#can we just get like. a break before going back to the fyodor stuff
littencloud9 · 2 months
idk how much longer i can say i miss kunikidazai before i actually die
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subbyalbedo · 2 months
Fyodor relationship headcannons
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This was requested by a friend 😘 @xiaomain555
Warnings: cursing probably, fyodor being fyodor, not much else
When I was first thinking about writing this, the first thought is the cello
If you are with this man he will play his cello for you
He will get so into it and play his favorite songs for you
He finds it very romantic
(cause it is)
It's how he'll unwind after a long day of staring at bright screens
He is another of the yanderes
He will seem kinda indifferent towards you a lot of the time but if your life is in danger he will go batshit and kill a lot of people
Around other people he might act like he doesn't care about you very much
But one on one?
He will always be touching you and expressing his love
He'll have an arm around you, he'll be sitting so close you're pressed against each other
Since he's always busy being a mastermind and stuff, he won't be able to be around you a lot of the time
But he makes up for it by sending you little gifts
Whenever you tell him about something you're interested in, he will never forget about it, even the most offhand comments
Oh one time you said you like chocolate? Next time he's away for a while to beef w Dazai you'll wake up to like fifteen boxes of really expensive chocolate next to you to make up for it
Sometimes he'll just stare at you
It might be a little weird at first, but he claims it helps him think
He'll just be sitting there sipping his tea and planning world domination while looking into your soul
It's kinda cute sometimes
And if you decide to stare back he won't break eye contact before you
Don't even try to win
He loves seeing you in his hat
He won't give it to you or hint it
But if you're feeling goofy and steal it from him it'll make his day
He thinks you look so adorable
He will tease you all the time
About everything 💀 And he will not feel bad
(call him Theodore to annoy him back)
Whenever you're feeling upset or angry he knows 💩
He'll cup your face in his cold hands and ask what's wrong and he's so stubborn so he'll get it out of you eventually
When he's working (sitting in a dark room staring at screens) he will love if you come in and sit on his lap
You can bury your face in his neck and he'll prop his head on yours
You'll stay like that for a while
When he can't sleep (so like always) he'll just watch you 👀
Again, a lil creepy but it's Fyodor so what do you expect
He won't say many nice things or tell you he loves you (except occasionally in russian) bc he knows you know and he doesn't think it's necessary
But sometimes he'll randomly say the sexiest pick up line out of nowhere and you'll kinda die
And he'll just smirk like the little bitch he is
If you guys are sitting in a room together you can say literally nothing and he'll love it
He's introverted so you don't even need to talk to him for him to feel like you've spent quality time together
Also he has really nice handwriting 😃
Do with that information as you please
Also he does not want you talking to anyone but him (this is another case where its best if you're introverted)
Like I know we all love Nikolai, but don't talk to him unless you want Fyodor to get angy
He does want you to be at least somewhat obedient to his commands bc he likes being in control (sorry to my fellow doms)
He does love praise though
So tell him how smart he is and how he's a great cello player and his dramatic ass will be like 'I am, aren't I 😏'
Sometimes he'll explain part of his plans to you just to make sure you don't understand them 😐 When you start to get confused, that's when he knows he did a good job
And as long as there aren't people around, CUDDLES CUDDLES CUDDLES
All in all, he's a cold hearted yandere who will take good care of you and has a hot russian accent
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kikizoshi · 4 days
Hello, Kizo! you've also mentioned some of the interesting aspects of Gogol's personality I haven't thought about before. Like his pessimism. He is so constantly and desperately wants to seem excited, amused, thrilled, that he's managed to fool me. But it makes sense. "The only salvation from emotions is mine or smn else's death". He is quite pessimistic, just like Dost. And he's a perfectionist. He wants an absolute perfect freedom and nothing in between. Why is he like this, maybe trauma?
Thanks for the interesting asks!
It's neat to me that Nikolai manages to fool you. What I love especially there is that, like you said, while putting on that act he's so energetic, vivacious, and drawn very enthusiastic and animated. But when he breaks character, there's a stillness to him. His shrill tone softens into a meditative tenor; his grand gesticulations withdraw into intimate gestures; his stretched mouth and squinted eyes relax into the visage of a quiet, thoughtful, introspective young man. Harukawa expresses all of this beautifully with their drawings, and I just love it so much. The glimpses we see of the Nikolai under his mask are what made me fall in love with him in the first place--it's what makes his character for me.
One thing I really love expressed in characters like Nikolai is the 'sad clown paradox', which I think fits him pretty well. It's the playful jester character who's internally cynical. Nikolai creates a persona of a spontaneous, silly, horrifically brutal psychopath, but the scant few glimpses we get of him, we see a thoughtful and caring person, so much more and so much opposite just under the surface. I absolutely adore that duality.
I'm not gonna talk about potential backstories for Nikolai; I feel like speculation there is kinda pointless for me, since it could be literally anything. But, I can talk about Gogol's influence on him a bit.
Regarding this:
"The only salvation from emotions is mine or smn else's death". He is quite pessimistic, just like Dost. And he's a perfectionist. He wants an absolute perfect freedom and nothing in between. Why is he like this, maybe trauma?
I see a lot of Gogol's influence here. I'm not sure how much you know about Gogol as a person, so sorry if this is reiterative, but it's important context (and please take my cliffs notes version with a teaspoon of salt; I'm by no means a Gogol scholar). Gogol, at the end of his life--though probably during too--was very concerned with the purity of his soul. Why isn't something I can really comment on, but it seems to have culminated in him going to a radical priest, who advised him to undertake an extreme fast (meant for monks, I believe). Gogol then burned his manuscript for the second part of 'Dead Souls', and starved himself to death over the course of about twelve days (whether or not he meant to die isn't agreed-upon as far as I can tell, but that he died as a result of this fast is). All to reach a purity of soul he felt he didn't have, and couldn't get without drastic actions.
I genuinely have no idea if this story inspired Nikolai's, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did. There are a lot of parallels, and if you replace Gogol's 'religious purity' with Nikolai's 'freedom', you get a similar tragedy. Both seem based on the belief "my mortal/inherent failures/limitations are holding me back from what I need". And rather than go inwards and seek clarity through introspection, both externalise their problems and try to "fix" themselves via grand--and painful--proofs of their "faith/conviction".
There's also the parallel with Gogol's priest and Fyodor, though I'm not sure how much it tracks. Fyodor does seem to have some influence on Nikolai, but it sounds like Nikolai was already on his path when they met... that's all backstory stuff though, so who knows.
Then there's still the missing piece of 'why', with Nikolai. Why does he feel he needs to free himself from his emotions? Gogol's motive makes sense several ways: fear of Hell, self-hatred, a deep, spiraling depression. It's understandable, it's human, it's relatable. But Nikolai's freedom?
That Asagiri chose 'freedom from emotions' to be Nikolai's pursuit isn't something I've ever managed to understand. I just don't get it. I can't connect it to anything. You hear about people wanting to be numb, sure, but Nikolai's wants seem more about being capable of doing anything, or proving that he can... And he said (paraphrasing) "in spite of happiness I choose free will," so at the very least Nikolai thinks he's capable of happiness, and it's just not as important to him as his "freedom."
Yeah, idk. There's definitely something interesting there, though, that Nikolai's Ability gives him the freedom to do pretty much whatever (as Atsushi said in Sunday Tragedy), but he's so wrapped up in his own mind that he either can't see the freedom he has, or physical freedom is ultimately meaningless to him--which would make him seeking freedom through external actions an interesting failure to understand himself.
Then again, I don't know how honest Nikolai's being with himself, honestly. His whole "freedom" thing is an ever-moving goalpost. First it was torture people to death and kill himself. Then it was kill his best friend. Then it got so convoluted I won't even try to summarise it. And now he just seems lost. Giving Asagiri the benefit of the doubt and assuming this is intentional characterisation (and not just giving him plot-convenient reasons to take certain actions), Nikolai seems at best very confused (and trying to appear like he very much isn't). And, well, I'm confused too.
So yeah, all that's very interesting. Not sure how much of it was intended. Hard to tell with a character that gets like one scene every two years. And hard to tell where he'll go, considering how rarely BSD characters stay true to who they were past their debut.
Regarding the pessimism thing: ironically, I'd say Fyodor's pessimism is more optimistic in nature than Nikolai's. Because Fyodor believes in a world that can change. Fyodor believes he can make the world a better place, and is doing everything he can to achieve that. Nikolai, however, in his best case scenario, proves that it's technically true that complete freedom exists. But his world is still comprised of people in cages. It's cynical and oppressive, and his grandest hopes don't come close to changing anything for the better. I think that fits mostly very well with some differences I've observed between Dostoyevsky and Gogol.
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sigmadolos · 9 months
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Anonymous said: did the new episode disappoint you? why do you miss the old days?
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I've never answered an ask on mobile before so hopefully this doesn't look terrible or break everything. But figured I would try while I'm on my lunch break.
First though, I am happy for people who enjoyed it. So no hate to anyone who did! But for me personally, yeah, it did disappoint me. I was already very skeptical of it because I naturally am when an anime gets ahead of the source material, hence I'm waiting to really share any thoughts till the Manga to see if itll be the same or diverge.
I'm mainly disappointed but not surprised by the lack of consequences. No one really seems to die except for those from the past and one here or there as we see. Obviously I seriously doubted that Dazai would die, as did most of the fandom as far as I've seen. But that's the thing. It was supposed to be dramatic and shocking but it really wasn't. Especially for manga readers who thought Nikolai was gone forever and then nope he's fine. Anime only viewers ever got that long period. It's just that time after time, there's never any REAL consequences. These life and death situations are presented but they basically never REALLY are. Which to be fair, I suppose was very heavily obvious given Naomi surviving all the way back in like the second or third episode. But it makes me just go "eh okay" to what SHOULD be a big deal because...it never is. Not with the main cast but even a lot of the side characters too. And I know we have the Fyodor bit but I have Doubts on that. Outside of maybe legitimately losing an arm. Maybe.
And Chuuya knowing everything and faking it, everything loses so much value to it and cheapens a lot of moments. Now it wasn't really a trial or anything of the sort. The speeches meant nothing, it was all just...nothing. like don't get me wrong, I like SKK team ups, I adore them. But the fact it...wasn't really serious for them is disappointing.
These are just some of my initial thoughts about it, and just my opinion. I guess the fact a lot of my other series have also been doing stuff like this (or gone absolutely off the rails) has just makes me more disappointed as well. In regards to the old days, I just miss before when I was ACTUALLY concerned or worried when things happened, when moments had their impact. BSD has a special place in my heart, and it always will, but it's been a long time since things had impact like when I first joined the fandom way back when. And again, no hate or anything to anyone who enjoyed it! I'm glad they can! I just personally didn't.
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popopretty · 2 years
BEAST Movie Spoilers
So I did watch the early show on Dec 20, but I wanted to wait till the official release date to post this. Please make sure to read the followings before moving forward.
· This post contains spoilers, a lot of spoilers, and might be pretty detailed. Please don’t read it if you plan to watch the movie later and think that it will ruin your experience.
· There might be a few parts that I missed or didn’t remember clearly. I try to keep it as accurate as possible but I may come back after watching the movies more and fix things if necessary.
· The movie just came out today in Japan, so please be extra careful when discussing it on Twitter. Do not take too many screenshots. If you want to share it with someone, you can link them to this post. Don't repost this anywhere else out of Tumblr. I actually don't have any clear rules I just don’t want to be noticed because a lot of Japanese fans also use Twitter so please understand :(
If you are okay with all the above, feel free to move on to the spoilers. I just wrote down whatever I remember, mainly the parts where the movie is different from the novel.
· The movie didn’t show much of Akutagawa background as a kid. It started with his friends being killed and Akutagawa running off to avenge them. In the movie, Gin took a bullet for her brother.
· We didn’t get to see the scene where Oda found Akutagawa at the river bank on screen, but we got a scene of them eating curry together.
· The whole thing about Akutagawa collecting ADA’s approval stamp did not happen in the movie. The movie kept the babysitting scene and it was really sweet. He looked like a big brother to them, carrying them and asking them to help with housework etc.
· The house where the children stay was also attacked and the uncle also got stabbed in the movie. They made it look like what happened in Dark Era, only that this time Aku and Kenji appeared in time to save the kids from the kidnappers. (Honestly my heart skipped a beat here cuz I didn’t know what was going to happen to the kids).
· There was no farming scene with Kenji, but we had a new scene where Aku and Kenji met an old lady on the street, who commented on how thin Aku is then gave him a lot of stuff, telling him to eat up. He was so happy his eyes were shining.
· Kyouka in BEAST still loves crepes but no dates for her and Atsushi here ☹
· Oda is still friends with Ango. Ango works for the government and is Oda’s informant. He was the one who gave Oda information about the “man in black” that Aku was looking for. In the novel, it is said that Oda spent 3 days to look for a video of a secret meeting between Dazai and the government, so that Aku can confirm his face. In the movie, Oda also did that, but we got to see him actually breaking into the place and fighting the guards etc. That was when he met Fyodor, who gave him the data, but also slightly poisoned him (almost by the same method Ango did in Dark Era) as a warning.
· The video Oda got was not of a secret meeting as in the novel, but a video of Dazai and Chuuya 6 years ago (?) when they were fighting Shibusawa. In order to stop Shibusawa, Dazai told Chuuya to use Arahabaki but Chuuya didn’t want to because he couldn’t trust Dazai. Dazai then stabbed himself in the leg (not sure why he did that? Maybe to prove he won’t run away? I will have to watch the movie again and come back later). He asked Chuuya to believe him and said something along the line of “To protect this world, I cannot lose either Chuuya or Port Mafia.”
· There were quite of a few of flashbacks from Dark Era in Dazai’s mind. And those flashbacks always ended with him waking up in his office in BEAST.
· Dazai in the movie couldn’t keep his cool in the bar scene, as he did in the novel. He was already so emotional the moment he saw Oda. Oda was really indifferent to him in this scene. He pointed the gun at Dazai upon finding out that he was the Mafia boss, and later even put the gun on Dazai’s forehead when saying “Don’t call me Odasaku.” Dazai was on the verge of tear the whole time he delivered his last goodbye.
· Gin was really going to be executed in the movie, but the ADA came to rescue her and Aku. She also tried to kill herself with a gun (probably because she hast lost all hopes) but was stopped by Yosano. Ranpo appeared for the first time in this scene.
· In the scene where Dazai jumped, Oda was seen in the bar holding the lighter and looking up as if he could sense something.
· Atsu left PM with Kyouka as per Dazai’s order but he didn’t meet with Mori in the movie. Sometime later, he was called to a government prison (?) by Chuuya. Apparently after Dazai’s death, Chuuya became the boss. He went on a rampage (which Atsu wondered happened because of Dazai’s death) so he was captured and chained up by the government. Chuuya talked about how much of a trash Dazai was, how he looked down on people with his multiple personalities and how it was the worst of the worst to be teamed up with him etc. He waited 7 years to kill Dazai but Dazai went and died without a reason. Chuuya then told Atsushi to start a battle of revenge against the ADA, to erase ADA’s name from the phonebook and the map. Because the Mafia will have no face if they let the organization that caused the death of its previous boss to keep operating like nothing happened. Atsushi refused but Chuuya said Kyouka has accepted the offer. Atsushi then said maybe it is also Dazai’s plan for Chuuya to fight the ADA. Chuuya laughed and said something along the line of “So that mean if we keep fighting the ADA, it’s like Dazai is alive? (I’m really not sure what he means in this part. Maybe I misheard something so I will confirm later when I rewatch the movie). Or you don’t want to take revenge for Dazai?”. And Atsushi’s eyes looked fired up when he heard that. We didn’t get to know what happened after that.
· In the last scene, Fyodor was watching a footage of Dazai jumping off the building. It seems like he also knows the truth now. He told his subordinate that the next targets will be Atsushi and Akutagawa because having so many people know the truth will make the world unstable. He said he is okay with being the only one who knows the truth. And in the last scene of the movie, Fyodor said that what happens next will be the battle to save the world and told the viewers to look forward to it.
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clownd-aa · 3 years
tw: mentions of religion and death
Okay, so I think a lot of us can agree that the duality in the series is pretty great!  We have an entire cast of multi-faceted and complex characters.  We see one side, think we understand them, and then suddenly we’re shown a different side of them that also exists.  It makes us think.
The same holds true for Gogol, and honestly the entire Decay of Angels (i mostly speak of the main trio we were first introduced to, though!).  But Gogol’s character is just a paradox on one hand, and appears to tell us the answers on the other.  But a lot of the characters are also inspired by their respective authors and their work.  Which means, I think by reading their work -- or at least, certain ones -- we can begin to understand better the aspects of their characters and why it is the way they think or do the things they do and say the things they say!  Essentially: Why did Asagiri make them like this.
It’s especially interesting to take note and try to understand why and how Fyodor and Nikolai are connected, as well!  There’s a lot to discuss so i’m just going to try and break it down the best I can without rambling too much.
When we first see Nikolai in his debut, he’s already this high-energy very ‘fun’ type of character.  I mean, he’s a clown, so it would be weird if he wasn’t.  He claims to enjoy killing people, and also talks about his desire for freedom and his love for birds in some very strange analogy that just makes his character a bit deeper.  Likening his own mind to that of a prison.  And then on the other hand, we’re shown that he feels guilt and remorse like any other person would and does have a capacity for empathy, and that his “monster” façade is merely that: a façade. 
Empathy is merely a restriction in his eyes, and to beable to walk through life without restrictions (much like how the birds defy gravity) is the ultimate freedom. 
He claims he’s sane.  Is he? I think so.  A person who is, by definition, considered “insane” normally doesn’t understand right from wrong or real from fake.  Nikolai, however, has shown that he is very self aware.  
But I think there’s something else going on. And this is where the real Nikolai Gogol comes in.  I did some digging on the life and death of the author, and really, he was a tragedy and it helps me to understand his character better. 
In BSD Nikolai, we already see a reflection of the real life satirist from the get-go.  His brutal methods of murder and torture, are in reference and inspired by elements in the real life Nikolai Gogol’s work that were both realistic and grotesque.  
But there’s more.  Looking into his death, this is where BSD Nikolai’s mentality and belief of being trapped in his own mind comes into play.  At least, this is what i’ve come up with and have perceived his character.  So in no way am I trying to push this on anyone, but I do heavily headcanon what i’m talking about in my own portrayal. 
you can read the information here, for anyone interested.  I’m only going to touch base on some of the stuff mentioned.
Nikolai and Fyodor’s canon relationship in the manga is also important to take note, and I firmly believe there is some influence from the rl Gogol and a priest he had the misfortune to contact during a dark time in his life after someone close to him (a woman) had died.
The priest in question was a Russian Orthodox priest, and turned out to be a sadist who filled Gogol with a pathological fear of damnation and convinced him to burn most of his unpublished work (convincing him his work to be the Devil’s work).
Fyodor, being portrayed with heavy religious themes (going so far as to believe himself a God with his god complex) makes me think of the Russian Orthodox priest in the rl Gogol’s life before his death (which the priest was also responsible for.  We can compare that to Fyodor ‘manipulating’ Gogol to die for the sake of the DoA’s plan to frame the Detective Agency)
Going back to whether BSD Gogol is sane or not, and my reasoning -- once again -- for why he is, is simply: A combination of religious trauma and mental illness are at work for him believing he’s trapped and his mind is a prison he must escape.  And seeing as it’s implied that he is close to Fyodor (he refers to him as his ‘intimate friend’), i’m sure Fyodor has had a lot of influence over Gogol despite Gogol being one of the few who seem to follow Fyodor willingly and not under the guise of heavy manipulation and brainwashing; like that with Ivan and Hawthorne.
That is, until, Nikolai reappears after his “death”.  He tells Sigma to kill Fyodor means to break free from the “brainwashing” that are emotions.  And I believe here we are also seeing BSD Gogol experience a sort of break in reality as he realizes he’s been manipulated by his friend.  And to break that manipulation and that trauma, he must kill the one responsible for it.
There’s also a very good meta written about Fyodor and Nikolai and how they’re two halves of a character called Kirillov in the rl Doestevsky’s novel “Demons”, and honestly! It’s one of my favorites as their relationship also seems to be built on one of understanding; as we see Nikolai mention that Fyodor is his one and only friend and the only one who truly understands him. A reflection of the rl Gogol’s lonely and messy personal life.  I’ll leave that here.
This also touches base on Gogol’s idea of free will 
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
2. Afraid
YPHS is a clever team, they did their research. They know how to beat their opponents with grins on their faces. Reality hits for the teams at the training camp, cockiness gets you no where in Yokohama is seems.
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The first day of training everyone got to watch the matches, just made it easier to get into the motion of things... and so all the teams could learn how the Yokohama team worked. Was it signals? Words? Pure practice? Telepathy! They just worked so well together.
Gin adjusted her mask and took her place on the court giving a sneaky wink to Atsushi who’s face became dusted in pink. Ryoko laughed to herself as she took place on the court across from Karasuno’s Ace Asahi Azumane. She quirked a brow at him and winked making him blush and cough- in turn the pinkette began laughing.
“Don’t tease the opposition Fukami.” Fyodor reprimanded. “It’s unbecoming.”
She poked her tongue out his way before letting a lazy grin rest on her lip. “Make me Dostoevsky.”
Akutagawa groaned at their interaction and turned to Dazai and Chuuya who hadn’t taken place yet.
“Game plan five!” Chuuya yelled with a feral grin once Dazai had taken place in front of Kageyama.
“Game plan five.” The team chorused- the other teams looked apprehensive- what did that even mean?
“Karasuno can pick how they’d like to start.” Hirotsu said to Ukai who nodded to Daichi.
“We’d like to receive.” Karasuno’s Captain said missing the YPHS’ animalistic grins.
“Karasuno are fucked.” Oikawa muttered, Iwaizumi only nodded.
“Go Hinata!” Atsumu yelled out making the ginger boy grin brightly.
“Christ he’s like the fucking sun!” Ryoko barked out. “Be prepared little crows, your wings might get clipped.” Her orange eyes seemed to glow at the challenge, one Tanaka and Nishinoya were more than willing to make a fuss over.
Dazai threw the ball into the air, eyes locked onto the space between the two middle blockers as his palm hit the volleyball. Like slow motion Karasuno and the other teams watched the ball go from Dazai’s hand to exactly where he wanted it to land. A loud THUNK pulled them out of their stupor. Tanaka and Nishinoya were the first to yell out.
“How!?” Hinata yelled out amazed.
“Well I threw the ball in the air and then hit the ball.” Dazai said making Chuuya snort.
“Hinata withhold your fanboying until after the match.” Daichi reminded.
“Oh right sorry.” He smiled.
The game continued like that, Ryoko always hitting back but never very hard. Tanaka however got cocky and sent a ball her way but she was quick hit it right back at him. The ball stayed in the air for a few more hits before Dazai was sent the ball, he bent back, Karasuno expecting him to send the ball to Atsushi but with a quick flick of the wrist sent to Gin who happily slammed the ball down to where Tsukishima had been standing moments ago.
One serve from Karasuno looked to be giving them a point but the pinkette was quick, knees sliding on the ground, arms connecting with the ball.
Ennoshita and Yamaguchi were right. They had their asses handed on silver platters. With only one point to Karasuno’s names they bowed their heads and thanked Yokohama for the game.
Hinata while saddened by their loss made a beeline for Ryoko and Atsushi who hadn’t quite left the court yet.
“Hello! I’m Shoyo Hinata, first year, middle blocker and future Ace.” He said joyfully making the two taller students chuckle.
“I know we said our names earlier but as a proper introduction I’m Ryoko Fukami, second year, Ace and opposite hitter.”
