#charlie and the excitement of wings wearing off real fast
hmm... in a "Charlie gets wings" scenario, which sparks more joy...
the idea of Charlie very awkwardly unfolding a pair of gold angel wings that almost perfectly match Adam's (the ones her mom would have had if Lilith hadn't gone all demon) except they have only one stripe (like Vaggie's) and Vaggie is gleefully assuring her gf that she wears them SO MUCH BETTER than Adam ever did
OR, Charlie deliberately giving herself a pair of dragon-like wings, to match with Razzle (and the fallen Dazzle), setting herself completely apart from angelic dad bc she's hellborn and proud of it
XD charlie getting the gold ones and being all "nooo.... nnnoooooooo i don't want those... icky, icky associations... let's just trade them out ok???"
and THEN making herself the demon wings like aaahhhh yessss MUCH better o^w^o
(vaggie waking up next morning to find Charlie not in bed but something overhead SNORES, and it's her girlfriend, her gf has become a sleepy demon-winged cocoon snuggle blob, hanging upside down from their bed canopy by her demon tail, crashing on top of vaggie with a yelp the moment vaggie tries tentatively poking her gf awake with one of her own feathery wings) (it Tickled)
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Chapter 4 -- Perfect Harmony | Charlie Gillespie
Summary: Emily Fox is a talented 17-year-old with a passion for all things music. Her dream is to become a successful singer-songwriter one day. But to achieve that dream, she needs to get into one of the most prestigious music schools in her district – it’s all been part of her plan since she was six. Sadly enough, those schools cost a ton of money that her parents don’t want to invest. They don’t even want her to pursue her dream. So, now Emily’s hustling, working at the music store to save up to get into college. That’s until she meets Charlie, an annoying seventeen-year-old boy with the same dream as her. The only difference is, he’s just doing it. He doesn’t need a fancy college to pursue his dream to become famous with his band. He just writes his songs and books small gigs here, there and everywhere. Will meeting Charlie defer her from her dream college, or will he actually help her achieve the dream?
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x OC (Emily Fox)
Warnings: mentions of death, sexual assault
Important note: the characters of Charlie, Owen, Jeremy and Madison are based on the characters they play on the show and i do not own their names, only OC are mine. The songs aren’t mine either, they’re all from the show except for one.
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Chapter four 
 ~|Emily Fox|~
“Guess what I did this weekend?” I ask Madison excitedly when I see her at her locker on Monday morning. She stares at me, blinking a few times. She did not expect me to be this excited on Monday morning. “You rode an elephant?” she asks when she realizes I won’t continue until she guesses. “Don’t ever ride elephants. They’re not made to do that,” I tell her off, “No, I finished writing my song!” Madison’s eyes widen before an excited squeal leaves her mouth. Now we’re getting weird looks from other students, wondering why the hell we’d be so excited on Monday morning. “Let me hear!” she shouts loudly, but I quickly dim the fire inside her eyes by shaking my head. “I still need to tweak it a little, but I think it might actually have potential,” I say. Madison pouts. “I’m sorry, Mads. I promise you, I’ll let you hear it once I pick up the courage to ask someone to duet this with me.” “Like on TikTok?” she asks, visibly confused. “No, I think it might sound better as a duet. I sang like part of it with this Charlie dude at the Music Store.” Madison’s eyebrows rise whilst her eyes widen. “Who’s Charlie?” she asks, the bell nearly ringing out her voice. The two of us make our way to class together. “The Cute Douchebag I told you about?” “You never said he was cute…” “I’m telling you now. He kept coming back to play this one guitar in the store to escape from his parents and I let him while I cleaned up the place. And then on Saturday, he suddenly started singing this verse that fit perfectly what I already had. It sounded amazing, Mads. Our voices blend really, really well together.” I take in a deep breath and release it into a sigh. “Mmh… Cute Douchebag Charlie serenades you and you turn it into a duet… Sounds like the start of a great Romantic movie,” she thinks about it for a moment, “I’d watch that.” “I’m going to put your feet back on the floor, Madison, because nothing’s ever going to happen between Charlie and me.” I can’t hide the smile tugging at my lips though, and I think Madison has seen it too as one of the corners of her mouth curls up into a smirk. “Mmh-mmh…” she hums and before I can bring anything else in, she dips into her classroom, leaving me all alone to find my way to the room next door where I have my first class. Let’s pray today goes by fast. Which only works by constantly imagining what it would be like to show Charlie the song I wrote with his verse added to it and what it would be like if we sung it together. I wonder if he’ll be at the store tonight and if he is, do I immediately tell him I’ve finished the song? Or do I wait until I’ve perfected it? Or do I—I can’t even finish my thought when the bell rings, signaling lunch time. Halfway through.
“Dreaming about mister Cutie Pie?” Madison’s voice startles me as I stand in line for lunch. “Hell, Madi. Give me a heart attack, why don’t you?” She gives me her most mischievous grin. “So, you’re not denying that you were dreaming about mister Cutie Pie?” “No,” she raises her eyebrows, “I mean, no I wasn’t dreaming about him because he’s still a douchebag.” I take a sandwich from the canteen lady. “A very cute Douchebag,” Madison wiggles her eyebrows. “How do you know he’s cute?” I ask as we move towards the fridges for some soda. “You told me. And I found him on Instagram.” She reaches in her bag for her phone whilst we head towards the table we always sit at. “How did you find him on Instagram?” I ask her, sitting down and taking the phone from her to look at his photos. Some of them look really cool and artsy, most of them with his guitar, whether that be electric or acoustic. “I checked the Music Store’s Instagram and looked through their followers and found about fifteen Charlies, but none of them as cute as this one.” I glance up at the handle at the top of his page. Charles_Gillespie. Gillespie? That’s a very unique last name. “You should be in the FBI, Mads,” I tell her and find myself scrolling through all of his pictures. “I mean, it’s no rocket science, babes,” she shrugs off her FBI-abilities. I shake my head at her, and then deep-dive into the wondrous world of Charlie Gillespie’s Instagram. Those eyes. They seem more golden in real life than they do in the pictures on here. And that smile. In one photo, he has like a really lazy smile on his face, but it looks so freakishly adorable that I nearly melt on the spot. “Someone has a crush!” Madison sings into my ear. “I do not,” I sound way more offended than I intended to. “Okay, fine. You do not. But when you stop being in denial, I’ll be here to tell you ‘told you so’,” Madison tells me sassily. I so want to say something to that, but I’m stumped. And too distracted by Charlie’s Instagram. I’m so distracted I even forget to eat and only leaves me with five minutes left to eat an entire sandwich. I shake my head at myself, disgusted by my own thoughts. This boy.
“Heading to work?” Madison asks me when she meets me at my locker after the final bell. “Yep, have to lock up again and work on my song,” I tell her, shutting my locker and shouldering my bag. “Do you think he’ll be there again?” I chuckle, “It would surprise me if he wasn’t. He’s been at the store every day since the day I met him.” Madison raises her eyebrows again. That’s how she looks at me a lot lately. “Someone has a crush on you.” That mischievous grin appears on her face again, and it just makes me shake my head disapprovingly, but I can’t help but smile too. The thought of him having a crush on me disgusts me and makes me feel all giddy inside at the same time. “Yeah, sure,” I say, “See you tomorrow, Madi,” I wave at her, leaving her behind at the school to make my way to the Music Store, where, to no surprise of mine, I find Charlie at the guitars again. He doesn’t even notice me walking in. “There’s only one customer left,” Ash tells me, “He’s been here a lot, hasn’t he?” “What? No? This surely is the first time I see him,” I reply, not being able to hide the sarcasm. “Just lock up when you’re done,” she says throwing me the keys before hopping across the counter. She’s the only person who could ever do that so smoothly. “And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” she yells over her shoulder and rushes away before I can come up with a good comeback. Completely leaving Charlie to his devices, I begin sweeping up the place. Scattered sheet music goes back in its place, dropped food wrappers are being picked up and thrown away, misplaced instruments go back into their place. I’m nearly done when I hear Charlie cough behind me. “Ah, Charles. Didn’t see you there,” I say when I turn around to face him. “Well, yeah… People tell me I can be very quiet,” he replies awkwardly. I hardly believe that. He’s the most obnoxious person I have ever met. “I wanted to ask; did you finish that song we sang the other day? I really liked it and I thought maybe if you’d finished it, we could sing it together?” My eyes widen at the mention of the song. Should I tell him the truth? “Uhm, no, I haven’t finished it yet.” The lie rolls off my lips before I can stop it. “Great! I actually had this idea for a verse last night,” he reaches into the pocket of his skinny jeans and a piece of folded up paper appears. “I think it would sound good as a bridge.” He unfolds the paper as he says it and then places it on top of the piano wing, reaching just past me. I get a whiff of his deodorant and aftershave. A blend of minty fresh and musky undertones. I realize it’s my favorite scent in the world. “I feel your rhythm in my heart, yeah You are my brightest, burning star, woah-woah I never knew a love so real We're heaven on earth, melody and words When we are together we're” He looks up at me every now and again when he’s singing. And all it does is cause hurricanes in my mind and the rhythm of my heart quickening. “And then it goes back into the chorus you wrote,” he finishes, breaking our eye contact once again. “Because, you know, that was really good.” He awkwardly coughs again. His eyes pleadingly looking up at me from underneath the strands of hair. That’s when I realize he isn’t wearing the beanie I’ve seen him with so many times. His brown locks lay messily across his head, but it creates a rougher look, which works for him. “Yeah, okay, thanks, Charles,” I say, recomposing and returning to the tougher façade I’m used to putting up around him. “You done? I need to clean up.” I point around the room to emphasize my lie. The room is entirely clean, I just need to get out of the situation. “Why are you pushing this away, Emily?” The question takes me aback a bit. “It’s obvious we’re supposed to write this song together. With both our ideas and creativity together, we can create so many amazing songs. This is meant to be, Emily. Why can’t you see that?” I’m not entirely sure what he means by ‘meant to be’. We are? Or as a band? Or a singer-songwriter-duo? I don’t even have the time to ask him, because he’s already turned around and making his way to the door. “I write alone,” I tell him quickly, causing him to freeze with his hand on the doorknob. He looks back at me with those pleading puppy eyes. “So, whatever you think is meant to be, it’s not going to happen.” He simply nods his head at that. “Good to know.” For the rest of that night, I wonder if that’s going to be the last I hear of him.
Even Uncle Mitch can tell something’s wrong when I’m in the kitchen making myself some food after my shift. He stares at me with those worried green eyes of his and sits down across from me at the table. “You want to vent?” he simply asks, which he knows is enough for me to break. I take a deep breath, wondering where to begin in this story and what to leave out for my old Uncle’s sake. “There’s this boy—” before I can continue, he jumps up. “Who do I need to chase down?” he tries to sound tough, but Uncle Mitch is the gayest of all the gays. He’s not afraid to show off his more feminine side. But in situations like this, when he pretends to be all tough dad and everything, it’s just kind of endearing. Because that’s not at all who he is. “No one, Uncle Mitch.” He slowly sits back down and lets me continue, propping his head onto his hand, elbow resting on the tabletop. “This boy always comes into the Music Store during my shifts. He either has this excuse to be there, buying picks or strings or polish or whatever, and one night he asked if he could stay and play some guitar whilst I clean up because he wanted to escape his parents,” I take a deep breath, remembering what my parents told me when I said what college I wanted to go to. “I couldn’t say no to that, could I?” Uncle Mitch hums with a small smile on his face. “So then he sang part of a song he wrote and it kind of matched with the song I was writing, so I sang along with him, and then we sang the chorus together and our voices match really well and they blend so beautifully and I bet you would’ve gotten goosebumps, Uncle Mitch,” he chuckles at that, “And today he came up with a bridge for the song and he sang it to me and it was perfect and I kind of shook him off. I should’ve told him how beautiful it was, but I didn’t.” I sniffle, tears pooling in my eyes, and I’m not even sure why. “And then he asked why I pushed him away because we’re meant to write songs together and I don’t disagree with him but…” I trail off as sobs take over my body. “But you can’t write songs with anyone else but your Uncle Bobby,” Uncle Mitch finishes, his voice sounds closer suddenly. When I wipe away the tears, I feel his arms snake around my body. All I can do is place my hands on his, and softly cry as he speaks. “I know it’s hard, Muffin, but you have to know that your Uncle Bobby wouldn’t want you to stop making music. He’d tell you to go for it if he heard how well the two of you work together. I think you know he’d want you to work with this cute boy.” “I never said he was cute,” I chuckle between the sniffles. “You’re crying at the dining table about a boy. If he’s not cute, I don’t know what you’re crying about.” He lets go of me and assesses me from a distance. I look up at him. “He’s cute right?” I nod my head. “I’ve taught you well.” He presses a kiss to my head and makes his way out of the kitchen. “I don’t know what to tell him when I see him again though? If I ever see him again.” “Just make sure your song is finished and show him what you’ve made of it. Then he’ll realize you’ve changed your mind.” I nod my head, taking in all the advice. “And I’m sure you’ll see him again, Muffin. You’re a catch.” He winks at me before completely disappearing out of the kitchen. “It’s creepy when you say that!” I shout after him before turning back to my food. “But it’s not when Cutie from the Music Store says it!” I hear him faintly somewhere in the house. Uncle Mitch is the best person in the entire world. I wouldn’t know what to do with him. Mom and dad wouldn’t know what to tell me in a situation like this. Dad would probably hunt Charlie down and mom would tell me I wasn’t ready for a relationship with a boy. Thank Heaven’s for Uncle Mitch. The light in the darkest dark. He’ll shine bright forever.  
Taglist: @parkeret​ @lukeys-giggle​
Lemme know if you want to be on my taglist for this story/any of my other works!
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Alastor: Unofficial Character Profile and Timeline
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Character profile
Name: Alastor (meaning Greek spirit of vengeance/tormentor)
Birth: January 24th 1896, New Orleans, Louisiana (VA Edward Bosco’s birthday is January 24, 1986)
Human name:  Alastor Roscoe Duvalier Cajun (Roscoe means deer forest and is also an old term for a handgun. Duvalier is last name of Voodoo genocidal dictator of Haiti.)
Race: Part White (French-American from his father) part Creole (Native American and African-American from his mother).
Hair color: Brown (red and black in Hell) usually short, sometimes in a small ponytail or brown ends reaching slightly past his ears
Eye color: Brown (red in Hell)
Skin color: Light brown (pale gray in Hell) thin pointed chin, lanky agile body
Clothing: brown/white nice shirts with bow ties, dress coats, hunting boots, wine colored pants, the occasional top hat with voodoo pins sticking from the top.
Items: Hunting rifle given to him by his father, sharp knives, a staff with a microphone on it decorated with small golden antlers curved near the top. (The staff became a red vintage microphone with an eye and magic powers in Hell that became part of him as per the deal he took)
Date of death: 1933
 Cause of death: Bitten by dog with rabies, experienced hallucinations, inflamed brain, strange excitement and paranoia. When he sees water, it’s nothing but alligators, leeches and the darkness of an ocean. He ran from police and into the woods at night. The police sent several police dogs after him, appearing to Alastor as werewolves. He encounters Hustle, a deer hunter, yelling in agony, almost caught by police. Hustle alerts the police to his location, saying “Target criminal’s over here!” Alastor grabs the gun from the hunter and shoots himself between the eyes. His body is mauled by the police dogs and the hunter sinks down to his knees in shock and fear.
 Demonic life: deer demon, overlord, radio host. His deer-like shadow has a mind of its own and reveals his true feelings.
 Likes: cooking, singing, dancing, electro swing, Rosie, Mimzy, Charlie (as a friend), his mother, hunting and skinning deer, being out in nature, people failing, dark coffee, the Picture Show, the Stock Market Crash of 1929, theater, liquor, dad jokes, Jambalaya, epicurean food, making voodoo dolls of the Hazbin characters
 Dislikes: being touched, strawberries, post 30’s technology, dogs, anything sweet, frowning, Vox, his father, Angel’s sexual remarks, tea, spray can foods, ketchup
 Abilities: supernatural powers, voodoo, radio broadcasting, shadow manipulation, warping space, singing, charm
 Kalfu is Alastor’s main voodoo deity, as both are destroyers and dark sorcerers.
Loretta Marie Duvalier (last name became Cajun): (named after Loretta Petit, real life American radio personality born in New Orleans. Duvalier is last name of Voodoo genocidal dictator of Haiti.)  
Speaks French. As a human, she had dark skin, thick black short hair and often wore bonnets, dresses, and on occasion, charms around her neck. She went to Heaven for her selfless actions in comforting Alastor when he was bullied and abused. She was the only source of light in his life before he snapped.
Her voodoo deity is Erzulie, the goddess of beauty, love, femininity and motherhood.
Alastor secretly cuddles with a voodoo doll of his mother every night.
Louis Francois Cajun: White man and Christian French immigrant, descendant of two French Canadians. He fell in love with Loretta, but bi-racial marriage was frowned upon, so they held it in secret. He is a skilled hunter and taught Alastor to hunt deer and game at a young age. When Alastor was younger, he told him to “beware the gators” in the nearby swamp. As Alastor grew older, he became more abusive to him, even molested him after sleeping with another woman on a Friday the 13th. He died brutally by Alastor in the 1920s/30s.
Louis became an oppressive black deer overlord but was defeated by Alastor a second time.
In Alastor’s vision, Louis is represented by Ogun, god associated with dogs, warriors, hunters, conflict. He’s symbolized by an iron knife and has fondness for pretty women and rum.
 Samuel Cajun – Grandfather
 Antoinette – Grandmother – Voodoo Priestess and Hoodoo oral practitioner
 Racheil: Alastor’s friend and love interest (though he doesn’t want sex or serious romance.) She has short blonde hair and looks similar to Charlie in dapper clothes. She, like Charlie, is nice to him and loves to dance and sing. She tries to help him become a better person but after he snapped, she broke up with him and left him to solve his own problems. She almost got stabbed b him but managed to escape with her wife Agatha (whom she had married in private).
In Alastor’s dream, she appears as Oshun, a goddess connected to beauty, sexuality, wealth, pleasure, and rivers.
Alastor later makes a voodoo doll of Racheil’s similar counterpart, Charlie along with dolls representing the other characters.
   Mimzy: Alastor’s friend and temporary love interest (Alastor liked to flirt with her but didn’t want to get intimate nor be tied down). Mimzy likes singing, jazz, desserts and doughnuts. She doesn’t like rock. Confident in her singing, she is the owner of a jazz club, both on Earth and in Hell. She is a short, chubby woman who wears pink/purple flapper dresses, a headband with pink feathers and short blonde hair. Her eyes were blue and her skin white as a human, in Hell her eyes were black with hot pink pupils.
Mimzy and Alastor sing several duets together on stage in both realms and even share a kiss much to the disgust of a jealous (human) Husk. As time went on however, Mimzy started falling head over heels for him, while Alastor wanted to stay friends. (She heard about his radio shows but didn’t suspect he was the killer until later). One night, a love crazed Mimzy (who had also had several drinks) tried to undress him and even reached for his private parts. He shoved her off and threatened to kill her if she assaulted him again. Then she realized in shock that he was the serial killer when he defended himself with a bloodstained knife. She tried to call for help, but he choked her with an insane look in his eyes.
Alastor keeps a voodoo doll of Mimzy in his lair with the straw arms missing.
 Rosie: Alastor’s friend, fellow overlord, and associate. Rosie wears dark pink dresses, and a large pink hat with skulls, pink feathers, and black flowers on it in Hell. She has black eyes and sharp teeth. She is the owner of her emporium, after Franklin got eaten by demons.
As a human, Rosie looked similar to Mary Poppins: black hair, white skin, elegant dresses and an umbrella in her hands. She owned an emporium on Earth. Alastor used to sing with her and help her out like a gentleman. However, this was before he became insane. Rosie went to Hell after forcing her employees to work long hours with hardly any breaks (It was during a time where people worked their lives away). Like in Hell, she was self-centered and didn’t hesitate to overpower others to fulfill her ends. Hence, she became an overlord due to the impact of her evil actions.
