#everyone please for new year just wish me to have the strength and energy yo.
tenrose · 6 months
So today at work (AGAIN), I unofficially learnt through our Union (who thought we were aware lmao) that my team and I are gonna move to ground floor. Ground floor with the heavy and noisy machinery, the open door for delivery, the floor where AC is running on cold mode all days of the year for the machines heat, the place everyone is running and yelling and carry papers and big stuff. The place that is not even accredited for computers.
We work on computers all day. On something that requires to be focused. And also I wonder how we'd reach our supervisors but hey if it happens I don't plan on working much anyway.
it's unofficial so I don't think it's gonna be happening because nobody is fucked up enough to do something like that. Anyway if it happens, first it's our right to stop working until we have decent conditions, if not enough it's HR, if not enough it's work healthcare and if it's still not enough I can assure you my social anxious ass will call the fucking work inspection in a heartbeat. Anyway I wasn't realising this shit till now at 7pm when I should be at peace and not thinking about fucking work. I'm not sure if I'm having a mental breakdown or a burn out. I feel rage.
Anyway I don't think it's gonna happen, because if it does literally nobody from my team will work until they get their shit together. The thing is, my team has elder employees who are taking no shit and not giving a single shit about what the management wants from them and I suspect them to try to punish us. So yeah, if it happens they're not gonna be able to keep with their bullshit for one day, it happened already they only lasted for like 4 hours before giving up and we thought we were at peace. So yeah I'm pretty sure our Union is gonna nicely tell them to fuck off. But just the thought they had such a fucked up idea is making me see blood red. I swear my heartbeat rate rise up so often lately with their shit I'm gonna have a cardiac arrest before 40 at this rate.
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hungerpunch · 3 years
if a bruise hurts, press on it right?
8:37 AM · Aug 10, 2020
The worst thing in my life has happened. My dad died
1:11 AM · Aug 14, 2020
thank you everyone, you have all been so kind. i wish i had energy to reply but all i can do is cry and not sleep and arrange his funeral and clean out his apartment and cry. here are some beautiful photos of found of him and my mom in seattle
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1:52 AM · Aug 15, 2020
my dad's family (who excommunicated us for 13 years) has made this terrible week so hellish and awful. they have bullied my family and been unhelpful and selfish and thoughtless.
tn i had a full blown panic attack after attempting to deal with them for several hours. now here i am the night before my dad's funeral, heartbroken, exhausted, and to top it off, incredibly nauseous bc of the stress they have caused.
i have not even had a spare 30 minutes to sit down and cry for my dad since i got home. nobody tells you how fast this moves, how much has to get done, that you can't even grieve until after the bloody funeral is over and done with.
i hate that i lost my dad but most of all i hate that I hadn't seen him since Christmas bc of covid and then it turns out we can't have open casket bc his body is not viewable so I will literally never see my dad again and having that taken away from me hurts so much
today i: wrote an obituary ($189 for just his name and 3 lines of text!), scanned 40 photos for a slideshow, moved his furniture out of his apartment and into a storage unit, called 3 credit card companies to close accounts and wrote my eulogy. and there is STILL more to do.
2:04 AM · Aug 15, 2020
i wish you all could be there w me tomorrow to face down his wretched family. i wish you could wreathe me like guardians and not let them even glimpse me much less utter words at me. i wish you all could be a shield and sword. i need so much strength. i cannot do this.
dad please watch over us tomorrow. Please protect me from their horrible judgment. Please be a wall of fire between me and their hateful gaze. Please reach down from heaven and touch my head and bring me calmness and the ability to get through this. I just want to honor you.
10:30 AM · Aug 17, 2020
all week long as i've heard new stories about my dad or met someone he knew, i've wanted to turn around and tell him. i keep forgetting i can't pass any of these loving messages or funny stories onto him. i hope he somehow knows.
we had a short hour-long public visitation for him (masks required) and a woman showed up & told us that when she was a 20 yo she had been crying in a courthouse w her baby, about to be evicted, and my dad saw her and represented her on the spot. got her three months' extension.
she said that three months changed everything and though they didn't keep in touch, she always remembered my dad's name. so when she saw the obituary she knew right away. i could not believe it. it was so fucking moving.
10:50 AM · Aug 19, 2020
first day back at work and trying to write professional emails to people and focus on things feels like the biggest joke of all time.
can i change my email address to [email protected]
2:55 PM · Aug 21, 2020
so far i've dealt w this by compartmentalizing every emotion deep down into my own personal void and uhh wearing my dad's tee shirts
don't want to admit how many days ive been wearing this one but it was one he wore so often and it still had the faintest bit of his smell on it. u can't tell but it's very fine blue stripes. blue was always the best color on him.
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my favorite inherited possession
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8:24 PM · Aug 21, 2020
It's just wild 2.5 weeks ago I had just decided what song my dad and I would dance to at my wedding and was getting ready to visit him and then he died before I could tell him or see him.
it would have been this btw. ik everyone roasts the beatles (which is fair) but some of my earliest memories are my dad singing me this song to soothe me to sleep as a child.
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jaefluenza · 4 years
Spare my Pride | L.Jeno
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genre: college au, best friends to lovers au, fluff with a little pinch of angst
pairing: boxer!jeno x model!reader ft. Jaemin & Ryujin (of ITZY)
word count: 9,589k words
warning: lots of profanity, bullying attempt, a little bit suggestive
inspired by wish you were gay by Billie Eilish
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Jeno Lee has a quirky reputation in college. Girls speak about him whenever he’s around or even when he’s not. He became a hot topic around the school in the past few weeks, because of the current interest he took in. He was an ordinary guy before he joined the new boxing club held by the famous boxer around the faculty, his third-year senior, Jung Jaehyun.
While you, an underground model whose finances are going downhill, are barely visible enough to be known or noticed by people. Being socially awkward since elementary school, your friends can be counted by fingers. You’re the opposite of your own best friend, but you don’t mind that, at first.
Jeno was indeed telling you with excitement when he got accepted into the club, saying that his efforts for the past few weeks taking boxing lessons with his uncle were worth it. You supported him with excitement as well. As much as you know him, he was barely interested in any club, so him joining the popular boxing club was great big news to you. But now, everything has changed as he grew distant to you since he was busy enough to hang with you and he got so many friends.
“Jeno, can you help me with today’s product shoot? I only need a few pictures.” You uttered while checking the post you just added to your IG. He looks at you with a pair of guilty eyes, “What time?”
You could sense his awkwardness, so you turned your head at him. “Uh, at 5 pm? We have to make it before the sunset.”
He mumbled something that you barely heard about, but then he speaks back to you. “What about 3 pm? Well, the golden hour doesn’t always come at 5, you can give your pics a little bit more edit to make it looks influenced by the golden sunset, right? Hehe,” he flusters.
You snort, “Jeno, are you even aware that our last lecture will be finished at 3.30. That’s why we need some time to prepare things before reaching the location. Wait a minute, you got plans to do, am I wrong?”
He showed you his famous eye smiles, though you exactly know that they’re not a delight one.
“I’m sorry, I have a sparring session with Jaehyun hyung exactly at 5 pm before the sky gets dark. Uh, can we do it another day? I swear I will help you.” You frown since this was not the first time he would ditch you.
“I don’t think you will be available again. Well, I’ll just go and ask Ryujin, then.” You grab your things and leave him alone on the bleachers. Jeno runs his fingers through his hair in frustration, feeling guilty as he’s well aware that he’s been offending your feelings.
“Did you hear the news? Jeno’s first fight is on Thursday. Are you going?” Ryujin asked. You only nod, while checking the pictures she just took for you. “I heard, you know how often I check the notice board down the hall. Well, I don’t know if I wanna go, but I want to support him, though.”
“I sincerely hope that popularity doesn’t get into his head. He was a good friend to you.”
Your head turned at her with narrowed eyes, “Do you think he isn’t one now?”
Ryujin scoffs, “Not in that kind of way, you dumb. Relax girl, I was just saying that I hope he still treats you right after he became who he is now.”
You bid your goodbye to Ryujin as you dropped her in her driveway. “Drive safely, sist.”
Well, it turned out that you didn’t go home first. You found yourself heading to the seemingly empty ring on the second floor of the gym building, after asking one of his friends, Jaemin about where he’s at. You hold the plastic bag of foods he likes, motion nervously towards the sound of his soft giggles.
“Yo, I can tell you can do good on Thursday, just improve your strength more by practicing at the gym, then you’re set to go.” You recognized the baritone voice of the club president, Jung Jaehyun, before greeting everyone in the room. “Good evening.”
Every head in the room turned up at you. Every laughter was suppressed, and the room becomes silent. “Oh, hey. You must be here for him,” Jaehyun points his index finger to the younger boy, the current main role in the ring.
Jeno stands up, bidding his goodbye to his team before bringing you outside the room. “Hey, y/n. Uh, why are you here?”
You raise the plastic bag with a smile. “I know you and the team must be hungry after practicing so I bought you guys food.”
Jeno smiles, “Woah, you don’t need to do this to all of us. Thank you so much,” he helped you with the bag and bring you inside again, proceeding to introduce you to his new circle of friends.
That night, you’re finally known as Jeno’s only girl best friend and you’re glad that his friends treat you so good that you feel like you have already been friends with them for so long. It makes you eager to support him better and being the source of his energy for him to do good.
On Thursday, you were in the public library when you received a call from the one and only Lee Jeno.
“Hey, uh, are you free this evening?”
“I know, it’s about your first ring fight, right?”
“Yeah, will you come?”
You stay silent to think for a moment. “Jeno...”
“I... I know you’re afraid of crowds and fights, but please.. can you come for me?”
He’s right. You’re scared of fights and wounds. There was one time when you both were in first grade, he got into a fight with his bully. One thing about Jeno, he holds in his feelings.So when the number of fits of anger and grudges was no longer able to be kept in his chest, he burst into a scary angry kid.
You reminisced when you found him bruised and bleeding at the back of the school, panting angrily. You cried at the horrible sight of him and instead of you comforting him, it turned out him stopping you from crying.
“I’m glad that you knew exactly why I’ve been getting restless about whether to go or not. I’ll think about it, Jeno.”
A sigh of relief could be heard from across the call, and you smile coyly, even though you know he’s unable to see you. But then, you shoot him another question, “Jeno, will you terrible bruised?”
“I don’t know?” He muttered. “What if I cry? I can’t see you getting hurt.”
“Then I’ll make sure to stop your tears, you crybaby.” You swear you could feel his smile.
That Thursday, you decided to come to support him. Though the whole vibe doesn’t bring any comfort into your mind, you find yourself and Ryujin looking for seats for you both to sit on. You had asked for her companion, and since she knew about your fear of violent sports like this, she willingly agreed to go with you.
You give the girls in the row ahead of you a glance as they squeal at the sight of the star of tonight. You turn your head quickly at the ring and there he is, Jeno Lee with all his glory, accompanied by Jung Jaehyun the coach, and Donghyuck and Jaemin as well.
You feel so star-struck by his gorgeous entrance that you can’t hear the screaming of girls clearly as you blink to gather yourself together. “Woah, look at those freshmen girls drooling all over him,” Ryujin uttered.
“I know right,” you muttered. “Well, does he look appealing tonight though, I can fully understand why the girls are ruining their own throats for him by now.”
She nudged you with a smirk, “Aye, are you sure you want me to find out about your foolish crush on him? Don’t even get me started.” Your heart starts to beat faster when you found out that she knew about your long time crush on Jeno. You can feel your cheeks grow warm as you blink in nervousness. “N-no, what are you talking about? Pure nonsense.” Ryujin laughs when she saw your discomfort so she stopped the taunting.
The minute the fight begins, you tried to not get too nervous at the image of him getting hurt. As you see the lights shining precisely on Jeno, you tried to think about how gorgeous he looks tonight.
Jeno looks around before the referee starts the game and he finds you in the crowd. He gives you his famous eye smile and waved at you so you waved back at him before the girls around you think that he was greeting them and scream their whole lungs out.
The fight begins and you didn’t fully pay attention at who’s hitting who but with the help of Ryujin, you’d notice what’s happening in the damn ring. You open your eyes slowly only to see his opponent, Bang Chan, putting a knock on Jeno’s face and you flinch in fear, regretting your choice to open your goddamn eyes.
Tears start to fall down your cheeks, and your shoulder shakes as your sob getting covered by the screams of the girls and the boxing supporters. Ryujin put her hands around you to soothe you down, and she got angry when someone at the back scoffed at you. “Hey, if you’re not strong enough to see this kind of shit, don’t even come here.”
“Shut up, you dickhead. You can go suck your smelly ass, and mind your own business.” She swears on that guy and you look at her with pride. “Thanks, girl.” And she replied with, “Don’t worry, baby girl. I got you.”
The crowds cheer even louder and that’s when you realized, that your best friend and long time crush wins. You cheer along with the crowds with sobs when you saw his bruises and his swelling eyes, and even though you couldn’t bear seeing him getting hurt like that, you still feel proud for him to win on his first fight debut.
Ryujin encourages you to go down the bleachers and greet him but you feel so hesitant to go. “What if he’s surrounded by his people and I’ll just ruin their time together? I don’t want to be a burden.”
“Girl, look at him. There he is, hoping for you to approach him. Go! You’re his number one supporter after all.”
So you did. You went to the side of the ring to greet him, and Jeno gets out of the ring happily. “Hey! Did you saw me? I win!”
You wipe your tears harshly as your small sob could be heard by him. “Aw, you’re crying. Come on, let’s go somewhere quieter.”
He brings you to the back of the bleachers and hugs you with his boxing gears still wrapped around his body. “Stop crying, I won the game. Are you proud of me?”
Your sobs only grow louder, but you tried not to cry anymore so you let go and brace yourself to take a look at his bruised face. “These must’ve hurt a lot. Oh my goodness,” your tears fall onto the ground when he flinched at the touch of your hand against his swelling face. “Don’t worry, all I got to do is just putting a pack of ice on my face and they’ll heal within a week.”
“Congratulations,” you said while choking on your sobs. “Thank you for being my supporter, either.” He replied.
You left him to celebrate the win with his team, and you were about to leave the field when you noticed someone from the famous girls’ squad approaching him and his team. “Isn’t that Yeeun?”
“Yeeun?” You asked with a puzzled expression.
“Yeah, Yeeun Jang, she’s a third-year student, a part of the ‘mean girls’ of the faculty. She’s pretty famous. Is she interested in him?”
“I don’t know. Let’s go.”
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Hell. It has been hell with Jeno always ignoring your calls and invites to hang out. You have been so frustrated by how he acts lately. Your friends have been telling you about how Jeno somehow got really close with that Yeeun girl, but you didn’t listen fully to the rumors. You need to hear from Jeno himself, because someone who has been your bestie for nearly fifteen years would never ditch you for a girlfriend, right? You keep telling yourself that you know the boy really well and that he’s way better than that. But what Jeno has been doing kind of convince you the other way.
You were trying so hard not to get offended at how he declined your invitation to lunches or mini study sessions that you both used to have together. Something like, ‘I’m sorry, Y/n. I think I have to skip the night. Have fun.’, or ‘Oh, I already have lunch with Yeeun. I’m sorry I have to ditch again... and make sure you have your lunch. Bye!’
“If I were you, I’d be so pissed and probably leave him for good until he realizes that she was no good at all.” Ryujin smashed her chip bag so hard that it almost burst onto the ground. “You know I can never do that to him, he was my first friend in school, until now. I can’t just leave him like that.”
“Then, confess the whole thing to him,” she exclaims.
You narrow your eyes at her, “Confess what?” “Your feelings, duh.”
You flinch from where you sat on. “There’s no way I will do that! Besides, I really just see him as a best friend, th-that’s all,” you replied coyly.
“Bullshit. Even if you don’t tell me, the way you see him and the way you treat him show it all. You can’t hide it well, Y/n. Even the whole school may know you have a thing for the famous Jeno Lee.”
“Yeah, if you tell ‘em so.” you sighed at the thought of him finding out your big fat crush on him. “Oooooh, so you just admitted that you-”
“Shut up, Ryujin.” You can feel her lips pulled into a smile as you put your hand against her chatty mouth.
A week passed and you let yourself rest from contacting Jeno for lunches or a study session together after repeatedly getting no answers or rejections from him. He doesn’t ask where you have been or how’s your day going anymore, it feels like you both are getting down to the ‘friend’ stage instead of going up. But you always support him as he expected. You never missed any of his matches but whenever you come, you’d leave quickly when the pop girl approached him with the rest of her pop group members.
“I can’t believe you’re still going to see his matches, he doesn’t even look in your way! And at this point, you might as well get the title as the ‘crying girl who insists on watching a boxing match even though she can’t’. Next time, wear a mask or something!” you rolled your eyes playfully upon hearing her nagging, well, obviously Ryujin.
“I promised him to give full supports, I don’t have the nerve to ignore his matches like they didn’t happen,” you said before quietly slurping your noodles. “Yet he didn’t have the nerve to look for you in the crowd.”
You sigh, not because her words are sharp enough to ruin the insides of your little heart, but because they are right. Jeno doesn’t notice you anymore whenever you come to watch his matches, nor that he tried to look for you anyway. And, as you paid attention to where he would look, his eyes would eventually land on the girl in the frontline, waving at him with a proud smile, supporting him instead of you.
“You’re right, Ryujin. Maybe, I should start to get over him.”
Ryujin’s shipper heart begins to panic a little, “N-no, what I’m saying is I think you should make him look at you instead. Turn his attention to you like it used to be, darl.”
So, you tried. You asked Jaemin, his closest friend and his roommate, about where he could be, or if he’s at home or at practice. Sometimes, you’d pass some food on Jaemin just so they could eat them at home, but according to Jaemin, he always eats them alone, saying Jeno never comes home at dinner time.
Today, you have a very busy timeline. First, you have to pass a homework to a professor and then walk across the building to look for reference books at the library. And, don’t forget about how you have three classes in a day and one finishes in two hours. You had a feeling that you’ll get no time to have lunch today. 
You grab your books tightly as you walk out from the library to go to the next lecture. The books barely let you have enough view about what’s in front so you were literally ready to say sorry when you run into someone. “Oops! Oh my god, I’m sorry,” you muttered when all of the books fell into the ground. You didn’t focus on who is the guy you ran into, but then...
“Y/n?” A familiar voice comes from the guy, and you noticed that it’s the guy you don’t wish to see now. “Oh, hey, Jeno.” you greeted him awkwardly when he helped you pick up the books. 
“Hey, got a lot to study, huh?” He flashed you his famous smile before handing you some of the books. “Yeah, I’m preparing for finals. Uh, that’s okay, I’ll hold all of them.”
Jeno proceeds to walk beside you. “No, you’ll run into someone else again. Let me help you.”
You hate how he acts kind to you like this, like nothing happened. “Jeno, why haven’t you replying to any of my messages?” you asked softly. All of a sudden, he’s being strangely nervous and you can’t help but be suspicious about it. “Well, uh, I’ve been busy with practices. I’m sorry, I’ll check ‘em out later.”
You give him a small smile before you both arrived at the front door of the lecture hall. He hands you the rest of the books, and before he leaves, another person appeared in front of you both. “Hey, Y/n. Ooh, let me help you. We’re in the same lecture, I see.” Jaemin showed up looking all smiley before taking all of the books from your hands. 
“Hey, thanks. Well, yeah. L-let’s go then.” You bid your goodbye to Jeno and trail behind Jaemin as he speaks, “I brought you lunch pack because I know that you have a busy day ahead, let’s enjoy it later.”
Jeno observes the interaction, and somehow he felt a little bit weird that Jaemin starts to talk to you. His thoughts wander with a lot of question when he heard Jaemin said, “It’s nothing. I just want to pay back all of the food you sent us.” She gives him food?
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“So, what happens with all the food trading and stuff? Do you guys feed each other?” Jeno grabbed the cup and filled in the cold drink he thirsted for, while Jaemin confusingly sits in front of the tv, fiddling with his gaming device.
“What do you mean?” He asked back.
“Y/n. She has been giving you food, hasn’t she? Well, I didn’t know you were that close to her.”
Jaemin snorts, “Look, she actually sent the food for you. She knew how much time you spent on practices and how much of a stubborn you are to skip your meals so she sent them through me. And she also thinks that it’s burdensome to only send you food so she made some for me too. They were for us, I called you several times but you never made it home at dinner time so I ate them alone.” Jaemin takes a deep breath after the long-needed explanations.
“They were for me? But she never told me,” Jeno muttered. “Yeah, because you were too fucking busy hanging out around your team or whoever. You never check out her messages that is why my friend, she always gets the info through me.”
“Excuse me, I wasn’t only busy playing around, my practices are very important too.”
“Whatever you say, young man. But you might need to pay more attention to those who actually take care of you even when you have zero ideas about it.”
Jaemin loses the need to play anymore so he just shuts the tv down and goes straight to his room, giving his friend some time to think.
That was when Jeno’s thought wanders off to think about you. He actually noticed the little time he spent with you, but he keeps insisting that it’s because he’s busy with his personal lives. After all, you were not familiar enough with his new circle so he only thinks that this all happened only because the situation has gone wrong. But never has it comes to his mind that you still think of him, and care for him.
That night, he was definitely moved to do the same to you, to care and show a little affection as a friend to you just like what you did to him, but he just doesn’t know how to do that.
Being close to a lot of famous people in college doesn’t actually bring validation to Jeno. Other students only recognize him as Jaehyun’s new ‘apprentice’, something pretty similar to that. But he doesn’t want to be known as that, he wants to be recognized as Jeno Lee, his own person.