“Atsushi Nakajima, first year and middle blocker same as you.” The silver haired boy said shyly. Hinata beamed at them.
“When you guys are free could I ask your team questions on your skills and teamwork?” The ginger asked, eyes shaking in excitement. He was practically buzzing. The second year barked a laugh and nodded.
“Yeah Chuuya will have some good tips for you- both being short and I don’t mean that in a bad way so I hope that didn’t offend ya sunshine.” Ryoko said. Hinata only seemed to glow brighter. “Plus it’s a training camp you are meant to learn.”
“She’s right.” Atsushi confirmed with a nod.
“Thank-you so much!” He bowed before running to grab Kageyama who seemed to be brooding over whether he should talk to Dazai about his sets. He didn’t but he thought about it.
Fyodor made a notion to head towards Ukai so both teams could talk to each other’s coaches which they smiled at.
“Hello I’m coach Ukai and this is their faculty advisor Takeda.” Ukai announced before nodding slightly behind him. “These are the managers Kiyoko and Yachi.”
“Hi.” The team said.
“Look I don’t have much to say so I’ll keep it quick, you guys are good and I hope our crows have a lot to learn from you guys and that you find something as well.”
“Thank-you Coach Ukai.” Chuuya said spurring the rest of the team to thank him too. Takeda honestly just stood there awkwardly- honestly the presence of the Yokohama team was scary.
Karasuno stood with coach Hirotsu and Ranpo with Fyodor and Tanizaki close by.
“You guys did well, that quick attack of yours is very useful and interesting.” Hirotsu began.
“But we lost.” Yamaguchi said quietly.
“No shame in that. It’s a training camp you’ll learn and grow over the next month or so. Our team is good because they are strong and know their strengths and work on their weaknesses. They are flexible and keen which you can be too with practice.”
“Thank-you coach Hirotsu.” Daichi said with a smile.
“Realistically you could have made three points that entire match.” Ranpo said whilst munching on a chocolate bar. The team looked quizzical. “You almost landed that point on Fukami before she slid in to hit the ball towards Akutagawa if you had angled the ball slightly more to the left she could have missed. The second one was earlier in the second round with the ball heading towards an empty space but if Dazai wasn’t just that bit fast it would have landed as well.”
“Ranpo is correct. Our team is fast and any of those two would have landed if they weren’t.” Fyodor chimed in.
“But... only three points?” Tanaka grimaced. Ranpo nodded.
“Alright alright go sit down, mingle and watch the next match it’s Inarizaki and Aoba Johsai.” Hirotsu laughed.
The day seemed to fly by, YPHS winning every match they had, the only one coming close being Shiratorizawa. Hinata was definitely amazed no doubt so where others. Kageyama, Kenma (surprisingly), Shirabu, Semi, Atsumu and Akaashi had been rounded up by Dazai who was exclaiming how he just needed to talk to the setters about their plays- somehow he managed to kidnap Sugawara from his place beside Daichi too.
“Sorry about him-“ Oda said scratching the back of his head. “He likes talking to other setters about their plays and stuff something about sharing information.” Chuuya scoffed before muttering.
“Dazai is a manipulative little shit.” The red head huffed. “What’s next we all break off into our respective positions and talk ball?”
“Not a bad idea Nakahara.” Hirotsu said before sending a questioning look to other coaches who seemingly agreed.
“What the fuck coach?” Chuuya exclaimed.
“It’s alright shortie go make friends with the other Liberos.” Ryoko smiled. Fyodor locked eyes with her and blinked slowly as a warning. She quirked a brow. “Oppposite hitters aka right wing spikers come my way.”
Fourteen other people followed quickly behind the pink haired wing spiker towards the benches to sit. Slowly everyone split off a couple managers joining groups- Fyodor joining Oda and Ryoko, Junichiro joining Atsushi and Gin.
“How do we feel boys?” The pinkette said lazily as she lent into her seat.
“Satisfactory however I would have preferred to win.” Ushijima answered whilst staring at Ryoko.
“Cant win every game eagle eyes.” She sassed.
“Can I ask something?” Daichi began. The opposite hitters nodded. “How did you do that knee slide it was very, libero-esque? But it also looked like it hurt.”
“Good eye. Ryoko tends to copy people’s movements. Chuuya as our Libero does that move a lot. I doubt it hurt her she’s got skin of obsidian.” Oda joked.
“Harhar mr I broke my collarbone throwing my arm up to catch a ball.”
“Quiet fire breath.” Fyodor snapped.
“Alright one touch.” She huffed, “He’s so mean to me. Boys take pity on this poor girl would you.”
“That’s what managers are for.” Osamu and Ushijima said in sync. The two players giving an awkward look.
“Oh yeah Rika was happy we kicked your asses.” Ryoko grinned.
“You know Matsuo?” Ushijima’s brows furrowed.
“We met before the games started. Anyway anything else? Questions queries things to share?”
“May I?” The Russian said. Nekoma’s spiker nodded. “You all have weaknesses that need to be worked on. Ryoko is too headstrong but she’s fast she knows how to make it look like she’s going to fail. Her flaw is that she finds too much enjoyment in teasing her opponents. Oda is smart and strong and knows how to guide the ball his flaw is that he’ll focus on his teammates over the opposition. Shiratorizawa is strong and fast but you only focus on that. Karasuno is an erratic team but have their skills honed work on the other ones. Fukurodani I honestly have nothing to add par your Captain being too over the top a points. Aoba Johsai trust their captain fully but need to also trust themselves. Nekoma are like well oiled machines and need to remove the need to be perfect all the time. Inarizaki showcased strength but also showcased cockiness, something YPHS shut down immediately as that is our biggest strength shutting down our opponents. Finally Itachiyama needs to get out of the slump that keeps them from reaching all potentials no matter how strong or fast their hits are. That is all.”
All but the two Yokohama players stared at the Russian in awe. He was sharp and to the point. Ushijima hummed lowly.
“I accept this criticism. I shall bring it up with coaches Washijo and Saito.”
“Yeah I’ll speak with Oikawa and Iwazumi.” Kunimi added.
“You aren’t wrong-“ Daichi started before realising he didn’t know the managers name.
“Fyodor Dostoevsky. Third year manager for Yokohama’s team.”
“Fyodor.” Daichi continued. “I’ll tell Ukai.”
“Yeah coach will probably agree with you.” Konoha laughed before pointing towards his coach who was about ready to either murder Bokuto or rip out his hair.
“Your coach looks ready to kill Bokuto.” The Itachiyama hitter laughed. “But I agree our team might be strong and fast but we are a little blinded by wanting to make sure we aren’t uncomfortable on the court.”
“We do have some pretty cocky members sorry.” Kosaku said scratching his neck. “Your twin is too confident Osamu.”
“I know.” He sighed.
All the teams went through this. Speaking to other players and having the Yokohama team submit their input on places to improve. Chuuya’s group being the loudest only being rivalled by Bokuto alone.
“Dinner will be ready in an hour and a half if anyone wants showers now go do it otherwise have them after dinner you can all congregate here and practice or hang out whatever teenagers do Ranpo will keep an eye on you-“
“Why do I have to do it Hirotsu?”
“Because you’re the youngest of us adults and I said so.” The man smiled scarily. So that’s where the Yokohama team got their game face. “And in any case you already know your rooms are by year group par the girls. Anyway go do your things and meet in the cafeteria next door in an hour thirty. Go.”
Hinata for the second time that afternoon rushed towards Atsushi but this time the white haired boy was with Gin.
“Atsushi! Would you like to hang out with me and Kenma before dinner?” Hinata gleamed. “Would you like to join as well fellow middle blocker?”
“Sure. Gin do you want to come?” Atsushi asked.
“Sure kitty.” She whispered.
“She’s a bit quiet.” Atsushi chuckled scratching the back of his neck. Gin playfully glared.
“Thank god I can only handle Hinata and Kuroo’s sunshine madness.” Kenma said suddenly startling the poor white haired boy.
“Where are you taking my sister?” Akutagawa asked.
“To play video games.” Kenma answer.
“Satisfactory. I have my phone on me if you need me.” And with that the protective brother left the four teens.
“Sorry about Ryu.” Gin said.
“He doesn’t like me.” Atsushi laughed. “To be fair I don’t like him either.”
“We know Kitty we know.”
“Seventeen hundred yen says they’re dating.” Ryoko says.
“Why bet when you know it’s true.” Fyodor added.
“Because it’s fun... and because Dazai doesn’t believe that Gin’s little kitty is our very own tiger, one touch.”
“Stop calling me that.” Fyodor grumbles.
“Stop calling me fire breath.” She counters.
“Fine Fukami.” The girl pouts.
“What happened to Ryoko are we back on last names Dostoevsky?”
Fyodor just hummed, an evil gleam in his eye.
“Training is at ten tonight. We should finish around one.”
A smirk formed on Ryoko’s face, maybe it was the dragon within, the grumbling warmth of a flame but she felt like being the annoying best friend to the one touch man of death. Guess she can show off just how strong she really is. She caught the eye of the Fukurodani Captain and waved. The boy seemed to glow happily as he chatted to his friend (Akaashi). He made a motion inviting her over to them.
Okay so she’ll be the annoying best friend after talking to who could probably be her male counterpart.
Yokohama is just here for some fun.
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cyanoscarlet · 3 years
2020 writing review
Thanks for the tag, @gladiowrites​! (I know it’s not a tag, but this is fun to do lol)
I.. honestly wrote a lot this 2020. No kidding. Quarantine productivity was real, but so is residency languishing by the wayside while everyone was busy surviving and adjusting. I highly doubt 2021 will be the same, but I’ll always cherish 2020 just because of the writing and nothing else.
This is gonna be long.
8:15 am  - Final Fantasy XV. Lunafreya. February 2020. - First piece ever written for the year. - Intended to be a Luna-centric AU, in which the Nox Fleurets were deposed and she’s now a regular teacher. Never managed to write anything beyond that, though, because residency. (Back then, I didn’t know it was gonna be the beginning of the end, so I had hopes. Oh well.)
irresistible!, or the summer ramblings of nene yashiro and everything that followed - Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun. Nene, Hanako. March 2020. - First one published on AO3 for 2020 (yes, there’s a distinction). - If you think the title sounds familiar, you’re right.
first yuletide - Final Fantasy XV. Nyx. December 2020. - Written for the FFXV Secret Santa event on Twitter. - Before y’all object and say what unwinding is, that’s an old fic uploaded late.
Do I seriously have to choose? Omg.
take heart - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai/Chuuya. Gods/Humans AU. - Discovered so much about myself writing this. Also (hopefully) I managed to get into Dazai’s headspace correctly. He’s an extremely difficult character to write, so finishing this brought so much gratification.
you don’t raise heroes, you raise sons - Final Fantasy VIII. Laguna, Squall. Post-canon. - Probably my most heartfelt work of the year- scratch that, ever. Also happy with how I just let myself go writing this and didn’t need to think twice.
oneiric moments (or, five nights with you) - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai/Chuuya. - Written for the SKK Fic Exchange for Summer 2020. - Five interconnected fics. 18,985 words. - Might not be a big deal for others, but this was taxing because I don’t usually write long, multichaptered stuff. I got carried away, though. It ain’t as well-polished as my more recent stuff, but I’m proud of myself for pulling this off.
I... don’t think I have tried anything of the sort. My repertoire is sorely limited compared to others, I’m afraid. I’d probably have an answer for “explored new themes,” but again, I’ve a limited arsenal, too, in that regard.
all in a day’s work - Bungou Stray Dogs. Atsushi, Akutagawa. Cells at Work AU. - It’s still being written, with a lot of side stories planned but never drafted. - I fell out of love with BSD, recovered from that, then got busy with residency.
Also take heart. While I am proud of it, I guess it hit the right spot for mainstream shippers, too, somewhat? My feelings about mainstream things have changed a lot because of things, but I am still happy.
amīcitia - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai, Chuuya. Final Fantasy XV AU. - Petty indignancy for my self-indulgent baby aside, I’m also proud of how I wrote Dazai in this one, similar to take heart.  the fun they had - Bungou Stray Dogs. Kajii, Port Mafia Ensemble. - ... Guys. Please notice genfics.
Everything I wrote for Bungou Stray Dogs. (I kid you not.)
If you want a single answer anyway:
on the flaming mountains - act-age. Chiyoko, Kei. Princess Iron Fan Arc. - arc words: “what shall i do with this ire?” - I wouldn’t really say I “left” the fandom, more like it fizzled out after Matsuki-sensei got arrested.
a cycle of; - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai/Chuuya. Medico-legal AU. - Written out of much anger and frustration over things. Also because this in itself was frustrating to write.
Also  you don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. Because no matter how much I hate my family at so many points in my life, I know I can’t truly hate them from the bottom of my heart. This fic is a reminder of that.
express delivery for love - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai/Chuuya. Real World Quarantine AU. - It’s funny. It’s orthodox. It’s sweet. I don’t think it can get any better than that.
rather be - Bungou Stray Dogs. Yosano. Pre-canon. - Inspired by yesterday is another world by @wctercress​ - The whole of primum non nocere, actually, but specifically this one, and the rest followed. - This is also my first BSD fic. Ever.
... You sure? There’s a lot, and this is just on the surface. (unleashes the proverbial waterfall)
The aforementioned yesterday is another world by @wctercress​
silencer and snow white days by EKmisao - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai, Chuuya. Dead Apple canon-divergent. - The aftermath of Dead Apple, in which one of two goes wrong. - They’re unrelated, I know. But they’re both sisters! Just trust me on this. - The proper entry for this would be silencer, but I can’t very well mention one without the other, so have both anyway. I read both only this year, after all. Waiting for Godot by @eternal-aegis​ - Bungou Stray Dogs. Dazai, Fyodor, Chuuya. Canon-divergent. - Amazing theme, amazing philosophy, amazing writing. It makes you think. It makes you analyze and explore. This writer definitely knows her stuff, and it shows. Catharsis by @gladiowrites​ - Final Fantasy VIII. Rinoa, Gen. Caraway. Post-canon. - The denouement to the Caraway family drama we all deserve. I love how Rinoa is presented in this fic. She’s a normal person who makes mistakes and learns her lessons. So is Fury. Burned bridges don’t always have to stay down, and this fic illustrates that wonderfully.
Culmination by @gladiowrites​ - Final Fantasy VIII. Squall, Rinoa. Post-canon. - We can’t all have happy endings. This fic also illustrates that very well. While I, a Squinoa fan, personally ascribe to the happy ending Squall and Rinoa must have had after the events of FF8, this fic is so compelling and grounded and reflective and I totally buy this. 
Here Without You by @muselover1901​ - Akagami no Shirayuki-hime. Zen/Shirayuki. Real world quarantine AU. - One of the sweetest stories I’ve ever read this year. I can definitely relate to a lot of things in this fic. I’ve been rereading all of Muse’s ANS stuff whenever I feel down, and they all hit the spot.
Savor The Moment by @joeys-piano​ - Bungou Stray Dogs. Oda. Pre-canon. - Yes, yes, YES. One of the best stories I’ve ever read this year, ever. (And I mean stories, not fanfics.) Great character study about a man named Oda and a day in his life and a page (or three) out of his book of relationships. The love poured into this is simply overflowing and precious. I’ve been following Joey since this fic was being written, and I’m so proud of him.
False Equivalences by @slowquotesquill - Dai Gyakuten Saiban. Asougi, Ryuunosuke. Fullmetal Alchemist AU. - This fic also! Oh, My Heart. The cynicism of a state alchemist and the optimism of a foreign doctor. It perfectly hits the spot for everything FMA, and we all know that SQQ’s Asouryuu fics are always to die for. It’s the ultimate combo.
The whole Promptober Leo/Will/Despair series by @eternal-aegis - Kekkai Sensen. Various themes, many of which are dark/mature. - I’ve said this with Waiting for Godot, and I’ll say it again: Aegis knows her stuff. This is her exploring further in that direction, and you can feel the improvement with every fic in the series. I really love how adventurous these stories are, and how much depth you can go with every one. Her characterization is layered and exquisite, and the underlying lore is well-thought-out. - tl;dr: B3 Goddess.
Predestined by Galkimasera - Final Fantasy VIII. Rinoa, Squall. Reverse/Fateswap AU. - A very well-written reverse AU! The circumstances of Squall and Rinoa in this ‘verse fit so well and are so well thought out. I love this AU so much, you don’t even know. It also fills my nostalgic shipper’s heart with much joy at seeing quality content in this Year of our Lord 2020.
For auld lang syne, my dear by @by-nina - Fullmetal Alchemist. Roy, Riza. Canon-compliant + post-canon. - Holiday feels, snapshots through time, and all over showing Roy and Riza’s budding relationship over the years. And it does remind me of a lot of the SKK fics I’ve written (thematic-wise). This was such a treat to read and to follow. All her FMA fics are. She does Royai so much justice. Am not yet finished reading smoke without fire, but I’ll get to that, too!
Everyone in the answer above. There’s honestly a whole boatload of more, but this is getting too long already lololol
(might edit this when I feel like it, tho!)
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wildnya · 4 years
Could I ask for a headcanon list—not specifically x reader unless you prefer it that way—about Fyodor just curling up with a close friend who’s upset, and being there for them? Maybe with an added touch of his feelings about it, and/or a warm blanket? Though if that’s not in-character for your Fyo, could you write a list that is? (No, I’m not feeling particularly upset, just... I can’t for the life of me figure out what he’d do, and it’s bugging me. Plus soft Fyo is always a plus.)
*cracks knuckles* I was gonna do some powering through my late Dazai BDay thing before bed, but this won’t take too long. stinky rat man fluff, here we go!
tbh, i feel if Fyodor had a extremely close friend or s/o i don’t think he’d want them to really “worship” him
as long as they agreed and supported his goal i think that’d be enough, he wouldn’t want you guys to be “separated”
nothing, and i mean NOTHING, better even consider hurting his friend
he wouldn’t hesitate to have them killed asap
there being someone he knows he can trust 100% and be completely vulnerable to is a once in a lifetime thing for someone like him
i feel he’d even drop whatever he was doing, including anything related to him becoming god, to save them cuz he probably wouldn’t find another
like Dazai and Ranpo, his intelligence can get in the way of him seeing things at an emotional level, but he’ll do his best
he wouldn’t sugarcoat things if you asked for advice or whatnot, but he’d use softer language
if you just need someone close, he’d let you lay or cuddle next to him while he sits on the floor working
if the situation works out this way, he’d try to take more breaks to give you attention if needed
when he does do this, he tries to keep your mind occupied
chatting about random things you’ve both read online while doing a puzzle, playing games like chess or cards, maybe some selfcare stuff
if you have an animal you love he might pull some strings to either get or take you to one
if you came over while he’s sitting on the floor at his computer, flopping down and curling up next to him in blankets your head resting on his thigh he wouldn’t bat an eye
“... wanna talk?” *grunt* “okay.”
occasionally he’ll run a hand through your hair or massage you back and shoulders
if you fall asleep he won’t move unless he absolutely needs to
leaves Ivan in charge of you when he goes out
Fyodor: *listing off all warning signs, favorite snacks, music, book genres, etc.*
Ivan: *smiling and nodding the whole time while taking notes on a notepad despite being told this the day before and many other times*
if you’re sad cuz someone you love died he’d offer to help you avenge them, and would let you deliver the final blow if desired
and if they asked he’d sleep with them no not like that ya thirsty hoes
he’d be the big spoon so they’d feel safe and protected despite being more of a noodle than dazai and weak af
i’m sure they’re many who wouldn’t agree with my thoughts but everyone has that 1 thing that’ll make them act irrationally no matter what, and i feel that 1 thing for our greasy rat man is someone he’s close to like this.
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qvestchen · 6 years
Ten Past Six // Johnten NCT : Chapter Ten
Summary: If Ten could describe his relationship with Johnny he would say it was like being in the same city and yet being in a long distance relationship without there being an actual relationship. Because if Ten was head over heels in love with Johnny, he was pretty sure Johnny was as oblivious to his feelings as ever.
Author: qvestchen
Status: Completed
Chapters: Home, Previous, Next.
Ten Past Six // Johnten NCT
Chapter 10: The plot thickens
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Kun groaned as his phone woke him up, ringing shrilly. It had been quite a busy night and it was not even seven yet, judging by the clock in his room. He reached for his phone, wondering who wasn’t letting him sleep.
“Doyoung, I’m sleeping,” he said, voice hoarse.
“Kun, come over right now.”
Kun sat up, hearing the serious tone of Doyoung’s voice. “Is everything okay? Is it the members?”
“No, it’s you. Dammit, what were you thinking, Kun?”
Kun felt a dread set in at the bottom of his heart. He immediately knew what Doyoung was talking about. He just knew. “I’m coming over.”
He dressed quickly, way too quickly for someone whose mind was a whirlwind of quick thoughts and questions, thinking explanations and excuses knowing very well that it was the truth he would have to finally own up to.
He woke up Lucas. “Hey, there’s an emergency. You’re the designated adult until I’m back.”
Lucas blinked. “Wha—Is everything okay? Is there something I can help with?”
Kun smiled at him. “Nothing I can’t manage, I hope. Just take care of stuff here, okay?”
“Of course. Call me if you need anything.”
“I’ll get going then. Bye.”
Lucas walked with him till the door and gave him a packet of chips. “Don’t go hungry.”
Kun waved at him and closed the door behind him.
Lucas looked around the empty living room and said to himself, “I guess, I should fix up breakfast for the kids then.” He didn’t really know what to make except for ramen so he woke up Jaemin who nodded, sleepily, before getting up to make some coffee, cereal and toast for everyone.
Lucas knocked on Ten’s door. “Ten hyung, you didn’t even have dinner. You have to eat some breakfast at least. Just let me give you a tray of food.”
And even though Ten was quite awake and quite hungry, he was too miserable to face the others. So, he said a mild, “I’m not hungry.”
Lucas sighed. “Okay, that’s it.” He turned to the dreamies. “Let’s find a YouTube tutorial on how to pick locks and just…”
“Break into his room and drag him out?” Renjun’s eyes lit up. Chensung cheered.
“Not drag him out exactly. A milder version maybe?”
And that was how they ended up picking the lock of Ten’s room. Before Ten could even say anything, Lucas was slipping into his room after having told the kids, “Let me handle this. You all eat breakfast.”
Lucas stopped after he closed the door behind him because the room was in a mess. “What happened?”
Ten was sitting on the bed, glaring at him. “How dare you break into my room?”
“Did you try redecorating?” Lucas said, gesturing at toppled over box of knickknacks, pictures and books strewn across the floor.
“Your humour is going bad,” Ten said, looking away.
“I think one of your paint bottles broke,” Lucas said. “Wait, I’ll get a cloth to clean it.” He returned with a tray of food which he deposited wordlessly beside Ten and began to clean up the room.
“Throw them away,” Ten said, mournfully picking up a piece of toast.
“Your pictures and sketchbooks? Ten, I’m going to put everything in your shelves. You can sort through them later. If you really don’t want your stuff, I’ll put it in my cupboard until you need them.”
Ten groaned. “Why are you here all kind and wise? Where is my Kun? I need to bother someone.”
Lucas smiled brightly. “I’m the designated adult. Kun had to leave due to some emergency. It’s not serious.”
“He made you the designated adult? Excuse me, I’m elder to you.”
Lucas stood straight and just looked around the room as an  answer.
Ten blushed. He began eating and picked up his phone. He caught sight of his reflection and was grateful that Lucas hadn’t commented anything on his appearance because his face was puffy and his eyes were bloodshot, harsh remnants of the past few hours. He unlocked his phone and even though he hadn’t been expecting it, his heart dropped because there was no “good morning” message from Johnny at the usual ten past six at the crack of dawn.
