a mark at all and the two of them don't know that they are soulmates but still fall in love with each other, and there is this whole thing with RK900 thinking that sooner or later Gavin will find his soulmate and leave him (so maybe they even have this "friend with benefits" deal at first, or something).
Just, one of those ideas with the potential for lots of angst, drama and pining, which is always my favorite combo, especially if there is a nice happy ending at the end of it.
(Also, the relationship could be just a side of the coin. Maybe RK900 at first works at the precinct because it feels like the obvious decision to make. But he realizes that he's not truly happy and decides to quit and he tries a bunch of different jobs to figure out what he prefers to do. What can I say, I like when characters need to find themselves.)
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stargatelov3r · 2 years
Whoa, this is amazing. I-i, they may have become my top pairing now (at least top three,) and I may, MAY have teared up as I read your response. (Also very emotional about this.) 🧡
Flour-covered Chuck in his little apron? Picnics on the mainland? LEARNING CZECH TO UNDERSTAND RADEK!? 
Fuck yes!
Hmm… Chuck is learning Czech in secret, also as a surprise. Because the two of them do really love a good surprise. So Radek doesn’t know he can actually translate what has been engraved on it.
“Jsi láska mého života.”
Chuck is blown away by the translation, he doesn’t tell Radek though. Instead, Chuck mulls it over and a plan starts forming. He has to secretly put said plan into motion. 
Radek notices Chuck being off and slightly twitchy, (cliche - *cough* that I love *cough*) but he starts to get worried about their relationship. Chuck has a terrible poker face after all so he tries to avoid Radek when possible. Rodney starts to get twitchy too. Radek, consumed by negative feelings can only assume the worst considering that two of his closest people are acting strange around him.
So when Rodney, flushed and fidgety asks Radek to follow him he feels terror grip his heart. He follows, preparing to accept any outcome of this interaction with grace. 
He’s so wrapped up in these thoughts that he doesn’t notice Rodney is dressed a little bit fancy (fancy for him,) nor does he notice they are alone in such a heavy traffic hallway. So when the transporter door opens to the gate room and Chuck is there on one knee holding out a ring he is completely floored. 
Radek is obviously the kind to cry in this type of situation, and he does, crying and yelling “Ano! Ano!” before lifting Chuck up and kissing him so hard as the entirety of Atlantis claps and cheers behind them. 😭😭
Elizabeth, of course, set up a whole feast for the occasion.
I hope we convert others to this pairing. Come on people, Chuck/ Radek fanfic let’s go!
Hmm… challenge name… Side ships maybe? No, idk.. Hm, um, hmm… We need a SGA community discussion for this.
I might have to bug sassycordy now because that headcanon is amazing and I wish to hear more. Hmm… I might not have time to though considering I wrote down 22 ship pairings last night to discuss with you over the following thousand years. 😳
I love solo-episodes, love background, give it all!! I need it all!!! At least we have fanfic.
Don't be sorry at all, we are very similar in this regard, I could rant about it forever, and I love hearing your perspective. 🧡
I remember that episode thoroughly, blah Kavenaugh, love to hate him lol
Ugh, yesssss! This, this soooo much. Forget Earth, Atlantica is where it's at (Coined by sweet bby Aiden and - denied by Sheppard but hey nobody else named it sooooo) they could have had way more Atlantis based episodes, especially if they expanded on characters that rarely leave.
Okay this is all canon now, this is what happened, nobody else can convince me otherwise.
I'm going to rewatch SGA just to make note of allies they might have, because I can only think of those kids and Athosians as well lol
Thank you for responding to my novels, I too am thoroughly enjoying myself. 🧡
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ship anon... please tell me you write fanfiction. please. I NEED IT. THIS IS SO PURE AND BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
I love how we went from "yeah i think they would be cute" to "they are getting married and all of Atlantis knows it before except Radek" in 24 hours... very cool of us.
I... don't really have anything to add that right now, I'm still trying to process the cuteness of this idea and the general wholesomeness of this ship.
i just checked ao3, there are 3 works which include the "radek zelenka/chuck" tag, so.... welcome to the rarepair corner! We're gonna make this everyone elses problem now! Let the Chuck/Radek agenda begin!!!
Seriously, I'm so glad you brought this to my attention <3 Atlantis did such a great job with introducing background characters (there are a few more I wish they had included more, e.g. Dr. Biro, Miko...) and they deserve all the love <3
you... you have 22 more ships to throw at me? LEMME SEE LEMME SEE LEMME SEE! (though it's gonna be hard to top this one o.0). I love your dedication, ship anon <3
honestly, i love your novels. I was at a friend's place earlier when i read this one and i was like hoooooly shit, i need to read this again when i get home so i can respond to it properly. Your mind is just <3
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syubub · 3 years
May 13th Reading
Definitely long awaited and way bigger than I intended it to be so buckle up.
Funky disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as fact! This is my interpretation of the cards!
Oh boy. The continuation of yoongis soulmate saga.
(Note frome future me: it's not proofread but I'm hungry. Sorry for mistakes!)
So so so so
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Let's start.
I started with all the normal jazz. Connecting with his energy and shit. Same as usual same old same old. Platform= same same. I was like, "hey, let's talk about your soulmate and the whole may 13th shit" and we connected via energy stringy thing to the forehead and such. I was intresting bc my end of the string was kinda my energy color! Neato. Looks like some rest has really done me good!
Okay, here's where I start actually asking shit. I made notes at this point before the reading as I usually do. I'm just gonna insert the screen shot here.
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The 14 thing really fucked me up. You'll see later. Also, when I got the whole Pisces Jupiter thing I had to do me some googling bc we established that Jupiter went into Pisces ON May 13th so I was like?? Am I missing something?
I was. I forgot that it goes retrograde and then co.es back to Pisces on December 28th. And I do indeed think it to be significant.
The shit about temperance makes a lot of sense. In yoongis first soulmate read I flipped my shit bc he was like, "You're gonna get temperance reverse" in regards to a card for his soulmate and I was like "pft whatever. Don't play me like that"
And then I got temperance reverse. It's been a significant card from the jump.
I asked him if he had any advice for his soulmate and that's what "Don't wait for big things, you'll miss the small ones that lead you to bigger things" and "Look for facts before assuming" and "Don't try pushing it, forcing it won't make sense" and "A spade is a spade/ ace is an ace" and "Don't make ill informed guesses" all were
Now this part:
"Union has happened , yet to on the physical"
Gave me some hints thankfully because he straight up said no more hints.
This ties back into the whole Jupiter thing too. The seeds are/ have been planted and now they have to grow before they can be harvested.
Well Mr. Yoongi, I'm impatient and I don't want to wait. I want to see you in love pronto.
He showed me a little dream box/ trinket box looking thing and a super vague Keychain with no further explanation... so... there's that I guess.
I can't quite decide if "Don't make ill informed guesses" was a tongue-in-cheek pike at me or if it was genuine advice to his soulmate? He just loves to not explain things.
Now let's begin the monster read.
So. The first row of cards
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I asked the question, "what the fuck was May 13th and what was it's purpose in regards to your connection"
Important is what it was lol. I interpret this as them finding their footing and this being the starting point of the genuine foundation being layer. Like they've been manifesting eachother for a while but May 13th marked the start of them making the real life changes in their actual lives that will be the set up for them meeting.
The seven of coins is about thoughtful planning and creating security/ stable plan. The tower is essentially ripping away anything and everything that was built on unstable foundation and challenging/ testing your character (an extremely rude awakeing if you will). Judgement is releasing the past so you can rise above it and confronting yourself as you are (Also legit awakening) the queen of coins is financial security and self confidence in your abilities. Ten of coins is prosperity and abundance and most of all, stability. Eight of wands is explosion of potential and rapid movement. Temperance is awareness and balance between physical and spiritual. It's also that quiet peace where you find balance.
So. Seeing all those cards it really does seem like maybe his soulmate took on something new that could lead straight to union? Same for yoongi. I'd like to analyze and recent or new-ish habits or hobbies he's picked up?
Moving right along though. I asked what the 13th did for each of them in their personal life and personal journey. Kinda like what came as a result of that energy? Let's start with yoongles
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This was really intresting to me. I think he definitely gained some form of clarity about the situation with that sun card. The 5 of cups tells me that either he was kinda forced to confront some of his flaws in a way that he was trying to avoid or he had to consciously let go of something dear to him? Could be something he had to leave behind because it crumbled with the tower moment but he didn't see it coming or didn't know that it was time to part with it? With that queen of wands though fits beautifully with the sun! Its like he's found warmth after a long winter. Definitely found a spark of compassion and generosity from a place of happiness and love rather than anger, fear, obligation or pitty.
I asked for clarity cards/ anything else that may 13th signified bringing in and we got the 2 of cups and 10 of swords. I have two thoughts. Either he let go of a relationship that he was already in because he didn't feel as though they were particularly compatible anymore (Also ties into the above section) OR the 13th had made him very much consciously aware of his soulmates incoming status and he is now preparing and working on himself for when this person comes. The 10 of swords would be him releasing the past and the pain and any ill fitting behavior that don't vibe with him any longer. Yellow really seems to be working for him by the way.