Also, being close to someone as a part of the cheerleading girls, Yeeun Jang, doesn’t actually give him the happiness and fun he needed. Jeno knew he wasn’t feeling himself these past few weeks, and he only thought that it was only because he was adjusting. But he was wrong.
Like now. When the loud annoying girls all surrounded around him, he wishes he could just escape the crowded cafeteria as he grips onto his tray tightly, obviously getting uncomfortable by the swarming girls around him.
“Jeno, I thought you only eat carbs to maintain your strength,” Yeeun said as she sticks her upper body more to Jeno and the boy only shifts away in discomfort. He swears he could hear the other girls muttering something he wished he didn’t hear like, ‘I wish I have her boobs’ and ‘Shut up, she got a boob job as a gift in her sweet seventeenth.’
“Uh, since I live with my roommate Jaemin, he really likes sweet things so he got me into eating sweets as well and now I like them.”
“Don’t eat them, it’ll make your body look uneven. Do you want to go to the gym with me this evening? I got VIP memberships.”
Jeno licked his lips in nervousness, not because he gets excited at the idea of going to the gym with the hottest girl in school but because he tries to think so hard about how to reject this rebellious girl. “Uh, I don’t think I’m gonna be available. I have a training session with Jaehyun hyung at 5 pm, maybe next time?”
Yeeun rolls her eyes, she was never rejected like this before, and it’s only making her more curious about this mysterious boy.
Precisely when he thought he had no hope to escape the little kind of hell, he saw you, Ryujin, and Jaemin entering the cafeteria with laughter and it’s the moment he knew, you guys are the only hope he has. “Uhm, girls, it’s nice hanging out around you during lunch, but it’s getting so hot in here so I’ll change my table, thanks!”
He quickly grabbed his tray and moved out of the table and half run to yours.
The three of you flinched in shock when the poor panting man put his tray firmly and immediately sit on the empty seat next to yours. “Oh my gosh, I thought I could never escape that hell.”
Ryujin scoffs, “What? Sitting with the Korean version of the plastics? Well, I thought you enjoyed hanging around them.”
You give her a look, not wanting him to be embarrassed or something. After all, you feel glad that he went to look for you, it’s an indication for you that he still needs you by his side. “Eat more, Jen.” You put some of the sausages you got after fighting with the rugby boys, as you were always mad that they taking the whole food all for themselves, and this time you won.
He smiles, “Thank you. I’ll eat well.”
Jaemin watched your movement while being next to his friend, and his keen sense notifies him that you must have a thing for his friend, but he tried not to jump on his own conclusions before he gets to know the truth.
“Hey, I have some shoots to do tonight at 9 pm. Do you guys want to tag along? I heard about the bridge about five kilometers from here that makes it possible for us to cycle around.” You uttered. And the next thing that came from Jeno’s mouth surprised you to the max.
“Sure, I’ll be finished at 8 pm so I’ll meet you guys there, I guess.”
Jaemin and Ryujin also agreed and you tried so hard not to call it a double date.
“Did he seriously ditched us and went to those idiot nerds? I can’t believe him.”
“It’s Y/n, his best friend ever since they were first graders. I don’t think she sees him as a best friend though,” Sorn looked at the way you smiled at Jeno, and her keen sense is telling him that something is off. “Urgh, shut up Sorn, thinking never helps you,” Eunbin rolled her eyes and laugh with the rest of the girls, while Yeeun put her friend’s words into her mind.
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“Come on, you cycle slower than any alive turtles out there.” The wind blows through your hair as the night view of the river comes as a company on your left side.
“Do you even know that some turtles run very fast than a rabbit? Some even win the race with them!” Jeno remarked. “Then, are you glad to be a turtle?”
“Yeah, they’re cute.” “Indeed.”
“What?” “What?”
Jeno laughs at your quirky behavior, and before he gets to cycle right next to your side, annoying screams come as a surprise from behind you two.
“Hey! You two are going too fast! My legs are falling apart!”
“Shut up, you both are simply slow.”
Ryujin only smirks when she saw you and Jeno getting along with each other like you used to be. “Let’s stop for ramen. I’m starving,” she said before leading the four of you to park in front of a convenient store.
“You two, go get us ramens. We’re exhausted enough to make some food so you both do us some favors.”
So you and Jeno ended up going into the store looking for ramen, cheese and other stuff. You went to grab some beverages and he sets himself to deal with the ramen machine. You remember Ryujin ordering an orange juice and Jaemin wanting, of course, non-milk or strawberry drinks. So you look for any drinks he might like and they’re unfortunately put on the highest platform in the beverage sections.
“Shit, I can’t reach them.” You tried to jump and when your hand was about to reach the drink, another hand joins in and grabs the drink you wanted to snatch.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself, Y/n. You could’ve asked for my help.” Jeno put the drink on your basket and you only let out a strained smile when you precisely feel his body sticks behind you, covering the distance between you two. “Thanks,” you stuttered.
“It’s nothing. Let’s pay them, I’m finished with the ramens.”
Meanwhile, Ryujin and Jaemin waited outside while observing both of you inside the store. Things were going awkward before Ryujin eventually uttered, “Do you honestly think that your friend likes my friend?”
Jaemin blinks in nervousness, he could say he wasn’t ready for this kind of conversation. “Uh, he never mentions about getting ‘too close’ to Y/n. But I do notice that they’re being strangely awkward towards each other recently.”
“Well, I want them to get closer rather than Jeno going out with that annoying bitch, so are you in?”
“Woah, you’re being too frank. First, I don’t really get why we should do that so maybe you have to explain to me first,” Jaemin replied back unwieldy.
Ryujin rolled her eyes, but then she realized what she had to know. “So, do you think Jeno will be better off with that Yeeun girl or that particular girl who has been with him for almost fifteen years?” She said while pointing to you who’s paying at the cashier.
Jaemin frowns, this isn’t the question he expected. “I don’t know.”
“I’m not asking if you know, I’m asking about your opinion, bro.”
“Uh, I don’t want to give any words about Jeno but I think Y/n deserves better,” he replied.
Ryujin puckers her lips upon his twisted answer. She tries to think of what that possible means, and then she jolts up from her seat, lips turning into a wide ‘O’ as she accusingly points at Jaemin. “No way. No fucking way, do you like her???”
Panic starts to creep into Jaemin’s self as he turns pale in front of the frank girl. “N-no. W-what are you talking about??”
“What in the world, Jaemin? I thought-”
“Shut up! They’re coming.”
Jaemin pushed both of her shoulders to sit back as he saw the pair from the corner of his eyes. “Act normal,” he said.
Ryujin clears her throat as the pair comes and puts the food on the table, bringing more awkward tension around the group. “You two, what were you doing?” Jeno asked.
“We were just playing a game of rock, paper, and scissors, nothing else, right?” Jaemin gives the poor girl a look, making her just agreeing to whatever he’d say.
Oh my goodness, this is going to be ridiculous.
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A particular Monday comes with a smile on your face. You started the day with two slices of bacon alongside a cup of warm latte that makes you smile two times bigger than you usually do. The day went pretty great which makes you wonder since when do Mondays have such good vibes like this? You don’t know, maybe today is your blessing.
You told Ryujin that you’re already on your way to meet her at the front lobby until a convertible stopped right in front of you. “Get in, loser. We’re going shopping.”
Wow, Ryujin was right. They were indeed the Korean version of the ‘Mean Girls’ you watched on Netflix every Saturday. “Uh, no thanks?”
“Gurl, are you that stupid to think that we’re actually going shopping? No, we’re going to Jeno’s match.”
“Did he actually ask you to pick me up, or? Cause I think he would never do that.” You remarked back. “Just get in, will you-”
“No. Do not go with her.” Ryujin’s deep voice makes you shiver in fear not for yourself, but for them. Cause when the angry deep voice itself was out, you’d know that they were done for. “You witch, what are you trying to do with her.”
The girls laughed like lunatics before speeding off ahead and you only sigh in annoyance. “Were they trying to hurt me?”
“Yeah, and don’t tell me you were actually being a fool by believing every single spat of their bullshits.” You hit her arm playfully, before hugging her to show her that you are grateful enough to have someone like her by your side. “Of course not. I may be a crybaby who despises fistfights and crowds but I’m not stupid like them.”
“Gosh, somehow I wonder why you’re my best friend.”
“They were trying to mess with me with his name? What was their intention?” You narrow your eyes to think better and she only shrugs. “I’m not sure. Perhaps, jealousy? Those cliche petty little bitches.”
“Wait a minute, they said today is one of Jeno’s match. I think we should probably go.”
So you ended up going to the match with Ryujin and Jaemin. You weren’t actually going with him, he just simply found you both at the seats and decided to join. He said Jeno’s team no longer needed him to accompany Jeno in the ring, but he’d, of course, watch all of his game as an act of support, just like you do.
“I bought some popcorns.” Being an awkward being, Jaemin passed another popcorn cup he got to both you and Ryujin. She gladly took them while replying nonchalantly, “Thanks. This is much more appreciated for me but her, she only needs some tissues.”
“What for?”
“You shall see it yourself, my friend.”
And according to what Jaemin witnessed later, she was right. As soon as Jeno got punched in his cheeks you were already a crying mess. He has the urge to hug you but it’d probably make things more uncomfortable for the three of you so he holds it in. Jaemin doesn’t have any idea how and why in the world seeing you cry is making him feeling pinched in the inside too.
“Hey, don’t cry.” Jaemin couldn’t help but wipe those hot tears flowing on your face softly. “Thanks, it’s just I can’t bear seeing people get hurt. It has always been my fuckin’ weakness.” You proceed to wipe them on your own and he just shifts his hand away ungainly. Jaemin knows very well that by means of people was just a use of words to change his exact name. Yeah, Jeno Lee, he's the one you're afraid of getting hurt.
After all, you still went to all of his games and support him with all your worth. Now he’s very much sure that you don’t see him only as a friend.
Jeno is indeed a fighter, he won again. After Ryujin and Jaemin left you to greet him out of the ring, you immediately went to him. You were lucky enough that the loud girls weren’t there so you were the first person he saw when he stepped out of the ring. “Hey, I won again.” He smiles at you and you swear his bruises couldn’t cover the true beauty he has on that face. “I’m proud of you, as much as I can’t bear watching you getting hurt as usual.”
Jeno awed, “Did you cry?” and you only nod. “Yeah, a lot. Can’t help, you know.”
“Is it weird that I like how you cried for me when I fight? Geez,” Jeno paused when he saw your puzzled expression. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” He muttered before flinching when he unconsciously trying to cover his swelling face. “My God, Jen, you’re so dumb. It’s alright, it could be an indication that you’re mindful enough that I care for you.”
“That’s right. Thank you for supporting-”
“Yo, Jeno. Be here before we celebrate your win. Quick!” Jaehyun shouts from across the ring and Jeno only sighs in defeat. “Well, the coach is calling. Gotta go,” He uttered while pressing his lips together. “It’s fine. I’ll see you on Tuesday.”
You left the field with a certain smile on your face. After all, you didn’t have any high hopes that he might somehow return your feelings in any good way, but seeing him rely on you like this makes you feel so warm inside. And the way that he’s getting closer back to you like he used to also makes you reassured that he’s still your number one best friend.
You promised Ryujin and Jaemin to go get dinner together after the match so they told you they’d be waiting on the sidewalk since it’s gonna be only a ten minutes walk to the burger stall you recommended. You decide to take the fastest way to exit the school, by walking by the dark hallway across the field. And now, you start to regret your decision.
“Shit’s about to go down, baby.”
Ryujin moves her leg impatiently. She keeps glancing around the almost empty school front yard, where everyone keeps leaving one by one. “Jaemin, for fuck’s sake stop playing with your phone! It’s almost empty and she’s not here yet.”
Jaemin puts his phone away, start looking around the school with a little hint of suspicion. “Uh, maybe Jeno’s taking her somewhere? Maybe you should text her or give a call,” He uttered before logging into his previously opened game. 
“If she decided to go somewhere without us I could’ve received her text by now, but it’s getting late and I noticed some of his team passing by so I assumed they were celebrating his win, and he’s definitely taking her with him.” Ryujin paused while she raised her eyebrows. “I’m getting a little bit anxious here since this morning they were coming up to pick her somewhere before the game starts.”
“Who?” “The mean girls.” “The mean- what? WHAT DID YOU SAY?”
“Well, they were trying to mess with her, Jaem.”
“SHIT! Come, let’s go and check around!”
So both started to enter the building and looking around in the hallways. Jaemin goes to the left side and Ryujin to the right side. He was catching up his breath until he heard a familiar scream. He quickly runs to the voice, coincidentally meeting Ryujin on the same path. “I heard her,” she panted.
“Stop doing this, the fuck!”
“No, you’re the one should stop doing this! Stop being fuckin’ close to him! You’re nothing but a leech to him, don’t you see this coming? Gosh,” Yeeun pushed you further into the empty classroom, her fellow friends dragging both of your hands, and you only struggle out of their grasp.
“Ryujin was right, you’re such a petty little bitch.”
“What?” Without waiting for your answer, she hits you with something you have no idea about and that shit hurts like hell. She was about to hit you again but then, “Stop doing that to her or I’ll call the fuckin’ cops!” Ryujin holds her phone up close to show them that she’s not playing with her words. Sorn and Elkie let you out of their hold and Yeeun hissed in anger. “Let’s go,” She motioned the other girls to leave before she heads to you once more. “We still have some unfinished business.”
“Oh hell no, you don’t.” Yeeun gasped in fear when Jaemin came behind Ryujin looking so pissed and she quickly left the scene, following her friends behind.
“Fuck, are you okay?” Ryujin checked you out, supporting your weight to stand up again. “Ryujin, stop swearing.” You chuckled weakly. 
They helped you get out of that hell, and have you treated at the nearest clinic since your forehead and cheeks were bleeding a little. Jaemin was so pissed to see you treated that way, he was about to confront the girls the next very day but you told him not to, saying that you will take care of this problem yourself, and he did nothing but to respect your decision. 
Jeno himself didn’t found out until now, because you literally bribed Ryujin and Jaemin to not telling anyone including him. They were so mad that you were acting like a saint in this situation but you’re glad though, that they respected what you wanted and gave you full support in case you needed some other help.
You did exactly what Yeeun told you that night, even though you knew that it isn’t right to do so, but you only want him to be safe and okay. You don’t want him to be affected by how she and the crude gang treated you. You’d hate it when drama turns into crowds and when the attention would go to you, so you decided that silence is the best answer.
While Jeno is quite pissed that everything starts to change. He noticed your sudden change, also Ryujin and Jaemin who stopped talking to him all of a sudden, and your change of glances. You no longer look at him with affections like you used to, and he hates how he’s clueless about it. He hates it more because no one also comes up and tells him what’s up. He’d approach you to ask what’s going on but you’d avoid him obviously, by taking a sudden turn to the left or walking still like you didn’t saw him coming.
Every time he would ask Jaemin about it, he’d change the topic very quickly, or leave him hanging just like that, more confused. But today’s gonna be pretty different, cause he won’t let this happen anymore.
He finally found you walking with a pile of books, possibly your next lecture’s materials. Glad that he’s entering the same class as you, he rushed to your side until a pair of arms cling onto his. “Hello, Jen. Do you have any plans for today?”
“Hey, Yeeun. Not now, please. I need to talk to someone-” “Urgh! Why is it always about her? Y/n, isn’t it? I think you’re too blind to-”
He brushed her arms aside quickly, visibly pissed by her annoying behavior. “Shut up. You clearly don’t know anything.” He sent a glare to her for the last time before he left to look for you in the huge lecture hall. There you are, sitting at the corner seat of the class, avoiding crowds as usual. He rushed up to sit next to you, his eyes never leaving you as if you were gonna leave if he blinks in a moment.
“Y/n. I need to talk-” you knew he was coming, so you were glad when the professor entered the hall as the class starts. “I’m afraid I can’t, the lecture is starting.” 
“Then, talk to me after class ends,” he uttered before taking the seat next to you, without getting any reply.
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He failed to talk to you. Jeno entered the small apartment with a heavy sigh. He didn’t obtain the assurance he yearned for, and so he’s utterly pissed. He glanced at Jaemin who’s fiddling with the kitchenware while cooking for dinner. Jeno put his bag carelessly on the floor before going straight to the kitchen counter. “Bro, please help me. Please,” he pleaded.
Jaemin knows very well where this would lead to, and he only sighs as a reply. “I would love to but I promised her not to open my mouth about it. Though it is very wrong to do so.”
“What in the world happened?? What could possibly make her upset? She never left me alone just like that? You gotta tell me what did I do so wrong so that I can fix it,” he raved.
“I know. I’m very much aware of what you felt. But as much as I want to tell you, I don’t want to break her trust.” Jaemin paused before looking in Jeno’s way. He looked so frustrated like he actually has concerns about it. “Jeno, I’ll ask you two questions. First, do you really care about her?”
Jeno looks up at his friend, “Yes? Yes! I care about her a lot.”
“And, do you actually have a thing for her?”
“Feelings, you probably mean?” Jeno sighs in annoyance. “Yes, I like her, since fourth grade. Ugh, now you know one of my big secrets.”
Jaemin gulps down his saliva like something dropped in the deepest part of his heart. Now he knows what Jeno truly felt about you, and he knows exactly what to do. “Fuck it, you deserve to know, then.”
A week later, you honestly grew tired of ignoring him, but you still have this slight fear of the ‘mean girls’ approaching you again. After all the cruel physical encounter you faced that night, you swore you couldn’t even dare to text him, nor replying to his texts even though you wanted to. Jeno meant a lot to you, but the fear of everything going even more wrong keeps restraining you to interact with him.
The girls indeed stopped bothering you, even though you’re still receiving glares every moment they pass by, it was going a little bit better, as you expected. Also, Jeno has stopped asking to talk about it. You thought it’s better this way, but why aren’t you happy? Why are you still frightened?
Ryujin suggested you a quick runaway from the mess you currently getting involved in, she invited you to go to the finals after party. After making sure that Jeno and the girls won’t be there, you agreed to go. She immediately brought you shopping at the mall, helping you pick out some bomb outfits that’ll make everyone turn their eyes on you.
“Now these will definitely help you to be that bitch for the weekend.”
“Shut it, Ryujin.” You chuckle after receiving the compliment. You’re glad you have someone like her, who’s in for the up-in-downs along in your ‘ride’. “I love you, Y/n. And I don’t want you to be deeply affected by what those wicked bitches do to you. I’m here for you, you know.”
“I know. Thanks baby girl. You’re someone I didn’t know I needed.”
She smiled at you as both of you continue the window shopping.
Going to the party, you found yourself getting anxious about the idea of meeting new people and getting yourself involves in a big dancing crowd. You find it terrifying, even though you tried to convince yourself to be as confident as possible. Ryujin goes with you, and she never stops reassuring you that everything will be okay and that you will meet new friends and live your life to the fullest. Sounds exaggerated, indeed, but it does not fail to boost your vanishing confidence.
“It’s either you and me going in, or it’ll never happen. Come on, honey. You’ll be fine. I’ll stick with you no matter what happens.”
You gulped while staring at the big frat house. The music blasts loudly and the sounds of people screaming and laughing around make your heart beats quickly. You fix your white satin dress before proceeding to open the door. 
Ryujin clings her arm to yours as you both enter the house. Luckily, there are no wandering eyes went to you as soon as you step into the house. She brings you around to introduce you to some people she knows there, being hopeful that you’d gain new friends and circles. 
You kept insisting that you want to drink, so Ryujin lets you roam around to find snacks or drinks. Being a constant loner doesn’t mean that you’re unfamiliar with the alcohol world. You tasted it before, like wine or champagne when you celebrated huge things with your family, or beer and tequila. You’re an adult, after all. So, you were sure that there must be any drink you can have in here and you’re going to find it. You pretty much need booze to drunk the night away. 
You pass through everybody with unpleasant steps towards the visible bar across the room. So, here’s the kitchen, you thought, trying to remember the path back to Ryujin and her friends. You found a tray of beers on the counter, along with some Cheetos and tortilla chips around it. 
You filled your cup with the beer, before leaving the room quietly. You walked towards the same room you believe that Ryujin and her friends were in until you noticed an opened door to the balcony. Finally, an alone and quiet place.
You move the cup to your lips only to drink it in one go. A sigh leaves your red-painted lips as the night winds start to blow through your revealing outfits, making you shiver in cold. “I should’ve brought more cups, or maybe the whole bottle itself.” You murmured against the cup before chugging every last drop from the cup. 
You stare blankly at people grilling meats at the backyard beside the decorated pool, as you start thinking of how blue your life must have been. Your best friend trying to set you up to gain friends and have some fun, but here you are, secluding yourself apart from the crowd, drinking alone at the balcony. You were about to get inside to bring more drink back to the balcony when you notice something below your eye level. An unopened bottle of beer! Great, the universe even supported the heck out of you to keep being alone and away from people.
You opened the cap swiftly before pouring in the drink to fill the cup. Fifteen minutes later, you find yourself getting a little bit tipsy after the bottle lost half of its filling. You never knew you were kind of this intolerance to alcohol but screw it. You’re just going to get drunk tonight.
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“I just wanna make you feel okay,” you sang halfheartedly as you chugged down the fourth cup in another go. The chilly night couldn’t stop you from drinking the night away, because every liquor that goes through your throat was awfully making yourself a little bit warm but that wasn’t enough for your revealed body. Besides, the thin satin dress couldn’t hug your body better than lots of the comfortable sweatshirts you own at home, and now your cute drunken ass is missing them.