He scrolled up and it saddened him because it seemed like this was the first in what seemed like forever that there wasn’t a text that said, New message from Johns! (6:10 am). So, this was another thing he had taken for granted. He wondered just how many more he would find and whether it would always hurt this much. He closed his eyes and threw away his phone towards his pillow.
Lucas was grumbling. “Why did you throw your sketchbooks? And this is a record…it could have broken. Wow, I’m glad that that painting is still on the wall.”
Ten glared at him. “I couldn’t take it down.”
It dawned on Lucas suddenly. He began to laugh. “Oh my God! You couldn’t reach it, right?”
Ten ignored him, eating his breakfast, watching him clean up his room, listening to his unrelenting commentary.
“Oh,” Lucas picked up a book that was lying spread-eagled on the floor, “I was thinking of asking you. Can I borrow your copy of Crime and Punishment? Since you’re not readin—Oops.” He looked at Ten, guiltily. “I swear, that page fell out on its own.” He picked up the thin sheet of folded paper. “Phew, it’s not from the book. You seriously shouldn’t keep your documents just inside books like that.”
Ten frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. What document?”
Lucas opened the letter. “To, the love of my life—” He reddened. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was a personal letter.”
Ten got up and walked to him. “What are you talking about?” He took the letter and his eyes widened as he read.
To, the love of my life,
This isn’t really your birthday gift, you know? Well, it is. Kind of. It’s part of your birthday gift. This is my copy of Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “I can’t believe you gave me an old book for my birthday, John!” but this is a special copy! Seriously, don’t laugh. I was reading this book when you dislocated your arm and I remember I felt like I would die seeing you get hurt like that. And that I wanted to kiss you so bad when the doctor set it right.
Ten gripped Lucas’ arms tightly. “Where did you find this?”
“I-It fell out of the book. I swear, I didn’t do anything.”
Ten blinked back tears. All he could think of was no no, this can’t be. How can this be? But the letter was there in his hands and he was reading it. It was Johnny’s writing. He turned it over and there it was. I’ll always love you. Be mine?—Your Johns. P.S. Don’t you dare laugh at me for this. I will spread your ugly baby pictures online!
Ten’s voice was faint as he asked Lucas, “Where’s Kun? Oh god, I don’t know what to do. Please call him.”
“He left. He had an emergency, remember? What is it?”
Ten’s hands were trembling as he flipped the letter and began to read it again. “It’s Johnny…He wrote a letter and ugh, why didn’t he tell me?”
I was like woah, I really like this Thai guy. No, that I knew since quite a while. I was like woah, I love Ten. I’d do anything for Ten. Whenever I read this book again or whenever I look at it, I remember that moment once again.
Oh no, this is not how this letter was supposed to start. Ugh, it was supposed to be more poetic. Just ignore what you read and think that it starts from here, okay?
Ten, I think you’re a wonderful person. You make me so happy. I love traveling with you, trying out new things with you and I probably think more of you than is necessary but that’s not really my fault now, is it? You’re breathtaking.
Thank you for always being there for me. You made the tough times bearable and the good times magical. Do you know that you are the first thought that crosses my mind when I wake up? I hate being away from you. I like that you don’t mind that I spam you with texts but hey, am I not an amazing person to talk to? Plus, I send you memes. Appreciate me, please, I’m trying to serenade a guy I like through a whole letter. Points for effort, okay?
Ten was crying. “I didn’t even read it. It’s been months. No wonder he…oh my god, how did he even get through these months when I have been an ignorant fool?”
“Don’t cry,” Lucas said, looking bewildered as he patted Ten’s back.
I’ll be waiting for you on the rooftop, Ten, so if you feel the same way meet me there and I promise, I’ll spend my whole life treating you like the star you are.
“Oh God, he waited and I didn’t go and it was all because I was upset that he gave me a book instead of something romantic like I had hoped for. I didn’t even read the book. I didn’t even flip through it. And all this time, I thought…I behaved so…I have been horrible to him. This is why he hates me now. I disappointed him. I hurt him. Lucas, what do I do?”
If you don’t come, I’ll know and I’ll accept it. Ten, and I’m saying this really seriously, there’s no pressure. If you don’t feel the same way, know that I’ll understand and we will remain best friends and I will respect your decision just like I respect you. If you’re not down for taking a step further than what we are right now, I promise I will never speak of it again. I don’t want this to make things weird or uncomfortable. Whatever you want, I’m okay with that. So, it’s okay, okay? Either way, I’ll always be your best friend.
Suddenly, things made sense to Ten. Johnny’s incessant questions about his having read the book in those early weeks after Ten’s birthday, Johnny changing his behaviour towards him, Johnny flinching away from his touch, from things that had become almost natural for them, Johnny retreating after doing anything even mildly resembling affection.
“He thinks I rejected him,” Ten said. He picked up his phone and dialled Johnny’s number. “Please pick up, please pick up. Johnny, please!” He dialled Jaehyun’s number next and then, Winwin’s. None of his friends were answering. It was too early, maybe. And Johnny, Johnny who woke up early was probably ignoring him by now. After everything, Ten wouldn’t blame him if he was. There was only so much someone could take.
He sobbed as he remembered Johnny’s words from last night. Johnny hadn’t been angry or inconsiderate. He had been hurt when he had said, “Wow, Ten, you amaze me every time. I should get used to the fact that you don’t—can’t—understand anything about me but like to create whatever narrative you want about me. When it comes to the two of us, remember that I have been more patient while you have been insensitive. Don’t you dare accuse me of thoughtlessness!”
It was all so clear now. He had been a fool.
“I messed it up. I messed up everything.”
Lucas pulled him into a hug. “Stop crying so much. Drink some water and then, go to hyung’s dorm.”
“He won’t listen to me. He’ll hate me even more. Lucas, he asked me so many times about the letter but I kept on thinking he was asking me about the wretched book and I lied. I said horrible things. Turns out I made him wait on the terrace and made him feel rejected while being all friendly and…flirty with him all this time. He must have such a low opinion of me by now. I can’t imagine why he still remained friends with me. I don’t deserve him.” Ten sniffled.
Lucas shook his head. “He loves you, remember? Of course, he’ll listen to you. Things will be fine.”
“Promise. Now, go.”
And so Ten went. More like he ran because he reached the other dorm in record timing.
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[Nearly an hour ago]
Kun rang the doorbell to the 127 dorm a bit louder than normally. It was probably the nervous energy bubbling inside him.
Taeil opened the door and greeted. “Hi, Kun. What’s up?”
“Hello, hyung. I was just—”
“Oh my god, Kun hyung, guess what? I have the tea,” Haechan interrupted them. “You won’t believe it!”
“Haechan,” Taeyong warned. “Let Kun have a seat at least.”
“Actually, I came to meet Doyoung,” Kun said, smiling apologetically. “Give me a sec.”
“So, you know about Doyoungie hyung too?” Mark said. “The news is sure spreading quickly.”
Jaehyun wondered aloud. “I still can’t believe he didn’t tell us.”
“He used to be on the phone a lot. When I asked him why he was smiling, he always said he’s watching a drama,” Taeil said.
“I still can’t believe he gifted him the hoodie I designed for him,” Taeyong complained.
“What are you all…?” Kun asked, looking very confused.
“You don’t know?” Mark asked.
“Doyoung hyung is dating a model from YG!” Haechan announced dramatically.
Kun felt the colour drain from his face. “What?”
“Yeah, see this article from Koreaboo. It’s trending. And the pictures are all over Naver searches.” Haechan handed him his phone.
Kun stared at the pictures of the model who was smiling at his fans at the airport. He looked at his members. “How did Doyoung get dragged in the scandal? He isn’t even there. This is just Jun-Ki.”
“You know Park Jun-Ki?” Taeyong asked. “How come I’m the only one who didn’t know?”
“He’s famous, dude. He’s going to star in this amazing drama. The posters are everywhere,” Taeil said.
“Guys,” Kun began.
Jaehyun answered his question. “Oh well, his fans and ours put together stuff. See this hoodie he’s wearing. This is the hoodie Taeyong designed and made for Doyoung during our talent show last year. See the sleeve has D-O-Y-O-U-N-G written in huge letters. I don’t know what they were thinking but the fans not only got it but it spread online.”
“Ya, Park Jun-Ki is a legend. When OP’s friend asked him where he got the hoodie from, he said it belongs to his ‘cute’ boyfriend,” Haechan said in admiration. “The man has got courage. No wonder Doyoung likes him.”
“OP’s other friend says she asked him if his boyfriend works at SM and he said, and I quote, ‘yes, please cheer for his sexy ass!’ Aww, this is kind of cute,” Taeil said. “I mean, we all know Doyoung doesn’t even have an ass. It must be true love for it to be this delusional.”
“He should have told us though. To think we had to find it through the media,” Taeyong said. “We would have thrown him a party!”
“Guys,” Kun had been trying to squeeze into the conversation. “Guys!”
Everyone quietened down.
Kun looked at them with worry. “It’s not Doyoung who is dating Jun-Ki. It’s me.”
“Oh shit,” Mark said, before covering his mouth.
Haechan stared in shock.
Taeil whistled. “The plot thickens.”
Taeyong’s eyes widened as he opened and shut his mouth like a goldfish.
Jaehyung nodded slowly. “Suddenly, the ‘sexy ass’ comment makes sense.” Taeyong slapped his arm and asked, “Wait, but how does he have Doyoung’s hoodie?”
Kun sat down on the couch, misery evident on his features. “Doyoung lent it to me when we went out with Johnny and Ten once. I must have left at Jun-Ki-ya’s place that night.”
“Oh no, he spent the night at a YG artist’s place,” Haechan said. “The plot indeed thickens.”
“Shut up, Haechan,” Mark whispered.
“Where’s Doyoung?” Kun asked. “He called me here. Why didn’t he tell you guys?”
They looked at each other, unsure how to relay the news.
“Manager hyung picked him up. They left a few minutes before you came.  He’s probably in a disciplinary meeting with the press team as they decide what’s to be done,” Taeil finally supplied.
“Fuck,” Kun said, dialling Doyoung’s number quickly.
“Did he just—?” Taeyong asked.
“Yes, he cursed,” Jaehyun confirmed.
Haechan wiped a fake tear. “Hyung is growing up.”
Mark sighed. “I’m worried about Doyoungie hyung. He must be in so much trouble and imagine, he doesn’t even know what’s happening.”
Everyone looked worried.
“You’re right,” Taeil said. “The management must be freaking out right now.”
“I hope Doyoungie is okay,” Taeyong said.
“He isn’t answering calls or messages. He must be in the meeting still. I’m going there. I’ll tell them it’s me. I can’t have him suffer because of me.” Kun walked towards the door with determination.
The door opened and in stepped Doyoung looking annoyed. His expression changed when he saw Kun and the others. “Quite a party here so early in the morning?”
Kun grasped his shoulder. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” Doyoung smiled at him. He turned to the others. “Sorry I didn’t tell you guys before—”
“Save it,” Taeyong rolled his eyes. “We know you’re not dating the YG guy.”
“Park Jun-Ki,” Haechan provided.
“Yeah, that guy.”
Doyoung’s eyes widened and he looked at Kun. “Wait, you told them?”
“How long have you known?” Mark asked Doyoung.
“I found out when I saw the news in the morning. My name was everywhere and to be honest, I freaked out but when I saw the pictures with the hoodie, I put two and two together. I remembered giving Kun the hoodie because he thought wearing a flimsy denim jacket at night was a great choice.” Doyoung smirked. “I know, I am super smart.”
“Doyoung, what did the management say?” Kun asked, still worried.
“You needn’t worry about them. They asked me if I was dating Park Jun-Ki. I said yes and apologized a million times. The management told me to break up with him. Easy since we weren’t dating in the first place. They are going to release a statement later that we aren’t dating. I’m basically on house arrest until the foreseeable future but ha, little do they know I don’t go out of my room anyway. It’s all settled. You’ll be fine. Just tell your stupid boyfriend to release a statement saying the same stuff and not to wear my hoodie or say weird stuff to the public in the future.” He informed the others, “Oh, and we don’t have any schedule today because of what they are calling my ‘stunt’. We can all chill.”
The others joked about Doyoung and congratulated Kun on his relationship, telling him off for keeping it under the wraps for so long, simultaneously asking him for details.
Kun looked uncomfortably guilty all along and as soon as he could, he dragged Doyoung to the latter’s room. “Are you crazy? Why did you do it? This could have affected your career!”
“You’re happy with him and you no doubt kept it a secret because you value your privacy. Congratulations, by the way,” Doyoung said, smiling at him.
Outside the room, things were just settling down when Ten rushed into the dorm, out of breath. He didn’t greet anyone, just rushed to Johnny’s room.
“Where is he?” He rushed out and asked the others. “Where did he go?”
Jaehyun looked at him, worriedly. “Ten, what happened? Are you okay?”
“Jaehyun, I messed up. It’s all over now,” Ten said, clutching his phone as he tried once again to get in touch with Johnny.
Yuta walked down the stairs, followed by a yawning Winwin. “Johnny, your phone keeps ringing. Where are you?”
“Why do you have his phone?” Ten asked.
“It was in his hoodie that I borrowed,” Yuta said, defensively.
Taeil sighed. “These hoodies can be very dangerous.”
As little by little, they got filled in to the Johnten story, Winwin rubbed Ten’s back comfortingly while everyone tried to find out where Johnny was.
“He’s not with his Daegu cousin.”
“Not with his friends.”
“Not with him either.”
“Did you try him?”
“He’s not there too.”
“Oh wait, found him.”
Ten looked at Taeyong with hope. “Where is he?” His voice was hoarse from crying.
“He crashed at Sehun hyung’s place for the night. Sehun said he’s sleeping and he’ll wake him up if it’s important. What should I say?”
“Let me talk to Sehun hyung.” Ten took Taeyong’s phone. He came back in a few minutes and handed back the phone. “Thank you, Taeyong. I owe you.”
“Just…take care of him this time,” Taeyong told him.
“I hope he lets me.”
“Where are you going?”
Ten replied, “I’m going to wait on the terrace.”
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so many revelations! you have to tell us what you thought of this chapter. TEN FINALLY FOUND THE LETTER! we finally know what's up with kun (or at least most of it...wait there's more?)
how many of you still ship dokun though? dokun or junkun? ;)
be ready for the next chapter because there's some more major stuff about to happen or tell us what you want to happen!
thank you so much for reading the chapter, you all are amazing.
love, positive vibes and hoodies ~~
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ol-razzle-dazazzle · 6 years
Rattus Rattus- Chapter 2: Rats With Wings
Here we are again! Thank you all to my fellow Fyogol shippers, it’s nice getting awesome comments, and I really appreciate it- even if I haven’t had much time to respond to things! I’ve been a bit stressed, but here’s the next chapter. 
The next one I’m going to be honest might take a while- as I have two exams in 3-4 days. It might take a week, it might take two. Probably just a week, since I’ve already written half of the other chapter- in which we will be introduced to Pushkin (and hopefully you’ll actually enjoy his character and not feel cheated)! After these initial chapters, things will start to pick up and become more interesting, so keep a watch out ;3c As for those wondering where Ivan will come into the story, he’ll come much later- after school and we will all suffer
Trigger warnings aren’t really needed for this chapter: just more catholic shenanigaggles, also Fyodor has misophonia (I personally hc him as autistic like myself)
Class went rather well, barring Fyodor accidentally picking up Myskin by the tail because he thought it was a pencil. There was a somewhat looming sense of dread, when the teacher glanced at him- and whether it was because he had heard about the rat fiasco or because he was a new student, the attention and requests to recite English was frustrating.
He hadn't even ended up going to his dormitory, let alone pack or unpack his stuff or look around the place (despite that being his own fault). Granted, Fyodor didn't bring too much- just a heap of books, school supplies, and food for Myskin that was disguised to his family as taking a strange craving for seeds and fruit. Irregardless, his family gave him some money that he could spoil through the weeks- and he hopes the nurse is nice and manipulable enough to get potential free lollies like he promised Nikolai.
The class bell rang again and Fyodor then decides to swear to memorise the timetable because he flinches every time the wretched alarm rings. He has no clue where the chapel is let alone how to get there, so he stands outside the classroom Nikolai entered. 
"Ah! Fedya!" Nikolai calls, waving. "Lovely of you to join me." He looks around, peering into Fyodor's bag. "And the magnificent Myskin." He pats the rat. 
As the two walk, Nikolai filled in as much information of the place as he knew. Curfew is at 9:30, but extends 15 minutes each year- older students also have privilege of leaving to explore the town more frequently, but for their current year, visits are once every three weeks. Saturdays are free days, with the addition of any services or clubs students wish to partake in- and Sundays have an 8AM chapel service, which continues for an hour, as well as one at 8PM.
"And dorms?" 
"I'm not sure…I think they're mixed with years, two to four to a room." Nikolai thinks, "Well, generally speaking- I won't be in mine very often."
"How come?"
"Well, thing is…" Nikolai scrunches his face. "I'm here on a 'scholarship' of sorts. So, I'd mainly reside in my own room because 'asceticism'."
"That sounds rather stupid." Fyodor replies.
"…It is." Nikolai shrugs. "But I need to maintain the church as well."
"But we're going there to do just that." Fyodor frowns. "I'm not sure how I am supposed to sleep surrounded by people."
Nikolai sighs, "Well, we have to manage anyway. I'm as disgruntled about this as you are."
"Stop dragging your feet, you two." The teacher folds her arms, "For now you'll be cleaning the balcony with the bell tower." She hands them a broom, spray, mop and dustpan. "As for the rat, you're lucky it must've scuttled into the forest- as it hasn't been sighted."
Fyodor heaves a sigh. 
"Also, while I do not have the time to oversee your detention, I will check the job is satisfactory in two hours." 
Fyodor glances to the side, hoping for an incredulous 'Two hours?!'- but found none. 
"Thank you." A smile instead.
However, the moment the doors closed and they clamoured up the stairs, a loud groan came from the other boy as he shut the door. "Two hours?! Seriously?"
A little late on schedule, but lovely nonetheless. 
"It'll take us an hour to clean the thing!" Nikolai sighs, leaning against the wall, staring around him. While the tower was somewhat shabby and didn't have much room- due to the enormous bell and sets of pulleys, it was a nice view outside.
"Just…please don't ring it." Fyodor winces, finally he is face to face with his arch-nemesis- the bell that had tormented him thrice. 
"Oh yeah- you don't like the noise." Nikolai peers over at the bell, "It's going to ring twice, automated- but there's a clock on the wall so I'll let you know…are you sensitive to loud noises all the time?"
Fyodor scrunches his face a little, not wanting to admit it. "…Maybe." 
"Ah- I was just wondering because I know I can get a little loud."
"No!" Fyodor's surprised at his sudden response, "No, it's fine. I like your voice."
"Well, first time I've ever heard that!" Nikolai laughs, and it's a laugh that's far more superior to any bell. "Alright, let's get this done so we can spend the spare time lazing around."
"Hm, okay…" Fyodor examines the copious heavy tools. "I'll coat the bell with the spray, and you can sweep."
"Sure- but I wanna clean the balcony, and you can mop and polish." 
"How come? The balcony would be the hardest part- she probably wants you to scrape the bird-"
"Eh, just a part of being a bird lover. I mean, you probably deal with it regarding Myskin."
"Myskin is very sophisticated and I am, in fact, training him to use a litter box or a disposable container." Fyodor frowns, "Also, I'm a bit worried he'll get nervous and jump from this height…" He zips open his bag, and inside it the mouse sleeps. "Well, either that or get awoken with the bells." He zips it back, "Poor thing has had enough trouble as it is."
Speaking of which…this would be a good chance to talk to Nikolai about…that.
"We'll sneak a snack for him and us when we go to nurse after this, your treat, right?" Nikolai smiles, getting the broom and dustpan, sweeping. "But after we get dismissed, come on now. Also don't talk while your head is inside the bell, back when I was in Ukraine I've hit my head wayyy too many times."
"Ukraine?" Fyodor raises an eyebrow. 
"Also check the ropes to see if they're frayed or not." Nikolai interjects quickly, "Geez- there's so much dust here."
"Why did you come-"
"Come on Fedya! Ring ring ring! Sweep sweep sweep, clean clean clean!" He hums for a little while in this manner, and Fyodor resigns with a sigh, getting the spray and cloths.
The iron was surprisingly both hard and easy to clean- easy when there weren't blemishes or bird excrement, but difficult otherwise. Fyodor was not exactly known for 'elbow grease', and often resulted in 'ngh's and 'hah's and all matter of exerted effort. 
"Is it really that hard?" Nikolai whistles, collecting the corners. 
"Oh shush- you got the easy job." Fyodor rolls his eyes, moving to the corner to clean around the rim. "I'm sorry I'm not as tough as most people- but my strength lies in mental fortitu- AH!" 
He fall backwards onto the floor, flinching at air and invisible strands. "…It seems that churches are also a haven for spiders." 
"What were you saying?" Nikolai grins, "Also, I haven't swept that part yet- move over here."
"Oh shush. Besides, I'm working harder than you are- you've been humming along and I've already cleaned that part.
"Not really, there's a whole layer in the middle and top that needs to be done- as well as the underside." Nikolai points out.
"I know that- I'm working my way up." Fyodor looks away, and continues cleaning the other side, brushing away the cobwebs. 
"Hmm…you don't need to be so defensive." Nikolai shrugs, "Besides, you'll have a growth spurt soon enough."
"Kolya, if you do not shut up I will make sure you drink this whole spray bottle." 
And of course, as if the thunder of God himself decided to add more effect, the bell rang loudly.
Said effect was Fyodor once again fell as he was startled, bringing his hands to his ears and dropping the bottle. 
"…I was right on the nose." Nikolai shudders for comedic effect, "You're scary, Fedyaaa."
He picks the bottle up and helps Fyodor. "…Thanks." At least he can clean the inside now.
"Just, please, don't fall now. I won't be able to catch you."
"You didn't catch me the first time." Fyodor murmurs, trying to make short work of the job- and by the time he was finished Nikolai had cleared the place of most dust and insects. 
"Okay, now for the top part- you're going to need a ladder. I can hold it for you-"
"Nah, you can do it." Fyodor hands the spray and cloth over. "I'll hold the ladder." 
"You aren't going to let me fall because I teased you a bit, are you?"
Fyodor just smiles, as he brings the ladder.
"…That's horrifying."
"It's fine right- you have the weird relocation thingy."
"…" Nikolai silently climbs up the bell tower, glancing to see if Fyodor was supporting it before he cleaned around it. 
"You know I will have to inevitably ask or pry it out of you." Fyodor helps him down. "As I respect you, you will have the choice." 
He's pretty serious when he needs to be, huh. "Well…okay- fine. We'll take a short break. It's fair enough." Nikolai takes off his blazer. 
"So…?" Fyodor sits up on the wall, tapping next to him for Nikolai to sit. 
"Well, okay- this is pretty weird but…some people have gifts. Like supernatural powers. I don't really know why, but one day- I was sleeping, and I must've put my hand in my other sleeve, because when I woke up- BAM!" He flutters his arms, "It's gone!" 
"Because I had pretty bad vision in this eye-" He pokes the blurred one, "I didn't really know what was going on- because it was my left hand. And then I hear my family scream like nothing else before and…" He puts his hand in his jacket, as it materialised in front of them, waving. "There it was in the kitchen, shaking and wriggling around. You should've seen the face on my mom when she saw it- she almost had a heart attack!" 
With that, he gets up. "And that's that."
