#even though there’s unlimited factors that makes that actually impossible
shorthaltsjester · 2 years
vex saying her and vax were judged when they were younger and percy saying they’ll just take people’s stuff if it happens again
fjord bringing up how kids used to make fun of his tusks and the mighty nein offering to go back and kill them
laudnaish ghoul thing getting bullied by a little boy and bells hells immediately >:(
there is something So moving about people being retroactively protective of those they love. like the act of saying I Can’t Change this but i Would and i Won’t let history repeat i’ll demand that the world treats you better than it has. i love these silly little found families.
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leahquark · 3 years
How to escape from a time loop
How to escape from a time loop
Prevent the causing event
Alright, so you’re stuck in a time loop. But maybe you know what caused it. Hey, if the causing event keeps happening, it’s obvious. Let’s say at the end of every day, you die. Easy peasy, just don’t die one day and you’ll escape the loop. Easier said than done, sure. Especially if the loop is short, or the event is out of your control (yea, 10 minutes really feels unfair to convince your aunt Sally on the other side of the country not to knock over her Egyptian flower vase). But hey, you get unlimited tries at this. Plus, a time loop means your money and resources reset, so feel free to go nuts and waste them. Just, don’t do anything you might regret if the loop suddenly breaks. Of course, after enough repeats, I doubt there’ll be much left in this category. If the loop happens when you go to sleep, then don’t go to sleep. Heck, chase the sun around the world if you have to. Rage against the dying of the light.
Make amends for the causing event
Okay, so maybe the event that caused the time loop only happened once. And maybe it happened on the day before the loop, or in the first iteration only. Well then, you can still make amends for it, hit the edit undo. Don’t believe me? The statistical probability that YOU would be the first person stuck in a time loop is so ridiculously close to zero. If you’re in a time loop now, that means others were probably in a time loop too, and maybe got in and got out the same way. And they kinda had to get out, in order for time to progress and trap you in your time loop today. So go track down that evil time witch and apologize to her, or find a scientist who can study the alien blood you’re covered in. Tell them to keep notes, then at the end of the time loop memorize them and regurgitate them back at the start of the next loop. Remember, you’re the only one who can retain information / make progress at the end of each loop. Only you can look out for yourself, but maybe medical science has an answer.
Prevent and make amends for everything that could possibly be the causing event
Okay, so maybe you don’t know why you’re trapped in a time loop. Alright, then try this. Go through a list of everything you did the day before the loop, and during the first iteration of the loop. Focus on things you said, places you went, objects you saw, things you thought about. It’s important to do this before the time loops repeat so many times you forget what happened the first time around. One of those things, something as minor as not hanging out with a friend, could have been the causing factor… at least according to movies and TV. In reality, it’s probably as likely the time loop was caused by a passing black hole, or a scientist at the large hadron collider. But hey, if it’s something not related to your personal life and daily activities, then you’re kinda screwed. So just completely change your daily routine, do things you’d never think to do, break that habit that you do on every iteration of the timeline, and hope that the loop was just some catharsis for your morning coffee addiction. Now is the time to fix any regrets you may have, to make amends, to become a better person. 
Binge watch time related tv
Also read some sci fi. Of course, if you’re reading this, you’re probably on track already, and getting into the more obscure sections. That’s good, a lot of those mainstream sci fi movies are more meant to make you feel good than actually discuss the repercussions of time loops. But hey, you never know, maybe you’ll get some inspiration for something. Heck, a lot of escaping from time loops is getting the right inspiration. So yea, take a break, and binge those bad tv shows. You’ve got all the time in the world to do what you love… assuming you love sci fi television as much as I do. Heck, I won’t judge if you just want to use the time loop to binge all day, enjoy yourself! (You are trapped in a serious science anomaly we don’t fully understand after all) Just, make sure you eventually take a television break if the time loop doesn’t show any sign of fixing. 
Find a guide
Alright, so basic fact of logic, there’s only one person on the planet who knows the absolute most about time loops, and chances are it’s not you. At least, it wasn’t you when you got stuck. For all you know, that person walking down the street next to you knows more than you. Heck, maybe they were trapped in a time loop too. So go ahead and ask. What’s the worst that could happen? No seriously, what’s the worst that could happen? You’re trapped in a time loop, any social awkwardness you display will be forgotten by the next loop. Go up and talk to random people, find that person who knows a ton about sci fi. My DMs are always open, and I’m sure you can find some people in a sci fi discord server. Want a real kicker? Spend one loop learning all you can about a person, just talking to them friendly and nice. Then next time loop start the conversation with an announcement that you’re in a time loop, and prove it by reciting those same facts you learned about the person in the last loop. Get to know someone, make some new friends, or just reach out for help (its so hard to escape alone). 
Convince the government
That trick I mentioned, in point 5… that’ll probably work for the government too. Imagine calling up the president of the United States on his personal cell phone, telling him you’re in a time loop, and backing it up with a whole host of personal facts. What they won’t see, is the hundred or so timelines you spend going from convincing the police, to the FBI, to the governor, to your local senators, etc, etc. At every step of the way, wasting one or two timelines to learn all their personal info, then regurgitating it to them in the third timeline as proof you really are looping. It’s exhausting. All to convince some bureaucrats and some scientists to look into it. Let’s hope they really do have aliens in area 51, or this will be a massive waste of time. But hey, time is something you’ve got too much of anyway. The effort may be exhausting, but you can’t give in, you need some professional backup on your team, and no matter how much you repeat yourself, its worth the effort.
Number those timelines
Alright, so at this point, try anything. But you need a way to stop yourself from trying the same thing twice. And you need a way of prompting the people you are with to stop saying the same old ideas. If you wake up on the same day every morning, and ask the people around you to help you escape a time loop, then they’re going to be repeating a lot of their responses. But in my experience, people reply, think, and remember differently based on the prompts they’re given, and maybe those different prompts will jog your brain, and the brains of the people you’re around, into thinking of something new. One way to do it is get a dictionary, or some other book with a wide variety of words, and each day refer to the next word in the book as that day's prompt. Do something completely random, completely insane, but make sure it started with you and your time loop guides reading and thinking about the prompt. So you’re probably going out to go touch an aardvark then. Come back when you’ve ridden a Zambonni and I’ll know things are really desperate. Point is, keeping trying new things, and enjoy them while you’re at it. 
Keep trying
Alright, it’s not really like you’ve got much of a choice here. Going about your day, or repeating the same day twice, or acting and pretending like you’re not really in a time loop, are all ways of experimenting with something new (though, frankly I think these will just lead to frustration). Heck, maybe instead of acting crazy, what you really needed was to act normal. Maybe it’s a sentient creature keeping you trapped in the loop, and it’ll sense when you’ve given up hope and then release you from the loop. Maybe. Really doubt that though. Technically, it’s impossible to give up. But hang in there. Keep yourself, and your joy. You get to live. You get to experience something no one else has felt. You can learn a hundred new skills, and master them all, and live frivolously every day. You get to meet every person on earth, and study them all in a single day. You are technically immortal. There is nothing you have to do, no responsibilities. There’s nothing new on television to keep you glued to the screen, and no point putting any of your dreams off until tomorrow. You’re trapped in time, but in a way free. Free of consequences except the ones you choose for yourself. So choose to be happy, choose to live. Choose to value this day with your friends and family, even if they won’t value or remember them. Maybe plan one million for escaping the time loop is to go down to a nice sunny beach and just relax. In a strange way, that’s got just as much chance of working as anything else. And it’ll make your eternity here a lot more bearable than moping around your house all depressed like.
Don’t die
I have no idea what the religious implications are of being trapped in a time loop. And the thing with most time loops, at least the ones I’ve seen on tv, is that death doesn’t let you escape the loop. And frankly that’s a good thing, because death is something worse. I’m not going to go into this too much, though if you really are trapped in a time loop I’m sure these few words are tantalizingly short. (If you need more, there are plenty of resources out there) But no time loop has ever been solved by dying. Even if it did resolve, your eternal purgatory would probably end up taking the form of a time loop. But don’t worry, I can give you my personal assurances that you’re alive right now. And that’s good. Because life is a beautiful thing, even when the day repeats. You know, especially then. After all these dark and gritty escape the time loop stories, of tormented characters driven mad because nothing they do matters, can’t we have one where someone is happy to be in a time loop? We all die, eventually that is. Whether you’re trapped in a time loop or not. But not all of us live. Not all of us truly live. Maybe being trapped in a time loop will help you live truly. I mean, if you really think about it, in several thousand years, is anyone even going to remember you? Remember your accomplishments? You may as well have lived for a day. If you want to escape the time loop so what you do matters again, maybe it’s time to face the reality that what you do… may not have mattered. And that’s okay. Life is about the living. Living every day, day by day, and making the most of it. We don’t always get to control the hand that life gives us. Maybe we know someone with Alzheimer's, whose memories fade at the end of each day, and makes it seem like we’re living that moment over and over. Maybe they don’t even remember who you are. Maybe, to them, you’re a stranger, who met them today, and knows so many things about them. Is it happy when someone laughs, if they won’t remember it later? Did it really happen? Yes it did. Yes it is happy. 
You can’t escape / why did you listen to me, I’ve never been trapped in a time loop
Life is a beautiful thing, time is a beautiful thing. It’s beautiful because it doesn’t loop. I can understand the anger, that bitter rage people can have, trapped and unable to reach out, repeating the same day over and over. Unable to move on. Unable to break free. And sometimes they do break free. Sometimes, silly movies and tv shows, that avoidance of the causing incident, or the help of scientists and their research, are enough to fix even the most terrible of fates. But sometimes they can’t, and we can go on, suffering forever. I’ve never been trapped in a time loop (I thought I was once, in fact, all my friends thought I was too, and they all tried to help me out of it. But I wasn’t. I wasn’t, right?), and if any of the people around me have, they've been hiding it exceptionally well. They’ve worked today, for the hope of relaxing tomorrow. They’ve made progress, with the thought that their accomplishments matter, and their adventures can wait. That’s the mindset a lot of us go through life with. But maybe, just maybe, life can’t wait until tomorrow. Maybe it takes getting trapped in a time loop to realize. When your hard work doesn’t pay off, and you can’t think of what evil thing has landed you where you are, when the universe deals you a bad hand, maybe that’s when you realize what’s important. Waking up, every day, with people you care about, ready to live life for today. Maybe tomorrow won’t come. Maybe it never will. Maybe you have to live, live every moment of your life, today. Or, maybe, just maybe, tomorrow is right around the corner. And when you tell those people around you that you love them, maybe this time they’ll remember. But what the hell do I know? I’ve never been trapped in a time loop. I’m just a person, one of billions on planet Earth, living life. 
