#don't mess around w/ jim
thebibliomancer · 1 month
Essential Avengers: Avengers West Coast #57: FAMILY REUNION
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April, 1990
Wow, the Avengers got wrecked. Sucks to suck.
Also. Hm. Magneto has an M on his chestplate. Wanda has a W broach holding her cape. No wonder Quicksilver is the unfavorite of the family. Where's your Q? Get with the program, nerd.
Last times in Avengers West Coast: a lot.
To make a long story short, bad things kept happening to Wanda and she went catatonic. Magneto raptured her and her house into space and then did SOMETHING and now Wanda is a card-carrying supervillain all cackling. Her new, evil outfit is a good look for her though.
Wanda killed and then unkilled Wonder Man and then tortured him a little in an unclear way to mock his love for her. She captured US Agent and Agatha Harkness and Wasp. And when Hank Pym tried to stop Wanda, Quicksilver showed up and super speed punched him a lot.
Also, the Avengers are getting evicted or something? It's a baffling plot point since they own, not rent.
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Quicksilver asks Magneto if he should just kill Hank Pym while he's unconscious.
Magneto: "Stay your hand, Pietro. Dr. Pym presents no threat in his condition. And there has been enough bloodshed. No need to take a life when it is not absolutely necessary." Scarlet Witch: "You disappoint me, father. Is this the same Magneto who once led us in such glorious battle against the humans?"
New evil Wanda has decided she's going to be the one to chant "kill kill kill" in Magneto's ear. What a weird dynamic.
Floating uselessly around, the Avengers and Agatha Harkness have their own thoughts about this mess.
Agatha wishes she had known earlier that Wanda was headed this way, so she could have tried to steer her away from it.
I don't know if you get to say that, considering your idea of sparing her distress is to wipe her mind.
US Agent just thinks that Wanda must be using magic because probability manipulation wouldn't be able to make the Avengers float in a force field.
You say that but it's not very probable, is it?
Wasp is sad because she thought Hank was going to be her knight in shining armor, not get immediately wrecked before accomplishing anything. Also, she didn't expect Quicksilver to show up or be a dick still.
Didn't you? The last time the Avengers saw Quicksilver, he was part of that whole thing with Hank Pym's old villains. Sure, Quicksilver showed up in the Fantastic Four Evolutionary War tie-in and wasn't a dick but I don't know if the Avengers know about that. The Inhumans aren't big into sharing news.
And Wonder Man wishes he could muscle out of the force field... and hug Wanda.
Even after that vague something she did to torture him, he still has it bad for her. The poor dolt.
Meanwhile, outside, Robot Human Torch Jim Hammond gets an emergency signal beeping on his wrist and drops the eviction subplot for now to go investigate.
He finds a big hole in the south wall of Scarlet Witch's cottage so he crashes through the north wall.
They'll never expect that!
Robot Human Torch: "Flaming fireballs! I don't know the two men, but you... lady, you look like the Scarlet Witch! But... how could that be??"
It's called a change of clothes and a haircut, Jim.
Wanda tells Jim she brought him (back) into this world and she can take him out. She gathers green magic balls around her hands but
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Quicksilver shoves her, interrupting her magicing.
He says that Wonder Man was about to break free and attack her, which Wonder Man is frankly baffled by because he wasn't and wouldn't.
Robot Human Torch Jim Hammond doesn't really care what they're talking about. He just thinks people talk too much in the future.
He creates a fire cage around Wanda, Magneto, and Quicksilver. To distract them so he can try and free the Avengers and also Agatha.
Wanda could think that cage away but Magneto can also magnet it away.
And with a gesture he rips up a chunk of the floor.
And shoots him and the family (barring retcons) into the sky.
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Leaving the Avengers a bit nonplussed.
And leaving the cottage a bit destroyed.
The Avengers just can't have nice things in this era. They're always blowing up or crashing or sinking.
Wonder Man wants to fly after Wanda but Hank stops him. It'd be dumb to fly after MAGNETO and REALITY WARPER WANDA without a plan.
Also, Hank is fine. Pietro didn't actually hit him that hard.
Robot Jim Hammond goes look into the sky! It's a metallic bird, it's a plane! It's Iron Man!
Last issue, Iron Man responded to the emrgency beacon by turning right around and flying back to the Avengers West Coast Compound.
And now he's arrived.
He spots Magneto, Quicksilver, and a woman who looks like Wanda with a new haircut and wardrobe on a flying chunk of non-metallic floor.
Tony wants to believe in his friend because she's been a superhero for years but he has to concede to himself that Wanda doesn't seem to be resisting Magneto...
But he doesn't shoot first.
Maybe because Wanda spots him first and alerts Magneto. Or maybe because Nice Tony who didn't want to kill a monster in Acts of Vengeance doesn't think violence solves all his problems.
Magneto tells Iron Man to fuck off because Magneto business is none of Iron Man's business, even if Magneto and Iron Man's 'predecessor' fought in the past.
Because Iron Man faked his death and then introduced a 'new' Iron Man.
Iron Man points out that he doesn't know what Magneto is up to but there was an emergency signal from the Avengers West Coast Compound and Magneto is flying from that direction.
Looks suspicious, y'know?
Magneto, escalating things: "You make me sad, Iron Man. My purpose in life is the preservation of mutantkind, not the destruction of humanity. But if you insist upon placing yourself in the status of an enemy... as an enemy you shall be treated!"
Then he magnets Iron Man.
It's an easy joke that Magneto could solo the Avengers because he's a powerful villain and also he could just squish Iron Man into a ball.
Except. Tony Stark ain't no dummy.
He built anti-magneto defenses into his armors after the last time Iron Man tangled with Magneto.
Which is apparently a 'demagnetizing agent' added to the ferrous polymers.
Not entirely sure how that works but anyway, Iron Man is not magnetic.
Then Wanda gestures at Iron Man and all the automatic systems in the armor fail because he may have created contingencies for fighting Magneto but how do you create contingencies for reality warping?
(If that's even still what Wanda has going on? She describes it as just her usual hex power. And the floating and being held in place was described as magic. Is Byrne backing off on the reality warping thing after realizing that it made Wanda basically unbeatable except by author fiat? Maybe. Who knows! It doesn't matter! This is his last issue!)
With all the systems in his suit failing at once, Iron Man plummets out of the sky.
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Quicksilver belatedly tries to tell her they should have captured him, not killed.
And Magneto muses on the irony that Iron Man's own anti-magnetic defenses now stop Magneto from saving him from death.
Magneto: "But... your newfound ruthlessness troubles me, daughter. When it is the fiery Quicksilver who concils caution in the Scarlet Witch, there is much to ponder!" Scarlet Witch: "You would be well advised not to question my actions, Magneto. I am no more the timid child you once recruited to your band of felons! As you have changed, so too has the Scarlet Witch!"
Okay, but what the fuck happened between them in space?
Whatever Magneto did, Wanda snapped out of her catatonia and into such villainous villainy that Magneto and Quicksilver are uncomfortable with it.
This is a major character shift for Wanda and it happened off-panel. I'm so annoyed by that.
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Back at the Avengers West Coast Compound, the Avengers gather in the meeting room and I'm thrilled there's an establishing shot of the estate.
Hank tells the Avengers (West Coast) that they can't directly confront Wanda "as long as [she] thinks she's one of the bad guys again."
So they'll need to go in all sneaky.
Wonder Man brings up that Magneto is presenting himself as a hero lately and US Agent takes issue with that.
And is the third superhero I know of that compares Magneto to Hitler.
US Agent: "Hitler probably never doubted the correctness of his actions either, Williams. And even though Magneto claims to have been a victim of that particular nightmare, it's never stopped him from carrying out a campaign of murder and terror against innocent civilians. There's the blood of hundreds, maybe even thousands on his hands, and nothing that will ever wash that away!"
It's weirdly common.
Anyway. Hank doesn't engage with any of that. Just tells Wonder Man to go get a Quinjet ready.
And Hank seems to have some thoughts about Pietro but he's unwilling to voice them until he's sure the Avengers aren't being monitored by Magneto.
Good point. How the hell did Magneto find out about Wanda being catatonic?
So Hank just tells Wasp he wants Quicksilver captured alive!
Wasp: "Well, sure. That goes without saying, doesn't it?"
Ah, more innocent times.
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The Avengers pile into a Quinjet and flyyyyyy in pursuit of Wanda, Magneto, and Quicksilver.
And those three are headed towards the new, improved Asteroid M.
Professor X and Magneto really are egomaniacs.
Xavier can swear up and down the X-Men are named for having something X-tra in their genes, but we all know he just loves slapping his initial on everything.
And Magneto may say that Astroid M stands for Mutants but we all know it's Asteroid Magneto.
Wanda and Pietro ask Magneto about rumors that he's with the Hellfire Club these days. Magneto says, yeah, sure, but he still wants an asteroid headquarters.
He likes looking down on the world.
Magneto says that while looking down on the world, he noticed all of Wanda's travails, like losing her husband and children.
So I guess Wanda's baby mind-wipe got undone if Magneto is casually talking about it.
Wanda says that "it was a time of tempering, a fire in which my steel was reforged and made stronger."
But I guess not. Or she's lying to herself.
Meanwhile, Iron Man crash lands through a condo right when some guy was putting the moves on his female companion.
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It was an exact words situation. Wanda's tricky magic probability reality manipulation shut down all the automatic systems in Iron Man's armor. So he was still able to manually activate the emergency parachute.
And the property damage cushioned the rest of the fall.
IN FAIRNESS, he does tell the guy to contact Tony Stark for compensation.
Tony is pretty good at paying for the damage that Tony Stark does. And, apparently, the Hulk.
Deadpool used to tell people to claim any damage he caused by filling out the form and checking the box that says Hulk damage.
That rascally Deadpool.
Anyway, up in space, the Avengers. They park the Space Quinjet a little away from Asteroid M and turn on stealth.
... Can't Magneto sense metal?
Oh well.
Wasp is sent in to scout the situation out.
And I guess somebody poked John Byrne and told him that Wasp's characterization has moved on since the 60s because she has this whole internal monologue about how she's not a silly teenager anymore and that she's been doing the Wasp thing her entire adult life.
Well, I'm glad that somebody poked John Byrne and told him that.
She's determined that they save Wanda from getting drawn into Magneto's nonsense when she's already been through so much.
Robot Human Torch Jim Hammond is the new Guy Whose Politics Are Decades Out of Date because he worries about sending a Girl off alone.
Get yourself some respect for Wasp, you.
But Hank Pym has his old Ant-Helmet and Wasp has her old Wasp antenna and they can communicate with each other through them without using normal communication channels because it's apparently a bio-frequency.
Wasp sneaks into Asteroid M through a waste gas dispersal tube. Once inside, she reports that she's in a service corridor, mentions seeing something moving, and then goes radio silent.
