evilcoffeewitch · 3 years
Avery and the very big wide world
It was a wish that started it, a taste of stardust, a dream of tomorrow mined with shaking hands.
Avery blinked.
The walls had been so big and now she had scale them and found the outside. So this was it. The beginning.
She began to walk then run, still with shaking hands, but she would not let go of this chance. The city would not stop her, no one would.
She ran, and the trees aided her escape.
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risengirl · 5 years
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Obsoletas - Capítulo 54 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/n6EaOcrg4T Liz ha visto finalmente a su madre y ha sido transformada en una Griega y ella misma en una Obsoleta. Ahora descubrirá la vida que le espera como una Griega de categoría más peligrosa.
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entrereinos · 3 years
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Entre reinos Vol.2 Guerra Entre Sangues - Capítulo 5 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1039099658-entre-reinos-vol-2-guerra-entre-sangues-cap%C3%ADtulo-5?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=AmandaAiram&wp_originator=DYO0837bHGTTrDSUv6efAytgwbU8b5c12ddVIGEbXpec2xmOhrDqG6kK%2BZyDuTNFdnHvQ1KetVyUNlg1Jlg4NGaCATpUrhuywGBrH9lHtD%2BmAMpvp%2Fci6dFz1g1FMN%2BD Continuação da jornada indecisa da nossa guardiã da luz. Sera que ela fará sua grande escolha? PLAGIO É CRIME! Entre no meu perfil para ler a primeira parte...
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writerforfun · 3 years
To Find The Truth
So kind of a test check here. Wouls anyone like to tell me how this sounds.
(Don't come at me I'll change the character mentioned if it's offending and once more this is a check type thing, to see if the story seems interesting.)
Katniss Everdeen once said "If we burn, you burn with us." Maybe that’s why we burned with them.
I wonder, how the flames feel against her skin now. Do they ache, like the hot sizzling drops of this thick liquid against my skin? Does it hurt, like the wounds decorating my body.
Is her world, where sacrificing lives to live worse or the world
where nothing but the scorching flame walks?
Her world where at least they can life and sleep under a roof or the world where nothing but the fear of being found, tortured as they say keeps you up at night? Should the fear of fighting others terrify you or the fear of the hot, piercing needles, bitter burning acid against your skin if found should hold you?
Should her world be considered better than mine? Or worse than mine? Blood thirst to set an example or to be haunted?
Perhaps to answer that question, I would need to know who or what she truly is. Wonder how she coped. Stuck in the bitter cold world. Oppressed by those in power.
Tortured by them. Hunted down by them. Used as entertainment by them as bodies around her. Innocence butchered in front of her. As she laid, cold and alone with the horrors of her escape.
Where she lay to rest as the night grow, scared to light a fire, in case the others found her. Where she lay frozen on the ground wondering if he will betray her or not. Where she stood with him, victorious as the battle ended, only two left living that year.
I wonder if I can be like her. Be like her and fight them like she did. Take them down like she did.
Live a free life.
But I'm not her.
None of us are.
I wish we were, if not me then her, not her then him. Then maybe we can leave. If we were her, if we truly were something, anything like her, games. Wouldn't be here as their experiment.
Gosh, if only. But at the end of it, this all but a reality. If there was Katniss Everdeen, she wouldn't survive them. With their strong presence, power unimaginable.
Who are we to fight them? Can we fight them?
Some say they came from the shadows of long forgotten times. Some say the big tragedy brought them as a sign. Some say they were the tragedy and some, some say this is how the future had to be.
And some…some say they are birthed from the dark, crumbled ashes of those left to live, left to suffer in the great deep oppression.
This world engraved deep into desolation, burning in futility, crumbling in poverty, dissociating slowly under their rule.
With strength and power unexplainable when they took over. With flames holding on to the very essence of life. Burning the world with power untold, they rose.
Killing and killing, until nothing, nothing but the smell of ash remained, hovering over us. Creating a world, they wanted.
A world of their choosing.
They had power, they had fire.
The flames burned the world and they were the spark that started it all.
@hellishhin I promised I'll keep you updated on this story. I'm keeping that promise
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passagemliteraria · 3 years
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Sobreviventes do Apocalipse - Livro 1 da Duologia Últimos Dias na Terra - CAPÍTULO 18 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1071984509-sobreviventes-do-apocalipse-livro-1-da-duologia?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=HorrorBrothers&wp_originator=3AByweoifZ%2FdxsZ7hGtqpmSfz3N%2BazqCL2dsswRU9KjnhgofD9e%2FRYaQTOi38NDsBOES%2F3WJIE0e6sl5jJcJ8%2Fz4qDDZ3AlbpM8Rjf%2FXimgP8MwkL33durYyJaORxl%2F%2F Thomas é um garoto de quatorze anos, que adora filmes de terror. Após mais uma noite cheia de pesadelos, ele acorda e vê um noticiário na televisão: repórteres entrevistam um cientista em frente a um centro de pesquisas no Rio de Janeiro que explodiu e, consequentemente, deixou vazar radiação. Junto com a notícia, chega seu pai. Saindo às pressas de casa, ele acaba constatando que um de seus piores pesadelos está virando realidade. Em fuga, junto com sua família para o sul do país, eles estão em busca de um porto seguro. Mas, em um mundo sem leis, em quem ele poderá confiar? Em uma aventura com ritmo acelerado e emocionante, ele encontrará pessoas que podem mostrar que são piores que os zumbis à solta no Brasil.
