pennsyltuckyheathen · 7 months
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(via How Trump’s mouth is killing American exceptionalism - Raw Story)
Trump’s 🤡  filthy  💩 lying 🤥 mouth won’t abide by any gag order from the courts.  He’s so self-involved and desperate that he’ll ignore the courts and continue to wreak havoc on the legal system in the United States.  
Every putrid word is enough to make any sane person gag.  🤢🤮
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Carolyn Bryant- Donham: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!
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Mainstream Media was quick to announce the death of Carolyn Bryant @ 88Yrs Old, but many kept their storylines short & sweet. Another Day in The Life, under the Biden Administration. Bryant reportedly died in hospice care in Westlake, Louisiana. Details were not given by the Coroner of cause of Death, but Bryant's battle w/ Cancer was not exactly a secret. New Black Media has reported in recent Yrs on how she was initially in Raleigh- Durham, North Carolina, before being moved to Kentucky, & later Louisiana.
Back in June 2022, members of Emmett Till's family discovered an Arrest Warrant issued for 'Mrs Roy Bryant', among Records @ the Lefore County Courthouse in Mississippi. The warrant was issued back in 1955, citing the charge of Kidnapping; but it was never served. The Till Family attempted to reissue that warrant, citing Carolyn Bryant's [recent] admission of perjury in the Trial of Emmett Till's brutal murder. In her 2017 interview w/ Dr. Timothy Tyson, Bryant allegedly admitted to lying on The Stand.
Unfortunately, Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch didn't think the case presented any new evidence, & in Aug. 2022, The Grand Jury declined to indict Bryant. As recently as Feb. 7th 2023, Emmett Till's cousin, Priscilla Sterling tried to compel Lefore County Sheriff Ricky Banks to reissue the warrant on Carolyn Bryant; but as of April 13th, she was informed that there was 'no point' in reissuing the warrant, since the Grand Jury declined last August.
Some lament missing the opportunity to send Carolyn Bryant- Donham to Prison. She lived a full life, while Emmett's life was brutally ended before it truly began. Bryant lived in anonymity for decades, until The New Black Panther Party & other Activists began showing up @ her addresses in North Carolina & Kentucky- to issue an 'Unofficial Warrant for her Arrest'. Some complained that Blackfolk were terrorizing an 'Old Lady', but no one says anything, when Nazi Hunters take individuals in their Nineties to justice.
The whole Emmett Till 'Tragedy' revolves around the Culture of protecting a White Woman's 'Honor'- whether she's worthy or not. Emmett Till & Carolyn Bryant are the only ones who know what really happened on Aug. 24th, 1955. According to Emmett's cousins, he was in the Store for a minute before they entered; they didn't know if he knew how to 'act' around a White Woman. From what they saw, Emmett didn't say or do anything threatening; they admit to hearing him whistle @ her. Carolyn Bryant initially concurred, but in Court, she recounted a different story.
In her Court Testimony, Bryant recounted how (14Yr Old) Emmett "put his left hand on my waist, and he put his other hand on the other side." When she rebuffed him, he replied: "What's the matter baby? Can't you take it?" She went on to say that Emmett uttered obscenities that she refused to repeat in Court, but related to his sexual prowess w/ White Women. According to Press Reports, Bryant gave the [unmistakable] impression of being afraid that Emmett might rape her. The Jury took about an hour to deliberate; the Foreman said that it would've been shorter, but they decided on having a [Soda] Pop.
In his 2017 interview, Dr. Tyson says that Carolyn Bryant- Donham told him that her testimony about Emmett grabbing her & uttering obscenities was 'not true'. Unfortunately, his recording of that interview was not enough to change the Grand Jury's opinion about reissuing the 1955 Arrest Warrant. For the most part, The State of Mississippi & The Federal Government were more concerned about the welfare of Carolyn Bryant, than the Family of Emmett Till. The Press described her as a former Beauty Queen that was raised in Poverty, w/ little Education or 'Knowledge of The World'... She was a product of her environment.
