#cavendish x y/n
swampstew · 1 year
Blind Date Event ~ Cavendish X Reader
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Thank you to everyone who submitted applications for my Blind Date Matchmaking Event. I hope you enjoy these lovely bedtime stories during this week of overpriced chocolates, flowers and heart shaped things. @sabo-has-my-heart I hope you enjoy your date and it definitely did not have me simping pathetically for the Beautiful Pirate🤫🥺
Mostly fluff, SFW, Cavendish X Female reader, first blind date experience. WC:1.4K. Minors DNI - my content is for mature audiences only
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Cavendish knocked on your door, arriving punctually for your date together. He was dressed in a billowing button down paired with black pants, a rose belt buckle hung neatly where the shirt tucked. He looked handsome, ravishing even; you weren’t 100% sold on the hat though.
He did one of those fancy handshakes where he daintily raises your hand in front of him while he bows his head. Exclaiming how thrilled he was to be your date and that he was taking you to the hottest rooftop bar in the city. He led you to his white, polished Ford Mustang convertible. You noticed a small bumper sticker on the corner of his back bumper: Hell hath no fury like a Shagya Arabian stallion.
“I’ve got to be honest; I don’t know what a Shagya Arabian is.”
Cavendish’s eyes widened before a smile came over his face. His favorite topic. A horse boy through and through.
It was quite cute how passionate he was about the subject. It stemmed from his childhood horse who was now much older and past his prime. You were surprised to know that his deep knowledge of equines didn’t stop there. No, Cavendish loves all animals.
He comes from old money so he decided to start a non-profit rehabilitation center. At first it was to rehab injured equestrians, which expanded to treat donkeys, deer, and eventually his center became overburdened with animals in need that he expanded again. To several different counties and states, all specializing in different animal needs. To say you were impressed!
The ride to the bar was fairly quick and he opened your doors and pulled out the seat for you, always a gentleman. While you waited for your orders to be cooked, you sipped on decorated cocktails as you got to know each other.
You held the matchmaking pamphlet in your hands, “Cavendish what are your three biggest deal breakers?”
He took a sip of his gin and tonic, “I would say intentional cruelty to animals, cheating, and denim on denim wearers.” You giggled at that. “What about your three dealbreakers, _______?”
You swirled your Mai Tai, “controlling tendencies, cruel personalities, and excessive laziness.”  
You shared your meals with each other on appetizer plates; he has a thing about his food mixing together. He listened intently as you shared more about yourself. Things like your hobbies, passion for cooking, favorite book and movie genres, even your bucket list.
“Overall, I like to believe I am laid back. I enjoy a night in as much as I enjoy trying something new,” you took a break to finish your meal, having talked through most of the meal.
“That’s great to know, _____. I’m glad to hear you like trying new things. See, I chose this bar not just because the food reviews were good, but because this bar is partnered with the art studio next door. This week they’ve put on an immersive Van Gogh experience that I thought we could do after dinner. The fun part is, to get to the show you can only enter through the rooftop bar. Look over there,” he pointed to a tall, curtained entrance.
“Past those curtains is a hallway made entirely of glass to get to the art show. I heard its quite exhilarating, being able to see the streets from 20 stories high; the sight allows you the most exquisite view of the city especially during sunset, which is in,” he checked his watch, “about 40 minutes.”
You were stunned. The date was thoroughly planned; you were expecting a nice dinner date at best but Cavendish was really going all out with making it an experience. You smiled at him, sharing your excitement at the plan while you received another round of drinks and the dessert menu.
The dinner date was refreshing. Your first impression of Cavendish was a rich boy who probably put forth 40% of effort to get what he wanted, if money couldn’t buy it for him right away. You were pleased at how thoughtful he was. With how passionate he was about his life’s work and how much of a gentle soul he seemed to be.
Cavendish carefully spooned his ice cream into his mouth, letting the flavor mix with the piece of apple pie he had already taken a bite of. Watching his face turn into one of delighted pleasure from the dessert. It was…so cute you blushed a little. He noticed and he cast his eyes downward, a quiet chuckle escaping him.
“______, I am enjoying my time with you. There is something I would like for you to know and, I would understand if you decided not to move forward with another date after tonight once you hear it. I just…” he looked nervous, “I hope you do not judge me too harshly.”
You nod your head at him, encouraging him to continue.
“I—“, he paused, resentment and shame crossed his features for just a moment. “I suffer from somnambulism, a sleepwalking and night terrors disorder.” His eyes were shadowed now.
“That’s not all…,” his knuckles were white from how hard he was clutching his glass. “I also suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder, and it is usually triggered during by my night terrors. Sometimes I can get violent during the worst of them. I don’t have as many episodes as I used to. I am in therapeutic treatment for both my conditions and I take medication for the sleep disorder. I just wanted to be upfront with you. I don’t want you to think I was hiding it from you or leading you on in any way,” he finally braved a glance at you.
“Oh,” you let out softly. Never before had you met a person be so honest about his own shortcomings and faults. It was admirable. “I think its brave that you shared that with me, especially during a night where we’re learning about each other to see if we’re compatible.” You smile softly.
“I can promise I won’t judge you for it. Not many people can admit they have issues and even less try to address them. I sincerely appreciate your honesty, though I won’t say right away that I’d like a second date but its not because of your disorders,” you soothe, taking another drink.
“It’s because I’m curious to see how the rest of our night goes,” you raise your glass to him. “I signed up for this event because I wanted to take a chance at finding someone. You did too. So Cavendish, what do you say we go enjoy that exquisite view and continue our date?”
His gorgeous blue orbs widened at your statement, a crooked smile growing on his face.
“Well said, _____. I appreciate your openness and kindness. To the rest of our date then,” he clinked his glass against yours in a toast.
The hallway was both thrilling and anxiety inducing, causing you to hold on to Cavendish as you walked across the glass floor. He fit the gentleman role perfectly, soothing you as he held you. The museum was breathtaking and you lost track of the time as you explored each room. By the time you were looking at the last installation, you nuzzling intimately against his body while he had his arm around your shoulder. You were actively disappointed the night had to end.
Cavendish walked you to your front door, holding your art gallery bag full of prints and goodies he had purchased for you. As you fiddled with the key in your lock, you gave him a bashful look.
“I had a really nice time tonight. I do want that second date, if you enjoyed my company as much as I think you did,” you spoke in a hushed tone.
He was sweet, lifting your hand in his, pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles.
“It would be my honor. Do you want me to surprise you or do you want to plan it together?”
“I think I would like to help plan the next one. Can’t let you be the one who shocks and amazes me all the time,” you flirt. “If you’re free this weekend, would you like to meet up for coffee and discuss it in more depth?”
His smile was radiant, “absolutely. But I’m counting it as a mini date, _____!” His heart started racing when you giggled, nodding in agreement.
You stood on your tip toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek, “I can’t wait.”
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elenamegan14 · 8 months
Yandere One Piece - Irish/Nordic Fae Folk Myth X F!Reader - Prologue
It's a spooky season, and I have yet to see any Yandere One Piece reader fics based on Slavic myths and legends! Blame me for being too invested in Bramble: the Mountain King game.
Once, there was a childless couple who lived in a quaint village. Although the village is rich in tradition and harvest, it was also a fearsome place. Not far from them lies a great forest called the Grand Line, a home of every fae folks, each more astounding and nightmarish than man had ever known. 
But that was where our story began. 
One night, on a full moon during a winter’s eve, the couple is visited by a frail, old woman. They immediately brought her in, warmed her, and fed her. When all is done, she transforms into a beautiful fairy. A member of the fairy monarchy, Rogue. 
To thank the couple, Rogue rewarded them with something they had yearned for years: a child. And so, on the first day of Spring, a healthy baby girl was born. 
Alas, even the fairy world has it;s own rules, and the rule is crueler than the rules of mankind. A baby who is granted life by the fairy must be returned back by the ripe age of thirteen. Rogue did not want her work to go to waste, so she told the couple that they must move the child away from the village, never to enter any fairy rings at any cost, and give their child a pair of special earrings made of iron to protect them. 
Thus, the family evaded the pursuit of the fae folks beyond the age of thirteen. In retaliation, the fae folks began to terrorize the villagers - they would not stop to torment them until the child was given to them. Furious at the fleeing family for putting them into this bedlam, the villagers set up a trap to return the child back to the Grand Line. 
Eighteen years have passed, and the child grew up in the Kingdom of Goa. With each passing day, the blessings from Rogue had made the child cunning, wise, and attractive. The child was a curious oddity amongst her peers, but there was one person who despised her existence more so than the others. 
Sarie is the daughter of a notorious monarchy in the Goa Kingdom. Although she has everything in the palm of her hand, she is wicked jealous of the child’s charm and beauty. Her opportunity stuck when a vengeful villager asked her to cooperate to rid of the child’s existence in the mortal world. 
Soon after, Sarie begged her fiancee, Sterry, to arrange a special trip only for his classmates, the child included, straight to the child’s original village. Sterry and his cohorts lured the child to the edge of the forest, right before the entrance of Grand Line. Once there, Sarie threw her scarf into the middle of the fairy ring and asked the child to pick it up for her. 
The child is confused. Why should she follow such a petty instruction? Also, the child pleaded that she was not supposed to enter the fairy ring at any cost. However, Sterry and their classmates loudly demanded her to do so. 
When the child reluctantly tried to enter the fairy ring, Sterry once again ordered the child to take off the child’s iron earrings for Sarie. She tried to refuse but Sterry warned her that if she disobeyed, he would make sure that she became the enemy of Goa. 
The child had always wanted to be accepted by Sterry and Sarie - she did not understand what she had done wrong to receive his ire. The child also knew that Sarie and Sterry’s family had more power than her family did. She hastily took off her earrings and gave them to Sarie. With a heavy heart, she entered the fairy ring. 
Sterry and Sarie’s deception became light once she turned around inside the fairy ring, only to find herself alone in a strange forest. She ran back and forth, calling for her classmates. 
None answered. 
Alone, terrified, and confused, the child trekked into the woods of Grand Line on her own, in hoping to find her way home… not knowing that she had fulfilled her promise…
And break the village’s curse. 
You are wandering around the fogged oath, unable to see what's beyond. Suddenly, you heard footsteps. Behind you, in front of you, everywhere! You barely have a moment's rest when a mischievous-looking human-like creature appears before your very eyes. Shrieking, you fall back behind, astounded by what you see.
"Shishishi! Did I scare you?" The creature grinned hugely, enhancing his unique shaggy features with a stitched scar underneath his left eye.
Monkey D. Luffy, the Pookah, has arrived. Next
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lollipop-writes · 2 years
One Piece Men and the Types of Kisses They Give
A/N: Just the types of kisses I HC they would give <3
This is Part 1. You can find Part 2 here.
ꜱᴍᴀʟʟ, ꜰʟᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Basil Hawkins, Benn Beckman, Kizaru, Cavendish, Charlotte Katakuri, Corazon, Duval.
ʜᴜɴɢʀʏ, ʟᴏɴɢɪɴɢ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Bartolomeo, Buggy, Caesar Clown, Charlotte Cracker, Donquixote Doflamingo, Dracule Mihawk, Eustass Kid, Gol D. Roger.
ᴄʜᴀꜱᴛᴇ, ꜱɪᴍᴘʟᴇ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Basil Hawkins, Benn Beckman, Blueno, Cavendish, Charlotte Katakuri, Sir Crocodile, Daz Bones.
ᴡɪʟᴅ, ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜʟᴇꜱꜱ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Bartolomeo, Buggy, Caesar Clown, Charlotte Cracker, Donquixote Doflamingo, Dracule Mihawk,  Eustass Kid, Franky, Gol D. Roger.
ᴛᴇᴀꜱɪɴɢ, ꜱɪʟʟʏ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Bartolomeo, Bon Clay, Kizaru, Buggy, Caesar Clown, Corazon, Duval, Ivankov, Franky.
ᴀᴡᴋᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Basil Hawkins, Charlotte Katakuri, Corazon, Duval.
ɪɴᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Benn Beckman, Bon Clay, Kizaru, Buggy, Caesar Clown, Cavendish, Donquixote Doflamingo, Corazon,  Dracule Mihawk, Ivankov, Franky, Gol D. Roger.
ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Basil Hawkins, Blueno, Charlotte Katakuri, Sir Crocodile, Daz Bones, Dracule Mihawk.
ɴᴏ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇꜱ: Brook (he has no lips).
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one-piece-aus · 2 years
Hi lovely! I'm sorry for bothering you, I'm new to your account. I just wanted to request if that's okay, I hope your request s are open. Can I request a headcanon or scenario with Cavendish being y/n's boyfriend? Thank you so much! Have a nice day dear! (〃^ω^〃)
Ahoy anon! Welcome to the One Piece AUs blog where AUs are loved and appreciated!
Anywho, I will gladly make hcs for you as well as
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since these requests are similar, I decided to put them in one post
Relationship Headcanons: Cavendish and Caesar (Separate)
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Cavendish is the kind who is very affectionate in all love languages, well also being narcissistic at the same time
"Here my daring I got you this diamond necklace so whenever you look at it you're reminded of me."
Don't get him wrong, he adores you
You're absolutely beautiful to him, in fact, he thinks you outshine him
He thinks talking about himself will help you remember he's here, he just wants your love and praise, that's all he asks
He'll do anything you desire, even if it ruins his hair but he can fix it later
Cavendish is going to be romantic out in open, he'll hold your hand, dramatically dip you, and share a rose to snack on
You'll get attention in public, I mean, he does act like a celebrity so I hope you don't mind eyes on you
And if you ever feel insecure about yourself, don't worry! Cavendish is there to reassure you're his one and only
"You and I are meant to be, not only do we look beautiful but we look at each other beyond our appearance, no one else can do that."
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Another narcissist, except this one, has a fragile ego so whenever you roll your eyes he'll slump
Caesar wants praise from you, words of affirmation, it's his love language
You'll receive plenty of this too
"You're so wonderful to me, [Y/n], I want to be with you forever."
"You're so sweet [Y/n], you'll make a great mother."
