#cultivate a space
john-gosh-darnielle · 2 months
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fools rush in
and the doors slam shut
(happy April fools there's no trick here it's just one of a handful of TMG songs that have the word fool in it ily all happy booping)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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This is the start of something new
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dangerous-advantage · 9 months
jin ling, having done some stupid shit: my uncle's gonna kill me!
lan sizhui, serenely: it's ok, your other uncle's a necromancer
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rox-of-iu · 1 year
the same clownery as usual lads 🌳🍑
!spoilers (but not for today's upcoming chapter lol)
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'cultivate' by amazing wonderful talented @neonghostcat
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
Begging people to stop seeing skills like compassion, care, kindness, empathy, patience, and whatever else less as inborn identities, but rather as skills. Essentializing "goodness" to the degree that you identify as kind rather than doing kind is going to destroy your self-image, but also what you think is kind.
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whumpbby · 8 months
I'm not making fun, I'm just saying that MDZS would be so much better if every Sect Leader outfit integrated a boob window.
Likes, a special guan and hairdo is all very nice, but I think an open chest would be a much better call-sign, especially from a distance. Better for visually impaired. It would also raise morale exponentially!
Just saying.
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commsroom · 2 years
hera wolf 359 is the most trans woman character of all time. it’s the way she’s treated as a woman implicitly - that people have those expectations for her in terms of roles and affectations - but not a real woman, always with the caveat she’s a different category of person. that she is canonically deadnamed and de-gendered as a form of control. the general distrust she feels, fear that respect for her identity is insincere and/or that it can be revoked at any time, if she’s too disagreeable. that she is reflective about her identity and place in the world to an agonizing degree, in a way even the other marginalized people around her aren’t quite, not in the same way, because it feels like all she can control. that she has an internal self-image, cultivated inwardly and maybe not even knowingly, even while she is under the impression no one will ever be able to see her, and that being seen in the way she exists in her own subjective memory is pivotal to some of the biggest moments in her character arc... that she feels this physical loneliness and this seemingly insurmountable gap between the way others perceive her and the way she thinks of herself. and most importantly, that the ways she feels different, the things she feels make her fundamentally doomed... so much of that is just not true and falls away during the course of the show...
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mcromwell · 4 months
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I think this pad of giant paper just lives on the dining table now. Breakfast burrito in one hand, crayon clenched in the other, mid quality restaurant style
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ibis-gt · 10 months
hey, a genuine plea from someone who used to love this space: please learn to treat artists & writers as human beings and not factories.
part of what drove me away was the absolutely constant push to be making new things. i’d post a piece of art or a comic or a fic and get tons of people asking for what was going to happen next, just more more more nonstop, and it was overwhelming and so discouraging. it didn’t matter how long the thing i’d just posted was, people just wanted more. when i went on my hiatus because i felt totally tapped out, i got asks & requests STILL asking me to make more things, telling what of my stuff they missed, keeping that pressure on, and it SUCKED. i couldn’t even rest on my break because of that and along with other huge problems in the community, it made me quit this place for good.
just, please learn some etiquette about how to engage with art and writing, please stop asking for more all the time. if you want something you need to either learn to make it yourself or put your money where your mouth is and pay for it. if artists or writers ask for requests then it’s okay to ask for things for free, but don’t assume that’s the case for every single creator out there. for the love of god don’t read someone’s fic and then say ‘what if you wrote this again, but with this different thing that i like more’, because you sound like an entitled child.
PLEASE remember we’re human beings with lives and other circumstances, we need to make money to live or we need to go to school or take care of ourselves and our families. we are more than the drawings or stories we create and if you treat us like factories, you’re just going to burn us out. we are not ‘content creators’. we are PEOPLE.
and hey! for any other creatives out there who feel this way, feel like your audience is draining you dry or a community isn’t treating you with the respect you deserve? there is nothing wrong with dropping that space and moving on to something else, something better. sometimes things can’t be fixed or reformed or shaped up. sometimes the rot is so deep that it’s not worth breaking your back trying to pull it out. If a space isn’t good for you, save your mental and physical health and leave. i’ve been in a much better place in almost every aspect of my life after getting out of this community. you don’t have to stick around if you don’t feel valued. anyone telling you otherwise is thinking more about themself than about you, so fuck ‘em.
