#doctor stange in the multiverse of madness
arsenal-irl · 2 years
No because the guitar bit that plays when they're explaining dream walking WHILE Wanda is dream walking??? Fucking goes so hard for no reason.
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12stickinsect · 2 years
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try some different hairstyles stephen😏
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afaimsblog · 4 months
Wie oft denn noch? - Warum die Promotion für "Echo" keine alte Frage beantwortet, sondern nur bestätigt was immer schon so war
Wir befinden uns im Neuen Jahr, und nach dem Ende von der täglich erscheinenden zweiten Staffel von "What if...?" kommt nächste Woche der Binge-Drop von "Echo" als nächster Eintrag in das MCU. In den USA zeitgleich auf Hulu und Disney+ veröffentlicht, ist "Echo" die erste nicht-jugendfreie MCU-Serie seit dem Ende der Netflix-Ära, und die anfängliche Werbung für sich selbst bestand enttäuschender Weise vor allem auch daraus diesen Aspekt zu betonen (weil man ja offenbar gleich besser ist, wenn etwas düster, edgy, und voll von Gewalt ist). Erst in den neueren Werbungen wurde andere Aspekte des Projekts betont wie etwa das Native American Erbe des Charakters. Und, dass es sich nicht nur um die Fortsetzung von "Hawkeye" handelt, sondern auch von "Daredevil", womit endlich klar gestellt wurde, dass "Daredevil" auch wirklich Teil des MCU war. Zumindest sagen das alle.
Natürlich ist das Käse, weil alle Netflix-"Defenders"-Serien von Anfang an als Teil des MCU geschrieben wurden. Die Snobs und Hater, die denken, dass nur Filme das Wahre sind, und es nie wahr haben wollten, dass die Serien besser waren als die MCU-Filme, wollten uns aber schon immer einreden, dass diese Serien eben nicht Teil des MCUs sind, egal wie oft die Ereignisse aus "Avengers" in ihnen auch erwähnt werden. Da die Crossover-Pläne mit den Filmen, die es spätestens seit "Civil War" gab, nie Früchte trugen, hatten sie damit auch ein leichtes Spiel, vor allem nach "Infinity War", da der Blip in keiner der Nicht-Disney+-Serien je erwähnt wurde.
Das liegt aber daran, dass die Netflix-Serien lange vor dem Blip spielen, und die Autoren von "Agents of Shield" die letzten beiden Staffeln schreiben mussten ohne zu wissen was in den letzten beiden "Avengers"-Filmen passiert. Während der Canon-Status von "Agents of Shield" durch die Abwesenheit des Blips also fragwürdig wurde, war das im Fall der "Defenders"-Serien nie so - das Internet hat sich aber um so mehr darauf konzentriert uns das einzureden. Mit dem Auftritt von Jarvis in "Avengers: Endgame" sollten die Serien endlich kanonisiert werden, doch das half dank den Hatern, Snobs und Faulen Säcken, die einfach keine Lust hatten alle sechs Netflix-Serien anzuschauen, nicht um die anderen Serien ebenfalls als Teil des Canons anzusehen.
Bis Matt Murdock gespielt von Charlie Cox in "Spider-Man: No Way Home" vorkam, und Vincent D'Onofrio den Kingpin wieder in "Hawkeye" spielte. Doch das reichte auch nicht aus um gewisse Gruppen zu überzeugen, weil doch die Nicht-Disney+-Serien nicht in der offiziellen Time-Line enthalten waren (die sich ständig ändert und voll von Fehler ist, aber das nur so nebenbei). Und obwohl die selben Darsteller die selben Rollen spielten, wurde behauptet, dass sie zuvor einfach andere Multiversum-Versionen von ihren Charakteren gespielt haben. Wie J. K. Simmons eben, der ja auch in "Spider-Man: No Way Home" als MCU-Version von J. Jonah Jameson auftrat und derselbe Schauspieler wie in den Sam Raimi-"Spider-Man"-Filmen war, aber eindeutig eine andere Version. Nur, dass in seinem Fall alle anderen gleich- oder ähnlich heißenden Charaktere andere Darsteller und damit andere Versionen waren: Peter Parker ist jünger, hat eine viel jüngere Tante May, lebt im selben Universum wie die Avengers, in dem es dafür aber keine Osborns gibt etc. Ihr habt den Film gesehen, natürlich ist das eine andere Version! Im Gegensatz dazu gab es aber keinen Hinweis darauf, dass Matt oder Kingpin nicht der selbe Matt und der selbe Kingpin wären, die wir zuvor gesehen haben. Trotzdem waren die Leute erstaunt, als Matt dieses Mal auch als Daredevil in "She-Hulk: Attorney of Law" zurückkehrte und die selbe Backstory und die selben Lebensumstände hatte wie in der Netflix-Serie. Sollte das etwa bedeuten, dass die nun doch Canon ist?!
