#definitely not doing it every time but perhaps for more detailed/finished pieces
darth-does-stuff · 2 years
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oh how i missed he
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krowlovesinazuma · 26 days
Alright I ask for headcanons yet again Except this time for once I'm not insane How would Chiori react to the reader preferring their own clothes over Teyvat's? (Judging from the overall complexity of Genshin Impact's outfits, I can deduce that our modern-day clothing probably feels a lot more comfy)
Read this prologue for context!
Scenario: Reaction to Reader's casual dress style
Characters: Chiori
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For starters, Chiori is an incredibly forward person on purpose, no matter who she's dealing with, no matter how powerful or all mighty they might be, and even though you may be special in a different way, it's no difference to her.
When she sees your clothes for the first time, her mind takes a moment to properly process it. She hadn't actually imagined what you looked like before, but an otherworldly fashion style wasn't in her mind! She'll definitely rope you into checking out your outfit sooner than later.
With this check though, she's quick to realize that your outfit, made of a simple t-shirt and jacket, is made with comfortability and casual vibes in mind. Just to make sure, she'll ask plenty of questions! Mostly out of curiosity.
As soon as she confirms this theory, she'll get started on measuring you up, and making a new outfit of her own! She understands now that you prefer comfortability over style, but that doesn't mean she'll let you walk away without something of hers on.
She'll probably make a few prototype sets to understand what you find comfortable in clothes, as she was very much specialized in fancier, high status clothing making! It's a challenge she very much welcomes, no matter how much you may protest her attempts.
In the end though, she is primarily doing this for you, to help you feel more at home in this weird place. She knows the effects that clothing can have not only in onlookers, but one's sense of self, and she's here to help out with that.
Once you sound satisfied, and select which of her prototypes you liked best, she'll make a set only for you, making sure to stop progress on her other orders until this one is finished. It'll be a secret endeavor, as she knows the value in keeping your name hidden.
That'll be far from it, however. Don't be surprised if you get gifts from her every now and then with more sets of comfortable, yet fashionable clothing! Making sure to put in an Inazuman flare for you to fit in best, every piece was original and unique.
Whenever you feel the urge to thank her, she simply cuts it short and continues on. In fact, since this is her way of thanking you, she can't help but take it as something endearing, how you failed to see how much you've already done for her.
She hasn't forgotten the kindness and happiness that you showed her when you still controlled the game world from outside, and this is just her returning a due favor. You definitely notice the difference when interacting with the others, as they feel more at ease with your more familiar clothes. Perhaps she was right about your previous clothes being a problem...
"How would you say that set is compared to the last? Yes, these are important questions. This has been quite the enjoyable riddle, but I can only improve with feedback, and you're my only target audience. Don't worry about rushing it, just think deeply and answer me in detail, for the sake of a better set next time."
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gummybugg · 1 year
🎶Stuck in an ADHD Rut🎷🪲
Howdy! If this applies to you, let's see if we can get you out of there!
From what I have learned, the little ADHD brain creature craves happy chemicals. What usually gives us those? A sense of completion and satisfaction with our work! But those with ADHD lack a sufficient amount of baseline happy chemicals, which means it's harder for us to want to get things done! 
If the reward at the end of a task doesn't give your brain enough happy chemicals, you're more likely to procrastinate!
So what are we going to do to get unstuck? If unmedicated or without therapy, it can be very difficult to work around the ADHD rut! But I can share some things that have helped me in the past.
Of course, everything I mention will not help 100%, because everyone's brains are complex and this is anecdotal!
If you are able to, find a window of time that is easiest for you to work at! I typically do my best work in the evening or at night. This isn't always the best solution, as working around a schedule is not always easy.
Crank the stimulus up to 10 if you're feeling under-stimulated/bored! Louder music, brighter lights, drink something warm... Even stretching can get the blood pumping because now you got all the bone crunches out of your system! Are you there, Brain? It's me, Bug!
When I can remember, I create a Very Detailed to-do list. But I also know that people with ADHD are notoriously bad at keeping track of lists! I tell myself, "First, write a bullet list of ideas. Second, cherry-pick what you like. Third, write the thesis/main idea. Fourth, write ONE paragraph…" This works more so for writing essays or an entire draft! For some reason, breaking down every single step makes it slightly more manageable for me. 
I have heard of people who stop writing right before an interesting part and take a break! Perhaps the thrill of wanting to finish up that good part is what makes people want to jump back in. 
This goes against the previous points, but sometimes writing the most interesting pieces of my stories first (as opposed to writing linearly) helps more! The burst of energy I get when reading back on these pieces drives me to continue writing! I remember how excited I was when I wrote it all down, and it makes me think that past Me was definitely onto something!
To sum up, the ADHD brain is a fussy child who needs to be constantly reminded how to get things done. The more you get angry at it, the harder it is to cooperate with it! But, that is easier said than done. No one said that gentle parenting your brain was easy.
If you made it this far, then kudos to you because writing this was a miniature hurdle of its own! And If it seems scattered, I am well aware!
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ominous-auburn-orbs · 6 months
What if Caine gives Kinger a really cool bug and then Kinger gives him a little kiss
Of course! Tis a classic scenario with this ship.
Caine was listening to Kinger ramble about insects again. He was always amazed by the other's extensive and impressive knowledge. Although, he always felt a pang of sympathy every time he remembered that there were no insects in the circus. Nothing in the code detailed any creatures at all, save for NPCs and the players.
"-and that's how they all evolved to look like their environment!" Caine was drawn back into the conversation- mostly one-way, but he didn't mind- by Kinger finishing his infodump. He felt a bit guilty about losing focus, despite how much he loved the sound of Kinger's voice, especially when he was this happy.
"That's incredibly fascinating, Kinger! I'm impressed with how you're able to retain so much information about these insect collections." Of course, retaining and retelling information was the easiest thing for an AI like Caine. Everything was in his memory and remained there, never changing. Yet he knew how difficult it was for humans to do the same.
"Why, thank you, Caine. I don't remember a lot about anything anymore, to be honest. It would probably be a bit easier to get my details in order if there were any actual insect collections here, heh." Kinger tried to keep the disappointed tone out of his voice. He didn't want to make Caine feel guilty about it or anything, it's not like it was his fault. The circus just didn't have any use for insects. So there were none.
The ringmaster didn't want Kinger to be left wanting. He had to do something about it. The chess piece almost never outwardly complained about anything, which was a large contrast from the rest of the troop, but Caine knew he was unsatisfied. He might not be able to give him, or anyone for that matter, the one thing they truly wanted, but he could always try the next best thing.
"Wait here for a moment, my dear! I believe I can procure something that'll fix all of your worries." Caine clicked his fingers and teleported away to a vast area that stored the game's code. It was akin to the void, save he actually knew what was here. As he started looking for the right strings of binary and words, it hit him that his task may take a bit longer than anticipated.
He clicked his fingers again and appeared in front of Kinger once more. "Perhaps you should just go about your day instead, my dear. I'll fetch you when I'm done."
Kinger was rather confused about what Caine was talking about, but his warm smile assured him that it was nothing bad. "Alright, Caine. I'll just be in my room, if you want to get me." He affectionately petted the ringmaster's head before leaving. It left a pleasantly warm feeling in Caine's chest, serving as a reminder as to why he would go through this struggle for him. It's not like he wouldn't do something like this for any of his performers, but Kinger was always a special case.
Going back to the coding room, Caine set to work. He went primarily off of what Kinger had told him, although he did have to do some research for the finer details. Once he had finished the model, he began to code its mannerisms. He was rather thankful that he had realised earlier on how long it would take. Kinger probably would've stayed standing there for hours on end. The thought did bring a smile to his face, since he would definitely do the same.
Finally, the bug was finished. It was a brightly coloured caterpillar and was wrapped around Caine's hand. Its smiling face and clown-like shoes were probably inaccurate to what Kinger was used to, but it did fit the circus' environment better. He had even made a small enclosure for the bug, with everything it would need to survive and thrive. The hardest part was definitely giving it the correct life cycle. It would never die, obviously, but it would one day have to become a butterfly. Caine could already picture Kinger's excitement when it would emerge from its chrysalis. But he was getting far too ahead of himself. The first step was to deliver it.
Gently lowering the caterpillar into its enclosure, he tucked it under his arm and clicked his fingers, going back to the circus tent. He shifted the enclosure to be held behind his back and floated down the nearby corridor to Kinger's room.
When he reached the chess piece's door, Caine knocked a rhythmic tempo before returning his hand to its spot behind him. After about a minute of waiting, the door opened a crack. A large blue eye stared out at him. Caine was mesmorised by it for a moment before remembering what he was supposed to be doing.
"Kinger, my dear, I've brought you something! May I come in?" The door opened fully and Kinger gestured for him to enter.
"Oh, you really didn't have to. You know I don't need anything from you, except you yourself." His eyes did their best to show his loving smile, which Caine returned.
"But I wanted to make this for you." Holding the enclosure out in front of him, Caine heard Kinger let out a quiet gasp. "I know how much you love your insects, so I thought I'd make one for you. It's admittedly not a collection, but it can become one! If you want it to, that is."
Kinger crouched down to be eye level with the rectangular box. The colourful caterpillar crawled out from a pile of twigs and leaves, smiling at him. "Oh my God... thank you, Caine. It- it's beautiful."
The chess piece wiped at his eyes to remove the brewing tears. Caine had coded in an entire insect, which the circus wasn't even meant to have in the first place. No wonder he had been gone so long. Kinger was amazed at how much effort the ringmaster would put in just to make him happy.
"You're more than welcome, my love. It was my pleasure." He handed the enclosure to Kinger, who took it inside his fortress and sat it down on a table within, before re-emerging back in front of Caine.
Caine floated up to Kinger's level. The chess piece cupped Caine's face with his hand, staring into his eyes, unsure of how to word how grateful he was. Instead, he chose to pull the ringmaster closer, pressing their faces together for a short while before pulling away. He could hear prolonged glitching noises omitting from Caine while his face overheated, making him giggle.
"Come on, let's see what the caterpillar's doing." Caine let out a noise of agreement that was somewhere between a laugh and a panting exhale. The two went inside the fortress and sat on the floor in front of the table that held up the enclosure, watching the caterpillar wander its surroundings. Who knows how long they sat there, but neither cared. They were happy in each other's presence, and that was all they needed.
"So, do you want to name it something?" Caine's question surprised Kinger, making him yelp. Regaining his composure, the chess piece hummed in thought, inspecting the bug before him.
"Hmm... Jerome." He nodded after he said it, confirming that it sounded right to him.
"Jerome?" A hint of laughter found its way into Caine's voice. That hadn't been quite what he was expecting.
"What? Is it not a good name?"
"Oh no, it's a lovely name!" The ringmaster rested his head on Kinger's shoulder. "Its name shall be Jerome."
Kinger put his hand on Caine's shoulder and rubbed gently. Despite his lack of a mouth, his cheeks still felt phantom pain from his smiling.