I think you'll mostly see the caring persona he put on for the workers and children
Basically, a lot of soft Caesar
He'll give you headpats when you greet him
Sometimes he'll surprise you and hug you from behind
Though when he's tired, the mask will slip and he'll grumble something about work under his breath, just let him rest on your lap, that'll make him feel better
And if you ever feel cold or just want to be by his side, you're welcome to bundle in his large pink coat with him
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thetraumaking · 10 months
“I Believe in You.” ch.1
Summary: With your mother's last words echoing in your mind, your perspective shifted. The weight of your family's expectations, your father's relentless training, and the tragic loss of your mother fueled your growing resentment towards magic. Determined to forge your own path and defy your family's reputation, you agreed to attend Luna Nova, a prestigious magical academy, with the intention of tarnishing your family's name.
The Forest Of Arcturus, a place shrouded in enchantments and mysteries. Once you step inside, the air becomes thick with an otherworldly energy that tingles your skin. Sunlight struggles to penetrate the dense canopy of ancient trees, casting dappled patterns of light on the forest floor.
The foliage is vibrant and lush, displaying a kaleidoscope of colors unseen in the ordinary world. Towering trees reach for the sky, their branches intertwining like skeletal fingers, creating an eerie yet captivating silhouette. Moss-covered rocks and fallen logs, adorned with delicate mushrooms and vibrant flowers.
Within the depths of the forbidden forest, magical creatures roam freely. Mythical beings like unicorns, glowing nymphs, and mischievous sprites can be glimpsed among the foliage. The air resonates with the melodic calls of unseen birds and the rustling of unseen creatures. It is a place where the laws of nature are twisted, where the improbable becomes possible.
However, the forest holds an inherent danger. Unpredictable pockets of wild magic surge through the air, creating shimmering ethereal barriers that deter unwelcome intruders. The fauna can turn hostile, and the shadows hold unseen perils. Legends speak of ancient guardians and mythical beasts that protect the heart of the forest, ensuring its secrets remain hidden.
The Arcturus forest is a place of both awe and trepidation, drawing in those who seek its arcane wonders but reminding them of the risks that lie within. It is a realm where magic intertwines with nature, where the forces of light and darkness dance in a delicate balance, and where the founder of the great Ravenwood family, Morwen the Grim, one of the Nine Olde Witches, first ever made contact and tamed a shadow beast.
"Welcome back, everyone. I hope you all had a good holiday," the headmistress's voice echoed through the sea of students. The air bristled with excitement as old friends reunited with one another. Quiet murmurs of greetings and introductions passed through the young girls as the elder witch continued with the ceremony.
Suddenly, like rain in a clear sky, the welcoming ceremony was interrupted by a loud boom. Smoke and dust blinded the witches present in the auditorium, spreading panic like wildfire as the professors and teachers held their wands at the ready in case of an attack.
"We made it!" Akko cheered, laughing like a maniac while the rest just stared at her and her newly made friends. Whispering amongst themselves about the new faces that seemed to pop up out of nowhere, their eyes quickly picked up on their disheveled forms. Snarky comments and mean-spirited laughs slowly started to buzz among the young witches.
Using the commotion as a cover, Ursula quickly and quietly took her place among her fellow Luna Nova staff, praying that none of her co-workers noticed her absence. She had been scolded countless times by the elders, and she had no intention of receiving more. Once she made sure she was in the clear, she looked toward the animated girl cheering in the middle of the room. Her mind eased once she saw her with no added injuries or bruises. She made a mental note to check on her in the future, but for now, she'd enjoy the display of childish wonder from the new witchling.
As Akko calmed down from her high, she lowered her arms and excitedly looked around at the place she would be spending the next three years in. A high dome-shaped ceiling with a multitude of large skylights for easy broom entrance, three large wooden doors suited for giants and other mythical beasts, and countless rows of young witches filled her vision. This was the place of her dreams, the place she had wished and hoped she would be studying since she was a child, the place she begged her parents to let her go and spread her wings.
As she stood there, breathing in the air and feeling the breeze that weaved through the skylight, she truly felt alive.
The more her eyes roamed, the more excited she became. The mere thought and knowledge of her standing on the same grounds her idol, Shiny Chariot, once stood filled her up with nothing but absolute glee. Big doe eyes sparkled with wonder as she looked left and right, taking in as much of her new environment as possible.
As her eyes ran over the profiles of her new classmates, her exploration came to a halt as she saw the most striking shade of purple. She felt a shiver run down her spine the longer she held eye contact, yet for some reason, she couldn't will herself to break it.
Your face possessed a blend of sharp angles and delicate contours, creating an intriguing balance between intensity and grace. Your high cheekbones drew attention to your piercing amethyst eyes, smoky with the weight of ancient knowledge and power within their depths. Your gaze was intense and focused, reflecting both determination and a touch of enigmatic allure.
Her throat felt dry from the way your perfectly groomed eyebrows drew close, creating a perfectly crafted frown. She felt naked under your gaze as you took her all in and analyzed her. She felt shy from her previous actions of shouting and spinning like a child in front of so many people. She had made a fool of herself on the first day of school, in front of you. Something about you just seem to draw her in, for some reason, she felt the need to impress you. To ease that crease on your brow, and hear you voice praise her.
From that moment on, one objective became clear to you both.
No matter what, I definitely must stay clear of this girl...
A determined smile formed on Akko's face. 'I am definitely gonna be her best friend,' she promised to herself as she held your gaze.
You could almost see an incoming headache from the blinding smile the girl was sending you, and judging from the many scars and wounds that littered her legs, both old and new, it was clear to you that she's a walking disaster.
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amandaoneilsimp · 1 year
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avocadorablepirate · 2 months
What Do We Call This? - 04
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previous || mini masterlist || next
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
Summary: On a quest to find what you've been looking for, you acquire the help of the Straw Hat pirates, who've agreed to let you temporarily join them. There are however many challenges that come along with your temporary recruitment - an alliance with a certain Trafalgar Law being one of them.
Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: fluff, angst, kinda slow burn, swearing, the occasional OP spoiler
A/N: I would be lying if I said I was happy with this chapter :\. Since this story happens during canon One Piece arcs, I wanted to try and stay away from spoilers as much as possible and also avoid changing the original plot, so the chapter kinda ends up feeling a bit rushed, which isn't great...but this is how most of the chapters that include scenes from the anime/manga are going to be like, so I apologise in advance if future chapters feel rushed as well...anyway I hope you still like it.
Challenge: take a shot every time you see the word blue orb/orb ᕙ⁠(⁠ ⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕗ
"(Y/N) are you sure about this?" Robin asked, pulling you aside before you disembarked at Dressrosa, "We might have to fight." She knew that you didn't like using your powers to harm people after what you had been through on Fishman Island. But you gave her a reassuring smile before the two of you followed behind Law, Usopp and Caesar, "I'll be fine Robin, thank you."
Suffice to say, you were not fine. It had all started when Doflamingo had attacked Law at Green Bit. You had managed to stay out of Doflamingo's sight, and had tried to help Law get away from him when he was cornered on the bridge, but before you could focus your attention to use your powers, Law's blue orb had you surrounded and transported to where the Sunny had initially been docked.
"Fuck, why'd he do that!?" you yelled, as you took in your surroundings, almost instantly running in the same direction you had taken when you first reached Dressrosa.
You had managed to get back into the city just as Doflamingo had covered it with his "birdcage", and you had been helping the citizens reach the centre of the island, healing anyone who got injured in the process, which wasn't great for you. The aftermath of using your powers had started to take its toll on your body. Still, you were desperate to keep going. Doflamingo had done some serious damage to Law on the bridge, and you were sure his condition would have worsened by now. You had to find him.
You had run into Usopp's group when Viola, the former princess of Dressrosa had told you that Law was with a pirate named Cavendish. However, when you had found him, the two of you discovered that Law was already gone. Now, you were back to running around the city helping the injured while also looking for Law.
That was when you saw Luffy - he was being carried on the back of a man dressed in gladiator-wear. You were just about to approach them when you saw the familiar orb appear.
You sighed in relief when you realised that Law was still alive. But when he appeared in place of the orb, you noticed just how much damage he had taken - there was a cloth wrapped around his right arm, but blood still seeped through it, there was blood spattered across his face as well, and he was covered in bruises. Despite that, he took Luffy from the man and disappeared even before you could show yourself.
"Where did they go?" you think aloud, and assess your surroundings, looking for the blue orb to reappear somewhere. A second later you see it, it's further away than you expected, but you're determined to reach the two of them. So, you run as fast as your legs can carry you.
Once you've reached the building, you start climbing up to get to the top, but when you're halfway up you see the orb come into view again.
Shit, why's he moving?, you think to yourself, but you can still hear the faint sound of voices at the top. "Law?" you yell out, but there's no response. Deciding to still climb to the top so that you could scout the area, you're relieved when you find Law still there along with Viola.
"Where's Luffy?" you ask as you rush towards Law, and kneel down beside him. His head tilts up and he's slightly taken aback by your presence.
"I switched him out with her," he answers, nudging his head towards Viola just as another orb appears, teleporting a girl with pink hair who you hadn't seen before. But Viola immediately runs to her aid which lets you focus your attention on Law.
"Did Doflamingo do all of this?" you ask as you assess his wounds, but he doesn't respond.
"Fuck Law, I don't know how much of this I can heal," you tell him while trying to be as gentle as possible as you remove his coat to get a better look at the bullet wounds he's riddled with.
"Don't heal anything," he firmly states, and your brow furrows in confusion.
"Don't be an idiot. You've clearly taken a lot of external damage, god knows how much internal bleeding you're suffering from," you say, as your hand hovers over his torso, but he's quick to grab onto it with his own - not completely wounded - hand.
"From the looks of it you've already used your powers to heal other people," he says, his grip on your hand tightening.
"What's your point?"
"My point is that I know how your powers work. Every time you heal or attack someone you hurt yourself." You somewhat lose your balance, falling back, stunned by his words because you were sure you had done well to hide it.
"I saw you when you attacked Vergo," Law says, as he leans back against the wall and let's go of your hand, assuming that he had managed to stop you from using your powers on him.
Your quick to recover from the initial shock of his words, and before Law can comprehend you place your hands on his midriff to "work your magic". He tries to push you away, but this time you grab onto his arm with your free hand and hold it down.
"I ate the fruit, I deal with the consequences," you firmly state, and try to focus, to find which of his muscles and organs were damaged.
"Wait, is that why you teleported me from the bridge to where the Sunny was?" you ask, but he doesn't answer, instead objecting to your help, "(Y/N)-ya stop," but you don't relent, determined to heal his injured body.
You can sense the strain on your own body increase, but you push through when you feel Law slowly begin to relax under your touch, his protests fading along with his pain. Finally, after what feels like eternity, you finish your work, and withdraw your hand, the strain on your own body slowly starting to weigh down on you.
"I can't heal your bullet wounds until the bullets are removed, and your arm is still in pretty bad shape, but I was able to stop most of the internal bleeding," you tell him as you lean against the wall, letting out a fatigued sigh.
"You shouldn't have done that," he says, and you scoff in amusement, "A simple 'thank you' works too you know."
"Thanks," Law murmurs, when suddenly he feels your body slump against his, and he immediately looks to see what's wrong. Your eyes are half shut, and you mumble something incoherent, the exhaustion washing over you. But before you can succumb to the darkness (i.e., sleep), you let out a soft chuckle - now almost in a delirious state - and whisper, "Cora-san would be glad you managed to stay alive."
Law's body tenses at your words, and his eyes instantly dart to yours again, but your limp body pressed against him tells him that you're already unconscious.
When you awake you find yourself sprawled on the bed of a small house. You try to get up, but let out a loud groan because of how sore your entire body is. A pair of hands are quick to grab onto you, and you blink away the reminents of sleep to see Law sitting beside you. He helps you stand up and guides you to the table where everyone is seated.
"(Y/N), you finally got up! You almost missed all this food!" Luffy smiles at you as he chonks down on a piece of meat, and you look to see the spread in front of you, your stomach growling at the sight. You stretch forward to grab yourself something to munch on, but a hand holds you back by the arm. A blue orb instantly appears in front of you, and soon after in its place materializes a plate of food.
"Thank you," you mumble and Law responds with a nod of acknowledgement, his usual impassive manner softened by a subtle hint of concern for you.
"Oye Tra, can you pass me some food too!" Luffy yells, despite already having heaps of food in front of him, and Law lets out a, tsk, only giving a scowl in reply.
You're satisfying your hunger when the peacefulness of the moment is interrupted by the door to the house slamming open, and in walks a man with green hair and a nose ring. You had seen him during the battle, but you weren't sure who he was.
"Luffy-senpai! The Marines are going to come after you soon, even the former fleet admiral Sengoku is here! We need to leave!" he yells, and Law instantly jolts up from beside you, his composed exterior being replaced by a look of agitation.
The man, who you found out was called Bartolomeo, continues to explain the plan of action, but he doesn't hold your attention. Instead, you're observing Law. He seems to be deep in thought, and although he wears his usual frown, he exudes a sense of uneasiness that does not go unnoticed by you.
"I'll meet you all at the harbour," he says, and you look at him quizzically, but he doesn't notice. He strides out the door in a hurry, not waiting for a response, and despite your weariness in his change of attitude, your attention is now back on the rest of the group.
Robin had moved to stand beside you, and she gazes at you with concern, "(Y/N), you still haven't fully recovered, do you think you'll be able to make it to the harbour by yourself?"
"Um....yes...don't worry about me," you say, attempting to give her a reassuring smile, although you yourself doubt the truth behind your claim. Nevermind the harbour, you doubt you'd even be able to walk to the door by yourself. However, Robin picks up on the hesitance in your reply and is quick to offer her support which you were about to graciously accept when all of a sudden you're enveloped in a dome of blue light.
"Huh?" you freeze in your spot, confused by the blue orb that has you trapped within its confines. Robin chuckles at your bewilderment, already having a grasp of the unexpected change of plans, "Well looks like that's taken care of."
When you realise what's going on, you close your eyes shut, in fear of not knowing what to expect. It's the sudden feeling of weightlessness beneath your feet that draws your eyes open, and what you expect to be the harbour is instead someone's back - you're slung over someone's shoulder, an arm tightly wrapped around your waist. You look to see who it is and spot the white fur cap with black spots.
"Law what are you doing!? Put me down!" you yell, as you try to wriggle out of his grasp.
"You're coming with me," Law says, your fidgeting having no affect on his gait, "knowing those idiots, you'll only get hurt if you go with them."
"Fine at least put me down!"
He finally sets you down and you don't forget to shoot him a glare, "where are you going anyway?" His response is cryptic, leaving you with more questions as he grabs your hand in his and encompasses the two of you in his blue orb.
