#every character is black and queer
buckttommy · 2 months
umm. pause. guys. guys. gay tommy has been canon this entire time. what the fuck. like. oh my god. no. like. okay. okay. so. 2x9 (hen begins), sal [deluca] is talking about his girlfriend dragging him to see twilight. he makes a homophobic joke about tommy being team jacob and tommy's like "i don't even know what that means." chimney says "he's insinuating that you're gay" and tommy blows deluca a kiss. fine. whatever. but THEN you skip to 2x12 (chimney begins), and—i stg it's a blink and you miss it moment—tommy and gerrard (racist captain) are having this conversation in the background
tommy: what about that burger place? gerrard: tommy i hate that place. hey wasn't your girlfriend supposed to come and cook us dinner? tommy: uhh. next tuesday. gerrard: promise? tommy: uhh. uh. yes. yeah. i will promise.
and it's like. number one, this sounds like a conversation they've had before. something to the tune of "hey, how come you never bring your girlfriend around" which i can't help but think was intentional considering the members of the old 118 were entirely familiar with deluca's girlfriend gina. but number two, no straight man who has a girlfriend sounds that unsure that they have a fucking girlfriend. it was very much giving "ah yes. this human lady that i love that most definitely exists. absolutely. also i like breasts." and it's just like. ok. what the fuck. like. i don't know if this was the plan all along. i don't think it was. i still maintain buck/eddie were supposed to go canon after the shooting and the powers that be got in the way. but. but. the idea that this canon queer character has been hiding in plain sight (subtext) is just. wild to me. like. i've always headcanoned tommy as gay, mostly because every character he plays seems fruity as hell. but bro. i don't think it's a headcanon anymore. and i don't think it ever has been. what the fuck.
there's also the idea that. like. so i've been watching the begins episodes again trying to figure out what, exactly, tommy's crime against the members of the 118 has been. like. he worked in a -phobic/-cist environment. he was definitely complicit in making hen/chimney feel like outsiders in their workplace yes yes all these things are true. but as far as i can tell, tommy has rarely ever actively been anything except spineless. deluca makes a homophobic joke? tommy laughs. gerrard makes a bunch of sexist and racist comments? tommy looks, but doesn't say anything to encourage (or discourage him). hen gives her monologue? he looks chagrined.
and his complicity would be absolutely shitty and inexcusable if he was just a cishet white man. no questions asked. but if — if — you view his behavior through the lens of the fact that tommy is queer himself? that tommy is, and always has been, a member of a marginalized community who felt it was easier and safer to assimilate than it was to be openly queer and have a target on his back? his behavior becomes a whole hell of a lot more understandable. yes, it's still shitty, but. there's a purpose behind it. and this idea is supported by the fact that, when gerrard leaves (flashing forward to bobby begins again), even before bobby gets there (because we always credit bobby with making the 118 the family it is today), like. the atmosphere is completely different. tommy and hen? are friendly with each other. chimney and tommy? also friendly with each other. which we also know because in 2x14 broken, he calls him up for help. which lends credibility to the idea that the problems tommy had (or thought he had) with henchim were not about them as people but more about whatever manufactured conservative boys club bullshit gerrard fostered.
and it's just like. motherfucker. bitch. what the hell. like. first of all, leave it to 9-1-1 to tell a story like this in the most subtle way possible. like if that was indeed the intended implication, i'm throwing my tv off a bridge immediately. but also. second of all. what is wrong with this show. they're crazy. i want to eat it like a loaf of bread. just shovel it in my mouth because the idea that tommy has been queer all along, that he wasn't brought back just to be a stopgap on buck's queer journey to eddie, but that he's been haunting the edges of the narrative like a gay ghost is sooo like. ohhh. okay. [throws up]. like????? okay. anyway. i'm going to be thinking about this the rest of the day.
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everyoneisgayandtrans · 5 months
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stellerssong · 2 months
ok sorry the OTHER thing about lucienne is like. as previously stated she is dream's handpicked emissary from the waking world to the dreaming she's the diplomat in chief she's the translator she's the bridge. because the dreaming is, in a very real way, dream's own psyche, this is tantamount to giving lucienne a tremendous degree of access to his interiority and by transitive property also tantamount to entering into a deeply emotionally intimate relationship with her (unimportant for the purposes of this post whether that relationship is platonic or romantic).
