#can't escape ever
scarlet-flowers · 9 months
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Commission done by APTICHO.
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lazylittledragon · 6 months
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domesticating your vampire: a memoir
(beautiful high res version on patre0n)
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evercelle · 1 year
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(can’t) let go
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chronurgy · 16 days
Idk man thinking about Caleb and Astrid and breakdowns. How the one time we see her have a breakdown it's so neat and quiet and private in contrast to Caleb's messy, public, even violent breakdowns. Do you think she looks down on him for not being able to control it? Do you think she resents him because Trent still wants him back even after all of it and she could never get away with something like that (does the specter of the hysterical woman keep her up at night)? Does she envy him because that's what freed him? And does that just cause the resentment to pile even higher because she could never allow herself to fall to pieces like that? Because someone has to stay in control. Someone has to keep it together.
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brother-emperors · 10 months
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it's like. well. its several things.
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(Plutarch's Crassus, trans. Warner)
and also this
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that compliment sounds like an insult, baby.
anyway, there's a fun kind of eroticism in being given everything, in taking things that aren't yours without any real consequence, in climbing towards becoming a Roman Alexander, only for one man to deny you, over and over and over again, at every turn. Sulla tried, Crassus did it better. who would put a butcher in their place? who else knows you well enough to do it? who else can match you step for step like this? doesn't it feel like a kind of intimacy, a kind of—
it's also about the 'even sulla kissed my sword/so you want me on my knees too?' innuendo was too good to pass up. that was actually the first line I wrote, I figured out the rest of this to justify making a comic with it
and finally! the sword line is referencing/playing off of Lucan's Pharsalia a little bit because it fucks hard
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(Lucan's Pharsalia, trans. Jane Wilson Joyce)
EDIT: oh, and that's a public domain anatomical illustration of a heart. you know how it is with love and hate.
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icarusbetide · 2 months
the way a random hamilton audio goes viral on tiktok every few months needs to be studied. you know the one that's trending rn. "mr. vice president. mr. madison. senator burr. what is this?" hounds me on my fyp every few videos. that musical will never leave our public consciousness. people can't get enough of it even though they claim it's cringe.
just a month ago it was the "undressed she looked a mess pathetic she cried"; "ha! you don't even know what you're asking me to confess"; before that it was the horrifying "if i prove that i never touched my balls" audio; the "eating oreos in a parked car" one; then it was first burn and aaron burr's female rage "how does hamilton an arrogant immigrant orphan bastard" rant; and several others i can't even remember. i'm honestly impressed at this point.
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sleep-nurse · 8 days
hey, everyone. thanks for the support. i figured i might briefly explain my situation, although there's way more layers into this, the post would be way too long if i explained everything though
yesterday, after days of family troubles (or years, rather), me, my brother and my mom found out my dad died of suicide and left us with no money. we are all honestly shocked and my mom has to now find a job to survive, may i also add how she actually studied in university in russia and has all the shit to get a good job, she just doesn't have a citizenship because our dad didn't ever give a shit about giving her one in 20 years, so she has trouble finding jobs.
if you want to help in some way, my brother is taking comms and he draws dinosaurs and stuff alike, i might consider opening them too if i figure out stuff but i already stress myself with drawing for free
in the meantime i probably won't be as active as i was. i read all your messages and asks, i just really need some time to recover. thank you and i'm sorry for making you worry
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possiblynya · 3 months
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If you ask one member of the d&d party out, you ask them all out.
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leohtttbriar · 3 months
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From a report on J.B.S. Haldane's speech to the British Interplanetary Society in 1951
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bibiana112 · 1 year
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The woes of being a ze blogger and tagging these two's names
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bonefall · 5 months
Feel free to ignore you've probably got a lot going on right now, but considering you know a lot about DOTC and Clear sky, I had a question...
We know that he's a terrible, misogynistic, woman beating and war mongering lunatic who was excused of all his actions because his equally misogynistic brother said " But-But he's nice! Deep down! This isn't the real him! "
But! In a world where the Hunters could write such a character, what do you think Clear Sky would look like as an actual sympathetic villain?
Idk if that makes sense, but what I've thought of doing is taking purely cannon Clear Sky and attempting to change him enough that he's still an antagonist, but not too far where only Reddit defends him.
I don't think he works as a sympathetic villain, on any level, ever. I think you're making a huge mistake to even try, and I have never seen an AU where it was done well nor am I interested in entertaining the thought.