Since the only thing that could block the signal is if Wasp lost consciousness, the Avengers assume she was captured and leap into action.
Even Robot Human Torch Jim Hammond gets to join as the Avengers fly through space because hank brought oxygen webbing based on Reed Richards' design for Human Human Torch Johnny Storm.
It carries (generates?) enough oxygen for Jim to flame in space for half an hour.
It's actually funny how much the issue sweats the minutiae.
Wasp mentions when she's flying to Asteroid M that she's using a jetpack instead of her wings, Jim gets the oxygen webbing to let him do his thing and side-eyes older stories that depicted him flaming in space, and Hank mentions that the Ant-Helmet has airtight seals and his red 'i'm not wearing a superhero costume, I swear' jumpsuit has a force field built in for space stuff.
Anyway, they fly over to the Asteroid M and Wonder Man punches a big hole in it.
And yup, Magneto can sense metal doing stuff because punching a big hole in the hull let him know exactly where the Avengers were coming from.
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Also, he has Wasp.
Most uncool. There's not even airholes in that jar.
The movement she saw was apparently a service robot, which alerted Magneto, who conked her out and put her in a jar.
Anyway, Magneto immediately ties up US Agent with scraps of metal from the hull.
Robot Human Torch flies to confront Magneto but Scarlet Witch is also here and she goes through with her threat to unresurrect Jim.
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The robot Human Torch just kind of drops dead.
I would say he'd be missed but I'm not really sure why he was even here. He never does anything.
Magneto reiterates returns the jar of Wasp to Hank.
What a dramatic way to tell someone to get off your space property.
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The Avengers just can't have nice things like headquarters or Quinjets...
Wanda yells for Magneto to kill them while they're helpless.
Magneto: No, Wanda, no."
Considering how much more bloodthirsty she's become than him, I once again wonder WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED when Magneto yoinked catatonic Wanda into space.
We may never know. This is John Byrne's last issue on the book.
He wasn't fired but he did ragequit.
All the Immortus subplot scenes were building up to a storyline where Immortus uses Wanda's reality manipulation powers to create some kind of sacred timeline that he rules over.
Byrne suggested this to editor-in-chief Tom DeFalco to be the next big Marvel event.
All the books would change to a new timeline where Kang beat the Avengers that first time in issue #8 and the only person that would realize something changed was Black Knight, who would fall out of that time warp that Thor jammed him into and then forgot about.
For whatever reason, Tom DeFalco hated this idea.
(Maybe it was because it was too similar to Emperor Doom, a story where the world is altered - through mind-control, instead of reality manipulation - and the only guy that's aware is someone who was conveniently in isolation that prevented them from being affected with the rest of the world.)
(Also, I'm not sure why Immortus would want a timeline where Kang beat the Avengers, considering that Immortus hates Kang. All the eras of Kang hate each other but Immortus super hates Kang.)
Tom DeFalco said no to the idea. John Byrne though he meant no to it being used as a big crossover but that using it as just an Avengers West Coast story was okay.
But it turns out that Tom DeFalco thought he was vetoing the entire concept and when he saw the plot teases in the book, he got mad and demanded John abort the story.
So John Byrne quit the book.
And now you know why next two issues are fill-ins before Roy and Dann Thomas bring the Wanda is Crazy and Evil arc to some kind of ending.
I'll have to see what kind of ending it is but aside from that bit on Byrne's website about the Immortus plot, we'll never know what his plans for Wanda were.
I don't have high hopes but it's moot.
Regarding this issue: Meh.
I already don't love this plot and this feels like a retread.
Wanda, Magneto, and Quicksilver completely stomp the Avengers on planet Earth in issue 56. Then the Avengers follow them into space and get completely stomped again.
I hope that Avengers West Coast gets another long-term writer soon and some quality writing finally.
Follow @essential-avengers. I fell down an Earth X hole for a while and I'm so, so tired. Can't think of a silly way to say it but: Like and reblog.
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reikunrei · 6 months
sorry i'm going to ramble about the lights again
i need to make a new, more thorough post about the light fuckiness in st, and specifically st1, but i just. keep thinking about how weird it is that we're told all of it is bc of will, that all of the light fuckery (outside of interference from the gates/demogorgon/etc.) is because will was talking through the lights
but then. some of the scenes where we're told it was will are almost exactly the same as scenes where it couldn't and shouldn't have been will
specifically thinking of holly following the trail of lights to will's room, where each bulb blinks on one at a time in a trail before all going out, then blinking on one at a time again in the same pattern until she follows. and then she comes (nearly) face to face with the demogorgon
and then later we get the scene where joyce gets her own trail of one-at-a-time lights that she follows to the little cubby with the yes/no white bundle. they blink on one at a time in the exact same way that holly's did, and the pattern repeats several times until she actually gets into the cubby
and now i do firmly believe that she spoke to will with those white lights. she's convinced she did, and they behave the same way we see the lights behave at the end of st1 when jim and joyce pass under the lights in the ud + they behave the same way we're shown they do in st4 w the older teens when they touch the ud particles
however, i don't think that the trail of lights was will's doing. because if it was his doing, then why did the same thing happen with holly? will wouldn't have tried to kill his best friend's little sister. it would be absurd if he was trying to lay some "trap" to get holly snatched by the demogorgon, and it would even be weird if he was just trying to get their attention when he knew the demogorgon was around and might attack them. so why do the lights behave the same way?
i wouldn't be surprised if someone else was trying to key joyce in to where will was hiding so that they could talk to one another
now, sure, it could be because will has powers and he was the one doing it, it was just with his powers and not with physical touch, and therefore the lights might behave differently
but like... idk man. if he, at this point, had figured out he had powers, why would he have still gone the physical touch route? why wouldn't he have, say, started blinking a light in morse code like he uses in st2? joyce would have figured it out and found a way to translate. she's smart!
it also makes me think that will likely would not have figured out his powers that quickly, or we would have seen them "messing up" a bit more first. i'd have to watch through again and see if any of the prior light shenanigans could be interpreted as "will figuring this shit out" but... i doubt there's much of that
hell, i've pointed out before how when holly goes into will's room, the ring of lamps joyce has set up starts blinking in a circle, much like how we see in st4 when the lab kids are doing that "ring of lights" exercise. and what do we also see in that scene? el struggling to make the light turn on and move. even 002 works up a sweat doing it, and he's the top dog at the time
will was chucked into the ud, running around fighting for his life the whole time, and he somehow... also had time to figure out his powers well enough to make very clean, clear, repetitive trails of lights with seemingly extreme ease? and then he also is able to very swiftly write out words with joyce's alphabet without any faltering at all? it just doesn't seem feasible to me. he's a smart kid, very smart! and very adaptable! but... it just feels weird, especially if by tfs logic (even tho the powers are probably not specifically related to the ud), he would have had the powers activated for, what, a day or two? maybe less depending on time weirdness? i don't buy it
just based on how the lights behave throughout the show, and even within the single first season, it doesn't make sense for all of the "talking" through the lights to belong to will. the blinking lights are too clean, and the scenes they're used in are so contradictory to one another in their intent that it can't all be little will in there pulling all the strings. it has to be someone (or several someones) who have more experience and are a bit more aware than will likely was
and just bc god i'm having Thots about this. i do firmly believe that it has something to do with the weird brennergorgon/combined brenner-edward-demogorgon thing that @aemiron-main has spoken a lot about, and that, by using edward's powers, the lights could have been used for malicious intent (holly's scene), while also seeing it used positively (the trail to will in the cubby, joyce's alphabet) possibly through henry (or vice versa)
if there's one of them being forced to use it for ill (ie. edward through brenner and/or the shadow/mf and/or vecna) and one is using it for good (ie. henry), but they're both just alternate versions of the same guy... it wouldn't be surprising that we'd get the same light behavior with entirely different intentions
i'm also thinking about the "run" stuff again. specifically, i made a post yesterday that was just me spitballing and thinking about how henry tells alice to "run" when she says he's not henry, and @henrysglock clarified the scene further in this post
and it didn't click in my head until reading it again just now that we get almost the same exact lines in tfs that happen with the alphabet. joyce is told will is "right here," henry tells alice "he's right here." when joyce asks what she should do, she's told "run," when alice further posits that this isn't henry, she's told to "run"
and thinking about what james said, how it could be interpreted as a warning and a threat all wrapped up into one... i'd say that the st1 "run" could be considered much the same. a warning and a threat, because the demogorgon shows up right after joyce is told to run. warning her to be safe, but also sort of mocking, as the demogorgon is already right on top of her
and just. the fact that that scene has the same lines, and the lines come from "henry"/henry possessed by the shadow... who's to say that he isn't also the one saying the exact same lines through the lights? james even also says in that rb of my post that henry seems to really respect joyce, and that joyce wasn't ever mean to him in tfs, so it wouldn't surprise me if henry tried to help her get her son back, and decided to act as someone he wished he had when he was a kid
and because i'm also still Insane about the 2023 st day posts about "firsts" and the first message from the ud was shown to be the "run" (which i have a post sitting in my drafts about but ggrghgr who knows if i'll ever post it) it makes me think that it could be very likely that the "right here" and the "run" in the alphabet are from two different people. after all, the "right here" came first, so even ignoring all the other times the lights "talked" prior to that, if we're just counting the alphabet as being "messages from the ud," then why isn't "right here" the first?
anyway. i don't know what i'm thinking. i just think that there's so many other people involved with the talking lights in st1, and will is so few of them. and i think that there was not only someone more sentient than a plain demogorgon hunting will, but i think there was someone else there trying to help him. whether it be through space or time or however they managed to contact each other, i think that someone (henward) was trying to help reunite will with joyce and save him, much like henward wished someone had been able to save him
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crystal-mouse · 2 months
🪐☄️😒 ?
🪐 Favourite alien planet.
☄️ Your headcanon/s about a favourite character.
I personally love the headcanons that Jim is trans (which is canon to me) and also secretly knows Vulcan fluently- I read a fic a while ago where he was taught Vulcan on Tarsus and also I just love the trope that Spock's talking about his crush w Uhura/family and meanwhile Jim's just sat there like O_O
In terms of personal/oddly specific headcanons, I think Scotty really enjoys spicy food/makes an amazing curry, and Spock likes rock music (mainly just because I love the idea that he's working with earpods in and completely straight faced while listening to heavy rock/metal as a form of stimming) Chekov and Sulu run a (secret) gossip podcast, Uhura also often guest stars to spill tea. Janice Rand is trained in heavy weightlifting and Suus Manha (fear her punches).
and Chekov's wig <3
😒 Character who annoys you. 
my no.1 worstie, i want to fight him, every version I've seen of him makes me want to punch his face because of his smug expression and cringefail personality
but also probably Chapel from SNW sorry (I don't necessarily dislike her or find her overly annoying but I just don't like how she's intentionally messed Spock around because she clearly knew/stated to Erica earlier she didnt want to be in a long term relationship/be casual so that kind of behaviour annoys me a bit)
thanks for the ask! :D
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mlobsters · 4 months
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supernatural s14e2 gods and monsters (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
updated my post on 14x01 with my kind of derpy revelation:
!! omg lol i just reread my 13x23 with my whole “can’t kill michael now that he’s wearing dean” is that the whole reason we get pellegrino back as nick, so we can find out that archangel blades don’t kill the vessel?? 😂
the very fancy apron and a knife that reminded me of the linoleum knife in hannibal mizumono for a hot second 🥴 (his is a karambit, i think) he looks good, again. and without the flat cap he doesn't look so much like he's cosplaying the 20s.
