#emo boyfriends are canon
Camp/Underworld Quotes #6
Koiyan, making exotic wines and meads: Be the wine experimenter they said. It'll be fun they said.
Cory, helping them bottle the wines: Wtf is a star fruit?
Koiyan, done with their pale white ass not knowing 90% of the exotic fruits they know: Questions later, bottling now.
Dionysus, seeing Koiyan make wines with ease: ...Are you sure you're not my child?
Koiyan, making rice wine on the roof: It's just the Vietnamese in me.
Other kids, getting wasted easily, looking at Koiyan: How come you're not a Dionysus kid and not drunk at this point?
Koiyan, been drinking since she was 2 years old: Experience
Other kids: How?
Koiyan: Vietnam has no legal drinking age. Kids start drinking usually at 10-12 there. My mortal step-father did.
Cory: Why rice wine?
Koiyan, taste testing the rice wine: It's what my area of Vietnam is known for.
Koiyan: When I die I want Cory to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time.
Zagreus: I'm gonna get my pilot's license. I've already got a driver's license and a cosmetology license, that's two of the big five licenses.
Koiyan: The big five licenses?
Zagreus: Driver's license, cosmetology license, pilot's license, fishing license, and… license to kill! I can't wait to get that one.
Zagreus, helping Thanatos dispose the bodies Koiyan made: You stole my Adamant Rail for this.
Koiyan: The alters wanted violence and Ares told us to help with the war.
Zagreus: What state do you live in?
Thanatos: Constant anxiety.
Cory: Denial.
Koiyan: Perfection.
Cyrilla, pointing to all of the camp: NEW YORK! WE'RE ALL IN NEW YORK LONG ISLAND.
Koiyan: I’ve become a bread crumb dealer to four crows at the lake. They pay me with a bit of everything. Like shiny things, fabric, or pens. But recently they paid me with a 20 dollar bill they found somewhere. So I decided to buy them some more expensive bread. They loved it. So they understand what to do. Give me money. I’ve probably racked up about 200 dollars at this point. Is it morally wrong though, I mean. They’re the ones who steal the money from others. Or perhaps they just have a big pile laying somewhere. Should I keep on doing this?
Cory: You sound like the start of a Batman villain.
Koiyan, now being flocked by crows: More like the crazy bird lady from Home Alone 2
Koiyan: I think you're still suffering the effects of your party last night.
Nico: All I drank was Redbull!
Koiyan: How many?
Nico: Eighteen.
Koiyan: I'm getting Will-
Cyrilla: Whose turn is it to give the pep-talk before capture the flag?
Koiyan: *sighing* Zagreus.
Zagreus, now hanging around camp and is now a camp counselor: Fuck shit up out there, but don’t die.
Cory: *wiping away a tear* So inspirational.
Cyrilla: *is hugging Koiyan*
Thanatos: Hey! It's my turn to hug Koiyan!
Thanatos: *grabs Koiyan*
Zagreus: *kicking down the door* What do you mean, "yOuR tUrN"? We agreed now is my time slot!
Cyrilla: No, It's still my turn!
Koiyan: *suffocating* Guys, I love you, but just because I'm the smallest doesn't mean you can be hugging me constantly!
Thanatos: But we need the moral support!
Cyrilla: And you're small! Which is cute!
Zagreus: If I don't hug you right now I think the depression will kick in and my body will stop functioning.
Koiyan: *close to tears* Well- I, I guess.
Koiyan, at the slightest provocation: I came into this earth screaming and covered in someone else's blood and and I'm not afraid to leave the same way.
Zagreus, knowing its her cycle: Want chocolate?
Koiyan, about to cry: Yes please.
Koiyan: *Plays Slender: The Eight Pages*
Koiyan, the only Asian in the group: *Jumps back* OH SHIT, IT'S A WHITE GUY!!!
Cyrilla: Do you mean me?
Koiyan: Not this time
Koiyan, to Cory: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Cory: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Koiyan: You just told me you're pregnant.
Thanatos: Congratulations Cory, you're glowing!
Cyrilla: Who's the unlucky guy?
Koiyan: Estoy rodeado de idiotas (I am surrounded by idiots)
Cory: Where's Zagreus?
Koiyan: Don't worry, I'll find them.
Koiyan, shouting: Thanatos sucks!
Zagreus, distantly: Thanatos is the best person ever! Fuck you!
Koiyan: Found them.
Thanatos, tearing up: Babe...