“But all you do is look the other way.” you sang more of the well-known song with another sigh leaving your pretty mouth out of loneliness. “I just kinda wish you were gay.” That’s true, you kinda wish he was gay, rather than not returning your feelings in the way you wanted him to. You tried giving your all to Jeno, but it does not seem that he still depends on you like he used to be when you’re both close to each other. 
You’d rather have him despise you because you were not his preferred sexual orientation than having him surrounded by annoying and hateful girls who tried to control his social life. You chugged down another gulp before putting the empty bottle to its original place, head starting to get dizzy from the influence. You were about to leave the little comfort zone when a jacket was placed around your back all of a sudden, and when you turn around to see who is it, you were greeted with a huge bear hug by a familiar body scent.
“Why are you alone here, huh?” Your drunken self instantly recognized the sound coming from the boy you were just thinking about, the infamous Jeno Lee. “Why are you here, I thought you weren’t invited?” You asked back, gaining a pout on his face without letting go of your freezing body. “That doesn’t matter. Look, don’t be drunk alone like this ever again. Somebody could’ve run into you and even take advantage of you, I wouldn’t let that happen.”
You chuckle in your drunk state, “Like you? Look at you clinging into me like this, like a Koala bear.” He let go of your frame, but then his hand goes to yours, securing your hand in his as he lets out a bitter sigh. 
“Look, y/n. I found out about what the girls did to you that night. I am so sorry for what happened to you, and I made sure that they will not harm you ever again. Will you forgive me?”
You sighed as well. You didn’t expect this to come up but you knew if this would happen, especially when Jaemin existed as his roommate. “I am fine now, Jen. Also, it’s not your fault that this happened. It’s not your fault either that you met the wrong person in the wrong situation as well.”
You paused, before taking a deep breath. You were ready to let go of everything, anyway. “You know it, I’ll keep supporting you even if I’m not around, because.. you are my best friend. Whatever you love, I’d love them too. If my existence brings you failure or such, then I don’t deserve to be-” your teary glance was interrupted by a sudden contact to your red painted lips. 
Jeno leaned closer with a sudden move, pressing his lips into you precisely, and you take his lips well as he starts to move his tongue inside, feeling the taste of yours in his mouth. Half a minute has passed, and both of you let go of each other face with his hands around your relaxed jaws. Panting like he just ran in a marathon, he chuckles, “Of course you deserve to be around me, Y/n. Instead, I’m the one who didn’t deserve to get close to you. I like you, a lot. Shit no, I love you. But instead, the things I brought you were just trouble, sadness, and tears. I truly don’t deserve you, love.”
After hearing his bitter confession, your eyes open wide awake like you’ve never touch those alcoholic bottles. Did you just hear him say that he likes you, back? You couldn’t believe it, so you decide to make sure. “Do you like me back? Is it.. really true? Did you mean it?”
He nods, and before you could react, he pressed another soft kiss into your lips, making your cheeks heated despite the coldness of the night. 
“I meant it. Do you... perhaps, feel the same?”
“I do, Jen. I do,” you replied with confidence.
He said nothing, but his smiles show it all. Jeno has the perfect eye smiles you love on him as he drags you back into the house. You let him take you anywhere he could find, and now you ended up in an unknown room in the huge frat house, his hands all over your waist. 
He pulled you closer when you look around the room, noticing that it belongs to Felix, the nice guy who went to the same class as you and Ryujin. “It’s alright. He’s one of my friends, I’m sure he won’t be too mad if we mess around here.”
You smile sheepishly, “Shut up, Jen. My cheeks are burning,” you put your hands around his neck as he made the both of you sit on the edge of the bed with you straddling on his lap. Jeno chuckled in delight upon hearing your coy remarks before he proceeds to put some wet kisses on your neck. 
You hiss at the feeling, and you could feel his lips turned into a smirk against your neck. “You’re turning me crazy, baby.” He murmured against your lips when you reach down to meet his lips. “Touch me, Jen. I’m all yours.”
He begins to take off your shirt, admiring your beauty served in front of him. “You’re so perfect. I love you,” he mumbled before he flips the both of you on the bed, topping you as the night becomes warm with a lot of praises and love talks. That night, Jeno became yours and you became his. There was nothing said besides sweet nothings as he pressed your bodies closer to each other with his hands around your waist lovingly. “I’m sorry for being a coward these past few times, Y/n. I’ll make sure to make you happy.”
“That does not matter anymore, you are mine now matters.” you let out a soft yawn and he only chuckled, while the two of you start to drift further into the dreamland.
“Who the fuck fucking in my precious room- Jeno??? Eh, Y/n???”
“The fuck is happening?”
“Oh shit, we’re doomed.”
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Things begin to carry smoothly as the two of you casually seen being the campus lovebirds. Ryujin wouldn’t stop making a fuss about how you ended up cuddling naked at Felix’s room, until you came clean to her about it. Now everyone knew you were the love of Jeno’s life all of this time, the one who makes him rejected not only Yeeun but all the famous girls who were after him.
Jaemin gives up his feelings for you, for the sake of your happiness and his roommate best friend. He also realized that it was not really a crush and that he was just in an awe-struck with you, because you’re an amazing person. He also becomes closer to your one and only sidekick, Ryujin. Life is full of surprises, you all thought. 
“You two can take care of the picnic basket, Ryujin and I are going to rent some bikes.”
“No, jaem. We can’t leave them alone in this beautiful nature. Last time I left her on a crowded party she was fucking with his long term crush.” Ryujin smirks as she looked in your direction, satisfied at how you choked on your coke in shock. “You promised to not bring that up again.”
“We’re all human, we can’t exactly make promises,” Jaemin adds in.
“True that,” The two then raise their hand for a high five, gaining an eye roll and a groan from you and Jeno.
“Duh, it’s like you two were perfectly made for each other.”
“Shut up.” “Duuude, she’s blushing.” “It’s about damn time you get her, bro.”
Happy ending, isn’t it?
NCT Dream Masterlist
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bramblepeltao3 · 3 years
Oh hey part 2 of ? of this AU of an AU of an AU because I’m an adult and there is no one to stop me.
“The chronic fatigue isn’t going anywhere any time soon, but that’s okay. There are plenty of accommodations that can be made for him. I’m putting in a requisition to make the palace grounds wheelchair accessible, and if it doesn’t go through immediately I’ll just be an annoying bitch until it does. They’re getting rather sick of me up there.” Del tapped her pen on the desk, swiping on the tablet through her most recent notes. She didn’t need them, but they made her look more important and organized. “Otherwise, his physique is finally catching up to that of an average, healthy teenage boy. Though I’d appreciate it if you’d lighten up a bit on the strength training, it’s taking energy from his academics.”
Aranea stared at her from the other side of the desk, looking far off into space.
“Aaaand, you didn’t hear any of that, did you?” Del huffed.
“I did. I was just thinking….sorry about how I’ve been acting.” She crossed her arms, looking Del in the eye. “I didn’t trust you, kinda still don’t, but it’s nice to see Prompto happy again. He’s always been like a little brother to me, so, guess I got a little overprotective.”
Del felt a stab in her chest, and forced a quick smile to hide it. “I mean, isn’t ‘overprotective’ in your job description?”
“True.” Aranea relaxed into her seat. “I still don’t get your motives, but you seem like your concern is genuine. So, at least we both have that.”
“My motivations are to treat my patient until he doesn’t need me anymore.” And who knows where she’d go after that? Maybe a long vacation feet first into a volcano. “Call me idealistic, but I’m a doctor. I want to cure the sick and heal the wounded. It’s not much more complicated than that.” It was way, way more complicated than that.
And the shield could tell.
She stood up, leaned over the desk until her face was inches away from Del’s.
“Trust me, Doc, I wanna believe you.” Aranea smirked, noticing the deep red rushing over Del’s cheeks. “But I’ve been around the block here too many times. And this time, I’m not letting anyone get the jump on me.” She stood back up with a knowing glare before turning and leaving.
“Wait-” Del shot up, knocking her own chair back. 
“Oh, and the strength training was Shortcake’s idea. He insisted, actually. You want him to study ancient Altissian history instead, take it up with him and his tutor.” And she was gone, the door closing right behind her.
Del leaned a little more heavily against her desk. Maybe...maybe Aranea should know. Maybe she could help, really it couldn’t hurt could it? 
But what if she told Prompto, or what if it changed how she looked at him? What if Verstael found out? She remembered the first and only time she crossed her father so blatantly. 
No. No one needed to know. She’d just take the suspicion and blame in stride and continue her work. She already had one confidant, stressful as he was, and that would just have to be enough.
“A treaty?” Cor asked, looking at the young and panicked delegate’s assistant. “You can’t be serious.”
He nodded. “Marshal, Sir, the ambassador was very direct. Niflheim wishes to broker peace with Lucis.”
“He wasn’t clear on the terms yet, he only said he wished for His Majesty to speak to their Emperor. And they’d like to send their prince to Insomnia as part of a goodwill tour.”
Cor felt his stomach drop. “They want to send their sixteen year old recluse over here?”
“Sir.” Monica spoke up. “I was listening on the call. It would seem they want to forge diplomatic relations between our future monarchs. I couldn’t say if it’s genuine but…”
It made sense. Noctis and Prompto were both sixteen, both royalty, and both set to inherit a generations’ old war. It was in both country's interests for the two to meet and start some sort of friendship now, if they were ever going to see peace within the next century. But inviting Imperials right into their own homes, just waltzing right through the wall like it wasn’t made specifically to keep them out. 
The risk and reward were both intense.
“Then I suppose we’ll have to inform His Majesty of this development.”
The prince of Niflheim walking through the doors of the city; Mors was surely rolling in his grave at the thought. But then, the latest intel on the boy stated he was still having health troubles despite obvious improvements. So it stood to reason that any delegation that came with the prince would have to include…
“And discuss negotiation tactics.”
“No way. No fucking way.” Del yelled before colliding her fist into the punching bag. She didn’t often engage in physical training, but desperate times called for desperate measures. She needed to be at her best both mentally and physically if she was going to see her work through. She couldn’t keep relying on the chancellor to protect her forever.
“You’re not being asked, you’re being ordered.” The man who couldn’t be more than an intern on the chain of importance said, unflinching as she continued to pummel the bag swinging from the ceiling.
“He’s not fit to travel that far. I’m not signing off on those orders, it would be a breach of ethics. And you can take that back to your Emperor. I don’t give a shit.” 
“Refusing to sign will be noted as an admission of failure in your duty to tend to the prince’s health.” He stated flatly.
She gave one last hard punch before turning to face the man.
“Excuse me?” Del seethed. “Letting him travel for days on end on a train, a boat, over a desert and into a city full of people who want him dead would be a failure of my duty.” 
“I don’t pretend to know what it is you do, Doctor, I am merely stating a fact. So once again, please sign this release form.” The man was unnervingly lacking in emotion.
“You can shove that form right up yo-”
“How dare you speak to a lady of the nobility with such impunity!” A voice from behind cut her off. A voice she knew. 
Oh Gods. Not this guy.
“Do you have even the slightest idea in your thick skull who this woman is? Because if you did, you would surely show more respect.” The kid, dressed in his dorky high school gym clothes with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder, intruded into the adult conversation.
“I am speaking to the prince’s personal physician, Doctor Besithia, and she is refusing to comply with the Emperor’s orders.” The man replied as if this was a completely normal thing to happen. 
“Loqi, I swear to the fucking Gods, what are you doing?” Del rubbed her hands between her eyes. It was only a matter of time before she’d run into this guy again but she really hoped it wouldn’t be this soon.
“There is no need for the doctor to sign a release, she’s going with the prince to Insomnia.”
“Ha! Okay, wow, this is certainly not the correct venue for either of you to be making these decisions for me.” She said, standing there in her gym shorts and sports bra, sweaty and red. 
“His Imperial Highness put me in charge of the delegation, I’ve already made arrangements for you to be part of it.” Loqi said with unearned confidence. “You have nothing to fear from the Lucians, my lady, Highwind and I will be there to protect you.”
“I’ll have to draft a new form then.” The man muttered before leaving.
“Yeah, whatever, okay, what delegation? What the fuck is even going on and why out of everyone possible were you put in charge of it?” What she really wanted to scream was why was this guy put in charge of anything involving her?
“The Emperor wishes to broker a peace treaty with the Lucians, and plans to send his highness prince Prompto to act as ambassador.” Loqi said, making a show of averting his eyes from her.
“Oh, okay. So the prince who has no experience with foreign relations or, well, being around more than three people at a time is going to go into the heart of the country we’ve been at war with for decades, and you’re in charge of the whole thing?” Del asked.
“That is correct, my lady.”
Del sighed. “So it’s a death trap.”
“My lady I can assure you no Lucian will even so much as touch you during this tour. Not even their Immortal. And I welcome him to try.”
“Oh Gods you’re still on about that, fucking shit, dude.”
Ten years ago Delphia made the biggest mistake of her life. She’d been sent away to a strict private academy after her father discovered the second biggest mistake of her life. And there, she met Loqi Tummelt. A boy one year below her who was creepily obsessed with Cor Leonis. And one day, in an attempt to make him shut the fuck up for just one gods damned minute, she’d made the mistake of telling the kid she’d met The Immortal.
“Yeah, he’s an idiot and not that impressive like at all, so can you please cool it with this weird obsession?” She remembered telling him.
She’d been extra mean on purpose, as she did with everyone she met during that time, to make sure he’d never want to speak to her ever again.
But this kid, this freaking kid, all he heard was ‘I’ve met your weird rival hero’. And that was it. He refused to leave her alone since.
Medical school was nice specifically because he wasn’t there.
But now he was here.
He made a show of looking around, seemingly to make sure they were alone.
“I know your secret, my lady, and though I cannot begin to understand I will protect it with my life.”
Her what?
“I didn’t mean to overhear, but whatever reason you must hide the truth of your birth, it doesn’t change who you are.”
“I’ll show you, Princess Delphia.” He whispered. “Soon, I’ll prove to you and everyone else once and for all my true strength. And then, I’ll finally be worthy of taking your hand.”
Del instinctively pulled both hands up to the sides of her face. “Okay, first off all it's Doctor. I am Doctor Besithia to you. I did not bust my ass in school to not be called Doctor. And whatever it is you think you overheard, you didn’t. I’m not a-”
...Loqi was the one who eavesdropped on them all those months ago. He heard her call Prompto her brother. And that was his takeaway. 
“You little shit, you were eavesdropping on me.” 
“Your secret is safe, I swear it. Now. Please be packed and prepared to depart for Lucis by this coming Sunday. The journey will be long, and we’ll require your expertise to ensure the prince’s safety.” He bowed. 
And he left.
And after a moment, finally alone in the quiet walls of the gym, Delphia screamed.
Prompto could scream. A whole week spent preparing himself mentally for this trip wasn’t enough. He just could not account for the absolute rush of emotion he would feel stepping onto a train for the first time.
It hadn’t even begun to move yet. 
But it’s what the train represented that mattered. His second chance. His more certain future. His tiny little taste of freedom. It was all here, packed and loaded on to this train. This was something he knew he could never, ever forget.
But just to be on the safe side…
“Hey Nea, say cheese!” He chirped before taking a perfectly terribly timed selfie.
Aranea blinked before frowning at him. “Alright, whose bright idea was it to give Shortcake a camera?”
“Uncle Ardyn!” Prompto said, full of joy. He rarely got to see the chancellor but when he did the man was always bringing him the best gifts.
Doctor Del looked at him with surprise from across the train car.
“Ooh, Del, gotta get one with you too!” He slid over next to her, lifting his camera. “Smile!” Prompto said before clicking the shutter.
“You’re in high spirits today.” Aranea looked at him with a smile.
He shot back up, standing between the two of them. “Yeah, I’m just...I’m really optimistic. I know this trip is gonna be great.” The destination, well...that was left to be seen. He felt a rush of embarrassment wash over him, like everyone in the train car was staring at him. Probably because they were. 
“I’m glad you’re well enough to enjoy this, Prompto.” Del said, also smiling.
Okay, now he was super embarrassed.”Couldn’t of done it without you girls!” He said, pointing at his doctor and his shield.
...the much older than him doctor and shield who were full grown women he just called girls.
“I-I mean…”
“Sit down, Shortcake, you look like you’re gonna pass out.”
He did so, and took some time to look out the window as the sound of steam releasing hissed and the train began to move with a jolt. The scenery began to move past him, faster and faster, until he thought they couldn’t possibly go any faster.
And then somehow they did.
It wasn’t long before the motion began to sit wrong in his stomach, and he thought perhaps he should spend some time going through the enormous notebook of intel that was handed to him just this morning.
He opened it and looked at the first page. A dossier on Lucis’ prince. Noctis Lucis Caelum. He was only a couple of months older than Prompto, which was a relief. If he was way older or younger this would’ve been a weird visit. He turned the page and suddenly, he was face to face with him. A photograph of prince Noctis: dark hair, mysterious eyes, an obvious build of muscle and good health.
Prompto felt himself begin to sweat even on this air conditioned train. Who was he fooling? While he’d spent the last eight years bed ridden and alone, this prince was surely doing what princes are supposed to do. Training, studying, a perfect skincare routine, maybe he was even good at art and dancing! Noctis just looked like the perfect model of nobility.
And here was Prompto. Pale skin, droopy hair, red dots all over his face, weak, talentless, and far behind in anything academic a prince should be skilled in by sixteen. He frowned at his reflection in the window. This was a mistake. Surely, it had to be. He couldn’t even compare to Noctis. The Insomnian court would take one look at him, laugh, and send the delegation back. Then they’d just wait for him to take the throne one day so they could easily overthrow him.
That’s exactly what was going to happen.
His downward thought spiral was interrupted by the sound of the train car door slamming open. The leader of this mission, General Loqi Tummelt, stepped in. He was still dressed in his military finery even though they weren’t due in Lucis for a long while yet. He seemed like that kinda guy though, the sort who took a lot of pride in his heritage and rank. No wonder his father trusted him with such a precarious mission!
“Your Imperial highness, ladies, or journey has-”
Prompto looked over at Del, who had interrupted the man with little regard for his status.
“We’ve been over this. Address me as doctor before my gender, please and thank you.” She frowned.
“Yeah, actually. You’ll address me as Commodore, Tummelt. Unlike Lemon Tart over there, I’m not even a noblewoman. So get your shit together before you open your mouth again.”
Prompto felt like he might just shrink from the awkwardness taking place around him.
“Just Prompto is fine!” He blurted out before realizing how stupid that was.
Loqi took a long breath before continuing. “Doctor. Commodore. Just Prompto. Our journey has begun. In due time we will be upon our enemy’s doorstep. And then a true battle of wits will begin. Be sure you’re prepared for anything.”
“Oh, is that all?” Aranea asked.
“Wow dude, very helpful.” Del sneered.
“Like we didn’t already know that.”
“Fucking useless, this guy.”
“I cannot believe you addressed the prince like that.”
“Get it together, Loqi.”
“Yeah get your shit together Loqi.”
The two women shot insult after insult at the general with no regard whatsoever for his rank of station. It was...terrifying.
Loqi cleared his throat. “I’ll be in the first cabin should you require my assistance.” He said before leaving back from where he came from.
A tense silence settled in the air that threatened to choke him out. Prompto felt that familiar tingle of anxiety creeping up his spine, about to reach out and burst through in tears until he heard Aranea begin to laugh.
And then Del started laughing.
And then both of them were laughing harder.
“Can you believe that guy?” Del asked, rubbing at her eye.
“Gods, he is such a pain in the ass.” Aranea smirked.
“You’re telling me, I went to high school with him. Cannot believe he somehow made it this far.”
“Oh you’ve never heard of failing up? Pretty common around here.”
These women were brutal. They were mean, and sharp, and cut right through whoever was in their path without remorse. 
“Hey, Prom, you doing alright?” Aranea asked. “You’re looking a little pale there.”
“Oh!” Del jumped from her seat and sat next to him, putting a hand on his forehead. “Are you nauseous? Motion sickness is common on trains. I packed some dramamine in my bag, let me just-”
These women took no one’s shit and demanded respect where it was due. They were ruthless.
And they were both like older sisters fussing over him with care and…
“I’m okay, really.” Prompto said. And he was.
Cor steeled his nerves one last time. The delegation was on their doorstep. They were either about to usher in a new era of peace, or make the biggest mistake in Lucis’ entire history.
But also the little kid who was really mean and shitty was all grown up and part of it. 
Cor had to figure she wasn’t that much different from her younger self. From what little intel they could scrape, she’d pissed off her father at one point. In retaliation she’d been banished away to private school in Gralea, got her act together, and got into medical school easily as a legacy applicant (Though her grades were part of the intel. She didn’t need that family name to get into whatever school she wanted.)
The most surprising thing in that whole file, however, was that she’d applied to the Insomnian Medical Institute. There were only so many foreign students accepted every year, and she was most likely disqualified because of her name. The irony was immense.
“Everything’s in order here. Status, Drautos?” Cor asked through the mic on his ear piece. The glaive had their orders, the crownsguard theres. The need for hospitality was great, and security even greater.
Everyone was playing their part. And that included Insomnia’s own civilians. It appeared the population was split in half in their opinions: one side embracing the idea of peace, one calling it a hoax and threatening violence upon the visitors.
Regis had made it quite clear they intended to greet the prince of Niflheim as a guest. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Free and clear, standing by.” Cor’s colleague reported into his ear. 
He crossed his arms behind his back, standing by his king’s side. On the other, the prince was reluctantly in his own royal regalia which did not quite fit him as well as his father had hoped.
Scientia had done his best.
Their intel on the prince was lacking, of course. Hard to get much information on someone who rarely left his heavily guarded room. But Cor knew enough. He knew where that kid came from. And he knew the woman who had been photographed again and again at his side.There was hope. Just a little.