CAS And, you need me to stay here and babysit Nick and Jack. SAM It’s not babysitting, Cas. CAS Only in the sense that they’re not infants, but they both have to be supervised. Jack is lost without his grace, Nick is…he’s just a mess. SAM Well, it-it’s not his fault. Cas, Nick was housing, you know. He-he deserves a shot at rebuilding his life. CAS And yet every time I look at him, all I can see is the supreme agent of evil.
sam thinkin (what with the presumed cage torture while wearing that face) if i can do it, you can give it the old college try too
NICK I just don’t know what kind of pain would make me allow Lucifer to possess me.
it's like therapy for cas too. but this is the part where you tell him how luci exploited your desire to fix the problem of amara (??) at any risk or whatever and let him possess you too
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BOBBY I’ve been fighting a friggin’ apocalypse for 15 years, my, FBI might be a little rusty.
cute. i never quite connected with bobby but it is kind of nice to have jim beaver around (even if i think the whole reunion tour of the past couple seasons is kind of ridiculous). and appreciate the confirmation of the timeline, 15 years is a lot but also not a lot. did mary get the ice caps are melting speech too because she probably needed it more than those guys -_-
can i also take a moment to say how the longer it goes on, the more goofy castiel wearing an outdoor coat indoors at all times is to me? lol. and i've heard actors talk about how it can be tiring to always be in the same costume. years and years of a trench coat...
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CAS Yes, I do - a little. At the time of the Great Fall, when angels were banished from heaven, I lost what I thought was everything. I had no grace, I had no wings. I felt hopeless and useless. JACK What did you have left? CAS Well, uh..well, I had Sam and Dean. But I had something else that was extremely helpful. I had myself. Just the basic me, as, uh…as Dean would say, without all the bells and whistles. You know, Sam and Dean, they weren’t born with their expertise. They’ve been at it since they were children. Failing, winning, developing over the years. Patience, persistence - those are skills too. The past, where you come from, that’s important, but it is not as important as the future and where you’re going.
cas is on a roll. therapize it up, my guy! and i kind of like this pointing out how sam and dean got to where they are
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oh so now dean gets to have a moment in the mirror with michael like sam did with lucifer in 5x22 (glad it didn't last long)
DEAN (in mirror) GET…OUT. MICHAEL I don’t think so. DEAN You can’t. MICHAEL Oh, but I can. Because, see… I own you. So hang on, and enjoy the ride.
i guess archangels don't have to follow the rules of possession. i'm not sure it's even a rule? who knows. but i know at least specifically with gadreel there was the whole, if sam knows about him, he can eject him. oh right, no one could dump lucifer either, duh. lol
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well that was genuinely startling and creepy, nick trying to snap castiel out of existence
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those are some truly unfortunate monster teeth
NICK Castiel, you’re just a stone cold body snatcher. You’re no different than Lucifer.
again singing the praises of mark pellegrino, he totally sells this. bringing some of the creeping dread of lucifer into this character too
CAS You know, in all my thousands of years, what happened to Jimmy Novak and his family are my greatest regret.
i recall when they finally decided to have some moral quandary over the jimmy novak situation, it felt too little too late to me. and for a second i was like right, jimmy dead. jimmy's wife dead. what about claire... oh right! we know what claire (and her glorious hair) are up to, and not dead
MICHAEL I admire you. Eating on the run, surviving, despite being stalked by those venal humans, who think of you as nothing but vermin.
this is the most ridiculous explanation. just say you hate humans, lucifer 2.0
similar to how they finally addressed the trauma of cas taking jimmy away from his family in whatever, s10, jack visiting kelly's parents and addressing how she just disappeared and they don't even know she's dead (which is just heartbreaking as a parent, to consider.) the show, past the first couple seasons, rarely takes the time to follow that thread through. this was well done but it's hard for me not to see it as a play for emotion and give jack something human connection-y to do
two things. 1) there's a little hint of the like. cliche film noir jazzy saxophone or whatever in the score when michael is standing up saying the "why do you think i let you escape" line and i find it just. well. it's something. what era are we going for here exactly. i mean, matches her apartment vibe too but not with michael in his 20s-ish getup :p b) i'm glad jackles is laying off the funky speech cadence he had for michael in 14x01, it's a little different in spots but not So Much
(this is a christopher lennertz and philip white for music episode)
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laughing at this framing. let us gaze upon the defunct telescope while they sit on the edges of the weird step things
JACK Cas, Michael has to be stopped. CAS I know, and he will be - after Dean is- JACK No, Dean doesn’t matter. You’re all so focused on trying to save Dean and I get it, I understand, but - if he can’t be saved, if it comes down to him or Michael - Michael has to be stopped. Caged, or killed- CAS And if that means that Dean dies too? JACK Then Dean dies. I know this Michael. I’ve seen what he’s done to an entire world, and so have you. If stopping that from happening here means that Dean has to die, then …. Do you think he’d want it any other way?
LOL what! wow. jack doesn't subscribe to the winchester let the world burn if it means i get to save my brother worldview. which, very reasonable. but i'm not sure why jack of all people is bringing this up to cas right now. sounds more like... something bobby should be saying? not like jack knows them all that much better than au bobby does
even if i think this nick plotline is unnecessary and silly, pellegrino is killin it. he's so good at being creepy!
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objectively very pretty shot but i still laughed
do they have any sort of angel detection system? dial a friend (angel) to take a look at him?
nick going full darkside and bashing the neighbor's skull in was a choice.
trying to sum up my viewing experience of the later seasons, i'm gonna borrow from our friend will graham: "You delight. I tolerate." i'm trying not to be an asshole and complain all the time, i want to enjoy it when i can. but i find it pretty challenging.
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floorbed · 1 year
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thanks for tagging me @gulduqat :-)) epic mutual. here are my 6 albums on repeat rn
sheryl crow's self titled album
elliott smith's self titled album
god save the animals by alex g
the live version of the kz soundtrack by ludowic
who really cares by tv girl
you don't mess around w jim by jim croce
everyone be so nice to me about the sheryl crow ok it genuinely goes so hard. it genuinely hits i promise
im tagging @powerfulman @dungeonsanddragonsfifthedition @tired--misu @covey-o-quail and @rocket2017 if they want to :-)) and any of my friends who want to do it ok u guys have fun :-))
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🌿 Vinyl Collection 🌿
Below is a current list of the albums I own!
I update this when I get a new record.
2Pac featuring Snoop Dogg:
2 Of Amerikaz Most Wanted (single - 1996)
Greatest Hits (1976)
Voulez-Vous (1979)
Super Trouper (1980)
High Voltage (1976)
Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap (1976)
Aerosmith (1973)
Get Your Wings (1974)
Toys In The Attic (1975)
Rocks (1976)
The Beatles:
Introducing The Beatles (1964)
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)
Abbey Road (1969)
1962-1966 (1973)
Bob Dylan
The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan (1963)
Highway 61 Revisited (1965)
Buffy Sainte-Marie
It's My Way! (1964)
Crosby, Stills & Nash:
Crosby, Stills & Nash (1969)
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young:
Déjà Vu (1970)
Creedence Clearwater Revival:
Green River (1969)
Cosmo’s Factory (1970)
Pendulum (1970)
Mardi Gras (1970)
Creedence Gold (1972)
The Movie Album (1985)
The Doors:
Weird Scenes Inside The Gold Mine (1972)
Duran Duran:
Arena (1984)
The Eagles:
Hotel California (1976)
Earth, Wind & Fire:
Spirit (1976)
Elvis Sings Christmas Songs - Elvis’ Christmas Album (1970)
Double Dynamite (1975)
Fleetwood Mac:
Fleetwood Mac (1975)
Rumors (x2) (1977)
The Dance (1997)
Greta Van Fleet:
Black Smoke Rising (2017)
From The Fires (2017)
Anthem Of The Peaceful Army (2018)
The Battle At Garden’s Gate (2021)
Strange Horizons 2021 Live From Chicago (2022)
Starcatcher (2023)
George Johnson Orchestra:
The Big Band (1983)
Harry Styles
Harry Styles (2017)
Hozier (2014)
Wasteland, Baby! (2019)
Unreal Unearth (2023)
Jack White:
Fear Of The Dawn (2021)
James Taylor
Sweet Baby James (1970)
Jim Croce
You Don't Mess Around with Jim (1972)
Jimi Hendrix:
Band of Gypsys (1970)
The Cry Of Love (1971)
Rainbow Bridge (1971)
Joan Baez:
Joan Baez (1960)
Joan Baez Vol.2 (1961) - 2 copies
The Contemporary Ballad Book (1974)
Diamonds & Rust (1975)
From Every Stage (1976)
John Denver:
Whose Garden Was This (1970)
Poems, Prayers & Promises (1971)
Rocky Mountain High (1972)
John Denver’s Greatest Hits (1973)
Back Home Again (1974)
An Evening with John Denver (1975)
Windsong (1975)
Spirit (1976)
I Want To Live (1977)
John Denver’s Greatest Hits Volume 2 (1977)
John Denver (1979)
Some Days Are Diamonds (1981)
Rocky Mountain Holiday -The Muppets (1983)
Johnny Cash:
Original Golden Hits Volume I (1969)
Joni Mitchell
Blue (1971)
ALIVE! (1975)
Lana Del Rey
Born to Die (2012)
Kris Kristofferson
Kristofferson (1970)
the Mama’s and the Papa’s
If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears (1966)
Candles In The Rain (1970)
Made You Look: God’s Son Live 2002 (2023)
Neil Young:
Decade (1977)
Walt Disney’s Dumbo soundtrack (1963)
Treasury of Great Classic Fairy Tales (1959)
Grimm’s Fairy Takes (1960)
Living Shakespeare - Hamlet (1962)
Living Shakespeare - Macbeth (1962)
Peter, Paul, & Mary:
Peter, Paul, & Mary (1962)
In The Wind (1963)
In Concert (1964)
Pierce The Veil:
Collide with the Sky (2012)
The Rolling Stones:
Let It Bleed (1969)
Some Girls (1978)
Tattoo You (1981)
A Farewell to Kings (1977)
Moving Pictures (1981)
Stevie Nicks:
Bella Donna (1981)
The Wild Heart (1983)
Bella Donna Live 1981 (2023)
The Grand Illusion (1977)
The Steve Miller Band:
Book Of Dreams (1977)
Terry Reid:
Seed of Memory (1976)
Tyler Childers:
Rustin' in the Rain (2023)
Various Artists:
The Best of ‘66 Volume One (1967)
The Greatest 64 Motown Original Hits (1975)
Wilson Pickett
Hey Jude (1969)
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cursedgaysuit · 7 months
One thing I like about s2 is that it suggests you don't have to like earn your happiness by being cool or suave or put-together or in the perfect situation or whatever and that like,,, being just you is good enough
Lucius proposal is a mess, he's been having a rough time - lashing out at stede, etc
Pete puts his hands in the air while getting married, and talks loudly during heists, and arguably his second most triumphant moment is admitting he can't use a crossbow
Ed has a massively embarrassing attempt at being a fisherman in the same episode he gets to settle down w his bf. Ed starts his new life wearing the outfit that represents part of himself he didn't like. He gets to run back to his lover after freaking out the day before
Stedes being lovingly patronised about his pirate skills in the finale. Stede still loves flamboyant clothes. His new life with Ed happens the day after he drunkenly made a fool of himself
Ed and stedes new beginning is in a rundown cabin that smells
Oluwande gets a gf by being extremely nice, even though he fucks up the map and tries to file documents by weight
Jim and Archie kiss during an amputation
Oluwande, Archie and Jim bond over pretending to kill mops
Anne and Mary's entire vibe. The bad food. The violence. Burning down their house.