Verdammt, ja, natürlich sollte es das! Deutlicher ging es nicht mehr, dachten viele. Aber nein, es war immer noch nicht Canon für das Internet, bis zur Werbe-Kampagne für "Echo", wo in einem neuen Trailer beim Archiv-Material auch Szenen aus "Daredevil" zu sehen waren. Zugleich wurde endlich offiziell klar gestellt: Ja, die "Defenders"-Serien sind Canon, sie sind passiert, Kingpin und Matt sind die selben.
Leider reicht das aber noch immer nicht aus, denn ihr habt es erraten für das Internet ist jetzt nur "Daredevil" kanonisiert, nicht die anderen Serien. Und das trotz der "Defenders"-Serie, wo der selbe Matt auf die Charaktere aus "Jessica Jones", "Luke Cage" und "Iron Fist" trifft (und der Tatsache, dass Claire zuvor schon aus "Daredevil" in diese anderen Serien crossoverte mit Wissen um den Blinden Anwalt aus Hell's Kitchen) und trotz der Tatsache, dass die "Punisher"-Serie ein Spin-Off voni "Daredevil" war und der selbe Frank darin vorkam.
Und ja, das ist der Punkt wo man vor Wut und Frustration in seinen Hut beißen und aufgeben will. Stur- und Blödheit ist scheinbar nicht beizukommen, nicht einmal durch offizielle Statements.
Vermutlich sind Warner und The CW an allem Schuld. Die hatten "Superman & Lois" ursprünglich als Arrowverse-Serie und "Supergirl"-Spin-Off konzipiert, die selben Darsteller von Superman und Lois Lane für die Serie gecastet, und jahrelang so getan als würde die Serie auf Earth Prime spielen, nur um dann kurz vor dem Finale der zweiten Staffel zu verkünden, dass die Serie in Wahrheit immer in einem anderen Universum gespielt hat und es andere Versionen von Superman und Lois sind, als die, die zuvor im Arrowverse zu sehen waren, obwohl es die selben Darsteller sind. Seit dem gilt die Regel "Selbe Darsteller, meint selbes Universum" nicht mehr, aber man muss sagen, dass "Superman& Lois" von Anfang an gewisse Widersprüche zu "Supergirl" beinhaltet hat, was uns zur prinzipiellen Regeln führt: "Selbe Darsteller und selbe Lebensumstände = gleiche Version, Selbe Darsteller und andere Lebensumstände = alternative Version". Mit diesem Leitsatz hat die Multiversum-Saga des MCU bisher funktioniert: Captain Carter, die andere Maria und die anderen Stranges aus "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" sind die selben Darsteller, aber sie leben vollkommen andere Leben als die Versionen, die wir kennen. Selbiges gilt für die anderen Lokis und den Unterschied zwischen Viktor Timely und Jenem, der bleibt, die uns im Verlauf von "Loki" untergekommen sind. Und es ist der Ausgangspunkt von "What if...?" (ja, das gilt nicht ganz, weil viele Rollen von anderen Darstellern gesprochen werden, obwohl es eine MCU-Serie ist) und ist auch sehr wichtig für die After-Credit-Szene von "The Marvels". Und es ist eigentlich selbstverständlich, aber offenbar ist es das doch nicht, so logisch es uns geistig normalen Menschen auch zu sein scheint.
Ja, doppelte Clarks, Loises und - am Schlimmsten von allem - Diggles haben zur Verwirrung beigetragen, aber ehrlich gesagt sollte das MCU fernab von Arrowverse existierten und was dort passiert sollte keinen Einfluss auf das haben was hier passiert. Im Übrigen war der Cinematic Output von DC immer schon ein multiverseller, während Marvel seit der Geburtstunde des MCU ein allumfassendes Universum aufzubauen versucht hat, zu dem nur die Charaktere, die gerade von anderen Studios verfilmt wurden, nicht gehörten, aber die lebten ja auch in einem Universum, in dem es nur sie gab und keine Avengers (und schon wieder ein Plot-Point von "No Way Home" ... seht euch bitte einfach den Film an!). Aber sobald eine Real-Version eines Marvel-Helden nach "Iron Man" eingeführt wurde, war das die eine Version, die es gibt, und die im selben Canon existiert wie alle anderen Helden von Marvel, die nach "Iron Man" eingeführt wurden. Das war immer die Regel, die alle immer verstanden haben, bis Covid kam und den Leuten fad im Hirn wurde und sie beschlossen haben alle zu verunsichern, indem sie alles zu Nicht-Canon erklären, was ihnen nicht passt.