now, in general, looking at the pattern of dream's close emotional relationships—dream doesn't share himself with people as a rule (beyond the access that all things that live have to the dreaming; but i'm talking about his self here, the one he doesn't like to acknowledge he even has), but when he does share with people, it's with people who have some shadow on the soul, so to speak. just looking at attested relationships in show canon, his deepest emotional connection seems to be with death, who embodies the duality of light and dark even better than he does himself. calliope is the muse of epic poetry—heroism and tragedy—and also bears the sort of divine pride that led her to cut dream off for hundreds or thousands of years when he wronged her. the less said about that other guy, the better, but he's no sunshine-rainbows-unicorns type—he's a soldier of fortune, a bandit and a killer, a man who profits from the sale of human life. even best bird matthew, in comix canon, had a sordid past that will maybe be partially retconned for the show but has still been gestured at.
dream likes the complicated ones. he's drawn to them. they speak to something in him that he won't acknowledge in himself (he has to be Whole, fully integrated, without reservation, because he is the king and he is the dreaming and if the dreaming ain't whole then the universe is in trouble—but he feels that ache nonetheless).
all that is to say: when people try to portray lucienne as dream's Designated Well-Adjusted Neurotypical Friend, i begin to harm and maim.
#chatter#as usual there is a larger pattern of behavior around this post that has been making me crazy for some time#it's the ''holder of the braincell'' trope but it's also just like the flattening of female characters of color in every possible dimension#so many people are terrified. TERRIFIED. to imagine a woman of color's pain#because the demands of shallow progressivism are such that they require you to acknowledge that A Black Woman Has Suffered More#Than Anyone Else Ever In The History Of The World Ever; Because Of Racism#but the demands of wider fandom are such that they require you to buy into the concept that A White Man's Suffering#Is The Only Suffering Worthy Of Care Attention Or Interest.#can't handle the dichotomy so instead they create the imago of a Black woman who has never suffered anything ever#she cannot be mentally ill; she cannot be disabled; if she is queer then it is in a way that is wholly self-contained and complete#and not ambiguous or in flux in any way; and most important of ALL she can never have experienced racism.#because racism As We Know is the worst form of suffering. so if she'd suffered racism then that would make her more worthy of#compassion than White Guy No. 37. which must not be#the very idea that lucienne is simply at peace with herself and the dreaming with no further complication.......like!#WOMEN OF COLOR ARE NEVER AFFORDED THAT KIND OF CERTAINTY. ARE YOU STUPID.#and by the way being reserved/calm/unassuming/practical are NOT absolute indicators of mental wellness.#y'all can see this when it's a white guy what is your fucking DAMAGE when it comes to women of color.#OPEN YOUR EYES. USE YOUR POWERS OF DEDUCTIVE REASONING. DREAM DIDN'T CHOOSE HER TO BE HIS THERAPIST.#DREAM CHOSE HER BECAUSE; PRESUMABLY; SHE ACHES. SHE CONTRADICTS. SHE GRAPPLES WITH THE SHADOW ON THE MIND.#SOMETHING IN HIM SEES A KINDRED SOUL IN HER. WAKE UP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
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rewritingcanon · 2 months
andromeda tonks and ted tonks and nymphadora tonks and druella black are the only ones who can even come close to an eeato au with evelyn and waymond and joy and gong gong
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glitterdustcyclops · 7 months
ngl the insufferable "pick me" energy of the GBs @ing the creators on twitter being like "I'M happy with how things turned out" and thanking them for such an "incredible season" have sapped any spare remaining crumbs of goodwill i might have had for this fandom y'all fucking harassed anyone who had a halfway neutral take on izzy for MONTHS for being abuse apologists or w/e and now you're fucking GLOATING because our guy died in a very narratively cheap way? how fucking petty are you jesus fucking christ
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danothan · 2 years
does anyone remember back on ye olde tumblr when ppl were actively discouraging allistics from making autism headcanons bc “neurotypicals don’t understand the nuances enough to make that call”? poor high school me was riddled with guilt for interpreting characters as autistic and steered clear away from it lest i came off as ableist. fast forward to the present day when i tried to do more-than-usual extensive research for an adhd headcanon and realized that the character i felt i could relate my seemingly adhd symptoms to was also actually autistic as fuck
i hope that mindset isn’t still going around, treating marginalized groups as a taboo just ends up gatekeeping from the ppl you’re trying to include
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madd-nix · 1 year
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This Pride month, I've been feeling more Wrath than anything else. Let's all shut the queerphobes up and drown them in our anger - show them what a bunch of queers can do! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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coolspacequips · 3 months
Honestly dipped back into hsr at the last second of black swans banner bc I wanted her so bad lol, but I haven't played in forever so I could only pull a handful of times then give up.... Then I hated acheron's look so much I dropped it again LMAO but now that they're lesbians caught in an Eldritch horror romance 👀👀👀👀