There was always the chance Prompto was nothing more than a puppet, an unwilling actor in a show meant to destroy everything Cor held dear.
So vigilant he stayed, with a small layer of hope on top.
He hoped that little kid was still the rebellious little shithead who denounced everything her parents stood for and was ready to burn everything down.
That would work out quite well.
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wo-wann-was-wer · 4 years
I'm so sad Regina got buried in the woods
these fucking comparison shots are amazing
someone just tried to text me and I low-key flipped out because I was like you need to leave me the fuck alone
What if he just took her jacket and was like this is mine bitch
Katharina looks so dope with glasses
I'm so into her being the rock of this family by the way which I was never surprised by because women have the strength of 6 million men but
we've literally never seen Charlotte and her dad interact (like for reals)
That's one of the problems of this show is that some relationships fell by the wayside and I'm not a fan of that
did Charlotte drop herself off on the stoop
That's Tannhaus baby is somewhere because they never found the body of that infant so that infant is somebody.
yeah I literally can't imagine finding something like this out I'd lose my fucking mind
"who am I?" "I don't know" wow that's a fuck of a thing
Wow Claudia from the other universe That's fucking me up
Also what if Claudia from the other universe is the fucking bitch who has been fucking with us this whole time AKA the white devil
Also when are we going to see Noah again because I need to see Elisabeth and Noah together falling in love because I stan
worried about her Please tell us what happened to her I'm concerned
This actress has to be at least partially deaf and or hard of hearing because number one her ASL is fluent and she even emotes some words right? Idk
I do not trust this other Claudia as far as I could fucking throw her
This show is like the debate between Democrats and Republicans every fucking party is trying to convince everybody else that they are the ones that's trying to save the world and both of them behind closed doors are like all right how do we fuck the people in the asshole
I can't help wondering if this wouldn't have happened if we understood the half-lives of radioactive materials
so is all of this coming back to 1986 Is that the the origin time
And then do what What are you going to do with fucking 250 radioactive barrels The fuck you talking about
The scratches on the other side of her face and I don't know why it's on the other side of her face but it's on the other side of her face and it's concerning me
does that mean something's going to go different like
Jonas is out here like why did the adults lie to me
Oh my God after three seasons he's finally realizing not to listen to other people good boy
Oh Peter and Charlotte bonded over having fucked up families
Peter's mom is dead and he didn't know who his father was
Also babies
Also the way that he embodies Peter is fucking insane
I'm so into Charlotte with this curly hair
Oh my God who is this
Elisabeth run baby girl. too late. we've gone this long without sexual assault if they touch this child I'm going to lose my damn mind
Peter is going to kill this man
Elizabeth kill him Peter kill him if Peter dies is the hands of this dude I'm going to lose my fucking mind get back from my baby get back from my fucking cinnamon roll I'm going to kill you Elizabeth stab him the back stab him the back Elizabeth your daddy has a knife at his neck NOOOO PETER NOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOO FUCK
I literally will never forgive them for killing Peter why are the dopplers the most important and most tragic family
he never did anything to anybody
Katharina please kill your abusive mother She deserves it
everybody on this show is super into bludgeoning nobody likes shoots anybody else everybody fucking bludgeons everybody
No can I watch this abusive fucking bitch is going to hit you No Don't let her kill you Don't let her kill you
Is Katharina dead why are they taking my favorite people
she doesn't even get justice for how her mom treats her it's not fair. and now Ulrich is still stuck inside the asylum
oh thank God Noah is here because I was so worried about my baby
Wait what is going on. Oh Jonas has never died before This is exciting
oh wait there's only one Jonas damnit
Even though it's not working for everyone I do really love the 1888 look on Jonas
I did not expect that Aleksander was going to tell Bartosz about his real identity
This shit is so uncomfortable.
Ulrich needs a real stop telling the women that he's fucking to stop coming to his household
It's like the penny traveled through time GASPPPPPPP
Jonas What the fuck did you come from
all my fucking pussy friends are bothering me from finishing this show YALL GOT STUPID PROBLEMS STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AND THEN THIS WONT HAPPEN
I'm going to say this every single time he's on screen but this beard is too good
I think that bartosz may be the most scorned member of this entire group he never gets any pussy and it's so sad
I'm super over this really creepy really ugly fucking dude I want him to leave I also kind of don't believe that he's the child of Martha and Jonas
Oh I absolutely love love love them holding hands and then going back to a shot of them holding hands as kids
why are they such a good couple I really like them but I also always have
I'm not super sure I understand why they had to leave bartosz behind
I don't trust a single of these fucking adults I'm just any of them including themselves when they become adults
This is like a suicide squad. This is the weirdest collection of people What is this team. What are they doing. since when are these people are working together. omg
Oh shit a child born of both worlds takes both worlds energies to destroy it. But that's what causes the apocalypse
Well this is super fucked up
everything that's happening in this final montage sequence is bad news
all of it
why do I Stan Noah and Elisabeth so much
omg Hannah is giving birth is NOW the time
wow this is a lot
our perspective is what makes definitive reality
I'm confused about the gravestone that says Charlotte on it
Also yes give me more Elizabeth and Noah please please please
This is absolutely crazier than any shit doc Brown ever did But he was also trying to build a time machine in the 1890s so that's fun
Oh is this how he gets all the fucking scars
My goodness what is happening What is going to happen I'm getting stressed.
There's only two episodes left I feel like they're not answering my questions I'm worried
What happened to wöller
What is silja doing here
This is bullshit she's like drawing him in
Oh that's a surprise so silja is a tiedemann
why is it always like I feel like I know what's happening and then around episode 6 or 7 I just completely lose the plot
oh wow Jonas almost straight up died but Noah saved him
‘you can't die’ points a gun at him
Oh my God you can't kill yourself because you've already grown
oop well after that birth happened I had to take about 5 minutes to pause my brain and factor that in
yo I knew Tannhaus was going to figure in fucking more than he did
Is he the one who builds the cage
does this seem like a good idea or does this seem like a bad idea
shooting yourself What do you think that feels like
everybody's on a different team there are too many teams It went from like a presidential race to a March madness bracket There's so many fucking people involved everybody's got their own goddamn plan
folks I just want to emphasize here that we have an episode and a half to tie all this up
Oh shit universe A Claudia infiltrated universe B Claudia
I love what they did with the place after the fire It looks really nice It's a different vibe but it's good
so Eve made the plans for the machine
Wait what She died. 
I can't believe that Elizabeth and Charlotte have to be the ones to drop off Charlotte as an orphan
Oh noooooooooooo Jonas didn't do it!!!!
Oh my God don't make me feel sympathy for Hannah
he looks so fucked up 
bye hannah we won't miss you
but also hate leaving a child without their parents
Tell us what's on the last page and tell us what happened to woller's eye
All right now we're seeing how everybody got to where they were like the first fucking time
I love this walk down memory lane it's literally just the stylized recap of the show right before the final episode which is 10/10
watch your face girl
too late
Omg what does this mean 
This show is just Claudia Tiedemann Lurking: the TV show
Also the bullshit that he had to live through all of this in order to get to the end makes me really sad
yeah wait who's the fucking father of Regina
been way too sucked in
How many times are going to burn this place down
how many versions of this fucking machine do they have they're always like oh God we don't have a way here or there FUCKING LIARS
I can't believe that the thesis of this show is teenage hormones cause the apocalypse
Adam and Eve are such fucking children it's so stupid. 
reunion nnnnnnnnnnn
Oh shit he fucked up your plan huh
No I don't want it to end
I wish everybody didn't cry so much everybody so sad all the time
yup what in the actual fuck is happening
yo this is fucking wild
these baby Martha and Jonas are so cute
Not sure where we're going with this folks what's happening here wrap it up shit
I'm really obsessed with this golden snitch
It's just making me so sad
oh they're becoming stardust together
this is a weird cover but I'll take it
everything is going back to normal
but without Jonas and Martha and Claudia
if they don't tell us what happened to his eye I'm gonna flip out
Also what does this ending line mean its stressing me out
Well thats it. Three years of my life. Damn
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fwns · 4 years
First time crying because of a pokemon game
Literally no one:
Me: I’m gonna write about pokemon shield because it’s a great game and i love it
Man the last time i got to review something was probably 7 years ago during high school english class. I am by no mean a writer, yet again a game reviewer. This is just my honest take on the game bc it saddens me to see that a lot of people are shitting on the game especially with the dexit, short game, lack of action and the paid DLCs just announced. I‘ve been playing pokemon for 10 years or so (my first game was saphire) and despite the flaws this game has, i truly enjoy it.
1.) First of all. dude u gotta appreciate the visuals of the game!! LOOK AT THOSE!!
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The screenshots above are from some of my favourite areas in the game. The concept of wild area is really cool and it makes the pokemon journey more realistic like the ones we used to see in the anime or how we imagined it. That it would take days to reach a city and u need to set up a camp whenever you need to rest or fill your belly. Also getting chased by strong wild pokemon in the wild area really got my blood pumping lmao
2.) THE SOUNDTRACKS. THE FRIGGIN. MUSIC. I’m such an aficionado for great music whether it’s an album, movie scores, and even games like these. Seriously the gym leader battle theme is an absolute banger (especially the crowds’ chants!!). Like it makes my 12 yo character more fired up to kick a grown up’s ass in front of a packed stadium and live tv.  The last time i was this excited to kick a gym leader’s butt was when i was battling winona years ago bc my dumb ass haven’t quite figured out the concept of type advantages.
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^more appreciation for the gym leader battle theme. From all the shits this game has received, i haven’t seen a single complaint about the music so explain this, science side.
3.) I love how in this game some of the NPCs have actual character like our rival hop, leon, piers, marnie and bede too. BUT ESPECIALLY OUR RIVAL HOP. SERIOUSLY HOP IS BEST BOI AND ONLY DESERVES THE BEST 😭😭😭. Hop is (i assume) childhood friend/neighbour who happens to be the little brother of the current champion leon. Now this may seem like a usual pokemon protag - rival trope, being the protag is a nobody who just stepped into the world of pokemon trainer and the rival being someone related to someone important in the region (like how green/blue, barry, and hau was). Being a champion’s little brother is quite a big deal for hop but hop isn’t the snarky arrogant rival like green was. Instead he’s just a happy kid who dreams of surpassing his brother and want to form a healthy rivalry/friendship with you (he’s kinda a mix of barry and hau imo). Throughout your journey, hop helps you with the ropes and just generally be there as a friend...a real good friend.
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And just like the previous games, as the story progresses you get to battle hop quite frequently and in order to advance further in the game (and keep those pocket money to buy varsity jackets) you gotta beat him over and over again. The thing is, unlike some other rivals who were like ‘wow ur so strong! k i need to train more bye’ hop actually TALKS TO YOU. Sure he did acknowledge our strength, but after he would talk to you abt other things like the next city/gym leader or even abt his life atm. I really appreciate the developers for making details like this bc through the dialogues you can actually see the depth of the characters and it makes you actually think. Like for example from my battles and dialogues with hop, i can see that he’s quite pressured bc of his background as the champion’s brother and people have high expectations of him, yet he keeps on losing to you (his rival). There is even one point in the game in which hop fell through a downward spiral bc he keeps on losing to you (the protag) and another NPC rival. You can ACTUALLY FEEL the stirring of emotions through the battles with hop and the dialogues bc at one point he even said something like ‘i don’t wanna drag leon’s name through the mud bc i’m too weak’ and i was like NOOOOO WHO HURT YOU 😭😭😭😭 (but then i realized it was partly me oh god i’m so sorry hop). Never in all my experience playing pokemon game that i feel bad about beating a rival, i do hope in future games they would let the rival beat us....well probably during an offscreen battle :p
Also, for the longest time we finally have our champion doing actual champion duties (?) like protecting the region from catastrophe. Like i understand that this is probably where the ‘lack of action’ comes from because let’s face it, team yell isn’t actually a threat to you or the region, and whenever a ‘real threat’ comes up, leon would beat you to take care of it first. Tbh there are moments when i was like ‘damn leon let me in on the fun too!’ but then again i realized there are actual adults in this game with their actual jobs (champion, researchers, gym leaders) who can actually do their job without relying on a 12 yo to do everything for them which is pretty realistic if you think about it
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but don’t worry, in the end we’ll get to play a big part in saving the region too :))
4.) THE GYM LEADERS AND GYM BATTLE IN THIS GAME ARE JUST *chef kiss* the developers really put all their effort in this. Although i admit some of the gym challenges are kinda ‘lazy’ like just pummel through these gym trainers before facing the leader (especially on the last gym???really????). But the battles against the leaders are never boring.
WE FINALLY GOT A DARK TYPE GYM LEADER WOOTTT!! Plus he’s that one dude from the pop punk band that we love during our middle school years.
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God i wish i had a big brother like piers, not only he’s one of the most challenging gym leader in our journey but he also helps us not just once but twice. At one point he throws an impromptu concert to cause a riot for us to be able to get through a heavily guarded area
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gOD i love that chaotic energy 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Last but not least...man...MY BEST BOI RAIHAN!!! JUST BEST GYM LEADER, DRAGON TAMER (lol sorry lance), A GENIUS, 100% WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT, JUST 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻💦💦💦 💕 💕 💕💯💯💯 
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just thank you gamefreak for creating him 😭😭😭😭👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 
OH AND GYM BATTLE UTILIZING WEATHER EFFECTS??? that’s some solid strategy there. I’m not a really strategic pokemon trainer, so i usually just pummel through every opponent lmao so when i saw this man controlling dragons and the weather i just 😮
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Well this turns out to be longer than i expected but i really just pour out how i feel about this game. It’s true that it’s not perfect and there are some aspects that can be done better, but as a long time fan of pokemon I REALLY ENJOY THIS GAME. I can see that the developers really work hard for this game to be able to cater to both old and new fans, and we all know that it’s impossible to please everyone. And for those of you who begs to differ or have different opinion about this game it’s perfectly fine and i’m not hoping to change anyone’s opinion. But PLEASE STOP HARASSING THE DEVELOPERS AND NEW FANS ESPECIALLY YOUNGER ONES! because we all know people who shames others’ interest are the worst kind of people :))) And if you have the time and money i suggest you give this game a try.  Well that’s all i gotta say, have a good day/night everyone!!
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The Rapture- Part 3
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,188
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
Tags at the bottom
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“What the hell happened back there?” Dean asked after being on the road for a while. Jimmy was asleep next to you, and you looked at Dean when he spoke.
“What?” Sam asked.
“You practically fainted trying to gank a demon.” Yeah, you needed to shut up about this.
“Okay, I didn't faint. I got a little dizzy.”
“Well, you can call it whatever you want. Point is, you used to be strong enough to kill Alastair. Now you can't even kill a stunt-demon number three?” Dean asked. Sam shifted his gaze to you, and you narrowed your eyes in warning. The day was almost up, and Sam’s time was running out.
“What do you want me to say about it, Dean?” Sam asked as he looked away from you. Guess he wanted to test your patience.
“Well for starters, what's going on with your mojo? I mean, it's yo-yoing all over the place. I'm not trying to pick a fight here, okay? I just—you're scaring me, man.”
“I'm scaring myself,” he whispered, but you heard it. His phone rang, interrupting the moment. He picked it up before looking at Jimmy.
“Hey. It's your wife.” Nudging the formal angel, he woke up before groggily taking the phone.
“Amelia?” he asked before his eyes widened with fear. “Oh my God.”
Arriving at the warehouse that currently was holding Claire, you got out of the car and wondered how you were going to get inside. Amelia was a demon, and you should have figured it out, but some of them were good as masking their appearance. Plus, you weren’t strong enough to see past it.
“Alright, they're expecting you to come alone. That's exactly what you're gonna do,” Dean instructed.
“I’m strong enough now, Dean. I can turn us invisible, like I did when we were going to trap Lilith the first time. You know, before you went to… you know.”
“All you gotta do is stay calm and stall. Let us do our job,” Dean said to Jimmy, putting a pause on your plan.
“You want me to stay calm? This is my family we're talking about.”
“Listen to me, this will work. You understand? Nobody's gonna get hurt,” you said.
“Yeah, whatever. Give me a minute, okay?” he said as he walked off to do his own thing.
“Okay, I’m ready,” you nodded.
“Actually, I have something else in mind. You’re the only one who’s staying invisible,” Dean said to you, making you tilt your head in confusion. After Dean told you two the plan, you quickly said the word before making yourself invisible. Assuming Jimmy was already inside, Sam and Dean got themselves caught while you trailed behind them, careful not to let them know you were there.
Walking inside the building, you saw Claire tied up with her mother next to her, looking at Sam and Dean with a smirk.
“Nice plan, Dean,” Sam sighed, playing his part.
“Yeah, well, nobody bats 1,000.”
“Got the knife?” Amelia asked, one of the demons holding Sam lifted it to show her.
“Now, where is that little witch of yours? I can’t imagine you just left her behind,” Amelia said as she looked around the place. Focusing on the spot you were in, you noticed her staring at you as if she could actually see you. Slowly walking away, her gaze stayed right where it was, making you think she didn’t see you. Your part was to get Claire to safety which is why you were slowly making your way over to her.
“I was actually bummed to get this detail, picking up an empty vessel. Sort of like a milk run. Now look who landed in my lap,” Amelia continued to speak as she walked to the side before picking up a sharpened pipe that had been broken off.
“Yeah, well, you got us, okay? Let these people go,” Sam said.
“Oh, Sam. It's easy to act chivalrous when your Wonder Girl powers aren't working, huh? Now for the punch line. Everybody dies,” she grinned as she pulled out a gun. Pointing it at Sam, she quickly changed directions and shot Jimmy in the lower chest, making him gasp out in pain.
“I see you, little witch,” she said before swinging the pipe around right at you. Before you had a chance to move, the pipe went straight through your magical barrier and into your abdomen, causing a blast of magic to shoot out in all directions. Now visible for everyone to see, you fell to the ground, the pipe still inside you.
Dean yelled out as he tried to escape the demon, but he held onto him tightly. Looking at Dean and Sam, you felt blood come out of your mouth, and you tried to focus on your healing powers. There was no way you could get this pipe out without bleeding to death.
“Waste Little Orphan Annie,” Amelia smirked before walking away. Another demon walked around Jimmy who lay dying and around you, not far behind. He walked over to Claire, picked up a pipe, and swung at her, only for her to catch it with one hand. She placed her other hand on his head, exorcising the demon in front of her.
Using this as the perfect distraction, Sam and Dean broke free before fighting their demons. Coughing up blood, you looked at Claire who burned off the ropes holding her. Maybe it was because you were dying, but you noticed a faint white glow around her body. Castiel was in there, you just knew.
She walked right past you before going over to Dean, helping him exorcise his demon since Sam had the knife. Once Dean was free of the demon, he ran over to you before lifting your head.
“It’s okay, you’re going to be okay,” he panicked as he tried to remove the pipe.
“No, Dean, that’ll kill me. Leave it,” you whispered, and he hesitantly complied. Both of you looked at Sam who was sucking the blood from the demon’s neck. Well, the secret is out, everyone knew how he got his power. When he came up for air, he looked at Dean who stared at his brother in horror.
“It’s how he gets his powers,” you whispered to him. Sam turned to Castiel who was still in Claire and had the same expression. Quickly killing the demon with the knife, Sam stood up and raised his hand once he saw Amelia trying to escape. She stopped in her tracks as Sam exorcised the demon inside her, and she was soon free of the burden.
“Sam, stop it,” you tried to yell, raising your hand to use whatever magic you had the strength for. Sending a blast at him, you watched as your magic hit him square in the face, slithering through his nostrils and mouth to do its job. Noticing the black glow around him dim, you knew that your magic was the key to purifying his disease.
“Of course, we keep our promises,” Claire said to her father, making you look at the duo. “Of course, you have our gratitude. You served us well. Your work is done. It's time to go home now. Your real home. You'll rest forever in the fields of the Lord. Rest now, Jimmy.”
“No. Claire?” he gasped out.
“She's with me now. She's chosen. It's in her blood, as it was in yours.”
“Please, Castiel. Me, just take me. Take me, please,” he begged, getting tears as he fought for his life.
“I wanna make sure you understand. You won't die or age. If this last year was painful for you, picture a hundred, a thousand more like it.”
“It doesn't matter. You take me. Just take me.”
“As you wish,” she said before cupping his cheeks. A bright light emanated from both his eyes and mouth as Castiel transferred bodies. As soon as he was gone from Claire, she fell to her knees as he stood up. Whatever trace of Jimmy there was, he was now gone.
Groaning, you coughed up more blood, making Dean look at you in urgency.
“Cas! Heal her!” Dean yelled at the angel. However, he kept on walking, but that was not good enough for you.
“Castiel!!” you used all your strength to yell, making him stop in his tracks before turning to face you. “You promised me! You said you would protect me! I can’t heal myself, but you can! You said you were here to make sure I wouldn’t die and if you leave, that is exactly what I am going to do! Please, Castiel, heal me.”
Castiel walked to you before kneeling on the ground. He ripped the pipe from you causing you to scream in agony. Dean was about to rip him a new one before the angel placed his hand on your head, sending his grace throughout your body. He healed your wound instantly before standing up.
Dean helped you from your spot, and you used his body as support.
“Thank you,” you breathed out. He was just about to walk away when you stopped him once more. “Wait, what did you want to tell me?”
“I learned my lesson while I was away, Y/N. I serve heaven, I don't serve man, and I certainly don't serve you.” Gasping, you watched him walk away without a second glance. That was it? What the hell happened to him in Heaven?
And then there was three. After everyone was taken care of, you and the brothers were back on the road, but it was dead silent. What happened with Sam was heavy in the air, but you didn’t have the energy to deal with it right now.