According to Vivziepop, their relationship is similar to Jack and Mary’s relationship from Mary Poppins: both Jack and Alastor help out their lady friends and are polite to them. Like Mary, Rosie is stern, sophisticated, elegant, and a perfectionist. She’s “practically perfect in every way” at least in her opinion. Both Rosie and Alastor love singing, dancing, performing, and killing people. The three of them met up with Mimzy and all sang together.
Alastor keeps a voodoo doll of Rosie in his lair.
However, Rosie, like nearly everyone in Hell, has an agenda of her own: using Alastor to further her status. In fact, she often views those around her as mere friends and servants who purpose is to make her life easy and orderly. She, along with Vox, Valentino, Katie, and Sir Pentious are listed as antagonists.
 Niffty: A small cyclops demon with a hot pink skirt and short pink hair with a yellow undertone. She is the maid for the Hazbin Hotel: she cleans the rooms, cooks meals and likes to sew, read and write. She is obsessed with men and was summoned by Alastor. She died in the 1950s as a Japanese-American woman at age 22. She is hyperactive and fast…and also a hopeless romantic who indulges in her own fantasies. Niffty isn’t afraid to use manipulation to get her way. Alastor summoned her from the fireplace but before that, he had charmed her into making a deal with him shortly after she arrived in Hell.
Alastor keeps a voodoo doll of Niffty in his lair.
 Husk: A black and white cat demon with red wings with card suits on them. He has long red eyebrows, wears a black hat and wears a large red bow tie. Husk loves drinking, gambling, cards and magic shows. As a human, Husk interacted with Alastor as a broad man with short black hair. He went off to serve in the Vietnam War, gambling and drinking his problems away. He died in the 1970s.
In Hell, Alastor summons the grumpy bad-mouthed Husk to help man the front desk of the hotel for “charity work” and transports him there. Alastor got Husk to make a deal with him by promising him booze, cigars, and drinks spiked with catnip. Husk can speak many languages and is good with children.
Alastor keeps a voodoo doll of Husk in his lair.
  Alastor’s ancestor from his father’s side: Marie LaLaurie, (1787-1849) real life New Orleans serial killer, cruel to Creole slaves
 Dr. Facilier: distant relative
 Alastor’s cousin from his mother’s side: Clementine Barnabet: (1894-1923) real life Louisiana voodoo priestess and serial killer, killed families with an axe.
 Real life Axeman of New Orleans serial killer 1918-1919
Killed women and primarily used an axe. Spared those who played jazz in their homes
 Albert Fish: serial killer, child rapist and cannibal 1924-1932 crimes, died in 1936
  Alastor "Hazbin" Roscoe Cajun/Duvalier born January 24th, 1896 (Edward Bosco's b day Jan 24th 1986) to Francois and Loretta Cajun, born at 3:00AM; Loretta gave birth in the woods on the way to the hospital (born 3 weeks early). Light brown skin, brown eyes, round glasses, short brown hair with reddish tint, pointed chin, thin agile body
1897: Age 1 Things start off normal in New Orleans, infant Alastor plays in his crib and loves the music on the radio.
1898: Age 2 Alastor meets his uncle and aunt and discovers the marvelous outside world
1899: Age 3 Alastor watches musicals on the picture show and falls in love with them. His mother makes him Jambalaya, his favorite food of comfort
1900: Age 4 Reading and preschool, Sunday church goings which Alastor finds boring
1901: Age 5 Kindergarten: Alastor is teased for his freckles and whenever his hair glows a reddish tint in the sunlight
1902: Age 6 First grade: Alastor learns reading, writing, math, and art. He hates gym and loves music and art.
1903: Age 7 Second grade: Alastor's parents get into a fight for the first time in a while; Alastor is sent to his room whenever it happens. After he comes back upset, both his parents say that frowning is weakness. Loretta says "Remember to smile, Alastor, it shows dominance and confidence. You're never fully dressed without one." He takes that lesson to heart for the rest of his life.
Vision 1: Alastor dreams he is a young red deer who performs onstage and receives a standing ovation, representing childhood innocence.
1904: Age 8 Third grade: Alastor discovers his love of theater. He finds joy in attending and watching Mardi Gras parades and the costumes. He says 'Throw me something, mista!" during the parade but the other kids got to get the prizes thrown from the parade instead.
1905: Age 9 Fourth grade: A group of boys start to bully him and even punch him badly. Alastor smiles through it all. He tells his father and mother. While his mother comforts him, his father scolds him for not fighting back.
1906: Age 10 Fifth grade: Alastor gets his brutal revenge by daring the boys to enter into a nearby swamp. One of the bullies gets eaten by a crocodile while Alastor just watches. Alastor gets nicknamed by his father and bullies as "Alastor Hazbin."
1907: Age 11 Sixth grade: Alastor goes hunting with his father and his father shows him how to hunt and skin deer and other game. He becomes skilled over time and loves the meat. He also learns how to cook from his mother...Jambalaya being his favorite to make.
1908: Age 12 Seventh grade: Alastor gets slapped by his father for not participating in sports. Other kids make fun of him for being of mixed race. Loretta begins teaching him about Voodoo and Hoodoo. Alastor connects with Kalfu the deity and learns of his heritage as part French and part Creole. His grandmother was a powerful priestess and was believed to orally pass on stories and display feats of magic. His Grandmother was born in Haiti, moved to France and then to the U.S. His Uncle, Father, and Grandfather were Canadian/French Christians. His aunt was conflict avoidant, unlike his uncle and father. Loretta tells him (though he soon doesn't listen) that Voodoo is not to be used for evil, sacrifices, nor cannibalism and to only resort to cannibalism for survival.
1909: Age 13 Eighth grade: Alastor's father yells at him for not showing interest in girls. One fateful night, his father sleeps with another woman and Alastor notices. A helpless Loretta watches as Francois whips, humiliates and molests him in his room, warning him not to tell or "he'd kill (them) both." Loretta comforts him with hugs and Jambalaya. As he eats, Alastor imagines eating off his father's fingers.
Alastor is diagnosed with anxiety, narcissism and psychopathic tendencies. He is bullied in middle school and is not interested in sex and girls like the other boys. He finds it gross and pointless.
Loretta's Jambalaya nearly kills her when a drunk Loretta (too much Scottish Comfort) puts gunpowder and wasabi into it. Alastor's father makes him memorize Bible passages.
1910: Age 14 Ninth grade: Many girls both in school and outside fall in love, but Alastor isn't interested. A Satanic Ritual book appears after it was dropped by accident by imps. He looks through it with great interest and makes a deal with dark Loas: gain near unlimited power in the afterlife in exchange for his soul and the soul of a loved one.
1911: Age 15 Tenth grade: High school was a nightmare. The bullying was worse and Alastor became more and more withdrawn. During this time, Alastor becomes interested in being a radio host and also reads books on weapons and cannibalism.
Vision 2: Alastor dreams he is a red buck, who runs from hunters representing the elite white people. He evades a crocodile, resembling his father and his mother appears as the Voodoo goddess of beauty and motherhood.
1912: Age 16 Eleventh grade: Alastor applies to be an apprentice for a local radio station several times, but doesn't get in. His father and uncle berate him everyday and his mother is busy at secretary work, and Voodoo rituals every month.
1913: Age 17 Grade 12 Alastor graduates and applies again. He starts at the bottom, but rapidly moves his way up. He starts by telling dad jokes, then wants to talk about murder and crimes "far more interesting than the weather and social events."
1914: Age 18 After experiencing harsh critiques from mainstream stations, Alastor is fired. However, he soon decides to pursue his goals on his own. His makes radios from scratch and starts his own shows, with a few private listeners at first.
World War One begins! Alastor uses this opportunity to broadcast on a private station news of deaths in the war in graphic detail. More people start listening and his soon starts making money. Alastor makes his first kill when a man assaulted him and beat him up for him being "Black and outspoken." He was able to get away and he wondered what it'd be like to do it again on the ignorant folks.
1915: Age 19 Alastor promotes war efforts through announcements and songs, including his ending song "You're Never Fully Dressed." However, he still describes brutal murders for the sinister folks.
1916: Age 20 Alastor meets Husk and Mimzy at a jazz bar and club for the first time. He dances and sings with Mimzy, loving her confidence and sexy looks. (Though he doesn't like to be touched by anyone other than his mother, due to fatherly past trauma).
1917: Age 21 Alastor meets Racheil (alternate form of Charlie) and they become fast friends. He learns of the Axeman, a fellow serial killer and learns to be careful.
1918: Age 22 Spanish Flu Pandemic occurs! Sadly, Alastor's mother becomes gravely ill and passes away. Alastor smiles even as he cries. Alastor's father doesn't seem to care. Alastor gets raped again and his father abandons him. Alastor's mother goes to Heaven and Alastor, not knowing what else to do, eats her remains.
1919: Age 23 Alastor becomes depressed (and even suicidal for a while). He doesn't eat much. Alastor eventually snaps and begins his life as a serial killer. After his mother’s death, Alastor lost his remaining traits of humanity…succumbing to his demonic nature. At that point, he didn’t care who he ate and/or killed…it was the last think he could do to keep himself sane along with drinking liquor, coffee, sewing voodoo dolls, and broadcasting the murders by himself.
1920: Age 24 Roaring Twenties and Jazz Age. Alastor becomes known (though no one suspected it was him) by several names "Bayou Butcher," "Deer Devil" "Louisiana Lunatic" among others. Alastor revels in his fame and becomes richer and more materialistic. He buys himself suits, and a cane with deer antlers on it. One of his disturbing hobbies was using his gentleman charm to lure women into his home where he would lie them in the basement and kill them while broadcasting their screams.
Alastor plays in a jazz band and enjoys watching musicians play while smoking and drinking liquor. He often cries in private and makes straw dolls. He drinks dark coffee every morning.
1921: Age 25 Mimzy falls in love with Alastor and touches him inappropriately. He threatens her with a knife and she discovers he's the serial killer. She rushes to call for help but Alastor takes her into an alleyway and stabs and chokes her to death. Feeling slight remorse, he takes her home for his meal.
1922: Age 26 Racheil breaks up with him after being concerned about his sanity. Worried he might be caught, Alastor lays low for a while before starting up again. After Alastor's father comes back, he decides to get his revenge. He ties him to a tree and tortures him during the night. The predator becomes the prey. Alastor tracks him down to a local bar. (Although he usually doesn’t stalk or chase his victims as it breaks his moral code, but his dad is an exception. Also following others/sneaking toward them are often required to kill others.) His father had been secretly afraid that Alastor would be stronger and would want to kill him, thus proving his son more dominant than himself. He had weapons ready, but Alastor had set up several traps in advance. Though Alastor was physically weaker than his father, he was very clever. He had packed a backpack of all his weapons, rope and essential tools. His father says “You and your heathen mother deserve to die” only for Alastor to respond, “Nobody talks about my mama that way.” Seeing his father knocked out, Alastor raises his knife to kill him but stops. That would merely be too easy. He supports him by the shoulders, pretending to be concerned for him as onlookers watched in shock, “It’s okay sir, you just fainted from the heat. Let’s go for a walk in the woods.” He takes him deep in the forest and chuckles darkly.
Alastor knocks him out and ties him to a tree in a forest, waiting until he wakes up. He starts (smiling the whole time) by slicing off his father’s dick among his father’s cussing (“when you screwed me once”), inserting a hot knife inside his father’s privates (“when you screwed me again”) then slicing off his ears (“this is for all the times when you wouldn’t listen to me”), shoving his own severed penis down his throat (“When you shoved your macho beliefs down my throat”) he whips him, then slowly cuts deep down his chest with a chainsaw, organs revealed (“this is for mama”) and finally shots him in the heart (“and this is for me, you heartless bastard.”) He eats his father’s flesh over jambalaya and it’s the best meal he’s ever had.
 1923: Age 27 He kills his victims in various ways: some hanging from trees with their organs spilled out, some buttered and eaten, others buried alive, some people shot and stabbed when he doesn’t feel like dragging it out. He’ll often poison other’s food/drinks and watch their reactions with a grin on his face. He enjoys tricking others into corners/tight spots so he doesn’t have to run after them. He’s found of pranks, especially deadly ones done on others. He saves brutal killings for racist men and women and those who think ill of him and his show. He becomes known as the “Deer Devil Dealer of New Orleans.” He only started killing people and animals at random after his mother died and he lost his mind.
1924: Age 28 Vision 3: : He has nightmares about a demonic skeletal deer covered with maggots and sores with chunks of meat over bone and one eye hanging loose running after him. He finds himself in a dark snowy forest, a fierce biting wind. After it seemed like he had been defeated by the monster, Alastor looks into a puddle and sees another, far worse monster, a demonic wendigo reflection staring back at him…Alastor sees a horned face and malnourished skeletal body, ripped red pinstriped dress coat, four clawed hands, red and black hair and red eyes, sharp teeth, large black antlers…the wendigo form resembling his current demonic form in Hell. After killing the alligator representing his father, the wendigo Alastor look-alike shadow appears and says “This is who you really are,” before Alastor wakes up.
1925: Age 29
1926: Age 30
1927: Age 31
1928: Age 32
1929: Age 33 Alastor enjoys the Stock Market Crash and uses the opportunity to enjoy watching orphans suffer. It helps remind him that he's far better off than many, besides the fact that kids were annoying to him. Alastor makes an "Axeman letter:"
 "Hell, 1929 Stock Market Crash Esteemed Mortal of New Orleans: The Deer Devil/Bayous Butcher/Louisiana Lunatic/Hazbin of Hell
They have never caught me and they never will. They have never seen me, for I am invisible, even as the sound waves that surround your earth. I am not a human being, but a demon and overlord from the hottest hell. I am what you Orleanians call the Deer Devil. Down here, I’m the inevitable Radio Demon.
When I see fit, I shall appear and claim other victims as I see fit. I alone know whom they shall be. No clues will be left behind, save for what you might hear on the next broadcast. Tell the police and the racist, elite scum of the world to beware. Let them try not to discover who I am, for it’d be better for them not to have been born than to incur the wrath of the Deer Devil. You’ll have a deer in the headlights look and won’t have any idea what hit you until after it’s too late. Undoubtedly, you Orleanians think of me as a monster and murderer. But if I wanted to hurt anyone else here, I would have done so already. If I wished, I could pay a visit to your city every night. I could kill every one of your best and worst citizens, for I am in a close relationship with the Shadows of the Other Side. At 6:06 pm next Friday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans and then visit those in Hell. I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is: I am very fond of jazz music, electro swing, and jambalaya. I swear by all the Loas and deities that I will spare those who can provide me with some great entertainment when I visit. Word of warning, I can read you people like a book, and see into your very souls. Anyone foolish enough to challenge me will have their corpses consumed and their screams muffled by the lovely sound of jazz bands jamming the night away. I have been, am, and will be, the worst spirit that ever existed in fact, fantasy, or realm of Hazbins. Smile and stay tuned! ~Deer Devil (Alastor)"
 1930: Age 34 Great Depression occurs!
The event hits Alastor and many others hard...he runs low on food so he eats others and hunts more and more to survive. Now Alastor kills at random instead of focusing on the racist mean people.
1931: Age 35
1932: Age 36
1933: Age 37 Alastor's Death
The police eventually track Alastor down with the help of Racheil and Chasseur, a fellow deer hunter whose daughter had been killed by Alastor. Not too long before the police discover where he is, Alastor gets bitten by a rabies infested dog. For the next several hours, Alastor experiences hallucinations, paranoia, brain inflammation and a fear of water. In water, all he sees is leeches and alligators. In his hallucinations, he is being watched by a wendigo. The police chase Alastor though the dark woods, police dogs hot on the trail. A local deer hunter, Hustle, joins in on the chase. Alastor navigates the woods, trying to find a place to hide. The hunter accidentally shoots him in the back as he ran, thinking Alastor was a deer.
Alastor experiences extreme agony when the deer hunter spots him, pointing a rifle at him. The hunter announces his location to the police. Seeing no other way out other than pain and imprisonment, Alastor takes the gun from the hunter and shoots himself between his eyes. The police dogs maul his dead body and the hunter sinks to his knees in shock and terror. Strangely enough, Alastor dies with a creepy smile on his face, the mark of Kalfu appearing behind his cold neck, unnoticed by anyone.
1933: After death: Alastor's old body falls away as the deal with the Loas takes fruit. The shadows give him his immense powers in the shadow world and he transforms into his demon form in Hell. He gets his microphone staff, which enables him to broadcast his murders and victories. He is known as the Radio Demon. He conquers several areas of Hell, eventually getting the attention of the overlords who know to stay wary of him.
Alastor befriends Mimzy and overlord Rosie and they sing, dance, talk and murder other demons for fun. Alastor treats them both with respect and knows not to piss off Rosie as she's stern, violent, and "practically perfect in every way."
Every year when the Exterminators appear, Alastor broadcasts the chaos during the 24 hour period, and will go out and kill the angels too.
1950s: Alastor makes a deal with Niffty who becomes obsessed with him and men. She becomes his servant/slave/associate and cooks and cleans for him.
1970s: Alastor makes a deal with Husk and Husk becomes his servant/slave/associate after Alastor promised him a better life with money and booze and the promise of " finding love."
2019: Alastor sees Charlie on TV and decides to help her with the hotel (for his own enjoyment, of course.) He dances and befriends Charlie, forming plans to use her to dig deeper into the royal family and eventually take the throne and rule Hell. He hopes that with a shadow army and more possessed members, he can invade Hell, Heaven and even Earth to spread his chaos. He defeats Sir Pentious and changes the name to Hazbin Hotel, his formerly mocking nickname he embraced.
Future: Alastor helps Charlie and the others protect the hotel from Sir Pentious, Vox, Valentino, Velvet and other villains.
  Other non canon versions of Alastor:
Stalaros (commonly known as 2p Alastor). Alastor with opposite colors and personality: he wears white and blue and cries a lot. He is one of the clients at the Haven Hotel run by Caoline Egnam, Heaven's princess. Stalaros is gay and horny like Angel Dust.
Lavender/Purple Alastor: Peaceful and confident, an OC made by fans.
 Radiodust Alastor: An Alastor that loves Angel Dust. Popular with fans.
Charlastor Alastor: An Alastor that loves Charlie romantically. Popular with fans.
Redeemed Alastor: Appears as a man with a deer head and human-like traits in Heaven. In this universe, he reunites with his mother.
FHE (“For His Entertainment”) Alastor: Alastor in his truly evil form: he takes over all of Hell and possesses the demons. His shadow can turn into a monster wendigo. This Alastor has a hole between his eyes from a bullet wound, and antlers stained with blood.
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finleyjayne · 4 years
Break a Leg Chapter 3: Take Two
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A/N: Thank you for waiting so long for this chapter. There were so many choices that had to be made as to where I wanted to take this. I decided (with the help of my best friend who is so done with this story that it’s not even funny) that this was the most honest option. Let me know what you think! Also all songs referenced are linked via their names/first reference if unnamed.
Series Summary: After your accident, everything in your life changed. Your shared dream of being on Broadway with your best friend, Amanda, was over. But just because YOU don’t think you want the same things in life doesn’t mean that your friend won’t see through you. Taking matters into her own hands, you end up at an audition you’re sure that you’ll fail since SHIELD Theater Company is known the world over for typecasting. And you don’t fit any of your typical actress types. Little do you know that the company’s new writer - nihilistic, pessimistic, and resident drunk; Bucky Barnes- is looking for someone out of their normal choices.
Series Warnings: Guys, this is based on my own experiences within the Acting community after gaining weight and height after an accident. There will be fat-shaming, mentions of eating disorders, unhealthy expectations, unhealthy coping mechanisms, also like bias based on looks.
Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter | Masterlist
Warnings for this chapter include but are not limited to: Swearing, Angst, eating disorder (if you squint), unrealistic audition process (because I can), PTSD dreams, Anxiety attack, Hurt/Comfort, dance injury descriptions, Amanda almost getting her face punched.
Word Count: 2,336
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The familiar feel of gathered tulle whispered around your legs as you float across the stage. Your feet burn with the tiny movements that pushed you across the stage. The choreography was new, but you already knew it by heart. After all, you have been dreaming of playing this role ever since you had seen the show all those years ago. The steps sped, and as you approached the leap of faith, That leap would pull on the fly lines. You knew something was wrong. There was the slightest of whirrs from the top left pulley, pulling you up short.
"Why did you stop? You have the fly lines on, It's step, turn, turn, and leap." Your director yelled from the darkened house.
"There is something wrong with the left pulley." You say back. "It's making a funny noise."
"That's just the way of pulleys, Y/N. Let's run it from the top of the number, this time with the fly."
"I really don't think so," you mutter as you take your place in the side wings. Amanda meets you there. She hands you a water bottle, which you sip from as the interlude plays.
"You can do it. Trust yourself, Y/N."
"I trust myself just fine. The person I don't trust is the rigging guy who is currently snogging his girlfriend instead of paying attention to his job."
"It's going to be fine, Y/N." She says, rolling her eyes and pushing you towards the stage for your cue.
As the dance progresses, you stop focusing on the steps and just feel the movement. You really were the fairy: light, agile, and completely ethereal. You take the two turns perfectly and leap off the stage and into the audience. You feel yourself relax as you swing above the seats, being lifted higher until you were suspended in the center of the stage. You continued to dance, then something went wrong, there was a hard yank from that left pulley. It unbalanced you, pulling taut as the secondary line went slack. As more of your weight was given to it, a loud grinding and a high-pitched ping echoed over the sounds of the music as you fell to the stage floor. Before anyone can do anything, you fall.
Your jolt out of your sleep suddenly, an invisible weight pressing on your chest. Your heartbeat is blaring in your ears as you fight to breathe. Shivers raking up and down your body. Unable to move even the tips of your fingers as tears blur your perception of your dim room. After what seems to be hours of laying there suffocating, your breathing turns into sobs. You are finally able to move, though, as you roll onto your side, trying to curl into the fetal position, a scream echos into the silence. Your busted up leg sends phantom pains through you, cramping and pulling with unnatural tension. It was a charlie horse from hell, and you rationally knew that most of it was fake.
Amanda runs in a few seconds later with a pink aluminum baseball bat, looking around for the disturbance, when she finds none she turns to you. "Y/N, what is it?"
You just stared at her, unable to move as phantom pain shot up and down your leg. Memories of blood and bone hide behind your eyelids, torturing you with every blink.
She stares at you for a few minutes before slowly setting the bat down. and coming to hold you. "It was the dream again, wasn't it." She cradles your head, maneuvering you as carefully as she can into her arms. "Hush now, it's okay. We are here, that is the past. You don't ever have to fly again. Rehearsals will all be on the ground for your new show. All you have to do is a little choralography. It will be fine. You won't get hurt."
Her reassuring calm, paired with her arms stroking up and down your back, are a balm to your terrified mind. Your sobs ebb. Taking a few deep breaths, you sit yourself up, pulling away from her, immediately feeling guilty for waking her this early. "thank you, 'Manda. It really means a lot."
"It's the least I can do when my best friend is struggling. Now, why don't you take a nice hot shower? I'll get breakfast started, and then we can head over to Rijah's before your audition today."
"Sure," you say noncommittally, you didn't really feel like eating, but you knew it would make her feel better to see you fed before she sends you to the sharks again. "Would you like to play live-action barbie today? I mean, you did say that today's audition would be special," you ask her on her way to the kitchen.
"I think you should wear that cute new swing dress—the one with the pink halter and the black skirt. Go light on the make-up. Doe eyes," she called from the kitchen.
"Okay. Are we going to be meeting with our agent today or is this another one of those, he gave you a list and expects us both to be there sort of deal?" You ask, wincing as you try to distract yourself from the pain as you rub the cramps out of your leg.
"Well, it's kinda just one audition today. I know you don't want to go back, but I was promised by Steve that if you show up, they will listen to you--"
At that, you were up and in the kitchen. Staring your friend down in your scanty sleepwear. "Please don't tell me that I'm auditioning for Stark's Theater again. I mean, he already kicked me to the curb once. What makes you think that he won't show up just to kick me out again?" You sneer, half-naked, and ready to punch her in her too pretty face.
"It's not Stark's theater troupe anymore, he has taken a back seat this year, leaving Miss Potts to handle more of it while he moves into the movie industry. You will be fine. Like I said, Steve has been nagging me all year for your contact details so he could offer you a personal invitation. I told him that you would go if you wanted. I mean, I'm still going to make you go with me to the building. Remember, you promised that after last year, you wouldn't pass up a chance to sing for anyone. Not anymore. Especially with your boss being as chill as he is."
The fight drains from your shoulders as she uses your own words against you. You are still annoyed that she is taking you to an audition for SHIELD, again, though. Stomping back to your bathroom, you slam the door. "Why do my friends always take me at my word?" you ask yourself as you hang your head over the sink basin. Taking a few more deep breaths, you push down your new-formed audition anxiety.
Fixing yourself up and packing a set of exercise clothes for your rehearsal later, as well as your repertoire binder, resume, and pair of ballet slippers. It hadn't taken long to get into something after reapplying yourself. Even though the show you were in at the moment was a two-day ballet in the park for little kids. But it was something, and it paid enough to put it on your resume.
You hurried in the shower, letting the steam take away more of the tension from your body as you scrubbed yourself. As the water starts running clear of bubbles, you close your eyes, envisioning an alternative ending to your dream. In your new version, Bucky, your unconventional knight in shining army, that handsome man who had come to your rescue all those months ago, comes and catches you before you are flown too high. He takes your hand, pulling you close, his breath whispering across your face as his blue-grey eyes stare into yours. He leans forward, your lips part… Amanda is shouting from the other side of the door that breakfast was ready before you finished the thought.
With a different kind of sigh, you pull yourself out of the cooling water, and back into real life.
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Amanda and Elijah have once again outdone themselves with their song choice for you. You couldn't help but laugh as they put their top three options in front of you, Better from Little Women, If You Knew My Story from Bright Star, and I'm a Star from Smash.
"So what's the cut time Amanda?" you ask, paging through the three songs.
"They want the whole thing." Amanda and Elijah said in unison. Amanda looking at you with barely withheld excitement, and 'Rijah with his usual sophomanic way.
"They want the whole song? or they want all the different cuts prepared so they can choose?" You couldn't believe that they would want a whole three-minute song. That just seems overboard.
"The whole song. Steve asked for it personally. " She said, smiling, "This is going to be it, Y/N! This is going to be it! We are finally going to be in an acting company together! I can feel it! Now sing the songs. Let's see which one will fit best!"
Your heart beats fast in your chest. The whole song, they wanted the entire song. No one wants the complete song. Sometimes they don't even want the entire song at a callback. You couldn't help but stare openmouthed at your best friend. What exactly was going on today? You hadn't felt this many emotions in a single day since last year.
Before you can really contemplate which god had decided to smile in your direction, Elijah starts playing the introduction for the first few bars of Bright Star. Even then, Elijah has to repeat the intro twice before Amanda finally pinched you back into the moment. Immediately you jumped into it. Hazily stumbling through the first two measures before Elijah stopped playing.
He looked at you, annoyed. "Y/N, if you ain't gunna sing, don't pretend like it."
You shook yourself at the reprimand. "I'm sorry. If I get to sing a whole song, can we do something else? Better is an excellent power song, but it is very repetitive. I wanna give them a show. Something that will wow them. But I don't want to give off the vibe that I am still butt-hurt over last year. I want to show them I can take the initiative and work hard."
Elijah smirked, "Okay, what about weekly volcano press? It has some of the same stuff, and kinda rounds out what she did to improve. Also, you can play with all of your different character voices."
You give him a funny look, "What do you mean? And isn't that song like 8 minutes long?"
"You know what I mean. Don't act like I haven't been paying attention to you over the last three years! You sing with different timbres and weights for each character when you are helping Amanda with her practice. Sometimes I feel like I need to check and make sure you aren't switching out your vocal cords for every character."
"Elijah is right! Here! Sheetmusic! She places her tablet on the piano. And it can be a test on Steve's word. If they don't stop you, you know for sure that Steve will keep his words as a director."
You tilt your head back and forth, deliberating, "I don't really want to be petty Amanda."
"Y/N, when in all the years I have known you have you ever chosen not to be petty?" Amanda says, arms crossed over her chest, hip cocked.
"To you never, to everybody else, I try to be considerate more than petty," you meeting her attitude with sincerity.
"Suuure." Elijah and Amanda share an eyeroll.
"Whatever. If you really think that this song would be best, then I will take your advice. However, with my track record, it will end up blowing up in my face," you resign with a sigh looking over Elijah's shoulder as you scan through the score.
"Don't give me that Bullshit, Y/N/N. You will do fine. It's not like I haven't watched you play around with this song. You could probably do it in your sleep." Amanda gave you one of her signature I-know-you-know-you-can-do-this looks. Taking her phone out and pointing it at you. "Now, sing the damn song!"
With a sigh, you straighten back up. You knew they wouldn't let it go. "Fine, but if this becomes a repeat of last year. I will reevaluate our friendship status. Lead the way, Elijah."
Amanda hadn't been lying when she said that you had the song on lock. You breezed through the voice changes. Flipping octaves, effortlessly changing registers, and adapting tonalities. By the time the seven minutes were over, you were slightly winded. Your chest heaved lightly as you were filled with that after-performance high. You knew there were a few places that you hiccupped, but you had a good thirty minutes, and they were easy fixes.
Looking up at your small audience, you should have expected the smug smiles that spread on their faces. Amanda gave you a smirk. "Is there something you would like to tell me?"
"I don't want to tell you shit. But you were right. It is a fun song." You turn to an equally smug Elijah, "can we go over the troll verse again? I messed up the lyrics. And then I'd like to drill the last part where Clarisa comes back to face Braxton. Those quick transitions are a bit different than the Sutton Foster recording, and I don't want to be psyched out either way."
"Whatever I can do to help you," Elijah says, turning back to the piano.
"I'll go print the music for your rep binder." Amanda practically squealed, running out of the room, phone in hand.
You shake your head, refocusing on all of the things you needed to refine before this would work.
|Next Chapter|
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Tag List: @cavillanche @buckys-broody-muffin @tossacoin2yourwitcher​ @star-spangled-beard-burn​
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nastolgichoney · 4 years
Griefer Myths Au
Griefer Myths is an AU @z0mbie-doodlez and I created. This is a little post will explain the plot. What Youtubers are included will be in a different post (Note: some of these characters may have head cannon names because the animation series they are from don’t give them names). Everything given here will be as basic as I could get it. Details on relationships and more in depths look into people’s lives will be later provided (questions appreciated). (Keep your seat belts on because this is strikingly long i am sO SORRY-)
The Basic Plot
Quick considerations: This AU was built off of the original animation series Griefer Legends by FrediSaalAnimations on Youtube so there are some clear similarities from that series to this AU. All Youtubers in this AU are based off of their Minecraft skins and characters, not them in real life (sounds silly to say, but it should mentioned). Not to spoil anything, but this AU takes a dark twist in the end. If you do not handle death well or topics such as manipulation, you’ve been warned (although I did try to be as toned down with it as I could).
GENERATION ONE: A kid named Herobrine grew up a fairly boring life as one’s supernatural being life can go. He had a brother named Notch. When Hero turned 17, he thought the world could need some spice and came up with the idea of Griefers. Griefing was still a thing that happened before this, but those who did grief didn’t have any special title. They were just criminals (which Griefers technically were criminals: the different name gives it a bit of finesse). Hero goes out one night and began finding a few kids to become the first official Griefers (this is over a series of nights). Notch was with him the whole way until now. The two made special swords together which are very similar besides the colors. (These swords could also shrink to necklaces and pop back to normal size by a hand’s touch. This became a signature to Griefers.) He didn’t like the idea of convincing children into this, but he very much liked the power and control he was able to have as a Griefer. He left Hero and parted his way to find his own world to be powerful in. The first official Griefers were to be known as: Ant, Sorce, ASF, Bajan, Dee, and 40. Being supernatural, his glowing white eyes easily attracted these preteens/teens and so eventually they take on the griefing lifestyle under Hero’s teachings. (Note: not all Griefers were coerced by Hero. There were many who grew up and just as destiny became Griefers as the term started to spread around and become popular). Griefers were more hostile, varied, and dangerous than criminals. They’d attack fast and almost immediately hit the targeted area with chaos and fire. They disappeared as quickly as they appeared. They were raccoons excited by the sound of danger. This was until Griefer Hunters started to rise by the lead of Latez and his friend Vox. Hunters rose two years after Griefers and Latez was 16 when he first began. Because of the rise of Hunters, many Griefers became more careful. A Griefer by the name of Finn began building a village called Red Stone Valley in the woods. It was a safe place for Griefers. In that area Griefers continued to strive; however anywhere outside Red Stone Valley Griefers slowly began to die off. Whether they were literally killed or they simply stopped griefing because they did not want to be a part of it anymore. Many Griefers dropped their nicknames and started using their real names again. Hero eventually had a son named Adam. The mother was quickly unnamed as she left a year later. Taylor, formally known as Ant, gifted Adam an amulet like his own. The amulet hid their weapon inside. Notch also had a son named Charlie and later adopted a child named Mikey. It seemed that the Griefers were already toning down within a span of 10 years. Red Stone Valley still strived, however. The village Taylor and Hero settled in was called Golden Heights.
GENERATION TWO: Notch takes his two sons, Charlie and Mikey, with him into the nether where he began building the world he wanted as a teenager. Even though Charlie was his biological son, he favored Mikey much more. Both sons worked for their father but Charlie was always on a thin thread. One day, Charlie accidentally dropped a piece of machinery and broke it. Notch had enough. Later that day Charlie ran to Mikey in bruises and begged Mikey to leave and escape with him. Mikey found it hard to say no because of Charlie’s frantic and terrified tone. Upon jumping out of the nether the two boys almost immediately face Finn. Charlie now immediately began to go by Einshine; Shine for short. Finn takes both of them under his wings and to his village which was still striving and alive. Finn trained the two boys to be Griefers. Shine told Finn about Notch and where he came from and Finn decided that Notch was a threat. Finn banded a team together including Shine and Mikey to attack Notch and once they thought he was dead they left back home. One day Mikey wanted to leave the village to the real world. After some convincing, Shine followed him. Eventually the two brothers separated paths and Shine found himself next to Hero. Hero invited Shine in gladly. Thus, Adam and Shine also grew up together until they turned into teenagers. Shine went out on his own one day to grief on his own (this was a very common thing) and on his way he crossed paths with Mikey again. Shine did not go back home that day because he wanted to catch up and be with Mikey. The next day, Hero gets the idea that he isn’t safe anymore. He felt watched and unsafe. Hero visits Taylor and asks him to take care of Adam for him. Taylor and Hero have stayed closed friends even after Taylor left the Griefer life behind; it was no question that Taylor said yes. That night Hero left Golden Heights and the next morning marked the day of Hero’s death by the sword of Latez. Taylor took care of Adam well through his teenager years and even trained Adam basic defense from when he was a Griefer. Adam met a boy named Jason. Jason’s father was a Griefer hunter and Jason then became an ally of Adam and Taylor. He kept them protected the best he could. When Shine tried to come back with Mikey, he saw that Hero was gone. He decided to move on with Mikey and go back to the habits he had before he met Hero. A few months later, Shine ran into a boy named Fredi. With some convincing and arguing against Mikey, Shine managed to let Fredi become a part of their group. Fredi and Shine slowly formed a romantic relationship to which fueled a spark of jealousy in Mikey. A few years later when Adam is still in Taylor’s care, Taylor’s friend Jordan is killed. Jordan was not a Griefer, he was an ally, and his death came as a warning to Taylor. This is when Taylor realized that he had to tell Adam about his father and that they were Griefers. Shine, Fredi, and Mikey revisited Golden Heights to thieve. While the three boys were roaming through trails in the village or the outskirts, Adam caught a glimpse of Shine’s outline. Adam had found Shine again and needless to say they were both excited. Adam was introduced to Mikey and Fredi. Shine wanted to go back to Red Stone Valley (he may not have wanted to admit it- but he missed that place) and asked Adam to come with him. Adam could’ve just left at that moment, but he went back to Taylor anyway and asked him to come along. Taylor would’ve said no but looking to the recent death of Hero and Jordan he took the chance. Jason gave Adam a bracelet before he left so Adam wouldn’t forget him. Taylor told Adam to possess the nickname Sky to keep the tradition Hero started.         Mikey, Shine, Fredi, Taylor, and Adam made their way to Red Stone Valley where they saw Finn for the first time or again. This is where they stay for the rest of their life. When they were back, it was realized by Shine and Mikey that Notch was not dead. Along with Fredi, they went back to the Nether to find him. They killed Notch but it costed Fredi’s right arm. Besides Mikey, they were terribly injured. Fredi used to wear a bracelet on both wrists but after losing his arm he gave Shine the other bracelet. Mikey dragged them back to Red Stone Valley and built Fredi a robotic arm. A year later, Vox has enough of Latez’s hunting and separates himself from Latez. He finds himself at Red Stone Valley and after he was stopped and interrogated (It happens to every newcomer- it’s to keep to village as safe as possible for Griefers) he was let in. The next couple of years Taylor and Finn developed a romantic relationship. One day started as any other until a building was struck and exploded into debris inside Red Stone Valley. This started a brief one day battle of Griefers and Hunters inside the village. There were no winners; both sides lost many casualties and eventually the Hunters simply left. Vox left with Latez, too. As Taylor walked through a plane of deceased Griefers and Hunters he found Finn’s corpse. Shine and Mikey broke out into argument the night of Finn’s death because Mikey proposed that he should become the next leader in a very disrespectful way. The next day Mikey catches Shine weeping to Fredi for support and the jealous in him grew. That same night Adam thought back to Jason and had a hunch; a very stupid hunch. He wanted to leave and find Jason again. After having an intense argument with Taylor that ended in tears, Adam stormed out the village. About a week later Mikey killed Fredi and cleaned up his tracks spectacularly. Mikey went to Shine and convinced him that Fredi left and gave Shine the golden hoe necklace that Fredi had. No one knew what really happened to Fredi and Shine wore both his bracelets now. Taylor eventually became the official leader. Because of Fredi’s death, Shine became emotionally weak and started to follow Mikey and become manipulated by him. Shine lost motivation to grief and became so unlike himself Mikey began calling him Charlie again. Taylor noticed this and tried to talk to Mikey about this, but Mikey lashed and punched Taylor, telling Taylor that he will be above him one day. During all this, Adam was still making his way to Jason. The first night he was out, he was caught by Latez and trapped. If it wasn’t for Vox jumping in and saving Adam, Adam would be dead. Latez wore Hero’s necklace and when Latez left Adam couldn’t help but mention how that necklace was his fathers. Vox now knows Adam is Hero’s son. Adam ran away from Vox. Golden Heights became a village of Hunters but after a few complications Adam found Jason and they left together. Adam and Jason made it to Red Stone Valley and the fact that Vox knew Adam’s identity didn’t cross his mind. A few weeks later Adam got lured away to the outskirts of the village to where he encountered Vox again. This time Vox wasn’t an ally to him and returned to Latez’s side once again. Vox made Adam confess that he was Hero’s son;but what Adam didn’t know what that even if he didn’t confess he would still be met with the same outcome: death. Latez left Adam’s amulet and bracelet at the gates for Taylor. Taylor let Jason keep the amulet and bracelet. Upon seeing that Adam’s death didn’t weaken Taylor’s stance as leader, Mikey decided that he had to become leader himself. One night he attempted to kill Taylor, but with Taylor’s Griefer background, Taylor’s heightened hearing helped him hear Mikey behind him. Before Mikey could swing his sword down, Taylor immediately stopped him. Enraged with this ridiculous stunt along with everything else happening with Shine, Taylor unhesitatingly banished Mikey from Red Stone Valley. Mikey tried to shout at Shine to come with him, but Taylor held Shine’s hand. After Mikey left, Taylor and Shine spent the next few years rebuilding each other. Taylor taught Shine how to do his work and Shine became his apprentice in teaching. This was when it was becoming more obvious that Taylor was seriously aging. Some days Taylor would wake up and be unable to push himself out of bed until 30 minutes to an hour later or some days Taylor would use his sword as something to lean on and/or help him walk. Shine and Taylor grew very close at this time and Shine even regained the motivation to go out and grief again (this time in groups for safety). Mikey had met Latez and since then began working with him. During this time, Jason had slowly separated himself from the village and went on his own again. After those few years, Shine went out to grief with a group of four. He began straying away from the group as it was a usual thing for him to do, but that day wasn’t the same as everyday. Shine almost immediately was surrounded by the infamous three men: Latez, Vox, and Mikey. Shine tried to run but they managed to drag him to a more secluded place. Latez gave Shine a very long, agonizing, and gruesome death. Vox and Mikey looked away the whole time. Latez left Shine’s body at the gates of Red Stone Valley. Taylor couldn’t recognize that it was Shine at first until he saw the bracelets on both his wrists. Taylor was absolutely devastated; but as a leader, he continued to push himself on. He was now under constant stress and sadness. Mikey kept Shine’s necklaces: a golden hoe and a golden shovel. A few weeks later, Latez was suddenly annoyed by Mikey and took the extreme decision to kill him. This is what finally ticked Vox over and he lashed out against Latez. A difficult fight, but Vox won and Latez had died. Vox took the necklaces: Herobrine’s sword, a golden hoe, a golden shovel, and Notch and Mikey’s sword. Vox burned Notch and Mikey’s sword. Vox returned to the village and as he was held by the blades of many Griefers, he put the three necklaces into the hands of Taylor and left in silence. The next year was difficult for Taylor. He pushed himself to his limit and it sadly didn’t end in his favor. He collapsed one fateful day as his heart failed on him. He was given a grave with all four necklaces: The golden hoe, golden shovel, Herobrine’s sword, and Taylor’s amulet. As years passed, the forest began to regrow and reforested over the village as the villagers began to split and go their own ways.          Vox revisited the village only a few days after it was deemed abandoned. His guilt that was tied to Red Stone Valley had him want to stay there for two years. Jason visited again too while Vox was still there. Vox told Jason to leave Adam’s amulet with the others and he did. Jason only stayed partially a day. Vox tried to tell others his story about the Griefers, Red Stone Valley, and Herobrine. No one believed him. Griefers and Hunters that lived to that day did not want to expose themselves or look back to their past to back him up. His stories were myths.