Swede betrays Jackie and she says it was hot. His life is saved by the fact she was poison training him
Buttons is in love with the sea and the narrative just says hell yeah man fucking go for it. You get your happy ending too
Zheng invites the crew onto her ship because of their "softness" (gay vibes?)
Frenchie gets to raise a flag similar to the one mocked by the british in s1
And on the other hand :
Ed died trying to be the kraken
Stede died trying to be a heterosexual
Idk I just really like it. Life is a mess, sometimes you're a mess. But you get to love and be loved, anyway. You get to thrive anyway. And sometimes the thing you've been taught to hate about yourself is the thing you're loved for. Putting on a persona can fucking suck and hurt the people around you, the way you get loved is being exactly who you are.
You get to run into the sunset with your crocs and your need for reassurance and your loud talking and your trauma and your awful cooking. In fact, you have to. Wherever you go, there you are.
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winters-hysteria · 2 years
The Devil's Daughter - ST self insert
i was bored when i started writing this and it's not finished okay
Eleven's short curly hair whipped around her face as she came to stand next to Mike, Dustin and Will. 
"What are we doing out here?" she asked, brushing bits of hair away from her face.
 "Waiting." was the response. Mike shifted his stance, turning slightly away from El. She knew this was partly her fault, as they had only broken up a few months ago, and their relationship had been rocky ever since. He continued talking to Dustin as Will kept his eyes on the street.
Soon enough, an old tan-and-white police car pulled up to the side of the road. Jim Hopper leaned his head out the opened window. "Hey kids! How's it going?"
Will neared the car. "It's good, you?" Hopper grinned at him, then turned and spoke into the back of his cruiser.  A girl's voice, loud but still muffled, responded.
The car door cracked open and a black boot stepped out. The door then swung open, forcing Will to back away so his nose didn't get broken. The second boot appeared, attached to a pair of legs, and then a full body emerged. A short, brown-haired girl stood before them. She shut the door, said goodbye to Hopper, who drove off, and then turned back to the gang. 
They looked stunned.  They hadn't known what to expect, but it surely wasn't this.
"W-what's your name?" asked El, bravely stepping forward.
The girl grinned, keeping her eyes trained on the ground.
"Axel. Axel Takahashi."
She looked up.
"And they call me the devil's daughter."
It had been two months since Axel's unexpected arrival. In that time period, they'd become pretty damn close. And then Hopper got a call from the school while Dustin, Mike and Lucas sat in his office, wanting to help find their friend.
"Hi, is this Chief Hopper?"
"Yes, this is him, why?"
Lucas shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
"Your daughter, Axel-"
"She's not my daughter, but go on"
"Well she got into a fight. With..."  There was a rustling of papers and a muffled sigh as the secretary spoke again. "Steve Harrington."
"She did what?"
"She fought...Steve Harrington."
"Well who won?"
"...She did..."
"She won..against Steve Harrington?"
"Yes. She did. She's in the principal's office at the moment, and Steve is in here."
"I'll be there within 10 minutes."
"Okay, sir." She hung up.
Jim let out an exasperated sigh and put his head in his hands. "That kid will be the death of me."
"What happened?" piped Dustin, only to receive a dirty look from his friends. "What, I wanna know!"
"Axel got into a fight with Steve Harrington. They're both in the office." Hopper sounded annoyed as he picked his coat up and slipped it on. "I've got to go take care of it since they seem to think that little shit is my daughter." He laughed. "Well, you can come with me if you want to, just hurry up and get in the car. I'll call your parents real quick and-" A chorus of "NO's" and DON'T DO THAT's" came flying at him. 
He threw his hands up and moved away from the phone. "Alright, I won't! Just get your shit and get in the car."  He huffed as they bolted out, fighting over who got shotgun. "AXEL GETS SHOTGUN, ALRIGHT?" Loud groans followed this declaration. "Why does she get shotgun?" whined Mike.  "Because I said so."
Jim gripped the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white, then released his hold to turn into the parking lot. The first thing he noticed was Axel standing outside, surrounded by two adults, and then Steve on the other side, glowering over at her. She seemed very relaxed, although she'd practically just destroyed Steve by the looks of his face.
"Woah..." Lucas whispered. "He looks messed up." Mike nodded in agreement as Dustin rolled down the window for a better look. "She did a number on him, but he hit her pretty hard too!" He pointed out the window to the dark bruise on the side of Axel's face, which she held an ice pack to. Hopper got out of the car and walked over to where the adults were congregated.
"Hello. I'm here for Axel?" 
The teacher behind her put his hand on her shoulder and moved her forward. "Don't touch me!" she snarled, hands forming into fists. He pulled his hand off her as quick as he could, and addressed Hopper. "Yeah. She's not allowed to come back for two days.  You're lucky it's not a week."
"Who-hooo! Four day weekend!" Axel pumped her fist in the air and then ran towards the car.
"HEY! DON'T-" the man shouted after her.
"It's not worth it, believe me." Hopper told him, watching her lean back to speak to the kids in the backseat. "She does what she wants at this point."
"I've noticed. She needs to apologise to Steve." He looked pointedly over at Steve, who was talking to his mom in a rapid, hushed manner.
"Well why did the fight start? I want their sides, not yours." Hopper crossed his arms as the man looked from side to side, looking for a way out. "Now, because I have places to be."
"Well, she says that Steve was insulting Nancy Wheeler, so she had to do something about it. Steve said Nancy was being a slut, so he was telling everyone. Jonathan Byers has taken Nancy home, but he did come back in time to see Axel fighting Steve. He was actually the one who pulled her off of him." 
"Jonathan Byers...isn't that the brother of the kid who disappeared? Will Byers?" Hopper asked, his brow furrowed. "More importantly, he had to physically pull her off?"
"Yeah, she was so angry that she wouldn't stop hitting him, even after he gave up trying to hit back." He shifted from leg to leg, uncomfortable. "She needs to apologise to him."
"Well if he really was calling Nancy a slut, she did defend her friend and that's pretty honourable. I don't think she needs to apologise. What I do think is that Steve needs to apologise to Nancy for calling her a slut." Hopper turned to make his way back to the car. "If you don't, I will. We don't tolerate those names here."
Hopper pulled into his drive, still toting the four rebels in his cruiser. "Alright, out." he said, planning on asking Axel what the hell she'd been thinking when he noticed she was on her phone, calling someone. She seemed excited, bouncing on the balls of her feet and quickening her pace down the driveway. A black car pulled up and a young girl stepped out.
"ALICE!!" Axel yelled and threw her arms around the girl. 
"AXEL YOU'RE NOT DEAD!" she yelled back. "I MISSED YOU!"
"Cool." Hopper replied. "Nice to meet you, Alice."
"Nice to meet you too!" she replied happily, obviously still very excited.
"So, Axel, let me ask now. Why did you get into a fight with Steve Harrington?" Hopper looked at her.
"Well you've gotten your answer, Chief." Mike walked up next to him. "I think that's all we'll get out of her."
"For once, I'll take your advice and listen to a kid, Mike. She'll never admit to anything else. C'mon, let's go inside. Grab Dustin and Lucas too."
The four of them headed inside and left the two girls dancing with each other in the driveway.
Axel woke up late the next morning. Alice was on the couch, sipping from a bright purple mug emblazoned with the number 5 on it. 
"Mornin'." Axel said groggily, rubbing their sleep-hazed eyes. Sunlight flooded the room, making it hard to see. "Whatimeissit?"
"It's one o'clock." 
"Inna mornin'? I'm goin' back to sleep."
Alice rolled her eyes. "In the afternoon, sheepbrain." 
"Yeah, still goin' back to sleep."
"Axel! WAKE UP!" she yelled, shaking her head with contained laughter at how fast her friend jumped out of their bed.
"I'm UP I SWEAR!" they looked around, frazzled. "Didja have to yell that loud? Goddamn, girl, ya prolly woke up Hopper." 
"He's been up for three hours puttering around his chief's office. Mike, Lucas and Dustin are waiting in the living room for us. Well, mostly for your sleepy ass. Hurry and take your damn shower, we need to help them find Will." Alice flicked her hand towards the bathroom, indicating Axel should get a move on. "Go on."
"Got it, ma'am."
Axle made their appearance a half hour later, shaking their short fluffy hair out and grabbing their red lensed glasses off the table. "Hey y'all."
"Do you have to wear those? You don't need glasses and they look dumb." Mike looked them up and down, glaring at their mostly bare legs save the ripped fishnets. "And you should wear some pants."
"I think they look cool! And I'm glad they wear those glasses, I gave them to them!" Dustin said, side eyeing Mike. "You're just jealous."
Lucas just sighed.
"Yeah Mike why ya lookin'?" They put a finger under his chin and forced his head up, away from their legs. "Eyes are up here, with the glasses you don' like." They sighed and looked at Alice, missing the way Mike's face went red and Dustin's eyebrows shot up looking at him. "So, any leads on Will? We got a way to get into Australia?"
The immediate hairy eyeball from Dustin right after made Axle grin. "Whaaat?"
"It's called the Upside Down, Ax. Not the Down Under." Dustin exasperatedly pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked around to the rest of the group. "No leads, but we talked to Jonathan. He mi---"
"Oh you mean the creepy photo guy who stalks Nancy? Cool!"
Alice interjected. "No, Dustin, we're not allowing him into this. Guy's a creep."