“Alright, let's hear it.”
“What?” Dean asked, tiredness clear in his tone.
“Drop the bomb, man. You saw what I did. Come on, stop the car, take a swing.”
“I already said what I needed to say,” you sighed.
“I'm not gonna take a swing.”
“Then scream, chew me out, something!”
“I'm not mad, Sam,” Dean sighed, but you were. Man, you were hella pissed.
“Come on. You're not mad? Look, at least let me explain myself.”
“Don't. I don't care.”
“You don't care?” Sam asked with his eyebrows raised. He looked at you before realizing you were only going to add lemon juice to the open wound if you spoke.
“What do you want me to say, that I'm disappointed? Yeah, I am. But, mostly, I'm just tired, man. I'm done. I am just done.” His voice was calm and low which means he was very disappointed and pissed and sad all at the same time. Your phone rang which cut some of the tension, but not all of it. Seeing it was your dad, you were thankful he called. There was a plan in set for Sam since you two were worried about him.
“Hey, dad,” you said softly.
“Hey, you three better shag ass to my place ASAP.”
“What's going on?” you asked, playing your part once more.
“The apocalypse, genius. Now get your asses over here.” He hung up, making both brothers look at you. Only one of them was in on this.
“What’d he say?” Sam asked.
“Well, thanks for shaking a tail,” your dad said as he guided you three to the panic room.
“Yeah, you got it,” Dean sighed. Sam opened the door before looking inside.
“Go on inside. I wanna show you something,” your dad said, causing Sam to walk in, however, you, Dean and your dad hung back.
“Alright. So, uh, what's the big demon problem?”
“You are. This is for your own good,” you said as Dean and your dad closed the door before locking it.
“Guys? Hey, hey. What?” Sam panicked, walking to the barbed window. Your dad closed it just as Sam banged on the door. “This isn't funny. Guys! Hey! Guys?”
“I have something that will help him,” you said as you walked over to one of your dad’s knives. Grabbing a cup, you took a seat on a stood that was down there.
“What is it?” Dean wondered. Taking a deep breath, you cut your arm vertically, causing the two men to protest.
“Don’t worry,” you said as you focused on your magic. Watching it flow out of your arm and into the cup, you filled it a quarter of the way before placing your hand over the wound. Healing it immediately, you brought it over to your dad as you handed it to him.
“Make sure he drinks this. I don’t really want to go into it now, but I see people differently now. I see demons with a black glow around them, and it’s what Sam has. When I blasted him with my magic in that warehouse, that black glow dimmed. My magic healed you Dean, and Sam when that siren had you under his spell, it’ll heal him of this demon blood. When I have enough strength, I’ll give you another dosage. He’s scaring me, and this is the only way I know how to heal him.”
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Undone, Chapter 18 (Bitney) - Stephanie/Veronica
A/N: Welcome to Chapter 18 of UNDONE, our slow burn Bitney lesbian AU. Here’s a link to the previous chapters. 
Summary: Courtney continues to party her pain away, and Bianca learns some unsettling news. 
Thank you so much to betas @jillybean2314 @kitschypixel and guardian angel @missdandee
TW: Emotional abuse, heavy drinking, general misery
“Guurl, I have never seen you this turnt on a Wednesday!” Shea laughs, leaning on the bar. “What gives?”
“Nothing in particular,” Courtney declares, slinging an arm around her and biting her on the shoulder, producing a delighted little yelp.
She’d convinced the girls to come to Roosterfish and has lost track of how many drinks she’s had. Her knees are pleasantly sore from an earlier hookup in the alley, and all she wants at the moment is more. More booze, more dancing, more rubbing against the nearest warm body.
“Pearlie! Hurry up!” she says, happy that her friend is working the bar tonight.  
“Coming, coming,” Pearl says. She sets up another row of shot glasses.
“You joining us?” Courtney asks with a wink.
Pearl shrugs. “Why the fuck not?”
“What the hell is going on with Courtney?” Sasha grips Adore’s upper arm tightly, gesturing to where their friend is slamming shots with Shea and Pearl - not her typical midweek activity.
“Uhhhh…” Adore isn’t sure what Sasha knows, or if it’s her place to say anything. If Courtney wants flirt with the DJ and hook up with strangers and get blackout drunk, isn’t that her right?
“Adore!” Sasha’s vice grip tightens, and Adore squeals.
“Jesus Christ, let go! You know I bruise like a peach.” Adore wriggles free.
“Okay, sorry. I’m just...concerned. She seems a bit manic. Doesn’t she?”
“Maybe a bit.”
“And I figured you’d know something since you spend every day with her.”
Adore clears her throat and gives Sasha a benign smile.
“I know nothing.”
Sasha looks at Adore for a long moment before nodding.
“Okay. Just...keep an eye on her, will you?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
Sasha laughs, poking Adore in the side and leading her back to the group. Upon seeing them, Courtney squeals excitedly and drags them both to the dance floor.
Bianca whimpers, squeezing her eyes tightly closed. It’s been three nights in a row of restless, fitful sleep, and she feels like she’s been hit by a truck. Her whole body is achy and exhausted.
As the alarm blares, she tries to summon the strength to lift her arm and turn it off. The dogs are going crazy from the high pitched, annoying sound.
“Ugh, make it stop!” Jared whines, covering his head with a pillow.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Bianca says, rolling over to turn it off. She accidentally knocks her phone off the table and the noise continues, making Sammy and Dede even more hysterical.
Jared groans dramatically.
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” Bianca repeats. She reaches down and picks up the phone, shutting off the alarm.
“I don’t see why I have to suffer just because you chose a job with shitty hours,” Jared grumbles.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Bianca says again. “I’m really...I’m sorry.” She leans back against the pillow, wishing she could burrow under the covers and sleep for about 40 more hours. She jumps slightly as Jared slides an arm around her waist.
“I’m sorry too. Let’s do something fun this weekend. Hit the reset button. Hmm?”
“Yeah, maybe,” Bianca says, pulling away slightly.
Jared’s steely eyes narrow and he scoffs.
“Forget it.”
“No, I don’t know why I even try with you. It’s like you’re just determined to be miserable, no matter what I do, what I say-”
“Jared…” Bianca is so tired. She doesn’t have the energy to fight him, or to have a long drawn out discussion. And she knows that she needs to get in the shower right away if she wants to make it on time. “I’m sorry-”
“So you said.” Jared cuts her off. He lies back down, annoyed. “Just go to work.”  
Bianca rises from the bed with an unsettled feeling in her stomach.
“Babe...if you’re really worried, just go talk to her,” Shea says, handing Sasha a new drink and kissing her on the cheek.
“I don’t want to push. She’s just letting off steam,” Sasha says, but the concerned little crease in between her eyebrows tells another story.
Shea turns around to follow her eyes. Seeing Courtney hammered and making out with a hot girl is not a new sight. Especially recently, when it seems like they get texts begging them to come out a one club or another nearly every night. But today, she seems particularly out of it, practically falling over on the dance floor.
“Who’s the girl?”
“I don’t know.”
“What?” Sasha turns to her girlfriend. “What are you thinking?”
“No, it’s just...I mean, doesn’t she usually fuck with repeat customers? It’s been a lot of strangers recently, hasn’t it?” Shea speaks carefully; she doesn’t want to stress Sasha out even more.
“Yeah.” Sasha sighs. She takes a sip of her drink, then sits up straighter when she sees the dark haired girl start to pull Courtney from the dance floor, Courtney stumbling after her.
“We goin’ in?” Shea asks.
Sasha nods, striding over to them purposefully, confident that Shea has her back.
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah?” the brunette turns, holding onto Courtney’s hand.
“I think my friend is a little...Courtney?” Sasha turns her face.
“Hmmmm?” Courtney’s head lolls to the side, blinking at Sasha with bleary eyes. “Sashaaaa...hi baby.”
“She’s fine.”
“She’s not fine, she can barely stand!” Sasha exclaims.
“Back the fuck off, bitch,” the brunette says, stepping up to Sasha challengingly.
“Watch your fucking mouth,” Shea cuts in, calling her bluff, the girl immediately holding up her hands in surrender.
Sasha takes the opportunity to scoop Courtney from her arms, pull her close, keep her steady.
“Say goodnight, Courtney.”
“Goodniiiight Courtney…” she simpers, giggling and waving as Sasha and Shea guide her towards the exit.
“Feeling better?” Sasha asks, once Courtney is halfway through her plate of French fries.
“Mmmhmmm…” Courtney nods her head, which is currently laying on Shea’s shoulder.
“Drink some more water.”
“Yes, mum,” Courtney sasses, leaning to catch the straw in her mouth, too tired to lift the glass.
Sasha watches her for a few moments, waiting for her to shove a few more fries in her mouth before venturing, “So...what’s going on with you?”
“Whaddaya mean?”
“Well, you’re not normally a binge drinker. And lately…”
Courtney shrugs, hesitating before saying, “Maybe I’m getting in touch with my inner alcoholic.”
Courtney groans.
“I don’t know, I’m just...I just want to have fun. Is that a crime?”
“Of course not. But getting blackout drunk and getting carried off the dance floor by a stranger isn’t really your style.”
“Were you jealous?” Courtney teases, a fry dangling from her mouth like a cigarette.
“Super jealous.” Sasha rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, I know. ‘Cause you want to fuck me, huh?” Courtney continues to deflect Sasha’s questions by leering at her across the table.
“She does?” Shea asks, turning to Courtney with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah,” Courtney sighs, leaning back on the leather booth. “You both do. Everyone does.”
Sasha lets out a little scoff, looking at her. “Is that so? Must be nice...”
Courtney doesn’t respond, eyes falling closed, and for a second, Sasha thinks that she might have passed out, until she mumbles, “Sometimes…”
“Hey…” Sasha reaches across the table to take her hand. “Do you really think that’s why we’re here with you?”
Courtney doesn’t reply, simply shrugs, eyes vacant.
“So...ten years of friendship? Just to get into your pants? That’s a lot of effort, don’t you think?”
Courtney sniffles.
“Well, it’s all anyone ever wants from me, Sasha, so why-” Courtney’s voice breaks, and Shea silently slips an arm around her, beckoning Sasha over with her head.
Sasha quickly slides into their side of the booth, wrapping her arms around Courtney and rocking her.
“Baby, what happened? Please talk to us…”
“I’m so stupid,” Courtney cries, face buried in Sasha’s neck.
“No, you’re not. Not even a little bit.”
“Yes, I am. I’m-” a strangled sob escapes her, cutting her off.
“This is about Bianca, isn’t it?” says Sasha softly.
“I know she’s with him. I know that. But I just thought...I thought she cared about me…”
Sasha continues to hold Courtney closely, letting her cry. Shea, as if reading her mind, summons Lyft and handles the bill. She accepts Sasha’s grateful look and returns a small smile, opening the door for them and helping Courtney into the car.
SHEA: Yo, your girl is in a bad way tonight. That straight bitch has done quite a number on her.
ADORE: Shit!
SHEA: Yeah
ADORE: Take care of her, please?
SHEA: We will <3
After Courtney breaks down, it’s like a river of emotion spilling out. She no longer cares, no longer feels the need to hold back.
“I’m trying to be angry, I know I should be angry, but I just...I don’t understand…What’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing’s wrong with you, baby love,” Sasha says, nuzzling her shoulder.
Shea strokes her hair and kisses away her tears.
“See, Shea loves you. And she hates everyone…”
Courtney laughs in spite of herself.
“And I love you,” Sasha continues. “Not because I want to fuck you. But because you are kind and fun and smart, and anyone would be lucky to be with you.”
“I don’t want anyone-”
Courtney’s breath hitches again, and she doesn’t fight it, allowing herself to fall apart. More importantly, she allows Shea and Sasha to put her back together, reassuring her that she’s so very loved, and always will be.
It’s exactly what she needs. Warmth, compassion, safety. Eventually the  tears stop, and then all that’s left is a cocoon of loving arms surrounding her, peppering her with gentle kisses, holding her until she falls asleep.
It’s the first time in weeks that Courtney’s slept soundly, cuddled between them.
In the morning, she wakes up to the relief of feeling safe for the first time in ages. As soon as she moves, of course, she’s hit with a reminder of the previous night’s drinking: dull, throbbing pain in the back of her head.
She groans, head resting on Sasha’s shoulder, and croaks out a good morning. Shea slides out of bed and returns quickly, handing Courtney a bottle.
“Drink this, babe, you’ll feel better.”
“What is that?” Courtney gives the most disdainful look she can mange, sighing.  
“It’s Gatorade,” Shea explains. “You need electrolytes.”
“Why is it blue?”
Sasha laughs, cutting in with, “Just drink it, your highness.”
Courtney makes a face, but does as instructed, then flops back against the pillows, sighing.
Sasha runs her fingers through Courtney’s hair, her touch just as gentle as the night before.
“How are you feeling, anyway?”
“Um…” Courtney pauses. She’s actually feeling pretty okay. “I feel...better. I think. Like…much better.”
Shea smiles, taking her hand.
“Yeah. Thank you.” Courtney looks up at her, giving a faint smile in return, and then shifts her gaze to Sasha. “You guys really are the best.”
“Well, we really love you,” Sasha says, pressing a kiss to her temple. “So you’re kind of stuck with us.”
“Hmmm...bummer.” Courtney closes her eyes and snuggles in closer.
“What do you say we chill here for a bit longer, and then go eat some extravagant cheat day brunch?” Shea suggests.
“Sasha, your girlfriend is a genius.”
“I know, she really is!”
It can’t be true.
Bianca’s having an out of body experience. The shaking hand that holds the test, the little blue plus sign that she’s dreamed of for two years...none of it feels real.
This should be the happiest moment of her life. She should be thrilled, not dizzy. Not lost and terrified.
She should be sobbing with tears of joy. Instead, all she feels is rising nausea, which she tries to ignore at first, but soon can’t deny.
Bianca throws the toilet seat up, losing her entire breakfast, and probably last night’s dinner, and what feels like everything she ate for the last week. When she’s finally done, she leans her head against the bowl, sniffling. She wipes her watery eyes with the heel of her hand.
What is wrong with her?
Why can’t she be happy?
And why does she still feel sick to her stomach?
It’s been bugging Adore for weeks, this bullshit with Courtney and Bianca. She’s been getting increasingly angry as time goes on, but she also feels weird about it -- wanting to say something, but knowing that it’s not her place. She doesn’t know if Courtney would even want her to.
Of course, their whole stupid dynamic had been a thing from the day they’d met, and of course, Adore was Courtney’s friend first and foremost. But she’d been hanging out with Bianca for over a year, too. So why shouldn’t she be allowed to speak her mind? She’s been hesitating--not because she has nothing to say, but for fear of upsetting the delicate ecosystem of their relationship even more.
Then randomly, she spots Bianca alone at Base Camp, carrying an armful of garment backs towards the wardrobe trailer. She watches her for a few moments, hesitating like she’s been doing for weeks, chewing on her lower lip. Finally, she decides to throw caution to the wind and approaches her, knowing full well that she’s about to get her head bitten off.
“Listen. I know I’m overstepping here and probably shouldn’t say anything-”
“So don’t,” Bianca spits, picking up her speed.
Adore hurries after her, unbothered. “She’s a good person. And I know you know that.”
Bianca opens the door to the wardrobe trailer, Adore still on her heels. “Yeah, and? What’s your point, Adore?”
“My point is, if your goal was to make her feel like shit...mission accomplished. Great work.”
Bianca hangs the garment bags on the rack and pauses, back to the door, shoulders tense.
“But I suppose you don’t care about that, now that you got what you wanted out of her, huh?” Adore challenges, a lump in her throat, unsure why she’s getting so emotional.
Bianca seems to jump, then turns slightly, eyes cloudy and cold. “Is that all?”
“What is wrong with you?!” Adore can’t help herself, can’t help the anger from bubbling over. She feels like she could punch a hole through the wall. “Honestly! What?”
“How long have you got?” Bianca retorts drily.
In spite of her growing rage, Adore finds herself disarmed by this response, letting out an incredulous laugh. She looks closer at Bianca’s face, tired and drawn, eyes devoid of light. Even her careful eye makeup can’t completely cover the puffiness that tells Adore she’s been crying recently. And the thought of Bianca crying makes Adore feel wildly uncomfortable for reasons she can’t explain.
“God fucking dammit.” Adore heaves a sigh and sits down in a stool. “Why can’t I hate you?!”
“I don’t know. You should.” Bianca looks down, and Adore can’t help but feel for her. What a fucking mess she is. It’s both pathetic and extremely relatable.
“I know. But I don’t. So...now what?”
Bianca shakes her head, swallowing down a lump in her throat.
“So...is she-” Bianca’s breath hitches and she bites her lip. She is not going to cry. Not here, not in front of Adore Delano.
Adore can tell that she’s working overtime to hold it together. She looks like she’s teetering on the edge.
“She’s been better. But honestly, she’s got us. So...she’ll be fine.”
Bianca nods, and Adore chews her lip, still watching her carefully. On the surface, she looks almost as put together as ever. But there’s definitely something different about her. Almost like a marionette with one of the strings cut. She’s still hanging on, but something is broken.
“But you...you’re not fine. Are you?” Adore asks.
Bianca opens her mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. She looks away for a second, then back at Adore, unable to summon the energy to lie, to make the kind of clever crack that she normally does. So she just blinks, hating the pity that she can see in Adore’s eyes.
“Listen, I know you think I’m a dumbass and you probably don’t want my advice but...you need to figure out what you want. Life is short.”
Bianca takes breath and suddenly, she’s herself again, eyes narrowed, a smirk on her face. The momentary flash of sadness, of vulnerability, has dissolved. Adore almost wonders if she imagined it.
“Thanks, Delano. I’ll be sure to needlepoint that on a pillow,” she jokes.
“Sounds bueno.” Adore nods, realizing that Real Talk is apparently over for the day. Well. She tried. So she shakes her head and heads for the door, calling over her shoulder, “Later.”
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krzyktty101 · 6 years
7. Freedom/Chained
How did they always get themselves into these situations? The Oracion Seis, Tenrou Island, Tartarous, Zeref; how was it that her team was always in the middle of these world ending escapades?
A deep pitiable sigh slipped past her lips, she could practically feel her whole chest deflate with it. She shook her head back and forth violently, trying to clear it of the swirling torrent of thoughts and emotions clouding her mind. She was supposed to be on a 100 year quest with her closest friends right now, not fighting another madman to save the world. Tears began to well up in her eyes unwillingly; she couldn’t help but mourn the loss of it. She briefly wondered if her friends would still complete it after.
The 100 year quest was more about the journey than the actual mission; it was about never-ending bonds of friendship. It was their silent promise to each other that there would always be more adventures. She was sure it was also Natsu’s own special way of assuring her that she would never be alone again, that he would never leave her alone again. Natsu was always a more tactile communicator; words were never his strong suit. So what better way to prove to Lucy the level of his conviction than to drag her on a never ending quest? Well, the thrill of the challenge didn’t hurt either.
Everything until now was amazing. For the last three years Natsu, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Happy and Carla had traveled the world together with her. They were no closer to completing the quest than when they started, but every day was a new adventure. They went back to Magnolia often to visit their friends and family. Side quests were completed as required to keep money in their pockets. Last year she even found Aquarius’s key again. Life was great, and for the first time in years there was no dark dangerous cloud looming over their heads. That is, until Princess Hisui contacted their guild with a rather dire emergency; which was how Lucy found herself in this rather dispiriting situation. The Princess had contacted Fairy Tail days ago with intelligence that a dark guild was planning some sort of attack on Fiore using the Spirit World. The princess had reached out to Fairy Tail specifically because of Lucy; while Lucy wasn’t the only Celestial Wizard in the world, it was well known that she was by far the strongest. It didn’t hurt that she was supported by the strongest guild in the world either.
Team Natsu had successfully stopped the dark guild known as the Ace of Spades, but not before their leader Jax had torn open a rift to the Spirit World. His rather brash plan included using old magic and the ancient Celestial Shrine to force open a rather large “gate” to the Spirit World and then enslave the Spirit King. Lucy knew firsthand the frightening power of the Spirit King and did not wish to ever be on the other side of it again. His power was not meant for any one person to control, especially without limits. Years ago their group had seen up close what can happen to the Spirit World when the Celestial King was thrown into chaos, and this time the open gate bled the overwhelming energy of the Spirit World into Earthland as well. Princess Hisui was right to be worried, Jax’s plan was apocalyptic.
The whole ground shook as the magic power coalesced chaotically around the ancient shrine. Above her, high in the sky, midnight black clouds swirled malevolently and mixed with golden magical light. Energy from the two planes clashed in the sky and exploded creating an ethereal lightening show. Frustration welled up in Lucy’s chest; she clenched her hands into fists almost tight enough to draw blood. She bit into her lips, ignoring the coppery taste the seeped onto her tongue. She allowed the pain to stem the wail that threatened to tear itself from her lips. They had won the fight, but would ultimately lose the war.
“No. No, I won’t allow it!” A fire burned in her belly; strength welled up from the deepest recesses of her soul and flowed into every fiber of her being as though it were a living thing. She steeled her nerves for what she knew she must do.  
Jax lay unconscious at Natsu’s feet, slumped against the wall on the outskirts of the large atrium which lay at the heart of the shrine. Erza, Gray, and Wendy had just rejoined the group mere seconds ago, finally finishing their own battles against the remnants of the dark guild moments before. However, for all of their success, no one had managed to stop the massive tear from being formed. “Well, at least the Spirit King wasn’t enslaved. Small miracles I suppose,” Lucy mumbled under her breath as she slowly walked into the center of the atrium. “Stardress: Aquarius!”