Soulmate time
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Lol. All signs point to his soulmate genuinely starting a new venture. New creative pursuit that will bring them good money. 10 of pentacles is abundance, prosperity and stability. The ace of wands is a new creative spark and passion and it's the first big steps into something new. The 2 of wands is "the world is in the palm of your hands" vibes. Choices need to be made swiftly and with the ace of wands I think they will be. With the heirophant too, it will be a well informed decision because they've been manifesting this and has been searching for all the possible information.
As for clarity, we have the moon. Damn. Soulmates been doing that shadow work. Dredging up all their bullshit and getting rid of it while still taking the time to sit with it and release it so nothing is unresolved. Also probably extra creative due to all the emotional baggage being thrown out. (Definitely helping with the ace of wands vibes tbh)
Now for the bad boys in the middle
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The question I asked is what those individual changes (detailed in the last two sections) will bring for the bond and I just can with them. These fuckers. I am so invested in their love story bc it's so... them? And just so fucking ROMANTIC. UGH I CAN'T.
Back to the point. High priestess, 4 of wands and the lovers. The high priestess is deep knowing and insane intuition, the 4 of wands is the purest joy and marriage and the lovers is well, the lovers.a magical union.
For the row of bottom cards
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I asked if they had anything at all to add so I'm gonna explain each card individually bc I think they could be individual tid bits of shit.
Knight of coins is good news about finances/ money looking promising and organized work (also dependability!!). Death is all about transformation, the beginning of a new chapter and accepting in order to move foward. Ace of coins is spiritual and material abundance and also a reminder to keep grounded. Page of swords is confidence, important news coming and really good insight! Roots out secrets or hidden things like a truffle pig. The star is promising potential, healing and guidance from an enexpected place. The two of cups is a soul connection, love, intuition especially in regards to another person and a good bind. The emperor is self awareness, foresight, fearlessness to achieve a goal and confidence. Eight of coins rev is poor discipline and skating by on low effort.
Now to the sides!
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Yoongi is the left, soulmate is the right.
So, let's begin with yoongi. The first two cards are anything he wants to say to his soulmate. Wheel of fortune and three of swords reverse. I take this as "its all in divine time/ it's destiny" (wheel of fortune) and "trust your intuition. It's okay to get hurt, you just need to remember you can always pick yourself up" (3of swords rev.)
We have now cards that I asked what he was learning through this process/ in this time. Be positive and first step.
The last two cards are affirmations he wants to give his soulmate.
"When I introduce joy to a situation, I change the vibrational frequency of what's happening around me" and "directing my focus onto what's thriving creates more of what I want"
Now for soulmates cards (same structure)
Strength and eight of swords. "You're stronger than you think. Take every part of yourself and acknowledge it. You're a force to be reckoned with" (strength) and (soulmate snapped at him on this) "the only thing holding you captive is you."
Now we have peer pressure (I think soulmate is learning to say "fuck you" and "fuck off" to people who have a set idea of how everyone should be living their lives), emotional healing and open your arms to receiving.
Then we have "its good to feel good" (lol I feel like yoongi definitely needs this one) and "when I connect to the spiritual realm, I open the door to recieve divine guidance, clear direction, and great wisdom"
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The last stretch my friends.
So. Completion, leave behind the things that no longer serve you. Exist in the present and don't keep mulling over the past or any future happenings. Magic, pay attention to the magic around you. Listen for the signs of the universe and take them as they come (essentially listen to divine guidance) . Be open minded but logical as well. Luminous warrior, try focusing on the good in yourself instead of berating yourself for every small flaw. Spiritual path, self explanatory. The blade, your power can be a weapon when used willy nilly (most often wounding the wielder) or it can heal. Don't fear it but also consider how you choose to utilize it. The give away, be greaful for the sake of being greatful for it, not because you want something in return. The rain maker, manifestation station. Create with the tools you have because you have everything you need in order to manifest. "Don't take life personally"
Now we have heaven sent.
""Let yourself be helped" assistance is coming your way so act on it and say yes"
" This Oracle also comes with the message that you are to trust in the things that you feel and say to others without knowing why. It moves them. You might not understand, but through trust you are allowing yourself not to overthink and censor yourself. As such you are able to become a vessel through which the spiritual gift can be passed on to others. Don't block yourself. Let life happen through you. Only benefit can come from this."
And free from judgment, free to love
" If you have been asking life for a solution to a specific difficulty you have been having, this Oracle comes with the message that a solution is in gestation right now. This situation is already being sorted out and the resolution will come to fruition very soon. Hold tight and wait for the eminent birth of that resolution."
" This Oracle also brings you a message about love. You may find that you are loving, or soon will love, in a different way. You may worry about this love, given that it defies what you have known or been taught about love. Perhaps you are becoming able to love another tremendously, even though you don't have much of a personal relationship with them. You might question if this love is real. It is real Kama it is just happening at a different level to the love and attachment you experience when you are involved in a personal relationship with someone. It is not more or less, it is just a different facet of love. It may be that you are opening up to love the planet and her creatures, including the animals, the ocean dwelling life, your own body, the trees and so on, more than before period you may feel passionately purposeful about giving your time and energy to causes that protect and nurture the Earth and her creatures. You are affirmed in this love too. The universal mother is operating through you to nurture life. She will support you in your work, so that you can continue To come from love and not become drained, depleted or lost in despair or fear of futility. Instead, you will be energised and expanded by your dedicated service to life."
" Finally, this Oracle has a message for those who may be feeling alone or lonely in a need of greater nurturing from others. You are asked to stop, relax, centre and settle into your body to feel your connection with life itself. The air in your lungs is the same as the air that moves through the trees. The water in your blood is the same water that fills the oceans and is moved by the phases of the moon. The flesh of your body is the same substance as the body of the Earth itself. The heat in your digestive system is the same fire and heat as that from the Sun. Feel this connection, then do something nice for another without agenda. Make a donation, even if just a small one, smile, say a prayer, sent out a good thought or make a wish for another. That's it. You have connected to life again and in doing so, life can connect with you. And so it shall.
And that's all for the cards but but but.
Someone (either my guide or yoongi) was like, "do a song. Do a song. Do a song." And I was like, "oki doki, sounds good.
So I asked what numbers I should try refreshing and then it hit me. The number 14 came up before the reading and it seemed a bit misplaced? So I did 14 shuffles and look what popped up
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You gotta be fucking with me.
Istg these fools will actually be the death of me dude. Euphoria is so romantic and I lowkey feels like it describes a bit of what their bond must be like.
I came back to the platform to be like, "thanks homie" and it was weird bc he was practically pure energy? Like usually I visualize his energy as what his physical body looks like because it's easier to comprehend? But nope, he was just a big shimmery glob of energy.
As I was going to disconnect, a few things happened. I felt tingly and the platform was vibrating almost? So I was like, "hold on, what the fuck is this?"
And then
It hit me
I could tell this fuckin asshole was smug even in his blue glob form.
The color was... blue like yoongi but also a light lavender/ pink kinda vibe. Pretty damn distinct.
I was so stoked and I thought we'd all get to chat and I could yell at his soulmate for being an elusive asshat
But Mr smug butt had different plans.
My dude dropped a little marble thing in my hand and I was like ??? And he was like, "you'll know when you need it" and I was like ?????
My guide took pity on me and said, "it's just a representation on information that you've been given but it isn't the proper time to unpack it yet"
Cool cool so like and energetic zip file that will release itself whenever it damn well pleases? Cool cool cool.
Anyway, I genuinely think that my excitement of this whole situation must somehow also influence how yoongis energy handles my prodding? Like what the fuck is this marble bullshit?
To top it all off, he gives me a friendly shove off of his platform.
Thanks, buddy.
Now we are here. And as always, I'm left with more questions.
My main take away is that amay 13th through July 28th will be all the foundation and ground work and December 28th 2021 through May 10th (11th? 9th?) 2022 will be a more likely time for physical union and actual relationship stuffs.
Anyone who knows more about astrology please feel free to chime in on this whole Jupiter in Pisces bit! My understanding is super surface level!!
That was a big boi and now my thumbs hurt real bad. Hope you were entertained by the chaos.
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B2:S - Chapter 5
Much of this series will be about the differences and additions in the novel version, and how they contribute to my understanding of story canon. But there will be character appreciation, the odd theory and headcanon, and suchlike as well.
Here be lots of Viren deets, Best Boy Soren deets, some writing/continuity stuff, worldbuilding appreciation and half of a theory, Detective Rayla, Moon Temple geeking, Claudium and dark magic, and more!
Spoilers for Book Two: Sky below.
(I know for darn sure that I wrote up a post for chapter 4, but I can't find it anywhere so I guess Tumblr ate it and I'll have to redo it at some point, but today is not that day)
Viren, my evil dude, my bad guy, coming in clutch with the worldbuilding and backstory again! If you want to know decades of information, you gotta talk to Viren. Or read his scenes, at least. Here, he seems to not sleep much when he has a big problem to analyze his way through. Solutions trump pretty much everything else in this guy's life, and he's had a really hard week with a lot of new and complicated problems. Of course he's getting sleep-deprived trying to find his way through them all.