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sorenmarie87 · 6 years
A Halloween to remember.
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Summary: You are force by your roommate to invite people to a Halloween party she’s throwing.  When the two people you like show up together, your roommate comes up with an idea - bring a date and make them jealous.  Is this going to work?  
Square Filled: fake dating (SPN Kink Bingo) Pairing(s): Dean x Reader x Charlie, Cas x Meg, Sam x Eileen, Crowley x Reader Word Count: 2,631
Warning: Mentions of past Destiel, Sexual situations.  Show references.
A/N: Written for @spnkinkbingo.  
I wanna thank everyone who helped me out with this fic in particular, you’re all amazing.  I wanna give a huge shout out to @fictionalabyss - she looked this over for me.  This is the first time I’ve written a fic this way, so let me know what you think.  Also this is the first time I’ve attempted writing Meg, so be gentle.  
I do not own the pictures in my story aesthetic - I found them on pinterest.   
Forever Tags - @lovetusk​ @coffee-obsessed-writer​ @mirajanefairytailmage​ @srj1990​@aquivercactus ​@kazosa​ @soythedemonqueen​ @docharleythegeekqueen @holyfuckloueh @ellen-reincarnated1967  @buckyscrystalqueen
SPN Tags - @clockworkmorningglory @underestimatemethatwillbefun @nyxveracity @lefthologramdeer
SPN (Crowley) Tags - @gettinjoyful @wholita
Y/N created the room Halloween Party
Y/N added Dean, Charlie, and Sam to the chat.
Y/N - Roommate and her boyfriend are throwing a Halloween party and told me I had to invite people.  
Dean - I don't know sweetheart..
Charlie - Really guys - where's your Halloween spirit?
Dean - In the bottom of a bottle…
Sam - Dean please.
Y/N -  …
Y/N - Please guys.  I don't want to have the talk with Cas again about how my people skills are rusty.  You don't have to stay the whole time.
Charlie - Costumes?
Y/N - Of course ;) I'm kind of stoked for mine.
Sam - Dean, let's go costume shopping.  See ya later Y/N.
Dean - See ya at the party sweetheart.
Sam and Dean have left the chat.
Charlie - Any hints on what you're going as?
Y/N - Nope.  You'll have to find out the night of the party.  
Charlie - Time to go pull together an amazing costume.
Charlie has left the chat.
Y/N - I can't wait to see what they put together.
Y/N has left the chat.  
Meg has entered the chat.
Cas has entered the chat.
Cas - I see Y/N has taken my advice and invited some people to our party.
Meg - Could our dear Y/N be any more obvious?
Cas - ?
Meg -- She obviously wants to bang the elder Winchester and Peppy Longstockings like drums but she's too scared.
Cas - By elder Winchester, you do mean Dean right? Granted John Winchester is a handsome man..
Meg - Okay, tone it down there Wings.  
Dean, Charlie and Sam have entered the chat.
Charlie - I don't know how we did this without coordination.
Dean - I'm just as surprised as you are.
Charlie - What did Sam come as again?
Dean - He's a star wars rebel alliance fighter pilot.  At least he picked out a costume.
Sam -  Hey Dean?
Dean - Yeah Sammy?
Sam - Bite me.
Charlie - Do I have to separate you two?
Cas has entered the chat.
Cas - Hello Dean.  Hello Sam.  Hello Charlie.
Charlie - Hello robot Cas.
Dean - Charlie, don't be rude.  Cas isn't a robot.  
Sam - He was more robot like when we first met him.  You probably could've given him the Turing test…
Cas - Still not a robot though.
Dean - Ain't that the truth ;)
Sam - Dean, please.  
Charlie - Where's Y/N?
Cas - She's around, I think.
Meg - Your lady love and the big dummy are downstairs asking about you.
Meg - You have to come out sometime.
Y/N - I know. Cas sent me a picture of them.  Meg, they came in matching costumes and everything.  There's no way they didn't come here together.
Meg - There is one solution - you could always make the two of them jealous.
Y/N - It would never work Meg.
Meg - Never say never ;)
Y/N - who would even agree to something like that?
Meg has added Crowley to the chat.
Crowley - Hello darling.
Y/N - Really Meg? *sigh* Hello Crowley.
Crowley - Don't sound so excited to see me.  I have it on good authority that we need to make Squirrel jealous?
Y/N - This is going to backfire somehow, I know it.  It's not just him.
Crowley - Ah yes the red head as well?  
Meg - Stop being a negative Nancy.  Crowley, are you actually dressed up like a king?
Crowley - It is Halloween after all.
Meg - Someone thinks highly of himself.
Y/N - lmao.  I'll be downstairs in a minute.
Meg - Good.
Dean - I've seen Cas's costume somewhere before.
Charlie - You know where it'll never end up?
Dean - … where
Charlie - On your floor again, because Cas has moved on - you should too.
Sam -  Damn Charlie, look at you taking my job.
Charlie - You hush.  
Dean - Is he dressed up as the pizza man?
Charlie - Does that make Meg the babysitter?
Sam - The both of you need to stop confusing porn with real life.  
Sam - So I have yet to see Y/N…
Cas - She's hiding out in the study with Crowley.  Apparently he's her date for the night.
Charlie - Why, he's old enough to be her father.
Sam - Maybe she likes that.
Dean - There's no way.  Also Sam, it's not right to kink shame someone.
Sam - You would know all about that wouldn't you - or have you found someone will wear a Zorro mask and slap you during sex?
Dean - Shut it bitch.
Sam - Jerk.
Charlie - As if you're all pure and innocent Sam…
Dean - Oh hey Sam, look Eileen’s here.
Sam -  I'll be back later.
Sam has left the chat.
Charlie - His crush on her is so adorable.
Dean - It is.  
Meg has entered the chat.
Meg - I swear the three of you are going to be the death of me.
Charlie - What'd we do?
Meg - The matching costumes Peppy.
Dean - ?
Charlie - Dean's dressed as Jon Snow, and I'm Daenerys..
Meg - That's my point!  Y/N is looking super hot as Khal Drogo and yet she hasn't talked to the two of you all night.
Dean - We talking regular Khal Drogo?
Meg - Female Khal Drogo, Dean bean.
Dean - don't call me that.
Charlie - I'm going to go say hi, be right back.
Charlie has left the chat.
Charlie has entered the chat.
Dean - That was fast… so did you find her.
Charlie - I can't handle this right now.  I'm in love.
Meg - So that's what it takes to get.your attention.
Charlie - I will find you and slap you.
Dean - On a scale of 1 to 10...what are we looking at?
Charlie - 100.
Dean - Really?
Charlie - Go find her if you don't believe me.
Dean has left the chat.
Dean has entered the chat.
Dean - Holy shit you were right.  Why is Crowley her date?
Charlie - You know how the song goes right?  He does look amazing in that suit. 
Meg - Ew.  That's my boss you're complementing.
Charlie - and?
Meg - I need to find Castiel, and step away from all of this.
Meg has left the chat.
Charlie - Dibs!
Dean - Dibs!
Charlie - Really Dean?
Dean - Don't yell at me when you did the exact same thing.
Charlie -  Wanna make a bet?
Sam has entered the chat.
Sam - This won't end well.
Dean - Shut it Sam.  What's the terms?
Charlie - Winner gets to go on a date with Y/N.
Dean - and the loser?
Charlie -  I didn't think that far.  
Dean - Loser has to clean the bunker for a month.
Charlie - Oh it's on Winchester.  Apple bobbing first?
Dean - Okay sure.
Sam - Party games are not the way to go but what do I know -sigh-
Dean and Charlie have left the chat.
You heard the doorbell ring and with a sigh, you made your way downstairs.  You smiled a little when you opened the door and Crowley was standing on the other side.  You chuckled at his costume - which was his normal black suit with a crown upon his head.  “I love your costume Crowley.”
“Why thank you darling.”  He gently kissed your knuckle as the two of you made your way inside.  You stopped by the kitchen as Crowley picked up a drink, he offered to get you one of your own, but you declined.  Hand in hand, you made your way to the loveseat in the living room.  It was the only place where it was remotely quiet.
“How are you doing, kitten?  You can be honest with me, I won’t judge.”  You watched as he took a sip of his drink.  There were a few thoughts running around your head and you considering lying, but what was the point?  
“I've been better.”
“It’s rough having feelings for more than one person.  I know this might come off as forward but I could make you forget about them.”  You gasped as Crowley picked you up and settled you into his lap.  You couldn’t help it as hid your face in your hands.  Crowley laughed as you moved your arms around his waist.  
“How so?”  Your eyes met for a brief second.  “Wait...do I really want you to answer that?”
“I think deep down part of you is curious and that's why you asked.”
“How would you do it then?”  
“A gentleman would never talk to a lady like that.”  He watched your face for a split second before he continued.  “However, I can see those gears turning.  It would be tender at first - I would make sure every need you have is met.  Has anyone ever gone down on you?”
Your felt your face flush.  “Once, and he was horrible at it.”
“I would never leave you unsatisfied.  In fact - we wouldn’t leave the bedroom all night.”  
Feeling a little bold, you leaned into him.  “What about you?”  
“No, this would be all about you.”  He smirked as he felt you squirm in his lap.  “I can tell this is getting you bothered Y/N, do you want to sneak away and take care of your little problem or would you like some help?”
“I'm fine, please continue.”  You had to bite the inside of your cheek to keep the moans from coming out.  
“I would make sure you're ready for me then and only then would I enter you.”  Your face was red as Crowley kept whispering the things he would do to you in your ear.  Cas and Meg watched the two of you from doorway and looked at each other.  Meg knew she had to do something - otherwise you’d go home with Crowley.    
Meg - Hey guys - if you're going to have sex, could you not do it in the living room?
Y/N - Ohmygod Meg, why would you even…
Crowley - and I thought my mother was a cock block.  
Meg - We could hear her moaning in the kitchen.. It got their attention however.
Y/N - What?
Crowley - It worked?
Meg - It stopped their stupid competition..
Y/N - What competition, Meg?  You know what - I'll go ask about it myself.  
Y/N - Can anyone tell me why Dean and Charlie are being super competitive all of a sudden?
Sam - I can't. Sorry.
Y/N has left the chat
Sam - Damn it, you two.  
Dean - What?
Charlie - I just watched Y/N storm upstairs, what did we do wrong?
Sam - Well...
Cas has entered the chat.
Cas - Y/N is in distress.  What happened?
Dean - We made a stupid bet and she caught the tail end of it.
Sam - Told you it would blow up in your face.
Charlie - I was winning too.
Dean - We were tied at best.
Charlie - ...
Dean - Truce?
Charlie - Fine.
Cas - I don't understand why you were fighting…
Sam - How do I explain this? Both my brother and Charlie like Y/N.  
Cas - Why would you fight over something like that? It's kind of obvious she likes the both of them.
Dean - What?
Charlie - Cas what do you mean?
Cas - I'm afraid I've said too much.
Cas has left the chat.
Sam - I think your best bet right now is to go talk to Y/N.  I know you don't like this Dean, but tell her how you feel.  Charlie - you too. Then maybe this will stop you from acting like idjits in the future.
Sam has left the chat
Charlie was the first one to knock on your bedroom door.  She heard noises and when she cracked the door open, you were half way out the window.  “Y/N, where are you going?”  You sighed and pointed to the door leading to the balcony.  Whenever you needed to think, this is where you would always go.  
“I just needed to think about something.”  She took a seat next to you and when you heard Dean tap on your bedroom door, Charlie yelled at him.  
“Hi Dean.”  
He pulled an empty chair next to the two of you and you smiled briefly.  “Can either of you explain what the hell was going on?”
You watched Dean rub the back of his neck and Charlie couldn’t meet your eye.  “It’s dumb really.”
“Tell me.”  You grabbed a hold of Dean’s hand forcing him to look at you.  “Please?”
He cleared his throat and you felt him lace his fingers with your hand.  “We had a bet that who won the most party games would get to ask you on a date.”
“Wait, why would you do that if you two are going out?”
“You honestly think that Dean and me are dating?”  Charlie practically screeched and you heard Meg yell from downstairs to keep it down.  
“What else would I think when you came to the party in matching costumes.  I thought only couples did that.”
“Oh sweetie.”  Charlie placed her arm over your shoulder and pulled you in closer.  “I can appreciate how attractive Dean is but he’ll never be my type.”  
“What on earth do you mean?”  Dean chuckled and moved his chair closer towards the two of you.  
“Dean's one of my best friends, hell he's the closest thing I have to a brother but I'm not attracted to him.  At all.”
“You like girls, of course…”  She watched as you processed that information.  “And you like me?”
“Of course, why else would I fight this knucklehead all night to go on a date with you.”  She felt you kiss her on her cheek and Charlie smiled.
“What about you sweetheart, is there anything you want to tell us?”  Dean watched as you bit your lower lip and tried to avoid looking  into his eyes.  
“I don’t see why the two of you had to compete at all - if you would’ve asked me, I would’ve said yes.”
“Wait, what are you saying right now Y/N?”  Dean watched as you shifted towards him.
“I can’t believe I’m telling you like this.  I like the both of you.”
“As friends right?”  
Y/N - I swear to Chuck, Dean you are so dense.  
Charlie - Lmao we are in the same room, I don't think he's going to check this just yet.  But oh my god Y/N - get it girl.  Wait…
Charlie grinned as she watched you pull Dean closer and kiss him.  Friends didn't kiss the way you were kissing him.  Maybe this would work out after all.
Dean - Okay okay, I get it sweetheart.  
Charlie - shebahhdgdg
Dean - Charlie?
Y/N - she's a little busy at the moment Dean...
Dean chuckled as he watched Charlie's phone fall onto the couch.  “Should I leave the two of you alone?”
“No way, we're not done with our conversation.”
“I would never ask you to choose between the two of us.”
“I like both of you and I want to be with both of you.”  A small moan slipped out when Charlie hit a sensitive spot on your neck and Dean raised an eyebrow.
“We can talk about this later, Y/N.  Let's go back to my place..”  Charlie grinned and Dean winked at you.
Y/N - Dean, if this escalates, you have my permission to watch.
Dean - I can do more than watch sweetheart.
Y/N - Meg is going to kill me.
Dean - At least we know now…
Y/N - You're lucky Meg told me what was going on…
Dean - Oh?
Y/N - Yeah, I might've slept with Crowley if she didn't say anything.
“Please tell me you're joking, Y/N.”
Meg - Guys, if you're going to have sex, please go somewhere else.  Y/N, I love you but I don't need to hear Dean's sex noises again.  
Dean - We'll be out of your hair shortly.  Y/N is packing an overnight bag.
Dean has left the chat,
Charlie has left the chat.
Y/N - So do I give you details tomorrow or no?
Meg - Of course.  Be safe and use protection.  Also don't do anything I wouldn't do ;)
Y/N has left the chat.
Meg has left the chat.
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prettyoddfiction · 7 years
Kinky Boots
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Brendon Urie
Request: Hell yes! || Maybe u could write like Brendon where he and reader play together in a musical and they are really good friends but Bren doesn't want to admit that he likes her and maybe they could play each other love interest in musical and make it fluffy and sweet and smutty || U could write where reader and Bren are in musical together and fans and everyone ships them together but Bren refuse to say he likes her but eventually he does?
Warnings: SFW || No Warnings. 
Masterlist: Here
Okay so I had been planning on writing something about him being in Kinky Boots, but I never got around to it, so when TWO people requested it, I knew that there was no way I could avoid it. I also know the first request said smutty, but I just can’t picture smut in this part. Maybe I’ll write a part two and make that smutty, but this one is gonna be really fluffy and cute. Anyway, enjoy. xx
Taylor Louderman was in the hospital with a broken leg. Which meant she couldn't dance. Which meant that you were taking over her role as Lauren. You, the understudy, were taking over Charlie’s love interest. Which meant you had to kiss Brendon Urie. THE Brendon Urie. Which meant that your teenage dream of kissing your idol, was becoming real. Which also meant, that you had to continue to act professionally.
Sure, you had bonded with the cast while rehearsing and stuff, but to have to actually step in... It was crazy to you. You were just an extra in the cast with the understudy role for Lauren. But now, you were on stage, rehearsing for your opening night. You had received a text from Taylor, and she had told you she was ‘So flipping excited for you! Wish I could have seen your big night, but I know you’ll do great! Break a leg, Y/N!’
Since it was such an out of nowhere spot, you never got to rehearse any scenes with specific actors to get your scenes correct. And now here you were, waiting for the curtain to open and the show to begin. You had your makeup and costume done and were waiting backstage. Brendon was laughing with the cast and warming up, and you were about to have a panic attack. Everyone else seemed so... use to it. And you were stressed out of your mind. ‘What if I sing the wrong words? What if I mess up my stage presence? What if I say an actor’s name instead of a character? What if what if what if?’ kept running through your head. 