"No it's not."
"If we waste too much time, we won't get to go bird-watching." Nikolai puts his finger to his lips. "It's only fitting such dramatic things are revealed on top of dramatic places."
"Must you be so extra?" Fyodor groans- just when he's getting somewhere. 
"I must." He grabs the scraper and gets started on the balcony. The noise irks Fyodor, but nonetheless he grabs the mop and starts cleaning any leftover grime.
The bell rings again, and amidst the scraping he almost curses (he does, but in a Catholic school no one needs to know that.) "Alright, done. Balcony time." He chucks the supplies away. "We have half an hour."
Nikolai sighs, "Someone's eager. Fine, but you better tell some juicy backstory too."
"There's nothing juicy about it. I don't have magical tele-location abilities."
"Wow, Fedya- way to isolate me." He perches on the edge. "If you fall here, I'll catch you. Probably."
Fyodor perches next to Nikolai, holding the wall a little for support. Nikolai sighs longingly, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Fyodor sneaks a glance at Nikolai, his eyes half lidded and a relaxed smile- no grandeur or theatrics. The way his messy ponytail flutters and his bangs getting even more messed up- it's a strange picture.
A beautiful one. Well, when Fyodor's hair isn't getting in the way.
"You keep looking at me and the wall, trying not to look down." Nikolai stifles a laugh. "It's almost like a storybook, in the distance."
"…" Fyodor glances quickly for a moment, being encapsulated. A forest, lush and green. The clouds, surprisingly for Russian weather, not looming and gray. The town in the distance with colourful houses and stalls and buildings.
"It's what birds see. They can go anywhere they want- and they see the world like this- in constant motion and flight." 
"Yet they still return to the same places, still tied." 
"You think so?" Nikolai looks at Fyodor, "I find that even nicer. A being that can go anywhere in the world and yet still returns."
"Will you return to Ukraine?" 
"No- for that's no longer my home."
"It's where your family is."
"And will you return to your family?"
"…I don't have any particular attachment to them."
"Neither do I." Nikolai sighs, "They thought I was possessed or had some strange interference with 'things not of this mortal realm'. So they took me to the priest."
"Usually things like 'gifts' are blessings and curses." 
"For someone so quiet, you're rather perceptive, aren't you?” Nikolai glances at him, turning a little to see him with his better eye, “Yes, they are. And what happens when a human sees something they don't understand?"
"They purge it."
Nikolai exclaims, "My! That's morbid! Ah, so Fedya is a realist. Well, not quite- one can't exactly 'bless away' tele-location. But, I managed to find out that it's accessible via an outer garment. Maybe that's why magicians wear long sleeves." 
The words struck Fyodor as odd, 'bless away'- 'not quite'. But for now he pushed them out of his mind. 
"Nikolai? What if everyone has a special ability but they just never know it?" Fyodor hums in thought, "It could be something really stupid and bizarrely specific like being immune to bombs, but only when they're in a certain shape."
"Ahahaha! You come up with the most preposterous things, Fedya. But…I guess I probably wouldn't be the only one. Maybe it's like when you learn a word, and then you see it pop up everywhere… That would be interesting, to see what other people would have."
"Hm, I don't think people would use them very well- such things could spiral out of control."
"Well, that's mean."
"It certainly would give someone a predisposition to a strange fate."
"Fedya, did you really have nothing else better to do as a kid than flick through dictionaries?"
"You have your ability, I have mine." 
There's the laugh again, like bells. 
A sharp knock on the door interrupts them, as they open it. 
"Hmm…fine- it's a satisfactory job. Go on, then- and I expect the two of you to have learnt your lesson. Gogol, you can stay back for introduction into your room- and Dostoevesky, go to the nurse's office and then you will be taken to your dorm." 
Nikolai stretches, as they walk down the stairs. "Alright, see you soon- at dinner."
"You have an hour and a half- and I expect you two to be prompt."
And so Nikolai waves at Dostoevesky, and he manages to find the nurse's office- swiping some lemon drops- and gets given directions to his dorm.
The hallways are rather empty and wooden, everything echoes- and it makes him think of that saying 'the walls have ears, the doors have eyes'. Watchful eye of God, huh. He puts his ear to the door, and hears some chattering- thumps of pillows, and turns the door. 
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danatole-headcanons · 6 years
Normal (continued)
o worm im feeling generous have the rest of Normal 
“Isn’t it normal?”
Pierre stopped what he was doing, paperweight still in his hand. Time seemed to stand still in the moments he started at the youngest Kuragin, the only sound audible being Fyodor’s choked-up sobbing. Pierre bent down, his knees shaking, and offered his hand to Anatole. He didn’t know what he was doing, or why, but he did it anyway. Anatole trembled as he took Pierre’s hand, his blue eyes glassy and red.
“Don’t exhaust yourself, here.”
Pierre scooped Anatole up and carried him to the couch, wrapping him in blankets. He did the same with Dolokhov, who put up so little of a fight Pierre would’ve thought he was asleep if not for the hiccups coming from him.
“You two, no talking to each other, no looking at each other, don’t even think about each other. I’m going to be right back, okay?”
No movement from either of them. That’s a yes, then. Pierre took a deep breath and got out his phone, walking into his bedroom. Dialing a number, he sat on his bed and thought.
He was broken out of his thoughts when a chipper voice answered the phone.
“Hi! Natasha Rostova here! Who is this?”
Pierre smiled serenely. Natasha was always so happy all the time, not to mention naive, and a hopeless romantic, too. It was really no wonder how the girl fell for Anatole.
“Hello, Natalya. It’s me, Pierre Bezukhov? I was wondering if you could come over right now. I know it’s late, and we haven’t talked, but it’s a bit of an emergency.”
Natasha paused for a second.
“Hello Pierre! Um, of course I’ll come over, especially if it’s an emergency. What emergency, though?”
“Um, it has to do with a friend of mine… he says he knows you? I’d rather not give anymore details away though, he’s not in the most stable of conditions...”
“Oh! I see, I’ll get Marya to drive me over there ASAP. See you, Pierre.”
“Goodbye, Natalya.”
Pierre sighed, pocketing his phone. Hopefully, this’ll end in a heart-to-heart-to-heart, not bloodshed. He shook his head solemnly and walked back to the living room.
He wasn’t surprised to see Fyodor asleep on his couch, still rolled up in blankets in the fetal position. Anatole, however, was in his kitchen. He was sitting on the counter, wearing a quilt like a superman cape, eating a box of ritz crackers, and staring off into the distance woefully.
Both of them didn’t react to Pierre’s reentrance at all. Infact, Anatole didn’t seem to be in this plane of existence.
“Anatole, come here. Someone’s coming over, you can guess who, and you’re having a heart to heart with Fyodor.”
No movement.
“Anatole, please.”
Still nothing.
“Anatole, please, I want to help.”
Still… nothing.
“Fine, eat your crackers, I’m going to go wait for our guest.”
Pierre turned away slowly and began walking out of the kitchen.
“It’s alright, isn’t it? People do that all the time.”
Pierre turned back around to face Anatole. 
He was still looking off into the distance, nothing about him changed.
“I’m just exploring my sexuality, I didn’t really hurt anyone. Right?”
“Anatole, I-”
“Fedya’s fine, he’s just been stressed, that’s all.”
“Anatole, please, wait-”
“I’m not the reason,” He turned, tears welling up in his eyes.
“Right, Pierre?”
Pierre stepped forward. He thought of the things he’d been hoping someone would say to him one day, before opening his mouth.“Look, Anatole. It’s complicated. People are complicated. But, if you want, you can sit in the living room, and talk about everything. We won’t judge, we just want answers. And even if you committed terrible actions, your actions don’t make who you are. Everyone here is your friend, and we love, and support you. Now get down from there, you’ll break a leg, or a plate.”
About twenty awkward minutes passed before Natasha arrived at the house. She looked incredible, even at 10 pm, way better than Pierre probably looked. She waved goodbye to Marya before stepping in. 
“Hey, Pierre, how’re you? Is your friend okay?”
Pierre sighed, looking down.
“I’m fine, thanks, why don’t you come in? I’ll make cocoa, if you want. It’s pretty cold.”
“That’d be nice, thanks.”
Natasha walked past Pierre, into the large manor-like house. It looked basically like it always did. Cream-coloured walls adorned with paintings, bathed in dim yellow light from the lamp in the corner. A large, red couch sat in the far side of the room, covered in golden throw pillows. And on said couch, sat a bundle of someone in the fetal position.
 “Hey, Pierre, who’s this on the couch?”
“Oh, that’s… Dolokhov. Don’t wake him up yet, okay?”
“Um… sure.”
Dolokhov? Fyodor Dolokhov? The reckless, manipulative bastard that dated Sonya and cheated her brother out of nearly 2,500 bucks? He couldn’t have been the one who wanted to see her. There was no way.Was there?
“Hey, Pierre,” She took a step around the couch. “Is Dolokhov the one-?”
Her sentence was cut short as her foot hit something, her body hitting the floor with a dull thud. She whipped around to find two of the bluest, saddest eyes staring back at hers. It was him. He was there, and he looked like utter shit. Anatole Kuragin, the man she had fallen in love with because of his looks and charm, was sitting there in a blanket cape, clutching his knees, eating out of a nearly-empty box of crackers, it looked like. And he was staring at her. 
He didn’t move. No change in expression, no twitch of movement, no anything. He didn’t even seem to register her existence. He just stared in her general direction.
“Anatole, what are you doing here? I thought you left town, did you lie to me again?”
There was a slight, steady pressure on her shoulder as a cup of hot chocolate was placed in front of her face.
“See, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Please, come sit.”
He gestured to a comfy looking armchair in front of the fireplace. She slowly walked over to it as Pierre picked up Anatole and placed him next to Dolokhov on the sofa. A small, distressed noise escaped Anatole as he was lifted away from the box of ritz on the floor. It would be amusing if not for the circumstance.  
“Here, Anatole, it’s for you.”
Natasha watched as Anatole took the cup with trembling hands, pulling it close to him like one might with a stuffed animal.
“So, Natalya,” Pierre started. “You dated Anatole for a while, correct?”
She nodded, her brows furrowing. “Yes, I did.”
“Well… today he came over here looking for Helene. He said something about his father? And Dolokhov? Um, anyway, Dolokhov came over, also looking for Helene. They started fighting, and Dolokhov explained to me what happened. And then some more stuff happened, and Anatole asked if it was normal and so I called you…” He looked down sheepishly. “So, yeah. That’s what happened.”
Natasha blinked, glancing at the two on the couch.
“So… I’m here why?”
“Well, I thought maybe you’d know something about what Anatole said. Since you two were so close.”
Natasha placed her mug on the coffee table. Taking in the house.
“Wait, but I thought you lived with Anatole for a while? Didn’t you notice anything?”
Pierre let out a sigh as he looked up at her.
“Yeah, I did. But I wasn’t really at the house a lot. And when I was, most of the family was gone, save for Ippolit. And I never really talked to him.”
“Didn’t you think to question them? I don’t think Ippolit would’ve minded being asked any questions.”
“True, but I didn’t want to lose my room there if I did. Plus, Anatole was really clumsy. So I mostly brushed off his wounds as his own doing.”
The room was silent for the next few minutes aside from Dolokhov’s soft snoring.
Natasha picked at her nails, gazing at Anatole through her peripherals.
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mimosaeyes · 6 years
Stuff I’ve been reading in 2017
The third annual reading list! (Here’s 2015 in two parts, and 2016.) School was killing my love of reading but I refused to let it. And so here we are, three years and 280 books later.
I’ve taken the liberty of bolding my favourite reads this year, and including some background about how I came to read what I did. Here we go:
I pseudo-resolved to read slower this year, and savour books that need time to seep in. Longer books tend to fit that profile for me, so I went and read the longest book in my home library.
1. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, translated from the Russian by Rosemary Edmonds (reflections here)
Don’t know how I zeroed in on this gem in a Kinokuniya bookstore, but I love it and you should definitely read it. Go. Go now. I was two years slow on the uptake for Pulley’s debut, but when her second novel came out this year, I literally ordered it online in 0.0002 seconds. It’s number 51 on this list.
2. The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley
I can’t summarise how I feel about this next one. It just gets to me. After reading it, I went on to watch the film as well as its 20-years-later sequel. I might read some more by Welsh, but gosh the Scottish accent is hard to decipher.
3. Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh
Perfect for bringing along on my first semester studying overseas.
4. Hector and the Search for Happiness by François Lelord
And then the school texts start! As does leisure/procrastination reading: all the Neruda and Sexton poetry, plus Dostoevsky. Only novels, novellas, plays, and anthologies are listed here; this semester I studied many isolated short stories and poems. Books I read twice are the ones I happened to write essays on – it doesn’t necessarily mean I liked them a lot. (In fact, if I really like a book, sometimes I deliberately avoid writing about it, because analysing something too much can ruin it.) I read all the poetry aloud, because poetry, but I worry also in part because the silence in my room was getting oppressively lonely.
5. Joe Cinque’s Consolation by Helen Garner 6. Bereft by Chris Womersley (twice, actually) 7. Melanctha by Gertrude Stein 8. Breath by Tim Winton (twice, actually) 9. As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner 10. Pablo Neruda: Selected Poems edited by Nathaniel Tarn, translated from the Spanish by Anthony Kerrigan, W. S. Merwin, Alastair Reid, and Nathaniel Tarn 11. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson 12. Carpentaria by Alexis Wright (out loud just because) 13. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, translated from the Russian by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky 14. To Bedlam and Part Way Back by Anne Sexton 15. All My Pretty Ones by Anne Sexton 16. Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates (twice, actually; pseudo-thrice) 17. Live Or Die by Anne Sexton 18. Love Poems by Anne Sexton 19. The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde 20. Transformations by Anne Sexton 21. The Book of Folly by Anne Sexton 22. Sorry by Gail Jones 23. The Death Notebooks by Anne Sexton 24. The Secret History by Donna Tartt (her second novel is number 79) 25. The Awful Rowing Toward God by Anne Sexton 26. Burial Rites by Hannah Kent 27. 45 Mercy Street by Anne Sexton 28. Words for Dr. Y. by Anne Sexton
In the break between semesters, I marathoned several TV shows (oops) and revisited a book series from my childhood. (Which, incidentally, ends in a greatly upsetting way?) That series is bookended by two novels which are companions to each other.
29. The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce 30. Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer 31. Artemis Fowl and the Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer 32. Artemis Fowl and the Eternity Code by Eoin Colfer 33. Artemis Fowl and the Opal Deception by Eoin Colfer 34. Artemis Fowl and the Lost Colony by Eoin Colfer 35. Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox by Eoin Colfer 36. Artemis Fowl and the Atlantis Complex by Eoin Colfer 37. Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer 38. The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy by Rachel Joyce
Back to school! Again, quite a few short stories and poems not reflected here. 42, 48, 49, 51, and 57 for leisure; the rest were for my courses.
39. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (twice, actually; making it thrice in two years, dammit) 40. The Hunter by Julia Leigh (twice, actually) 41. Bright Lights, Big City by Jay McInerney 42. Tropic of Capricorn by Henry Miller 43. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens 44. My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin 45. Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis (twice, actually) 46. Slaves of New York by Tama Janowitz 47. Lady Audley’s Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon 48. My Career Goes Bung by Miles Franklin 49. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz 50. Bad Behaviour by Mary Gaitskill 51. The Bedlam Stacks by Natasha Pulley 52. The Mysteries of Pittsburgh by Michael Chabon 53. The Man Who Loved Children by Christina Stead 54. Simulations by Jean Baudrillard, translated from the French by Paul Foss, Paul Patton and Philip Beitchman 55. Frisk by Dennis Cooper 56. Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (twice, actually) 57.《边城》沈从文 著 58. Motion Sickness by Lynne Tillman 59. Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk (twice, actually) 60. Affinity by Sarah Waters 61. The Lost Stradivarius by John Meade Falkner 62. The Twyborn Affair by Patrick White (twice, actually)
The school year concluded, while still in Australia I read books I’d been given or chose on whims. I bought number 65 in Cairns Airport because I had nothing to read for the rest of a five-day trip; I’d started and finished number 63 during my domestic flight on day one. Clearly I’d underestimated how much I still wanted to read, having overloaded during the semester.
63. Mãn by Kim Thúy, translated from the French by Sheila Fischman 64. The Arrival by Shaun Tan (no words, only illustrations; please, please experience it for yourself) 65. And the Ass Saw the Angel by Nick Cave (it’s a Bible reference; think Southern Gothic)
Back home once more, I had access to my personal library, as well our national libraries! Although I’d embarked on a big crochet project as a Christmas present for some close family friends, I went pretty hard in the rest of my free time, which was abundant, because unemployment.
Some of these books just caught my eye on the shelf. Some have been on my To Read list for ages, because of friends’ recommendations (76 and 77, for instance) or because I figured I needed to see what the hype was all about (81 through 83, and 85 through 87). On the subject of YA fiction: no offence if you’re a fan of the genre, or indeed of these two series in particular, but to me it tends to feel like the literary equivalent of empty calories — easy reading that makes for a change of pace from books like 79, or 76. I read each trilogy in a day. Also, yes I realise I’m very late to the party; I haven’t watched the movies, either. Heh.
66. The Great and Calamitous Tale of Johan Thoms by Ian Thornton 67. The Borrowers by Mary Norton (on which Studio Ghibli’s The Borrower Arrietty is based) 68. Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie (before I went to watch the movie) 69. A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian by Marina Lewycka 70. Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (on which Studio Ghibli’s film of the same name is based) 71. Calligraphy Lesson: The Collected Stories by Mikhail Shishkin, translated from the Russian by Marian Schwartz, Leo Shtutin, Sylvia Maizell, and Mariya Bashkatova 72. The Sage of Waterloo by Leona Francombe 73. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman 74. The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom 75. The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henríquez 76. White Teeth by Zadie Smith 77. Uprooted by Naomi Novik 78. How To Be Both by Ali Smith 79. The Little Friend by Donna Tartt (her first novel is number 24; I’ll read her third in the new year, as it demands slow enjoyment) 80. The Danish Girl by David Ebershoff 81. The Maze Runner by James Dashner 82. The Scorch Trials by James Dashner 83. The Death Cure by James Dasher 84. Jip by Katherine Paterson 85. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins 86. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins 87. Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins 88. Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman
And that’s it: another year in books! Do note that thanks to my new theme, I now put updates in the sidebar about what I’m currently reading and watching, respectively. So if you’re ever curious, mosey on over, I guess.
In the new year, I’ll be creating a Goodreads account specially to complement my (admittedly infrequent) postings here. I haven’t gotten an account there previously because the star rating system seemed so reductive, but I have since realised that if professional movie critics can do it, I ought to stop being so high and mighty. Besides, I’m curious about the Goodreads community, and might want to try my hand at writing a couple of reviews, if I find the time and energy.
See you in 2018, everyone!
(Update: here is my Goodreads profile!)