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My child is avoiding me like the plague. 😔
I wouldn't if you and dad did the things NOT AT THE DINING TABLE. IN FRONT OF MY UDON. -Asaki🖤
I did not raise you to be a party pooper.
And I did not want to be your child./j-Asaki🖤
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Salutations, the beings of Tumblr.
I am Asaki, Granddaughter of Hades, Persephone, and Nyx.
Goddess of murder and souls
My parents are Zagreus and Thanatos
No I am not a demigod.
I will occasionally pop by camp with my three headed hell cat, Purberus/Purby.
Can and will steal your life force and soul don't disrespect me.
@zagreus-god-of-blood-rebirths one of my dads
@thanatos-greek-grim-reaper my other dad
@koiyan-hades-kid-with-a-system AUNTIIIEEE💙💙💙💙💙
I wish thee fulfilling lifes
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lazycranberrydoodles · 7 months
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follow to put more gods into cute outfits 🌸
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fcthots · 9 months
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sqlmn · 1 month
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by the power of modern day AU, I am delighted to announce that Fulj can have a girlfriend ! I haven't named her yet but have a few in mind so ... soon (TM). She is the one that she loved in canon before the whole memory wipe and as you can see, penchant for black, black hair, brown eyes, and prone to weird statements. Perfect balance to Deacon's weird questions.
HOWEVER ! I mentioned the problem of Deacon still having facial blindness to someone and how there is no glow from the deities for him to identify them. And her solution is the funniest thing ever so I have to do it. He identifies people by smell. So when he is in the same room as Ymber and Oh when they first cross paths, he doesn't really think about it. But later when he sees Ymber alone and gets the same kinda scent, same cologne or something, he knows that's not the taller guy therefore that's his scent ! Perfect!
So... unfortunately.... Deacon really can't beat the weirdness allegations in AUs...... he's stuck like that. Fulj has referred to him as a guard dog in canon and now he's a tracking dog. RIP to him.
(and because Deacon gets my facial blindness I am giving Fulj's girlfriend ANOTHER trait of mine I wouldn't wish on anyone because it's also really funny. She can't smell. She can taste ! She just can't smell. So she loves talking to Deacon because he explains smells as foods for her to get the vibe across. Which are REALLY weird conversations no one else wants to hear.)
#the daily life of a deity sucks#modern deities and their weird lives#im gonna actually make that the tag#also The Girlfriends live together and so they have the same kinda scent to Deacon but even if he only has one around#he can pick them out which weirds Fulj out even more until hes like#but if I smell you and there is no greeting its you and if I do get a greeting its the other#and Fulj is just baffled that THATs the tell ... flipping greetings#also since Oh is just one person in the AU since they were never split to two#they are delighted by the funny scent tracking and is just SO happy to tell Deacon and Ymber#Hey Ym I need to borrow your boyfriend so he can pick out a nice cologne for me so he knows its me#and Ymber is like weird but okay whatever you want if hes ok with it#and Deacon is too ??? over being referred to as Ymbers boyfriend and not having it outright denied so he agrees in a daze#to go help pick out their cologne and just question his life at this point#because he cant not be weird he has to go above and beyond while explaining how a cherry smell tastes#and everyone except the girlfriend who hears it is just... kinda.... weirded out by how he describes things#while the gf is absolutely delighted to have such descriptions#Fulj is just ... i love you babe but hes so weird how do you do it#and everyone else except deacon is just whispering to each other about who has to break it to Fulj#that her gf and Deacon are basically the exact same levels of weird and no one wants to because she will get so defensive#the gf just wants to dress deacon up like a goth or emo and he doesnt really know how to interpret the interest in his clothing#and just they are so precious and never woulda met in canon even if Fulj didnt have her wiped from her memory#she was alive centuries ago
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coldinpants · 10 months
AU: Savitar is not a time remnant, but the original Barry Allen, who sacrificed his ordinary life for his family.
After defeating some evil, only one time remnant and Barry, with a damaged face and soul, are left alive. Barry, no longer feeling like the hero the town needs, lies to his family that he isn't the original Barry Allen (he figures it will be easier for them to disown him that way and turns out to be right) and goes as far as he can. He meets Leonard Snart in a bar and sees him as a great conversationalist to tell his story to. After listening, Leonard does the unexpected thing for Barry - he offers to go with him and join the Rogues. Barry, with his scarred body and traumatized soul, fits in perfectly with the company of criminals. He doesn't use his speed anymore, but his experience as a forensic scientist becomes useful to the Rogues. Barry still misses his family and the life he had, but the Rogues and especially Leonard have given him the incentive to move on with his life.