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the-wip-project · 4 months
SloMo WriNo: Instantly Improve Your Writing With One Simple Trick
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Want to make your writing instantly better?
Don’t we all?
Promising instant improvement is an easy way to hook eyes, (I’m sort of sorry for click-baiting you— but not too much.) so a lot of writing advice is framed that way.
But is it actually possible?
Generally the advice on those types of posts isn’t anything revolutionary. You’re told to eliminate adverbs/filter words/telling. Or perhaps the advice is additive. You should start using all 5 (or even 6?) senses in every description, do or don’t use certain tenses or povs, change up sentence lengths, use more paragraph breaks, and so it goes.
It’s (usually) all useful advice, especially when applied in moderation. (No one will come and shoot you for occasionally using suddenly or summarizing a scene instead of showing every detail.)
The issues is that a lot of writers (especially beginner writers) are seeking some sort of magic bullet. That one trick that will change everything and magically make you good. (never mind that ‘good’ is far more nebulous and subjective than anyone wants to admit.)
Sadly, once you get beyond learning things like punctuation and when to insert paragraph breaks, there’s not really any single technique that you can quickly apply and immediately lift the quality of your writing.
For the rest, it really takes time. Even if the advice is good, you need to learn when and how to apply it.
As such, there’s only one technique that will definitely make your writing better.
Yeah. So boring. The least sexy piece of writing advice. Write more.
But it’s also the simplest. (Not always the easiest, but definitely the simplest!) Writing is not mystic or singular. It’s just like any other art or craft. The only way you get good is by spending time at it. And just like anything else, you’re going to be bad before you can start to get good.
You would never expect to become an accomplished guitarist by spending lots of time listening to and thinking about music, while almost never picking up your instrument to practice. And you will not become a good writer without practicing the action of writing.
It’s a comforting idea that gets bandied around at times, that writing isn’t just fingers on the keys or pen on paper. That it’s thinking and daydreaming and making mood boards etc. While those writing adjacent things are fun and undoubtedly can help you write, they are not writing. They are not practice.
Spending your time doing those things instead of writing do not make you a better writer, and obviously they don’t finish your novel or writing project.
Which is my goal here. To help you finish your project. As such I spend very little time on dispensing advice on plot or prose, and focus mostly on the process of writing.
That’s not to say that I don’t think you should spend time on learning how to write better prose, or how to create compelling characters and plot, those things are important! But if attempting to learn that stuff gets in the way of practice, then it’s counterproductive.
So don’t let the writing advice become the focus of your writing. Apply advice slowly, and don’t overwhelm yourself with trying to fix all your perceived faults at once. (I still have a difficult relationship with punctuation, but I’m learning. Slowly.) If you can, focus on techniques that interest you. Keep things low pressure— fun even?
Yes you want your work to be as good as possible, but also, you’re doing this writing thing because you enjoy it, right? So don’t allow the pressure to be good to stop you from having fun. If trying to apply a certain piece of writing advice is making you miserable, toss it aside. It’s either bad advice, or it’s not the right time for you to worry about it. Above all, avoid anything that kills your joy and makes writing a miserable chore.
So I guess this is my one piece of advice that will improve your writing (process) instantly.
Enjoy yourself, and ditch anything that ruins that joy. You’ll get better at your own pace, as long as you keep writing.
Subscribe to my substack to make sure you don't miss a post, chat with me on the WIP Project discord, and tag any posts you make about the challenge with #slomowrino if you want me to see them!
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inlocusmads · 1 month
cold comfort for change ~ trystan x nora (crimes of passion)
wc: 930 | strong language, gen audiences
A/N: Five years later, Nora finds herself with new friends, but something prompts her to think about giving her past a chance.
A sort of follow-up to sitting at a park bench just because. Song title inspired by pink floyd's 'wish you were here'.
Thank you to @aallotarenunelma for suggesting the prompt from the @choicesaprilchallenge24 - “a picnic?! Have you swallowed a romance novel?”
Nora finished her last glass of fig liquor for the night. She didn’t know how she ended up ordering it, she just did. Next to her Dianne and Moritz had their heads down, passed out. You kind of learned to pull yourself together, so you didn’t ask for another glass even though you’d managed to convince yourself just one more wouldn’t hurt. Nora went through her contacts, to find Ruby Webster had given her a call. Been a while since they’d spoken, she must want to catch up over coffee.
“Hey, what’s new? How - how long has it been?”
“Yeah- well it’s all the same here.” she heard Ruby’s after-work exhaustion kick in. “Saw your old friend on the news- I don’t even watch it- but where were we?”
“Where were we?”
“Yeah. Where did we leave things off?”
“I dunno - you’ve told me enough about Massachusetts for a while.”
“Did I mention? Siobhan took me out for a picnic. Yeah - she - we’ve been like - super under the weather, cooped up with work - she just went- hey let’s do a picnic and I - I could not even fathom the words coming out of her mouth-”
“Siobhan? The Siobhan?”
“It’s like she swallowed a romance novel. Fucking Jane Austen shit, like - who does picnics anymore? Who?”
“C’mon, you know you liked it.”
“Yeah - she’s into birdwatching, so she definitely liked it.”
Words, words, words. Blah. It didn’t feel like how they used to be. Ruby no longer had a place for Nora in her life. Nora had moved on and they could only perhaps wish the other was there with them. They’d moved on from old fears to new, smaller bowls to big ponds, and had different things to care about. Yet they talked as if nothing had changed, year after year. Didn’t bother changing their profile pictures either, which still had a Ruby, five years younger. Nora hadn’t bothered making any effort to change her picture from the default. Same old pictures in their camera roll. One of Ruby and Luke in front of the Harvard sign; one of Nora awkwardly holding a thumbs up sign.
“Yeah - yeah- oh fucking hell, trying to learn Gaelic for Siobhan is like - I don’t know - I just cannot- I’ve given up five times - speaking of which, hey, remember Trystan?”
“Didn’t he teach you some Drakovian?”
“Oh - what happened?”
“Yeah - yeah I’m getting to that - they were on the news, right? Looks like he’s coming to New York for -- some summit or whatever, like they are part of a -- list of delegates. Huh. Prince Trystan. Like - I can’t really wrap my head around that, but whatever. Been a while, yeah?”
“What’s it about?”
“Dunno. Damn it, stop quizzing me on the technicalities. You can’t count on me to read the -- read every intricate piece of news detail, come on Nora-”
“You hate boring longform content, yes.” she answered, taking a swig of another drink that had miraculously appeared on her table.
“You’re going to say hello?”
“To whom?”
“I don’t know. It’s been- how long-”
“Hasn’t been that long.”
“Nah.” she shrugged.
“Yeah-” Ruby sighed. “Been too long. What are you doing?”
“Sunday night. Where else would I be?”
“Say hi to Moritz and Dianne for me.”
They hung up. Nora sobered up a little, drinking some cold water and reaching into her pocket for some sunflower seeds to pop into her mouth. She Googled Trystan and clicked on the first news article. A crippling surge of deja vu took over - having to look up her friends on the internet instead of calling them. She wouldn’t have known Luke was on a roadtrip with his old buddies - perhaps saving herself the embarrassment of not knowing what he was up to. Still, Trystan was something like a friend, she supposed. She forgave herself quickly.
Trystan was coming to New York for a meeting.. She had his contact in her phone. A few taps gave her his email address, same as five years ago. Nora gave the number a daring call, letting the phone ring before promptly cutting it off. Everything felt the same, except Nora didn’t feel quite like Nora. The one that cared enough to call and go - “Hasn’t been long, right?” 
Maybe somewhere else, she wouldn’t feel so different. That she’d be prompted to care.
Maybe somewhere else, she’d reach out. Ask him if he’s still taking knives to his stomach, ask them if they still get newspapers specifically subscribed to, just for the crosswords. Ask him if he’s ever speaking in his native tongue again and whether he can fit into it like a shoe - a preschooler’s first time tying their laces on their own or whether it has jagged ends like a knife that can’t quite cut things right. Perhaps he’s still eating the same dinner, listening to the same few songs, watching films Nora had once recommended.
Perhaps he’s now talking to his siblings. Maybe the weather back at home was just pleasant enough to have some of Trystan’s own picnics. A kinder person now, just the way he’d have wanted himself to be. Perhaps “see you then” meant “see you now.”
But “we will see each other again” didn’t bring about the same level of optimism as “see you now” did. Somewhere else, Nora’s a different shade happier, but she didn’t miss it. You didn’t really miss a life based on the hypotheticals alone, right? 
They’d already said their goodbyes a long time ago. 
“Hey-” she woke Moritz up. “Get Dianne up. I’ll go start the car.”
A/N: Thank you for reading!
Tagging (new list):
perma: @stars-are-within-me @thosehallowedhalls @tessa-liam @jerzwriter @quixoticdreamer16 @dutifullynuttywitch
crimes only: @trappedinfanfiction @moominofthevalley
If you want to be tagged/removed please let me know <3
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valleynix · 1 year
I've seen the game twice! the moment it was released but it didn't got me then (perhaps cause it was disappointing which could have cooled down my hype) but recently my brian decided that yo remember those three fly women? They're your new hypefixation good luck!
(Dani was so damn right when she said everyone falls for her in time)
So here I am🧍a bit late to the party
With how long the chapters are I'm making notes while reading if something in particular catches my attention, so I won't forget hah... It might be a bit messy but that's the comments I have for chapter 3&4!
^ I've never seen anyone mention the daughters' wounds/scars on their heads I like the little detail.
^ It really feels like we're time travelling/see the glitches as the two worlds/timelines collide.
Especially with the dying maid, scene with Alcina playing the piano and the magically disappearing food.
I want to know so badly how it looked like in your head while you were writing it. And all the missing puzzle pieces.
My God I feel like the lvl of the happy chemicals in my brain goes up every time she's mentioned.