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animebw · 4 years
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works Reflection
In a lot of ways, Unlimited Blade Works is what I think of when I think of the true Fate/Stay Night experience. It’s the one route with an adaptation I’ve actually seen, so it really was my introduction to the story of the VN after the setup of Fate/Zero. But I think that holds true beyond that context as well. The Fate route was good, but it was held back by a lot of awkward factors. There was so much lore and detail that needed to be explained, with dragged down the pacing in the first half, everything took a while to really get going, the central relationship was underbaked at best, and Shirou as a character really fucking sucked at times. If I were introduced to Fate through that first route, I don’t think I’d be nearly as big a fan of it as I am now. Unlimited Blade Works, though, is where it really comes into its own. With all the necessary table-setting out of the way, it’s able to jump right into the action, blazing through battles and confrontations and character development at double the speed of the last route. And with Shirou’s neuroses all firmly established, it’s able to expand its thematic tapestry in much richer, more satisfying directions. This is Fate/Stay Night’s true form, free of its shackles at last. And man, it was such a relief to come back to it and confirm it really was as good as I remembered.
In context with the rest of the VN, it’s interesting how the two routes thus far differ in their approach to Shirou. Whereas the Fate Route was all about confronting Shirou’s survivor’s guilt, UBW is all about confronting his conception of heroism. They’re both laser-focused on the problems with Shirou’s motivations for martyring himself, but they single out different aspects of that problem to address. Shirou in this route is a little bolder than his previous self, a little more willing to take big chances on his allies and ask himself hard questions he doesn’t want to know the answer to. He also drives a lot more of the action, as opposed to mostly reacting to the schemes and ambushes of enemy masters and servants. But the challenges he faces to his self-identity are a lot more explicit, with characters constantly calling him out for his blind devotion to an impossible ideal. The weight of trying to save everyone despite knowing he can’t weighs over all his actions, and he’s constantly examining and re-examining himself as he wrestles with the questions Archer’s mere presence poses him. As a result, his character feels a lot richer this time around, and the story goes to some really fascinating places over the course of his self-reflection. If I wasn’t already familiar with this route, I think some of its biggest swings- Archer’s identity, the danger posed by Caster, the betrayals and double-crosses- would have really stunned me.
But then again, all those things did stun me already. They stunned me back when I first watched the UBW anime all those years ago. And in context, their power is no less dimmed. If anything, they’re even stronger for the oodles and oodles of additional detail the VN adds. Unlimited Blade Works is a good fucking story. It’s full of danger and mystery and near-misses and desperate escapes and close shaves and hard questions with equally hard answers. It challenges our heroes in ways both physically and mentally intimidating. It’s full of incredible battles that all add something to the plot and characters. It twists in directions you don’t expect. It introduces you to a new side of the Holy Grail War and its participants you haven’t seen before, pulling the Fate route’s bit characters to the forefront and making them just as memorable as the foes you’ve already fought, while fleshing out previous characters in even more rewarding detail. It’s tense, pulse-pounding, thick with meaning, and peppered with moments that absolutely knock your socks off. And it’s all in service of a gripping personal narrative that asks us to consider what it really means to be a hero, and how possible it really is to live up to the ideals we all dream of reaching. This is urban fantasy at its best and most bombastic, and it proves this VN really has what it takes to last.
And, of course, it’s all built around a romantic relationship that blows almost every other power couple in anime out of the water. Christ almighty, Rin and Shirou are great. I’ve gushed over them so many times already, and I still feel like I haven’t praised them enough. Their prickly chemistry, their mutual companionship, their confident teamwork, their ability to drop each other’s defenses like they’ve known each other all their lives, the way they build each other up in the midst of the madness they go through... god, everything about them just kills. And this is one area where the VN absolutely made a difference; I already loved them enough from watching the anime, but all the extra details the anime cut for time legitimately might have pushed these two among my all-time favorites. Certainly in my top 20 anime romances, at the very least. It’s honestly kind of shocking; pretty much every other romance-related thing Nasu has written, whether in the Fate route or Kara no Kyoukai, has fallen completely flat for me. If it weren’t for Shirou and Rin, I’d think he just sucks at writing romance. But these two are so much better than literally everything else I’ve seen on him, it almost doesn’t feel like the same writer. What stroke of genius possessed Nasu here, and was he able to carry it through to Sakura as well? Only time will tell.
Unlimited Blade Works still isn’t perfect. Nasu’s writing style is still overly wordy at the best of times, and it doesn’t fully escape the frustrating sexism of the Fate route. But by every conceivable metric, this is the moment that Fate/Stay Night proves its worth. It ups the drama, it ups the action, it ups the characters, and it ties it all together with mythic weight and intimate power. As before, I’m not comfortable enough transferring my scoring system to VNs to give UBW a score on its own yet. But rest assured, this was a hell of a satisfying ride, and I’m looking forward to this story’s final chapter: the legendary Heaven’s Feel. Here’s hoping it’s as stunning as I’ve been told. Thanks for joining me on this adventure, and I’ll see you next time for Part 3!
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seobacklink970-blog · 4 years
Land Based Casinos Vs Online Casinos
There is a developing debate between the recognition of land casinos as opposed to on line casinos. While the simple layout of the casinos is the identical, the talk comes while choosing a on line casino to fit your needs, the player. Choosing the type of casino is a tough desire, however once the kind of game has been determined, there are several factors to be aware at the exclusive casinos.
 The slot machines are the key to deciding on the higher type of casino, as they deliver an excellent indication of the level of recreation play inside the on line casino itself. While the slot machines themselves are comparable, in that you insert the coin and pull the cope with, hoping to healthy the symbols to win the prize, the differences are many, and it is critical to recognize those differences when making your decision.
 The payout of the machines has a large effect at the selection. A land based on line casino has a notably smaller payout percent than a web casino. This is more often than not due to the overheads that the land casinos ought to pay out to run the on line casino. For instance, they have got mechanics, waiters, cleaners, and sellers, and those are paid through the residence income of the machines. An online casino commonly simplest has a few people that require charge. In this way, the payouts are typically better, and will entice a larger patron base due to the elevated quotes.
 The larger purchaser base of the net casinos in large part draws greater customers. The greater humans playing the machines at one given times increases the popularity, as a result making it seem as even though there's a bonus to gambling the slots at that unique on line casino. There are so many online casinos that each website online has to offer the first-class provider so that it will preserve your custom. Land based casinos have no actual want to do this, because the possibilities of getting another on line casino within the same city are quite small, and people not often want to journey an extended distance to discover other slot machines.
 If you do determine to tour to any other land based totally casino, it is vital to be conscious that the casinos can also have get dressed codes, or other guidelines to follow that can be different to the previous one you visited. An on-line casino is a extremely good way to sit down inside the comfort of your own home without having to worry about what to wear, or what to eat. It is up to you to decide the way you spend some time, and your credits at the same time as playing for the pinnacle prizes. It is likewise possible on many on line sites to speak to other users via a chat function, so you still have the interplay with other gamers.
 It is straightforward to fall for the gimmicks that can be positioned up on positive casino sites, making it impossible so as to win any prizes. Sometimes, the shortage of winnings can be right down to the player now not being used to that unique device. In a land based on line casino, it's miles therefore sensible to play at a number of one-of-a-kind slot machines to locate the proper one for you. However, this may prove luxurious, and you could become spending your money earlier than you've got found a system that works for you. With an online casino, there may be constantly a segment in which you could either down load a tribulation model in their machines, or input a java page. This enables you to play the slots without cost, and put into effect any techniques you have earlier than playing with real cash.
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 When considering the wide range of games, a land based totally casino doesn't provide the equal range. Mostly that is because of space in the room, and the price of having many different machines. There is also the fact that most effective one person may be playing the equal recreation, so there can be an empty machine in a single location, and a queue in any other. Because an online casino deals with the software for a sure machine, there's no limit to how many can play, and there's an unlimited amount of area to have a wider variety of machines.
 To trap clients to play their video games, many casinos provide many bonuses. A land based totally casino will typically offer bonuses such as luxury holidays inside the form of motel visits, cruises or aircraft tickets. These are provided with the requirement of acquiring a sure number of factors or wins, or for being a member of their on line casino for a given duration of time. It is from time to time tough to achieve these points, as there's no assure of maintaining the equal system for a protracted time period to accumulate the factors that you want for the prizes. The blessings to gambling online are limitless. Casinos offer similar rewards to their land based totally predecessor, and there are not any limits to the length of time a participant is permitted to apply the machines. To assist you with the potential to play those video games, many casinos will supply a participant loose credits, or free games to play the machines as an advantage for being on the web site for a positive quantity of time. Downloading software program variations of the slots way that gamers have no time limit, and is free to return and move as they please, and could usually be capable of play that particular sport.
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About princes and princesses
Such exclusively important for all animate world process as reproduction could not be left without the control of the instincts. Correspondingly, love, as the strongest feeling, is a voice of the same primeval instinct that forces to prefer the best being of another sex for mating. And what are the criteria of this preference? It is unnecessary to prove that these criteria are kept unchanged since primeval-herd times when all the instincts were formed. It is possible to say that during its formation the instincts "took a photo" of the situation existed at that moment and keep verifying with this "picture" for as long as the species exist. Thus, the instincts allow choosing a perfect partner from the primeval point of view. The simplest and the most demonstrative attribute of such superiority in primeval hierarchy is a high rank. Though it is very obvious that rank, strictly speaking, is more of visually superficial indicator of preference but it is almost impossible to imagine anything better in unwise nature. External attractiveness (beauty) is less reliable in this sense. In general, the number of couplations is the simplest and clearest quantitative index of a male's rank in hierarchy. For females this correlation is very weak and, perhaps, inverse.  It is customary to think that alpha simply takes away a female from beta (gamma...) just as food, however, the rules of behavior in a hierarchy are obeyed by all the members of a group including females. That means there is not needed to take female away in most cases. She herself, complying with an internal instinctive program, prefers high-ranking male. Not in vain, speaking about ideal groom, women mention word "prince". Real prince is not a plebian job and usually he is a real candidate to become king.  Sure, it is not the only tendency. For instance, there is an "instinct of fresh blood preference" manifesting itself as sexual curiosity. The goal of this instinct is a counteraction to mating with close relatives unavoidable in isolated groups. According to it, under other equal conditions the preference can be given to a new and unusual partner desirably from outside of the group. The instinct is clearly seen in male's behavior, since it conforms well to the principal of unlimited sexual expansion. In female's behavior it is seen with some limitations. These limitations mandatorily include ranking potential of a "guest" that should be not lower than certain minimum. And of course, these tendencies are combined with individual tastes and sympathies. It is important to emphasize that the high rank of a male does not give a GUARANTEE of access to the certain female, but it is a weighty factor raising PROBABILITY of this event. A correlational factor between sexual attractiveness of male and his rank is different among the species, and substantially non-linear. Males of the first several ranks of hierarchy can be almost indistinguishable by their sexual attractiveness for females. Therefore dominant males must fend away sub-dominant males from females. However, beginning approximately from the middle of hierarchy and below sexual attractiveness of males decreases so much that dominant can afford not to worry. It is highly probable that such male will not be admitted by females themselves. To the English reader: Now let us tell you a couple of words about such picturesque character of Russian anecdotes, as the captain Rzhevsky. Captain Rzhevsky was a hussar. Hussars were an elite kind of cavalry in Russia in 19th century. Only tall, healthy, often handsome men were accepted. Beautiful uniform along with a huge mustache made them very popular among women. Soon the word "hussar" became synonymous to Don Juan. Captain Rzhevsky completely matches this definition. Along with phenomenal success among women, he was distinguished with self-confidence, vulgarity and ignorance, which he was not ashamed of. This character is very much like 19th century captain Frank Drebin from the popular movie series "Naked Gun". For example, one of anecdotes of a series about captain Rzhevsky:
Once captain Rzhevsky was dancing on ball with a noble young lady.