Aber ja, sagen wir es so: Wenn die "Defenders"-Serien nicht MCU-Canon wären und der Matt und der Kingpin, die im MCU herumlaufen, einfach andere Versionen wären, dann wäre das ein valider Grund für mich aufs MCU zu scheißen und es fallen zu lassen (und nicht nur für mich), da ich mir unter Zeitdruck alle "Defenders"-Serien angesehen habe, weil man mir immer gesagt hat, dass sie Teil des MCUs sind. Ungefährt so wie ich mir zwei Staffeln "Superman & Lois" unter Zeitdruck angesehen habe, weil man mir immer gesagt hat die Serie sei Teil des Arrowverses. Seit sie es nicht mehr ist, habe ich keine neue Folge "Superman & Lois" mehr angesehen, und warum sollte ich auch? Ich wurde jahrelang über das, was ich ansehe, angelogen, wieso also sollte ich es weiter ansehen?
Und ich mag zwar mit dieser Ansicht in der scheinbaren Minderheit sein, aber in Wahrheit bin ich mit ihr nicht so alleine wie man meinen mag. Und all jene, die es von Anfang an nur genervt hat, dass Serien, die sie mühselig in kurzer Zeit gebinged haben, weil man ihnen gesagt hat, dass die Teil des MCUs sind, plötzlich nicht mehr Canon sein sollen, obwohl es nichts gibt, was darauf hinweist, dass sie nicht passiert sind, glauben nicht wie das Internet uns weiß machen will, dass sie jetzt endlich "gewonnen haben", sondern sind diese Diskussion einfach nur leid, weil es diese für sie niemals gab, und ein anderes Ergebnis sie einfach von jeder Obligation gegenüber des MCU befreien würde. Und das wäre im Moment fatal, und zumindest das begreift jeder bei Disney. Auch wenn es das Internet an sich nicht begreifen will. Also, nein, wir haben nicht gewonnen, wir hatten nicht einmal immer recht, wir wurden lediglich nicht über Jahre hinweg angelogen. Und das ist letztlich das, worauf es ankommt.
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izepeche · 2 years
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Don’t You Know, You’re Life Itself
A/N: This is an excerpt of a lil fic Ive been rolling around in my empty brain since I watched MoM. My attention has been divided with other ideas i'm working on ;) so it might take a little time to roll this whole one out. This is only a part (and in fact this is the middle) of what I’ve written, so stay tuned! There’s no beta reader (i dont have one sorry), so my apologies if there are mistakes. As always I’m appreciative of any comments or feedback, this is the first fic ive written in… *checks non-existent watch* a few years, so im rusty to say the least!
Pairing: Sinister!Strange x F!Reader with Powers
Warnings/Tags: Light spoilers for DS MoM, Obsession, Stalker, Manipulation, Porn with Plot, Dub-Con Elements, Biting, Fighting, Choking, Mentions of Blood, Manipulation, Rough Sex, Allusions to Abandonment and Family Issues, Identity Crisis Issues, Dark!Possessive!Sinister Strange, that's really a warning within itself
*I’m VERY bad with tags, so if I miss something, pls tell me*
Word count: 3.5k+ (unfinished)
Synopsis: You go to Sinister!Stephen Strange for help with your powers, against your better judgment. He is all the more happy to oblige you in your time of need. Deep down you know you shouldn’t trust him, nor do you know why he's so eager to help. But you have no one else to turn to, and his charming smile puts you at ease… too bad it's all for show.
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“Ah, I see,” he enthusiastically quipped, stepping towards the giant eye-shaped window, silver brushed back at his temples glimmering, looking out into the foggy distance. “And what exactly is your power?”
He stole a glance at you through squinted eyes. Your stomach fluttered at catching his look but you held your ground. You had the slightest feeling he was putting you on, feigning intrigue while asking questions and offering off-color (but endearing) one-liners.
“Common, god-damned sense.” You remarked in a low voice. It came out in more of a sarcastic tone than you had anticipated, but you rolled off of it. Allowed the words that hung in the thick air to give you a purchase for confidence.
His shoulders came up in a tense movement, craning his head toward you and he breathed out,
“That’s a good one.”
He flashed you an incredulous smile. The smile that unabashedly bared his teeth and pulled against his face like he was going to crack; admittedly, it was damn charming. Despite you being stuck between feeling untrustworthy of him and the dread in your bones while being in his presence; you couldn’t deny how hauntingly attractive the man before you was.
He then slowly shook his head, and light blue eyes pierced through you, cool anticipation trailing down your spine like cold fingers.
He continued, “Though, I don’t think that’s the whole truth, now is it?” He searched your face as he sauntered closer towards the table and clasped his hands behind him.