You couldn't help the nerves. But suddenly, you bit your lip as the crowd started clapping and you heard someone announcing the beginning of the show. How it would start in a few minutes so please find your seats. You bit your lip and nervously tapped your feet in the wings of the stage as you waited. that was when you felt a hand on your shoulder and jumped about a mile high. Turning around, you were met with the face of Brendon Urie. “You okay, Y/N?” He chuckled quietly, trying to calm you down a little. You looked back at him and nodded. 
“Y-Yeah, just a bit nervous I guess. Opening night for me... Stage fright, ya know? I mean like, you’ve all performed together before... I haven’t.” You blushed, shrugging slightly. 
“Look, I’m not saying this because I’m your friend. I’m saying it because it’s true. One, you’ll be fine. It’s just a show. Two, you’re an amazing actress. Don’t worry. You’ll do wonderful. I believe in you.” He smiled and kissed your cheek. “Besides, in the end of this every night, you get to kiss me.” He winked and patted your shoulder, obviously trying top lighten the mood, while still referring to one of the scenes at the end of the show. “C’mon. Let’s do this.” He smiled and left to finish getting ready.
The show went splendidly. Every night for weeks. Once Taylor was finally out of the hospital and cleared to come back to the show, you resumed your first role as an extra, but on the final night of you playing Lauren, Brendon was a little more into your stage kiss than usual.
A few hours later, after your final performance as Lauren, you were sitting in your New York apartment, chilling on your couch, scrolling through Instagram and saw all the mentions and tags you had. There were pictures of yours and Brendon’s kiss, and multiple of you hanging out backstage with the cast and crew. People were shipping you and Brendon hardcore, and he had even liked a bunch of the photos.
You couldn’t help but like a bunch of them as well, blushing slightly to yourself because, well, you shipped it. You had liked Brendon for quite some time. You were a Panic! fan and being on Broadway with him was more than a dream come true. You were pretty happy to say that you had actually become pretty decent friends with him. And that you had gotten to kiss him a bunch of times, even though they were 
After a while of scrolling, it was really late. You probably should have been sleeping, but you already missed performing. And you got a text from Brendon too, so you had to reply. 
From: Brendon
Hey. You did really well in the musical. I’m really glad that we got to work together, for the time being. I’m glad you’re still part of the cast, and we’ll continue to see each other. I was just wondering if maybe we could talk before you return to being an extra tomorrow? I can meet you somewhere or you could come to my apartment or I could come to yours. Whatever works best for you. 
read at 11:24pm
To: Brendon
I can meet you at your apartment. Just let me grab some shoes and put on some real clothes. I’m in PJs lol. 
read at 11:26pm
From: Brendon
Okay. Text me when you get here. I’ll buzz you in.
read at 11:27pm
You smiled at the simple text and nodded, going to your bedroom from where you were seated on the couch. You entered your room and changed out of your PJs and into a pair of black jeans, a random t-shirt, a red sweatshirt. You slipped on some shoes and grabbed your phone and wallet and keys before heading to your door and locking the apartment, leaving and heading to Brendon’s apartment. You smiled on the ride over there and paid the cabbie to drop you off a block away, just so there was no confusion and no risk of anyone finding Brendon’s apartment. 
You pulled your phone from your pocket and sent a quick, “on my way up” text to Brendon before you got buzzed inside the building and headed to the elevator. Once on his floor, you headed to his door and knocked. After standing in the hall for a few minutes, you knocked again and heard shuffling. Then the door opened and you saw Brendon standing shirtless in front of you, wearing only black jeans. He had water running down his chest, and his hair was wet. Most likely, he had just gotten out of the shower. 
“Hey, sorry. I was hoping it would take you a little longer. I showered and buzzed you in literally seconds after I got out. I was drying off as fast as possible and getting dressed. Come on in, I’m gonna throw a shirt on, and I’ll meet you in the living room.” He smiled, stepping aside so you could enter the apartment. 
You did as told and took a seat on his couch, smiling and looking around. His loft had a homey feel to it, but at the same time looked like it belonged in a magazine. A minute or so later, Brendon came back out, tugging on a black t-shirt. He flopped onto the couch and sat next to you, letting out an exhausted sounding sigh. 
“So... Bren, you wanted to talk?” You shrugged, folding your hands over your lap. He nodded.
“Yeah uh. Okay. Well, there isn’t really a way to say this without just coming out and saying it, so I’ll start in the beginning.” He nodded and bit his lip before sitting up a bit more straight. He cleared his throat and smiled at you. “Y/N, you joined the crew before I did. As an extra, you didn’t feel important. I heard you talking to a lot of different members of the cast, and a few times when we talked, you kinda mentioned that you didn’t feel important. But you are. You’re one of the members of the cast that keeps everyone in high spirits. It makes us all pretty happy. You tend to help us all a lot. And we thank you for that. But I don’t think anyone appreciates your friendship as much as I do. You kept me in check, and then when you were Lauren, we bonded even more. And I was extremely happy that you and I got to spend some time together, and we had a pretty strong friendship on stage and off. But the best part is that once this is all over, we’ll still be friends. And I really like that idea, but I’d like to be more than that. The kiss at the end of the show each night was more than just a stage kiss to me, Y/N. I was really happy about it because I really like you and I was just kind of hoping that you liked me back. If you don’t it’s not a problem, because I am totally fine with just being friends but I wanted to know if maybe you’d go on a date with me and would maybe be possibly willing to try a relationship with me? Cause I-” He rambled, but you cut him off with a kiss. After a moment, you both pulled away from each other. He looked at you. 
“Does that answer, Brendon?”
“Yeah. Yeah I think so...” He chuckled. 
You smiled and wrapped your arms around him and hugged him. “So, date on Saturday?” You suggested, and he chuckled and nodded. 
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I’m really late for my contribution to Pride Month, but better late than never. Shout out to @ilovemygaysons for forcing me to finish this. This is my first destiel fic ever (eeeeeeepp), constructive criticism welcome.
Pairings-Destiel, Sabriel, DorothyxCharlie
Soulmate AU, Wingfic, Pride,Un-Beta’d
Word Count-1,531
 The bright colours can be seen from blocks away. The flags, shirts and wings all glowing in a multitude of colours and glitter. Dean, his brother Sam and Charlie were also decked out in a similar fashion. Charlie in a rainbow tie-dye shirt and her wings in various colours of the gay flag, the bright shirt and wings do nothing to mute the flaming brightness of her red hair. Dean’s shirt and wings are completely contrasting with his sandy blond hair and fanfiction green eyes, as Charlie puts it, in the colours of the bisexual pride flag. Sam wasn’t wearing a multicoloured shirt but his wings were the colours of the aromantic flag, he was wearing a simple t-shirt with a flannel shirt over it and jeans.
 As they walk towards the parade Charlie starts talking excitedly, “Imagine meeting your soulmate at the parade. Wouldn’t that be a story to tell?” Dean chuckles “Oh that would be so cliché. I really hope I’m not one of those people,” he says with slight disdain. “Oh shut it Winchester, I know you would love such a chick flick moment.” Charlie says with a smirk. Sam let’s out a chuckle at that. Dean glares at the pair of them,“Lies and slander, Bradbury.You know I hate chick flick moments. Let’s just go check out the parade now. ” Charlie readily agrees.
 Manhandling their way as close to the barricade as possible to watch the floats and people go by, filled with vibrant colours and glitter, just like from far away. The floats of different sexual and romantic orientations go by with people in varied outfits and drag throwing out flags, glitter that gets stuck in your hair and clothes for days, and bands of the colours of different flags to the people in the sidelines.
 Armed with flags and bands and full of glitter Dean, Sam and Charlie head to the bar where most of the people who attended the pride end up at to meet Aaron and the others. At the bar there was a huge crowd of people split into smaller groups, some of them of different sexualities and others witht their friends. Aaron and Charlie’s girlfriend Dorothy are holding a table for the rest of them. Aaron was dressed formally in a plain shirt and a blazer with matching slacks. The collar of his shirt though is rainbow coloured and he has a pin of the gay flag. Aaron’s wings were looking golden, and if you look closely in the light the feathers were rainbow. Dorothy was dressed like an angel in a simple white dress and her wings white and fluffy like the clouds and her blonde hair creating the image of a halo in the sunlight. The only thing marring her image of an angel is her leather jacket which she barely ever takes off, Dean absently wonders if she wears it to bed too. The leather jacket which was gifted to her by Charlie on her first birthday when they were together is most likely her most treasured possession, even after four years together. Once they’re all settled down Dean offers to get the first round for Dean, Sam and Charlie and a refill for Dorothy and Aaron. Charlie agrees to help him carry the drinks. Walking back to their table armed with all their drinks Dean crashes into a person who seems to be as tall as him and spills the beers he’s holding all over that poor soul. Dean looks up to apologize and is rendered speechless by the beauty of the pure black wings that match this person’s raven black hair and contrast well with the tan trenchcoat he’s wearing. And his eyes, they were just so blue, Dean could be lost in the ocean of his eyes, they were even the same colour as an ocean. Charlie pipes up,”I’m so sorry man we weren’t looking where we were going. Hey! Cool colours by the way, they’re the colours of the ace flag, right?” The man visibly shakes himself back to reality and respons,” Yes, it is. I’m honestly surprised you knew what they were, and it’s quite alright, I also could have been paying better attention.” The gruff tone of voice which suits the beautiful, stubbled face perfectly shakes Dean out of his reverie and Charlie’s and this man’s words register into his mind
Wait, Ace flag?
Dean opens his mouth to apologize to the guy or say something about his wings when a shorter man with golden hair and an obnoxious amount of glitter in his wings, which were in the colours of the pansexual flag, clothes and hair walks up to them and starts talking so fast Dean has to strain to catch up with his words, this guy sounds the way Sam did when he was excited about something as a child, impatient and on a sugar high. “What’s the holdup, Cassie? Did you forget the way to the bar?” the guy turns to them and says in a kind of voice that is meant to be flirtatious,” Well, hello there. I see the holdup now”.  Charlie suddenly bristles and gestures to her shirt and wings,” I’m gay, dude.” The guy seems unfazed by this and says,” I see that sweetheart, I was talking to the big hunk of muscle with the pink, purple and blue wings. I’m Gabriel and this is my little brother Cassie.” Charlie flushes in embarrasment and speaks, “Charlie and that big hunk of muscle is Dean. I’m sorry I’m just used to the heteronormativity, which is a pretty sad thing when you think about it.” At the cue Dean pipes up, “Hey. Dean. I mean I’m Dean. And you are?” Dean asks the man with the most beautiful wings Dean has ever seen
 “Castiel. You can call me Cas.” says the gruff sounding voice, which sounds like music to Dean’s ears. The only word going through Dean’s mind right now is Soulmate. He wonders if this beautiful man is his. Dean is drawn out of his musings and catches the tail end of what Charlie was saying,”……..sit with us?” with both Cas and Gabriel readily agreeing.
  He realized Charlie just invited them to join them at the table. Dean realizes he still hasn’t apologized to the guy for drenching him in booze, “I’m sorry, man. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” Dean says to Cas. He accepts his apology with a wave of his hand. Charlie, Cas and Gabriel head back to their table while Dean goes to replace the drinks he doused the hot guy with. When he comes back everybody is laughing at Charlie’s dramatic retelling of how they met Cas and Gabriel. Gabriel is flirting outrageously with his brother and Sam’s red face is so funny Dean wants to take pictures of it for later teasing. He settles down beside Cas and hands everyone else their drinks.
A few minutes later when everyone’s talking over everyone and are engrossed in their personal conversations. Charlie and Dorothy are being all cute and coupley. Aaron seems to be busy on his phone texting God knows who, not that Dean is jealous, hasn’t been in a long time. Sam and Gabriel seem to be moving closer by the minute, at this rate one of them is going to end up in the other’s lap by the end of the day. After a cursory glance at all of this and the rest of the bar, Dean turns to the beautiful man besides him and starts apologising when he gets cut off by Cas saying “Don’t apologise. It’s okay. At least they weren’t strong smelling.” Dean blushes at the man reading his mind and says “Well, I’m still sorry. How about we start over? I’m Dean. Winchester.” He extends his hand to the man. Cas takes it in a firm grip and shakes it once, replying “Castiel. Novak. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
A few hours and multiple drinks later both him and Cas are way past tipsy and are definitely going to feel the effects of it tomorrow Cas stares at Dean’s wings and says “You have the most beautiful wings I’ve ever seen. Their brown reminds me of sunlight through hay,” he shakes his head, as if to cleear his thoughts “No that’s wrong, that doesn’t describe the colour of your wings perfectly. It’s the colour of your hair but also not. It’s…….capti-….captivating” Dean blushes then the words register in his mind. Cas can see his wings. His real wings. That means, no. No, it can’t be, this beautiful and interesting man can’t be Dean’s soulmate. But he is, he is Dean’s soulmate and Dean loves it. He surges forward and stops just before their lips meet. Dean looks up into thise blue eyes with a question, he nods imperceptibly and with permission Dean surges forward to kiss him. The kiss was electric, the haze of alcohol dissipated. If this is what soulmates felt like Dean understood all the hype around them. They break apart and stare at into each others eyes. They have a lot to talk about but for now, this is enough.
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thewalktranscripts · 7 years
Episode 6: As the Bird her Eggs
Who are those figures following you? And why are they carrying that weird equipment?
Rise and Shine
LAWRENCE: Walker! Rise and shine! Two pieces of good news for you. One: we didn’t die of hypothermia! Yeah! Two: I have breakfast. We’re not so shabby at this wilderness-living lark after all.
STANTON: We were lucky. Lucky that when we built a fire, it didn’t attract anyone. Lucky we could dry out our clothes. Lucky to have found some shelter.
LAWRENCE: Lucky that I managed to shoot this juicy game bird this morning? Look. [he sets down a cooking pan]
STANTON: Very lucky. Since you were actually aiming for the tree.
LAWRENCE: Er, yeah. Stanton was giving me a bit of firearms training. Thought it’d be useful if I knew how to shoot straight. Which, apparently, I can’t. But who cares, I hit this! Which means a breakfast of wild garlic and pan-seared Bird With Big Cream Head-Feathers. That’s what I’m calling it.
STANTON: Don’t like being lucky. I like being prepared. Does smell good, though.
LAWRENCE: May I present you with a wild garlic and pan-seared [he adopts a slight Outrageous French Accent] Cream-Feathered Bird sandwich, Commander?
[cutlery and crockery rattle]
CHARLIE: Hello, hello. What did I miss? Nothing exciting, I hope? I... oh. The audio logs say... hmm.
LAWRENCE: Yeah. “Oh” is right.
CHARLIE: John turned traitor. The Burn must have got to him.
LAWRENCE: Where have you been, Charlie?
CHARLIE: It’s complicated, I can’t always get-
STANTON: [with her mouth full] Charlie’s your operator, isn’t she? In Geneva?
STANTON: [she continues eating, rattling her cutlery on her plate] And you and Walker talk to her through that thing in your earlobes?
STANTON: Then tell her to get going with her operating. We can’t have another night in the open. We need to head toward shelter today.
CHARLIE: Her records say that John Adebayo was her most trusted colleague. They’ve worked together for ten years.
LAWRENCE: Do you wanna talk about what happened? With Adebayo?
STANTON: No. I want to start walking.
The Burn and New Tomorrow
[birdsong and buzzing/chirping insects]
CHARLIE: Do you think she suspected at all?
LAWRENCE: [low voice] Stanton? Suspected John? Definitely not. Well... bah, not until she actually, really, suspected. [lowers his voice further] Did you hear what he said? That The Burn are just working with that New Tomorrow group?
CHARLIE: Yes, we’ve... [inhales] We’ve suspected that for a while. That New Tomorrow have been getting help. At first, covert, but increasingly obviously. The Burn are helping them.
LAWRENCE: And The Burn want... what?
CHARLIE: They want to stop you getting to Edinburgh with the devices you’re carrying.
LAWRENCE: And that’s it?
CHARLIE: No, that’s not it. But right now, that might be the most important thing to them.
LAWRENCE: And to us, huh?
CHARLIE: Yes, I suppose so.
STANTON: Shh, quiet! Someone’s coming. That fire last night must have been spotted. Just one person... Prepare to fight them off.
EMMA: [undergrowth being trampled in her wake] Help me! You have to help me! There are people in uniform after me! Six people in uniforms, with guns! They’re- [whimpers] They’re coming! Charlie didn’t- [gasps for breath] Charlie didn’t warn me... [she collapses]
On the Horizon
STANTON: I see them. There, on the horizon. Stalking by the edge of the wooded area by the lake.
LAWRENCE: I can’t... I can’t see anything there.
CHARLIE: She’s right. Four people. Moving slowly, like they’re trying not to be spotted. [tuts] Oh, Emma, why did you take your earpiece out, you silly silly girl?
STANTON: Support the girl with me, Walker and Lawrence. [grunts] We have to get her to a safer location. [breathes heavily with effort] She has one of those... mobile phone devices, in her pocket, with the earpiece.
Hello? I’ve put the earpiece on myself. Can you hear me, Charlie?
CHARLIE: Yes. Well, I could always hear you. Hearing wasn’t the problem. You can hear me, right?
LAWRENCE: If this girl doesn’t want the box, can’t Stanton take it, Charlie? We can leave this Emma here on a nice bedroll or something, and then when she gets up she can just-
CHARLIE: Doesn’t work like that. The devices are bio-linked to you. If they get too far from your body, they’ll self-destruct. They’d do the same if you died.
LAWRENCE: Why would they do that?
CHARLIE: Safest way to keep the couriers alive. The Burn want the devices. Means they can’t actually kill you to get them.
STANTON: Though they could maim and torture them.
CHARLIE: Ahh... mmm... yeah, that’s... true...
[inhales] I’m trying not to let them capture you at all. I wanted to keep you separate, make for a smaller target, but Emma decided I was leading her astray, and took the earpiece off. She said she’d realised that I wasn’t me, she’s a bit-
EMMA: [moans] I’m... what’s... who are you?! Why... where are you taking me?
STANTON: Emma? Emma. Emma, look at me. Look at me. I’m Wing Commander Stanton.
EMMA: Emma’s not even my real name, you know.
STANTON: I do, Emma. There are people chasing us. We have to get away. Do you understand?
EMMA: Aren’t you the people chasing me? Help! Help!
LAWRENCE: Look, look there, Emma. At the treeline, look. Do you see them? Moving slowly. And the... what’s that? The glint of light?
STANTON: Sun’s catching the lens of their binoculars. They can see us.
They’re Catching Up
[birdsong and running footsteps]
EMMA: They’re catching up with us! Oh, god, they’re gonna catch us!
LAWRENCE: How far behind are they, Charlie?
CHARLIE: Just over half a k, and closing.
EMMA: I knew it! I knew it. I knew when I agreed to take this thing I was signing my own death warrant.
LAWRENCE: Oh... Do people actually sign death warrants any more? Eh, I mean, is that a thing? I-is it the same as an order of execution? Or... oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know. Not the right time. It’s just, the... well, yeah. I mentioned how I ramble when I’m nervous, right?
EMMA: Why are you listening to Charlie? You know she could be some other kind of terrorist, right? Or she could be with them, leading us into a trap! I thought I knew her, but she could be anyone! She fooled me. She’s fooling you!
CHARLIE: I’m not, I’m not! What have I ever done but keep you all safe? I knew it was a mistake when they decided to give one of the boxes to someone very familiar with conspiracy theories. Should have never given them Emma’s details.
Listen. Ask her, if I get you out of this, will she believe me then?
STANTON: Can you get us out of this? Realistic sitrep. Is it better to find a place to lie and wait, try to take down as many of them as we can? We’re four against six, not bad odds. We’ve got two weapons, my sidearm and... and Sergeant Adebayo’s.
CHARLIE: I can get you out of this. I have satellite imaging, infra-red, I can see more than they can. They might be wearing camouflage gear, but I can track their body heat and... oh.
LAWRENCE: ‘Oh’? What d’you mean, ‘oh’?
CHARLIE: Checking my systems... it’s not... no, it’s not me. They- they’re using some kind of, I don’t know, some kind of heat-masking clothing?