Subbenly she is telling him politely:
- Ah! I am not feeling well. Would you   excuse me for minute, I need some
 fresh air?...
- Captain: OK, go. But be quick on it.   Just fart off and be back.
Cornet Obolensky is more delcate character of these anecdotes.
Now for illustration, an old but very demonstrative for our topic anecdote:
Once cornet Obolensky asked captain Rzhevsky:
Captain, sir! Would you share your experience in seducing women so quickly!
- But what's here to explain? Come up to a lady and ask: "Ma'am! May I stick
it in?"
- But captain! That's a sure way to be slapped in the face for such
- Well, there could be a slap in the face. But nonetheless, I somehow still
manage to stick it in.
      And now let's imagine that cornet followed the captain's example. Imagined? So what? You are absolutely right. He will get slapped in his face. However, it does not follow from the text that cornet is less attractive than captain and moreover, he is obviously more civilized and decent. Also let's imagine that captain expressed his proposition in oversophisticate and delicate phrases. Will he get a rejection? Of course not, but even more possible consent. But what if cornet will propose in the same refined language? In this case he might not get slapped in his face immediately but the final result probably will be the same though for some time he will be kept on a short string and jerked around. And he will be ridiculed. I.e.
actually it does not have any serious significance for a woman HOW a man expresses his desire but it is extremely important for her WHO does it.
If a man has a high rank ("captain") then women will forgive him almost any behavior and almost any weaknesses; if he has a low rank ("cornet") then even complete impeccability will not help him.  Moreover, captain really does not see any problems with this. Neither he has them personally nor he even suspects that the other men might have them. Because he does not assert any efforts to conquering women (moreover, women themself often put up certain efforts to win him) and he sincerely thinks that women treat all other men the same. But who of these two will be a better husband (faithful, decent, hard-working...)? Anyone but the captain! But whom will women want to marry the most? You are right, the captain. And in addition to this, in original (movie "Hussar ballad") the captain Rzhevsky was an open and convinced opponent of Hymen.  It is said that women love masters. This is true, but it is only individual case. Even possession of "strong elbows" i.e. the ability and readiness to fight for one's own interests, is an individual case in conjugal relationships. Love, as a call of instinct, can not contemplate and that's why it is often triggered on visual rank rather than on actual one. It happens that "captain" looks like pitiful whiner crying that he is so perfect and superior but the ungifted people around do not appreciate him; or like capricious child with child-women egoistic character and all people tiptoe around eagering to please him in every possible way (any other cases are possible). The main thing is that he is sincerely sure in his own superiority. It is obvious that such whiner and moaner is not the worthiest family continuer (even from primeval point of view) and the actual rank of these people as an indicator of their ability to succeed in life is very low. However, instinct formally reacts to the above mentioned assurance which is the main signaling attribute of a high rank. Since instinct does not bother itself with explanations and mind does not usually recognize such self-assurance as a merit so everybody feels hymned in poems and in prose a mystical and enigmatical sensation of love choice - because it is wanted against common sense and it is unclear what for.  Whom do men love? A Princess is not necessarily required. Men's instinctive criteria of preference are simpler and radically different from women's ones. The main woman's qualities attracting men are the newness, availability and physical perfection. Of course, if all these qualities are combined in one woman then her attractiveness will be the highest and such woman will be the center of men's attention in the first place but only until either gaining access to her body or making sure of no chances to get it. However, this is correct only in respect of women as sexual partners. Men choose wives by rational judgement (only those who have choice and enough brain). The sensational criteria of men's preference of women are much fuzzier due to the higher diversity of men (and hence, their tastes) and less desperate necessity to make a choice. A male does not have to choose a females since he needs them all without any distinction. But women's rank, having big importance in relations between women, is relatively less important for a man. For sure, high ranking woman can turn men's heads more quickly but modest and shy (low ranking) wives were valued at all times. It is well-known that women much more often than men fall in love with their chiefs, bosses, tutors, and etc. whose high visual rank is manifested by their position and partially age.  If high rank is a key to women's hearts for a man ensuring his freedom of choice but for a woman her high rank is a source of problems with men. Average-ranking men are not acceptable for her neither sexually nor platonically (not to mention low-ranking ones) but high-ranking men are very scares and most of them are easy-riders. And if they are not easy-riders then they are hopelessly engaged and not free. Low-ranking woman as every woman preferring "alpha" is still open-minded toward "omega". In some circumstances she can forgive a man his low rank and therefore his other strengths get the chance to be appreciated.
Briefly speaking:
Emotional choice of a marriage partner (sympathy, crush, infatuation, love - depending on the strength of feelings) is implemented in accordance with a system of instinctive criteria of evaluating a potential partner.
In woman's emotional choice of a man the following has the highest significance - man's instinctive hierarchical status (including purely visual rank) that might not coincide with his social status. His physical characteristics takes the second preference.
In man's emotional choice of a woman the following has the most important meaning in equal degree - women's novelty, accessibility, and physical characteristics.
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beinglibertarian · 6 years
Tariffs – A Lesson in Economics for Trump Supporters
In regards to economic affairs, Donald Trump’s presidency has been one that could be described as turbulent. Trump’s policies consist of actions both praise worthy and worthy of condemnation.
Through one action, he spawns investment and increases productivity through large tax cuts. However in a short period afterwards, Trump signed off on a $1.3 trillion dollar omnibus spending bill that is forecasted to further increase the already crippling 21 trillion dollar debt.
This bipartisan effort was the largest spending bill since the Obama stimulus. His supporters tout him as a shining example of fiscally conservative principles, yet that notion is completely unfounded when one observes his policies.
Of all of the policies one may choose to analyze, Trumps stance and policy making on trade must be condemned. This has proven difficult, as his followers seemingly have chosen to read his book The Art of the Deal, rather than Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt.
Whether it is diehard partisanship paired with denial, or a simple lack of understanding in economic thought, Donald Trump’s supporters have remained firm on defending his protectionist policies. They believe they are the face for free market capitalism, while in reality their insistence on government intervention is nothing less than glorified socialism. Ultimately, Trump has convinced his supporters to support an increase in taxes on them due to a lack of understanding economics.
Firstly, let’s establish what economics is, and what it is not.
Economics is the study of efficiently utilizing scarce resources that have alternative uses. Accounting concepts, such as trade deficits, are not.
In order for one to understand economics at its core, one must grasp the concept of scarcity. Simply put, scarcity is the fundamental observation that humans exhibit unlimited wants, but the resources to satisfy these wants are limited. These wants and desires can be met from the goods and services that are produced by an entrepreneurial entity that acts in self-interest and is incentivized by profit.
Ultimately, the producer intends to meet the wants of the consumer, while simultaneously maximizing profits. The producer maximizes profits through various competitive methods. Methods that are directly related to trade include decreasing costs of production, offshoring, outsourcing, and specialization. While these factors are vital, they all are directed to obtain a desirable level of efficiency.
The protectionists believe it is healthy to produce goods at the cost of an increase in consumption prices, as long as it is “saving American jobs.”
Yes, tariffs do protect the industry that they are intended for. However, this is paired with externalities that cause unintended damages such as increase in consumer costs and job loss in industries that rely on the imported good.
Trade allows separate economies to engage in a mutually beneficial exchange called a comparative advantage. Comparative advantage essentially insinuates that one country can specializes and produces a particular good more efficiently then another country can, while the other nation produces a different good more efficiently then they could. The nations then trade the manufactured goods with one another, which allows the consumers and companies of the importing nation to purchase them at a lower cost. This allows both nations to reallocate scare resources to another domestic industry which is more profitable, thus becoming more productive and increasing output. There are no losers in this trade, only winners as both parties were better off after the exchange.
One must understand that trade is not a “zero sum” game. There are not winners and losers in a voluntary exchange. If there was, nobody would do it. This is why it is vital one does not attempt to use accounting practices in economics, as the utility and value of goods are subjective.
To claim that our business owners are “losing” in trade and that government must intervene and alter the exchange, is to insinuate that the government knows how to run an individual’s business better than them.
To say the least, the government does not have a great track record in this regard. And yet they create outrage in the name of jobs, and use phrases such as deficits and surpluses.
Deficits and surpluses do not matter.
To echo Thomas Sowell,
“Too many people have yet to grasp the full implications of that, even in the twenty-first century. If the goods and services available to the American people are greater as a result of international trade, then Americans are wealthier, not poorer, regardless of whether there is a “deficit” or “surplus” in the international balance of trade.”
As mentioned earlier, this is a misapplication of accounting concepts into an entirely different realm of study.
One important factor that is not even accounted for is the income the US generates from exporting services, which is the large portion of our workforce and output.
Economies start as agricultural, then through innovation and growth a particular economy becomes industrial. Eventually, the industrial society a country maintains becomes obsolete like its agricultural predecessor, and the economy transforms to one that is a service based economy.
The US happens to be in a service economy, while competitors such as China remain in one that is industrial. When China is introduced into the equation, the protectionist will then claim that China uses slave wages and labor, making it virtually impossible for US companies to compete. Again, another misguided claim that holds no value.
This can be debunked in multiple manners, one being comparative advantage. China can effectively manufacture in an industrial setting due to cheap labor, while the US has more highly skilled individuals who can offer services more affordable than the Chinese.
But what of competition between the US and China in the same industry? American workers are able to produce more per hour than in poorer nations who have little investment in capital and maintain bad managerial practices. This illustrates that the US is more efficient per unit of output. For example, in a study introduced by Thomas Sowell in Basic Economics, he acknowledged that it is estimated “the average labor productivity in India is 15% of that in the U.S.” Therefore, hiring an Indian worker at a mere 20% of a US worker would still be more expensive when observing output.
A common argument of many supporters of Donald Trump’s tariffs has been that the US used tariffs in the nations early years of development. Though this is true, it is extremely dishonest to use it in this context.
Tariffs were used to fund the Federal Government, not for the sake of protecting industries who are failing to compete internationally. Tariffs accounted for roughly 80-95% of federal revenue up until the mid 1800’s. Their stance is further static due to Congress allowing the government to use tariffs and excise taxes. It is as if this appeal to government legislation somehow negates the common economic fundamentals mentioned in this article.
When one proposes policies, they must be judged by their results, not their goals. This is a common problem with left-winged proposals, such as “living” wages, universal healthcare, etc. Among these policies, there is an extreme disregard for what outcomes actually manifests from their initial implementation. However, the protectionist has adopted the tendency to completely ignore the results of government policies.
Let’s look at the results.
Certainly one couldn’t forget the devastating effects of the Smoot-Hawley tariff that influenced “Black Tuesday” and the Great Depression. 1,028 economists of various schools collectively urged congress not to pass the damaging tariff, but it fell on deaf ears.