^ Cassandra certainly knows how to make a DRAMATIC entry (the breakfast in ch.4)
^ The Cass/Dani moment in the forest *cries* so soft
I love to see the daughters interact with each other and get an insight in their relationship as well
^ I absolutely adore how they might be bloodthirsty cannibals who torture people now and then but draw a line at SA and are respectful of the personal space and boundaries
see, i wasn't too hyped with the game when it first came out (mostly because i hadn't finished Biohazard at that point), but i got into it, like... a little over a year ago?? and it has been both hell and joyous since :') but i'm really glad you've joined the party!! i hope you've enjoyed it so far :D
god, yeah, the chapters range anywhere from, like, 15k-30k? it's a WILD mess out there, but i prefer that over short and pointless chapters, if that makes sense? it gives me a bigger project to work on, too >:)
(let me asterisk each point you've made to talk about it :D)
*i LOVE the detail of their scars and each sister having a different one (like Dani's being the messiest/biggest of the three and Bela's being the most hidden), and i do wonder why more people don't talk about it? it makes them seem more... them
*hehe, i am most interested to hear what you'll have to say on this subject if you continue reading on >:) i can't reveal too much since you're still early on, but i will say that it'll make sense soon enough (and as for wanting to know how that scene went in my head, i could definitely write it out better if y'all want, but i'd have to go back and reread that scene to be sure sdkjfhs)
*GOD I LOVE BELA SO MUCH, she's such a nerd
*DANIELA!! i adore her to little pieces and i definitely feel she gets mentioned a lot LMAOO, i am slightly (majorly) biased when it comes to her and what scenes she gets <33
*Cass is the queen of dramatics and no one can change my mind
*god, i wish more people wrote them as a family instead of fighting with each other over some measly, easily replaceable human. like, i believe it's Cass that makes it very clear Reader means nothing when it comes to her family, and i love that for her
*y'all don't even KNOW the HATRED i have for people who write them as SAers. like, you can be a murderer and NOT be a sexual predator! i know Alcina raised them right and taught them what it means when someone says no (cue her exasperatedly explaining the difference between torture no and spicy time no)
anyways, i'm very happy to know you're enjoying it so far, and i look forward to what else you'll notice on your journey >:) <333
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tipsycad147 · 2 years
7 Steps To The Perfect Candle Spell For Beginners
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Today, we’re getting back to basics. A lot of beginners come to me with absolutely NO idea where to start. I can’t blame them! There’s a huge amount of information available on the internet now and for someone who’s brand new to this world, the sheer volume must be insane. Of course they have no idea where to begin!
Typically, I point people to my free Witchcraft 101 class (you can sign up at the end of this post) to get them started and while that is a great starting point, it’s definitely not a complete primer on how to be a witch. There’s just too much information!
To help fill in those gaps a little more, we’re going to take an in-depth look at one of the most common and underappreciated forms of magic. Candle spells.
Why Candle Spells?
Candle spells are an excellent base form of magic to learn. You can do just about any spell with a candle and candle spells present many opportunities for tinkering and adjusting spells which I think is paramount to the learning process. Because of this, learning basic candle spells gives beginner witches a kind of “blueprint” to work with. Once they master the blueprint, they have a solid knowledge of all the pieces involved, and this allows them to begin substituting, experimenting, and personalizing spells right from the start.
Candle spells also start instilling the theory behind witchcraft early, which speeds future learning and helps bring greater confidence and excitement into their craft.
How To Do A Basic Candle Spell
Step 1: Choose your supplies
Every candle spell begins with a few supplies. You will, obviously, need a candle. The kind of candle you choose is going to depend on the way you plan to use the candle. Glass pillar candles are lovely, but they don’t work if you want to carve symbols or words into your candle. Do you want to dress your candle with oil and herbs?
In addition to making sure that your candle will actually work for the methods you want to use, choosing an appropriate color and scent, what size candle you want (bigger may be fun but they sure do take a long time to burn!), and whether you want the candle to have a particular shape or not.
You’ll also need some way to light the candle, perhaps oil and herbs for dressing the candle, a candle holder, a tool for carving, and any added items you wish to have on your altar or temporary workspace. You might also consider playing some music and dimming the lighting in the room, but if you’re brand new, it’s best to keep things simple.
(Despite the fact that this is step one and seems like an overwhelming number of decisions right up front, you don’t need to worry. Finish reading the article and THEN decide how to proceed with your spell. I explain everything in detail.)
Are you ready to cast your first spell? Or maybe you’ve cast a few spells but you’re not sure if you’re doing it quite right. Perhaps you stumble over your incantations, you’re not sure if you’re missing steps, or you feel may even feel like something is missing. If any of this sounds like you, then A Primer In Spell Casting was created with you in mind. In this class, we’re going to be learning how to start casting spells even if you’re a complete and total beginner. Whether you’re looking for a refresher course or you’re wanting to cast your very first spell, this class will take you step-by-step through how to choose your spells, setting yourself up for spell success, casting your spell, and what to do after the casting is over. If you’re ready to start actually practicing witchcraft instead of just reading about it and wishing you had the confidence to get started, then A Primer In Spell Casting is for you.
Step 2: Prepare your workspace
The next consideration is your workspace. Remember, we’re working with fire here, so you’ll want to make sure your workspace is fireproof! Set up your workspace somewhere that doesn’t have curtains hanging too near it, don’t put a highly flammable altar cloth on your table, and keep pets and children out of the room. Singed whiskers do not make for happy spells. You might also consider the kind of clothing you want to wear. As pretty as they might be, long flowing gowns and shawls can easily find themselves falling into candle flames. The same is true of long hair. If you have long hair, throw it up into a bun or a ponytail to keep your hair safe.
How you set up your workspace isn’t set in stone. I like to have my candle sit front and center, perhaps with something pretty for decoration on either side. I keep all the tools I plan to use on the right-hand side of the altar and my book to take notes in on the left. I’m typically not a terribly reverent person, so unless the spell is particularly likely to have backlash, I often also have a cup of tea on the altar while I work.
Keep in mind, unless you intend to include a deity in your candle spell, this is not an altar for worship! This is a workspace altar. It is meant to be useful and to be used. There’s no need to treat it as though you are afraid to be disrespectful. It’s all yours!
Step 3: Prepare your candle
Next, it’s time to prepare your candle. This typically happens in three major steps.
1. The first step is carving. As long as the candle is large enough, it should be simple enough to carve. You don’t need a fancy knife for this. A simple butter knife, ice pick, or other vaguely pointy object will do. You can carve words into your candle, identifying your intention or your target, or you can carve symbols into your candles. These symbols can be as simple as a heart or a dollar sign or as complex as a sigil made specifically for the spell you’re casting. The choice is yours. Carving is NOT a mandatory part of the spell. If it’s too much for you during your first spell, you can skip it!
It’s also a good idea to keep backup candles on hand if you’re new to carving candles. I’ve snapped a few candles while carving and if it’s your last candle, it’s a bit of a showstopper.
2. Next is dressing the candle in oil. The kind of oil you use isn’t important. Plain old olive oil will work well if you don’t have anything else to use. Often, this oil has been blessed or enchanted in some way. A simple “may this oil carry my will into reality” can suffice. Many people prescribe a specific direction of applying the oil depending on the type of spell (from the center to the ends for banishing, from the ends to the center for attracting magic) but I find that simply going from top to bottom works just as well for me. Do what feels right for you.
After your candle has been oiled, you can add ground herbs to it. The herbs you will use depend on the spell you’re casting. You don’t need anything complex, though. One or two herbs from your kitchen cupboard can often be made to work for just about any spell. The herbs should be finely ground (no whole peppercorns here) and you can either sprinkle them over the sides of the candle or roll the candle directly in the herb mixture. The herbs will stick to the oil and lightly coat the candle.
At this point, you’ll probably want to set your candle in its candle holder and go clean your hands. I always end up covered in oil and herbs.
Step 4: Light the candle
This is the easy step. Light your candle! It doesn’t matter what you use, matches are cool, lighters are fine, pretty much just use what you have on hand. Some people prefer one method over another, which you’ll figure out over time.
Step 5: Focus on your intention while the candle burns
There are several ways to do this. You can simply meditate or daydream about your intention. You can chant if you feel like creating a small chant about your intention. You can journal, or speak aloud and perhaps record yourself. The choice is yours. Just find some way to focus your energy on the purpose of your spell while it burns. This is where you’re really pouring your energy into your spell and charging all the layers of meaning that you’ve built into your spell, so be sure to spend a fair amount of time on this!
Step 6: Blow out the candle or allow it to burn out
This is a big dispute in some witchcraft circles. Some people feel that blowing out your candle is “extinguishing” your intention and that you should only ever let the candle burn out. I think this is silly. As an air witch, my breath is one of the most powerful tools I have. If anything, blowing out a candle after a spell is a way of releasing my power out into the world through my breath. Do not be afraid to blow out your candles.
Of course, you can also let your candles burn down. Depending on the spell, I will allow candles to burn down occasionally, generally for banishing, cursing, or other such magic. Keep in mind, you should NEVER leave a burning candle unattended! If you’re going to let a candle burn out, you MUST stay with it the entire time. Burning your house down is not a good way to cast a spell.
Step 7: Dispose of the remnants properly
Disposing of spell remains is a rather personal subject. Some witches like to just throw spell remnants in the trash, others into a fire. The only thing I really do not recommend is burying spell remnants or throwing them into natural bodies of water. Unless absolutely everything being buried is biodegradable it’s pretty much just littering.
You can also keep the remnants of your spell for later use if you think you might want to reverse it. Spell remnants should be properly labeled if you intend to keep them for such purposes. You wouldn’t want to be undoing the wrong spell!
And there you have it! All the basic pieces of a candle spell laid out in a simple fashion. These spells are truly about as basic as you can get. If you haven’t tried any spells yet and have perhaps been a bit too intimidated to give it a go, this is a great place to start. Pick an intention, fill in the blanks (and remember, many of them can be omitted) and give it a go!
Are you ready to cast your first spell? Or maybe you’ve cast a few spells but you’re not sure if you’re doing it quite right. Perhaps you stumble over your incantations, you’re not sure if you’re missing steps, or you feel may even feel like something isn’t quite right. If any of this sounds like you, then A Primer In Spell Casting was created with you in mind. In this class, we’re going to be learning how to start casting spells even if you’re a complete and total beginner. Whether you’re looking for a refresher course or you’re wanting to cast your very first spell, this class will take you step-by-step through how to choose your spells, setting yourself up for spell success, casting your spell, and what to do after the casting is over. If you’re ready to actually start practicing witchcraft instead of just reading about it and daydreaming, then A Primer In Spell Casting is for you.
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igniakino · 6 months
After watching the finished film I feel like it is a good, story-driven project that the more simplistic set design lends itself to. Nothing distracts from the characters having their moments of development, instead subtly enhancing the setting and explaining the situation without either character explicitly explaining the situation. Mostly, I am pleased with how well these elements come together to tell a tight, cohesive story. 
The feedback I received from the crit was very positive, with Paul commenting on the costuming, mentioning how it effectively contrasted the characters, and the set, especially how compelling the dishevellment of the space was. I really like how the costumes exhibit the positions of power (or lack thereof) that each person has, a professional business suit and scruffy layers meant to protect. Saskia and I did a good job in making the room look messy and abandoned without having to damage any property, handling the limitations of the location well and sticking to the producer's guidelines. 
However, Paul did comment that the sheet in the background covering the window seemed out of place, and I do agree. I think a weakness of my work was that some of the elements didn’t invoke a reason for being there, or tie together with the rest of the set as well as I wanted. The sheet was supposed to both set up an in-universe reason of Robert not wanting to be seen as well as shaping the light, but this may not have come across to audience members, just like the radio could have come across as strange for a man on the run to want to take with him. I think if I had added more elements, perhaps newspaper on the glass, the reasoning for objects being where they were would come across better. I think at some points the production design is too simple and the room could do with being even more messy and filled with rubbish, then maybe the sheet wouldn't have been too out of place 
Overall, this film is strong and conveys a certain tone and atmosphere. The production design really backs up the story being told gives it life, although I think there could have been a lot more props to enhance the setting and give more reasoning to seemingly random choices.