"But we need him, he's Will's brother. If anything, he'll know what's up."
"It's settled, we need him." Nancy, Mike's older sister, came in and sat down, Jonathan at her side. "He might have done some shit, but we need him for this." Jonathan looked uncomfortable being scrutinized by the 15 year olds surrounding him, save Axle staring at a spot on the wall.
"Okay, whatever. Let's just hurry. Will might be hurt."
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
You Don’t Mess Around With Jim
(where Billy has been living w/ Jim and El for a lil over a year bc he’s been adopted and he never died and he just knows Hopper is a pushover and knows how to use that to his and El’s advantage)
It’s a calm and balmy night and the roads in Hawkins, Indiana are decently quiet. Billy likes it this way. Back before Hopper took him in, this was one of the few things that he felt made this town worth it: the quiet roads late at night.
The quiet can be suffocating. Billy’s thoughts thrive on the silence; they scream in its presence. Which is why quiet nights on quiet roads make for the perfect canvas for loud as fuck music and races with bad memories. It’s also why Billy got picked up by the local police department twice in his first week in Hawkins. But that’s why Billy met Jim. So he’s not about to lament that.
Billy was usually out later than this, considering it’s only 8pm, but even so, the streets are still quiet enough to be pleasant, especially for a nice summer night like this one. He has his arm out the open window, letting the humid air wrap around it softly as it cuts through the night. When he’s feeling playful, he likes to encourage El to follow his lead in sticking his head out the window as they drive.
But tonight is calm and warm and a little too humid to do something like that, so Billy settles for the softness of the air on his arm. He lets it touch him gently. He closes his eyes and breathes. The less than favorable thoughts of a home he no longer lives in flash through his brain in a second, and they’re gone just as fast. The night is nice.
He briefly thinks of Joyce and her boys and what a weird family they’re going to make when Jim finally realizes what a fool he’s being in not asking her to marry him right now. She’s gentle and nurturing to her children and she gives that same stuff to Billy and El, even though they’re in no way related and she absolutely doesn’t have to. And when Billy thinks about it, he isn’t too surprised about her showering El with affection, seeing as she may gain a daughter (or will adopt her whether Jim gets off his ass to pop the question or not). Plus, everyone loves El and decides to shower her with affection pretty much the moment they meet her. But giving all that gentle nurturing to another boy? To Billy?
It confuses him to say the least.
She’s constantly inviting them over for dinner. She lets them stay over sometimes when it gets late and El gets tired. She’s inviting and strong as all hell and is hard on Jim when he needs it. She puts up with Jim, even though Billy recently found out that they grew up in this damn town together. So that means she’s known Jim for decades and still puts up with him and if that isn’t a miracle in itself, Billy is going to eat his shirt.
But it’s not his job to babysit lovesick adults. He might make it his job if they get completely hopeless, but for right now, he’ll just appreciate the non-TV dinners and the soft, music-filled drives back and forth from the Byers home. Plus, Billy has a bet going with Jonathan about when Jim and Joyce get together and he needs to wait it out a bit longer if he’s gonna collect the reward.
Billy notices the sound of Jim’s fingers thumping against the wheel of the car as the next song begins to play.
~Uptown got its hustlers…~
Jim is mumbling along to the words, very clearly not sure of them, but when the chorus starts, he’s singing. Loudly. Not necessarily excited or anything, just loud.
“They all call big Jim boss… and they say you don’t tug on Superman’s cape. Y’don’t spit into the wind. Y’don’t pull the mask off that old lone ranger and you don’t mess around with Jim.”
He -would- like this song.
El is giggling in the back of the car and Billy eyes her before he looks back to the smile cracking Jim’s face.
“That’s pretty cocky.” Billy says, eyeing the man next to him and being an overall brat about it. He scoffs a bit when Jim turns humorously disbelieving eyes onto him.
Jim laughs as loud as he sings.
“That’s real rich coming from you.”
Billy laughs back at that. He knows it’s true, he’s not one to deny that he’s a cocky son of a bitch, but he shakes his head all the same. He wonders how he got here, listening to old music from the 70’s with the Chief of Police and a girl-raised-lab-rat in the back seat.
Jim looks over at Billy again and just asks: “What, do you think the song is wrong?”
There’s a challenge in his voice and Billy sees a matching challenge in his eyes.
Oh alright, old man. Game on.
Billy doesn’t know what’s running through his blood, but Billy has felt it boil up through the year he’s been living with Jim. He tried to push it down out of anxiety, but when he realized the safety of his new situation, it was a little hard to cool it off. Because getting under the skin of others is a borderline hobby for him. Will has his drawing, Jonathan has his photography, and Billy has his being an overall public menace. Some may say it’s not as “constructive”, but it’s a hell of a lot of fun. People are always telling kids to have fun while they’re young.
A shit eating grin splits Billy’s face and he looks out at his hand sticking out of the window and slicing the air. He hums to himself, alongside Jim as the song continues to play in the background.
“You know what I could use?” He asks, loud enough to make sure El can definitely hear him. “Some ice cream.”
He hears sudden and excited shuffling from the backseat and smiles even wider as he waves his hand around out the window.
“Ice cream?”
“No.” Comes Jim’s voice, firm and sharp. Billy looks in the car’s side mirror and sees El deflate in the back of the seat.
“Seriously, think about it.” Billy continues. “Ice cream on top of some Eggos?” El perks up again, her tongue licking her lips quickly in excitement. “Some of that good vanilla ice cream too, with the little black specks in it?”
He looks over to Jim, who is gripping the steering wheel tighter, knuckles turning white.
“I already said no.” He grumbles.
“Y’know, we didn’t get any ice cream the last time we went shopping.” Billy can hear the smirk in his own voice. He chuckles when Jim turns down the wrong road, closer to the store.
“Or the store trip before.” El pipes up from the back. Billy points to her and gives her a thumbs up.
“Good point. Plus we have some of those cherries at home that we can put on top.”
Billy can picture them on the center shelf of their cabinet: those maraschino ones in the little jars. El had pleaded for them the last time they went shopping, because they’re sweet and sticky and she likes to put them on top of waffles and inside her glasses of water sometimes when Jim isn’t home. Billy had helped her get them, reasoning that they were practically fruit, even though Billy knew that was bullshit. They’re a semblance of fruit, sure, but as much fruit as something bathing in the most unnatural looking syrup can be. Even so, Jim had folded pretty easily.
“Ooh, cherries!”
Jim shakes his head. He’s not humming anymore.
But now El is hitting Jim’s shoulder, her little hand rapping furiously on it as she goes in for the kill: “Please, Dad?”
Billy can’t help the chuckle that bubbles up in his chest as he hears it. He joins in.
“Yeah Dad, please?”
And every time Billy’s mouth forms around that word, it feels less and less like alcohol-infused cotton on his mouth. Sometimes Billy says it without thinking, like when Jim is trying to make them dinner and Billy asks if he needs help, or when Jim’s on the couch helping El read and Billy needs to know where something is in the cabinets, or that one time he needed Jim to hold something for him as he fixed his Camaro. It always catches both of them off guard when it comes out naturally like that. But Jim never makes a big deal out of it, he just lets it float away through the air between them as he responds to whatever Billy has asked him.
But sometimes… he uses it to his advantage. And it works like a charm.
Because Billy isn’t imagining it when the breath leaves Jim’s chest quickly and his knuckles get whiter.
“Fine.” He says under his breath as they take another wrong turn away from their house and towards the store.
El cheers a bit and sits back, pleased. Billy is just as pleased, leaning back and tuning in once again to the song as it ends.
You don’t mess around with Slim…
And this time, Billy is the one humming along to the end of the chorus. His grin doesn’t fade.
Jim Hopper can grumble as much as he wants, but Vanilla Bean ice cream on top of 2 warm Eggos with Maraschino cherries on top was a marvelous idea and Billy thinks he should be rewarded. And he knows Jim is happy because he’s smiling every now and then inbetween bites.
After Billy helps wash the dishes, he looks to Jim with a smirk on his face. 
“Can’t mess around with Jim?” Billy asks.
But Jim just isn’t having it, tossing the towel he used to dry the dishes over to Billy.
“Go to bed, kid.”
“Yeah, yeah. Night, Dad.”
Billy doesn’t think as he says it, but his heart stops the second that it’s out there. He turns away as quick as he can, before he can see Jim’s face. His own face is burning and his heart is running as he walks to his room and shuts the door quickly.
The sound of an irritated Joyce reaches Billy’s ears from his spot on the couch, sitting in between Hopper and Steve.
Joyce stopped by on her way to the store to ask them if they needed anything, and then to check their kitchen when they ultimately said no. Billy has noticed that she likes to do this. It’s completely unnecessary and most definitely just an excuse to come see Hopper, but it makes Hopper smile and provides Billy some entertainment as the two adults trip over each other, so he chuckles through it. Little does she know they just went to the store a night ago.
Steve is over because Billy really wanted to suck his dick.
And the nerds are also meeting at the Wheeler’s house and Steve was already planning on coming to pick El up because Billy doesn’t want to spend more money on gas. But after they drop them off, Billy and Steve are going down to the quarry so they can listen to music and Billy can suck Steve’s dick to the rhythm of a Springsteen song.
But for right now, they’re waiting for El to get ready and Joyce must have just found the 3 ice cream cartons they just recently bought.
Hopper looks over to her like a deer in headlights. There’s a laugh threatening Billy’s chest but he can’t let Joyce see it, so he turns his head to Steve and chuckles into his neck. Steve immediately starts to push Billy away while squirming and whining about being ticklish.
“Hop, can you come here?” Joyce’s voice is all business. She’s clearly not happy.
Billy is pretty sure she set a deal with Hop once they started getting serious to stop keeping so much junk food around. She knows Jim doesn’t make fresh food for them hardly ever. It’s always frozen dinners or fast food. It was probably just fine for the Chief when he was a mess living alone, but now he’s a mess living with two minors, so… frozen dinners every night don’t necessarily cut it. When Billy started living here, he quickly realized he’d have to be the one to make something for the 3 of them that wasn’t freezer burned peas on a tray, if not for him and Hop, then at least for El. No matter how content she seems, Billy still thinks she deserves more than only TV dinners and freezer waffles.
So since Joyce can’t be here every night (except she could if they’d get married), she cut some deal with Jim to limit the junk food in the house so she would know they’re not just living off sugar. They can’t die of some weird sugar overdose if there’s no sugar in the house.
“Why are there 3 cartons of ice cream in your freezer?” Joyce hisses at Jim. Billy can just hear it from his spot pressed against Steve. He fights hard not to snort, so he bites Steve’s shoulder instead.
“Hey!” Steve yelps, wriggling and trying to brush Billy off.
Billy shifts his eyes over to Hopper when he doesn’t hear the man say anything and notices the man flailing, mouth gaping like a fish as he struggles to bite out some words that might explain himself. It’s then that El walks into the room, a skip in her step and a bright smile on her face, showing she’s ready to go.