Harrow put so much trust in Viren when he made him High Mage! He just threw himself extra hard at that Lady Justice blindfold, didn't he? Didn't really want to see what Viren was doing in his magic study, so he left Viren to his devices. And Viren has a lot of devices.
Also, this is fascinating: Viren made the secret passage to his "less official study" in Katolis Castle! And he was inspired to do so by the way his own mentor kept the Puzzle House. What else could a Puzzle House be, except a place with secret passages? Yay! secret headcanon that "the Puzzle House" is just "Katolis Castle" from Kid Viren's perspective tho
So either Viren built all of those passageways, or at least the ones to his dungeon. Which means he has to have, or know where to get, a stash of those glowing blue Moonshadow crystals. Hmmm.
I can't wait to learn more about Kpp'Ar and young Viren, btw. From this description of Viren and all his literal secret ways, it feels like another parallel between Viren and Runaan, with the whole "secretive paths, members only, insider knowledge" type stuff. Only the really cool members of this cult club get to know the secrets, and guess what, kid, you're cool now but you can never tell anyone, okay? Our secret.
Yeahhh, that'll never backfire in any way for either of them.
Kpp'Ar calling puzzles and secrets "man-made magic," though. Yes sir, knowledge is indeed power.
This chapter mentions Runaan by name, from Viren's perspective. Generally that would imply that Viren knows his name, even though assassins do not share their names, and Runaan didn't seem to give his to Viren in the first book. However, there was a scene in book one where the last paragraph switched perspective from Viren to Runaan - a technique that's very common in visual media like movies and shows and gives you that "ohoho they left the room and didn't notice this, but you do!" vibe. Using Runaan's name there in book one, where Viren couldn't see it but readers could, helps them keep track of the assassin's story arc while maintaining Viren's racism.
So in book two, in which Runaan has no onscreen scenes (alas), using his name in a scene that calls back to the events in book one helps us remember what happened in that dungeon cell. It would be a bit muddier to recall the specifics if Viren kept thinking about Runaan as "Elf." So I'm cool with the perspective nudge because it serves a narrative purpose: clarity. But I'm also enjoying the angst of considering that, somehow, Viren learned Runaan's name either during or after the coining spell. Mwa ha ha haaa. (Obligatory "Keep my pretty name outta your mouth" goes here)
Okay, back to Viren's scheming! He took the mirror because it was human-sized in a dragon lair. He knew it didn't really fit there, and that made it interesting, so he stole it. But he realized it was really powerful when Runaan wouldn't tell him squat about it - the assassin's instinct to protect Xadian secrets from human hands meant that Viren was holding a very powerful Xadian secret. And that just made him want it all the more. Ah, Runaan, if only your relationship with lying was, like, the exact opposite of what it is. Nyx could've spun Viren a believable tale in 2 minutes flat.
Also of interest: Viren considers his cursed coins to be a final fate. He expects Runaan to remain in his coin forever. With the Chekhov's coins still extant in the storyline, we can assume that they'll come up again eventually, but Viren has no current plans to do anything with his elf money except carry it around.
It's worth noting that Viren admits that he got impatient when he trapped Runaan in the coin. Runaan's first fate in Katolis was supposed to be death at Soren's hands, but Claudia "saved" him from that. His next fate was to become spell components, but Viren's frustration with his stubbornness "saved" him from that fate, too. So now he's in a coin, where no one can chop him up at all. Yay? No, boo!
We get one last line about Runaan before Viren shifts gears: he makes a point of noting for us that Runaan's shackles are still locked shut. However much of Runaan made it into that coin - body, soul, hair care products - he was magicked there, pulled right out of his restraints.
The creepy black liquid that Viren pours right into his eyes is the last of a powerful potion he got from Kpp'Ar, and its recipe is ancient! Humans used it back in the age of Elarion to see through the illusions of the world. And we get a delightfully creepy bit of description about the preparation of this serum, which makes it abundantly clear that it's a Moon magic-based concoction, harvested from eyeless vipers on a moonless night, with the threat of irrevocable madness ("madness" by whose definition, though) if it's done wrong-
Hang on. Hold up. This is a Plato's Cave reference. OH MY GOD.
No no I'm fine, this is brilliant. Sorry, sorry, I couldn't figure why there was so much description for a potion prep that Viren didn't even have to perform himself. But now I get it. I see the light. HA. I should make a separate post for this, it's amazing.
Anyway, for reference, the humans who used this serum were called the Oracles of Ophidia, and Ophidia is a taxonomy group that includes all modern snakes. Can you say "creepy ancient snake rites"? I can! Woo!
Viren activates the serum with a spell, but apparently he's never done it before. He's not sure if it's supposed to be hot and bubbly, and he worries that it's been tainted by moonlight.
Oh, I do hope so.
The magic potion hurts, a lot. Viren will do just about anything, to himself or anyone, to do what he believes is necessary. He just risked madness and blindness to find out what this mirror does! Viren. Can you just. Take a nap or something. Have a Snickers.
This chapter gives us a fun clue that I don't remember from the show: when Viren's vision clears and he can see, his reflection has white pupils and the room reflected in the mirror has inverted colors. You know where else has inverted colors?
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You know who else got white pupils for a hot second?
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Okay, now it makes sense! Viren and Lujanne were both seeing into the realm beyond life and death. Him with his moon magic potion, and her with her moon powers on a full moon night at the Moon Nexus. Which is Very Interesting! Is it a direct hint about Aaravos's location, or just a separate cool detail? Orrr, does it look like a direct hint because Aaravos is actually trapped in the world beyond life and death, but it's actually separate and we'll see something about white pupils again later on?
Viren really does have self-esteem issues, we all picked up on it with his rant at his reflection. He throws a fit when he catches himself wondering if he's actually worthless. In the book version of his tantrum, he shoves the mirror and hurls a candelabra instead of flipping a table. He didn't need to shove the mirror to set the fire, but it's in here. Foreshadowing that perhaps, if push comes to shove, Viren will choose himself over Aaravos? Giving Aaravos time to peek through and see that the coast is clear?
Soren, my boyyyyy. He has a rough night at the Moon Nexus because two sides of him are fighting with each other. He struggles to understand Callum's friendship with Rayla, and he also fantasizes about chopping off Rayla's head. One of these is a pretty ordinary thing to do. The other is Soren's internalization of what he needs to do to gain his father's approval. If he brought his dad a chopped off elf head every week, he'd probably feel a lot more confident because Viren would praise him a lot more.
Okay, okay, omg, is it just me, or does the "Moonshadow Madness" story, as it's told in the book, seem like Soren just doesn't know what a monsterfucker is? He thinks an elf bite puts humans under a spell. But vampires are sexy, and some people want them to do more to them than just bite them. A passionate kiss under the moonlight could look very bitey, especially if one of the participants has horns and you're already culturally trained to hate them. No yeah, I'm already headcanoning an actual human-elf kiss that got misunderstood by an observer long ago.
it's Lujanne isn't it, we all know, because what is a love spell but a sweet soft illusion, I mean how else does she get supplies for her Caldera, I ask you, and also Corvus was totally sent to investigate once and he told Soren at camp what he saw
And then back to magefam angst: Soren pretending that his sister's nose-tapping is stupid, even though he actually thinks it's cool, just because their dad thinks it's stupid. Viren, istg. Let your kids like harmless things. It's so cute that Soren taps his nose back at her, though! Like they have their own sibling code. I hope we get to see the nose tap again, especially now that they've chosen different sides. It could mean so much, that they're not too far apart yet.
Rayla knows what buttery pancakes smell like. I love this. Do Moonshadow elves have butter and pancakes, does Rayla eat a stack of eight giant pancakes in the morning? Orrrr it is just illusion food? I don't care, let Rayla have pancakes! Everyone loves pancakes. Pancakes will save the world. this message brought to you by the fact that I can't eat pancakes rn, send help
I love that Rayla is both sus of the pancakes and hungry, and that combines into a very motivated "I will get to the bottom of this" attitude. She kind of goes into Poirot Mode when she inserts herself into Soren and Ellis's conversation about Ava, explaining about the wolf's illusion leg and segueing into her claim that the pancakes taste sus. Claudia confirms she used dark magic, and Rayla is furious. It's different than the show's version in that it puts Rayla in detective mode, as the only Moonshadow elf in the scene, and boy does she take that role seriously. Also, she doesn't actually swallow the dark magic pancake bite. It ends up on the ground just like Lujanne's grubs from that earlier meal. These poor kids are so nutrient-starved. You guys gotta eat!!
Rayla's determination and prejudices and the fact that she super knows Harrow is dead all dovetail to make her try repeatedly to persuade Callum that Soren and Claudia are Not To Be Trusted. It's nice that the book keeps taking the time to point out that Rayla is Well Intentioned But Flawed, just like Callum and pretty much every other character in the show. No one is Right All The Time, no one Knows More Than Everyone Else.
Callum loving the sound of Claudia's unique voice is so wholesome. When you like someone, it only makes sense that you like all the things about them that they can't change - like the sound of Claudia's voice. Her choices with dark magic, not so much!