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nonbinary-morro · 1 year
Stampede!zazie could be the token problematic nonbinary rep if studio orange were'nt cowards ✌️✌️✌️
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auriidae · 11 months
just watched nimona feeling FANTASTIC
#hi friend who watched it with me if you see this <3333 i had a wonderful time i hope u did too#i am not good at articulating my thoughts in the moment but my brain was going BOING BOING BOING the whole time because THE SYMBOLISM....#(spoilers below be warned)#but the metaphors man. it's all about the metaphors#the colors and the dichotomy gahhhh (the black + white + pinkish-orange)#the blend of traditional medieval and modern in the setting because It Is A Changing Era#the fact that every one of nimona's forms was part of her identity! every time she was shown on screen it was very clearly her!#except in those last few scenes where she had Very Clearly Became What People Wanted To See !!!#and not one individual form could encompass her at all!#the mix of Individual People vs The System driving the story#the whole !!! the whole history being based on something inaccurate and one-sided and the walls literally breaking down.#(the fact that i didn't even notice when the director died lmao. i had to think back just now like 'wait what happened to her again')#the queer solidarity though auhhhh#the whole time at the beginning i was like 'OH IT'S BALLISTER ALMOST BEGINNING TO BE ACCEPTED... BUT NIMONA IS STILL TOO MUCH HMM?'#canonically gay & trans characters but they are a representation as well...#anyways. one of The Movies Ever i think#i am so so happy that it did get made!! and screw di sney for that i guess!!!#yeah. watch nimona i guess#i'm sad i didn't get to watch it through netflix though (my family lost the password). but when i can i just kind of want to loop it#so they know yknow#terra is rambling
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from-beyond · 1 year
I’m reading The Bright Lands rn and I am enjoying it, but the author truly cannot write women.
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happi-tree · 1 year
Grant, Scary, and Taylor for the character ask!!!
Hiiiiiiii Bababird!!! Hope you're doing well 🖤🖤🖤 (also for reference: "I want to kiss them" means I want to kiss them on the forehead and tell them that everything will be. Dare I say. Alright <3)
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First up: Grant Wilson! God this character can fit so much projection in him. Queer kids raised conservative Catholic got fucking ATTACKED by this guy and I am no exception! Also one of my moots (hiiiiii Seisei 🥰🥰🥰) just finished ep 35 a few days ago so I am chock full of Grant emotions. Something something the Wilson cycle of violence and hypocrisy and meaning what you say but not saying what you mean and. Sobs for one thousand years!!! Bingo for the gamer boy ever it's what he deserves <3
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Up next: Scary Marlowe! She's my fucking SISTER my DAUGHTER my DARKENED MIRROR okay. Truly one of the teen girls of All Time and I literally have tears in my eyes as I'm typing this she means!!! So much to me!!! I am holding her gently in my arms and I am shielding her bodily from some of the meanies on this webbed site. She is also a fave of one of my moots (hey Ivy ✌️) but tbh I think she's become so dear to me that she's evolved Pokemon style from proxy blorbo to perhaps. Second blorbo. Favorite dndads character to play dress-up with also <3 I am literally so in awe of the arc she's had so far and I hope to everything that she finds happiness and belonging and- *rant fades out into the distance*
Ok so! Someone else ALSO asked for Taylor so I think I will tackle him in that one if you don't mind hehe :D Rest assured though I have Many Thoughts about this boy 😌
#ok tbf i *do* have some grant hcs buuuuuuuuuuut. probably not a lot compared to most wilson stans (i see you. i love you. i salute you o7)#and most of them relate to his relationship w religion and his queerness and his parents and the intersection of those 3 things#bc i will take any opportunity to dump that complicated mess on a character should they be qualified <3#and scary is soooooooo. god. the tragedy and the horror of being a teenage girl and refusing to believe that anyone can understand you#she's so desperate for love that it makes her feral and she bites at every hand that reaches out to her in friendship#she has lived her whole life with one person having her back (veronica <3) and suddenly that person has someone ELSE in her life#and in the back of her mind she knows it's a good thing but she can't help but feel abandoned (again). betrayed. left (again).#and it's not the end of the world but it FEELS like it should be. so she buries her kindness and shrouds it in black and metal#and she tries so hard to kill the kindness within her but it keeps coming BACK. and she can't get rid of it!!!#and she's looking for trauma to validate her darkness - to make her posturing MEAN something beyond a petty rebellion. and she finds it.#and she welcomes it with open arms and she destroys her life and her relationships and she smiles through the guilt in her stomach#anywho. clinically ill about this girl in case you can't tell!!!#sorry this took a bit sdhbfksbvfas#ask game#babacontainsmultitudes#dndads
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lesbian-stu-macher · 1 year
me: follows a tag for a show that was groundbreaking in trans poc representation and opened my eyes to an underground community I wasn’t educated on because it was before my time
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mariocki · 2 years
Max: We'll miss the Olympics.