Barry: Thank you, Len.
Leonard: For what?
Barry: You saved me.
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cocotine · 2 months
finally decided on my stardew spouse with a Thought Experiment
thinking of sam getting w penny: 🥰🥺🙊
thinking of seb getting w abigail: 😐. 👺
thinking of haley getting w alex: does not compute, haley is a lesbian. haley x abigail truther
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opiodae · 2 years
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con today was good
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gaybae1021 · 7 days
Well since my bachelorette designs were received so well, I decided to complete the marriage set! Here’s my bachelors!
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Individual pics and thought processes under the cut:
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I’m drawing these from the perspective of how they’d look on day 1, but I’d definitely like to do a post-Joja higher heart design for Shane at some point. Overall for this one I just tried to make him look unkempt and dull, I desaturated his skin tone to make him look sickly and he’s the only one without eye shines, signifying how he’s lost the spark for life.
Also sorry about the socks and Birkenstocks.
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Decided to make Alex mixed, since there’s absolutely no diversity in the bachelors. Had a lot of fun translating his canon hairstyle into those short locs. Other than that the biggest change was turning his jacket into a proper varsity jacket. Short Alex gang unite!
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Okay sorry Haley, Elliot takes the win for the most changed design. Like it’s so obvious he’s meant to have a Victorian jacket and fancy trousers and all that, but after I drew him all tall and slender and I gave him little braids and beach waves he just started taking on a Boho vibe? When I drew the jacket it just looked tight and restrictive. So I decided to let the beach influence carry and we ended up with this fancy yet comfy loungewear with sandals. And I love him?
Also this was heavily inspired by ginjaninjaowo’s male espeon design
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Sebastian was honestly a pain, like I know his design plays off the emo teen archetype, but compared to the others npcs he’s actually got a lot of variety. Like he’s obviously got some emo influence, but there’s also some nerd thanks to his interest in coding and ttrpgs, and he’s also a bit of a tough guy with the bike and the smoking. So there were a lot of directions to lean. Still, his sprite is clearly going for a dark hoodie and dark jeans, so I didn’t think I could change it up without making it not feel like Sebby. Does he have a muscle tee underneath for working on the bike? I’ll never say.
Biggest change is probably the hair, just wanted something less stereotypical, and have some variety in bachelor hair length. Definitely leans into the biker side a bit lol. Otherwise I just tried add detail to his dark outfit and adorn it with his interests. So frog embroidery on his shoes, a patch on his jacket and some motor oil stains on his hoodie. Also as promised he and Maru have matching dimples.
Also happy pride month, enjoy trans Sebastian and also the head canon that he and Sam start dating provided the farmer doesn’t get there first lol.
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And with Sam the ASS trio is complete! Now with matching chokers because I said so.
Just like with Sebby I wasn’t sure which direction to go for Sam, whether to lean more into skater boy or rockstar. Ultimately he ended up more rockstar, though he’s still always roughed up from skating (probably because he refuses to take off the platform boots). He thinks the torn clothes make him look more legit though.
I had fun making his shape language compliment Sebby; he’s very top heavy from the giant hoodie so I made Sam bottom heavy with the baggy jeans and jacket. Also I had so many thoughts about him and Kent, given that Sam and Sebby are a thing and Sam isnt exactly gender conforming.
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And last but not least, Harvey. He’s sweet, he’s simple, all his heart events are charming. And yet he is always the last one I reach max hearts with because I can’t be bothered to go to the doctors office. Sorry bby, I hope I can make it up to you by designing you as an adorable cherub of a man.
I know I’m being super controversial, giving him a pushbroom mustache when the sprite is obviously a handlebar /s. But like, he’s such a square; it fits him so well. My little lawful good guy.
Ya know, I think I gave him a sweater so Elliot’s jacket would stand out, then proceeded to not give Elliot his jacket. Huh.
Anyway bonus of the boyfriends together to close us out, thanks for reading!