Claudia seems to have the same concerns Soren does about Callum's relationship with Rayla, but she comes out and asks him. The inherent possession implied in "your elf" is interesting, though. Elves are not people to Claudia. They're enemies who can be disassembled for the magic inside them. So maybe more like robots than living beings, if she knew what a robot was. Maybe she heard Soren's "Moonshadow Madness" story and realized he totally missed the kissing implications - but she didn't, and now she's genuinely worried that Rayla could kiss Callum under a full moon and enchant him to do her will. Good thing it's only a half moon, then!
Okay, Callum nervously making a puppet hand and then not knowing what to do with his hands and freaking out about itching and moving and pointy elbows is such a ND mood. The sudden stress of knowing that someone else is noticing your existence and maybe you're Not Existing Right, amirite? Ugh, poor Callum.
The Moon Temple! Omg it's so pretty in the description! Made to be beautiful and useful, full of knowledge but also allowing light and life inside (butterflies and vines). Lujanne, when can I move in, please? Also, it's all the more angsty because Lujanne is the only one who gets to see this beautiful place, but it has lots of chairs and shelves and tables, and it was meant to be used by lots of people. :(((
Claudia knows some of the runes on the walls. She isn't in a hurry to copy the rest of them down or anything, either. Her spellwriting is very precise, and she's a skilled mage. Her father would have made sure she was aware of the dangers of drawing sloppy runes, as much as he made her aware of the dangers of doing dark magic wrong. And the whole point of dark magic is that it's easier to learn than primal magic. Claudia supports her dad and their shared knowledge and life path. She's not gonna go nuts over an elf library she can't translate.
Side note: Between Claudia knowing some Moon runes and Viren building a secret passageway and a dungeon and lighting it with the same blue crystals that Lujanne and Ethari use for light--and Claudia exclaiming that she loves ruins--I wonder once more if there are really Moonshadow ruins somewhere in Katolis, which Viren has found and looted. Father-daughter relic hunting trip, maybe while Soren is away at camp? Omgsh that would be so wild!
Callum out here having a Viren moment with his "I feel powerless unless I've got magic that lets me help" vibes. God. I love their complicated mirroring. One of the hard differences between them is that Callum is very sure dark magic is bad because you have to kill stuff and take its power to cast spells, and he doesn't want to be a person who kills and takes like that. The line he walks to be nice to Claudia on their tour of the Cursed Caldera because he likes her, while telling her that he doesn't want to do her magic, like, ever, is so fine that it might as well be a shifting shadow on the ground. It's a very fitting conversation to be having during the half moon, with its tricks and little white lies.
Callum being out of the castle and his comfort zone, having to deal with the fact that the Claudia he loves is not quite the Claudia who's chasing him down across the kingdom, but of the two of them, he's the only one with a problem with this.
They say that if you really want to get to know someone, you should spend time with them outside their comfort zone - in heavy traffic, with a small baby, taking care of a new pet, trying a new skill, following unfamiliar directions, etc. While the castle is familiar territory for them both, Callum's never really found his comfort zone yet, while Claudia is pretty comfortable with her growing skill set. The creepy part starts to kick in when Callum begins to realize that Claudia's comfort zone encompasses a whole bunch of stuff that seems like it should make her uncomfortable... but it doesn't. But that'll be for a future chapter!
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letsbeoutoftouch · 3 years
Back in December 2016, during a sleepover, my friends and I decided to watch EXO's Chanyeol's most recent movie, "So I Married an Anti-Fan". It effortlessly became one of my favourite movies, so much so that I rewatch it —at least— once a year.
Therefore, when it was first announced that South Korea was going to produce a drama based on the same story, I was thrilled. The feeling only increased when I found out that the male lead was Choi Tae-Joon, whom I loved because of Suspicious Partner. Later (to be more precise, this year), I discovered that the other lead was the one and only Sooyoung from SNSD!
The drama was filmed back in 2018, and it was supposed to air a loooot sooner, but it had a few problems and it finally came out this year. Since I don't like waiting for episodes to come out each week, I waited until it finished airing to watch it... And, today, I finished it!
So, here's my review, fresh out the oven!
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So I Married an Anti-Fan is a 2021 South Korean drama, featuring Choi Tae-Joon, Choi Sooyoung, Hwang Chansung and Han Ji-Ahn. It's based on the novel "그래서 나는 안티팬과 결혼했다" (So I Married an Anti-Fan), written by Kim Eun Jun and published in 2010.
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The story revolves around Hoo Joon (Tae-Joon), a well-known idol, and Geun Young (Sooyoung), a magazine reporter. They meet during an event, where a series of misunderstandings leads them to have a bad impression of each other.
For this reason, when Geun Young loses her job, she's under the impression that it was Hoo Joon's doing and is therefore keen on "reveal" Joon's real character. However, her retaliation backfires, and she attracts a lot of attention as his "anti-fan".
Later, a TV producer approaches them both to star in a reality show. Geun Young and Hoo Joon accept and think to give each other a hard time on set. But, as time goes by, they get to know each other better and better.
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It's made up of 16 episodes, running for an hour each (i.e., your typical k-drama).
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-Geun Young (FL): She's the best character, hands down (I swear I'm not being biased because I love Sooyoung).
For some reason, I've seen a lot of bad comments about this character. I don't truly understand why some people said that she didn't stand up for herself or that she was so-so, when she dealt really well with everything that had happened to her. I'd like to see all those people in her shoes—I bet they'd have cracked up quickly.
Also, she's like the least toxic character I've ever come across in a drama. She waits patiently for Joon to deal with his problems and doesn't jump to conclusions regarding his relationship with In Hyeong and Jae Joon. She lets him do his thing, is an independent woman, and tries to be as little of a burden as she can to the people she cares about. So, props to her!
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-Hoo Joon (ML): Although I overall liked his character, I admit that if I hadn't previously watched the movie, I'd probably be wary of him at the beginning. But, don't worry: as the story progresses, you get to know him better. He's patient and thinks of other people's feelings and well-being a lot (sometimes, a little too much for his own good, but he's a good boy).
I felt the need to include that there was this one scene where he acts... In a way that I didn't find appealing. Fortunately, he isn't like that all throughout the drama. Also, he isn't toxic like a lot of the male leads in drama-land. If you're wondering which scene I'm referring to, here's a spoiler: *SPOILER ALERT* When he and Geun Young start dating, they are requested to film an advertisement together. In the filming, he acts all "jealous" because the dress she was wearing was too short for his liking. I'm sorry, but she's the only one who has a say on how short a dress she's wearing is—not you, not even if you're her partner *END OF SPOILER ALERT*.
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-JJ/Jae Joon (SML): Jae Joon is the second male lead, and he was portrayed by 2PM's Chansung.
I'm sorry, but I never could come to terms with this character, not even during the last episodes. If the writers' intention was for me to hate him, they (and Chansung's acting) totally achieved that purpose.
He is incredibly selfish and keeps this attitude up to episode 13/14. Towards the ending, the story tries that the audience feels some sympathy towards him—it is shown why he acted the way he did. Nevertheless, in my opinion, while his past may explain his actions, it doesn't justify any of them. That's why I couldn't bring myself to feel sympathetic or empathetic towards him. *SPOILER ALERT* In fact, I think Hoo Joon was too nice to be there for him in the last two or three episodes. *END OF SPOILER ALERT*
He's also outright abusive. *SPOILER ALERT* I mean, he slapped In Hyeong and broke her laptop ¿?... Even though I didn't like her that much, nothing justifies that kind of violent behaviour. *END OF SPOILER ALERT*
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-In Hyeong (SFL): She's the second female lead, portrayed by actress Han Ji-Ahn.
Oh, man. I had a hard time trying to wrap my head around this character. I was just going to say that I couldn't stand her because she was always purposely putting a spanner in the works, making everyone's life difficult.
However, as I was drafting this review, I began reflecting on the character and felt sympathy for her. She was in a vulnerable place—leaving aside that she felt abandoned by her first love, she had trouble trying to make her career take off, and she was in a really abusive relationship. It could be argued that JJ and In Hyeon were both toxic to each other, but it was clear that he was the one with the upper hand (he was the CEO of her new agency, which brings a real disbalance of power).
Moreover, it was hinted several times that all she went through took a toll on her mental health (*SPOILER ALERT* she was always taking pills to calm down, and she freaking tried to kill herself!!!!!!! *END OF SPOILER ALERT*). I believe she needed professional help to put herself back together, so she could let go of her past and finally leave that abusive relationship.
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Since this drama mostly gravitates towards romantic relationships, I'm including this section.
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-Geun Young x Hoo Joon: They are your typical enemies to lovers.
In the beginning, their relationship was tainted by a lot of misunderstandings, which led them to hate each other's guts (but, where's the charm in a k-drama that isn't filled with misunderstandings, am I right?). Once they started to spend more time together, they began understanding each other better. In time, they were able to leave their pride aside and got rid of their prejudices (yes, the story gives Jane Austen-ish vibes, so much so that "Pride and Prejudice" is mentioned a few times).