Deep down you felt the familiar twinge of the guilt you had tried so hard to bury, but all it ever did was resurface like corrosive bile. All you ever wanted was to be honest and open with people. You didn’t enjoy having to keep secrets or lying to those you loved, but it was the only way to protect them. And look where that got you. No where, with nobody else. You couldn’t win and it just didn’t seem fair. You always struggled to be true to yourself, always wound up caught between being who you were and what you had to be. You didn’t even know who you wanted to be anymore. Everything you felt was so conflicted, and it never got easier as the years went by. Maybe you were meant to be alone. The stinging lump in your throat felt harder to swallow.
He dropped his smile as he caught on to how saddened you became. His eyes cut away to the document laying on the table you had brought with you. He picked it up and studied it shortly, his eyes coming back to you. Written in your own handwriting, you had detailed your consent of allowing Stephen Strange to do anything he could to strip you of your powers. Included in the flurry of statements you scrawled how even if it resulted in your death, you would rather suffer greatly than ever hurt someone else again.
“I- I just dont know, sir. A lot of things, I mean. Not just this.” You lifted your hands before dropping them, too ashamed to watch how they shook. He opened his mouth and you winced, mouthing an apology when you remembered that he didn’t want you to call him that. He nodded, offered you the paper and conjured a pen, and without second thought you scribbled out your full name under his; per his instructions.
You didn't understand what your powers were, but if they drove those you loved away, why have them? Your stomach was in knots, he didn’t fully explain what would happen next, but a part of you couldn’t care less.
“I just want them gone.” You swallowed and twiddled with the mauve celluloid pen in your hands, admiring its weight and balance across your unsteady fingers.
“What a shame, you couldn’t stop that scalpel.” He stated plainly as he watched you fidget, mumbling something you couldn’t hear and the pen flicked of existence. A pleased smile tugged at his lips as he peered down at the signed document.
“Wait. What did you say?” You asked. How did he know about that? Everything was moving too fast. It might have been just your blurry, tired mind but there were still so many questions you wanted answers to, answers you knew he had. He seemed too content with luring you in with questions but never offering a conclusion.
The piano separating the two of you slid away. Candles of different sizes scattering the room began to slide forward and the air seemed to become charged like a thunderstorm was brewing. You could feel something surging from out of your bones.
“There’s not much of anything going on in that pretty little head of yours, is there.” Stephen sneered as he approached you, wind from nowhere blowing long, swept back hairs onto his pale forehead.
“You just signed over your life to me.” You couldn't move from where you were, and you didn’t attempt to make a rebuttal. You just wanted it to be over.
“I-in some way, yes, I suppose I did.”
“Then I suppose I shall take my payment.”
“We never did discuss that.”
“Don’t worry, there won't be much discussion…”
Perhaps out of your ignorance, or sleep deprivation, you rambled to fill the air; to engage despite the uneasy tension forming.
“I guess for a man like you, taking a life is easy. You mentioned earlier about how high the price could be when someone did something wrong with their power. So, how will you kill me?”
Stephen let out a low chuckle, appreciative of your curiosity and meek nature. He placed a large hand on your shoulder, rubbing your collarbone with his fingers. You knew less about him than you liked, but you allowed the contact.
A disembodied voice whispered low and cool lips matierialized against the shell of your ear. “What do you think you deserve?”
It was Stephen’s, for sure, but his mouth hadn’t moved. You breathed in sharply and attempted to answer the loaded question, but he placated you with his other hand coming up to cradle the side of your face. Your eyes fluttered shut and you moaned softly into his warm palm, leaning into it. You didn't let people touch you anymore; it was often a lot to make a conscious effort to keep your powers in check so as not to hurt them. Though you were never a big fan of physical contact; this felt different. He really held you. Though his hands were warm, a cooling effect spread across the areas he touched and it soothed you.
This was a special moment that you didn't attempt to hide how you felt, and it was cathartic for both of you. Messy hair framed your weary face, the rest bundled into a hair clip. Your strands spilled out like a halo around your head, highlighting your resting features. You looked angelic, raw, open, breathtaking, just for him; better than he’d ever imagined. You didn't see how he slid his tongue across his teeth as he watched you intently.
Tenderly his thumb began to run small circles into your cheeks, and feeling it become damp against your skin made you open your eyes. That's when you realized you had begun to cry. His fingers slid into your hair and massaged a spot behind your ear, a chill bursting across your nerves. Your eyes closed again, and another moan came out; but this one was particularly obscene.
“Oh my God, I’m so embarrassed.“ You blustered. “I’m so sorry.” Your face burned and you blinked up at him through tear-studded lashes.
Fuck, he could get used to that.
“Don’t be, we all have our…sensitive places.” He cooed with a wink. His pupils were dilated. Now it was your turn to let out a laugh along with an awkward, heavy sigh. You hesitated before you used a quivery hand to remove his from your face. The heat simmering in your stomach protested.