What I really loved about this project was being able to show off the personalities of each character in subtle ways around the bunker and trying to tell the story of their lives. I really think this is something that shines in the movie, and I am so proud of the production design as a whole and how much it elevates the film. I think the finished movie is great and sets a palpable tone and aesthetic that carries the story along, with the bunker feeling like its own character. 
In the crit, Paul brought up the attention to detail and how fitting the set dressing is in creating the atmosphere of the film. He also praised the work on the dog food cans which I am very happy about. I have definitely honed my skills of prop-making during the course of this project and will continue to sharpen them up in the future. Saskia and I worked really hard on every element of the decoration and thought about the meaning behind every piece, so to hear that the detail is appreciated is great. I really wanted viewers to get to know the characters and their struggles, and I especially like how we set up the existence and fate of Sarah’s character with the setting instead of words.  I also really like how the makeup I did on the actors looked in the screening as it adds to the impression of helplessness in the characters and helps the audience understand how long they must have been trapped. All the small elements and the props create a world that exists beyond the movie and I am really happy with that. 
I do wish he had gone a little more out there and really dirtied things up and transformed the space even more, as this would make it feel more authentic. Everything looks a little too clean and if we had more time I would go all out on the set and more efficiently establish a sense of time and atmosphere of loneliness in that bunker.
0 notes
Submission and Reflection
Now the assessment is submitted, I can take some time to reflect on my experiences this semester, for this subject, and my growth as a game designer.
Assessment 1
The blog was a useful, and even fun, exercise. It's an easy way to chronologically document my journey. I can see where I've improved, and where there is still room to grow (that never ends; there's always room to grow).
I believe the blog makes documenting my design process easier, because each piece of content is separated into individual posts. This breaks down the amount of content needed into small pieces; it's much easier to wrap my head around, and plan. The planning aspect is the most important here: one of my biggest weaknesses is my lack of time management.
E.g. Rather than writing posts throughout the week, I would scramble to write them at the end of the week, sometimes even catching up on another week.
I really liked the structure of content for this blog as well. Not every post is strictly about assessment and how I work in a team. Some allowed me to explore topics I'm interested in. It was a nice 'break' from the rest of the posts, while still being relevant to the work I'm doing.
I think some posts lack content or appropriate detail. Particularly posts in the latter half of the semester. If I encounter a similar assessment, I will probably block out a time per week to work on blog posts, to help me give that assessment the necessary attention.
This assessment has made me consider starting a blog on my portfolio to document my journey learning about the games industry and game design.
Assessment 2
This assessment was straightforward and allowed me to exercise my visual design skills. I really enjoyed assessment 2 because it was a mix of creativity and writing - two areas I enjoy and excel in.
Because I had never encountered either of these documents before, particularly the one page, I had to do some research. It gave me an insight into the industry, and how ideas are communicated.
Overall, I'm satisfied with my work for this assessment. I believe I understood the task, and how to communicate my ideas effectively.
Assessment 3
This was the most work intensive, and definitely the assessment where it felt like my weaknesses shone through more than my strengths.
Time management was the most significant. I gave more importance to assessments from other units since assessment 3 had a later due date, and my contribution to that assessment came later.
I wish I had delegated the documentation, perhaps having a team member take care of the playtest findings table, or writing a section or two in the report. I had many documents to handle, and although I was sure I would finish everything on time (which I did), the workload didn't feel equal for everyone.
I chose not to delegate because I had a writing background, and I wasn't confident in my skills to use GDevelop to implement our mechanics effectively. Also partly because my team members were more confident in using GDevelop to make the game.
I recognise now the first reason also had some hidden side effects. Because of my writing background, I set written sections of assessments to a higher standard. By completing them myself, I can ensure and control the quality. This mentality isn't fair to my team members, and puts unnecessary pressure on myself to produce high quality work every time.
Taking all this work on myself meant I didn't work on the programming side of the assessment at all, and only had a hand in the design, at the beginning. It's the only thing I truly regret about this assessment.
I learnt a lot about the games industry in this unit, and was given an insight as to what future assessments may look like. I particularly enjoyed the lectures in this unit, and how much detail they went into.
I also learnt several things about myself as a designer, both good and bad. It inspires me to try to improve every time.
0 notes
mccoyylesejersen · 2 years
Embellish Your Property Similar To A Pro With One Of These Ideas
thiết kế nội thất phòng họp has got the time or expendable funds to do a major interior decorating do-around on the residence. In case you are privileged and can utilize this option, you need to understand what to do and do it the right way. The next write-up provides details on how to best technique the overhaul or perhaps your homes' indoor.
Use adaptable home furniture when you are redecorating a room that may be small. A common alternative to recliners, is definitely the ottoman. You now not only use a location to sit, you can also make use of it as being a spot to establish items on. Using stuff that have a couple of purpose helps save funds and place.
Use wall mirrors when decorating your house. Wall mirrors are often very handy, specifically if you stay in a tiny place. A match on a few walls isn't just handy for restoring your locks on the move. They can also provide the false impression of more room. 1 purposefully positioned match is capable of doing wonders for opening a room.
Be sure you comprehend your financial situation before beginning a style project. It would be an important discouragement to find out that you cannot afford the undertaking you have picked. Doing this in advance will reduce pressure and let you enjoy the process of developing and redecorating.
Anyone that is creating an area in their home could be wise to combine hang up art around the wall space. Graphics does a fantastic job of producing your living area appearance total. Just be certain you end up picking a bit or two that meshes with all the recent decor from the room you will be designing.
Be sure that there exists adequate lighting in each and every room of your house. This can require that you do some organizing regarding the best places to situate your lighting fixtures or chandeliers. When you have a huge space, you have got to tactically place the lighting to filtration system through the complete location.
Did you ever hear the old stating about removing one piece of expensive jewelry before you leave your own home? A similar principle pertains to interior decorating. Once you finish off beautifying a room, provide it with a great look and spend time modifying downward your layout. Even though you love every single cushion, vegetation, or picture in your home, you don't want a room to look chaotic.
An effective decor idea is always to not get too carried away with revealing your major Television set or leisure program. When your good friends have ended, they won't be likely to talk with a giant TV looking them straight down. If you nonetheless value dialogue, ensure your TV isn't the center of attention.
Don't neglect the necessity of consistency and design in creating an intriguing internal-style undertaking. Those two components help to increase and spotlight any attractive layout attributes of the area and give a distinctive contact in your area. They also will help harmony the many smooth types of surface, including wooden and cup, normally seen in each room.
A coffee kitchen table is probably the more valuable parts that you will want to set in your house, since it is the two useful and attractive. Be sure that once you get your espresso desk, that it suits the design of your residence and comes with coasters to guard the surface.
Try out redesigning your basement. Quite often, basements are merely useful for safe-keeping and so are maintained darkish and humid. Using https://thietkenoithat.com/tin-tuc/articleid/17950/8-meo-thiet-ke-noi-that-nha-nho of interest, you give your other spaces You could totally convert it in to a spot you'd want to spend time in. You could make it a adventure area, a business office, or even a master bedroom.
As you have seen, there are many methods you could boost the internal look of your home. Now you know about how to make redecorating a residence, you must incorporate a number of these ideas into your own undertaking in your house.
0 notes
edensrose · 2 years
Foxx. Fooooooxx. I have crawled out of my warm place to request a drabble or a oneshot, whatever works for you 👁
Could I maybe perhaps request a fluff drabble with Mizuki where the reader is trying to paint him? Just, stupid fluff where they're giggling like idiots because he won't stay still because he's Mizuki and has too much energy? 👁👁
Have a great day/night love and make sure to eat properly, drink water and take breaks. Make sure to prioritise your own wellbeing too. Also sleep. That's also important. Make sure to sleep too. Take care dude 💜✨
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anything for you spoops bby! thanks so much, I hope you're taking care of yourself too 💞
ৎ୭ — summary : mizuki tries his utmost hardest to stay still whilst his s/o paints him, however, it proves to be more difficult than he thought
ৎ୭ — type : one-shot
ৎ୭ — genre : fluff
ৎ୭ — warnings : none
ৎ୭ — word count : 856
//tag list : @a-chaotic-dumbass @rurifangirl
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“Hey! I didn’t even do anything this time!’’
You have to bite back a laugh as you spare a glance towards your grinning boyfriend who sits upon his futon. He knew exactly what he was doing - and yet he dared to give you those innocent eyes? The little snake.
“Uhuh, you’ve said that the last three times.’’ Unable to fight back the smile, you pick up your detailing brush to make a quick fix due to his sudden, uncalculated movement. “Well, I’ve meant it all three times!’’ Allowing himself to ease, Mizuki lets his shoulders relax once again. “Alright, alright. I won’t move again.’’ “Are you sure?” You peep at him from the canvas, shooting him a playful glare.
“Yes, yes I’m sure! Now paint me like one of your Tanuki girls!’’
That alone made you toss your head back in laughter before you could even stop yourself. “Quit it!’’ You manage after a fit of joy. “At this rate, I’ll never finish the piece if you keep being like that.’’ “Being like what? The love of your life?” “Mizuki.’’ A smile graces your lips as you give him another ‘warning’ look before you promptly return to your painting.
It appeared that the snake had settled down and distracted himself by staring off to the side of the wall. You’d admit, you knew from the get-go that this wouldn’t be a smooth-sailings session. After all, you had been with Mizuki long enough to know just how hyper he could be. In fact, it was one of the many things you loved about it. That didn’t mean that it made your job any easier, but at the same time - he was making this quite enjoyable.
Growing accustomed to the quiet once more, you instead allow your gaze to focus back onto the canvas - every so often glancing at your muse. You couldn’t help the small pink that had found its way across your cheeks - Mizuki was stunning, after all. However, it was only when you sat down and truly got to concentrate on him in such a way, were you able to appreciate his good looks. His gleeful eyes that shimmered like that of emeralds, his snow-white locks that perfectly framed his face and his pale skin, like that of porcelain. Every detail, every indent, every aspect - you tried to capture it all within this one painting.
If anything. . . This was an act of love.
You had become so lost in your world of thoughts and brush strokes that you were completely caught off guard when a sudden pop echoed throughout the room. With a few blinks, you theorise that perhaps you had just heard wrong. Pop.
Nope, you definitely heard right.
You pry your eyes away from the painting for the umpteenth time to face the shikigami who now began making the ‘popping’ noise with his lips. *Wow, he really couldn’t sit still - could he?* “Mizuki,’’ you call. “Huh?” At this point, it appeared as though he was subconsciously allowing himself to do such things. With a giggle, you shake your head. “Is it that hard for you to sit still?’’
