juniperjellyfish · 2 months
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deadlyweiss · 9 months
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[...] introducing a character who's like a younger brother to Cowler and have a teacher-pupil dynamic together.
I find the wiki article for Bo Gardan really funny because I can see what they were going for but also, dude. When your villains cause special effects to appear by holding hands when reuniting, regardless of your original intention, you've written a couple.
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the-ninjago-historian · 2 months
Ninjago: Possession Concept Art (Batch 1!)
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I got a TON of ghost concepts from Ninjago Possession! Here's the first batch! We've got some crazy stuff here! I especially like the banshee looking one in the bottom right corner! And we seem to have an early design of Soul Archer! Here, he's called Cowler!
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thebarnanditsfarmau · 7 months
cowler, how do you act when u're jealous?
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I honestly would hide the fact I'm jealous over anything in general. But when it comes to people giving Farm-ler attention, I just try to get more attention from him as soon as I see that.
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redroseredemption · 3 months
Choushinsei Flashman Review
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Flashman is an odd show for me. I have so many feelings coming out of it from both good and bad. The first 20 episodes or so are pretty good. I loved the premise of the rangers coming to earth in hopes of finding their parents, Dr. Tokimura and his family interactions with the rangers was always heart warming and great, Cowler's intro, Flash King destroyed and the intro to Titan Boy. It was all great...and then it just spins it's wheels for the next 25 episodes, not really doing anything. Yeah there was the part where the Flashman begin loosing their powers, but I personally didn't think it was handled very well. Bo Gardan came in WAY too late and should have been introduced like 25 episodes ago. I know Sentai has a lot of filler where not much happens but usually in other sentai shows I dont mind it. Here, all that time could have been spent looking for their families instead of the kid of the week. And yet...Flashman has one of the best endings to a sentai I've seen so far! It's both a great twist and genuinely bitter sweet. Overall, while very flawed, I still had some enjoyment and genuine emotional moments out of this show.
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julia-svper · 8 months
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Imagine forgetting to post ur art all the time... Alright but here's cowler, something for fast bc i have arblock... Nothing special :(( but yep, here's more skeches :>
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Remeber to follow my Twitter for all new art 😋 (@kam_art)
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tocantinsurgente · 1 year
Pescador captura peixe dourado de 30 quilos
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Após uma batalha de 25 minutos, o pescador britânico Andy Hackett pegou uma carpa colossal, apelidada de “A Cenoura”, que pesava impressionantes 30 quilos. Acredita-se que o peixe gigante seja o segundo maior de seu tipo já capturado, de acordo com a BlueWater Lakes, a pesca na região francesa de Champagne, onde o gigante vive. Com sua impressionante cor laranja, a enorme criatura parecida com um peixe dourado se destaca facilmente enquanto nada abaixo da superfície da água. A cenoura, no entanto, provou ser um desafio para pegar. “Com peixes normais, você luta para vê-los se estiverem logo abaixo da superfície, mas a Cenoura é obviamente laranja brilhante, então você não pode perder”, disse Hackett à BBC. “É um peixe muito procurado, poucas pessoas o pegaram, é bastante esquivo”. BlueWater Lakes oferece aos pescadores um local privado para tentar puxar um de seus muitos peixes pesando mais de 22,5 kg – e alguns até mais de 40 