And it was true; they had managed to stop Jax before he was able to complete the ritual, thereby ensuring that the Spirit King remained free. However, that didn’t mean that anyone was safe. The idiot had torn open a rift so large between the two realms, it was quickly destabilizing both. The turbulent skies above her head, the quaking beneath her feet, and the magical lightening crashing around them were just the beginning. Left alone, both realities would collapse; Lucy knew she had to act quickly.
She surveyed the scene around her as she moved, taking stock of everything she wanted to protect, her friends, her home, and Natsu. Lucy wasn’t entirely sure where Carla and Happy were, but she thought she heard something about them researching the shrine for information on the ritual. It wasn’t much good now, but at least they wouldn’t be here for this. Steeling her resolve, she stopped her slow march at the center of the atrium of the shrine and prepared her mind and body for what she knew needed to be done.
She felt a strong hand grip her wrist and swing her around to face her detractor. Her heart sank at the sight; she was silently praying that she would be able to get through this without him figuring it out until it was too late. She should have known better, he always came whenever she was ever in any real danger.
“Loke.” Her voice rang true with the strong affection she held for her most loyal spirit and one of her closest friends; however, she could not completely hide the solemn resignation hidden within it either.
He had a manic look about his face; Fear, anger, exacerbation, pride, grief, and a stubborn refusal to accept the reality in front of him all vied for control creating a crazed look in his eyes. He gripped both of her wrists in his hands with such strength, she seriously doubted he entirely was conscious of it.
“You CAN’T DO this LUCY!”
“What choice do I have Loke? That gate has to be closed.”
He shook his head and dug his fingertips in even harder; they were sure to leave bruises on her fair skin. How could she act so calm about this, as though it were nothing! Surely she realized what this would do to him! He would not, could not accept this.
“Not alone!! There is Yukino, Princess Hisui, even Lady Anna, any of them could help!”
He didn’t want to see that look from Lucy, the look of pity and surrender. Loke turned his head from it tears starting to build in his eyes.
“They are days away, we don’t have that sort of time.”
“Then summon the Spirit King for help!”
Lucy’s gaze sharpened at that, fire from her eyes piercing through Loke’s soul. “No! One, there is already too much Celestial energy here; calling him forth would only make things worse. Two, only a Celestial Wizard can close the gate and you know that. Three, I refuse to ever sacrifice another spirit ever again.”
Grabbing onto her shoulders, Loke rattled Lucy back and forth, as though to shake common sense back into her thick skull. Loke screamed, “DAMMIT LUCY! THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING!”  
By this point, Loke’s extreme reaction had drawn the attention of their friends. Now only a few feet away, Natsu cocked his head to the side confused. “Yo, whats going on?”
“LUCY’S TRYING TO KILL HERSELF!” Loke couldn’t keep the slight wail of hysteria from his tone.
Shock painted the face of her friends and kept them frozen in place for several moments; it was as though time itself stood still. Not surprisingly, Natsu was the first to recover. His muscles tensed, his eyes narrowed, and seething anger seeped into his voice as he growled out, “What the Hell?”
Lucy refused to shirk under his glare, “I have to close the gate. Leaving a rift like that open can destroy both worlds. I’m the only one here who can close it.”
“We have seen Lucy force gate closures multiple times?” Leave it to Erza to get to the heart of the problem with a single strike. Her simple statement was formed as a question, as though it answered itself with its obviousness.
Loke shot Erza a fierce glare, just another indicator to his emotional state. Under any other circumstance, he would never be crazy enough to look at her that way. “Look at the size of that gate! Closing a gate that large will take everything she has; IT WILL KILL HER!”
“Lucy?” Gray’s quiet voice held a string of questions within the one word. ‘Is this true?’ ‘Did you know?’ ‘How could you do this to us?’
Lucy held firm, though it broke her heart, she knew she was right. “I HAVE to close the gate. If I let this continue it will destroy both worlds. Everyone we have ever cared about, from both realms, will die. Either way I die. I might as well go out protecting those I love”
Loke sprung forward trapping Lucy in a fierce hug, as though he could keep her safe by sheer will alone. As his one arm wrapped firmly around her waist, his other gently cupped the back of her head pulling her into the crook of his neck as he laid his head atop hers. Lucy couldn’t help but melt slightly into his embrace and return the hug. She knew it was very likely the last time she would be able to show him how much he meant to her. “Lucy. Please stop. How can I just sit back and let my friend disappear right in front of me?”
Two lone tears leaked from her eyes. “Oh Loke. I can’t let any of you disappear either. Now it’s my turn to protect you.”
Loke stepped back so suddenly it was a bit jarring; then Lucy felt a warm hand grip her arm. Electric shocks raced through her body and settled in the pit of her stomach. Natsu’s grip was firm, unyielding but gentle. His entire body was tense like a tightly coiled spring, and one wrong word from her would cause the whole thing to explode. “You don’t die for your friends.”
Lucy looked at him, one of her signature mega-watt smiles gracing her face as she answered, “You live for them.”
And it was her unique smile, the smile all her friends had learned long ago to equate to the knowledge that everything would be all right. It threw them off kilter just long enough to give her the opening she needed. As her friends stood around her, startled that she could smile so fully in light of the current conversation, she unleashed her attack.
Her friends were flung back as a wall of water erupted around Lucy, keeping her in its protective shell. Natsu and Loke, who were closest to the source, flew with enough force to slam them into the shrine walls. Then her 9 other Zodiac spirit friends materialized in a line between her and her team.
“Aquarius, please give me space! Capricorn, Scorpio, and Taurus keep Natsu back! Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius stand guard. Virgo and Ares, hold back Loke.”
Lucy was swallowed by a pillar of golden light that erupted from her body and shot straight into the hole in the sky.
Natsu, though shaken, was the first to brush off the stunning attack, “LUCY!!” Natsu’s panicked scream cracked across the room like a whip. He planted his right hand on the floor with both feet against the wall he just peeled himself off of. Fire exploded from his feet, shooting him off like a rocket towards Lucy. Aquarius was ready for him, firing a torrent of bubbles which hit him dead on. Natsu flew back into the wall and the spirits quickly descended upon him.
A bit off to Natsu’s right, Loke’s expression moved past betrayal and straight onto rage. “How could you! You and she fought so hard to see each other again! How could you agree to this Aquarius!” Aquarius was ready for him though, and directed the torrent of bubbles at Loke before he could attack. Loke struggled against the force of her water unsuccessfully, one arm stretched helplessly towards his friend and owner.
Aquarius hung her head and looked away from his piercing gaze, “It is because of that struggle that I refuse to abandon her now.”
“Lions Brilliance!” A brilliant light exploded from inside Loke; his magical energy deflecting Aquarius’ attack. “And how is this not abandonment? You’ll all be kicked out of the Spirit World, just like I was. Do you plan to die with her?”Loke leaped towards Aquarius, fists prepared for his attack, when he was thrown back by a torrent of water.
“I will not treat her like a child! Lucy knows what she must do; I refuse to treat her as one too stupid to make her own choices. What would you have us do Leo? Would you have both worlds die with her? Would you sacrifice the Universe for her?
“I would find another way! Regulus Impact!”
“There is no other way!” Tears ran in rivers down her face as Aquarius swung her vase back, preparing to unleash her famous cyclone upon the group.
In a flash, a sword materialized holding the vase back; a blinding light enveloping Erza, “Sea Empress Armor; your water attacks will no longer hold power over me Aquarius.”
“Moshi Moshi! I am sorry miss, but that will not help you here.” A stream of arrows flew towards the female warrior with scary precision. The rate of fire was closer to one of Bisca and Alzac’s magic machine guns than arrows.
The room quickly descended into chaos as Erza fought Aquarius, and Sagittarius. Gray and Wendy reluctantly took Gemini and Cancer. Natsu was in an outright frantic brawl with Capricorn, Scorpio and Taurus. One never would have never guessed that Ares and Virgo were ever friends with Loke considering the way he was throwing himself into the fight. In the heart of it all stood Lucy, enveloped in a golden light, screaming from the severe strain to her body.  
Natsu’s head reeled back after a particularly well placed punch from Capricorn and slammed into a wall, stone crumbling from the force. With a speed that rivaled Jet, Natsu recovered and threw himself back into the battle. “How the hell are you all here anyway? Even Lucy shouldn’t be able to summon 9 of your at once, not if she is using everything she has on that stupid hole!”
Capricorn was the first to answer as he evaded a particularly brutal double fire kick from Natsu. “That rift has broken down the barriers between our worlds. We no longer need a summoner to be here.”
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Lucy’s shrill screech tore through the air halting everyone in their tracks. Small tears started to appear all over as the swirling magical energy started to slice apart her delicate skin. Lucy would not be deterred though; one look at her friends was all that she needed to push through the pain, pouring even more energy into the demising gate above.  
Erza, Gray and Wendy ceased their attacks solemnly; watching the amazing extent of Lucy’s determination diminished their own. Natsu though felt as if it was tearing his body itself in two; he subconsciously placed his fisted hand over his heart. “Listen to her! That is your friend, your comrade! How can you let her do this to herself?”
Capricorn, Scorpio, and Taurus regrouped during the brief lull, forming a wall between Natsu and Lucy.
“Yeah baby! That is exactly why we are here,” however, Scorpio’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes as he spoke. “We are here to support our owner!”
“We believe in Lucy’s strong and beautiful booody!”
“If that rift is not closed, both worlds will be destroyed. Everything that Lucy loves will be lost; she is the only one here who can close it. We must have faith in her.” Capricorn’s voice rang with strong conviction.
Natsu’s fists exploded in a fiery fury from the force of his emotions. “I don’t care. That is Lucy, our Lucy. And she is in pain!”
Erza, and Gray, who had regrouped next to Natsu in the lull, placed restraining hands on his shoulders, tears in both their eyes. “Natsu,” Erza spoke, “We must trust in our friend.”
Natsu’s eyes widened like saucers, his flames extinguished from sheer shock. “Erza? You too?”
“Look around you Flame Brain! Look at their eyes! Do you think they want this? Do you think we want this? We love her too! But if what they say is true, then what choice do we have but to trust in her?” Gray’s hand dug painfully into Natsu’s shoulder, as though he was physically restraining himself. It was as though he was trying to convince himself along with Natsu. His entire body shook silently with tremors.
Natsu’s head swung towards Wendy looking for support; surely she was still with him. His chest deflated as soon as he saw her face.
Another scream escaped their friend’s lips and reverberated around the shrine, echoing in their heads long after the sound itself was gone. Erza let go of Natsu’s shoulder and dropped it to her side. She took her other arm and wrapped it around her waist and gripped her arm as though she were holding herself back. “If we don’t let her do this, everyone will die. Lucy will die.”
“I refuse to accept it! I can’t lose her! I promised that I would always protect her; I promised that I would never fail her like Karen!?” Loke’s hands were fisted in his orange mane while he shook his head back and forth in crazed desperation. Virgo and Ares stood guard before him, boxing him in. “I won’t let her die! I can’t let her die! She is the most important person in the world to me! I would give my life for her! I don’t want to live in a world without Lucy.”
“Slap” The sharp sound bounced across the room. Loke barely registered the needle-like stinging sensation on his cheek. He looked up; Virgo’s hand was still raised and fire burned in her eyes. “Princess is not a damsel to be protected, and you are not the only one who cares for her!”
“Then why aren’t you helping me!! You’ll be banned from ever returning to the Spirit World. You’ll die too!”
Virgo shook her head, “No big brother. Remember, you and Lucy changed that rule. We will not be held accountable for supporting her decision.”
Ares looked upon her friend with pity, “She may be our friend, but we are also her spirits. Even when it is hard, we will obey her wishes. It is our pride as Celestial Spirits.”
“Well I won’t! Regulus Impact!”
Virgo and Ares went soaring across the shrine, creating a crater when they crashed into the stone floor. “Natsu! Get Ready! Lion’s Brilliance!”
The shrine was enveloped in a blinding bright light, stunning all but Loke and Natsu who used the opening to run to their suffering friend. Finding his friend in the light was easier than breathing, Natsu was so attuned to her at this point that locating her with his sharp nose was like a sixth sense. She was such an integral part of his life he didn’t even need to consciously try any more. As Natsu reached her back, he wrapped his strong arms around her waist and pulled her to him firmly. His face contorted in distress as he cried out, “STOP IT!! Please!” The light entombed them both, chaotic magical energy greedily now tearing at both of their flesh instead of one. Natsu winced from the pain as he tried his best to shield Lucy from harm. However, as the light finally receded, it was Loke who first noticed that their time had run out. The rift was now gone!
The last of Lucy’s magical energy floated away into the sky, being absorbed by the remnants of the now healed gate. She stood there pale and winded, huffing and gasping for breath after the exertion. Her clothes were in tatters, torn to shreds from the magical energy. Small ringlets of blood oozed from paper sized cuts all over her delicate body. Gently her arm came up, and lightly grabbed Natsu’s which were still wrapped firmly around her waist. Breathing a sigh of relief, Natsu slowly detangled himself from her.  
Loke sank to the ground before her, knees slamming onto the hard stones beneath him. Violent sobs racked his body, his hands coming up to grip his wild mane as he shook his head lightly in denial. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no…,” that one word becoming his new mantra. Tears streaming down his face pooled on the cold stone floor before his knees.
To say that Natsu was confused by his comrade’s reaction was an understatement. She was standing right there. Yeah, she looked weak and tired, but she was alive. So what was with the water works? “Luce?”
Ignoring him for a moment, Lucy leaned down, and cupping Loke’s face in her hands she placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. She caught Gray and Erza’s eyes as she stood, large smile gracing her face. “Take care of him please? Take care of all of them?” Lucy didn’t wait for a response; she trusted that they would.
“Luce? I don’t understand?” Fear, a rare emotion for him, started to seep into his heart. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he knew instinctively that he wouldn’t like the results.
Turning to her closest and truest friend, she gave Natsu the signature mega-watt Lucy smile. Her hand stretched out and cupped his cheek, her thumb rubbing small reassuring circles absentmindedly.
Natsu reached up to grasp her hand, becoming alarmed when he only touched air. His gaze sharpened as he turned towards where her arm was only a second before, and for that one moment, time stopped. Her arm was slowly disappearing right before him, as though it was never there. He struggled to regain his breath as he turned terrified eyes towards hers. “L...Lu...Luce?”
She leaned forward, kissing the tear off his cheek. Only Lucy’s chest and head were visible now, with more disappearing everyone second. “It will be ok Natsu.”
Natsu reached out quickly, trying to grab onto her, trying desperately to hold her to him. He became more frantic as she faded before him, arms flying everywhere trying to grasp onto any part of her. “Lucy! Hold on! You have to stay with us! You have to stay with me! We’ll be together forever right?”
Only Lucy’s face was visible now and it too slowly faded from view. “Forever and always. I love you Natsu.” And with that, Lucy was gone. 
This is the first chapter to a new fic I am writing. Nothing is posted except here yet because I am not far into the story. Thought this would make a good submission for Nalu week 2018. Not sure about the title yet.
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nalu-week · 6 years
7. Freedom/Chained
How did they always get themselves into these situations? The Oracion Seis, Tenrou Island, Tartarous, Zeref; how was it that her team was always in the middle of these world ending escapades?
A deep pitiable sigh slipped past her lips, she could practically feel her whole chest deflate with it. She shook her head back and forth violently, trying to clear it of the swirling torrent of thoughts and emotions clouding her mind. She was supposed to be on a 100 year quest with her closest friends right now, not fighting another madman to save the world. Tears began to well up in her eyes unwillingly; she couldn’t help but mourn the loss of it. She briefly wondered if her friends would still complete it after.
The 100 year quest was more about the journey than the actual mission; it was about never-ending bonds of friendship. It was their silent promise to each other that there would always be more adventures. She was sure it was also Natsu’s own special way of assuring her that she would never be alone again, that he would never leave her alone again. Natsu was always a more tactile communicator; words were never his strong suit. So what better way to prove to Lucy the level of his conviction than to drag her on a never ending quest? Well, the thrill of the challenge didn’t hurt either.
Everything until now was amazing. For the last three years Natsu, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Happy and Carla had traveled the world together with her. They were no closer to completing the quest than when they started, but every day was a new adventure. They went back to Magnolia often to visit their friends and family. Side quests were completed as required to keep money in their pockets. Last year she even found Aquarius’s key again. Life was great, and for the first time in years there was no dark dangerous cloud looming over their heads. That is, until Princess Hisui contacted their guild with a rather dire emergency; which was how Lucy found herself in this rather dispiriting situation. The Princess had contacted Fairy Tail days ago with intelligence that a dark guild was planning some sort of attack on Fiore using the Spirit World. The princess had reached out to Fairy Tail specifically because of Lucy; while Lucy wasn’t the only Celestial Wizard in the world, it was well known that she was by far the strongest. It didn’t hurt that she was supported by the strongest guild in the world either.
Team Natsu had successfully stopped the dark guild known as the Ace of Spades, but not before their leader Jax had torn open a rift to the Spirit World. His rather brash plan included using old magic and the ancient Celestial Shrine to force open a rather large “gate” to the Spirit World and then enslave the Spirit King. Lucy knew firsthand the frightening power of the Spirit King and did not wish to ever be on the other side of it again. His power was not meant for any one person to control, especially without limits. Years ago their group had seen up close what can happen to the Spirit World when the Celestial King was thrown into chaos, and this time the open gate bled the overwhelming energy of the Spirit World into Earthland as well. Princess Hisui was right to be worried, Jax’s plan was apocalyptic.
The whole ground shook as the magic power coalesced chaotically around the ancient shrine. Above her, high in the sky, midnight black clouds swirled malevolently and mixed with golden magical light. Energy from the two planes clashed in the sky and exploded creating an ethereal lightening show. Frustration welled up in Lucy’s chest; she clenched her hands into fists almost tight enough to draw blood. She bit into her lips, ignoring the coppery taste the seeped onto her tongue. She allowed the pain to stem the wail that threatened to tear itself from her lips. They had won the fight, but would ultimately lose the war.
“No. No, I won’t allow it!” A fire burned in her belly; strength welled up from the deepest recesses of her soul and flowed into every fiber of her being as though it were a living thing. She steeled her nerves for what she knew she must do.  
Jax lay unconscious at Natsu’s feet, slumped against the wall on the outskirts of the large atrium which lay at the heart of the shrine. Erza, Gray, and Wendy had just rejoined the group mere seconds ago, finally finishing their own battles against the remnants of the dark guild moments before. However, for all of their success, no one had managed to stop the massive tear from being formed. “Well, at least the Spirit King wasn’t enslaved. Small miracles I suppose,” Lucy mumbled under her breath as she slowly walked into the center of the atrium. “Stardress: Aquarius!”
And it was true; they had managed to stop Jax before he was able to complete the ritual, thereby ensuring that the Spirit King remained free. However, that didn’t mean that anyone was safe. The idiot had torn open a rift so large between the two realms, it was quickly destabilizing both. The turbulent skies above her head, the quaking beneath her feet, and the magical lightening crashing around them were just the beginning. Left alone, both realities would collapse; Lucy knew she had to act quickly.
She surveyed the scene around her as she moved, taking stock of everything she wanted to protect, her friends, her home, and Natsu. Lucy wasn’t entirely sure where Carla and Happy were, but she thought she heard something about them researching the shrine for information on the ritual. It wasn’t much good now, but at least they wouldn’t be here for this. Steeling her resolve, she stopped her slow march at the center of the atrium of the shrine and prepared her mind and body for what she knew needed to be done.
She felt a strong hand grip her wrist and swing her around to face her detractor. Her heart sank at the sight; she was silently praying that she would be able to get through this without him figuring it out until it was too late. She should have known better, he always came whenever she was ever in any real danger.
“Loke.” Her voice rang true with the strong affection she held for her most loyal spirit and one of her closest friends; however, she could not completely hide the solemn resignation hidden within it either.
He had a manic look about his face; Fear, anger, exacerbation, pride, grief, and a stubborn refusal to accept the reality in front of him all vied for control creating a crazed look in his eyes. He gripped both of her wrists in his hands with such strength, she seriously doubted he entirely was conscious of it.
“You CAN’T DO this LUCY!”
“What choice do I have Loke? That gate has to be closed.”
He shook his head and dug his fingertips in even harder; they were sure to leave bruises on her fair skin. How could she act so calm about this, as though it were nothing! Surely she realized what this would do to him! He would not, could not accept this.
“Not alone!! There is Yukino, Princess Hisui, even Lady Anna, any of them could help!”
He didn’t want to see that look from Lucy, the look of pity and surrender. Loke turned his head from it tears starting to build in his eyes.
“They are days away, we don’t have that sort of time.”
“Then summon the Spirit King for help!”
Lucy’s gaze sharpened at that, fire from her eyes piercing through Loke’s soul. “No! One, there is already too much Celestial energy here; calling him forth would only make things worse. Two, only a Celestial Wizard can close the gate and you know that. Three, I refuse to ever sacrifice another spirit ever again.”
Grabbing onto her shoulders, Loke rattled Lucy back and forth, as though to shake common sense back into her thick skull. Loke screamed, “DAMMIT LUCY! THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING!”  
By this point, Loke’s extreme reaction had drawn the attention of their friends. Now only a few feet away, Natsu cocked his head to the side confused. “Yo, whats going on?”
“LUCY’S TRYING TO KILL HERSELF!” Loke couldn’t keep the slight wail of hysteria from his tone.
Shock painted the face of her friends and kept them frozen in place for several moments; it was as though time itself stood still. Not surprisingly, Natsu was the first to recover. His muscles tensed, his eyes narrowed, and seething anger seeped into his voice as he growled out, “What the Hell?”