“Hey! I’m trying you know,’’ playfully, he pouts. “Lucky you, you get to paint and have fun! I’m sitting here doing nothing ~” He whines, although you knew he was merely pulling your leg. If this was too much for him, he wouldn’t have agreed in the first place and would most likely have requested you stop by now. “Uhuh, well I guess I am having fun. I get to paint my beautiful boyfriend.’’
“Aww shucks, you’re going to make me go all red!’’ The snake exclaims in over-exaggeration as he brings his hand up to his cheek, only to quickly put it back in its original place before you notice. “Uhuh,’’ you coo. “Well, it is my job.’’ Once again, you allow yourself to get sucked into the world of colour and technique, you were determined to finish this piece today so that you could impress your loving boyfriend. Yet once again, you’re dragged out of your little artist zone once a newfound humming meets your ears. Now he was swaying.
You both release a laugh as you finally place the paintbrush down and rise from your chair. “You know, Mister. You are a very difficult muse.’’ Kneeling onto his futon, you place your hands on his shoulders. In an instant, his hands find your wrists in a gentle hold. “I’m trying my best. It’s difficult to sit still and just stare at you, you know.’’ He murmurs, leaning his head in and nuzzling against yours. “You’d make me all flustered if I were to do that.’’
Your cheeks burn with a blush before a giggle leaves your lips. “Oh Mizuki,’’ you sigh, leaning in to give him a small peck. “Never change.’’ All you receive is a small pout before he pulls you forward.
“No fair, I think I deserve waaaayyy more than just a little peck, as a reward for being your muse!’’ With a playful roll of your eyes, you lean in: granting his request and showering him with kisses.
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moonchildsaurora · 2 years
Time of Our Lives
✤ collab with my Moon Queen @hereisleo​ ✤ undercover agent!Woo x female undercover agent!reader   ✤ genre: Spy AU // action, chaotic fluff, inconvenient love confessions ✤ t/w: sfw, rated M, contains: swearing, mentions of guns & death ✤ count: 1.4k+
a/n - WELL DAMN. I’M BACK! It’s been a hot minute in this ghost town of a blog huh? After being stuck in the writers block for quite sometime, I’ve finally crawled out of that void. This piece was actually written...a year ago, something fun I wanted to try and roped my other half of Tea4Two into an impromptu blurb night. I started it and Leo finished it! Honestly, feels refreshing being able to write once more after months. Please enjoy & let us know your thoughts 💙
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And it was in that moment, you knew, he fucked up.
All those weeks of planning went right out the window. The onslaught of bullets didn’t have to take you and your reputation out, when your partner was doing such a fine job of that. Two of Headquarters’ best agents messing up one of the most classified operation on the board – over a damn Alexandre Vauthier gown.  
You threw a side glare towards the man who was currently reloading his gun beside you. Head reeling from all that happened within the span of the few minutes that just passed.
This was a mess you definitely, did not see coming.  
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“You look ridiculous in that!”
Were you personally offended by that comment?
On the contrary, you felt like city royalty in lavish shiraz velvet. Unfortunately it proved to be too much for Jung Wooyoung to handle, if his erratic mood spoke otherwise over the days leading up to this assignment.
You been through the strategy so many times over you could recite every detail in your sleep. You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into, and so did Agent Jung.
But that didn’t mean he had to like it. Not one bit.
Wooyoung thought you looked ridiculous alright, ridiculously gorgeous. So when he saw you enter the hotel’s lounge bar from his corner, the bourbon went straight down the wrong pipe.  
The slit of the gown was a sinful display of leg and don’t even get Wooyoung started on that equally sinful plunging neckline. All hope was on that single waist belt, holding the entire outfit together.
“You alright there?” asked the bartender, patting Wooyoung on his back as he coughed through the stinging liquor. He managed a thumbs up by the end.
If you had heard him coughing his lungs out as you walked past the bar, the poker face you wore proved to be impeccable. A low whistle was heard as just as you disappeared behind the conference room doors.
“Well, ain’t the Chairman lucky today?”
The bartender mistook Wooyoung’s unimpressed expression for a cue to further elaborate, “The Chairman loves women with class and sophistication.”
A vein popped, or perhaps it was his knuckles cracking.
“A sight for sore eyes is an added bonus.”
You weren’t there to provide favours of any kind. You were there to take down this nefarious narcissist of a scumbag who’s sat far too long at the top, bleeding hard-working corporations dry to fund his own personal gain and allowed corruption to run wild. So how very rude of these ignorant bystanders to insinuate such things about you.
His habitual reaction to bite back was interrupted by the soothing tone of your voice coming through his in-ear. You played the role of the pseudo informant extremely well, dropping light flirtatious remarks to lure the Chairman in lowering his guard down.
It was all acting, this was pre-planned – Wooyoung kept telling himself.
“I must say, I wasn’t expecting such a gem to be the one liaising on the other end of this deal. Come accompany me to the penthouse once this is over…I’ve some wine imported from Italy we could try and sheets to keep us warm my dear.”
Absolutely not.
“Fuck this.”
The glass slammed down on the counter top. “Excuse me sir? Where are you going?”
“Gonna get my lady, I’d suggest you clear out right now!”
To hell with this game play. The rest of the squad were already stationed outside, awaiting orders. Pistol cocked and loaded, Wooyoung did not hesitate to set the fire alarm off. It blared throughout the complex sending patrons and hotel staff alike into a frenzy.
Either way, the Chairman was going down. Preferably with a bullet or two to the head after what he tried to pull on you.
“HANDS OFF YOU FILTH!” roared Wooyoung, kicking the doors down and aiming at his target.
Wooyoung didn’t even register your exasperated shouting of his name before the Chairman gave the signal for the bodyguards to bring the rain.
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You had tossed your new pair of silver heels aside, opting to dodge and roll in bare feet so as to not lose balance. How those were sadly broken already and your damned gown was still intact, baffled you.
“You better have a fucking good explanation for this! And you owe me a new pair!” you hissed at Wooyoung.
He took a quick shot around the corner of the couch and managed to pick off another bodyguard.
“Look, the guy is rotten to the core and I’m just speeding up the process where he’s done and dusted.”
Another shot, another body drop.
“Don’t worry, I’ll buy you as many new pair of shoes as you want once this is all over. And on that note, would you let me take you out for coffee too?”
Your hard stare was met with Wooyoung’s toothy grin.  
The fucking audacity.
You gave credits where it was due but he was something else. Jung Wooyoung shouldn’t affect you this much and yet, he did. He didn’t flinch when you raised your gun towards him, there was implicit trust that you weren’t going to use him as target practice. The goon who tried to sneak aim at him fell to the floor, joining with the party of cooling bodies.
“You owe me a pair of heels…and coffee!” you bit out. Wooyoung let out a whoop of excitement which turned into a groan when you continued, “And you’re telling Boss what happened today.”
“Okay, hear me out, I didn’t mean it in a bad way when I said you looked ridiculous…” he said as both of you tucked your heads down when shots were fired near your hiding place. “You look ridiculously gorgeous and I can’t stand the thought of that sleazy bastard pawing you.”
It may have been the odd tug of your heart strings, or even the unwavering determination steeled into his eyes that did not shy from your gaze. For once instead of running from honesty, perhaps it wasn’t such a bad idea to give into it. Now that it confirmed Wooyoung was on the same page as you were.    
You never did claim you were good at planning either. And so, among the mess of bullets and broken glass, a single chaste kiss was shared. Too fleeting for your liking but sweet enough to placate two hearts, for now.
“Thank you,” and you meant it. Fingers fondly caressing the sides of his sculptured jawline.
Then the flick to his forehead brought him out of his love-drunk daze and back to reality.
Wrong time for a confession but with life as undercover agents, wrong time was also the right time. It still did not excuse the fact that you were pissed at him for cocking up the mission but –  
“We could be like Mr. and Mrs. Jung.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself!”
He chuckled and swooped down to steal another kiss. You could get used to this.
“Do you know you look hot when you’re angry?”
If you had your heels, you would have thrown it at his head. Alas, you didn’t have the chance to do so as the rest of the squad took care of the surviving Chairman’s strays and approached you and Wooyoung with the most exasperated face. Ah, you were going to get it on the ride back to the Headquarters. Even if it was Wooyoung’s fault.
Partners always got blamed together.
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“See? It wasn’t too bad, gorgeous.”
You clenched your fists around Wooyoung’s suit lapel, he only raised his arms in surrender and grinned, eyes twinkling with mirth and was that fondness? You were annoyed, not angry at him anymore but simply annoyed.
“Wasn’t too bad? Wasn’t too bad for you, Jung Wooyoung but my reputation does take a hit. How do you plan on salvaging it?”
The grin widened and you immediately knew he had something up his sleeve. He grabbed your wrists and you let go of his jacket, he cleared his throat and straightened his black suit.
“Well, I do have an afternoon tea reservation for two at The Ritz and a bejewelled pair of silver heels waiting in the car. I owe you coffee and a new pair of heels, you said so yourself! And you owe me a date!”
You can’t help but laugh at his words. A man of his word, a fine man at that.
“Fine. However, don’t think this is enough to satisfy me.”
Wooyoung looped his arm around yours and leaned down to give you a swift peck to your lips, not minding the stares or silence that fell behind them. You smacked him lightly for the public display of affection yet followed his lead to the lift.
“Of course not, Mrs Jung. I intend to woo you!”
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pillage-and-lute · 3 years
Prompt: Either out of embarrassment or being a little shit, Jaskier lies outrageously to Geralt about humans (on the level of “I’m molting” or “These? They’re rocks, to snack on.”) and might get away with it?
Hi Dahliavandare! I always love seeing you in my inbox. I changed this just a *teeny* bit. WARNING: VERY SLIGHTLY HORNY (it’s Jaskier, duh) There is also a little bit of angst because Jaskier gets sick.
“Jaskier,” Geralt growled.
“What?” The young bard yelped. “I wasn’t even singing that time.”
“No, you just--hmmm.”
“I just hmmm what?” Jaskier asked, pausing in his near-constant strumming.
“You smell like...hmm.”
“I smell?” Jaskier said, both hands planted on his hips. “That’s pretty rich coming from you, my friend--”
“Not friends.”
“You smell like a barn. Anyway-”
“No, Jaskier,” Geralt said, running one, gloved hand through his hair. “Witchers can sort of smell emotions, right?”
Jaskier looked up at him, a sudden hint of anxiety in his scent. “I thought that was a myth.”
“Not entirely.” Geralt shook his head as if clearing a thought from it. “We can’t smell complex things, but joy, fear, anger...desire.”
Jaskier, for once, didn’t look at Geralt, studying instead the flowers at the side of the road. “Desire?”
“I-yes.” Geralt said. “And I wanted to know if all humans smell like...”
“Desire?” Jaskier said, then began talking fast. “Oh yes, of course, most humans, especially my age, well, they smell like this all the time. All the time. Naturally.”