“Maybe I should go.”
You tried to ignore the crushed look on Stephen’s face as you turned away, his other hand slipping from your shoulder. You left him where he stood, his hand that cradled you still up in the air. You stepped past the table and eyed the stairs.
“I really do appreciate your trying to help me, it was really quite kind of you-“
The table flew past you and blocked the stairwell. All of the candles around the room extinguished, albeit a lone candelabra on the piano.
“Trying?” He snapped, voice breaking. You turned back, only to see empty space. He appeared behind you like a ghost, hands at your sides and his nose ghosting the crook of your neck.
“A deal’s a deal.”
“I understand, b-but I think I'm better off dealing with this alone.”
You could barely get the words out, distracted by his heated breath on your neck. You still wanted to go home, not that you knew where that would be anymore.
“You dont believe that.” Stephen replied sickly sweet, groping roughly along your chest. You whined and attempted to pry his roaming fingers off of you; but even without using his abilities he was stronger than you.
And as demented as all of this was, he was right. Being alone was one thing. Being lonely because you couldn't even understand yourself was another. You didn’t want to bear that burden anymore, you couldn’t.
“Well, to be fair, you haven't done anything yet.”
He nipped at your neck, causing you to jump in his grasp. He let out a growl before whipping you around, large hands digging into your hips and pulling you against him. He waved a hand and the lit candelabra came off the piano and floated a few inches above your face, the ivory wax dripping onto the floor below.
“Never deny my power,” He spat, voice echoing across the room, his eyes ablaze in the yellow glow from the flames dancing above you. Feeling the emanating heat, you tried to wriggle free, but the candle light followed. Hot ivory fell from the candle onto your cheek and you gasped in pain, the heat lingering on your skin.
“What do you think I have been doing this whole time? From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were meant for me. Not for your family, not your friends, not your fucking boyfriend,” He grabbed your face in one hand momentarily before licking a hungry stripe from your jaw to your temple, his facial scruff dragging against your skin with a throbbing burn. “You wasted so much of yourself on them. You’re mine now, the way it’s supposed to be. And you had no idea how much I fought for you-”
As you broke away from his grasp you shook your head in utter disbelief. The emotions that whirled deep within confused even you. He had to be fucking crazy; he had no right to say such things about who you could belong to. He didn’t even know you. You lost everything because of him.
You smacked him across the face and screamed obscenities through blearing vision. Stephen staggered to the side and hissed, his hand coming up to touch his face. Blood. He snarled and stood erect, crazed eyes draining of emotion before they frenzied again, freezing you where you stood. He rushed you, you turned away. An arm came around your head and caught your throat, trapping you.
He dragged you back against his chest for leverage then knocked you down by kicking in your calves. The more you struggled, the more you felt him laugh breathlessly against your hair. He used his other arm to undo the strings holding together the front of your dress, and you bit down on his bicep, teeth going through his garment and iron hinting at your tongue. Stephen hissed and his arm muscles tightened, crushing your windpipe. You dug your nails into his solid tricep and forearm as you fought to free yourself, your heartbeat thundering in your ears. You managed to get a leg out and kick in the side of his knee. Stephen wavered for a moment and retorted, heaving you by the waist and throwing you into the piano, the fall board banging against your midriff and sending out a discordant sound of keys into the air. Assorted sheet music fluttered onto the ground. You crumbled onto the lip as the searing pain shot through you, breath ragged as red receded from your vision.
“God, the hardest part was that little shithead.” He panted, his words dripping with venom, “He hung on to you like a leech, and I just wanted to crush him every time he touched you.“
Stephen lunged at you again, grabbing your hair and jerking your head back. He seized your throat and squeezed harshly, your vision going spotty.
“My… powers?” You managed to interject, tears forming in your eyes as you felt consciousness start to melt away.
“Oh, that was the crowning jewel,” he purred, easing his hold on your aching neck and lightly stroking back your hair. He reminisced on the way your quickened pulse had felt against him and licked his lips. “That was all you my dear. Let’s just say, I exasperated a few things.”
You reeled from the lack of oxygen again and your eyes shut. The events of the past several months flew by like a projector slide. Your fear of hospitals, of letting your family down, of losing your job, and ruining your relationship; Strange had played on them. It was dastardly, how everything came crashing down and you could only watch as your world fell apart.
“You lied to me.” You cried through uneven breaths, and wriggling free, grabbed hold of the side of the piano and turned to him.
“You ruined my life!”
“I’ve let you see the truth. Anyone who deserved being in your life wouldn’t have left you. I did what I had to do to protect you. It was the only way.” He stared into the dancing flames and they illuminated his glassy, empty eyes. Beaded red across his cheekbone caught your eye, he didn’t even seem to react to it.