Characters. Are. Tools. They exist to tell a story. The story that people tell me, by obsessing over some alternate universe where he was "ACTUALLY sympathetic and had a REAL redemption arc," is that they're not fucking interested in his dozens of victims. Nor do they actually care about the abusive impact he had on the minds and feelings of his family. They're JUST interested in Clear Sky himself.
Just like the Erins. Everything that happens in DOTC revolves around him. Everything. All his wives die so he can be sad about it. His brother defends all of his actions and BEGS you to sympathize with his pain so he can be 'redeemable.' One Eye comes out of nowhere so that there can be an example of "real" evil to contrast Clear Sky so he's less bad in hindsight.
The first three books of DOTC are bad, but the last three are fucking insufferable because SUDDENLY all that Gray Wing apologia pays off, and they take their main villain and throw him out a window. You CAN'T have "redeemable" Clear Sky and the plot of DOTC without dragging in someone else to drive the conflict, to BE the bigger threat to "unite" against. Slash and One Eye have to be conjured up out of thin air so Clear Sky can WHINE about how people only suck his toes instead of deepthroat them after he killed all their friends.
And yet, in spite of this absolute failure of an attempt, we continue to see this bullshit "redemption" be a mistake because Clear Sky is a fantastic villain, with major antagonist roles in nearly EVERY bit of follow-up material for DOTC that came after.
He's the most consistent monster in all of Warriors.
He's a fragile, egotistical, self-absorbed megalomaniac who ALWAYS sees himself as the victim, REFUSING to self-reflect and blaming everything else for all of his terrible choices. He will USE your love of him against you like it's a chain through your nose, step out of line and he will yank you into place with guilt trips, manipulation, public shaming, and violence.
He's a child abuser. He's a tyrant. He abandons the sick and disabled as soon as they're of no use to him, with grand speeches about "illness" and "weakness." He's a murderer who stands above the shredded corpse of his victim and bellows, "I'M NOT GREEDY! I'M JUST STRONG!"
And you'd write a "good" redemption arc for this, why?
Why are people so chronically unable to accept that there are LOTS of people like him, and you can't save your abuser? Why don't you ask yourselves why you're not interested in exploring Thunder, or Petal, or Gray Wing, and how his toxic influence impacts them? Why does the sympathy fall on Clear Sky? What about the DOZENS of victims who are dead by Book 3, and how THEY could have been saved?
Why ruin a perfectly good villain?
What's behind this trend where a billion people say to me, "Yes Clear Sky is a walking cavalcade of fucked up abuse apologia, and an incredibly realistic depiction of an abuser, but how would you change this while keeping it all the same?"
I wouldn't. You can't. It wouldn't be the same story, or it wouldn't be the same character. Never seen it done well, and I have seen it a lot. So I don't entertain this deeply frustrating "Well What If Clear Sky But Nice" impulse.
#The closest I'll ever get to that is Fallenleaf. And she lost it all#And spent years in the time-out tunnel#BAD KITTIES GO IN THE PEAR WIGGLER TO BE SUFFICIENTLY WIGGLED.#I don't think people in power typically change. If they do it's so rare it's not worth entertaining. Camel through the eye of a needle shit#and I mean ALL powers. this goes for abusive relationships too. I think they need to lose that power before they change.#When you have power. REAL power. You can fill those holes with it. You can force people to not leave.#so im actively hostile to stories that winge and cry about giving powerful people endless sympathy and chances#You've already shown me what you want to do with your power and as long as you keep it you haven't seen your consequences.#Power reveals.#It doesn't corrupt. It reveals.#DOTC hate#clear sky's redemption arc#If you're in an abusive relationship or under a terrible boss or in some other bad environment. You won't fix it.#You are not responsible for fixing it.#You can't fix it.#And they will not change. so GET OUTTA THERE#And that's who he functions best as. To me.#He's the bastard you need to escape.#And that's infinitely more compelling to me than Nice Clear Sky Attempt 32324#I don't write stories that beg you to sympathize with tyrants and keep your heart open to some maybe-change on the horizon#I write stories where they ruin everything they touch and have to be forcefully yanked out of power before they hurt more people.#And also screw every related take that's like 'ohhh after 5000 years of having his toes sucked he regrets it a bit :('#no he fucking wouldn't. he had his toes sucked for 5000 years. He's vindicated by how fondly he's remembered.#You can't fucking tell me that he doesnt REVEL in how violent the culture became. That him being offended about the clan's exile-#--was anything but him being offended his namesake was going away. That he wouldn't parade around like every choice he ever made was right.#''I made some vague mistakes which I will never name. BUT Im never wrong and always did it my way even if it was hard''#If you haven't met a person like that I envy you.#bone babble#Nothing makes me mad quite like this character#Again I yell about his brother a lot because he's widely loved by the fandom
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lgbtlunaverse · 7 months
See, the thing about found families is that generally they provide an escape from the rigid structures and norms that society tends to impose upon traditional families, right? It's why they resonate so well with queer people. The normal rules that they by definition don't fit into cease to matter within these found families.