Their chemistry was alright. I would have changed some parts of the script that made a lot of scenes to be super cringey—especially, before some of their kisses (like, what a way to ruin such an awaited moment!).
The thing I liked the most about them was that neither of them was toxic, and they knew how and when to give the other person space. They were sweet, but not unbearable sweet—just the exact amount.
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-In Hyeong x Jae Joon: I don't know if they can be considered a true couple, but I'm adding them here just to repeat that I HATED THEM TOGETHER.
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For me, the story tries to show the two sides of the same coin: things that may seem completely different, but are essentially the same. You can see it with Hoo Joon/Geun Young, their friends, and even with Hoo Joon/Jae Joon. Of course, this could be argued—it is just my personal impression.
Also, while the drama condemns some of the toxic fan behaviour, it sometimes romanticises it. *SPOILER ALERT* one fan freaking kidnapped him, and everything was suddenly alright ¿¿ Nuh-uh *END OF SPOILER ALERT*
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As I mentioned above, there's a prior Chinese movie from 2016 that was based on this novel. It features EXO's Chanyeol, Yuan Shan Shan, SNSD's Seohyun, and Jian Chao.
For obvious reasons, the story is shrunk down in the movie. There are a lot of things that weren't included in the movie, other things were overly simplified, and some stuff was missing and/or changed.
If you want to have a good laugh, then I recommend you to watch the movie. It's filled with non-sensical comedy that, in my opinion, China excels at. However, if you are more inclined towards drama, then the South Korean version is the one for you (you'll laugh, too, don't worry).
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This is, basically, a sweet enemies-to-lovers, famous-person-and-normal-person story. If you like any of those troupes, then you're in for a treat.
It's a really lighthearted story that will make you laugh. Don't expect a complicated plot because there won't be one. It's ideal to have a break from all those dramas where you can't miss a single detail because you'll get lost, or from those dramas which plots are so heavy they end up tiring your mind out.
I loved the cast, and their acting was great (especially Chansung's, because he made me hate his character with a passion, lmao).
ALSO, if you like Sung Hoon (My Secret Romance, Oh My Venus) like me, then WATCH THIS DRAMA, lol. He has a guest role in some episodes!
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So I Married an Anti-Fan is available on VIKI!
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If you read the whole review, thank you very much! I hope you liked it.
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cosmictulips · 2 years
Here's your reading, sorry I'm a bit behind. My schedule is fucking with me, as is this retrograde lol
Overall: what is coming – 
Specifically, I asked what was coming in the next three to four months (don’t ask why, I just think the timeframe is important somehow). 
And the rune stone of Wunjo came up. That tells me that you have luck on your side in the near future, there is a happy feeling and I see a picture of a green meadow maybe? There is the message of having to take a balanced approach towards life because if you work really hard you might achieve material wealth for example but if you never play, rest, relax, then you cannot enjoy the fruits of your labor and more importantly life as a whole. Easier said than done… 
Which is why I asked: What can you do to achieve this bliss and happiness? And I got The Empress. This tells me that you should step into your inner, earthy power. On my card (I’m using the Moonchild Tarot for this) there is a woman surrounded by nature, in a forest. I would interpret this as you needing to find your roots in order to truly bloom and blossom. I am somehow hearing “down memory lane” so perhaps you should try and figure out if there are some unresolved issues, some residue. Introspection will definitely help. The woman is meditating and unlocking her power – she is literally holding it in the palm of her hands – because she channels the wisdom she gained from the past and makes plans for the future. That is when she can be present and when she is able to enter that bliss. It could also mean that you have to go outside more and be in nature (you’re a Taurus, right? Earth gang lol, but yeah I notice that when I’m outside every day for at least a few minutes, that I’m doing so much better!). That would also fit with the meadow I mentioned above, maybe you will be in such a place and that is when you “unlock” your past and your power so to speak? 
Regarding you and the Air guy. 
I asked for a representation of your situation (I’m using the dark wood tarot for this, because she is honest always especially when it comes to romance matters)
And first I got The Lovers, Strenght, Ten of Pentacles Reversed and Judgement. 
I interpret this as, when you two met it was like two magnets pulling towards each other. You were immediately attracted and there was perhaps some flirting, or even sex, but overall there was this spark that came in super quickly. 
After this initial state (and I think, this might be where you currently are or about to be in), you are questioning the whole thing. You play around with applying pressure and releasing it. You might through this interaction recognize your own power and stoke your inner fire and transform your reality (I think this also ties in with the Empress energy I talked about earlier, perhaps this whole relationship is a catalyst?)
The ten of pentacles in reverse is a giant tree that opens up into the new and unknown, what stands out is the hole that is dark, and you cannot see what lies inside or behind perhaps. The coins usually hang in the tree like apples you can pick, now it looks as if the coins were tossed on the floor, as sort of a tribute. What price are you willing to pay for this relationship? Will you enter the hole and discover what is there or will you think that it is too expensive? I think the advice here is that you should take things at face value – whatever that means exactly in your situation but like he behaves in a certain way talks in another etc. you have the signs all there once you have gained your strength you are asked to make a definite decision. 
Judgment. You have passed the point of no return, whatever your decision, it will be transformative (again, I’m getting the feeling that regardless of how this works out or doesn’t work out that this is indeed a catalyst for you). There is no going back to the life you used to live (again, a trip down memory lane in order to gather wisdom and knowledge – I also think if you allow it to be then your intuition about people is absolutely on point, I just get the vibe that you might not trust yourself so much anymore. Why? Are you tired? I get the feeling that I want to tuck you in and stroke your hair and turn off the light for some reason. I hope you feel hugged by me right now!!!! I’m sending you so much love) Anyway, once you made this choice it is like a wake-up call. You will feel completely different, and you’ll walk the earth differently! There is joy unfolding for you because you have brought it yourself. 
I asked for some clarification and first off, I saw an otter and he was jumping in and out of the water there is also some type of fish in this river but it keeps escaping and escaping. The otter wants to catch it but once it is in the water it is unable to and cannot manage to even grab it by the tail. I don’t know if this means anything to you??? I thought I’d include it still :)
So, I got the nine of cups, five of pentacles and three of cups in reverse.
There is some reward coming towards you, I see this as mostly inside yourself, you will figure something out that will be very important to you which will let you take life head on. But I must ask, what are you ready to sacrifice for your heart’s desire? I think it is really important for you to walk out of this stage in your life and transform into something else. 
For the five of pentacles, I feel like some old wounds rise to the surface and that there might be some betrayal. I think whatever comes up will make or break your relationship. It is the same tree I see in the ten of pentacles but this one has the hole or entryway blocked. The figures are out in the snow and it is cold, they seek refuge but cannot find it, so they keep on walking together until they don’t. 
Three of cups in reversed tells me that you are not clicking with this person anymore because something happened (5 of pentacles). There is also a warning that you should not isolate yourself. Why are you excluding yourself from things? What is there that can be dealt with better alone than it can with people who truly love you? 
I don’t know if this brings some clarity to you, I hope it does! Let me know if this was good or if I completely missed the point lol. Lots of hugs to youuuu!
Okay really quick let me tag leo! where are you xD I can't tag you and @d4rkpluto an work backwards because the tarot question I asked about yesterday is literally the same thing here LOL.
so like, the attraction was immediate. as it usually goes with people I'm... well, kind of interested in. we've been friends literally since elementary but just started reconnecting maybe a year ago at this point.
so that's part of the reason why there's been some slow moving energy to even forming a relationship romantically. and the thing is, he refuses to see me romantically... because I am not hispanic. I'm white. and he says that hispanic women are his type.
this isn't the first time I've an issue like this LOL. and just getting right out of the way every guy I've ever dated, I've never been their type. it's always been like "there's something about you that pulls me in" and it's never been because I'm their type.
and... honestly, that to me is probably the biggest reason why I think I'm starting to back away from the romantic air. am I still curious to ever think that he could date me? yes. he's dated ... white women in the past. his first love was a white woman.
and I personally think that he's restricting himself because of how badly she hurt him. he even admitted to me that no one has ever loved him the way she had before. and he fears it'll never happen again.
I'm not being racist. I also want to say that. this is literally what has come out of his mouth and I'm the type that is saying stuff word for word because I've had issues in the past where I try to say something in a better tone, and it gets thrown back at me. so that is my disclaimer. this is what he says, it in no way shows how I view race. because I know someone is going to take this the wrong way.
so anyway.
I also think that I still need to heal from the previous mishaps. I'm not entirely sure how to go about doing that because aside from romantic love, everything else seems to be going okay and is steadily improving. so I suppose only time can fix this as well.
but yea, all of you were right on the nose about that. He's being very closed off with love right now because he feels like he needs to work on himself because the last relationship went nowhere.
and I feel like he's personally just closed me off to just being his best friend because I'm not his type. or to put it very bluntly. I'm not an air sign and I'm white.
even though I have an air venus and we're literal mirrors of each other. but whatever. lets not talk about how easy our relationship is outside of this. like it's so easy for us to just vibe. he's said it. he loves that about me. but would NEVER consider dating me on multiple reasons.
so now going to the first question lolol. I just wanted to get all that out of the way instead of making two posts.
it's funny you mention nature because I live in close proximity to the beach AND the mountains lol. and I'm going up north in July for a concert uwu and I'm so excited. Im also trying to swing a wedding but money matters is very... monie lol. I needs it.
but yea, I'm also trying to grow a veggie garden =D and I have a little... badger thingy who lives in the yard now and I've named him brutus. -after my sisters cat.- and he eats the tomatoes I give him =D and I love him.
but yo, I do need to find a good balance. I do need to ... release a lot of things I've been healing and I feel like more now than ever because I'm getting third chances at things and new chances.
and I'm so afraid of making the same mistakes again.