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elliotthezubat · 6 years
from new sturm members, to etta’s past, to the agency’s sympathies
also Fyodor continues to be a dick
[cont from part 84]
-the next day- kyouko: *making breakfast* Rin: =______= *yawn* "Gouda mornin'..." kyouko: mornin' Rin: "How's breakfast goin'?" *looks around* kyouko: just started. Rin: "Hmm..." *opens the fridge, pours orange juice* "Where's everyone?" kyouko: yukio's at the school already. Rin: O________O; *looks at the clock* "AM I LATE?!" kyouko: yeah. Rin: "OH, FUDGE!" *grabs his school jackets, and runs--in pajama bottoms and slippers* kyouko:....*grin* -elsewhere- Mephisto: *pours tea* "Here you are, lovelies~" *he's wearing...glasses* felisia: thank you. (niiiice) -elsewhere- Damon: "...Is he still asleep?" becky: yeah. but the room looks cool. Damon: "Yeah!" *opens the toy chest* becky: wooah. *shiny eyes* Damon: "..." *takes out a doll* "..." *smiles* "Cool!" -elsewhere- Lucy: "??? You look exhausted." *sets down a cola and some chips* atsushi: busy running errands the other day. *The restaurant is pretty much empty* Lucy: *sits down* "Secret hush-hush stuff?" atsushi: more or less, i guess. *nom* Lucy: "Ah...Atsushi? You like this?" atsushi: ?? Lucy: "The work you do?" atsushi:...yeah. Lucy: "It's still dangerous...With the news..." atsushi: .....*holds her hand* of course it's scary, but someone has to do it, right? Lucy: "..." *small squeeze, nods* "I still worry. After what I've seen in the Guild, there's a lot out there." atsushi:...yeah... Lucy: "...Be careful. And if you need help...would you ask?" atsushi:...i will. Lucy: *smiles, nods* -elsewhere- shiori: *walking and drinking from her sippy cup* Kid: *following* shiori: *looks up at the cookie jar* Kid: "Oh? See something you like, Shiori?" shiori: that. *points to the jar* can i? Kid: "How about I bring it down for you? Sound good?" shiori: yes peas! Kid: "That's the magic word!" *brings down the cookie jar, sets it on the floor, opens the top* "Take one." shiori: *takes one and eats it* ^u^ Kid: ^^ *takes one as well* "Good, right?" *nom* "Chocolate!" shiori: hehehe! ^u^ Kid: "Maybe we can make some tomorrow--like oatmeal--" shiori: >Xp Kid: ._. "...I mean, it's healthy? What would you want?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "How did class go?" sonia: it was nice. im glad Q's here now... Chuuya: "You are?" sonia: *nod* maybe we can help him not be as broken. Chuuya: "...I...suppose we can." ("...Rain...Just listen to her...") sonia:....is the demon broken too? Chuuya: "...I don't know what he is..." sonia:...oh..... Chuuya: "He...may not recover." sonia:.....i cant forgive him for what he did to mama......but at the same time, i pity him...the young boy i mean.... Chuuya: " 'Young boy'?" sonia: i see him in my dreams too sometimes. he always seems so sad, and he's trapped inside the demon... Chuuya: "..." *hug* sonia: ..... Chuuya: "You're very kind-hearted." sonia:.....*hug* Chuuya: "I just don't want you to...ignore all of a person...what they are capable of." *as he talks, he sees himself in a mirror* corruption?: *smiles at him* Chuuya: "..." *shudders* sonia:......*pap pap* Chuuya: "I-I'm sorry..." sonia: its ok.... Chuuya: "I-I want to be a good father to you..." sonia: .... Chuuya: "...Sorry. I don't mean to put that pressure on you." sonia: its alright.... Chuuya: "...Let me...see if someone can talk to...him." sonia:....*nod* -elsewhere- Magaki: *sits on the couch, reading* "..." tsubaki: how was school? Magaki: "...Fine. A lot of reading..." *looks away* -elsewhere- Kuro: "...They make us...do work from home. ...Monsters." mahiru: well get used to it. Kuro: >_< "I don't wanna...Can't I copy yours?" -elsewhere- Joker: *passed out at the bar* scarlet: of course. -_-; Joker: "Fluffernutters..." -elsewhere- Anya: "...'Trust exercises'?" EF: *she nods* you'll fall back and the person behind you will catch you. Anya: "I feel like we did this before--and it didn't turn out well. Why do we need this?" EF: ao and tsugumi said they'd be willing. Anya: "..." *sighs* "Okay...Who's catching me?" ao: *wave* Anya: -____- "...Don't drop me." ao: i wont.. Anya: "..." *turns...closes her eyes* "Say when to fall back..." ao: now. Anya: … *falls back* -nice catch- ao: see? no ulterior motives here. Anya: "..." *nods* "F-Fine...Thanks." tsugumi:...*smile* Meme: "Tsugumi, how about you next?" tsugumi: ok! -elsewhere- Emine: "--and that's pretty much what happened when we were kids." mana: wow... Shotaro: *nods* "...Rough." mana: ..... Emine: "..." *sniff* lin-kimpur: *hug* Emine: "..." *hug* Shotaro: TwT -elsewhere- Konro: *humming as he puts together flowers* kabuki: ^^~ Konro: "There! Good practice for the big day." -elsewhere- Walter: "Yo, G.E.! How you fitting in?" george: alright i guess. still trying to find out what the heck my ability is. also i have this weird tattoo on my stomach? Walter; "Yep! Part of the contract. Goethe didn't mention that, huh?" george: no. no he did not. Walter: "I mean, it'll make swimsuit season a little bad, but you can work it...You see everyone else's abilities?" george: not really. Walter: "Well, I can make an illusion of myself, Etta can control people's movements..." george: i see.... Walter: "The twins show you theirs?" george: no. Walter: "Wilhelm can make animals appear--" george: huh. *two children pop up beside George* george: GWEH! wilhelm: that sure startled him, eh bro? Jakob: "Indeed, bro." Hansel: *griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin* gretel: hehehe~ george:....yeeeah totally not creepy in the slightest... -elsewhere- Rin: *sitting in an empty classroom* *tick tick tick* Rin: "...Son of a gun!" shura: hn? rin? the heck're you doing? Rin: "I thought it was a school day!" >_< shura: well as you can see, it isnt. but on the bright side, no one has to see you in your pjs and slippers. Rin: "..." .\\\\~\\\\. "Ah, nut-butter." -elsewhere- Justin: *opens the window, looks outside* -seems like a nice day out- Justin: "..." *smiles* "Time for a walk." oriko: *nod* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "You know I want you to be safe, yes?" aya: of course i know, dad. Kunikida: "... ... ..." aya:..... *realizing what she just said* t-that was a slip of the tongue, really! Kunikida: "..." *nods* "...Although..." aya: ? Kunikida: "...I may not be your father, but I am concerned for you." aya:...t-thanks. Kunikida: "..." *pat pat* "Let's make sure you stay protected out there." -elsewhere- Patty: *spies over the back of the couch* OwO kirika: .... *staring at homework* uuugh, how am i still in school yet? Patty: "Need help?!" kirika: HIUFIUIHSJBHIFLHJBKBJ Patty: OwO "...So, yes?" kirika:... -elsewhere- Allison: "Hey, welcome back!" erina: hey... Allison: "Settling into work?" erina: i think so. Allison: "Well, you got tonight off, right? Any plans?" erina: not sure... Allison: "I got some leftover pasta..." erina: cool.... Allison: *smiles* "Any interesting things happen?" *places meal in the microwave* erina: usual work stuff. Allison: "...That sounds like an improvement." *small smile* erina:...yeah... Allison: "I'm happy you got away from the prison..." erina:.......*stares at the floor* Allison: "..." *shoulder pat* erina: t-thanks... Allison: *smiles* "Any time, buddy." erina: .........*looks at her phone* *A phone number is on the screen* Allison: "??? Missed call?" erina:......*dials a number* -elsewhere- Jordan: *shifting the joystick on his 3DS* "Just a bit more..." *LOUD RING* Jordan: "!!!" *The Golden Stag is lost* Jordan: Q___Q *looks at the phone* "...!!!" *answers* "H-H-Hello?" erina: hey jordan...is this a bad time to call? Jordan: "Erina! N-Nah, not at all! What up?" erina: did you...want to come over at all? Jordan: OWO "Yeah. Sure. Wh-Where at?" Allison: *shiny eyes* -she tells him where the apartment is- Jordan: "That'll be about 20 minutes. C U then!" erina: see ya....*hangs up* .... Allison: :3 erina:....did i...do the right thing? Allison: "Depends--just looking for some company?" erina:....i guess.... n-not that i dont like you here or anything like that, thats not what im saying- Allison: "But wanting to have something a little more intimate?" erina: *blush* a-alli! Allison: "I meant just one-on-one relationshipping--wherever that goes." ^w^ erina: 7////7;;; Allison: "So, what you going to wear? Casual? Spruced up?" erina:....too tired to change into clothes. Allison: "Well, it's an informal visit--I'm sure your attire suits it." *opens the fridge* "I'll get another plate." -elsewhere- Yumi: *sets Shiori into bed* "All tuckered out?" shiori: *yaaaawn* Yumi: *tucks her in* "We'll see you in the morning, sweetie." -morning- Takehisa: *rotate his shoulder* "Sore..." komori: [lots of training today?] Takehisa: "Yes. Continuing from yesterday. The Commander expects something big will happen..." komori: [i see.] Takehisa: "Sorry to ask, but can you keep an eye for any injuries today?" komori: [that is my job, isnt it?] Takehisa: *nods* "Thank you." -elswhere- sayaka: it's been like, forever since we saw you last, hitomi! hitomi: it sure has, hasnt it? sayaka: so what brings you to the DWMA hitomi: i've heard a lot about your's and madoka's adventures, and i felt...a bit lonely, for lack of a better comparison. madoka: aw, hitomi... sayaka: well we have lots to tell you. and lots of cool people to introduce you to! madoka: that reminds me, how's kyousuke doing? hitomi: oh, that... sayaka: something wrong? hitomi: not to bring the mood down but, kyousuke and i actually broke up. sayaka:.... madoka:.... sayaka + madoka: *feeling awkward* madoka: well, there's a nice cafe not far from school. maybe we can go there? hitomi: ^^; sound nice. -elsewhere- erina: *looking around* *panting and running is heard* erina: ?? Jordan: "I-I'm here! I'm here! I'm--" *trips--and falls on his face* "..." erina: oh, hey jordan. come to visit me at work? Jordan: *lifts up his head--his nose is bleeding* "I wanted to return the container from the leftovers your roommate gave me!" *holds it up* erina: oh, thanks. Jordan: "How's work going?" erina: alright. Jordan: ^w^ "...Well, while I'm here, I'm gonna use my lunch break for a pretzel and an amiibo." erina: well, you do that, ok? Jordan: .w. "...You had lunch?" erina: in a few minutes. Jordan: "Ah..." *scratches his cheek* erina:....sooooo..... Jordan: "...Well, um, I'll...leave you to it!" erina: you too. *small wave* Jordan: ^w^; *wave* -elsewhere- etta: *brushing her hair* {???: "Perfection."} etta: ?! *turns.....nothing*... {etta: *whimper*} {???: "Now, now...You know pretty girls don't cry like that. Look at your eyes..."} {etta: *sniff* my feet hurt, papa...} {Mr. Hoffman: "That is to be expected. After all, you cannot reach beauty without pain."} {etta: .....} -my life, is a cruel one- {etta: *looking out the window*} {*There are children playing in the snow*} {etta:....*goes to get her coat*} {*Mr. Hoffman is sitting at the fireplace, his chair facing it...There's no way he can see behind him where she walks, and there's no way he can see the door leading outside...He is so still he sounds like he's asleep*} {etta:....*slowly creeping, trying to keep silent*} {*Mr. Hoffman reminds silent*} {etta:...*reaches for the doorknob*} {*heat hits her ankle, like a flaming coal*} {etta: AH!} {*There are tiny embers on the floor, having just left a quick touch on her ankle*} {Mr. Hoffman: *stands, turns...he holds a hot poker from the fireplace...* "Can't have that perfect skin blemished..."} {etta: *trembling, trying to reach for the door*} {Mr. Hoffman: "Etta, really?" *marches forward* "You cannot. Unclean urchins outside. Failure to keep to a schedule. This is not the perfection I imagined for you..." *holds the poker more tightly* "Do you need...to be punished?"} {etta: *trembling, crying*} {Mr. Hoffman: "...No tears. They will ruin those eyes..."} -i was a prisoner of my own home- {etta: can i do to school?} {Mr. Hoffman: "...Why would you need school?"} {etta: maybe i could....make friends?} {Mr. Hoffman: "Etta...You have friends. What about Mr. and Mrs. Coppelius? Or Mr. Gaiman?"} {etta: but they're grown ups. i want friends my age...} {Mr. Hoffman: "And children are fools. You do better without them."} {etta:....} -im not your doll- {etta: *collapses from exhaustion*} {Mr. Hoffman: "Imperfect. Again."} {etta: *pant* p-please...may i stop now?} {Mr. Hoffman: "Other dancers practice nine hours daily. Again."} -i want to get out- {etta: *heads back into the dressing room and sits down, weeping* i dont want to go home....*looks at a nutcracker doll on the desk....hugs it*} {*it sounds like someone is pacing outside*} {etta:......*shaking*} {???: "...Zzzzz..."} {*is that...snoring?*} {etta: ?? *looks out the door*} {*Down the hall is...a vagrant? Collapsed asleep?*} {etta:....*pokes him with her foot*} {???: *grunts* "Quit it...Let me sleep."} {etta: the hallway isnt a place to sleep, sir.} {???: "..." *opens his eyes* "I'm tired. _Anywhere_ is a place to sleep if you do it right."} {etta: ....} {???: *yawns* "Man...When does that darn play start, anyway?"} {etta: it just finished.} {???: "..." <Dammit.>} {etta: ......} {???: "...Wait...You were in the play?"} {etta:...yes, i was.} {???: "How you think it went?"} {etta:....alright i guess....*rubs her eyes*} {???: "...And it looks like it took a lot out of you."} {etta:....whats it to you?} {???: *shrugs* "Passes the time. My ride isn't here."} {etta: .....right...} {???: "How about you? Someone waiting to pick you up?"} {etta:....just my f-...my father...} {???: "...He didn't attend your performance?"} {etta: i'm rather happy he didnt...not that it would satisfy him...} {???: "...What, you're not good at this?"} {etta: i-its not that im not good, but even if i do 100%, he'd _still_ want me to do better and look pretty doing it. *tears up* im only a human being, im not some doll...} {???: "...That's a lot of pressure to put onto a kid."} {etta: ...it's not fair! i wasnt allowed to have a normal childhood like the other kids. i wasnt allowed to go to school or have a pet, all he wanted was a perfect doll for a daughter. i hate him!} {???: "...I'm sorry."} {etta:....*sniff* s-sorry....i was just....i guess i lost it there, huh? and do someone i dont even know....} {???: "Goethe."} {etta: ??} {Goethe: "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe."} {etta: i see. well, i assume you know who i am then, given the posters.} {Goethe: "Etta Hoffman, right? The sugar plum fairy of the stage?"} {etta: yes. that would be correct} {Goethe: "...You have another performance tomorrow or next week?"} {etta:...most likely....} {Goethe: "...Then I'll have to stay awake that time."} {etta:......right...} -I was given that chance- {etta: ......} {*knock knock*} {etta: its open...} {Goethe: *opens the door* "Hey." *he's holding flowers*} {etta: oh... thank you....} {Goethe: "You're welcome. It was deserved--you've gotten better."} {etta: ....} {Goethe: "I mean it. That was a tremendous performance."} {etta: ...... *she seems drained*} {Goethe: "...Need some water?"} {etta:....it's getting worse and worse....am i going to be trapped this way forever?} {Goethe: "Nothing is forever--it has to end, one way or another."} {etta: maybe if i just drank this ink and poisoned myself...} {Goethe: "Stop."} {etta: *looks at him*} {Goethe: *deadly serious* "Don't do that."} {etta: then what should i do then, huh? im tired of being controlled by him!} {Goethe: "...That dancing has made you stronger than you think..."} {etta: what do you mean?} {Goethe: "Stamina. Flexibility. Speed. Strength. You have enough in you to accomplish anything--but your greatest skill is your willpower."} {etta: .....} {Goethe: "And all you need...is the opportunity to take that willpower to the next level...to exert control over _others_ for a change."} {etta: ?? what do you mean?} {Goethe: "Well...I haven't been entirely honest. How do I put it...I have an ability."} {etta: an ability?} {Goethe: *nods* "I have this power to give people powers..."} {etta: ...are you offering me an ability then?} {Goethe: *nods*} {etta:...whats the catch?} {Goethe: "Well, you'd be under my employ..."} {etta: so then i'll have to retire early then, huh?} {Goethe: "I know it's a lot to juggle multiple jobs--but nothing would stop you from performing on stage. I'd make sure of that."} {etta:...and if i do so, i'll be freed from my father?} {Goethe: "Yes."} {etta:...alright, i'll do it.} {Goethe: "Then let's get the contract done." *holds out his hand*} -and I took it without hesitation- {etta: ......} {*a crash is heard downstairs*} {etta: ?? *heads downstairs* ??} {Mr. Hoffman: "That lying tramp!"} {etta: f-father?} {Mr. Hoffman: *turns, holding the card attached to Goethe's flowers* "How dare you!"} {etta: f-father, i can explain-} {*SLAP*} {etta: AH! *stumbles*} {Mr. Hoffman: "No wonder your dancing has been off! You have made yourself impure!"} {etta: b-but i havent-} {Mr. Hoffman: "These silly notions! They infest your head! Just fantasies of men doing...doing..." *shudders* "It's awful! Who would ever put those notions into--" *spots the Nutcracker* "..." *looks at the poker by the fireplace*} {etta: you're wrong! t-they were from a fan! i havent been with anyone!} {Mr. Hoffman: "...I knew it was a mistake to let you have this...Men...They are all that's on your mind." *picks up the poker, raises it over the Nutcracker*} {etta: !!! STOP IT! *holds hand out*} {Mr. Hoffman: *brings the poker down at the Nutcracker--before his hand stops in mid-motion* ??!!} {etta: !!!....(so this is........) *cold glare at her father*} {Mr. Hoffman: "...Etta--"} {etta: *moves her hand*} {Mr. Hoffman: *his hand moves on its own* "!!!"} {etta:..... *glances at the fire*} {Mr. Hoffman: "Etta! For the love of God--"} {etta: shut up. you dont have the right to beg for mercy! after all the misery and pain you put me through, IM SICK! AND TIRED! OF BEING YOUR PUPPET!} {Mr. Hoffman: "I'm begging you! Don't--"} {etta: i will give you one last thing.......an early preview of hell.} {Mr. Hoffman: "No--"} {-she makes him get onto his knees at the fireplace and then....-} {Mr. Hoffman: "No! I--"} {etta: *she ignores him......and makes him stick his head in*} {Mr. Hoffman: *screams, unable to move*} {etta: *just stares*} etta:....(right...im not his to control...) *smiles* (if i am to dance, then i dance for myself.) *Music can be heard...* etta:....*dancing along* Walter: *in the living room, turns it up a bit louder* etta: *smiles* Kafka: "..." *taps his foot* -elsewhere- Damon: "Wow...We can see the whole city!" becky: woah... soul: awesome view, right? Damon: *nods* "It's the biggest city ever!" soul: *smiles* Damon: *points to a ferris wheel* "What's that?" soul: that's a ferris wheel. you can see from really high up. becky: cool. Damon: "It's a ride? Like a park?" soul: sort of. there's lots of parks in the city. Damon: "...Are they scary?" soul: not all of them. Damon: "...Some of this city is." soul: sure, some of the things people say here can be a bit scary, but its normal for the locals. the people who lived their whole lives here are often called 'death children', but dont let that scare you, they're pretty nice most of the time. becky: ... Damon: "Like that 'Kid' guy?" soul: *nods* yep. Damon: "...Why does everyone here talk about 'death'?" soul: well this is 'death city'... Damon: *pouts, crosses his arms* soul: owo;;; becky: *raises a brow at him* Damon: "I don't like hearing about it..." soul:...i know, its scary, but you two are going to be safe....this is a city of second chances... Damon: "??? What do you mean?" soul: in death, there comes new life. becky: like in nature? soul: like that. *nod* Damon: "??? I don't understand..." soul: take flowers for example. they bloom, and then they wilt and leave seeds, which then become new flowers....sometimes its bulbs instead of seeds, but thats beside the point. Damon: "...And then the seeds...?" soul: they become new flowers...new life, and the cycle starts over again. Damon: "..." *reaches for Soul's hand* soul:...*small squeeze of both their hands* Damon: *small smile* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Hold up--you're a nun, too?" tamaki: *step step step* *faceplant* ow...frick. Vulcan: "...You're a _clumsy_ nun?" tamaki: where do i get this thing hemmed? -_-; Relan: "..." *takes out a sewing kit* tamaki: thank you. TTATT -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *looks up* "Need to run an errand." higuchi: it'll be risky... Akutagawa: "..." *takes his coat, and--* *FWOOP* *The coat is now more of a hoodie, hiding his face...He slumps forward* Akutagawa: "I'll disguise myself well enough..." higuchi:....be careful... Akutagawa: *nods* "Thank you." *steps into the tunnels...* -elsewhere- Spirit: *lying on the couch* "Ug..." sachiko: *puts washcloth on his forehead* Spirit: "Th-Thanks...This migraine..." sachiko: *pats his head* Spirit: "Mmmm..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Anything interesting you saw?" atsushi: well......*remembers the mysterious person on the train*....just the usual stuff... Kunikida: "...Have you been practicing?" atsushi: yes sir. Kunikida: "...Let's see about that--" *opens the desk drawer, reaches for something--* atsushi:....*DODGE* Kunikida: "..." -_-; *he's holding a deck of cards* atsushi:...*takes a seat* .w.;;; Kunikida: *cuts the deck, shuffles* "Keep an eye on the cards...Memorize them..." *spread out five cards* "Let me know when you have them memorized." *The cards even match different members of the Agency...with Dazai as the Joker* atsushi: are these custom? Kunikida: "I assume so. And it answers the odd item on the budget Dazai charged..." atsushi: ah.. Kunikida: "Got them memorized?" atsushi: i think so... Kunikida: "Then keep your eye on the cards..." *with one flip, the cards are face-down, and he slides them along the table, slowly at first--then faster and faster at blinding speed* atsushi: ._.;;; yosano: oh, poker night already? Kunikida: *finishes passing the cards around, looks at Yosano* "No, that'll be tomorrow. Now we're trying to see whether Atsushi can find the Jack." atsushi: ._.;;; hmmmm..........is it.. this one? Kunikida: *flips, revealing the Jack* atsushi: (success!) Kunikida: "And how did you do that?" atsushi:...by the smell? Kunikida: "...Interesting. You trusted your smell more than your sight?" atsushi: in that case, yeah. Kunikida: "...Doctor, could you get a blindfold and the leftover curry?" atsushi: ._.;; -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *scrounging in a dumpster* lucy: *walking back to the agency apartments* Akutagawa: *pulls out a loaf of bread, wrapped, just one day past the "best buy" date--and tosses it behind him into a basket below* lucy:....*sympathetic glance* Akutagawa: *pops up again--turns* "..." lucy:.... !!! Akutagawa: "...Oh. You." lucy: *whispers* what are you doing? Akutagawa: "We're low on supplies. And this food is still good." lucy:....is it...has it really gotten that bad? Akutagawa: *shrugs* "Just a daily routine." lucy:..... Akutagawa: "...If you want what's in this trash receptacle, forget it--I've already claimed it." lucy:....*sigh* i'll see if i can talk to the others to arrange something... Akutagawa: "...You would do so?" lucy: yeah...it's just pitiful looking at you like this. Akutagawa: -____-; "...Thanks." -elsewhere- twain: so who's next on our list of former guild members to search for? Steinbeck: "Irving, in Terrytown." emily: according to rumors, his residence has a lot of traps in it, so be careful... Hemingway: "??? Like 'Home Alone'? Or 'Home Alone 2'?" emily: more or less. Hemingway: "...I hate those movies." *grabs a harpoon* emily: ._.;;; Steinbeck: "Let's save the threats until after we determine how cooperative Mr. Irving will be..." -elsewhere- Poe: *shivers, looking around the room* lenore: *watches from her perch* something bothering you? Poe: "Th-The room feels cold, and just trying to find a book I misplaced..." lenore: i see. Poe: "It was a book on cosmology, for a poem I had wanted to finish..." -elsewhere- Damon: *asleep on the couch* "Zzz..." soul:....*picks him up and carries him to the kid's room* Damon: "Zzz..." *sleep-hug* soul:.... *smiles and tucks him in* Becky: "???" *walks in* soul:...hey kiddo. Becky: "..." *whispers* "He's really tired." soul: yeah...you doing alright? Becky: "...I don't know." soul:...you want something to eat? Becky: "...Okay. What can I have?" soul: lets see, we got ourselvesss....cereal, chips, etc....what do you like? Becky: "..." -___-; "Cereal, then." soul: sounds good. Becky: "...Do you have a girlfriend?" soul:...........