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inheritance cycle modern au in which all of the dragons are horses which makes eragon the underdog horse girl, saphira the underdog girl horse and brom the disgruntled and disillusioned horse trainer who doesn’t believe in the validity of this sport until he sees the ✨bond✨ eragon has with his horse saphira who is still as blue as she is in canon (don’t ask that‘s just how it works, if you question this, i‘ll track your ip).
and galbatorix is the aggressively eastern european horse girl dad who had some sort of hip injury that brought his eventing career to an abrupt end and now he must vicariously live through his protégé, murtagh, lest he kills himself. and thorn is the very expensive horse galbatorix bought for wish fulfillment purposes and murtagh and thorn are so horribly traumatized by all the stress and pressure of defeating little kids at the pony finals that they ✨bond✨.
oromis and glaedr are their direct opponents and galbatorix nancy kerrigan‘s them (oromis dies like he does canonically because honestly, hunters be like that) so murtagh can get his ribbon. and then there‘s the big final competition and eragon, underdog wonder magic horse girl, goes toe to toe with murtagh, tortured champion to be, and they have this epic horse battle (an 80cm clear round but the atmosphere is very intense) and eragon loses. but then brom delivers this epic speech about idk man like success and passion and whatnot and then he dies which gives eragon the final push to defeat murtagh but OH NO, thorn is HURT from being OVERWORKED and murtagh has an epic horse peril breakdown and tearfully tells galbatorix he‘ll withdraw.
so galbatorix goes „fuck the kid“ and gets shruikan (the very bad very big black warmblood stallion that shows up in every horse girl movie) to best eragon HIMSELF (but not before locking nasuada, the animal rights activist that murtagh has struck up a tentative romance with, in a porta-potty). and then him and eragon compete and it‘s INTENSE (meanwhile, roran and katrina have a sub plot about capturing a flock of runaway ducks that is constantly being cut to during that climactic scene) and shit is looking DISMAL for poor eragon until a vision of brom and also his dead mother, because this is a proper horse girl movie and not some bibi und tina bullshit, and that gives him the strength to defeat galbatorix.
and then he wins and thorn doesn’t die and someone frees nasuada from the porta-potty and she gets to punch galbatorix in the face. and fírnen (who is a horse but also still green) emerges during the post credit scene and meets arya and sets up a cash grabby amazon prime spinoff series and roran and katrina successfully capture the ducks and everyone is happy and there is no more horse peril.
the whole thing takes place in exactly one horse show afternoon. it makes such perfect sense actually you can fit everyone in. nar garzvog‘s at the grill and makes hot dogs. islanzadi does nothing but drink cheap wine and bitch from the sidelines. angela mans the beverage stall and tells everyone who wants to listen (or doesn’t) that toads don’t exist. solembum is the raccoon on her shoulder who violates all fda guidelines by simply existing. orrin is nasuada‘s bitter ex boyfriend who pretended to be vegan for years so she‘d like him only to be dumped for murtagh and his emo swagger in a heartbeat. orik is a shetland pony.
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Camp/Underworld Quotes #5
Koiyan, running the Blood Bank and cooking for the Dionysus kids: Why am I mothering kids that are not my own head-mates?
Shadow, from the headspace: Mommy issues.
Koiyan: Gods damn it why must you be right Shadow-
Zagreus: Are you drinking enough water?
Koiyan: Sometimes my tears get in my mouth.
Zagreus: Nope, we're going to the fountain chambers and make you drink actual water.
Cyrilla: All the sudden I got a random burst of energy, and I think it's my body's last hurrah before it completely shuts down.
Koiyan: Being smart has never stopped me from being a complete fucking idiot.
Cyrilla: If I die, you can have what little I own.
Koiyan: Wait. What do you mean "if" you die?
Cyrilla: My unending existence is fuelled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full.
Koiyan: *Sighs* Let me call your therapist again.
(Honestly it could be flipped as well)
Koiyan, having just switched back to front for the first time in months: Onion rings are vegetable donuts.
Cyrilla, used to Koiyan being dumb after switching: Sure...
Koiyan: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.
Cyrilla: Okay?
Koiyan: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake.
Koiyan: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio-
Cyrilla: Jesus, that one is a little-
Cory, interested: No, no, Koiyan, keep going.
Zagreus: You spent all our money on THIS??
Koiyan, putting tiny raincoats on ducklings: They live outside. They need this.
Zagreus: Lucifer is fronting isn't he?
Koiyan: Yes.
Koiyan: I told Thanatos that their ears turn red when they lie.
Cyrilla: Do they?
Koiyan: No.
Cyrilla: Then why did you tell them that?
Koiyan: Because I can do this.
Koiyan: Hey Thanatos! Do you love us?
Thanatos, with their hands over their ears: No.
Zagreus, coming in late: Sorry I was late, I was doing stuff.
Thanatos: I was stuff.
Koiyan, Zagreus, and Cory: What’s up? I’m back.
Cyrilla: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead
Revival trio: Death is a social construct.