And then I look at 3zun, and the sworn bortherhood vow. Which is, on its own, a kind of promise of found family, no? We're not related by blood but I am choosing you as my family anyway, etc. Except, by swearing that vow, 3zun turn a relationship that wasn't bound by familiar norms into one that does. Being sworn brothers has rules attached to it just like any other familiar structure.
All of 3zun have, without exception, some deeply major trauma connected to family and, specifically the societal ruels and norms surrounding family. Whether that be following in your familial tradition even though that'll kill you because that's what is expected of you, or seeing your mother waste away alone and trapped, and barely ever seeing your father due to his self inflicted punishment for not marrying the right kind of person, or watching your mother die and having your father kick you down the stairs and refuse you entry to his home because you were born out of wedlock and to the "wrong" kind of mother, unable to fit properly into society's ideal family at all.
And I'm not saying the real historical practice of swearing bortherhood is problematic, abolutely not, could you imagine? What I am saying is that 3zun's vow was meant to be a way to tie these people together, heal bond that had been broken, and generally help them grow close to each other. And it failed at that spectularly.
And maybe that's because for these people, and the bonds between them, trying to fit them into a societally justified and acceptable familial mold might have, fundamentally, been the wrong thing to do.
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444shayyy · 2 months
I wonder if I'll ever escape the shackles of this man we've been on and off for straight two years. Deep sigh
We have moon conjunct mars synastry, lilith conjunct moon synastry, node conjunct mars, venus trine pluto, mars square pluto and moon square pluto.... am I cooked ?🧍🏽‍♀️
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commsroom · 2 years
i think one of the boldest and best moves wolf 359 makes in its character development is that, in terms of the major defining events that led him to where he is, eiffel doesn't have a tragic backstory so much as he is responsible for the tragic backstory of someone else.
(the archetype of the everyman protagonist who copes with past trauma via humor does in many ways describe eiffel, but like with every character in wolf, it's the complexity of their circumstances that make them feel like real people with believable inner worlds. they don't subvert the archetypes they represent, exactly; they're just people, complex and contradictory, who ultimately can't be constrained by the expectations or defined lines of the narratives imposed on them.)
eiffel believes this is an intrinsic part of who he is, that he was "just those mistakes"; he externalizes his desire for redemption and that manifests as lenience towards people who lack his fundamental desire for growth. and in failing to recognize his own ability for growth, he presents himself as a doomed character archetype more than a person; he sidelines himself as an observer within his own story. his guilt and self-hatred allow him to in some way abdicate responsibility, to see his failings as inevitable, and it's only accepting his own complexity and capacity to be more, the human quality he recognizes so fervently in others, that frees him from those self-imposed conceptions.
(once my friend kit said that eiffel “defines the tone and the moral compass of wolf 359 so strongly that if you put him into any other series he would turn it into wolf 359 too” and i think about that a lot.)
doug eiffel is wolf 359, in all it believes, and despite his perception of himself as the weakest link, he is so interwoven with both the crew of the hephaestus and the themes of the show that he is inseparable from either. he doesn't always embody the show's values or its morals - in fact, he frequently fails to live up to them as much as he'd like - but he is the one who advocates for them. "it's not just about surviving; it's about being able to live with ourselves after we get off this tin can."
it's a show about communication; he is an intermediary, a vessel for communication - sometimes literally, and he's also just a guy who is still trying to learn how to communicate better himself. what eiffel represents is a flawed, contradictory, unpredictable, irrepressible humanity, singular, and so desperately in need of connection. the show's love of humanity is truer for that. he has genuinely done wrong, in ways he may not ever be forgiven for. he has very real flaws, some of which persist through the entire show, even as he's consciously trying to do better. and he is very much human, and very much loved.
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ineffably-flynn · 7 months
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im so normal about them
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Supernatural 13.20 Unfinished Business
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