Billy gets up along with Steve to meet her at the door when he hears Jim reason with Joyce on a loud whisper.
“They called me dad.” He hisses.
The two kids glance at the adults, who are now looking back at them with wide eyes of shock.
Billy looks to El, sharing a glance of knowing mischief with her, before they give sweet, twin smiles to the adults in response.
A flustered blush begins to color both of the adults’ faces.
Billy gives El a victorious high five.
“Ready to go, kiddo?” Steve asks from behind Billy.
El nods, and waves to Hopper.
“Catch ya later, dad.”
As soon as the words are out in the air, Billy is frozen. Because those words didn’t come from El, who is currently opening the door and skipping out to Steve’s car.
“Hey, babe,” Steve starts, arm out to hold the door open for Billy. “When did you start calling Hop ‘dad’?”
Billy’s going to have a heart attack. He looks over to Jim, who looks like his face is seizing from trying so hard to force down his smile.
Goddamnit. Billy’s chest is too warm.
“Just get in the car, Harrington.” Billy mumbles under his breath, pushing his stupid boyfriend out the door and letting the air cool down his burning face.
(catch it on AO3 here!)
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clonecaptains · 4 years
do yall have any hopper songs? like songs that make you think of him or maybe songs you think he’d listen to? im trying to make a playlist and i have 4 songs lol 
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tmngoose · 4 years
Nice Words: a Turtle Tots Drabble
Based on my headcanon. I’m sure there’s some errors, but w/e. It’s almost 3am :A!  1,632 word count. G-Rated. Tags include: sibling squabbles, sad feelings, happy endings, and hurt/comfort? Read it under the cut! (Once I get my Ao3 up and running it’s all over for y’all) :U
It was late in the afternoon when Splinter had finished making himself a cup of tea. As he placed Ol' Skelly back onto the stovetop, his ears pricked towards the kitchen's entrance, where he could distinctly hear the pitter-patter of feet tottering down the hallway, followed by a series of sharp whispers.  "Boys," Splinter addressed, "Didn't I tell you four that you could only have your snacks after you tidied up your bedrooms?" It wouldn't have been the first time his turtle-children attempted to sneak into the snack cabinet and reward themselves for a job half-done.  "U-Um, actually, it's just us three," Mikey answered meekly.   Splinter raised a brow, "Three?" He turned around and spotted Raph, Leo, and Mikey huddled together in the doorway, their expressions mixed. "Where's Purple?"  Raph pushed Leo forward, earning a scowl from his younger brother, "Leo and Donnie were fighting again, and then Donnie ran off somewhere!"  "Tattle-tale," Leo grumbled, folding his arms with a huff. Splinter sighed, "Blue? I thought we talked about using our nice words towards each other?" He knelt before Leo, who fidgeted under his father's attention.  "But I did!" Leo's passionate claim wavered. He guiltily stared down at his feet, "Well, I mean, I did at first. But he started it!" The slider's fire returned, only quelled by Splinter, who pressed a finger up to his mouth. "That's not important," Splinter said, "What's important now is finding your brother and setting things right."  "But, we looked everywhere for him!" Mikey whimpered, tears threatening to spill from his watery eyes.  Raph began counting off on his fingers, "We searched the bathroom, all of our bedrooms and the living room! I even looked inside your chair!"   "I still think he could've flushed himself down the toilet," Leo mumbled to himself, earning another look of disapproval from Splinter.  "Then, it sounds like you three have a lot of backtracking to do!" Splinter patted Mikey's shell and took a moment to dry the box turtle's tears with his sleeve. "But worry not, my sons, for I will help you."                                                                -x- What Splinter had promised was a half-truth. While his boys double-checked their bedrooms, Splinter took his cup of tea into the living room. He could keep an eye out for Donnie while also keeping an eye on his favorite TV show.      Splinter shook his head upon discovering the state of disarray the living room was left in from Raph, Leo, and Mikey’s frantic search for Donnie. He decided he'd make the boys sort out the rest of the living room after supper. Splinter fixed the cushions of his armchair, made himself comfortable, sipped his tea, and then twirled the remote control between his fingers. Splinter's thumb hovered over the power button. Just before he could click it, there came a strange sound from close-by. Sniffle...  It was a soft, sad sound that made Splinter's ears twitch. He listened carefully and heard nothing. He shrugged, pointed the remote at the projector screen, and- Sniff... sniffle...  - there it was again! If Splinter was right, the noise was coming from beneath him? He slid out of his seat and checked underneath the armchair.  "Purple?" Splinter blinked. "What are you doing under there?" Donnie turned away from Splinter, burrowing further into his hoodie until he eventually disappeared into his shell. He sniffled again, and Splinter frowned.  "Surely, you can't be comfy down there?" Splinter held out his hand. "Why not come out and join me? We can watch Scorpion Treadmill together!" Splinter only needed to wait a few more seconds before he felt Donnie's hand lightly take ahold of his own. Splinter's fingers curled around the tiny hand and carefully helped Donnie out from under the recliner.  Splinter kept his word. He plopped back down in his seat and placed Donnie on his lap, who was still tucked inside his shell. Splinter turned on the TV and sipped his tea once more, setting the cup and saucer down on Donnie's back.  By the time the first commercial break came on, Donnie finally spoke up from within his shell, "Leo said he wished Laceface was his brother instead of me."  Splinter looked down at Donnie and lowered the volume on the TV, "Laceface? Oh! You mean the football you boys are always breaking things with? Now, why would Blue say something like that?"   "Because he's a big meanie," Donnie murmured sourly. "Now, Purple. What did we say about using our nice words towards each other?"  "Well, he is!" Donnie's head popped out of his shell, his eyes puffy from crying. "Me 'n Mikey were playing Jupiter Jim when Leo and Raph crashed our game with their stupid Sports Ball game!"  "Uh-huh," Splinter nodded, sipping his tea.  "And then Leo's trick pass caused Raph to break our moon buggy!"   "You don't say?"   "So I told Leo he owed us a new moon buggy, but he said it wasn't his fault our moon buggy broke so easily cuz it's cardboard! So then I said to him that it was his fault because it was his dum-dum trick pass that caused Raph to break our moon buggy in the first place! And then Leo said his trick pass wasn't dumb, and that I was the dumb one!"  Donnie went on. Splinter could see where all this was going. Indeed, it was a messy situation, though thankfully, he knew of a way to fix it. When Donnie finished recounting his side of the story, the young turtle was just as hurt when he had first hid under Splinter's armchair. Donnie lifted his glasses out of the way so he could wipe his eyes and swallowed the sob caught in his throat.   "Who am I kidding?" Donnie's shoulders sagged with defeat. "They'd probably care more about Laceface than me." Splinter began rubbing Donnie's back, hoping to calm him down, "You know that's not true. Your brothers care very much about you, including Blue!"  "Nuh-uh," Donnie shook his head in disbelief.  "Yuh-huh," Splinter answered, "Why, surely you must've heard them tearing this room apart while they were looking for you?"  "Well, yeah..." "Did you know they're still looking for you?" Splinter continued, "Why, they've been so worried about you!" "R-Really?"  "Really," Splinter petted the top of Donnie's head.  "Even Leo?" "Only one way to find out," Splinter cleared his throat, "BOYS!"  Splinter's bellow echoed off the walls of the lair. Donnie could hear his siblings clumsily stumble over each other as they piled into the living room, though none of them dared to approach Splinter's armchair, and with good reason too: they still hadn't found Donnie.  "Yeah, Pops?" Raph asked hesitantly. "Have you boys found Purple yet?" Splinter winked down at Donnie and signaled for him to stay quiet. Donnie, unsure of what Splinter was scheming, obediently covered his mouth with both of his hands.   "Um, n-no, not yet," Mikey spoke up with a sad tremor in his throat.   "Oh, that's too bad," Splinter lamented, "I suppose I will have to find you a new brother, huh? Maybe that football you boys love so much?" He mused aloud.  "What?!" Raph gasped, "Replace Donnie?!"  "With Laceface?!" Leo sounded just as upset as Raph and Mikey, which surprised Donnie. "You can't do that!" Leo protested.  "Why not?" Splinter questioned. "Didn't you say you'd rather have Laceface as your brother anyway?"   "W-Well, yeah, but... b-but...," Leo grew quiet, and then burst out crying; the weight of his guilt finally crashing down on him. "I don't want a football for a brother!! I d-didn't mean it when I said that!  I want Donnie for a brother-," Leo's hiccuping stopped abruptly, "-wait a sec, how did you know I said that to Donnie?" "Because he told me," Splinter replied cheekily and held Donnie out over the side of his armchair for his brothers to see.   "Donnie!!" Leo, Raph, and Mikey ran towards the soft-shell and tackled him out of Splinter's hands. They smothered Donnie in a great big heap on the floor; one could barely spot the soft-shell within the mess of arms as his brothers nuzzled him.  At first, Donnie was uncomfortable. The hug was suffocating and almost unbearable until he noticed how happy and relieved his brothers were to have found him: including Leo.   "I'm sorry, Donnie," apologized Leo, "I never meant any of it, honest!"  "And I'm sorry too," Donnie gritted out, "B-but maybe you guys could st-stop squeezing me? M-My oxygen levels..." He squeaked helplessly. Splinter smiled, satisfied with their touching reunion, "I hope you all learned a valuable lesson today."   "We sure did!" Raph beamed, "Donnie's the best at hide-and-seek!"  "What? No!" Splinter shook his head, "Well, maybe, but that's not it! Sometimes, when we're angry, we say things to each other that we do not mean. That is why it is super-duper important to always use our nice words towards each other!"   To the four turtle tots, their father spoke words of wisdom. Their eyes glistened in awe and respect.  "Now then!" Splinter's tender fatherly disposition suddenly turned agitated and firm, "Why were you boys playing Jupiter Jim and Sports Ball in the first place?! Didn't I tell you to clean your rooms before my shows started?!"  The turtle brothers yelped and scrambled out of the living room before Splinter could punish any of them.  "Quick, Donnie!" Raph cried out, "Tell us your secret ways of hide-and-seek!" He held Donnie high above his head, leading the gang to his bedroom. "Yeah!" Leo agreed, "Dad can't punish us if he can't find us!"  The turtle tots giggled and shrieked as they carried on their mischief elsewhere within the lair. Splinter shook his head. He reached for his tea and found that the last few sips had gone cold. Though that hardly mattered, for the laughter of his children warmed him all the same. 
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mlobsters · 3 months
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supernatural s14e10 nihilism (w. steve yockey)
was thinking about this yesterday, how crowley popped in to cas when lucifer had him locked up, and how they might try to manage something like that for dean
is that pam?? ugh i really liked her. wish she could have stuck around. weird how hrm. having feelings about this idea that sam and dean could even have something like this bar. like, an established place for them that wasn't underground in this weird sterile bougie bunker, but something that actually fits them. be up and around people, even if they're still hunting. so is this supposed to be like the djinn format, where it's taking his dream and trapping him?