It sort of checked out, at least to Geralt’s thinking. Young humans were horny, and although the overriding scent when Geralt was around was fear, he remembered being a teenager, with all the baggage that entailed at Kaer Morhen, and yes, constantly horny was among those memories. Jaskier himself was definitely still young by human standards, perhaps twenty or so from his youthful features. 
Geralt chalked the horniness up to humanity and hormones and left it at that. 
Later on, Geralt had other questions related to humanity, more specifically that part of humanity that included Jaskier. 
“I thought humans couldn’t eat those?” Geralt couldn’t, he’d eaten one during training on a dare and spent the next day with his head in the privy.
Jaskier looked down at the mushroom in his hand. It was a beautiful, bright red, with little white spots. He’d been snacking on similar ones for the last mile or so. 
“Of course we can,” he said. “Humans eat these all the time.” There was a rising tone in his voice that indicated something, but as Geralt had mentioned before, witchers couldn’t actually smell the more complicated emotions. 
“They, um,” Jaskier said. “They just can’t be eaten by humans during-er- during summer. It’s fall now, so it’s okay.”
Geralt shrugged. What did he know of human biology? He wouldn’t be eating another of them ever, at any time. His stomach lurched a little just at the thought.
“You didn’t buy the ring.”
Jaskier looked up at Geralt, eyes bright in the sunshine. The bustle of the market around them pushed against him like a tide, but a little patch of space was left around Geralt. Jaskier stepped into the space. “The ring?”
“You liked it,” Geralt grunted. “I could tell.” It had been a little thing, cheaply made of poor materials, but the bard’s eyes had lit up upon seeing the little buttercup detailing, and he’d admired for several minutes, although without touching. 
Jaskier shrugged. “It was made of iron.”
“Human’s can’t wear iron, Geralt.”
“Then why did the man sell it?” 
“Well some humans can wear it of course, those with very tough skin, but I’m delicate.” Jaskier sniffed. 
“Humans...can’t wear iron?” It didn’t sound right.
“Not right up close to their skin,” Jaskier said. “It turns us, um, purple.”
Geralt shrugged it off. He’d once been called to a castle where a baron had believed himself cursed because his finger was turning green, but he’d simply been wearing a cheap brass ring.
After the first winter they met again in the spring something was definitely different.
“Your freckles,” Geralt said.
“What about them?” Jaskier said, looking away.
What about them indeed. They glimmered like chips of mica. At first Geralt had thought it a trick of the light, but no, there was a definite glitter to Jaskier’s skin.
Jaskier cocked his head at Geralt, cheeks shimmering. “Geralt,” he said slowly. “You know humans shimmer in the spring...right?” 
“I’d never noticed,” Geralt said. Admittedly he paid a little more attention to Jaskier than perhaps he ought, but still, one would think he’d have seen this before.
“It’s part of the growing process,” Jaskier said. 
“Jaskier, your cheeks are red,” Geralt said, stepping out of the small bathtub the inkeeper had brought up. He stepped closer to the bard, still naked and dripping water, and pressed the back of his hand to Jaskier’s forehead.
“Nnhgh,” Jaskier said.
“Are you well?” Geralt asked, cupping Jaskier’s flushed face with his other hand. It didn’t feel like he had a fever.
Jaskier pushed his hands away, face even redder than before.
“I’m perfectly fine, Geralt,” he said, higher pitched than usual. “Human faces get red for no reason now...put on some pants.”
“Jaskier you’re drunk,” Geralt said. It was a pretty obvious statement, considering he had his bard draped over him like a shawl.
“Hehe, yep,” Jaskier said, reaching up with one, long finger and tracing Geralt’s jawline with it. 
“You didn’t have any alcohol, I’m sure of it.” Jaskier normally had an extremely high alcohol tolerance in any case.
“‘O course not,” Jaskier said, leaning even more fully into Geralt’s hold. “Had milk.”
“Milk can’t get people drunk.”
“Milk can’t get witchers drunk,” Jaskier slurred. “Get’s humans drunk though, dunnit?”
“Can it?”
“Yeah, definitely, not the kids, but like, how often do you see, like adult humans drinkin’ milk?”
Not often, Geralt thought. He put Jaskier to bed in the inn and it was like pouring an octopus into a bucket. One loose yet gripping arm pulled Geralt closer to Jaskier, the bard leaned in and brushed soft lips to Geralt’s cheekbone.
Geralt wondered if it was another mystery of humans that the spot seemed to tingle all night and he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about it.
Geralt clutched Jaskier as the bard fell to his knees, groaning. His face was sickly in it’s palor and he was trembling. He’d just lurched up from the table at the inn and stumbled to the door. Geralt had followed him and the young bard had just collapsed like this.
“Jaskier,” he said, clutching a chilled cheek, his other hand seeking one of Jaskier’s. “Jaskier what’s wrong.”
“Lemon,” Jaskier whispered, lacing shaking finger’s with Geralt’s. “In the fish, there was lemon.”
“Lemon’s fine, isn’t it?” Geralt asked, slow heart racing as he looked into eyes that were becoming glassy and clouded.
Jaskier shook his head and it seemed to exhaust him.
“’S fine for humans.” He said. “Not fae.”
“Fae,” Geralt said, cradling his friend. “Jaskier you’re not making sense.” 
“Mmh,” Jaskier said, smiling sadly. His face changed, his eyes going glow bright and his ears lengthening a little. His skin took on a slightly green tint. 
Geralt looked into the face of his fae bard, rubbing a thumb over his cheekbone and the shimmering freckles there. “How do I heal you, you have to tell me.”
Jaskier blinked slowly, eyes dimming further.
Geralt shook him, desperation taking over.
“Jaskier what heals a fairy?”
What heals a fairy? He’d learned that at some point hadn’t he? Long ago. They were rare, and most witchers never saw one in their whole lives but if you could help one they’d grant you one wish, not tricks. 
“Jaskier,” Geralt rasped, throat feeling dry. Those beautiful eyes blinked at him, slowly. 
“I...I think you have pretty eyes,” Geralt said. “And I like when they, um, match the skies.”
Jaskier blinked at him in confusion, brow wrinkling slightly.
“You look pretty in blue,” Geralt managed, inventing wildly. “And look pretty in green. You look lovely in about every shade in between.”
Some of the deathly palor was fading from Jaskier’s face now and Geralt sought more words. “I thought you were pretty that day you wore purple,” he said. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck, idiot he was an idiot, nothing rhymes with purple. 
“I like your spirit, your moxy, your...your yurple.”
Jaskier was indeed looking better now, and he was smiling.
“I like the way you talk to me, and how you’re always there,” Geralt whispered. “I like the way you hum to me when you help me brush my hair.”
Jaskier sat up slowly, blinking in the dim light.
“I like the way you give treats to Roach, um, and I like the way you smile,” Geralt gulped at the look on Jaskier’s face. “But most of all I like how much I love you, so I want you to promise to, uh, stay? For a while?”
“Oh Geralt,” Jaskier said, cupping his cheek. “That was bad.” Then he kissed him and Geralt’s brain went very very fuzzy.
A little later, in their room in the inn, where Geralt was finishing the fish and Jaskier was having stew avec no-lemon-at-all, he asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Jaskier tilted his head thoughtfully as he chewed a piece of potato. “Well, at first I wasn’t sure how you’d take it,” he said. 
Geralt nodded. Fae were a feared and reverred group amongst humans, so caution was reasonable.
“Then it became a sort of game,” Jaskier said shrugging. “I couldn’t resist. So I left you little hints. I thought you’d figure it out for sure with the freckles or the milk.”
Geralt huffed a little sheepishly.
“I don’t care that you’re fae,” he said after a moment.
“I know,” Jaskier said. “And I don’t care that you’re an awful poet.”
“It worked, didn’t it.”
“It did, and now you get a wish, no tricks,” Jaskier held up his hand as if taking an oath. “I promise.”
Geralt thought for a moment. A wish from a fae was no small thing. It should be something powerful, something earth shattering and precious and rare.
“I wish you would kiss me again.”
Oop, here it is (after quite the wait, sorry about that) I’m actually so proud of this and it’s super sweet and fluffy.
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introvertguide · 3 years
Abuse of Children Portrayed in Film
I like to use movies as an escape from the harshness of the real world and one of the things that I have learned about in my education is the effects on children when they are mistreated. I have a Masters Degree in Developmental Psychology and one of the hardest classes for me to handle was Abnormal Development in Children and Adolescents. We covered everything from dealing with dyslexia and ADHD to surviving severe abuse and loss at a very early age. We had guest speakers that ranged from people who had escaped genocide as children, to individuals who had been sold into prostitution by their parents, to people who had suffered severe abuse from their parents or guardian. I have heard stories that will stick with me forever and that is nightmare fuel that I don't want to share.
Because of my background education, I take note of the treatment and behavior of children and adolescents in the movies that I watch. There have been many great movies over the years that have depicted the suffering of children and it has always been difficult for me to deal with. There are more well known examples of films that focus on suffering but throw in more of a "sometimes we all suffer, even the children" message that demonstrate that kids aren't immune to great travesties (basically any film about The Holocaust). There are also well known films that show children "coming of age" through hardship (Annie 1982, Oliver! 1968) but end perfectly. There is a more current series of films that focuses entirely on a boy discovering a fantasy world that was robbed from him when his parents were murdered by a tyrant (Harry Potter series). But in this list I want to review some lesser known films that show examples of abuse. Even after all that I have seen and heard, the following list of films have affected me personally for one reason or another. Sometimes the children in these films endure and overcome their situation in the end. Sometimes these children do not survive or sadly remain in their misfortunes. To me, this can make the movie all the more powerful because of the incredible amount of pathos that endangering a child character can add. It can also make it a heart wrenching experience that is painful to watch. Here are some powerful films in which children suffer and the struggle is one of the main plot lines of the movie:
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Sybil (TV Movie) 1976
I just recently saw this film after I had heard of the story in my abnormal development class almost 10 years ago. It is the story of a woman who developed multiple personalities to deal with a childhood in the care of an undiagnosed schizophrenic mother. The movie stars Sally Fields and is based on a true account of Shirley Ardell Mason and her treatment by psychologist Cornelia Wilbur. The acting in the film is overdramatic at times, but it definitely reminded me of some of the actual old videos of Shirley Mason and her sudden strange switches in personality when she was scared or anxious. Dr. Wilbur used hypnosis to actually introduce Mason to her alternate personalities and she was able to recognize her disassociative identity disorder and overcome it. It still hurts me to think that this person was mentally wounded so deeply by her parents that it basically shattered her into pieces in an effort to make sense of things.
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Leon: The Professional 1994
I mention this film a lot because it is a heartwarming story of an assassin teaching a young orphan how to murder. It is the breakout role for Natalie Portman and it is just amazing. Leon is a "cleaner" that lives next door to an abusive and addictive family with a troubled girl named Mathilda. The father gets in trouble with the mob and some enforcers come by and slaughter most of the family while Mathilda is getting groceries. She returns during the massacre and realizes what is happening so continues next door and pleads for shelter. Leon takes her in and teachers her the trade and protects her from the men who want to finish her off. The movie was written and directed by Luc Besson and stars Jean Reno, Gary Oldman, and Natalie Portman. The suffering that this girl endures because of her parent's addictions hurts me, yet I have seen and enjoyed this film many times. I recommend watching when in the mood to be deeply affected by the trials of a little girl and the killer who protected her.