Following her death, Dr. Tyson wrote that 'Carolyn Bryant's precise role in the murder of Emmett Till remains murky, but it's clear that she was involved.' It appears that Bryant was in the car when her husband abducted Emmett; she pointed him out. By the time they reached the Store to drop her off, Dr. Tyson says that Bryant may have learned Emmett's fate, & was now saying that he wasn't the boy. In her interview, Bryant says that Emmett didn't do anything that warranted what was done to him. It appears that Emmett's Big Crime, was putting money in Carolyn Bryant's hand, & not on the counter.
Dr. Tyson speaks on how American Society views the Emmett Till Lynching as a story of 'Monsters', including Bryant. Professor Black Truth often speaks about how [White] Society operates on Moral Relativity & Situational Ethics. Applying them here, we can easily see how Dr. Tyson concludes that Society finds it easier to condemn Carolyn Bryant- Donham's actions, than confronting what America is. It's a big reason why both Democrats & Republicans have problems w/ Critical Race Theory (CRT).
For all of the aid & comfort that The State of Mississippi provided Carolyn Bryant- Donham, I can't stop thinking about Emmett... What was that 14Yr Old boy thinking when those grown White Men took him out of his family's house? Took him to that barn where they beat him mercilessly, shot him in the head, tied him to a 70lb Cotton Gin Wheel, & dumped his body into the river... As bad as that Jet Magazine Cover of Emmett's face looked, I can't get past the sheer TERROR he must have felt being alone, in the presence of Pure Evil.
I personally hope that Carolyn Bryant- Donham gets the Full Tour of 'Dante's Hell'... I'll even cover the tribute to Cerberus.
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An uncomfortable truth backed up with HISTORICAL FACTS! No amount of RETCONNING, REWRITES or REVISIONS can hide the violence Europe has done in this world. Not just America (Slavery, Manifest Destiny, Black Wall St., etc) Afrika (King Leopold, South Afrika, German Southwest Afrika with Von Trotha), Australia, New Zealand, The Americas (Spain and Portugal REALLY did a job on the indigenous peoples) Lol, now we have to pretend that every time some Black crook is on the news, we must now pretend you’re an innocent “victim”?
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socialjusticemom · 2 years
I wear it
On my skin
The shame you
Taught me to believe
Was appropo
I hear it in my bones
The creaking of your
Stupendous weapons of blood and war
On which my ancestors
Were merely cargo
I speak your language
And eat your food
Because my history was beaten
From my people
With whips
In beads of sweat and blood
Tattooed into my brain
Byway of your epics
Of colorism
I am literally
What you made me
Kept as pets
But hated for our presence
Hated the blood you could not
Chase from the marrow
From the flesh
Of a people well versed
In the music of their ancestors
And the drumbeats of our hearts
More intriguing still
Is the fairness
You cannot give
To a people
Condemed by their captors
Help me to understand
Why still
One hundred and fifty years
Later you
Are still bad at chess?
You cannot understand
Why our blood sings stories
Of anger and pain
Upon deaf ears
Why we run from traffic stops
In the middle of the night
When seeing through our eyes
Our ancestors can only see dogs and torches
Oh pray you
Lesrn someday
Why you cannot be so oppressed
Whisper to God with bloodied lips
And stinging backs that
You hope your children remain
At your side.
For this long out
They still take ours
Broken necks and high trees
Are the generational trauma of my people
But we are uppity when we speak such truths?
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thatveganwhiterose · 2 years
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Sounds about white. #racism #whiteprivilege #veganhiphopmovement #domesticterrorism #guns #gunviolence #me #personal #thatveganwhiterose https://www.instagram.com/p/CgZaPWZLJLd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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biographiness · 2 months
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On April 19, from battles to uprisings, history echoes courage. Remembering the fallen.🕊️
Follow👉 @biographiness
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usnewsper-politics · 3 months
Environmental Advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Seeks Protection Amidst Rising Threats #assassination #BedfordNewYork #BidenAdministration #domesticterrorism #electedofficials #environmentaladvocate #expansionofagencysmandate. #extremists #fbi #governmentprotection #harassing #hatecrimes #highprofileindividuals #intruderarrested #Kennedys #MichaelJ.Dunn #politicalviolence #politicallymotivatedviolence #publicprofile #RobertF.KennedyJr. #safetyconcerns #SecretServiceprotection #stalking #threats
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Domestic Terrorism By The Right
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The radicalisation of the Republican Party in America under the aegis of Donald Trump continues to present disturbing new realities. Domestic Terrorism by the Right. Election officials are being threatened and now sent letters with white powder, which could be Fentanyl and other deadly substances. Domestic terrorism is a right wing phenomenon. Extremists on this side of the political spectrum are happy to threaten violence, brandish weapons, and do bad stuff. Trump has ushered in a new level of domestic terrorism into the United States. The ex-President who wouldn’t accept defeat has role modelled this kind of extreme behaviour for others to follow.