"Where are we-" you try asking again, but he's already transported the two of you, and you're cut short by the surprise that washes over when you notice the presence that sits in front of the both of you.
"Sengoku?" you murmer his name to yourself, the sudden shiver running down your spine instinctively making you seek refuge behind Law.
"Been a while, hasn't it (Y/N)?" Sengoku asks with an amused grin, yet you don't respond.
"Spit it out." Law ignores his remark, and on noticing your change in demeanour, takes a protective stance as he lets you hide behind him. Sengoku lets out an amused sigh this time, but does as Law says - narrating the story of a Marine from years go. You fidget nervously as he recounts the details, anxiously playing with your fingers as you hang on to his every word.
"He didn't save you for your name," Sengoku concludes, the weight of the statement prompting you to glance at Law to get a better look at his reaction. His typical stoic facade falters, a look of shock momentarily replacing it. It's clear that Sengoku's words have struck a nerve in him, but he remains silent.
"'Just keep living on', that's something he would have said, right?," Sengoku says as he turns away from the two of you, ready to walk away, "If you wish to do something in his stead - remember him."
He turns his head to look at you, and with a fleeting smile nods in farewell, "It was good to see you (Y/N)."
"You two might want to get out of here," he calls out as he continues on his way.
The shadows that form on the ground grab your attention, and you look to the sky to see debris flying above you, "What the-"
Law swiftly grabs onto you, encircling the two of you with his blue orb, "We need to leave. Now."
A/N: honestly at this point it's just the reader self inserting herself into the One Piece plot....also I think I'm being so subtle with the hinting when I'm really not ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌.
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bluegalaxygirl · 5 months
Celestial wedding (ZoLu X Reader) P12
Plot: Reader gets taken as revenge for Luffy and Zoro's defiance against the Celestial Dragons, they were just going to kill her to make an example but now theres a wedding????.
Warning: Bad language, Violence, blood, salivary, needles and PTSD.
Thank you to @herwritingartcowboy for the suggestion. Reader is Female and a gunslinger, Zoro X Luffy X Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship.
P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P13 - P14 - P15 - P16 - P17 - P18
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With a smile your eyes meet Zoro's who places his hand on your cheek wiping away the joyful tears that slip out of your eye "You ok baby?" The swordsman asks with a small smile happy to have you back but still worried about how tired and injured you are. "Thank you" It's all you could say, words can't describe how happy and thankful you are to be with the two you love again and back on the ship you call home, with the people you call family. Pulling Luffy's face out of your neck, you hug the two of them properly running your hands through their hair feeling how soft it is, Luffy lets his arms go back to normal before wrapping them around the both of you and kissing your cheek. "I love you both" you whisper with a big smile kissing their shoulders making Zoro sigh in relaxation leaning into you kissing your head while running his hand up and down your back "I love you too baby" The swordsman whispers back while Luffy lets out a small laugh squeezing the both of you a little "I love you too", looking up threw teary eyes you can't help but spot the girls laughing and smiling while hugging members of the crew, it brings warmth to your heart knowing that they are now safe and can live their lives again. Sakura looks up from where she's hugging Cavendish and waves at you before running over soon followed by the other girls "Y/n, Thank you so much" Sakura yells running over with tears forming in her eyes soon stopping in front of you and bowing, the other girls doing the same thanking you and your two boys.
Luffy laughs pulling away from your shoulder smiling at the girls while Zoro keeps his head in your neck giving it light kisses not wanting to let go yet. "I'm glad your all ok" You smile at them soon seeing Sanji walking over lighting a cigarette with a large smile on his face. "Sanji, would you mind making some food for everyone, especially the girls" You can feel Zoro growl against your neck at the cooks name but you run your fingers through his hair to try and calm him down which seems to work as he hums into your neck. Sanji smiles at you and glides over swaying a little with slight hearts in his eyes "of course Y/N-Chan, I'll make your favorite too... come on lady's I'll cook you the best meal you've ever had" The cook turns to the girls who giggle at him but the cook blushes bright when Rin hugs his arm and jumps a little in excitement "Thank you so much" Rin smiles making Sanji's nose bleed a little, but he manages to compose himself and wipe it away. Luffy wanted to jump up and join them, but he also wanted to stay with you so he opted for the next best thing "Hay Sanji can you bring me some meat" The captain smiles big getting the cook's attention away from the girls, even though Sanji groaned at the request you could see his small smile "Of course captain" The blonde gives you one last smile before heading up the stairs and to the kitchen the lady's following him after thanking you and your boys again.
From the other end of the ship Nami calls out to your captain with a small smile "Hay Luffy, were gonna head to the next island where we'll meet up with Barto's and Cavendish's crews, ok?" Luffy smiles at the navigator who's standing by the wheel of the ship and waves back "Awesome, tell them to bring meat" You couldn't help but laugh a little at seeing Nami's face drop at the order "And booze" Zoro mumbles into your neck but Luffy heard and nodded yelling again at the navigator "Oh! and Booze too" Nami face palmed as Usopp stands next to her patting her shoulder to comfort her. Pulling away from your neck Zoro kisses your cheek working his way over to your lips which you gladly kiss back, feeling needy the swordsman grabs your chin with his fingers sliding his tongue into your mouth which you accept gripping onto his hair and pulling him closer. Luffy leans back watching you and his first mate make out while giving you a smile, happy to have you back on the ship. Pulling away breathless the swordsman lets your chin go so Luffy can cup your cheek peppering your face with kisses making you laugh "Luffy, stop" you push lightly while letting out a small laugh, it hurt a little when he kissed under your eye or on your cheek bone but you didn't really want it to stop. "At least kiss me properly" You sigh running your hands up his chest and too his shoulders, the captain soon stops kissing your face placing his lips on yours, humming into it you lick his lower lip wanting more.
Luffy smiles shoving his tongue into your mouth letting it roam around before meeting yours, his hands starting to wonder finding the place he always loves to place his hand, lost in the moment you didn't stop him just enjoy the feeling of his lips on yours. The captain's hand makes it to your thigh lightly squeezing it making you jump and groan in pain pushing him away "Sorry" Luffy gasps pulling his hands away from you, suddenly feeling something wet and warm coat his hand "Shit babe, your bleeding" Zoro yells pressing his hands to your thigh, you yell in pain but force yourself not to push him away letting the swordsman hold pressure since its bleeding through the bandage. Hearing your yell of pain Chopper jumps up and runs over to you from where he was making sure the rest of the crew is ok "Y/n, what happened?" The doctor yells pulling out his med kit from his backpack and helping Zoro stop the bleeding. "It's ok, it's not your fault" You state placing your hand on Luffy's cheek as he looks over his hand covered in your blood "I-I'm sorry" The captain flicks his eyes to you then your leg gulping at the blood seeping through Zoro's fingers "It's ok, you didn't mean too, it's been on and off bleeding all day... your ok honey" You place your hands on his cheeks making the captain look at your face and not your leg, he nods before placing his forehead against yours making you smile. He hates that your comforting him but it does help, when he swore the blood on his hand the first thing that came to mind was Ace.
This whole time all he could think of was not letting it be like marineford, it was over now but your still not out of danger and the blood on his hand made him realize that "Luffy, It's ok really, I'm not going anywhere" You whisper noticing that glazed over look in his eyes but with your words he comes back to you giving you a small smile "I should be the one comforting you" The captain places a light kiss on your lips before wiping your blood off his hand, you didn't mind comforting him, you hate seeing him go into a PTSD episode but over time those have become less and less frequent which is good. You were also grateful for the distraction, focusing on Luffy meant you could distract yourself from the pain of Zoro's shifting hands and Chopper bandaging your leg as tight as he can to stop the bleeding until he can get it stitched up later. Chopper wipes his hands on a towel before handing it to Zoro letting him do the same before looking over your now bandaged leg, the blood seeped through a little but it was much slower than before soon stopping completely. "Lets get you into the medical room, you can rest and i can patch you up" Letting Luffy go you look at the doctor nodding at him before feeling Zoro put his arms under you to pick you up, wrapping your arms around his neck you lean into him as he follows Chopper to the medical bay while Luffy jumps up running after you and Zoro. "Their ok Captain, you don't need to worry" Zoro reassures watching his captains worried eyes lock onto you but the swordsman's words seem to make Luffy calm down a bit earning a small smile and nod from the captain.
Making it into the medical room the swordsman places you on the bed being careful of your leg as Chopper grabs everything he needs, Luffy spins a chair around and sits on it not wanting to be in the doctors way but also wanting to be close, he rests his arms and head on the back of the chair watching Chopper dig through a few medical boxes. Sitting up you look over your badly hurt and cold legs as the reindeer makes his way back being helped onto the bed by Zoro, placing the medical box's down the doctor opens them and takes out a few things "I'm gonna put an IV in to make things easier, ok?" The doctor asks waiting for you to nod before taking your hand and wiping it with an antiseptic cotton ball, his eyes widen though when the makeup on your hand comes off showing a big bruise. Your breath hitched in your throat completely forgetting the fact you had makeup on this whole time, it surprised you since even with all the tears, sweating and peoples touches, it didn't come off. "Oh, i- urm" you didn't know what to say as Zoro sat next to you on the bed leaning over to see what you look so sad about "Y/N? Can i see your other hand?" the doctor asks but you sigh putting your hands on your lap "It's probably gonna be the same, I-i pissed him off this morning" You look down at your lap only to hear Luffy let out a small laugh earning a glare form Zoro and Chopper "That's my girl, always the fighter" The captains words shocked you but it also filled you with a sense of pride, even though you were hurt Luffy was proud of you for never giving up or backing down.
With a small smile you place your hand on Zoro's shoulder getting him to look at you, he sighs at your face but gives in deciding not to yell at Luffy "I'll clean it all off if you have more of that antiseptic stuff, It doesn't seem like it will come off normally" Chopper nod when realizing your talking to him before turning to the swordsman "Zoro, there's a cloth on the side and in the cupboard there's a big white bottle marked antiseptic, can you get it please?" The Doctor asks with a smile, the green haired man couldn't refuse the reindeer and nods standing up and heading over to get what he needed. "Is there anything else i should know about?" Chopper asks growing concerned that you might be hiding something from them or forcing yourself to forget. You think for a moment then remember your eye and the contact they put in it to make it look normal so you tilted your head back and used your finger to try and get it out. "What are you doing?" Luffy yells in surprise almost making Zoro drop the stuff in his hands as he turns to look over at you seeing you trying to get something out of your eye "They put a contact in so it would look normal" You state managing to grab the contact and pull it out, blinking a few times you look back to your boys who both look at you in shock, Chopper leans up and takes your cheek making you face him, so he can have a better look. Its blood shot but right around the iris is a thin ring of dark red blood "Can you see through it?" The doctor asks as Zoro makes his way back over and sits on the bed placing the stuff down, you nod your head at Chopper who smiles in reprocess.
Taking the cloth and wetting it with antiseptic Chopper wipes your other hand seeing that it isn't baldy bruised, Zoro take the cloth off him and start wiping your face as the doctor puts in the IV. You hiss at the pain in your hand and face as the swordsman wipes under your eye showing the bark blue and purple skin under the makeup, Luffy's eyes widen when seeing your black eye and cut cheek, his anger boiling as Zoro wipes away more and more of the makeup on your face and arms. Zoro clenched his jaw as more and more of your injuries where revealed, he can't believe all of this seemed to be from this morning. "Is it bad?" You ask after the swordsman puts the stained cloth down, they both looked shocked and angry as they stared at anything but you. "He did this to you?" Your captain asks through gritted teeth his hands gripping the chair he's sitting in, remembering what happened you cover your mouth and nod trying to stop your sobs and tears from falling. Zoro wraps his arms around you letting you bury your head into his neck as you cry the memories flooding back and the pain returning. Starting to hyperventilate Chopper acts quickly giving you some medication to help with the pain and to help you calm down as Luffy stands up making his way over to the bed and leaning over placing his hand on your cheek "Your safe now Muffin, we won't let him touch you" Luffy gives you a small smile as you lift your head up and way from Zoro's neck "Slow your breathing babe" Zoro whispers as he strokes your hair, leaning in the captain kisses the red cut on your forehead while his hand lightly runs up and down your back.
Luffy places kisses down your face soon getting to your bruised and blood shot eye which you close feeling him kiss it lightly a few times before going to your lips giving you a small kiss. Managing to calm down and breath normal again you sit back up, Zoro places his hand lightly against your cheek feeling you lean into him wanting to take in the feeling of his touch, the swordsman smiles leaning closer lightly brushing his lips against yours, when you lean into it he lightly presses his lips to yours before kissing the bruises and cuts on your cheek and neck. "My Strong lady" Zoro whispers against you neck, it sparks something in you, making you want to cry out of happiness but a part of you couldn't believe that you were strong, you couldn't stop him from hurting you or stop the guards from shoving your head under water. Noticing you spiraling again Luffy cups your face mirroring what you do to him in times like these "Hay, Y/N your ok, your fine, you safe with us" The captain whispers trying to remember your tone of voice, it makes Zoro smile seeing how much you all learn from each other. The swordsman rubs your back while looking over your face seeing it twist in pain and anger. "I couldn't stop him" You whisper taking Luffy's hands off your face so you can look away only now noticing that Chopper has been cleaning and bandaging your legs this whole time, luckily though he hasn't gotten to your thigh yet not wanting to disturb the clot that has most likely formed by now.
Luffy tries to take your face back but you shake your head at him your body stating to tense up and shake "You did well-" Zoro tries to say but your head shoots back to look at him, your eyes filled with a mixture of anger and fear "No i didn't... Once that collar was on i just gave in and the one time i stood up i- i could have gotten one of the girls killed" you almost yell gritting your teeth as tears start to fall down your face "It was humiliating, i hated every second with that disgusting pervert" Your hands grip into fists as you stare down at the sheets. They didn't know what to say or do as you ramble and rant about what happened this morning but as you spoke things got worse. Zoro's heart broke hearing what that dragon did to you and what you had to go through, how he starved you all, made you feel like an object and beat you when he dared to touch you. Luffy's anger grew tilting his hat down so his hate filled eyes were covered by his hat, he wanted to tune out what you were saying but his mind wouldn't let him, all he could think of was tearing that man apart for what he did to you. Finally, calming down and finishing your rant that you couldn't even register just happened a long silence filled the room until Zoro leaned in and wrapped you up in a hug making you release a breath you didn't know you were holding "We've got you baby" Those simple words meant so much to you but it still didn't stop the hurt you felt. Luffy reaches his hand out and places it on your arm, he wanted to comfort you but he also didn't want you to see the hate filled look on his face "Zoro's right, We've got you muffin" you can't help but smile at the nickname while leaning into the swordsman.