What he had said pierced your heart, a part of you began to believe him. Doctor Stephen Strange, even with all his power, couldn’t just make them leave; or else he would have done that from the start. This was something they all chose to do in the end. You weren’t perfect, neither was your family, and your relationship with them wasn’t the best; but you tried to be who they wanted you to be. And still you watched them slip away.
You saw how they arranged their lives to exclude you, missing important dates and never calling. Most of your friends distanced themselves from you after you broke the news to them that you couldn’t control your powers; the others only interested in what you could do for them with the abilities. Your boyfriend, your last hope, had begun to despise you when you attempted to talk about yourself and what you needed. The incident at the hospital was just the tip of an iceberg that was already cracking. Your eyes, though weary from crying, burned. Even though you hated to admit it now, with or without Strange’s influence, your powers might have harmed someone else, and you would have been found out anyway. You certainly had more than a few close calls.
There were so many things that you had more questions than answers for. How long had he really been pulling the strings? What did he gain in destroying your life? Was it really just to be with you? The implications of those thoughts sickened you; it was all too much to process.
“You're insane.” You wheezed, attempting to regain your composure and you hit him in the chest with a closed fist.
He didn’t budge. Usually your powers would have made more of an impact, but they were… gone? Maybe it was your adrenaline running out from fighting for your life. Or maybe… You looked at your hands in horror then back at him. He did a sign with deft hands and violet lightning whizzed out of them, your wrists bound in them and pulled them behind your back.
“I gave you what you wanted,” Stephen growled hungrily, baring teeth and icy eyes twinkling, “Now you give me what I want.”
Your eyes grew large at the insinuation and you kicked at him. Stephen’s thigh moved in between yours. He leaned in, you accidentally ground against him and yelped. You managed to twist away and he dug fingers into your ass, bringing you back onto his leg. He hissed at the decadent contact, rocking your hips ever so gently as his heated gaze met your eyes. Long dark strands fell in front of his eyes, pupils blown like black holes. It was potent, your conflicting desires swirling and smoldering within you and you swore you’d die from the heat. You felt spellbound.
Dripping wax fell onto the column of your neck and you let out a strained moan.
Stephen bellowed and you felt it resonate within you. “I didn't make you do that, now did I.”
A blush trickled across your face and down your neck and you dropped your eyes. He didn’t make a snide remark then, much to your surprise; but instead brandished an amused look. He did note how pretty you looked, bound in his magic, and wanting him. You didn’t deny it, no, not really; and your weak attempts at protest only spurred him on. Stephen Strange was never one to back away from a challenge.
And what a prize you were.
Not wanting to break the momentum, with a snap of his fingers your metal belt appeared in his hand and he let it clatter to the floor. The candelabra rested back onto the grand piano. You scrunched your face as he pushed the fabric aside, revealing your partially naked form. His eyes raked over your exposed body, and you couldn’t bear to watch, turning your head away.
He pushed more of the dress aside, viciously dragging his nails over your knees and up your thighs. He stopped short of your heat, tracing the delicate skin of your mound before brushing against the outer folds. You gulped down a moan and closed your legs.
He put on an exaggerated pout. “Oh, come on, don’t try the prude lady act with me, darling. We both know how much of a whore you really are.”
Stephen went down on his knees, positioning himself in front of your shut legs.
“Show me.”
You didn’t move. He delivered a harsh swat to your thigh, a purple spark zapping you and you jerked against your restraints.
He breathed in and his tone shifted. “Open them, or I will break you.”
That crazed look entered his eyes for a moment and your blood went cold; you knew he meant exactly what he said. You didn’t dare call his bluff. Despite this pernicious dilemna, the imminent dread churned the sweltering pool of arousal within you into something… bittersweet. It wasn’t alien to you, you’d been privy to it in the time leading up to coming to the Sanctum; it growing thicker when he’d touched you, grabbed at you. Yet you ignored it, trying to deny it out of existence; but like your powers it only came back stronger.
It’d be noticeable now, you could feel the wetness as it seeped out and dampened your inner thighs. It was all so, so wrong, but the filthy, sinful feeling was too divine to ignore.
You knew it would be over for you when Stephen saw it. And he will see it.
So, why deny yourself?
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iovejolie · 2 years
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“i’m fucking can’t get up”
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“weee i’m going to get you”
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elizabeth olsen i’m quite in love with you!
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peachy-ash · 2 years
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𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 - stephen strange
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sneet-snart · 2 years
There is a reason I’m not allowed to watch movies with other people, and that reason is that I keep saying things way too loudly for a theater.
for example, “DRUGS!” or “oh. That eyeball just went squelch. Alright then.”