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Trump Led Terror By Domestic Extremists
The conservative playbook is to point the finger at radicals on the left, when in actual fact it is invariably their own mob which regularly resorts to violence and threats. Remember that Trump was going on about election fraud long before the 2020 election was held. A word of advice in life, beware of those who loudly accuse others of crimes and bad behaviour because he who shouts loudest usually has more to hide. Those who accuse others of adultery are, often, the adulterers in their relationship. This is called deflection and is a well-established stratagem by autocratic leaders like Putin and Trump.
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Right Wing Acts Of Violence & Terror
The United States has a long history of extremist behaviour on the right. Presidents have been assassinated and many individuals murdered on this basis. President Abraham Lincoln was shot dead by John Wilkes Booth, whist watching a theatrical performance. The south who had lost the Civil War would have their retribution on the President who nominally ended slavery. JFK would be gunned down in Texas and another President with Liberal leanings would have his reign cut short. RFK, the brother, would follow shot dead in New York. Martin Luther King Junior, the black civil rights leader, would, also, be shot dead. These are only the most high profile, as there have been many other egregious acts of violence committed by extremists on the right in America.
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Deflection In The Age Of Trump Those on the right continually ‘cry wolf’ about the dangerous left. Conservative leaders paint any resistance as socialist plots. The FBI under Hoover spent most of its formative decades in the 20C going after those on the left. They infiltrated groups like the Black Panthers and the counterculture movement more generally and portrayed them as violent radicals. The land of the free beat up on any one with different ideas about how things should be run. Lots of lies and exaggerations were fed to the American public. Now, we have a GOP full of election deniers and extremists. The Speaker of the House believes The Big Lie. This is despite numerous judicial investigations proving there was no election fraud. Trump knew he was going to lose the 2020 election and developed a strategy where honest defeat was not possible. He knew because he had overseen the most incompetent administration the US had seen in many years. A million people died from the Covid pandemic because of the poor response by his government. Trump was voted out of office because he is a liar and a fraud.
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Economic Pressures & Social Unrest The international reputation of the United States has been indelibly damaged due to the Trump presidency. Trust has been lost and Biden has had to work overtime to try and retrieve some of this. The global economy has been in the grip of high inflationary cost of living pressures upon ordinary citizens. Corporations have protected their bottom lines by increasing prices. Record profits have been declared. Wars in Ukraine and now Israel have seen energy prices spike to the detriment of consumers and businesses. There are housing crises in America and Australia with rents going through the roof due to shortages of available rental stocks. Central banks have raised interest rates and made things worse. The high inflation is caused largely by supply side shocks and bottlenecks. Governments should be targeting fiscal spending in the housing sector to facilitate the building of more rental housing. Americans would do well to remember the Trump presidency years and just how dysfunctional and dangerous they were.