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aetherknit · 2 years
i know we're all trying to move forward, but its been a few days and i'd like to speak more clear-headedly on the subject: with regards to Dream, i think its... extremely unfair to warp those exiting the fandom as suffering from some kind of "mob mentality." this isnt a result of misinfo or fearmongering -- in general, i think ex-dtblr bloggers fall on a wider spectrum than people believe wrt whether Dream is a bad person and how guilty he is.
although i can only speak from my experience/feelings, the thing that tipped this into "i really need to leave" territory, even though things still seem like a gray area to some with the trial in the air, is that this is very much an issue that can only exist because of Dream's platform, his fan community, and (as he noted in his twitlonger) parasocialism. i think many of us were put in a position where we realized a victim came forward, and our kneejerk reaction was that we didnt WANT to believe her, and that was an appalling thing to confront.
it all fell into perspective for some of us who have defended Dream tooth and nail in the past: how damning would something have to be before we believed it? really, in this situation, the only thing we could do was withdraw active, public support. sure, sure, parasocialism is to blame; if that's really the case, we all needed the wake-up call 😭 a lot of us have been through this song and dance with former creators -- blind faith only gets you so far before we have to remember ourselves.
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teekays · 2 months
it’s really great to be asexual and see your posts about sexualizing things/kinks. it’s like pits, piss, teeth? makes as much sense as boobs to me. very weird for me to see people be like no _______ (something you post about) is not sexy but _____ (conventional sexy thing) is and it’s different. as someone who is essentially “sexy-blind” it’s ironically easier for me to see the appeal of niche kinks simply because people who enjoy it will explain it, while people into “conventionally sexy” things kinda take it for granted that people will understand why it’s sexy. anyways keep being piss’s strongest soldier or whatever it is
WAH this is genuinely so very sweet to hear 😭🥺💘💝💖 it can be difficult sometimes to put myself out there and speak my truth about the unconventional stuff i like so it's always very nice to know i have allies who, even if they aren't into it personally, are like yeah! i get it! dudes rock! and i will continue to be piss's strongest soldier in your honor 🫡🫡🫡🫡
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yearningaces · 2 months
So you're fine with sex?
I don't care what other folks do in private and as long as everyone is of age and consenting that's for them
Pro sex workers
Pro adult spaces for adult content
Kink friendly
I just want nothing to do with those things and want to be given that same respect that I give to others who do enjoy it
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menoasmess · 11 months
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(Last one for the pride rec🫡)
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thebroccolination · 1 year
Just as a general thing: we won’t all agree on what actors deserve our support.
I don’t and won’t use antagonistic language or attack anyone, but I have and will block people who ruin the vibe (it’s healthy! 🥳). I’m just in fandom to have fun, so I’m not gonna fight anyone. I don’t have fun by tearing people down.
I completely understand not wanting to support certain actors. There are actors I don’t support. We don’t have to be at war or anything. They’re celebrities. The world is on fire. The new Zelda is out. There’s fic to read. Food to eat. Cats to befriend.
I like Krist. While I don’t know him personally or have a way of seeing into his mind or heart, I do see kindness and growth in him, and I like the person he seems to have become. I’ve seen him advocate for marriage equality and protect his queer friends, and I think recognizing someone’s growth helps them become their best self.
I don’t think relentless punishment or endless mockery helps people become better. I think it makes them worse. Anxious, depressed, or even suicidal. And despite the tendency toward dark humor in fandom, I truly believe most of us wouldn’t actually want that for anyone.
That said, I also don’t have the energy to care about every actor’s rehabilitation, so when I’d rather not support one, I withdraw my engagement completely. I don’t talk about them publicly. They’ve either lost or never earned my attention.
I’ve chosen who I want to uplift, so that’s who I give my energy to. I want to see them happy. I want to see them succeed. The ones I don’t want to see, I ignore. I have other stuff to do. 🤷🏻‍♀️
The way I see my time on this planet (and therefore in fandom too), I’m here to leave the spaces I occupy brighter than they were before I arrived. I won’t always succeed, but that’s the aim. ✨
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cowboystatic · 1 year
i think the funniest thing ever is when staff changes anything on this site even slightly. like this is the gay autism website what made u think a design change that offers no increase in functionality would appeal to this demographic
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wangxianficrecs · 10 months
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Proud Author Spotlight
hello! for WIP Rec Week I'd like to nominate my current WIP. why do I think readers might like the story? well, it's a retelling of the Untamed story In Space, and it's not complete yet but it did fully get through the Sunshot Campaign so I think there's plenty of story there for readers to enjoy! @mikkeneko
(say hello to my) thirty million little friends
by Mikkeneko
M, WIP, 133k, Wangxian
Summary: Wen Ruohan has launched his aggressive bid to rule the galaxy, and the scattered and wounded remains of the other Great Sects must unite if they are to have any hope of opposing him. Our heroes find their way to safety and to each other, working together to fight back, but there is still something missing: Where is Wei Wuxian? When Wei Wuxian at last returns from his brush with death, he brings with him a darkness -- both figurative and literal. But his new, dangerous nanite technology may prove the key to winning the war.
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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