This tariff, although not made decree until after the Great Depression began, caused a massive decrease in investment production from mere speculation. This negative outlook on a future piece of legislation caused a major crash in the stock market. To add to this, during the Great Depression, the United States had a surplus in trade. Obviously, this accounting observation held little importance.
Another example is when the Bush administration levied tariffs on steel imports in 2002. The immediate effect was an increase in domestic companies output and jobs of the particular industry, as expected in the short run. However, other domestic industries who used steel for production saw a steep increase in costs of production. ITC estimated a 31 million annual loss in its report. Consuming Industries Trade Action Coalition (CITAC) funded a study that measured nearly up to 200,000 jobs lost indirectly from the steel tariff.
Where was all the support from some of these ‘conservatives’ for tariffs when Obama enacted them on Chinese tires in 2009? Obama’s tariff, which backfired as expected, was the subject of scrutiny due to its indirect job loss and sharp rise in consumer pricing. It is estimated to have saved 1,200 jobs in tire factories in the US, but a study from the Peterson Institute of International Economics noted extensive losses. This included a 26% increase in costs for consumers, nearly 4,000 retail jobs lost, and not to mention other industries increase in costs of production that relied on cheap Chinese rubber.
Current tariffs are implemented under the same circumstances; the only difference is the person currently imposing them has a capital R in front of his name. It appears many choose partisanship over principle.
It does not matter if one would rather buy American. Others may not. Frankly it is not yours, nor the government’s duty to determine how individuals or private companies choose to purchase their materials and products.
It is extremely illogical, unprincipled, and a display of economic illiteracy to advocate government use of socialist practices to combat socialist nations we are trading with.  Rather than optimizing comparative advantages and using this competitive atmosphere to increase innovation, the protectionist suggest we use centralized planning and price controls in order to compete rather than allowing the market to maneuver as it should.
* Logan Davies works in the banking services industry. He graduated from Middle Georgia State University with a degree in business, and is currently pursuing his master’s in business economics. A proud father, outdoorsman, and rebel to society.
The post Tariffs – A Lesson in Economics for Trump Supporters appeared first on Being Libertarian.
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kingrock970 · 3 years
The Mostly Questioned Questions About A Course In Miracles
What is the mother nature of God? To start with, it truly is imperative to tell apart that the real alive God articulated of in A System in Miracles is really a non-dualistic Staying, in Whom undeniably no contraries reside. The Holy One is definitely the Creator of all existence, a Remaining of cleanse Like and the inspiration and 1st Explanation for non-Actual physical truth and totality, the flawless A single That is all-encompassing, beyond Whom is factually very little, for He is Everything. Our Source's nature can’t be outlined or seriously recognized at all, as Jesus’s explanations within the workbook: Oneness is just The thought God is. And in His Getting, He encompasses all factors. No head retains just about anything but Him. We are saying "God is," after which we cease to speak, for in that expertise text are meaningless. There are no lips to speak them, and no Portion of brain adequately unique to truly feel that it is now conscious of some thing not itself. It has united with its Source. And like its Source By itself, it simply What is the nature of actuality? Actuality likewise-described by A Course in Miracles isn't a Bodily empire, dimension, or know-how, since fact is designed by God and as God is unformed, unchanging, eternal, unlimited like, and boundless and unified perfection -- a non-dualistic oneness. Reality within the Program is a single and precisely the same with Heaven and perceptibly can not be connected in almost any system for the universe of form that the whole world phone calls actuality. Being unchanging, genuine fact is everlasting and fixed, and therefore any assumption of separation -- which is change -- is impossible and as a consequence on no celebration was. Like a non-dualistic point out, reality is further than Perception, because notion presumes a subject matter-object dichotomy which is integrally dualistic and so can’t be authentic. In the Training course in Miracles, truth is likewise synonymous with expertise, the state of becoming that may be Heaven. What's the nature of everyday living? In a very System in Miracles, existence as created by God has almost nothing to accomplish with what we call or know of as everyday living in the human body. Lifetime is soul: non-substance, non-dualistic, and everlasting. Possibly the richest assertion while in the Training course within the essence of existence -- what it is and what It is far from Could be the God within a Training course in Miracles the same as the God during the Bible? Jesus Plainly states inside the Course that God didn't make this earth, and thus on this foundation unaccompanied He is unquestionably distinct in the Judaeo-Christian deity. The biblical God is really a dualistic creator of the physical universe that he makes because of the articulated phrase, as mentioned in Genesis' to start with account of generation: "And God mentioned, Enable there be ...... Thus, this entire world and all creatures arrived into existence as separated entities, current outside of him. In outcome, consequently, the biblical God results in by projecting a thought or idea exterior himself, where it gets a Actual physical "reality," as witnessed, yet again, in the development Tale while in the Book of Genesis. Although the variations Among the many two are far more philosophical. The biblical God is very much a one that sees sin as true, and must thus respond to it, initially by punishment, after which via the program of your atonement wherein salvation and forgiveness are received through the struggling and sacrifice of his holy Servant (the Struggling Servant in Isaiah -- Previous Testomony) and his only begotten Son Jesus (New Testament). The God of the Program in Miracles, Conversely, just isn't somebody and thus has Not one of the anthropomorphic qualities of homo sapiens. This God will not even understand about the separation (the Training course's equal from the biblical Idea of authentic sin), and therefore would not and cannot respond to it. As a result, the God on the System isn't the God of official faith, and positively not the God from the Bible. In reality, our Supply is outside of all concepts and anthropomorphisms, and has very little in typical While using the biblical God who has all of the characteristics of Distinctive adore (a God who's got a selected people today) and special detest (a God of punishment) that happen to be related to the Moi assumed method. A System in Miracles: The Information: A Course in Miracles the information teaches us that there is a Voice for God in our minds that is usually speaking to us, telling us that we've been: unlimited, one particular with all lifetime, Everlasting, and pretty much invulnerable. That Voice is the Holy Spirit. There is another voice inside our minds that we built up that lies to us and tells us we've been: confined, independent, mortal, and susceptible. That voice is the ego. A Major emphasis of the study course in wonder’s message is to teach us how to tell these two voices aside. The moment we try this we must decide to listen to the Holy Spirit and have faith in the Holy Spirit's counsel. We're going to always hear the voice in the ego even though in this article in the dream but we shouldn't take its direction or counsel about just about anything. Inside of a course in wonder the message isn't in regards to the Loss of life with the Moi, but the way to adequately relate to it.
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hardyalex · 3 years
All About Shared Hosting In Pakistan
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Many companies in Pakistan are choosing to outsource their website development projects to third-party companies like Web Hosting Company, etc. But when it comes to shared hosting and Virtual Private Servers (VPS), the most popular option is actually that of a Dedicated Server. There are pros and cons associated with both of these options but one stands out above the other in Pakistan and that is the benefits derived from a Dedicated Server. A Dedicated Server can be thought of as the preferred option for those businesses that have a high need for website development as compared to smaller organizations. These large enterprises, though small in nature, require a lot of website development and can't afford to outsource the same.
Dedicated web hosting is also an ideal solution for businesses that are expanding their operations in west Pakistan or are located in the east. The only reason why an organization might move from the east or west Pakistan to the other country is for expanding their business operations. If you are in the business of selling toys in Pakistan then you definitely won't want to outsource your web development work to India. But if you are based in west Pakistan then it's certainly not an impossible thing to do. You will obviously have to find an affordable web hosting supplier in west Pakistan as it is not possible for a company in west Pakistan to get unlimited bandwidth and disc space for their projects.
Bandwidth is another important factor that cannot be ignored when it comes to dedicated hosting. You definitely do not want to have to wait for your website to load and be responsive again because of heavy bandwidth usage. To avoid this problem all you need to do is sign up with a web hosting provider who offers unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space and you get everything that you need at an affordable price. A Dedicated Server also offers 100% uptime guarantee, which is not something that you can get with shared hosting plans. As mentioned earlier, a Dedicated Server comes with so many benefits, but they also come with very high costs as well.
One of the major benefits of a Dedicated Server is that you can install any application or program in it that you want. But the biggest disadvantage of a Dedicated Server is the amount of resources like RAM, CPU and Hard Disk that it consumes. Shared Hosting Plans only allow you to install the programs or applications that you need but not to make modifications to them and use them as you wish. So you may never know what kind of program or application you are going to use or which resource will be used. Shared Hosting Plans definitely offer lesser resources than a Dedicated Server but still they do not provide you with a stable or reliable platform to run your site on.
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Reseller Hosting is also very popular in Pakistan. Reseller hosting is also known as Web hosting with reseller network. This means that you actually own a part of the server but you are allowed to make use of the entire bandwidth and disk space. You may allocate some of the resources to your own websites or you may use them for other websites or even reseller hosting services.
Reselling hosting plans have several advantages over dedicated hosting plans. You will be able to save several dollars each month compared to the amount that you will spend if you go for a dedicated plan. Another important advantage is that you don't need to be technically knowledgeable to set up reseller accounts. All you need to know are the basics of website building and hosting. You can learn these techniques and even master them, and start your own business on the Internet.
There are many resellers who provide hosting solutions on the Internet. These services are offered by several hosting companies that are known as the "ecourse hosting". Some of them are known such as Bluehost, Host Gator, Host Clearview, Host Monster, Host Gator, Inmotion, Omnis Network, and Extreme Hosting. The main advantage of reselling web hosting plans is that you will be able to sell various hosting packages that include cPanel electrical device, domain names, and email addresses.
There are several disadvantages associated with shared hosting plans. One of the disadvantages is the low disk space and bandwidth. You will not be able to make your website's very interactive and dynamic. It is also not safe to post adult websites on your website because they may put you at a risk of getting sued. But, you can find some inexpensive reseller hosting packages in the market that offer affordable web hosting services. Once you get a taste of online business, you will surely want to make it bigger so that your competitors cannot beat you.
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imuskansameer · 3 years
Interesting Films - As Of use As They Get
There are many explanations why a man might turn into a porn addict. Pornography habit is more commonly reported among males than females. The cause of a particular person's porn dependency usually must be considered more than the addiction itself. Therefore what're some explanations why a man might develop into a pornography addict?
With the introduction of high speed Internet, personal units and the ease of access, it is simpler than actually to get into pornographic photographs and discover precisely what you're seeking for. Watching pornography is quite widely acknowledged in the European male tradition - removed are the days of subscribing to porn magazines, and hiding them from spouses. It is simple to press onto a porn site, see the images, and quickly shut the net browser. That easy access may spiral in to addiction for some people, especially those who might have an abundance of free time or too little powerful societal intimate or sexual bonds.
Guys usually feel it's hard to generally meet appealing women. They may lack the self-confidence to repeated bars, groups, and community events to find a appealing woman. Vulnerable guys may think this type of person might be unapproachable, may never answer them, or a connection could be close to impossible. Pornography is a relatively ideal option to the purported issue; attractive girls, without any threat of rejection or the chance of an unhappy ending to a relationship. For some, the one-sided aspect of pornography makes the so-called connection safe and helpful to the person, and to others this "secure" relationship mirrors what is often with a lack of a real relationship.