*he seems sad* Becky: "...Oh. Sorry." soul: ....guess i'll take it from the top. -he tells her the whole story- Becky: "...So Mr. Spirit's daughter?" soul:...yeah...*wipes his eyes* Becky: "Is-Is that why y-you took us?" soul:...*hug* sort of...but i knew you and your brother needed a home, someone to care for you. so i decided to do it. Becky: "..." *cries, hugs him* soul: i want to be a good dad for you guys... Becky: "..." *shakes her head* soul: ..... Becky: "Can you...just take care of us?" soul: ok. i will. Becky: "...Thank you..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "All this?" atsushi: *nod* *hands him two bags of groceries* Akutagawa: "...You didn't have to." atsushi: well, lucy told us about your situation and we felt kind of bad for you. Akutagawa: "I don't need your pity." *small pout* atsushi: ^^; Akutagawa: "...Tell the ill-tempered girl I appreciate it. I'll make sure the Mafia don't break her leg." atsushi: sure thing, akutagawa. Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "And thank you...Atsushi." atsushi:...*awkward smile* Akutagawa: "..." .\\\\. atsushi:....see ya then? Akutagawa: "...Right." -\\\\- *takes the bags, turns, walks* -elsewhere- Jordan: *crying into his glass of Mountain Dew at the bar* louisa: did...something happen? Jordan: *blubbers* "I don't know how to flirt..." louisa: ? Jordan: "She seems so nice--but I can't get with her! Look at me!" louisa: um... *pat pat* m-maybe we could speak with her? Jordan: "L-Like a group activity?" louisa: sure! Jordan: QwQ *whimper whimper* "Thank you!" *snot comes out his nose* louisa: ._.; Jordan: "Wh-What should it be? Smash tournament? Or hit up the manga shop? Or ramen?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "..." *smiles* lord death: *napping on the couch* Yumi: *keeps his head on her lap, strokes his head* lord death: =w= *purr* Yumi: ^\\\^ ("Kitten...") -elsewhere- Yukio: *packs his books into his satchel, opens the door out of the school* ???: good to see you, mr yukio~ Yukio: "...It's been a long time." *holds his bag close* pazuzu: whatcha got there, cutie~? Yukio: "My readings, of course. What are you doing here?" pazuzu: im here to make an offer of course....we've taken quite an interest in you~ Yukio: "...The Illuminati?" pazuzu: indeed. your flames has mr lulu quite intrigued~ Yukio: "!!! What?" pazuzu: dont you want a family reunion~? Yukio: "...I have enough of that as it is." pazuzu: pweeease~? Yukio: "Why? I have no interest in him, or his organization...And you can tell him..." *his glasses reflect light...or is it a reflection?* pazuzu: tell him what~? Yukio: "...Tell him I don't want anything..." pazuzu: *pout* the offer still stands~ *flies off* Yukio: "..." *takes off his glasses...his hand shakes...he rubs his eyes* shiemi: yuki? i heard a noise...is everything ok? Yukio: "..." *puts on his glasses, smiles* "It was just a squirrel." shiemi:...oh...*worried* Yukio: "...You were here at school as well?" shiemi: *nods* miss seiya asked me and izumo to help out with some things. Yukio: "How did it go?" -elsewhere- Kafka: *in the kitchen, pours himself some milk...and grabs a plate of cookies* =\\\\= wilhelm: *peeeek* OvO Kafka: *turns, walks* wilhelm: *stomach grumble* Kafka: "???" *turns* wilhelm: can i have one? OvO Kafka: "..." *sigh* "Just one." wilhelm: for real? *shiny eyes* Kafka: "I said yes, didn't I?" -_-# wilhelm: yay! can jakob have one too? Kafka: "Yes, yes..." wilhelm: thanks~! *takes the two cookies and walks off* jakob, i got you one too! Jakob: "Yay! What kind?" Kafka: "..." *sighs* hans:...*small smile* Kafka: *walks to his room* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *walks inside* higuchi: woah! where did you get all this? Akutagawa: "...I'm not sure you would believe me, but the Agency." higuchi:...ah. Akutagawa: "It took me by surprise as well: that ill-tempered waitress helped." higuchi: *smiles* Akutagawa: "..." *clears his throat* "...I'll go shelve these and get dinner going." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *packing* baum: isnt this exciting, dorothy? dorothy: yaaaaay =A= Steinbeck: "??? You never been to New York?" baum: once i think when i was younger, but dorothy hasnt. Steinbeck: *smiles* "It'll be quite an encounter. May need a guide there..." emily: *nod* Steinbeck: "How about you, Emily?" emily: m-me? Steinbeck: "Ever been to New York?" emily: a few times to visit family. Steinbeck: "Great! Then I hope you can help us." -elsewhere- stocking: TT~TT Kid: *holds the hot pad* stocking: thank you...*whine* Kid: *nods* "You're welcome..." *rests the pad onto her* "Like this?" stocking: *nod* Kid: *holds it there...lies with her* stocking: *smile* Kid: *strokes her back* -elsewhere- Motojiro: *looking in one room* "..." katya: ? Motojiro: "...Think this would be a good spot for the nursery?" katya:...i guess? Motojiro: "...I'll have to put something together to decontaminate this room before putting the baby here..." katya: i guess.... Motojiro: "..." *starts shaking, over-ventilating* katya: *pulls him down by the shirt and slaps him* GET A DAMN GRIP, MAN! Motojiro: Q____Q "What was that for?!" katya: you need to just breathe and focus right now. i know, im not the kind of person to be going on about being calm when i fly off the handle so easy, but you seem to have a better handle on things, especially given that lev and your kid are counting on you. Motojiro: "..." *nods* *inhales more calmly* leo: motojiro? Motojiro: *smiles at her...his eyes still look a little red* "Yes~?" leo: are you alright? *worried and strokes his cheek* Motojiro: "..." *holds her hand* "With you, yes." leo:...*smiles* Motojiro: "Katya and I were just looking at rooms for the nursery!" leo: ah. Motojiro: "And we can start prepping it!" -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Here's dinner, all!" kenji: yay! Kyoka: *sniffs* "Smells good..." Tanizaki: "We got some quiche, some roasted vegetables--" sylvia: ... Tanizaki: "...Sylvia? Anything you wanted?" sylvia: um.... Kyoka: "Ever had quiche?" sylvia: *shakes head* not that i remember Kyoka: "Well, do you like cake?" sylvia: mr ted never let me- Kyoka: "...Well...It's like that. Only with spinach and cheese and maybe meat." Tanizaki: "..." *walks back to the kitchen, checking in the fridge for dessert* sylvia: um... Kyoka: "Well...What did you like to eat?" sylvia: i usually was given egg toast... Kyoka: "Oh. Quiche has egg and bread, so it's like egg toast." sylvia: oh... Kyoka: "Try it. For us?" sylvia: hmm....*nom*.. Kyoka: "...How is it?" sylvia:..it's alright. i-i didnt die at least... Kyoka: "...Yay." naomi: ^^ -elsewhere- Lucy: "...Think it was the right thing to do?" atsushi: i think so. Lucy: "...He just looked so...pathetic. Like feeding a stray." atsushi:...like a stray dog, i guess... Lucy: *nods* "Scrawny..." *looks at Atsushi's arm...and pokes* atsushi:... .-.; Lucy: "Have you been keeping to a diet to stay toned and fit?" atsushi: yes ma'am. *pulls up his shirt slightly to examine himself* .... Lucy: "..." .\\\\\\\\\. atsushi:.... .////. Lucy: >\\\\\< "Put it down--we're trying to have a meal!" atsushi: right! ^-^;;;; Lucy: -\\\\\- *picks up her water--and drinks* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "??? What's all this?" mary: jordan needed help asking a mall cop on a date. Fitzgerald: "I see...Well, fashion choices will be one improvement needed..." louisa: his hair could use some work too... ^-^; Jordan: Q____Q "I'm right here." Daisy: "We know." bram: ... -elsewhere- elizaveta: *humming* Gogol: <How's it going?> elizaveta: <ok. kinda bored though.> =3= Gogol: <Yeah, without Child 1 and Child 2.> elizaveta:.... <got anything cool in your cape?> Gogol: "..." *shiny eyes* <What did you have in mind?> lydia: <most likely anything a young child would have interest in.> elizaveta: =3= <he knooows thaaat.> Gogol: *nods* <I'm no fool.> *takes out a bottle marked with a skull on it* elizaveta: ...? lydia: ............. Gogol: "...Oh! Sorry. The poison was for someone else..." *puts it back, and takes out a pair of Nerf guns* elizaveta: YAY! ^o^ Gogol: "Search and destroy!" elizaveta: who's the target, sir? Gogol: "Hmm...Ivan?" elizaveta: yessir! Ivan: *walking down the hall with a cup of tea* -pew- Ivan: *suction cup dart at his forehead* O_o elizaveta: hehehe *runs* Ivan: "..." =_= "What even is--" -pew pew pew- Ivan: *darts on his head, chest, and butt* "..." elizaveta *giggle* Ivan: "CEASE THIS ABSURDITY--" Gogol: *leaps, slow motion, twin guns--and fires* Ivan: Q_____Q zoey:...*giggle* Gogol: ^_^ Ivan: "THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" *rips the darts off* lydia: now now, let him be. Gogol: -3- "Fine..." lydia: <you alright, vanya?> Ivan: <I have sore spots on my head, chest, and bottom...> lydia: <want me to patch you up?> Ivan: *nod nod* lydia: <ok> Gogol: "No one lets us have any fun..." yana: you will soon. Gogol: *shiny eyes* "Like a mission?" yana: *nod nod* time for number 3. Gogol: "..." *wide smile* -elsewhere- Yohei: "Okay, Akaderu has dishwashing tonight--" akaderu: *groooooan* Kepuri: ^^; "I'll help with that." *pat pat* akaderu: thanks babe... Yohei: "And that leaves Emine to take out the trash." Emine: "..." *looks at Mono* mono: boi you better not. Emine: "I said noth--" ((Mana, help her.)) mana: *gives emine the 'im watching you look'* Emine: "...Fine." *picks up the trash can* "I'm putting half of this into the recyclable can as my bad deed." Tool: "THE HELL YOU ARE!" -elsewhere- Tachihara: *arms crossed* Gin: *shakes her head* higuchi: what did mori do this time? Chuuya: "???" Gin: "Just...noises." Tachihara: -_______- higuchi: ....*listens*........eugh... WHY did i do that?! Gin: "We warned you." higuchi: TT___TT; Gin: *pat pat* Chuuya: "...In any case, don't let the noise distract you from the task." higuchi: right. Tachihara: "What, should we have someone sitting in there now?" Chuuya: "..." *looks at Higuchi* -elsewhere- minoura: alright, im only going to ask you this again, dostoevsky. *shows him a photo of zoey when she was still a nurse* do you know of her location? Fyodor: "Yes." minoura: where is she? Fyodor: "She is where Rats go." minoura: is that some kind of damn riddle or not? with you, we cant be certain... Fyodor: "Think about it. Rats scurry for whatever dark location they can find with sustenance and away from predators, yes?" minoura: ..... Fyodor: "...What, do I need to draw maps for you now?" -some noise is in the hallway- minoura: ??? officer: mr lewis, please calm down, this area is for authorized perso- Mr. Lewis: "Let me go! Let me go!" Fyodor: "???" officer: sir, please- *The door is kicked open, as Mr. Lewis tries to get inside the room* Mr. Lewis: "You bastard!" Fyodor: "..." officer: *holding him back* sir, please! calm down! Mr. Lewis: "Give her back! Give me back my daughter!" Fyodor: "Oh. I should have recognized you." *smiles* minoura: we're trying to find her now, we're _trying_ to get a location from him... Mr. Lewis: "He knows! Make him talk, damn it!" officer: sir, you arent allowed to be in here! Mr. Lewis: "Why?! You bastards can't even get a word out of him! Let me at him--I'LL KILL HIM!" Fyodor: *smiles* "Best be careful, sir. It would be horrible for you to not live long enough to meet your grandchild." officer: !!! minoura:....son of a- *A chair is tossed* officer: !!! *The chair slams into Fyodor's head* Mr. Lewis: *panting* "You son of a bitch!" *leaps* officer: *trying to hold mr lewis back* Mr. Lewis: *sobbing* "How dare you! How fucking dare you!" Officer #2: "Shit! He's bleeding!" minoura: i knew you were a sick fuck, but to r-...do _that_ to- Fyodor: *smiles, despite bleeding* "And she was quite good at it." Mr. Lewis: *not even struggling to move...just sobbing* minoura: that's going on the list of charges... Fyodor: "??? What? She seemed enthusiastic about it." officer: *trying to move mr lewis out of the room* Mr. Lewis: *sobbing, as he's practically carried away, his body limp* Fyodor: *smiles* "So long, 'Dad.'" minoura: i have half the mind to have you thrown in the chair right now... Fyodor: "Yet that would defy the very laws you hold yourself to. And the idea of such hypocrisy...Well, it makes my skin crawl." minoura: ......*hard glare* Fyodor: "But at least you provided something I've lacked for some time." *smiles* "Entertainment." minoura: ........... -elsewhere- Poe: "Lana? Are you okay?" lana: y-yeah. just old memories...*wipes her eyes* Poe: "..." *offers his handkerchief* lana: thanks edgar... Poe: *nods* "You're welcome..." *offers his hand* lana: *hug* Poe: "!!! ..." *pats, strokes her back* lana: ...... Poe: *hums lightly* -elsewhere- Rin: "Jeez...He's still locked up in there." momo sakura: is he sick? D8> Rin: "Nah, I don't think so--just really grouchy." momo sakura: ..... Rin: "...Want to help me make something to help him feel better?" momo sakura: ok! Rin: ^^ "I think this calls for cupcakes." momo sakura: yay! Rin: *walks with her to the kitchen* "And we can make some frosting..." -elsewhere- Magaki: *lying in bed, looking up at the ceiling* "..." -silence- Magaki: "..." *gets out of bed, walks downstairs* -...naho's door is open- Magaki: "???" *looks inside* -naho is asleep in her bed, with sakuya asleep next to her- Magaki: "..." *looks away* -one book is on the table- Magaki: "..." ("I am out of reading...Maybe Naho wouldn't mind...") *tip-toes inside* naho: zzzzz Sakuya: "Zzz..." Magaki: *looks at the cover* -it seems to be two guys- Magaki: "???" *flips it open* -too lewd to show- Magaki: "... ... ..." *closes the book carefully...sets it back exactly where they saw it* "......" *turns, carefully steps towards the exit...* naho: TuT *smug grin* Magaki: *gets outside into the hallway...* @_@ -morning- Kid: *making waffles* "..." stocking: *yaaaawn* Kid: *sets out a plate* "And I'll get the fruit..." -elsewhere- Panda: *poke poke* "Wakey-wakey..." inka: *snooooore* Panda: "..." *presses cold bag of frozen strawberries to her face* sasori: *asleep on the windowsill* inka: *SCREEEEEE* *PAWNCH* Panda: *K.O.* *collapses* XwX inka: =_= ...... ?? oh, she's asleep? Sancho: *runs into the room* "What happened?!" inka: cold strawberries. Sancho: "...He didn't put them on your feet this time, did he?" inka: -__- Sancho: " 'Cause I'm not having foot-tasting cereal again." *opens the fridge* *looks at Sasori* "...She's out like a light..." inka: yeah... Sancho: "...Huh. Well, I'll get the rest of breakfast going--then we can plan the day." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *rings a tiny set of bells* "Time for class~!" sonia: come on Q. Q: "..." *follows* -elsewhere- Damon: *asleep next to his bowl of cereal* "Zzz..." soul:...hey kiddo, sleep enough? Damon: "Hmph..." *looks up* "..." *shakes his head* "Bad dreams..." soul: *pats his back* Damon: "..." *hug* soul: *hug* -elsewhere- kirika: *nommin on pancakes* lord death: *hair ruffle* mornin, sport! kirika: *grunt of response* Yumi: "Shiori, sit still--" *splat* -_-; shiori: uups. lord death: *hands her a paper towel* Yumi: *wipes her face* "Thank you..." *sigh* "She'll need some more solids to try." shiori: sowy mama... Yumi: "..." *smiles* "It's okay, sweetie. Just watch where the food goes..." shiori: okaaay Yumi: *wipes Shiori's face* "Kirika, what's on your agenda today?" kirika: *shrug* is it the weekend yet? Yumi: "Yes, it is. Are you going out?" kirika: yep. Yumi: "With your boyfriend?" kirika: *noms on pancakes* Yumi: "..." *smiles* "And you will see your sister?" kirika:...yeah. Yumi: *nods* "Let us know if you need anything." kirika: kay... Yumi: "And make sure your phone is charged." kirika: yes mom. lord death: make sure it's on. kirika: i hear ya. -elsewhere- Tool: "And let's get your sweater on, kiddo." io: okay! ^o^ Tool: *slips it over Io's head and arms* "There you go...Ready to head to the park?" io: ya! saki: ^^ Tool: *opens the door for Io and Saki* "Then we're off!" io: ^o^ -elsewhere- Rin: *looking in a shop window* *shiny eyes* "LOOK AT THEM ALL!" kyouko: woooah. madoka: ^^; sayaka: neatooooo.... hitomi: oh wow. Rin: "That shirt with those jeans, then that badass necklace--I'd look choice!" madoka: ^///^ kyouko: lets remember why were here, ok? Rin: "..." *nods* "I mean, maybe he needs a new book..." -elsewhere- baum: so john, what was it like at home for you? Steinbeck: "Quite crowded, really." baum: *listening* oh? Steinbeck: "My younger brother and I had a room." baum: ah, i see. emily: was it nice? Steinbeck: "...You never felt alone." emily:..*smile* Steinbeck: "It's been a bit since I've heard from them...I did mail a bit of money after the treasure hunt." emily: that's nice. Steinbeck: "...How 'bout you, Em? How were things growing up?" emily: it was rather quiet. Steinbeck: "Peaceful kind of quiet?" emily: i suppose...a bit lonely though. Steinbeck: "...How about parents?" emily: it was decent enough, even if they did forget i existed sometimes. they're busy a lot. Steinbeck: "...You talk with them?" emily: sometimes. baum: what about you, ernest? Hemingway: "...Not much." dorothy:.... Steinbeck: "..." ^^; "At least Baum and Dorothy are here..." -elsewhere- goethe: ....... Kafka: "...Yes? What?" goethe: contact the agency, they live here, dont they? Kafka: "Yes, they do..." *sigh* *pulls up their number* "Am I supposed to speak with them?" goethe: tell them to bring their leader and the blonde guy with them. also tell that dazai guy to fuck off. Kafka: "..." *dials* *waiting for someone to pick up* naomi: armed detective agency. may i help you? Kafka: "Hello. I am calling to set up a meeting with your supervisor and the one named Kunikida." naomi: ah, yes. *writing this down* and may i ask who is calling? Kafka: "Kafka, with Sturm und drang." naomi: O_O y-you're calling all the way from germany?! Kafka: "No. And even if I was, we could afford it." naomi: wait, where are you calling from then?! Kafka: "Death City." naomi: ._____. kunikida? phone for you. Kunikida: "???" *takes it* "Who is it?" naomi: sturm. Kunikida: "..." ._. *answers* "Hello?" Kafka: "We need to talk." Kunikida: "..." Kafka: "Also, my boss wants the one named Dazai to be aware he should pleasure himself in an unfavorable manner." goethe: no, i didnt say it like that. i want him to simply 'fuck off', off he will fuck. atsushi:...? Kunikida: "...Understood. Who should be present?" Kafka: "You and your supervisor. Meet us at--One moment." *hand over the receiver* "First, I am not saying that. Second, where should they meet us?" goethe: kafka, you go pick them up and bring them here. Kafka: "Very well." *back on the phone* "I'll pick you up in-- ... ..." *turns, glares at Goethe* "NOT WALTER'S VAN--" atsushi: ?? -elsewhere- etta: *looking at a map* Leroux: "Which way?" etta: should be... ah! there it is! -the manhasset building is just ahead- Jordan: *seated on a bench outside* "And she's so pretty..." Assi: *nod nod* "I know, fam..." -the doors open- bram: hm? Daisy: *looks up* "...Are those...theater nerds?" etta: hello, we have an appointment with mr fitzgerald? ^^ Leroux: ^w^ Daisy: "...Name?" etta: hoffman and leroux. Daisy: "Hmm...I see...You're a bit early. Fitz's office is on the top floor." *gets up, takes out key card* "I'll let you in..." etta: ^u^ mary: who do you think they are? bram: not sure... Leroux: "???" *sees the children* "..." *actor persona* "Oh, joy! For we may meet with the glorious majesty of the occupant of this find edifice!" bram:....um....a pleasure to meet you as well, sir. mary:.....huh? Leroux: *sparkling eyes* "Lead us, young maiden!" Daisy: -____-# "Okay. Shut him up, or I'm tossing him out the 42nd story window." etta: ^^; bram: oh this should be just a thrill... *sigh* mary: yay! new friends! *drags bram along* Leroux: *follows Daisy* "What is the gentleman like~?" Daisy: "He spends his days counting money and clipping coupons. We all love him." -_- bram: have you heard the term 'upper class twit'? Leroux: "Ah...I know the role well!" Daisy: -_______- "He's still talking..." bram: thats mr fitzgerald in a nutshe-*COUGHING UP BLOOD* grk-... etta: O-O;;;;;; Leroux: D: Daisy: *sighs* *offers a tissue* bram:...im fine, just a side effect of my ability. *COUGH* dont mind me.... Leroux: "..." *looks at Etta* *practically squeeing* "Another ability user!" etta: that's why we're here. but lets save that for the meeting, ok? Leroux: ^w^ bram: ?? (ability users, huh? just what are they here for?) Daisy: *presses the top button, slides the key-card* -and so- Fitzgerald: *clipping coupons, humming* -knock- Fitzgerald: "??? Someone answer that..." *returns to clipping* louisa: yes? etta: hello~ Leroux: ^w^ Fitzgerald: "..." *looks at Louisa* "You hired circus performers?" etta: >3< Leroux: Q_Q "...We are the-at-er..." etta: easy roro. easy. we're here from sturm und drang to discuss business with you. you are ability users here. right? Fitzgerald: "...Among the remnants of former Guild associates, yes..." etta: in that case, we would like to make an offer. are you familiar with the rats in the house of the dead? Fitzgerald: "...They forced my giant whale ship to crash." etta: well as it would seem, the rats are an enemy of sturm, amongst other organizations. which brings us to why we are here. we would like to form an alliance. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...What does your organization have in terms of exterminating those Rats?" etta: while we have resources, we're small in numbers. our leader, goethe, wishes to bring together the ability user groups of this city as a task force to deal with the rats, as well as anyone who would be considered a threat to ability users as a whole. Fitzgerald: "I see what is it in for us ability users...but I also am a businessman. I need to know I am not footing the bill on my own." etta: as we said, we do have resources. Fitzgerald: "For example?" etta: we may be small in numbers, but we have ways of recruiting easily. Fitzgerald: "...Hm...Who's your recruiter? You?" etta: *looks at leroux* Leroux: ^^; "Our benefactor, actually. He's quite persuasive. And benevolent." Fitzgerald: "..." etta: soooo....please? OuO Fitzgerald: "I will have a contract for your supervisor's review--after I can meet with him." etta: of course. -elsewhere- Kuro: *in a baby bjorn* =\\\\= mahiru: *shopping* ???: "Oh, so cute!" mahiru: ?? Meme: "What a cute kitty!" >w< mahiru: thanks. ^^ Meme: *pet pet stroke* "Hee hee..." Kuro: =\\\\\= *purr* tsugumi: hehe. ^^ mahiru: you're sure popular, huh kuro? Kuro: -\\\\-; Anya: "You're the new student, aren't you? Mahiru?" mahiru: yeah. Meme: "How are you and your friend fitting in?" mahiru: pretty good. ^^; Anya: "Where is your friend? You seemed joined at the hip in classes." mahiru: oh, he's closer than you think. ^^;;;;; Anya: "...Oh, shopping elsewhere." mahiru: yeeeeah.... ^^;;;;;;;;; ao: say anya, i think your friend hyde works here~ mahiru: oh? *INTERNAL SCREAMING* Anya: "!!!" .\\\. "Oh...I wonder whether Licht is around, too..." Hyde: "MA-HI-RU! Yo! Over here!" *waves* mahiru: o_O;;;;;;;;;; licht: keep it down, shit rat. -_-; oh. hello princess. Hyde: ^^ "Hey, buddy! I see you enough at school, now you're here too--" *spots Licht and Anya* "..." Anya: "!!!!" .\\\\\. "It-It's Anast--Anya. Um...Hello." ao: 7u7 mahiru: um..hey hyde, licht. good to see you. ^^;;; (is something going on here?) Kuro: -_- *yawn* ("Too loud...") Hyde: *staring at Anya* "Yeah, hey, buddy. Cute bjorn." licht: .....? Hyde: "...New hair, Anya?" Anya: *voice cracks* "...Same hair..." mio: he means the ponytail. Anya: >\\\< "I know what he meant..." mahiru:....*looks at licht* am i missing something here? Licht: "I have no idea. That's because, when standing before my majesty, everyone gets nervous--" *dramatic pose* "--because I am an angel." Anya: "..." .