Cyrilla, holding up their class notes: And then this doodle of a burrito because when I first read Aristotle, I thought it was pronounced like “Chipotle”.
Cyrilla, in shock: Wait a minute, is it “Chip-o-tottle”?
Koiyan: Slash gamemode creative.
Cyrilla: Dude, this isn't Min-
Koiyan: *starts levitating*
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Why does Koiyans' playlist slap???
Bc this this has me in tears.
This is literally me to my husband.
Legit tears.
Save my ears from my dad please- -Asaki🖤
I think it's sweet. -Thanatos
It's not when I am the byproduct of your love. My ears- 😭😭😭 -Asaki🖤
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kokon0is · 1 year
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with — Rin, Shidou, Sae, Nagi
basically just about what canceled people have done but its blue lock characters
cw: mentions of violence (shidou and sae) mentions of reo x nagi 😭 (they’re not in a relationship here just a online inside joke in their fandom)
disclaimer: all just headcanons, all of em never happened, not canon 🫡
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just some random day his name was just trending on twitter and people just keep on saying that “Rin is a nepo baby but his brother is the famous one” — “he’s only famous because of his brother”
honestly got canceled for no reason and he doesn’t give a fuck
he would wear those shirt with a “nepo baby” text on it
he would also get alot of backlash about his behavior. “he doesn’t wave at his fans” “he doesn’t want to take pictures together” “he flip us off”
he would go live on insta and have the funniest response on his issues (and they’re mostly used on tiktok as reaction vids)
haters wont affect him if he’s the biggest hater in this planet 🫡
and also restored tweets literally just bashing some other soccer players
mainly literally brawling with rin in the middle of their game
“why is he still on the team anyway” “i can’t believe ya’ll still support shitdou” “all this tiktok girlies will make edits of him being this violent, poor rin :((“
people (rin’s fans) hated his guts because he always pick a fight with rin
another mf who won’t give a fuck about the internet have to say
restored tweets. mostly just saying the most horny statement known to man
has cheating allegations too
“bro thinks he’s aiku 😂” — “are they real? HAHWJSHA” — “bro he gets girlfriends?”
he enjoys being a menace in the internet, he’s fine being a clown of it or whatever he just want to piss people off
being literally friends with shidou 😭😭
“no wonder he’s also a meanie”— “yall need to see someone if you guys find red flags like them hot😭”— “gahdam what’s wrong with his hair🤨”
he gets alot of hate already about his attitude
said a slur once
run over a paparazzi once with his luxurious car
but people find it really hard to hate him fully because he always get the best plays whenever he’s on the field, that at the end of the day more people still will be cheering for him
one of his big issue is literally having a own fight with his OWN brother
people think that’s too far already and feels sorry for rin
“poor guy no wonder why he’s so emo he have a brother like this” — “its always the older siblings” — “this whole soccer thing is turning into a drama”
he has very overly obsessed fans
yep. i like to think that aside football, he also streams online to show off his gaming skills
doesn’t care about the hate comments he gets because he know that haters can’t be avoided when you’re famous. BUT HIS FANS ON THE OTHER HAND…
if you said something that he didn’t like the world will most likely know your address or something because his fans are gnna come for you
and his fans will probably bully tf out of his haters too 😭
“nagi stans are krazy bruh dont mess with them” — “those nagi stans need jail time 😬” — “nagi control ur fandom 😐 they’re ruining lives online”
will apologize on his fans behalf
has probably said something homophobic accidentally and didn’t know it was that offensive til he reads his chats
“ayo! HAHAHAHAH don’t you have a boyfriend?”— “reo collect ur man HAHAHA” — “bro why u said that 💀”
would apologize for the lack of knowledge
nagi: guys reo is not my boyfriend, he’s my best friend y’ll
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thanks for reading lads
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blueberry62 · 1 month
i love your drawings hhehe : )
what do you think happened to ted/felix?
Thx u so much! ^^ I'm glad people like my art!
(okay, now with my thoughts about the twins, this is going to be long. Oh boy, FNAF made several damage in my brain)
Personally, I don't believe that Cain's Not Able were Ted kills Felix has overlaped with the true ending and we're seeing Theodore now.
I don't think it because of two things.