STANTON: That means?
CHARLIE: I don’t know! I don’t know.
STANTON: Stay calm. What’s our situation now?
CHARLIE: I don’t know! I can’t see them any more!
EMMA: We’re going to die here! We’re going to die in these woods!
LAWRENCE: I like the confidence, uh, don’t get me wrong, I-I really do, but, ah, what’s the plan?
STANTON: Ambush. We’re gonna find a good place to set up, and we’re gonna wait for them. Emma, you ready for it?
EMMA: If it’s that or be killed, yes.
STANTON: Walker, you seem like you’ll be handy in a fight. [cocks pistol] Lawrence, how confident do you feel with that pistol?
LAWRENCE: Well, I, er, shot a bird, [pants] but I was aiming for a tree.
STANTON: I’m afraid that’ll have to do.
CHARLIE: Guys, guys, I can’t see the people following you any more. Not clearly. Only in a wide area. But I can see where they’re definitely not. Just keep heading straight on, into that clearing, and... hold on. Look around you. Is that-?
[twig snaps underfoot]
STANTON: Yep. It’s an encampment. Very well-camouflaged.
LAWRENCE: This must be where they’ve been waiting for us.
STANTON: Looks like they’re kitted out for a long time in the open. Tents; makings of a small, low-visibility fire; ropes and nets- those’ll be useful to us.
EMMA: You notice there are also knives? What are they planning to do to us?
STANTON: More fool them for leaving us the ability to arm ourselves.
LAWRENCE: They really could have been here for a while. Here’s a guide to the edible plants of the Highlands.
EMMA: Look at this!
STANTON: Ahh. Yes. Well, we won’t have to use that quite yet.
LAWRENCE: What is it?
[thunk as Emma sets the box down]
LAWRENCE: A white box?
EMMA: Labelled ‘cyanide’.
It’s Decided
STANTON: Okay, Walker, it’s decided. We need to lead them round in a circle. Disorient them. We’ll lie in ambush. It’s down to you now.
CHARLIE: Go, Walker. Go, go, go! As fast as you can. Carry on in that direction and make as much noise as you possibly can.
LAWRENCE: And how will we know if it’s worked?
CHARLIE: Wait, let me see if I can... [keyboard clacking]
Yes! I’ve got an enlarged live feed of the area. I can’t locate them on thermals, but if you can get them to follow you out in the open country, Walker, I’ll see them.
LAWRENCE: ‘S all on you, now, Walker.
STANTON: We’ll set up our trap. Godspeed.
CHARLIE: You have to walk as far as possible as fast as you can, now, Walker. You have to make sure they see you.
EMMA: It’s the only way we’ll survive!
Find Out What They’re Planning
[birdsong, loud footsteps crunching through the undergrowth, and branches being brushed past]
CHARLIE: That’s it, they’re on you. They’re definitely on you. I see them turning to follow.
STANTON: [on comms] Good work, Walker. Now reel them in. Come back to us, fast as you can.
LAWRENCE: Yeah, and, uh, when you enter the camp, be sure not to stand right in the middle of the open area between the tents, right?
STANTON: We’ll finally have some of these bastards. Then we can find out what they’re planning.
EMMA: And what they want with us!
CHARLIE: Okay, Walker. You’re nearly there.
STANTON: We’ve set up the guy ropes and their netting to catch them.
CHARLIE: Just keep going, Walker, you can’t let them catch you before you get to the trap.
MAN FOLLOWING: [from some distance behind] Hey! What you doing?
LAWRENCE: They’re trying to make you stop, Walker! Don’t stop!
[the footsteps become quieter as Walker exits the undergrowth onto the bare grass of the campsite clearing]
CHARLIE: Good, you’re at the campsite. Now step quickly to your left, and-
WOMAN FOLLOWING: Hey! [ropes begin to creak, gradually increasing in volume] This is our campsite, ye know! Ye cannae just-
LAWRENCE: [no longer over comms] Got ‘em!
[The net containing the man and woman creaks gently as it swings from the tree]
EMMA: How d’you like that, eh? Terrorist scum! Trapped in your own nets that you were gonna trap us in!
LAWRENCE: Er, they’re-
EMMA: You’re going tell us everything you know, or it’ll be the worse for you. Why are you in these woods? Why are you following us?
WOMAN: We’re not terrorists! We’re birdwatchers, ya mad wee lassie!
STANTON: Oh, I... Oh.
Slavonian Grebe
STANTON: Honestly, we... w-we really can’t apologise enough, I- it’s just that with all that’s happened in Inverness, you know, it’s, er-
MAN: Aye, we’d no’ heard about that. Good tae know we’ll be walking home, eh?
WOMAN: We’ve been here for three weeks, ye see. Waiting for the Slavonian Grebe. No radio, no phone; don’t wantae startle the bird.
MAN: Aye. A beautiful rare one, it is. Cream-coloured head feathers. A picture!
LAWRENCE: Cream-coloured?
MAN: We’ve used these wee thermal suits to mask our body heat. To try tae conceal ourselves.
STANTON: And the camouflage gear, and the binoculars. Yes. Emma’s a little jumpy, I think, and, ah, we took her at her word that you’d been following her. 
EMMA: Why d’you have cyanide in your bag, eh? What possible explanation could there be for that?
WOMAN: Hunh! See, Gregory, I told you that old box would get you intae trouble one day. It’s for bugs; beetles, butterflies. No rare ones, of course, but it’s the most humane way to kill them. For display.
MAN: Preserves the colours a treat, it does. No’ many people use cyanide for that any more, bu’ I kept my dad’s old preserving box.
WOMAN: Of course, that isnae what we’re really after. It’s that Slavonian Grebe. Only twenty breeding pairs in the whole of Scotland.
LAWRENCE: Only twenty, hm? And um... er, do you have a picture?
WOMAN: Aye, we do, aye. [paper rustles as she hands it to Lawrence] Just look at that! That blue plumage, cream feathers around the eyes.
LAWRENCE: Yeah. Might be, em, nineteen breeding pairs now.
MAN: Oh, do you know it?
LAWRENCE: In a way. In a... way. In a sort of way, you might say me and Walker and Stanton all know the Slavonian Grebe really... intimately.
STANTON: [whispering] What are you talking about?
LAWRENCE: [whispering] You know that bird with cream head feathers we had for breakfast this morning?
STANTON: [whispering] ...No. You didn’t.
LAWRENCE: [whispering] I didn’t know! I’ve kept some of the feathers. We could... give them to them?
STANTON: [whispering] Tomorrow morning. When we leave.
WOMAN: What are you whispering about there? Would you like a wee bit more bacon?
LAWRENCE: Yeah, that’d be- yeah. Thank you. Thank you so, so much. And sorry. For, er, everything.
Ringing Phone Box
[old-fashioned mechanical ringing sound, and then the receiver is taken off the hook]
DAVE CRISPIN: Debra was the first girl I ever had a crush on. I was eight, I think, maybe nine. Definitely at primary school. It’s funny, I can still remember exactly how that place smelled. Our teacher, Mrs Jenkins, she used to wear so much perfume it was like she showered in the stuff. Floral, and a bit bitter. Some of the kids used to laugh at her, like-
YOUNG GIRL’S VOICE: What’s Miss wearing that for anyway? She’s ancient!
DAVE CRISPIN: Thinking about it now, she can’t have been more than thirty. But the whole place stank of her perfume, and sometimes wee as well when little Joey Dockey couldn’t hold it in.
And Debra was- she was so clever. She aced her times tables every time we had a test. I was good at them, but she just- she knew her twenty-three times table. She told it me once.
DEBRA: Seventeen times twenty-three is three hundred and ninety-one. Eighteen times twenty-three is four hundred and fourteen.
DAVE CRISPIN: Dead impressive. The other kids thought she was a freak, though. They used to go, you know-
GIRL’S VOICE: Look at Deb! She’s a total spesh!
DAVE CRISPIN: I think maybe she was autistic. Very high-functioning. Children sense that stuff. They’re like bloodhounds for anything different. They’re horrible little sods. All of ‘em. And me worst of all. I should have stood up for her. I was too much of a coward. 
[loud whooshing noise] 
I was scared. I am... I’m really scared.
[receiver is hung up]
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A dirty polaroid photograph of a bird sitting on the water, with dark plumage on its wings and throat, red tail and neck, and cream-coloured feathers on its head and around its eyes. On the bottom of the photograph is written “Slavonian Grebe EXTREMELY RARE!”
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A newspaper clipping. The headline reads “NEW HOPE FOR MALARIA C SUFFERERS”. The body reads “Biotech giant SanMonte has announced a strategic alliance with technology company Comansys in an attempt to push forward research on technological treatments to slow the progress of Malaria C. The disease, which causes brain vacuoles, skin lesions and vocal chord alterations is estimated to have killed around three million people worldwide since the start of the year, mostly in developing countries. Comansys, known for their research in to Parkinsons-remitting technologies, saw a sharp uptick in share price on the news.”
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ttawoabw · 7 years
For today’s blog post I’m going to do something a little different.  Instead of sharing a review, haul or wrap up I’m just gonna chat with you about books.  I decided to do this partially because I’ve been in a reading funk and in turn a blogging funk but also because I thought it might help me get back into my groove by doing what I started this blog to do.  Talk books.  I thought I had pulled out of my funk when I picked up Frostblood by Elly Blake but it’s one of those books that separated into two parts and I have no idea why by the second I started reading Part Two I lost interest.  So that’s been disappointing, don’t get my wrong I’m loving the story and writing but funk.  I’m still hoping to finish that one by the beginning of February – though I’ll probably come back and re-read it at  later date to really get a better feel for it since I’ve been stopping and starting and have basically lost my flow.  Obviously having a reading funk is really unfortunate at this point in the year when there are so many amazing releases coming out.  Though I’m not planning on reading many of the most anticipated books simply because a lot of them are sequels to books I have yet to read the first book of.  One of my most notable anticipated releases is RoseBlood by A.G. Howard – it’s a retelling of the Phantom of the Opera and honestly it sounds so amazing.  I love The Phantom of the Opera, it was the first real theatre production I saw as a younger girl (I was probably 11?) and I fell in love with the music.  As I’ve grown older I’ve developed a better understanding of the dark tale about obsession and possession and despite its dark nature I still love it.  I haven’t read the original book but since this is a YA Paranormal retelling that isn’t really staying true to the original story I don’t think that will be too much of an issue to me.  I know some people who have never encountered The Phantom of the Opera were sent ARC’s of this books and didn’t really get it or understand so I’m hoping with my background understanding I’ll enjoy it much more.  I was going to pre-order it but I had a feeling a book subscription company would include it in a January box and I wasn’t (or won’t be..) disappointed, OwlCrate one of my favorite subscription services has indeed included it in their January box so I’m looking forward to receiving that.  I’m hoping it’ll pull me out of my book funk completely.  For those of you that don’t know RoseBlood is fantasy YA romance modern-day retelling of The Phantom of the Opera.  The original tale is about unrequited love that turned to madness (and eventually murder and a bunch of psychotic actions that you don’t really care about at first because the music is so enchanting).  RoseBlood follows a seventeen-year-old opera singer, Rune Germain, who has a mysterious affliction linked to her singing. Her mother sends her to a French Art Conservatory (which is rumoured to have ties to The Phantom of the Opera) for her senior year hoping some creative direction will help.  There Rune secretly befriends an elusive masked violinist who not only guides her musical transformation through dreams but also know who she is behind her own masks.  As they discover an otherworldly connection and a soul-deep romance blossoms, Thorn’s dark agenda comes to light and he’s forced to make a deadly choice: lead Rune to her destruction, or face the wrath of the phantom who has haunted the opera house for a century, and is the only father he’s ever known. Now isn’t that just sound absolutely thrilling?  I can’t wait and I hope to be able to write a review on it (I struggle to write reviews because A) I read so fast and usually read back-to-back and then forget key points and B) I’m an emotional reader more than a critical reader.  I think this stems from my ADHD and lack of attention span but I’m working on it.).  Another release that I’m really antipating is Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller – something I’ve been loving right now is pirates, and something YA severly lacks is pirates.  So this books release is perfect timing for me I really won’t say much about this one exept it features a kick-ass Pirate Princess who llows herself to be captured by enemy pirates and ends up in a thrilling YA advnture with – from what I understand- just a touch of romance.  I truly can’t wait for this and just as I did with RoseBlood I’m holding off ordering this box until I know for sure no book subscription boxes will be picking it up- because I’m certain this is one of the bigger debut authors of the year and that Daughter of the Pirate King is as highly anticipated by others as it is by me.  On the note of other anticipated releases I’ll just quickly share a few of mine for the first half of 2017; Caraval by Stephanie Graber, By Your Side by Kasie West, Letter’s to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer (which is kind of giving me a PS: I Like You vibes with the whole letter writing thing), The Trials of Apollo: The Dark Prophecy by Rick Riordan, Royal Bastards by Andrew Shvarts, The Wish Granter by C.J Redwine, Catching Carly by Emma Hart and A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas.  Now let me jst say a little something-something about A Court of Wings and Ruin, the cover was just announced the other day and it looks SPECTACULAR but somehting notable about it is that the dress Feyre wears on the cover was inspired BY FANART.  That’s right, an incredible artist called Charlie Bowater has been making digital art prints of both the ACOTAR and ToG series both by Sarah J. Maas and a dress she has Feyre wearing in one particluar piece ended up being used as the inspiration/base concept of this cover HOW INCREIDBLE IS THAT?  But that’s not all, Charlie also collaborated to help create the art for the upcoming colouring book for ACOTAR series, which I am super excited about.
The original art by Charlie Bowater
The official US cover for ACOWAR.
Speaking of fanart-author collaborations, to all those demi-god fans of Uncle Rick’s you’ll know the offical charcter art for all our beloved demi-gods and company were… quite honesly horendeous.  Most people have just ignored it and looked at the incredible fanart created.  Well turns our Uncle Rick knew of this and has done something AWESOME, he commissioned Viria (Viktoria Ridzel) to create the new character art for the offical website for the Percy Jackson series and Heroes of Olympus.  How cool is that?  Check out the difference below:
Old Artwork: Percy Jackson
Old Artwork: Annabeth Chase
Old Artwork: Grover Underwood
New Artwork: Percy Jackson
New Artwork: Annabeth Chase
New Artwork: Grover Underwood
See, doesn’t the new artwork just look so much nicer?  I’ve always loved Viria’s fanart and I’m so happy that Riordan commissioned her to be the artist!  You can see all of her character art in use HERE, and I really recommend checking it out because it’s awesome (plus if you play around there are HEAPS of bonus goodies and facts on the website for you to download and read!) .
  Now to kind of conclude this awfully chatty post I’m going to just share three book recommendations since two of them are just stuck in my mind (they were both SO SO good) and the third is a perfect fun romantic comedy for you to pick up for Valentines Day.
First up we have To Catch a Pirate by Jade Parker.  As I mentioned in the beginning I’ve been in a bit of a Pirate phase and there really isn’t much in terms of YA’s (and particularly YA Romance) in this sub-genre feild so after a little bit of digging I found this gem and decided to give it a go and see if its what I wanted.  It was.  It was exactly what I wanted.  So I highly recommend it, it’s a YA Romance and super sweet.
Buy on Kindle HERE.
The we have A Promise of Fire by Amanda Bouchet.  This was just an awesome high fantasy with so much adventure and awesome powers and it was a thrill to read.  I actually want to re-read it again and I only just read it about a week ago! I can’t wait to read the sequel which I’ll hopefully get to in Feburary.  I can’t wait to see how the charcaters progress and what else will be revealed!  Also I just love the interactions between all the charatcers!
Buy on Kindle HERE.
Now to conclude some recommendations I’d like to give you a straight up romance (not a YA) in preperation for Valentine’s Day.  If you’ve been following my blog for a while you’d know that I am obsessed with a series called the Holly Woods Files by Emma Hart.  This series was my first introdction to this author and I just fell in love with the personality the places within her characters and her writing style so when she released a laugh out loud comedy romance about a ‘hot mess’ of a character I couldn’t wait.  It’s called Being Brooke  and it’s a best friends to lovers romance and it made my stomach hurt from laughing so much.  I loved Brooke so much and Hart is releasing another similar novel called Catching Carly later in the year so I can’t wait to pick that one up either.
Buy on Kindle HERE.
  Okay well I have no idea how coherant this post actally is, but if you liked this sort of post and have some more ideas for blog posts please feel free to comment them below I love to hear YOUR suggestions and thoughts.
Also side note, I’m thinking of chaning my social media handles to actually fit with being a book blog; should I do it?
  My Links:
Goodreads : Becca Winter
Instagram : becca_theory
Twitter : @Becca_Theory
Facebook : The Troubles And Woes Of A Bookworm
Book Talk: Reading Funks, Anticipated Releases 2017, Book Recommendations For today's blog post I'm going to do something a little different.  Instead of sharing a review, haul or wrap up I'm just gonna chat with you about books.  
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Murder on the Air!
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Art by Alfred https://altried.tumblr.com/post/190010451473/my-take-on-human-alastor-i-like-to-think-he-is
Character profile
Name: Alastor (meaning Greek spirit of vengeance/tormentor)
Birth: January 24th 1896, New Orleans, Louisiana (VA Edward Bosco’s birthday is January 24, 1986)
Human name:  Alastor Roscoe Duvalier Cajun (Roscoe means deer forest and is also an old term for a handgun. Duvalier is last name of Voodoo genocidal dictator of Haiti.)
Race: Part White (French-American from his father) part Creole (Native American and African-American from his mother).
Hair color: Brown (red and black in Hell) usually short, sometimes in a small ponytail or brown ends reaching slightly past his ears
Eye color: Brown (red in Hell)
Skin color: Light brown (pale gray in Hell) thin pointed chin, lanky agile body
Clothing: brown/white nice shirts with bow ties, dress coats, hunting boots, wine colored pants, the occasional top hat with voodoo pins sticking from the top.
Items: Hunting rifle given to him by his father, sharp knives, a staff with a microphone on it decorated with small golden antlers curved near the top. (The staff became a red vintage microphone with an eye and magic powers in Hell that became part of him as per the deal he took)
Date of death: 1933
 Cause of death: Bitten by dog with rabies, experienced hallucinations, inflamed brain, strange excitement and paranoia. When he sees water, it’s nothing but alligators, leeches and the darkness of an ocean. He ran from police and into the woods at night. The police sent several police dogs after him, appearing to Alastor as werewolves. He encounters Hustle, a deer hunter, yelling in agony, almost caught by police. Hustle alerts the police to his location, saying “Target criminal’s over here!” Alastor grabs the gun from the hunter and shoots himself between the eyes. His body is mauled by the police dogs and the hunter sinks down to his knees in shock and fear.
 Demonic life: deer demon, overlord, radio host. His deer-like shadow has a mind of its own and reveals his true feelings.
 Likes: cooking, singing, dancing, electro swing, Rosie, Mimzy, Charlie (as a friend), his mother, hunting and skinning deer, being out in nature, people failing, dark coffee, the Picture Show, the Stock Market Crash of 1929, theater, liquor, dad jokes, Jambalaya, epicurean food, making voodoo dolls of the Hazbin characters
 Dislikes: being touched, strawberries, post 30’s technology, dogs, anything sweet, frowning, Vox, his father, Angel’s sexual remarks, tea, spray can foods, ketchup
 Abilities: supernatural powers, voodoo, radio broadcasting, shadow manipulation, warping space, singing, charm
 Kalfu is Alastor’s main voodoo deity, as both are destroyers and dark sorcerers.
Loretta Marie Duvalier (last name became Cajun): (named after Loretta Petit, real life American radio personality born in New Orleans. Duvalier is last name of Voodoo genocidal dictator of Haiti.)  
Speaks French. As a human, she had dark skin, thick black short hair and often wore bonnets, dresses, and on occasion, charms around her neck. She went to Heaven for her selfless actions in comforting Alastor when he was bullied and abused. She was the only source of light in his life before he snapped.