As time passed Chopper fixed your legs, arms then your face, the drugs he gave you helped with the pain and tiredness you were feeling. Robin was kind enough to drop off some clothes for you which Zoro and Luffy helped you into, with the dress off and in warm clothes and comfy socks you felt free and a bit more relaxed. Luffy sat back in his chair holding your hand while Zoro sat next to you on the bed his arm around your shoulder as you lean your side into him resting your head on his shoulder. Chopper was almost done with the big bruise and scratch on your side, which you didn't know you had until your dress was off, so that meant the next thing would be your thigh. You didn't want to see it, you didn't want your tattoo to be gone but you knew deep down it was. Chopper finished wrapping a bandage around your side sitting back a bit to make sure it looked right before going to your thigh to remove the bandages but you grabbed his hand making Luffy and Zoro look at you in confusion. "Wait.. I-i'm not ready to see it yet" You tear up a little, a part of you hopes that when you take the bandage off your tattoo will still be there but you know that isn't the case and seeing it will just confirm it. Zoro sighs feeling you shake a little so moves you forward, so he can sit behind you letting your back rest against his chest while he takes your hands holding them in his to stop you from grabbing Chopper again "Please baby, just let him work" The swordsman begs placing a kiss on your head but you shake your head mentally not prepared to see it.
The doctor looks you over noticing your teary eye, but he needed to do his job. "I really need to deal with this Y/N, its stopped bleeding but it needs to be cleaned and properly assessed" Chopper places his hand on your leg giving it a light rub in reassurance while watching your tired eyes look over your thigh "I know your tired and everything is overwhelming you but i need to fix this" The doctor begs giving you big eyes which you can't help but look at, you knew he was just trying to help but it scared you. Zoro squeezes your hands before pulling them into your chest while laying his chin on your shoulder trying to see face. "Come on baby, it's the last thing, then you can eat and sleep ok?" Zoro kisses your cheek, feeling you relax into him a bit, Luffy leans closer when you don't answer and takes one of your hands from Zoro "Muffin please don't make me order you" He smile at you as he jokes but you could hear a bit of seriousness in his voice, reluctantly you nod watching as Chopper puts some new gloves on before starting to undo the bandages. Luffy sighs seeing your eyes still focused on your thigh, your breath quickens and your eyes water making his heart ache. "Don't worry Muffin, I'm sure Chopper can fix it" Luffy smiles trying to reassure you as he squeezes your hand but you can't help but break at those words, tears spilling out of your eyes as you shut your eyes tight, there's nothing to fix and you couldn't stop it from happening. In a way you felt like you betrayed your crew, your captain, your lovers, it hurt your heart that it was gone forever.
Luffy kisses your hand while Zoro rocks your side to side slightly trying to calm you down as you gasp for breath with tears streaming down your face. "There's nothing to fix, she took it from me" Your voice breaks as you sob leaning back into Zoro slightly turning in his arms so your can shove your head into his neck. Luffy raises an eyebrow at your words but Zoro holds you closer seeming to know before the bandages are even removed. "It's ok baby, i know, i know" The swordsman whispers to you resting his head on yours as he strokes your hair and back trying to sooth you "Y/n? It's gonna be ok, Choppers the best doctor in the world" Luffy gets up out of his chair to sit on the bed next to you so he can wipe the tears form your cheek but you shake your head unable to get words out. Chopper gulps when taking the last of the bandages away seeing a big patch of skin missing where your tattoo used to be "I'll give you a nerve blocker and then fix this up so don't worry" Chopper digs through the medical bag as Luffy turns to see what the doctors on about, his eyes widen at the sight and now understands what you mean, anger boils in him knowing how much that tattoo meant to you. Zoro grabs Luffy's shoulder snapping him out of his hate filled gaze on your leg trying to get some help in calming you down "I'm sorry baby" Zoro whispers to you kissing the top of your head while Luffy leans closer placing his hand on your cheek giving it light rubs with his thumb. Pulling out what he needs Chopper goes to your hip trying to find the nerves he needs, when the doctor injects you jump a little in pain letting out a small whimper.
The captain sighs pulling your hand to him and resting it on his chest letting your fingers grip onto his skin before relaxing managing to feel Luffy's heart beat, it was calm and steady despite him being angry seconds before. "I know it hurts muffin but you still have us, we're not going to leave you" Panting a little you managed to open your eyes to see the captains face and the loving look he sent you, it helped you calm down bit and stop the excessive amount of tears falling down your face. "Get some sleep, it's been a long day" Zoro kisses your head as he leans back against the bed frame pulling you with him so you can hopefully sleep. Gulping you nod letting your tears dry up, the nerve blocker was working wonders, you couldn't feel a thing as Chopper worked hard to fix up your thigh, so it was easy for you to let your eyes close and relax into Zoro's warm chest. Luffy smiles at you and places a kiss on your hand pulling it off his chest to let it rest on Zoro's chest "Someone will always be with you, ok?" The captain whispers knowing that being alone in a time like this is scary, so he wanted to reassure you that it won't happen "Thank you... I love you both... Thank you Chopper" You whisper finally managing to talk again, Chopper smiles and let's out a few happy hums as he fixes your leg while Luffy lets out a small chuckle. "I love you to baby" Zoro kisses your head again as Luffy leans closer kissing your cheek "I love you muffin" The captain gives you loving glance before turning to Zoro and lightly kissing his lips. The swordsman smiles into it kissing back a bit harder before pulling away letting Luffy rest his forehead against his "I love you Zo" Luffy whispers as the swordsman brings a hand up to cup the captains cheek "I love you too, my captain".
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deicidis · 2 years
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Withered In The Heavens
Morpheus x Noble!Reader, Edwardian Era
status: Completed One-shot
wordcount: 3.6k
warnings: Blood and Injury, health disease
18+ only, your media consumption is your own responsibilities. Warnings have been given. Do not proceed if these matters upset you.  
  Thus all doth fall. This hand of mine must fall
And lo! the other one:—it is the law.
But there is One who holds this falling
Infinitely softly in His hands.
 The shadow pooling underneath his boots is a thing that brushes on the threshold of something unnatural.  
It is not something entirely garish, your father sitting beside you doesn’t seem to notice it. He is still talking with Lord Morpheus who sits opposite him. But the occlusion underneath his feet is darker than where the foot of the chesterfield sofa meets the carpet, the one where he sits on the brown leather.  
You think you need a nap and your eyes are playing silly tricks. Though naps are getting rather dull on your frail body lately. It’s all you do most afternoons, what the doctor suggests. 
Only soft duvets, no taxing activities. No sports or the likes.
You’d much prefer to spend time with Oscar and your Hemlocks in the yard. Some books, maybe tea. 
On a rare occasion like this, your father insisted on going against what the doctor suggested. That you acquainted yourself with lord Morpheus. You think you know where your father’s inclination comes from, a potential match for a suitor. 
Before Lord Morpheus came your father explained that the lord is not an English noble like you, but a descendant of kings from distant ancient lands. You believed that because he bears a disposition of one, holds a beauty in that archetypal way of being. Addressed with a title of one. A different kind of noble unrecognisable by the state, his wealth speaks louder than the station of his birth. 
Your father tries to entice you with fairy tale like qualities in hopes you would take a fancy.
Still, the purpose of his stay in London remains unknown to you.
With all that entails, his wealth, his beauty, the smooth polish of his boots and the shine of his slicked back short hair, is not so much intriguing as the shadow he bears. You almost don’t want to realise it because nothing should be able to do that.
It erupts you with palm—sweating anxiety, a little dread. A singular demonstration that he is something of an other.
And when you pulled yourself away from it, you caught the flick of his gaze, his silent acknowledgement in those taut shapely lips of his. His eyes gnawing into you. You avert your eyes from him to the windows as you sip your tea, hiding behind the cup. You feel like a child, her hands caught in a cookie jar. 
  The second thing is his hair. It absorbs light in a different way. 
When the sunlight from the window behind him lands upon his back, it does not show the illuminated strands of brown even people with black hair usually do. It is a shade darker than normal. A shade lighter than abnormal. 
And it unsettles you.
Your parents seem unperturbed by it, still talking animatedly with him. Still enjoying the lunch they put together for him. Oysters, Lobsters, Veal cutlets en Papilotte, roasted calf’s heart and beef tongue. Pigeon pie and lamb chops. Trifle, Cherry tart, Blancmange, Apple pie Marmalade with Madeira and Port. 
And he barely touches any of it. 
That very act of deliberate inaction irritates you. And you want to strike this other with the palm of your hand, even if the act would surely harm your frail skin instead of harming him.
"Isn’t that right, (y/n)?" Your mother suddenly ropes you in.
"Oh this girl, lost in her head again. Please forgive her Lord Morpheus."
He merely gives you a polite smile. 
"I’m sorry. What were you saying, mother?" Blush blooms on your cheeks. 
"The Soirée Marquess Cavendish holds is the most extravagant in all of London, isn’t that right, (y/n)?"
The Soirée is extravagant, lavish. But it grows trite very quickly. Lord Cavendish prides himself on his 80 course meal for every event to stuff yourself fat, 30 musicians for the orchestra to dance the night away. Bouquets and bouquets of fresh flowers at every corner of his manor, the gaudiest chandelier high society has ever seen. But there are only so many trends and innovations he can keep up with that it dwindles as time goes by. The same pattern would resurface.
"Yes, mother. The best."
"Come with us, Lord Morpheus. I’ll introduce you to the peerage." your father, proud as always of his noble blood, of his title as Earl, almost preens under his own words. 
"It will be my pleasure." he said, his bright, beguiling eyes finding yours. Your heart races underneath your corset. You feel the blood rushing to your ears, to your neck. A coiling Python. 
A cough rips through your lungs, quickly your plate is layered in blood. Your blood. falling from your nose to your ivory dress and laces. Abrupt, carmine and garish. Rose petals drip richly. 
There’s a commotion you hear, your father apologising profusely to Lord Morpheus as he hurries to your side, the hysteria in your mother’s voice, the coming of her trembling hands. The servants' footsteps rushes to the dining room. 
You must’ve looked dreadful in front of the guest, leaking your blood like that, your hands hanging mid air unsure where to put, your mother grasping one gently. 
You find Lord Morpheus merely watches you, a pair of silver eyes like the necklace dangling on your throat, wringing like the jewellery. Turns you inside out. He’s not supposed to see this vulnerable side of you. 
You can’t stand the pressure of his gaze. His inhuman, beautiful eyes. Addled with something you can’t recognise. Pity? Disdain? fascination?
Your head is too muddled by pain to discern it. 
  Your joints are throbbing annoyingly. Bruises blossom on your skin in a matter of hours. When you look into the mirror, you are met with a familiar sight. Your body in patches of red and blue. You don’t remember when it doesn’t. Your childhood memories are woven from the very same patchwork. 
Your mother would’ve scolded you if you so much as left the bed. But your bedroom with its canopy bed and silk drapes are starting to lose its colour, bleeding grey in your eyes. Dull and monotonous. You feel a little disoriented, restless. The silence of your bedroom and your vehement thoughts would only make you cry. With great effort you slowly course through the hallway of your mansion.
No paintings or plants are out of place, the candles on the golden sconces have been put out by the servants. The moonlight pierces through the windowpanes, lighting your path as usual. 
But the marble floor is unexpectedly colder, pinching your soles like little needles. A peculiar stillness hangs in the air. Deafens your ears with its silence. The painted eyes of your ancestors follow you disapprovingly, taunting you back to the comforts of your bed. The hairs on your neck stretches on end, as if your body is under the watchful gaze of the shadows residing in the ceiling, under the panelling of the walls, behind the tall vases. Waiting to strike you in your state of debility. 
To swallow you whole—your bruises and perpetually unclotted blood. 
Your hand moves to your throat on its own, a phantom of your silver necklace still dangling there. 
You swivel behind you, looking for a sign of life, only to be met with silence and dark vacancy.
  It’s your rows of Hemlocks. Your head tilts to the side when you realise they are slightly—imperceptibly—leaning towards you. But not you precisely, someone behind you. Of course, when you turn, you find him silently standing nearby.
Other people would never be able to notice the change. But these are your Hemlocks. You tend to them almost every single day, children of your own.
And the way they behave is alarming. Plants shouldn’t be able to do that. Or at least that’s what you have always known.
What the fuck is happening?
"Evening my lady." he greets as he stands to your side. A pair of bright eyes searching for your face.
"My lord." you returned. Looking upon him, unmoving from where you sit on the ground. Your gloved hands are drenched in soil. Your dress stained by the dirt. Your tabby cat—Oscar—is by your side, stretching languidly under the cool afternoon sun. 
"I’m afraid my parents are away for the day." you continue. The servants must have let him in.
"I come for you, Lady (y/n)." he clarifies.
"Whatever for, Lord Morpheus?" you pluck the gardening gloves from your hands. 
"It was only yesterday that you were bleeding all over yourself. I think that warrants a visit for your wellbeing."
You swallow thickly. 
"You came for nothing, sir. It is a frequent occurrence of minor nosebleeds. I am perfectly fine."
"It's not Hemophilia then?" he stares pointedly at the bruise on your wrist. You turn it down in response. Opt to fondle Oscar on his stomach instead, as you realise you’re not the only one who notices things. 
If he's always been able to see the bruises peeking from your dresses, you don’t want to dwell upon it. 
Your silence is an answer in it on itself. 
He walks towards your Hemlocks, your plants standing tall towering over him. The shades of the flowers almost match his perfect, unmarred skin. Glows even under the setting sun. A shiver of jealousy washes over you. Yours looks more like the mottled stem. What you would give to—
"Do you tend to them?"  his eyes never leave the flowers shading him. Interrupting your thoughts.
"Every day when i could."
"Your cat could die from these." 
"Oscar is smarter than most cats." did he take you for a fool?
"My apologies. I did not mean to offend." his concession leaves something indescribable within you. 
"You did not." you say as you watch that pooling darkness beneath his soles, slowly entices you. Your heartbeat paces faster by the second as the dusk starts to swallow the light in the sky.
He fingered the white petals of your flower. Sampling its textures between his fingers. The plants are drooping lower, as if his mere presence is a windstorm. Pulling in everything in his path, and you and your flowers are merely the moorlands he would ravage. 