In kindergaten 1 when we make the true ending (Lily's mission) things like Kid being Cindy's boyfriend or the Jainator breaking Monty's legs never happen but when we are in Kindergarten 2 Monty is in a wheelchair and Kid mention that he was in a relationship with Cindy. This makes it true that certain events can overlap with the true end. Yet I don't think this is the case with twins. I think there're a rule. In K1 true ending none of the kids die even if in others endings do and later in K2 all kids are alive like in the end of Lily's mission. So I don't think that kids can canonically die if is not in the true ending (Penny). Then I don't believe in Ted has killed Felix. "What if Ted discovered Felix plan between K2 and K3 in no gameplay?" I don't think so either. That would be like a very important event that would have happened... off screen???
The following is debatable because I know that the sprites change from game to game but I still want to comment on it. That sprite in K3, that sprite is just Felix's new sprite. LET ME EXPLAIN, LET ME COOK. Even so Felix and Ted are twins, their sprites in K2 are have a difference in the shape of the head. Ted's round and Felix is more like a square. And K3 sprite has the same shape that Felix's.
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Not only the shape is not Ted's shape, that's is Felix's ass face. "Oh, but Ted has the Theodore mode on so he has that face-" No. When Ted enter in his emo phase he has this face:
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Other thing. The bangs. Felix's bangs are in his right and Ted's bangs are in his left. Where are sprites new bangs? In the right like Felix.
Again, we can say new game new sprites but... Idk, that just don't get me.
My personal winner.
I have explain why I think that is Felix's sprite so I will pass to talk about why he would do that. I don't think Felix killed Ted for the same reason I said in the first point of why I didn't think Ted killed Felix.
I think the kids we don't see are being held and Ted is with them. As Felix is pretending to be Ted, this had to be discussed beforehand with the kids (or their parents) themselves and Felix didn't want to be with the selected group so he told Ted to take his place.
Also I prefer this theory because it's going to be fucking hilarious how Felix tries to play nice and he FAILS SO BAD.
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narutodivorcearcreal · 6 months
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assorted f fight club designs!!! emo haired marlon for tylerstesticles
closeups and rambles under cut
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before meeting taylor/tyler f narrator would mostly conform to standards for women both internally and externally. she would shave, keep her hair long, dress feminine but i dont think she would invest a lot of time in things like makeup (excluding foundation and such for fight club bruises) or diets. she would be self conscious about her appearance a lot, and would have beauty products but i dont see her consistently using them.
in my mind she collects kitchenware because 1. she expects to get married and take on the caretaking mother/wife role and 2. its less expensive than furniture (insurance call center salary). she could collect makeup. i see her as being pretty insecure that she isn’t married by 30 but doesn’t really want a boyfriend/husband.
as she spends more time with taylor she would adopt taylors masculine characteristics both because of taylor’s ideology and because narrator wants to be taylor.
despite marlon never having sex with taylor, narrator would harbor more resentment for him than regular narrator does for marla.
she would also hate her boss so much more. her boss would see her as daughter-substitute as well as a woman (inherent object to dominate) which would lead to him treating narrator with affection (from his pov) condescension and creepy undertones.
she would hate angel face less, though. still mutilates her but it’s the thought that counts.
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taylor/tyler is the one who designwise changed the least. to me shes just tyler with slightly longer hair.
i might change her name bc taylor is too feminine a name for her
she would be very masculine, yes because of her whole liberate women thing but also because this is what narrator thinks is hot. i.e wearing mens clothes (obviously) being built like a brick wall, masculine mannerisms overall
this is also because she fills the same traditionally paternal roles as tyler: 1. the parent (not as nurture but teach/guide. taylor is mother and father substitute but leans more towards father substitute) 2. ideal self (not explicitly masculine but this is who narrator idealizes) 3. God.
i think project mayhem would be more explicitly homoerotic in this au because advocating for independence from men/you can get away with no-homoing relationships a lot more if its between women/??????????
primary members of project mayhem
-disenfranchised housewives (financial dependence on men)
-young women (objectification, beauty standards, etc)
-middle aged working women (undervalued female-majority jobs like nursing, too old to be valued for sex and now valued for nothing)
though taylor’s ideology would be mostly centered around liberation of women etc she would still hate women in management/power. pisses in rich people soup regardless of gender
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despite his and taylors relationship being healthier(????) than its canon counterpart due to them being just friends instead of hookups+????? i think taylor would still burn marlon w cigs and call him a human butt-wipe. he’d be fine with it though
he wears womens clothes from the thrift but i dont think he would act particularly feminine
in this au taylor cant steal his moms liposuction fat to make soap as i imagine he doesn’t have a great relationship with his parents
almost gets castrated by project mayhem when shits all going down
overall not that different from canon marla.
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