Lucy refused to shirk under his glare, “I have to close the gate. Leaving a rift like that open can destroy both worlds. I’m the only one here who can close it.”
“We have seen Lucy force gate closures multiple times?” Leave it to Erza to get to the heart of the problem with a single strike. Her simple statement was formed as a question, as though it answered itself with its obviousness.
Loke shot Erza a fierce glare, just another indicator to his emotional state. Under any other circumstance, he would never be crazy enough to look at her that way. “Look at the size of that gate! Closing a gate that large will take everything she has; IT WILL KILL HER!”
“Lucy?” Gray’s quiet voice held a string of questions within the one word. ‘Is this true?’ ‘Did you know?’ ‘How could you do this to us?’
Lucy held firm, though it broke her heart, she knew she was right. “I HAVE to close the gate. If I let this continue it will destroy both worlds. Everyone we have ever cared about, from both realms, will die. Either way I die. I might as well go out protecting those I love”
Loke sprung forward trapping Lucy in a fierce hug, as though he could keep her safe by sheer will alone. As his one arm wrapped firmly around her waist, his other gently cupped the back of her head pulling her into the crook of his neck as he laid his head atop hers. Lucy couldn’t help but melt slightly into his embrace and return the hug. She knew it was very likely the last time she would be able to show him how much he meant to her. “Lucy. Please stop. How can I just sit back and let my friend disappear right in front of me?”
Two lone tears leaked from her eyes. “Oh Loke. I can’t let any of you disappear either. Now it’s my turn to protect you.”
Loke stepped back so suddenly it was a bit jarring; then Lucy felt a warm hand grip her arm. Electric shocks raced through her body and settled in the pit of her stomach. Natsu’s grip was firm, unyielding but gentle. His entire body was tense like a tightly coiled spring, and one wrong word from her would cause the whole thing to explode. “You don’t die for your friends.”
Lucy looked at him, one of her signature mega-watt smiles gracing her face as she answered, “You live for them.”
And it was her unique smile, the smile all her friends had learned long ago to equate to the knowledge that everything would be all right. It threw them off kilter just long enough to give her the opening she needed. As her friends stood around her, startled that she could smile so fully in light of the current conversation, she unleashed her attack.
Her friends were flung back as a wall of water erupted around Lucy, keeping her in its protective shell. Natsu and Loke, who were closest to the source, flew with enough force to slam them into the shrine walls. Then her 9 other Zodiac spirit friends materialized in a line between her and her team.
“Aquarius, please give me space! Capricorn, Scorpio, and Taurus keep Natsu back! Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius stand guard. Virgo and Ares, hold back Loke.”
Lucy was swallowed by a pillar of golden light that erupted from her body and shot straight into the hole in the sky.
Natsu, though shaken, was the first to brush off the stunning attack, “LUCY!!” Natsu’s panicked scream cracked across the room like a whip. He planted his right hand on the floor with both feet against the wall he just peeled himself off of. Fire exploded from his feet, shooting him off like a rocket towards Lucy. Aquarius was ready for him, firing a torrent of bubbles which hit him dead on. Natsu flew back into the wall and the spirits quickly descended upon him.
A bit off to Natsu’s right, Loke’s expression moved past betrayal and straight onto rage. “How could you! You and she fought so hard to see each other again! How could you agree to this Aquarius!” Aquarius was ready for him though, and directed the torrent of bubbles at Loke before he could attack. Loke struggled against the force of her water unsuccessfully, one arm stretched helplessly towards his friend and owner.
Aquarius hung her head and looked away from his piercing gaze, “It is because of that struggle that I refuse to abandon her now.”
“Lions Brilliance!” A brilliant light exploded from inside Loke; his magical energy deflecting Aquarius’ attack. “And how is this not abandonment? You’ll all be kicked out of the Spirit World, just like I was. Do you plan to die with her?”Loke leaped towards Aquarius, fists prepared for his attack, when he was thrown back by a torrent of water.
“I will not treat her like a child! Lucy knows what she must do; I refuse to treat her as one too stupid to make her own choices. What would you have us do Leo? Would you have both worlds die with her? Would you sacrifice the Universe for her?
“I would find another way! Regulus Impact!”
“There is no other way!” Tears ran in rivers down her face as Aquarius swung her vase back, preparing to unleash her famous cyclone upon the group.
In a flash, a sword materialized holding the vase back; a blinding light enveloping Erza, “Sea Empress Armor; your water attacks will no longer hold power over me Aquarius.”
“Moshi Moshi! I am sorry miss, but that will not help you here.” A stream of arrows flew towards the female warrior with scary precision. The rate of fire was closer to one of Bisca and Alzac’s magic machine guns than arrows.
The room quickly descended into chaos as Erza fought Aquarius, and Sagittarius. Gray and Wendy reluctantly took Gemini and Cancer. Natsu was in an outright frantic brawl with Capricorn, Scorpio and Taurus. One never would have never guessed that Ares and Virgo were ever friends with Loke considering the way he was throwing himself into the fight. In the heart of it all stood Lucy, enveloped in a golden light, screaming from the severe strain to her body.  
Natsu’s head reeled back after a particularly well placed punch from Capricorn and slammed into a wall, stone crumbling from the force. With a speed that rivaled Jet, Natsu recovered and threw himself back into the battle. “How the hell are you all here anyway? Even Lucy shouldn’t be able to summon 9 of your at once, not if she is using everything she has on that stupid hole!”
Capricorn was the first to answer as he evaded a particularly brutal double fire kick from Natsu. “That rift has broken down the barriers between our worlds. We no longer need a summoner to be here.”
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Lucy’s shrill screech tore through the air halting everyone in their tracks. Small tears started to appear all over as the swirling magical energy started to slice apart her delicate skin. Lucy would not be deterred though; one look at her friends was all that she needed to push through the pain, pouring even more energy into the demising gate above.  
Erza, Gray and Wendy ceased their attacks solemnly; watching the amazing extent of Lucy’s determination diminished their own. Natsu though felt as if it was tearing his body itself in two; he subconsciously placed his fisted hand over his heart. “Listen to her! That is your friend, your comrade! How can you let her do this to herself?”
Capricorn, Scorpio, and Taurus regrouped during the brief lull, forming a wall between Natsu and Lucy.
“Yeah baby! That is exactly why we are here,” however, Scorpio’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes as he spoke. “We are here to support our owner!”
“We believe in Lucy’s strong and beautiful booody!”
“If that rift is not closed, both worlds will be destroyed. Everything that Lucy loves will be lost; she is the only one here who can close it. We must have faith in her.” Capricorn’s voice rang with strong conviction.
Natsu’s fists exploded in a fiery fury from the force of his emotions. “I don’t care. That is Lucy, our Lucy. And she is in pain!”
Erza, and Gray, who had regrouped next to Natsu in the lull, placed restraining hands on his shoulders, tears in both their eyes. “Natsu,” Erza spoke, “We must trust in our friend.”
Natsu’s eyes widened like saucers, his flames extinguished from sheer shock. “Erza? You too?”
“Look around you Flame Brain! Look at their eyes! Do you think they want this? Do you think we want this? We love her too! But if what they say is true, then what choice do we have but to trust in her?” Gray’s hand dug painfully into Natsu’s shoulder, as though he was physically restraining himself. It was as though he was trying to convince himself along with Natsu. His entire body shook silently with tremors.
Natsu’s head swung towards Wendy looking for support; surely she was still with him. His chest deflated as soon as he saw her face.
Another scream escaped their friend’s lips and reverberated around the shrine, echoing in their heads long after the sound itself was gone. Erza let go of Natsu’s shoulder and dropped it to her side. She took her other arm and wrapped it around her waist and gripped her arm as though she were holding herself back. “If we don’t let her do this, everyone will die. Lucy will die.”
“I refuse to accept it! I can’t lose her! I promised that I would always protect her; I promised that I would never fail her like Karen!?” Loke’s hands were fisted in his orange mane while he shook his head back and forth in crazed desperation. Virgo and Ares stood guard before him, boxing him in. “I won’t let her die! I can’t let her die! She is the most important person in the world to me! I would give my life for her! I don’t want to live in a world without Lucy.”
“Slap” The sharp sound bounced across the room. Loke barely registered the needle-like stinging sensation on his cheek. He looked up; Virgo’s hand was still raised and fire burned in her eyes. “Princess is not a damsel to be protected, and you are not the only one who cares for her!”
“Then why aren’t you helping me!! You’ll be banned from ever returning to the Spirit World. You’ll die too!”
Virgo shook her head, “No big brother. Remember, you and Lucy changed that rule. We will not be held accountable for supporting her decision.”
Ares looked upon her friend with pity, “She may be our friend, but we are also her spirits. Even when it is hard, we will obey her wishes. It is our pride as Celestial Spirits.”
“Well I won’t! Regulus Impact!”
Virgo and Ares went soaring across the shrine, creating a crater when they crashed into the stone floor. “Natsu! Get Ready! Lion’s Brilliance!”
The shrine was enveloped in a blinding bright light, stunning all but Loke and Natsu who used the opening to run to their suffering friend. Finding his friend in the light was easier than breathing, Natsu was so attuned to her at this point that locating her with his sharp nose was like a sixth sense. She was such an integral part of his life he didn’t even need to consciously try any more. As Natsu reached her back, he wrapped his strong arms around her waist and pulled her to him firmly. His face contorted in distress as he cried out, “STOP IT!! Please!” The light entombed them both, chaotic magical energy greedily now tearing at both of their flesh instead of one. Natsu winced from the pain as he tried his best to shield Lucy from harm. However, as the light finally receded, it was Loke who first noticed that their time had run out. The rift was now gone!
The last of Lucy’s magical energy floated away into the sky, being absorbed by the remnants of the now healed gate. She stood there pale and winded, huffing and gasping for breath after the exertion. Her clothes were in tatters, torn to shreds from the magical energy. Small ringlets of blood oozed from paper sized cuts all over her delicate body. Gently her arm came up, and lightly grabbed Natsu’s which were still wrapped firmly around her waist. Breathing a sigh of relief, Natsu slowly detangled himself from her.  
Loke sank to the ground before her, knees slamming onto the hard stones beneath him. Violent sobs racked his body, his hands coming up to grip his wild mane as he shook his head lightly in denial. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no…,” that one word becoming his new mantra. Tears streaming down his face pooled on the cold stone floor before his knees.
To say that Natsu was confused by his comrade’s reaction was an understatement. She was standing right there. Yeah, she looked weak and tired, but she was alive. So what was with the water works? “Luce?”
Ignoring him for a moment, Lucy leaned down, and cupping Loke’s face in her hands she placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. She caught Gray and Erza’s eyes as she stood, large smile gracing her face. “Take care of him please? Take care of all of them?” Lucy didn’t wait for a response; she trusted that they would.
“Luce? I don’t understand?” Fear, a rare emotion for him, started to seep into his heart. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he knew instinctively that he wouldn’t like the results.
Turning to her closest and truest friend, she gave Natsu the signature mega-watt Lucy smile. Her hand stretched out and cupped his cheek, her thumb rubbing small reassuring circles absentmindedly.
Natsu reached up to grasp her hand, becoming alarmed when he only touched air. His gaze sharpened as he turned towards where her arm was only a second before, and for that one moment, time stopped. Her arm was slowly disappearing right before him, as though it was never there. He struggled to regain his breath as he turned terrified eyes towards hers. “L…Lu…Luce?”
She leaned forward, kissing the tear off his cheek. Only Lucy’s chest and head were visible now, with more disappearing everyone second. “It will be ok Natsu.”
Natsu reached out quickly, trying to grab onto her, trying desperately to hold her to him. He became more frantic as she faded before him, arms flying everywhere trying to grasp onto any part of her. “Lucy! Hold on! You have to stay with us! You have to stay with me! We’ll be together forever right?”
Only Lucy’s face was visible now and it too slowly faded from view. “Forever and always. I love you Natsu.” And with that, Lucy was gone. 
This is the first chapter to a new fic I am writing. Nothing is posted except here yet because I am not far into the story. Thought this would make
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bethygauw · 7 years
[2/3] Enstars: B’s-Log January 2017
Released in November 2016.
Unit Song CD 2nd Series Vol.5: Ryuseitai Cast Interview
Lyrics translations are by Rain! (Dreamwidth)
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General note: Ken’ichi Maeyamada (Hyadain) is the lyricist and composer of Five-Colored Shooting☆Star!!!!! . His previous works include Nichijou OP and Kuroko’s Basketball ED1.
Yuichi Jose (VA of Chiaki Morisawa)
Q: Firstly, please tell us about your impression on the songs when you first listened to them.
Jose: When I first listened to the demo tape of Ryusei Fireworks, judging by the melody I thought it was Akatsuki’s song. But when I started singing it, I was like, “Oh, this is Ryuseitai.” (laugh) In a good way, it betrayed my expectations. I mean, when the five of us sing, any song becomes Ryuseitai’s song. The chit-chat is super fun in this song. As for Shooting☆Star!!!!!, when I think about it we haven’t used the phrase “shooting star,” even though it’s supposed to be the meaning of “Ryusei.” I find it surprising. Compared to the first series, the dramatic feel in the song that pictures their hidden strength and strenuous effort is getting stronger. The songs are also tied more strongly to the stories in-game, and there are various instances that picture the bonds between Ryuseitai members as well as the bond between Ryuseitai and all of you Ryusei Pink. I had the opportunity to sing all that, and it’s a perfect song for it. I feel that they have slightly matured, blasting through their own path with unwavering conviction, even if they are hurt at times.
Q: Then how did the actual recording go?
Jose: I have to use my energy in every single Ryuseitai recording, so it was a hard work. In order to bring out the character in a playful song that is characteristic of Ryuseitai, I would have to make arm gestures no matter what. This time we launched a firework, comforted a baby… I was worried if my gestures would become noise in the recording (laugh). In the first series, (the voice actor of Midori Takamine) Takumi-kun had his recording right after me and I felt sorry because the headphones were drenched with sweat… But this time, no one recorded after me so I didn’t feel as guilty (laugh). As for Shooting☆Star!!!!!, the chorus doesn’t go boom, but it’s meant to slowly sink in—I had a hard time making it feel like Ryuseitai when it has a different feel from the usual. When I listened to the others’ singing except mine, they sound cute like Ra*bits, so I would try to hold that down. Or rather, I want to support them in order to make up for all the trouble [Chiaki] has caused (laugh). When I sing as Chiaki, I can’t sing unless I root my feet into the ground strongly and put my might into it, so when I finished I could feel it on my lower back. Chiaki sings the whole pre-chorus, so I was completely exhausted. In Ryusei Fireworks, the “Ha! Ha! Ha! Soiya!” gave me a hard time. Even when I’m at home practicing, I was already thinking, “Oh boy, this part is gonna hit my lower back pretty hard during recording” (laugh). It’s quite a feat to sing Ryuseitai songs alone, and it seems we have another song eligible for entering that endurance competition. I’d like all of you to challenge yourselves and practice it.
Q: Please tell us the appeal of each song.
Jose: Shooting☆Star!!!!! has a message where you have to support one another even if you’re hurt, become one, and move forward while doing your best. Although Chiaki is not part of it, there is a feel of unison in the parts where the other members are singing something like “blue and green make the earth.” After that, it’s not like Chiaki unified them, but I think that part gave a sense of unity where all of them became one. They’re frank with one another. As for Ryusei Fireworks, everyone is nothing but balls of energy (laugh). Ryuseitai’s belief is that you’ll still act cheerful even if something awful happened to you. This song speaks something like, “we are there for each other, and we’ll stay positive,” and I thought it has a really good presentation.
Q: Ensemble Stars has been extending its reach through appearances in various kinds of media. Could you promote the series to the readers who have not yet been exposed to it?
Jose: Chiaki Morisawa is a man of passion, but there’s a fundamental reason why he’s the way he is. Of course, not everything is confirmed, but I really admire his way of living. He works very hard to be the ideal person he wishes to be, and be a man of passion. It makes me wonder if he’s seriously a high school student (laugh). It’s not just letters in a word—true passion is his appeal. In both good and bad ways, Ryuseitai won’t be Ryuseitai without Chiaki, and Ryuseitai and Chiaki can’t exist without one another—they’re something like a family. Ryuseitai isn’t the academy’s model unit, and Chiaki would bring up an unusual proposal and cause so much trouble to the producer, to all of you players. Each individual’s potential is not that high either, and I wouldn’t describe their team work as perfect. But everyone is on their way to combining into one, into Ryuseitai. I’d like you to walk together with them too.
Q: Please give a message to the fans who are looking forward to the release!
Jose: The previous CD placed second on the Oricon chart, a happening that caused such a big fuss on the Ryuseitai members LINE group, and I was really grateful of everyone’s support. But I was worried if there could really be something new Ryuseitai can give (laugh). I mean, there is a representative song, Yumenosaki Ryuseitai Song, and new units have been added in the past year. But, the songs in the second series are masterpieces that brushed off that worry. I was also able to re-discover possibilities of Ryuseitai’s future, and I’d like all of you Ryusei Pink to sing together with us too. Please give us your support.
Kotaro Nishiyama (VA of Kanata Shinkai)
Q: Firstly, please tell us about your impression on the songs when you first listened to them.
Nishiyama: At first, I thought Ryusei Fireworks was like Akatsuki (laugh). When I considered the festival theme only, there was a part of me that accepted how Ryuseitai is singing something that is not characteristic of a hero squadron. But after listening and singing to it many times, I could really picture the characters singing. As Kanata, I sang while thinking, “Ah, I wonder if Shinobu-kun would approach the lyrics this way,” and “If it’s the Commander, I wonder if he’ll sing it this way.” It’s a lively song that pumps you up. In Five-Colored Shooting☆Star!!!!! too…. It’s not call and response, but there are parts where the vocals are chasing one another, so I think it’ll be a song that can fire up the audience too.
Q: Then how did the actual recording go?
Nishiyama: The lyrics in Five-Colored Shooting☆Star!!!!! are what Kanata-kun doesn’t speak normally, so I hope I could bring out his cool and manly side. Other than that, I suppose it would be the unison with Midori-kun. I don’t think this combination appears a lot, so I hope you can pay attention to that part. I’m also looking forward to how it’ll turn out! There are English phrases in Ryusei Fireworks’ chorus, and for that part I kept in mind to make it as Kanata-kun as possible, singing the line as if it is in hiragana. I would sing the line “FIRE FIRE” like “fai-yah fai-yah,” to bring out his character. Other than that, for example in the second chorus too, I got to make it sound a bit like a spoken line, so there are traces of Kanata-kun scattering all over. Whenever I have recording as Kanata-kun, I would always have his merchandise on the music stand. I would place Kanata-kun there, and I would think of it as a mirror, transform into Kanata-kun and have recording. This time, I brought the heart-shaped cushion badge! He’s making such a big smile on this one, so I had the recording while imagining Kanata-kun having fun.
Q: Please tell us the appeal of each song.
Nishiyama: At the end of the chorus in Ryusei Fireworks, there’s a line, “Your smile becomes our energy.” The director asked me, “Sing it with smug!” so I made a smug face, Kanata-style (laugh). It was so much fun! It’s easy to follow the rhythm in the song too, and the singing is explosive since the very beginning, so in a way it was easy to make a smug face (laugh). I think it’ll be a song that fires up the karaoke room. As for Five-Colored Shooting☆Star!!!!!, there a lot of memorable parts after the first time you listen to it. Especially right before the end of the chorus—overall, I made sure to keep the word “comrade” in my mind. It’s very Ryuseitai, where the personalities are all over the place, but they are united to the point they can share their suffering and pain. I tried to express Ryuseitai’s bond, where they are aiming for the same goal. Ryuseitai exists because the Commander is there, and because he is there we could gather. Also, Kanata-kun is like the Vice Commander, and I think that is one of the reasons for their unity.
Q: Ensemble Stars has been extending its reach through appearances in various kinds of media. Could you promote the series to the readers who have not yet been exposed to it?
Nishiyama: When we recited a script in an Enstars event, I thought Ryuseitai has a really good balance. There’s the Commander that pulls everyone along, there are three children who are loud and making a racket, and there’s Kanata-kun who acts as the gentle mother. I think it’s a unit that is like a family. Also, I feel that it’s so easy to think of Ryuseitai dearly. In a way I also think of myself as someone like a big brother next door, so I guess that’s how you make yourself wanting to cheer for them. As for Kanata-kun, I like how he’s devoid of lies. What he says is always straightforward, and he’s also straightforward with how he likes himself. It feels refreshing to act out that part of him and this purity makes me feel secure. A lot of people think of him as a mysterious boy, and that’s not wrong, but I hope you can look out for his kindness and how he would be there for others.
Q: Please give a message to the fans who are looking forward to the release!
Nishiyama: I think everyone knows that Ryuseitai members get along with each other, but the voice actors also trust each other a lot. Whenever something happens, we would report it to the LINE group, for example, “I just finished recording”! Even for the spoken lines in Ryusei Fireworks’ interlude—it started in an event. We casually brought up how we were hoping there will be spoken lines [in the songs]. And then Yoshiki Nakajima came up with ideas and in the end we got to talk it out with the staff. Because of Ryuseitai’s team work, we could do various things. We crammed everything we wanted to do, and I think they became songs that are crafted with love, so it would make us really happy if all of you can listen to them lots. Please listen to them and sing to them many, many times!
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Yoshiki Nakajima (VA of Tetora Nagumo)
Q: Firstly, please tell us about your impression on the songs when you first listened to them.