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emmegraneris · 3 years
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Cybervert - Lo Scoglio Nero (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1033885984-cybervert-lo-scoglio-nero?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=EmmeGraneris&wp_originator=1BnTUZ5EcvGE5fIpQIZfVy1VJ8mpFI1OY2tAtedwP4GZMjjtp9Ilz4sYYPaXSos3Zkn5akY1TPbmeuhHCJ0Fd%2Be8pvebpohuCG4B4ayPcC8mHeHhJNKBYLIlbXdiznzL Un viaggio in un mondo in esaurimento, in una società spaccata tra esseri umani e automi, nelle perversioni di un uomo attratto dalle macchine.
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lesserthings · 5 years
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Sendler Squad (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/5BsHyznVgZ Em um futuro distópico, a alquimista de combate Lauren, membro de elite do exército, encontra em meio a um resgate uma fonte de poder que pode revolucionar as armas e a energia e mudar tudo que se sabe a respeito. Com capacidade para virar os ventos da guerra a favor de seu lado, a descoberta científica é entregue nas mãos de sua mentora, uma poderosa alquimista chamada Sasha. Lauren é informada de que uma médica irá se juntar ao seu pelotão, Camila, por quem não simpatiza muito. Ao serem enviadas para o fronte de guerra para defender a base, Lauren recebe a notícia de que sua mentora morreu durante uma invasão de território, enquanto portava o recipiente que guardava a fonte de energia revolucionária. Lauren e Camila então se infiltram em território inimigo com sua equipe para recuperarem a descoberta antes que os rivais descubram para que ela serve.
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novenacolmena · 5 years
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Transmigrantes - Capítulo 4: Visitas imprevistas (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/SiFUnOYEIY Ambientada en un futuro en el que la humanidad se encuentra reducida y estancada tecnológicamente, los pocos avances se consiguen buscando y recolectando chatarra y restos de tecnología dejada atrás por los PRE, una raza superior que los antecedió y dominó el planeta hace varios miles de años, hoy ya extinta y desaparecida. Cuando accidentalmente se descubre una entrada a Herrumbre, una antigua metrópoli pre glaciar que ha permanecido aislada e inaccesible durante siglos, el chatarrero Jhomar deRihn y la agente ministerial Sonyi deDann no dudan en aventurarse en su interior, no solo por los increíbles secretos y tesoros que podrían encontrar, sino también porque están buscando desesperadamente una cura o respuesta a la temible Surriyáka, la inexplicable maldición que por casi treinta años ha impedido que nazcan nuevos niños, dejando la civilización al borde de la extinción. Sin embargo, todos sus planes se vendrán abajo cuando se encuentren con Ziusudra, un peligroso transmigrante con el poder de transferir su conciencia al cuerpo de otras personas.
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evilcoffeewitch · 3 years
Writing prompt:
She never knew how to fly. The wings on her back had always seemed a burden. But there they stood, wings stretching and fluttering. Maybe, this was a beginning. Maybe, this was a way home.
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risengirl · 5 years
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Obsoletas - Capítulo 67 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/J4ly1q5JdU Liz ha visto finalmente a su madre y ha sido transformada en una Griega y ella misma en una Obsoleta. Ahora descubrirá la vida que le espera como una Griega de categoría más peligrosa.
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extravagantliar · 6 years
the free marchers eat jellied pigs feet and i’m about to cancel the free marches 
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Las Aventuras de Astivio y Obdulio. Tomo 1: La sombra de Pangea - Las Aventuras de Astivio y Obdulio. Tomo 2 "El Hallazgo" (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/7wjuUBUC8P ¿Alguna vez te pusiste a pensar cómo sería el mundo en el siglo 31? ¿Cómo sería la Argentina? Imposible saberlo... pero afortunadamente no hay límites para la fantasía. Inspirada en las historietas de Astérix y Obélix, nuestra saga narra las epopeyas de Astivio y Obdulio (¿dos antihéroes? ¿paladines bizarros tal vez?), quienes habitan en el conurbano bonaerense del año 3.000. Se trata de un lugar distópico, plagado de peligros... Bueno, ejem, pero no como los de ahora... Digamos que se encuentra atestado de amenazas insólitas aún para nuestros tiempos. Sus poderes especiales les otorgan ventajas para luchar contra los opresores y sobrevivir en una tierra libre de toda tecnología, donde la naturaleza es soberana y esconde en sus entrañas reliquias y secretos vinculados con el pasado y el futuro de la especie humana, del planeta... y del universo. En el tomo 1 de la saga, La sombra de Pangea, los héroes de zona sur se enfrentarán al Imperio Berazachutense, y con la ayuda del sacerdote Eegatto de Cochabamba intentarán evitar que las tropas imperiales se hagan con la tecnología oculta en la pirámide de Varela, que podría poner en jaque el futuro de la humanidad.
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emmegraneris · 3 years
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Cybervert - Gli interstizi (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1033396292-cybervert-gli-interstizi?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=EmmeGraneris&wp_originator=bVGh1JzNZovByEBCwgw1hFKOtPa0Y1ibC%2FC4QtOlAzk%2F5aqUW2IR6ghNRU9mTw62fpB5%2BHMRbLWMG4r%2BuptiEx8Ny%2BoEe5jMMl7Nweal6qd4YL9KYsBmV%2FL8%2FP2jGpSP Un viaggio in un mondo in esaurimento, in una società spaccata tra esseri umani e automi, nelle perversioni di un uomo attratto dalle macchine.
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