You don’t want to be his victim.
"It’s getting dark, Lord Morpheus." he understands your cue. He helps you to stand as he bids his farewell. 
"I hope we can see each other again soon, my lady." he kisses the back of your hand, his fingers linger briefly on your tender—bruised wrist. You almost wince from the pressure. 
  You’re watching him conversing with your father and his peers from behind your Brise fan. Lord Morpheus looks immaculate in his formal attire. His short hair neatly slicked back, his coat tail hangs elegantly behind him. The white vest, white tie and white gloves complement his skin without flaw. He appears as if he belongs with the English peerage. He could be the king himself. 
The young women are restless. You can see it in their eyes, in the way they hold their fans as if they could fan the temptation away. The giggles they share. Lord Morpheus is someone new to the scene, rich, young, painfully beautiful and desirable. But the older women scorn his presence, along with the older men. You overheard their whispers, that Morpheus only uses your father’s kind nature to climb the upper class. As if he’s merely a parvenu.
The notion is entirely ridiculous.
You barely know the man, but you don’t think it is in his nature to be deceitful. It has always been your father’s way of being kind and welcoming. Naively trustful of others. 
What his nature is… that you don’t know of. 
Hours passed and the boredom is quick to settle in your stifled yawns. Week after week, no matter how grand a ball is, no matter if the lord cavendish is dishing 80 course meal or some other Marchioness or Earls or Viscountess are trying to outdo the other, everything is the same. The ingredients are always the same. The crystal chandelier, the fabrics of dresses the women wore. The same conversation of class and politics, you’ve seen everything. Tasted it all.  Heard all of it. 
And when you return to the comforts of your home after this, it will always be filled with bruises and the same books with the same blood leaking out of your nose. 
The women and men have taken to the dancing floor. You are content by watching the shiny fabrics of the women’s dresses twirl under the chandelier. On your periphery you realise Lord Morpheus is coming your way. 
"My lady, may i have a dance?" he offers his pristine gloved hand. 
"You may." 
You did not know what came over you. You’re not much of a dancer. But his hands beckoned, beguiling. The warmth of his palm that settles on your waist pierces through your corset, flares your skin alive.
The crowd watching is lost to you, the room spins in a blur until there are only his eyes, swallowing you whole. Marbling under the light, lifelike tendrils. You are lost in it for long, His irises seem to grow alive, and it convinces you that you have grown mad. For you can see the stars and moon and the night sky with billions of uncontainable stars within. 
Dazed, you stumbled back. But his grip is strong on your waist and it keeps you upright. 
"Are you alright?" his concern seems that of a farce. Though unfounded it is your irrational suspicion that he knows of your discovery. In which you remove yourself from his grasp and try to put some distance between you. Found solace in one of the dark hallways of Lord Cavendish’s mansion, lit only by moonlight from the rows of windows. 
A solace far from solitude. You feel his presence in the dark ceiling. The shadow settled in the corner. The hairs on your neck stretch upwards. Litters your arms with shivers.
"Come out." you whisper to him, he splits himself from the shadows soundlessly. 
"Are you a vampire?" you finally ask the inevitable. Amused smirk curled his lips.
"A ghost?" you continue, and he merely circles you. Drinking you in. 
"The devil?" you hold your chin high. You try not to show him the traces of fear boiling in your gut. 
He is silent still. His bright eyes pierce you whole. 
From his hand, a stem of Hemlock blossomed. He holds it between you.
"i am a part of you."
You feel impatient over his cryptic words, but you still ponder them.
"You are fear?"
"Not quite."
Something flickers in his eyes, but he is silent.
"Are you my dreams?"
His smile confirms your words. 
"The god of Dreams…" it stuns you. His name should have tipped it away. 
"Clever," he said with admiration and a hint of contempt at the same time.
You take the stem from his hand. Twirl the flower between your fingers. It looked so much like yours back home. Smells like one. Mottled with purple and blue. You wonder if you rub the sap on your eyes will it kill you too.
"You’re hounding me." You mutter. 
"You did it first." 
"Only because your human form is fractured at the seams." 
He tilts his head upwards. His smile reaching for the brink of something sinister. 
"Do you want to know what the seams would unfurl?"
Your heart races. You don’t know how to exactly answer that question. All this time what use are your inquisitive eyes if not for this very moment. To know his true nature? 
"I can show you everything." He offers you his gloved hand. Pristine, like the forbidden fruit, tempting you to the core. 
But you swallow your desire deep, deep down to your stomach. You hope it will never resurface again. You turn your heel and leave him in the dark hallway. Crush the flower in your palm until it disintegrates into golden sand.
  A sudden vertigo strikes from the base of your neck, and you lose your footing because of it. You cut yourself with a shard of glass on the pavement after you fell from the carriage, digging through your arm. Cover your fingers with black and blue spots. 
The cut lasted for half an hour, your doctor came and treated your wound at the behest of your father. But the internal bleeding is another matter. Your knee is swollen and painful, hot to the touch. You cry yourself to sleep that night, with your mother’s cool hands gently caressing your feverish forehead. Her eyes are misty. She tries so hard to not let it fall. 
You sigh in relief when morning comes, the swelling has receded, and you smell sickly sweet from the sweat of the fever. The servants help you into the clawfoot tub, and you ask them to leave you alone after they scrubbed you clean and lathered you in citrus scents.
You rest your head on the edge of the tub. Your bruised fingers grip the porcelain as you contemplate the broken capillaries. What you would give for another skin, another body. Hale, beautiful. Perfect and unblemished. Perhaps one like him. 
What drives you to call his name is more an impulse of desire than need, ripping through your lungs after suppressing him all night, ripe fruit bursting. 
It is as if he waits for you to call him that he appears before you even finished mouthing all the syllables of his name. His short black hair neatly pushed back from his beautiful face. Dressed in a black coat with black shirt, the tip of his polished shoes shines bright from the sunlight filtering through the window. The silver pin on his black Ascot winking at you. The very picture of an Edwardian man. 
"Lady (y/n)." he takes a step and perches himself at the edge of the tub. Takes his fill of your skin. 
You ponder his face for a moment. And he seems content to be scrutinised under your watchful gaze. He counts the bruises littering your skin. You see it in the way his eyes ricochet from one to the other. For the first time in a long while you don’t feel self-conscious about your bruises.
"Tell me, is this your doing for rejecting your offer?" your tone is more accusatory than you would have liked.
Even as he looms over you, even if he wields every power in the universe, you’re still unsure whether it is in his nature to desire harm upon you. There is a flash of wounded pride. And his mouth pulls down a little steeper.
"Wounding an ailing woman, what do you take me for?" 
"I don’t know what i should take you for." you feel a little tired. A feeling of tightness in your chest labours your breathing just a little. 
"Take me as i am, as what you found me out."
You snort a laugh.
"Lord Morpheus, what i found out of you is more questions than answers." 
"Then come with me, and you’ll have all the time in the world for the answer." he dips his hand in the tub to find your hand resting on your stomach submerged in the tepid water. 
Your tears gather in your eyes, leaking down your cheeks. The porcelain on which your head rests becomes more uncomfortable, and you find yourself holding tight to his fingers with your bruised ones. 
"I don’t have much time. I am sick and i am very, very tired. I'd die from hemorrhaging the next time I fall from the carriage. What little time I have would be of no use to a god such as you." 
You almost choked over your own words. The words that were merely a fraction of how you truly feel; how utterly terrified you are meeting your end in a premature way, not laying soft from old age on your deathbed. How this illness defines you as a human being for as long as you could remember. How much contempt burrows at home within you every time you see your mother’s misty eyes and your father’s voice struck with paranoia at the slightest mishap falling upon you. 
But if he is truly a god, an embodiment of a dream, he would know of this nightmare.
He tightened his grasp just a little bit more. 
He knows 
"The sun could swallow the earth, the universe could exhale its last breath, but I can make sure Death would pose no problem to you."
He says it with a conviction that could only belong to a god, as if he knows Death so thoroughly he would know how to prevent one. It gives no room for doubt to plant its seed within you. His other hand brushes away your tears.
He helps you on your feet, helps you dry your body and hair with the towel on the shelf. Helps you loop your Chemise over your body. Smooth the fabric with his fingertips. His touch light and gentle. Feathers over your bruises. Soothes your throbbing unclotted blood. Achingly comforting you want to sleep on the palm of his hands. 
"Until you are ready, i will wait. Say it whenever you desire and i shall unfold myself to you." 
He takes your wrist and kisses the back of your hand. Disappear silently in the blink of your eye. Left a single baby Hemlock with its roots at the base of the marble tub. 
The evening after that day, you plant the baby into the soil of your garden with Oscar. Its darker shadow sets it apart from the other Hemlock. But you hope it will grow as tall.
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itscoolayout · 7 months
Daddy Issues (Jackson Marchetti x Reader)
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Hey! I've never written something like this before, but I just watched season 4 of Sex Education and It makes me so mad how underrated Jackson is, so i tried to write something about him. Hope you like it!
Warnings: Spoilers from season 4, mentions of death.
After the loss of your father, your mother couldn't afford living in your town anymore, so you two had to move to Moordale, and that also meant starting in a new high school in the middle of the year. You didn't put any objection because you knew that your mother was already facing enough at the moment, but you didn't know how to handle that many changes in such a short period of time. Now you were being introduced by your teacher to your new classmates in Cavendish, putting on your cool girl facade to cover up you were freaking inside.
"Pairs are already made, so you will work as a team with Jackson and Vivienne", the teacher said, pointing at the two on the first row. You nodded your head and gave them a sided smile. You immediately felt how your heart skipped a beat when Jackson returned your smile. Viv didn't say a word for a couple of minutes, too busy taking notes of the class, until she realized you were even quicker than her.
"How do you do that?"
"What do you mean?", you said in confusion.
"You have written every word she said, but i can't even put up with all her rambling", she said obviously annoyed. You smuffled a laugh.
"I can give you my notes after class so you won't miss anything", she smiled and nodded at you, before paying attention again to the class.
Just like that, the three became a group of friends, studying after classes and sitting together at break time. You found with them a safe place in the chaos that was going on in your life. Also, you became more and more aware of your feelings for Jackson, cause anytime he would put an arm above your shoulders or would hug you goodbye, you would paralyzed as if you didn't know how to react. One day, you were in your room, waiting for Viv and Jackson to come and study for your coming Chemistry exam. You heard the bell ring and went to open the door.
"Hey y/n... you know i love how those grey sweatpants look on you, but maybe it's time to let them go", he said jokingly with a mischevious smile, nodding at the hole at the end of your old sweatpants.
"You enjoy the views too much. I would never do that to you", you tried to say without laughing, but failing at the end. That was how your friendship was, a joke there and then, but you always shrugged it off as just jokes. He laughed back and came inside, but then you realized Viv wasn't with him.
"Where's Viv?"
"Remember she told us she had a date with Beau?"
"Oh, you're right ", you slapped yourself from inside, and looked at him. Then you realized that it was the first time you were alone with him, without Viv by your side. The thought made you so nervous that you regretted making the plan in the first place.
"... So, are we going to your room to study or not?", he said confused, looking at you still wordless.
"Of course!", you said a little too high to your liking. "Did you brought the card notes we did in class with Viv?", you asked to change the subject, while going upstairs to your room. He nodded and showed them to you.
After an hour studying together, your mind became absent, paying more attention on his full lips than what he was actually talking about.
"y/n? Are you listening to me?", he asked. You blinked, not knowing exactly what was the right answer. After a couple of seconds, you finally gave up on searching for excuses.
"I am really trying to. Sorry, I think we should take a rest"
"You should have said it earlier. I wanted to gossip with you about this guy Viv is dating now", he said laying back in your bed. You laughed looking at him from your chair desk.
"Yeah, at first he seemed like a good guy but i feel like something is off with him, i'm not sure"
"Exactly!", he said in agreement. "I knew i couldn't be the only one that felt a weird vibe from this guy. He always shows up out of nowhere, is like he's Viv's shadow", he continued. You talked about it for half an hour, until you excused yourself to the bathroom. When you came back, Jackson was looking at a photo of your family. It was from the old days, when your parents took you to a theme park. You were posing with an ice cone in your hand, while your dad was hugging you from behind. Jackson immediately took a step back from the photo when he realized you were back, knowing that was a sensitive topic for you.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on anything..."
"Don't worry", you cut him off. "Usually, when I think of him it hurts so much that i can feel it in my chest", you said, standing next to him, both of you looking now at the photo. "But this photo brings me back to that day and gives me some kind of comfort", you explained, trying to keep a neutral tone, not wanting him to notice any sign of sadness in your voice.
"I know it's an awful reasurance but try thinking how lucky you were having him by your side all those years", he said in a soft voice, looking at you in the most tender and loving way. You felt the touch of his knuckles against yours, and felt your heart doing flips inside your chest. By instinct, you almost immediately broke apart the touch and turned around.
"You know what? I think we may have more in common than we thought at first. Like the daddy issues, for example", he said trying to lighten the mood, but caughting you out of guard.
"What do you mean?", you asked confused. He sat next to you in your bed. He started playing with his fingers, too nervous to look you in your eyes.
"Do you remember the lump i found out in my testicle?"
"Yeah, but the doctor told you it was nothing to worry about, right?", you asked worringly.
"I know, but it still made me want to meet the sperm donor. So i called the clinic, but they told me they don't have any information about me or my mother", he said, still looking everywhere but you. You grabbed his hand, trying to calm him down. He looked at you surprised and smiled. "I have tried talking about it with my moms, but they still refuse to give me an answer. I know they are hiding something"
"How can i help you?", you asked without any hesitant. He looked at the time in his phone.
“Right now there’s no one in my house. Do you wanna come with me to search for some clues?”
You searched for god knows what in drawers and wardrobes of the whole house, his mothers bedroom the only room left. You looked at Jackson, asking without words if he wanted to cross that door. He nodded as he turned the door knob. You were trying to find something beneath the bed, while he was looking inside various drawers, until he saw a letter. He sat next to you on the floor, reading together that cheesy and even gross letter from a man called Jerome to his mom Roz. You couldn’t shake off the feeling that you were reading something you weren’t supposed to, but it was something important for him so you stayed quiet. He didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes, looking at the letter so intensely like he could make a hole in the paper just by his stare.
“Do you wanna pay him a visit?”, he looked at you, a scary look in his eyes.