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bi-kisses · 3 years
Okay, I was just browsing through your blog and, of course, read your opinions about gender and sexuality. I kinda flip-flop with identities because I'm still finding out who I am as a person. Like how I identify as either NB(AFAB) or androgynous because I think of them somewhat interchangeable and don't really feel like I fall in either side of the gender coin or feel like I have a mixture of both gender. I know I'm biologically female and still use she pronouns along with they pronouns. I'm pretty much "I don't really care 🤷‍♀️" when if comes to my gender. I'm me. I try not to get too hung up on my identity or think too much about it. When it comes to my sexuality, I still believe I'm bi. I'm in a heterosexual relationship right now but I would date a woman but wouldn't be in a sexual relationship with said woman. I tried looking up is it strange to be asexually attracted to a gender as a bi person, but never got anything from it. But I'm a mixed bag of what the fuck in both the gender and sexuality departments. I'm just kinda cruising through life and just wanna keep my labels simple. All these acronyms and abbreviations for so many genders and sexualities confuse me greatly. Sorry for spewing out all this shit in your ask box. Not sure if I said it for validation or something else. I dunno lol.
you seem nice (and I think I know who you are based on my notes but I won't tag) and I don't want to be hurtful or invalidating but I would encourage some introspection about your identity and sexuality. I've posted a lot about both the things you said you feel, but I don't really feel like just linking ten posts to you so I will restate them for more clarity and feel free to message me!
1. Not caring when it comes to gender is a symptom of being cis. Your brain is not at odds with your body, being perceived as female doesn't bother you. I don't want to make too many assumptions here, but it does seem like you like looking androgynous rather than wanting to be physically non female, which sounds to me like you've adopted your gender identity based on not fitting in gender roles.
I don't know your situation though, if you do have physical dysphoria then that's a whole other kettle of fish.
Recommendation: research body dysmorphia. Ask yourself if living as an androgynous woman would be satisfying. Try and put your definition of your non binary gender into words without discussing gender roles.
2. I've talked at length (admittedly with hostility) about the Split Attraction Model, aka the SAM. I disagree heavily with it and posit that sexual and romantic attraction are two sides of the same coin; romance is a social construct that details courting rituals. Sexuality is a biologically predetermined trait that influences who you see as a potential mate. This is observable neurologically in homosexual men and women.
So here's what I ask you: do you feel as though having a sexual relationship with a woman would be distressing? Or, rather, do you not know what it would entail and prefer something known (heterosexuality)? Do you see women as physically appealing? Were your first introductions to the idea of homo/bisexuality negative or layered with stereotypes?
I hope this made sense and can help somewhat, again, if you'd like to discuss further my DMs are open.
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
The Complex Destiel Mirrors from Bloodlines
Hello my friends! Here I am with another meta from this series, this time I will focus in Dabb's episode Bloodlines, who attempted to be a failed spin-off but ended up like just another episode from Supernatural, in which I recognized a complexity of mirrors and switching mirrors, as I called it.
I hope you enjoy the following meta, I had a lot of fun discovering each mirror and dialogue.
Ennis was the switching mirror of Sam and Dean
If you recall this character, was the one who at the beginning of the episode lost her girlfriend, killed by a monster.
He was about to get married with her, so it recalls me to Sam Winchester and Jesse.
Invaded by a strong revenge desire, Ennis had his first encounter with the Winchesters, and Sam had this exchange of words with him...
ENNIS [has apparently told most of the story]
And when I got to her... She...She --
SAM: There is nothing you could've done.
ENNIS: That supposed to make me feel better? Look, this thing wasn't human. So what are you gonna do about it?
This was so meaningful, because is Sam who's saying this words as if it was a contention and a hand on his own shoulder, for what just happened with this girl, dragging him back to the remembrance of Jesse.
It was certainty like talking with himself, and he will do it again in one more scene.
But before that, look at this...
[ENNIS enters a run down house, looks in closet, opens a trunk labeled N. ROSS. There is a photo of his dad in cop dress uniform inside. along with revolver and, hidden in box, silver bullets with something carved in them.]
Ennis was son of a Righteous Man, guided but his own disgrace, the boy will follow his father's steps. He will become his father. Just like Sam, he reacted very similar to him when Jesse died.
And now... The second scene in which I pointed Sam will talk with himself again...
ENNIS: Or what? Huh? You gonna hurt me? Kill the girl I love? Ruin my damn life?! Yeah, you're too late.
SAM: Ennis, listen. I get it. Believe me, I've been there. But what we do? It's messed up. So do yourself a favor and stay out. You can get hurt, too.
Sam wants a better life for this young kid, he knows hunting has not return.
Okay, now that we talked about Ennis like a Sam mirror, let's see when he switches to Dean mirror...
SAM: Wait, so this girl, she a shifter, too?
DAVID: Werewolf.
DEAN and ENNIS, together: Awesome. Awesome.
Dean is celebrating a couple of two different species, like shapeshifters and werewolves, or angels and humans *winks at the audience*.
Here, is so blatant. Ennis is now Dean, and why? As a tool for the narrative because they need them fighting like an old married couple with David (Cas mirror). Two characters that started as enemies, will end by working together.
Even Dean said this quote here...
ENNIS: No! Oh, hell no! Dude, he's a freakin' transformer.
DEAN: And sometimes you got to work with the bad guys to get to the worse guys.
(like him with Crowley, to get Abaddon or Cain killed)
DAVID: Dude, I'm right here.
DEAN: Yeah, I see you.
This bickery, in which Dean is involved, is developed to show us just that, mocking and bickery. Because is mostly Destiel Dynamics when they're mad at each other, or how they were at the beginning. And then, to make it more suggestive, Dean ends with this scene...
DAVID: I lost someone, too, okay?! But I'm trying here.
ENNIS: I'm sorry about your brother. He spoke about you at the end. He said, "David, I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice."
DEAN: All right, you guys can kiss and make up later. We got work to do. Come on.
That's the strawberry over the cake my friends... Yes... Two different species with some tension? Cas and Dean mirrors? And Dean asking him to kiss??? That's what we had been asking since Cas entered to that barn!
David, Castiel mirror and angels representations
David's house was representing Castiel and Heaven. His sister was the whole angels and heaven at once. She was mirroring duty, obedience to his father lines.
She was scolding David for being weak and for not taking responsibility as leader of the family.
But also she was talking about this...
DAVID: I'm not saying don't fight. I'm saying be smart. Find out what happened. And if Julian did this --
MARGO: Yeah, you'll what? David, come on. You don't want this. You ran away to be a human. You always had a soft spot for 'em. Look, you're out. Stay out.
David is a blatant Castiel mirror for his love for humanity and his love for Violet, another different species.
At the end of the episode he will come back to his family as a leader...
Margo, his sister again representing the Garrison as a foreshadow of Cas in the following episodes in which he will take risponsability of the angel to avoid a war.
Violet and Julian, two sides of Dean Winchester
It caught my attention that Julian, the head of the werewolves, was dressed just like Demon!Dean and it was like listening Toxic!Dean talking.
Then I saw Violet, and she was sweet and innocent and she believed in love. So I had this idea in my head, both of them were two different sides of the same coin: Dean Winchester.
We even had this scene:
VIOLET: Wait, Julian, stop --
JULIAN [handling her roughly] What do you think you're doing?! You're the bitch in this pack, princess. Your job is to be pretty and silent. So war, no war -- you don't get a vote.
In which toxic!Dean yells at Healing!Dean making him to shut up. Toxic Masculinity my friends...
And switching mirror again:
The classic Destiel mirror with the whole lines of the script from episode 6x20 was this scene...
(Gif credit @hefellfordean 👇)
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Is a classic, blatant Destiel mirror that recalls us the first Destiel break up in s6. But hey... Wasn't David Cas and Violet Dean? Yes. But they switched. Just like this scene...
DAVID: Don't hurt her!
IRV: Why?! Hmm?! 'Cause she's your girlfriend? Hmm? Yeah, I heard you talking. Real sweet. Hell, it was almost human. Almost.
[IRV cuts DAVID with claw while VIOLET transforms into her wolf.]
First here... David is still Cas, and this reminded me to the torture he suffered in 9x09, but also it looks like the future torture he will suffer in 11x01, always Angels reproving his relationship with humans, but mostly, his feelings for Dean Winchester like something unholy.
Aaaand he switches to Dean now...
IRV: Here's the thing -- you can look human and act human... But deep down? You're just a monster.
This is talking about Dean, the monster, the Demon in which he will become. So is a foreshadow for that, and is too, how Dean feels inside of him.