\\\\\\. *steam comes off her head, as she falls back* tsugumi: *sweatdrop* *Anya lands in Tsugumi's arms* Hyde: -\\\\\-;;; ochako: *casually putting products on the shelves, blissfully unaware of what's going on* Meme: ^^; "So, Licht, what brings you here?" licht: due to a long boring story, im stuck with him. Meme: "Like a partner?" licht: to an extent. Meme: "Neat!" Death the Kid: Hyde: >\\\\> Anya: @\\\\@ mahiru: yeeeeah... ^^;;;;; Kuro: *yawns--and slight paw at Mahiru* ("Get a move on...") Hyde: "Oh, you brought Kuro out!" Kuro: O____O mahiru: yep. i sure did. licht: we meet again, mr kitty. *shiny eyes and paw hold* Kuro: >_> Meme: "...Isn't your classmate named 'Kuro'?" mahiru: what a coincidence. ^^;;;; Kuro: "..." *his paw grips him--with claws* mahiru: Qw<;;; Anya: *snaps back to attention* "Maybe declaw him?" Kuro: -_-# -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...You actually paid to have the van imported--" Kafka: "I SAID NOT TO BRING IT UP." >_<# goethe: *laying on the couch* greetings. masuji: hello ^u^ Fukuzawa: "Ah, Ibuse--this is a surprise." *looks at Goethe* "And you are our host?" goethe: that would be correct. thank you for your time gentlemen. masuji: of course. hoho! Kunikida: "This is surprising to see you now in this city. May I ask what prompted this move?" goethe: consider it instinct that the rats are planning something big. so we've decided to form an alliance with the ability user organizations in this city as a contingency plan. Fukuzawa: "...Which ones?" goethe: anyone who is an enemy of that prick dostoevsky, pretty much. masuji: that's be just about everybody, lad. Fukuzawa: "I had heard from my subordinates your offer to assist us, your promise to help. However, how do you imagine this alliance?" hans: *glances at kafka* goethe: we all share a common enemy, do we not? Kafka: *arms crossed* Fukuzawa: "We do..." goethe: then is that not reason enough? Fukuzawa: "Depends on methods...and additional goals you have in mind. Is that all you want, to stop Dostoyevsky?" goethe: well, do you know what he wants? Fukuzawa: "...It's rather oblique, a madness to destroy ability users." goethe: my goal over all is to make the world a better place for ability users, and to share those abilities with those who are less fortunate. all of the members of sturm had rather difficult situations that they were in, many on the verge of despair, i simply granted them their abilities and saved them from their suffering. im not trying some cliche 'take over the world' scheme, im just trying to be a good Samaritan. Fukuzawa: "And where did Ted Hughes fit into that?" goethe:..... 7_7 im only human, i can make mistakes sometimes. Fukuzawa: "...It takes an adult to admit to that. And our Agency hardly has perfect people in it." *looks to Masuji* "What do you think?" masuji: it's normal to make mistakes. it's a part of life, lad. such things do happen. goethe:...i appreciate that, i think. Fukuzawa: "Yet these can't be the only ability organizations you have contacted." hans: we're making contact with Manhasset, the guild remnants and the port mafia. as well as the special abilities department. masuji: hmm, all the major players, eh? Fukuzawa: "...Thorough." Kafka: ^^ *beaming with arrogance* hans: the mafia is a bit hard to track, however... Fukuzawa: "...We can present this proposal to them." -elsewhere- Poe: "Oh, you're having a meeting?" ranpo: yeah. fukuzawa is meeting with those guys the others met in europe. Poe: "Interesting...Even the roach man?" ranpo: yep. Poe: "Should be exciting--getting to see new abilities..." ranpo: yeah... sylvia: .~.;;; Poe: "Miss Sylvia, you were part of the group, yes?" sylvia: s-sort of...i just worked for m-mr ted, though.... Poe: "How was that?" sylvia:....*she looks down and begins to tear up, shaking* Poe: "!!! I-I'm sorry..." ranpo:...*pap pap* Poe: Q_Q -elsewhere- Justin: *opens the door* kirika: yo. oriko: *smiles* Justin: "Hello! Please, come in." kirika:...*takes a seat* oriko: shall i prepare some tea? Justin: "I would like some." *smiles* oriko: *smiles and goes to do so* kirika:...she's a lot more talkative now... Justin: *nods* "We've been talking about many topics during walks...and it seems a few memories are returning..." kirika:...*smiles* Justin: "I think you can ask her a few more questions...so she starts associating you less as just someone she knew...and as her sister." kirika:...right....*pulls something out of her bag, a rabbit doll* hey oriko? you remember this, right? oriko:...how cute. ^^ kirika: you gave this to me when i was taken in. oriko: i did?.... kirika: *nod* oriko: ......it feels....familiar.... Justin: "..." *nods* oriko:....ah..*she has tears falling down her cheeks* Justin: "!!!" kirika: y-you remember a little girl, right? {???: here, this is for you k#r##a.} oriko:....f-faintly... kirika: *HUG* a-at least that's something, right? Justin: "..." *goes to the kitchen* -elsewhere- Mr. Lewis: "..." *staring at the floor* mrs lewis: .....*hug*.... Mr. Lewis: "..." *shivering* mrs lewis: ...... *she doesnt know what to say* Mr. Lewis: "..." *voice cracking* "Z-Zoey...What did we do..." mrs lewis: ..... Mr. Lewis: "Where did we go wrong..." -elsewhere- stocking: *smile* Kid: *holds her hand* "Weather is warming up a bit." stocking: yeah. Kid: "Care to take a vacation trip soon?" stocking: sounds lovely~ Kid: "Great...Maybe somewhere scenic?" stocking: *nod* Kid: "Were you thinking the woods, or maybe the beach when it warms up more?" stocking: how about camping? Kid: *nods* "That would be good." -elsewhere- Tool: *pushing Io on the swing* io: *laugh* saki: *smiles* ^^ Tool: "Careful how high you go..." *smaller push* -elsewhere- Leroux: ^w^ hans: so how did it go? etta: i think it was more or less successful! Leroux: "They were enthralled by our performance." hans: i see. Leroux: "How did things go here?" hans: it went fairly well, i think. Kafka: "I thought they asked too many questions..." etta: ^^; hans: well, no one said it'd be easy.... the agency's leader said he would consider it, but he didnt seem to trust goethe... Leroux: "Maybe we can convince him?" hans: that man, kunikida said he and the other agency members would discuss it. Leroux: "Even that bandaged man?" hans: -_-; yes, even him. -elsewhere- Dazai: *walking past shops* *hums* atsushi:...hey, dazai? Dazai: "Hmm?" atsushi: are you sure you're alright? Dazai: "As good as I can be..." *false smile* atsushi:...things havent been going well for you recently, have they? Dazai: "...I suppose there have been setbacks..." atsushi:....is it still the incident with the rats that's bothering you? Dazai: "...Ever play Risk?" atsushi: *shakes head* Dazai: "Well, it's like chess or checkers, only you're trying to take over entire countries." atsushi: .....oh... Dazai: "And it requires a lot of careful attention to how you want to win. Which nations do you take over? Which alliances do you form? But if you want a strategy to bring the game to the end, there is one thing you can do..." atsushi: what's that? Dazai: "Blow it all up." atsushi: ...... Dazai: "There's an idea that, if you can't win, make sure no one else does. It's suicidal..." atsushi:....what does this have to do with the rats? Dazai: "Because when I think about what Dostoyevsky is capable of, if he is really losing, he wouldn't be locked up in a jail cell: he would be destroying everything right now." atsushi:....... Dazai: "And that's why I'm bothered." atsushi: ....*phone buzzes* ??....oh, we're being called back for a meeting. Dazai: "...Right." *looks around* "Walk it or cab it?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Miss Alcott." louisa: yes sir? Fitzgerald: "Have Eckleburg examine the security footage of those two guests through the facial recognition software." louisa: yes sir. Fitzgerald: *smiles* -elsewhere- Fukuzawa: "..." *walks forward* -inside- naoya:...we got someone coming... Chuuya: "...Well, would you look at that...Who wants to greet them?" hirotsu: i'll speak with them. higuchi: same. Chuuya: "And we'll monitor from here...And I want someone around the corner, in case we need protection." higuchi: *nod* Fukuzawa: "..." hirotsu: fukuzawa, what brings you here? Fukuzawa: "We wanted to check on you..." hirotsu: well we're doing alright, as you can see. higuchi: and we did appreciate the donation.. Fukuzawa: *nods* "Thank Miss Montgomery as well...We also had an offer from a third party to your benefit." higuchi: ?? hirotsu: oh? Kunikida: "Your colleagues remember their trip to Germany, and any encounters with a group called Sturm und drang?" higuchi: i.....think i've heard the name in passing? it's been a long time… Kunikida: "While we were in Germany, we had encountered a few of them: the dancer who can control people's movements, the swordsman, a giant cockroach-man--" hirotsu: hmm... Kunikida: "--and they are all ability users. And they want our assistance against a common threat." hirotsu: the rats? Kunikida: *nods* hirotsu: hmmm... higuchi: katya would be more than willing if it means going up against dostoevsky. Fukuzawa: "I can not ascertain the trustworthiness of their organization, yet having additional resources against the Rats cannot be a bad thing." hirotsu: that is a good point... Fukuzawa: "What should I say is your response?" hirotsu: we'd have to speak with them in person. Fukuzawa: "We will go about setting up a time and place." -elsewhere- Fyodor: "..." *smiles* -silence- Fyodor: "Guard?" guard: ..... Fyodor: "Have I any new visitors?" guard:.....*not answering* Fyodor: "No? What a shame. It gets so lonely here." guard: .... Fyodor: "...How is the nursing home treating your mother, Brian?" brian: *biting his lip* Fyodor: "Alzheimer's is awful. And her lungs...I hope she can get some good deep breaths." brian: shut up... Fyodor: "??? I'm just saying that to see your parent so elderly is a terrible situation for a young person--" brian: just stop, ok?! Fyodor: "Oh, I can stop at any time, Brian. But I like conversing...and you are not as good a conversationalist as the earlier guard, Erina." brian: .... Fyodor: "You know what I want to know." brian: *shakes his head* Fyodor: "Tell me where she is." brian: like you can do anything from inside your cell! Fyodor: *smiles* "Sure." brian: ..... Fyodor: *hums a song* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *looking through an old hard drive* nea: looking through some old stuff? Kepuri: *nods* "Wanted to see if there were any contacts I missed..." nea: oh? Kepuri: "You never know who is tracking and harassing old friends, and I haven't heard from some in a while." nea: ah, gotcha... Kepuri: "Ever see this one?" *pulls up a photo* nea: nah... Kepuri: "Damn it...More of us keep disappearing." -elsewhere- Gopher: "Oh! That looks really good!" kotone: *shiny eyes* Gopher: "Want one?" kotone: *nod nod* Gopher: *holds up two fingers* "Two cupcakes, please!" -elsewhere- Walter: ^^; "Kiddos...Um...Maybe you need to calm down a bit?" wilhelm: IM GONNA DIIIIIE!! DX> *he pinched his finger* george: ._.; Jakob: "GET ALL THE ICE!" *pushes George to the kitchen* george: -_-; Jakob: "Get a cold cloth! It's at the sink! Wet it!" *dragging a chair to the fridge* george: ok! ok! *turns on the sink and sticks a hand in....it vanishes into the water* ._. um... Jakob: *shoves frozen meat aside, then ice cream--* "...HOLD UP!" *takes the ice cream out* "For later~!" *goes back to pulling out ice cube trays* "Got the cloth, George?" george: *pulls out hand* um. yeah! Jakob: *grabs the ice cubes and ice cream carton* "Then let's go!" *heads back to Wilhelm* george:... (just now...what was....) -elsewhere- Yumi: "Any new black blood locations?" nygus: thankfully not. Yumi: "What about the earlier site?" nygus: it seems to have lessened... Yumi: "What caused it in the first place? Any potential kishins discovered?" nygus: it's still under investigation. Yumi: "I'll review the files, see if I can spot something..." -elsewhere- Magaki: "--so I want books. Other books." tsubaki: ok. what kind? Magaki: "Hmm...History?" tsubaki: ok. ^^ -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Feel better?" sylvia: *sniff* y-yeah.. Kyoka: *pats her back* "Did you...want to see any of them?" sylvia: i-i guess so...n-none of them were p-particularly cruel to me.... Kyoka: "..." ("But why would they let her be hurt so long...") "Even those kids?" sylvia: i-im s-s-sure they...meant no real harm... Kyoka: "Did you get to play with them?" sylvia: s-s-sometimes... Kyoka: "...That's good. It's important to get to play with people around your age...And Walter seemed nice." sylvia: y-yeah... Kyoka: "But that Kafka man seemed irritable. And Naomi was grossed out from the encounter." sylvia: .... Kyoka: "...Can this man, Goethe, be trusted?" sylvia: i-i think so... Kyoka: "...Then that's good enough for now." *smiles* sylvia:...*faint smile* r-right... Kyoka: "Want to play?" sylvia: w-what did you h-have in mind? Kyoka: "Whatever you want. We could play basketball." sylvia: i-i dont know how to play... Kyoka: "I can show you. You just have to toss a ball into the air to get it into a hole high up above." sylvia: o-ok.... Kyoka: "I'll get the ball from the closet--" *opens it...and it's a mess* "..." sylvia: ._. -elsewhere- sonia: *drawing* Q: *glances at her drawing* "Got any red crayon?" *drawing as well* sonia: *hands him one* here. -she's drawing several people in the mafia, including herself, Q, chuuya, gin, higuchi, motojiro, leo, and rain- Q: "Thanks." *he's drawing Zoey and Aya* "..." sonia:....she was the nurse, back underground, right? Q: *nods* "My new mommy." sonia: ....when i came out of the tube, she told me she was my mother....but i knew she was lying....*points to rain in the picture* this is my mommy. i see her in my dreams sometimes... Q: "The lady secretary?" sonia: *she nods* she died...the demon hurt her a lot. Q: "..." *nods* "I saw the damage..." sonia: ..... Q: "...Does Chuuya miss her?" sonia: *she nods* sometimes i can hear him crying at night because he misses her so much. Q: "...That's really sad." sonia:...*nod* Q: "Do you think he'll stay alone?" sonia:.... Q: "Like, date anyone else?" sonia:...i dont think so... Q: "..." *sad sigh* sonia:..... Q: "Love sucks." sonia:...*pap pap* Q: T~T "I haven't seen Aya, and I've been here for a whole, like, four days..." sonia:....do you like this person? Q: "With all my heart!" sonia: why do you like her? Q: =\\\w\\\= "She's pretty and feisty..." sonia: ....she kind of looks like grandma's photos of papa...he had the same kinda hair... Q: "...Huh...Really?" sonia: i can ask grandma to show us. Q: "Okay!" -elsewhere- Yukio: *wearing a party hat, seated in front of a tray of cupcakes and a wrapped gift* "..." Rin: *shiny eyes* kyouko: ta-dah! shiemi: ^^ Yukio: "...What's the occasion? It's not our birthday." kyouko: you've been working really hard, and we wanted to show our appreciation. Yukio: "..." *nods* "That is very kind..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Hey, kids!" becky: hey uncle star. Black Star: "..." *looks at Soul, whispers* " 'Uncle'!" soul: *small smile* Damon: "..." Black Star: "What you two up to today?" becky: homework mostly. Black Star: "Oh, you started class?" Damon: "..." *looks down* becky: yeah. Black Star: "How's the teacher?" becky: she's nice. Damon: "..." soul:.... *pap pap* Damon: *shudders* "I-I don't know..." becky: *pap pap* Damon: "It-It's fine...I don't know..." -elsewhere- Kafka: *walking up the street, holing a stack of papers* ango: *also walking* Kafka: "...Hello." ango: *nod* Kafka: "You are Ango Sakaguchi, correct?" ango: who's asking? Kafka: "An ability user." ango: .... -elsewhere- Katai: *outside the door to the Agency* Q____Q naomi: oh, katai. come on in. Katai: "Is-Is it alright? We don't mean to impose..." *he's holding his futon* naomi: its fine. ^^ Katai: *enters* "Where is everyone?" naomi: doing work and stuff. -elsewhere- Rin: *pats his belly* "So good." =w= Yukio: *dabs his mouth with a napkin* "...Thank you." shiemi: ^^ kyouko: oh, and happy birthday, shiemi. Yukio: "..." ._. Rin: "..." .__. shiemi: thanks, kyouko. ^^; Yukio: "... ..." ("...Keep calm...You can still get a gift...") Rin: (*loud internal panic noises*) -elsewhere- Ivan: *whistling* lydia: <who has lunch duty?> Gogol: <What shall I prepare? Caviar? Pizza bagels? Flan?> lydia: <whatever we have on hand> Gogol: *opens the cupboard* "...Sardines and peanut butter." lydia: ..... *sigh* elizaveta: *raises hand* Gogol: ^w^ "Yes, Elizaveta?" elizaveta: can i go get some? Gogol: "Okay, but bring a weapon." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *holding ice to a basketball-shaped bruise* sylvia: Q____Q Kyoka: "It's okay. Games sometimes have injuries..." sylvia: i-im sorryyyy... Kyoka: "..." *pat pat* "Apology accepted." sylvia: *sniff* Kyoka: "..." *hands her a tissue* "It's okay..." -elsewhere- elizaveta: *returning with groceries and crashes out on the floor asleep* Gogol: "???" *looks at Lydia, quietly* <Put the groceries away...> *picks up Elizaveta carefully* elizaveta: zzzzz lydia: *nods* Gogol: *carries her to her bed* elizaveta: =w= Gogol: *tucks her in* elizaveta: ..... Gogol: *looks at the nightstand--and spots a doll* "..." *picks it up, tucks it with Elizaveta* elizaveta: *hugging leila* =w= Gogol: *smooths her hair away from her forehead* elizaveta: zzzz Gogol: *forehead kiss* <Good night...> -elsewhere- Kepuri: *staring at her screen* "..." {Kepuri: "What's on the agenda?"} {akaderu: *shrug* i dunno...} {Kepuri: *groans* "So boring...Hardly the best use of a genius mind like mine..."} {akaderu: *grunt of reply*} {Kepuri: "..." -3- "Anything going on with you?"} {akaderu: other than a general lack of motivation, not much} {Kepuri: "..." *pat pat* "Hang in there. It has to get better..."} {akaderu:....*tiny blush*} {Kepuri: "..." *looks away* "If you need motivation, I got a task for you." *shoves a file to him* "It-It's another Dokeshi Hunt thug to monitor..."} {akaderu: .....} Kepuri: *staring at the file...It's Yohei's* chie: whats up? Kepuri: "Not much." *switches windows, smiles at Chie* "Just looking through old stuff." chie: ah. -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *pulls over* "..." emily: zzzz twain: zzzzz -baum siblings are asleep as well- Steinbeck: *parks* "..." Heminigway: *sipping coffee* *whispers* "We staying here?" Steinbeck: *nods* Hemingway: *nudges Baum* baum: nghugh? Hemingway: "We're here. Help me get the others inside." -elsewhere- Jakob: "IS MY BROTHER GOING TO LIVE?!" Walter: ^^; "Of course." wilhelm: all better now. ^^ Jakob: *sad ugly tears as he hugs Wilhelm* T~T george: ^^;..... ....... Walter: "How you holding up, G?" george: f-fine...*looks at their hand* Walter: "...Oh! You stare at your hand, too?" george: i-im fine. just thinking.. ^^; Walter: "...About why we have ten fingers instead of 12?" george: um... Jakob: " 'Cause your hands would look bigger!" *playfully pats a hand on Wilhelm's cheek* wilhelm: =n=; bro please. george: ^^; -elsewhere- Kafka: "And that's what we can provide, for now." ango: hmm.. what do you think, mr taneda? Taneda: "..." *slides a paper to Ango* "Fukuzawa already had a similar discussion." ango: hmm... Taneda: "From all feedback, this sounds like an alliance worth considering. I will issue a recommendation above me." Kafka: *nods* ango: ? Taneda: "Ango, please see Mr. Kafka out." *holds out his hand to Kafka* "We'll speak soon." Kafka: *shakes his hand* Taneda: *turns, leaves* Kafka: "..." *whips out antibacterial wipes, wipes thoroughly* >_< ango: -_.-; Kafka: *finishes...sighs* "Aaah..." *looks at Ango* "...What? I like to be neat and tidy." ango: i get you there. *adjusts glasses* Kafka: "... ... ...Tell me. Did you encounter someone named Dazai?" ango: *tenses* yes. he's-....an old friend. why do you ask? Kafka: "Hmm. He does not seemed well liked. Even among his allies." ango: .... Kafka: "Why do people work with him?" ango: despite his many shortcomings, he has proven himself a skilled tactician. Kafka: "Ah. So, crafty." ango: precisely. Kafka: "Still, his behavior is erratic. He even approached one of our members for a suicide pact." ango: that sound like classic him. Kafka: "As for the other Agency members...they seem reliable. They are tending to one of our former members." ango: is that right? Kafka: "Yes...You have an ability?" ango: yes. Kafka: "Then you can imagine what it feels like to be under threat for who we are." ango:.... Kafka: "...There are those who would hurt us, even those who are ability users." ango: so i've heard... Kafka: "And what do you plan to do about it?" ango:....still figuring that out... -elsewhere- Kid: "We're home!" lord death: welcome back. ^^ kirika: yo. Kid: "How was your visit?" kirika:..it went well. *wipes eyes* Kid: "..." *pat pat* kirika: =//,//= Yumi: "..." *group hug* lord death: ^////^ Kid: ^\\\^; shiori: bubu! ^o^ Yumi: *picks up Shiori* "Hug your sister?" kirika *tiny awkward hug* shiori: yay! Yumi: ^w^ -morning- Sakuya: *yawns* *stretches* naho: zzzzz Sakuya: "..." *brushes a hand over her forehead* naho: =w= Sakuya: *forehead smooch* -at school- Kuro: *flipping mindlessly through the book* "..." mahiru: *taking notes* Stein: "As your guest lecturer, I'm here to introduce you to the challenges that await you at this academy." hitomi: *listening* Stein: "We begin with a serious one..." *takes out a cage, which has an aye-aye bat inside* Aye-Aye: OwO;;;; Stein: *sneers* "With vivisection..." Kuro: "!!!" mahiru: im sorry what? hitomi: O-O;;; -chop- nygus: no. Stein: >_< "Hmph. Fine, we'll save that for an extracurricular..." *puts the Aye-Aye away* Aye-Aye: =w=;;;;; mahiru: ._.; Kuro: "So annoying...What are we learning anyway?" Stein: "We can move onto a demonstration of battle..." hitomi: ... Stein: "Come in." *The door is kicked open* madoka: ^-^; Kuro: "??? A sailor scout?" hitomi *waves to madoka, smiling* madoka: *smiles back* Arthur: *holding his hilt* "Is this where warriors demonstrate their mettle in combat?" nygus: yes, this is battle demonstration, yes Arthur: *charges up Excalibur* "Then I will hold nothing back, mage [Madoka]." madoka: *nods and takes her bow out* -she also put a barrier up to keep the students from being harmed- Arthur: *swings his blade along the floor towards Madoka* madoka: *jumps up and fires 3 shots* Arthur: *dodges* "Impressive..." *runs past them, leaps up--and swings* madoka: *dodges to the left* Arthur: *swings his leg under her* madoka: *jump and kick to the face* Arthur: "UMPH!" *falls back, swinging his sword--slicing into the floor* hitomi: *watching, nervous* Arthur: "KNIGHTLY LIGHTNING STRIKE!" -elsewhere- Yohei: "Mono, you busy?" mono: *doing homework* Yohei: "??? Okay...Guess you're busy..." mono:..whats up? Yohei: "I wanted to check how things were going." mono:...alright i guess. Yohei: *nods* "Keeping up on homework even while working at the cafe?" mono: yeah. Yohei: "...Need any help with the homework?" mono: just this one. *points to a problem* Yohei: *reads it* "Oh. It's cosine's? I can help with that..." mono: *nod* Yohei: "So it's a right triangle...and the smaller angle is 60 degrees. That means you write the equation 'adjacent side divided by hypothenuse'..." mono: right... Yohei: "We know the adjacent side is 'x,' and the hypotenuse is 20, so we are solving for x...You got your scientific calculator?" mono: hold on... -elsewhere- Rin: ^^; "All forgiven?" shiemi: i wasnt exactly mad at you guys. but i do appreciate it. ^^ izumo: 7-7 Rin: "And you get to go with Stocking, Seiya, Shura--" *spots Izumo* "Polka Brows--" izumo: =_=# shiemi: and what are you guys gonna do? Rin: "Camping! Male bonding! Reaffirm the chains of friendship!" konekomaru: ^^; Bon: =^= "Who said I was going?" konekomaru: ? Bon: "Some of us have studying to do--" konekomaru: im sure it wouldnt hurt. izumo: yeah, letting loose wouldnt kill you, you know. Bon: -___- "You too, Kamiki? Don't you have work to catch up on?" izumo: i already did it. Bon: "D-Don't try to show me up!" >_< izumo: *smirk* Bon: "..." >\\\\> "I'm not getting roped up into any dumb during this camping--" Rin: "Super!" *arm around his shoulder* "We're doing so much stupid stuff!" Bon: -_____-# -elsewhere- Leroux: *hanging up paper lanterns* hans: *dusting shelves* Kafka: *re-enters--carrying a plastic shopping bag* "I have returned." hans: welcome back. Kafka: "Hello. I met with the governmental agency." hans: and how did it go? Kafka: "They seemed amenable. I expect we will receive confirmation within days." hans: ah... Kafka: *takes out a jar of jelly beans* *nods* *opens it* "..." *starts munching* *nom nom nom--* etta: hi guys~ Leroux: "Hello~!" Kafka: O\\\\O "GRK--" *swallows hard* hans: *gives him the Heimlich* Kafka: *coughs up a mess of jelly beans* "Th-Thanks..." etta: you ok, franzy? Kafka: "I AM NORMAL!" O\\\\O etta: ovo~? Leroux: ^w^; "Franz brought us candy!" Kafka: "?!!!" wilhelm: OuO Jakob: "Really?!" Kafka: *growling low at Leroux* "Who told you this was okay...?" Leroux: *smirks* "You'll thank me~" etta: aww, how sweet. ^u^ Kafka: "..." .