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Kids 1995
This film came out when I was early in high school and bothered me greatly. It is a story by Harmony Korine, and one of his many attempts to capture the hopeless lives of unmotivated and unsupervised teens. These are young teens having unprotected sex, stealing money to do drugs, and attacking people in the park. I did not really go to these kinds of parties when I was that age (or ever really) and it has bothered me to think that adolescents would partake in this kind of behavior. It is hard for me to believe that these kids had the ability to mentally comprehend the consequences of their actions and some of the characters end up contracting HIV from each other. I would not recommend the film because it is a depressing day in the life that no youth should have.
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Gummo 1997
I would not call this a good movie and I wouldn't really recommend it. It is another work by Harmony Korine and really details the depravity that can occur with unsupervised youths living in low socio-economic conditions. This movie is just depressing and motivated me to find something to motivate me into action. I got into both psychology and teaching, which has served me well for the past 20 years. It was this film that showed me how low the bar for quality of life could be, and I guess for that I am thankful. However, I still wouldn't recommend it.
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Happiness 1998
This movie I didn't see right away but noticed it at the video store on many occasions. I final watched it when I was about 25 on the recommendation of a friend and one particular storyline greatly disturbed me. It is basically the story of 3 sisters that feel they should be happy and project a face of happiness, yet they are miserable and have horrible lives. One sister in particular is married to a psychiatrist who turns out to be a pedophile that rapes the friends of his young son. At one point rather early on in the movie, this man confesses to his son that he raped the boy's friends and that he would do it again. The son is so confused that he asks his father why he never raped him. It is so disturbing to me because I know the boys that were assaulted will be forever damaged and this boy who was not actually raped will be mentally scarred as well. The fact that there are people in the world that would harm children that way, recognize what they had done, and then know they didn't have the self control to stop themselves from doing it again is horrifying to me.
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Lilya 4-Ever 2002
This film is deeply disturbing and I highly recommend never watching it. I will spoil it for you now so you never have to see it if you don't want. A 16-year-old girl named Lilya lives with her mother. The mom gets a boyfriend and the couple move to America and abandons Lilya with a neglectful aunt. The aunt movies into the old apartment of her sister and Lilya is forced to move out and become a prostitute to make money. A boy comes along and convinces her to move to Sweden to escape her life. When they arrive, this boy sells her to a pimp and she becomes a teenage sex slave. She almost escapes, but is then captured and beaten almost to death. She escapes again and this time commits suicide so she won't be recaptured. This movie is awful and changed my mind about giving every film a chance. I wish I could forget this film, but I can't. Perhaps it is just not for me, but this film presentation is definitely an experience that you won't soon forget.
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The Kite Runner 2007
I read this book in my twenties and saw the film in my thirties and both affected me greatly. A well-to-do boy and his friend are in a kite battle competition and the friend is beaten and raped when he goes to retrieve a fallen kite. The well-to-do boy denies knowing what happened to his friend (he does know) and basically shames and abandons him. This action haunts the well-to-do boy for the rest of his life. How the boy who was raped is basically falling prey to blaming the victim is heartbreaking, and the lifetime of guilt of the other boy is pitiable. Neither boy was the actual attacker yet they both were the ones that suffered.
There are many other examples of movies along these lines and could be found if you feel like suffering. I can't say that I would recommend them because they are very difficult to watch. Beyond just dealing with the content, it is rare to find child actors who can actually portray somebody who has truly suffered. The mix of bad acting and a depressing plot can make for a terrible movie going experience. The genre of movie involving suffering does exist, though, and it could be enjoyed (?) by some. Just not generally by me.
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Blindfold Yunho x f.reader Genre: Smut Words: 3.8k Warnings: Not really any warnings but we’re into blindfolding and major teasing here, folks. Birthday sex.
Authors Note: I hope that writing this will quench my thirst and make him stop haunting my dreams. Please suffer with me.
March 23rd. A day you’ve had marked with three red ‘x’’s on your phone calendar for a month. A day you have thought about since Valentine’s Day, after your wonderful, loving, perfect-to-you-in-every-way boyfriend told you about something he would like to try. The conversation had been innocent enough, although there was some irony in it’s exchange, during post-sex cuddles on your bed.
He was all giggles, with soft hands and warm skin, voice lower than usual and just as tender. You could feel the gentle tickle of his lips at your hairline as they moved to form words. Easy words that spelled out his curious desire, “Maybe someday we could try blindfolding.” Those six simple words, spoken with a tangible smile and blushing cheeks, had you pulling your head back from the comfort of his neck to watch his face. Yunho was grinning, somehow shy after all this time, and proud of himself nonetheless. You smiled right back at him with your lips pressed to his chin when he playfully lifted his lips too high for you to reach in your position cradled against his chest. “If you want to blindfold me I would let you. I trust you.” you assured him, but he let out a soft laugh. He swallowed audibly under your full attention, clearing his throat to speak even softer, “Not you…” You said nothing, needing a moment to understand, “I want you to blindfold me.” Realization hit you, and a gut punch of arousal along with it, “Oh.” With your palm against his chest, you forced yourself up at the same time Yunho let you push him onto his back. You wasted no time in straddling his lap. You leaned forward, stretching yourself to place your hands over his eyes with a giggle. “I didn’t mean we had to do it right now!” he laughed, grasping your hands and removing them from his face to kiss your palms. Placing your hands on his stomach, you rolled your hips over his growing length, “Perhaps not, but I still want you right now.” His hands were already gripping your thighs the moment you moved against him. With a bite to his smirking lips, he followed your motions with actions of his own, “As you wish.”
So here you were, after careful planning and orchestration. Without letting them know the details of your plan, you made sure to enlist Hongjoong and Seonghwa’s help, or at least tell them you were trying to make plans for the evening on Yunho’s birthday. You didn’t expect any promises, but Seonghwa did text you this morning to tell you they would try to get him out on time.
You fold and unfold the long piece of silk in your lap, running your fingers over the smooth fabric and appreciating the pink color you chose. It matches the rest of the lace babydoll and panties that cover you.
Part of you is slightly nervous, while the other reminisces about all the reasons you shouldn’t be. Yunho has never been one to make you feel anything less than comfortable or wanted in your relationship, and sex between you is not new.
Perhaps your nerves are born of performance? You must be feeling this way because he specifically wanted this and if you don’t make it great for him then it will be a failure. Yunho has said the same thing to you many times, when he feels nervous about performing for his fans.
Just as you shake your head with resolve to make this wonderful for him, the bedroom door opens and you jump.
There he is, stopped in his tracks, standing with his hand still wrapped around the doorknob as he stares at you sitting there at the end of your bed.
“You’re home.” is what you say, trying to rebound off your surprise. You must have been so lost in thought you didn’t notice the sound of his arrival through the apartment. You don’t miss the way his presence seems to add a fond sense of ‘home’ to the room.
He gulps, an easy smile raising his cheeks. His duffel bag is tossed to the floor in front of the dresser and he closes the door, unzipping his training jacket until that too, is tossed to the floor.
“What’s all this?” he asks, standing in front of you. He dips low to capture your lips in a greeting, waiting for your answer when he regains his full height.
You goad him with a grin, “Why don’t you hurry up and shower so you can find out?”
Yunho’s brows lift momentarily as he turns toward the hamper, smirking back at you as he begins to undress. He takes a peek at your face with every piece that comes off, eating up the way your eyes ogle him in silence.
He checks just once more before ducking into the bathroom, making sure you’re staying put there on the bed.
You refuse to let your thoughts consume you anymore, enjoying the pleasant buzz that sizzles on your skin, left in the wake of his staring. Although it’s new, you were certain he would love this piece on you, having mentioned the few times you’ve worn lingerie, that he loves you most in soft colors that compliment your cuteness. Babydolls are your personal favorite, and he has agreed prior that they’re best for ease of access when he wants to fuck you while keeping something on.
You’re both laughing when your eyes meet after his shower. The unspoken acknowledgment that he’s probably broken a record for his shower time is funny to both of you.
He doesn’t bother with anything more than a towel around his hips, and you pluck it from his grip as soon as he is within reach, “You won’t be needing that.”
He smiles at you, allowing you to tug him forward onto the bed. Yunho’s fingers busy themselves with touching and pinching the lace that delicately hides your skin from him. He lifts the hem in his fist, watching it nearly float back down around you with a sigh.
He definitely loves it.
“I love this on you,” he admits a moment later, his eyes seeking yours. The tone of his voice always melts you like this- when it’s full of love and ardor.
You gesture towards the headboard, allowing him a moment to get comfortable in your requested position before you straddle him. He hisses at the contact of your covered heat against his length, half hard since he came out of the shower from anticipation alone.
Yunho reaches up, collecting you by the nape of your neck and urging you down so he can kiss you. His lips move against yours exactly how you like, slow and building. He does this sometimes, when he wants you to be putty in his hands- not that you ever resist.
Except, today you have to take some control. Pushing past the bubbling nerves in your gut, you lean back. He chases you- leaning forward and consuming you, adamant that he isn’t finished sampling you.
It pulls a gentle moan from your throat when he moves his lips down to it. He holds you in place, caged against his body with his own arms clutching you to him. Your eyes pop open, remembering not to get pulled under the waves of euphoria with him just yet. Today is about his pleasure.
“Yunho,” you say, but it comes out as a whine.
“Yeah, baby?” he coos back, still working his mouth against your neck.
A deep breath leaves you, “Stop for a second.”
Immediately he sits back, with eyes full of concern. He searches your face for any sign of discomfort, and his expression morphs into confusion, followed by realization a moment later when he notices the length of silk in your hands.
You lift it up between you, bashful and smiling. You’re eager for his reaction, and your boyfriend doesn’t disappoint.
“Is it my birthday?” he wonders aloud.
You snort a laugh at him, taking a playful swat at his chest, “It is, you dork.”
He gives you a dazzling, heart-clenching, silly grin at your response, “Oh, yeah.”
“Now sit still, please.” you instruct, unable to hide your growing smile at his immediate and eager obedience.
He waits, eyes closed, but unable to help the way his length twitches against your core as you wrap the silk over his eyes.
“All good under there? Can you see how many fingers I’m holding up?” you ask, not bothering to hold up any at all.
“No, but I can feel both your hands on me so nice try.” he says, and you can hear the shit-eating grin in his tone.
He earns himself a swipe of your tongue over his neck at his snarky remark, and the resulting sharp inhale you’re rewarded with is enough sweet justice for you.
He’s smiling when you pull away, tugging here and there to make sure it isn’t too tight nor too loose. He groans when you give him no warning and take his face into your hands, kissing him deeply.