To Conclude:
Episode 9x20 was constructed as a complex reflection of Dean, Sam and Cas.
Dabb swims through Sam's traumatic past, their daddy issues, and the forbidden romantic relationship between Cas and Dean.
He plays too with quotes and situations that reminds us to the first Destiel break up and the foreshadow of Demon!Dean.
I hope you like this, see you in the next Chronicles.
Tagging @metafest
@magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks
@weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro
@whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan
@lykanyouko @evvvissticante
@savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha @imjustkipping
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
If you want to read the previous metas From this season, here you have the links...
Buenos Aires, January 29th 2020 5:17 PM
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@navi-chan said,
(♡1♡) Hello ˃ᴗ˂ I wanna know who I match up with in A3 O(≧▽≦)O I'm a Virgo and IFJT girl living her life at the moment. I know and think things that are apparently weird (idk why) that makes my friends question on what I do when I'm alone (✿◠‿◠). I'm exactly 5 ft for now (still growing), wavy shoulder-length black hair and I have a fair skin tone cuz I don't like the sun too much XD. I love and enjoy to draw and read stories and articles that captivates my interest.
(♡2♡) I like to travel cuz I want to know the place and it's culture especially its art. I also like to sleep cuz whenever I'm alone and have nothing to do I would feel lonely that is why I tend to sleep the loneliness away. And, I love-hate cuddles (don't attack me pls ( ˃̵⌓˂̵)). LOVE cuz I would feel sense of comfort with the person. HATE cuz I feel like the person might disappear or will leave me behind and I would feel lonely again. Well, that's all (❁´▽`❁)
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✧ Tumblr is not letting me tag you. 😔 I hope you’ll see this. Honestly, I really wanted to match you with Azuma but ‘I’m still growing part’ made me feel like you’re a minor so I couldn’t. I can be wrong though lol. Sorry for taking so long and thank you for requesting a matchup, love. 💞✨
I’d match you with: . . .
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➜ HOW YOU TWO FIRST MET ; It was a hot summer day and for some reason you’ve made it into your personal mission to do random acts of kindness for the people who were a total stranger to you. So far, you’ve helped old people cross the street, helped someone load their groceries and left a copy of that days’s newspaper on your neighbor’s doorstep. You had to admit, it was a productive day and it wasn’t even midday yet! With your accomplishments for the day, you decided to treat yourself something cold, like ice cream or soda. Just the thought itself made you smile. With a nod of your head, you began walking towards the area that had the shops in it. While walking, you caught a glimpse of a boy in front of vending machine, sulking. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt with black and white patterns on it and a black shalwar like leggings. Ah, you knew what the problem was. The vending machines in this area were famous for eating the coins of people. You were a victim of them yourself many, many times. But with some brain power, you managed to come up with a single move that can get the snack or drink you’ve wanted. You were already on a kindness roll so you might as well help another person out. With a smile on your face, you cleared your throat and shot the boy a knowing look. “Allow me.” You have said before hitting a specific spot with your hip and bam! one of the sodas has dropped. Sticking your arm in, you grabbed the cold beverage and tossed it to the boy, who was looking at you with shining eyes. “Eh!? That was so cool! Teach me how to do it!” A giggle escaped from your lips at how enthusiastic he was being. You could basically see a tail behind him, wagging with anticipation. With a small shake of your head, you flashed a knowing grin as you took a coin out of your pocket and popped it into the machine, pressing the numbers of the drink you’ve wanted. You were planning on buying something cold anyway and this was more convenient for you too. And just as you thought, even though the vending machine took your money, it didn’t give you the drink. You hit the machine one more time and grabbed your drink after it fell down. You popped open the can and took a sip, turning your attention to the red head afterwards, you began to explain how hitting that exact spot was important and if he messed it up even just a little, the money would go to waste. With every word left your mouth, he nodded with serious eyes. After you were done, you took another coin and basically sacrificed it. “Alrighty, it’s now your turn. Give it your best shot!” You said before stepping aside and giving the boy a thumbs up. “Yes, ma’am.” He said before hitting the machine and successfully making the can of soda fall. His bright blue eyes lit up as he throw his fist up. “Hey, I did it! I really did it!” “Haha, congratulations. Make sure to use that power for good.” “You can count on me!” After that exchange you two grabbed your cans of sodas and sat on a nearby bench. He told you that his name was Taichi Nanao, he was a student at Ouka High School and an actor at Mankai Company. After that, you introduced yourself and you two just chatted about whatever came to mind until it was around three pm. Taichi was first to leave since he had practice with Autumn Troupe around an hour later but he didn’t leave without getting your phone number, which you happily gave without much thought.
➜ PERSONALITY COMPATIBILITY ; Taichi is like a puppy, often noisy and upbeat so there is never a dull moment when you two are together. Don’t ever worry about him leaving you behind because he is so whipped for you. In fact, I feel like you both might fear that whole ‘my significant other is to good for me what if they leave me all of a sudden?’ more than necessary. Yes, I said both of you because let’s not forget that under that positive attitude of his, Taichi actually has very low self esteem. What I’m trying to say is words of affirmation and physical touch is your canon love languages, although the later happened less in your earlier stage of relationship. IFJT people are often perfectionists with extremely high standards of performance for themselves so whenever you’re too harsh on yourself having a chill & silly boyfriend would calm you down or whenever he needs to get serious about something (ex. schoolwork because let’s face it, he’s the type of person who does his homework at the very last moment be it on the breakfast table or while the teacher is collecting them) you’re there making sure he’s not destroying his future academically. Those are just basic examples but in short, you two just balance each other out very nicely. Please just marry each other. 🥺
➜ SHARED ACTIVITIES ; Since apparently you do things that are considered weird, now you have a partner by your side to do those things. I feel like the both of you would totally be up to having intense conversations with pets, rating total strangers out of ten or texting each other weird things even though you're in the same room. If not, I can see you two going to a convenience store, buying the magazines that catches your eyes, sitting back to back or with him laying down on his back and you on top of him, making a + form and reading articles until one of you gets bored. If you’ve seen Taichi’s doodle he made in the notebook, you’d know that the boy is at the very least decent at drawing, so even though he might get bored quickly, he would do his best to draw with you. Since you don’t like the sun very much, if he wants to go outside with you he’d wait until late afternoon-evening. When it comes to outdoor dates the first thing came to my mind was amusement park date. Can you imagine how fun it would be to go on the rides with him??? I headcanon that Taichi loves rollercoasters so you bet he’s gonna beg your to go with him. If you freak out, he lets out a laugh and you feel his arm wrap around your waist, pulling you back against him, his other hand is stretched up to the sky.
➜ ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY ; Taichi’s birthday is on October 11 which makes him a Libra. Considering that Libra and Virgo are zodiac neighbours, it goes without saying that the two will be compatible. While Libra is an air sign, and Virgo is an earth sign, the two are as disconnected as they are connected. Virgo is duty-bound and nurturing. While Libra is also a sign that will do what needs to be done, their priority will be more on the reality than the idealistic acts. When Virgo and Libra join together in a love match, it can be like puting two puzzle pieces together. Each locks into the other and sits comfortably in place. Both Signs seek security in partnership, and they share a love of beauty and culture. They can work together efficiently and smoothly because they desire similar rewards. The Virgo-Libra relationship may trickle along in the beginning, but it will rev up once both partners grow to respect one another. Just like any other pairing, this pairing has its own set of pros and cons. Both these personality types have a tendency to be very similar to each other. As such, the suggestion would always be to give this relationship a shot. However, another advice would be to keep your eyes open. While loyalty is the way for both these signs, triggers for a change of duty may be something as simple as their partner not putting the toilet seat down. All the best!
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soldierallen · 6 years
Married 9
Summary: you're in love with Sebastian and you're one of his three best friends however he finds a women he loves and marries her.
Disclaimer: I have a Thanksgiving chapter that will be out a week after Thanksgiving YIKES I didn't time this right am sorry! Anyways heres the next chapter.
Warnings: none, probably some cursing, and arguing but that's usually what happens in this story, mentions of sex.
Part 8:
Three days, no phone call or text since the wedding from him Henry's been very supportive of the whole thing he said I look better and to be honest I feel better.. I wonder how sebastian's doing I think I should give him a call
"Stop I know what your thinking about" Henry said looking out the window eating food at my office this time, "what am I thinking about" she stabbed her food with a fork not really interested in eating lately, she did that often nothing filled the void nor food or sex nothing.
"You want to call him" he looked at his food and back at her and she stared at him from across the table "Henry" "no y/n! It's not your job!" He explained
"But if I want to pursue a relationship it should be-"
"Two sided?, well explain to me since the past three days has he called?" He threw a napkin onto the table waiting for her answer "no.."
"Texted?, a dm on Instagram? Maybe even a Facebook message?" She stayed silent "he never calls" he got up putting his hand on her shoulder "give up" he finally let the words out of his mouth, wanting to stay them for so long.