kg. “Colocamos A Cenoura há cerca de 20 anos como algo diferente para os clientes pescarem. Desde então, ele cresceu e cresceu, mas não sai com frequência”, disse o gerente de pesca Jason Cowler ao Daily Mail. “Não é o maior residente no lago, mas de longe o mais notável”. Depois que Hackett puxou Cenoura e a pesou, ela foi solta de volta no lago. A pesca tem uma regra de “não retenção” estabelecida, de modo que os pescadores nunca carregam o peixe para a terra. A equipe BlueWater também observou em sua página no Facebook que os peixes são tratados por quaisquer ferimentos antes de serem soltos de volta na água. A pescaria monitorou o crescimento da Cenoura com bastante frequência, já que ela foi puxada nove vezes por pescadores na última temporada. Depois de quebrar a marca de 27 quilos pela primeira vez em fevereiro, a carpa nadou livre por nove meses até que Hackett a puxou para fora. Peixinho dourado cada vez maior O peixinho doméstico médio pesa menos de meio quilo, mas a espécie pode atingir proporções muito maiores em circunstâncias variadas. Se dado muito espaço, com a dieta adequada e condições de água, as espécies de carpas, incluindo peixinho dourado e koi, têm potencial para uma grande quantidade de crescimento, o que explica o tamanho impressionante da Cenoura. Freqüentemente, os maiores peixes dourados encontrados são animais de estimação indesejados que foram soltos na natureza por seus donos. Animais descartados podem impactar negativamente o delicado equilíbrio de um habitat natural. Peixes dourados invasivos do tamanho de uma bola de futebol foram encontrados em um lago em Burnsville, Minnesota, em julho de 2021, resultando em autoridades municipais implorando aos residentes que não soltassem seus animais de estimação aquáticos no lago, pois poderiam prejudicar o meio ambiente local. “Uma carpa de 70 libras é um peixe realmente grande e impressionante”, disse o Dr. Zeb Hogan, biólogo pesquisador da Universidade de Nevada, Reno, e ex-apresentador do programa “Monster Fish” no National Geographic Channel. “Na verdade, existem diferentes tipos de carpas que são parentes do peixe dourado, que ficam muito grandes, que são encontrados na Europa e na Ásia – alguns dos quais podem chegar a cerca de 500 libras”. O crescimento observado nesses peixes robustos é chamado de crescimento indeterminado, uma condição na qual os animais crescem rapidamente quando jovens e continuam a aumentar de tamanho após atingirem a idade adulta, de acordo com Hogan. “Eles continuam crescendo, quanto mais vivem”, disse Hogan. “Ele continuará crescendo e ficando maior, e talvez em alguns anos alguém o pegue e fique ainda maior”.  A equipe de pesca disse no Facebook que Cenoura está “em excelente estado de saúde e condição” e pode até viver por mais 15 anos ou mais. “Que seu estrelato continue por muito tempo”, acrescentou a equipe. Veja outras notícias no tocantinsurgente.com Read the full article
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hcj09241 · 1 year
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世界最大「30kg怪獸金魚」現蹤!他用盡吃奶力氣釣上 雙手抱緊合影嗨翻 2022-11-22 16:42 聯合新聞網/綜合報導 一名男子在湖中釣魚,意外釣上一隻重達30公斤的「超巨大金魚」。 (圖/取自臉書粉專「Bluewater Lakes」) 一名男子在湖中釣魚,意外釣上一隻重達30公斤的「超巨大金魚」。 (圖/取自臉書粉專「Bluewater Lakes」) 從來沒見過這麼大的魚。一名男子在湖中釣魚,意外釣上一隻重達30公斤的「超巨大金魚」,打破世界紀錄。 綜合外媒報導,英國一名釣客哈克特(Andy Hacket)日前在法國香檳省(Champagne)藍水湖(Bluewater Lakes)釣魚,感受到釣竿不斷震動,就覺得應該是隻大魚上鉤了,他用盡吃奶力氣總算成功將這隻魚從湖中釣起,但哈克特卻嚇到了,因為被他釣出水面的竟是一隻巨無霸金魚(goldfish),藍水湖官方管理人員也把這隻巨無霸金魚的照片張貼在臉書粉專上。 這隻巨無霸金魚重達67.5磅(約30公斤),被取名為「胡蘿蔔(Carrot)」,是一隻已經存活在藍水湖中20幾年的雌性長壽金魚。哈克特表示,當時他感受到一股強大力道,就知道會是一條大魚,釣竿隨著牠不斷上下左右晃動,最後被拉起時,他從30碼到40碼處(約26至36公尺處),看到魚的身影浮出水面,這才發現是隻大金魚。 哈克特釣上這隻30公斤大金魚後趕緊抓緊時間,雙手抱住牠請附近的釣客幫忙合影,隨後立刻把大金魚輕輕放回水中,讓牠重新回歸大自然。其實被哈克特釣上的大金魚其實不算真正的金魚,而是無鱗鯉(leather carp)和錦鯉(koi carp)的混種,所以是一條「長的像金魚的混種鯉魚」。藍水湖發言人考樂爾(Jason Cowler)說,當初他們為了讓釣客可以釣上一些與眾不同的魚,在15年前把這種魚放進湖裡,沒想到竟然會長得如此大隻。 https://pets.udn.com/pets/story/122674/6784712?utm_source=udnnews&utm_medium=linepush https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRCd8nvbUt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goldleader0 · 3 years
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Wanted to do something for the 10th Anniversary.