You don’t stop your attention, kissing him until the sound of your lips feels deafening in the silence of the room. His hands grip your waist, gently rocking you back and forth along him in tandem.
It’s enough, you decide, when you break for air and he’s panting with flushed cheeks and heated skin. “Are you going to be okay, baby?”
He swallows thickly, then smiles, and you resist the urge to coo at the way his cheeks look rounder with the blindfold over his eyes. “Keep going.”
“Of course,” you comply in a sultry tone, “Just relax.”
He does as you’ve asked, allowing you to rise from his lap and push his legs apart further. He bites his lip with anticipation- feeling your weight dip the bed between his legs.
You enjoy the opportunity to tease, letting out huffs of your warm breath to ghost along his fully erect cock. He remains still and slack-jawed, awaiting your every movement. Unwilling to waste the moment, you admire him briefly- reclined on your bed, naked in all his glory. Yunho is gorgeous, but knowing he is just as beautiful beneath the surface makes your chest swell with great love.
The sight before you is something you aim to burn into memory for every sleepless, needy night that you miss him. His abs are taut, strained with anticipation and heavy breaths. His arms rest at his sides, feigning relaxation as his fingers dance with a stray thread on the blanket beneath him. His mouth is open just slightly and his brows are knit together in valiant concentration.
The part that pulls a low hum of appreciation from your throat is his full erection. Thick, red and leaking onto his abdomen, you’re spurred into action with the desire to see him a mess.
The first touch you deliver is a kiss, just on the edge of his hip. Slowly and deliberately, you firmly plant wet, open-mouthed kisses lower and closer to where he grows desperate for you. You’re paying attention to his reaction with every ministration and you must admit you are quickly becoming intoxicated with this game.
The power you feel, and how his every tiny reaction drives the spike of arousal deeper into your veins. He holds his breath, knowing the next place your lips will find is his cock if you keep going. With a tactical pause, you skip over it, smiling at his flushed cheeks, and let your lips flutter over the top of his thigh instead.
Yunho releases his held breath with a long and dour groan.
“Please don’t tease.” he whispers quietly, gasping when you suddenly rise up and lave the flat of your tongue around his left nipple. His hand jerks up with the desire to touch, but he resists. You didn’t ever tell him he couldn’t, but let him decide on his own what he wants to do. After all, this is about his pleasure.
The next moment you’ve swooped back down, gently taking the head of him into your mouth, and he reacts with a jerk of his hips and a loud moan. Garbled sounds of pleasure drop freely from his lips, his head thrown back as you take him as far back as you can.
The wet slurping is an erotic audio that pours heat into your own cheeks, and you can imagine that Yunho must feel like that sound is surrounding him with the subconscious focus of his ears.
“Oh, fuck baby… mmm, fuck.” he whines quietly when you use a hand to pump the base of his length that you can’t fit comfortably. He raises a hand again, and you watch as he bites his lip and resists the urge to tangle his fingers in your hair- instead balling a fist and settling it back at his side.
You continue like this for several minutes, switching your rhythm and pattern here and there to stroke or suck him the way you know he likes. When his breath is coming in ragged pants and his thighs begin the slightest tremble, you slow, and eventually release him.
Yunho’s protest is audible, and you cup his cheek at the adorable way his lips are pouted open and his brows are strung together with his plea.
“I want this to last.” you assure him, “It’ll be worth it.”
“Kiss me then,” he barters with you, breathless. His request is one you can comply with, planting a kiss directly to his lips and he tries so hard to kiss you into submission with his plush lips.
“That’s not fair,” you coo.
He smiles, shaking his head and leaning forward, “You’re not being fair.”
Leaning into him, you make sure to wrap your arms around his neck and whisper directly into his ear, “Don’t act like you didn’t want this.”
The resounding moan he tries to suppress is not lost on you, and he settled back with the clearing of his throat.
Straddling his thigh, you settle yourself in a comfortable position to kiss across his chest. Your mouth works higher until you’re biting gently at the juncture of his neck and shoulder. He moans softly in reward, finally allowing himself the pleasure of your skin beneath his fingers, pacified with touching your thigh where it rests.
Your hand reaches down and you let your fingers wrap around his cock again at the same moment you gently suck on the place you’d just bitten. Your boyfriend is louder now, letting a throaty moan peel from his lips with your fist around his aching length.
He hisses when you repeat your marking a little higher, just below his ear. Yunho’s hand grips you tighter, letting it roam beneath the pretty lace, toward the fullness of your ass and digging his fingertips in to urge you into motion upon his leg.
“Fuck.” he whispers lowly on a breath as you set a rhythm with your fist once more. His head falls back against the headboard, his hips softly canting up with every pump.
As if he had intended it that way, his throat is now conveniently exposed for your lips and teeth. You want to make excellent use of his generosity, but the ache of emptiness in your cunt demands more attention.
Wordlessly, you sit up, shimmying yourself out of the matching panties and letting your knees settle on either side of his hips. Every rustle of fabric and movement you make is one that Yunho absorbs with great anticipation.
He doesn’t know exactly what you’re up to yet, but he can smell your perfume and your sex and feel your proximity over him. With wandering hands, he reaches out, tentatively, catching the left side of your waist first. All it takes is a simple swipe of his thumb and the comforting palm of his hand for him to realize exactly what part of your body he is holding, even through the lace.
That notion makes you softer for him, smiling sweetly at the dusty rose on his face as he reaches up to palm your breast. His free hand slides to your back, pulling you closer so he can attach his tongue to the nipple he’s found budding beneath the fabric of your lingerie.
The friction and heat makes you whine, admittedly turned on more than you thought possible with the addition of a simple piece of silk around Yunho’s head.
He spoils you with his hands now, roaming all over your curves, mostly followed by his mouth. He’s still short of breath, but smiles nonetheless when he locates at first your nose and then your lips with his own kisses. He doesn’t try any tricks this time.
His kiss pauses immediately when his hands, having wandered down and beneath the lacy fringe, find you bare. He groans at the feel of your skin, audibly basking in the pleasure it gives him to glide two fingers through your wetness with practiced ease.
Yunho dips one long digit into your heat, eating up the sound of your cry. Your hands hold him at his neck and his shoulder, leaning into his frame to stay steady. His face is less than an inch from your shoulder, and he takes advantage of the proximity to turn his head and capture the side of your neck with his mouth.
A second finger joins the first, gliding through your wetness and creating obscene squelching sounds with every thrust into your pussy. You’re beginning to lose yourself, completely indulged in the feeling of him absolutely everywhere.
He loves it just as much, groaning at the sounds you’re making just because of him.
“Does that feel good baby?” he suddenly asks, and the tone of his voice is absolutely sinful.
“Yes.” you whimper into his ear.
He grunts, “I’m gonna come if we keep playing like this.”
The admission is a tempting offer, but you don’t want to end the fun too early. Instead, you think it best to ask him, “What do you want me to do?”
He leans back again, reclining against the pillows, and you allow him to guide you now by feel. To do what he wants with you. “Why don’t you have a seat, baby?” he coos mischievously.
Teasing him further, you take advantage of the position and settle your core over his abs. He makes a sound in his throat akin to a growl and grabs your bottom with both hands and pulls you back into an upright position on your knees.
He kneads the malleable flesh for no longer than a second before he sits up straighter and tells you, “Sit on my cock.”
The dirty words leaving his mouth send sparks up your spine, and you do as you’re told. He’s already got one fist around the base of himself, aiding you in sliding down along the length he’s presented you with.
Watching his face contort with pleasure as you sink over him is by far one of your favorite parts of sex with your boyfriend. He’s so expressive, and the breathy moan that spills from his mouth when you’ve settled completely sends you halfway to heaven already.
Yunho is completely flushed, now. With the rosy tint creeping down his neck to his chest and the two small blooming violets you’ve given him, he adjusts to wrap one arm around your waist while the other is propped behind him on the bed so he can stay upright.
You set to work immediately, rolling your hips over him to a rhythm you can both enjoy. He’s panting again, stimulated to sensitivity from the restriction to his vision.
Mewling sounds leave your mouth, hanging open as you continuously spear yourself on his length. He gives a particularly hard thrust that sends you toppling forward onto his chest. As if he intended it that way, he naturally holds you against him and scoots down the bed- enough to plant his feet firmly so he can rock into you with more strength.
This position is your favorite and he knows it. The sound of your cries amplify with the angle of his cock into your depths, and the sounds are diving right into his ear. You’re rapidly approaching your orgasm in this position.
He grunts, baring his teeth as he thrusts into you roughly. “Fuck, Yuyu… oh my god, fuck, yes.” you breathe the words against him, and he delivers you a loud, rewarding groan.
“I can’t, oh fuck this is so good.” he praddles desperately, slowing to flip you onto your back.
He rips the silk away from his eyes, not bothering to toss it from his hand as his gaze finds your face. The mutually fucked out expressions you share spurs him on, working quickly to push your knee up to your shoulder as he drives his cock deeper into you.
The wildness in his eyes catches you off guard and he can feel your walls tightening around him. Yunho immediately places his thumb on your clit, sending you rapidly spiraling into euphoria. He wants to feel you come undone around him.
The added stimulation sends you over the edge and you seize up, crying out his name in a high-pitched moan.
He follows you on a ragged breath a moment later, unable to withstand the pleasure. He slows, thrusting steadily at a declining pace and strength until he’s spent, leaning over your frame with a blissful expression.
It takes several moments for you both you regain your breaths, and when Yunho finally slips from your core and rolls onto his side, you think he is simply stunning. You stay in your position for a few seconds longer, spying him as he throws his arm over his eyes and smiles.
“Mmm, baby, you’re amazing. That was...” he pauses to mull over choice words “Incredibly hot.” he breathes, slowly regaining a normal heart rate. You stir at his praise, finding enough strength in your jellied limbs to pull yourself against his chest.
“Did you like it?” you wonder, just to confirm what you already know.
He exhales a soundless laugh, lifting his arm just enough to grin at you, “That was some of the best sex we’ve ever had. Top three personal favorites.”
It’s a running joke between you to sometimes rank the best sex you’ve had together, and you giggle at his opinion, pleased with yourself.
“I put so much work into that, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
He removes his arm finally, placing it around you instead. He squeezes you just enough that his lips can reach the crown of your hair. “Thank you.”
“Happy Birthday baby.” you finally say with a kiss to his lips.
It isn’t until four days later, the next time you see the rest of his group, that you’re made privy to the fact that he told them- in great detail- about the birthday gift he received from you when Wooyoung makes a joke about using the tie Yunho is wearing as a blindfold.
Your boyfriend fails to meet your sharp gaze when you look at him immediately after. It’s fine, you tell yourself. You’ll get your revenge.
“That’s alright,” you assure the group. “I’ll just have to use handcuffs on him next time, too.”
You keep a stone face until you catch Jongho’s head whip up at your statement, and the look of pure horror on his face sends you into a fit of laughter.
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