Give Up, give up the fight for a love that doesn't exist for a love that can't truly be fixed because it's one sided. She stood up "I know.." she had to stop feeling sorry for herself it's been years I think it's time to really give up for real this time, Henry was right and she knew he was it was just hard to actually stop everything and end it, a 14 year relationship down the drain..all because of a stupid wedding!
"I have to go, please don't call him"
She nodded her head knowing it was wrong knowing it needed to end once and for all.. he kissed her forehead "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" "Okay, uh text me when you get home so I know you're okay" he smiled with a small nod and went on his way, she saw Robert her boss about to knock on her door when she went to it opening it "Mr Downey how are you" she smiled, he gave her a nice smile back "hey were having a going away party for Martin, do you want to come? It's gonna be at my place" "I don't know I'm not feeling to well-" "y/n, please come" she felt bad to say no she just didn't feel like going she never felt like doing anything anymore.
She made an excuse, not really interested in going to a party she wasn't in the mood taking a nice wall home when she stumbled upon a bar... going in for a few drinks and a date possibly
She unlocked her door with the spare key that everybody used checking her mail taking the few pieces that she had in there, carrying them up the stairs she opened, reading some and finally getting to her door someone was laying by her apartment door she looked carefully
"sebastian?" He was asleep? Was he here all night?.. he slightly opened his eyes she unlocked her door "unfuckingbeilevable" she twisted the door knob letting herself in, he always has to fuck it up? I had one good night with some guy and he had to be at my house that morning?
"Y/n what time is it?" He said with a yawn stretching his body coming into her house "it's 6am on a Wednesday, what the hell are you doing here?" she slammed her door shut she had nothing to say to him, she started stripping off her clothes "I know your mad-"
"Mad? Oh mad is an understatement!, I'm fucking furious" her blouse on the floor, her heels off she was left in a bra and a skirt she went into her bedroom sebastian watched from her door
"I know I'm sorry for everything for messing up your life for everything it's my fault and I know I didn't know you wanted me" he lied, he tried so hard to not lie to her but it just slipped out
"Just because you had a bad childhood doesn't mean you could act like a prick whenever you want, you hurt people seb and for some odd reason you always choose me" She took off her skirt changing into sweatpants and a t shirt, she wasn't done with the argument that she felt erupting in her stomach
"I spent my whole life waiting for you, maybe one day he'll break up with Maggie and see I'm the one who truly cares for him, maybe one day he'll break up Ally and want me maybe one day he'll leave his cheating fiancé for me, Robbie amell had to stop the wedding and not the man who claimed he wanted me"
she left her bedroom facing him for the first time in a few minutes he was in her living room sitting on the couch his hands folded together his head down, once she walked into the room his head shot up
"If he didn't make his big fucking entrance I was doing it, I was going go take you by the hand and fucking leave y/n do you know how much it killed me?" He said pointing to himself "to see you leave with Henry that night when I knew I was suppose to leave with you that night I've never been so jealous of Henry in my whole life that he got to take you home"
"You should be jealous of Henry he's been there for me, and you aren't you never are and you know what -" he cut me off
"I love you I love you so fucking much that i spent years watching shit boyfriends break your heart and the next day I wanted to beat the shit out of them for breaking your heart, making you feel unimportant you've always meant the most to me don't you even think for a minute I stopped caring I never did and I never will you're a part of me y/n." His voice was loud at first and than became so soft, she loved him, however she couldn't take hurting anymore and take Henry's words 'Give up'
She folded her arms over each other on her chest looking across at him he was farther away he kept walking one step closer trying to reach her
"I love you, how many times am I going to say it I've never loved any other women the way I love you the connection is so core deep I feel it I feel the electricity running through my veins just hearing you speak, give me one more shot we need this one time" he grabbed her hand putting it on his heart "I want you"
"i think i should let us go for real this time, take these pictures down throw away the vase give you back your shit and take you out of my life, all you've ever done to me was make me feel I was never good enough like I never had a place in your life, yeah I never felt left out of your life but there was never a place for me in the beginning"
"I'm not leaving until we fix this I don't want to fight with you I want to resolve this" he said he was calmer than before, she let out a shaky breath not even knowing what to say what's gonna fix this? Absolutely nothing.
There was a knock on the door, she looked at sebastian and he nodded at her to open the door
"You never called me last night when I texted you I got worried" Henry said, his deamour turned as soon as he saw sebastian, he got a protective look on his face and a stare that meant what is he doing here, kinda like a "did you call?" And she nodded no
"I'll tell you everything later." She tried to calm down however she was getting more nervous having both men in the same room with each other when Henry was angry at sebastian for ghosting her
"No he needs to go" Henry walked Into the house "I came to apolgize what are you two fucking behind my back" sebastian said it startled the both of them
"guys please don't do this" she tried to be calm and then that's when the two started bickering she tried to make them both stop and they wouldn't what would throw them off?
"IM PREGNANT" both men stopped and looked at her with wide eyes "I'm not pregnant but you both need to fucking stop arguing I'm tired of arguing" she said
"We're gonna act like adults and settle this" she went into her kitchen and pulled out a quarter in her cookie jar, she never put cookies in it only change and buttons? Why did she have so many buttons.
"Alright heads or tails" she said
"Tails" sebastian said
"Yeah because you're a rat" Henry said
"Henry" she said in a voice that only a mother would use
"Okay" he backed off, she flipped the coin and it landed on heads
"Henry make your argument no interruptions." She sat down on her couch right next to sebastian ready to listen to Henry's argument.
"You've used us, played us, and haven't supported any of us in the things were doing." Henry said, he nodded
"You know y/n's getting really close to being chief executive?, you know Anthony's daugther is the best player on her team? did you know that Chris and jennie are planning to have kids soon? Not after the wedding but right now as we speak" Henry was trying to calm his self to actually say everything he's wanted to say since months
"You're not in our lives anymore and you expect everyone to forgive you because we "know" you? I can't do it anymore, sebastian I'm a 25 year old man that can't handle bullshit excuses anymore" he air quoted "know" because well we don't know him anymore, the person we knew left? He isn't himself he knows and hes trying to fix it sebastian let a breath to say something when Henry stopped him with a hand "I waited for months, for an apology from you for the shit you put me through the invitations and the writing speeches and and just everything.. I got a phone call that night from you asking if you should apologize to y/n" she knew, she knew everything Henry was going to say he was right.
"Didn't you know in your right God damn mind that she was the FIRST person you should've called to apolgize to, and you didn't you asked ME didn't apolgize to me but asked me if you should apologize?" Henry was getting angry "Henry" she put a warm comforting hand on his bicep
"I have so much to say and I'm just so in my head" he sat down on the couch opposite of them and y/n went over to him she put her head on his shoulder "it's okay" she rubbed his arm "say it with love in your voice and not anger, you love him I do to" she said in a low voice
"I know what I did I don't expect anyone to forgive me I'm trying" Sebastian tried to sympathize looking at the both of them "make your argument" y/n said, Henry was getting super stressed out laying back and looking towards sebastian "don't lie or make any shit excuses I'll know" Henry said he took his hand and rubbed his forehead ready to hear sebastian.
"You're an asshole did I lie there?" Sebastian said Henry threw a pillow at him forcefully "start talking dickhead" sebastian's reflexes moving fast enough for him not to get hit and he smiled, he sild the silver ring off his right hand holding it in their eye view "if you never gave me this ring I don't think I would of ever realized how much you all mean to me, Henry specifically without you I wouldn't of gotten through this year without all of you including Chris and Anthony who aren't here on a Wednesday at 7am in y/n's apartment" he shallowed thickly watching the two people he cared about stare at him in depth having all ears & eyes on him.
"Henry I'm sorry I am, i promise to be in everyone's lives again and fix all of our relationships it may take months maybe even years but I'll try my best, i'll really try for all four of you" he sild the ring back on his finger "I want you both to forgive it will take time I know I just need reassurance that you both will forgive me one day" here it was sebastian. Finally got to core of all of our problems
I don't think anyone ever understands what it takes to apolgize to someone you love, time out of your day to apolgize to the people who love you & support you all the time it takes courage because you know you were the wrong one the one who started it the one who made these situations he knows and hes genuinely sorry I don't think the two could ask for more from him
"We'll think about it" Henry said as a joke still holding onto y/n's thigh, sebastian wasn't too fond of that he shallowed thickly joining in conversation with the two but he just couldn't keep his eyes off Henry's movements with her she was this person Henry had to touch and protect it felt so different for him because Henry was never this close with y/n before, it was a lot of flirting & playing around Henry always had girlfriends and this is the longest Henry's been single for a while....is he falling for her two? His brain starting a wildfire in his mind.
An hour passed of talking together, sebastian went home leaving Henry and y/n alone, sebastian didn't even know how to feel hes trying to mend his relationships with everyone but he thinks he's now losing his chance with y/n because of Henry he asked once and he didn't get an answer, he wasn't going to ask a second time, life was weighing on him once again maybe it's over for real this time he felt it he kind of knew it to.
"What am I gonna do" she looked at the television from across her home, Henry laid his head in her lap her hands mindlessly touching his hair, he loved the feeling "Thanksgiving is coming, is he the person you want to take?"
Her mind leaving her no choice but to not answer.
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