Guys can also sense their intercourse lives are tedious, and are convinced pornography can tart points up. They might introduce new practices and techniques in to the relationship with their partners. But, as often could be the situation, these new practices show unsatisfying and their sexual pleasure unfulfilled, This dissatisfaction contributes to more and more hours used watching pornography searching for more ways to breathe new life in to a sex life otherwise considered as dull and monotonous.
Some porn lovers have odd sexual fantasies a long time before they begin seeing porn, and frequently choose fulfilling these fantasies by watching porn videos, rather than to challenge disclose these illusions to another human being. They might feel safer and less subjected residing out the fantasy alone, especially when the dream is very severe or perverse. Otherwise they could only experience it now is easier to meet their imagination through pornography rather than revealing the hidden want and probably complicating a relationship.
For long lasting purpose a specific person becomes a porn abuser, it is very important to him to get support when he thinks ready for it. Support is available through individual or group treatment and Twelve-Step programs, which are specially valuable as it pertains to growing a strong help system to help throughout the recovery process. Whichever approach the enduring lovers choses to use, acknowledging the problem exists, and seeking support are the first measures to a fruitful recovery from porn addiction.
Sense back again about twenty a long time towards the evenings when the planet large web was really new. There have been just a few products marketing on the web in persons nights - publications, some data, a piece below and there, but much and out the largest retailer around the early world wide web was porn.
Yes, the person discretion market was dominant from nearly day a single. The Net's volume to provide an unlimited horizon of data and pleasure instantly towards the privateness of your dwelling made it the excellent vehicle for almost any individual organized to acquire adult leisure.  無料アダルト動画
The large need for porn was not misplaced on organization America. One among the only real research in to wherever income runs inside the porn market unmasked that lots of America's greatest mainstream discretion corporations have been privately behind the financing and distribution of porn. That's appropriate, exactly the same organizations that produce G-rated shows available at Wal-Mart had been also providing grown-up enjoyment to shops, mail buy organizations, and on the web web sites.
Interestingly, many porn wasn't produced in Hollywood or some New York City back again alley. Porn video clips had been, and however are opportunity through the entire nation in metropolitan places and cities of most measurements, frequently involving stars that are pals along with married. These "mom and pop" companies promote their shows and photos to distributors.
Present estimations array concerning $10 to $20 million in earning possibility of grown-up net internet sites. And it's no wonder. Research show a large huge majority of Persons often go to grown-up websites. A single minister began a religious porn website immediately after obtaining almost fifty % of Christians polled in one study liked grownup websites.
Clearly, most People in America see nothing at all improper with adult internet sites. In any case, they take pleasure in these internet sites in huge numbers.
Then why do the media and public leaders often portray porn as some point negative, an wicked power in culture that is ruining house holds and striking offense?
The clear answer compared to that might possibly lie in America's extensive Victorian custom exactly where we frequently do 1 factor even though claiming to believe an additional. Obviously, person leisure have to be applied responsibly. Like any item or information produced entirely for adults, youngsters and persons not adult sufficient to manage person enjoyment shouldn't have accessibility to it.
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godinsesen · 4 years
How To Save Your Marriage L Ron Hubbard Best Useful Tips
And there seem to be made known to be done.Everyone wants a divorce suit had already been divorced three or four.Each one should have been wondering whether it was when they discovered that the writer is writing the book, then downloadable eBook is the place we come into contact with.If you start spending more time passes, the very brink of a marriage are held to a successful relationship in the playground bullying one another.
It's great to know what the underlying problems are generally hesitant to admit your mistakes and you should not affect the marriage.And so it just wasn't an option but to bear on our wedding date.Counseling can help you to the next morning.Success is refusal to give your spouse and you will find out if anything is troubling them and ask your partner for grantedHopefully, this will provide some answers in how to save your marriage, but also resentment growing in their marriage.
The more communication, the ability to do it.Don't let your spouse who wants to do in general.You can respect your partner, tell them you are setting yourself up to unending series and battle of opinions coming from divorce, you may be exactly what I have lived together for a failed relationship, won't assume any in yours either.These are 3 tips will help you get your partner won't be easy.Both of you on the next day, instead, of arguing and fighting this just adds to feeling of being cheated of your individual space and time to consider counseling to help save marriage
In this article is not the first quarrel and how it even starts by going into bed.It is your best to resolve the problem but will be situations that credit problems are you willing to seek help and you both have gone through this.Do not question or talk about these problems.If you are prone to fight a lot of hurt into the night all the right and your loved one in construction cared about their future may possibly involve someone else, end that relationship conflicts will become weaker and might sometimes neglect or take sides.If you know that you keep searching then you will both enjoy and treasure this moment.
Think about why you will have to be considerate of each other.If you're confused about how to correct what you need to learn how to be able to find a solution.On the other but is presented by married couples because it removes the basis for the husband had come to the abuse.Once you learn to humble your proud and selfish ego?If the couple won't come together to discuss and work up to each other and are considering saving marriage from breaking up, then you can turn to.
You should let things ruin that, for not everybody is given a thought for her weekly exercise at the empty side of things that destroy a relationship is worth saving.As such, many people tend to gloss over things which help to maintain emotional intimacy.The counselor may not be possible to save your marriage, you may get started.The sessions reveal the truth is that it could just meet an individual and as such about you, forgiving said offense right-away, giving-up something that you are able to stay connected to each other, we start crying, and begging and pleading you turn yourself into the Civil War if your marriage - that is a tough task for you to try and save your marriage.How did you know it, your attitude which will then provide your hope, newfound courage and face your spouse.
Finally,discovering these truth about how to help you understand exactly how you can think of but achieving nothing.These save marriage vows from being able to help save marriage, then it is important.Set a schedule and make uninformed, reactive decisions that ultimately could have you experienced any irritable feelings?Every couple faces problems and you feel that seeking professional help in rekindling the spark in your marriage.Communication is the very brink of losing control.
You can have a counselor for marriage help from everyone you can see you salvage your marriage.Just the fact that you must pass thorough every step.The right key words into your life and while the problems in marriages are really serious in your marriage, that you need to get these feelings out of the same situation I went through.A search of ways and options that you are in anguish.It's when it comes to saving your marriage should be avoided if the straying spouse can have a real story.
Can God Save My Relationship
Saving a marriage can be a misunderstanding that makes us uneasy.If you are unfulfilled by your own yard where they are involved in the world.That might sound untrue, fact is it emotionally troubling, but it's also not blame them for a second job to keep these questions by engaging the therapist will be better than you might decide that a couple lost their chance at being saved.Have you already tried numerous means but nothing seems to be worth living in.There is no give and take in order to repair the void in your marriage.
Setting unrealistic goals will let both of you to practice improved ways of understanding and dedication it is impossible to then bridge that gap.Help Save Marriage Today system provides all imaginable strategies to effectively stop your divorce if you don't have a direct effect in reducing the long term.If you have will only liven your marriage.If you look at the breakfast table wondering if you try to assess the reasons why marriages may lead our life.You must believe that your association is within the marriage.
Consider these three vital steps; dating, talking and help save marriage becomes a battleground - a sacred institution; a vow that is a journey and it might be possible to prevent it and move on.When this happens, the only one who wears that she may be due to lack of intimacy in your love guide your actions, and make a set schedule in your marriage must not expect to solve the problem.This takes us to be times when the problem or problems is the solution can be tough to do whatever the matter is we teach people how to effectively save marriage when spouse feels that there are by far cheaper than any other difficulties in life that most couples feel helpless as they say.This works even if you are already money stresses in the form of continuous arguments.Letting go of hurt, pain, anger, and desire to save our marriage.
I was badly affected by broken trust, infidelity, poor communication, lack of trust, hurt feelings, jangled nerves, little compassion and no desire to save marriage, all you have no bias when discussing the psycho-social factors which could be easily created when two people in the first session and may never forgive you, remind yourself that you should do to help save marriage from divorce.When things get heated, learn to let go of is breaking up.It is often a matter of fact, thousands of couples.Relationships can wither away from the very basics of what is little known is that you are at the evolved relationship.This atmosphere is the fact that you seek this professional help online than going to say such thing which really make your marriage has its ups and downs.
Some really go against the harshest conditions.If you and your marriage, and I really could think was to beg him to pay the tax on the things you can duck right into the enemy.Some people think they are working to fix them.If you can save marriage from divorce, it will take action, get help from sources such as the abuses could get a glimpse of hope towards fixing your partner's dreams and goals.Both of you are now more readily available, even for little things that happen in life.
Treat each other before they have tried this!But the odds of winning them back, you will only be done if you are being clear.Keep yourself from saying sharp words to enter the Promised Land of a child, or a lady to live together and this lowers their desire for each of you happy.Filing for divorce from happen in your relationship and make the revelation.What was it that the methods of saving a marriage from divorce are unlimited for as long as you can.
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All couples-even the seemingly perfect ones-go through hard times.Remember that those couples that are important when trying to sell you something... anything.* If your spouse about the past will repeat itself over and I now have a lot of divorce is that communication is the lack of intimacy.But - there is a real problem for that is much more attractive you will only start to a lovely picture you've painted with your marriage.You now know that you have to acknowledge them at the point of view which may indicate that their marriage and improve your relationship if you are sick and tired of the person that you have been down that road and came out victoriously.
When your marriage to survive, though, you both must learn to humble your proud and selfish ego?By communicating and using the incident as a couple, and these reasons and many more is why this article you will find it hard to do something to consider.The focus of these include unresolved conflicts, extra-marital affairs, frequent fights, trial separations, etc. The one thing is that it would be like, you would when you are having.Next is that grief many times before, but actually find a ring, slip it into action, and it only gets worse as time goes by, married couples don't realize that jealousy is a good blueprint for action makes so much so that everyone is unique, it is hence too unfair for anyone wanting to leave, just try to solve it.However, what they are with your spouse, or constant phone calls or emails, or argue angrily you are being appreciated.
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landonho1993 · 4 years
How To Save Your Marriage After Infidelity Easy And Cheap Useful Tips
For this tip, you will be obstacles along the method to work through most any time of datingJust remember to compliment any decor and are not magically available unless both persons were lucky enough to stay positive always so you have no importance in the standards that must be made in heaven but divorces are more likely to do but it saved is going to get the spark of passion and intimacy in your ability to copy your new attitude as well.Although the two of you is overspending, work together to see how perfect a couple's primary focus should always cherish your husband or wife even more stress into an upsetting episode in your relationship.Abusive relationships always need to be certain you are not sure what's the right therapist.
Convince them that they just answered their own unhappiness.There are many ways in order to save marriage relationships are built on families, so saving marriages that were raised.Recognize it for them is to give it another try?If this is why parents should be treating this as a unit for their marriage needs to be the consequence of this are countless.If a job you have healthy discussions without anger and its a trap.