Nakajima: For Five-Colored Shooting☆Star!!!!!, I’m always under the pressure that it’s a song by Maeyamada-san (Hyadain), so… (laugh). I was nervous waiting for what kind of song it would be, and it turned out to be something typical of Maeyamada-san. A lot of his quirks are packed into the song. But on top of that, it is also a very Ryuseitai song, just like usual, so I was very relieved. As for Ryusei Fireworks on the other hand, also because of the intro, I thought, “Isn’t this Akatsuki’s—!?” But when I tried to sing, it became something that can pump up the mood like the usual Ryuseitai.
Q: Then how did the actual recording go?
Nakajima: Tetora is a man who won’t cut corners and relax one bit. So it’s really tiring to sing with his voice. When I looked at the lyrics and music score, I thought it was going to be okay if it’s at this level, but when I turn into Tetora to sing, the calorie consumption isn’t normal after all (laugh). Aside from the melody, Ryuseitai songs also have background vocals and spoken lines, so I feel that I also spent my energy in those parts.
Q: Please tell us the appeal of each song.
Nakajima: Five-Colored Shooting☆Star!!!!! is the “gold standard,” or rather, it’s a song that shows Ryuseitai’s coolness out at the front. But that being said, it’s a different type compared to the previous songs. It gives the image that they are singing with such style on a quiet stage. Also, dialogues are unique traits of Ryuseitai’s songs, and they are also in Ryusei Fireworks’ interlude. Actually, I was the one who came up with the dialogues in this song. There was nothing at first, but I thought I wanted to make it more Ryuseitai, so I consulted with the staff and the other members in advance and had them included. Apart from that, I’d like you to pay attention to parts such as the Enka-like line that packs a punch. [1]
Q: Ensemble Stars has been extending its reach through appearances in various kinds of media. Could you promote the series to the readers who have not yet been exposed to it?
Nakajima: The units that appear in Ensemble Stars have concepts that are the gold standards, as in, it makes you think many are quite idol-like. But Ryuseitai is “a unit of heroes of justice,” something you would question whether or not they are idols in the first place (laugh). Because of that concept, they have this unique trait where it’s easy to feel affection towards them, no matter your age. It’s just that the members are all eccentrics, which is a regrettable side of theirs… (laugh). And Tetora, who is part of the unit, is quite the unusual individual himself. But when he’s with Ryuseitai, he naturally becomes the straight man… Actually, the actors too—when the five of us are together we turn into our characters! You can see that in the events too, so please come to see us at least once.
Q: Please give a message to the fans who are looking forward to the release!
Nakajima: We gained such popularity thanks to all of you, and there are always lots of people coming to the events and the like, so it makes me really happy. We greatly value the game as well as such opportunities. The second CD is about to be released, so there may be stories that dig deeper into the background of each character. Other than that, new units have also been added, and we the actors are also looking forward to future developments. Please give us your support for many years to come.
1. Second pre-chorus: “Both fists and mikoshi too,” which is sung in Enka-ish style.
Takumi Watanabe (VA of Midori Takamine)
Q: Firstly, please tell us about your impression on the songs when you first listened to them.
Watanabe: When I first listened to Shooting☆Star!!!!!, I thought it was a really cool song. The lyrics, compared to words that Midori-kun normally says, seem to be something that would come out from the innermost part of him. So I was really troubled with how I should express it. Until now, I think Ryuseitai had been presenting themselves as allies of justice and everyone’s heroes. But in Shooting☆Star!!!!!, it seems that each of them has found something they want to protect. In that sense, they’ve matured. With Ryusei Fireworks, I thought, “Ah, it sure is Ryuseitai’s song.” (laugh) It’s a song like a festival, which can’t be produced by other units. At the same time, I was wondering if Midori-kun could properly participate in the festival in the end… (laugh)
Q: Then how did the actual recording go?
Watanabe: The first CD series was my first song recording ever, but this time I also felt a bit of pressure, although in a good way. The story is moving forward in-game and it got me to think about how I can insert Midori-kun’s feelings into the singing even more than the first series. The key signature was high so it was difficult, but I was told by the staff that I was able to project my voice better than the first series, so I’m glad. Other than that, the line “I’m depressed” was also difficult to say, as if trying to match the level of difficulty of the singing (laugh). It’s rare for Midori-kun to raise his voice, so if his voice is too loud it would be “fashionable depression” (laugh). I think the fans out there will also pay attention to the spoken lines, so I tried my best not to shake my voice. That spoken line connects well with “Life, even if it’s hard today, | Shall we forget the bad things and sing?” and I think there can be two different meanings. To Midori-kun it would be, “Even if it’s hard for him, it’ll become fun when he sings with everyone,” and to those who are listening to the song, “Please cheer up.” I sang the songs thinking about all that. But really, it was my first time saying, “I’m depressed!” that loudly (laugh).
Q: Please tell us the appeal of each song.
Watanabe: In Shooting☆Star!!!!!, Midori-kun sings the line, “Risk your life.” It’s a phrase he will never say normally, and he won’t say it even if he thinks about it. So conversely, it makes me think that in truth he thinks about it. Then comes in the question, what does he protect? May it be the transfer student or Ryuseitai, I suppose he will risk his life to protect the person(s) important to him. I haven’t listened to the finished product, so I’m in the dark as to how everyone else sings, which is making me fidgety (laugh). But I sang desperately. As for Ryusei Fireworks… I had an easy-going recording session (laugh). I hope you’ll be able to tell how much fun Midori-kun is having when he’s together with Ryuseitai members. He’s indecisive when he’s alone, but if he’s going to have a festival with these members, I bet he’ll have so much fun. Of course, he has his own way to enjoy himself. Other than that, there’s a line, “strike the evil named melancholy,” and I’m a bit bothered by it from Midori-kun’s point of view (laugh). He may wonder if he’s actually evil (laugh). But this way, he may think, “I’m also part of Ryuseitai!” and gives encouragement to others.
Q: Ensemble Stars has been extending its reach through appearances in various kinds of media. Could you promote the series to the readers who have not yet been exposed to it?
Watanabe: Midori-kun is really tall. But all he talks about is “I’m depressed” and “I want to die,” so probably the only thing about this boy that was growing is his physique. His mentality stays childish, he behaves like a spoiled child on his own, and says that he’s suffering. After all, he said that he enroled into the idol course by mistake. But, by having members full of unique personalities in a unit called Ryuseitai around him, his stance about idols is changing, and I think it will continue to change. Ryuseitai is an energetic and powerful unit, enough to change a pessimistic boy like him. It’s a hero squadron unit that cheers people up. He joined such unit and is in the middle of developing. But, along with his body, his mentality will start to grow from now on. He’s an honest and delicate boy who has only started sprouting.
Q: Please give a message to the fans who are looking forward to the release!
Watanabe: The unit songs from the second series are both packed with cheerfulness that is very much like Ryuseitai. I hope you can look forward to how Midori-kun deals with a cool song and a song that cheers people up!
Anju Nitta (VA of Shinobu Sengoku)
Q: Firstly, please tell us about your impression on the songs when you first listened to them.
Nitta: Hyadain-san is handling Five-Colored Shooting☆Star!!!!!, so when I first listened to it I was very surprised! The lyricist also says “Ken’ichi Maeyamada”, so I was like wow. The song has Hyadain-san written all over, so I was happy that I got to sing this song. I think it’s a song that puts the Leader in a spotlight, so we’ll have Jose-san sing it with perfection, and the four around him will act as support! As for Ryusei Fireworks, it’s like The Unrivaled☆Meteoranger if you compare it to the previous songs. It’s a type of song that makes you go “Wasshoi!” and “Soiya!” just like the lyrics (laugh). I hope it’s something that lifts up the mood in the karaoke.
Q: Then how did the actual recording go?
Nitta: I put my might into the spoken dialogues in both songs, hoping I could bring out Shinobu’s character. In Five-Colored Shooting☆Star!!!!!, it would be “The yellow flames” that follow the main lyrics. In Ryusei Fireworks, it would be “You are Members,” or “Wasshoi” or “Soiya.” There are a lot of lines inserted into the main lyrics in this song (laugh). With the spoken lines in Ryusei Fireworks, it was Yoshiki-san who came up with some parts of it and shared it in Ryuseitai LINE group. I think it fits perfectly. I had it recorded many times, so I think it’ll be something good.
Q: Please tell us the appeal of each song.
Nitta: As for Ryusei Fireworks, it would be the lines before the chorus such as, “Light up the festival” and “Thrust them up high.” Everyone was singing their solo lines, and then it builds up towards the end. It feels extremely good to sing with that kind of flow! The flow in Five-Colored Shooting☆Star!!!!! is also good. I also like the toned down chorus right before the last one, where it becomes quiet. When I looked at the lyrics one line by one line, there are lines “In the black night, yellow lightning” and “On this green and blue planet.” I like how the colors are combined. I think Shinobu-kun will like it, and well, so do I (laugh). It’s cool, isn’t it? There are a lot of parts I like.
Q: Ensemble Stars has been extending its reach through appearances in various kinds of media. Could you promote the series to the readers who have not yet been exposed to it?
Nitta: Shinobu-kun is a shy boy. Even though he’s set to be a character that is lonely, he met comrades, Ryuseitai. He becomes good friends with Yuta-kun, Hinata-kun and Mao-kun. I think he’s a character whose development can be seen clearly. In the second half of the year, he really becomes cheerful and even gets treated coldly by the transfer student (laugh). But I think their relationship has developed into one that allows things like that. In that sense, I suppose he’s a character that makes you want to tease him. But recently, he’s got really cool card illustrations, and I bet no one could’ve imagined it back in the early days. It’s also really exciting since his left eye is exposed (laugh)! Shinobu was also really cool in the event Nuclear Ignition ☆ A Sparkling Quintuple-Color Supernova, right? I was just so happy! But the reason why we can see that part of him is thanks to Ryuseitai, I believe.
Q: Please give a message to the fans who are looking forward to the release!
Nitta: Each song has different directions and charms. They are seriously songs that will make you want to listen to them many times and sing together. By all means, pick a color you’d like to assign yourself with, gather the rest of the members and sing together! I’d like you to have a party and sing together with everyone. Please support Ensemble Stars and Ryuseitai from now on too!
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cstesttaken · 7 years
Melissa McCarthy Weight Loss Revealed On Ellen!
Melissa McCarthy Loses Over 70 Pounds But Gets Fired For It!
Melissa McCarthy has taken a lot of heat lately mainly for using this controversial method celebrities use to burn fat within WEEKS. She wanted to drop down a few dress sizes for the new Ghostbusters movie. However, she did NOT realize the backlash she would receive for using this “magical” weight loss supplement. She especially didn’t foresee ‘Mike and Molly’ getting canceled because of it.
“I.. just.. I can’t believe it! They’re canceling an amazing show JUST because I decided to finally be healthy. It makes no sense! They said I no longer fit the part, which is outrageous. It all started when some of my colleagues recommended Garcinia Cambogia Diet Pills, something they had seen on a Dr. Beth Collins episode. When your life revolves around being on camera and on stage, you always have to look good for the fans and for yourself. I saw a HUGE difference in less than a week!”
TMZ Exclusive Interview Featuring McCarthy – “I.. just.. I can’t believe it! They’re cancelling an amazing show JUST because I decided to finally be healthy. It makes no sense! They said I no longer fit the part, which is outrageous. It all started when some of my colleagues recommended Garcinia Cambogia, something they had seen on a Dr. Beth Collins episode. It didn’t take long after my consult with Dr. Beth Collins to notice results. I saw a HUGE difference in less than a week!”
(Doctor Beth Collins and Paula Levi discuss Garcinia Cambogia and how it helped her lose 30 pounds.)
When we asked her about exercise, Melissa told us “Honestly, I couldn’t have done it if I’d even wanted to! *laughs* No, I didn’t need to exercise every day. I’ve always liked to jog every few days, but I didn’t change my routine. The only thing I did was took these pills. They’re a natural weight loss supplement called Garcinia Cambogia. They’re totally safe.”
Melissa McCarthy claims the Garcinia Cambogia diet was the key factors in losing 50+ lbs. in just five weeks!
Losing weight often feels like an impossible challenge. We have evaluated numerous fad diets over the years. All too frequent the results are just shy of being painfully disappointing.
The reason why most diets fail, in our opinion, is that they impose unrealistic restrictions on how you live your life. Many dietitians say eat lots of protein others emphasize carbohydrates. In either case, you’re left with having to make rather drastic changes to the types of food you eat, when you eat it. In this monthly issue, Our sponsors gave us a free monthly supply of Garcinia Cambogia ZT so we can take an in-depth look at an emerging and promising weight loss trend.
Selena Gomez Used Garcinia
Nevertheless, as we began to investigate the countless success stories reported by celebrities from around the world. We decided that this fat loss trend was worth a closer examination. The above celebrities had not significantly changed their current lifestyles or food consumption.
Garcinia Cambogia ZT has been clinically proven to:
Increases the speed of Metabolism by 70%
The High Levels of HCA boost Adipocytes production of Leptins by 130% which cuts your appetite down.
Boost energy Levels
For the TMZ Test, the free bottles of Garcinia Cambogia ZT were delivered in just a few short days and only charged us for shipping. Garcinia Cambogia ZT is one of the most concentrated and purest forms of Garcinia on the market. It was our shared opinion that this would give me the most accurate results for my test. Below you can see my results and read about them.
My Results – I lost 31 lbs of stomach fat in just one month using the Garcinia Cambogia diet!
1. Take one Garcinia Cambogia ZT capsule in the morning
2. Optional (But encouraged!): Mix it with a fruit infused water recipe of your choice
Week One:
One week after the garcinia diet I was surprised at the dramatic results. My energy level was up, and I wasn’t even hungry. A welcomed side effect of the Garcinia Cambogia diet is its power to curb the appetite.
Best of all, I didn’t even change anything about my daily routine. On Day 7, I got on the scale and couldn’t believe my eyes. I had lost 4.5 lbs. But I still wasn’t convinced, since they say you lose a lot of water weight at the beginning of any diet. I wanted to wait and see the results in the upcoming weeks.
Week Two and Three:
After 3 weeks, all my doubts and skepticism had absolutely vanished! I am down, from a 40 to a 36 pant size after losing another 15.5 lbs. And I still have a ton of energy. Quite often, around the third week of other diets, you tend to run out of steam. But with the Garcinia Cambogia my energy levels don’t dip, instead, they remain steady throughout the day.
Week Four:
After the fourth week, my final results were shocking. I lost an unbelievable 31 lbs since starting the Garcinia Cambogia diet! Actually, everyone at TMZ headquarters is kicking themselves for not having volunteered to be the guinea pig. Using Garcinia Cambogia ZT in week 4, I lost an additional 11 lbs.
Conclusion: Like us, here at TMZ, you might be a little doubtful about the effects of this diet, but you need to try it for yourself; the results are real. After conducting our own personal study we are pleased to see that people really are finding success with it (myself included). And you have nothing to lose. To order your bottle, follow the links I have provided and know that you are getting a quality product that works; no strings attached!
You can reach your weight loss goals with the Garcinia Cambogia ZT diet,
EDITOR’S NOTE: For a limited time, the Official Suppliers of Garcinia Cambogia ZT have agreed to offer a FREE Monthly Supply to our readers.
Mike and Molly star Melissa McCarthy recently appeared on the Ellen show looking fantastic. The comedic actress unveiled her new look, after having dropped a jaw-dropping 45 pounds. She took the stage in a size 14 outfit. The last time she visited with Ellen, she was wearing a size 20. (See her appearance on CNN here!)
Ellen was keen to discover what it took for Melissa to transform herself so completely. Melissa didn’t let much out of the bag, but did reveal that she had fallen in love with working out. She also explained how she’d learnt the foolishness of following calorie restricted diets.
Melissa’s new, healthy lifestyle follows the . She explained to Ellen that it gave her more freedom in food selection and was all built around slowing down with your eating and really savoring your food.
As a result of her new eating and exercising regimen, Melissa feels a lot more in control of her life. She is more able to stay on top of her busy movie schedule, and finds the time to look after herself a lot more than she used to. As a result, her career, and her private life are going from strength to strength.
If you’ve seen the trailer for Melissa McCarthy’s latest comedy, The Boss, you couldn’t have helped noticing that the former Gilmore Girl star is a much trimmer version of her former self. In fact, she’s lost 45 pounds over the last twelve months, completely transforming her image in the process. Read on to discover how she went from a sixe 20 to a 14 in next to no time at all.
Getting in Movie Shape
It’s no secret that Melissa has struggled with her weight over the years. She’s been on the yo-yo dieting bandwagon too many times to remember. Each time she’s rebounded, it’s left her with more weight on her frame than when she started.
Back in 2013, the Mike and Molly actress lamented . . .
Sometimes I wish I were just magically a size six and I never had to give [my weight] a single thought. It’s something I’m always working on.
So, it’s quite ironic that her latest and most successful attempt was never intended to lose weight at all. In 2015 she landed a role in the movie Spy. The character had to be in shape, which led Melissa down the fitness path. To her utter surprise, she fell in love with working out.
After having previously shied away from weight training due to the fear of putting on unsightly muscle, Melissa discovered that weights were, in fact, the key to losing weight.
Signing up with a personal trainer, the comedienne began following a four day weights based full body training program designed to shape and firm every muscle of her body, while simultaneously, burning calories to strip off body fat.
Melissa was in the gym on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.Monday and Thursday were her compound strength training days, whileTuesday and Friday featured a weight machine based circuit program designed to shunt the blood around her body and promote maximum fat burn.
Let’s break her routines down . . .
Monday, Thursday Workouts
Smith Machine Squats – Melissa’s trainer opted for the Smith Machine version of the squat exercise to take the pressure off her lower back and to provide a built-in safety mechanism. After a warm-up set of 20 reps with just the bar, shed put 20 pounds on either end and pump out three sets of 12.
Farmer’s Walk – Grabbing a pair of moderate dumbbells, the actress would walk the length of the gym, taking large lunge type steps  to emphasize her glutes and hamstrings.
Dumbbell Bench Press – Using dumbbells rather than the traditional bar allowed Melissa to get a deep extension and full contraction on every repetition of this powerful upper body exerciser. She would pump out 3 sets of 12 reps on this move.
Dumbbell Deadlift –The same weights would be used as on the previous exercise. The emphasis would be on correct technique and on getting a deep contraction in the lower back muscles.
Inverted Pull Ups – Using the Smith Machine bar, which was set at hip height, allowed Melissa to get the benefit of pull ups even though she couldn’t yet perform a traditional pull up by herself. She did sets of 10 reps on this exercise.
Tuesday / Friday Workout
Circuit training day was an opportunity for Melissa to lighten the load a little and focus on getting aerobic effect from her workout. Exercises were done with no rest between them for one minute each. Weights were about 50% of her one repetition maximum. Here’s what the circuit looked like . . .
Bench press
Military press
Triceps press-down
High knee sprint
Leg press
Rowing machine
Bicep curl
On the days she wasn’t in the gym, Melissa would do 30 minutes of cardio exercise. This ranged from walking the dog, to playing tennis or volleyball.
The ‘Boss Diet’
It was the results that Melissa began seeing from her workouts that spurred her on to get serious about her diet. She had learnt from bitter experience that restricted calorie dieting was nothing but an exercise in frustration. Whenever she’d tried it in the past, her weight would inevitably rebound and she’d end up worse than when she started.
When Melissa understood the body’s starvation response to restricted calories, she made the resolve to ditch the yo-yo dieting for good. To get in shape for her role in ‘The Boss’ she adopted a far smarter approach. In fact, she decided to follow the Mediterranean diet.
The Mediterranean Diet encompasses a lifestyle of healthy choices. To tie all of the elements together, the Oldways Preservation and Exchange Trust created the Mediterranean Food Guide Pyramid. It is based on the dietary traditions found on the island of Crete, and southern Italy in the early 1960’s (at this time Cretans were found to be among the healthiest people on earth). Melissa was drawn to this diet after a trip to Italy, where she fell in love with the laid back lifestyle and easy, balanced eating style.
At the base of the Mediterranean food pyramid are foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds and whole grains. These are the foods that can be eaten every day. The next level up is white meat, fish and seafood and eggs. Consume these several times a week. Cheese and yogurt are next, followed by meats and sweets at the very top of the pyramid indicating that they should be consumed sparingly.
The pyramid also recommends consuming the following on a daily basis:
A glass of red wine
6-8 glasses of water
The pyramid places a priority on fun activities, time shared with family and friends and daily exercise. These activities underpin the base of the pyramid. This was very appealing to Melissa, who loves nothing better than to relax with a glass of wine over a seafood salad with the ones she loves.
Melissa has never been into counting calories. That’s another thing that drew her to this diet. Instead of counting calories, the Mediterranean Diet encourages you to think of the kinds of foods you eat and the portion sizes of those foods. The emphasis is on adding more low-calorie fruits and vegetables and decreasing the portion sizes of calorie dense foods such as meats and grains. When you do that the total daily caloric count will take care of itself.
Food craving have always been a big problem for Melissa. Yet, on the Mediterranean diet, they were never an issue. That’s because it has some built-in factors to keep the cravings at bay:
Eating every three hours
Eating protein-rich foods
Eating high fibre fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes with every meal
Rather than another one of those yo-yo diets that have been so disastrous for her in the past, Melissa has adopted the Mediterranean diet as a lifestyle eating pattern. Doing so is allowing her to keep the weight off.
New Look, New Attitude
Dropping half a dozen dress sizes has given Melissa a new lease on her personal life and her career. She’s going from strength to strength, with big budget movies stacked up for some time to come. As a result of her new love of working out and the Mediterranean diet we can look forward to seeing less of her in future.
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