Her voodoo deity is Erzulie, the goddess of beauty, love, femininity and motherhood.
Alastor secretly cuddles with a voodoo doll of his mother every night.
Louis Francois Cajun: White man and Christian French immigrant, descendant of two French Canadians. He fell in love with Loretta, but bi-racial marriage was frowned upon, so they held it in secret. He is a skilled hunter and taught Alastor to hunt deer and game at a young age. When Alastor was younger, he told him to “beware the gators” in the nearby swamp. As Alastor grew older, he became more abusive to him, even molested him after sleeping with another woman on a Friday the 13th. He died brutally by Alastor in the 1920s/30s.
Louis became an oppressive black deer overlord but was defeated by Alastor a second time.
In Alastor’s vision, Louis is represented by Ogun, god associated with dogs, warriors, hunters, conflict. He’s symbolized by an iron knife and has fondness for pretty women and rum.
 Racheil: Alastor’s friend and love interest (though he doesn’t want sex or serious romance.) She has short blonde hair and looks similar to Charlie in dapper clothes. She, like Charlie, is nice to him and loves to dance and sing. She tries to help him become a better person but after he snapped, she broke up with him and left him to solve his own problems. She almost got stabbed b him but managed to escape with her wife Agatha (whom she had married in private).
In Alastor’s dream, she appears as Oshun, a goddess connected to beauty, sexuality, wealth, pleasure, and rivers.
Alastor later makes a voodoo doll of Racheil’s similar counterpart, Charlie along with dolls representing the other characters.
   Mimzy: Alastor’s friend and temporary love interest (Alastor liked to flirt with her but didn’t want to get intimate nor be tied down). Mimzy likes singing, jazz, desserts and doughnuts. She doesn’t like rock. Confident in her singing, she is the owner of a jazz club, both on Earth and in Hell. She is a short, chubby woman who wears pink/purple flapper dresses, a headband with pink feathers and short blonde hair. Her eyes were blue and her skin white as a human, in Hell her eyes were black with hot pink pupils.
Mimzy and Alastor sing several duets together on stage in both realms and even share a kiss much to the disgust of a jealous (human) Husk. As time went on however, Mimzy started falling head over heels for him, while Alastor wanted to stay friends. (She heard about his radio shows but didn’t suspect he was the killer until later). One night, a love crazed Mimzy (who had also had several drinks) tried to undress him and even reached for his private parts. He shoved her off and threatened to kill her if she assaulted him again. Then she realized in shock that he was the serial killer when he defended himself with a bloodstained knife. She tried to call for help, but he choked her with an insane look in his eyes.
Alastor keeps a voodoo doll of Mimzy in his lair with the straw arms missing.
 Rosie: Alastor’s friend, fellow overlord, and associate. Rosie wears dark pink dresses, and a large pink hat with skulls, pink feathers, and black flowers on it in Hell. She has black eyes and sharp teeth. She is the owner of her emporium, after Franklin got eaten by demons.
As a human, Rosie looked similar to Mary Poppins: black hair, white skin, elegant dresses and an umbrella in her hands. She owned an emporium on Earth. Alastor used to sing with her and help her out like a gentleman. However, this was before he became insane. Rosie went to Hell after forcing her employees to work long hours with hardly any breaks (It was during a time where people worked their lives away). Like in Hell, she was self-centered and didn’t hesitate to overpower others to fulfill her ends. Hence, she became an overlord due to the impact of her evil actions.
According to Vivziepop, their relationship is similar to Jack and Mary’s relationship from Mary Poppins: both Jack and Alastor help out their lady friends and are polite to them. Like Mary, Rosie is stern, sophisticated, elegant, and a perfectionist. She’s “practically perfect in every way” at least in her opinion. Both Rosie and Alastor love singing, dancing, performing, and killing people. The three of them met up with Mimzy and all sang together.
Alastor keeps a voodoo doll of Rosie in his lair.
However, Rosie, like nearly everyone in Hell, has an agenda of her own: using Alastor to further her status. In fact, she often views those around her as mere friends and servants who purpose is to make her life easy and orderly. She, along with Vox, Valentino, Katie, and Sir Pentious are listed as antagonists.
 Niffty: A small cyclops demon with a hot pink skirt and short pink hair with a yellow undertone. She is the maid for the Hazbin Hotel: she cleans the rooms, cooks meals and likes to sew, read and write. She is obsessed with men and was summoned by Alastor. She died in the 1950s as a Japanese-American woman at age 22. She is hyperactive and fast…and also a hopeless romantic who indulges in her own fantasies. Niffty isn’t afraid to use manipulation to get her way. Alastor summoned her from the fireplace but before that, he had charmed her into making a deal with him shortly after she arrived in Hell.
Alastor keeps a voodoo doll of Niffty in his lair.
 Husk: A black and white cat demon with red wings with card suits on them. He has long red eyebrows, wears a black hat and wears a large red bow tie. Husk loves drinking, gambling, cards and magic shows. As a human, Husk interacted with Alastor as a broad man with short black hair. He went off to serve in the Vietnam War, gambling and drinking his problems away. He died in the 1970s.
In Hell, Alastor summons the grumpy bad-mouthed Husk to help man the front desk of the hotel for “charity work” and transports him there. Alastor got Husk to make a deal with him by promising him booze, cigars, and drinks spiked with catnip. Husk can speak many languages and is good with children.
Alastor keeps a voodoo doll of Husk in his lair.
  Alastor’s ancestor from his father’s side: Marie LaLaurie, (1787-1849) real life New Orleans serial killer, cruel to Creole slaves
 Dr. Facilier: distant relative
 Alastor’s cousin from his mother’s side: Clementine Barnabet: (1894-1923) real life Louisiana voodoo priestess and serial killer, killed families with an axe.
 Real life Axeman of New Orleans serial killer 1918-1919
Killed women and primarily used an axe. Spared those who played jazz in their homes
 Albert Fish: serial killer, child rapist and cannibal 1924-1932 crimes, died in 1936
 Chapter 1: “Down in New Orleans”
 Alastor’s mother gives birth to him at 3:00am. It was an early birth and she almost died in the process. He was also born premature (3 weeks early) via C-section. Everything else starts off perfectly normal, with baby and kid Alastor loving his parents and enjoying music at every turn. During this time, Alastor is oblivious to discrimination.
 Both his father and mother tell him “you’re never fully dressed without a smile,” a message that would impact him for the rest of his life. “Frowning shows weakness,” according to his father and his mother says that “be happy and people will like you more.”
One of his favorite memories was listening to music on the radio in the car with his parents.
Family members and friends say “Mais cher!” (Glad to see you).
Alastor and his mother carry gris-gris amulets for good luck.
  Chapter 2: “Theatrical Geek”
1900: age 5
Alastor discovers his love of theater at school and his mother’s jambalaya.  He discovers his intense love of cooking and learns how to make jambalaya and other Creole foods. He brags that his mother’s cooking is the best and hopes that he can do an even better job. The elementary school kids pick on him for being awkward, bi racial, thin looking and a nerd. (The bullying gets worse when he goes into middle and high school, when he doesn’t display an interest in girls.) His dad slaps him for the first time for not getting into sports and bringing mud from his shoes into the house.
 Francois: “You can’t kick a ball, you do bad at school, I bet you couldn’t even lift up an axe with those puny muscles.”
 When Alastor’s father watches football in person, he yells “Who tat!” after the team scores, while a young Alastor is bored.
Alastor says “I hate noodle juice!” after trying tea.
 Alastor is considered black based on the one drop rule. Alastor has light brown skin but not as dark as his mother’s nor pale white like his father’s.
Alastor’s favorite classes are music, theater, and French. (he never was much of a math person).
Alastor and several kids go into a swamp on a dare. Alastor’s dad told him to “beware the gators.” They got separated and one of the kids got eaten by one. The other kid screamed but Alastor, though shocked at first, just watched in fascination. “So that’s what happens when people are eaten, they scream and flail, and a whole bunch of blood squirts everywhere. How painful would it be to have those teeth tear through your flesh and fell yourself getting swallowed…glad that’s not me.” It was akin to him watching an animal documentary on an old TV.
Dream 1: Alastor frequently dreams he is an innocent carefree light red young deer who dresses in extravagant costumes and sings while everyone cheers him on. They call him “The Radio Deerman.”
Dream 2: Alastor evades an alligator who represents his dad, but soon gets eaten and wakes up.
         Chapter 3: “Deer Hunting and Mardi Gras”
1903: age 8
Alastor’s father takes him deer hunting and teaches him how to skin a deer for venison and fur. The young boy is sacred at first, but soon finds the process fascinating.
Alastor gets beaten up by his drunken father, while his mother is too sacred to do anything.
Alastor is also introduced to Voodoo via his mother, and he finds the concept of animal sacrifices both horrifying and interesting. But his mother also tells him to not listen to the negative stereotypes placed on the Creole and to decide for himself what’s good or bad. His Christian father brushes it off as nonsense.
The family also celebrates Mardi Gras and goes to Antonnie’s Restaurant. At Mardi Gras, Alastor finds joy in singing, dancing, and the elaborate costumes and music…letting out his theatrical side. However, the other kids from school are mean to Alastor, not even letting him near the front of the Mardi Gras float. They yell “Throw me something, Mista!” and manage to catch beads, cups and fake gems, leaving Alastor catching nothing.
 Alastor and his family frequently chant “laissez les bon temps rouler” (let the good times roll”
 After being bullied and beaten by two mean brothers, Alastor sneaks into their yard and kills their dog using his gun. He is grounded for several weeks by his mother and made to read/memorize Bible passages by his father.
  Chapter 4: “Freak Show”
1907: age 12
Alastor is diagnosed with anxiety, narcissism and psychopathic tendencies. He is bullied in middle school and is not interested in sex and girls like the other boys. He finds it gross and pointless.
 Francois: “Why did I ever agree to raise such a sissy? That boy’s probably running off with other boys like a deranged faggot! I’ve told you before, Loretta, that he’s been influenced by the Devil from the start…”
Loretta: “Tell it to Sweeney! Bushwa! That be foolish nonsense! He’s our son, let ‘im live his life! You call ‘im a “pussy” but I bet he’d be more of a man than you, sometimes!”
 Francois: (lands a bruise on her shoulder) “Don’t you forget who the head of this house is. My house, my rules to follow.”
Loretta: “You be drinkin’ too much again. I’m not gonna make life easy for you if you keep badmouthing about Alastor!”
Francois: “He’s not normal. He’s weak, antisocial, and a mixed creep. I don’t know how you put up with him.”
Loretta: “Despite his…quirks, I know he’s an independent, and amazing young man. Despite being busy, I’ve been blessed to watch Alastor grow up. Heh, he’s an even better cook than I am now.”
Francois: “No. There’s something wrong with him. You’ve been lecturing him about hoodoo and voodoo too much. He’s obsessed with the supernatural and Satanism. I don’t know why I was briefly curious about voodoo when I was a young adult.”
Loretta: “You wouldn’t have met me, otherwise. You say somethin’ wrong with ‘im?  (points at his chest) Who might be da influence of that?”
 Francois: “Lo, we have to put a stop to his erratic behavior. If religious training won’t work…”
Loretta: “…then just waitin’ and letting life take its course, will.”
 Alastor has fun with his parents at a circus. A fortune teller reveals his Tarot cards to him: the Fool for his childhood (innocence and exploration) Hermit for his teenage years (isolation) Justice for his adulthood (adding to karma) and the Devil for his years past 30.
 One traumatic day, Alastor’s father sleeps with other women behind his wife’s back, and Alastor witnesses the act, terrified. His father finds out and proceeds to kick him, to molest him and rape him from behind, penis shoved in and out of him, Alastor feeling helpless. The father even calls him a homosexual bitch and to “teach him a lesson.” After it’s too late, his mother runs in to comfort him after his father leaves.
It is at this point that Alastor wonders what it’d feel like to kill/eat a human being. Because of his father, he hates sex and being touched.
  Chapter 5: “Deal with the Other Side”
1910: age 15
Alastor finds a Satanic ritual book that a group of imps called K.I.L.L. accidentally left behind. He makes a deal with some evil Loas: gain unlimited power in the afterlife at the cost of a loved one’s life and his own.
Unbeknownst to him, a wendigo shadow version of himself is conceived inside his head after he reads a spell, later manifesting itself as his darkest thoughts and primitive urges…furthering his decent into madness.
He practices using a gun, ax, and knife, quickly mastering them. He also creates voodoo dolls in secret.
Alastor kills his first human with a knife after a white man insults him for being Creole and of mixed race (part white from his European father, part Creole/African/Native American from his brown-skinned mother).
For the first time, Alastor feels powerful as well as shocked. He was worried that he would get caught. When he didn’t…he wondered what it’d be like to do it again.
Though Alastor’s mother let’s Alastor do what he wants, she also warns him to be careful with the dark Loas. Both his parents encourage Alastor to continue hunting and defending himself. (Though both aren’t aware of the murder).
  Chapter 6: “Radio Host”
1911: age 16
Alastor starts his job as a radio host and DJ, earning more money to support his family. (Though his father still verbally insults him every day and his mother is often working.) He discovers dad jokes and electro swing, getting back into his love of theater and dance. He loved dark coffee and drank liquor at Mardi Gras, where he danced with Mimzy at a jazz club and met Racheil.
 “Hello sheba!” Alastor and Husk think when they see Mimzy, a sexually desirable woman.
 Mimzy is short and plump, with a feathered hat, large thighs, white skin and short white hair. Her dress is magenta and she wears a headband with a large magenta feather. She also wears a necklace with a round pink gem. She and Alastor share several kisses. Husk gets jealous and tries to flirt with Mimzy, to no avail.
 Mimzy orders sinkers (doughnuts) every day “I’d like three sinkers, por favor!” she says.
 Racheil, Husk, Mimzy and Alastor greet each other with “Mais cher!”
 Husk drinks “giggle water” (liquor) and is “dissafied” (drunk)
 Alastor calls Mimzy a “doll” and “dame” (both mean beautiful women
   Chapter 7: “Radio Career”
1920: age 25
Alastor now has his own radio show and studio. Alastor meets Mimzy (owner of a jazz club) and they sing several duets at a jazz concert. Both his parents slightly suspect that he’s the Deer Devil serial killer but, of course, don’t say anything. He meets Husk as well (and later makes a deal with him in Hell). He also does dad jokes and sometimes performs in a band, much to the delight of Mimzy and Rachiel. Mimzy, Husk, and Racheil become his only three friends.
Dream 2: Alastor dreams he is a grown red buck, enjoying life but running from hunters, who represent the elite, and a demonic alligator, representing his father. His mother appears as an angelic Voodoo priestess with eagle wings creating Thunder.
Racheil asks Alastor to marry her, while Mimzy falls deeper in love with him. Alastor is affectionate with them, but doesn’t want to be tied down in marriage. Racheil orders a snowball (snowcone) and becomes suspicious of her lover/best friend.
Alastor refers to Mimzy (and sometimes Racheil) as “bearcats”: women with fiery streaks. Both Mimzy and Alastor are swanky (use their wealth/knowledge/skill to impress others) while performing.
   Chapter 8: “Stock Market Crash”
1929: age 34
 Hell, March 13, 1919 1929 Stock Market Crash
Esteemed Mortal of New Orleans: The Axeman The Deer Devil
 They have never caught me and they never will. They have never seen me, for I am invisible, even as the sound waves that surround your earth. I am not a human being, but a demon and overlord from the hottest hell. I am what you Orleanians call the Deer Devil. Down here, I’m the inevitable Radio Demon.
 When I see fit, I shall appear and claim other victims as I see fit. I alone know whom they shall be. No clues will be left behind, save for what you might hear on the next broadcast.
Tell the police and the racist, elite scum of the world to beware. Let them try not to discover who I am, for it’d be better for them not to have been born than to incur the wrath of the Deer Devil. You’ll have a deer in the headlights look and won’t have any idea what hit you until after it’s too late.
Undoubtedly, you Orleanians think of me as a monster and murderer. But if I wanted to hurt anyone else here, I would have done so already. If I wished, I could pay a visit to your city every night. I could kill every one of your best and worst citizens, for I am in a close relationship with the Shadows of the Other Side.
At 6:06 pm next Friday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans and then visit those in Hell. I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is:
I am very fond of jazz music, electro swing, and jambalaya. I swear by all the Loas and deities that I will spare those who can provide me with some great entertainment when I visit. Word of warning, I can read you people like a book, and see into your very souls. Anyone foolish enough to challenge me will have their corpses consumed and their screams muffled by the lovely sound of jazz bands jamming the night away.
I have been, am, and will be, the worst spirit that ever existed in fact, fantasy, or realm of Hazbins.
Smile and stay tuned!
~Deer Devil (Alastor)
 Racheil breaks up with him after growing tired of Alastor being self-centered and hungry for money, and his indifference to the murders. She thought he could be a good person, but left and told him he had to redeem himself on his own. She calls him a “grifter” (con man) after discovering he sometimes made deals.
Husk remarks to others that Alastor got the “icy mitt” (meaning he got rejected.) He tries to flirt with Racheil but she claims she has to go. Fortunately, Alastor doesn’t hear him or pay attention.
 At this point, Mimzy grows suspicious of Alastor and soon finds out that he’s the serial killer. He sees her and dances with her one last time. He describes how joyful it is to kill cruel racist people. Mimzy says she’s worried about him and reaches toward the old rotary phone on a counter. Thinking that she’d call the police, Alastor chokes and kills her in a frenzy before sadly holding her dead body.
Alastor was sad after her death but once in Hell (1933), he met up with her again at her jazz club, singing and dancing with her, even giving her a hug during the time of his conquests. He made deals with Niffty, Husk, Mimzy, and Rosie, with only Husk and Niffty being under his control to an extent.
 Alastor becomes the most well-known radio show-host in New Orleans. He thrives in money and material things (good food, wine, radios, cigarettes, a new staff with a circular microphone and miniature antlers made from gold around it. and outfits) But no one else except his parents knows that he is the infamous “Deer Devil” serial killer. Now he enjoys seeing orphans and children in misery, reminding him that he was better off than many. He makes shady deals, announcements on various murders and tells dad jokes as electro swing music plays.
Alastor also eats pig meat, deer meat and human meat, along with jambalaya and a jorum of skee (hard liquor) that he stole from Husk. He announces the murders on the air in detail, all with a cheerful tone.
He kills his victims in various ways: some hanging from trees with their organs spilled out, some buttered and eaten, others buried alive, some people shot and stabbed when he doesn’t feel like dragging it out. He’ll often poison other’s food/drinks and watch their reactions with a grin on his face. He enjoys tricking others into corners/tight spots so he doesn’t have to run after them. He’s found of pranks, especially deadly ones done on others. He saves brutal killings for racist men and women and those who think ill of him and his show. He becomes known as the “Deer Devil Dealer of New Orleans.” He only started killing people and animals at random after his mother died and he lost his mind.
 Both his parents eventually figure out that Alastor is a serial killer and practices Voodoo (though his mother knew about him doing Voodoo all along but was upset that he turned to the dark side). His father threatens to kill him or send him away to jail but his mother looks at him sadly, still loving him. “Go to Hell!” his father says, “…and may the Devil have no mercy on your already tainted soul.” Alastor is kicked out of the house by his father, but Alastor promises to visit his mother in secret.
      Chapter 9: “A Great Depression”
1930: age 35
The event hits the family hard, and Alastor’s mother is out of a job. Only cans of food and the occasional game are enough to sustain them. Alastor kills and eats people, those who were racist, rich, or looked upon him in disgust. He then saw others as nothing more than prey to be played with.
His family is mocked by others as dewdroppers (lazy and unemployed)
Husk and Alastor part ways, both sharing their troubles (Husk going to the Vietnam War in the future, gambling and drinking his life away.)