“I don’t know… I mean, yes, I want to, but I don’t know how to tell this guy that he may be my father”, he answered lowly, almost a whisper.
“We will figure it out”, you simply said, resting your head on his shoulder. He took a deep breath, feeling how all his muscles relaxed when he breathed out and rested his head over yours.
You two found the address in the letter. Jackson looked at you, almost shaking. You grabbed both of his hands and squeezed them reassuringly. “I will be waiting for you right here. It will be okay”, you said in a soft voice. He nodded and let go of your hands. You watched how he approched the house hesitantly. You saw how a bald black man with a beard opened the door, and how Jackson was gesturing towards him, probably trying to explain the situation. Suddenly, the man closed the door abruptly. You couldn’t see Jackson’s face, but he stayed still in front of the door, not moving an inch. You started walking towards him, until you were behind him.
“Jackson”, you said, but didn’t got any answer. “Jackson”, you repeated, trying to touch his shoulder. He flinched at the touch and pulled away. You started to hear his deep breaths. “Jackson, please, look at me”, you said worried, making an effort to not touch him again and give him the space he needed. He turned around slowly and you could feel your heart ache when you saw his state. He had his eyes closed, probably trying to calm himself down, breathing erratically, his whole body trembling. You could see a painful expression on his face while he was touching his chest. You knew he suffered from anxiety but as far as you knew, in the last year he was handling it pretty well. Until now, that he was probably having an anxiety attack.
“Okay, don’t worry”, you said, almost as if you were reassuring yourself more than him, cause you didn’t really know how to help him. “I’m here, ‘kay? I’m here with you”, you said in a smooth voice, touching his shoulders slighty. He didn’t answer but didn’t step back either, so you gave him a caress along his arm until you were grabbing his hand. “Do you want to sit down?”, still no answer, but he let you guide him to sit down in the pavement in front of the house.
“He-he told me to g-go away”, he managed to say after a couple of minutes, still breathing heavily. He dropped his head backwards, looking at the sky. You placed yourself in front of him, caressing his arms up and down.
“That’s his lost. But before talking about it, I need you to try breathing normally. Will you breath with me?”, then he finally looked at you, the vulnerability and panic in his eyes making you feel like you could set that house on fire just to reassure him a little bit. He nodded slightly as you grabbed his hand to put it above your chest, and the other one above his. “Do you feel how calm is my pulse? I need you to steady yours as well. Breathe in”, you could feel his hands trembling behind yours, but he still followed your instructions. “Now, breathe out”, for a couple of minutes, you just stayed like that, breathing together, looking into each other’s eyes. Finally, he calmed himself down, but still didn’t let go of your hands.
“Thank you”, he whispered, letting his forehead rest against yours. You smiled.
“I got you”, you said back. It felt like you could stay like that for hours. "You were right after all. We both have daddy issues”, you joked. He shook his head, trying not to laugh.
“I told you so”, he said, kissing your knuckles.
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hymn-of-muse · 7 months
Magical Rivalry
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a Hannah and Barbara x Reader poly fic! requested by anon!
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Another day at school, another run in with Diana Cavendish's attitude. You'd just been walking out to the court yard on your break between classes when you noticed the academy's star student Diana bickering once again with Atsuko about how a spell should be properly preformed.
The argument seemed to end and diana left just as you walked over but her two friends, Hannah and Barbara stayed put and started further pestering akko.
"I can't believe you have yourself bunny ears again" Barbara snickered. 
"It's one of the most simplest of spells and she still can't get it right" Hannah hid a light laugh behind the palm of her hand. "You should really take Diana's advice you know"
"Yeah, you could learn a thing or two from such an exceptional witch like her, maybe if you were her student you'd actually be a fraction as good of a witch as she is" Barbara added on, her own smug look matching her friends.
The both of them were making akko visibly angry, any more and she would blow her too and snap at them, which meant it was time for intervention.
"Wow, is Diana really all you two talk about? I mean" you chuckled to yourself. "I know you're like her lackeys or something but, come on. Time to obsess over some else already, this old shtick of yours is getting boring" 
The girls looked over at you with a mix of offence and suprise on their faces.
"We - we are not her lackeys!" Hannah protested with a huff after recovering from her shock.
"Yeah, we've been best friends for like, ages now!" Barbara agreed. 
"Well your 'best friend' just went to her next class without you" you pointed out.
The girls looked in the direction that Diana had gone, to each other then shit you glares before running off. 
"Thanks" akko give you a smile "that was pretty funny, they're so annoying" 
"No problem." You smiled back.
Over then next while, each encounter with Hannah and Barbara was just as frustrating. You'd shoot glares in the hallways, share insulting remarks between your lunch tables, try to put do each other in classes. It really felt like the rivalry between you two could only be a bitter taste in the mouth.
The next time you saw them was in an empty studio class. Probably having borrowed it as a space to practice their magic for the time being. You were walking past when you noticed them through the open door.
"Like this" Barbara flicked her wrist with her wand in hand, demonstrating a spell Hannah had previously been stuck on in class. One you actually one-upped her on yourself.
"Right so I raise my arm like this-" you watched as Hannah showed a lot of improvement thanks to Barbara's tips. 
"Wow, you're a good teacher Barbara, keep this up and maybe Hannah will get a passing grade" you spoke up, leaning in the doorway. That wasn't how you meant for it to come out, that was supposed to be teasing but..
Barbara responded with a proud smile while Hannah only got embarrassed and shooed you out of the room, stammering as she shut the door on you.
Their reactions, to your surprise, made you smile and maybe even giggle a bit. 
The next class you had together was a potion class, and the assignment wasn't easy. You did your best to follow the instructions exactly but your hand was unsteady and you put in two drops of witch's flower extract instead of one...the whole thing boiled too quickly and suddenly instead of a huge puff of smoke you got a huge puff of glitter.
"Wow y/n, way to change up your look, I think that's an improvement" Hannah giggled from behind you as you tried shaking some of the glitter out of your hair. 
"Wow, sparkles suit you" Barbara giggled as well.
To anyone else it sounded like the usual back and forth banter, but you couldn't help trying to hide a shy smile. "Yeah, well, I guess I'm just naturally fashionable" you joked, making the three of you laugh a bit more until the teacher cut it short and told you to start over.
Things went on like this, insults turned to compliments, nagging turned to advice, bickering turned to smiles and teasing. You even helped each other out a few times where you would have just launched or mocked one another's mistakes.
You found yourself walking down that familiar hall again, slowing your steps to a stop outside a studio class room when you heard two familiar voices.
"Ugh, how did they do it? They're so good at pronouncing the spells incantations, and I'm still stuck on the second word" Barbara sighed.
"Not to mention did you see what they made in that last class? That was so creative, I can't believe I never thought of it." Hannah pouted.
You rose an eyebrow and stayed just out of site by the doorway. Curiousity got the best of you and you started eavesdropping again. Something about Hannah's pout and Barbara's focused expression made you smile.
"...hannah-" "Barbara-" "no you go first" they gave each other wide eyes.
"On the count of three we both say what's on our mind, ready?"
"Three! I think I like y/n!" They blurted the last part in unison.
The sudden confession brought a wave of heat to your face and you quickly got out of there before they could realize you were listening.
Your heart was pounding as you made your way to your dorm room and practically threw yourself onto your bed. You shoved your face into your pillow and giggled to yourself until your heart stopped fluttering. You're lucky your roommates weren't there to see you so mysteriously giddy all of a sudden.
Wait, why were you so giddy? You just found out your classroom-enemies, er - your rivals, both just admitted to crushing on you. Why did that make you want to kick your feet like a little school girl fawning over her crush?
Could it be because you are one? Doing just that? Did you have feelings for Hannah and Barbara?! Your friends were not going to let you live this down...
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reblogs are appreciated!
feel free to request more angst, fluff or whatever comes to mind!
be sure to check my pinned post!
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ts4ritsa · 1 year
Hi, how are you? Could I request a one-shot of Diana x Reader? Preferably a female reader, but I don't mind non binary.
So the settings are, the reader and Diana are rivals and they don't see eye to eye, they are in their senior year, and suddenly a magic circle appeared in the middle of the room. Then came out an older version of the reader, who smiled and greeted the class and teacher. She then apologized to the teacher before walking up to the reader. She basically kidnapped her younger self to make her look after her "offsprings." Accidentally revealing to the entire class that she and Diana would end up together in the future. Which embarrassed the two, and the reader immediately denies it.
✧ diana cavendish oneshot :
accidentally discovering that you and her will end up together in the future because reader’s future self told her to look after their kids in front of the whole class (fem reader)
3rd person P.O.V
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Diana and Y/N had been rivals for ages — it wasn’t necessarily that they hated each other, but they were both extremely competitive and, if not, the top students of Luna Nova. They were constantly trying to one-up each other, and it was especially tense this year, since they were finally seniors.
One day during class, Y/N and Diana were once again, at each other’s throats. The professor was teaching the students about the ancient days of what it was like to be a witch, and the teachers was asking comprehension questions to see if the students had payed close to attention to the lesson. Of course, it was basically just Diana and Y/N answering the questions. The poor professor couldn’t even finish her question before the two girls raised their hands, already knowing the answer.
The other students were snickering as they watched the two compete. They were also thankful that now they didn’t have to answer the questions and get called on by the teacher.
Y/N stared at Diana with piercing eyes as she looked at her with such a smug expression. She hated whenever she one-upped her in something.
However, something extremely random was about to unfold.
As the professor moved onto the next question, Y/N turned back to look at the board in front of her. When suddenly, she saw something she never thought she would see.
A large, majestical aura filled the classroom. A magical hole in the ground formed and it was blinding everyone in the room and blew a few papers into the air. As it toned down, the students could see that it was someone with a human stature who looked like she was in her adulthood.
When the magic circle finally disappeared, and the person who was in it seemed identifiable, everyone was shocked, including Diana and Y/N.
Because, well, the person was Y/N… but older. She looked about in her late twenties here, accomplished, and very content with her life. Y/N’s jaw dropped at the sight, and everyone else was so confused.
“Hello, everyone!” Future Y/N waved to the students. She turned to the professor and said “My deepest apologies, ma’am, but I need to speak with younger me for a minute,” she said, smiling.
The professor, dumbfounded, didn’t say anything or even budge, since she was so confused about what was going on. The older Y/N still went up to her younger self and pulled her up to the front of the class. Y/N was too stunned to even react.
“Hey! I’m gonna need to ask you a huge favor,” she began. “I’m gonna need you to look after my offsprings,” she stated, and suddenly another magical warp appeared, and a few toddlers were suddenly revealed to everyone as well. They were inside of a green crib.
Y/N’s jaw dropped even more. She had kids?! And… they looked oddly familiar… Y/N immediately noticed it, but, she did not want to believe it. Barely managing to get anything out, she asked, “I… I have kids? What? Wait, so who’s the…?”
Before Y/N could even finish her question, the older her put her finger on her mouth and smiled cheekily. She closed her eyes and created a cliffhanging atmosphere in seconds.
The entire room was interested at this point, everyone waiting for the Y/N from the future to answer the question. Who was the lucky person?
However, during that very short amount of time, several people realized and were thinking the same thing Y/N was thinking.
The toddlers… of course, they looked like Y/N’s children, but… they also resembled Diana.
Suddenly, Hannah and Barbara started “OHHHH”-ing and “AHHHH”-ing extremely loudly and pointing aggressively because they had put the pieces together. Soon enough, everyone else got what was going on as well.
The Y/N from the future smiled pitifully yet she couldn’t help but snicker. Y/N’s face immediately turned bright red.
The girls next to Diana nudged her shoulders and raised their eyebrows while giggling uncontrollably, waiting for her reaction. Y/N looked up and saw Diana’s flustered face looking down at the ground, not wanting to believe what she was seeing.
Y/N turned back to her older self. “You’re lying…” she said, desperately. “There’s absolutely no way this is true! I don’t believe you.”
“Ironic, isn’t it?” the older Y/N replied, chuckling. “I didn’t expect it either, but it’s a long story.”
Y/N just kept staring at her, mortified. The Y/N from the future continued, “Anyway, I trust you with this. It was pretty much a last minute thing, sorry,” she admitted. “But I have important duties to attend to.”
She patted her younger self on the shoulder and spawned her wand. “I’ll see you again in a few hours. See ya!”
Then suddenly, she was gone. Which left everyone dumbfounded once again. Y/N just stood there, unresponsive to anyone trying to talk to her, and just staring into space.
Suddenly, she felt someone else’s hand on her should from behind, she turned around, only to see Diana, looking concerned and still having a tint of blush on her cheeks. Y/N jumped at her touch, her face turning red once again.
She wouldn’t be able to look at Diana the same ever again. Now, she saw her in a different light.
Everything would be different now, but…
Y/N wasn’t entirely sure if she was wholeheartedly against the thought. At least, now that is.
And neither was Diana.
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a/n : I just wrote 2 oneshots in a very short amount of time I’m so proud of myself 🙏 I HOPE YOU LIKE IT i honestly loved this idea it was so cool to think about. also thank you for requesting something that isnt about steven universe bc like as much as I love him 90% of my requests are him rn and I wanna switch it up a lil yk 😭 still appreciate the love on my work about him tho ily guys <333
© ts4ritsa (do not repost w/o credits)
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abysscronica · 1 year
Hallelujah [Eustass Kid (Law?) x reader]
Author’s note: this is set in the canon universe – just imaginary future, towards the end of One Piece. It's one of the one shots closest to my heart and I want to see how it does on Tumblr, so here it goes.
Word count: 4.54k
Song: Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen
One of the biggest wars the world had ever seen. More than the War of the Best, more than the Payback War, more than Wano.
The World Government had captured the Emperor Monkey D. Luffy and his entire crew, sending them to be executed in New Marineford. Something similar happened before, when Portgas D. Ace was sentenced to death.
 The Strawhats had many allies.
During their journey, they saved not just a lot of people, but a lot of countries.
They had a shitload of enemies too, though.
Despite some of them being criminals, the WG signed a truce and asked them to join forces in the furious battle to come.
Because they knew what was coming.
 The Strawhat Grand Fleet, the Revolutionaries, the Kamabakka Kingdom, the amazons, Germa 66, the samurai, the Surgeon of Death, the Kid pirates, the Minks, what was left of the Whitebeard pirates, and others.
 And you.
Just one year before, you would have paled at the mere idea of being caught in such a war. Just one year before, you would have placed yourself on the other side of the frontline.