DEAN How come you always have a boyfriend? PAMELA How come you only want what you can't have? DEAN Whoa. PAMELA Besides, you don't want me. You just like to flirt. I'm a psychic, so I kinda know.
cute and legit
the unfortunate monster teeth on this vampire made it so it's very obviously adr'd in when he's talking. maybe go back to just the occasional flashing of fangs with cg, guys 🥴
SAM Billie -- uh, uh, Death assigned a reaper to keep an eye on Dean and me. Her name is Jessica, and she is always -- WOMAN Hello. SAM Where's Jessica? WOMAN Well, my name's Violet. It's my shift. We have shifts now, because you mess up so, so many things.
cute and legit x2
SAM Okay, look, sorry, but we're stuck, okay? And Death owes us one after we fixed that whole Rowena thing. You know about that, right? VIOLET Oh, yes, the Rowena thing you started.
not sure i know about it though (have to consult the wiki) :S oh god, right. when rowena was trying to get crowley back. the great characterization flip flops of crowley, rowena and ketch
SAM Okay, listen. Back when Gadreel possessed me, he -- he created, uh, I don't know, like a -- like a fake world inside my head. But Crowley was able to force his way in, he showed me how to take control, and I drove the angel out.
oh, wait. did crowley do that twice? apparently so. i very distinctly remembered cas watching tv while crowley was trying to get him to cooperate lol. forgot he got in there for gadreel too
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MICHAEL Yes, uh, put a chair against the door. That'll help. Nothing's changed. Either my monsters get here, or I break these chains. But tonight...everybody dies. And, Sam? The last thing you'll see is this pretty smile...as I rip you apart.
he's giving me keanu vibes again with his speaking voice/cadence as michael
SAM It's the, uh, messed up British Men of Letters thing they used to get inside people's heads. I figure if I can get in, maybe I can wake Dean up, get him to fight, you know, to force Michael out.
we're just gonna bring up a million things i have basically zero recollection of. ah yes, the thing that enabled the conversation with brainwashed-mary where dean told her that he had to be sam's mother, father, and brother. the conversation, i remember. context? nada
well i was asking where all the apocalypse world people and there they are. not sure why they're putting maggie at point of this operation but okay. we don't know anyone else and jim beaver isn't in this episode? lol
michael's daddy issues putting everyone's to shame. burn the multiverse to the ground
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CASTIEL So much trauma in Dean's mind. So many scars. SAM Well, yeah. Dean's been through a lot, but he's strong. CASTIEL Sam...you've both been through a lot, and Dean is more than strong. What I meant was, if I knew...if I knew what I was looking for, I could just -- I could simply go to it. But because Michael has Dean trapped away, drowning, I have to wade through all of Dean's most terrible memories. SAM Cass, wait a second. Would Michael bury Dean in trauma? CASTIEL What do you mean? SAM I mean, Michael said it himself. The reason he left Dean in the first place was because Dean was fighting back so hard. CASTIEL So, if Michael wanted to keep Dean placated... SAM Dean thrives on trauma. I mean, he's had to his whole life, right? It keeps him alert, keeps him ready, but if I wanted to distract Dean, I-I... I'd give him something he's never had before. CASTIEL Contentment.
haha 🥲
this browsing through dean's traumatic and good memories, someone very nicely has them identified to episodes on the wiki
MICHAEL You don't mean that, Dean, not really. You may lie to them, but, deep down, I know you. I am you. You only tolerate the angel because you think you owe him, because he "gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition." Or whatever. But since then, what has he done? Only made mistakes, one after the other.
he kind of mocked cas's voice there and it's funny to me how he couldn't really pull it off in the way like.. if pellegrino did that line, totally would have worked. but to me, jackles's michael it just wasn't really hitting the right note :p
MICHEL And, Sam -- oh, Sam... You know, Dean was his happiest when you quit hunting, leaving him with your dad, just the two of them. See, deep down, he knows that you will always abandon him, again and again.
feels like it's been a long time since we thought about dean's insecurity over sam leaving. maybe like when sam found out about gadreel? i dunno. anyway. obviously just trying to get a rise out of him but i think these days they're pretty secure with each other in that respect.
glad they clarified via lecture from cas that jack used the soul magic to invoke the angel powers to zap the monsters because i didn't get that
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locking michael in the fridge in your mind is going well i see
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well of all the rehabbed characters, i'm glad for billie. since her hatred of them never really made much sense anyway
DEAN Rescuing Mom and Jack, helping out those other folks -- I'd say it was worth it. BILLIE And just look at you now. Do you remember visiting my reading room? The shelves and shelves of notebooks describing the ways you might die? DEAN Yeah. Upbeat classics. BILLIE Well, it's the funniest thing, but they've all been rewritten. They all end the same way now -- with the archangel Michael escaping your mind and using you as his vessel to burn down this world. DEAN All of them? BILLIE All of them. Except one.
is it a picture of rebar. is it some suicidal bullshit? hmm. get stabbed by lucifer wielding the archangel blade?
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el-dibidibidorado1 · 6 years
Untamed pt.2
Summery: Y/n works at Tom's Diner as a waitress, but what happens when one of her co workers saves her life.
A/n: Well I really have nothing to say but to enjoy this new chapter. It was really tough to write, but if there is any problems or concerns please, pretty please message me and i will do my best to fix it. BYE BYE BYE!!!
Warnings: Language 
Parings: Bucky x Y/n 
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"Y/n it is 8! You are going to be late!"
"I'm going!" My day off went over my head fast that the sandman never arrived at my house. Honestly, i just spent them staring at the wrapped Adam presents that I got for him for Christmas. I can't return them, can i?
"Y/n!" My brother yelled at me and his Bigfoot feet stomped upstairs. He blew open my door and began pulling me out.
"Come On! I'm going to be late!"
"Shut up! " I take my arm out of his grasp and kiss my mother goodbye.
"Edward! Kiss your mother goodbye!" She yells.
Ed runs and gives her a quick kiss and runs out. The both of us sigh with the fact that he's going to come home intoxicated or high. And the thing that troubled me is that my mom is going to attend to his needs. I finally lost my last nerve and was ready to explode.
"You are a piece of shit" I muttered as I got in the car. He turned to look at me with serious look.
"Almost every fucking night you go out to get high or drunk!" I disclosed without hesitation.
"That is my business, not yours."
"It is my business."
"It's not"
"It is. Mom has been taking care of you every time you come home from your night out. You don't even help her or say ‘i appreciate you taking care of me’.  You just come home shit faced Ed and she sacrificed another night for you " I felt the tears coming, and I hated it. I hate that I cry every time I get all emotional. I fucking despise it!
"Just take me to Tom's. I'm going to be late." He might be the oldest one but he acts like child. The conversation never proceeded, and I am glad it didn't. I wouldn't be able to control my mouth if it did. I love him, but he has made many mistakes, a bit more than me. Every one makes mistakes, but Maybe, that is our thing, we both make mistakes for a living.
We arrive and I open to get out when he grabbed me into a bone crushing hug. As my anger took a hike, I was going to hug him back he pushed me out, closed the door and speed off. Oh God, please help him.
I take a few breathers and walk into the Diner taking off my coat and beanie. The Diner was practically empty. Which I didn't mind, at all! Less people to communicate with.
"Hey girl" I felt a light slap on my butt. Rosie.
"Hey craziness" I began cleaning the tables.
"Why you mad again?" She questioned while fixing he lipstick.
"I'm not mad."
"Your face is screwed up like you're mad."
"I'm perturbed, not mad" I put the rag down and looked at her. And she looked at me. Then it became a little staring contest. Which I guess that I won?
"You still look mad" she broke the stare and continues fixing her lips.
"You wanna talk about it?" She put down her lipstick and took out her miniature hair spray. Where the fuck does she hide all of this?
"No. What's the point. I'm just going to become a crying mess like always and Tom is going to have to get all...Blagh and I don't want to deal with it today."
"All 'Blagh'?" She tried to hold back a laugh.
"You know what I mean!" I throw her the wet rag. That's when I notice that it began soaking her hair and face. I really didn't squeeze all of the water out, did i? I stealthily began to move to the back room to hide. A loud sigh and chuckle came out of her as she began looking for me. I try to hide in the spice closet which was next to the dish washer. Look, I'm a bit chunky so I can't hide in small places. Also, the lay out of the diner was peculiar. So...yeah.
"Where are you, you bitch?" She demanded.
"I just finished fixing my hair and lips! Then ya throw your filthy rag at me?" She got closer to the closet and I push myself farther away from the opening. My nerves are going silly, when Tom, ‘my savior’ called her. Thank you Tom! I wasn't going to get the end of it. I lean back and let the moment pass with a quiet laughter. Then my mind began to ramble on about Ed. No, no, no Y/n. You need to concentrate on work. And making Rosie go nuts with her hair. I laugh once more and slowly come out, when I get startled and scream. God it was the cleaning guy. I guess that I startled him that he jumped, but also winced. We both looked down and found a kitchen knife in his hand.
"Oh God!" I rush over and start to panic waving my hands in the air. He slowly takes out the knife and I began to lose it even more. I scramble to get the First Aid and bring him to the sink
"Come here" my voice quaked. I turn on the faucet and slowly take his hand under the water. I expected him to flinch but he didn't. I quickly glance at him and he gives me a small grin and it makes me calm down.
"I'm so sorry" I said while i was letting the water wipe away all of the blood. I slowly run my thumb over the wound to take away all of the dirt and a sticky substance was on his hands. It wasn't from here, it was like syrup or something.
"Luckily it wasn't a deep cut. You'll live, but if the bleeding doesn't stop ask Jim or Tom to take you to the hospital" God his hand is beautiful.
"Thank you" he whispers and it brought a small smile to my face.
"Anytime. I'm sorry again and I never caught your name. Tom Isn't really a good introduces." I asked while I drying his hand.
"Bucky. Bucky Barnes" he quickly said. I guess he doesn't like to talk. Keep it minimal Y/n. I grabbed the ointment and gently placed some on the wound. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
"Well Bucky, I was wondering what this syrup on your hands is?" I asked quietly. Could help yourself, huh? My nerves get to me and I become a chatter box or completely mute.
"Pine trees. I work where they sell pine trees for Christmas." I looked at him and he had the most angelic ocean blue eyes that I have ever seen. My face became heated and I looked for the bandage. Turning around looking for them like a lost child looking for its guardian. Where are they? I looked on the floor, sink, pocket and they just magically disappear. Where in the hell is it!? I just had it! This is so embarrassing, I just had it! After a few minutes of self-war his left hand came to view with the bandage. He seemed to read my mind or did he just hide them from me? I glanced at him and took them. That's when I notice his left hand had a glove on.