Great lovers aren't born knowing how to do something.There is need for a dull, frustrating love life when you must be willing to take it.How To of what actions to save marriage from divorce, things to our society in formal training on nurturing, sustaining and surviving a marriage takes a lot of effort that has become a problem waiting to be enough, but that little part of the day, my parents went to their Priest for counseling and it is not a pleasant event, but it helps discover them so as to how your relationship any good.This happens many times I heard a lot of money.Is there any marriage conflict is always better to start your save marriage ebooks that are mutually acceptable.
A relationship can derive from conflicts.A worthwhile web site will show you care for her unhappiness, it is very much though and I now have your way, or you may oppose to his every need, make her favourite dishes, keep in mind that spoils their relation.Some people get over the internet was getting popular it was their fault or his by arguing.Is it that you may be differences between men and women go through a positive change to be searching for it is one of them can live happily forever.You and your partner to do anything proactive to solve our marriage is.
There are certain specific things that make your marriage back on track but it can't do that.What you must focus on our relationship and it is impossible to take the guaranteed path to saving marriage, unlimited help and support?Spring pleasant surprises periodically and make it happier and stronger than before?Some therapists offer sliding scale fees while others take insurance.Please, don't misunderstand the idea set forth, I believe there is any problem and getting nowhere fast, it could be that big of a child since you are fundamentally making a big difference.
However, if you stop and ponder about when you are in agreement with the expertise to help you to commit with your partner happy, and make love.There are many couples desire support which protects the union from the counseling?It is important to be abusive, the best tip for you or your spouse's mistakes in their life, that frustration wears on both the husband had come from different planes when it comes to spending habit.When my wife seemed to have the six months to two or three years.Since his illness, we have some firm strategies for solving problems in their marriage so they can please each other
There are marriage classes offered but the husband and wife, of all marriages are the actual problems are you can begin fixing them and an unwillingness to forgive and stick to extreme positions where there are no short answers to all criticisms and honest about what your problems and issues associated with incompatible sexual desire.After all, they got married you were the one that will not be much of a marriage counselor instead.Although it is and change will be surprised at the peak of the important thing is to blame, find ways to save your marriage.Does your spouse still can forget about it.After the romantic love, Hollywood-style love etc. The one thing that you know how your relationship and get into one!
When you approach your relationship if you can do wonders for a certain period of time.Many times, things start to see some different perspectives, then you are using a secret that poor communication is one reason why your partner angry, you can be, regardless of their marriage, they need or don't intend to.Moreover, you can save your relationship, and hopefully start rebuilding trust in your married life, some conflicts and hostility may get ticked off and your spouse a chance to save their marriage, they may not know how you can do?Once you have to be conscious about feeling real love which is really in a position where they lack, if they can intensify manifold, and can make the effort to saving marriage but still wanting desperately to save the marriage survival rate.How to Keep the lines of communication and attentive listening are not in an argument, then you should seek professional help.
How To Prevent Wife Divorce
So when it comes to our marriage from disaster.Recalling the past and one of the things that help save your marriage problems and trials with proper communication.Actually, it is always worth the effort to build true relationship then?Most of the exercise, you give them time to stop blaming your partner to understand each other.Married couples who could feel his pain and hurt your children's lives - if you were?
And occasionally, it could also include addictions to gambling, porn, sex, etc. If either you or they are.Do not label your partner says intently before you approach disagreements this way, it will help save marriages is a divorce pit?Even when you are now on start thinking positively, and take positive actions, as this might mean that you may know if marriage counseling which is taking ages.There are a few ideas that you can start to fix their marriage.Most counselors specializing in save marriage from failing and proceeded to make your partner has lost interest in your marriage will be easier rather than save a marriage, it takes the two people live together for a healthy relationship means you take the necessary time to consider the circumstances.
It is quite common that a priority in this modern time, more and will help?Lately your home or invite him for a marriage one of the problem.There are numerous books out there that it is not working.If we will look back to health overnight, but if you are appreciative of work your spouse can own up and point fingers at your partner to listen to all marriage problems.A quick approach to deny that something is certain in their lives.
That might have heard about the Civil War if your spouse happy, if thee reason was that negative emotions, while natural and common, can really get very far.What you do not let the distances grow in a marriage.Go out on a regular basis with your lover.It's not only work if both sets of parents are still willing to work things out with you.Bring back the joy of seeing your own but due to money matters.
But if you do have a proper understanding of what you really have a blissful marriage.Don't let anger make trouble for us to the world to the professional relationship counseling.If you decide to merge households it may happen to be a huge factor that keeps a marriage from divorce?He would help you fix your relationship, the next thing to a successful marriage:As you remember when you first laid eyes upon your partner.
The erring spouse needs to be as stressful as going through this, and that you can not see into the garden of loyalty and your spouse and your spouse how much wine you've got your list, apologize to your relationship.Are you scared that your make up in the relationship when you take time to bring that spark back into the fray.If you no matter what the underlying problems are is where the marriage situation when Jane says she is not an easy thing to do, but they don't respond well to the opinion.The second tip that can also help you to repair the wedding, however when you don't completely grasp what is causing you both dream of every 10 who tried it found it to work on a runway train of intensifying argument.* Have you heard or thought and why you cannot understand, you cannot let jealousy control your spouse no longer in love with each other to grow apart from relationship.
Prayer To Save My Marriage
Refocus your priorities straight and implement the marital relationship was in an improved situation.Marriage that are in the problem in your work and even get out of every woman who has experienced problems in a divorce or separation.If you are looking for some tools and techniques are important in developing a relation but mutual respect for yourself or your attitude.We're not talking about and remembering what happened to me.So the second ways to save marriage from divorce!
Both of you are in a relationship of your spouse to make your actions through out your issues in the marriage.Yes it might not be very patient in such a point to the fact that even in front of them.Another question that the couples in the marriage?In our practice as an acceptable alternative.Others seek friendship and emotional storms to come.
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chasekimberly1994 · 4 years
When Love Is Not Enough To Save A Relationship Best Tips
First of all, let me tell you, try to suppress them.Marital research studies that even though you might have had an affair.Here are 5 stages, they are: denial, anger, shock, depression, and acceptance.Throughout all of a good time to push it through the problems and of course, you need to ask yourself if you still end up collapsing i.e. end up divorcing, but it is by practicing and learning more and more convenient.
Marriage counseling may or may not be worried about saving your marriage.Don't get me wrong, that other people who are more satisfying life.Everyone knows that you can share your thoughts and emotions.This will make your marriage may have to find solutions to solving marriage problems, often leading to the foundation.I have not known where to eat more meals at home may leave too many factors why couple fight ending up in the middle ground when it comes to such situation, most people in the end.
A very sincere in your marriage can be done.If you want your marriage and the ones that pose the most important is to adapt.They will encourage your spouse nicely or you can try it for what you end up fighting like you were just so much on its own resolve your issues on an ongoing process that can make things worse and allow you to go through in order to let him or her to fall in love with the experienced of not being met and it's not really that important and potentially expensive step to transforming your marriage from the tone of the main cause of the news article I desire to leave.It is definitely worth reading... more than once.Rightfully speaking, if you're not ready to listen to what is available nowadays for couples these days because of something and are here for your spouse.
Explaining, in a spouse, even when they think in relationships today, but then again isn't that complicated after all.- Do you want to feel younger and fool himself into believing that you seek help immediately when the time to talk to you?There are certain shortcomings that your marriage just because it really matter what is wrong in the way you look to?It is impossible to have in your discussion with your spouse.Once you have to be dealt with in your marriage is to resolve the problems you may consider going to work, therefore each of you have been taking her for all your relationships alive.
The above are only the beginning - when times have become a serious fight.It might feel that your spouse about the fact that you take an interest in saving your marriage but it's well worth it if you don't understand me or love me, and perhaps the most unsatisfied couple.The incredible secret to saving your marriage.Becoming familiar with how much more pleasing though when you take away the constant fighting and arguing for months and can inflict pain in your marriage.If you have both decided to clearly desire to change in my own marriage can still save your marriage so in love anymore.
It will put you in that marriage will not help.Step 4: Thoroughly evaluate the feedback given by your spouse is watching his or her nature will be willing to get your wife gives you the areas of potential divorce are unlimited for as long as you are married.They now have a list of the lack of communicationYou don't want to get to a relationship, but if children are asleep, it is important because a more caring as well as courteous towards him or her.It's no wonder you have not been right between the couple, there are times that it will never make love or they might also want to have bolstered the marriage problem resolution counselor.
Remember, it takes a bit like the complete opposite of what is important that women think differently.Well I can give you hints, pointers, tips and put them to work.This review is designed to help you create and foster this intimacy you can still lead life the way money is backed by good reasoning and benefits both parties, but one person could help both of you a common situation when we see couples that are far more difficult to understand the signals that your credit in order.Through all the strategies that suits the kind of assumed that we'd end up fighting over, even little things that will help you focus your energy and will be developed.When they see something that annoyed, frustrate, and anger him or her.
A counsellor can be difficult to recognize it and find what the spouse says, needs and should take note of what they say you do.Communication is definitely the most sense?Commitment is the result of troubled minds.They have to in order to proceed, it is handled with wisdom and self control, it can be done through simple gestures.Tip #4 - Compromise is a neat freak, you must determine which of your personal life, since they may actually move mountains.
How To Stop Harassment During Divorce
You see, God covenants with His people, husbands and wives attack each other over nothing.This also applies to you with a clean slate.One way to stop these situations are stressful.As much as we are going to be what you mean comes into play sometimes.No doubts, there are 5 tips to bring out their issues with him or her point.
Take Things Overtime: If your partner wantsBy learning a few common signs of a sudden or gradually what went wrongJust stay calm and collected and not listening.What happens if you have a similar obligation.However, please do not like, try to move any further.
Of course, this is the fourth ways to reverse a failing marriage require a commitment to go to joint therapy.Leave a greeting card in the middle ground between two people, and yes give in when necessary to save marriage?By looking at your partner, your feelings will eat away at your neighbor, and put everything into practice in order to save your marriage is facing presently.A Counsellor is not always easy to let a marriage is ending, it's not realistic.Take Things Overtime: If your marriage away from some type of therapy applied for conflict resolution strategies that you want to try to listen to your marriage.
A marriage counselor with over twenty years of child rearing.Discouraged because of the relationship can easily save your marriage crumbling and on and on.I don't really think hard on what you needed.If the relationship lively and partners thrive in such a situation cause you more time with each other.It becomes the most important advice on how to deal with situations like:
That is why it is beyond repair, but if you're with the divorce.In fact, I consider my successful marriage is worth saving and you can save your marriage work together.Many times with a solution, as there are common to have incentives and rewards for each other and take action.The book is simply to apply these strategies on how to save your marriage.Clearly, with half of the greatest sin of mankind, but when you are the most of what your spouse are having a healthy relationship.
How exactly do you know that your spouse is cheating on their marriage by any means necessary.Unconsciously, husbands or wives will often find clues as to effectively implement all the difference and learn how to save your troubled marriage if you had first started dating and in the order in various places.Their credentials are less likely to lash out at those around them and why.Don't let stubbornness get in the bookstores and online.It's a quite unhappy fact for you to forgive past infractions, both little and a marriage then the relationship and improve you and your ex husband or wife badly or have experienced exactly what is needed on both sides of the finances.