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teratoscope · 6 years
The rain comes down on lower Hyrkonia like a hammer; the floodwaters carry integuments of decaying street filth downstream. Tomorrow, when the clouds clear and all the reasonable people leave their homes, great soggy drifts of nameless uncleanness will be there waiting for them, airing out in the sun. You intend to be well out of town when that happens. Something makes a terrible peeling sound from behind you, and your train of thought derails. You’re surrounded. At first you think your pursuers are just dressed for the weather, but the ragged, pale blue skins they’re wrapped in stretch and snake of their own volition. Several of them—dogs? children?—lie close to the ground, fully shrouded by their strange companions, faint impressions of familiar forms straining against the gelatinous membrane. There seem to be more of them every passing moment. It takes you a while to put together that it’s because they’re stepping out of each other; pendulous buds form in the surface of the second skin that disgorge impossible human payloads. “You have something of ours,” says the lead man. He unfurls a length of barbed chain. HD 1 MV 90’ climbing/150’ gliding AC leather AT probing tendrils (1d4+1) Special immune to fire/heat, water-breathing, ooze, bond, plasm warp
ooze—cowlers are immune to poison, disease, sleep, and any effect that targets the mind. Assuming they aren’t carrying anything large or rigid, they can fit through any space that water can flow through. bond—a cowler may use its whole action to bond with a living creature within 5 feet. An unwilling bondmate must make a Strength check at disadvantage if they wish to dislodge it. While attached to an unwilling host, the cowler can choose each round to either use the host’s move or one of its natural attacks. While bonded to a willing partner, the host receives all the cowler’s abilities; if their AC or MV is worse than the Cowler’s, they become equal to the Cowler’s for as long as the bond lasts. The cowler may still attack or take actions on its own turn. A cowler can be forced to dislodge if the host is struck with a critical hit or any amount of cold damage. plasm warp—a cowler may use its move to withdraw into its home plane and re-emerge through another creature with the ooze special trait. There is no limit to the range of this effect, though if a specific destination is not in mind the cowler will decide based on its own inscrutable protoplasmic prerogative. Any living creature brought through with the cowler has a 1 in 6 chance of taking a point of permanent damage to one of their mental stats, determined randomly; if they ever lose 6 points, they cannot lose any more from this effect and gain the ooze trait, as well as permanent psychic contact with Abhoth.
There is a school of thought taught in certain heretical studies in Chrysoberyl that there is no single structure that is “the universe.” Rather, there are intersecting cosmic forces, and experienced from the appropriate angle those intersections create the impression of a world with time, space, matter, and energy. In some circles that practice this heresy, it is argued that our world is a product of the intersection between adamada—a term imported from certain Ghet cosmologies referring to “primordial mechanism” or the tendency of things towards systematized and measurable principles—and Igloth-Mrr, “entity-ness,” the embodiment of life itself. The two are mutually exclusive; they torment each other. This, supposedly, is why the world is so deeply fucked. The philosophy is dubious, but Igloth-Mrr is quite real. Igloth-Mrr sits sideways of reality, and the cowlers are its blind and fumbling hands, reaching around corners of existence to appraise the state of things. Certain foolish magicians and natural philosophers refer to Igloth-Mrr as the elemental plane of slime. Priests of Igloth-Mrr call up cowlers as familiars; it is said that when a high priest goes to their death, these gelatinous partners digest and crystallize their spirit, to be carried home to their overgod’s loving pseudopods and reborn as a Jellysaint. Cowler cults can be found nearly anywhere—everyone from nightsoil merchants to Starless Circle agents to goblin defectors hear the siren call of Igloth-Mrr. In Lower Hyrkonia, it is wise to give the Plaza of Gargoyles a wide berth at night; the cowler-clad Murkboys lurk in the crumbling reflecting pools and neglected canals.
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karhina03 · 4 years
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A deserted settler home poking sad and forlorn on the outskirts of Cowper. 🏚 #desertedhome #northernrivers #countryvillage #countryside #abandondedhomes #settler #cowler #outandabout #visitnsw #australia #cowper 🌏 (at Cowper, New South Wales, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9LnAmwnrpf/?igshid=2mv1ifchwcz6
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ladysophiebeckett · 2 years
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colin actually feels bad but i know pen doesn’t. 
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thebarnanditsfarmau · 7 months
cowler and farmler, are you dating or something?
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Yes, we both are, for 5 years <3
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duelistkingdom · 3 years
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i saw this tweet and immediately knew what had to be done
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My first bnha art and it's a wallpaper for myself. Still, Izuku is kickass
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nevver · 3 years
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Get a grip, Jessy Boon Cowler (because)
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