 Yes, the Strawhats had many powerful allies. And it took just a quick glance to know it was going to be a majestic pain in the ass to make them work together.
You just never thought that pain in the ass would have to be you.
"Well, [Y/n],» Killer said softly above your shoulder «I guess it won’t be easy, huh?"
"'Huh' my ass," you grumbled, a thin drop of sweat gliding down your temple.
 That hall was a mess.
The Cannibal had started a fight with Ivankov, while Kin’emon was keeping back Cavendish, who looked actually more like some kind of creepy demon at the moment. Nekomamushi was on the verge of attacking Vinsmoke Ichiji for some unfortunate comment, and the two big Boa sisters looked very displeased with Trafalgar Law for unknown reasons. The rest of the Strawhat Grand Fleet was caught in a quarrel among themselves. Only Marco the Phoenix stood calm in a corner, leaning against the wall.
 Your Observation haki was well developed, so it was immediately clear how strong all those weirdos were. Honestly, they could kick your ass any day of the week.
 That was an awful, awful idea.
"What the hell is this mess?!" your captain (and man) yelled from behind you.
Eustass Kid, not famous for his docile demeanour.
"So thais was your plan, Eustass-ya?"
Law walked over, an annoyed scowl spreading on his face.
"Gathering us all in your lair and assuming we would get along pretty well?"
"Watch your mouth, Trafalgar, or you'll be dead meat by the end of the day."
"Yeah, yeah. And tell me, who is supposed to be the head of this mismatched alliance? You?"
Kid snarled, his murderous intent glowing in his eyes, but he somehow restrained himself. For the time being.
"Not me," he growled "Her."
 In an instant, all those terrifying eyes fixed on you.
«Hey,» you muttered in the now quiet hall «Some of you already know me. I’m [Y/n]: member of the Kid Pirates, ex marine, awesome. I hope you’re all doing well.»
The silence that followed was broken by a light chuckle.
«Now, this is getting interesting,» Marco smirked.
The war was savage.
Your strategies overlapped with Sakazuki’s over and over. Someone betrayed you. People died.
 As the General of the Strawhat Rescue Alliance, you took responsibility for each one of them. As ex marine, your heart hurt for every enemy killed.
Even when your own nakama were falling, you had to stand strong, be lucid, yell orders in the Den Den Mushi, or everyone was going to be lost.
 You had to fight on the main frontline, Sakazuki aiming at you with all he got, far away from your captain, with so many lives depending on you.
You, a simple human being, with nothing special other than sarcasm. And good sniping skills.
The whole time, there was that new fear cutting inside you, that unknown feeling that was also your burning strength.
Eventually, the Strawhats were freed. When Nika joined the battle, the war was won.
 Many died on both sides.
The surviving marines fled across the sea and, while the pirates were cheering and celebrating all over the ruins of New Marineford, drunk with their own adrenalin, you couldn’t help but being afraid of the consequences for the rest of the world.
But that was for later.
"Congratulations, general."
The words snapped you our of your trance and you slowly turned to Nico Robin, standing beside you.
"The war is won. You should announce it in that Den Den Mushi and make it official, don’t you think?"
Your eyes flicked to the device.
Your voice sounded weak as you pulled it close to your trembling lips.
"To the Strawhat Rescue Alliance, this is your general speaking."
The island grew quieter, or maybe it was just your imagination.
"I announce you…"
You swallowed. Inhaled. Deeply.
The yells of the alliance exploded all over Marineford, along with the cries.
Yes, you won the war. And comrades had been lost.
 You handed the Den Den Mushi to the woman and started to run along the shore.
"Oi, where is she going?!" Bartolomeo barked, nearby "She’s our general! She has to celebrate with us!"
Nico Robin raised her hand to stop him. Sabo approached.
"Take a look around, Rooster-kun," she said "None of the Kid Pirates is here."
"Eustass Kid and Trafalgar Law were fighting on the other side of the island, weren’t day?" Sabo added.
"Shit, that’s true!" Bartolomeo grimaced "They had to take on Ryokugyu and Kizaru."
The blond glanced at the Den Den Mushi.
"They haven’t been replying to any call since half the battle."
Nico Robin was looking at the pirates all around.
"Friends and nakama are still missing for everyone." she frowned "The hardest time has yet to come."
[ Kid, Law, reader ]
I've heard there was a secret chord That David played and it pleased the Lord But you don't really care for music, do you?
Your panting was the only sound ringing in your ears as you ran across the ruins.
 Maybe they’re okay. Probably their Den Den Mushi just broke. They are okay.
After the Room Law created to move Ryokugyu on the other side of Marineford, the Admirals never came back to help the Marines, after all. But neither did Kid or Law.
 You’re okay. Please, be okay.
When the fight was done, you noticed Heat, Wire, and Killer disappearing immediately, rushing towards the opposite shore.
 Why haven’t they filled me in already? Those idiots!
It took almost half an hour of running to reach the spot.
You crawled up the boulders that obstructed the beach. Of course a battle among those three destroyed the place. When you finally past them, a straight view of the sandy clearing lay in front of your eyes.
They were there.
And it was immediately clear everything was not okay.
Well, it goes like this:
Law was sitting against a jagged rock, clothes ripped, elbows resting on his knees, chin bent on his chest.
Eustass Kid was a few feet away. He was lying down, his head leaning against a stone. There was too much blood around him.
The fourth
Heat, Wire, and Killer were gathered by his side.
The fifth
And they were crying.
The minor fall, and the major lift
You dashed towards them. You stumbled, scraped your knees, rose and ran again.
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Your nakama turned to you. Law was startled by your choked voice but he didn’t raise his head.
The shadow of a smile tugged on the corners of Kid’s mouth.
You fell on your knees as soon as you reached him, shuffling in the sand to cover the last feet and crumbling on his wounded chest.
You couldn’t swallow.
So much blood.
The wound was…
You didn’t have to look at it to understand. So you didn’t.
His voice was a hoarse whisper. His eyes were closed but he did his best to open them and look at you.
Biting hard your lower lip, you quickly turned to the others.
"What the fuck are you doing standing there?! And you!" your furious eyes darted on Law "You’re supposed to be the best doctor around, aren’t you, Surgeon of Death?! Why aren’t you treating him, for fuck’s sake!"
Heat and Wire didn’t answer, lowering their faces on the ground.
Finally, Law lifted his golden eyes.
"I already did all I could," he said, slowly.
Killer moved closer.
"No! No!"
You harshly shook your head, burning tears already lining your cheeks, lips tugged above your teeth.
Kid’s hand managed to move on yours, leaned on his marked chest.
"Calm down, birdie."
"Like hell I’m calming down! Heat, Wire! Bring here that fucking reindeer! If Trafalgar can’t do anything, maybe he will!"
Trembling for the effort, Kid's fingers reached your chin, forcing you to face his weak, yet cheeky smirk.
"Look at me."
Your soaked grimace twitched.
"I’m dying, birdie."
"No… no…"
 More people were gathering on the beach, even if you didn’t register it. It seemed your brain was not processing correctly.
 Law shoved his head between his shoulders, gritting his teeth.
"Why, why did we come here?" you sobbed "You don’t even like the Strawhats!"
Kid chuckled and coughed blood.
"Quit it. Regret doesn’t suit you."
Unable to control your despair, you dropped your forehead on his chest and wept.
You felt his hand in your hair.
"C’mon," he said "S... Stop crying. You’re supposed to be the... general... of this mismatched group of lunatics."
"I… I don’t want…" words died in your mouth "It’s not fair!"
Kid's chest rose and lowered under your face.
"I have no regrets."
Swallowing, you lifted your eyes on his peaceful expression, his messy red hair stuck all over it.
"I wanted to live to become the Pirate King, or dying in the process. I never asked for more."
He wiped away the tears from your cheek.
"Yet I had my stupid nakama. And you."
Well your faith was strong, but you needed proof You saw her bathing on the roof Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya
"Kid please, please, don’t," you begged "I cannot lose you, I can’t."
The others were silently crying behind you. A lot of eyes were fixed on you, probably the most notorious pirates of your age.
You couldn’t care less.
"You made me who I am today. You taught me freedom. This can’t be it."
"It’s... fine. I already spoke to... ugh! K-Killer. He will take care of you."
On the beach, Nami pressed her hands on her mouth to muffle her sobs. Bartolomeo was among the ones weeping openly, along with Ivankov and Momonosuke. Marco and Sabo stood there quietly.
She tied you to her kitchen chair She broke your throne and she cut your hair
In the middle of all that pain, a little part of you whispered in your ear you had to accept it. You had to accept it and say goodbye before it was too late.
His breath had grown slower, his eyes were less focused.
"I love you." he whispered.
Your chest, your guts, everything inside you crumbled.
Killer hurled his mask on the ground and growled his desperation between his teeth.
Law’s knuckles whitened in his grip on his trousers.
 You were losing him.
Kid’s amber eyes were looking at nothing, his skin was too pale, his breath almost gone.
He had to know. You had to tell him.
Before it was too late.
"Kid, I’m pregnant."
And from her lips she drew her Hallelujah
His eyes snapped open.
Broken gasps sealed the silence on the beach.
Law’s wide gaze flicked on you.
Kid’s face was a mask of shock.
"I’m pregnant," you repeated, moving closer "I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d forbid me to join the war. Forgive me."
"Are… are you sure…?"
You nodded frantically.
His signature smirk weakly tugged at his lips.
"So I’m gonna… be a father…"
"Yes! Yes!"
You leaned your forehead against his.
Kid’s amber eyes looked around.
"I’m here!"
The blond crawled on his other side, streams of tears running down his cheeks.
"D-Did you hear…?"
"Yes. I will take care of them, Kid. I promise. No one will touch them."
"Maybe your child will be the one finding the One Piece!" you whispered "Maybe they will."
He closed his eyes.
"I'd like that."
"I have to go now."
You could feel the life slipping away from his body.
Holding back your screams, you gently pressed your lips against his.
"I love you."
Were you breathing? Would you ever be able to breathe again?
"Goodbye, captain."
Trafalgar Law had a troubled life.
 His whole hometown was destroyed when he was still a child, all the citizens, including his parents and his little sister, were slaughtered by the Government. Then he was sentenced to death by an incurable disease. He defeated it, but paid the highest price for it: Cora-san’s life.
Yet, he grew strong and resolute.
But baby, I’ve been here before I’ve seen this room, I’ve walked this floor
Still kind of a loner but he had his nakama. And the Strawhats. Even Eustass-ya, his crew, and all the allies.
I used to live alone before I knew ya
 He never particularly liked Eustass Kid, or at least that’s what he told himself.
There was something, about that vicious pirate. The way his men looked up to him, the way you looked at him. His inability to surrender, even when there was absolutely no hope.
 Law always told himself he was better. He was calmer, smarter, stronger.
Yet no one ever looked at him like you looked at Eustass Kid.
And I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch
He never understood how a woman like you would stick to that man’s side. Or maybe he did, and he lied to himself.
No misunderstandings: Law was proud of who he was. And he knew whom to be grateful to for that.
 Yes, his childhood was shit. But he had the luck to be taught and saved by not one, but two father figures.
His biological dad. And Cora-san.
Everything good inside him was their making.
And love is not a victory march
He looked at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes. The despair on your face and the happiness on Eustass’.
“I’m pregnant”
Now that child was meant to grow without a father.
 His dad’s voice and Cora-san’s goofy smile flashed in his mind. He closed his fists.
What the hell was he doing? He was supposed to be a doctor! He had freed himself from an incurable disease, how come he was letting Eustass Kid dying in your arms? His comrades were calling his name. He had so many things to live for.
Too many things.
And Law knew what he had to do.
It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah
 He pulled himself on his feet, glancing around.
No Heart Pirates there. Good.
"[Y/n]-ya, Killer-ya," he called, walking over "Move aside."
He almost wavered when Killer lifted his blazing eyes on him. He never saw his face before.
"What the fuck do you want, Trafalgar?" Killer hissed.
"To save your captain."
Your wrecked gaze rose too.
"What…? But you said…"
"There’s no time," he urged, hinting at Kid, who was not unconscious "Get off and let me do it already!"
Too numb and confused to object, you shakily stood on your feet. Heat and Wire sustained you and helped you moving back.
"It will hurt. He will scream. I didn’t think he could survive this." Law explained, dropping his jacket. His eyes flicked on yours "But maybe now he has a reason to live no matter what."
"I can help!" Chopper chimed, running ahead.
"Stay back!" Law barked, and the little reindeer stopped.
The Surgeon of Death pulled out his Nodachi.
"I need to create a big Room for this. No one can be inside." he looked at the little crowd "Everyone step back."
"I have a bad feeling about this," Sabo murmured, but he did as Law asked.
Killer gently pulled you back.
"Come, [Y/n]."
You looked at Kid one last time, then turned to the Surgeon. He flashed his confident smirk at you but there was something wrong in it. Something sad.
"I will bring him back to you, [Y/n]-ya."
"If you see my men… tell them that they did a good job."
"Law, wait–"
Minutes passed like centuries.
 You sat against Killer’s side, hands pressed on your ears to not listen to Kid’s screams from the beach. After a while they stopped but the surgery continued, or at least you guessed so, since Law's Room was still in place. You didn’t look that way.
All the Kid Pirates had finally reunited and you all gathered together, without talking. Waiting in the sand.
As the Alliance’s general, you were supposed to check on the people who fought the war with you but you simply couldn’t, not now. Luckily, Vinsmoke Reiju and Marco took the task upon themselves, and they were reorganizing the army and the infirmaries.
Most of the Heart Pirates had medical skills, so they were the ones employed in assisting the injured allies all around. They were informed via radio their captain was safe, so they could focus on the wounded.
There was a time you let me know What’s really going on below But now you never show that to me, do you?
For these reasons, they didn’t rush to the beach. When most of the emergencies were taken care of, though, Bepo couldn’t hold back anymore and he headed to the sandy clearing. Shachi and Penguin tagged along, unable to conceal how bad they wanted to see their captain too.
But remember when I moved in you? The holy dove was moving too
"Here you are, guys."
Nami and Chopper walked towards them when they appeared near the beach.
"Oh? Is the captain still there?" Bepo asked.
Chopper nodded.
"Yes, beyond those boulders. He’s performing surgery on Eustass Kid. He’s in critical conditions." the small reindeer hinted at the beach, where you and your crew were waiting "It’s been a while now."