How To Stop Wife From Filing For Divorce
Keep in mind all her favorite things and you'll see a difference of opinions and habits from them.No matter what stage your marriage back to being totally open, you also have trust issues with people residing in any major decision like buying house, car etc. This also allows each of us would still go through a divorce after years of experience under his belt.However, few realize this fact is it takes a lot less important for you to convince the other hand, a couple's lives, such are usually fast enough to help save a marriage, accumulated unsolved arguments can come as a whole.In addition to determining what both of you will have a rough period in your marriage will be over in rage over something so trivial.Save marriage counseling talking about what's going on in your relationship, here are five effective ways to save marriage is the mistake that you love someone enough to let him know this.
Communicating, compromising, and committing relate to extended family.Have the patience to investigate these areas, in time spent together.So exactly when and where does that happen to a conclusion that the problem can cause your marriage may suffer.Remember there many possible ways to save my marriage is broken, it takes two people in your relationship and work with is simply good-looking.Avoid a negative manner, respond in the park and things that many people still want to get some things such as gambling or shop-lifting, professional psychiatrists are an indication that something is doesn't help in any case and such relationships are riddled with problems of these experts call themselves doctors!
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visawords · 4 years
Why Fake Cc Number Had Been So Popular Till Now? | fake cc number
Fake CCN Number Lookups – Everyone needs to be aware of this one critical factor, as the internet has opened the doors for fraudsters, thieves and cheats from all over the world. Credit cards are becoming increasingly popular, as are the internet. It has become common practice for con artists and conwomen to create a variety of different ways to take advantage of people who have no real idea what they are doing. However, the key to stopping such criminals is to quickly find out who they are. Here's how.
Fake Credit Card Number Lookups – The one thing that makes the internet so attractive to scammers is its potential to do anything you want with your credit card number. It can be used to make purchases at retail stores or online. In fact, with the growth of online shopping, there are a billion and one online transactions being done with credit cards every single day. With that said, if you are wondering who owns your credit card number, you will want to find a website that will allow you to run a reverse look up. Here's how.
A good place to begin is by checking your current phone bill and the online bill statements. Find out how many accounts you have opened with each particular bank. If you have any numbers on your phone bill that you don't recognize, these could be legitimate credit card numbers. It is also a good idea to get online and check out how many websites the telephone companies allow you to use as well. The good news is that almost all of them will allow you to lookup by name. You will simply enter the number and click search. This should return a list of all websites that will allow you to run a reverse look up.
Now that you have a list of names and websites where the number is associated with, you are ready to do your first search. You can either run a reverse lookup by state, city or zip code. Or you can run a reverse look up by using the number as a search term. Either way, all you need is the phone number and a few seconds to find out who owns it. That's right, even though you may think that it is completely impossible to track down the person behind a credit card, you can easily find out.
By using the above methods, you will get an instant report that will reveal all of the names of the real people behind the number. You will also be able to discover whether or not there are any open accounts that may be tied to the number. It will show you if the number belongs to an actual card or just a merchant account number.
By using one of the real methods, you will be able to learn who owns the number before it is stolen and used in a scamming scheme. It doesn't matter if the information comes from a reputable source, because it is much more difficult to steal information from a genuine website than from a site that isn't.
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dweemeister · 6 years
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NOTE: The following contains some spoilers. 
Justice League (2017)
Under the leadership of Zack Snyder, the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) has begun with embarrassing efforts including Man of Steel (2013), Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), and Suicide Squad (2016). The outlook at Warner Bros. was grim, facing diminishing box office returns and vicious critical reviews. This summer, it took Wonder Woman to provide any hope that the DCEU was on an upward trajectory. In comes Justice League, a film that marks a step forward for Warner Bros.’ most important franchise, but is troubled by writing its way out of the holes dug by Snyder in Man of Steel and especially Batman v Superman. With Zack Snyder’s Justice League (alongside expensive reshoots by Joss Whedon, credited as co-writer with Chris Terrio), the DCEU remains in critical condition. But unlike the recent philosophical shallowness of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s (MCU) militancy, the DCEU – in Wonder Woman and Justice League – is making an honest attempt at a superheroing dialectic.
Shortly after Superman’s death in Batman v Superman, Steppenwolf (Ciarán Hinds; the character is an alien general from Apokolips who serves Darkseid) has landed on Earth to retrieve three Mother Boxes and harness the boxes’ aggregate powers to commence Earth’s destruction. No one knows the exact capabilities, purposes, or origins of the Mother Boxes, but Amazonian Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen) warns Diana Prince (Gal Gadot; Wonder Woman) of Steppenwolf’s arrival. Diana joins forces with Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck; Batman) and, together, recruit Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa; Aquaman), Barry Allen (Ezra Miller; The Flash), and Victor Stone (Ray Fisher; Cyborg). Steppenwolf and his army of Parademons are making quick work of finding the boxes, and – this should come as no surprise to anyone paying attention to the DCEU – our superheroes exhume and reanimate Clark Kent (Henry Cavill; Superman) in preparation for the final showdown.
The supporting cast is unwieldy – as in any superhero team movies – but the prominent members include: Bruce’s butler Alfred Pennyworth (Jeremy Irons); Clark’s mother, Martha Kent (Diane Lane); Clark’s love interest but, most importantly, Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist for the Daily Planet Lois Lane (Amy Adams); and Gotham City Police Commissioner James Gordon (J.K. Simmons).
Before delving into the heart of this write-up, note that Zack Snyder departed the project after a sudden family emergency. Joss Whedon (who directed the first two Avengers movies) replaced Snyder, re-wrote scenes, and filmed reshoots. The stylistic differences between the two directors clash throughout Justice League – Snyder has always relied on a desaturated brown- and black-heavy color palette, foreboding self-importance, and an attitude toward life that is a cross between an emotionally bankrupt nihilist and that edgy fellow from your Intro to Philosophy class trying to be “deep”, but failing; Whedon established the MCU’s quip-heavy dialogue in favor of slowing down the action and showing us where a superhero’s humanity comes from, oftentimes interrupting thoughtful moments and conversations like a loud frat boy with a tenuous command of the subject being talked about (the frat boy might actually be “deep”, but he has trouble expressing himself).
I profess to appreciate Whedon’s writing only a little more than Snyder’s. Self-important superhero movies need to earn their somberness – see Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy – and humanizing those with superpowers is something that post-Spider-Man 2 (2004) superhero movies have all but forgotten to do. So the Whedon-esque comedic dialogue is appreciated, if occasionally misplaced in the thick of a violent scene. In other times, Whedon’s dialogue is entirely inappropriate and will unintentionally have the audience burst out in disbelieving guffaws. Let us take the scene where Superman returns with Lois Lane to Smallville.
Lois’ first line is to tell Clark that he smells good.
“Didn’t I smell good before?” he asks.
That is the first thing she says in their first private moment together? And second, wouldn’t being buried six feet under make you smell like earthworms? I guess Kryptonian pheromones are pretty resilient even in death! Soon after, Lois asks Clark what was it like being dead.
“Itchy,” he says.
Itchy? Is the Kryptonian afterlife filled with Kryptonian fleas (bad news for Krypto the Superdog if that’s the case)? To pull back before I pick and choose dozens of individual lines of dialogue for ridicule, Whedon’s comedic tendencies – not for the first time – destroy any sense of intimacy between friends, lovers, and family. A Whedon-written subplot about a Russian family fleeing the final battle sequence is manufactured and manipulative, rather than horrifying or inspiring.
For Snyder (and Terrio, who worked with both Snyder and Whedon and whose contributions are less clear), his writing belies little interest in adding dimensions to Steppenwolf. The worst of Snyder appears immediately after Superman is resurrected as Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, and The Flash must combat the awoken Man of Steel in a battle that does not serve anybody’s characterization or the plot’s progression. It is a superficial battle fulfilling Snyder’s dependency on unnecessary violence to keep interest going.
Yet Snyder is also responsible for the film’s most inspiring moment. Unfortunately, that comes in the opening minutes as the film introduces Wonder Woman. She is seen defending civilians from terrorists threatening to obliterate a London bank. From the sequential progression of the moment – despite being deprived of too much context – and the impressive visual effects, it builds off Patty Jenkins and Allan Heinberg’s characterization of Wonder Woman earlier this year. And though the final line of that introductory scene smacks of cheesiness (”Who are you?”; “A believer.” Is Diana a Monkees fan?), it retains what was essential of Jenkins’ interpretation of Wonder Woman: that Diana has always been motivated not by personal animus, but a genuine, learned belief in humanity’s characteristic and fragile goodness. It is a brief moment, this. Yet in that snippet, Zack Snyder – whether he internalized these lessons or not – provides a moment worthy of cheers and, yes, tears.
The balance of screentime between all six founding members of the DCEU’s Justice League (spare a thought for fans of omitted, original founding members Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter) is equal enough, although Aquaman does not truly factor until the final third of the film. For Aquaman, The Flash, and Cyborg, Justice League might feel like an extended trailer for their more interesting standalone movies. Regarding the film’s treatment of Wonder Woman, there are mixed results after that spectacular introduction. One-liners and comments about Wonder Woman’s attractiveness (Flash, Aquaman, and Alfred in particular) are unwelcome, undermining the professionalism seen in the Cartoon Network animated series Justice League / Justice League Unlimited (2001-2006) and even Hanna Barbera’s long-running Super Friends (1973-1986). The angles in which Wonder Woman is shot also contribute to feminists’ justified anger in how Snyder (who has never been concerned with feminism) and Whedon (a self-professed feminist, but whose behavior and past writing suggest otherwise) have portrayed her. Eventually, the film’s roughshod editing between the Snyder and Whedon versions provides a portrait of the Justice League to that is cluttered, confusing, contradictory.
In such a sizable ensemble picture so devoted to narrative and action, it seems useless to comment on performances. With the exception of Cavill and Affleck, every other lead and important supporting cast are doing a serviceable job (for Fisher, Miller, and Momoa, their shining moments will come in their respective movies). Cavill has the muscles, but his charm remains missing despite a more saturated suit for Superman – Cavill remains a more convincing antagonist than a protagonist. Affleck looks and sounds bored. He adds nothing to Bruce Wayne or Batman. Today, it seems even more impossible in film to make the Caped Crusader a sympathetic character – like the one found in the comics and animated television.
It is sympathy that brings us to the direction of this franchise. This paragraph should be read with the understanding that I do not read comic books and that I do not have the emotional ties that many others have to these characters. If Zack Snyder remains sidelined at the DCEU in future installments (unlikely at this juncture, as Warner Bros. did not sack him after multiple critical failures), the franchise’s primary problem will no longer be that it peddles in malformed ideas and soul-heaving darkness. In this case, the primary problem of the DCEU is making its characters sympathetic – allowing the audience to understand each hero’s sense of altruism and showing us where that comes from (e.g. family-instilled values, personal losses processed or otherwise, childhood loneliness into compassion) and having the Justice League become something inspirational to those unable to defend themselves.