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Cowards With Guns Cowardly dickheads with guns, threats, and bombs would do well to remember that law enforcement has a long memory. They will be caught and prosecuted eventually. Meanwhile, the GOP continues to lose elections, as Americans wake up to a Supreme Court infiltrated by right wing dark money. 83% of Americans don’t want abortion to be a criminal offence. The GOP will keep losing elections until they realise these things. Hands off women’s reproductive rights. Hands off books in schools with your ridiculous banning. Hands off democracy! Domestic terrorism by the Right will only hasten the demise of the GOP as a viable political force.   “Now, when we're thinking about January 6, we should always be thinking about a broad group of people, not all of whom had plans to become violent and storm the Capitol that day. But in the case of Tarrio and the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers and affiliated groups who have now been found guilty and sentenced for seditious conspiracy, they were planning to do this. They were violent. And they're part of a long, decades-long movement of white power activists and militant right activists who have waged war on the United States since the early 1980s. So this is still not the maximum sentence; 22 years, the headlines are reading long sentence, but the prosecutors were asking for 33.” (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/far-right-violence-a-growing-threat-and-law-enforcements-top-domestic-terrorism-concern) Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of Money Matters: Navigating Credit, Debt, and Financial Freedom.  ©WordsForWeb Read the full article
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trascapades · 9 months
#NeverForget #Cynthia Wesley #CaroleRobertson #AddieMaeCollins (all 14 years old), and 11-year-old #DeniseMcNair - The four girls murdered in the #16thStreetBaptistChurchBombing 60 years ago today (Sept. 15, 1963) in Birmingham, Alabama. The heinous act of white supremacist domestic terrorism was carried out soon after the 1963 #MarchonWashington for Jobs and Freedom (Aug. 28, 1963.)
#SarahCollinsRudolph was severely injured in the bombing and two Black boys were murdered that same day in Birmingham: 16-year-old #JohnnyRobinson and 13-year-old #VirgilWare.
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Image 1: Quilt by artist Sylvia Hernandez’s @quiltgirl61 #4littlegirls #16stbaptistchurch
Video and caption reposted from @nmaahc #OnThisDay in 1963, a bomb planted by the Ku Klux Klan ripped through the 16th Street Baptist Church, in Birmingham, Alabama, killing 4 little girls—11-year-old Carol Denise McNair, and 14-year-olds Carole Robertson, Cynthia Diane Wesley and Addie Mae Collins—and injuring several others.
This atrocity marked the third bombing in 11 days in Birmingham, Alabama, following the federal court order integrating Alabama schools. Shards from the church's stained-glass window are on display in our exhibition "Defending Freedom, Defining Freedom: The Era of Segregation" as a reminder of this tragic incident.
Racially motivated attacks on Black people, their homes and their churches grew so common that the city was referred to as “Bombingham.” African American civil rights activists made Birmingham a focal point of their desegregation campaign.
Follow the link in our bio to learn more. #APeoplesJourney
📸 Courtesy of Unknown author, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons 5. Stained glass rosette shard from the 16th Street Baptist Church. Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of the Family of Rev. Norman C. "Jim" Jimerson and Melva Brooks Jimerson 6. The damaged interior of the church is shown in the immediate aftermath of the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. Courtesy of Tom Self/Birmingham News, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
#Bombingham #ThisIsAmerica
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thats-on-point · 1 year
Welcome back, to another clip of That's On Point! Your weekly test of the Emergency Podcast System. Today we discuss the fact that the January 6th Committee lied to the public and withheld information. Website - https://www.thatsonpoint.info Merch - https://teespring.com/stores/thats-on-point-merch Follow Us On; Bitchute-https://www.bitchute.com/channel/8SXcz1rqDyu7/ YouTube-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNHroldv9kuaatarS7uclA Minds: https://www.minds.com/thatsonpoint/ ToP Clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn_fZ4JhHN05YLijsdmkYSQ/ Support Us On; Subscribe Star-https://www.subscribestar.com/that-s-on-point Patreon-https://www.patreon.com/ThatsOnPoint?fan_landing=tru
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Let's talk about Minnesota making moves....
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davidwfloydart · 1 year
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Omg… say it isn’t so! #republicans #nomaskgang #maskssavelives #pandemicbaby #republicants #domesticterrorism #humor (at Catalina Foothills, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CovWLkQyVTcRqi-1EW5OL-wU8sfXkHqR4n3Ci80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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supernaturalfan75 · 2 years
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Sickening that people are attacking others based on faith and treasonous ideologies. #lgbtq #homelandsecurity #domesticterrorism https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl2FEOhvp8U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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undergroundusa · 2 years
It's Election Day USA
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gabyglifestyle · 2 years
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#massshooting #banassaultweapons #stoplying #stopdisinformation that is only generating #hate. #domesticterrorism https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfqe7wnu2Zv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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liberalsarecool · 8 months
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White man with a long gun? Zero surprise.
The cowardice is championed by US gun culture. #DomesticTerror
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