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emetophobiahelp · 2 years
Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness (2022) is NOT safe!
the main characters will travel through a portal, one will mention something like "people usually p* the first time" they have a couple more lines, just enough to think he wont, then he suddenly leans over and v*. i looked away fast enough so im not sure about the visual but the sound was Very graphic.
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welwilliam · 2 years
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That doesn’t seem fair... 💔🖤
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mdccanon · 2 years
Why were the Illuminati even IN Multiverse of Madness?!
In "What If...?" We saw a variant of Doctor Strange destroy his universe because he believed he could break the laws of mystical nature and get away with it.
In Multiverse of Madness, Stephen has a showdown with another Doctor Strange who has destroyed his universe, one who says as penance for his crimes, he's sought OTHER Doctor Stranges as reckless as himself and murdered them.
And the Illuminati, other superheroes who understand difficult choices need to be made, who know war, who lead entire nations, who know mystical arts, who are equally intelligent if not MORE intelligent than Stephen... are disappointed in and scared of Doctor Stephen Strange because they, too, have witnessed a variant of him who destroyed an entire universe in a failed attempt to out-smart his teammates.
You know how they say "Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, but three times is a pattern"?
How do you WANT Doctor Strange's character growth to happen if you don't think it's worth the screentime for people as smart and as powerful as him to tell him he's the danger to the Multiverse?
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theuntoaster · 2 years
I just saw the new Doctor Strange movie and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Spoilers below
So I'm a sucker for 1) badass female characters and 2) fall arcs. I absolutely adore what they did with Wanda. I binge watched wandavision for the first time before going to see the movie and her fall to villainy is so believable. It also recontextualizes her romance with vision in Infinity War from a boring romantic subplot into a villain origin story, which i find much more interesting.
And they didn't nerf Wanda at all. She showed off that she is still as freaking op as she has always been, and she was allowed to use her powers to the max throughout the movie. It made her an absolutely credible threat. For once, when we had two girl heroes fighting the girl villain, it didnt feel like a shoehorned in Girl Fight but actually like a real fight. That involved Wanda cutting captain carter in half with her own shield (look, I love the brutality of a threatening villain, ok?).
Wanda is definitely up there among my fav mcu villains and might be my actual fav (though im still excited since i just saw the movie).
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12stickinsect · 2 years
19 Jul, 2022
Happy Birthday, Benedict Cumberbatch.
I hope now you are sleeping soundly in your bed, at your cool home in London (you must have an air conditioning lol) with your beautiful wife and your three cute gorgeous little boys. Perhaps when you wake up in the morning, you’ll firstly be greeted by a huge warm hug from Sophie. Then your naughty boys will throw themselves on you, shouting “happy birthday daddy”, expressing their love and kissing you in your face. Perhaps your inbox will be bursting with kind regards from friends and work. Perhaps you’ll hold a little birthday party with your family and your closest friends. This is your day. You should enjoy it and you deserve to be happy.
I didn’t know you for long, only half a year and I deeply regret I didn’t know you earlier. I remembered it was 30 Dec, 2021. I just finished my finals and wanted to find something to entertain myself. Then Sherlock hit my mind, partly due to its short length (4 seasons and 12 episodes) but also because I’ve already known it’s famous. But it turned out the time for watching the whole series stretched out my whole winter holiday. I confess I didn’t totally fall in love with it until s2e1, the last twist where Sherlock saved The Woman. I watched slowly and repeatedly, estimating the plot and poring on what I’ve watched, what made them do this, why they would do this and their feeling in that scenario, to which I applied to TPOTD and The Electrical Life of Louis Wain as well during that time, the former deeply blowing my mind and the latter making me cry for three times. I’m still a beginner and there’s a lot to catch up with.
The fandom is wonderful and I meet a lot of lovely friends, domestically and overseas. I watched SAG live while I was having an online class. I watched you getting your own star at Hollywood’s Star Walk, of which I felt so proud. On SBIFF you reviewed your career. On BAFTA me and fans shitted about how cruel they treated you. The whole award season concluded with Oscar, fruitful in a way although no big awards in bag. You deserve much better. I am happy getting involved, discussing characters and my understanding with someone who shares similar tastes with me. Our opinions may vary but we debate them harmoniously. That’s the point.
I always contemplate the meaning of icons. Improving my English (judging from my poor writing it’s obvious that en is not my first language) and encouraging me when I’m stranded are sort of excuses I would have used to justify myself when I was 15 or younger. Now I think it’s more like a small distraction from the dull, boring, stressful reality I’m currently in. In the movies or shows I experience different lives that I have no chance to experience in real life. I chatted with other fans about my views of characters because I enjoy digging into them. I read fan fictions if I’m really interested. Distraction, in my limited experience, is a good thing for me, in which I gain happiness, aliveness and relaxation.