"Surgery?" Penguin glanced at his comrades "Maybe we can help."
"Wait, he said–"
But the three of them were already running towards the clearing.
Hearing the call, you turned to the pirates approaching.
"The Heart Pirates are finally here," Wire observed.
Killer helped you stand.
"Where’s the captain?" Shachi asked when they reached you.
Heat pointed at the beach behind his shoulder. The wide Room was visible about two-hundred feet away. Bepo frowned.
"Wait. How long has that Room been there?"
You shrugged.
"I don’t know. An hour? More?"
You saw their eyes widening and something in the back of your mind pulsated.
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah
"It’s impossible!" Penguin squeaked.
The three of them bolted towards it, but the Kid Pirates quickly jumped on their feet and grabbed them.
"Let us go!" Bepo yelled.
There was a desperate note in his voice that made you shiver.
"Trafalgar said no one has to get in!" Heat stated, holding Shachi back.
"Let us go now!" Penguin screamed, trying to wiggle out of Killer’s grip.
You approached Bepo.
"What’s wrong? Why are you so upset?"
"Don’t you understand, you fool?!" he shouted in your face.
There were tears in his little eyes.
You took a step back, blinking.
"He’s using the ultimate operation! The one that grants life in exchange of the user’s!"
 In exchange of the user’s…?
"If you see my men, tell them they did a good job”
Eustass Kid knew it.
From the second the excruciating pain began, he knew what was going on. What that idiotic surgeon was trying to do.
 They fought side by side against the Admirals, they covered for each other, they won together, and it wasn't even the first time.
He saved that weakling’s life with his own.
So, when he lay in his blood and the stupid doctor tried to operate around him, he knew from Trafalgar’s face that he couldn’t save him back.
Kid had sneered at him.
"Don’t tell [Y/n]. She will kill us both for this mess."
Maybe there’s a god above But all I’ve ever learnt from love Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya
And now that fool was dragging him back from hell with his bare hands.
"Trafalgar, you fucker…!" he coughed, the surgeon’s blade still inside him.
"Shut. Up. Eustass-ya."
Law smirked, a rivulet of blood pouring down his lip.
"It’s not… easy… to replace a heart when you have to use your own. So don’t make me –ugh!– lose… focus."
And it’s not a cry that you hear at night
The surgeon blocked Kid’s mechanic hand before it could push him away.
"Fuck you! I don’t want this!" the redhead hissed.
"I don’t care what you want."
"Trafalgar, you bastard, get off me!"
"Damn… stay still!"
Law hurt him, on purpose, and Kid cursed in the blood invading his mouth.
"Leave… me… alone."
"You will live, Eustass-ya."
It’s not somebody who’ve seen the light
"Get the fuck off!"
"You will live, and love [Y/n]-ya, and raise your child."
"Trafalgar, I swear…!"
"And, who knows, maybe find the One Piece. Although I place my bet on Strawhat-ya for that."
"I was lucky, you know. I had two dads."
"Stop it."
"I won’t let your baby have none."
"Stop it."
"So you will live, Eustass-ya."
It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah
Finally, the room dissolved.
The Kid Pirates let go of Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo. You all ran along the beach.
Eustass Kid and Trafalgar Law were lying on the sand, side by side. Both their chests had been opened and closed again.
The three Heart Pirates rushed Law.
You felt empty while approaching Kid’s motionless body.
 Sabo, Nami, Chopper, Jinbe, and a lot of other people were approaching as well.
After a time that seemed dilating, Kid’s torso shook and he coughed.
Killer immediately crouched beside him, grabbing his wrist.
"He’s alive! His breath and pulse are both regular!"
You collapsed on your knees as the Kid Pirates yelled in joy.
The whisper made you raise your eyes. The Heart Pirates were curled up around Law’s form. You slowly stood.
"[Y/n]…" Heat called you softly, but you didn’t stop.
Till you could see him.
Trafalgar Law had a peaceful smile on his lifeless face.
You walked to him, among his weeping nakama.
Your fingers brushed his cheek as your wet lips brushed his forehead.
"Thank you."
And you could almost hear his voice, in your ears.
Eustass-ya, [Y/n]-ya,
Live on.
A fresh breeze blew through the green branches of the willows on the hill.
"Oh, and you were right captain: Monkey D. Luffy did find the One Piece, in the end."
Penguin smiled, hands in his pocket.
"It was a bit of a mess, but whatever."
The white grave in front of him still had the Nodachi planted on its side, even after all those years.
No one touched it.
 The cheers of the others were audible in the distance.
Penguin scratched the back of his head.
"Sorry for the chaos, I know you don’t like it, but see… the Heart Pirates are babysitting today. I already regret suggesting it, we’re clearly not equipped to handle–"
A small figure rushed between his legs, making him stumble. Before he could grab the kid, that one had already jumped on top of the grave, agitating the small slingshot in the air.
"Tremble, New World!" the child yelled, her spiky hair dancing all around her face "I’m Eustass Doruya, and I’ll be the next King of the Pirates!"
Apart from the usual patches, her signature sadistic grin was plastered on her face.
"Hey!" Penguin yelped "Get down from there!"
"Huh? Why should I listen to you, you miserable weakling?"
The pirate’s jaw dropped.
"Doruya, you’re always such a pain in the ass."
The childish voice reached the two, while a second kid dragged his feet up the hill. When he arrived in front of the grave, he observed it with bored eyes. His hair was far less crazy but the color was bright red.
"Shut up, useless twin! Do you want me to beat you up again?"
He sighed, glancing up at Penguin.
"Can we leave her here? We’ll tell mom and dad she ran off."
"Do that, losers, so my grand adventure will start!" she yelled.
The girl jumped down and ran in the woods.
"W-Wait!" Penguin gasped, but two of his crewmates were already rushing behind her.
"Don’t worry," the boy said "She’ll be fine."
He went back examining the grave with his sharp eyes.
"Is this the man you were talking about, Penguin-ojisan?"
"Hum, yeah…" Penguin’s smile returned to his face "This was my captain, Trafalgar D. Water Law. I thought it was time for you two to meet him, that’s why I brought you here."
The man turned to the black-haired woman who was walking up the hill.
"Nico Robin?! What are you doing here?"
The woman smiled.
"I was nearby and I decided to pay a visit to an old friend."
"I see."
Her brown eyes moved to the child.
"Hi there."
 Nico Robin had already met the kid in the past, though he was far younger. However, it was not hard to guess who he was. You don’t see that hair color around much.
"And what are you doing here?" she asked, tilting her smile.
"I came to pay my respects."
"Your respects?"
The child nodded, then turned to the grave and bowed.
"Thank you for saving my dad, Trafalgar-san." he said "He gets angry a lot and he’s always bossing people around. You know, since he’s an Emperor and everything. But he’s the best dad ever."
He straightened himself.
"I speak also in Doruya’s behalf. She’s grateful too, she’s just too much like dad to say it out loud."
Some seagulls called each other from the shore.
"My mom is happy, and Killer-ojisan is happy, and everyone is happy thanks to you. So, yeah. Thanks."
The kid turned and started heading back to the beach. Nico Robin noticed Penguin quickly wiping away a tear from his eye.
"Hey, child-san," she called.
The boy stopped and looked at her.
"You know, it’s good custom to introduce yourself when you meet someone," she politely commented.
He curled his lips.
"I guess."
The child flashed her a confident crooked smirk that strongly reminded her of a certain doctor.
"I’m Eustass Law. Nice to meet you."
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dd122004dd · 3 months
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Originally posted by weak-hero
Little Witch - 1 & 2  (Completed)
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Witch!Reader
Genre: Angst with eventual fluff and a happy ending.
Summary: Ryan Clarke finally met someone to love him, a place of solace in his turbulent world. But what will happen when Malivore finds out about his son’s love? Will they ever get to be together or will they wither away apart? (Set in pre-puddle Malivore time + modern era)
Painting a New Beginning
Pairing: Human!Ryan Clarke x Painter!Reader
Genre: Pure fluff with a happy ending
Summary: After Ryan Clarke turned human, he began re-building his life in the human world. But, what do humans do when they get bored? They join a painting class!
“I Won’t Forget You.” (Requested)
Paring: Ryan Clarke x Sister!Reader
Genre: Angst with character death
Summary:  Ryan Clarke has grown to be more defiant of Malivore, so as punishment he takes away something precious from him, forever.
Soulmate One-shot Series:
A Soulmate for Christmas
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Heretic!Reader
Genre: Pure angst, no happy ending. (Real tear-jerker if I do say so myself.)
Bond: You’re born with your soulmate’s name on your wrist
Summary: Y/N was a particularly rebellious heretic with a penchant for getting into trouble with Malivore’s monsters. So, what is a girl to do when Hope warns her about a monster in the dungeon? Disregard the warning and visit it, of course!
Bleeding Gold
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Fairy!Reader
Genre: Angst with eventual fluff and a happy ending.
Bond: Eye contact for the first time.
Summary: A soulmate is one of the most revered bonds in the supernatural world, but what happens when your soulmate rejects you? Will you survive? Will he regret his decision? Well, you’ll just have to read and find out.
‘Calm, little one’
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Vampire!Reader
Genre: Fluff with a hint of action (Not THAT kind of action, I meant fighting, get your mind out of the gutter)
Bond: A mark showing the place where your soulmate first touches you
Summary: What happens when you’re an immortal vampire and practically Hope Mikaelson’s foster mother and mated to Ryan Clarke, her enemy? And what happens when you find out he’s your mate right when he’s about to stab Hope with a magical artifact? Chaos ensues, of course.
Rings of Fate
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Human!Reader
Genre: Angst with fluff and a happy ending.
Bond: You’re born with a ring on your finger that changes colors with your soulmate’s mood and turns gold when you meet your soulmate. (Also, IF YOU LIKE A THING YOU SHOULD’A PUT A RING ON IT!)
Summary: What happens when your soul-ring dissipates, signifying your soulmate died, then a few months later your soul-ring re-materializes. Did you get a second soulmate or is resurrection real? Maybe you should’ve paid more attention in Bible class.
The Moon and the Star
Paring: Ryan Clarke x Reader (Medieval Au)
Genre: Slight angst and fluff with a happy ending.
Bond: Eye contact for the first time.
Summary:  Y/N Cavendish is a member of nobility while her soulmate Ryan Clarke is a commoner. Will they ever be able to be together or will their different stations keep them apart?
“Paint me like one of your French Boys.”
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Reader (Rennaisance Au)
Genre: Slight angst and fluff with a happy ending.
Bond: Body swapping.
Summary: Ryan Clarke is on a mission to track down a monster but what  he doesn’t expect to find is his soulmate. He meets her in such circumstances that would leave you clutching your pearls.
The Goddess of my Heart
Pairing: Ryan Clarke x Greek Goddess!Reader
Genre: Pain, torture, punishment and revenge
Bond: Soulmate Bond 
Summary:  Hope Mikaelson tore apart the earth looking for Ryan Clarke but she was in for a big surprise when she finally found him.
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cebwrites · 2 years
Supernovas/Worst Generation
Eustass “Captain” Kidd
reacting to being kissed as a confession [gn reader]
“only one bed” trope [gn reader, suggestive, poly w/ killer]
finding s/o’s “belongings” [gn reader, nsfw, trans!kidd]
jealousy hcs [gn reader]
NSFW alphabet [C, F, J ,I]
handling bad breakups [gn reader]
having a secret Tontatta s/o [masc reader]
taking care of them when they get sick [gn reader]
“Massacre Soldier” Killer  
with a teasing s/o [masc reader]
stealing their clothes [masc reader]
NSFW Alphabet [H, Z, X]
X “Diaz” Drake
drunk hcs [gn reader]
breaking up [gn reader]
“would you still love me if i was a worm” [gn reader, crack]
asking to see his hybrid form [gn reader]
teased by masc reader [nsfw]
haunted house reactions [gn reader]
NSFW Alphabet [A, K, O, Y, W, D]
“men don’t cry” [masc reader]
reacting to boyfriend wearing their shirt [masc reader]
reacting to being kissed as a confession [fem reader]
n/sfw headcanons [gn reader]
kink hcs [gn reader, nsfw]
w/ dominant s/o [gn reader, nsfw]
NSFW Alphabet [D, E, I, J, X]
haunted house reactions [gn reader]
surprising them with a new fit [gn reader, slight nsfw]
taking care of them when they get sick [gn reader]
n/sfw headcanons [gn reader]
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desbravandookp · 2 years
Lista de Avatares no KaizokuProject
Total de avatares: 175
Aokiji (Kuzan)
Avalo Pizarro
Baby 5
Basil Hawkins
Benn Beckman
Borsalino Kizaru
Boa Hancock
Bon Clay
Caesar Clown
Capone Bege
Charlotte Chiffon
Charlotte Cracker
Charlotte Daifuku
Charlotte Katakuri
Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom)
Charlotte Oven
Charlotte Perospero
Charlotte Praline
Charlotte Pudding
Charlotte Smoothie
Charlotte Snack
Denjiro (Kyoshiro)
Doc Q
Don Krieg
Don Chinjao
Donquixote Rosinante (Corazon)
Donquixote Doflamingo
Douglas Bullet
Dracule Mihawk
Edward Newgate (Barba Branca)
Eustass D. Kid
Fisher Tiger
Gecko Moria
Gild Tesoro
Gol D. Roger
Hody Jones
Jesus Burgess
Jewelry Bonney
Kozuki Toki
Kozuki Oden
Kozuki Hiyori
Lao G
Lucky Roo
Lucy (adm meteu essa)
Marshall D. Teach (Barba Negra)
Miss Valentine
Monkey D. Dragon
Monkey D. Garp
Monkey D. Luffy
Montblanc Norland
Nico Robin
Portgas D. Ace
Oars Jr.
Rorona Zoro
Rob Lucci
Sakazuki Akainu
San Juan Wolf
Scratchmen Apoo
Señior Pink
Silvers Rayleigh
Sobamask (adm meteu essa)
Sogeking (sim, adm também meteu essa)
Tony Tony Chopper
Trafalgar D. Law
Van Augur
Vasco Shot
Vinsmoke Ichiji
Vinsmoke Judge
Vinsmoke Niji
Vinsmoke Reiju
Vinsmoke Sanji
Vinsmoke Sora
Vinsmoke Yonji
Warden Hannyabal
Whitey Bay
X Drake
Zephyr (Almirante Z)
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