 Alastor’s father drinks alcohol, does drugs and sleeps with other women. When Alastor visits again, he gets whipped by his father and raped yet again for “being a pussy and not being a proper man.” Again, Alastor’s mother doesn’t do anything to stop him because she’s too scared.
Worse, yet, Alastor’s mother falls gravely ill due to the flu and stress and the family can’t afford medication to help her. (or more accurately, medications aren’t being offered to families of color/mixed race. Francois considers this God’s punishment on Loretta and Alastor for their occupations (ignoring his own sins).
Alastor’s mother gets badly beaten and shot in the stomach by her husband. The father is later arrested outside (due to a neighbor calling the police). Alastor cries in agony as his mother dies in front of him. He later says grace over dinner and eats her remains on top of jambalaya. He cries hard for the rest of the day, cuts himself, and doesn’t eat anything for days…spiraling into a great depression.
 After his mother’s death, Alastor lost his remaining traits of humanity…succumbing to his demonic nature. At that point, he didn’t care who he ate and/or killed…it was the last think he could do to keep himself sane along with drinking liquor, coffee, sewing voodoo dolls, and broadcasting the murders by himself.
 Dream 3: He has nightmares about a demonic skeletal deer covered with maggots and sores with chunks of meat over bone and one eye hanging loose running after him. He finds himself in a dark snowy forest, a fierce biting wind. After it seemed like he had been defeated by the monster, Alastor looks into a puddle and sees another, far worse monster, a demonic wendigo reflection staring back at him…Alastor sees a horned face and malnourished skeletal body, ripped red pinstriped dress coat, four clawed hands, red and black hair and red eyes, sharp teeth, large black antlers…the wendigo form resembling his current demonic form in Hell. After killing the alligator representing his father, the wendigo Alastor look-alike shadow appears and says “This is who you really are,” before Alastor wakes up.  
 Two days later, his father is set free with only a slap on the wrist. Alastor tracks him down to a local bar. (Although he usually doesn’t stalk or chase his victims as it breaks his moral code, but his dad is an exception. Also following others/sneaking toward them are often required to kill others.) His father had been secretly afraid that Alastor would be stronger and would want to kill him, thus proving his son more dominant than himself. He had weapons ready, but Alastor had set up several traps in advance. Though Alastor was physically weaker than his father, he was very clever. He had packed a backpack of all his weapons, rope and essential tools. His father says “You and your heathen mother deserve to die” only for Alastor to respond, “Nobody talks about my mama that way.” Seeing his father knocked out, Alastor raises his knife to kill him but stops. That would merely be too easy. He supports him by the shoulders, pretending to be concerned for him as onlookers watched in shock, “It’s okay sir, you just fainted from the heat. Let’s go for a walk in the woods.” He takes him deep in the forest and chuckles darkly.
Alastor knocks him out and ties him to a tree in a forest, waiting until he wakes up.  He starts (smiling the whole time) by slicing off his father’s dick among his father’s cussing (“when you screwed me once”), inserting a hot knife inside his father’s privates (“when you screwed me again”) then slicing off his ears (“this is for all the times when you wouldn’t listen to me”), shoving his own severed penis down his throat (“When you shoved your macho beliefs down my throat”) he whips him, then slowly cuts deep down his chest with a chainsaw, organs revealed (“this is for mama”) and finally shots him in the heart (“and this is for me, you heartless bastard.”) He eats his father’s flesh over jambalaya and it’s the best meal he’s ever had.
   Chapter 10: “Death by Dogs”
1933 age 38.
Alastor is eventually tracked down when he accidentally laughs too much when describing his father’s death on the radio.
Additionally, Racheil finds out about Alastor’s killings back at his house, as she walked with her new wife Agatha. Seeing stuffed deer around the house and Alastor holding a bloody knife, she knew at that moment he was the Deer Devil. She screams for help, alerting the neighbors who call the police. Agatha kicks Alastor in the groin, allowing her and Racheil to escape. Knowing that he had finally been discovered, Alastor fled.
 Not too long before the police discover where he is, Alastor gets bitten by a rabies infested dog. For the next several hours, Alastor experiences hallucinations, paranoia, brain inflammation and a fear of water. In water, all he sees is leeches and alligators. In his hallucinations, he is being watched by a wendigo. The police chase Alastor though the dark woods, police dogs hot on the trail. A local deer hunter, Hustle, joins in on the chase. Alastor navigates the woods, trying to find a place to hide. He experiences extreme agony when the deer hunter spots him, pointing a rifle at him. The hunter announces his location to the police. Seeing no other way out other than pain and imprisonment, Alastor takes the gun from the hunter and shoots himself between his eyes. The police dogs maul his dead body and the hunter sinks to his knees in shock and terror. Strangely enough, Alastor dies with a creepy smile on his face, the mark of Kalfu appearing behind his cold neck, unnoticed by anyone.
 1920s slang:
Cancelled stamp - a shy, lonely female, the type one would describe as a “wallflower”
Pachuca - Female Mexican living in America
Berries - Something that is good, desirable or pleasing
 Ringers - Fake Dumb Dora - Unintelligent woman Gasper - Cigarette Big House - Jail Can - Jail Hitting on all eights - Go well Hoods - Criminals Palookas - Men, probably not very smart Phonus Balonus - Nonsense Hombres – Men
Quilt - Alcohol that warms you up Boob - An idiot Broad - Lady Chippy - Woman of easy virtue (loose woman) Egg - Man Duck soup - Easy Kale - Money Big Sleep - Death Hooches - Boot-legged liquor Wise head - Smart Fuzz - Police Butter and egg men - Men with the bankroll Zozzled - Drunk (shitfaced) Dishes - Pretty women Jam - Trouble/ Tight spot Bee's Knee's - Extraordinary Giggle juice - Alcohol Chin music - Punch to the jaw Screwy - Crazy Clean sneak - An escape with no clues left behind
 What's eating you? - What's wrong? Crumb - Hopeless Behind the eight ball - Down on one's luck Doozy - Problem Flophouse - A cheap transient hotel where a lot of men sleep in large rooms Twenty large - $20,000 Egg - Man Mazuma - Money Dumb Dora - Unintelligent woman Dusting out - Disappearing Juice - Debt Trouble boys - Gangsters Swell - Good
 Rubes - Unsophisticated people Ethel - Effeminate man Scram out - Get lost Socked - Punched Kittens - Young girls Big shot - Important individual Greens - Cash Flophouse - A cheap transient hotel where a lot of men sleep in large rooms Wop - Racial slur for Italian (A/N: It's been confirmed by Vivziepop that Angel is Italian!) Dincher - Half-smoked cigarette Lam off - Run away Hinky - Suspicious Broad - Woman Butt - Cigarette Foot juice - Cheap alcohol Owl - Someone who stays out late at night Necking - Kisses on the neck Gowed-up - High Balled-up - Messed up Four-flushing - Feigning wealth while mooching off others Dewdropping - Sleeps all day and doesn't have a job Dope fiend - Drug addict Slay - Make one laugh Gin mill - Bar Grummy - Depressed Jam - A tight spot What's eating her? - What's wrong with her? Zozzled - Drunk (shitfaced) Bearcat - A fiery and vivacious woman Beef - Problem Sap - Useless person Bull - Bullshit Crepe hanger - Reformer Goof - Idiot Swanky - High-class Bird – Person
 Ankle - Walk Poke - Bankroll Break it up - Stop that, quit the nonsense Potty - Slightly crazy, insane Breeze - Easy Beat one's gums - Idle chatter Fuzz - Police Heebie-Jeebies - The jitters, anxiety Capers - Crimes Cut dead - Ostracised Razz - To make fun of or take the piss out of, heckle High-hat – Snub
 Dincher - Half-smoked cigarette Cut down - Murdered Wet - Stupid Sheba - Woman with sex appeal Quiff - Cheap prostitute Mac - Man Bull Session - Male talkfest, gossip, stories of sexual exploits Beeswax - Business Croak - Kill Alderman - Pot belly Steam up - Get angry Nookie - Sex Twist - Woman Make whoopee - Have sex Got lathered - Got mad Dogs - Feet Nudnik - Stupid man Bim - Girl Whisper Sister - Female proprietor of a speakeasy Moneybags - Testicles Jive - Unpleasant talk
 Soupbone - Penis Cheaters - Glasses Socked - Punched Twist - Girl Make whoopee - Have sex John - Toilet Bum-rushed - ejection by force from an establishment Chivved - Cut Crackjob - Psychopath Palooka - Stupid man Skirt - Woman Over the edge - Crazy, insane Hot dog - Penis Deck of Luckies - Pack of cigarettes
 Crumb - Hopeless Square - Honest Chicago lightning - Gunfire Greens - Money Copper - Police Bushwa - Bullshit Big Cheeses - Someone of importance and influence Cats - Men Weak sister - Pushover Bump gum's - To talk about nothing worthwhile Chinning - Talking Downer - Depressing feeling Bearcat - Very fiery and vivacious girl Gayly – Happily
 Hoods - Criminals Get a wiggle on - To make a move Pachuca - Female Mexican living in America (A/N: Not correct as Vaggie is Salvadoran!) Bird - Person Paste - Punch Take the air - Get lost Bruno - Tough guy Dangle - Leave Rubes - Unsophisticated people Big Six - Tough guy Broads - Women Dumbbell - Idiot Bug-Eyed Betty - Unattractive woman Get in a lather - Throw a fuss Bluenose - Prude Jake - Great Sheik - A man with sex appeal
 Jam - Tight spot Button - Nose Gas - Joke Pos-i-lute-ly - Affirmative Dogs - Feet Ankled - Walked Ms Grundy - Boring and uninteresting woman
 Ankling - Walking Wet blanket - A killjoy Bozos - A stupid or foolish person Hombre - Man Kisser - Punch Schnozzle - Nose Cast a kitten - Throw a fuss Lather - Fuss Left - Wrong Over the edge - Crazy Crackers - Insane Go jump in a lake - You're crazy Joe Brooks - Smart and well-dressed man Looker - Attractive Flat tire - Bore/ Boring Nerts - Crazy Mustard plaster - Unwelcome guy who sticks around Butter and egg men - Money men Ankle - Walk Swell - Good Cat's Meow - Something splendid or stylish; similar to bee's knees; The best or greatest
 Lammed off - Ran off Boiler - Car Sap - A dumb guy Broad - Woman Big One - Death Hoeey - Nonsense/ Bullshit Gumshoe - Detective Peeper - Detective Gas - Joke Bozo - Stupid or foolish person
 Frau - Wife Frail - Woman Dry-gulched - Knock out, hit on head after ambushing Hombres - Men Jive - Unpleasant talk Wherewithal - Money or other means needed for a particular purpose Bull - Nonsense In the soup - In trouble Elephant ear's - The police Bootless - Hopeless Barbering - Talking Plugs - People Dumb Dora - Unintelligent woman Loggerheads - To strongly disagree Attagirl: Well done Mazuma - Money Call copper - Police informant Clip - Shot Hooch - Liquor Trouble boys - Gangsters Pinching - Arresting/ Capturing
  Tip a few - Have a few drinks Earful - Warning Zotzing - Killings And how - I agree Beeswax - Business Egg - Man Don't take any wooden nickels - Don't do anything stupid Zozzled - Drunk/ Shitfaced Rubes - Unsophisticated men Buddy Roe - A threatening form of address for a male in the South Beef - Problem Dry-gulched - Knock out, hit on head after ambushing Glaum - Steal Spifflicated - Drunk, intoxicated Kisses - Punches Jobbie - Boy Yahoos - Clumsy, unsophisticated people Conking – Hitting
 Socking - Punch Sap - Pitiful person Trap - Mouth Mitts - Hands Pipe - Throat Dormy - Dormant Snowbird - Cocaine addict Nose-candy - Cocaine Hightail - Hurry Elbows - Police Crummy - Lousy Hayburner - Gas-guzzling vehicle Frau - Wife Egg - Man Big Shot - Important person Off the track - Become insanely violent Browbeaten - Intimidated Corn – Bourbon
 Dame - Lady Baloney - Nonsense Cooled - Knocked out Jingle-brained - Addled Gashoused - Roughed up Chiv - Sharp weapon That's the crop - That's all to it Put the screws on - Question Looker - Attractive person Get a slant - Take a look
 Steamed up - Angry Noodle juice - Tea Earful - Warning Bumping off - Killing Dive - A low-down, cheap sort of place Bug-eyed - Wide-eyed with astonishment Cheaters - Glasses Ing-bing - Fit Tearjerker - Sentimental story Tight corner - Dilemma Numbers - People Crumb - Hopeless Keen - Attractive Swell - Wonderful Rate - Count for something Bangtail - Racehorse Balled up – Confused
 Noodle juice - Tea Java - Coffee Dingle dangler - Someone who insists on telephoning Blower - Telephone Blaah - Not so good Closed her head - Shut up Behind the eight ball - In a difficult position, in a tight spot Sap - Hopeless person Hot diggity dog! - Great! Cat's Pajamas - A very good thing Screaming-meemies - The shakes On the level - Honest Wrong number - Not a good fellow Pill - Unfavourable person Pipe - Notice All wet - Wrong Whoop-de-doo - Exclamation of joy Palookas - Stupid men Ms Grundys - Boring women Cancelled stamp – Wallflower
 Gasper – Cigarette Redhots - Criminals Capers – Crime Malarkey – Nonsense Mug – Face Rank - Observed, watched, given the once-over Heebie-jeebies – The jitters / Anxiety Ball up – Mess up Ear muffs – Headset Spiffy – Presentable Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed - alert and lively. Boocoos – A lot Bit – Prison sentence You slay me! – That’s funny! Horse feathers – Nonsense Bunny - Term that conveys sympathy and endearment for lost or confused person Ya follow? – Do you understand? Hotsy-totsy – Pleasing
Copacetic – Ok, Alright Off your rocker – Mad, crazy Whangdoodle – Jazz number Canary – Female singer Gams – Legs Chinese angle – Strange twist Chassis – The female figure Tin Pan Alley - The music industry in New York, located between 48th and 52nd street Joint – Establishment Giggle water – Liquor And how – I agree Insured – To be engaged to marry On the up and up – To be honest Carry a torch – Have an unrequited love Skirt – Girl Duck soup – Easy Weak sister – Pushover Crumb – Hopeless Noodle – Head Corked – Intoxicated
 Buzzed – Come to a person’s door Cat’s Pyjamas – Anything that’s good Boozehound – Drunkard Breeze off - Hurry Butt me – Give me a cigarette Deck - Pack Chilled off – Killed Barlow - Girl Having a snoot full – Being drunk Line – Insincere flattery Beeswax - Business Know your onions – Know what you are talking about Not so good – Disapproving Peepers – Detectives Mug – Face Honcho - Boss Berry patch – A man’s particular interest in a girl Beat it – Leave Urban set – New gown Razzing – Teasing Bushwa – Bullshit Hinky – Suspicious Says you! – An expression of disbelief Heel – Scoundrel
 Ankle – Walk Three-spot – Three-year jail sentence Di mi – My goodness Cat’s pajamas – Best thing Break it up – Stop that, Quit the nonsense Dusting out – Leaving Everything’s Jake! – Everything’s good! Grifter – Con artist Chisel – Swindle Not taking any wooden nickels – Not doing anything stupid Phony – Fake Hooey - Nonsense Chump - Person marked for a con or a gullible person.
Gandering - In the process of dudding up Hip to the jive – Trendy Swankiest - Stylishly luxurious and expensive Spiffy - Smart in appearance Get-up - A style or arrangement of dress, especially an elaborate or unusual one. Brooksy - Classy dresser Looker – Attractive person Tomato – Pretty woman Flivver – A Ford automobile Lousy with it – To have lots of Glad rags – Fancy clothes Blow – Wild party Crasher – Uninvited person Cancelled stamps – Wallflowers Goofs – Boyfriends Mug – Face
Made – Recognised That’s the bunk – That’s untrue Egg - Man Hooch – Liquor Hooker – A strong drink of liquor Frau – Wife Nibbling one – Having a drink Drifted – Leave Gee – Guy Peep show - an erotic or pornographic film viewed from a coin-operated booth. Greens - Money Darb – Remarkable Talkies – The picture show Lug – Dumb guy Go climb up his thumb - Go stick a thumb up his ass Trap - Mouth Gave them the door – Tell them to leave Gasper – Cigarette Bean-shooter – Gun Spill - Talk Given the third – Interrogated Heat - Gun Have the curse on someone – Wanting to see someone killed
 Bright young thing – Socialite Giving some burn power – Fire a gun What’s the grift? – What are you trying to pull? Trouble boys – Gangsters Boocoos – Lots of Birds – Interesting characters Nailed – Getting caught by the police Bumps – Kills Don’t gum every play I make – Don’t interfere with my plans Hatchet Man – Hired killer Jerking a nod - Nodding Chinning – Talking Nudniks – An irritating person Pan - Face Flat tire – Stupid girl Sweetie – A term for someone a girl doesn’t like Jive – Unpleasant talk Bushwa - Bullshit Weasel – A sleaze who tries to take another’s girl Swell – Good Gams – Legs
 Blow – Leave Balled Up – Confusing Dip the bill – Have a drink Tipping a few – Have a few drinks Scofflawing - Chugging down Togged to the bricks – Dressed to the nines Button - Face Lalapazaza - Good sport Conk - Head Ish kabibble - No worries Ducky – Approving Bloused – Leave from Whangdoodle – Jazz number Fag – A smoke Drink from the same bottle – Close friends Bunny – A term of endearment applied to the lost, disoriented Bluenose - Killjoy Lather - Tantrum Broad – Girl Grungy - Envious Canary – Female singer Dry Up – Shut Up baby vamp - a pretty or popular female Edge – A buzz Dizzy with a dame – In love
 Chippy - Woman of easy virtue Jingle-brained - Addled Spifflicated - Drunk Cut down – Killed
 Out on the roof – To drink a lot, to be drunk Can House – Bordello Beat his gums – Engage in idle chatter Yap – Mouth Close your heads – Shut up Half-screwed – Somewhat drunk Put down - Drink Pop – Kill Hookers – Drinks Clotheslines – Neighbourhood gossips
   Cajun slangs:
Enchanté – Delighted to meet you Cher – Dear Come see - Come here Weh – Yes De’pouille – Anything or anyone who is a mess Podna – Friend Honte – Embarassed Kagou – Oh no Juju – Energy Ahnvee – Hunger Envie - Craving
    Hazbin Hotel and characters belong to Vivziepop, no copyright intended
 List of references and artists who inspired this work
 “A Beginning” by DrowningInFandoms208
(44,737 word fanfiction that goes into detail on Alastor’s past, his hunter father, and his abusive behavior)
 “Alastor’s Despair” by AwkwardKaminari
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22240174/chapters/53104108 (symptoms and Alastor’s diagnosis)
 “Dressed” by Escarno
(Alastor’s mother’s advice)
 “He’s A Mama’s Boy” by Legally bi 20
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22568032 (French language and Alastor’s mothers’ similar appearance in Hell descriptions)
 “It’s Never Enough” by SydneyArtstuff https://www.instagram.com/sydney_artstuff/ (final Mimzy scene)
 “Making Jambalaya With Your Father” by MajorMasterD
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22949809 (mother dying and cannibalism)
 “Momma’s Boy” by Dear Husker
(Alastor’s father killing the mother and list of the years)
 “Remembrance” by ornithia
(Alastor losing humanity after his mother’s death)
 “Sewing” by another–athena
(Alastor’s love of sewing voodoo dolls of Hazbin characters. Ideas from this later used in an Alastor fic: “Hidden Hazbin Sins”)
 “The Devil of New Orleans” by WritingAndSmiting
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23003890/chapters/55000696 (language, Alastor’s similar name that other’s call him, and a few cultural aspects)
  “This is for all that you put me through, you piece of shit”
by VillanousBakugou13
(Alastor getting raped by his father and then getting his revenge)
  BlueRaven666 Alastor rabies death theory
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