Horst: The what?
Max: Olympics. Next month. In Berlin.
Horst: I knew there was a reason I didn't want to be here.
Max: Perhaps they'll release us?
Horst: For the Olympics?
Martin Sherman, Bent (1979)
#100plays#martin sherman#bent#1979#modern drama#theatre quotes#queer theatre#truly one of the most subversive things about Sherman's play is his use of humour. rather than cutting tension‚ it unsettles: this is after#all a deeply serious subject‚ untouchable perhaps. it's another element of the disturbing nature of the play#these sudden jet black jokes‚ or sarcastic duologues. they disarm the viewer (or reader) and make them shift uncomfortably in their seat#it's a powerful tool. it has other uses though‚ too. these lines about the Berlin Olympics are not here just to allow for a little#absurdity in Max and Horst's outlook; it serves quite another purpose as well. it is a horrible‚ jolting reminder that all this#everything we are seeing and experiencing through these characters‚ all is happening before ww2 has even begun#there is no hope of victory because there is not yet any challenge. the Holocaust is already in motion‚ Max and Horst are moving#rocks back and forth for no other reason than they have been ordered to‚ malnutrition murder and torture are a part of their every day life#and of the every day lives of many thousands of jews‚ roma‚ lgbt people; all of that is true and real and happening and destroying them#whilst simultaneously the world prepares to play games and compete athletically and to pay their respects to Nazi Germany. the Berlin#Olympics were the largest modern games to date‚ attended by nearly 50 different nations‚ televised‚ filmed‚ celebrated worldwide#whilst Max and Horst and thousands more moved rocks or worked labour or starved or sickened or died or were killed.#and Sherman was right. is right. it is a joke. a sick‚ dark‚ horrible joke.
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4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
Thinking thinking thinking…….thinking ab how cool it would be if ppl remembered that it’s great to have queer ppl on ur team but if they’re all white u already messed up…….
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rowenablade · 7 months
Okay. I’m going to wait to do a second watch before I articulate most of my other feelings here, but I want to address one thing.
I’m seeing a lot of posts like, “I related to Izzy because I am also queer and older/disabled/depressed. By killing him off, the writers are saying that I deserve to die.”
I’m not saying your feelings aren’t valid. I totally understand grieving a character that you relate to. But speaking as a writer, I just want to point out that trying to write with the shadow of “what is the absolute worst and most harmful way a reader can interpret this” will smother your ability to create. Twisting yourself in knots, trying to think up the worst-faith takes possible and scotch-guarding all your writing decisions against them is exhausting to the point of making you just not want to write anymore.
And we’ve seen the writers deliberately choose not to do this in Season 1. Remember all those terrible “Izzy is racist” takes that the writers and cast seemed completely blindsided by? That happened because the writers and directors and actors weren’t going over every scene with a fine tooth comb, ferreting out every shot or line of dialogue or micro expression that could possibly be interpreted as racist, and scrubbing it off. Because there comes a point where your story is what it needs to be, and you have to accept that some people will interpret it in ways you didn’t intend them to. And if you can’t accept that, you’ll never find the courage to put your work out there.
The point of diverse casts and writing teams isn’t to achieve a state of, “Nothing bad ever happens to a character from a marginalized demographic ever again.” It’s to achieve a status quo of these types of characters just being people in the world of the story. Not symbols, not representation boxes to tick, not tokens that you can point to so that you can say, “Here, we acknowledged this type of person exists, now where’s our woke points?”
OFMD is full of characters of color, queer characters, older characters, characters of differing body types. And in stories, things happen to characters. Some fall in love. Some make the same mistakes over and over. Some turn into birds. Some die.
Izzy’s character represents a lot of things, but he does not represent every older, disabled fan or fan who has struggled with suicide, any more than Jim represents all genderqueer fans, or Olu represents all black fans. That’s not how the writers were handling him. They were handling him like a character, because that’s what you have to do.
Again, I understand being sad. I am so, so fucking sad. But this idea of, “Any time something bad happens to a character I relate to means that the writer thinks I deserve these bad things to happen to me,” will poison everything you engage with eventually. Because stories are full of things happening to characters, and they won’t all be good things. And the more representation we get, the more often bad things will happen to characters we relate to.
But good things will happen too.
Queer couples get married. Disabled women run off with their favorite husbands. Middle-aged characters change careers. A multiracial polycule finds a home at sea. A fat man covered in tattoos stars in a drag show and all his friends cheer. All these things happened in the same show as Izzy’s death. This is what this world is.
Anyway. I know emotions are running high and I’ll probably get blocked or unfollowed by a few people for this. But I’m just trying to find my peace where I can, and if anyone else finds this useful, cheers.
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