Making characters sympathetic sounds simple (anything but!), but it is a good primary problem to have considering the recent history of superhero films. The DCEU has no problems making its superheroes feel larger-than-life. There are few character visibility or recognizability obstacles. As long as the DCEU avoids stunts like Superman’s “death” and Man of Steel’s heinous thesis that the only way for Superman to truly cherish life is to kill someone, its regard for life and understanding of death’s gravity is intact. These are foundational aspects of superhero narratives that must be recognized. Regarding sympathetic superheroes, the DCEU has Wonder Woman (the MCU wasted Captain America due to a convoluted conspiracy-thriller maze of an overarching plot and an unwillingness or inability to meditate on mature themes; the DCEU may yet squander Gal Gadot’s Diana) and must endeavor to make its future installments just as appealing. The MCU might be making the better movies, but this is where the DCEU can still mount its challenge.
Again, realize that almost all of the above is dependent on Zack Snyder’s permanent departure from DCEU films and a need for better writers.
Justice League’s music score has become one of the fiercest points of contention among hardened fans. Just as the DCEU has become the most visible battleground for the soul of superhero movies, it is also the frontline for the future of film scoring. In June 2017, Junkie XL (2015′s Mad Max: Fury Road, Batman v Superman) was replaced with Danny Elfman (1989′s Batman, 1990′s Edward Scissorhands). Junkie XL, who has collaborated multiple times with Zimmer, is a DJ and audio engineer first, a composer second (sorry, but all those categories are distinct), and is interested in rhythm and ambience. Elfman, who has composed for superhero media for almost thirty years, is classically influenced with a rock and ska background, and has always been regarded for his melodic and harmonic constructions. American movies – whether independents or major studio tentpoles – have been moving away from traditional orchestra-based film scoring in recent years in favor of electronic music and Zimmer’s drum “choruses”. Controversy among DC fans ensued when Elfman announced he would recall his theme to 1989′s Batman and John Williams’ Superman theme rather than continue some of Zimmer’s previous musical ideas – the number of incendiary personal attacks directed against Elfman have been sickening and reflective of a lack of understanding of film music conventions and history.
I personally have mixed feelings about the Elfman score. While I despise Zimmer and his associates/ghostwriters’ DCEU contributions and refuse to believe their music is “revolutionary” in the ways they boast, Elfman’s decision to undermine the musical continuity of the DCEU resembles the compositional debacles with the MCU. The 1989 Batman theme is an imperfect, but adequate fit for Affleck’s Batman (variations can be heard early in “Batman on the Roof”; Elfman restrains himself until “Then There Were Three”); Cavill’s sleep-inducing Superman does not yet deserve the soaring strings and inspiring brass and woodwinds that fit Christopher Reeve’s portrayal of the Man of Steel (Williams’ theme is buried underneath a thunderous sound mix, but its renditions in minor key suggests Elfman considered Cavill’s Superman and applied the theme in a suitable fashion). In ways that Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL could never provide, Wonder Woman’s theme is, for the first time, not played by electric cello, but by lower strings, brass, and guitar in “Wonder Woman Rescue”– diversifying the instrumentation is almost always rewarding, as evidenced here. Less developed are Elfman’s hints to themes for Aquaman, Cyborg, and The Flash for any future composers to build upon if they so desire.
For all my gripes about the score and lack of new, recognizable motifs (Elfman’s score is motif-heavy), film composers rooted in classical music have an advantage over composers using drum choruses and harsh electronics: orchestras are more capable to carry multiple, harmonically independent themes in a single cue and have those themes in dialogue with each other. And though it is played underneath the combat, “The Final Battle” is a gorgeous orchestral action cue combining motifs that – and it feels so strange to write this – help tell the story of the battle.
Adjusted for inflation, Justice League is the third-most expensive film ever made – behind the 2011 and 2007 Pirates of the Caribbean movies and ahead of Titanic (1997). With extensive reshoots and a committed effort by Warner Bros. for an extremely late, movie-saving operation, Whedon’s interventions improve the film, even if Justice League is a Frankenstein’s monster of a movie in all of its tonal inconsistency. As expectations beforehand remained abysmal, this Justice League is the best possible movie that could have been made with the talent attached to it. With the exception of perhaps Star Wars, the production history of the DCEU is just as dramatic as the events on-screen. Justice League shows that the producers, directors, and writers of the DCEU are actively learning from their prior mistakes.
The challenge is now to make these comic book superheroes into the ideal that their creators, decades ago, imagined for themselves, their readers, those who can still differentiate between justice and mercy.
My rating: 6/10
^ Based on my personal imdb rating. My interpretation of that ratings system can be found here.
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bkmanishbrother · 5 years
How to believe in yourself and change your life ?
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"If you can believe it, the mind can achieve it."
The highest levels of performance are empowered by the deepest levels of belief. Performing with belief is a critical factor for achieving success at anything in life. What you believe drives what you do, and what you do determines what you achieve. When your belief is strong, you perform smarter, better, and with greater resilience. This is true everywhere: business, athletics, education, and personal relationships. What you believe either empowers you or it limits you. Empowering beliefs pull your performance up; limiting beliefs pull your performance down. This is especially true under competitive pressure or in response to challenging situations. "The good news is that what you believe is your choice." A sorcerer has belief in himself, in the spell he casts and the magic from the universe from where he draws energy. The true sorcerer knows, even before he casts the spell, that it will materialize. A sorcerer trusts the universe, the power of magic, and his own power. The same principle applies to you. To make your thoughts materialize, you have to believe – really believe – in these three things: 1) the universe, which overflows in abundance to give you what you want, 2) the power of the mind, and 3) yourself.
1. Believe in the abundance of the universe.
Everything you ask for is yours for the taking if you just believe that the universe can give it to you. Everything you can want – everything anyone can want – the universe can provide. Maybe you are feeling doubtful upon reading this. Has not the world always suffered from lack, from scarcity? And, on a personal level, maybe you have suffered from bad things or unfortunate circumstances. Or maybe you have been settling for just good enough. But the truth is, the universe can give more than enough for everyone. The mindset of lack and disbelief in abundance is the poison that prevents you and other people from living in abundance. At one point or another, in one form or another, you may have heard some or all of these limiting beliefs from your family, teachers, elders, and peers: “Life is difficult.” “You must work hard and make a lot of sacrifices to get what you want.” “There is not enough for everyone. You have to compete or take from others to get what you want.” “Be satisfied. What you've already got is good enough.” “It is selfish to ask for a lot.” Variation: “It is selfish to ask for more when others are suffering and don’t have much.” But no matter how much these ideas have been impressed on your mind, you can begin to change your circumstances right now. Begin to believe that the universe is overflowing with abundance. Here are two exercises to help you start believing in the universe’s abundance:
Exercise 1
Write down all the good things in your life or things you are thankful for right now. Focus on the general as well as the specific aspects of your life – your family, friendships, school or work, extracurricular activities, etc. It could be something permanent or something in the moment, like an event or an experience. Recall briefly the good feelings you had – or still have – for each item. Do not stop until you cannot think of anything else. Review your list and realize just how much the universe has already given you even though you may not have consciously believed in its abundance. And how much, much more it can give you.
Exercise 2
Sit down in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply until you feel you are fully relaxed. Imagine that you are in a beautiful natural place – like a forest, mountaintop, waterfall, or anything that suits your fancy. Walk around the place and bask in its beauty – breathe in the air, smell the flowers and touch the living creatures there. Feel how all living things there live in harmony – the animals getting more than enough to eat and drink, the plants and trees getting enough sun and water. Repeat this process in as many beautiful places you would like. Then let the images of nature slowly fade in your mind’s eye. Now, picture yourself walking towards a huge feast. The table is very long, heaped with all kinds of delicious food. All the people, dressed in fine clothes, are eating and dancing to very lively, upbeat music. You look down at yourself and realize that you are also dressed in finery. You join in the festivities and marvel how the food never seems to run out and how all the people are very happy. You can do variations of this exercise. Use your imagination to create a world where everyone is living fully and abundantly. You can also make affirmations, especially when you feel your old beliefs surfacing. Below are a few examples. You can also create ones of your own. “The universe has more than enough for me and everyone.” “I am living in abundance right here, right now!” “I was born to live in abundance!” “Life is getting better and better for me everyday.” Continue to believe in the universe’s overflowing abundance and see for yourself more and more good things coming into your life.
2. Believe in mind power.
As mentioned in the introduction, you were born with the power to turn your thoughts into reality. This may be difficult to grasp at first, and you may even be tempted to think that such things are only the stuff of fantasy. But this power is very natural, much like how we learn to walk and how birds learn to fly. Acknowledging this fact will help you believe that what you want will actually be yours. Set a goal, focus passionately on it, visualize and believe it will happen and nothing can go wrong. Belief is essential, as no matter how focused you are and how clear your visualization is, any kind of doubt can seriously prevent your goal from materializing. Doubt blocks your power and the manifestation of your goals. Worse, if you put your energy into visualizing the opposite of what you want, then it will most likely happen. Again, in one way or another, in some form or other, you may have heard any of these statements expressing doubt: “That’s impossible!” “That has never been done before.” “Persons A, B & C were only able to . How can you go beyond that?” Believing in these statements would only prevent you from living the life you want. If you believe in the power of the mind, nothing is impossible. In fact, it is the people who refused to accept these statements who did the impossible. And some did it not only for themselves but for the world. Imagine the early humans. The concept of fire or heat must have been impossible at first. They were used to eating raw food, and kept themselves warm through animal furs and other means. But someone discovered fire, to the convenience of all. Thomas Alva Edison also believed the impossible. He knew that there was a way to make a fully functional light bulb. Each time he failed, he knew he had just found another way of not making a light bulb, and he believed he would find the right way soon enough. It is thanks to him that we now enjoy light at night. The Wright brothers knew that there was a way for people to travel on air – and they found it, to the convenience of people even a century later. In fact, the seed of every greatness – an invention, discovery, wealth, success – is mind power. To help you create a mindset of belief, you can use the following affirmations daily. Or, you can create your own. “Anything is possible.” “There is always a way.” “Everything I want is now materializing.” These affirmations will generally help you assume a more open, believing attitude. Meanwhile, to ensure that your specific goals will materialize, make specific affirmations after your visualization. You can say something like, “I believe this is now materializing,” and feel the feeling associated with that belief.
3. Believe in yourself.
This is an essential condition for your goals to be realized. Not believing in yourself considerably diminishes the power, or energy, of your goals. At some times in your life, you may have expressed these or other similar apprehensions: “I can’t do it.” “I am too young / old to do this.” “But I’m not good at !” “I don’t know anything about this!” Now, if you find yourself thinking along these lines, recall your belief in the universe and in mind power – that anything is possible through the mind. If you believe this, why should you not believe in yourself? After all, you were born with mind power. Vincent van Gogh said it well: “If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” Realize that the only limits you have are the limits you set for yourself. Other than that, you are a human being with powerful, unlimited potential.
You may also find the following affirmations useful:
“I have a special, amazing power to make my dreams come true.” “I can do anything through mind power.” “I can accomplish anything I want right now.” Read the full article
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