I’m really grateful for knowing you. I will not say I’ll love you forever because I’m not sure whether that’s true myself. But I’ll say with absolute certainty that I’ll cherish your extraordinary works and every moment of the happiness this amazing fandom brings me.
Lots of love and happy everyday
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"Multiverse of Madness ruined Wanda's character!!!" Yall this definitely the best verison of her we've gotten in the mcu i don't know what you're taking about
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cogentranting · 2 years
I have a fix for Mulitverse of Madness and it begins with Professor X. 
Because the Darkhold is really to blame for corrupting Wanda they could have played with the idea of like a split in her. So when Professor X goes into Wanda’s mind, have him realize that it’s not just his universe’s Wanda that’s trapped in her mind, but it’s also 616 Wanda’s sort of core self, the good half that the Darkhold has suppressed. 
You can’t have Professor X actually draw out that Wanda, because that gives him too big of a role in saving the day. BUT. Professor X can communicate telepathically from a distance (especially THIS version which surely is a pretty powerful Professor X if he’s Illuminati, right?). Have him tell Stephen that. That the good Wanda is still in there, not lost. 
Then he dies. And at first Stephen doesn’t know what to do with this information. What does it matter if the good Wanda is still in there if the Darkhold has fully taken possession of her. so they continue on as planned, trying to get to the book of Vishanti. That goes as it does in the movie. 
But then. Don’t have the final universe be about him getting the Darkhold. You can still have that other version of Strange because he’s interesting and provides a good warning for Stephen. But ultimately have that universe be about warning Stephen AWAY from the Darkhold (because that clearly and obviously makes way more sense from a thematic standpoint and a character standpoint. You also need to have him tempted by the Darkhold before this point.). Instead, he shifts away from “I need the Darkhold” and has to find a way to get into Wanda’s head, because he’s realized he can’t beat her without corrupting himself just as much, so he needs to save her. (Especially because part of his lesson in this is against the idea of “the grand calculus of the multiverse” which would lead him to sacrifice someone-- America-- for the greater good. And in a way that kind of sacrificing is what Wanda is the victim of. That’s why she had to kill Vision, which is really want started this descent. So if we turned from “we may have to sacrifice America” to “no actually we have to save Wanda” it would work so well to build an interesting theme AND it could connect back to Strange’s arc in the first movie where he refuses to kill and decides to stop Dormammu by just sacrificing himself over and over.) 
So how can he find a way to get inside Wanda’s head and save her? Well the book of Vishanti. “But that was destroyed.” So was the Darkhold. And it was revealed that the Darkhold is a copy and that there’s a secret temple that holds all the same spells carved into its walls. So if the book of Vishanti is the counterpart to the Darkhold, it would stand to reason that it is ALSO a copy. Have Stephen learn this from his creepy self and go find it in what remains of that world (it still exists despite the world’s disintegration for the same reason Creepy Strange’s stronghold is holding on-- because of the book). When he gets the book it can have a spell that is a parallel to the dreamwalking that Wanda is doing BUT instead of being about taking control of someone it’s about communicating. And have him communicate with America and Wanda using this. And ultimately use it to bring out the good Wanda which the Darkhold has suppressed. 
Along the way you can hit a lot of the same character beats with Christine and America interacting with Stephen. 
Then still end with Wanda destroying the Darkhold but clearly alive and in sort of a gray area. A lot of what happened was the Darkhold and as soon as she was free of it she stops. But she’s still defined by chaos and she’s still done these things and this leaves her around and open for further exploration. 
And it provides a stronger thematic core for the movie because it doesn’t undermine itself by having Stephen make exactly the same mistake that Wanda and every corrupted version of himself have made except that it’s probably ok for him to do it this time. 
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0ynes · 2 years
Me, 30 minutes before the movie while having lunch with my mom:
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I had to do a Wandavision and Loki briefing because she didn’t see those lmao.
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katdoctor · 2 years
Honest Disappointed with doctor strange Multiverse of madness.
I feel like they should have gone more into the multi versus Like go absolutely crazy with the Amount of Universities that you go into Cause they are only really 4.
Also maybe not have Wonda as the straight up villain of the movie. I didn't I just felt like they didn't give her enough Justice. like if you want to still to go down more villain route have it that it's more clearly shown that she's clearly being twisted or manipulated by the book. Which is a bit unclear especially since Coming off WandaVision her morals are a bit dubious with that and she is supposed to be a hero maybe more morally grey hero bit still.
I was hoping that is movie was going to more Redeem her. Like have her accident released a demon while she was looking for her kids So it's still technically her fault but like she then tries to help fix the wrongs.
Don't get me wrong their was some Awesome scenes in the movie and Overall it looked very pretty. Some of the fight scene are badass. I just fill like they Could have done more On the story telling part of it.
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