"What's with the glove?" I question and ended up regretting it. Shut up, pleeeeeeease. Why would you ask that!? Why? Why?! WHY?! look darlin he's cute and shit but-but- why?! Just w-
"I don't know, i just like it" he chuckled.
"You don't like them? The pine trees." He was now talking more which made me feel better.
"Oh I love them. You know you smell like a pine tree."
"You don't like the smell or?"
"I love the smell the most. I could just stick a star on your head by how heavenly you smell" YOU FUCKING CREEP. WHY? WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT? He just chuckled as I tormented myself.
"Do you have one?" I nodded and finally finished wrapping the bandage.
"Why?" He softly touched the bandage.
"We got this stupid artificial tree. Which I completely HATE. I just wish i could throw the fake away and bring back the real one." I said while putting away the first aid.
"Well, all done. Just make sure to check on it." I rub my hands together.
" We should head back to work" he says. I nod and go find Rosie or Caroline.
Really Barnes?! We should head back to work?! You could have talked to her a bit more about- about- um- ab-about something. You just told her to piss off. I mentally battle myself and bang my hand on the counter making me hiss. 
“‘Bucky clean table 7!” Tom shouted. i grabbed the gray dish container and began heading out, when I see her talking to Rosie.
"Babe?" She hums.
"Why don't you go, give them a piece of your mind?"
"Me?" She had this annoyed look. I put the container on the next table and notice what Rosie was speaking of. Two guys at the cigarette machines kept of hitting and cursing at it, as it swallowed its change. I began cleaning as she came up and asked politely to quit hitting the machine.
"Is it your machine?" The taller one had a siut under his brown coat and short greasy hair. While the short one was bald and has some random jacket with a long sleeve shirt and jeans.
"As a matter of fact, it is. So would you please stop hitting it" her voice was stern as they kicked it one more.
"Is that so?" The short one said and she dangles the keys in front of her. She unlocks the door and pulls the lever to release the one that got stuck and hands it to them.
"This isn't the right one" the taller one says and began to hold in a laugh. I began to get angry.
"Which one?" Her jaw clenched.
"Marlboro" she takes out the package and hands it to them.
"Lights" she sighs and hands him another. I clenched my fist.
"Sorry, sweets menthol" her jaw clenched again and she takes the last package out and they gladly accept them. I feel and hear my arm began to shift and once more do Steve's exercise.
"Thanks" she closed the machine and gives Rosie the keys and the other packages.
"Bucky. What's a matter? Come on, I don't pay you to stand around." Tom clapped his hands infront of my face and I deep inside wanted to punch him. Hold it in Bucky. Just like Steve taught you. I close my eyes and began taking deep breaths.
When I open my eyes both of the guys are on the table next to me. Annoyed, I finish the table and move to the next.
"How may I help you?" Mary asked them.
"Yes. We would like Y/n to wait us" soon as I heard that I slammed my left hand on the table making a huge smack.
"Hey man, you okay over there?" I hear Jim ask. I nod my head and look at the table. Desultory I remove my hand and notice a dent in the table.
"What do you need?" Y/n mellifluous voice reeled me to her.
"How have you been Y/n" the short one asked untoward.
"Do I know you two?" She snapped.
"Don't you remember us? From Tiny Tess party? Halloween? You dressed up as a.....a....you know."
"An Superhero" she mumbled.
"Right a superhero. Well I am Shawn And this here is Howard" the short one introduced themselves.
"Well are you guys going to order or?" She asked impatiently.
"Just two burgers with a milkshake, darlin" he winked and she walked away. There eyes never left her and it bugged the hell out of me. So i followed their sight and they were looking at Y/n' s body. My hand clenched even more that I felt blood leak through.
"Bucky?" I turned to be faced with Y/n. My anger relaxed. How long have I been staring at them? I'm not blacking out again, am i?
"Your hand" she gently holds it and brings me to the nearest faucet. I take in all of her facial expressions, her peach scent, her big e/c eyes and her beautiful lips. She unwrapped the bandage and once again she gently holds it under the faucet.
"Be careful. It's not bleeding as much, so that's g-"
"Table three!" She huffed and looked at me.
"Duty calls. Rosie can you bandage him up. Please" Rosie comes and Y/n washes her hands to go get the food.
"Bunch of jerks, huh" Rosie says. I grunt and look back at Y/n as she takes the food to them.
"She's a tough cookie. She can handle it." She finished the bandage and continues refilling the salt shakers. I still kept my eye on her. Just to be safe.
"I'm going home" I told Rosie as I put on my coat and hat.
"Bye baby" Rosie dances over to me and I can't help but laugh.
"Come On girl. Sing with me before you leave" grabbing the bag out of my hands and began moving her hips.
"No" I laughed louder. Midi, Maxi& Efti- Bad bad boys began playing in the background.
"~Bad bad boys come with me, come with me~" she put her hands on my hips and violently moved them back and forth. Now I was crying because of my laughter. I swatted her hands away and grabbed my bag and left.
Looking at my watch it said 3 am. ~Ooohhh the haunting hour~ I laugh by myself. Ah man I'm so lame. I'm half ways my walk home when an old beat up car violently stops next to me. Frighten, i began to walk quicker. The car reverses and I finally see who it is. Those two jackasses from the diner. Fuck me.
Tags: @tnupsweetpie
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rcyharper · 5 years
I have zero authority over the show so I don't know anything about the future. But it seems like the YJ crew don't really take inspiration from the N52, unlike the movies. The closest we got is maybe some of Dick's tech feel Spyral inspired (never read Grayson so I'll take other fans word for it). Will is obviously close to Dick and he and Jim have no reason to interact w/Jason. Shoot Will probably never even interacted w/Jason during the 5yr time skip since he was hunting for Roy. Roy -
2 himself, despite his understandable anger issues in S2, doesn't strike me as a Outlaw type either. If anything YJ keeps proving he's too heroic at heart despite all the trauma of being kidnapped, cloned and disarmed. He still managed to overcome his ptsd enough to connect with people and fight as a hero again. As far as heroes go, Jason will probably only interact w/the batfamily. Bruce, Dick and Bab's being the only bats who knew and were closest to him (Greg did state Jason and Dick -
3 had been close. Which explains why Dick was the first thing Jason remembered). Also Tim since S2 did imply Tim felt impacted by Jason's legacy. Depending on how it goes the show could have them be antagonistic if Jason is messed up enough to take out his anger on Tim like in comics. But yeah if Jason interacts w/a Arrow character, maybe he could meet Emiko? She could somehow be involved in the LoS thanks to her background through Shado? Or however YJ decides to mix things up.
Well, they’re definitely taking some inspiration from the post-New 52 era, with the Spyral stuff (DCYou) and Detective Comics Rebirth apparently playing some inspiration, but hopefully they don’t take any inspiration when it comes to Roy from that era lol. and yeah, Will barely interacted with anyone other than Jade during those 5 years, so he definitely has no history with him at all. Same goes for Roy.
And definitely, while Roy seems to be one to wanna go the loud route, he definitely seems to have cooled down from his initial anger in S2. I’m hoping he rejoins the team, since he was part of the design sheets there, so I definitely think he’ll be around somewhere at least. And yeah, Jason this season will likely be Batfamily focus, doesn’t make much sense to interact with others tbh. I’m not sure what he was like when he was on the team and who he was close to, but it’s obvious that Dick, Tim, and Bruce are the ones they’ll be focusing on when it comes to him this season.
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
The city empty devoid of life cloning haulted lives shattered by cloning in the first place no jobs no health no lives only a mill to work in making things for ppl with money, before emptying. Tons too s and not clines don't nated, huge piles of them tonight, giant piles of the idiot.
He's a hateful mean slib we want him dead need him not. Out tonight we flatten his again. Level here lighter when they are gone
Huge pires tonight partially lit for light other than that a solid munching.
We grew here lots changed his mind ate tons huge soews of hatred here tons gone no hope we hit.
Clones too suck as ppl you know some they talk down to you constantly and hiss and are smart Alec's then silent shrinks shrink make morons, old hat no.
They ruined society all these clones made a mess of most things walk about picking on ppl pushing them around hating slopping piles of work on to push them out.
We feast it shuts down the ugly aholes dwindle. Huge stocks of food ours gigantic loads of wheat and more shipped already tons die here now. I'm ok jim
Keerigan I need you in one piece and your Thanos
No I'm here in baton rouge the sign down you say remember Milan rogue so I do and get it hell. Tons of hell. Thor said certain areas we build back. But it's creepy the way you say it. We will all abandon this planet and be well with it build our non gambling Vegas and have great fun I'm no mascicidt nor you, nope we aren't it's for no man nor animal it's what these do
We leave then when approved somehow
Yes I hear you they think I leave w this ship.
Not really it left Rio areas near hardly felt it, a few whomps that's all
Whops Raphael laughs what??? Lk cork lol he's not fast at all Raphael laughs
We will be fine Jim ok.
Ok thank you
And thank you
Hera Zues
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
Don’t Mess Around w/ Jim
Hopper in S3 was a little loony, i will admit, but I really really like the Jim Croce song You Don’t Mess Around with Jim and I just??? like to think about Jim driving Billy and El home from hanging out at the Byers home (bc Jim is seeing Joyce but they’re not married yet) and the song You Don’t Mess Around with Jim comes on and Hop is singing it and after that first chorus Billy looks over at him and says: “That’s pretty cocky.” with a scoff for good measure
and Hop all but guffaws, looking at Billy with “That’s real rich coming from you.”
Billy just laughs and shakes his head.
Hop: “What, do you think the song is wrong?”
and Billy, with the biggest shit eating grin on his face that you can imagine, looks out the window and says real loud: “You know what I could use? Some ice cream.”
and El is at attention RIGHT away.
and Hop is adamant about no ice cream but Billy is pressing real hard, talking about ice cream on top of Eggos, like that “real nice vanilla bean ice cream with the little black specks in it” and El is hitting Hop’s shoulder and goes: “Please Dad?”
and Billy chuckles and turns to Jim and goes: “Yeah Dad, please?”
and when Hop finally caves bc his kids calling him Dad makes him a pushover, it’s Billy who’s humming that little part at the end of the chorus, more than smug w/ himself
and that’s how there’s about 3 cartons of ice cream in Jim’s freezer now even though he promised Joyce he wouldn’t buy anymore bc his kids already eat enough junk anyway. and when Joyce gives Jim a look that demands he explain, he just gestures in the direction of the kids and whispers “they called me Dad!”
(and i dunno how accurate/realistic it is for Billy to mess around w/ a father figure like that OR to call Jim dad but boy I’m  s o f t  for Billy feeling comfortable enough w/ Jim to be that way w/ him ((after having lived together for like a year probably)) bc Billy is a little shit still but only about small things like this and Hop is mildly irritated but he loves the damn kid and so yeah those are my thoughts)
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