\\\\\. "I was nothing..._IT_ was nothing..." >\\\< etta: *giggle* Leroux: ^w^ Jakob: *munching on a chocolate bar* "George, grab them!" Kafka: "..." *offers Etta chocolate* etta: *nom* george: um....thanks? Kafka: "..." *nods* "Of course..." goethe: ....at least share some with me. -elsewhere- Toby: *pawing at papers about Etta and Leroux* eckleburg: *picks him up and puts him in his little bed* *pet pet* Toby: -_-; *soft fox purr, before shifting under blanket* -elsewhere- tatsuya: *writing things down* Damon: "..." teacher:....mr evans? Damon: "...Wh-What?" teacher: is everything alright? Damon: "..." *nods* "I'm sorry." teacher: well, try to pay attention, alright? Damon: "..." *stares at a blank sheet of paper--moves his hand to grab his pencil--and accidentally knocks it to the floor* "..." boy: shhh. -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *sits up in bed...* twain: *halfway off his bed asleep* Steinbeck: "..." *sighs* *gets out, goes to Twain, tries to nudge him back into his bed* twain: *snore* thank you mr davis, you saved my life. again. Zzzzz Steinbeck: "??? ..." *tucks him in* dorothy: morning... Steinbeck: "???" *turns* "Hey..." dorothy: couldnt sleep. Steinbeck: "Sorry...Want to get some water?" dorothy:...*nods* Steinbeck: *opens the cooler they brought with them, takes out two bottles of water* "Cheers." dorothy: *siiiip* thanks mr steinbeck. Steinbeck: *smiles* "You're welcome. Were you hungry at all?" dorothy: i'll eat later. Steinbeck: "...Anything on your mind?" dorothy: *shrug* big bro's probably gonna want pancakes. Steinbeck: "Do you like pancakes?" dorothy: i guess. Steinbeck: "...What kind of foods do you like?" dorothy: ..... Steinbeck: "..." *sips water* "...I like a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” dorothy:.....sure. Steinbeck: *smiles* "I'm going to make one. I think we still have some bread left over..." dorothy: ok. Steinbeck: *gets to work* "..." ("Wonder why she's this quiet...") "Wish the rest of us could sleep as soundly as that guy..." *thumbs at Twain* twain: *leg twitch and dopey grin* dorothy: .... Steinbeck: *finishes, cuts it in half, holds up a half to her* dorothy:... *nom* Steinbeck: ^^ "I remember we used to make jelly...And preserves." dorothy: was it nice? Steinbeck: *nods* "Until one of the kids flung a spoonful of grape jelly at my face..." ^^; dorothy: yikes. Steinbeck: "It's all in fun--you know how kids are." dorothy: yeah, seeing as i still am one, sorta... Steinbeck: "...And a kid deserves to have fun, with whatever time they have." dorothy:....are they nice? Steinbeck: "Most part, yeah!" *takes out his wallet, holds up a photo* dorothy: *examines the photos* ... *The photographs show Steinbeck tending to the kids since babies...They look happy* dorothy:...you seem to be a good brother. Steinbeck: "...Thanks. That means a lot..." *studies her face* -she seems to be thinking about something- Steinbeck: "Still thinking?" dorothy: yeah... Steinbeck: "What about?" dorothy: my brother. our family. Steinbeck: "...How is he doing?" dorothy: right now he's still asleep. -elsewhere- Kid: *walking through the DWMA halls* kirika: *sneaking up* Kid: *comes to a stop* kirika: *ducks behind locker* Kid: *looks left to right...then keeps walking* kirika: *runs up and blows an airhorn at his ear* Kid: O_________O *leaps up--and doesn't descend* kirika: 8\ *looks up* *There is a Kid-shaped hole in the ceiling...and the floor above...and the floor above...all the way to the roof* kirika:.... *snaps a pic* Kid: *in the sky, clinging to Beelzebub like a cat to a ceiling fan* Q~Q -elsewhere- Justin: "I have to run an errand...Did you want to stay?" oriko: *nod* Justin: "Okay. Don't let anyone you don't know in..." oriko: ok. Justin: "And I can bring back something from the grocery if you want. Any requests?" oriko: im alright. Justin: *nods, grabs his tote bag and keys, opens the door* oriko: be safe. Justin: *smiles, nods* "Thank you." *closes and locks the door* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Zzz..." emily: *driving* Hemingway: "He seems really worn out." twain: he was up pretty early. Hemingway: "??? Must've been a good reason, I hope." -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Remember this?" akaderu: ?? Kepuri: One of the files we had while investigating..." *it's Yohei* akaderu: oh yeah... Kepuri: "...A lot has changed." akaderu: yeah...*hug* Kepuri: "!!! ..." *hug* =\\\\= akaderu: love you, babe. Kepuri: "Love you, too..." *squeeze* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *tapping the walls* naoya: ?? Chuuya: "...Which other surveillance devices did the Agency keep here?" naoya: hmm, my ability doesnt work on any cameras, just living beings. Chuuya: "After the last infiltration, I want to go through the building more carefully...May need some tech help." naoya: no dice with keek. she's pretty much cut ties with the mafia after...y'know. Chuuya: "..." *nods* "Kajii and his assistant?" naoya: *shrug* bleeeegh it sucks we cant go out hiring people right now. Chuuya: "Yeah... ..." *kicks the wall* naoya: 0-0 Chuuya: "This is awful...Just..." naoya:....*pap pap* Chuuya: "..." *sniff* naoya:.... Chuuya: "This shouldn't be like this..." naoya: yeah...damn those rats... Chuuya: "...When we find Fyodor...We're stopping this." naoya:...well we know he's in prison, but are we really about to break _in_ to prison? Chuuya: "If you think he's staying in there...No. He won't. So we need to find him as soon as he makes his escape." naoya:...right. -elsewhere- soul: have fun today? Becky: "It was alright. Kind of dull." Damon: "..." soul: i see....so, i made a call to the therapist today. Damon: "?!" Becky: "...Why?" soul: ...to help you feel better. *smile* Becky: *small frown* Damon: "...How? What would they want?" soul: they'd talk to you about how you're feeling, and maybe find a way to make you feel better. Damon: "Really?" Becky: "...That's all?" soul: yep. that's all. dont worry, i'll go with you. Damon: "...Okay." Becky: "..." *nods* -elsewhere- Walter: *reading emails* "Mom's doing well!" hans: glad to know. *smiles* Walter: ^w^ Kafka: *putting files away* "..." hans: ...so how about you, leroux? any news from your sister? Leroux: *sighs* "Little good, I'm afraid." etta: oh no! D:> Leroux: "..." *nods* "He keeps himself locked away..." etta: ... Leroux: "...He's incredibly morose." hans: i could imagine... Leroux: "...I don't know what help is available." hans: he is in psychiatric, isnt he? Leroux: *nods* "But is that enough?" hans: .... etta: *hug* TT^TT Leroux: *hug* T~T Kafka: "..." >_> *awkward pat on Leroux's shoulder* -elsewhere- Lily: "How are things?" mahiru: they've been well. Kuro: *nom nom nom* Lily: "Excellent! We'll have to celebrate your admittance before your have midterms~" mahiru: aww, thanks. misono: it's the least we can do. -elsewhere- Rin: "All packed!" kyouko: you guys be safe, you hear? Yukio: "...Right." Rin: "Not a problem! Even got bug repellent!" kyouko: *nod* Yukio: "What about the tent?" Rin: "...I'll be right back." *goes back to his room* kyouko: ...^^; Yukio: "You'll hold down the fort while we're out?" kyouko: you bet. Yukio: "And keep up with homework." kyouko: i know. Yukio: "And keep an eye on Father. And bring in the trash, water the plants, patrol the perimet--" kyouko: got it all in here. *points to her head* i've been doing this for years now. Yukio: "...Right. Sorry." Rin: "I got it!" *holds up his 3DS* Yukio: "...Rin. Tent." Rin: "...Oh!" *runs back* kyouko: *sweatdrop* Yukio: "Maybe I should put Post It Notes on him..." kyouko: *chuckles* -elsewhere- yana: *doing some browsing* Ivan: "???" yana: <just looking up some stuff.> Ivan: <Anything interesting?> yana: <i did find this one website. death city rumor file> Ivan: <Any juicy material?> yana: <well, i found a bit of info regarding that shibusawa person.> Ivan: <Best keep it away from Gogol, then...> ^^; yana: <well it wouldnt be much, because this only gives me like, three facts about them. number 1, do you recall the 'dragon's head rush' incident?> Ivan: *nods* yana: <apparently this shibusawa person was the mastermind behind that, at least according to this.> *shrugs* <number 2, they're called 'the collector'. not sure why that is. and number 3, and this is speculation mind you, they are theorized to have connection to the rumor of the white eyed princess of the mysterious tower.> Ivan: <That old tale?> yana: *nods* <wasnt that one of the rumors pushkin's sister and uncle were investigating? then again, they research a lot of urban legends and stuff like that, so...> Ivan: <...It was probably just a tall tale.> yana: <maybe> .... *updating the file* <but i at least have all the profiles up to date.> Ivan: <Master will be so pleased~> yana: *nod* ...... Ivan: <Any additional information?> yana: <at the moment, nothing...> *sigh* <actually, i did find something. info on one of the boss's subgroups, 'the angels of decay'. we know the boss and kolya are part of it, but the info on the other 3 members is password protected.> Ivan: <...Try 'Ivan'?> yana: <tried that, didnt work. i've asked the boss, and he told me to figure it out myself.> *grooooan* <dont get me wrong, i do respect him as our leader, but does he have to be so damn cryptic all the damn time?> Ivan: <Adds to the mystique~> yana: ... Gogol: <What you talkin' about?> yana: 0-0 *clicks out of the angels of decay file....which returns to the rumor file page on shibusawa* (SHIT) Gogol: O\\\\\\\O "..." *faints* yana:.... -_-; <unprofessional.> -elsewhere-
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fyodorscenarios · 7 years
Hi! May I request a scenario where Fyodor and his naive and innocent s/o gets captured by his enemies and his s/o has to dirty her hands for the first time (by killing someone for example) in order to save him? How would Fyodor react to that?
I’m glad that I finally got to write this request! I really liked the idea because I’m kinda really into writing angsty stuff for some reason. I realized in the process that I’m shit at describing torture though… I hope it came out alright nonetheless. 
Warnings: violence, death, minor descriptions of torture
Day 1:
The concrete is cold against your feet. You try to stay still, they just drag you. You refuse to scream; at least if you can help it.
He looks at you blankly, giving the impression that he won’t break. You know him enough to see the frustration hidden in his eyes.
There’s solace in knowing that he might have some kind of plan.
They tell you they’ll be keeping you alive until they’re sick of you. Something new everyday. He’s the main course. They’ve been waiting; it’s for revenge, but also for sick pleasure.
What he could have done for them to go to these lengths, you do not know.
They waste no time in dragging you out into the hallway and into the next room. You’re practically thrown into the chair in the centre, your arms shackled on to the chair’s arm rests.
“Why are you doing this?” you manage to mumble, not looking either them in the eyes.
One of the two men laughs, the loudness of it making you jolt.
“You actually don’t know? Well, I guess that’s what we’ll start with.” the other says, clearly amused.
The first stops laughing. “So that’s how the freak managed to find someone. Aw look, you’re even pouting! You’re like a child.” he says, tilting your head with his hand.
You spit directly into his face.
He sneers at you. A mere second afterward you feel the sting of his palm on your cheek. Your head snaps to the side, tears already threatening to spill from your eyes.
“Haven’t you noticed anything strange about that man? Or are you that fucking stupid?”
The second man speaks again. He seems to be a leader of the other, reeking of authority.
“I’m not—”
“Quiet!” he cuts you off. “That man you’re with killed my brother! That’s what this is for. An eye for an eye, understand? Or better yet, a life for a life.”
“N-no way. Why would he—”
“He’s a mass murderer you goddamn fool!” the man continued. “Has he ever said a word to you about his job? He probably comes home at the strangest hours as well, doesn’t he?”
You shook at the thought of it. The things he had said matched up, however you could scarcely picture the man you loved doing what he had been accused of. Your mind was full of fervent denial.
The underling had been busy, and had now placed a small folding table in front of you. On the table sat a folder in less than ideal condition. The label was scrawled with your boyfriend’s name.
The leader, wasting not a second, removed the folder’s contents. The top of the pile was a picture, and you assumed many others were as well.
The picture was taken from above, likely security camera footage. Your eyes were first drawn to the dead man; he lay on the floor over a pool of blood. You bit your lip as you moved on to the assailant. His white suit was spattered in blood drops, and the characteristic black cloak and white hat was present. It clearly seemed as if it might be him, though you could not see his face. The black hair creeping out from his hat and the slouch almost made it all too real.
“I can’t see his face. How do I know for sure if I can’t see his face?” you say, shaking.
The next picture is flipped, and you draw a blank.
The camera seemed to have zoomed in on the assailant’s face. You examine each aspect of it, trying to determine if it’s faked, if it’s a hoax. Though there’s nothing you can pick out. It’s the face of your boyfriend, but not one you’ve ever seen.
His unusual violet eyes are cold and dark, and a small smile sits on his face that almost seemed proud. His pale skin is also marred with blood, but certainly not his own. You almost feel faint.
Your tears begin to fall soon after, denial becoming shock and fear. The men continue to flip through the images, and there is nothing you can do but watch. Various people lie dead in each photo, their forms covered in that which once kept them alive.
“There must be an explanation,” you manage at last. “W-who are you anyway? Y-you’re criminals!”
“Sure we are, but does that mean your darling should get off scot-free? Not in my fucking opinion.” the leader says. “If your human morality is intact then maybe you’ll consider teaching him a lesson yourself?”
“I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt, because it’s only fair…” you trail off, then continue. “Besides, you’re murderers yourselves, aren’t you? Why should I listen to a word you say!?”
“Suit yourself.”
You’re thrown back onto the floor of the cell. There’s a television in the room you hadn’t noticed before, Fyodor is staring at it, motionless. You turn to him.
“What’s the TV for?” you ask.
“You know what it’s for,” he mutters.
“Did you see all that then?”
“Of course.”
“C-can you explain this to me?” your voice shakes slightly.
“I never wanted to.”
“Well… you have no choice now.”
Fyodor sighs. “First and foremost,” he turns, staring at you intensely, “I have never taken the life of an innocent. All those I have killed have found salvation in death; existence without sin, if you will.”
“But you killed them…” you mumble.
“Does that pain you? One day, I’ll explain it all to you if you like. Though I never wanted to burden you with it. You know, you’re a very unique person. Despite the flaws of humans and their society, you’ve remained so pure and hopeful. I’ve come to love that in you, at first I thought of it as weakness.”
“I almost feel insulted. Nobody likes it, being treated like a child, not even children. I just believe that anyone can be good if they choose to. So please, why have you been doing all this?”
“For the promised land, for you, and all good people. I will rid the earth of filth for the benefit of others.” he smiles, and it’s almost eerie to you, from it you sense obsession.
You stare back at him, wide-eyed. “W-what gives you the right to judge as God would?”
“Simple. I am an extension of God, or perhaps God himself. You see my darling, in this sense it is my right.” He sighs, “I see from your eyes that you don’t believe me. No matter. Please, consider any great war figure. If a man saves his country by killing thousands of enemies with his armies, he is considered a hero, correct? Sometimes, it is justifiable to eliminate some for the benefit of others.”
“Honestly, I feel like this is too much for me to process. At least right now. I’d rather get some sleep.” you say, still visibly shaken.
“I understand. Our main objective should be to survive this for now. In any case, I deeply regret my carelessness. It never occurred to me that anyone would have the capacity to drag you into this.” he replies somewhat apologetically.
“When we get out of here, we’ll talk about it. We’ll talk about all of it.” you nod, almost as if to reassure yourself. There’s a time and a place, you decide, and this is not it.
Day 4:
By now, you almost knew how drowning felt. The sensation of water rushing into your throat; the result, asphyxiation, at least temporarily. It was repeated until your throat ached and blood had been carved out of your palms by your own nails.
You weren’t sure how many times they had done it. Ten times? Twenty-five perhaps? Maybe it didn’t matter, just the fact that they had done it once was enough. They had strapped you down to the floor with restraints, and placed a towel over your preemptively terrified face.
You knew that you could not be mad at water for doing what it was told. Water goes where it is directed, it has no choice. Sometimes, you thought, you were like water.
Afterwards, they told you it was no fun. You can’t hear someone scream if they’re drowning, after all. Tomorrow, they’d do something “better”, perhaps make it so you can’t hurt yourself with your nails anymore, they had laughed.
Currently, you were back on the floor of the cell, running your bloody hands over the concrete. The bruises from the second day were still present, you had never seen your limbs splotched with such unnatural colours.
When you turned, Fyodor was caught up in his usual habit, biting at the tip of his thumb. You weren’t sure if it was due to heightened stress, or just the fact that he had nothing else to do.
Fyodor turned and smiled slightly at you, and you quickly turned away.
“Are you…” he let it hang in the air for a moment, “still angry with me?”
You bury your head in your hands. “I-I’m not sure.”
Your head shoots up as your hear him move. You find him settling down beside you, arms outstretched, with an almost benign smile on his face.  
“I don’t want you to go through this alone, even if you do now think of me as some kind of monster.” he says softly.
You stare wearily at him, then down at your bloodstained hands. You feel his arms wrap around you, but decide to ignore it. His lips brush your ear, “we’re going to escape,” he whispers. “You have my word.”
Day 5:
The men who had captured you weren’t very cautious, Fyodor insists. They already thought that they had won, and one should never assume this until said victory was completely certain.
The underling always leaves around noon to run some kind of errand. He usually returns about two hours later. Fyodor had told you.
“They doubt you,” Fyodor states, “they like to think of you as helpless. That’s why I’ve been chained to the wall and you haven’t. Of course, this is advantageous for us. One of my subordinates will be hacking into the electronic gate to open it after the first man leaves. That means we only have to take care of the leader and get his keys to my shackles. He’ll probably rush over here when he knows that the gate’s been opened.”
“But how have you been communicating with anyone?” you ask.
Fyodor reaches behind his ear and pulls out a small earpiece. You notice that it has two buttons on one side and a speaker on the other.
“It’s a small device that allows me to send and receive morse code messages from its partner. Luckily I had brought it along with me and it wasn’t noticed.” he explains.
“And what if luck hadn’t been on our side?”
Fyodor stares at you for a moment. “I’d like to say that luck is always on the side of the righteous, but I’m too careful to leave things up to something so fickle. There’s no point in thinking of what could have been, at least not in this case.”
The door to your cell clicks open.
As if on cue your heart begins to race, and sudden doubts begin to swirl through your head.
“Fyodor…” you whisper. “What if our captor shows up before your subordinate?”
“I doubt that will happen, but you can prepare if that would make you feel safer. As long as we can defend ourselves before he arrives, we should be fine.” Fyodor calmly responds.
With anxiety still building within you, your eyes search for anything that could be used as a weapon in the cell. The only thing there besides the two of you is the old CRT TV sitting on the floor. You rise to your feet and try lifting it, the TV is fairly small so it isn’t too much of a task.
“Use the cord instead,” Fyodor says.
“What, the cord?” You turn to him in confusion.
“You could strangle him with it.”
“I don’t…” you mutter, “I d-don’t want to do this anymore.”
You feel your legs give out as tears threaten to spill from your eyes. Your bruised knees hit the floor and a scream rips its way through your throat. Fyodor reaches out to touch you, but as if to avoid him you crawl closer to the TV.
“D-damn it… Why can’t I stop crying? I’m just like a l-little kid.” you wipe the tears from your face. “I know what I h-have to do, okay? You don’t have to tell me.”
Hanging your head, you move your hands to the cord and remove it from its outlet and the television itself. Clutching the cord in your hands, you decide to sit in silence until someone arrives.
It hasn’t been long when you begin to hear footsteps from down the hallway. They seem to be coming from the direction your captors often come from, immediately putting you on edge. You stand and move in front of Fyodor. There’s an urge to protect him despite the things he’s done, as you’re in the same dismal position.
You freeze as you see the supposed leader enter the cell.
He smirks grotesquely at you. “What? Did you plan on killing me with that?”
You don’t even have a moment to scream as the man grabs you by the throat and rips the cord from your hand. Your vision seems to blur as you feel yourself pushed.
You hear a shattering noise as your head is slammed through the screen of the TV. Glass flies by your head and scratches up your face, but you’re able to keep your mouth shut.
Your head pounds and warm blood runs down your cheeks. For a moment, you feel as if you are unable to move, but eventually, your fingers start to twitch.
As you take a long breath through your nose, you realize that the man is no longer near you. His hands are nowhere near your throat. You can hear him speaking, but you can’t make out the words, as if they’re in a foreign tongue.
Slowly, you open one eye. Through patchy vision, you see the man’s boot atop Fyodor’s back. He has him pushed against the concrete. The man however, has put his back to you.
Your fingers of your dominant hand find their way to a long shard of glass on the floor. Slowly dragging the item into your palm, you allow the jagged edges to sink slightly into your flesh.
You make your way to your feet cautiously, so far the man hasn’t seemed to have noticed a thing. 
Then, you run.
By the time the man turns around your arm is raised. By the time he attempts to grab you the glass is already lodged deep in his throat. Your arm drops.
The man makes an inhuman noise, and you see him struggle to pull the glass from his neck. A few seconds later, his eyes roll back and his whole body drops.
Your hands shake as you stare blankly at the body. You see Fyodor crawl over to the man and go through his pockets until he finds the keys.
After freeing himself, Fyodor stands up. You feel his arms wrap around you.
You shudder. “…Haven’t I committed the worst of sins?”
“No, this was not a sin. Without men like that the world would be much better for others, wouldn’t you agree? You’ve done so well, my angel.”
You feel the tears begin again, and somehow they warm you more than his arms.
Your mind seems to go blank, almost as if it’s trying to remove you from this moment. You don’t blame it.
A man with very long hair steps into the cell, you assume him to be Fyodor’s subordinate. Fyodor leaves you to approach him, and you feel your hearing go. His steps sound muffled.
You see Fyodor say something to the long haired man, a grin painted on his face. You can’t make it out; all you hear is the beating of your own heart, as if it has risen to your head.
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